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Hydroponics is a method of growing plants without soil by instead using mineral nutrient solutions in a water solvent. Various techniques are used including static solution culture, continuous-flow solution culture (NFT), aeroponics, and others.

Some of the main techniques used in hydroponics include static solution culture, continuous-flow solution culture (NFT), aeroponics, fogponics, ebb and flow sub-irrigation, run to waste, deep water culture, and top-fed deep water culture.

Some common substrates used to support plant roots in hydroponic systems include expanded clay aggregate, growstones, coir peat, perlite, vermiculite, pumice, sand, gravel, wood fibre, rock wool, and polystyrene packing peanuts.


Hydroponics is a subset of hydroculture, the method of growing

plants without soil, using mineral nutrient solutions in a water
solvent.[1] Terrestrial plants may be grown with only their roots
exposed to the mineral solution, or the roots may be supported by an
inert medium, such as perlite or gravel. The nutrients in hydroponics
can come from an array of different sources; these can include but
are not limited to byproduct from fish waste, duck manure, or normal

Contents NASA researcher checking hydroponic onions with

Bibb lettuce to his left and radishes to the right
1 History
2 Techniques
2.1 Static solution culture
Continuous-flow solution culture NFT technique
2.3 Aeroponics
2.4 Fogponics
2.5 Passive sub-irrigation
Ebb and flow or flood and drain sub-irrigation
2.7 Run to waste
2.8 Deep water culture
2.9 Top-fed deep water culture
2.10 Rotary
2.11 Domestic hydroponic farming
3 Substrates
3.1 Expanded clay aggregate
3.2 Growstones
3.3 Coir peat
3.4 Rice husks
3.5 Perlite
3.6 Vermiculite
3.7 Pumice
3.8 Sand
3.9 Gravel
3.10 Wood fibre
3.11 Sheep wool
3.12 Rock wool
3.13 Brick shards
3.14 Polystyrene packing peanuts
4 Nutrient solutions
4.1 Inorganic hydroponic solutions
4.2 Organic hydroponic solutions
4.3 Additives
4.4 Tools
4.5 Mixing solutions
5 Advancements
5.1 CO2 enrichment
6 See also
7 References

The earliest published work on growing terrestrial plants without soil was the 1627 book Sylva Sylvarum or A Natural History by
Francis Bacon, printed a year after his death. Water culture became a popular research technique after that. In 1699, John Woodward
published his water culture experiments with spearmint. He found that plants in less-pure water sources grew better than plants in
distilled water. By 1842, a list of nine elements believed to be essential for plant growth had been compiled, and the discoveries of
German botanists Julius von Sachs and Wilhelm Knop, in the years 18591875, resulted in a development of the technique of soilless
cultivation.[2] Growth of terrestrial plants without soil in mineral nutrient solutions was called solution culture. It quickly became a
standard research and teaching technique and is still widely used. Solution culture is now considered a type of hydroponics where
there is no inert medium.

In 1929, William Frederick Gericke of the University of California at Berkeley began publicly promoting that solution culture be
used for agricultural crop production.[3][4] He first termed it aquaculture but later found that aquaculture was already applied to
culture of aquatic organisms. Gericke created a sensation by growing tomato vines twenty-five feet (7.6 metres) high in his back yard
in mineral nutrient solutions rather than soil.[5] He introduced the term hydroponics, water culture, in 1937, proposed to him by W. A.
Setchell, a phycologist with an extensive education in the classics.[6] Hydroponics is derived from neologism ,
constructed in analogy to ,[7] geoponica, that which concerns agriculture, replacing, -, earth, with -, water.[2]

Reports of Gericke's work and his claims that hydroponics would revolutionize plant agriculture prompted a huge number of requests
for further information. Gericke had been denied use of the University's greenhouses for his experiments due to the administration's
skepticism, and when the University tried to compel him to release his preliminary nutrient recipes developed at home he requested
greenhouse space and time to improve them using appropriate research facilities. While he was eventually provided greenhouse
space, the University assigned Hoagland and Arnon to re-develop Gericke's formula and show it held no benefit over soil grown plant
yields, a view held by Hoagland. In 1940, Gericke published the book, Complete Guide to Soil less Gardening, after leaving his
academic position in a climate that was politically unfavorable.

