ASMChapter2000 PDF
ASMChapter2000 PDF
ASMChapter2000 PDF
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1 author:
Richard W. Gilpin
Johns Hopkins University
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Table of Contents Page
Introduction 6
Institutional Responsibility 7
Academia 8
Government 10
Industry 11
Emergency Response 14
IBC Registrations 15
Incident Reviews 17
Workplace Complaints 18
Research databases 21
Training databases 22
Quarterly and Annual Reports 25
Communications 27
Email broadcasts 28
Policy manuals 29
Signage 29
Weekly publications 31
Training 31
Bloodborne pathogens 32
Other pathogens 32
Respiratory protection 33
Signage 34
Policies 35
Laboratory Surveys 37
Committee Attendance 38
Summary 42
Acknowledgements 43
References 43
I Portable HEPA unit service database 82
result of increased numbers of regulations and guidelines directed toward reducing the potential
for occupational illness and adverse environmental impacts from microorganisms and biological
Biosafety deals with safe methods for managing infectious materials in the laboratory. This
exposure to infectious agents (primary containment) and protection of the environment external
containment includes good microbiological practices and techniques as well as safety equipment
such as biological safety cabinets. Secondary containment includes good operational practices
and facility design practices. Biosafety to some individuals also deals with the preparation of
safe, US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-regulated biologicals that are free from microbial
The tools of the microbiologist are now used by more researchers with diverse areas of
expertise use the tools of the microbiologist to conduct research in molecular biology and
genetics. Therefore, the need for microbiological procedure and containment practice training
and education for a wide audience has increased at a time when fewer individuals specialize in
assist staff members who may be encountering microorganisms for the first time.
This chapter describes the major elements of the biosafety program at Johns Hopkins
University and Johns Hopkins Hospital with comparisons to programs in other settings. For
information about chemical safety, life safety, occupational safety, and radiation safety
programs, the reader should consult publications specifically directed to those disciplines. The
information in this chapter is presented in a structured format to assist individuals who are
Institutional Responsibility
The employer is ultimately responsible for promulgating and enforcing safety policies and
programs. Therefore, the senior administration must designate one or more persons who will
carry out the institution’s safety programs. The individual who heads up the overall safety
program should be at the director level of the organization and have a staff who will carry out the
daily activities required by the safety program. The principal investigator, chief, laboratory
supervisor, or section head has the day-to-day responsibility for ensuring that employees receive
The administrative reporting structure for biosafety programs varies with the size of an
organization and the service or product it produces. Generally, a biosafety program is one of
several employee safety and health programs, which may include chemical safety (industrial
hygiene), radiation safety, life safety, and occupational safety (workers compensation).
Depending on the size and diversity of an organization, there may be several other employee-
related safety and health programs such as employee health, medical surveillance, and employee
The biosafety profession has recently become a prominent specialty because of the breadth
and depth of biosafety-related guidelines and regulations that have been enacted by the
government to protect the health and welfare of the public. Biosafety officers need to pass on
There are now biosafety registration and certification programs for microbiologists who
choose to make this field their profession. The American Biological Safety Association (ABSA)
has two programs that recognize biosafety professionals. The ABSA Registered Biological
training and biosafety experience. The ABSA Certified Biological Safety Professional (CBSP)
program recognizes individuals with microbiological training and biosafety experience who have
universities, large undergraduate and graduate universities, and universities that include a
Small colleges and some undergraduate universities may have one individual who carries
out the functions of a biosafety officer, industrial hygienist, radiation safety officer, and
occupational safety officer. This individual may report to a department chair, director of human
Universities often have a diversified safety program with at least one safety officer and a
radiation safety officer. The biosafety program may be a component of the safety officer’s duties
background in microbiology. There may be a safety manager or safety director to whom the
safety officers report. This individual often reports to a director of risk management, director of
Universities with a medical school and a teaching hospital are structured in two ways. Often
the medical school campus is physically separated from the rest of the university. When this
occurs, there may be distinct biosafety programs with different reporting structures at the two
campuses. The medical campus may have a safety program that reports to an executive medical
director or an executive administrative or academic director. The other university campus may
have a safety program that reports to a director of risk management, human resources, or an
administrative or academic dean. These safety programs often employ individuals with expertise
in each of the major safety areas, biosafety, chemical safety, radiation safety, occupational safety
Some universities, such as Johns Hopkins University, have a medical school, a teaching
hospital, a school of public health, and a school of nursing on one campus and traditional
undergraduate and graduate schools of arts and sciences, continuing studies, and engineering at
another campus. These universities may have a combined safety program that includes the
university and the hospital. The combined safety program offers the advantage of a uniform
application of safety policies and procedures at all schools and the hospital. Employees and
students need to become familiar with only one set of safety policies and procedures, which
makes it easier for them to move between schools and departments on the different campuses.
Employee safety training and health records of a combined safety program can follow employees
when they move between different administrative units of the university and hospital.
The reporting structure for a combined university and hospital safety program consists of
managers of each safety section; Biosafety, Chemical safety, Life safety, Occupational safety,
and Radiation safety, reporting to an executive director of safety and health. This director may
chair a joint committee on health, safety and environment composed of directors of major
functional units at the hospital and university. This executive director may report to an academic
executive of the university and an executive head of medical affairs at the hospital.
The combined safety and health organization at Johns Hopkins has both hospital and
university employees. The safety program includes; Biosafety, Chemical safety, Life safety,
Occupational safety, and Radiation safety. The employee health program includes; Occupational
health services (employee health clinic), Occupational injury (workers compensation clinic and
office), Staff and family assistance programs, and a Center for Occupational and Environmental
Health. The Center provides safety services and occupational medicine services to companies
This combined safety and health organization is named Johns Hopkins Institutions to reflect the
fact that it combines both the for-profit hospital and the non-profit university safety and health
Government safety programs often resemble a university structure with a chief or director of
safety and health with direct reports who manage biosafety, chemical safety, life safety, and
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division chief in charge of safety personnel who reports to a division chief responsible for the
Supervisors ensure that employees receive appropriate biosafety training. The safety office
responds to emergencies and publishes biosafety regulations and procedures for personnel and
facility operations. In military laboratories, a chief or director of safety and health may report to
the chief of the medical division, who reports to the commander of the facility.
