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SCP270 UserGuide

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The document provides an overview of the SCP270 software and its components as well as architectural details of the I/A Series control system. It also gives some helpful hints for common tasks like uploading controls and packing graphics.

The document aims to provide an overview of the SCP270 software, describe the I/A Series control system architecture, explain the different SCP270 standalone components, and provide some helpful hints for common tasks in the I/A Series software.

The SCP270 software includes utilities, an SCP application, an SCP launcher, and standalone components like the SCP console. It provides simulation capabilities for the I/A Series control system.

SimSci Esscor

User Guide

August 22, 2013
Invensys, ArchestrA, DYNSIM, Foxboro, FoxView, I/A Series, SimSci, and
Wonderware are trademarks of Invensys plc, its subsidiaries, and affiliates.

Copyright 2012-2013 Invensys Systems, Inc.

All rights reserved


Before using the Invensys Systems, Inc. supplied software supported by this docu-
mentation, you should read and understand the following information concerning
copyrighted software.

 The license provisions in the software license for your system govern your
obligations and usage rights to the software described in this documentation. If
any portion of those license provisions is violated, Invensys Systems, Inc. will no
longer provide you with support services and assumes no further responsibilities
for your system or its operation.

 All software issued by Invensys Systems, Inc. and copies of the software that you
are specifically permitted to make, are protected in accordance with Federal
copyright laws. It is illegal to make copies of any software media provided to you
by Invensys Systems, Inc. for any purpose other than those purposes mentioned
in the software license.
Table of Contents

Table of Contents
User Guide Overview 1
Purpose ........................................................................................................... 1
Getting More Information ................................................................................. 1
Glossary........................................................................................................... 2
Introduction to SCP270 Software 5
I/A Series Functional Description with SCP270 7
Architectural Overview of an I/A Series DCS .................................................. 7
Control System Network Architecture 7
Control System Hardware Architecture ........................................................... 8
I/A Series and SCP Software Architecture ...................................................... 9
SCP270 Standalone Components 12
SCP270 Utilities 12
SCP Application ............................................................................................. 12
SCP Launcher ............................................................................................... 13
SCP Launcher Functionality .......................................................................... 14
Creating a new Simulation Configured System ...................................... 14
Opening an Existing Simulation .............................................................. 15
Starting an SCP Instance ........................................................................ 15
SCP Console messages ......................................................................... 16
SCP Instance Options ............................................................................. 17
Multiple SCP instance Startup Shutdown scenarios ............................... 18
Viewing the Console Window ................................................................. 18
Creating a batch file to start multiple SCPs using Export ....................... 19
Delete Local Checkpoint ......................................................................... 19
Settings Menu ......................................................................................... 19
Accessing the Help Menu ....................................................................... 20
Shutting Down or Rebooting an SCP Application ................................... 20
Enhanced Graphical User Interface Features 20
Graphical User Interface ................................................................................ 21
System Health Monitor .................................................................................. 22
Snapshot Update ........................................................................................... 22
Engine Malfunction Tools .............................................................................. 23
Scenario Record and Playback ..................................................................... 23
Cross-Reference Database ........................................................................... 25
Introduction ............................................................................................. 25
Invoking the Cross Reference Generation tool ....................................... 26
Database Structure ................................................................................. 28
Analog Points ................................................................................... 28
Digital Points ..................................................................................... 29
I/O Control Blocks............................................................................. 30
SCP/FSIM/TRISIM Automatic Cross Reference Merge Utility Tool .............. 40

SCP270 User Guide i

Table of Contents

System Manager with SCP270 44

Simulated Foxboro AIM* Historian 45
Overview ........................................................................................................ 45
Principles of Operation .................................................................................. 46
Initial Conditions ...................................................................................... 47
Backtracks............................................................................................... 47
Timestamping.......................................................................................... 47
Historian Instances.................................................................................. 47
Remote Collectors................................................................................... 47
Obtaining Configuration for FAIM .................................................................. 48
Obtaining a configuration file from AIM*Historian ................................... 48
Obtaining a configuration file from Legacy Historian .............................. 49
Reviewing and Modifying the Configuration File ........................................... 50
FAIM Engine Configuration Parameters ........................................................ 51
FAIM Batch .................................................................................................... 53
Starting the FAIM Processes ......................................................................... 56
FAIM Advanced Topics ................................................................................. 57
FAIMSpy ................................................................................................. 57
Instance CFG View ................................................................................. 58
RTP CFG View ........................................................................................ 59
RTP Database View ................................................................................ 60
EventMsg Database View ....................................................................... 61
Viewing IC data ....................................................................................... 62
Viewing Backtrack Data .......................................................................... 63
Viewing log files ...................................................................................... 63
FAIMSpy Printing Support ...................................................................... 64
Optimizing FAIM ...................................................................................... 65
Maximum (hours) of available history............................................... 65
Maximum number of stored alarms .................................................. 65
Default RTP data file size (in MB) .................................................... 65
SimSyncEngine 66
SimSync Engine Configuration Parameters .................................................. 67
SimSync Engine Time Slice Behavior ........................................................... 68
SCP270 Utilities 69
SCP Device Mapping Tool ............................................................................ 69
Alarms Fail to Display ............................................................................. 70
SCPResetOM Tool ........................................................................................ 71
SCP Communication Diagnostics Tool ......................................................... 72
SCP Connections Group ............................................................................... 72
Individual SCP Connection Data Group ........................................................ 72
Total Data Received Group ........................................................................... 73
Actions Menu ................................................................................................. 73
SCP Port Tool ................................................................................................ 73
SCPTool ........................................................................................................ 74
Basic Processing Cycle and SCP270 ........................................................... 74
Control Database Operations 75
LoadAll ........................................................................................................... 75
SaveAll........................................................................................................... 75
Shrink............................................................................................................. 75
Initialize .......................................................................................................... 75
Upload ........................................................................................................... 76

ii SCP270 User Guide

Table of Contents

Download / Deploy / Checkpoint ................................................................... 76

Loading the Control Database using the ICC 78
Loading Controls through the ICC ................................................................. 78
Loading Controls through the I/A Series API Command Line ....................... 79
Saving the Control Database Using the ICC 81
Overview ........................................................................................................ 81
Saving the Control Configuration through the ICC ........................................ 81
Saving the Control Configuration with an API Command ............................. 82
Configuring the IACC 83
Installing the IACC ......................................................................................... 83
Starting the Application .................................................................................. 85
Exporting an IACC Database ........................................................................ 86
Importing a Pre-existing IACC Database Export File .................................... 87
Validating and Downloading CPs in IACC ..................................................... 90
Checkpointing CPs in IACC ........................................................................... 92
Uploading CPs in IACC ................................................................................. 92
Configuring IACC 2.5 with SCP270 ............................................................... 94
Foxboro Control Software Engineering Environment 96
System Definition Committal through FCS ArchestrA IDE ............................ 98
Creating an Equipment Unit .......................................................................... 98
Deploying the Equipment Unit ....................................................................... 98
Importing SaveAll Controls ............................................................................ 99
Importing an Automation Object .................................................................. 100
Synchronizing Unit Equipment Deployment State....................................... 101
Compiling PLBs and Sequence Logic ......................................................... 101
Controls Loading Checklist 102
Supported I/A Series Control Blocks 104
Input/Output ................................................................................................. 104
Device Control ............................................................................................. 108
Regulatory Control ....................................................................................... 109
Selection, Ramping, and Dynamic Compensation ...................................... 110
Computation, Logic, and Conversion .......................................................... 111
Alarm ........................................................................................................... 112
Sequence..................................................................................................... 113
Data Storage................................................................................................ 114
Unsupported Control Blocks and Platforms 115
FD / Gateway blocks ................................................................................... 117
I/O Gate blocks ............................................................................................ 118
Scan blocks ................................................................................................. 120
I/A Series Software Helpful Hints 121
Uploading Controls in the ICC ..................................................................... 121
Packing FoxView Graphics .......................................................................... 121
SOM ............................................................................................................. 122

SCP270 User Guide iii

User Guide Overview

User Guide Overview

The following sections provide an introduction to this guide.


This User Guide provides an overview of I/A Series® software and its working with SCP270. It includes
descriptions of common procedures associated with configuring a simulator for controls checkout and details of
specific SCP270 features.

SCP270 software is a uniquely comprehensive I/A Series control system checkout and simulation tool. SCP270
software functions as a perfect double to an I/A Series Control Processor, enabling faster control system
commissioning, superior system design quality, reliable operator training, and cost-effective system retrofits. The
SCPEngine that replaces the control processor is tied to a ―lite‖ version of the DYNSIM® process-modeling
package. The instrument and control signals that link the two pieces together are managed with the cross-
reference database utility built into the DYNSIM Graphical User Interface (GUI). This guide contains an
overview of the I/A Series control system as it relates to the SCP270 process-modeling package, including
common procedures such as loading and saving controls, typical simulation use cases, and features in the
DYNSIM Graphical User Interface environment that relate to SCP270 software.

Getting More Information

The Simulation of CP270 User Guide and Simulation of CP270 Installation Guide are available on the product
installation CDs.

SCP270-specific documentation can be accessed In PDF format when the software is installed, or from the
Global Customer Support (GCS) website Support tab: https://support.ips.invensys.com/home.asp

Additional SimSciTM specific documentation and downloadable software is available at the SimSci Electronic
Software Download website: http://www2.simsci.com/sim4me/esd/login.asp

Foxboro® I/A Series specific documents are available on the I/A Series Electronic Documentation DVD. The
latest revisions are available through the GCS webpage: http://support.ips.invensys.com.

SCP270 User Guide 1

User Guide Overview


AM Alarm Manager

API Application Programming Interface

AW/WSTA Application Workstation / Workstation

Backtrack A snapshot of the simulator process model, I/A Series controls,

historian, and alarms. By default, this occurs automatically, every 60
seconds, while the simulation is running.

Checkpoint file The control database that resides on the host workstation, which is
downloaded to the FCP270/ZCP270

Configurator Consists of the ICC / FCS / IACC

Control Database The I/A Series control system database processed by the control
software. This database consists of compounds and blocks, and is
configured using the I/A Series control system database configurator,
such as the ICC, IACC, or FCS

CP The ―Control Processor‖ performs any mix of integrated first-level

automation functions such as continuous, sequential, or discreet logic

CP Database The ―Control Processor Database‖ is a working copy of the

Configurator database containing the current state of the controls (i.e., a
block in automatic, actuator demand, motor status)

CSA ―Compound Summary Access‖ is a search utility, and the ―doorway‖ to

the Configurator that runs on the I/A Series system, which guarantees
compound name uniqueness throughout the system. CSA updates with
block names for each configured compound. The CSA utility displays
the list of active compounds and returns the associated letterbug to the

DCS Distributed Control System

DSS Dynamic Simulation Suite (Infrastructure for the simulator)

ECB Equipment Control Block

FBM Fieldbus Module

FCP Field Control Processor

FCS Foxboro Control Software

2 SCP270 User Guide


FDSI Field Device System Integrator Module

GUI Graphical User Interface

HMI Human Machine Interface

I/A Series Intelligent Automation Series

IACC I/A Series Configuration Component

IC The ―Initial Condition‖ is a snapshot of the simulator process model,

I/A Series controls, historian, and alarms. Click the ―IC Save‖ button in
the DYNSIM Graphical User Interface to save an IC.

ICC Integrated Control Configurator

ICC Database Static Database

ICC Driver Task A set of useful scripts to generate reports, load/save controls, or modify
controls in the ICC using API calls. Uses a library to interpret
commands from a user-specified input file.

I/O Input / Output represents the physical communication to and from the
Control System and plant thermocouples, pressure transmitters,
actuators, etc. that control plant operation.

IIF.PRM A configuration file located on each I/A Series installed computer that
is read by the SCP270 application to determine the CP letterbug names.

Letterbug A user-defined, alphanumeric string that identifies a station in an I/A

Series control system

LoadAll An ICC Driver (iccdrvr) task command used to load controls to the ICC
via an API call.

MESH The network between every machine with I/A Series software installed.

NIC Network Interface Card

OM The ―Object Manager‖ is a proprietary, Foxboro OS extension that

supports data access to I/A Series objects

OS Operating System

OTS Operator Training Simulator

SCP270 User Guide 3

User Guide Overview

Peer-to-Peer The control block mechanism that uses OM lists to refresh its block
Connection inputs with data from a remote station. That data connects CIO, OM, or
AO objects. For most control strategies, peer-to-peer connections exist
between CIO objects. The ―sink‖ block requests data from the ―source‖
block. A block connection is normally local to another block that exists
in the same CP. However, the full path name defined for a block
parameter can connect to a CIO object that is in another CP. This
remote type of connection is referred to as a peer-to-peer block

RTP Real-Time Point

Save All ICC Driver Task (iccdrvr) command used to save controls from the ICC
via an API call

SCP270 Foxboro Simulation of CP270. This is interchangeably used to refer to

the entire machine where the SCP270 software is installed and also
refers to each individual CP in the SCP270 machine.

SCP Simulated Control Processor, refers to each CP in the SCP270


Simulation SimExec. Controls time, synchronizes engines, sends data between

Executive engines in a simulator

Station (Control The ‗virtual‘ controller which runs as one or two CP modules. For
Station) example, the station may exist on both fault-tolerant modules, but the
station itself is considered a single entity.

The Configurator sends blocks and compounds, together with their

configurable parameter values, to the memory in the control station.

Snapshot An Initial Condition or Backtrack that contains a picture of the state of

a simulation engine at a specific point in time.

Strategy FCS specific term describing one or more interconnected I/A Series
blocks and I/O variables that enable the connection of the strategy to
other elements. It can include other strategies connected to blocks or
other embedded strategies via their I//O variables.

SysDef System Definition

TSAA Triconex System Access Application

ZCP Z-Module control processor

4 SCP270 User Guide

Introduction to SCP270 Software

Introduction to SCP270 Software

SCP270 software performs the functions available in I/A Series Field Control Processor 270
(FCP270) and Z-Module Control Processor 270 (ZCP270) in an off-line system for control logic
verification, Human-Machine Interface (HMI) familiarization, and operator training

The control system configuration from the plant loads directly into the SCP application running
FCP/ZCP stations, using the same procedures used to download a configuration to an actual CP.
This occurs regardless of whether using the Integrated Control Configurator (ICC), I/A Series
Configuration Component (IACC), or Foxboro Control Software (FCS).

SCP270 optionally connects to the DYNSIM Dynamic Simulation Suite (DSS) infrastructure for
simple-tieback or process modeling capabilities. This DSS infrastructure and a ―lite‖ modeling
engine, DYNSIM-L, is provided and licensed with SCP270. DYNSIM software features operator
training and engineering analysis capabilities as standard, such as Freeze/Run, and Save/Restore
of snapshots. Additional library sets or other simulator engines can be included to extend the
simulator for high-fidelity simulator training and optimization.

SCP270 software runs with a variety of configuration:

 Standalone, in which the SCP instances run in real time, just like real CPs (No DSS
infrastructure required)

 As an engine to a tieback or Operator Training Simulator (OTS), where the DSS

infrastructure is installed and all I/A Series computers include DSS software to control
time in trends, graphics, and alarms

 On a single computer for small controls-checkout projects, where it can support up to 25

CPs per computer, with or without the DSS infrastructure

 On multiple computers, for large projects that require more than 25 CPs (in which a
multi-computer configuration with two or more SCP computers is designed to replicate
the actual plant HMI and configuration), with or without the DSS infrastructure.

The Operator or Engineering Workstation computer provides the primary operator interface to the
control system emulation for configuration, monitoring, and interaction with the controls, while
the SCP270 computer provides the interface to the control emulation and the process model. The
figure below displays a typical simulator configuration for an I/A Series V8.x system.

SCP270 User Guide 5

Introduction to SCP270 Software

Typical configuration for an I/A Series System

The SCP270 computer runs the SCP Engine. SCP270 executes on the Windows 7 64-bit
operating system (Professional or Enterprise) and Windows Server 2008 R2 standard 64-bit
operating systems.

Note: Multi-core and multi-threading must be enabled on the SCP270 computer.

The DSS environment, or Instructor Station, can reside on several Windows Operating System
(OS) environments. Review the DYNSIM Release Notes for specific supported OS details. In a
multi-computer configuration, the host WSTA is connected to the SCP270. CPs deploy through
the control configurator (ICC/IACC/FCS). The control configurator (or WSTA) provides the
primary operator interface to the control system emulation for configuration, monitoring, and
interaction with the controls. The CPs within the SCP270 computer communicate with each other
through I/A Series software.

6 SCP270 User Guide

I/A Series Functional Description with SCP270

I/A Series Functional Description with SCP270

Architectural Overview of an I/A Series DCS

The I/A Series Distributed Control System (DCS) is comprised of a suite of Control Stations and
other devices interconnected through a MESH network. Control Stations can include WSTA70/
WSVR70 that hosts CPs, Historical Database servers and collectors, or, in the case of Foxboro
Control Software, a Galaxy repository. Operator Stations are used to control plant processes
predefined in control system strategies, compounds, and blocks that reside on CPs.

CPs connect to the MESH network and to one or more Fieldbus Modules (FBMs) to perform
logic, sequential control, data acquisition, alarm detection, and alarm notification. CPs execute
control algorithms composed of control blocks. These control blocks are organized into a
container called a compound. Multiple compounds can reside simultaneously on a single CP. If
using FCS, related compounds are grouped to form a strategy.

An FBM is a simple processor that connects a number of process sensors or actuators to a CP.
The FBM allows CPs to communicate with remote FBMs for further geographical distribution of
functions in the field.

For SCP270, both the CPs and the FBMs are removed from the offline system and replaced with
one or more SCP computers. SCP emulates the FBM logic.

