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s27 Cases in Holistic Risk Managem

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Chapter 23
Cases in Holistic Risk Management
By this point, you have gained an understanding of the life cycle risks associated
with mortality, longevity, and health/disability. You have learned about the social
insurance programs such as Social Security and Medicare that help counter these
risks. We have delved into life, health, and disability insurance products in Chapter
19 "Mortality Risk Management: Individual Life Insurance and Group Life
Insurance" and Chapter 22 "Employment and Individual Health Risk Management"
and discussed pensions in Chapter 21 "Employment-Based and Individual Longevity
Risk Management". The availability and features of these products in group
(employer-sponsored) or individual arrangements were also discussed. On the
property/casualty side, we covered all the risks confronted by families and
enterprises. We discussed the solutions using insurance for the home, automobile,
and liability risks. Thus, you now have the tools needed to complete the holistic risk
puzzle and the steps representing each layer of the risk management pyramid, from
society on up to you as an individual.

With that said, this chapter is a departure from most, but it is vitally important. Our
final lesson focuses on applying your knowledge and skills in the complete holistic
risk management picture. In other words, you will now learn how to use your new
tools. Practical case studies featuring hypothetical families and companiessome
designed by fellow studentsare utilized to fulfill this objective. The situations
posed by these cases are ones that you may encounter in the roles you serve
throughout your life, and they incorporate the insurance products and risk
management techniques discussed throughout this text.

We begin first with a sample family risk management portfolio involving home,
auto, life, health, and disability insurance coverage and planning for retirement.
This case is for the personal needs of families. The second case focuses on the
employers provided employee benefits package. It is designed as the benefits
handbook of a hypothetical employer who provides more benefit options than
current practices. In the last case, we broaden our understanding of enterprise risk
management (covered in Part I of the text) by exploring the concept of alternative
risk financing and the challenges faced by a risk manager in selecting among
insurance products for commercial risk management needs.

Chapter 23 Cases in Holistic Risk Management

At the conclusion of this chapter, your knowledge of risk management concepts will
be reinforced and expanded. The chapter is structured as follows:

1. Links
2. Case 1: The Smith Family Insurance Portfolio
3. Case 2: Galaxy Max, Inc., Employee Benefits Package
4. Case 3: Nontraditional Insurance Programs and Application to the
Hypothetical LOCO Corporation


Losses Paid to Hypothetical Victims Families

To understand the spectrum of personal losses to the families, we introduce two

hypothetical families who were directly affected by the World Trade Center
catastrophe. The families are those of Allen Zang, who worked as a bond trader in
the South Tower of the World Trade Center, and his high school friend Mike
Shelling, a graduate student who visited Allen on the way to a job interview. Both
Mike and Allen were thirty-four years old and married. Mike had a six-year-old boy
and Allen had three young girls.

Both Allen and Mike were among the casualties of the

attack on the World Trade Center. But their eligibility Figure 23.1 Structure of
for benefits was considerably different because Mike Insurance Coverages
was not employed at the time. In the analysis of the
losses or benefits paid to each family, we will first
evaluate the benefits available under the social
insurance programs mandated in the United States and
in New York. Second, we will evaluate the benefits
available under the group insurance programs and
pensions provided by employers. Third, we will evaluate
the private insurance programs purchased by the
families (as shown in Figure 23.1 "Structure of Insurance Coverages"). We will also
evaluate the ways that families might attempt to collect benefits from negligent
parties who may have contributed to the losses.

Recall from Chapter 18 "Social Security" that social insurance programs include
Social Security, workers compensation, and unemployment compensation
insurance (and, in a few states, state-provided disability insurance). In the United
States, these programs are intended to protect members of the work force and are
not based on need. The best-known aspect of Social Security is the mandatory plan

Chapter 23 Cases in Holistic Risk Management

for retirement (so-called old-age benefits). But the program also includes disability
benefits; survivors benefits; and Medicare parts A, B, C, and D.

Table 23.1 "Benefits for Two Hypothetical Losses of Lives" shows the benefits
available to each of the families. It is important to note that both Mike and Allen
were employed for at least ten years (forty quarters). Therefore, they were fully
insured for Social Security benefits, and their families were eligible to receive
survivors benefits under Social Security. Each family received the allotted $255
burial benefit. Also, because both had young children, the families were eligible for
a portion of the fathers Primary Insurance Amount (PIA). The Social Security
Administration provided the benefits immediately without official death
certificates, as described by Commissioner Larry Massanari in his report to the
House Committee on Ways and Means, Subcommittee on Social Security.Social
Security Testimony Before Congress, House Committee on Ways and Means,
Subcommittee on Social Security (Shaw) on SSAs Response to the Terrorist Attacks
of September 11, Larry Massanari, Commissioner, http://www.ssa.gov/legislation/
testimony_110101.html (accessed April 16, 2009).

You learned in Chapter 16 "Risks Related to the Job: Workers Compensation and
Unemployment Compensation" that workers compensation provides medical
coverage, disability income, rehabilitation, and survivors income (death benefits).
Benefits are available only if the injury or death occurred on the job or as a result of
the job. Because Allen was at the office at the time of his death, his family was
eligible to receive survivors benefits from the workers compensation carrier of the

Table 23.1 Benefits for Two Hypothetical Losses of Lives

Mikes Family

Social insurance

Death benefits (survivors benefits) from Social

Yes Yes

Workers compensation No Yes

State disability benefits No No

Unemployment compensation No No

Employee benefits (group insurance)

Group life No Yes

Group disability No Yes

Chapter 23 Cases in Holistic Risk Management

Mikes Family

Group medical No Yes (COBRA)

Yes (former
Pensions and 401(k) Yes

Personal insurance

Individual life policy Yes No

The New York Workers Compensation Statute states, If the worker dies from a
compensable injury, the surviving spouse and/or minor children, and lacking such,
other dependents as defined by law, are entitled to weekly cash benefits. The
amount is equal to two-thirds of the deceased workers average weekly wage for the
year before the accident. The weekly compensation may not exceed the weekly
maximum, despite the number of dependents. If there are no surviving children,
spouse, grandchildren, grandparents, brothers, or sisters entitled to compensation,
the surviving parents or the estate of the deceased worker may be entitled to
payment of a sum of $50,000. Funeral expenses may also be paid, up to $6,000 in
Metropolitan New York counties; up to $5,000 in all others.

The maximum benefit at the time of the catastrophe was $400 per week, less any
Social Security benefits, for lifetime or until remarriage.Daniel Hays, Workers
Compensation Losses Might Top $1 Billion, National Underwriter, Property &
Casualty/Risk & Benefits Management Edition, September 2001, 10; See also New
York State Workers Compensation Board at http://www.wcb.state.ny.us/ (accessed
April 16, 2009). Thus, Allens family received the workers compensation benefits
minus the Social Security amount. Recall from Chapter 16 "Risks Related to the Job:
Workers Compensation and Unemployment Compensation" that under the
workers compensation system, the employees family gives up the right to sue the
employer. Allens family could not sue his employer, but Mikes family, not having
received workers compensation benefits, may believe that Allens employer was
negligent in not providing a safe place for a visitor and may sue under the
employers general liability coverage.

In Mikes case, the New York Disability Benefits program did not apply because the
program does not include death benefits for non-job-injury. If Mike were disabled
rather than killed, this state program would have paid him disability benefits. Of
course, unemployment compensation does not apply here either. However, it would
apply to all workers who lost their jobs involuntarily as a result of a catastrophe.

Chapter 23 Cases in Holistic Risk Management

Because Allen was employed at the time, his family was also eligible to receive
group benefits provided by his employer (as covered in Chapter 20 "Employment-
Based Risk Management (General)", Chapter 21 "Employment-Based and Individual
Longevity Risk Management", and Chapter 22 "Employment and Individual Health
Risk Management"). Many employers offer group life and disability coverage,
medical insurance, and some types of pension plans or 401(k) tax-free retirement
investment accounts. Allens employer gave twice the annual salary for basic group
term life insurance and twice the annual salary for accidental death and
dismemberment (AD&D). The family received from the insurer death benefits in an
amount equal to four times Allens annual salary, free from income tax (see Chapter
19 "Mortality Risk Management: Individual Life Insurance and Group Life
Insurance" and Chapter 21 "Employment-Based and Individual Longevity Risk
Management"). Allen earned $100,000 annually; therefore, the total death benefits
were $400,000, tax-free.

Allen also elected to be covered by his employers group short-term disability (STD)
and long-term disability (LTD) plans. Those plans included supplemental provisions
giving a small amount of death benefits. In the case of Allen, the amount was
$30,000. In addition, his employer provided a defined contribution plan, and the
accumulated account balance was available to his beneficiary. The accumulated
amount in Allens 401(k) account was also available to his beneficiary.

Mikes family could not take advantage of group benefits because he was not
employed. Therefore, no group life or group STD and LTD were available to Mikes
family. However, his pension accounts from former employers and any individual
retirement accounts (IRAs) were available to his beneficiary.

Survivors medical insurance was a major concern. Allens wife did not work and
the family had medical coverage from Allens employer. Allens wife decided to
continue the health coverage the family had from her husbands employer under
the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) of 1986. The law
provided for continuation of health insurance up to 36 months to the wife as a
widow for the whole cost of the coverage (both the employee and the employers
cost) plus 2 percent (as covered in Chapter 22 "Employment and Individual Health
Risk Management").

For Mikes family, the situation was different because Mike was in graduate school.
His wife covered the family under her employers health coverage. She simply
continued this coverage.

The third layer of available coverage is personal insurance programs. Here, the
families personal risk management comes into play. When Mike decided to return

Chapter 23 Cases in Holistic Risk Management

to school, he and his wife consulted with a reputable financial planner who helped
them in their risk management and financial planning. Mike had made a series of
successful career moves. In his last senior position at an Internet start-up company,
he was able to cash in his stock options and create a sizeable investment account for
his family. Also, just before beginning graduate school, Mike purchased a $1 million
life insurance policy on his life and $500,000 on his wifes life. They decided to
purchase a twenty-year level term life rather than a universal life policy (for
details, refer to Chapter 19 "Mortality Risk Management: Individual Life Insurance
and Group Life Insurance") because they wanted to invest some of their money in a
new home and a vacation home in Fire Island (off Long Island, New York).

The amount of insurance Mike bought for his wife was lower because she already
had sizeable group life coverage under her employers group life insurance package.
Subsequent to Mikes death, his wife received the $1 million in death benefits
within three weeks. Despite not having a death certificate, she was able to show
evidence that her husband was at the World Trade Center at the time. She had a
recording on her voice mail at work from Mike telling her that he was going to try
to run down the stairs. The message was interrupted by the sound of the building
collapsing. Thus, Mikes beneficiaries, his wife and son, received the $1 million life
insurance and the Social Security benefits available. Because the family had sizeable
collateral resources (nonfederal government sources), they were eligible for less
than the maximum amount of the Federal Relief Fund created for the victims

Allens family had not undertaken the comprehensive financial planning that Mike
and his family had. He did not have additional life insurance policies, even though
he planned to get to it one of these days. His familys benefits were provided by
his social insurance coverages and by his employer. The family was also eligible for
the relief fund established by the federal government, less collateral resources.

Losses Paid to a Hypothetical Business

To see how the catastrophe affected nearby businesses, we will examine a

hypothetical department store called Worlding. In our scenario, Worlding is a very
popular discount store, specializing in name-brand clothing, housewares,
cosmetics, and linens. Four stories tall, it is located in the heart of the New York
financial district just across from the World Trade Center. At 9:00 A.M. on
September 11, 2001, the store had just opened its doors. At any time, shoppers
would have to fight crowds in the store to get to the bargains. The morning of
September 11 was no different. When American Airlines Flight 11 struck the North
Tower, a murmur spread throughout the store and the customers started to run
outside to see what happened. As they were looking up, they saw United Airlines
Flight 175 hit the South Tower. By the time the towers collapsed, all customers and

Chapter 23 Cases in Holistic Risk Management

employees had fled the store and the area. Dust and building materials engulfed and
penetrated the building; the windows shattered, but the structure remained
standing. Because Worlding leased rather than owned the building, its only
property damage was to inventory and fixtures. But renovation work,
neighborhood cleanup, and safety testing kept Worlding closedand without
incomefor seven months.

The case of insurance coverage for Worldings losses is straightforward because the
owners had a business package policy that provided both commercial property
coverage and general liability. Worlding bought the Causes of LossSpecial Form,
an open perils or all risk coverage form (as explained in Chapter 11 "Property Risk
Management" and Chapter 15 "Multirisk Management Contracts: Business").
Instead of listing perils that are covered, the special form provides protection for all
causes of loss not specifically excluded. Usually, most exclusions found in the
special form relate to catastrophic potentials. The form did not include a terrorism
exclusion. Therefore, Worldings inventory stock was covered in full.

Worlding did not incur any liability losses to third parties, so all losses were
covered by the commercial property coverage. Worlding provided regular
inventory data to its insurer, who paid for the damages without any disputes. With
its property damage and the closing of the neighborhood around the World Trade
Center, Worlding had a nondisputable case of business interruption loss. Coverage
for business interruption of businesses that did not have any property damage, such
as tourist-dependent hotel chains and resort hotels,John D. Dempsey and Lee M.
Epstein, Re-Examining Business Interruption Insurance (part one of three), Risk
Management Magazine, February 2002. depended on the exact wording in their
policies. Some policies were more liberal than others, an issue described in Chapter
15 "Multirisk Management Contracts: Business".

Because Worlding was eligible for business income interruption coverage, the
owners used adjusters to help them calculate the appropriate amount of lost
income, plus expenses incurred while the business was not operational. An example
of such a detailed list was provided in Chapter 15 "Multirisk Management Contracts:
Business". The restoration of the building to Worldings specifications was covered
under the building owners commercial property policy.

Importance of the Loss Cases

As these examples show, complete insurance is a complex maze of varying types of

coverage. This introduction is designed to provide a glimpse into the full scope of
insurance that affects the reader as an individual or as a business operator. In our
business case, if Worlding had not had business insurance, its employees would

Chapter 23 Cases in Holistic Risk Management

have been without a job to return to. Thus, the layer of the business coverage is as
important in an introductory risk and insurance course as are all aspects of your
personal and employment-related insurance coverages.

In addition, emphasis is given to the structure of the insurance industry and its type
of coverage and markets. Emphasis is given to the new concept of considering all
risks in an organization (enterprise risk management), not just those risks whose
losses are traditionally covered by insurance.

The text has been designed to show you, the student, the width and variety of the
field of risk management and insurance. At this stage, the pieces needed for holistic
risk management now connect. As noted above, current events and their risk
management outcomes have been clarified for you, whether the losses are to
households or businesses. Furthermore, you now have the basic tools to build
efficient and holistic risk management portfolios for yourself, your family, and your

The risk puzzle piecing together the risks faced by individuals and entities is
presented one final time in Figure 23.2 "Complete Picture of the Holistic Risk
Puzzle", which brings us full circle.