The management structure of government safety and health programs has a more defined
chain of command than is the case at most universities. The safety staff may report to a
supervisor who passes the information up the chain of command to the individual who is
Industry safety reporting structures depend on the size of the organization. Small companies
may have a safety consultant that covers all aspects of safety programs and reports to the
president of the company. Larger companies may have a safety officer on staff who covers all
aspects of safety. This safety officer may report to the company president, operations director,
risk management director, human resources director, or other director. Biosafety issues are
Large companies often have a larger safety staff with section managers of each safety
discipline (biosafety, chemical safety, life safety, occupational safety, and radiation safety). The
Most companies have a life safety and chemical safety officer who reports to a director of
medical affairs, quality assurance, operations, human resources, risk management, or executive
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administration. Companies with several facilities worldwide may have a safety staff
headquartered at the home office with general safety staff members located at strategic plants.
These individuals often report to a safety director at the home office and to a director level
oversee recombinant DNA, bloodborne pathogens, select agents, and other biosafety-related
programs. A general safety officer, an industrial hygienist, or a research scientist may take on
the duties of a biosafety officer, although many companies now employ biosafety officers who
The biosafety program at Johns Hopkins Institutions has both line management and advisory
functions. Line management operations include those for which the biosafety program has direct
responsibility. Line management can be defined as vested with a certain amount of discretion
and independent judgement, or that an employee so designated is invested with the general
Advisory functions are of a consulting nature to various functional units of the hospital and
university. Four biosafety staff members report to the biosafety officer who reports to an
executive director of employee health and safety divisions described in the academia
administrative reporting section above. Specific biosafety line management activities are
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Biological Safety Cabinet Certification
The biosafety staff certify and service all high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter-
consisted of:
Biological Safety Cabinet Field Certifier (NSF 1999). The certifier and assistant certifier receive
a printout of requests for service each day from a Microsoft Access 97 database (Appendix A)
that lists the service needed, the serial number and model of the equipment, the location of the
equipment, and the name and telephone number of the equipment's contact person. Contact
individuals are called and an appointment is made to service the equipment. Routine service,
such as routine annual certifications and filter replacements, are accomplished within two weeks.
PAPRs are permanently located at appropriate clinical nursing units and biosafety level
3 (BSL-3) laboratories where they are kept plugged into battery chargers. They are checked
monthly for damage and proper airflow. New PAPRs and those that require service are checked
for HEPA filter leaks using a small quantity of polydisperse dioctylphthalate (DOP) particles at
10+ µg per liter at 20 psi and a photometer. Some newly purchased PAPRs may have leaks
around the HEPA filter gasket, so they are leak tested before they are put into service. PAPR
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filters and rechargeable batteries are routinely replaced every two to three years. PAPR service
Portable HEPA units are permanently located at intensive care nursing units, tuberculosis
airborne isolation nursing units, some outpatient clinics, the emergency department, and some
clinical nursing units that care for patients with low white blood cell counts. The prefilters in
these units are changed every three months to extend the life of the HEPA filters. Airflow is
checked with a hot wire anemometer when the prefilters are changed. The HEPA filters are
changed every three years after the units are decontaminated with formaldehyde gas.
Biosafety division staff deliver portable HEPA units and PAPRs to hospital locations
that do not have permanently stationed equipment. This ensures that the hospital staff receive
training on the proper use of the equipment and makes it easier for the biosafety staff to track
equipment locations.
Emergency Response
The biosafety division provides on call emergency pager service coordinated from a central
telephone switchboard that covers the hospital and university medical campus and from the
consists of moving portable HEPA filter units or PAPRs to hospital inpatient areas that require
supplemental air exchange or staff member respiratory protection, such as tuberculosis airborne
isolation rooms. Emergency BSC and CAB requests including service of inoperable equipment
and replacement of fluorescent lamps and ultraviolet lamps are handled within one day. Other
emergency responses often involve biological spills that may be handled by telephone or by an
on-site visit.
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Environmental services (housekeeping) departments are trained to handle biological spills
including blood spills and fluids leaking from bags. Facilities departments are trained to wet
vacuum large spills from defrosting freezers and sanitary sewer overflows into a fifty-five-gallon
IBC Registrations
The chair of the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) is a professor level faculty
member. The IBC membership consists of employees and two non-employee members as
described by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Recombinant DNA Guidelines (R-DNA
Guidelines 1999). The IBC reports through the biosafety officer to the Joint Committee on
Health, Safety and Environment. The biosafety division is responsible for maintaining an
Access 97 database of research registrations for the IBC. The NIH IBC began to register
research with pathogens in 1988. In 1989 the biosafety division at Johns Hopkins expanded the
recombinant DNA registration program, started in 1975, to include research with pathogens,
sheep and goats (potential transmission of Q fever), and non-human primates (potential
internal body fluids, unfixed tissue, and human tissue culture) was added in 1991 to comply with
the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Bloodborne Pathogens Standard
(OSHA 1991). Research with select agents (CDC 1996) was added to the IBC database
program in 1998. As of October 1999, there were 986 registered, active research projects
The IBC database is indexed by the name of each principal investigator and registration
paperwork is kept in principal investigator files. The registrations are project specific, not
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laboratory specific. A university information checklist (Appendix B) accompanies each grant
application submitted to the research administration for approval. The checklist contains a
biosafety section that is completed by the principal investigator. This section is divided into
specific categories that the principal investigator checks off and fills in his or her project-specific
registration number. The registration number is obtained from the biosafety division for research
• Pathogens
• Recombinant DNA
• Non-human primates
• Select agents
• Human tissue.
In addition to an IBC registration number, each principal investigator must fill in the IBC
approval date for non-exempt recombinant DNA projects, select agent projects, and projects
Most of the select agent-related research projects at Johns Hopkins involve toxins used in
tissue culture by neurologists and cell biologists. The quantities involved in this research are
small and most of the toxins, except botulinum toxin, have an LD50 greater than 100 ng per
kilogram animal weight and are therefore exempt from the regulation.
All investigator submissions that have checked off biosafety related sections on the
university information checklist are sent to the biosafety officer for review. This ensures that the
research has received appropriate approval by the IBC and registration by the biosafety division.
The biosafety officer also reviews animal research. The Institutional Animal Care and Use
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Committee sends copies of the animal research protocols to ensure that the research has received
appropriate review for biosafety related practices and procedures. The Institutional Review
Boards (human subjects committees) also send copies of research protocols that involve human
The IBC research registration programs have received acceptance by principal investigators
and departmental administrators because the turnaround time for registration of most
applications is within 24 hours and the forms are easy to fill out (Appendix C1-C5). The forms
are available at the Johns Hopkins intranet web site or by fax from the biosafety division
secretary. Department administrators are familiar with this process and help principal
investigators register their research before the proposals are sent to the research administration
for signature.
