B0700be F PDF
B0700be F PDF
B0700be F PDF
Rev F
February 29, 2012
Invensys, Foxboro, AIM*API, FoxAPI, FoxDraw, FoxView, I/A Series, the Invensys logo and INTERSPEC are
trademarks of Invensys plc, its subsidiaries, and affiliates.
All other brand names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Tables.................................................................................................................................. xxv
Preface................................................................................................................................ xxxi
Audience ............................................................................................................................... xxxi
Revision Information ............................................................................................................ xxxi
Reference Documents .......................................................................................................... xxxii
B0700BE – Rev F Contents
Contents B0700BE – Rev F
B0700BE – Rev F Contents
Contents B0700BE – Rev F
B0700BE – Rev F Contents
Contents B0700BE – Rev F
B0700BE – Rev F Contents
Contents B0700BE – Rev F
B0700BE – Rev F Contents
Contents B0700BE – Rev F
5. Procedures..................................................................................................................... 277
Create an Object ................................................................................................................... 277
Creating a Base Display .................................................................................................... 277
Creating a New Overlay ................................................................................................... 277
Creating a New Library Object for Use in a Generic Overlay ........................................... 278
Creating a New Display using a Template ........................................................................ 278
Copy a Library Object .......................................................................................................... 279
Linking a Library Object .................................................................................................. 279
Linking a Bitmap ............................................................................................................. 279
Linking a Standard Faceplate to a Display ........................................................................ 279
Linking a Trend to a Display ............................................................................................ 280
Linking an X/Y Plot to a Display ...................................................................................... 280
Copying or Linking library objects from a Palette ............................................................ 281
Create a Primitive Object ...................................................................................................... 281
Creating a Circle .............................................................................................................. 281
Creating a Closed Curve ................................................................................................... 282
Creating a Curve .............................................................................................................. 282
Creating an Ellipse ........................................................................................................... 282
Creating a Line ................................................................................................................. 283
Creating a Pie Arc ............................................................................................................ 283
Creating a Polygon ........................................................................................................... 284
Creating a Polyline ........................................................................................................... 284
Creating a Rectangle ......................................................................................................... 285
Creating a Sector .............................................................................................................. 285
Creating a Three-Point Sector .......................................................................................... 285
Creating Background Text ............................................................................................... 286
Creating Scroll Region Object .......................................................................................... 286
Creating a Comment Object ............................................................................................ 287
Create Library Objects .......................................................................................................... 287
Creating a Template ......................................................................................................... 287
Creating a User-Built Faceplate ........................................................................................ 288
Creating a Palette ............................................................................................................. 289
Copying an Existing Faceplate to a Library Object ........................................................... 290
Creating a Generic Overlay .............................................................................................. 291
Creating a Library Object ................................................................................................. 291
Creating a Palette of Another Size .................................................................................... 292
Configure an Object’s Graphic (Static) Attributes ................................................................. 293
Configuring an Object’s Fill ............................................................................................. 293
Configuring an Object’s Edge .......................................................................................... 293
Making an Edge Invisible ................................................................................................. 293
B0700BE – Rev F Contents
Contents B0700BE – Rev F
B0700BE – Rev F Contents
Contents B0700BE – Rev F
B0700BE – Rev F Contents
Contents B0700BE – Rev F
Appendix G. Reserved Keywords (Not For Use in Foxboro Display Files)......................... 455
B0700BE – Rev F Contents
1-1. FoxDraw Window - Standard Definition (4:3 Aspect Ratio) ......................................... 2
1-2. FoxDraw Window - Widescreen (16:9 Aspect Ratio) .................................................... 2
1-3. Reference Object Parameters in IACC .......................................................................... 5
1-4. Foxboro Display Files Converted from 4:3 Aspect Ratio to
Widescreen 16:9 Aspect Ratio ..................................................................................... 12
1-5. Color Definition File .................................................................................................. 19
1-6. Faceplate ..................................................................................................................... 23
1-7. Trend .......................................................................................................................... 24
1-8. Trend Example #1 ...................................................................................................... 28
1-9. Trend Example #2 ...................................................................................................... 29
1-10. Trend Example #3 ...................................................................................................... 30
1-11. X/Y Plot Example ........................................................................................................ 32
1-12. An X/Y Plot With More Than One Plotted Pair. ........................................................ 33
1-13. Profile Plot Example ................................................................................................... 44
1-14. API Server Connection Utility .................................................................................... 50
2-1. Screen Co-ordinates .................................................................................................... 55
2-2. Palette ......................................................................................................................... 58
2-3. Palette (links_pipes) .................................................................................................... 62
2-4. Scaling an Object in Point Mode ................................................................................ 65
2-5. Hershey Fonts ............................................................................................................. 66
3-1. Focused Objects .......................................................................................................... 77
3-2. Example of a Temperature Indicator in a Thermometer .............................................. 83
4-1. FoxDraw Window .................................................................................................... 131
4-2. File Menu ................................................................................................................. 132
4-3. Edit Menu ................................................................................................................ 134
4-4. View Menu ............................................................................................................... 136
4-5. Draw Menu .............................................................................................................. 139
4-6. Object Menu ............................................................................................................ 141
4-7. Tools Menu .............................................................................................................. 143
4-8. Layout Menu ............................................................................................................ 144
4-9. Options Menu .......................................................................................................... 145
4-10. Help Menu ............................................................................................................... 146
4-11. Standard Toolbar ...................................................................................................... 147
4-12. Draw Toolbar ........................................................................................................... 152
4-13. Layout Toolbar ......................................................................................................... 154
4-14. Rotate Toolbar .......................................................................................................... 155
4-15. Tip Of the Day Dialog Box ....................................................................................... 158
4-16. Display Properties Dialog Box ................................................................................... 165
4-17. Display Properties - Script Tab ................................................................................. 166
4-18. Display Properties - Menu Tab ................................................................................. 167
4-19. Configure Menu Item Dialog Box ............................................................................ 168
4-20. Select Palette Dialog Box ........................................................................................... 179
4-21. Open Overlay Dialog Box ......................................................................................... 202
4-22. Open Overlay More Attributes Dialog Box ............................................................... 204
B0700BE – Rev F Figures
Figures B0700BE – Rev F
B0700BE – Rev F Figures
1-1. Object Types ................................................................................................................. 3
1-2. Link Commands ........................................................................................................... 3
1-3. Display Types ............................................................................................................... 9
1-4. File Types ................................................................................................................... 10
1-5. Display Element - Directory Location ......................................................................... 13
1-6. Trend Options ............................................................................................................ 26
1-7. Color Representation in an X/Y Plot ........................................................................... 32
1-8. X/Y Plot Data File Keywords ...................................................................................... 38
1-9. Object Data File Keywords ......................................................................................... 42
1-10. Contents of Data Arrays .............................................................................................. 47
1-11. Foxboro Trend Types ................................................................................................. 48
1-12. Variable Types for Object Manager Variables ............................................................. 50
1-13. Naming Limitations of Object Manager Variables ...................................................... 51
1-14. Template and Grid Sizes used by FoxDraw ................................................................. 52
1-15. Template and Grid Sizes used by FoxDraw (for Widescreen Displays/Overlays) ......... 53
2-1. Zoom Commands ....................................................................................................... 56
2-2. Point Mode Types ...................................................................................................... 65
2-3. Object Detectability .................................................................................................... 67
2-4. Object Alignment Commands and Buttons ................................................................ 69
2-5. Flip Commands and Buttons ...................................................................................... 70
2-6. Point Modes ............................................................................................................... 71
2-7. Toolbar Types ............................................................................................................. 72
3-1. Object Selection .......................................................................................................... 77
3-2. Object Focus Commands ............................................................................................ 78
3-3. Select Actions .............................................................................................................. 80
3-4. Table of Dynamics ...................................................................................................... 86
3-5. Minimum/Maximum Values of Dynamics .................................................................. 88
3-6. Scale Dynamics ........................................................................................................... 91
3-7. Conversion Information .............................................................................................. 94
3-8. Examples of Data Types ............................................................................................ 101
3-9. Integer Data Type ..................................................................................................... 101
3-10. Fixed Decimal Data Type ......................................................................................... 101
3-11. Exponential Data Type ............................................................................................. 101
3-12. Hexadecimal Format ................................................................................................. 102
3-13. Binary Format ........................................................................................................... 102
3-14. Bit Extensions for Trend Connections ...................................................................... 103
3-15. Bit Extensions for Operator Actions .......................................................................... 104
3-16. Bit State .................................................................................................................... 104
3-17. ALMSTA Bit Acronyms ............................................................................................ 105
3-18. ALMOPT/INHSTA Bit Acronyms ........................................................................... 106
3-19. BLKSTA Bit Acronyms ............................................................................................. 107
3-20. INHALM Bit Acronyms ........................................................................................... 109
3-21. Conversion Types ..................................................................................................... 110
3-22. Logical Operators ...................................................................................................... 111
B0700BE – Rev F Tables
Tables B0700BE – Rev F
B0700BE – Rev F Tables
Tables B0700BE – Rev F
B0700BE – Rev F Tables
This document is a print version of the on-line Help file for the FoxDraw™ software application
The information in this document is intended for process engineers.
Revision Information
For FoxDraw v10.2.4 used with I/A Series software v8.2 and above (refer to the release notes doc-
ument (B0700RJ) for specific version compatibility), the following changes were made to this
Removed all references to Windows NT.
Chapter 1 “FoxDraw Software Overview”
Added “.fdf4_3” to Table 1-4 “File Types” on page 10, and Figure 1-4 “Foxboro Dis-
play Files Converted from 4:3 Aspect Ratio to Widescreen 16:9 Aspect Ratio” on
page 12.
Added Table 1-15 “Template and Grid Sizes used by FoxDraw (for Widescreen Dis-
plays/Overlays)” on page 53.
Chapter 2 “Drawing and Editing”
Updated Figure 2-1.
Chapter 4 “Window and Dialog Boxes”
Updated “Displayable Area” on page 157 and “Base Display” on page 159.
Added “Widescreen Preferences for User Options Dialog Box” on page 265.
Chapter 5 “Procedures”
Updated the note under “Creating a Base Display” on page 277.
Appendix B “Display Convert Utility”
Added the “.fdf to wsmfdf ” conversion type in Table B-1 and Table B-2.
Appendix C “Widescreen Conversion for Displays”
Added this appendix.
Appendix G “Reserved Keywords (Not For Use in Foxboro Display Files)”
Added this appendix.
For earlier versions of FoxDraw, refer to FoxDraw™ Software (B0193WG).
B0700BE – Rev F Preface
Reference Documents
The following documents may be found on the V8.x Electronic Documentation CD-ROM
(K0173WT). The latest revisions of most of these documents are available through the Global
Customer Support Center (Global CSC) at http://support.ips.invensys.com.
FoxView™ Software (B0700BD)
FoxView™ and FoxDraw™ Software V10.2.4 Release Notes (B0700RJ)
Process Operations and Displays (B0700BN)
Display Commands (B0193DF)
AIM*API User’s Guide (B0400YN)
FoxAPI™ Installation Guide (B0193UC)
FoxAPI User’s Guide (B0193UD)
I/A Series Configuration Component (IACC) User’s Guide (B0400BP)
Alarm and Display Manager Configuration (B0700AM).
1. FoxDraw Software Overview
This chapter introduces the concept of displays and display objects.
The FoxDraw™ software application (“FoxDraw”) is a graphical display editor for creating and
maintaining displays for viewing process control dynamics.
What is a Display?
A display is a file that is constructed and configured to be viewed from a FoxView™ window or a
Display Manager window.
A display can represent a plant, a process area, or a detailed portion of a process. A display can
be configured to allow operator interaction with the process by moving objects or typing inputs.
A display is composed of objects, each of which can be configured with attributes. Object attri-
butes determine the object’s static and dynamic appearance and the actions an operator can per-
form on an object.
The term “object” includes primitive objects (such as lines, rectangles, circles, and text), library
objects, and bitmaps. Library objects include Invensys Foxboro supplied and user-built symbols,
overlays, faceplates and trends. The term “symbols” refers to the vast collection of objects that you
can copy to a display from Invensys Foxboro supplied and user-build palettes.
B0700BE – Rev F 1. FoxDraw Software Overview
1. FoxDraw Software Overview B0700BE – Rev F
Item Description
Bitmap A display can include one or more bitmap files. Typical uses include
a company logo or pictures of your plant.
Trend A display can include a trend to monitor the behavior of one or
more process variables over time.
An X/Y plot can graph the relationship between two monitored
A profile plot graphs the value of a monitored point over time.
Faceplate A faceplate is a display object that shows critical parameters for a
particular block.
Primitive Object Primitive objects include lines, rectangles, polylines, polygons,
curves, closed curves, circles, pies, sectors, 3-point sectors, text,
background text, comment objects, and scroll region objects.
Create primitive objects by using Draw toolbar tools or Draw menu
Library Object Library objects (.m1 files) refer to the objects that FoxDraw and
FoxView recognize.
FoxDraw recognizes library objects stored in either of two display
library directories:
The library objects are subdivided into groupings with
appropriately named directories.
The subdirectories (bitmaps, buttons, faceplates, faceplates_1,
grids, markers, palettes, Profile Plots, symbols, templates, trends,
and X/Y plots) serve as receptacles for the library objects.
FoxDraw includes over one thousand library objects. You can also
build your own library objects.
Display Creation
You can draw basic objects using the mouse in combination with toolbars, menu bar commands,
and shortcut keys.
B0700BE – Rev F 1. FoxDraw Software Overview
This method of placing library objects on a display (or another library object) copies a link to the
library object. Linked library objects yield consistency and save time.
Object Configuration
Each display object can be configured with attributes to affect its presentation (how it looks and
moves). You configure an object’s dynamic attributes to the value of a variable (process variable or
shared variable) which then controls the object’s behavior. Dynamic attributes or properties of
dynamic attributes of an object can be exposed. Properties of dynamic attributes can be exposed
through text aliases.
You can specify an object’s static presentation (as specified by its graphic attributes). Typically
these attributes include an object’s fill color, edge color, edge style etc. Graphic attributes can be
exposed through graphic attribute alias names. The static text contents of text and background
text objects can be exposed through text aliases. A text object’s specifications include font style,
color, and direction.
Certain properties of operator dynamics of an object can also be exposed through text aliases.
A display object can reflect the current value of a process variable. The appearance of a display
object can be animated, based on the value of one or more process variables. You configure anima-
tion by specifying an object’s dynamic attribute, choosing a conversion method, and creating a
table of expected inputs and desired outputs.
FoxDraw allows you to assign an operator action to a display object, creating an interactive con-
nection between the display object and the operator. This capability permits an operator to trigger
an event by performing an action or recording data.
1. FoxDraw Software Overview B0700BE – Rev F
interface requires that the FoxDraw software be installed on the same workstation as the IACC
client application.
The Foxboro display file is represented by a reference object in the IACC database. The reference
object is created and maintained by IACC. Right-clicking the reference object displays a pop-up
menu, with the IACC FoxDraw Editor as one of the options available to create and edit the dis-
play file. You build displays in the editor using all of the same resources and procedures described
in this document.
Whenever a Foxboro display file is saved, IACC automatically creates lists of compounds and
blocks referenced in the display, and information about the linked object which is stored in the
display reference object. Figure 1-3 shows the information stored in the object reference.
Object Reference
Display Files
Display File
Station Reference
IACC Configured Workstations
Linked Object
B0700BE – Rev F 1. FoxDraw Software Overview
For additional information on the integration of FoxDraw into IACC and management of the
displays in the IACC database, refer to I/A Series Configuration Component (IACC) User’s Guide
Display References
A display reference object represents a display in the IACC database. Display files are located
outside the IACC database, thus enabling the stand-alone version of the FoxDraw application as
well as the IACC version of the FoxDraw application to edit them. The drawing is stored in a
Foxboro display file (*.fdf ).
A reference object supports the following:
A display associated with the reference object can be opened from the IACC FoxDraw
Editor utility.
The display stays intact when the reference is deleted.
A display can be edited from the stand-alone FoxDraw application.
The name of a reference object can be different from the name of the display.
Display files can contain linked library objects that exist as independent, physically separate files.
A list of symbols, workstations, and compound:block.parameters that a display file uses are
available from its reference object and can be viewed using the ListView utility.
When you try to open a display that was manually deleted or renamed, the IACC version of the
FoxDraw application displays an appropriate warning message.
If the FoxDraw file (.fdf ) is moved or renamed in the stand-alone FoxDraw
application, IACC is not able to find it. To access the file with IACC, you must
import it into the application.
Display Templates
A template is a display file that has specific compound and block references converted to macros.
When an instance of a template is created, the macro substitution process converts the macro
references back into instance-specific compound and block references (that reflect the actual
control strategy to which it is tied), and saves this information in the template reference object.
When an existing display is converted to a template, however, a reference object is not created
because a template has its compound and block references composed of macros, and does not
refer to any actual instances of blocks and compounds.
1. FoxDraw Software Overview B0700BE – Rev F
B0700BE – Rev F 1. FoxDraw Software Overview
Display Properties
Each display has a set of properties.
Choosing Display Properties from the FoxDraw File menu invokes the Display Properties dialog
box from which you can view statistics about the display object (library object, palette, overlay, or
base display) currently open in FoxDraw. You can readily view the display file’s name and direc-
tory location, and you can check its size in world coordinate units used by FoxDraw.
This dialog box also allows you to specify various display attributes, such as background color, and
whether to record historical information (comments) about the display object.
In addition, you can obtain display file statistics, which include information about the items that
comprise the display.
Base Displays
For base displays, there are additional tab pages that allow you to specify the Object Manager scan
rate and scan delay and the scripts that run when the base display opens or closes. The OM_Data
tab includes a checkbox for the Fast Scan option which specifies the rate at which data is sent
from the CP to FoxView to match that of the block processing cycle (BPC) of the CP. This
option, which is supported with I/A Series Version 8.0 and greater, only affects the rate at which
data is sent from the CP, and not the frequency with which FoxView updates the display.
Overlay Displays
For overlays, there are additional tab pages, which allow you to specify the Object Manager scan
rate and scan delay. You can also configure the following FoxView attributes:
Overlay position
Overlay mode specifies the behavior of the initial display in FoxView:
Stationary - The overlay can not be repositioned by the user. The overlay always open
as a stationary overlay, regardless of the overlay mode setting in FoxView.
Moveable - The overlay can be dragged to another location on the screen. The overlay
always open as a moveable overlay, regardless of the overlay mode setting in FoxView.
FoxView - The overlay is opened as either moveable or stationary based on the current
FoxView overlay mode setting and based on the configuration of the button that
invokes the overlay.
Script that runs when the overlay opens and the script that is run when the overlay
1. FoxDraw Software Overview B0700BE – Rev F
Table 1-3 lists the different types of displays with which you can work.
B0700BE – Rev F 1. FoxDraw Software Overview
The Foxboro display files are in 4:3 aspect ratio. Using the methods
described in Appendix C “Widescreen Conversion for Displays”,
Foxboro display files can be converted to widescreen format (16:9
aspect ratio) as shown in Figure 1-4 on page 12.
.pdf 50 Series display files. These are older binary format displays
supported on 50 Series workstations.
You can convert .pdf files into Foxboro display file format (.fdf )
with the Display Converter utility from the Tools menu.
.m1 Library objects. These include faceplates, trends, symbols, palettes,
markers and buttons. They are stored in .m1 binary file format. You
can edit an .m1 file in FoxDraw.
50 Series markers Use the Display Converter utility to convert older user-built
and Invensys Foxboro supplied marker files into library objects
(.m1 format).
Converted Foxboro markers (system markers and PLC markers) are
stored in the Foxboro display directory:
User-built markers are stored in the user display directory:
.dxf AutoCAD® files. You can convert AutoCAD .dxf files into Foxboro
display file format (.fdf ) with the Display Converter utility
from the Tools menu. FoxDraw supports up to AutoCAD Version
1. FoxDraw Software Overview B0700BE – Rev F
B0700BE – Rev F 1. FoxDraw Software Overview
Widescreen Monitor - used with I/A Series Workstations with FoxView/FoxDraw V10.2.4 or later
Figure 1-4. Foxboro Display Files Converted from 4:3 Aspect Ratio to
Widescreen 16:9 Aspect Ratio
1. FoxDraw Software Overview B0700BE – Rev F
If display objects are not located in this structure, FoxDraw cannot locate them
When FoxDraw starts up, if the user display library directory structure does not
exist, FoxDraw creates it.
B0700BE – Rev F 1. FoxDraw Software Overview
Do not modify Foxboro supplied files located in the Foxboro data directory or the
Foxboro display library directory. Do not add your own symbols, faceplates, or
trends to the Foxboro subdirectories. The contents of these directories can be over-
written as part of a future system upgrade. Instead, copy any file you want to mod-
ify to the corresponding user directory and work with it there.
Data Directories
There are two data directories:
Foxboro data directory
User data directory.
When you copy a base display from one workstation to another, copy all the refer-
enced library object files into a directory structure that is identical to the structure
at the original location.
Example 1
You created a base display on a laptop and saved the display to the directory:
The linked library objects are in this directory:
When you copy the base display to a workstation:
Copy the base display (.fdf file) to the opt\menus directory on the workstation.
Copy the linked library objects to \opt\customer\displib\Symbols on the
1. FoxDraw Software Overview B0700BE – Rev F
Example 2
Displays created with a custom trend template are dependent on that template file.
If you copy displays to another system, you must also copy the custom trend template to a direc-
tory location on the new system that is identical to the directory location on the old system.
For example, if you store your template in \opt\customer\displib\Trends on the system
where you created the display, you must copy your trend template file to
\opt\customer\displib\Trends on the new system. Otherwise, FoxDraw and FoxView use
the Foxboro supplied trend template file on the new system.
AutoCAD Versions
In general, all AutoCAD versions (12 through 14) are compatible. This means that if a particular
DXF entity was supported in version 12, it is also supported in version 14. Conversions work best
with versions 12 or 13, because version 14 has some new entities that are not supported.
AutoCAD Format
AutoCAD file conversion works only with ASCII DXF file formats, and in particular, DXF,
which is generated from AutoCAD. Other products that generate “DXF-like” output may not
convert properly, yet may be readable by AutoCAD.
Filename Limitations
There should be no limitation to the number of characters. If you have a problem, report this as a
bug and provide an example .dxf file. You may have some character dependencies in FoxDraw
that are not part of the converter. DXF filenames can begin with a number, but GMS files cannot.
The filename 123456.dxf is converted to an_123456.g. The “an_” stands for AutoCAD number.
FoxDraw probably does not handle this renaming of DXF files which are invalid GMS filenames.
AutoCad 14
AutoCAD Version 14 has some new objects. In particular, AutoCAD has introduced an object
called a light-weight polyline. These objects do not convert. It is likely that when AutoCAD
converts to older versions of DXF output, these polylines are converted to objects that the
converter does support.
B0700BE – Rev F 1. FoxDraw Software Overview
Graphic Attributes
An object’s graphic attributes specify its static representation.
When no object is selected, you can specify default graphic attributes via the Set
Default Attributes dialog box. Until you change them, these specifications apply to
all objects that you configure.
If you want to configure several objects, leave the Set Selection Attributes dialog box
A tank is always at least 25% full. You configure a graphic attribute to specify this static level.
But during a batch process, the tank’s fill level might range from 25% to 100%. To visually indi-
cate the tank’s varying level, you would configure a dynamic Fill Level attribute for the tank. One
way of doing this is by specifying a Low Fill % at 25 and a High Fill % at 100 in the Continuous
dialog box.
1. FoxDraw Software Overview B0700BE – Rev F
Dynamics (also called dynamic attributes) change the appearance of a display object in response
to changes in a process variable or system variable. Thus, an updating value animates the display
Use one or more dynamics to animate an object. Typical examples include:
Rectangles that display actual fill levels
Text objects that display process values
Lines that represent meter needles that move in response to changing system values
Valves that open and close
Timers that start when a batch process starts.
You cannot apply a dynamic to a trend, X/Y plot, profile plot, faceplate, or a com-
ment object.
You can apply a conversion to a dynamic. Depending on the dynamic, different types of conver-
sions are available.
As an alternative to applying dynamics to an object, you can apply a convention, which is a group
of one or more dynamics. Using conventions decreases configuration time.
Exposing Dynamics
You can expose the dynamics of components of library objects. Dynamics can also be exposed by
exposing the tag-name through text aliases. For more information on this feature, refer to
“Exposing and Resolving Dynamics” on page 84.
You can expose the properties of dynamics of library objects through text aliases.
The following properties of dynamics can be exposed:
Tag (tag-name) and Range through text and range aliases respectively
Values of Text Contents dynamic through text aliases.
For more information on alias syntax and exposing text aliases, refer to “Exposing Text Aliases” on
page 98.
B0700BE – Rev F 1. FoxDraw Software Overview
Object Movement
You can configure an object with movement. There are two types of object movement
A dynamic update, in which the display object moves, based on changes in a process
An operator action, in which the operator moves (drags) the display object, which in
turn, changes a process value (such as a set point).
Use these configuration techniques to customize your displays.
Display Conventions
A display convention is a collection of one or more dynamic attributes.
These collections of dynamics can be given names and used later when configuring objects.
FoxDraw does not allow exposing of a dynamic that uses display conventions.
The rules governing the application of an attribute to an object also apply to
conventions; you can apply no more than one occurrence of a particular attribute to
an object. Because a convention comprises one or more attributes, FoxDraw does
not allow you to apply a convention to an object already configured with an attri-
bute contained in the convention. For example, if an object has already been
assigned the Fill Color attribute, you cannot apply a convention that includes the
Fill Color attribute. Similarly, you cannot apply an attribute to an object that has
been configured with a convention that includes that same attribute.
1. FoxDraw Software Overview B0700BE – Rev F
Do not change the Regional Settings. You may experience color problems if you go
into the Windows Control Panel, Regional Settings, Number tab, and change the
decimal symbol from a decimal point (.) to another symbol such as a comma (,).
B0700BE – Rev F 1. FoxDraw Software Overview
Comment Object
As an option, you can insert one or more comment objects into a model to add your own model
development comments. In FoxView, comment objects do not appear. The comment object looks
like a regular background text object. When you save the model, all the model’s comment objects
are made invisible. This means the comment objects are invisible in FoxView.
You can place comment objects in .fdf models only. You cannot place a comment
object in an .m1 model.
You can create a comment object only when comment objects are visible.
If you apply graphical attributes to a comment object while it is invisible, FoxDraw
does not change the comment object’s graphical attributes.
You cannot apply a dynamic (passive or operator) to a comment object.
Bitmaps in FoxDraw
Bitmaps are typically used as background images such as maps or plant overviews, and for
company logos. A bitmap is not embedded in a display but is linked to a display. You can
configure the bitmap’s dynamic attributes to make it grow or shrink, change location, or be
visible or invisible based on the value of a process variable.
1. FoxDraw Software Overview B0700BE – Rev F
Library Objects
Library objects include:
Profile Plots
XY Plots.
Primitive objects (lines, rectangles, polylines, polygons, curves, closed curves, cir-
cles, pies, sectors, 3-point sectors, text, background text, comments, and scroll
regions) are not library objects.
You can link a library object to a base display, overlay, or another library object that contains a
pointer to the library object instead of a pasted copy.
A display can have multiple references to the same library object.
You can expose the dynamics of components library object. Certain properties of dynamics, oper-
ator actions, and graphic attributes can also be exposed through aliases.
The advantages of this feature are:
The object with exposed properties can be used repeatedly in the same display and
modified to look and operate differently.
When linked to another display the properties become visible to the current display.
These properties can then be modified if required.
Library objects can be configured fully or partially to compounds, blocks, or parameters using
aliases. The aliases can be of three types text, graphic or range. For more information, refer to
Chapter 3 “Object Configuration”, section “Aliases” on page 96.
B0700BE – Rev F 1. FoxDraw Software Overview
Linked Objects
You can link a library object to a base display, overlay, or another library object that contains a
pointer to the library object.
Linked objects provide these advantages:
When you change the definition of a linked object, all occurrences of that linked
object are automatically updated.
Displays that use a linked object can have a uniform appearance.
The display size is smaller.
Copied Objects
A copied object (or instance of an object), unlike a linked object, is a stand-alone entity. It may be
a copy of another object, but its attributes are not controlled by the original object’s
You can individually configure the primitive object(s) of a copied object. You can configure the
attributes (graphic attributes, dynamics, and operator actions) of each of its primitive objects. In
addition, you can group and ungroup primitive objects.
Using more than eight levels of linking decreases performance.
Although you can create multiple levels of library objects, you can configure dynamic
attributes only for the first level.
Linked library objects have these advantages:
Linked library objects simplify the task of updating base displays. When you modify a
library object, all the displays that reference the library object automatically update.
Thus, you do not need to update each base display manually.
A base display with a link to a library object requires less disk space than the same dis-
play saved with the library object information (copied into the display).
1. FoxDraw Software Overview B0700BE – Rev F
Linked library objects have these disadvantages:
At the base display, you cannot edit the primitive objects in a library object or a prim-
itive object’s attributes. Instead, you must open the library object. Alternatively, you
can copy the library object to a palette, paste it from the palette directly into your dis-
play, and then configure the primitive objects with dynamic updates or modify their
graphic attributes.
If a library object is corrupted or lost, each display that points to it is adversely
Faceplates include supplied faceplates and user-built faceplates. Faceplates are library objects and
have an .m1 extension. You can build a base display that contains up to eight faceplates.
The template contains all critical block parameters. In FoxView, if the block is in manual mode,
an operator can access modifiable parameters and make changes.
User-Built Faceplates
You can use FoxDraw to build a custom faceplate for any block type.
B0700BE – Rev F 1. FoxDraw Software Overview
A trend can monitor the behavior of one or more process variables over time. You can configure
up to eight trend graphs on a single base display (or base display plus library object).
A trend can display up to four numeric or Boolean process variables over time. The data values
being graphed can be from real time or historical data. FoxDraw provides many trend types from
which to choose.
Depending on trend configuration and operator permission (access levels) in FoxView, operators
can reconfigure and save trends.
Trend time appears on the X-axis. The number of time stamps depends on the size of the graph.
Data values appear on the Y-axis. You can configure the trend and specify the parameters such as
low and high values for each process variable’s range. Individual ranges can be automatically
scaled. Figure 1-7 displays a trend.
Values appear on the graph at a rate that depends on the duration you select. Data scrolls to the
left as new values appear above and to the right.
The trend display can include up to four user-configured horizontal lines to mark boundary val-
ues. In the configuration dialog boxes, these static lines are labelled HI%, HI-HI%, LO%, and
FoxView indicates status conditions by using different line styles. A dashed line indicates bad sta-
tus. If the trend includes an update field, an asterisk followed by the last good value indicates bad
data. Four asterisks indicate no data.
1. FoxDraw Software Overview B0700BE – Rev F
Trend Configuration
You can configure a trend’s display style, including:
Trend area presentation
Access levels required for on-line trend configuration
Trend duration and scan rate.
For X/Y plots, only the scan rate is available.
B0700BE – Rev F 1. FoxDraw Software Overview
Option Specifies
Trend type Whether the trend is to be linear or logarithmic. This trend area attribute applies
to all lines trended in the graph.
Time stamp The format of the trend area’s bottom edge (X-axis).
format FoxView permits two styles: local time and relative time.
This illustration shows the use of local time.
Markers Whether markers are to be used and their color, symbol, quantity, and so on.
Trend lines (pen lines) are composed of line segments, which can optionally be
connected by markers. (Each pen is configured with a line color.)
Optionally, the trend’s configuration may specify the use of a marker on each
point or a specific number of markers per line. Markers are selected from a pull-
down list in the Configure Trend Pen dialog box.
Off-normal A trend can be configured with off-normal operating areas at the top and bottom
area of the trend graph. These areas, which can be configured in any color, are based
on a percent of range for the entire graph.
Background A trend area’s configuration includes its background color.
Display style Each trend is configured to be merged or banded.
A merged trend can display up to four trend lines inside the same graph area.
A banded trend displays each line inside an individual “quarter-height” area.
Banded format is often used for auto-scale trends.
1. FoxDraw Software Overview B0700BE – Rev F
Option Specifies
Y-axis scales A trend’s configuration can include the display of scale settings (labels) along the
trend area’s Y-axis. Each trend pen (line) can be configured to include its own
Decimal The number of decimal places used in a trend display can be set in the range from
Format 0 to 4, or automatic decimal formatting can be specified. With automatic format-
ting, the number of decimal places is based on the field value. The format for Real
parameters is as follows:
Four decimal places for numbers less than 1
Two decimal places for numbers less 100
No decimal places if the value is 100 or greater.
Static Lines The display area can include up to four horizontal lines at user-specified positions
on the vertical axis. The user determines the meaning of these static lines. The
lines are configured on the Grid tab in the Configure Objects dialog box. They
are specified as a percentage of the vertical scale and are labeled HI%, HI-HI%,
LO%, and LO-HI%.
B0700BE – Rev F 1. FoxDraw Software Overview
Examples of Trends
The following examples show trends with different configurations.
Example #1
The trend’s configuration in Figure 1-8 displays:
Two lines (pens)
No Y-axis scales
Banded mode
Local time stamps.
1. FoxDraw Software Overview B0700BE – Rev F
Example #2
The trend’s configuration in Figure 1-9 displays:
Two lines (pens), each with five markers
Merged mode
No Y-axis scales
Local time stamps
High and low limits (off-normal areas) shown on a red background, at 95% and 5%
of the graph area, respectively.
B0700BE – Rev F 1. FoxDraw Software Overview
Example #3
The trend’s configuration in Figure 1-10 displays:
Relative time stamps
Logarithmic Y-axis.
Group Trends
A group trend includes the following:
Trend duration
Data collection rate
Numeric update fields for each process variable
Pause and scroll buttons.
You can create a group trend that includes the graph only (Graph Only option) or a group trend
with additional information on each variable (Full Trend option).
Select a trend of a different size to include varying information.
1. FoxDraw Software Overview B0700BE – Rev F
X/Y Plots
You configure an X/Y plot by selecting any two monitored points (creating a relation) and plot-
ting them against each other. Up to four relations may be plotted on a single X/Y plot. The plots
consist of a trace line that shows all current real-time data points. In addition to real-time points,
you can plot historical data or points from a data file (often called a read data file).
Linear and logarithmic scales are supported on both the X-axis and the Y-axis. You can configure
graph gridline color and visibility. The plot lines appear in the configured colors. You can also dis-
play a cursor that represents the currently plotted data. By default, there is no cursor.
You can configure one or more polygons, or zones, in the plot area to represent out-of-normal pro-
cessing values. The polygons are configured with an object data file (see “Object Data Files” on
page 38), which is referenced in the Plot Area tab of the Configure Objects dialog box. When any
pen, or a particular pen specified in the object data file, enters the zone, the edge of the polygon
changes color to indicate the condition. When the pen exits the zone, the edge returns to its
default color. The zone object can also be configured to change the color of a pen when the pen
enters the zone. The pen reverts to its default color when it exits. Markers and connecting lines
inside the zone keep the color configured in the zone object (Figure 1-11).
Configurable Items
For the X/Y plot’s trend area, you can specify:
Number of plotted points (up to 600), the scan rate, and time delay
Color, density, and visibility of the graph’s gridlines
Whether to use markers, and the number of markers to display on a trend line
Graph area background color
Visibility and scales for each plot axis
Object filename
Polygons depicting out-of-normal conditions for one or all plotted relationships.
For the trend pen, you can specify:
Each pen’s axis time delay, read filename, range, Historian, and scale information
The pen’s color (most recent point color, real recent point color, and file read data pen
color). The color of the most recent point can be driven by the value of another
The pen’s marker style.
B0700BE – Rev F 1. FoxDraw Software Overview
1. FoxDraw Software Overview B0700BE – Rev F
The X/Y plot’s object data file’s CURSORCOLOR settings [yellow (color code of
27) for the first configured shape, and red (color code of 25) for the second config-
ured shape] override the pen colors configured for the pen in the Configure Plot
Pen dialog box.
The colors specified in the object data file are defined as FoxDraw color numbers.
The example X/Y plot above does not use fill patterns.
An X/Y plot can display up to four series of plotted points (also called lines or pens).
Each pen’s appearance, which is configured in FoxDraw, can display:
A leading marker with the previously plotted points indicated by the vertices of a
polyline (for example, -------o, or ------+).
A specified marker at each point (for example, ooooooo or ++++++++). Optionally,
the markers can be connected with polylines (for example, o---o---o---o).
When the X/Y plot displays, the marker configured for the plotted pair displays in the area next to
the names of the X and Y pairs. The indicator example, as shown in Figure 1-12, distinguishes
plotted data on plots containing more than one plotted pair.
Figure 1-12. An X/Y Plot With More Than One Plotted Pair.
B0700BE – Rev F 1. FoxDraw Software Overview
In addition to the marker (quantity and style) configuration, specifications for the X/Y plot’s
background color and pen color (point color) affect the X/Y plot’s appearance.
The newest X/Y pair is drawn in the recent color (Leading Real Point specification from the
Configure Plot Pen dialog box). Previously plotted points are drawn in the real-time color
(Real Point specification from the Configure Plot Pen dialog box).
Data read in from an X/Y plot data file displays in the configured color (File Read Data
specification from the Configure Plot Pen dialog box).
Saving Data
The data currently in the memory buffer can be written to a specified file for retrieval and com-
parison analysis. An X/Y plot can include a Write File function key configured to perform the
write-to-file function.
Refer to Display Commands (B0193DF) for information about the plot command.
Reading Data
A Read File function key can be configured to retrieve information from a data file and display it
on the X/Y plot. Data is read to a specified pen. This pen must have been configured previously
(using the Add function from the Pens tab of the Configure Objects dialog box). The pen color
for the added pen must also be configured.
The values for X/Y points can be taken from X/Y pairs stored in a file created from having used
the pre-configured Write File function key.
1. FoxDraw Software Overview B0700BE – Rev F
Visual Comparison
The above process enables a visual comparison of the saved file data with the recent real-time data
(from the data buffer).
The file data is plotted with the same scales used for real-time data.
All the data within the file is read regardless of the number of X/Y pairs.
Curve fitting tools can create intermediate points to smooth the data.
B0700BE – Rev F 1. FoxDraw Software Overview
at the X/Y plot’s configured scan rate (as configured on the Configure Object dialog box’s Timing
tab), new point data is added to each pen’s data buffer, and the points appear on the X/Y plot.
Amount of Data
Each X/Y plot pen displays point values from its data buffer. The number of data points (maxi-
mum of 600), which are configured in FoxDraw from the Plot Area tab of the Configure Objects
dialog box, sets the size of the data buffers.
