b0700sx F PDF
b0700sx F PDF
b0700sx F PDF
Rev F
August 02, 2019
Schneider Electric, Invensys, Foxboro, Foxboro Evo, and I/A Series are trademarks of Schneider Electric SE, its
subsidiaries, and affiliates.
All other brand names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Preface.............................................................................................................................. xxxiii
Purpose ............................................................................................................................... xxxiii
Revision Information .......................................................................................................... xxxiii
Reference Documents ......................................................................................................... xxxiv
Cyber Security Team ........................................................................................................... xxxvi
Glossary .............................................................................................................................. xxxvi
B0700SX – Rev F Contents
3. Installation or Migration Scenarios for Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 ... 27
Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 27
Scenario 1 ............................................................................................................................... 30
Scenario 2 ............................................................................................................................... 30
Scenario 3 ............................................................................................................................... 30
Scenario 4 ............................................................................................................................... 31
Scenario 5 ............................................................................................................................... 32
Scenario 6 ............................................................................................................................... 33
Scenario 7 ............................................................................................................................... 34
Scenario 8 ............................................................................................................................... 35
Scenario 9 ............................................................................................................................... 35
Other Migration Considerations ............................................................................................. 36
Control Processor 270 and FCP280 Upgrade Recommendation ........................................ 36
Migrating a FCP270 or ZCP270 Control Database from a
System with I/A Series Software v8.6 or Earlier .................................................................. 37
Updating Sequence Block Code after Migration to a New Operating System or
NutCracker Version ........................................................................................................... 37
General Considerations ................................................................................................. 39
HLBL Code .................................................................................................................. 40
Migrating a Control Database to an FCP280, FCP270, or ZCP270 .................................. 49
Validating FCM100E and FCM100Et Settings (ZCP270 Only) ....................................... 50
4. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New On-Control Network
Domain Controllers ............................................................................................................ 51
Installing Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 on Primary Domain Controllers on
The Control Network ............................................................................................................. 51
Server Preparation .............................................................................................................. 52
Important Information on Installing Control Core Services ............................................... 53
Changing the Station Name ............................................................................................... 54
Preparing Network Interface Cards (NICs) For Installation ............................................... 54
Installation Procedure ......................................................................................................... 55
Restarting Your System .................................................................................................. 72
Installing Optional Software ............................................................................................... 72
Primary Domain Controller Post-Installation Procedures ................................................... 73
Changing Passwords ...................................................................................................... 73
Creating Users in Active Directory ................................................................................ 74
Tombstone Lifetime Attribute in Active Directory ........................................................ 82
Backing Up Active Directory ......................................................................................... 82
Contents B0700SX – Rev F
5. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New Off-Control
Network Domain Controllers............................................................................................ 111
Installing Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 on Off-Control Network Primary
Domain Controllers .............................................................................................................. 111
Server Preparation ............................................................................................................ 112
Notes on Installing Control Core Services ........................................................................ 113
Installation Procedure ....................................................................................................... 114
Assign a Static IPv4 Address to Off-Control Network Adapter .................................... 114
the Installation Procedure ........................................................................................... 115
Restarting Your System ................................................................................................ 130
Installing Optional Software ............................................................................................. 130
Primary Domain Controller Post-Installation Procedures ................................................. 130
Changing Passwords .................................................................................................... 130
Creating Users in Active Directory .............................................................................. 132
Tombstone Lifetime Attribute in Active Directory ...................................................... 139
Backing Up Active Directory ....................................................................................... 139
Installation ...................................................................................................................... 139
Installing Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 on Off-Control Network
Secondary Domain Controllers ............................................................................................ 140
Server Preparation ............................................................................................................ 140
Notes on Installing Control Core Services ........................................................................ 142
Installation Procedure ....................................................................................................... 142
Assign a Static IPv4 Address to Off-Control Network Adapter .................................... 142
Installation ................................................................................................................. 144
Restarting Your System ................................................................................................ 163
Installing Optional Software ............................................................................................. 163
Secondary Domain Controller Post-Installation Procedures ............................................. 164
Changing Passwords .................................................................................................... 164
Backing Up Active Directory ....................................................................................... 164
Adding Foxboro Stations to Active Directory Post-Installation .................................... 165
Finishing Post-Installation ................................................................................................ 167
B0700SX – Rev F Contents
6. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Existing Off-Control
Network Primary Domain Controllers .............................................................................. 169
Overview ............................................................................................................................... 169
Notes on Installing Control Core Services ........................................................................ 169
Installation Procedure ........................................................................................................... 170
Restarting Your System .................................................................................................... 179
Primary Domain Controller Post-Installation Procedures ...................................................... 180
Creating Users in Active Directory ................................................................................... 180
Adding Foxboro Stations to Active Directory Post-Installation .................................... 187
Tombstone Lifetime Attribute in Active Directory ........................................................... 189
Backing Up Active Directory ............................................................................................ 189
Continuing Installation ......................................................................................................... 189
Contents B0700SX – Rev F
12. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Domain Clients
or Connecting Security Enhanced I/A Series Software v8.5-9.4 Domain Clients to
Existing Off-Control Network Networks ......................................................................... 385
Workstation/Server Preparation ............................................................................................ 385
Notes for Installing Control Core Services ............................................................................ 387
B0700SX – Rev F Contents
13. Upgrading Control Core Services v9.4 (Day 1 Installation or Repair Operation) ........ 437
Day 1 Operations (Local Edition or Enterprise Edition Control Core Services) .................... 437
Repair Operations (Local Edition or Enterprise Edition Control Core Services) .................... 445
Performing a “Post-Commit for Pre-8.0” .............................................................................. 450
Instructions for Windows Workstations ...................................................................... 451
Instructions for Solaris Workstations ........................................................................... 451
14. Enhancing Server 2008 PDC running I/A Series Software v8.8 or Control
Core Services v9.0-v9.3 to Support Windows 10 and Server 2016 Domain Clients .......... 453
15. Enhancing Control Core Services Security for Interforest Migrated PDC with
Windows Server 2016 to Support Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016
Domain Clients ................................................................................................................. 459
Contents B0700SX – Rev F
Appendix D. Guidelines for Using Veritas System Recovery for Backing Up and
Restoring Domain Controllers .......................................................................................... 555
Making Backup Images of Domain Controllers .................................................................... 555
Restoring Only One Domain Controller ............................................................................... 556
Restoring Multiple Domain Controllers from Backup Images ............................................... 556
Checking the Health of Active Directory .............................................................................. 557
B0700SX – Rev F Contents
Connecting to a Shared Printer on Another Control Core Services Station ........................... 576
Appendix L. Pre-Migration Settings for PDCs with Pre-Control Core Services v9.3......... 599
Contents B0700SX – Rev F
Helping to Avoid the Loss of Logon Ability for Account1 ..................................................... 611
Appendix P. Linking Custom GPOs to Any CCS/CS Specific OUs .................................. 617
Custom GPO Linking Order Examples ............................................................................ 619
Example 1 - Correct (Most Common) ......................................................................... 619
Example 2 - Correct .................................................................................................... 619
Example 3 - Correct .................................................................................................... 619
Example 4 - Incorrect .................................................................................................. 620
Example 5 - Correct (Customer Example with CCS 9.4 Install) .................................. 620
B0700SX – Rev F Contents
2-1. Confirming Cancellation of Software Installation ....................................................... 12
2-2. User Account Control for IASeries.SecureSetup.exe .................................................... 13
2-3. Selecting to Install Local Edition CCS Software .......................................................... 14
2-4. Load Committed Configuration Install Files ............................................................... 15
2-5. Installation Media Folder Browser ............................................................................... 16
2-6. Load Committed Configuration Install Files - Binding ............................................... 17
2-7. Mesh Configurator Dialog Box (For Certain NIC Cards) ........................................... 18
2-8. Binding Completed ..................................................................................................... 18
2-9. Configure User Accounts ............................................................................................ 19
2-10. Configure User Accounts - Ready to Install ................................................................. 20
2-11. Foxboro Evo Control Core Services Installshield Wizard - Next .................................. 21
2-12. Foxboro Evo Control Core Services Installshield Wizard - Install ................................ 22
2-13. Installation Media Dialog Box ..................................................................................... 23
2-14. Media Folder Browser ................................................................................................. 23
2-15. Installation Media Dialog Box - For Diskettes ............................................................. 24
2-16. Finished Installation .................................................................................................... 24
2-17. Example of Installation Log ......................................................................................... 25
3-1. Directory Structure Used with ICC or the Foxboro Evo Control Editors .................... 44
3-2. Sequence Code Referencing Include Files Contained in a Directory Structure ............ 45
3-3. Sequence Code Referencing IACC Text Objects ......................................................... 46
3-4. Sequence Code Referencing IACC Text Editor ........................................................... 47
3-5. Sequence Code Referencing Carriage Return, Line Feed, Tab ..................................... 48
3-6. Sequence Code Referencing Single Quote Concern .................................................... 49
4-1. User Account Control for IASeries.SecureSetup.exe .................................................... 55
4-2. Schneider-Electric Control Core Services Installation on On-Control
Network PDC ............................................................................................................. 56
4-3. Load Committed Configuration Install Files ............................................................... 57
4-4. Installation Media Folder Browser ............................................................................... 58
4-5. Mesh Configurator Dialog Box (For Certain NIC Cards) ........................................... 59
4-6. PDC Option Selection ................................................................................................ 59
4-7. Select One or More SDC Names From List and Click Set .......................................... 60
4-8. Server Platform Setup Dialog Box ............................................................................... 61
4-9. Active Directory Message ............................................................................................ 62
4-10. Active Directory Installation via DOS Window .......................................................... 62
4-11. Promoting to Primary Domain Controller via DOS Window ..................................... 63
4-12. Restart Window .......................................................................................................... 63
4-13. Setting Up the Platform for a Enterprise Edition Control Core Services Installation ... 64
4-14. Active Directory Verification Process .......................................................................... 64
4-15. Active Directory Domain Settings Applied .................................................................. 65
4-16. Command Prompt Showing Completion of Active Directory Configuration on
PDC ........................................................................................................................... 65
4-17. CCS Secure User Accounts Dialog Box ....................................................................... 66
4-18. Schneider Electric CCS Software Install: Workstation Reboot Request Dialog Box .... 67
4-19. You’re About to be Signed Out Screen ........................................................................ 67
B0700SX – Rev F Figures
Figures B0700SX – Rev F
B0700SX – Rev F Figures
Figures B0700SX – Rev F
B0700SX – Rev F Figures
7-36. CCS Installation Dialog Box - Detected Errors in DC Health Log File ..................... 223
7-37. Setting Up the Platform for a Enterprise Edition Control
Core Services Installation .......................................................................................... 223
7-38. Active Directory Verification Process ........................................................................ 224
7-39. Active Directory Configuration In Progress ............................................................... 224
7-40. Active Directory Configuration Requesting Domain Admin Credentials .................. 225
7-41. Active Directory Configuration Completed .............................................................. 225
7-42. Installation Windows Depicting Progress Of Installation Until Completion ............. 226
7-43. Installation Media Dialog Boxes ................................................................................ 227
7-44. Media Folder Browser ............................................................................................... 227
7-45. Installation Media Dialog Box - For Diskettes ........................................................... 228
7-46. Selecting FoxInt NDIS Intermediate Miniport Driver .............................................. 229
7-47. Adapter Properties Dialog Box .................................................................................. 230
7-48. Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties Dialog Box .................................................... 231
7-49. Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties Dialog Box .................................................... 232
8-1. Linking Order of GPOs for the Accounts OU .......................................................... 239
8-2. Active Directory Users and Computers Console (Administrator Account) ................ 240
8-3. [User] Properties Dialog Box ..................................................................................... 241
8-4. Adding User to Groups ............................................................................................. 242
8-5. Active Directory Users and Computers Console (Administrator Account) ................ 243
8-6. Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties Dialog Box .................................................... 244
8-7. Advanced TCP/IP Settings Dialog Box (IP Settings) ................................................. 245
8-8. Advanced TCP/IP Settings Dialog Box (DNS) ......................................................... 246
8-9. Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties Dialog Box .................................................... 247
8-10. Ipconfig Command Showing New Static IP .............................................................. 247
8-11. DNS Manager Dialog Box (Server Properties) .......................................................... 248
8-12. Server Properties Dialog Box ..................................................................................... 249
8-13. DNS Manager Dialog Box (Removing Existing Stations) .......................................... 250
8-14. Properties Context Menu .......................................................................................... 251
8-15. Name Server Tab ...................................................................................................... 252
8-16. Example DNS Entries ............................................................................................... 252
8-17. Delete Reverse Lookup Zone .................................................................................... 253
8-18. Delete Reverse Lookup Zone Confirmation .............................................................. 253
8-19. Delete Reverse Lookup Zone System Message Confirmation .................................... 254
8-20. DNS Manager Dialog Box (Reverse Lookup Zone) .................................................. 254
8-21. Welcome Window for New Reverse Lookup Zone Creation ..................................... 255
8-22. New Zone Wizard (Zone Type) ................................................................................ 256
8-23. New Zone Wizard (Active Directory Zone Replication Scope) ................................. 257
8-24. IPv4 Selection ........................................................................................................... 258
8-25. New Zone Wizard (Reverse Lookup Zone Name) ..................................................... 259
8-26. New Zone Wizard (Dynamic Update) ...................................................................... 260
8-27. New Zone Wizard (Closing) ..................................................................................... 261
8-28. DNS Manager Dialog Box (New Pointer) ................................................................. 262
8-29. New Resource Record Dialog Box ............................................................................. 263
8-30. Restart DNS Service .................................................................................................. 264
8-31. nslookup Service ....................................................................................................... 264
8-32. Static IPv4 Assignment to PDC Off-Control Network Adapter ................................ 267
8-33. Verify Newly Assigned IP Address ............................................................................. 267
Figures B0700SX – Rev F
8-34. Verify Source 2008 PDC Pingable from Target PDC ............................................... 268
8-35. ................................................................................................................................. 268
8-36. Selecting to Install a Domain Controller Off-Control Network ................................ 269
8-37. I/A Series Installation Dialog Box - Message ............................................................. 269
8-38. Load Committed Configuration Install Files ............................................................. 270
8-39. The browser for the folder containing the committed configuration install
files opens, as shown in Figure 8-39. If the installation media with your
Commit files is on the server’s hard drive or a network, browse to the
location of the media and click Select Folder. ...................................................... 270
8-40. Server Platform Setup (Off-Control Network) .......................................................... 271
8-41. Schneider Electric CCS Software Installation Dialog Box - Date System Message ..... 272
8-42. Unable to Determine Local Time on the PDC .......................................................... 272
8-43. Join Rights Verified ................................................................................................... 273
8-44. Add Off-Mesh Option .............................................................................................. 273
8-45. Add Additional Off-Mesh IPs ................................................................................... 273
8-46. Set the Off-Mesh IDs ................................................................................................ 273
8-47. Server Platform Setup (For Second SDC) ................................................................. 274
8-48. Verify Domain Name and Connect .......................................................................... 275
8-49. Schneider Electric CCS Install: Workstation Reboot Request Dialog Box ................. 275
8-50. You’re About to be Signed Out Screen ...................................................................... 275
8-51. Server Platform Setup (Off-Control Network) Continued ........................................ 276
8-52. Join Rights Verified ................................................................................................... 276
8-53. Verify Domain and Site Names ................................................................................. 277
8-54. Verify Site Name with Command Prompt ................................................................ 277
8-55. Domain Name or Site Name Invalid Dialog ............................................................. 277
8-56. Active Directory Message .......................................................................................... 278
8-57. Load Active Directory Domain Services .................................................................... 278
8-58. Active Directory Installation via Command Prompt ................................................. 279
8-59. Assigning Role of Secondary Domain Controller via Command Prompt .................. 279
8-60. Promote to Domain Controller Process ..................................................................... 280
8-61. Promotion to Domain Controller System Message .................................................... 280
8-62. Verifying the Health of the Existing Active Directory System ................................... 281
8-63. Active Directory Verification Process ....................................................................... 282
8-64. DC Health Check Status ........................................................................................... 282
8-65. CCS Installation Dialog Box - Message for DC Health Log File ............................... 283
8-66. Verifying the Health of the Existing Active Directory System (Detected Errors Found) 284
8-67. CCS Installation Dialog Box - Detected Errors in DC Health Log File ..................... 285
8-68. Setting Up the Platform for a Enterprise Edition Control Core Services Installation . 285
8-69. Active Directory Verification Process ........................................................................ 286
8-70. Active Directory Configuration in Progress ............................................................... 286
8-71. Active Directory Configuration Complete ................................................................. 286
8-72. Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties - Removing On-Control Network
DNS Entries ............................................................................................................. 288
8-73. Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties - Setting for Off-Control Network
Network Interface Card ............................................................................................ 289
8-74. Selecting IA Computers -> New -> Computer .......................................................... 290
8-75. New Object - Computer ........................................................................................... 291
8-76. Selecting Pre-8.8 IA Computers -> New -> Computer .............................................. 291
B0700SX – Rev F Figures
Figures B0700SX – Rev F
B0700SX – Rev F Figures
Figures B0700SX – Rev F
12-35. PDC Pingable from Client Using Off-Control Network Static IP Address ............... 417
12-36. Ready to Connect This Workstation to the Control Core Services
Domain Dialog Box .................................................................................................. 418
12-37. Resetting UTC Date ................................................................................................. 419
12-38. Unable to Determine Local Time .............................................................................. 419
12-39. Add Off-Mesh SDC During Client Install ................................................................ 420
12-40. Add SDC IP Addresses .............................................................................................. 420
12-41. Set Button Clicked .................................................................................................... 420
12-42. PDC Pingable with Off-Control Network Static IP Address ..................................... 421
12-43. nslookup Command ................................................................................................. 421
12-44. Domain Name Pingable ............................................................................................ 422
12-45. Select a Host Domain for this Workstation and Click Connect Area ........................ 423
12-46. Workstation Reboot Request .................................................................................... 423
12-47. You Are About To Be Logged Off Dialog Box .......................................................... 424
12-48. Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard for Foxboro Evo Control Core Services ........... 424
12-49. Rest of the Installation Process .................................................................................. 425
12-50. Installation Media Dialog Box ................................................................................... 426
12-51. Media Folder Browser ............................................................................................... 426
12-52. Installation Media Dialog Box - For Diskettes ........................................................... 427
12-53. Setting Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) Properties ....................................... 428
12-54. Example of Installation Log ....................................................................................... 429
12-55. Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties Dialog Box - Off-Control Network
NIC Card ................................................................................................................. 431
12-56. Adding Pre-Existing Domain Client (I/A Series Software v8.5) to Active Directory .. 432
12-57. Domain Client Installation – Ready to Connect ....................................................... 433
12-58. Connecting to the Control Core Services/I/A Series Domain .................................... 434
12-59. Unable To Determine Local Time ............................................................................ 434
13-1. I/A Series Reconcile Media Utility ............................................................................ 438
13-2. Get SE Stations ......................................................................................................... 439
13-3. Select the Location Where You Want Your Reconcile Files Saved ............................. 440
13-4. Try Another Diskette Message .................................................................................. 440
13-5. Disable Control Core Services Drivers and Services ................................................... 441
13-6. Control Core Services Software Installation Dialog Box ............................................ 442
13-7. Perform a Day 1 Operation on the Foxboro Evo workstation ................................... 443
13-8. Ready to Install on the Foxboro Evo Workstation ..................................................... 444
13-9. Example of Installation Log ....................................................................................... 445
13-10. Disable Control Core Services Drivers and Services ................................................... 446
13-11. Control Core Services Software Installation Dialog Box ............................................ 447
13-12. Perform a Repair Operation on the Foxboro Evo Workstation .................................. 448
13-13. Foxboro Evo Control Core Services Installshield Wizard .......................................... 449
13-14. Example of Installation Log ....................................................................................... 450
14-1. Linking Order of GPOs for the Accounts OU .......................................................... 454
14-2. User Account Control for Command Prompt in Administrator Mode ...................... 454
14-3. Active Directory Verification Process ........................................................................ 457
14-4. Administrator: Update 2008 AD Command Prompt ................................................ 457
15-1. Linking Order of GPOs for the Accounts OU .......................................................... 460
15-2. User Account Control for Command Prompt in Administrator Mode ...................... 461
15-3. Active Directory Verification Process ........................................................................ 461
B0700SX – Rev F Figures
Figures B0700SX – Rev F
B0700SX – Rev F Figures
Figures B0700SX – Rev F
B0700SX – Rev F Figures
1-1. Platforms Supporting Control Core Services v9.4 ......................................................... 3
1-2. Foxboro Evo Control Core Services v9.4 Platform Specific Media Kit .......................... 7
1-3. Foxboro Evo Control Core Services v9.4 Platform Specific Upgrade Kits ..................... 7
3-1. Domain Controller Installation/Migration Scenarios for
Control Core Services v9.4 .......................................................................................... 29
3-2. General Migration Considerations .............................................................................. 38
3-3. HLBL Migration Considerations ................................................................................ 38
3-4. SFC Migration Considerations .................................................................................... 39
16-1. WinSizPos Parameters ............................................................................................... 465
B0700SX – Rev F Tables
Safety Information
Important Information
Read these instructions carefully and look at the equipment to
become familiar with the device before trying to install, operate, ser-
vice, or maintain it. The following special messages may appear
throughout this manual or on the equipment to warn of potential
hazards or to call attention to information that clarifies or simplifies
a procedure.
DANGER indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will
result in death or serious injury.
WARNING indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could
result in death or serious injury.
CAUTION indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could
result in minor or moderate injury.
NOTICE is used to address practices not related to physical injury.
Please Note
Electrical equipment should be installed, operated, serviced, and main-
tained only by qualified personnel. No responsibility is assumed by
Schneider Electric for any consequences arising out of the use of this
A qualified person is one who has skills and knowledge related to the con-
struction, installation, and operation of electrical equipment and has
received safety training to recognize and avoid the hazards involved.
The purpose of this document is to describe installation of the Foxboro Evo™ Control Core Ser-
vices v9.4 (hereinafter referred to as the Control Core Services) on supported Windows worksta-
tions and servers. Control Core Services software is not supported on Solaris stations.
Control Core Services v9.4 is a Day 0 installation. It delivers optional enhanced cyber security
features for the Foxboro Evo system that facilitates meeting client and government specifications,
for example, North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) standards.
During a Day 0 software installation, you will have an option of choosing to install the Enterprise
Edition Control Core Services v9.4, which needs Microsoft Active Directory® network services,
or Local Edition Control Core Services v9.4. Depending on your environment, you may not be
able to take advantage of Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4, for example, if you need
to allow an older third-party application to run that has not been rewritten to work in the Enter-
prise environment.
Revision Information
For this release of this document (B0700SX, Rev. F), these changes were made:
Chapter 4 “Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New On-Control
Network Domain Controllers”
♦ Updated the section “Installing Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 on Pri-
mary Domain Controllers on The Control Network” on page 51.
♦ Updated a note under the section “the Installation Procedure” on page 115.
Chapter 5 “Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New Off-Control
Network Domain Controllers”
♦ Updated the section “Installing Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 on Off-
Control Network Primary Domain Controllers” on page 111.
♦ Updated the section “Restarting Your System” on page 130.
♦ Updated Figure 5-19, Figure 5-20, and Figure 5-27.
♦ Updated the section “Installation” on page 144.
Chapter 6 “Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Existing Off-Control
Network Primary Domain Controllers”
♦ “Overview” on page 169 and “Installation Procedure” on page 170.
Chapter 7 “Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New
Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the On-Control Network”
♦ Updated the section “Preparation and Installation for New Target Primary Domain
Controller With Windows Server 2016” on page 200.
Chapter 8 “Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New
Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the Off-Control Network”
B0700SX – Rev F Preface
Reference Documents
It is recommended that you are familiar with the following Foxboro Evo documents:
♦ System Management Displays (B0193JC)
♦ System Definition: A Step-By-Step Procedure (B0193WQ)
♦ System Definition V3.4 Release Notes for Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016
Preface B0700SX – Rev F
Time Synchronization User’s Guide (B0700AQ)
♦ The Foxboro Evo Control Network Architecture Guide (B0700AZ)
♦ Address Translation Station User’s Guide (B0700BP)
♦ Field Control Processor 280 (FCP280) User’s Guide (B0700FW)
♦ Field Control Processor 280 (FCP280) On-Line Image Update (B0700FX)
♦ Field Control Processor 280 (FCP280) Sizing Guidelines and Excel® Workbook
♦ Field Control Processor 270 (FCP270) Sizing Guidelines and Excel Workbook
♦ Z-Module Control Processor 270 (ZCP270) Sizing Guidelines and Excel Workbook
♦ Field Device Control 280 (FDC280) User's Guide (B0700GQ)
♦ Control Network Interface (CNI) User's Guide (B0700GE)
♦ Security Implementation User’s Guide for I/A Series and Foxboro Evo Workstations (Win-
dows 10 or Windows Server 2016 Operating Systems) (B0700HG)
♦ Veritas System Recovery 2016 Desktop, Server and Virtual Editions Guide for I/A Series®
and Foxboro Evo™ Process Automation Systems (B0700HH)
♦ Installation and Configuration of the McAfee ENS 10.5.2 with ePO
♦ FoxView and FoxDraw Software V10.5 Release Notes (B0700SZ)
♦ Control Core Services v9.4 Release Notes (B0700SY)
♦ System Manager (B0750AP)
♦ System Manager V2.11 Release Notes (B0750RS)
♦ Foxboro Evo Control Software Installation Guide (B0750RA)
♦ Control Software v7.1 Release Notes (B0750ST)
♦ FERRET v6.1.1 (Windows Platforms) and FERRET v6.1.1 (UNIX Platforms) User's
Guide (B0860BU)
♦ FERRET v6.1.2 Installation and Release Notes (B0860RU)
♦ Virtualization User's Guide for Windows Server 2016 (B0700HD)
♦ Local Group Policy Installation Guide (B0799FA)
♦ Procedure for Workstation Upgrade without Control Processor (CP) Reboot (B0860CP)
Hardware and Software Specific Documentation for Windows 10 Operating System
♦ Hardware and Software Specific Instructions for Model H92 (HP Z440) Windows 10
Professional Operating System (B0700HA)
♦ Hardware and Software Specific Instructions for Model H92 (HP Z420) Windows 10
Professional Operating System (B0700HB)
Hardware and Software Specific Documentation for Windows Server 2016 Standard
Operating System
♦ Hardware and Software Specific Instructions for Model H90 (HP DL380 Gen9) Win-
dows Server 2016 Operating System (B0700GZ)
B0700SX – Rev F Preface
♦ Hardware and Software Specific Instructions for Model V91 Server Virtualization Host
(HP DL380 Gen9) Windows Server 2016 Operating System (B0700HE)
Most of these documents are available on the Foxboro Evo Electronic Documentation media
(K0174MA). The latest revisions of each document are also available through our Global Cus-
tomer Support at https://pasupport.schneider-electric.com.
For more information on Schneider Electric Cyber Security Services, refer to:
Term Definition
Active Directory A network services application created by Microsoft Corporation.
Enterprise Edition Con- Control Core Services designed for enterprise-sized environments.
trol Core Services Formerly known as “Security Enhanced Control Core Services”.
Foxboro Evo Control Core Core software environment, formerly known as “I/A Series (Intelli-
Services gent Automation Series) software”.
Foxboro Evo Control Core A workstation which runs the Foxboro Evo Control Core Services
Services workstation without the Foxboro Evo Control Software.
Foxboro Evo Control Edi- Formerly known as “FCS Configuration Tools”, “InFusion Engi-
tors neering Environment”, or “IEE”, these are the Control Software
engineering and configuration tools built on the ArchestrA Inte-
grated Development Environment (IDE). It is part of the Foxboro
Evo Control Software.
Foxboro Evo Control Soft- Formerly known as “Foxboro Control Software (FCS)” and “InFu-
ware sion”, a suite of software built on the ArchestrA Integrated Develop-
ment Environment (IDE) to operate with the Foxboro Evo Control
Core Services.
Preface B0700SX – Rev F
Term Definition
Foxboro Evo Control Net- Formerly known as The Mesh control network, a switch network
work available in multiple topologies which facilitates communications
between Foxboro Evo stations. Also referred to as “the control net-
Foxboro Evo Control A workstation which runs the Foxboro Evo Control Core Services
Workstation and the Foxboro Evo Control Software.
Local Edition Control Control Core Services designed for Windows Workgroup stations.
Core Services Formerly known as “standard Control Core Services”.
Off-Control Network A descriptor applied to stations which are not located on the Fox-
boro Evo Control Network - and instead connected via a separate
customer-supplied network.
The procedures for configuring these stations for a system with the
Enterprise Edition Control Core Services differ significantly from
the procedures for configuring stations on the Foxboro Evo Control
On-Control Network A descriptor applied to stations which are located on the Foxboro
Evo Control Network (formerly known as The Mesh control net-
PDC Primary Domain Controller
SDC Secondary Domain Controller
SP Service Pack
SysDef Control Core Services’ System Definition software
The control network Shortened term for the Foxboro Evo Control Network
The Control Software Shortened term for Foxboro Evo Control Software.
B0700SX – Rev F Preface
1. Software Installation Overview
This chapter provides an overview for the concepts and installation processes described in this
This document describes installation of the Local Edition and Enterprise Edition Control Core
Services v9.4 on stations (workstations, servers, and domain controllers) running the following
operating systems:
♦ Windows 10
♦ Windows Server 2016 Standard
The following information is provided in this chapter:
♦ How to use this installation guide
♦ Overview of the types of software installations supported by this release
♦ System configuration and creating the Commit installation media
♦ Pre-installation system backup
♦ How to acquire documentation for the Control Core Services v9.4
♦ Media upgrade kits for supported hardware
♦ Installation media for Control Core Services v9.4
In this document, the term “workstation” can refer to both desktop workstations and servers in a
Control Core Services system.
Installation Concepts
Starting with I/A Series software v8.8, the concept of installation has changed from a granular
model to a more comprehensive model. (Note that this chapter refers to installation on a new
workstation/server, rather than an upgrade to an existing Foxboro Evo or I/A Series software
I/A Series software v8.7 and earlier had the concept of “selected package installation”, which
allowed each software package which was part of the I/A Series software to be installed separately -
for example, each package might be on a separate diskette, and only the diskettes you wanted
installed on a workstation/server would need to be provided during the installation.
In I/A Series software v8.8, and Foxboro Evo Control Core Services v9.0 and later, the installation
process is more automated, providing more flexibility to allow the appropriate system configura-
tion application to determine which packages are required for a workstation/server. Typically, the
process works as follows:
1. The Foxboro system configuration application creates Commit media which specifies
which packages are to be installed on each workstation/server.
2. Every package, with the exception of the OS1FDB package, is provided on the instal-
lation DVD. The OS1FDB has several variations, and so the appropriate variation has
to be selected.
B0700SX – Rev F 1. Software Installation Overview
3. When run, the installation application installs the appropriate packages. If there are
any Device Integrator modules configured, then the OS1FDB media will be requested
individually per letterbug. A different set of OS1FDB media can be chosen for each
letterbug or this can be skipped per letterbug.
After the installation is finished, you can perform these installation tasks on the existing Foxboro
Evo or Control Core Services software:
♦ Perform a Day 1 operation, which adds packages or updates the software configura-
tion based on changes from the system configuration application.
If you skipped the installation of the OS1FDB package, you can add it with this
♦ Perform a Repair operation, to verify that the files are present and not corrupted, and
applying updates and fixes as needed.
All Control Core Services v9.4 initial installations are Day 0 operations. After the Day 0 is com-
plete, you can re-load your databases and display files.
1. Software Installation Overview B0700SX – Rev F
lers. Control Core Services v9.4 is installed as a (Day 0 Installation) A new image on a
station which supports Windows 10 or Windows Server 2016 Standard.
♦ Enterprise Edition Control Core Services installation - Enterprise Edition Control
Core Services software is used on systems that require Microsoft® Active Directory
Domain Controllers. In these systems, the workstation clients of these domain con-
trollers are members of an Active Directory domain (domain clients). There are two
separate categories of Enterprise Edition installations:
a. New Enterprise Edition Control Core Services software installations.
b. Installation on existing stations with security enhanced I/A Series software v8.5,
v8.6, v8.7, or v8.8. These are referred to as migrations. (See the following note.)
While Day 1 installations are not supported for the initial installation of Control Core
Services v9.4, there are possible migration scenarios for the domain controller only
which are covered in the later chapters. If a workstation is at an older version (domain
client), it will have to be re-installed (via a Day 0 operation) to upgrade it to CCS
v9.4. Then it can be connected to the CCS V9.4 domain controller. Alternatively, it
can be left at the older version and can continue to be connected to the same domain
controller. Various domain controller scenarios are supported depending on the
migration path of the PDC.
Refer to Chapter 3 “Installation or Migration Scenarios for Enterprise Edition Con-
trol Core Services v9.4” for a detailed explanation of these scenarios.
Older styles of the HP Z420 can be upgraded by
replacing the video card with new part number
P0928JF. Any continued use of on-board serial card
will be considered an engineered solution. Consult
your technical / sales representative for details.
B0700SX – Rev F 1. Software Installation Overview
V91 HP DL380 Gen9 Server 2016 VM Host (Model V91, Style A/A or
newer style)
1. BIOS must be updated to version 2.22 or later before upgrading the OS. Please download
the latest qualified BIOS update from the GCS site:
( https://pasupport.schneider-electric.com/content/Security/mspatch/mspatch.asp).
NOTE: This link is only accessible to registered users. First time users can register at:
Allow three business days for validation of the application.
Additional hardware requirements are provided in the Hardware and Software Specific Docu-
mentation listed in “Reference Documents” on page xxxiv and the following PSSes:
♦ Model H92 Workstation for Windows 10 Operating System (PSS 31H-4H92-10)
♦ Model H90 Workstation Server for Windows Server 2016 Operating System
(PSS 31H-4H90-16)
1. Software Installation Overview B0700SX – Rev F
SDC or as a domain client. Or, if the hardware is not compatible, it could be re-used
as an older version workstation spare.
For instructions on backing up and restoring your workstations or servers, refer to Veritas System
Recovery 2016 Desktop, Server and Virtual Editions Guide for I/A Series® and Foxboro Evo™ Process
Automation Systems (B0700HH).
To backup the PDC and SDC domain controller pair, refer to Appendix D “Guide-
lines for Using Veritas System Recovery for Backing Up and Restoring Domain
Once you have completed the backup, you physically install the software on each target worksta-
tion. For a Day 0 installation, this procedure includes installing a new operating system image on
the station and performing the Day 0 installation.
If you are installing Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4, you HAVE TO install the Pri-
mary Domain Controller (PDC) first.
After Day 0 installations, control processors need an image update, so careful planning will be
needed. The On-Line Image Update (or On-Line Upgrade) procedure is not available for Day 0
installations because the control database files (workfiles) are lost during the Day 0 software
installation. To restore the control database after a Day 0 installation, you have to perform an Ini-
tialize and LoadAll. The on-line image update procedure is available for future upgrades that do
not involve a Day 0 installation on the host workstation. Refer to Control Processor 270 (CP270)
On-Line Image Update (B0700BY) or Field Control Processor 280 (FCP280) On-Line Image Update
B0700SX – Rev F 1. Software Installation Overview
Label Commit installation media with the Control Core Services or I/A Series versions on which
it can be used, for example, Control Core Services v9.4 or I/A Series v8.2-v8.8.
It is recommended that you have only a single System Configuration (set of Commit media) for
your Control Core Services system. From a single configuration database, you can produce media
for multiple versions of Control Core Services and I/A Series software by providing a Package Dis-
tribution Disk (10091). Starting with I/A Series software v8.8, there is no package distribution
disk, so this request can be ignored in System Definition. For earlier versions, this was used to
produce specific information on the Commit media that was used by the I/A Series installation
See the documentation listed below for information on how to import existing configurations
using System Definition v3.4, IACC v2.6, or the Control Software v7.1.
If importing an older configuration from an earlier version of System Definition (pre-v3.0), in a
system with I/A Series software pre-v8.8, any stations that will be installed for use in a system with
Control Core Services v9.4 has to be migrated to either the new WSTA70 (for Windows 10) or
WSVR70 (for Windows Server 2016 Standard) station type. After migrating these stations, new
Commit media has to be created. (Stations with I/A Series software v8.8 have already been
migrated to these new station types.)
1. Software Installation Overview B0700SX – Rev F
Table 1-2. Foxboro Evo Control Core Services v9.4 Platform Specific Media Kit
The upgrade kits in Table 1-3 are available if you want to upgrade existing supported hardware to
the new operating systems.
Table 1-3. Foxboro Evo Control Core Services v9.4 Platform Specific Upgrade Kits
Older styles of the HP Z420 can be upgraded by replacing the
video card with new part number P0928JF. Any continued
use of on-board serial card will be considered an engineered
solution. Consult your technical / sales representative for
K0204AJ1 H90 HP DL380 Gen9 Server 2016 (as Workstation, supports no remote cli-
ents) upgrade kit (Model H90, Style G/A or newer style)
K0204AW1 H90 HP DL380 Gen9 Server 2016 (as Server, supports remote clients)
upgrade kit (Model H90, Style G/A or newer style)
K0204AK2 V91 HP DL380 G9 Server 2016 VM Host upgrade kit (Model V91, Style A/A
or newer style)
K0204AL Upgrade kit for Server 2016 2 VMs (Kit to add 2 Server 2016 VMs to V91 vir-
tualization server host)
1. BIOS must be updated to version 2.22 or later before upgrading the OS. Please download the latest
qualified BIOS update from the GCS site:
NOTE: This link is only accessible to registered users. First time users can register at:
Allow three business days for validation of the application.
Can be used to upgrade a V90 Gen 9 server.
B0700SX – Rev F 1. Software Installation Overview
Pre-Installation Tasks
Backing Up the CSA Database
Back up the CSA files by using the CSA_Save utility as described in “Backing Up and Restoring
Compound Summary Access (CSA)” in the Control Core Services v9.4 Release Notes (B0700SY).
2. Local Edition Control Core
Services v9.4 Day 0 Installation
This chapter describes procedures to perform an initial installation of the Local Edition
Control Core Services v9.4. An initial installation, or an installation which removes any
instances of existing Control Core Services or I/A Series software, is referred to as a “Day 0”
As well, updating supported hardware with earlier versions of Control Core Services requires a
Day 0 operation. Upgrade scenarios include the following:
♦ I/A Series software versions prior to 8.8 - Requires new hardware. You must save off
databases, displays, etc. and then load the hardware with CCS v9.4 and apply the
saved databases, displays, etc.
♦ I/A Series software v8.8 through Control Core Services v9.0 - 9.3 - This may require
new hardware if not compatible with Windows 10 or Windows Server 2016. If new
hardware is required, then save off databases, displays, etc. and re-load with new hard-
ware. If your hardware is compatible, save off databases, displays, etc. and re-load the
workstation with new operating system. Then, load with CCS V9.4 and apply saved
databases, displays, etc.
♦ No release update is applicable for Control Core Services v9.4.
♦ A Day 1 installation will apply only in the case where packages must be added to an
existing CCS v9.4 installation.
If you already have a supported station with I/A Series software v8.8 or Control Core Services
v9.0-9.3 installed and want to apply an initial Day 0 installation of Control Core Services v9.4 to
it, refer to this chapter.
If you already have Control Core Services v9.4 installed and want to update or change the pack-
ages installed (a Day 1 operation), or repair the existing packages, refer to Chapter 13 “Upgrading
Control Core Services v9.4 (Day 1 Installation or Repair Operation)”.
Password handling is different for Control Core Services v9.4 on Windows 10/Windows Server
2016 operating systems.
♦ The built-in admin account has no password and the account is disabled.
♦ “Account1” has “Password1” as its initial value, but the user is prompted to change the
password during installation.
♦ A new account is created during a Local Edition installation, during which you select
the user name and password.
Workstation/Server Preparation
This section applies to Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 Standard stations on which Local
Edition Control Core Services are being installed for the first time, or overwriting existing Con-
trol Core Services or I/A Series software. (This is referred to as a Day 0 installation. Perform the
following steps to set up the hardware and restore the operating system onto your workstation.
B0700SX – Rev F 2. Local Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Day 0 Installation
If this is a new station shipped from the Schneider Electric factory with the V9.4
Restore image identified by the media kits in Table 1-2 and verified in your work-
H-code, proceed to “Notes on Installing Control Core Services” on page 10. If not,
continue following the steps in this section.
1. Install hardware, restore the Windows operating system, and update drivers for your
workstation. Perform the following:
a. Refer to Control Core Services v9.4 Release Notes (B0700SY) for hardware require-
ments specific to the V9.4 release. For instructions on installing memory
upgrades, PCI cards, and so forth, refer to the “Installing Hardware Upgrades”
chapter of the hardware and software specific instruction document shipped with
your workstation.
b. If the server is new from factory with the Server 2016 image then skip this step.
Otherwise using the V9.4 Restore Media, restore the Windows operating system
on your workstation. Follow the instructions of Appendix A “Startup Options”.