Figure 23.2 Complete Picture of the Holistic Risk Puzzle

Chapter 23 Cases in Holistic Risk Management

23.1 Case 1: The Smith Family Insurance Portfolio


In this section we elaborate on insurance and employee benefits selections

of the hypothetical Smith family based on their specific needs:

Homeowners insurance
Auto insurance
Long-term disability
Life insurance
Health insurance
Retirement planning


The purpose of this project is to build a portfolio of risk management and insurance
coverages for a hypothetical family. This report is typical of those produced by
students as a group project in the authors risk and insurance classes. The students
present sections of the types of coverage they design throughout the semester and
submit the complete project at the end of the semester as part of their final grade.
The students live the project during the semester and provide creativity along with
hands-on knowledge and information about the best risk management for their
fictional families. Many groups develop special relationship with helpful agents
who volunteer to speak to the class. The help that agents provide receives high
marks from most students.

This report, as all the others produced by the students, considers property, auto,
disability, life, health, and long-term care insurance, as well as retirement planning.
The group project presented here does not involve the agent-customer relationship.
Many other reports do include the relationship as a reason to buy from a specific


WeThis project was prepared by Kristy L. Blankenship, Crystal Jones, Jason C.

Lemley, and Fei W.Turner, students in the authors fall 2000 class in risk and
insurance. Many other groups also prepared excellent projects, which are available
upon request from the author. examined different types of insurance and selected

Chapter 23 Cases in Holistic Risk Management

the best coverage for our hypothetical familythe Smith family. Several insurance
quotes were found through Insweb.com, and others were benefits offered by
Virginia Power, a utility company in Richmond, Virginia. We also talked to some

Family Description

John is a thirty-five-year-old nuclear engineer who has been working for Virginia
Power since 1999. His wife, Karen, is a thirty-year-old homemaker. They have been
married for five years. John and Karen have a nine-month-old infant named
Tristian. John and Karen are in good health. They are looking forward to having
another child, but Karen has high pregnancy risk. This has to be taken into
consideration when selecting health insurance coverage for the family. Their
annual net income is $72,000 (Johns salary of $100,000, less taxes and other
deductions). They own two cars. John drives a 1996 Toyota Corolla and Karen drives
a 1997 Toyota Camry. They need good insurance coverage because John is the only
one who is working. All the insurance providers examined have ratings of A or
better in A.M. Best ratings.

Insurance Coverage
Homeowners Insurance

John and Karen purchased a two-story single home for $150,000 in 1996. The house
is located on 7313 Pineleaf Drive in Richmond, Virginia. The total footage is 2,014
square feet. There is a two-car attached garage. John and Karen decided not to
renew their homeowners insurance with AllState Insurance because of the
expensive premium and unacceptable customer service they experienced in the
past. John did research on the Internet and found quotes from different companies.
He was asked to give detailed information on the house. The house is located within
1,000 feet of a fire hydrant and it is one hundred feet away from a fire station. John
promised to install a security system to prevent theft. Karen wanted extra
protection on her precious jewelry worth $10,000, Ming china worth $5,000, and
antique paintings valued at $7,000. They need scheduled personal property
endorsements. Over the last five years, John and Karens house has appreciated by
$10,000. They want to insure the home to 100 percent of its estimated replacement
cost, which is $160,000, rather than 80 percent. In case of a total loss, the insurer
will replace the home exactly as it was before the loss took place, even if the
replacement exceeds the amount of insurance stated in the policy. Table 23.2
"Homeowners Insurance Plan Options" summarizes the coverage quoted by three
insurance companies.

23.1 Case 1: The Smith Family Insurance Portfolio 1067

Chapter 23 Cases in Holistic Risk Management

Table 23.2 Homeowners Insurance Plan Options

Geico Travelers Nationwide

Insurance Insurance Insurance

Coverage A: dwelling replacement $160,000.00 $160,000.00 $160,000.00

Coverage B: other structures $ 16,000.00 $ 16,000.00 $ 16,000.00

Coverage C: personal property $112,000.00 $112,000.00 $112,000.00

Coverage D: loss of use $ 48,000.00 $ 48,000.00 $ 48,000.00

Coverage E: personal liability $300,000.00 $300,000.00 $300,000.00

Coverage F: guest medical $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00

Deductible $ 500.00 $ 250.00 $ 500.00

Endorsements for collectibles and

Yes Yes Yes
inflation guard

Annual premium $ 568.00 $ 512.00 $ 560.00

S&P rating AAA AA AA

The Smith family decided to choose the insurance coverage provided by Travelers
because of the companys good rating and low premium, and because the premium
includes a water-back coverage. Under this HO 3 (special form), dwelling and other
structures are covered against risk of direct loss to property. All losses are covered
except certain losses that are specifically excluded.

Auto Insurance

John drives a 1996 Toyota Corolla, which he purchased new for $18,109. He had one
accident in the past four years in which he was hit by another driver. His estimated
driving mileage within a year is 10,000. He drives 190 miles weekly to work. His car
is not used for business purposes. Karen bought a new Toyota Camry in 1997 for
$20,109. She has never had an accident. Her estimated mileage within a year is 7,500
and the weekly driving is 100 miles.

The Smiths used Insweb.com and found several quotes from various insurance
companies that fit their needs. Table 23.3 "Auto Insurance Plan Options"
summarizes the results of their research.

23.1 Case 1: The Smith Family Insurance Portfolio 1068

Chapter 23 Cases in Holistic Risk Management

Table 23.3 Auto Insurance Plan Options

Companies Harford Dairyland

A.M. Best Rating A+ A+ AA+

100,000/300,000/ 100,000/300,000/ 100,000/300,000/

100,000 100,000 100,000

Medical payments $5,000 $5,000 $5,000

Uninsured/underinsured 100,000/300,000/ 100,000/300,000/ 100,000/300,000/

motorist 100,000 100,000 100,000

Collision $250 deductible $250 deductible $250 deductible

Other than collision $500 deductible $500 deductible $500 deductible

Monthly premium $160 $210 $295

The Smith family decided to choose the insurance coverage provided by Harford
Insurance Company. Harford has an A+ rating, the coverage is more comprehensive,
and the premium is significantly lower than the other two companies.

Loss Scenario 1

John has had this auto insurance for almost half a year. On the way to a business
meeting one day, he is hit by an uninsured motorist. Johns car is badly damaged
and he is rushed to the emergency room. Luckily, John has only minor cuts and
bruises. John reports this accident to the police and notifies his insurer. The
insurance company inspects and appraises the wrecked car. The Smiths uninsured
motorists coverage covers Johns medical expenses (under bodily injury) and
property damages caused by the accident. Harford Insurance considers Johns car a
total loss and pays him $14,000 (fair market value less the deductible).

Long-Term Disability

The Smith family decided to purchase long-term disability (LTD) insurance for John
because he is the only breadwinner in the family. In the event of an accident that
would disable John and leave him unable to work, the family would need adequate
coverage of all their expenses. The LTD benefit provided by Johns employer,
Virginia Power, would pay 50 percent of Johns salary in case of his total disability;
however, the family would like to have more coverage.

23.1 Case 1: The Smith Family Insurance Portfolio 1069

Chapter 23 Cases in Holistic Risk Management

TransAmerica, an insurance broker that prepares coverage for Erie and Prudential
Life, prepared two plans for the Smiths as shown in Table 23.4 "Long-Term
Disability Plan Options". Both plans provided benefits to age sixty-five with a
ninety-day waiting period. Both plans offer the same level of optional benefits,
including residual disability and an inflation rider.

Table 23.4 Long-Term Disability Plan Options

Erie Prudential

Benefit period To age sixty-five To age sixty-five

Waiting period 90 days 90 days

Monthly benefit $2,917.00 $3,700

Base annual premium $1,003.49 $1,262.10

Total annual premium $1,414.88 $1,783.92

Optional benefits

Residual disability $183.25 $232.43

Inflation rider $228.14 $289.38

The Smith family chose additional disability coverage provided by Erie because of
the lower premium, lower residual disability cost, and lower inflation rider cost.

Life Insurance

The Smith family realized they needed to invest in additional term life insurance
for John because his employer provided only term life coverage in the amount of
one times his salary, $100,000. They did not need to worry about life insurance for
Karen because her parents bought a ten-year level term coverage in the amount of
$250,000 on Karens life when Tristian was born. They told Karen that an untimely
death would mean an economic loss to the family because John would likely have to
hire help for housekeeping and child care.

As noted above, John is thirty-five years old and in very good health. He enjoys
working out at the gym after work at least three days a week and has never been a
smoker. Johns family history shows no serious health problems, and most of his
relatives have lived well into their seventies.

23.1 Case 1: The Smith Family Insurance Portfolio 1070

Chapter 23 Cases in Holistic Risk Management

To decide how much life insurance is needed for John, he and Karen worked on a
needs analysis with some friends who are familiar with financial planning. They
came to the conclusion that he will need to purchase $300,000 additional coverage.
The following breakdown shows why they believe they need this amount of

Cash needs

Funeral expenses $12,000

Probating will and attorney fees $3,000

Income needs

To get Karen and Tristian on their ($4,000 monthly for 4

feet years)

Special needs

Balance on mortgage $120,000

College fund for Tristian $50,000

Emergency fund $75,000

Total family needs $452,000

Current financial assets

Savings balance $20,000

401(k) current balance $32,000

Group term insurance $100,000

Total current financial assets $152,000

Additional coverage needed $300,000

Virginia Power offers additional life insurance that their employees can purchase
through North American Life. The Smiths wanted to compare prices of additional
coverage, so they looked on the Internet. They found that the Western-Southern
Life and John Hancock plans to fit their budget and their needs. All three plans are
compared in Table 23.5 "Life Insurance Plan Options".

Table 23.5 Life Insurance Plan Options

North American (VA Western-Southern John

Power) Life Hancock

Amount $300,000 $300,000 $300,000

23.1 Case 1: The Smith Family Insurance Portfolio 1071

Chapter 23 Cases in Holistic Risk Management

North American (VA Western-Southern John

Power) Life Hancock

Term period 20 years 20 years 20 years

Initial monthly
$21.00 $19.95 $18.50

Initial rate guarantee 5 years 20 years 20 years

S&P rating AA AAA AA+

The Smith family decided to go with Western-Southern Life because of its higher
rating, low premiums, and guaranteed initial rate for twenty years. John will have
to prove evidence of his insurability when he purchases the coverage (unlike the
group life coverage provided by the employer). This is not a major issue to John
because he is in excellent health. If John were to leave the company, his life
insurance would terminate, but he could convert it to an individual cash-value
policy at that time.

Health Insurance

Virginia Power offers its employees two preferred provider organization (PPO)
options and one health maintenance organization (HMO) option. The Smith family
decided to choose one of the PPO plans as opposed to an HMO plan because Karen
and John are planning to have another child and, considering her high-risk status,
prefer to have more choices and out-of-network options if necessary.

A PPO is a network of health care providers who have agreed to accept a lower fee
for their services. A PPO plan gives one the flexibility to select a network provider
without having to select a primary care physician to coordinate care or to go out-of-
network with higher copayments. All of Virginia Powers benefit coverage is
provided by Anthem, a Blue Cross/Blue Shield company with A++ rating. Employees
of Virginia Power and their family members are covered on the date employment
begins. Benefits will be provided at the in-network level to an employee who lives
outside the networks geographic area. In-network participants must receive
preventative care benefits from PPO providers. Participants who live outside the
networks geographic area may receive these services from PPO and non-PPO
providers. Table 23.6 "Health Insurance Plan Options" compares the benefits of the
two PPO options.

23.1 Case 1: The Smith Family Insurance Portfolio 1072

Chapter 23 Cases in Holistic Risk Management

Table 23.6 Health Insurance Plan Options

Feature Medical Plan 1 Medical Plan 2

In-Network/Out-of Network
of Network

Annual deductible $572 $1,146

Monthly premiums
(employees portion for the $91.41 $41.13
whole family)

Out-of-pocket maximum $2,288/$4,004 $4,584/$8,022

Lifetime maximum benefits Unlimited $1,000,000

Participant coinsurance 20%/40% 20%/40%

100% after $10 copay for generalist; $20

Preventative care
copay for specialist

Prescription drugs

Deductible None None

Participant coinsurance 20% 20%

Out-of-pocket maximum $700 $700

After deductible, next 20% of $500 of expenses, then 50% of

Out-patient mental health the balance for the remainder of the plan year; no out-of-
pocket maximum

Up to 30 days per person per year; 60 days maximum per

In-patient mental health
person, per lifetime, for substance abuse

Chiropractic Maximum benefits $500 per person per year

The Smith family chose Plan 1 because of the lower deductible and lower out-of-
pocket maximum compared to Plan 2. Also, the lifetime maximum benefit is

Loss Example 2

While vacationing with his family in Orlando, Florida, John keeps up his morning
jogging routine. On the third day of the vacation, John suffers chest pains while
running and collapses. John is rushed by ambulance to a nearby hospital where he
is diagnosed with a bronchial infection. X-rays and lab work total $300. The family
pays 20 percent of the bill because they had met their deductible for the year. Their
total out-of-pocket expenses for the visit are $60. Though disappointed that he cant

23.1 Case 1: The Smith Family Insurance Portfolio 1073

Chapter 23 Cases in Holistic Risk Management

jog for a week or two, John is thankful that, even out of state, he is able to have
expert medical care and return to his family to enjoy the remainder of his vacation.

Long-Term Care

John and Karen are very young, so they do not perceive the need for investing in
long-term care. Virginia Power doesnt offer this option. However, John has heard
rumors that long-term care might be offered next year. If Virginia Power does begin
offering long-term care, John will consider participating in it.


The Smiths decided to invest in the 401(k) plan offered by Virginia Power. Virginia
Power matches contributions at 50 percent. John chose to defer 4 percent of his
salary ($240 monthly). When added to Virginia Powers 2 percent, or $120, the
monthly total is $360. The contribution is invested in mutual funds. Johns 401(k)
current balance is $32,000 and he hopes he will be able to invest it wisely. He can
begin withdrawing his retirement benefits at age fifty-nine and a half with no
penalties if he wishes.

Annual Budget and Net Assets

Table 23.7 "Smith Family Income Statement" and Table 23.8 "Smith Family Net
Worth" depict the Smith familys finances. Figure 23.3 "Monthly Cost Allocation"
shows the costs of insurance premiums in reference to the Smiths income.

Table 23.7 Smith Family Income Statement

Monthly salary after taxes $6,000

Mortgage $1,200

Utilities $350

Homeowners insurance $42.67

Car insurance $160

Life insurance $19.95

$91.41 *
Health insurance
$401(k) plan $240

* Health premiums are paid on a pretax basis into a premium conversion plan.

23.1 Case 1: The Smith Family Insurance Portfolio 1074

Chapter 23 Cases in Holistic Risk Management

Disability insurance $117.91

Baby needs $300

Groceries $500

College fund $100

Entertainment $400

Other expenses $200

Possible expenses $800

Total $4,522

Potential savings $1,478.07

* Health premiums are paid on a pretax basis into a premium conversion plan.

Table 23.8 Smith Family Net Worth


Savings $20,000

401(k) current balance $32,000

House $160,000

Collectibles $22,000

Total assets $234,000


Mortgage payable $120,000

Net assets $114,000

23.1 Case 1: The Smith Family Insurance Portfolio 1075

Chapter 23 Cases in Holistic Risk Management

Figure 23.3 Monthly Cost Allocation


With the help from all group members working on the project, the Smith family is
able to choose the best coverage they can get from various insurance plans. Their
homeowners insurance is provided by Travelers Insurance Company; their auto is
covered by Harford Insurance Company. They bought additional life insurance from
Western-Southern Life Company and additional long-term disability from Erie.
Virginia Power provides good health care coverage, term life insurance, a 401(k)
retirement plan, and long-term disability. The Smith family chose insurance plans
that best fit their needs.

