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Paramarthasara 2

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ROUTLEDGE STUDIES IN TANTRIC TRADITIONS Series Editor: Professor Gavin Flood, University of Stirlin T!

e Routledge Studies in Tantric Traditions series is a "a#or ne$ "ono ra%! series $!i&! !as 'een esta'lis!ed to %('lis! s&!olars!i% on So(t!, East and So(t!east Asian tantri& traditions) T!e series ai"s to %ro"ote t!e serio(s st(dy of 'ot! *ind( and +(dd!ist tantri& traditions t!ro( ! t!e %('li&ation of ant!ro%olo i&al and te,t(al st(dies and $ill not 'e li"ited to any one "et!od) Indeed, t!e series $o(ld !o%e to %ro"ote t!e vie$ t!at ant!ro%olo i&al st(dies &an 'e infor"ed 'y te,ts and te,t(al st(dies infor"ed 'y ant!ro%olo y) T!e series $ill t!erefore %('lis! &onte"%orary et!no ra%!ies fro" different re ions, %!ilolo i&al st(dies, %!iloso%!i&al st(dies, and !istori&al st(dies of different %eriods $!i&! &ontri'(te to t!e a&ade"i& endeavo(r to (nderstand t!e role of tantri& te,ts and t!eir "eanin in %arti&(lar &(lt(ral &onte,ts) In t!is $ay, t!e series $ill !o%e to esta'lis! $!at t!e &ontin(ities and diver en&ies are 'et$een +(dd!ist and *ind( tantri& traditions and 'et$een different re ions) T!e series $ill 'e a "a#or &ontri'(tion to t!e fields of Indolo y, Sinolo y, *istory of Reli ions, and Ant!ro%olo y) IDENTIT-, RITUAL AND STATE IN TI+ETAN +UDD*IS. Martin A) Mills T*E /*ECAR01ID-2 OF 2DIN2T*A A &riti&al edition and annotated translation of an early te,t of !a3!ayo a James Mallinson AN INTRODUCTION TO TANTRIC P*ILOSOP*T!e Paramrthasra of A'!inava (%ta $it! t!e Co""entary of -o ar4#a Lyne Bansat-Boudon and Kamaleshadatta Tripathi


AN INTRODUCTION TO TANTRIC P*ILOSOP*T!e Paramrthasra of A'!inava (%ta $it! t!e Co""entary of -o ar4#a Translated 'y Lyne Bansat-Boudon and Kamaleshadatta Tripathi Introd(&tion, notes, &riti&ally revised Sans5rit te,t, a%%endi,, indi&es 'y Lyne Bansat-Boudon First %('lis!ed 6788 'y Ro(tled e 6 Par5 S9(are, .ilton Par5, A'in don, O,on O:8; ;RN Si"(ltaneo(sly %('lis!ed in t!e USA and Canada 'y Ro(tled e 6<7 .adison Ave, Ne$ -or5, N- 8778= Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor !rancis "roup, an #nforma $usiness

> 6788 Lyne +ansat?+o(don and /a"ales!adatta Tri%at!i All ri !ts reserved) No %art of t!is 'oo5 "ay 'e re%rinted or re%rod(&ed or (tilised in any for" or 'y any ele&troni&, "e&!ani&al, or ot!er "eans, no$ 5no$n or !ereafter invented, in&l(din %!oto&o%yin and re&ordin , or in any infor"ation stora e or retrieval syste", $it!o(t %er"ission in $ritin fro" t!e %('lis!ers) British Li$rary %ataloging in Pu$lication &ata A &atalo (e re&ord for t!is 'oo5 is availa'le fro" t!e +ritis! Li'rary) Li$rary of %ongress %ataloging in Pu$lication &ata A &atalo re&ord for t!is 'oo5 !as 'een re9(ested)


