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Instruction Manual

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Instruction Manual

Eclipse CCTV VisualProx-


INDEX ................................................................................................................................................................ 1

ABOUT VISUALPROX SOFTWARE: ............................................................................................................... 2

I. FEATURES:.............................................................................................................................................................. 2
II. REQUIREMENTS:..................................................................................................................................................... 2

CHAPTER1: THE BEGINNING OF VISUALPROX SOFTWARE ..................................................................... 2

I. INSTALL/MODIFY/REPAIR/REMOVE THE VISUALPROXSETUP.EXE ....................................................................... 2

II. START THE VISUALPROX SOFTWARE..................................................................................................................... 5
III. DESIGNATE THE INSTALLED PC AS SERVER PC OR AS CLIENT PC. ................................................................... 5

CHAPTER2: VISUALPROX OPERATION ........................................................................................................ 8

I. INTRODUCTION OF TOOL BAR ................................................................................................................................ 8

II. TURN ON ALL PANELS ON SCREEN ......................................................................................................................... 9
III. ADJUST EACH PANELS TO PROPER POSITION WHICHEVER YOU LIKE .................................................................... 9
IV. BUILD THE CONNECTION ......................................................................................................................................... 9
V. PARAMETERS SHEET ............................................................................................................................................ 11
VI. USER EDIT: ........................................................................................................................................................... 12
VII. TIME-ZONE SETING: ............................................................................................................................................. 14
VIII. DOOR GROUP SETTING........................................................................................................................................ 15
IX. SETTING UP THE HOLIDAYS .................................................................................................................................. 16
X. DOWNLOAD ........................................................................................................................................................... 17
XI. MODIFY MANUAL .................................................................................................................................................. 18

CHAPTER3: TROUBLE SHEETS ................................................................................................................... 19

UNINSTALLED .................................................................................................................................................................. 19

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Eclipse CCTV VisualProx-

About VisualProx software:

I. Features:
A. Built in Unicode SQL Engine (Mimer SQL) Customer: AT&T/ Volvo.
B. Bound 5 Named Users.
C. Base on Unicode ODBC and support SQL92, SQL99,SQL2003
D. Individual user interface.
E. Docking panel design.
F. Comparison between old software (701Server / 701Client) and VisualProx
VisualProx 701Server / 701Client
1. Base on Area (Communication 1. Base on PC.
port) 2. Single COM port and single task
2. Multi PC & COM port and multi task supported.
for download / polling. 3. Max 256 Doors , 64 Time Zones,
3. Area depend on Communication 256 Door Groups
port (COM, TCP,GSM)
Each Area support 256 doors, total
(256*256=65536 doors).
Each Area support 64 Time Zones &
256 Door Groups

II. Requirements:
PC Server PC Client PC
CPU 32bits 32bits
Speed 1.0GHz 800MHz
RAM 512MB 256MB
Must be installed before Install after Server PC has
Client PC set up and ran perfectly

Chapter1:The Beginning of VisualProx Software

I. Install/Modify/Repair/Remove the VisualProxSetup.exe

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A. At Windows
1. Install
a. Input the User Name and Company Name

b. Please tick to “Anyone who uses this computer (all users); otherwise,
VisualProx software can’t be used at another Microsoft user.

c. Select the Typical type to install

d. Finish: After installed the software, please go refer to a .TXT file named
Getting Start at root of C:/program file/VisualProx/Getting Start.TXT

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2. Modify/Repair/Remove
a. Modify

Reserved function:

B. At Vista
Please notice that the VisualProx software must be installed or uninstall as
administrator. Otherwise, you will get error message while you try to open it.

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II. Start the VisualProx software

By following root at “Windows Start”

Only at first time to open the VisualProx software, user has to take a while to set up
MimerSQL engine.

III. Designate the installed PC as Server PC or as Client PC.

A. Beforehand
Must add two TCP ports for SQL engine and VisualProx software at Windows Firewall
as shown on below:
For SQL engine (Port: 1360)

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For VisualProx software: (Port: 2351)

B. TCP/IP Communication Port (Intranet)

At Server PC:
1. Password: vprox
2. Select “Local Database” as Server PC (Server PC’s name will be shown in brackets.)
3. Input “15000” for max. user capacity of standard controller
Caution: If input 65000 as max. user capacity, ACC-1000 with special firmware.

At Client PC:
1. Password: vprox
2. Select “Remote Database (Name or IPv4)” and input the Server’s name

C. TCP/IP Communication Port (Internet)

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At Server PC:
Set up as same as above Intranet setting, but please ask your MIS stuff to redirect
port of router for two TCP ports of 1360 and 2351; otherwise, you can’t remote
program by internet.