Only use the media kits listed in Table 1-2 to restore the operating system of a station
with Control Core Services v9.4.
It is vital that the instructions for installing Control Core Services from your hardware
specific instruction manual are not followed. Follow the software installation proce-
dure below.
c. Set the time and date. Perform the following:
♦ Open the Windows Date and Time applet by clicking the Date and Time
icon in the Control Panel.
♦ Click the Change Date and Time button.
♦ Adjust the date and time.
♦ Click OK.
♦ Click the Change time zone button.
♦ Select the correct time zone from the drop-down list and select the checkbox
(if not already selected) to automatically adjust the clock for daylight saving
time (DST) changes, if desired.
♦ Click OK.
d. For any procedures not found in Step 1.b above, refer to the “Installing and
Updating Drivers” chapter of the Hardware And Software Specific Instructions
document shipped with the workstation/server.
2. Local Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Day 0 Installation B0700SX – Rev F
♦ GPS PCI time synchronization cards are not supported on the Windows 10 operating
system. You must use a workstation with Windows 7 to host GPS time
♦ In Control Panel -> Network and Sharing Center/Network Connections, which lists
the available NICs, it is inadvisable to change the name of any “Local Area Connec-
tion x” network connection. This can result in software installation issues or system
Only perform this procedure for 100MBps fiber optic cards. For copper
NICs and for Gigabit Fiber optic NICs, you should NOT perform this
Before performing this installation, disable any antivirus software that is installed.
Before installing Control Core Services, for each installed NIC, you have to set the NIC’s proper-
ties “Flow Control” and “Speed & Duplex” manually as described below for the NICs on this sta-
Refer to the Hardware and Software Specific Instructions document included with your station to
determine the NIC cards it supports.
Proceed as follows:
1. On Windows 10 or Windows Server 2016 stations, click Control Panel -> Device
In the Device Manager window, expand the Network adapters list.
2. Right-click the desired card and click Properties. In the Properties dialog box that
appears, select the Advanced tab.
3. In the Property field, click Flow Control. In the Value field, select Disable from
the drop-down menu list.
4. In the Property field, click Speed & Duplex. In the Value field, in the drop-down
menu list:
B0700SX – Rev F 2. Local Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Day 0 Installation
Click Yes to cancel, or No to resume the installation process. If you click Yes, the installation
exits. Upon restarting the setup process, depending on how far along the configuration has pro-
ceeded, you may be returned to the same dialog box from which the installation was canceled.
To restart the installation process after clicking Cancel, re-insert the DVD labeled “Foxboro Evo
Control Core Services v9.4 Windows 10/Server 2016 Day 0 DVD” (K0177BP).
Installation Procedure
Before performing this installation, disable any antivirus software that is installed.
Proceed as follows:
1. Check that the workstation is attached to the control network.
2. Unplug any non-Control Network cables.
3. Insert the DVD labeled “Foxboro Evo Control Core Services v9.4 Windows 10/Server
2016 Day 0 DVD” (K0177BP), if it is not already in the station.
4. Navigate to the DVD drive and double-click setup.exe.
2. Local Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Day 0 Installation B0700SX – Rev F
5. When the User Account Control (UAC) prompt appears, click Yes.
B0700SX – Rev F 2. Local Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Day 0 Installation
6. Select the radio button setting for Install CCS software for a Local Edi-
tion. Click Next to continue.
2. Local Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Day 0 Installation B0700SX – Rev F
7. The next dialog box requests that you load the committed configuration install files,
as shown in Figure 2-4. Click Load to load the committed configuration files.
8. The browser for the folder containing the committed configuration install files opens,
as shown in Figure 2-5. If the installation media with your Commit files is on the
server’s hard drive or a network, browse to the location of the media and click Select
B0700SX – Rev F 2. Local Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Day 0 Installation
2. Local Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Day 0 Installation B0700SX – Rev F
9. Once the installation files have been loaded, click Bind as shown in Figure 2-6 to
launch the Load committed configuration install files dialog box (Figure 2-7).
10. From the Mesh Configurator dialog box shown in Figure 2-7, select the two network
cards representing the control network and click Next.
Be certain to pick the correct NICs as this selection cannot be changed later in the
If this dialog box is not displayed, the NIC cards have been automatically configured.
Proceed to the next step.
B0700SX – Rev F 2. Local Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Day 0 Installation
Figure 2-7. Mesh Configurator Dialog Box (For Certain NIC Cards)
11. In the Load committed configuration install files dialog box, click Next, as in
Figure 2-8.
2. Local Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Day 0 Installation B0700SX – Rev F
12. The Configure User Accounts dialog box as shown in Figure 2-9.
♦ Specify the Password and confirm password for the “Local Administrator
♦ Specify the User name, Password, and Confirm Password for the “Local Edition
Engineering User Account”.
♦ Select the checkbox “Set this account to Auto Logon on restart”, if you want to
enable auto-login. If the checkbox is unchecked, you have to login Manually.
♦ Configure.
B0700SX – Rev F 2. Local Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Day 0 Installation
2. Local Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Day 0 Installation B0700SX – Rev F
14. The MSI installer opens for Control Core Services Day 0 software. Click Next.
Figure 2-11. Foxboro Evo Control Core Services Installshield Wizard - Next
B0700SX – Rev F 2. Local Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Day 0 Installation
Figure 2-12. Foxboro Evo Control Core Services Installshield Wizard - Install
Canceling the installation after this point may result in a partially installed system.
16. If the OS1FDB package is configured on this server, the dialog box shown in
Figure 2-13 is displayed for each OS1FDB station configured to be hosted by the
workstation being installed.
This will occur one time for each OS1FDB station configured.
a. Click one of the following:
♦ Click Load to install this package.
♦ Click Skip to bypass the installation of this package. If Skip is selected, the
installation will continue, but this dialog box will be displayed again for each
of the OS1FDB stations configured on this Foxboro Evo workstation.
2. Local Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Day 0 Installation B0700SX – Rev F
If your installation media for the OS1FDB package is not on a floppy diskette, browse
to the location of your stamped media and click the Select Folder button
If your installation media for the OS1FDB package is on a floppy diskette, click Use
Diskette. The diskette has to be in the diskette drive (A:\). Once the Use Diskette
button is clicked, the diskette will be read.
B0700SX – Rev F 2. Local Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Day 0 Installation
c. If you selected Use Diskette in the previous step, the dialog box in Figure 2-15
appears. Insert the second diskette in the OS1FDB set and click Load. The dis-
kette has to be inserted in drive A:\.
At the end of the installation, the installation log is displayed. You can view this log
later by clicking the Start button and selecting Foxboro Core Service -> Log
2. Local Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Day 0 Installation B0700SX – Rev F
Click on the Setup Log, Pkg Log, and Init Log buttons to view these logs. These
logs can also be printed.
B0700SX – Rev F 2. Local Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Day 0 Installation
System Manager v2.11 or later is not part of the Control Core Services v9.4 media.
It must be installed using separate media prior to reboot.
Reboot the workstation at this time. Click the Start button and click Shut Down; select Restart
from the pull-down menu and click OK.
Finishing Installation
To finish the installation, re-enable any antivirus software that is installed.
3. Installation or Migration
Scenarios for Enterprise Edition
Control Core Services v9.4
If you are performing an installation or migration for a workstation/server with Enterprise
Edition Control Core Services v9.4, this chapter assists you in determining the various tasks
needed for your specific system configuration.
If you already have a station with I/A Series software v8.8 or Control Core Services v9.0-9.3
installed and want to update to Control Core Services v9.4 directly (referred to as a release update),
refer to Chapter 13 “Upgrading Control Core Services v9.4 (Day 1 Installation or Repair Opera-
If you already have Control Core Services v9.4 installed and want to update or change the pack-
ages installed (a Day 1 operation), or repair the existing packages, refer to Chapter 13 “Upgrading
Control Core Services v9.4 (Day 1 Installation or Repair Operation)”.
The release updates (Enterprise Edition or Local Edition) follow the same procedure, including
release update procedures for On-Control Network PDCs. For Off-Control Network PDCs, no
upgrade is needed, as Control Core Services software is not installed.
Before installing Control Core Services on each of your workstations/servers, set a proper pass-
word on the workstations/servers.
For installations that need additional cyber security and management capabilities over that pro-
vided by the Local Edition Control Core Services v9.4, a system with the Enterprise Edition Con-
trol Core Services v9.4 is available. This implementation involves having servers that provide the
role of Microsoft® Active Directory Domain Controllers. A domain controller is a server on a
Microsoft Windows network that is responsible for allowing host access to Windows domain
resources. It stores user account information, authenticates users and enforces authorization policy
for a Windows domain.
There has to be at least one domain controller present to act as the “primary” domain controller,
but the recommendation is to have a second server acting as a “secondary” domain controller to
provide redundancy. The workstation clients of these domain controllers are members of an
Active Directory domain (domain clients).
Determine the installation scenario for your Control Core Services system as follows:
1. There are two separate types of installations for systems with Enterprise Edition Con-
trol Core Services v9.4. Determine which are applicable for the stations in your Con-
trol Core Services system:
♦ New Installation - Installation of this Enterprise Edition software on worksta-
tions/servers on which Control Core Services or I/A Series software has never been
installed. For this installation, the domain controllers and the client domain work-
B0700SX – Rev F 3. Installation or Migration Scenarios for Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4
3. Installation or Migration Scenarios for Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 B0700SX – Rev F
B0700SX – Rev F 3. Installation or Migration Scenarios for Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4
Scenario 1
In this scenario:
♦ New domain controllers (PDC and SDC) are located on the Foxboro Evo Control
Network (On-Control Network). Each of the stations (new domain controllers and
new domain client workstations) are loaded with Control Core Services v9.4.
♦ There are no stations with security enhanced Control Core Services v9.3 or earlier on
the domain.
♦ Stations with Local Edition Control Core Services v9.4 or earlier are supported on the
same control network but not on the Active Directory domain.
Refer to Chapter 4 “Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New On-Con-
trol Network Domain Controllers” for the installation instructions for this scenario.
Refer to Chapter 12 “Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Domain Cli-
ents or Connecting Security Enhanced I/A Series Software v8.5-9.4 Domain Clients to Existing
Off-Control Network Networks” for the installation instructions for the domain clients.
Scenario 2
In this scenario:
♦ New domain controllers (PDC and SDC) are located on a separate, customer-sup-
plied network (Off-Control Network). Each of the stations (new domain controllers
and new domain client workstations) are loaded with Control Core Services v9.4.
♦ There are no stations with security enhanced Control Core Services v9.3or earlier on
the domain.
♦ Stations with Local Edition Control Core Services v9.4 or earlier are supported on the
same control network but not on the Active Directory domain.
Refer to Chapter 5 “Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New Off-Con-
trol Network Domain Controllers” for the installation instructions for this scenario.
Refer to Chapter 12 “Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Domain Cli-
ents or Connecting Security Enhanced I/A Series Software v8.5-9.4 Domain Clients to Existing
Off-Control Network Networks” for the installation instructions for the domain clients.
Scenario 3
This scenario is designed for systems in which you already have a PDC with Windows Server
2016 Standard on which you want to install the Control Core Services components for Active
In this scenario:
♦ Control Core Services v9.4 is installed to an existing PDC with Windows Server 2016
Standard installed on an Off-Control Network network. The existing PDC is running
Windows Server 2016 Standard with no Control Core Services software. The existing
PDC installed on a separate network (Off-Control Network) is a customer-supplied
station that has customer-specific Active Directory components with no Control Core
Services software.
3. Installation or Migration Scenarios for Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 B0700SX – Rev F
♦ This installation is not completely automated by the Control Core Services v9.4
installation program and needs some manual steps as indicated in Chapter 6 “Enter-
prise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Existing Off-Control
Network Primary Domain Controllers”.
♦ All domain clients are installed as new workstations with Control Core Services v9.4.
♦ There are no stations with security enhanced Control Core Services v9.3 or earlier on
the domain.
♦ Stations with Local Edition Control Core Services v9.4 or earlier are supported on the
same control network but not on the Active Directory domain.
Refer to Chapter 6 “Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Existing Off-
Control Network Primary Domain Controllers” for the installation instructions for this scenario.
Refer to Chapter 12 “Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Domain Cli-
ents or Connecting Security Enhanced I/A Series Software v8.5-9.4 Domain Clients to Existing
Off-Control Network Networks” for the installation instructions for the domain clients.
Scenario 4
In this scenario:
♦ This is a migration of an existing PDC on the control network with Window Server
2008 and I/A Series software v8.8-Control Core Services v9.0-9.3 to a new PDC on
the control network with Windows Server 2016 Standard and Control Core Services
♦ The new PDC with Windows Server 2016 Standard can either be a new server or an
existing SDC that is capable of running Windows Server 2016 Standard.
♦ The installation is not completely automated by the Control Core Services v9.4 instal-
lation program and needs some manual steps as indicated in Chapter 7 “Migrating an
On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server
2016 Primary Domain Controller on the On-Control Network”.
♦ The station name for the new PDC has to be the name of a new station with Control
Core Services v9.4 that is configured to have only the IAMESH package. The name of
this station has to be included on the Commit installation media.
♦ The existing PDC will switch roles and become an SDC on the control network with
Windows Server 2016. This station will keep its same name.
♦ SDCs are configured as follows:
♦ All existing SDCs with Control Core Services v9.3 or earlier have to be demoted
(as described in “Removing Domain Controller Functionality from a Worksta-
tion” on page 527).
♦ These demoted stations have to have Windows Server 2016 Standard installed on
them (if their hardware supports this operating system).
♦ Each demoted station has to have the appropriate software installed on them to
make them an SDC according to the instructions in this document - see “Install-
ing Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 on Secondary Domain Con-
trollers on The Control Network” on page 83, “Installing Enterprise Edition
Control Core Services v9.4 on Off-Control Network Secondary Domain Control-
B0700SX – Rev F 3. Installation or Migration Scenarios for Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4
Scenario 5
In this scenario:
♦ This is a migration of an existing PDC on the control network with Window Server
2008 and I/A Series software v8.8 or Control Core Services v9.0-9.3 to a new PDC
installed on a separate network (Off-Control Network) with Windows Server 2016
Standard and Control Core Services v9.4.
♦ The new PDC with Windows Server 2016 Standard can either be a new server or an
existing SDC that is capable of running Windows Server 2016 Standard.
♦ The installation is not completely automated by the Control Core Services v9.4 instal-
lation program and needs some manual steps as indicated in Chapter 8 “Migrating an
On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server
2016 Primary Domain Controller on the Off-Control Network”.
♦ The station name for the new PDC does not have to be included on the Commit
installation media. This new name is configured in the Active Directory according to
the instructions.
♦ The original PDC (with I/A Series software v8.8 or Control Core Services v9.0-9.3) is
no longer used after the installation and can be removed or re-purposed as another
server after demoting it from the domain controller role, as described in “Removing
Domain Controller Functionality from a Workstation” on page 527.
♦ The old SDC has to be removed. This involves demoting the domain controller and
removing from Active Directory. Any other SDC station on a system with Control
Core Services v9.3 or earlier on the control network has to also be removed and
reloaded as stations with Control Core Services v9.4 (Off-Control Network) if
♦ Existing SDCs with I/A Series software v8.7 or earlier have to be demoted (as
described in “Removing Domain Controller Functionality from a Workstation”
on page 527).
♦ These demoted stations have to have Windows Server 2016 Standard installed on
them (if their hardware supports this operating system).
♦ Each demoted station has to be installed as an Off-Control Network SDC accord-
ing to the instructions in this document.
3. Installation or Migration Scenarios for Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 B0700SX – Rev F
Scenario 6
In this scenario:
♦ This is a migration of an existing PDC off control network with Window Server 2008
and I/A Series software v8.8-Control Core Services v9.0-9.3 to a new PDC on the
control network with Windows Server 2016 Standard and Control Core Services
♦ The new PDC with Windows Server 2016 Standard can either be a new server or an
existing SDC that is capable of running Windows Server 2016 Standard.
♦ The installation is not completely automated by the Control Core Services v9.4 instal-
lation program and needs some manual steps as indicated in Chapter 7 “Migrating an
On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server
2016 Primary Domain Controller on the On-Control Network”.
♦ The station name for the new PDC has to be the name of a new station with Control
Core Services v9.4 that is configured to have only the IAMESH package. The name of
this station has to be included on the Commit installation media.
♦ The existing PDC will switch roles and become an SDC on the control network with
Windows Server 2016. This station will keep its same name.
♦ SDCs are configured as follows:
♦ All existing SDCs with Control Core Services v9.3 or earlier have to be demoted
(as described in “Removing Domain Controller Functionality from a Worksta-
tion” on page 527).
♦ These demoted stations have to have Windows Server 2016 Standard installed on
them (if their hardware supports this operating system).
♦ Each demoted station has to have the appropriate software installed on them to
make them an SDC according to the instructions in this document - see “Install-
ing Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 on Secondary Domain Con-
trollers on The Control Network” on page 83, “Installing Enterprise Edition
Control Core Services v9.4 on Off-Control Network Secondary Domain Control-
lers” on page 140, and Appendix C “Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro
Evo System”.
For this to work, either a new letterbug (station name) has to be provided which is designated as a
station with Control Core Services v9.4 in the Commit installation media or the existing station
name has to be converted in System Definition to be a station with Control Core Services v9.4.
Refer to Chapter 9 “Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a
New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the On-Control Network” for the
installation instructions for this scenario.
B0700SX – Rev F 3. Installation or Migration Scenarios for Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4
Refer to Chapter 12 “Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Domain Cli-
ents or Connecting Security Enhanced I/A Series Software v8.5-9.4 Domain Clients to Existing
Off-Control Network Networks” for the installation instructions for the domain clients.
Scenario 7
In this scenario:
♦ This is a migration of an existing PDC Off control network with Window Server
2008 and I/A Series software v8.8-Control Core Services v9.0-9.3 to a new PDC Off
control network with Windows Server 2016 Standard and Control Core Services
♦ The new PDC with Windows Server 2016 Standard can either be a new server or an
existing SDC that is capable of running Windows Server 2016 Standard.
♦ The installation is not completely automated by the Control Core Services v9.4 instal-
lation program and needs some manual steps as indicated in Chapter 7 “Migrating an
On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server
2016 Primary Domain Controller on the On-Control Network”.
♦ The station name for the new PDC has to be the name of a new station with Control
Core Services v9.4 that is configured to have only the IAMESH package. The name of
this station has to be included on the Commit installation media.
♦ The existing PDC will switch roles and become an SDC on the control network with
Windows Server 2016. This station will keep its same name.
♦ SDCs are configured as follows:
♦ All existing SDCs with Control Core Services v9.3 or earlier have to be demoted
(as described in “Removing Domain Controller Functionality from a Worksta-
tion” on page 527).
♦ These demoted stations have to have Windows Server 2016 Standard installed on
them (if their hardware supports this operating system).
♦ Each demoted station has to have the appropriate software installed on them to
make them an SDC according to the instructions in this document - see “Install-
ing Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 on Secondary Domain Con-
trollers on The Control Network” on page 83, “Installing Enterprise Edition
Control Core Services v9.4 on Off-Control Network Secondary Domain Control-
lers” on page 140, and Appendix C “Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro
Evo System”.
For this to work, either a new letterbug (station name) has to be provided which is designated as a
station with Control Core Services v9.4 in the Commit installation media or the existing station
name has to be converted in System Definition to be a station with Control Core Services v9.4.
Refer to Chapter 10 “Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a
New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the Off-Control Network” for the
installation instructions for this scenario.
Refer to Chapter 12 “Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Domain Cli-
ents or Connecting Security Enhanced I/A Series Software v8.5-9.4 Domain Clients to Existing
Off-Control Network Networks” for the installation instructions for the domain clients.
3. Installation or Migration Scenarios for Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 B0700SX – Rev F
Scenario 8
In this scenario:
♦ This is a migration of an existing PDC on the control network with Windows Server
2003 and I/A Series software v8.5-8.7 to a new PDC on the control network with
Windows Server 2016 Standard and Control Core Services v9.4.
♦ The new PDC with Windows Server 2016 Standard can either be a new server or an
existing SDC that is capable of running Windows Server 2016 Standard.
♦ The installation is not completely automated by the Control Core Services v9.4 instal-
lation program and needs some manual steps as indicated in Chapter 12.
♦ The station name for the new PDC has to be the name of a new station with Control
Core Services v9.4 that is configured to have only the IAMESH package. The name of
this station has to be included on the Commit installation media.
♦ The existing PDC will switch roles and become an SDC on the control network with
Windows Server 2016. This station will keep its same name.
♦ SDCs are configured as follows:
♦ All existing SDCs with Control Core Services v8.7 or earlier have to be demoted
(as described in “Removing Domain Controller Functionality from a Worksta-
tion” on page 527).
♦ These demoted stations have to have Windows Server 2016 Standard installed on
them (if their hardware supports this operating system).
♦ Each demoted station has to have the appropriate software installed on them to
make them an SDC according to the instructions in this document- see “Install-
ing Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 on Secondary Domain Con-
trollers on The Control Network” on page 83, “Installing Enterprise Edition
Control Core Services v9.4 on Off-Control Network Primary Domain Control-
lers” on page 111, and Appendix C “Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro
Evo System”.
♦ For this to work, either a new letterbug (station name) has to be provided which is
designated as a station with Control Core Services v9.4 in the Commit installation
media or the existing station name has to be converted in System Definition to be
a station with Control Core Services v9.4.
Refer to Chapter 11 “Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2003 Domain Controller to a
New Windows 2016 Primary Domain Controller on an On- or Off-Control Network” for the
installation instructions for this scenario.
Refer to Chapter 12 “Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Domain Cli-
ents or Connecting Security Enhanced I/A Series Software v8.5-9.4 Domain Clients to Existing
Off-Control Network Networks” for the installation instructions for the domain clients.
Scenario 9
In this scenario:
♦ This is a migration of an existing PDC on the control network with Window Server
2003 and I/A Series software v8.5 -8.7 to a new PDC installed on a separate network
B0700SX – Rev F 3. Installation or Migration Scenarios for Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4
(Off-Control Network) with Windows Server 2016 Standard and Control Core Ser-
vices v9.4.
♦ The new PDC with Windows Server 2016 Standard can either be a new server or an
existing SDC that is capable of running Windows Server 2016 Standard.
♦ The installation is not completely automated by the Control Core Services v9.4 instal-
lation program and needs some manual steps as indicated in Chapter 12.
♦ The station name for the new PDC does not have to be included on the Commit
installation media. This new name is configured in the Active Directory according to
the instructions.
♦ The original PDC (with I/A Series software v8.5-8.7) is no longer used after the instal-
lation and can be removed or re-purposed as another server. But this should be done
only after properly demoting the domain controller role. Refer to “Removing Domain
Controller Functionality from a Workstation” on page 527 for instructions on how to
demote a domain controller.
♦ The old SDC has to be removed. This involves demoting the domain controller and
removing from Active Directory. Any other SDC station on a system with I/A Series
software v8.7 or earlier on the control network has to also be removed and reloaded as
stations with Control Core Services v9.4 (Off-Control Network) if desired:
♦ Existing SDCs with I/A Series software v8.7 or earlier have to be demoted (as
described in “Removing Domain Controller Functionality from a Workstation”
on page 527).
♦ These demoted stations have to have Windows Server 2016 Standard installed on
them (if their hardware supports this operating system).
♦ Each demoted station has to be installed as an Off-Control Network SDC accord-
ing to the instructions in this document.
Refer to Chapter 11 “Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2003 Domain Controller to a
New Windows 2016 Primary Domain Controller on an On- or Off-Control Network” for the
installation instructions for this scenario.
3. Installation or Migration Scenarios for Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 B0700SX – Rev F
B0700SX – Rev F 3. Installation or Migration Scenarios for Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4
Foxboro Evo
ICC on ICC on IACC on Editors on
Solaris Windows Windows Windows
Description Platform Platform Platform Platform
Precompiler supports reserved Yes Yes Yes Yes
Precompiler supports long No No No No
Precompiler supports long IF No No Yes Yes
Foxboro Evo
ICC on ICC on IACC on Editors on
Solaris Windows Windows Windows
Description Platform Platform Platform Platform
Precompiler is case sensitive Yes Yes No No
Precompiler replaces strings Yes No No No
included in single quotes
Precompiler correctly expands Yes No No No
#define statements
Precompiler correctly expands Yes No No No
#define statements with com-
Precompiler needs that a No No Yes Yes
value is added to #define
Precompiler supports “#if Yes Yes No No
defined” statements
Precompiler supports redefini- Yes Yes No No
tion of #define values
Precompiler supports condi- Yes Yes No No
tional inclusion
Precompiler supports a direc- Yes Yes No Yes
tory structure
Precompiler removes white No Yes Yes Yes
Precompiler exhibits text edi- N/A N/A Yes N/A
tor suboptimal conditions
Precompiler supports spaces N/A N/A No Yes
behind #endif macro
Precompiler support multi-line Yes Yes No No
macros separated by a backs-
lash ('\') character at the end
of the line.
3. Installation or Migration Scenarios for Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 B0700SX – Rev F
Foxboro Evo
ICC on ICC on IACC on Control Editors
Solaris Windows Windows on Windows
Description Platform Platform Platform Platform
Precompiler has subopti- No Yes Yes Yes
mal conditions with car-
riage return, line feed, and
tab characters
Precompiler has subopti- No No Yes Yes
mal conditions with single
For additional information on control configuration, sequence blocks, and their compilation,
refer to the following documents:
♦ High Level Batch Language (HLBL) User’s Guide (B0400DF)
♦ I/A Series Configuration Component (IACC) User's Guide (B0700FE)
♦ Sequence Block SFC Editor User's Guide (B0750AM)
♦ Sequence Block HLBL Editor User's Guide (B0750AL)
♦ Integrated Control Configurator (B0193AV)
♦ Sequential Function Chart/Structured Text Configurator and Display Manager for
Sequence Blocks (B0193UZ)
The following sections describe these concerns in more detail.
General Considerations
The following subsections describe general considerations when migrating sequence block code
between different configurators and operating systems:
B0700SX – Rev F 3. Installation or Migration Scenarios for Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4
The following subsections describe the concerns with HLBL code that may appear when migrat-
ing code between configurators and operating systems:
♦ “Case Sensitivity” on page 40.
♦ “Replacement of Strings Included in Single Quotes” on page 41.
♦ “Expansion of #define Statements” on page 41.
♦ “Value Added to #define Statements” on page 42.
♦ “Conditional Inclusion Support” on page 43.
♦ “Directory Structure” on page 44.
♦ “Text Editor Concerns” on page 46.
♦ “Space Behind #endif Macro” on page 47.
Case Sensitivity
ICC running on both Solaris and Windows platforms is case-sensitive, whereas the IACC and the
Foxboro Evo Control Editors (hereinafter referred to as Control Editors) applications (which both
run on Windows platforms) are not case-sensitive. You may have a concern when compiling code
depending on which control configuration tool you are using. For example, you may have case-
sensitivity suboptimal conditions if you are upgrading from ICC running on a Solaris platform to
the Control Editors running on a Windows platform, as shown in the following example.
The following code will not compile in the non-case-sensitive control configurators because the
uppercase BATCHTIME macro conflicts with the lower case batchtime variable:
batchsec : RI0015; {Batch timer in seconds}
batchtime : SN0001; {Batch elapsed time string batch time changed
from batchtime to batchtime1}
lasttime : II0001; {Last time batch time was updated}
Alternatively, the following code will compile, because the batchtime variable has been changed
to batchtime1:
batchsec : RI0015; {Batch timer in seconds}
batchtime1 : SN0001; {Batch elapsed time string batch time changed
form batchtime to batchtime1}
lasttime : II0001; {Last time batch time was updated}
If you are upgrading from a non-case-sensitive configurator (ICC on Solaris or
Windows platforms) to a case-sensitive configurator (IACC or the Control Editors),
make certain your code does not contain tokens that differ only in case, such as an
uppercase macro name and a lowercase variable name.
3. Installation or Migration Scenarios for Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 B0700SX – Rev F
Alternatively, if the code was changed as follows, the precompiler will substitute
‘RX_101:XV101_1A’ wherever sCHARG_VLV appears, and RX_101:XV101_1A wherever
CHARG_VLV appears.
#define OPEN TRUE /* existing macro */
#define CHARG_VLV RX_101:XV101_1A /* existing macro */
#define sCHARG_VLV ‘RX_101:XV101_1A’ /* new macro */
If you are upgrading from ICC running on the Solaris platform to ICC, IACC, or
the Control Editors running on a Windows platform, make certain that the code
does not contain strings enclosed in single quotes that are meant to be replaced by
macro text. Include the single quotes in the macro definition instead.
B0700SX – Rev F 3. Installation or Migration Scenarios for Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4
The comment included in the H2O_SetPt line is not standard coding practice, but the text will
compile and run on both Windows and Solaris platforms. However, the substitution that Win-
dows XP precompiler makes on the MESSAGE line is incorrect.
If you are upgrading from an ICC on Solaris platforms to ICC, IACC, or the Con-
trol Editors on a Windows platform, make certain all the macros contained in
define statements are expanded properly in the Sequence code. If there are spaces
before comments, remove the spaces. For example, modify the code to read:
batchsec : RI0015; {Batch timer in seconds}
batchelapsedtime : SN0001; {Batch elapsed time string}
lasttime : II0001; {Last time batch time was updated}
3. Installation or Migration Scenarios for Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 B0700SX – Rev F
In the following modified example, a value is assigned to the BATCHTIME macro, so the
code is accepted by the precompilers:
#include “opt_HLBL_Global_UnitExec.s”
#define BATCHTIME 1 {the value “1” is assigned to the macro
#include “opt_HLBL_Global_TimeCalc.s”
batchsec : RI0015; {Batch timer in seconds}
batchelapsedtime : SN0001; {Batch elapsed time string}
lasttime : II0001; {Last time batch time was updated}
If you are upgrading from a ICC on Solaris or Windows platforms to IACC or the
Control Editors on a Windows platform, make certain all the macros contained in
define statements are assigned a value.
#if NUM_OF_PUMPS == 3
In the following modified example, only one ‘=’ character is used in the equality test. This code
compiles on IACC and the Control Editors.
#if NUM_OF_PUMPS = 2
#if NUM_OF_PUMPS = 3
B0700SX – Rev F 3. Installation or Migration Scenarios for Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4
If you are using conditional inclusion statements and you are upgrading to IACC or
the Control Editors, make certain equality tests only use one equal sign.
Directory Structure
The ICC running on Solaris and Windows platforms and the Control Editors allow a directory
structure for individual include files, whereas IACC does not allow a directory structure.
For example, Figure 3-1 shows an example of a directory structure that could have been used with
ICC or the Control Editors, and Figure 3-2 shows the sequence code that references the files in
the directory structure. Specifically, the #include statements in Figure 3-2 are referencing files that
reside in the “D:\opt\HLBL\Global” and “D:\opt\HLBL\SBR” directories, such as book_release.s
and msg_disp.sbr.
Figure 3-1. Directory Structure Used with ICC or the Foxboro Evo Control Editors
3. Installation or Migration Scenarios for Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 B0700SX – Rev F
Figure 3-2. Sequence Code Referencing Include Files Contained in a Directory Structure
However, the directory structure shown in Figure 3-1 is not supported when you are migrating
from ICC or the Control Editors to IACC. To work around this, you can use the “Text Objects”
names in IACC to mimic the original file structure.
Text objects are library objects that contain Structured Text (ST) code and can be inserted into
the sequence block code. To mimic the original file structure in IACC, perform the following
steps to create a text object and add code to it.
1. In the IACC Project Navigator, expand System > Libraries > Text Objects.
2. Right-click Text Objects and choose New Text Object from the pop-up menu.
3. A new object with a default name is added under the Text Objects branch. The
default name is highlighted, and you can change the name at this point.
4. Give the Text Object a new name using the convention <pathname>_<filename>.
For example, give the D:\opt\HLBL\SBR\msg_disp.sbr file the name
5. Add code to the Text Object:
a. Double-click the object to open the ST Code Editor.
b. Copy the text from the included file and paste it into the Text Object in IACC.
c. Update the filenames in throughout the sequence code. You could do this by per-
forming a find and replace operation to replace “/opt/HLBL/SBR/” with
“opt_HLBL_SBR_”, as shown in “Sequence Code Referencing IACC Text
Objects” on page 46 below.
d. Verify, compile, and save the code in the Text Object.
B0700SX – Rev F 3. Installation or Migration Scenarios for Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4
If you are migrating to IACC, manually copy and paste the files into the IACC con-
figurator and use the “Text Objects” library name to mimic the old file structure.
Refer to “Creating and Editing Text Objects” in I/A Series Configuration Component
(IACC) User's Guide (B0700FE).
3. Installation or Migration Scenarios for Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 B0700SX – Rev F
If you are migrating to IACC, import the code manually on a per-block basis. Refer
to “Compiling the HLBL Code” in I/A Series Configuration Component (IACC) User's
Guide (B0700FE).
B0700SX – Rev F 3. Installation or Migration Scenarios for Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4
If you are migrating to IACC, remove spaces after endif statements.
SFC Code
The following subsections describe the concerns with SFC code that may appear when migrating
code between configurators and operating systems:
♦ “Carriage Return, Line Feed, Tab” on page 48.
♦ “Single Quote Concerns” on page 48.
Figure 3-5. Sequence Code Referencing Carriage Return, Line Feed, Tab
After migrating code from Solaris to Windows, replace the carriage return, line feed,
and tab characters that are not imported correctly into SFC/ST Display Manager.
Refer to SFC V2.0 Release Notes (Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 Platforms)
(B0400QR) or SFC V 2.0 Release Notes (Solaris Platform) (B0400QS) for information
on migrating sequence blocks between Windows and Solaris platforms.
3. Installation or Migration Scenarios for Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 B0700SX – Rev F
However, the following SFC code with the single quote removed will compile in IACC:
Alternately, the Control Editors deal with this issue internally by removing any single quotes
embedded in comments before compilation. The source code is not changed and successfully
compiles, but the single quote characters have been removed from the compiled code.
After migrating code to IACC, make certain there are no single quotes embedded in
comments. To work around this suboptimal condition, you could either replace the
single quote with another character or remove the single quote character, for exam-
ple “can’t” would become “cant” or “cannot”.
If you are migrating code to the Control Editors, keep in mind that the compiled code
will not contain the single quote character if it was embedded in a comment.
B0700SX – Rev F 3. Installation or Migration Scenarios for Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4
the database from being loaded on an FCP280, FCP270 or ZCP270. Prior to I/A Series software
v8.0 the entire set of DCI blocks is as follows: BIN, BINR, BOUT, IIN, IOUT, PAKIN, PAK-
Second, if you are migrating a control database from a Nodebus CP to an FCP280, FCP270 or
ZCP270, please note that databases containing the MVC (Multivariable Controller Block) and
MVL (Multivariable Loop Block) blocks will not load into an FCP280, FCP270 or ZCP270.
4. Enterprise Edition Control Core
Services v9.4 Installation for New
On-Control Network Domain
This chapter describes procedures to install Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 on
primary and secondary domain controller servers on the Foxboro Evo Control Network
(hereafter referred to as “the control network”).
Proceed to the appropriate section:
♦ For Primary Domain Controllers on the Control Network, proceed to the next
♦ For Secondary Domain Controllers on the Control Network, proceed to “Installing
Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 on Secondary Domain Controllers on
The Control Network” on page 83.
It is highly recommended to have a Secondary Domain Controller (SDC) in place
in order to maintain high availability of the domain services in case the PDC is
Starting with the HP DL380 Gen9 server images for Windows Server 2016, the
default Administrator account is disabled and has a blank password.
B0700SX – Rev F 4. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New On-Control Network Domain Controllers
High level steps in this scenario are shown in the below diagram.
Install PDC
Enable Anti-Malware
Connect the server Install Foxboro Server
physically to Control 2016 Local Group
Network using the Policies (LGPOs)
appropriate Control
Network interface cards Optionally install SDCs
(This is highly
Install Anti-Malware
software (ex: McAfee
Server Preparation
The primary domain controller (PDC) has to be a server-class station installed with the Windows
Server 2016 Standard operating system, and has to be the first station in the Control Core Ser-
vices system installed with the Enterprise Edition Control Core Services software. For this proce-
dure, it is assumed that the PDC is installed on the control network (which is a dedicated Control
Core Services maintained network).
Perform the following steps to set up the hardware and restore the operating system onto your pri-
mary domain controller server:
If this is a new station shipped from the Schneider-Electric factory with the V9.4
Restore image identified by the media kits in Table 1-2 and verified in your work-
H-code (or P-code), proceed to “Important Information on Installing Control Core
Services” on page 53. If not, continue following the steps in this section.
1. Install hardware, restore the Windows Server 2016 Standard operating system, and
update drivers for your server. Perform the following:
4. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New On-Control Network Domain Controllers B0700SX – Rev F
a. Refer to Control Core Services v9.4 Release Notes (B0700SY) to be certain that your
hardware meets the hardware requirements specific to Control Core Services
V9.4. For instructions on installing memory upgrades, PCI cards, and so forth,
refer to the “Installing Hardware Upgrades” chapter of the Hardware and Software
Specific Instructions document shipped with your server.
b. If the server is new from factory with the Server 2016 image, then skip this step.
Otherwise, using the V9.4 Restore Media, restore the Windows Server 2016 Stan-
dard operating system on your server. Follow the instructions of Appendix A
“Startup Options”.
Only use the media kits listed in Table 1-2 to restore the operating system of a station
with Control Core Services v9.4.
It is inadvisable to follow the instructions for installing Control Core Services from
your hardware specific instruction manual. Instead, follow the software installation
procedure below.
c. Set the time and date. Perform the following:
♦ Open the Windows Date and Time applet by selecting Control Panel ->
Date and Time.
♦ Click the Change Date and Time button.
♦ Adjust the date and time.
♦ Click OK.
♦ Click the Change time zone button.
♦ Select the correct time zone from the drop-down list and select the checkbox
(if not already selected) to automatically adjust the clock for daylight saving
time (DST) changes, if desired.
♦ Click OK.
d. For any procedures not found in Step 1.b above, refer to the “Installing and
Updating Drivers” chapter of the Hardware and Software Specific Instructions doc-
ument shipped with the server.
B0700SX – Rev F 4. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New On-Control Network Domain Controllers
Perform this procedure only for 100MBps fiber optic cards. For copper
NICs and Gigabit fiber optic NICs, you should not perform this
Before performing this installation, disable any antivirus software that is installed.
Before installing Control Core Services, for each installed NIC, set the NIC’s properties “Flow
Control” and “Speed & Duplex” manually as described below for the NICs on this station.
Refer to the Hardware and Software Specific Instructions document included with your station to
determine the NIC cards it supports.
Proceed as follows:
1. On Windows Server 2016 Standard stations, click Control Panel -> Device Man-
In the Device Manager window, expand the Network adapters list.
2. Right-click the desired card and click Properties. In the Properties dialog box that
appears, select the Advanced tab.
3. In the Property field, click Flow Control. In the Value field, select Disable from
the drop-down menu list.
4. In the Property field, click Speed & Duplex. In the Value field, in the drop-down
menu list:
♦ For a station on the control network, select 100 Mb Full.
♦ For a station on another network other than the control network (Off-Control
Network), select Auto.
4. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New On-Control Network Domain Controllers B0700SX – Rev F
5. Click OK.
6. For each additional NIC, repeat Steps 2 through 5.
7. Shutdown and restart the system for the driver changes to take effect. Click the Start
button and click Shut Down; select Restart from the pull-down menu and click OK.
Installation Procedure
Proceed as follows:
1. Check that the server is attached to the control network.
2. Unplug any non-control network cables.
3. Install Server 2016 Local Group Policies. Refer to Chapter 17 “Local Group Policy
4. Install anti-malware software such as McAfee ENS. Refer to Installation and Configu-
rationof the McAfee ENS 10.5.2 with ePO 5.9.1 (B0700VW).
5. If McAfee ENS is installed, ensure the following McAfee ENS components are up to
date. Refer to Installation and Configuration of the McAfee ENS 10.5.2 with ePO 5.9.1
♦ ENS AMCore DAT file
♦ Exploit Prevention Content
6. Run a full scan of the system to ensure no viruses are present in the system before
work begins.
7. Disable anti-malware software such as McAfee ENS. Refer to Installation and Configu-
rationof the McAfee ENS 10.5.2 with ePO 5.9.1 (B0700VW).
8. Insert the DVD labeled “Foxboro Evo Control Core Services v9.4 Windows 10/Server
2016 Day 0 DVD” (K0177BP).
9. Navigate to the DVD drive and double-click setup.exe.
10. When the UAC prompt appears, click Yes.
B0700SX – Rev F 4. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New On-Control Network Domain Controllers
11. A dialog box appears that allows you to select whether you are installing Local Edition
Control Core Services or for an Enterprise Edition system.
♦ Select Install Enterprise Edition Control Core Services.
♦ Select the installation type as Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS).
