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Comando de Windows

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You'll need to run these two commands:


Managing Windows XP Programs: Tskill and Taskkill

Windows XP comes with several tools for ending programs or processes from the
command line. The features and application of Taskkill and Tskill are discussed.
Sometimes it is desirable to end a program or a process from the command line. The
process may be hung or not responding or it may be desirable to have a script for ending it.
Both the Home and Professional version of Windows XP come with the tool Tskill . In
addition, XP Professional has the more powerful tool Taskkill. Although the graphical
utility Task Manager can be used to terminate programs that are hung up, the command line
can be faster and easier to use. Also, there may be situations where it is convenient to have
a batch file that can be run as a script. In addition, Taskkill is capable of sophisticated

The syntax for the command is TSKILL processid | processname
[/SERVER:servername] [/ID:sessionid | /A] [/V] The meaning of the various
parameters is given in Table I.
Table I. Parameters for the command Tskill

Parameter Description
PID for process to be terminated. Use only if processname is
processid not used

Process name to be terminated. Wildcards can be used here .

processname Do not use if PID is used

Server containing processID (default is current). Usually not

/SERVER:servername needed on home PCs
End process running under the specified session. Often not
/ID:sessionid needed on home PCs

End process running under ALL sessions (administrator

/A privileges required)

/V Display information about actions being performed

An example of a simple command that would end Notepad would be tskill notepad
Another example is ending all the Microsoft documents that you have open tskill
winword All open Word documents will be closed but the contents will not be saved so
make sure to save important work. An administrator can close processes that might be
running in sessions started by other users. The command tskill winword /a will close
everybody's open Word documents.
It may not always be obvious what process name to use for a program. Usually the name of
the program executable file (minus the EXE extension) will work. One way is to use
Tasklist to find the PID and use that. Another is to use Task Manager to find the process
associated with a program. (Of course, Task Manager itself can be used to terminate a

A tool with more options is provided by Taskkill. The command syntax is TASKKILL [/S
system [/U username [/P[password]]]]{ [/FI filter] [/PID processid | /IM
imagename] } [/F] [/T] The various parameters are described in Table II.

Table II. Parameters for Taskkill command

Parameter Description
Specifies the remote system to connect to. Not needed for most
/S system home PCs

User context under which the command should execute. Often not
/U username needed on home PCs

/P password Password for username

/FI filter Displays a set of tasks that match criteria specified by the filter

Specifies the PID of the process that has to be terminated. Not

/PID process id used when image name is given in the command

/IM imagename Specifies the image name of the process that has to be terminated.
Wildcard '*' can be used to specify all image names. Not used if
PID is given in the command

/F Forces the termination of all processes

Tree kill: terminates the specified process and any child processes
/T which were started by it

Parameters like the image name or the PID may not be immediately obvious and Tasklist
can be used to obtain them. Taskkill has more options than Tskill and is accordingly more
complicated to use. For example, the simple command "Taskkill notepad" won't work. First
of all the image name is "notepad.exe" and not the program name "notepad". Also,
generally you will have to use the forcing switch. The command to close notepad would be
taskkill /im notepad.exe /f Another example is to close down several programs at
once.taskkill /f /im notepad.exe /im mspaint.exe The Microsoft literature is not
consistent about whether the /f switch goes before or after the image name but it doesn't
seem to matter.

Filtering Taskkill output

Taskkill becomes especially powerful when filters are used with the switch "/fi". Various
rules can be formed by using the comparison operators shown in Table III.
Table III. Comparison operators for filters


eq Equals

ne Does not equal

gt Greater than. Only used with numeric values

lt Less than. Only used with numeric values

Greater than or equal to. Only used with

ge numeric values

Less than or equal to. Only used with numeric

le values

Table IV shows the variables that can be used in a filter.

