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ISO/IEC 11801-1

Edition 1.0 2017-11


Information technology – Generic cabling for customer premises –

Part 1: General requirements
ISO/IEC 11801-1:2017
ISO/IEC 11801-1:2017-11(en)
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ISO/IEC 11801-1
Edition 1.0 2017-11



Information technology – Generic cabling for customer premises –
Part 1: General requirements
ISO/IEC 11801-1:2017


ICS 35.200 ISBN 978-2-8322-5050-1

Warning! Make sure that you obtained this publication from an authorized distributor.
–2– ISO/IEC 11801-1:2017 © ISO/IEC 2017

FOREWORD ......................................................................................................................... 11
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 13
1 Scope ............................................................................................................................ 15
2 Normative references .................................................................................................... 15
3 Terms, definitions, abbreviations and symbols ............................................................... 20
3.1 Terms and definitions ............................................................................................ 20
3.2 Abbreviations ........................................................................................................ 27
3.3 Symbols ................................................................................................................ 29
3.3.1 Variables ....................................................................................................... 29
3.3.2 Indices ........................................................................................................... 30
4 Conformance ................................................................................................................. 30
5 Structure of generic cabling ........................................................................................... 31
5.1 Functional elements .............................................................................................. 31
5.2 Interfaces .............................................................................................................. 32
5.3 Cabling subsystems .............................................................................................. 32
5.3.1 Cabling subsystem 1 ..................................................................................... 32
5.3.2 Cabling subsystems n ≥ 2 .............................................................................. 33
5.3.3 Common subsystems ..................................................................................... 33
Tie cabling ..................................................................................................... 34
5.3.5 (standards.iteh.ai)
Channel and permanent link .......................................................................... 34
6 Channel performance requirements ............................................................................... 34
6.1 ISO/IEC 11801-1:2017
General ................................................................................................................. 34
6.2 Environmental performance .................................................................................. 34
6.2.1 General ......................................................................................................... 34
6.2.2 Environmental classification........................................................................... 35
6.3 Balanced cabling transmission performance ......................................................... 37
6.3.1 General ......................................................................................................... 37
6.3.2 Component choice ......................................................................................... 38
6.3.3 Channel parameters ...................................................................................... 38
6.4 Coaxial cabling transmission performance ............................................................ 64
6.4.1 General ......................................................................................................... 64
6.4.2 Component choice ......................................................................................... 65
6.4.3 Channel parameters ...................................................................................... 65
6.5 Optical fibre cabling transmission performance ..................................................... 67
6.5.1 Component choice ......................................................................................... 67
6.5.2 Channel parameters ...................................................................................... 67
7 Link performance requirements ..................................................................................... 67
7.1 General ................................................................................................................. 67
7.2 Balanced cabling .................................................................................................. 68
7.2.1 General ......................................................................................................... 68
7.2.2 Return loss .................................................................................................... 69
7.2.3 Insertion loss/attenuation ............................................................................... 70
7.2.4 NEXT ............................................................................................................. 72
7.2.5 Attenuation to crosstalk ratio at the near-end ................................................. 76
7.2.6 Attenuation to crosstalk ratio at the far-end ................................................... 78
7.2.7 Direct current loop resistance ........................................................................ 82
ISO/IEC 11801-1:2017 © ISO/IEC 2017 –3–

