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Rubblization Using Resonant Frequency Equipment: Asphalt Institute

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Rubblization Using Resonant Frequency Equipment

Asphalt Institute

Since the early 1980s, resonant rubblization has evolved from a process used to prepare existing
portland cement concrete (PCC) pavement for removal to a technique for converting PCC
pavement into an unbound base or subbase. The original equipment, developed by Mr. Ray
Gurries (1) in Nevada, uses a vibrating steel beam to apply high frequency, low amplitude loads
through a breaking shoe that contacts the surface of the concrete pavement as the equipment moves
along the pavement. The PCC fractures throughout its thickness and breaks the bond between any
distributed steel and concrete, making the process of removal and hauling much more efficient than
traditional methods using drop hammers. While this equipment was originally developed to
expedite the removal of PCC pavement, resonant rubblization is now used mostly as a technique
for preparing an existing PCC pavement for overlay with hot mix asphalt (HMA). Slab movement
that causes reflection cracking in HMA overlays is eliminated, and a stable foundation for
construction of a new HMA pavement is created without having to remove or further process the
existing material.
In 1986, the New York State Department of Transportation was the first agency to use
resonant rubblization as a method for preparing failed PCC pavements for overlaying with HMA.
Since then, resonant rubblization has been successfully used in the rehabilitation of jointed plain,
jointed-reinforced, and continuously reinforced PCC pavements ranging from city streets to
Interstate highways, and on military and commercial airports. Resonant rubblization has been
used in 37 U.S. states and is now being used in two Canadian provinces and several countries in
Asia, Europe, and South America.


The equipment originally developed by Mr. Gurries was less sophisticated than modern resonant
pavement breakers (RPBs), but the concept for initiating fissures through the entire slab
thickness established at that time is the same. A counter-weight ranging in mass from 5,450 to
9,100 kg (12,000 to 20,000 lbs) rests above the forward end of a steel beam, on which a 200 to
275 mm (8 to 11 in.) wide steel breaking shoe is attached (Figure 1). Impact loads, applied
through a steel breaking shoe induce diagonal cracks through the depth of the PCC slab (Figure
2). The steel beam is oscillated through eccentric shafts at a frequency of 42 to 46 Hz, resulting
in closely spaced impacts to the PCC surface as the machine moves forward. The amplitude
(vertical movement) in the breaking shoe is less than 25 mm (1 in.), typically between 12.5 and
25 mm (0.5 to 1.0 in.), with the lowest end of the range corresponding to the lowest frequency.
The mechanics of how the concrete fractures have not been reported in detail, but the
cracking resembles “shear-compression” failure described by Ferguson (2) for reinforced
concrete beams. In this mode of failure, diagonal cracks may “initiate approximately a 45-degree
crack,” followed by crushing on the surface as the crack propagates up through the concrete.

Rubblization Using Resonant Frequency Equipment 21


Resonant Beam
Breaking Shoe

FIGURE 1 Resonant pavement breaker (courtesy RMI, Inc.)

This can be observed in a resonant broken PCC pavement in Figure 3. According to Ferguson,
this mode of failure is most likely to occur when the shear span (distance from the load to the
edge of the beam) is less than four times the depth of the beam. The resonant pavement breaker
is always operated at the edge of an intact slab or on the boundary with previously broken
material, resulting in the short shear span required for this mode of failure.
The close spacing (<50 mm, 2 in. apart) of the impact loads results in the generation of a
series of cracks that intersect throughout the depth of the PCC slab. The pieces formed by the
intersecting fissures increase in size as the fracture lines are spaced farther apart, thus the largest
pieces are at the bottom of the rubblized concrete. Near the surface, the broken concrete pieces
are much smaller due to the crushing of the PCC that occurs under the breaking head.
Since the original resonant pavement breakers were developed in the early 1980s, there
have been significant modifications and improvements to the equipment that have extended the
successful application of this technique to extremely thick (>600 mm, 24 in.) PCC airport
pavements. Electronic feedback allows current equipment to vary the frequency of the resonant
beam and the amplitude (vertical movement) of the breaking head as the machine moves along
the pavement. The forward speed of the machine depends on the concrete slab thickness, the
stiffness of the PCC, and the relative support provided by the subbase. The equipment is
22 Transportation Research Circular E-C087: Rubblization of Portland Cement Concrete Pavements

FIGURE 2 Illustration of PCC fracturing resulting from Resonant Rubblization (1).

operated at a forward speed of less than 8 km/h (5 mph) to generate the close impact spacing desired.
The production rate (area rubblized per unit time) depends on the operational speed of the
equipment, the number of patches or other anomalies that have to be avoided during operation, traffic
control requirements, and the number of RPBs being used on a given project. For estimating
purposes, one machine can be assumed to be able to rubblize from 4,180 to 8,360 m2 (5,000 to
10,000 yd2) per workday shift.
The RPB weighs from 27,200 to 31,750 kg (60,000 to 70,000 lbs), and operates on
pneumatic tires. For soft conditions, the RPB may be fitted with wide “flotation” tires to reduce the
pressure applied to the fractured concrete and avoid excessive deformation in the underlying


The Asphalt Institute (3) suggests the following sequence for rubblizing PCC pavements using either
a resonant or a multiple head breaker:

• Remove any existing overlay.