The biosafety division updates each research registration on its annual anniversary date of
initial registration by sending a letter, including details of the previous registration, to each
principal investigator (Appendix D1-D2). The investigator makes changes on the update letter,
usually changes in personnel, and returns it to the biosafety division so that the database can be
updated. A confirming letter with a revised registration number is then returned to each principal
investigator (Appendix E1-E2). If there are significant changes in a research project, a new
Incident Reviews
The biosafety division collaborates with the occupational injury clinic, occupational health
clinic, and infection control staff to investigate occupational exposure incidents involving
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administrative, engineering, or personal protective equipment policies and procedures can be
Workplace Complaints
Workplace employee complaints include objections to musty smells and perceived allergic
reactions to fungi in the work environment. The industrial hygiene division is the first responder
to indoor air quality (IAQ) issues. When appropriate, the biosafety division conducts airborne
microbial surveys with a portable, centrifugal air sampler using rose bengal agar for fungi and
trypticase soy agar for bacteria. Results from over four hundred microbial surveys show that
indoor microbial counts are considerably lower, usually ten-fold, than the accompanying outdoor
control samples that are always taken at approximately the same time and building location as
Only two IAQ microbial surveys had significant numbers, greater than 500 colony-forming
units per cubic meter (ACGIH 1989), of fungi or bacteria, during the past eleven years. One
IAQ area involved overcrowding of a small office area where significant numbers of normal
bacterial skin flora were isolated. The other IAQ area involved a chronically wet basement area
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that was colonized with environmental fungi that were dispersed in significant numbers
The health and safety information management system was expanded in 1991 to enable
routine backups and to connect employee safety training records to the hospital and university
payroll mainframe computers (Appendix F). As of September 1999, there were 102,759
recorded training records. Employee social security numbers are used to index the records. This
system was further expanded in 1993 to include employee occupational health records (not
shown in Appendix F). The connection to payroll computers is an important aspect of the safety
information system because payroll systems are the most reliable source of employee
information such as job title, office location, department, and office telephone number.
Employee position changes between functional units and between the hospital and university
payroll systems are captured by the safety information database. Employee information on the
payroll systems not needed by health and safety programs, such as employee pay and human
resources confidential personnel records, is hidden before it is uploaded from the mainframes to
The health and safety server uses an Access 97 database available as a read only file to
health and safety functional units. The employee medical records are only available to the
occupational health and occupational injury divisions of the health and safety department.
Employee records are maintained on the database for thirty years after individuals terminate their
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HEPA Equipment Databases
The biosafety division database for BSCs, CABs, and bag-in bag-out filter systems was
started in January 1989, as was the research database. The biosafety division database software
migrated from DB-2, DB-3, DB-4, and Access 95 to Access 97 software (Appendix G). The
data fields for each piece of equipment contain specific information about the equipment owner,
the contact person for payment, and the person in the laboratory to contact to arrange for service.
The equipment is indexed by serial number and contains certification and service details with
dates, and other information such as the presence of a thimble connection to the building exhaust
and the blower speed percent of maximum (an indicator of remaining filter life).
An assistant biosafety officer manages the database and sends out letters to contact
individuals one month before their BSCs and CABs need to be certified (Appendix H). All
equipment is certified annually, except pharmacy and biosafety level three (BSL-3) laboratory
HEPA equipment. This equipment is certified every six months. The letters request payment to
The annual certification charge is approximately half the cost of an outside certifying
company and includes free parts and labor, except for replacement filters and ultraviolet lamps.
The in-house program saves approximately one hundred thousand dollars per year in certification
The portable HEPA unit database (Appendix I) and the PAPR database (Appendix J)
were started in 1994 to track each unit by serial number. Certification information, filter
changes, other service procedures, location of the equipment, and contact person at the
equipment location, are maintained on the databases by the biosafety division staff. Emergency
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deliveries are recorded so that arrangements can be made to permanently place equipment at
obtained by the biosafety staff every three months. There are often three gauges on each bag-in
bag-out housing. One gauge measures the pressure drop across the pre-filter(s), another reads
pressure drop across the HEPA filter(s) and a third gauge measures the drop across the pre- and
HEPA filters. These gauge readings are used to predict when pre-filters and HEPA filters will
need changing. This information is sent to each facilities department so they can budget for the
Research Databases
an Access 97 database that is indexed by a unique research registration number for each project
and ordered by principal investigator name (Appendix L). The letter prefix for each research
IBC registration number is either ‘A’, ‘B’, or ‘D’, followed by the initial date of registration
(YYMMDD), the sequence number for project registration for that day (starting at 01 to 99), and
the registration year (for example, 01 for first year, 10 for tenth year). The letter prefix indicates
whether the project is; ‘A’ - Moderate to high risk biohazard project (often BSL-3), ‘B’ - Low to
The registration number does not imply that the Johns Hopkins Institutional Biosafety
Committee (IBC) has reviewed and approved the research project. Most potential pathogenic
agent or material projects with letter ‘B’ prefixes and many recombinant DNA projects do not
require IBC review (they are given a registration number only). Examples of projects that may
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require IBC approval are: Gene therapy of human subjects; Recombinant DNA with pathogenic
host/vector gene delivery systems; Recombinant DNA research with intact animals; and
If there is a date in the ‘IBCAPROV’ column, the IBC has reviewed and approved the
project on the designated date. Recombinant DNA projects that do not require IBC review are
There is a separate select agent research database (Appendix M). This database is
separate from the main IBC research database because there are many data fields that are specific
to the select agent registration program. The details of the type of select agent, method of
destruction, storage location, etc. are recorded for each research project using select agents.
Training Databases
Biosafety training records on Access 97, indexed by social security number for each
employee, are coded by a three-digit number that is specific to each training program (Appendix
specimens (Appendix N)
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• Positive air pressure HEPA respirator training.
• General orientation
• Asbestos awareness
• Radiation safety
• Formaldehyde protection
• Ergonomics
• Fire safety.
Employee safety training compliance information is sent to functional unit directors and
supervisors at the hospital and university. Each employee record in the health and safety
information system was recently expanded to include the name and address or their supervisor.
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Institutional policies require employees to attend mandatory training sessions and their
supervisors must record employee safety compliance on the employee's annual performance
evaluation form.
A letter is also sent to each employee, with a copy to their supervisor, when it is time
for them to participate in update training sessions. Employee bloodborne pathogens training and
positive pressure HEPA respirator training are repeated each year. Risk management training
and certification for packaging and shipping are repeated every two years.
Risk management training information is shared with the hospital medical board that
credentials physicians to practice medicine at the hospital. Physicians must complete a one hour
risk management session, that includes safety training, every two years in order to maintain
hospital privileges.
