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Lesson Plan Art: Chalk Bat Shadows

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Lesson Title:

Chalk Bat Shadows

Lesson #

Julie Lizotte




Creative expression develops our unique identity and voice.
Inquiry through the arts creates opportunities for risk taking.
Prescribed Learning Outcome(s):
A3: create images featuring one or more visual elements and principles of design including color and texture.
A4: experiment with materials, technologies, and processes to create particular effects.
B2: Describe and apply the use of specific elements and principles in images, including shape, colour, texture.
B3 Describe and apply a variety of materials, technologies, and processes to create images.
{Learning Standards Curricular Competencies}
Develop processes and technical skills in a variety of art forms to refine artistic abilities.
Create artistic work collaboratively and as individual.
{Learning Standards - Concepts and Content}:
Processes, materials, movements, technologies, tools, and techniques to support arts activities.
Elements of design, rhythm, contrast
Instructional Objective(s):
Students will be able to create their own interpretation of a piece of work following the constraint of rhythm, movement and
Students will be able to work collaboratively as well as individually.
Prerequisite Concepts and Skills:
Basic understanding of movement, basic understanding of contrast/shadows, ability to listen to directive and work with rubric.
Materials and Resources:
Bat cut outs
Black construction paper
Colored chalks
Pre-made example of work


Lesson Activities:
Teacher Activities
Introduction (anticipatory set):
Teacher will gather students at carpet area. Teacher
will remind students that we are learning extensively
about bats in order to become bat experts.

Student Activities

2 min

Students will sit at carpet and listen actively.

Teacher will use black construction paper to

Students will listen actively to teachers instructions.

5 min
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demonstrate the concept of contrast by drawing over

a shape with chalk.
Teacher will share learning intention.
Teacher will demonstrate how to do art project.
Teacher will engage students in creating a rubric and
will take notes on chart paper.
Teacher will call students one at a time to go collect
art baskets, go to desk and start working.
Teacher will circulate in classroom and will assist
students and give verbal feedforward during process.

Once all students are done, teacher will ask them to
use the color coded self-assessment system and to
put on back of their work their names and color
relevant to their work quality.
Teacher will collect art work and transition students
into next activity.

Students will participate in creating rubric by sharing


5 min

Students will wait until their names are called, will

gather materials and go to desk.

30 min

Students will work collaboratively and individually on

project. Students will keep assessing their quality of
work during process with brief discussion with work
Students will self-assess using color coded system.

10 min

Students will write their name on work and give it to

teacher. Students will clean up their work stations.

{Aboriginal Connections / First Peoples Principles of Learning):

Learning involves patience and time.
Learning is holistic.
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and Differentiated Instruction (DI):
Students who need extra help can tape their bats to the paper.
Students can help each other in the process.
Organizational Strategies:
All materials will be ready and organized in art baskets prior to lesson. Chart paper and markers will be available to teacher. Premade final art project will also be ready to show to the students.
Behavioural Management Strategies:
Student who is exhibiting disruptive behavior will be asked to verbalize his needs (I see that you are upset, tell me how you feel
and what I can do to help you right now).
On the second intervention, student will be asked to remove himself from the activity to reset (go for a drink, walk down hallway,
use sensory toy) and will be asked to join back when he/she feel ready to do so.
Assessment and Evaluation:
Students will work in collaboration with teacher to construct rubric.
Students will perform self-assessment that will align with the rubric they helped create for this activity. They will draw a dot of color
matching the quality of their process and final work. Teacher will then take in consideration this self-assessment when doing
formative assessment.
Students will finish bat unit in language arts and science.
Reflections (if necessary, continue on separate sheet):


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Lesson Plan Template EDPR 3100, 3200, 4100, 4200