Table IV. Filter operators and allowed values

Valid operators Valid values
ImageNa Any valid string
eq, ne

PID eq, ne, gt, lt, ge, le Any valid positive integer

eq, ne, gt, lt, ge, le Any valid positive integer in kilobytes

eq, ne, gt, lt, ge, le CPU time in the format of hh:mm:ss.

Session eq, ne, gt, lt, ge, le Session number

Status eq, ne Running, Not Responding

Any valid user name (includes SYSTEM, LOCAL


Window Any valid string

eq, ne

Services eq, ne Service name

Modules eq, ne DLL name

Examples of using filters in Taskkill

With filters, you can impose some specific set of conditions that must be met. Filters give
Taskkill considerable versatility and allow you to fine-tune the target..Some examples are
given below. Note that a specific image name or PID does not have to be included when
using filters.
Forcefully shut down all the processes that are not responding. Can be used to make a little
batch file to shut down hung or frozen programs.
taskkill /f /fi "status eq not responding"
Forcefully shut down all programs using a specific DLL file named "some.dll". This should
be used with care but one application might be to stop processes thought to be associated
with a DLL from spyware or a Trojan. Use Tasklist to see what processes are using a given
taskkill /f /fi "modules eq some.dll"
Close down all programs using large amounts of memory, say 40 MB. Use with care.
taskkill /f /fi "memusage gt 40000"
Close down programs using more than 40 MB of memory but not Windows Explorer
taskkill /f /fi "imagename ne explorer.exe" /fi "memusage gt 40000"


Net Services Commands in Windows XP

A large family of commands beginning with the initial string "net" are available in
Windows XP Professional. They are listed here.
The Net Services suite of commands is described in the Windows Help and Support Center.
Enter "net services" to obtain a list of the services and their syntax for usage.You can also
see a list of all available net commands by typing "net /?" at a command prompt. Syntax
help is obtained by typing "net help {command}". For example, for help with the "net stop"
command, type net help stop

The list of commands and a brief description of each is given below. Some of these
commands duplicate functions available in other ways, such as in the Netsh suite or the
Service Controller.

•Net accounts - Updates the user accounts database and modifies password and logon
requirements for all accounts.

•Net computer - Adds or deletes computers from a domain database

•Net config - displays a list of configurable services

•Net continue - Continues a service that has been suspended by net pause

•Net file - Displays the names of all open shared files on a server

•Net group - Adds, displays, or modifies global groups in domains

•Net help - Provides a list of network commands and topics for which you can get help

•Net helpmsg - Explains why an error occurred and provides problem-solving


•Net localgroup- Adds, displays, or modifies local groups

•Net name - Adds or deletes a messaging name

•Net pause - Pauses services that are currently running.

•Net print - Displays information about a specified print queue, displays information
about all print queues hosted by a specified print server, displays information about
a specified print job, or controls a specified print job.

•Net send- Sends a messenger service message

•Net session- Lists or disconnects sessions

•Net share- Displays or manages shared printers or directories

•Net start- Lists or starts network services

•Net statistics- Displays workstation and server statistics

•Net stop- Stops services

•Net time- Displays or synchronizes network time

•Net use- Displays or manages remote connections

•Net user- Creates local user accounts

•Net view- Displays network resources or computers

Net User command in Windows Vista

User accounts play a large role in Vista and the "net user" gives a method for managing
them. Although user accounts can be managed in several ways through the normal
graphical interface, the command line can be quicker and can be scripted


