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B0700BG B

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The document discusses troubleshooting Modbus communication issues for both serial and Ethernet/TCP connections. It provides information on checking configuration, hardware, cabling, and performance issues that could cause problems.

Common issues that can cause Modbus communication problems include incorrect configuration of device addresses, port settings, modem settings, physical cabling/connection issues, and performance issues like slow device response times exceeding timeouts.

For serial Modbus, the document suggests checking termination assembly switch settings, cabling, modem jumper/switch settings, slave address configuration, port configuration, and minimizing message traffic. It also discusses using a serial data analyzer to view Modbus messages and exception codes.



I/A Series System

FDSI Driver Modbus (Serial and TCP/IP)
December 15, 2004
Invensys, Foxboro, FoxSelect, FoxView, and I/A Series are trademarks of Invensys plc, its subsidiaries, and
All other brand names may be trademarks of their respective owners.

Copyright 2004 Invensys Systems, Inc.

All rights reserved


Before using the Invensys Systems, Inc. supplied software supported by this documentation, you
should read and understand the following information concerning copyrighted software.
1. The license provisions in the software license for your system govern your obligations
and usage rights to the software described in this documentation. If any portion of
those license provisions is violated, Invensys Systems, Inc. will no longer provide you
with support services and assumes no further responsibilities for your system or its
2. All software issued by Invensys Systems, Inc. and copies of the software that you are
specifically permitted to make, are protected in accordance with Federal copyright
laws. It is illegal to make copies of any software media provided to you by
Invensys Systems, Inc. for any purpose other than those purposes mentioned in the
software license.
Figures................................................................................................................................... vii

Tables..................................................................................................................................... ix

Preface.................................................................................................................................... xi
Who This Document Is For ..................................................................................................... xi
What You Should Know .......................................................................................................... xi
Revision Information ............................................................................................................... xi
Reference Documents .............................................................................................................. xi
I/A Series Documents .......................................................................................................... xi
Modbus Protocol Documents ............................................................................................ xii

1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 1
What You Will Need ................................................................................................................ 2
Software ............................................................................................................................... 2
FDSI Configurator .......................................................................................................... 2
Hardware ............................................................................................................................. 2
Invensys Foxboro Hardware ............................................................................................ 2
Modbus Hardware ........................................................................................................... 2
Example Configurations ............................................................................................................ 3
Simplex (Non-Redundant) Configurations .......................................................................... 3
Redundant Configurations ................................................................................................... 4

2. Installation ........................................................................................................................ 5
Installing the Modbus Master Driver Files ................................................................................ 5
Installing the FDSI Configurator Software ................................................................................ 5

3. Configuration and Download Instructions........................................................................ 7

Sequence of Configuration Overview ........................................................................................ 7
I/A Series Control and FDSI Driver Configuration ................................................................... 9
Port Configuration ............................................................................................................. 10
Creating/Modifying a Port Configuration File for FBM230/231 ................................... 10
Creating/Modifying a Port Configuration File for FBM232/FBM233 .......................... 12
Saving the Port Configuration File ................................................................................ 13
Configuring I/A Series Control Blocks ............................................................................... 13
Configuring an ECB200/ECB202 ................................................................................. 14
Device Configuration ......................................................................................................... 16
Configuring an ECB201 ................................................................................................ 16
Configuring DCI Blocks for Points ............................................................................... 18

B0700BG Rev B Contents

FDSI Driver Download and Startup Instructions .................................................................... 22

4. Principles of Operation ................................................................................................... 23

FDSI FBM Operation ............................................................................................................. 23
Redundant FBM Operation .................................................................................................... 24
Modbus Driver ....................................................................................................................... 24
ECB201 Operation ................................................................................................................. 25
Memory Allocation and Data Types ........................................................................................ 25
Data Conversions Between the Device and the I/A Series System ....................................... 27
Byte Swapping Options for Data Types U2, U4, S2, S4, and F4 ................................... 28
Bit Mirroring Option for Data Types U2, U4, S2, S4, and F4 ...................................... 28
Reading or Writing a 16-bit Register ............................................................................. 28
Reading or Writing 32-bit Data from Two Contiguous 16-bit Registers ....................... 28
Bit Swapping Options for Coils or Input Status Data Type ........................................... 32
Data Types for DCI Input/Output Blocks ......................................................................... 32
Reading 32-bit Data from Modbus Devices ................................................................... 33
PAKIN/PAKOUT Blocks .................................................................................................. 33
Usage in Coils and Input Status ..................................................................................... 33
Usage in Input Registers and Holding Registers ............................................................ 34
Heartbeat ................................................................................................................................ 35
Floating Point Support ............................................................................................................ 35
Long Integer Support .............................................................................................................. 35
Device Fail Operation ............................................................................................................. 35

5. Error Handling................................................................................................................ 37
Modbus Write and Response Errors ........................................................................................ 37
Loss of Communications Monitoring ...................................................................................... 37
DCI Block Status in FoxView ................................................................................................. 38
Device Status in SMDH ......................................................................................................... 38
Failover ................................................................................................................................... 39
Capacity and Limitations ........................................................................................................ 39

6. Modbus Protocol............................................................................................................. 41
Modbus Protocol Options ....................................................................................................... 41
Modbus Function Codes Supported .............................................................................. 41
Modbus Protocol Operation ................................................................................................... 42
Modbus Exception Codes ....................................................................................................... 47

7. Troubleshooting.............................................................................................................. 49
Serial Communications (FBM230/231) .................................................................................. 49

Contents B0700BG Rev B

Ethernet Communications (FBM232/233) ............................................................................. 50

Modbus Error Returns ............................................................................................................ 50

B0700BG Rev B Contents

1-1. Simplex Configuration Example, Serial (FBM230) ....................................................... 3
1-2. Simplex Configuration Example, Ethernet (FBM232) .................................................. 3
1-3. Redundant Configuration Example, Serial (FBM231) .................................................. 4
1-4. Redundant Configuration Example, Ethernet (FBM233) ............................................. 4
3-1. Typical Sequence for Installing and Configuring the I/A Series System with FDSI ....... 9
3-2. Serial Port Configuration Using FDSI Configurator ................................................... 12
3-3. Ethernet Port Configuration Using FDSI Configurator .............................................. 13
3-4. I/A Series Control Database Configuration for Use with the Modbus Master Driver
on an FBM232 and an FCP270 or ZCP270 ............................................................... 14

B0700BG Rev B Figures

1-1. Modbus Function Codes ............................................................................................... 1
3-1. Baud Rate/Response Timeout Values .......................................................................... 11
3-2. Parameter Definitions for ECB200 ............................................................................. 15
3-3. PORTEX Values ......................................................................................................... 15
3-4. Parameter Definitions for ECB202 ............................................................................. 16
3-5. Parameter Definitions for ECB201 ............................................................................. 17
4-1. Data Types and Memory Allocation for Modbus Devices ........................................... 25
4-2. DCI Blocks, Modbus Register Addresses, and Function Codes
with 5-Digit Addressing .............................................................................................. 26
4-3. DCI Blocks, Modbus Register Addresses, and Function Codes Z
with 6-Digit Addressing .............................................................................................. 26
4-4. Byte Swapping Options for Data Types U2, U4, S2, S4, and F4 ................................ 28
4-5. Bit Swapping Options for Coils Data Type ................................................................. 32
4-6. Data Types for DCI Input/Output Blocks .................................................................. 32
5-1. SMDH ECB201 Display on FBM230/232 (Non-Redundant) ................................... 37
5-2. SMDH ECB201 Display on FBM231/233 (Redundant) ............................................ 37
6-1. Supported Modbus Function Codes ........................................................................... 41

B0700BG Rev B Tables

This document describes the I/A Series System Field Device System Integrator Modbus Master
driver utilizing FBMs 230, 231, 232, and 233.

Who This Document Is For

This document is intended for the use of process control engineers and operators, instrument and
maintenance engineers and other qualified and authorized personnel involved in setting up, con-
figuring and maintaining I/A Series equipment to provide Modbus Master communications

What You Should Know

Basic information not covered in this document is covered in detail in the Field Device System
Integrators (FBM230/231/232/233) Users Guide (B0700AH). You should be generally familiar
with the I/A Series system, and with the DIN Rail Mounted Subsystem Users Guide (B0400FA).
Detailed information relating to the various I/A Series software and hardware elements is found in
the reference documents listed below.
You should also be generally aware of serial and TCP/IP communication.

Revision Information
This is the second release of this document.

Reference Documents
The following documents provide additional and related information:

I/A Series Documents

You should be familiar with the following I/A Series documents:
Field Device System Integrators (FBM230/231/232/233) Users Guide (B0700AH)
DIN Rail Mounted Subsystem Users Guide (B0400FA)
Field Device System Integrator FBM230 (PSS 21H-2Z30 B4)
Field Device System Integrator FBM231 (PSS 21H-2Z31 B4)
Field Device System Integrator FBM232 (PSS 21H-2Z32 B4)
Field Device System Integrator FBM233 (PSS 21H-2Z34 B4)

B0700BG Rev B Preface

Modbus Protocol Documents

For additional information, refer to the following Modbus protocol documentation:
Open Modbus/TCP Specification Release 1.0, March 1999, Schneider Electric.
Modicon Modbus Protocol Reference Guide PI-MBUS-300 Rev. J, June 1996,
MODICON, Inc. Industrial Automation Systems.

1. Introduction
This chapter provides an introduction to the Modbus Master driver for Foreign Device System
Integrators, and describes what you will need for configuration of an FBM230, 231, 232, or
233 to interface with Modbus devices.
The Modbus protocol, originally a proprietary messaging specification by Gould-Modicon, has
evolved into a globally accepted open standard for communication between field devices. The
Modbus protocol specifies the master-slave/query-response message structure that controllers can
recognize and use.
The Modbus Master driver is specifically designed to enable the integration of third-party devices
that support Modbus communication protocols into an I/A Series system. You can download the
Modbus Master driver into FDSI FBMs 230, 231, 232, and 233, thus enabling the I/A Series sys-
tem to translate and use vendor-defined functions of a broad range of Modbus compliant devices.
Devices that can successfully communicate with FDSI Modbus Master FBMs are those that sup-
port some subset of the Modbus Function codes listed in Table 1-1.
Modbus is a master/slave protocol. The Modbus master driver causes the Invensys Foxboro
system to act as the master, sending messages to a Modbus device acting as a slave. When the
FDSI receives responses from the messages it sends to the Modbus devices, it processes them and
updates the appropriate I/O points in the CP.
This document explains the procedure to install and configure the Modbus Master driver on a
FBM230/231/232/233. The driver communicates with Modbus controllers as follows:
Serially, via Modbus RTU and Modbus ASCII
Ethernet TCP/IP via Modbus TCP.
The Modbus Master driver is contained in the file Modbus.ziph, which runs on any of the appro-
priate FBMs (230-233). The FDSI driver is responsible for receiving the Modbus devices point
values as well as sending Foxboros point values.

