W Manual Soil-Treatment 0116 EN PDF
W Manual Soil-Treatment 0116 EN PDF
W Manual Soil-Treatment 0116 EN PDF
Base Layers
with Hydraulic Binders
Soil Treatment
Soil Treatment and Base Layers with Hydraulic Our special thanks go to Holcim (Sddeutschland)
Binders is a manual intended as a useful tool to GmbH who have kindly provided us with the
support design engineers, executing companies entire contents of the manual on Soil Treatment
and supervisors in their daily work. and Base Layers with Hydraulic Binders.
The manual presents the different standards, This manual has been translated from German
specications, directives, codes of practice and into English.
own knowledge in such a way that the contents
are made available, in readily understandable form,
in a single, application-based work.
1 Soil Treatment 11
2.1 General 91
2.2 Terminology 92
2.3 Base layers with hydraulic binders in accordance with the Additional technical
conditions of contract and directives for the construction of base layers with hydraulic
binders and concrete pavements (ZTV Beton-StB) and soil stabilization in accordance
with the Additional technical conditions of contract and directives for earthworks in
road construction (ZTV E-StB) 93
2.4 Principles of production 94
2.4.1 General 94
2.5 Tests Definitions 95
2.5.1 Initial testing (mix design) 95
2.5.2 Factory production control 95
2.5.3 Internal control testing 97
2.5.4 Compliance testing 97
2.6 Construction materials 98
2.6.1 Soils and aggregates for soil stabilization 98
2.6.2 Aggregates and construction material mixtures for hydraulically bound base layers 99
2.6.3 Aggregates and construction material mixtures for concrete base layers 102
2.6.4 Hydraulic binders 103
2.6.5 Water 104
2.6.6 Concrete admixtures / Concrete additives 104
2.7 Requirements on base layers with hydraulic binders 105
2.7.1 Design 105
2.7.2 Pavement layers with binders 105
References 128
Soil treatment with binders (soil improvement and The environmental responsibility to reduce CO2
soil stabilization) comprises a range of proven emissions has an additional impact on framework
construction methods which, from the mid-1950s, conditions in the construction industry.
gained increasing economic importance in earth- These developments require building in poor
works. weather conditions using the native soils, or the
The investigations carried out then were the basis environmentally compatible use of soils, aggre-
for developing the current body of rules and gates and recycled construction materials.
regulations and still form the basis of construction
today. Soil treatment offers just the right solutions and
ideal economic conditions to meet these chal-
The continued development in earthworks entailing lenges.
very short construction times, higher loads (heavy-
vehicle trafc, rapid-transit railway systems etc.) The soil-binder mixtures lead to a permanent
and the saving of resources whilst complying with increase in bearing capacity (even in the event of
the provisions of the Closed Substance Cycle and water ingress), signicantly improve shear strength
Waste Management Act has changed the bound- and considerably reduce settlement behaviour.
ary conditions of earthwork operations. These properties enable them to be used in many
areas of earthworks and road construction.
10 l 11
1.1 Denition of terms
Embankment Cut
Asphalt surfacing
Asphalt base layer or base layer
with hydraulic binder
Frost blanket
12 l 13
1.1.2 Terms and body of rules and regulations for soil treatment
Application and
resulting reduction
Reduction of pavement
thickness by means of
qualified soil improvement
at subgrade level
F3 soil
Additional technical conditions of contract and directives for earthworks in road construction
Directives for the standardization of the superstructures of trafficked surfaces
Additional technical conditions of contract and directives for the construction of base layers with hydraulic binders and concrete pavements
Attribution of terms Pavement
F1 soil F2 / F3 soil
No reduction of pavement
thickness in case of fully
bound pavement
14 l 15
1.1.3 Correlating rules and regulations with the different layers
Asphalt base
and / or
TL Beton-StB 3)
RStO 8)
ZTV SoB-StB 4)
TL Gestein-StB 5)
ZTV E-StB 6)
TL BuB E-StB 7)
16 l 17
1.2 Denition of terms in soil treatment
Soil treatment is a generic term for processes in properties. It is distinguished into soil stabilization
which soils are modied to meet certain specied and soil improvement.
Soil stabilization comprises a range of processes trafc loading and climate, thus creating perma-
in which binders are added to the existing soil to nent bearing capacity and frost resistance.
increase its resistance to stresses caused by
Soil improvement comprises a range of processes compactability of existing soils and facilitate the
which improve both the suitability for placing and execution of construction work.
Qualied soil improvement comprises a range of stringent requirements in terms of, for example,
soil improvement processes complying with more frost resistance and bearing capacity.
Base layers with hydraulic binders comprise They count toward the overall pavement thickness.
hydraulically bound base layers produced in-plant
for use in the pavement, as well as stabilized base
The most important design parameter for base lay-
layers (hydraulically stabilized base) produced either
ers is layer thickness. It is determined based on:
in-place or in-plant for use in the pavement or on
the subgrade in earthworks. Hydraulic base layers
transfer the static and dynamic loads acting on the > the trafc volume;
surfacing into the subsoil or subgrade respectively. > the bearing capacity of the subgrade; and
> the requirements placed on frost resistance.
1.3 Geotechnical investigations
1.3.1 General
The soil must be investigated and tested well in Soils reclaimable from excavations, side cuts and
advance with regard to borrow pits require testing for their possible use.
> its properties;
> its suitability as subsoil or construction mate- This enables other investigations and tests re-
rial; quired during construction to be determined well
> any lls; and in advance.
> any contamination with harmful substances
Geotechnical investigations required for invitations
so that the ndings can be considered
to tender have to be performed by the client.
> in the planning process;
> for design-related conclusions; and If the construction project is executed on the basis
> in the concept of construction and construction of an alternative tender, feasibility and tness for
sequence. purpose have to be veried in supplementary
investigations to be performed by the contractor.
1.3.2 Description of soil types according to DIN EN ISO 14688-1 (old: 4022, Part 1)
Inorganic soils are classied and designated Minor fractions are those fractions which do not
according to the standards specied in the follow- determine but may nevertheless inuence the
ing table. properties of the soil.
For coarse-grained and mixed-grained soils, minor
fractions having
Soils composed of several particle size ranges are
also designated in accordance with this table. > minor inuence are characterized by the prex
slightly; and
> major inuence are characterized by the prex
Composite soils are designated by means of highly.
> a noun for the major fraction; and
> one or several adjectives for the minor frac- If two major determining fractions of approximately
tions. equal proportions are present in coarse-grained
soils, both are designated using the conjunction
The following basic rules apply: and.
18 l 19
Letter symbol Letter symbol
Range / Designation Particle size range [mm]
DIN EN 14688 DIN 4022
For the purpose of describing the civil engineering main groups and into groups with approximately
properties and suitability according to DIN 18196, the same material composition and similar proper-
the different types of soil are classied into ties. Principles of soil classication
For civil engineering purposes, soil is classied ac- Grading is designated as follows:
cording to its material composition based on: W = wide grading
> particle size range; E = narrow grading
> plastic properties; and I = gap grading
> organic constituents.
The plastic properties are designated as follows:
The different types of soil are designated by letter L = low plasticity
symbols, the rst letter signifying the major con- M = medium plasticity
stituent and the second letter signifying the minor A = high plasticity
constituent, where
G = gravel O = organic matter
S = sand H = peat, humus
U = silt F = digested sludge
T = clay K = lime
Z = degraded peat
N = marginally degraded peat
20 l 21 Coarse-grained soils
Mixtures of gravel, sand, silt and clay with a con- mass and 40% by mass constitute mixed-grained
tent of nes < 0.06 mm ranging between 5% by soils.
Fine-grained soils are classied according to their It is assessed based on the water content at the
plastic properties. liquid limit wL and plasticity index Ip.
Plasticity is the relevant criterion.
Silts and clays: organogenic soils and soils con- Coarse-grained and mixed-grained soils: they are
taining organic matter are classied according to distinguished based on the type of matter con-
the plasticity chart. They are below the A-line. tained (humic, calcareous, siliceous). Chart
Grain-to-grain contact Grain-to-grain contact No grain-to-grain Parallel Honeycomb Lump Fibrous structure
Fines < 0.063 mm: Fines < 0.063 mm: contact structure structure structure
< 5% by mass 5% to 15% by mass Coarse grain floats in Highly frost-susceptible
Frost-proof Slightly frost-susceptible fine-grained matrix
Low compressibility Low compressibility Fines < 0.063 mm:
15% to 40% by mass
Highly frost-susceptible
Properties of fine grain
are dominant Micropore
Large pore spaces Large pore spaces Small pore spaces Small pore spaces Small pore spaces
High or relatively high High water permeability, Low water permeability, Very low water permeability, Very low water perme-
water permeability, low low water-binding medium water-binding high to very high water-binding ability and very high
water-binding capacity capacity capacity capacity water-binding capacity
Gravels and sands Clayey-silty gravels and sands Silts and clays Peat, humus,
digested sludge
22 l 23 Classifying soils according to their plastic properties
Liquid Liquid limit wL
IC = 0 limit wL Water content at the point
of transition from liquid to
plastic state
Soil creeps out between the fingers when
IC = 0.50
IC = 0.75
IC = ws limit wS Shrinkage limit wS
Water content at the point
of transition from semi-firm
Soil can no longer be kneaded but can to firm state
only be crushed
30 0)
Clays of medium
plasticity TM
10 Sand-clay
mixtures ST Silts contain-
ing organic
7 matter and
Intermediate range 1) organogenic
4 silts OU and
Sand-silt silts of medium
mixtures SU plasticity UM
0 10 20 30 35 40 50 60 70 80
Liquid limit wL in %
Tests performed to determine the plasticity index of soils having a low liquid limit give inaccurate results. Soils in the intermediate range
must therefore be classified into the clay and silt ranges by means of other processes, for example, in accordance with DIN 4022,
Part 1, 09.87, section 8.5 to section 8.9.
24 l 25 Classifying soils according to DIN 18196
Soils are classied in accordance with their suitability for civil engineering purposes using DIN 18196.
Group symbol
Letter symbol
Main groups
relative to class )
Particle size A-line
(see chart)
) 0.06 mm ) 2 mm
1 Narrow-graded gravels GE
Coarse-grained soils
7 Gravel-silt mixtures GU
) 60%
8 Gravel-clay mixtures GT
5% to 15%
5 - 15% F2 *)
by mass ) 0.06 mm
Mixed-grained soils
9 Sand-silt mixtures SU
> 60%
10 Sand-clay mixtures ST
Response to Plasticity in
Dry strength
vibration testing kneading test
Boulder clay
Wide-graded clayey
or gap-graded
grading curve silty Tertiary sand
medium to high none to slow none to low Glacial till, varved clay
Loess loam, basin clay, saliferous clay,
high none none to low
lacustrine clay
very high none none to low Trass, Lauenburg clay, basin clay
26 l 27 Classifying soils according to DIN 18196
Soils are classied in accordance with their suitability for civil engineering purposes using DIN 18196.
Group symbol
Letter symbol
Particle size fraction Plasticity
Main groups
in % by mass index and susceptibility
position class )
relative to
Particle size A-line
(see chart)
) 0.06 mm ) 2 mm
Coarse-grained to
23 mixed-grained soils OH F2
containing humic matter
< 40%
Coarse-grained to
mixed-grained soils
24 OK
containing calcareous,
siliceous formations
Non-degraded to mod-
25 erately degraded peats HN
or smoulderable
Organic soils
26 Degraded peats HZ
Muds as a collec-
tive term for digested
27 F
sludge, organic silt,
gyttja, dy, sapropel
) In accordance with the Additional technical conditions of contract and directives for earthworks in road construction (ZTV E-StB)
) Soils formed as a result of microorganism action
*) To be classied as F1 if, where U * 15.0, the nes content (d < 0.063 mm) is ) 5.0% by mass or, where U ) 6.0, the nes content
(d < 0.063 mm) is ) 15.0% by mass. Where 6.0 < U < 15.0, the particle fraction smaller 0.063 mm permissible for classifying as F1 may be
interpolated linearly (see chart).
Distinguishing characteristics
(including lines 16 to 21)
Response to Plasticity in
Dry strength
vibration testing kneading test
Lacustrine marl
medium slow to very quick medium Diatomaceous earth
Alluvial mud
high none high Tidal mud
Tertiary carboniferous clays
Calcareous sand
Contains non-organic matter, mostly light in colour,
Tuffaceous sand
low weight, high porosity
Bog lime
28 l 29
1.4 Frost susceptibility of soils and rock
of variable strength
In terms of frost susceptibility, the soil groups are The susceptibility to frost of the weathered prod-
distinguished in accordance with the classication uct is the relevant criterion for rock of variable
specied in the table below. strength.
low to medium SU, GU
F2 susceptibility to F2 TA
ST, GT 1)
SU, GU } 10
UL, UM, UA 5
highly susceptible
to frost
ST*, GT*
SU*, GU* F1
1) To be classied as F1 if, where U * 15.0, the nes content 1 5 10 15
(d < 0.063 mm) is ) 5.0% by mass or, where U ) 6.0, the nes d60
content (d < 0.063 mm) is ) 15.0% by mass. Coefficient of uniformity U =
Where 6.0 < U < 15.0, the particle fraction smaller 0.063 mm
permissible for classifying as F1 may be interpolated linearly
(see chart).