7.2.8 Direct current resistance unbalance ............................................................... 83

7.2.9 Propagation delay .......................................................................................... 83
7.2.10 Delay skew .................................................................................................... 84
7.2.11 Unbalance attenuation and coupling attenuation ............................................ 86
7.2.12 Alien crosstalk ............................................................................................... 89
7.3 Coaxial cabling ..................................................................................................... 94
7.3.1 General ......................................................................................................... 94
7.3.2 Return loss .................................................................................................... 94
7.3.3 Insertion loss ................................................................................................. 94
7.3.4 Direct current loop resistance ........................................................................ 95
7.3.5 DC current carrying capacity .......................................................................... 95
7.3.6 Screening attenuation .................................................................................... 95
7.4 Optical fibre cabling .............................................................................................. 95
8 Reference implementation for backbone cabling subsystems ......................................... 96
8.1 General ................................................................................................................. 96
8.2 Balanced cabling .................................................................................................. 96
8.2.1 Component choice ......................................................................................... 96
8.2.2 Dimensions .................................................................................................... 96
8.3 Optical fibre cabling .............................................................................................. 97
8.3.1 General ......................................................................................................... 97
Component selection ..................................................................................... 98
8.3.3 Dimensions .................................................................................................... 98
Cable requirements ....................................................................................................... 98
9.1 General .................................................................................................................
ISO/IEC 11801-1:2017 98
9.2 Operatinghttps://standards.iteh.ai/catalog/standards/sist/3ebafa38-9e31-4bcc-b692-
environment .......................................................................................... 98
9.3 Balanced cables ...................................................................................................
0f418468facc/iso-iec-11801-1-2017 98
9.3.1 Basic requirements ........................................................................................ 98
9.3.2 Balanced cables of Category 5 through 7 A , 8.1 and 8.2 ................................. 99
9.3.3 Balanced cables of Category BCT-B ............................................................ 101
9.4 Coaxial cables .................................................................................................... 103
9.4.1 General ....................................................................................................... 103
9.4.2 Environmental characteristics ...................................................................... 103
9.4.3 Mechanical characteristics ........................................................................... 103
9.4.4 Electrical characteristics .............................................................................. 104
9.5 Optical fibre cable (cabled optical fibres) ............................................................ 104
9.5.1 Mechanical and environmental characteristics ............................................. 104
9.5.2 Cabled optical fibre Categories .................................................................... 105
10 Connecting hardware requirements ............................................................................. 106
10.1 General requirements ......................................................................................... 106
10.1.1 Overview ..................................................................................................... 106
10.1.2 Location ...................................................................................................... 106
10.1.3 Design ......................................................................................................... 106
10.1.4 Operating environment ................................................................................ 107
10.1.5 Mounting ..................................................................................................... 109
10.1.6 Installation practices .................................................................................... 109
10.1.7 Marking and colour coding ........................................................................... 110
10.2 Category 5 through 7 A , 8.1, and 8.2 connecting hardware for balanced
cabling ................................................................................................................ 110
–4– ISO/IEC 11801-1:2017 © ISO/IEC 2017

10.2.1 General ....................................................................................................... 110

