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Manifest Lalithambigai

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12/20/2017 : Manifest Lalithambigai

Manifest Lalithambigai
This is the continuation of dhyan of Lalithambigai and can be referred as Part III dhyateth meditating; padmasanasthaam seated on a
lotus flower or seated in a posture called padmasanam; vikasita+vadanaam charming face. vikasa: also means moon. It can be construed
that Her face looks like a full moon. padma lotus; patraya petal; taaksheem eyes. Her eyes look like long petals of a lotus
flower.hemaabhaam -golden complexioned; pitavastraam wearing clothes with gold sheen; karakalitha holding in her hand; lasath-
shining;hema golden; -padmaam lotus. She is holding a shining golden lotus in her hand. vara+angim most beautiful + body parts.
She has the most beautiful body. sarva+alangaara+ukthaam all types of + ornamnets + bejeweled. She is adorned with all types of
ornaments.sathatham continually; abhyatham bestowing protection.

She constantly protects her devotees. bhaktha devotees; namraam bowing down; She bows down to listen to her devotees. bhavanim
Bhavani, the wife of Bhavan. Shiva is also called Bhavan. Bhavns consort is Bhavani. srividyam mantra and tantra sastras of Sri vidya. Sri
vidya is the worshiping ritual of Shakthi. We will discuss about Sri Vidya in a later posting. She is the form of mantra and tantra
sastras.shantha+murthim form of tranquility or without any agitation.sakala+suranutham worshiped by all devas and
devis. sarva+sampat all types of wealth;pradatrim giver (giving is emphasized). The meaning of this verse is: She is seated on a lotus.
She has a charming face. Her eyes appear elongated and look like petals of a lotus. She has golden complexion and her clothes have gold
sheen. She holds a golden lotus. She has a sculptured figure. She is wearing all types of ornaments.

She constantly protects her devotees. She bows down to listen to the needs of Her devotees. She is the embodiment of all mantras and tantras
of Sri Vidya. She is calm and composed. She is worshiped by all Gods, which means She is the Supreme. She endows wealth to Her
devotees.Sakunkuma with kumkum; vilepanaam anointing; alika+chumbi attracted by bees; ksthurikam
vermilion;samanda+hasitha+aekashanam (samanda hasitekshanaam) benignant+ smile +looks; sa +chara with arrow; chapa
bow; paasham pasaam, a weapon; angusam a weapon (these two weapons already discussed in the earlier part in second sloka); asesha
+jana+mohinim attracts people without exception; aruna red; maalya a type of sandal wood from Malaysian mountains; bhoosha-
ornaments;ambharaam with out the use of magical feats or incantations ( attractions by sheer presence); japakusuma red hibiscus
flower;bhasuraam decorated; japa+vidhau as per the rules of japa or mantra chanting;smared+ambikaam think about Her. The
meaning of this verse is: She is anointed with kumkum and vermilion, which gives a pleasant smell, towards which bees are attracted.

She looks at Her devotees with a benignant smile. She holds in Her hands bow and arrow, two weaponries. She attracts everybody; which
means everybody is attracted to her irrespective of being Her devotee or not. She is wearing a red garland made out of special sandal wood.
Excellent ornaments adore Her and She has the complexion like a hibiscus flower. One has to meditate on this form of Lalithambigai during
japa time. This is the end of dhyan slokas and we will discuss in the next posting about these dhyan slokas.

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