1.4.2 Frost susceptibility after soil improvement with binders
Soil groups TL, TM, UL, UM, UA, ST*, SU*, GU*
Re-classication leads to a reduction in design
are classied into frost-susceptibility class F2 if the
strength according to the Directives for the
requirements specied for qualied soil improve-
standardization of the superstructures of traf-
ment are complied with (see section 1.5 Applica-
cked surfaces (RStO 12).
tion 1.5.2 Qualied soil improvement).
This is tantamount to substantial reductions in
the pavement cost.
30 l 31
1.5 Application
In the construction of roads and trafc surfaces, Soil improvement with binders enables wet, insuf-
soil improvement is used in earthworks at sub- ciently compactable soils:
grade or subsoil level. > to be turned into a condition suitable for plac-
Examples: construction of embankments, em- ing and compacting;
bankment shoulders, backlls, rells, site transport > to be given a higher bearing capacity; and
roads or similar. > to be given improved weather resistance.
Stepped subsoil
Qualified soil improvement, for example
by adding 5% by mass of mixed binder
32 l 33
Soils suitable for qualied soil improvement Reclassication leads to a reduction in design
Soils in the group TL, TM, UL, UM, UA, ST*, SU*, strength according to the Directives for the
GU* are classied in frost-susceptibility class F2, standardization of the superstructures of traf-
if the requirements for qualied soil improvement cked surfaces (RStO 12). This, in turn, greatly
are met. reduces the pavement costs.
Baseline values for determining the thickness of a frost-resistant pavement of load class BK 3.2 to BK 1.0
(Directives for the standardization of the superstructures of trafcked surfaces [RStO 12], Table 6)
10 cm
EV2 > 70 MN / m2 reduction in
EV2 > 45 MN / m2 EV2 > 45 MN / m2
Subgrade F2* soil EV2 thickness
> 45 MN / m2 and reduc-
tion in dispo-
F2 soil F3 soil sal of soil
F3 soil
Qualied soil improvement of the subgrade road construction (TB BF-StB) Part B 7.1 *
When selecting the binder quantity, the following 40%, samples stored for 28 days. The loss in
requirements should be met: strength after soaking in water for 24 hours
Deformation modulus Ev2 * 70 MN/m2 may not exceed 50%
Compressive strength in accordance with The test may also be performed after 7 days
Technical testing regulations for soil and rock and/or at other testing times
in road construction (TB BF-StB) Part B 11.3 Binder quantity * 3% by mass
* 0.5 N/mm2, samples stored for 28 days.
The loss in strength after soaking in water for Qualied soil improvement for other
24 hours may not exceed 50% applications
Alternatively: CBR in accordance with Tech- Determination of the binder quantity in ac-
nical testing regulations for soil and rock in cordance with the structural soil analysis.
34 l 35
1.5.3 Soil stabilization
Soil stabilization is performed in the upper part Examples of trafc surfaces: rural roads, bicycle
of the subgrade or subsoil of roads and trafc paths and footpaths, airelds, container storage
surfaces. Soil stabilization improves the bearing areas, industrial sites.
capacity and therefore trafckability of the pave-
ment, increasing its frost resistance.
F2 and F3 soils:
The thickness of the frost-resistant pavement may Choice of pavement in accordance
be reduced by 20 cm if: with RStO 2) as from top edge of
stabilized layer in:
> the upper zone of the subsoil or subgrade is Chart 1, lines 2.2 and 2.3
stabilized in accordance with the Additional Chart 2, lines 1.2 and 1.3
technical conditions of contract and directives
for earthworks in road construction (ZTV E- Stabilized layer in accordance with
StB). ZTV Beton-StB 1)
Thickness in accordance with
RStO 2), Chart 1 or Chart 2:
F1 soils: 15 to 25 cm
If the subsoil or subgrade immediately underlying
the pavement is an F1 soil (e.g. narrow-graded
sands) of limited bearing capacity or trafckability,
> the frost blanket may be omitted if soil stabi- Subsoil / Subgrade
lization is performed in accordance with the F1 soil of sufficient thickness
Additional technical conditions of contract and
directives for the construction of base layers
with hydraulic binders and concrete pave-
ments (ZTV Beton-StB).
The F1 soil must have a minimum thickness in this This type of stabilized layer forms part of the pave-
design corresponding to that of the frost blanket ment of trafc areas and is dealt with in the Additional
overlying an F2 or F3 soil. technical conditions of contract and directives for the
construction of base layers with hydraulic binders and
Directives for the standardization of the super- concrete pavements (ZTV Beton-StB).
structures of trafcked surfaces (RStO),
Figure 5: Construction methods on F1 soil
stabilized in accordance with the Additional
technical conditions of contract and direc-
tives for the construction of base layers with
hydraulic binders and concrete pavements
(ZTV Beton-StB):
Additional technical conditions of contract and directives for the construction of base layers with hydraulic binders and concrete pavements
Directives for the standardization of the superstructures of trafficked surfaces
36 l 37 Excerpt from the Directives for the standardization of the superstructures of
trafcked surfaces (RStO 12), Chart 1
Base layers with hydraulic binders underlying an Load class Bk100
asphalt surfacing
B [Mio.] > 32
(Thickness in cm; Thickness of frost-resistant
55 65 75 85
Ev2 minimum values in MN / m2) pavement 1)
Asphalt surfacing
Asphalt base
Stabilized layer
2.2 Layer of frost-resistant material (F1)
- wide-graded or gap-graded in
accordance with DIN 18196 - -45
Thickness of layer of
frost-resistant material 10 4) 20 4) 30 40
Asphalt surfacing 12
Asphalt base
Stabilized layer
2.3 Layer of frost-resistant material (F1)
If values deviate, the layer thicknesses of the frost blanket or frost-
- narrow-graded in accordance with 20
resistant material respectively have to be determined by taking the
difference. DIN 18196 -
Applicable with round aggregates only if proven locally. 45 -50
Applicable only with crushed aggregates and if proven locally. Thickness of layer of
To be executed only if the frost-resistant material and material to be frost-resistant material 5 4) 15 4) 25 35
stabilized can be placed as a single layer.
Bk32 Bk10 Bk3,2 Bk1,8 Bk1,0 Bk0,3
> 10 32 > 3,2 10 > 1,8 3,2 > 1,0 1,8 > 0,3 1,0 ) 0,3
55 65 75 85 55 65 75 85 45 55 65 75 45 55 65 75 45 55 65 75 35 45 55 65
12 12
10 8
15 15
-37 -35
45 45
28 3) 38 48 30 2) 40 50
4 4 4
12 12 10
12 10 10
10 10
15 15 15
15 15
14 4) 24 34 44 18 4) 28 38 48 10 4) 20 30 40 14 4) 24 34 44 16 4) 26 36 46 6 4) 16 4) 26 36
4 4 4
12 12 10
12 10 10
10 10
15 15 15
20 20
-31 -29 -29
-42 -40
45 45 45 45 45 45
9 4) 19 4) 29 39 13 4) 23 33 43 5 4) 15 4) 25 35 14 4) 24 34 44 16 4) 26 36 46 6 4) 16 4) 26 36
38 l 39 Excerpt from the Directives for the standardization of the superstructures of
trafcked surfaces (RStO 12), Chart 2
Base layers with hydraulic binders underlying a Load class Bk100
concrete surfacing
B [Mio.] > 32
(Thickness in cm; Thickness of frost-resistant
55 65 75 85
Ev2 minimum values in MN / m2) pavement 1)
Concrete surfacing
The additional conditions of contract for the 27
German States (Bundeslnder) have to be Fibre mat 8)
complied with.
1.2 Stabilized layer
Layer of frost-resistant 20
material (F1)
- wide-graded or gap-graded in
accordance with DIN 18196 - -47
Thickness of layer of
frost-resistant material 8 4) 184) 28 38
> 10 32 > 3,2 10 > 1,8 3,2 > 1,0 1,8 > 0,3 1,0 ) 0,3
55 65 75 85 55 65 75 85 45 55 65 75 45 55 65 75 45 55 65 75 35 45 55 65
26 25 24 23
15 15
15 15
120 120 120
24 3) 34 44 25 3) 35 45 26 3) 36 273) 37
26 25 24 23
15 15
15 15
14 4) 24 34 44 15 4) 25 35 45 6 4) 16 26 36 273) 37
26 25 24 23 20 20
15 15
20 20
20 20
40 l 41
1.6 Basic principles of earthworks
1.6.1 Compaction
At the start of compaction, the contractor has to Special conditions for compaction or construction
complete a trial eld to verify that the compaction apply to embankment shoulders. This may inu-
requirements will be met. ence the bulk width of an embankment in case of
soil stabilization or stabilization of the pavement.
The maximum bulk thickness (or maximum thick-
ness of the improved layer respectively) must be When placing weather-sensitive construction
such that the specied degree of compaction is materials, the bulk surfaces have to be built with a
achieved over the entire layer thickness. cross slope of no less than 6%.
The subsoil or subgrade of roads and paths has the degree of compaction DPr or the maximum
to be compacted so as to meet the following 10 percentile for the air voids ratio na respectively.
requirements on the minimum 10 percentile for
na in % by
Area Soil groups DPr in %
Subgrade to a depth of 1.00 m for GW, GI, GE
embankments SW, SI, SE 100
Subgrade to a depth of 0.50 m for cuts GU, GT, SU, ST
1.00 m below grade to embankment base SW, SI, SE 98
Subgrade to embankment base GU*, GT*, SU*, ST*
97 122)
Subgrade to a depth of 0.50 m for cuts U, T, OU1), OT1)
1) These requirements apply to soils of groups OU and OT only if their 2) If the soils are not improved by means of soil stabilization or quali-
suitability and placing conditions have been investigated separately ed soil improvement, a requirement on the maximum
and determined in consultation with the client. 10 percentile for the air voids ratio is recommended as follows:
8% by volume when placing water-sensitive mixed-grained or
ne-grained soils; and
6% by volume when placing rock of variable strength.
This has to be indicated in the specication of works.
1.6.3 Requirements on the subgrade
* 2.5 % 6%
12 %
42 l 43
1.6.4 Deformation modulus on the subgrade (minimum 10 percentile)
Being the foundation for the roads pavement, The static and dynamic deformation moduli can be
the subgrade must exhibit adequate bearing and inferred from the following table.
deformation behaviours.
Load class
Load class Bk0,3
Frost-resistant subsoil or subgrade Bk100 Bk1,0
Ev2 * 100 MN/m2
(F1 soil) Ev2 * 120 MN/m2
Evd * 50 MN/m2
Evd * 65 MN/m2
Requirements on the minimum 10 percentile for the degree of compaction DPr or maximum
10 percentile for the air voids ratio na when improving or stabilizing the subgrade
Requirements on Ev2
Subgrade 0.00 m see separate table
Stabilized DPr * 98 % 2)
subsoil immediately after completion of compaction
0.50 m
Improved DPr * 100 % for GW, GI, GE, SW, SI, SE, GU, GT, SU, ST
subsoil 1) DPr * 97 % and na ) 12% for GU*, GT*, SU*, ST*, U, T, OU3), OT3)
Requirements on Ev2
Subgrade 0.00 m see separate table
0.50 m
Stabilized DPr * 98 % 2)
subgrade immediately after completion of compaction
1.00 m
DPr * 100 % for GW, GI, GE, SW, SI, SE, GU, GT, SU, ST
DPr * 97 % and na ) 12% for GU*, GT*, SU*, ST*, U, T, OU3), OT3)
subgrade 1)
DPr * 98 % for GW, GI, GE, SW, SI, SE, GU, GT, SU, ST
DPr * 97 % and na ) 12% for GU*, GT*, SU*, ST*, U, T, OU3), OT3)
1) Including qualied soil improvement. 3) These requirements apply to soils of groups OU and OT only if their
2) Requirements on the minimum 10 percentile for the degree of suitability and placing conditions have been investigated separately
compaction of the soil-binder mixture immediately after compac- and determined in consultation with the client.
tion has been completed. na air voids ratio
Higher requirements on compaction may be dened The edge design of embankments may require
in the specication of works for earth structures ex- excess proling when performing soil improvement
posed to especially high levels of loading (including operations at subgrade level.
partial sections, such as structural backlls).
44 l 45
1.7 Quality assurance
Soil treatment operations require mix designs. Mix designs, internal control testing and compli-
ance testing are performed in accordance with the
pertinent technical regulations in effect at the time.
For a reliable assessment of the construction work These tests have to be arranged for by the client
to be tendered, the soil or construction material as part of soil investigation and within the para-
has to be tested to determine its bearing capacity, meters of the preconstruction phase.
re-usability as embankment ll and suitability for
soil treatment with binders.