23.1 Case 1: The Smith Family Insurance Portfolio 1076

Chapter 23 Cases in Holistic Risk Management


In this section you studied how the needs of a hypothetical family affect the
selection of insurance coverage and employee benefits:

Value of real and personal property, loss provisions, premiums, and

deductibles, and company financial strength ratings all influence the
amounts and types of homeowners coverage as well as the selection of
the insurer.
In the underwriting of auto insurance, insurers consider the accident
history, age of the driver, market value, utility, and purpose of the
Employers may offer basic life and disability insurance benefits, but a
family should consider supplemental coverage if its income is provided
by a sole breadwinner.
Family planning, desire for flexibility, and the overall health of family
members are important considerations in the choice of health
Employer-sponsored retirement options can be adequate to meet a
familys retirement needs if the family saves and invests wisely in
relation to their age and expected retirement.
A family needs analysis should include a family income statement
including monthly income less insurance premiums, retirement savings,
utility bills, and other monthly expenses to assess the feasibility of the

23.1 Case 1: The Smith Family Insurance Portfolio 1077

Chapter 23 Cases in Holistic Risk Management


1. What provision in homeowners insurance allows John and Karen to have

their home replaced at 100 percent of its value rather than 80 percent?
2. Why was the family asked to give detailed geographic information about
the home when they were obtaining insurance quotes?
3. What does it mean to schedule personal property? Why would Karen
choose to do this?
4. Why must John provide evidence of insurability for his supplemental life
insurance coverage but not his basic group coverage?
5. What does liability listed as 100,000/300,000/100,000 in the Smiths
auto insurance policy refer to?
6. What needs should be considered when determining the amount of life
insurance coverage?
7. Do you think the ten-year level term life insurance coverage on Karen is
8. What features make a PPO plan preferable to an HMO for the Smiths?

23.1 Case 1: The Smith Family Insurance Portfolio 1078

Chapter 23 Cases in Holistic Risk Management

23.2 Case 2: Galaxy Max, Inc., Employee Benefits Package


In this section we elaborate on the benefits and plan structure that can be
expected in a sample employee benefits portfolio:

Features of each employee benefit (eligibility, costs, exclusions, etc.)

Group life insurance and any supplemental options
Group disability insurance and any supplemental options
Group health insurance plans
Flexible benefits
Defined benefit and/or defined contribution retirement plans


This case, like Case 1, is a group project that is part of employee benefits classes
taught by the author of this textbook. Following is the employee benefits portfolio
of a compilation of the ten groups of the fall 2002 class (and some of the fall 2000
class), in the words of the students.The work of the following students is reflected
in this case: Donna Biddick, Lavonnia Bragg, Katrina Brand, Heather Cartes, Robert
Cloud, Maria Conway, Thomas Dabney Clay, Lillian Dunlevy, Daniel Fleming,
Shannon Fowlkes, Caroline Garrett, Barbara Guill, Steven Hall, Georgette Harris,
Shirelle Harris, Tyron Hinton, Tiffany Jefferson, Tennille McCarter, Pamela
Nicholson, Hiren Patel, Susan Shaban, Carolyn Shelburne, Gaurav Shrestha,
Stephanie Soucy, Christopher Speight, Cassandra Townsend, Geoff Watkins, and
Tresha White, from fall 2002. Also included is the work of Margaret Maslak and
Shelisa Artis from fall 2000. The case is a typical project that lasts for the students
throughout the semester. The students present portions of the case as the material
is covered in class. In most cases, the whole employee benefits portfolio of the
hypothetical company created by the students is presented at the conclusion of the
semester as part of the final grade. This case does not provide a long-term care
coverage plan. Most of the retirement plans offered by the hypothetical employers
of these projects are not realistic in terms of the amounts and variety. The students
are requested to provide a defined benefit plan, a defined contribution plan, and a
401(k) plan in order to experience the workings of these plans. The students did not
offer a complete cafeteria planonly a flexible spending account.The students used
information from the following companies and sources: Dominion Co.,
www.dominion.com; Dominion Virginia Power, http://www.dom.com/; Phillip
Morris, USA, http://www.philipmorrisusa.com/en/cms/Home/default.aspx;

Chapter 23 Cases in Holistic Risk Management

Virginia Retirement System, www.state.va.us/vrs/vrs-home-htm; Henrico County,

Virginia, www.co.henrico.va.us.; Minnesota Life, www.minnesotalife.com; A. M. Best
Company, ambest.com; Federal Reserve Board, http://www.federalreserve.gov/;
Stanley Corp.; Ethyl Corporation, http://www.ethyl.com/index.htm; Aetna,
www.aetna.com; Anthem, http://www.anthem.com/; CIGNA, www.cigna.com; and

Welcome, Galaxy Max Employees

The Board of Directors and the corporate executives of Galaxy Max, Inc., have
developed a comprehensive benefits package to meet the needs of our employees
and their families. This handbook includes a brief overview of the organization and
its structure and a detailed description of benefits related to group life insurance,
health care, dental and vision coverage, flexible spending accounts, and retirement
benefits. The information provided will enable you to understand your benefits.
General information may be secured from the companys Web site,
www.galaxymax.com. Additional questions may be addressed to the Human
Resources Department, 7500 Galaxy Max Road, Richmond, VA 23228; telephone
1-800-674-2900; e-mail hrgalaxymax@vcu.edu. Suggestions are always welcome as
we continue to improve customer service.

Background and Current Information

Galaxy Max, Inc. (the Company), is a multimillion-dollar business

equipment retail chain established in 1985 to service the needs of
companies and consumers.
The company specializes in direct sales and e-commerce of office
equipment, business accessories, and computer hardware and
software, and provides technical support for all facets of the industry
involved in maintaining the business environment. The company plans
to expand its service capabilities throughout the global marketplace.
The corporation is headquartered in Richmond, Virginia, and has one
retail outlet and two regional stores in northern Virginia and the
Tidewater area (see Figure 23.4 "Galaxy Max, Inc., Organizational

23.2 Case 2: Galaxy Max, Inc., Employee Benefits Package 1080

Chapter 23 Cases in Holistic Risk Management

Figure 23.4 Galaxy Max, Inc., Organizational Structure

Employee Description

Galaxy Max employs 758 staff members: 338 full-time salaried and 420 hourly
employees. Our rapid growth in size and value allows us to provide a substantial
benefit package to salaried and full-time employees.

Employee Benefits

Galaxy Max has developed a competitive and comprehensive benefits package for
our employees because we value their service to the organization and we want to
maintain a healthy, motivated, and high-quality staff. Our commitment to
employees is to support their personal needs and financial goals for retention and
to reward dedicated individuals. The benefits package is summarized in Table 23.9
"Galaxy Max Benefits Package".

23.2 Case 2: Galaxy Max, Inc., Employee Benefits Package 1081

Chapter 23 Cases in Holistic Risk Management

Table 23.9 Galaxy Max Benefits Package

Full-Time Salaried Employees (32

Hourly and Part-Time Employees
or More Hours per Week)

Group term life insurance None

Short- and long-term disability None

Health Optional

Dental Optional

Flexible spending account Flexible spending account

Defined benefit plan available for those working

Defined benefit plan
more than 1,000 hours per year

Profit-sharing plan available for those working

Profit-sharing plan
more than 1,000 hours per year

401(k) plan with matching available for those

401(k) plan with matching
working more than 1,000 hours per year

Mission Statement

Galaxy Max is committed to providing superior customer satisfaction in

administering sales and service to consumers while maintaining competitive prices,
quality products, and active growth within the international business community.
We strive for technological advancement and excellence in the delivery of services,
and we promote partnerships.

Part I: Group Insurance Benefits

Life Insurance

Galaxy Max provides you with basic life insurance at one times your annual base
pay (1 annual salary) at no cost to you. Benefits are rounded to the next higher
$1,000. The minimum benefit is $5,000. You may purchase supplemental coverage.
The maximum benefit is five times your current annual base pay or $1,000,000,
whichever is less. Table 23.10 "Group Term Life Insurance: Major Plan Provisions"
outlines the main features of the companys life insurance plan. The cost of
supplemental life insurance coverage is shown in Table 23.11 "Costs for
Supplemental Life and Dependent Life".

23.2 Case 2: Galaxy Max, Inc., Employee Benefits Package 1082

Chapter 23 Cases in Holistic Risk Management

Table 23.10 Group Term Life Insurance: Major Plan Provisions

Basic life insurance is equal to one times your annual base payemployer
pays Additional coverage up to five times your annual base pay as
supplemental coverageyou pay (see costs in Table 23.11 "Costs for
Supplemental Life and Dependent Life")

Added coverage for dependentsyou pay (see costs in Table 23.11 "Costs for
Supplemental Life and Dependent Life")

Accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D)employer pays

Waiver of premium in case of disability (life coverage continues without
charge)part of the basic coverage

Convertibility (in case of termination of the term life, you can convert the
policy to whole life policy without evidence of insurability)part of basic
coverage Accelerated benefits (living benefits)in case of becoming
terminally ill, you can collect up to 50 percent of the policy benefits while
still livingpart of basic coverage

Regular, full-time employees (working 32 hours per week or more) who are
active at work

Enrollment Coverage is automatic

coverage 30 days after employment date

The company pays the full cost of basic life insurance; you pay for any
Cost additional coverage (supplements of 2, 3, 4, or 5 annual salary, and for
dependent coverage)

For basic coverage paid by the employer, no evidence of insurability is

Evidence of required
insurability For supplemental amounts greater than $150,000, evidence of insurability is

A.M. Best Minnesota Life (Minnesota, USA), A++ Rating

Premiums on coverage greater than $50,000 are taxable income to you

Taxes (based on IRS Table PS-58)

Death benefits paid to the beneficiary are not taxed

23.2 Case 2: Galaxy Max, Inc., Employee Benefits Package 1083

Chapter 23 Cases in Holistic Risk Management

Table 23.11 Costs for Supplemental Life and Dependent Life

Supplemental Term Life

Cost per Month per $1,000 of Cost per Month per $1,000 of
Age Age
Coverage Coverage

29 and
$0.06 5054 $0.42

3034 $0.07 5559 $0.69

3539 $0.09 6064 $1.10

4044 $0.15 6569 $2.00

70 and
4549 $0.25 $3.60

Dependent: Rates for Spouse

Amount Cost

$5,000 $0.58

$10,000 $1.15

$15,000 $1.73

$20,000 $2.31

$25,000 $2.88


The employee names the beneficiary. It cannot be the employer.


Coverage shall terminate automatically when any of the following conditions exist:

The employee terminates employment.

The employee ceases to be eligible.
The policyholder terminates the master contract.
The insurer terminates the master contract.
Contributions have not been made.

23.2 Case 2: Galaxy Max, Inc., Employee Benefits Package 1084

Chapter 23 Cases in Holistic Risk Management

Important Features of Your Life Insurance Plans

Wavier of the payment of your premium if you become disabled

The right to convert to an individual policy if you terminate your
Accelerated benefits if you become terminally ill

Accelerated Benefits

If a covered employee is diagnosed with a qualifying condition, the employee may

request that an accelerated benefit be paid immediately. The amount payable is 50
percent, up to a maximum benefit of $50,000. Qualifying conditions include the

The diagnosis of a terminal illness that is expected to result in death

within six to twelve months
The occurrence of a specified catastrophic illness, such as AIDS, a
stroke, or Alzheimers disease

Dependent Life Insurance

Life insurance on a spouse can be purchased by full-time employees in increments

of $5,000 up to $25,000. Life insurance on children can be purchased in the amount
of $5,000 per child.

Accidental Death and Dismemberment

Benefits under the accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D) plan are in
addition to any benefits payable under the life insurance plan. AD&D benefits are
payable in the event of an accident resulting in the following:

Your death
Loss of one or more of your body parts (such as hand or foot)
Loss of sight in one or both eyes

Table 23.12 "AD&D Plan Provisions" outlines the main features of the Companys
AD&D plan. If you survive an accident but sustain certain injuries, AD&D benefits
would be payable as shown in Table 23.13 "AD&D Loss Provisions".

23.2 Case 2: Galaxy Max, Inc., Employee Benefits Package 1085

Chapter 23 Cases in Holistic Risk Management

Table 23.12 AD&D Plan Provisions

In case of accidental death, the basic and supplemental amounts

Benefit are doubled (in case of a loss, see Table 23.13 "AD&D Loss

Regular, full-time employees (working 32 hours per week or

more) who are active at work

Enrollment Coverage is automatic

When coverage begins 30 days after employment date

The company pays the full cost of basic AD&D insurance; you pay
Cost for any additional coverage (supplements of 2, 3, 4, or 5
annual salary)

Evidence of
Same as for regular group term life

Provider, A.M. Best

Rating (periods as Minnesota Life, A++ Rating

Table 23.13 AD&D Loss Provisions

If You Have This Loss You Will Receive This Percentage of Your AD&D Coverage

Loss of hand 50%

Loss of foot 50%

Loss of eye 50%

Multiple loss 100%

Life insurance will not pay out if you survive an accident; it pays only in the event
of your death.

Losses not covered under AD&D include the following:

Bodily or mental infirmity

Disease, ptomaine, or bacterial infection, unless resulting directly from
the injury or any resulting surgery
Medical or surgical treatment, unless resulting directly from the injury
or any resulting surgery
Suicide or attempted suicide while sane or insane

23.2 Case 2: Galaxy Max, Inc., Employee Benefits Package 1086

Chapter 23 Cases in Holistic Risk Management

Intentionally self-inflicted injury

War or any act of war, whether declared or undeclared


Life insurance is provided by Minnesota Life Insurance Company, which is rated A++
by A.M. Best.

Life Insurance Loss/Benefit Examples

Life Insurance Example 1

A forty-year-old employee making annual base salary of $45,000 dies in an

automobile accident. He had chosen to purchase supplemental insurance for both
life (one times salary) and AD&D (one times salary).

Beneficiary will receive the following:

1 times pay or $45,000 from Minnesota Life for basic life

1 times pay or $45,000 from Minnesota Life for AD&D
1 times pay or $45,000 for his supplemental life
1 times pay or $45,000 for his supplemental AD&D

Total received is $180,000.

Life Insurance Example 2

A life insurance claim was filed by Mary Jones after the death of her husband,
Robert, in June 2002. He died after a short battle with cancer. He was a full-time
employee at Galaxy Max for five years and his salary at the time was $55,000
annually. He has life insurance in the amount of three times his salary: $55,000 3 =
$165,000. Therefore, his benefit is $165,000, payable to his beneficiary, which is his
spouse, Mary Jones. Mrs. Jones filed the claim within two weeks of Mr. Joness
death. Mrs. Jones had to present a copy of his death certificate and fill out the
required forms. She was informed that she would receive her benefit within sixty
days from the date of the claim.

Mrs. Jones has chosen to receive the life insurance benefit in a lump-sum payment.
She received this payment fifty-eight days from the date of the claim.

23.2 Case 2: Galaxy Max, Inc., Employee Benefits Package 1087

Chapter 23 Cases in Holistic Risk Management

Internal Revenue Service Code Section 101 provides that the death benefits are not
counted toward taxable income.

Sick Leave, Short-Term Disability, and Long-Term Disability

Table 23.14 "Sick Leave, Group Short-Term Disability, and Group Long-Term
DisabilityMajor Plan Provisions" summarizes all the disability plans provided by
Galaxy Max.