Preface Acknowledgments Introduction 8)T!e t$o Paramrthasra 1.1. The Para"4rt!as4ra of 'di(e)a 1.2. Re*riting 6)T!e Paramrthasra of A'!inava (%ta 2.1. The te+t and its commentator 2.2. Structure of the te+t 2.3. S,etch of the doctrine Translation /4ri54 8 /4ri54s 6?A /4ri54 ; /4ri54 B /4ri54 = /4ri54 < /4ri54 C /4ri54 @ /4ri54s 87?88 /4ri54s 86?8A /4ri54 8; /4ri54 8B /4ri54 8= /4ri54 8< /4ri54 8C /4ri54 8@ /4ri54 67 /4ri54 68 /4ri54 66 /4ri54 6A /4ri54 6; /4ri54 6B /4ri54 6= /4ri54 6< /4ri54 6C /4ri54 6@ /4ri54 A7 /4ri54 A8 /4ri54 A6 /4ri54 AA /4ri54 A;

i, ,i 8 8 6 < 8@ 8@ 6A A6 B@ =8 <6 <= C6 CC @6 @= @@ 87; 888 88< 86= 86@ 8A8 8A= 8AC 8;8 8;6 8;;
145 147 149 150 152 161 163 164 166 169 173 175

/4ri54 AB /4ri54 A= /4ri54 A< /4ri54 AC /4ri54 A@ /4ri54 ;7 /4ri54 ;8 /4ri54 ;6 /4ri54 ;A /4ri54 ;; /4ri54 ;B /4ri54 ;= /4ri54s ;<?B7 /4ri54 B8 /4ri54 B6 /4ri54 BA /4ri54 B; /4ri54 BB /4ri54 B= /4ri54 B< /4ri54 BC /4ri54 B@ /4ri54 =7 /4ri54 =8 /4ri54 =6 /4ri54 =A /4ri54s =;?== /4ri54 =< /4ri54 =C /4ri54 =@ /4ri54 <7 /4ri54 <8 /4ri54 <6 /4ri54 <A /4ri54 <; /4ri54 <B /4ri54 <= /4ri54 << /4ri54 <C /4ri54s <@?C7 /4ri54 C8 /4ri54 C6 /4ri54 CA /4ri54 C; /4ri54s CB?C= /4ri54s C<?CC /4ri54 C@

177 184 187 190 191 193 195 199 200 206 207 209 210 215 217 217 219 219 220 222 223 225 227 231 232 234 237 240 243 245 247

6;C 6B7 6B8 6B6 6BB 6BC 6=7 6=8 6=B 6<7 6<8 6<6 6<C 6<@ 6C6 6CB

/4ri54s @7?@8 /4ri54s @6?@A /4ri54s @;?@B /4ri54 @= /4ri54 @< /4ri54s @C?@@ /4ri54s 877?878 /4ri54 876 /4ri54 87A /4ri54 87; /4ri54 87B Appendix Sanskrit text On t!e Sans5rit te,t List of ty%o ra%!i&al errors &orre&ted List of variants in so"e &ollated %assa es Des&ri%tion of t!e "an(s&ri%ts &ons(lted Te,t Bibliography A''reviations So(r&es Deditions and translationsE St(dies Index Index locorum Anthology of spiritual experience