Two other plant nutritionists at the University of California were asked to research Gericke's claims. Dennis R. Hoagland[9] and
Daniel I. Arnon[10] wrote a classic 1938 agricultural bulletin, The Water Culture Method for Growing Plants Without Soil,.[11]
Hoagland and Arnon claimed that hydroponic crop yields were no better than crop yields with good-quality soils. Crop yields were
ultimately limited by factors other than mineral nutrients, especially light. This research, however, overlooked the fact that
hydroponics has other advantages including the fact that the roots of the plant have constant access to oxygen and that the plants have
access to as much or as little water as they need. This is important as one of the most common errors when growing is over- and
under- watering; and hydroponics prevents this from occurring as large amounts of water can be made available to the plant and any
water not used, drained away, recirculated, or actively aerated, eliminating anoxic conditions, which drown root systems in soil. In
soil, a grower needs to be very experienced to know exactly how much water to feed the plant. Too much and the plant will be unable
to access oxygen; too little and the plant will lose the ability to transport nutrients, which are typically moved into the roots while in
solution. These two researchers developed several formulas for mineral nutrient solutions, known as Hoagland solution. Modified
Hoagland solutions are still in use.

One of the earliest successes of hydroponics occurred on Wake Island, a rocky atoll in the Pacific Ocean used as a refuelling stop for
Pan American Airlines. Hydroponics was used there in the 1930s to grow vegetables for the passengers. Hydroponics was a necessity
on Wake Island because there was no soil, and it was prohibitively expensive to airlift in fresh vegetables.

In the 1960s, Allen Cooper of England developed the Nutrient film technique. The Land Pavilion at Walt Disney World's EPCOT
Center opened in 1982 and prominently features a variety of hydroponic techniques.
In recent decades, NASA has done extensive hydroponic research for its Controlled Ecological Life Support System (CELSS).
Hydroponics intended to take place on Mars are using LED lighting to grow in a different color spectrum with much less heat. Ray
Wheeler, a plant physiologist at Kennedy Space Centers Space Life Science Lab, believes that hydroponics will create advances
within space travel, as abioregenerative life support system.[13]

As of 2017, Canada had hundreds of acres of large-scale commercial hydroponic greenhouses, producing tomatoes, peppers and

There are two main variations for each medium, sub-irrigation and top irrigation. For all techniques, most hydroponic reservoirs are
now built of plastic, but other materials have been used including concrete, glass, metal, vegetable solids, and wood. The containers
should exclude light to prevent algae and fungal growth in the nutrient solution.

Static solution culture

In static solution culture, plants are grown in containers of nutrient
solution, such as glass Mason jars (typically, in-home applications),
plastic buckets, tubs, or tanks. The solution is usually gently aerated
but may be un-aerated. If un-aerated, the solution level is kept low
enough that enough roots are above the solution so they get adequate
oxygen. A hole is cut in the lid of the reservoir for each plant. There
can be one to many plants per reservoir. Reservoir size can be
increased as plant size increases. A home made system can be
constructed from plastic food containers or glass canning jars with
aeration provided by an aquarium pump, aquarium airline tubing and
aquarium valves. Clear containers are covered with aluminium foil,
butcher paper, black plastic, or other material to exclude light, thus The deep water raft tank at the CDC South
helping to eliminate the formation of algae. The nutrient solution is Aquaponics greenhouse in Brooks, Alberta.
changed either on a schedule, such as once per week, or when the
concentration drops below a certain level as determined with an
electrical conductivity meter. Whenever the solution is depleted below a certain level, either water or fresh nutrient solution is added.
A Mariotte's bottle, or a float valve, can be used to automatically maintain the solution level. In raft solution culture, plants are placed
in a sheet of buoyant plastic that is floated on the surface of the nutrient solution. That way, the solution level never drops below the

Continuous-flow solution culture NFT technique

In continuous-flow solution culture, the nutrient solution constantly flows past the roots. It is much easier to automate than the static
solution culture because sampling and adjustments to the temperature and nutrient concentrations can be made in a large storage tank
that has potential to serve thousands of plants. A popular variation is the nutrient film technique or NFT, whereby a very shallow
stream of water containing all the dissolved nutrients required for plant growth is recirculated past the bare roots of plants in a
watertight thick root mat, which develops in the bottom of the channel and has an upper surface that, although moist, is in the air.
Subsequent to this, an abundant supply of oxygen is provided to the roots of the plants. A properly designed NFT system is based on
using the right channel slope, the right flow rate, and the right channel length. The main advantage of the NFT system over other
forms of hydroponics is that the plant roots are exposed to adequate supplies of water, oxygen, and nutrients. In all other forms of
production, there is a conflict between the supply of these requirements, since excessive or deficient amounts of one results in an
imbalance of one or both of the others. NFT, because of its design, provides a system where all three requirements for healthy plant
growth can be met at the same time, provided that the simple concept of NFT is always remembered and practised. The result of
these advantages is that higher yields of high-quality produce are obtained over an extended period of cropping. A downside of NFT
is that it has very little buffering against interruptions in the flow
(e.g. power outages). But, overall, it is probably one of the more
productive techniques.