• Install the drainage system 2 weeks (minimum) prior to rubblizing the pavement.
• Saw-cut the full thickness of the pavement adjacent to remaining sections.
Rubblization Using Resonant Frequency Equipment 23

Crushed PCC at surface

Diagonal cracks

FIGURE 3 Resonant broken PCC pavement.

• Rubblize the PCC pavement.

• Cut and remove exposed steel reinforcement.
• Proof roll fractured PCC.
• Remove and replace soft areas.
• Roll the rubblized PCC at least three passes.
• Place the HMA leveling course and overlay.

Removal of any existing overlay is necessary to assure consistent fracture of the concrete
pavement by allowing the breaking head to directly contact the PCC. This is normally done by
cold milling immediately before edge drains/shoulder reconstruction begins for convenience and
to avoid excessive drop-off between the lane and shoulder since traffic will usually have to be
routed onto the existing traffic lanes at least temporarily during construction.
For many projects where resonant rubblization is specified, poor subsurface drainage is a
strong contributing factor to the structural deterioration of the existing PCC pavement. Since the
ability to fracture the concrete without dilating the broken particles at the bottom of the PCC
layer depends on having a stable platform to work against, deficient subsurface drainage
conditions must be corrected before resonant rubblization. RMI suggests (4) that subsurface
24 Transportation Research Circular E-C087: Rubblization of Portland Cement Concrete Pavements

drainage should be installed or replaced at least one week ahead of rubblization for typical
Interstate highway conditions where the existing pavement is well drained and has an improved
subbase. For pavements built at-grade or directly on the subgrade, drainage improvements should
be made 30 to 60 days in advance. Originally, many believed that the rubblized concrete
fractured using a RPB was relatively permeable and would function as a drainage layer. While
the upper 50 mm (2 in.) of the rubblized concrete is porous, particularly before it is rolled, the
remainder of the rubblized concrete does not appear to be highly permeable, since the broken
concrete has not been dilated by the breaking process or the repeated passes of the RPB.
It is important to design the edge drainage system to collect and dispense excessive
moisture immediately under the rubblized concrete and at the interface between the HMA and
rubblized PCC, particularly in rolling terrain. Conventional trench/pipe/backfill systems have
been most commonly used, although prefabricated geotextile edge drains have also been used.
Where geotextile edge drains are used, it is important to locate them where they can remove
water from under the PCC pavement and any that collects in the upper 50 mm (2 in.) of the
rubblized concrete. A typical edge drain detail is illustrated in Figure 4. Any existing edge drains
should be inspected carefully and repaired as necessary if they are to be left in place.
Resonant rubblization has also been performed on projects where lanes were being added
to increase the capacity of the existing highway. Where this is performed, either an aggregate
base or permeable asphalt base is placed directly against the PCC lane to be rubblized.
Any adjoining concrete pavement that is to be left intact must be physically separated by
full-depth sawcut before rubblization. The sawcut minimizes load transfer so the RPB does not
damage the concrete on the unloaded side of the sawcut. On highways, this is normally done
where there are connecting roadways such as entrance and exit ramps, and has also been done
before and after approaches to overpasses and underpasses where the overlay thickness required