6C< 6@7 6@6 6@@ A78 A7; A7= A7C A88 A8A A8B A8< A;< A;< A;C A;C AB6 AB= ;7< ;7< ;87 ;6C ;A< ;BA ;=8


Preface In t!e te,t, 54ri54s and %ratF5as are set in 'oldfa&e) In eneral, an effort !as 'een "ade to li"it &itation of Sans5rit ter"s in %arent!eses) *o$ever, it !as 'een #(d ed desira'le to "a5e t!e 'asi& vo&a'(lary of t!e do&trine visi'le to t!e reader) T!(s, t!e Sans5rit ter" is instan&ed $!en it desi nates a 5ey notion of t!e Tri5a, or one of its favorite "eta%!ors, and at its first o&&(rren&e, $!en it is re9(ired in order to ras% t!e sense of a loss De) ), ad AA, $!ere ,r- is lossed 'y ,helaE, in order to ta5e note of t!e "ore or less (nifor" translation of diverse, '(t essentially synony"o(s, Sans5rit ter"s, e) ), : - G, all of $!i&! !ave 'een translated 'y H&ons&io(snessI Dnote, es%e&ially, t!e variety of ter"s for Hli'erationIE, mutatis mutandis, in order to ta5e note of t!e %olyse"y of &ertain &r(&ial Sans5rit ter"s, parmar(a, paramrtha, sm.ti, et&) Certain Sans5rit ter"s of $ider, '(t often te&!ni&al (sa e, $!ose "eanin is not easily ras%ed, or $!i&! are e,%anded (%on, !ave 'een treated in t!e notes) Literal translations are li5e$ise to 'e fo(nd t!ere) Sans5rit ter"s t!at !ave 'e&o"e, or are (sed as, En lis! $ords are left in Ro"an, and "ay a&&e%t a %l(ral s(ffi,: 54ri54, Jlo5a, "antra, avataraKi54, (r(, 5ar"an, et&) Li5e$ise, "ar5s of s(%%letions !ave 'een li"ited as "(&! as %ossi'le to t!ose ne&essary to "a5e sense of an often la&oni& Sans5rit, es%e&ially as &on&erns t!e "any te&!ni&al e,%lanations of &on&e%ts and ter"s) T!e fre9(ently o&&(rrin ha, referrin al$ays to A'!inava (%ta, !as 'een rendered 'y Ht!e "aster saysI) Glosses or ter"s to 'e (nderstood as s(&! are en&losed in single 9(otation "ar5s) &ou$le 9(otation "ar5s indi&ate t!at t!e a(t!or H$is!es to sin le o(t a $ord or %!rase, not 9(otin it fro" a s%e&ifi& do&("ent))) '(t referrin it to a eneral 'a&5 ro(nd t!at $ill 'e re&o niLed 'y t!e readerI D %hicago Manual of Style, 8At! ed)E) Certain ela'orations of notions treated in t!e notes !ave 'een ro(%ed to et!er in an HA%%endi,I) In addition to t!e 5ey ter"s of t!e do&trine, &ertain re&(rrin se "ents of its %!raseolo y !ave 'een inde,ed, ea&! $it! a translation, for"in a lossary of t!e essential %oints of t!e syste") To t!is !as 'een added an Inde, lo&or(" and an HAnt!olo y of s%irit(al e,%erien&eI Dsee Intr), n) @@E) T!e Sans5rit te,t re%rod(&ed !ere is 'ased on t!e /STS edition) It !as 'een revised and &orre&ted at %la&es after &ollation of nine "an(s&ri%tsM see HOn t!e Sans5rit Te,tI) For t!e !istory of t!e $or5 !ere %resented, it "ay 'e (sef(l to note t!at Prof) /) D) Tri%at!i is a dis&i%le of R4"eJvara N!4, t!e a(t!or of t!e P/r0atpratya$hi12, &ited fre9(ently in t!e notes Dsee, es%e&ially, n) A8;E) A $or5 'y D) +) SenS!ar"a !as a%%eared in 677<, to $!i&! I !ave !ad a&&ess only tardily, '(t !ave nevert!eless &ons(lted: Paramrthasra of A$hina3agupta) The 4ssence of the Supreme Truth , *ith the commentary of 5ogar1a ) Translation

introduction) Ne$ Del!i, .(5ta'od!a, and E"eryville, Calif) T!e $or5 is !o$ever "ore a free loss t!an a translation)