The same design characteristics apply to all conventional NFT

systems. While slopes along channels of 1:100 have been
recommended, in practice it is difficult to build a base for channels
that is sufficiently true to enable nutrient films to flow without
ponding in locally depressed areas. As a consequence, it is
recommended that slopes of 1:30 to 1:40 are used. This allows for
minor irregularities in the surface, but, even with these slopes,
The nutrient film technique being used to grow
ponding and water logging may occur. The slope may be provided by
various salad greens
the floor, benches or racks may hold the channels and provide the
required slope. Both methods are used and depend on local
requirements, often determined by the site and crop requirements.

As a general guide, flow rates for each gully should be 1 liter per minute.[15] At planting, rates may be half this and the upper limit of
2 L/min appears about the maximum. Flow rates beyond these extremes are often associated with nutritional problems. Depressed
growth rates of many crops have been observed when channels exceed 12 metres in length. On rapidly growing crops, tests have
indicated that, while oxygen levels remain adequate, nitrogen may be depleted over the length of the gully. As a consequence,
channel length should not exceed 1015 metres. In situations where this is not possible, the reductions in growth can be eliminated by
placing another nutrient feed halfway along the gully and halving the flow rates through each outlet.

Aeroponics is a system wherein roots are continuously or discontinuously kept in an environment saturated with fine drops (a mist or
aerosol) of nutrient solution. The method requires no substrate and entails growing plants with their roots suspended in a deep air or
growth chamber with the roots periodically wetted with a fine mist of atomized nutrients. Excellent aeration is the main advantage of

Aeroponic techniques have proven to be commercially successful for

propagation, seed germination, seed potato production, tomato
production, leaf crops, and micro-greens.[16] Since inventor Richard
Stoner commercialized aeroponic technology in 1983, aeroponics has
been implemented as an alternative to water intensive hydroponic
systems worldwide.[17] The limitation of hydroponics is the fact that
1 kilogram (2.2 lb) of water can only hold 8 milligrams (0.12 gr) of
air, no matter whether aerators are utilized or not.

Another distinct advantage of aeroponics over hydroponics is that A diagram of the aeroponic technique.
any species of plants can be grown in a true aeroponic system
because the micro environment of an aeroponic can be finely
controlled. The limitation of hydroponics is that certain species of plants can only survive for so long in water before they become
waterlogged. The advantage of aeroponics is that suspended aeroponic plants receive 100% of the available oxygen and carbon
dioxide to the roots zone, stems, and leaves,[18] thus accelerating biomass growth and reducing rooting times. NASA research has
shown that aeroponically grown plants have an 80% increase in dry weight biomass (essential minerals) compared to hydroponically
grown plants. Aeroponics used 65% less water than hydroponics. NASA also concluded that aeroponically grown plants requires
the nutrient input compared to hydroponics. Unlike hydroponically grown plants, aeroponically grown plants will not suffer
transplant shock when transplanted to soil, and of
fers growers the ability to reduce the spread of disease and pathogens. Aeroponics is
also widely used in laboratory studies of plant physiology and plant pathology. Aeroponic techniques have been given special
attention from NASA since a mist is easier to handle than a liquid in a zero-gravity environment.
Fogponics is a derivation of aeroponics wherein the nutrient solution is aerosolized by a diaphragm vibrating at ultrasonic
frequencies. Solution droplets produced by this method tend to be 510 m in diameter, smaller than those produced by forcing a
nutrient solution through pressurized nozzles, as in aeroponics. The smaller size of the droplets allows them to diffuse through the air
more easily, and deliver nutrients to the roots without limiting their access to oxygen.

Passive sub-irrigation
Passive sub-irrigation, also known as passive hydroponics or semi-hydroponics, is a method wherein plants are grown in an inert
porous medium that transports water and fertilizer to the roots by capillary action from a separate reservoir as necessary, reducing
labor and providing a constant supply of water to the roots. In the simplest method, the pot sits in a shallow solution of fertilizer and
water or on a capillary mat saturated with nutrient solution. The various hydroponic media available, such as expanded clay and
coconut husk, contain more air space than more traditional potting mixes, delivering increased oxygen to the roots, which is
important in epiphytic plants such as orchids and bromeliads, whose roots are exposed to the air in nature. Additional advantages of
passive hydroponics are the reduction of root rot and the additional ambient humidity provided through evaporations.

Ebb and flow or flood and drain sub-irrigation

In its simplest form, there is a tray above a reservoir of nutrient solution. Either the tray is filled
with growing medium (clay granules being the most common) and then plant directly or place the
pot over medium, stand in the tray. At regular intervals, a simple timer causes a pump to fill the
upper tray with nutrient solution, after which the solution drains back down into the reservoir.
This keeps the medium regularly flushed with nutrients and air. Once the upper tray fills past the A Ebb and flow or flood
drain stop, it begins recirculating the water until the timer turns the pump off, and the water in the and drain hydroponics
upper tray drains back into the reservoirs.[21] system.

