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Foxboro Evo™

Process Automation System

Software Utilities

*B0193JB* *M*


Rev M
December 12, 2014
Invensys, Foxboro, Foxboro Evo, and I/A Series are trademarks of Invensys Limited, its subsidiaries, and
All other brand names may be trademarks of their respective owners.

Copyright 1994-2014 Invensys Systems, Inc.

All rights reserved.

Invensys is now part of Schneider Electric.


Before using the Invensys Systems, Inc. supplied software supported by this documentation, you
should read and understand the following information concerning copyrighted software.
1. The license provisions in the software license for your system govern your obligations
and usage rights to the software described in this documentation. If any portion of
those license provisions is violated, Invensys Systems, Inc. will no longer provide you
with support services and assumes no further responsibilities for your system or its
2. All software issued by Invensys Systems, Inc. and copies of the software that you are
specifically permitted to make, are protected in accordance with Federal copyright
laws. It is illegal to make copies of any software media provided to you by
Invensys Systems, Inc. for any purpose other than those purposes mentioned in the
software license.
Tables...................................................................................................................................... v

Preface................................................................................................................................... vii
Document Conventions .......................................................................................................... vii
Revision Information ............................................................................................................. viii

1. Object Management Utilities ............................................................................................ 1

oma ........................................................................................................................................... 2
The oma Environment ......................................................................................................... 2
Identifying Objects .......................................................................................................... 2
Slot Numbers .................................................................................................................. 2
Data Types ...................................................................................................................... 3
Accessing Objects ................................................................................................................. 3
Command Summaries .......................................................................................................... 4
Examples .............................................................................................................................. 7
omcrt ........................................................................................................................................ 9
omdel ...................................................................................................................................... 10
omfnd ..................................................................................................................................... 11
omget ...................................................................................................................................... 12
omgetimp ................................................................................................................................ 12
omset ...................................................................................................................................... 13
omsetimp ................................................................................................................................ 14
omary50 .................................................................................................................................. 16
rsom ........................................................................................................................................ 19
som ......................................................................................................................................... 20

2. System Management Utilities.......................................................................................... 21

cpoint ...................................................................................................................................... 21
dbvu ........................................................................................................................................ 22
dbvu280 .................................................................................................................................. 24
dbvu270 .................................................................................................................................. 26
fist ........................................................................................................................................... 28
frev .......................................................................................................................................... 29
glof .......................................................................................................................................... 30
iaboot ...................................................................................................................................... 31

B0193JB – Rev M Contents

iaboot_upld ............................................................................................................................. 32
With I/A Series Software Pre-V8.x ..................................................................................... 32
With I/A Series Software V8.x or Later .............................................................................. 32
For Uploading Legacy (CP60 or Earlier) Station Image ................................................. 32
For Uploading FCP280/FCP270/ZCP270 Image ......................................................... 33

3. Miscellaneous Utilities..................................................................................................... 35
bpatch ..................................................................................................................................... 35
getpars ..................................................................................................................................... 35
sipc .......................................................................................................................................... 37
rsipc ........................................................................................................................................ 38

4. Legacy Historian Utilities................................................................................................ 39

cfgpts ...................................................................................................................................... 39
dmpcfg .................................................................................................................................... 39
dmpnam ................................................................................................................................. 41
dmpstat ................................................................................................................................... 42
hist_stat ................................................................................................................................... 42
hopchk .................................................................................................................................... 42
hopspy .................................................................................................................................... 43
hsv_spy ................................................................................................................................... 43
htest ........................................................................................................................................ 44
infospy .................................................................................................................................... 44
mdew1 .................................................................................................................................... 44
mytime .................................................................................................................................... 44
redinfo .................................................................................................................................... 44
samspy .................................................................................................................................... 45
tapespy .................................................................................................................................... 45
testhd ...................................................................................................................................... 46
Programs not Available on the AP50 Platform ........................................................................ 46

Appendix A. IPC Error Codes ............................................................................................. 47

Appendix B. Regular Expressions - Quick Reference Guide................................................. 51

Index .................................................................................................................................... 53

1-1. Absolute Slot Numbers ................................................................................................. 2
1-2. Data Type Specifications ............................................................................................... 3
1-3. Command Summaries ................................................................................................... 5
A-1. llc Error Codes ............................................................................................................ 47
A-2. Invensys Generated Error Codes ................................................................................. 48
A-3. Error Codes For User’s VENIX Library Interface ........................................................ 49
A-4. Error Codes For VENIX Signals ................................................................................. 49

B0193JB – Rev M Tables

The purpose of this document is to provide a top level overview of I/A Series® software utilities
supported on The Mesh and Nodebus network releases for I/A Series software for both the UNIX
and Windows® platforms. The command descriptions and command options are documented
only for the most recent version of each software utility. Certain software utilities were originally
developed on the Nodebus Unix and Windows NT platforms and later ported to The Mesh
Solaris™ and Windows XP® (and later) platforms with new commands and options added. This
document does not distinguish which software utilities and versions are supported on which plat-
Most of the software utilities are supported on all platforms and are located in
/opt/fox/bin/tools with a few exceptions, such as the bpatch utility, which is installed in
/usr/fox/disp_tools. Use the search facilities for your particular operating system (for exam-
ple, Windows Explorer or Solaris 10 File System Utility) to search for any software utility which is
not found in /opt/fox/bin/tools.

If the search results fail to locate a software utility, assume that the utility is not sup-
ported for your I/A Series system.

Command descriptions assume that you are an experienced UNIX or Windows user and familiar
with those aspects of the I/A Series system that these utilities affect. To access a utility, start a
UNIX terminal window or a Windows command prompt, go to the directory in which the tool
resides, and type the appropriate shell level command invocation.
This document organizes the utilities into chapters for these functional categories: Object Man-
agement, System Management, Miscellaneous, and Legacy Historian.

Application Processors (APs) with the Solaris™ operating system are not allowed on
The Mesh control network.

Document Conventions
This document uses the following conventions.
[parameter] optional parameters
as is verbatim text
<placeholder> user-supplied values

| alternative parameters
... repetition of a parameter

B0193JB – Rev M Preface

Revision Information
For this release of the document (B0193JB-M), the following changes were made:
Chapter 2 “System Management Utilities”
♦ Updated section “dbvu280” on page 24.

1. Object Management Utilities
This chapter covers software utilities that use the Object Manager (OM) API or internal
interfaces to access I/A Series Objects, which include OM Objects, Application Objects (AO),
and Control and I/O (CIO) Objects.
The utilities in this document can be used to work with object types including the following:
♦ OM objects - flat named objects of object type Alias, Process, Device, Variable, and
OM Socket.
♦ Application Objects (AOs) - hierarchical named objects of object type Variable in the
form of application:object.attribute.
♦ CIO objects - hierarchical named objects of object type Variable in the form of
Utilities that examine the OM databases and execute basic primitive operations are also included.
The table below lists the Object Management Utilities with a brief functional description.

Command Description
oma A menu-driven interface that provides user access to I/A Series objects in an
I/A Series environment. This interface appears when the oma command is issued at
the shell level.
omcrt Creates specified OM objects
omdel Deletes specified OM objects
omfnd Checks for the existence of specified I/A Series objects
omget Retrieves the value, status, and timestamps for a specified I/A Series object
omgetimp Provides the same functionality as the omget utility and also imports an I/A Series
object to eliminate multicast operations on future data access operations
omset Sets the value and/or status for a specified I/A Series object
omsetimp Provides the same functionality as the omset utility and also imports the I/A Series
object to eliminate multicast operations on future data access operations
omary50 Establishes a user interface identical to the Pulp and Paper industry tool omary
rsom Provides a user interface to examine the OM databases (for example, omopen lists,
address tables, etc.) in control stations
som Provides a user interface to examine the OM databases (for example, omopen lists,
address tables, etc.) in the local workstation

Command descriptions appear on the following pages. To see an online usage summary for each
of these commands, type the utility name with no parameters. The oma, rsom, and som utilities
contain online help. In addition, many of these utilities have an associated .man file on Unix sys-
tems that is also contained in the same directory as the software utility.

B0193JB – Rev M 1. Object Management Utilities

Application Objects and CIO Objects only support object type Variable.

The oma utility provides a menu-driven interface to I/A Series objects in an I/A Series environ-
ment. This interface appears when you issue the oma command at the shell level.
From the oma interface, you can issue a variety of directives that invoke OM API library func-
tions to inspect and manipulate I/A Series objects - for example, compound and block parameters
for CIO Objects. OM objects created by FoxView or Display Manager variables are also available
through the oma command.
Compound and Block parameters reside in a Control Processor. OM objects reside in I/A Series

The oma Environment

The oma environment provides four pages, each of which displays up to 30 object names. You
can add, delete, and modify objects. Pages are identified by number (0 to 3) and each has an asso-
ciated current file. To examine this file, type two question marks (??) while the page is visible. To
go to a page, type its number (0 through 3). To go to a page with the current file, type the number

Identifying Objects
When you add an object to the menu, you must provide a full pathname, a slot number and,
optionally, a data type. The pathname is converted to upper case and is added to the oma names
menu. You can use either the pathname or slot number to identify the object in subsequent oper-
Several commands let you create OM objects which will persist after you exit the oma

Slot Numbers
To create a slot number, use the add command (a or aa). A slot number identifies an object rela-
tive to the menu page that is current. You can also use absolute slot numbers with several com-
mands; these identify an object with reference to the beginning of the menu. An absolute slot
number identifies the menu page as shown in the following table.

Table 1-1. Absolute Slot Numbers

abs_slot_no page menu slot number

0-29 0 0-29
30-59 1 0-29
60-89 2 0-29
90-119 3 0-29

1. Object Management Utilities B0193JB – Rev M

For example, the command k, which removes a name from the menu, requires a slot number as a
parameter; thus, the sequence:
k 15
removes an object from slot 15 on page 1.
The command kk also removes a name from the menu, but operates on absolute slot numbers.
To remove the name in slot 15 on page 1, type:
kk 45

Data Types
When you assign a slot number, you can also specify a data type for the object. A data type speci-
fication is a single character from the following table.

