DB en Visu 2 8150 en 06
DB en Visu 2 8150 en 06
DB en Visu 2 8150 en 06
Data sheet
8150_en_06 © PHOENIX CONTACT 2021-11-30
1 Description
VISU+ 2 is a SCADA1 visualization software with HMI func- Information on maximum limits
tions, trending, and alarming.
The following maximum limits are individual limits that may
It comprises an engineering environment (engineering li- vary depending on the application.
cense) and a runtime environment (runtime license). The
development environment can be used to program applica- When you implement a project, please observe
tions. After completion, the runtime environment can be the limits of the PCs and HMI devices used (e.g.,
used for visualizing the application. database, ODBC, etc.). These limits are listed in
the following tables.
Features The following must be taken into consideration:
– Creation of visualization pages with operating and mon- – The listed limits are not binding but are rec-
itoring functions. ommended based on the tests carried out.
– Full range of SCADA functions. The user is responsible for defining the proj-
– Scalable visualization creation for PC (all Windows op- ect limits depending on available hardware
erating systems) and HMI (Windows Embedded CE). and overall resources used.
– Runtime licenses with HMI functions that are scalable – The resource limits refer to projects that are
and adjustable. executed on PCs with the minimum require-
ments or on WinCE devices from
Phoenix Contact.
– This data sheet does not claim to cover all
system limits of VISU+ 2. Further limits result
1 SCADA: Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition from the hardware used.
This document is valid for the products listed in Section “Ordering data” on page 3.
VISU+ 2 ...
2 VISU+ products
VISU+ offers a range of different products.
3 Ordering data
Description I/O data1 Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.
Development environment (engi- VISU+ 2 2988544 1
neering license) for VISU+ projects
Development environment for all op- VISU+ 2 EXPRESS 2402774 1
erator panels with integrated runtime
128 bytes VISU+ 2 RT 128 2988586 1
256 bytes VISU+ 2 RT 256 2988609 1
VISU+ 2 RT ... is the runtime envi- 512 bytes VISU+ 2 RT 512 2988612 1
ronment (runtime license) for 1024 bytes VISU+ 2 RT 1024 2988641 1
VISU+ 2 with the following restric- 2048 bytes VISU+ 2 RT 2048 2988528 1
tions for I/O data: 4096 bytes VISU+ 2 RT 4096 2988531 1
8192 bytes VISU+ 2 RT 8192 2988557 1
No restrictions VISU+ 2 RT UNLIMITED 2988654 1
The functions listed here are optionally available for VISU+ 2. To order these functions, contact your nearest
Phoenix Contact representative.
VISU+ 2 alarm statistics VISU+ 2 Alarm Statistics Optional
VISU+ 2 OPC server VISU+ 2 OPC Server Optional
(OPC DA server, OPC XML DA server)
VISU+ 2 redundancy VISU+ 2 Redundancy Optional
VISU+ 2 alarm dispatcher VISU+ 2 Alarm Dispatcher Optional
(SMS, voice, fax, modem connection, e-mail)
VISU+ 2 networking VISU+ 2 Networking Optional
VISU+ 2 Web Client (xx = number of web clients) VISU+ 2 WBxx Optional
Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.
User manual UM EN VISU+ VBA DRIVER – 1
Programmable VBA driver interfaces (APIs) for VISU+ 2 ... INTERFACES
User manual UM EN VISU+ – 1
Communication drivers for VISU+ 2 ... COMMUNICATION
User manual UM EN VISU+ PROG – 1
Programming of VISU+ 2 ... under Windows® for desktop
Quick start guide UM QS EN VISU+ TUTO- – 1
VISU+ 2 ... RIAL
User manual UM EN VISU+ VBA – 1
Programming with VBA script language in VISU+ 2 ...
User manual UM EN VISU+ WEB CLIENT – 1
Web Client technology in VISU+ 2 ... GUIDE
User manual UM EN VISU+ CE PROG – 1
Programming of VISU+ 2 ... under Windows CE
User manual UM EN VISU+ ALARM – 1
Configuration and operation of the alarm dispatcher in DISPATCHER
VISU+ 2 ...