Table 23.14 Sick Leave, Group Short-Term Disability, and Group Long-Term
DisabilityMajor Plan Provisions

Sick leave7 days, 100% of pay

STD (7 days to 6 months)80% of pay up to $5,000 benefit per month

LTD (6 months to age sixty-five)60% of pay up to $6,000 benefit per
month coordinated with workers compensation and Social Security

Regular, full-time employees (working 32 hours per week or more) who

are active at work

Enrollment Coverage is automatic

coverage 30 days after employment date

The company pays the full cost of STD; employee pays for LTD through
payroll reduction

Sick leave and STDunable to do your own job due to nonoccupational

Definition of injury or illness
disability LTDfrom 6 months to 2 years, unable to do any job relating to your
training and education; after two years, unable to do any job

Evidence of
Required if joining after open enrollment

Provider, A. Sick leave and STDself-insured

M. Best
Rating LTDAetna (rated A for excellent by A.M. Best)

Employees do not pay taxes on premiums paid by employer for STD; but in
the case of receiving benefits, taxes will be paid on the benefits
For LTD, employee pays the premium from income after taxes, and
benefits in the case of disability are nontaxable

23.2 Case 2: Galaxy Max, Inc., Employee Benefits Package 1088

Chapter 23 Cases in Holistic Risk Management

Sick Leave

The employee will receive regular pay for time missed due to illness or injury
(nonoccupational) up to seven days per calendar year.

Cost of Sick Time

Galaxy Max pays for sick leave from its operating budget.

Short-Term Disability
Definition of Disability

Disability is the total and continuous inability of the employee to perform each
and every duty of his or her regular occupation.


Short-term disability (STD) benefits are 80 percent of salary up to $5,000 per month
after a seven-day waiting period. The maximum length of the benefit is six months.
There is no integration of benefits under short-term disability.


Galaxy Max pays STD premiums and deducts such as normal business expense.
Galaxy Max will continue to pay premiums for disabled employees.


An employee cannot collect STD benefits under the following conditions:

For any period during which the employee is not under the care of a
For any disability caused by an intentionally self-inflicted injury
If the employee is engaged in any occupation for remuneration
If the disability was incurred during war, whether declared or
If the disability was incurred while participating in an assault or felony
If the disability is mental disease, alcoholism, or drug addiction

23.2 Case 2: Galaxy Max, Inc., Employee Benefits Package 1089

Chapter 23 Cases in Holistic Risk Management


Disabled employees will not be considered terminated and, when able to return to
work, will not have to satisfy any waiting period for coverage.

Long-Term Disability
Definition of Disability

Long-term disability (LTD) is defined as the total and continuous inability of the
employee to engage in any and every gainful occupation for which he or she is
qualified or shall reasonably become qualified by reason of training, education, or
experience for the first two years. After two years, it is the inability to engage in
any gainful employment.


LTD provides for the following:

LTD benefit amount is 60 percent of your basic monthly earnings, to a

maximum monthly benefit of $6,000.
Monthly LTD benefit will be reduced by amounts received from other
benefit programs such as Social Security, workers compensation, and
any other coinciding retirement plan. However, your monthly benefit
can never be less than 10 percent of the gross benefit or $100,
whichever is greater.
LTD benefit is 60 percent of your basic monthly earnings to a maximum
benefit of $6,000 per month. Your benefit is coordinated with (that is,
reduced by) other income benefits received.

Basic monthly earnings means your monthly salary in effect just prior to the date
disability begins. It includes earnings received from commissions and incentive
bonuses but not overtime pay or other extra compensation. Commissions and
incentive bonuses will be averaged for the thirty-six-month period of employment
just prior to the date disability begins.

Cost of Coverage

The employee will pay the full cost through payroll deduction. The Human
Resources representative will advise of the contribution amount, which is based on
a rate per $1,000 of your annual base pay. The cost of coverage is determined by the
insurance company, Aetna (rated A for excellent by A.M. Best). Galaxy Max will
notify you in advance in the event of a rate change.

23.2 Case 2: Galaxy Max, Inc., Employee Benefits Package 1090

Chapter 23 Cases in Holistic Risk Management

LTD Exclusions

An employee cannot collect LTD benefits under the following conditions:

Any disability caused intentionally

Any period not under the care of a physician
Active participation in a riot
War, declared or undeclared, or any act of war


Because the employee pays the entire premium from income after taxes, benefits
are not taxable to the employee.


A disabled employee may enter a trial work period of up to two years in

rehabilitative employment. During this time, benefits will be reduced by 50 percent.
If the trial is unsuccessful, original long-term benefits will resume without penalty.


Disabled employees will not be considered terminated and, if able to return to work,
will not have to satisfy any waiting period for coverage. Long-term disability
coverage cannot be converted upon termination of employment.

Health Insurance Coverage

Galaxy Max offers two plans for health insurance, an HMO and PPO. The broad
benefits are described in Table 23.15 "Health Plan Provisions". The medical plans
pay the cost of necessary and reasonable medical expenses for non-work-related
illness or injury and are completely optional.

Table 23.15 Health Plan Provisions

Benefits You have a choice between an HMO and a PPO.

Regular, full-time salaried and part-time employees scheduled to work at

least 32 hours per week and their eligible dependents: spouse; unmarried
dependent child under age 19, or under age 25 in school full-time; disabled
dependent child; eligible child with qualified medical child support order.

23.2 Case 2: Galaxy Max, Inc., Employee Benefits Package 1091

Chapter 23 Cases in Holistic Risk Management

You may enroll when eligible. You may elect to enroll eligible dependents for
extra charges provided they meet the qualifications of a dependent.
Enrollment Annual open enrollment period for current plan participants is October 1 to
November 1 every year. Changes made during open enrollment become
effective January 1 the following year.

30 days after the first day of employment

Employee only

Coverage Employee and child(ren)

categories Employee and spouse

Employee and family

You and Galaxy Max share the cost of coverage (see Table 23.17 "Employee

Medically necessary services and supplies

Inpatient and outpatient hospital care

Doctors care and treatment

What is
Home or office visits
Prescription drugs

In-patient and out-patient mental health care

Routine physical exams and preventive care (in network only)


Galaxy Max has chosen Healthkeepers, Inc., for HMO coverage. Healthkeepers most
recent A.M. Best rating is A (excellent). Cigna Healthcare of Virginia, Inc., is
Galaxy Maxs PPO provider and has also earned A.M. Bests rating of A. Benefits
paid are at the discretion of the insurance companies.


The benefits under each plan are explained in Table 23.16 "HMO and PPO Plan

23.2 Case 2: Galaxy Max, Inc., Employee Benefits Package 1092

Chapter 23 Cases in Holistic Risk Management

Table 23.16 HMO and PPO Plan Benefits

PPO out of
HMO PPO in Network

Annual Deductible

None None individual,

Outpatient Care

Coinsurance (%) or Copay
Copay per Visit ($) (%) per
($) per Visit

Primary care
$10 $15* 30%

Diagnostic labs/X-
Fully covered 10% 30%

Preventive care $10 $15 30%

$15 plus 10% of screening

and diagnostic tests;
Well-baby care $10; no age limit 30%
through childs seventh

Maternity care for

all routine pre and Routine care fully $15 for initial visit if
postnatal care of covered; $10 for doctor submits one bill 30%
mother rendered by diagnostic testing after delivery

$20 20% 30%

Ob/gyn visit
$10 $15 30%
(includes pelvic

* Primary care physician or specialist visit.

Coverage includes annual checkups, annual gynecological exam and pap smear,
prostate specific antigen (PSA) test and prostate exams for men age forty and over,
one baseline mammogram for women ages thirty-five to thirty-nine, annual
mammogram for women age forty and over, and annual colorectal cancer screening;
up to $200 per calendar year for family members age seven and older for all other
routine immunizations, labs, and X-rays done in connection with annual checkups
whether received in-network or out-of-network.

No coinsurance for immunizations.

23.2 Case 2: Galaxy Max, Inc., Employee Benefits Package 1093

Chapter 23 Cases in Holistic Risk Management

PPO out of
HMO PPO in Network

exam, breast exam,

and pap smear)

Specialist office visit $20 with PCP referral $15 30%

$50 plus 20%; $15 for

Emergency services $50 (waived if admitted) 30%
doctors services

Annual vision exams $10 no

$50 plus 20%; $15 for

Out-patient surgery $75 30%
doctors services

Out-patient $50 plus 20%; $15 for

$20 30%
nonsurgical services doctors services

26 visits per calendar

Mental health and
$20 year: $15 for visits 113; 30%
substance abuse
50% for visits 1426

Home health care Fully covered Fully covered 30%

Out-patient physical, limits per calendar year:

speech, and physical, $2,000; speech,
$20 (90 days maximum) 30%
occupational $750; occupational,
therapy $2,000

In-Patient Care (Preauthorization Required)

Coinsurance (%) or Copay
Copay per Visit ($) (%) per
($) per Visit

Hospital care for

illness, injury, or $250 plus 10% per
$250 per admission 30%
maternity in a admission
semiprivate room

Fully covered 10% 30%
physicians services

* Primary care physician or specialist visit.

Coverage includes annual checkups, annual gynecological exam and pap smear,
prostate specific antigen (PSA) test and prostate exams for men age forty and over,
one baseline mammogram for women ages thirty-five to thirty-nine, annual
mammogram for women age forty and over, and annual colorectal cancer screening;
up to $200 per calendar year for family members age seven and older for all other
routine immunizations, labs, and X-rays done in connection with annual checkups
whether received in-network or out-of-network.

No coinsurance for immunizations.

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Chapter 23 Cases in Holistic Risk Management

PPO out of
HMO PPO in Network

In-patient mental
$250 plus 10% per
health and substance $250 per admission 30%

Fully covered (limited to

Skilled nursing 20% (limited to 100 days
100 days per illness or 30%
facility care per illness or condition)

Durable medical
Fully covered up to 10%; limited to $5,000 per
equipment and 30%
$1,000 per calendar year calendar year

Fully covered for patients Fully covered for patients

diagnosed with a diagnosed with a
Hospice services terminal illness with a terminal illness with a 30%
life expectancy of 6 life expectancy of 6
months or less months or less

Annual Out-of-Pocket Expense Limit Through Deductibles, Coinsurance, and

Copayments for Covered Services

Individual $1,000 $2,000 $4,000

Family $2,000 $4,000 $8,000

Lifetime Maximum

$500,000 $750,000 $750,000

* Primary care physician or specialist visit.

Coverage includes annual checkups, annual gynecological exam and pap smear,
prostate specific antigen (PSA) test and prostate exams for men age forty and over,
one baseline mammogram for women ages thirty-five to thirty-nine, annual
mammogram for women age forty and over, and annual colorectal cancer screening;
up to $200 per calendar year for family members age seven and older for all other
routine immunizations, labs, and X-rays done in connection with annual checkups
whether received in-network or out-of-network.

No coinsurance for immunizations.


Galaxy Max will pay a generous 85 percent of the health care premiums. Table 23.17
"Employee Premiums" lists employee obligations.

23.2 Case 2: Galaxy Max, Inc., Employee Benefits Package 1095

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Table 23.17 Employee Premiums


Biweekly premium per insured $35.67 $51.09

Each additional dependent $12.00 $18.00

Coverage Area

The PPO is comprised of specific in-network offices. Consult your Benefits Liaison
for a complete list of providers in your area. All employees residing in Virginia are
considered in-area.


The items listed below, among others, are not covered in any of the plans. If you
have any questions regarding the coverage of a treatment or service, you must
contact the appropriate provider.

Treatment that is not medically necessary in accordance with the

designated insurers
Experimental drugs or investigative procedures
Chiropractic services

Termination of Coverage

Coverage is terminated at the following times:

The date on which employment terminates

The date on which the employee becomes ineligible
The end of the last period for which the employee has made any
required contributions

Dependent coverage is terminated in the following cases:

The date on which the dependent ceases to meet the definition of a
The date on which the dependent receives the maximum benefit of
major medical coverage

23.2 Case 2: Galaxy Max, Inc., Employee Benefits Package 1096

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The employee may convert to individual health coverage within thirty-one days of
losing eligibility. Galaxy Max complies with all local, state, and federal legislation
with regard to group health plans.


The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) extends coverage for
eighteen to thirty-six months following a qualifying eventA qualifying event is a
marriage or divorce, adoption of a child, death of a covered dependent, a change in
status or eligibility of a dependent, and so forth. that causes the employee to lose
eligibility. The employer does not have to pay the premium, and the premium may
be increased to a maximum of 102 percent of the group rate. The employee may
elect COBRA within sixty days of the qualifying event. As noted above, the thirty-
one-day period of conversion may be applied after COBRA coverage. COBRA does not
protect an employee who is fired for cause.


The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) forbids insurers
from imposing preexisting-condition exclusions when an eligible individual
transfers from one plan to another. After you have been covered in a health plan for
twelve months, preexisting-condition exclusions are no longer in effect. Prior
coverage would not qualify if there is a break in health insurance coverage for more
than sixty-three days.

Group Dental

Group dental provides coverage for any dental work you may incur. Like group
medical, group dental has many variations, and coverage can be obtained from two
different providers. However, there are some clear differences between the two
plans. For example, group dental plans are more likely to provide benefits on a fee-
for-service basis but provide the benefits under a managed-care arrangement.


Full-time (thirty-five hours or more per week) and salaried employees are eligible
to enroll for group dental coverage. You may enroll your spouse and child(ren) for
an additional premium.

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Waiting Period

You may enroll when eligible. Coverage becomes effective the first day of the
month following employment. For example, if you start employment on the first of
the month, coverage begins immediately.

Plan Highlights

Table 23.18 "Major Dental Plan Provisions" summarizes the key features of the
dental plan, including benefits, types of service, and cost information.

Table 23.18 Major Dental Plan Provisions

Annual deductible $30 per person, with $90 family maximum

Cost You and the company share the cost

$1,000 per person per year

Plan maximums $1,000 lifetime under age 19 for

Examples of Items
Coverage Plan Pays Up To

Nonorthodontics X-rays, 100% of reasonable and customary fees

Preventive oral exams, and cleaning (R&C) for cleanings, X-rays, exams, fluoride
of teeth treatments

Restorative Fillings, extractions 80% R&C fillings, extractions

Replacement of natural
Prosthodontics teeth with bridgework or 50% R&C for bridgework

Straightening of teeth
Orthodontics 50% of R&C for orthodontic services
with braces


Dental coverage cannot be converted to an individual policy if employment

terminates. You, your spouse, or your dependent children may elect to continue
coverage under the companys dental plan as provided by COBRA if the original
coverage ends because of one of the following life events:

Termination of employment by employee


23.2 Case 2: Galaxy Max, Inc., Employee Benefits Package 1098

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Reduction in hours to less than full-time


Galaxy Max has chosen Cigna Corporation for dental coverage because the company
has a strong presence in the insurance business and has been one of the leaders in
coverage. Cignas A.M. Best rating is NR-5, meaning that they have not been
formally evaluated for the purpose of assigning a rating opinion.