Table 1-2. Data Type Specifications

Type Character Length Data Type

C 1 byte character
I 2 bytes integer
F 4 bytes float (default)
S n bytes string
B 1 byte Boolean
L 4 bytes long integer
T 1 byte short integer
P 2 bytes x 2 packed Boolean
M 4 bytes x 2 packed long
X 1 byte x 16 Boolean array of 16 elements
Y 4 bytes x 16 integer array of 16 elements
Z 4 bytes x 16 real array of 16 elements.

Accessing Objects
You can access objects via oma commands in three ways.
1. Via the OM GETVAL library function.
♦ Use the g command to get the value of a specific object. If the data type of the
retrieved object differs from the menu, oma corrects it internally. (Use d to update
the menu.)
♦ Use the b (bulk get) command to get the values for all objects listed on the menu.
♦ Use the j command to get the value and print it in hexadecimal and as a 32-bit
pattern. This command is used for the ALMSTA and BLKSTA parameters.

B0193JB – Rev M 1. Object Management Utilities

If retrieval is unsuccessful with the b command, oma displays a blinking -1.

♦ Use the v command to get the erh-key and open-id of every 16 bits in a speci-
fied volatile monitor table.
♦ Use the u command to get the active pattern for all 16 bits.
♦ Use the t command to get the trip pattern for all 16 pairs of 2-byte integers.
2. Via the OM SET_CONFIRM library function.
Use the s command to assign a value to an object.
For most data types, the value is decimal, hexadecimal, octal, real, character, or string.
For packed boolean and packed long, hexadecimal is assumed. If you do not provide a
value, oma uses the value retrieved with the last g command. The value must be com-
patible with the object’s data type. For example, you can assign a hexadecimal value
only to objects of data type INT, SHORT, or LONG.
3. Via the OM library functions, OMWRITE and OMREAD.
For read and write operations, you are responsible for opening and closing files as
appropriate. See the command summaries for the commands you need.
The value must be compatible with the object’s data type. For example, you can assign
a hexadecimal value only to objects type variable of data type INT, SHORT, or

Command Summaries
The following table summarizes all the oma commands. Commands can refer to three kinds of
files. The suffixes suggested for these are given below:
1. full path name files *.fpn
2. oma command files *.oma
Command files can contain comments. Use the character # to delimit comment text.
3. echo files *.ech
An echo file records your interaction with oma when the echo feature is turned on.
Parameter values are represented as follows:
<file name> file identifier
<slot> slot number (0 to 29)
<absolute slot> slot number (0 to 119)
<list_no> 0 to 3
<access> r (read), w (write), or b (both read and write)

<type> data type (upper or lower case letter identifying data type)
<value> the parameter value

1. Object Management Utilities B0193JB – Rev M

When using the ‘s’ and ‘ss’ commands to set a packed-boolean or a packed-long
parameter, the value should be a hexadecimal mask followed by a hexadecimal
value. When using the ‘@’ command to set up the set value for a packed-boolean or
a packed-long parameter, the value should be just a hexadecimal a value. An OM
write list can only include configurable input parameters, supervisory setpoint
parameters, or object type variable. Use ‘*’ as a placeholder when there is no inten-
tion to set the value.

<status>[ [~]a] [ [~]b] [[~]o]

a to turn on its ACK status bit
~a to turn off its ACK status bit
b to turn on its BAD status bit
~b to turn off its BAD status bit
o to turn on its OOS status bit
~o to turn off its OOS status bit
Omit any status bit that does not need to change.

The CP software, as part of the control algorithms, automatically clears the BAD
bit, the ERROR bit, and (conditionally) the OOS bit when setting a parameter
value without setting its status bits. Use a ‘\’ as a place holder when there is no
intention to set the status bits.

Table 1-3. Command Summaries

Command Action Syntax

a add object name a <slot> <fpn> [<type>]
4 add sequence-block name 4 <slot> <compound:block>
and parameters
5 add sequence-block name 5 <slot> <compound:block>
and parameters
k remove object name k <slot>
kk kk <absolute slot>
ka clear menu ka

B0193JB – Rev M 1. Object Management Utilities

Table 1-3. Command Summaries (Continued)

Command Action Syntax

r | rr read names from file r <file name>
rr <file name>
w | ww write names to file w <file name>
ww <file name>
: switch to the vi text editor to :
edit current file (for .fpn and
.command files)
n | nn read commands from n <file name>
a .command file nn <file name>
g get value g <slot|file name>
gg gg <absolute slot>
b bulk get b
j print 32 bits and hex j <slot>|<file name>
jj jj <absolute slot>
t get trip pattern t <slot>|<file name>
tt (for monitor TRIPAT) t <absolute slot>
u get case_act_patt u<slot>|<file name>
uu (for monitor ACTPAT) uu <absolute slot>
v set volatile monitor table v <slot>|<file name>
vv (for monitor VOLMON) vv <absolute slot>
s set confirm s <slot>|<file name>=[<value>[<status>]]
ss ss <absolute slot>=[<value>[<status>]]
m make a list (setup) m <list_no> <access> <slot> [{+ <slot>}]
i ignore list (free) i <list_no>
p print list p <list_no>
o open list o <list_no>
c close list c <list_no>
x read values of objects referred x <list_no>
to by slot numbers in list
! write values to objects ! <list_no>
@ set up list of values to write @<list_no><value1><status1>[<value2>
? inspect list of values ?<list_no>
+ create a shared variable + <slot>
++ ++ <absolute slot>
- delete a shared variable - <slot>
-- -- <absolute slot>
e open echo file e <file name>
f close echo file f <file name>
* establish repetition factor * <integer>

1. Object Management Utilities B0193JB – Rev M

Table 1-3. Command Summaries (Continued)

Command Action Syntax

y describe error y <error number>
z wait <integer> seconds z <integer>
h get online help for specified h <oma command> [<oma command>...]
hh get all online help hh
l escape to UNIX shell level l [UNIX command]
& view SEQUENCE source file & <slot>
q | qq quit oma | quit oma and shells q|qq
d redraw menu d
?? print file names for entire menu ??

1. Invoke oma with a file:
$oma tstcase1.fpn
2. Using files:
Add names to a menu.
a 1 comp12.on b
a 0 comp12:pid12.meas
a 19 comp12:mon12_1.II0001 L
a 3 just_a_name
Delete a name.
Write menu to a file.
w comp12.fpn
After you execute these commands, the file comp12.fpn contains the following lines:
a 0 comp12:pid12.meas F
a 3 just_a_name F
a 19 comp12:mon12_1.II00001 L
Read names from files.
r testcase1.fpn
r testcase13.fpn
The menu contains the names from testcase13.fpn.
Assuming COMP:AIN is in manual mode.
3. To set the parameter in slot 3 with value 30, ACK bit on, BAD bit off, and OOS bit
s 3 = 30 a~b~o

B0193JB – Rev M 1. Object Management Utilities

4. To set the packed-boolean parameter, COMP:AIN.INHALM, with mask 0x0103,

value 0x0102, BAD bit off:
s COMP:AIN.INHALM p = 0x0103 0x0102 ~b
5. To set the packed-boolean parameter, COMP:AIN.INHALM, with OOS bit off:
s COMP:AIN.INHALM p = * ~o
6. To set the packed-long parameter, COMP:AIN.INHALM, with mask 0xffffffff and
value 0x01020000:
s COMP:AIN.INHALM m = 0xffffffff 0x01020000
7. (m) to create a list (list #2) of three parameters for both (b) omread and omwrite,
(o) to open the list, and
(x) to perform the omread

Slot# Parameter Name Value Type

6 COMP:AIN.BAP I (2-byte integer)
8 COMP:AIN.INHALM P (2-byte packed-boolean)
10 COMP:AIN.KSCALE F (4- byte float)

m 2 b 6 + 8 + 10
o 2
x 2
8. (@) to set up the set values for the list of parameters
(?) to inspect the set values
(!) to perform omwrite

COMP:AIN.BAP with BAD bit off and OOS bit off

COMP:AIN.INHSTA with value 0x00ff
COMP:AIN.KSCALE with value 3.0

@ 2 * ~b~o 0x00ff | 3.0 |

? 2
! 2
9. (c) to close the list
(i) to delete the list

c 2
i 2

1. Object Management Utilities B0193JB – Rev M

Use omcrt to create one or more OM objects of any object type (for example, Variable) and asso-
ciated data types (for example, Float).
You can use omcrt in a System Start-up script to create OM objects at start-up. You can access
omcrt from a UNIX or Windows shell level command environment using the format and param-
eters given below. To create more than one object of the same object type and data type with a sin-
gle command, you can specify additional names on the command line.

OM objects of different object types can have the same name. For example, you
could create an OM process object named SYSMON and an OM variable object of
data type Float (float variable) named SYSMON.

omcrt [-adpvs] [-bcfils | -pb | -pl | -pn portnum] [-n length] name


-adpvs OM object type to create:

-a alias
-d device
-p process
-v variable (default if not data type of string)
-s OM socket
These objects are mutually exclusive.
-bcfils These options define the data type for object type variable (-v) and object
-pb type alias (-a) or the port number for object type OM socket (-s). For
-pl object type alias (-a), only data type string (-s) is allowed. For object type
-pn OM socket (-s), only data type portnum (-pn) is allowed. The data types
for object type variable (-v) are:
-b boolean
-c character
-f float
-i integer
-l long
-s string
-pb packed boolean
-pl packed long
The default type for variables is long (-l).

B0193JB – Rev M 1. Object Management Utilities

-n This option can be used to specify the length of an object with data type
string (-s). The default length for strings is 80. The minimum length is
one and the maximum 255.
<name> Name of one or more OM objects to be created.