Mix designs have to be performed within the The following estimated periods of time are
parameters of construction. required for the mix design:
> soil stabilization approx. 5 weeks
The contractor is required to commission a test- > qualied soil
ing laboratory experienced in and certied for improvement approx. 2 to 5 weeks
soil treatment, for example, a testing laboratory This period may be shorter if an assessment
approved in accordance with the Directives for based on 7-day strengths is also possible.
accreditation of test centres for building materials > soil improvement approx. 1 to 2 weeks
and building material mixtures in road construc-
tion (RAP Stra), with performing the mix design. This period may be longer if additional testing is
required. These tests may include:
The amount of binder determined in the mix > frost-resistance testing (freeze-thaw test / frost
design is specied by the contractor as it is his heaving test); and
responsibility to ensure that the construction work > proof of compatibility with water-management
is completed free of any defects. requirements.
The mix designs provide information on the type The values given in the following table can be used
and amount of binder and water to be added, the to determine the amount of binder to be added in
amount of any additives to be used and the tness the mix design.
for use of the soils and soil-binder mixtures.
46 l 47
Table: Soil-specic empirical values for binder quantities in soil stabilization, soil improvement
and qualied soil improvement (Code of practice as amended in 2004)
Coarse-grained soils
(GE, GW, GI, SE, 3-7 3-7 3-7
Mixed-grained soils
(GU, GT, SU, ST, 4-6+* 4-8* 4-12 4-12 4-12
Soil stabilization
Fine-grained soils
(UL, TL, UM, UA, 4-6 4-8 7-16 7-16 4-16
Recycled construc-
4-10 4-10 4-10
tion materials
Coarse-grained soils
(GE, GW, GI, SE, 3-6 3-6 3-6
Soil improvement**
Mixed-grained soils
(GU, GT, SU, ST, 2 (3)-4 2 (3)-5 3-6 3-6 2 (3)-6
GU*, GT*, SU*, ST*)
Fine-grained soils
(UL, TL, UM, UA, 2 (3)-4 2 (3)-5 3-6 3-6 2 (3)-6
48 l 49
1.7.2 Tests to be performed during construction
The tests are performed for quality assurance purposes, taking into account the testing procedures and testing
methods according to the Additional technical conditions of contract and directives for earthworks in road construc-
tion (ZTV E-StB) and the pertinent Technical testing regulations for soil and rock in road construction (TP BF-StB).
Soil stabilization
Parameter Internal control testing Compliance testing
Conformity of binder supplied with binder type each delivery random checks
and grade agreed (delivery note)
Grading every 250 m or 3,000 m
State variables as required
Organic constituents every 250 m or 3,000 m random checks
Water content as required
Proctor density and related water content
Stabilized layer
Degree of compaction every 250 m or 3,000 m every 250 m or 3,000 m
at least once per day
Binder quantity as required every 1,000 m
Correct vertical and horizontal position 3 times every 20 m every 50 m
Evenness as required as required
Layer thickness
Layer thickness as required every 1,000 m2
Deformation modulus
on the subgrade
Deformation modulus Ev2
Deformation modulus Evd according to testing method M1 or M2
* The scope of testing depends on the testing method chosen (method M1, M2 or M3).
Type, scope and frequency of internal control and compliance testing for soil treatment operations:
50 l 51
Internal control tests and compliance tests for the Determining the unconned compressive strength
stabilized layer are performed jointly by the con- on core samples or plate samples taken from the
tractor and the client immediately after compac- completed layer does not allow any conclusions
tion. to be drawn on compliance with the requirements
of the Additional technical conditions of contract
Internal control tests performed in the presence of and directives for earthworks in road construction
an agent appointed by the client may be acknowl- (ZTV E-StB).
edged as compliance tests.
Compressive strength testing of the completed
As the processing times of hydraulic binders are stabilized layer has therefore not been specied.
extremely short, internal control tests and compli- Due to the relatively low strength, it is only rarely
ance tests should be performed jointly by the con- possible to drill out suitable cores. In addition, the
tractor and the client immediately after completion shearing surfaces forming during compressive
of a soil treatment operation. strength testing are affected by hairline cracks
beginning to form and by larger single grains
Binder content, degree of compaction and bearing embedded in the layer.
capacity cannot be tested at a later date.
Compressive strength testing is performed as part
Performing these tests at a later date allows any of the mix design only to determine the appropri-
necessary adjustment of the operation or correc- ate binder quantity.
tion of the layer thickness, evenness or correct
vertical and horizontal position to be effected to a
limited extent only.
When performing the tests, a distinction is made Testing procedure: denes and determines the
between testing methods and testing procedures. test criteria. The testing procedures include spe-
cic work instructions to determine the compac-
Testing method: refers to the systematic ap- tion characteristics.
proach used to verify the intended quality in
accordance with the specied requirements on
compaction characteristics. Testing methods for testing compaction characteristics
Method M1: approach in accordance with sta- Further information can be obtained from the Code
tistical testing schedule of practice on continuous dynamic procedures for
This method proceeds in accordance with Part E 1 testing compaction in earthworks (Merkblatt ber
of the Technical testing regulations for soil and rock chendeckende dynamische Verfahren zur Prfung
in road construction (TP BF-StB). der Verdichtung im Erdbau) and Code of practice
for the compaction of subsoil and subgrade in road
Method M1 determines the statistical distribution construction (Merkblatt fr die Verdichtung des
of the test criterion within an inspection lot on the Untergrundes und des Unterbaues im Straenbau).
basis of random checking. Based on the sampling
results, the decision is then made whether to accept Method M2 is recommended in particular:
or to reject the inspection lot (refer to the Code of > for construction projects with high daily output
practice for the compaction of subsoil and subgrade rates and soils of largely uniform composition;
in road construction (Merkblatt fr die Verdichtung > for inspection surfaces tested to assess the
des Untergrundes und Unterbaues im Straenbau). uniformity of compaction; and
Method M1 can be used for all types of soil. > where compaction is to be assessed as an inte-
gral part of the operation.
Method M1 is recommended in particular:
> for large inspection lots; Method M3: approach for monitoring the
> for inspection lots tested to assess the uniform- working procedure
ity of compaction; and This method proceeds in accordance with Part E 3
> for inspection lots tested using quick testing of the Technical testing regulations for soil and rock
procedures the results of which are available in road construction (TP BF-StB).
Method M3 typically uses trial compaction to prove
Method M2: approach when applying the suitability of the compaction procedure used.
continuous dynamic measuring procedures A work instruction for compaction is then set up
This method proceeds in accordance with Part E 2 based on the results of the trial compaction. Com-
of the Technical testing regulations for soil and rock paction of the earth structure tendered is carried out
in road construction (TP BF-StB). in accordance with the work instruction. Adherence
to the work instruction must be documented.
Method M2 uses a measuring device installed at the
roller to continuously determine a dynamic measur- Further information can be obtained from the
ing value resulting from the interaction between roller Code of practice for the compaction of subsoil and
and soil and correlated with the soils stiffness and subgrade in road construction (Merkblatt fr die
degree of compaction. This method performs a full Verdichtung des Untergrundes und des Unterbaues
inspection of the compacted layer (= inspection im Straenbau).
surface) by means of an indirect testing procedure
(= dynamic measuring value) based on which a deci- Method M3 is recommended, for example, for
sion is then made whether to accept or reject the smaller construction projects and restricted space
inspection surface (= inspection lot). conditions.
52 l 53 Testing procedures for determining compaction parameters
D = l x 100 [%]
hat. Pr
The Proctor density has to be determined for each Voids ratio n = 1- ls [-]
soil sample from the eld.
For soils and construction materials of uniform
composition, it is also possible to use the Proctor
ld = particle density of the native soil
density determined in the mix design or during trial
3. Air voids ratio na
The air voids ratio is calculated from the results of
2. Dry density ld and voids ratio n
the density measurement and determination of the
The dry density ld and voids ratio n may be de-
water content.
ned as substitute parameters for materials which
The air voids ratio may be dened as an additional
do not allow a reliable determination of the Proc-
characteristic for compaction.
tor density (e.g. rock of variable strength, stony
ground, recycled construction materials, certain
industrial by-products etc.).
54 l 55
For coarse-grained soils, the following correlation applies according to the Additional technical condi-
tions of contract and directives for earthworks in road construction (ZTV E-StB):
Guideline values for correlating the static deformation modulus Ev2 and the ratio Ev2 / Ev1 with the
degree of compaction DPr in coarse-grained soils:
An even higher Ev2 / Ev1 ratio is permissible if Ev1 reaches 60% of the Ev2 value specied.
Guideline values for correlating the dynamic deformation modulus Evd with the degree of
compaction DPr in coarse-grained soils:
56 l 57
1.8 Soils and mineral construction materials for
soil treatment
The suitability of soils for soil treatment (depend- The soils to be treated should be available in a
ing on the binder used) must be veried within the largely homogeneous quality. (Code of practice as
scope of a mix design. amended in 2004/Additional technical conditions
of contract and directives for earthworks in road
construction (ZTVE) as amended in 2009)
> Coarse-grained soils with a maximum particle > Fine-grained and mixed-grained soils
size of 63 mm SU, ST, GU, GT, SU*, ST*, GU*, GT*, UL, UM,
> Clays of high plasticity to the extent that they > Soils of varying composition or nature
are of soft to stiff consistency and can be > Recycled and manufactured aggregates
sufciently crushed > Rocks of variable strength (siltstones and clay
TA stones) if they can be sufciently crushed and
> Mixed-grained soils containing stones larger have a sufciently high water content to allow
than 63 mm to the extent that these can be compaction (reduction of air voids ratio)
removed or crushed if in weathered state
> Soils containing organic matter and organo-
genic soils
Non-suitable soils include soils which cannot > Clays of high plasticity and semi-rm to rm
be substantially improved (suitability for placing, consistency TA
compactability) or sufciently stabilized (bearing > Rocks of variable strength (siltstones and clay
capacity, frost resistance) by adding high binder stones) if they cannot be sufciently crushed
contents and using standard equipment. > Organic soils
1.8.4 Natural and articial aggregates and recycled construction materials
Natural aggregates are classied based on grading ible use of industrial by-products and recycled
in accordance with DIN 18196. construction materials in road construction
(RuA-StB), Directives for the environmentally
Articial aggregates and recycled construction compatible use of reclaimed materials contain-
materials must comply with both environmentally ing tar-bound matter and for the use of reclaimed
relevant and water-management requirements. asphalt in road construction (RuVA-StB) and
Technical delivery terms for aggregates in road
These requirements are stipulated, for example, construction (TL Gestein-StB).
in the Directives for the environmentally compat-
Heaving may destroy the structure as a result of A mineralogical analysis of the soil should always
chemical reactions of the sulphates and sulphides be performed on critical soil types in order to avoid
(pyrite) with the free calcium contained in the exposure of the structure to any risk.
lime or cement (or both substances when using a
mixed binder).
Ettringite or thaumasite reaction is, among other
In the process, volumetric strains ranging from
things, additionally inuenced by the following
10% to 30% develop at swelling pressures of
up to 5 MPa caused by ettringite or thaumasite
growth. > temperature (reaction requires temperatures
< 15C);
Caution should generally be exercised with all > dry-wet cycles;
sulphate-bearing soils or waters, pyrite, gypsum > pore size of soil mixture (compaction);
and anhydrite in combination with free calcium at a > sulphate type and solubility; and
pH value > 10.5. > clay content of soil (clay content < 10%
Criteria for assessing native soils
> No risk: electrical conductivity of soil saturation
extract < 200 S / cm
> Low risk: sulphate content between 3,000 ppm
and 5,000 ppm
> Medium to high risk: sulphate content between
5,000 ppm and 8,000 ppm
> Soil not suitable for soil treatment: sulphate Recycled construction materials intended for
content > 8,000 ppm use in soil treatment must always be tested for
58 l 59
1.9 Binders
1.9.1 General
The purpose of construction and goal of soil The mechanical properties of the treated soil
treatment should be dened prior to selecting the should be dened and determined to allow selec-
binder to be used. tion of the binder and mixing procedure to be
This requires an investigation of the native soil used.
and its properties and of the requirements on the The criteria to be determined include shear
structure in terms of soil analysis. strength, stiffness, swelling or shrinkage proper-
In the next step, tests have to be performed in ties and durability in order to obtain a sustainable
order to determine the means (soil improvement, structure.
qualied soil improvement) by which and degree The type, method and formula to be used for soil
to which the properties and soil characteristics can treatment can be determined by means of mineral-
be improved. ogical and soil-mechanical investigations.
The following binders may be used for soil treat- of contract and directives for earthworks in road
ment without requiring further agreement provided construction (ZTV E-StB).
they comply with the pertinent standards: > Hydraulic soil and road binders according
> Cements according to DIN 197-1 and DIN 197-4 to DIN 18506
> Cements according to DIN 1164-10 > Mixed binders produced from standard hydrau-
> Building limes according to DIN EN 459-1 lic binders or their major hydraulic constituents
In addition, these must comply with supplementa- Other binders may be used provided that their
ry requirements in terms of reactivity and grading suitability has been veried and their use has been
according to the Additional technical conditions agreed upon between the client and contractor.
A distinction in the mode of action of ne limes is The long-term reaction commences after some
made between instantaneous and long-term reac- days and may continue for a period of several
tion. years.