Flexible Spending Account

To accommodate the needs of our diverse work force, Galaxy Max has created a
flexible spending account (FSA) plan to help employees to meet expenses that are
not covered under any benefit plan. Money deposited in these accounts is not taxed
when it goes into the accounts or when it is paid back to you. Employees can use
these pretax dollars to pay for miscellaneous items such as eyeglasses or
unreimbursed medical/dental expenses. This plan also allows employees to pay
dependent care expenses with pretax dollars. Any amount not spent at the end of
the plan year is forfeited by the employee (use it or lose it). See Table 23.19
"Summary of FSA: Major Plan Provisions" for details. In addition, a premium
conversion plan is offered to employees for payment of health insurance premiums
on a pretax basis.

Table 23.19 Summary of FSA: Major Plan Provisions

Regular, full-time salaried employees and part-time employees

scheduled to work 1,000 hours or more during a year

Employment date; or
When coverage
Each January, following annual open enrollment; or
Date of life event

Employment termination or your pay ceases for any reason (death,

When coverage retired, or disabled)
ends You or your survivors may continue to submit claims expenses incurred
prior to the date you left the payroll

Your selected contributions will be deducted from each pay before

Contributions federal income tax and, in most cases, state income tax and Social
Security tax are withheld

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Minimum annual contribution: health care and/or dependent day care:


Maximum annual contribution: health care and/or dependent day care:


Health care accounts for tax-deductible health care expenses

Accounts Dependent day care accounts for work-related dependent day care

Health care: $5,000 per year to each account

For dependent day care:

Amount of spouses earnings, if less than $5,000

Maximum of $2,500 if married and filing separate returns

Eligible claims paid monthly

Minimum claim of $10/month

Reimbursement Claims must be received by administrator by April 1 for prior years

Unclaimed account balances must be forfeited

Part II: Pension Plan

Galaxy Max offers to its eligible employees a defined benefit pension plan. The
pension plan is designed to provide you or your beneficiary with monthly benefit
payments at retirement. The pension plan is funded entirely by the company;
employees do not contribute. In addition, Galaxy Max offers a 401(k) plan and a
profit-sharing plan.

Defined Benefit Plan

A defined benefit plan explicitly defines the amount of benefit available at

retirement. Table 23.20 "Defined Benefit Plan" summarizes the major pension
program provisions.

Table 23.20 Defined Benefit Plan

(1.3% of your final average salary up to the Social Securitycovered

Benefit compensation level) + (1.8% of your final average salary in excess of the Social
formula Securitycovered compensation level, if any) (years of creditable service).
See example in Table 23.21 "Example of Defined Benefit Formula".

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Full- or part-time employees who are scheduled to work or who actually

work at least 1,000 hours in a twelve-month period are eligible
Participation begins on your date of hire or your twenty-first birthday,
whichever is later

Normal You may retire and receive normal retirement benefits the first day of the
retirement month on or after your sixty-fifth birthday

You may retire and receive an early retirement benefit on or before you
Early reach age sixty-five
retirement You are eligible for early retirement on the first day of the month on or after
your fifty-fifth birthday with three years of vesting service

Insured Plan is insured by the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation

You become fully vested when you complete three years of vesting service
Vesting (including vesting service with an acquired company) or reach age sixty-five

Vesting credit begins when you are eligible for the pension program


Your pension benefit is paid to you in monthly installments at the end of the
month. Your benefits will be paid as a lump-sum payment if the present value of
your pension is $5,000 or less. The normal form of benefit paid by the retirement
plan is based on your marital status. Unless you elect a different option, you will
receive your benefit in one of the following forms, which are actuarially equivalent:

If you are single, you will receive a single life pension.

If you are married, you will receive a 50 percent survivorship pension
with your spouse as the beneficiary. If you are married and would like
to receive your benefit in another form, you will need to provide your
spouses written consent.

The survivorship option pays you for as long as you live. When you die, benefits
continue to be paid to your designated beneficiary, assuming your beneficiary
survives you. Written spousal consent is required before you can designate a
beneficiary other than your spouse. Benefits are reduced for the survivorship
option because payments will be made over two lives rather than one. Payments
depend on your age and your beneficiarys age when you begin receiving payments.
If you choose the survivorship option and your beneficiary dies before you do, your
payment will be increased to the amount that you would have received under the
single life option. Additionally, you may choose the amount (50 percent, 75 percent,
or 100 percent) your surviving beneficiary will receive after you die.

23.2 Case 2: Galaxy Max, Inc., Employee Benefits Package 1101

Chapter 23 Cases in Holistic Risk Management

Formula and Calculations

The traditional formula used in calculating your retirement benefit is based on your
final average salary, your creditable service, and the Social Securitycovered
compensation level based on your age. Your retirement pension benefit may not be
more than 100 percent of your final average salary, or $160,000 in 2002. These
formula components are outlined below. See Table 23.21 "Example of Defined
Benefit Formula" for an example of how the formula works.

Table 23.21 Example of Defined Benefit Formula

Suppose Joe, a sales representative for Galaxy Max, was born in 1942 and retired after
thirty years of service to Galaxy Max with a final average salary of $40,000. At the time of
Joes retirement, the Social Securitycovered compensation level is $37,212. To calculate
Joes benefit:

1. Multiply Joes final average salary, up to Social Securitycovered $37,212 1.3% =

compensation level, by the benefit percentage $484

2. Multiply Joes final average salary in excess of Social
$37,212) 1.8% =
Securitycovered compensation level by the excess benefit percentage

3. Add amounts calculated $448 + $50 = $534

4. Multiply by years of service to calculate Joes annual retirement $534 30 =

benefit $16,018

Thus, Joes annual pension benefit from Galaxy Max is $16,018.

Final Average Salary

Your final average salary is your highest average annual compensation during any
consecutive sixty-month period. It includes base pay, commission payments,
bonuses, and overtime.

Creditable Service

Your service with Galaxy Max, including approved leaves of absence up to six
months, certain periods of military and public service, and periods in which you are
totally disabled (as defined in the LTD plan), is considered your creditable service.
Service for part-time work is reduced to the equivalent portion of the year worked.

23.2 Case 2: Galaxy Max, Inc., Employee Benefits Package 1102

Chapter 23 Cases in Holistic Risk Management

Social Security Compensation Level

The average of the Social Security wage bases (maximum amount on which you pay
Social Security taxes) for the thirty-five years before the date of your retirement is
the Social Security compensation level that is used to calculate your benefits. These
amounts change each year according to the Covered Compensation Table provided
by the Social Security Administration.


We at Galaxy Max chose to use a cliff vesting option. You become 100 percent vested
after three years of creditable service. Our plan provides you with a cash settlement
option if your employment at Galaxy Max is terminated. The cash settlement option
is effective on your termination date. This distribution is considered taxable income
in the year the distribution is made. The only exception to this rule is if you choose
to shift this payment into an IRA.


Loans are not available under the retirement plan


As a valued employee of Galaxy Max, you or your beneficiaries may choose one of
the following distribution options:

Guaranteed Payment

You may choose to have your pension payments guaranteed for a certain period of
time after retirement. The payment options include either five or ten years for a
single life pension or five years for a survivorship pension benefit.

Lump-Sum Payment

You may request a lump-sum payment of $1,000 or more (in $100 increments) to
your designated beneficiary from your pension benefit, payable after you die.

Level Income Payment

If you retire early and want to start receiving benefits before age sixty-two, you
may choose this payment feature. You will receive larger benefit payments prior to
age sixty-two and then receive lower benefit payments upon reaching age sixty-

23.2 Case 2: Galaxy Max, Inc., Employee Benefits Package 1103

Chapter 23 Cases in Holistic Risk Management

two. At age sixty-two, you will be eligible to receive Social Security benefits. The
intent of this plan is to provide level retirement income before and after Social
Security payments begin at age sixty-two.

So When Can I Retire and Receive Benefits?

Depending on your age and length of service, you may choose normal retirement or
early retirement. Normal retirement is when you retire at or after age sixty-five. If
you choose this option, you will receive normal retirement pension benefits.

Early Retirement

You become eligible for early retirement benefits when you reach age fifty-five with
three years of vested service. You can retire on the first day of any month on or
after your fifty-fifth birthday. If you retire before you reach age sixty-five, the date
you retire will be known as your early retirement date.

Benefits for early retirement are less than normal retirement benefits because the
plan adjusts the payment amount to allow the benefits to be paid over a longer
period of time. The amount of your normal retirement benefit is available to you,
without reduction, if you retire early on or after your sixtieth birthday. If you retire
on or after your fifty-fifth birthday and before your sixtieth birthday, your pension
benefit will be reduced, as explained in Table 23.22 "Early Retirement Reduction in
Defined Benefit Plan".

Table 23.22 Early Retirement Reduction in Defined Benefit Plan

If you retire between the ages of fifty-eight and sixty, your pension benefit will be reduced
by 0.25% for each month that remains until your sixtieth birthday. For example, if you
retire on your fifty-eighth birthday, your pension will be reduced by (24 months 0.25%
per month) = 6%. If you retire between the ages of fifty-five and fifty-eight, your pension
will be reduced by that 6% plus an additional 0.50% for each month that remains until your
fifty-eighth birthday. For example, if you retire on your fifty-sixth birthday, your benefit
will be reduced by (6% + [24 months 0.50% per month]) = 18%. This table shows the
percentage your benefit would be reduced if you retired on your birthday.

Retirement Age Benefit Reduction

60 or older None

59 3%

58 6%

57 12%

23.2 Case 2: Galaxy Max, Inc., Employee Benefits Package 1104

Chapter 23 Cases in Holistic Risk Management

56 18%

55 24%

The benefit in Galaxy Maxs defined plan is protected by the Pension Benefit
Guaranty Corporation (PBGC). The cost of $19 per year per employee is paid by
Galaxy Max.

401(k) Plan

Galaxy Max offers you a Section 401(k) plan, hereinafter referred to as the Galaxy
Max 401(k) Plan, as a supplement to the retirement plan. You have the opportunity
to put aside salary dollars on a pretax basis, and Galaxy Max makes employer-
matching contributions to help build retirement savings more quickly. You can
choose your own level of deferral, if any. The plan also offers you several
investment options with varying portfolios to allow your savings to grow over time.
Taxes are deferred on employer matching contributions, your pretax deferral, and
investment returns until you withdraw the funds from your account.


All full-time and part-time employees are eligible. You become eligible for the
Galaxy Max 401(k) Plan after completing one year of continuous service and must
complete at least 1,000 hours of service during the year. Your enrollment
commences on the first day of the month following the completion of that first year
of service. You are not eligible to participate in the plan if you are no longer an
employee as of fiscal year end or if you are a temporary employee.

Maximum Contributions

For employees under the age of fifty, the 2009 contribution limit is $16,500. If you
are fifty years old or older, this limit is $22,000 in 2009.

Employer Matching

During each of your first five years of service, Galaxy Max will match 80 percent
($0.80 for every $1.00) that you contribute to the plan, up to 6 percent of your
salary. After five years of service, our matching increases to 100 percent ($1.00 for
every $1.00) that you contribute to the plan, up to 6 percent of your salary.

23.2 Case 2: Galaxy Max, Inc., Employee Benefits Package 1105

Chapter 23 Cases in Holistic Risk Management


Vesting is your right to the money in your 401(k) account. You are always 100
percent vested in the value of your own contributions and the earnings on your
investments. You are vested on Galaxy Maxs matching contributions at the rate of
20 percent each year of service, and thus fully vested after five years. For example,
if you left Galaxy Max three full years after joining the 401(k) plan, you would have
the right to all your investments and their earnings and to 60 percent of the
matching funds plus their earnings. The vesting schedule for the 401(k) matching
contribution is summarized in Table 23.23 "Galaxy Max 401(k) Matching
Contribution Vesting Schedule" below.

Table 23.23 Galaxy Max 401(k) Matching Contribution Vesting Schedule

Completed Years of Service Percentage Vested on Employers Match

1 20%

2 40%

3 60%

4 80%

5 100%


In-service withdrawals for certain hardships are permitted under the Galaxy Max
401(k) Plan, as long as two conditions are met:

1. The withdrawal must be necessary and follow severe financial

hardships. Examples include the following:

Purchasing your primary residence

Preventing foreclosure or eviction from your primary residence
Paying for major uninsured medical expenses for you or your
eligible dependents
Paying tuition, room and board, and related education expenses
for the next twelve months for you or your eligible dependents to
attend college

2. The funds are not reasonably available from any other resources. The
requirements are met if the following circumstances exist:

23.2 Case 2: Galaxy Max, Inc., Employee Benefits Package 1106

Chapter 23 Cases in Holistic Risk Management

The distribution does not exceed the amount of the severe

financial hardship
The employee has obtained all other forms of distributions other
than hardship distributions

Contributions will be suspended twelve months after the distribution and the
maximum contribution in the next year will be reduced by the amount contributed
in the prior year.


The minimum loan amount is $1,000. The maximum loan amount is the lesser of
$50,000 or 50 percent of your vested balance. The following two types of loans are
available under the plan.


You can take between six and sixty months to repay a general-purpose loan.

Primary Residence

You can take between sixty-one and 180 months to repay this loan. Eligible
residences include house, condominium, co-op, mobile home, new home
construction, or land for new construction or mobile home.

Investment and Investment Risk

You bear the risk of investments in your Galaxy Max 401(k) Savings Account.
However, you can choose from several investment funds through the SunTrust
Classic Funds Family, commonly referred to as the STI Classic Funds. This will
enable you to select your own desired level of risk.

Investment funds range from a fixed income fund (with very low risk and
corresponding low return potential) to higher risk equity funds with higher return
potential. The funds that you may choose from are as listed:

Galaxy Max Stock Fund

STI Classic Small Cap Growth Stock Fund
STI Classic Mid-Cap Equity Fund
STI Classic Appreciation Fund

23.2 Case 2: Galaxy Max, Inc., Employee Benefits Package 1107

Chapter 23 Cases in Holistic Risk Management

SunTrust 500 Index Fund

STI Classic Growth and Income Fund
STI Classic Value Income Stock Fund
STI Classic Investment Grade Bond Fund
STI Classic Short-Term Bond Fund
STI Classic Prime Quality Money Market Fund


You will be terminated from the Galaxy Max 401(k) Plan if you cease to be employed
by Galaxy Max.

Profit-Sharing Plan

Over the past five years, Galaxy Max has been financially successful because of the
dedication and talent of our valued employees. We started the profit-sharing
program to give you the opportunity to share in the success of our wonderful
company. The primary purpose of this plan is to help you build retirement income.
Along with the Galaxy Max 401(k) Plan and the defined benefit plan, the profit-
sharing plan can provide you with the foundation for a financially secure

A profit-sharing plan is a qualified, defined contribution plan that features a

flexible contribution by us. When you become eligible to participate, Galaxy Max
will set up an individual account in your name. In other words, you do not need to
enroll in the plan. Participation in the plan is automatic and you are not required or
permitted to contribute personal funds into the plan.


The eligibility requirements for the Galaxy Max Profit-Sharing Plan are the same as
the Galaxy Max 401(k) Plan. Please refer to that section.


Each year, Galaxy Max will contribute a portion of its pretax income for profit-
sharing purposes. The contribution is made after the end of each fiscal year. The
amount allocated to your account is based on a formula that includes your
compensation during the fiscal year. This contribution is made at the discretion of
Galaxy Max and cannot be guaranteed every year.