FIGURE 4 Longitudinal edge drain system for rubblized PCC pavement

(3, Figure 15–2).
Rubblization Using Resonant Frequency Equipment 25

was too great to maintain vertical clearance. Where the PCC pavement is left in place, it is
usually overlayed with less than 100 mm (4 in.) of HMA due to vertical clearance and/or other
geometric constraints. To minimize distress associated with reflection cracking, either an
interlayer is place or the overlay is sawcut and sealed directly over the joint. In either case, it is
necessary to replace any panels with working cracks and any joints with insufficient load
transfer. Rubblization has been used in this case to hasten the removal of deficient concrete
pavement panels. An alternative to this is to rubblize the PCC pavement for removal, replacing it
with an appropriate asphalt pavement structure that more closely matches the response and
performance of the rubblized and overlayed pavement.
Resonant rubblization is performed in successive passes, beginning at the edge of
pavement (Figure 5) or at a full-depth sawcut down the length of the pavement for a prescribed
distance, preferably at least 1,000 m (3,000 ft). Note that the adjacent pavement (new HMA) on
the shoulder is not damaged by the first pass of the RPB (Figure 6). The machine returns to the
beginning point adjacent to the previous pass and proceeds down the pavement, repeating this to
work across the pavement surface, resulting in a loose fractured surface as shown in Figure 7. As
described before, the breaking head must be close to an edge of the PCC pavement to have a
short shear span and cause the diagonal cracking to occur. To minimize airborne dust, the PCC
surface is often moistened before operating the resonant breaker.
On wide airport runways and taxiways, it was originally thought necessary to cut a relief
trench through the PCC pavement to allow for expansion to occur as the concrete is fractured.
There was concern that the confinement provided by the fractured concrete in a wide expanse of
pavement would affect the ability to fracture the concrete. This has not proven to be necessary on
several recent airport projects, particularly with the large machine (PB-500) developed
specifically for rubblizing thick PCC pavements up to 650 mm (26 in.) thick.
As mentioned before, resonant rubblization has also been performed on residential
streets. The major constraint for this is the recommended (3) minimum overlay thickness (125
mm/5 in.) that creates practical problems with adjustments to driveways, intersecting streets and
surface drainage systems. Where it is practical to rubblize on urban streets, an advantage to this
technique compared to other fractured slab methods is that shallow utilities and adjacent
structures are not damaged if they are not tied to the existing PCC pavement.
The production rate of the RPB depends mostly on the thickness and stiffness of the PCC
pavement and the support conditions under the concrete, as well as detour plans, traffic control
requirements, etc. Where feasible, it is preferable to route traffic away from the construction area
rather than work adjacent to live traffic. Long runs without impedance from traffic or other
construction activities are preferred for resonant rubblization due to improved efficiency and the
lack of potential safety hazards to the equipment operators, other construction workers, or traffic.
When planning to stage the project where traffic will be using the lane adjacent to the
resonant rubblization process, it is important to consider the condition of existing shoulder
pavements. Construction equipment and traffic must use the shoulder, at least temporarily,
during construction in this case. Installation of edge drains provides an opportunity to reconstruct
or improve the structural condition of the shoulders without further inconvenience to traffic or
construction operations. Rubblization is extended at least 150 mm (6 in.) beyond the width of the
HMA course placed directly over the rubblized PCC. This allows the remaining concrete to be
rubblized once traffic is moved to the overlayed pavement.
As the RPB fractures the concrete, it invariably moves across material that had been
previously rubblized. By doing so, it effectively “proof rolls” the rubblized concrete. On thin
26 Transportation Research Circular E-C087: Rubblization of Portland Cement Concrete Pavements

FIGURE 5 Resonant rubblizing starting from pavement edge.

FIGURE 6 Rubblized surface adjacent to shoulder.

Rubblization Using Resonant Frequency Equipment 27

FIGURE 7 Resonant rubblized PCC, before rolling.

concrete pavements or those with weak or saturated foundation conditions, permanent

deformation can occur due to excessive vertical compressive strain on the subgrade. RMI
suggests that areas with ruts greater than 50 mm (2 in.) should be undercut. Such areas are
usually excavated and replaced with suitable material such as crushed stone or HMA while
providing for subsurface drainage. To reduce the likelihood of this, RMI uses flotation tires to
reduce the contact pressure applied to the fractured concrete during construction.
Any reinforcing steel or wire mesh that emerges above the surface during rubblization is
removed by cutting with a welding torch flush with the surrounding surface unless the pavement
is being rubblized for removal. Removing of the steel from rubblized concrete that is to remain
in place would disturb particle interlock and will raise the profile in the affected area. When
rubblization is performed prior to removing the concrete pavement, the steel is usually removed
using rippers, cut and hauled away. The shattered concrete can then be removed using front end
loaders and transported efficiently off site.
Dowel bars, assemblies, or other joint load transfer devices are less likely to appear at the
surface of resonant rubblized concrete. If they do so, they must be carefully removed to
minimize disturbance of the broken concrete particles. Joint sealant materials such as rubberized
asphalt and low modulus silicone are normally loosened during rubblization, but they are often
left in place.
28 Transportation Research Circular E-C087: Rubblization of Portland Cement Concrete Pavements

Most specifications require the excavation of a 1.2 by 1.2 m (4 by 4 ft) test pit to assure
that the PCC has been fractured throughout its entire thickness and that the bond between any
distributed steel and concrete has been broken. Most highway specifications have particle size
requirements for resonant broken PCC, usually 150 mm (6 in.) nominal maximum size and 200
mm (8 in.) maximum particle size. The test pit is usually excavated using a backhoe or similar
equipment. The test pit is patched using crushed stone or HMA as for repairing soft spots.
Rolling the surface is performed to prepare the surface for placing the overlay. The
operational characteristics and mass of the RPB, moving up and back over the pavement surface
provide any proof rolling or seating of material at areas where voids developed under the slab
such as at faulted transverse joints or punchouts. As mentioned before, the rubblized PCC is
loosened superficially by the resonant breaker, with the remainder of the material intact except
for fissures that extend through the concrete. Tandem vibratory rollers (min. 9000 kg, 10 tons)
operating at the highest frequency setting available are required by specification, as are
pneumatic-tired rollers in some states. Two to four passes of the tandem vibratory roller,
depending on how the material responds to rolling, are normally applied, with the roller
operating at a forward speed that results in at least 33 impacts/meter (10 impacts/ft). It was
originally thought that the rolling should occur while the material was in a dry state—this has
changed over time with experience. As with rolling any unbound material, moisture lubricates
particle surfaces and facilitates particle reorientation. Figure 8 shows a rubblized and rolled
surface ready to be paved.

