Reglas Vogele
Reglas Vogele
Reglas Vogele
VÖGELE screeds — Because building
roads requires accuracy
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Product overview
AB 220
AB 340
AB 480
AB 500
AB 600
VR 600
SB 250
SB 300
VF 500
VF 600
AB 340 Basic width 1.8m Maximum pave width 5m 9
Infinitely variable range up to 3.4m Screed versions V, TV
Screed versions
TP2 (Plus)
TP2 (Plus)
AB 480 Basic width 2.55m Maximum pave width 6.3m 10
Infinitely variable range up to 4.8m Screed version TV
AB 500 Basic width 2.55m Maximum pave width 8.5m 11
Infinitely variable range up to 5m Screed versions TV, TP1, TP2, TP2 Plus SUPER 700-3(i)
SUPER 800-3(i)
AB 600 Basic width 3m Maximum pave width 9.5m 12
SUPER 1100-3(i)
Infinitely variable range up to 6m Screed versions TV, TP1, TP2, TP2 Plus
SUPER 1103-3(i)
VR 600 Basic width 3.05m Maximum pave width 8.6m 13 SUPER 1300-3(i)
Infinitely variable range up to 6m Screed version V
SUPER 1303-3(i)
VF 500 Basic width 2.45m Maximum pave width 5.95m 14 SUPER 1600-3(i)
Infinitely variable range up to 4.75m Screed version V
SUPER 1603-3(i)
SUPER 1700-3(i)
VF 600 Basic width 3.05m Maximum pave width 7.75m 15
Infinitely variable range up to 5.95m Screed version V SUPER 1703-3(i)
SUPER 1800-3(i)
SUPER 1800-3(i)
SUPER 1803-3(i)
SUPER 1900-3(i)
SUPER 2000-3(i)
SUPER 2003-3(i)
SUPER 2100-3(i)
SUPER 2100-3i IP
SUPER 3000-2
Fixed-width screeds
SB 250 Basic width 2.5m Maximum pave width 13m 18
Infinitely variable range - Screed versions TV, TP1, TP2, TVP2
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VÖGELE extending screeds —
The system behind variable widths
VÖGELE extending screeds, with their outstanding adaptability, are ideal for paving in
varying widths and on winding roads. They cover a wide field of applications, handling
widths from 0.5m to 9.5m. Depending on the type of paver used, they can be equipped
with various compacting systems. The range extends from the simplest screed version
with vibration (V) to the most powerful high-compaction screeds with tamper (T) and two
pressure bars (P2).
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AB 220 Extending Screed AB 340 Extending Screed
Screed versions V, TV Screed versions V, TV
Maximum pave width 3.5m Maximum pave width 5m
The AB 220 Extending Screed designed for the small The AB 220 Extending Screed, in either version, has a basic The AB 340 Extending Screed is the perfect match for In either version, compacting systems are installed across
VÖGELE pavers stands out through accurate operation and width of 1.2m and extends hydraulically to 2.2m. Through the the compact pavers in the SUPER 1100 and SUPER 1300 the full screed width, including bolt-on extensions.
achieves high precompaction. It is available in 2 versions addition of bolt-on extension the AB 220 V can be built up to classes. With a basic width of 1.8m and a maximum pave
as far as equipment with compacting systems is concerned. a maximum width of 3.2m and the AB 220 TV to a maximum width of 5m, the screed is ideal for combined footpath and A typical VÖGELE feature found in the AB 340 Extending Screed,
The AB 220 V (with vibrators) has been specially designed width of 3.5m. cycle path or farm track applications as well as for surfacing like in all VÖGELE screeds, is electric heating. The modern, powerful
for use with the SUPER 700-3(i). The AB 220 TV (with tamper minor roadways. The AB 340 is available in the V version screed heating system provides for quick and uniform heating to
and vibrators) combines with the SUPER 800-3(i). (with vibrators) and in the TV version (with tamper and vibrators). operating temperature, an essential for smooth surface texture.