The instantaneous reaction commences within min- Overall, there is only a moderate development of
utes after mixing and is complete after some days. strength.
Instantaneous reaction: Result:
> Quick reduction of water content in the soil- > Improved compactability
binder mixture resulting from > Improved plastic properties and thus decreas-
- aeration during the mixing process ing susceptibility to water
- the chemical bond of water > Proctor curve shifts to the wet side resulting in
- vaporization as a result of the heat generated a decrease of the dry density and simultaneous
during quicklime hydration increase of the optimum water content
> Crumbling caused by incipient chemical reac- > This results in an increase of the bearing
tions in the clay minerals and at their contact capacity
> Aggregation of ne-grained soils
> Increase of plastic limit
> This leads to an increase of consistency index
Ic and a reduction of plasticity index Ip.
Clayey soil (TM)
Dry density [ t / m3]
97 % DPr
treated with 2%
1.70 of binder
97 % DPr
treated with
wPr wPr 6% of binder
10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Water content w [%]
60 l 61
Long-term reaction: Result:
> Pozzolanic hardening (chemical conversion of > Volume stability, long-term increase in strength,
the clay minerals) permanent bearing capacity and frost resist-
> Cation exchange ance build up over a period of some months to
> Bridging several years.
> Carbonation (with CO2) Cements
Low-dust binders are used on projects requiring The binder is treated by means of a special,
lower dust levels than is normal for such applica- patented process which results in a signicant
tions. This is the case in particular in the vicinity of reduction of dust development during spreading
residential areas, infrastructure facilities, light metal and milling.
facades, glazed surfaces or similar sensitive areas. Examples of products: all DOROSOL mixtures,
Hydrophobic binders are used on projects where The binders hydrophobic action is neutralized
the binders cannot be mixed in right after spread- by the milling operation, which extends the time
ing or if a soil treatment operation is scheduled in frame available for processing.
a season where rainfall tends to be higher.
62 l 63
1.9.5 Binder applications
During geotechnical investigations, the main crite- The areas of application of the different types of
ria for selecting the binder to be used are typically binders are shown in the grading chart.
grading or the plasticity and water content of the
Type of soil:
GU*, SU*
xe Type of soil: GW, GI
too coarse
64 l 65
1.9.6 Binder processing times
The processing time of a binder is the period of > Use of mixed binder: measured from com-
time passing between spreading of the binder mencement of spreading or addition of the
and compaction of the soil (with the exception of binder until completion of compaction
hydrophobic binders). - maximum 4.0 hours at temperatures of up to
- maximum 3.0 hours at temperatures above
The following time intervals are permitted for pro-
cessing the soil-binder mixture:
> Use of cement or road binder: measured from These times are based on the different reaction
commencement of spreading or addition of the behaviours of the binders.
binder until completion of compaction
> Cement and road binders react upon contact
- maximum 2.0 hours at temperatures of up
with the moist soil and have fairly short process-
to 20C
ing times.
- maximum 1.5 hours at temperatures above
> Hydrophobic cement and hydrophobic road
binders react only when mixed into the soil.
> Mixed binders react upon contact with the moist
> Use of hydrophobic cement or hydropho-
soil and have longer processing times than ce-
bic road binder: measured from mixing of the
binder and soil until completion of compaction
- maximum 2.0 hours at temperatures of up to
- maximum 1.5 hours at temperatures above
The reaction time of a binder is the period of time For all binders, extending the reaction time
passing between mixing-in of the binder and com- results in:
paction of the soil. > an increase of the optimum water content;
> a reduction of the Proctor density; and
Modication of the reaction time has a strong inu- > a reduction in strength of the soil-binder mix-
ence on Proctor density and strength. ture.
Signicant reductions in strength occur when ex- cal testing regulations for soil and rock in road
tending the reaction time of cement. The reaction construction (TP BF-StB), Part B 11.3, stipulat-
time of one hour specied for soil stabilization in ing a reaction time of six hours produce the most
the Technical testing regulations for soil and rock signicant change in the Proctor curve. Factoring
in road construction (TP BF-StB), Part B 11.1, in the development of strength, shorter reaction
should also be complied with for soil improve- times can be chosen also with a view to a way of
ment. This approach results in the highest bearing working that is more in line with practical require-
capacity and lowest sensitivity to water immersion ments.
of the soil-binder mixture.
The following time periods between working in the
Longer reaction times are required for white ne binder and compaction should be adhered to:
lime. The requirements specied in the Techni-
The reaction times of mixed binders depend on Where appropriate, the reaction time of mixed
their hydraulic proportion and have to be set to binders can be adjusted in accordance with their
between 3 and 5 hours. main binder components.
66 l 67
1.10 Water
The water content of the soil to be treated should The water must not contain any substances
be equivalent to the optimum water content for and / or impurities that would have a detrimental
placing and compacting. effect on the soil treatment process.
97% DPr
Water content (% by weight)
100% DPr
water content
Binder quantity
Binder quantity
at 100% DPr
at 97% DPr
1 2 3 4 5
Addition of binder (% by weight)
= Wnat > Wopt
= Wnat = Wopt
= Wnat < Wopt
DOROSOL C 30 (example):
water reduction by approx. 0.5 1.0% per 1% of binder
DOROSOL C 50 (example):
water reduction by approx. 1.0 1.5% per 1% of binder
Fine lime:
water reduction by approx. 2.0 2.5% per 1% of binder
68 l 69
1.11 Effects of weather
1.11.1 Precipitation
An effective drainage system must be in place Hydrophobic cements or road binders are usually
during construction to prevent any damage from not prone to lump formation.
being caused by standing or running water.
If the water content specied as a requirement for
In case of light precipitation, a dry binder must be adequate compaction of the soil is exceeded as a
milled in sufciently fast after spreading to avoid result of precipitation, meaning that the soil-binder
penetration of moisture and, as a result, caking of mixture cannot be sufciently compacted, the
the binder. Should any lumps have formed none- operation has to be interrupted until the soil has
theless, they must be adequately crushed during dried to a sufcient degree.
1.11.2 Wind
Special binders (such as DOROSOL PRO C) can Spreading of the dry binder must be discontinued,
be used to reduce binder drifts. These binders however, if strong winds cause excessive binder
signicantly reduce the development of dust. quantities to be blown away so that an unaccep-
table pollution of the environment occurs or the
safety of road users is put at risk.
1.11.3 Temperature
Soil stabilization and qualied soil improvement It is not permissible to perform soil treatment
operations should preferably not be carried out at operations on frozen ground.
ground and air temperatures below +5C.
If frost is to be expected, the drainage system
If soil treatment operations are scheduled at must be sufciently effective to prevent the sta-
temperatures below +5C, the required protective bilized layer from freezing in the water-saturated
measures must be included in the specication of state.
works. Consideration also needs to be given to the
fact that, in the rst three days and for the longest At air temperatures above 25C or in case of
possible period of time thereafter, the temperature exposure to intense sunlight, the water content
of the soil-binder mixture should not fall below has to be adjusted to ensure that the construction
+5C. Where appropriate, the next layer can be material mixture retains the optimum water content
placed as a protection for the previously treated for compaction.
70 l 71
1.12 Soil treatment Construction
A general distinction is made between two differ- The mixer travels on the layer prepared for treat-
ent procedures which can be used to produce a ment, working in the previously spread binder
soil-binder mixture. and, where appropriate, the required quantity of
> Mixed-in-plant process
Where the mixed-in-place process cannot be Variations in the sequence of the individual
used for technical reasons (due to, for exam- operational steps are possible depending on the
ple, existing manholes, gullies, road widenings, location of the excavation and paving sites.
structures, trenches etc.) or is uneconomical,
soil-binder mixtures produced using the mixed- > Special process
in-plant process can be placed instead. Where the paving site does not allow for a mixer
In soil treatment operations, it is usually not to be used (in case of road widenings, relling of
economically feasible to produce soil-binder utility trenches or structural backlls, or in areas
mixtures using the mixed-in-plant process. or locations where binder drifts must be avoided
etc.), the binder can be spread and mixed in at
the excavation site. The soil-binder mixture is
> Mixed-in-place process then transported to the paving site, placed and
The mixed-in-place process is the standard compacted.
construction method used in soil treatment
The S-Pack (Spreader-Pack), which can be The S-Pack spreader is loaded to capacity in
integrated into the WR 240, WR 240i or WR 250 as less than ve minutes. A standard 27-tonne silo
an optional feature, is the ideal candidate for the transporter is emptied within two hours. The
dustless addition of binding agents in cold recyc- spreading process is controlled and monitored
ling or soil stabilization. Lime or cement is spread intuitively via the integrated control screen. Paired
right in front of the milling and mixing rotor in a with the outstanding all-terrain mobility of the WR
microprocessor-controlled operation. S-Pack is model range, the S-Pack allows binders to be
synonymous with the reliable and dustless proces- spread reliably and precisely even in those places
sing of binders especially on motorways, in indust- which are not suitable for the use of heavily loa-
rial estates specifying strict emission requirements, ded, self-propelled binder spreaders.
residential areas or nature reserves.
72 l 73
1.12.3 Mixed-in-place process
Soil stabilization Soil improvement
soil improvement
Preparatory measures
The binder must be spread evenly using appro- In soil improvement operations, dust develop-
priate machinery. ment caused by wind can be reduced by scari-
Even distribution of the binder is not guaranteed fying the surface prior to spreading the binder. In
when using fertilizer spreaders or blowing the addition, binders are available which cause less
binder from a silo transporter. dust during processing.
The latter is generally ruled out because of the Spreading of the binder and mixing should gen-
risk of accidents and pollution of the environ- erally be carried out in quick succession. Hydro-
ment associated with this method. The pertinent phobic cements enable longer processing times
EC safety data sheet has to be complied with because of their water-repellent properties; their
when working with hydraulic binder and building reaction time does not commence until they are
lime. mixed with the soil.
The quantity of binder applied must be veried
by means of test sheets placed on the ground
(see the Technical testing regulations for soil
and rock in road construction [TP BF-StB], Part
B 11.2). For the mixed-in-place process, the
amount of binder is specied in kg / m; for the
mixed-in-plant process, it is specied in % by
mass relative to the dry density of the soil.
In areas where access is difcult, it is advisable
to place a soil-binder mixture produced off the
paving site.
Adequate protection against binder drifts must
be ensured during construction. The spread-
ers should be tted with appropriate protective
equipment (such as low guards).
74 l 75
Soil stabilization Soil improvement
soil improvement
For soil stabilization, only high-performance machines (such as Cultivators, disc harrows and
soil stabilizers) may be used which enable proper homogenization bulldozers with suitable ancil-
of the soil-binder mixture. Mixing needs to continue until a uniform lary equipment have proven to
colouring, uniform water content and ne, crumbly soil structure be effective in stony soils. In
have been achieved over the entire specied layer thickness. this rst machine pass, the soil
is loosened, and larger stones
(boulders) are removed.
Thorough mixing cannot be
achieved through the exclusive
use of graders, bulldozers with
rippers and excavators.
Mixing result after one milling Mixing result after two milling Mixing result after three milling
pass passes passes
76 l 77
Soil stabilization Soil improvement
soil improvement
Grading and compacting
Different degrees of pre-compaction of the The specied degree of compaction has to be
milled soil and the wheel tracks caused by the ensured over the entire layer thickness and
weight of the soil stabilizer have to be removed across the entire cross-section including the
prior to grading and compacting. peripheral areas. The contractor has to perform
Stabilized soil should be graded in exceptional a trial compaction at the start of compaction to
cases and in selective areas only prior to com- verify that the specied requirements are met by
paction as otherwise continuous layer thick- the working procedures selected.
nesses cannot be guaranteed.
The following details for the working procedure
Information on compaction and the equipment have to be stipulated in a work instruction:
to be used can be obtained from the Code - the compaction equipment selected;
of practice for the compaction of subsoil and - the placing method;
subgrade in road construction (Merkblatt fr - the number of roller passes required; and
die Verdichtung des Untergrundes und des - the maximum bulk height of the individual lay-
Unterbaues im Straenbau). The equipment ers to be placed.
used must be tailored to the type of soil, layer
thickness and number of passes.
Soil stabilization Soil improvement
soil improvement
Curing is meant to prevent premature drying of If site vehicles are to drive on the stabilized soil,
soil stabilized with hydraulic binders. the emulsion has to be protected by spreading
Stabilized layers need to be kept moist for a pe- chippings (e.g. of grade 1 / 3 mm or 2 / 5 mm)
riod of at least 3 days, for example, by spraying immediately after spraying.
a ne mist of water. Reference values for the spreading quantity are
As an option, a bitumen emulsion (U 60 K) can approx. 0.7 kg / m for ne-grained soils and ap-
be sprayed on the fully compacted, moist layer prox. 1.1 kg / m for coarse-grained soils.
until a thin, continuous lm has formed. The Curing can be omitted if an additional layer is
quantity to be sprayed needs to be determined placed on top of the still fresh, compacted layer.
in preliminary tests on a case-by-case basis. Care must be taken, however, that the subsoil or
subgrade is neither disturbed nor squeezed.