Note: SCP270 does not support Fault Tolerant Controller Type.

Control System Network Architecture

For I/A Series V8+ software, the MESH control network forms the basis of the network
architecture. The MESH control network consists of a number of Ethernet or fiber switches that
connect I/A Series stations and devices providing redundancy and peer-to-peer communication.
Although several configurations are possible, the simple linear configuration is sufficient for the
simulator. In the figure shown below, the engineering workstation includes two Network
Interface Cards (NICs) connected to redundant Ethernet switches.

SCP270 User Guide 7

I/A Series Functional Description with SCP270

For the simulation, the physical CPs are replaced by SCP270. Additionally, the redundancy is
removed: only one switch is required between the I/A Series systems and the SCP(s).

Control System Hardware Architecture

Networked I/A Series stations can include WSTAs, Host Workstations, CPs, Historian Server(s),
Historical Data Collector(s), Galaxy Database Repository Server(s), or a primary domain
controller. A WSTA or an Operator Station monitors processes; displays real-time data, trends
and alarms; and acts as the primary HMI machine. A real plant may include dozens of WSTAs,
but the simulation suite may combine the functionality of several WSTAs to reduce simulation
suite costs/size.

The Host Workstation hosts the I/A Series Control Stations. It can act as an HMI as well as an
Engineering Workstation and can be used to create or modify displays, view and manage alarms,
configure control blocks, and monitor the health of the control system.

8 SCP270 User Guide

I/A Series Functional Description with SCP270

Historian Servers contain either the AIM* or Wonderware® Historian software. The Historian
Server is typically dedicated solely for this purpose (and not combined with other functionality)
to ensure that historical data is accurately time-stamped. For smaller simulations, the historian
server may reside on WSTA.

With the Wonderware Historian, Historical Data Collectors are WSTAs, but typically reside on
computers separate from the Historian Server and are not used for any other purpose (e.g.
controlling the plant). In a simulator, this functionality can combine on to a reduced set of

The Galaxy Database is associated with FCS. In an actual DCS, this machine is used solely for
this purpose and is not combined with any other functionality, such as the Historian Server or
Operator Station. In a simulator, this functionality can combine on to a reduced set of WSTAs.

I/A Series and SCP Software Architecture

SCP270 software interacts with I/A Series stations through the Object Manager (OM), Alarm
Manager (AM), Historian processes, and other compound processor tasks.

The I/A Series control program is stored as a set of ―compounds,‖ which are containers for a
collection of blocks that perform control strategies. Compound functions include process alarm
priority, sequence status notification, and phasing to level processor loading. Blocks are
predefined process functions or algorithms that perform calculations. Blocks contain parameters
that have values of types Real, Boolean, String, etc. and have one or more input/output. Block
examples include ladder logic, sequential control, or I/O.

When a new control configuration or strategy is loaded, the Compound Summary Access (CSA)
task (CSA_Server) residing on the Host WSTA checks to ensure compound name uniqueness, and
then creates a unique Configurator Database for each Control Station. The Host WSTA also
includes a Station Manager Application Task (smat) that checks the system health and station

The remaining tasks described in the following paragraphs are threaded tasks within the SCP
application unless otherwise noted. The DB_Query (dbquery) task performs several types of
queries on the Compound Database on behalf of a remote client. Queries are typically performed
through FoxSelect/BlockSelect.

SCP OM tasks include OM Server (om_server), OM Scanner (om_scanner), and OM Reconnect

(om_recon). OM relies on a communication layer (COMEX), which is a Foxboro protocol that
broadcasts heartbeats and manages network faults. The OM effectively shields the user from
object location concerns. Users refer to objects by name, and the OM finds the location of the
named object, stores this information, and performs the requested operation on the object. The
OM interface provides a full range of operations for process control and shared variables. Only
location services are provided for all other object classes.

As the controls are loaded, DB_Install (dbinstl) copies the Configurator Database to control
memory, installing the specified Compound Database on behalf of a remote client. This database
downloads to the appropriate CP at the request of the ICC/IACC/FCS.

SCP270 User Guide 9

I/A Series Functional Description with SCP270

The Compound Processor (cio_cp) executes the control strategies, input/output (I/O)
implementation, timing, regulatory, and feedback applications. It performs most device I/O, and
controls block processing. This process is associated with simulation time. In simulation, this
process pauses execution when the simulation freezes or is shut down. If the simulator runs in
―fast time,‖ cio_cp runs at the same ―fast time‖ speed. This process must run through a block
cycle when initially loading controls. For this reason, after loading controls, checklist-type
instructions always tell the user to run the simulator.


Download (downld) is the first task called when the CP initializes. It establishes communication
between the CP and the hosting WSTA. As with a real CP, the SCP copies the checkpoint file
into control memory at startup. After the System Manager detects the CP, the Download process

Compounds and blocks reside in the control database, which is the CP memory resident database
that resides on each CP in the SCP270 computer. The checkpoint file is associated with this
database. When a CP reboots, it automatically restores the CP database using the checkpoint file.
As with a real CP, an SCP270 instance automatically restores a checkpoint file when it starts.

Data from field devices and FBMs interface the control blocks through ECBs. An ECB is a data
structure that holds the field data and its status. A Compound Processor processes all input ECBs,
executes the compounds and their associated blocks, and then processes the output ECBs. I/O
control blocks read or write their I/O values directly to and from ECBs.

SCP270 processing stops at the ECB level. For this reason, it is not possible to fail FBMs for
hardware test purposes using the standard Graphical User Interface. However, FBM failure can
be simulated through the DYNSIM interface. Additionally, some blocks (i.e., AI/AO/DI/DO)
obtain status directly from the FBM. For SCP270 software, this status is always reported as good
or unknown. The FBMEmulator process (fbmemulator) is an SCP270 emulation of several blocks
and ECBs that execute directly in their FBMs, including PLB, MDACT, GDEV, and DCI output

10 SCP270 User Guide

I/A Series Functional Description with SCP270

External to the SCP application, the I/A Series alarm tasks run on every system running
FoxViewTM (foxview). InFusionView alarm tasks differ and are not covered in this manual. The
main server process is the Alarm Manager (am). An alarm message is generated whenever the
block detects a value has gone beyond the specified limit. Alarm messages can cause the Alarm
key to flash, be logged by the Historian, and be printed, depending on the assignments made for
the block's alarm group parameter and the group/device compound parameters. Alarm limits can
be assigned from the Configurator or from the Block Detail Display.

In the SCP application, the Msg_Proc (msgproc) task monitors control memory for alarm
message formatting in control blocks and calls Alarm Print to dispatch the message. The Alarm
Print (aprint) task dispatches alarm messages to various alarm logging devices, workstations,
historians, and applications. External to the SCP, the Alarm Alert (aaserver) is responsible for
reporting the local CP availability to the Device Monitor. The Alarm Alert subsystem manages
the Keyboard Annunciator Panel and handles the current alarm state. Three possible alarm states
include acknowledged, unacknowledged, and normal.

SCP270 User Guide 11

FSIM Plus Applications

SCP270 Standalone Components

SCP270 functions as:

 A standalone application, in which an SCP replaces a real CP and executes in real time,

 An engine that connects to the DSS infrastructure, where simulation time is controlled
and simulation engine execution is coordinated with other applications or engines.

Both configurations include the SCP270 standalone components.

SCP270 is made up of the following components:

 SCP application

 SCP Launcher

 I/A Virtual Switch driver

 SCPEngine

 FAIM Engine

 SimSync Engine

 Foxview and AMS enhancements

SCP270 Utilities
Each component is described in detail below.

SCP Application

The SCP application (SCPapp) performs identically to that of a real CP. It executes the control
strategies, sends and receives data, and controls and regulates processing time. The tasks
described in the previous section are contained in this application.

The SCP application starts and stops from SCP Launcher. Each instance of the SCP application is
equivalent to a real CP. Currently, 40 instances of SCP can execute on a single SCP270
computer platform.

12 SCP270 User Guide

FSIM Plus Applications

SCP Launcher

The SCPLauncher is a user interface that manages SCP instances. Features include Start,
Shutdown, Reboot, FastLoad, Logging, and Local Checkpoint. Each of these functions is
described in detail in the following sections.

Through this GUI, create a new SCP configuration system (as an .xml file) and save this list to a
permanent location. The application loads an IIF.prm file to obtain the list of SCPs configured as
part of the I/A Series System Definition (SysDef). This file can be found on the WSTA in the
D:\usr\fox\sp directory.

SCP270 User Guide 13

FSIM Plus Applications

SCP Launcher Functionality

This section describes the main functionality of the SCPLauncher application.

Creating a new Simulation Configured System

To create a new simulation

1. Click the New button in the GUI, or choose New SCP Configured System from the
File menu. The Create New Simulation window appears.

2. Enter a name in the SCP Configured System Name text field to identify this

3. Enter the IIF.prm location by clicking the ellipsis (…) button to browse to the location
containing the file (pictured below). Select the IIF.prm file, and then click Open.

14 SCP270 User Guide

FSIM Plus Applications

4. Browse to the IIF.prm file (copied from the WSTA machine), and then click Open. The file
path updates in the Create New Simulation window.

5. Click Save. This creates a new simulation file (in this case, Test1.xml) under the default
directory ―C:\Users\<User Name>\Documents\SimSci\SCP270\Data‖.

Opening an Existing Simulation

To open an existing simulation

1. Click the drop-down button in the Launcher as shown below, and select the appropriate file
from the list of already saved XML files. The launcher will open the file you have selected.
The XML files are invoked from C:\Users\<User Name>\Documents\SIMSCI\SCP270\Data.

Starting an SCP Instance

To launch a single SCP application, select the required CP by clicking its row, and then click the

button. The status of the CP you select must be ―Available‖ for a successful launch.

SCP270 User Guide 15

FSIM Plus Applications

An instance of SCP appears when Show Window is clicked on the Settings menu. On the
SCPLauncher, the Start button becomes unavailable if the CP is being launched or has already
been launched.

SCP Console messages

When an SCP is launched from the SCPLauncher, several messages appear in the console
window. These messages are independent of the options selected in the Launcher.

The first message confirms the validity of its license.

The next message gives the summary of the SCP Type, Letterbug, MAC address, launch date,
and launch time of the SCP.

The next message gives the Loading Details of the Checkpoint file. The Checkpoint file is loaded
from the CP host or from the Local checkpoint saved in the SCP machine, based on the option
selected in the SCPLauncher GUI.

16 SCP270 User Guide

FSIM Plus Applications

Once the blocks are downloaded, SCP goes online and displays the message below.

Once the ―SCP is simulation ready‖ message appears, the SCP starts running in the ―Real time‖
mode. Until SCP is hooked to a simulation, it continues running in the ―Real time‖ mode.

SCP Instance Options

SCP launch options include FastLoad, Local Checkpoint, and Logging.


 Starts the CP much more quickly by eliminating OM peer-to-peer reconnect

 If peer-to-peer is required, run C:\Program Files (x86)\SIMSCI\SCP270\SCP Reset OM

Tool or re-checkpoint on each CP when all CPs are online

Local Checkpoint:

 A local Checkpoint file will be saved on the SCP machine under ―C:\Users\<User
Name>\Documents\SimSci\SCP270\<CPName>\ DBFC<CPName>.UC

 The SCP application will be launched from the local checkpoint file and not from the
remote CPHost machine.


 Logs critical details to the startup window and to a file

 Significantly degrades performance

 Should be used for debugging purposes only

SCP270 User Guide 17

FSIM Plus Applications

Multiple SCP instance Startup Shutdown scenarios

To start multiple SCP instances, select multiple controllers in the SCPLauncher list by holding
the SHIFT and/or CTRL key, then clicking the Start button. Multiple SCPapp instances are
launched with their respective console windows, and the SCPs‘ ―Status‖ will change to ―Active.‖

To shut down multiple SCP instances, select them from the SCPLancher list and click the
Shutdown button. Verify that the console windows of each SCPapp disappear, and the SCPs‘
―Status‖ has changed to ―Available.‖

Viewing the Console Window

To display the Console Window for all launched SCPs, choose the Show Console Window
option under the Setting menu. When the box is checked (as shown below) the Console
Window is visible. Choose the option again to hide the Console Window.

18 SCP270 User Guide

FSIM Plus Applications

Creating a batch file to start multiple SCPs using Export

Use the Export functionality to create a batch file that launches multiple SCPs in one click.

In SCPlauncher, open the XML file, which is configured with the correct IIF.prm file, from the
following location: ―C:\ Users\<User>\ Documents\ SimSci\ SCP270\ Data.‖ Select the SCPs that
need to be launched with the appropriate option: Fast Load, Logging and Local Checkpoint; and

then click the Export button. ( ). A batch file is created and an explorer window opens that
points to the ..\Data path where the xml files are stored. The batch file has the default name as
that of the XML file, which can be modified as per the user requirement.

The saved batch file can be used to launch multiple SCPs even without opening the SCPlauncher.

Delete Local Checkpoint

To delete the Local Checkpoint that was created during the SCP download at the following
location ―C:\ Users\<User>\ Documents\ SimSci\ SCP270\<SCP Name>, first ensure that the

SCP is in ―Available‖ state, then select the SCP and click Delete . The following message
appears as a confirmation of the deletion.

Settings Menu
On the Settings menu, you can set options such as Themes, Show Windows, and Logging.

Themes provides 3 options: Dark, Light, and Window. The look and feel of the Launcher
changes based on the settings.

 Dark Theme gives a dark background to the SCPLauncher and highlights the selections
with the green color.

 Light Theme gives a grey background and highlights the selections with the grey color.

 Window Theme gives the classic window look to the Launcher.

Show Window shows the Console window of the SCPapp when an SCP270 is launched. Turn off
the Show Window option to hide the console window.

SCP270 User Guide 19

FSIM Plus Applications

Logging logs the events captured in the SCPapp console window into a text file at the following
path: C:\Users\<User>\Documents\SimSci\SCP270\Logs\<SCPname>.txt

Accessing the Help Menu

To access the help documents, on the SCP Launcher menu, click the help button .

Shutting Down or Rebooting an SCP Application

Select the ―Active‖ SCP you want to shut down or reboot by clicking its listing. The selected SCP

is highlighted in green. Click the shut down or restart button, as necessary.

The console window of the SCP will disappear and the SCP‘s Status will change to Available.

Enhanced Graphical User Interface Features

SCP270 software includes standalone simulation components for CP270 and the light version of
the DYNSIM process modeling software. The complete software package includes these

CP270 simulation  Standalone components

 Configure one SCP270 instance for each real CP270 that will
be simulated

SCP engine  Configure one SCP engine per SCP computer

DYNSIM-L engine  Configure a DYNSIM-L engine for simple tieback and flow
network modeling capability.

 Can replace DYNSIM-L with any DYNSIM library set/User

Added Model (UAM); or connect to a third party simulation
package (additional fee)

DSS Infrastructure  Create and operate a simulation with the Graphical User
Interface (GUI)

 Transfer data between simulation engines with the Cross

Reference Database

 Execute with lock-step, deterministic, time control coordinator

 Optionally connect to other engines or a third party package

(additional fee)

The SCP270 standalone components are covered in the previous section. This section covers
SCP270 configuration as an engine to the DSS infrastructure, including data transfer through the
cross reference list and the graphical user interface.

20 SCP270 User Guide

FSIM Plus Applications

Graphical User Interface

Several guides are available that provide an introduction to the DSS GUI, how to generate a low,
medium, or high fidelity process model. GUI functionality that is unique to SCP270 is covered in
the remainder of this section.

SCP270 Getting Started Guide  Installs with the SCP270 infrastructure

 Geared toward Instrumentation and Control
Engineers and Instructors
 Provides an overview of the DSS GUI

Bulk Configurator  Installs with the DSS infrastructure

 Bulk generate tieback based on I/O naming
 Bulk modify any DSS-based process model through
an Excel interface

Getting Started with DYNSIM  Installs with DYNSIM/DYNSIM-P

 Geared toward Process/Chemical Engineers
 Provides an overview of the DSS GUI
 Units of Measure
 Thermodynamics
 Process model generation

Dynamic Simulation Suite User  Installs with the DSS infrastructure

Guide  Detailed overview of the DSS GUI
 Utilities and Tools available within the DSS
 Excel, OPC and OLGA engine configuration
 System Health

Base Checkout Equipment  Installs with the DSS Infrastructure

 Basic Medium Fidelity model objects

Base Equipment, Controls, Utilities,  Installs with the DSS Infrastructure

Electrical Grid  Basic High Fidelity model objects

Process Equipment  Installs with DYNSIM

 High Fidelity model objects (additional fee)

SCP270 User Guide 21

FSIM Plus Applications

System Health Monitor

The ―System Health Monitor‖ feature of DYNSIM software is not packaged with the Control
Emulation ―typical‖ install of DYNSIM 5.1. Navigate to Program and Features >
SimSci-Esscor Dynsim 5.1 > Change to add this feature post-installation.


Perform the above steps to make ―System Health Monitor‖ feature work with Dynsim-L engine.

See System Health Monitor section in ―Dynamic Simulation Suite User Guide‖ to use this feature
for SCP270.

Snapshot Update

After controls are modified, ensure that the update appears in FoxView and functions as expected,
then verify that the CP has been checkpointed. When restoring a snapshot taken before the
update, SCP270 will keep the new, updated checkpoint file, but populate the dynamic data, or the
settable and connectable parameters in to the new checkpoint file. The user should re-save the
snapshot when satisfied that it functions as desired.

Unlike former product features, the snapshot update feature does not depend on a specific
DYNSIM or I/A Series version. Snapshots can be updated from SCP270 v1 to future SCP270
versions. Moving to a different hardware suite that might contain different computer names will
not impact snapshot restore.

