Readings in Jungian Psychology
Readings in Jungian Psychology
Readings in Jungian Psychology
Basic Readings: C.G. Jung, The Collected Works, Second Edition. Bollingen Foundation/Princeton:
CW 3 The Content of the Psychosis. Chap. II.
CW 4 The Theory of Psychoanalysis. Chap. II.
CW 5 Symbols of Transformation.
CW 6 Psychological Types.
CW 7 Two Essays in Analytical Psychology.
CW 8 The Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche.
CW 9i The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious. Chaps. I, III, IV, VI.
CW 9ii Aion. Chaps. I-IV.
CW 12 Psychology and Alchemy.
CW 16 General Problems of Psychotherapy.
CW 16 The Psychology of the Transference.
CW 18 The Tavistock Lectures. Chap. I.
Letters. (2 vols.) Princeton, NJ, Princeton University Press, 1973.
Memories, Dreams, Reflections. London, Random House, 1961.
Man and his Symbols. London, Aldus, 1964.
Basic Readings: C.G. Jung, The Collected Works of, Second Edition. Bollingen Foundation/Princeton:
CW 2 Appendix: On the Doctrine of Complexes.
Part I: Studies in Word Association:
The Association of Normal Subjects.
Experimental Observation on the Faculty of Memory.
Psychoanalysis and Association Experiments.
Association, Dream and Hysterical Symptom.
The Psychological Diagnosis of Evidence.
The Association Method.
The Family Constellation.
CW 3 The Psychology of Dementia Praecox.
CW 8 On Psychic Energy.
Review of the Complex Theory.
Basic Readings:
Astor, J. Michael Fordham: Innovations in Analytical Psychology. London,
Routledge: 1995.
Fordham, M. Maturation of Ego and Self in Infancy. In: Analytical Psychology: A Modern
Science. London, Heinemann: 1973.
Children as Individuals. London, Free Association Books: 1994.
Jacoby, M. Jungian Psychotherapy & Contemporary Infant Research: Basic Patterns of
Emotional Exchange. London, Routledge: 1999.
Individuation and Narcissism: The Psychology of Self in Jung and Kohut.
London, Routledge: 1998.
Reflections on H. Kohuts Concept of Narcissism. In: Journal of Analytical
Psychology 26 (1986).
Shame and the Origins of Self Esteem: A Jungian Approach. Hove, Brunner-
Routledge, 2003.
Jung, C.G. The Development of Personality. CW 17.
The Significance of the Father in the Destiny of the Individual. CW 4.
The Psychology of the Child Archetype. CW 9i
Neumann, E. The Child: Structure and Dynamics of the Nascent Personality. London,
Karnac: 1988.
Staude, J-R. The Adult Development of CG Jung. London, Routledge: 1981.
Wickes, F.G. The Inner World of Childhood. New York, Sigo Press: 1990.
Bernstein, Jerome Living in the Borderland: The Evolution of Consciousness and the Challenge of
Healing Trauma. London, Routledge: 2005.
Covitz, J. Emotional Child Abuse: The Family Curse. Boston, Sigo: 1986.
Herman, J. Trauma & Recovery. New York, Basic Books: 1992.
Kalsched, D The Inner World of Trauma: Archetypal Defenses of the Personal Spirit. London,
Routledge: 2005.
Trauma and the Soul: A Psycho-spiritual Approach to Human Development and
its Interruption. London, Routledge: 2013.
Levine, P.A. et al. Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma. Berkeley, North Atlantic Books: 1997.
Basic Readings: C.G. Jung: C.G. Jung, The Collected Works, Second Edition. Bollingen
Foundation/Princeton: 1970.
CW 8 The Transcendent Function.
The Stages of Life.
The Soul and Death.
CW 9i Concerning Rebirth.
The Psychology of the Child Archetype.
A Study in the Process of Individuation.
Concerning Mandala Symbolism.
CW 9ii Aion. (Optional)
CW 11 Answer to Job.
Commentary on the Tibetan Book of the Dead.
CW 12 Psychology and Alchemy.
CW 13 Alchemical Studies.
CW 14 Mysterium Coniunctionis. (Optional).
CW 16 Psychology of the Transference.