Data Source
The X and Y values that are stored in the data buffer come from:
Compound:block.parameters or shared variables read in real time
Historian instance
Specified read data file.
Each point (relation) displayed on an X/Y plot is determined by values stored in the pen’s data
Time Delay
From the FoxDraw Configure Plot Pen dialog box, an X-axis object (process variable or shared
variable) and a Y-axis object are paired for the pen. The time at which the Y-axis object’s value is
read can be delayed up to 999 scan periods after the reading of the X-axis object.
If a nonzero time delay is configured, the Y variable is delayed with respect to the X variable by
the configured number of scan periods.
For example, if a pen is configured for a scan delay of 3, and the plot has a rate of one second,
no data displays until three scan cycles have passed, or in this case, three seconds. When data dis-
plays, the X value at second “1” is paired with the Y value as second “4” for a delay of three scan
Scan Rate
Data points are collected at the configured scan rate, which is configured on the Configure
Objects dialog box’s Timing tab.
File Creation
You can create an X/Y plot data file:
With a text editor.
1. FoxDraw Software Overview B0700BE – Rev F
From FoxView, by writing out the contents of the current X/Y plot for a specific rela-
tion to a file (the X/Y plot data file). This FoxView written file represents a snapshot
of an X/Y plot.
X/Y plot data files are created by FoxView by means of the plot w command. Refer to
the plot command in Display Commands (B0193DF) for more information.
Externally by means of a separate application.
File Layout
The X/Y plot data file consists of optional and required keywords, and associated data fields.
Entry Format
Where the format of an individual entry is “keyword keyvalue”, the white space in the entry may
consist of one or more blanks and tabs.
Only one pen is permitted per data file.
B0700BE – Rev F 1. FoxDraw Software Overview
Use this FoxView feature to indicate to the operator that there may be a problem,
requiring attention.
If an object is a line or curve, FoxView does not check to determine whether the plotted X/Y
point falls inside the object, since lines and curves have no “inside” area.
1. FoxDraw Software Overview B0700BE – Rev F
For both logarithmic and linear plot objects, the object data file should have values
in decimal format rather than logarithmic format.
FILLTYPE transparent
LINETYPE straight
OBJTYPE closed
0 30
10 40
20 50
30 60
40 70
100 70
100 0
0 0
B0700BE – Rev F 1. FoxDraw Software Overview
FILLTYPE transparent
LINETYPE straight
OBJTYPE closed
0 0
10 10
20 20
30 30
40 40
100 40
100 0
0 0
50 10
50 50
1. FoxDraw Software Overview B0700BE – Rev F
There can be only one object data file per X/Y plot.
An object data file may reference other object data files.
The order in which the objects are ordered in the file is important. The objects are
drawn on the X/Y plot in the same order in which they appear in the file. The first
objects in the file are drawn first (back of the X/Y plot) and the last objects are drawn
last (front of the X/Y plot).
If optional parameters are not included in an object definition, FoxView uses default
values for the attributes. The default values are listed in Object Data Keywords.
File Layout
This file consists of required and optional keywords, associated data fields, and comments. Each
object must begin with a STARTOBJ and end with an ENDOBJ.
Ordering of Keywords
Attribute keywords must appear before the X/Y plotted pair values.
Place plotted pair values in the order in which they are drawn.
Entry Format
The format of an individual entry is “keyword keyvalue”. The white space in the entry may con-
sist of one or more blanks and tabs.
The following limitations are imposed on the composition of these files:
Object keywords and the “include” keyword are mutually exclusive. Thus, an
“include” keyword cannot be found within the definition of an object. If it is found
within an object definition, it is discarded.
The file structure includes a limit of five levels. For example, an included file can ref-
erence another included file, but there is a limit of five levels of inclusion. Once the
limit exceeds five, processing ceases and no more files/objects down that path are
There is a limit of 20 drawn objects per X/Y plot. Once the number of drawn objects
reaches this limit, processing of the file ceases and no more objects are drawn in the
X/Y plot.
You can use the keywords in Table 1-9, in an object data file to define objects.
B0700BE – Rev F 1. FoxDraw Software Overview
1. FoxDraw Software Overview B0700BE – Rev F
B0700BE – Rev F 1. FoxDraw Software Overview
Profile Plots
The profile plot area displays a series of data points along its X-axis. The X-axis may represent, for
example, length, distance, or frequency. The Y-axis represents the value of each data point. Up to
four color-coded sets of data points may be displayed in the plot area in one of the following pro-
file styles:
Line, or
Both profile styles use color to indicate:
Each line or bar line (1-4) with data values within normal limits
Each line or bar line of data values exceeding alarm limits
Each reference line (1-4)
The fill colors for bars if filled bars are configured.
Figure 1-13 shows an example of two profile plots. The upper portion of the figure shows a bar-
style profile plot while the lower part of the figure shows a line-style profile plot.
The width of the profile plot area in pixels does not necessarily represent the number of data
points. If there are fewer data points than pixels, the space occupied by each data point is
expanded so that the width of the plot area is filled. Conversely, when a plot line has more points
than pixels, the plot line is drawn, but the points may overlap.
The profile plot supports NAN (Not-A-Number) values, but the NAN values are not displayed.
These NAN values are indicated by line gaps in the profile plot.
1. FoxDraw Software Overview B0700BE – Rev F
The standard function buttons included with the profile plot library objects are preconfigured
with FoxView commands. Because these buttons reference the plot name, the plot must be named
in order for the buttons to operate.
Configuration allows you to perform the following tasks:
Select the configured plot area to execute a FoxView command, for example, access an
overlay or display read-out values.
Toggle between the pause mode and unpaused mode. When in the paused mode, the
plot area is not updated.
Read out a data point on the X-axis. A vertical hairline appears at the selected X-coor-
dinate, and the point number and value on each line are recorded in FoxView
memory and optionally displayed in the read-out fields in the profile area.
After performing a read-out, select the Send Value to send the point number and
value for each line to the configured compound:block.parameter or shared variable.
Select an object configured with both read-out and send in order to read and send
point numbers and values with one selection.
Request FoxView to redraw the profile plot.
B0700BE – Rev F 1. FoxDraw Software Overview
Data Updates
All data points on a profile plot are updated simultaneously and the previous values are discarded.
A profile plot (line or bar) with multiple lines configured has the following line priority scheme:
Line 1 has the highest priority, Line 2 has the next highest priority, and so on. The lines are drawn
on the screen in the following order: from Line 4 (lowest priority) to Line 1 (highest priority).
When one line is redrawn, all the other lines are also redrawn. In bar profiles, when a single point
changes every bar is redrawn.
Profile plots do not support connections to individual data points or individual
String variables are capable of holding multiple values to be plotted. The maximum length of
string variables is 255 bytes. Therefore a string variable can hold a maximum of:
63 float or long values,
127 integer values, or
255 byte values.
1. FoxDraw Software Overview B0700BE – Rev F
The first Data Array contains the Data Header information as well as a set of data values. The
Data Header includes the following information, which is only used if not defined in the profile
plot configuration:
The data type being used (always used)
The number of points
High and low scale limits
High and low alarm limits
The reference value.
Therefore, the first Data Array cannot hold as many data points as subsequent data arrays. If the
number of points in a profile plot exceeds the number of data values available in the first Data
Array, additional string variables are used. See Table 1-10.
When multiple strings are required, the subsequent Data Arrays contain the same path name as
the first Data Array with the exception of the last two characters. These characters are automati-
cally substituted with a number depending on the array, for example, 02 for the second array, 03
for third array... 59 for last array.
For example, when you need to display 480 data points that are stored in the data array type
“float”, the number of string arrays needed is:
1 + (480-55)/63 = 8 data arrays
These 8 string arrays may be named, such as FLOATARR01, FLOATARR02..... FLOATARR08.
When the 480 values are packed in the data array type “integer”, the number of arrays needed is:
1 + (480-114)/127 = 4 data arrays
Packing the same 480 values into a byte array would result in 2 arrays.
A special tool (/opt/fox/bin/tools/omary50) is used to create, get, set, or delete the Object Man-
ager string arrays. Refer to Object Manager Calls (B0193BC).
To engineer data array access, refer to Display Engineering for FoxView Software and Display Man-
ager Software (B0193MQ).
B0700BE – Rev F 1. FoxDraw Software Overview
Installation Notes
FoxDraw operates on I/A Series workstations that run Microsoft Windows XP. FoxDraw can also
be installed off-platform on computers using one of the following operating systems:
Windows XP
Windows Server 2003.
Foxboro Trends
FoxDraw includes many standard Foxboro trends. Table 1-11 lists some examples.
1. FoxDraw Software Overview B0700BE – Rev F
Broadcast Request can be disabled by checking an option in the API Server Connection Utility
dialog box. If the option is checked, you must use the utility to configure at least one server
B0700BE – Rev F 1. FoxDraw Software Overview
Syntax Description
Compound:Block.Parameter A block parameter.
.Parameter A shortcut block parameter. The display object is connected to
the compound:block that is defined somewhere else.
This syntax is supported only in library objects (for example,
faceplates) and detail displays.
Compound.Parameter A compound parameter.
Shared_Variable A shared variable.
$NAME Dollar sign substitution name. FoxView replaces the $name field
with the contents of the NAME variable. The NAME data type
must be a string and must be an environment variable or a
shared variable.
1. FoxDraw Software Overview B0700BE – Rev F
Syntax Description
<subs_name> A substitution name. The substitution name must be defined in
a substitution list. See “Substitution List” on page 453 for more
Naming Limitations
Table 1-13 lists the naming limitations for Object Manager variables.
Variable Limitations
Compound You can use:
Up to 12 characters
A through Z (uppercase only)
0 through 9
The underscore character (_).
Note: The underscore character cannot be the first character.
Block Same as Compound.
Parameter Same as Compound, but only six characters.
Shared_Variable Same as Compound, but up to 14 characters.
$NAME Same as Compound.
Note: When surrounded by other names, use braces.
For example, UC01_LEAD:${P1}.OUT
<subs_name> Up to 12 characters. Cannot be surrounded by other characters.
B0700BE – Rev F 1. FoxDraw Software Overview
1. FoxDraw Software Overview B0700BE – Rev F
Table 1-15. Template and Grid Sizes used by FoxDraw (for Widescreen Displays/Overlays)
B0700BE – Rev F 1. FoxDraw Software Overview
Copy these .dat files to your data directory and edit the copies. Do not change the
.dat files in the fox directory, as your edits may be overwritten in a future system
FoxDraw Settings
FoxDraw settings are saved in the Windows registry.
These settings include:
Default graphic attributes
User option settings
Most recently used files list
Chosen File directories
FoxDraw window sizes and locations.
The settings are saved between uses of the application. When FoxDraw starts up, it reads the
settings. When FoxDraw exits, it saves settings.
2. Drawing and Editing
This chapter describes the FoxDraw drawing area and how you create and draw objects.
Viewing Objects
FoxDraw Drawing Area
The view is the drawing area in FoxDraw. Use View menu commands to change the appearance
of the drawing area or to affect object behavior when Snap to Grid or Snap Gravity is enabled.
Screen Co-ordinates
FoxDraw uses the world coordinate system, which is based on floating-point numbers. The sys-
tem originates at 0,0 and extends both positively and negatively to limits of -32768,-32768 and
32767,32767. Refer to Figure 2-1.
For displays in standard definition format ((4:3) aspect ratio), a FoxDraw full-screen base display
has its lower-left corner at 0,0 and extends 100 world coordinate units in the X-axis and 75 units
in the Y-axis.
For displays in widescreen format ((16:9) aspect ratio), a FoxDraw full-screen base display has its
lower-left corner at 0,0 and extends 133.33 world coordinate units in the X-axis and 75 units in
the Y-axis.
Displayable Area
The displayable area is the part of the drawing area that appears in FoxView. The area varies,
according to the type of display.
B0700BE – Rev F 2. Drawing and Editing
For a base display in standard definition format ((4:3) aspect ratio), the displayable area fills the
entire screen and measures 100 units by 75 units. For a quarter-screen overlay, the displayable area
is 50 units by 37.5 units.
For a base display in widescreen format ((16:9) aspect ratio), the displayable area fills the entire
screen and measures 133.33 units by 75 units. For a quarter-screen overlay, the displayable area is
66.66 units by 37.5 units.
Scratchpad Area
For each display type, a black outline indicates the displayable area. Use the space outside this area
as a scratchpad. You can temporarily move objects to the scratchpad area for editing, away from
finished areas of a drawing.
Scroll Bars
Use the vertical and horizontal scroll bars to position the display. To return the display to its
default position, use the View menu’s Normal View command.
Zoom Commands
Use Zoom commands to control how large or small the drawing appears on screen. You can
zoom in or zoom out on the entire drawing area, or you can zoom in on a specific area with the
Zoom Lasso command.
Zooming is typically used to magnify the drawing area for detail work. To return to the default
view size, use the View menu’s Normal View command.
Height-to-Width Ratio
When you use the Zoom commands, objects appear larger or smaller, but their original height-to-
width proportions do not change.
The View menu offers several zoom commands, as listed in Table 2-1.
Command Description
Zoom In Magnifies the drawing area by one increment.
Zoom Out Shrinks the drawing area by one increment.
Zoom In Changes the cursor to a magnifying glass, and permits you to magnify the drawing
Continu- area incrementally by clicking the left mouse button.
For a fast zoom, hold down the left mouse button.
To stop zooming, click the right mouse button.
Zoom Out Changes the cursor to a magnifying glass, and permits you to shrink the drawing
Continu- area incrementally by clicking the left mouse button.
For a fast zoom, hold down the left mouse button.
To stop zooming, click the right mouse button.
Zoom Lets you lasso an area for magnification by drawing a selection rectangle around it.
2. Drawing and Editing B0700BE – Rev F
B0700BE – Rev F 2. Drawing and Editing
A grid is a matrix of solid lines or dotted lines that you can display as an aid while positioning and
aligning objects in FoxDraw. Grids are a display building feature and are not visible when display
files are opened in FoxView.
You can modify grid settings and save individual settings as grid files, which you can reuse later
with different displays.
Optionally, you can configure FoxDraw to automatically save grid settings with your display files.
When you open the file for editing, the grid reloads.
This is not the same as saving a particular setting as a grid file.
Palettes are windows that contain graphic objects that you can use to build a display or library
object. Numerous symbols, markers, and ISA-recommended graphic objects are conveniently
available from FoxDraw palettes.
An extended directory of palettes, entitled I/A Series Symbols Palettes, is also available to accom-
pany the FoxDraw existing palettes and provides over 1,200 configurable FoxDraw graphical
objects. Refer to FoxDraw specification sheet (PSS 21S-2B3 B4) for more information.
The palette shown in Figure 2-2, is one of many available palettes with objects, that you can copy
or link to your drawing.
Creating Palettes
If you frequently use certain objects, and the objects are not included in the standard Foxboro pal-
ettes, you can save time by creating your own palettes.
You can create simple palettes of basic objects such as rounded rectangles or triangles, or more
elaborate palettes such as company logos or DIN symbols.
2. Drawing and Editing B0700BE – Rev F
Recognized Palettes
The Select Palette dialog box’s tree list displays available palettes, based on these criteria:
Foxboro palettes are located in /opt/fox/displib/Palettes directory (Solaris)
or \opt\fox\displib\Palettes directory (Windows).
User palettes must be located in these directories, or directories immediately under
/opt/customer/displib/Palettes (Solaris)
\opt\customer\displib\Palettes (Windows).
FoxDraw supports two levels of palettes. If a palette is not in one of these two direc-
tory levels (the Palettes directory or a subdirectory under Palettes), FoxDraw does
not recognize the palette, and the Select Palette dialog box does not display the pal-
ette’s name.
You can view the names of palettes in one external palette directory.
The names of the palettes in the external location are examined and are compared to
the names of the palettes in the Foxboro Palettes directory and User Palettes directory.
If the name of a palette in the external directory is identical to a palette name in the
Foxboro Palettes directory or User Palettes directory, the external palette does not
appear in the tree list.
B0700BE – Rev F 2. Drawing and Editing
If you want to use the external palette, you must delete, rename, or move the local
3D_Tanks library object or use the Palette Browser.
Copied Objects
Unlike a linked object such as a bitmap or a symbol, a copied object becomes part of the display
file. You can ungroup a copied object, and you can configure its primitive objects the same way as
an object that you draw. You can add dynamic attributes and change graphic attributes.
2. Drawing and Editing B0700BE – Rev F
You must resolve all these conflicts before the palette can be copied.
If there is a difference, a warning displays, listing all the conflicting library objects.
You can continue copying the palette.
FoxDraw checks that the /opt/fox/displib directory tree does not contain a library
object with the same name as a library object on the external palette. It does not check
for conflicts for the external palettes.
If a library object with the same name exists in the same location under the /opt/cus-
tomer/displib/Palettes directory tree, FoxDraw assumes that you previously confirmed
the copy of the external palette, regardless of the name conflict.
If FoxDraw locates conflicting library object(s), a warning displays, listing all the con-
flicting library objects. You can continue copying the palette.
FoxDraw checks that the /opt/customer/displib directory tree does not contain a
library object with the same name as symbols used by the external palette.
If a conflicting library object is located (except in Symbols_1 directory), FoxDraw dis-
plays an error message that lists all the conflicting library objects. You must resolve all
these conflicts before the palette can be copied.
If FoxDraw finds conflicting library object(s) in the /opt/customer/displib/Symbols_1
directory, it checks that the library object(s) are different from the external symbol. If
there is a difference, FoxDraw displays a warning that lists all the conflicting library
objects. You can continue copying the palette.
FoxDraw checks that the /opt/fox/displib directory tree does not contain a library
object with the same name as symbols used by the external palette. It does not check
for conflicts for the external symbols.
If a library object with the same name exists in the /opt/customer/displib/Symbols_1
directory, FoxDraw assumes that you previously confirmed the copy of the external
symbol, regardless of the name conflict.
If FoxDraw finds conflicting library object(s), a warning message displays, listing all
the conflicting library objects. You can continue copying the palette.
B0700BE – Rev F 2. Drawing and Editing
The objects differ only in the number of primitive shapes used to build them.
Whenever possible, choose a low-resolution object to minimize the display file’s size
and optimize performance.
2. Drawing and Editing B0700BE – Rev F
Undo Buffer
The undo buffer stores operations that are performed on graphic objects (for example,
Create, Select, and Align). The Undo command and Redo command use the information in the
undo buffer.
The undo buffer resets when you open any display for editing. By default, up to 24 operations are
Dynamic attribute configuration, faceplate configuration, and trend configuration commands are
also stored in the undo buffer, as are other operations that change the current display (for exam-
ple, Display Properties).
The undo buffer does not store operations such as zooming, changing default attributes, or grid
The clipboard is a temporary storage area for data that you move or copy from one area of a dis-
play to another, from one FoxDraw display or library object to another, or from one FoxDraw
instance to another.
Use the Cut or Copy commands to place selected objects onto the clipboard. Then paste the
selection to the FoxDraw workspace.
Use the Copy command to copy text entries from FoxDraw dialog boxes onto the
clipboard, and then paste the text to other applications.
Text objects can also be pasted to WordPad, Notepad, or Microsoft Word. When you cut or copy
graphic objects, a bitmap copy of the entire display is placed on the clipboard. You can paste this
bitmap to applications such as Microsoft Paint or Microsoft Word.
User Options
FoxDraw allows you to specify user preferences, which serve as default settings that affect the way
you draw things.
FoxDraw User Options dialog box provides a means of specifying user preferences. From this
dialog box, you can configure:
Whether to save grid data to a display
Cursor size
Whether to display the actual object or a frame of the object during a
movement operation
The maximum undo number
Whether to save default attributes (graphic attributes)
B0700BE – Rev F 2. Drawing and Editing
Drawing an Object
FoxDraw Objects
You can include these types of objects in FoxDraw displays:
Primitive objects
Library objects (buttons, symbols, faceplates, trends, X/Y plots, profile plots, and
Use Draw menu commands to create primitive objects. These commands are also available as but-
tons from the Draw toolbar.
Reference Points
The reference point of an object or group of objects is the point:
On which the object rotates
From which the object grows or shrinks
That snaps to the grid
That snaps to another object.
By default, the reference point is the center of the object. You can specify a different location with
the Reference point command.
Point Modes
An object can be associated with one of three point modes: point mode, center mode, or reference
mode. You can change an object’s point mode from Point Modes commands in the View menu.
Point Mode commands affect the way an object snaps to grid or snaps gravity, as well as the way it
is rotated and scaled. The commands and their description are listed in Table 2-2.
2. Drawing and Editing B0700BE – Rev F
Mode Description
Point Mode This is the default mode. Scaling is relative to the handle opposite
the handle that you select for scaling.
For example, if you drag the upper-right selection handle, the
lower-left handle remains anchored.
Center Mode An object grows or shrinks in all directions from its center or
toward its center. The center point is anchored.
Reference An object grows or shrinks from or toward its reference point.
Mode The reference point is anchored.
When you rotate an object in point mode (refer to Figure 2-4), it rotates on the point opposite
the handle you select for rotation.
When you scale an object in point mode, it is scaled relative to the handle opposite the handle you
select for scaling.
FoxDraw Fonts
Two types of fonts are available in FoxDraw:
Standard fonts, which include:
X-Window System™ scalable
Windows TrueType
Hershey fonts.
Hershey Fonts
Hershey fonts, which are public domain vector fonts developed by A.V. Hershey, are distributed
by the National Bureau of Standards (now called NIST).
Hershey fonts are not as sharp and well-defined in appearance as standard fonts.
B0700BE – Rev F 2. Drawing and Editing
Unlike standard system fonts, Hershey fonts can be rotated or flipped. You can configure them
with the Rotate dynamic attribute. Hershey fonts are displayed in Figure 2-5.
Select a filled object by clicking anywhere on the object. Select an unfilled object by
clicking on its edge.
2. Drawing and Editing B0700BE – Rev F
Object Detectability
Making an Object Undetectable
The Object menu’s Detect Off command makes an object undetectable. The object is fully visi-
Use the Detect Off command to copy or move certain objects in a display, while leaving others
untouched. For example, if you are copying objects from a FoxDraw palette, you can make the
object labels in the palette undetectable so they do not inadvertently become part of your display.
Also, while working on a display, you can make carefully positioned objects temporarily undetect-
able to avoid accidentally moving them.
Restoring Detectability
Use the Object menu’s Detect On command to restore detectability to an object. The detectabil-
ity details are listed in Table 2-3.
Object Visibility
You can assign the Visibility attribute to an object, which makes the display object visible or invis-
ible, depending on the state of a process variable.
For example, you might configure a Restart button to be visible only while a process is in the
Hold state.
In FoxView, an invisible object cannot be selected.
B0700BE – Rev F 2. Drawing and Editing
Object Edge
You can change the edge line style, width, and color of these objects:
Line Polyline Rectangle Polygon
Curve Closed curve Circle Sector
Rectangle enclosing background text.
Edge Style
Choices include: invisible, solid, dotted, dashed, and dot-dash.
To optimize display performance style for filled objects, select the invisible edge.
Edge Width
You can choose a width of 1 to 20 pixels.
Edge Color
You can choose a color from the standard color palette or create a custom color.
Object Movement
Default Movement
You can configure the default fast and slow movement from the General tab of the User Options
dialog box.
2. Drawing and Editing B0700BE – Rev F
Object Alignment
Use alignment commands to align objects to the focused object. These commands, as listed in
Table 2-4, are available from the Layout toolbar on the right or from the Align option in the
Layout menu.
Command Aligns
Vertical Center Selected objects vertically to the center point of the focused object.
This command is available from the Layout menu, F9, or .
Horizontal Cen- Selected objects horizontally to the center point of the focused object.
ter This command is available from the Layout menu, Shift+F9, or .
Top The top edge of selected objects with the top edge of the focused object.
This command is available from the Layout menu, Shift+UP, or .
Bottom The bottom edge of selected objects with the bottom edge of the focused
object. This command is available from the Layout menu, Shift+DOWN,
or .
Left The left edge of selected objects with the left edge of the focused object.
This command is available from the Layout menu, Shift+LEFT, or .
Right The right edge of selected objects with the right edge of the focused object.
This command is available from the Layout menu, Shift+RIGHT, or .
Object Flipping
Use flip commands to change the orientation of objects.
You can flip text displayed in a Hershey font. You cannot flip text displayed in a Windows stan-
dard TrueType font or X-Windows system scalable font.
Do not use a flip command to reverse the fill level direction of an object. Instead,
configure the fill direction from the Fill tab of the Set Default Attributes dialog box.
B0700BE – Rev F 2. Drawing and Editing
These commands, as listed in Table 2-5, are available from the Rotate toolbar at the bottom of the
window or from the Flip option in the Layout menu.
Object Rotation
The rotation commands, available in the Rotate option of the Layout menu, allows certain
degrees of rotation of the object. Menu items allow you to rotate the object by 15, 30, 45, or 90
degrees as well as by a custom amount.
Rotation commands can also be accessed from the Rotate toolbar.
A positive amount rotates the object counterclockwise. A negative amount rotates the object
You cannot rotate Windows TrueType fonts and X-Windows system scalable fonts. To rotate text,
use a Hershey font.
You cannot rotate bitmaps.
Do not use the Layout menu’s Rotate command to reverse the fill level direction of
an object. Instead, configure fill attributes from the Fill tab of the Set Defaults
Attributes dialog box (or Set Selection Attributes dialog box).
2. Drawing and Editing B0700BE – Rev F
Object Scaling
The Same Size option in the Layout menu has commands that scale selected object(s) to the same
size as the focused object. Some of these commands are also available from toolbar buttons.
Use the Height command or button to make the selected objects the same height as the focused
Use the Width command or button to make the selected objects the same width as the focused
Use the Both command to make the selected objects the same height and width as the focused
Object Layout
Use commands in the Layout menu to:
Move (ordering) objects to the front or back.
Align objects
Space numerous objects evenly
Flip objects
Rotate Objects
Make numerous objects the same size as the focused object
Object Snapping
Use snap commands to precisely position objects in a drawing. The Snap to Grid and Snap
Gravity commands are mutually exclusive and stay in effect until you deselect the command.
You can display a grid and use the View menu’s Snap to Grid command to make objects snap to
the nearest intersection point on the grid.
As an alternative, use the View menu’s Snap Gravity command to snap objects to a point on a
nearby object.
Instead of snapping an object to the grid, you can select Snap Gravity, which causes an object to
snap to another object.
These commands are also available from the and buttons.
B0700BE – Rev F 2. Drawing and Editing
Toolbars Command
Use the View menu’s Toolbars command to:
Display or hide individual FoxDraw toolbars.
By default, FoxDraw displays all toolbars and the Status bar.
Turn on and turn off Tooltips.
The Toolbar types are listed in Table 2-7.
Select To
Standard Display or hide the Standard toolbar.
Draw Display or hide the Draw toolbar.
Layout Display or hide the Layout toolbar.
Rotate Display or hide the Rotate toolbar.
Status Display or hide the Status bar.
ToolTips Display or hide the names of toolbar buttons.
Order Commands
Use order commands to help you order objects.
By default, objects are ordered according to the sequence in which they were created.
Use the To Front command from the Order option of the Layout menu, Ctrl+F, or Layout
toolbar button to move the selected object(s) in front of other objects.
Use the To Front command from the Order option of the Layout menu, Ctrl+B, or Layout
toolbar button to move the selected object(s) to the back of other objects.
About Arcs
FoxDraw provides tools that you use to create different types of arcs.
Pie Arcs
The picture shown below displays counterclockwise selection of three points and the resulting pie
2. Drawing and Editing B0700BE – Rev F
This picture shown below displays clockwise selection of three points and the resulting pie arc.
Sector Arcs
This picture shown below displays counterclockwise selection of three points and the resulting
This picture shown below displays clockwise selection of three points and the resulting sector.
This picture shown below displays how some completed sectors appear.
B0700BE – Rev F 2. Drawing and Editing
3. Object Configuration
This chapter describes the attributes you assign to an object. These attributes give an object life.
Object Attributes
You configure a display object’s static (graphic) attributes from the Set Selection Attributes dialog
You can configure a display object with animation via the Configure Objects dialog box. You can
use either or both of these two methods:
By applying one or more dynamics (also called dynamic attributes or dynamic
updates) such as Visibility or Fill Level to the object and connecting each dynamic to
a process variable or file. With this type of configuration, as the process variable’s value
changes, the object’s presentation changes. Operator intervention is not necessary.
You can also configure and apply a convention, which is a group of dynamics.
Applying a convention to an object saves time and ensures display consistency.
1. Although an object can have many dynamics or conventions, it can have at most
only one operator action.
2. Each object type (such as rectangle, circle, or text) has its own set of dynamics
(for example, a line includes these dynamics: Visibility, Edge Style, Edge Width,
Edge Color, Edge Blink, Move Horizontal, Move Vertical, Move Path Percent,
Move Path Point, Rotate, Scale Horizontal, Scale Vertical, and Scale Proportional).
3. You can assign unique names to the objects that you create and configure in Fox-
Draw. Although names are optional, they help you to distinguish among several
objects of the same type in a single display.
B0700BE – Rev F 3. Object Configuration
Eliminate Edges
Make the edge invisible when possible.
To select an object located behind another object, lasso both objects. A selection
rectangle appears around the object in back. You may need to change the focus.
3. Object Configuration B0700BE – Rev F
To select Do this
A single object Click the object.
Lasso it by drawing a selection rectangle around it.
Multiple objects Select a single object, then press and hold the Shift key as
you select additional objects.
Lasso multiple objects.
All objects From the Edit menu, choose Select All.
Precision Movement
FoxDraw offers tools to help you create precise drawings. You can position objects using the key-
board’s arrow keys.
Object Focus
When multiple objects are selected, the focused object is highlighted with a dashed outline.
The focused object is the object that is acted upon when you use a Reference Point, Graphic Attri-
butes, or Configure Objects command.
Figure 3-1 shows the same selected objects, but the focus is different.
B0700BE – Rev F 3. Object Configuration
Command Description
First Moves focus to the first object that you created.
Previous Moves focus to the previously focused object.
Next Moves focus to the object that was created after the currently focused object.
Reference Mode
An object can have one of three point modes, one of which is Reference mode.
To scale an object, set the reference point inside or on the edge of the object. As you
enlarge or reduce the object, the reference point remains fixed.
Operator Actions
Each display object can have one operator action configured to it. You can, however, trigger two
or more events with a single operator action by configuring an object with a FoxView display
command script.
Use FoxDraw to create an interactive display, from which an operator triggers an event by per-
forming an action.
For example, in response to the operator’s action:
A new display can open
An overlay can appear
A variable can be modified.
3. Object Configuration B0700BE – Rev F
Select Actions
A Select action triggers when an operator selects an object.
Exception: To ramp a variable, the operator can click (or press and hold) the left mouse button.
B0700BE – Rev F 3. Object Configuration
Move Actions
In FoxView, an operator performs a move action by dragging an object along a horizontal or verti-
cal path.
By configuring an active connection in FoxDraw, an operator’s action (display manipulation) can
alter a process or system variable.
The variable is set according to the position in which the object is dropped.
When configuring a grouped object with an operator action, do not assign an oper-
ator action to any of its component objects.
3. Object Configuration B0700BE – Rev F
Open Overlay
The Open Overlay action opens an overlay on top of another display.
The overlay file must be located on the same drive as FoxView.
Use the Open Overlay dialog box to specify how and where the overlay opens.
Close Display/Overlay
A display object (typically a button) configured with this action closes the current display or
overlay in the manner specified.
Display Commands
Use a display command select action to execute one or more display manager commands. Fox-
Draw includes over 100 display manager commands that you can configure to an action,
permitting an operator to perform tasks such as:
Acknowledging alarms
Setting process variables
Opening and queuing displays (to local or remote FoxView)
Reading/writing files
Accessing files remotely
Starting up custom applications
Changing FoxView environments (menus, protection levels)
B0700BE – Rev F 3. Object Configuration
Relative Pick
Relative Pick is normally used when several variables in a display are affected by the same action.
For example, you may have a number of faceplates that you want to control with a single set of
You can configure all parameters of the same type with the Relative Pick action, and configure the
buttons with the second step actions. The operator selects the desired parameter and uses a button
at the bottom of the display to carry out an action on the parameter.
When an operator selects a display object configured with Relative Pick, the object highlights
with a yellow box.
Unpicking an Object
The operator clicks the object a second time to unpick it. This clears the value of PICK1.
PICK1 also clears when an operator closes the display or overlay containing the relative pick
Momentary Contact
Momentary contact momentarily changes the state of a Boolean, Packed Boolean, or Packed Long
process variable. The options are:
Pulse to 1
Pulse to 0
Toggle the current state.
You can specify a hold-down pulse (which holds the variable in the selected state as long as the
object, usually a button is pressed) or a timed pulse (which holds the variable in the selected state
for a specified duration).
To address a Packed Boolean or Packed Long variable, use bit extension acronyms.
3. Object Configuration B0700BE – Rev F
Ramps a variable up or down by a specified amount.
Use with real, integer, and simple Boolean variables. Packed Booleans and Packed Longs are not
Connect Variable
A connect variable associates the value of a process variable with a state in a conversion table that
you configure.
Move Horizontal/Vertical
An object configured with a move horizontal action or a move vertical action permits an operator
to set a process variable by moving a graphic object along the X-axis or Y-axis.
For example, you can draw a thermometer and configure the temperature indicator with a
setpoint variable and the Move Vertical action, as shown in Figure 3-2. The operator can then set
a vessel temperature by dragging the indicator.
B0700BE – Rev F 3. Object Configuration
Dynamic Attributes
Dynamics (also called dynamic attributes) change the appearance of a display object in response
to changes in a process variable or system variable. Thus, an updating value animates the display
Use one or more dynamics to animate an object. Typical examples include:
Rectangles that display actual fill levels
Text objects that display process values
Lines that represent meter needles that move in response to changing system values
Valves that open and close
Timers that start when a batch process starts.
You cannot apply a dynamic to a trend, X/Y plot, faceplate, or a comment object.
You apply a conversion to a dynamic. Depending on the dynamic, different types of conversions
are available.
As an alternative to applying dynamics to an object, you can apply a convention, which is a group
of one or more dynamic. Using conventions decreases configuration time.
3. Object Configuration B0700BE – Rev F
When you configure the tag as Required, the tag field must be filled in, either with a real tag name
or an alias. If an alias is used, then that alias must be resolved when the library object is used later.
It may be resolved in the Aliases tab of the Configure Objects dialog box when the library object
is used on a base display or another library object.
Dynamics that use display conventions cannot be exposed.
When a library object that exposes its dynamics is linked to another library object, you have the
following options:
Change the configuration of dynamics and not expose it to the base display.
Change the configuration of dynamics and expose it to the base display.
Not change the configuration of dynamics and expose it to the base display.
(default option)
Not expose configuration of dynamics to the base display.
When a library object that exposes its dynamics is linked to a base display, you have the option of
changing the configuration of dynamics.
Display Conventions
A display convention is a collection of one or more dynamic attributes. Display conventions offer
these benefits:
You can quickly apply a group of dynamics to an object. Once a convention is config-
ured, you can apply it to many different objects, which saves you time configuring
objects. Also, you avoid errors and debug time when you apply a convention that you
have already built and debugged.
If you change a convention’s configuration, each object to which the convention is
applied automatically receives the change. This greatly improves display
For each dynamic, a parameter automatically appears, helping you to quickly config-
ure the dynamic. This occurs only when the optional list of parameters has been pre-
Display call-up times are improved in FoxView.
Invensys Systems, Inc. supplies conventions that you can apply to objects. You can also configure
your own conventions.
The rules governing the application of an attribute to an object also apply to con-
ventions - you can apply no more than one occurrence of a particular attribute to an
object. Because a convention comprises one or more attributes, FoxDraw does not
allow you to apply a convention to an object already configured with an attribute
contained in the convention. For example, if an object has already been assigned the
Fill Color attribute, you cannot apply a convention that includes the Fill Color
attribute. Similarly, you cannot apply an attribute to an object that has been config-
ured with a convention that includes that same attribute.
B0700BE – Rev F 3. Object Configuration
Table of Dynamics
Depending on the object, the dynamics listed in Table 3-4 may be available.
Polygon, Circle, Back-
Dynamic Polyline, or Closed Pie, or ground Library
Attribute Line Curve curve Sector Text Text Bitmap Group object
Visibility X X X X X X X X X
Fill Level X X X X X
Filled X X X X X X
Fill Color X X X X X X
Fill Blink X X X X X X
Fill Pattern X X X X X X
Edge Style X X X X X X X
Edge Width X X X X X X X
Edge Color X X X X X X X
Edge Blink X X X X X X X
Text X X X
Text Color X X X X
Text Blink X X X X
Text Height X X X X
Move X X X X X X X X X
Radius X
Arc Length X
Rotate X X X X X X X X
Scale X X X X X X X X
3. Object Configuration B0700BE – Rev F
Text Substitution
Select the Global Change button to view the bottom half of the dialog box. This contains a sub-
stitution table and controls for defining the parts of the dynamic elements to which the substitu-
tions are to be applied. You can apply text substitutions to:
Dynamic element connection
Display manager commands
Text strings in a Text Context passive dynamic.
The text substitutions are applied to all dynamic elements in the dynamic element table. An “X”
under the Chng column indicates a change to a dynamic element that is applied.
Range Selection
Various FoxDraw dialog boxes facilitate the retrieval of scale data (High Scale and Low Scale) and
Delta values from the control processor (CP) or from the local database.
Configure Trend Pen dialog box
Configure Plot Pen dialog box
Continuous dialog box
Edit Range dialog box
Limit Configuration dialog box
Numeric Text/Entry dialog box
Ramp dialog box
Scales/Delta page of the Configure Objects dialog box.
This retrieved information is saved with the display. If you make control changes
later on, the display information is not up to date.
B0700BE – Rev F 3. Object Configuration
Color Dynamics
You can connect fill color, edge color, and text color to the state of a process variable.
You can also connect a blink dynamic independent of the color.
Color dynamics can be associated with these conversion types:
Bit state
Blink Dynamic
You can assign blinking to text, filled objects, and objects with an edge.
3. Object Configuration B0700BE – Rev F
Move Dynamics
Use Move dynamics to make a display object move across the screen. The object can move hori-
zontally, vertically, or follow the path of another object. An individual object, however, can move
only one way.
You can configure a simple (primitive) object, a grouped object, or a library object with a Move
If you do resize an object that has a move configuration, you must reset the location
for the move dynamic so that the dynamic can be correctly displayed in FoxView.
Set an object’s reference point before you assign a Move dynamic. If you change the
reference point after assigning a Move, the high and low locations change, requiring
you to edit them.