10.2.2 Performance marking ................................................................................... 110
10.2.3 Mechanical characteristics ........................................................................... 110
10.2.4 Electrical characteristics .............................................................................. 112
10.2.5 Additional requirements ............................................................................... 124
10.3 BCT-B connecting hardware ............................................................................... 125
10.4 Connecting hardware for use with coaxial cabling for BCT applications ............... 125
10.4.1 General requirements .................................................................................. 125
10.4.2 Performance marking ................................................................................... 125
10.4.3 Electrical characteristics .............................................................................. 125
10.5 Optical fibre connecting hardware ....................................................................... 126
10.5.1 General requirements .................................................................................. 126
10.5.2 Marking and colour coding ........................................................................... 127
10.5.3 Mechanical and optical characteristics ......................................................... 127
10.6 Connecting hardware in accordance with IEC 60603-7 series ............................. 128
10.7 Connecting hardware in accordance with IEC 61076-3-104 ................................. 129
10.8 Connecting hardware in accordance with IEC 61076-2-101 (Type D, 4 poles) ..... 129
10.9 Connecting hardware in accordance with IEC 61076-2-109 (Type X, 8 poles) ..... 129
10.10 Connecting hardware in accordance with IEC 61169-2 and IEC 61169-24
(Type F) .............................................................................................................. 130
10.11 Connecting hardware for two optical fibres .......................................................... 130
10.12 Connecting hardware for twelve and twenty-four optical fibres ............................ 130
11 Cord requirements ....................................................................................................... 131
11.1 General ............................................................................................................... 131
ISO/IEC 11801-1:2017
11.2 Operating environment ........................................................................................ 131
11.3 Balanced cords of Category 5 through 7 A , 8.1, 8.2 and BCT-B ........................... 131
11.3.1 General ....................................................................................................... 131
11.3.2 Identification ................................................................................................ 131
11.3.3 Operating environment ................................................................................ 132
11.3.4 Return loss .................................................................................................. 132
11.3.5 NEXT ........................................................................................................... 132
11.4 Coaxial cords ...................................................................................................... 135
11.5 Optical fibre cords ............................................................................................... 135
11.5.1 General ....................................................................................................... 135
11.5.2 Identification ................................................................................................ 136
11.5.3 Performance requirements for patch cords .................................................. 136
Annex A (normative) Conformance testing procedures for balanced cabling of Classes
A to F A , I and II and optical fibre cabling ..................................................................... 137
A.1 General ............................................................................................................... 137
A.2 Channel and link performance testing ................................................................. 137
A.2.1 General ....................................................................................................... 137
A.2.2 Conformance testing of balanced cabling channels, and links ...................... 137
A.2.3 Installation conformance testing of optical fibre cabling channels ................ 138
A.3 Overview of test schedules ................................................................................. 138
Annex B (normative) Mechanical and environmental performance testing of connecting
hardware for balanced cabling ..................................................................................... 141
B.1 Overview............................................................................................................. 141
B.2 Solderless connections ....................................................................................... 141
B.3 Free and fixed connectors (modular plugs and jacks) .......................................... 142
ISO/IEC 11801-1:2017 © ISO/IEC 2017 –5–

B.4 Other connecting hardware ................................................................................. 143

Annex C (informative) Electromagnetic characteristics ....................................................... 145
Annex D (informative) Acronyms for balanced cables ......................................................... 146
Annex E (informative) Supported applications .................................................................... 148
E.1 Supported applications for balanced cabling ....................................................... 148
E.2 Supported applications for optical fibre cabling ................................................... 151
E.3 Supported applications for coaxial cabling .......................................................... 154
E.4 Supported industrial applications for optical fibre cabling .................................... 155
Annex F (informative) Optical fibre cable OM1, OM2 and OS1 ........................................... 156
Bibliography ........................................................................................................................ 157

Figure 1 – Relationships between the generic cabling documents produced by

ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 25 ........................................................................................................... 14
Figure 2 – General functional elements ................................................................................. 31
Figure 3 – Interconnect models ............................................................................................. 31
Figure 4 – Cross-connect models .......................................................................................... 32
Figure 5 – Equipment and test interfaces .............................................................................. 32
Figure 6 – Link options ......................................................................................................... 68
Figure 7 – Link designations ................................................................................................. 68
Figure 8 – Backbone cabling model ...................................................................................... 96
Figure 9 – Pin grouping and pair(standards.iteh.ai)
assignments for IEC 60603-7 series interface for
Categories 5, 6, 6 A and 8.1 (front view of fixed connector (jack), not to scale) .................... 128
ISO/IEC 11801-1:2017
Figure 10 – Pin grouping and pair assignment for the IEC 60603-7 series interface for
Categories 7, 7 A , 8.2 and BCT-B (front view of fixed connector (jack), not to scale) ........... 129
Figure 11 – Pin grouping and pair assignments for the IEC 61076-3-104 interface for
Categories 7, 7 A , 8.2 and BCT-B (front view of fixed connector (jack), not to scale) ........... 129
Figure 12 – Four position jack pin and pair grouping assignments for IEC 61076-2-101
connecting hardware (front view of connector) .................................................................... 129
Figure 13 – Eight position jack pin and pair grouping assignments for IEC 61076-2-
109 connecting hardware (front view of connector) ............................................................. 130
Figure 14 – Conductor assignment of IEC 61169-2 and IEC 61169-24 (Type F)
connector ............................................................................................................................ 130
Figure 15 – Optical fibre assignments for connecting hardware for two optical fibres .......... 130
Figure 16 – Optical fibre assignments for connecting hardware for 12 and 24 optical
fibres (front view of fixed or free connector) ........................................................................ 131
Figure D.1 – Cable naming schema .................................................................................... 146
Figure D.2 – Cable types .................................................................................................... 147