23.2 Case 2: Galaxy Max, Inc., Employee Benefits Package 1108

Chapter 23 Cases in Holistic Risk Management

Profit-Sharing Formula

Here is how the allocation formula works. Once you become a participant, we
evaluate your eligible compensation (base pay, commissions, and bonuses) and the
eligible compensation of all Galaxy Max employees. Your portion of the amount of
profits we contribute is the proportion of your eligible compensation to that of all
employees. For example, suppose that Galaxy Max will contribute $200,000 to the
profit-sharing plan, your eligible compensation is $35,000, and the eligible
compensation of all employees is $950,000. Your share would be $35,000/$950,000,
or 3.68 percent, of $200,000. Therefore, the allocation to your account would be
$7,368.42. These numbers are used only as an example. (The total contribution from
Galaxy Max and eligible compensation from all employees is much larger.)

Investing Your Profit-Sharing Account

The plans trustee, SunTrust Bank, will invest contributions to your account. At the
end of each fiscal year, investment earnings are allocated to your profit-sharing
account. Because the value of your investments will fluctuate, you will assume the
investment risk. Therefore, your account balance will increase or decrease in value
from year to year.

Profit-Sharing Account Balance

Once all accounts have been reconciled for the fiscal year, you will receive an
annual statement of your account. It will include your beginning balance, allocation
of investment income, contributions, and ending balance. These statements are
typically distributed to you four to five months after the fiscal year end.


You begin earning ownership rights to your account once you complete three
continuous years of service. After your second full year, you are 20 percent vested,
and you earn another 20 percent each year. Once you complete six years of service,
you are fully vested. If your employment ends because you become permanently
disabled, die, or leave Galaxy Max after age sixty-five with at least five years of
service, you and your beneficiary will be entitled to receive the full value of your
account, regardless of your vesting. The vesting schedule for profit-sharing plan
contributions is presented in Table 23.24 "Galaxy Max Profit-Sharing Contribution
Vesting Schedule" below.

23.2 Case 2: Galaxy Max, Inc., Employee Benefits Package 1109

Chapter 23 Cases in Holistic Risk Management

Table 23.24 Galaxy Max Profit-Sharing Contribution Vesting Schedule

Continuous Vesting Service Vested Percentage

Less than 2 years 0%

2 years 20%

3 years 40%

4 years 60%

5 years 80%

6 years or more 100%


You may borrow from your profit-sharing account under the same provisions that
apply to 401(k) loans. Please refer to that section for details.


You can receive the vested portion of your account after you leave Galaxy Max,
retire, or become permanently and totally disabled. Your designated beneficiary
will receive your vested account balance if you die before receiving your benefit.

If your vested account balance is $6,000 or less, you or your beneficiary will receive
the payment in a single lump sum. If your account balance is more than $6,000, you
or your beneficiary can take a single lump sum, receive annual installments for up
to five years, or delay receiving distributions until a later time. Generally, you can
roll over the vested portion of your account balance into another qualified
retirement account or individual retirement account (IRA) so that you can defer
paying federal income taxes.

Termination from Plan

You will be terminated from the plan if you cease to be employed by Galaxy Max.

Limitations on Contributions

For all three plans, certain legal limits are placed on contributions to your account.
The combined annual contributions to your retirement plans cannot exceed $40,000
or 100 percent of your compensation, whichever is lower. This limit applies to both
your and Galaxy Maxs contributions to your 401(k), profit-sharing, and defined

23.2 Case 2: Galaxy Max, Inc., Employee Benefits Package 1110

Chapter 23 Cases in Holistic Risk Management

benefit plans, unless the defined benefit plan requires (under the minimum
required annual contribution) a greater annual contribution. Thus, in summary, all
qualified retirement plans combined cannot exceed the $40,000 or 100 percent of
compensation annual limit, unless more contribution is necessary to meet the
minimum requirements under the defined benefit plans.


The management of Galaxy Max hopes that the benefits we offer are clear to you.
Our studies indicate that our benefits package far exceeds the norms of our
industry. We are very interested in your well-being, and this has motivated us to
exceed our peer groups offerings. Should you have questions, please contact the
Human Resources Department, 7500 Galaxy Max Road, Richmond, VA 23228;
telephone 1-800-674-2900; e-mail hrgalaxymax@vcu.edu. Suggestions are always
welcome as we continue to improve service to our employees.

23.2 Case 2: Galaxy Max, Inc., Employee Benefits Package 1111

Chapter 23 Cases in Holistic Risk Management


In this section you studied the employee benefits package of a hypothetical

company (Galaxy Max, Inc.):

Each group benefit option in an employee benefits program is explained

in terms of benefits, eligibility, enrollment requirements, waiting
periods, employee costs, coverage exclusions, benefit providers, tax
implications, and plan termination provisions.
Employees are able to add beneficiaries and dependents (subject to
eligibility requirements) for applicable benefits.
Life insurance at one-time employees annual salary is a typical group
benefit, with options to purchase supplemental coverage wholly funded
by employees.
Sick leave and short- and long-term disability options may be partially
subsidized by employers, with options for employees to purchase
supplemental long-term coverage.
Group health insurance usually includes a mix of HMO, PPO, or high-
deductible options provided at costs shared by employer and employee.
Flexible spending accounts are offered within a cafeteria plan or as a
stand-alone option to help employees pay for qualified out-of-pocket
costs with pretax dollars.
Retirement plans can be a combination of a traditional defined benefit
plan and various defined contribution plans.
A benefits package should explain the benefit or contribution formula of
retirement plans, include payment options, clarify the requirements of
early withdrawals or loans, define normal retirement age (and
implications of early retirement), and stipulate vesting provisions.
Limits apply to retirement plan contributions by employers and
employees; benefit plans should give an understanding of employees
contributions and investment options.

23.2 Case 2: Galaxy Max, Inc., Employee Benefits Package 1112

Chapter 23 Cases in Holistic Risk Management


1. Why are employee benefits limited for part-time (versus full-time)

2. What is the purpose of a waiting period in employee benefits?
3. Why would an employer enforce a minimum benefit limit on life
4. Why is the definition of disability stricter in the case of LTD than in STD?
5. When employees pay the LTD premiums, why arent benefits taxable as
6. Why are long-term disability benefits coordinated with Social Security?
What effect does this have?
7. How is the survivorship pension payment option made equitable to the
retiree in the event that his or her beneficiary dies first?
8. How do vesting provisions protect employers?

23.2 Case 2: Galaxy Max, Inc., Employee Benefits Package 1113

Chapter 23 Cases in Holistic Risk Management

23.3 Case 3: Nontraditional Insurance Programs and Application to the

Hypothetical Loco Corporation


In this section we elaborate on alternative risk-financing techniques using

real-world case studies and a hypothetical example:

The evolution of sophisticated, nontraditional insurance arrangements

Integrated risk management programs
Finite risk management techniques
Actual applications of alternative risk financing
Utilization of alternative risk financing by hypothetical LOCO

From Academy of Insurance Education

Written by Phyllis S. Myers, Ph.D., and Etti G. Baranoff, Ph.D.

Edited by Gail A. Grollman

Formerly a video education program of the National Association of Insurance


Copyright: The Council of Insurance Agents and BrokersThe Council of Insurance

Agents and Brokers assumed all National Association of Insurance Brokers (NAIB)
copyrights when the two organizations merged. The Council gave permission to use
the material. The Council of Insurance Agents and Brokers is located in Washington,
D.C. This case is based on the video education series created for continuing
education of brokers in 1996 and 1997. Five video education modules were created.
The material used in this case is from video number 5. Some modifications to the
original material were necessary when making the transition to a print format.


Case 3, unlike Cases 1 and 2, is designed for risk management students who are
interested in the more complex types of insurance coverage designed for large

Chapter 23 Cases in Holistic Risk Management

businesses. It is provided here to enhance Chapter 6 "The Insurance Solution and

Institutions" and the material provided in the textbook relating to different types
of commercial coverage.


Alternative risk financing1 (sometimes referred to as alternative risk transfer) are

risk-funding arrangements that typically apply to losses that are above the primary
self-insurance retentions or losses above the primary insurance layer. Because of
the complexities in designing these programs, they are utilized for solving the
problems of large clients, and they merit substantial premiums.

Alternative risk transfer is an evolving area of risk finance where programs are
often tailored for the individual company. Insurers have been expanding their
offerings and creativity in designing methods of financing corporate risk. This new
generation of financing risk is becoming more and more mainstream as more
experience is gained by insurers, brokers, and risk managers.

An analogy between alternative medicine and alternative risk financing is made to

demonstrate the importance of such insurance programs. The evolution of
alternative risk transfer holds a striking parallel to that of alternative medicine.
Individuals and the medical community began turning to alternative medicine
when conventional methods failed. Alternative risk transfer is not much different.
Risk managers looked for alternatives when the conventional insurance markets
failed to satisfy their needs. When availability and affordability issues became
prevalent in the insurance markets,Recall the explanation of the underwriting
cycles described in Chapter 8 "Insurance Markets and Regulation" of the text. Also,
remember that this case was prepared in 19961997 during the end tail of a long
soft market condition. risk managers resorted to higher retention levels and
creative methods of risk financing. In this process, corporations risk tolerance
levels increased, as did the expertise and comfort level of risk managers in
managing risk. Consequently, they did not rush back into the market when it
softened. Many of todays risk managers are protecting themselves from being at
the mercy of the insurance industry. A long period of softness in the 1990s also put
the buyers in the drivers seat and the buyers have been demanding products that
align more closely with their companys needs. No longer was alternative risk
financing created to heal availability and affordability problems. It has also been
adopted to improve cash flows and effectively handle all risks in the organization.
1. Risk-funding arrangements As in alternative medicine, the new methods have been seen as viable options for
that typically apply to losses the improved (financial) health of the organization.
above a firms primary self-
insurance retentions or losses
above the primary insurance

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Risk managers began taking and maintaining long-term control of the process. They
have been looking for cost, accounting, and tax efficiencies. Thus, in addition to
using captives and risk retention groups (discussed in Chapter 6 "The Insurance
Solution and Institutions" and Chapter 8 "Insurance Markets and Regulation"), they
have been establishing customized finite risk programs, multiyear, multiline
integrated risk programs, and they have been insuring risks that previously were
once considered uninsurable. We will first delve into explaining these new-
generation products before working on the LOCO case. The explanation of each
program includes examples from real companies.

Nontraditional Insurance Products: The New Generation

New-generation risk-financing programs have emerged in response to the needs of

large and complex organizations. These new-generation products blend with an
orchestrated structure of self-insurance, captives, conventional insurance, and
excess limits for selected individual lines. These more sophisticated methods of
financing risk are being driven by a new breed of strategic-thinking risk managers
who have an increased knowledge of risk management theory. They come to the
table with a good understanding of their companys exposures and the financial
resources available to handle risk. They are seeking risk-handling solutions that
will improve efficiency, be cost-effective, and stabilize earnings.

Increasingly, todays risk managers are practicing a holistic approach to risk

management in which all of the corporations risksbusiness, financial, and
operationalare being assessed (as noted in Chapter 6 "The Insurance Solution and
Institutions"). This concept, sometimes referred to as integrated risk
management2, is a coordinated alternative risk-financing approach of identifying,
measuring, and monitoring diverse and multiple risks that require effective and
rapid response to changing circumstances.Lucy Nottingham, Integrated Risk
Management, Canadian Business Review 23, no. 2 (1996): 26. Nontraditional risk
transfer programs, combined with traditional coverages, are being used to meet the
needs of this holistic and strategic risk management approach.Carolyn Aldred,
Alternative Financing of Primary Interest: Risk Managers Expected to Become
More Familiar with Nontraditional Products, Business Insurance, September 3, 1997.
Two of the nontraditional transfer programs available to risk managers that are
covered in this case are integrated risk and finite insurance programs.

Integrated Risk Programs

2. Coordinated alternative risk-
financing approach of
identifying, measuring, and The discussion of integrated risk programs includes responses to the following
monitoring diverse and
multiple risks that require
effective and rapid response to
changing circumstances.

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What attracts corporations to the new integrated program?

What is the response of the insurance industry and the brokerage
How do you determine the coverages to include in an integrated
What limits are appropriate?
How do deductibles operate?
Why do you need a reinstatement provision?
What are three overall advantages to the integrated risk concept?

What Attracts Corporations to the New Integrated Programs?

The traditional approach of a tower of monoline coverages, each with a separate

policy limit, has not been meeting the needs and operations of many corporations.
Companies have been looking to integrated programs that combine lines of
coverages in one aggregate policygenerally for a multiyear term. These integrated
programs also go by names such as concentric risk and basket aggregates. The
features that are attracting corporations to these programs include the following:

Less administration time and cost

Less time and cost for negotiations with brokers and underwriters
Elimination of the need to build a tower of coverages
One loss triggers just one policy
Elimination of gaps in coverage (seamless coverage)
Elimination of the need to buy separate limits for each type of coverage

Judy LindenmayersJudy Lindenmayer was one of the experts contributing to the

creation of this video education segment. program for FMR (Fidelity Investments)
was one of the earliest integrated programs. She referred to it as concentric risk.
She explained how she lowered her cost through the use of an aggregate limit.
Under traditional coverage, an insured may be purchasing limits that are $50
million per year, but it is unlikely that there would be a major loss every year; thus,
the full limit would not be used. Therefore, there is a waste of large limits in many
of the years while the insured continues to pay for them. The solution to the
redundancy and the extra cost is the integrated program, with one aggregate limit
over the three-year period. You buy one $50 million limit. Obviously, this is going
to cost the insured less money. Judy Lindenmayer claimed that cost reductions
could be as much as 30 or 40 percent.

Norwest, a bank with assets of $71.4 billion and 43,000 staff members in 3,000
locations (in 1997) across the United States, Canada, the Caribbean, Central and
South America, and Asia was another company that could provide an example of

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what attracts corporations to the new concept. Until 1994, Norwest had traditional
coverages. Each class of risk had an individual limit of self-insurance, a layer of
commercial insurance, and an excess coverage. There were many risks that were
not covered by insurance because of lack of availability.

K. C. Kidder, Norwests risk manager, established a new integrated risk-financing

program for simplicity and efficiency. In addition, she opted for the multiyear
integrated approach. Kidders other objectives for the major restructuring included
the following:

Provide aggregate retentions applicable to all risks

Develop a long-term relationship with the insurer
Stabilize price and coverage
Provide catastrophe protection
Reduce third-party costs significantly
Use the companys captive insurer
Maximize cash flow and investment yields
Include previously uninsured risks.

Coca-Cola was another major company that was motivated to use an integrated
program.David G. May, The Real Thing, Financial Executive 13, no. 3 (1997): 42.
Allison OSullivan, Coca-Colas director of risk management, was looking for a
program that would do the following:

Provide long-term stability

Recognize the companys financial ability to retain risk
Create value through attaining the lowest sustainable cost
Increase administrative efficiencies
Provide relevant coverage enhancements
Strengthen market relationships
Enhance options for hard-to-insure business risks worldwide

Another attractive integrated product of limited use is the multitrigger contract. A

multitrigger contract3 is insurance in which claims are triggered by the
occurrence of more than one event happening within the same time period. The
time period is defined in the contract and could be periods such as calendar year,
fiscal year, season, or even a day. In a traditional single-trigger policy, a claim is
based on the occurrence of any one covered loss, such as an earthquake or a fire. In
3. Insurance in which coverage is the multitrigger contract, a claim can be made only if two or more covered
triggered by the occurrence of
incidents occur within that defined contract period. This coverage costs less than
more than one event
happening within the same individual coverages because the probability of the two (or more) losses happening
time period. within the contract time period is lower than the probability of a single loss

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occurring. In the multitrigger policy, the insurer recognizes this lower probability
in the pricing of the product. Thus, it would cost more to buy the earthquake
insurance on a stand-alone basis than it would cost to buy earthquake insurance
contingent on some other event taking place within that contract time period, such
as a shift in foreign exchange or a shift in the cost of a key raw material to the
client. Insureds who are concerned only with two very bad losses happening at the
same time are those who would be interested in a multitrigger program.