Microsoft DOS net command

Quick links
About net
Related Q&A documents
About net
The net command is used to update, fix, or view the network or network
settings. Listed in the Syntax we have listed each of net commands. For
additional information and examples, see our Syntax section.
The net.exe command is an external command that is available in the below
Microsoft operating systems.
Windows 95
Windows 98
Windows NT
Windows ME
Windows 2000
Windows XP
Windows Vista
Windows 7
Windows XP syntax
Windows 2000 syntax
Windows XP syntax
NET ACCOUNTS Adjust account settings.
[/FORCELOGOFF:{minutes | NO}] [/MINPWLEN:length]
[/UNIQUEPW:number] [/DOMAIN]
NET COMPUTER Add other networked computers with Windows Domain
\\computername {/ADD | /DEL}
NET CONFIG Displays your current server and/or workgroup settings.
NET CONTINUE Continues the use of service.
NET FILE Display opened shared files on the server.
[id [/CLOSE]]
NET GROUP Add, delete, view, and otherwise manage network workgroups.
[groupname [/COMMENT:"text"]] [/DOMAIN]
groupname {/ADD [/COMMENT:"text"] | /DELETE} [/DOMAIN]
groupname username [...] {/ADD | /DELETE} [/DOMAIN]
NET Add, delete, view, and otherwise manage network groups.
LOCALGROUP [groupname [/COMMENT:"text"]] [/DOMAIN]
groupname {/ADD [/COMMENT:"text"] | /DELETE} [/DOMAIN]
groupname name [...] {/ADD | /DELETE} [/DOMAIN]
NET NAME Create or delete name used for messaging.
[name [/ADD | /DELETE]]
NET PAUSE Pause the specified network service.
NET PRINT Manage network print jobs.
[\\computername] job# [/HOLD | /RELEASE | /DELETE]
NET SEND Sends messages to other users, computers, or messaging names
on the network. The Messenger service must be running to
receive messages.
You can send a message only to an name that is active on the
network. If the message is sent to a username, that user must
be logged on and running the Messenger service to receive the
{name | * | /DOMAIN[:name] | /USERS} message

NET SESSION Display all sessions connected to the computer and deletes
them if specified.
[\\computername] [/DELETE]
NET SHARE Create and manage a local network share.
sharename=drive:path [/USERS:number | /UNLIMITED]
[/CACHE:Manual | Documents| Programs | None ]
sharename [/USERS:number | /UNLIMITED]
[/CACHE:Manual | Documents | Programs | None]
{sharename | devicename | drive:path} /DELETE
NET START Start the specified network service.
NET STATISTICS Display network statistics of the workstation or server.
NET STOP Stop the specified network service.
NET TIME Display the time and date of another network computer.
[\\computername | /DOMAIN[:domainname] |
/RTSDOMAIN[:domainname]] [/SET]
[\\computername] /QUERYSNTP
[\\computername] /SETSNTP[:ntp server list]
NET USE Connects or disconnects your computer from a shared resource
or displays information about your connections.
[devicename | *] [\\computername\sharename[\volume]
[password | *]]
[/USER:[dotted domain name\]username]
[/USER:[username@dotted domain name]

NET USE {devicename | *} [password | *] /HOME


NET USER Displays users on the computer and/or domain.
[username [password | *] [options]] [/DOMAIN]
username {password | *} /ADD [options] [/DOMAIN]
username [/DELETE] [/DOMAIN]
NET VIEW Displays a list of computers in a specified workgroup or the
shared resources available on a specified computer.
[\\computername [/CACHE] | /DOMAIN[:domainname]]
NET VIEW /NETWORK:NW [\\computername]

Windows 2000 syntax

NET CONFIG Displays your current workgroup settings.
Carries out the NET CONFIG command without
first prompting you to provide information or
confirm actions.

NET DIAG Runs the Microsoft Network Diagnostics program to test the
hardware connection between two computers and to display
information about a single computer.


Specifies a diagnostic server name in order to avoid conflicts
when NET DIAG is used simultaneously by multiple users. This
option works only when the network uses a NetBIOS protocol.

Enables you to specify a computer about which you want
network diagnostics information.

NET HELP Displays information about NET commands and error messages.
command /?
NET HELP [suffix]
NET HELP errornum

command /?
Specifies the Microsoft NET command that you want information

Specifies the second word of the command you want
information about. For example, the suffix of NET VIEW is VIEW.

Specifies the number of the error message that you want
information about.

