Research Proposal: Improving The Students' Mastery of Vocabulary Through Games
Research Proposal: Improving The Students' Mastery of Vocabulary Through Games
Research Proposal: Improving The Students' Mastery of Vocabulary Through Games
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Learning English is very important, because English has become an
international language, which is used by most communities in the world. Many
countries use English as their second language. In spite of the difficulties in
studying English, it is worthwhile to study the language because it plays a very
important role in almost all fields of life such as: communication, commerce,
economy, politics, education, science, technology and so on.
In Indonesia English is not considered as a second language but English is
a foreign language. English is also called as the target language that has to be
taught teach in schools in todays Indonesian curriculum. Therefore the student is
hoped to increase their ability in English.
Increasing the students ability in mastering English the teachers have to
think how to make students mastery English for their own purposes. There are so
many approaches, methods, and techniques that can be used by the teacher.
One technique that was used by the teacher to increase the students ability
in English is Games. Through games there are so many advantages for students
and teachers in learning process. The students can be more motivated and
challanged. Games provide language practice in various skills of speaking,
listening, writing, and reading. Games also encourage students to interact and
This study examines the students mastering of vocabulary through games
because Games have been shown to have advantages and effectiveness in learning
vocabulary in various ways. Therefore, the role of games in teaching and learning
vocabulary cannot be denied. However, in order to achieve the most important
from vocabulary games, it is essential that suitable games are chosen. Whenever a
game is to be conducted, the number of students, proficiency level, cultural
context, timing, learning topic, and the classroom settings are factors that should
be taken into account.
One of the aims of teaching English is to enhance students to be able to
understand English words which they might find in their environment. In fact,
students often find problems in learning the words. So it needs more teachers
attention to make the transfer of the vocabulary process easier to grasp and more
fun to learn. To do this hard job, teachers are hoped to have ingenuity in teaching
by using any kind of teaching aids that already exist in their environment. One of
those aids is using games. The writer chooses games because games help and
encourage many learners to sustain their interest and work. With games student
can have a lot of fun and get rid off their tiresome during the lesson.
Based on the background above the research entitled Improving Students
Mastery of Vocabulary will be conducted to see if games can improve the
mastery of vocabulary.
The students cannot master English well, because they are lack of
vocabulary, the lack of motivation. Games are one effective and interesting
technique that can motivate and challenge the student interest to improving the
student communicative competence. Through games can improve the student
mastery of vocabulary because vocabulary is one of the language components that
have to be taught to the students in learning a foreign language.
This study is delimited of the use of games in improving the students mastery of
vocabulary in the second grade of students at SMAN 1 Limapuluh. Clearly the
writer will only discuss the role of game in helping students learn vocabulary. The
writer delimited games into english games such as Hang man game, Guessing
Games, Word-Focus Games, Treasure Hunts
Can teaching vocabulary through games improve the students mastery of English
This study is expected to get the result that will be useful for readers, in terms of:
a. As an input data for the English teachers about the using games in the
classroom and the importance of vocabulary in teaching English.
b. To motivate students to increase their vocabulary.
3. It is hoped that this study will contribute or would be of any value to
other students in conducting further research of the similar topic.
c. Directly, the writers knowledge can be developed by investigating the