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English Literature Lit

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The English of poetry, prose and drama.

Option A: Component 1 + Component 2

Option B: Component 1 + Components 3 + Component 4

Option C: Component 1 + Components 3 + Component 5.

Analysis of three options

Options Points Issues

Option A Component 1 is compulsory. Both poetry and This option is not very popular in India
prose has both online and offline materials
Component 1 March, 2016 didnt have Component 2
+ Component paper at all. This is due to study of 2
2 Component 2: complete plays, which is quite difficult for
the students.
o Macbeth and Henry V are suggested
o Need to look for a lot of analysis,
material, notes availability.
o Even the plot and characters need to be
familiar to our students.
Option B: Component 1 is compulsory. Both poetry and This option is very popular in India
Component 1 prose has both online and offline materials
+ Components available. Needs to practice Component 4 thoroughly
3+ to complete this paper.
Component 4 Component 3:

o Have to prepare only one Play.

o Macbeth is suggested.
o Need to look for a lot of analysis,
material, notes availability. Even the
plot and characters need to be familiar
to our students.
Components 4:
o Unseen literature (Prose and Poetry)
o Almost like Component 1, except the
unseen literature extracts.
Option B: Component 1 is compulsory. Both poetry and This option is not very popular in India
Component 1 prose has both online and offline materials because Coursework assessors require
+ Components available. training
Component 5. Component 3: This option can be preferred if the teachers
are trained/ familiar to coursework.
o Have to prepare only one Play.
o Macbeth is suggested.
o Need to look for a lot of analysis,
material, notes availability. Even the
plot and characters need to be familiar
to our students.
Components 5: Coursework
o Internally assessed and externally

Component 1: (Compulsory)

Poetry Section:

Candidates need to prepare these 14

poems thoroughly.

Apart from this, there are two more

sets of poems for this paper.

Prose Section:

Candidates need to prepare any one of

these books thoroughly.
Component 2:

Candidates have to prepare any TWO plays for this


Component 3:

Candidates have to prepare any ONE play for this


Component 4:

Unseen 1 hour 15 minutes, 25 marks No formal lessons/ class;

Candidates answer one question from a choice of two. Need extensive practice.
Both questions require a critical commentary on and an
appreciation of previously unseen literary writing printed in
the question paper.
One question is based on a passage of literary prose (such as an
extract from a novel or short story); the other question is based
on a poem or extract from a poem. Both questions carry equal
marks (25 marks each).
March, 2016 Paper Analysis:

Paper 1 Poetry and Prose

Time: 1 hour 30 minutes:
Answer TWO questions: One from Section A and One from Section B
1. Needs spend 45 minutes on this section

2. Length of answer may be between 250 and 350 words

3. Candidates need to study one Set of poems thoroughly for this paper. Usually Songs of ourselves is preferred.

4. All questions encourage an informed personal response and test all four assessment objectives:
a. knowledge of the content of the text through reference to detail and use of quotations from the text
b. understanding of characters, relationships, situations and themes
c. understanding of writers intentions and methods response to the writers use of language
d. personal response sometimes directly (answering questions such as What do you think?, What are your
feelings about?) and sometimes by implication (answering questions such as Explore the ways in which)

Thomas Hardy: from

Selected Poems 1, 2 How does Hardy so movingly depict the death of an ordinary
Drummer Hodge soldier in Drummer Hodge?

