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S.O.R. Bridge Works

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SOR of Bridge Works for P.W.D. (C.G.) Page -1-

No. /W/ Raipur dated 01/04/2009
1. The Schedule of rates for bridge works was inforce w.e.f. 1st May 2008. Since then the
rates of Labour, materials and P.O.L. have been changed considerably. There is abnormal
increase in rates of cement & decrease in rates of steel since May 2008. As such this
Schedule of Rates have been reanalyzed taking into consideration the current Labour,
material and P.O.L. rates.

2. This S.O.R. has been prepared on the basis of the "Standard Data Book for Analysis of
Rates" of Ministry of Road Transport & Highway, published by Indian Road Congress.
Few of items which do not find place in the Standard Data Book for analysis of rates
have been included in this S.O.R. as these are required and provided in the old S.O.R.

3. This Schedule of rates (S.O.R.) is brought into force from 01.04.2009 and shall be
applicable for construction of bridge for the entire Chhattisgarh P.W.D. This S.O.R. is
issued to facilitate easy preparation of estimates and their sanctions and executions.

4. Some items have been modified in their nomenclature as per requirements. The
description of the items is kept according to Ministry of Road Transport & Highways
(Road using), Government of India, " Specification of Road and Bridge works" (Fourth
Revision) published by the I.R.C.

5. Standard tables given in the specifications are annexed with the S.O.R. so as to facilitate
easy reference to the specifications during execution.

6. I would like to commend Er. K.K. Pipri, Chief Engineer, who has contributed
considerably towards bringing out this schedule of rates into effect. I would also like to
commend Er. V.K. Runijha (E.E.) & Er. Y.K. Sonkar (S.D.O.) and all Engineer who
have helped a lot directly or indirectly in bringing out this schedule of rates.

7. Suggestions if any, towards further improvement to this schedule of rate of "Bridge"

will be highly welcomed.


Engineer-in Chief
P.W.D. Raipur

SOR of Bridge Works for P.W.D. (C.G.) Page 2


a) Major Bridge : Having a total length of above 60 M. measured along the centre line
of the bridge between inner faces of the dirt walls.
b) Minor Bridge : Having a total length of upto 60 M measured along the centre line of
the bridge between inner faces of the dirt walls.

c) Culverts : Having a total length 6 M. or less between the inner faces of the dirt
walls or extreme vent way boundaries measured at rig ht angles

i) The specifications of works shall be carried out as per 4th revision of "Specifications for Road
and Bridge works" (Ministry of Road Transport & Highway) - subject to such changes as are
incorporated in the wording of the items and notes below. The work will be governed by the
design considerations and specifications contained in I.R.C. codes of practice for
Road/Bridges issued upto the date of receipt of tender.
ii) The materials of construction shall be governed as per relevant I.S. Codes.
iii) In the matters of interpretation in respect of any provision contained in the documents referred
in para (i) to (ii) the decision of the Engineer-in-Chief, P.W.D. shall be final.

i) All works below ground level or low water level, whichever is higher but not above soffit
level shall be termed as foundation work.
ii) Low water level shall be the average water level met with at the time of doing the foundation
work. The maximum and minimum water levels should be recorded by the Assistant
Engineer, just before starting the particular foundation and within a reasonable time at the
close of that foundation work, the average of these two levels will be the L.W.L. for that
foundation work. In case of major bridges such records will be taken by the Executive

: The part of the bridge structure below the a)Soffit level of the deck slab/beams and or
b)Springing level for arch spans, but above the ground level or L.W.L. which ever is higher,
shall be taken as sub structure of the bridge part. Complete RCC box section will also be
considered as sub-structure.

The work above (a)Soffit level for deck slabs/beams and (b)Springing level for arch span,
including kerbs, railing, expansion joints, beams, slabs etc. shall be termed as super structure
of the bridge part.
a) All concrete shall be invariably mixed in mechanical mixers. All concrete except the concrete
laid under water, shall be mechanically vibrated.

SOR of Bridge Works for P.W.D. (C.G.) Page 3

b) The rates of both ordinary and controlled concrete of any mix include the cost of preparing
and testing concrete cubes as per specifications laid down.
c) All concrete shall be compacted to produce dense and homogeneous mass with the assistance
of vibrators unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer-in-Charge for exceptional cases, such
as concreting under water where, vibrators can not be used.
d) Concrete poured under water shall be provided with 10% additional cement as per
"Specifications for Roads & Bridges works" Ministry of Road Transport & Highway (4th
e) Finishing of concrete by plastering the surface shall not be done without obtaining written
permission from the Executive Engineer. No extra for plastering shall be payable. Light
touching up and rubbing the uneven surfaces by carborandum stone shall be done within the
specified rates.
f) The grading, size, quality of coarse aggregates shall be strictly according to the specifications
for Road and Bridge works" (Ministry of Road Transport & Highway) 4th Revision and
respective IRC Codes.
g) The size and quality of aggregate, mixing etc. for plain concrete or R.C.C. work should be as
given in "Specification for Road and Bridge works" of MORT&H (4th Revision).

h) A mix leaner than M-15 may be used for non structural parts of the Bridge as specified in
Approved design/drawing.

i) The rates of concreting items include the cost of form work and centering.

j) Super plasticizer admixtures should be used for the concrete work to improve the workability
with reduced water cement ratio and shall be provided as per clause 1705 of specifications.

i) Only such steel as is obtained from main producer of steel i.e. SAIL / TISCO or such steel
rolling mills as are having license from the B.I.S. to manufacture steel for reinforcement shall
be allowed to be used in the work. The grades of the bar other than S 240 and S 415 even
confirming to IS;432 and IS: 1786 shall not be permitted . No re-rolled steel shall be
incorporated in the work. The contractor shall have to produce test certificate in the proforma
prescribed / approved by B.I.S. from the manufacturer for every batch of steel brought to the
site of work.
ii) If the steel is brought by the contractor, the contractor shall be responsible for ensuring the
quality of steel and would be bound to conduct any or all tests at his cost for ensuring its
quality as per directions of the Engineer-in-Charge. The theoretical consumption of steel shall
be worked out at regular interval and shall be verified with actual steel brought to the site.

iii) Steel used as reinforcement and other structural steel or H.T. steel shall be measured as per the
actual quantity of steel placed in the finished structures including hooks, overlaps, spacer bars,
rivets, bolts etc. as required by design.

SOR of Bridge Works for P.W.D. (C.G.) Page 4

iv) If the steel is issued by the department the contractor shall be paid for labour charges for steel
on the quantity measured as per note above (i) Quantity as per theoretical requirement plus 5%
(five) shall be issued to the contractor and deductions will be made for the extra quantity (up
to 5%) at rates specified in the N.I.T./Agreement if the steel is supplied by department. If the
steel is brought by the contractor, the contractor is held responsible for the quality of the steel.
He should use tested steel for which no extra payment is made for tests. If the steel is brought
by the contractor measurement shall be recorded as per clause 1608 of specifications for Road
and Bridges (MORT&H, 4th revision).

v) Mild Steel, round bars, and deformed bars (left over after use in work) more than 3.0 M. in
length will be accepted in return if the steel is supplied departmentally. For steel left over with
the contractor over and above theoretical consumption + 5% shall be treated as un-authorized
possession of steel and for this, the recovery should be made at issue rate plus 10% or
prevailing market rate, which ever is higher.

i) If the cement is brought by the contractor, the contractor shall be responsible for ensuring the
quality of cement and would be bound to conduct all tests at his cost for ensuring its quality as
per directions of the Engineer-in-Charge. The theoretical consumption of cement shall be
worked out at regular interval and shall be verified with actual cement brought to the site

ii) The cement, if supplied by department at issue rate to the contractor shall not be more than the
theoretical consumption plus 2%. If cement more than this is issued, recovery for the extra
quantities shall be made at issue rate plus 10% or prevailing market rate which ever is higher.

iii) The theoretical consumption of cement should be worked out after including all contingent
works i.e., cement godowns, casting plat forms, bed blocks etc. which are necessary for the
work in the opinion of Engineer-in-Charge and have actually been constructed, but shall not
include items, which are executed for setting right the imperfections in work. This shall be
applicable if cement is supplied by the department.

i) All the stone masonry work shall be strictly as per detailed specifications given in
"Specification for Road & Bridge works" of MORT&H (4th Revision).
ii) In case stone headers are not available, precast headers of M-15 concrete shall be used. Cast-
in situ headers are not permitted. Concrete headers may be permitted with the following
a) If the cement is supplied departmentally and the cost of cement is recoverable from the
contractor due allowance for the actual quantity of cement consumed in the use of cement
concrete headers shall be permitted in cement consumption statement but no extra payment for
providing cement concrete, headers shall be payable.
b) If cement is brought by the contractor no extra payment shall be made for providing concrete
headers in place of stone headers.
iii) Generally for all stone masonry subjected to exposure of water flow (e.g. piers, abutments,
returns etc.) C.R. Masonry first sort shall be used unless otherwise provided in the approved

SOR of Bridge Works for P.W.D. (C.G.) Page 5

iv) In case where width of stone masonry is more than one meter, the central portion of stone
masonry (Hearting) shall be done with uncoursed random rubble masonry. Payment for the
C.R. Masonry will be limited to 1/2 meter width on either faces and the balance will be paid as
uncoursed Random Rubble Masonry.

10) Cost of Transportation of all materials from the place of delivery up to site of work:

i is included in the rates of the item of this Schedule of Rates.

ii Materials, as may be required to be issued to the contractor by department shall be specified in
the N.I.T. with place of delivery and their issue rates.


The rates in all items of this S.O.R. are inclusive of all lead, lift and transportation of material.
No extra on this account is payable unless otherwise specifically mentioned in any particular


Royalty, Octroi duty and all other taxes are included in the rates. No extra on this account
shall be payable.
The rates include the complete cost of dismantling and shifting away the dismantled material
to place at site of work as directed by Engineer-in-Charge and also the rates include the
serviceable dismantled material to be properly stacked at river bank at a location directed by
the Engineer-in-Charge.

14) MODE OF MEASUREMENTS: The mode of measurements shall be as per provisions

contained in the relevant clauses of the specifications unless specified otherwise.

15) The rate includes the element of hire & operational charges of all types of plants, machinery
and equipment required to complete the work unless specified otherwise.

16) Rates include provisions of necessary precautionary devices and other arrangements etc. for
traffic control, e.g. provision of caution boards, red lights, watchmen flags and flagmen but do
not include construction of temporary diversion.

17) The rates do not include the work of trial pits, which are to be measured and paid separately.

18) The contractor is bound to install at the site of work a test laboratory capable of conducting all
specified field tests as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge and the specified tests of material
would be conducted in the presence of department's supervisory staff.

19) Detailed measurements for steel and concrete for items of R.C.C. approach slab, R.C.C.
Railing and R.C.C. wearing coat shall also be recorded in M.B. However the payment shall
be regulated as per the item and rates given in the S.O.R.

20) The specifications mentioned under section 2900 shall also be applicable to items of Hume
Pipe Culverts in addition to those given in the items.

21) The measurements of rock excavation are to be done as per clause specified in the Book
"Specification of Road and Bridge works" of MORT&H. All serviceable rock excavated shall
be issued to the contractor at the rate of Rs.100/- per Cum.