You can only create multiple objects with a single invocation if the options are the same for all
objects. If you need different types, use omcrt repeatedly. The maximum number of objects that
can be created at one time is 30.
For more information, refer to the Object Manager Calls (B0193BC) document.
♦ Create a process name DEVMON: omcrt -p DEVMON
♦ Create an OM float variable name TANK1: omcrt -v -f TANK1
♦ Create 2 OM integer variables named INTEGER1 and INTEGER2:
omcrt -v -i INTEGER1 INTEGER2
♦ Create an OM alias named SYSPRINTER: omcrt -a SYSPRINTER

Use omdel to delete specified OM objects. To delete more than one object of the same object
type at a time, you must specify additional names on the command line. You can access omdel
from a UNIX or Windows shell level command environment using the format and parameters
given below.

omdel [-adpvs] <name> [<name>...]


-adpvs OM object type to delete:

-a alias
-d device
-p process
-v variable (default)
-s OM socket
The options are mutually exclusive.
<name> name of one or more OM objects to be deleted.

You can only perform multiple deletes on a single invocation if the OM objects are the same
object type. If you need to delete OM objects of different types, use omdel repeatedly. The maxi-
mum number of objects that can be deleted at one time is 30.
For more information, refer to the Object Manager Calls (B0193BC) document.

1. Object Management Utilities B0193JB – Rev M

♦ Delete a process name DEVMON: omdel -p DEVMON
♦ Delete an OM float variable name TANK1: omdel -v TANK1
♦ Delete 2 OM integer variables named INTEGER1 and INTEGER2:
♦ Delete an OM alias named SYSPRINTER: omdel -a SYSPRINTER

Use omfnd to determine if a specified I/A Series object exists on an I/A Series system. You can
access omfnd from a UNIX or Windows shell level command environment using the format and
parameters given below. The result of the search is written to standard output.

omfnd [-adpvs] <name>...}


-adpvs type of I/A Series object to find:

-a OM alias
-d OM device
-p OM process
-v OM, AO or CIO variable (default)
-s OM socket
The options are mutually exclusive.
<name> name of one or more I/A Series objects to be found.
To find more than one I/A Series object of the same type with a single command, specify addi-
tional <names> on the command line.

You can only determine the existence of multiple objects using a single invocation if all the objects
are the same type. If you need to determine the existence of different object types, use omfnd
repeatedly. The maximum number of objects that can be specified on the command line is 30.
For more information, refer to the Object Manager Calls (B0193BC) document.
♦ Find an OM process object name DEVMON: omfnd -p DEVMON
♦ Find an OM float variable name TANK1: omfnd -v TANK1
♦ Find a CIO object named RAMP:PID.OUT: omfnd -v RAMP:PID.OUT
♦ Find an Application Object named APP1:LEVEL.MEAS:
omfnd -v APP1:LEVEL.MEAS

B0193JB – Rev M 1. Object Management Utilities

Use omget to get the value, status and timestamp of one or more I/A Series objects and write
them to standard output. You can access omget from a UNIX or Windows shell level command
environment using the format and parameters given below.

omget [-av] [-x] {<name>...}


-av I/A Series object type to retrieve:

-a OM alias
-v OM, AO or CIO variable (default)

-x Retrieve timestamp
<name> name of one or more I/A Series objects to be retrieved.

You can only retrieve the values of objects of the same type with a single omget. If you need to
retrieve the values of different object types, use omget repeatedly. The maximum number of
objects that can be specified on a command line is 30.
For more information, refer to the Object Manager Calls (B0193BC) document.
♦ Get the value and status of an OM float variable name TANK1: omget -v TANK1
♦ Get the value, status, and timestamp of a CIO object named RAMP:PID.OUT:
omget -v -x RAMP:PID.OUT
♦ Get the value and status of an Application Object named APP1:LEVEL.MEAS:

The omgetimp command obtains the same information as the omget command, but omgetimp
automatically uses the OM Import Table to save the station address of the object which will elim-
inate future multicast messages. Use omgetimp for consecutive calls to the same OM object or for
consecutive calls to data with the same compound or application for CIO Objects and Applica-
tion Objects respectively. The initial omgetimp for an I/A Series object will use a multicast mes-
sage but all subsequent gets for the same I/A Series object will use the OM Import Table address
entry to perform a direct send message to the station that sources the data. You can access
omgetimp from a UNIX or Windows shell level command environment using the format and
parameters given below.

omgetimp [-av] [-x] {<name>...}

1. Object Management Utilities B0193JB – Rev M


-av I/A Series object type to retrieve:

-a OM alias
-v OM, AO or CIO variable (default)

-x Retrieve timestamp
<name> name of one or more I/A Series objects to be retrieved.

You can only retrieve the values of objects of the same type with a single omgetimp. If you need
to retrieve the values of different object types, use omgetimp repeatedly. The maximum number
of objects that can be specified on a command line is 30.
For more information, refer to the Object Manager Calls (B0193BC) document.
♦ Import and get the value and status of an OM float variable name TANK1:
omgetimp -v TANK1
♦ Import and get the value, status, and timestamp of a CIO object named
RAMP:PID.OUT: omgetimp -v -x RAMP:PID.OUT
♦ Import and get the value and status of an Application Object named

Use omset to set the value and/or status of one or more I/A Series objects. You can access omset
from a UNIX or Windows shell level command environment using the format and parameters
given below.

omset [-av] [-bcfils <value> -pb mask:hexval|-pl
mask:hexval] <name>


-av I/A Series object type to set:

-a OM alias
-v OM, AO or CIO variable (default)

-bcfils datatype of object(s) to be created.

-pb For OM object type alias (-a), only string (-s) is allowed. For OM, AO
and CIO object type variable (-v), the following types are allowed:
-b boolean
-c character
-f float
-i integer

B0193JB – Rev M 1. Object Management Utilities

-l long (default)
-s string
-pb packed boolean
-p packed long
When you set a string value, omset automatically adds surrounding single
quotes. To set a boolean (-b), supply T for TRUE and any other value for
For -pb and -pl, value defaults to hex.
<name> name of one or more I/A Series objects to be set
mask:hexval Used only in combination with types -pb and -pl, this parameter defines
the hex mask and hex value. If a mask value is not given the default value
is 0xffff for -pb and 0xffffffff for -pl.

You can only set objects of the same object type to the same value at a time. If you need different
types or different values, use omset repeatedly.
For more information, refer to the Object Manager Calls (B0193BC) document.
♦ Set the value of an OM float variable name TANK1 to 77.54:
omset -v -f 77.54 TANK1
♦ Set the value of an OM integer variable name INT12 to 1300:
omset -v -i 1300 INT12
♦ Set the value of a CIO float variable object named RAMP:PID.OUT to 56.43:
omset -f 56.43 RAMP:PID.OUT

The omsetimp command obtains the same information as the omset command, but omsetimp
automatically uses the OM Import Table to save the station address of the object which will elim-
inate future multicast messages. Use omsetimp for consecutive calls to the same OM object or for
consecutive calls to data with the same compound or application for CIO objects and AO objects
respectively. The initial omsetimp for an I/A Series object will use a multicast message but all
subsequent sets for the same I/A Series object will use the OM Import Table address entry to per-
form a direct send message to the station that sources the data. You can access omsetimp from a
UNIX or Windows shell level command environment using the format and parameters given

omsetimp [-av] [-bcfils <value> -pb mask:hexval|-pl
mask:hexval] <name>

1. Object Management Utilities B0193JB – Rev M


-av I/A Series object type:

-a OM alias
-v OM, AO or CIO variable (default)

-bcfils datatype of the I/A Series object(s) to be set.

-pb For the OM object type alias (-a), only string (-s) is allowed. For OM,
AO and CIO variable (-v), the following data types are allowed:
-b boolean
-c character
-f float
-i integer
-l long (default)
-s string
-pb packed boolean
-pl packed long
When you set a string value, omsetup automatically adds surrounding
single quotes. To set a boolean (-b), supply T for TRUE and any other
value for FALSE.
For -pb and -pl, value defaults to hex.
<name> name of one or more I/A Series objects to be set
mask:hexval Used only in combination with types -pb and -pl, this parameter defines
the hex mask and hex value. If a mask value is not given the default value
is 0xffff for -pb and 0xffffffff for -pl.

You can only set objects of the same type to the same value at a time. If you need different types or
different values, use omsetimp repeatedly.
For more information, refer to the Object Manager Calls (B0193BC) document.
♦ Import and set the value of an OM float variable name TANK1 to 77.54:
omsetimp -v -f 77.54 TANK1
♦ Import and set the value of an OM integer variable name INT12 to 1300:
omsetimp -v -i 1300 INT12
♦ Import and set the value of a CIO float variable object named RAMP:PID.OUT to
56.43: omsetimp -f 56.43 RAMP:PID.OUT

B0193JB – Rev M 1. Object Management Utilities

omary50 was designed as a tool to provide a user interface identical to the Pulp and Paper Indus-
try tool omary. omary50 provides the following additional functions:
♦ ability to delete OM data array(s)
♦ ability to get profile plot statistical data
♦ ability to get and set long, short, and byte data
♦ ability to use packed data as input for the set options
♦ a special set option (-newset) to create data arrays without timing out
♦ data arrays may be anywhere on the network (not limited to local station)
♦ ability to update the ARYNAME time (-update option)

omary50 ARYNAME [-p -get -{new}set -delete -stats [s e]
[skip] -size - time -update -help]


ARYNAME the Trigger Connection name (shared variable) or the OM Data Array
name without the 01 suffix.
-p pack/unpack flag
For -get: does not unpack OM short/byte data array.
For -[new]set: does not pack OM short/data array.
This option lets you create your own packed data array, set it to omary50,
and retrieve it without unpacking the data.
-get get ARYNAME data and send output to stdout.
The format of the stdout output is identical to the -set stdin input
-newset create new OM data array and an OM shared variable (long) to be used
for trigger connection and update time, and set the OM data array using
input from stdin. This option is identical to the -set option except that it
does not time-out on the data access.
-set same as -newset, but also creates the OM shared variables when it fails to
access the variables.
The data set is FDR’ed and is compatible with the WP30 Display Man-
The stdin input must have the following format:

1. Object Management Utilities B0193JB – Rev M


pt_float, pt_long, pt_short, pt_byte (default is
used for pt_short and pt_byte values to pack
the data (bias
used for pt_short and pt_byte values to pack
the data (multiply factor)
floating point format value (e.g., 565), or for
NANs, it should be the string NAN.