Table 1 – Channel environments ........................................................................................... 35

Table 2 – Details of environmental classification ................................................................... 36
Table 3 – Return loss for a channel ...................................................................................... 39
Table 4 – Informative return loss values for a channel at key frequencies ............................. 40
Table 5 – Insertion loss for a channel ................................................................................... 41
Table 6 – Informative insertion loss values for a channel at key frequencies ......................... 42
Table 7 – NEXT for a channel ............................................................................................... 43
Table 8 – Informative NEXT values for a channel at key frequencies .................................... 44
–6– ISO/IEC 11801-1:2017 © ISO/IEC 2017

Table 9 – PS NEXT for a channel ......................................................................................... 45

Table 10 – Informative PS NEXT values for a channel at key frequencies ............................. 46
Table 11 – Informative ACR-N values for a channel at key frequencies ................................. 47
Table 12 – Informative PS ACR-N values for a channel at key frequencies ........................... 48
Table 13 – ACR-F for a channel ............................................................................................ 49
Table 14 – Informative ACR-F values for a channel at key frequencies ................................. 50
Table 15 – PS ACR-F for a channel ...................................................................................... 51
Table 16 – Informative PS ACR-F values for a channel at key frequencies............................ 52
Table 17 – DC loop resistance for a channel ......................................................................... 52
Table 18 – Propagation delay for a channel .......................................................................... 53
Table 19 – Informative propagation delay values for a channel at key frequencies ................ 54
Table 20 – Delay skew for a channel .................................................................................... 55
Table 21 – TCL for channel for unscreened systems ............................................................. 56
Table 22 – Informative TCL values for unscreened channels at key frequencies ................... 56
Table 23 – TCL for Class I and II screened channels ............................................................ 56
Table 24 – Informative TCL values for Class I and II screened channels at key
frequencies ........................................................................................................................... 57
Table 25 – ELTCTL for channel for unscreened systems....................................................... 57
Table 26 – Informative ELTCTL values for unscreened channels at key frequencies ............. 58
Table 27 – ELTCTL for Class I and II channels ..................................................................... 58
Table 28 – Informative ELTCTL values for Class I and II channels at key frequencies .......... 58
Table 29 – Coupling attenuation for a ISO/IEC
for screened systems .................................... 59
Table 30 – PS ANEXT for a channel ..................................................................................... 60
Table 31 – Informative PS ANEXT values for a channel at key frequencies ........................... 60
Table 32 – PS ANEXT avg for a channel ................................................................................ 61
Table 33 – Informative PS ANEXT avg values for a channel at key frequencies ..................... 61
Table 34 – PS AACR-F for a channel .................................................................................... 62
Table 35 – Informative PS AACR-F values for a channel at key frequencies ......................... 63
Table 36 – PS AACR-F avg for a channel .............................................................................. 63
Table 37 – Informative PS AACR-F avg values for a channel at key frequencies .................... 64
Table 38 – Alien crosstalk and coupling attenuation for screened channels........................... 64
Table 39 – Return loss for a channel ..................................................................................... 65
Table 40 – Insertion loss for a channel ................................................................................. 65
Table 41 – Informative insertion loss values for a channel at key frequencies ....................... 66
Table 42 – DC loop resistance for a channel ......................................................................... 66
Table 43 – DC current carrying capacity for a channel .......................................................... 66
Table 44 – Operating voltage for a channel ........................................................................... 66
Table 45 – Screening attenuation for a channel .................................................................... 67
Table 46 – Return loss for 2-connection or 3-connection link ................................................ 69
Table 47 – Informative return loss values for links at key frequencies ................................... 70
Table 48 – Insertion loss for 2-connection or 3-connection link ............................................. 71
Table 49 – Informative insertion loss values for links with maximum implementation at
key frequencies .................................................................................................................... 72
ISO/IEC 11801-1:2017 © ISO/IEC 2017 –7–