SOR of Bridge Works for P.W.D. (C.G.) Page 6

22) The basic rates at site for important materials considered in this S.O.R. are as follows :-
(a) Cement :- Rs. 4400.00 per M.T.
(b) Steel (HYSD) :- Rs. 32500.00 per M.T.
(c) Structural Steel :- Rs. 33000.00 per M.T.
(d) High Tensile Steel :- Rs. 53000.00 per M.T
(e)Bitumen 60/70 grade :- Rs. 32648.00 per M.T.


Engineer-in Chief
P.W.D. Raipur

Item No. Descriptions Unit Rate (Rs.)
1.1 Cutting of trees, including cutting of trunks, branches and
removal of stumps, roots, stacking of serviceable material with
all lifts and up to a lead of 1000 mtrs and earth filling in the
depression/pit and as per relevant clauses of section-200 for :-
i) Girth from 300 mm to 600 mm each 128.00
ii) Girth beyond 600 mm to 900 mm each 260.00
iii) Girth beyond 900 mm to 1800 mm each 457.00
iv) Girth above 1800 mm each 824.00
1.2 Clearing Grass and Removal of Rubbish (clearing grass and hectare 6941.00
removal of rubbish up to a distance of 50 meters outsite the
periphery of the area)
1.3 Clearing and grubbing road land including uprooting rank
vegetation, grass, bushes, shrubs, saplings and trees girth up
to 300 mm, removal of stumps of trees cut earlier and disposal
of unserviceable materials and stacking of serviceable material
to be used or auctioned up to a lead of 1000 meters including
removal and disposal of top organic soil not exceeding 150
mm in thickness if required and as per relevant clauses of
A In area of light jungle hectare 21270.00
B In area of thorny jungle hectare 28658.00
1.4 Dismantling of existing structures like culverts, bridges,
retaining walls and other structure comprising of masonry,
cement concrete, wood work, steel work, including T&P and
scaffolding wherever necessary, sorting the dismantled
material, disposal of unserviceable material and stacking the
serviceable material with all lifts and lead upto 1000 meters
and as per relevant clauses of section-200 in
(i) Lime / Cement Concrete
A Lime Concrete, cement concrete grade M-10 and below cum 208.00
B Cement Concrete Grade M-15 & M-20 cum 236.00
C Prestressed / Reinforced cement concrete grade M-20 &
above cum 515.00
(ii) Brick / Tile work
A In lime mortar cum 152.00
B In cement mortar cum 180.00
SOR of Bridge Works for P.W.D. (C.G.) Page 7
C In mud mortar cum 141.00
D Dry brick pitching or brick soling cum 136.00
(iii) Stone Masonry
A Rubble stone masonry in lime mortar cum 163.00
B Rubble stone masonry in cement mortar. cum 180.00
C Rubble Stone Masonry in mud mortar. cum 152.00
D Dry rubble masonry cum 147.00
E Stone pitching/ dry stone spalls. cum 141.00
F Boulders laid in wire crates including opening of crates and cum 152.00
stacking dismantled materials.
Item No. Descriptions Unit Rate (Rs.)
(iv) Wood work wrought framed and fixed in frames of trusses upto cum 267.00
a height of 5 m above plinth level.
(v) Steel work in all types of sections upto a height of 5 m above
plinth level excluding cutting of rivet.
A Including dismembering tonne 585.00
B Excluding dismembering. tonne 454.00
C Extra over item No( V ) A and( V ) B for cutting rivets. each 4.00
(vi) Scraping of bricks dismantled from brick work including
A In lime/Cement mortar 1000 No. 486.00

B In mud mortar 1000 No. 174.00

(vii) Scraping of Stone from dismantled stone masonry

A In cement and lime mortar cum 195.00

B In Mud mortar cum 41.00

(viii) Scraping plaster in lime or cement mortar from brick/ sqm 7.00
stone masonry
(ix) Removing all type of hume pipes and stacking within a lead
upto 1000 meters including earthwork and dismantling of
masonry works around pipes.

A Up to 1000 mm dia meter 207.00

B Above 1000 mm dia meter 275.00
1.5 Dismantling of flexible pavements and disposal of dismantled
materials up to a lead of 1000 meters, stacking serviceable and
unserviceable materials separately and as per relevant clauses
of section-200.
A Bituminous courses cum 378.00
B Granular courses cum 287.00
1.6 Dismantling of cement concrete pavement i/c breaking to cum 1093.00
pieces not exceeding 0.02 cum in volume and stock piling at
designated locations and disposal of dismantled materials up to
a lead upto 1000 meters, stacking serviceable and
unserviceable materials separately and as per relevant clauses
of section-200.

1.7 Dismantling guard rails by manual means and disposal of meter 43.00

SOR of Bridge Works for P.W.D. (C.G.) Page 8

dismantled material with all lifts and up to a lead upto 1000
meters, stacking serviceable materials and unserviceable
materials separately and as per relevant clauses of section-200.

1.8 Dismantling kerb stone by manual means and disposal of meter 11.00
dismantled material with all lifts and up to a lead upto 1000
meter and as per relevant clauses of section-200.

Item No. Descriptions Unit Rate (Rs.)

1.9 Dismantling kerb stone channel by manual means and meter 17.00
disposal of dismantled material with all lifts and up to a lead
upto 1000 meter and as per relevant clauses of section-200
1.10 Dismantling of kilometer stone including cutting of earth,
foundation and disposal of dismantled material with all lifts
and lead upto 1000 m and back filling of pit.
A 5th KM stone each 185.00
B Ordinary KM Stone each 114.00
C Hectometer Stone each 23.00
1.11 Dismantling of barbed wire fencing/ wire mesh fencing meter 20.00
including posts, foundation concrete, back filling of pit by
manual means including disposal of dismantled material with
all lifts and up to a lead of 1000 meters, stacking serviceable
material and unserviceable material separately.

1.12 Dismantling of CI water pipe line 600 mm dia including meter 66.00
disposal with all lifts and lead upto 1000 meters and stacking
of serviceable material and unserviceable material separately
under supervision of concerned department.

SOR of Bridge Works for P.W.D. (C.G.) Page 9


1) The excavation shall be paid as per the area of foundation concrete block, multiplied by
the depth below average ground level at the location of foundation. The rates include the
extra quantity of excavation required for providing the excavation in steps or slope as per
direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
2) The rates of dewatering in a foundation are inclusive of any coffer damming or diversion
of water course required to facilitate the bailing out of water in the particular foundation
pit inclusive of all required machinery such as pumps compressors etc. including their
hire and running charges, pay staff and P.O.L. etc. complete in all respects.

The volume of dewatering payable shall be measured by multiplying the area of

foundation block of the particular foundation with the height of average water level met
with during the excavation of the particular foundation. The average water level shall be
the average of water level met in excavation pit during excavation or water level in
channel whichever is lower and the same observed on completion of excavation. The
payment of this item shall be made only after the foundation structure is raised above
water level or G.L. which ever is higher. The rate of this item shall not be reduced if
coffer-damming or diversion of water course is not done, and dewatering is carried out by
employing pumps and/or manually.

3) Excavated hard rock shall be stacked at suitable places at the bank as directed by
Engineer-in-Charge. No extra for stacking lead, lift and transportation shall be payable.

4) Back filling up to original bed level shall be done as per clause 304.3.7 of "Specification
for Road and Bridges". No extra shall be payable on this account.

5) The concrete mix used in bottom plug of wells shall have a minimum cement content of
330 kg/cum.
6) A leveling coarse of 100mm thickness (Av.) in M-10 shall be provided before laying open

SOR of Bridge Works for P.W.D. (C.G.) Page 10

7) The rates of well sinking include the charges of labour, plant, cost of P.O.L. and other
materials and accessories. The rates also include the cost of diversion of channel, making
of island, if required to be done for laying the cutting edge, kerb and steining. the
permissible tilt and shift in well in its final position shall be as per IRC-78-1983. The
rates include the cost of rectification of tilt and shift in excess of permissible limit. No
extra over these rates are payable for sinking of well.

8) For the purpose of the computation of the volume in well sinking, the cubic content of
well shall be measured by the portion contained in outer diameter of well seining.
Projection of R.C.C. kerb, if any shall not be measured.
9) The rates of concreting in all types of foundation include also the cost of form work,
staging etc. complete.


Item No. Description Unit Rate

2.1 Excavation for Structures (Earth work in excavation of foundation

of structures as per drawing and technical specification, including
setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps
and other deleterious matter, dressing of sides and bottom and
backfilling with approved material.)
A Ordinary soil
(i) Upto 3 m depth cum 118.00
(ii) 3 m to 6 m depth cum 134.00
(iii) Above 6 m depth cum 178.00
Add extra 20% in the rates of above items for dewatering
(Assessment of dewatering shall be made as per site condition )
The cost of shoring and shuttering, where needed, be added @ 1
percent on cost of excavation for open foundation.
B Ordinary rock (not requiring blasting) cum 207.00
Add extra 20% in the rates of above items for dewatering
(Assessment of dewatering shall be made as per site condition )

C Hard rock (requiring blasting) cum 466.00

Add extra 20% in the rates of above items for dewatering
(Assessment of dewatering shall be made as per site condition )

D Hard rock (blasting prohibited) cum 630.00

Add extra 20% in the rates of above items for dewatering
(Assessment of dewatering shall be made as per site condition )

E Marshy soil
upto 3 m depth cum 282.00
Add extra 30% in the rates of above items for dewatering
(Assessment of dewatering shall be made as per site condition )
Add extra for shoring and shuttering where needed. cum 11.00
F Back Filling in Marshy Foundation Pits cum 239.00

SOR of Bridge Works for P.W.D. (C.G.) Page 11

2.2 Filling Annular Space Around Footing in Rock (Lean cement cum 2817.00
concrete 1:3:6 nominal mix.

2.3 Sand Filling in Foundation Trenches as per Drawing & Technical cum 362.00

2.4 PCC 1:3:6 in Foundation (Plain cement concrete 1:3:6 nominal mix cum 2817.00
in foundation with crushed stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size
mechanically mixed, placed in foundation and compacted by
vibration including curing for 14 days.)

