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Readings in Jungian Psychology

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Basic Readings: C.G. Jung, The Collected Works, Second Edition. Bollingen Foundation/Princeton:
CW 3 The Content of the Psychosis. Chap. II.
CW 4 The Theory of Psychoanalysis. Chap. II.
CW 5 Symbols of Transformation.
CW 6 Psychological Types.
CW 7 Two Essays in Analytical Psychology.
CW 8 The Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche.
CW 9i The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious. Chaps. I, III, IV, VI.
CW 9ii Aion. Chaps. I-IV.
CW 12 Psychology and Alchemy.
CW 16 General Problems of Psychotherapy.
CW 16 The Psychology of the Transference.
CW 18 The Tavistock Lectures. Chap. I.
Letters. (2 vols.) Princeton, NJ, Princeton University Press, 1973.
Memories, Dreams, Reflections. London, Random House, 1961.
Man and his Symbols. London, Aldus, 1964.

Additional Basic Readings:

Adler, G. Studies in Analytical Psychology. Second edition. London, Routledge: 1999.
Bertine, E. Jungs Contribution to Our Time. New York, Putnam's Sons for C. G. Jung
Foundation for Analytical Psychology: 1968.
Cambray, J., Carter, L. Analytical Psychology: Contemporary Perspectives in Jungian Analysis. Hove,
Brunner-Routledge: 2004.
Casement,A. Who Owns Jung? London, Karnac: 2007.
Dieckmann, H. Complexes: Diagnosis and Therapy in Analytical Psychology. Wilmette,
Chiron: 1999.
Douglas, C. The Woman in the Mirror: Archetypal Psychology and the Feminine. Lincoln
NE, iUniverse: 2000.
Edinger, E.F. Ego and Archetype. Baltimore, Penguin Books: 1974.
Transformation of Libido. Los Angeles, CA, C.G. Jung Bookstore: 1994.
Franz, M.-L.von Psychotherapy. Boston, Shambhala: 1993
Jung: His Myth in our Time. London, Hodder & Stoughton: 1975.
Alchemy: An Introduction to the Symbolism and the Psychology. Toronto, Inner
City Books: 1980.
Psyche and Matter. Boston, Shambhala:1992.
Projection and Re-Collection in Jungian Psychology: Reflections of the Soul.
La Salle, Open Court: 1980.
Archetypal Dimensions of the Psyche. Boston, Shambhala: 1997.
Frey-Rohn, L. From Freud to Jung. New York, Putnam: 1974.
Gieser, S. The Innermost Kernel. New York, Springer: 2005.
Hannah, B. Jung: His Life and Work. London, Michael Joseph: 1976.
Encounters with the Soul: Active Imagination as Developed by C. G. Jung. Santa
Monica, Sigo: 1981.
Harding, M.E. Psychic Energy: Its Source and its Transformation. New York, Pantheon: 1963.
The Way of all Women. New York, Longmans, Green & Co.: 1956.
Henderson, J. Thresholds of Initiation. Wilmette, Chiron: 2005.
Shadow and Self. Wilmette, Chiron: 1990.
Hill, J. Individuation and the Association Experiment. In: Spring 1975, p. 145- 151.
Hillman, J. Anima. Woodstock, Spring: 1985.
Jacobi, J. The Psychology of C. G. Jung. London, Routledge & Kegan: 1968.
Complex / Archetype / Symbol. New York, Pantheon: 1959.
Jacoby, M. Individuation and Narcissism. London, Routledge:1998.
Jung, E. Animus and Anima. Dallas/Woodstock, Spring: 1981/1985.
Kast, V. The Dynamics of Symbols. New York, Fromm International: 1992.
Knox, J. Archetype, Attachment, Analysis. London, Routledge: 2005.
Meier, C.A. ed. Atom and Archetype: The Pauli/Jung Letters, 1932-1958, Princeton, Princeton
University Press: 2001.
Meier, C.A. The Unconscious in Its Empirical Manifestations. Boston, Sigo, 1984.
Neumann, E. The Origins and History of Consciousness. Princeton, PUP: 1970.
The Child. London, Karnac: 1988.
The Great Mother. New York, Pantheon: 1963.
Amor and Psyche. New York, Pantheon: 1956.
Psychological Stages in Feminine Development. In: The Fear of the
Feminine. Princeton, Princeton University Press: 1994.
Papadopoulos, R. The Handbook of Jungian Psychology. London, Routledge: 2006.
Samuels, A., et al. Jung and the Post-Jungians. London, Routledge: 1991.
A Critical Dictionary of Jungian Analysis. London, Routledge: 1986.
Shamdasani, S. Jung and the Making of Modern Psychology: The Dream of Science. Cambridge,
Cambridge University Press: 2003.
Stein, M. Jung's Map of the Soul. Chicago, Open Court: 1998.
Stevens, A. On Jung. London, Routledge, 1990.
Archetype Revisited: An Updated Natural History of the Self. Toronto, Inner
City Books: 2003.
Sullivan, B.S. Psychotherapy Grounded in the Feminine Principle. Wilmette, Chiron: 1990.
Trosclair, Gary Im Working On It In Therapy. New York, Skyhorse Publishing: 2015.
Whitmont, E. The Symbolic Quest. Princeton, Princeton University Press: 1991.
The Alchemy of Healing, Psyche and Soma. Berkeley, North Atlantic Books:
Wilkinson, M. Coming Into Mind: The Mind-Brain Relationship: A Jungian Clinical
Perspective. London, Routledge: 2006.