Application note AH EN VISU+ BEST PRAC- – 1
Tips for using the VISU+ software TICE
Application note AH EN VISU+ MOBILE – 1
App for mobile system visualization
Application note AH EN VISU+ SCRIPTING – 1
Notes on creating scripts in VISU+ GUIDE
Application note AH EN VISU+ OPC UA – 1
How to import OPC UA variables into VISU+ and VISU+ Ex- IMPORT
Application note AH EN VISU+ TIA IMPORT – 1
How to import TIA Portal projects into VISU+ and VISU+ Ex-
Application note AH EN VISU+ HMI & CODE- – 1
Instructions on how to import CODESYS V3 variables into SYS V3
VISU+ and VISU+ Express
Application note AH EN VISU+ HTML5 – 1
HTML5 WebClient with VISU+ and VISU+ Express WEBCLIENT
5 System requirements
Requirements for a VISU+ 2 development environment (engineering license) and requirements for a VISU+ 2
runtime environment (runtime license) with Win32/64 operating system
CPU Celeron/Sempron 1.6 GHz (Windows® XP), minimum, 3
GHz recommended
RAM 512 MB RAM (Windows® XP), minimum, 1 Gbyte recom-
Hard drive space 1 Gbyte free memory (Windows® XP), minimum, 2 Gbytes
Monitor VGA (640 x 480 pixels), minimum, XGA (1024 x 768 pixels)
Supported operating systems Windows® XP SP 3
Windows® 2003 Server
Windows® 2008 Server
Windows® 2008 Server R2
Windows® Vista
Windows® 7
Windows® 8 (VISU+ version 2.31 or later)
Windows® 8.1 (VISU+ version 2.41 or later)
Windows® 10 (VISU+ version 2.41 or later)
Windows® 2012 Server
Windows® 2012 Server R2
Windows® 2016 Server
The maximum life cycle of the data logger archive depends on the selected maximum database capacity (e.g.,
SQL Express: 2 Gbytes, maximum).
Maximum string size of historical data 256 bytes
Maximum sampling rate 100 ms
Maximum number of recipes for each project 512
Maximum number of columns for each recipe 1024 (127 with IMDB, maximum)
Trends and data analysis
Maximum number of pens for each trend 64
Maximum number of displayable sampling points/nodes 10000
for each trend
Maximum sampling rate 10 ms
Maximum number of event objects/events for each project 512
Maximum number of schedulers for each project (maxi- 512
mum number of event objects/events for each project)
Scalable objects
Maximum number of scalable objects 512
Language selection
Maximum number of strings for each language 32000
Maximum number of languages (columns) 128
Maximum number of characters for each string 1024
Memory and ODBC links
DSN name Some databases such as SQL Server do not support spaces
in the DSN name. Therefore, please do not use spaces in the
project names.
Column names Some databases such as SQL Server CE do not support
spaces in the column names of the databases. Therefore,
please do not use spaces in column names of the memories
or protocols such as data loggers, recipes, etc.
Recording frequencies The recording frequency depends on several factors. It
should not be less than 50 milliseconds.
User management (users and passwords)
Maximum number of users 8192
Maximum number of user groups 512
VBA scripts and IL logic (instruction list)
Maximum number of scripts 4096, 128 of which can be executed simultaneously (mul-
Maximum number of code lines for IL logic (instruction list) 12000
Variable types The following variable types are not supported:
– Double type variables (64-bit accuracy)
– String and byte array variables
Acquisition of large data volumes (alarm system with data storage higher than 1 Mbyte) can have a negative
effect on the runtime behavior/start behavior of the touch panel.
Maximum number of alarms 4096 alarm threshold values for each project and a maxi-
mum of 16 alarm threshold values thereof with an internal
Maximum number of alarm priorities 99
Maximum number of characters for each alarm text string 256
Maximum number of alarm threshold values for each 16
Maximum number of observer clients that are connected 16
to an alarm server
Alarm dispatcher
Maximum number of possible alarm indications in the proj- 4096
Maximum number of users (default) for each alarm indica- 16
Maximum e-mail file size 256 kbytes
Maximum number of e-mail files 10
Data loggers
Acquisition of large data volumes (data acquisition with data storage higher than 1 Mbyte) can have a negative
effect on the runtime behavior/start behavior of the touch panel.