Table 1-1. Modbus Function Codes

Code Function
01 Read Coil Status
02 Read Input Status
03 Read Holding Registers
04 Read Input Registers
05 Force Single Coil
06 Preset Single Register
081 Loopback Diagnostic Test
15 Force Multiple Coils
16 Preset Multiple Registers
1. Supported for data diagnostic code only.

B0700BG Rev B 1. Introduction

What You Will Need

The Modbus Master driver is delivered on a single CD-ROM accompanied by this user guide.
The driver is downloaded to the FBM230/231/232/233 from the file called Modbus.ziph, and
provides these FBMs with the capability to read and write Modbus device data points.

FDSI Configurator
The FDSI Configurator is delivered on a single CD-ROM (separate from the driver CD-ROM)
and is installed on a PC running the Windows XP operating system. The FDSI Configurator is
responsible for creating the port configuration files that are used by the Modbus FBM download-
able driver.

The delivered driver supports the following Invensys Foxboro and Modbus hardware. Refer to
Field Device System Integrators (FBM230/231/232/233) Users Guide (B0700AH) for detailed
installation instructions.

Invensys Foxboro Hardware

Depending on which Modbus devices and methods of communication you are using, you need
one or more of the following FDSI FBMs:
The FBM230 provides an interface between single-ported Modbus devices and an
I/A Series FCP/ZCP270 via non-redundant serial connections. The FBM230 has
four serial ports that can be independently software configured for either RS-232, RS-
422, or RS-485 physical interface standards.
The FBM231, used in pairs, provides a redundant version of the FBM230 for dual-
ported Modbus devices. The same four independently software configured, serial
ports as in the FBM230 are available.
The FBM232 provides an interface between single-ported Modbus devices and an
I/A Series FCP/ZCP270 via a single Ethernet connection. The FBM232 has a
10/100 Mbps copper Ethernet connection.
The FBM233, used in pairs, provides a redundant version of the FBM232 for dual-
ported Modbus Ethernet devices. The FBM233 uses a 10/100 Mbps copper Ethernet
The FBM230/231/232/233 and the Field Control Processor 270 (FCP270), or the Z-Module
Control Processor (ZCP270) together with a connected Fieldbus Communications Module
(FCM100Et), provide a communication interface between the I/A Series system and the field

Modbus Hardware
Serial Hardware via Modbus RTU and Modbus ASCII
Ethernet Hardware via ModbusTCP.

1. Introduction B0700BG Rev B

Example Configurations
Simplex (Non-Redundant) Configurations


Termination Assembly

Device 1

Device 16

Figure 1-1. Simplex Configuration Example, Serial (FBM230)



Device 1 Device 64

Figure 1-2. Simplex Configuration Example, Ethernet (FBM232)

B0700BG Rev B 1. Introduction

Redundant Configurations

FBM231 FBM231
(Main) (Backup)

Termination Assembly Termination Assembly

Port 1 Port 2 Port 1 Port 2

RS-232 RS-232

Device 1
RS-485 RS-485

Device 16

Figure 1-3. Redundant Configuration Example, Serial (FBM231)

FBM233 FBM233
(Main) (Backup)

Switch/Hub Switch/Hub

Device 1

Device 64

Figure 1-4. Redundant Configuration Example, Ethernet (FBM233)

2. Installation
This chapter describes the installation procedures for the Modbus Master driver. After these
installation procedures are complete, proceed to Chapter 3 Configuration and Download

Installing the Modbus Master Driver Files

FDSI Driver installation deposits files into specific directories and therefore, does not require
shutting down the I/A Series software nor rebooting the I/A Series workstation.
Install the Modbus Master driver on the workstation hosting the control station that is controlling
the FDSI FBM. If a version of the driver already exists on the workstation, uninstall it before
installing a new FDSI driver. Refer to instructions in Field Device System Integrators
(FBM230/231/232/233) Users Guide (B0700AH).
To install the FDSI Driver:
1. Insert the Modbus Master driver installation CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.
The FDSI setup program starts automatically.
2. Follow the instructions presented in the dialog boxes that appear.
3. Click Finish to complete the installation.
The Modbus.ziph file and example XML configuration files are installed in the
usr\fox\sp\files\devices directory on the host I/A Series workstation.

Installing the FDSI Configurator Software

Configuration of the Modbus Master driver requires FDSI Configurator software. Perform the
following steps as needed:
1. If you are installing the FDSI Configurator on an I/A Series workstation, shutdown
the I/A Series software before installing the FDSI Configurator.
2. If you already have the FDSI Configurator installed on your system, uninstall it before
installing a new version.
3. Insert the FDSI Configurator installation CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive, and
the setup program starts automatically. Take the defaults presented to you during the
installation. For more information, follow the instructions in Field Device System Inte-
grators (FBM230/231/232/233) Users Guide (B0700AH).

B0700BG Rev B 2. Installation

3. Configuration and Download
This chapter provides instructions to configure the Modbus Master driver and download it to

Sequence of Configuration Overview

Following are the steps needed for installing and configuring an I/A Series system with the FDSI
connected to a Modbus device. The following steps assume that your I/A Series system hardware
and software have been installed.
1. Install the FDSI FBM23x as described in Field Device System Integrators
(FBM230/231/232/233) Users Guide (B0700AH).
2. Connect Modbus devices to the FDSI FBMs.
3. Install the FDSI Configurator software and the I/O device driver on the workstation.
4. Create and edit a port configuration file (.xml) using the FDSI Configurator.
5. Create and edit, if required, an ECB210 for the FCM100Et hosting the FBM(s).
Refer to DIN Rail Mounted Subsystem Users Guide (B0400FA).
6. Create and edit an ECB200 for each FBM230 or FBM232. Refer to Configuring an
ECB200/ECB202 on page 14 of this manual and to Field Device System Integrators
(FBM230/231/232/233) Users Guide (B0700AH).
7. Create and edit an ECB202 for each FBM231 or FBM233. Refer to Configuring an
ECB200/ECB202 on page 14 of this manual and to Field Device System Integrators
(FBM230/231/232/233) Users Guide (B0700AH).
8. Place FBM(s) on-line via System Management Displays (SMDH). If required, also
place FCMs on-line. See Placing the FBM On-Line in Field Device System Integra-
tors (FBM230/231/232/233) Users Guide (B0700AH).
9. Download the I/O device driver file, Modbus.ziph, from SMDH (EEPROM/SOFT
DOWNLOAD > SOFT_DOWNLOAD). Refer toFDSI Driver Download and Startup Instruc-
tions on page 22 of this manual and to and SOFT_DOWNLOAD in Field Device
System Integrators (FBM230/231/232/233) Users Guide (B0700AH).
10. Download the port configuration file from SMDH (DB DOWNLOAD). See DB Down-
load in Field Device System Integrators (FBM230/231/232/233) Users Guide
11. Enable the port on which the device is connected. Refer to SMDH Enable/Disable
Port in Field Device System Integrators (FBM230/231/232/233) Users Guide
12. Create and edit an ECB201 for each Modbus field device. Refer to Configuring an
ECB201 on page 16 of this manual and to Field Device System Integrators
(FBM230/231/232/233) Users Guide (B0700AH).

B0700BG Rev B 3. Configuration and Download Instructions

13. Using SMDH, verify that communication to the device is enabled. Refer to
Enable/Disable Communication to a Device in Field Device System Integrators
(FBM230/231/232/233) Users Guide (B0700AH).
14. Create and edit DCI blocks for all device I/O points to be processed. Refer to Con-
figuring DCI Blocks for Points on page 18.
15. Verify slave I/O data using the Block Detail displays. From the I/A Series FoxSelect
compound/block overview utility, access the Block Detail display for each DCI block
you created and confirm its data. Refer to Process Operations and Displays (B0700BN)
for instructions.
16. Checkpoint the database. For details, refer to System Management Displays (B0193JC),
I/A Series Configuration Component (IACC) Users Guide (B0400BP), or Integrated
Control Configurator (B0193AV).
Figure 3-1 shows the flow diagram indicating the sequence of operation:

3. Configuration and Download Instructions B0700BG Rev B


Install FBMs 1 Create and Edit 12

Create and Edit 7
and Associated an ECB201 for
I/A Series Equipment ECB202 (if required) Each Field Device
Each FBM231/233

2 8 Enable 13
Connect Field Place FBMs and
Communication with
Devices to TA/FBM(s) FCMs (if present)
Each Field Device

Install Configurator 3 Create and Edit 14

Download I/O 9
and I/O Device Driver DCI Blocks for
Device Driver
on Workstation Control Strategy

Create Port 4 Verify Slave I/O Data 15

Configuration File Download Port 10
Configuration File Using Block Detail
(.XML) Displays

Create, if required, 5 16
Enable Port 11 Checkpoint the
an ECB210 for
on which the Device Database
FCM Hosting FBMs
is Connected

Create and Edit 6 End

an ECB200 for
Each FBM230/232

Figure 3-1. Typical Sequence for Installing and Configuring the I/A Series System with FDSI

I/A Series Control and FDSI Driver Configuration

Following are the four main steps for configuration of your Modbus Master driver for FDSI:
1. Create, configure, and save a port configuration file.
2. Configure an ECB200/ECB202.
3. Configure a device ECB201 for each Modbus device.
4. Configure DCI blocks for data point connections.
These steps are described in the following subsections.

B0700BG Rev B 3. Configuration and Download Instructions

Port Configuration
For FBMs connected to Modbus devices, you must use the FDSI Configurator to create or mod-
ify a port configuration file for the desired FDSI FBM(s). For general instructions on creating and
modifying a new or existing port configuration file using the FDSI Configurator, refer to the sec-
tion titled Port and Device Configuration Files in Field Device System Integrators
(FBM230/231/232/233) Users Guide (B0700AH).
The Modbus Master driver installation process installs four example XML port configuration
files. The files are described below:
EtherPort.xml Example of an FBM232 DHCP-enabled Ethernet configuration.
SerPort.xml Example of an FBM230, 4-port serial configuration. Each port is con-
figured at 9600 baud, no parity, and 1 stop bit.
RedEther.xml Example of an FBM233 DHCP-enabled redundant Ethernet
RedSerial.xml Example of an FBM231 redundant 4 port serial configuration. Each
port is configured at 9600 baud, no parity, and 1 stop bit.
No_DHCP.xml Example of an FBM232 non-DHCP enabled Ethernet
The following subsections provide configuration details specific to configuring and modifying a
Modbus Master driver port configuration file. The first subsection describes modifying a port
configuration file for a serial FBM (FBM230/231), and the second describes modifying a port
configuration file for an Ethernet FBM (FBM232/233).