Key: V = with vibrators TV = with tamper and vibrators Subject to technical modification. Key: V = with vibrators TV = with tamper and vibrators Subject to technical modification.
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AB 480 Extending Screed AB 500 Extending Screed
Screed version TV Screed versions TV, TP1, TP2, TP2 Plus
Maximum pave width 6.3m Maximum pave width 8.5m
The AB 480 is a somewhat simplified version of the AB 500. The AB 480 can be combined with the SUPER 1600-3(i) and The AB 500 Extending Screed combines with all VÖGELE The AB 500 is available with tamper and vibrators as well as in
The screed extends hydraulically from 2.55m to 4.8m and the SUPER 1603-3(i) Universal Class pavers and is the ideal screed pavers featuring a basic width of 2.5m. Thanks to its unique two versions for high compaction (with tamper and 1 or 2 pressure
maximum pave width with bolt-on extensions is 6.3m. for placing a single lane alongside an existing one as well as single-tube telescoping system for infinite variation of pave bars) or, alternatively, in the TP2 Plus version for particularly high
for paving farm tracks. width, it is ideal for a wide field of applications. The screed compaction.
extends from 2.55m to 5m and can be built up with bolt-on
extensions to a maximum width of 8.5m.
Key: TV = with tamper and vibrators Subject to technical modification. Key: TV = with tamper and vibrators Subject to technical modification.
TP1 = with tamper and 1 pressure bar TP2 = with tamper and 2 pressure bars
TP2 Plus = with special tamper, 2 pressure bars and additional weights
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AB 600 Extending Screed VR 600 Extending Screed Designed for the
requirements especially
of the North American
Screed versions TV, TP1, TP2, TP2 Plus Screed version V
and Australian markets.
Maximum pave width 9.5m Maximum pave width 8.6m
The AB 600 Extending Screed has a basic width of 3m. Equipped combining with the VÖGELE pavers of the Universal Class and The VR 600 Extending Screed is tailored to meet the demands Together with the 10-foot SUPER 2000-3(i) and SUPER 2003-3(i)
with the sturdy VÖGELE single-tube telescoping system, its pave the Highway Class. In addition to the screed versions TV, TP1 and of the US and Australian markets. As on the screeds for the pavers, the robust screed is particularly suitable for extremely
width is infinitely variable up to 6m. Through the addition of TP2, the TP2 Plus variant is also available for the AB 600 Extending SUPER series of VÖGELE pavers, the extending units of the precise high-speed paving on motorways up to 8.6m wide.
bolt-on extensions, the screed can be built up for joint-free paving Screed to achieve particularly high precompaction. VR 600 are located behind the basic screed. The extending
to a maximum of 9.5m. As a result, the AB 600 is ideally suited to units have a special design allowing to produce a pavement
profile with a slope of up to 10% towards the edge of the road.
Key: TV = with tamper and vibrators Subject to technical modification. Key: VR = Screed with Rear-Mounted Extensions V = with vibrators Subject to technical modification.
TP1 = with tamper and 1 pressure bar TP2 = with tamper and 2 pressure bars
TP2 Plus = with special tamper, 2 pressure bars and additional weights
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VF 500 Extending Screed Designed for the
requirements especially
VF 600 Extending Screed Designed for the
requirements especially
of the North American of the North American
Screed version V Screed version V
and Australian markets. and Australian markets.
Maximum pave width 5.95m Maximum pave width 7.75m
The VF 500 Extending Screed is equipped with extending units The VF 500 is ideal for applications which require a variable pave The VF 600 featuring extending units mounted in front of the basic Furthermore, the screed handles numerous pavement profiles,
mounted in front of the basic screed and was developed especially width, such as car parks with islands and light masts, roads for screed was designed especially for combining with the SUPER 2000-3(i) including crown and slopes. Berm is also available as an option.
for the VÖGELE 8-foot paver. This screed is eminently suitable for residents only, urban roads with manhole covers, gas or water and SUPER 2003-3(i) Highway Class pavers, which work at high pave
the requirements prevailing in road construction in North America connections, junctions on highways or work on country roads, speeds and in widely varying pave widths. The screed‘s sturdy, smoothly The compact design gives the paver operator a perfect view in all
and Australia. i.e. jobs which involve paving around obstacles. sliding telescoping system guarantees precise paving in all widths. directions.