Acknowledgments T!e $or5 on t!e annotated translation of t!e Paramrthasra and its loss 'e an in N(ne 6777 in &olla'oration $it! Prof) /a"ales!adatta Tri%at!i, t!(s follo$in t!e ri oro(s tradition of Indian s&!olars!i%) Sin&e t!en, a n("'er of versions !ave seen t!e li !t and !ave res(lted in t!e %resent te,t, $!i&! !as 'enefited fro" &o""ents and advi&e offered 'y several learned s&!olars) S%e&ial t!an5s o to C!arles .ala"o(d, Andre Pado(,, Raffaele Torel?la, Ale,is Sanderson, Do"ini& Goodall, .arion Rastelli, David Seyfort R(e , Eli Fran&o, /arin PreisendanL, Ernst Stein5ellner, Nalini Delvoye, .i&!el *(lin, 1i&toria Lissen5o, +ir it /ellner, Seis!i /aras!i"a, $!o $ere enero(s eno( ! to %rovide t!eir e,%ertise in res%onse to "y 9(eries) One of t!e %leas(res attendant (%on s&!olarly resear&! is &ertainly t!is: t!e &onstant attestation of t!at si"%le and dis&reet fraternity to $!i&! t!e s&ientifi& &o""(nity %ays ta&it !o"a e) I a" %arti&(larly inde'ted to$ards t!ree &ollea (es and friends) Not only did -ves Codet &ontri'(te to el(&idatin several diffi&(lties raised 'y t!e te,t, '(t !e also i""ensly !el%ed 'y for"attin "y "an(s&ri%t (sin t!e :eTe: soft$are) T!is $as a lon and so"e$!at la'orio(s tas5, d(rin $!i&! !is %atien&e never a'ided) Oit! N(dit TorLso5, I !ad lon dis&(ssions &on&ernin %assa es t!at re9(ired !er ras% and 5no$led e of tantri& Pivais", %arti&(larly its rit(als) *er (nfailin s(%%ort $as &entral to t!e esta'lis!"ent of t!e Sans5rit te,t) Finally, t!e 'i'lio ra%!y is t!e res(lt of a dedi&ated &olla'oration $it! Silvia DIIntino $!o enero(sly s!ared !er &atalo (in s5ills and !er s!ar% (nderstandin of t!e Q'i'lio ra%!i& o'#e&tQ) I also $is! to e,%ress "y dee% ratit(de to "y friend and !i !ly estee"ed &ollea (e Ed$in Gero$, $!ose &aref(l readin of "y te,t ens(red %ro%er En lis! $ordin ) D(rin o(r dis&(ssions, $it! talent and #(st t!e ne&essary to(&! of "is&!ievo(sness, !e f(lfilled t!e role of an o'#e&tor, &o""entin and &!allen in "any ter"s and %assa es of earlier drafts of t!is $or5) T!e %resent version !as 'een "aterially i"%roved 'y res%ondin to, and indeed in&or%oratin so"e of, !is &o""ents) Needless to say, any re"ainin infeli&ities s!o(ld 'e attri'(ted to "e) L++


iva (?), with the khavaga. Sirp r, !hatti"garh. 7th #e$t r%. &h't' (% )i#'*e +e$a$t,-i -i'