Item No. Description Unit Rate

2.5 Brick masonry work in cement mortar in foundation complete
excluding pointing and plastering, as per drawing and technical
(i) in cement mortar 1:2 cum 2721.00
(ii) in cement mortar 1:3 cum 2503.00
(iii) in cement mortar 1:4 cum 2358.00
(iv) in cement mortar 1:6 cum 2211.00
2.6 Stone masonry work in cement mortar 1:3 in foundation complete as
drawing and Technical Specifications and as per clauses of section
1500,1700 and 2100.
(i) Square Rubble Coursed rubble masonry ( first sort ) cum 2368.00
(ii) Random Rubble Masonry Coursed / uncoursed cum 2251.00
2.7 Plain/Reinforced cement concrete in open foundation complete as
per drawing and technical specifications
A Using concrete mixer
(i) PCC Grade M15 cum 3181.00
(ii) PCC Grade M20 cum 3558.00
(iii) PCC Grade M25 cum 3883.00
(iv) PCC Grade M30 cum 3910.00
(v) RCC Grade M20 cum 3591.00
(vi) RCC Grade M25 cum 3919.00
(vii) RCC Grade M30 cum 3930.00
(viii) RCC Grade M35 cum 4003.00
B With Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump
(i) PCC Grade M20 cum 3739.00
(ii) PCC Grade M25 cum 4096.00
(iii) PCC Grade M30 cum 4118.00
(iv) RCC Grade M20 cum 3801.00
(v) RCC Grade M25 cum 4130.00
(vi) RCC Grade M30 cum 4141.00
(vii) RCC Grade M35 cum 4212.00
2.8 Well Foundation ( Providing and constructing temporary island for
construction of well foundation for 8m dia. Well.)
(i) Depth of water 1.0 m and height of island to be 1.25m. each 33330.00
(ii) Depth of water 4.0 m and height of island 4.5 m. each 190238.00

SOR of Bridge Works for P.W.D. (C.G.) Page 12

(iii) Providing and constructing one span service road to reach island meter 1760.00
location from one pier location to another pier location
2.9 Providing and laying cutting edge of mild steel weighing 40 kg per MT 57742.00
meter for well foundation complete as per drawing and technical
specifications per relevant clause of section 1200 and 1900.
2.10 Plain/Reinforced cement concrete, in well foundation complete as
per drawing and technical specification as per clauses of section
1200,1500 and 1700.
A Well curb
(a) Using concrete mixer
(i) RCC Grade M20 cum 4144.00
(ii) RCC Grade M25 cum 4533.00
(iii) RCC Grade M35 cum 4665.00
Item No. Description Unit Rate
(b) With Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump
(i) RCC Grade M20 cum 4388.00
(ii) RCC Grade M25 cum 5032.00
(iii) RCC Grade M35 cum 5177.00
B Well steining
(a) Using concrete mixer
(i) PCC Grade M15 cum 3366.00
(ii) PCC Grade M20 cum 3764.00
(iii) PCC Grade M25 cum 4118.00
(iv) PCC Grade M30 cum 4156.00
(v) RCC Grade M20 cum 3798.00
(vi) RCC Grade M25 cum 4156.00
(vii) RCC Grade M30 cum 4177.00
(viii) RCC Grade M35 cum 4276.00
(b) With Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump
(i) PCC Grade M25 cum 4343.00
(ii) PCC Grade M30 cum 4378.00
(iii) RCC Grade M20 cum 4022.00
(iv) RCC Grade M25 cum 4379.00
(v) RCC Grade M30 cum 4401.00
(vi) RCC Grade M35 cum 4745.00
(vi) RCC Grade M40 cum 4799.00
C Bottom Plug
(a) Using concrete mixer
(i) PCC Grade M20 cum 4102.00
(ii) PCC Grade M25 cum 4308.00
(iii) PCC Grade M30 cum 4345.00
(iv) PCC Grade M35 cum 4430.00
(b) Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Crane/concrete pump
(i) PCC Grade M20 cum 4114.00
(ii) PCC Grade M25 cum 4319.00
(iii) PCC Grade M30 cum 4357.00
(iv) PCC Grade M35 cum 4440.00
D Intermediate plug
(a) Using concrete mixer

SOR of Bridge Works for P.W.D. (C.G.) Page 13

(i) PCC Grade M20 cum 3932.00
(ii) PCC Grade M25 cum 4129.00
(iii) PCC Grade M30 cum 4165.00
(b) Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Crane/concrete pump
(i) PCC Grade M20 cum 3952.00
(ii) PCC Grade M25 cum 4147.00
(iii) PCC Grade M30 cum 4184.00

Item No. Description Unit Rate

E Top plug
(a) Using Concrete Mixer
(i) PCC Grade M15 cum 3060.00
(ii) PCC Grade M20 cum 3421.00
(iii) PCC Grade M25 cum 3744.00
(iv) PCC Grade M30 cum 3778.00
(b) Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Crane/concrete pump
(i) PCC Grade M25 cum 3948.00
(ii) PCC Grade M30 cum 3980.00
F Well cap
(a) Using concrete Mixer
(i) RCC Grade M20 cum 3554.00
(ii) RCC Grade M25 cum 3919.00
(iii) RCC Grade M30 cum 3930.00
(iv) RCC Grade M35 cum 4003.00
(b) Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump
(i) RCC Grade M20 cum 3764.00
(ii) RCC Grade M25 cum 4131.00
(iii) RCC Grade M30 cum 4140.00
(iv) RCC Grade M35 cum 4212.00
(v) RCC Grade M40 cum 4524.00
2.11 Sinking of well to be measured below L.W.L. through all types of
soil & rock (other than pneumatic method of sinking) complete as
per drawing and specifications as per section 1200 in (the rates
include the removal of all type of obstruction)
(i) Upto 3 M. Depth. cum 235.00
(ii) 3 M. to 10 M. depth. cum 278.00
Note -
(a) From 10m to 20m add 10% for every additional meter depth of
(b) Beyond 20m depth add 15% for every additional meter depth of
(i) Upto 3 M. Depth. cum 293.00
(ii) 3 M. to 10 M. depth. cum 396.00

SOR of Bridge Works for P.W.D. (C.G.) Page 14

Note -
(a) From 10 M. to 20 M. Add 10% for every additional meter depth of
(b) Beyond 20m depth add 15% for every additional meter depth of
C SOFT ROCK cum 606.00

D HARD ROCK cum 649.00

Item No. Description Unit Rate

2.12 Sand filling in wells complete as per drawing and technical cum 362.00
specifications as per section 1207.

2.13 Providing steel liner 10 mm thick for curbs and 6mm thick for MT 52142.00
steining of wells including fabricating and setting out as per detailed
drawing and specifications as per section 1200 and 1900.
2.14 Providing bored/cast in situ R.C.C. piles in M-30 Grade concrete,
excluding reinforcements complete as per drawing and specifications
as per section 1100, 1600 and 1700 for
(i) Pile diameter-750 mm meter 4967.00
(ii) Pile diameter-1000 mm meter 8009.00
(iii) Pile diameter-1200 mm meter 10015.00
2.15 Bored cast-in-situ M35 grade R.C.C. pile excluding reinforcement
complete as per drawing and technical specifications and removal of
excavated earth with all lifts and lead upto 1000 m as per section 1100
and 1700.

(i) Pile diameter-750 mm meter 5093.00

(ii) Pile diameter-1000 mm meter 8232.00
(iii) Pile diameter-1200 mm meter 10232.00
2.16 Driven cast-in-place vertical M35 grade R.C.C. pile excluding
reinforcement complete as per drawing and & Technical Specification
as per section 1100 and 1700.
(i) Pile diameter-750 mm meter 3906.00
(ii) Pile diameter-1000 mm meter 6093.00
(iii) Pile diameter-1200 mm meter 8922.00
2.17 Driven precast vertical M35 grade R.C.C. piles excluding
reinforcement complete as per drawing and & Technical Specification
as per section 1100 and 1700.
(i) Pile diameter-500 mm meter 2080.00
(ii) Pile diameter-750 mm meter 3172.00
(iii) Pile diameter-1000 mm meter 5101.00
2.18 Driven precast vertical M35 grade R.C.C. piles excluding
reinforcement complete as per drawing and & Technical Specification
as per section 1100 and 1700.
(i) Size of pile - 300 mm x 300 mm meter 1607.00
(ii) Size of pile - 500 mm x 500 mm meter 2278.00
(iii) Size of pile - 750 mm x 750 mm meter 3916.00
2.19 Driven Vertical Steel Piles complete as per Drawing and &
Technical Specification

SOR of Bridge Works for P.W.D. (C.G.) Page 15

(i) H Section steel column 400 x 250 mm (ISHB Series) meter 4131.00
(ii) H Section steel column 450 x 250 mm (ISHB Series) meter 4667.00
2.20 Pile Load Test on single Vertical Pile in accordance with
(i) Initial and routine load test Tonne 300.00
(ii) Lateral load test Tonne 5000.00

Item No. Description Unit Rate

2.21 Cement concrete for reinforced concrete in pile cap complete as per
drawing and Technical Specifications per clause 1100,1500 and 1700.
A Using concrete mixer
(i) RCC Grade M20 cum 3564.00
(ii) RCC Grade M25 cum 3915.00
(iii) RCC Grade M30 cum 3959.00
(iv) RCC Grade M35 cum 4052.00
B Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump
(i) RCC Grade M20 cum 3790.00
(ii) RCC Grade M25 cum 4140.00
(iii) RCC Grade M30 cum 4185.00
(iv) RCC Grade M35 cum 4277.00
2.22 Levelling course for Pile cap ( Providing and laying of P.C.C.M-15 cum 3016.00
levelling course 100mm thick below the pile cap.)
2.23 Supplying, fitting and placing un-coated HYSD bar reinforcement MT 46671.00
in foundation complete as per drawing and technical specifications as
per section 1600.
2.24 Supplying, fitting and placing un-coated Mild steel reinforcement MT 41964.00
complete in foundation as per drawing and technical specification as
per section 1600.
2.25 Taking exploratory boring 100 mm dia at the location of piers and
abutments or for high embankments in approaches in all types of strata
as per I.R.C. 78-1983 and section 2400 of specifications.
(i) Upto 1.0 m below bed level each 5750.00
(ii) Beyond 1.0 m upto 5.0 m depth meter 1150.00
(iii) Beyond 5.0 m depth meter 1294.00
2.26 Providing and laying 1.5 m deep in rock and 1.5 m above rock 25 each 638.00
mm dia Tor Steel dowel bars in foundation including drilling
65mm dia bore hole in rock necessary bending, hooking, tying,
reinforcement in position and grouting etc. complete as per drawings
and specifications.

SOR of Bridge Works for P.W.D. (C.G.) Page 16



1) The rates of bearing are inclusive of the charges required for testing of bearing,
procurement, transport, if required greasing while storing and at the time of fixing etc. all
2) The use of A.C. Pipes for weep holes is permitted only in PCC/RCC/Brick masonry sub-
structure. In stone masonry inbuilt weep holes of size 80mm x 150mm shall be
constructed and no extra for this work is payable. No deduction for the recess or for pipes
due to weep holes shall be made in the measurement of stone/brick masonry, PCC and

3) The rates of concreting in all items include the cost of form work and staging.
4) For elastomeric bearing pads the concrete surface shall be leveled such that the variation
is not more than 1.5mm from the straight edge placed in any direction across the area.

5) The bearings should be procured only from those manufactures who have not been
disqualified by MORT&H. Only finished weight of bearings as brought to the site and
fixed in position shall be taken into account for measurement.