♦ Select the network connectivity as On Control Network:
Figure 4-2. Schneider-Electric Control Core Services Installation on On-Control Network PDC
Click Cancel in any screen during the installation to cancel the installation proce-
dure. The installation can be resumed from where it was stopped by relaunching the
4. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New On-Control Network Domain Controllers B0700SX – Rev F
The browser for the folder containing the committed configuration install files opens,
as shown in Figure 4-4. If the installation media with your Commit files is on the
server’s hard drive or a network, browse to the location of the media and click Select
B0700SX – Rev F 4. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New On-Control Network Domain Controllers
14. Once the installation files have been loaded, click Bind as shown in Figure 4-3 to
launch the Mesh Configurator dialog box (Figure 4-5).
15. From the Mesh Configurator dialog box shown in Figure 4-5, select the two network
cards representing the control network and click Next.
Be certain to pick the correct NICs as this selection cannot be changed later in the
4. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New On-Control Network Domain Controllers B0700SX – Rev F
Figure 4-5. Mesh Configurator Dialog Box (For Certain NIC Cards)
16. Click Next. The Server platform setup dialog appears as shown in Figure 4-6. Leave
the “Install as a Primary Domain Controller (PDC)” choice selected.
B0700SX – Rev F 4. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New On-Control Network Domain Controllers
17. If you plan to install one or more SDCs, choose the SDC names from the “Select the
Secondary Domain Controller Stations” list box and click Set.
Figure 4-7. Select One or More SDC Names From List and Click Set
18. If SDCs are not in the install plan, you may click Skip in the section “Select the Sec-
ondary Domain Controller Stations”.
19. Enter a new password and re-enter the same password in the Confirm Password text
box under the section Passwords.
20. Enter a new Built-in Admin password and re-enter the same password in the Confirm
Password text box.
21. Select the " AD Database path" ,"AD Log Files Path " and "AD SYSVOL path" under
the section "Path Information". You can use the default values aor change the paths by
clicking on the ellipses button.
22. You can select the existing path or create a new path by clicking Make New Folder.
Click OK to select the folder.
23. Enter the new domain name, site name, and NetBIOS name and click Prepare. The
NetBIOS name is auto-populated as you change the domain name. You can choose to
change the auto-populated value of the NetBIOS name before clicking Prepare.
4. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New On-Control Network Domain Controllers B0700SX – Rev F
The NetBIOS domain name is the name which you see when you log into the
domain. It is generated by the installation application and is displayed in the text box
“NetBIOS Name” shown in Figure 4-8. The generated NETBIOS name is based on
the domain name specified. The rules for generating a NETBIOS name are:
♦ The maximum length of the name should be 15 characters.
♦ The minimum length of the name should be 2 characters.
♦ It can contain any combination of upper and lower case letters and numbers
as well as the following special characters: !, @, #, $, %, ^, &, ), (, -, _, {, }, and
♦ These special characters are not allowed: \, /, :, *, ?, “, <, >, and |.
If the generated name does not conform with above rules or is not suitable to your
requirements, you are free to change it in the textbox. Note that generally, this value is
set to the same name as the last segment of the domain name.
24. If there are any validation detected errors, clicking Prepare presents them as appro-
priate, allowing you to change the information entered. The validations performed in
this step include:
B0700SX – Rev F 4. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New On-Control Network Domain Controllers
♦ Password matching
♦ Built-in Password complexity checking
♦ DSRM Password complexity checking
♦ NetBIOS name validity checking
♦ Domain name validity checking
25. If all of the validations have passed, a dialog box appears as shown in Figure 4-9. Con-
firm that the name you have chosen for your Active Directory domain is correct and
will not conflict with another domain on the same network. Click OK to continue.
A NetBIOS name will be generated by the install program and is displayed in the text
box "NetBIOS Name" shown in Figure 4-10. This NETBIOS name is based on your
domain name. However, NetBIOS names are restricted to fifteen (15) characters.
26. Click Install to load the Active Directory Domain Services onto this server and to
promote the server to the role of Primary Domain Controller.
A DOS window is displayed while Active Directory is being installed, as shown in
Figure 4-10.
The DOS window shows progress while the system is promoted to Primary Domain
Controller status and DNS is installed, as shown in Figure 4-11. Some system mes-
sages are shown in the DOS window during the promotion of the domain controller.
These system messages pertain to static IP addresses, the delegation of DNS, or
default security settings for the Windows Server 2016 operating system. These system
messages can be ignored.
4. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New On-Control Network Domain Controllers B0700SX – Rev F
27. After the server is promoted to the Primary Domain Controller role, the window
shown in Figure 4-12 is displayed. Click the Close button to restart the server.
28. After the server reboots, log into the “Administrator” account with the password that
has been set in the “Server Platform Setup” screen.
29. Restart the installation by launching Setup.exe from the DVD drive, as described in
Steps 3- 4 above.
At the UAC prompt, click Yes.
The dialog box shown in Figure 4-13 is displayed. Click Apply.
B0700SX – Rev F 4. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New On-Control Network Domain Controllers
Figure 4-13. Setting Up the Platform for a Enterprise Edition Control Core Services Installation
4. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New On-Control Network Domain Controllers B0700SX – Rev F
30. As part of the Active Directory configuration process, a DOS window is displayed
showing the progress while the Active Directory domain settings are applied, as shown
in Figure 4-15.
31. Once the configuration of Active Directory is complete, the command window shows
if the process completed successfully, or with detected errors. The command window
also shows the path to the log file which is:
Then the command window waits for any key to be pressed to proceed further. Press
<Enter> to dismiss the command window.
Figure 4-16. Command Prompt Showing Completion of Active Directory Configuration on PDC
If the above command prompt indicates there are any detected errors, save the indi-
cated log file to an external drive for any possible analysis by Schneider Electric. Then
reimage the server and start the installation again.
32. At this point, the CCS Secure User Accounts dialog box opens as shown in
Figure 4-17. Enter in the user names and passwords for the Control Core Services
domain accounts and click Create.
B0700SX – Rev F 4. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New On-Control Network Domain Controllers
After the IAInstaller account has been created during the PDC software installation,
use this account for any subsequent installation tasks on workstations, such as install-
ing additional software. However, due to the permissions assigned to IAInstaller, it is
not for use for any other role, such as operation of the domain controller.
The names of these accounts may be changed from their default values.
The password has to meet this complexity criteria:
♦ Must not contain the user's account name or parts of the user's full name that
exceed two consecutive characters.
♦ An 8-character minimum password length
♦ Contain characters from three of the following four categories:
- English upper case characters (A-Z)
- English lower case characters (a-z)
- Base 10 digits (0-9)
- Non-alphabetic characters (for example: !, $, #, %)
4. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New On-Control Network Domain Controllers B0700SX – Rev F
33. When the Schneider Electric CCS Software Install: Workstation Reboot Request dia-
log box appears, as shown in Figure 4-18, click Reboot.
Figure 4-18. Schneider Electric CCS Software Install: Workstation Reboot Request Dialog Box
34. The “You’re about to be signed out” screen appears as shown in Figure 4-19. After a
few minutes, the server will automatically reboot.
B0700SX – Rev F 4. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New On-Control Network Domain Controllers
35. After the server reboots, log on with the “IAInstaller” account with the password cho-
sen in the previous steps.
36. The installation continues automatically. Click Next and then Install to run the
4. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New On-Control Network Domain Controllers B0700SX – Rev F
In some cases, the installation is not able to restart automatically after logging in with
the IAInstaller account. If the dialog box in Figure 4-21 is displayed after logging in
(this dialog box could take a few minutes to display), the installation has to be
restarted manually. This can be done after a reboot or logoff and logon with the
IA Installer account. To restart the installation manually, execute setup.exe directly
from the DVD drive.
B0700SX – Rev F 4. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New On-Control Network Domain Controllers
37. If the OS1FDB package is configured on this server, the dialog box shown in
Figure 4-22 is displayed.
To install this package, insert the first OS1FDB package diskette and click Load. After
the first disk has been loaded, insert the second OS1FDB package diskette and click
To bypass the installation of this package, click Skip. The installation continues, but
this dialog box is displayed again for each of the OS1FDB stations configured on this
This will occur one time for each OS1FDB station configured.
4. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New On-Control Network Domain Controllers B0700SX – Rev F
If your installation media for the OS1FDB package is not on a floppy diskette, browse
to the location of your stamped media and click the Select Folder button
If your installation media for the OS1FDB package is on a floppy diskette, click Use
Diskette. The diskette has to be in the diskette drive (A:\). Once the Use Diskette
button is clicked, the diskette will be read.
B0700SX – Rev F 4. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New On-Control Network Domain Controllers
39. If you selected Use Diskette in the previous step, the dialog box in Figure 4-24
appears. Insert the second diskette in the OS1FDB set and click Load. The diskette
has to be inserted in drive A:\.
4. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New On-Control Network Domain Controllers B0700SX – Rev F
Changing Passwords
Configure the restore mode password for Active Directory on this server at this time. Perform the
following steps:
1. Click the Start button, and select Search programs and files.
Type ntdsutil.exe. When the application name (ntdsutil.exe) appears, click it.
2. Type the following text in the command prompt window:
a. Type the following text in the command prompt window: set dsrm password
b. Then type: reset password on server <SERVERNAME>
<SERVERNAME> is the actual name of your PDC server.
c. Enter your newly chosen Active Directory Restore Mode password as prompted
(two times).
d. Type quit to exit the command prompt.
B0700SX – Rev F 4. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New On-Control Network Domain Controllers
Document this password and save it in a trusted place for future retrieval. Without
this password you will not be able to recover Active Directory.
In addition, set the passwords for each of the domain client workstations. Initially the local
Account1 account has its password set to Password1. On each domain client, change the pass-
4. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New On-Control Network Domain Controllers B0700SX – Rev F
Figure 4-26. Creating Users via Active Directory Users and Computers
The users are created under the Accounts\Users\Standard OU, including IA Plant
Engineers, IA Plant Operators, and IA Plant Maintenance.
The dialog box shown in Figure 4-27 opens.
B0700SX – Rev F 4. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New On-Control Network Domain Controllers
3. Enter the First name, Full name, and User logon name as the same value (for exam-
ple,. Operator1).
4. Click Next.
5. In the dialog box shown in Figure 4-28, clear the User must change password at
next logon checkbox. Select the Password never expires checkbox.
6. Enter the password and confirm the password.
7. Click Next.
4. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New On-Control Network Domain Controllers B0700SX – Rev F
B0700SX – Rev F 4. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New On-Control Network Domain Controllers
9. Double-click on the new user name in the Active Directory Users and Computers dia-
log box to open the Properties dialog box, as shown in Figure 4-30.
4. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New On-Control Network Domain Controllers B0700SX – Rev F
B0700SX – Rev F 4. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New On-Control Network Domain Controllers
13. Select the desired Control Core Services standard user group (for example, IA Plant
Engineers) and click OK.
4. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New On-Control Network Domain Controllers B0700SX – Rev F
14. Click OK to close the Select Groups dialog box shown in Figure 4-34.
15. Click OK to close the Properties dialog box shown in Figure 4-35.
B0700SX – Rev F 4. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New On-Control Network Domain Controllers
16. Repeat the above steps for as many users as desired. The different standard user groups
provide different policy settings and system access.
Continuing Installation
Re-enable any anti-malware software if it is not already enabled.
If you have a secondary domain controller on the control network, proceed to “Installing Enter-
prise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 on Secondary Domain Controllers on The Control Net-
work” on page 83.
If the system does not have an SDC, proceed to Chapter 12 “Enterprise Edition Control Core
Services v9.4 Installation for Domain Clients or Connecting Security Enhanced I/A Series Soft-
ware v8.5-9.4 Domain Clients to Existing Off-Control Network Networks” for the installation
procedure for the domain clients.
It is not possible to log onto either type of domain controller (primary or secondary) with any of
the Local Edition Control Core Services or I/A Series user accounts (such as users that are mem-
bers of the IA Plant Operators, IA Plant Maintenance, or IA Plant Engineers groups). It is possi-
ble to log onto a domain controller with the “IAInstaller”, and “IADomainAdmin” accounts.
However, the entire set of the Control Core Services functionality is not available through these
user accounts.
For On-Control Network domain controllers on a Foxboro DCS Control Core Services System,
it is recommended that they are configured with only the IAMESH package in System Defini-
tion. The domain controllers cannot be used as an engineer or operator workstation because of
the inability to log onto the domain controllers with the standard Control Core Services user
4. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New On-Control Network Domain Controllers B0700SX – Rev F
Install SDC
Set Date/Time/TimeZone
on the OS to match with Prepare NIC cards for
the PDC installation
Install CCS clients
Install Anti-Malware
Ensure Control Network software (ex: McAfee
Interface card drivers ENS)
are up to date
Server Preparation
The Secondary Domain Controller (SDC) has to be a server-class station installed with the Win-
dows Server 2016 Standard operating system. For this procedure, it is assumed that the SDC is
installed on the control network (which is a dedicated Foxboro Evo maintained network).
Perform the following steps to set up the hardware and restore the operating system onto your sec-
ondary domain controller server:
If this is a new station shipped from the Schneider-Electric factory with the V9.4 Restore image
identified by the media kits in Table 1-2 and verified in your workstation’s H-code, proceed to
“Important Information on Installing Control Core Services” on page 53. If not, continue follow-
ing the steps in this section.
B0700SX – Rev F 4. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New On-Control Network Domain Controllers
1. Install hardware, install the Windows Server 2016 Standard operating system, and
update drivers for your server. Perform the following:
a. Refer to Control Core Services v9.4 Release Notes (B0700SY) to check that your
hardware meets the hardware requirements specific to the Control Core Services
v9.4 release. For instructions on installing memory upgrades, PCI cards, and so
forth, refer to the “Installing Hardware Upgrades” chapter of the Hardware and
Software Specific Instructions document shipped with your server.
b. If the server is new from factory with the Server 2016 image then skip this step.
Otherwise, using the V9.4 Restore Media, restore the Windows Server 2016 Stan-
dard operating system on your server. Follow the instructions of Appendix A
“Startup Options”.
Only use the media kits listed in Table 1-2 to restore the operating system of a station
with Control Core Services v9.4.
It is inadvisable to follow the instructions for installing Control Core Services from
your hardware specific instruction manual. Instead, follow the software installation
procedure below.
c. Set the time and date.to match the date and time on the PDC. Perform the fol-
♦ Open the Windows Date and Time applet by clicking Control Panel ->
Date and Time.
♦ Click the Change Date and Time button.
♦ Adjust the date and time.
♦ Click OK.
♦ Click the Change time zone button.
♦ Select the correct time zone from the drop-down list and select the checkbox
(if not already selected) to automatically adjust the clock for daylight saving
time (DST) changes, if desired.
♦ Click OK.
While installing an SDC, check that the UTC system time matches the UTC system
time on the domain (as viewed on the PDC). The date and time have to match,
though the time which Windows displays may differ if the time zones are not the
same on the two stations.
Be careful when changing the time zone prior to adjusting the system time as this can
cause the AM/PM setting to change.
Also, be aware that the checkbox included for some time zones which defines whether
or not the time will be automatically adjusted for Daylight Saving Time can cause the
system time to differ by an hour.
d. For any procedures not found in Step 1.b above, refer to the “Installing and
Updating Drivers” chapter of the Hardware and Software Specific Instructions doc-
ument shipped with the server.
4. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New On-Control Network Domain Controllers B0700SX – Rev F
Also, check the server is disconnected from any secondary (non-Foxboro) networks, but it is not
recommended to disable the adapters for these network cards.
♦ The server must be connected to the control network before installing Control Core
♦ Disconnect non-Foxboro network connections but keep the adapters enabled for
these network cards.
♦ The network interface drivers used for connection to the control network may require
updating before installing Control Core Services v9.4. Drivers that have not been
updated may lead to unstable or unavailable communication. See “Installing/Updat-
ing the Network Interface Card Drivers” section in your Hardware and Software
Specific Instructions document.
♦ In Control Panel -> Network and Sharing Center/Network Connections,
which lists the available NICsit is inadvisable to change the name of any “Local Area
Connection x” network connection. This can result in software installation issues or
system instability.
♦ It is not possible to log onto either type of domain controller (primary or secondary)
with any of the Local Edition Control Core Services user accounts (such as users that
are members of the IA Plant Operators, IA Plant Maintenance, or IA Plant Engineers
groups). It is possible to log onto a domain controller with the “IAInstaller” and
“IADomainAdmin” accounts. However, the entire set of Control Core Services func-
tionality is not available through these user accounts.
♦ For On-Control Network domain controllers on a Foxboro DCS Control Core Ser-
vices System, we recommend that they are configured with only the IAMESH
package in System Definition. The domain controllers cannot be used as an engineer
or operator workstation because of the inability to log onto the domain controllers
with the standard Control Core Services user accounts.
♦ On servers with the Windows Server 2016 Standard operating system, it is recom-
mended that no roles be added to the system which are not necessary for the operation
of the server. Adding unnecessary roles (for example, adding the Remote Desktop Ser-
vices role when the server is not to be used as a remote session host) can create cyber-
security weaknesses in the overall system.
B0700SX – Rev F 4. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New On-Control Network Domain Controllers
Perform this procedure ONLY for 100MBps fiber optic cards. Do not
perform this procedure for copper NICs or Gigabit Fiber optic NICs.
Before performing this installation, disable any antivirus software that is installed.
Before installing Control Core Services, for each installed NIC, set the NIC’s properties “Flow
Control” and “Speed & Duplex” manually as described below for the NICs on this station.
Refer to the Hardware and Software Specific Instructions document included with your station to
determine the NIC cards it supports.
Proceed as follows:
1. On Windows Server 2016 Standard servers, click Control Panel -> Device Man-
In the Device Manager window, expand the Network adapters list.
2. Right-click the desired card and click Properties. In the Properties dialog box that
appears, select the Advanced tab.
3. In the Property field, click Flow Control. In the Value field, select Disable from
the drop-down menu list.
4. In the Property field, click Speed & Duplex. In the Value field, in the drop-down
menu list:
♦ For a station on the control network, select 100 Mb Full.
♦ For a station on another network other than the control network (Off-Control
Network), select Auto.
5. Click OK.
6. For each additional NIC, repeat Steps 2 through 5.
7. Shutdown and restart the system for the driver changes to take effect. Click the Start
button and click Shut Down; select Restart from the pull-down menu and click OK.
Installation Procedure
Proceed as follows:
1. Confirm that the Primary Domain Controller has been installed and is attached to the
control network.
2. Confirm that the Secondary Domain Controller server is attached to the control net-
3. Unplug any non-control network cables.
4. Install Server 2016 Local Group Policies. Refer to Chapter 17 “Local Group Policy
4. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New On-Control Network Domain Controllers B0700SX – Rev F
B0700SX – Rev F 4. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New On-Control Network Domain Controllers
Click Cancel in any screen during the installation to stop the installation procedure.
The installation can be resumed from where it was stopped by relaunching the
4. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New On-Control Network Domain Controllers B0700SX – Rev F
The browser for the folder containing the committed configuration install files opens,
as shown in Figure 4-38. If the installation media with your Commit files is on the
server’s hard drive or a network, browse to the location of the media and click Select
B0700SX – Rev F 4. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New On-Control Network Domain Controllers
15. Once the installation files have been loaded, click Bind as shown in Figure 4-37 to
launch the Mesh Configurator dialog box (Figure 4-39).
16. From the Mesh Configurator dialog box shown in Figure 4-39, select the two network
cards representing the control network and click Next.
Be certain to pick the correct NICs as this selection cannot be changed later in the
4. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New On-Control Network Domain Controllers B0700SX – Rev F
Figure 4-39. Mesh Configurator Dialog Box (For Certain NIC Cards)
19. The Server platform setup dialog appears as shown in Figure 4-41. Select the
“Install as a Secondary Domain Controller (SDC)” radio button.
B0700SX – Rev F 4. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New On-Control Network Domain Controllers
20. In the “Provide information for the domain joining account and click Authorize” area
(see Figure 4-41), enter in the name of the primary domain controller (PDC) station.
Verify the account name with authority to add workstation to the domain (i.e. fox-
boro.local\IAInstaller). Enter the password for this account and click Authorize.
21. If the local system time does not match the PDC system time, the dialog box shown
in Figure 4-43 appears. Click OK. Fix the local system time to match the PDC time
(see “Server Preparation” on page 83) and re-click Authorize.
4. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New On-Control Network Domain Controllers B0700SX – Rev F
In some cases, it will not be possible to determine the remote system time. In this case,
the dialog box shown in Figure 4-44 is displayed. Check that the local and remote sys-
tem times match (including date, time, AM/PM) before continuing. Note that the
checkbox displayed for some time zones which allows the system to automatically
adjust for Daylight Saving Time can affect the time displayed by the system by one
22. If the Authorize button click results in successful domain rights verification, a message
indicating this appears.
B0700SX – Rev F 4. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New On-Control Network Domain Controllers
23. If there is another Secondary Domain Controller on the network, choose that SDC’s
name from the “Select the Secondary Domain Controller Stations” drop-down list
and click Set, as shown in Figure 4-46. Otherwise, click Skip.
24. Confirm that the domain is pingable from the client (Figure 4-47).
♦ FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of the PDC (ex:- FL5014.foxboro.local)
♦ IP address of the PDC
♦ Domain name, as show in this figure.
4. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New On-Control Network Domain Controllers B0700SX – Rev F
B0700SX – Rev F 4. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New On-Control Network Domain Controllers
26. A message appears to indicate that the connection to the domain has succeeded. If
unsuccessful, a reason that the operation did not finish is displayed.
Click OK.
If after connecting the domain client to an SDC and the software installation does not
continue after the reboot, the system time may not have been set correctly. Refer to
“Setting Time Correctly Software Installation Cannot Continue After Reboot (SDC
or Domain Client)” on page 577 to correct this.
27. When the Schneider Electric CCS Software Install: Workstation Reboot Request dia-
log box appears, as shown in Figure 4-49, click Reboot.
Figure 4-49. Schneider Electric CCS Software Install: Workstation Reboot Request Dialog Box
28. The “You’re about to be signed out” screen appears as shown in Figure 4-50. After a
few minutes, the server will automatically reboot.
29. After the server reboots, log onto the server with the “IAInstaller” account using the
password as it was set during the PDC server’s installation.
30. After a few minutes, the installation restarts automatically. The Server platform setup
dialog box appears as shown in Figure 4-51. Re-enter the PDC’s server name, IAIn-
staller account name, and the account password. Click Authorize.
Before clicking Authorize, confirm that the PDC is pingable using its on-control
network IP address. If the PDC is not pingable using its IP address, authorization
will not succeed. For example, ping
4. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New On-Control Network Domain Controllers B0700SX – Rev F
Figure 4-51. Server Platform Setup Dialog Box (PDC Account Information)
31. If clicking Authorize results in successful domain rights verification, a message indi-
cating this appears.
32. Verify the Domain Name and Site Name fields, shown in Figure 4-53.
B0700SX – Rev F 4. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New On-Control Network Domain Controllers
Figure 4-53. Server Platform Setup Dialog Box (Verify Domain Name and Site Name Fields)
To verify the site name, follow these steps on the existing PDC:
- Log in as iadomainadmin.
- Open the command prompt.
- Execute the command dsquery site.
The command result should show the site name, as shown in Figure 4-54.
4. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New On-Control Network Domain Controllers B0700SX – Rev F
33. If you are satisfied with the domain and site names, click Prepare.
If the domain name or site name do not match with those provided during PDC
installation, the dialog box shown in Figure 4-55 appears.
Figure 4-55. CCS Installation Dialog Box When Site and/or Domain Names Are Incorrect
Clicking OK will cause the installation to become unsuccessful.
34. After correcting the Domain name or Site name, click Cancel, and then click Pre-
pare to continue with the installation.
35. If the site name or domain name matches the equivalent names on the PDC, a dialog
box appears (Figure 4-56) indicating a suboptimal condition. Check that the name
you have chosen for your Active Directory domain is correct and will not conflict with
another domain on the same network.
Click OK.
36. To maintain a smooth installation process, verify that the PDC fully qualified domain
name is pingable. Ensure that there is no physical firewall between the PDC and this
server. This ensures PDC and SDC data replication/synchronization.
a. Open a command prompt.
b. Ping the PDC using its on-control network IP address with the –a option.
c. The result of the ping should show a fully qualified name of the PDC, as shown
Figure 4-57.
B0700SX – Rev F 4. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New On-Control Network Domain Controllers
37. Click Install to load the Active Directory Domain Services onto this server and to
assign the server to the role of Secondary Domain Controller.
4. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New On-Control Network Domain Controllers B0700SX – Rev F
After the Active Directory Domain Services are installed, this dialog box is displayed
as shown in Figure 4-60.
B0700SX – Rev F 4. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New On-Control Network Domain Controllers
Figure 4-61. Assigning Role of Secondary Domain Controller via DOS Window
If the promotion to the domain controller is unsuccessful, a system message is
shown (Figure 4-62). Details about the system message can be found in two files:
- C:\windows\temp\promote2dc.txt
- C:\windows\debug\dcpromo.log
If this occurs, reimage the machine and restart the installation process.
4. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New On-Control Network Domain Controllers B0700SX – Rev F
39. The server reboots automatically after Active Directory has been installed.
After the server reboots, log into the “IAInstaller” account with the password as set in
the Server platform setup dialog box above (Figure 4-53).
40. After a few minutes, the installation process restarts automatically. The dialog box
shown in Figure 4-63 is displayed. Click Apply.
Figure 4-63. Setting Up the Platform for a Enterprise Edition Control Core Services Installation
A DOS window is displayed while the Active Directory domain settings are applied.
B0700SX – Rev F 4. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New On-Control Network Domain Controllers
41. Once the Active Directory configuration is complete, the command window shows if
the process completed successfully, or with detected errors. The command window
also shows the path to the log file which is:
c:\windows\temp\2016sdc_config.log. Then the command window waits for any key
to be pressed to proceed further. Press <Enter> to dismiss the command window.
Figure 4-65. DOS Window Showing Completion of Active Directory Configuration on SDC
If this command prompt indicates there are any detected errors, save the indicated log
file to an external drive for any possible analysis by Schneider Electric. Then reimage
the server and start the installation again.
4. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New On-Control Network Domain Controllers B0700SX – Rev F
Figure 4-66. InstallShield Wizard for Foxboro Evo Control Core Services
43. If the OS1FDB package is configured on this server, the dialog box shown in
Figure 4-67 is displayed.
To install this package, insert the first OS1FDB package diskette and click Load. After
the first disk has been loaded, insert the second OS1FDB package diskette and click
To bypass the installation of this package, click Skip. The installation continues, but
this dialog box is displayed again for each of the OS1FDB stations configured on this
B0700SX – Rev F 4. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New On-Control Network Domain Controllers
If your installation media for the OS1FDB package is not on a floppy diskette, browse
to the location of your stamped media and click the Select Folder button
If your installation media for the OS1FDB package is on a floppy diskette, click Use
Diskette. The diskette has to be in the diskette drive (A:\). Once the Use Diskette
button is clicked, the diskette will be read.
4. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New On-Control Network Domain Controllers B0700SX – Rev F
45. If you selected Use Diskette in the previous step, the dialog box in Figure 4-24
appears. Insert the second diskette in the OS1FDB set and click Load. The diskette
has to be inserted in drive A:\.
At the end of the installation, the installation log is displayed. You can view the instal-
lation log at any time by clicking the Start button and selecting Foxboro Core Ser-
vice -> Log Viewer.
B0700SX – Rev F 4. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New On-Control Network Domain Controllers
Click the Setup Log, Pkg Log, and Init Log buttons to view these logs. These logs
can also be printed.
47. Enable any anti-malware software that is installed if no additional software is needed.
4. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New On-Control Network Domain Controllers B0700SX – Rev F
2. Click OK.
3. Type the following text in the command prompt window:
set dsrm password
reset password on server <SERVERNAME>
<SERVERNAME> is the actual name of your SDC server. <Password> is the newly
chosen Active Directory Restore Mode password.
B0700SX – Rev F 4. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New On-Control Network Domain Controllers
Document this password and save it in a trusted place for future retrieval. Without
this password you will not be able to recover Active Directory.
Continuing Installation
Re-enable any anti-malware software that is installed if it is not already enabled.
Proceed to Chapter 12 “Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Domain
Clients or Connecting Security Enhanced I/A Series Software v8.5-9.4 Domain Clients to Exist-
ing Off-Control Network Networks” for the installation procedure for the domain clients.
5. Enterprise Edition Control Core
Services v9.4 Installation for New
Off-Control Network Domain
This chapter describes procedures to install Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 on
new primary and secondary domain controller servers on a separate network from the Foxboro
Evo Control Network (hereafter referred to as “the control network”).
Proceed to the appropriate section:
♦ For Off-Control Network Primary Domain Controllers, proceed to the next section.
♦ For Off-Control Network Secondary Domain Controllers, proceed to “Installing
Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 on Off-Control Network Secondary
Domain Controllers” on page 140.
It is highly recommended to have a Secondary Domain Controller (SDC) in place
in order to maintain high availability of the domain services in case the PDC is
Starting with the HP DL380 Gen9 server images for Windows Server 2016, the default Adminis-
trator account is disabled and has a blank password.
B0700SX – Rev F 5. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New Off-Control Network Domain Controllers
Server Preparation
The primary domain controller (PDC) has to be a server-class station installed with the Windows
Server 2016 Standard operating system, and has to be the first station in the Control Core Ser-
vices system installed with the Enterprise Edition Control Core Services. For this procedure, it is
assumed that the PDC is installed on a separate network (which is called an “Off-Control Net-
work” network), not connected to the control network.
Perform the following steps to set up the hardware and restore the operating system onto your pri-
mary domain controller server:
If this is a new station shipped from the Schneider-Electric factory with the V9.4 Restore image
identified by the media kits in Table 1-2 and verified in your workstation’s H-code, proceed to
“Notes on Installing Control Core Services” on page 113. If not, continue following the steps in
this section.
5. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New Off-Control Network Domain Controllers
Install hardware, restore the Windows Server 2016 Standard operating system, and
update drivers for your server. Perform the following:
Refer to Control Core Services v9.4 Release Notes (B0700SY) to check that your hard-
ware meets all hardware requirements specific to the Control Core Services V9.4
release. For instructions on installing memory upgrades, PCI cards, and so forth, refer
to the “Installing Hardware Upgrades” chapter of the Hardware and Software Specific
Instructions document shipped with your server.
a. If the server is new from factory with the Server 2016 image, then skip this step.
Otherwise, using the Control Core Services V9.4 Restore Media, restore the Win-
dows Server 2016 Standard operating system on your server. Follow the instruc-
tions of Appendix A “Startup Options”.
Only use the media kits listed in Table 1-2 to restore the operating system of a sta-
tion with Control Core Services v9.4.
It is inadvisable to follow the instructions for installing Control Core Services from
your hardware specific instruction manual. Instead, follow the software installation
procedure below.
B0700SX – Rev F 5. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New Off-Control Network Domain Controllers
Installation Procedure
If you unplugged any non-control network cables prior to performing the Day 0
installation, plug in the non-control network cables at this time.
The IP address shown in your case need not match the IP address shown in
Figure 5-1.
5. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New Off-Control Network Domain Controllers
Figure 5-1. Static IPv4 Assignment to PDC Off Control Network Adapter
B0700SX – Rev F 5. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New Off-Control Network Domain Controllers
9. This will install Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributables", after installaing, the
CCS installer will be launched
5. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New Off-Control Network Domain Controllers
10. Select Install CCS Software for Enterprise System. Then select the Instal-
lation Type as Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) and Network Con-
nectivity as Off Control Network as shown in Figure 5-3.
Click Next to continue.
Click Cancel in any screen during the installation to stop the installation procedure.
The installation can be resumed from where it stopped by relaunching the
B0700SX – Rev F 5. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New Off-Control Network Domain Controllers
11. The next dialog box requests that you load the committed configuration install files,
as shown in Figure 5-4. Click Load to load the committed configuration files.
The browser for the folder which contains the committed configuration install files
opens, as shown in Figure 5-5. If the installation media with your Commit files is on
the server’s hard drive or a network, browse to the location of the media and click
Select Folder.
5. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New Off-Control Network Domain Controllers
12. Click Next. The Server platform setup dialog box appears as shown in Figure 5-6.
Leave the Install as a Primary Domain Controller (PDC) choice selected.
If there is no SDC plan, click Skip and proceed to step 10.
B0700SX – Rev F 5. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New Off-Control Network Domain Controllers
13. If a Secondary Domain Controller (SDC) server is planned for this Control Core Ser-
vices system, add the SDC servers from the drop-down list by selecting the Add Off-
Mesh checkbox shown in Figure 5-6. The dialog box shown in Figure 5-7 opens to
indicate where the IP addresses for SDC stations can be set. Enter each of the known
SDC IP addresses and click Done.
5. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New Off-Control Network Domain Controllers
14. Once the SDC IP addresses are added, click Set to choose the SDC IP addresses or
Skip to choose no SDC station IP addresses. If this server does not have exactly one
statically set NIC adapter, the message shown in Figure 5-8 is displayed. Once the
NIC settings are corrected, you can click Set or Skip again to continue.
B0700SX – Rev F 5. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New Off-Control Network Domain Controllers
The NetBIOS domain name is the name which you see when you log into the
domain. It is generated by the installation application and is displayed in the text
box “NetBIOS Name” shown in Figure 5-9. The generated NETBIOS name is
based on the domain name specified. The rules for generating a NETBIOS name
- The maximum length of the name should be 15 characters.
- The minimum length of the name should be 2 characters.
- It can contain any combination of upper and lower case letters and numbers as
well as the following special characters: !, @, #, $, %, ^, &, ), (, -, {, }, and ~.
- These special characters are not allowed: \, /, :, *, ?, “, <, >, and |.
If the generated name does not conform with above rules or is not suitable to your
requirements, you are free to change it in the textbox. Note that generally, this value
is set to the same name as the last segment of the domain name.
5. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New Off-Control Network Domain Controllers
17. The dialog box shown in Figure 5-10 appears. Make sure at this time that the name
you have chosen for your Active Directory domain is correct and will not conflict with
another domain on the same network. Click OK to continue.
18. Click Install to load the Active Directory Domain Services onto this server and to
promote the server to the role of Primary Domain Controller.
B0700SX – Rev F 5. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New Off-Control Network Domain Controllers
The DOS window shows the progress while the system is promoted to Primary
Domain Controller status and DNS is installed, as shown in Figure 5-13. Some
detected error messages are shown in the DOS window during the promotion of the
5. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New Off-Control Network Domain Controllers
domain controller. These detected error messages pertain to static IP addresses, the
delegation of DNS, or default security settings for the Windows Server 2016 operat-
ing system. These detected error messages can be ignored.
19. After the server is promoted to the Primary Domain Controller role, the window
shown in Figure 5-14 is displayed. After a few minutes, the server will automatically
20. After the server reboots, log into the “Administrator” account with the password that
has been set in the “Server Platform Setup” screen.
B0700SX – Rev F 5. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New Off-Control Network Domain Controllers
21. Restart the installation by launching Setup.exe from the DVD drive, as described in
Step 2 above. The dialog box shown in Figure 5-15 is displayed. Click Apply.
Figure 5-15. Setting up the Platform for a Enterprise Edition Control Core Services Installation
5. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New Off-Control Network Domain Controllers
If this command prompt indicates there are any detected errors, save the indicated
log file to an external drive for any possible analysis by Schneider Electric. Then rei-
mage the server and start the installation again.
22. Once the configuration of Active Directory is complete, the command prompt shows
if the process completed successfully, or with detected errors. The command prompt
also shows the path to the log file which is:
Then the command prompt waits for any key to be pressed to proceed further. Press
<Enter> to dismiss the command prompt.
23. The CCS Secure User Accounts dialog box opens as shown in Figure 5-19. Enter in
the user names and passwords for the CCS domain accounts and click Create. The
default user names are IADomainAdmin and IAInstaller.
B0700SX – Rev F 5. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New Off-Control Network Domain Controllers
The names of these accounts may be changed from their default values.
The password has to meet this complexity criteria:
- Must not contain the user's account name or parts of the user's full name that
exceed two consecutive characters.
- An 8-character minimum password length
- Contain characters from three of the following four categories
- English uppercase characters (A-Z)
- English lowercase characters (a-z)
- Base 10 digits (0-9)
- Non-alphabetic characters (for example: !, $, #, %)
24. Click Done to complete the installation. The Workstation Reboot Request dialog box
appears. Click Reboot.
5. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New Off-Control Network Domain Controllers
25. The operating system shows a reboot message and after some time automatically
reboots the server.
26. At this point, the installation of PDC is complete. You can login with IADomainAd-
min to perform any further actions.
B0700SX – Rev F 5. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New Off-Control Network Domain Controllers
27. Enable any anti-malware software that is installed if no additional software is needed.
Changing Passwords
Configure the restore mode password for Active Directory on this server at this time. Perform the
following steps:
5. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New Off-Control Network Domain Controllers
2. Click OK.
3. Type the following text in the command prompt window:
set dsrm password
reset password on server <SERVERNAME>
<SERVERNAME> is the actual name of your PDC server. <Password> is the newly
chosen Active Directory Restore Mode password.
Document this password and save it in a trusted place for future retrieval. Without
this password you will not be able to recover Active Directory.
B0700SX – Rev F 5. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New Off-Control Network Domain Controllers
Figure 5-24. Creating Users via Active Directory Users and Computers
5. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New Off-Control Network Domain Controllers
3. Enter the First name, Full name, and User logon name as the same value (for exam-
ple,. Operator1).
4. Click Next.
5. In the dialog box shown in Figure 5-26, clear the User must change password at
next logon checkbox. Select the Password never expires checkbox.
6. Enter the password and confirm the password.
7. Click Next.
B0700SX – Rev F 5. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New Off-Control Network Domain Controllers
5. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New Off-Control Network Domain Controllers
9. Double-click on the new user name in the Active Directory Users and Computers dia-
log box to open the Properties dialog box, as shown in Figure 5-28.
B0700SX – Rev F 5. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New Off-Control Network Domain Controllers
5. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New Off-Control Network Domain Controllers
13. Select the desired Control Core Services or I/A Series standard user group (for exam-
ple, IA Plant Engineers) and click OK.
B0700SX – Rev F 5. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New Off-Control Network Domain Controllers
14. Click OK to close the Select Groups dialog box shown in Figure 5-32.
15. Click OK to close the Properties dialog box shown in Figure 5-33.
5. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New Off-Control Network Domain Controllers
16. Repeat the above steps for as many users as desired. The different standard user groups
provide different policy settings and system access.
Re-enable any antivirus software that is installed if it is not already enabled.
If you have a secondary domain controller on the same separate network, proceed to “Installing
Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 on Off-Control Network Secondary Domain Con-
trollers” on page 140.
If a SDC is not planned, proceed to Chapter 12 “Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4
Installation for Domain Clients or Connecting Security Enhanced I/A Series Software v8.5-9.4
Domain Clients to Existing Off-Control Network Networks” for the installation procedure for
the domain clients.
Also, you can install any Control Core Services v9.4 trailers that are available at this time. Trailers
are provided with their own installation instructions.
B0700SX – Rev F 5. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New Off-Control Network Domain Controllers
Install SDC
Set Date/Time/TimeZone
on the OS to match with
the PDC Ensure PDC is
pingable using IP
address Enable Anti-Malware
Server Preparation
The secondary domain controller (SDC) has to be a server-class station installed with the Win-
dows Server 2016 Standard operating system. For this procedure, it is assumed that the SDC is
installed on a separate network (which is called “Off-Control Network”), not connected to the
control network.
Perform the following steps to set up the hardware and restore the operating system onto your sec-
ondary domain controller server:
If this is a new station shipped from the Schneider-Electric factory with the V9.4
Restore image identified by the media kits in Table 1-2 and verified in your work-
H-code, proceed to “Notes on Installing Control Core Services” on page 142. If
not, continue following the steps in this section.
5. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New Off-Control Network Domain Controllers
1. Install hardware, install the Windows Server 2016 Standard operating system, and
update drivers for your server. Perform the following:
a. Refer to Control Core Services v9.4 Release Notes (B0700SY) to check that your
hardware meets the hardware requirements specific to Control Core Services v9.4.
For instructions on installing memory upgrades, PCI cards, and so forth, refer to
the “Installing Hardware Upgrades” chapter of the Hardware and Software Specific
Instructions document shipped with your server.
b. If the server is new from factory with the Server 2016 image then skip this step.
Otherwise, using the Control Core Services v9.4 Restore Media, restore the Win-
dows Server 2016 Standard operating system on your server. Follow the instruc-
tions of Appendix A “Startup Options”.
Only use the media kits listed in Table 1-2 on page 7 to restore the operating system
of an V9.4 station.
It is inadvisable to follow the instructions for installing Control Core Services from
your hardware specific instruction manual. Instead, follow the software installation
procedure below.
c. Set the time and date.to match the date and time on the PDC. Perform the fol-
♦ Open the Windows Date and Time applet by clicking Control Panel ->
Date and Time.
♦ Click the Change Date and Time button.
♦ Adjust the date and time.
♦ Click OK.
♦ Click the Change time zone button.