Key: VF = Screed with Front-Mounted Extensions V = with vibrators Subject to technical modification. Key: VF = Screed with Front-Mounted Extensions V = with vibrators Subject to technical modification.
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VÖGELE fixed-width screeds —
Large widths, high performance
VÖGELE fixed-width screeds demonstrate their strengths wherever pavements need to be
built in large widths up to 16m, true to line and level. And in all those projects requiring
high compaction of demanding materials such as water-bound base course mixes,
Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC) or Paver Compacted Concrete (PCC). Thanks to
75cm hydraulic bolt-on extensions, the pave width is infinitely variable within a range
of 1.5m. Screed plates, tamper bars and pressure bar(s) are heated evenly to guarantee a
homogeneous surface texture. The intelligent generator management system ensures that
the electric heating brings the compacting systems to operating temperature much more
quickly, even when the engine is running at minimal rpm.
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SB 250 Fixed-Width Screed SB 300 Fixed-Width Screed
Screed versions TV, TP1, TP2, TVP2 Screed versions TV, TP1, TP2, TVP2
Maximum pave width 13m Maximum pave width 16m
The SB 250 Fixed-Width Screed combines with many VÖGELE The SB 250 has a basic width of 2.5m and can be built up The SB 300 Fixed-Width Screed for the SUPER 3000-2 covers The basic screed can be built up with fixed bolt-on extensions
pavers featuring a basic width of 2.5m. Due to their high stability, with both fixed or hydraulic bolt-on extensions to a maximum a wide range of applications from a basic width of 3m up to of differerent lengths, and also with hydraulic extensions.
the Fixed-Width Screeds are the ideal match for the SUPER 1800-3(i), width of 13m. a maximum width of 16m. The screed is thus perfectly suited Like all VÖGELE screeds, the SB 300 Fixed-Width Screed comes
SUPER 1900-3(i) and SUPER 2100-3(i) when it comes to handling to joint-free pavement construction, true to line and level, with high-performance electric heating and an innovative
large pave widths. for any kind of road. In other words, it is ideal for large-scale monitoring system for the heating rods.
projects such as construction or pavement rehabilitaton of
Key: TV = with tamper and vibrators Subject to technical modification. Key: TV = with tamper and vibrators Subject to technical modification.
TP1 = with tamper and 1 pressure bar TP2 = with tamper and 2 pressure bars TP1 = with tamper and 1 pressure bar TP2 = with tamper and 2 pressure bars
TVP2 = with tamper, vibrators and 2 pressure bars TVP2 = with tamper, vibrators and 2 pressure bars
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Hydraulic bolt-on extensions
for SB 250 and SB 300
Versions T, TP1, TP2
Infinity variable range up to 1.5m
Fixed-width screeds are ideal for paving in larger widths. Hydraulic extensions are available in the T version (with tamper),
Hydraulic extensions from VÖGELE allow the pave width to be the TP1 version (with tamper and 1 pressure bar) or the TP2 version
adjusted infinitely within a range of 1.5m. This saves both time (with tamper and 2 pressure bars). They can be fitted to fixed
and money, as there is no need to mount or demount fixed bolt-on extensions of 1m or 1.5m. For mounting hydraulic
extensions for a change in screed width within this range. extensions, the screed needs to be enlarged in width through
Hydraulic extensions are based on the technology of the fixed extensions by at least 1.5m on both the left and right sides.
well-proven VÖGELE extending screeds.