6) The height of filling above the top of hume pipe culverts shall not be less than 600mm.
(excluding crust thickness of the road )
7) Use of plate compactor is mandatory for compaction of back fill behind the abutment and

Item No. Description Unit Rate
3.1 Brick masonry work in 1:3 in sub-structure complete excluding cum 2500.00
pointing and plastering, as per drawing and technical
specifications as per section 1300 and 2200
3.2 Add extra to item above if fly ash brick work are used cum 250.00
3.3 Pointing with cement mortar (1:3 ) on brick work in substructure sqm 26.00
as per Technical specifications section 1300 and 2200
3.4 Plastering with cement mortar (1:3 ) on brick work in sub-structure sqm 64.00
as per Technical specifications section 1300 and 2200
3.5 Stone masonry work in cement mortar 1:3 for substructure
complete as per drawing and Technical Specifications section 1400
and 2200
(i) Random Rubble Masonry cum 2287.00
(ii) Coursed rubble masonry (first sort ) cum 2331.00
(iii) Ashlar masonry ( first sort ) cum 2880.00
3.6 Providing and laying Plain/Reinforced cement concrete in sub-
structure complete as per drawing and technical specifications
section 1500, 1700 and 2200

SOR of Bridge Works for P.W.D. (C.G.) Page 17

A Height upto 5m
(a) Using concrete Mixer
(i) P.C.C. Grade M-15 cum 3366.00
(ii) P.C.C. Grade M-20 cum 3764.00
(iii) P.C.C. Grade M-25 cum 4118.00
(iv) P.C.C. Grade M-30 cum 4156.00
(b) With Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump
(i) P.C.C. Grade M-25 cum 4343.00
(ii) P.C.C. Grade M-30 cum 4378.00
B Height 5m to 10m
(a) Using concrete Mixer
(i) P.C.C. Grade M-15 cum 3082.00
(ii) P.C.C. Grade M-20 cum 3375.00
(iii) P.C.C. Grade M-25 cum 4268.00
(iv) P.C.C. Grade M-30 cum 4307.00
(b) With Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump
(i) P.C.C. Grade M-25 cum 4501.00
(ii) P.C.C. Grade M-30 cum 4537.00
C Height above 10m
(a) Using concrete Mixer
(i) P.C.C. Grade M-15 cum 3264.00
(ii) P.C.C. Grade M-20 cum 3609.00
(iii) P.C.C. Grade M-25 cum 4455.00
(iv) P.C.C. Grade M-30 cum 4496.00
(b) With Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump
(i) P.C.C. Grade M-25 cum 4698.00
(ii) P.C.C. Grade M-30 cum 4736.00
Item No. Description Unit Rate
D Height upto 5m
(a) Using concrete Mixer
(i) R.C.C. Grade M-20 cum 3798.00
(ii) R.C.C. Grade M-25 cum 4156.00
(iii) R.C.C. Grade M-30 cum 4177.00
(iv) R.C.C. Grade M-35 cum 4276.00
(b) With Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump
(i) R.C.C. Grade M-20 cum 4022.00
(ii) R.C.C. Grade M-25 cum 4377.00
(iii) R.C.C. Grade M-30 cum 4401.00
(iv) R.C.C. Grade M-35 cum 4745.00
E Height 5m to 10m
(a) Using concrete Mixer
(i) R.C.C. Grade M-20 cum 3937.00
(ii) R.C.C. Grade M-25 cum 4292.00
(iii) R.C.C. Grade M-30 cum 4295.00
(iv) R.C.C. Grade M-35 cum 4369.00
(b) With Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump
(i) R.C.C. Grade M-20 cum 4168.00
(ii) R.C.C. Grade M-25 cum 4523.00

SOR of Bridge Works for P.W.D. (C.G.) Page 18

(iii) R.C.C. Grade M-30 cum 4525.00
(iv) R.C.C. Grade M-35 cum 4849.00
F Height above 10m
(a) Using concrete Mixer
(i) R.C.C. Grade M-20 cum 4109.00
(ii) R.C.C. Grade M-25 cum 4496.00
(iii) R.C.C. Grade M-30 cum 4500.00
(iv) R.C.C. Grade M-35 cum 4509.00
(b) With Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump
(i) R.C.C. Grade M-20 cum 4351.00
(ii) R.C.C. Grade M-25 cum 4738.00
(iii) R.C.C. Grade M-30 cum 4761.00
(iv) R.C.C. Grade M-35 cum 5004.00
3.7 Supplying, fitting and placing HYSD bar reinforcement in sub- MT 46734.00
structure complete as per drawing and technical specifications
section 1600 and 2200
3.8 Supplying, fitting and placing Mild steel reinforcement complete MT 41679.00
in sub-structure as per drawing and technical specification section
1600 and 2200
3.9 Providing weep holes in Brick masonry/ Plain/ Reinforced meter 192.00
concrete abutment, wing wall/return wall with 100 mm dia AC
pipe, extending through the full width of the structure with slope of 1V
:20H towards drawing foce. Complete as per drawing and Technical
specifications section 2706 and 2200

Item No. Description Unit Rate

3.10 Back filling behind abutment, wing wall and return wall complete
as per drawing and Technical specification 710.1.4 of I.R.C. 78 and
(i) Granular material cum 607.00

3.11 Providing and laying of Filter media with granular materials/stone cum 651.00
crushed aggregates satisfying the requirements laid down in clause
2504.2.2. of MoRTH specifications to a thickness of not less than 600
mm with smaller size towards the soil and bigger size towards the wall
and provided over the entire surface behind abutment, wing wall and
return wall to the full height compacted to a firm condition complete
as per drawing and technical specifications 710.1.4 of I.R.C. 78 and

3.12 Supplying, fitting and fixing in position true to line and level cast Per 354.00
steel rocker bearing conforming to IRC: 83(Pt.-1) section IX and tonne
clause 2003 of MoRTH specifications complete including all capacity
accessories as per drawing and Technical Specifications section 2000,
1000 and 2200

SOR of Bridge Works for P.W.D. (C.G.) Page 19

3.13 Supplying, fitting and fixing in position true to line and level Per 466.00
forged steel roller bearing conforming to IRC: 83(Pt.-1) section IX tonne
and clause 2003 of MoRTH specifications complete including all capacity
accessories as per drawing and Technical Specifications section 2000,
1000 and 2200

3.14 Supplying, fitting and fixing in position true to line and level Per 398.00
sliding plate bearing with PTFE surface sliding on stainless steel tonne
complete including all accessories as per drawing and Technical capacity
Specifications and BS: 5400, section 9.1 & 9.2 (for PTFE) and clause
2004 of MoRTH Specifications section 2000 and 2200

3.15 Supplying, fitting and fixing in position true to line and level Per cubic 1.00
elastomeric bearing conforming to IRC: 83 (Part-II) section IX and centimeter
clause 2005 of MoRTH specifications complete including all
accessories as per drawing and Technical Specifications section 2000
and 2200

3.16 Supplying, fitting and fixing in position true to line and level Per 338.00
sliding plate bearing with stainless steel plate sliding on stainless tonne
steel plate with mild steel matrix complete including all accessories as capacity
per drawing and Technical Specifications section 2000 and 2200

Item No. Description Unit Rate

3.17 Supplying, fitting and fixing in position true to line and level Per 312.00
POT-PTFE bearing consisting of a metal piston supported by a disc tonne
or unreinforced elastomer confined within a metal cylinder, sealing capacity
rings, dust seals, PTFE surface sliding against stainless steel mating
surface, complete assembly to be of cast steel/fabricated structural
steel, metal and elastomer elements to be as per IRC: 83 part-I & II
respectively and other parts conforming to BS: 5400, section 9.1 &
9.2 and clause 2006 of MoRTH Specifications complete asper drawing
and approved technical specifications.

3.18 Providing and fixing in position tar paper bearing for slab as per sqm 55.00
approved drawings and specification

3.19 Providing & laying I.S. Marked or D.G.S. & D inspected R.C.C.
pipes of NP-3 standard (IS0458-1988) for culvert i/c loading,
unloading. Carting, all handling, filling the joints cement mortar 1:2
complete as per drawing and specifications as per section 1000 and
(i) 900 mm. dia. meter 3361.00
(ii) 1000 mm. dia. meter 3935.00
SOR of Bridge Works for P.W.D. (C.G.) Page 20
(iii) 1200 mm. dia. meter 5243.00

3.20 Providing 1st class bedding below Hume pipes with graded sand or cum 455.00
other granular material passing through 5.6-mm. sieves as per clause

SOR of Bridge Works for P.W.D. (C.G.) Page 21


1) The rates of concreting include the cost of form work, centering staging etc. complete.

2) For super structure only steel form work will be accepted. The thickness of steel plate
shall not be less than 3 mm. The form work shall be adequately stiffened by brackets
and angles not more than 15 cm. apart in such a manner that it is free from distortion
during handling and vibration of concrete. No extra for form work shall be payable.

3) Centering made up of steel trusses below soffit shall not be supported in recess made in
sub-structure. The contractor may provide steel trusses supported on suitably designed
bracket, anchored to the pier/pier-cap. Providing safe centering shall be solely
contractor's responsibility. The contractor shall remove all bolts, anchors protruding
beyond the pier/pier-cap after removal of centering. No extra for centering shall be

4) Contractor shall have the option to adopt launching of super-structure but in such cases
prior permission of the department be obtained by getting launching arrangement
initially approved. No deduction in the rate of concrete would be done nor any extra
would be paid in case the launching is resorted to.

5) The rate of prestressing of H.T. steel is complete rate including hire and running
expenses of plant and machineries, labour involved in stressing operations, anchorages
and ducts or sheathing etc., complete including grouting.

6) The rates of wearing coat are inclusive of reinforcement provided, construction joints
between panels and the form work at the panels. Construction joints in panel shall be
10 mm. wide and shall be filled with premoulded joint filler. Filling of expansion joints
between span over piers/abutment or at articulation is not included in the rate.

7) The payment of railing includes the construction of required intermediate posts and end
posts. The length of railing for payment purposes on each side separately, be measured
from the outer edges of end posts.

8) New type expansion joints may be obtained from prequalified suppliers by MORT&H
and the firm will have to give warranty of 10 years of trouble free performance.

9) For hume pipe culverts, reinforced concrete pipes must be procured through C.S.I.D.C.
and pipes shall be ISI marked and DGS&D certified only and a certificate should
invariably be produced to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-Charge before getting the
pipes fixed at site. E.E. will see that the pipe are strictly confirming to the requirement
of IS:458.