Basic Readings: C.G. Jung, The Collected Works of, Second Edition. Bollingen Foundation/Princeton:
CW 2 Appendix: On the Doctrine of Complexes.
Part I: Studies in Word Association:
The Association of Normal Subjects.
Experimental Observation on the Faculty of Memory.
Psychoanalysis and Association Experiments.
Association, Dream and Hysterical Symptom.
The Psychological Diagnosis of Evidence.
The Association Method.
The Family Constellation.
CW 3 The Psychology of Dementia Praecox.
CW 8 On Psychic Energy.
Review of the Complex Theory.

Additional Readings in Complex Theory

Perera, Sylvia B. The Scapegoat Complex: Toward a Mythology of Shadow and Guilt. Toronto,
Inner City Books: 1986.

Basic Readings:
Astor, J. Michael Fordham: Innovations in Analytical Psychology. London,
Routledge: 1995.
Fordham, M. Maturation of Ego and Self in Infancy. In: Analytical Psychology: A Modern
Science. London, Heinemann: 1973.
Children as Individuals. London, Free Association Books: 1994.
Jacoby, M. Jungian Psychotherapy & Contemporary Infant Research: Basic Patterns of
Emotional Exchange. London, Routledge: 1999.
Individuation and Narcissism: The Psychology of Self in Jung and Kohut.
London, Routledge: 1998.
Reflections on H. Kohuts Concept of Narcissism. In: Journal of Analytical
Psychology 26 (1986).
Shame and the Origins of Self Esteem: A Jungian Approach. Hove, Brunner-
Routledge, 2003.
Jung, C.G. The Development of Personality. CW 17.
The Significance of the Father in the Destiny of the Individual. CW 4.
The Psychology of the Child Archetype. CW 9i
Neumann, E. The Child: Structure and Dynamics of the Nascent Personality. London,
Karnac: 1988.
Staude, J-R. The Adult Development of CG Jung. London, Routledge: 1981.
Wickes, F.G. The Inner World of Childhood. New York, Sigo Press: 1990.

Bernstein, Jerome Living in the Borderland: The Evolution of Consciousness and the Challenge of
Healing Trauma. London, Routledge: 2005.
Covitz, J. Emotional Child Abuse: The Family Curse. Boston, Sigo: 1986.
Herman, J. Trauma & Recovery. New York, Basic Books: 1992.
Kalsched, D The Inner World of Trauma: Archetypal Defenses of the Personal Spirit. London,
Routledge: 2005.
Trauma and the Soul: A Psycho-spiritual Approach to Human Development and
its Interruption. London, Routledge: 2013.
Levine, P.A. et al. Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma. Berkeley, North Atlantic Books: 1997.


Basic Readings: C.G. Jung: C.G. Jung, The Collected Works of, Second Edition. Bollingen
Foundation/Princeton: 1970.
CW 3 The Psychogenesis of Mental Disease.
On Psychological Understanding
CW 5 Symbols of Transformation.
CW 6 Psychological Types. General Description of the Types.
CW 7 Two Essays on Analytical Psychology.
CW 8 The Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche.
On Psychic Energy.
The Transcendent Function.
CW 16 The Practice of Psychotherapy. (Except Part 2, Chapter III).