Active research project IBC registration printouts are sorted by principal investigator
and sent to academic research administration offices at the schools of arts and sciences,
medicine, and public health every few months. This information is also sent to the Institutional
Animal Care and Use Committees and the Institutional Review Boards, so they can determine
whether projects that come before their committees have been registered with the biosafety
department managers so they can arrange to have equipment in their department certified at the
same time. This saves paperwork time expended by the biosafety supervisor and laboratory staff
because there is one invoice to certify all of the department’s equipment instead of a separate
invoice for each piece of equipment. This departmental billing system is currently in place for
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the departments (oncology, pharmacy, and pathology) with the largest number of BSCs and
The occupational health services division uses the health and safety database to send
reminder letters to employees and their supervisors when employees must complete their
All divisions of the health and safety department at Johns Hopkins Institutions submit
quarterly reports to the Joint Committee on Health, Safety, and Environment. These reports,
along with annual summary reports, document the activities of each health and safety division.
• Incident investigations
• Laboratory surveys
• Training sessions
• Communication activities
• Service activities for BSCs, CABs, bag-in bag-out HEPA systems, portable HEPA filter
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Tables and graphs are used extensively in these reports so that activities during the previous
four quarters and prior year information can be compared to activities documented in the current
Other health and safety divisions report on other biosafety-related activities. For example,
the occupational injury clinic reports all occupational exposures to bloodborne pathogens. These
reports include the functional unit, type of exposure, what the employee was doing when the
exposure occurred, the source patient’s serological status if known, and whether the employee
The quarterly and annual reports are used to analyze the daily activities of the biosafety
division so that areas of responsibility that need more resources can be identified. This may
involve the purchase of more equipment such as portable HEPA filter units and PAPRs, or
adding more biosafety division personnel to manage databases, training records, and service
The biosafety division provides technical advice to several functional units at the hospital
and university. These advisory functions are presented in the form of documented
time, subject of the call, and ending time. The telephone logs are filed by month and stored for
several years.
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Construction and Renovation
Construction and renovation plans are forwarded to the health and safety department and
logged in by date of receipt. The plans are circulated to the biosafety, chemical safety, life
Recommendations are combined into a letter and sent to the appropriate design and
laboratories, BSC thimble connections, directional negative airflow volumes of 50 to 100 cubic
feet per minute (cfm) into laboratories, locations of laboratory supply and exhaust outlets, and
university faculty and staff because no single method will reach everyone.
Biosafety brochures and pamphlets are handed out at new employee orientation sessions
and at training sessions for current employees. There are multiple page brochures for the
bloodborne pathogens control program and the tuberculosis control programs. A brochure is
handed out at bloodborne pathogen training sessions. It contains a graphic illustration of the
twenty-four hour bloodborne pathogen exposure hotline, suitable for posting, and describes the
details of the hepatitis B virus vaccine program, the post exposure prophylaxis program, and the
confidential medical evaluation program for employees and students who have occupational
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A trifold brochure containing fire, security, medical and exposure hotline numbers, and
details of the responsibilities of each health and safety division is handed out at most training and
orientation sessions. This brochure is also used to document risk management training for
hospital physicians and new house staff. A tear-off panel of the brochure is filled out and handed
in at the end of the training session. This information is entered in the training database.
Email broadcasts
Email broadcasts are used to send biosafety training schedules and important biosafety
information to all employees and students on the combined hospital and university email
network. Recent broadcasts detailed changes in dates for packaging and shipping certification
training and communicated the enhanced enforcement of shipping regulations by the Federal
The biosafety division established an intranet safety and health department web site
accessible to individuals on the internal network. The safety web site contains:
• The current CDC/NIH Biosafety Guidelines for Biomedical and Laboratories (CDC
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• All research registration forms that can be downloaded, filled out, and sent to the
biosafety division.
Policy Manuals
New editions of the Johns Hopkins Institutions Safety Policy and Procedure Manual and
the Biosafety Manual were published in 1994. They were published as soft cover bound manuals
with three-hole punched spines. The manuals have pages with serrations in the left margin so
that the manuals will lay flat for photocopying. There is no plan to revise and reprint these
manuals because they are now available with hyperlinked indexes on the intranet web site.
Laboratory signage has been uniform throughout the hospital and university since the
late 1970’s. The signage was revised in 1994 to permit up to eight stickers per nine by nine-inch
yellow placard. The placards are mounted with double-sided tape to the wall next to laboratory
doors where people entering the room will notice them. The placards contain emergency contact
information for the safety department and the office and home telephone numbers of the
Clear, two- and one-half inch high by two inch wide stickers with black, red, yellow, or
orange graphics, are placed on the yellow placards so that the yellow shows through the stickers.
• Biohazard symbol
• BSL-2
• BSL-3
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• BSL-3 work practices
• Infectious agents
• Infected animals
• No food or drink
• Radioactive materials
• Radiation area
• Microwave radiation
• Ultraviolet light
• Laser radiation
• Cancer hazard
• Corrosive materials
• Toxic chemicals
• Toxic gas
• High voltage
• Electrical hazard
• Flammable materials
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The yellow placards for BSL-2 laboratories have bold letters at the top stating “Caution -
Admittance to Authorized Personnel Only”. Placards for BSL-3 laboratories state “Caution -
laboratory anterooms are locked. They can be opened with either a special key or an authorized
employee's ID card. Housekeeping, facilities, and other staff have been trained to understand the
difference between these two placards. They may enter BSL-2 areas, but they must have
authorization from the laboratory staff before they enter a BSL-3 area.
Weekly Publications
The health and safety department places training announcements and policies in two
weekly publications. The ten-page university newspaper permits the full text of policies and
procedures to be published. The one-page, legal size, double sided, hospital newsletter is used to
publish short announcements. The heath and safety department pays for a special edition of the
hospital newsletter when new policy announcements, such as the bloodborne pathogens control
program and the tuberculosis control program are started. These publications reach the greatest
health staff to hospital and university employees and students. The details of the presentations
are documented and kept on file for inspection by outside agencies, such as the state
occupational health and safety administration. Attendance at all training sessions is recorded on
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sign in sheets that include the trainee name, social security number, and department. All training
New employee safety orientation is presented by a general safety officer using a computer
presentation program that includes fire, hazard communication, bloodborne pathogens, and
When invited by laboratory groups, biosafety division staff present a training program
on the proper use of BSCs which includes a twenty-minute video from the Eagleson Institute
(Eagleson 1991). Topics covered include the design, operation, and certification of BSCs, using
gowns with knitted cuffs and gloves, disinfection of work surfaces with an iodophore
disinfectant, placement of materials on the work surface, and the effects of drafts and foot traffic
on the air curtain at the front of the BSC. Use of CABs is discouraged.