B0700BE – Rev F 3. Object Configuration
Without a path name, you can not specify the object to follow.
FoxView places the object’s reference point on the path. If the reference point is the center of the
object (the default), the center moves along the outline of the followed object.
The display shown below depicts a reference point set to the lower part of the Move object.
Selecting the Show Object Followed option in the Continuous dialog box makes the followed
object visible in FoxView. The default is On.
3. Object Configuration B0700BE – Rev F
Move Path Percent puts heavy demands on the CPU, especially if the followed
object is a curve. Use polylines or polygons, because straight line segments are easier
for FoxView to calculate. Where possible, use the Display attribute.
Object 1 2 3 4 5
Point Offset 0 -1 -2 -3 -4
By using point offsets, you do not have to reconfigure the state table for each copy of the object.
The Move Path Point dynamic is very efficient, because FoxView does not perform any calcula-
tions to position the object.
Use Move Path Point with these conversions:
Bit state
Scale Dynamics
Apply Scale dynamics to an object to vary its size, depending on the value or state of a variable.
The Scalar is expressed as a percent of original size.
You can scale an object, making it smaller but not larger. If you scale an object, you
should reset the location of the move dynamics.
The object is scaled relative to its reference point. For example, if the reference point is at the
lower left, the object scales down and to the left. If the reference point is the center, the object
scales equally on all sides. The scale dynamics is listed in Table 3-6.
B0700BE – Rev F 3. Object Configuration
You can use the Scale Vertical dynamic and the Scale Horizontal dynamic with the same variable.
When you select the Scale Proportional dynamic, vertical scaling and horizontal scaling are not
With a pie arc, sector, or circle, this Scale dynamics have the same results as the Radius attribute
when the reference point is the center of the object.
Scale dynamics can be used with these conversions:
Bit state
To use this dynamic, the object must be filled.
You can use Fill Level with open objects (such as polylines) and closed objects (such as polygons
and rectangles).
Fill Level direction can be up, down, left, or right. The minimum value can be 0%, and the max-
imum value can be 32,000%.
1. If you select the Optimized Update option (from the Continuous dialog box), the
fill level is drawn more quickly in FoxView. This option does not support objects
that move, rotate, or scale.
2. Fill polygons instead of rectangles. In FoxView, polygons refresh faster, especially
if they are rotated.
Visibility Dynamic
Use the Visibility dynamic to make an object visible or invisible, depending on the state of a pro-
cess variable. For example, you might configure a Restart button to be visible only while a process
is in the Hold state.
3. Object Configuration B0700BE – Rev F
In FoxView, an invisible object cannot be selected.
Filled Dynamic
Use the Filled dynamic to display a graphic object as filled or unfilled, depending on the state of a
process variable. You can fill open objects (for example, polylines) and closed objects (such as
polygons and circles).
The Filled dynamic can be used with these conversions:
Bit state
The object must be filled.
To use Fill Pattern, the object must be filled, and the fill style option must be trans-
parent or opaque.
B0700BE – Rev F 3. Object Configuration
3. Object Configuration B0700BE – Rev F
You can make the text smaller than the original, but you cannot make it larger.
Radius Dynamic
Use the Radius dynamic to scale the radius of a pie arc, sector, or circle.
You can use the Radius dynamic with these conversions:
Bit state
With a Continuous conversion, you must specify a High Radius and Low Radius percent. For
example, if you set the High Radius at 100% and the Low Radius at 50%, the radius is 100% of
its original size when the variable reading is 100%, and the radius is 50% of its original size when
the variable reading is 0%.
Pie arcs and sectors are always drawn counterclockwise.
B0700BE – Rev F 3. Object Configuration
Rotate Dynamic
Use the Rotate dynamic to rotate an object on its reference point, based on the value of a process
By default, FoxView rotates objects in a counterclockwise direction. To rotate an object clockwise,
specify a negative rotation angle.
You can use the Rotate dynamic with Hershey fonts only. Windows TrueType fonts
and X-Windows scalable fonts do not rotate.
You can improve display performance by rotating a polygon instead of a rectangle.
Polygons require fewer FoxView calculations.
Library objects can be configured fully or partially to compounds, blocks, parameters, texts, or
files using aliases. The aliases can be of three types text, graphic or range.
Alias Syntax
The syntax to be followed when using aliases is as follows:
The alias is usually enclosed within curly braces, for example, {alias}. The braces are
mandatory when an alias is used to replace a tag or a part of it. Range aliases need not
be enclosed within braces.
Aliases are case-sensitive, for example, {CMP}, {Cmp} and {cmp} are three different
aliases. The alias text can comprise of alphanumeric characters and underscores.
3. Object Configuration B0700BE – Rev F
A good labeling scheme can help in grouping compounds together, blocks together,
parameters together and labels together. Few labeling examples are given below:
Compound, Block, and Parameter Aliases
{C}, {CMP}, {CMP_in}, {CMP_out}, {CMP_pid}
{B}, {BLK}, {BLK_in}, {BLK_out}, {BLK_ain}
{P}, {PRM}, {PRM_in}, {PRM_out}, {PRM_aout}
{CB}, {CB_aout}
{CBP}, {CBP_aout}
Static Label Aliases
{L}, {LBL}, {LBL_in}, {LBL_out}, {LBL_eu}
Graphic Attribute Labels
Visibility - VIS_sensor
Fill Color - FC_level
Edge Color - EC_alarm
Text Font - TX_alarm
Aliases can be used in combination with other aliases or with valid compounds, blocks
or parameters such as:
Aliases can be used as parts of, or an entire DM command string or path/file name,
such as:
The alias {DMstrg1} used in a DM command string could be resolved to toggle
A DM command string can be toggle {CBP} or toggle {CB}.MA.
The path for a open display or open overlay command, can be
/opt/menu/{file2opn} or just {path_n_file}.
B0700BE – Rev F 3. Object Configuration
An alias with a Required configuration has to be resolved (in the base display or within a nested
library object). If left unresolved, the dynamic associated with the object is not operational, and
the object is drawn with an Out-Of-Service indication at run-time, in FoxView.
An alias with an optional configuration is not required to be resolved (in the base display or
within a nested library object). If left unresolved, the dynamic associated with the object is not
operational, and the object is not drawn with an Out-Of-Service indication at run-time, in
3. Object Configuration B0700BE – Rev F
When a library object with exposed properties is linked to a base display, you have the following
Resolve the text alias.
Not resolve the text alias. (If you do not resolve the text alias FoxDraw uses an
empty string to resolve it.)
When a library object with exposed graphic attributes is linked to a base display, you have the
following options:
Change the graphic attribute values exposed from an intermediate level.
Redefine the name of the graphic attribute alias exposed from the outer levels.
B0700BE – Rev F 3. Object Configuration
Data Formats
Numeric Format
These are the numeric formats:
Fixed decimal point
Automatic Format
Automatic format is the default format.
FoxView displays four decimal places for a real number between -1 and 1. A number between –1
and -10000 or between 1 and 10000 displays with two decimal places. Numbers outside of this
range display as integers (no decimal places).
The Packed Boolean or Packed Long data types display in hexadecimal notation. Examples of
data types are given in Table 3-8.
3. Object Configuration B0700BE – Rev F
B0700BE – Rev F 3. Object Configuration
Hexadecimal Format
The value appears in 4-digit (for 16-bit values) or 8-digit (for 32-bit values) hexadecimal nota-
tion. Refer to Table 3-12, for examples.
Binary Format
The value appears in 16-digit or 32-digit binary format. Optionally, you can define a Boolean
range or a single Boolean. Refer to Table 3-13, for examples.
Bit Extensions
Use bit extensions to reference specific bits within Packed Boolean and Packed Long parameters.
Parameter bit extensions contain logical operators and one of the following:
Value mask
List of bit numbers
List of bit acronyms.
A dot ( . )separates a parameter name from a bit extension.
Two dots ( .. ) separate a shared variable name from a bit extension.
The syntax is as follows:
3. Object Configuration B0700BE – Rev F
Term Meaning
~ Invert the Boolean result.
& The result equals the bitwise AND of source value and mask, then compare
whether the result equals the mask. The result is true if all the bits defined
by the mask are set in the value.
A The result equals the bitwise OR of source value and mask. The result is
true if any bit defined in the mask is set in the value.
This is not needed if you are OR’ing the bits and bitmask or
bit_acronym_1 does not start with an “A.”
For example, to connect to the MA BLKSTA bit, the expression
Comp:Block.BLKSTA.MA is valid and it is identical with
Comp:Block.BLKSTA.AMA. When connecting to the Active BLKSTA bit,
the tag-name Comp:Block.BLKSTA.ACT is invalid; the valid expression is
X The result equals the bitwise XOR of defined bits. If all defined bits are the
same, the result is 0; otherwise, the result is 1.
For example, the result of the Tag Comp:Block.Param.XB3,B6,B7 is as fol-
lows: when bit numbers 2, 6 and 7 are all 0 or all 1, the result is 0; other-
wise, the result is 1.
Bitmask Hexadecimal bit mask: 4 digits if you are masking a Packed Boolean, 8 dig-
its if you are masking a Packed Long.
bit_acr Multiple bit acronyms or bit numbers separated by commas. You can mix
bit acronyms and numbers.
Packed Long bit numbers are B1-B32 and represent bits 31-0.
Packed Boolean bit numbers are B1-B16 and represent bits 15-0.
B1 is the most significant bit; B16 or B32 is the least significant bit (OM
data is bit 0).
B0700BE – Rev F 3. Object Configuration
Term Meaning
- Invert the resulting bit mask.
Bitmask Hexadecimal bit mask.
Four digits if you are masking a Packed Boolean.
Eight digits if you are masking a Packed Long.
bit_acronym Multiple bit acronyms or bit numbers separated by commas. You can mix
bit acronyms and numbers.
Packed Long bit numbers are B1-B32 and represent bits 31-0.
Packed Boolean bit numbers are B1-B16 and represent bits 15-0.
B1 is the most significant bit; B16 or B32 is the least significant bit (OM
data is bit 0).
Field Description
State # State number.
Note: Configure states in order of importance (most important is 1) since
FoxView examines the states sequentially and stops when it finds a match.
Bit mask The bits to be compared with the bits in the process value.
Bit match The value (0, 1, or X) of the bits being compared
Operator Specifies whether All bits or Any bits in the process value must be the same
as the bit match for the state to be true.
Attribute To edit, select this field and then click Edit, or double-click the attribute.
3. Object Configuration B0700BE – Rev F
Bit Acronyms
For a list of bit acronyms refer to:
ALMSTA bit acronyms
ALMOPT/INHSTA bit acronyms
BLKSTA bit acronyms
INHALM bit acronyms
General bit acronyms.
Acronym Definition
B3 Uninhibit Alarm
B17-B24 Bit numbers 17-24 (bits 15-8). Not used.
BAD Bad I/O Alarm
HDA High Deviation Alarm
HHA High High Absolute Alarm
HMA High Measurement Alarm
HOA High Output Alarm
LDA Low Deviation Alarm
LLA Low Low Absolute Alarm
LMA Low Measurement Alarm
LOA Low Output Alarm
PTRG PreTarget Alarm
OOR Out of Range Alarm
OPER Operational Error Alarm
ROC Rate of Change Alarm
STA State Alarm
TARG Target Alarm
TRIP Trip Alarm
UNAK Unacknowledged Alarm
The CRIT and PRI integers map to ALMSTA, and therefore are not bit acronyms.
B0700BE – Rev F 3. Object Configuration
Acronym Definition
B17-B32 Bit numbers 17-32 (bits 15-0). Not used.
BAD Bad I/O Alarm
HDA High Deviation Alarm
HHA High High Absolute Alarm
HMA High Measurement Alarm
HOA High Output Alarm
LDA Low Deviation Alarm
LLA Low Low Absolute Alarm
LMA Low Measurement Alarm
LOA Low Output Alarm
OOR Out of Range Alarm
OPER Operational Error Alarm
PNT1 Point 1 Alarm
PNT2 Point 2 Alarm
PNT3 Point 3 Alarm
PNT4 Point 4 Alarm
PNT5 Point 5 Alarm
PNT6 Point 6 Alarm
PNT7 Point 7 Alarm
PNT8 Point 8 Alarm
PTRG Pre-Target Alarm
ROC Rate of Change Alarm
STA State Alarm
TARG Target Alarm
TRIP Trip Alarm
3. Object Configuration B0700BE – Rev F
Acronym Definition
B1, B2, B3, B12, B29 Bit numbers (bits 31, 30, 29, 20, 3). Not
ACC Accumulate
ACT Active
ASP Alternate Setpoint
BADR Bad Redundant I/O
CTL Control
DEV Redundant I/O Deviation
DSB Disabled
DSR DSR Mismatch
FBM FBM Failure
FOL Follow
FS Fail-safe Output
FTN Feedforward Tune Active
FTNI Feedforward Tune Inactive
HLD Hold
HOL High Output Limit
HRQ Hold Request
ILK Interlocked
IWC 0=INTERSPEC™ Workstation Control
1=Computer Control
LOL Low Output Limit
LR 0=Local; 1=Remote
LRO LR Override
MA 0=Manual; 1=Auto
MAO MA Override
MTN Manual Tune
B0700BE – Rev F 3. Object Configuration
Acronym Definition
ON Compound On
PAUS, PAU Paused
PTN Pre-Tune
RMP Ramp
SBX Execute SBX Statements
SEL Redundant I/O Select
SIM PLB Simulation Mode
SPDN Setpoint Ramp Down
SPUP Setpoint Ramp Up
STN Self Tune
STRK Setpoint Track
TEST PLB Test Mode
TRIP Tripped
TRK Track
UDEF Undefined
The SPD, SPI, and OPN bits are no longer used.
3. Object Configuration B0700BE – Rev F
Acronym Definition
BAD Bad I/O Alarm
HAD High Deviation Alarm
HHA High High Absolute Alarm
HMA High Measurement Alarm
HOA High Output Alarm
LDA Low Deviation Alarm
LLA Low Low Absolute Alarm
LMA Low Measurement Alarm
LOA Low Output Alarm
OOR Out of Range Alarm
OPER Operational Error Alarm
PNT1 Point 1 Alarm
PNT2 Point 2 Alarm
PNT3 Point 3 Alarm
PNT4 Point 4 Alarm
PNT5 Point 5 Alarm
PNT6 Point 6 Alarm
PNT7 Point 7 Alarm
PNT8 Point 8 Alarm
PTRG Pre-Target Alarm
ROC Rate of Change Alarm
STA State Alarm
TARG Target Alarm
TRIP Trip Alarm
B0700BE – Rev F 3. Object Configuration
You can configure an object to have animation. You do this by configuring the object with a
dynamic and associating the dynamic with a process variable and a conversion.
Depending on the dynamic, FoxDraw provides the conversions as listed in Table 3-21.
Conversion Purpose
Continuous Certain dynamics, such as Move Vertical, can be associated only with
continuous change, in which a value (such as a temperature) fluctuates
without interruption over a given range.
Discrete Some dynamics, such as Fill Blink, can be associated with state changes
Other dynamics (such as Fill Level, Rotate, and Scale) can be associated
Threshold with both continuous and state changes.
Numeric/Text Use a numeric/text conversion to display a process variable as a number or
to display a parameter (such as a block descriptor or state name) as text.
Read File Use a read file conversion to display a file or part of a file on screen.
Continuous Conversion
For continuous conversions (such as Fill Level, Move, Rotate, and Scale), specify the process vari-
able, deadband, and limits.
Reversing Direction
When you specify the low scale value that is greater than the high scale value, the direction
For example, with Fill Level, setting the high scale to 0 and the low scale to 100, increases the fill
level as the process variable decreases, and vice versa.
The Rotate dynamic, by default, has a counterclockwise direction. To rotate an object clockwise,
for example, you can set the high angle to 0 and the low angle to 90.
3. Object Configuration B0700BE – Rev F
Discrete Conversion
For a discrete conversion, specify a variable whose state can change, and define the state changes.
Each state specifies:
The bit mask (the bits to be compared)
The bit match (whether the bits are 0 or 1).
For the state to be true, use a logical operator to determine whether:
All the bits must match
Any bit can match.
When a state is true, FoxView displays the object with the associated dynamic (for example, a text
string such as OPEN, or a color such as red).
Threshold Conversion
A threshold conversion uses a logical operator to compare a process value against a set of defined
values. When a comparison expression becomes true, the display object uses the associated
The logical operators are listed in Table 3-22.
Operator Description
< Less than
= Equal to
<= Less than or equal to
> Greater than
>= Greater than or equal to
!= Not equal to
B0700BE – Rev F 3. Object Configuration
Numeric/Text Conversion
Use Numeric/Text conversion with the Text Contents dynamic to display:
A process variable as a number
A string variable (block descriptor, EGU name, or state name) as text.
Numeric Types
You can choose from several numeric formats: Automatic, Integer, Fixed Decimal Point, Expo-
nential, Hexadecimal, or Binary.
Text Types
String variables update at display call-up. Most strings do not change, especially in continuous
control applications.
In batch control applications, text can change, depending on the batch step or recipe. Use a Trig-
ger connection to simultaneously update display text. When a Trigger changes, FoxView retrieves
the new string variable from the process and updates the text in the display.
If you create a text object with multiple lines, FoxView fills the lines one by one and wraps to the
next. For example, if you create a two-line text field to display a block description, FoxView fills
the first line and wraps to the second, provided there is enough text to wrap.
Create the text object big enough to accommodate the numeric value or text.
The read file can contain only text strings in which all records have the same length
(blocked text).
As an alternative to displaying the file at display call-up, display the file in response to an operator
action by configuring a Display Command operator action.
3. Object Configuration B0700BE – Rev F
For the TRACK state, the TRK bit is set to 1 (true) and the other bits are set to X (don’t care).
The All operator is selected.
For the HOLD state, the HLD bit is set to 1 (true) and the other bits are set to X (don’t care). The
All operator is selected.
For the <blank> state, all bits are set to X (don’t care) and the All operator is selected. The Attri-
bute State table is as shown in Table 3-27.
The bit mask and bit match patterns are in hexadecimal notation, each digit representing four bits
of a 32-bit word. With the ALL function, the process value returned from the control processor is
ANDed with the mask and compared to the match pattern.
B0700BE – Rev F 3. Object Configuration
For the red state, the TRK bit and the HLD bit are set to 1, and all other bits are set
to X (don’t care). The Any operator is selected.
For the white state, all the bits are set to X (don’t care), and the All operator is selected.
The attribute state table is as shown in Table 3-26.
Configuration Examples
Creating a Tank with a Fill Level Connection
To create a tank with a fill level connection
1. Create a closed tank with the Polygon tool, or create an open tank with the
Polyline tool.
2. With the tank selected, choose Configure Objects from the Object menu.
3. Select the Update tab.
4. Click Add.
The Add Dynamic Update dialog box appears.
5. Select the Fill Level attribute and the Continuous conversion.
6. Click OK.
The Fill Level dialog box appears.
7. Type the process variable name, and set the high and low scales.
8. Click OK.
The Configure Objects dialog box appears.
9. Click Apply or OK.
10. Save the display and test it in FoxView.
3. Object Configuration B0700BE – Rev F
You can also click the right mouse button to bring up the pop-up menu.
B0700BE – Rev F 3. Object Configuration
9. Type the variable name, the high and low scales, and the high and low rotation angles.
In this example, the needle is to rotate clockwise as the value increases. Since a positive
angle rotates an object counterclockwise (the default) and a negative angle rotates an
object clockwise, set the High Angle at -60and the Low Angle at 60.
10. Click OK.
The Configure Objects dialog box appears.
11. Click OK.
12. Save the display and test it in FoxView.
3. Object Configuration B0700BE – Rev F
To change text
1. In the drawing area, select the text you want to change.
2. Choose Edit Text from the Object menu.
The Edit Text dialog box appears.
3. Modify the text and click OK.
Text objects do not reflect out-of-service conditions by turning cyan. Use back-
ground text objects to reflect this condition.
B0700BE – Rev F 3. Object Configuration
You can also click the right mouse button to bring up the pop-up menu.
Do not enter 0%. This makes the object disappear.
3. Object Configuration B0700BE – Rev F
You can also click the right mouse button to bring up the pop-up menu.
For visual feedback, assign the Fill Color discrete dynamic to the valve state vari-
ables. For example, use red for state 0 and green for state 1.
B0700BE – Rev F 3. Object Configuration
When the variable is less than 0.0, the display object is red. When the variable is less than or equal
to 5, the display object is orange.
State 1 has the highest priority, then state 2, and so on. When more than one state is
true, FoxView displays the state with the highest priority.
GEdit is a display engineering and maintenance utility that supplements FoxDraw capabilities.
You run GEdit via a command prompt, specifying script files that contain commands informing
GEdit how to build the display.
File Purpose
g_edit_fd.cfg This GEdit configuration file specifies the screen position,
default faceplates and trend types, server name with which to
connect, and prompt modes.
\usr\fox\wp\data\dspblock.dat These files, which come standard with FoxDraw, are the block
- and - databases and contain defaults associated with block types.
User-defined add script files These files define the information to be added to display file(s).
You can redefine default faceplates and trends as well as a server
name and prompt mode in an add script file.
Log File
GEdit generates a log file that lists all GEdit actions, including display creation, addition of new
objects, and an object’s configuration. It also includes a list of syntax errors found by GEdit.
If you do not specify the log filename in the command line, GEdit generates the filename.
3. Object Configuration B0700BE – Rev F
The format of the log file name is logfile_.txt. The underscore is replaced with a digit. The first
log file in the directory is named logfile1.txt, the second, logfile2.txt, and so forth. You may delete
these log files at any time.
Running GEdit
Access GEdit from a command prompt.
The command’s syntax is:
foxdraw -gedit -parmeter(s) script_file1 [script_file2
… script_fileN] [logfile=log_file_name] [UPDATEEXT] [CLEANDISP] [-
When invoked from the command line, FoxDraw and Gedit produce many, many
information messages. Many of those look like errors but all may be ignored. See
the log file created by FoxDraw/Gedit for the actual results of the operation.
You must supply one or more parameters to the GEdit command, as listed in Table 3-29.
Parameter Purpose
-a Runs in normal mode. This mode has no user interface.
-at Checks script files syntax.
-av Runs in visual mode, allowing you to view the displays being created.
-al Same as the -a option, but when done, GEdit displays log file.
-atl Same as the -at option, but when done, GEdit displays log file.
-avl Same as the -av option, but when done, GEdit displays log file.
B0700BE – Rev F 3. Object Configuration
Use in Use in
Script Use in add Script Use in add
Command g_edit_fd.cfg script Command g_edit_fd.cfg script
DEF_TD Yes No LOC*** No Yes
P1 .. P8 Yes No Compound:Block No Yes
PBUT Yes No Group No Yes
3. Object Configuration B0700BE – Rev F
Coordinate Systems
Coordinates in new FoxDraw displays and old (50 Series and 20 Series) displays are different.
These are the differences:
In the old system, the (0,0) coordinate is at the top-left display corner. In the new sys-
tem, the (0,0) coordinate is at the bottom-left display corner.
In the old system, a coordinate has the format (y,x). In the new system, the format is
x refers to the horizontal position.
y refers to the vertical position.
In the old system, the absolute size of the full display is (y=3456, x=5120). In the new
system, it is (x=100, y=75) for displays in standard definition format ((4:3) aspect
ratio) and (x=133.33, y=75) for displays in widescreen format ((16:9) aspect ratio).
GEdit supports both coordinate systems. Use the VERSION command to specify the
coordinate system to be used.
If the VERSION command returns 7 or later, GEdit also supports Wide Screen Format
display files (described in Appendix C “Widescreen Conversion for Displays”).
Table 3-31, compares coordinate locations specified in the old and new coordinate systems.
B0700BE – Rev F 3. Object Configuration
GEdit Commands
These groups of GEdit commands are available:
Trend and plot configuration commands
Trend configuration commands
Plot configuration commands
Plot and trend creation commands.
3. Object Configuration B0700BE – Rev F
B0700BE – Rev F 3. Object Configuration
The # symbol refers to the pen number.
The # symbol is a pen number.
3. Object Configuration B0700BE – Rev F
The # symbol is a pen number.
B0700BE – Rev F 3. Object Configuration
3. Object Configuration B0700BE – Rev F
Change the compound and block names whereever applicable.
Save the script in some location and run the below command to create the display using
the script file.
foxdraw -gedit -avl <Scriptfile>
Example 3 : Syntax of the Gedit script file to create the display
FILE = file_name [NEW] [FILE_TYPE] Background_color
FILE= D:\opt\menus\myDisp1.fdf NEW (create the Base Display.)
FILE= D:\opt\menus\myDisp1.fdf NEW F (Creates the base Display.)
FILE= D:\opt\menus\myDisp1.fdf NEW HH (Creates Half horizontal overlay.)
FILE= D:\opt\menus\myDisp1.fdf NEW HV (Creates Half vertical overlay)
FILE= D:\opt\menus\myDisp1.fdf NEW Q (Creates Quarter overlay.)
FILE= D:\opt\menus\myDisp1.fdf NEW Background_color_index(n) (Where n is
within the FoxDraw Palate limit between 16 and 91 )
Example 4: Syntax of the Gedit script file to Add FacePlates to the Display
Example 5: Syntax of the Gedit script file to Add Trend to the Display
Example 6: Example of the Gedit script file to Add Objects to an existing Display
B0700BE – Rev F 3. Object Configuration
FILE= D:\opt\menus\myDisp1.fdf
Save the script in some location and run the below command to create the display using
the script file.
foxdraw -gedit -a <Scriptfile>
Example 7: Example of a Log File
Note that this log file indicates that the first two displays each have objects outside the
normal drawing area. The coordinate information is given in this format:
Lower Left X, Y, Upper right X, Y
Typical sizes for full size base displays are close to (0,0) (100, 75). Log files are created in
the current directory and are named:
where X is replaced by a number beginning at zero and increasing each time a new log file
is created.
Parsing g_edit_fd.cfg...
==== PROCESSING SCRIPT FILE : d:\opt\menus\test1.txt
Updated extents "d:\opt\menus\file1.fdf" -32174.545, -28615.564 32274.230,
Updated extents "d:\opt\menus\file2.fdf" -32174.545, -28615.564 32268.060,
Updated extents "d:\opt\menus\file3.fdf" 0.0, 0.0 100, 75
4. Window and Dialog Boxes
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
Menu Bar
The FoxDraw menu bar offers these menus.
File Menu
The File menu appears as shown in Figure 4-2. The options and their descriptions are available in
Table 4-1.
Command Description
New Opens the New dialog box for creating a new base display, overlay, library
object, or palette.
If a display is open with unsaved changes, you are prompted to save,
disregard, or cancel.
This command is available by pressing Ctrl+N or clicking a toolbar button.
Open Opens the Open dialog box from which to open an existing base display,
overlay, library object, or palette.
Note: You cannot open a display on another workstation. You can open a
display on the local file system only.
Tip: You can also open a display object from the File menu’s most recently
used list.
This command is available by pressing Ctrl+O or clicking a toolbar button.
For a list of file types supported by FoxDraw, refer to “FoxDraw File Types”
on page 10.
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
Command Description
Save Immediately saves the display file to disk with the current date and time. If
the file is new and has not yet been named, the Save As dialog box
Note: You cannot save to another workstation. You can save the display to
the local file system only. FoxDraw does not automatically create backup
files. Save your work often to prevent loss in case of system or network fail-
This command is available by pressing Ctrl+S or clicking a toolbar button.
Save As Opens the standard Save As dialog box in which to specify the name and
location of the current display, library object, overlay, or palette.
You can also use the Save As command to assign the file a new name.
Note: You cannot save to another workstation. You can save the display to
the local file system only.
For a list of file types supported by FoxDraw, refer to “FoxDraw File Types”
on page 10.
Save as 9.x Opens the Save As 9.x dialog box in which to specify the name and loca-
tion of the current display, library object, overlay, or palette. Additionally,
you can save the 10.x version in the path mentioned and the 9.x version of
the file is saved in 9.x directory of the current location (For example: If you
select the path as d:\opt\menus\d1, the file is saved in the
d:\opt\menus\d1\9x location)
Note: You can save the display to the local file system only, but you cannot
save it to another workstation.
For a list of file types supported by FoxDraw, refer to“FoxDraw File Types”
on page 10.
Display Properties Invokes the Display Properties dialog box in which to define proper-
ties for the display.
Recover Invokes the Recover Backup Files dialog box from which you can select
crash files saved by FoxDraw.
Note: This command is available only when there are files to be recovered.
Recent File Near the bottom of the File menu is a list of the names of the four most
recently opened files. The last used file is at the top of the list.
Clicking a filename opens the file.
Exit Ends the FoxDraw session. You are prompted to save any unsaved changes.
This command is also available by pressing Alt+F4 or clicking the Close
button (X) in the upper right corner of the FoxDraw window.
Edit Menu
The Edit menu appears as shown in Figure 4-3. The options and their descriptions are available in
Table 4-2.
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
Command Description
Undo SelectChange Reverses the previous operation.
The name of the operation to be undone displays to the right of Undo
SelectChange. As you cycle through previous operations, the menu iden-
tifies each operation. For example, you might see “Undo FillColor”, then
“Undo EdgeWidth”, and then “Undo CreateCurve”.
This command is also available by pressing Ctrl+Z or clicking a toolbar
Note: Redo reverses an Undo operation, as stored in command history.
Redo Reverses an Undo operation, as stored in command history.
You can redo all undo operations, one by one. As you cycle through redo
operations, each operation is identified in succession on the menu. For
example, you might see “Redo CreateCurve”, “Redo EdgeWidth”, and then
“Redo FillColor”. If an operation cannot be redone, the command is dis-
abled and the menu item displays the label “Can’t Redo”.
This command is also available by pressing Ctrl+Y or clicking a toolbar
Note: Undo reverses the previous operation.
Cut Removes the selected object and places it on the clipboard.
This command is available by pressing Ctrl+X or clicking a toolbar button.
Copy Copies the selected object(s) to the clipboard.
This command is available by pressing Ctrl+C or clicking a toolbar button.
Paste Pastes FoxDraw objects from the clipboard to the display.
This command is available by pressing Ctrl+V or clicking a toolbar button.
Delete Removes an object without storing it on the clipboard.
Note: You can reverse this operation with the Undo command.
This command is also available by pressing the keyboard’s DEL key.
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
Command Description
Duplicate Duplicates an object without storing it on the clipboard.
This command is available by pressing Ctrl+D.
Tip: You can also duplicate by pressing the Ctrl key and clicking on the
Select All Selects all the objects in a display.
This command is available by pressing Ctrl+A.
Note: The Deselect All command deselects all objects in the display.
Invert Selection Reverses the selection of objects.
All selected objects become unselected, and all unselected objects become
Deselect All Deselects all objects in the display.
Tip: You can also deselect all objects by moving the mouse pointer to an
empty area of the display and clicking the left mouse button.
Note: The Select All command selects all the objects in a display.
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
View Menu
The View menu appears as shown in Figure 4-4. The options and their descriptions are available
in Table 4-3.
Command Description
Zoom Zoom In magnifies the drawing area by one increment.
Zoom Out shrinks the drawing area by one increment.
Zoom In Continuous changes the cursor to a magnifying glass, and per-
mits you to magnify the drawing area incrementally by clicking the left
mouse button.
Zoom Out Continuous changes the cursor to a magnifying glass, and per-
mits you to shrink the drawing area incrementally by clicking the left
mouse button.
For a fast zoom, hold down the left mouse button.
To stop zooming, click the right mouse button.
Zoom Lasso selects an area for magnification by drawing a selection rectan-
gle around it.
Normal View Restores the view size to the default of 100%.
This command is available from a toolbar button.
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
Command Description
Refresh Redraws the screen.
Use this command to correct problems such as stray marks that may appear
after you manipulate display objects.
This command is available by pressing F5.
Special Refresh FoxDraw is not aware of the default values of the exposed graphic attri-
butes. Hence, when the user resets a graphic alias at the intermediate/base
level, FoxDraw does not update the appearance of the library object which
exposed its graphic attribute. To update the appearance of the library object
which had exposed its graphic attributes, the user can execute the Special
Refresh command. The command is available through the application
menu (View/Special Refresh) or through the Shift+F5 shortcut.
FoxView Opens the current FoxDraw display in FoxView.
Running this command automatically saves the display.
This command is also available from the standard toolbar’s button.
Note: If FoxView is not running or FoxDraw is running on a non I/A sys-
tem, the FoxView button is not available.
Object Focus First moves focus to the first object that you created.
This command is available from the View menu.
Previous moves focus to the previously focused object.
This command is available from the View menu and from the toolbar’s but-
Next moves focus to the object that was created after the currently focused
This command is available from the toolbar’s button.
Point Modes Point sets point mode to Point.
When Snap to Grid is turned on, you can select any point in an object, drag
the point, and snap it to the nearest grid intersection.
When Snap Gravity is turned on, you can select any point in an object,
drag the point to a target object, and snap it to the nearest point on the tar-
Center sets the point mode to Center.
If Snap to Grid is turned on, when you move an object, the center point of
the object snaps to the nearest grid intersection.
If Snap Gravity is turned on, you can drag the object to a target object and
snap its center point to the nearest point on the target.
When you rotate or scale an object in Center mode, it rotates and is scaled
around its center point. For example, if you are enlarging a pipe, it grows at
both ends.
Reference sets the point mode to Reference. By default, the reference
point is at the center of the object.
Note: The reference point can be outside the object, so the object itself may
not appear to be snapped to the grid or to a target object.
The snap command options affect the action of the Reference command.
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
Command Description
Grid On Shows or hides the grid.
You may want to deselect this command to see how your display appears in
Note: When Snap to Grid is selected, objects snap to the grid, regardless of
whether the grid is visible.
This command is available from a toolbar button.
Snap to Grid If selected, when you move an object, it snaps to the nearest grid intersec-
How the object snaps depends on the current point mode.
This command is available from a toolbar button.
Snap Gravity If selected, when you move an object to a target object, the first object snaps
to the target.
How the object snaps depends on the current point mode.
Snap Gravity stays in effect until you deselect the command.
Instead of snapping an object to another object, you can select Snap to
Grid. Snap Gravity and Snap to Grid are mutually exclusive.
This command is available from a toolbar button.
Grid Opens the Grid dialog box, allowing you to
Modify grid size, color, line type, and other settings, and save the grid
with the display.
Save current settings to a file or load an existing file.
Toolbars Standard displays or hides the Standard toolbar.
Draw displays or hides the Draw toolbar.
Layout displays or hides the Layout toolbar.
Rotate displays or hides the Rotate toolbar.
Status displays or hides the Status bar.
Tooltips displays or hides the names of toolbar buttons.
Show Comments Changes the visibility of comment objects.
Draw Menu
The Draw menu appears as shown in Figure 4-5. The options and their descriptions are available
in Table 4-4.
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
Command Description
Select Tool Allows you to select an object.
Point Tool Moves, adds, or deletes points on these objects:
Closed curve.
Exception: You cannot delete a point from a line.
This command is available from a toolbar button.
Multi Create Allows you to create multiple objects of the same type without reselecting
the drawing tool. While using this tool, you are in Multi Create mode.
In normal drawing mode, you must reselect a command every time you
want to create another object.
To cancel Multi Create mode:
Deselect the Multi Create command.
Click the Multi Create button again.
This command is available from a toolbar button.
Line Allows you to draw a straight line.
Rectangle Allows you to draw a rectangle.
Polyline Allows you to draw a polyline. A polyline consists of more than two points
connected by straight lines.
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
Command Description
Polygon Allows you to construct a polygon. A polygon is a closed shape composed
of three or more points. The points are connected with straight lines, and
the last point is connected to the first.
Curve Allows you to construct a curve. A curve (also called a spline or Bezier
curve) is a polyline whose points are connected with the smoothest possible
curved lines.
Closed Curve Allows you to construct a closed curve. A closed curve is a polygon whose
points are connected with the smoothest possible curved lines.
Circle Allows you to construct a circle or ellipse.
Arcs Allows you to create an arc.
Text Allows you to add and change text.
Background Text Allows to create and change background text.
For example, you can use this tool to display text on a background rectan-
gle. The background rectangle has the same fill and edge attributes as a
standard rectangle, and can also have dynamic attributes.
Comment Creates a comment object.
Note: You can create a comment object on an *.fdf file only when com-
ment objects are visible.
Scroll Region Allows you to create a scroll region object, which can be configured to dis-
play an ASCII text file.
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
Object Menu
The Object menu appears as shown in Figure 4-6. The options and their descriptions are available
in Table 4-5.
Command Description
Reference Point Set Reference Point sets the reference point.
This command is available from a toolbar button.
Reset Reference Point resets the reference point, canceling the
user-defined reference point of an object or objects and restores the
default, which is the center point.
Edit Text Opens the Edit text dialog box from which you edit the selected
To edit multiple text objects, select the objects before choosing this
Tip: You can select this command from the Pop-up menu.
This command is also available by pressing Ctrl+T.
Graphic Attributes Opens the Set Default Attributes dialog box or Set Selec-
tion Attributes dialog box, depending on whether an object is
Tip: You can select this command from the Pop-up menu.
This command is also available by pressing Ctrl+Enter.
Configure Objects Opens the Configure Objects dialog box, in which you associate
an object with a process variable or an operator action.
Tip: You can select this command from the Pop-up menu.
This command is also available by pressing Alt+Enter.
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
Command Description
Group Groups multiple objects together so that you can move, rotate, or
resize them, and change their graphic attributes as if they were a sin-
gle entity.
This command is available from a toolbar button.
To separate the objects (after they have been grouped), choose the
Ungroup command.
Ungroup Separates multiple objects that have been grouped together with the
Group command.
This command is available from a toolbar button.
Visibility Allows you to turn visibility on or off.
Detect Allows you to turn detection on or off.
Link from Library Opens the Link from Library dialog box from which to select a
library object to link to your display. You can choose from:
User markers
User trends
User XY plots
User profile plots
User symbols
User buttons
Fox markers
Fox trends
Fox XY plots
Fox profile plots
Fox symbols
Fox buttons.
User objects (markers, trends, XY plots, profile plots, symbols, and
buttons) are files created and saved in the corresponding subdirec-
tories in your displib directory.
Invensys supplies Fox markers, trends, XY plots, profile plots, sym-
bols, and buttons. These files are stored in the corresponding subdi-
rectories in /opt/fox/displib (Solaris) or \opt\fox\displib
Link Faceplate/ Invokes the Link Faceplate/Trend dialog box.
Link Bitmap Opens the Link Bitmap dialog box from which you select a bit-
map (.bmp file) to link to your display. Choose from User Bitmaps
or Fox Bitmaps.