Creating/Modifying a Port Configuration File for FBM230/231

Figure 3-2 shows the information defined by the port configurator for serial FDSI ports: the
physical interface standard for the port (RS-232, RS-422, or RS-485), the baud rate for each port,
the parity for each port, and the driver used. Select a mode, baud rate, and parity for each port by
using the drop-down lists provided. Stop bits are automatically entered based on the parity
selected. The Driver column defines the name of the driver as well as any associated options for
each of the four serial ports in the FBM.
Enter one of the following valid driver names in the Driver column:
MODBUS or MODBUS/RTU (both use the Modbus RTU protocol)
MODBUS [+option1, +option2, +option3], or
MODBUS/ASCII [+option1, +option2, +option3]
The options in the bullet above can include any combination of the following:
+@scan rate indicates the scan rate value in tenths of a second. For example,
MODBUS+@20 in the Driver column represents a 2 second scan rate applied to all
Modbus query messages for this device. The default scan rate is 500 ms
(1/2 second).
+H adds the heartbeat option. Modbus function code 8 is used in a loopback.

3. Configuration and Download Instructions B0700BG Rev B

+TO=n configures a response timeout value to be used instead of the standard

value, where n is equal to the timeout value in tenths of a second. Vendor device
product documentation may suggest a proper response time for the device. The
FDSI response timeout period should be set to this time.
The default value of the response timeout varies with the baud rate configured.
Table 3-1 lists baud rates and the corresponding default response timeout values.

Table 3-1. Baud Rate/Response Timeout Values

Baud Rate Response Timeout Value

50 96000 ms (96 seconds)
300 16000 ms (16 seconds)
600 8000 ms (8 seconds)
1200 4000 ms (4 seconds)
2400 2000 ms (2 seconds)
4800 1000 ms (1 second)
9600 500 ms (0.5 second)
19.2k 250 ms (0.25 second)
38.4k 125 ms (0.125 second)
57.6k 125 ms (0.125 second)
115.2k 125 ms (0.125 second)

An example of these options would be:

This syntax indicates that the Modbus ASCII protocol is required, the scan rate is two
seconds, the heartbeat option is set, and the response timeout value for this device is 1

In RS-485 configurations, these configuration settings apply to all devices con-
nected to the port.

B0700BG Rev B 3. Configuration and Download Instructions

Figure 3-2. Serial Port Configuration Using FDSI Configurator

Creating/Modifying a Port Configuration File for FBM232/FBM233

For Ethernet FBMs (FBM232/FBM233), the FDSI Port Configurator defines the IP addresses of
the ports. Using the Port Configurator, enter each ports IP address (one port and one IP address
in the case of an FBM232 or two ports and two IP addresses in the case of the FBM233).
Figure 3-3 shows the configuration of a non-DHCP Ethernet port IP address for FBM232. When
DHCP is enabled, the Main and Backup address fields (IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Default
Gateway) are disabled (grayed out).
Refer to the section titled Port and Device Configuration Files in Field Device System Integrators
(FBM230/231/232/233) Users Guide (B0700AH) for detailed procedures to configure FDSI
Ethernet port IP addresses.

3. Configuration and Download Instructions B0700BG Rev B

Figure 3-3. Ethernet Port Configuration Using FDSI Configurator

Saving the Port Configuration File

Save the port configuration file. From the port or device configuration display, click File > Save or
click the save icon to open the Save XML Configuration dialog box.

After saving, you must manually copy the file to the usr\fox\sp\files\devices direc-
tory of the I/A Series host boot workstation.

Configuring I/A Series Control Blocks

The blocks to be configured and their relationship are shown in Figure 3-4. Figure 3-4 illustrates
the configuration of three points on a single Ethernet Modbus device.

B0700BG Rev B 3. Configuration and Download Instructions

Name : FCM106 Name : PLC1

Type : ECB200 Type : ECB201
DESCRP : (optional) DESCRP: (optional)
HWTYPE : 232 HWTYPE: 232
SWTYPE : 232 SWTYPE: 232
SFILID: MODBUS.ZIPH (Device Specification)
(Driver Specification)

Name : FY4059 Name : FI4059 Name : HS4059

Type : ROUT Type : RIN Type : BOUT
DESCRP: (optional) DESCRP: (optional) DESCRP: (optional)

PNT_NO: 41101 PNT_NO: 33090 PNT_NO: 02050

Figure 3-4. I/A Series Control Database Configuration for Use with the Modbus Master Driver
on an FBM232 and an FCP270 or ZCP270

Configuring an ECB200/ECB202
For each FDSI FBM, you must configure an ECB200 or ECB202. For a non-redundant FDSI
FBM, you must configure one ECB200. For each redundant FDSI FBM in a redundant pair, you
must configure an ECB202.
Refer to the section titled Control Block Configuration Information in Field Device System Inte-
grators (FBM230/231/232/233) Users Guide (B0700AH) for basic instructions to configure an
Perform the following steps in the ECB200/202 to specifically configure Modbus installations:
Set the FILEID parameter to the name of the port configuration file
(<file name>.xml).
Set the SFILID to the driver filename (MODBUS.ZIPH).
Table 3-2 and Table 3-4 describe the required parameter settings for configuration of an ECB200
or ECB202 for use with an FDSI FBM running the Modbus Master driver:

3. Configuration and Download Instructions B0700BG Rev B

Table 3-2. Parameter Definitions for ECB200

Name Setting Description
NAME * Contains the name used by the CP to access this ECB.
TYPE ECB200 Type of the block
DEV_ID FCM10X The DEV_ID parameter is a 6-character identifier of the
FBM, with the last two characters representing the base-
plate positions 00 to 08.
When the FBM is controlled by a ZCP270, the first four
characters of DEV_ID should be the same as the first
four characters of the associated FCM100Ets DEV_ID.
When the FBM is controlled by an FCP270, the first
four characters can be any characters.
HWTYPE 230/232 FBM230: 230 (non-redundant serial)
FBM232: 232 (non-redundant Ethernet)
SWTYPE 230/232 Same as HWTYPE
PORTEX * FBM230: The valid range is 1 through 15, represent-
ing the bit mask of the ports present. Refer
to Table 3-3.
FBM232: 1
FILEID * Set FILEID to the filename of the port configuration
XML file.
SFILID MODBUS.ZIPH Set the SFILID to the name of the downloadable driver
for Modbus, MODBUS.ZIPH.

The following table provides useful PORTEX parameter values that can be configured for the
FBM230 and FBM231 (serial FBMs) and their meanings. The PORTEX parameter defaults to 0,
but the valid range is 1 to 15. Make sure you set the PORTEX parameter to a value between 1 and

Table 3-3. PORTEX Values

Entered Entered Entered

Value Meaning Value Meaning Value Meaning
1 Port 1 6 Ports 2 and 3 11 Ports 1, 2, and 4
2 Port 2 7 Ports 1, 2, and 3 12 Ports 3 and 4
3 Ports 1 and 2 8 Port 4 13 Ports 1, 3, and 4
4 Port 3 9 Ports 1 and 4 14 Ports 2, 3, and 4
5 Ports 1 and 3 10 Ports 2 and 4 15 All Four Ports

B0700BG Rev B 3. Configuration and Download Instructions

Table 3-4. Parameter Definitions for ECB202

Name Setting Description
NAME * Contains the name used by the CP to access this ECB.
TYPE ECB202 Type of the block
DEV_ID FCM10X The DEV_ID parameter is a 6-character identifier of the
FBM, with the last two characters representing the base-
plate positions 0A to 0D.
When the FBM is controlled by a ZCP270, the first four
characters of DEV_ID should be the same as the first
four characters of the associated FCM100Ets DEV_ID.
When the FBM is controlled by an FCP270, the first
four characters can be any characters.
HWTYPE 231/233 FBM231: 231 (redundant serial)
FBM233: 233 (redundant Ethernet)
SWTYPE 231/233 Same as HWTYPE
PORTEX * FBM231: The valid range is 1 through 15, represent-
ing the bit mask of the ports present. Refer
to Table 3-3 above.
FBM233: 1
FILEID * Set FILEID to the filename of the port configuration
XML file.
SFILID MODBUS.ZIPH Set the SFILID to the name of the downloadable driver
for Modbus, MODBUS.ZIPH.

Device Configuration
Device configuration for the Modbus Master driver is performed entirely in DCI blocks. There
are no device configuration files required or used by the driver. Once you have configured DCI
blocks, the driver builds the required Modbus scan transactions to transfer data.
You can use the IOM_ID parameter to associate a DCI block with a specific device. The DCI
block must have the Compound:block name of the device ECB (ECB201).

Configuring an ECB201
Configure an ECB201 for each Modbus device that needs to be connected. Refer to the section
titled Control Block Configuration Information in Field Device System Integrators
(FBM230/231/232/233) Users Guide (B0700AH) for detailed instructions to configure an
ECB201. Table 3-5 describes the required parameter settings for configuration of an ECB201:

3. Configuration and Download Instructions B0700BG Rev B

Table 3-5. Parameter Definitions for ECB201

Name Setting Description
NAME * The name of the block.
TYPE ECB201 Type of the block.
DEV_ID PLCName The device ID.
HWTYPE 230/231/232/233 Same as parents HWTYPE.
SWTYPE 230/231/232/233 Same as parents SWTYPE.
PARENT * The name of this devices parent ECB200 or ECB202, in
<compound_name>:<block_name> format.
DVNAME * FBM230: Modbus Device Address1
FBM231: Modbus Device Address1
FBM232: Modbus IPAddress
The Modbus devices address2 can be speci-
fied in the DVOPTS field.
FBM233: Modbus MainIP;TrackerIP
The Modbus devices address can be specified
in the DVOPTS field.
DVOPTS MODBUS The name of the protocol plus any required options. This
parameter is only applicable for FBM232/233. The
FBM230/231 protocols and options are defined in the
port configuration XML file. Refer to Configuring the
DVOPTS Parameter below.
PORTNO * FBM230/231: 1 to 4
FBM232/233: 1
The valid range for a Modbus device address in the DVNAME parameter is 1 to 254.
2. Device address in this document is the same as Unit Identifier in the Open Modbus/TCP Speci-
fication (see page xii). The default device address is 255. Some devices ignore the device address.

Configuring the DVOPTS Parameter

The DVOPTS parameter should be set to the name of the protocol plus any required options.
This parameter is only applicable for FBM232/233. The FBM230/231 protocols and options are
defined in the port configuration XML file (see Creating/Modifying a Port Configuration File
for FBM230/231 on page 10 for procedures).
For FBM232/233 valid settings are:
MODBUS [+@scan rate] [+H] [+TO=n][+MN=xxx][+BN=xxx]
+@scan rate Scan rate value in tenths of a second. For example, for a 2 second scan
rate applied to all Modbus query messages for this device, DVPOPTS =
MODBUS+@20. The default scan rate is 500 ms (1/2 second).

B0700BG Rev B 3. Configuration and Download Instructions

+H Applies the Modbus function 8 heartbeat option to this device.

+TO=n Applies a response timeout value, specified by n, to this device. The timeout
value is in tenths of a second. The default timeout value is 125 ms (1/8 second). If TO=
0, the default value is used. Vendor device product documentation may suggest a
proper response time for the device. The FDSI response timeout period should be set
to this time.
+MN=xxx Specific for the FBM232 or the main module of the FBM233 pair; applies
the Modbus device address for the single FBM232 or the Main FBM233, where xxx
can be a 1 to 3 digit address (1 to 254). If you do not specify a device address, a
default device address of 255 is used.
+BN=xxx Specific for the backup module of the FBM233 pair; applies the Modbus
device address for the Backup FBM, where xxx can be a 1 to 3 digit address (1 to
254). If you do not specify a device address, a default device address of 255 is used.
The following is an example setting of the DVOPTS parameter:
This syntax indicates that the Modbus TCP protocol is used; there is a 1 second scan rate for que-
ries; the heartbeat option is applied; the Response Timeout setting is 2 seconds; the Master FBM
is connected to device address 5; and the Backup FBM is connected to device address 123.