Bloodborne Pathogens
services, and the nursing department (self-study). OSHA required information is presented along
an expanded discussion of the exposure hotline, the HBV vaccination program, glove materials,
Other Pathogens
The biosafety division staff present expanded training to staff and students who will
work in BSL-3 laboratories. The BSL-3 laboratory's standard operating procedure manual is
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reviewed. The proper use and removal of personal protective equipment, autoclave
decontamination of laboratory waste, and general housekeeping procedures are discussed. The
training also includes specific information about the pathogens being researched and the
The biosafety division staff present a two to three hour, hands on training session that
covers all aspects of packaging and shipping infectious substances, diagnostic specimens,
biological products, dry ice, liquid nitrogen, and dangerous goods chemicals often shipped by
The training is based on the current edition of the trade association manual published by
the International Air Transport Association (IATA 1999) that incorporates the International Civil
Air Transportation Organization (ICAO 1998) regulations. The revision of the U.S. Department
The training sessions incorporate pre- and post-tests to document the training and to
enhance the learning experience. Examples of approved and non-approved shipping containers
are circulated to the audience. The training sessions are presented every two months.
Individuals who took the course two years ago are sent letters to remind them to attend
a new training session. This complies with the ICAO requirement that shippers receive training
Respiratory Protection
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The biosafety division staff present respiratory protection training for the use of PAPRs,
that are loose fitting, positive air pressure HEPA respirators and are therefore exempt from the
full OSHA respiratory protection fit testing program (OSHA 1998) administered by the
Employees are asked to fill out a short version of the OSHA medical surveillance
Employees are given a copy of the policy on the care and operation of the equipment. The
functional units purchase the hoods (head covers) from hospital central supply and employees
keep their personal hood in a plastic bag near their work area. The hoods are only discarded
tuberculosis control, and BSL-3 laboratory training. A full description is also published in the
biosafety manual.
The biosafety division staff present waste disposal training to functional units and
laboratories that have difficulty following the laboratory waste decontamination and disposal
policy. This training emphasizes that good microbiological practice involves autoclave
The training also includes a discussion of the state of Maryland statute that prevents
landfilling waste materials that may be perceived as contaminated hospital or laboratory waste.
- 34 -
The policy requires that autoclaved microbial cultures, laboratory waste, and hospital waste from
clinical areas be incinerated in a regional medical waste incinerator. Trainees are reminded that
the statute is based on the public’s perception of hazard associated with this waste, not
Johns Hopkins Hospital and University implemented biosafety policies in the 1970’s. The
earliest policies followed the National Cancer Institute laboratory practice guidelines (NCI 1974)
and the NIH recombinant DNA guidelines (R-DNA Guidelines 1999). Many other policies
Draft policies are submitted to the Joint Committee on Health, Safety and Environment for
approval before they are published. Approved policies are sent to all administrative units and
Current biosafety laboratory policies generally follow the CDC/NIH guidelines for
research in biological and biomedical research laboratories (CDC 1999), but in some cases the
university policies are more restrictive (Appendix H). The recommendation for BSL-3
laboratories is a bag-in bag-out HEPA filtration system for BSL-3 laboratory exhaust. Cultures
into the sanitary sewer system. Autoclaved solid waste is discarded into a red bag-lined
biohazard box. BSL-3 laboratory design policy recommends a double-sided autoclave with a
bioseal between the BSL-3 laboratory and the adjacent area on the other side of the wall.
- 35 -
Policy recommends that all laboratories have Class II, Type B3 BSCs thimble
connected to the building exhaust system. BSL-3 laboratories must have one hundred percent
shutoff dampers between BSC thimble connection and the laboratory exhaust system. BSL-3
laboratories also have an alarm system in the laboratory to warn of laboratory exhaust flow
failure and an automatic supply air shut off when this occurs. The biosafety division
recommends that seamless integral cove flooring be installed before BSCs and other permanent
equipment are placed in the room. There are no vertical pipe floor penetrations and card access
electronic template manual is given to each principal investigator to complete with specific
procedures for that laboratory. The draft SOP is reviewed by the biosafety staff, the IBC, and
approved by the Joint Committee on Health, Safety and Environment. A typical SOP index is
included (Appendix P). The original copy is signed by the biosafety officer, the chair of the joint
safety and health committee, the chair of the IBC, and the director of the animal services
division, if appropriate. The biosafety division keeps the original, signed copy in the principal
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) current Good Manufacturing Procedures
(FDA 1996) guidelines are followed for research laboratories that produce gene therapy products
intended for Phase 1 and Phase 2 clinical trials. The biosafety division consults on the design
- 36 -
and construction of the facility with the research staff and facilities design and construction.
Issues covered include BSC construction and performance specifications that include a thimble
connection to the building exhaust system. The Class 10,000 clean room supply air HEPA filters
are mounted in a metal ceiling and can be leak tested and serviced within the clean room. The
heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system is designed to be constant air volume
with at least eight to ten air changes per hour, a recommendation followed for all biomedical
research laboratories.
Laboratory Surveys
The biosafety division staff surveys twelve BSL-3 laboratories every six months and sends a
report to the principal investigator and the department administration. The staff also assists with
the training of general safety officers who survey hospital clinical laboratories and soiled utility
rooms, as well as all university research laboratories. Each department is surveyed separately.
Biosafety staff participate in quarterly surveys conducted by the Institutional Animal Care
and Use Committees. The most common deficiencies include improper laboratory signage and
• Proper use of red bag-lined biohazard boxes for disposal of laboratory waste
- 37 -
• Proper laboratory signage
The instrument used to record the survey for each laboratory is a two-page, carbon-free
checklist of key elements (Appendix Q). The safety surveyor retains the original and the copies
are combined and sent to the department administration. Representatives from a department’s
disposal, no HEPA filters on laboratory vacuum systems, and improper handling of sharps.
Committee Attendance
program because they are a good forum in which to communicate good biosafety practices and
This committee focuses on chemical and industrial hygiene issues involving employee
- 38 -
The IBC is the major forum for discussion of biosafety-related issues. Committee
findings are submitted to the Joint Committee on Health, Safety and Environment for approval.
The committee meets when needed to approve recombinant DNA protocols, select agent
registrations, BSL-3 SOP's, and to formulate policies and procedures. Telephone and fax votes
Biosafety staff participate in committee surveys of animal facilities and review all
animal protocols submitted to the committee. This ensures that proposed research protocols that
include recombinant DNA, pathogens, sheep and goats, non-human primates, radionuclides, and
toxic chemicals have has been registered with the health and safety department. Protocols that
involve medical surveillance, such as annual tuberculin skin testing for employees working with
non-human primates and immunization of employees working with vaccinia virus are forwarded
These committee deal with the human subject’s consent process and compliance with
ethical standards. Although biosafety staff do not regularly attend these committee meetings, the
biosafety officer reviews all IRB submissions to ensure that proposed research protocols that
include pathogens, recombinant DNA, human blood, internal body fluids, and unfixed tissue are
registered with the IBC. Protocol reviews often identify research that is covered by the
bloodborne pathogens standard. This research is registered with the IBC as human tissue
research. Personnel associated with the research involving human blood, internal body fluids,
- 39 -
and unfixed tissue are added to the training database so that they are notified of the bloodborne
epidemiology and infection control committee meetings is important to the biosafety program.