Link/Copy from Palette Invokes the Select Palette dialog box to open a palette and to
copy an object from a palette onto the drawing area.
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
Tools Menu
The Tools menu appears as shown in Figure 4-7. The options and their descriptions are available
in Table 4-6.
Command Description
Convention Editor Invokes the Display Convention Configurator dialog box for config-
uring a display convention.
Edit Dynamic/ Invokes the Edit Dynamics/Conventions dialog box from which to
Connections configure or modify object attributes.
Verify Selection The Verify Selection utility verifies the current selection’s configuration.
It checks for the following problems in the selection:
Instance of a library object having exposed aliases configured with a
Required condition and remaining unresolved (in .fdf displays).
Instance of different components of a library object having similar
configurations and similar names.
Instance of a library object exposing its dynamics with an empty tag-
name and a Required configuration.
Verify Display The Verify Display utility verifies the entire display’s configuration. It
checks for the following problems in the display:
Instance of a library object having exposed alias(es) configured with a
Required condition and remaining unresolved (in .fdf displays).
Instance of different components of a library object having similar
configurations and similar names.
Instance of a library object exposing its dynamics with an empty tag-
name and a Required configuration.
Display Converter Displays the Convert Display Files dialog box from which to convert
display files to different formats.
Display Editor Invokes the DEdit utility for finding and replacing compound names in
(DEdit) one or more displays.
FoxDraw also includes a GEdit utility, allowing you to add faceplates,
trends, symbols, and buttons to existing or new displays using add script
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
Command Description
Palette Browser Opens an expandable list box of user-built or Invensys Foxboro supplied
Layout Menu
The Layout menu appears as shown in Figure 4-8. The options and their descriptions are available
in Table 4-7.
Command Description
Order Allows you to specify order preference.
Align Allows you to specify an alignment type.
Space Evenly Makes the center points of all selected objects equidistant from each other.
Flip Allows you to flip an object.
Rotate Allows you to rotate an object.
Same Size Height makes selected objects the same height as the focused object.
Width makes selected objects the same width as the focused object.
Both shapes the selected objects to be the same height and width as the
focused object.
Fast Arrow Move Toggles arrow key movement speed between fast (0.5 World Coordinate
units per keystroke) and slow (0.05 units). The default speed is fast.
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
Options Menu
The options menu appears as shown in Figure 4-9. The options and their descriptions are avail-
able in Table 4-8.
Command Description
User Options Opens the User Options dialog box in which to specify:
Save grid with display
Cursor size
Retain case
Full object display during move, rotate, and scale
Maximum undo operations
Save display on exit
Arrow move distance
Number of control variables, ranges or display files that appear in
drop-down history list
Template for Single Block Trend
AIM*API and FoxAPI server.
Font Setup Invokes the Font Setup dialog box from which you operate on FoxDraw
Configure Servers Opens the API Server Connection Utility dialog box in which you
configure connections to FoxAPI servers on remote workstations. The con-
nected workstations are listed in the Servers tab in the User Options dialog
Note: In FoxDraw, the pop up message “Unable to invoke configure Servers
tool” is invoked, if the FoxAPI connect utility is not properly installed in
“D:\opt\fox\ais\bin\” path. Refer to API Connectivity Release Notes for
FoxAPI installation (B0193UJ).
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
Help Menu
The Help menu appears as shown in Figure 4-10. The options and their descriptions are available
in Table 4-9.
Command Description
Using Help Invokes the standard Windows Help system that describes
the use of a help system.
Contents Displays the Contents tab of the FoxDraw on-line Help system.
Search for Help on Displays the Contents tab of the FoxDraw on-line Help system.
Quick Access Provides a list of topics describing mouse and keyboard shortcuts.
Toolbars Displays the Help topic that describes FoxDraw toolbars.
FoxDraw Tip of the Day Displays the Tip Of the Day dialog box.
About FoxDraw Displays the FoxDraw version and copyright information.
New Features_10.0 Lists the features available in FoxDraw Version 10.0
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
Toolbars contain buttons, providing mouse access to the most commonly used FoxDraw
Standard Toolbar
By default, the Standard toolbar is located at the top of the drawing area. This toolbar as shown in
Figure 4-11, contains the most frequently used commands from the File, Edit, View, and Object
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
Draw Toolbar
By default, the Draw toolbar is located to the left of the drawing area. This toolbar contains fre-
quently used Draw menu commands. The toolbar appears in Figure 4-12, and its description in
Table 4-11.
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
Layout Toolbar
The toolbar appears in Figure 4-13, and its description in Table 4-12.
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
Same Width Makes selected objects the same width as the focused object.
This command is available from the Layout menu.
Group Groups multiple objects together so that you can move, rotate,
or resize them, and change their graphic attributes as if they
were a single entity.
This command is available from the Object menu.
To separate the objects (after they have been grouped), choose
the Ungroup command.
Ungroup Separates multiple objects that have been grouped together with
the Group command.
This command is available from the Object menu.
Rotate Toolbar
By default, the Rotate toolbar is located to the bottom of the drawing area. This toolbar as shown
in Figure 4-14, contains buttons that duplicate frequently used rotation commands from the Lay-
out menu.
The rotate buttons rotate the object in a counterclockwise direction. To rotate the object in a
clockwise direction, type a negative number in the Custom Rotation box. A description for
each of the options appears in Table 4-13.
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
Button/Box Description
Rotate 15 Degrees Rotates the object by 15 degrees.
Custom Rotation box Invokes the Rotate dialog box for rotating
with Apply button an object.
Entering a positive amount rotates the
object counterclockwise. A negative amount
rotates the object clockwise.
Flip Horizontal Flips the object such that the object’s screen
position does not change, but it appears
upside down.
Flip Vertical Flips the object such that the object’s screen
position does not change, but yields a mir-
ror image of the object.
Floating Toolbars
If you move a toolbar to the left, right, or bottom edge of the screen, it anchors itself to that loca-
tion. If you move a toolbar anywhere else, it becomes a floating toolbar with a title bar.
The options in the floating toolbar are listed in Table 4-14.
To Do this
Create a vertical toolbar Hold down the keyboard’s Shift key and click in the title bar.
To create an anchored vertical toolbar, drag a horizontal toolbar
to the left or right edge of the screen. When the outline becomes
vertical, release the mouse button.
Create a horizontal toolbar Hold down the Shift key and click in the title bar.
To create an anchored horizontal toolbar, drag a vertical toolbar
to the top or bottom of the screen. When the outline becomes
horizontal, release the mouse button.
Move a floating toolbar Point to the title bar on the toolbar, and drag to a new location.
Return a toolbar Double-click the title bar, or drag it to the original location.
to its original position
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
Displayable Area
The displayable area is the part of the drawing area that appears in FoxView. The area varies,
according to the type of display.
For a base display in standard definition format ((4:3) aspect ratio), the displayable area fills the
entire screen and measures 100 units by 75 units. For a quarter-screen overlay, the displayable area
is 50 units by 37.5 units.
For a base display in widescreen format ((16:9) aspect ratio), the displayable area fills the entire
screen and measures 133.33 units by 75 units. For a quarter-screen overlay, the displayable area is
66.66 units by 37.5 units.
Scratchpad Area
For each display type, a black outline indicates the displayable area. Use the space outside this area
as a scratchpad. You can temporarily move objects to the scratchpad area for editing, away from
finished areas of a drawing.
Scroll Bars
Use the vertical and horizontal scroll bars to position the display. To return the display to its
default position, use the View menu’s Normal View command.
Status Bar
Shows information at the bottom of the FoxDraw window about the following (left to right):
Menu items, toolbar buttons, or drawing procedures
Mouse pointer coordinates
Caps Lock
Num Lock
Scroll Lock.
The step-by-step drawing directions on the status bar are helpful when you are first learning to use
the drawing tools.
Tooltips are labels that identify toolbar buttons.
If ToolTips is enabled, you can view a button’s information by pointing at the button with the
mouse and waiting one or two seconds.
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
Pop-Up Menu
Click the right mouse button to display the pop-up menu, which offers access to major functions
such as:
Zoom In
Zoom Out
Edit Text – Invokes the Edit Text dialog box.
Graphic Attributes – invokes the Set Default Attributes dialog box or the Set
Selection Attributes dialog box.
Configure Objects – Invokes the Configure Objects dialog box.
Link Faceplate/Trend – Invokes the Link Faceplate/Trend dialog box.
The available commands depend on the context when the pop-up menu was
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
Type Selection
Base Display
This creates a full screen base display with a gray background and a 10-by-10 grid, sub-divided
into 2 x 2. The file extension is *.fdf (which stands for Foxboro display file).
For displays with the standard definition format ((4:3) aspect ratio), the full screen size is 100
units wide by 75 units high.
For displays with the widescreen format ((16:9) aspect ratio), the full screen size is 133.33 units
wide by 75 units high.
This creates a Full Screen, 1/2 Horizontal, 1/2 Vertical, 1/4 Screen, 1/8 Screen, or Custom overlay
display on top of a base display or another overlay. The base display does not close when an over-
lay is opened. The file extension for an overlay is *.fdf.
The object types and their description appear in Table 4-15.
Item Description
Library Object Creates a specially formatted display linked to a base display or another
library object. A library object does not have a background. By default, a
library object is full screen size. The file extension is *.m1.
Palette Create a 25-unit by 40-unit window. Use this window to contain objects
used in building displays or library objects. The file extension is *.m1.
Create from Allows you to select a user-built template or a Foxboro supplied template.
Template Selection
User-Built Templates
When this check box is selected (default setting), user-built templates appear in the list box.
When this check box is not selected, the list of Invensys Foxboro supplied templates appears.
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
Invensys Systems, Inc. supplies a template for a base display, five overlay templates,
a library object template and five palette templates.
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
Files of type
Select a type (.fdf, .pdf, .m1, .g or all) to filter the file extensions.
To open a file:
1. Use the Look in field to select a subdirectory.
By default, Invensys/Foxboro supplied displays, library objects, overlays, palettes, and
display elements (fonts, grids, and markers) are stored in \opt\fox\displib.
User-built files are stored in an identical subdirectory structure located, by default,
under \opt\customer\displib.
2. Use the Files of Type field to select a file type.
FoxDraw cannot directly open bitmap (.bmp or .i) files. To link a bitmap in a
display, choose Link Bitmap from the Object menu.
3. In the File Name field, type a filename or select one from the list.
4. Click Open.
Save in
You must save your files on the I/A Series installation drive to permit FoxView access.
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
File Name
Select a file from the list or type the desired name.
Save As Type
Select *.fdf for display files including overlays, or *.m1 for library objects, palettes, and templates
or .g for platform independent ASCII representation of Foxboro display files.
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
Field Description
Name Name of display (also shows directory)
Revision Foxboro internal revision number
Type Shows display type (base display, overlay, library object, or palette)
Size Shows display size in bytes
Background Color
This button’s face displays the current background color. Clicking this button invokes the stan-
dard color palette from which to choose a new background color. Background color is not avail-
able for library objects that do not have a background.
Detail Display
Select this check box if the display is to be used as a detail display. This option is available for base
displays only.
Detail Overlay
Select this check box if the display is to be used as an overlay in a detail display. This option is
available for overlays displays only.
Full Redraw
This check box switches the manner in which FoxView updates a display. If this box is unchecked
(default update mode), FoxView updates only the areas of the display that have changed. For
example, if a text field value changes, only the text field and any overlapping objects are redrawn
with the new data.
If this box is checked (full redraw mode), the whole display is completely redrawn whenever any
object on the display changes.
Under most conditions, normal update mode is the most efficient way for FoxView to update a
display. For complicated displays with large numbers of objects constantly changing, it can actu-
ally be more efficient for FoxView to redraw the entire display.
FoxView Read-Only
As part of normal display processing, FoxView writes information into the current display. There
are three occasions where displays are updated by FoxView:
1. FoxView saves network addresses for configured points in the display file. This is
called optimizing the display. A display is called up faster if it is optimized.
2. Trend graphs may be permanently changed using the On-Line Trend Configurator.
The new trend configuration information is written back to the display file.
3. FoxView writes the name of the historian associated with each trend pen back to the
display file. This makes FoxView more efficient when calling up a trend.
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
If FoxView Read-Only is checked, none of the data described above is written back to the
display file by FoxView; that is, FoxView is not allowed to change (optimize) the *.fdf file. This
may make display call-up slower and less efficient for the I/A Series network as a whole.
This read-only field displays width in World Coordinates.
You can edit this field for a custom overlay only.
This read-only field shows display height in world coordinate units.
You can edit this field for a custom overlay only.
Field Description
Revision Type an optional file revision number
Description Type an optional file description
This field is for user-defined identification information. It may contain any combination of let-
ters, numbers, and spaces.
This field is for a user-defined description of the display. It may contain any combination of let-
ters, numbers, and spaces.
The Revision and Description fields only save the last values entered. Previously entered values are
discarded and no history is maintained. If you wish to keep a history of changes to the display, use
the History tab in the Display Properties dialog box.
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
Type up to 48 characters. The comment is appended to the date and time, and added to the
display history when you save the display.
Scan Rate
Type or select a scan rate between 0.5 and 10 seconds.
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
Scan Delay
Enter or select a scan delay between 0.5 and 10 seconds.
Edit Button
Clicking this button opens the Display Command Builder dialog box from which to create and
edit an Open Display script.
Edit Button
Clicking this button opens the Display Command Builder dialog box, from which you can cre-
ate and edit a Close Display script.
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
Attribute Description
Default Display Check this box if you want the shortcut menu to display all the menu items
Menu that are in the default display menu definition file. The default display
menu definition file is specified in the current environment’s .env file.
Custom Display Check this box if you want the shortcut menu to display all the menu items
Menu that are in a custom display menu definition file.
File This field is for the path of the custom display menu file. You may enter the
path of the menu file or use the File Button to select a menu file.
File Button Invokes the standard File Browser dialog to select the custom display menu
file that you want to use.
Custom Display Check this box if you want to add custom items to the shortcut menu list
Items or to delete or edit existing custom items.
Delete Deletes the selected custom menu item.
Add Invokes the Configure Menu Item dialog to add a new item to the dis-
play’s shortcut menu. See the next section for details on the Configure
Menu Item dialog box.
Edit Invokes the Configure Menu Item dialog to modify the selected custom
menu item. See the next section for details on the Configure Menu Item
dialog box.
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
Attribute Description
Label Enter the text that you want to appear in the display’s shortcut menu.
Command Script If you are adding a new menu item this box is blank. If you are editing an
existing custom menu item this box displays the command or commands
that are invoked when the menu item is chosen from the display’s shortcut
menu in FoxView.
Edit Button Press this button to invoke the Display Command Builder so that you can
add or edit commands for a custom menu item.
Protection ID Enter a protection ID to be associated with this menu item. A protection
ID is optional.
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
Attribute Description
Relative Pick Opens the overlay next to a Relative Pick (yellow highlighted) area.
Sticky Overlay Keeps the overlay open until the operator clicks the overlay’s Close button or
closes the base display. Normally, an overlay closes when another overlay opens
on top of it or when the operator closes an overlay that was opened before it.
On Top Prevents the overlay from closing when another overlay opens.
Root size Overrides the overlay size, making the overlay the same size as the root group
in the base display. The root group contains all the objects in a display. For
example, if a base display contains two objects and occupies a fraction of the
screen, the Root size option sizes the overlay to exactly match the size of the
rectangle that encloses the root group.
Pick Opens the overlay next to a Pick area.
Moveable The overlay can be dragged to another location on the screen. The overlay
always opens as a moveable overlay, regardless of the overlay mode setting in
Stationary The overlay can not be repositioned by the user. The overlay always opens as a
stationary overlay, regardless of the overlay mode setting in FoxView.
FoxView The overlay is opened as either moveable or stationary based on the current
FoxView overlay mode setting and based on the configuration of the button
that invokes the overlay.
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
This capability is similar to DEdit’s Complexity report.
Item Description
Total The total number of items in the display. The state of the Recursively
option affects this count.
Unique The number of single items (this number does not include duplicate
items). The state of the Recursively option affects this count.
More For the selected item, invokes a read-only dialog box:
Objects statistics
Submodels statistics
Trends statistics
Bitmaps statistics
Tags statistics
Passive Dynamics statistics
Operator Dynamics statistics
The state of the Recursively option affects the resulting count.
Recursively Select this check box to include statistics for library objects in the counts.
Complexity Index This number indicates the time FoxView requires to draw an image. Use
this number to compare the length of time for one display to appear versus
another display.
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
View Settings
Grid Dialog Box
The Grid dialog box has two tabs as listed in Table 4-25.
Field or
Button Description
Grid On Displays or hides the grid. Selecting or clearing this check box is the same as
choosing Grid On from the View menu or clicking the Grid button.
Color The button indicates the current grid color. Click this button to open the color
palette and select a new color.
Snap Off turns off Snap to Grid or Snap to Gravity
To Grid turns on Snap to Grid. Clicking this radio button is the same as choos-
ing Snap to Grid from the View menu or clicking the Snap Grid button.
Gravity turns on Snap Gravity. Clicking this radio button is the same as choos-
ing Snap Gravity from the View menu or clicking the Snap Gravity button.
Grid Type Line displays the grid with solid lines.
Marker displays the grid with crosshatch markers and dots. The markers display
at intervals defined in the Grid Size field. The dots display at intervals defined
in the Divisions field.
Grid Size Type a horizontal setting (0 to 50) and a vertical setting (0 to 37.5). These are the
major intersections of the grid. They display as crosshatch markers when you
select the Marker grid type. Click Apply Coord to enter new settings.
Divisions Type horizontal and vertical settings (1 to 20), or use the spin boxes. These set-
tings determine the subdivisions of the grid. The subdivisions appear as dots when
you select Marker grid type and as solid lines when you select Line grid type.
Offset Origin Type a horizontal offset (0 to 50) and a vertical offset (0 to 37.5). These settings
define the distance between the origin (bottom-left corner of the drawing area)
and the first grid intersection. The default offset is 0,0 so that the first intersection
is at the origin. Click Apply Coord to enter new settings.
Apply Coord Enters new settings for grid size, divisions, and offset from origin.
Close Closes the Grid dialog box.
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
Table 4-25. Grid Settings Tab of Grid Dialog Box - Options (Continued)
Field or
Button Description
Options Opens the User Options dialog box, in which you can configure FoxDraw to
save grid settings with your files. You can also set other FoxDraw options.
Field or
Button Description
Grid File Displays the name of a file to load or save.
To load previously saved grid settings, select a file from the list and click Load.
To save current grid settings, type a filename in the Grid File box and click
Save. FoxDraw automatically appends a .grd file extension. Make sure the
User Grid Files check box is selected.
User Grid Files Select this check box to display grid files you have created and saved. When the
check box is not selected (empty), Invensys Foxboro supplied grid files are listed.
Close Closes the Grid dialog box.
Load Loads the currently selected grid file. The new grid settings are immediately
applied to the current display.
Save Saves the current grid settings to a file (this button is available only when
User Grid Files is selected). Type or select a name in the Grid File field
and click Save. FoxDraw automatically appends the required .grd file extension.
Delete Deletes the currently selected file from the Grid File list. This button is avail-
able only when User Grid Files is selected). You are prompted for confirma-
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
Read-only field displaying the name of the text object, if assigned. You assign a name from the
General tab of the Configure Objects dialog box.
Editing window
This area contains the text to be edited. You can highlight text with the mouse and use standard
editing keys. A text object can contain up to 1000 characters.
Command Buttons
The First button chooses the first object from multiple text objects selected for
editing. Objects are ordered according to the sequence in which they are selected.
The Previous button chooses the previous object from multiple text objects
selected for editing.
The Next button chooses the next object from multiple text objects selected for
OK saves changes and closes the dialog box. Cancel cancels changes and closes the dialog box.
This command cancels edits to the current object only. If you have selected multiple objects, edits
are automatically saved when you move to another object.
If you must cancel edits to multiple objects, click Cancel and then choose Undo
from the Edit menu (or press Ctrl+Z) as many times as needed.
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
If Then
No object is selected The dialog box title is Set Default Attributes.
This allows you to specify default graphic attributes that apply to
all the objects that you configure.
One or more objects The dialog box title is Set Selection Attributes.
are selected This allows you to specify the graphic attributes for the selected
object(s) only.
Apply to All
This check box appears only on the Set Selection Attributes dialog box.
The modification to properties using the Apply to All check box is effective only on
the tab for which it is checked/unchecked. FoxDraw does not apply the modifica-
tion to the properties of a tab across all other tabs unless Apply to All on the Graphic
Attributes window is selected.
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
Item Description
Edge Style Select Invisible, Solid, Dotted, Dashed, or Dash-Dot.
Note: Select Invisible to optimize display performance style for filled
Edge Width Click a button to select a width of 1, 2, 3, 5, or 7 pixels.
Or type an integer (1 to 20) pixels in the text box below the buttons.
Color Palette Click anywhere in the palette to select a new edge color. Use the horizontal
scroll bar to view all color choices.
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
Item Description
Text Align (Background text only) Positions background text within the rectangle.
Use the middle row of buttons to move the text left, right, or center.
Use the other buttons to make limited up or down adjustments from the hori-
zontal center.
Font Style Select a font type, True Type or Hershey, then click Style to select a specific
Style Opens one of two font dialog boxes:
Font if you have selected True Type.
Select Font if you have selected Hershey fonts.
Direction Click the horizontal arrow to display the text from left to right.
Click the vertical arrow to display the text reads from top to bottom.
Color palette Click any square in the palette to select a text color.
The Select Font dialog for Hershey only lists the style names. Select one of the fonts in the list and
click OK.
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
Type the faceplate name, or select from the list.
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
Strict requirements (filenames and palette locations) determine the palettes that dis-
play in the dialog box’s tree list.
Palette tree
Click the to expand a palette directory.
The following example, the FPh_feeders_copy palette resides in the top directory level. The
mmo_grinders_copy palette resides in the second directory level. FoxDraw recognizes only two
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
Clicking this button displays the contents (symbols) of the selected palette.
Click this button to copy the selected external palette and its symbols to the \opt\customer\displib
directory tree.
If there is a conflict between the name of a palette you want to copy and an existing palette, an
Error dialog box or Warning dialog box appears. This dialog box lists the palette name in con-
flict between the external palette’s symbol and the library object under the \opt\customer direc-
tory tree.
You cannot copy multiple palettes in one copy operation.
The Palettes tree control hierarchically lists external palettes. When you select a palette, the palette
contents displays in the preview window (right side dialog box).
Palette Filters
Use these controls to filter palettes based on the palette type. Two types of palettes are supported;
copy palettes and link palettes. Palette names with a “_copy” suffix are copy palettes, and palette
names without this suffix are link palettes.
Click this button to copy the selected external palette (and the symbols used by the external pal-
ette) to the \opt\customer\displib directory tree.
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
Tab Purpose
General (All object types) View read-only information. The tab page varies according
to the selected object type.
Update (Primitive objects and library objects) Give the object or library object a
dynamic that mirrors changes in a process variable. The dynamics or proper-
ties of the dynamics can be exposed.
Action (Primitive objects and library objects) Associate the library object with an
action (such as opening another display). In FoxView, the action triggers
when an operator clicks on the object. The properties of certain operator
actions can be exposed.
Menu (Library objects with a passive dynamic configured) Configure a custom
menu that is displayed when you right click on an object.
Exp. Graphics (Primitive Objects) Configure the object with a graphic attribute and expose
the object’s graphic attribute through a graphic attribute alias name.
Aliases (Library objects with exposed text aliases) Resolve the exposed text alias to a
value or continue to expose it (cannot be exposed from base displays or over-
Ranges (Library objects with exposed range aliases) Resolve the range alias to a value
(after the text aliases associated with the range have been resolved).
Graphics (Primitive objects with exposed graphic aliases) Resolve the exposed graphic
attribute to a value or continue to expose it (cannot be exposed from base
displays or overlays).
Dynamics (Library object with exposed dynamics) Change the dynamic’s configura-
tion. Resolve the exposed dynamics or continue to expose it (cannot be
exposed from the base display).
Configuration (Scroll region objects only) Specify a scroll method after selecting a file for
The panel on the left side of the dialog box displays the options listed in Table 4-34.
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
Item Description
Select Object This tree displays all selected objects in the display. Objects appear in the order
The icon indicates the object type (primitive, group, library object, faceplate,
trend, X/Y plot).
A yellow-filled icon indicates that the object has been configured.
Tip: Open a group of objects by clicking + or double-click the group.
Prev Selects the previous object.
Next Selects the next object.
Filter This drop-down list shows the types of objects selected.
To view one type only, select the type from this list.
Configured Filters the objects in the tree, displaying only the objects that have dynamics
Objects Only applied.
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
A graphic object that is followed by another object (such as Move Path Percent)
requires a unique name.
Object Type
Displays the object type.
Object Name
If no name is assigned, this field is blank. To add or change an object name, type up to 32 charac-
ters and click Apply. These are the valid characters:
A to Z (uppercase or lowercase)
0 to 9
Underscore ( _ ).
The first character of the Object Name must be a letter.
It is recommended that you give unique names to objects, to distinguish similar
objects with similar configurations.
Library Object
This applies only to faceplates, trends, XY plots, profile plots, and symbols. It shows the filename,
which is the name of a standard I/A Series block. If you are configuring a user-built object, the
filename includes an underscore character ( _ ) and additional text.
Click the Apply button to accept the name.
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
Button Description
Delete Removes the selected attribute. To undelete, choose Undo SelectChange
from the Edit menu, then Redo SelectChange.
Add Opens the Add Dynamic Update dialog box.
Edit Depending on the conversion, opens one of these dialog boxes:
Continuous dialog box
Discrete dialog box
Bit State dialog box
Threshold dialog box
Numeric/Text dialog box
Read File dialog box
Copy Select an object and click this button to copy the object’s attribute to the
Paste Select an object and click this button to paste the contents of the buffer.
Dynamics Table
The table’s horizontal and vertical scroll bars allow you to view the columns and rows. To adjust
the column width, place the cursor on one of the label edges. The standard pointer changes to a
re-sizing pointer. Drag the column edge to the desired width. To edit an attribute, select the attri-
bute and then click the Edit button, or double-click the attribute.
Table 4-36, gives a description of the options.
Field Description
Dynamic The dynamic type (for example, Fill Level, Text Contents, or Rotate).
Tag The process variable or alias.
Range The range (for example, RI1), which overrides the high-scale and low-scale
values. This applies only to Continuous conversions.
Conversion The conversion type (for example, Continuous or Discrete).
Convention The convention used.
Delta The deadband value.
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
This button appears when you configure a primitive object or a library object. The button does
not appear when you configure a convention.
Clicking this button invokes the Add Convention dialog box.
Click one of the available option buttons to indicate the desired conversion for the dynamic.
Discrete conversion
Bit state conversion
Threshold conversion
Continuous conversion
Numeric/text conversion
Read file conversion.
Enter the Compound:Block.Parameter that controls the dynamic. You can also enter a text alias,
to expose the Tag property of the dynamic. Click the down arrow to view a drop-down list of pre-
viously configured variables.
(If the Tag field has an alias) Check this check box to specify that the exposed alias has to be
resolved (in the intermediate level or base display). If left unresolved, the dynamic associated with
the object is not operational and the object is drawn Out-Of-Service at run-time.
Expose Dynamic
Check this check box to expose the dynamic. The dynamic’s configuration is exposed and can be
modified when the object is linked into a display or another library object.
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
Edit (button)
Click this button to open the Edit dialog box which allows you to edit the tag. It also displays the
Tag button.
Tag (button)
If you are connected to an AIM*API or FoxAPI server, click this button to open a list of all vari-
ables in the system.
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
Field Description
Optimized (Fill Level only) Causes FoxView to update an object’s fill level more quickly.
Update Exception: You cannot optimize fill update for objects that move, rotate,
or scale.
Show Object (Move Path only) Makes the followed object visible or invisible in FoxView.
Adjust Object (Move Path only) Changes an object’s orientation when necessary, so it can
Orientation track the orientation of the followed object.
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
Field or
Button Description
Tag Enter the Compound:Block.Parameter that controls the dynamic. You can also
enter a text alias. Click the down arrow to view a list of previously configured vari-
Tag (button) If connected to an AIM*API or FoxAPI server, opens a list of all variables in the
Required (If the Tag field has an alias) Check this check box to specify that the exposed alias
has to be resolved (in the intermediate level or base display). If left unresolved, the
dynamic associated with the object is not operational and the object is drawn
Out-Of-Service at run-time.
Edit (but- Invokes the Edit dialog box that allows you to edit the tagname.
Expose Check this check box to expose the dynamic. The dynamic’s configuration is
Dynamic exposed and can be modified when the object is linked into a display or another
library object.
Delta (units) Type a deadband to control updating of the variable. Specify the number in
engineering units.
Number of Type a value or use the spin box to increment or decrement the value.
States The maximum number of states is 125, and the minimum is 1.
Add a single state by clicking on the area below the last entry in the table.
Copy Select a state and click this button to copy the state’s attribute to the buffer.
Paste Select a state and click this button to paste the contents of the buffer.
Insert Select a state and click this button to insert the contents of the buffer above the
selected state.
Delete Deletes the selected state.
Edit Select a field and click this button to edit the field. Select or type the desired value.
Alternatively, you can double-click a non-Boolean field or click the check box in a
Boolean field.
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
Table 4-44, lists the dynamic and their minimum and maximum values.
Bit numbers The black numbers (B1 through B32) represent bits 31 through 0 in
Packed Longs and Long Integers. The green numbers (B1 through B16)
represent bits 15 through 0 in Packed Booleans and Integers. The display
of both black and green numbers indicates that the bit can be part of
either type of variable.
Bit acronyms Identify bits in parameters such as ALMSTA, BLKSTA, and INHALM.
Multiple acronyms for the same bit indicate that the bit has different func-
tions, depending on the block type. Acronyms shown in the same color
are used together.
Integer fields Some parameter fields (such as the ALMSTA fields CRIT and PRI) store
an integer. The values for CRIT are 0-5. The values for PRI are 0-25. To
set either or both fields to “Don’t Care,” enter -1.
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
B1- B32
To change a setting, click the bit field. The field toggles among 0, 1, and X.
Choose X for Don’t Care (bit is not used). This sets the bit mask and bit match to 0.
Choose 0 to set the bit mask to 1 (compare the bit) and the bit match to 0.
Choose 1 to set the bit mask to 1 (compare the bit) and the bit match to 1.
CRIT (ALMSTA parameter only)
Use the CRIT (Criticality) field as an alternative to setting the individual bit fields. CRIT indi-
cates the priority of the block’s highest currently active alarm. Type an integer (1-5), where 1 is the
highest priority.
If you are specifying individual bits, type -1 (Don’t Care).
Set All
Click one of the buttons to set all bit fields to 0, 1, or X.
Click a button to choose the bit state operator. The buttons are listed in Table 4-47.
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
Enter the file’s full path name, or click the down arrow to view a list of previously configured file-
names. You can also enter a text alias.
File (button)
Click this button to display the standard file browser dialog box.
(If the Tag field has an alias) Check this check box to specify that the exposed alias has to be
resolved (in the intermediate level or base display). If left unresolved, the dynamic associated with
the object is not operational and the object is drawn Out-Of-Service at run-time.
Expose Dynamic
Check this check box to expose the dynamic. The dynamic’s configuration is exposed and can be
modified when the object is linked into a display or another library object.
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
File Format
Table 4-49, gives a description of the File format options.
Format Description
Blocked Text This is a record-based format. Every text line is the same length. If this box is
not checked, FoxView expects a standard ASCII file.
Null Terminated Every text line is a null-terminated line.
Buffered Keeps open the most recently opened file.
Record Size (Blocked text files only) Type the length of the text line. If not selected,
FoxView uses the size of the blocked text file header.
Field Width If the field width is less than the record size, type a width to extract a portion
of the text line. For example, if the line is HI THERE, a field width of 5 displays
the word THERE only (a Field Offset of 3 is required to start with the letter
Field Offset The character offset into the record. The offset is 0-based, and the default is 0.
Use this parameter with Field Width to extract a portion of the text line. For
example, if the line is HI THERE, specifying a field offset of 3 (four characters,
0-3) starts the displayed text with T (you also need to enter a Field Width of 5
to display five characters only).
Index Record Defines the record index. Use this option when you do not want the first line
in the file to be read first.
Note: The display manager setfindex command can change this index, allow-
ing you to scroll through the file.
Display List Also called the base number. Enter a number (1-5). Every file requires its own
Display List number to differentiate it from other files that are open at the
same time. Actions that relate to the same file should refer to this number. If
only one file is read at a given time, you need not specify a Display List
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
The rules that govern the application of dynamic to an object also apply to conven-
tions. You can apply no more than one occurrence of a particular dynamic to an
object. Because a convention comprises of one or more dynamics, FoxDraw does
not allow you to apply a convention to an object that is already configured with a
dynamic contained in the convention.
For example, if an object has already been assigned the Fill Color dynamic, you cannot apply a
convention that includes the Fill Color dynamic.
The Edit Convention dialog box opens up after you have selected a convention.
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
Format Description
Compound List Customize the view to display the list of compounds.
Block This section allows you to specify block information.
Sort by Name Sorts the blocks alphabetically.
Block type Choose a block type from the list box.
Parameter Check the required check box to choose the Input, Output, String or All
Element parameters.
Selection info Lists the selected compound, block and parameter information.
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
If you use the fox_pushbtn library object, configure an operator action to the but-
ton alone, not to the button grouped with overlying text. This prevents FoxView
from exiting when the button is pressed.
Field or
Button Description
Delete Deletes the current operator action.
Add Configures a new operator action. The Add Operator Action dialog box
appears. The button is enabled only when there is no previously configured
operator action.
Edit Edits the action by opening the appropriate dialog box for the current operator
Copy Select an object and click this button to copy the object’s attribute to the buffer.
Paste Select an object and click this button to paste the contents of the buffer.
Action This list box displays the current action, if configured.
Action displays the action type (for example, Open Display or Ramp).
String String displays a filename (as used, for example, with Open Display),
a variable (as used, for example, with Ramp or Text Entry), a FoxDraw com-
Protection ID Type a nonzero number (1-255) to protect the operator action in certain envi-
ronments. The default, 0, enables the action in all environments.
Each FoxView environment has an Access Level file (.acl file) that contains
protect and unprotect commands. The .acl file uses the Protection ID number
to make certain objects and their configured operator actions inaccessible. Refer
to Display Engineering for FoxView Software and Display Manager Software
(B0193MQ) for more information on using a protection ID.
You can also enter a text alias, to expose the Protection ID property.
Action Name Type a name of your choice. This name can be used with the Relative Pick com-
mand to initiate the action.
You can also enter a text alias, to expose the Action Name property.
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
Object Name
The name of the object that you are configuring appears at the top of the dialog box.
Type the full path and filename of the base display, display script, substitution list, or environ-
ment file. Omit the drive letter identifier. This field is case-sensitive.
Click the down arrow to view a list of previously configured files. By default, this list contains up
to 50 unique filenames. You can change the default setting from the User Options dialog box.
To use with the Relative Pick action, type $PICK1.
(If the File field has an alias) Check this check box to specify that the exposed alias has to be
resolved (in the intermediate level or base display). If left unresolved, the dynamic associated with
the object is not operational and the object is drawn Out-Of-Service at run-time.
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
File (button)
Click this button to display the standard file selection dialog box.
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
Type the name of the overlay (omit the drive letter identifier). This field is case sensitive.
You can click the down arrow to view a history list of previously-used *.fdf files. You can also
click the File button to open a standard dialog box to search for an overlay to open.
Instead of a filename, you can use dollar sign substitution (for example, $PICK1). This permits
the use of a single button for several different displays.
If the File field has an alias, select this check box to specify that the exposed alias has to be resolved
(in the intermediate level or base display). If left unresolved, the dynamic associated with the
object is not operational and the object is drawn Out-Of-Service at run-time.
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
File (button)
Click this button to display the standard file selection dialog box.
Select an Attribute.
More (button)
Click this button to display the Open Overlay More Attributes dialog box to specify the
overlay coordinates and offset when the Tile check box is not selected. If the Tile check box is
selected, this dialog box allows you to specify the tile size, offset, and tile area. See “Open Overlay
More Attributes Dialog Box” on page 204.
Table 4-54, describes the options in the Open Overlay dialog box.
Option Description
Relative Pick Opens the overlay next to a Relative Pick (yellow highlighted) area.
Sticky Overlay Keeps the overlay open until the operator clicks the Close button or closes
the base display. Normally, an overlay closes when:
Another overlay opens on top of it
The operator closes an overlay opened before it
On Top Prevents the overlay from closing when another overlay opens.
Root Size Overrides the overlay size and makes the overlay the same size as the Root
Group in the base display.
The Root Group contains all the objects in a display. For example, a base
display may contain only two objects and occupy a fraction of the screen.
The Root Size option makes an overlay exactly the size of the rectangle
that encloses the Root Group.
Pick Opens the overlay next to a Pick area.
Tile Tiles overlays on a base display instead of placing them in specific
locations. You must enter a tile number.
Moveable The overlay can be dragged to another location on the screen. The overlay
always opens as a moveable overlay, regardless of the overlay mode
setting in FoxView.
Stationary The overlay can not be repositioned by the user. The overlay always opens
as a stationary overlay, regardless of the overlay mode setting in
As Built The overlay is opened as either moveable or stationary based on the cur-
rent FoxView overlay mode setting and based on the configuration of the
button that invokes the overlay.
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
If the Tile check box is not selected in the Open Overlay dialog box, you can specify the overlay
coordinates and offset. If the Tile check box is selected, you can specify the tile size, offset, and
tile area.
Table 4-55, describes the options in the Open Overlay More Attributes dialog box.
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
Option Description
Coordinates Specifies the location of the upper left corner of the overlay on the screen. You
can define row,column coordinates to be virtual coordinates, percent of full
screen, or character locations.
Multiple formats in one pair of coordinates are permitted, for example:
Offset Changes the location of the overlay or the tile area on the screen by a specified
offset. The offset must be a coordinate specification (row,column) as described
above for the coordinates option.
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
Option Description
Tile Size Defines the size of each overlay tile. Each tile has a specific width and height.
By default, the width and height are defined by the overlay size (or by the
screen size when the root size option is not used). When you are tiling different
size overlays, the tile size and the final overlay location are different for all the
different size overlays. Because all the tiles must have the same size, only one tile
size needs to be provided.
Values for the tile height and width can be defined in virtual coordinates,
percent of full screen size, or number of character lines/width. See above
description for the Coordinates option.