Weights (1 Set)
Compacting systems
T version 1.55t
Versions T, TP1, TP2
TP1 version 1.7t
Tamper (T) tamper speed up to 1,750 rpm
TP2 version 1.8t
Tamper stroke adjustable to 2mm, 4mm, 7mm
Pressure bar(s) (P) driven by pulsed-flow hydraulics
Impulse recurrence frequency 68 Hz
Hydraulic oil pressure up to 120 bar, infinitely variable
Heating screed plates, tamper bars and pressure bar(s)
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The screed is crucial for
pavement quality
The safe and easy handling of all screed functions is of the utmost importance for
high-quality road construction. The VÖGELE ErgoPlus 3 and ErgoBasic operating
concepts give the screed operator perfect control of the paving process. All functions
on the screed consoles are easy to understand and laid out very clearly.
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The ErgoPlus 3 screed console The ErgoBasic remote control unit
for the screed
The screed console is designed in keeping These are watertight and enclosed in palpably The ErgoBasic screed console is laid out logically The ErgoBasic remote control unit for the screed
with the conditions prevailing on the job site. raised rings, so that they are identifiable blindfold according to the functional processes. Operation can be held in the hand or fixed anywhere on the
Push-buttons are provided for the frequently simply by touch even when wearing work gloves. is easy and can be learned intuitively in a very short screed or the machine thanks to the magnetic
used functions operated from the screed console. Important paver and screed data can be called up space of time. brackets.
and adjusted from the screed console, too.
All the paving-related functions can be set quickly
and easily. That includes direct access to the
material handling systems and the sonic sensors
for the augers.
The display of
the screed console Horn
Setting: Conveyor,
Setting: Auger,
Crown control
at the press of a button Horn Adjustment of screed
tow point rams
the screed’s extending units
Another feature of all VÖGELE screeds is the powerful electric heating. The advanced
heating system provides for quick and uniform heating of the screed to its operating
temperature. An intelligent generator management system helps save fuel, enhancing
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VÖGELE compaction technology
VÖGELE high-compaction technology achieves highest density
VÖGELE are setting standards in terms of The pressure bar(s) driven by pulsed-flow
compaction: perfected technology together hydraulics are the core of VÖGELE
with the ultimate in materials for the high-compaction technology. Thanks to this
manufacture of screed components guarantee unique technology, VÖGELE pavers combined
the outstanding performance and reliability with high-compaction screeds in the TP1, TP2,
of VÖGELE high-compaction systems. The TP2 Plus or TVP2 versions achieve highest
tamper provides for optimum precompaction precompaction.
of the mix. Tamper speed and stroke length
can be set up and adjusted precisely to match
the flow of mix, kind of mix and layer thickness.
Return pipe
Pressure adjusting unit Tank Presssure bar T = Tamper P1 = Pressure bar 1 P2 = Pressure bar 2 T = Tamper P1 = Pressure bar 1 P2 = Pressure bar 2
The VÖGELE high-compaction process begins with the The pressure bar(s) driven by pulsed flow hydraulics are The pressure bars P1 and P2 are the last elements in the A separate control is provided for each compacting system
pulse generator. It generates high-frequency pressure pulses. the core of VÖGELE high-compaction technology. process of compaction as a whole. Logically, they are located in installed in a VÖGELE high-compaction screed.
The pressure bars remain in permanent contact with the mix, Thanks to this unique technology, VÖGELE high-compaction the rear area of VÖGELE high-compaction screeds. Only in this Fine control of the pressure for the pressure bar(s) allows
thus forcing the mix down for a prolonged period of time. screeds in the TP1, TP2 or TP2 Plus versions bring about the location can the highest possible compacting effort be achieved, VÖGELE high-compaction technology to be used for paving
Thanks to the high density achieved by the pressure bar(s), highest degree of density a road paver can achieve. as the mix is prevented from yielding to the front. Nor can it yield surface courses as well.
fewer passes are required for subsequent compaction by rolling. to the sides, where it is constricted by the screed‘s side plates.