As soon as t!e e,%anse of i noran&e affe&tin t!e "ind is dis%elled 'y &orre&t insi !t, t!en Hli'eration $!ile livin I is %resent on t!e %al" of t!e !and) R A'!inava (%ta, Tantrlo,a ) The two Paramrthasra T!e Paramrthasra, or HEssen&e of Ulti"ate RealityI, is a $or5 of t!e /as!"irian %oly"at! A'!inava (%ta Dend of t!e tent!, 'e innin of t!e elevent! &ent(ryE) It is a 'rief treatise,8 a &o"%endi("6 in $!i&! t!e a(t!or o(tlines t!e do&trine of $!i&! !e is a nota'le e,%onent Dindeed, t!e "ost fe&(ndE, na"ely nond(alisti& Paivis", $!i&! !e desi nates in !is $or5s as t!e HTri5aI, or HTriadI of t!ree %rin&i%les: Piva, Pa5ti and t!e e"'odied so(l 6nara7)A A&&ordin to -o ar4#a Dse&ond !alf of t!e elevent! &ent(ryE, t!e a(t!or of its &o""entary, 8i3.ti, t!e Paramrthasra is of t!e nat(re of a pra,ara0a,; a H"an(alI or H%re&isI servin as introd(&tion to t!e esta'lis!ed do&trine of a tradition)B T!e $or5, a%%ro%riately, 'e ins 'y feat(rin a mumu,)u, one $!o Has%ires to li'erationI, a st(dent desiro(s of learnin fro" a "aster t!e "eans $!ere'y !e "ay %(t an end to !is doloro(s $anderin s t!ro( ! t!e &y&les of re'irt!)= T!e Paramrthasra s!ares $it! t!e vast "a#ority of Indian %!iloso%!i&al te,ts t!is %ro%aede(ti& %(r%ose t!at is en&oded as $ell in t!e title of t!e $or5, $!i&! "ay
.he #'//e$tar% a0 104 "e" the ter/ stra. sakepa 'r sagraha. See 2$0 magalcaraa '1 the #'//e$tar% (paramrthasrasakepa), Paramrthasra 2&S3 104 (idam... sakepam), 105 (tad ida sakipta strasram) a$0 the #'*'ph'$ '1 the #'//e$tar% (paramrthasrasagrahavivti). 3 See, 1'r i$"ta$#e, Tantrloka 2.43 5 1, 5666 348 a$0 (a" the periphra"ti# e7pre""i'$ 89aar0ha:, 8ha*1 '1 "i7:) .4 5666 301 (where i" e"ta(*i"he0 the " pre/a#% '1 the .rika 'ver a** aiva # rre$t"), 5;6158, 555;66 26, 68, et#. 6 "e the ter/ 8.rika: here i$ thi" "e$"e. <$ the hi"t'ri#a* 0eve*'p/e$t '1 the .rika a$0 'ther "%/('*i# /ea$i$g" '1 the ter/ it"e*1, "ee Sa$0er"'$ 1995= 672> 2007. .he pree/i$e$t #'$#er$ '1 thi" e""a%, 8$'$0 a*i"ti#: 'r 8$'$,0 a*: (advaita) aivi"/ '1 ?a"h/ir, wi** (e, whe$ the #'$te7t 0'e" $'t te$0 t' #'$1 "i'$, re1erre0 t' "i/p*% a" ?a"h/ir aivi"/ 'r eve$ a" aivi"/. <$ thi" 8.ria0:, "ee avatara@ikA 2avat.3 a0 &S 41 ($. 875) a$0 46. 4 See avat. a0 &S 2,3 a$0 105, a$0 $. 276 '$ prakaraa. 5 B" CD p t" it i$ hi" #'//e$tar% a0 104, the the/e $0er*%i$g the e$tire te7t i" 82that brahman , i$ re1ere$#e t' whi#h a #'$#i"e " //ar% (sakepa) #'$tai$i$g the e""e$tia* p rp'rt (ttpar!a) 2'1 ' r 0'#tri$e3 ha" (ee$ "tate0, a$0 e7p*ai$e0, (% B(hi$avag pta, wh'"e $a/e i" t' (e /e$ti'$e0 with revere$#e 2i.e., #e*e(rate03:. 6$ hi" g*'"" '1 &S 105, CD $0er*i$e" a" we** the e"'teri# 0i/e$"i'$ '1 " #h a tra0iti'$, th " Erevea*e0E, at *ea"t i$ part, t' the "i$#ere a0ept= 8.hi" #'re '1 the tea#hi$g (strasra), that i", that e""e$#e (satattva) "prea0 thr' gh' t $ /er' " te7t", ha" (ee$ #'$0e$"e0 (% /e> that i", ha" (ee$ "tate0 2(% B(hi$avag pta3 a1ter havi$g /a"tere0 it hi/"e*1, withi$ the "/a** "pa$ '1 h $0re0 ver"e", th' gh it #a$ har0*% (e e7p*ai$e0 i$ a th' "a$0 te7t". F% thi" i" "tate0 2a" we**3 the re"' r#e1 *$e"" 2'1 the a th'r:"3 * /i$' " #'$"#i' "$e"" (pratibh)". 6 See CD a0 101, where the g'0" "a%, apr'p'" the 81ai*e0: a"pira$t (!ogabhra#a)= $... !as!a svtmani %i%&srtha prg%anmani 'd!amo (bh)t, 86t i" he 2a1ter a**3 wh'"e "trivi$g i$ a previ' " *i1e wa" /'tivate0 (% a 0e"ire t' k$'w regar0i$g hi" 'w$ Se*1.
1 2