Table 50 – NEXT for 2-connection or 3-connection link ......................................................... 72

Table 51 – Informative NEXT values for links with maximum implementation at key
frequencies ........................................................................................................................... 74
Table 52 – PS NEXT for 2-connection or 3-connection link ................................................... 75
Table 53 – Informative PS NEXT values for links with maximum implementation at key
frequencies ........................................................................................................................... 76
Table 54 – Informative ACR-N values for links with maximum implementation at key
frequencies ........................................................................................................................... 77
Table 55 – Informative PS ACR-N values for links with maximum implementation at key
frequencies ........................................................................................................................... 78
Table 56 – ACR-F for 2-connection or 3-connection link ....................................................... 79
Table 57 – Informative ACR-F values for links with maximum implementation at key
frequencies ........................................................................................................................... 80
Table 58 – PS ACR-F for 2-connection or 3-connection link .................................................. 81
Table 59 – Informative PS ACR-F values for links with maximum implementation at
key frequencies .................................................................................................................... 82
Table 60 – DC loop resistance for 2-connection or 3-connection link.................................... 82
Table 61 – Informative DC loop resistance for links with maximum implementation ............... 83
Table 62 – Propagation delay for 2-connection or 3-connection link ...................................... 84
Table 63 – Informative propagation delay values for links with maximum
implementation at key frequencies ........................................................................................ 84
Table 64 – Delay skew for 2-connection or 3-connection link ................................................ 85
Table 65 – Informative delay skew for links with maximum implementation ........................... 86
Table 66 – TCL for Class I and II screened 11801-1:2017
permanent links.................................................. 87
Table 67 – Informative TCL values for Class I and II screened permanent links at key
frequencies ........................................................................................................................... 87
Table 68 – ELTCTL for Class I and II permanent links .......................................................... 88
Table 69 – Informative ELTCTL values for Class I and II permanent links at key
frequencies ........................................................................................................................... 88
Table 70 – Coupling attenuation for a screened permanent link ............................................ 89
Table 71 – Informative coupling attenuation values for screened permanent links at
key frequencies .................................................................................................................... 89
Table 72 – PS ANEXT for 2-connection or 3-connection link ................................................. 90
Table 73 – Informative PS ANEXT values for links at key frequencies ................................... 91
Table 74 – PS ANEXT avg for 2-connection or 3-connection link............................................ 91
Table 75 – Informative PS ANEXT avg values for links at key frequencies ............................. 92
Table 76 – PS AACR-F for 2-connection or 3-connection link ................................................ 92
Table 77 – Informative PS AACR-F values for links at key frequencies ................................. 93
Table 78 – PS AACR-F avg for a 2-connection or 3-connection link ....................................... 93
Table 79 – Informative PS AACR-F avg values for links at key frequencies ............................ 94
Table 80 – Alien crosstalk and coupling attenuation for screened links ................................. 94
Table 81 – Insertion loss for link ........................................................................................... 95
Table 82 – Informative insertion loss values for link at key frequencies ................................. 95
Table 83 – DC loop resistance for link................................................................................... 95
Table 84 – Backbone link length equations ........................................................................... 97
–8– ISO/IEC 11801-1:2017 © ISO/IEC 2017

Table 85 – Basic requirements of balanced cables ................................................................ 99