Curing is generally not required when carrying
out soil treatment operations using building lime
or soil improvement operations using mixed
78 l 79
1.12.4 Requirements for soil treatment
Requirements on:
Soil stabilization
Coarse-grained soils: Binder quantity The Additional technical conditions of contract and di-
rectives for the construction of base layers with hydraulic
Hydraulic binders and mixed binders binders and concrete pavements (ZTV Beton-StB) apply.
Fine-grained or mixed-grained soils:
The binder quantity has to be selected to meet the
following requirements:
The compressive strength is based on a specimen diameter of
10 cm. Soil groups Frost resist- Compressive
In special cases, the 7-day strength can be tested taking into ance (heaving strength) (af-
account the development of strength of the binder. Hydraulic of specimen) ter 28 days)
binders resulting in a slow development of strength in the soil-binder
mixture may require the compressive strength to be veried after a GU, GT, SU, ST2) 6I
) 1 6.0 N / mm2
period exceeding 28 days. I
Compressive strength only is tested if the soil is classied into GU*, SU*, UL, UM 6I
) 1
frost-susceptibility class F1. Both tests are performed if the soil is GT*, ST*, TL, TM, TA I
classied into frost-susceptibility class F2.
Recycled and manu- 6I
) 1 6.0 N / mm2
factured aggregates I
Fine lime and hydrated lime according to the Technical testing regulations for soil
and rock in road construction (TP BF-StB), Part B 11.5
Compressive cylinder strength after exposure to frost
> 0.2 N / mm, binder quantity > 4% by mass
Requirements on the minimum 10 percentile for the Requirements on the minimum 10 percentile for the
degree of compaction DPr or maximum 10 percentile for degree of compaction DPr or maximum 10 percentile
the air voids ratio na for the air voids ratio na
Area Soil groups DPr na Area Soil groups DPr na
in % in % in % in %
Subgrade to a depth of GW, GI, GE Subgrade to a depth of GW, GI, GE
1.00 m for embankments SW, SI, SE > 100 1.00 m for embankments SW, SI, SE > 100
Subgrade to a depth of GU, GT, SU, ST Subgrade to a depth of GU, GT, SU, ST
0.50 m for cuts 0.50 m for cuts
1.00 m below grade to GW, GI, GE 1.00 m below grade to GW, GI, GE
embankment base SW, SI, SE > 98 embankment base SW, SI, SE > 98
Subgrade to embankment GU*, GT*, SU*, ST* Subgrade to embankment GU*, GT*, SU*, ST*
base U, T, OU1), OT1) > 97 < 12 base U, T, OU1), OT1) > 97 < 12
Subgrade to a depth of Subgrade to a depth of
0.50 m for cuts 0.50 m for cuts
80 l 81
Requirements on:
Soil stabilization Verication of binder quantity Based on the results of the mix design, the con-
tractor species the binder quantity:
- in kg / m for the mixed-in-place process
- in % by mass for the mixed-in-plant process Paving thickness Max. deviation of the paving thickness from the
design value: 10%
Qualied soil improvement Soil improvement
Requirements determined by position within the Requirements determined by position within the
structure structure
Requirements determined by position within the Requirements determined by position within the
structure structure
Requirements determined by position within the Requirements determined by position within the
structure structure
82 l 83
1.13 Structural backlls
1.13.1 Terms
The materials used must be resistant to weather- The addition of binders enables the bearing ca-
ing and must not contain any substances capable pacity of the backll to be improved and the
of swelling, sensitive to disintegration or aggres- inherent settlement to be reduced.
sive to the pavement.
> Coarse-grained soils (SW, SI, SE, GW, GI, GE) In addition, a soil-binder mixture can be placed
> Mixed-grained soils (SU, ST, GU, GT) > in backll areas where access is difcult; and
> Mixed-grained soils (SU*, ST*, GU*, GT*) and > below the horizon underneath of which the
ne-grained soils (TL, TM, UM, UL) combined backll cannot be drained due to a lack of run-
with qualied soil improvement off capability and nearly impermeable subsoil
> Manufactured aggregates and recycled con- in order to ensure proper compaction and / or
struction materials prevent any accumulation of water.
> Coal y ash, coal host rock and recycled con- If mixed-grained soils are used, the structures
struction materials containing asphalt may be require a 1.0 m thick drainage layer.
used outside the drainage area only.
1.13.3 Compaction
The requirement on the minimum 10 percentile for In the backll and cover ll areas, the construc-
the degree of compaction of tion material must be placed and compacted in
uniform layers of approx. 30 cm in thickness.
Construction of the embankment cones at the
DPr = 100% wings of the structure must proceed parallel to the
backlling or cover-lling operation.
applies to the The backll area must be tied-in with an embank-
ment or cutting slope in a stepped, interlocking
> backll area;
> cover ll area; and
> embankment shoulders at the wings of the
84 l 85
1.14 Relling utility trenches
1.14.1 General
Previously excavated soil has to be used for rell- Excavated, excessively wet soil can be treated
ing as required and as appropriate. with binders to turn it into a condition suitable for
Appropriate measures have to be taken to main- placing.
tain the stockpiled soil in a condition suitable for
The binder is worked in either next to the trench Binder drifts must be avoided when working in the
using a mixing shovel or on a stockyard using a immediate neighbourhood of residential areas.
soil stabilizer. Low-dust binders have to be used where appropri-
1.14.3 Compaction
The soil used to rell utility trenches in the body of 10 percentile for the degree of compaction DPr or
the road has to be compacted so as to meet the the maximum 10 percentile for the air voids ratio na
following requirements on the minimum respectively.
na in % by
Area Soil groups DPr in %
Subgrade to a depth of 1.00 m for
embankments 100
Subgrade to a depth of 0.50 m for cuts
1.00 m below grade to embankment base 98
Subgrade to embankment base GU*, GT*, SU*, ST*
97 122)
Subgrade to a depth of 0.50 m for cuts U, T, OU1), OT1)
1) These requirements apply to soils of groups OU and OT only if their 2) If the soils are not improved by means of soil stabilization or
suitability and placing conditions have been investigated separately qualied soil improvement, a requirement on the maximum
and determined in consultation with the client. 10 percentile for the air voids ratio is recommended as follows:
8% by volume when placing water-sensitive mixed-grained or
ne-grained soils; and
6% by volume when placing rock of variable strength.
A requirement on the minimum 10 percentile for embedment of utility trenches in and outside of the
the degree of compaction of 97% applies for the road body.
86 l 87
Today, base layers with hydraulic binders comprise In the 1960s, there was a growing recognition in
stabilized layers, hydraulically bound base layers Germany to manufacture cement-bound construc-
or concrete base layers. tion material mixtures for base layers in accord-
ance with the principles of soil mechanics.
Base layers form the lower part of the roads pave-
ment. The static and dynamic loads acting on the Technical and economic reasons have led to base
pavement are transferred through the base and layers with hydraulic binders being used to an
into the subsoil or subgrade. ever-increasing extent.
This manual addresses soil stabilization with In addition to the benets of slab action, which
hydraulic binders and hydraulically bound base reduces the loads exerted on the subsoil or
layers. subgrade, and their insusceptibility to temperature
uctuations, base layers with hydraulic binders
offer the following additional advantages:
Other types of base layers are cited for the pur-
pose of completeness only. > low susceptibility to long-term load action; no
> no permanent deformation under load at high
The Romans were the rst to successfully use temperatures;
hydraulic binders in road construction. > suitable recycled construction materials and
Base layers consisting of lean concrete built at industrial by-products can be used; and
the turn of the century can be found under some > high durability (service life) of the base layer.
of Munichs city-centre streets even today.
Hydraulic binders were used in the construction
of motorways and airport runways even prior to
World War II.
88 l 89
2. Base Layers with Hydraulic Binders
2.1 General
According to the Directives for the standardiza- Paving mixes are construction material mixtures
tion of the superstructures of trafcked surfaces with binder and water.
(RStO), a distinction is made between:
> base layers without binders; The leaching behaviour of harmful substances
> base layers with hydraulic binders; and must be determined when using construction ma-
> base layers with special properties. terial mixtures containing recycled material.
90 l 91
2.2 Terminology
Frost-proof design
Frost-proof design
Frost-proof material Base layers with Stabilization of Subsoil Deformation modulus Degree of compaction
[frost blanket] hydraulic binders subsoil or subgrade (F2 / F3 soils) on subgrade of stabilized layer
(paved or native) Ev2 * 45 MN / mm DPr * 98 %
Additional technical conditions of contract and directives for the construction of base layers with hydraulic binders and concrete pavements
Additional technical conditions of contract and directives for earthworks in road construction
92 l 93
2.4 Principles of production
2.4.1 General
Stabilized layers and hydraulically bound base lay- > the degree of compaction is determined from
ers are produced in line with the principles of soil the Proctor density and eld density.
mechanics, meaning that:
> the Proctor density and corresponding opti- Concrete used for concrete base layers is pro-
mum water content are determined from the duced in accordance with DIN EN 206-1 and
soil-binder mixture or construction material- DIN 1045-2.
binder mixture by means of the Proctor test; Compressive strength and frost resistance are
> the required binder content is determined from tested on cubes.
the Proctor specimen by means of compressive
testing and frost testing; and
2.5 Tests Denitions
Initial tests are tests that have to be performed by rial mixtures and paving mixes for the intended
the contractor. They have to be performed prior to paving conditions and intended use in accordance
rst use in accordance with the Technical delivery with the requirements stipulated in the building
terms for construction materials and construction contract.
material mixtures for base layers with hydraulic
binders and concrete pavements (TL Beton-StB) Verication has to be provided by submitting test
and Technical testing regulations for base layers certicates issued by a testing laboratory certied
with hydraulic binders and concrete pavements for the respective construction materials and con-
(TP Beton-StB). struction material mixtures.
94 l 95
Initial testing and factory production control on stabilized layers and hydraulically bound base
hydraulically bound
Condition of aggregates in each instance visual inspection
Paving mix
on soils or construc-
tion material mixtures
stabilized layer and
Frost resistance with a fines content
hydraulically bound base
) 0.063 mm between
5% and 15% by mass
Condition of aggregates hydraulically bound base visual inspection
2.5.3 Internal control testing
Internal control tests are tests that have to be These tests are performed to check whether the
performed by the contractor. properties of
> the construction materials;
> the paving mixes; and
> the nished work
comply with the contractual requirements.
Compliance tests are tests that have to be per- An arbitration investigation is the repetition of a
formed by the client. compliance test in the proper execution of which
These tests are performed to check whether the the client or contractor have reasonable doubts.
properties of At the request of one of the contractual parties,
> the construction materials; it has to be performed by a testing laboratory
> the construction material mixtures and paving approved by the contractor and client which has
mixes; and not performed the compliance test. The result of
> the nished work the arbitration investigation replaces the original
test result. The costs are borne by the party to
comply with the contractual requirements.
whose disadvantage the result turns out to be.
Acceptance is based on the results of these tests.
96 l 97
2.6 Construction materials
The following soils and aggregates can be used for The quality of soils intended for soil stabilization
soil stabilization: is controlled in accordance with the Technical
> coarse-grained soils according to DIN 18196 delivery terms for construction material mixtures
> mixed-grained soils of groups GU, SU, GT and soils for the production of unbound granular
and ST if they comply with the requirements of layers in road construction, Part: Quality control
frost-susceptibility class F1 (TL G SoB-StB).
> aggregates complying with the requirements
of Annex G of the Technical delivery terms for The use of reclaimed asphalt and reclaimed tar-
aggregates in road construction (TL Gestein- bound road construction materials is governed
StB). in Annex G of the Technical delivery terms for
construction materials and construction material
mixtures for base layers with hydraulic binders and
concrete pavements (TL Beton-StB).
In addition, compliance with the Directives for
the environmentally compatible use of reclaimed
materials containing tar-bound matter and for the
ST*, GT* use of reclaimed asphalt in road construction
SU*, GU* (RuVA-StB) is of particular importance.
Percentage d ) 0.063 mm (% by mass)
10 OK
1 5 10 15 If the nes content < 0.063 mm ranges between 5% by mass and
15% by mass, adequate frost resistance of the hardened paving mix
d60 must be veried by means of frost testing as part of the mix design
Coefficient of uniformity U =
d10 (initial testing).
2.6.2 Aggregates and construction material mixtures for hydraulically
bound base layers
The following soils and aggregates can be used for > recycled aggregates in accordance with the
hydraulically bound base layers: Code of practice for the reuse of concrete
> natural, crushed and uncrushed aggregates; from pavements (Merkblatt zur Wiederver-
aggregates and construction material mixtures wendung von Beton aus Fahrbahndecken)
for base layers with hydraulic binders must without requiring additional verication pro-
comply with the requirements of the Tech- vided they are reclaimed from and placed on
nical delivery terms for aggregates in road the same site.
construction (TL Gestein-StB). Their quality is
controlled in accordance with the Technical The use of reclaimed asphalt and reclaimed tar-
delivery terms for construction material mix- bound road construction materials is governed
tures and soils for the production of unbound in Annex G of the Technical delivery terms for
granular layers in road construction, Part: Qual- construction materials and construction material
ity control (TL G SoB-StB). mixtures for base layers with hydraulic binders and
> articial aggregates (coal y ash, blast-furnace concrete pavements (TL Beton-StB).
slag, granulated blast-furnace slag, steel slag, In addition, compliance with the Directives for
copper slag, foundry / cupola furnace slag, the environmentally compatible use of reclaimed
wet-bottom boiler slag and volcanic slag) and materials containing tar-bound matter and for the
coal y ash as an additive or addition to the use of reclaimed asphalt in road construction
construction material mixture. The areas of ap- (RuVA-StB) is of particular importance.
plication specied in the table on page 98 have
to be complied with when using manufactured
or recycled aggregates and volcanic slags.
