February, 2005
BSL-3 Laboratories
Architectural and Mechanical Design Considerations
The potential threat of bio-terrorism and concern Primary Biological Laboratory Safety
over the possible spread of other naturally occurring
infectious diseases, such as SARS, has initiated
Standards and Guidelines:
government funding programs for biological Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical
laboratories and research programs associated with Laboratories (BMBL)
infectious diseases protection. As a result, many Published by the U.S. Department of Health and
new biological laboratories are being planned and Human Services (U.S. Centers for Disease
will be constructed in the coming years. To qualify Control)
for government funding, biological laboratories must
be designed, constructed, and operated in ARS CSREES ERS NASS Manual
accordance with strict safety requirements. Document 242.1M-ARS
Published by U.S. Department of Agriculture
This report addresses the physical design factors for
a Biological Safety Level 3 (BSL-3) laboratory, The Laboratory Biosafety Guidelines
including ventilation requirements, in accord with a Published by Health Canada
consensus of current safety standards and best Laboratory Biosafety Manual
design practices for ensuring occupant health and Published by the World Health Organization
Biological laboratory classifications include:
Classification of Biological
Biosafety Level 1 (BSL-1)This is the lowest
Laboratories biological laboratory hazard classification and
applies to laboratories involving only low risk
Biological laboratories are normally classified activities. Biosafety Level 1 activities may also
according to the hazard posed by the organisms be conducted within a general chemical
intended to be present in the laboratory. The laboratory. 1 In actuality, few biological
classes, called Biosafety Levels, are established and laboratories are designed, constructed or
described along with the specific safety intended to be used as a BSL-1 laboratory.
requirements in the standards and guidelines listed
below. Architects and mechanical system designers Biosafety Level 2 (BSL-2)This classification
need to focus on the aspects of biosafety that lie applies to laboratories handling organisms and
within their scope of responsibility. agents with an elevated risk in comparison to
BSL-1. It is the minimum hazard level that a
The four main classes help the biosafety community hospital, clinical or public health laboratory is
communicate requirements and practices. They do required to meet and currently covers the largest
not capture the full range of variation among percentage of existing biological laboratories.
facilities. When the laboratory director (or another Although some substances present in category
responsible individual) establishes the policies for a BSL-2 are infectious, work can be done on
particular laboratory, it is with reference to a risk tables or benches if the potential for airborne
assessment conducted specifically for that lab. The transfer of infectious pathogens (germs) is very
result may combine features that cross the
boundaries of biosafety levels. Consequently, there
is no all-encompassing description of all BSL-3 1. Where biological operations are conducted in a chemical
laboratories. An individual BSL-3 facility may include laboratory, the room design and associated building
features typical of other biosafety levels. mechanical systems need to address the safety
requirements for a chemical laboratory.
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low. However, BSL-2 laboratories increasingly actual laboratory rooms and associated support
utilize biological safety cabinets for greater rooms should be separated from the other areas
worker protection. of the building. Separation methods can include
locating the BSL-3 laboratory unit or suite 2 in a
All room surfaces and fixtures (HVAC grills, remote part of the building that is inaccessible to
lights, wall switches, etc.) in a BSL-2 laboratory non-authorized personnel. Another possibility is
room must be able to be thoroughly cleaned and locating it at the blind end of a building corridor.
sanitized. Provisions must also be made for
2. When the laboratory room entry is not from
sterilization of all room apparatus and the
within a laboratory suite, the entry provision
decontamination of all biological waste material.