FIGURE 8 Resonant rubblized PCC, after rolling. (Photo courtesy of RMI, Inc.)
Rubblization Using Resonant Frequency Equipment 29

Some early rubblizing specifications required the use of a heavily ballasted (31,750 to
45,350 kg, 35 to 50 ton) pneumatic tired roller, similar to what has been used when cracking and
seating or breaking and seating PCC pavements. This is not recommended for resonant rubblized
PCC, particularly on sites with questionable foundation conditions. As with vibratory rollers, the
same pneumatic rollers used for rolling HMA are suggested for rolling rubblized PCC.
After any soft areas have been patched and rolling is complete, the surface is ready for
HMA paving operations. There is disagreement on the necessity of applying a tack or prime coat
to the surface of the rubblized PCC. On one project observed by the author where a diluted,
slow-setting asphalt emulsion was applied, there were places where construction traffic marred
the surface by picking up conglomerations of fine particles and asphalt. While this did not appear
to cause major problems with the HMA paving operation, it was inconvenient and some areas
had to be filled and tamped with aggregate materials or HMA ahead of the paving machine.
There is no known reference describing performance problems in rubblized and overlayed
pavements attributed to the use or lack of use of a tack or prime coat material.
Once the PCC pavement has been rubblized and rolled, construction proceeds in the same
manner as for a new or reconstructed thick asphalt pavement structure. Placement of the HMA
overlay is usually performed in two or three lifts, depending on the overlay thickness and traffic
control requirements. The most notable difference is in the placement of the HMA base course
directly over the rubblized PCC, since there is more variance in the profile of rubblized PCC
than there usually is for a finished aggregate base course. The finished grade of the prepared
rubblized PCC is also slightly higher than the original profile; this should be taken into account
when developing profile elevations of the finished surface and plan quantities for the HMA
Traffic is not usually routed over the rubblized surface until it is covered with HMA. This
is mostly for safety and to avoid loosening surface particles. Where rubblization has been
performed on relatively thin PCC pavements or soft supporting conditions, allowing traffic onto
the rubblized pavement should be avoided until there is sufficient overlay thickness to avoid
subgrade deformation under traffic. For Interstate highways, it is most common to place at least
150 mm (6 in.) of HMA before moving traffic onto the rubblized pavement. The total overlay
thickness required depends on the subgrade support, thickness of the rubblized concrete, and
projected traffic. Total HMA thickness for Interstate highway projects typically ranges from
about 200 mm to 350 mm (8 to 14 in.).


There have been some projects where the concrete pavement failed through punching shear
under the breaking head, resulting in large (>250 mm/12 in.) blocks of concrete that were
pushed into the underlying foundation material. This is usually caused by a combination of
having a relatively thin (≤ 175 mm, 7 in.) PCC slab and a weak, usually saturated, foundation.
In one case, the contractor had been instructed to wait until after the PCC pavement had been
rubblized before placing the edge drains. In another case, the PCC pavement had been placed
directly over a clay subgrade. Another sign that the PCC pavement is too weak to rubblize is if
the rubblized PCC is severely (>50 mm, 2 in.) rutted by the tires of the RPB. While use of
flotation tires might remedy this in some cases, engineers should closely evaluate the drainage
and support conditions on the project to determine if drainage corrections will result in the
30 Transportation Research Circular E-C087: Rubblization of Portland Cement Concrete Pavements

support necessary to successfully rubblize the pavement without having subbase/subgrade

There have been instances where these problems have occurred under temporary
conditions, such as when rubblizing has been attempted during thawing conditions in colder
climates. In these cases, rubblizing should be postponed until the subbase/subgrade has drained
To date, no engineering criteria have been defined to identify when a PCC pavement is
too weak to be rubblized with a resonant pavement breaker. This should be investigated as more
agencies seek to apply resonant rubblization to older, thinner pavements not on the Interstate
highway system.


Resonant rubblization has evolved from a procedure used to expedite removal and processing of
existing PCC pavement into proven technique for converting PCC pavements into stiff, unbound
base courses for new HMA pavements. A resonant pavement breaker is used to generate
intersecting diagonal cracks extending through the entire thickness of the PCC, slab thicknesses
over 600 mm (24 in.) thick have been successfully rubblized.
After rubblizing, the shattered PCC is rolled using compaction equipment common for
HMA construction. After rolling is completed, the rubblized PCC is ready for overlaying with
Edge drains or other methods to achieve adequate subsurface drainage should be installed
well before resonant rubblization to facilitate the resonant rubblization process. Caution is
advised in areas with poor drainage that cannot be adequately corrected, since weak support of
the existing PCC pavement is the primary cause for problems during resonant rubblization.