Table 86 – Mechanical characteristics of balanced cables of Category 5, 6, 6 A , 7 and
7 A 99
Table 87 – Mechanical characteristics of balanced cables of Category BCT-B .................... 102
Table 88 – Minimum transmission performance requirements BCT-B balanced pairs .......... 102
Table 89 – Basic requirements of coaxial cables ................................................................. 103
Table 90 – Mechanical performance requirements for coaxial BCT cables .......................... 103
Table 91 – Minimum electrical performance requirements for cables of Category BCT-
C 104
Table 92 – Cabled optical fibre attenuation (maximum), dB/km ........................................... 105
Table 93 – Multimode optical fibre modal bandwidth ........................................................... 105
Table 94 – Environmental performance specifications for balanced cabling connecting
hardware ............................................................................................................................ 107
Table 95 – Environmental performance specifications for coaxial cabling connecting
hardware ............................................................................................................................ 108
Table 96 – Environmental performance specifications for optical fibre cabling
connecting hardware ........................................................................................................... 109
Table 97 – Mechanical characteristics of connecting hardware for use with balanced
cabling ................................................................................................................................ 111
Table 98 – Matrix of backward compatible mated free and fixed connector (plug and
jack) performance ............................................................................................................... 113
Table 99 – Return loss ........................................................................................................ 113
Table 100 – Informative return loss values for connector at key frequencies ....................... 114
ISO/IEC 11801-1:2017
Table 101 – Insertion loss ................................................................................................... 114
Table 102 – Informative insertion0f418468facc/iso-iec-11801-1-2017
loss values for connector at key frequencies ................... 115
Table 103 – Near-end crosstalk (NEXT) .............................................................................. 115
Table 104 – Informative NEXT values for connector at key frequencies .............................. 116
Table 105 – Power sum near-end crosstalk (PS NEXT) (for information only) ..................... 116
Table 106 – Informative PS NEXT values for connector at key frequencies ......................... 117
Table 107 – Far-end crosstalk (FEXT) ................................................................................ 117
Table 108 – Informative FEXT values for connector at key frequencies ............................... 118
Table 109 – Power sum far-end crosstalk (PS FEXT) (for information only)......................... 118
Table 110 – Informative PS FEXT values for connector at key frequencies ......................... 119
Table 111 – Input to output resistance ................................................................................ 119
Table 112 – Input to output resistance unbalance ............................................................... 119
Table 113 – DC current carrying capacity ........................................................................... 119
Table 114 – Propagation delay ........................................................................................... 120
Table 115 – Delay skew ...................................................................................................... 120
Table 116 – Transverse conversion loss (TCL) ................................................................... 120
Table 117 – Informative TCL values for connector at key frequencies ................................. 121
Table 118 – Transverse conversion transfer loss (TCTL) .................................................... 121
Table 119 – Informative TCTL values for connector at key frequencies ............................... 121
Table 120 – Transfer impedance (screened connectors only) .............................................. 122
Table 121 – Informative transfer impedance values (screened connectors only) at key
frequencies ......................................................................................................................... 122
ISO/IEC 11801-1:2017 © ISO/IEC 2017 –9–

Table 122 – Coupling attenuation (screened connectors only) ............................................ 122