should incorporate two self-closing doors. 3
Biosafety Level 3 (BSL-3)This classification Electrical door access control systems should be
applies to a containment laboratory working with supplemented by mechanical locks so that entry
highly infectious agents that can cause serious can be prevented during abnormal situations
or lethal disease, often transmissible by air and such as a gaseous room or biosafety cabinet
can pose a significant health risk to the general decontamination. Doors should be of a sufficient
population. (This includes agents that might be width to allow movement of equipmenttypically
used in a biological attack.) 36 inches wide. However, in some situations
wider doors may be required. For safety, all
Biosafety Level 4 (BSL-4)This is a maximum doors should have vision panels and the
containment laboratory for work with highly necessary fire rating. The entry arrangement
infectious, exotic and extremely lethal agents. should also prevent entrance of vermin and
Typically, there is no known antidote for insects. An emergency exit from a laboratory or
exposure to the biological agents. Standards suite may be necessary in case the primary exit
pose extensive safety requirements for this type becomes unusable. Applicable fire codes affect
of laboratory that often involves the use of full this requirement.
body airtight worker protective suits with a
respiration connection. High security must also 3. Appropriate signs should be at the laboratory
be maintained to prevent unauthorized access. entry as well as other locations, as may be
In actuality, comparatively few laboratories are appropriate. Signs should identify the potential
designed to meet BSL-4 criteria. hazards and state that only specific personnel
are allowed in the area. Additional information
Biosafety Level 3 Agriculture (BSL-3AG)This should include the name(s) and contact
type of laboratory classification is a designation information regarding regular laboratory
by the USDA Animal Research Service (ARS) operations and also what to do and whom to call
and applies to a laboratory that presents a high in emergencies.
risk of infection from agents that normally affect
larger animals and plant foodstuffs. Examples 4. Laboratory rooms within the BSL-3 unit should
include Foot and Mouth Disease, Mad Cow be designed with ample working space and
Disease, and Q Fever. BSL-3AG laboratories sufficient space for the required equipment. The
need to follow most of the design criteria of a room layout should facilitate cleaning,
BSL-4 laboratory with the main exception being decontaminating and sanitizing. The
no requirement for worker full body protection temperature and humidity generally needs to be
Architectural Requirements for BSL-3 2. A BSL-3 biological laboratory typically involves more than a
Laboratories single room. Typically, a suite of several rooms adjacent to
the laboratory room itself is necessary to fulfill the health and
The following compilation of physical design safety requirements as well as enable the overall laboratory
requirements for BSL-3 laboratories is taken from functions to be carried out.
the previously listed standards; augmented by good 3. A laboratory suite may encompass several laboratory rooms
engineering considerations: and associated support rooms. Entry into the laboratory suite
requires passage through clothes changing areas that are
1. The most preferable arrangement is where the negatively pressurized with respect to the outer corridor and
BSL-3 laboratory and associated support rooms the non-laboratory areas of a building. Once inside the
are in an entirely separate building. However, if laboratory suite, entry into individual BSL-3 laboratory and
support rooms does not then require special double door
a BSL-3 laboratory is within a larger building, the entry provisions.
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controlled as required by the substances present stored on bench tops, biosafety cabinets, or in
and provide for worker comfort. 4 other functional space within the room.
5. Walls, ceilings, floors, and fixtures should be 13. Provision for storing outer garments and
smooth, easy to clean, impermeable to liquids personal items should be provided in a separate
and resistant to chemicals and disinfectants room (locker room/gowning room) outside of the
normally used. Ceilings constructed of gypsum laboratory room, but within the laboratory suite.
board are preferable to conventional lay-in Ideally, passage through these rooms should be
ceiling tiles. A continuous cove floor that curves a part of the normal laboratory suite entry
up at the wall is desirable. Exposed piping and procedure. When warranted, shower, and
ductwork should be avoided. Floors should be clothes changing provisions should be available.
seamless (for example, epoxy coated), slip- 14. A hand-wash sink that is operated by a foot
resistant and only have drains where needed
pedal, elbow lever, or automatic proximity
such as under emergency showers or for hand sensor should be provided near each laboratory
washing. Drains may not be directly connected room exit door. At least one emergency
to a sanitary sewer and must have backflow
eyewash sink must also be present in each
prevention and first lead to tanks where liquid laboratory room.
waste will undergo decontamination.