NET INIT Loads protocol and network-adapter drivers without binding

them to Protocol Manager. This command may be required if you
are using a third-party network-adapter driver. You can then
bind the drivers to Protocol Manager by typing NET START

Loads the Protocol Manager dynamically. This is useful with
some third-party networks, such as Banyan(R) VINES(R), to
resolve memory problems.
NET LOGOFF Breaks the connection between your computer and the shared
resources to which it is connected.

Carries out the NET LOGOFF command without first prompting
you to provide information or confirm actions.

NET LOGON Identifies you as a member of a workgroup.

NET LOGON [user [password | ?]] [/DOMAIN:name] [/YES]

Specifies the name that identifies you in your workgroup. The
name you specify can contain up to 20 characters.

The unique string of characters that authorizes you to gain
access to your password-list file. The password can contain up
to 14 characters.

Specifies that you want to be prompted for your password.

Specifies that you want to log on to a Microsoft Windows NT or
LAN Manager domain. name Specifies the Windows NT or LAN
Manager domain you want to log on to.

Carries out the NET LOGON command without first prompting
you to provide information or confirm actions.

Carries out the NET LOGON command without prompting you to
create a password-list file.
If you would rather be prompted to type your user name and
password instead of specifying them in the NET LOGON
command line, type NET LOGON without options.
NET PASSWORD Changes your logon password.
NET PASSWORD [oldpassword [newpassword]]
NET PASSWORD \\computer | /DOMAIN:name [user
[oldpassword [newpassword]]]

Specifies your current password.

Specifies your new password. It can have as many as 14

Specifies the Windows NT or LAN Manager server on which you
want to change your password.

Specifies that you want to change your
password on a Windows NT or LAN Manager domain.
Name Specifies the Windows NT or LAN Manager domain on
you want to change your password.

Specifies your Windows NT or LAN Manager user name.

The first syntax line above is for changing the password for your
password-list file. The second syntax line above is for changing
your password on a Windows NT or LAN Manager server or
NET PRINT Displays information about print queues and controls print jobs.
NET PRINT \\computer[\printer] | port [/YES]
NET PRINT \\computer | port [job# [/PAUSE | /RESUME |
Specifies the name of the computer whose print queue you want
information about.

Specifies the name of the printer you want information about.

Specifies the name of the parallel (LPT) port on your computer
that is connected to the printer you want information about.

Specifies the number assigned to a queued print job. You can
specify the below options.

Pauses a print job.

Restarts a print job that has been paused.

Cancels a print job.

Carries out the NET PRINT command without first prompting you
to provide information or confirm actions.

When you specify the name of a computer by using the NET

PRINT command, you receive information about the print queues
on each of the shared printers that are connected to the
NET SEND NET SEND {name | * | /DOMAIN[:name] | /USERS} message
Sends messages to other users, computers, or messaging names
on the network. The Messenger service must be running to
receive messages.
You can send a message only to an name that is active on the
network. If the message is sent to a username, that user must
be logged on and running the Messenger service to receive the
Is the username, computername, or messaging name to send
the message to. If the name is a computername that contains
blank characters, enclose the alias in quotation marks (" ").

Sends the message to all the names in your group.

Sends the message to all the names in the workstation domain.
If name is specified, the message is sent to all the names in the
specified domain or workgroup.

Sends the message to all users connected to the server.

Is text to be sent as a message.


[/USERS:number | /UNLIMITED]
[/CACHE:Manual | Automatic | No ]

[/USERS:number | /UNLIMITED]
[/CACHE:Manual | Automatic | No ]

{sharename | devicename | drive:path}

NET START Starts services. NOTE: Services cannot be started from a
command prompt within Windows.

Starts the basic redirector.

Starts the Microsoft Novell(R) compatible redirector.

Starts the default redirector.

Binds protocols and network-adapter drivers.

Starts the NetBIOS interface.

Starts the IPX/SPX-compatible interface.

Displays a list of the services that are running.

Carries out the NET START command without first prompting you
to provide information or confirm actions.

