Flame in The Snow Extract 1 MayApril1963
Flame in The Snow Extract 1 MayApril1963
Flame in The Snow Extract 1 MayApril1963
I needed some neutral in transit days between the Cape and being
back again, just to make the transition more gradual. After the week
and especially those three days of change, I feel very averse to
enduring, all over again, that old threat of a settled, safe, bourgeois
life. Respectability. Predetermined reactions to predetermined stimuli.
There are people for whom such an existence will never be a threat
because theyre too free within themselves ever to get caught up in it;
but I must constantly resist this opiate precisely because it would be
so easy just to let it take me. During the week in the Cape you at least
provided something of an antidote. Should I politely say thank you?
That would make it too banal. Especially our night. [T.S.] Eliots line
poetry can communicate before it is understood also applies, in
a certain sense, to people who come together, freely, through sex. It is
precisely an act of communion that, thank God, remains beyond words.
I mean, what would I include in my little inventory especially in the
clear light of day?: a scent; memories of your hands, hair and breasts;
your voice; tears; cynicism; game-playing; red wine; two double brandies; eyes: mocking, saying no, cursing, showing contempt, playing with
me, saying yes, sweet and happy, or the-hell-in and huffy ! All of this
gets one nowhere. Luckily, however, these things are just starting points.
Memories and bodies are mere titles of long poems; and our sleeping
together is a sort of holy Mass, in which transubstantiation is complete.
(Is this perhaps the most pure religion for us non-believers? Otherwise,
why exactly would a person say Lord God in heaven? Giuseppe di
Lampedusas loveliest girl character does in fact say Gesmaria!)
Is a body itself capable of remembering? I think its recollection is
better than unreliable memory. My body remembers yours. And its
not because of those few strategic little pains or the mark on my shoulder. Also not I hope! because I have now become part of your
find a way to relate it to Adam and Eves apple; when youre done, eat
the apple; and then ask: what now? You will know how. Im not a poet.
With love,
I write you quite a lot more than I actually post an old habit. Thank
you for your letter of Tuesday, which you shouldnt have written! I
hope you will never again feel that you should this or that with me I
particularly like your open, honest, spontaneous reactions. And so your
letter was actually a delightful surprise and I let a mistake through on
the front page of the Strydkreet. But I told the foreman it was actually
only 50% my fault, which confused him a little until I could think of a
better excuse.
Guess what? My child arrived by plane yesterday and she is now
sleeping nice and warm in the next room. Shes grown to be so cute and
when I cant bring myself to reprimand, I just have to laugh, especially
when she calls me little mommy! Im sitting here now at Jans table
where we read Richard Rives letter, do you remember? Last night, with
Richard sorry thought for a moment about Richards letter and wondered why I wasnt intuitively warned! Last night I had a meal with
Dan [Daniel] Kunene, such a civilised soul with an impressive kind of
dignity and a quick mind. He is a lecturer in African languages at the
University of Cape Town and at the moment head of the faculty. I am
eager to introduce you to him when (when?) you come down to Cape
Town. He is also the translator of the African poems in the Penguin
edition of South African poetry. Trying to go overseas for a year for a
study tour, but what a mess its almost impossible for him to leave
the country because of all the suspicion
Did my last letter depress you terribly? I am not a prose writer but,
as you say, there are a few things in life for which, thank God, no words
are necessary. Id also love to speak to you, but heaven knows, not with
words on a piece of paper. Also want to tell you about my new poem
based on the Dutch hex-text You put a spell on me, magician then
the poem moves in a kind of a dream atmosphere, I mow everything
down and stand naked, all alone and happy, until the spell is broken
Also come and sleep with me and some of the words that play
like naughty children in dark rooms.
I hope you will continue, long, very long, after the original inspiration has dwindled Send me everything you write, and when we are
together again, I would like to examine everything, line by line, also
because I, I already know this, can learn so much from you.
But now Im not writing another word. Soon youll believe that I am
in love with you! But call me one night (when you get this letter).
Fixed time and Personal. Then I will hear your voice and see whether
this is true!
Until then, darling,
ps: What is your second name? IJ.