CW 17 The Development of Personality.
CW 18 Adaptation, Individuation, Collectivity.
Basic Readings: C.G. Jung: C.G. Jung, The Collected Works Second Edition. Bollingen Foundation/
Princeton: 1970.
CW 5 Symbols of Transformation.
CW 7 121-191, 202-220.
CW 8 General Aspects of Dream Psychology.
On the Nature of Dreams.
CW 9i 70-79.
CW 10 301-325.
CW 11 37-63.
CW 12 Part II: Individual Dream Symbolism in Relation to Alchemy.
CW 16 The Practical Use of Dream Analysis.
CW 17 263-283.
CW 18 Symbols and the Interpretation of Dreams.
Dream Analysis: Notes of the Seminar 1928-1930. London, Routledge &
Kegan, 1984.
Approaching the Unconscious. In: Man and his Symbols. London,
Aldus, 1964.
Inner City Books: 1995.
Kluger, Y. A Psychological Interpretation of Ruth. Einsiedeln, Daimon: 1999.
Satan in the Old Testament. Evanston, Northwestern University Press: 1967.
Lammers, A. The Jung-Kirsch Letters. London, Routledge: 2011.
Lammers, A., The Jung-White Letters. London, Routledge: 2007.
Liebscher, M. Neumann. Princeton, Princeton University Press: 2015.
Morenz, S. Egyptian Religion. Ithaca, Cornell University Press: 1992.
Neumann, E. Amor and Psyche: The Psychic Development of the Feminine. New York,
Princeton University Press, 1971.
Perera, S.B. Descent to the Goddess: A Way of Initiation for Woman. Toronto, Inner City
Books: 1989.
Pritchard, J.B. Ancient Near East Texts, 3rd Ed., 2 Volumes. Princeton, Princeton University
Press: 1976.
Tracey, D Perspectives. London, Routledge: 2006.
Segal, R.A. ed. The Gnostic Jung. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1992.
Stein, Leslie Jung and Tantra Spring 35:2013.
Jung and Divine Self-Revelation, Jung Journal 18: 2015.
Stein, M. Jungs Treatment of Christianity: The Psychotherapy of a Religious Tradition.
Wilmette, Chiron Publications: 1985.
Basic Readings: C.G. Jung: C.G. Jung, The Collected Works, Second Edition. Bollingen
Foundation/Princeton: 1970.
Unconscious. New York, Fromm International, 1992.
Kalsched, D. The Inner World of Trauma: Archetypal Defenses of the Personal Spirit. London,
Routledge, 2005.
Knox, J. Archetype, Attachment, Analysis: Jungian Psychology and the Emergent Mind.
London, Routledge, 2005.
Leonard, L. Witness to the Fire: Creativity and the Veil of Addiction. Boston, Shambhala,
Papadopoulos, R. The Handbook of Jungian Psychology: Theory, Practice and Applications.
London. Routledge, 2006. (Part II is relevant with articles on transference,
individuation, active imagination and dreams).
Perera, Sylvia B. Celtic Queen: Maeve and Addiction: An Archetypal Perspective. York Beach,
Maine. Nicolas-Hayes: 2001
The Irish Bull God: Image of Multiform and Integral Masculinity. Toronto, Inner
City Books: 2004.
Schapira, Laurie Layton The Cassandra Complex: Living with Disbelief. Toronto, Inner City:1990.
Sidoli, M., When the Body Speaks: The Archetypes in the Body. London,
Blakemore, P. Routledge, 2000.
Ross, Lena Cast the First Stone: Ethics in Analytic Practice. Wilmette, IL, Chiron
Roy, Manisha, ed. Publications: 1993.
To Speak or Be Silent: The Function of Disobedience in the Lives of Women.
Wilmette IL, Chiron Publications:1993.
Solomon, H.M. The Self in Transformation. London, Karnac, 2007.
Stein, M. Jungian Analysis. La Salle, Open Court, 1994/1995.
Jungian Psychoanalysis: Working in the Spirit of C.G. Jung. Chicago, Open
Court, 2010.
Wiener, J. The Therapeutic Relationship: Transference, Countertransference and the
Making of Meaning. College Station, Texas A&M University Press, 2009.