Level 3 - Exercises
Level 3 - Exercises
Level 3 - Exercises
When you feel you start following this program with ease,
immediately proceed to the next one to avoid stagnation.
Igor Kovtun
Level 3 w/out equipment
1. Self-assisted pull-ups
Technique. You have to concentrate on the target muscles group (here back muscles). It can be achieved by pulling the shoulder blades
together in the vertical position. Also, its very crucial to protrude your chest and arch a bit your lower back. You should fully extend
your arms, working in the maximal amplitude, and by no means round your back at the highest point of the movement. You should
minimally involve your legs and ideally they should be fully relaxed.
2. Australian pull-ups
Technique. Your body should be parallel to the ground or close to parallel. Arms should be maximally extended. At the beginning of the
exercise elbows go aside, simultaneously you should maximally pull your shoulder blades together and keep this position to the end
of the rep. Reaching the middle point of the exercise start maximally protrude your chest, touching the bar with its lowest point. The
speed of execution is a bit higher than normal.
3. Push-ups
Normal Kneeling
Technique. Elbows point aside. The speed of execution is a bit higher than normal. Keep the chest muscles tensed at the very moment
of the movement. Every rep you should touch the floor with your chest. Look forward and keep your head lifted up. Torso should go up
and down simultaneously with pelvis.
4. Bent legs raises 5. The pump
Technique. Dont swing and dont lift your legs too high. Also, Technique. From the 90 degrees position with hands and feet
in the very final point of the movement you should slightly on the ground move forward in shoulders arching back and
round your back that will help you to crunch your abs. touching the ground with hips. Then, return to the initial posi-
tion through inverted movement. Its important not to involve
abs muscles into work.
6. Extra high calf raises 7. Vertical push-ups
Technique. Holding on something lean back maximally trans- Technique. With slightly bent legs place your hands close to
ferring your bodyweight to your feet involving calf muscles your feet. Elbows should be pointed strictly aside. Pushing-up
into work, then perform raises in quite fast tempo. move down as low as possible. Dont fully extend your arms in
the final/initial positions.
8. Dips 9. Pull-ups
Technique. Elbows should point in the somewhere in between Technique. Maximally move elbows apart pulling shoulder
wide apart and arms along body positions (about 45 degrees). blades together. Arch your lower back a bit and reach the bar
Going down until a bit more than 90 degrees in elbows keep- with your chest. Its not important to pull-up until your chin is
ing tension in all working muscle groups, especially in chest over the bar, muscles concentration is more important.
muscles. The tempo should not be very fast.
10. Bar dips 11. Lowest push-up position hold
Technique. Round your back involving chest into work. Go Technique. Keep 90 degrees angle in elbows and straight body
down moving your elbows aside and touch the bar with the line.
lowest part of your chest. Its acceptable to lean a bit forward.
12. High bar flag fixation 13. Simplified dive
Technique. Hold the middle position of performing muscle-up Technique. Place your hands close to your feet and slightly
through one arm. Upper arms elbow is slightly over the bar bend your legs. Elbows should be pointed strictly aside. Do
line, transfer your bodyweight on it. Pull up with the second push-up as low as possible then smoothly bend your low-
arm to lower burden on the main arm. er back and move your bodyweight forward controlling the
movement by arms strength. Go back to the initial position by
any comfortable way.
14. High chest pull-ups 15. Straight legs raises
Technique. Relax your shoulders moving them out of joints Technique. From dead hang position raise slightly bent legs
then quickly insert them back creating impulse. Move body a to the bar and smoothly and controlled go back to the initial
bit away from the bar to avoid hitting it. position.
16. Muscle-up through one arm 17. Pull over on high bar
Technique. Create impulse by legs movement forward. Move Technique. Start the movement from raising straight legs to
forward in shoulders and sharply, at the same time with arms the bar and pulling up at the same time creating impulse then
movement, return them into joints sockets and transferring move legs up and over the bar and pull yourself to pelvic area.
bodyweight on one arm move another one up into flag posi- Get your legs over the bar continuing pulling movement and
tion. Get stable in this position and transfer bodyweight to the get into straight arms position.
upper arm. In the last step get the second arm over the bar and
push up to the straight arms position.
18. Push-ups arms along body 19. Wall handstand
Technique. Doesnt differ from the standard push-ups tech- Technique. Place your hands at the distance of two palms from
nique except elbows movement. They should go along body wall then lean on it with your lower back. Press your head to
transferring burden to triceps. the wall then sharply kick up and softly land on it. Get stable
and start slightly kicking off the wall trying to catch balance.