15. Provision for eating and drinking should be
6. Penetrations made in walls, floors, and ceilings outside of, but convenient to, the laboratory
for installing electrical, plumbing, HVAC, and
other services must be properly sealed to
facilitate maintaining negative room 16. There should be no cross-connections between
pressurization, prevent entry of insects or sources of laboratory water and the drinkable
vermin, and allow effective gaseous water supply. Anti-backflow devices must protect
decontamination of the room. Electrical outlets the public water system.
are preferably surface mounted to reduce wall 17. Stand-by power is desirable for critical
penetrations. laboratory equipment, such as incubators,
7. If present, windows should be non-operable and freezers, certain biological safety cabinets, and
break-resistant. for ventilating animal cages and animal holding
rooms. Emergency lighting should ensure safe
8. Bench tops that extend to a wall should be
exit from the laboratory rooms and suite in the
sealed at the wall to prevent liquids from event of a power failure.
entering crevices at the wall. Bench tops and
work surfaces should be impervious to liquids 18. Reliable and adequate gas service should be
and resistant to disinfectants, acids, alkalis, available for laboratory room equipment.
solvents, and moderate heat. 19. Provision for waste disposal should include:
9. Biological safety cabinets and fume hoods 5 Autoclaves 6 or incinerators for solid waste
should not be located near the normal laboratory treatment
room entry area or along regular walk routes. Emission controls on incinerators 7
10. Room illumination should be adequate and Wastewater decontamination tanks
designed to minimize glare in the glass panels of
biological safety cabinets and fume hoods.
11. Open spaces between and under furniture
should allow ready access for cleaning. 6. An autoclave uses steam to sterilize equipment and destroy
living organisms. Autoclaves work by first creating a near
12. Sufficient storage space for laboratory supplies vacuum within the interior space and then allowing steam at
should be provided so that such items are not 15 psi (103 kPa) to enter. The internal autoclave
0 0
temperature becomes approximately 485 F (120 C) and is
then maintained for at least 15 minutes. Pass-Through
autoclaves are designed to mount in a barrier wall and thus
4. Since workers typically wear lab coats, gloves, and other enable the loading and removal operations to be conducted
protective outer garments, rooms must typically be able to from separate rooms.
maintain cooler temperatures than non-laboratory areas. 7. Incinerators are generally only necessary when larger
Shower rooms and clothes changing areas will of course masses of biological matter must be disinfected, as is the
need to be sufficiently warm to maintain comfort. case when large animals are utilized in laboratories. Since
5. Biological laboratories often include a fume hood for use incinerators are subject to very stringent federal and local
when chemical solutions must be prepared. codes it is best to only provide them if necessary.
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20. A facility monitoring and control system should gown), shower, and put on their regular clothes.
annunciate and automatically summon an BSL-3 laboratory suites should be equipped with
appropriate response to emergencies such as a their own washrooms to minimize the necessity for
fire, hazardous spill, injury, and the activation of workers to leave the laboratory area. Individual BSL-
a room emergency shower or eyewash station. 3 laboratory facility configurations will differ based
A first-aid area or a room suitably equipped and upon an evaluation of the specific needs of the
readily accessible for immediate treatment facility and a risk evaluation.
should be in proximity to the laboratory suite.
Figure 1 shows the overall suite layout and Figure 2
21. Laboratory security should be maintained with shows the normal entry and exit path for laboratory
adequate room access controls and intrusion workers. The suite in Figure 1 has separate mens
detection systems. CCTV monitoring of and womens entry and exit provisions including
laboratory room interiors is usually prudent. locker rooms, gowning, de-gowning rooms, and
washrooms. Shower rooms are also present.