Run to waste
In a run-to-waste system, nutrient and water solution is periodically applied to the medium surface. The method was invented in
Bengal in 1946; for this reason it is sometimes referred to as "The Bengal System".

This method can be set up in various configurations. In its simplest

form, a nutrient-and-water solution is manually applied one or more
times per day to a container of inert growing media, such as
rockwool, perlite, vermiculite, coco fibre, or sand. In a slightly more
complex system, it is automated with a delivery pump, a timer and
irrigation tubing to deliver nutrient solution with a delivery
frequency that is governed by the key parameters of plant size, plant
growing stage, climate, substrate, and substrate conductivity, pH, and
A run-to-waste hydroponics system referred to as
water content. "The Bengal System" after the region in
northeastern India where it was invented (circa
In a commercial setting, watering frequency is multi-factorial and 19461948)
governed by computers orPLCs.

Commercial hydroponics production of large plants like tomatoes,

cucumber, and peppers uses one form or another of run-to-waste hydroponics.

In environmentally responsible uses, the nutrient-rich waste is collected and processed through an on-site filtration system to be used
many times, making the system very productive.[23]
The majority of bonsai are now grown in soil-free substrates (typically consisting of akadama, grit, diatomaceous earth and other
inorganic components) and have their water and nutrients provided in a run-to-waste form.

Deep water culture

The hydroponic method of plant production by means of suspending the plant roots in a solution
of nutrient-rich, oxygenated water. Traditional methods favor the use of plastic buckets and large
containers with the plant contained in a net pot suspended from the centre of the lid and the roots
suspended in the nutrient solution. The solution is oxygen saturated by an air pump combined
with porous stones. With this method, the plants grow much faster because of the high amount of
oxygen that the roots receive.[24]

Top-fed deep water culture

Top-fed deep water culture is a technique involving delivering highly oxygenated nutrient solution
direct to the root zone of plants. While deep water culture involves the plant roots hanging down
into a reservoir of nutrient solution, in top-fed deep water culture the solution is pumped from the The Deep water culture
reservoir up to the roots (top feeding). The water is released over the plant's roots and then runs technique being used to
back into the reservoir below in a constantly recirculating system. As with deep water culture, grow Hungarian wax
there is an airstone in the reservoir that pumps air into the water via a hose from outside the peppers.
reservoir. The airstone helps add oxygen to the water. Both the airstone and the water pump run
24 hours a day.

The biggest advantage of top-fed deep water culture over standard deep water culture is increased growth during the first few weeks.
With deep water culture, there is a time when the roots have not reached the water yet. With top-fed deep water culture, the roots get
easy access to water from the beginning and will grow to the reservoir below much more quickly than with a deep water culture
system. Once the roots have reached the reservoir below, there is not a huge advantage with top-fed deep water culture over standard
deep water culture. However, due to the quicker growth in the beginning, grow time can be reducedby a few weeks.

A rotary hydroponic garden is a style of commercial hydroponics created within a circular frame
which rotates continuously during the entire growth cycle of whatever plant is being grown.

While system specifics vary, systems typically rotate once per hour, giving a plant 24 full turns
within the circle each 24-hour period. Within the center of each rotary hydroponic garden is a high
intensity grow light, designed to simulate sunlight, often with the assistance of a mechanized

Each day, as the plants rotate, they are periodically watered with a hydroponic growth solution to
provide all nutrients necessary for robust growth. Due to the plants continuous fight against
gravity, plants typically mature much more quickly than when grown in soil or other traditional
hydroponic growing systems.Due to the small foot print a rotary hydroponic system has, it allows
for more plant material to be grown per square foot of floor space than other traditional A Rotary hydroponic
hydroponic systems. cultivation demonstration
at the Belgian Pavilion
Expo in 2015.
Domestic hydroponic farming
For the domestic use, hydroponics is a way to grow produce for the laymen; without any soil. The process generally involves an
apparatus that supplies water and liquid nutrients to yield the produce. Domestic hydroponic farming can be seen to be beneficial in a
few ways. Domestic hydroponics has also had beneficial results in theUnited States in states like Arizona and New Mexico.[25]
One of the most obvious decisions hydroponic farmers have to make is which medium they should use. Different media are
appropriate for different growing techniques.

