Karma Elimination Mantra Method (Final)
Karma Elimination Mantra Method (Final)
Karma Elimination Mantra Method (Final)
I. Instructions:
II. Notes:
1. Incense Anthem
6. Offerings Mantra:
Homage to Guan Shi Yin, Bodhisattva of great loving-kindness, compassion, savior, and immense
efficacy. (During this recitation, bow or hold your palms together in front of your chest.)
Homage to Guan Shi Yin, Bodhisattva of great loving-kindness, compassion, savior, and immense
efficacy. (During this recitation, bow or hold your palms together in front of your chest.)
Homage to Guan Shi Yin, Bodhisattva of great loving-kindness, compassion, savior, and immense
efficacy. (During this recitation, bow or hold your palms together in front of your chest.)
Homage to the Buddhas, Homage to the Dharmas, and Homage to the Sanghas.
Deities from heaven, deities from earth, may people be free from sufferings and all misfortune
1. Na moHo la da nuDo la ye ye
2. Na moWo li ye
3. Po lu je diSho bo la ye
4. Pu ti sa do po ye
5. Mo ho sa do po ye
6. Mo ho jia lu ni jia ye
7. Ong
8. Sa bo la fa yi
9. Shu da nu da shia
10. Na mo si ji li doYi mong wo li ye
11. Po lu ji diShe fo la lang tuo po
12. Na moNu la jin che
13. Si li mo ho po do sha meh
14. Sa po wo tuoDou shu pung
15. Wo shi yeun
16. Sa po sa doNa mo po sa doNa mo po che
17. Mo fa to do
18. Da dzo tuo
19. OngWo po lu hsi
20. Lu jia di
21. Jia lo di
22. Yi hsi li
23. Mo ho pu ti sa do
24. Sa po sa po
25. Mo la mo la
26. Mo hsi mo siLi tuo yeun
27. Ju lu ju luJie mong
28. Du lu du luFa sher ye di
29. Mo ho fa sher ye di
30. Tuo la tuo la
31. Di li ni
32. Shi fo la ye
33. Zhe la zhe la
34. Mo moFa mo la
35. Mu di li
36. Yi hsi yi hsi
37. Shi nu shi nu
38. Wo la sengFo la se li
39. Fa sha fa seng
40. Fo la se ye
41. Hu lu hu lu mo la
42. Hu lu hu lu hsi li
43. Suo la suo la
44. Hsi li hsi li
45. Su lu su lu
46. Pu ti yePu ti ye
47. Pu tuo yePu tuo ye
48. Mi di li ye
49. Nu la jin chie
50. Di li so ni nu
51. Po ye mo nu
52. Suo po ho
53. Hsi tuo ye
54. Suo po ho
55. Mo ho hsi tuo ye
56. Suo po ho
57. Hsi tuo yu yi
58. Hsi bo la ye
59. Suo po ho
60. Nu la jin chie
61. Suo po ho
62. Mo la nu la
63. Suo po ho
64. Hsi la sengWo mo chie ye
65. Suo po ho
66. Suo po mo hoWo hsi tuo ye
67. Suo po ho
68. Zhe ji laWo hsi tuo ye
69. Suo po ho
70. Bo tuo muoJie hsi tuo ye
71. Suo po ho
72. Nu la jin chieBo che la ye
73. Suo po ho
74. Mo po li sengJi la ye
75. Suo po ho
76. Na mo ho la da nuDuo la ye ye
77. Na mo wo li ye
78. Po lu ji di
79. Sho bo la ye
80. Suo po ho
81. OngHsi deng du
82. Mang duo la
83. Ba tuo ye
84. Suo po ho
Na mo a mi duo po ye
Duo tuo chie duo yeDuo di ye tuo
A mi li dou po piA mi li duoXi dan po pi
A mi li duoPi jia lan di
A mi li duoPi jia lan duo
Chie mi niChie Chie nuo
Zhi duo jia liShuo po ho
When Guan Yin Bodhisattva was practicing the profound and Perfect Wisdom of Attaining
he saw and realized that the five elements which an individual has: conformation, sensation,
conception, conduct, and consciousness are all in the state of emptiness. Thus, he overcame all ills
and suffering.
Disciple Sariputra, form does not differ from the emptiness, and emptiness does not differ from the
Disciple Sariputra, the emptiness character of all dharma is neither arises nor ceases, neither pure
nor impure, and neither increases nor decreases.
Therefore, in the state of emptiness, there are no conformation, sensation, conception, conduct, and
Even until no old age and death, and no ending of old age and death.
No truth of suffering, of the cause of suffering, of the cessation of suffering, or of the path leading
to cessation of suffering.
Through the reliance on the Perfect Wisdom of Attaining Nirvana, Bodhisattvas have no
attachment and hindrance in their minds. Because there is no more attachment and hindrance,
there is no more fear. They passed far away from erroneous views and wishful-thinking, and
reached Ultimate Nirvana.
Also through the reliance on the Perfect Wisdom of Attaining Nirvana, all Buddhas in the past,
present and future attained ultimate enlightenment.
Therefore, the Perfect Wisdom of Attaining Nirvana is the most divine mantra, the great
enlightening mantra, the utmost mantra, and the incomparable mantra.
11. Transfer Merits Phase
All of the above recitations are sincerely transferred to past-lives creditors to eliminate karmas and
to grow blessings and wisdom.