In the example above, the DVOPTS protocol and options require 29 characters in
the DVOPTS field. Only 31 characters are available. If a string of required options
is configured that uses more than 31 characters, the standard Modbus Ethernet
driver cannot support this. A custom Modbus Ethernet driver will be required.

Configuring DCI Blocks for Points

Modbus data values are stored in DCI blocks. As discussed in Table 4-1, these values can come
from any of four Modbus memory segments. These memory segments are referenced via the
Modbus printed addresses as the first character of an address: 0, 1, 3, or 4. For example,
00001, 10024, 30078, 40010, and so forth.
Whenever possible, it is most efficient to bunch the points together in the Modbus device. The
more spread out the points are in a particular memory segment, the more commands the Modbus
Master driver must issue to access those points, thereby decreasing the efficiency of the communi-
cations link. This is particularly noticeable on serial devices.
Common to most DCI block types is the point number (PNT_NO) parameter (PKINGP and
PKCOGP on PAK blocks; BI1_PT and BI2_PT on BINR blocks; RI1_PT and RI2_PT on
RINR blocks; CO1_PT and CO2_PT on PLSOUT blocks). This parameter is used to configure
the Modbus register address from/to where the block is to read/write its values. PNT_NO should
be configured with the Modbus Printed Address. For example, if you want to read Holding
Register address 40001 into an IIN block, you would enter 40001 into the PNT_NO parame-
ter of the IIN block.
The Modbus Master driver can accept 5 or 6-character Modbus addresses. All 5 or 6 digits must
be used. However, the use of 6-character addresses is dependent upon the Modbus device; not all
Modbus devices support 6-character addressing. The first digit must be 0, 1, 3, or 4. Additional

3. Configuration and Download Instructions B0700BG Rev B

information about specifying the data types, swapping, and mirroring options is described in
Memory Allocation and Data Types on page 25.
The block types that the FBM supports are discussed in the following subsections, as well as their
parameter configurations.

BOUT Binary Output Block

Block parameters of the BOUT block can be set as follows:

Parameter Name Setting Description

NAME pointName The name of the point.
TYPE BOUT Defines the block as a single binary output block.
IOM_ID * The name of the associated ECB201.
PNT_NO * Address of the binary input or output.
Example of 5-digit address: 00001.
Example of 6-digit address: 000001.

PAKOUT Packed Output Block

Block parameters of the PAKOUT block can be set as follows:

Parameter Name Setting Description

NAME pointName The name of the point.
TYPE PAKOUT Defines the block as a packed boolean output block.
IOM_ID * The name of the associated ECB201.
PKCOGP * Address of the packed boolean input or output.
Examples of 5-digit addresses: 00001 or 40001.
Examples of 6-digit addresses: 000001 or 400001.

IOUT Integer Output Block

Block parameters of the IOUT block can be set as follows:

Parameter Name Setting Description

NAME pointName The name of the point.
TYPE IOUT Defines the block as an integer output block.
IOM_ID * The name of the associated ECB201.
PNT_NO * Address of the integer input or output.
Example of 5-digit address: 40001.
Example of 6-digit address: 400001.

B0700BG Rev B 3. Configuration and Download Instructions

ROUT Real Output Block

Block parameters of the ROUT block can be set as follows:

Parameter Name Setting Description

NAME pointName The name of the point.
TYPE ROUT Defines the block as a single real output block.
IOM_ID * The name of the associated ECB201.
PNT_NO (ROUT) * Address of the real input or output.
Example of 5-digit address: 40001.
Example of 6-digit address: 400001.
HSCO1 * The maximum value that the point can have.
LSCO1 * The minimum value that the point can have.

BIN/BINR Binary Input and Redundant Binary Input Blocks

Block parameters of the BIN and BINR blocks can be set as follows:

Parameter Name Setting Description

NAME pointName The name of the point.
TYPE BIN(R) Defines the block as a single (BIN) or redundant
(BINR) binary input block.
IOM_ID * The name of the associated ECB201.
PNT_NO (BIN) * Address of the binary input or output.
BI1_PT (BINR) Examples of 5-digit addresses: 00001 or 10001.
BI2_PT (BINR) Examples of 6-digit addresses: 000001 or 100001.

IIN Integer Input Block

Block parameters of the IIN block can be set as follows:

Parameter Name Setting Description

NAME pointName The name of the point.
TYPE IIN Defines the block as an integer input block
IOM_ID * The name of the associated ECB201.
PNT_NO * Address of the integer input or output.
Examples of 5-digit addresses: 30001 or 40001.
Examples of 6-digit addresses: 300001 or 400001.

3. Configuration and Download Instructions B0700BG Rev B

RIN/RINR Real Input and Redundant Real Input Blocks

Block parameters of the RIN and RINR blocks can be set as follows:

Parameter Name Setting Description

NAME pointName The name of the point.
TYPE RIN(R) Defines the block as a single (RIN) or redundant
(RINR) real input block
IOM_ID * The name of the associated ECB201.
PNT_NO (RIN) * Address of the real input or output.
RI1_PT (RINR) Examples of 5-digit addresses: 30001 or 40001.
RI2_PT (RINR) Examples of 6-digit addresses: 300001 or 400001.

PAKIN Packed Input Block

Block parameters of the PAKIN block can be set as follows:

Parameter Name Setting Description

NAME pointName The name of the point.
TYPE PAKIN Defines the block as a packed boolean input block
IOM_ID * The name of the associated ECB201.
PKINGP * Address of the packed input group.
Examples of 5-digit addresses: 00001, 10001,
30001, or 40001.
Examples of 6-digit addresses: 000001, 100001,
300001, or 400001.

PLSOUT Pulse Output Block

Block parameters of the PLSOUT block can be set as follows:

Name Setting Description
NAME pointName The name of the point.
TYPE PLSOUT Defines the block as a pulse output block
IOM_ID * The name of the associated ECB201.
CO1_PT, * Address of the pulse input or output.
CO2_PT Example of 5-digit address: 00001.
Example of 6-digit address: 000001.

B0700BG Rev B 3. Configuration and Download Instructions

FDSI Driver Download and Startup Instructions

The name of the port configuration file (an XML file) should be identified in the ECB200/202s
FILEID parameter, and the driver file (Modbus.ziph) should be identified in the ECB200/202s
SFILID parameter. First download the I/O driver file, then download the port configuration file.
To download the driver file, press the EEPROM/SOFT DOWNLOAD button, then the SOFT_DOWNLOAD
button from System Management displays. For any download to take place, the FBM(s) must be
To download the port configuration file, press the DB DOWNLOAD button from System Management
displays. The absolute path for the port configuration file on the host workstation is
At any time during normal operations, you can disable the Ethernet port via SMDH. When the
port is disabled, all communications to all Modbus devices on that port are terminated. When the
port is enabled again, communication resumes with the devices that are enabled. When the FBM
goes offline, all ports become disabled.

4. Principles of Operation
This chapter provides an overview of the operation of the Modbus Master driver interfacing an
I/A Series system to Modbus devices.
After you configure the appropriate DCI blocks and ECBs using a control configurator such as
ICC, make sure that all ECBs are ONLINE and NOT FAILED (white) in SMDH, and enable
device communication from SMDH, the FDSI starts sending scan messages to the Modbus
device. The FDSI waits for responses from the device, processes the responses, and updates I/O
points in the control processor (CP). In the case of the FBM232/233 using TCP/IP communica-
tion, the FBM runs as a TCP client and establishes a connection with the server in the device
before sending request messages.
Please refer to Chapter 6 Modbus Protocol for descriptions of the message format for all mes-
sages between the Modbus device and the FDSI.
In the redundancy case, the FBM231 or 233 each communicate independently with the Modbus
device via their respective communication connection (serial or Ethernet). When the FBM run-
ning as master fails because it loses communication with at least one Modbus device, it checks the
status of the tracker FBM. If the tracker FBMs status is good, the master FBM requests a role
switch, causing the tracker to become the new master, and the master to become the new tracker.
Refer to Failover on page 39 for additional information on role switching in redundant

FDSI FBM Operation

You must know two important procedures performed from the SMDH equipment change dis-
plays in order to make an FDSI FBM operational: Software Download and Data Base Download.
On the equipment change displays these picks are labeled EEPROM/SOFT DOWNLOAD and DB DOWN-
LOAD respectively.
When an FDSI FBM is shipped from the factory, it is preprogrammed with the latest and proper
IOM23x file but does not have a driver. You must download the driver file (Modbus.ziph) into
the FBM. You can download the driver file as follows:
1. Set the ECB200 (or ECB202) ONLINE. This action enables other equipment
change actions such as Soft Download and DB Download. Upon performing this
action, the red LED located on the FBM faceplate turns off.
2. Pick the EEPROM/SOFT DOWNLOAD button, then the SOFT_DOWNLOAD button to load the
Modbus.ziph file into the FBM.
When the Soft Download is active, the SMDH Equipment Information display for
the FBM indicates Download Active on page 2 for redundant FBMs (231 and 233)
and page 3 for single FBMs (230 and 232). Any existing port configuration XML files
are deleted during a Soft Download operation. After the Modbus.ziph file is success-
fully downloaded, the FBM reboots automatically. During the reboot, the FBM
appears FAILED and the host CP is red failed in SMDH.

B0700BG Rev B 4. Principles of Operation

3. Once the Soft Download is complete (the FBM is ONLINE - NOT FAILED), per-
form a DB Download to install the port configuration XML file.
During this operation, the FBM equipment information page should indicate DCI
NOT READY. When the download completes, the equipment information page indi-
cates DCI READY, and the FBM changes color on the display. In most instances, the
FBM is yellow because the ECB201s are not active yet.
For more details on SMDH equipment change actions, and equipment information pages, refer
to the Maintenance chapter in Field Device System Integrators (FBM230/231/232/233) Users
Guide (B0700AH).