1. Kirk, P. J. Rubblizing. Resonant Machines, Inc., Tulsa, Oklahoma.

2. Ferguson, P. M. Reinforced Concrete Fundamentals, 3rd edition, 1973.
3. Asphalt Overlays for Highway and Street Rehabilitation. Manual Series No. 17 (MS-17), Asphalt
Institute, 2000.
4. Meeting with RMI, Tulsa, Oklahoma, June 15, 2004.
Rubblization Using Multi-Head Breaker Equipment
University of Illinois, Urbana–Champaign

A comprehensive nationwide National Asphalt Pavement Association (NAPA) study published in

1991 indicated that rubblization was the most effective procedure for addressing Hot-mix-asphalt
overlay (HMA OL) reflective cracking in portland cement concrete (PCC) pavements. In recent
years, rubblization has also been effectively utilized to rehabilitate PCCs showing D-cracking and
ASR (alkali-silica-reaction) distresses.
Since the late 1980s and early 1990s, PCC rubblization has gained favor and rubblization
equipment and construction procedures have been considerably improved. Rubblization is
currently the most-widely used PCC slab fracturing technique.
A prototype lane-width/one-pass multi-head breaker (MHB) developed by Badger State
Highway Equipment, Inc., Antigo, Wisconsin, (MHB Badger Breaker®) was first utilized by Antigo
Construction, Inc. (Antigo) in the 1995 construction season. This paper documents the
development, capabilities, and effective utilization of the MHB for rubblizing PCC.


NCHRP Synthesis of Highway Practice No. 144 (1) summarized Breaking/Cracking/Seating

(B/C/S) practice and technology for PCC pavements. The primary goal of B/C/S was is to reduce
(hopefully eliminate) HMA OL reflective cracking. The NCHRP Synthesis (1) considered B/C/S
performance based on the monitoring reports of several agencies. In general, the techniques
retarded but did not eliminate HMA OL reflective cracking. The delay period typically varied
from 3 to several years, and longer delays were achieved with the thicker HMA OLs. B/C/S
specifications that required smaller-sized B/C/S PCC segments typically displayed better
At the time of the NCHRP Synthesis, rubblization applications were not as widespread as
B/C/S, but several states had utilized the procedure. A comprehensive nation-wide National
Asphalt Paving Association (NAPA) study published in 1991 (2, 3) indicated that rubblization
was the most effective procedure for addressing reflective cracking. Rubblization destroys PCC
slab continuity and eliminates transverse joints and the associated joint opening/closing which
cause reflective cracking. Rubblization breaks the concrete into pieces that are substantially
debonded from any reinforcement. In recent years, rubblization has also been effectively utilized
to rehabilitate PCCs showing D-Cracking and ASR distresses.
Since the late 1980s and early 1990s, PCC rubblization has gained favor and rubblization
equipment and construction procedures have been considerably improved. Rubblization is
currently the most-widely used PCC slab fracturing technique.
The Resonant Pavement Breaker (RPB) was a particularly significant early (mid-1980s)
development. A prototype lane-width/one-pass MHB developed by MHB Badger Breaker was
first utilized by Antigo in the 1995 construction season. This paper documents the development,
capabilities, and effective utilization of the MHB.

32 Transportation Research Circular E-C087: Rubblization of Portland Cement Concrete Pavements


The MHB is a rubber-tired, self-propelled unit that carries hammers mounted laterally in pairs
with half the hammers in a forward row and the remainder diagonally offset in a rear row. Thus,
there is continuous breakage from side to side. Each pair of hammers is attached to a hydraulic
lift cylinder that operates as an independent unit, develops varying energy depending upon drop
height selected, and cycles at a rate of 30 to 35 impacts per minute. The 8-ft (2.44-m) wide
machine carries 12 hammers 8 in. (200 mm) in width. A wing, carrying two hammers 12 to 15
in. (300 to 381 mm) in width, can be added to each side for a total effective breaking width of up
to 13 ft (3.95 m). The breaking energy is applied to the pavement via 1.5-in. (38-mm) wide steel
strike bars welded to the bottom of the hammers. Breaking widths can be as narrow as 3 ft (0.91
m) or increased in increments to as wide as 13 ft (3.95 m). The operator adjusts the travel speed
of the MHB to match the conditions encountered throughout the project. Adjustments in hammer
drop heights and travel speed are made to maintain the optimum breaking pattern. These
adjustments allow the MHB to produce a wide range of breaking patterns. Larger-sized PCC
segments provide increased “load-carrying” capacity (decreased falling weight deflectometer
deflections and basins).
The prototype MHB (Figure 1) was built on an existing Bomag MPH100 chassis and first
used in 1995. It was outfitted with 1,000-lb (4.4-kN) interior hammers and 1,500-lb (6.6-kN)
wing hammers. The maximum hammer drop height was 48 in. (1.2 m). A second MHB
prototype was built in 1996 on an existing Wirtgen concrete breaker chassis with the same
hammer specifications as the first MHB. After operating these two MHBs for 2 years, a standard
design was developed and the third and fourth MHBs were manufactured from the ground up
and went to work in 1997 with the same hammer specifications as the prototypes. Figure 2 shows
a current MHB model.