Note 1 – A limitation for CALC / CALCA / MATH / LOGIC related control parameters:

The memory (M01 to M24) parameters can be edited in the configurator and can be set during
run time operation. In this case, the update will copy the memory values from the original
snapshot to the target snapshot because changes made in the configurator are lost. Two
workarounds exist:

 Restore each snapshot, manually change the value directly in the Detail Display, and
resave each snapshot.

 Save the snapshot as a text file and edit it.

22 SCP270 User Guide

FSIM Plus Applications

Note 2 – Connectable and Settable Parameters

For more details about the Connectable/Settable parameters of a block, go to the ―Integrated
Control Block Descriptions Vol. 1-3‖ (B0193AX) and for each block open the Parameters
Section Table‘s Accessibility column.

Engine Malfunction Tools

SCP270 Malfunction is performed using the Dynsim Graphical User Interface. The purpose of
this section is to describe the SCP270 Malfunctionable features using Engine Malfunction Tool.
The SCP270 FBM Malfunction feature includes two failure modes:

 FBM Failure

 FBM Point Failure.

For the basics of setting up and using Engine Malfunction Tool please refer to the Malfunction
section in the ―SCP270 Getting Started Guide.‖

Scenario Record and Playback

SCP engine Scenario Recording requires a pre-existing file (for example, scpeng.sce) populated
with I/A Series watch points. The default filename, scpeng.sce, is modifiable through the SCP
engine configuration window. This name should match with the name of the file physically
available in current working directory on the machine where the SCP engine resides (e.g.
C:\SIMSCI\DSS5x\Simulations\<simulation name>).

The I/A Series points entered in this file record when specific conditions are met, as explained

The scenario-enhanced feature considers the auto/manual & local/remote states of the current
point. Points record if the specified options in the scpeng.sce file match the current block state.
The syntax for the I/A Series point entry in the scpeng.sce file is shown below:


FIELD1 – The point name to be recorded

FIELD2 – Tolerance

FIELD3 – Auto/manual option (A or M)

FIELD4 – Local/Remote option (L or R)

Note: Any entry other than the above produces the ―Invalid Option Specified‖ error.

For example, a typical point is displayed below.

DEMO:B5.PNT, 0.1, A, L

SCP270 User Guide 23

FSIM Plus Applications

If any value for Local/Remote or Auto/Manual does not match the state of the corresponding
block, the point is not recorded. For instance, if DEMO:B5.PNT is in manual, the point is not

The following table provides possible combinations for the I/A Series points in scpeng.sce file
with DEMO SaveAll.

Symbol, Tolerance, Description Represents

Auto/ Manual,

Demo:B5.MEAS,0.0 Point with Tolerance 0.01 Valid point, recorded both in Auto
(default Tolerance) , no & Manual, recorded both in Local
Auto/Manual, no & Remote

Demo:B5.MEAS,, Point with Tolerance Valid point, recorded both in Auto

0.01(default Tolerance) , no & Manual, recorded both in Local
Auto/Manual or & Remote

Demo:B5.MEAS, No Tolerance specified Invalid point, is ignored from

scenario recording

Demo:B5.MEAS No Tolerance specified Invalid point, is ignored from

scenario recording

Demo:B5.MEAS, 0.1 No Auto/Manual , no Valid point, recorded both in Auto

Local/Remote & Manual, recorded both in Local
& Remote

Demo:B5.MEAS, 0.5,, No Auto/Manual , no Valid point, recorded both in Auto

Local/Remote & Manual, recorded both in Local
& Remote

Demo:B5.MEAS, 0.5, M, Point with Manual, no Valid point, recorded in Manual

Local/Remote only, recorded both in Local &

Demo:B5.MEAS, 0.5, A, Point with Auto, no Valid point, recorded in Auto only,
Local/Remote recorded both in Local & Remote

Demo:B5.MEAS, 0.5, M Point with only Manual Valid point, recorded in Manual

Demo:B5.MEAS, 0.5, A Point with only Auto Valid point, recorded in Auto only

Demo:B5.MEAS, 0.5, M, Point with Manual only, Valid point, recorded in Manual &
L Local only al

Demo:B5.PNT,0.5, A, L Point with Auto only, Local Valid point, recorded in Auto &
only Local

24 SCP270 User Guide

FSIM Plus Applications

Demo:B5.PNT,0.5, M, R Point with Manual only, Valid point, recorded in Manual &
Remote only Remote

Demo:B5.PNT,0.5, A, R Point with Auto only, Valid point, recorded in Auto &
Remote only Remote

Demo:B5.PNT,0.5, ,R Point with Remote only Valid point, recorded in Remote

only, recorded both in Auto &

Demo:B5.PNT,0.5, ,L Point with Local only Valid point, recorded in Local only,
recorded both in Auto & Manual


 If the scpeng.sce file is modified, restart the recording to re-read the file.

 SCP engine logging action does not start recording a Scenario if scpeng.sce is empty or if
any points are invalid.

 If a Scenario is manually created, then add a WAIT statement of at least 5 seconds after
an MA or LR point in the Scenario.

 There may be a time delay on starting, recording or playback for the first time after
loading a simulation with large scpeng.sce files.

 When saving Snapshots, add RUN and WAIT commands after the SAVE command. The
WAIT statement value should be sufficient for the Snapshot to save .

Cross-Reference Database

The Cross-Reference feature allows communication between simulation engines. It represents the
actual wires from a field device (or transmitter) to the control system, and acts as a conduit
between various engines.

The cross reference database acts like an I/O cabinet, tying model values to I/A Series I/O blocks
(AIN, AOUT, etc.). The cross reference database contains (among other things) the definition of
each model variable, the scaling factors, and the control point referenced by each variable. For the
SCP270 implementation, the cross-reference data is obtained directly from the controls
configuration after it has been downloaded to the SCP270 computers.

SCP270 User Guide 25

FSIM Plus Applications

Invoking the Cross Reference Generation tool

After controls have been loaded and an SCP engine has been loaded in to memory, the GUI
provides an interface to generate and update the Cross Reference List.

1. Select Tools, then Update Xref with I/A Series, then Triconex I/O.

2. In the Cross Reference Update popup, select the SCP270 engine name and
select the process model engine (Default Engine)

26 SCP270 User Guide

FSIM Plus Applications

3. Review and update the appropriated checkboxes and radio buttons, and then click

Note: The SCP270 Getting Started Guide provides a detailed tutorial.

SCP270 User Guide 27

FSIM Plus Applications

Database Structure
Cross Reference data entries for analog points differ slightly from those for digital points. Each
point type is presented separately in the tables below.

Analog Points

Column Name Description Required / Optional

Disabled Selecting the disabled option disables this line. Optional

After disabling the line, reload the cross reference

From Engine The Engine name from which the controls/object Required
points/parameters are cross referenced.

For example, an AIN (analog input) block

requires a value from a field device. The
DYNSIM-L engine‘s process model sends a
value. The From Engine is the name of the
DYNSIM-L engine.

From Symbol The variable, model object parameter, or control Required unless a
point cross referenced from an Engine specified in conversion equation
the ―From Engine‖ field. is specified

Model object parameters are accessed using the

syntax: ObjectName.Parameter

From Val Info Some control emulators and interfaces use this Optional
entry for reference purposes only.

To Engine The Engine name to which the controls/object Required

points/parameters are cross referenced.

For example, for an analog input value, it might

be set to the name of the SCPEngine

To Symbol The parameter or control point, which receives Required

cross reference values from ―From Symbol.‖

For example, for an analog input value, it might

be set to the Compound:Block.Parameter from the
I/A Series control configuration.

To Val Info Some control emulators and interfaces use this Optional
entry for references purposes only.

Spare 2 - 5 Extra fields for comments or third party engines Optional

Comments Field for engineering annotations. Optional

28 SCP270 User Guide

FSIM Plus Applications

Digital Points

Column Name Description Required /Optional

Disabled Selecting the disabled option disables this line. Optional

After disabling the line, reload the cross
reference database.

From Engine The Engine name from which the Required

controls/object points/parameters are cross

For a digital input, it might be set to the name of

the DYNSIM-L engine. For a digital output, it
might be set to the SCP engine name.

From Symbol The variable or model object parameters or Required unless a

control point cross referenced from an Engine conversion equation
specified in the ―From Engine‖ field. is specified

For a digital input, it might be set to the name of

a model variable name from DYNSIM-L
engine. For a digital output, it might be set to
the Compound:Block.Parameter name.

From Val Info Some control emulators and interfaces use this Optional
entry for references purposes only.

To Engine The Engine name to which the controls/object Required

points/parameters are cross referenced.

For a digital input, it might be set to the name of

the SCP engine. For a digital output, it might be
set to DYNSIM-L engine name.

To Symbol The parameter or control point, which receives Required

cross reference values from ―From Symbol.‖

For a digital input, it might be set to the

Compound:Block.Parameter name. For a digital
output, it might be set to the name of a model
variable name from the DYNSIM-L engine.

To Val Info Some control emulators and interfaces use this Optional
entry for references purposes only.

Spare 2 - 5 Extra fields for comments or third party engines Optional

Comments Field for engineering annotation Optional

SCP270 User Guide 29

FSIM Plus Applications

I/O Control Blocks

In most cases, access to the I/A Series I/O control blocks is normally obtained using the standard
―Compound:Block.Parameter‖ (C:B.P) format. Some blocks include internal parameters that do
not appear in the Detail Display. To facilitate access to the block‘s parameters, ―pseudo-
parameter‖ naming is used to access the block‘s I/O data. Some of the parameter names match
that of an I/A Series block parameter, while others are available only in the SCP270 environment.

Generally, the user need not be concerned with a block‘s parameter names. The parameter names
are automatically appended through the Automatic Cross Reference Generation Tool available
through the GUI or through a command line batch file.

Note: Cross-Referencing to points other than actual I/O with wires to the field may cause the
simulator to behave differently than an actual control system.

The points listed below are actual I/O. Requirements for automatic cross reference generation are
listed in this table.

Block Configuration Notes

AI Controls Configuration:
 IOM_ID must be set to a valid ECB device
 CHANNL must be unique for IOM_ID
 SIMOPT must be 0 (false)
Cross Reference Configuration:
 Analog To Symbol Compound:Block.POINT

AIN Controls Configuration:

 IOMOPT must be set to 1
 IOM_ID must be set to a valid ECB device
 SCI type required for conversion from raw counts to
conditioned value
 PNT_NO must be unique for IOM_ID
Cross Reference Configuration:
 Analog To Symbol Compound:Block.POINT
 If EXTBLK is set, the point must be ―uncharacterized‖ and the
high/low and min/max limits must be manually modified to
prevent clipping
 If Thermocouple or RTS device is connected, the cross
reference point created is
Analog to Symbol Compound:Block.POINT_TEMP

30 SCP270 User Guide

FSIM Plus Applications

AINR Controls Configuration:

 IOMOPT must be set to 1
 IOM_ID must be set to a valid ECB device
 SCI type required for conversion from raw counts to
conditioned value
 PNT_NO must be unique for IOM_ID
Cross Reference Configuration:
 Analog To Symbol Compound:Block.POINT
 If EXTBLK is set, the point must be ―uncharacterized‖ and the
high/low and min/max limits must be manually modified to
prevent clipping
 If Thermocouple or RTS device is connected, the cross
reference point created is
Analog to Symbol Compound:Block.POINT_TEMP

AO Controls Configuration:
 IOM_ID must be set to a valid ECB device
 CHANNL must be unique for IOM_ID
 SIMOPT must be 0 (false)
Cross Reference Configuration:
Analog From Symbol Compound:Block.OUT
Controls Configuration:
 IOMOPT must be set to 1
 IOM_ID must be set to a valid ECB device
 PNT_NO must be unique for IOM_ID
Cross Reference Configuration:
 Analog From Symbol Compound:Block.OUT
Controls Configuration:
 IOMOPT must be set to 1
 IOM_ID must be set to a valid ECB device
 PNT_NO must be unique for IOM_ID
Cross Reference Configuration:
 Analog From Symbol Compound:Block.POINT

SCP270 User Guide 31

FSIM Plus Applications

Controls Configuration:
 IOM_ID must be set to a valid ECB device
 PNT_NO must be unique for IOM_ID
 SIMOPT must be 0 (false)
Cross Reference Configuration:
 Digital To Symbol Compound:Block.FBCIN
Controls Configuration:
 IOM_ID must be set to a valid ECB device
 PNT_NO must be unique for IOM_ID
 SIMOPT must be 0 (false)
Cross Reference Configuration:
 Digital To Symbol Compound:Block.FBCIN
Controls Configuration:
 IOM_ID must be set to a valid ECB device
 PNT_NO must be unique for IOM_ID
 SIMOPT must be 0 (false)
Cross Reference Configuration:
 Digital From Symbol Compound:Block.COUT
Controls Configuration:
 IOM_ID must be set to a valid ECB device
 PNT_NO must be unique for IOM_ID
 SIMOPT must be 0 (false)
Cross Reference Configuration:
 Digital From Symbol Compound:Block.COUT
Controls Configuration:
 IOMOPT must be set to 1
 IOM_ID must be set to a valid ECB device
 PNT_NO must be unique for IOM_ID
Cross Reference Configuration:
 Digital To Symbol Compound:Block.FBCIN

32 SCP270 User Guide

FSIM Plus Applications

Controls Configuration:
 IOMOPT must be set to 1
 IOM_ID must be set to a valid ECB device
 PNT_NO must be unique for IOM_ID
Cross Reference Configuration:
 Digital To Symbol Compound:Block.FBCIN
Controls Configuration:
 IOMOPT must be set to 1
 IOM_ID must be set to a valid ECB device
 PNT_NO must be unique for IOM_ID
Cross Reference Configuration:
 Digital From Symbol Compound:Block.COUT
Controls Configuration:
 IOMOPT must be set to 1
 IOM_ID must be set to a valid ECB device
 PNT_NO must be unique for IOM_ID
Cross Reference Configuration:
 Digital From Symbol Compound:Block.COUT
Controls Configuration:
 IOM_ID must be set to a valid ECB device
 CHANNL must be unique for IOM_ID
 SIMOPT must be 0 (false)
Cross Reference Configuration:
Analog To Symbol Compound:Block.FBCIN
Controls Configuration:
 IOM_ID must be set to a valid ECB device
 CHANNL must be unique for IOM_ID
 SIMOPT must be 0 (false)
Cross Reference Configuration:
Analog From Symbol Compound:Block.COUT

SCP270 User Guide 33

FSIM Plus Applications

Controls Configuration:
 IOM_ID must be set to a valid ECB device
Cross Reference Configuration:
 Analog To Symbol Compound:Block.POINT
 Analog To Symbol Compound:Block.MEAS01
 Analog To Symbol Compound:Block.MEAS02
 Analog To Symbol Compound:Block.MEAS03
 Analog From Symbol Compound:Block.OUT
Controls Configuration:
 IOM_ID must be set to a valid ECB device
Cross Reference Configuration:
 Digital To Symbol Compound:Block.FBCIN_1 to _32
Controls Configuration, Input:
 IOM_ID must be set to a valid ECB device
 IP_FBM 1
Cross Reference Configuration, Input:
 Analog To Symbol Compound:Block.FBDEVLM1 for
 Analog To Symbol Compound:Block.FBDEVLM2 for
Controls Configuration, Output:
 OP_FBM 1
 Two Wire (PLSOPT 0) for sustained, single output
 Three Wire (PLSOPT 1) for pulse, dual output
Cross Reference Configuration:
 Digital From Symbol Compound:Block.COUT_1 (sustained,
for PLSOPT 0)
 Digital From Symbol Compound:Block.COUT_1 (start pulse,
 Digital From Symbol Compound:Block.COUT_2 (stop pulse,
for PLSOPT 1)

34 SCP270 User Guide

FSIM Plus Applications

Controls Configuration:
 IOM_ID must be set to a valid ECB device
 PNT_NO must be unique for IOM_ID
 SIMOPT must be 0 (false)
Cross Reference Configuration:
 Analog To Symbol Compound:Block.POINT
Controls Configuration:
 IOM_ID must be set to a valid ECB device
 PNT_NO must be unique for IOM_ID
 SIMOPT must be 0 (false)
Cross Reference Configuration:
 Analog To Symbol Compound:Block.POINT_1 and
Controls Configuration:
 IOMID1, 2, 3 must be set to a valid ECB device
 II1_PT, 2_PT, 3PT must be unique for IOM_ID
 SIMOPT must be 0 (false)
Cross Reference Configuration:
 Analog To Symbol Compound:Block.LOUT
Controls Configuration:
 IOMOPT must be set to 1
 IOM_ID must be set to a valid ECB device
 SCI type required for conversion from raw counts to
conditioned value
 PNT_NO must be unique for IOM_ID
Cross Reference Configuration:
 Analog To Symbol Compound:Block.POINT_1 to POINT_8
Controls Configuration:
 IOM_ID must be set to a valid ECB device
 CHANNL must be unique for IOM_ID
 SIMOPT must be 0 (false)
Cross Reference Configuration:
 Analog To Symbol Compound:Block.PV1 to PV8