♦ Select the correct time zone from the drop-down list and select the checkbox
(if not already selected) to automatically adjust the clock for daylight saving
time (DST) changes, if desired.
♦ Click OK.
While installing an SDC, it is vital to maintain that the UTC system time matches
the UTC system time on the domain (as viewed on the PDC). The date and time
have to match, though the time which Windows displays may differ if the time
zones are not the same on the two stations.
Be careful when changing the time zone prior to adjusting the system time as this
can cause the AM/PM setting to change.
Also, be aware that the checkbox included for some time zones which defines
whether or not the time will be automatically adjusted for Daylight Saving Time
can cause the system time to differ by an hour.
B0700SX – Rev F 5. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New Off-Control Network Domain Controllers
d. For any procedures not found in Step 1.b above, refer to the “Installing and
Updating Drivers” chapter of the Hardware and Software Specific Instructions doc-
ument shipped with the server.
Installation Procedure
Before performing this installation, disable any antivirus software that is installed.
If you unplugged any non-control network cables prior to performing the Day 0
installation, plug in the non-control network cables at this time.
5. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New Off-Control Network Domain Controllers
The IP address shown in your case need not match the IP address shown in
Figure 5-34.
Figure 5-34. Static IPv4 Assignment to SDC Off Control Network Adapter
9. Confirm the PDC is pingable from this server using the off-control static IPv4 address
assigned to the PDC. If it is not, you might have to reboot the server and then
attempt the ping again. If the ping works after the reboot, proceed to next steps.
B0700SX – Rev F 5. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New Off-Control Network Domain Controllers
Figure 5-35. PDC Pingable from SDC Using the Off-Control Network Static IP Address
Proceed as follows:
10. Insert the DVD labeled “Foxboro Evo Control Core Services v9.4 Windows 10/Server
2016 Day 0 DVD” (K0177BP).
11. Navigate to the DVD drive and double-click setup.exe.
12. When the UAC prompt appears, click Yes.
5. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New Off-Control Network Domain Controllers
13. A dialog box appears that allows you to select whether you are installing Local Edition
Control Core Services or for an Enterprise Edition system. Select Install CCS
Software for Enterprise System.
Select the Installation Type as Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS).
Select the Network Connectivity Type as Off Control Type:
Click Cancel in any screen to stop the installation procedure. You can resume the
installation from where it stopped by relaunching the Setup.exe.
B0700SX – Rev F 5. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New Off-Control Network Domain Controllers
15. The next dialog box requests that you load the committed configuration install files,
as shown in Figure 5-38. Click Load to load the committed configuration files.
16. The browser for the folder containing the committed configuration install files opens,
as shown in Figure 5-39. If the installation media with your Commit files is on the
server’s hard drive or a network, browse to the location of the media and click Select
5. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New Off-Control Network Domain Controllers
17. Confirm the PDC is pingable from this server using the off-control static IPv4 address
assigned to the PDC. If it is not, you may have to cancel the installation, reboot the
server and then reattempt the ping. If the ping works after the reboot, restart the
installation and proceed to next step.
B0700SX – Rev F 5. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New Off-Control Network Domain Controllers
18. Click Next. The Server platform setup dialog box appears as shown in Figure 5-41.
Select the Install as a Secondary Domain Controller (SDC) radio button.
19. In the “Provide information for the domain joining account and click Authorize”
field, enter the IP Address of the Off-Control Network PDC server. Verify the
account name with authority to add workstation to the domain (i.e.
offmesh.local\IAInstaller). Enter the password for this account and click
5. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New Off-Control Network Domain Controllers
20. If the local system time does not match the PDC system time, the dialog box shown
in Figure 5-43 appears. Click OK. Fix the local system time to match the PDC time
(see “Server Preparation” on page 140) and re-click Authorize.
In some cases, it will not be possible to determine the remote system time. In this case,
the dialog box shown in Figure 5-44 is displayed. It is vital to check that the local and
remote system times match (including date, time, AM/PM, timezone) before continu-
ing. Note that the checkbox displayed for some time zones which allows the system to
automatically adjust for Daylight Saving Time can affect the time displayed by the
system by one hour.
21. When clicking the Authorize button results in a successful domain rights verification,
a message indicating this appears.
B0700SX – Rev F 5. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New Off-Control Network Domain Controllers
22. If there are more SDCs planned, choose Add Off-Mesh from the “Select the Second-
ary Domain Controller Stations” drop-down list. Only add this from the PDC.
23. In the dialog that appears, add the off-control IP addresses of those SDCs, and then
click Done.
5. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New Off-Control Network Domain Controllers
B0700SX – Rev F 5. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New Off-Control Network Domain Controllers
5. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New Off-Control Network Domain Controllers
28. A message appears to indicate that the connection to the domain has succeeded. If
unsuccessful, a reason it did not succeed is displayed. Click OK.
If after connecting the domain client to an SDC and the software installation does
not continue after the reboot, the system time may not have been set correctly. Refer
to “Setting Time Correctly Software Installation Cannot Continue After Reboot
(SDC or Domain Client)” on page 577 to correct this.
29. When the Schneider Electric CCS Software Install: Workstation Reboot Request dia-
log box appears, as shown in Figure 5-52, click Reboot.
Figure 5-52. Schneider Electric CCS Software Install: Workstation Reboot Request Dialog Box
30. The Windows sign out dialog box is displayed as in Figure 5-53. After a few minutes,
the server will automatically reboot.
31. After the server reboots, log on with the “IAInstaller” account using the password as it
was set during the PDC server's installation.
32. After a few minutes, the installation process restarts automatically. The Server plat-
form setup dialog appears as shown in Figure 5-54. Re-enter the Primary Domain
Controller’s IP Address, IAInstaller account name, the account password. Click
B0700SX – Rev F 5. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New Off-Control Network Domain Controllers
Before clicking Authorize, confirm that the PDC is pingable using its off-control
network IP address. If the PDC is not pingable using its IP address, authorization
will be unsuccessful. For example, pinging should succeed.
33. When clicking the Authorize button results in a successful domain rights verification,
a message indicating this appears.
5. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New Off-Control Network Domain Controllers
To verify the site name, follow these steps on the existing PDC:
- Log in as iadomainadmin.
- Open the command prompt.
- Execute the command dsquery site.
The command result should show the site name, as shown in Figure 5-57.
35. If you are satisfied with the domain and site names, click Prepare.
B0700SX – Rev F 5. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New Off-Control Network Domain Controllers
36. If the domain name or site do not match with those provided during PDC installa-
tion, the dialog box appears as shown in Figure 5-58.
Click Cancel and correct the Domain/Site Name and click Prepare. Clicking on
OK and proceeding with incorrect domain/site name will cause the installation to be
37. If the site name and domain name matches with those provided during PDC installa-
tion, the dialog box shown in Figure 5-59 appears just to give you one more chance to
reverify. Check at this time that the name you have chosen for your Active Directory
domain is correct and will not conflict with another domain on the same network.
Click OK.
If the domain or site names do not match with the PDC, clicking OK will cause the
installation to not succeed.
5. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New Off-Control Network Domain Controllers
38. To assist with a smooth installation process, verify that the PDC fully qualified
domain name is pingable and verify that there is no firewall between the PDC and
this server. This helps to ensure PDC and SDC data replication and synchronization.
a. Open command prompt.
b. Ping the PDC using its off-control network IP address with –a option.
c. The result of ping should show a fully qualified name of the PDC, as shown
Figure 5-60.
39. Click Install to load the Active Directory Domain Services onto this server and to
assign the server to the role of Secondary Domain Controller.
B0700SX – Rev F 5. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New Off-Control Network Domain Controllers
After the Active Directory Domain Services are installed, this dialog box is displayed
as shown in Figure 5-63.
5. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New Off-Control Network Domain Controllers
40. The default username is <Domain Name>\IADomainAdmin. Enter the password for
the IADomain user and click OK. This launches a DOS prompt which promotes the
server to the Secondary Domain Controller (SDC) role, as shown in Figure 5-64.
Figure 5-64. Assigning Role of Secondary Domain Controller via DOS Window
It is normal to see detected errors during promotion to domain controller. These
system messages pertain to DNS delegation, a default security setting for Windows
Server 2016 DCs etc. These can be ignored. See Figure 5-65.
B0700SX – Rev F 5. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New Off-Control Network Domain Controllers
Figure 5-65. Promote to Domain Controller Window Showing Detected Errors That Can Be Ignored
If the promotion to the domain controller is unsuccessful, a system message is
shown (Figure 5-66). Details about the system message can be found in two files:
- C:\windows\temp\promote2dc.txt
- C:\windows\debug\dcpromo.log
If this occurs, reimage the machine and restart the installation process.
The “You’re about to be signed out” screen appears. After a few minutes, the server will automati-
cally reboot.
5. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New Off-Control Network Domain Controllers
The server reboots automatically after Active Directory has been installed.
41. After the server reboots, log into the “IAInstaller” account with the password as set in
the Server platform setup dialog box (Figure 5-56).
42. After a few minutes, the installation process restarts automatically. The dialog box
shown in Figure 5-68 is displayed. Click Apply.
Figure 5-68. Setting Up the Platform for a Enterprise Edition Control Core Services Installation
B0700SX – Rev F 5. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New Off-Control Network Domain Controllers
Figure 5-69. Active Directory Verification Process Attempting to Make Active Directory Functional
43. Once the configuration of Active Directory is complete, the command prompt shows
if the process completed successfully, or with detected errors. The command prompt
also shows the path to the log file which is:
Then the command prompt waits for any key to be pressed to proceed further. Press
<Enter> to dismiss the command prompt.
5. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New Off-Control Network Domain Controllers
If this command prompt indicates there are any detected errors, save the indicated
log file to an external drive for any possible analysis by Schneider Electric. Then rei-
mage the server and start the installation again.
B0700SX – Rev F 5. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New Off-Control Network Domain Controllers
Document this password and save it in a trusted place for future retrieval. Without
this password you will not be able to recover Active Directory.
5. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New Off-Control Network Domain Controllers
tem operations after an unexpected hardware or software suboptimal condition. See “Backing Up
Active Directory on Domain Controllers” on page 547 for additional information.
3. Enter the name of the new workstation in the Computer name field and click OK as
shown in Figure 5-75. The OU for “Pre-8.8 workstations” on migrated systems will
be named “Pre-8.8 IA Computers” as shown in Figure 5-76.
B0700SX – Rev F 5. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New Off-Control Network Domain Controllers
5. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New Off-Control Network Domain Controllers
Finishing Post-Installation
Re-enable any antivirus software if not already enabled.
Proceed to Chapter 12 “Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Domain
Clients or Connecting Security Enhanced I/A Series Software v8.5-9.4 Domain Clients to Exist-
ing Off-Control Network Networks” for the installation procedure for the domain clients.
B0700SX – Rev F 5. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New Off-Control Network Domain Controllers
6. Enterprise Edition Control Core
Services v9.4 Installation for
Existing Off-Control Network
Primary Domain Controllers
This chapter describes procedures to install Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 on an
existing primary domain controller server with Windows Server 2016 Standard on a separate
network (not on the Foxboro Evo Control Network).
If you already have a PDC with Windows Server 2016 Standard on which you want to install the
Control Core Services components for Active Directory, follow the instructions in this chapter to
perform this installation.
For Off-Control Network PDCs, no upgrade is needed, as Control Core Services
software is not installed. It is not advisable to perform the Local Edition install for
off-Control Network PDCs.
We recommend you have a Secondary Domain Controller (SDC) in place in order
to maintain high availability of the domain services in case the PDC is down for any
Be aware that this scenario does not include installation of an SDC. If you have an SDC, replicate
the Active Directory to that SDC after the Control Core Services installation to the PDC.
If a SDC is not installed and you want to add one now, you can purchase an Schneider Electric-
supplied SDC and install Control Core Services v9.4 on it as described in “Installing Enterprise
Edition Control Core Services v9.4 on Off-Control Network Secondary Domain Controllers” on
page 140. Alternately, you can use a non-Schneider Electric server as your SDC and install only
the appropriate Microsoft Active Directory software.
B0700SX – Rev F 6. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Existing Off-Control Network Primary Domain Controllers
♦ In Control Panel -> Network Connections, which lists the available NICs, it is inad-
visable to change the name of any “Local Area Connection x” network connection.
This can result in software installation issues or system instability.
♦ On servers with the Windows Server 2016 Standard operating system, it is recom-
mended that no roles be added to the system which are not necessary for the operation
of the server. Adding unnecessary roles (for example, adding the Remote Desktop Ser-
vices role when the server is not to be used as a remote session host) can create cyber-
security weaknesses in the overall system.
♦ Use the IAInstaller account for the installation tasks. However, due to the
permissions assigned to IAInstaller, it is not to be used for any other role, such as
operation of the domain controllers.
♦ This diagram shows high level steps for this scenario.
Set Date/Time/TimeZone
on the OS to match with
the source Win 2008 PDC
Install CCS
Installation Procedure
Before performing this installation, disable any antivirus software that is installed.
If you unplugged any non-control network cables prior to performing the Day 0
installation, plug in the non-control network cables at this time.
Proceed as follows:
1. Install Server 2016 Local Group Policies. Refer to Chapter 17 “Local Group Policy
2. Install anti-malware software such as McAfee ENS. Refer to Installation and Configu-
ration of the McAfee ENS 10.5.2 with ePO 5.9.1 (B0700VW).
6. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Existing Off-Control Network Primary Domain Controllers B0700SX – Rev F
B0700SX – Rev F 6. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Existing Off-Control Network Primary Domain Controllers
9. This will install Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributables. After installing it will
launch the Installer Dialog.
10. Select Install CCS Software for Enterprise System. Then select the Instal-
lation Type as Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) and choose the AD
Type as Use existing Non -Foxboro EVO AD as shown in Figure 6-1.
Click Next to continue.
Click Cancel in any screen to stop the installation procedure. You can resume the
installation from where it stopped by relaunching the Setup.exe.
11. The next dialog box requests that you load the committed configuration install files,
as shown in Figure 6-2. Click Load to set the installation target drive to D:\ and load
the committed configuration files.
6. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Existing Off-Control Network Primary Domain Controllers B0700SX – Rev F
The browser for the folder which contains the committed configuration install files
opens, as shown in Figure 6-3. If the installation media with your Commit files is on
the server’s hard drive or a network, browse to the location of the media and click
Select Folder.
B0700SX – Rev F 6. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Existing Off-Control Network Primary Domain Controllers
12. If you have installed SYSVOL at a non-default path as specified in the above
NOTICE, please follow the below steps before proceeding with the actual installation,
so that the installation program copies the GPO templates to the correct SYSVOL
a. Open the File Explorer and browse to the path C:\ProgramData\Invensys\IASer-
6. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Existing Off-Control Network Primary Domain Controllers B0700SX – Rev F
f. Replace the text c:\windows\sysvol in the above line with the actual SYSVOL
path. For ex:- if you have installed SYSVOL at the location F:\ADSYSVOL then
the modified command will look this
B0700SX – Rev F 6. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Existing Off-Control Network Primary Domain Controllers
13. Click Next. The dialog box appears as shown in Figure 6-4.
14. Read the above notice and then click Apply.
6. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Existing Off-Control Network Primary Domain Controllers B0700SX – Rev F
15. A command prompt is displayed while the Active Directory domain settings are
If this command prompt indicates there are any detected errors, save the indicated
log file to an external drive for any possible analysis by Schneider Electric. Then rei-
mage the server and start the installation again.
16. Once the configuration of Active Directory is complete, the command prompt shows
if the process completed successfully, or with detected errors. The command prompt
also shows the path to the log file which is:
Then the command prompt waits for any key to be pressed to proceed further. Press
<Enter> to dismiss the command prompt.
B0700SX – Rev F 6. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Existing Off-Control Network Primary Domain Controllers
17. The CCS Secure User Accounts dialog box opens as shown in Figure 6-8. Enter in the
user name and password for the Control Core Services domain account and click
The names of these accounts may be changed from their default values. The pass-
word has to meet this complexity criteria:
- Must not contain the user’s account name or parts of the user's full name that
exceed two consecutive characters.
- An 8-character minimum password length
- Contain characters from three of the following four categories
- English upper case characters (A-Z)
- English lower case characters (a-z)
- Base 10 digits (0-9)
- Non-alphabetic characters (for example: !, $, #, %)
18. The Workstation Reboot Request dialog box is displayed. Click Reboot to reboot the
6. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Existing Off-Control Network Primary Domain Controllers B0700SX – Rev F
19. An operating system reboot dialog box will appear. Wait several minutes, and the
machine will automatically reboot.
20. Log in as the default administrator to perform any other manual configurations, such
as creating users and groups.
In this version of the PDC installation, the default administrator is enabled and the
iadomainadmin user is not created.
21. Enable any anti-malware software that is installed if no additional software is needed.
B0700SX – Rev F 6. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Existing Off-Control Network Primary Domain Controllers
Figure 6-11. Creating Users via Active Directory Users and Computers
6. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Existing Off-Control Network Primary Domain Controllers B0700SX – Rev F
3. Enter the First name, Full name, and User logon name as the same value (for exam-
ple,. Operator1).
4. Click Next.
5. In the dialog box shown in Figure 6-13, clear the User must change password at
next logon checkbox. Select the Password never expires checkbox.
6. Enter the password and confirm the password.
7. Click Next.
B0700SX – Rev F 6. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Existing Off-Control Network Primary Domain Controllers
6. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Existing Off-Control Network Primary Domain Controllers B0700SX – Rev F
9. Double-click on the new user name in the Active Directory Users and Computers dia-
log box to open the Properties dialog box, as shown in Figure 6-15.
B0700SX – Rev F 6. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Existing Off-Control Network Primary Domain Controllers
6. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Existing Off-Control Network Primary Domain Controllers B0700SX – Rev F
13. Select the desired Control Core Services standard user group (for example, IA Plant
Engineers) and click OK.
B0700SX – Rev F 6. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Existing Off-Control Network Primary Domain Controllers
14. Click OK to close the Select Groups dialog box shown in Figure 6-19.
15. Click OK to close the Properties dialog box shown in Figure 6-20.
6. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Existing Off-Control Network Primary Domain Controllers B0700SX – Rev F
16. Repeat the above steps for as many users as desired. The different standard user groups
provide different policy settings and system access.
3. Enter the name of the new workstation in the Computer name field and click OK as
shown in Figure 6-22. The OU for “Pre-8.8 workstations” on migrated systems will
be named “Pre-8.8 IA Computers” as shown in Figure 6-23.
B0700SX – Rev F 6. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Existing Off-Control Network Primary Domain Controllers
6. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Existing Off-Control Network Primary Domain Controllers B0700SX – Rev F
Continuing Installation
Re-enable any antivirus software that is installed if it is not already enabled.
Proceed to Chapter 12 “Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Domain
Clients or Connecting Security Enhanced I/A Series Software v8.5-9.4 Domain Clients to Exist-
ing Off-Control Network Networks” for the installation procedure for the domain clients.
B0700SX – Rev F 6. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Existing Off-Control Network Primary Domain Controllers
7. Migrating an On-Control
Windows Server 2008 Domain
Controller to a New Windows
Server 2016 Primary Domain
Controller on the On-Control
This chapter describes the procedure to migrate an existing On-Control Network Primary
Domain Controller (PDC) with Windows Server 2008 running any of the following software
to a new On-Control Network Primary Domain Controller with Windows Server 2016:
♦ I/A Series software v8.8
♦ Foxboro Evo Control Core Services v9.0-9.3
♦ Foxboro Evo Control Core Services (any version) upgraded to support Windows 10
and Windows Server 2016 domain clients
The source station for this migration described in this chapter is the On-Control Network PDC
with Windows Server 2008.
After this procedure is complete, any existing Server 2008 SDCs will continue to
work as SDCs and as a result changes will be replicated from the new Server 2016
PDC to these SDCs.
The target station for this migration indicated in this chapter refers to the new server running a
Schneider Electric-supplied OS image of Windows Server 2016.
B0700SX – Rev F7. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller
After the migration, both the domain clients which existed in Control Core Services
v9.0-9.3 or earlier and the new Control Core Services domain clients (Control Core
Services v9.4 or later) will be connected to the same domain. Existing group policies
will be maintained while new Control Core Services v9.4 group policies will be
To enhance cyber security, Schneider Electric-supplied Windows Server 2016 OS
images have the built-in administrator account disabled with a blank password.
7. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the On-Control
Once the migration process is complete, the target Windows Server 2016 server will
assume the role of Primary Domain Controller. The Server 2008 Domain Controller
which was a Primary Domain Controller assumes the role of a Secondary Domain
Controller (SDC) after the successful completion of migration. However, after the
migration, you can choose to decommission the Server 2008 Domain Controller.
Refer to Appendix C “Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System” and
Appendix K “Troubleshooting PDC Migration”.
B0700SX – Rev F7. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller
For the source station with Windows Server 2008, proceed as follows:
1. Log into the existing On-Control Network PDC with Windows Server 2008 using a
domain administrator account (such as IADomainAdmin).
7. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the On-Control
2. Open the Active Directory Users and Computers console, click the Start button, and
then select Windows Administrative Tools -> Active Directory Users and
3. Under the Users organizational unit (OU), find the domain administrator account
which is being used for this installation, as shown in Figure 7-1.
Figure 7-1. Active Directory Users and Computers Console (Administrator Account)
B0700SX – Rev F7. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller
4. Right-click on the user name and click Properties. The user Properties dialog box
opens as shown in Figure 7-2.
5. Verify that the domain administrator account is a member of both the Schema
Admins and Enterprise Admins groups by selecting the Member Of tab as shown in
Figure 7-2. If this user account is not, the user has to be added to both these groups, as
a. From the Member Of tab, select the Add button.
b. Type in the name of the group which needs to be added (such as Schema Admins
or Enterprise Admins) and click OK, as shown in Figure 7-3. Repeat this for
each group.
7. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the On-Control
B0700SX – Rev F7. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller
Figure 7-4. Active Directory Users and Computers Console (Administrator Account)
8. If the current domain administrator account was added to either the “Schema
Admins” or “Enterprise Admins” in the steps above, log off and log back in using the
same account.
7. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the On-Control
9. If you have custom GPOs, document the linking order of those GPOs. You can do
this by taking a screen capture of the current linking order at every OU.
B0700SX – Rev F7. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller
7. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the On-Control
♦ On servers with the Windows Server 2016 Standard operating system, we recommend
that no roles be added to the system that are not necessary for the operation of the
Adding unnecessary roles (for example, adding the Remote Desktop Services role
when the server is not to be used as a remote session host) can create cyber- security
weaknesses in the overall system.
Perform this procedure only for 100MBps fiber optic cards. For copper
NICs and Gigabit fiber optic NICs, you should not perform this
Before installing Control Core Services, for each installed NIC, set the NIC’s properties “Flow
Control” and “Speed & Duplex” manually as described below for the NICs on this station.
Refer to the Hardware and Software Specific Instructions document included with
your station to determine the NIC cards it supports.
Proceed as follows:
1. Right-click the My Computer icon, and click Manage. Double-click Device Man-
ager. In the Device Manager window, expand the Network adapters list.
2. Right-click the desired card and click Properties. In the Properties dialog box that
appears, select the Advanced tab.
3. In the Property field, click Flow Control. In the Value field, select Disable from
the drop-down menu list.
4. In the Property field, click Speed & Duplex. In the Value field, in the drop-down
menu list:
♦ For a station on the control network, select 100 Mb Full.
♦ For a station on another network other than the control network (Off-Control
Network), select Auto.
5. Click OK.
B0700SX – Rev F7. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller
Before you run the health of the Active Directory domain, save the security and
application log from the Event Viewer and clear all of the log messages. Do this
because the health diagnostic tool attempts to analyze the detected errors on the
server that occurred before the migration process, and this has the potential to give
an impression that the migration was not successful.
7. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the On-Control
9. A dialog box appears that allows you to select whether you are installing Control Core
Services for Local Edition or an Enterprise Edition System. Make the following selec-
tions in the dialog box:
♦ Select Install CCS for Enterprise System
♦ Select Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS)
♦ Select Install New AD(PDC/SDC)
♦ Select the checkbox Migrate CCS Configuration from an existing Fox-
boro EVO AD
Select On Control server 2008 AD from the combo box
10. Choose the Connection type as “On Control Network”, as shown in Figure 7-7.
B0700SX – Rev F7. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller
Click Cancel in any screen during the installation to cancel the installation proce-
dure. The installation can be resumed from where it was stopped by relaunching the
7. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the On-Control
13. The next dialog box requests that you load the committed configuration install files,
as shown in Figure 7-9. Click Load to load the committed configuration files.
B0700SX – Rev F7. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller
The browser for the folder containing the committed configuration install files opens, as
shown in Figure 7-10. If the installation media with your Commit files is on the server’s
hard drive or a network, browse to the location of the media and click Select Folder.
14. Once the Commit files have been loaded, click Bind as shown in Figure 7-9 on
page 205 to launch the I/A Series Network Installation dialog box (Figure 7-11).
15. Select the two network cards representing On-Control Network and click Next.
Be certain to pick the correct NICs as this selection cannot be changed later in the
If this dialog box is not displayed, the NIC cards have been automatically configured.
Proceed to the next step.
7. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the On-Control
Figure 7-11. Mesh Configurator Dialog Box (For Certain NIC Cards)
B0700SX – Rev F7. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller
16. Click Next. The Server platform setup dialog appears as shown in Figure 7-12. The
Install as a Secondary Domain Controller (SDC) bullet is selected by
default. Initially, this station is installed as an SDC station and will be promoted to be
the PDC station before the installation completes.
17. Enter in the name of the PDC with Windows Server 2008 (from which you are
migrating), as shown in Figure 7-12.
In the Authorized Account field, verify that the domain joining account name dis-
played has the authority to add workstations to the domain
(i.e. on2008.local\IAInstaller).
In the Authorized Password field, enter the password for this account.
7. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the On-Control
Before clicking Authorize, confirm that the time zone and time of the machine
matches that of the PDC. Also confirm that the source PDC running Windows
Server 2008 R2 is pingable using the control network IP address. If the source PDC
is not pingable, you may have to cancel the setup, reboot Windows Server 2016,
and retest the ping. If it succeeds, restart the setup. Refer to Figure 7-13
Figure 7-13. Source 2008 PDC Pingable from Target 2016 Machine
18. If the local system time does not match the system time on the existing PDC (from
which you are migrating), a message is displayed as shown in Figure 7-14. Click OK.
Fix the local system time to match the existing PDC’s time and re-click Authorize.
Figure 7-14. Schneider Electric CCS Software Installation Dialog Box - Date Message
B0700SX – Rev F7. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller
In some cases, it will not be possible to determine the remote system time. In this case,
the dialog box shown in Figure 7-15 is displayed. It is vital to check that the local and
remote system times match (including date, time, AM/PM, time zone) before con-
tinuing. Note that the checkbox displayed for some time zones which allows the sys-
tem to automatically adjust for Daylight Saving Time can affect the time displayed by
the system by one hour.
If authorization is successful, the installation dialog box will display a message indicating join
rights verification.
7. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the On-Control
19. If there is another SDC station on the network, choose that SDC’s name from the
drop-down list and click Set, as shown in Figure 7-17. Otherwise, click Skip.
20. Confirm that the domain name is pingable from the client. For example, ping
on2008.local should succeed.
B0700SX – Rev F7. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller
21. In the “Select a Host Domain for this workstation and click Connect” field, verify the
name of the domain and click Connect. The message shown is in Figure 7-18 dis-
played to indicate that the connection to the domain has succeeded.
If unsuccessful, a reason for the operation to not succeed is displayed.
Figure 7-18. Schneider Electric CCS Install: Workstation Reboot Request Dialog Box
22. The “You’re about to be signed out” screen appears as shown in Figure 7-19. After a
few minutes, the server will automatically reboot.
23. After the server reboots, log on with the “IAInstaller” account.
24. The installation continues automatically. The Server platform setup dialog box
Re-enter in the name of the PDC with Windows Server 2008 (from which you are
migrating), as shown in Figure 7-20.
In the Authorized Account field, verify that the domain joining account name dis-
played has the authority to add workstations to the domain
(i.e. on2008.local\IAInstaller).
In the Authorized Password field, enter the password for this account.
Before clicking Authorize, confirm that the Server 2008 PDC is pingable using its
on-control network IP address. If the server 2008 PDC is not pingable using its IP
address, authorization will be unsuccessful. For example, ping
should succeed.
7. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the On-Control
If authorization is successful, the installation dialog box will display a message indicating join
rights verification.
B0700SX – Rev F7. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller
25. Under the “Enter domain information for Active Directory setup and click Prepare”
area, verify the Domain Name and Site Name fields.
To verify the site name, follow these steps on the existing PDC:
- Log in as iadomainadmin.
- Open the Command prompt.
- Type the command “dsquery site” and press <Enter>.
- The command result should show the site name, as shown in Figure 7-23.
7. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the On-Control
26. If you are satisfied with the domain and site names click Prepare.
If the domain name or site name so not match with those provided during PDC installation, the
dialog box shown in Figure 7-24 appears.
If the domain name is invalid and this dialog box appears, clicking OK will cause an
unsuccessful installation. Follow these steps:
- Correct the domain or site name on the Server Platform Setup screen.
- Click Cancel.
- Click Prepare to continue with the installation.
27. A dialog box appears as shown in Figure 7-25 that allows an additional opportunity to
reverify the site and domain name. Check that the name you have chosen for your
Active Directory domain is correct and will not conflict with another domain on the
B0700SX – Rev F7. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller
same network.
Click OK.
28. To assist with a smooth installation process, verify that the PDC fully qualified
domain name is pingable.
a. Open command prompt.
b. Ping the PDC using its on-control network IP address with –a option. For exam-
ple, ping -a
The result of ping should show a fully qualified name on the server 2008 PDC. A
fully qualified name is in the format <machine name>.<domain name>. For example,
29. Click Install to load the Active Directory Domain Services onto this server and to
assign the server to the role of Secondary Domain Controller.
A command prompt is displayed while Active Directory is being installed, as shown in
Figure 7-26.
The command prompt shows progress while the system is assigned to its Secondary
Domain Controller status and DNS is installed, as shown in Figure 7-27.
7. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the On-Control
Figure 7-27. Assigning Role of Secondary Domain Controller via Command Prompt
A dialog box will be displayed which prompts for user name and password (default
username is IADomainAdmin). Enter the password and click OK. This will display a
Windows prompt as shown in Figure 7-28.
Use the IADomainAdmin account only to add this station as a Secondary Domain
30. During the process of promoting the domain controller, the command prompt may
display several messages. Typically these are ignorable.
B0700SX – Rev F7. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller
If the promotion to the domain controller is unsuccessful, a system message is
shown (Figure 7-30). Details about the system message can be found in two files:
- C:\windows\temp\promote2dc.txt
- C:\windows\debug\dcpromo.log
If this occurs, reimage the machine and restart the installation process.
31. The server reboots automatically after Active Directory has been installed.
After the server reboots, log into the “IADomainAdmin” account.
7. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the On-Control
32. After a few minutes, the installation restarts automatically and the Schneider Electric
CCS Software Installation dialog box appears as shown in Figure 7-31.
Figure 7-31. Verifying the Health of the Existing Active Directory System
33. Wait for at least ten minutes before clicking Verify. Replication from the source
PDC with Windows Server 2008 to this domain controller with Windows Server
2016 may still be in progress.
34. After the wait period, inspect the event viewer logs for these events:
♦ System
♦ Active Directory Web services
♦ DFS Replication
♦ Directory Service
♦ DNS Server
35. Analyze the event logs for any detected error messages. If required, take remediation
actions for the detected errors reported in the event logs. This may require an Active
Directory expert/Administrator. Some of the replication issues might need another
reboot of this server, which means you may have to cancel the installation, reboot the
B0700SX – Rev F7. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller
server and restart the installation again (using IADomainAdmin login) to return to
the Verify button screen.
36. Click Verify to check the health of the Active Directory domain. This takes several
When the Active Directory is ready to be configured, a DOS window is displayed.
During this stage, it is normal to see detected errors indicating that the Active
Directory is not yet functional. The Active Directory verification process attempts
to make the directory functional, and then proceeds to the next step of configuring
the Active Directory.
37. A command prompt is displayed which displays the progress of the health check oper-
ation. Once the operation is completed, the command window indicates whether the
process was completed successfully or with detected errors. The command window
also indicates the path to the log file, which is:
7. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the On-Control
38. When finished, the dialog box shown in Figure 7-34 is displayed if detected errors are
found. One or more conditions could be detected including diagnostic suboptimal
conditions, event log detected errors, and replication suboptimal conditions.
Figure 7-34. CCS Installation Dialog Box - Message for DC Health Log File
B0700SX – Rev F7. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller
39. To view the log, click View in Figure 7-35. After viewing the detected errors, it may
be necessary to correct the suboptimal conditions in the Active Directory domain.
Click the Verify button as many times as necessary after you take each corrective
action to check that no further conditions exist. After clicking Verify, clicking View
opens the updated diagnostic results.
Figure 7-35. Verifying the Health of the Existing Active Directory System (Detected Errors Found)
Refer to Appendix K “Troubleshooting PDC Migration” for details on expected sys-
tem messages, indicators of a successful migration, and troubleshooting techniques.
Confirm that you analyze the log, discard known detected errors, troubleshoot issues,
and reverify. Repeat this process until you are confident that all suboptimal conditions
are resolved.
40. If it is determined that you can ignore these detected errors in the log, click Ignore to
continue, as shown in Figure 7-36. Acknowledge the message shown in Figure 7-36.
7. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the On-Control
Figure 7-36. CCS Installation Dialog Box - Detected Errors in DC Health Log File
41. Click Next. The dialog box shown in Figure 7-37 is displayed. Click Apply.
Figure 7-37. Setting Up the Platform for a Enterprise Edition Control Core Services Installation
B0700SX – Rev F7. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller
to make the directory functional, and then proceeds to the next step of configuring
the Active Directory.
A command prompt is displayed while the Active Directory settings are applied.
42. During the Active Directory configuration, you are prompted to enter the credentials
of an account that is an administrator on all domain clients (including PDC/SDC). In
most cases, this account is a domain admin account (for example, iadomainadmin).
Enter the iadomainadmin account user name in the format of <domainname\<user-
name> and the account password, and press OK.
7. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the On-Control
43. Once the configuration of Active Directory is complete, the command window shows
if the process completed successfully, or with detected errors. The command window
also shows the path to the log file which is:
Then the command window waits for any key to be pressed to proceed further. Press
<Enter> to dismiss the command window.
If this command prompt indicates there are any detected errors, save the indicated
log file to an external drive for any possible analysis by Schneider Electric. Then rei-
mage the server and start the installation again.
44. Control returns to the Installation window. Continue with the rest of the installation.
Once the installation is complete, click Finish to close the installer. Figure 7-42
depicts the series of installation screens until the final screen.
B0700SX – Rev F7. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller
45. If the OS1FDB package is configured on this server, the dialog box shown in
Figure 7-43 is displayed.
To install this package, insert the first OS1FDB package diskette and click Load. After
the first disk has been loaded, insert the second OS1FDB package diskette and click
To bypass the installation of this package, click Skip. If Skip is selected, the installa-
tion will continue, but this dialog will be displayed again for each of the OS1FDB sta-
tions configured on this Foxboro station.
This will occur one time for each OS1FDB station configured.
7. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the On-Control
If your installation media for the OS1FDB package is not on a floppy diskette, browse
to the location of your stamped media and click the Select Folder button
If your installation media for the OS1FDB package is on a floppy diskette, click Use
Diskette. The diskette has to be in the diskette drive (A:\). Once the Use Diskette
button is clicked, the diskette will be read.
B0700SX – Rev F7. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller
47. If you selected Use Diskette in the previous step, the dialog box in Figure 7-45
appears. Insert the second diskette in the OS1FDB set and click Load. The diskette
must be inserted in drive A:\.
If needed, also refer to sections “How to Cleanup Active Directory After Domain
Controller Demotion” on page 591 and “How to Cleanup Domain Controllers That
Are Not Decommissioned” on page 595 in Appendix K “Troubleshooting PDC
51. Optionally, we also recommend that you install Server 2016 based Secondary domain
controllers at this point. Refer to the section “Installing Enterprise Edition Control
Core Services v9.4 on Secondary Domain Controllers on The Control Network” on
page 83 in Chapter 4 “Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for
New On-Control Network Domain Controllers” for more instructions.
52. If you had custom GPOs, then you must fix the linking order of those GPOs. Contact
the Cyber Security Team for more information. For more information refer to
Appendix P “Linking Custom GPOs to Any CCS/CS Specific OUs”.
The installation procedure for the domain controller is finished.
7. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the On-Control
2. In the adapter’s Properties dialog box, in the “This connection uses the following
items” section, click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), and then click Properties.
B0700SX – Rev F7. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller
3. The first two DNS entries are displayed in DNS server addresses section. Click
7. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the On-Control
The installation will attempt to set the DNS entries on the existing stations with
I/A Series software v8.7 or earlier. However, this can not succeed for multiple rea-
sons. You may see messages similar to the following in the log (c:\win-
Failed to configure the DNS setting for AW0001 station. Access is
denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED)).
Follow the instructions for setting up DNS entries on existing stations with
I/A Series software v8.7 or earlier for the stations with I/A Series software v8.7 or
earlier even though it is possible that some entries have been set already. It is vital to
system interoperability that these settings are made.
B0700SX – Rev F7. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller
4. Set the first DNS entry in the list to match the IP address of the new PDC with Con-
trol Core Services v9.4. Add additional entries for any SDC stations. Click OK to save
the DNS settings.
For the domain clients migrated from a domain with I/A Series Software v8.8 or
Foxboro Evo Control Core Services v9.0-9.3 to a domain with Control Core Ser-
vices v9.4, it may be necessary to move the migrated domain client’s object in Active
Directory before beginning the client’s installation procedure.
Continuing Installation
Refer to “Installing Optional Software” on page 72 to install any additional packages on your new
Re-enable any anti-malware software such as McAfee ENS that is installed on the PDCs, SDCs
and domain clients if not already enabled.
Proceed to Chapter 12 “Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Domain
Clients or Connecting Security Enhanced I/A Series Software v8.5-9.4 Domain Clients to Exist-
ing Off-Control Network Networks” for the installation procedure for the new domain clients.
8. Migrating an On-Control
Windows Server 2008 Domain
Controller to a New Windows
Server 2016 Primary Domain
Controller on the Off-Control
This chapter describes how to migrate an existing On-Control Network Primary Domain
Controller (PDC) with I/A Series Software v8.8 or Foxboro Evo Control Core Services v9.0-
9.3 to a new PDC with Windows Server 2016 Standard which is on a separate network, not
located on The Foxboro Evo Control Network (Off-Control Network).
The source station for this migration can either be:
♦ A new I/A Series server, shipped with a Control Core Services v9.0 (or later) image
♦ An existing SDC with I/A Series Software v8.8 or Foxboro Evo Control Core Services
v9.0-9.3 installed, which will be converted to a PDC with a Control Core Services
v9.4 (or later) image installed.
The target station (the station onto which the new software will be installed) for this migration
will become new PDC with Windows Server 2016 Standard.
After the migration, both the domain clients which existed in I/A Series software v8.8 or earlier
and the new Control Core Services domain clients (with Control Core Services v9.4) will be con-
nected to the same domain. Existing group policies will be maintained while new Control Core
Services v9.4 group policies will be enacted. The steps in this section only need to be followed
once for the domain migration in order to establish the new PDC station.
After this procedure is complete, any existing Server 2008 SDCs will continue to
work as SDCs and as a result changes will be replicated from the new Server 2016
PDC to these SDCs.
B0700SX – Rev F 8. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain
Before starting the migration, confirm that any Windows Server 2008-
based SDCs are online and connected to the PDC network. The
migration process will not complete successfully if one or more
Windows Server 2008 SDC is not online and connected. If there is an
SDC in the Active Directory environment that is not online because it
was not correctly decommissioned, clean up the metadata related to
those SDCs. Refer to Appendix K “Troubleshooting PDC Migration” for
more information on how to perform a metadata cleanup.
Once the migration process is complete, the target Windows Server 2016 server will
assume the role of Primary Domain Controller. The Server 2008 Domain Control-
ler which was a Primary Domain Controller assumes the role of a Secondary
Domain Controller (SDC) after the successful completion of migration. However,
after the migration, you can choose to decommission the Server 2008 Domain
Controller, Refer to Appendix C “Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo
System” and Appendix K “Troubleshooting PDC Migration” for more information.
To enhance cyber security, Schneider electric-supplied Windows Server 2016 OS
images have the built-in administrator account disabled with a blank password.
8. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain
You must have an open project or Customer First contract with a cyber
security labor line item for assistance.
B0700SX – Rev F 8. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain
Perform DNS
configuration changes
8. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain
Follow the steps outlined in “Helping to Avoid the Loss of Logon Ability for
Account1” on page 611. These steps are needed to help prevent the target Server 2016
machine from losing the ability of local logons using the Account1 user account.
