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This paper is made to fulfill a final assignment of Qulitative Research Method

The Lecturer :

Dr. Ary Setya B. N., M.Pd

Written by:
Durrotul Mufidah Wacahyani




This chapter discusses the background of study, the problem of study, the
objective of study, the significant of study, the scope and limitation of the study, and the
definition of key terms.

A. Background of Study
All humans are actually a learner but the problem is we unconsciously, often
giving unpleasant treatment when children learn or maybe we as a child had received
unpleasant stimulation during childhood. For example when a child is about a year old,
they usually want to put all the things in his mouth. What often happens is parents forbid
the child verbally while pulling the item. This can be categorized as unpleasant behavior
for the child. Then when the child is learning to walk, many restrictions on the part of
parents or caregivers. Though this is the child's learning process to fill information in his
Any number of student characteristics could also influence the effectiveness of a
given learning technique. For example, in comparison to more advanced students, younger
students in early grades may not benefit from a technique. Students’ basic cognitive
abilities, such as working memory capacity or general fluid intelligence, may also
influence the efficacy of a given technique. In an educational context, domain knowledge
refers to the valid, relevant knowledge a student brings to a lesson (Dunlosky dkk., 2013).
One of the learning methods used to anticipate children's weaknesses is by means of
game elements (learning by playing), so students feel happy, active and full of
enthusiasm in learning. Mistakes using methods can hinder the achievement of desired
educational goals. Another impact is the low motivation and student interest in learning in
learning. This method is designed to create cooperation between students so that the
atmosphere of learning in the classroom is interesting and can create a lively classroom
atmosphere. In this research, the subject that will be studied is the building of space in the
form of cubes and blocks, so that in explaining the material to be delivered it is necessary
to have tools to facilitate students' understanding of the material.
games are an attractive teaching method for students. With games students
becoming more comfortable, motivation increases and they are able to easily remember
the things they have learned. From the many benefits and variations of games in learning
English, students will be more motivated and find it easier to improve vocabulary mastery.
and in the end will be able to increase achievement in English lessons.
B. The Problem of Study
Based on the research background above, the problem formulation is How to
implement the whisper and write strategy in teaching grammar so that students can receive
the material well?
C. The Object of Study
The purpose of this study is to describe how to implementation of english learning
used whisper and write strategy in teaching vocabulary.
D. The Signifiance of Study
The significance of this study is to analyze the implementation of english learning
used whisper and write strategy in teaching vocabulary. By carrying out this research, the
authors hope that the findings of this study can be useful for:
1. for students. This research can be used to assist students in providing information about
implementation of english learning used whisper and write strategy so that they can
decide which method is effective for them to create a comfortable atmosphere in the
teaching and learning process.
2. For Teachers. Researchers really hope this research can help teachers in teaching and
learning activities, so that teachers can manage the class in the way students receive
3. Further Researchers In addition, the results of this study are also expected to be useful
for future researchers. Hopefully this research can be useful for other researchers who
want to do research with the same topic and purpose as the reference
E. The Scope and Limitation of Study
This research will only focus on the use of the games method whisper and write
strategy in teaching vocabulary. In other words, this study will only focus on improving
English learning by using games methods, such as vocabulary games, listening vocab,
writing vocab, spelling games and others.
F. The Definition of Key Terms
Definition of key terms is very important in this thesis. It purposes to avoid
misunderstanding and misinterpretation of word in this study. The writer defines the
meaning of the following essential terms as follows:
1. Game
Games are a way of presenting lessons by using mock or pretend situations or
through a game in the learning process to gain an understanding of the nature of a
particular concept, principle, or skill.
2. Whisper and Write
Whisper and Write is This game is very simple and easy to practice and fun.
The goal is to train students to pronounce a word or sentence correctly, then write it
down on a piece of paper.
3. Teaching Vocabulary
Vocabulary learning is taught in the context of discourse, combined with
learning activities such as conversation, reading, writing. Efforts to enrich vocabulary
need to be carried out continuously through newspapers, magazines, speeches, and so


This chapter discusses several theories related to topics relevant to this research. This
concerns the notion of the implementation of english learning to use games, the importance of
learning english whisper and write game, This chapter also discusses several theories that are
relevant because they are used to strengthen the study framework.