e9(ally 'e (nderstood as si nifyin HT!e Core of t!e Tea&!in s on Ulti"ate RealityI, as -o ar4#a e,%lains in !is loss of t!e se&ond and t!ird verses)< 1)1) The Param!rthas!ra of diea O!at "a5es t!e Paramrthasra of A'!inava (%ta (ni9(e is t!e nat(re of its e,%osition of t!e do&trine) It does not in all res%e&ts &orres%ond to t!e ordinary "odel of a pra,ara0a)C In its se&ond and t!ird verses, $!i&! re&o(nt its Q"yt! of ori inQ, t!is Paramrthasra is %resented as a Jaivite re$or5in of anot!er Paramrthasra, attri'(ted to 2diJeSa, also &alled 2d!4ra@ Dsi,t! or sevent! &ent(ryE,87 of $!i&! t!e &o""entator, -o ar4#a, !as retained only t!e S4 5!ya feat(res)88 T!is is %er!a%s in f(n&tion of t!at te,tIs verse seven, in $!i&! t!e mumu,)u, $!o no$ 5no$s !is &ate&!is", %resses t!e "aster to reveal t!e se&rets i"%lied in t!e distin&tion 'et$een puru)a and pra,.ti and #(st $!y 5no$led e of t!at distin&tion is salvifi&) 86 To t!is e,tent, -o ar4#a only ta5es %artial a&&o(nt of t!e do&trine of t!e older
.he p'*%"e/% '1 the ter/ artha /ake" 'ther i$terpretati'$" p'""i(*e= 8.he G""e$#e '1 H*ti/ate +ea$i$g: ("ee &S 59 a$0 CD a0 *'#), 'r, /'re preg$a$t*%, 8&ri$#ip*e" e""e$tia* i$ attai$i$g the S pre/e I'a* '1 *i1e:, $a/e*% moka J "ee &S 103 a$0 CD a0 104, K 'te0 p. 33. .he ter/ 8"Ara: (*it., 8"ap:, 8vivi1%i$g L i#e:) it"e*1 parti#ipate" i$ the p $, e7pre""i$g '$ the '$e ha$0 the 8ker$e*: 'r 8#'re: '1 the Dea*, 1r'/ whi#h the i$e""e$tia* ha" (ee$ "trippe0 awa%, a$0 '$ the 'ther, the 8heart: '1 the tea#hi$g, 1r'/ whi#h " per1* ' " 'r a$#i**ar% 0i"# ""i'$ ha" (ee$ a("tra#te0. 8 See p. 19. 9 B*"' B$a$ta J a** the"e (ei$g "%$'$%/' " with e9a, ;i9@ :" "erpe$t. Me$#e the a*ter$ative tit*e" '1 the w'rk= *dhrakrik, 'r +nantakrik, t' whi#h i" "'/eti/e" a00e0 a 0e"#riptive tit*e= *r!pa&c,ti, 8.he 2w'rk #'/p'"e0 '13 eight%,1ive Ar%A":. .he tra0iti'$ a*"' /ake" thi" i0e$ti1i#ati'$, #'$1erri$g '$ the a th'r a K a"i,0ivi$e "tat " (#1. the epithet %agaddhra, 8" pp'rt '1 the w'r*0:, v. 87). B$0 "', DAghavA$a$0a 2D3, a *ate B0vaiti$ (pr'(a(*% 16th #e$t.), a th'r '1 the Paramrthasravivaraa 