FIGURE 1 The “prototype” MHB (1995).

Rubblization Using Multi-Head Breaker Equipment 33

FIGURE 2 A recent model MHB.

These MHBs were effective rubblizing 6- to 9-in. (150- to 225-mm) thick concrete in
Wisconsin and neighboring states. In 1998, Antigo rubblized a 14-in. (356-mm) thick PCC
pavement on a section of the East–West Tollway (Interstate 88) in DeKalb County, Illinois. It
was determined that more breaking energy was required to rubblize the thicker concrete while
maintaining the desired production rate of 1 lane-mile (1.6 lane-km) per shift. The weight of the
interior hammers was increased to 1,200 lb (5.3 kN) and the maximum drop height of all
hammers was increased to 60 in. (1.52 m). This configuration was used effectively on all MHBs
for several years.
Two 2002 projects led Antigo to increase the maximum breaking energy. A project at
Selfridge Air National Guard Base near Detroit, Michigan, included the rubblization of a
concrete runway with two layers of concrete with a total thickness of 21 in. (533 mm). Another
project on I-495 in Massachusetts had very high strength concrete that caused a significant
reduction in the hourly production rate. By increasing the front row hammers to 1,500 lb (6.6kN)
and the wing hammers to 1,750 lb (7.7 kN) the MHB was able to maintain its production rate
even when rubblizing very thick and/or very hard (high strength/high modulus) concrete. Wings
with 2,000 lb (8.8 kN) hammers were also developed and are used on the occasional project that
requires the extra breaking energy. A one-hammer style of wing is available for those conditions
where a narrower pass is required. Another option Antigo has utilized is to pre-break thick PCCs
with a single hammer, 12-kip (53.3-kN), guillotine-style breaker before completing the
rubblization with the MHB. That option was used on the Selfridge project.
To date, 18 MHBs have been built. The combination of hammer weights varies across the
machines. Some have all 1,200 lb (5.3 kN) hammers, some have all 1,500 lb (6.6 kN) hammers,
and others have a combination of the two weights. The appropriate MHB and wing set-up are
chosen depending on project job conditions.
34 Transportation Research Circular E-C087: Rubblization of Portland Cement Concrete Pavements


Typical MHB production rates are 500 to 600 ft/hour (152 to183 m/hour) when rubblizing a
typical 9-in. (225-mm) PCC. Production rates will vary depending on the strength/modulus of
the concrete and underlying base/subbase/subgrade conditions. As many as four MHBs have
been operated together to meet aggressive project HMA OL production schedules.


The most recent MHB development was the introduction in 2003 of a truck-mounted MHB
(MHBT) shown in Figure 3. This is an 8-ft (2.44-m) wide MHB mounted on a truck. The
operator can drive the truck from project to project and operate it in the same manner as the
conventional chassis MHB. In order to meet maximum axle weight rules, the MHBT carries
1,200 pound (5.3 kN) hammers but the front row hammers have a maximum drop height of 72
in. (1.83 m). The higher drop height compensates for the lesser weight hammers when compared
to the current standard 1,500-lb (6.6-kN) hammers on the chassis MHBs. The MHBT utilizes a
wireless remote control that allows the operator to control it from the best vantage point.


Rubblization Using Multi-Head Breaker Equipment 35


With the increased hammer weights and maximum drop heights, the MHB can
effectively/efficiently rubblize thicker and stronger/higher modulus concrete pavements. A
variety of fractured slab specifications (from rubblization to B/C/S) can be met with the MHB.
However, the primary advantage of the MHB has not changed since the first one was built in
1995—the ability to vary drop heights across the machine and vary travel speed to produce an
optimum breaking pattern while rubblizing a full lane-width in a single pass.


Wheel loads and loading conditions are important factors to consider in selecting rubblization
equipment. MHB wheels only load the unfractured PCC slab. Only one machine pass is required
since the MHB has lane-width capability. These factors are particularly important when

1. Rubblizing thin PCCs;

2. Base/subbase layers are thin and/or unstable; and
3. The subgrade is weak (low strength and modulus). The MHB considerably reduces
(frequently eliminates) operational problems associated with the factors presented above.

The MHB Badger Breaker has two modes of operation. The base machine carries 12 8-in.
(200-mm) wide hammers for a breaking width of 8 ft (2.44 m). Wings carrying two wider
hammers can be added to each side for a breaking width of up to 13 ft (3.96 m). The 13-ft (3.96-
m) wide mode is typically used when rubblizing on highways and airport pavements. The 8-ft
(2.44-m) wide model is typically used when rubblizing urban streets. There usually are manholes
and other utility items that must be avoided on urban projects and the narrower mode is better
suited for this type of work.
The weight of the MHB in the 8-ft (2.44-m) wide mode is approximately 47,000 lb (207
kN). When the two wings are added the weight increases to approximately 58,000 lb (255 kN).
The weight is carried on three axles: the steer axle (5 kips/22 kN), drive axle (43 kips/185 kN)
and trailing wheels [total on two wheels is 10 kips (44 kN)]. The steer and drive axle widths are
narrower than the 8-ft (2.44-m) wide breaking width and the breaking takes place at the rear of
the machine, thus these wheels do not travel over the rubblized concrete. To help stabilize the
machine, the trailing wheels are mounted behind the hammer cage. When necessary, two
hydraulic cylinders mounted between the chassis and hammer cage can be extended to lift the
trailing wheels off the rubblized pavement thus transferring all of the machine’s weight to the
unbroken pavement. Though slightly less stable, the MHB still operates effectively in this mode.