1. The Implementation of English Learning to Use Games

There are several theories that are recognized as being relevant to the game-based
learning approach, such as cognitive theory and situated learning theory. Cognitive theory
emphasizes that learners should master basic skills to further acquire higher-level abilities
while learning new things. It also emphasizes that learning processes are progressive and
move from simplicity to complexity; moreover, games that are adopted need to stimulate
students’ learning motivation and make learning more fun (Yien dkk., 2011).
Teaching methods and learning strategies have developed around the world where
the aim is to improve students' English skills. It is very important to consider the
application of teaching and learning methods that are interesting but can still include
basic skills that are very useful to support the ability to communicate both orally and in
writing. The learning method used in this study is in the form of games. The use of games
in learning can make it easier for students to master the material with high enthusiasm.
By considering the important role of games in the teaching and learning process, the
implementation of teaching methods can be maximized. In addition, teachers must also
consider the most appropriate forms and types of games in order to achieve the objectives
of learning.
Games have many advantages for both language teachers and its learners. They
support learning the target language when learners are involved in the games and have fun
without noticing that theyare learning the target language, and furthermore it is a pleasure
for the teacher that he presents the in an enjoyable atmosphere which makes the job
powerful (Gozcu & Caganaga, 2016).
Games are often viewed as negative for student development. In fact, according to
my experience as a game lover (gamer), games are one of the most effective ways to enter
and introduce a variety of knowledge to children. Games can be a powerful tool to make
children build things, build their logic of thinking, train their mental struggle and patience,
develop their management skills, even some games start to involve physical activities and
movements in carrying them out so as to improve whole body coordination.
2. The Importance of Learning English
Knowledge of English is necessary if one wants to come up in life. It is the major
window of the modern world. This is all the more true where the advanced countries have
opened their doors for recruiting technically qualified persons. Only those who have a
command over the English language are given a job (Nishanthi & Department of
Sociology, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India, 2018).
Learning English is very important, especially in terms of education. In addition,
through English, we can introduce the diversity of cultures and languages of this nation to
those who of course want to know about this nation. English is very much needed in the
national and international arena. Learning English is also very important, especially in
terms of education. In addition, through English, we can introduce the diversity of cultures
and languages of this nation to those who are naturally curious about this nation. There is
a great need for English in the national and international arena.
3. Whisper and Write Game
Many students find it difficult to understand English well because of the lack of
English vocabularies. To solve the problem, an attractive way of learning is required,
which games become the solution. One of the games is Whisper and Write Game.
Whisper and Write Game is one of games that is suitable to be applied in English
learning, including English vocabulary learning. This game has many benefits. The game
helps students understand English vocabulary with a way in which the students use all
they have to create a learning process for themselves that is easy for them to follow by
themselves. They need to understand the vocabularies easily and convey the vocabularies
through whispering in a way their partners can also understand easily. With easy
conveying, there would be strengthening of memory which goes to the achievement of
the understanding of vocabularies.
The Whisper and Write game also offers a learning process that students can do
with their friends in interactive and interesting way. The students are expected to interact
each other, trust each other and indirectly study together in their groups. That can bring a
sense of trust and cooperation spirit to the students in the learning process. The game also
has flexibility which one of it is it can be modified, depending on needs. It can be played
by anyone. With certain rules and modifications this game can be implemented to almost
all people. But, in my research, I used simple modification to the game because my
respondents were junior high school students so that I needed to use materials that was
appropriate to them and simplify the rules and how the game was done.