Displays information about device drivers and services as they
are loaded.

To start the workgroup redirector you selected during Setup,

type NET START without options. In general, you don't need to
use any of the options.
NET STOP Stops services. NOTE: Services cannot be stopped from a
command prompt within Windows.



Stops the basic redirector.

Stops the basic redirector.

Stops the Microsoft Novell(R) compatible redirector.

Stops the default redirector.

Stops the NetBIOS interface.

Stops the IPX/SPX compatible interface.

Carries out the NET STOP command without first prompting you
to provide information or confirm actions.

To stop the workgroup redirector, type NET STOP without

options. This breaks all your connections to shared resources and
removes the NET commands from your computer's memory.
NET TIME Displays the time on or synchronizes your computer's clock with
the shared clock on a Microsoft Windows for Workgroups,
Windows NT, Windows 95, or NetWare time server.
NET TIME [\\computer | /WORKGROUP:wgname] [/SET] [/YES]

Specifies the name of the computer (time server) whose time
you want to check or synchronize your computer's clock with.

Specifies that you want to use the clock on a computer (time
server) in another workgroup.

Specifies the name of the workgroup containing a computer
whose clock you want to check or synchronize your computer's
clock with. If there are multiple time servers in that workgroup,
NET TIME uses the first one it finds.

Synchronizes your computer's clock with the clock on the
computer or workgroup you specify.

Carries out the NET TIME command without first prompting you
to provide information or confirm actions.

NET USE Connects or disconnects your computer from a shared resource

or displays information about your connections.
NET USE [drive: | *] [\\computer\directory [password | ?]]
NET USE [port:] [\\computer\printer [password | ?]]
NET USE drive: | \\computer\directory /DELETE [/YES]
NET USE port: | \\computer\printer /DELETE [/YES]

NET USE drive: | * /HOME

Specifies the drive letter you assign to a shared directory.

Specifies the next available drive letter. If used with /DELETE,
specifies to disconnect all of your connections.
Specifies the parallel (LPT) port name you assign to a shared

Specifies the name of the computer sharing the resource.

Specifies the name of the shared directory.

Specifies the name of the shared printer.

Specifies the password for the shared resource, if any.

Specifies that you want to be prompted for the password of the
shared resource. You don't need to use this option unless the
password is optional.

Specifies that the password you type should not be saved in your
password-list file. You need to retype the password the next
time you connect to this resource.

Carries out the NET USE command without first prompting you to
provide information or confirm actions.

Breaks the specified connection to a shared

Carries out the NET USE command, responding with NO
automatically when you are prompted to confirm actions.

Makes a connection to your HOME directory if one is specified in
your LAN Manager or Windows NT user account.

To list all of your connections, type NET USE without options.

NET VER Displays the type and version number of the workgroup
redirector you are using.
NET VIEW Displays a list of computers in a specified workgroup or the
shared resources available on a specified computer.
NET VIEW [\\computer] [/YES]

Specifies the name of the computer whose shared resources you
want to see listed.

Specifies that you want to view the names of the computers in
another workgroup that share resources.

Specifies the name of the workgroup whose computer names you
want to view.

Carries out the NET VIEW command without first prompting you
to provide information or confirm actions.

To display a list of computers in your workgroup that share

resources, type NET VIEW without options.

net use z: \\computer\folder

Map the Z: drive to the network path //computer/folder.

net send mrhope "There is hope!"

Send a text message to the computer with a host name of mrhope the
message There is hope!. Note: This command only works for Windows
versions that support this command.
Note: Many computers today have also disabled the messenger service, if
this service is disabled you will be unable to send/receive net send
messages. Additional information about how this service is disabled can be
found on document CH0000519. If you need this service enabled, follow the
instructions on this page and choose to enable the service instead of
disabling it.
net send * "There is hope!"