The number of plot points is calculated by the number of point values

defined (NANs included).
-delete delete the OM shared variables
-stats [s e] [skip] retrieves statistical data from the OM data array and outputs them
to stdout:
High scale - the high scale value
Low scale - the low scale value
High alarm - the high alarm value
Low alarm - the low alarm value
Maximum - the maximum value of samples
Minimum - the minimum value of samples
Average - the average value of samples
Variance - the variance of prime-sigma
prime-sigma - the prime-sigma (deviation of average)
2-prime-sigma - 2 x prime-sigma
skip pnts - the skip point option (if not 0)
start pnt# - the starting point # (1 based) if not 1

B0193JB – Rev M 1. Object Management Utilities

end pnt# - the last point used (1 based) if less than array size
total plot pnts - total number of plot points in OM data arrays
#plot pnts calc - number of plot points in calculation (NAN’s excluded
and points skipped excluded)

option [s e]:s==starting point number (1 based, default==1)

e==ending point number (1 based, default is last point)
[skip]skip points (0 based value, default==0 in sample)
For more detail about statistical data (including algorithms), refer to
REAL-TIME Process Control (author: Paul Badavas) Chapter 2.
-size outputs the number of plot points stored into the OM data array
-time outputs the last time the OM data has been updated (time retrieved from
ARYNAME variable).
-update updates ARYNAME variable with current time. This can be used to force
updates on Display Manager screens.

omary50 PAPER -newset < paper
Creates the necessary OM data arrays (PAPER01...PAPER<n>) and the OM long shared
variable PAPER to hold the last time the array is updated. The scale and point data is read
from the file paper.
omary50 PAPER -get
Gets the OM data array data and prints it to stdout.
omary50 PAPER -stats
Gets the statistical data of all the profile plot points stored in array
omary50 PAPER -stats 10 60
Gets the statistical data of point 10 through point 60, stored in array
omary50 PAPER -stats 1
Gets the statistical data of all points, skipping every other point (that is, points
omary50 PAPER -size
Gets the number of plot points stored in PAPER01...PAPER<n>.
omary50 PAPER -set < paper1
Updates data array scales and point values with data from file paper1.

1. Object Management Utilities B0193JB – Rev M

The rsom utility transfers control to a command environment in which you can view the Object
Manager subsystem databases in remote control stations. The rsom commands are for Foxboro®
diagnostic purposes and should be used only under the direction of Foxboro Field Service. You
can access rsom from a UNIX or Windows shell level command environment using the format
and parameters given below.

Available commands are given below. Note that an underlined character is a valid abbrevi-
ation for the command.

Command Argument Function

FILE ## File given screen
HELP or ? command Display help information
MORE command Display OM commands
MORE command Display more operational data
NEXT or Display next screen
QUIT Terminate session
SCR ## Display given screen
ADR Display OM address table
CONN Display OM Server connection table
DBID open id Display open list header
ID open id Display omopen table header
IMP Display import entries
LIST Display object directory entries
NADR open id Display network address table for optimized
OBJ object name Display object value record for object direc-
tory entry
OPDB Display local and remote open lists
OPDBX Display lists and xdata information
OPNL Display local lists for omopen table
OPVR open id Display list points for a specified open list
PQTBL Display OM Process Queue Table
SCAN Display OM Scanner database
SCONN Display OM Scanner connection table
XTBL Display xdata for local lists for omopen table

B0193JB – Rev M 1. Object Management Utilities

The som utility transfers control to a command environment in which you can view the Object
Manager subsystem databases for the workstation where som is executing. The som commands
are for Foxboro diagnostic purposes and should be used only under the direction of Foxboro Field
You can access som from a UNIX or Windows shell level command environment using the for-
mat and parameters given below.

Available commands are given below. Note that an underlined character is a valid
abbreviation for the command.

Command Argument Function

FILE ## File given screen
HELP or ? command Display help information
MORE command Display OM commands
MORE command Display more operational data
NEXT or Display next screen
QUIT Terminate session
SCR ## Display given screen
ADR Display OM address table
CONN Display OM Server connection table
DBID open id Display open list header
ID open id Display omopen table header
IMP Display import entries
LIST Display object directory entries
NADR open id Display network address table for optimized
OBJ object name Display object value record for object direc-
tory entry
OPDB Display local and remote open lists
OPDBX Display lists and xdata information
OPNL Display local lists for omopen table
OPVR open id Display list points for a specified open list
PQTBL Display OM Process Queue Table
SCAN Display OM Scanner database
SCONN Display OM Scanner connection table
XTBL Display xdata for local lists for omopen table

2. System Management Utilities
This chapter covers System Management utilities, which help locate I/A Series stations and
report on system monitors. They enable you to upload and reboot stations, check and report on
Control Databases, and execute global searches for selected objects.
System Management utilities provide the functionality to locate I/A Series stations and report on
system monitors. In addition, the utilities enable you to upload and reboot stations, check and
report on Control Databases, and execute global searches for selected objects. The table below
details command names and utility descriptions.

Command Name Description

cpoint checkpoint stations with Control databases
dbvu report on checkpoint status (CP60 and earlier CPs)
dbvu280 report on checkpoint status (FCP280)
dbvu270 report on checkpoint status (FCP270 or ZCP270)
fist locate stations on an I/A Series system
frev report on system monitors
glof global search for specified objects
iaboot reboot local station
iaboot_upld upload a station

Use cpoint to checkpoint stations that contain Control Databases. If successful, cpoint logs a Sys-
tem Monitor message printed on the System Alarm printer, indicating the status of the check-
point (“Checkpoint Success” or “Checkpoint Failed”).

Unlike the checkpoint facilities in System Management and the Integrated Control
Configurator, cpoint does not check whether the control database is being changed
while the checkpoint is performed.

To ensure useful results, space the checkpoints several minutes apart. If you invoke cpoint by
means of a script, add sleep 300 as a five-minute delay between checkpoints. This ensures that
the Integrated Control Configurator does not update the database you are checkpointing. Sched-
uling using cron is not recommended unless you can guarantee that the Integrated Control Con-
figurator does not update the database that you are checkpointing.
You can access cpoint from a UNIX or Windows shell level command environment using the for-
mat and parameters given below.

B0193JB – Rev M 2. System Management Utilities

cpoint <lbug> <host>

<lbug> - letterbug of the control station to checkpoint
<host> - AP host of the control station to checkpoint

If lbug is invalid and host is valid, cpoint does not log a System Monitor message.

dbvu is the CP60 or earlier (or GW, PW, or ACM) checkpoint file inspection tool.

For CP270 and later control processors, you must use “dbvu270” on page 26
instead of this command.

You can access dbvu from a UNIX or Windows shell level command environment.
The -t, -d, and -e options (in addition to the CP checkpoint file) require matching versions of the
CP map file and CP image file (same release, unpacked or uncompressed) to provide precise defi-
nitions of all control blocks and their parameters.
In the case of the Foxguard (ACM) checkpoint file, a special VRTX16 version of map and image
DBVUACM.map and DBVUACM (instead of the Motorola 68040/VRTX32 version of map
and image actually running in the station), are provided, solely for the usage of the dbvu -[tde]
For a large CP checkpoint file, the -t option requires a large amount of disk space for the output
file. You may choose to pipe the output to a user-written script to filter out what is needed from
the output.


dbvu [-spblru] -C<CP_checkpoint_file>

dbvu -t -C<CP_checkpoint_file> -M<CP_map_file> -I<CP_image_file>
[<compound_name> [<block_name>]]
dbvu -d -C<CP_checkpoint_file> -M<CP_map_file> -I<CP_image_file
dbvu -e -C<CP_checkpoint_file> -M<CP_map_file> -I<CP_image_file


-C<CP_checkpoint_file> CP checkpoint file name

-M<CP_map_file> CP map file name
-I<CP_image_file CP image file name

2. System Management Utilities B0193JB – Rev M

-s report on period-phase
-p report on compound-block-period-phase
-b report on blocks-with-bad-input-parameter-data-type
-l report on blocks-with-secured-linkage
-r report on blocks-with-remote-linkage
-u report on blocks-with-local-unresolved-linkage
-t report on compound-block-parameters (not available for CP270 or
later processors)
-e report on compound-block-errors (not available for CP270 or later
-d report on station-parameters relating to CP loading, alarm devices,
and supervisory control (not available for CP270 or later processors)
(no option) report on strings, linkages, periods, and phases when only
-C<CP_checkpoint_file> is present

Examples (CP270 or later CPs):

dbvu -CDBC32CP3.UC > /tmp/t
dbvu -spblru -CDBC32CP3.UC > /tmp/t

Examples (CPs Previous to CP270):

dbvu -CDBC32CP3.UC > /tmp/t
dbvu -spblru -CDBC32CP3.UC > /tmp/t
dbvu -t -CDBC42CP4.UC -MOS1C40.map -IOS1C40 C42CP4_STA
dbvu -t -CDBC32CP3.UC -MOS1C30.map -IOS1C30 > /tmp/t
dbvu -t -CDBTRICN1.UC -MDBVUACM.map -IDBVUACM > /tmp/t
dbvu -d -CDBC12CP1.UC -MOS1UC.mp2 -IOS1UC
dbvu -d -CDBC12DP1.UC -MOS1DCT.mp2 -IOS1DCT
dbvu -d -CDBC12TP1.UC -MOS1HTG.mp2 -IOS1HTG
dbvu -e -C/usr/fox/sp/files/DBPCAT00.UC -M/usr/preserve/vrtx.map -I/vrtx
(inspecting a PW checkpoint file on a PW platform)

For more information on using regular expressions such as those listed above, refer
to Appendix B “Regular Expressions - Quick Reference Guide” on page 51.