SOR of Bridge Works for P.W.D. (C.G.) Page 22


Item No. Description Unit Rate

4.1 Furnishing and Placing Reinforced/Prestressed cement concrete in
super-structure as per drawing and Technical Specification
sections 1500, 1600 and 1700
A RCC Grade M20
I For Solid Slab Super Structure
(a) Using Concrete Mixer
(i) Height upto 5 m cum 4101.00
(ii) Height 5m to 10 m cum 4272.00
(iii) Height above 10 m cum 4443.00
(b) Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump
(i) Height upto 5m cum 4343.00
(ii) Height 5m to 10m cum 4524.00
(iii) Height above 10m cum 4705.00
II For T-beam & slab
(a) Using Concrete Mixer
(i) Height upto 5m cum 4272.00
(ii) Height 5m to 10m cum 4443.00
(iii) Height above 10m cum 4614.00
(b) Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump
(i) Height upto 5m cum 4524.00
(ii) Height 5m to 10m cum 4705.00
(iii) Height above 10m cum 4886.00
B RCC Grade M25
I For Solid Slab Super Structure
(a) Using Concrete Mixer
(i) Height upto 5m cum 4506.00
(ii) Height 5m to 10m cum 4693.00
(iii) Height above 10m cum 4881.00
(b) Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump
(i) Height upto 5m cum 4752.00
(ii) Height 5m to 10m cum 4950.00
(iii) Height above 10m cum 5148.00
II For T-beam & slab
(a) Using Concrete Mixer
(i) Height upto 5m cum 4693.00
(ii) Height 5m to 10m cum 4881.00
(iii) Height above 10m cum 5069.00
(b) Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump
(i) Height upto 5m cum 4950.00
(ii) Height 5m to 10m cum 5148.00
(iii) Height above 10m cum 5346.00

Item No. Description Unit Rate

SOR of Bridge Works for P.W.D. (C.G.) Page 23

C RCC Grade M 30
I For Solid Slab Super Structure
(a) Using Concrete Mixer
(i) Height upto 5m cum 4569.00
(ii) Height 5m to 10m cum 4759.00
(iii) Height above 10m cum 4949.00
(b) Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump
(i) Height upto 5m cum 4804.00
(ii) Height 5m to 10m cum 5004.00
(iii) Height above 10m cum 5204.00
II For T-beam & slab
(a) Using Concrete Mixer
(i) Height upto 5m cum 4759.00
(ii) Height 5m to 10m cum 4949.00
(iii) Height above 10m cum 5140.00
(b) Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump
(i) Height upto 5m cum 5004.00
(ii) Height 5m to 10m cum 5204.00
(iii) Height above 10m cum 5404.00
D RCC/PSC Grade M35
I For Solid Slab Super Structure
(a) Using Concrete Mixer
(i) Height upto 5m cum 4598.00
(ii) Height 5m to 10m cum 4792.00
(iii) Height above 10m cum 4987.00
(b) Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump
(i) Height upto 5m cum 4827.00
(ii) Height 5m to 10m cum 5032.00
(iii) Height above 10m cum 5237.00
II For T-beam & slab
(a) Using Concrete Mixer
(i) Height upto 5m cum 4792.00
(ii) Height 5m to 10m cum 4987.00
(iii) Height above 10m cum 5182.00
(b) Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump
(i) Height upto 5m cum 5032.00
(ii) Height 5m to 10m cum 5237.00
(iii) Height above 10m cum 5441.00
III For Box Girder and Balanced Cantilever
(a) Using Concrete Mixer
(i) Height upto 5m cum 5377.00
(ii) Height 5m to 10m cum 5767.00
(iii) Height above 10m cum 6156.00
(b) Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump
(i) Height upto 5m cum 5646.00
(ii) Height 5m to 10m cum 6055.00
(iii) Height above 10m cum 6464.00
Item No. Description Unit Rate
E PSC Grade M-40

SOR of Bridge Works for P.W.D. (C.G.) Page 24

I For Solid Slab Super Structure
(a) Using Concrete Mixer
(i) Height upto 5m cum 5022.00
(ii) Height 5m to 10m cum 5232.00
(iii) Height above 10m cum 5441.00
(b) Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump
(i) Height upto 5m cum 5152.00
(ii) Height 5m to 10m cum 5371.00
(iii) Height above 10m cum 5589.00
II For T-beam & slab
(a) Using Concrete Mixer
(i) Height upto 5m cum 5232.00
(ii) Height 5m to 10m cum 5441.00
(iii) Height above 10m cum 5650.00
(b) Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump
(i) Height upto 5m cum 5371.00
(ii) Height 5m to 10m cum 5589.00
(iii) Height above 10m cum 5807.00
III For cast in situ Box Girder, Segment Construction and
Balanced Cantilever
Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump
(i) Height upto 5m cum 6026.00
(ii) Height 5m to 10m cum 6462.00
(iii) Height above 10m cum 6899.00
F PSC Grade M-45
I For solid slab/voided slab super-structure
(a) Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump
(i) Height upto 5m cum 5322.00
(ii) Height 5m to 10m cum 5552.00
(iii) Height above 10m cum 5781.00
II For T-beam & slab including launching of precast girders by
launching truss upto 40 m span
(a) Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump
(i) Height upto 5m cum 5552.00
(ii) Height 5m to 10m cum 5781.00
(iii) Height above 10m cum 6011.00
III For cast-in-situ box girder, segmental construction and
balanced cantilever
(a) Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump
(i) Height upto 5m cum 6240.00
(ii) Height 5m to 10m cum 6699.00
(iii) Height above 10m cum 7158.00
G PSC Grade M-50
For cast-in-situ box girder,segmental construction and balanced
cantilever Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump
Item No. Description Unit Rate
(i) Height upto 5m cum 6408.00
(ii) Height 5m to 10m cum 6883.00

SOR of Bridge Works for P.W.D. (C.G.) Page 25

(iii) Height above 10m cum 7357.00
H PSC Grade M-55
For cast-in-situ box girder, segmental construction and
balanced cantilever
Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump
(i) Height upto 5m cum 6743.00
(ii) Height 5m to 10m cum 7243.00
(iii) Height above 10m cum 7742.00

4.2 Supplying, fitting and placing HYSD bar reinforcement in super- MT 47251.00
structure complete as per drawing and technical specifications
4.3 High tensile steel wires/strands including all accessories for MT 124316.00
stressing, stressing operations and grouting complete as per drawing
and Technical Specifications

4.4 Providing and laying Cement concrete wearing coat M-30 grade cum 7569.00
including reinforcement complete as per drawing and Technical

4.5 Mastic Asphalt

Providing and laying 12 mm thick mastic asphalt wearing course on sqm 246.00
top of deck slab excluding prime coat with paving grade bitumen
meeting the requirements given in table 500-29,prepared by using
mastic cooker and laid to required level and slope after cleaning the
surface, including providing antiskid surface with bitumen precoated
fine grained hard stone chipping of 9.5 mm nominal size at the rate of
0.005cum per 10 sqm and at an approximate spacing of 10 cm center
to center in both directions, pressed into surface when the temperature
of surfaces not less than 100 deg. C, protruding 1 mm to 4 mm over
mastic surface, all complete as per clause 515.

4.6 Construction of precast RCC railing of M30 Grade, aggregate size meter 1270.00
not exceeding 12 mm, true to line and grade, tolerance of vertical
RCC post not to exceed 1 in 500, centre to centre spacing between
vertical post not to exceed 2000 mm, leaving adequate space between
vertical post for expansion, complete as per approved drawings and
technical specifications as per relevant clauses of section 1500, 1600,
1700 and 2703 (vide drawing No. SD/202, SD/304)

Item No. Description Unit Rate

SOR of Bridge Works for P.W.D. (C.G.) Page 26

4.7 Construction of RCC railing of M30 Grade in-situ with 20 mm meter 1234.00
nominal size aggregate, true to line and grade, tolerance of vertical
RCC post not to exceed 1 in 500, centre to centre spacing between
vertical post not to exceed 2000 mm, leaving adequate space between
vertical post for expansion, complete as per approved drawings and
technical specifications. (vide drawing No. SD/201, SD/304)

4.8 Providing, fitting and fixing mild steel railing complete as per meter 2353.00
drawing and Technical Specification and as per relevant clauses of
section 1900 and 2703.2
4.9 Providing and Fixing in position collapsible pipe railing of meter 1233.00
approved design including 2 coats painting etc. complete with channel
post I.C.M.C. 100x50mm (0.95m high) and 48.4mm outer dia lighter
type class "A" G.I. pipe excluding cost of end concrete post.

4.10 Drainage Spouts complete as per drawing and Technical each 1188.00
specifications of section 2705
4.11 PCC M15 Grade leveling course below approach slab complete as cum 3060.00
per drawing and Technical specification and as per relevant section
4.12 Providing and laying M-30 grade Reinforced cement concrete cum 6444.00
approach slab including reinforcement and formwork complete as per
drawing and Technical specification and as per relevant sections 1500,
1600, 1700 and 2704

4.13 Filler joint

A Providing & fixing 2 mm thick corrugated copper plate ( 12 m long x sqm 9732.00
25 cm wide ) in expansion joint complete as per drawing & Technical
B Providing & fixing 20 mm thick compressible fiber board ( 12 m long sqm 844.00
x 25 cm deep ) in expansion joint complete as per drawing &
Technical Specification.

C Providing and fixing in position 20 mm thick premoulded joint filler sqm 673.00
( 12 m long x 30 cm deep ) in expansion joint for fixed ends of simply
supported spans not exceeding 10 m to cater for a horizontal
movement upto 20 mm, covered with sealant complete as per drawing
and technical specifications.

D Providing and filling joint sealing compound ( 12 m long x 100 mm sqm 110.00
wide x 10 mm deep recess) as per drawings and technical
specifications with coarse sand and 6% bitumen by weight

Item No. Description Unit Rate

SOR of Bridge Works for P.W.D. (C.G.) Page 27

4.14 Asphaltic Plug joint (Providing and laying of asphaltic plug joint to meter 1506.00
provide for horizontal movement of 25 mm and vertical movement of
2 mm, depth of joint varying from 75 mm to 100 mm, width varying
from 500 mm to 750 mm (in traffic direction), covered with a closure
plate of 200mm x 6mm of wieldable structural steel conforming to IS:
2062, asphaltic plug to consist of polymer modified bitumen binder,
carefully selected single size aggregate of 12.5 mm nominal size and a
heat resistant foam caulking/backer rod, all as per approved drawings
and specifications section 2600)

4.15 Elastomeric Slab Steel Expansion Joint Providing and laying of an meter 15979.00
elastomeric slab steel expansion joint, catering to right or skew (less
than 20 deg., moderately curved with maximum horizontal movement
upto 50 mm, complete as per approved drawings and standard
specifications to be installed by the manufacturer/supplier or their
authorized representative ensuring compliance to the manufacturer's
instructions for installation and clause 2606 of MoRTH specifications
for road & bridge works.

4.16 Compression Seal Joint meter 8670.00

Providing and laying of compression seal joint consisting of steel
armoured nosing at two edges of the joint gap suitably anchored to the
deck concrete and a preformed chloroprene elastomer or closed cell
foam joint sealer compressed and fixed into the joint gap with special
adhesive binder to cater for a horizontal movement upto 40 mm and
vertical movement of 3 mm.

4.17 Strip Seal Expansion Joint (Providing and laying of a strip seal meter 11116.00
expansion joint catering to maximum horizontal movement upto 70
mm, complete as per approved drawings and standard specifications
to be installed by the manufacturer/supplier or their authorized
representative ensuring compliance to the manufacturer's instructions
for installation.)

4.18 Modular Strip / Box Seal Joint

A (Providing and laying of a modular strip Box steel expansion joint meter 14555.00
including anchorage catering to a horizontal movement beyond 70 mm
and upto 140mm, complete as per approved drawings and standard
specifications to be installed by the manufacturer/supplier or their
authorised representative ensuring compliance to the manufacturer's
instructions for installation.)

B Providing and laying of a modular strip box seal expansion joint meter 15620.00
catering to a horizontal movement beyond 140mm and upto 210mm,
complete as per approved drawings and standard specifications to be
installed by the manufacturer/supplier or their authorised
representative ensuring compliance to the manufacturer's instructions
for installation.)