• Placement of PAPRs and portable HEPA filter units at appropriate nursing units.
• Minimization of flower beds near areas where bone marrow transplant patients enter the
• Revision of the hospital disinfection program to include dilute bleach for blood spills
such as operating rooms, recovery rooms, bone marrow transplant units, orthopedic
The hospital quality control committee includes development of policies and procedures
involving administrative and engineering controls to enhance employee and patient exposures to
potential pathogens. A health and safety department representative attends these committee
- 40 -
meetings to provide input on employee safety-related issues. Recent biosafety-related issues
discussed at this committee include: Change of to a mail box style sharps container,
gloves on the nursing units, and design of decontamination procedure for a vacuum shuttle
delivery system.
containment and medical surveillance issues related to work with pathogens or bloodborne
Biosafety issues in industry marketing and technical support groups involve protection
of personnel from exposure to pathogens when they use equipment manufactured by the
company. For example, biosafety staff may develop protocols to evaluate the capacity of
products, such as flow cytometers and blood analyzers, to produce aerosols. Biosafety staff may
assist in the development of procedures for the proper use of in vitro microbiological diagnostic
equipment. This information is given to a research and development department to develop safe
operating procedures that can be forwarded to marketing and technical support departments.
Biosafety division staff review design and construction plans dealing with laboratories,
hospital clinics, and impatient rooms. A close working relationship with the staff of these groups
- 41 -
can save time and money that may be spent to correct deficiencies after construction is
• Constant volume laboratory air ventilation instead variable air volume systems.
• Placement of autoclaves.
• Heat recovery systems to transfer latent heat or cooling to incoming supply air.
This chapter is organized in a format that will hopefully make a biosafety manager’s
organizational and regulatory functions easier. The elements of the Johns Hopkins Institutions
biosafety program presented here is an example of a rather large program, although selected
portions of the program may be useful to individuals who are beginning a biosafety program.
- 42 -
Biosafety management at large institutions has become a full time job – at Johns Hopkins
Institutions it is a five-person full time job. Major increases in government regulation and
Hospitals, and several state and local regulatory agencies (departments of health and
environment) have produced an increase in the number of on-site inspections and fines.
Much of this regulatory activity represents an expansion from the traditional chemical and
radiation safety issues to biological safety in industry, government, and university clinical and
John T. Balog and Timothy H. Travers assisted with BSC database information.
ACGIH. 1989. Guidelines for the assessment of bioaerosols in the indoor environment.
Black, Henry C. 1979. “Braniff v. McPherren, 177 Okl. 292, 58 P.2d 871, 872” and “U.S. Auto
Ass'n v. Alexander Film Co., D.C. Mun.App., 93 A.2d 770, 771.” page 865. Black's Law
- 43 -
CDC. 1996. Additional requirements for facilities transferring or receiving select agents; final
rule 42 CFR Part 72. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention. Fed. Register, Vol. 61, No. 207, October 24, 1996, p. 55190−55200.
CDC. 1999. Biosafety in microbiological and biomedical laboratories, 4th ed., May 1999. U.S.
Department Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and
Eagleson. 1991. Safe use of biological safety cabinets or the case of the contaminated cultures.
FDA. 1996. Medical devices; current good manufacturing practice (CGMP); final rule 21 CFR
Parts 808, 812, and 820. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug
Administration. Fed. Register. Vol. 61, No. 195, October 7, 1996, p. 52601-52662/
IATA. 1999. Dangerous goods regulations, 40th ed. International Air Transport Association,
Montreal, Canada.
ICAO. 1998. Annex 18 the safe transport of dangerous goods by air, 2nd ed., (No. AN 18),
August 1997; and Technical instructions for the safe transport of dangerous goods by air: 1997-
1998 ed., Doc 9284-AN/905 Supplement. International Civil Aviation Organisation, Montreal,
- 44 -
NCI. 1974. National cancer institute safety standards for research involving oncogenic viruses.
U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Publication No. (NIH) 75-790, October
NSF. 1999. NSF listings; biohazard cabinetry; class II cabinet certification field certifier
OSHA. 1991. Occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens; final rule 29 CFR Part
1910.1030. U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Fed.
OSHA. 1998. Respiratory protection; final rule 29 CFR Parts 1910 and 1926. U.S. Department
of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Fed. Register, Vol. 63, No. 5, January
8, 1998, p. 1151-1300.
R-DNA Guidelines. 1999. Guidelines for research involving recombinant DNA molecules
(NIH Guidelines), May 1999 ed. ( U.S. Department of Health and
RSPA. 1998. Hazardous materials: revision to standards for infectious substances and
genetically modified micro-organisms; proposed rule 49 CFR Part 171, et al.. U.S. Department
- 45 -
of Transportation, Research and Special Programs Administration. Fed. Register, Vol. 63, No.
- 46 -
Appendix A - BSC & CAB Daily Field Service Printout
- 47 -
Appendix B - Safety Section of University Information Checklist
Yes No
1. Use of human subjects via contact and/or survey. Use of medical records and/or
Has cognizant IRB (human subjects committee) approval been obtained? Yes
2. Use of live, vertebrate animals? If yes, attach a copy of the vertebrate animal section
- 48 -
Yes IBC Number or date of approval __________ No (Call Biosafety
4. Use of hazardous and highly toxic chemicals (e.g., carcinogens, mutagens, chemicals
with a NIOSH IDLH level of 5 ppm or less)? Has Environmental Health Division approved?