A change from high compaction to conventional compaction
and vice versa can easily be made from the ErgoPlus 3 operating
consoles. This allows the screed to be used for highly varied
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Telescoping system for extending screeds
VÖGELE single-tube telescoping system 3-point suspension
3-Point suspension:
1. Telescoping tube
2. Sliding restraint system
2 3. Fixed guide tube
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Screed heating
Electric screed heating
Over decades, VÖGELE have gained a wealth In order to support compaction and produce
of experience in electric screed heating, which a smooth surface texture, all compacting elements
has been installed in all VÖGELE fixed-width are heated across the full screed width.
screeds and extending screeds since 1952.
Screed plates are fitted as standard with heating
Electric heating provided for all compacting and elements which distribute the heat all over the
smoothing screed elements heats them up and plates. Heating elements are perfectly insulated
maintains an ideal temperature while paving. to prevent loss of heat to the upper environment.
As a result, the heat is directed 100% to where it
In all VÖGELE pavers, powerful and sturdy is needed, in fact to areas of contact with the hot
three-phase A.C. generators are installed to mix. Tamper bars and pressure bar(s) are fitted with
supply electric power for screed heating. heating rods for quick and uniform heating from
An intelligent generator management feature inside. Sophisticated technology is installed,
brings highest efficiency. allowing automated control of screed heating.
An easily accessible three-phase A.C. generator is installed to supply power for perfect heating
of VÖGELE extending screeds and fixed-width screeds across the full pave width.
Generator management
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Where quality begins
The screed is the heart of each road paver. From the engineering point of view,
it is the crucial component deciding whether the paving job will be a success or not.
VÖGELE are committed to the manufacture of prime quality screeds which stand out
through high reliability and the latest in screed technology.
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VÖGELE manufacturing technology
Where quality begins
Sophisticated technology plus the most First-class thermal treatment of tamper bars and
advanced materials ensure the durability of pressure bar(s) is crucial for high quality and
our compacting systems. VÖGELE screed longevity. It is primarily the process of hardening
plates made of highly wear-resistant material that decides these components‘ wear properties.
undergo a 3-step manufacturing process.
Accurate milling of the plates‘ leading edges VÖGELE rely on induction hardening. This method
by special tools ensures that the mix will be provides for an enhanced hardening depth,
properly packed under the screed later on. uniform hardening over the bar’s full length and
In addition, it provides for smooth and accurate highest evenness – properties that reduce wear
guidance of the tamper bars, a feature that adds of tamper bars and pressure bar(s) and guarantee
to the long service lives of both screed plate long service lives.
and tamper.
All manufacturing stages are subjected The CNC machine welds threaded
to thorough quality checks. bolts to the screed plates.
Screed plates straightened free from tension and with highest precision
Induction hardening of tamper bars and Tamper bar and pressure bar(s)
(error of no more than 2 tenths of a millimetre allowed) feature longevity thanks to even wear. pressure bar(s) guarantees long service lives. are hardened to a uniform depth of 5mm.
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VÖGELE manufacturing technology
20 times less than the thickness of a human
hair. Inner surfaces of telescoping tubes
Where quality begins are machined to the highest possible level
of precision.
Stability and high precision of the VÖGELE An important step in the manufacturing process
extending screeds are of crucial importance is the robotized welding of screed frames. With
for the paving results achieved later on in the workpieces in an optimal position, robot-produced
field. The production of single-tube telescoping welds are carried out with high precision, seam
systems, in particular, requires a high level of after seam. As a result, the screed frames
accuracy. Therefore, stability and zero slack are manufactured this way feature consistent high
main demands made on the telescoping systems quality and excellent sturdiness.
in VÖGELE screeds.
During all phases of their manufacture and during
On grinding and honing machines, we produce final assembly, our screeds undergo thorough
an extremely smooth surface, allowing a roughness testing which guarantees that products made
of no more than 5 thousandths of a millimetre. to highest standards of quality are supplied to
This is 20 times less than the thickness of a human costumers — products made by VÖGELE.
The telescoping tubes are manufactured with the greatest precision Eccentric shafts for tamper drives. elding cell for screed frames. Robot-produced weld seams feature
W During final assembly, VÖGELE screeds undergo a variety
on special machines. consistent, high quality and precision. of functional tests.