Item No. Description Unit Rate

SOR of Bridge Works for P.W.D. (C.G.) Page 28

4.19 Painting on kerbs in black and yellow alternate bands including cost
of material and labour complete as per drawings and specifications as
per clause 803.
With Road Marking Paint RM 40.00
4.20 Providing and Fixing of Av. 20mm thick marble plate i/c cutting each 3500.00
and polishing and inscribed details as per approved drawing i/c
engraving the matter as desired.
4.21 Providing and Fixing of Av. 20mm thick Granite plate including each 4200.00
cutting and polishing and inscribed details as per approved drawing i/c
engraving the matter as desired.
4.22 Testing of span of bridge for deflection due to live load with tonne 672.00
platform for loading arrangements, apparatus for measurement etc.
complete as per drawing and specifications (As per I.R.C.S.P.51)

4.23 Performing detailed survey and investigation and collection of

hydraulic datas (essential design data as per I.R.C special publication
No. 13) consisting of catchment area, L-section of road and stream,
cross section of stream at the point of crossing, at up-stream and down
stream site, as well as trial pit section result ascertaining and marking
of H.F.L., O.F.L., transferring and fixing of pucca bench marks at site
etc. complete i/c cost of necessary materials and labour required for
survey work.(Sub-Engineer to be engaged from regular establishment )

(i) For catchment areas less than 1.25 sq Km. each 1764.00
(ii) For catchment areas 1.25 to 2.5 sq.Km. each 2352.00
(iii) For catchement areas 2.5 to 10 sq.Km. each 2793.00

4.24 Providing & fixing in position structural steel expansion joint i/c. metre 2001.00
cutting riveting bolting welding as per MORTH Std. drawing No.
BD/1-69 'B' and specification as per section 1000, 1900 and 2600

4.25 Providing and fixing for hand railing top of crash brier including RM 484.00.
cost of material complete as per approved drawing

4.26 Providing & filling 37/40 mm. wide expansion joint between spans
in wearing coat with premoulded joint filler, primer coat and joint
sealing compound as per MOST standard drawing No. BD/1-69 'B'
and specifications as per section 2600 in:-
(i) R.C.C. 75 mm deep wearing coat metre 121.00
(ii) Asphaltic concrete 56 mm. deep wearing coat. metre 96.00

Note :- (i) The concreting for joining the expansion Joint assembly with the deck has not been included
in the rate as the same is catered in the quantities of R.C.C.deck in item No. 3.14 to 3.17 above.

(ii) The anchoring bars of the expansion joint assembly shall be welded to the main
reinforcement of the deck.


SOR of Bridge Works for P.W.D. (C.G.) Page 29


Item No. Description Unit Rate

5.1 Providing and laying boulders apron on river bed for protection cum 1015.00
against scour with stone boulders weighing not less than 40 kg each
complete as per drawing and Technical specification as per relevant
clauses of section 2503

5.2 Providing and laying of boulder apron laid in wire crates made cum 2238.00
with 4mm dia GI wire conforming to IS: 280 & IS:4826 in 100mm x
100mm mesh (weaved diagonally) including 10% extra for laps and
joints laid with stone boulders weighing not less than 40 kg each

5.3 Providing and laying of apron with cement concrete blocks of size cum 3245.00
0.5x0.5x0.5 m cast in-situ and made with nominal mix of M-15 grade
cement concrete with a minimum cement content of 250 kg/cum as per
IRC: 21-2000

5.4 Providing and laying Pitching on slopes laid over prepared filter
media including boulder apron laid dry in front of toe of embankment
complete as per drawing and Technical specifications as per section

A Stone/Boulder cum 1015.00

B Cement Concrete blocks of size 0.3x0.3 x0.3 m cast in cement cum 3245.00
concrete of Grade M15
5.5 Providing and laying Filter material underneath pitching in slopes cum 793.00
complete as per drawing and Technical specification including
trimming of slopes to proper profile and preparation of bed as per
section 2504

5.6 Laying of a geotextile filter between pitching and embankment sqm 302.00
slopes on which pitching is laid to prevent escape of the embankment
material through the voids of the stone pitching/cement concrete
blocks as well as to allow free movement of water without creating
any uplift head on the pitching as per any relevant section 700 and
2504 of specifications.

5.7 Providing and laying Flooring complete as per drawing and

Technical specifications laid over cement concrete bedding as per
section 2505
A Rubble stone laid in cement mortar 1:3 cum 3049.00
B Cement Concrete blocks Grade M15 cum 4273.00
5.8 Construction of Dry rubble Flooring at cross drainage works for cum 1159.00
relatively less important works as per section 2506 of specifications.
5.9 Curtain wall complete as per drawing and Technical specification
as per section 2507.2
A Coursed Rubble masonry (1st sort) cum 2368.00
B Cement concrete Grade M15 cum 3181.00

Item No. Description Unit Rate

SOR of Bridge Works for P.W.D. (C.G.) Page 30

5.10 Construction of flexible apron 1 m thick comprising of loose stone cum 1047.00
boulders weighing not less than 40 kg beyond curtain wall.

5.11 Providing and construction of a gabain structure for retaining earth cum 2417.00
with segments of wire crates of size 7 m x 3 m x 0.6 m each divided
into 1.5 m compartments by cross netting, made from 4 mm
galvanized steel wire @ 32 kg per 10 sqm having minimum tensile
strength of 300 Mpa conforming to IS:280 and galvanizing coating
conforming to IS:4826, woven into mesh with double twist, mesh
size not exceeding 100 x 100 mm, filled with boulders with least
dimension of 200 mm, all loose ends to be tied with 4 mm galvanised
steel wire

5.12 Providing and constructing gabain structures for erosion control, cum 4165.00
river training works and protection works with wire crates of size 2 m
x 1 m x 0.3 m each divided into 1m compartments by cross netting,
made from 4 mm galvanized steel wire @ 32 kg per 10 sqm having
minimum tensile strength of 300 Mpa conforming to IS:280 and
galvanizing coating conforming to IS:4826, woven into mesh with
double twist, mesh size not exceeding 100 mm x 100 mm, filled with
boulders with least dimension of 200 mm, all loose ends to be
securely tied with 4 mm galvanized steel wire.

5.13 Providing and laying brick on edge flooring with 1st class bricks sqm 230.00
including cement slurry in cement sand mortar 1:4 complete as per
drawing and specifications as per section 1000 & 1300.

5.14 Providing cement pointing 1:2 flush on brick on edge floor sqm 50.00
complete as per drawing and specifications as per section 1000 &

5.15 Providing cement plaster 12 mm thick in cement mortar 1:3 sqm 80.00
complete as per drawing and specifications as per section 1000 &

5.16 Providing "Antirust Chemical coating" on the work of MT 783.00

reinforcement (Providing antirust corrosive treatment to HYSD
reinforcement with antirust chemical -Zinc rich epoxy resin coating as
per section 1600)

5.17 Grouting with C.M. 1:4 in Pitching as per drawing in technical cum 880.00

SOR of Bridge Works for P.W.D. (C.G.) Page 31


Item No. Description Unit Rate

6.1 Removal of existing cement concrete wearing coat including its sqm 90.00
disposal complete as per Technical specification without causing any
detrimental effect to any part of the bridge structure and removal of
dismantled material with all lifts and lead upto 1000m as per section

6.2 Removal of existing asphaltic wearing coat comprising of 50 mm sqm 69.00

thick asphaltic concrete laid over 12 mm thick mastic asphalt
including disposal with all lift and lead upto 1000m as per section

6.3 Guniting concrete surface with cement mortar applied with sqm 1170.00
compressor after cleaning surface and spraying with epoxy complete
as per Technical specification section 2807 (Thickness 25mm)

6.4 Providing and inserting nipples with approved fixing compound each 164.00
after drilling holes for grouting as per Technical specifications
including subsequent cutting/removal and sealing of the hole as
necessary of nipples after completion of grouting with Cement/Epoxy

6.5 Sealing of cracks/porous concrete by injection process through

nipples/Grouting complete as per Technical specification section 2806

A Cement Grout kg 67.00

B Cement mortar (1:1) Grouting kg 139.00
6.6 Patching of damaged concrete surface with polymer concrete and sqm 473.00
curing compounds, initiator and promoter, available in present
formulations, to be applied as per instructions of manufacturer and as
approved by the Engineer. (Av. thickness 25mm)

6.7 Sealing of crack / porous concrete with Epoxy Grout by injection kg 688.00
through nipples complete as per clause 2803.1.
6.8 Applying epoxy mortar over leached, honey combed and spalled sqm 178.00
concrete surface and exposed steel reinforcement complete as per
Technical specification section 2804 (10mm thick epoxy mortas)
6.9 Removal of defective concrete, cleaning the surface thoroughly, sqm 1178.00
applying the shotcrete mixture mechanically with compressed air
under pressure, comprising of cement, sand, coarse aggregates,
water and quick setting compound in the proportion as per clause
2807.1., sand and coarse aggregates conforming to IS: 383 and table 1
of IS: 9012 respectively, water cement ratio ranging from 0.35 to
0.50, density of gunite not less than 2000 kg/cum, strength not less
than 25 Mpa and workmanship conforming to clause 2807.6. (40mm
average thickness)

Item No. Description Unit Rate

SOR of Bridge Works for P.W.D. (C.G.) Page 32

6.10 Applying pre-packed cement based polymer mortar of strength 45 sqm 109.00
Mpa at 28 days for replacement of spalled concrete(thickness 10mm)

6.11 Eproxy bonding of new concrete to old concrete sqm 139.00

6.12 Providing external prestressing with high tensile steel wires/strands
including drilling for passage of prestessing steel, all accessories for
stressing and stressing operation and grouting complete as per drawing
and Technical specification section 2810

A For span = 25 m (4 no. of cables and 8 no anchorage) tonne 251670.00

B For span = 50 m (4 no.of cables and 8 no anchorage) tonne 241714.00
C For span = 100 m (6 no of cables and 12 no anchorage) tonne 219848.00
6.13 Replacement of bearings complete as per Technical specification each 28874.00
section 2808 (the work entails replacement of all the bearings on one
site of span)
6.14 Rectification of Bearings as per Technical Specifications including each 6709.00
lifting of superstructure by jacking up from below ,that is, by placing
the jacks on pier / abutment.
6.15 Replacement of Expansion Joints complete as per drawings meter 2085.00
(Removal of old expansion joint)
6.16 Replacement of damaged concrete railing (Dismantling the old meter 135.00
railing and disposal of dismantled material)
6.17 Replacement of crash barrier (Dismantling of old crash barrier and meter 217.00
disposal of dismantled material)
6.18 Replacement of damaged mild steel railing (Dismantling of old meter 119.00
railing and disposal of dismantled material)
6.19 Repair of concrete crash barrier with cement concrete of M-30 meter 126.00
grade by cutting and trimming the damaged portion to a regular shape,
cleaning the area to be repaired thoroughly, applying cement concrete
after erection of proper form work
6.20 Repair of R.C.C. railing : Carrying out repair of RCC M-30 railing to meter 86.00
bring it to the original shape

6.21 Repair of steel railing : Repair of steel railing to bring it to the meter 223.00
original shape ( It is assumed that damage to the steel railing is to the
extent of 10 percent. )

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SOR of Bridge Works for P.W.D. (C.G.) Page 34

121.3 Laboratory equipment

The following items of laboratory equipment shall be provided in the field laboratory
121.3.1 General
(i) Oven - Electrically operated, thermoplastic ally controlled range upto 200 oC
sensitivity 1oC 1 No.
(ii) Platform balance 300 kg capacity 1 No.
(iii) Electronic 20 kg capacity-self indicating type 1 No.
(iv) Electronic Balance 5 kg capacity accuracy 0.5 gm 2 Nos.
(v) Water bath-electrically operated and thermoplastically controlled with
1 No.
adjustable shelves, sensitivity 1oC
(vi) Thermometers :
Mercury-in-glass thermometer range 0o to 250oC
Mercury-in-steel thermometer with 30 cm
stem, range upto 300oC
(vii) Kerosene or gas stove or electric hot plate 1 No.
(viii) Glassware, spatulas, wire gauzes, steel scales, measuring tape, casseroles,
karahis, enameled trays of assorted sizes, pestle-mortar, porcelain, dishes,
gunny bags, plastic bags, chemical, digging tools like pickaxes, shovels etc.
(ix) Set of IS sieves with lid and pan:
1 set
450 mm diameter
63 mm, 53 mm, 37.5 mm, 26.5 mm, 13.2 mm, 9.5 mm, 6.7 mm and 4.75 mm
200 mm diameter:
2.36 mm, 2.0 mm, 1.18 mm, 600 micron, 425 micron, 300 micron, 150 2 sets
micron and 75 micron
(x) Water testing kit 1 set
(xi) First aid box 1 set

121.3.2 For soils and aggregates

(i) Riffle Box 1 No.

