Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) : Database Data Type
Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) : Database Data Type
Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) : Database Data Type
The primary key also acts as a pointer to the record and provides a simple way for the DBMS to
search, sort, and access the records.
It also helps relate records across multiple tables. Therefore, while multiple fields within a table can
be defined as "Unique," each table can only have one primary key.
The primary key field must also be defined for each record and not set to null. After all, a undefined
identifier is not very useful.
In addition to single-field and multi-field primary keys, you also can define AutoNumber
primary keys.
An AutoNumber field automatically enters a sequential number whenever someone adds a new
record to a table.
Or you can create single- and multi-field primary keys. For a single-field primary key, open the
table in Design View. Click the row selector for the field that you want to serve as a primary key.
The row selector is the small button to the left of the row. Next, click the Primary Key button on
the toolbar. Create a multi-field primary key like a multi-field index, but select Yes For Primary
in the lower portion of the Indexes dialog.
The last one is to create an AutoNumber primary key. Enter the table in Design View. After
inserting a row and naming the new field, select AutoNumber in the Data Type column. Save the
table to add your AutoNumber primary key to the table.
Primary key
The true power of relational databases lies in their ability to track relationships (hence
the name!) between data elements.
The different types of relationships are: