• 2.5 x 10 11 erythrocytes are generated everyday
• Two types of unipotential progenitor cells:
– Burst-forming units (BFU-E)
• Erythropoietin is produced by the kidney when RBC count is low
• With IL3 and granulocyte-monocyte CSF, it induces CFU-S to differentiate into
• These cells undergo a burst of mitotic activity forming CFU-Es.
• Require low levels of erythropoietin to survive and to form the first recognizable
erythrocyte precursor
– proerythroblast
Kinetics of Erythropoiesis
• Erythroblasts will undergo mitosis
– Proerythroblasts
– Basophilic erythroblasts
– Polychromatophilic erythroblasts
• Nearly all erythrocytes are released into circulation as soon as they are formed
• Bone marrow is not a storage site for RBCs!
• RBC formation and release are under the regulatin of erythropoietin
– Glycoprotein secreted by kidney in response to decreased oxygen tension.
Breakdown of RBCs
• At 4 months (120 days), they become fragile and subject to breakage
• Macrophage system phagocytoses the degrading RBCs
• Iron is separated from the hemoglobin
– Stored as ferritin in spleen
– Reused in hemoglobin synthesis
• Heme moiety binds to albumin
– Transported to liver where it is partially degraded, conjugated and excreted via
gallbladder as bilirubin
Kinetics of Granulopoiesis
• Mitotic stage
– Stops by late myelocyte stage (lasts ~ 1 week)
• Postmitotic stage
– Metamyelocyte to mature granulocyte (~ 1 week)
• Mature granulocytes circulate in peripheral blood for 8-12 hours
• Leave to go into perivascular CT
– Neutrophils live for ~ 1-2 days, then they are destroyed by macrophages
– Unknown exactly how long eosinophils and basophils live in the CT
• 50-70um in diameter
• Multi-lobulated nucleus
– Increased in size in proportion to ploidy of cell
• Scattered azurophlic granules
• Clusters of platelets at edge
• Lymphocytes constitute ~30% of all nucleated cells in the bone marrow
• Progeny of T-cell lymphopoietic stem cells
– Leave marrow and go to the thymus
– Complete their differentiation there
– Enter circulation as long-lived small lymphocytes
• Progeny of B-cell lymphopoietic stem cells
– Originate in several sites
• Bone marrow, gut-associated lymph tissue (GALT) and the spleen
• Precursors to small lymphocytes in the marrow are called “transitional cells”
• Slightly larger than small lymphocytes
• Thin rim of cytoplasm
• Nucleus is filled with fine chromatin
Monocyte Development
• Derived from Pleuripotential CFU
• Promonoctyes represent progenitor cells for this line
– Half are rapidly dividing
– Other half are reserve population of near stem cells
• Stem cell to monocyte transformation takes ~55 hours
• Monocytes remain in circulation only about 16 hours prior to emigrating into tissues
– Differentiate into macrophages
Bone Marrow
• Consists of:
– Blood Vessels
– Specialized Units of blood vessels – sinuses
– Sponge-like network of hemopoietic cells
• Lie in cords between sinuses or between sinuses and bone
Akibat anemia yang berat dan lama, sering terjadi gagal jantung. Transfusi darah yang
berulang-ulang dan proses hemolisis menyebabkan kadar besi dalam darah tinggi,
sehingga ditimbun dalam berbagai jaringan tubuh seperti hepar, limpa, ku.lit, jantung
dan lainnya. Hal ini dapat mengakibatkan gangguan fungsi alat tersebut
(hemokromatosis). Limpa yang besar mudah rupture akibat trauma yang ringan.
Kadang-kadang thalasemia disertai oleh tanda hipersplenisme seperti leukopenia dan
Kematian terutama disebabkan oleh infeksi dan gagal jantung.
Dubia ad malam
Pencegahan sekunder
Pencegahan kelahiran bagi homozigot dari pasangan suami istri dengan
Thalasemia heterozigot salah satunya adalah dengan inseminasi buatan
dengan sperma berasal dari donor yang bebas dan Thalasemia trait.
Diagnosis prenatal melalui pemeriksaan DNA cairan amnion merupakan suatu
kemajuan dan digunakan untuk mendiagnosis kasus homozigot intra-uterin
sehingga dapat dipertimbangkan tindakan abortus provokotus (Soeparman
dkk, 1996).
Sampaikan kepada pasien dan keluarga mengenai kondisinya sekarang.
Beri saran agar sebelum melakukan pernikahan, cek pasangan untuk kemungkinan
Hindari pemakaian obat pencetus hemolitik seperti fenasetin, klorpromazin
(tranquilizer), penisilin, kina, dan sulfonamid.
Makan-makanan bernutrisi khususnya asupan B12 dan folic acid.