What Is the Response of the Insurance Industry and the Brokerage


Market conditions are contributing to insurers responsiveness to risk managers.

The insurance industry and brokerage community have created a new concept of
bundling risks into one basket, under one limit, for multiple years. David May of
J&H Marsh and McLennan, Inc.,Today, the company name is simply Marsh. During
the period of the case, many brokerage houses merged. The large mergers and the
decrease in the number of brokerage houses prompted the consolidation of the
brokers and agents organizations into the Council of Insurance Agents and Brokers.
reported that many insurance markets have lined up behind this new approach,
offering close to $1 billion in capacity.David G. May, All-in-One Insurance,
Financial Executive 13, no. 3 (1997): 41. The industry provides large capacity for these
types of programs. Two observations of their use include the following: (1) the
corporations that use them are large with substantial financial strength and (2) the
multiyear term of the programs promotes long-term relationships.

The U.S., European, and Bermuda markets all have been actively participating in
various program combinations. XL and CIGNA were among the first players when
they teamed up to combine property and casualty lines of coverage. The market
demanded broader coverage, and the two insurers, in a very short time, have
expanded their offerings. Another active player is Swiss Re with its BETA program.
AIG, Chubb, and Liberty Mutual are active in the U.S. market.

Most of this capacity is not dependent on reinsurance. Some insurers offer one-stop
shopping, while in other cases the structure uses a number of insurers. Coca-Colas
program, for example, was provided ultimately by several carriers.

How Do You Determine What Coverages to Include in an Integrated

Program? What Limits Are Appropriate?

Integrated programs may include different combinations of coverages and may be

designed for different lengths of time and different limits. Insurers provide many
choices in their offerings. Programs are put together based on each corporations

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own risk profile. These products are individualized and require intensive study to
respond to the clients needs.

The typical corporations looking into these types of programs are Fortune 200
corporationscompanies needing $100 million to $200 million or more in
coverage.John P. Mello, Jr., Paradise, or Pipe Dream? CFO: The Magazine for Chief
Financial Officers 13, no. 2 (1997): 73. These are corporations that have much larger
and complex risks and need to work with a few carriers.

Judy Lindenmayer of Fidelity Investments explained the process of determining

which coverages to combine the following:

Review loss history

Consider predictability of losses
Review annual cost of coverage and coverage amount by line
Consider risk tolerance level
Select an aggregate limit that exceeds expected annual losses for all

FMR had two separate integrated programs, as shown in Figure 23.5 "Fidelity
Investments Integrated Risk Program".Dave Lenckus, Concentric Risk Programs
Means Big SavingInnovative Programs to Save FMR Time, Money, Business
Insurance, April 14, 1997, 98. FMRs program for its mutual funds combines the
government mandated fidelity bonds and E&O liability insurance. FMR took a very
conservative approach, with a separate program to protect its mutual funds clients
from employees dishonesty or mistakes. For the other part of the company, the
corporate side, the coverage included consolidated financial institutions bond
coverage, which protects the employee benefits plans and protects against
employees dishonesty. The other coverages were Directors & Officers (D&O),
stockbrokers Errors & Omissions (E&O), corporate E&O, E&O liability for charitable
gifts, partnership liability, and electronic and computer crime. The corporate
program was designed to respond to the risk management needs of the corporate
side, which was on the cutting edge on a lot of things and therefore less
conservative than the mutual funds concentric program.

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Figure 23.5 Fidelity Investments Integrated Risk Program

Integrated programs include coverages such as D&O, fiduciary liability, crime, E&O,
and employment practices liability. The following are examples of the coverages
that may be included in an integrated program under one aggregate limit:

Business interruption
General, products, and automobile liabilities
Workers compensation
Marine liabilities and cargo
D&O liability
E&O liability

For specific companies, it may also include the following:

Product recalls
Product tampering
Political risks

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Environmental liabilities

Both Coca-Colas and Norwests programs combined a very broad array of

coverages. Coca-Colas program combines over thirty different risks in one
contract. Although Coca-Cola did not do so in 1997, Allison OSullivan, then-director
of risk management for Coca-Cola, said that she was open to the idea of blending
financial risks like interest rate and currency exchange fluctuations. Norwests
program had a layer of true integrated insurance, with an aggregate of $100 million
limit over a five-year period. It combined the following coverages in its program:

Aircraft liability (nonowned)

Automobile liability
D&O (corporate reimbursement)
Employers liability
Fiduciary liability
Foreign liability
Foreign property
General liability
Mail and transit
Mortgagee E&O
Professional liability
Repossessed property
Safe deposit
Workers compensation

Understanding the loss history of each line of coverage is very important to

selecting the appropriate limits. The aggregate limit must be adequate to cover
losses of all combined lines for the entire multiyear period.

How Do Deductibles Operate?

Programs may be structured with one aggregate deductible for the term of the
policy or with separate, per occurrence deductibles. Norwests integrated program
had a $25 million aggregate retention over a five-year term. They had another five-
year aggregate retention that was covered by its Vermont-based captive, Superior
Guaranty Insurance Company. Above their retention, they had a finite risk layer
(explained in the next section of this case) of $50 million. Fifty percent of this layer
was covered by the captive. The other 50 percent was covered by American
International Group (AIG).

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The FMR aggregate programs are also structured over retentions. As discussed
previously, FMR had two separate programs. The mutual funds program had
multiple deductibles and the captive was not used.Dave Lenckus, Reinsurance
Program Strives to Find the Right Blend of Risks, Business Insurance, April 14, 1997,
100. For the corporate concentric program, FMRs captive, Fidvest Ltd., wrote up to
$10 million in aggregate limits, as shown in Figure 23.5 "Fidelity Investments
Integrated Risk Program". Fidvests retention included most of the risks except for
the trustees E&O. The captive retained only $5 million of this risk.

The decision about the appropriate retention levels forces the risk manager to look
at risks and risk tolerance.

Why Do You Need a Reinstatement Provision?

As noted previously, selecting the limit that will cover all included losses over the
entire multiyear period is an estimate based on a number of factors. But that
estimate can prove to be wrong. The insured could use up his or her entire
aggregate limit before the end of the term. For that reason, it is important to
include one or more reinstatement provisions. Negotiating a reinstatement
provision on the front end is critical to provide the following:

Additional limits if the initial limits are exhausted

A guarantee of coverage when needed
Coverage at the right price

The FMR program contained reinstatement provisions in the event its aggregated
limits were exhausted. Figure 23.5 "Fidelity Investments Integrated Risk Program"
illustrates that FMR had one reinstatement on the corporate program and an option
to purchase two additional reinstatements for the funds program.

What Are the Overall Advantages of the Integrated Risk Concept for

The integrated risk programs are reported to produce in excess of 25 percent

savings. This savings results from the following:

Large premium decreases as a result of utilizing fewer carriers

Flexibility of mixing the most appropriate risks (i.e., customized plans)
Comprehensive coverage
More efficient operation of the captives and retentions

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Reduced administrative costs and greater efficiency regarding


The risk manager does not need to shop every year and prepare for renewals. The
worry about the volatility of the traditional, cyclical insurance market is also
reduced. These programs are expected to increase in prevalence. They have been
combined with other new-generation products, such as finite risk, which is
discussed next.

Finite Risk Programs

Finite risk programs are a way to finance risk assumptions that have their origins in
arrangements between insurers and reinsurers. Premiums paid by the corporation
to finance potential losses are placed in an experience fund that is held by the
insurer. The insured is paying for its own losses through a systematic payment plan
over time. Thus, it not subjected to the earnings volatility that can occur through
self-insuring. Finite risk programs4 allow the insured to share in the underwriting
profit and investment income that accrues on its premiums if loss experience is
favorable and to recognize the individual risk transfer needs of each corporation.
Consequently, each contract is unique. Generally, finite programs have the
following characteristics in common:

Multiyear termat least three years, but may be five or even ten years
Overall aggregate limitoften one limit applies; thus all losses of any
type and line will be paid until they reach the aggregate limit
Experience fund is established for the insureds lossesmonies are paid
into the fund and held by the insurer over the time period
Interest earned on fundsa negotiated interest is earned on the funds
that the insured has on deposit with the insurer
Element of risk transferoften includes some traditional risk transfer
for the program to be recognized as insurance by the IRS
Designed for each insured individually using manuscripted policy

Differences between Finite Protection and Traditional Insurance

The key difference between the finite risk program and traditional insurance
4. Allow insureds to share in the coverage is that the funds paid to the insurer
underwriting profit and
investment income that
accrues on premiums if loss earn interest, which is credited to the insured, and
experience is favorable and
recognize firms individual risk
are refundable to the insured.
transfer needs.

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An Example of How the Finite Risk Program Can Be Structured

Figure 23.6 "Finite Risk Program of Fidelity Investments, $100 Million Coverage
Limit" shows an example of how a finite risk program operates. In this example, the
insured has implemented a three-year program with a $100 million aggregate
coverage limit for the entire period, with annual premium payments of $20 million.
Thus, the insured has promised to pay $60 million over the three-year period, as
denoted by increasing increments for each year on the graph. Actual risk
transferthat is, the conventional insurance layer of the finit eprogramexists
between the $60 million that the insured pays in and the $100 million limit. Thus,
there is $40 million in risk transfer. This risk transfer layer is shown in dark blue on
the graph.

At the end of the three-year period, the deposits may be returned to the insured
with interest, less any losses. As will be discussed later, a return of funds constitutes
a taxable event and the insured may choose to roll the funds over to the next term.

Figure 23.6 Finite Risk Program of Fidelity Investments, $100 Million Coverage Limit

What If Losses Exceed the Funds Paid to Date?

In the example in Figure 23.6 "Finite Risk Program of Fidelity Investments, $100
Million Coverage Limit", the insured has paid in $20 million in the first year. But
what if losses exceed $20 million in the first year? This is the timing risk that the

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insurer takesthe risk that losses will exceed the insureds depositin which case,
the insurer has to pay for them prior to having received the funds from the insured.
The graph shows the timing risk in white. It is the difference between the insureds
accumulated payments into the fund and the total amount the insured promises to
pay into the fund over the entire time period (in this example, $60 million over a
three-year period). The timing layer is similar to a line of credit for the insured. The
insured must still pay the insurer for the losses that were paid out in advance, or
loaned to the insured.

The FMR Corporation structured its finite program around its integrated risk
program. Figure 23.7 "Structure of Fidelity Investments Finite Risk and Integrated
Risk Programs" displays how FMRs finite program fits around the two integrated
programs described previously. The finite program is outlined with dotted lines. An
important part of its program was the inclusion of risks that are traditionally
uninsurable. If a loss occurs under the finite program that is also covered by its
underlying integrated coverage, the finite program acts as a layer above the
integrated limit. Thus, the finite risk protection is pierced when the integrated limit
is exhaustedno deductible is incurred under the finite program. If a loss occurs
under the finite program and it is not covered by the integrated program, a
$100,000 aggregate deductible applies. Such losses are paid if and when aggregate
losses under the finite program reach $100,000.

A finite program can fit into a corporations risk-financing structure in other ways
as well. It can be used to fund primary losses. It can also be used in intermediate
layers to stabilize infrequent but periodic losses.Gregory K. Myers, Alternative Risk
Financing in the Traditional Insurance Marketplace, John Liner Review 10, no. 3
(1996): 13.

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Figure 23.7 Structure of Fidelity Investments Finite Risk and Integrated Risk Programs

An Example of How the Experience Fund Operates

Now, let us show an example of how the experience fund works. Table 23.25 "Finite
Risk Experience Fund" displays a chart of an experience fund with annual deposits
of $20 million for a three-year term. Assume an annual interest rate of 6 percent is
credited quarterly to the fund. Also assume that the interest accrues on a tax-free
basis, as would be the case if the fund is placed with an offshore insurer where
investment income is not subject to taxation. In this example, the insured incurs a
$5 million loss in year two. At the end of the term, the insureds balance is
$62,120,260. The funds may be returned to the insured or rolled over to another
contract term.

Table 23.25 Finite Risk Experience Fund

Credit/Debit to Fund Balance at Beginning of the Interest

Fund Period Earned

Jan. 1, 1997 $20,000,000 $20,000,000

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Credit/Debit to Fund Balance at Beginning of the Interest

Fund Period Earned

March 31,
$20,300,000 $300,000

June 30, 1997 $20,604,500 $304,500

Sept. 30,
$20,913,568 $309,068

Dec. 31, 1997 $21,227,271 $313,704

Jan. 1, 1998 $20,000,000 $41,227,271

March 31,
$41,845,680 $618,409

March 31,
($5,000,000) $36,845,680

June 30, 1998 $37,398,365 $552,685

Sept. 30,
$37,959,340 $560,975

Dec. 31, 1998 $38,528,730 $569,390

Jan. 1, 1999 $20,000,000 $58,528,730

March 31,
$59,406,661 $877,931

June 30, 1999 $60,297,761 $891,100

Sept. 30,
$61,202,227 $904,466

Dec. 31, 1999 $62,120,260 $918,033


Pricing of the product will vary. There can be an additional premium to pay for the
risk transfer and timing risk elements. Alternatively, the insurers risk can be paid
for by the spread between the interest it expects to earn on the funds and the
interest credited to the insured.

Suitability of Finite Risk

Finite programs typically are used by large corporations with one or more of the
following characteristics:

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High retention levels

Unique or difficult to insure risks
Risks where adequate limits are not available
Ability to make large cash outlays

Advantages of a Finite Risk Program

Finite risk programs offer a number of benefits to corporations:

Improves the balance sheetby including risks for which noninsurance

reserves had been established, it allows the company to remove these
reserves from its balance sheet.
Reduces volatility in earningsinstead of paying unpredictable losses
out of current earnings, the insured is paying equal payments to the
insurer to cover losses; if losses exceed the payments, the insurer pays
them and the insured can work out an arrangement to pay them back
up to the agreed-on amount that should be paid into the fund.
Allows for profit sharing if the loss experience is favorablethe
insured earns interest on the payments that it pays to the insurer. In
addition, these payments can be structured as tax deductible, whereas
reserves on the balance sheet are not deductible until losses are paid.
Helps secure insurance for uninsurable risksbecause the losses are
paid by the insured, a program can be structured without limitations
on what types of risk can be included.
Accesses new capacity for catastrophic risksfinite programs can be
structured so they are layered over a very large retention level, a
captive, or other insurance program, such as integrated risk programs
or conventional insurance.

Determining the Risks to Include in a Finite Program

Finite risk programs can be structured to include any type of risk, contingent on
approval by the companys auditors.Types of risks included in the program may be
restricted by the corporations external auditors. They are touted as a means of
financing traditionally uninsurable risks. Thus, a corporation looks at its own risk
profile to determine the appropriate risks to include in the program. A corporation
can do this in one or more of the following ways:

Examine the balance sheet for reservesreserves are established for

risks on which there is no insurance coverage. The size of these
reserves reflects the potential impact of the risk.