Tile Area Defines the tile area for the overlay by specifying the upper left (UL) row, upper
left (UL) column, lower right (LR) row, and lower right (LR) column. These
values can be virtual coordinates, percent of screen, or character height/width.
UL Row UL Col LR Row LR Col Description
0% 50% 100% 100% The right half of
screen is the tiled area.
0 2560 3455 5119 Same as above
0 0 10CHAR 100% The first 10 character
lines are the tiled area
The DM tile algorithm spaces the tile locations. It actually adds eight virtual
coordinates (two pixels for a default DM window) to the size of the overlay.
This means that tiles are not glued together but are spaced.
For example, if the overlay width is exactly 1/4 the width of the screen
(5120/4 = 1280), the tile algorithm uses 1288 (1280 + 8). This means that only
three overlays fit in a tiled row.
To overwrite the DM size tiling algorithm, use the Tile Size option.
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
Table 4-54, describes the options in the Close Display/Overlay dialog box.
Option Description
File Name Type the name of the overlay (omit the drive letter identifier). This field is
case sensitive.
You can click the down arrow to view a history list of previously-used *.fdf
You can also click to open a standard dialog box to search for an overlay to
Instead of a filename, you can use dollar sign substitution (for example,
$PICK1). This permits the use of a single button for several different over-
CB Name Type the name of the compound:block for which to close overlays.
You can click the down arrow to view a history list of previously-used
compound:block names.
You can also click to open the Browser dialog box to search for a
Display/Overlay Closes the current display or overlay
All Overlays Closes all open overlays.
By Position Closes the overlay in the configured screen position. By default, the screen
position is upper left. If you require a different screen position, click
Configure Available only when By Position is selected. Opens the Select Screen
Position dialog box from which to select a different screen position.
By Row, Column Closes the overlay whose upper left corner is located at the specified Row and
Column location. You can define row,column coordinates to be virtual
coordinates, percent of full screen, or character locations. See Coordinates
option in Table 4-55.
Selected Allows you to choose one of these options:
Option Description
Non-sticky Closes all non-sticky overlays.
First Closes the first overlay opened.
Last Closes the last overlay opened.
Relative Pick Closes overlays that open next to Relative Pick areas.
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
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4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
Type the name of the Boolean, Packed Boolean, or Packed Long variable to be pulsed.
Use bit extensions to set individual bits in a Packed Boolean or Packed Long.
Tag (button)
Clicking this button opens up a list of all variables in the system. The server must be connected.
Pulse Type
Table 4-59, gives a description of the pulse types.
Select To
Hold Down Hold the variable in the selected state as long as the object (typically
a button) is pressed.
Timed Pulse Hold the variable in the selected state for a specified length of time.
Type or select the time (1 to 255 seconds).
Table 4-60, lists the options.
Select To
Pulse to 1, then set to 0 Set the variable to 1, and reset it to 0 when the momentary contact
is complete.
Pulse to 0, then set to 1 Set the variable to 0, and reset it to 1 when the momentary contact
is complete.
Toggle Toggle the variable’s current state and reset it to its original state
when the momentary contact is complete.
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
Type the name of a Real, Integer, or simple Boolean variable.
Click the down arrow to view a list of previously configured variables.
If you are using Ramp with Relative Pick, type $PICK1.
Tag (button)
Click this button to open up a list of all variables in the system. The server must be connected.
Table 4-62, gives a description of the options.
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
Item Description
Ramp Up Ramps up the variable in increments specified in the Ramp Value field.
Ramp Down Ramps down the variable in increments specified in the Ramp Value field.
Ramp Value (%) Type or select a percentage of the full range.
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
Reset the reference point before you configure the move. If you reset it afterwards,
the High and Low screen locations shift.
Type the name of a process variable. Click the down arrow to view previously configured
Tag (button)
Opens a list of all variables in the system. The server must be connected.
Table 4-64, gives a description of the options.
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
Reset the reference point before you configure the move. If you reset it afterwards,
the High and Low screen locations shift.
Type the name of a process variable.
Click the down arrow to view a list of previously configured variables.
Tag (button)
Opens a list of all variables in the system. The server must be connected.
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
Table 4-65, gives a description of the options.
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
Attribute Description
Default Object Check this box if you want the shortcut menu to display all the menu items
Menu that are in the default object menu definition file. The default object menu
definition file is specified in the current environment's .env file.
Custom Object Check this box if you want the shortcut menu to display all the menu items
Menu that are in a custom object menu definition file.
File This field is for the path of the custom object menu file. You may enter the
path of the menu file or use the File Button to select a menu file.
File Button Use the button to select the custom object menu definition file that you
want to use.
Custom Object Check this box if you want to add custom items to the shortcut menu list.
Delete Deletes the selected custom menu item.
Add Invokes the Configure Menu Item dialog to add a new item to the
object’s shortcut menu. See the next section for details on the Configure
Menu Item dialog box.
Edit Invokes the Configure Menu Item dialog to modify the selected custom
menu item. See the next section for details on the Configure Menu Item
dialog box.
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
Attribute Description
Include display Check this box to include all items in the Default Object Menu in addition
menu with object to items selected fro the short-cut menu with the Custom Object Menu or
menu Custom Object Items option.
Attribute Description
Label Enter the text that you want to appear in the object’s shortcut menu.
Command Script If you are adding a new menu item this box is blank. If you are editing an
existing custom menu item this box displays the command or commands
that are invoked when the menu item is chosen from the object’s shortcut
menu in FoxView.
Edit Button Press this button to invoke the Display Command Builder so that you can
add or edit commands for a custom menu item.
Protection ID Enter a protection ID to be associated with this menu item if required.
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
Graphics Table
Table 4-72, gives a description of the graphic attribute options that appear in the window.
Item Description
Name The graphic attribute alias name that is exposed.
Attribute The graphic attribute type.
Invokes the Select Graphic Attribute dialog box which allows you to assign a graphic attri-
bute to the object (Visibility, Fill Level, and so forth). This opens the Edit Graphic Attribute dia-
log box, which allows you to expose the graphic attribute through a graphic attribute alias name.
Item Description
Attribute Type Displays the graphic attribute associated with the object.
Name Enter the graphic attribute alias name that exposes the graphic attribute.
Allows you edit the graphic attribute.
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
Alias Table
Each entry (row) in the table represents properties of one text alias.
Table 4-74, lists the options in the table.
Item Description
Name The name of the alias.
Req. Required flag. The flag is checked when the alias has a Required configura-
This indicates that the exposed alias has to be resolved (in the intermediate
level or base display). If left unresolved, the dynamic associated with the
object is not operational and the object is drawn Out-Of-Service at run-
Exp. Expose flag. If checked, indicates that the alias is exposed from the library
The field is disabled (grayed out) for base displays and overlays (a text alias
can only be exposed from library objects).
Exp. Name Exposed Name. If the text alias is exposed and if you have renamed it, then
this field shows the new text alias. When a library object is linked to a dis-
play, the text alias is visible by the new name. The field is disabled (grayed
out) for base displays and overlays (a text alias can only be exposed from
library objects).
Value The text string that the alias is resolved to.
To edit an entry, you have to select the entry and click the Edit button or double-click the entry.
This invokes the Edit Text Alias dialog box for the selected text alias.
The Edit Text alias dialog box allows you to expose (not from base displays or overlays) or resolve
the text alias. The exposed alias can also be renamed.
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
Item Description
Resolve Alias (Disabled if the Expose Alias section is selected) Select this section to
resolve the text alias.
Resolve Check this check box to resolve the text alias.
Edit (button) (Disabled if the Expose Alias section is selected) Click this button to
view the complete tag name. The Edit dialog box appears which allows you
to edit the Tag or invoke the Tag browser.
File (button) (Disabled if the Expose Alias section is selected) Opens the standard file
browser. Locate the file and click Open.
Tag (button) (Disabled if the Expose Alias section is selected) Invokes the Tag browser
which lists all the variables in the system. The server must be connected for
Value Enter the value that the alias is to be resolved to.
Expose Alias (Disabled if the Resolve Alias section is selected and in base displays and
overlays). Select this section to expose the text alias and rename the text
Default Name Check this check box to retain the default name.
Rename Check this check box to rename the text alias to a more context specific
name, when you expose it.
Name (Enabled if Rename is checked) Enter the new alias name.
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
Range Table
Table 4-76, gives a description of the range options that appear in the window.
Item Description
Tag Displays the tag-name associated with the exposed range alias.
Range Alias Displays the range alias name.
Value The resolved value. It can be scales, range name or the default scales.
Rslvd The Resolved check box. If checked, indicates that the range alias is
To resolve the range alias, you have to select an entry and click the Edit button or double-click the
entry. This invokes the Edit Range Alias dialog box for the selected range alias. The dialog
allows you to change the range configuration and resolve the range alias.
Table 4-77, gives a description of the options in this dialog box.
Item Description
Tag Displays the tag-name of the dynamic whose range is exposed.
Resolve Check this to resolve the exposed range alias.
Static Enables the High Scale and the Low Scale boxes.
RunTime Enables the Range box.
High Scale Enter the maximum range value.
Low Scale Enter the minimum range value.
Control Values When Static is selected, FoxDraw retrieves High Scale and Low Scale val-
ues from the CP.
When RunTime is selected, FoxDraw retrieves Range values from the CP.
Default Values FoxDraw retrieves the range from the local database.
When Static is selected, FoxDraw retrieves High Scale and Low Scale val-
ues from the local database.
When RunTime is selected, FoxDraw retrieves Range values from the local
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
Dynamics Table
Table 4-78, gives a description of the properties that appear in the window.
Item Description
Name tz5
Dynamic The dynamic type.
Chng. Changed flag. It indicates if the dynamic’s configuration has been changed.
Exp. Expose flag. It indicates if the dynamic is exposed from the library object.
The flag is disabled (grayed out) for base displays and overlays (dynamics
can only be exposed from library objects).
Invokes the dynamic configuration dialog box, depending on the dynamics selected. Using this
dialog box the configuration of the exposed dynamic can be changed, that is, the states and the
number of states in the Discrete, Bit State and Threshold dynamics. To expose the dynamic, dou-
ble-click the Exp. cell or select it and click the Edit button. This opens the Expose Dynamic dia-
log box which allows you to expose or not expose the dynamic.
If the Tag associated with the dynamic is also exposed (with the dynamic) and has a Required con-
figuration, then the Tag, Required and the Expose Dynamic check boxes are disabled in the
dynamic configuration dialog box. You can only change the configuration of dynamics and expose
or not expose the dynamic further. The Tag field, however, can be exposed or resolved from
Aliases tab.
For an optional Tag configuration the Tag field is enabled but the Required and the Expose
Dynamic check boxes are disabled.
This button resets the dynamic’s configuration to its original configuration (that is, the dynamic’s
configuration within the library object). Therefore, the Reset button removes changes made to the
dynamic’s configuration for this instance of a library object.
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
Graphics Table
Table 4-79, lists the graphic attribute options that appear in this window.
Item Description
Name The graphic attribute alias name that exposes the graphic attribute.
Attribute The graphic attribute type assigned to the object.
Chng. Changed flag, which indicates if the value of the attribute has been
Value The graphic attribute value. This field is empty if the attribute has not
Exp. Expose flag. It indicates if the graphic attribute alias is exposed from the
library object. The flag is disabled (grayed out) for base displays and over-
lays (graphic attribute aliases can only be exposed from library objects).
Exp. Name Exposed Name. If the graphic attribute alias name is exposed and if you
have renamed it, then the field shows the new name. When a library object
is linked to a display, the attribute is visible through the new name. The
field is disabled (grayed out) for base displays and overlays (a graphic attri-
bute can only be exposed from library objects).
To change the Expose property or to rename the alias, select the alias and click the Edit button or
double-click the alias. This invokes the Edit Graphic Alias dialog box which displays the options
as listed in Table 4-80. This dialog box is not available for base displays and overlays.
Item Description
Expose Check this to expose the graphic attribute.
Default Name Check this to retain the original graphic attribute alias name.
Rename Check this to rename the alias to a new name.
Name (Enabled if Rename is checked) Enter the new name.
To change the value of the graphic attribute in a base display, you can select the Value cell in the
table and click the Edit button or double-click the Value cell.
This button resets the graphic attribute’s configuration to its original configuration.
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
Open File
Type the name of the file you want to display, or click File.
Opens the standard file browser. Locate the file and click Open.
Navigation Method
Table 4-81, gives a description of the options.
Button Description
Scroll Bars Specifies that the scroll region object includes scroll bars in FoxView.
This is useful for workstations that employ a mouse.
Buttons Specifies that the scroll region object includes arrow buttons in FoxView.
This is useful for workstations that employ a touchscreen.
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
Configuring Trends
Configure Objects Dialog Box
Use this dialog box to configure a trend.
Table 4-82, gives a description of the options.
Tab Purpose
General View read-only information. The tab pages vary according to the selected
object type.
Trend Area Configure trend attributes.
Pens Specify a pen color, trend background color, and grid color.
Grid Specify the trend’s grid options.
Timing Enter the trend duration.
Security Specify the access levels for invoking the on-line trend configurator, enter-
ing values into the trend from the keyboard, and saving the trend configu-
Item Description
Select Object This tree displays all selected objects in the display. Objects appear in the
order selected.
The icon indicates the object type (primitive, group, library object, face-
plate, trend, X/Y plot, profile plot).
A yellow-filled icon indicates that the object has been configured.
Tip: Open a group of objects by clicking + or double-click the group.
Prev Selects the previous object.
Next Selects the next object.
Filter This drop-down list shows the types of objects selected.
To view one type only, select the type from this list.
Configured Objects Filters the objects in the tree, displaying only the objects that have dynam-
Only ics applied.
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
The first character of the Object Name must be a letter.
A graphic object that is followed by another object (such as Move Path Percent)
requires a unique name.
Object Type
Displays the object type (Line, Polygon, Curve, and so on).
Object Name
If no name is assigned, this field is blank. To add or change an object name, type up to 32 charac-
ters and click Apply. These are the valid characters:
A to Z (uppercase or lowercase)
0 to 9
Underscore ( _ )
It is recommended that you give unique names to objects, to distinguish similar
objects with similar configurations.
Library Object
Shows the filename, which is the name of a standard I/A Series block. If you are configuring a
user-built object (such as a faceplate), the filename includes an underscore character ( _ ) and
additional text.
Block Connection
(Applies only to trends and faceplates)
Table 4-84, gives a description of the options.
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
Field Description
Compound Name of the process compound to which the faceplate is connected.
Block Name of the process block to which the faceplate is connected.
Block Type Standard I/A Series block type.
Click the Apply button to accept the name.
Table 4-85. Trend Area Tab of Configure Objects Dialog Box - Options
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
Button Description
Delete Deletes the selected pen configuration. FoxDraw requests confirmation
before performing the deletion. To undo a deletion, click Cancel, then
reopen the Configure Objects dialog box for the trend.
Add Invokes the Configure Trend Pen dialog box to configure the pen.
Edit Invokes the Configure Trend Pen dialog box to modify the selected pen
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
Column Displays
Color The pen’s color.
Tag The object variable to which the pen is configured.
Type The data type (numeric or Boolean).
Marker Pull-down list to select the type of marker:
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
Column Displays
Guard Band Displays only when Auto-scale is selected. The default is 10.0.
Guardband is an “additional range” or buffer for displaying new data that
falls outside of the new scale values. The guardband is added to the calcu-
lated range when FoxView determines the range for an auto-scaled pen.
A guardband prevents constant range recalculation as trend values are
For example, if the current high and low values for a pen are 51.8 and 40.3,
FoxView calculates the autoscale range of 35.3 (40.3 - 5.0) as the low scale,
and 66.8 (61.8 + 5.0) as the high scale. Note that half of the 10.0 (default
value) is added to both ends of the scales. The actual scale that FoxView
uses is rounded to the nearest whole number, becoming 35.0 and 67.0.
Logarithmic trends do not support the Boolean pen type. They support only
numeric data.
For logarithmic trends, you must set the logarithmic decade (exponent) for each configured pen.
The High Scale value remains unchanged from the current values.
Pen Information
Table 4-88, gives a description of the options.
Pen Number Type a number (1 to 4) or click the drop-down arrow to select a pen. If you
are adding a pen, you can select a previously unconfigured pen only. For
example, if you have already configured Pens 1 and 2, you can select only
Pens 3 or 4.
While editing an existing configuration, this field displays the selected pen
Pen Color Click this button to select a color from a palette. You can scroll the palette
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
Tag Type the name of a process variable or shared variable, or click the drop-
down arrow to select from a list of previously used variables.
Tag (button) If connected to an AIM*API or FoxAPI server, clicking this button lists all
the variables in the system.
Historian Type the name of a Historian (six characters), or click the drop-down arrow
to select from a list.
Description This attribute is a pen description. It is limited to 12 characters.
Show Scale Only enabled when Use Same Scale is not selected in the Trend Area tab.
Select this box if you want this pen’s scale to be displayed in the trend plot.
Once this box is selected, this attribute is disabled for the remaining pens in
the trend.
Field Description
Data type Select Numeric or Boolean, according to the variable type. This selection
determines the resulting fields.
Field Description
Static (Numeric pens only) Selecting this option enables the High Scale and
Low Scale boxes.
Note: When Use Same Scale is selected on the Configure Objects
dialog box’s Trend Area tab, static settings are disabled.
RunTime (Numeric pens only) Retrieves range data from the CP at display call-up.
This option enables the Range box and disables the High Scale and Low
Scale fields.
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
Field Description
Range Type a name of the range, or click the drop-down arrow to select from a list.
The Range box must be checked to do this.
Control Values This button is visible only when the Numeric (data type) option is selected.
When Static is selected, clicking this button:
Retrieves High Scale, Low Scale, and Eng. Units from the CP
Retrieves Delta in percentage from the local database
Calculates Delta in units based on the CP scales.
When RunTime is selected, clicking this button:
Retrieves Eng. Units from the CP
Retrieves Delta in percentage from the local database
Calculates Delta in units based on the CP scales.
Default Values Clicking this button retrieves data from the local database.
If Static is selected, FoxDraw retrieves Pen Color, High Scale, Low Scale,
Eng. Units, and Delta in percentage from the local database and calculates
Delta in units based on the scales.
If RunTime is selected, FoxDraw retrieves Pen color, Range name, Eng.
Units, and Delta in percentage from the local database and calculates Delta
in units based on the local database scales.
High Scale Type the high value (default is 100.00) for the variable’s range.
Low Scale Type the low value (default is 0.00) for the variable’s range.
Clicking the Control Values button retrieves the high value and the low
value from the CP and places them in these fields.
If you entered a range or selected RunTime, these fields are not available.
Increment Type a number to specify the interval between each displayed scale value.
Delta (units) Type the delta value.
Clicking the Control Values button retrieves the delta value from the CP
and places it in this field.
Note: I/A Series is change-driven, meaning that values are stored only when
a change takes place. The change must be greater than the delta (deadband)
configured for the variable.
Eng. Units Type the engineering units for the data. The default is percent (%).
Clicking the Control Values button retrieves the engineering units from
the CP and places it in this field.
Auto-scale Selecting this option enables the Guard Band and Min. Span fields.
Deselect this check box to turn off auto-scale.
Auto-scale allows the minimum and maximum values to be read periodi-
cally in FoxView, calculated based upon the values currently plotted for
each pen.
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
Field Description
Guard Band This field is enabled only when Auto-scale is selected. The default is
Guardband is an “additional range” or buffer for displaying new data that
falls outside of the new scale values. The guardband is added to the calcu-
lated range when FoxView determines the range for an auto-scaled pen.
A guardband prevents constant range recalculation as trend values are
For example, if the current high and low values for a pen are 51.8 and 40.3,
FoxView calculates the autoscale range of 35.3 (40.3 - 5.0) as the low scale,
and 66.8 (61.8 + 5.0) as the high scale. Note that half of the 10.0 (default
value) is added to both ends of the scales. The actual scale that FoxView
uses is rounded to the nearest whole number, becoming 35.0 and 67.0.
Min. Span This field is enabled only when Auto-scale is selected. The default is 10%
of scale.
Specify (type) the minimum span (an absolute range) between the mini-
mum and maximum values set by auto-scale.
For example, if Min. Span is set to 5.0, this is the minimum range for the
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
Field Description
Default Values Clicking this button retrieves data from the local database.
FoxDraw retrieves 0 Name, 1 Name, 0 Offset, and 1 Offset from the local
0 Name Type up to six characters for the name of the variable’s 0 state (such as Off
or Open). The state name appears in all trends except a Graph Only trend.
1 Name Type up to six characters for the name of the variable’s 1 state (such as On
or Closed). The state name appears in all trends except a Graph Only trend.
Data Origin Type a two-digit percent value, which specifies the pen’s vertical position on
the trend graph. The position is a percentile of the full height of the graph,
measured from the bottom.
The default vertical positions are: Pen 1 = 80%, Pen 2 = 60%, Pen 3 =
40%, and Pen 4 = 20%.
For example, if Pen 2 is assigned to a Boolean variable, its trend line appears
at the 60th percentile (3/5 full-graph height) measured from the bottom.
0 Offset Type a two-digit percent value as the graph position for the variable’s 0
The percent you enter is added to the pen’s Data Origin percentile so the 0
line is not confused with a grid line.
For example, if Pen 3 is assigned to a Boolean variable, you might want to
display the 0 state at the 42nd percentile.
By default, the 0 state appears 2% higher than the pen’s percentile location.
1 Offset Type a two-digit percent value as the graph position for the variable’s 1
The percent you enter is added to the pen’s Data Origin percentile.
Note: Use a 1 state that contrasts the 0 state.
For example, if Pen 3’s 0 state appears at the 42nd percentile, you may want
the 1 state to appear at the 50th percentile.
By default, the 1 state appears 10% above the pen’s percentile location.
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
Item Description
Grid Settings Group
Grid Line Visible Select this check box to show grid lines. By default, this option is selected.
Line Color Select the color for the grid lines. By default, this is gray.
Line Number Select the number of grid lines for the trend. The default is ten.
Static Line Settings
HI% Enter a numeric value (0 to 100) to position the line on the vertical scale of
HI-HI% the trend.
LO% Click the color button to open a palette dialog box and specify a color for
the line.
The duration is the time span of the trend during which data values display. The time duration of
a trend can be configured to a minimum value of 1 minute.
The duration divided by the scan rate must be less than 600.
Scan Rate
The scan rate of a trend is the amount of time that elapses between requests to the Object
Manager for the values of the points being graphed.
At a minimum, you can specify a 1-second scan rate. This entry must be an integer.
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
Format sets the number of decimal places that are used for the data values in the trend. By default,
FoxView uses different formats for Real parameter values depending the size of the number:
Four decimal places for numbers less than 1
Two decimal places for numbers less than 100
No decimal places if the number is 100 or greater.
Use the spinner buttons or enter a value to specify the number decimal places to be used in
the display.
Specify 0 to 4 decimal places, or enter -1 to use the default display format.
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
Configuring Plots
Configure Objects Dialog Box
Use this dialog box to configure an XY plot or a profile plot. Various tabbed pages are available,
depending on the selected object.
Table 4-82, gives a description of the options.
Tab Purpose
General View read-only information. The tab pages vary according to the selected
object type.
Plot Area Configure X/Y or profile plot attributes.
Pens Specify a pen color, trend background color, and grid color.
Grid Specify the plot’s grid options.
Timing Enter the plot duration.
Item Description
Select Object This tree displays all selected objects in the display. Objects appear in the
order selected.
The icon indicates the object type (primitive, group, library object, face-
plate, trend, X/Y plot, profile plot).
A yellow-filled icon indicates that the object has been configured.
Tip: Open a group of objects by clicking + or double-click the group.
Prev Selects the previous object.
Next Selects the next object.
Filter This drop-down list shows the types of objects selected.
To view one type only, select the type from this list.
Configured Objects Filters the objects in the tree, displaying only the objects that have dynam-
Only ics applied.
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
The first character of the Object Name must be a letter.
Object Type
Displays the object type (Profile-Plot or XY-Plot).
Object Name
If no name is assigned, this field is blank. To add or change an object name, type up to 32 charac-
ters and click Apply. These are the valid characters:
A to Z (uppercase or lowercase)
0 to 9
Underscore ( _ ).
It is recommended that you give unique names to objects, to distinguish similar
objects with similar configurations.
Library Object
Shows the filename, which is the name of a standard I/A Series block. If you are configuring a
user-built object, the filename includes an underscore character ( _ ) and additional text.
Configure Objects Dialog Box - Plot Area Tab (X/Y plots only)
Use this tab page to edit the plot area for an X/Y plot. Other attributes on this tab page specify
scale settings for the X-axis and Y-axis.
Use the Pens tab of the Configure Objects dialog box to configure the Leading
Real Point Color (LCol), Real Point Color (RCol), and the X-axis and Y-axis vari-
ables for each pen.
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
Field Description
Number of Points Specify the number of points to be plotted.
Background Color Defines trend area background color.
Object Data File Specifies the name of the optional file that defines the objects to be drawn
Name in the plot area.
File Click this button to browse the file system.
Markers Specifies where to place markers.
Leading Marker Only places a marker only on the newest point.
Marker on Every Point places a marker on every point.
Field Description
Type Select whether the plot is to be Linear or Logarithmic. The scales selec-
tion is a plot area attribute and applies to all lines plotted in the graph.
Use Same Scale This option:
Enables the plot area’s scale configuration
Disables pen scale configuration
When this option is not selected:
Pen’s scale configuration is enabled
Plot area’s scale configuration is disabled
X-Axis and Y-Axis Specifies the scale settings for the X/Y plot.
High Scale and Low Scale set the maximum and minimum values.
Increment (linear trends only) specifies the interval between displayed
scale values.
Low Decade (logarithmic trends only) specifies the low exponent.
Note: These fields are not enabled unless Use Same Scale is selected.
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
Use the Pens tab of the Configure Objects dialog box to configure the pen colors
for each pen.
Field Description
Background Color Defines plot area background color.
Plot Command This option implements one of two display commands:
Read performs a read-out function and displays the point number and
value in the profile read-out fields.
Read/Write reads the selected point and its value for all pens and writes
the result to the variable configured in the Pens tab.
No Action does not take any action.
Protection ID Defines a protection ID for the plot. This is a non-zero number in the
range 1-255 which can be used to protect the operator action in certain
environments. A protection ID is optional. The default is 0, which enables
the action in all environments.
Action Name Displays the action name. An action name is optional.
Button Description
Delete Deletes the selected pen configuration. FoxDraw requests confirmation
before performing the deletion. To undo a deletion, click Cancel, then
reopen the Configure Objects dialog box for the trend.
Add Invokes the Configure Plot Pen dialog box to configure the pen.
Edit Invokes the Configure Plot Pen to modify the selected pen.
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
Column Displays
LCol The color used to indicate the leading real point
RCol The color used to indicate the real point
X-Tag The name of a process variable or shared variable
Marker Pull-down list to select the type of marker:
Time Delay The number of scans (positive value only) for the delay between the X and
Y values.
X-Range The range when the Range option is selected
X-High Scale The high value for the variable’s range. The default is 100.00.
Y-High Scale
X-Low Scale The low value for the variable’s range. The default is 0.00.
Y-Low Scale
X-Incr The interval between each displayed scale value.
X-Delta The deadband (a numeric variable).
Y-Delta I/A Series is change-driven. Values are stored only when a change occurs.
The change must be greater than the delta.
X-Eng. Units The engineering units (numeric variable).
Y-Eng. Units
RT Scale The Run Time scale flag. A one (1) indicates that this pen’s scale is dis-
played for the trend.
Read File The color to be used to indicate the file read data
FCol The color to be used to indicate the file read data pen color
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
Column Displays
Style The style of the profile plot; either LINE or BAR
LCol The color used to draw the profile line
BCol The color used to fill the profile bar
ACol The color used to indicate an alarm
RCol The color used to indicate the reference line
ECol The color used to draw the edge of the profile bar
BTp The bar fill type
BPt The bar fill pattern
RX-Axis Reverse X-Axis
Data Variable The name of the array containing the plot data
Trigger The name of the connection trigger
Delta The amount of change required.
Note: I/A Series is change-driven, meaning that values are stored only when
a change takes place. The change must be greater than the delta (deadband)
configured for the variable.
Ref Line The value used to draw the reference line
H-Scale The high value for scaling the Y-axis
L-Scale The low value for scaling the Y-axis
H-Alarm The high value for the line or bar to change color (alarm state)
L-Alarm The low value for the line or bar to change color (alarm state)
S-Offset The index into the data array for the first data point
E-Offset The index into the data array for the last data point
Read Point The name of the variable configured for the Read Point data
Read Value The name of the variable configured for the Read Value data
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
Table 4-102. Configure Plot Pen Dialog Box - Options (XY plots only)
Item Description
Pen Number Displays the pen number of the selected pen
Time Delay Specify a delay (an integer greater or equal to zero) used to set a delay in the
plotting of X/Y pairs.
Marker Style Pull-down list to select the type of marker:
Read Data File This is the name of the file to view a previously saved plot.
File Click this button to browse the file system.
Show Scale Only enabled when Use Same Scale is not selected in both the X-Axis and
Y-Axis sections of the Plot Area tab. Select this box if you want this pen’s
scale to be displayed in the plot. Once this box is selected, this attribute is
disabled for the remaining pens in the plot.
Historical Data Check this box to specify that the pens uses data from the specified
Historian instead of real-time data.
Table 4-103. Items for X-Axis and Y-Axis (XY plots only)
Field Description
Tag Type or select the name of a process variable or shared variable, or select
from a list of previously used variables.
Tag (button) Click this button to view all the available process variables and to select a
process variable.
Description Type a description (12 character max.) that appears on the trend.
Historian Type the name of a Historian (six characters), or click the drop-down arrow
to select from a list.
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
Table 4-103. Items for X-Axis and Y-Axis (Continued)(XY plots only) (Continued)
Field Description
Static Selecting this option enables the High Scale and Low Scale boxes.
RunTime Enables the Range box, allowing you to specify a range name.
Range Type the name of the range, or click the drop-down arrow to select from a
list of range names. The Range box must be checked to do this.
High Scale Type the high value for the variable’s range. The default is 100.00. If you
selected Control Values, the field is set to the high value retrieved from
the CP. If you entered a range or selected RunTime, you cannot enter infor-
mation into this field.
Low Scale Type the low value for the variable’s range. The default is 0.00. If you
selected Control Values, the field is set to the low value retrieved from
the CP. If you entered a range or selected RunTime, you cannot enter infor-
mation into this field.
Increment Type a number to define the interval between each displayed scale value.
Control Values When Static is selected, FoxDraw retrieves High Scale, Low Scale, and
Eng. Units from the CP. FoxDraw also retrieves Delta in percentage from
the local database and calculates Delta in units based on the scales.
When RunTime is selected, FoxDraw retrieves Eng. Units from the CP, and
it also retrieves Delta in percentage from the local database and calculates
Delta in units based on CP scales.
Default Values FoxDraw retrieves data type from the local database.
When Static is selected for Numeric data, FoxDraw retrieves Pen Color,
High Scale, Low Scale, Eng. Units, and Delta in percentage from the local
database and calculates Delta in units based on the scales.
When Run Time is selected for Numeric data, FoxDraw retrieves Pen
Color, Range name, Eng. Units, and Delta in percentage from the local
database and calculates Delta in units based on the local database scales.
Delta (units) I/A Series is change-driven. This means that values are stored only when a
change takes place. The change must be greater than the delta (deadband)
configured for the variable.
Type the delta value. If you selected Control Values, this field is set to
the delta retrieved from the Control Processor.
Eng. Units Type the engineering units for the data. The default is percent (%). If you
selected Control Values, the field is automatically set to the engineering
units retrieved from the CP.
Table 4-104, gives the color information.
Item Description
Leading Real Point Displays the color to be used to indicate the most recent point.
Click the button to change the point color.
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
Item Description
Real Point Displays the color to be used to indicate the real recent point.
Click the button to change the point color.
File Read Data Displays the color to be used to indicate the file read data.
Click the button to change the point color.
Connection Click this button to specify another point to drive the color used for the
most recent point.
Table 4-105. Configure Plot Pen Dialog Box (Profile plots only)
Item Description
Pen Number Displays the pen number of the selected pen.
Plot Style Select Line Profile or Bar Profile to define the appearance of the
Trigger Enter the name of the variable to be used as a trigger to update the plot, use
the pull down arrow to choose a previously used variable, or use the button
to the right of this field to browse a list from the connected server.
Data Variable Enter the name of the variable that is the source of the data to be plotted by
this pen.
Delta The amount of change required to trigger a plot update.
Note: I/A Series is change-driven, meaning that values are stored only when
a change takes place. The change must be greater than the delta (deadband)
configured for the variable.
Reference Line Enter either a static value or a variable name for the pen’s reference line.
Static Check this box if you want the associated attribute to remain fixed. If this
box is not checked the value of the attribute changes with the value of the
associated variable.
High Scale Enter either a static value or a variable name for the pen’s upper scale point.
Low Scale Enter either a static value or a variable name for the pen’s lower scale point.
High Alarm Limit Enter either a static value or a variable name for the pen’s upper alarm limit.
When this limit is exceeded, the line is drawn in the specified alarm color.
Low Alarm Limit Enter either a static value or a variable name for the pen’s lower alarm limit.
When this limit is exceeded, the line is drawn in the specified alarm color.
Start Offset Enter either a static value or a variable name to define the offset into the
data array for the first point that is plotted.
End Offset Enter either a static value or a variable name to define the offset into the
data array for the last point that is plotted.
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
Table 4-105. Configure Plot Pen Dialog Box (Profile plots only) (Continued)
Item Description
Send Read Point Enter a destination variable name for the read point. This attribute can only
be configured when the Read/Write option is selected in the Plot Area tab.
Send Read Value Enter a destination variable name for the read value. This attribute can only
be configured when the Read/Write option is selected in the Plot Area tab.
Table 4-106, gives the color information for line-style plots.
Item Description
Line Color Displays the color to be used to draw the plot line.
Click the button to change the line color.
Alarm Color Displays the color to be used to indicate the alarm point.
Click the button to change the line color.
Ref. Line Color Displays the color to be used to draw the reference line.
Click the button to change the line color.
Reverse X-Axis Select this box if you want the profile line for this pen to be plotted from
right to left. By default, the line is plotted from left to right.
Table 4-107, gives the color information for bar-style profile plots.
Item Description
Bar Fill Color Displays the color to be used to draw the plot bar.
Click the button to change the bar color.
Alarm Color Displays the color to be used to indicate the alarm point.
Click the button to change the bar color.
Ref. Line Color Displays the color to be used to draw the reference line.
Click the button to change the line color.
Fill Type Choose either Hollow, Solid, or Opaque for the plot bar’s fill type.
Fill Pattern Choose a fill pattern for the plot bar. This attribute is only enabled when
the Opaque option is chosen for Fill Type.
Edge Color Choose a color for the outside edge of the plot bar.
Reverse X-Axis Select this box if you want the profile bar for this pen to be plotted from
right to left. By default, the line is plotted from left to right.
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
Item Description
Grid Line Visible Select this check box to show grid lines. By default, this option is selected.
Line Color Select the color for the grid lines. By default, this is gray. This attribute is
only enabled if the Grid Line Visible option is selected.
X-Axis Divisions Select the number of x-axis grid lines on the plot. The default is ten. (Pro-
file plots only)
Y-Axis Divisions Select the number of y-axis grid lines on the plot. The default is ten. (Pro-
file plots only)
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
Configuring Faceplates
Configure Objects Dialog Box
Use this dialog box to apply a dynamic to an object. The tabs that appear are listed in
Table 4-109.
Tab Purpose
General (All object types) View read-only information. The tab pages vary accord-
ing to the selected object type.
Scales/Delta (Faceplates only) View and edit the block’s high, low, and delta values.
Text Substitutions (Faceplates only) View and edit faceplate text fields.
Item Description
Select Object This tree displays all selected objects in the display. Objects appear in the
order selected.
The icon indicates the object type (primitive, group, library object, face-
plate, trend, X/Y plot).
A yellow-filled icon indicates that the object has been configured.
Tip: Open a group of objects by clicking + or double-click the group.
Prev Selects the previous object.
Next Selects the next object.
Filter This drop-down list shows the types of objects selected.
To view one type only, select the type from this list.
Configured Objects Filters the objects in the tree, displaying only the objects that have dynam-
Only ics applied.
Opens the Edit Range dialog box.
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
Scales/Delta Table
Double-clicking a field in the Scales/Delta table invokes the Edit Range dialog
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
If you place text in angle brackets but do not enter a substitution, the text does not
appear in FoxView.
Click this button to open the Edit Substitution dialog box. Alternatively, double-click a field
in the list box.
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
Adding Conventions
Display Convention Configurator Dialog Box
Use this dialog box to create a convention. The left side of the dialog box (Select Convention area)
is static. Each of the dialog box’s tabbed page sets the appearance of the right side of the dialog
The dialog box has two tabs:
General tab
Update tab.
Table 4-114, gives a description of the options.
Item Description
Tree Navigate the list and select a convention. The selected convention’s attri-
butes appear in the right side of the dialog box.
Delete Click this button to remove the selected convention. You can remove user-
built conventions, but you cannot remove Foxboro supplied conventions.
Add Click this button to add a new convention.
Reset This applies only to Fox™ conventions. Clicking this button resets the
convention to the Foxboro default configuration.
Merge Click this button to import conventions from a user conventions file.
You can type a name for user-defined conventions only, not for supplied
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
The supplied conventions file is named fv_conventions.dat. You cannot modify this
For more information on the different conversion types and the corresponding dialog boxes refer
to “Configure Objects Dialog Box - Update Tab” on page 184.
Editing Dynamics/Connections
Edit Dynamics/Connections Dialog Box
The Edit Dynamics/Connections dialog box:
Provides easy access to view and edit any dynamic element (operator actions, dynamic
updates, trend pens, plot pens, limits). You can also view and edit connections.
Allows you to quickly locate dynamic elements
Provides a means of performing text substitution on selected dynamic elements.
The dialog box is composed of two portions. When the dialog box first appears, only the top por-
tion (the dynamic/connections table) is visible. Use the table to edit individual dynamic elements.
Clicking Global Change expands the dialog box to reveal the Global Change group box, allow-
ing you to define and apply text substitutions to the selected dynamic elements.
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
Global Change
This dialog box allows you to perform a global change on dynamic elements much the same as
using individual dialog boxes (such as the Configure Dynamic Update dialog box or the
Configure Operator Action dialog box).
This dialog box does not permit deletion of dynamic elements or the addition of
new dynamic elements.
Dynamic/Connection Table
The Dynamic/Connection table contains the attributes as listed in Table 4-116, for each dynamic
Item Description
Object A bitmap that represents the object type. The bitmap is similar to the bit-
map in the Dynamic Configuration dialog box.
