CV Weebly
CV Weebly
CV Weebly
University of Glasgow September 2017
MA SocSci (Economics, Politics, Philosophy) Glasgow, UK
- Class representative for Economics 1A
- Active member of multiple societies (Adam Smith Economic Society, Dialectic Society, Glasgow University
Union Debate, GU positive minds, GU Slovak and Czech Society)
World Schools Debating Championship (2015: national team member; 2016 and 2017: national team captain)
Debate League 2017: Best Czech speaker of the year
Certificate of thanks for representation in Debate League, issued by Central Bohemia region (29.11.2016)
Bratislava Schools Debating Competition 2016 (131 participants): Best speaker
Debate League 2016: Second best speaker of the year in both Czech and English league
Model United Nations at PORG (2016): represented USA in DISEC, selected as best delegate
Model European Parliament by SciencesPo (Bnsk Bystrice, 2015): Candidate for president, Greens representative
fictional IR simulation at MUP (2015): second best team
Professional Skills Program (November 2017): best contributor/presenter and member of best presentation team
YODA mentorship program (December 2016 July 2017)
Music school piano competition (February May 2017): fifth place nationally
Hled se LEADr (Search for the LEADer; 2016): eliminated in third round
CEVRO institut na tden vysokokolkem (A week as a university student internship programme; 2016)
FFUK na 24 hodin (Charles University Philosophical faculty for 24 hours internship programme; 2017)
Czech (fluent), Slovak (fluent), English (CAE certificate/ESL), French (B2 certificate)
Running (mourning routine), Reading (Fantasy literature, The Economist)