The above command would send There is hope! to all users in your current
domain. This command should be used with caution since if you're on a
school or work network many of the computers on that network if not all
well be sent a message if the messenger service is enabled on the
net config workstation

Display additional information about the network such as the computers

name, workgroup, logon domain, DNS, and other useful information.

net view \\hope

View the available computers and their shared resources you may use
either of the below commands. The first example displays available
computers. The last command would display the shared resources on the
hope computer.
net localgroup

Display all groups currently setup on the computer you're running the
command on.

net share
Display all network shares on your computer.
net share hope=c:\hope\files
Create a share called "hope" for the "c:\hope\files" directory.

Panel de control
• CONTROL : abre el panel de control
• CONTROL ADMINTOOLS : abre las herramientas administrativas
• CONTROL KEYBOARD : abre las propiedades del teclado
• CONTROL COLOR : abre las propiedades de pantalla
• CONTROL FOLDERS : abre las opciones de carpeta
• CONTROL FONTS : abre las fuentes
• CONTROL INTERNATIONAL o INTL.CPL : abre la configuración regional y
de idioma
• CONTROL MOUSE o MAIN.CPL : abre las propiedades del mouse
• CONTROL USERPASSWORDS : abre las cuentas de usuario
• CONTROL USERPASSWORDS2 o NETPLWIZ : administración de usuarios y
su acceso
el centro de respaldo y recuperación (Para Vista únicamente). Tutorial AQUÍ
• CONTROL PRINTERS : impresoras y faxes disponibles
• APPWIZ.CPL : abre agregar o quitar programas
• OPTIONALFEATURES : abre la herramienta agregar o quitar componentes
Windows (únicamente para Vista)
• DESK.CPL : abre las propiedades de pantalla
• HDWWIZ.CPL : abre el asistente para agregar hardware
• INFOCARDCPL.CPL : abre el asistente de compatibilidad de programas
• IRPROPS.CPL : abre la utilidad de infrarojo
• ISCSICPL : abre la herramienta de configuración del iniciador ISCI Microsoft
(únicamente para Vista)
• JOY.CPL : abre el dispositivo de juegos
• MMSYS.CPL : abre las propiedades de dispositivos de sonido y audio
• SYSDM.CPL : abre las propiedades del sistema
• TABLETPC.CPL : abre la configuración para Tablet pc (únicamente para Vista)
• TELEPHON.CPL : abre la herramienta de información de la ubicación
• TIMEDATE.CPL : abre las propiedades de fecha y hora
• WSCUI.CPL : abre el centro de seguridad de Windows
• ACCESS.CPL : abre las opciones de accesibilidad (únicamente para XP)
• WUAUCPL.CPL : abre el servicio de actualizaciones automáticas de Windows
(únicamente para XP)
• POWERCFG.CPL : abre el administrador de opciones de energía
• COLLAB.CPL : abre la visualización instantánea (únicamente para Vista)
• AZMAN.MSC : abre el administrador de autorización (únicamente para Vista)
• CERTMGR.MSC : abre los certificados para el usuario actual
• COMPMGMT.MSC : abre la administración de equipos
• COMEXP.MSC o DCOMCNFG : abre los servicio de componentes (únicamente
para Vista)
• DEVMGMT.MSC : abre el Administrador de dispositivos. Tutorial AQUI
• EVENTVWR o EVENTVWR.MSC : abre el Visor de sucesos
• FSMGMT.MSC : abre las carpetas compartidas
• NAPCLCFG.MSC : abre la herramienta de configuración del cliente NAP
(únicamente para Vista)
• SERVICES.MSC : abre el administrador de Servicios
• TASKSCHD.MSC o CONTROL SCHEDTASKS : abre el planificador de tareas
(únicamente para Vista)
• GPEDIT.MSC : abre el editor de directiva de grupo (para las ediciones
profesionales y más de Windows)
• LUSRMGR.MSC : abre el editor de usuarios locales y grupos
• SECPOL.MSC : abre la configuración de seguridad local
• NTMSMGR.MSC : abre el administrador de medios de almacenamiento extraíbles
• NTMSOPRQ.MSC : abre las solicitudes del operador de medios de
almacenamiento extraíbles
• RSOP.MSC : abre el conjunto resultante de directivas
• WMIMGMT.MSC : abre Windows Management Infrastructure
• TPM.MSC : abre la herramienta gestión de modulo de plataforma protegida en el
equipo local (únicamente para Vista)
• PERFMON o PERFMON.MSC : abre el monitor de rendimiento de Windows.
• MMC : abre una nueva consola vacía
• MDSCHED : abre la herramienta de diagnostico de la memoria (únicamente para
• DXDIAG : abre la herramienta de diagnostico de DirectX
• ODBCAD32 : abre el administrador de orígenes de datos ODBC