SCP270 User Guide 35

FSIM Plus Applications

Controls Configuration:
 IOM_ID must be set to a valid ECB device
 CHANNL must be unique for IOM_ID
 SIMOPT must be 0 (false)
Cross Reference Configuration:
 Analog From Symbol Compound:Block.IN_1 to IN_8
Controls Configuration:
 IOMOPT must be set to 1
 IOM_ID must be set to a valid ECB device
 PNT_NO must be unique for IOM_ID
Cross Reference Configuration:
 Digital To Symbol Compound:Block.FBCIN_1 to FBCIN_32
Controls Configuration:
 IOMOPT must be set to 1
 IOM_ID must be set to a valid ECB device
 PNT_NO must be unique for IOM_ID
Cross Reference Configuration:
 Digital From Symbol Compound:Block.CO_1 to CO_16
Controls Configuration:
 IOM_ID must be set to a valid ECB device
 For ECB Type 34, Feedback lag
 For ECB Type 36, Pulse Width Modulation
Cross Reference Configuration
 Analog To Symbol Compound:Block.POINT
 Digital To Symbol Compound:Block.FBLIMINC state of
increase limit switch (true, at the increase limit)
 Digital To Symbol Compound:Block.FBLIMDEC state of
decrease limit switch (true, at the decrease limit)
 Digital To Symbol Compound:Block.FBDIHOLD block in
hold mode
 Analog From Symbol Compound:Block.UPMDAC (ranges
between 0 and 100%)
 Analog From Symbol Compound:Block.DNMDAC (ranges
between 0 and 100%)

36 SCP270 User Guide

FSIM Plus Applications

Controls Configuration:
 IOM_ID must be set to a valid ECB device
 CHANNL must be unique for IOM_ID
 SIMOPT must be 0 (false)
Cross Reference Configuration:
 Analog To Symbol Compound:Block.POINT_1 to POINT_8
Controls Configuration:
 IOM_ID must be set to a valid ECB device
 CHANNL must be unique for IOM_ID
 SIMOPT must be 0 (false)
Cross Reference Configuration:
 Analog From Symbol Compound:Block.IN_D1 to IN_D8
Controls Configuration, Input:
 IOM_ID must be set to a valid ECB device
 IOMOPT must be set to 1
Cross Reference Configuration:
 Digital From Symbol Compound:Block.COUT_1
 Digital From Symbol Compound:Block.COUT_2
Controls Configuration, Input:
 IOM_ID must be set to a valid ECB device
 IOMOPT must be set to 1
 Two Wire (OUTOP 0) for sustained, single output
 Three Wire (OUTOP 1) for pulse, dual output
Cross Reference Configuration:
 Digital From Symbol Compound:Block.COUT_1 (sustained,
for OUTOP 0)
 Digital From Symbol Compound:Block.COUT_1 (start pulse,
for OUTOP 1)
 Digital From Symbol Compound:Block.COUT_2 (stop pulse,
for OUTOP 1)
Controls Configuration:
 IOM_ID must be set to a valid ECB device
 SIMOPT must be 0 (false)
Cross Reference Configuration
 Analog To Symbol Compound:Block.FBPAKCIN

SCP270 User Guide 37

FSIM Plus Applications

Controls Configuration:
 IOMID1, 2, 3 must be set to a valid ECB device
 PK1_PT, PK2_PT, PK3_PT
 SIMOPT must be 0 (false)
Cross Reference Configuration
 Analog To Symbol Compound:Block.FBPAKCINP,
 Analog To Symbol Compound:Block.FBPAKCINS and
 Analog To Symbol Compound:Block.FBPAKCINT
Controls Configuration:
 IOM_ID must be set to a valid ECB device
 SIMOPT must be 0 (false)
Cross Reference Configuration
 Analog From Symbol Compound:Block.FBPAKCO
Controls Configuration:
 IOM_ID must be set to a valid ECB device
 PLB controls must be loaded from a diskette device (not an
ICC driver task) to assure the cross reference points are
generated automatically from the DYNSIM GUI
 SIMOPT must be set to 0
Cross Reference Configuration:
 Digital To Symbol Compound:Block.FBCIN_1 to FBCIN_32
 Digital From Symbol Compound:Block.FBCO_1 to FBCO_16
Controls Configuration:
 IOM_ID must be set to a valid ECB device
 Two Wire (OUTOP 0) for sustained, single output
 Three Wire (OUTOP 1) for pulse, dual output
 SIMOPT must be set to 0
Cross Reference Configuration:
 Digital From Symbol Compound:Block.COUT_1
 Digital From Symbol Compound:Block.COUT_2

38 SCP270 User Guide

FSIM Plus Applications

Controls Configuration:
 IOMOPT must be set to 1
 IOM_ID must be set to a valid ECB device
 SCI type required for conversion from raw counts to
conditioned value
 PNT_NO must be unique for IOM_ID
 SIMOPT must be false (0)
Cross Reference Configuration:
 Analog To Symbol Compound:Block.POINT
Controls Configuration:
 IOMOPT must be set to 1
 IOM_ID must be set to a valid ECB device
 SCI type required for conversion from raw counts to
conditioned value
 PNT_NO must be unique for IOM_ID
 SIMOPT must be false (0)
Cross Reference Configuration:
 Analog To Symbol Compound:Block.POINT
Controls Configuration:
 IOMOPT must be set to 1
 IOM_ID must be set to a valid ECB device
 PNT_NO must be unique for IOM_ID
 SIMOPT must be false (0)
Cross Reference Configuration:
 Analog From Symbol Compound:Block.OUT
Controls Configuration:
 IOMOPT must be set to 1
 IOM_ID must be set to a valid ECB device
 PNT_NO must be unique for IOM_ID
 SIMOPT must be false (0)
Cross Reference Configuration:
 Analog From Symbol Compound:Block.OUT

SCP270 User Guide 39

FSIM Plus Applications

Controls Configuration:
 IOMOPT must be set to 1
 IOM_ID must be set to a valid ECB device
 PNT_NO must be unique for IOM_ID
Cross Reference Configuration:
 Analog From Symbol Compound:Block.COUT

SCP/FSIM/TRISIM Automatic Cross Reference Merge Utility Tool

I/A Series Field Device System Integrator Modules (FDSI) Triconex Integrator Driver integrates
Triconex Tricon/Trident controller modules with I/A Series Field Bus Modules (FBM) 232/233
through a Triconex System Access Application (TSAA) protocol that reads and writes to
TriStation tag names or Modbus aliases from an operator interface. The SCP/FSIM/TRISIM
Automatic Cross Reference Merge utility tool is an application to configure equivalent
communication between controls executing within SCPEngine and TRISIM engines. DYNSIM
5.1 HF installs this utility if the ‗FSIM/TRISIM/SCP option‖ is selected during install. After
successful installation of the utility, complete the following procedure to set a cross reference
between SCPEngine and TRISIM I/O. This tool can be invoked when the simulation is loaded
with both SCPEngine and TRISIM engines.

1. Deploy the SCP controls. Depending on the configuration of the controls, refer to the
following sections for details of loading controls:
 Loading Controls through the ICC
 Validating and Downloading CPs in IACC
 Importing SaveAll controls in FCS

2. From DYNSIM GUI, load the Simulation with DYNSIM-L engine, SCP engine, and
TRISIM Engine.

3. Load the simulation, run it for a few seconds (to process the controls), and freeze it.

Generate a Cross Reference list. A related procedure is available in the SCP270 Getting
Started Guide in the Cross Referencing section. This step will automatically generate a
file, CrossRef.txt, in the simulation directory where the SCP engine is running.

4. Review CrossRef.txt and search for IP Addresses listed in Extra Column 5. These IP
Addresses correspond to the Triconex PT2 file IP Addresses.

5. Determine the IP Address that corresponds to the PT2 file.

 In TriStation, open each PT2 file.
 Select Controller / Configuration / TriStation Communication.
 Note the IP Address.
 Correlate this IP Address with the name of the corresponding TRISIM engine

40 SCP270 User Guide

FSIM Plus Applications

6. For each PT2 file, export the Tagname database.

 In TriStation, change to the Application Workspace Pane.
 Right-click the Tagname Declarations.
 Select Export
 Type in a file name and navigate to the required location.
 Change the Type to Comma Delimited Text Files(*.txt).
 Select Export.

7. In the DYNSIM GUI, edit each TRISIM engine‘s configuration and verify the Path and
file to X-Ref Auto-gen output is set to the name and location of the file generated in the
previous step. If a change is made, shutdown and restart the simulation.

8. In the DYNSIM GUI, click Update XREF with I/A Series/Triconex I/O
on the Tools menu. The Cross Reference Update display opens.

SCP270 User Guide 41

FSIM Plus Applications

Select the Merge SCP270 FSIM TRISIM checkbox and select the Merge new
data with existing XREF radio button.

42 SCP270 User Guide

FSIM Plus Applications

9. The Cross Reference Merge graphical user interface appears as shown below.

10. In FSIM XRef Data, browse to the cross reference output file(CrossRef.txt) that contains
the SCP engine I/O. The application automatically displays the available SCP engines in
the text box next to the FSIM Xref Data field.

11. From the TRISIM Engine drop-down menu, select the name corresponding to the
equivalent Triconex PT2 file IP address (determined in step 4).

12. In the TRISIM Tag Declaration Data text box, browse to the Tag Export file that is
generated from the TriStation Application (determined in step 5).

13. In the Merged XRef Data text box, provide the output file path.

14. Click the Start button.

15. The SCPEngine-TRISIM cross reference file is generated in the path mentioned in the
Merged XRef Data text box.

16. In DYNSIM GUI, Navigate to File->Import->X-Refs to invoke ‗Import X-Refs‘

window. Select Replace all existing xrefs in database and click
Import. Verify in the Xref table that the SCP engine‘s FBM232/233 I/O points are
cross referenced to the TRISIM points with the corresponding alias name.

SCP270 User Guide 43

System Manager with SCP270

System Manager with SCP270

SCP270 supports the ―Reboot‖ command from System Manager 2.3. Navigate to System
Manager in the CP Host (WSTA70, WSVR70) machine. In the list of SCPs, right-click the SCP
that needs to be rebooted, and click Reboot. The following message appears in the SCP console
window. See Viewing Console Window section to learn how to enable the SCP Console window.

Once the above message appears, reboot the SCP from the SCPLauncher manually to complete
the reboot command issued from the System Manager.

Note: Ensure that the ―Reboot‖ option is selected in the SCPLauncher and NOT in the Start

44 SCP270 User Guide

Simulated Foxboro AIM* Historian

Simulated Foxboro AIM* Historian


SCP270 software provides support for emulating the AIM*Historian package with the SCP270
AIM*Historian (FAIM) within the simulation environment.

With FAIM, you can:

 Download historian instance from AIM*Historian.

 Convert and download historian configurations from the I/A Series legacy historian.

 Store Real-Time-Point (RTP) data time-stamped to the simulation.

 Store Alarm Messages time-stamped to the simulation.

 View RTP data on I/A Series trends in FoxView.

 View Alarm History in the Alarm History Display of FoxAlert.

 Save the complete state of the historian database in an Initial Condition snapshot.

 Restore to a previous time through restoration of a Snapshot.

FAIM also provides networked AIM*API services, thereby allowing AW software such as
FoxView access to CSA and OM data for browsing.

FAIM needs to be installed on all AW workstations, even though there is only one FAIM instance
running in the simulator.

For the basics of setting up and using FAIM, see SCP270 AIM*Historian Support section in the
―SCP270 Getting Started Guide.‖

If required for the FCS environment, InSQLSim replaces InSQL. Refer to the ―InSQLSim or
Foxboro Control Software Simulation User Guide‖ for details.

FAIM supports historical trending in FoxView / Display Manager and alarm history in FoxAlert.
Additionally, it supports the browser interfaces in FoxDraw, Message Manager Configuration,
and other similar applications.

FAIM does not provide the complete implementation of AIM*API and does not support the
AIM* client applications such as AIM*Explorer and AIM*DataLink, and the AIM*Historian
tools such as the Historian Configurator.

SCP270 User Guide 45

Simulated Foxboro AIM* Historian

Users who need AIM* client applications in a simulation environment should use the actual
AIM* Historian and its associated applications. In this instance, management of trend and alarms
for snapshots and time synchronization with the simulation cannot be supported.

Note: It is not possible to have FAIM and AIM*Historian running on the same workstation at the
same time. If you need both the applications installed on the same machine, refer to the ―SCP270
Installation Guide‖ for complete procedure.

Principles of Operation

FAIM is designed to provide support for historical data storage and retrieval within the
framework simulation environment only; therefore, it has different operational requirements from
a historian designed to be used on a DCS.

For example, for simulation, users are concerned only with the recent history. They are not
concerned with reviewing the data several days or weeks old for the trip analysis.

For these reasons, FAIM makes the following assumptions.

1. Real-Time-Point (RTP) data is only stored for a fixed (but configurable) number of
simulation hours. By default, FAIM stores RTP data for eight hours of simulation run-

2. Only a specific (configurable) number of alarms are stored.

For RTP data, FAIM maintains a number of RTP database files. Each database file contains data
for exactly one hour of simulation time. The number of files created and maintained by FAIM
depend on the number of hours of history required, and the number of backtracks and the
backtrack interval. The duration of available historical data is defined by the maxhist engine
configuration parameter. For more information, see Configuring FAIM Engine.

For alarms, FAIM maintains a single database file that contains First-in First-out queue of alarm
messages. By default, FAIM stores 5000 alarms, which is the default number of alarms displayed
on the Alarm History display in FoxAlert. The number of alarms that the queue contains is
specified by the maxalarm engine configuration parameter. For more information, see
Configuring FAIM Engine.

46 SCP270 User Guide

Simulated Foxboro AIM* Historian

Initial Conditions
When saving Initial Conditions, FAIM makes a copy of all of its database files and thereby saves
the complete historian state and data. On restoration of an IC, FAIM replaces the current database
files with the files in the IC.

The time taken to save and restore an IC and the data storage requirements for an IC are directly
related to the size and number of database files that FAIM maintains. Therefore, configuring
FAIM to maintain the minimum amount of data required for your simulation is recommended.

Backtracks in FAIM are handled differently from those in ICs, especially the backtracks that
FAIM does not store any RTP data files for. FAIM stores a pointer into the RTP database files
representing when the backtrack occurred. When a backtrack restores, FAIM uses this pointer to
revert the ‗current‘ RTP database files to the state they were in when the backtrack occurred. It is
important to remember this point because it means that the backtracks are valid only within the
single simulation execution run. Therefore, if you are restoring the simulator to a defined state at
a later date, use an IC.

In FAIM, internally whole data is time stamped in seconds. When data is presented to external
applications the internal time stamp is converted into a ‗wall clock‘ time.

Note: To correctly handle time stamping, FAIM requires an instance of SimSyncEngine

configured in the simulation and on the same AW as FAIMEngine. For more details, see
SimSyncEngine section.

Historian Instances
Each historian entity is called an historian instance and each instance has a logical name that must
be unique on the I/A Series system. For example, hist01.

The logical names used in FAIM must match those in the configuration files downloaded into
FAIM from AIM or legacy historian, and those used in the I/A Series system configuration for
trends, alarm history destination etc. For the I/A Series applications to function correctly, the
historian logical names must be six characters long and should have all letters in lower case.

In FAIM, each historian instance is maintained by an instance of the FAIM simulation engine,
which means a FAIM engine process is equivalent to an AIM histmain process. The logical name
for a FAIM engine is an engine configuration option.

Remote Collectors
In AIM, each instance can use one or more remote collectors. Remote collectors are used to
distribute the AIM historian architecture or to obtain data from sources other than I/A Series
controllers (e.g. via OPC) or both.

In FAIM, remote collectors have no real meaning. FAIM supports distributed data collection via
the simulation network and is capable of storing data from non-I/A Series sources directly.

SCP270 User Guide 47

Simulated Foxboro AIM* Historian

By default, FAIM attempts to locate and store data for every RTP in an historian instance
configuration, regardless of its configured collector, using the NAMEINCOL parameter of a point
configuration as a symbol lookup into the current simulation.

In most circumstances, the default functionality is acceptable, but in some, the data collection for
all RTPs in one instance is not required. For example, when one off-platform AIM*Historian
instance is configured to retrieve data from multiple I/A Series systems, but only one of the I/A
Series systems is being simulated. To support this situation, FAIM supports disabling data
collection for specifically named remote collectors. Configuration of collectors is disabled via the
ignorecol engine configuration parameter.

Obtaining Configuration for FAIM

FAIM historian instances are configured through configuration input batch files obtained from
AIM*Historian instances via the AIM utilities histsave and histcsave, or from the I/A Series
Legacy Historian through the leg2fh conversion tool.

Note: At this time, FAIM does not support a graphical or interactive configuration tool.

Obtaining a configuration file from AIM*Historian

To save an AIM*Historian instance configuration using histsave, follow the below procedure on
the machine running the AIM*Historian instance:

1. Start histsave from the /opt/aim/bin (Solaris) or d:\opt\aim\bin (WinNT/XP)

directories, or by clicking the toolbar button in the AIM Historian Manager application.

2. Select an instance name from the Select Historian list box.

3. Click Specify Output File Name And Start Saving Configuration.

48 SCP270 User Guide

Simulated Foxboro AIM* Historian

A Save As dialog box opens with the Batch Configuration input file as the selected file
type. The file extention of the Batch Configuration file is .inp.

4. Specify the name and location of the file, and click Save.

The Progress Status area of the histsave window shows the instance name, the location of
the file, the number of lines in the file, and the status of the task.

Newer versions of histsave generate two .inp files in the specified location. One contains only the
active points, and the other contains both the active and deleted points. For FAIM only active
points are needed.

Note: Historian batch configuration files generated on both Solaris and Windows NT/XP systems
can be used with FAIM. The files are ASCII based, and therefore, are transferrable between
systems without conversion.

For more information on generating historian batch configuration input files from existing
AIM*Historian instances, refer to the AIM*Historian User Guide, B0193YL.