Table 123 – Informative coupling attenuation values (screened connectors only) at key
frequencies ......................................................................................................................... 122
Table 124 – Insulation resistance ........................................................................................ 123
Table 125 – Voltage proof ................................................................................................... 123
Table 126 – Power sum alien near-end crosstalk (PS ANEXT) ............................................ 123
Table 127 – Informative PS ANEXT values at key frequencies ............................................ 123
Table 128 – Power sum alien far-end crosstalk (PS AFEXT) ............................................... 124
Table 129 – Informative PS AFEXT values at key frequencies ............................................ 124
Table 130 – Coupling attenuation for BCT-B connecting hardware ...................................... 125
Table 131 – Formulae for return loss limits for BCT-C connecting hardware ....................... 125
Table 132 – Return loss limits for BCT-C connecting hardware at key frequencies .............. 126
Table 133 – Formulae for insertion loss limits for BCT-C connecting hardware ................... 126
Table 134 – Insertion loss limits for BCT-C connecting hardware at key frequencies ........... 126
Table 135 – Screening attenuation limits for BCT-C connecting hardware ........................... 126
Table 136 – Attenuation of connecting hardware for optical fibre ........................................ 127
Table 137 – Return loss of optical fibre connecting hardware .............................................. 127
Table 138 – Electrical characteristics of terminal equipment outlets intended for use
with balanced cabling ......................................................................................................... 128
Table 139 – Minimum return loss for balanced cords .......................................................... 132
Table 140 – Informative values of return loss for balanced cords at key frequencies ........... 132
Table 141 – Assumptions for cabling components used in the calculation of NEXT
ISO/IEC 11801-1:2017
informative values ...............................................................................................................
https://standards.iteh.ai/catalog/standards/sist/3ebafa38-9e31-4bcc-b692- 134
Table 142 – Informative values of0f418468facc/iso-iec-11801-1-2017
NEXT for 2 m balanced cords at key frequencies ........... 134
Table 143 – Informative values of NEXT for 5 m balanced cords at key frequencies ........... 135
Table 144 – Informative values of NEXT for 10 m balanced cords at key frequencies ......... 135
Table A.1 – Test regime for reference conformance and installation conformance –
Balanced cabling of Classes A through F A , BCT-B, I and II................................................. 139
Table A.2 – Test regime for reference conformance and installation conformance –
Optical fibre cabling ............................................................................................................ 140
Table B.1 – Standards for solderless connections ............................................................... 141
Table B.2 – Standards for free and fixed connectors (modular plugs and jacks) .................. 142
Table B.3 – Standards for M12 style connectors ................................................................. 142
Table B.4 – Free and fixed connectors (modular plugs and jacks) operations matrix ........... 143
Table B.5 – Reference for reliability testing of other connecting hardware........................... 143
Table B.6 – Other connecting hardware operations matrix .................................................. 144
Table E.1 – Applications using balanced cabling ................................................................. 149
Table E.2 – Industrial applications using balanced cabling .................................................. 150
Table E.3 – Modular connector pin assignment for applications .......................................... 151
Table E.4 – Maximum channel attenuation for supported applications using optical
fibre cabling ........................................................................................................................ 152
Table E.5 – Maximum channel lengths supported by optical fibre applications for
multimode optical fibre ........................................................................................................ 153
Table E.6 – Maximum channel length supported by optical fibre applications for single-
mode optical fibre ............................................................................................................... 154
– 10 – ISO/IEC 11801-1:2017 © ISO/IEC 2017

Table E.7 – Supported BCT applications using balanced cabling ........................................ 154
Table E.8 – Supported BCT applications using coaxial cabling ........................................... 155
Table E.9 – Supported applications and maximum channel lengths with cabled
multimode optical fibres ...................................................................................................... 155
Table E.10 – Supported applications and maximum channel lengths with cabled all-
silica single-mode optical fibres .......................................................................................... 155
Table F.1 – Grandfathered OM1, OM2 and OS1 specifications............................................ 156
Table F.2 – Supported applications and maximum channel lengths with cabled all-
silica multimode optical fibres ............................................................................................. 156
Table F.3 – Supported applications and maximum channel lengths with cabled all-
silica singlemode optical fibres ........................................................................................... 156


ISO/IEC 11801-1:2017
ISO/IEC 11801-1:2017 © ISO/IEC 2017 – 11 –


Part 1: General requirements


1) ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical
Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of
ISO or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through technical committees established
by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity. ISO and IEC technical
committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international organizations, governmental and non-
governmental, in liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the work. In the field of information technology,
ISO and IEC have established a joint technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1.

