Bearing Plate Design
Bearing Plate Design
Bearing Plate Design
Presents an analytical
method, based on tests,
for simplifying bearing
plate computations under
anchorages of post-
tensioned concrete
A fully-worked numerical
example demonstrates
the design procedure.
computation of the plate thickness is Fig. la shows a testing bed. The
extremely difficult because of unknown. stressing jack on the extreme left bears
factors such as load distribution, stress on the concrete test block. Further to
distribution, and arch effects. the right are two larger test bed blocks,
In practice, the bearing plate thick- one stationary and one sliding, with two
ness is usually based on tests or past rams in between. The tendon is thread-
experience. ed through the test block, through the
This paper presents a simplified de- two test bed blocks, and between the
sign procedure for calculating the bear- two rams. It is then anchored at a non-
ing stresses of plates under post-ten- stressing "super" anchor block at the far
sioning anchorages. The method is right.
based on the results of many tests, one In general, the tendon is first stressed
of which is described in this paper. and anchored using the stressing jack.
Because of the complexity of the (A jacking force of 0.75 to 0.80 of ulti-
problem, several simplifying assump- mate is usually employed.) The stress-
tions are made for both square and rec- ing jack is then removed and the ten-
tangular plates. don is subsequently restressed in steps,
A numerical example, using a square to destruction, using the two rams.
plate, is included to show how this Fig. lb shows the test block consist-
method can be used to calculate the ing of the anchorage, embedded bear-
bearing plate stresses. ing plate, and concrete block. The plate
cover, block strength, block reinforce-
ment, and tendon enclosure is designed
Bearing Plate Test to duplicate actual site conditions.
Prior to actual use, it is customary to
test the performance of a bearing plate Design criteria
anchorage assembly. The following is a The following design criteria, devel-
description of one such test: oped by the California Department-
Range of applicability of
simplified method
It should be emphasized that this pa-
per deals only with the bearing plate
computations. The concrete strength,
concrete cover on plate edges, and
mild steel reinforcement must be pro-
perly selected to develop the required
Due to the simplifying assumptions
the calculations must be considered
"empirical" and should not replace the
basic post-tensioning anchorage plate
testing of the assemblies. The proposed
analytical approach is recommended
for particular cases (e.g., tendon sizes
and plate shapes falling in between the
tested basic size tendons).
Also, the tendon manufacturer may
adjust the design assumptions to cor-
respond to the test results of his basic
size tendons.
Design assumptions
The following design assumptions ap-
ply to both square and rectangular
1. Use a stressing force of 0.95 of
2. If the anchorage or hole in the
plate is circular, use square shapes of
an equivalent area. This will simplify
the computations.
3. Due to the very large anchorage but disregard the holes in the anchor-
stiffness, assume a uniform bearing age.
stress, using a 45-deg arch effect, as 7. In general, a computation of the
shown in Fig. 2. maximum stresses due to combined bi-
4. Due to plate flexibility, assume axial bending and shear is not neces-
the concrete bearing stress to be vari- sary.
able as shown in Fig. 2. This assump- 8. At contact area between anchor-
tion approximates a uniform stress un- age and plate, the ratio of horizontal
der the anchorage with a parabolic shear to prestressing force should not
fade-out under the overhangs. exceed 0.5.
5. Assume that the anchorage and
the plate act as one homogeneous body.
6. In computing the section proper- Discussion of assumptions
ties, consider the opening in the plate Assumptions 1, 2, and 3 are self-ex-
P =fxbxc P =fxbx(a +c) P=fx bx(.75a t.67CI
t 1 /
b /
b U
sion stress due to bending is actually Also, the shear stress is zero at the loca-
advantageous. tion of the maximum bending stress.
7. The maximum stresses due to bi- Therefore the maximum fb and f,,
axial bending and shear combined is stresses will not exceed the stresses
found from the following equations: computed in one direction and need
not to be checked.
fb = Ybl + fb2) 8. The contact area between the an-
{ [ (fbl f52)] 2 + fv2} chorage and the bearing plate is usual-
and ly minimal. The governing stress in this
location is the horizontal shear, which
fv = { [(fb1 fb2)1 2 + fv2} is subject to redistribution. Also, it
where f bl and fb2 are bending stresses should be recognized that Assumption
in the two directions. 2 (square anchorage and hole) and the
This condition will occur at or near the fact that the plan area will be divided
45-deg lines between quadrants. How- into four quadrants (see the "design
ever, at the critical points, the bending procedure" which follows) greatly in-
stresses in the two directions are equal. fluence the magnitude of the horizontal
16" SYM.
6.69 "m HOLE AT
a G
.39" .58"
FIG. 6 100.4 K I
shear stress. Nevertheless, the total
shear force per quadrant over one-quar-
234 5 ^SECTION
ter of the stressing force will give a DESIG.
reasonable value of the friction coeffi- 1n I N
consideration the hole in the plate but SECTION PROPERTIES
disregard the holes in the anchorage.
IN 4 Q
4. Determine the shears and bend- 1,21L 2.54 2.21 I 76.8 I 24.2
ing moments per quadrant. Compute 2R,3L 2.81 I
1.94 J 94.4 I 29.3
3R,4 1.125 1.125 15.2
the vertical shear and bending stresses
and check these values with the allow- SYM. 8"
able stresses. ABOUT
5. Calculate the horizontal shear 3R5 ES 1G.
force per quadrant at the contact area
between the anchorage and the plate.
N } U
The ratio of this horizontal force to the
vertical prestressing force per quadrant N-
should not exceed 0.5. N
Design procedure for
rectangular plates
The design assumptions listed for c
square plates apply also to rectangular SHEAR
plates. However, in the design pro- PER QUAD.
cedure (see Step 1 in previous section)
the quadrant should be laid out as
shown in Fig. 3. In a rectangular ar-
rangement there are two different u, a PER QUAD.
quadrants per plate. However, only the
one with a larger plate overhang will N'
govern. N Q ^
Stress block characteristics N
f = stress, ksi
a, b, c = distances, in. FIG, 8
y = location of center of gravity, in.
Compute the bending and shear The section properties for the 16 -in.
stresses (see Fig. 7) under a load of wide plate is shown in Fig. 8. The val-
0.95 P., making use of the assumptions ues Q represent the statical moment of
listed previously. the 7.5 x 2.5 in. area around the center
of gravity axis.
Total force: The shears and bending moment of
P = 0.95 X 1113.4 = 1058 kips one quadrant are shown in Fig. 8.
Horizontal shear stresses at contact force per quadrant:
fj = ( 1/2 X 3 X 1.5x21.09)+
f h = VQ/bI [0.75 x 7.5(4.15 + 5.24)/2]
= 73.9 kips
fh21 = (100.4 x 24.2)/(1.5 x 76.8)
21.09 ksi Friction coefficient at contact area:
f n2r _ (100.4 x 29.3)/(7.5 x 94.4) Cf = 73.9/(0.25 x 1058)
= 4.15 ksi = 0.28 < 0.5 (ok)
For biaxial stresses and horizontal
fh3t = (126.5 x 29.3)/(7.5 x 94.4)
= 5.24 ksi shear magnitude see the commentary
on Assumptions 7 and 8 in the "Design
The sum of fh, is the total horizontal Assumptions" section.