The maximum service life of the data logger archive depends on the selected maximum database capacity
(e.g., SQL Server CE: 2 Gbytes, maximum).
Maximum string size of historical data 256 bytes
Maximum sampling rate 1s
Maximum number of recipes for each project 16
Maximum number of columns for each recipe 128 (90 with IMDB, maximum)
Trends and data analysis
Acquisition of large data volumes (trends with data storage higher than 1 Mbyte) can have a negative effect
on the runtime behavior/start behavior of the touch panel.
Parallel access via the HTML5 browser and the Java Applet can affect the runtime performance.
OPC client
– OPC client and server must run on the same device. They cannot be connected via a network.
– DCOM technology is not supported under WinCE.
Redundancy mechanisms Under WinCE, the redundancy mechanisms of a project are
not supported in VISU+ 2.
Crystal reports The crystal reports engine is not supported under WinCE.
Integrated graphical reporting Under WinCE, the graphical reporting integrated in VISU+ 2
is not supported.
Textual reporting Textual reporting and report printing are possible under
Embedded report Embedded reporting is available for Win32/64 systems as
well as for WinCE systems.
Direct drivers
Maximum number of direct drivers that can be used simul- 2 (plus shared memory I/O driver)
taneously under WinCE
9.1 Details on the restrictions of VISU+ 2 under porting are also available under WinCE.
WinCE Since the report engine is not available under WinCE, there
are commands missing in the WinCE device that are rele-
Supported graphical functions: vant for the creation of the statistics report about alarms.
Function WinCE Win32, Win64 The alarm notification functions are managed by the “Alarm
Coloring Yes Yes Dispatcher” component. Under WinCE, only the alarm noti-
Linear filling Yes Yes fications via SMS and e-mail are available as shown in the
following table:
Polygonal filling No Yes
Rotations No Yes
Function WinCE Win32, Win64
Dynamic x, y movement Yes Yes
SMS via GSM modem Yes Yes
Graphical objects Yes Yes
SMS via SMPP No Yes
Templates library Yes Yes
Voice Yes
Button/Dundas gauge with No
No Yes (voice syntheses)
Fax No Yes
Trend Yes Yes
E-mail via TAPI No Yes
Diagrams No Yes
E-mail via MAPI Yes Yes
Database viewer Yes Yes
E-mail via SMTP No Yes
Embedded process images Yes Yes
Alarm statistics No Yes
Further graphical restrictions
Graphical restrictions
Dotted lines Dotted lines (only solid and dashed)
that are thicker than 1 are blurred
under WinCE.
Font “Escapement” font is not supported.
Image status The image status is not supported.
EditPenProperties EditPenProperties support is limited.
Trend setting The files are not compatible between
the desktop and WinCE device.
Metafile images External metafile images (WMF,
EMF) are not supported.
Opening the pro- Opening a process image as a frame
cess image as a (“Open Frame (Multi-Monitor)” com-
frame mand) is not fully supported under
WinCE. The process image is
opened, but it is not in the foreground;
if you click the area outside the pro-
cess image opened as a frame, it is
put to the background and is no longer
Scrollbars Scrollbars are not supported under
WinCE. The scrollbars of a process
image are not displayed in a project
that is executed in a WinCE environ-
Restrictions with data loggings/recipes and reports in Restrictions of the drivers under WinCE
The communication drivers for WinCE have been compiled
WinCE projects normally store the log files using the IMDB specifically for this operating system. Not all drivers of
technology (InMemory DB) that can be executed more eas- VISU+ 2 are also available on the WinCE HMI devices.