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International Standard ISO/IEC 11801-1 was prepared by subcommittee 25: Interconnection

of information technology equipment, of ISO/IEC joint technical committee 1: Information

This first edition, together with ISO/IEC 11801-2, cancels and replaces ISO/IEC 11801:2002,
Amendment 1:2008 and Amendment 2:2010. This edition constitutes a technical revision.

This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous

a) standard re-structured to contain those elements and requirements, that are common to
generic cabling systems (in application fields such as offices and industrial premises),
namely requirements for common elements of topology and transmission performance of
channels, links and related components;
b) addition of balanced cabling channel and link Classes BCT-B, I and II;
c) addition of coaxial cabling channel and link Class BCT-C;
d) addition of balanced cabling component requirements for Category BCT-B, 8.1, and 8.2;
– 12 – ISO/IEC 11801-1:2017 © ISO/IEC 2017

e) addition of coaxial cabling component requirements for Category BCT-C;

f) addition of cabled fibres of Category OS1a, and OM5;
g) removal of silica optical fibre cabling;
h) optical fibre cable OM1, OM2 and OS1 has been moved to an informative annex.
This International Standard has been approved by vote of the member bodies, and the voting
results may be obtained from the address given on the second title page.

This document has been drafted in accordance with the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.

A list of all parts in the ISO/IEC 11801 series, published under the general title Information
technology – Generic cabling for customer premises, can be found on the IEC website.


ISO/IEC 11801-1:2017
ISO/IEC 11801-1:2017 © ISO/IEC 2017 – 13 –

This document contains general requirements in support of the other premises-specific
referenced cabling design documents developed by ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 25 including
ISO/IEC 11801-2, ISO/IEC 11801-3, ISO/IEC 11801-4, ISO/IEC 11801-5, ISO/IEC 11801-6
and related Technical Reports (including the ISO/IEC TR 11801-99xx series,
ISO/IEC TR 24704, ISO/IEC TR 24750 and ISO/IEC TR 29125).

This document specifies a multi-vendor cabling system which may be implemented with
material from single or multiple sources, and is related to:

a) International Standards for cabling components developed by technical committees of the

IEC, for example copper cables and connectors as well as optical fibre cables and
connectors (see Clause 2 and bibliography);
b) standards for the testing of installed cabling (see Clause 2 and bibliography);
c) applications developed by technical committees of the IEC, by subcommittees of
ISO/IEC JTC 1, by study groups of ITU-T, for example for LANs and ISDN, and by
IEEE 802;
d) planning and installation guides and other standards which take into account the needs of
specific applications for the configuration and the use of cabling systems on customer
premises (e.g. ISO/IEC 14709 series, ISO/IEC 14763 series, ISO/IEC 30129, and ISO/IEC
Physical layer requirements for the applications listed in Annex E have been analysed to
determine their compatibility with cabling classes specified in this document. These
application requirements, together with statistics concerning premises-specific topologies and
cabling models of the supported standards, have been used to develop the requirements for
balanced, coaxial and optical fibre cabling.

As a result, generic cabling defined within this11801-1:2017

ISO/IEC document:
1) specifies balanced cabling channel and link Classes A, B, C, D, E, E A , F, F A , I and II
meeting both the requirements of standardized applications and to support the
development and implementation of future applications;
2) specifies balanced cabling channel and link Class BCT-B to support the delivery of BCT
3) specifies coaxial cabling channel and link Class BCT-C to support the delivery of BCT
4) specifies optical fibre cabling meeting the requirements of standardized applications and
exploiting component capabilities to ease the implementation of applications developed in
the future;
5) invokes component requirements and specifies cabling implementations that ensure
performance of links and of channels that meet or exceed the requirements for cabling
Figure 1 shows the schematic and contextual relationships between the standards relating to
information technology cabling produced by ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 25, namely the ISO/IEC 11801
series of standards for generic cabling design, standards for the installation, operation and
administration of generic cabling and for testing of installed generic cabling.

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