20. Self-assisted reverse grip pull-ups 21. Reverse grip pull-ups
Technique. Its important to concentrate on target muscles Technique. Form a slight false grip, place your hands a bit wider
group (here its biceps) which can be achieved by rounding than shoulders width. Elbows should go along body and arch
your back in the initial position. Its also important no to pro- your lower back. Protrude your chest and pull your shoulder
truding your chest and keep your lower back flat. Fully extend blades together.
your arms in the maximal amplitude. Use legs for assistance
as much as its needed but ideally they should be fully relaxed.
The final position is 90 degrees in elbows.
22. Split jump 23. Jumping squats
Technique. Jump and switch legs or just slowly switch legs. Technique. Place your legs a bit wider than shoulders width
Knee shouldnt go over the toes line and knee angle should be rotating your feet on 30-45 degrees. Start movement by mov-
approximately 90 degrees. Dont touch the ground with your ing your pelvis back and raising your arms in front of you to
knees and dont help your with your hands! keep balance. Knees shouldnt go over the toes line. Squat a bit
lower than 90 degrees in knees and jump up pushing yourself
up by calves strength then softly land and repeat the move-
with equipment
24. Bench push-ups 25. Bench press with rubber band
Technique. Slightly bend your knees, stepping on the whole Technique. Pull a rubber band under bench and pulling elbows
feet. Place your hands a bit wider than shoulders width and apart perform smooth but not too slow bench press. In the fi-
slowly go down until touching the bench. Fully extend your nal point pull your shoulders forward to involve chest muscles
arms in the initial and final positions, stressing your triceps in into work. Rubber band should go strictly over elbows.
every moment of the movement.
26. Rubber band assisted push-ups 27. Horizontal rubber band chin row
Technique. These push-ups are much easier than usual ones Technique. Rubber band should be fixed on chest level. Make
because rubber band pulls you up. Technique is the same. a few steps back until the band is medium tensed then lean
a bit back with your torso and perform smooth but quite fast
pulling movement to your chin pulling elbows up and apart and
loosening your wrists a bit.
28. Chest flies with rubber band 29. Inverted rubber band press
Technique. Lean forward almost parallel to the ground. Technique. Torso should be strictly parallel to the ground, back
Place your arms wide apart slightly bending your el- straight. Elbows in the initial position should be pointed up
bows then pull down bringing hands together. Dont and apart. Perform pulling movement bringing your hands to-
change the position during the whole movement. gether.
30. Biceps curls 31. Rubber band triceps extension
Technique. Attach rubber band as low as possible and Technique. Attach rubber band as low as possible or just stand
make a few steps forward. Elbows should be placed the on it. Extend arms in the final position in the maximal ampli-
closest to body. The movement should be executed in tude.
the maximal amplitude. Wrists are stressed. Dont ex-
ceed 90 degrees in elbows in the final position.
32. Pull-ups with rubber band 33. Dips with rubber band
Technique. Is identical to regular pull-ups. Place rubber band Technique. Is identical to regular dips. Attach rubber band to
strictly in the middle. one of the bars and put one of the hands into the loop. Get
into dips position and place your bent legs on the top of rubber
34. Pistol squats with rubber band 35. Horizontal one arm row
Technique. Hold rubber band and perform squats. Knees Technique. Place rubber band approximately at chest level. Go
shouldnt go over the toes line, the second leg is straightened back until rubber band is tensed enough to keep relaxed arm
in front of you. Perform ONLY with rubber band or holding on in horizontal position then make a step back with a leg of the
something nohow else. The floating arm is always straight and same name bending the other one and leaning on it to keep
is in front of you. Keep your back perfectly flat. balance. Perform pulling movement to belt by arm bending but
not using impulse! Arm should move strictly along the body.
Pay maximal attention to lower back muscles.
36. Dumbbells/rubber band press 37. Muscle-up with rubber band
Technique. Move elbows strictly apart and dont fully insert Technique. Take a slight initial swing then move forward in
shoulder joints. Wrists are slightly relaxed. shoulders relaxing them and sharply insert them into joints
sockets creating maximal impulse directed up and to the bar.
Reaching the second position on the pic move elbows over the
bar including triceps into work at the same time.
38. Vertical rubber band row
This training program is an example and every user can change it for her/his needs by adding or removing some exercises, changing
quantities of reps and etc.
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You should consult your physician or other health care professional before starting this or any other training programs.