Redundant FBM Operation

The above section, FDSI FBM Operation on page 23, applies to all FDSI FBM types.
(FBM230, 231, 232, and 233). Behavioral differences caused by redundant FBMs are in the area
of FBM module status in the SMDH Equipment Information display details. Another area of dif-
ference is the data transfers between the CP and the FBMs and between the paired FBMs
As described above, the FBMs require a Software Download when the Modbus driver is to be
loaded or reloaded. When a pair of redundant modules (FBM231/233) are present on a baseplate,
the Software Download Equipment Change Action takes place first on one module then the
other. Each module will reboot automatically during the Software Download.
Subsequently, you must perform the DB Download action to install the port configuration file.
The download will take place on the Master FBM. Subsequently, the Master automatically
educates the Tracker FBM. In other words, the Master sends the port configuration XML file
and all the DCI block configuration information across to the Tracker via the interlink that exists
between the two modules.
While a redundant pair is in operation, the Master FBM is in full communication with the host
CP. Data that is received from a Modbus device is made available to the CPs PIO scans on the
Master FBM only. CP outputs occur through the Master FBM and the Tracker FBM to the
Modbus devices. During this time, the Modbus driver in the Tracker FBM is also performing the
same data communication to the same devices as the Master, including both reads and writes; that
is, both Master and Tracker FBMs read from and write to the devices, but the Tracker does not
provide any input data to the CP. When a role switch takes place (see Failover on page 39), the
Tracker FBM is in position to take over as the new Master because it already has all the required
configuration information including current input/output data values and it is communicating
with the same Modbus devices.

Modbus Driver
Modbus Master driver operations include the creation of scan query request messages based on
contiguous DCI input block PNT_NO addresses. Up to 124 registers (16-bit) can be read in one
Modbus message transaction. Output query messages are constructed on a change-driven basis.
The driver selects between Modbus functions 5 and 15 and between 6 and 16 based on whether it
has multiple values to write or only one value to write.

4. Principles of Operation B0700BG Rev B

ECB201 Operation
The device ECBs must be ENABLED to communicate. By default they are disabled when first
created. Use the SMDH Equipment Change display and select the ENABLE COMMUNICATIONS pick.
Once the Enable Communications action takes place, the Equipment Information display for
the ECB201 indicates DCI READY and if heartbeats have been configured, those messages transmit
once or twice. Assuming that good replies to the heartbeat messages are received from the Mod-
bus device, the Modbus query messages start and the heartbeats stop. The presence of the query
messages indicates that some DCI input blocks have been configured in the host CP for this
device. If heartbeats have not been configured a query message is transmitted instead.
These message transactions are transparent to the user. When the interface is working correctly,
the ECBs are ONLINE - NOT FAILED (white in SMDH). The associated DCI input blocks go out
of the OOS (cyan) state.

Memory Allocation and Data Types

Modbus devices contain four different data types: discrete inputs, discrete outputs, analog inputs,
and analog outputs. FDSI supports up to 64 K in all ranges through the 6-digit addressing. Refer
to the following table for additional information.

Table 4-1. Data Types and Memory Allocation for Modbus Devices

Modbus Address DCI Block Maximum

Range Variable Type Data Type Types Address
0x Read from/ Discrete BIN(R) Maximum 0x
00001-09999 (5 digit) Write to Coils Input/Output BOUT specified in device
000001-065536 (6 digit) PAKIN
1x Read Only from Input Discrete Input BIN(R) Maximum 1x
10001-19999 (5 digit) Status PAKIN specified in device
100001-165536 (6 digit)
3x Read Only from Input Analog Input IIN Maximum 3x
30001-39999 (5 digit) Registers (Integer or Float) RIN(R) specified in device
300001-365536 (6 digit) PAKIN
4x Read from/ Analog Input/ IIN Maximum 4x
40001-49999 (5 digit) Write to Holding Output IOUT specified in device
400001-465536 (6 digit) Registers (Integer or Float) RIN(R)

If you attempt to configure blocks with addresses outside the valid ranges shown in Table 4-1, the
driver reports the error invalid connection in the point depicted in the FoxView default dis-
Table 4-2 and Table 4-3 shows the DCI blocks supported, the 5-digit (Table 4-2) and 6-digit
(Table 4-3) Modbus register addresses that could be used for each block type, and the correspond-
ing function codes used in the protocol. To configure the address, set the PNT_NO parameter of
the DCI block equal to the address in the Modbus device printed range.

B0700BG Rev B 4. Principles of Operation

Table 4-2. DCI Blocks, Modbus Register Addresses, and Function Codes
with 5-Digit Addressing

Modbus Device
Printed Address Modbus Protocol
DCI Block Range Address Range Modbus Function Code
BIN/PAKIN 00001-09999 0-9998 1
BIN/PAKIN 10001-19999 0-9998 2
BINR 00001-09999 0-9998 1
BINR 10001-19999 0-9998 2
BOUT/ 00001-09999 0-9998 5 or 15 for write;
PAKOUT/ 1 for read
IIN 30001-39999 0-9998 4
RIN 30001-39999 0-9998 4
RINR 30001-39999 0-9998 4
PAKIN 30001-39999 0-9998 4
IIN 40001-49999 0-9998 3
IOUT 40001-49999 0-9998 6 or 16 for write;
3 for read
RIN 40001-49999 0-9998 3
RINR 40001-49999 0-9998 3
ROUT 40001-49999 0-9998 16 for write;
3 for read
PAKIN 40001-49999 0-9998 3
PAKOUT 40001-49999 0-9998 6 or 16 for write;
3 for read

Table 4-3. DCI Blocks, Modbus Register Addresses, and Function Codes Z
with 6-Digit Addressing

Modbus Device
Printed Address Modbus Protocol
DCI Block Range Address Range Modbus Function Code
BIN/PAKIN 000001-065536 0-65535 1
BIN/PAKIN 100001-165536 0-65535 2
BINR 000001-065536 0-65535 1
BINR 100001-165536 0-65535 2
BOUT/ 000001-065536 0-65535 5 or 15 for write;
PAKOUT/ 1 for read
IIN 300001-365536 0-65535 4

4. Principles of Operation B0700BG Rev B

Table 4-3. DCI Blocks, Modbus Register Addresses, and Function Codes Z
with 6-Digit Addressing (Continued)

Modbus Device
Printed Address Modbus Protocol
DCI Block Range Address Range Modbus Function Code
RIN 300001-365536 0-65535 4
RINR 300001-365536 0-65535 4
PAKIN 300001-365536 0-65535 4
IIN 400001-465536 0-65535 3
IOUT 400001-465536 0-65535 6 or 16 for write;
3 for read
RIN 400001-465536 0-65535 3
RINR 400001-465536 0-65535 3
ROUT 400001-465536 0-65535 16 for write;
3 for read
PAKIN 400001-465536 0-65535 3
PAKOUT 400001-465536 0-65535 6 or 16 for write;
3 for read

Data Conversions Between the Device and the I/A Series System
For devices that have data type formats that are different from the I/A Series system, the driver
provides several features that can be configured to facilitate conversion of the device data type to
I/A Series and vice versa.
You need to be aware of data representation in the device, the byte order used in the Modbus pro-
tocol, and the byte order used in the I/A Series system. If the default settings do not provide data
in I/A Series (as seen in default displays) in the same format as the device, you must configure the
appropriate byte swapping and/or bit mirroring, or bit swapping.
The sections below describe the byte swapping (W1, W2, and W3) and bit swapping options for
the following data types:
U2: unsigned 16-bit integer
U4: unsigned 32-bit integer
S2: signed 16-bit integer
S4: signed 32-bit integer
F4: 32-bit floating point value (IEEE single precision float).
These data types are described further in Data Types for DCI Input/Output Blocks on page 32.

B0700BG Rev B 4. Principles of Operation

Byte Swapping Options for Data Types U2, U4, S2, S4, and F4
The supported byte swapping specifications, W1, W2, and W3, are described below:

Table 4-4. Byte Swapping Options for Data Types U2, U4, S2, S4, and F4

W1: Byte swapping for:

2-byte values:
[byte 1 | byte 0] swapped to [byte 0 | byte 1]
4-byte values:
[byte 3 | byte 2 | byte 1 | byte 0] swapped to
[byte 1 | byte 0 | byte 3 | byte 2]
W2: Byte swapping for 4-byte values:
[byte 3 | byte 2 | byte 1 | byte 0] swapped to
[byte 2 | byte 3 | byte 0 | byte 1]
W3: Byte swapping for 4-byte values:
[byte 3 | byte 2 | byte 1 | byte 0] swapped to
[byte 0 | byte 1 | byte 2 | byte 3]

Specifying W2 or W3 with a 2-byte data type should result in an undefined block with an invalid
data connection error.

Bit Mirroring Option for Data Types U2, U4, S2, S4, and F4
There is a bit mirroring specifier: M1. M1 specifies that bit mirroring will be performed for each
byte individually, for example, [bit 7 | ... | bit 0] is mirrored to [bit 0 | ... | bit 7].

Reading or Writing a 16-bit Register

The data in a Modbus register can be sent out in the Modbus message by the device in two ways:
upper byte followed by lower byte (big endian format) or lower byte followed by upper byte (little
endian format). By default, the driver handles the big endian format data. If your device sends out
data in little endian format, use the W1 option in PNT_NO.
When the device sends out a byte, the bits can be sent MSB (most significant bit) or LSB (least
significant bit) first. By default, the driver handles the bytes sent out MSB first. If your device
sends out bytes LSB first, use the M1 option in PNT_NO.

Reading or Writing 32-bit Data from Two Contiguous 16-bit Registers

The device can send the lower register followed by the upper register; or the upper register fol-
lowed by the lower register. Also, the data in a register can be sent out in big endian or little
endian format as explained in Reading or Writing a 16-bit Register above. This gives rise to
four possible ways of sending 32-bit data on the Modbus message. In the default case, the driver
handles the lower register first followed by the upper register with big endian format for sending
16-bit register. For other cases, use the appropriate Wx byte swapping format as indicated in
the table below.

4. Principles of Operation B0700BG Rev B

Register Order\
Endianness Upper Register First Lower Register First
Little Endian W1 W2
Big Endian W3 Default

Also, as in the case of reading a single register, if bytes are transmitted LSB (least significant bit)
first, use the M1 option in PNT_NO. The default case expects the byte to be transmitted by
the device MSB first.