B0193JB – Rev M 2. System Management Utilities

dbvu280 is the FCP280 checkpoint file inspection tool. It provides the functionality that dbvu is
unable to support for the FCP280.

For the FCP270/ZCP270, use “dbvu270” on page 26 instead of this command.
For CP60 and earlier control processors, use “dbvu” on page 22 instead of this

You can access dbvu280 from a Windows command prompt environment only. After opening the
Windows command prompt, navigate to the folder D:\opt\fox\bin\tools prior to executing the

Format (FCP280):

dbvu280 [-spteblrudT] -L <CP LETTERBUG>

dbvu280 [-spteblrudT] -D <CP_checkpoint_file>

Spaces required for proper operation between all -L and -D options.

Both -L and -D options cannot be used together.


-L <CP LETTERBUG> FCP280 letterbug

-D <CP_checkpoint_file> FCP280 checkpoint file name

-s report on period-phase
-p report on compound-block-period-phase
-t report on all compound-block-parameters (also, see text below)
-e report on all compound-block-errors
-b report on blocks-with-bad-input-parameter-data-type
-l report on blocks-with-secured-linkage
-r report on blocks-with-remote-linkage
-u report on blocks-with-local-unresolved-linkage

2. System Management Utilities B0193JB – Rev M

-d report on station-parameters relating to FCP280 loading, alarm

devices, and supervisory control
-T print the string pool/table

Executing dbvu280 with no options [-spteblrudT] supplied results in the string
table and a linkage report being printed.

For example, select the FCP280’s default checkpoint files to examine by typing the following
dbvu280 -p -L A1CP81

Select an FCP280's checkpoint file which is different from the default by typing the following
dbvu280 -p -D D:\usr\fox\sp\files\BBA1CP81.UC

The above filename syntax assumes that the command is executed from the standard Windows
command prompt shell. If executed from within the NuTCRACKER shell (sh), then the file syn-
tax would be as follows: /usr/fox/sp/files/BBA1CP81.UC.

dbvu280 must be executed from D:\opt\fox\bin\tools.

Examples (FCP280):
Executing the following command will result in the printing of the string table and a linkage
report for the station name A1CP81.

dbvu280 -s -L A1CP81

When using the -t option, you may specify a regular expression to match blocks against.
Executing the following command will only print the station block parameters found in the file BBA1CP81.UC:

dbvu280 -tSTATION -D D:\usr\fox\sp\files\BBA1CP81.UC

If your regular expression becomes complex or includes spaces, it is recommended to enclose the
argument in quotes. For example, the following command will print the parameters for the sta-
tion block and any block or compound with ECB in its name:

dbvu280 -tSTATIONIECB -L A1CP81

It is also important that the regular expression follows the -t without any spaces in between. For
example, "dbvu280 -tSTATION" is good but "dbvu280 -t STATION" will result in undefined

B0193JB – Rev M 2. System Management Utilities

For more information on using regular expressions such as those listed above, refer
to Appendix B “Regular Expressions - Quick Reference Guide” on page 51.

dbvu270 is the FCP270/ZCP270 checkpoint file inspection tool. It provides the functionality
that dbvu is unable to support for the CP270s.

For the FCP280, use “dbvu280” on page 24 instead of this command.
For CP60 and earlier control processors, you must use “dbvu” on page 22 instead of
this command.

You can access dbvu270 from a Windows shell level command environment only. It is not sup-
ported from a NuTCRACKER shell, or in any Unix/Solaris/SPARC command environments.

MapOffsets.txt and BlockTypeMap.txt File Requirements

Before using dbvu270, you must create a MapOffsets.txt file which will contain the parameter
offsets - the byte offsets in the CP image file (OS1C70 or OS1Z70) where the block parameter
definitions are found - required by the inspection tool.
A script called mkblkma.sh, supplied with I/A Series software v8.6 or later, creates this file. This
script must be run from within a NuTCRACKER shell. It requires a map file for the current ver-
sion of the CP image and checkpoint file you are working with to generate the MapOffsets.txt
file. The available map files are shipped with I/A Series software and are in the directory
/usr/fox/sp/files, typically named FCP270.MAP and ZCP270.MAP.
The mkblkma.sh script will only produce a MapOffsets.txt file for one map file, and must be
run multiple times to create the appropriate MapOffsets.txt file for each map file. It is recom-
mended that you rename each MapOffsets.txt file to indicate its source map file and prevent
To execute the script and create a MapOffsets.txt file, proceed as follows:
1. Open a command prompt, such as Start -> Run..., type cmd and press <Enter>.
2. Type the following in the command prompt window:
D: and press <Enter>
ncenv and press <Enter>
sh and press <Enter>.
cd /opt/fox/bin/tools and press <Enter>.
3. Execute the mkblkma.sh script. Here is an example:
./mkblkma.sh /usr/fox/sp/files/FCP270.MAP
The MapOffsets.txt file is created in your current working directory, in this case,
D:\opt\fox\bin\tools. This file may be renamed so future executions of the script will not
overwrite existing files. For example, the file generated by the FCP270.MAP file can be renamed
to FCPMapOffsets.txt to indicate its source.

2. System Management Utilities B0193JB – Rev M

As well, to use dbvu270, the BlockTypeMap.txt file must be in the current working directory;
otherwise, dbvu270 will fail. The file defines the available block types for dbvu270. The Block-
TypeMap.txt file should never be edited.
When you have finished renaming the MapOffsets.txt file and confirmed the location of the
BlockTypeMap.txt file, dbvu270 can be used to examine checkpoint files.

Format (CP270s):

dbvu270 [-spteblrudT] -I<CP_image_file> -O<MapOffsets.txt_file>

-D<CP_checkpoint_file> [-F or -Z]

Spaces required for proper operation between all -I, -O and -D options.


-I<CP_image_file> CP image file name

-O<MapOffsets.txt_file> Name of the MapOffsets.txt file
-D<CP_checkpoint_file> CP checkpoint file name
-F1 Indicates FCP270 generated the checkpoint file
-Z1 Indicates ZCP270 generated the checkpoint file
It is required to specify either -F or -Z.

-s report on period-phase
-p report on compound-block-period-phase
-t report on all compound-block-parameters (also, see text below)
-e report on all compound-block-errors
-b report on blocks-with-bad-input-parameter-data-type
-l report on blocks-with-secured-linkage
-r report on blocks-with-remote-linkage
-u report on blocks-with-local-unresolved-linkage
-d report on station-parameters relating to CP loading, alarm devices,
and supervisory control
-T print the string pool/table

Example (CP270s):
dbvu270 -s -I D:\usr\fox\sp\files\OS1C70 -O FCPMapOffsets.txt -D D:\usr\fox\sp\files\DBA1FCP1.UC -F

Executing the command above will result in the printing of the string table and a linkage report.

B0193JB – Rev M 2. System Management Utilities

When using the -t option, you may specify a regular expression to match blocks against. For
example, executing the following command will only print the station block parameters:
dbvu270 -tSTATION -I D:\usr\fox\sp\files\OS1C70 -O FCPMapOffsets.txt -D D:\usr\fox\sp\files\DBA1FCP1.UC -F

If your regular expression becomes complex or includes spaces, it is recommended to enclose the
argument in quotes. For example, the following command will print the parameters for the sta-
tion block and any block or compound with ECB in its name:
dbvu270 “-tSTATION|ECB” -I D:\usr\fox\sp\files\OS1C70 -O FCPMapOffsets.txt -D D:\usr\fox\sp\files\DBA1FCP1.UC -F

It is also important that the regular expression follows the -t without any spaces in between. For
example, “dbvu270 -tSTATION” is good but “dbvu270 -t STATION” will result in undefined

For more information on using regular expressions such as those listed above, refer
to Appendix B “Regular Expressions - Quick Reference Guide” on page 51.

Use fist to locate stations on an I/A Series network (I/A Series Nodebus, I/A Series control net-
work or The Mesh control network). For each station you specify on the command line, fist
prints an identifier and a MAC (ethernet) address. The identifier is a composite, consisting of the
following sub-identifiers:
♦ site identifier
♦ LAN identifier
♦ nodebus identifier
If fist cannot find a station or discovers any other error, it issues a report identifying the error by
number. You can access fist from a UNIX or Windows shell level command environment using
the format and parameters given below.

fist <station_letterbug>[<station_letterbug>...]

<station_letterbug> the letterbug of a station.

2. System Management Utilities B0193JB – Rev M

The fist utility produces a listing with the station identifier, address, and error
description in tabular form, as shown below:

Network Site
Station Identifier Address (hex) Error Description
CP0001 I000102 00006CC00106
CP0004 I000103 00006CC0011A
YYYYYY Not found (-1)

Use frev to find the firmware revision number of every station and every ECB with an EEPROM
from all system monitors. The frev output reports the time and date at which you execute the
utility, the workstation on which you execute it, system monitor names, system monitor host
workstation or PWs, and a table of data about each station.

To execute frev, you must have a workstation that is configured to support a system

Since frev places a heavy load on the workstation, run it only when the system can tolerate the
additional load.


<SYSTEM_MONITOR_DOMAIN> uppercase name of a System Monitor

For each station, frev outputs the following information:
♦ station letterbug
♦ L1 ECB name
♦ L2 ECB name
♦ fault tolerant flag
♦ revision number for primary
♦ revision number for shadow
♦ status
The following is an excerpt of a frev report:
EEPROM Revision number report:
Thu Nov 19 11:48:21 1992
run on SUNW66

B0193JB – Rev M 2. System Management Utilities

Station L1 ECB L2 ECB FT Primary Shadow Status
AP100B 2.14
CM100B 2.18
UCE001 10.11

Notice the following reporting conventions:

♦ Station names appear in alphabetical order within each system monitor domain.
♦ If a level 1 ECB has any level 2 ECBs (as do intelligent field devices), the level 2
ECBs appear in the column labeled ECB2.
♦ For fault tolerant stations, the FT field contains an FT indication; otherwise it is
♦ The firmware revision number appears in the column labeled Primary. For fault
tolerant stations, this column contains the firmware revision number of the pri-
mary module.
♦ The Shadow column contains the firmware revision number of the shadow mod-
ule of a fault tolerant station. This field is blank for stations that are not fault tol-
♦ The status field is blank except in case of an error, in which case, it contains an
error indication.