98 l 99
Requirements on aggregates in base layers with hydraulic binders in accordance with the
Technical delivery terms for aggregates in road construction (TL Gestein-StB):
Hydraulically bound
Property Stabilized layer Concrete base
Material designation determination of petrographic attributes according to DIN EN 932-3
Fines content in aggregate
has to be specified; permissible fines f3
fractions 0 / 2 and 0 / 5
contents in the construction material
Fines content in aggregate mixture must not be exceeded f1
fractions 2 / 4 and 32 / 63
Particle shape of
SI50 (FI50)
coarse-grained aggregates
Blast-furnace slag,
granulated blast-
furnace slag, copper Recycled Domestic
Coal fly ash slag, foundry / cu- Steel slag construction waste incinera-
pola-furnace slag, materials 1) tion ash
wet-bottom boiler
slag, volcanic slag
as an addition to to a limited
Stabilized layers as aggregate as aggregate as aggregate
the aggregate extent 2)
Concrete base 3) 3)
as additive as aggregate as aggregate
1) 2)
Recycled aggregates in accordance with the Code of practice for In accordance with the Code of practice on the use of domestic
the reuse of concrete from pavements (Merkblatt zur Wiederver- waste incineration ash in road construction (Merkblatt ber die Ver-
wendung von Beton aus Fahrbahndecken) can be used for base wertung von Hausmllverbrennungsasche im Straenbau - M HMV-A).
layers with hydraulic binders without requiring additional verication Not applicable.
provided they are reclaimed from and placed on the same site.
100 l 101
2.6.3 Aggregates and construction material mixtures for concrete base layers
Cements in accordance with DIN EN 197 or with DIN 18506 (strength classes 12.5 and 32.5)
DIN 1164-10 as shown in the table below or are used as binders.
hydraulic soil and road binders in accordance
S-P, S-V
CEM II-M Portland composite cement
P-V, P-T, P-LL
B D-T, D-P
CEM III Blast-furnace slag cement
CEM V Composite cement S-P 2)
Applies only to trass according to DIN 51043 as the main constituent of up to max. 40% by mass
Applies only to trass according to DIN 51043 as the main constituent
102 l 103
2.6.5 Water
Any naturally occurring water complying with the binders, residual water may be used in accordance
requirements of DIN EN 1008 is suitable for use as with the provisions specied in DIN EN 206-1, DIN
mixing water. For base layers with hydraulic EN 1008 and DIN 1045-2.
Concrete admixtures must comply with the re- or must be approved for use by the supervising
quirements of DIN EN 934-2 or must be approved authority. The provisions specied in DIN EN 206-1
for use by the supervising authority. DIN V 20000- and DIN 10545-2 have to be complied with.
100 has to be complied with when using concrete Soils can be improved in terms of grading by add-
admixtures in accordance with DIN EN 934-2. ing coal y ash in accordance with the require-
Concrete additives must comply with the require- ments of DIN EN 450-1.
ments of DIN EN 450 and DIN EN 12620 for llers
2.7 Requirements on base layers with
hydraulic binders
2.7.1 Design
The type and thickness of base layers with hy- According to the Directives for the standardiza-
draulic binders which either underlie a concrete tion of the superstructures of trafcked surfaces
or asphalt surfacing or are part of a fully bound (RStO 12), when building a base layer with hydrau-
pavement depend on the construction class and lic binders, the asphalt base in load classes BK100
type of base layer to be built. to BK10 is 8-6 cm thinner than an asphalt base
constructed on top of a frost blanket.
The minimum paving thicknesses of base lay- directives for the construction of base layers with
ers with hydraulic binders are governed in the hydraulic binders and concrete pavements (ZTV
Additional technical conditions of contract and Beton-StB).
With stabilized layers, the minimum paving thick- Depending on the maximum particle size, sta-
nesses depend on the mixing process used and bilized layers must have the following minimum
the maximum particle size of the paving mix. paving thicknesses:
Stabilized layers must have the following minimum > > 12 cm with paving mixes of
paving thicknesses: particle size 0 / 32 mm
> > 12 cm when using the mixed-in-plant > > 15 cm with paving mixes of
process particle size 0 / 45 mm
> > 15 cm when using the mixed-in-place > > 20 cm with paving mixes of
process particle size > 0 / 45 mm.
Each layer of a hydraulically bound base must > > 12 cm with paving mixes of particle size
have the following minimum layer thickness after 0 / 32 mm
compaction: > > 15 cm with paving mixes of particle size
0 / 45 mm
104 l 105 Concrete base layers
If built without edging, base layers have to be the excess width of the base layer must be at least
wider (by at least 50 cm) than the surfacing and as wide as the contact surface plus 10 cm.
must be sloped at the edges. Base layers with hydraulic binders require the
Widening of the base layer improves the structural lateral excess width at the raised edge of the car-
behaviour of the pavement in the peripheral area, riageway to be built with a reverse outside gradient
creating a stable base for formwork or for the in order to prevent the ingress of water into the
contact surface of a slipform paver. If the contact road structure from the side.
surface of the slipform paver is wider than 40 cm, Details of edge design
Edge design of concrete surfacing on top of base layer with hydraulic binders:
20 * 50 100
Concrete surfacing
Fibre mat
Frost blanket
q*4% q * 2.5 %
Edge design of asphalt surfacing on top of base layer with hydraulic binders (hydraulically bound base):
q*4% q * 2.5 %
Frost blanket
q*4% q * 2.5 %
106 l 107
2.7.5 Drainage of base layers
The reverse gradient must be designed so as to effective draining facilities must be in place which
extend under the road pavement by up to 1.0 m have to be adjusted and protected and the func-
measured from the edge of the pavement. Other- tion of which has to be maintained in accordance
wise, special measures must be taken. In addition, with the progress of construction.
It is not permissible to build a base layer on frozen paved if the fresh concrete temperature is higher
subsoil or subgrade or to place frozen construction than 5C and lower than 30C. If the air temperatures
material mixtures and paving mixes. to be expected during the concreting operation are
Paving mixes for base layers with hydraulic binders lower than 5C or higher than 30C, special meas-
may only be processed at temperatures of > 5C. If ures have to be taken in accordance with the Addi-
frost is to be expected within the rst 7 days after tional technical conditions of contract and directives
production of the base layer, the base layer must be for the construction of base layers with hydraulic
protected to ensure that no damage is caused. binders and concrete pavements (ZTV Beton-StB).
Paving mixes for concrete base layers may only be
The surface of base layers with hydraulic binders The surface of base layers with hydraulic binders
must not deviate from the design level by more underlying a concrete road pavement must not
than 1.5 cm. deviate from the design level by more than
+ 0.5 cm or -1.5 cm.
2.7.8 Evenness
The surface irregularities of stabilized layers and The surface irregularities of concrete base layers
hydraulically bound base layers must not exceed must not exceed 1.0 cm over a measured length
1.5 cm over a measured length of 4 m. of 4 m.
2.7.9 Tolerances of paving thickness
All base layers with binders must be separated ing (standard construction method) in order to
from permanent xtures by means of an expansion prevent reection cracking in the surfacing as well
joint. as erosion of the base layer. Alternatively, it is also
Base layers with hydraulic binders underlying an possible to place an asphalt base.
asphalt surfacing must be grooved or divided into
sections by means of contraction joints. In special cases where no bre mat is laid and the
The grooves or contraction joints are typically concrete surfacing is placed right on top of the
spaced at maximum intervals of 5 m. base layer, the joints and grooves to be cut into
the base are determined by the longitudinal com-
A bre mat has to be laid between a base layer pression joints and transverse contraction joints of
with hydraulic binders and the concrete surfac- the concrete surfacing.
108 l 109
The grooves must have a minimum depth of 35%
of the specied paving thickness according to the
Additional technical conditions of contract and
directives for the construction of base layers with
hydraulic binders and concrete pavements (ZTV
Beton-StB). In base layers underlying a concrete
surfacing, the grooves must be cut in accordance
with the joint pattern of the concrete surfacing.
2.7.11 Curing
The stabilized layer must be cured for a minimum The emulsion is sprayed at a quantity of approx.
period of 3 days unless the base is overlaid with 0.5 kg / m. A thin, continuous lm should be cre-
an additional layer immediately after placing. ated. Before the bitumen emulsion breaks, the
Curing options: layer must have been gritted with chippings of
grain size 2 / 5 mm which have to be pressed down
> wet curing;
gently by means of rollers.
> spraying a bitumen emulsion; or
If the base layer is to be trafcked at an early
> applying a water-retaining cover.
stage, there is the risk of winding or unwinding of
Wet curing requires the stabilized layer to be kept the continuous lm.
slightly moist by spraying water for a period of
When applying a water-retaining cover, the com-
3 days after placing and compaction.
pacted, slightly damp, hydraulically bound base
layer has to be covered with a burlap or polyethyl-
When using a C60B1-S bitumen emulsion, the
ene lm.
solvent-free emulsion has to be sprayed evenly on
the compacted base layer as soon as the layer has Concrete curing compounds are not suitable for
gone beyond the slightly moist state. curing hydraulic base layers.
Curing can be omitted if an asphalt mix is placed In addition, the hot mix has a positive effect on
on top of the still fresh, compacted layer. Care the development of strength in the base layer. A
must be taken, however, that the structure of the base layer with hydraulic binders overlaid with an
base layer with hydraulic binders is not disturbed asphalt base having a minimum thickness of 8 cm
in the process. can be opened to trafc immediately.
110 l 111 Table: Summary of requirements on base layers with hydraulic binders in accordance
with ZTV Beton-StBa)
Proctor density
Standard requirement
Higher requirement when underlying a concrete pavement
When underlying an asphalt pavement
No requirements when underlying a concrete pavement
Paving thickness is considered to be the arithmetic mean of all Degree of compaction of the layer to be stabilized
single values of the paving thickness for the respective layer over the
entire construction lot. Degree of compaction of the stabilized layer
Typically the mean value over the entire construction lot; however,
mean values may also be formed for partial sections which, as a
Deviation of surface from the design level
minimum, must equal the output of one working day.
(correct vertical and horizontal position)
Tested on Proctor specimens with a height of 125 mm and diameter
of 150 mm; when testing on specimens with a height of 120 mm
and diameter of 100 mm, the compressive strength values deter- Evenness
mined have to be multiplied by 1.25 to be comparable with the
values indicated in the table. Permissible deviation of paving thickness 6) /
Mean value from three related specimens the single values of which paving weight 7)
do not deviate from the mean value by more than 2.0 N / mm.
Single value
Compressive strength within the parameters
Mean value
of initial testing
Binder quantity is considered to be the arithmetic mean of all single
values of the binder quantity in the stabilized layer over the entire
Compressive strength within the parameters
construction lot; excess quantities not exceeding the design value
of compliance testing
by more than 15% only may be taken into account for determina-
tion of the mean value.
* 15 cm if compacted by internal vibrators Strength class
The nes content < 0.063 mm determined during initial testing and
increased by the binder content must not be exceeded by more Frost resistance at a fines content < 0.063 mm
than 2.0% by mass. of between 5% and 15% by mass
Minimum binder quantity
Requirements on grading
Additional technical conditions of contract and directives for the construction of base layers with hydraulic binders and concrete pavements
Compressive strength
Mean compressive strength
Single compressive strength test results
Stabilized layer
Hydraulically bound base Concrete base
Mixed-in-place process Mixed-in-plant process
* 100% 1)
* 98% 1)
) 1.5 cm 2)
) + 0.5 cm or ) -1.5 cm 3)
) 1.5 cm / 4 m
7.0 N / mm2 4) 8) 9)
fck b)
* 15.0 N / mm2 3) 8) 9)
C 12 / 15 to C 20 / 25
change of length ) 1
12 cm () 0 / 32)
15 cm () 0 / 45) 12 cm (0 / 32)
15 cm (0 / 45) 12 cm 13)
20 cm (> 0 / 45) 15 cm (0 / 45)
20 cm (> 0 / 45)
112 l 113
2.8 Producing stabilized layers
2.8.2 Production
In soil stabilization, each layer must be produced Additional layers may be applied on top of the
so as to be of consistent quality and comply with freshly placed stabilized layer provided that the
the specied requirements. stabilized layer is not squeezed excessively and is
Work sections and daily sections have to be verti- not deprived of the water required for hardening.
cal in design over the entire paving thickness. Any Stabilized layers can be produced using the
loose material has to be removed prior to placing a mixed-in-place or mixed-in-plant process.
layer immediately adjacent to a previously placed,
already hardened stabilized layer.