This chapter discusses the method used by the researcher in conducting this study. The
discussion covers research design, subject of research, population and sample, instrument of
the research and data collection.
A. The Research Design
This research method is descriptive qualitative in the form of case studies. Research
in the method is carried out in depth on a situation or condition in a systematic way
starting from making observations, collecting data, analyzing information and reporting
results. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk meningkatkan aktivitas belajar siswa dalam
pembelajaran kosakata yaitu bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan permainan.
Case study is a prominent approach in the social sciences and one that is, in our
experience, especially popular among postgraduate students (Rule, Balfour & Davey,
2011). Despite this popularity, the approach has been the subject of critique and confusion
in this journal and elsewhere. Van Wynsberghe and Khan (2007) draw attention to the
anomaly that, despite regular use of case study, irregular and poor definitions abound.
Verschuren (2003) points to the ambiguity and lack of clarity regarding the object of study
and the way that this object is studied. Flyvbjerg (2006) engages with and debunks five
common misunderstandings of case study research. A closer examination of these
misunderstandings shows that all pertain to relationships between theory and research at
some level. Conceptual frameworks that help researchers navigate these multiple
relationships between theory and case study are thus needed (Rule & John, 2015).
B. Subject of Research
The subject of the study is the students eight grade .With use experience and
knowledge to select a sample of participants that they believe can provide the relevant
information about the topic or setting.
C. Population and Sample
Population is a generalization area consisting of objects or subjects that have
certain qualities and characteristics that are determined by the researcher to be studied
and then draw conclusions. So the population is not only people, but also objects and
other natural objects. Population is also not just the number of objects or subjects studied,
but includes all the characteristics or properties possessed by the subject and object under
study. The
population in this study were students of grade 5 public elementary schools, I only taught
5-7 children.

A sample is a portion of a population. For example, the students of Washington

High School in Indianapolis constitute a sample of American high school students (Ary
dkk., 2010). Sampel penelitian ini peneliti hanya mengambil 5-7 siswa. karena pada masa
pandemi seperti ini tidak memungkinkan untuk mengajar siswa satu kelas karena siswa
tidak aktif di sekolah.

D. Instrument of Study
An important decision for every researcher to make during the planning phaseof an
investigation, therefore, is what kind(s) of data heor she intends to collect. The device
(such as a penciland- paper test, a questionnaire, or a rating scale) the researcher uses to
collect data is called an instrument (Fraenkel & Wallen, 2009).
1. Interview
Interviews are used to gather data from people about opinions, beliefs, and
feelings about situations in their own words. They used to help understanding the
experiences people have and the meaning they make of them rather than to test
hypotheses (Ary dkk., 2010). One of the most important data collection techniques,
namely Interview.
With interviews, researchers will find deeper problem. Interviews can be
conducted about yourself or self-report. In this interview, the researcher questioned the
students' English vocabulary skills, whether they were good enough or not. The reality
in the field is that the vocabulary skills of each student are low and do not yet exist the
use of learning media in the learning process. In this interview there are several
guidelines used, namely:
a) The use of learning media during the teaching and learning process
b) There are learning media in the classroom
2. Observation
Observation is used as a technical term in research with its specific meaning.
Observation is usually to the use of our visual sense to record and make the
information. In research, observation refers to data gathering which involves the use
not only visual sense, but also all sense necessary to get valid and reable data.
Observation also refers to one of the tecniques in gathering data (Mohammad
.A.Latief, 2014).
Observation is an observation (data collection) to find out how far the effect of
the action has reached the target. This observation is to find out the initial data based
on the information (data) that is in accordance with the researcher's observations. In
the observation, the researcher saw the use of media in teaching and learning in the
classroom. The researcher also saw how big the students' ability in understanding
vocabulary was through the task at the end of the lesson. In learning, teachers have not
used learning media, so learning is less fun and teachers only use the lecture method.
Observations carried out are participant observation, namely the observer will be
actively involved directly in the object under study. In this observation there are
several guidelines used, namely:
a) The use of learning media during the teaching and learning process
b) Whether or not there are learning media in the classroom.
c) How do students understand in mastering vocabulary.
E. Data Collection
Data collected from a study were collected using appropriate and supportive
methods for the success of this research. In data collection, it is necessary to obtain data
and information and the need to documentation, interview, participant observation. So
here by means of a test which is a series of questions or exercises and other tools to
measure the skills, intelligence knowledge, abilities or talents possessed by an individual
or group.
After the potential and problems can be shown factually and up to date, then it is
necessary to carry out various information that can be used as material for planning
certain products that are expected to overcome these problems. Information collection is
carried out after analyzing problems in the field. The absence of learning media used in
children's learning is the main factor. And also the lack of students' understanding of
vocabulary/vocabulary. According to the media writer, English vocabulary using whisper
and write is considered effective. Information data regarding the development of English
vocabulary media was obtained from journals, previous research, as well as expert
opinions, which were collected and processed to produce English vocabulary learning
media products using whisper and write.
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