ily and in a more powerful way than ODBC/ADOCE thanks Supported drivers:
to the XML text format used. With this technology, the actual
database is completely in the RAM memory of the system. Drivers WinCE Win32, Win64
Therefore, the IMDB technology should be used preferen- Modem Telecontrol (TAPI) No Yes
tially for applications with a limited data volume. VBA interface Yes Yes
If you have chosen ODBC for storing log files in develop- Multidriver 2, max. Yes
ment mode (desktop), it will be replaced by ADOCE on the
WinCE device, because WinCE does not support ODBC. In Restrictions of OPC under WinCE
this way, even WinCE devices can store historical data lo-
cally in an open database. More than two OPC servers can be connected,
depending on the VISU+ runtime version. If the
For WinCE devices from Phoenix Contact, “MS SQL Server
controller in the network fails, reconnection times
Compact Edition for CE” is taken as a database manage-
can be longer.
ment system (DBMS) when ADOCE is used.
VISU+ 2 for WinCE supports OPC technology as a client,
Please always make sure that the WinCE device but not as a server. “OPC client XML” technology is not sup-
provides enough memory capacity to store the ported either.
historical data defined in the project.
Supported OPC functions:
Supported functions: Function WinCE Win32, Win64
Function WinCE Win32, Win64 OPC DA client Yes Yes
Data loggers Yes Yes OPC DA server No Yes
Recipes Yes Yes OPC XML DA client No Yes
Embedded reporting Yes Yes OPC XML DA server No Yes
Crystal reports machine No Yes OPC UA client Yes Yes
Restrictions for WinWrap Basic (in WinCE) Restrictions of the Web Clients under WinCE
VISU+ 2 for WinCE supports VBA (Visual Basic for Applica-
Parallel access via the HTML5 browser and the
tions). The VBA program code for the WinCE device is iden-
Java Applet can affect the runtime performance.
tical with the one for the desktop PC.
It cannot be guaranteed that all functions, features, meth- VISU+ 2 for WinCE supports Web Client technology. The
ods, and events in VBA available on the desktop are fully number of simultaneous Web Client connections is limited
supported, since correct execution of each single instruction to two in order to save resources on WinCE devices.
has not been fully tested. Using VBA on a WinCE device
uses memory and computing power. Therefore, use VBA
sparingly depending on the device's computing power.
Supported functions:
Function WinCE Win32, Win64
_CurDir No Yes
_Declare No Yes
For further information on memory space on de- 10.3 Data logging/recipe/report - restrictions of the
vices with WinCE, please refer to the Web Client
AH EN VISU+ BEST PRACTICE application Data logging is performed on the server. The Web Client
note. only permits access for visualization of historical data.
Sending an SMS Not available
11 Overview of functions
The following functions are available in the VISU+ 2 versions:
HMI RT 1K (S30)
HMI RT 2K (S31)
HMI RT 4K (S32)
purchased license
HMI RT 1K (S30)
HMI RT 2K (S31)
HMI RT 4K (S32)
purchased license
Alarms IL logic
VISU+ has a signaling system with various alarms, degrees The IL logic is an application language similar to a PLC. To
of severity, and trigger options. The number of alarms may manipulate variables, the IL logic enables programs in the
differ depending on the runtime. visualization to run cyclically.
IP camera Networking
VISU+ supports typical Ethernet webcams that generate im- Via Ethernet, variable values can easily be transported from
ages individually and time-controlled. one operator panel to another networked operator panel
(e.g., can also be used in the signaling system).
Dundas gauges
Data loggers
Dundas gauges comprise a graphics collection of speed-
ometer and indication elements. Time-controlled recording of variable values and different
storage options (database, file, etc.).
Dynamic trends
Trends that acquire and display time-controlled variable val-
ues. Reports can be used to graphically display measured val-
Historical trends
Direct drivers
Indicate the history of a recorded trend development. A filter
for searching the date or time is available. VISU+ has many communication drivers of renowned man-
ufacturers. Normally, VISU+ can read in a symbol file so that
Recipes the process variables can be immediately used in VISU+.
8150_en_06 PHOENIX CONTACT GmbH & Co. KG • Flachsmarktstraße 8 • 32825 Blomberg • Germany 23 / 24
VISU+ 2 ...