Example 1: Single-register access with data in Modbus message in big endian format
IIN with PNT_NO 30001:U2
Data in device: 13000 (32C8 hex)
Data in Modbus message in big endian format:
Data Hi 32
Data Lo C8
Default 2-byte format
Data after default processing in FDSI: 32C8
Data in CP: 13000 (32C8 hex)

Example 2: Single-register access with data in Modbus message in little endian format
IIN with PNT_NO 30001:U2
Data in device: 13000 (32C8 hex)
Data in Modbus message in little endian format:
Data Hi C8
Data Lo 32
Data after default processing in FDSI: C832
Data in CP: 51250 (C832 hex)
To fix this, use PNT_NO 30001:U2:W1
Data in FDSI after W1 application: 32C8
Data in CP: 13000 (32C8 hex)

Example 3: Single-register access with data in Modbus message in little endian format, and the
LSB (least significant bit) of a byte is sent out first
IIN with PNT_NO 30001:U2
Data in device: 13000 (32C8 hex)
Data in Modbus message:
Data Hi 13
Data Lo 4C
Note that 13 (00010011) is the mirror image of C8 (11001000) and 4C (01001100)
is the mirror image of 32 (00110010).
Data after default processing in FDSI: 134C

B0700BG Rev B 4. Principles of Operation

Data in CP: 4940 (134C hex)

To fix this, use PNT_NO 30001:U2:W1:M1
Data in FDSI,
After W1: 4C13
After M1 mirroring at the byte level: 32C8 (0001 0011 0001 1100)
Data in CP: 13000 (32C8 hex)

Example 4: Two-register access with lower register followed by upper register, and register
data sent out in big endian format
IIN with PNT_NO 30001:S4
Data in device: 4-byte value 1538732744 (5BB732C8 hex)
Register 30001: 13000 (32C8 hex)
Register 30002: 23479 (5BB7 hex)
Data in Modbus message: Lower register followed by upper register, and register data
sent out in big endian format:
Data Hi (Register 30001) 32
Data Lo (Register 30001) C8
Data Hi (Register 30002) 5B
Data Lo (Register 30002) B7
Data after default processing in FDSI: 5BB732C8
Data in CP: 1538732744 (5BB732C8 hex)

Example 5: Two-register access with upper register followed by lower register, and register
data sent out in little endian format
IIN with PNT_NO 30001:S4
Data in device: 4-byte value 1538732744 (5BB732C8 hex)
Register 30001: 13000 (32C8 hex)
Register 30002: 23479 (5BB7 hex)
Data in Modbus message: upper register followed by lower register, and register data
sent out in little endian format.
Data Hi (Register 30002) B7
Data Lo (Register 30002) 5B
Data Hi (Register 30001) C8
Data Lo (Register 30001) 32
Data after default processing in FDSI: C832B75B
Data in CP: -936200357 (C832B75B hex)
To fix this, use IIN with PNT_NO 30001:S4:W1
Data in FDSI after W1: 5BB732C8
Data in CP: 1538732744 (5BB732C8 hex)

4. Principles of Operation B0700BG Rev B

Example 6: Two-register access with upper register followed by lower register, and register
data sent out in big endian format
IIN with PNT_NO 30001:S4
Data in device: 4-byte value 1538732744 (5BB732C8 hex)
Register 30001: 13000 (32C8 hex)
Register 30002: 23479 (5BB7 hex)
Data in Modbus message: upper register followed by lower register, and register data
sent out in big endian format.
Data Hi (Register 30002) 5B
Data Lo (Register 30002) B7
Data Hi (Register 30001) 32
Data Lo (Register 30001) C8
Data after default processing in FDSI: 32C85BB7
Data in CP: 851991479 (32C85BB7 hex)
To fix this, use IIN with PNT_NO 30001:S4:W3
Data in FDSI after W3: 5BB732C8
Data in CP: 1538732744 (5BB732C8 hex)

Example 7: Two-register access with lower register followed by upper register. Register data
sent out in little endian format, with LSB of a byte sent out first
IIN with PNT_NO 30001:S4
Data in device: 4-byte value 1538732744 (5BB732C8 hex)
Register 30001: 13000 (32C8 hex)
Register 30002: 23479 (5BB7 hex)
Data in Modbus message: lower register followed by upper register. Register data is
sent out in little endian format. Also, LSB of a byte is sent out first.
Data Hi (Register 30001) 13
Data Lo (Register 30001) 4C
Data Hi (Register 30002) ED
Data Lo (Register 30002) DA
Note that 13 is the mirror image of C8, 4C is the mirror image of 32, ED is the mir-
ror image of B7, and DA is the mirror image of 5B.
Data after default processing in FDSI: EDDA134C
Data in CP: -304475316 (EDDA134C hex)
To fix this, use IIN with PNT_NO 30001:S4:W2:M1
Data in FDSI,
after W2: DAED4C13
after M1 (mirroring at the byte level): 5BB732C8
Data in CP: 1538732744 (5BB732C8 hex).

B0700BG Rev B 4. Principles of Operation

Bit Swapping Options for Coils or Input Status Data Type

A PAKOUT or PAKIN block in coil or status data (0x or 1x references) transfers 1 to 32 single
bits with no swapping by default. You can specify bit swapping code R to mirror across any num-
ber of bits from 1 to 32.

Table 4-5. Bit Swapping Options for Coils Data Type

Swap Code Data Type Function for PAKIN/PAKOUT

None Cn [bit 1 ... bit n] of device mapped to
(n = 1 to 32) [bit 1 ... bit n] in I/A Series
R Cn [bit 1 ... bit n] of device swapped to
(n = 1 to 32) [bit n ... bit 1] in I/A Series

Example 1: If you specified C13 with R, the first 13 bits of the Modbus 16-bit transfer are
swapped [bit 13 ... bit 1] and put into the first 13 bits of the I/A Series word. All other bits of the
word are zero.
Example 2: If you specified C23 with R, the 16 bits of the first Modbus 16-bit transfer and the
first seven bits of the next Modbus 8-bit transfer are swapped to [bit 23 ... bit 1] and put into the
first 23 bits of the I/A Series word. All other bits of the word are zero.

Data Types for DCI Input/Output Blocks

Table 4-6 shows the DCI blocks and the corresponding data types and swapping options of values
of the I/O points.

Table 4-6. Data Types for DCI Input/Output Blocks

Default Data
DCI Block Device Data Type Swapping Options Type
IIN, IOUT S2 or U2 W1 S2
S4 W1, W2, or W3 S2
RIN, RINR, ROUT F4, S2, S4, or U2 W1, W2, or W3 F4
BIN, BINR, BOUT N/A N/A Binary Value
in Coils (0x) and Input (C1 to C32 allowed)
Status (1x)
PAKIN S2 or U2 W1 U4
in Holding (4x) and S4 or U4 W1, W2, or W3 U4
Input (3x) Registers
in Coils (0x) (C1 to C32 allowed)
PAKOUT S2 or U2 W1 U4
in Holding Registers S4 or U4 W1, W2, or W3 U4

4. Principles of Operation B0700BG Rev B

The Modbus driver supports three types of swap options. Swap here refers to a change in the
byte order in the DCI blocks compared to the byte order in the Modbus device.
The input DCI block default condition (no swapping specified) presents the data in the block as
it normally appears in the Modbus device. The output DCI block default condition (no swapping
specified) presents the data to the Modbus device in the byte arrangement that the device expects.
For PAKIN/PAKOUT blocks in Coils or Input Status, the driver supports bit mirroring (swap-
ping of all bits so that the least significant bits become the most significant bits).
If the data type is two bytes (16 bits) with U2 or S2, option W1 in Table 4-4 is supported. If the
data type is 4 bytes (32 bits) with U4, S4, or F4, then swap options W1, W2, and W3 are
Refer to the following sections for additional details on byte swapping, mirroring, and bit swap-
ping options:
Byte Swapping Options for Data Types U2, U4, S2, S4, and F4 on page 28
Bit Mirroring Option for Data Types U2, U4, S2, S4, and F4 on page 28
Bit Swapping Options for Coils or Input Status Data Type on page 32
Data Types and ranges for the DCI block data types are:
U2: 2-byte unsigned integer (register). Range is 0 to 65535.
U4: 4-byte unsigned integer (two consecutive registers). Range is 0 to 4294967295
S2: 2-byte signed integer (register). Range is -32768 to +32767
S4: 4-byte signed integer (two consecutive registers). Range is -2147483647 to
F4: 4-byte floating point value (two consecutive registers). IEEE single precision float.

Reading 32-bit Data from Modbus Devices

This section provides additional information on reading 32-bit data (data type U4 or S4) from
Modbus devices with 16-bit registers.
32-bit data can be read from two contiguous 16-bit registers in that device and mapped to 32-bit
data in I/A Series. The data at the register with the lower address is mapped to lower 16 bits (1 to
16) of I/A Series and the register data at the higher address is mapped to the upper 16 bits (17 to
32) of I/A Series.
For example: IIN with PNT_NO 30100:S4
Register at 30100 has data 13000 (32C8 hex)
Register at 30101 has data 23479 (5BB7 hex)
I/A Series data: 1538732744 (5BB732C8 hex).

Usage in Coils and Input Status
When Modbus Register addresses are in the 0x (Coils) section and the 1x (Input Status) section,
use the Cx option when defining the register address.

B0700BG Rev B 4. Principles of Operation

PKCOGP = 00012:C9 to write 9 bits to the Discrete Register section starting at

printed address 12.
PKINGP = 10327:C32 to read 32 bits in the Status Register section starting at
printed address 327.

Usage in Input Registers and Holding Registers

When Modbus Register addresses are in the 3x (Input Registers) section or the 4x (Holding Reg-
isters) section, use the U2, S2, or S4 options (default is U4) when specifying the data format of
the register in the PKINGP and PKCOPG parameters.
PKINGP = 30001:U2 to read 16 bits (unsigned) from the Input Register at printed
address 1.
PKCOGP = 40312:S4 to write a 32-bit signed value to a 16-bit Holding Register pair
starting at printed address 312.
PKINGP = 40210:W1:M1 to read the 32-bit long integer at 40210 and 40211 and
mirror the 32 bits.
Following is additional information on using PAKIN in Holding (4x references) and Input Regis-
ters (3x references); and PAKOUT in Holding (4x references).
Integer data in a device can be mapped to PAK DCI blocks, but you need to be aware of the bit
order difference between I/A Series and the device registers in this type of usage. The LSB of the
Modbus device register corresponds to the MSB of the I/A Series data and vice versa. When using
32-bit data type:
Bit 1 of the register at the lower address corresponds to bit 32 in I/A Series, and bit 16
of that register corresponds to bit 17 in I/A Series
Bit 1 of the register at the higher address corresponds to bit 16 in I/A Series and bit 16
of that register corresponds to bit 1 in I/A Series.

Example: PAKIN with PKINGP 30001:U2

Data in device at register 30001is 13000 (32C8 hex)
Data in I/A Series is 4940 (134C hex).

Example: PAKIN with PKINGP 30001:U2:W1:M1

Data in device at register 30001 is 13000 (32C8 hex)
Data in I/A Series is 13000 (32C8 hex).

Example: PAKIN with PKINGP 40040:U4

Data in device register 40040 is 13000 (32C8 hex)
Data in device register 40041 is 23479 (5BB7 hex)
Data in I/A Series is 323808730 (134CEDDA hex).

Example: PAKIN with PKINGP 40040:U4:W1:M1

Data in device register 40040 is 13000 (32C8 hex)
Data in device register 40041 is 23479 (5BB7 hex)

4. Principles of Operation B0700BG Rev B

Data in I/A Series is 1538732744 (5BB732C8 hex).

The heartbeat message is used to detect a loss of communication with the Modbus device. The
driver allows the FBM to send a query with Function Code 8 to the device if no I/O points that
need to be scanned are entered from the CP.

Function Code 8 is supported for data diagnostic code only.

To configure the heartbeat in an FBM232 or FBM233 (single or redundant Ethernet), specify the
option in the DVOPTS parameter. See Configuring the DVOPTS Parameter on page 17 for
To configure the heartbeat in an FBM230 or FBM231 (single or redundant serial), configure the
driver name parameter in the port configuration file with the option. See Creating/Modifying a
Port Configuration File for FBM230/231 on page 10 for procedures.

Floating Point Support

The Modbus Master driver supports devices with IEEE single-precision floats defined by contigu-
ous 16-bit registers where the first 16-bit register contains the most significant and the second 16-
bit register contains the least significant.

