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MOPTA Lesson Plan Format: Standards/Quality Indicators/Skills

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MOPTA Lesson Plan Format

Standards/Quality Indicators/Skills
Missouri and national standards, quality indicators, and skills addressed by this lesson
Missouri Standard:
Writing Standard:
Research to build and Present Knowledge:
Recall information from experiences or gather information from provided sources to answer a question
National Standard: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.R1.2.4
Craft and Structure:
Identify the main purpose of a text, including what the author wants to answer, explain or describe.
ISTE Standard:
Knowledge Constructor
Students critically curate a variety of resources using digital tools to construct knowledge, produce creative
artifacts and make meaningful learning experiences for themselves to others.

Learning Objectives/Goals and Pacing

The lessons objectives and learning outcomes appropriate for meeting curricular and student
needs; Include the duration (number of minutes) you estimate the lesson will take
The purpose of this lesson is to help students connect to their prior knowledge and the learner will do so
by making connections with the topic they are reading about. It is important that students can do this on
Recall information from experiences or gather information from provided sources to answer a question.
their own because it gets students to become active and enhances their understanding of the topic.
Bringing up the point of becoming active readers, it allows them to move forward in their reading and in
their fluency of reading because they have background knowledge of the information that is shared. By
doing a KWL chart, students are first going to active their prior knowledge then discuss what they want to
know and what they learned. This is a great way to make connections with their previous background on
the topic and what they learned. This will be done during the childrens independent reading time which
will be about 30-40 minutes.

Resources and Materials

List of materials used in the planning of and during the instruction of the lesson

KWL Chart

Online non-fiction Book of their choice (22 different books)


IPAD (22)
Pencil or Pen
Optional: Headphones

Instructional and/or assistive technology incorporated into the lesson to enhance instruction and
student learning

Technology will be used in this lesson. Students will be reading an online book of their choice using the app
EPIC. I decided that I would use technology for this lesson because the students can choose to read the
book or use headphones to do an audio listen so they can really focus on their prior knowledge and make
connections. Every student will have their own device and this is how the student will be learning.
Assessment (type[s] of assessment used throughout the lesson)
Assessment(s) before, during and after the lesson
The students will be given practice with using a KWL chart and then I will assess them if I find that most of
the students understand what is expected from them.
As an assessment, I will have the students write without using the chart about how they connected their
prior knowledge to the information that they learned.
Lesson Structure and Procedures
Sequence of events of the lesson elements. (The before, during and after the lesson, e.g.,
Engagement/Opening, Procedures, Guided Practice, Conclusion)
1. Review yesterdays conversation: We have been learning about activating our prior knowledge on
specific topics and using that information to make connections with our readings. Remind them
that before they read to think about everything they know about the topic.
2. Introduce the KWL chart. Explain to them that before they read, they will be asked to write down
everything they already know then after write down what they want to know (this will help them
make connections). Tell them that when they are reading to write down everything that learned.
3. Before the phase, students will need to pick a non-fiction book that they find the most interesting.
I will then have them use their KWL chart to write down everything they know.
4. Before the phase as well, students will need to come up with some things that they dont already
know and write that down in the second column.
5. During the phase, students will spread out throughout the room and independently read or listen
to the book. Students will need to bring a pen or pencil with them so they have something to write
6. During and after the students read the book, they will have to write down everything that they
7. As a class, students will get the time to discuss what they learned from their book and how it
connected to what they already knew.

Instructional Strategies
Teacher approach to helping students achieve the learning objectives and meet their needs
I will model at the start of the lesson how I would use the chart using one of the books I have recently
read. Before the students start, I will give them examples of how to effectively use the chart when they are
reading. While the students are working on the KWL, I will be there for them to ask me questions or share
what they have learned. When the class is reading, I will give them opportunities to share their
connections with each other so they have different types of practicing.

Learning Activities
Opportunities provided for students to develop knowledge and skills of the learning objectives

Since the class will already have a lesson before this teaching them how to active their prior knowledge,
students will already have had a guided practice with it so the students should be ready to do it on their
own. On their own the students will independently read an online non-fiction book while filling out a
KWL chart to help them make connections with their prior knowledge of the topic.

Differentiated/Accommodations/Modifications/Increase in Rigor
To help meet the needs of all learners, learning differences, cultural and language differences,
etc. (This includes accomplished/gift learners.)
By allowing them to listen to the book, I am giving students who might be emergent readers who do not
feel comfortable in their reading ability a chance to succeed. Giving the students a choose in picking their
book, they can choose ones that relate to their own experiences and cultural background. This can be
helpful for students who are English Language Learners, by giving them a chance to learn more about
things in their culture.

Classroom Management: room arrangements, transitions, material distribution
Strategies consistent with the learning needs of the lesson that also meet student behavior
needs to help keep students on task and actively engaged
Our class will be given the chance to pick their own spot in the room to read. They know that during their
independent time there is no talking to peers or choosing to not read. Every student will grab an IPad and
move to their own spot. Once everyone is placed, I will have my teachers helper pass out the KWL chart.
If I find that students are not following the rules, they will be asked to move to their table seat and will
have to complete the chart there. Once it is time for the students to come together, I will say LIS and the
students will respond with TEN, & this is how the students know it is time to listen to the teachers
instruction. By giving the student a chance to share out with the class, they know that they should be
listening to their peers instead of talking out and should raise their hand when they want to share a

Activities for early finishers that extend students understanding of and thinking about the
learning objectives by applying their new knowledge in a different way
If there are students that finish early, I will have them on their own come up with a topic that they want to
learn more about and have them research it while remembering to make connections with their previous
knowledge. This way the students will be able to learn more but in a different way.

Follow-up to Todays Lesson: (check for understanding: exit ticket, pair share, wonderings)
Quick activity for review or building on todays learning that will deepen student understanding
and interconnect concepts (may be incorporated tomorrow or throughout the unit)
To check for understanding, once everyone is finished, the whole class will be able to share what they
learned from their book but also sharing with the class the facts that they already knew. Students will be
given the chance to ask questions to their peers if they have any and be able to make comments about
peer work.

Additional Information
Any area or lesson component that may not have been covered by this format that you
think is vital to include in this lesson

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