The MHB Badger Breaker has been used primarily to rubblize concrete pavement prior to an
HMA overlay. However, some specifications for fractured PCC result in fractured slab segments
that could be characterized as coarse rubblization or small-sized B/C/S. Kentucky’s Breaking
and Seating specification requires that 80% of the PC segments be less than 24 in. (600 mm).
36 Transportation Research Circular E-C087: Rubblization of Portland Cement Concrete Pavements

The ability to achieve a variety of fracture patterns with one machine is advantageous. The MHB
has also proven to be effective as a crack/break and seat machine. The MHB has two types of
operational controls: the hammer drop height and the machine’s travel speed. The hammer drop
height determines the amount of breaking energy that is applied to the concrete pavement. Each
pair of hammers is attached to an individually controlled hydraulic cylinder and the drop heights
can be varied across the width of the concrete being broken. The travel speed determines the
hammer strike spacing.
When rubblizing concrete to meet a typical specification the hammer drop heights and
the travel speed are set to break the concrete into particles with a maximum dimension of 2 in.
(50 mm) at the surface of the slab and 9 to 12+ in. (225 to 300+ mm) at the bottom of the slab.
Typical MHB operating settings for rubblizing a highway pavement are 5-ft (1.52-m) drop height
and 3- to 4-in. (75- to 100-mm) strike spacing.
When cracking/breaking concrete to meet a typical specification the hammer drop heights
and travel speed are set to produce visible, full-depth breaks in the concrete that produce broken
pieces of concrete with a maximum dimension of between 12 and 24 in. (300 and 600 mm)
depending on the particular specification. Surface spalling is kept to the minimum possible while
still achieving full-depth breaking. The MHB operating settings are adjusted to meet the
specification and are adjusted as necessary throughout the project to account for varying
pavement and base conditions. The first step is to determine the minimum drop height that
adequately breaks the concrete full depth. This may vary across the pavement being broken.
Once this has been determined, the travel speed is set so as to produce the segment sizes
required. If the specification calls for 12-in. (300 mm) size segments, the strike spacing is usually
in the 10- to 12-in. (250- to 300-mm) range. The strike spacing is increased to produce larger
PCC segments.
In summary, the operating settings of the MHB can be adjusted to provide concrete
breaking patterns across the complete spectrum from total rubblization to light cracking. This
flexibility allows for the use of the appropriate fractured slab technique to match each project’s
particular requirements. This flexibility is particularly valuable when unexpected conditions are
encountered on a project as it allows for an immediate response to those conditions.


Some distinctive features that contribute to MHB utility are

• The MHB is a lane-width/one-pass machine.

• The MHB can operate close to the pavement centerline/edge (traffic is frequently
diverted to the adjoining shoulder lane/shoulder during construction) and traffic barriers without
unduly interfering with traffic (Figure 4).
• By varying MHB operating characteristics (hammer weights, number of hammers,
hammer drop heights, and travel speed) the MHB can produce a wide range of fracture patterns
to accommodate individual project conditions such as
– Differing specifications (rubblization to B/C/S),
– Variable support (PCC thickness/concrete quality, base/subbase) conditions, and
– Subgrade strength/modulus.
• Drop height and travel speed can be adjusted by the MHB operator “on the fly.”
Rubblization Using Multi-Head Breaker Equipment 37

FIGURE 4 The MHB operating working close to a barrier.

• The MHB is particularly well adapted to “assembly line/tightly spaced” construction

(PCC rubblization/compaction/HMA OL paving) since lane-width/one-pass rubblization is
achieved. On a typical project, all of the operations can be observed within a short length.
• On many projects, rubblization is started only a few hours prior to HMA paving.
More than one MHB can be utilized to achieve desired production rates and/or to rubblize more
than a lane width.
• The MHB is very reliable. Due to the simple nature of its operation—hammers being
lifted and dropped—it is able to perform hour after hour, day after day, with only minimal time
required for maintenance and repair.


A typical MHB construction sequence [per the current Illinois Department of Transportation
(IDOT) rubblization specification] is

• Install (if specified) the underdrain system.

• Remove any existing HMA overlay(s).
• Repair/replace any “unsound” PCC patches (either concrete or HMA).
• Rubblize the PCC to meet specification. (The surface of the MHB rubblized PCC is
typically “flaky” in nature—see Figure 5).
38 Transportation Research Circular E-C087: Rubblization of Portland Cement Concrete Pavements

FIGURE 5 Note the “flaky” rubblized PCC surface.