At Client PC:
Please input Server PC’s IP

At 2nd time to open the VisualProx software, the screen will only show log-in page as
shown on below:
You can input either ADMIN (Default Value) or VPROX to login

P.S.: After inputted the password, the Server PC will only show a small icon and next to

right-below part of Windows screen.

After inputted the password, the Client PC will pop out the screen of VisualProx

Notice: Beta version software only provides 5 named-users; in the other words,
VisualProx only allows being installed at 1 Server PC + 4 Client PC and login SQL
engine at the same time.

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Chapter2: VisualProx Operation

I. Introduction of Tool Bar
A. File:
Access key: Alt+F

B. View
Access key: Alt+V

C. Window
Access key: Alt+W

D. Help
Access key: Alt+H

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II. Turn on all panels on screen

III. Adjust each panels to proper position whichever you like

IV. Build the connection

E. Drag the communication port
F. Drag the device under communication port
G. Drag the reader under multi-door controller (Depends)

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Eclipse CCTV VisualProx-

The connection of LAN Config will be saved to database automatically, but please save
each unit’s parameters such as “Node ID” and “Door Number” of Properties after finished
setting up.

Tips: Hide the Resource to make the less window on the screen.

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Parameters Sheet
A. Area Define
B. Doors of Area
C. Department Edit Sheet
There are 3 layers of department for you to edit.
For example:
Edit 1: Hand office/Branch office
Edit 2: Department
Edit 3: Team

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V. User Edit:


Save and
download to

Choose the dept.

has set up at
“Department Edit

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Eclipse CCTV VisualProx-

B. Auto-remove user from database:

1. Tick the auto remove function
2. Set up how many days to auto-remove the this user from database (according
to the last access record on system.

C. Import the users by .CSV or .TXT file (characters separated by a comma " " )

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Eclipse CCTV VisualProx-

VI. Time-Zone Seting:

1. Go edit the Time Zone
2. Click “TimeZone View” and select 3. properties to edit time zone
(1) Start to program time zone “number 1”
(2) Set up the parameter of zone number 1
Holiday Acc: Ticked means allow valid card user to get access/exit on holidays.
Link to Link to “64” means “END” the time zone link.
Special Time Zone Number Description
Auto-shift Duty (For ACC-950/970H
Auto-open Zone
(For ACC-1000 Only)
64 End the time zone link

(3) Save the parameter

(4) Download to controller

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VII. Door Group Setting

1. Go edit the Door Group
2. Click “Door Group View” and select 3. properties to edit time zone
(1) Because Num0 and Num255 are engaged by software function, please ship both
without setting up any parameters.
(2) Start to program door group 1 “number 1”
Notice: Link to “0” means “END” the door group link.




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VIII. Setting up the Holidays

1. Go edit the Holiday
2. Click “Holiday View”
Date color description:
4 Sun. Holiday
13 Holiday during Mon. to Fri.
22 Date of Today
24 Sat. Holiday
27 Selecting Date

3. Total holiday will equal to highlighted dates

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Eclipse CCTV VisualProx-

IX. Download
(1) Press icon “Download” of Tools
(2) Input a range of user/time zone/door group
(3) Tick the target controller to download
(4) Press each different kind of data to download




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Eclipse CCTV VisualProx-

X. Modify Manual
A. Actions
1. “Menu Actions” is all descriptions of Tool bar
C:\Program Files\VisualProx\Actions\Spanish.xml
2. “Others Actions” is all descriptions of screen details
C:\Program Files\VisualProx\Actions\Spanish.xls
B. Properties
C. Save and Load

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Chapter3:Trouble Sheets
I. Can’t open VisualProx software after installed or can’t remove
VisualProx folder after uninstalled
(For user who installed the Beta 4 version and its earlier version)
A. Stop and remove data base server
For old installer who installed the beta4 version and its before version, please
remove two parameters of DBAdmin from Windows Start

Please Stop Server by click right mouse

Remove VisualProx Server

Removed remove VisualProx at System DSN

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B. Uninstall the VisualProx software

Please uninstall the old version of VisualProx software by either following two ways:
1. By Microsoft's "Control panel" or
2. By click old version“VisualProxSetup.exe” twice of left mouse and tick the
“Remove” option as shown on below:

C. Delete entire VisualProx folder at following root:

C:\Program Files\VisualProx

D. Delete "REGISTER" Records:

Access to “Windows Start → Run → Input "regedit"
Then, delete a folder:

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