In a rst step, the layer intended for stabilization In the next work step, the binder is mixed into
has to be levelled off to the cross-section to be the soil using suitable high-performance milling
produced. At the same time, the layer has to be machines. Any additional water must be added no
compacted until the specied degree of compac- earlier than after the rst mixing pass or during the
tion and required evenness have been achieved. mixing pass when using a single-pass stabilizer.
In the process, care needs to be taken that the The water is added via sprinkler trucks or a spray
optimum water content for the stabilized layer is bar installed in the milling rotor housing.
not exceeded and the degree of compaction is not Mixing of the soil intended for stabilization and the
lower than specied. specied binder quantity must be organized and
coordinated in such a way that the stabilized layer
In the mixed-in-place process, the compacted is produced rapidly in the time frame available for
soil or construction material mixture intended processing the paving mix over the entire cross-
for stabilization is mixed with the required binder section (processing time from adding standard ce-
quantity in-situ using a milling machine. A spreader ment to completion of compaction is max. 2 hours
with metering unit spreads the binder quantity at temperatures of up to 20C and max. 1.5 hours
determined during initial testing. if temperatures are higher).
Stabilized layers produced in single, adjacent cuts the new, adjacent cut at a minimum overlap width
have to be placed fresh-in-fresh. Each nished of 20 cm.
cut has to be milled and compacted together with
In the mixed-in-plant process, a compulsory mixer homogeneous paving mix of uniform colour has
is used to mix the soil or construction material been produced.
mixture with the specied binder quantity and mix- The nished paving mix has to be protected from
ing water. It is not permitted to use gravity mixers. the effects of weather and transported to the con-
The source material is metered either by weight or struction site where it is typically placed by road
by volume. The mixing plants must have sufcient pavers. Prior to placing, the subsoil or subgrade
capacity to enable rapid placing and compaction. must be levelled off to the specied level and
Mixing of the binder, water and soil or construc- generally requires moistening in order to prevent
tion material mixture needs to continue until a dehydration of the paving mix to be placed.
114 l 115
The paving mix has to be placed evenly in order to layer thickness, surface evenness and degree of
prevent segregation and ensure that the specied compaction are achieved.
If the mixed-in-place process is used, the fresh, Fresh-in-fresh paving is the method of choice
compactable paving mix is produced in-situ on the to achieve a perfect bond between layers. A
paving site. The paving mixes produced in-plant compacted, yet still fresh base layer with hydraulic
are transported to the paving site in trucks. In case binders has to be roughened prior to applying the
of adverse weather or longer transport distances, next layer.
the mix needs to be covered with tarpaulins. The Removing or, even more importantly, applying
paving mix can be placed using road pavers, grad- fresh paving mixes to produce a surface of correct
ers or bulldozers. vertical and horizontal position should be avoided.
Depending on the maximum particle size and type
of paving mix, the minimum paving thickness for
The following compaction equipment (optional
each layer after compaction must be
or in combination) is used for compaction of the
> 12 cm for paving mixes of particle size paving mixes:
0 / 32 mm;
> pneumatic-tyred rollers, weight between
> 15 cm for paving mixes of particle size
15 t and 32 t
0 / 45 mm; and
> single-drum compactors, weight between
> 20 cm for paving mixes of particle sizes
12 t and 25 t
> 0 / 45 mm.
> large surface vibrators
> Concrete base layers must have a minimum
thickness of 12 cm.
Layers intended for stabilization using the mixed- The compacted, not yet hardened layer must have
in-place process must have a minimum degree of a minimum degree of compaction DPr of 98% of
compaction DPr of 100% of the Proctor density of the Proctor density of the paving mix.
the soil or construction material mixture.
2.9 Producing hydraulically bound base layers
The optimal paving mix formula has to be deter- Compared with initial testing, the aggregate frac-
mined within the parameters of initial testing. tions in the paving mix larger than 2 mm, 8 mm
and 16 mm may be higher or lower by no more
When placing the paving mix, the optimum water than 8% by mass relative to the dry construction
content must not be exceeded and the degree of material mixture. The nes content < 0.063 mm of
compaction must not be lower than specied. the dry construction material mixture must not be
exceeded by more than 2.0% by mass.
The paving mix for hydraulically bound base lay- The following compaction equipment (optional
ers is produced in-plant in accordance with initial or in combination) is used for compaction of the
testing. paving mixes:
The paving mix is transported to the paving site in > pneumatic-tyred rollers, weight between
trucks. In the event of adverse weather or longer 12 t and 25 t
transport distances, it needs to be covered with > single-drum compactors, weight between
tarpaulins. 12 t and 18 t
The paving mix has to be conveyed and placed in > large surface vibrators
such a way that no segregation occurs.
116 l 117
2.9.3 Requirements on the nished layer
A compacted hydraulically bound base layer that When underlying an asphalt surfacing, the com-
has not yet hardened must have a degree of com- pressive strength of a hydraulically bound base
paction of no less than 98%. layer must not be lower than
When underlying a concrete surfacing, the com- > 3.5 N / mm for each single value; and
pressive strength of a hydraulically bound base > 8.0 N / mm in the mean calculated from less
layer must not be lower than than 9 related single values; or
> 6.0 N / mm for each single value; and > 10.0 N / mm in the mean calculated from more
> 8.0 N / mm in the mean calculated from less than 8 related single values
than 9 related single values; or determined after 28 days within the parameters of
> 10.0 N / mm in the mean calculated from more compliance testing using specimens with a height
than 8 related single value of 125 mm and diameter of 150 mm.
determined after 28 days within the parameters of
compliance testing using specimens with a height
of 125 mm and diameter of 150 mm.
2.10 Type and scope of testing
Soils and construction material mixtures with a The following requirements must be complied with
maximum particle size of up to 63 mm are suitable during initial testing:
for use in stabilized layers. The nes content > The minimum binder quantity is 3.0% by mass of
< 0.063 mm must not exceed 15% by mass. the dry soil or construction material mixture.
If the nes content < 0.063 mm ranges between > For a stabilized layer underlying an asphalt layer,
5% by mass and 15% by mass, adequate frost the mean compressive strength of three related
resistance of the hardened paving mix must be test specimens must be 7 N / mm. If the com-
veried as part of initial testing. Adequate frost re- pressive strength of 7 N / mm is exceeded at the
sistance has been achieved if the change of length minimum binder quantity of 3.0% by mass, the
of the hardened paving mix during frost resistance minimum binder content is applicable.
testing does not exceed 1. > For a stabilized layer underlying a concrete sur-
The binder quantity has to be selected to ensure facing, the mean compressive strength of three
that, during initial testing, the mean compressive related test specimens must not be lower than
strengths of three related test specimens (diameter 15 N / mm.
= 150 mm, height = 125 mm) are > The single compressive strength values for each
binder quantity selected must not be higher or
> 7.0 N / mm when underlying an asphalt
lower than the related mean value by more than
surfacing; and
2.0 N / mm.
> * 15.0 N / mm when underlying a concrete
> The change of length determined during frost re-
sistance testing must not exceed 1. If a higher
binder quantity is determined as a result of frost
resistance testing, the higher binder quantity is
Criteria for determining the binder quantity during initial testing of paving mixes for
stabilized layers:
Type of soils and / or Frost resistance Compressive strength
construction material Change of length after 28 days
under asphalt layers under concrete surfacings
[N / mm2] [N / mm2]
Fines contents in soils
and / or construction
material mixtures
) 5% by mass
Fines contents in soils 7 * 15.0
and / or construction
material mixtures 6l ) 1.0
> 5% by mass and ) 15%
by mass
The requirements on compressive strength relate to a test specimen with a height A of 125 mm and diameter
D of 150 mm.
118 l 119
Flow chart for determining the minimum
binder quantity:
Soils or construction
Soils or construction
material mixtures
material mixtures
Fines content < 0.063 mm
Fines content < 0.063 mm
) 5% by mass
> 5% by mass and ) 15% by mass
Frost testing
6l ) 1
* 3% by mass ) 3% by mass
(standard case) (special case)
Minimum binder
3.0% by mass
Construction material mixtures with a maximum The following requirements must be complied with
particle size of up to 31.5 mm or 45 mm are suitable during initial testing:
for use in hydraulically bound base layers. The ag- > The minimum binder quantity is 3.0% by mass
gregate fraction larger than the maximum particle of the dry construction material mixture.
size must not exceed 10% by mass, and the nes > For a hydraulically bound base layer underly-
content ) 0.063 mm must not exceed 15% by mass. ing an asphalt layer, the mean compressive
In addition, the aggregate fraction ) 2 mm must be strength of three related specimens must be 7
between 16% by mass and 45% by mass, and the N / mm.
aggregate fraction passing the next smaller sieve If the compressive strength of 7 N / mm is
than the maximum particle size (22.4 mm or exceeded at the minimum binder quantity of
31.5 mm respectively) must be lower than 90% by 3.0% by mass, the minimum binder content is
mass. The binder quantity must not be lower than applicable.
3.0% by mass relative to the dry construction mate- > For a hydraulically bound base layer underlying
rial mixture. a concrete surfacing, the mean compressive
The binder quantity has to be determined by means strength of three related test specimens must
of interpolation. If the nes content ) 0.063 mm not be lower than 15 N / mm.
ranges between 5% by mass and 15% by mass, > The single compressive strength values for
adequate frost resistance of the hardened paving each binder quantity selected must not be
mix must be veried as part of initial testing. higher or lower than the related mean value by
more than 2.0 N / mm.
The binder quantity has to be selected to ensure > The change of length determined during frost
that, during initial testing, the mean compressive resistance testing must not exceed 1. If a
strengths of three related test specimens higher binder quantity is determined as a result
(diameter = 150 mm, height = 125 mm) are of frost resistance testing, the higher binder
quantity is applicable.
> 7.0 N / mm when underlying an asphalt
surfacing; and
> * 15.0 N / mm when underlying a concrete
120 l 121
Criteria for determining the binder quantity during initial testing for hydraulically bound base layers:
The requirements on compressive strength relate to a test specimen with a height A of 125 mm and diameter
D of 150 mm.
The process of paving base layers with hydraulic Type and scope of the tests to be performed can
binders has to be monitored by means of internal be inferred from the following table.
control and compliance testing.
1. Stabilized layer
Internal control testing Compliance testing
Paving mix
On the layer prepared for soil stabilization by means of the mixed-in-place method
every 250 m or part thereof, or
a) Degree of compaction
every 3,000 m or part thereof
b) Correct vertical and horizontal
as required
122 l 123
2.10.4 Internal control and compliance testing for hydraulically bound base layers
The process of paving base layers with hydraulic Type and scope of the tests to be performed can
binders has to be monitored by means of internal be inferred from the following table.
control and compliance testing.
The process of paving base layers with hydraulic Type and scope of the tests to be performed can
binders has to be monitored by means of internal be inferred from the following table.
control and compliance testing.
3. Concrete base
Internal control testing Compliance testing
On the paving mix or on the finished work
124 l 125
2.11 Using reclaimed asphalt and reclaimed
tar-bound road construction materials in base
layers with hydraulic binders
2.11.1 General
This section provides additional details on the use of linien fr die umweltvertrgliche Verwertung von
construction material mixtures containing more than Ausbaustoffen mit pechhaltigen Bestandteilen sowie
30% by mass of reclaimed asphalt and on the use of die Verwertung von Ausbauasphalt im Straenbau
reclaimed tar-bound road construction materials in [RuVA-StB]).
base layers with hydraulic binders. They have to be complied with.
Reclaimed tar-bound road construction materials Reclaimed tar-bound road construction materi-
can be used for stabilized layers or hydraulically als have to be mixed with binder and water using
bound base layers because processing with hydrau- the in-plant mixing process in accordance with the
lic binders combined with proper paving and com- Code of practice for the use of reclaimed tar-bound
paction in accordance with requirements signicantly road construction materials and reclaimed asphalt in
reduces the leachability of harmful substances from bituminous base layers by cold processing in mixing
the nished layer. This is based on the Directives for plants (Merkblatt fr die Verwertung von pechhalti-
the environmentally compatible use of reclaimed ma- gen Straenausbaustoffen und von Asphaltgranulat
terials containing tar-bound matter and for the use in bitumengebundenen Tragschichten durch Kaltauf-
of reclaimed asphalt in road construction (Richt- bereitung in Mischanlagen [M VB-K]).
Mixing reclaimed tar-bound road construction A minimum quantity of 25% by mass of the aggre-
materials with non-tar-bound materials should be gate mixture used must pass the 2 mm sieve.
avoided. The maximum particle size is limited to 45 mm.