Long Integer Support

The Modbus Master driver supports devices with standard 32-bit signed long integers defined by
contiguous 16-bit registers where the first 16-bit register contains the most significant and the
second 16-bit register contains the least significant.

Device Fail Operation

If a Modbus response message is missed and the heartbeat has not been configured, the last good
scan query message is transmitted every 2 seconds in an effort to re-establish the connection. If
the heartbeat is configured, the Modbus function 8 loop-back message transmits every 2 seconds
until a good response is received. When a good response is received, the ECB201 reverts to the
ONLINE - NOT FAILED (good) state and the scan query messages transmit again.

B0700BG Rev B 4. Principles of Operation

5. Error Handling
This chapter describes error handling for the Modbus Master FDSI Driver.

Modbus Write and Response Errors

Modbus is a query/response protocol. The FDSI FBM sends a query, and waits for a response
before sending out the next query. If the FBM does not receive a response for a query within the
response timeout period, it repeats the message if it is a Write message. The Modbus Driver
retries a Write message two more times if it does not receive a proper response within the response
timeout period before failing the device.

Loss of Communications Monitoring

Because the FDSI FBM acts as a Modbus master, FDSI monitors for a loss of communications. If
a valid response has not been received for a specific amount of time, the driver indicates that the
device has failed. The following indications are displayed in SMDH for the ECB201.

Table 5-1. SMDH ECB201 Display on FBM230/232 (Non-Redundant)

Color Device State

White Communications Active
Cyan Device Not Enabled or Off-line
Red Communications Failed

Table 5-2. SMDH ECB201 Display on FBM231/233 (Redundant)

ECB201 SMDH Equipment

State Information Display
Main Backup
Connection Connection
Master Status Status Color Port State
Main Good Good White Main Port Active
Backup Good Good White Backup Port Active
Main Good Failed Yellow Main Port Active, Backup Port failed
Backup Failed Good Yellow Backup Port Active, Main Port failed
Main Failed Failed Red Main Port Active, Main Port Failed,
Backup Port Failed
Backup Failed Failed Red Backup Port Active, Main Port Failed,
Backup Port Failed

B0700BG Rev B 5. Error Handling

DCI Block Status in FoxView

OOS (cyan) is set when any of the following conditions exist:
When the block is first initialized
The ECB201 is not connected to the device
The point connection has not been made
The control processor is not connected to the FBM
An illegal Modbus register address is configured
When ECB201 is set disabled from SMDH
When the port on which the device is connected is disabled from SMDH
When the FBM has been turned OFFLINE in SMDH
When the ECB201 associated with the device has failed.
Good (normal background color) is set for I/O points that can be read from the device when the
driver is able to get a reply from the device for the corresponding scan message.

Device Status in SMDH

OOS (cyan) is set when any of the following conditions exist:
When the port on which the device is connected is disabled from SMDH
When the ECB201 device communication is disabled from SMDH
When the DCI Not Ready state exists for the ECB201 or the FBM
When the driver is not loaded and connection error appears on the ECB201 Detail
Good (white) is set when the driver has a connection to the device:
With FBM 232/233 (TCP) This means the socket connection is good
With FBM230/231 This means the driver is able to get responses for query
System Alarm (yellow) is set for redundant FBMs (231/233) when:
One or more ECB201s have failed on one of the FBMs
The DCI Not Ready state exists on one of the FBMs or ECB201s
One of the FBMs has failed.
Failure (red) state is set when:
ECB201 fails due to loss of connection. Loss of connection can indicate either a loss
of Ethernet Socket or Serial Carrier Detect signal
Watchdog timeout failure on the ECB201
The FBM parent of an ECB201 fails.

5. Error Handling B0700BG Rev B

The FBM231/233s each communicate independently with the Modbus device via their respective
connections. When the FBM running as Master fails to communicate with a device, it checks the
status of the Tracker module. If the Tracker is communicating with all devices, the Modbus driver
initiates a role switch, where the Master becomes the Tracker and the Tracker becomes the new
Master. If the present Trackers device communication error condition clears up, and the new
Master encounters a failure on one of its devices, the Modbus driver initiates a role switch.
A user can force a role switch via the SMDH equipment change action, even if the Tracker has a
failed device. If a role switch is forced by SMDH and the Tracker has one failed device but the
Master has none, the role switch does occur; however, the Modbus Master driver internally senses
that the new Tracker has no failed devices and initiates a second role switch, so that the FBM with
no failed devices becomes the Master again.
When a role switch occurs due to a failed device on one FBM, and the condition subsequently
clears up so that the device is communicating properly again, an automatic role switch does not
occur. If you want the current Tracker module to become the Master, you must force a role
switch via SMDH or perform an SMDH RESET change action on the current Master module.
During normal operations and assuming the Main (left) FBM is the Master, page 3 of the
ECB201s Equipment Information display indicates Main Port Active, Dual Ported. When a
device fails on the Master FBM, SMDH changes the ECB colors from White to Yellow. Page 2 of
the Equip Info displays System Error and page 3 indicates:
Main Port Failed
Bkup Port Active (indicates that the backup FBM is Master)
Dual Ported.
The System Alarm log will indicate Role Switch due to Driver Request.
If both FBMs experience a failure that would cause an ECB201 to fail simultaneously, page 3 of
the ECB201 Equipment Information display shows:
Main Port Failed
Bkup Port Failed
Bkup Port Active (indicates that the backup FBM is Master)
Dual Ported.

Capacity and Limitations

The FDSI Modbus Master driver has the following limitations:
The number of connected devices supported by the Modbus FDSI is 64.
The FDSI has an aggregate limit of 2,000 DCI blocks (input/output). This can trans-
late into more than 2,000 I/O points when packed discrete boolean values are
Throughput is calculated not on the number of data values connected, but on the number of mes-
sages required.
The update rate is determined by:
Network limitations. For example, 300 baud is very slow.

B0700BG Rev B 5. Error Handling

Efficiency of the database (scattered registers require more Modbus transactions to ser-
vice them all). This should be a primary consideration with baud rates below 38.4k.
Update speed: Scan rate has a minimum value of 100 ms and no maximum value.
The default scan rate is 500 ms. A general idea of the update rate can be calculated by
determining the sum of the following times:
Determine the number of messages and the length (in bytes) of how many mes-
sages are required. Both pieces of information can be determined from the details
of the database (which registers are used) and the published Modbus specification.
Calculate the time for each message at the baud rate selected. For example, at
9600 baud, 1 byte requires about 1 ms. According to the calculation, a 20 byte
message requires about 20 ms. Add the times of all of the Modbus messages to get
the amount of time required to pass all of the Modbus messages to a device.
The turn-around-time of a PLC is between 10 and 20 ms. Modern PLC devices
may have a faster turn-around-time. However, this may vary in actual use depend-
ing on how busy the device is. Add this time to each message.
The turn-around time of the driver is processor dependent, but is generally about
5 ms for the FDSI. Add 5 ms to each message.
Refer to Field Control Processor 270 (FCP270) Sizing Guidelines and Excel Workbook (B0700AV)
and Z-Module Control Processor 270 (ZCP270) Sizing Guidelines and Excel Workbook (B0700AW)
for details on performance loading.

6. Modbus Protocol
This chapter discusses the Modbus communication protocol including its options, supported
function codes, memory allocation and data types, operation, and exception codes that you may

Modbus Protocol Options

The FDSI FBM communicates with the Modbus device using the Modbus protocol. The follow-
ing Modbus protocols are supported.
RTU (FBM230/231)
ASCII (FBM230/231)
TCP (FBM232/233).

Modbus Function Codes Supported

Table 6-1. Supported Modbus Function Codes

Code Function Name Description
1 Read Coil Status Reads the ON/OFF status of discrete
outputs (0x references, coils)
2 Read Input Status Reads the ON/OFF status of discrete
inputs (1x references)
3 Read Holding Regis- Reads the binary contents of holding
ters registers (4x references).
4 Read Input Registers Reads the binary contents of input reg-
isters (3x references)
5 Force Single Coil Forces a single coil (0x reference) to
either ON or OFF
6 Preset Single Register Presets a value into a single holding
register (4x reference).
8 Diagnostic Sub Function 00 only
15 Force Multiple Coils Forces each coil (0x reference) in a
sequence of coils to either ON or OFF.
16 Preset Multiple Regs Presets values into a sequence of hold-
ing registers (4x references).

B0700BG Rev B 6. Modbus Protocol

Modbus Protocol Operation

The Modbus protocol is a synchronous master/slave, send/receive protocol. The FDSI acts as
the Master. No messages from Modbus slave devices are received unsolicited.
The Modbus message formats are well documented elsewhere, but are included here for com-
pleteness and as an aid in troubleshooting the link. Only the RTU message formats for the FDSI
supported Modbus Function Codes (FC x) as shown in Table 1-1 are detailed here.
A Modbus RTU message is framed as shown:
[Device Address] [FC] [data] [CRC]
Device Address = 0x00 to 0xFF hex. This is the slave unit identifier.
FC = Modbus Function code.
Data = The data field varies based on the function code. See examples below.
CRC = Cyclic redundancy check.

Device address may also be referred to as station address for serial protocols.

For Example:
Read 1 coil at reference 0 (00001 in Modicon 984 unit 5)
RTU format:
05 01 00 00 00 01 XX
XX represents CRC byte 1 and CRC byte 2.
A Modbus ASCII message format is similar to RTU format, except that the values are hex-ascii
and Start of Message (:)/LRC, End of message (CR LF) characters are used to wrap the protocol.
Using the example above:
Read 1 coil at reference 0 (00001 in Modicon 984 unit 5)
ASCII format:
: 0 5 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 X X CR LF
X X represents LRC byte 1 and LRC byte 2.
In RTU format, the example requires just 7 bytes. In ASCII it requires 17 bytes.
The following function code examples do not include the device address or the CRC bytes.

6. Modbus Protocol B0700BG Rev B

Read coils (FC 1) 00001 register reference

Byte 0: FC = 01
Byte 1-2: Reference number
Byte 3-4: Bit count (1-2000)

Byte 0: FC = 01
Byte 1: Byte count of response (B=(bit count+7)/8)
Byte 2-(B+1): Bit values (least significant bit corresponds to the first coil requested)

Byte 0: FC = 81 (hex)
Byte 1: exception code = 01 or 02

Read 1 coil at reference 0 (00001 in Modicon 984) resulting in value 1:
01 00 00 00 01 => 01 01 01
Note that the format of the return data is not consistent with a big-endian architecture. Note also
that this request can be very computation-intensive on the slave if the request calls for multiple
words and they are not aligned on 16-bit boundaries.