22. Laboratory rooms should have a telephone or
intercom for communication between the For safety reasons, a separate SPECIMEN ENTRY
laboratory room and outside locations. (Personal is provided to enable biological agents to be brought
cell phones and portable computers should not into the laboratory apart from the worker entry areas.
be brought in and out of the laboratory room Specimens must be brought into the laboratory in
since there is no practical way to ensure sealed protective containers and deposited in the
adequate decontamination of such devices SPECIMEN ENTRY area. The specimens are then
before removing them from the room.) An retrieved from the SPECIMEN ENTRY room by
adequate number of clocks should be in the trained and knowledgeable laboratory workers.
laboratory suite and individual rooms so that Specimens are normally placed in a biological safety
wristwatches are not needed. cabinet before being removed from their protective
23. Means of transferring data from the interior of
laboratory rooms (FAX, e-mail, electronic media, After biological agents have been subjected to the
etc.) is highly recommended in lieu of physically intended research process and are no longer
transporting paperwork, record books, etc. needed, they are put into another protective
container and taken to the AUTOCLAVE ROOM
24. Before occupancy, BSL-3 laboratories must be
where they are decontaminated. The
tested and certified to ensure that all systems
decontaminated waste is removed from the
function properly and required room
AUTOCLAVE through a separate outlet in the
pressurization is attained.
adjoining room and properly disposed. Laboratory
supplies and other non-biological items can be
Biological Laboratory Layout brought to the laboratories via the service corridor.
This corridor can also be used as an emergency exit
As stated, biological laboratories are usually for the laboratory workers in case the NORMAL
comprised of suites of several rooms based upon ENTRY/EXIT is not usable or accessible.
the laboratorys purpose and the support services
required. There may be no typical BSL-3 laboratory The laboratory suite has the necessary SUPPORT
suite. Each one is designed according to specific ROOMS. Depending upon the nature of the work
requirements and constraints. The following being done, multiple support rooms might be needed
discussion uses a fictitious BSL-3 suite to illustrate especially when laboratory animals are used.
some desirable design features. This layout is more Although the room ventilation systems that serve the
elaborate than many actual BSL-3 labs. laboratory suite need not be in a location that is
The suite consists of multiple laboratory rooms along separated from the systems serving non-laboratory
with additional rooms for refrigerated storage, areas, a separate MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT
specimen reception, incubation, sterilization, supply ROOM for the laboratory suite is shown. This
storage, and many other purposes. provides greater operational security and helps to
Figure 3. BSL-3 Laboratory Workers with Respirators Working at a Biological Safety Cabinet.
9. A full and complete body shower is normally required when 11. Some chemical fumes associated with biological laboratories
animals are present due to the increased likelihood of are heavier than air and therefore a floor level room exhaust
airborne pathogens that could adhere to the exposed skin or provision is sometimes recommended.
hair of the workers. 12. This is the NFPA 45 recommendation. However, specific
10. If type A biosafety cabinets are used they are not required to requirements may call for different ACH rates or not allow
be hard ducted to the exhaust system but may return a reduction of the ACH rate during unoccupied periods.
portion of their HEPA filtered exhaust into the room. Such 13. The 0.10 Inch WC value is based on double door entry
biosafety cabinets usually use a thimble connection that only system with a reliable pressure difference of 0.05 Inches WC
allows the exhaust system to remove a portion of the cabinet across each door. If there are more pressurized boundaries,
exhaust. the lab room pressure is likely to be even more negative.
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Double door interiors are maintained at a lower Differential Pressure Monitors
negative pressurization level as indicated by a single
Differential Pressure Monitors are located at
negative sign (-). Although not specifically required,
doorways where lab users can confirm proper
it is desirable to use electrically interlocking doors so
pressurization. These monitors indicate the static
that only one door may be open at a time. This helps
pressure difference and warn of a loss of required
maintain containment even when a door is opened.
differential pressure at that location. While a door is
open, the differential pressure level across it drops
until the door is again fully closed. Therefore,
differential pressure alarms must have an adjustable
alarm delay to prevent nuisance alarms during
passage through doors.