Expanded clay aggregate

Baked clay pellets are suitable for hydroponic systems in which all nutrients are carefully
controlled in water solution. The clay pellets are inert, pH neutral and do not contain any nutrient

The clay is formed into round pellets and fired in rotary kilns at 1,200 C (2,190 F). This causes
the clay to expand, like popcorn, and become porous. It is light in weight, and does not compact
over time. The shape of an individual pellet can be irregular or uniform depending on brand and Expanded clay pebbles.
manufacturing process. The manufacturers consider expanded clay to be an ecologically
sustainable and re-usable growing medium because of its ability to be cleaned and sterilized,
typically by washing in solutions of white vinegar
, chlorine bleach, or hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), and rinsing completely.

Another view is that clay pebbles are best not re-used even when they are cleaned, due to root growth that may enter the medium.
Breaking open a clay pebble after a crop has been shown to reveal this growth.

Growstones, made from glass waste, have both more air and water retention space than perlite and peat. This aggregate holds more
water than parboiled rice hulls.[26] Growstones by volume consist of 0.5 to 5% calcium carbonate[27] for a standard 5.1 kg bag of
Growstones that corresponds to 25.8 to 258 grams ofcalcium carbonate. The remainder is soda-lime glass.[27]

Coir peat
Coco peat, also known as coir or coco, is the leftover material after the fibres have been removed from the outermost shell (bolster)
of the coconut. Coir is a 100% natural grow and flowering medium. Coconut coir is colonized with trichoderma fungi, which protects
roots and stimulates root growth. It is extremely difficult to over-water coir due to its perfect air-to-water ratio; plant roots thrive in
this environment. Coir has a high cation exchange, meaning it can store unused minerals to be released to the plant as and when it
requires it. Coir is available in many forms; most common is coco peat, which has the appearance and texture of soil but contains no
mineral content.

Rice husks
Parboiled rice husks (PBH) are an agricultural byproduct that would otherwise have little use. They decay
over time, and allow drainage,[28] and even retain less water than growstones.[26] A study showed that rice
husks did not affect the effects of plant growth regulators.[28]

Rice husks, a
Perlite hydroponic
Perlite is a volcanic rock that has been superheated into very lightweight expanded glass pebbles. It is used substrate
loose or in plastic sleeves immersed in the water. It is also used in potting soil mixes to decrease soil option.
density. Perlite has similar properties and uses to vermiculite but, in general, holds more air and less water
and is buoyant.

Like perlite, vermiculite is a mineral that has been superheated until it has expanded into light
pebbles. Vermiculite holds more water than perlite and has a natural "wicking" property that can
draw water and nutrients in a passive hydroponic system. If too much water and not enough air
surrounds the plants roots, it is possible to gradually lower the medium's water-retention Perlite, a hydroponic
capability by mixing in increasing quantities of perlite. growing substrate option.

Like perlite, pumice is a lightweight, mined volcanic rock that finds application in hydroponics.

Sand Vermiculite
Sand is cheap and easily available. However, it is heavy, does not hold water very well, and it must be close-up.

sterilized between uses.

The same type that is used in aquariums, though any small gravel can be used, provided it is washed first.
Indeed, plants growing in a typical traditional gravel filter bed, with water circulated using electric A pumice stone.
powerhead pumps, are in effect being grown using gravel hydroponics. Gravel is inexpensive, easy to keep
clean, drains well and will not become waterlogged. However, it is also heavy, and, if the system does not
provide continuous water, the plant roots may dry out.

Wood fibre
Wood fibre, produced from steam friction of wood, is a very efficient organic substrate for hydroponics. It
has the advantage that it keeps its structure for a very long time. Wood wool (i.e. wood slivers) have been
used since the earliest days of the hydroponics research.[8] However, more recent research suggests that
wood fibre may have detrimental effects on "plant growth regulators".[28]

Sheep wool
Wool from shearing sheep is a little-used yet promising renewable growing medium. In a study comparing
Excelsior, or
wool with peat slabs, coconut fibre slabs, perlite and rockwool slabs to grow cucumber plants, sheep wool wood wool
had a greater air capacity of 70%, which decreased with use to a comparable 43%, and water capacity that
increased from 23% to 44% with use.[29] Using sheep wool resulted in the greatest yield out of the tested
substrates, while application of a biostimulator consisting of humic acid, lactic acid and Bacillus subtilis improved yields in all

Rock wool
Rock wool (mineral wool) is the most widely used medium in hydroponics. Rock wool is an inert substrate
suitable for both run-to-waste and recirculating systems. Rock wool is made from molten rock, basalt or
'slag' that is spun into bundles of single filament fibres, and bonded into a medium capable of capillary
action, and is, in effect, protected from most common microbiological degradation. Rock wool is typically
Rock wool
used only for the seedling stage, or with newly cut clones, but can remain with the plant base for its
lifetime. Rock wool has many advantages and some disadvantages. The latter being the possible skin
irritancy (mechanical) whilst handling (1:1000). Flushing with cold water usually brings relief. Advantages
include its proven efficiency and effectiveness as a commercial hydroponic substrate. Most of the rock wool sold to date is a non-
hazardous, non-carcinogenic material, falling under Note Q of the European Union Classification Packaging and Labeling Regulation

Brick shards
Brick shards have similar properties to gravel. They have the added disadvantages of possibly altering the pH and requiring extra
cleaning before reuse.