If frev cannot find a system monitor, it prints the message “not found” next to the
system monitor’s name at the top of its table. It still prints the level one and level
two ECB information and lists all the system monitor’s stations along with their
fault tolerant information. The primary and shadow field remains blank.

Files needed by frev:
Error codes are contained in:
For I/A Series software v8.x or later (which do not include ipc.h), these error
codes are listed in Appendix A “IPC Error Codes” on page 47.

Use glof to find the MAC address of the station containing an I/A Series object. The output con-
tains the Object Manager completion code and the PSAP address of the station. You can access
glof from a UNIX or Windows shell level command environment using the format and parame-
ters given below.

2. System Management Utilities B0193JB – Rev M

glof [option]<object>[<object>...]

[option] If not supplied, the <object> is interpreted as a letterbug. Option may also
-a OM alias
-p OM process
-v OM, AO or CIO variable
<object> Object to be found.

Output from glof gives the PSAP address of the station using 26 hex bytes in the
following order: two bytes for ssap_id, two bytes for tsap_id, two bytes for
nsap_len, and 20 bytes for NSAP address.
The NSAP address contains, in order, one byte for alternate format indicator
(AFI), two bytes for site id, two bytes for LAN id, two bytes for node id, and six
bytes of station id (MAC address). The last seven bytes are unused.
The Object Manager completion code for a successful find is 0; for a name not
found, the code is -1.
Error codes for glof are located in /usr/include/fox/om_ecode.h.

glof does not work properly on an AP51.

The iaboot utility is used to reboot stations. You can access iaboot from a UNIX or
Windows shell level command environment using the format and parameters given

iaboot <letterbug>

<letterbug> Letterbug of station to reboot

The only explicit output from iaboot is caused by an IPC error.
Error codes are in /usr/include/fox/ipc.h
For I/A Series systems v8.x or later (which do not include ipc.h), these error
codes are listed in Appendix A “IPC Error Codes” on page 47.

B0193JB – Rev M 2. System Management Utilities

iaboot cannot be used in conjunction with an ACM while it is running redundant.
If there is an iaboot while running ACM redundant, only the Primary is rebooted.

The iaboot_upld utility has different behaviors, depending on whether it is used with I/A Series
software earlier than v8.x, or with I/A Series software v8.x or later.

With I/A Series Software Pre-V8.x

Use iaboot_upld to upload a station. The station goes off line during upload processing and then
automatically reboots. You can access iaboot_upld from a UNIX or Windows shell level com-
mand environment using the format and parameters given below.

iaboot_upld <station>

<station> Letterbug of station to upload.

When iaboot_upld fails to communicate to the host via IPC, the following mes-
sages display. The results of the upload are logged to the system printer with either
of the following two messages.
“Equipment failed”
“Memory Dump Successful;. File name =...” or “Memory Dump Failed. File
name =...”
Memory dumps are located in /usr/fox/sysmgm/softmgr/dump directory.
IPC error codes are in /usr/include/fox/ipc.h.
For I/A Series systems v8.x or later (which do not include ipc.h), these error codes are listed in
Appendix A “IPC Error Codes” on page 47.

With I/A Series Software V8.x or Later

The use of the iaboot_upld utility with I/A Series software v8.x or later varies, depending on
whether it is uploading an FCP280, FCP270, or ZCP270, or legacy station image.

For Uploading Legacy (CP60 or Earlier) Station Image

You can use iaboot_upld to upload a legacy station (CP60 or earlier) hosted by a workstation
with I/A Series software v8.2 or later over the ATS. The station goes off line during upload pro-
cessing and then automatically reboots. You can access iaboot_upld from a UNIX or Windows
shell level command environment using the format and parameters given below.

2. System Management Utilities B0193JB – Rev M

iaboot_upld <station> U

<station> Letterbug of station to upload.
U Upload dump image from single/primary module.

When iaboot_upld fails to communicate to the host via IPC, the following mes-
sages display. The results of the upload are logged to the system printer with either
of the following two messages.
“Equipment failed”
“Memory Dump Successful;. File name =...” or “Memory Dump Failed. File
name =...”
Memory dumps are located in /usr/fox/sysmgm/softmgr/dump directory.
IPC error codes are in /usr/include/fox/ipc.h.
For I/A Series software v8.x or later (which do not include ipc.h), these error codes are listed in
Appendix A “IPC Error Codes” on page 47.

For Uploading FCP280/FCP270/ZCP270 Image

To use the iaboot_upld utility to upload an FCP280, FCP270, or ZCP270 image, refer to the
section “Memory Dumps” in the following documents, depending on the Control Processor you
are using:
♦ Field Control Processor 280 (FCP280) User’s Guide (B0700FW)
♦ Z-Module Control Processor 270 (ZCP270) User’s Guide (B0700AN)
♦ Field Control Processor 270 (FCP270) User’s Guide (B0700AR)

B0193JB – Rev M 2. System Management Utilities

3. Miscellaneous Utilities
This chapter describes bpatch, getpars, sipc, and other miscellaneous utilities available in the
software utilities associated with the UNIX and Windows workstation operating environments.

Use bpatch to view and modify binary files.

Before using bpatch make a backup copy of the file.

When you issue a bpatch command at the shell level, control is transferred to a command envi-
ronment. The command environment displays file contents and a command line on which you
issue directives. If you are using a Wyse terminal that is directly connected to the 50 Series, you
must use the following keys to move through the file:
control-h move left
control-j move down
control-k move up
control-l move right
To use the backspace key to end an edit, make sure that your terminal is set with the backspace
key as DEL/CAN (using VT100 setup).
To access online help for bpatch, type ? on the command line. You can access bpatch from a
UNIX or Windows shell level command environment using the format and parameters given

bpatch <filename>
a = asci
h = hexadecimal

Use getpars to collect information about compound variables from a control station. You can
access getpars from a UNIX or Windows shell level command environment using the format
and parameters given below.

getpars [options.]

B0193JB – Rev M 3. Miscellaneous Utilities


-U<CP letterbug wildcard filter>

If -U is not supplied, the default is *.
-u<CP letterbug> name of CP letterbug to be added to the list. A maximum of 40 -u options
can be specified.
-C<compound_name wildcard filter>>
If -C is not specified, the default is *.
-p <compound parameter name>:<print format>

special parameter names:

CP for ZCP letterbug
format specifiers:
[-]n.m[f|g|e] float
[-]n[.m]s string
[-] [0]c character
[-] [0]n[1]x hexadecimal
[-] [0]n[1]o octal
[-] [0]n[1]d decimal
[1] is for 4-byte integer (e.g., ALMSTA, BLKSTA)
<value>?, <value>*, or NA is displayed if the parameter is out of service,
bad, or not applicable to the compound or block, respectively.
A maximum of 20 -p options may be specified.

-B <block name wildcard filter>

If -B is not specified, the default is *.
-t <block type name>

-m <block parameter name> :print format>

You can use the special parameter names:
CP for CP letterbug
CMPNM for compound name

For print format specifiers, see -p, above.

A maximum of 40 -m options can be specified.
-n If -n is not specified, one header is printed per new CP in a compound
report and one header per new compound in a block report. You can print
CP and CMPNM per output line to facilitate further ASCII data process-
ing on the output file by other UNIX tools, such as grep and awk.
If -n is specified, one parameter header is printed at the start. You can
print CP and CMPNM per output line to facilitate further ASCII data
processing upon the output file (i.e., grep and awk).

3. Miscellaneous Utilities B0193JB – Rev M

-f<option filename>
Each line in the file has the following:
<option character without leading '-'>
<space or tab> <option string>
<space or tab> <format string without leading ':'> (p,m only)
An f or h option is ignored in an option file.
-h Print help information.

The sipc utility transfers control to a command environment. You can view the Invensys Foxboro
Inter-Process Communication (IPC) subsystem software database on the workstation where sipc
is executing.

Use the sipc utility only under the direction of Foxboro Field Service.

You can access sipc from a UNIX or Windows shell level command environment using the for-
mat and parameters given below.

Available commands are listed below. Notice that an underlined character is a valid abbreviation.

Command Argument Function

FILE ## File given screen
HELP or ? command Display help information
MORE command Display more operational data
NEXT or NXT Display next screen
PREV or PRV Display previous screen
QUIT Terminate session
SCR ## Display given screen
CDT name Display CDT_PRT entry
DT name Display DT_PRT entry
EVENT or EVN name Display EVN entry
LIST or LST CDT/DT Display CDT/DT names
TABLE or TAB command Display a table
USAGE or USG Display table usage
BYTE command Changes display mode to
WORD command Changes display mode to

B0193JB – Rev M 3. Miscellaneous Utilities

The rsipc utility transfers control to a command environment. You can view the Foxboro Inter-
Process Communication (IPC) subsystem software database on a remote control station.

Use the rsipc utility only under the direction of Foxboro Field Service.

You can access rsipc from a UNIX or Windows shell level command environment using the for-
mat and parameters given below.

Available commands are listed below. Notice that an underlined character is a valid abbreviation.