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Examine insurance policies for existing exclusionsthis exercise

reveals important risks that currently are uninsured.
Ask senior managers what keeps them awake at nightin addition to
potentially identifying previously unidentified risks, the process
reveals the firms tolerance for risk by determining what is important
to senior managers.

Potential Disadvantages of a Finite Risk Program

Finite risk programs are becoming increasingly popular. But they are not without

Tax and accounting questionsaccounting and tax rules say that there
must be more than timing and interest rate risk for the insurer in
order for the insureds payments to be tax deductible. The tax code
requires that the finite financing arrangement involve real
underwriting risk transfer with a reasonable expectation of loss.
Transactions that do not meet tax and accounting rules regarding risk
transfer will be treated as deposits. The main requirement is that the
insurer (or reinsurer) must stand to realize a significant loss from the
transaction. Judy Lindenmayer mentions a general rule of thumb that
has developed, whereby 10 to 15 percent of the estimated exposure
should be transferred to the insurer, and the risk so transferred must
have a 10 to 20 percent chance of loss. Actuaries, however, caution
against specifying probability thresholds because they do not allow for
the differences in frequency and severity of various exposures.What is
Risk Transfer in Reinsurance? Comments on Financial Accounting
Standard 113, Contingencies, September/October 1997, 5053. (Based
on a report of the American Academy of Actuaries Committee on
Property and Liability Issues.) Evaluation of the risk transfer element is
a complex process that requires a complete understanding of the
transaction, the details of which are beyond the scope of this course.
The premiums should not be construed as a deposit for accounting
purposes. The risk transfer element must be verified by outside
auditors. It is permissible to base the tax and accounting for the finite
program on two different foundations. However, doing so may draw
the attention of income tax auditors.
Any monies that are returned to the insured at the end of the period
constitute taxable income. To avoid a taxable event, the insured can
roll the funds over to the next term.
Time-consuming and complex to developalthough finite programs
can save considerable time once they are in place, they can take up to a
year to develop.

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Frictional costs may be greater than perceived benefitsthese costs

are estimated to range from 5 to 10 percent. A fee is paid to the
insurer, and a federal excise tax applies to premiums paid for programs
that are domiciled offshore.
Opportunity cost of committed fundsthe programs entail large
outlays of cash each year of the term. These large outlays, and the fact
that they tie up the funds, can overshadow the net cost efficiencies
that might have been obtained. Generally, these cash outlays require
the involvement of the companys CFO or other senior manager. Often,
the cash outlays form the obstacle to obtaining senior management
approval of the program.

Loco Corporation Case Study: Part I

Background Information

Since its formation in 1945, LOCO Corporation has been a leader in the investment
banking field. Its largest and best known subsidiary is Loyalty Investment, an
investment advisory and management company for a family of one hundred funds.
Through a network of thirty-two principal offices in twenty-two countries, LOCO
and Loyalty Investment offer a complete range of financial services, including
online trading and research assistance to corporations, institutions, and individuals
throughout the world. LOCO, through another subsidiary called Loyalty Brokerage
Group, engages in sales and trading on a discounted fee basis. It uses the most
advanced technologies available in the market. Approximately 50 percent of trades
(for both the direct funds and through the brokerage firm) are handled online,
another 40 percent are handled over the telephone, and 10 percent are handled in
person at sales offices around the world.

LOCO also provides financial underwriting services and advice to corporations and
governments around the world regarding their capital structures. Its products and
services include corporate finance, real estate, project finance and leasing, debt and
equity capital markets, mergers and acquisitions, and restructuring.

Under Loyalty Investment are three subsidiaries:

The Loyalty Brokerage Group (formerly the Kendu Financial Group

acquired in 1994)a stock brokerage firm that handles $4 billion
annually in trades for retail and institutional clients on a discounted
fee basis.
The Loyalty Financial Services Groupan insurance, estate planning,
and investment advisory organization for high net worth individuals

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operating only in the United States and the United Kingdom. The
nonsupport staff is licensed to sell insurance and securities.
Loyalwarea financial services software producer.

LOCO has offices in Europe, the Middle East, the Far East, South Africa, Australia,
and South America and is expanding into Russia and China. LOCOs financial
highlights are shown in Table 23.26 "LOCO Corporation Financial Highlights", which
provides information on LOCOs size, liquidity, and debt positions in 1995 and 1996.
Although LOCO has been enjoying increased revenues, LOCOs profit margins have
decreased from 1995 to 1996. Return on equity has remained stagnant for the last
two years.

Table 23.26 LOCO Corporation Financial Highlights

For the Years Ended September 30 (in Millions) 1996 1995

Cash and marketable securities $ 73,259 $ 93,325

Real estate $ 45,464 $ 35,217

Other assets $ 20,000 $ 18,000

Total assets $138,723 $146,542

Liabilities $115,050 $116,046

Reserves for losses $ 300 $ 250

Long-term borrowing $ 9,114 $ 8,891

Stockholders equity $ 23,259 $ 21,355

Total liabilities and equity $138,723 $146,542

Net revenue $ 4,356 $ 3,480

Net income $ 696 $ 634

Net profit margin (net income/net revenue) 15.98% 18.2%

Return on equity (net income/stockholders equity) 2.99% 2.97%

Shares outstanding 173,924,100 163,239,829

Number of employees 14,987 14,321

Recently, Dan Button, director of risk management, was appointed director of

global risk management, a newly created position to reflect the integration of
domestic and international risk management operations. LOCO has a separate
operating officer both for its domestic operations and its international operations.

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Most likely, the separation of operations was the reason that the risk management
operations were handled separately as well. Dan and his chief financial officer
(CFO), Elaine Matthews, were instrumental in effecting a change. They knew that
economies of scale could be realized by consolidating the risk management function
on a global basis. Elaine believes in the holistic approach to risk management and
involves Dan in the management of all the risks facing the corporation, be they
financial, business, or event-type risks that were traditionally under the authority
of the risk manager.

LOCO has a rather large amount of reserves on its balance sheet. A considerable
portion of the reserves are attributable to the expected E&O losses that were
assumed from Kendu Financial Group when it was acquired in 1994. Another big
chunk of the reserve amount is attributable to self-insured workers compensation
losses. LOCO has self-insured its domestic and international workers compensation
risk since the early 1980s. Even though claims were handled by a third-party
administrator, two individuals on Dans staff have devoted their full-time work to
workers compensation issues. Prompted by soft market conditions, Dan decided to
insure the risk. He secured Foreign Voluntary Workers Compensation coverage for
U.S. workers abroad and for foreign nationals, as well as workers compensation
coverage for the domestic employees. The company has built up fairly significant
loss obligations from self-insuring.

LOCOs business has been changing rapidly over the last several years. It has
become more global, more dependent on technology, and more diversified in its
operations. This changing risk environment, along with the corporations cost-
cutting efforts, has compelled Dan to embark on a comprehensive assessment of his
risk management department and the corporate risk profile.

Loco Corporation Case Study: Part II

Background Information

The following are some of the actions taken by Dans team:

Restructuring of all coverages to save money on administration and to

provide streamlined and sufficient coverage for all the risks faced by
LOCO and its subsidiaries
Finding ways to take the 1991 losses of the Gulf War off the balance
sheet and insure risks that previously were uninsured

The hypothetical LOCO Corporation was created to help you apply the concepts of
alternative risk financing that you studied in this chapter. Familiarize yourself with

23.3 Case 3: Nontraditional Insurance Programs and Application to the Hypothetical Loco Corporation 1133
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the features of LOCO Corporation, then answer the discussion questions that follow
the Key Takeaways section below.

23.3 Case 3: Nontraditional Insurance Programs and Application to the Hypothetical Loco Corporation 1134
Chapter 23 Cases in Holistic Risk Management


In this section you studied integrated risk management and finite risk
management programs, two types of alternative risk-financing

Alternative risk-financing arrangements are complex arrangements

used by large commercial clients that apply to losses above the primary
self-insurance retentions or losses above the primary insurance layer.
Alternative risk-financing arrangements are tailored to clients diverse
needs and blend self-insurance, captives, conventional insurance, and
excess limits.

Integrated risk management identifies, measures, and monitors

multiple business, financial, and operational risks to satisfy
holistic risk management objectives.

An integrated risk program combines lines of insurance

coverage into an aggregate, multitrigger contract for a
multiyear term for improved efficiency and cost savings.
A companys loss history, predictability of losses, costs of
coverage, and risk tolerance influences the determination of
coverages to combine in integrated programs.
Integrated programs may be structured with one aggregate
deductible for the term of the policy or with separate per
occurrence deductibles.
Savings from integrated risk programs result from premium
decreases, customization, comprehensive coverage, more
efficient operations, and reduced administrative costs.

In a finite risk program, the insured pays for its own losses
through premiums placed in an experience fund held by an

Finite risk programs allow insureds to share in the

underwriting profit and investment income that accrues on
premiums, if loss experience is favorable.
Finite risk programs are associated with multiyear terms,
overall aggregate limits, risk transfer elements, and so forth.
The insurer assumes timing risk because losses can exceed
funds paid to date by the insured, resulting in liability for the

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Finite risk programs can be used in conjunction with

integrated risk management.
Companies suited for finite programs have high retention
levels, unique and/or difficult to insure risks, inadequate
availability of traditional coverage, and high liquidity.
Finite programs can improve the balance sheet, reduce
earnings volatility, secure insurance for previously
uninsurable risks, and access new capacity for catastrophic
Fidelity Investments, Norwest, and Coca-Cola have successfully
implemented integrated risk and/or finite risk management programs

23.3 Case 3: Nontraditional Insurance Programs and Application to the Hypothetical Loco Corporation 1136
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1. What is alternative risk financing? How has it evolved over time?

2. What attracts corporations to integrated risk management products?
3. How does integrated risk management improve efficiencies and reduce
4. Why is the cost of coverage in multitrigger contracts less than in single-
trigger contracts?
5. What are two reasons that the insurance industry provides large
capacity for insurance products designed for integrated risk
6. What is the main difference between finite risk programs and traditional
insurance coverage?
7. What is meant by timing risk in finite risk programs? How is this like a
line of credit for the insured?
9. Assume you are LOCO Corporations major insurance broker. Assist
director of global risk management Dan Button in identifying the risks
that LOCO faces. Use your knowledge from this chapter as well as the
risk-mapping concepts of Chapter 4 "Evolving Risk Management:
Fundamental Tools" and Chapter 5 "The Evolution of Risk Management:
Enterprise Risk Management".
10. Take each risk that you identified in question 8 and discuss whether you
expect aggregate frequency and severity of losses to be low, medium, or
12. Current consolidation and diversification in the industry has resulted in
an across-the-board corporate mandate to cut costs. Like other
department heads, Dan is under pressure to increase efficiency. Dan
wants to investigate the feasibility of an integrated risk management
approach. What advantages would an integrated program have for
LOCO? What characteristics about LOCO make it conducive to starting an
integrated program?

23.3 Case 3: Nontraditional Insurance Programs and Application to the Hypothetical Loco Corporation 1137
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23.4 Review and Practice

1. Refer to Table 23.3 "Auto Insurance Plan Options". Other than the fact
that the policies are provided by different companies, what could
account for the significant differences among premiums presented in
the table?
2. What is the purpose of the waiting period in LTD insurance? How does
the Smith family make certain there are no gaps in coverage in the
event of disability?
3. Examine the insurance premiums allocation shown in Figure 23.3
"Monthly Cost Allocation". Why do you think auto insurance has the
highest insurance allocation and life insurance the lowest?
4. Do you agree with the Smith familys assessment of its insurance
needs? Are there other relevant facts about the family that should be
factored into the decision?
5. How might accelerated benefits in a life insurance policy be triggered?
What does this provide?
6. Which of the hypothetical Galaxy Max, Inc., health plans do you
personally find preferable? Explain your reasoning.
7. In what way does use of a flexible spending account and premium
conversion plan reduce health care costs to employees?
8. How can employees continue to have life and health insurance
coverage without providing new evidence of insurability in the event
of termination from a group plan?
9. What should employees consider when selecting among 401(k)
investment options?
10. What employee benefits of the hypothetical Galaxy Max, Inc., are
unrealistic and impossible to find in todays world?
11. How does a reinstatement provision provide an additional layer of
protection in an integrated risk program?
12. What are the potential disadvantages of a finite risk program?
13. Explain how to determine which types of coverage to include in a
multiyear integrated risk program and the appropriate limits to select.
14. It is said that traditionally uninsurable risks are insurable under finite
risk programs. Explain why this is possible.
15. Refer to the information in Part I of the LOCO Corporation hypothetical
case study and respond to the following:

a. Draw a risk map graph (as described in Chapter 4 "Evolving Risk

Management: Fundamental Tools") and place your estimates of the
risks faced by the company in the appropriate quadrant.

Chapter 23 Cases in Holistic Risk Management

b. For each risk, indicate what risk-handling method is suggested by

your estimates.

16. Refer to the actions taken in Part II of the LOCO Corporation

hypothetical case study and respond to the following:

a. Briefly explain what a finite risk management program is.

b. Why might a finite risk program be appropriate for LOCO

23.4 Review and Practice 1139

Chapter 23 Cases in Holistic Risk Management

23.5 Chapter Bibliography

Aldred, Carolyn. Alternative Financing of Primary Interest to Risk Managers:

Expected to Become More Familiar with Nontraditional Products. Business
Insurance, September 3, 1997.

Banham, Russ. When Insurance Really Is a Total Risk Package. Global Finance,
February 1997, 1112.

Doherty, Neil A. Corporate Insurance: Competition from Capital Markets and

Financial Institutions. Assurances, April 1997, 6394.

Helbting, Carolyn P., Georg Fallegger, and Donna Hill. Rethinking Risk Financing.
Zurich, Switzerland: Swiss Reinsurance Company, 1996.

Herrick, R. C. Exploring the Efficient Frontier. Risk Management, August 1997,


Koral, Edward S. A Tug of War Accounting Rules and Finite Risk Programs. Risk
Management, November 1995, 4547.

Lenckus, Dave. Concentric Risk Programs Means Big Saving: Innovative Programs
to Save FMR Time, Money. Business Insurance, April 14, 1997, 98.

Lenckus, Dave. FMR Corp. Business Insurance, April 14, 1997, 98.

Lenckus, Dave. Reinsurance Program Strives to Find the Right Blend of Risks.
Business Insurance, April 14, 1997, 100.

May, David G. All-in-One Insurance. Financial Executive , no. 3 (1997): 4143.

May, David G. Integrated Risk; Reaching Toward Risk Management Heaven.

Viewpoint Quarterly, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Winter 1996.

May, David G. The Real Thing. Financial Executive 13, no. 3 (1997): 42.

Chapter 23 Cases in Holistic Risk Management

Mello, John P. Jr., Paradise, or Pipe Dream? CFO: The Magazine for Chief Financial
Officers 13, no. 2 (1997): 7375.

Myers, Gregory K. Alternative Risk Financing in the Traditional Insurance

Marketplace. John Liner Review 10, no. 3 (1996): 616.

Nottingham, Lucy. Integrated Risk Management. Canadian Business Review 23, no. 2
(1996): 2628.

Teach, Edward. Microsofts Universe of Risk. CFO: The Magazine for Chief Financial
Officers, March 1997, 6872.

What Is Risk Transfer in Reinsurance? Comments on Financial Accounting

Standard 113, Contingencies, September/October 1997, 5053.

23.5 Chapter Bibliography 1141

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