Polystyrene packing peanuts

Polystyrene packing peanuts are inexpensive, readily available, and have excellent drainage. However, they
can be too lightweight for some uses. They are used mainly in closed-tube systems. Note that non-
biodegradable polystyrene peanuts must be used; biodegradable packing peanuts will decompose into a
sludge. Plants may absorbstyrene and pass it to their consumers; this is a possible health risk.
foam peanuts
Nutrient solutions

Inorganic hydroponic solutions

The formulation of hydroponic solutions is an application ofplant nutrition, with nutrient deficiency symptoms mirroring those found
in traditional soil based agriculture. However, the underlying chemistry of hydroponic solutions can differ from soil chemistry in
many significant ways. Important differences include:

Unlike soil, hydroponic nutrient solutions do not havecation-exchange capacity(CEC) from clay particles or organic
matter. The absence of CEC means thepH and nutrient concentrations can change much more rapidly in hydroponic
setups than is possible in soil.
Selective absorption of nutrients by plants often imbalances the amount of counterions in solution.[8][30][31] This
imbalance can rapidly affect solution pH and the ability of plants to absorb nutrients of similar ionic charge (see
article membrane potential). For instance, nitrateanions are often consumed rapidly by plants to formproteins,
leaving an excess of cations in solution.[8] This cation imbalance can lead to deficiency symptoms in other cation
based nutrients (e.g. Mg2+) even when an ideal quantity of those nutrients are dissolved in the solution. [30][31]

Depending on the pH and/or on the presence of water contaminants, nutrients such as iron can precipitate from the
solution and become unavailable to plants. Routine adjustments to pH, buffering the solution, and/or the use of
chelating agents is often necessary.
As in conventional agriculture, nutrients should be adjusted to satisfy Liebig's law of the minimum for each specific plant variety.[30]
Nevertheless, generally acceptable concentrations for nutrient solutions exist, with minimum and maximum concentration ranges for
most plants being somewhat similar. Most nutrient solutions are mixed to have concentrations between 1,000 and 2,500 ppm.[8]
Acceptable concentrations for the individual nutrient ions, which comprise that total ppm figure, are summarized in the following
table. For essential nutrients, concentrations below these ranges often lead to nutrient deficiencies while exceeding these ranges can
lead to nutrient toxicity. Optimum nutrition concentrations for plant varieties are found empirically by experience and/or by plant
tissue tests.[30]
Ionic High range Common
Element Role range Comment
form(s) (ppm) Sources
KNO3, NH4 interferes with Ca2+
NH4NO3, uptake and can be toxic to
plants if used as a major
NO3 Ca(NO3)2,
Essential nitrogen source. A 3:1
Nitrogen and/or 100[31] 1000[30] HNO3, +
macronutrient + ratio of NO3 to NH4 is
NH4 (NH4)2SO4,
and sometimes recommended
(NH4)2HPO4 to balance pH during
nitrogen absorption.[31]
KNO3, K2SO4, High concentrations
KCl, KOH, interfere with the function
macronutrient K+ 100[30] 400[30] K2CO3, Fe, Mn, and Zn. Zinc
K2HPO4, and deficiencies often are the
K2SiO3 most apparent.[31]

K2HPO4, Excess NO3 tends to
KH2PO4, 3
Essential inhibit PO4 absorption.
macronutrient PO4 30[31] 100[30] NH4H2PO4, 3
The ratio of iron to PO4
H3PO4, and
can affect co-preciptiation
Essential Excess Ca2+ inhibits Mg2+
Calcium Ca2+ 200[31] 500[30] Ca(H2PO4),
CaSO4, CaCl2 uptake.[31]

MgSO4 and Should not exceed Ca2+

macronutrient Mg2+ 50[30] 100[30] MgCl2
concentration due to
competitive uptake.[31]
Unlike most nutrients,
plants can tolerate a high
CaSO4, 2
H2SO4, concentration of the SO4 ,
Essential 2 selectively absorbing the
Sulfur SO4 50[31] 1000[30] (NH4)2SO4,
macronutrient nutrient as
CuSO4, needed.[8][30][31]
FeSO4, and Undesirable counterion
effects still apply however.