Obtaining a configuration file from Legacy Historian

Conversion of a legacy historian configuration into an AIM batch configuration input file is
performed with the leg2fh utility. For Solaris systems, hosting legacy historian, the leg2fh
executable needs to be obtained from Simsci-Esscor and installed on the machine running legacy
historian (location of the file is not important).
1. Ensure that the legacy historian processes are running:

The resulting process display should include hist_srv, hr_fetch, and hs_fetch.

2. If these programs are not running, start the I/A Series Historian.
1. Run the migration program:

leg2fh <Historian> <Output> <Max RTPs>


<Historian> specifies the Historian instance to convert.

<Output> specifies the full path and name of the resulting AIM*Historian
configuration file. Typically, the file name is the name of the AIM*Historian
instance. Include the extension .inp, as in the following example: hist01.inp.

<Max RTPs> specifies the maximum number of real-time points to support

in the AIM*Historian instance. The minimum value of this variable is 5000.
2. Use a text editor to modify the output file as necessary, following the
instructions in the header of the generated .inp file.

SCP270 User Guide 49

Simulated Foxboro AIM* Historian

Reviewing and Modifying the Configuration File

Mostly, FAIM uses only a subset of the information available in an AIM batch configuration file,
but in some cases, it overrides the settings in the configuration file. The modifiable settings are
listed below:

Instance Component

MAXPTS Maximum number of RTPs: Set this value to the maximum number of Real
Time Points expected with FAIM. This value determines the size of the database
files maintained by FAIM; therefore, it directly effects the storage requirements
for ICs and the time taken to save and restore the state. In AIM, this value can be
set significantly larger than the number of configured RTPs; therefore, reduce it
to a value slightly larger than the number of actual RTPs.

ARCHSIZE Archive size: This value is ignored by FAIM. All RTP database files are created
at a fixed size as configured in the Engine Configuration dialog box for the
FAIM engine. See FAIM Engine Configuration below.

RTTIME Database retention time: This value is ignored by FAIM. All RTP database
files have a retention time of 3600 seconds (1 hour). FAIM expires and rolls over
an RTP database file every 3600 seconds of simulation time. An RTP database
file in FAIM never rolls over on size if it becomes full before it contains 3600
seconds of data. It grows to create additional space.

IATIME I/A Series Time vs. UTC: This value is ignored by FAIM and forced to
IATIME=NO. Whole data stored by FAIM is time stamped to the simulation
clock, and the timestamps returned by FAIM to external applications are
specified as UTC.

50 SCP270 User Guide

Simulated Foxboro AIM* Historian

FAIM Engine Configuration Parameters

The operations of each FAIM engine (historian instance) are controlled through the options
available on it.

To edit these options

1. Open the Simulation Configuration dialog box.

2. Select the FAIM engine instance and click the Edit button. The Engine
Configuration dialog box appears.

SCP270 User Guide 51

Simulated Foxboro AIM* Historian

3. In Engine Configuration dialog box, set the following options:

Option Description Default value

Historian logical The historian logical name must be specified <not specified>
name to associate it with the FAIM engine instance.

Maximum hours The maximum amount of historical RTP data 8

of available available in the simulation

Maximum The maximum number of historical alarms 5000

number of stored available in the simulation

Default RTP data The initial size of an RTP database file (at 10
file size (in MB) creation time)

Historian A list of collector names (separated by Blank: It means

collectors to commas) who‘s RTPs should not be collected. data collection for
ignore all the RTPs in the
instance is

Directory path The directory where FAIM should store the Blank: It means
for historian data ‗current‘ historian database files. FAIM stores the
files data in the
simulation specific

Directory path The directory where FAIM should store the Blank: It means
for initial database files for an IC FAIM stores the IC
condition (IC) data in the
files simulation specific

Directory path The directory where FAIM should store Blank: It means
for backtrack files backtrack files FAIM stores data
in the simulation

4. When specifying non-default locations for historian database files and IC files,
ensure that the locations are unique for each simulation, to prevent different
simulations from attempting to utilize the same database files.

52 SCP270 User Guide

Simulated Foxboro AIM* Historian

FAIM Batch

FAIM comes with a batch configuration application that provides the same functionality as
histbatch does for AIM.

With FAIMBatch, download the batch configuration input files obtained from the AIM*Historian
instances or legacy historian instances (via leg2fh,) or download the files that have been manually

To download a configuration file into FAIM, add an instance of FAIMEngine to the simulation,
set the historian logical name for the instance in the engine configuration, and reload the
simulations so that the FAIMEngine process can start.

The first time a new FAIMEngine process starts, it has no configuration because nothing
downloads from FAIMBatch. Hence, it cannot do anything meaningful. When FAIMEngine has
no configuration, it displays the following error message on startup.

Once the engine has started and this error message has been displayed for a particular instance,
download the configuration for that instance with FAIMBatch.

Start FAIMBatch by navigating to Start > Programs > SIMSCI > SCP270 > FAIM
Batch.The FAIMBatch window appears:

SCP270 User Guide 53

Simulated Foxboro AIM* Historian

To download a configuration, click the Get File Name and Start Batch
Configuration button, and then browse and select the required batch configuration file in the
window that appears.

Note: To download the configuration successfully, the historian instance name in the batch file
must match the historian logical name specified in the FAIMEngine configuration. If the two do
not match, or if the FAIMEngine has not started, FAIMBatch cannot open a configuration session
and the following message appears:

If the configuration is downloaded successfully, FAIMBatch indicates that the session has been

54 SCP270 User Guide

Simulated Foxboro AIM* Historian

If a configuration error occurs, the session cancels and FAIMBatch displays something similar to
the following:

When a session is cancelled, a log file gets generated, which is viewable by clicking the enabled
histbatch.lst button. This step launches Notepad and displays the log file:

The histbatch.lst log file shows a message indicating the reason for the failure and the line in the
configuration file that generated the error (line 151 in the above example).

Once the configuration is downloaded into a FAIM historian instance, instruct FAIM to read the
configuration either by restarting the FAIMEngine or by selecting the Load Full Model option in
the DSS GUI.

SCP270 User Guide 55

Simulated Foxboro AIM* Historian

Starting the FAIM Processes

After FAIM is installed on the system, complete the following procedure to enable the FAIM
specific processes to run automatically when the system reboots.
1. On the Start menu, click Control Panel.

2. Select FAIM Options.

3. Click Start FAIM.

4. Select the ―Check if you want to start FAIM processes at boot‖ checkbox.

5. Click Yes.

Note: The following processes run in Task Manager upon reboot: FAIMEngine.exe,
FAIMHistSrv.exe, FAIMHrFetch.exe, and FAIMIpchisti.exe.

6. Repeat this procedure on every I/A Series workstation.

56 SCP270 User Guide

Simulated Foxboro AIM* Historian

FAIM Advanced Topics


FAIM is supplied with a diagnostics tool called FAIMSpy to view the FAIM database files. Start
FAIMSpy by navigating to Start > Programs > SIMSCI > SCP270 > FAIM Spy

The upper-left workspace pane displays a tree view of FAIM instances in the current running
simulation. If no FAIMEngine is running in the simulation or if FAIMSpy was started when no
simulation was loaded, no FAIM Instances are displayed in the workspace pane. Synchronize the
FAIMSpy to the current simulation at any time without restarting by using the New
Simulation option on the File menu.

Under the FAIM Instance in the tree view, icons appear for the following items:

 Instance Cfg

 RTP Cfg

 RTP Database

 EventMsg Database

When you select any of these icons, the corresponding information is displayed in the main
window pane.

SCP270 User Guide 57

Simulated Foxboro AIM* Historian

Instance CFG View

The Instance Cfg view of FAIMSpy displays the configuration and current operational details. To
see these details, select Instance Cfg for a particular instance on the FAIM Instances tree.

Fields of interest include:

 Maxhist: The number of hours of online history FAIM maintains.

Note: Maxhist differs from the maximum history option specified on the engine because
the Maxhist value contains the files necessary to handle the file rollover and backtracks.

 Archsize: The default archive file size as specified on the engine

 Rtp_file_nr: The current RTP file number – the file where data is currently being stored.

 Maxalarm: The maximum number of alarms that FAIM stores, as specified on the engine.

 timeStart: The wallclock (UNIX®) time when simulation was started or IC was restored.
For details on how time synchronization is performed, see The Principals of Operation

 timeSim: The total execution time (seconds) for the running simulation.

Below these fields in the Instance Cfg are the index records for each RTP database file (maxhist
files). The index records give timestamps for the start and end of each RTP database file.

58 SCP270 User Guide

Simulated Foxboro AIM* Historian


The RTP Cfg view displays the configured RTPs in the instance. Selecting RTP Cfg from the
FAIM Instances tree view displays the list of configured RTPs along with the main configuration
attributes in the main windows pane.

Double-click an RTP in the RTP CFG view to see all the attributes for the selected RTP.

Note: FAIM stores only a subset of the attributes that AIM maintains for an RTP.

SCP270 User Guide 59

Simulated Foxboro AIM* Historian

RTP Database View

Select RTP Database in the FAIM Instances tree view to see the RTP database files.

If an RTP data file exists, it is displayed in the main view pane along with its start and end

Double-click an existing RTP data file to display the data for each RTP:

In the RTP CFG, locate the Idx column in the RTP index for a particular RTP. If values exist for
that RTP in the data file, the corresponding value appears in the offset to the first value field.
Selecting an RTP displays the values in the data file for that RTP in the bottom panel. All value
timestamps change to the current simulation ‗wall clock‘ time from the internal (seconds)
timestamp. As data moves dynamically into the files, the Refresh button becomes available to
refresh the display without having to close and re-open the dialog box.

60 SCP270 User Guide

Simulated Foxboro AIM* Historian

EventMsg Database View

Select EventMsg Database in the FAIM instances tree to see the alarm message database:

The header records in the message database show the maximum number of alarms that can be
saved, the number of alarms already saved, and the index to the next free entry in the alarm
database queue.

If the alarm messages have already been saved, they are listed below the header record and have a
message icon for themselves.

Double-click a saved alarm message to display its details.

SCP270 User Guide 61

Simulated Foxboro AIM* Historian

Viewing IC data
Select an instance or one of the options under it in the FAIM Instances tree to see a list of
ICs created in the simulation for that instance under the ICs folder, under FAIM Snapshots.

FAIM stores a copy of all database files except RTP Cfg in the IC. View the data files in the IC
by clicking the required option under a specific IC.

If one or more required files are missing in an IC, it appears dim in the list and cannot be restored
into the simulation. However, the files that do exist in FAIMSpy are viewable.

62 SCP270 User Guide

Simulated Foxboro AIM* Historian

Viewing Backtrack Data

In the same way as for ICs, select an instance or one of the options under it in the FAIM
Instances tree to see a list of backtracks created in the simulation for that instance under the
Backtracks folder.

FAIM does not store RTP data for a backtrack, instead it just stores a record of the time when the
backtrack occurred. Therefore, for backtracks only the option to view the backtrack time stamp
and the EventMsg Database is listed.

Viewing log files

The lower part of the FAIM Spy application window shows the logging output from FAIM.

The first tab, Historian.log, shows information, warning, and error messages from FAIM.
These messages come from any FAIMEngine or associated application running on the local

SCP270 User Guide 63

Simulated Foxboro AIM* Historian

The second tab, Histbatch.lst, shows the results of the last FAIM Batch configuration

The final tab, Invalid RTP’s, shows a list of the RTP points that could not be located in the
running simulation.

FAIM determines which RTP points are valid when the simulation is first run, or when the
simulation is run after a configuration change.

Refresh the logs displayed in FAIMSpy by clicking Refresh Logs on the View menu or by
clicking the following button on the toolbar:

Refresh Logs

Delete the Historian.log file in FAIMSpy by clicking Clear Historian Log on the View
menu or by clicking the following button on the toolbar:

Clear Historian Log

FAIMSpy Printing Support

It is possible to print the contents of the main pane of the FAIMSpy application window at any
time by clicking Print on the File menu or by clicking the following button on the toolbar:


If required, preview the printed output by clicking Print Preview on the File menu or by
clicking the following button on the toolbar:

Print Preview

64 SCP270 User Guide

Simulated Foxboro AIM* Historian

Optimizing FAIM
Optimize the performance of FAIM in terms of disk, memory usage, and speed through the
engine configuration file. The relevant engine parameters are listed below.

Maximum (hours) of available history

This parameter should be set to the smallest value possible for the simulation requirements.
Setting this parameter to a high value increases the storage requirements for ICs and the time
taken to save and restore a snapshot.

Maximum number of stored alarms

Never set this parameter to a value higher than the number of viewable alarms on the Alarm
History Display (AHD) in FoxAlert. By default, AHD displays up to 5000 alarms in I/A Series
V8.2+ systems.

If FAIM stores a large number of alarms, more memory and disk space is utilized and longer time
is taken for backtrack / IC save and restore operations.

Even if AHD is configured to display a large number of alarms, configure FAIM to store and
provide fewer alarms to improve the performance.

Default RTP data file size (in MB)

By default, FAIM creates each RTP database file with a size of 10MB. 10MB is a sufficient file
size for most of the circumstances. However, increase it for large historians and decrease it for
small historians.

If the specified size of the RTF file is not sufficient to store one-hour long RTP data, FAIM
automatically increases it. When the file size increases beyond the configured size, messages are
logged to the Historian log file indicating that an increase in size was required. If these messages
frequently appear in the historian log, increase the parameter value. While FAIM can dynamically
resize the file, this process is time consuming and causes the simulator to ‗pause‘. Therefore, it is
not recommended to let FAIM perform this operation.

SCP270 User Guide 65


The SimSyncEngine controls the time, trending, and alarms on all the I/A Series workstations.
With FoxView or InTouch, I/A Series trends do not flatline when the simulation is frozen,
trending ramp rates do not vary when the simulation speed increases or decreases, and the alarms
are archived (the alarm state is saved in the snapshot).

SimSyncEngine provides the connection to the DYNSIM Simulation Executive to control the
simulation time (freeze/run), save and restore the snapshots (tags, trends, alarms), and coordinate
the data transfer (cross referencing between engines).

If you are using InTouch, you will need an additional software for using SimSyncEngine. Refer
to the ―FCSSim documentation‖ for details. When the SimSyncEngine is running, the InTouch
internal time tags, clocks, trend time scale, timers, and alarm times are managed through
simulation. Animations and scripts execute with the simulation time — they do not execute if the
simulation is frozen and execute at the simulation rate when the simulation is running. For
example, if the simulator runs at 50%, animations and scripts execute at 50%.

The SimSyncEngine uses Windows memory mapped file technology to share simulation time
with the ―attached‖ applications, such as InTouch® and ActiveFactory®, and to provide snapshot

Note: While configuring a simulation, multiple instances of SimSyncEngine are required. They
should be available on every computer where InTouch, Wonderware Historian Client, InSQLSim,
or I/A Series software has been installed. The computer can be

 An Operator Workstation

 A Historical Collector machine

 A Wonderware Historian Server or AIM* Server machine

 A CP Host machines

 A Galaxy Database Repository (FCS)

 Any other I/A Series workstations connected to the simulator

 Any machine running InTouch or Wonderware Historian Client

 Any machine running FoxView/FoxDraw (as opposed to InTouch)

The DSS infrastructure for each computer must be manually modified to point to a single
Simulation Executive Host machine. This procedure is available in Simulation Suite Network
Configuration section of the ―SCP270 Installation Guide.‖

66 SCP270 User Guide


SimSync Engine Configuration Parameters

Configure the SimSyncEngine through the Simulation Configuration dialog box. In the
Simulation Configuration dialog box, select the required SimSyncEngine instance and click the
Edit button. The Engine Configuration dialog box appears:

In the Engine Configuration dialog box, set the following options:

Parameter Name Description Default


Directory path for the Determines the directory where simulation IC files Blank
initial condition (IC) are stored. When no path is specified, the default
files snapshot storage location is used. The default
snapshot location is: <root install> \ Simulations \

(for example, C: \ SIMSCI \ DSS5x \ Simulations \


Directory path for the Determines the directory where simulation Blank
backtrack files backtrack files are stored. When no path is specified,
the default backtrack storage location is used. The
default backtrack location is one directory above the
simulation directory: <root install> \ Simulations \

(for example, C: \ SIMSCI \ DSS5x \ Simulations\)

Simulation time step Determines the time increment used by the 1

SimExecutive to run the engine. Data send/receive
from other engines occurs at this interval. The
simulation freezes, runs, saves, or restores a
snapshot at this interval.

See SimSyncEngine Time Slice Behavior section

below for more details.

Resume using system Determines whether applications controlled by the 1

time after closing SimSyncEngine should
 (Value 1) resume using the system time (rather
than simulation time) after SimSyncEngine is

 (Value 0) behave as if they are in a freeze state

after SimSyncEngine is shut down.

SCP270 User Guide 67


Number of time steps The actual HMI application may typically run at a 10
per second finer time step. InTouch time-based scripts often run
(resolution) as fast as 100 milliseconds per time step. The engine
runs specified number of times per second. If the
simulation time step and the number of time steps
per second do not match, the application adjusts the
value automatically and warns the user.

See SimSyncEngine Time Slice Behavior section for

more details.

SimSync Engine Time Slice Behavior

The number of time steps (slices) per second parameter is configured in the SimSyncEngine‘s
initial setup to synchronize its time with the SimExecutive. The default value is 1for Simulation
time step and 10 for Number of time step (resolution). These default values produce 10 slices of
approximately 100 ms each. Adjust these values, if needed, but ensure that they are integers. The
engine tries to space the number of steps per second equally. For example, if a configured engine
is set to 10 steps per second at 100% simulation speed, each step is 100 ms. If the simulation
speed increases to 200%, each step is 50 ms. Upon each step, the simulation updates the time step
based on the calculated time step. With the simulation set to 10 steps per second, the updated time
is 100 ms per step. At 20 steps per second, the updated time is 50 ms per step.