24&S;3, the '$*% #'//e$tar% '$ the 1ir"t &S t' have #'/e 0'w$ t' ", '("erve", i$ hi" g*'"" '$ v. 87= ea anantas t' na !a ko (pi vipacit, 8e9a, $a/e*% B$a$ta, $'t "'/e "age 'r 'ther:. F t, i$ hi" g*'"" '$ v. 3, he K a*i1ie" thi" "a/e B$a$ta a" %,vanm'kta g'r'vara (papraccha), 82he a"k"3 the /'"t e7#e**e$t tea#her, *i(erate0 whi*e a*ive ...: .he "a/e a/(ig it% i" "ee$ i$ CD:" #'//e$tar%, whi#h "'/eti/e" pre"e$t" 40hAra a" a "age (m'ni), a /'rta*, ( t a*"' a""'#iate" 40hAra 'r e9a 0ire#t*% with a 0ivi$e 1ig re, B$a$ta$Atha J 8N'r0 B$a$ta: J "'/eti/e" ter/e0 a*"' the 8pre"i0i$g 0eit% '1 +A%A: (.4 ;666 323a, with the #'//e$tar% '1 Oa%aratha 2OD3 (1*. #a. 1250> "ee Sa$0er"'$ 2007= 418,419), the Tantrlokaviveka 2.4;3> re1ere$#e" t' .4; wi** (e /a0e t' -wive0i a$0 Da"t'gi:" e0. 1987). B(hi$avag pta 2BI3 "ee/" ge$era**% t' 'pt 1'r a " pra,/ $0a$e "tat "> he #ite", i$ hi" #'//e$tar% t' -hagavadg,t 2FhI3 ;666 6, v. 81 '1 40iPe9a:" w'rk, whi#h he there ter/" a r'ti> i$ hi" .4 (55;666 309(), he attri( te" thi" "a/e ver"e, with' t $a/i$g the te7t, t' the 8N'r0 '1 the "erpe$t", wh' (ear" the ( r0e$ '1 the $iver"e (% " pp'rti$g it: (ah,no vivdhradh'rndhara). B$'ther threa0 '1 the tra0iti'$ (i$ 1a#t, the e0iti'$ '1 the te7t, p (*i"he0 i$ the Pandit, 1871) i0e$ti1ie" e9a with &ataQLa*i= r,madbhagavaccheaktr!pa&c,ti sampt (#'*'ph'$) v". r,madbhagavatpata&%aliviracitr! (incipit). .he Re"ter$ /e$ta*it% wi** '1 #' r"e atte/pt t' re"'*ve the a/(ig it%= the a th'r i" '$e 40iPe9a, "' $a/e0, wh' i" a 0ev'tee '1 ;i9@ . .he *i$e (etwee$ 0ivi$it% a$0 h'$'re0 pre0e#e""'r (ei$g a*wa%" 0i11i# *t t' 0raw i$ 6$0ia, " #h i0e$ti1i#ati'$" "erve a" we** a" wa%" '1 #*ai/i$g greater a th'rit% 1'r the te7t i$ K e"ti'$. 6$ the"e $'te", the Paramrthasra '1 40iPe9a wi** (e 0e"ig$ate0 (% the a((reviati'$ 4&S 2S *dieaparamrthasra , the Paramrthasra '1 B(hi$avag pta, (% &S. 10 .he .'ktid,pik a0 /kh!akrik 2S?3 2 #ite" v. 83 '1 4&S. .hi" a$'$%/' " #'//e$tar% i" "it ate0 #a. 550 B- (% Tra wa**$er (1973, v'*. 6= 226), #a. 680,720, 'r eve$ *ater, (% ReU*er a$0 +'tegi, .'ktid,pik= 50. 11 SeeCD a0 2,3.