(ii) Atterberg Limits (liquid and plastic limits) determination apparatus
1 set
(iii) Compaction Test Equipment both 2.5 kg and 4.5 kg rammers (Light and
Heavy compactive efforts) 1 set
(iv) dry Bulk Density Test apparatus (sand pouring cylinder, tray, can etc.)
complete 1 set
(v) Speedy Moisture Meter complete with chemicals 1 set
(vi) Post hole Auger with extensions 1 set
(vii) Core cutter apparatus 10 cm dia, 10/15 cm height, complete with dolly,
rammer etc. 1 set
(viii) Aggregate Impact Value Test apparatus/LosAngeles Abrasion Test apparatus
1 set
(ix) Flakiness and Elongation Test Gauges 1 set
(x) Standard measures of 30, 15 and 3 litres capacity along with standard
tamping rod 1 set
(xi) California Bearing ratio test apparatus 1 set
(xii) Unconfined compression test apparatus 1 set

SOR of Bridge Works for P.W.D. (C.G.) Page 35

121.3.3 For bitumen and bituminous mixes
(i) Penetrometer with standard needles 1 set
(ii) Riffle box - small size 1 No.
(iii) Centrifuge type bitumen extractor, hand operated, complete with
1 set
petrol/commercial benzene
(iv) Marshall stability test apparatus, complete with all accessories 1 set
(v) Filed density bottle along with cutting tray, chisel, hammer and standard
2 Nos.
(vi) 3 m straight edge 1 No.
(vii) Camber board 1 No.
(viii) core cutting machine with 10 cm dia diamond cutting edge 1 set
(ix) Vacuum pump and 3 specific gravity bottles 1 set

121.3.4 For cement and cement concrete

(i) Vicat apparatus for testing setting times 1 set
(ii) slump testing apparatus 4 sets
(iii) Compression and Flexual strength testing machine of 200 tonne capacity
with additional dial for flexural testing 1 No.
(iv) Needle Vibrator 2 Nos.
(v) Air Meter 1 No.
(vi) Vibrating hammer for vibrating dry mix as for Dry Lean Cement concrete
1 No.


TABLE 1000-1

IS Sieve Size Per cent by Weight Passing the Sieve

SOR of Bridge Works for P.W.D. (C.G.) Page 36

40 mm 20 mm 12.5 mm
63 mm 100 - -
40 mm 95-100 100 -
20 mm 30 -70 95-100 100
12.5 mm - - 90-100
10 mm 10-35 25-55 40-85
4.75 mm 0-5 0-10 0-10

TABLE 1000-2
Per cent by Weight Passing the Sieve
IS Sieve Size
Zone I Zone II Zone III
10 mm 100 100 100
4.75 mm 90 - 100 90 - 100 90 - 100
2.36 mm 60 - 95 75 - 100 85 - 100
1.18 mm 30 - 70 55 - 90 75 - 100
600 micron 15 - 34 35 - 59 60 - 79
300 micron 5 - 20 8 - 30 12 - 40
150 micron 0 - 10 0 -10 0 - 10


TABLE 1000-3
Bar Type conforming to
Grade Designation governing IS Elastic Modulus GPa
Strength fy MPa

S 240 IS : 432 Part I Mild 240 200

Steel Bar

S 415 IS: 1786 High Yield 415 200

Strength Deformed
Bars (HYSD)

(a) Patch Up materials shall be procured in sealed containers with certificates from the agency who has
supplied the fusion bonded epoxy bars.
(b) PVC coated G.I. binding wires of 18G shall only be used in conjunction with fusion bonded epoxy bars.
(c) Chairs for supporting the reinforcement shall also be of fusion bonded epoxy coated bars.
(d) The cut ends and damaged portions shall be touched up with repair patch up material.
(e) The bars shall be cut by saw-cutting rather than flame cutting.
(f) While bending the bars, the pins of work benches shall be provided with PVC of plastic sleeves.
(g) The coated steel shall not be directly exposed to sun rays or rains and shall be protected with opaque
polyethylene sheets or such other approved materials.
(h) While concreting, the workmen or trolleys shall not directly move on coated bars but can move on
wooden planks placed on the bars.

SOR of Bridge Works for P.W.D. (C.G.) Page 37

1010 WATER

(a) To neutralize 200 ml sample of water, using phenolphthalein as an indicator, it should

not require more than 2 ml of 0.1 normal NaOH.
(b) To neutralize 200 ml sample of water, using methy1 orange as an indicator, it should not
require more than 10 ml of 0.1 normal HCL.
(c) The permissible limits for solids shall be as follows when tested in accordance with IS :
Permissible Limits (max)

Organic 200 mg/lit

Inorganic 3000 mg/lit
Sulphates (SO4) 500 mg/lit
Chlorides (CL) 500 mg/lit *
Suspended matter 2000 mg/lit
* In case of structures of lengths 30m and below,, the permissible limit of chlorides may be
increased up to 1000 mg/lit.
All samples of water (including potable water) shall be tested and suitable
measures taken where necessary to ensure conformity of the water to the requirements
stated herein.
(d) The pH value shall not be les than 6.


1012.1. General

a) Normal dosage and detrimental effects, if any, o under dosage and over dosage.
b) The chemical names of the main ingredients in the admixtures.
c) The chloride content, if any, expressed as a percentage by the weight of the admixture.
d) Values of dry material content, ash content and relative density of the admixture which
w\can be used for Uniformity Tests.
e) Whether or not the admixture leads to the entertainments of air when used as per the
manufacturer's recommended dosage, and if so to what extent.
f) Where two or more admixtures are proposed to be used in any one mix, confirmation as
to their compatibility.
g) There would be to increase in risk of corrosion of the reinforcement or other embedment
as a result of using the admixture.

SOR of Bridge Works for P.W.D. (C.G.) Page 38

1012.2. Physical and Chemical Requirements

(a) " Plasticizers " and "Super-Plasticizers" shall meet the requirements indicated for " Water
reducing Admixture"

(b) Except where resistance to freezing and thawing and to disruptive action of deicing salts
is necessary, the air content of freshly mixed concrete in accordance with the pressure
method given in IS:1199 shall not be more than 2 per cent higher than that of the
corresponding control mix and in any case not more then 3 per cent of the test mix.

(c) The chloride content of the admixture shall not exceed 0.2 per cent when tested in
accordance with IS:6925. In addition, the maximum permissible limit of chloride content
of all the constituents as indicated in Section 1700 shall also be observed.

(d) Uniformity tests on the admixtures are essential to compare qualitatively the composition
of different samples taken from batch to batch or from the same batch at different times.

The tests that shall be performed along with: permissible variations in the same are
indicated below:

- Dry Material Content : to be within 3 per cent and 5 per cent of liquid and
solid admixtures respectively of the value stated by the manufacturer.

- Ash content : to be within 1 per cent of the value stated by the


Relative Density (for liquid admixtures) : to be within 2 per cent of the value stated by
the manufacturer.

(e) All tests relating to the concretes admixtures shall be conducted periodically at and
independent laboratory and compared with the data given by the manufacturer.


TABLE 1100-1


Minimum periods from time of casting

Type of cement Strike side- End of wet curing Lift from casting Drive
used in casting the pile shutters (hours) (days) bed (days) (days)

Ordinary Portland 24 7 10 28

Rapid hardening
12 7 7 10

SOR of Bridge Works for P.W.D. (C.G.) Page 39


1116.1. Permissible Tolerances for Piles

i) Precast Concrete Piles :

a) Variation in cross-sectional dimensions : + 5 mm
b) Variation in length : + 25 mm
c) Surface irregularities measured with 3 m straight edge : 5 mm
d) Bow for length in mm : Pile Length in mm 100

ii) Driven Piles

a) Variation in cross-sectional dimensions : + 50 mm, - 10 mm
b) Variation from vertical or specified rake : 1 in 50
c) Variation in the final position of the head in plan : 75 mm
d) Variation of level of top of piles : + 25 mm

iii) Bored Piles

a) Variation in cross-sectional dimensions : + 50 mm, - 10 mm
b) Variation from vertical or specified rake : 1 in 50
c) Variation in the final position of the head in plan : 50 mm
d) Variation of level of top of piles : + 25 mm

1116.2. Permissible Tolerances for Pile Caps

a) Variation in dimensions : + 50mm, -10 mm

b) Misplacement from specified position in plan : 15 mm
c) Surface irregularities measured with 3 m straight edge : 5 mm
d) Variation of levels at the top : + 25 mm


The scheme for removal of form work (i.e. de-shuttering and decentering) shall be
planned in advance and furnished to the Engineer for scrutiny and approval. No formwork or any part
thereof shall be removed without prior approval of the Engineer.
The Formwork shall be so removed as not to cause any damage to concrete. Centering
shall be gradually and uniformly lowered in such a manner as to permit the concrete to take stresses due
to its own weight uniformly and gradually to avoid any shock or vibration.
Where not specifically approved, the time of removal of formwork (when ordinary
Portland Cement is used without any admixtures at an ambient temperatures exceeding 10 degrees
Celsius) shall be as under:

a) Walls, piers, abutments, columns and : 12 to 48 hours as may be

vertical faces of structural members decided by the Engineer
b) Soffits of Slabs (with props left under) : 3 days
c) Props (left under slabs) : 14 days
d) Soffit of Girders (with props left under) : 7 days
e) Props (left under girders) : 21 days

Where there are re-entrant angles in the concrete sections, the formwork should be
removed at these sections as soon as possible after the concrete has set, in order to avoid cracking due to
shrinkage of concrete.