As the simulation speed increases, the possibility of overruns (when the calculation steps are not
completed in the set time) increases. The SimSyncEngine is designed to limit the engine from
performing constant overruns. The minimum sleep time increases until the rate of overruns
occurring is less than 1 per 30 seconds. The minimum simulation speed of the engine is 100% at a
requested 100% or greater simulation speed.

Note: For standard I/A Series applications that make use of FoxView, the Number of time steps
per second should be changed to 1. This precision matches that of the I/A Series alarm server and
optimizes simulation performance. For InTouch applications, the number of time steps should be
10 to match their update rates.

68 SCP270 User Guide

SCP270 Utilities

SCP270 Utilities

SCP Device Mapping Tool

Devices that do not exist in the I/A Series hardware suite connected to the SCP270 computer may
be referenced in the DCS controls. If referenced devices do not exist, alarms will not display in
the CAD and historian data will not be saved. Map these devices to known, or existing and
online, devices using SCP Device Mapping Tool.

1. Open Programs, then SIMSCI, then SCP270.

2. Click SCP Device Mapping Tool.

3. Click Read.

4. Under Available SCPs, select a CP.

5. Enter a new existing Device Name for each old device. You can leave the new device
blank which means there old device will become deactivated.

6. Check the Load Devices into CP after Save box.

7. Click Save.

SCP270 User Guide 69

SCP270 Utilities

8. The file will be saved under

C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\SimSci\SCP270\<CPName>in the .smp format.

Alarms Fail to Display

If alarms do not display after modifying the alarm mapping, save a valid checkpoint file and
reboot the CP or reload the control configuration with the new alarm-mapping configuration in
place. To reload the controls, perform a SaveAll, initialize the control configuration database
through the Configurator, reboot the particular SCP270, and reload the controls through either the
command line utility or the Load All through the Configurator. A third option is to kill and restart
the Alarm Manager.

70 SCP270 User Guide

SCP270 Utilities

SCPResetOM Tool

Updating the SCP controller checkpoint file can be done manually by checkpointing the
controllers using respective configurators like ICC, IACC or FCS. This utility performs an
automatic OM rebuild for all the controllers or a single controller from the command line

The SCPResetOM Tool is copied to ―C:\Program Files (x86)\SIMSCI\SCP270‖ when SCP270 is


Its syntax is:

SCPResetOM.exe [SCP Letterbug]

The ―SCP Letterbug‖ argument is optional:

 If the letterbug is provided, the command performs an OMRebuild for the single
controller specified.

 If a letterbug is not provided, the tool does an OMRebuild for all active SCPs on the
SCP270 computer.

Note: The OMRebuild will only function for active controllers. Upon completion, the
―OMRebuild successful‖ message displays in the system monitor window.

SCP270 User Guide 71

SCP270 Utilities

SCP Communication Diagnostics Tool

This tool can be found in the programs -> SIMSCI -> SCP270 start menu. The purpose of this
tool is to diagnose network data transfer with individual SCP running on the computer platform.

SCP Connections Group

This section provides the number of successful SCP registrations and disconnections with the
SCP network switch. In addition it provides the last SCP to register and disconnection from the
switch. This data contains current data since the start of the computer or since resetting
connection data.

Individual SCP Connection Data Group

This section contains live SCP transmit and receive data. The transmit (Tx) and receive (Rx)
packets data displays both sent and dropped data. Sent packets mean that the packets were either
received by the SCP or transmitted by the SCP back to the network. Dropped packets mean that
the SCP did not successfully receive or transmit the packet. Any number in the drop packet
column should be of concern. The Delta packet column is the difference between the number of
packets received and the number of packets transmitted.

72 SCP270 User Guide

SCP270 Utilities

Total Data Received Group

The total data received group displays the breakdown of packets received by the driver. Unicast
packets are packets meant for one SCP. Local unicast are packets received from another SCP
located on the SCP computer. Remote packets are packets received from the outside network
(WSTAs, Historian, or another SCP computer.) Multicast are broadcast packets received for all

Actions Menu

The actions menu provides an option to refresh all of the packet data, and an option to reset
packet counters (only total data received) and SCP connection data.

SCP Port Tool

The SCP application can be configured with a specific port number from 1025 to 65482 in order
to avoid port conflicts. This tool is copied to ―C:\Program Files (x86)\SIMSCI\SCP270‖ when
SCP270 is installed. Be sure to specify a port so that there are at least 45 free ports after the
starting port. For example, if you specify port 4000, be sure that ports 4000 through 4045 are free.
You should select a starting port that has at least 45 ports free after the starting port.


SCPPortTool.exe <port>

Note: The SCP starting Port should be set before launching SCPLauncher.

SCP270 User Guide 73

SCP270 Utilities


The SCPTool Utility is used to Set and Get the I/A Series control values loaded in SCP270.
Using this tool, the user can set SCP270 to OFFLINE or ONLINE mode. This tool is copied to
―C:\Program Files (x86)\SIMSCI\SCP270‖ when SCP270 is installed.


SCPTool.exe <IP Address of SCP machine> <CP Name> <Command>

Note: SCPTool cannot be used for Simulation related commands, such as Snapshot Save and

Basic Processing Cycle and SCP270

It should not be necessary to modify the Basic Processing Cycle (BPC) with SCP270. The SCP
instance will execute at the same rate as the actual CP.

74 SCP270 User Guide

Control Database Operations

Control Database Operations

When saving, loading, modifying, or clearing controls tied to an SCP instance, standard I/A
Series commands apply. These standard commands, listed below, may apply to some or all of the
I/A Series configurators (ICC/IACC/FCS). Standard ICC driver tasks or scripts can also be used
for SCP instances. Similarly, for FCS configurators, standard commands through the Galaxy
interface function identically, or nearly identically, as does database manipulation using Direct


The LoadAll process is valid only in the ICC environment. The command is located under the
MAINT pulldown menu. It loads the entire contents of a diskette into the currently selected
buffer: paste, volume, or station. A command line ICC Driver Task LoadAll performs the same
operation. If a duplicate compound is found in another CP or library volume, LoadAll stops
processing and moves on to the next compound, which would result in an incomplete
configuration load. With ICC, while performing a LoadAll, the configuration immediately
downloads to the CP.


The SaveAll process is valid only in the ICC environment. The command is located under the
MAINT pulldown menu. It saves all of the compounds in a controls station, volume, or paste
buffer to a diskette, or, if necessary, multiple diskettes. A command line ICC Driver Task
SaveAll performs the same operation. This routine has no impact on the CP database. If changes
have been made to the CP database through the Detail Display, the SaveAll command would not
automatically pick up these changes until an Upload has been performed.


This operation compresses the current ICC database to save disk space. It only impacts the Host
WSTA, not the CP and is valid only in the ICC environment.


This operation clears the contents of the CSA memory. Perform this operation either when
loading a new set of controls into the CP or when the database has become corrupted and

When Initialize is selected through the Configurator, the user is prompted to reboot the CP.

For a real FCP270/ZCP270, the stations must be rebooted after performing an Initialize. For
SCP, on the SCPLauncher, highlight the SCP instance and click the Reboot button. The actual
SCP computer does not need to be rebooted.

SCP270 User Guide 75

Control Database Operations


Upload reads unconnected, settable parameters from the control station‘s RAM and stores them
in the Configurator Database for the control station.

Download / Deploy / Checkpoint

Download is the process of updating the CP database to the controls configuration that was
saved during the last checkpoint operation. Compounds and blocks are downloaded or deployed
to the CP. On completion of the download, the CSA and the checkpoint file on the CP‘s host
workstation are updated. Selecting Checkpoint from the Configurator downloads controls
changes in the Configurator to the CP database.

The downld.exe process runs for a short time after a CP starts up, then stops. It establishes
communication with the host WSTA (SMDH turns from red to yellow or white). On a real self-
hosting CP, the CP requests a copy of the checkpoint file from the download server (the host
WSTA). This file is then copied into the control station‘s flash memory. The same behavior
occurs with SCP270.

Deploy is valid for IACC and FCS environments. As with ICC, compounds and blocks are
downloaded. For FCS, two additional targets are updated: Security access settings and
Wonderware History application objects. If an object is later modified in FCS, re-deploy
implements the changes in the runtime environment and only modified parameters are
downloaded. FCS provides flexibility to deploy just a strategy, just a compound, or, with cascade
deploy, an entire controller.

No underlying mapping updates are needed to deploy to an SCP application. A Galaxy with
multiple CPs can be used as is and deployed in to the SCP computer under each individual CP.

SCP270 software operates under two use cases:

Standalone  No DYNSIM infrastructure is running and there is no SCP engine

 SCP applications run in real time, just like a real CP

 Generic Checkpoint file is valid

OTS Engine  DYSNIM infrastructure is running and one or more SCP engines is
included within the simulation

 SCP applications freeze when DYNSIM is frozen

 If the simulation is frozen when deploy or redeploy occurs, run the

simulation and re-Checkpoint

For Standalone mode, which would be typical for a Foxboro Delivery engineer, treat SCP270 as a
real CP270. No special provision is required.

76 SCP270 User Guide

Control Database Operations

For OTS Engine mode, if the simulation is frozen when Deploy/re-Deploy occurs, blocks will not
process and the Checkpoint file will not be valid. Typical feedback for unprocessed blocks might
include cyan-colored blocks in the Detail Display that have no warning messages, or a large
number of blocks in Manual in a refreshed FoxSelect/BlockSelect. Run the simulation, freeze,
and re-Checkpoint each CP where the controls have changed.

SCP270 User Guide 77

Loading the Control Database using the ICC

Loading the Control Database using the ICC

The LoadAll process is used for loading new or additional control configurations into SCP270.
Perform a LoadAll through the ICC or with the LoadAll command line utility.

Note: IACC and FCS configurator instructions are included in subsequent sections within this

Loading Controls through the ICC

Note: The process of loading controls in a SCP270 is exactly the same as the real CP. The system
definition of a plant can be used as is, and therefore the contents of each real CP gets downloaded
to the corresponding SCP270.There is no additional step involved to perform the load_all using
the Simulated CP.

If running in standalone mode, the checkpoint file is valid. If using an SCP Engine connected to
the DSS infrastructure, once the modifications are complete, run the simulation in order for the
changes to take effect. After completing a control configuration modification, and running the
simulation through a cycle, perform a Checkpoint through the ICC.

Once the simulation is loaded and ―Frozen,‖ take the following steps to load controls using the

If a simulation is open and loaded, then put the simulation in FREEZE mode until the completion
of the steps below.

1. Invoke the I/A Series ICC.

2. Click Config in the main menu bar in FoxView. (It may be necessary to change the
environment in order to access this menu option.) From the pulldown menu, select
Control_Cfg, and then select CIO_Config.

3. The ICC window displays with the Compound Selection window inside the ICC
window. Click the Vol button at the bottom of the Compound Selection window.

4. The Compound Selection window is replaced with the Select Station Type
to Edit window. Click Edit Station.

5. The Select Station Type to Edit window is replaced with the Select a
Control Processor to Configure window. Select the name (letterbug) of the

6. Insert the SaveAll diskette into the WSTA diskette drive.

7. In the ICC window, click MAINT, and then Load All.

78 SCP270 User Guide

Loading the Control Database using the ICC

8. A prompt appears to select the device for the LoadAll procedure. It should automatically
select the correct host name and diskette drive. Continue with the load by selecting

Note! Error messages encountered during the loading process are written to a log file located on
the WSTA at d:/opt/fox/ciocfg/ld< letterbug>.log, where < letterbug> is the
letterbug ID of the SCP station (FCP270/ ZCP270). This file is overwritten, as each new diskette
is inserted and loaded.

1. Repeat the previous step for each SaveAll diskette. For each subsequent diskette, the
following popup displays on the ICC screen:

Appendn ewECB’s

es N

2. Click YES to continue the loading procedure.

3. Once the control configuration is loaded, the Compound Functions window

displays. In order for the control changes to take effect, run the model for at least a few
time steps.

4. After the control configuration load is complete, run the simulation, and then freeze it.
The simulation should run through the longest period/phase of your controls. This
duration can vary from 0.5 sec to 30 minutes. Typically, 10 seconds is sufficient.

5. Compile IND, MON, DEP, and EXC blocks. When complete, run, and then freeze the

6. Perform a CHECKPOINT through the ICC. Note: if a checkpoint is performed before

each block and cycled through its period / phase, the block is undefined, cross referencing
does not function, and the checkpoint is not valid.

Loading Controls through the I/A Series API Command Line

In this section, we‘ll load the control configuration through the command line LoadAll.

Once the modifications are complete, run the simulation in order for the changes to take effect.
After completing a control configuration modification, run the model, and then, perform a
Checkpoint through the ICC. Save the process model to ensure the checkpoint file is saved to
the backup S4M file. Then, perform the following steps.

1. Place the simulation in FREEZE mode until the completion of the steps below.

2. If an ICC is open, click EXIT to close the ICC.

SCP270 User Guide 79

Loading the Control Database using the ICC

3. Open a command prompt window. To open a command prompt window, navigate to

Start -> Run, and type cmd in the text field named Open, then click OK.

4. Start a Nutcracker shell session by typing sh at the prompt.

5. Place the files in a directory and copy the controls to this location (or make a note of the
location and replace the directory path as needed).

mkdir d:/opt/esscor/saveallfile

cp –r a:* d:/opt/esscor/saveallfile

6. Move to the directory where the SaveAll command is located.

cd d:/opt/fox/ciocfg/api

7. Load the controls, replacing ―ESSSCP‖ with your CP letterbug name, and the directory
shown with the directory containing your controls.

/load_all ESSSCP d:/opt/esscor/saveallfile

If errors are logged, error messaging directs the user to check an error file.

8. Refresh FoxSelect / BlockSelect and verify the compounds are turned on and address any
cyan block issues.

9. Compile PLB, IND, MON, DEP, and EXC blocks. When complete, run, and then freeze
the simulator.

10. Run the process model through the longest period/phase (anywhere from 0.5 sec to 10
minutes, depending on the controls set).

11. Open the ICC and manually perform a CHECKPOINT.

12. Save the process model.

80 SCP270 User Guide

Saving the Control Database Using the ICC

Saving the Control Database Using the ICC


If making changes to the control system, periodically perform a SaveAll. This step provides a
backup that can later be used as the input to the LoadAll utility. Two methods are available.
Either perform a SaveAll through the ICC to a diskette or use the command line utility,
SaveAll, to save the information to the hard drive.

Saving the Control Configuration through the ICC

Before performing a SaveAll, ensure that the CP Database and the Configurator Database are
identical. Then, perform the following steps.

1. If a simulation is open and loaded, then put the simulation in FREEZE mode until the
completion of the steps below.

2. Invoke the I/A Series ICC. Click Config in the main menu bar in FoxView. (If needed,
change environment in order to access this menu option.)

3. From the pulldown menu, select Control_Cfg, and then select CIO_Config.

4. The ICC window displays with the Compound Selection window inside the ICC
window. Click the Vol button at the bottom of the Compound Selection window.

5. The Compound Selection window is replaced with the Select Station Type to Edit
window. Click Edit Station.

6. The Select Station Type to Edit window is replaced with the Select a
Control Processor to Configure window. Select the name (letterbug) of the

7. Insert a diskette into the WSTA diskette drive.

8. In the ICC window, click MAINT and then select SaveAll w/Fmt from the pulldown
menu. This step first performs a format on the diskette and then performs a SaveAll of
the current control configuration.

9. Perform the above steps for each SCP270 that is present in the network.

10. A prompt appears to select the device for the LoadAll procedure. It should automatically
select the correct host name and diskette drive. Continue with the load by selecting
DONE. Multiple diskettes may be needed.

SCP270 User Guide 81

Saving the Control Database Using the ICC

Saving the Control Configuration with an API Command

1. Before performing a command line SaveAll, ensure that that the CP Database and the
Configurator Database are identical (perform an UPLOAD if needed). Then, perform the
following steps.

2. If a simulation is open and loaded, then put the simulation in FREEZE mode until the
completion of the steps below.

3. If an ICC is open, click EXIT to close the ICC.

4. Open a command prompt window. To open a command prompt window, navigate to

Start -> Run, and type cmd in the text field named Open, then click OK.

5. Start a Nutcracker shell session by typing sh at the prompt.

6. Create a directory.

mkdir d:/opt/esscor/saveallfile

7. Move to the directory where the SaveAll command is located.

cd d:/opt/fox/ciocfg/api

8. Save the controls, replacing ―ESSSCP‖ with your CP letterbug name, and the directory
shown with the directory containing your controls.

./save_all ESSSCP d:/opt/esscor/saveallfile

82 SCP270 User Guide

Configuring the IACC

Configuring the IACC

Please refer to I/A Series software documentation for details on installation and usage of the

 B0400BP – I/A Series System Configuration Component (IACC) User‘s Guide

 B0400BQ – Intelligent Design Studio (IDS) Library for IACC

 B0400BR – I/A Series System Configuration Component (IACC) Release Notes

 B0400BT – Learning to Use IACC

 B0400DF – High Level Batch Language (HLBL) User‘s Guide

Installing the IACC

Refer to the I/A Series System Configuration Component (IACC) User’s Guide (B0400BP) for
complete operation details of this application. The IACC can be installed on any computer, or
multiple computers. Network the computers. The IACC takes up a significant amount of resident
memory and may impact the performance of the simulator.

1. Determine if the I/A Series processes are running on the computer.

a. Open the Windows Task Manager

b. Select Show processes from all users

c. View the Task Manager Processes and search for CC_SERVER.exe

2. If the I/A Series processes are running, complete this step, otherwise continue on to step

a. Open the Windows Control Panel.

b. Double-click I/A Series Startup Options

c. Click Yes to Run as Administrator.