The lesson plan template is designed as a guide for students to use when planning lessons. The plan may be adapted to specific
subject areas and modified as students gain experience in each practicum. The template is a basic outline that can be used
directly as printed, copied in longhand, or expanded from the electronic version. It is important that all areas required in the
template are completed and that the lesson plan be sufficiently clear and detailed so that another teacher could use the plan to
teach the lesson.
The Lesson Plan template is currently under revision to reflect the new BC curriculum that will be in place in the next
year. Any area that is in brackets { } denotes a recognized area from the new curriculum
Rationale: Why are you teaching this particular lesson at this time? (e.g. is it part of a complex skill? Is it an essential prereading
skill in reading? Is it important that the students hear good literature?) What is the significance of the area of learning to students?
{BIG IDEAS}: Big Ideas are statements that are central to ones understanding in an area of learning.
Prescribed Learning Outcomes: The Integrated Resources Packages (IRPs) describe what students should be able to do in
each curricular subject. Your lesson should state one or more prescribed learning outcomes, from the curricula of British Columbia,
on which the objectives of this specific lesson are based.
{Learning Standards Curricular Competencies}: A learning standard is an explicit statement of what students are expected to
know, understand and be able to do in a given grade and area of learning. Curricular competency standards are the same as
Prescribed Learning Outcomes only they come from the new curriculum.
{Learning Standards - Concepts and Content): Concepts and content define what students should know and understand in a
given area of learning.
Instructional Objective(s): What are the specific things students will be able to do as a result of this lesson? These objectives
should be consistent with your stated prescribed learning outcome(s) (e.g. the students will be able to identify the main idea in the
story. The student will be able to describe the main idea in a paragraph of four sentences ). The objectives may also include things
the teacher wants to observe in the course of the lesson (e.g. to identify the potential leaders in group discussion). Students
should ensure that the instructional objectives are measured by your assessment and evaluation strategies.
Prerequisite Concepts and Skills: This section of your lesson plan is used to state the concepts and skills needed to connect
lessons together in a logical sequence, building new knowledge onto what you know students have previously learned. Remember
that some concepts and skills may need to be reviewed to ensure continuous learning, and these can be included here.
Materials and Resources: List all materials and resources that you and the students will need. What things do you need to do
before the lesson begins? (e.g. prepare a word chart.) What things do the students need to do? (e.g. read a chapter in the novel.)
Lesson Activities
Introduction: How will you get students interested in the topic? How will you find out what they already know about the topic?
Will you use an anticipatory set (link to their experience) or advance organizers?
Body: What sequence of activities will the student experience? What will you do? What will they do? What will children do who
finish early? How much time will each activity take? What about clean up?
Closure: How will you close the lesson? The closing should be linked to attaining your instructional objectives.
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and Differentiated Instruction (DI): UDL includes: Multiple means of representation;
Multiple means of expression; and, Multiple means of engagement. DI is the process of ensuring that a students readiness level,
interests, and preferred mode of learning are recognized. Teachers can differentiate instruction in four ways: content, process,
product, and, learning environment based on the individual learner.
How will you accommodate your diverse learners? What are the individual needs within this classroom and how will you
accommodate them? Consider learning styles, multiple intelligences, Aboriginal and cultural influences. What are the adaptations
and modifications needed for students with Individual Education Plans (IEPs)?
{Aboriginal Connections / First Peoples Principles of Learning}: How is this connected to Aboriginal knowledge, worldviews
and principles of learning?
Organizational Strategies: Carefully thought-out organizational management strategies facilitate proactive positive classroom
management. For example, how will you : bring the class together at the start of the day/lesson?; utilize student helpers to
facilitate the flow of lessons and the day in general?; distribute and collect materials?; separate the class into groups or levels? (In
what situations should groups be assigned ahead of time?); coordinate different grade levels working on different assignments?

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Behaviour Management Strategies: Carefully thought-out behaviour management strategies facilitate proactive positive
classroom management. What strategies will be used?
Assessment and Evaluation: Did the students learn what you taught them? The results of the assessment should be directly
related to, and tell you if, your students were able to do the things outlined in your instructional objectives and
prescribed learning outcomes, {learning standards}. Your assessment should be as accurate as possible and should
be built into your lesson. What rubrics or structures will you use to evaluate assessment data? Is assessment
formative or summative? Include the assessment tool. Are you using assessment for, of or as learning?
Extensions: How might this lesson link to previous and/or future lessons within the same curriculum area? How might knowledge,
skills or attitudes from this lesson be integrated/infused into lessons in other subject areas?
Reflections: Complete the reflections section as soon as possible after teaching the lesson. What revisions would you make to
the lesson? What went well?


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