pH values above 6.5

greatly decreases iron
solubility. Chelating
Fe3+ FeEDTA, iron
Essential agents (e.g. DTPA, citric
Iron and 2[31] 5[30] citrate, iron
acid, or EDTA) are often
micronutrient tartrate, FeCl3,
Fe2+ added to increase iron
and FeSO4
solubility over a greater
pH range.[31]
Excess zinc is highly toxic
Essential to plants but is essential
Zinc Zn2+ 0.05[31] 1[30] ZnSO4
micronutrient for plants at low
Plant sensitivity to copper
is highly variable. 0.1 ppm
can be toxic to some
Copper Cu2+ 0.01[31] 1[30] CuSO4 plants[31] while a
concentration up to 0.5
ppm for many plants is
often considered ideal.[30]
Manganese Essential Mn2+ 0.5[30][31] 1[30] MnSO4 and Uptake is enhanced by
micronutrient MnCl2 high PO4

An essential nutrient,
however, some plants are
Essential H3BO3, and highly sensitive to boron
Boron B(OH)4 0.3[31] 10[30] (e.g. toxic effects are
micronutrient Na2B4O7
apparent in citrus trees at
0.5 ppm).[30]
A component of the
Essential (NH4)6Mo7O24 enzyme nitrate reductase
Molybdenum MoO4 0.001[30] 0.05[31] and required by rhizobia
micronutrient and Na2MoO4
for nitrogen fixation.[31]
Essential to many plants
Essential NiSO4 and (e.g. legumes and some
Nickel Ni2+ 0.057[31] 1.5[30]
micronutrient NiCO3 grain crops).[31] Also used
in the enzyme urease.

Can interfere with NO3
uptake in some plants but
KCl, CaCl2, can be beneficial in some
Variable Highly
micronutrient Cl 0
MgCl2, and plants (e.g. in asparagus
NaCl at 5 ppm). Absent in
conifers, ferns, and most
Essential for some plants
(e.g. peas, maize,
sunflowers, and cereals).
Variable Can be toxic to some
Aluminum Al3+ 0 10[30] Al2(SO4)3
micronutrient plants below 10 ppm.[30]
Sometimes used to
produce flower pigments
(e.g. by Hydrangeas).
Present in most plants,
abundant in cereal crops,
K2SiO3, grasses, and tree bark.
Variable 2
Silicon SiO3 0 140[31] Na2SiO3, and 2
micronutrient Evidence that SiO3
improves plant disease
resistance exists.[30]
Might be essential but
trace Ti3+ is so ubiquitous
that its addition is rarely
Variable warranted.[31] At 5 ppm
Titanium Ti3+ 0 5[30] H4TiO4
micronutrient favorable growth effects in
some crops are notable
(e.g. pineapple and
Required by rhizobia,
micronutrient Co2+ 0 0.1[30] CoSO4 important for legume root
Na+ can partially replace
Non-essential Highly K+ in some plant functions
Sodium Na+ 0 NaCl,
micronutrient variable
NaHCO3, and but K+ is still an essential
NaOH nutrient.[30]

Non-essential Trace, Beneficial for rhizobialN2

Vanadium VO2+ 0 VOSO4
micronutrient undetermined fixation.[31]

Li+ can increase the

Non-essential Li2SO4, LiCl, chlorophyll content of
Lithium Li+ 0 Undetermined
micronutrient and LiOH some plants (e.g. potato
and pepper plants).[31]
Organic hydroponic solutions
Organic fertilizers can be used to supplement or entirely replace the inorganic compounds used in conventional hydroponic
solutions.[30][31] However, using organic fertilizers introduces a number of challenges that are not easily resolved. Examples include:

organic fertilizers are highly variable in their nutritional compositions. Even similar materials can fer
dif significantly
based on their source (e.g. the quality ofmanure varies based on an animal's diet).
organic fertilizers are often sourced from animal byproducts, makingdisease transmission a serious concern for
plants grown for human consumption or animalforage.
organic fertilizers are oftenparticulate and can clog substrates or other growing equipment.Sieving and/or milling
the organic materials to fine dusts is often necessary .
some organic materials (i.e. particularlymanures and offal) can further degrade to emit foul odors.
Nevertheless, if precautions are taken, organic fertilizers can be used successfully in hydroponics.[30][31]