B0700SX – Rev F 8. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain
8. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain
B0700SX – Rev F 8. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain
Figure 8-2. Active Directory Users and Computers Console (Administrator Account)
8. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain
4. Right-click on the user name and click Properties. The user Properties dialog box
opens as shown in Figure 8-3.
5. Verify that the domain administrator account is a member of both the “Schema
Admins” and “Enterprise Admins” groups by selecting the Member Of tab as shown
in Figure 8-3. If this user account is not, the user has to be added to both these
groups, as follows:
a. From the Member Of tab, select the Add button.
b. Type in the name of the group which needs to be added (Schema Admins or
Enterprise Admins) and click OK, as shown in Figure 8-4. Repeat this for each
B0700SX – Rev F 8. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain
1. Click on the IA Computers folder and verify that the new PDC server name is pres-
ent. If not, you have to add it as follows.
a. Right-click on IA Computers and select New -> Computer, as shown in
Figure 8-5.
b. Enter the name of the new computer and click OK.
8. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain
Figure 8-5. Active Directory Users and Computers Console (Administrator Account)
2. If the current domain administrator account was added to either the Schema Admins
or Enterprise Admins in the steps above, then log off from this account and log back
on to the station using the same account.
B0700SX – Rev F 8. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain
On the desktop, right-click My Network Places, and click Properties.
c. In the Network and Connections dialog box, right-click the FoxInt NDIS Inter-
mediate Miniport Driver, and click Properties.
d. In the adapter’s Properties dialog box, in the “This connection uses the following
items” section, click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), and then click Proper-
ties. The Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties dialog box appears as shown in
Figure 8-6.
8. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain
2. Remove the default gateway settings for this network interface by clicking Advanced.
In the Advanced TCP/IP Settings dialog box shown in Figure 8-7, click the IP
Settings tab. Under Default gateways, remove the entries.
all entries
3. Click the DNS tab, as shown in Figure 8-8. In the DNS server addresses, in order of
use field, remove the entries. When done, click OK to close this dialog box and apply
the changes.
B0700SX – Rev F 8. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain
the entries
1. Open the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties dialog box for the network adapter
for the new Off-Control Network.
a. On the desktop, right-click My Network Places, and click Properties.
b. In the Network and Sharing Center dialog box, right-click the network adapter
that the Off-Control Network domain controller will use, and click Properties.
c. In the adapter’s Properties dialog box, in the “This connection uses the following
items” section, click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), and then click
Properties. The Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties dialog box appears as
shown in Figure 8-9.
♦ Check the “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” box.
♦ Click Properties to open the Properties dialog (Figure 8-9).
8. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain
d. Set a new static IP address and assign the same address as preferred DNS server IP
address (shown as “” as an example in Figure 8-9) and click OK.
After clicking on Close, the status of the Local Area Connection is “connected”.
2. Verify that the new IP address is shown in the result of the ipconfig (Figure 8-10). If
the new IP address is not shown, reboot the computer and reverify.
B0700SX – Rev F 8. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain
2. In the server Properties dialog box, click the Interfaces tab as shown in
Figure 8-12. Confirm that the following options are set:
a. Select the “Only the following IP addresses” radio button.
b. Check only the off-control IP addresses in the list of IP addresses. For example, in
Figure 8-12 only is checked. If any other IP addresses are
checked, uncheck them.
8. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain
3. Expand the node <workstation name> > Forward Lookup Zones > <domain
name>. Select the node showing the domain name (in this example, on2008.local).
Delete the DNS entries pointing to the on-control network IP address
B0700SX – Rev F 8. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain
4. Confirm that Name Servers shows only the off-control IP addresses. If any other
entries are present, delete them:
a. Right-click on the node representing the domain name, and then click Proper-
8. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain
B0700SX – Rev F 8. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain
Figure 8-16 shows an example of the final entries after deleting IPv6 entries and
entries representing on-control IP addresses.
8. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain
5. In the DNS Manager, remove the reverse lookup zone for the existing On-Control
Network (i.e. 151.128.152.x Subnet) as follows:
a. Expand the Reverse Lookup Zones folder, right-click on the Reverse Lookup
Zone you’d like to remove, and click Delete.
B0700SX – Rev F 8. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain
6. Add a new reverse lookup zone for the new Off-Control Network as follows.
a. Right-click on Reverse Lookup Zones and select New Zone as shown in
Figure 8-20.
8. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain
Figure 8-21. Welcome Window for New Reverse Lookup Zone Creation
B0700SX – Rev F 8. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain
c. Click Next. Select Primary Zone and click Next as shown in Figure 8-22.
8. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain
d. Click the “To all DNS servers in the Active Directory domain
on2008.local” bullet (“on2008.local” may vary depending on the actual
name of the Control Core Services domain) as shown in Figure 8-23. Click Next.
Figure 8-23. New Zone Wizard (Active Directory Zone Replication Scope)
B0700SX – Rev F 8. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain
8. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain
f. In the Network ID field, enter in the first three octets of the Off-Control Network
card as shown in Figure 8-25. Click Next.
B0700SX – Rev F 8. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain
g. Click the Allow only secure dynamic updates bullet and click Next as
shown in Figure 8-26. Click Next.
8. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain
B0700SX – Rev F 8. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain
i. Right-click on the new zone and select New Pointer as shown in Figure 8-28.
j. In the New Resource Record dialog box, complete the following steps:
♦ Enter the newly set static off-control IP address in the “Host IP Address” field
(Figure 8-29).
♦ In the “Host Name” field, enter the fully qualified name of the computer in
the format: <machinename>.<domainname>. For example,
♦ Click OK.
8. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain
B0700SX – Rev F 8. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain
m. In the Services dialog box, right-click the DNS Server, and then click Restart as
shown in Figure 8-30.
7. Click the Start button, and click Programs -> Accessories -> Command Prompt to
open a command prompt. Type nslookup and press <Enter>. If DNS is functioning
properly, it displays that it found the local DNS server with the IP address set in the
previous steps (shown as in Figure 8-30).
Until DNS is working properly, the migration procedure cannot continue.
8. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain
9. If you are upgrading an existing Secondary Domain Controller with I/A Series Soft-
ware v8.8 or Foxboro Evo Control Core Services v9.0-9.3 to become the new target
PDC, remove the Active Directory from this SDC as described in the following sub-
steps. If the system does not have an SDC and you are installing a new station as the
target PDC, proceed to “Preparation and Installation for New Target Primary
Domain Controller” on page 266.
To remove the Active Directory from the SDC, perform one of the two following
a. Use dcpromo on the existing SDC to remove Active Directory as described in
“Removing Domain Controller Functionality from a Workstation” on page 527.
b. In Active Directory Sites and Services on the source PDC, click Actions ->
Refresh. The NTDS settings that were shown under the SDC name are
removed. If they are not, the removal operation of the Active Directory from the
SDC was unsuccessful and you cannot continue. Contact Global Customer Sup-
port for assistance.
a. Use Symantec System Recovery (SSR) to load the new Control Core Services v9.4
platform image on the existing SDC station to be upgraded. Refer to Veritas Sys-
tem Recovery 2016 Desktop, Server and Virtual Editions Guide for I/A Series® and
Foxboro Evo™ Process Automation Systems (B0700HH) for instructions.
b. On the source PDC, click the Start button, and then select Windows Adminis-
trative Tools -> Active Directory Sites and Services. Navigate to
Sites -> [Domain Name] -> Servers -> [Name of SDC] and expand this last
node. Note that it contains the NTDS settings. Leave this displayed on the source
PDC for now.
10. Proceed to the next section.
B0700SX – Rev F 8. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain
The IP address shown on your machine need not match the IP address shown in
Figure 8-32.
8. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain
9. Confirm that the new IP address is shown in the Ipconfig command result.
10. Verify that the 2008 source PDC is pingable from the target PDC. If the ping does
not work, you may need to reboot the machine.
B0700SX – Rev F 8. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain
Figure 8-34. Verify Source 2008 PDC Pingable from Target PDC
1. Confirm that the time zone and time of the Server 2016 machine matches that of the
source 2008 PDC.
2. Install Server 2016 Local Group Policies. Refer to Chapter 17 “Local Group Policy
3. Install anti-malware software such as McAfee ENS. Refer to Installation and Configu-
ration of the McAfee ENS 10.5.2 with ePO 5.9.1 (B0700VW).
4. If McAfee ENS is installed, ensure the following McAfee ENS components are up to
♦ ENS AMCore DAT file
♦ Exploit Prevention Content
5. Run a full scan of the system to help ensure no viruses are present in the system before
work begins.
6. Disable anti-malware software such as McAfee ENS. Refer to Installation and Configu-
ration of the McAfee ENS 10.5.2 with ePO 5.9.1 (B0700VW).
7. Insert the DVD labeled “Foxboro Evo Control Core Services v9.4 Windows 10/Server
2016 Day 0 DVD” (K0177BP).
8. Navigate to the DVD drive and double-click setup.exe.
9. Click Yes to accept the User Account Control (UAC) prompt.
10. A dialog box appears that allows you to select whether you are installing Control Core
Services for Local Edition or an Enterprise Edition System.
♦ Select Install CCS for Enterprise System, select Active Directory
Domain Services (AD DS)
♦ Select Install New AD(PDC/SDC)
♦ Select the checkbox Migrate CCS Configuration from an existing Fox-
boro EVO AD
8. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain
♦ Select “On Control server 2008 AD” from the combo box
♦ Choose Connection type as “Off Control”, as shown in Figure 8-36.
B0700SX – Rev F 8. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain
13. The next dialog box requests that you load the committed configuration install files,
as shown in Figure 8-38. Click Load to set the installation target drive to D:\ and
load the committed configuration files.
Figure 8-39.The browser for the folder containing the committed configuration install files opens, as
shown in Figure 8-39. If the installation media with your Commit files is on the server’s hard drive or
a network, browse to the location of the media and click Select Folder.
14. Click Next. The I/A Series Software Installation dialog box appears as shown in
Figure 8-40, in which the “Install as a Secondary Domain Controller (SDC)” choice
is selected by default. Initially, this server will be installed as an SDC and will be pro-
moted to the role of the PDC before the installation completes.
8. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain
15. In the “Provide information for the domain joining account and click Authorize”
a. Enter the off-control network IP address of the source 2008 PDC (for example,
b. Enter the account name that has the authority to add workstations to the domain
(for example, on2008.local\IAInstaller)
c. Enter the account password.
d. Confirm that the time zones, date, and time match with the PDC.
e. Click Authorize.
Before clicking Authorize, confirm that the server 2008 PDC is pingable using the
off-control network IP address. If the server 2008 PDC is not pingable using its IP
address, authorization will be unsuccessful. For example, ping
should succeed.
B0700SX – Rev F 8. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain
16. If the local system time does not match the system time on the existing PDC (from
which you are migrating), a message is displayed as shown in Figure 8-41. Click OK.
Fix the local system time to match the existing PDC’s time and re-click Authorize.
Figure 8-41. Schneider Electric CCS Software Installation Dialog Box - Date System Message
In some cases, it will not be possible to determine the remote system time. In this case,
the dialog box shown in Figure 8-42 is displayed. It is vital to check that the local and
remote system times match (including date, time, AM/PM) before continuing. Note
that the checkbox displayed for some time zones which allows the system to automat-
ically adjust for Daylight Saving Time can affect the time displayed by the system by
one hour.
8. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain
17. If there are more SDC stations on the off-control network (if there are no additional
SDCs, move to the next step):
a. Choose the “Add Off-Mesh” option from the “Select the Secondary Domain Con-
troller Stations” drop-down list.
b. In the dialog that appears, add the off-control network IP addresses of those SDCs
manually in the dialog that appears. When you’re finished, click Done.
c. Click Set.
B0700SX – Rev F 8. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain
8. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain
19. In the “Select a Host Domain for this workstation and click Connect” field, verify the
name of the domain and click Connect.
20. The message shown is in Figure 8-49 displayed to indicate that the connection to the
domain has succeeded. Click Reboot.
If unsuccessful, a reason for the unsuccessful condition is displayed.
Figure 8-49. Schneider Electric CCS Install: Workstation Reboot Request Dialog Box
21. The “You’re about to be signed out” screen appears as shown in Figure 8-50. Click
22. After the server reboots, log on with the “IAInstaller” account.
23. The installation continues automatically. The Server platform setup dialog box
a. Re-enter the IP address of the source Windows Server 2008 PDC (from which
you are migrating), as shown in Figure 8-51.
b. In the Authorized Account field, verify that the domain joining account name dis-
played has the authority to add workstations to the domain (i.e. iaser-
B0700SX – Rev F 8. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain
c. In the Authorized Password field, enter the password for this account.
d. Authorize.
24. If clicking Authorize results in a successful domain rights verification, a “Join client to
domain rights verified” message appears.
8. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain
To verify the site name, follow these steps on the source 2008 PDC:
- Log in as iadomainadmin.
- Open the command prompt.
- Execute the command dsquery site.
The command result should show the site name, as shown in Figure 8-54.
26. If you are satisfied with the domain and site names click Prepare.
If the domain name or site name are not identical to those provided during the PDC
installation, the dialog box shown in Figure 8-55 appears.
Clicking OK and proceeding with the incorrect domain or site name will cause the
installation to be unsuccessful.
B0700SX – Rev F 8. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain
c. Click Prepare.
28. If the site name and domain name matches with those provided during the PDC
installation, the dialog box shown in Figure 8-56 appears. Check that the name you
have chosen for your Active Directory domain is correct and will not conflict with
another domain on the same network.
Click OK.
29. Click Install to load the Active Directory Domain Services onto this server and to
assign the server to the role of Secondary Domain Controller.
8. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain
After Active Directory Domain Services are installed, a dialog box is displayed as
shown in Figure 8-59.
Figure 8-59. Assigning Role of Secondary Domain Controller via Command Prompt
30. The default username is <domain name>\IADomainAdmin. Enter the password for
the IADomain user and click OK. This launches a DOS prompt that promotes the
server to the Secondary Domain Controller (SDC) role, as shown in Figure 8-60.
B0700SX – Rev F 8. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain
If the promotion to the domain controller is unsuccessful, a system message is
shown (Figure 8-61). Details about the system message can be found in two files:
- C:\windows\temp\promote2dc.txt
- C:\windows\debug\dcpromo.log
If this occurs, reimage the station and restart the installation process.
It is normal to see detected errors during promotion to the domain controller. These
messages pertain to DNS delegation, a default security setting for Windows Server
2016 DCs, etc. These detected errors can be ignored.
31. The server reboots automatically after Active Directory has been installed.
After the server reboots, log into the “IADomainAdmin” account.
32. The installation restarts automatically and the I/A Series Software Installation dialog
box appears as shown in Figure 8-62.
8. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain
Figure 8-62. Verifying the Health of the Existing Active Directory System
33. Wait for at least 10 minutes before clicking Verify. Replication from the source PDC
with Windows Server 2008 to this domain controller with Windows Server 2016 may
still be in progress.
34. After the wait period, inspect the event viewer logs for these events:
a. System
b. Active Directory Web Services
c. DFS Replication
d. Directory Service
e. DNS Server
35. Analyze the event logs for any detected error messages. If required, take remediation
actions for the detected errors reported in the event logs.
B0700SX – Rev F 8. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain
The detected error remediation may require an Active Directory expert/administra-
tor. Some of the replication detected errors may require a server reboot, which may
also require you to cancel the installation, reboot the server, and restart the installa-
tion (using IADomainAdmin login) to return to the Verify button screen. Refer to
Appendix K “Troubleshooting PDC Migration” for more information on trouble-
shooting replication errors.
36. If any detected errors in the event logs are ignorable, save the logs and clear them.
Otherwise, the same detected errors will appear in the Verify button report as noise.
37. Click Verify to check the health of the Active Directory domain. This takes several
When the Active Directory is ready to be configured, a DOS window is displayed.
During this stage, it is normal to see detected errors indicating that the Active Direc-
tory is not yet functional. The Active Directory verification process attempts to make
the directory functional, and then proceeds to the next step of configuring the Active
A command prompt, which shows the progress of the health check operation, is dis-
played. After the operation is finished, the command window indicates whether the
process was completed successfully or with detected errors. The command window
also indicates the path to the log file, which is:
38. Press <Enter> to dismiss the command window.
8. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain
If this command prompt indicates there are any detected errors, save the indicated
log file to an external drive for any possible analysis by Schneider Electric. Then rei-
mage the server and start the installation again.
39. When complete, the dialog box shown in Figure 8-62 is displayed if detected errors
are found. One or more conditions could be detected including diagnostic suboptimal
conditions, event log detected errors, and replication suboptimal conditions.
Figure 8-65. CCS Installation Dialog Box - Message for DC Health Log File
B0700SX – Rev F 8. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain
40. To view the log, click View, as shown in Figure 8-66. After viewing the detected
errors, it may be necessary to correct the issues in the Active Directory domain. Click
the Verify button as many times as necessary after you take each corrective action to
check that no further issues exist. After clicking Verify, clicking View opens the
updated diagnostic results.
Figure 8-66. Verifying the Health of the Existing Active Directory System (Detected Errors Found)
Refer to Appendix K “Troubleshooting PDC Migration” for details on expected
detected errors, indicators of a successful migration, and troubleshooting tech-
niques. Confirm that you analyze the log, discard known detected errors, trouble-
shoot issues, and reverify. Repeat this process until you are confident that all issues
are resolved.
41. If it is determined that you can ignore the detected errors in the log, click Ignore to
continue, as shown in Figure 8-62. Acknowledge the message shown in Figure 8-67.
8. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain
Figure 8-67. CCS Installation Dialog Box - Detected Errors in DC Health Log File
42. Click Next. The dialog box shown in Figure 8-68 is displayed. Click Apply.
Figure 8-68. Setting Up the Platform for a Enterprise Edition Control Core Services Installation
B0700SX – Rev F 8. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain
A command prompt is displayed while the Active Directory settings are applied.
43. After the configuration of Active Directory is complete, the command prompt shows
if the process completed successfully, or with detected errors. The command prompt
also shows the path to the log file which is:
Then the command prompt waits for any key to be pressed to proceed further.
Press <Enter> to dismiss the command prompt.
If this command prompt indicates there are any detected errors, save the indicated
log file to an external drive for any possible analysis by Schneider Electric. Then rei-
mage the server and start the installation again.
8. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain
B0700SX – Rev F 8. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain
Remove the IP addresses from the Preferred DNS server and Alternate DNS server
8. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain
3. Next, set the IP Address and DNS settings for the Off-Control Network interface card
according to the IP setting of the new Off-Control Network domain, as demonstrated
in Figure 8-73. Then click OK to apply the changes.
Figure 8-73. Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties - Setting for Off-Control Network
Network Interface Card
After migration is finished, install Windows Server 2016 Standard with Control
Core Services v9.4 on your SDCs.
B0700SX – Rev F 8. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain
1. Click the Start button, and then select Windows Administrative Tools -> Active
Directory Users and Computers. You may need to scroll down to see this menu
2. From Active Directory Users and Computers, right-click on the “IA Comput-
ers” OU and select New -> Computer as shown in Figure 8-74.
3. Enter the name of the new workstation in the Computer name field and click OK as
shown in Figure 8-75. The OU for “Pre-8.8 workstations” on migrated systems will
be named “Pre-8.8 IA Computers” as shown in Figure 8-76.
8. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain
B0700SX – Rev F 8. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain
Continuing Installation
For the domain clients migrated from a domain with I/A Series Software v8.8 or
Foxboro Evo Control Core Services v9.0-9.3 to a domain with Control Core Ser-
vices v9.4, it may be necessary to move the migrated domain client’s object in Active
Directory before beginning the client’s installation procedure.
After restarting the station following the Control Core Services software installation, you can
install McAfee Products Endpoint Protection on your PDC. Only install this software on one
domain controller in the system. Install this software according to Installation and Configuration of
the McAfee ENS 10.5.2 with ePO 5.9.1 (B0700VW).
Re-enable any anti-malware software such as McAfee ENS that is installed on the PDCs, SDCs
and domain clients if not already enabled.
Proceed to Chapter 4 “Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New On-
Control Network Domain Controllers” for the installation procedure for the domain clients.
9. Migrating an Off-Control
Windows Server 2008 Domain
Controller to a New Windows
Server 2016 Primary Domain
Controller on the On-Control
This chapter describes how to migrate an existing Off-Control Network Primary Domain
Controller (PDC) with Windows Server 2008 running any of the following software to a new
PDC with Windows Server 2016 Standard, located on Foxboro Evo Control Network
(hereafter referred to as “the control network”).
♦ I/A Series v8.8
♦ Foxboro Evo Control Services v9.0-v9.3
♦ Foxboro Evo Control Core Services (any version) upgraded to support Windows 10
and Windows Server 2016 domain clients
The source station for this migration refers to the PDC with Windows Server 2008.
After this procedure is complete, any existing Server 2008 SDCs will continue to
work as SDCs and as a result changes will be replicated from the new Server 2016
PDC to these SDCs.
The target station indicated in this chapter refers to the new PDC running Windows Server
After the migration, both the domain clients which existed in Control Core Services v9.x and the
new Control Core Services domain clients (Control Core Services v9.4 or later) will be connected
to the same domain. Existing group policies will be maintained while new Control Core Services
v9.4 group policies will be enacted. The steps in this section only need to be followed once for the
domain migration in order to establish the new PDC station.
Perform the procedures provided below.
In Control Panel -> Network Connections, which lists the available NICs, it is inad-
visable to change the name of any “Local Area Connection x” network connection.
This can result in software installation issues or system instability.
B0700SX – Rev F9. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller
To enhance cyber security, Schneider electric-supplied Windows Server 2016 OS
images have the built-in administrator account disabled with a blank password.
Once the migration process is complete, the target Windows Server 2016 server will
assume the role of Primary Domain Controller. The Server 2008 Domain Control-
ler which was a Primary Domain Controller assumes the role of a Secondary
Domain Controller (SDC) after the successful completion of migration. However,
after the migration, you can choose to decommission the Server 2008 Domain
9. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the On-Control
B0700SX – Rev F9. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller
Prepare Source Domain Prepare target Win2016 DC and migrate source 2008 DC to target server running
Controller - Win 2008 SE supplied Server 2016 OS image
Ensure server HW
Document the linking Set Date/Time/TimeZone Fix linking order of any
compatibility with
order of any custome on the OS to match with custom GPOs
server 2016 Foxboro
GPOs the source Win 2008 PDC
Refer to B0700SY
9. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the On-Control
Follow the steps outlined in “Helping to Avoid the Loss of Logon Ability for
Account1” on page 611. These steps are needed to help prevent the target Server 2016
machine from losing the ability of local logons using the Account1 user account.
B0700SX – Rev F9. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller
9. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the On-Control
Figure 9-2. Active Directory Users and Computers Console (Administrator Account)
B0700SX – Rev F9. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller
4. Right-click on the user name and click Properties. The user Properties dialog box
opens as shown in Figure 9-3.
5. Verify that the domain administrator account is a member of both the Schema
Admins and Enterprise Admins groups by selecting the Member Of tab as shown in
Figure 9-3. If this user account is not, the user has to be added to both these groups, as
a. From the Member Of tab, select the Add button.
b. Type in the name of the group which needs to be added (such as Schema Admins
or Enterprise Admins) and click OK, as shown in Figure 9-4. Repeat this for
each group.
9. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the On-Control
1. Click on the IA Computers folder and verify that the new PDC server name is pres-
ent. If not, you have to add it as follows.
a. Right-click on IA Computers and select New -> Computer, as shown in
Figure 9-5.
b. Enter the name of the new computer and click OK.
B0700SX – Rev F9. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller
Figure 9-5. Active Directory Users and Computers Console (Administrator Account)
2. If the current domain administrator account was added to either the “Schema
Admins” or “Enterprise Admins” in the steps above, log off from this account and log
back onto the station using the same account.
3. If you are upgrading an existing Secondary Domain Controller with Control Core
Services v9.0-9.3 to become the new target PDC, remove the Active Directory from
this SDC as described in the following substeps. If you have not installed an SDC and
are installing a new station as the target PDC, proceed to “Preparation and Installa-
tion for New Target Primary Domain Controller” on page 304.
To remove the Active Directory from the SDC, perform one of the two following
a. Use dcpromo on the existing SDC to remove Active Directory as described in
“Removing Domain Controller Functionality from a Workstation” on page 527.
b. In Active Directory Sites and Services on the source PDC, click Actions ->
Refresh. The NTDS settings that were shown under the SDC name are
9. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the On-Control
removed. If they are not, the removal operation of the Active Directory from the
SDC was unsuccessful and you cannot continue. Contact Global Customer Sup-
port for assistance.
a. Use Symantec System Recovery (SSR) to load the new Control Core Services v9.4
platform image on the existing SDC station to be upgraded. Refer to Veritas Sys-
tem Recovery 2016 Desktop, Server and Virtual Editions Guide for I/A Series® and
Foxboro Evo™ Process Automation Systems (B0700HH) for instructions.
b. On the source PDC, click the Start button and then select Windows Adminis-
trative Tools -> Active Directory Sites and Services. Navigate to
Sites -> [Domain Name] -> Servers -> [Name of SDC]. Remove the SDC
station from the list along with every entry underneath.
4. Proceed to the next section.
B0700SX – Rev F9. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller
Before you run the health of the Active Directory domain, we recommend you save
the security and application log from the Event Viewer and clear all the log mes-
sages. That is because the health of the diagnostic tool attempts to analyze the
detected errors on the system that occurred before the migration process, and has
the potential to give an impression that the migration was not successful.
Perform this procedure only for 100MBps fiber optic cards. For copper
NICs and Gigabit fiber optic NICs, you should not perform this
Before installing Control Core Services, for each installed NIC, set the NIC’s properties “Flow
Control” and “Speed & Duplex” manually as described below for the NICs on this station.
Refer to the Hardware and Software Specific Instructions document included with
your station to determine the NIC cards it supports.
Before you run the health of the Active Directory domain, we recommend you save
the security and application log from the Event Viewer and clear all the log mes-
sages. That is because the health diagnostic tool attempts to analyze the detected
errors on the system that occurred before the migration process, and has the poten-
tial to give an impression that the migration was not successful.
Proceed as follows:
1. Right-click the Network icon on the taskbar, and click Open Network and Shar-
ing Center. In the Network and Sharing Center window, click Change Adapter
2. Right-click the desired card and click Properties. In the Properties dialog box that
appears, click the Configure button and then select the Advanced tab.
9. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the On-Control
3. In the Property field, click Flow Control. In the Value field, select Disable from
the drop-down menu list.
4. In the Property field, click Speed & Duplex. In the Value field, in the drop-down
menu list:
♦ For a station on the control network, select 100 Mb Full.
♦ For a station on another network other than the control network (Off-Control
Network), select Auto.
5. Click OK.
6. For each additional NIC, repeat Steps 2 through 5.
7. Shutdown and restart the system for the driver changes to take effect. Click the Start
button and click Shut Down; select Restart from the pull-down menu and click OK.
Disconnect the On-Control network connections before this procedure.
The IP address shown on your machine need not match the IP address shown in
Figure 9-6.
B0700SX – Rev F9. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller
9. Confirm that the new IP address is shown in the Ipconfig command result.
9. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the On-Control
10. Verify that the 2008 source PDC is pingable from the target PDC. If the ping does
not work, you may need to reboot the machine.
Figure 9-8. Verify Source 2008 PDC Pingable from Target PDC
Continue as follows:
1. Confirm that the time and time zone on the Server 2016 machine match the time of
the source 2008 PDC.
2. Install Server 2016 Local Group Policies. Refer to Chapter 17 “Local Group Policy
3. Install anti-malware software such as McAfee ENS. Refer to Installation and Configu-
ration of the McAfee ENS 10.5.2 with ePO 5.9.1 (B0700VW).
B0700SX – Rev F9. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller
4. If McAfee ENS is installed, ensure the following McAfee ENS components are up to
♦ ENS AMCore DAT file
♦ Exploit Prevention Content
5. Run a full scan of the system to help ensure no viruses are present in the system before
work begins.
6. Disable anti-malware software such as McAfee ENS. Refer to Installation and Configu-
ration of the McAfee ENS 10.5.2 with ePO 5.9.1 (B0700VW).
7. Insert the DVD labeled “Foxboro Evo Control Core Services v9.4 Windows 10/Server
2016 Day 0 DVD” (K0177BP).
8. Navigate to the DVD drive and double-click setup.exe.
9. Click Yes to accept the User Account Control (UAC) prompt.
10. A dialog box appears that allows you to select whether you are installing Control Core
Services for a Local Edition or an Enterprise Edition System.
♦ Select Install CCS for Enterprise System
♦ Select Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS)
♦ Select Install New AD (PDC/SDC)
♦ Select the checkbox Migrate CCS Configuration from an existing Fox-
boro EVO AD
♦ Select Off Control server 2008 AD from the combo box
♦ Choose Connection type as “On Control”, as shown in Figure 9-11.
9. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the On-Control
B0700SX – Rev F9. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller
13. The next dialog box requests that you load the committed configuration install files,
as shown in Figure 9-13. Click Load to load the committed configuration files.
The browser for the folder containing the committed configuration install files opens,
as shown in Figure 9-14. If the installation media with your Commit files is on the
server’s hard drive or a network, browse to the location of the media and click Select
9. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the On-Control
14. Once the Commit files have been loaded, click Bind as shown in Figure 9-13.
15. Select two network cards representing the ON-Control network and click Next.
Be certain to pick the correct NICs as this selection cannot be changed later in the
If this dialog box is not displayed, the NIC cards have been automatically configured.
Proceed to the next step.
B0700SX – Rev F9. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller
Figure 9-15. Mesh Configurator Dialog Box (For Certain NIC Cards)
9. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the On-Control
16. Click Next. The Server platform setup dialog appears as shown in Figure 9-16. The
Install as a Secondary Domain Controller (SDC) bullet is selected by
default. Initially, this station is installed as an SDC station and will be promoted to be
the PDC station before the installation completes.
17. In the “Provide information for the domain joining account and click Authorize”
a. Enter the off-control network IP address of the source 2008 PDC (for example,
b. Enter the account name that has the authority to add workstations to the domain
(for example, off2008.local\IAInstaller)
c. Enter the account password.
d. Confirm that the time zones, date, and time match with the PDC.
18. Click Authorize.
B0700SX – Rev F9. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller
19. If the local system time does not match the system time on the existing PDC (from
which you are migrating), a message is displayed as shown in Figure 9-17. Click OK.
Fix the local system time to match the existing PDC’s time and re-click Authorize.
Figure 9-17. Schneider Electric CCS Software Installation Dialog Box - Date Message
In some cases, it will not be possible to determine the remote system time. In this case,
the dialog box shown in Figure 9-18 is displayed. It is vital to check that the local and
remote system times match (including date, time, AM/PM) before continuing. Note
that the checkbox displayed for some time zones which allows the system to automat-
ically adjust for Daylight Saving Time can affect the time displayed by the system by
one hour.
9. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the On-Control
20. If there are more SDC stations on the off-control network (if there are no additional
SDCs, move to the next step):
a. Choose the “Add Off-Mesh” option from the “Select the Secondary Domain Con-
troller Stations” drop-down list.
b. In the dialog that appears, add the off-control IP addresses of those SDCs manu-
ally in the dialog that appears. When you’re finished, click Done.
c. Click Set.
B0700SX – Rev F9. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller
22. In the “Select a Host Domain for this workstation and click Connect” field, verify the
name of the domain and click Connect.
9. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the On-Control
23. The message shown is in Figure 9-25 displayed to indicate that the connection to the
domain has succeeded.
If not successful, a reason for the operation to not succeed is displayed.
Figure 9-25. Schneider Electric CCS Install: Workstation Reboot Request Dialog Box
24. The “You’re about to be signed out” screen appears as shown in Figure 9-26. After a
few minutes, the server will automatically reboot.
25. After the server reboots, log on with the “IAInstaller” account.
26. The installation continues automatically. The Server platform setup dialog box
a. Re-enter the IP address of the PDC with Windows Server 2008 (from which you
are migrating), as shown in Figure 9-27.
b. In the Authorized Account field, verify that the domain joining account name dis-
played has the authority to add workstations to the domain (i.e.
c. In the Authorized Password field, enter the password for this account.
d. Authorize.
B0700SX – Rev F9. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller
27. If clicking Authorize results in a successful domain rights verification, a “Join client
to domain rights verified” message appears.
9. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the On-Control
28. Under the “Enter domain information for Active Directory setup and click Prepare”
area, verify the Domain Name and Site Name fields.
Figure 9-29. Verify Domain and Site Names and Click Prepare
To verify the site name, follow these steps on the source 2008 PDC:
- Log in as iadomainadmin.
- Open the command prompt.
- Execute the command dsquery site.
The command result should show the site name, as shown in Figure 9-30.
29. If you are satisfied with the domain and site names click Prepare.
If the domain name or site name are not identical with those provided during the
PDC installation, the dialog box shown in Figure 9-31 appears.
Clicking OK and proceeding with the incorrect domain or site name will cause the
installation to be unsuccessful.
B0700SX – Rev F9. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller
a. Click Cancel.
b. Correct the domain name or site name.
c. Click Prepare.
31. If the site name and domain name matches with those provided during the PDC
installation, the dialog box shown in Figure 9-32 appears. Check that the name you
have chosen for your Active Directory domain is correct and will not conflict with
another domain on the same network.
Click OK.
32. To assist with a smooth installation process, verify that the PDC fully qualified
domain name is pingable.
a. Open command prompt.
b. Ping the PDC using its on-control network IP address with –a option. For exam-
ple, ping -a
The result of ping should show a fully qualified name on the server 2008 PDC. A
fully qualified name is in the format <machine name>.<domain name>. For example,
33. Click Install to load the Active Directory Domain Services onto this server and to
assign the server to the role of Secondary Domain Controller.
9. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the On-Control
A DOS window is displayed while Active Directory is being installed, as shown in Figure 9-34.
After Active Directory Domain Services are installed, a dialog box is displayed, as
shown in Figure 9-35.
B0700SX – Rev F9. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller
34. The default username is <domain name>\IADomainAdmin. Enter the password for
the IADomain user and click OK. This launches a DOS prompt that promotes the
server to the Secondary Domain Controller (SDC) role, as shown in Figure 9-36.
It is normal to see detected errors during promotion to the domain controller. These
messages pertain to DNS delegation, a default cyber-security setting for Windows
Server 2016 DCs, etc. These detected errors can be ignored.
9. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the On-Control
If the promotion to the domain controller is unsuccessful, a system message is
shown (Figure 9-37). Details about the system message can be found in two files:
- C:\windows\temp\promote2dc.txt
- C:\windows\debug\dcpromo.log
If this occurs, reimage the machine and restart the installation process.
35. The server reboots automatically after Active Directory has been installed.
After the server reboots, log into the “IADomainAdmin” account.
B0700SX – Rev F9. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller
36. After a few minutes, the installation restarts automatically and the Schneider-Electric
CCS Software Installation dialog box appears as shown in Figure 9-38.
Figure 9-38. Verifying the Health of the Existing Active Directory System
37. Wait for at least 10 minutes before clicking Verify. Replication from the source PDC
with Windows Server 2008 to this domain controller with Windows Server 2016 may
still be in progress.
38. After the wait period, inspect the event viewer logs for these events:
a. System
b. Active Directory Web Services
c. DFS Replication
d. Directory Service
e. DNS Server
39. Analyze the event logs for any detected error messages. If required, take remediation
actions for the detected errors reported in the event logs.
9. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the On-Control
The detected error remediation may require an Active Directory expert/administra-
tor. Some of the replication detected errors may require a server reboot, which may
also require you to cancel the installation, reboot the server, and restart the installa-
tion (using IADomainAdmin login) to return to the Verify button screen. Refer to
Appendix K “Troubleshooting PDC Migration” for more information on trouble-
shooting replication detected errors.
40. If any detected errors in the event logs are ignorable, save the logs and clear them.
Otherwise, the same detected errors will appear in the Verify button report as noise.
41. Click Verify to check the health of the Active Directory domain. This takes several
42. When the Active Directory is ready to be configured, a DOS window is displayed.
During this stage, it is normal to see detected errors indicating that the Active Direc-
tory is not yet functional. The Active Directory verification process attempts to make
the directory functional, and then proceeds to the next step of configuring the Active
A command prompt, which shows the progress of the health check operation, is dis-
played. After the operation is finished, the command window indicates whether the
process was completed successfully or with detected errors. The command window
also indicates the path to the log file, which is:
Press <Enter> to dismiss the command window.
B0700SX – Rev F9. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller
If this command prompt indicates there are any detected errors, save the indicated
log file to an external drive for any possible analysis by Schneider Electric. Then rei-
mage the server and start the installation again.
43. When finished, the dialog box shown in Figure 9-41 is displayed if detected errors are
found. One or more conditions could be detected including diagnostic suboptimal
conditions, event log detected errors, and replication suboptimal conditions.
Figure 9-41. CCS Installation Dialog Box - Message for DC Health Log File
9. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the On-Control
44. To view the log, click View in Figure 9-42. After viewing the detected errors, it may
be necessary to correct the suboptimal conditions in the Active Directory domain.
Click the Verify button as many times as necessary after you take each corrective
action to check that no further conditions exist. After clicking Verify, clicking View
opens the updated diagnostic results.
Figure 9-42. Verifying the Health of the Existing Active Directory System (Detected Errors Found)
Refer to Appendix K “Troubleshooting PDC Migration” for details on expected
detected errors, indicators of a successful migration, and troubleshooting tech-
niques. Confirm that you analyze the log, discard known detected errors, trouble-
shoot issues, and reverify. Repeat this process until you are confident that all issues
are resolved.
45. If it is determined that you can ignore these detected errors in the log, click Ignore to
continue, as shown in Figure 9-43. Acknowledge this message.
B0700SX – Rev F9. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller
Figure 9-43. CCS Installation Dialog Box - Detected Errors in DC Health Log File
46. Click Next. The dialog shown in Figure 9-44 is displayed. Click Apply.
Figure 9-44. Setting Up the Platform for a Enterprise Edition Control Core Services Installation
9. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the On-Control
the directory functional, and then proceeds to the next step of configuring the Active
A command prompt is displayed while the Active Directory settings are applied.
47. During configuration of the Active Directory the dialog box in Figure 9-47 appears
asking for domain administrator credentials. Enter your <domainname>\iadomainad-
min credentials in the dialog box.
B0700SX – Rev F9. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller
48. After the configuration of Active Directory is complete, the command prompt shows
if the process completed successfully, or with detected errors. The command prompt
also shows the path to the log file which is:
Then the command prompt waits for any key to be pressed to proceed further.
Press <Enter> to dismiss the command prompt.
If this command prompt provides any system messages which include suboptimal
conditions, save the indicated log file to an external drive for any possible analysis
by Schneider Electric. Then reimage the server and start the installation again.
This system message, that can appear in the log file, can be ignored:
Unable to find the CCS virtual NIC for station ‘<station name>’. This is because the NIC
descriptions on this computer did not match any of the expected NIC descriptions. Expected
NIC descriptions =’ FoxInt NDIS Intermediate Miniport Driver, REDL Virtual Miniport
49. Control returns to the Installation window. Continue with the rest of the installation.
After the installation is complete, click Finish. Figure 9-49 depicts the series of
installation screens until the final screen.
9. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the On-Control
B0700SX – Rev F9. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller
9. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the On-Control
51. If your installation media for the OS1FDB package is not on a floppy diskette, browse
to the location of your stamped media and click Select Folder. If your installation
media for the OS1FDB package is on a floppy diskette, click Use Diskette. The
diskette must be in the diskette drive (A:\). After clicking Use Diskette, the diskette
will be read.
52. If you selected Use Diskette, the dialog box in Figure 9-52 appears. Insert the sec-
ond diskette in the OS1FDB set and click Load. The diskette must be inserted in
drive A:\.
B0700SX – Rev F9. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller
9. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the On-Control
B0700SX – Rev F9. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller
3. In the preferred DNS, add the IP address of the Windows Server 2016 PDC.
9. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the On-Control
At this point, the Server 2016 PDC and the other Server 2008 SDCs are on both On-
Control and Off-Control networks. This is because, before the migration started the
Server 2008 domain controller was on Off-Control network. After the migration, the
Server 2016 domain controller has both On-Control and Off-Control networks attached
to it. As a result the DNS is configured to listen on IP addresses of both the networks.
When you decide to demote all the Off-Control Server 2008 domain controllers, there are
some additional steps you need to perform in-order to make the Server 2016 domain con-
troller purely On-Control based. Proceed as follows:
1. Demote the Off-Control Server 2008 SDC(s) using the instructions provided in the
section “Removing Domain Controller Functionality from a Workstation” in Appen-
dix D
2. At this point, the only domain controller in place is the Server 2016 PDC
B0700SX – Rev F9. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller
There could be Server 2016 SDCs as well. But the steps mentioned below are if per-
formed on Server 2016 PDC, they will automatically take effect on Server 2016
SDCs as well because of AD replication that occurs at frequent intervals.