• REGEDIT o REGEDT32 (únicamente para Vista) : abre el editor del registro
• DRWTSN32 : abre Dr. Watson (Pour XP uniquement)
• VERIFIER : abre el administrador del comprobador de controlador
• CLICONFG : abre la herramienta de configuración de cliente de red SQL
• UTILMAN : abre el administrador de utilidades *COMPUTERDEFAULTS :
abre la herramienta de programas predeterminados (únicamente para Vista)
• CREDWIZ : abre la ventana para hacer copias de seguridad y restaurar contraseñas
de usuarios (únicamente para Vista)
• LPKSETUP : abre el asistente de instalación y desinstalación de idiomas
(únicamente para Vista)
• MOBSYNC : abre elementos para sincronizar
• REKEYWIZ : abre el administrador de certificados de cifrado de archivos
(únicamente para Vista)
• SLUI : abre el asistente de activación de Windows (únicamente para Vista)
• MSCONFIG : abre la utilidad de configuración del sistema
• SYSEDIT : abre el editor de configuración del sistema (atención, manipular con
• SYSKEY : abre la herramienta de protección de la base de datos de cuentas de
Windows (atención, manipular con mucha prudencia!)
Programas y herramientas de Windows
• EXPLORER : abre el explorador de Windows
• IEXPLORE : abre Internet Explorer
• WAB : abre la libreta de direcciones (únicamente para Vista)
• CHARMAP : abre la tabla de caracteres
• MSPAINT : abre Paint
• WRITE o Wordpad : abre Wordpad
• NOTEPAD : abre el bloc de notas
• SNIPPINGTOOL : abre la herramienta de captura de pantalla (únicamente para
Vista). Tutorial AQUI
• CALC : abre la calculadora
• CLIPBRD : abre el portapapeles (para XP únicamente, para añadirlo a Vista ver
• WINCHAT : abre el programa de Microsoft de chat en red (para Windows XP
• SOUNDRECORDER : abre el altavoz
• DVDPLAY : ejecuta la unidad de DVD
• WMPLAYER : abre Windows Media Player
• MOVIEMK : abre Windows Movie Maker
• JOURNAL : abre un nuevo journal (únicamente para Vista)
• STIKYNOT : abre el recordatorio (únicamente para Vista)
• OSK : muestra el teclado en pantalla. Tutorial AQUI
• TABTIP : abre el panel de ingreso de datos Tablet PC (únicamente para Vista)
• MAGNIFY : abre la lupa
• WINCAL : abre el calendario de Windows (únicamente para Vista)
• DIALER : abre el marcador telefónico de Windows
• EUDCEDIT : abre el editor de caracteres privados
• SNDVOL : ajusta las propiedades del volumen
• RSTRUI : abre la herramienta de restauración del sistema (únicamente para Vista)
• %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\RESTORE\RSTRUI.EXE : abre la herramienta de
restauración del sistema (para XP únicamente). Tutorial AQUI
• MSINFO32 : abre la informacion del sistema
• MRT : abre la herramienta de eliminación de software malintencionado de
Windows. Tutorial AQUI
• TASKMGR : abre el administrador de tareas de Windows
• CMD : abre la consola
• MIGWIZ : abre el asistente para transferencia de archivos y configuraciones
(únicamente para Vista)
• MIGWIZ.EXE : abre el asistente para transferencia de archivos y configuraciones
(para XP únicamente)
• SIDEBAR : abre la barra de Windows (únicamente para Vista)
• SIGVERIF : abre la herramienta de comprobación de la firma del archivo
• WINVER : abre la ventana Acerca de Windows para conocer la versión de
• FSQUIRT : abre el asistente para la transferencia de archivos Bluetooth
• IEXPRESS : abre el asistente de archivos auto-extraíbles. Tutorial AQUI
• MBLCTR : abre l centro de movilidad de Windows (únicamente para Vista)
• MSRA : abre el asistente remoto de Windows
• MSTSC : abre la herramienta de conexión a escritorio remoto
• MSDT : abre la herramienta de diagnostico y soporte de Microsoft
• WERCON : abre la herramienta de reportes y soluciones a los problemas
(únicamente para Vista)
• WINDOWSANYTIMEUPGRADE : permite la actualización de Windows Vista
• WINWORD: abre Word (si está instalado)
• PRINTBRMUI : abre el asistente de migración de impresora (para Vista
Administración de discos
• DISKMGMT.MSC : abre el administrador de discos
• CLEANMGR : abre la herramienta para liberar espacio en disco
• DFRG.MSC : abre el desfragmentador de disco
• DEFRAG: desfragmenta el disco duro (para saber como utilizarlo, haz clic AQUI
• CHKDSK : efectúa un análisis de la partición precisados en los parámetros del
comando (para mayor información, escribe CHKDSK /? en la consola CMD)
• DISKPART : abre la herramienta para particionar (un poco difícil de usar)