Dynamic The dynamic element name.
Tag The dynamic element’s current connection.
Chng An “X” or blank. After changing a dynamic element (by editing its connec-
tion, editing its configuration, or by applying text substitution to it), this
attribute is set (indicated by an “X”).
Original Tag Indicates the dynamic element’s original connection. It does not reflect
changes made to the connection until you click Apply or OK.
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
Button or Check
Box Description
Restore Resets the dynamic element configuration back to the original setting. This
button is enabled when you select a dynamic or tag-name of the changed
dynamic element in the dynamic element’s table.
Edit Initiates editing of the dynamic element’s connection, or dynamic element’s
configuration. This button is enabled when you select a dynamic or con-
nection in the dynamic element’s table.
When a connection is selected, clicking this button starts in-place connec-
tion editing.
When a dynamic is selected, clicking this button invokes the appropriate
configuration dialog box.
Change Copies the connection from the dynamic element’s table into the substitu-
tion table. This button is enabled when the dialog box is in expanded mode
and a connection is selected in the dynamic element’s table.
Sort Provides option buttons (Name, Type, Dynamic, Tags, and Changed).
Clicking one of these option buttons defines the sort type applied to
dynamic elements in the dynamic element’s table.
Global Change Toggles the dialog box between default mode (top portion only)
and the expanded mode (for text substitutions).
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
Item Description
Substitution Table This table contains text substitutions. Upon clicking Change, connections
listed in the Current Value column change to the text in the Change To
Edit a table entry by double-clicking the entry, or by selecting the entry and
clicking Edit.
Add a new substitution to the table by double-clicking on the empty area of
the table.
Remove All Removes all substitutions from the substitution table.
Remove Removes the selected substitution from the substitution table.
Add Adds a new substitution to the substitution table.
Edit Initiates in-place substitution editing.
Changed Select these check boxes to specify the parts of the dynamic element in the
dynamic element’s table to which substitutions are to be applied.
The dialog box supports:
DM Commands
Text Contents.
Change button Initiates the substitution process.
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
This dialog box appears only once per FoxDraw session when you attempt to open
or load a particular model or library object with an unresolved link. In the interest
of performance, this dialog box does not appear again during the FoxDraw session.
During a different FoxDraw session, this dialog box appears again, but only the first time you try
to open or load a particular model or library object with an unresolved link.
An unresolved link means that a model/library object does not exist. This typically occurs when a
library object is renamed or deleted. This also occurs when you copy a display to a different sys-
tem, but fail to copy the necessary library objects.
You can correct the problem by obtaining the necessary library object(s).
If you choose to save the model or library object after receiving this warning mes-
sage, the model or library object is saved without links to the library object(s).
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
Item Description
Object Name and Type of the object whose configuration has a problem.
Dynamic/Alias Name of the dynamic or alias whose configuration has a problem. Clicking
this column initiates the editing process.
Error Gives an error description.
Changed This flag indicates if a dynamic or alias has been changed.
Restore The button resets the selected dynamic or alias configuration back to its
original setting.
Edit The button initiates editing of the selected dynamic or alias.
Sort These radio buttons define the sort type to be applied to the entries in the
table. Entries can be sorted by Object Name, Object Type, Dynamic/Alias,
Error or Changed attributes.
Update Focus This button enables/disables the update focus mode. In the update focus
mode, the dialog sets focus to the object that is currently selected in the
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
Full Drag Displays the entire object rather than a layout frame or outline dur-
ing move, resize, and rotate operations.
Maximum Undo Number Type a number (1 to 300). The default is 24. This sets the number
of operations that can be canceled with the Undo command.
Note: A large number of Undo levels requires a significant amount
of memory.
Verify On Save Verifies the configuration for errors before saving it.
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
Table 4-121. General Tab of User Options Dialog Box (lower portion) - Options
Item Description
Default Attributes Select Save on Exit to save the current Fill, Edge, and Text
default attribute settings (Set Selections Attributes dialog
box) each time FoxDraw exits.
Deselect this option to save default attributes only when you inten-
tionally choose to save them.
Click Save Now to immediately save the current Default Attributes
Move Arrow Distance Type a value (0.00 to 25.00) in the Fast and Slow fields.
These settings specify how far an object moves when you press an
arrow key. The values are expressed in World Coordinate units,
with defaults of 0.5 for fast movement and 0.05 for slow move-
ment. The arrow keys set for slow movement are useful for preci-
sion positioning.
Tip: You can toggle between fast and slow modes as you work by
choosing Fast Arrow Move from the Layout menu.
Backup group box Select Backup to permit automatic saves at the time specified in the
Interval box.
Note: This option is required to recover files.
Table 4-122. General Tab of User Options Dialog Box (Widescreen Preferences) - Options
Item Description
Create Widescreen display Select one of the following (required:)
by default Yes
Prompt on every create
On legacy standard definition monitors (4:3), by default the “No”
option will be selected. “Yes” and “Prompt on every create” will be
grayed out.
Convert 4:3 display to Select one of the following (required:)
WSM format on Open Yes
Prompt on every open
On legacy standard definition monitors (4:3), all these options will
be grayed out.
Convert 4:3 display to Select one of the following (required:)
WSM format on Save Yes
Prompt on every Save
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
When this tab is selected, FoxDraw broadcasts a request for connected servers to respond. The list
of responding servers is merged with those configured in the an_init.cfg and placed in this
drop-down list.
Select a server from the drop-down list, and click Apply.
Connection Info
These read-only fields display:
Status (Connected or Not connected)
Host (server name)
Connect on Start Up
Select this check box to have FoxDraw reconnect to the previously connected server at startup.
If this check box is not selected, the Select Palettes dialog box does not provide
access to External Palettes.
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
You can also add and delete fonts from FoxDraw and FoxView.
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
In FoxDraw, the pop up message “Unable to invoke configure Servers tool” is
invoked if the FoxAPI connect utility is not properly installed in
“D:\opt\fox\ais\bin\” path. Refer to FoxAPI Installation Guide (B0193UC).
Table 4-128 describes the options in the API Server Connection Utility dialog box.
Table 4-128. API Server Connection Utility Dialog Box
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
Configuration Shortcuts
These configuration shortcuts can save you lots of time.
Table 4-129, lists the shortcuts.
To Press
Display the pop-up menu Right-click the mouse
Close pop-up menu Left-click the mouse
Invoke the Configure Objects dialog After selecting the object, press Alt+Enter.
Close a dialog box Press ESC or Alt+F4
To Do this
Select an object Click the object.
- or -
Lasso it by drawing a selection rectangle around it.
Select multiple objects Select an object, then press and hold the Shift key as
you select additional objects.
- or -
Lasso multiple objects with a selection rectangle.
Add an object to a selection Press Shift and click the object.
Select all From the Edit menu, choose Select All.
- or -
Press Ctrl+A.
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
Drawing Shortcuts
Allows you to create and save a display.
Table 4-131, lists the shortcuts.
To Press
Invoke the Display Properties dialog box Alt+Enter
(when no objects are selected)
Create a new display Ctrl+N
Open a display Ctrl+O
Save a display Ctrl+S
Capture a display to the clipboard PRINT SCREEN
Drawing an Object
Table 4-132, lists the shortcuts.
To Click or press
Display the pop-up menu Right mouse button
Close the pop-up menu Left mouse button
Open a palette F2
Complete a drawing command Right mouse button
Cancel a drawing command Right mouse button
(object incomplete)
Invoke the Set Default Attributes dialog Ctrl+Enter
Invoke the Link Faceplate/Trend dialog Ctrl+INS
Close a dialog box Alt+F4
4. Window and Dialog Boxes B0700BE – Rev F
Editing Shortcuts
Select the object(s) first.
Table 4-133, lists the shortcuts.
To Press
Cut Ctrl+X
Copy Ctrl+C
Paste Ctrl+V
Duplicate Ctrl+D
Delete DEL
Group objects Ctrl+G
Ungroup objects Ctrl+U
Undo edit Ctrl+Z
Redo edit Ctrl+Y
Edit text Ctrl+T
To Do this
Move Drag the object
- or -
Press keyboard arrow keys.
Note: If the object is not filled, drag its edge.
Move with constraints Press Shift and drag
- or -
Press keyboard arrow keys.
Note: The object moves on the horizontal or vertical plane of the
handle that is closest to the pointer when you select the object.
Toggle Fast Arrow Move Press F10
Move to back Press Ctrl+B
Move to front Press Ctrl+F
B0700BE – Rev F 4. Window and Dialog Boxes
To Do this
Scale Drag a selection handle.
Scale proportionally Hold down the Shift key and drag a selection handle.
Rotate Hold down the Ctrl key and drag a selection handle.
To align Press
Left Shift+LEFT
Right Shift+RIGHT
Top Shift+UP
Bottom Shift+DOWN
Center vertical F9
Center horizontal Shift+F9
To flip Press
Horizontal F8
Vertical Shift+F8
5. Procedures
Create an Object
Creating a Base Display
A base display file (.fdf extension) is the file that FoxView displays.
1. The file automatically takes on an .fdf extension.
2. If the Prompt on every create option is selected under Widescreen Prefer-
ences in the User Options dialog box (see “Converting Files through FoxDraw” on
page 428), you will be prompted when creating a new display or a widescreen dis-
Set the size equal to a library object that you plan to place in the overlay.
B0700BE – Rev F 5. Procedures
3. Click OK.
The overlay appears in the drawing area.
4. From the File menu, choose Save As.
The Save As dialog box appears.
5. Type a name for the new overlay.
By default, the file takes an .fdf extension.
5. Procedures B0700BE – Rev F
Linking a Bitmap
You can link a bitmap to a display.
To link a bitmap
1. Choose Link Bitmap from the Object menu.
The Link Bitmap dialog box appears.
2. Select a file and click Load, or double-click the file.
3. Move the mouse pointer to the drawing area.
The pointer changes to a layout frame the same size as the bitmap.
4. Position the frame as desired and left-click.
Displays that contain bitmaps whose names start with a number cannot be con-
verted to their ASCII (.g) representation. If you plan to convert your displays from
either .fdf or .m1 format to .g, then use bitmap names that start with a letter only.
B0700BE – Rev F 5. Procedures
5. Click OK.
If you are connected to an AIM*API or FoxAPI server, FoxDraw automatically deter-
mines the block type.
6. If you are not connected to a server, or if the server cannot find the block, type a block
type at the Select Block Type dialog box.
If user-built faceplates are configured, FoxDraw displays a list of available faceplates.
7. At the Select Faceplate dialog box, make a selection and click OK.
At the base display, selection handles indicate the size and location of the faceplate.
8. Move the handles to the desired location, and left-click to paste.
5. Procedures B0700BE – Rev F
Circles and arcs take about three times as long to update as polygons. If you have
many circle or arc shapes in a display, you can improve performance by creating the
shapes as polygons. Draw a circle, then trace the polygon on top with multiple
To create a circle
1. Choose Circle from the Draw menu, or click .
2. Place the cursor where you want the center of the circle, and click the left mouse
3. Drag the cursor to the end point of the desired radius.
4. Click the left mouse button to finish creating the circle.
B0700BE – Rev F 5. Procedures
Creating a Curve
A curve can be filled or unfilled.
After creating the curve, you can add, delete, or move individual points with the Point tool.
To create a curve
1. Choose Curve from the Draw menu, or click .
2. Place the cursor where you want the first point of the curve.
3. Click the left mouse button.
4. Place the cursor at the next point of the curve.
5. Click the left mouse button.
6. Repeat Steps 4 and 5 until you have created all the points.
7. Click the right mouse button.
The polyline appears as a curve.
Creating an Ellipse
An ellipse can be filled or unfilled.
To create an ellipse
1. Create a circle.
2. Resize the circle with a selection handle.
Circles and arcs take about three times as long to update as polygons. If you have
many circle or arc shapes in a display, you can improve performance by creating the
shapes as polygons. Draw a circle, then trace the polygon on top with multiple
5. Procedures B0700BE – Rev F
Creating a Line
After you create a line, you can move the end points or add a point with the Point tool.
When you add a point, the line becomes a polyline.
To create a line
1. Choose Line from the Draw menu, or click .
2. Place the cursor where you want the line to start.
3. Click the left mouse button.
4. Place the cursor where you want the line to end.
5. Click the left mouse button.
While you are drawing, you can click the right mouse button at any time to cancel.
To create a circle segment in which the endpoints are not connected to the center,
use the Sector tool .
Pick the end points in the correct order. The pie is always drawn counterclockwise
from the first end point to the second end point.
B0700BE – Rev F 5. Procedures
Creating a Polygon
A polygon can be filled or unfilled.
After creating the polygon, you can add, delete, or move individual points with the Point tool.
To create a polygon
1. Choose Polygon from the Draw menu, or click .
2. Place the cursor where you want the first point of the polygon.
3. Click the left mouse button.
4. Place the cursor where you want the next point.
5. Click the left mouse button.
6. Repeat Steps 4 and 5 until you have created all the points.
7. Click the right mouse button.
The last point automatically connects to the first point.
Creating a Polyline
A polyline can be filled or unfilled.
After creating the polyline, you can add, delete, or move individual points with the Point tool.
To create a polyline
1. Choose Polyline from the Draw menu, or click .
2. Place the cursor where you want the first point.
3. Click the left mouse button.
4. Place the cursor where you want the next point.
5. Click the left mouse button.
6. Repeat Steps 4 and 5 until you have created all the points.
7. Click the right mouse button.
5. Procedures B0700BE – Rev F
Creating a Rectangle
A rectangle can be filled or unfilled.
To create a rectangle
1. Choose Rectangle from the Draw menu, or click .
2. Place the cursor where you want the first corner of the rectangle to be.
3. Click the left mouse button.
4. Move the cursor to the opposite corner.
5. Click the left mouse button.
While you are drawing, you can click the right mouse button at any time to cancel.
Creating a Sector
A sector is a geometric figure bounded by two radii and the included arc of a circle. A sector looks
like a slice of pie.
Sectors are always drawn counterclockwise. Remember to pick the start and end
points in the correct order.
To create a sector
1. Choose Arcs and then Sector from the Draw menu, or click .
2. Place the cursor at the desired center of the circle, and left-click the mouse.
3. Drag the cursor to create the radius, and left-click the mouse.
This is the start of the sector.
4. Moving counterclockwise, place the cursor at the desired location for the end of the
sector, and left-click the mouse.
B0700BE – Rev F 5. Procedures
The object type appears in the tree list as “scroll-region”.
Scroll Bars Specifies that the scroll region object includes scroll bars. This is useful for
workstations that employ a mouse.
Buttons Specifies that the scroll region object includes arrow buttons in FoxView.
This is useful for workstations that employ a touchscreen.
5. Procedures B0700BE – Rev F
In order to work with comment objects, FoxDraw must be able to display comment
Comment objects cannot be configured using the multi-create option available in
If you frequently include standard elements such as a company logo in your dis-
plays, templates can save you lots of time.
You can create user templates for any of the supported file types: displays, library objects, and
B0700BE – Rev F 5. Procedures
Open the template at any time to make modifications. Resave it as an .m1 file.
In the Object field of the resulting <Attribute> <Conversion> dialog box, type only
the parameter name. Assign the Compound:Block name later, when you link the
base display to the faceplate.
Complete the dynamic(s) configuration and click OK, which invokes the
Configure Objects dialog box.
8. If desired, you can also assign one operator action to an object by selecting the
Action tab, clicking Add, and following the standard configuration procedure.
5. Procedures B0700BE – Rev F
User-built faceplates are library objects, just like standard faceplates. When you
copy a user-built faceplate into a display, you actually copy a link to the faceplate
file. When you modify a user-built faceplate, all links to that faceplate automatically
reflect the modification.
Creating a Palette
You can create a palette to hold objects that you frequently use.
To create a palette
1. From the File menu, choose New.
The New dialog box appears.
2. Click Palette.
This creates default palette, 25 unit (wide) by 40 unit (high).
For a different size palette, deselect User Templates and choose one of the
- Palette 18 x 24
- Palette 21 x 28
- Palette 24 x 32
- Palette 27 x 36
The palette identification numbers (such as 18 x 24) indicate the width and height
in World Coordinate units.
B0700BE – Rev F 5. Procedures
3. Click OK.
A frame appears, indicating the palette window area.
4. Create the graphic objects and place them inside the frame (palette).
You can also place library objects or bitmaps on the palette.
5. When you finish placing objects onto the palette, choose File > Save As from the
menu bar to open the Save As dialog box.
6. Save the palette (.m1 file) in the User Palettes directory:
\opt\customer\displib\Palettes\User Palettes
12. Make sure that all other Dynamic Updates are configured for Parameter only (no
explicit Compound or Block assignment).
At run time, FoxView assigns $P1:$P2 to all other dynamic updates in the faceplate.
13. Select all operator actions in the list and edit so that Compound=$P1 and Block=
5. Procedures B0700BE – Rev F
Step Do this
1 Copy an existing faceplate to a library object
Create a new library object.
2 Create a base display with Relative Pick and Open
Overlay operator actions.
3 Create the overlay.
4 Test the overlay.
7. Place the lower-left cursor as close as possible to the origin (coordinate position 0,0).
B0700BE – Rev F 5. Procedures
If the library object is not anchored at the origin, you will have difficulty position-
ing the library object when you link it to a display. You will not be able to place the
mouse pointer on or near the library object.
8. Choose Save As from the File menu and name the library object.
Save the new library object in your user symbols directory (such as in
To precisely place an object, use the keyboard’s arrow keys.
5. Procedures B0700BE – Rev F
B0700BE – Rev F 5. Procedures
5. Procedures B0700BE – Rev F
You can apply no more than one occurrence of a particular dynamic to an object.
Because a convention comprises of one or more dynamics, FoxDraw does not allow
you to apply a dynamic to an object configured with a convention, containing the
same dynamic.
For example, if an object is already configured with a convention that includes the
Fill Color dynamic, you cannot apply a Fill Color dynamic.
Editing a Dynamic
To edit a dynamic
1. Select the dynamic.
2. Click Edit.
3. Select or type the desired value(s).
Alternatively, double-click a non-Boolean field or click the check box in a
Boolean field.
B0700BE – Rev F 5. Procedures
To apply a convention
1. Select the display object.
2. From the Object menu, choose Configure Objects.
The Configure Objects dialog box appears.
3. Click the Update tab.
4. Click Add.
The Add Dynamic Update dialog box appears.
5. Click the Convention button.
The Add Convention dialog box appears.
6. Select a convention and click OK.
The Edit Convention dialog box appears.
7. Configure the convention.
The dynamic attributes associated with the convention appear in the dynamics table
and are grouped with a distinguishing color.
The rules governing the application of an attribute to an object also apply to con-
ventions - you can apply no more than one occurrence of a particular attribute to an
object. Because a convention comprises one or more attributes, FoxDraw does not
allow you to apply a convention to an object already configured with an attribute
contained in the convention. For example, if an object has already been assigned the
Fill Color attribute, you cannot apply a convention that includes the Fill Color
8. Repeat Steps 4 through 7 to apply another convention to the object. Or, apply a
dynamic to the object.
To convert a convention
1. Select the display object that contains the convention whose dynamic you wish to
2. From the Objects menu, choose Configure Object.
The Configure Objects dialog box appears.
3. Click the Update tab.
4. In the dynamics table, select the dynamic attribute you want to modify.
5. Procedures B0700BE – Rev F
5. Click Edit.
The Edit Convention dialog box appears. The title bar indicates the name of the
selected convention.
6. Click Convert.
You can cancel the conversion by clicking Reset.
After clicking OK, the Reset button no longer reverts back to the convention.
The color of the attributes that had been part of the convention change to gray, indi-
cating that the attributes no longer belong to a convention. At this point you can
modify or delete individual dynamics without affecting the configured convention.
Also, changes to the convention no longer affects this object.
B0700BE – Rev F 5. Procedures
You can also click the right mouse button to bring up the pop-up menu.
5. Procedures B0700BE – Rev F
B0700BE – Rev F 5. Procedures
5. Procedures B0700BE – Rev F
Configuring an Overlay
This procedure assumes that an overlay is open in FoxDraw.
1. From the File menu, choose Display Properties.
The Display Properties dialog box appears.
2. Click the General tab and specify the display’s properties, such as background color.
3. Click the Overlay tab and configure the overlay’s screen position and the position
4. Click OK.
5. From the Object menu, choose Link from Library.
The Link from Library dialog box appears.
6. Click User Symbols.
7. Select a library object, and click Load.
8. Click to paste the library object and position it inside the overlay boundaries.
B0700BE – Rev F 5. Procedures
After creating a new convention, you must restart FoxView to be able to view the
5. Procedures B0700BE – Rev F
Although adding and deleting dynamics within a convention is allowed, it is not
recommended. Invensys Systems recommends that you create a new convention
with the desired set of dynamics.
Merging Conventions
You can merge (import) conventions from one user convention file to the user convention file
located in the \opt\customer\data directory. The default user convention file is named
You cannot modify the supplied conventions file (fv_conventions.dat).
To merge conventions
1. From the Display Convention Configurator dialog box, click Merge.
The Select Convention File dialog box appears.
2. Browse to the directory containing the user convention file of interest.
3. Select the user convention file of interest.
4. Click Open.
If a message box appears, there are conflicts between the two files. A conflict occurs
when the same convention name is present in both files. If no message box appears,
there are no conflicts between convention names.
In response to the message box:
To Click
Override all existing conflicts, replacing convention Yes
definitions with different definitions
Preserve existing conventions for conflicting conventions No
Terminate the merge process Cancel
B0700BE – Rev F 5. Procedures
5. Procedures B0700BE – Rev F
Pulse_time is the duration in seconds.
B0700BE – Rev F 5. Procedures
Executing a Script
To execute a script
1. Configure a display object with the Open Display action.
To open an overlay, use an Open Overlay action instead.
Command Function
almhist Calls up the Alarm History Display from the local Historian.
close Closes current base display.
execute <file> Opens display in current FoxView or other FoxView instance.
nostack Omits display from queue.
ov Calls an overlay display.
rcntalms Displays the Current Alarm Display (CAD).
script Executes a display script.
stack Places display in queue (default).
stddisp Opens a detail display.
source Gets the source connection of a given parameter.
Command Meaning
dmcmd script This is a script file.
dmcmd unprotect all Clear any existing protections from the Initial environment.
dmcmd protect 1 Make all actions with a Protection ID of 1 inaccessible.
5. Procedures B0700BE – Rev F
B0700BE – Rev F 5. Procedures
9. Configure the other valves with the Relative Pick action, but assign a different
process variable.
10. Configure another graphic object, such as a pushbutton, with the Open Overlay
operator action.
5. Procedures B0700BE – Rev F
Standard Invensys/Foxboro
Workstation faceplate User-built faceplate
Solaris /opt/fox/displib/Face- /opt/customer/displib/Face-
plates plates
Windows \opt\fox\displib\Face- \opt\customer\displib\Face-
plates plates
Configuring a Trend
During FoxView run time, an operator with permission can use the On-Line Trend
Configurator to temporarily or permanently override the trend’s configuration.
To configure a trend
1. Select the trend.
2. Choose Object > Configure Objects from the menu bar to open the Configure
Objects dialog box.
3. Select the General tab to begin trend configuration.
4. Select the Trend Area tab to configure the trend’s type (logarithmic or linear) time
stamp format (local or relative), markers, off-normal areas, background color and dis-
play style (banded or merged), and Y-axis parameters.
5. Select the Pens tab to configure each trend pen (color, object, marker, data (numeric
or Boolean), scale/range, and auto-scaling.
6. Select the Grid tab to configure grid settings and to add static lines.
7. Select the Timing tab to configure duration and scan rate.
8. Select the Security tab to configure access levels.
Also refer to the On-Line Trend Configurator Help system available from FoxView.
B0700BE – Rev F 5. Procedures
5. Procedures B0700BE – Rev F
X-axis and Y-axis scale data (such as linear/logarithmic, high and low values,
6. Select the Plot Pen tab.
7. Click Add to open the Configure Plot Pen dialog box.
8. For each pen, configure:
Time delay and marker style
The data source and data points
Specify a data file path in the Read Data File Name
Use the pull-down list in the Historian field to select the historian instance
name (for example, hist01)
X-axis and Y-axis scale data (such as scales, delta, units)
Colors (leading real point, real point, file read data).
Click the Connect button to specify another value to drive the leading point
B0700BE – Rev F 5. Procedures
Alias Tutorial
A library object can comprise of one or more objects (components). Simple and complex library
objects can be partially or fully configured to compounds, blocks or parameters using aliases. For
information on alias syntax and usage, refer to the section on “Aliases” on page 96.
The components of a library object can expose the following:
1. Dynamic attributes.
2. Aliases.
a. The following properties of Dynamics are exposed through aliases:
Tag-name and Range through text and range aliases respectively
Values of Text Contents dynamic through text aliases.
b. The following properties of Operator dynamics are exposed through aliases:
Action Name and Protection ID through text aliases
Filename property of File Open and Overlay Open through text aliases
Parts of the command of the Command String property of DM Command
and Relative Pick through text aliases.
c. Static text contents of the text and background text objects through text aliases.
3. Static (graphic) attributes through graphic aliases.
The Operator dynamics of an object cannot be exposed. However, certain proper-
ties (listed above) of Operator dynamics can be exposed through aliases.
In order to do this tutorial you require the following:
Work on a station with access to compounds and blocks
Have a compound with three configured PID type blocks
This tutorial uses the compound UC01_LEAD and PID blocks; SINE, COSINE and SQUARE.
When copying and pasting library objects in this tutorial, use the Ctrl+Drag method. Hold the
Ctrl key down while selecting an object and drag using the mouse to create a new copy.
If copy and paste are used from the pull down menu, or by the Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V method, the
library object is copied into the copy buffer. If the library object is in the copy buffer you will not
be able to make edits to the library object when the tutorial asks for edits.
5. Procedures B0700BE – Rev F
5. Click Add.
The Add Dynamic Update dialog box appears.
6. Select the Text Contents dynamic and click OK.
The Text Contents dialog box appears as shown in Figure 5-6.
7. In the Tag field use separate aliases for compound, block and parameter, for instance,
8. Check the Required check box to indicate that this alias must be resolved when this
library object is used in a base display.
9. Check the Expose dynamic check box to allow modification of the Text Contents
dynamic. For instance, to be able to change the Numeric format from Real to
Integer or any other type.
B0700BE – Rev F 5. Procedures
By exposing the dynamic, the library object can be re-used, and its configuration
modified to serve different purposes.
As complex objects may have more than one object of the same type, having mean-
ingful names eases the identification process.
5. Procedures B0700BE – Rev F
1. In the Configure Objects dialog box, two new tabs are available, the Aliases
and the Dynamics tab.
2. The Aliases tab displays a list of all exposed aliases associated with the selected
3. The Dynamics tab displays a list of all exposed dynamics associated with the
selected object.
B0700BE – Rev F 5. Procedures
6. Check the Resolve check box, and give each alias the final compound, block param-
eter value in the Value field, as listed below:
a. {B} – SINE
a. {C} – UC01_LEAD
a. {P} – OUT
1. Aliases are case-sensitive.
2. Use uppercase when resolving aliases to Compound:Block.Parameter.
7. Click Apply.
8. Select the Dynamics tab.
To edit the Gen_TxtBox object, click the Edit tool. The Text Contents dialog box
appears as shown in Figure 5-9.
The Tag is pre-defined and you are only allowed to change the settings of the
5. Procedures B0700BE – Rev F
B0700BE – Rev F 5. Procedures
14. Click the Dynamics tab, and click the Edit tool.
In the Text Contents dialog box, change the Numeric format to Fixed Dec.
Point 2.
15. Click OK to save the configuration.
Click Apply from the Configure Objects dialog box.
16. Before saving, check the display for errors by selecting Verify Display from the
Tools menu, as shown in Figure 5-11.
You can also have FoxDraw always verify displays prior to saving by setting the
Verify On Save option in the User Options menu.
17. View the display in FoxView by selecting the FoxView button from the horizontal
5. Procedures B0700BE – Rev F
You are now using the same library object with completely different configurations
and settings.
B0700BE – Rev F 5. Procedures
The Configure Objects dialog box for base displays and library objects do not have
the Expose dynamic and Required check boxes for the dynamic, and do not support
exposing aliases.
6. Set the Number of States to 3, and configure each state by double-clicking the
Operator, Value and Fill Color fields, as follows:
a. Black for Normal – Value < 60
b. Yellow for Warning – Value < 80
c. Red for Fail – Value >= 80
7. Click OK to save the configuration.
5. Procedures B0700BE – Rev F
B0700BE – Rev F 5. Procedures
The {B} alias is also part of the configuration tags used on the text content object.
When this library object is used and configured, the {B} alias appears only once
under the alias tab. When the single {B} alias is resolved, all references to {B},
including this text label, is replaced, when viewed in FoxView.
Aliases could also be used here in place of M or A and defined later when used.
5. Procedures B0700BE – Rev F
B0700BE – Rev F 5. Procedures
It is recommended that you use different alias names for optional and required con-
figurations. If the same aliases are used for both the optional and required configu-
rations, the optional configurations is configured when the required configuration
aliases are resolved.
5. Procedures B0700BE – Rev F
B0700BE – Rev F 5. Procedures
4. The Edit Graphic Attribute Name dialog box appears, as shown in Figure 5-15.
5. Enter FColor in the Name field.
6. Click OK to save the configuration.
7. Click the Add button, and select Text Color from the Select Graphic Attri-
bute list.
8. Click OK to save the configuration.
9. The Edit Graphic Attribute Name dialog box appears, as shown in Figure 5-15.
10. Enter TColor in the Name field.
11. Click OK to save the configuration.
5. Procedures B0700BE – Rev F
Drag/copy the configured object. In this copied object, resolve all the optional aliases.
4. From the Aliases tab select the optional aliases (with an o) and resolve them.
Resolve optional aliases {oC}, {oB}, and {oP}, to values UC01_LEAD, SINE and OUT.
The Fill Color dynamic also needs to be resolved. No aliases were used in the con-
figuration from the original object. The Tag field was left blank, but the configuration
was exposed.
5. To resolve the Fill Color configuration, select the Dynamics tab and edit the Fill
Color configuration.
The Configure Objects dialog box appears as shown in Figure 5-17.
B0700BE – Rev F 5. Procedures
6. In the Fill Color dialog box, as aliases were not used for this configuration, the Tag
field is enabled. Enter UC01_LEAD:SINE.OUT into the Tag field and select OK.
The dialog box appears as shown in Figure 5-18.
5. Procedures B0700BE – Rev F
The first object does not use the Fill Color and Text Color configurations and
does not show Out-of-Service.
Object Specifications
The Object specifications are as follows:
The object is a simple loop that includes a tank with input flow, tank level and output
A customer has 20 of these loops, of various sizes, and does not need the Fill Color
and Text Color configurations.
Ten of the flow loops have a manual input and do not need an input flow area.
Blocks for each flow loop are contained in separate compounds for each loop. The
tank color needs to be made changeable. Refer to Figure 5-19 and Figure 5-20 for a
pictorial representation.
B0700BE – Rev F 5. Procedures
5. Procedures B0700BE – Rev F
To configure the text readout for Input Flow, Fill Level, and Output Flow
The compound and block names are not known so use aliases for them.
1. Link the Gen_OpTxtBox library object to the display.
2. Select the Gen_OpTxtBox library object, and open the Configure Objects window.
3. Give the object a new name, IN_TXT, under the General tab of the Configure
Objects window.
4. From the Aliases tab, select the {B} alias and open the Edit Text Alias dialog.
In the Expose Alias section, check the Expose and Rename boxes.
Rename {B} to IN_BLK. The dialog box appears as shown in Figure 5-22.
Click OK to save the configuration.
5. From the Aliases tab select the {C} alias and open the Edit Text Alias dialog.
6. In the Expose Alias section, check the Expose and Rename boxes.
Rename {C} to CMP.
Click OK to save the configuration.
B0700BE – Rev F 5. Procedures
7. From the Aliases tab select the {P} alias and open the Edit Text Alias dialog.
In the Resolve Alias section, check the Resolve check box and enter the value as
Click OK to save the configuration.
The Configure Objects dialog box appears, as shown in Figure 5-23.
The optional configurations are not needed. Do not rename or resolve the optional
aliases. They are however, still exposed. This means that the optional configurations
are available whenever this object is used. To prevent the optional configurations from
appearing or being accidentally resolved, select each alias and edit them. Uncheck the
expose box in the Expose Alias section. This hides the unwanted configurations.
8. Drag/copy the IN_TXT object and re-configure it as follows for Fill Level:
a. Change {C}, {B}, and {P} aliases to {CMP}, {LVL_BLK} and MEAS respectively.
b. Give the object a new name under the General tab of the Configure Objects
Name the object LVL_TXT.
9. Drag/copy the object again and reconfigure it as follows for the output:
a. Change {C}, {B}, and {P} aliases to {CMP}, {OUT_BLK} and OUT respectively.
b. Give the object a new name under the General tab of the Configure Objects
Name the object OUT_TXT.
10. To make the Input Flow area optional, group the input objects together and add the
Visibility graphic attribute.
Name the object VIS_INPUT.
5. Procedures B0700BE – Rev F
2. Click Apply.
3. Save the new object as Flowloop1.
B0700BE – Rev F 5. Procedures
5. Procedures B0700BE – Rev F
4. Select the Ranges tab to resolve the range alias. The Configure Objects dialog
box appears as shown in Figure 5-26.
If the aliases that appear when you click the Aliases tab are not resolved, nothing
appears under the ranges tab.
5. Select the configuration and click the Edit icon to open the Edit Range Alias
dialog box, as shown in Figure 5-27.
From this dialog box, you can resolve the range and change its value.
B0700BE – Rev F 5. Procedures
7. Select OK.
5. Procedures B0700BE – Rev F
8. Make a second copy of this configured Flowloop1 object and make the Input Flow
Invisible and the tank color red.
The final display appears as shown in Figure 5-29.
B0700BE – Rev F 5. Procedures
5. Procedures B0700BE – Rev F
Although you can select the object, you cannot drag it.
Hiding an Object
To hide an object
You can turn off an object’s visibility.
1. Choose Select All from the Edit menu.
2. Choose Visibility Off from the Objects menu.
Ordering Objects
You can order selected objects from front to back.
1. Press and hold the Shift key.
2. Click the objects one by one.
3. From the Order menu, choose By Selection.
B0700BE – Rev F 5. Procedures
Use the layout menu’s Space Evenly command or button to space the selected objects.
Operate on a Point
Adding a Point
To add a point
1. Choose Point from the Draw menu, or click .
2. Select the desired object.
3. Press and hold the Ctrl key, select an existing point and drag.
4. Release the mouse button.
When you add a point to a line, the line becomes a polyline.
Deleting a Point
To delete a point
1. Choose Point from the Draw menu, or click .
2. Select the desired object.
3. Select the point to be deleted.
4. Press the DELETE key.
Moving a Point
To move a point
1. Choose Point from the Draw menu, or click .
2. Select the desired object.
The object’s points are identified with blue circles.
3. Drag the point with the mouse. All move constraints apply.
5. Procedures B0700BE – Rev F
To check the location of the reference point without changing it, click
Set Reference Point and locate the red X. Then click the Select tool.
B0700BE – Rev F 5. Procedures
5. Procedures B0700BE – Rev F
Be sure to position the pointer directly on the object. Placing the pointer anywhere
inside the selection rectangle does not work.
Constrain movement horizontally or vertically by pressing and holding the key-
board’s Shift key as you drag.
B0700BE – Rev F 5. Procedures
Releasing the Shift key too soon may move the object involuntarily.
5. Procedures B0700BE – Rev F
To snap the center point of an object to the nearest point on a target object
1. From the View menu, choose Point Modes and then Center.
This places the object in Center mode.
2. Drag the object to the target.
To snap the reference point of an object to the nearest point on a target object
1. From the View menu, choose Point Modes and then Reference.
This places the object in Reference mode.
2. Drag the object to the target.
Rotating an Object
There are many ways to rotate an object.
To rotate an object
Perform one of these action to rotate the selected object.
Select the object and choose Rotate from the Layout menu. Then choose an angular
rotation of 15, 30, 45, or 90 degrees. Choose Custom to type an integer value to spec-
ify other angular measurements.
Click a button on the Rotate toolbar or type an integer into the Rotation Entry box
on the Rotate toolbar.
4. When you are done rotating the object, release the mouse button and Ctrl key.
B0700BE – Rev F 5. Procedures
Scaling an Object
To scale an object horizontally
You can change an object’s width.
Drag the object’s right or left selection handle.
When you select Center mode, an object grows or shrinks in all directions from its center or
toward its center. The center point is anchored.
When you select Reference mode, an object grows or shrinks from or toward its reference point.
The reference point is anchored.
5. Procedures B0700BE – Rev F
Copying an Object
To copy an object
1. Select the object(s).
2. Choose Copy from the Edit menu.
Press Ctrl+C or click .
Duplicating an Object
To duplicate an object
1. Select the object(s) you wish to duplicate.
2. Choose Duplicate from the Edit menu or press Ctrl+D.
3. The mouse pointer changes to a frame that indicates the size of the object(s) to be
Cutting an Object
To cut an object
1. Select the object(s).
2. Choose Cut from the Edit menu.
Press Ctrl+X or click .
B0700BE – Rev F 5. Procedures
Pasting an Object
To paste an object
1. Choose Paste from the Edit menu.
Press Ctrl+V or click .
2. The mouse pointer changes to a frame that indicates the size of the object(s) to be
3. Position the frame and click the left mouse button to paste.
To cancel the paste operation, click the right mouse button.
5. Procedures B0700BE – Rev F
Open multiple palettes and move them as desired. By opening a palette, you can
view its contents.
To open a palette
1. From the Object menu, choose Link/Copy from Palette.
The Select Palette dialog box appears, displaying the list of Foxboro supplied pal-
ettes and user-built palettes.
2. Select a palette.
3. Click Load.
The palette opens in your drawing area.
While you work, keep the Select Palette dialog box open to conveniently access
additional palettes.
To cancel the operation, right-click the mouse.
You may also want to deselect Multi Create.
B0700BE – Rev F 5. Procedures
To copy a palette
1. Perform one of these actions.
(Windows) From Windows Explorer, copy the palette to
(Solaris) From a command window, copy the palette to
2. If necessary, rename the copied file.
FoxDraw recognizes only the first occurrence of a palette filename. Thus, if a simi-
larly named palette is located in more than one location, FoxDraw recognizes only
the first file.
5. Procedures B0700BE – Rev F
The Palette Browser utility allows you to view all the palettes and library objects on
the external directory.