3. Log onto the Server 2016 PDC using the IADomainAdmin account.
4. Open the DNS console (StartWindows Administrative Tools DNS).
5. In the left pane of the DNS tree, right-click on the node representing the machine
name. For example, FL5014.
6. Choose Properties context menu.
7. Navigate to the Interfaces tab.
8. Under the section “Only the following IP addresses:”, you will see multiple IP
addresses selected. One of these IP addresses represents the On-Control network (ex:-
151.128.152.x). The other IP addresses represent the Off-Control network (ex:-
181.128.182.x). Unselect everything except the IP addresses that represents the On-
Control Network, as shown in Figure 9-55.
9. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the On-Control
10. Expand the nodes <machine name>Reverse Lookup Zones. You will see multiple
nodes. Each node represents a reverse lookup zone for a designated network.
11. Delete all the reverse lookup zones except the zone representing the On-Control net-
work. To delete a zone, right-click on that zone and select Delete.
b. Select Off-Control Network Name Servers, and then click Remove (Figure 9-58).
B0700SX – Rev F9. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller
If Server 2008 Off-Control Network SDCs are correctly demoted, the name server
records are automatically deleted and this step is not required any more.
14. In the right pane you will see multiple DNS records. Some of these records point to
Off-Control network IP addresses. Delete all of these records.
9. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the On-Control
15. Un-plug the Off-Control Network connections from all of the domain clients.
The domain clients should be connected only to the On-Control Network and their net-
work adapter needs to have DNS entries pointing to IP addresses of On-Control Network
PDC followed by On-Control network SDC1, SDC2 and so on.
Continuing Installation
Refer to “Installing Optional Software” on page 72 to install any additional packages on your new
Re-enable any anti-malware software such as McAfee ENS that is installed on the PDCs, SDCs
and domain clients if not already enabled.
Proceed to Chapter 12 “Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Domain
Clients or Connecting Security Enhanced I/A Series Software v8.5-9.4 Domain Clients to Exist-
ing Off-Control Network Networks” for the installation procedure for the new domain clients.
B0700SX – Rev F9. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller
10. Migrating an Off-Control
Windows Server 2008 Domain
Controller to a New Windows
Server 2016 Primary Domain
Controller on the Off-Control
This chapter describes how to migrate an existing Off-Control Network Primary Domain
Controller (PDC) with Windows Server 2008 running any of the following software to a new
Off-Control Network Primary Domain Controller with Windows Server 2016:
♦ I/A Series software v8.8
♦ Foxboro Evo Control Core Services v9.0-9.3
♦ Foxboro Evo Control Core Services (any version) upgraded to support Windows 10
and Windows Server 2016 domain clients
The source station for this migration refers to the PDC with Windows Server 2008.
After this procedure is complete, any existing Server 2008 SDCs will continue to
work as SDCs and as a result changes will be replicated from the new Server 2016
PDC to these SDCs.
The target station indicated in this chapter refers to the new PDC running Windows Server
After the migration, both the domain clients which existed in Control Core Services v9.0-9.3 and
the new Control Core Services domain clients (Control Core Services v9.4 or later) will be con-
nected to the same domain. Existing group policies will be maintained while new Control Core
Services v9.4 group policies will be enacted. The steps in this section only need to be followed
once for the domain migration in order to establish the new PDC station.
Perform the procedures provided below.
In Control Panel -> Network Connections, which lists the available NICs, it is inad-
visable to change the name of any “Local Area Connection x” network connection.
This can result in software installation issues or system instability.
B0700SX – Rev F10. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller
To enhance cyber security, Schneider Electric-supplied Windows Server 2016 OS
images have the built-in administrator account disabled with a blank password.
10. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the Off-Control
Refer to Appendix L “Pre-Migration Settings for PDCs with Pre-Control Core Ser-
vices v9.3” for migration settings for PDCs with pre-Control Core Services v9.3
Once the migration process is complete, the target Windows Server 2016 server will
assume the role of Primary Domain Controller. The Server 2008 Domain Control-
ler which was a Primary Domain Controller assumes the role of a Secondary
Domain Controller (SDC) after the successful completion of migration. However,
after the migration, you can choose to decommission the Server 2008 Domain
B0700SX – Rev F10. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller
Follow the steps outlined in “Helping to Avoid the Loss of Logon Ability for
Account1” on page 611. These steps are needed to help prevent the target Server 2016
machine from losing the ability of local logons using the Account1 user account.
10. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the Off-Control
Figure 10-2. Active Directory Users and Computers Console (Administrator Account)
B0700SX – Rev F10. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller
4. Right-click on the user name and click Properties. The user Properties dialog box
opens as shown in Figure 10-3.
5. Verify that the domain administrator account is a member of both the “Schema
Admins” and “Enterprise Admins” groups by selecting the Member Of tab as shown
in Figure 10-3. If this user account is not, the user has to be added to both these
groups, as follows:
a. From the Member Of tab, select the Add button.
b. Type in the name of the group which needs to be added (Schema Admins or
Enterprise Admins) and click OK, as shown in Figure 10-4. Repeat this for each
10. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the Off-Control
1. In the “Active Directory Users and Computers” console, expand the nodes <domain-
name> > Invensys.
2. Click on the IA Computers folder and verify that the new PDC server name is pres-
ent. If not, you have to add it as follows.
a. Right-click on IA Computers and select New -> Computer, as shown in
Figure 10-5.
b. Enter the name of the new computer and click OK.
B0700SX – Rev F10. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller
Figure 10-5. Active Directory Users and Computers Console (Administrator Account)
3. If the current domain administrator account was added to either the Schema Admins
or Enterprise Admins in the steps above, then log off and log back in to the station
using the same account.
10. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the Off-Control
Server Preparation
The primary domain controller (PDC) has to be a server-class station installed with the Windows
Server 2016 Standard operating system, and has to be the first station in the Control Core Ser-
vices system installed with the Enterprise Edition Control Core Services software. For this proce-
dure, it is assumed that the PDC is installed on the control network (which is a dedicated Control
Core Services maintained network).
Perform the following steps to set up the hardware and restore the operating system onto your pri-
mary domain controller server:
If this is a new station shipped from the Schneider-Electric factory with the V9.4
Restore image identified by the media kits in Table 1-2 and verified in your work-
H-code (or P-code), proceed to “Important Information on Installing Control Core
Services” on page 53. If not, continue following the steps in this section.
1. Install hardware, restore the Windows Server 2016 Standard operating system, and
update drivers for your server. Perform the following:
a. Refer to Control Core Services v9.4 Release Notes (B0700SY) to be certain that your
hardware meets the hardware requirements specific to Control Core Services
V9.4. For instructions on installing memory upgrades, PCI cards, and so forth,
refer to the “Installing Hardware Upgrades” chapter of the Hardware and Software
Specific Instructions document shipped with your server.
b. If the server is new from factory with the Server 2016 image, then skip this step.
Otherwise, using the V9.4 Restore Media, restore the Windows Server 2016 Stan-
dard operating system on your server. Follow the instructions of Appendix A
“Startup Options”.
Only use the media kits listed in Table 1-2 to restore the operating system of a station
with Control Core Services v9.4.
It is inadvisable to follow the instructions for installing Control Core Services from
your hardware specific instruction manual. Instead, follow the software installation
procedure below.
c. Set the time and date. Perform the following:
♦ Open the Windows Date and Time applet by selecting Control Panel ->
Date and Time.
♦ Click the Change Date and Time button.
♦ Adjust the date and time.
♦ Click OK.
♦ Click the Change time zone button.
B0700SX – Rev F10. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller
♦ Select the correct time zone from the drop-down list and select the checkbox
(if not already selected) to automatically adjust the clock for daylight saving
time (DST) changes, if desired.
♦ Click OK.
d. For any procedures not found in Step 1.b above, refer to the “Installing and
Updating Drivers” chapter of the Hardware and Software Specific Instructions doc-
ument shipped with the server.
10. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the Off-Control
5. Right-click on the network adapter that represents the off-control network, and click
6. Uncheck Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/TPv6).
7. Select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4), and click Properties.
8. Set a static IP address and preferred DNS server (Figure 10-6).
The IP address shown on your machine need not match the IP address shown in
Figure 10-6.
9. Confirm that the new IP address is shown in the Ipconfig command result.
B0700SX – Rev F10. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller
10. Verify that the 2008 source PDC is pingable from the target PDC. If the ping does
not work, you may need to reboot the station.
Figure 10-8. Verify Source 2008 PDC Pingable from Target PDC
10. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the Off-Control
10. A dialog box appears that allows you to select whether you are installing Control Core
Services for Local Edition or Enterprise Edition. Make the following selections in the
dialog box:
♦ Select Install CCS for Enterprise System
♦ Select Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS)
♦ Select Install New AD(PDC/SDC)
♦ Select the checkbox Migrate CCS Configuration from an existing Fox-
boro EVO AD
♦ Select “Off Control server 2008 AD” from the combo box
♦ Choose the Connection type as “Off Control Network”, as shown in
Figure 10-10.
B0700SX – Rev F10. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller
Click Cancel in any screen during the installation to stop the installation procedure.
The installation can be resumed from where it was stopped by relaunching the
10. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the Off-Control
13. The next dialog box requests that you load the committed configuration install files,
as shown in Figure 10-12. Click Load to load the committed configuration files.
B0700SX – Rev F10. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller
The browser for the folder containing the committed configuration install files opens,
as shown in Figure 10-13. If the installation media with your Commit files is on the
server’s hard drive or a network, browse to the location of the media and click Select
14. Click Next. The Server platform setup dialog box appears as shown in Figure 10-14.
The “Install as a Secondary Domain Controller (SDC)” bullet is selected by default.
Initially, this station is installed as an SDC station and will be promoted to be the
PDC station before the installation completes.
10. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the Off-Control
15. In the “Provide information for the domain joining account and click Authorize”
a. Enter the off-control network IP address of the source 2008 PDC (for example,
b. Enter the account name that has the authority to add workstations to the domain
(for example, off2008.local\IAInstaller)
c. Enter the account password.
d. Confirm that the time zones, date, and time match with the PDC.
e. Click Authorize.
Before clicking Authorize, confirm that the server 2008 PDC is pingable using the
off-control network IP address. If the server 2008 PDC is not pingable using its IP
address, authorization will be unsuccessful. For example, ping
should succeed.
B0700SX – Rev F10. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller
16. If the local system time does not match the system time on the existing PDC (from
which you are migrating), a message is displayed as shown in Figure 10-15. Click OK.
Fix the local system time to match the existing PDC’s time and re-click Authorize.
Figure 10-15. Schneider Electric CCS Software Installation Dialog Box - Date System Message
In some cases, it will not be possible to determine the remote system time. In this case,
the dialog box shown in Figure 10-16 is displayed. It is vital to check that the local
and remote system times match (including date, time, AM/PM) before continuing.
Note that the checkbox displayed for some time zones which allows the system to
automatically adjust for Daylight Saving Time can affect the time displayed by the
system by one hour.
10. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the Off-Control
17. If there are more SDC stations on the off-control network (if there are no additional
SDCs, move to step 14):
a. Choose the “Add Off-Mesh” option from the “Select the Secondary Domain Con-
troller Stations” drop-down list.
b. In the dialog that appears, add the off-control IP addresses of those SDCs manu-
ally in the dialog that appears. When you’re finished, click Done.
c. Click Set.
B0700SX – Rev F10. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller
18. Confirm that the domain name is pingable from the machine. For example, ping
off2008.local should succeed.
19. In the “Select a Host Domain for this workstation and click Connect” field, verify the
name of the domain and click Connect.
20. The message shown is in Figure 10-23 displayed to indicate that the connection to the
domain has succeeded. Click Reboot.
If unsuccessful, a reason for the unsuccessful condition is displayed.
10. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the Off-Control
Figure 10-23. Schneider Electric CCS Install: Workstation Reboot Request Dialog Box
21. The “You’re about to be signed out” screen appears as shown in Figure 10-24. After a
few minutes, the server will reboot automatically.
22. After the server reboots, log on with the “IAInstaller” account.
23. The installation continues automatically. The Server platform setup dialog box
a. Re-enter the IP address of the PDC with Windows Server 2008 (from which you
are migrating), as shown in Figure 10-25.
b. In the Authorized Account field, verify that the domain joining account name dis-
played has the authority to add workstations to the domain (i.e.
off2008.local\IAInstaller as in the example).
c. In the Authorized Password field, enter the password for this account.
d. Authorize.
Before clicking Authorize, confirm that the server 2008 PDC is pingable using the
off-control network IP address. If the server 2008 PDC is not pingable using its IP
address, authorization will be unsuccessful. For example, ping
should succeed.
B0700SX – Rev F10. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller
24. If clicking Authorize results in a successful domain rights verification, a “Join client to
domain rights verified” message appears.
10. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the Off-Control
To verify the site name, follow these steps on the source 2008 PDC:
- Log in as iadomainadmin.
- Open the command prompt.
- Execute the command dsquery site.
The command result should show the site name, as shown in Figure 10-27.
26. If you are satisfied with the domain and site names click Prepare.
27. If the domain name or site name are not identical with those provided during the
PDC installation, the dialog box shown in Figure 10-28 appears.
Clicking OK and proceeding with the incorrect domain or site name will cause the
installation to be unsuccessful.
B0700SX – Rev F10. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller
30. To assist with a smooth installation process, verify that the PDC fully qualified
domain name is pingable.
a. Open command prompt.
b. Ping the PDC using its on-control network IP address with –a option. For exam-
ple, ping -a
The result of ping should show a fully qualified name on the server 2008 PDC. A
fully qualified name is in the format <machine name>.<domain name>. For example,
31. Click Install to load the Active Directory Domain Services onto this server and to
assign the server to the role of Secondary Domain Controller.
10. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the Off-Control
A DOS window is displayed while Active Directory is being installed, as shown in Figure 10-31.
After Active Directory Domain Services are installed, a dialog box is displayed as
shown in Figure 10-32.
B0700SX – Rev F10. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller
32. The default username is <domain name>\IADomainAdmin. Enter the password for
the IADomain user and click OK. This launches a DOS prompt that promotes the
server to the Secondary Domain Controller (SDC) role, as shown in Figure 10-33.
It is normal to see detected errors during promotion to the domain controller. These
messages pertain to DNS delegation, a default security setting for Windows Server
2016 DCs, etc. These detected errors can be ignored.
10. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the Off-Control
If the promotion to the domain controller is unsuccessful, a system message is
shown (Figure 10-34). Details about the system message can be found in two files:
- C:\windows\temp\promote2dc.txt
- C:\windows\debug\dcpromo.log
If this occurs, reimage the machine and restart the installation process.
33. The server reboots automatically after Active Directory has been installed.
After the server reboots, log into the “IADomainAdmin” account.
34. After a few minutes, the installation restarts automatically and the Schneider Electric
CCS Software Installation dialog box appears as shown in Figure 10-35.
B0700SX – Rev F10. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller
Figure 10-35. Verifying the Health of the Existing Active Directory System
35. Wait for at least ten minutes before clicking Verify. Replication from the source
PDC with Windows Server 2008 to this domain controller with Windows Server
2016 may still be in progress.
36. After the wait period, inspect the event viewer logs for these events:
♦ System
♦ Active Directory Web services
♦ DFS Replication
♦ Directory Service
♦ DNS Server
37. Analyze the event logs for any detected error messages. If required, take remediation
actions for the detected errors reported in the event logs.
10. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the Off-Control
The detected error remediation may require an Active Directory expert/administra-
tor. Some of the replication detected errors may require a server reboot, which may
also require you to cancel the installation, reboot the server, and restart the installa-
tion (using IADomainAdmin login) to return to the Verify button screen. Refer to
Appendix K “Troubleshooting PDC Migration” for more information on trouble-
shooting replication detected errors.
38. If you determine that any detected errors in the event logs are ignorable, save the logs
and clear them off. Otherwise these same detected errors will appear in the Verify but-
ton report as noise.
39. Click Verify to check the health of the Active Directory domain. This takes several
When the Active Directory is ready to be configured, a DOS window is displayed.
During this stage, it is normal to see detected errors indicating that the Active Direc-
tory is not yet functional. The Active Directory verification process attempts to make
the directory functional, and then proceeds to the next step of configuring the Active
A command prompt, which shows the progress of the health check operation, is dis-
played. After the operation is finished, the command window indicates whether the
process was completed successfully or with detected errors. The command window
also indicates the path to the log file, which is:
40. Press <Enter> to dismiss the command window.
B0700SX – Rev F10. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller
If this command prompt indicates there are any detected errors, save the indicated
log file to an external drive for any possible analysis by Schneider Electric. Then rei-
mage the server and start the installation again.
41. When complete, the dialog box shown in Figure 10-35 is displayed if detected errors
are found. One or more conditions could be detected including diagnostic suboptimal
conditions, event log detected errors, and replication suboptimal conditions.
Figure 10-38. CCS Installation Dialog Box - Message for DC Health Log File
42. To view the log, click View, as shown in Figure 10-39. After viewing the detected
errors, it may be necessary to correct the issues in the Active Directory domain. Click
the Verify button as many times as necessary after you take each corrective action to
check that no further issues exist. After clicking Verify, clicking View opens the
updated diagnostic results.
10. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the Off-Control
Figure 10-39. Verifying the Health of the Existing Active Directory System (Detected Errors Found)
Refer to Appendix K “Troubleshooting PDC Migration” for details on expected
detected errors, indicators of a successful migration, and troubleshooting tech-
niques. Confirm that you analyze the log, discard known detected errors, trouble-
shoot issues, and reverify. Repeat this process until you are confident that all issues
are resolved.
43. If it is determined that you can ignore the detected errors in the log, click Ignore to
continue, as shown in Figure 10-35. Acknowledge the message shown in
Figure 10-40.
B0700SX – Rev F10. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller
Figure 10-40. CCS Installation Dialog Box - Detected Errors in DC Health Log File
44. Click Next. The dialog box shown in Figure 10-41 is displayed. Click Apply.
Figure 10-41. Setting Up the Platform for a Enterprise Edition Control Core Services Installation
10. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the Off-Control
the directory functional, and then proceeds to the next step of configuring the Active
A command prompt is displayed while the Active Directory settings are being applied.
45. After the configuration of Active Directory is complete, the command prompt shows
if the process completed successfully, or with detected errors. The command prompt
also shows the path to the log file which is:
Then the command prompt waits for any key to be pressed to proceed further.
Press <Enter> to dismiss the command prompt.
If this command prompt indicates there are any detected errors, save the indicated
log file to an external drive for any possible analysis by Schneider Electric. Then rei-
mage the server and start the installation again.
B0700SX – Rev F10. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller
46. When the focus returns to the Installation window, click Done.
Figure 10-45. Setting Up Platform for CCS Installation Screen with Done Button Enabled
47. Optionally, if you already have Server 2008 domain controllers on the system, we rec-
ommend that you decommission these domain controllers. Refer to sections “Remov-
ing Domain Controller Functionality from a Workstation” on page 527 and
“Forcefully Removing a Domain Controller from Active Directory” on page 532 in
Appendix C “Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System” for instruc-
tions on decommissioning domain controllers.. Also refer to the sections “Cleanup
Procedure of Windows Server 2008 R2 PDC with Windows Server 2003 SDC Refer-
ences” on page 589, “How to Cleanup Active Directory After Domain Controller
Demotion” on page 591, and “How to Cleanup Domain Controllers That Are Not
Decommissioned” on page 595 in Appendix K “Troubleshooting PDC Migration” for
additional instructions.
48. Optionally, we also recommend that you install Server 2016 based Secondary domain
controllers at this point. Refer to Chapter 5 “Enterprise Edition Control Core Ser-
vices v9.4 Installation for New Off-Control Network Domain Controllers” for
10. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the Off-Control
49. If you had custom GPOs, then you must fix the linking order of those GPOs. Contact
the Cyber Security Team for more information. For more information refer to
Appendix P “Linking Custom GPOs to Any CCS/CS Specific OUs”.
B0700SX – Rev F10. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller
2. In the adapter’s Properties dialog box, in the “This connection uses the following
items” section, click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), and then click Properties.
The Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties dialog box appears as shown in
Figure 10-47.
10. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller on the Off-Control
Use the Add… button repeatedly to add these IP addresses.
If the existing Windows 2008 PDC is downgraded or removed from the Domain
/network, then the IP address related to the system to be deleted from the DNS list.
B0700SX – Rev F10. Migrating an Off-Control Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a New Windows Server 2016 Primary Domain Controller
Continuing Installation
For the domain clients migrated from a domain with I/A Series software
v8.5/8.6/8.7 to a domain with Control Core Services v9.4, it may be necessary to
move the migrated domain client’s object in Active Directory before beginning the
client’s installation procedure.
After restarting the station following the Control Core Services software installation, you can
install McAfee Products Endpoint Protection on your PDC. Only install this software on one
domain controller in the system. Install this software according to Installation and Configuration of
the McAfee ENS 10.5.2 with ePO 5.9.1 (B0700VW).
Re-enable any anti-malware software such as McAfee ENS that is installed on the PDCs, SDCs
and domain clients if not already enabled.
Proceed to Chapter 4 “Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New On-
Control Network Domain Controllers” for the installation procedure for the domain clients.
11. Migrating an On-Control
Windows Server 2003 Domain
Controller to a New Windows 2016
Primary Domain Controller on an
On- or Off-Control Network
This chapter describes the procedure to migrate an existing On-Control Network Primary
Domain Controller (PDC) with Windows Server 2003 running I/A Series software v8.5- 8.7 to
a new On/Off-Control Network Primary Domain Controller with Windows Server 2016.
The domain controller migration from Windows Server 2003 to Windows Server 2016 is a two-
step process.
1. Migrate from Windows Server 2003 to Windows Server 2008
2. Migrate from Windows Server 2008 to Windows Server 2016
Each of the steps is described in detail below.
B0700SX – Rev F 11. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2003 Domain Controller to a New Windows 2016 Primary Domain Controller on
Once the migration process is complete, the target Windows Server 2016 server will
assume the role of Primary Domain Controller. The Server 2008 Domain Control-
ler which was a Primary Domain Controller assumes the role of a Secondary
Domain Controller (SDC) after the successful completion of migration. However,
after the migration, you can choose to decommission the Server 2008 Domain
11. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2003 Domain Controller to a New Windows 2016 Primary Domain Controller on an On- or Off-Control
If you have any custom GPOs document the linking order of those GPOs.
For example take a screenshot of the current linking order at every OU, as shown in this figure. .
B0700SX – Rev F 11. Migrating an On-Control Windows Server 2003 Domain Controller to a New Windows 2016 Primary Domain Controller on
this are documented in Appendix L “Pre-Migration Settings for PDCs with Pre-Con-
trol Core Services v9.3”.
8. So as to make sure that any migration instanced that did not succeed during migra-
tion to Server 2016, it is not recommended to remove the ability for local logon for
the Account1 user from the target Server 2016 PDC. Perform the steps outlined in
“Helping to Avoid the Loss of Logon Ability for Account1” on page 611.
9. Because the migration process will not address GPO settings, follow the steps out-
lined in Appendix O “Verifying Group Policy Settings Before Migration” to import
any missing settings from the existing GPOs.
10. Take a backup of any GPOs that have been changed/customized. This is because some
of the GPOs will be changed during migration.
12. Enterprise Edition Control Core
Services v9.4 Installation for
Domain Clients or Connecting
Security Enhanced I/A Series
Software v8.5-9.4 Domain Clients
to Existing Off-Control Network
This chapter describes procedures to install Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 on
your domain clients and connect them to the appropriate On-Control Network or Off-Control
Network domain controller. It also describes how to connect an existing domain client with
I/A Series software v8.5-v9.4 to an existing Off-Control Network domain controller.
Workstation/Server Preparation
This section applies to the Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 Standard stations that are
being installed as domain clients. The domain client may be connected to a domain controller
either on the Foxboro Evo Control Network (which is a dedicated Foxboro maintained network,
hereafter known as “the control network”) or on another network (either an “Off-Control Net-
work” or an “Auxiliary Communication Network (ACN)” - this procedure is for “Off-Control
Networks” - refer to the virtualization manuals for connections to ACNs).
Dialog boxes on these two types of platforms may differ slightly, but will be functionally identical,
with minor exceptions as documented below.
Perform the following steps to set up the hardware and restore the operating system onto your
If this is a new station shipped from the Schneider-Electric factory with the V9.4
Restore image identified by the media kits in Table 1-2 and verified in your work-
H-code, proceed to “Notes for Installing Control Core Services” on page 387. If
not, continue following the steps in this section.
1. Install hardware, restore the Windows operating system, and update drivers for your
workstation or server. Perform the following:
B0700SX – Rev F 12. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Domain Clients or Connecting Security Enhanced I/A Series
a. Refer to Control Core Services v9.4 Release Notes (B0700SY) to check that your
hardware meets the hardware requirements specific to the V9.4 release. For
instructions on installing memory upgrades, PCI cards, and so forth, refer to the
“Installing Hardware Upgrades” chapter of the hardware and software specific
instruction document shipped with your workstation or server.
b. If the server is new from factory with the Server 2016 image then skip this step.
Otherwise using the V9.4 Restore Media, restore the Windows operating system
on your workstation or server. Follow the instructions of Appendix A “Startup
Only use the media kits listed in Table 1-2 to restore the operating system of a sta-
tion with Control Core Services v9.4.
With the exception of step d below, it is inadvisable to follow the instructions for
installing Control Core Services from your hardware specific instruction manual.
Follow the software installation procedure below.
While installing an Active Directory domain client, it is vital to check that the UTC
system time matches the UTC system time on the domain (as viewed on the PDC).
The date and time have to match, though the time which Windows displays may
differ if the time zones are not the same on the two stations.
Be careful when changing the time zone prior to adjusting the system time as this
can cause the AM/PM setting to change.
Also, be aware that the checkbox included for some time zones which defines
whether or not the time will be automatically adjusted for Daylight Saving Time
can cause the system time to differ by an hour.
d. For any procedures not found in Step 1.b above, refer to the “Installing and
Updating Drivers” chapter of the hardware and software specific instruction docu-
ment shipped with the station.
12. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Domain Clients or Connecting Security Enhanced I/A Series Software v8.5-9.4 Domain
In Control Panel -> Network Connections, which lists the available NICs, it is inad-
visable to change the name of any “Local Area Connection x” network connection.
This can result in software installation issues or system instability.
On servers with the Windows Server 2016 Standard operating system, it is recom-
mended that no roles be added to the system which are not necessary for the opera-
tion of the server. Adding unnecessary roles (for example, adding the Remote
Desktop Services role when the server is not to be used as a remote session host) can
create cyber-security weaknesses in the overall system.
Use the IAInstaller account for the installation tasks. However, due to the
permissions assigned to IAInstaller, it is inadvisable to use it for any other role, such
as operation of the domain controllers.
Installation Procedures
Before performing this installation, disable any antivirus software that is installed.
The following installation procedures are provided:
♦ “Installation Procedure (On The Control Network)” on page 388 - for domain clients
with Control Core Services v9.4 on the control network
♦ “Installation Procedure for Clients of New Off-Control Network Domain Control-
lers” on page 407 - for domain clients with Control Core Services v9.4 on a new Off-
Control Network
B0700SX – Rev F 12. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Domain Clients or Connecting Security Enhanced I/A Series
♦ “Installation Procedure for Pre-Existing Domain Clients (I/A Series Software v8.5-
v8.7) to Existing Off-Control Network Domain Controllers” on page 430 - for pre-
existing domain clients with I/A Series software v8.5-v8.7 on an existing Off-Control
If a dialog box appears indicating that.NET Framework is required, then you have
used incorrect restore media. Restore the station using the proper V9.4 Restore
media. (See page 6.)
12. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Domain Clients or Connecting Security Enhanced I/A Series Software v8.5-9.4 Domain
B0700SX – Rev F 12. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Domain Clients or Connecting Security Enhanced I/A Series
13. A dialog box appears that allows you to select whether you are installing Local Edition
Control Core Services or for an Enterprise Edition system. Select Install Enter-
prise Edition Control Core Services and Control Core Services (CCS)
Click Cancel in any screen during the installation to stop the installation procedure.
The installation can be resumed from where it was stopped by relaunching the
12. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Domain Clients or Connecting Security Enhanced I/A Series Software v8.5-9.4 Domain
15. The next dialog box requests that you load the committed configuration install files,
as shown in Figure 12-3. Select the Use an On-CONTROL Domain Controller
radio button. Click Load to load the committed configuration files.
The browser for the folder containing the committed configuration install files opens,
as shown in Figure 12-4. If the installation media with your Commit files is on the
server’s hard drive or a network, browse to the location of the media and click Select
B0700SX – Rev F 12. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Domain Clients or Connecting Security Enhanced I/A Series
16. Once the installation files have been loaded, click Bind as shown in Figure 12-3 to
launch the I/A Series Network Installation dialog box (Figure 12-5).
17. The dialog box shown in Figure 12-5 is displayed if the network configuration from
System Definition do not match the available NIC hardware.
If this dialog box is not displayed, the NIC cards have been automatically configured.
Proceed to the next step.
12. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Domain Clients or Connecting Security Enhanced I/A Series Software v8.5-9.4 Domain
Be certain to pick the correct NICs as this selection cannot be changed later in the
NOTE: I/A Series Network Installation dialog box shown above is for an On-Control Network domain
client, and is provided to illustrate the concept of the NIC Adapter Device Number only.
Figure 12-5. I/A Series Network Installation Dialog Box (For Certain NIC Cards)
For help in determining the correct network adapters) to select, click the Start
button and then select Settings -> Network & Internet -> Change Adapter
Settings. The Network Connections dialog box appears as shown in Figure 12-6.
Identify the NIC adapter device number for the NIC to be connected to the
Domain Controller’s network (in optimal cases, it has an entry in the Connectivity
Be advised that the NIC Adapter Device Number indicated in Figure 12-5 aligns
with the NIC Adapter Device Number shown in Figure 12-6. It is not advisable to
confuse this with the Local Area Connection number (shown in Figure 12-6).
B0700SX – Rev F 12. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Domain Clients or Connecting Security Enhanced I/A Series
18. The Configure User Accounts dialog box appears. This dialog box allows you to
change the factory configured password for Account1. Enter a new password in the
Password text box and re-enter the same password in the Confirm PW text box. Then
click Configure.
12. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Domain Clients or Connecting Security Enhanced I/A Series Software v8.5-9.4 Domain
B0700SX – Rev F 12. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Domain Clients or Connecting Security Enhanced I/A Series
21. The Ready to connect this workstation to the Control Core Services domain dialog
box appears as shown in Figure 12-9.
♦ Enter the name (letterbug) of the domain controller server.
♦ In the “Authorized Account” text box, change the domain name to <domain-
name>\IaInstaller where <domainname> is the actual domain name specified
during PDC installation.
♦ In the “Authorize Password” text box, enter the password for the IAInstaller user.
♦ Click the Authorize button.
Before clicking the Authorize button, confirm the server’s time and timezone match
with that of the PDC.
12. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Domain Clients or Connecting Security Enhanced I/A Series Software v8.5-9.4 Domain
22. If the local system time does not match the PDC system time, the dialog box shown
in Figure 12-10 appears. Click OK. Fix the local system time to match the PDC time
(see “Workstation/Server Preparation” on page 385) and re-click Authorize.
B0700SX – Rev F 12. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Domain Clients or Connecting Security Enhanced I/A Series
In some cases, it will not be possible to determine the remote system time. In this case,
the dialog box shown in Figure 12-11 is displayed. It is vital that you check that the
local and remote system times match (including date, time, AM/PM) before continu-
ing. Be advised that the checkbox displayed for some time zones which allows the sys-
tem to automatically adjust for Daylight Saving Time can affect the time displayed by
the system by one hour.
If after connecting the domain client to a Control Core Services domain and the
software installation does not continue after the reboot, the system time may not
have been set correctly. Refer to “Setting Time Correctly Software Installation Can-
not Continue After Reboot (SDC or Domain Client)” on page 577 to correct this.
12. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Domain Clients or Connecting Security Enhanced I/A Series Software v8.5-9.4 Domain
24. If a Secondary Domain Controller (SDC) is planned for this Control Core Services
system, select the SDC from the “Select the Secondary Domain Controller Stations”
drop-down list and click Set. If no SDC station is planned, click Skip.
25. Confirm the PDC is pingable from this server using the on-control static IPv4 address
assigned to the PDC. If it is not, you may have to cancel the installation, reboot the
server and then reattempt the ping. If the ping works after the reboot, restart the
installation and proceed to next step.
B0700SX – Rev F 12. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Domain Clients or Connecting Security Enhanced I/A Series
26. Confirm that the nslookup command shows the on-control PDC’s fully qualified
domain name or the domain name and its IPv4 address, as shown in Figure 12-14. If
the nslookup command shows the desired result, proceed to the next step.
If the nslookup command does not show the On-Control Network PDC name or
the domain name, then the DNS resolution is not working correctly. Follow these
- Verify that the client’s REDL network adapter has the first DNS address pointing to
the PDC (for instance, the PDC’s on-control IP address).
- Cancel the installation.
- Reboot the client.
- Restart the installation.
27. Confirm that domain name is pingable from the client (Figure 12-15).
12. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Domain Clients or Connecting Security Enhanced I/A Series Software v8.5-9.4 Domain
28. Fill in the name of the host domain (foxboro.local is the default) and click
29. If the workstation is successfully connected to the domain, the dialog box shown in
Figure 12-17 appears. Click Reboot.
Figure 12-17. Schneider Electric CCS Install: Workstation Reboot Request Dialog Box
The dialog box in Figure 12-18 indicates that the server will be rebooted.
B0700SX – Rev F 12. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Domain Clients or Connecting Security Enhanced I/A Series
30. When the station reboots, log into the domain using the “IA Installer” account.
31. After a few minutes, the installation restarts automatically. Click Next and then
Install to run the installation process as shown in Figure 12-19.
Figure 12-19. InstallShield Wizard for Foxboro Evo Control Core Services
In some cases, the installation is not able to restart automatically after logging in
with the IA Installer account. If the installation does not restart automatically, it can
be resumed manually by executing setup.exe directly from the DVD drive.
12. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Domain Clients or Connecting Security Enhanced I/A Series Software v8.5-9.4 Domain
32. If the OS1FDB package is configured on this server, the dialog box shown in
Figure 12-21 is displayed.
To install this package, insert the first OS1FDB package diskette and click Load. After
the first disk has been loaded, insert the second OS1FDB package diskette and click
To bypass the installation of this package, click Skip. The installation continues, but
this dialog box is displayed again for each of the OS1FDB stations configured on this
Foxboro station.
This will occur one time for each OS1FDB station configured.
B0700SX – Rev F 12. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Domain Clients or Connecting Security Enhanced I/A Series
If your installation media for the OS1FDB package is not on a floppy diskette, browse
to the location of your stamped media and click the Select Folder button
If your installation media for the OS1FDB package is on a floppy diskette, click Use
Diskette. The diskette has to be in the diskette drive (A:\). Once the Use Diskette
button is clicked, the diskette will be read.
12. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Domain Clients or Connecting Security Enhanced I/A Series Software v8.5-9.4 Domain
34. If you selected Use Diskette in the previous step, the dialog box in Figure 12-23
appears. Insert the second diskette in the OS1FDB set and click Load. The diskette
has to be inserted in drive A:\.
B0700SX – Rev F 12. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Domain Clients or Connecting Security Enhanced I/A Series
Click on the Setup Log, Pkg Log, and Init Log buttons to view these logs. These
logs can also be printed.
36. Proceed to “Completing the Domain Client Installation” on page 435.
On Windows 10, and Windows Server 2016 domain clients, the default administra-
tor who is internally renamed to IAManager is disabled by the end of client installa-
tion for cyber-security reasons. The only administrator available for local login will
be “Account1”.
12. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Domain Clients or Connecting Security Enhanced I/A Series Software v8.5-9.4 Domain
This procedure is for adding domain clients to new Off-Control Network domain controllers.
Proceed as follows:
1. In optimal conditions, these steps have already been performed as part of server prep-
aration. However, it is good protocol to check again to check the following have been
a. Check the PDC for this domain client has been installed and is attached to the
secondary (non-Foxboro) network.
b. Check that the domain client’s object is under IA Computers Organizational Unit
(OU) in the Active Directory.
c. Check the domain client is attached to the control network.
d. Check the domain client is attached to the secondary (non-Foxboro) network.
2. Install Local Group Policies appropriate to OS of the client. Refer to Chapter 17
“Local Group Policy Installation”.
3. Install anti-malware software such as McAfee ENS. Refer to Installation and Configu-
ration of the McAfee ENS 10.5.2 with ePO 5.9.1 (B0700VW).
4. If McAfee ENS is installed ensure the following McAfee ENS components are up to
♦ ENS McAfee DAT file
♦ Exploit Prevention Content
5. Run a full scan of the system to help ensure no viruses are present in the system before
work begins.
e. Disable anti-malware software such as McAfee ENS. Refer to Installation and Con-
figuration of the McAfee ENS 10.5.2 with ePO 5.9.1 (B0700VW).
6. Insert the DVD labeled “Foxboro Evo Control Core Services v9.4 Windows 10/Server
2016 Day 0 DVD” (K0177BP).
7. Navigate to the DVD drive and double-click setup.exe.
If a dialog box appears indicating that.NET Framework is required, then you have
used incorrect restore media. Restore the server using the proper Control Core Ser-
vices v9.4 Restore media. (See page 6.)
B0700SX – Rev F 12. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Domain Clients or Connecting Security Enhanced I/A Series
12. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Domain Clients or Connecting Security Enhanced I/A Series Software v8.5-9.4 Domain
9. A dialog box appears that allows you to select whether you are installing Local Edition
Control Core Services or for an Enterprise Edition system.
♦ Select Enterprise Edition Control Core Services and Control Core
Services (CCS) Client as shown in Figure 12-26.
♦ Click Next.
B0700SX – Rev F 12. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Domain Clients or Connecting Security Enhanced I/A Series
10. The Load committed configuration install files dialog box appears as shown in
Figure 12-27.
Select the Use an Off-CONTROL Domain Controller radio button. Enter the IP
address for the Off-Control Network PDC. Enter the IP address and net mask for the
local Off-Control Network NIC card or select the Use DHCP checkbox. Click
Control Core Services can only be installed to the D:\ drive.
Click Load to load the committed configuration files.
The browser for the folder containing the committed configuration install files opens,
as shown in Figure 12-28. If the installation media with your Commit files is on the
server’s hard drive or a network, browse to the location of the media and click Select
12. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Domain Clients or Connecting Security Enhanced I/A Series Software v8.5-9.4 Domain
B0700SX – Rev F 12. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Domain Clients or Connecting Security Enhanced I/A Series
11. Once the Commit files have been loaded, click Bind as shown in Figure 12-29 to
launch the Control Core Services/I/A Series network installation.
Figure 12-29. Load Committed Configuration Install Files Dialog Box - Bind
If after clicking the Bind button, the installation does not proceed and the Bind
button is still enabled, it is likely that the Off-Control Network NIC card was con-
figured with the desired IP address prior to running the Control Core Services
installation. If this is the case, reset the Off-Control Network NIC settings to use
DHCP and re-click the Bind button.
12. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Domain Clients or Connecting Security Enhanced I/A Series Software v8.5-9.4 Domain
Figure 12-30. Load Committed Configuration Install Files Dialog Box - Detected Error Message if
Selected IP Address is Already In Use
If after clicking the Bind button, the install does not proceed and the Load button
is enabled, it is likely that there is a mismatch in the configuration between your
NIC hardware and your network system configuration. Verify and fix the commit-
ted configuration install files as necessary and reload these install files in order to
12. The dialog box shown in Figure 12-31 is displayed. Select the onboard NIC that
communicates with the PDC and the SDC on the secondary network (that is, the
Off-Control Network NIC). This NIC was set up on page 410. Then click Next.
Be certain to pick the correct NICs as this selection cannot be changed later in the
installation. Refer to the explanation on page 393 for the difference between the
NIC adapter device number and the local area connection number for a NIC.
B0700SX – Rev F 12. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Domain Clients or Connecting Security Enhanced I/A Series
NOTE: DC Network Installation dialog box shown above is for an On-Control Network domain
client, and is provided to illustrate the concept of the NIC Adapter Device Number only.
Figure 12-31. DC Network Installation (For Certain NIC Cards)
For help in determining the correct network adapters) to select, click the Start
button and then select Settings -> Network & Internet -> Change Adapter
Settings. The Network Connections dialog box appears as shown in Figure 12-32.
Identify the NIC adapter device number for the NIC to be connected to the
Domain Controller’s network (in optimal conditions, it has an entry in the Connec-
tivity column).
Note that the NIC Adapter Device Number indicated in Figure 12-31 aligns with
the NIC Adapter Device Number shown in Figure 12-32. It is inadvisable to con-
fuse this with the Local Area Connection number (shown in Figure 12-32).
12. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Domain Clients or Connecting Security Enhanced I/A Series Software v8.5-9.4 Domain
13. Select the NICs) that communicate with the control network (that is, the On-Control
Network NICs). Then click Next.
Figure 12-33. I/A Series Network Installation (For Certain NIC Cards)
14. Click Next. The Configure User Accounts dialog appears as shown in the
Figure 12-34. Enter a new password for Account1 in the Password text box and re-
enter the same password in the Confirm Password text box. Then click the Config-
ure button.
B0700SX – Rev F 12. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Domain Clients or Connecting Security Enhanced I/A Series
15. Confirm the PDC is pingable from this server using the off-control static IPv4 address
assigned to the PDC. If it is not, you may have to cancel the installation, reboot the
server and then reattempt the ping. If the ping works after the reboot, restart the
installation and proceed to next step.
12. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Domain Clients or Connecting Security Enhanced I/A Series Software v8.5-9.4 Domain
Figure 12-35. PDC Pingable from Client Using Off-Control Network Static IP Address
Before clicking the Authorize button, confirm the server's time and timezone match
with that of the PDC.
There are instances in which “offmesh.local” will not be your domain, such as if
your domain controllers were migrated off of the control network.
It may be necessary to use a different account in this dialog box if migrating to an
existing Off-Control Network domain. In this case, the Administrator account may
be necessary depending on how the “IA Installer” group member has been config-
B0700SX – Rev F 12. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Domain Clients or Connecting Security Enhanced I/A Series
Figure 12-36. Ready to Connect This Workstation to the Control Core Services Domain Dialog Box
18. If the local system time does not match the PDC system time, the dialog box shown
in Figure 12-37 appears. Click OK. Fix the local system time to match the PDC time
(see “Workstation/Server Preparation” on page 385) and re-click Authorize.
12. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Domain Clients or Connecting Security Enhanced I/A Series Software v8.5-9.4 Domain
In some cases, it will not be possible to determine the remote system time. In this case,
the dialog box shown in Figure 12-38 is displayed. It is vital to check that the local
and remote system times match (including date, time, AM/PM) before continuing.
Be advised that the checkbox displayed for some time zones which allows the system
to automatically adjust for Daylight Saving Time can affect the time displayed by the
system by one hour.
B0700SX – Rev F 12. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Domain Clients or Connecting Security Enhanced I/A Series
21. Confirm the PDC is pingable from this server using the off-control static IPv4 address
assigned to the PDC. If it is not, you may have to cancel the installation, reboot the
server and then reattempt the ping. If the ping works after the reboot, restart the
installation and proceed to next step.
12. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Domain Clients or Connecting Security Enhanced I/A Series Software v8.5-9.4 Domain
22. Confirm that the nslookup command shows the off-control PDC’s fully qualified
domain name or the domain name and its IPv4 address, as shown in Figure 12-43. If
the nslookup command shows the desired result, proceed to the next step.
If the nslookup command does not show the Off-Control Network PDC name or
the domain name, then the DNS resolution is not working correctly. Follow these
- Verify that the client’s REDL network adapter has the first DNS address pointing to
the PDC (for instance, the PDC’s off-control IP address).
- Cancel the installation.
- Reboot the client.
- Restart the installation.
23. Confirm that domain name is pingable from the client (Figure 12-44).
B0700SX – Rev F 12. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Domain Clients or Connecting Security Enhanced I/A Series
24. Fill in the name of the host domain (offmesh.local is the default) and click Con-
nect. This value is pre-populated for you with the same value as that the one present
in the “Provide information for the domain joining…." area.
12. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Domain Clients or Connecting Security Enhanced I/A Series Software v8.5-9.4 Domain
Figure 12-45. Select a Host Domain for this Workstation and Click Connect Area
25. If the workstation is successfully connected to the domain, the message shown in
Figure 12-46 is displayed. Click Reboot.
The dialog box in Figure 12-47 indicates that the station will be rebooted.
B0700SX – Rev F 12. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Domain Clients or Connecting Security Enhanced I/A Series
26. When the station reboots, log into the domain using the “IAInstaller” account.
27. If the Workstation Reboot Request dialog box appears again (it will have text similar
to “A reboot or system logoff has been requested...”), click Finish.
Then you have to reboot the station manually. Click the Start button and click Shut
Down; select Restart from the pull-down menu and click OK.
After the station reboots, log into the domain using the “IAInstaller” account.
28. After a few minutes, the installation restarts automatically. In this case, you may have
to wait for a few minutes before the installation continues, and then click Next.
Figure 12-48. Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard for Foxboro Evo Control Core Services
If the installation does not continue automatically after a few minutes, navigate to the
DVD drive and double-click setup.exe. You may be prompted to set the IP Address
of the PDC, SDC, and local station again, as shown in Figure 12-27 “Load Commit-
ted Configuration Install Files Dialog Box” on page 410, and to set the domain name
12. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Domain Clients or Connecting Security Enhanced I/A Series Software v8.5-9.4 Domain
as shown in Figure 12-36 “Ready to Connect This Workstation to the Control Core
Services Domain Dialog Box” on page 418.
Then you may have to reload the committed configuration files as shown in
Figure 12-28 “Installation Media Folder Browser” on page 411. After these files have
been reloaded, the installation process continues.
Click Next, then click Install and finally when the installation is complete, click
Finish to close the installation process.
29. If the OS1FDB package is configured on this server, the dialog box shown in
Figure 12-50 is displayed.
To install this package, insert the first OS1FDB package diskette and click Load. After
the first disk has been loaded, insert the second OS1FDB package diskette and click
To bypass the installation of this package, click Skip. The installation continues, but
this dialog box is displayed again for each of the OS1FDB stations configured on this
Foxboro station.
This will occur one time for each OS1FDB station configured.
B0700SX – Rev F 12. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Domain Clients or Connecting Security Enhanced I/A Series
If your installation media for the OS1FDB package is not on a floppy diskette, browse
to the location of your stamped media and click the Select Folder button
If your installation media for the OS1FDB package is on a floppy diskette, click Use
Diskette. The diskette has to be in the diskette drive (A:\). Once the Use Diskette
button is clicked, the diskette will be read.
12. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Domain Clients or Connecting Security Enhanced I/A Series Software v8.5-9.4 Domain
31. If you selected Use Diskette in the previous step, the dialog box in Figure 12-52
appears. Insert the second diskette in the OS1FDB set and click Load. The diskette
has to be inserted in drive A:\.
The DNS entries for the Off-Control Network NIC sometimes are not saved dur-
ing the domain client installation. After completing the Control Core Services
installation, but before rebooting the domain client, open the Off-Control Network
NIC card settings in the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) Properties dialog
box as follows:
Click the Start button, and then click Settings -> Network & Internet ->
Change Adapter Settings. Right-click on the adapter and click Properties.
In this same dialog box, select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and
click Properties. In the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) Properties dialog
box, as shown in Figure 12-53, set the first DNS entry to be the IP address of the
Off-Control Network PDC station. Set the additional DNS entries to be the IP
addresses of the Off-Control Network SDC stations.
B0700SX – Rev F 12. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Domain Clients or Connecting Security Enhanced I/A Series
12. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Domain Clients or Connecting Security Enhanced I/A Series Software v8.5-9.4 Domain
Click on the Setup Log, Pkg Log, and Init Log buttons to view these logs. These
logs can also be printed.
32. Proceed to “Completing the Domain Client Installation” on page 435.
B0700SX – Rev F 12. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Domain Clients or Connecting Security Enhanced I/A Series
12. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Domain Clients or Connecting Security Enhanced I/A Series Software v8.5-9.4 Domain
If your system has an SDC, add the IP address of the SDC to the Alternate DNS
server field.
Figure 12-55. Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties Dialog Box - Off-Control Network
NIC Card
2. If the pre-existing domain client was not a part of the original I/A Series configuration
prior to the migration of the target PDC, it may be necessary to add the domain cli-
ent to Active Directory. On the target PDC, in Active Directory Users and Comput-
ers, check that there is a computer account for the pre-existing domain client in the
“Pre-8.8 IA Computers” OU as shown in Figure 12-56.
B0700SX – Rev F 12. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Domain Clients or Connecting Security Enhanced I/A Series
Figure 12-56. Adding Pre-Existing Domain Client (I/A Series Software v8.5) to Active Directory
12. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Domain Clients or Connecting Security Enhanced I/A Series Software v8.5-9.4 Domain
4. At Step 16, when the “Ready to connect this workstation to the I/A Series domain”
page appears as shown in Figure 12-57, in the Domain Controller Letterbug field,
enter the IP address for the target PDC.
Also enter:
♦ In the Domain Admin Account field, the domain name and domain administra-
tor account name (created during the domain client’s former PDC’s installation)
♦ In the Domain Admin Password field, the domain administrator password (set
during the PDC server installation)
5. Click Authorize.
B0700SX – Rev F 12. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Domain Clients or Connecting Security Enhanced I/A Series
6. At this point, it is inadvisable to select any SDC stations. Select the Skip button when
prompted, as shown in Figure 12-58.
7. Click Connect.
8. A dialog box appears regarding the time on the domain client workstation matching
the time on the domain, as shown in Figure 12-59. Check the date and time are cor-
rect to within five minutes before continuing. Perform the instructions provided in
Step 21 of “Installation Procedure” in I/A Series 8.5 Software Installation Guide
12. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Domain Clients or Connecting Security Enhanced I/A Series Software v8.5-9.4 Domain
9. Continue with Step 22 of “Installation Procedure” in I/A Series 8.5 Software Installa-
tion Guide (B0700SB) and finish the installation procedure.
B0700SX – Rev F 12. Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for Domain Clients or Connecting Security Enhanced I/A Series
For an active externally sourced MTK, the Set Date and Time display is unavailable. The date and
time are automatically established and synchronized by an external GPS satellite.
Refer to Time Synchronization User’s Guide (B0700AQ) for the description of the time synchroni-
zation subsystem.
13. Upgrading Control Core
Services v9.4 (Day 1 Installation or
Repair Operation)
This chapter describes the procedure to upgrade Control Core Services v9.4 through a Day 1
Before performing this installation procedure, the Control Core Services have to be already
installed on the workstation and be running. You have to allow the software installation proce-
dures to turn off the Control Core Services as needed.
Exiting or cancelling during the software installation process causes an incomplete
installation and may cause the station to become unstable. This requires that you
reload the operating system.
Use the IAInstaller account for all installation tasks. However, due to the
permissions assigned to IAInstaller, it is not to be used for any other role, such as
operation of the domain controllers.
B0700SX – Rev F 13. Upgrading Control Core Services v9.4 (Day 1 Installation or Repair Operation)
4. Click Get Standard Stations to get the reconcile files for Local Edition Foxboro
5. When prompted, fill in the Primary Domain Controller server name (Domain Con-
troller Name), Domain Name, Secure Username and Secure Password. If the domain
is Off-Control Network, provide the PDC station’s IP address instead of the
workstation name.
13. Upgrading Control Core Services v9.4 (Day 1 Installation or Repair Operation) B0700SX – Rev F
6. Click Get SE Stations to get the reconcile files for Enterprise Edition Control
Core Services stations using the provided credentials.
7. Select the stations that need to be reconciled in the check-list box on the left-hand
side of the dialog box.
8. Select the appropriate radio button at the top of the dialog box: Create new
reconcile media or Appending to existing reconcile media.
9. Click Create to write to the media. The folder browser dialog box opens, as shown in
Figure 13-3.
B0700SX – Rev F 13. Upgrading Control Core Services v9.4 (Day 1 Installation or Repair Operation)
Figure 13-3. Select the Location Where You Want Your Reconcile Files Saved
10. If you want to write the installation files to a diskette, be aware that the diskette has to
already be in a tar format.
To write to a tar format floppy diskette in the diskette drive (A:\), click Use
To write the installation files to a folder location, select a folder and click Select
11. If you selected Appending to existing reconcile media in Step 8 and
Reconcile installation media (with media number 201) is not provided in the A:\
floppy drive, the dialog box shown in Figure 13-4 is displayed.
13. Upgrading Control Core Services v9.4 (Day 1 Installation or Repair Operation) B0700SX – Rev F
12. Use the Reconcile media generated with this utility within System Definition to
update the commit media.
13. Insert the Day 0 DVD in the workstation/server for which you want to perform a
Day 1 installation.
14. Run setup.exe and accept the UAC prompt.
15. If Control Core Services are running, the dialog box shown in Figure 13-5 is dis-
16. Click Yes and reboot the workstation manually. Click the Start button and click Shut
Down; select Restart from the pull-down menu and click OK.
Restart setup.exe after rebooting the workstation.
B0700SX – Rev F 13. Upgrading Control Core Services v9.4 (Day 1 Installation or Repair Operation)
The I/A Series Software Installation dialog box appears, as shown in Figure 13-6.
13. Upgrading Control Core Services v9.4 (Day 1 Installation or Repair Operation) B0700SX – Rev F
17. Select the Perform a Day 1 operation on the Control Core Services
workstation bullet in the I/A Series Software Installation dialog box, as shown in
Figure 13-7.
B0700SX – Rev F 13. Upgrading Control Core Services v9.4 (Day 1 Installation or Repair Operation)
19. Once the Commit files have been loaded, I/A Series Software Installation dialog box
appears as shown in Figure 13-8. Click Install.
20. Proceed with the installation wizard until the installation is complete. Click Finish
to close the installation.
The installation continues without user interaction until the end, when the log viewer
utility is displayed. You can view the installation log at any time by clicking the Start
button and selecting Foxboro DCS Control Core Services -> Log Viewer.
13. Upgrading Control Core Services v9.4 (Day 1 Installation or Repair Operation) B0700SX – Rev F
Click on the Setup Log, Pkg Log, and Init Log buttons to view these logs. These
logs can also be printed.
21. Reboot the workstation. Click the Start button and click Shut Down; select Restart
from the pull-down menu and click OK.
Perform a Day 1 installation on the Foxboro stations every time the System Defini-
tion is changed.
B0700SX – Rev F 13. Upgrading Control Core Services v9.4 (Day 1 Installation or Repair Operation)
3. If Control Core Services is running, the dialog box shown in Figure 13-10 is dis-
4. Click Yes and reboot the workstation manually. Click the Start button and click Shut
Down; select Restart from the pull-down menu and click OK.
Restart setup.exe after rebooting the workstation.
13. Upgrading Control Core Services v9.4 (Day 1 Installation or Repair Operation) B0700SX – Rev F
The I/A Series Software Installation dialog box appears, as shown in Figure 13-6.
B0700SX – Rev F 13. Upgrading Control Core Services v9.4 (Day 1 Installation or Repair Operation)
6. Click Install.
13. Upgrading Control Core Services v9.4 (Day 1 Installation or Repair Operation) B0700SX – Rev F
7. The Foxboro Evo Control Core Services Installshield Wizard appears as shown in
Figure 13-13. Proceed through the wizard to finish this operation.
The repair operation continues without user interaction until the end, when the log
viewer utility is displayed. You can view the installation log at any time by clicking the
Start button and selecting Foxboro DCS Control Core Services -> Log Viewer.
B0700SX – Rev F 13. Upgrading Control Core Services v9.4 (Day 1 Installation or Repair Operation)
Click on the Setup Log, Pkg Log, and Init Log buttons to view these logs. These
logs can also be printed.
8. Reboot the workstation. Click the Start button and click Shut Down; select Restart
from the pull-down menu and click OK.
The following procedure has to be performed after a Day 1 installation procedure on each of the
Nodebus workstations (AP, AW, and WP) to add Control Core Services addressing information to
the host files on Nodebus components. To perform the Post-Commit for I/A Series software Pre-
8.0, install the Pre-V8.1 Compatibility Diskette on each Nodebus workstation.
13. Upgrading Control Core Services v9.4 (Day 1 Installation or Repair Operation) B0700SX – Rev F
The following sections detail the steps for installing the disk on the two platforms.
B0700SX – Rev F 13. Upgrading Control Core Services v9.4 (Day 1 Installation or Repair Operation)
14. Enhancing Server 2008 PDC
running I/A Series Software v8.8 or
Control Core Services v9.0-v9.3 to
Support Windows 10 and Server
2016 Domain Clients
This chapter describes procedure to enhance an existing on/off-Control Network station with
Security Enhanced I/A Series software v8.8, Foxboro Evo Control Core Services v9.0-v9.3 to
support domain clients running CCS v9.4 on Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016. The
existing domain controller clients running I/A Series software v8.8 or Control Core Services
v9.0-9.3 would continue to operate seamlessly after this upgrade.
B0700SX – Rev F 14. Enhancing Server 2008 PDC running I/A Series Software v8.8 or Control Core Services v9.0-v9.3 to Support Windows 10 and
Figure 14-2. User Account Control for Command Prompt in Administrator Mode
14. Enhancing Server 2008 PDC running I/A Series Software v8.8 or Control Core Services v9.0-v9.3 to Support Windows 10 and Server 2016 Domain
B0700SX – Rev F 14. Enhancing Server 2008 PDC running I/A Series Software v8.8 or Control Core Services v9.0-v9.3 to Support Windows 10 and
If you have installed IA9.3 or prior version in the PDC using the option "Install to
an existing OFF-MESH PDC station (PDC Only) shown below, then follow these
additional steps before proceeding further with the installation.
If you have already followed the steps to cater to SYSVOL path being different from non-default
path, then you can skip the steps (a) - (e) mentioned below and directly edit the file
a. Navigate to the CCS9.4 DVD drive.
b. Copy the folder "GroupPolicy" in the DVD drive to any drive of your choice. For
ex:- D:\
c. Open the File Explorer and navigate to "D:\GroupPolicy\Configurations".
d. Remove the read only flag on the file "2008PDCDelta_Config.xml" and by right
clicking the file and choosing Properties context menu and uncheck-in the Read-
Only checkbox. If the Read-Only flag is already removed, proceed to next step.
e. Open Notepad using RunAsAdmin.
f. In Notepad, open the file "2008PDCDelta_Config.xml".
g. Find and delete these 3 lines:
♦ <LinkGPOToOU GPOName="Invensys Code Signing Certificates v1.2"
OUPath="\Domain Controllers"/>
♦ <ChangeGPOLinkOrder OUPath="\Domain Controllers" LinkOrder="1,2"
GPONames="Invensys Domain Controllers Policy v1.0,Invensys Code Sign-
ing Certificates v1.2"/>
♦ <ChangeGPOLinkOrder OUPath="\Domain Controllers" LinkOrder="1"
GPONames="FCS Base Domain Controllers"/>
h. Save and close the file.
i. In the command prompt you have already opened, change the directory to
"D:\GroupPolicy\BatchFiles". Note:- This path will change based on where you
have copied the GroupPolicy folder in step#(b).
j. Proceed to the next step in the installation.
7. Type Update2008PDC.bat and press <Enter>.
The PDC update installation starts.
During this stage, it is normal to see detected errors indicating that the Active Direc-
tory is not yet functional. The Active Directory verification process attempts to make
that directory functional, and then proceeds to the next step of configuring the Active
14. Enhancing Server 2008 PDC running I/A Series Software v8.8 or Control Core Services v9.0-v9.3 to Support Windows 10 and Server 2016 Domain
8. At the end of the installation, a progress window displays a message “AD configura-
tion is complete”, and asks you to “Press any key to exit…” as shown in Figure 14-4.
The progress window displays the log file location with a message “Check Log
file:<path to log file>”.
9. Press any key to close the command window and complete the installation of the
updates for the PDC with Windows Server 2008.
10. Open the log file at the path c:\windows\temp\2008PDCDelta_Config.log and
check for any detected errors.
11. If there are no detected errors in the log file, the upgrade is successful. If there are
detected errors, contact your system administrator.
12. If you had any custom GPOs then you must fix the linking order of those GPOs.
Contact cyber security team for more information. For more information refer to
Appendix P “Linking Custom GPOs to Any CCS/CS Specific OUs”.
B0700SX – Rev F 14. Enhancing Server 2008 PDC running I/A Series Software v8.8 or Control Core Services v9.0-v9.3 to Support Windows 10 and
15. Enhancing Control Core
Services Security for Interforest
Migrated PDC with Windows
Server 2016 to Support Windows
10 and Windows Server 2016
Domain Clients
This chapter describes the procedure to enhance Control Core Services security for an Interforest
migrated PDC with Windows Server 2016. This will not affect the existing domain clients
and the security policies will be applied to only Control Core Services clients.
Interforest migration refers to AD object migration between two different domains within differ-
ent forests. This chapter assumes that you have already performed an interforest migration from a
Windows Server 2008 based domain controller to a Windows Server 2016 domain controller
using standard Microsoft documented procedures. It also assumes that the Invensys/Schneider
Electric AD objects existed in the Windows Server 2008 based domain controller prior to per-
forming interforest migration.
For your reference, here are links to documentation that describes the general procedure involved
in an interforest migration. However, it is recommended you refer to official documentation for
performing interforest migration from Windows Server 2008 to Windows Server 2016.
B0700SX – Rev F15. Enhancing Control Core Services Security for Interforest Migrated PDC with Windows Server 2016 to Support Windows 10 and
15. Enhancing Control Core Services Security for Interforest Migrated PDC with Windows Server 2016 to Support Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016
Figure 15-2. User Account Control for Command Prompt in Administrator Mode
7. At the end of the installation, a progress window displays a message “AD configura-
tion is complete”, and asks you to “Press any key to exit…” as shown in Figure 15-4.
The progress window displays the log file location with a message “Check Log
file:<path to log file>”.
B0700SX – Rev F15. Enhancing Control Core Services Security for Interforest Migrated PDC with Windows Server 2016 to Support Windows 10 and
8. Press any key to close the command window and complete the installation of the
updates for the PDC with Windows Server 2016.
9. Open the log file at the path c:\windows\temp\2016PDCDelta_Config.log and
check for any detected errors.
10. If there are no detected errors in the log file, the upgrade is successful. If there are
detected errors, contact your system administrator.
16. Post-Installation and Migration
This chapter describes the post-installation and migration procedures for Control Core Services
v9.4 software.
If you perform a Day 1 operation in order to move the Compound Summary Access
(CSA) server package from one workstation with CCS v9.4 to another workstation
with CCS v9.4 and you have performed deployments to CNI stations involving
CNI hosted alarm destinations, the following special action is needed.
Move the C:\ProgramData\Invensys\IASeries\AccessListEdi-
tor\cs_devmon_CNI.cfg file from the old CSA workstation to the new CSA work-
station prior to initiating any subsequent deployments to the CNI stations.
Furthermore, you have to copy the following CNI configuration files to the new
CSA server workstation:
B0700SX – Rev F 16. Post-Installation and Migration Procedures
Control Core Services v9.4 image of the FCP280, FCP270, or ZCP270 without initializing its
For ATSs, refer to Address Translation Station User's Guide (B0700BP) for instructions.
When the update process is finished, verify that the station is at the correct image level. For the
latest EEPROM and image revision levels for Control Core Services v9.4 refer to Appendix B
“EEPROM Revision Levels” in Control Core Services v9.4 Release Notes (B0700SY).
For legacy control processors, refer to this same appendix in B0700SY for the latest image version
numbers for these modules supported by Control Core Services v9.4.
16. Post-Installation and Migration Procedures B0700SX – Rev F
String Meaning
F Full
D__ Default size (__- see below)
_T_ Top
_L_ Lower
__L Left
__R Right
Q__ Quarter size (__- see below)
I__ Intermediate size (__- see below)
_U_ Upper
_L_ Lower
__L Left
__R Right
You have completed installation and configuration of the dual-head video card driv-
ers. Proceed to “Installing the Control Core Services v9.4 Trailer Media” on page 108
to install Control Core Services on your workstation.
B0700SX – Rev F 16. Post-Installation and Migration Procedures
17. Local Group Policy Installation
This chapter provides the procedure to import Local Group Policy Settings onto Foxboro Evo
platform workstations running Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 operating systems.
B0700SX – Rev F 17. Local Group Policy Installation
4. In the command prompt, navigate to the location on the DVD where the
“RunServer2016LGPO.bat” file is located.
5. In the command prompt, type RunServer2016LGPO.bat and press <ENTER>.
6. The program asks you to enter Y/N with a question “Do you wish to continue with
the installation”. Click the Y key and then press <ENTER> to continue.
The Local Security policy for Windows Server 2016 will be installed.
7. Press <ENTER> key to exit the program.
8. The results of the LGPO installation are logged in the files: C:\tmp\lgpo.out and
C:\tmp\lgpo.err. Check for any detected error messages in these files and contact
your system administrator for help resolving them.
9. For a successful installation, reboot/restart the server.
Appendix A. Startup Options
This appendix describes the startup options in Foxboro Evo workstations and servers.
For the startup options in Foxboro Evo workstations and servers, refer to:
♦ For Local Edition Control Core Services installations - see “Control Core Services
Startup and Security Options” in Control Core Services v9.4 Release Notes (B0700SY)
♦ For Enterprise Edition Control Core Services installations - see “I/A Series Startup
and Security Options” in Security Implementation User’s Guide for I/A Series and Fox-
boro Evo Workstations (Windows 10 or Windows Server 2016 Operating Systems)
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix A. Startup Options
Appendix B. Changing the Station
This appendix describes how to change a station’s name.
The Windows workstation or server name has to match the workstation or server letterbug name
as it was configured in SysDef and saved onto your Commit installation media before you install
the Control Core Services. For systems with multiple workstations or servers, you have to change
the default workstation/server names.
The Foxboro Evo workstation/server letterbug is an uppercase six-character alphanumeric work-
station name recognized by the Control Core Services. The letterbug is defined during System
Definition and is written to the Commit installation media.
To make your workstation or server letterbug name match your host name, perform the following
1. Right-click on This PC on the desktop and select Properties.
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix B. Changing the Station Name
2. In the System Properties dialog box, select the Computer Name tab (Figure B-1).
Figure B-1. Computer Name Tab in the System Properties Dialog Box
Appendix B. Changing the Station Name B0700SX – Rev F
3. In the Computer Name tab, click Change. The Computer Name Changes dialog box
opens (Figure B-2).
4. In the Computer Name Changes dialog box, click Computer Name and (using only
uppercase characters) change the name to the applicable letterbug assignment on the
Commit. Click OK.
The Computer Name field has to contain six (6) uppercase characters and numbers.
5. Click Workgroup in the “Member of ” section of the Computer Name Changes dialog
box and confirm that the workgroup name is WORKGROUP. (see Figure B-2).
6. In the Computer Name Changes dialog box, click OK.
7. Click OK to close the System Properties dialog box.
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix B. Changing the Station Name
8. A message box shown in Figure B-3 opens asking if you want to restart your com-
puter. Click OK.
9. When the system restarts, it logs you on as the “Account1” user account. Proceed with
the Control Core Services installation.
Appendix C. Secondary Domain
Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System
This chapter details the installation and configuration procedures for Enterprise Edition
Control Core Services v9.1 or later systems, which may also include Control Software v5.0 or
later software.
In the Enterprise Edition Control Core Services system, the secondary domain controller (SDC)
functions as a backup to the primary domain controller (PDC) server for both Active Directory
and DNS services. This means that if the PDC becomes unavailable for any reason, the SDC pro-
vides such functions as:
♦ Servicing log on requests to the Foxboro network
♦ Allowing for the creation, deletion, and modification of user accounts
♦ Servicing DNS name resolution requests
Some functionality will be unavailable or may be limited during the time that a PDC is offline
and the SDC has not been promoted to PDC. This includes, but is not limited to:
♦ Domain schema cannot be extended.
♦ New SDC workstations cannot be added to the domain.
♦ Ability to add users and computers to the domain may be limited.
♦ Group polices cannot be edited.
It is recommended that the PDC remain the PDC and the SDC stations remain as SDC stations
once the Enterprise Edition Control Core Services system has been installed. If a PDC is unavail-
able for a short period of time (e.g. less than a week), it is highly recommended that an SDC is
not promoted to take over the role of PDC. This is because the offline PDC will not be automat-
ically demoted to be an SDC. During this time when the PDC is offline, it is inadvisable to add
any new stations. When the PDC comes back online, there would be two primary domain con-
trollers, one of which has to then be demoted.
Avoid bringing up two PDC stations on the Control Core Services system.
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System
♦ PDC Emulator
♦ Infrastructure Master
♦ Domain Naming Master
♦ Schema Master
Note that these roles are also referred to as “operations master” roles. The steps in the next section
provide a method for transferring the five roles from the PDC to one of the SDC servers.
Proceed as follows to transfer the domain controller roles from a working PDC to an existing sec-
ondary domain controller:
1. To transfer the RID Master, PDC Emulator, and Infrastructure Master FSMO roles:
a. Click the Start button, and then select Windows Administrative Tools ->
Active Directory Users and Computers.
b. Open Active Directory Users and Computers in the left-hand tree view
and open the domain (iaseries.local) -> Invensys -> Accounts -> Users ->
Administrators. In the right-hand pane, right-click IADomainAdmin and select
Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System B0700SX – Rev F
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System
Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System B0700SX – Rev F
Figure C-5. Active Directory Users and Computers - Connect to Domain Controller
i. Select the domain controller which is to become the new PDC. Click OK.
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System
Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System B0700SX – Rev F
Figure C-7. Active Directory Users and Computers - Set Operations Masters
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System
Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System B0700SX – Rev F
Figure C-11. Active Directory Domains and Trusts - Connect to Domain Controller
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System
Figure C-12. Active Directory Domains and Trusts - Selecting Domain Controller to Become
The New PDC
Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System B0700SX – Rev F
Figure C-13. Active Directory Domains and Trusts - Set Operations Masters
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System
g. Click OK.
This procedure can only be completed by a schema administrator. By default, the
only user with schema administrator privileges is the system administrator (i.e., the
user account which is named IAManager at the time the workstation is first
installed). Since this account is disabled on the PDC for security reasons, you have
two choices:
- Enable the Administrator (a.k.a. IAManager) using Active Directory Users and
Computers console.
- Add IADomainAdmin to Schema Admins group and use IADomainAdmin user
account to perform the operations described in this appendix.
a. Open a command prompt. From the Start menu, click All Programs -> Win-
dows System/Accessories -> Command Prompt.
b. In the command prompt, type regsvr32 schmmgmt.dll and press <Enter>.
This will register the Scheme Management DLL.
Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System B0700SX – Rev F
d. Open the Run window, type MMC and press <Enter>. This will open the Micro-
soft Management Console.
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System
4. From Available Snap-ins, select Active Directory Schema and click Add.
Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System B0700SX – Rev F
5. Click OK.
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System
Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System B0700SX – Rev F
f. Right-click on Active Directory Schema in the left-hand tree view and select
Change Active Directory Domain Controller.
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System
h. Right-click on Active Directory Schema in the left-hand tree view and select
Operations Master.
i. Click OK.
Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System B0700SX – Rev F
l. Click OK.
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System
PDC is unavailable due to
a hardware or software Primary Domain Secondary Domain
detected issue. Controller Controller
FSMO roles are seized by the
existing SDC. This server Primary Domain Primary Domain
becomes the Primary Domain Controller Controller
This is a last-resort measure that it is only advisable for you to do if the PDC hold-
ing the roles will not be able to be restored. Once you perform this procedure, you
will not be able to bring the PDC back online without first removing its installation
of Active Directory. (This is discussed in a later section.)
To seize the Active Directory roles because the PDC will no longer be available:
1. On the SDC server which will become the PDC, open the Run window, type ntdsu-
til and press <Enter>. This starts the Active Directory Services Maintenance Utility.
Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System B0700SX – Rev F
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System
The entire text of the above operation appears similar to the following in the com-
mand prompt window. Text in bold is the text entered by the user.
C:\Windows\system32\ntdsutil.exe: roles
fsmo maintenance: connections
server connections: connect to server NESRV4.iaseries.local
Binding to NESRV4.iaseries.local ...
Connected to NESRV4.iaseries.local using credentials of locally logged on
server connections: q
fsmo maintenance: seize naming master
Attempting safe transfer of domain naming FSMO before seizure.
ldap_modify_sW error 0x34(52 (Unavailable).
Ldap extended error message is 000020AF: SvcErr: DSID-03210397, problem
5002 (UNAVAILABLE), data 1722
Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System B0700SX – Rev F
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System
Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System B0700SX – Rev F
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System
Primary Domain Controller
(PDC) NESRV5 is unavailable. Primary Domain Primary Domain
NESRV4 has seized FSMO Controller Controller
roles and is the only PDC on
the system.
Disconnected from
Foxboro Network
and Restarted
NESRV5 is physically
disconnected from the Primary Domain Primary Domain
Foxboro network prior Controller Controller
to restarting.
Connected to
Foxboro Network
Active Directory is removed
from NESRV5 and it is No Longer a Primary Domain
reconnected to the Foxboro Domain Controller Controller
Figure C-33. Restoring FSMO Roles to a Primary Domain Controller That Had Its Roles Seized
Alternatively, you can remove and restore the Active Directory by reinstalling the operating system
and Control Core Services on this workstation. (This is a longer and more complicated procedure
than the one described in Figure C-33 but it is a viable alternative.) To accomplish this, com-
pletely reload this workstation from the base Schneider Electric-provided Day 0 workstation
image and follow the instructions for installing a secondary domain controller provided in
Chapter 4 “Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installation for New On-Control Net-
work Domain Controllers” or Chapter 5 “Enterprise Edition Control Core Services v9.4 Installa-
tion for New Off-Control Network Domain Controllers”. Once this workstation is completely
installed as an SDC, follow the procedure listed below for promoting this workstation to be the
PDC while the existing primary domain controller is still available to be demoted.
Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System B0700SX – Rev F
Proceed as follows:
1. Start the server up while physically disconnected from the Foxboro network.
2. Right-click the Start button, and then select Run. Type “Services.msc” to open the
Services Windows, and stop the Net Logon service.
3. Open the Run window, type dcpromo /forceremoval. Press <Enter>.
4. If this server previously held all five FSMO roles, six messages will be displayed; one
for each role previously held and one additional message is displayed for the data held
in Active Directory for the DNS server. Acknowledge each message as they are dis-
played to continue. See Figure C-35 through Figure C-37.
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System
Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System B0700SX – Rev F
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System
Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System B0700SX – Rev F
6. Click Next.
7. Click OK.
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System
8. Enter an Administrator account password for the new local Administrator account on
this server. The name of this account will be Administrator which is different from
the account name originally created by the Control Core Services installation. This
account name can be changed later through the standard Microsoft dialog boxes.
Click Next.
Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System B0700SX – Rev F
9. Click Next.
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System
Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System B0700SX – Rev F
14. This workstation has to be manually added back onto the domain. Use the
IADomainAdmin account along with the password entered above to log onto the
15. Right-click the Start button and select Control Panel -> System and Security
-> System on the right-hand pane.
16. Click Advanced system settings from the left-hand pane.
17. Select the Computer tab and click the Change button.
18. Select the Domain radio button and enter the domain name.
19. A dialog box, shown in Figure C-47, indicates that the computer has been added to
the domain. Click OK.
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System
20. A dialog box, shown in Figure C-48, indicates that the computer has to be restarted.
Click OK.
21. In Figure C-49, click Restart Now to have the workstation restart.
22. If this workstation has to be reloaded as a primary or secondary domain controller, the
dcpromo utility can be used to reinstall Active Directory. The remaining steps below
describe reloading Active Directory on the unsuccessful server.
Open the Run dialog box, shown in Figure C-50, and type dcpromo. Press <Enter>.
Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System B0700SX – Rev F
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System
Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System B0700SX – Rev F
25. Select the second radio button indicating that this is an additional domain controller
for an existing domain and click Next.
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System
Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System B0700SX – Rev F
27. Select the forest root domain name and click Next.
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System
28. Select the site for the new domain controller and click Next.
Figure C-56. Active Directory Installation Wizard - Site for New Domain Controller
Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System B0700SX – Rev F
Figure C-57. Active Directory Installation Wizard - Additional Domain Controller Options
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System
30. Click No, I will assign static IP addresses to all physical network
Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System B0700SX – Rev F
Figure C-60. Active Directory Installation Wizard - Database and Log Folders
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System
Figure C-61. Active Directory Installation Wizard - Restore Mode Administrator Password
Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System B0700SX – Rev F
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System
35. Wait while the wizard configures the Active Directory Domain Services.
Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System B0700SX – Rev F
38. Reboot the server and log in with a domain administrator user account.
39. Click the Start button and select Windows Administrative Tools -> DNS.
40. Right-click on each forward and reverse lookup zone and select Properties. Opti-
mally, there are three in total.
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System
41. Check the Allow Zone Transfers checkbox and select the second radio button
choice to allow transfers only to servers listed on the Name Server tab. Click OK.
42. The server may now be restored as a PDC or be left as an SDC station. To make this
server a PDC, refer to “Transferring the Operations Master Roles” on page 476 to
transfer domain controller roles from one domain controller to another.
When you have completed the restoration, verify that the SDC is working properly, as discussed
in the next subsection.
Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System B0700SX – Rev F
3. Use this new user account to log onto one of the client workstations.
To test that the SDC is servicing DNS name resolution requests while the backup is offline, pro-
ceed as follows:
1. Open a command prompt on one of the client workstations.
2. With the PDC still connected to the network, type nslookup and press <Enter>.
3. With the PDC still connected to the network, in the command prompt, type
“nslookup <CLIENT2>”, where <CLIENT2> is another client station on the domain.
The IP address of the second client will be retrieved from the primary DNS server
(NESRV5.iaseries.local in this case) to verify that the PDC is no longer available
4. Type “nslookup <CLIENT2> <SDCStationName>” to verify tat the SDC responds to
the DNS request.
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System
9. In the event that this does not work with the PDC disconnected, it is possible that the
NIC card settings were not made for the SDC when the Control Core Services was
installed. On every workstation, in optimal conditions, the SDC IP addresses were
configured as secondary DNS locators. The NIC settings most likely appear as shown
in Figure C-70 for a client workstation on a system with a primary and one secondary
DNS server. These settings are only necessary for the FoxInt NDIS Intermediate
Miniport Drive. In this case, is for the PDC and
is for the SDC.
Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System B0700SX – Rev F
Figure C-70. Typical NIC Settings for a Client Workstation on a System with a Primary and
One Secondary DNS Server
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System
3. Click Next.
Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System B0700SX – Rev F
4. Click OK to the dialog box shown in Figure C-73. The SDC is also a Global Catalog
Figure C-73. Active Directory Installation Wizard - Global Catalog Provider Message
5. Leave un-checked the checkbox indicating that this is the last domain controller in the
domain. Click Next.
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System
6. Enter an Administrator account password for the new local Administrator account on
this server. The name of this account will be Administrator which is different from
the account name originally created by the Control Core Services installation. This
account name can be changed later through the standard Microsoft dialog boxes.
Click Next.
Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System B0700SX – Rev F
7. Click Next.
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System
8. Wait while the wizard configures the Active Directory Domain Services.
Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System B0700SX – Rev F
Proceed as follows:
1. Click the Start button and select Windows Administrative Tools -> Active
Directory Sites and Services.
2. Navigate to the Domain Controllers entry in the tree view under the domain
3. Right-click on the domain controller connection in the right-hand pane to remove
and select Delete.
Figure C-79. Active Directory Sites and Services - Delete a Domain Controller Connection
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System
5. Right-click on the domain controller settings to remove in the left-hand pane and
select Delete.
Figure C-81. Active Directory Sites and Services - Delete a Domain Controller Settings
Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System B0700SX – Rev F
7. When the dialog box shown in Figure C-83 appears, select Delete.
Figure C-83. Active Directory Users and Computers - Deleting a Domain Controller
8. Right-click on the server to remove in the left-hand pane and select Delete.
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System
10. If this workstation is to be added back to the system as a domain client, this worksta-
tion name has to be added manually to the list of IA Computers in Active Directory.
Navigate to the IA Computers entry in the tree view under the domain name.
11. Right-click on IA Computers and select New -> Computer.
Figure C-86. Active Directory Users and Computers - Creating New Computer Account
Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System B0700SX – Rev F
12. Enter the name of the Foxboro Evo workstation and click OK.
These steps are not necessary if there was an SDC present on the Foxboro network.
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System
Proceed as follows:
1. Right-click on This PC in the Windows Explorer and select Properties -> Change
Settings on the right pane.
Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System B0700SX – Rev F
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System
5. Log in as IADomainAdmin.
6. A dialog box indicates that the computer has been added to the workgroup entered.
Click OK.
7. A dialog box indicates that you will need to restart the station to apply the
changes.Click OK.
Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System B0700SX – Rev F
9. Upon closing the System Properties dialog box, click Yes to have the workstation
10. After the workstation restarts, log on with the local administrator account credentials.
11. On Windows Server 2016 Standard servers, in File Explorer, right-click This PC and
click Properties. Click Change Settings in the View basic information about
your computer dialog box.
12. Select the Domain radio button and enter the domain name.
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System
13. When prompted, add the username and password of the account with permission to
join this domain. Click OK when done.
Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System B0700SX – Rev F
14. A dialog box indicates that the computer has been added to the domain. Click OK.
Figure C-97. Computer Name Changes Dialog Box - Welcome to the [YourName] Domain
15. A dialog box indicates that the computer has to be restarted. Click OK.
Figure C-98. Computer Name Changes Dialog Box - Need to Restart To Apply Changes
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System
17. Upon closing the System Properties dialog box, click Restart Now to have the
workstation restart.