Organically sourced macronutrients

Examples of suitable materials, with their average nutritional contents tabulated in terms of percent dried mass, are listed in the
following table.[30]
N P2O5 K2O CaO MgO SO2 Comment
Bloodmeal 13.0% 2.0% 1.0% 0.5%
Bone ashes 35.0% 46.0% 1.0% 0.5%
Bonemeal 4.0% 22.5% 33.0% 0.5% 0.5%
Hoof / Horn
14.0% 1.0% 2.5% 2.0%
Fishmeal 9.5% 7.0% 0.5%
Wool waste 3.5% 0.5% 2.0% 0.5%
Wood ashes 2.0% 5.0% 33.0% 3.5% 1.0%
5.5% 27.0% 9.5% 5.0% 2.5%
7.0% 3.0% 2.0% 0.5% 0.5%
Dried locust or
10.0% 1.5% 0.5% 0.5%
Leather waste Milled to a fine dust.[31]
to 22%
Kelp meal, liquid
1% 12% Commercial products available.
A liquid compost which is sieved to
2% to 2.5% 1.3%
Poultry manure 4.0% 1.0% 2.0% remove solids and checked for
5% to 3% to 3%
Sheep manure 2.0% 1.5% 3.0% 4.0% 2.0% 1.5% Same as poultry manure.
Goat manure 1.5% 1.5% 3.0% 2.0% Same as poultry manure.
3% to 2% to
Horse manure 1.5% 1.5% 1.0% 0.5% Same as poultry manure.
6% 5%
Cow manure 2.0% 1.5% 2.0% 4.0% 1.1% 0.5% Same as poultry manure.

Bat guano 8.0% 40% 29% Trace Trace Trace High in micronutrients.[31] Commercially
High in micronutrients. Commercially
Bird guano 13% 8% 20% Trace Trace Trace

Organically sourced micronutrients

Micronutrients can be sourced from organic fertilizers as well. For example, composted pine bark is high in manganese and is
sometimes used to fulfill that mineral requirement in hydroponic solutions.[31] To satisfy requirements for National Organic
Programs, pulverized, unrefined minerals (e.g. Gypsum, Calcite, and glauconite) can also be added to satisfy a plant's nutritional

In addition to chelating agents, humic acids can be added to increase nutrient uptake.[31][32]


Common equipment
Managing nutrient concentrations and pH values within acceptable ranges is essential for successful hydroponic horticulture.
Common tools used to manage hydroponic solutions include:

Electrical conductivity meters, a tool which estimates nutrient ppm by measuring how well a solution transmits an
electric current.
pH meter, a tool that uses an electric current to determine the concentration ofhydrogen ions in solution.
Litmus paper, disposable pH indicator strips that determine hydrogen ion concentrations by color changingchemical
Graduated cylinders or measuring spoons to measure out premixed, commercial hydroponic solutions.

Advanced equipment
Advanced equipment can also be used to perform accuratechemical analyses of nutrient solutions. Examples include:[30]

Balances for accurately measuring materials.

Laboratory glassware, such as burettes and pipettes, for performing titrations.
Colorimeters for solution tests which apply theBeerLambert law.
Using advanced equipment for hydroponic solutions can be beneficial to growers of any background because nutrient solutions are
often reusable.[33] Because nutrient solutions are virtually never completely depleted, and should never be due to the unacceptably
low osmotic pressure that would result, re-fortification of old solutions with new nutrients can save growers money and can control
point source pollution, a common source for theeutrophication of nearby lakes and streams.[33]

Although pre-mixed concentrated nutrient solutions are generally purchased from commercial nutrient manufacturers by hydroponic
hobbyists and small commercial growers, several tools exist to help anyone prepare their own solutions without extensive knowledge
about chemistry. The free and open source tools HydroBuddy[34] and HydroCal[35] have been created by professional chemists to
help any hydroponics grower prepare their own nutrient solutions. The first program is available for Windows, Mac and Linux while
the second one can be used through a simple JavaScript interface. Both programs allow for basic nutrient solution preparation
although HydroBuddy provides added functionality to use and save custom substances, save formulations and predict electrical
conductivity values. A new tool called Eddy is based on artificial intelligence, collecting unlimited parameters from the hydroponics
environment to understand the language of plants, and ultimately increase productivity

Mixing solutions
Often mixing hydroponic solutions using individual salts is impractical for hobbyists and/or small-scale commercial growers because
commercial products are available at reasonable prices. However, even when buying commercial products, multi-component
fertilizers are popular. Often these products are bought as three part formulas which emphasize certain nutritional roles. For example,
solutions for vegetative growth (i.e. high in nitrogen), flowering (i.e. high in potassium and phosphorus), and micronutrient solutions
(i.e. with trace minerals) are popular. The timing and application of these multi-part fertilizers should coincide with a plant's growth
stage. For example, at the end of anannual plant's life cycle, a plant should be restricted from high nitrogen fertilizers. In most plants,
nitrogen restriction inhibits vegetative growth and helpsinduce flowering.[31]

With pest problems reduced and nutrients constantly fed to the roots, productivity in hydroponics is high; however, growers can
further increase yield by manipulating a plant's environment by constructing sophisticated

CO2 enrichment
To increase yield further, some sealed greenhouses injectCO2 into their environment to help improve growth and plant fertility
See also
Grow box
Passive hydroponics
Plant factory
Plant nutrition
Plant pathology
Root rot
Vertical farming

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