SCP270 User Guide 83

Configuring the IACC

d. In the Startup Options for Reboot, click the Autologon radio button in the I/A
Series Off group.

e. Click OK.

f. Reboot the computer.

3. Insert the IACC Installation CD.

4. Open the CD in Windows Explorer, and run setup.bat.

5. Install the default selections, or follow the IACC User‘s Guide to configure the system as

6. When prompted, select install the Client and the Server, if desired. Refer to the IACC
User’s Guide for details.

7. Reboot when prompted (keep I/A Series processes turned off).

8. Turn on I/A Series processes after the IACC has completed its installation.

a. See Step 2, but select the I/A Series On Autologon radio button.

9. Remove the CD.

10. Reboot.

84 SCP270 User Guide

Configuring the IACC

Starting the Application

1. Open the IACC.

2. Select Start, then All Programs, and then IACC / IACC Studio.

3. Log in as Administrator/no password (default setting).

4. If no printer is installed, a warning popup appears. Click OK to dismiss the popup.

SCP270 User Guide 85

Configuring the IACC

Exporting an IACC Database

If the actual plant controls have been developed using the IACC, transfer these controls using one
of two methods:

 Exporting the files using the IACC Export feature

 Copying the database files

The first method, IACC Export, is preferred. Although the entire database can be copied, it only
works if both the plant IACC version and the simulator IACC version are identical. Complete the
steps below to export a pre-existing IACC database.

1. From the IACC, select File, then Export.

2. In the Available Formats popup, select Export to IACC Format and then
click Next.

3. In the IACC Export File Name window, change the name (if desired) and click

86 SCP270 User Guide

Configuring the IACC

4. In the Verify window, click Start, then Finish when complete.

5. The default file resides in D:\opt\fox\IACC\IACCExport.ida.

Importing a Pre-existing IACC Database Export File

If the actual plant controls have been developed using the IACC, transfer these controls using one
of two methods.

To import a pre-existing IACC Export file into the simulator IACC

1. Select File, then Import.

2. Select Import from IACC Format and then click Next.

SCP270 User Guide 87

Configuring the IACC

3. Browse to the location of the .ida file and select Next.

Note: This step may take several minutes.

4. In the Import window, click the Select All button and then click the Replace
radio button.

5. Click Next.

88 SCP270 User Guide

Configuring the IACC

6. In the Verify window, click Start.

Note: This step may take several minutes (20 minutes for a 150 MB .ida file).

7. Click Finish when complete.

8. Review the panes at the bottom of the IACC application for failures and other issues.

9. Click the Network tab to view the controls.

10. Make a note of each CP name.

SCP270 User Guide 89

Configuring the IACC

Validating and Downloading CPs in IACC

Individually download each CP to the SCP270 station(s). If validation errors occur, such as a
requirement to compile PLBs, or assign the correct WSTA host, the IACC application provides

1. Verify the the process model is up and frozen with an SCP engine.

2. Within the IACC, click the Network pane, expand the tree, and navigate to a CP.

3. Right-click the CP. From the context menu, select Validate/Download, and then
click Download.

4. In the Hierarchy Validation window, click Next.

90 SCP270 User Guide

Configuring the IACC

5. In the Validating window, click Next.

6. In the Control Station Download window, click the Select All button, and
then click Next.

7. Review the feedback in the IACC Download Summary pane.

8. Repeat this for each CP.

9. Run the process model for several seconds to allow each block to process, and then

10. Refresh FoxSelect / BlockSelect and verify all compounds are turned on. If not, turn them
on, and then run/freeze.

11. Within FoxSelect / BlockSelect, sort on Block Status to verify the blocks are good.

SCP270 User Guide 91

Configuring the IACC

Checkpointing CPs in IACC

First, verify the compounds are turned on, the blocks are valid, and the simulation has run
through a complete cycle to verify each block has processed at least once. Freeze the simulation
before performing a checkpoint operation.

1. Within the IACC, click the Network pane, expand the tree, and navigate to a CP.

2. Right-click the CP, select Validate/Download, and then click Checkpoint.

Uploading CPs in IACC

If modifications were made using I/A Series Detail Display, upload the changes to the IACC.
Verify that the simulator has run through a cycle after the modifications took place,.

1. Within the IACC, click the Network pane, expand the tree, and navigate to a CP

2. Right-click the CP, and then click Upload and Compare To CP.

92 SCP270 User Guide

Configuring the IACC

3. Click OK to dismiss the two warning boxes.

4. The Upload and Compare Utility displays that the upload is in progress.

5. When complete, review the changes and click Update IACC (see PBAND below

SCP270 User Guide 93

Configuring the IACC

Configuring IACC 2.5 with SCP270

Complete the following procedure to make SCP270 communicate with IACC 2.5 (on an I/A
Series 8.8 machine) and Dynsim 5.1.

After installing IACC, run the Mesh Configurator utility to connect SCP with IACC 2.5(I/A 8.8).

1. Navigate to Start ->All Programs –> Invensys –> IASeries –>

Utilities and click Mesh Configurator.

Note: To run Mesh Configurator, disable I/A and restart your computer. If you run Mesh
Configurator without disabling I/A, the following dialog box appears.

94 SCP270 User Guide

Foxboro Control Software Engineering Environment

2. When Mesh Configurator starts running, the I/A Series Network Installation window
appears. Select 2 network interfaces in it and click Next.

Note: It is mandatory to select 2 network cards for MESH to ensure proper functioning of
IACC 2.5.

3. When the configuration is complete, the following dialog box appears. Click Next.

SCP270 User Guide 95

Foxboro Control Software Engineering Environment

Foxboro Control Software Engineering

The FCS environment provides a set of editors pertaining to objects related to I/A Series systems
that run in the ArchestrATM Integrated Development Environment (IDE). The ArchestrA
Integrated Development Environment (IDE) provides access for the Galaxy Database. A Galaxy
is your specific production environment, including all computers and components. It is a
collection of platforms, engines, templates, instances, and attributes you define as the parts of
your specific application. This collection is stored in a Galaxy database. An object can represent a
physical entity, such as a pump or valve, or an abstraction of concepts, such as control blocks.
Any item that appears in the Template Toolbox of the IDE is an object.

Refer to the Foxboro Control Software documentation for complete details on any topics covered
in this section. Specifically, the Foxboro Control Software Deployment Guide (B0750BA) covers
most concepts in detail. The Wonderware Industrial Application Server installation CD includes
the Industrial Application Server User’s Guide, which covers major topics regarding the IDE.

To connect, click Start, then Programs, then Wonderware/ArchestrA IDE. Select the
Galaxy, and then click Connect.

FCS extends the standard ArchestrA IDE. Primarily, it includes FCS specific objects in the
Template Toolbox.

The major components include:

 Navigation  Pulldown menus and icon shortcuts


 Template  Object templates from which instances are created or

Toolbox other object templates are derived

96 SCP270 User Guide

Foxboro Control Software Engineering Environment

 Application  Galaxy configuration based on how an object is related to other

Views objects. Panes include:

 Model  Defines the object relationship to the

View automation scheme layout. Objects are
organized into Areas to represent the
physical plant layout.

 Deployment  Defines the object instance relationship to

View the machine that the object code resides on
or the hosting relationship to the objects

 Derivation  Displays the derivation path from the Base

View Template to the Instance

 Network  Displays the system definitions


 Work Area  When an object is opened for editing, this area is used for

SCP270 User Guide 97

Foxboro Control Software Engineering Environment

System Definition Committal through FCS ArchestrA IDE

If you are restoring an existing Galaxy database, you can create the commit disk using FCS.
Complete these steps:

1. In the ArchestrA IDE, view the Network pane.

2. Verify that you have a valid Equipment Unit object and that the desired switches,
WSTAs, CPs, and other peripherals are contained within this object.

3. Review each object to verify correct configuration.

4. Verify that every object is checked in.

5. Click Network/Validate.

6. Review and resolve any errors and repeat the previous step if needed.

7. Click Network/Commit.

8. Use the Media #10091 diskette provided with the I/A Series install media.

Creating an Equipment Unit

An Equipment Unit is an object used for logical grouping within an application that represents a
portion of your plant. If a system is built without an Equipment Unit, it will not deploy. An
Equipment Unit object will contain switches, CPs, WSTAs, and peripheral devices.

1. Open the ArchestrA IDE and connect to the Galaxy.

2. In the ArchestrA IDE, under the Template Toolbox, expand Invensys

3. Right-click on $Equip_Unit and then click New/Derived Template. The new

template appears in the Deployment tab.

4. If desired, change the name of the derived template.

Deploying the Equipment Unit

1. In the Network pane, drag your physical devices under your equipment Unit.

2. Right-click on the Equipment Unit and select Deploy.

3. Click Add (not Add Cascade).

4. Click Prepare All.

5. Click Deploy.

98 SCP270 User Guide

Foxboro Control Software Engineering Environment

Next, you may either import or generate controls, assign them to existing physical CPs, and
deploy the controls.

Importing SaveAll Controls

You might import SaveAll Controls, or controls saved in an existing I/A Series systems, if you
are migrating to FCS. If so, complete these steps. Refer to Foxboro Control Software Bulk Data
Editor User’s Guide (B0750AF), for additional details.

Note: If you plan to recommit your system with additional CPs that may be imported through an
Automation Object, you should change your Committal status from ―Not Yet Installed‖ to
―Software Installed‖ prior to performing these steps.

1. Open the ArchestrA IDE and connect to the Galaxy.

2. Under the Template Toolbox, expand Foxboro Control Software Support

and right-click $BulkData.

3. Click New/Derived Template.

4. Rename $BulkData_001 to BULK_DATA_DEMO (or a representative name).

5. Double-click on the new derived template.

6. Click the Import button.

7. In the Import Bulk Data Wizard (Step 1 of 2), under Select input
source type, select I/A Series Saveall (Control only).

8. In the Input Source Details, click the Browse button and navigate to the location
of the controls.

9. If desired, click Clear all Control Tables before importing.

10. Click Next.

11. In the Import Bulk Data Wizard (Step 2 of 2), click Create
matching entries for CPs, FBMs, FCMs, and, if desired, Search all
subdirectories for SaveAll images. Leave the other defaults selected, and
then click Finish. The imported strategies appear.

12. In the derived template, under the Control tab, click the Compound button.

13. If the CP name differs from the CP name in the committed system, manually change each
instance to the desired name.

14. If the Compound references a Station that does not exist, rename the nonexistent Station
references to existing ones.

15. Click the Hardware tab.

SCP270 User Guide 99

Foxboro Control Software Engineering Environment

16. Change the Station to one or more of the CPs listed in the commit.

17. Click the Modules button and notice the Parent is now your real FCP270/ZCP270.

18. While still in the Hardware tab, click Generate.

19. Since we manually modified the Stations, we need to add only the ECBs. Click All
under Modules, and then click Generate.

20. Check the results in the Output View (click View, and then Output View, if it is not

21. Click the Control tab, then the Compound button, and then Generate. If you do not
see your FCP/ZCP, you missed a step above.

22. Click the desired CP, and then click Next.

23. In the Bulk Generation Wizard (Step 2 of 6), verify that the CP name is
and the blocks are correct.

24. Click Generate.

25. View the Output View pane to verify that Generate was successful.

26. Save and Exit out of BULK_DATA_DEMO.

Importing an Automation Object

To move controls between Galaxy Databases, export an Automation object from one Database,
Then, import into another by completing these steps:

Note: If you plan to recommit your system with additional CPs that may be imported through an
Automation Object, you should change your Committal status from ―Not Yet Installed‖ to
―Software Installed‖ prior to performing these steps.

1. Open the ArchestrA IDE and connect to the Galaxy database.

2. Select Galaxy, then Import, and then Automation Object.

3. Navigate to your aqPKG and click Import.

Note: If the imported devices do not exist in your committal, reassign the associated
strategies/hardware to existing items.

100 SCP270 User Guide

Foxboro Control Software Engineering Environment

Synchronizing Unit Equipment Deployment State

If the restored Galaxy Database was in the ―deployed‖ state, you need to change the state to
―undeployed‖ using the Deploy Utility‘s ―Synchronize Deploy Status‖ option. Note that this
process can be quite time consuming. We recommend that you perform this step individually on
each piece of equipment first, then select the main Equipment Unit, deselect all equipment that
was previously synchronized, and synchronize the Equipment Unit as described below.

1. Start the ArchestrA IDE via Start/Programs/Wonderware/ArchestrA IDE.

2. In the ArchestrA IDE, view the Network pane.

3. Verify that all equipment is checked in (look for red checkmarks). If the object was
checked out in a different session, right-click it and then click Check In.

4. In the Network Pane, locate any equipment that is marked as deployed or partially
deployed. Right-click on the equipment, select Deploy Utilities, and then click
Synchronize Deploy Status.

5. Click Undeploy and then synchronize the status.

Compiling PLBs and Sequence Logic

If you restored the Galaxy Database, you cannot redeploy until PLBs and Sequence logic are
compiled. When attempting to deploy a CP, you will receive warning messages.

To recompile, follow the steps below.

1. From the Deployment pane, edit the strategy.

2. In the Strategy pane, locate and click on the compile shortcut button on the right hand
side .

SCP270 User Guide 101

Controls Loading Checklist

Controls Loading Checklist

Controls Load Procedure for ICC / IACC / FCS

The steps highlighted in grey are relevant only to applications using DYNSIM with an SCP

Check Step

Shutdown the Process Model from the GUI.

Initialize appropriate CP(s) through the Configurator (ICC / IACC / FCS).

Reboot each SCP270 individually using the SCP Launcher.

If DYNSIM is required, create or open a Process Model with an SCP engine and at least
one of the following: DYNSIM-L, DYNSIM-P, or DYNSIM engine.

For DYNSIM, start the Process Model with Enable XREF de-selected.

For DYNSIM, run the Process Model, then freeze (verify all engines are functioning).

Load or Deploy controls

For DYNSIM, run the Process Model to allow all blocks to process at least once (the
period can range from 0.5 seconds to 30 minutes depending on the controls, but
typically 30 seconds is sufficient).

For Standalone applications, blocks always process, this step is not relevant

Refresh FoxSelect / BlockSelect.

Turn on compounds that are off (look for a cyan colored circle next to the compound
name in FoxSelect / BlockSelect).

In FoxSelect / BlockSelect, select the Block View tab and sort on status. Search for
UNDEF blocks which are cyan colored. Resolve these issues (may require adding
ECBs, performing Delete-and-Undelete through the Configurator, etc.).

For DYNSIM, if changes are made through the Configurator, run the Process Model,
then freeze to process any modified blocks.

If controls were loaded from an API call (not a diskette) and PLBs reside within the
controls, compile each PLB through the Configurator.

Use Block View in FoxSelect / BlockSelect and sort on Type to locate specific block

Compile all Sequence blocks (IND, DEP, MON, EXC).

102 SCP270 User Guide

Controls Loading Checklist

For DYNSIM, if changes are made through the Configurator, run the Process Model,
then freeze to process any modified blocks.

For DYNSIM, checkpoint each modified SCP instance using the Configurator.

After all CPs have been loaded, re-connect peer-to-peer by running

C:\Program Files (x86)\SIMSCI\SCP270\SCPResetOM.

For DYNSIM, save the Process Model.

SCP270 User Guide 103

Supported I/A Series Control Blocks

Supported I/A Series Control Blocks

SCP270 processes support a variety of platform specific blocks, including blocks/ECBs that
function on the CP270 platform.

Skip to the next section to see older, unsupported blocks.


Block Description SCP270

Limitations or

AI Analog Input block connects to an AI function block

in an H1 FOUNDATION Fieldbus device via an
FBM228 to receive a single analog input for an I/A
Series control strategy.

AIN Analog Input block supports a single input channel

from an FBM.

AINR Redundant Analog Input block supports a redundant

input from redundant FBMs supporting either a
single transmitter or redundant transmitters.

AO Analog Output block connects to an AO function

block in an H1 FOUNDATION Fieldbus device via
an FBM228 to send a single analog output from an
I/A Series control strategy to the device.

AOUT Analog Output block provides auto/manual with

bias function and supports a single output point for
an analog type FBM.

AOUTR Redundant Analog Output supports a selected

redundant output to redundant FBMs.

BIN Binary Input block receives a single binary input

from an external device for input to an I/A Series
control station via a Distributed Control Interface

104 SCP270 User Guide

Supported I/A Series Control Blocks

BINR Redundant Binary Input block selects a single

binary input from redundant external sources for
input to an I/A Series control station via a
Distributed Control Interface (DCI). The source of
the input can be either two or three redundant inputs
from the same device or different devices.

BOUT Binary Output block sends a single binary output

from an I/A Series control station to an external
device via a Distributed Control Interface (DCI).

BOUTR Redundant Binary Output block sends a digital

output from an I/A Series control station to up to
three devices via a Distributed Control Interface

CIN Contact Input block supports a single input point for

a digital input type FBM.

CINR Redundant Contact Input block receives redundant

contact inputs from a pair of FBMs to select and
alarm a single digital input for the I/A Series control

COUT Contact Output block supports a single output for a

digital type FBM.

COUTR Redundant Contact Output block is a digital contact

output block that provides the I/A Series control
strategy with optionally pulsed output capability for
a single digital point directed to a pair of redundant

DI Digital Input block connects to a DI function block

in an H1 FOUNDATION Fieldbus device via an
FBM228 to receive a single digital input for an I/A
Series control strategy.

DO Digital Output block connects to a DO function

block in an H1 FOUNDATION Fieldbus device via
an FBM228 to send a single digital output from an
I/A Series control strategy to the device.