B0700BE – Rev F 5. Procedures
You can also enable/disable the display of the Status bar and ToolTips.
To display a toolbar
1. From the View menu, choose Toolbars.
2. Select one or more of the following:
Hide a toolbar by deselecting the option.
To move a toolbar
1. Position the mouse pointer in an empty area on the toolbar.
2. Drag the toolbar to the desired location.
While you drag the toolbar, FoxDraw displays it as a heavy outline.
Displaying ToolTips
If the ToolTips option is enabled, you can pass the mouse pointer over a toolbar button for a sec-
ond or two to view the tooltip.
To display tooltips
1. From the View menu, choose Toolbars.
2. Select Tooltips.
5. Procedures B0700BE – Rev F
FoxView does not display an object until after the object’s data has been collected.
B0700BE – Rev F 5. Procedures
Each FoxDraw display must first be saved before you can view it in FoxView. You
can speed up the viewing process by selecting the Always save the model option, as
described below. Once this option is selected, FoxDraw automatically saves the dis-
play without additional querying, and the Warning dialog box no longer appears.
If the Always save the model option has previously been selected, the Warning dia-
log box does not appear, the display is automatically saved, and you can skip Step 2.
5. Procedures B0700BE – Rev F
If you are running on a heavily loaded system with limited resources, limit the size
of the undo buffer to conserve memory.
The following procedure applies only when there are files to be recovered.
To recover files
1. From the File menu, choose Recover.
The Recover Backup Files dialog box appears.
2. From the list box, select the files you want to recover.
3. Click Recover.
Moving Files
There are three main steps in moving displays between platforms:
Converting binary .fdf displays and library objects (.m1) to ASCII .g format on the
source workstation.
Moving the .g files from the source to the destination workstation.
Converting ASCII .g displays to binary .fdf files on the destination workstation.
B0700BE – Rev F 5. Procedures
For information on converting Displays and Library Objects refer to “Converting Display Files
and Library Objects” on page 407.
Moving .g Files
To move the .g files:
1. Copy the converted displays and library objects (the .g files only, not the .fdf or .m1
files) to a diskette, but do not copy them directly. Tar them into a single file and copy
the tar file to the diskette. If you do not do this, the filenames are forced to
MS-DOS® 8.3 format. Refer to “Known Issues in Moving Files Between Platforms”
on page 356 below.
2. Use the tar extract command to extract the displays and library objects into the
/opt directory on the target system. Library objects must go into the directory
5. Procedures B0700BE – Rev F
depending on the size of the FoxView/FoxDraw window. For best results, create
displays at the size that they are viewed most frequently.
5. If font size and position are extremely important, it may be advisable to use Hershey
fonts. Hershey fonts are created from line segments which can be positioned and
scaled to the nearest pixel. They can also be rotated to arbitrary angles.
6. If you rotated or scaled a display object in FoxDraw and did not specify a reference
point, an invalid reference point is added, making the object appear in the wrong
location after it is moved from Solaris to Windows. If the object also has a move hori-
zontal or move vertical dynamic update, the reference point for the move is incorrect.
To fix this problem, select the object in FoxDraw and specify a reference point at the
B0700BE – Rev F 5. Procedures
Do not click the OK button. If you click OK, a reboot is required.
5. Procedures B0700BE – Rev F
AW51 Procedures
To locate the server’s TCP/IP address on an AW51:
1. In the command tool window, type:
cd /etc
2. Type:
3. Locate this line:
le, instance #0
le, instance #1
and so on, where <number> is the digit after the pound sign (#).
4. Type:
view <hostname>.le<number>
5. Type:
cat hosts | grep <hostname>
The TCP/IP address appears on your screen.
The letterbug is a system environment variable.
To locate an AW51’s I/A Series letterbug (GCLBUG):
From any directory, type:
printenv GCLBUG
B0700BE – Rev F 5. Procedures
Note this selection is applied to all AIM*API and FoxAPI clients on the FoxDraw
6. Set the Broadcast timeout if FoxDraw if using Broadcast Request to auto-discover
available servers.
7. Click OK to close the dialog box.
8. Choose Options > User Options from the menu bar.
9. Click the Servers tab in the User Options dialog box.
10. Use the pull-down list to select the just configured workstation and test the
11. If the connection fails, return to the API Server Connection Utility to correct
any errors in the TCP/IP number or server port selection.
When you remove a font from the Loaded Fonts list, FoxDraw does not delete the
font from your system. The font becomes unavailable for use in displays. You can
restore the font to the Loaded Fonts list at any time.
5. Procedures B0700BE – Rev F
Certain fonts are required for the correct operation of FoxDraw. Other fonts are optional, and can
be added or deleted as desired.
B0700BE – Rev F 5. Procedures
Appendix A. Display Edit or DEdit
This appendix describes DEdit, a tool used with Foxboro display files. The appendix describes
DEdit reports, file statistics, and properties. It also discusses compound, block, and parameter
name replacements.
Overview of DEdit
DEdit or Display Edit is a tool used to modify or report on the following Foxboro display file
Foxboro display format (.fdf ) files
SL archive format (.m1) files.
Using DEdit
Whether invoked from FoxDraw or invoked as a stand-alone utility with no arguments, DEdit
displays a graphical user interface called the DEdit window. From this window, you can generate
reports or modify any number of files with a single replacement in one operation.
You can also invoke DEdit in a batch mode, where command line arguments specify the type of
operation or replacement desired and the file to be modified or reported on.
B0700BE – Rev F Appendix A. Display Edit or DEdit
Argument keywords are case sensitive. Do not place spaces between arguments, but
use a space between options. For example, a space is required between option -m
and -c in the following command:
dedit -m -c/MatchString/FindString/ReplaceString/ FileList
Appendix A. Display Edit or DEdit B0700BE – Rev F
B0700BE – Rev F Appendix A. Display Edit or DEdit
Connection Report
A Connection report for a display file lists configured tag-names and the alias status of each
tag-name in a Foxboro display file. A Connection report can be generated for one display file or
many display files.
You can generate a Connection report using either the DEdit window or the command line
interface. Refer to “Generating a Connection Report” on page 397.
If the -val command line parameter is included or the Validate Points in Reports check box is
selected in the Properties dialog box, then an indication of the validity of each point is included in
the report.
Example Report
The following example report shows tag-names referenced by one display file:
Connection Report
Friday, October 31, 2003, 17:20
Complexity Report
The Complexity report for a display file contains:
A complete list of the display file’s tag-names, Alias status and optionally an indication
of the validity of each tag-name
A list of all the aliases and the resolutions in the display file and in the library objects
A list of all the range aliases, tag to which it is resolved, and the resolutions in the
display file and in the library objects
An index to the graphical part to which the display file is connected
A list of library objects, bitmaps, and graphics that make up the visible graphic
Configured dynamic information along with selected information about those
Appendix A. Display Edit or DEdit B0700BE – Rev F
The configured dynamic information includes text string for text objects, filenames for actions
such as Open Overlay, and a mnemonic for each configured dynamic.
You can generate a Complexity report using either the GUI or the command line interface. Refer
to “Generating a Complexity Report” on page 396.
Example Report
The following is an example of a complexity report for one display file:
Alias Summary
B0700BE – Rev F Appendix A. Display Edit or DEdit
Param_Mov_Horz OUT
2 inner_object LINK2 Part#6
inner_static_text Thickness is 10
file_name Overview.fdf
Appendix A. Display Edit or DEdit B0700BE – Rev F
Bitmap List
B0700BE – Rev F Appendix A. Display Edit or DEdit
Appendix A. Display Edit or DEdit B0700BE – Rev F
Exception Report
The Exception report contains a list of all non-existent tag-names for the selected display. You can
generate an Exception report using either the GUI or the command line interface. Refer to “Gen-
erating an Exception Report” on page 397.
Example Report
The following is an example of an exception report for one display file:
Exception Report
Friday, October 31, 2003, 17:23
1 inner_object LINK2 Part#6
B0700BE – Rev F Appendix A. Display Edit or DEdit
You can generate a Where Used report only from the command line interface to
DEdit. For example: dedit -where D:\ -wout D:\where_used.txt
Example Report
The following is an example of a Where Used report. Refer to “Generating a Where Used Report”
on page 398.
Appendix A. Display Edit or DEdit B0700BE – Rev F
Dump File
A dump file is an ASCII file that you can modify and upload to replace an existing display file.
A dump file includes the sections listed in Table A-2:
Section Description
Connections Each configured tag-name is listed preceded by a number (the
<number>.<number>: fields), identifying it to FoxDraw DEdit. You can
edit the tag-name portion of this record, but do not change the identifier.
Operator Dynamics Contains a record for each configured operator dynamic preceded by an
identifying index.
Static Text Contains a record for each configured text object preceded by an identify-
ing index.
Part List Contains a record for each graphical object in the display file. Where
appropriate, you can change the text color, edge color, fill color, and marker
Alias Summary List aliases and their resolution for each configured object. The report lists
the aliases resolved in the inner object levels if Show all Aliases is selected in
the Properties dialog box, or if the -sa option is used to generate the dump
report via the command line.
Range Alias Sum- List range aliases and their resolution for each configured object. The
mary report lists the range aliases resolved in the inner object levels if Show all
Aliases is selected in the Properties dialog box, or if the -sa option is used to
generate the dump report via the command line.
You can delete records that you do not want to update without affecting the display
file upon Upload. However, do not delete the section names or separating blank
Editing the alias names is not permitted in the dump report.
Example File
The following is an example of a dump file.
InnerRect 001.001:{Full_Fill_Level}
B0700BE – Rev F Appendix A. Display Edit or DEdit
InnerRect 002.002:TREND_LEAD:SINE.MEAS
InnerRect 003.003:FOXANALYST:{Blk_Fill_Blink}.MEAS
InnerRect 004.004:{Cmp_Mov_Horz}:COSINE.{Param_Mov_Horz}
InnerRect 006.001:{Full_Fill_Level}
InnerRect 007.002:TREND_LEAD:SINE.MEAS
InnerRect 008.003:FOXANALYST:{Blk_Fill_Blink}.MEAS
InnerRect 009.004:{Cmp_Mov_Horz}:COSINE.{Param_Mov_Horz}
inner_object 002:LINK1
inner_static_text Thickness is 10
file_name Overview.fdf
Blk_Fill_Blink AIN
Param_Mov_Horz OUT
inner_object 006:LINK2
inner_static_text Thickness is 10
file_name Overview.fdf
Appendix A. Display Edit or DEdit B0700BE – Rev F
inner_object 002:LINK1
inner_object 006:LINK2
The display file’s name and path appear at the top of the dump file, and the dump
file creation date appears at the bottom of the file.
B0700BE – Rev F Appendix A. Display Edit or DEdit
File Statistics
Using the GUI, you can view these statistics for a selected display file:
Number of configured tag-names
Number of unique tag-names. This is the number of configured tag-names with the
duplicates removed.
Number of library object instances. This is a count of the number library objects
included in the current display.
Number of unique library objects. This is a count of the number unique library
objects (no duplications) included in the current display.
Number of parts. This is the number of graphical items comprising the display.
To the right of the number of parts is a list of all the graphical items comprising the display. The
number to the left of the item indicates the part number. This part number is also available in the
Complexity report.
Below this list is a list of the types of objects used in the display and the number of objects used.
File Stats This tab provides tag-name and library object information on a selected
Text Replace Use this tab to replace all instances of a particular text string. This tab
allows you to perform text replacement operations of a wider scope com-
pared to using the Find/Replace tab.
Command This tab allows the generation of Connection, Complexity, Dump and
Exception reports for all the files in the Files list. This tab also allows you
to disable and enable all the configured dynamics of the display files.
Access Level This tab provides the ability to update the Access Level for specific objects.
Appendix A. Display Edit or DEdit B0700BE – Rev F
Element Description
Files List This read-only list displays the names of FoxDraw (.fdf ) and SL archive (.m1)
display file(s) to be processed. Click Browse to modify the list.
Browse Opens the file browser where you can select files.
About Displays the software version.
Properties Displays the Properties dialog box, which allows you to set up preferences
affecting the use of DEdit.
Help This button calls up the On-line Help for DEdit.
B0700BE – Rev F Appendix A. Display Edit or DEdit
Find/Replace Tab
Use the Find Replace tab (Figure A-1) to perform replacements of tag-names associated with con-
figured dynamic attributes. This tab also provides options for checking faceplate objects in the list
of displays for matches to the Find compound and block. Reports can be generated using this tab.
Element Description
Connections This list box shows the compounds, blocks, and parameters in the
selected display files. Clicking an entry in this list copies that entry to
the Find and Replace With text boxes for modification. Duplicated
tag-names are not repeated in this list. Find and replace operations,
however, replace all instances of a matched name. If the Show
Compounds Only check box is selected, only the names of compounds
Appendix A. Display Edit or DEdit B0700BE – Rev F
Element Description
Show Compounds Only Select this check box to display compounds only (not the associated
blocks and parameters) in the Connections list box.
Find Use this box to enter text for a string search. This string can be any
appropriate combination of a compound, block, or parameter.
If you specify a block without a compound, precede the block name
with a colon character (for example, :BLOCK1). If you specify a
parameter without a block, precede it with a period character (for
example, .OUT).
Selecting a string in the Connections list box places that string in this
field. You can modify the string if desired. Replacing values this way
does not affect instances of the same strings in text type objects. Use the
Text Replace tab to replace all instances of a particular text string.
Replace With Use this box to enter text used as a replacement for the contents of the
Find field when the Replace button is selected.
Replace Starts a find and replace operation using the Find and Replace With
entries and the files listed in the Files list. A pop-up dialog box displays
the number of matches found. You may click OK to perform the
find/replace operation or click Cancel to dismiss the operation. Display
files are automatically saved after a find/replace operation.
Replacing values this way does not affect instances of the same strings
in text type objects. Use the Text Replace tab to replace all instances of
a particular text string.
Match Whole Find Select this check box to replace tags and text strings only when the Find
String string matches the entire string being searched on. DEdit will not
match on substrings when this box is selected.
Connection Report Generates a Connection report for the last file in the list that was
selected. Can be created with a validate connection flag.
Complexity Report Generates a Complexity report for the last file in the list that was
selected. Can be created with a validate connection flag.
Dump Generates a dump file (filename.DMP) for the last file in the file list
that was selected. The dump file is created in the same directory as the
selected display file. You can edit and upload this dump file to modify
the original display file. You can also change the color of object’s edges,
their fill colors, and marker colors.
Upload Uploads the dump file corresponding to the last file in the file list that
was selected. If any tag-names or text entries were modified in the
dump file, these changes are applied to the display file.
Exception Report Creates a report containing all non-existent tag-names for the selected
Done Closes DEdit. You need not manually save display files, because DEdit
automatically saves them after each find/replace.
B0700BE – Rev F Appendix A. Display Edit or DEdit
Appendix A. Display Edit or DEdit B0700BE – Rev F
Element Description
Number of Connections This is a count of the total number of tag-names in the selected
Unique This is a count of the number of unique tag-names in the
selected display. Duplicate names are not counted.
Number of Instance Submodels This is a count of the number of library objects included in the
current display.
Unique This is a count of the number of unique library objects (no
duplications) included in the current display.
Number of Parts This is a count of the graphical items that make up the display,
including library object parts.
Complexity Report Click this button to generate a Complexity report for the last
file in the Files list that was selected. The filename of the
Complexity report has the same base name as the display file
and has a .txt extension. It resides in the same directory.
B0700BE – Rev F Appendix A. Display Edit or DEdit
Element Description
Find Enter the text to be replaced.
Caution: Be careful of substring replacement. For example, COMP1
matches the first five characters of COMP11.
Replace with Enter the replacement text.
Match Whole Find Select this check box to replace tags and text strings only when the Find
String string matches the entire string being searched on. DEdit will not match on
substrings when this box is selected.
Replace Click this button to perform the replacement operation using the Find and
Replace with strings.
Appendix A. Display Edit or DEdit B0700BE – Rev F
Command Tab
Use the Command tab (Figure A-4) to disable or enable configured dynamics within your files.
You can disable or enable all your files at once. You can also generate Connection, Complexity,
Dump and Exception reports for all the files in the Files option box.
B0700BE – Rev F Appendix A. Display Edit or DEdit
Element Description
Disable Disables the dynamics configured in displays, so that the Out-Of-Service
rectangles do not appear when printing displays in FoxView.
Note: As this option modifies the displays, it is recommended that you
apply this feature only to copies of the original displays.
Complexity Report Generates a Complexity report for all files in the files list.
Dump Creates ASCII dump files of display objects, listing all tag-names and text
objects embedded in objects.
Enable Enables the configured dynamics.
Connection Report Generates a Connection report for all files in the files list.
Exception Report Generates an Exception report for all the files in the files list.
Make Read-only Makes the file FoxView read-only.
If the file is FoxView read-only, certain data is not written back to the
display file by FoxView; that is, FoxView is not allowed to change (opti-
mize) the *.fdf file. This may make display call up slower and less efficient
for the I/A Series network as a whole. See “FoxView Read-Only” on
page 163.
Make Read-Write Makes the file FoxView read-write.
Appendix A. Display Edit or DEdit B0700BE – Rev F
Element Description
Part Name Enter the user specified part name to apply the edits to.
Part Group Enter the user specified group name to apply the edits to.
Old Level Enter the old level to be replaced.
New Level Enter the new value for the access level.
Replace Do the indicated replacements.
B0700BE – Rev F Appendix A. Display Edit or DEdit
Aliases Tab
Use the Aliases tab (Figure A-6) to edit the resolution of object aliases. Aliases resolved in the
inner object levels are listed only if the Show All Aliases is selected in the Properties dialog box (see
Figure A-8).
You cannot edit the aliases of inner objects.
Appendix A. Display Edit or DEdit B0700BE – Rev F
Element Description
Part# Displays the item number of the object containing the alias.
Sub Model Displays the sub model file name
Object Name Displays the object name.
Alias Displays the name of the alias.
Resolution Displays the block name, compound, or parameter that the alias resolves to.
Edit Opens the Edit Alias dialog box to edit the selected alias.
Apply Apply the changes.
Reset Resets the contents to original state as it is in the selected display file
Ranges Tab
Use the Ranges tab to edit the resolution of range aliases (see Figure A-7).
You cannot edit the range aliases of inner objects.
B0700BE – Rev F Appendix A. Display Edit or DEdit
Element Description
Part# Displays the item number of the object containing the alias.
Sub Model Displays the sub model file name.
Object Name Displays the object name.
Tag Tag for which the range is resolved.
Alias Displays the name of the alias.
Resolution Displays the name of the block, compound, or parameter that the alias
resolves to.
Edit Opens the Edit Range Alias dialog box to edit the selected range alias.
Apply Apply the changes.
Reset Resets the contents to original state as it is in the selected display file.
Appendix A. Display Edit or DEdit B0700BE – Rev F
Dialog Boxes
Properties Dialog Box
Use the Properties dialog box to customize DEdit’s operation.
Item Description
Show Parts List in If this check box is selected, the Complexity report lists the
Complexity Report complete list of graphical parts that make up the visible portion
of the display file.
Note: This list can be quite long. If the Show Parts List is
disabled, only a summary of the parts list, along with all other
information, is contained in the report.
Back Up Display Files If this check box is selected, a copy of the display file is created
before any modifications are made. The back-up file’s name has
the same base name as the display file and has a .bak extension.
The back-up file resides in the same directory as the display file.
If a back-up file exists from a previous modification of the file,
it is not overwritten.
Validate Points in Reports When Complexity reports and Connection reports are gener-
ated, the reports indicate either Valid or Invalid for each config-
ured tagname.
B0700BE – Rev F Appendix A. Display Edit or DEdit
Item Description
Delay between validates (secs) This feature allows you to set the delay between individual
Object Manager queries. When a Complexity or Connection
report is generated, the load on the Object Manager can occa-
sionally produce false responses to query results. To avoid this
problem, you can specify the program delay (in fractions of a
second) between calls to the Object Manager. This increases the
time required to produce the report but the load on the system
is reduced.
Configured points only in This option provides a filter for the Parts List section of the
complexity report Complexity report. If selected, only parts that have some con-
figuration associated with them get printed. This can reduce the
size of the report significantly, and make it more useful.
Show All Aliases When this box is selected, aliases resolved in the inner object
levels are listed.
OK Saves the settings and closes the Properties dialog box.
Cancel Closes the Properties dialog box, retaining the previous settings.
Appendix A. Display Edit or DEdit B0700BE – Rev F
Table A-12 describes the elements of the Edit Alias dialog box.
Element Description
Part# Displays the part number for the selected alias.
Alias Displays the name of the selected alias.
Resolution Type the new resolution for the selected alias.
OK Saves the settings and closes the Edit Alias dialog box.
Cancel Closes the Edit Alias dialog box, retaining the previous settings.
B0700BE – Rev F Appendix A. Display Edit or DEdit
Appendix A. Display Edit or DEdit B0700BE – Rev F
Table A-13 describes the elements of the Edit Range Alias dialog box.
Element Description
Static Select this option to specify the low and high scale values for a static range
High Scale Enter the high scale value for a static range alias.
Low Scale Enter the low scale value for a static range alias
Run Time Select this option to specify the range name for a run-time range alias.
Range Name Enter the range name for a run-time range alias.
OK Saves the settings and closes the Edit Range Alias dialog box.
Cancel Closes the Edit Range Alias dialog box, retaining the previous settings.
DEdit Procedures
This section provides procedures for common DEdit functions.
Click Cancel to close the dialog box without changing any settings.
B0700BE – Rev F Appendix A. Display Edit or DEdit
You can also use DEdit to replace arbitrary text strings in any text object.
Appendix A. Display Edit or DEdit B0700BE – Rev F
Editing an Alias
Use DEdit to edit an alias in the Aliases tab.
To edit an alias
1. Place the names of one or more display files in the Files list box.
Refer to “Selecting Display Files” on page 393.
2. Click a file in the files list.
3. Click the Aliases tab if it is not currently displayed.
4. In the Alias column, click the desired row.
5. Click Edit
The Edit Alias dialog box opens.
6. In the Resolution box, type the new alias resolution.
7. Click OK.
8. To update the file, click Apply.
B0700BE – Rev F Appendix A. Display Edit or DEdit
Appendix A. Display Edit or DEdit B0700BE – Rev F
B0700BE – Rev F Appendix A. Display Edit or DEdit
Command Window
Generating a Where Used Report
DEdit searches the directory tree (the specified directory and all its subdirectories) for all .fdf files
and produces a report of all the tag-names referenced in each .fdf file. The first line of the Where
Used report shows the date the report was produced and the name of the searched root directory.
Indicate the name of the output report file with a -wuout argument.
dedit -where RootDirectory [-wuout FileName.txt]
For example, the following command searches for all .fdf files on drive D: and generates a Where
Used report named where_used.txt in the root directory on drive D:.
dedit -where D:\ -wuout D:\where_used.txt
Refer to “Where Used Report” on page 372.
Appendix A. Display Edit or DEdit B0700BE – Rev F
Validating Connections
When complexity reports and connection reports are generated, the reports indicate Valid or
Invalid for each configured tag-name.
dedit -val -cr FileName1.fdf [FileName2.fdf…]
B0700BE – Rev F Appendix A. Display Edit or DEdit
Replacing Aliases
Use the -aliases option to change connection aliases, operator dynamics and the static text alias
dedit -aliases/alias/NewResolution/ FileName
Appendix A. Display Edit or DEdit B0700BE – Rev F
B0700BE – Rev F Appendix A. Display Edit or DEdit
Appendix B. Display Convert
This appendix explains how to convert a display to a different display type. Additionally, this
appendix provides AutoCAD tips, and information on creating temporary bitmaps, and
describes world coordinates.
Convert Utility
Use FoxDraw’s convert utility to convert a display file from one format to another.
The Convert utility can perform11 different conversions between types of display files.
Output files are created in the same directory as the input files that produced them. Output files
have the same base name (to the left of the dot) as their associated input file, with a different
extension (to the right of the dot). Exceptions to this naming convention are the Upgrade Display
and, .bdf to m1 conversions (refer to Table B-1).
Use conversions to and from the ASCII .g (Global) format to port displays between Windows and
Solaris workstations. You can save .g files directly from the Save As dialog box.
Ensure that the same version of FoxDraw/FoxView is loaded on both platforms
(Windows and Solaris).
The conversions types are listed in Table B-1.
Conversion Purpose
.fdf to .g Converts a Foxboro display file (.fdf ) to ASCII (.g or Global format).
For porting displays between Windows and Solaris workstations.
.fdf to .bmp Converts a Foxboro display file (.fdf ) to bitmap:
.bmp on Windows
.i on Solaris.
Use this conversion to create icon bitmaps (thumbnails) for buttons on the
FoxView display bar.
Upgrade Display Upgrades a Foxboro display file (.fdf ) or Foxboro library object (.m1) from
version 6 to version 7.
.m1 to .g Converts a Foxboro library object (.m1) to ASCII (.g).
.fdf to wsmfdf Converts the current display file to widescreen format display file. Refer to
(.fdf ) Appendix C “Widescreen Conversion for Displays”.
B0700BE – Rev F Appendix B. Display Convert Utility
Conversion Purpose
.pdf to .fdf Converts a packed display file (.pdf, UNIX® based 50 Series display) to a
Foxboro display file (.fdf, FoxDraw, and FoxView format).
.g to .fdf Converts an ASCII (.g or Global format) to Foxboro display file (.fdf ).
For porting display files between Windows and Solaris.
.g to .m1 Converts an ASCII (.g or Global format), to Foxboro library object (.m1).
For porting display files between Windows and Solaris.
DXF to G Converts a data exchange format (.dxf ) to ASCII (.g or Global format).
For porting display files between Windows and Solaris.
DXF to FDF Converts a data exchange format (.dxf ) to Foxboro display file (.fdf ).
BDF to M1 Converts a bitmapped distribution format (.bdf, 50 Series marker) to a
Foxboro library object (.m1).
10x to 9x Converts a FoxDraw 10.x display file/library object to a FoxDraw 9.x display
file/library object.
AutoCAD Tips
Explode all blocks in the AutoCAD file before converting.
Put drawing into one layer before converting.
If there are multiple layers, by default, they are merged after conversion.
Use polylines in .dxf files instead of rectangles.
Rectangles convert as four separate lines. Polylines convert as polylines and accept
FoxDraw attributes such as Fill Level.
Perform an RSAVE before exporting .dwg files to .dxf.
RSAVE removes all unused layers.
On DXFOUT, use an accuracy of 16.
Depending on the colors used in AutoCAD, you may not see anything in FoxDraw
until you perform a Select All and choose Graphic Attributes.
Appendix B. Display Convert Utility B0700BE – Rev F
All input files must be on the same drive on which the I/A Series software is
B0700BE – Rev F Appendix B. Display Convert Utility
Appendix B. Display Convert Utility B0700BE – Rev F
Button Function
About Displays version information for the Display Convert utility.
Browse Opens the File Open dialog box from which you select one or more files to
convert. Press this button after selecting a conversion.
Convert Converts the selected files from one display format to another. Press this
button after selecting the type of conversion and the files to be converted.
Close Closes the dialog box and ends the convert utility. You can press this button
at any time.
Help Displays the on-line Help system.
Opens the Browse for folder dialog box from which you can select the des-
tination folder to save the FoxDraw 10.x to FoxDraw 9.x converted file.
To Convert Displays
1. From the FoxDraw Tools menu, choose Display Converter.
The Convert utility’s Convert Display Files dialog box appears.
2. Click an option button (such as .fdf to .g).
3. Click Browse.
The File to Convert dialog box appears.
4. Select one or more files to be converted.
All input files must be on the same drive on which the I/A Series software is
5. Click Convert.
The output files are created in the same directory as the input files and have the same
base name (to the left of the dot) as their associated input file. The output file’s exten-
sion (to the right of the dot) is different from the input file.
The Upgrade Display conversion overwrites the input file with the output file.
For .bdf to .m1 conversions, each input file yields multiple output files. Output file
base names are composed of the input file’s base name followed by an underscore and
a number.
B0700BE – Rev F Appendix B. Display Convert Utility
Appendix B. Display Convert Utility B0700BE – Rev F
This copies all the files and subdirectories in /usr/displays to /opt/displays. Repeat this procedure
for all subdirectories containing display files.
Argument Meaning
-r Convert recursively (include subdirectories in the conversion).
-f Convert faceplates.
-h Display on-line Help screen
f1.fdf f2.fdf ... fn.fdf Filenames of the display files to convert
File Description
.fdf All converted displays have the .fdf extension.
.pdf All Display Manager displays are renamed with the .pdf extension.
.dat Two log files (a conversion report log and a conversion error log).
Files that could not be converted are reported in the error log.
1. Files that are not 50 Series Display Manager display files are not affected by the
conversion utility.
2. 20 Series Display Manager display files are not converted to FoxView format. As
a separate step, you must first convert them to 50 Series files before you can convert
B0700BE – Rev F Appendix B. Display Convert Utility
After conversion, use a text editor to check the log files for any errors detected during the conver-
sion process.
To convert all of the displays in the /opt/displays directory and in all of its subdirectories
/usr/fox/wp/bin/tools/pdf_fdf -r /opt/displays/*
Solaris is case sensitive. The .i or .xwd filename must be in the same case as the ref-
erence to the file in the .g display.
Appendix B. Display Convert Utility B0700BE – Rev F
If errors or improper conversion to .xwd format occur, the user can use the GIMP
tool provided by Solaris 10 to convert the file to .xwd format. Proceed as follows:
1. Start the GIMP tool.
2. Click Launch -> Applications -> Graphics -> Image Editor.
3. Open the .bmp file to be converted.
4. Perform a “Save as” operation.
5. In the “Save Image” dialog box, select “XWD” at the “Determine File Type” pick,
and click OK.
Upgrading Displays
If Solaris FoxView V6.0E, V6.0F, or V6.1 has been loaded and you have already
upgraded your display files, skip this section.
After installing the software and rebooting the workstation, you must upgrade the display files
and library object files objects (including faceplates) created on all previous FoxView releases
before you can use them.
If you do not upgrade user built displays or library objects as part of installing this
software release, the displays do not function correctly.
You can upgrade the displays from FoxDraw or from a command window.
B0700BE – Rev F Appendix B. Display Convert Utility
The above example command assumes that the display files are in the /opt/menus
directory. Use the path to the directory on your system.
2. Type:
/usr/fox/wp/bin/tools/fdf_version -r *
This converts all the displays in the current directory and all subdirectories.
Errors are written to a log file in the working directory. The log file’s name is FDFxxxxxx.dat,
where xxxxxx is a unique value each time the upgrade utility is run.
To upgrade library objects
1. In a command window, change to the directory containing the user-built library
cd /opt/customer/displib
2. Type:
/usr/fox/wp/bin/tools/fdf_version -r *
This runs the upgrade utility to convert all library elements in the current directory
and in all subdirectories.
Errors are written to a log file in the /opt/customer/displib directory. The log file has the name
FDFxxxxxx.dat, where xxxxxx is a unique value each time the upgrade utility is run.
This option has to be used for the first time only, when converting the .g file of Fox-
View 9.x display to .fdf file in FoxView10.2.3. For subsequent conversions of g_fdf
this option should NOT be used.
Appendix B. Display Convert Utility B0700BE – Rev F
Argument Description
-r Convert recursively. The conversion includes the files in the
-v The final version level of the files. Files should be upgraded to
Version 7. The previous version level is 6. The default is 7.
-h Display help messages.
Extension Description
.fdf Upgraded display files
.m1 Upgraded library object files
.dat Log file
Files that are already at the specified version and files that are not FoxView display
files are left untouched.
B0700BE – Rev F Appendix B. Display Convert Utility
For Solaris, the above steps can be applied similarly using the script
While searching the root directory for the .m1 file, the script may report "Access
Denied" error because the user may not have permissions on all the sub directories
in root. These errors can be ignored.
The script takes the root directory as the default search directory and renames all
matching instances of associated library objects found. If you do not want to
rename instances in all directories then use the -d option where in you can specify
the search directory.
Appendix B. Display Convert Utility B0700BE – Rev F
As the library objects are getting renamed, any other .fdf or .g files using the same
library object may have issues. Ensure that such .fdf files or .g files are updated with
the modified library objects.
Script Options
The script can be run with various options which are described below.
Usage of script: -h option
To view the usage of the script and its available options use the -h option
Example: remnumch_win.sh -h
This will display all available options for the script.
To run the script with a specified search directory for library objects
The default search directory for library objects is '/' (root directory). If you wish to specify a dif-
ferent search directory use the -d option as below.
1. Run the script with the -d option as:
Remnumch_win.sh -d <SearchPath>
where, <SearchPath> is the directory path for the script to search the associated library objects.
E.g., remnumch_win.sh -d /opt/customer/displib
2. This will display a message prompting the user to enter the filename.
3. Enter the filename of the .g file along with its path and extension.
4. This option will run the script on the specified .g files and search the associated library
objects with names starting with numeric character only in the specified search path.
To run the script on multiple .g files
If you wish to modify more than one .g files containing library objects with names starting with
numeric character then use the option -m as below:
1. Create a text file sample.txt to contain the locations of all .g file on which you want to
run the script.
2. Edit the text file to contain the directory paths (one path per line)
3. Run the script with the command line option -m as:
remnumch_win.sh -m <filename>
where <filename> is the text file with its path and extension which contains the
path of all .g files you wish to modify.
E.g., remnumch_win.sh -m /opt/sample.txt
4. This option will run the script on all .g files found in the path mentioned by the text
file and resolve all the library objects found with numeric names.
B0700BE – Rev F Appendix B. Display Convert Utility
The root directory is taken as default search directory for the Library object. If you
wish to specify a different search path then use the -m option in conjunction with -
d option as explained in next section.
The -m option modifies the .g files in all the sub directories of a given directories
To run the script on multiple .g files with a specified search directory for library objects
If you wish to run the script on multiple .g file but restricting the search for library objects to
specified directories only then use the option -m -d as:
remnumch_win.sh -m <filename> -d <SearchPath>
<filename> is the textfile with its path and extension which contains the path of the .g files that
need to be modified.
<SearchPath> is the directory path for the script to search for the associated library objects.
E.g., remnumch_win.sh -m /opt/sample.txt -d /opt/customer/displib
This will run the script on all .g files found in the path mentioned by the text file and search the
associated library objects with names starting with numeric character only in the specified search
Appendix B. Display Convert Utility B0700BE – Rev F
If problems are encountered converting display files to bitmaps on the Solaris platform, you can
create the desired bitmaps through FoxView as follows:
1. In FoxView, change to the Operator Environment.
2. Call the display to be converted to into FoxView.
3. Right click over one of the buttons on the display bar, and select Assign->Display.
The .i file is automatically created and added to the display bar.
B0700BE – Rev F Appendix B. Display Convert Utility
cd /opt/menus
This changes the directory to the display file directory or display library directory. The
example command above assumes that the display files are in the /opt/menus directory. Use the
path to the appropriate display or library directory on your system.
/usr/fox/wp/bin/tools/fdf_version -b *.fdf
This will convert the FoxDraw10.x display file to FoxDraw9.x file and save it in 9x
folder which will be created under source folder. Errors and removed objects or key-
words are written to a log file in the working directory. The log file's name is
FDFxxxxxx.dat, where xxxxxx is a unique value each time the fdf_version utility is
Argument Description
-r Convert recursively. The conversion includes
files in the subdirectories.
<files> refers to the name(s) of the displays to be converted. Wildcards ( * ) are per-
Appendix B. Display Convert Utility B0700BE – Rev F
Extension Description
.fdf Converted display files
.m1 Converted library object files
.dat Log file
B0700BE – Rev F Appendix B. Display Convert Utility
Copy the .fdf file On the source Copy the .g file On destination
to destination box box, convert the to destination box, run pdf_fdf
9x .fdf to .g file box. utility on the
using fdf_g display
Copy the .g file On destination
to destination box, do g_fdf
box. utility on .g file
On destination
box, do g_fdf
utility on .g file
Conversion Steps required to use display on Destination box - 9.0.2 SOL2/8
Run 10x to 9x in Run 10x to 9x in On the source Display can be Copy the DM
DConvert to con- DConvert to box, do an fdf_g directly opened display (.pdf ) to
vert the existing convert the on the display on destination destination box
10x display to existing 10x dis- box
9x fdf play to 9x fdf
Appendix C. Widescreen
Conversion for Displays
This appendix explains how to convert user-modified .fdf displays from the standard definition
aspect ratio (4:3) to the widescreen aspect ratio (16:9), which can also increase the canvas size
available to the displays.
In FoxView and FoxDraw 10.2.4, you can convert user-modified displays to a widescreen aspect
ratio (16:9) with a resolution of up to 1920x1080, providing a larger area for displays. With this
utility, the new displays’ width and height measurement will be 133.33x75, as compared to their
original size of 100x75 in versions prior to FoxView and FoxDraw 10.2.4.
Figure C-1. Display Canvas in FoxDraw 10.2.3 (or Earlier) As Shown in Widescreen Monitor
(1920x1080 Resolution)
B0700BE – Rev F Appendix C. Widescreen Conversion for Displays
As shown in Figure C-2, this conversion process provides additional space for a display in which
additional graphics can be built.
Figure C-2. Display Canvas in FoxDraw 10.2.4 (or Later) Shown in Widescreen Monitor
(1920x1080 Resolution)
After the displays are converted to suit the widescreen format, their contents will remain in the
same relative locations, and may have to be adjusted for better presentation. The display’s con-
tents can be repositioned as shown in Figure C-3 and Figure C-4.
Appendix C. Widescreen Conversion for Displays B0700BE – Rev F
B0700BE – Rev F Appendix C. Widescreen Conversion for Displays
Displays created in a FoxView/FoxDraw version prior to 10.2.4 will be addressed as
legacy format displays in this document.
[rootdrive] is either C:\ or D:\ wherever the standalone FoxDraw software is
installed. For FoxView/FoxDraw software, the root drive will always be D:\.
Argument Meaning
-r Convert recursively (include subdirectories in the conversion).
-h Display on-line Help screen for fdf_wsmfdf conversion utility
<files> are the name(s) of the displays to be converted along with the full path.
Wildcards (*) are allowed.
The conversion utility produces the file types as listed in Table C-2.
Appendix C. Widescreen Conversion for Displays B0700BE – Rev F
Backup Files
Before the conversion, the original display file is backed-up with an extension .fdf4_3. The con-
verted display file will have the extension .fdf and will replace the original display file. Both
backed-up display file and the converted display file can be found in the same path as that of the
original display being converted.
fdf_wsmfdf conversion utility does not provide backward compatibility. That is, a
converted display file cannot be converted back to legacy format display file using
the conversion utility. However, using the backed-up file with the .fdf4_3 extension
the original display file (in legacy format) can be retrieved.