A maximum quantity of 15% by mass of new ag- An oversize percentage of 10% by mass is permis-
gregates in accordance with the Technical delivery sible for a particle size of up to 56 mm. Reclaimed
terms for aggregates in road construction (TL asphalt must comply with the Technical delivery
Gestein-StB) relative to the dry aggregate mixture terms for reclaimed asphalt (Technische Lieferbedin-
and / or additives may be added to the tar-bound gungen fr Asphaltgranulat [TL AG-StB]). It has to be
materials in order to achieve an impermeable struc- reclaimed and stocked in accordance with the Code
ture of the highest possible density. Where appropri- of practice for the use of reclaimed asphalt (Merkblatt
ate, adequate frost resistance has to be veried. fr die Wiederverwertung von Asphalt [MWA]).
2.11.3 Additives
Suitable additives (ller) are ller aggregates in aggregates in road construction (TL Gestein-StB)
accordance with the Technical delivery terms for or coal y ash in accordance with DIN EN 450.
2.11.4 Storing reclaimed tar-bound road construction materials
During (intermediate) storage, reclaimed tar-bound watertight surface with seepage water collection.
road construction materials must be protected They must be protected against the penetration of
from water ingress in order to prevent any leakage moisture by means of a watertight cover. The safe
of soluble harmful substances. If not stored under disposal of any seepage water has to be ensured.
cover, the materials may only be stockpiled on a
In addition to the civil engineering requirements comply with the requirements of the Directives for
to be considered during initial testing, the use of the environmentally compatible use of reclaimed
reclaimed tar-bound road construction materials materials containing tar-bound matter and for the
requires the amount of hydraulic binder and / or use of reclaimed asphalt in road construction
the additives content to be selected so as to (RuVA-StB) in terms of the leachability of harmful
ensure that the structure is sufciently dense to substances.
2.11.6 Requirements
When using reclaimed tar-bound road construction 8% by mass than the value specied in the mix
materials, the percentage < 2 mm of the aggregate design.
mixture must not be higher or lower by more than
If reclaimed asphalt or reclaimed tar-bound road struction (TP Gestein-StB) in order to verify the
construction materials recycled on a trial basis are reduction of harmful substances.
used for initial testing, grading has to be varied so The eluates are obtained from compacted Proc-
as to cover the full grading range possible during tor specimens after 28 days using the trough
the actual recycling process. method and are tested for polycyclic aromatic
In addition to these tests, the use of tar-bound hydrocarbons according to EPA. The phenol index
materials requires leaching tests to be performed is determined in accordance with the Technical
in accordance with Part 7.1.2 of the Technical delivery terms for aggregates in road construction
testing regulations for aggregates in road con- (TP Gestein-StB).
126 l 127
DIN 1)
Source: ) Beuth Verlag GmbH, Burggrafenstr. 6, 10787 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 30 - 26 01-22 60; Fax: +49 (0) 30 - 26 01-12 60
E-mail: info@beuth.de; Internet: www.beuth.de
VOB / B German construction contract procedures - Part B: General conditions of contract relating to the
execution of construction work DIN 1961 (Vergabe- und Vertragsordnung fr Bauleistungen Teil B:
Allgemeine Vertragsbedingungen fr die Ausfhrung von Bauleistungen DIN 1961)
VOB / C German construction contract procedures - Part C: General technical specications in construction
contracts (Vergabe- und Vertragsordnung fr Bauleistungen Teil C: Allgemeine Technische Vertrags-
bedingungen fr Bauleistungen [ATV])
DIN 1048 Testing concrete (Prfverfahren fr Beton)
DIN 1164 Special cement composition, requirements and conformity evaluation (Zement mit besonderen Eigen-
schaften Zusammensetzung, Anforderungen, bereinstimmungsnachweis)
DIN 4020 Geotechnical investigations for civil engineering purposes (Geotechnische Untersuchungen fr bautech-
nische Zwecke)
DIN 18121 Soil, investigation and testing Water content (Baugrund Untersuchung von Bodenproben Wasserge-
DIN 18125 Soil, investigation and testing Determination of density of soil (Baugrund, Untersuchung von Bodenpro-
ben Bestimmung der Dichte des Bodens)
DIN 18127 Soil, investigation and testing Proctor test (Baugrund Untersuchung von Bodenproben Proctorver-
DIN 18134 Soil Testing procedures and testing equipment Plate load test (Baugrund; Versuche und Versuchsge-
rte Plattendruckversuch)
DIN 18196 Earthworks and foundations Soil classication for civil engineering purposes (Erd- und Grundbau
Bodenklassikation fr bautechnische Zwecke)
DIN 18299 German construction contract procedures Part C: General technical specications in construction
contracts General rules applying to all types of construction work (VOB Teil C: Allgemeine Technische
Vertragsbedingungen fr Bauleistungen [ATV] Allgemeine Regelungen fr Bauarbeiten jeder Art)
DIN 18300 German construction contract procedures Part C: General technical specications in construction
contracts Earthworks (VOB - Teil C: Allgemeine Technische Vertragsbedingungen fr Bauleistungen
[ATV] Erdarbeiten)
DIN 18316 German construction contract procedures Part C: General technical specications in construction
contracts Road construction Surfacings with hydraulic binders (VOB Teil C: Allgemeine Technische
Vertragsbedingungen fr Bauleistungen [ATV] Verkehrswegebauarbeiten Oberbauschichten mit hyd-
raulischen Bindemitteln)
DIN 18506 Hydraulic soil and road binders Composition, specications and conformity criteria (Hydraulische
Boden- und Tragschichtbinder Zusammensetzung, Anforderungen und Konformittskriterien)
DIN EN 206-1 Concrete Part 1: Specication, performance, production and conformity (Beton Teil 1: Festlegung,
Eigenschaften, Herstellung und Konformitt)
DIN EN 197-1 Cement Part 1: Composition, specications and conformity criteria for common cements
(Zement Teil 1: Zusammensetzung, Anforderungen und Konformittskriterien von Normalzement)
DIN EN 197-4 Cement Part 4: Composition, specications and conformity criteria for low early-strength blast-furnace
cements (Zement Teil 4: Zusammensetzung, Anforderungen und Konformittskriterien von Hochofen-
zement mit niedriger Anfangsfestigkeit)
DIN EN 459-1 Building lime - Part 1: Denitions, specications and conformity criteria (Baukalk Teil 1: Denitionen,
Anforderungen und Konformittskriterien)
DIN EN 1097-6 Tests for mechanical and physical properties of aggregates Part 6: Determination of particle density and
128 l 129
water absorption (Prfverfahren fr mechanische und physikalische Eigenschaften von Gesteinskrnun-
gen Teil 6: Bestimmung der Rohdichte und der Wasseraufnahme)
DIN EN 1367-1 Tests for thermal and weathering properties of aggregates Part 1: Determination of resistance to
freezing and thawing (Prfverfahren fr thermische Eigenschaften und Verwitterungsbestndigkeit von
Gesteinskrnungen Teil 1: Bestimmung des Widerstandes gegen Frost-Tau-Wechsel)
DIN EN 12350 Testing fresh concrete (Prfung von Frischbeton)
DIN EN 12390 Testing hardened concrete (Prfung von Festbeton)
DIN EN 14227-1 Hydraulically bound mixtures Specications Part 1: Cement bound granular mixtures (Hydraulisch
gebundene Gemische Anforderungen Teil 1: Zementgebundene Gemische)
DIN EN ISO 14688 Geotechnical investigation and testing Identication and classication of soil (Geotechnische Erkun-
dung und Untersuchung Benennung, Beschreibung und Klassizierung von Boden)
DIN EN ISO 14689 Geotechnical investigation and testing Identication and classication of rock (Geotechnische Erkun-
dung und Untersuchung Benennung, Beschreibung und Klassizierung von Fels)
DIN EN ISO 22476 Geotechnical investigation and testing Field testing (Geotechnische Erkundung und Untersuchung
Source: ) FGSV Verlag GmbH, Wesselinger Str. 17, 50999 Kln, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 22 36 - 38 46 30; Fax: +49 (0) 22 36 - 38 46 40
E-mail: info@fgsv-verlag.de; Internet: www.fgsv-verlag.de
130 l 131
Code of practice for the reuse of concrete from pavements (Merkblatt zur Wiederverwendung von Beton
aus Fahrbahndecken)
Code of practice for the construction of base layers and combined base and surface layers using roller-
compacted concrete for trafc areas (Merkblatt fr den Bau von Tragschichten und Tragdeckschichten
mit Walzbeton fr Verkehrschen)
RAP Stra Directives for accreditation of test centres for building materials and building material mixtures in road
construction (Richtlinien fr die Anerkennung von Prfstellen fr Baustoffe und Baustoffgemische im
Straenbau [FGSV 916])
RiStWag Directives for civil engineering measures on roads in water protection areas (Richtlinien fr bautechnische
Manahmen an Straen in Wasserschutzgebieten [FGSV 514])
RLW Directives for rural road construction (Richtlinien fr den lndlichen Wegebau [FGSV 675 / 1])
RStO Directives for the standardization of the superstructures of trafcked surfaces (Richtlinien fr die Stan-
dardisierung des Oberbaues von Verkehrschen [FGSV 499])
RuA-StB Directives for the environmentally compatible use of industrial by-products and recycled construction
materials in road construction (Richtlinien fr die umweltvertrgliche Anwendung von industriellen Neben-
produkten und Recycling-Baustoffen im Straenbau [FGSV 642])
RuVA-StB Directives for the environmentally compatible use of reclaimed materials containing tar-bound matter and
for the use of reclaimed asphalt in road construction (Richtlinien fr die umweltvertrgliche Verwertung
von Ausbaustoffen mit teer- / pechtypischen Bestandteilen sowie fr die Verwertung von Ausbauasphalt
im Straenbau [FGSV 795])
TL BE-StB Technical delivery terms for bitumen emulsions (Technische Lieferbedingungen fr Bitumenemulsionen
[FGSV 793])
TL Beton-StB Technical delivery terms for construction materials and construction material mixtures for base layers with
hydraulic binders and concrete pavements (Technische Lieferbedingungen fr Baustoffe und Baustoffge-
mische fr Tragschichten mit hydraulischen Bindemitteln und Fahrbahndecken aus Beton [FGSV 891])
TL G SoB-StB Technical delivery terms for construction material mixtures and soils for the production of unbound gra-
nular layers in road construction, Part: Quality control (Technische Lieferbedingungen fr Baustoffgemi-
sche und Bden zur Herstellung von Schichten ohne Bindemittel im Straenbau, Teil: Gteberwachung
[FGSV 696])
TL BuB E-StB Technical delivery terms for soils and construction materials in earthworks for road construction (Techni-
sche Lieferbedingungen fr Bden und Baustoffe im Erdbau des Straenbaues [FGSV 597])
TL Gestein-StB Technical delivery terms for aggregates in road construction (Technische Lieferbedingungen fr Gesteins-
krnungen im Straenbau [FGSV 613])
TL SoB-StB Technical delivery terms for construction material mixtures and soils for the production of unbound
granular layers in road construction, Part: Quality control (Technische Lieferbedingungen fr Baustoffge-
mische und Bden fr Schichten ohne Bindemittel im Straenbau; Teil: Gteberwachung [FGSV 697])
TP Beton-StB Technical testing regulations for base layers with hydraulic binders and concrete pavements (Technische
Prfvorschriften fr Tragschichten mit hydraulischen Bindemitteln und Fahrbahndecken aus Beton [FGSV
TP BF-StB Technical testing regulations for soil and rock in road construction (Technische Prfvorschriften fr Boden
und Fels im Straenbau [FGSV 591])
TP D-StB Technical testing regulations to determine the thicknesses of superstructure layers in road construction
(Technische Prfvorschriften zur Bestimmung der Dicken von Oberbauschichten im Straenbau [FGSV 974])
TP Gestein-StB Technical testing regulations for aggregates in road construction (Technische Prfvorschriften fr Ge-
steinskrnungen im Straenbau [FGSV 610])
ZTV A-StB Additional technical conditions of contract and directives for excavations in trafc areas (Zustzliche
Technische Vertragsbedingungen und Richtlinien fr Aufgrabungen in Verkehrschen [FGSV 976])
ZTV Beton-StB Additional technical conditions of contract and directives for the construction of base layers with hydrau-
lic binders and concrete pavements (Zustzliche Technische Vertragsbedingungen und Richtlinien fr den
Bau von Tragschichten mit hydraulischen Bindemitteln und Fahrbahndecken aus Beton [FGSV 899])
ZTV E-StB Additional technical conditions of contract and directives for earthworks in road construction (Zustzliche
Technische Vertragsbedingungen und Richtlinien fr Erdarbeiten im Straenbau [FGSV 599])
ZTV Ew-StB Additional technical conditions of contract and directives for the construction of drainage systems in road
construction (Zustzliche Technische Vertragsbedingungen und Richtlinien fr den Bau von Entwsse-
rungseinrichtungen im Straenbau [FGSV 598])
ZTVLW Additional technical conditions of contract and directives for the paving of rural roads (Zustzliche Tech-
nische Vorschriften und Richtlinien fr die Befestigung lndlicher Wege [FGSV 675])
ZTV SoB-StB Additional technical conditions of contract and directives for the construction of unbound granular layers
in road construction (Zustzliche Technische Vertragsbedingungen und Richtlinien fr den Bau von
Schichten ohne Bindemittel im Straenbau [FGSV 698])
132 l 133
134 l 135
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