Administracion de red e Internet

• IPCONFIG : muestra la configuración de las direcciones IP en el ordenador (Para
mayor información, escribe:
• IPCONFIG /? en la consola CMD)
• CONTROL NETCONNECTIONS o NCPA.CPL : muestra las conexiones de red
• INETCPL.CPL : abre las propiedades de Internet
• FIREWALL.CPL : abre el firewall de Windows
• WF.MSC : abre las funciones avanzadas del firewall de Windows (únicamente para
Vista). Tutorial AQUI
• NETSETUP.CPL : abre el asistente para configuración de red (únicamente para

Otros comandos
• JAVAWS : muestra la caché del programa JAVA (si está instalado)
• AC3FILTER.CPL : abre las propiedades del filtro AC3 (si está instalado)
• FIREFOX : abre Mozilla FireFox (si está instalado)
• NETPROJ : permite la conexión a un proyector de red (únicamente para Vista)
• LOGOFF : cierra la sesión activa
• SHUTDOWN : apaga Windows
• SHUTDOWN –A : detiene el apagado de Windows
• %WINDIR% o %SYSTEMROOT% : abre la carpeta de instalación de Windows
• %PROGRAMFILES% : abre la carpeta de instalación de otros programas
(Program Files)
• %USERPROFILE% : abre la carpeta del perfil del usuario conectado actualmente
• %HOMEDRIVE% : abre el explorador en la partición donde el sistema operativo
está instalado
• Comprobador de archivos del sistema (necesita un CD de Windows si la caché no
está disponible): (Tutorial AQUI)
o SFC /SCANNOW : hace un scan de todos los archivos del sistema y repara
los archivos dañados
o SFC /VERIFYONLY : hace un scan únicamente de los archivos del
o SFC /SCANFILE="nombre y ruta del archivo" : hace un scan del
archivo indicado, y lo repara si está dañado
o SFC /VERIFYFILE="nombre y ruta del archivo" : hace un scan
únicamente del archivo indicado
o SFC /SCANONCE : hace un scan de los archivos del sistema la próxima
vez que se inicie el ordenador
o SFC /REVERT : restablece la configuración inicial (para mayor
información, escribe SFC /? en la consola CMD.

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