SOR of Bridge Works for P.W.D. (C.G.) Page 40



TABLE 1700 - 1.
Grade Designation Specified characteristic Compressive strength of
150 mm cubes at 28 days, in MPa

M 15 15
M 20 20
M 25 25
M 30 30
M 35 35
M 40 40
M 45 45
M 50 50
M 55 55

TABLE 1700-2 :

Structural Member Min. cement content for all Max. water cement ratio
exposure conditions Exposure conditions
(kg./cu.m) Normal Severe

a) PCC members 360 0.45 0.45

b) RCC members 400 0.45 0.40
c) PSC members 400 0.40 0.40


Member Condition of Exposure

Moderate Severe

a) PCC members M 25 M 30
b) RCC members M 35 M 40
c) PSC member M 35 M 40

TABLE 1700-3


Min. cement content kg/cu.m) Max. water cement ratio
Structural Exposure condition Exposure condition
Normal Severe Normal Severe

a) PCC 250 310 0.50 0.45

members 310 400 0.45 0.40
b) RCC

SOR of Bridge Works for P.W.D. (C.G.) Page 41


Condition of Exposure
Moderate Severe

a) PCC members M 15 M 20
b) RCC members M 20 M 25


(i) The minimum cement content is based on 20 mm aggregate (nominal max. size). For 40 mm
and larger size aggregates, it may be reduced suitably but the reduction shall not be more than 10
per cent.

(ii) For underwater concreting, the cement content shall be increased by 10 per cent.
(iii) Severe conditions of exposure shall mean alternate wetting and drying due to sea spray,
alternate wetting and drying combined with freezing and buried in soil having corrosive effect.
(iv) Moderate conditions of exposure shall mean other that those mentioned in (iii) above.

The cement content shall be as low as possible but not less than the quantities specified above.
In no case shall it exceed 540 kg/cu.m. of concrete.

1704.1. Requirements of Consistency

Table 1700-4.
type Slump(mm)

1 (a) Structures with exposed inclined surface requiring low slump concrete 25
to allow proper compaction
(b) Plain cement concrete 25
2. RCC structures with widely spaced reinforcements; e.g. solid columns, 40 - 50
piers, abutments, footings, well steining

3. RCC structures with fair degree of congestion of reinforcement; e.g. pier 50 - 75

and abutment caps, box culverts well curb, well cap, walls with thickness
greater than 300 mm
4. RCC and PSC structures with highly congested reinforcements e.g. deck 75 - 125
slab girders, box girders, walls with thickness less than 300 mm

5. Underwater concreting through tremie e.g. bottom plug, cast-in-situ 100 - 200

1704.2 Requirements for Designed Mixes

1704.2.1 Target mean Strength

(i) The Current margin for a concrete mix shall be determined by the Contractor and shall be
taken as 1.64 times the standard deviation of sample test results taken from at least 40
separate batches of concrete of nominally similar proportions produced at site by the same
plant under smilar supervision, over a period exceeding 5 days, but not exceeding 6 months.

(ii) Where there is insufficient data to satisfy the above, the current margin for the initial design
mix shall be taken as given in Table 1700-5 :

SOR of Bridge Works for P.W.D. (C.G.) Page 42

174.2.3 Control of Strength of design mixes
a) Adjustment to Mix Proportions.
Adjustment to mix proportions arrived at in the trial mixes shall be made subject to the
Engineer's approval, n order to minimize the variability of strength and to maintain the target
mean strength. Such adjustments shall not be taken to imply any change in the current margin.

b) Change of Current Margin

When required by the Engineer, the Contractor shall recalculate the current margin in accordance
with Clause 1704.2.1 The recalculated value shall be adopted as directed by the Engineer, and it
shall become the current margin for concrete produced subsequently.

c) Additional Trial Mixes

During production, the Contractor shall carry out trial mixes and tests, if required by the
Engineer, before substantial changes are made in the material or in the proportions of the
materials to be used, except when adjustments to the mix proportions are carried out in
accordance wit sub-clause (a) above.

TABLE 1700-6

Concrete Total Quantity of dry aggregate by mass per 50 Proportion of fine to Coarse
Grade kg of cement to be taken as the sum of individual aggregate (by mass)
masses of fine and coarse aggregates (kg)

M 15 350 Generally 1:2, subject to

upper limit 1:1:5 and lower
limit of 1:2:5

M 20 250 _____ do ____

Table 1700- 7.
1706. Size on Coarse Aggregate

Components Maximum Nominal Size of Coarse Aggregate

i) RCC well curb 20
ii) RCC/PCC well steining 40
iii) Well cap or Pile Cap Solid type piers and 40

iv) RCC Work in girders, slabs, wearing coat, 20

kerb, approach slab, hollow piers and
abutments, pier/abutment caps, piles

v) PSC work 20
vi) Any other item As specified by Engineer

SOR of Bridge Works for P.W.D. (C.G.) Page 43

TABLE 1700 - 8
Quantity of Concrete in work, m3 No. of Samples
1-5 1
6 - 15 2
16 - 30 3
31 - 50 4
51 and above 4 plus one additional sample for each
additional 50 m3 or part thereof



2405- BORING


There are two types of sample viz. (a) Disturbed sample (b) Undisturbed sample. The usual
methods for sampling conforming to IS : 1892 and IS:2132 are given below :-

Nature of Ground Type of Sample Method of Sampling

Soil Disturbed Hand Samples
Auger Samples
Shell Samples
Undisturbed Hand Samples
Tube Samples

Rock Disturbed Wash Samples from percussion

or rotary drilling
Undisturbed Cores



1. Soil identification, Cohesive soils 1
natural moisture Sands and
content tests, Gravels 3
mechanical analysis
and index properties,
chemical tests

2. Compression tests Cohesive soils

and sand 12.5

3. Comprehensive examination of Cohesive soils 25 - 50

construction material any borrow and sands
area soil including soil stablisation Gravelly soil 50 - 100

SOR of Bridge Works for P.W.D. (C.G.) Page 44



S. Stage in Life of Strength Shear Test Type of

No. Embankment Parameters Analysis
1. (a) During Unconsolidated undrained Total
construction or triaxial shear test on stress
immediate post- undisturbed samples and on analysis
construction uu, ¸Φuu compacted embankment

1 (b) -- do -- Su Unconfined compression test -- do --

in laboratory or vane shear
1 (c) During test
construction of C "Φ" Effective
immediate post- Consolidated undrained test stress
construction with pore-pressure analysis
measurement on as
compacted soil samples of
embankment materials and
on undisturbed samples
2. Long term stability C "Φ" -- do -- -- do –



i) Gradation Test (Sieve Analysis) IS: 2720 (Part 4)
ii) Atterberg Limit Test IS: 2720 (Part 5)
iii) Standard Proctor Test IS: 2720 (Part 7)
iv) Natural Moisture Content IS: 2720 (Part 2)


1. Areas & Weights of Steel

a) Mild Steel Round Bars

Dia in mm Area Sq. cm. Weight Kg/M Perimeter Cms.

6 0.283 0.222 1.887
8 0.503 0.395 2.514
10 0.785 0.617 3.143
12 1.131 0.888 3.771
16 2.011 1.578 5.028
18 2.545 2.000 5.657
20 3.142 2.466 6.286
22 3.801 2.984 6.914
25 4.909 3.853 7.857
28 6.157 4.830 8.800
32 8.042 6.313 10.057
40 12.566 9.684 12.571

SOR of Bridge Works for P.W.D. (C.G.) Page 45

b) High Tensile Steel

Dia in mm Area Sq. cm. Weight Kg/M Perimeter Cms.

3 0.070 0.056 0.943
5 0.196 0.154 1.571
7 0.385 0.302 2.200
8 0.503 0.395 2.514

c) H.T. Cables each containing 12 wires

Dia of wire in mm Total area of H.T. Sq. Cm. Weight Kg/M

3 2.352 1.848
5 4.620 3.624
8 6.036 4.740

d) Structural steel (Sections which are normally required in bridge works)

Types Section Size in M.M. Weight Kg./M.

Angle 40 x 40 x 6 3.500
50 x 50 x 6 4.500
75 x 75 x 6 6.800
75 x 75 x 10 11.000
100 x 100 x 6 11.000
100 x 100 x 10 14.900
130 x 130 x 10 19.700
130 x 130 x 12 23.400
Tee 100 x 100 x 10 15.00
Channel 75 x 40 x 6 5.700

e) Structural Flats (Sections which are normally required in bridge works)

Thickness of Plate Weights Kg./M.

1 M.M. 0.00078
2 M.M. 0.00156
3 M.M. 0.00235
6 M.M. 0.00470
10 M.M. 0.00783
12 M.M. 0.00940
20 M.M. 0.01566
25 M.M. 0.01957

SOR of Bridge Works for P.W.D. (C.G.) Page 46

2. Weight of Materials for construction (as per IS:875 (Part I) 1987)

S.No. Material Unit Metric Weights in Kg.

1. Cement Cum. 1440
2. Steel
a) Mild Steel Cu.Cm. 0.0078
b) Cast Steel Cu.Cm. 0.0078
c) H.T. Steel Cu.Cm. 0.0078
3. Stainless Stel Cu.Cm. 0.0078
4. Lead Cu.Cm. 0.0113
5. Copper Cu.Cm. 8.79 to 8.94
6. Plain Cement Concrete Cum. 1600 to 2400
7. PSC Cum. 2400
8. RCC Cum. 2310 to 2700
9. Stones
a) Lime Cum. 2400 to 2640
b) Sand Cum. 2240 to 2400
10. Stone Masonry Rubble Cum. 2100
11. Bricks Cum. 1600 to 1920
12. Brick Masonry Cum. 1920 to 2240
13. Timber Cum. 650 to 720

3. Conversion Factors.

Top Convert Into Multiply by

Inch Millimeter 25.40 0.039
Inch Centimeter 2.540 0.3937
Foot Meter 0.3048 3.2808
Mile Kilometer 1.609 0.621
Square Inch Sq. Centimeter 6.4516 0.155
Square Foot Square Meter 0.0929 10.764
Acre Hectare 0.4047 2.471
Sq.Mile Sq. Kilometer 2.590 0.386
Cubic Inch Cu. Centimeter 16.387 0.0161
Cubic Foot Cubic Meter 0.0283 35.3147
Gallon (Imp.) Litre 4.546 0.220
Pound Kilogram 0.4536 2.2046
Ton Tonne 1.0160 0.9842
Lbs. Per Sq. Inch Kg. Per Sq. Cm. 0.0703 14.223
Ton Per Sq. Foot Tonne Per Sq. M. 10.937 0.0914
To obtain From Multiply by
4. Quantities of Materials for Finished Items of Works

S.No Items Materials Quantities

a) Unit per Cubic meter of finished item
1. Cement Mortar (1:3) Cement 0.33 Cum.
Sand 1.00 Cum.
2. Cement Mortar (1:4) Cement 0.25 Cum.
Sand 1.00 Cum.
3. Cement Mortar (1:6) Cement 0.16 Cum.
Sand 1.00 Cum.
4. Course Rubble Masonry Stones 1.00 Cum
Mortar 0.33 Cum
5. Cut Stone Masonry Stone 1.00 Cum.
Mortar 0.16 Cum.
6. Fine Ashlars Stone Masonry Stone 1.0 Cum.
Mortar 0.12 Cum.
b) Unit per Sq. Meter of finished item
7. Flush pointing to stone work Mortar 0.004 Cum.
8. Truck Pointing of stone work Mortar 0.008 Cum.

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