EVENT Event block provides messages reporting the

sequencing of state-change events detected in a
contact input FBM.

SCP270 User Guide 105

Supported I/A Series Control Blocks

IIN Integer Input block receives a single integer input

from an external device for input to an I/A Series
control station via a Distributed Control Interface

IINR The Redundant Integer Input block is a Distributed

Control Interface (DCI) block that enables the
control strategy to read a single integer value
selected from multiple points in the same or
different field devices.

IOUT Integer Output block sends a single integer output

from an I/A Series control station to an external
device via a Distributed Control Interface (DCI).

MAI The Multiple Analog Input block enables the control

strategy to read up to eight analog values from an
MAI device function block operating in a
FOUNDATION Fieldbus™ H1 device.

MAIN Multiple Analog Input block supports up to 8 inputs

from an FBM and an internal channel for a
temperature reference sensor.

MAO The Multiple Analog Output block enables the

control strategy to write up to eight analog values to
an MAO device function block operating in a
FOUNDATION Fieldbus™ H1 device.

MCIN Multiple Contact Input block supports up to 32

contact inputs from digital input type FBMs.

MCOUT Multiple Contact Output block supports up to 16

digital outputs for a digital type FBM.

MDI Multiple Discrete Input Block supports Foundation

Fieldbus (FF) Control-In-the-Field (CIF) with eight
digital inputs for a digital type FBM.

MDO Multiple Discrete Output Block supports

Foundation Fieldbus (FF) Control-In-the-Field
(CIF) with eight digital outputs for a digital type

PAKIN Packed Input block receives a 32-bit discrete data

input from an external device for input to an I/A
Series control station via a Distributed Control
Interface (DCI).

106 SCP270 User Guide

Supported I/A Series Control Blocks

PAKINR The Redundant Packed Input block is a Distributed

Control Interface (DCI) block that reads up to 32
contiguous bits from an external device. The source
of the value may be specified as either two or three
redundant points in the same device or different

PAKOUT Packed Input block sends a 32-bit discrete data

output from an I/A Series control station to an
external device via a Distributed Control Interface

RIN Real Input block receives a single real input from an

external device for input to an I/A Series control
station via a Distributed Control Interface (DCI).

RINR Redundant Real Input block selects a single binary

input from redundant external sources for input to
an I/A Series control station via a Distributed
Control Interface (DCI). The source of the input can
be either two or three redundant inputs from the
same device or different devices.

ROUT Real Output block sends a single real output from an

I/A Series control station to an external device via a
Distributed Control Interface (DCI).

ROUTR Redundant Real Output block sends redundant real

outputs from an I/A Series control station to two or
three external devices via a Distributed Control
Interface (DCI).

STRIN String Input block receives a string input from an The DYNSIM
external device for input to an I/A Series control infrastructure has
station via a Distributed Control Interface (DCI). no support for
strings, so cross-
referencing these
parameters is not

STROUT String Output block sends a string output from an The DYNSIM
I/A Series control station to an external device via a infrastructure has
Distributed Control Interface (DCI). no support for
strings, so cross-
referencing these
parameters is not

SCP270 User Guide 107

Supported I/A Series Control Blocks

Device Control

Block Description SCP270 Software

Limitations or

DSI Display Station Interface provides the interface

between each Panel Display Station and the
compounds and blocks that actualize the control

GDEV General Device block provides Open/Close control of

motor, or air, operated valves, and Run/Stop control of
2-wire or 3-wire motor circuits.

MDACT Motor Driven Actuator Controller block provides a

capability for controlling processes through tri-state

MOVLV Motor-Operated Valve block operates two related

output contacts, which open/close a motor-operated
valve on an incremental basis.

MTR Motor Controller block performs both 2-wire and 3-

wire motor control functions.

PLB Programmable Logic Block supports ladder logic

executing in a digital FBM. A PLB connects user
tasks, other blocks, and other ladder diagrams with a
digital FBM‘s physical inputs and outputs and a
ladder diagram‘s I/O flags.

PLSOUT Pulse Output block sends on/off or start/stop type

commands through two momentary pulsed outputs
from an I/A Series control station to an external
device via a Distributed Control Interface (DCI).
Typically, these commands are sent to a latching
function in a device, with one command used for the
set input of the latch and the other used for the reset

UNIVFF Universal Interface Block supports Foundation The block loads

Fieldbus (FF) Control-In-the-Field (CIF) and acts as but does not
an interface to an FF Resource Block, Transducer process any
Block or Function Block. algorithm

VLV Valve on/off controller block operates two related

output contacts, which open or close a solenoid valve.

108 SCP270 User Guide

Supported I/A Series Control Blocks

Regulatory Control

Block Description SCP270

Limitations or

BIAS Bias block produces an output that is the sum of the

two input values, MEAS and BIAS, each of which can
be scaled independently.

DGAP Differential Gap block provides optional bi-state or

tri-state on/off control of two Boolean outputs.

DPIDA Distributed Proportional-Integral-Derivative Adaptive The block loads,

block - Runs in FBM and is the interface between the but it does not
FBM and the CP. process a PID

FFTUNE Feedforward Tuning block connects to the PIDA

block as an extension block for feedforward control

FBTUNE Feedback Tuning block connects to the PIDA block as

an extension block for performing enhanced EXACT
MV tuning for feedback control loops.

LIM Limiter block provides a position and velocity limiter.

OUTSEL Output Select block allows the selection of one of two

inputs from upstream blocks to be used as output to
the process.

PID Proportional, Integral, Derivative block provides

functions of a traditional, interacting, 3-term

PIDA Advanced Proportional, Integral, Derivative block

provides functions of an EXACT MV multivariable
controller and is used in conjunction with the
feedforward and feedback tuning blocks.

PIDE PID with EXACT Tuning block provides PID with the
EXACT self-tuning algorithm.

SCP270 User Guide 109

Supported I/A Series Control Blocks

PIDFF The DCI PID Interface block supports Foundation

Fieldbus (FF) Control-In-the-Field (CIF) and acts as
the interface to a FF PID Function Block residing in The block loads
an FF field device. It supports the standard PID but does not
Function block. process any

PIDX PID Extended block adds to the PID block: a sampled-

data control option to use with sampling type
instruments; TRACK capability that forces the output
to track an independent track input; an optional non-
linear gain element for Ph control; a batch option that
provides preloadable integral bias for batch control.

PIDXE PID Extended with EXACT Tuning block combines

the functionality of PIDX and PIDE.

PTC Proportional Time Controller block performs the

functions of a proportional-time on/off controller.

RATIO Ratio block computes an output that is the scaled

multiplication of a measurement input with a ratio set-
point input.

Selection, Ramping, and Dynamic Compensation

Block Description SCP270

Limitations or

DTIME Dead Time block delays the input a variable time

interval before making it available at the output.

LLAG Lead/Lag block compensates signal value by making

output dynamically lead or lag the input.

RAMP Ramp block performs a multi-segment ramp

sequence; up to 5 segments may be used.

SIGSEL Signal Selector block examines up to 8 inputs and

produces an output dependent upon a relational
selection option.

SWCH Switch Position Selector block selects either of two

independent inputs.

110 SCP270 User Guide

Supported I/A Series Control Blocks

Computation, Logic, and Conversion

Block Description SCP270

Limitations or

ACCUM Accumulator block accumulates a real input signal

and scales it to produce a real output quantity.

CALC Calculator block provides up to 50 sequentially

executed arithmetic and logical operations. Has the
capability of a programmable scientific pocket

CALCA Advanced Calculation block adds dual-operand

efficiency to many mathematical and logical
calculation operations.

CHARC Characterizer block converts a real input to a real

output using a table lookup of 20 piecewise linear
conversion segments.

LOGIC Logic block provides logic and timer functions.

MATH Mathematics block provides a set of mathematics

functions for specialized control needs.

PATT Pattern Matching block provides matching capability

for 16-bit patterns.

STATE State block outputs selected 16-bit patterns.

SCP270 User Guide 111

Supported I/A Series Control Blocks


Block Description SCP270

Limitations or

ALMPRI Alarm Priority Change block dynamically reassigns

the specified priority of an alarm point.

BLNALM Boolean Alarm block provides independent state-

change alarm messages for 8 Boolean- type inputs.

MEALM Measurement Alarm block provides an alarm message

for one measurement input with limit indicators for
Intelligent Field Devices: high-low absolute alarming,
rate-of-change alarming, and high-high/low-low

MSG Message Generator block provides a state change

message for each of eight inputs from Intelligent Field

PATALM Pattern Alarm block compares the relationship of up

to 8 Boolean inputs to up to 8 unique user-specified

REALM Real Alarm block supports 3 types of alarming:

high/low absolute alarming on the measurement, rate-
of-change alarming on the measurement, high/low
deviation alarm on the measurement/set point

STALM State Alarm block provides state alarming for event

changes received from an Intelligent Field Device.

TRISOE Triconex Sequence of Events blocks capture SOE data The block loads,
and send the events to the FoxGuard SOE application but it has no
program. They which identify the event variables to ability to receive
be used in the Triconex SOE block configuration. and process some
messages from a
Triconex system.

112 SCP270 User Guide

Supported I/A Series Control Blocks


Block Description SCP270

Limitations or

DEP Dependent Sequence block is used for normal

sequence logic to define sequence of events,
activate/deactivate other Sequence blocks,
activate/deactivate Monitor (MON) blocks or
individually monitor cases of a MON block, control
timers in Timer (TIM) blocks, access any shared
variable/parameter of any block in the system. It
pauses when EXC blocks in the same compound are

EXC Exception Sequence block is used to handle abnormal

events. Exception blocks are normally activated by
monitor blocks.

IND Independent block is used to provide the same

functions as the Dependent block; however, the IND
block does not pause as DEP does when any EXC
blocks in the same compound are active.

MON Monitor block provides the capability of monitoring

process conditions.

TIM Timer block contains four individual timers that can

be run by a Sequence block (IND, DEP, or EXC) to
time sequence activities.

SCP270 User Guide 113

Supported I/A Series Control Blocks

Data Storage

Block Description Simulation of

Limitations or

BOOL Boolean Data Variable block provides the capability

of storing a Boolean data value for use by other
control blocks.

LONG Long Integer Data Variable block provides the

capability of storing a long integer data variable for
use by other control blocks.

PACK Packed Long Data Variable block provides the

capability of storing a packed long data variable for
use by other control blocks.

REAL Real Data Variable block provides the capability of

storing a real data value for use by other control

STRING String Data Variable block provides the capability of

storing a configurable and settable string data variable
for use by other control blocks.

114 SCP270 User Guide

Unsupported Control Blocks and Platforms

Unsupported Control Blocks and Platforms

The following blocks or platforms are not supported by SCP270 software.

Block / Description SCP270 Software

Platform Limitations or

MRIN The Multiple Real Input block is used in applications Loads in to

where the PLC provides up to eight analog data values memory but does
to the I/A Series system for use in Display Manager, not function
FoxView displays, or connections to a Foxboro
control strategy

MROUT The Multiple Real Output block sends up to eight real Loads in to
values to the group address of the PLC memory but does
not function

MVC / MVL The Multivariable Controller (MVC) block and the Does not load in
Multivariable Loop (MVL) block, support an to memory
Embedded MVC application running in the CP. These
blocks support the multivariable control algorithm and
form the interface to other CP blocks. The MVL block
gets Controlled Variable (CV) and Feedforward
Variable (FV) measurements from blocks such as the
AIN and writes the Manipulated Variable (MV)
supervisory set points to other regulatory blocks

PLCIO The Programmable Logic Controller Input/Output Loads in to

Block operates as a functional composite of multiple memory but does
PLC interface blocks communicating with a single not function

SCP270 User Guide 115

Unsupported Control Blocks and Platforms

Interspec IAIN
Blocks IAOUT










Spectrum SAIN
Blocks SAIO







Instrument D760
Blocks D760I




116 SCP270 User Guide

Unsupported Control Blocks and Platforms










PLB Monitor PLB Monitor Not supported in


FD / Gateway blocks

Block Description SCP270

Limitations or

FDBIN The Foreign Device Boolean Input block is used for

the conversion and storage of up to 64 Boolean
foreign device values.

FDBOUT The Foreign Device Boolean Output block is used for

the interface between the I/A Series network and the
foreign device. The values in the block are converted
to the foreign device format and sent to the foreign
device on a change-driven or demand basis.

FDIDMS The Message Identification Block is used to identify

every different type of input message received from
the foreign device.

FDIIN The Foreign Device Integer Input block is used for the
conversion and storage of up to eight integer foreign
device values.

SCP270 User Guide 117

Unsupported Control Blocks and Platforms

FDIOUT The Foreign Device Integer Output block is used for

the interface between the I/A Series network and the
foreign device. The values in the block are converted
to the foreign device format and sent to the device on
a change-driven or demand basis.

FDMSBL The Message Build Block Used to build an output

message according to one of six basic formats.

FDRIN The Foreign Device Real Input block is used for the
conversion and storage of up to eight floating-point
foreign device values.

FDROUT The Foreign Device Real Output block is used for the
interface between the I/A Series network and the
foreign device. The values in the block are converted
to the foreign device‘s format and sent to the device
on a change-driven or demand basis.

FDSCAN The Integrator Foreign Device Scan block serves two

purposes. First, it is used to generate messages to scan
the foreign device for data. Second, the FDSCAN
block is used to collect a sequential list of input values
and their associated statuses (6 bytes per value) into
an IPC message to be sent to a connected application
in an Application Processor / Application Workstation
on a configured time basis or as a triggered event.

I/O Gate blocks

Block Description SCP270

Limitations or

FCIN The Foreign Device Contact Input block writes a

Boolean value received from its applicable field
device to its output during every execution.

FCOUT The Foreign Device Contact Output block sends the

contact value received from the I/A Series control
strategy to its applicable field device, only when it
receives a changed value.

FIIN The Foreign Device Integer Input block writes a 16-

or 32-bit integer value received from its applicable
field device to its output during every execution.

118 SCP270 User Guide

Unsupported Control Blocks and Platforms

FIOUT The Foreign Device Integer Output block sends the

16- or 32-bit integer value received from the I/A
Series control strategy to its applicable field device in
real-time, only when it receives a changed value.

FMCIN The Foreign Device Multi-Contact Input block writes

the contact value received from its applicable field
device to its output.

FMCOUT The Foreign Device Multi-Contact Output block sends

the contact values received from the I/A Series control
strategy to its applicable field device (in a packed
output), only when it receives one or more changed

FRIN The Foreign Device Real Input block writes an analog

value received from its applicable field device to its
output during every execution.

FROUT The Foreign Device Real Output block sends the real
value received from the I/A Series control strategy to
its applicable field device, only when it receives a
changed value.

FSIN The Foreign Device String Input block writes the

string value received from the applicable field device
to its output and increments the alternate change
parameter when it receives a changed value.

FSOUT The Foreign Device String Output block sends the

string value received from the I/A Series control
strategy to its applicable field device, when it receives
a change.

FTRIG The Trigger block provides the control strategy with

the capability to send a trigger event, which can be
processed by an ECB.

SCP270 User Guide 119

Unsupported Control Blocks and Platforms

Scan blocks

Block Description SCP270

Limitations or

ABSCAN Defines the PLC data table access specifications for a

compound in an Integrator 30 / Allen-Bradley
Programmable Logic Controller.

MDSCAN Defines the PLC data table access specifications for a

compound in an Integrator 30 / MODBUS Logic

120 SCP270 User Guide

I/A Series Software Helpful Hints

I/A Series Software Helpful Hints

The following section provides hints and best practices for common tasks while using SCP270.

Uploading Controls in the ICC

An Upload copies the values of all block parameters from the CP database to the Configurator
Database. During this time, access to the ICC is disabled.

Upload is required for two reasons:

 Parameters have been changed through the Select or FoxSelect / BlockSelect screen

 An IC restore was performed from an IC that has different control parameters than those
currently in the Configurator Database and you want to replace the Configurator
Database parameters

To perform an Upload operation, complete the following steps:

1. Click MAINT on the ICC menu bar.

2. From the drop-down list, choose Upload.

3. After the upload is complete, exit the ICC by clicking EXIT on the ICC menu bar.

Packing FoxView Graphics

If the I/A Series graphics screens have lost their connection to the control point, resulting in
displays showing cyan for all the values, the graphics may require packing. Packing the
graphics re-establishes the link from the display to the control point.

To repack FoxView graphics, follow the steps below.

1. Open a command window:

a. Click the Windows Start menu, and then click Run.

b. Type CMD in the Open field.

c. Click OK.

2. Start a Korn shell session by typing sh at the prompt.

3. Change to the graphics directory. For example, if the graphics were located in the
―d:/opt/disp‖ directory, type the following command.

cd d:/opt/disp

SCP270 User Guide 121

I/A Series Software Helpful Hints

4. If the CPHost runs FoxView, pack the graphics by performing the following two
commands. According to the number of displays in this directory, this process may be
quite time consuming (sometimes up to one hour).
d:/usr/fox/wp/bin/tools/fdf_g *.fdf
d:/usr/fox/wp/bin/tools/g_fdf *.g


The I/A Series SOM utility, which monitors the utilization of the I/A Series OM subsystem, can
provide insight into resolving peer-to-peer issues. This application is available on every SCP270
station in the ―d:/opt/fox/bin/tools‖ directory.

Sample commands include:

 opdb (open database)

 m opdb (view more in open database command)

o hit <return> or <enter> to continue (view more in open database command after

 opvr <list number > (open variables, or list details)

 m opvr <list number> (to continue)

o hit <return> or <enter> to continue

122 SCP270 User Guide

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SCP270 User Guide 123

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