Figure C-100. Computer Name Changes Dialog Box - Need to Restart To Apply Changes
Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System B0700SX – Rev F
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System
Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System B0700SX – Rev F
6. In the Advanced TCP/IP Settings dialog box, select the DNS tab.
This is how it is recommended that the NIC settings appear for a client workstation
on a system with a primary and one secondary DNS server. These settings are only
necessary for the FoxInt NDIS Intermediate Miniport Driver. In this case, the IP
address ending in 84 is for the PDC and the IP address ending in 112 is for the SDC.
Add the SDC IP Address on each station if it is not already present.
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System
vices software installation can be easily restored. This includes policies that have been defined in
addition to the Local Edition Control Core Services system policies. Refer to these documents:
♦ https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/identity/ad-ds/manage/ad-forest-
♦ https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/identity/ad-ds/manage/ad-forest-
for information on performing Active Directory backups.
It is highly recommended that the procedures in “Changing the Tombstone Lifetime
Attribute in Active Directory” on page 548 are performed for changing the tomb-
stone lifetime value. This will confirm that backups remain current and usable. A
value of a least 180 days is recommended. Do this before BESR or Active Directory
backups are taken. Also, check that the value changed is replicated to all domain
controllers before creating backups.
Refer to Appendix D “Guidelines for Using Veritas System Recovery for Backing
Up and Restoring Domain Controllers” for additional information on backups.
Certain Windows Support Tools, if used improperly, might cause your computer to
stop functioning. It is recommended that only experienced users install and use
Windows Support Tools.
In order to perform the following steps, you can use the IADomainAdmin account or you will
need to be a member of the “Enterprise Admins” group.
To view or change attribute values by using ADSI Edit:
1. Click Start, click Run, type ADSIEdit.msc and then click OK.
Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System B0700SX – Rev F
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System
3. From the drop-down menu under “Select a well known naming context”, select
Configuration. Click OK.
Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System B0700SX – Rev F
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System
8. In the CN=Directory Service Properties dialog box, scroll down, click the tomb-
stoneLifetime attribute, and click Edit.
9. Configure the tombstone lifetime period (in days), then click OK.
Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System B0700SX – Rev F
In order to verify the value has been set, the following command can be executed in a command
prompt window:
dsquery * "cn=Directory Service,cn=Windows NT,cn=Services,
cn=Configuration,dc=iaseries,dc=local" -scope base -attr tombstonelifetime
If your domain name is not “iaseries.local,” then replace the distinguished name of the domain in
the above command from “dc=iaseries,dc=local” to the actual distinguished name of your domain.
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix C. Secondary Domain Controllers in a Foxboro Evo System
Appendix D. Guidelines for Using
Veritas System Recovery for
Backing Up and Restoring
Domain Controllers
This appendix provides guidelines for using Veritas System Recovery to backup and restore
images on domain controllers.
The Veritas System Recovery product is used to backup and restore Foxboro Evo workstations and
servers. However, when used with domain controllers (PDC or SDC), restoring an old image that
has Active Directory installed on it is a last resort approach when you have more than one
domain controller. If you have a working domain controller and you need to restore another
domain controller, it is optimal to reinstall the second domain controller and allow replication to
occur with the good domain controller instead of restoring the second domain controller from a
backup image.
The Veritas System Recovery product and the procedures for using this product are described in
Veritas System Recovery 2016 Desktop, Server and Virtual Editions Guide for I/A Series® and Foxboro
Evo™ Process Automation Systems (B0700HH).
For normal backups of Active Directory, the optimal practice is to perform a System State backup
and a group policy backup:
♦ Refer to https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/identity/ad-ds/manage/ad-forest-
recovery-guide for information on performing Active Directory backups.
♦ Use the Group Policy Management Console (GPMC) to perform group policy back-
ups. Right-click the Start button and select Control Panel -> Administrative
Tools -> Group Policy Management.
In the case of servers that have Active Directory installed on them, i.e., domain controllers, follow
these guidelines if you are forced to restore them from Veritas System Recovery backups.
These procedures refer to tools that are part of the Windows Support Tools. If you
have not installed these tools, refer to “Changing the Tombstone Lifetime Attribute
in Active Directory” on page 548.
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix D. Guidelines for Using Veritas System Recovery for Backing Up and Restoring Domain Controllers
value, change this value accordingly as described in “Changing the Tombstone Life-
time Attribute in Active Directory” on page 548.
2. It is inadvisable to make the initial backup of domain controllers until they have been
running for at least twelve hours.
3. If you have secondary domain controllers, make sure the PDC and SDC are working
together properly. See “Checking the Health of Active Directory” on page 557.
4. Make entire backups of both the PDC and the SDC about the same time (separated
by minutes, not hours).
5. Backup each of the active drives (e.g., C: and D:) at the same time.
6. Check that you have selected the “Verify Recovery Point” option in the BESR window
when creating the backup image.
Appendix D. Guidelines for Using Veritas System Recovery for Backing Up and Restoring Domain Controllers B0700SX – Rev F
5. Set the PDC as “authoritative” for SYSVOL. Refer to the “Authoritative FRS restore”
procedure described in the following Microsoft article:
6. Boot up the next domain controller (SDC). If this SDC is On-Control Network,
restore its Veritas System Recovery backup image as described in Veritas System Recov-
ery 2016 Desktop, Server and Virtual Editions Guide for I/A Series® and Foxboro Evo™
Process Automation Systems (B0700HH). If this SDC is Off-Control Network, it is rec-
ommended that the box be reinstalled.
7. After the domain controller is rebooted, if it has been reinstalled, join it to the
domain. In any case, verify it is working properly. See the next section’s instructions
on checking the health of Active Directory.
8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 for each additional domain controller.
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix D. Guidelines for Using Veritas System Recovery for Backing Up and Restoring Domain Controllers
Appendix E. I/A Series MESH
This appendix describes how to use the I/A Series Mesh Configurator for workstations with
Windows 10 and servers with Windows Server 2016 Standard on the Foxboro Evo Control
Network (hereafter referred to as “the control network”).
The I/A Series Mesh Configurator application installs the COMEX protocol and Redundant
Ethernet Data Link (REDL) virtual adapter, and configures Internet Protocol (IP) addresses for
stations on the control network. A station can have one or two connections to the control net-
work (if it has one or two switch connections in System Definition).
The Mesh Configurator provides a user interface to select the Network Interface Cards (NICs) for
these connections.
Silent Installation
The Day 0 installer will attempt to configure the control network connections automatically. You
are not prompted with a graphical interface if the workstation has:
♦ Two switch connections, and there are exactly two NICs in PCI slots, or
♦ One switch connection, and there is exactly one NIC in a PCI slot.
In these cases, The Mesh Configurator selects the NIC(s) in the PCI Slot(s) for the control net-
work connections.
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix E. I/A Series MESH Configurator
When NIC locations are “Unknown”, you need to manually select the NICs for the control net-
work connections. The following procedure is recommended:
1. Disconnect each of the Ethernet cables except those from the control network (and
from the Off-Control Network Domain Controller, if one is in use).
It is not advisable to assign static IP addresses to the workstation NICs before run-
ning The Mesh Configurator. If the configurator reports an IP conflict, find the
adapter with the duplicate IP address, change it to use DHCP, then run the config-
urator again.
2. Display the Network Connections from the Start menu -> Network and Sharing
Center -> Change adapter settings (or type “view network connections”
from the Start menu search bar), and set the view to Details.
Appendix E. I/A Series MESH Configurator B0700SX – Rev F
3. By default, the columns are not wide enough to display the necessary information.
Resize the Device Name column so it is wide enough to show the entire text:
4. Identify and record the Device Names that lack a red X next to their icons. Select
these Device Names in The Mesh Configurator.
Take care not to confuse Names with Device Names. In the above example, the
Allied Telesis adapter 2 is not the same NIC as Local Area Connection 2.
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix E. I/A Series MESH Configurator
6. After selecting the NIC for the Off-Control Network Domain Controller (or if
installing without one), you are prompted to select the NIC(s) connected to the con-
trol network.
A NIC selected for the Off-Control Network Domain Controller will be removed
from the list of available NICs when selecting the control network connection(s).
Unless there is a detected error or further user interaction is needed, The Mesh Configurator exits
silently. If no system message is returned, this indicates a successful installation.
Appendix E. I/A Series MESH Configurator B0700SX – Rev F
You must run The Mesh Configurator after restoring a workstation image from a
backup created on different hardware (for example, when replacing hardware that
has suboptimal conditions).
Open the configurator from the Start menu -> Foxboro DCS Control Core Services ->
Mesh Configurator (or type “mesh configurator” from the Start menu search bar).
♦ The Mesh Configurator cannot run while the control networking is enabled. If neces-
sary, it will turn off Control Core Services and restart the workstation before running.
♦ The Mesh Configurator can only be run by users with administrator credentials.
The configurator remembers the selections made on previous installations. Previously selected
NIC(s) will be checked; you can leave them checked or select new NIC(s). If you originally
installed The Mesh Configurator with an Off-Control Network Domain Controller, it prompts
you to select the NIC connected to the Domain Controller’s network.
The Mesh Configurator does not support Post Day 0 Operations on single-NIC
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix E. I/A Series MESH Configurator
Appendix F. SNMP Community
String Configuration
This appendix describes how to configure the SNMP community string for workstations with
Windows 10 and servers with Windows Server 2016 Standard.
SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) is an internet protocol used in network manage-
ment systems to monitor network-attached devices such as workstations, servers, routers,
switches, and so forth.
The SNMP community string is a text string that acts as a password to authenticate messages that
are sent between the management software and the device (the SNMP agent). This string has to
be configured in two places: the SNMP service (included with the Windows operating system)
and the Server Manager configuration file. Configure it only after the Control Core Services have
been installed on the workstation or server.
The community string is case-sensitive and has to be identical in both places.
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix F. SNMP Community String Configuration
Be aware that your community string is case-sensitive.
9. Click Add.
To limit the acceptance of SNMP packets, click the Accept SNMP packets from
these hosts bullet. Click the Add… button, and then type the appropriate host
name, IP address or IPX address in the Host name, IP or IPX address box. You can
restrict the access to the local host ( or only specific servers by using this set-
10. Click OK when done.
Appendix F. SNMP Community String Configuration B0700SX – Rev F
11. For the settings to take effect, right-click the SNMP service from the Services window.
Stop and then restart the SNMP service.
To configure the Server Manager configuration file, proceed as follows:
1. Using File/Windows Explorer, navigate to the \usr\fox\sysmgm\smat\ folder on the
drive on which the Control Core Services are installed (typically D:\).
2. Open (or create) the text file named: servm.cfg
3. Type the community string using the following format:
default_string: yourcommunitystring
(Type in the same string you used above.)
4. Save the file and then reboot.
For cyber-security purposes, it is highly recommended that a well-known default community
string such as “public” is not used. Use a string that is compliant with your site’s password com-
plexity policy.
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix F. SNMP Community String Configuration
Appendix G. Telnet Installation
This appendix describes how to install the optional application telnet on systems with
Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 Standard operating systems, if desired.
By default, telnet is not installed on systems with Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 Stan-
dard operating systems. Telnet is an optional feature and if it is needed, it can be installed manu-
ally as described below.
5. Click OK to close the Windows Features dialog box. The telnet application will be
To use the telnet application, open a command prompt window and type telnet to start a ses-
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix G. Telnet Installation
Appendix G. Telnet Installation B0700SX – Rev F
6. In the Add Features Wizard, scroll down to the Telnet Client checkbox and check the
box next to it, as shown in Figure G-3.
7. When Confirm Installation Selections opens, click Install as shown in Figure G-4.
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix G. Telnet Installation
8. A dialog will appear showing the installation progress. When the installation is com-
pleted, click Close.
To use the telnet application, open a command prompt window and type telnet to start a ses-
Appendix H. Printer Sharing
This appendix describes how to enable sharing to printers on stations with Windows 10 and
Windows Server 2016 Standard operating systems, if desired.
As with previous Microsoft operating systems, Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 Standard
allow a printer to be shared by multiple stations.
However, to do this, Microsoft needs the Windows Firewall service to be enabled.
Enabling this service does not mandate the Microsoft Windows Firewall to be used.
For Foxboro Evo workstations and servers, Schneider Electric provides the McAfee
configurable firewall as the preferred firewall and recommends that the Microsoft
Windows Firewall not be used.
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix H. Printer Sharing
If you are on an Enhanced Security system, you will also see a category for Domain
network location settings.
In an Enhanced Security system, these settings are managed through Group Policies
and may not be modifiable on the client station.
Sharing a Printer
To share a printer hosted by a workstation with Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 Standard,
proceed as follows:
1. Click the Start button, and click Devices and Printers.
2. Right-click the icon of the printer that is to be shared and select Printer
3. In the Properties dialog box, click the Sharing tab.
4. Click the Change Sharing Options button if it is displayed as shown in
Figure H-2.
Appendix H. Printer Sharing B0700SX – Rev F
5. Check the “Share this printer” checkbox and type in a Share name.
6. If this printer will be shared with a station that has a 32-bit OS (such as an x86 version
of Windows XP), install additional drivers (before setting up the station with
Windows XP) by clicking the Additional Drivers… button and then by checking
the x86 checkbox.
Otherwise, click OK. If you see the following system message, the Windows Firewall
service has not been turned on as described in the previous section: “Operation
could not be completed (Error 0x000006D9)”
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix H. Printer Sharing
Appendix I. Troubleshooting
This appendix provides troubleshooting procedures.
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix I. Troubleshooting
Appendix I. Troubleshooting B0700SX – Rev F
3. In the Computer Configuration Properties dialog box, select the Error Informa-
tion tab to view the detected errors for this policy set. The detected error shown in
Figure I-2 indicates that the time does not match the time on the domain controller:
“The clocks on the client and server machine are skewed.”
4. If the detected error shown in Figure I-2 is found on your system, fix the time on the
SDC or domain client as described in the “Server Preparation” of the appropriate
chapter for your station in this document and reboot. After rebooting, the software
installation may be restarted by running Setup.exe on the installation DVD.
Accept the UAC request in order to start the installation.
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix I. Troubleshooting
Appendix J. Installing Optional
This appendix provides procedures for installing optional software on your
workstation/server/domain client.
After restarting the station following the Control Core Services installation, you may need to per-
form one or more of the following tasks:
1. If not already installed, install FoxView™ and FoxDraw™ software from the Fox-
View/FoxDraw CD-ROM. Refer to FoxView and FoxDraw Software V10.5 Release
Notes (B0700SZ) for installation instructions.
2. Install Wonderware® Historian according to the instructions provided in
Wonderware® FactorySuite® IndustrialSQL Server™ Installation Guide. The Wonder-
ware Historian may be installed on workstations/servers with Control Core Services or
on “off-platform” workstations/servers that is, stations without Control Core Services.
Install AIM*Historian® software according to the instructions provided with the
AIM*Historian media.
3. If desired, install Foxboro Evo™ Control Software according to the instructions pro-
vided with the Foxboro Evo Control Software Installation Guide (B0750RA). This may
include the Control Editors and Control HMI applications:
♦ Control HMI and its components has to be installed on workstations/servers with
Control Core Services installed.
♦ The Control Editors and Galaxy Repository may be installed on worksta-
tions/servers with Control Core Services or on “off-platform” workstations/servers
that is, stations without Control Core Services.
4. It is highly recommended that you install FERRET software after installing Control
Core Services v9.4. Refer to FERRET v6.1.1 (Windows Platforms) and FERRET v6.1.1
(UNIX Platforms) User's Guide (B0860BU) for installation instructions and FERRET
v6.1.2 Installation and Release Notes (B0860RU) for information on using the FER-
RET software. These documents are available in PDF format on the FERRET
5. Install System Manager. On stations which have at least the IASVCS package config-
ured in System Definition, System Manager can be installed. During installation, the
System Manager Service is de-selected by default. Only select to install the System
Manager server on a limited number of workstation on your network. Also note that
the System Manager client can only connect to a System Manager service of the same
version. See System Manager (B0750AP) for more details.
6. Install any other software media for selected optional packages.
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix J. Installing Optional Software
Appendix K. Troubleshooting PDC
This appendix provides procedures for troubleshooting the PDC migration process.
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix K. Troubleshooting PDC Migration
Appendix K. Troubleshooting PDC Migration B0700SX – Rev F
5. The DCHealthCheck log must show that DNS tests have passed.
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix K. Troubleshooting PDC Migration
6. The DCHealthCheck log must show that consistency checks are successful.
7. The DCHealthCheck log must show that replication from inbound neighbors in the
topology is successful.
Figure K-7. DCHealthCheck Log - Replication From Inbound Neighbors in the Topology Is Success-
Appendix K. Troubleshooting PDC Migration B0700SX – Rev F
8. The DCHealthCheck log must show no detected errors for the replication summary.
The above message is a result of a detected error that exists in Microsoft software.
It occurs when we pre-create a computer account in ADUC and then promote it as
DC, the UserAccountControl is set to 532512 instead of the default 532480. You
need to manually set the value to 532480 in ADSIEDIT.MSC.
UserAccountControl values for the certain objects:
Typical user: 0x200 (512)
Domain controller: 0x82000 (532480)
Workstation/server: 0x1000 (4096)
Change it to represent 0x82000.
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix K. Troubleshooting PDC Migration
Appendix K. Troubleshooting PDC Migration B0700SX – Rev F
<computername> is the name of the 2008R2 server that wants to get the FSMO
<list of FSMO roles to be transferred> is a comma-separated list of FSMO roles that
are held by the Windows Server 2003 domain controller.
Refer to documentation on this command here: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-
c. Verify that all FSMO roles have been successfully transferred to the Windows
Server 2008 R2 server by running the DOS command “netdom query fsmo” as
mentioned in Step1.
3. Seize FSMO roles.
a. Open a PowerShell window in administrator mode.
b. Execute these commands:
Import-module activedirectory
Move-ADDirectoryServerOperationMasterRole <targetcomputername> <list
of FSMO roles to be transferred> -Force
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix K. Troubleshooting PDC Migration
<computername> is the name of the Windows Server 2008 R2 server that wants to
get the FSMO roles.
<list of FSMO roles to be transferred> is a comma-separated list of FSMO roles that
are held by the Windows Server 2003 domain controller that is now not con-
Refer to documentation on this command here: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-
The -Force switch forces the transfer of FSMO roles even though the Windows
Server 2003 domain controller is not live or connected.
c. Verify that all FSMO roles have been successfully transferred to the Windows
Server 2008 R2 server by running the DOS command “netdom query fsmo” as
mentioned in Step1.
4. Check the network for any remaining Windows Server 2003 domain controllers. If
there are Windows Server 2003 domain controllers remaining, run dcpromo on all
Windows Server 2003 domain controllers and complete the steps in “How to
Cleanup Active Directory After Domain Controller Demotion” on page 591.
5. If one or more Windows Server 2003 domain controllers are not connected, live, or
permanently taken offline without performing proper decommissioning, perform the
steps in “How to Cleanup Domain Controllers That Are Not Decommissioned” on
page 595.
6. Clean up the DNS entries of obsolete domain controllers (that are taken offline with-
out being decommissioned). Follow the steps in “How to Cleanup DNS” on
page 596.
7. As part of the cleanup procedure, remove all addresses in the Host file “c:\win-
dows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts”. Figure K-10 is the screen shot of an empty hosts
Appendix K. Troubleshooting PDC Migration B0700SX – Rev F
If you use the ADSI Edit snap-in, the LDP utility, or any other LDAP
version 3 client, and you incorrectly modify the attributes of Active
Directory objects, you can cause invalid configuration, which may
require you to reinstall Microsoft Active Directory Server. Schneider
Electric cannot guarantee that detected problems that occur if you
incorrectly modify Active Directory object attributes can be solved.
Modify these attributes at your own risk.
The Active Directory Installation Wizard (Dcpromo.exe) is used for promoting a server to a
domain controller and for demoting a domain controller to a member server (or to a stand-alone
server in a workgroup if the domain controller is the last in the domain). As part of the demotion
process, the wizard removes the configuration data for the domain controller from Active Direc-
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix K. Troubleshooting PDC Migration
The administrator must also make sure that replication has occurred
since the demotion before manually removing the NTDS Settings
object for any server. Using the Ntdsutil utility incorrectly may result in
partial or complete loss of Active Directory functionality.
If you try to connect to the same server that you want to delete, when you try to
delete the server that step 15 refers to, you may receive this system message:
Error 2094. The DSA Object cannot be deleted0x2094
6. Type quit, and then press <Enter>. The Metadata Cleanup menu appears.
7. Type select operation target and press <Enter>.
8. Type list domains and press <Enter>. A list of domains in the forest is displayed,
each with an associated number.
9. Type select domain <number> and press <Enter>, where <number> is the number
associated with the domain the server you are removing. The domain you select is
used to determine whether the server being removed is the last domain controller of
that domain.
Appendix K. Troubleshooting PDC Migration B0700SX – Rev F
10. Type list sites and press <Enter>. A list of sites, each with an associated number,
11. Type select site <number> and press <Enter>, where <number> is the number
associated with the site the server you are removing. You should receive a confirmation
listing the site and domain you chose.
12. Type list servers in site and press <Enter>. A list of servers in the site, each
with an associated number, is displayed.
13. Type select server <number>, where <number> is the number associated with the
server you want to remove. You receive a confirmation listing the selected server, its
Domain Name System (DNS) host name, and the location of the server's computer
account you want to remove.
14. Type quit and press <Enter>. The Metadata Cleanup menu appears.
15. Type remove selected server and press <Enter>. You should receive confirma-
tion that the removal completed successfully. If you receive this message, the NTDS
Settings object may already be removed from Active Directory as the result of another
administrator removing the NTDS Settings object or replication of the successful
removal of the object after running the DCPROMO utility.
Error 8419 (0x20E3)
The DSA object could not be found
You may also see this message when you try to bind to the domain controller that
will be removed. Ntdsutil has to bind to a domain controller other than the one that
will be removed with metadata cleanup.
16. Type quit, and then press <Enter> at each menu quit the Ntdsutil utility. You
should receive confirmation that the connection disconnected successfully.
17. Remove the cname record in the _msdcs.root domain of forest zone in DNS. Assum-
ing that domain controller will be reinstalled and re-promoted, a new NTDS Settings
object is created with a new GUID and a matching cname record in DNS. The
domain controllers that exist should not use the old cname record.
As best practice, you should delete the host name and other DNS records. If the lease
time that remains on Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) address
assigned to offline server is exceeded then another client can obtain the IP address of
the problem domain controller.
18. In the DNS console, use the DNS MMC to delete the A record in DNS. The
A record is also known as the Host record. To delete the A record, right-click the
A record, and then click Delete. Also, delete the cname record in the _msdcs con-
tainer. To do this, expand the _msdcs container, right-click cname, and then click
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix K. Troubleshooting PDC Migration
If this is a DNS server, remove the reference to this domain controller under the
Name Servers tab. To do this, in the DNS console, click the domain name under
Forward Lookup Zones, and then remove this server from the Name Servers tab.
If you have reverse lookup zones, also remove the server from these zones.
19. If the deleted computer is the last domain controller in a child domain, and the child
domain was also deleted, use ADSIEdit to delete the trustDomain object for the child.
To do this, follow these steps:
a. Click Start, click Run, type adsiedit.msc, and then click OK.
b. Expand the Domain NC container.
c. Expand DC=Your Domain, DC=COM, PRI, LOCAL, NET.
d. Expand CN=System.
e. Right-click the Trust Domain object, and then click Delete.
20. Use Active Directory Sites and Services to remove the domain controller. To do this,
follow these steps:
a. Start Active Directory Sites and Services.
b. Expand Sites.
c. Expand the server's site. The default site is Default-First-Site-Name.
d. Expand Server.
e. Right-click the domain controller, and then click Delete.
21. When you use DFS Replication in Windows Server 2008 and in later versions, the
current version of Ntdsutil.exe does not clean up the DFS Replication object. In this
case, you can use Adsiedit.msc to correct the DFS Replication objects for Active
Directory Domain Services (AD DS) manually. To do this, follow these steps:
a. Logon a domain controller as a domain administrator in the affected domain.
b. Start Adsiedit.msc.
c. Connect to the default naming context.
d. Locate the following DFS Replication topology container:
CN=Topology,CN=Domain System Volume,CN=DFSR-Globalsettings,CN=Sys-
tem,DC=Your Domain,DC=Domain Suffix
e. Delete the msDFSR-Member CN object that has the old computer name.
Appendix K. Troubleshooting PDC Migration B0700SX – Rev F
Proceed as follows:
1. Open Active Directory Users and Computers.
On the Start menu, select Administrative Tools, and then click Active Direc-
tory Users and Computers.
2. If you have identified replication partners in preparation for this procedure and if you
are not connected to a replication partner of the removed domain controller whose
metadata you are cleaning up, right-click Active Directory Users and Comput-
ers <DomainControllerName>, and then click Change Domain Controller. Click
the name of the domain controller from which you want to remove the metadata, and
then click OK.
3. Expand the domain of the domain controller that was forcibly removed, and then
click Domain Controllers.
4. In the details pane, right-click the computer object of the domain controller whose
metadata you want to clean up, and then click Delete.
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix K. Troubleshooting PDC Migration
5. In the Active Directory Domain Services dialog box, click Yes to confirm the com-
puter object deletion.
6. In the Deleting Domain Controller dialog box, select This Domain Controller is
permanently offline and can no longer be demoted using the Active
Directory Domain Services Installation Wizard (DCPROMO), and then
click Delete.
Figure K-12. Active Directory Users and Computers - Delete Computer - Part 2
7. If the domain controller is a global catalog server, in the Delete Domain Controller
dialog box, click Yes to continue with the deletion.
8. If the domain controller currently holds one or more operations master roles, click OK
to move the role or roles to the domain controller that is shown.
You cannot change this domain controller. If you want to move the role to a different domain
controller, you must move the role after you complete the server metadata cleanup procedure.
Appendix K. Troubleshooting PDC Migration B0700SX – Rev F
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix K. Troubleshooting PDC Migration
Appendix L. Pre-Migration Settings
for PDCs with Pre-Control Core
Services v9.3
This appendix provides procedures for configuring the pre-migration settings for a PDC
running pre-Control Core Services v9.3 software.
Proceed as follows:
1. On the existing PDC with Windows Server 2008 and pre-Control Core Services v9.3
software, login as IADomainAdmin user, and from the Run field, and open
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix L. Pre-Migration Settings for PDCs with Pre-Control Core Services v9.3
2. Once the console is opened, navigate to the “Invensys IA Computers v1.0” policy as
shown below.
Appendix L. Pre-Migration Settings for PDCs with Pre-Control Core Services v9.3 B0700SX – Rev F
3. Right-click on “Invensys IA Computers v1.0” and select Edit. This opens the Group
Policy Management Editor.
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix L. Pre-Migration Settings for PDCs with Pre-Control Core Services v9.3
Appendix L. Pre-Migration Settings for PDCs with Pre-Control Core Services v9.3 B0700SX – Rev F
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix L. Pre-Migration Settings for PDCs with Pre-Control Core Services v9.3
7. Select the Trusted Publishers tab and uncheck “Define these Policy Settings”.
Then click OK.
Now the migration can be started.
8. After the migration is successful, recheck the “Define these Policy Settings” checkbox.
Appendix M. Files to Back
This appendix details the Local Edition Control Core Services files and directories to consider
backing up when migrating from I/A Series software v8.8 or earlier or Control Core Services
v9.0-9.3 to Control Core Services v9.4 on a hard drive of a Windows workstation for
restoration onto the Day 0 drive.
You can back up the user files, and files that support applications.
Saving Files
For workstations running the Windows operating system, files have to be saved to removable
media or some other medium, for example, a recordable CD in order for the files to be restored
after the installation.
CNI Files
On the CSA server workstation:
♦ C:\ProgramData\Invensys\IASeries\AccessListEditor\cs_devmon_CNI.cfg
♦ C:\ProgramData\Invensys\IASeries\AccessListEditor\NamespaceMap.xml
♦ C:\ProgramData\Invensys\IASeries\AccessListEditor\ConnectionSettings\CNIConfig.x
On the CNI host workstations:
♦ C:\ProgramData\Invensys\IASeries\AccessListEditor\*.xml {For the entire set of
Access List configuration files}
Application Databases
Consider backing up the following application database files. These files reside on the D: drive of
a Windows workstation.
Files requiring changes need to be recustomized.
It is inadvisable to only replace Day 0 files with older files.
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix M. Files to Back Up/Restore
For detailed information on saving the AIM*Historian database, refer to AIM*Historian User's
Guide (B0193YL) and AIM*AT Installation Guide (B0193YM).
Stop the processes that write to the database (Historian, AIM*Historian, or
FoxAMI™, for example).
Control Libraries
♦ \opt\fox\ciocfg\sequenlibrary
♦ \opt\fox\ciocfg\sequeninclude
♦ \opt\fox\ciocfg\plblibrary
Display-Related Files
Back up every customized display file. No display file conversion is necessary when migrating dis-
play files from a pre-V8.x Windows workstation. Display file conversion may be needed if you
have displays from a UNIX-based workstation that you would like to port to a V8.x Windows sys-
tem. Refer to the appendix titled, “Display Convert Utility” in FoxDraw™ Software (B0700FD)
for instructions on using the conversion utility.
Customized markers, fonts, faceplates, and so forth, developed using the FoxDraw package, are
stored in the directory /opt/customer/displib.
Consider backing up the following display-related files. These files reside on the D: drive of a
Windows workstation.
♦ \usr\fox\alarms\<logical_name>AAtab1
♦ \usr\fox\alarms\<logical_name>AApan1
♦ \usr\fox\alarms\commgrp.cfg
♦ \usr\fox\alarms\alarms.fmt
♦ \usr\fox\alarms\<logical_name>.apc (or <logical_name>.apccr)1
♦ \usr\fox\alarms\horn.cfg
♦ \usr\fox\wp\data\wp5?_cmds2
♦ \usr\fox\wp\data\wp5?_glbls.12
♦ \usr\fox\wp\data\wp5?_glbls.all2
♦ \usr\fox\wp\data\am_cmds2
1. Before restoration, make sure file names contain the correct workstation’s logical name.
2. Files requiring changes need to be recustomized. It is inadvisable to simply replace Day 0 files with
older files.
Appendix M. Files to Back Up/Restore B0700SX – Rev F
♦ \usr\fox\customer\hi\dmcfg2
♦ \usr\fox\customer\alarms\cfg2
♦ \usr\fox\customer\config2
♦ \opt\menus
♦ \opt\disp
♦ \usr\disp
♦ \opt\customer
♦ \opt\custom\Initial_Disp.*2
♦ \opt\fox\env\*.*2
♦ Customer Display Files.
System-Related Files
Consider backing up the following system-related files. These files reside on the D: drive of a
Windows workstation.
Application Files
♦ \etc\fox\opsys_usr.cfg3
Reinstallation of third-party packages mandates that the original or a newer version
of the package media is available. Consult with the vendor to determine compatibil-
ity and rekeying requirements.
3. New (Day 0) versions of these files may need customization using data from your older files. It is
inadvisable to simply replace the Day 0 files with the older files.
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix M. Files to Back Up/Restore
In the following CSA procedures, keep in mind that the term “50 Series” applies to
workstations running the UNIX operating system, and the term “70 Series” applies
to workstations running the Windows operating system.
To perform the CSA operations below, you need to be in a VT100 session or Command prompt
window on the CSA host station.
♦ On 50 Series stations, use a WYSE terminal or start a VT100 session from the
SftMnt pull-down menu.
♦ On 70 Series stations, start up a Command Prompt window, and type the following
to get into a Shell mode:
The CSA_Save operation might not succeed for individual stations that have com-
pounds without blocks. When this occurs, remove the empty compound, using the
Integrated Control Configurator, and retry the CSA_Save operation.
1. Back up the CSA database files. Before performing this operation, consider the
♦ An empty directory has to be available for the CSA_Save operation. The
(CSA_Save) operation might not succeed for stations for which a file already
♦ For drive space requirements, assume that you need 15 KB of space per control
station. Use the df command to check available drive space in the /usr partition.
2. Type the following:
cd /usr/fox/csa
mkdir save
CSA_Save ./save
This saves the CSA files in the /usr/fox/csa/save directory. There is one text file for
each control station.
Appendix M. Files to Back Up/Restore B0700SX – Rev F
Relocating CSA
After modifying System Definition to move CSA to a new host, you have to perform these proce-
1. Perform a CSA_Save operation on the original host. Refer to “Backing Up CSA
(CSA_Save)” on page 608 for more information.
If you perform a Day 1 operation in order to move the Compound Summary Access
(CSA) server package from one workstation with CCS v9.4 to another workstation
with CCS v9.4 and you have performed deployments to CNI stations involving
CNI hosted alarm destinations, the following special action is required.
Move the C:\ProgramData\Invensys\IASeries\AccessListEdi-
tor\cs_devmon_CNI.cfg file from the old CSA workstation to the new CSA work-
station prior to initiating any subsequent deployments to the CNI stations.
Furthermore, copy the following CNI configuration files to the new CSA server
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix M. Files to Back Up/Restore
3. Install CSA on the new host (as part of a Day 0 or Day 1 installation) using the com-
mitted configuration files from the updated System Definition.
4. Perform a CSA_Merge operation on the new host. Refer to “Restoring CSA
(CSA_Merge)” on page 610 for more information.
The CSA Server does not start and CSA_Merge utility does not work on the new
host until CSA has been removed from the original host.
Appendix N. Local Administrator
Login on Windows 10, Windows
Server 2016 Machines
On Windows 10/Windows Server 2016 images supplied by Foxboro, the only administrator is an
account named “Account1”. After these machines join the domain on which Invensys/Schneider
Electric GPOs are applied, only local administrators are allowed for local login. Domain users
(even non-administrators) however are still allowed login.
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix N. Local Administrator Login on Windows 10, Windows Server 2016 Machines
have the ability to log in using the local “Account1” user account. To keep this from happening,
perform these steps before starting the migration process.
1. On the source Windows Server 2008 Primary Domain Controller, login as a domain
administrator user such as IADomainAdmin.
2. Open the Group Policy Management Console (gpmc.msc).
3. Navigate to and expand “Forest:{ForestName} -> Domains -> {DomainName} ->
Group Policy Objects” node.
4. Right click on the “Invensys IA Computers v1.0” GPO and select Edit.
5. Navigate to and click on the “Computer Configurations -> Policies -> Windows
Settings -> Security Settings -> Restricted Groups” node.
6. Double-click Administrators on the right side view.
7. Add “Account1” to “Members of this group” by clicking the Add… button
8. Close Group Policy Management Control.
Appendix O. Verifying Group
Policy Settings Before Migration
This appendix provides procedures for verifying and importing Group Policy (GPO) settings
before migration.
All the steps described in this Appendix must be performed on the Server 2008 domain controller
using the IADomainAdmin account.
The following GPOs should be checked to verify that they are not empty:
♦ Invensys Base Non-IA v1.0
♦ Invensys Base Policy v1.0
♦ Invensys Domain Controllers Policy v1.0
♦ Invensys Domain Policy v1.0
♦ Invensys Enhanced Interactive Logon Banner ON v1.0
♦ Invensys Enhanced Screen Saver Enabled Filtered v1.0
♦ Invensys FoxView Environments v1.0
♦ Invensys IA Users Filtered v1.0
♦ Invensys Interactive Logon Banner OFF v1.0
♦ Invensys Plant Admins Filtered v1.0
♦ Invensys Plant Engineers Filtered v1.0
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix O. Verifying Group Policy Settings Before Migration
Appendix O. Verifying Group Policy Settings Before Migration B0700SX – Rev F
11. In the Backup Folder field, provide the following path to the GPO settings:
The actual path will change based on where you have extracted the GPO zip files.
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix O. Verifying Group Policy Settings Before Migration
Appendix P. Linking Custom GPOs
to Any CCS/CS Specific OUs
This appendix provides the guidelines for linking custom GPOs to any of the Foxboro Control
Core Services (CCS) and/or Control Software (CS) specific OUs.
Foxboro supplied GPOs for Control Core Services (CCS) and Control Software (CS) products
are linked to various OUs. The following list shows the OUs to which these GPOs are linked:
♦ \<domain level>
♦ \<Domain>\Domain Controllers
♦ \<Domain>\Invensys
♦ \<Domain>\Invensys\Accounts
♦ \<Domain>\Invensys\IA Computers
♦ \<Domain>\Invensys\IA Computers\Autologon Consoles
♦ \<Domain>\Invensys\IA Computers\Remote Desktop Servers
♦ \<Domain>\Invensys\IA Computers\Remote Desktop Servers\Thin Client Accessible
♦ \<Domain>\Invensys\Non-IA Servers
♦ \<Domain>\Invensys\Non-IA Workstations
Loss of Data
When necessary, you can create custom GPOs and link them to the above mentioned OUs to
meet your own operational needs. If that is the case, it is important to be aware of the following
guidelines for linking these custom GPOs:
♦ Ensure that the custom GPOs do not have settings that conflict with the settings in
the Foxboro supplied GPOs.
♦ If you are absolutely certain that the settings do not conflict, then the custom
GPO can be linked in any order within an OU.
♦ If any of your custom GPO settings must take precedence over the Foxboro sup-
plied GPO settings, you must link it at the highest level in the OU.
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix P. Linking Custom GPOs to Any CCS/CS Specific OUs
When the custom GPO settings conflict with the Foxboro supplied GPO settings,
it is assumed that you are fully aware of the potential consequences to the product
functionality. A GPO with the least linking order takes the highest precedence; that
is, its GPO settings overwrite any of the same GPO settings that were processed
before it.
♦ Regardless of the link order of your custom GPO in an OU, do preserve the relative
linking order of the Foxboro supplied GPOs, which is the sequence of the Foxboro
supplied GPOs linked to a specific OU.
Figure P-1 shows an example of the relative linking order of the Foxboro supplied
GPOs to the IA Computers OU. The GPOs include CCS and CS GPOs.
In Figure P-1, the Foxboro Evo CNI Computer Policy 1.0 is applied (processed) first
among the other GPOs linked to the IA Computers OU because its linking order
number (Link Order 6) is the highest. This GPO is followed by the other GPOs in
the following relative linking order:
♦ Invensys FoxView Environments v1.0 (Link Order 5)
♦ Invensys IA Computers v2.0 (Link Order 4)
♦ SE Server 2016 Member Server Secuity Compliance v1.0 (Link Order 3)
♦ SE Win10 Computer Security Compliance v1.0 (Link Order 2)
♦ FCS Computers v2.0 (Link Order 1)
To avoid an incorrect relative linking order for the Foxboro supplied GPOs, do not
change the sequence of these GPOs being applied.
Appendix P. Linking Custom GPOs to Any CCS/CS Specific OUs B0700SX – Rev F
Example 2 - Correct
In Figure P-3, the custom GPO is at Link Order 7 which means it gets applied first. Since the rel-
ative linking order of the Foxboro supplied GPOs (Links 6 thru 1) remains unchanged, this link
order is acceptable.
Example 3 - Correct
In Figure P-4, the custom GPO is at Link Order 3 which means it gets applied fifth in the order
from first to last (Link 7 to Link 3). Since the relative linking order of the Foxboro supplied GPOs
remains unchanged, this link order is acceptable.
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix P. Linking Custom GPOs to Any CCS/CS Specific OUs
Example 4 - Incorrect
In Figure P-5, the custom GPO is at Link Order 3, which means it is applied fifth in the order
from first to last. This is NOT acceptable because the relative linking order of the Foxboro sup-
plied GPOs is also changed as shown in Link 1 and 2. Observe that FCS Computers v2.0 is
applied before SE Win10 Computer Security Compliance v1.0 which is incorrect and this
reverse order will cause issues with CS product behavior.
Appendix P. Linking Custom GPOs to Any CCS/CS Specific OUs B0700SX – Rev F
Figure P-6. Linked Group Policy Objects - CustomGPO - Link Order 1 through 6
However, when CCS 9.4 is installed, the GPO ordering is redone/changed as shown in
Figure P-7. Since the customer’s custom GPOs are meant to intentionally change settings set by
the Foxboro supplied GPOs, these custom GPOs must be moved so they can be applied last.
Figure P-8 shows the corrected and final view of the IA Computers OU once the custom GPOs
and Foxboro supplied GPOs have been properly re-ordered. The custom GPOs take precedence
since they are applied last.
B0700SX – Rev F Appendix P. Linking Custom GPOs to Any CCS/CS Specific OUs
Figure P-8. Linked Group Policy Objects - Previous Custom GPO Link Order Re-ordered Properly
Appendix P. Linking Custom GPOs to Any CCS/CS Specific OUs B0700SX – Rev F
Schneider Electric Systems USA, Inc.
38 Neponset Avenue
Foxborough, MA 02035-2037
United States of America