Additional Readings in The Theory of Neurosis:

Franz, M.-L.v. The Problem of the Puer Aeternus. Boson, Inner City: 2000.
Frey-Rohn, L. From Freud to Jung. New York, Putnams Son: 1974.
Giegerich, W. The Neurosis of Psychology: Primary Papers Towards a Critical Psychology.
Collected English Papers vol.I. New Orleans, Spring Journal Books: 2005.
Hochheimer, W. The Psychotherapy of C.G. Jung. London, Barrie & Rockliff: 1969.
Jacobi, J. The Psychology of C.G. Jung. London, Routledge & Kegan: 1968.
Jacoby, M. Jungian Psychotherapy and Contemporary Infant Research: Basic Patterns of
Emotional Exchange. London, Routledge: 1999.
Shame and the Origins of Self-Esteem: A Jungian Approach. Hove, Brunner-
Routledge: 2003.
Individuation and Narcissism: The Psychology of Self in Jung and Kohut.
London, Routledge: 1998.
Kast, V. The Dynamics of Symbols: Fundamentals of Jungian Psychotherapy. New York,
Fromm International: 1992.
The Japanese Psyche. Woodstock, Spring Publ.: 1996.
Knox, J. Archetype, Attachment, Analysis: Jungian Psychology and the Emergent
Mind. London, Routledge: 2005.
Self- Agency in Psychotherapy: Attachment, Autonomy and Intimacy. New
York, Norton: 2011.
Neumann, E. The Child: Structure and Dynamics of the Nascent Personality. London,
Karnac: 1988.
Ribi, A. Demons of the Inner World: Understanding our Hidden Complexes. Boston,
Shambhala: 1990.
Sullivan, B. S. The Mystery of Analytical Work: Weavings from Jung and Bion. London,
Routledge: 2010.
Wilkinson, M. Coming Into Mind: The Mind-Brain Relationship: A Jungian Clinical
Perspective. London, Routledge: 2006.
Changing Minds in Therapy: Emotion, Attachment, Trauma & Neurobiology.
New York, Norton: 2010.


Basic Readings: C.G. Jung: C.G. Jung, The Collected Works, Second Edition. Bollingen
Foundation/Princeton: 1970.
CW 8 The Transcendent Function.
The Stages of Life.
The Soul and Death.
CW 9i Concerning Rebirth.
The Psychology of the Child Archetype.
A Study in the Process of Individuation.
Concerning Mandala Symbolism.
CW 9ii Aion. (Optional)
CW 11 Answer to Job.
Commentary on the Tibetan Book of the Dead.
CW 12 Psychology and Alchemy.
CW 13 Alchemical Studies.
CW 14 Mysterium Coniunctionis. (Optional).
CW 16 Psychology of the Transference.
CW 17 The Development of Personality.
CW 18 Adaptation, Individuation, Collectivity.

Additional Readings in The Individuation Process:

Adler, G. The Living Symbol: A Case Study in the Process of Individuation. New York,
Pantheon: 1961.
Conforti, Michael Field Form and Fate: Patterns in Mind, Nature and Psyche, New Orleans, Spring
Journal: 2003, Rev. 2008.
Threshold Experiences: The Archetype of Beginnings, New Orleans, Spring
Journal: Rev. 2003
Edinger, E.F. Aion Lectures: Exploring the Self in C.G. Jungs Aion. Toronto, Inner City:
Anatomy of the Psyche. Chicago, Open Court: 1994.
Goethes Faust: Notes for a Jungian Commentary. Toronto, Inner City: 1990.
Melvilles Moby-Dick: A Jungian Commentary. An American Nekyia. New
York, New Directions: 1978.
Science of the Soul: A Jungian Perspective. Toronto, Inner City: 2002.
The Creation of Consciousness. Toronto, Inner City: 1984.
The Living Psyche: A Jungian Analysis in Pictures. Wilmette, Il, Chiron
Publications: 1990.
The Mysterium Lectures. Toronto, Inner City: 1995.
The Mystery of the Coniunctio: Alchemical Image of Individuation. Toronto,
Inner City: 1994.
The Psyche on Stage: Individuation Motifs in Shakespeare and Sophocles.
Toronto, Inner City: 2001.
Transformation of the God-Image: An Elucidation of Jungs Answer to Job.
Toronto, Inner City: 1992.
Franz, M.-L.v. Alchemy: An Introduction to the Symbolism and the Psychology. Toronto,
Inner City: 1980.
Individuation in Fairy Tales. New York, Spring: 1977.
The Process of Individuation. In: Man and his Symbols. C.G. Jung et al.
London, Aldus: 1964.
Hannah, B. Striving Towards Wholeness. Boston, Sigo: 1988.
Jacoby, M. Individuation and Narcissism. London, Routledge: 1998.
Jaffe, A. The Myth of Meaning in the Work of C.G. Jung. Zrich, Daimon: 1986.
Jung, C.G., Wilhelm, R. The Secret of the Golden Flower. London, Routledge & Kegan Paul: 1957.
Neumann, E. Amor and Psyche: The Psychic Development of the Feminine: A Commentary
on the Tale by Apuleius. New York, Pantheon: 1956.
Stein, Leslie Becoming Whole: Jungs Equation for Realizing God. New York, Helios
Press: 2012.