7. Use of human blood, blood products, internal body fluids, unfixed tissue?
8. Use of Select Agents (viruses, bacteria, rickettsia, fungi, biological toxins listed in
- 49 -
Appendix C1 - IBC Research Registration Form
DATE _____________________________
ACTION ___________________________
Both ( )
- 50 -
If a toxin, is LD50 more than 100 nanograms per kilogram body weight? Yes ( ) No ( ) Don't
know ( )
7. Do you work with quantities greater than 1 liter? Yes ( ) Largest volume No ( )
10. Do you insert this agent or material into intact animals? Yes ( ) No ( )
11. Biological containment level required: Biosafety Level BSL-1 ( ) BSL-2 ( ) BSL-3 ( )
13. Please list all professional personnel, employees and students involved in the project who
14. Please attach a brief overview of the proposed research containing sufficient information to
ensure adequate review of the protocol to determine compliance with the JHI Biosafety Program,
local, state and federal regulations (Methods of Procedure or Experimental Protocol from a grant
- 51 -
c) An outline of the procedure and techniques to be employed;
d) Specifically describe the safe practices, equipment, and facilities that will be used to protect
15. I accept responsibility for the safe conduct of work with this material.
I will ensure that all personnel receive training in regard to proper safety practices and personal
- 52 -
1. Principal Investigator .
2. Department Division .
4. Project Title .
6. Will you be doing only Clinical/Diagnostic work with this select agent? ( ) Yes ( ) No.
7. Will you be working with isolates/concentrates of this select agent? ( ) Yes ( ) No.
8. Will you use laboratory animals for any of your work with this select agent? ( ) Yes ( ) No.
9. Will you use large animals for any of your work with this select agent? ( ) Yes ( ) No.
10. Will you be doing any large scale “production level” work with this select agent? ( ) Yes ( )
11. Are intact animals exposed to the select agent? ( ) Yes ( ) No.
13. Attach a sketch/floor plan for laboratory where work will be performed – show entry,
location of BSC, incubators, freezers, autoclaves, and other equipment specified for work with
the agent.
14. Please list all professional personnel, employees and students involved in the project who
- 53 -
_______________________ ____________________________ __________________
15. Describe briefly the type of work being done with this select agent.
16. Describe; 1) how you control access to laboratory where the select agent is used, 2) how you
ensure adequate training for personnel working with the agent, 3) where you store the select
agent, and 4) proposed method of disposal of select agent when work is complete.
17. Describe the air-handling system for the laboratory where the work will be performed (e.g.,
single pass or re-circulation, type of filters, method for handling safety cabinet exhaust.
18. I accept responsibility for the safe conduct of work with this material. I will inform all
personnel of all hazards associated with this work and the level of biological containment
- 54 -
SELECT AGENT LIST Exemptions: Vaccine strains may be
Viruses exempt.
viruses Rickettsiae
virus Fungi
- 55 -
3.Botulinum toxins at an LD50 for vertebrates of more than
Exemptions: Toxins for medical use, contain nucleic acid sequences coding
inactivated for use as vaccines, or toxin for any of the toxins on this list, or their
- 56 -
Appendix C3 - IBC Research Registration Form
1. Principal Investigator .
2. Department Division .
4. Project Title .
7. Specify the gene sequence to be inserted into the recombinant (attach construct map).
- 57 -
11. Are intact animals exposed to the Recombinant? Yes ( ) No ( ).
- 58 -
Virus Vector Yes/No BSL1-N / BSL2-N / BSL3-N
Has Institutional Animal Use & Care Committee been Notified? ( ) Yes ( ) No.
Plants/Insects Yes/No
14. Is a deliberate attempt made to obtain expression of foreign gene(s) in the cloning
15. Give specific reference for your experiment from the NIH Recombinant DNA
17. Please list all professional personnel, employees and students involved in the project
- 59 -
_______________________ _________________________ ___________
19. I accept responsibility for the safe conduct of work with this material. I will inform
all personnel of all hazards associated with this work and the level of biological
- 60 -
Appendix C4 - IBC Research Registration Form
1. Principal Investigator
2. Department Division
4. Project Title
Building(s) Room(s)
Building(s) Room(s)
7. Please list all professional personnel, employees and students involved in the project
who will come into contact with non-human primates or their products:
- 61 -
_______________________ ______________________ ________________
8. Please attach a description of the procedures for use of non-human primates, including
precautions to be taken and methods used in handling blood, body fluids, tissue and
9. I accept responsibility for the safe conduct of work with this material.
I will inform all personnel of the hazards associated with this work and the level of
- 62 -
Appendix C5 - IBC Research Registration Form
1. Principal Investigator
2. Department Division
4. Project Title
Building(s) Room(s)
6. Location where sheep (including lambs) or goats and/or related materials will be
Building(s) Room(s)
7. Please list all professional personnel, employees and students involved in the project
who will come into contact with sheep (including lambs), goats or their products:
- 63 -
NAME Mailing Address Social Security No.
8. Please attach a description of the procedures for use of sheep or goats, including
9. I accept responsibility for the safe conduct of work with this material.
I will inform all personnel of the hazards associated with this work and the level of
- 64 -
Appendix D1 – Potential Pathogenic Material Research Update Letter
• According to our records, your research project, listed above, needs an annual update
• Please change any inaccurate information, fill in any blanks, sign, and return this
• If your project is complete or not funded, please indicate this when you return the
• When major changes have occurred with this project, we will fax over a new
- 65 -
Are Animals Used? Species Animal Housing Bldg. & Room No.
Signature: Date:
- 66 -
Appendix D2 – Recombinant DNA Research Update Letter
• According to our records, your research project, listed above, needs an annual update
• Please change any inaccurate information, fill in any blanks, sign, and return this
• If your project is complete or not funded, please indicate this when you return the
• When major changes have occurred with this project, we will fax over a new
- 67 -
Signature: Date:
- 68 -
Appendix E1 – Potential Pathogenic Material Research Registration Letter
The Biosafety Division has registered your project. Please note; if you have
“Pending” next to the above IBC APPROVAL DATE, you are not approved to begin this
- 69 -
research project. You must have an IBC Approval Date before research can begin. This
memorandum acknowledges your registration in case you need it for your grant
Please note that your project has a unique Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC)
Registration Number. This number will change each year when we update your project.
Please use this number in your correspondence with us. You may register additional
recombinant DNA projects by filling out a new registration form intranet web site.
We will update your project annually. Around the anniversary month of your project
registration, we will send you an update letter. Please make any changes to your project,
laboratory or office location, changes among personnel, etc., and return the form to me.
Health, Safety and Environment will carry out periodic inspections. This will assure
compliance with work practices and laboratory facility design appropriate for the level of
Please call or email the Biosafety Officer if you have any questions or need
additional forms. You may also fill out and print an online form located at the intranet
- 70 -
Appendix E2 – Recombinant DNA Research Registration Letter
The Biosafety Division has registered your project. Please note; if you have
“Pending” next to the above IBC APPROVAL DATE, you are not approved to begin this
- 71 -
research project. You must have an IBC Approval Date before research can begin. This
memorandum acknowledges your registration in case you need it for your grant
Please note that your project has a unique Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC)
Registration Number. This number will change each year when we update your project.