To retrieve the original display file (in legacy format) from the backed-up file with the .fdf4_3
extension, proceed as follows:
1. Open the FoxDraw application.
2. In FoxDraw, click Open Display.
3. In the File Type field, select All Files.
4. Browse to the location where the backed-up display file is available.
B0700BE – Rev F Appendix C. Widescreen Conversion for Displays
[rootdrive] is either C:\ or D:\ wherever the standalone FoxDraw software is
installed. For FoxView or FoxDraw software, the root drive will always be D:\.
The log file contains information of successful conversion or failed conversion of the display files.
It will also show the backed-up file with its path.
Figure C-6 and Figure C-7 show examples of the contents of conversion logs.
Appendix C. Widescreen Conversion for Displays B0700BE – Rev F
If various conversions are done within a single minute, all related log messages are
appended to a single log file. For conversions occurring in the minute after the first
conversion, a new log file will be generated for this next conversion.
B0700BE – Rev F Appendix C. Widescreen Conversion for Displays
3. The display file will not be converted if path of the display file contains space or spe-
cial characters.
4. The display file may not be converted if the display file has certain keywords in its
contents. Refer to Appendix G “Reserved Keywords (Not For Use in Foxboro Display
The options provided in this dialog box are described in Table C-3. The options provided vary
depending on the monitor type (widescreen or legacy).
Setting Type Options Description
Create Widescreen dis- Widescreen Yes Create a new display in widescreen
play by default Monitor format by default.
No Create a Legacy format display by
Prompt on Prompts user to create new display in
every create widescreen format.
Legacy Yes Not selectable - grayed out.
Monitor No Selected by default.
Prompt on Not selectable - grayed out.
every create
Appendix C. Widescreen Conversion for Displays B0700BE – Rev F
Setting Type Options Description
Convert 4:3 display to Widescreen Yes Converts the legacy displays to wide-
WSM format on open Monitor screen format displays by default
when the open operation is invoked.
NOTE: If display is in The display will be converted and will
widescreen format re-open after the conversion.
already, the prompt No The legacy displays will open without
shown in Figure C-9 will any conversion.
not appear. Prompt on Prompts user for conversion of the
every open display for every open operation.
Legacy (All options) Not selectable - grayed out.
Convert 4:3 display to Widescreen Yes Converts the legacy displays to wide-
WSM format on save Monitor screen format displays by default
when the open operation is invoked.
The display will be converted and will
re-open after the conversion.
No The legacy displays will be saved
without any conversion.
Prompt on Prompts user for conversion of the
every open display for every save operation.
Legacy Yes Legacy files will be converted to wide-
Monitor screen format files on each save opera-
The display will be converted and will
re-open after the conversion.
No Legacy files will not be converted and
open in the same format.
Prompt on Prompts user for conversion of the
every open display for every save operation.
B0700BE – Rev F Appendix C. Widescreen Conversion for Displays
The file which is opened after conversion will be read-only file and cannot be saved
further if it is attached to a legacy (4:3 aspect ratio) monitor.
The “Do not ask me again” check box can be selected to eliminate prompting in
each of the above operations. To see the prompt again, a setting is available in the
Widescreen Preferences in the User Options dialog box which you can set again.
Appendix C. Widescreen Conversion for Displays B0700BE – Rev F
B0700BE – Rev F Appendix C. Widescreen Conversion for Displays
The converted widescreen format displays viewed in FoxView v10.2.4 on a widescreen monitor
would appear as below.
Appendix C. Widescreen Conversion for Displays B0700BE – Rev F
Conversion of Overlays
Overlay Windows
Overlays do not need to be converted. If they are not converted, they will display in their original
locations, offset from the bottom left 0,0 origin and the legacy width of a base display (100 units
in the x direction).
If they are converted and used in a FoxView application in widescreen format, they are offset
according to the origin and using 133.33 units in the x-axis direction of the screen (that is, the
widescreen width).
There are two types of overlays; standard overlays and custom overlays:
A standard overlay is defined as a fraction of the base display:
Horizontal half - This standard overlay size is the full width and one half the
height of a base display.
Vertical half - This standard overlay size is the full height and one half the width of
a base display.
Quarter - This standard overlay size is one half the height and one half the width
of a base display (termed Quarter because 4 will fit over a base display).
One-Eighth (1/8th) - This standard overlay size is one half the height and one
quarter the width of a base display (termed Eighth because 8 will fit in the space of
a base display).
A custom overlay is any other window size that is not a base display size or standard
overlay size.
B0700BE – Rev F Appendix C. Widescreen Conversion for Displays
Standard Overlays
Standard overlays are converted differently than custom overlays by the fdf_wsmfdf conversion
utility. When a standard overlay is converted, the overlay window size changes to the widescreen
standard overlay dimensions. This behavior is consistent with the base display window conver-
Refer to Table C-4 below to compare the standard overlay window dimensions between legacy
monitor display sizes and widescreen monitor display sizes.
Units Wide X Units High Units Wide X Units High
Display Type Widescreen (16:9 ratio) Legacy (4:3 ratio)
Base display 133.33 x 75 100 x 75
Library Object 133.33 x 75 100 x 75
Overlay 133.33 x 75 100 x 75
Overlay: ½ horizontal 133.33 x 37.5 100 x 37.50
Overlay: ½ vertical 66.66 x 75 50 x 75
Overlay: 1/4 66.66 x 37.50 50 x 37.50
Overlay: 1/8 33.33 x 37.50 25 x 37.50
Custom overlays are treated as standard overlays if their dimensions fall within the
allowed range of standard overlays. The allowance is in the range of +/- 0.5.
As well, the graphics contained on the standard overlay window do not change size. Load the dis-
play in FoxDraw to edit the graphic to use the newly-available space.
Figure C-13 shows a standard 1/8 overlay before and after conversion. Note the additional size of
the overlay window when converted to widescreen dimensions. It is 1/4th the width of the wide-
screen width. This is typical behavior for conversion of all standard-sized overlay windows:
Appendix C. Widescreen Conversion for Displays B0700BE – Rev F
B0700BE – Rev F Appendix C. Widescreen Conversion for Displays
Custom Overlays
Custom overlay windows do not change their size when converted. This is because the overlay
window dimensions may not retain the 4:3 aspect ratio as well as not having their dimensions
defined as a fractional part of the base display window. The conversion utility marks the .fdf file as
a widescreen overlay, which inform FoxView and FoxDraw that this is a widescreen overlay. Fox-
View offsets this overlay on the screen according to the widescreen dimensions if it is a widescreen
Figure C-14 shows an example of unconverted custom overlay windows within a base display that
has been converted but not re-engineered to space the graphic. Note the presence of additional
space on the right side of the base display, but that the custom overlay windows continue to load
according to the legacy base window dimensions.
When the custom overlay is converted and shown in FoxView, it uses the width of the widescreen
to space the overlays out. The custom overlay window can be loaded into FoxDraw and sized to
use the additional real estate a widescreen monitor provides. The custom overlay could be wid-
ened to make use of the additional space to tile over the base display, as shown in Figure C-15.
Appendix C. Widescreen Conversion for Displays B0700BE – Rev F
B0700BE – Rev F Appendix C. Widescreen Conversion for Displays
Appendix D. External Palette
This appendix describes the External Palette Browser.
External Palettes
An external palette can be located on a CD-ROM, floppy disk, another machine, or the local hard
After copying an external palette, in FoxDraw you can:
Load external palettes
Use objects from external palettes.
You can select the external palette’s location (for example, K:\users\Mike\ExtPalettesLoc). Exter-
nal palettes must be located under the …\ExtPalettesLoc\Palettes directory tree, and the symbols
used by external palettes must be located in the …/ExtPalettesLoc/Symbols_1 directory.
When you enable support for external palettes, FoxDraw lists external palettes in the palette’s tree
of the Select Palette dialog box. Similar to a local palette, an external palette can also be loaded
and any selectable object can be used from an external palette.
There is a potential for name conflicts between an existing palette and a palette you
want to copy. Be sure to understand how Palette Browser handles copy operations.
Palette Browser displays various error messages and warning messages to notify you
of potential problems.
B0700BE – Rev F Appendix D. External Palette Browser
Prior to software Version 99.2, FoxDraw could recognize a palette only when it was
located in the Palettes directory. Subdirectories were not permitted.
Directory Preservation
The utility copies (installs) external palettes into the /opt/customer/displib/Palettes directory tree.
The utility also copies symbols used by the external palette into the
/opt/customer/displib/Symbols_1 directory.
If an external palette is located on the second level (a subdirectory of the Palettes directory),
the utility preserves the palette location (creating a similarly named subdirectory, if one is not
present in the destination Palettes directory).
For example, if an external palette is located in the …/ExtPalettesLoc/Palettes/Pumps directory,
the palette is copied into the /opt/customer/displib/Palettes/Pumps directory. The utility creates
the Pumps directory if it does not exist.
Appendix D. External Palette Browser B0700BE – Rev F
B0700BE – Rev F Appendix D. External Palette Browser
The external palette must be located in a subdirectory named Palettes (for
example, J:\sym_pack\Palettes). The symbols used by the external palette must be
located in a subdirectory (for example, J:\sym_pack\Symbols_1).
This tree control lists external palettes hierarchically. When you select a palette, it displays in the
preview window on the right side of the dialog box.
Palette Filters
Use these controls to filter palettes based on the palette type. Two types of palettes are supported:
copy palettes and link palettes. Palette names with a “_copy” suffix are copy palettes, and palette
names without this suffix are link palettes.
Preserve Path
Select this check box to copy to a destination subdirectory with the same name as the source
directory. If this check box is not selected, copying a palette located in a subdirectory (second
level) places the palette in the Palettes directory.
For example, if an external palette is located in the J:\sym_pack \Palettes\Pumps directory, the
palette is copied into the \opt\customer\displib\Palettes\Pumps directory. The utility creates the
Pumps directory if it does not exist. The utility also copies symbols used by the external palette
into the /opt/customer/displib/Symbols_1 directory.
Click this button to copy an external palette and the symbols used by the external palette from the
external palette’s location to the opt/customer/displib directory tree.
Appendix E. Frequently Asked
This appendix lists the answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs).
Now you can select the individual colored pieces and change their colors.
1. Select the object.
2. Open the Set Selection Attributes dialog box.
3. Select the piece you want to change color.
4. In the Set Selection Attributes dialog box, shut off the Apply to all check
boxes in the lower left corner.
5. Change the color to the color you want.
If you do not shut off the Apply to all feature, all of the objects change to the same
color, losing the 3D effect.
When configuring the pipe to change color, do not apply the configuration to the entire group,
instead, apply it only to the colored polygon. If you apply it to the group, all the objects in the
group change color.
B0700BE – Rev F Appendix E. Frequently Asked Questions
To convert colors
1. Place the .bmp images into the /opt/customer/displib/Bitmap directory.
2. In FoxDraw, select Link Bitmap from the Object menu.
3. Select your image, and FoxDraw starts the conversion program.
4. Once complete, place the image in your display and you are done.
Appendix E. Frequently Asked Questions B0700BE – Rev F
Why do some .dfx files not import from the Convert dialog box?
Most .dxf files convert directly from the convert utility in FoxDraw, but some files may not work,
especially if they were not created with Autodesk’s AutoCAD software.
Make sure the .dxf file does not begin with a number. For example, a file named
1234b.dxf is not permitted.
If any modifications are made to the library object and if it already exists in the
cache memory of FoxView, then FoxView will not reflect those modifications. You
must restart FoxView to initialize the cache memory with the modifications made.
B0700BE – Rev F Appendix E. Frequently Asked Questions
A composite object is a combination of linked and copied objects. Since you can affect only cer-
tain aspects of a linked object, it is sometimes necessary to use copied objects instead, which
increase the size of the file.
For example, if you have a tank object with legs, top, middle, bottom and a fill level that you
made from linked objects, you could not configure the fill level. To overcome this problem, take
the legs, top, middle, and bottom (all the static pieces) and make a link symbol out of it. Next,
group the fill level to the new symbol, yielding a composite object. In this example, the original
object’s file size was 7.5 MB. The composite object is 1.5 MB.
Copy it with a new name. Do not use default names such as STND_FWxHH or
Do not ungroup the trend object.
Appendix E. Frequently Asked Questions B0700BE – Rev F
B0700BE – Rev F Appendix E. Frequently Asked Questions
Appendix F. Glossary
Alias A text string (suitably representing the property) that exposes a dynamic
by replacing the property’s value or part of it.
A text string (suitable name that defines the graphic attribute) that exposes
the graphic attribute.
Base Display A display occupies the entire FoxView window (100 units wide by
75 units high in world coordinate units in a legacy display, 133.33 units
wide by 75 units high in a widescreen display). When you open another
base display in FoxView, the previous base display closes.
You can open one or more overlays on top of a base display. When you
open an overlay, the base display does not close. It can, however, be hidden
by a full-screen overlay.
A base display has .fdf format.
Bit State Operator The bit state operator defines the relationship between the bit mask and
the current bit states in the process variable. The bit state operator can be
ANY (logical OR function) or ALL (logical AND function). If the opera-
tor is set to ANY, any of the bit conditions may evaluate to true. If the
operator is set to ALL, all the bit conditions must be true to have the
expression evaluate to true.
Browse Button Click the Browse button to choose a variable name from the Control
Browser dialog box.
B0700BE – Rev F Appendix F. Glossary
Dynamic - Operator
A configured attribute of a graphical object that responds to an operator
press by executing some activity such as opening an overlay or setting a
Dynamic - Passive A configured attribute of a graphical object that causes changes to the
graphical object in response to changes in data value (for example, Fill
level, Fill Color).
Embedded Script An embedded script is a display command script embedded in the display.
FoxView executes this script when the display opens.
Environment Variable
The environment variable is a string consisting of information such as the
drive, path, or filename associated with a symbolic name (for example,
USR_DIR) that can be used by the operating system.
Expose Make an alias or dynamic visible to upper level library objects, overlays, or
base displays. Only exposed aliases or dynamics can be modified outside
the containing library object.
Appendix F. Glossary B0700BE – Rev F
Faceplate A faceplate is a linked display object that shows critical block parameters.
There is a standard 1/8 screen faceplate for each I/A Series block type. You
can create custom faceplates.
Focused Object When multiple objects are selected, the focused object is highlighted with
a dashed outline. This is the object that is acted upon when you choose
Reference Point, Graphic Attributes, and Configure Objects commands.
FoxView FoxView is the real-time application for viewing displays with dynamically
updating connections to the process and operator-triggered actions.
Grid A grid is a matrix of solid or dotted lines that displays as an aid to posi-
tioning and aligning objects in FoxDraw. The grid does not appear when
display files are opened in FoxView.
Hershey Fonts These are 18 supplementary fonts supplied with FoxDraw which are espe-
cially useful for flipping or rotating text.
Unlike standard system fonts, Hershey fonts can be rotated or flipped. You
can configure Hershey fonts with the Rotate dynamic attribute.
Hershey fonts, public domain vector fonts developed by A. V. Hershey, are
distributed by the National Bureau of Standards (now called NIST®).
Hershey fonts are not as sharp and well-defined in appearance as standard
B0700BE – Rev F Appendix F. Glossary
Library Object A library object is a file linked to a base display. Library objects include
faceplates, trends, symbols, markers, and buttons.
Number of States This field contains the number of states in the state table. The minimum
is 1 and the maximum is 125. Type a value or use the spin boxes. To auto-
matically add a single state, select the area below the last entry in the table.
Optimized Update Select this check box to provide faster fill level updates in FoxView.
Do not select this option for objects that are also configured with move,
rotate and scale attributes.
Optional Alias An exposed alias or dynamic that may be left unresolved without causing
an Out-Of-Service condition when viewed in FoxView.
Overlay Display A display that opens on top of a base display but does not replace it. An
overlay can be full-screen, half-screen (horizontal or vertical), quarter-
screen, eighth-screen, or a custom size. You can specify the overlay’s posi-
tion in the Display Properties dialog box.
An overlay has the same .fdf format as a base display.
Palette A window containing graphic objects that you can copy into your display.
Reference Point Point on which an object (or group of objects) moves, around which it
rotates, from which it shrinks and grows, and which snaps to the grid or
snaps to another object.
By default, the reference point is the center of the object, but you can
specify a different location with the Object, Set Reference Point com-
Required Alias An alias or dynamic that must be resolved or the dynamic associated with
the object is not operational and the object is drawn with an Out-Of-Ser-
vice indication at run-time, in FoxView.
Appendix F. Glossary B0700BE – Rev F
Scan Delay A scan delay is the number of seconds before the system begins scanning
at the configured scan rate.
Scan Rate A scan rate is the interval at which the system reads the values at all config-
ured points.
Shared Variable A shared variable is a user-created variable that allows data from outside
the process to be included in a display or library object.
Sticky Overlay A sticky overlay does not close unless you select the overlay’s Close button
or close the base display.
Normally, an overlay closes when another overlay opens on top of it, or
when you close an overlay that was opened before it.
Substitution List A substitution list is a list of keywords in brackets paired with process vari-
able names or text. The list is appended to the “subslist” command. When
the command executes, the keyword definitions are substituted for match-
ing keywords in a display template.
This is an example substitution:
dmcmd subslist \opt\customer\displib\Templates\display-
<201>=Furnace Press PT1
Template FoxDraw includes templates for a base display, four overlays, a library
object, and four palettes.
A template determines screen size and position, background color and
grid settings. You can also create your own templates for displays, library
objects, or palettes.
Text Alias A string that takes the place of a tag or portion of the tag. Text aliases are
delimited with curly braces. (for example, {.COMP1})
Tree Control A tree control is a type of list box that shows items arranged in an easily
navigable hierarchy. The tree controls in FoxDraw include small plus (+)
and minus (-) icons that permit you to expand and collapse the display of
groups of files.
Expand the tree as needed by clicking the plus indicator, then select an
Typically, you can double-click an item to execute the default action, such
as opening a file. This shortcut saves the step of clicking the OK button
B0700BE – Rev F Appendix F. Glossary
after making a selection. You can also use the arrow keys to move up or
down the tree and the numeric keypad’s + or - keys to expand or collapse
Trend Graph of real-time or historical data from up to four variables. The data
can be numeric or Boolean. FoxDraw includes seven trend types of differ-
ent sizes and varying information.
Appendix G. Reserved Keywords
(Not For Use in Foxboro Display
This appendix provides a list of reserved keywords for which objects in converted user-modified
Foxboro display files should not be named.
When converting user-modified Foxboro display files (that is, Foxboro display files which you
have modified), be aware that the conversion tool has a list of reserved keywords that should not
be used when building displays. After conversion, some objects may derive a name which exists in
this list of reserved keywords. Ensure that the objects in your converted Foxboro display files do
not match any of the following keywords.
B0700BE – Rev F Appendix G. Reserved Keywords (Not For Use in Foxboro
.bmp file 10
importing 444
.dxf files 10
converting 15
importing 445
.fdf files 10
.g file
moving between Windows and Solaris 356
.i files 10
.m1 files 10
.pdf files 10
0 Offset 240
1 Offset 240
3-D animation 118
simulating 118
3-D objects 443
Access level 242
editing 395
specifying 242
Action 200
adding to a display object 200
operator 78, 79
protecting 306
Add Convention dialog box 197
Add Dynamic Update dialog box 185
Add graphic attributes 325
Add Operator Action dialog box 200
Add script file 122
syntax 122
Adding 360
convention 302, 303
fonts on a Windows workstation 360
point 340
Address 358, 359
retrieving from server 358
Adjusting 344
arrow key precision 344
retrieving address and letterbug 358
B0700BE – Rev F Index
editing 395
Alias Tutorial 312
Aliases 21, 96
configuring a library object 313
exposing 98
replacing 400
resolving 98
syntax 96
tutorial 312
Aliases tab 386
Alignment commands 69
bit acronyms 106
bit acronyms 105
an_init.cfg file 49
API Server Connection Utility 50
API Server Connection Utility dialog box 271
Applying 295, 296
convention to an object 296
dynamic to an object 295
Arc length attribute 449
Arc length dynamic 95
Arcs 72
creating 283
drawing a pie arc 283
drawing a sector 285
drawing a three-point sector 285
scaling 95
Arrow keys 344
adjusting precision 344
using for precision 291
Attributes 17, 84
arc length 449
dynamic 17, 84, 185
graphic 16
see also Dynamics 17, 84
AutoCAD 15
converting a .dxf file 15
files 10
Background text 286, 301
specifying read file data 301
Backing up 264, 393
displays 264
Backup 355
configuring capability 355
Index B0700BE – Rev F
B0700BE – Rev F Index
Blocks 399
replacing 394
broadcast request (auto-discover) for making TCP/IP connections to remote AIM*API and FoxAPI
servers 49
Browser 270
Browser selection 393
setting up properties 393
adding to a display 120
browse, Browse button 449
Center 346
Center mode 64, 65
Change 258, 259, 260, 261
global 258
Changed 261
Changing 364
log file path and name 364
Character coordinates syntax 205
Checking 341
reference point 341
Circle 95, 281
arcs 95
creating 281
scaling 95
Circle Tool 281, 282
Clamped 449
Clamped values 110
client initialization file for AIM*API and FoxAPI connections 49
Clipboard 63
Close display/overlay action 81
Closed Curve 282
creating 282
Closed Curve Tool 282
Color 88
background 163
changing background of trend objects 446
display based on a state table 114
dynamics 88
FoxDraw definition files 19
Command 81
Background Text Tool 286
Circle Tool 152
Closed Curve 282
Curve 282
Curve Tool 152
Cut 347
Delete 347
Index B0700BE – Rev F
display manager 81
Display Properties 132, 162
Duplicate 347
Exit 132
Line Tool 152
New 132
Open 132
Point Tool 152
Polygon 152
Polygon Tool 152
Polyline 152, 284
Polyline Tool 152
Recover 132, 355
Rectangle 152, 285
Rectangle Tool 152
Sector Tool 285
Select Tool 152
Text Tool 152
Three-Point Sector Tool 152
Toolbars 72
Command line 364
operation of dedit 364
running dedit 364
Command script 166
close display 166
open display 166
Command tab 383
Commands 69
alignment 69
flip 69, 70
GEdit 124
object focus 78
order 339
point modes 64
same size 71
snap 71
zoom 56, 57
Comment 20
Comment object 20, 287
changing graphical attributes 294
changing visibility of 357
creating 287
Comment objects 357
changing visibility of 357
Complexity Report
generating 398
Complexity report 366, 367
generating 396
listing only configured points 400
B0700BE – Rev F Index
Index B0700BE – Rev F
B0700BE – Rev F Index
dxf files 15
one display type to another type 355
Coordinate systems 123
Coordinates 55
screen 55
Copy or Link
library object 281
Copying 60
existing faceplate to a library object 290
object 347
palette 350
palette with the Palette Browser 351
palettes 60, 61
Copying or Linking
library object 281
CP 87, 88
obtaining values from 87
background text 286
base display with relative pick and open overlay operator actions 307
circle 281
closed curve 282
curve 282
displays 4
dynamic update horizontal move 298
ellipse 282
library object 291, 292
line 283
new base display 277
new display using a template 278
new library object for use in a generic overlay 278
numeric text update field 115
objects 3, 4
operator action horizontal move 307
palette of another size 292
pie arc 283
polygon 284
polyline 284
rectangle 285
scroll region object 286
sector 285
template 287
text 117
three-point sector 285
user-built faceplate 288
Curve 282
closed 282
creating 282
creating a closed curve 282
Index B0700BE – Rev F
array 47
header 47
string variable 46
Data directories 54
Data Origin 240
Database 54
default 54
local 54, 87, 88
DEdit 281, 363, 364
command 364
invoking from a command window 364
settings 393
using 363
window 376
dedit commands 126
trend and plot 126
Deleting 360
fonts from a Windows workstation 360
object 347
point 340
Detail display 449
overlay 450
Dialog box 249, 251
Add Convention 197
Add Dynamic Update 185
Add Operator Action 200
API Server Connection Utility 271
Bit Selection 192
Bit State 189
Compound Block Browser 198
Configure Object 190
Configure Objects 181, 231, 243, 254
Configure Plot Pen 249, 251
Configure Trend Pen 236
Connect Variable 213
Continuous 185
Discrete State 188
Display Command Builder 169, 209, 223
Display Convention Configurator 257
Display Properties 162
Edge Width 198
B0700BE – Rev F Index
Index B0700BE – Rev F
B0700BE – Rev F Index
Index B0700BE – Rev F
B0700BE – Rev F Index
text color 95
text contents 94
visibility 92, 93
Edge 76
configuring 293
edge 68
invisible 293
making invisible 293
Edge color dynamic 94
Edge style dynamic 94
Edge Width dialog box 198
Edge width dynamic 94
Edit Alias dialog box 391
Edit Convention dialog box 197
Edit Dynamics/Connections dialog box 258
Edit Range Alias dialog box 392
Edit Range dialog box 255
Edit Substitution dialog box 256
Edit Text dialog box 174
Editing 295
access level 395
alias 395
dynamic elements 86
range alias 396
shortcuts 275
Editing a dynamic 295
Ellipse 282
creating 281, 282
Embedded script 450
Enabling 342
display focus mode 342
Environment files 356, 450
Environment variable 450
Examples 116
creating a numeric text update field 115
creating a ramp pushbutton 116
creating a relative pick 119
creating a rotating needle 115
creating a tank with fill level connection 114
creating a T-bar 117
increasing the size of a pipe 300
simulating 3-D animation 118
threshold conversion 119
using a graphic attribute 16
using state table to display color 114
using state table to display text 113
Exception Report
Index B0700BE – Rev F
generating 398
Exception report 371
generating 397
Executing 306
script 306
Exit 132
aliases 98
dynamics 17, 84
graphic aliases 99
graphic attributes 16
operator actions 79
properties of dynamics 17
range aliases 100
text aliases 98
External palette 350
enabling support of 350
External palette browser 439
External palettes 59
Faceplates 23, 451
about 23
adding to a display 120
as generic overlays 291
configuring 309
copying to a library object 290
creating user-built 288
custom 288
linking to displays 279
location of 12
using text substitution 256
Fast Arrow Move command 344
Fast Scan option 8, 165
fdf_i utility 417
fdf_version utility 412
fdf_wsmfdf Utility 424
Field 115
creating an updating numeric text field 115
File 373
dump 373, 375, 400
obtaining information about 394
statistics 376
File menu 132
File Stats tab 380
Files 112, 393
.bmp 10, 13, 444
.dxf 10
.fdf 10
B0700BE – Rev F Index
Index B0700BE – Rev F
FoxDraw 65
Hershey 65, 66
hershey 451
specifying Hershey 294
Format 100, 101, 102
numeric 100, 112
FoxAPI 49
retrieving address and letterbug 358
FoxDraw 1
colors 19
directories 12
displayable area 55, 56, 157
drawing area 55
fonts 65
integration with IACC 4
invoking 353
menu bar 132
objects 64
overview of 1
running multiple instances 353
settings 54
specifying user preferences 264
starting 353
using Help 357
window 1, 131
FoxView 24, 451
indicating status info within trends 24
Full screen display 55
g_edit_fd.cfg File 122
Gedit 120
about 120
capabilities 120
commands 124
coordinates 123
file syntax 122
required files 120
running 121
Generating 398
Complexity report 396
complexity report 398
Connection report 397, 398
Exception report 397
exception report 398
Where Used report 398
Generic overlay 357
testing 357
B0700BE – Rev F Index
Help 357
using 357
Hershey fonts 65, 66, 177, 294, 451
specifying 294
Hidden Object 339
restoring visibility of 339
Hiding 339
object 339
toolbars 352
History list 452
Horizontal center alignment 69
Horizontal movement 89
Increasing 300
size of a pipe 300
Installation notes 48
Invisible edge 293
Invoking 364
DEdit 364, 365
Keyboard 273
shortcuts 273
Known issues, moving files between platforms 356
Index B0700BE – Rev F
Labels 62
making unselectable 62
Lasso 56, 57
Layout 69
alignment 69
flipping 69
order 339
Layout operations 71
Letterbug 358, 359
retrieving from server 358
Library objects 9, 21, 452
creating new 278
linked to other library objects 22
linking 279
moving between Windows NT and Solaris 355
upgrading 412
Line 152, 283
creating 283
Line gaps
profile plot 44
Line Tool 152
Link Faceplate/Trend dialog box 178
Link from Library dialog box 178
Linked library objects 21
Linked symbols 22
Linking 279
bitmap 279
library object 279
library object into a display 323
object into a base display 327
single block trend to a display 310
standard faceplate to a display 279
trend to a display 280
X/Y plot 280
Links 262
unresolved 262
Links palettes 61
Local database 54, 87, 88
Logical operator 111
Marker 452
Marker files 10
Markers 13
location of 12
Markers, converting 416
Match Whole Find String option 382
Matching whole find string 400
B0700BE – Rev F Index
Menu 132
File 132
pop-up 158
Menu bar 132
Menu definition file 19
Menu items
adding 19
Menu tab 167
Menus 19
configuring 19
custom 19, 167
shortcut 167
Merging 303
conventions 303
Mode 78
Reference 78
Modifying 339
an object’s graphic attributes 16
dynamic elements 86, 87
one or more objects 339
Momentary contact 51
timed contacts 51
Momentary contact action 82
configuring 304
used with a relative pick 305
Momentary Contact dialog box 211
Momentary timed contacts 51
Object Manager variable 51
Mouse 273
shortcuts 273
Move action 80
Move dynamics 89
Move Horizontal dialog box 214
Move horizontal dynamic 89
Move horizontal/vertical action 83
Move Path dynamics 90
Move path percent dynamic 90
Move path point dynamic 91
Move Vertical dialog box 215
Move vertical dynamic 89
Movement 214
vertical 215
Moving 89, 343
an object 18
object 343
object horizontally or vertically 344
object points 343
object precisely 77
objects 68
point 340
Index B0700BE – Rev F
toolbar 352
Moving from Windows NT to Solaris 356
Moving objects 89
Multi Create Tool 152
Naming limitations 51
Object Manager variable 51
NAN values 44
Nested objects 329
New 132
New dialog box 159
New drop-down menu 147
NT 453
Number of states 452
Numeric format 100
Numeric text 115
creating an updating field 115
Numeric types 112
Numeric update field 115
creating 115
Numeric/Text conversion 112
Numeric/Text dialog box 194
Numeric/Text Entry dialog box 217
Object 296
animation 1
applying a convention 296
applying a dynamic 295
changing the focus 77
configuration 4, 75
configuring edge 293
configuring fill 293
configuring read file data for background text 301
configuring text 294
copying from a palette 349
creation 3
cutting 347
deleting 347
detectability 67
determining whether copied or linked 348
duplicating 347
edge 68
filled 66
flipping 69
focus 77
B0700BE – Rev F Index
Index B0700BE – Rev F
layout 71
library 21
modifying one or more 339
moving 89
ordering 339
rotating 64
selecting 273
setting default graphic attributes 16
spacing evenly 340
Obtaining 353
statistics for the display 353
Open 132
Open .g file 161
Open dialog box 161
Open display 166
command script 166
Open display action 81, 200, 207
Open Display dialog box 200, 207
Open drop-down menu 148
Open overlay action 81, 202
Open Overlay dialog box 202
Open Overlay More Attributes dialog box 204
Operator 78
actions 79
logical 111
Operator action 78, 200
adding 200
bit extensions for 104
configuring 304
connect variable 83
creating a horizontal move 307
display command 81
exposing 79
momentary contact 82
move 80
move horizontal/vertical 83
open display 81
open overlay 81
opening a display 200, 207
opening an overlay 202
relative pick 82, 210
Select 79, 80
set text contents 80, 82
Optimized update 452
Optional 98
Ordering 339
objects 339
Overlay 9, 277, 278
configuring 301
creating a generic overlay 291
B0700BE – Rev F Index
file types 10
opening 202
positioning 170
sticky 453
testing 357
Overlay display 452
Overlays 8
about 8
Overview 1
FoxDraw 1
Palette 452
browser utility 180
copying with the Palette Browser 351
creating 289, 292
enabling support of an external palette 350
how FoxDraw copies a palette 60
opening 349
selecting an object 349
tips for building 62
window 9
Palette Browser 439
copying a palette 351
Palette Browser dialog box 442
Palettes 10, 21, 58, 61
about 58
external 59
links palettes 61
location of 12
names in tree control 60
recognized by FoxDraw 59
resolution of objects 62
with red objects 61
Parameter 399
replacing 394, 399
Parameters 364
dedit 364
Parts list
setting up properties 393
object 348
pdf_fdf Utility 409
Pens 236, 237
Percent of full screen coordinates syntax 205
Pie arc 95
creating 283
Pie Tool 152
Pipe 299
Index B0700BE – Rev F
B0700BE – Rev F Index
Protecting 306
an action with a protection ID 306
Protection ID 306
protecting an action 306
Pulse 82
momentary contact 82
Pushbutton 116
creating a ramp 116
Radius dynamic 95
Ramp 305
used with a relative pick 305
Ramp action 83
Ramp dialog box 212
Ramp pushbutton 116
creating 116
Range 227, 237, 238
definitions 54
editing 254
entering 110
name 110
process name 110
selection 87
range 227
Range alias 96, 100, 181, 227
editing 396
replacing 401
Range aliases
exposing 100
resolving 100
Range data 87
retrieval 87
Ranges tab 387
Read file conversion 112
Read File dialog box 195
Recover 132
displays 355
Rectangle 285
creating 285
Rectangle Tool 152
Redo 354
Reference 346
Reference mode 64, 65, 78
Reference point 64, 342, 452
changing 342
setting 341
setting or checking 341
Reference points 91
Index B0700BE – Rev F
rotating on 96
Relative pick 119
creating 119
Relative pick action 82, 210
Relative Pick dialog box 210
Replacing 394
aliases 400
any text string 399
block name 394
compound name 394
parameter name 394
range alias 401
Reports 363
Complexity 366, 367
Connection 366
Exception 371
Where Used 372
Resetting 298
dynamic element 298
Resizing 352
toolbar 352
Resolve exposed properties 315
aliases 98
aliases in a library object 315
dynamics 84
graphic aliases 99
range aliases 100
text aliases 98
Restoring 339
visibility of a hidden object 339
Retains 264
Reversing 110
direction 110
Root group 203
Rotate dynamic 96
Rotate toolbar 155
object 345
objects 64
Rotating needle 115
creating 115
Rotation 110
reversing direction 110
Rotation commands 70
Same size commands 71
Save As dialog box 161
B0700BE – Rev F Index
Scalar % 91
Scale data 87
retrieval 87
Scale dynamics 91, 92
Scaling 95
arcs 95
circles 95
object 71, 346
sectors 95
shortcuts 275
Scan delay 453
Scan rate 165, 453
Screen 55
coordinates 55
Screen captures 274
Script 306
display 450
embedded 450
executing 306
Script tab 166
Scroll region object 286
creating 286
Sector 95, 285
creating 285
creating a three-point sector 285
scaling 95
Sector Tool 152
Select action 79, 80
Select Block Type dialog box 178
Select Convention File dialog box 258
Select Faceplate dialog box 178
Select Palette dialog box 179, 350
enabling external palette support 350
Select Tool 152
Selecting 76, 393
display files 393
object 76, 77
object from a palette 349
objects 273
undetectable object 339
retrieving address and letterbug 358
Set Default Attributes dialog box 175, 180
Edge tab 176
Fill tab 176
Text tab 177
Set Selection Attributes dialog box 175
Edge tab 176
Fill tab 176
Text tab 177
Index B0700BE – Rev F
B0700BE – Rev F Index
Table 104
bit state 104
dynamic attributes 86
dynamics 86
Tank 114
creating with fill level connection 114
T-Bar 117
creating 117
Template 287, 288, 453
Invensys/Foxboro supplied 52
sizes 52
using to create a new display 278
Templates 13
location of 12
Testing 357
generic overlay 357
Text 286
background 286
changing 117
changing based on a discrete state 256
configuring 294
copying to clipboard 63
creating 117
creating background text 286
display based on a state table 113
flipping 69
rotating 96
substitution 256
Text alias 79, 98, 99, 181, 185, 188, 189, 191, 194, 195, 199, 209, 210, 225
Index B0700BE – Rev F
Text aliases
exposing 98
resolving 98
Text color dynamic 95
Text contents attribute 112
Text contents dynamic 94
Text height dynamic 95
Text object 294
configuring 294
Text Replace tab 382
Text string
replacing 394, 399
Text Tool 152
Text types 112
Text update field 115
creating 115
Three-dimensional objects 443
Three-Point Sector 285
creating 285
Three-Point Sector Tool 152
Threshold conversion 111, 191
Threshold conversion example 119
Threshold State dialog box 191
Time 171
complexity index 171
necessary to call up a display 353
Tip of the Day 146, 158
Tips 62
building a palette 62
building displays 76
Toolbars 72, 147
about 147
commands 72
displaying 352
Draw 152
floating 156
hiding 352
moving or resizing 352
Rotate 155, 156
ToolTips 157
displaying 352
showing 352
viewing 157
Tree control 453
Trend 454
Trend Objects
changing the background color 446
Trend template 266
using a custom trend template 266
Trends 10, 21, 24, 181, 231, 236, 240, 241, 243, 253, 254
B0700BE – Rev F Index
about 24
access levels 25
area presentation 26
configuration 25, 241, 253
configuring 234, 246
configuring single block trend 310
custom trend template 266
group trend 30
linking a single block trend to a display 310
linking to a display 280
presentation 25
using bit extensions for connections 103
Trigger 112
connection 46, 112
variable 46
Undo 354, 355
Undo buffer 63
Unresolved links 262
Unresolved Links dialog box 262
User options 63
User Options dialog box 264
Dynamics tab 266
General tab 264
Monitor tab 268
Servers tab 267
User preferences 54, 63
User-built faceplate 309
complex objects in a display 334
library object configured with valve and pump specification
a useful library object 323
library object with aliases in a display 315
library object with optional configuration
library object with graphic attributes 327
Using spaces in match, find and replace strings 401
bdf_m1 416
fdf_i 417
fdf_version 412
fdf_wsmfdf 424
pdf_fdf 409
Validating 399
connections 399
Validation 393
Index B0700BE – Rev F
Where Used report 372
generating 398
Widescreen monitor conversion 2, 421
.fdf4_3 files 10
grid sizes 53
Width 94
edge 94
Window 1, 131, 376
DEdit 376, 377
FoxDraw 1, 131
World coordinate system 454
Writing 399
X/Y plots 31
about 31
configuring 310
linking to a display 280
Zoom commands 56
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