Read Input Status (FC 2) 10001 register reference

Byte 0: FC = 02
Byte 1-2: Reference number
Byte 3-4: Bit count (1-2000)

Byte 0: FC = 02
Byte 1: Byte count of response (B=(bit count+7)/8)
Byte 2-(B+1): Bit values (least significant bit corresponds to the first coil requested)

Byte 0: FC = 82 (hex)
Byte 1: exception code = 01 or 02

Read 1 discrete input at reference 0 (10001 in Modicon 984) resulting in value 1:
02 00 00 00 01 => 02 01 01

B0700BG Rev B 6. Modbus Protocol

Note that the format of the return data is not consistent with a big-endian architecture. Note also
that this request can be very computation-intensive on the slave if the request calls for multiple
words and they are not aligned on 16-bit boundaries.

Read Holding Registers (FC 3) 40001 register reference

Byte 0: FC = 03
Byte 1-2: Reference number
Byte 3-4: Word count (1-125)

Byte 0: FC = 03
Byte 1: Byte count of response (B=2 x word count)
Byte 2-(B+1): Register values

Byte 0: FC = 83 (hex)
Byte 1: exception code = 01 or 02

Read 1 register at reference 0 (40001 in Modicon 984) resulting in value 1234 hex:
03 00 00 00 01 => 03 02 12 34

Read Input Registers (FC 4) 30001 register reference

Byte 0: FC = 04
Byte 1-2: Reference number
Byte 3-4: Word count (1-125)

Byte 0: FC = 04
Byte 1: Byte count of response (B=2 x word count)
Byte 2-(B+1): Register values

Byte 0: FC = 84 (hex)
Byte 1: exception code = 01 or 02

Read 1 input register at reference 0 (30001 in Modicon 984) resulting in value 1234 hex:
04 00 00 00 01 => 04 02 12 34

6. Modbus Protocol B0700BG Rev B

Force Single Coil (FC 5) 00001 register reference

Byte 0: FC = 05
Byte 1-2: Reference number
Byte 3: = FF to turn coil ON, =00 to turn coil OFF
Byte 4: = 00

Byte 0: FC = 05
Byte 1-2: Reference number
Byte 3: = FF to turn coil ON, =00 to turn coil OFF (echoed)
Byte 4: = 00

Byte 0: FC = 85 (hex)
Byte 1: exception code = 01 or 02

Write 1 coil at reference 0 (00001 in Modicon 984) to the value 1:
05 00 00 FF 00 => 05 00 00 FF 00

Preset Single register (FC 6) 40001 register reference

Byte 0: FC = 06
Byte 1-2: Reference number
Byte 3-4: Register value

Byte 0: FC = 06
Byte 1-2: Reference number
Byte 3-4: Register value

Byte 0: FC = 86 (hex)
Byte 1: exception code = 01 or 02

Write 1 register at reference 0 (40001 in Modicon 984) of value 1234 hex:
06 00 00 12 34 => 06 00 00 12 34

B0700BG Rev B 6. Modbus Protocol

Diagnostic (Heartbeat) (FC 8) 40001 sub function 00

Byte 0: FC = 08
Byte 1-2: Subfunction (00)
Byte 3-4: value

Byte 0: FC = 08
Byte 1-2: Subfunction (00)
Byte 3-4: value

The response to Function Code 8 (as used by the FDSI Modbus driver for heartbeat messages) is
a loop-back of the query request.

Force Multiple Coils (FC 15) 00001 register reference

Byte 0: FC = 0F (hex)
Byte 1-2: Reference number
Byte 3-4: Bit count (1-800)
Byte 5: Byte count (B = (bit count + 7)/8)
Byte 6-(B+5): Data to be written (least significant bit corresponds to the first
coil requested)

Byte 0: FC = 0F (hex)
Byte 1-2: Reference number
Byte 3-4: Bit count

Byte 0: FC = 8F (hex)
Byte 1: exception code = 01 or 02

Write 3 coils at reference 0 (00001 in Modicon 984) to values 0,0,1:
0F 00 00 00 03 01 04 => 0F 00 00 00 03
Note that the format of the input data is not consistent with a big-endian architecture. Note also
that this request can be very computation-intensive on the slave if the request calls for multiple
words and they are not aligned on 16-bit boundaries.

6. Modbus Protocol B0700BG Rev B

Preset Multiple Registers (FC 16) 40001 register reference

Byte 0: FC = 10 (hex)
Byte 1-2: Reference number
Byte 3-4: Word count (1-100)
Byte 5: Byte count (B=2 x word count)
Byte 6-(B+5): Register values

Byte 0: FC = 10 (hex)
Byte 1-2: Reference number
Byte 3-4: Word count

Byte 0: FC = 90 (hex)
Byte 1: exception code = 01 or 02

Write 1 register at reference 0 (40001 in Modicon 984) of value 1234 hex:
10 00 00 00 01 02 12 34 => 10 00 00 00 01

Modbus Exception Codes

All Modbus exceptions are signaled by adding 0x80 to the function code of the request, and fol-
lowing this byte, by a single reason byte, for example as follows:
03 12 34 00 01 => 83 02
request read 1 register at index 0x1234 response exception type 2 illegal data address
Following is a list of likely exceptions:

The function code received in the query is not an allowable action for the
slave. This may be because the function code is only applicable to newer
controllers, and was not implemented in the unit selected. It could also
indicate that the slave is in the wrong state to process a request of this
type, for example because it is unconfigured and is being asked to return
register values.


The data address received in the query is not an allowable address for the
slave. More specifically, the combination of reference number and transfer
length is invalid. For a controller with 100 registers, a request with offset
96 and length 4 would succeed, a request with offset 96 and length 5 will
generate exception 02.

B0700BG Rev B 6. Modbus Protocol


A value contained in the query data field is not an allowable value for the
slave. This indicates a fault in the structure of the remainder of a complex
request, such as that the implied length is incorrect. It specifically does
NOT mean that a data item submitted for storage in a register has a value
outside the expectation of the application program, since the MODBUS
protocol is unaware of the significance of any particular value of any par-
ticular register.

7. Troubleshooting
This chapter describes troubleshooting problems with the FDSI driver for Modbus devices.
The document Field Device System Integrators (FBM230/231/232/233) Users Guide (B0700AH)
includes a table (Table 8-3) that details the corrective actions you can take in response to status
messages that appear in the equipment information pages of the FBMs. In addition, you should
refer to the device documentation provided by the manufacturer to troubleshoot the devices.
If you see constant or intermittent device failure or slowdown, and the device configuration is cor-
rect, you may want to use a serial data analyzer for FBMs 230 and 231 or an Ethernet snooper for
FBMs 232 and 233 to fully analyze any communication problems. Using the data analyzer or
snooper, look at the messages between the device and the FBM and find out if there are any data
communication issues such as parity errors.
Generally speaking, at startup, it is helpful to troubleshoot only one message at a time on a com-
munication link. Often users configure everything and turn everything on at once. When trouble
starts, there is some difficulty in tracking the problem(s) down. One suggestion is to start with a
small database that includes one device and one point. Observe the returned value or troubleshoot
and correct the link. Check each device on the link with one or two points and verify that com-
munication is OK. The heartbeat message is useful to verify the physical layer of the communica-
tion. If the ECB201s are good (white) in SMDH with the heartbeat operational, then the physical
link should be OK. Afterwards, a better test will be with a scan query that asks for 120 values.
Not all Modbus PLC devices respond within the same time limit. A particularly busy PLC may
be slower to respond to queries than a less busy one. This can cause occasional response time-
outs and may fail an ECB201. Be aware of this and tune the response timeout values
You can also check the configuration of the ZIPH and XML filenames in the ECBs. It is easy to
misspell a file name, but difficult to troubleshoot the problems it may cause. This is particularly
the case when an existing driver or XML file is present in the FBM. Also make sure the files exist
in the d:\usr\fox\sp\files\devices directory on the host AW.
Remember: Anytime an SMDH Soft Download action is performed to reload the Modbus driver,
the action causes the FBM to reboot. Soft Download also wipes out any configuration XML files.
So a DB Download action to the FBM must always follow a Soft Download to reload the port
configuration XML file.

Serial Communications (FBM230/231)

For serial troubleshooting it is highly recommended that you have a serial data analyzer patched
into the RS-232 line to view message transactions. Many serial communications problems are
attributed to incorrect wiring. Refer to Field Device System Integrators (FBM230/231/232/233)
Users Guide (B0700AH) for details on Termination Assembly switch settings. Wiring diagrams in
the document illustrate the switches and signal lines affected. Also check the cabling thoroughly.
Another source of trouble for serial communications is modems. Check the modems jumper and
switch settings to make sure that they are correct per the manufacturers instructions. When set

B0700BG Rev B 7. Troubleshooting

incorrectly, modems can inhibit handshake signals or cut short the transmission of a message
before the end is reached.
A default slave address of 255 (device address) is applied by the FDSI Modbus Master driver when
the DVNAME parameter in particular ECB201 is left blank. This is a broadcast address, which
means that all connected slave devices will respond to the query sent by the master. Be sure to
configure the proper Modbus device slave addresses in the DVNAME parameters. For multidrop
connections (RS-422/RS-485 and so forth), make sure that each ECB201 representing a device in
the drop has the same port number in the PORTNO field of the ECB201.
Performance problems are sometimes caused when a slow slave device does not respond within
the default response time. (The default value of the response timeout varies with the baud rate
configured. See Table 3-1.) You may have to tune the response time in the port configuration
XML file by increasing the response timeout value in the Driver column of the FDSI Port Con-
figurator (see Creating/Modifying a Port Configuration File for FBM230/231 on page 10).
However it is good to minimize message traffic as much as possible between individual devices
and the FBM by trying to make sure that as many values as possible are located in contiguous reg-
ister addresses.

Ethernet Communications (FBM232/233)

Ethernet troubleshooting may exchange the physical layer issues (wiring and so forth) associated
with serial connections with hub/switch/networking problems associated with Ethernet networks.
However in most cases, these issues are minimized when the Modbus devices are connected on
their own separate control system network. Modbus TCP connectivity issues will be in the areas
of configuration and performance.
As with the serial Modbus driver, the Ethernet Modbus driver also defaults the device address to
255 if none is configured. In most situations this may not be a problem as the IP Address is spe-
cific to a particular device.
Double-check IP address configuration: the devices address and the address in the ECB201.
This may seem obvious, but physical network cable connections between the FBMs and the
devices should be verified also.
Performance problems are sometimes caused when a slow slave device does not respond within
the default response time of 1/8 of a second (125 ms). You may have to tune the response time via
the ECB201 DVOPTS parameter to a longer time. Network loading may not be an issue when
the network is dedicated to the process control system and modern high speed networking equip-
ment is used. However it is good to minimize message traffic as much as possible between individ-
ual devices and the FBM by trying to make sure that as many values as possible are located in
contiguous register addresses.

Modbus Error Returns

If communication errors are encountered, use an Ethernet snooper or serial data analyzer to view
the Modbus messages. Look for Modbus exception codes as described in Modbus Exception
Codes on page 47. For example, if a Modbus exception error 02 (illegal data address) is returned,
none of the requested data will be available to the DCI blocks. For instance, if reading coils 1
through 99, and 99 does not exist, then coils 0 through 98 will not be updated.

7. Troubleshooting B0700BG Rev B

B0700BG Rev B 7. Troubleshooting

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