Command Argument Function

FILE ## File given screen
HELP or ? command Display help information
MORE command Display more operational data
NEXT or NXT Display next screen
PREV or PRV Display previous screen
QUIT Terminate session
SCR ## Display given screen
CDT name Display CDT_PRT entry
DT name Display DT_PRT entry
EVENT or EVN name Display EVN entry
LIST or LST CDT/DT Display CDT/DT names
TABLE or TAB command Display a table
USAGE or USG Display table usage
BYTE command Changes display mode to
WORD command Changes display mode to
ASM command Disassemble instructions
address (hex)
OSMAP command Display OS memory layout
XAM command Displays requested Station memory
address (hex)

4. Legacy Historian Utilities
This chapter covers the legacy historian utilities and unavailable programs on the AP50
These utilities are for use in an I/A Series system with pre-V8.x software. The AIM*Historian is
available for V8.x or later software versions, discussed in the AIM*Historian User's Guide
(B0193YL) document.

Use cfgpts to extract the configuration of collection points from an existing database into a pure
ASCII file. You can also take pure ASCII input and place it into a database. This tool is handy for
bulk configuration and configuration backup. Refer to the instructions in the document cfg-

dmpcfg lists parts of a Historian configuration in readable format. It must be called with one or
more of the option letters not separated by spaces.
Usage: dmpcfg [c] [p] [r] [o] [m] [g]


c List collection points (data from “all_points” and “tnd_memb”).

Pkey Unique point number, never reused.
Point Name Alphabetically sorted. For display reasons, the point names are truncated
to 30 characters.
Description The point description is truncated to 15 characters. If the description is
longer than 15 characters, an exclamation mark is printed after it.
Delta Dead Band.
Indx Index into _tdata and SAM file number (1-500_).
Rate Sample Rate.
nm New_member flag.
ext Number of records configured for extended sampling.

B0193JB – Rev M 4. Legacy Historian Utilities

If the point has no entry in tnd_member (such as when there is a deleted collection
point, or a point is mistakenly configured as a reduction member only) the text
“Not a collection point” replaces the data from tnd_memb.


p Implies option (c). In addition, one line is printed for each group to which
the point is a member.
Description See above
Dit Not used, always 1.0
Owner Group Owner group name, reduction or sample archive group.


r List reduction group configuration data.

Group Name Reduction Group name.
U Usage flag, 2 = multiple.
C Configuration Status.
S.Per Sample Period.
R.Per Reduction Period.
RSpan Data Retention Span.
(RPP) Number of Records per point, RPP = RSpan/R.PER + 1.
DeLay Phase delay.
MSpan Minimum input scan required to produce OK data.
ISpan Input Span, used for cascade groups only. Normally same as Reduction
VB Size of buffers for intermediate values.


o Implies option (r). In addition, all operations defined for the group are
Operations Operation Type and Operation Name.
Source Source operation name, for cascade groups only.
L0_Lim Histogram Low Limit.

4. Legacy Historian Utilities B0193JB – Rev M

Hi_Lim Histogram High Limit, not used for other operations.


g Implies option (r). In addition, all member groups of cascaded reduction

groups are listed.
Member Group Member Group name.
(Span) Not used, always 15m.


m Implies option (r). In addition, all member points of non-cascaded reduc-

tion groups are listed.
Member Points Unique Point number, (not the _tdata index!), and the point name.
Description Point description, truncated at 15 characters, with a warning exclamation
mark for longer descriptions.

The greatest verbosity is obtained with all options or “dmpcfg pogm”. It is useful to
list reduction groups with these options sets: “dmpcfg r” and “dmpcfg ogm”.

dmpnam reads all records from both “_mdata” and “_tdir”, and normally prints the entire con-
tents of the _mdata records including the following:
♦ Point name
♦ Point description (truncated after the first 15 characters)
♦ Change delta
♦ Status word
♦ Point number (= index) = SAM file number
♦ Sample collection rate
♦ New-member flag
♦ Maximum number of data records in the SAM file (100 sample records)
A warning is printed with each record, if:
♦ The name in _tdir does not match the name in _mdata
♦ The _mdata entry id missing for an existing _tdir entry
♦ The _tdir entry is missing for an existing _mdata entry

B0193JB – Rev M 4. Legacy Historian Utilities

The new 50 Series version of “dmpstat” analyses the entire SAM files and shared memory. The old
version only checked the samples in _tdata. This program prints an overview of the SAM file
and/or shared memory contents. For each point with a non-zero point ID, it prints the following:
# = the point index (0-histsize)
N = the number of samples with a non-zero time stamp
Span = the time span between the oldest and most recent samples
TSLU = the Time Since Last Update (relative to the current system time)
ID = the point name
Min = the minimum sample value found in the record
Max = the maximum sample value found in the record
RAOSBCT = the individual fields in the sample status words (an ‘x’ is printed if the
status field is not the same for all samples)

hist_stat reports several useful things about the local AP50 Historian including the following:
♦ The configured name of the local Historian
♦ The configured size of the local Historian
♦ The required size of the virtual shared memory
♦ The directory path of the sample data files (SAM files)
♦ A detailed status report of the Historian’s shared memory segment, including its key
number, segment ID, virtual address, and items returned by shcmctl()
♦ The open-points list identifiers returned by omopen() calls
♦ The values of the shared status variables for sampling, reduction, archiving, and mes-
sage collection
♦ Active Historians on the network that responds to a “dbname” IPC broadcast

hopchk performs an omread() on all OM list that were last opened by the Historian. It prints a
summary of the number of points that have an OM status of zero or 0x80. A zero status indicates
that the point is not scanned by the OM. This is typical for deleted points that were not replaced
by others. A status of 0x80 occurs when the omread() has not modified the local buffer. This is
typical of closed lists, for example, when the Historian is OFF.
The report for each OM list is subdivided into groups of 23 points. This is the way that the con-
nect messages get sent to start-up. An entire block of 23 points with a 0 status may indicate
unsuccessful omopen() at start-up. This condition has been seen with overloaded CPs especially

4. Legacy Historian Utilities B0193JB – Rev M

hopspy prints the OM open points list IDs by the Historians. It then prompts for one of the IDs
and prints the current value of the 50 points on the list.
The OM IDs are obtained from the file “_listid”, and the actual samples are received with an
omread() call. The most common return codes from omread() are as follows:
0 = OK
-4 = list not open (e.g. Historian is OFF)
-5 = list only partially configured (typically the last list or any list with a
deleted point)

hsv_spy prints the current value of the “Historian Statistical Variables” (HSV) at twenty second
intervals. Use ‘Ctrl-C’ to stop this function.
The HSV is a set of six shared variables that are created in hist_init as part of the reboot sequence.
Their names are: H1_<dbname> through <dbname>, where <dbname> is the historian name
in all upper case. Like other I/A shared variables, the HSV can be trended or collected by a Histo-

Do not use these shared variables for plant management or other business purposes.
They are intended for software development and performance testing. Their usage
may be changed without notice at any time in the future.

Current usage of the Historian Statistical Variables is as follows:

H1_<dbname> Number of samples received form the OM dqchange() call. Standardized
to “samples per minute”.
H2_<dbname> Highest number of samples received from dqchange() during any 2-sec-
ond scan cycle in the last twenty seconds.
H3_<dbname> Number of SAM file updates performed. Standardized to “updates per
H4_<dbname> Highest number of SAM files updates performed during any 2-second
scan cycle in the last twenty seconds.
H5_<dbname> Elapsed time spent in the sampling_ctl process collecting samples. Stan-
dardized to “ticks per minute”. One tick equals 1/60 of a second. Derived
from the return code of the times() function.
H6_<dbname> Longest duration (elapsed time in ticks) of any one scan of sampling_ctl in
the last twenty seconds. Derived from the return code of the times() func-

B0193JB – Rev M 4. Legacy Historian Utilities

Use htest to test most of the Historian Library functions in libhist.a. The functions are described
in the Historian document. htest prompts for the Historian name, the function and the function
arguments. It calls the function and prints the results.

This program prints the contents of the agrou.info file, which is a list of SAM files in an archive
database that was generated by an extended sample archive group. The SAM file number, the
point name, and the oldest and most recent time stamps are printed for each record.
The current working directory must be that archive directory.
For example “/opt/fox/hstorian/archive/htlrg2a22f.dbs”.

Use this utility as an alternate method of entering MDE data from a terminal or from an ASCII

This utility converts a UNIX style (long int) time value to ASCII.
Usage: for example: mytime 759450000.

Use redinfo to examine the Historian shared variables and to send GET_STAT messages to
reduction_ctl. You must run this utility on a local AP, as it picks up the database name from
redinfo first prints the value of the Historian control variables. Note that get_val times out at
about ten seconds on a non-existent variable. Thereafter it prompts for a reduction group name
(type -1 to quit). The internal status block for that group is retrieved and printed, including some
unused variable.

.stat = Request status, 0 = ok, -32 = ENOT_DEF = group does not exist
gstat.state = Reduction group status, e.g. 3 = SCHEDULED
gstat.schd_tim = Time of next collection for a non cascaded group.
Time of next reduction for cascaded group.
gstat.period = Reduction period in seconds
gstat.delay = Phase delay

4. Legacy Historian Utilities B0193JB – Rev M

Use samspy to examine sample data in the local AP50 database. The data is read from shared
memory, current SAM files, and archived or played-back SAM files. The data is displayed one
screen at a time. samspy can also find the point number for a given point name or match partial
point names with names in _tdir (see UNIX function strstr(3)). The 50 Series version of samspy
is not sensitive to the current working directory.
The prompts are intuitive. They show possible answers in (parenthesis), and the current default
answers in [brackets].
♦ Pressing RETURN selects the default
♦ Pressing + steps to the next number
♦ Pressing - or _ steps to the previous number
For data interpretation, refer to SDS 5010.

Use tapespy to display the contents of a Historian archive tape in selectable detail. If run without
arguments, you are prompted to specify the level of detail desired in the output. A prompt
requesting that you press RETURN displays for each new page of output.
Alternately the verbosity level may be defined as a command line argument. In this mode, all
prompts are omitted. This is useful when the output is redirected to a file.
Usage: tapespy [-C]
where ‘C’ may be one of the option letters:
a Print only one line per archive containing:
- a sequential archive number
- the letter <s> or <r> to indicate sample or reduction type archive
- the archive database name
- the time and date the archive was backed up on tape
- the size of the archive in blocks
- the accumulated size of the archives “sum=...”

h Print each archive header in more detail

f Print the size and name of each individual file in the archives
d Print the return code of each I/O call (debug mode).