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VÖGELE screeds — At a glance
All VÖGELE screeds can be built up with bolt-on extensions and tailored to any desired
pave width. The VÖGELE system of bolt-on extensions allows screeds to be built up easily
and sturdily to widths suitable for practical applications. Even when paving across large
widths, VÖGELE screeds work with highest precision and achieve superb degrees of
uniform density right up to the pavement edges.
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Extending screeds for SUPER pavers Extending screeds VR and VF
for the requirements especially of the North A merican and Australian markets.
Pave widths Pave widths Pave widths Pave widths Pave widths Pave widths Pave widths Pave widths
Basic width 1.2m, infinitely variable range Basic width 1.8m, infinitely variable range Basic width 2.55m, infinitely variable range Basic width 2.55m, infinitely variable range Basic width 3m, infinitely variable range Basic width 3.05m, infinitely variable range Basic width 2.45m, infinitely variable range Basic width 3.05m, infinitely variable range
1.2m to 2.2m 1.8m to 3.4m 2.55m to 4.8m 2.55m to 5m 3m to 6m 3.05m to 6m 2.45m to 4.75m 3.05m to 6m
Larger widths through the addition of bolt-on Larger widths through the addition of bolt-on Larger widths through the addition of bolt-on Larger widths through the addition of bolt-on Larger widths through the addition of bolt-on Larger widths through the addition of bolt-on Larger widths through the addition of bolt-on Larger widths through the addition of bolt-on
extensions up to a maximum of 3.5m extensions up to a maximum of 5m extensions up to a maximum of 6.3m extensions up to a maximum of 8.5m extensions up to a maximum of 9.5m extensions up to a maximum of 8.6m extensions up to a maximum of 5.95m extensions up to a maximum of 7.75m
Screed versions Screed versions Screed version Screed versions Screed versions Screed version Screed version Screed version
V, TV V, TV TV TV, TP1, TP2, TP2 Plus TV, TP1, TP2, TP2 Plus V V V
0.5m 1.2m 0.5m 0.8m 1.8m 0.8m 1.125m 2.55m 1.125m 1.225m 2.55m 1.225m 1.5m 3m 1.5m 3.05m 2.45m 3.05m
2.2m 3.4m 4.8m 5m 6m 6m 4.75m 5.95m
2 x 0.25m 2 x 0.25m
2 x 0.5m 2 x 0.25m 2 x 0.25m 2 x 0.65m 2 x 0.3m 2 x 0.3m
2.7m 3.9m 5.5m
5.8m 6.5m 7.3m 5.35m 6.55m
4 x 0.75m
4 x 0.75m
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Fixed-width screeds for SUPER pavers
0.5m 1.5m 1.5m 1.5m 1.5m 3m 1.5m 1.5m 1.5m 1.5m 0.5m
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Joseph-Vögele-Str. 1 T: +49 621 / 81 05 0
67075 Ludwigshafen · Germany F: +49 621 / 81 05 461
PaveDock Assistant, AutoSet, AutoSet Plus, AutoSet Basic, ErgoBasic and VÖGELE-EcoPlus are registered Community Trademarks of JOSEPH VÖGELE AG, Ludwigshafen/Rhein,
Germany. PCC is a registered German Trademark of JOSEPH VÖGELE AG, Ludwigshafen/Rhein, Germany. ERGOPLUS, NAVITRONIC Plus, NAVITRONIC BASIC, NIVELTRONIC Plus,
SprayJet, VISION, VÖGELE, VÖGELE PowerFeeder, PaveDock, PaveDock Assistant, AutoSet, AutoSet Plus, AutoSet Basic and VÖGELE-EcoPlus are trademarks registered in the US Patent
and Trademark Office to JOSEPH VÖGELE AG, Ludwigshafen/Rhein, Germany. Legally binding claims cannot be derived from written information or pictures contained in this brochure.
Pictures may include optional extras. We reserve the right to make technical or design alterations.
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