The Voice Explore the ways in which Hardy makes The Voice such a sad
Section A: Poetry poem
Answer 1 question: From Jo Phillips (ed.):
One from Section A Poems Deep & Explore the ways in which Heaney vividly conveys his feelings
Dangerous for his father in Follower.
Comment: Follower
1. 2 of 14 poems by
Thomas Hardy; 2 of 14 OR Explore the ways in which Arnold creates a feeling of great
poems by From Jo sadness in To Marguerite.
Philips; 2 of 14 poems To Marguerite
from Songs of
Ourselves (V2) are Songs of Ourselves
given. Candidate has to Volume 2: from Part 1 How does Chitre create a moving portrait of his father in Father
answer any one of the Father Returning Home Returning Home?
six questions given.
2. Poems are printed on OR In what ways does Herbert vividly portray Love in Love (III)?
the question paper for Love (III)
Paper 1: Prose Chinua Achebe: No How does Achebes writing make this conversation so revealing?
Longer At Ease OR
Candidate needs to read the How does Achebe memorably convey the significance of the
given extract (700 to 1000 Umuofia Progressive Union in this novel?
words) from chosen text Jane Austen: In what ways does Austen vividly convey Catherines feelings at
and answer the question Northanger Abbey this moment in the novel?
How does Austen vividly portray the greed of Isabella and John
George Eliot: Silas Explore the ways in which Eliot vividly reveals the characters of
Marner Priscilla and Nancy at this moment in the novel.
The novel shows that good always triumphs over evil. To what
extent does Eliot make you agree with this statement?
Michael Frayn: Spies How does Frayn strikingly convey Stephens thoughts and
feelings to you here?
What does Frayns writing make you feel about Keiths father?
Susan Hill: Im the King How does Hill vividly convey Kingshaws state of mind at this
of the Castle moment in the novel?
What striking impressions does Hills writing create of
Kingshaws school life?
R. K. Narayan: The Explore the ways in which Narayans writing makes this such a
English Teacher mysterious moment in the novel.
Explore the ways in which Narayan memorably conveys
Krishnas attitude towards the teaching at his old college.
Robert Louis How does Stevenson vividly convey Mr Uttersons disturbed
Stevenson: The Strange state of mind at this moment in the novel?
Case of Dr Jekyll and Or
Mr Hyde Does Stevenson make you feel any pity for Dr Jekyll?
from Stories of How does Mistry make this such a powerful moment in the
Ourselves story?
How does Thorpe make the ending of Tyres so sad?

Paper 2 DRAMA : October/November, 2015 Paper

Time: 1 hour 30 minutes:
Answer TWO questions: You must answer one passage-based question (marked *) and one essay question (marked ).
Your questions must be on two different plays.
1. Needs spend 45 minutes on this section
2. Length of answer may be between 250 and 350 words
3. Candidates need to prepare at least 2 dramas thoroughly to complete this paper.
4. All questions encourage an informed personal response and test all four assessment objectives:
a. knowledge of the content of the text through reference to detail and use of quotations from the text
b. understanding of characters, relationships, situations and themes
c. understanding of writers intentions and methods response to the writers use of language
d. personal response sometimes directly (answering questions such as What do you think?, What are your
feelings about?) and sometimes by implication (answering questions such as Explore the ways in which)
ARTHUR MILLER: All *How does Miller make this such a striking introduction to Kate?
Answer TWO My Sons Or
questions: What makes Millers portrayal of the relationship between Steve and
George Deever such a powerful part of the play?
J.B. PRIESTLEY: An * In what ways does Priestley make this such a powerfully dramatic
You must Inspector Calls moment in the play?
answer one
passage-based Or
question Explore the ways in which Priestley creates such a memorable portrait
(marked *) and of Eva Smith, despite the fact that she never appears in the play.
one essay Do not use the extract printed in Question 3 in your answer.
question WILLIAM * How does Shakespeare make you have mixed feelings about Shylock at
(marked ). SHAKESPEARE: The this moment in the play?
Your questions Merchant of Venice Or
must be on two Explore the ways in which Shakespeare makes false appearances so
different plays. significant in the play.
WILLIAM * How does Shakespeare make this such an enjoyable moment in the
Midsummer Nights Or
Dream Explore the ways in which Shakespeare strikingly portrays similarities
between Oberon and Theseus.
WILLIAM * How does Shakespeare create striking impressions of the characters on
SHAKESPEARE: The stage at this moment in the play?
Tempest Or
In The Tempest good clearly triumphs over evil. Explore
the ways in which Shakespeare vividly conveys this to you.
OSCAR WILDE: The How does Wilde make this such an entertaining moment in the play?
Importance of Being Or
Earnest Cecily is described as a sweet, simple, innocent girl by Jack. How far
does Wilde make you agree with this description?

