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Culture Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan Template

NEPF + Components of an Effective Lesson Hybrid

Name Oscar Garcia

Grade Level Third

Subject Area Social Studies

Main Topic Culture

CCSD Standard G6.3.4 Identify ways people express culture.

**Be sure to include any strategies, resources, and/or technology that will be used to answer the question where
appropriate. You should have a technology tool integrated into each effective lesson component.**

Standard 1: Learning Purpose and Connections

What will the students be learning?
What are the big concepts for the lesson?
How will students know the objectives for the lesson? [Daily Objective]
How will students know the purpose and relevance of the lesson?
What resources/technology will help students make connections to previous learning? [Daily Review]
How will students receive feedback for their review?
How will students build their current knowledge?
How will the lesson be introduced? [Introduction]

The students will be able to identify different ways people express culture.
The big concepts for the lesson is to be able to identify several ways people express culture, such as language, food, religion, music, and traditions.
The students will know the objective for the lesson by sending an email message to the parents in their language preference the day before, so that they
can share it with their children.
Students will know the purpose and relevance of the lesson by showing them real life situations through a Pecha Kucha.
The technology I would use is Padlet where the student will be describing the type of culture of the day. For example, if the type of culture was food then
the student will name as many food as they can. It will get harder by asking for specific types of food, such Italian food.
Students will receive feedback by being put into groups of 3-4 students and discuss as many examples of the type of culture. After about 5 minutes, they
will write their ideas on a paper. I will then gather all the students to join me in the carpet with their paper and write one idea at a time on the smartboard
from different students. If there is not enough ideas, I will add some from my list for them to copy, too.
Students will build their current knowledge by adding to their list of examples for the type of culture every day in their Penzu journals.
The lesson will be introduced through a K-W-L chart where the class is only going to fill the K and W part to acknowledge what they know about culture
and what they want to know about culture.

Standard 2: Learning Tasks and Cognitive Demands

How are students supported in achieving the learning goals?
What Depth of Knowledge levels will students experience in the learning tasks?
How will students be supported to experience deeper learning? Address any SPED, Gifted or ELL students [Concept and Skill
Development and Application]
How will students be challenged to advance their thinking and skills? [Concept and Skill Development and Application]

The students are supported in achieving the learning goals through the usage of technology tools.
The students will start by identifying and understanding what culture is through my Pecha Kucha presentation. After understanding the concept the
culture, they will create a presentation of a countrys culture of their choice using PowerPoint.
Students will be supported by using cmap to create a concept map, so that it can be a way for them to put their information together on the country
using pictures and words to help them remember it easier.
Students will be challenged to advance their thinking and skills by adding more types of concepts on culture that were not focused on, such as rituals,
beauty, and the way people speak to each other.

Standard 3: Engagement Strategies and Discourse

How will students engage in interactive dialogue and/or discussions? [Guided/Independent/Group Practice]
How will students develop their skills in argumentation, explanation, and critique, using logic/evidence to support or refute a claim or
How will students use multiple representations of concepts in their thinking? (i.e., graphic organizers, visuals, drawings, concept maps, videos,
simulations, data formats)
What opportunities will students have to use their personal experiences and knowledge to connect to the new concepts and skills?
How will students collaborate with each other?

Students will engage in interactive discussions through Edmodo, which is a tech tool similar to Facebook but for educational purposes.
Students develop their skills by doing research of their country with Zunal guiding them.
Students can gather all their information using Piktochart, since it is an online tech tool for students to create posters.
Using personal experiences and knowledge to connect to new concepts and skills, the student will have the opportunity to share their Piktochart with
the class.
Students collaborate with each other by being paired up with a partner, since it will be a project when trying to find the culture of their country and
putting the information on the Piktochart together.
Standard 4: Student Understanding of and Responsibility for Learning
How will students reflect on their learning progress through structured metacognitive activities?
How will students reflect on the learning goals, the performance criteria and purpose of the lesson?
How will students share their progress?
How will students be supported in revising their learning strategies based on their progress?

Students will reflect their learning progress through Penzu, which is an online journal where the students will be writing the types of culture they
learned from their country and name what kind of culture it is.
Students will reflect on the learning goals, the performance criteria and purpose of the lesson by using Padlet when answering the question of the day
based on different concepts of culture.
The students will share their progress by using Penzu to write on their daily journal about information of the country they are researching.
I will be the moderator of the whole process by checking their daily journals on Penzu and observing their responses on Padlet towards the question.

Standard 5: Assessment Integrated into Instruction

How will student progress be assessed?
How were student pre--assessments or work samples used to plan this lesson?
What evidence of student learning will be generated during the lesson? (i.e., writing, one--to--one conferencing, discussions with peers,
instructional tasks)
How will students receive formative feedback?
How are instructional adjustments made based on student formative assessment results?
What homework will be issued to support the lesson. [Homework]
How will the lesson be closed? [Closure]
How will the lesson be reviewed? [Long-term Review]

The students progressed will be assessed through Penzu, Padlet, Edmodo, Kahoot, and Quizlet.
Student pre-assessments were used to plan this lesson by understanding how well students know culture.
Evidence of student learning will be generated during the lesson through the online journals (Penzu), the daily question (Padlet), and discussing their
culture on Edmodo with the whole class as an online discussion.
Students will receive formative feedback by their peers during their discussion on Edmodo where the student will respond to another by telling the
other student they would like to know more about them instead of what they are actually missing. For example, since the student is sharing about their
culture and they are missing the tradition concept of culture, then the other student would tell them they would like to know about the kinds of
traditions that student does with his family/friends.
If there are students who are having trouble remembering or not understanding a concept of culture, I will have students use cmap to create a concept
map of each concept of culture and find pictures that correlate to the words.
Homework that will be issued to support the lesson will be for the student to study on Quizlet the concepts of culture.
The lesson with be closed by having a multicultural food day where the students and I will bring food to just enjoy. They will experience food from other
cultures having them realize how different culture is with just food.
The lesson will be reviewed through Kahoot to touch on the concepts of culture.

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