• Compact the rubblized slab with a Z-pattern roller to reduce the size of “flaky”
particles (Figure 6).
• Compact the rubblized PCC with a vibratory roller. (IDOT requires four passes.)
• Compact the rubblized PCC with a pneumatic-tired roller. (IDOT requires two
• Immediately prior to constructing the HMA OL, compact the rubblized PCC with two
passes of a vibratory steel-wheeled roller. A typical finished rubblized PCC surface (ready for
HMA paving) is shown in Figure 7.

Note: Compaction specifications for other agencies may vary. Some agencies eliminate the
pneumatic-tired rolling and vary the number of required roller passes.


MHB bid prices typically include rubblizing and compaction with the z-pattern roller. They may
also include additional compaction operations. Typical bid prices for MHB rubblization are
$1.50/yd2. The price varies depending on the requirements of the rubblizing specification and the
size and phasing of the project. As an example, the weighted average bid price on Wisconsin
DOT projects (1998–2004) is $1.56/yd2 ($1.86/m2).
Rubblization Using Multi-Head Breaker Equipment 39

FIGURE 6 A vibratory Z-grid roller followed by a vibratory steel-wheeled roller.

FIGURE 7 The final rubblized and compacted PCC surface.

40 Transportation Research Circular E-C087: Rubblization of Portland Cement Concrete Pavements


The MHB was first used in 1995 and since then MHBs have rubblized over 15 million square
yards (13.8 million square meters) of concrete pavement on highways, streets and airfields in 25
states and provinces, the United Kingdom, China, and Afghanistan. For the years 1996–2004, the
MHB was used in the United States to rubblize about 2,178 lane-mi (3,485 lane-km) of PCC.
The projects included 1,950 lane-mi (3,129 lane-km) of highway pavement, 183 lane-mi (293
lane-km) of city streets, and the equivalent of 45 lane-mi (72 lane-km) of airfield and other
miscellaneous pavements. The peak year was 345 lane-mi (552 lane-km) in 2001. The states with
the most projects are Wisconsin (150), Michigan (61), Iowa (29), and Illinois (17).


Antigo has conducted performance surveys (per the Distress Identification Manual for Long-
Term Pavement Performance Project, SHRP-P-338) on its MHB rubblization and HMA OL
projects since 1999. During 2003–2004, 178 MHB rubblization projects constructed in 14 states
were surveyed. The projects were constructed from 1997–2003 (as many as 7 years of service).
The projects were from a wide geographical area, with a range of PCC thickness and
subgrade/base/subbase conditions, and variable HMA OL thicknesses [many less than 5 in. (125
mm)]. Many roadway types are represented, including interstates with a high number of trucks to
lightly traveled residential streets. More than 1,300 lane-mi (2,080 lane-km) were surveyed.
These data are available upon request from Antigo Construction, Inc. (P.O. Box 12, Antigo, WI
54409; telephone 715-627-2222).
The performance of the surveyed projects has been excellent. The only pavement
distresses typically found are those that also occur in HMA pavements built on aggregate base
course. These include low-severity transverse and longitudinal cracks, low-severity surface
raveling, and low-severity rutting and bleeding. Of the projects surveyed, 75% had no transverse
cracks. It is difficult to determine if a transverse crack is a reflective crack. In none of the
projects with transverse cracking was there any indication of “repetitive” transverse crack
spacings/patterns. It is concluded that there has been “little to no” apparent reflection cracking.
There were no longitudinal cracks in 80% of the projects. Most of the projects had rutting less
than 0.25 in. (6 mm). Only one project showed initial signs of low severity block/alligator
The Antigo MHB performance data base documents the excellent performance of
rubblized PCCs with HMA OLs and validates the effectiveness of rubblization in preventing
reflective cracking.


Since the late 1980s and early 1990s, PCC rubblization with HMA OL has gained favor as a
PCC rehabilitation process. Rubblization equipment and construction procedures have been
considerably improved. Rubblization is currently the most-widely used PCC slab fracturing
Rubblization Using Multi-Head Breaker Equipment 41

The lane-width/one-pass MHB developed by MHB Badger Breaker was first utilized by
Antigo in the 1995 construction season. This paper documents the development, capabilities, and
effective utilization of the MHB for rubblizing PCC.


The help and cooperation of MHB Badger Breaker in providing inputs to this paper are
gratefully acknowledged.


1. Thompson, M. R. Breaking/Cracking and Seating Concrete Pavements. NCHRP Synthesis of

Highway Practice No. 144, National Cooperative Highway Research Program, Transportation
Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., 1989.
2. Guidelines and Methodologies for the Rehabilitation of Rigid Highway Pavements Using Asphalt
Concrete Overlays. Engineering report prepared for NAPA and SAPAE by Pavement Consultancy
Services, June 1991.
3. Guidelines for Use of HMA Overlays to Rehabilitate PCC Pavements. Information Series 117,
National Asphalt Pavement Association, 1994.

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