Paper 3 Drama (Open Text)

Time: 45 Minutes
Answer ONE question
1. Needs spend 45 minutes on this section

2. Length of answer may be between 250 and 350 words

3. Candidates need to prepare at least 1 play thoroughly to complete this paper.

4. All questions encourage an informed personal response and test all four assessment objectives:

a. knowledge of the content of the text through reference to detail and use of quotations from the text

b. understanding of characters, relationships, situations and themes

c. understanding of writers intentions and methods response to the writers use of language

d. personal response sometimes directly (answering questions such as What do you think?, What are your
feelings about?) and sometimes by implication (answering questions such as Explore the ways in which)

ARTHUR MILLER: All My What does Miller make you feel towards Kate at this moment in the play?
Answer ONE Sons Or
question: Explore the ways in which Miller makes Larry such a powerful part of the play
despite the fact that he never appears on stage.
J.B. PRIESTLEY: An How does Priestley make this such a strikingly dramatic moment in the play?
Inspector Calls Or
In what ways does Priestley make Mrs Birling so dislikeable?
WILLIAM In what ways does Shakespeare make this such a striking introduction to
Merchant of Venice Or
Explore the ways in which Shakespeare makes the relationship between Jessica
and Lorenzo so memorable and significant.
WILLIAM How does Shakespeare make this such a powerful moment in the play?
Midsummer Nights Explore the ways in which Shakespeare makes the relationship between Titania
Dream and Oberon such a memorable part of the play.
WILLIAM How does Shakespeare make you sympathise with Prospero at this moment in
SHAKESPEARE: The the play?
Tempest Or
Explore the ways in which Shakespeare portrays Stephano and Trinculo as
ridiculous and yet also disturbing.
OSCAR WILDE: The How does Wilde make this such an entertaining moment in the play?
Importance of Being Or
Earnest Wilde makes you feel affection for Algernon despite his foolishness.
To what extent do you agree with this comment about Algernon?

Paper 4: Unseen
Time: 45 Minutes
Answer One question: Answer either Question 1 or Question 2.
1. Needs spend 45 minutes on this section
2. Length of answer may be between 250 and 350 words

3. These extracts are unseen from English Literature.

4. All questions encourage an informed personal response and test all four assessment objectives:

a. knowledge of the content of the text through reference to detail and use of quotations from the text

b. understanding of characters, relationships, situations and themes

c. understanding of writers intentions and methods response to the writers use of language

d. personal response sometimes directly (answering questions such as What do you think?, What are your
feelings about?) and sometimes by implication (answering questions such as Explore the ways in which)

Volcano Read carefully the following poem. It is written from the point of view of a dormant
volcano, one which has not erupted for years but may do so in the future. Krakatoa and
Vesuvius (vesuvian), mentioned in the poem, are volcanoes which erupted in the past
Answer Any causing major destruction.
How does the poet powerfully portray the volcano?
To help you answer this question, you might consider:
how the volcano describes itself
the effect of the poet comparing this volcano to Krakatoa
the impact on you of the final six lines of the poem.
Novel Read carefully the following extract from a novel. After a very long journey Lev, an
Eastern European, has just arrived in London. Levs wife has recently died and he has
left his daughter, Maya, in his home country with his mother, Ina, in order to find work
in England.
How does the writer vividly convey to you Levs thoughts and feelings at this
To help you answer this question, you might consider:
the way the writer describes Levs feelings about the tourists and the joggers
how she portrays his thoughts about his mother and daughter
how she conveys his feelings of being in a strange country in the passage as a whole.

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