Please use this number in your correspondence with us. You may register additional
recombinant DNA projects by filling out a new registration form available at the intranet
web site.
We will update your project annually. Around the anniversary month of your project
registration, we will send you an update letter. Please make any changes to your project,
laboratory or office location, changes among personnel, etc., and return the form to me.
Health, Safety and Environment will carry out periodic inspections. This will assure
compliance with work practices and laboratory facility design appropriate for the level of
Please call or email the Biosafety Officer if you have any questions or need
additional forms. You may also fill out and print an online form located at the intranet
- 72 -
Appendix F - Employee Training Database
Filenames are truncated in the database and the formatting has been left off to save space.
- 73 -
Table Department Name
Column CITY
Column STATE
Column ZIP
Column PHONE
- 74 -
Column TITLE
Column SHIFT
Column NAME
Column SEX
Table Instructors
Column TITLE
- 75 -
Column NAME
Column EXTRA1
Column EXTRA2
Column TITLE
Column NAME
- 76 -
- 77 -
Appendix G - BSC & CAB Certification and Service Database
Equipment Building
Barcode Number
Contact Building
Service Performed
- 78 -
Blower Motor % Speed
Service Date
Certification Date
Invoice Number
Pre-filter Status
Other Payments
Other Dates
Part Replacement
- 79 -
Appendix H - BSC & CAB Certification Renewal Letter
Subject: Annual certification of Biological Safety Cabinet BSC or Clean Air Bench
Your BSC or CAB listed below is due for required annual or semi-annual
Form for this work. Please include the Serial Number, Room Number, and
- 80 -
Hospital departments: Please send a check for the full amount, payable to
Biosafety Division . Please include the Serial Number, Room Number, and
Payment must be received before certification of your unit can be scheduled. You
Payment entitles you to annual performance testing, free labor and replacement
Division). Filters and UV lights must be paid for at the time of replacement.
Please check the accuracy of the information below and make any changes on
Manufacturer: «MANUFACTUR»
Please attach payment and send to the Biosafety Division for scheduling
- 81 -
Appendix I - Portable HEPA Unit Service Database
Identification Number
Barcode Number
Pre-filter Size
Service Date
Location Date
Room Number
- 82 -
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
- 83 -
Appendix J - PAPR Service Database
Identification Number
Barcode Number
Service Date
Airflow OK Date
Location Date
Room Number
Contact Name
- 84 -
Appendix K - Bag-In Bag-Out Service Database
Identification Number
Contact Name
Contact Address
Housing Model
In Use (Y/N)
Pre-filter Number
Pre-filter Size
- 85 -
HEPA Filter Number
Service Date
Invoice Date
- 86 -
Invoice Amount
- 87 -
Appendix L - IBC Research Registration Database
Academic Title
Institution (School)
Room Number
Lab Address
Non-Exempt (Y/N)
Personnel Names
Project Title
- 88 -
Potential Pathogen
- 89 -
Appendix M - IBC Select Agent Registration Database
Registration Number
Academic Title
Institution (School)
Room Number
Lab Building
Lab Diagram
- 90 -
Application Complete Date
Animal Location
Personnel Names
Project Title
Print Record
- 91 -
Appendix N - Shipping Certification Training Database
Last Name
First Name
Room Number
Training Date
Training Location
- 92 -
Appendix O - Johns Hopkins Institutions BSL-3 Specifications
Sealed room Laboratory must be effectively air and liquid tight. Air
must pass easily under and around the door of the containment laboratory.
containment laboratory door with a vertically mounted ribbon to indicate directional air
flow into the containment laboratory. Pressure monitors are not recommended.
through two sets of doors. First, an anteroom (change area) and then into the laboratory
- 93 -
Ceiling Monolithic construction, recommend gypsum board with
a finish material similar to above. Removable tiles and drop ceiling tiles unacceptable.
Electrical Utility All outlets, fixtures, junction boxes and conduit must be
Hand Washing Sink Located near exit. Operated infrared , wrist, elbow or
foot control.
- 94 -
Emergency Eye, Face and Located near exit proximate to sink. Recommend
or anteroom. Drain must be inside the containment laboratory with a bioseal between the
containment laboratory and the non-containment area. High air velocity exhaust canopies
should be installed above each autoclave door. Floor penetration for drain must be sealed
hours per day. Supply and exhaust ducts in the containment laboratory must contain
100% shut off dampers to isolate laboratory air from other areas of the building. Exhaust
is not to be recirculated to any other part of the building. Ducted exhaust must be
discharged through redundant bag in bag out roof top housings with dedicated primary
and secondary back-up fans. Each bag in bag out housing should contain pre-filters and
HEPA filters with magnehelic gauges (with air vent valves) between the pre-filer housing
Biological Safety Cabinets Class II, Type B3 BSC spaced three to six inches out from
the rear wall. HEPA filtered exhaust shall be connected to the laboratory exhaust system
with a flexible eight- or ten-inch plastic duct and an air volume control damper for each
BSC. The flexible duct shall be connected to a thimble exhaust connection (JHU
- 95 -
specifications available). The thimble exhaust shall be adjusted to capture 1.5 times the
manufacturer's rated exhaust airflow from the BSC. Space near the ceiling will be
required to permit opening of TEC panels. All utility connections supplied to the BSC
shall be installed under the BSC. A gas shut off valve (with handle) shall be provided on
the right or left side the BSC that can be reached by a seated operator. The gas supply
line shall have a pipe union between the shut off valve and the connection to the BSC.
Flammable Storage Cabinet Shall be vented through a chemical fume hood with a pipe
extending from a fire arrestor screen at the rear of the flammable storage cabinet and
extending behind and four inches above the bottom of the rear baffle.
Air Pressure Differentials The anteroom shall be at 100 cfm negative with respect to
an adjoining space. The containment laboratory shall be at least 100 cfm negative with
from areas of least potential hazard toward areas of greatest potential hazard.
way, depending on the location of areas of greatest hazard. Low velocity spiral vents are
preferred to standard directional vents. Vents shall be directed away from the face of
- 96 -
Appendix P - BSL-3 Standard Operating Procedures Outline
Table of contents
Training requirements
Entry control
Medical surveillance
Containment barriers
- 97 -
Waste disposal procedures
- 98 -
Appendix Q - Laboratory Survey Checklist
_____ Flammable solvents _____ > 10 gal outside flam. cab. _______
- 99 -
_____ containers > 1 gal outside flam. cab. _______
_____ Chemical Fume Hood __ Certification not current __ baffle/ slot blocked _______
_____ Personal Protective equipment not being used (specify ______________) _______
Other / Comments
- 100 -
____ Vacuum line filter absent
- 101 -