Basic Readings: C.G. Jung: C.G. Jung, The Collected Works Second Edition. Bollingen Foundation/
Princeton: 1970.
CW 5 Symbols of Transformation.
CW 7 121-191, 202-220.
CW 8 General Aspects of Dream Psychology.
On the Nature of Dreams.
CW 9i 70-79.
CW 10 301-325.
CW 11 37-63.
CW 12 Part II: Individual Dream Symbolism in Relation to Alchemy.
CW 16 The Practical Use of Dream Analysis.
CW 17 263-283.
CW 18 Symbols and the Interpretation of Dreams.
Dream Analysis: Notes of the Seminar 1928-1930. London, Routledge &
Kegan, 1984.
Approaching the Unconscious. In: Man and his Symbols. London,
Aldus, 1964.

Additional Readings in Dreams:

Adler, G. The Living Symbol. New York, Pantheon Books: 1961.
Alex, W. Dreams: The Unconscious and Analytical Therapy. San Francisco, C. G. Jung
Institute: 1971.
Bosnak, R. A Little Course in Dreams. Boston, Shambhala: 1988.
Covitz, J. Visions in the Night: Jungian and Ancient Dream Interpretation. Toronto, Inner
City: 2000.
Dieckmann, H. Methods in Analytical Psychology ( Chapter.8). Wilmette, Chiron: 1991.
Edinger, E.F. A Series of Metaphysical Dreams. In: Ego and Archetype. Baltimore, Penguin
Books: 1974.
Fordham, M. Jungian Psychotherapy (Chapter III, Dreams). Chichester, Wiley: 1978.
Franz, M.-L.von Dreams. Boston, Shambhala: 1991.
and Boa, F. The Way of the Dream. Toronto, Windrose Films: 1988.
Frey-Rohn, L. From Freud to Jung (Part G, Chapter II). New York, Putnam's Sons: 1974.
Hall, J.A. Jungian Dream Interpretation: A Handbook of Theory and Practice. Toronto,
Inner City: 1983.
The Clinical Use of Dream. New York, Grune & Stratton: 1977.
Hillman, J. The Dream and the Underworld. New York, Harper & Row: 1979.
Lambert, K. The Use of Dreams in Contemporary Analysis In: Journal of Analytical
Psychology 24 (1979).
Marjasch, S. The I in Dreams. In: Spring Journal: 1966.
Marlan, S. The Black Sun: The Alchemy and Art of Darkness. College Station, Texas A&M
University: 2005.
Marlan, S. ed. Salt and the Alchemical Soul. Three Essays by Ernest Jones, C. G. Jung, &
James Hillman. Woodstock, CT, Spring Publications: 1995.
Mattoon, M. Dreams. In: The Handbook of Jungian Psychology. Ed. R. Papadopoulos.
London, Routledge: 2006.
Understanding Dreams. Woodstock, Spring: 1984.
Meier, C.A., The Meaning and Significance of Dreams. Boston, Sigo: 1987.
Healing Dream and Ritual. Einsiedeln, Daimon: 2003.
Sanford, J.A. Dreams: God's Forgotten Language. New York, Lippincott: 1968.
Whitmont, Edward C., Dreams: A Portal to the Source. London, Routledge: 1989.
Perera, Sylvia B.


Basic Readings: C.G. Jung: C.G. Jung, The Collected Works, Second Edition. Bollingen
Foundation/Princeton: 1970.
CW 9i The Phenomenology of the Spirit in Fairy Tales,
On the Psychology of the Trickster Figure.
CW 13 The Spirit Mercurius.