B0193JB – Rev M 4. Legacy Historian Utilities

In the output, I/O messages start with “==>”, and the debug messages with the I/O
function return code start with “ -- ”.
All sizes are in blocks. The block size is printed near the beginning of the output
The size of the directory file “.sizes” (size_size) is not included in the archive size
(arch_size), but both are included in the accumulated archive size “sum=..”.
The condition “==> tape I/O error, read()=-1, error=5.” is typically used to detect
the end of data on the tape, but can also indicate other problems. On recycled tapes,
end of data is typically indicated by a missing banner and reported as: “Stale data
found, end of Historian archives.”

Use testhd to simulate data retrieval functions. The communication between Historians can be
verified as well as the proper operation of the data collection processes of a remote or local Histo-
Guided by prompts, you can build data retrieval request messages and send them to hs_fetch or
hr_fetch of any Historian on the network. The contents of the response messages are printed on
the terminal.
Source level knowledge is required to build and interpret the messages.

Programs not Available on the AP50 Platform

dmpidx Replaced by samspy
dmpstat Not ported yet to Historian 50
dmpten Replaced by samspy
watchdog Considered obsolete on both platforms

Appendix A. IPC Error Codes
This appendix lists the IPC error codes formerly held in the obsolete ipc.h file.
The following tables provide the IPC error codes for any of the packages which once included
/usr/include/fox/ipc.h (which is found only in I/A Series systems with software with
revisions earlier than v8.x).

Symbolic references for IPC error codes error codes up to -999 are reserved for
GM-MAP standard error codes. Error codes less than -999 are Invensys generated.

Table A-1. llc Error Codes

Error Variable Value Definition

E_INV_CHAN -1 invalid channel id
E_NO_ACT -2 no c_activate
E_NO_CHANS -3 no channels available
E_TIME_OUT -4 time out
E_MAX_SIZE -5 maximum buffer size exceeded
E_NO_SERV -7 service not available
E_INV_ACT -9 no such action ever happened before
E_INV_NAM -11 bad station or process name
E_NOT_REG -12 process not registered
E_INV_UE -13 UE name not known
E_DISCON -15 “disconnect” command has been issued
E_ILL_EFN -16 invalid event flag number
E_TWO_DIS -18 second disconnect
E_DISC_IND -19 disconnect received
E_MULT_RCV -20 second receive call outstanding
E_ANS_OUT -21 second answer call on same channel
E_NOT_CHK -22 didn't check last operation
E_NO_DEST -23 connect destination not found
E_UE_DEST -24 destination UE does not exist
E_UE_UNACK -27 UE name unacceptable
E_ANS_ABORT -28 answer aborted
E_ABORT_CON -29 abortion of connect request
E_ILL_EOM -30 EOM out of range
E_ILL_ACT -31 invalid action

B0193JB – Rev M Appendix A. IPC Error Codes

Table A-1. llc Error Codes (Continued)

Error Variable Value Definition

E_MULT_ACT -40 second c_activate
E_ILL_MASK -41 invalid mask

Table A-2. Invensys Generated Error Codes

Error Variable Value Definition

IN_PROGRESS 0 in progress
FOUND 1 object found
CALL_COMPLETE 1 call has been successful
NOT_FOUND -1 object not found
CHAN_PENDING -1 operation is pending
E_UE_EXISTS -1000 UE exists
E_INV_BUFPTR -1001 invalid buffer pointer
E_NO_AL_ENT -1002 no alias entry
E_ALS_NOT_CHK -1003 didn’t check last operation on an alias
E_ONGO_IPC -1004 ongoing IPC transactions
E_GROUPID -1005 invalid groupid
E_INV_INFOPTR -1006 invalid info pointer
E_INV_ANAME -1007 invalid alias
E_INV_DNAME -1008 invalid d_name
E_MAX_CHAN -1010 illegal value for maximum channels
E_NO_RES -1012 out of resources
E_INV_MID -1013 invalid message id
E_SERVICE -1021 illegal value for service
E_MSG_REJECTED -1041 message rejected
CONN_PENDING -1050 pending connection
E_ILL_AL_VAL -1065 user exceeded max number of aliases
E_ILL_NAM_SZ -1066 illegal size for name
E_NO_DT_ALIAS -1069 no dt alias
E_INV_MY_NAME -1070 invalid my_name given in info structure
E_ILL_LOCA -1071 letterbug not found
E_INV_SEC_CODE -1080 illegal security code
E_INV_SEG_SEL -1081 illegal segment selection
E_INV_TIME -1082 illegal timer value
E_INV_TIMEID -1083 illegal timer service id
E_NO_XLATE -1084 could not translate user message

Appendix A. IPC Error Codes B0193JB – Rev M

Table A-3. Error Codes For User’s VENIX Library Interface

Error Variable Value Definition

E_FILE_ACCESS_ERR -2000 IPC device file access bad
E_INV_FILEDES -2001 invalid file descriptor

Table A-4. Error Codes For VENIX Signals

Error Variable Value Definition

E_SIGNAL -2002 signal occurred
E_SIG_ABORT -2003 abort signal from VENIX

B0193JB – Rev M Appendix A. IPC Error Codes

Appendix B. Regular Expressions -
Quick Reference Guide
This appendix provides a quick reference guide for using regular expressions (regex).

Regular Expressions - Quick Reference Guide
Anchors Literal Characters
Character group contents
start of line
$ Letters and digits match exactly axB70 x individual chars
B0193JB – Rev M

end of line
\b word boundary Some special characters match exactly @-=% x-y character range
\B not at word boundary [:class:] posix char class
\A start of subject
Escape other specials with backslash \. \\ \$ \[
\G first match in subject
[^:class:] negated class
\z end of subject Character Groups
\Z end of subject Examples
Almost any character (usually not newline) .
or before newline at end [a-zA-Z0-9_]
Lists and ranges of characters [ ]
Non-printing characters Any character except those listed [^ ] [[:alnum:]_]
\a alarm (BEL, hex 07)
\cx "control-x"
\e escape (hex 1B) Counts (add ? for non-greedy) Comments
\f formfeed (hex 0C) 0 or more ("perhaps some") * (?#comment)
\n newline (hex 0A) 0 or 1 ("perhaps a") ?
\r carriage return (hex OD)
\t 1 or more ("some") + Conditional subpatterns
tab (hex 09)
\ddd octal code ddd Between "n" and "m" of {n,m} (?(condition)yes-pattern)
\xhh hex code hh Exactly "n", "n" or more {n}, {n,} (?(condition)yes|no-pattern)
\x{hhh..} hex code hhh..

Generic character types Alternation Recursive patterns

\d decimal digit Either/or | (?n) Numbered
\D not a decimal digit (?0) (?R) Entire regex
\s whitespace character
\S Lookahead and Lookbehind (?&name) Named
not a whitespace char
\w "word" character Followed by (?= )
\W "non-word" character NOT followed by (?! ) Replacements
POSIX character classes Following (?<= ) $n reference capture
alnum letters and digits NOT following (?<! )
alpha letters Case foldings
ascii character codes 0-127
blank Grouping \u upper case next char
space or tab only
cntrl control characters For capture and counts ( ) \U upper case following
digit decimal digits Non-capturing (?: ) \l lower case next char
graph printing chars -space \L lower case following
lower lower case letters
Named captures (?<name> )
print printing chars +space Alternation \E end case folding
punct printing chars -alnum Back references
space white space Conditional insertions
Numbered \n \gn \g{n}
upper case letters (?n:insertion)
word "word" characters Relative \g{-n}
xdigit hexadecimal digits Named \k<name> (?n:insertion:otherwise)
Appendix B. Regular Expressions - Quick Reference Guide
Binary Files
viewing,modifying 35
bpatch 35

cfgpts 39
Checkpoint 21
cpoint 21

dbvu 21, 22
dbvu270 21, 26
dbvu280 21, 24
dmpcfg 39
dmpidx 46
dmpnam 41
dmpstat 42, 46
dmpten 46

modifying/viewing binary files 35
fist 21, 28
frev 21, 29

getpars 35
glof 21, 30

hist_stat 42
utilities 39
hopchk 42
hopspy 43
hsv_spy 43
htest 44

iaboot 21, 31

B0193JB – Rev M Index

iaboot_upld 21, 32
infospy 44
IPC error codes 47

mdew1 44
adding objects 2
mytime 44

Object Management
utilities 1
accessing 2, 3
oma 1, 2
command summaries 4
data types 3
environment 2
omary50 1, 16
omcrt 1, 9
description 7
format 7
parameters 7
omdel 1, 10
omfmd 11
omfnd 1
omget 1, 12
omgetimp 1
omset 1, 13
omsetimp 1

redinfo 44
regex 51
Remote Stations
viewing database 19
rsipc 38
rsom 1, 19

samspy 45
sipc 37
som 1, 20
System Management
utilities 21

Index B0193JB – Rev M

tapespy 45
testhd 46

historian 39
miscellaneous 35
object management 1
system management 21
omfnd 1
bpatch 35
cfgpts 39
cpoint 21
dbvu 21, 22
dbvu270 21, 26
dbvu280 21, 24
dmpcfg 39
dmpidx 46
dmpnam 41
dmpstat 42, 46
dmpten 46
fist 21, 28
frev 21, 29
getpars 35
glof 21, 30
hist_stat_ 42
hopchk 42
hopspy 43
hsv_spy 43
htest 44
iaboot 21, 31
iaboot_upld 21, 32
infospy 44
mdew1 44
mytime 44
oma 2
omary50 16
omcrt 9
omdel 10
omfnd 11
omget 12
omset 13
redinfo 44
rsipc 38
rsom 19

B0193JB – Rev M Index

samspy 45
sipc 37
som 20
tapespy 45
testhd 46
watchdog 46

watchdog 46

Index B0193JB – Rev M

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