Additional Readings in Myths and Fairy Tales:

Jung, C.G., Kernyi, K. Essays on a Science of Mythology. Princeton, PUP: 1993.
Dieckmann, H. Twice-Told Tales: Psychological Use of Fairy Tales. Wilmette, Chiron: 1986.
Favourite Fairy Tales of Childhood. In: Journal of Analytical Psychology
16 (1971)1.
Franz, M.-L.von The Interpretation of Fairy Tales. Boston, Shambhala: 1996.
The Feminine in Fairy Tales. New York, Spring: 1972.
Shadow and Evil in Fairy Tales. Dallas, Spring: 1983.
Individuation in Fairy Tales. New York, Spring: 1977.
The Psychological Meaning of Redemption Motifs in Fairy Tales. Toronto,
Inner City: 1980.
The Golden Ass of Apuleius: The Liberation of the Feminine in Man.
Boston, Shambhala: 1992.
Creation Myths. Boston, Shambhala: 1995.
Alchemy: An Introduction to the Symbolism and the Psychology. Toronto,
Inner City Books: 1980.
Jacoby, M. et al. Witches, Ogres and the Devils Daughter. Boston, Shambhala: 1992.
Jung, E., Franz, M.-L.v. The Grail Legend. Princeton, Princeton University Press: 1998.
Kast, V. Through Emotions to Maturity. New York, Fromm: 1993.
Kluger, R. The Archetypal Significance of Gilgamesh. Einsiedeln, Daimon: 1991.
Neumann, E. Amor and Psyche. New York, Pantheon: 1956.
Stein, M., Corbett, L. Psyches Stories. Vols. I/II/III. Chiron, Wilmette: 1991-1996.
Stevens, A. Ariadnes Clue. Princeton, Princeton University Press: 1998.


Basic Readings: C.G. Jung, The Collected Works, second Edition. Bollingen Foundation/Princeton:1970.
CW 11 Psychology and Religion. 1-168.
CW 12 Introduction to the Religious and Psychological Problems of Alchemy 1-51.

Additional Readings in Religion and Psychology:

Casement, A., The Idea of the Numinous: Contemporary Jungian and Psychoanalytic
Cunningham, A Analytical Psychology in Exile: The Correspondence of C.G. Jung and Erich
Edinger, E. F. The New God-Image. Wilmette, Il, Chiron: 1996.
The Transformation of the God-Image: An Elucidation of Jungs Answer to
Job. Toronto, Inner City Books: 1992.
Ego and Self: The Old Testament Prophets. From Isaiah to Malachi. Toronto,
Inner City Books: 2000.
The Bible and the Psyche. Individuation Symbolism in the Old Testament.
Toronto, Inner City Books: 1986.
The Sacred Psyche. A Psychological Approach to the Psalms. Toronto, Inner
City Books: 2004.
Archetype of the Apocalypse. A Jungian Study of the Book of Revelation.
Chicago, Open Court: 1999.
The Psyche in Antiquity: Book One. Early Greek Philosophy. From Thales to
Plotinus. Toronto, Inner City Books: 1999.
The Psyche in Antiquity: Book Two: Gnosticism and Early Christianity. From
Paul of Tarsus to Augustine. Toronto, Inner City Books: 1999.
Ferrell, Donald R. Logos and Existence: The Relationship of Philosophy and Theology in the Thought of
PaulTillich. New York, Peter Lang: 1991
Fierz-David, L. The Dream of Poliphilo: The Soul in Love. Dallas, TX, Spring: 1987.
Womens Dionysian Initiation: The Villa of Mysteries in Pompeii. Dallas, TX,
Spring: 1988.
Franz, M.-L.v. Aurora Consurgens: A Document Attributed to Thomas Aquinas on the Problems
of Opposites in Alchemy. Toronto, Inner City: 2000.
The Passion of Perpetua: A Psychological Interpretation of her Visions. Toronto,
Inner City: 2004.
Kluger, R.S. King Saul and the Spirit of God. In: Psyche and Bible. New York, Spring
Publications: 1974
Psyche in Scripture: The Idea of the Chosen People and Other Essays. Toronto,

Inner City Books: 1995.
Kluger, Y. A Psychological Interpretation of Ruth. Einsiedeln, Daimon: 1999.
Satan in the Old Testament. Evanston, Northwestern University Press: 1967.
Lammers, A. The Jung-Kirsch Letters. London, Routledge: 2011.
Lammers, A., The Jung-White Letters. London, Routledge: 2007.
Liebscher, M. Neumann. Princeton, Princeton University Press: 2015.
Morenz, S. Egyptian Religion. Ithaca, Cornell University Press: 1992.
Neumann, E. Amor and Psyche: The Psychic Development of the Feminine. New York,
Princeton University Press, 1971.
Perera, S.B. Descent to the Goddess: A Way of Initiation for Woman. Toronto, Inner City
Books: 1989.
Pritchard, J.B. Ancient Near East Texts, 3rd Ed., 2 Volumes. Princeton, Princeton University
Press: 1976.
Tracey, D Perspectives. London, Routledge: 2006.
Segal, R.A. ed. The Gnostic Jung. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1992.
Stein, Leslie Jung and Tantra Spring 35:2013.
Jung and Divine Self-Revelation, Jung Journal 18: 2015.
Stein, M. Jungs Treatment of Christianity: The Psychotherapy of a Religious Tradition.
Wilmette, Chiron Publications: 1985.

Basic Readings: C.G. Jung: C.G. Jung, The Collected Works, Second Edition. Bollingen
Foundation/Princeton: 1970.

CW 16 The Practice of Psychotherapy.

Analytical Psychology: Notes of the Seminar Given in 1925. Princeton, Princeton
University Press, 2012.
Childrens Dreams. Notes from the Seminar Given in 1936-1940. Princeton,
Princeton University Press, 2008.
Dream Analysis: Notes of the Seminar Given in 1928-1930. Princeton, Princeton
University Press, 1984.
Dream Interpretation Ancient & Modern: Notes from the Seminar Given in 1936-
1941. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2014.

Additional Readings in Clinical Practice

Beebe, J. et al. The Case of Joan: Classical, Archetypal, and Developmental Approaches. In:
The Cambridge Companion to Jung. Young-Eisendrath, P., Dawson, T.
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2006.
Cambray, J., Analytical Psychology: Contemporary Perspectives in Jungian Analysis. Hove,
Carter, L. Brunner Routledge, 2004.
Casement, A. Post-Jungians Today: Key Papers in Contemporary Analytical Psychology.
London, Routledge, 1998.
Dieckmann, H. Methods in Analytical Psychology. Wilmette, Chiron, 1991.
Ekstrom, S.R. Memory and Healing: Neurocognitive and Psychodynamic Perspectives on How
Patients and Psychotherapists Remember. London, Karnac, 2014.
Fordham, M. et al. Technique in Jungian Analysis. London, Heinemann, 1974.
Analytical Psychology: A Modern Science. (Part II. Clinical Studies, Pp.127-
204). London, Heinemann 1973.
Guggenbhl-Craig, A. Power in the Helping Professions. Woodstock Spring, 1996.
Jacoby, M. The Analytic Encounter: Transference and Human Relationship. Toronto,
Inner City, 1984.
Kast, V. Imagination as Space of Freedom: Dialogue Between the Ego and the

Unconscious. New York, Fromm International, 1992.
Kalsched, D. The Inner World of Trauma: Archetypal Defenses of the Personal Spirit. London,
Routledge, 2005.
Knox, J. Archetype, Attachment, Analysis: Jungian Psychology and the Emergent Mind.
London, Routledge, 2005.
Leonard, L. Witness to the Fire: Creativity and the Veil of Addiction. Boston, Shambhala,
Papadopoulos, R. The Handbook of Jungian Psychology: Theory, Practice and Applications.
London. Routledge, 2006. (Part II is relevant with articles on transference,
individuation, active imagination and dreams).
Perera, Sylvia B. Celtic Queen: Maeve and Addiction: An Archetypal Perspective. York Beach,
Maine. Nicolas-Hayes: 2001
The Irish Bull God: Image of Multiform and Integral Masculinity. Toronto, Inner
City Books: 2004.
Schapira, Laurie Layton The Cassandra Complex: Living with Disbelief. Toronto, Inner City:1990.
Sidoli, M., When the Body Speaks: The Archetypes in the Body. London,
Blakemore, P. Routledge, 2000.
Ross, Lena Cast the First Stone: Ethics in Analytic Practice. Wilmette, IL, Chiron
Roy, Manisha, ed. Publications: 1993.
To Speak or Be Silent: The Function of Disobedience in the Lives of Women.
Wilmette IL, Chiron Publications:1993.
Solomon, H.M. The Self in Transformation. London, Karnac, 2007.
Stein, M. Jungian Analysis. La Salle, Open Court, 1994/1995.
Jungian Psychoanalysis: Working in the Spirit of C.G. Jung. Chicago, Open
Court, 2010.
Wiener, J. The Therapeutic Relationship: Transference, Countertransference and the
Making of Meaning. College Station, Texas A&M University Press, 2009.

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