Paramrthasra, $!i&! &onflates S45!ya d(alis" and t!e nond(alis" of t!e 1ed4nta R a 5ind of %re?PaT5ara 1ed4nta8A !alf$ay 'et$een t!e d3aitd3aita3da of +!artU%ra%aV&a8; and t!e ad3aita3da of Ga(a%4da,8B '(t one $!i&!, i"%rinted $it! devotion to 1iSK(, re"ains %rofo(ndly t!eist, in t!e "anner of e%i& S45!ya)8= T!e do&trine t!at e"er es fro" t!e earlier Paramrthasra refle&ts at least a %art of t!e &on&e%t(al a%%arat(s of S45!ya evol(tionis", %la&in it $it!in t!e eneral fra"e$or5 of a ved4nti& "eta%!ysi&s t!at %osits fro" t!e start t!e (nreality of t!e %!eno"enal $orld,8< itself t!e res(lt of t!e all?%o$erf(l my of 1iSK( R a deity $!o, !o$ever, see"s little '(t t!e %ersonifi&ation of a %rin&i%le t!at t!e te,t ter"s e9(ally $rahman, tman, or paramtman) T!is do&trine, evidently e&le&ti&, is none t!e less s(ffi&iently &o!erent to 'e 9(alified as Qsynt!eti&Q) T!e te,t atte"%ts, in effe&t, to inte rate 'ot! t!e %ers%e&tives 6dar(ana7 of S45!ya and of 1ed4nta, rat!er t!an &onsiderin t!e" as alternatives, (nifyin t!e" $it!in t!e r('ri& of a 1aiSKavis" $!ose QdivinityQ, $!atever !is na"e, serves as (ni9(e %rin&i%le R t!(s, in effe&t, %rivile in t!e nond(al as%e&t of t!e do&trine and %la&in it s9(arely $it!in t!e &(rrents of early devotionalis") 8C A %ro ra""ati& verse at t!e 'e innin of 2d!4raIs res%onse to t!e dis&i%le s5et&!es t!e 'asi& o(tlines of s(&! a do&trine: HI s!all %ro%o(nd t!is QEssen&e of S(%re"e Tr(t!Q 6paramrthasra7 after "a5in o'eisan&e to t!at U%endra WX 1iSK(Y,
4&S 7= g'ap'r'avibhga%&e dharmdharma' na bandhaka' bhavata 0 iti gaditap)r1 vavk!ai prakti p'r'a ca me br)hi 00, 8+erit a$0 -e/erit 0' $'t (i$0 hi/ wh' k$'w" the 0i"ti$#ti'$ (etwee$ the V a*itie" a$0 the S' *. 6$ a##'r0a$#e with 2the"e3 "e$te$#e", a" pr'$' $#e0 i$ the 1'reg'i$g, e7p*ai$ t' /e &ri/'r0ia* )at re a$0 S' *W: (tr. -a$ie*"'$ J a" are a** tra$"*ati'$" 1r'/ 4&S #ite0 here, $*e"" 'therwi"e "pe#i1ie0). 13 See, $'ta(*%, F' % *gamastra 243= 23,28> +aha0eva$ 1975= 16,22> Fhatta#har%a 4= N5565 11. 14 See 4&S 27. 40iPe9a "hare" $'ta(*% with FhartXprapaQ#a the #'$#epti'$ '1 a saprapa&cabrahman, i$ virt e '1 whi#h brahman, i$ the #' r"e '1 ev'* ti'$, pa""e" thr' gh 0i11ere$t "tate" (avasth), eight i$ $ /(er, a##'r0i$g t' FhartXprapaQ#a ("ee Miri%a$$a 1924), 1ive, a##'r0i$g t' 40iPe9a (v. 27). 15 See 4&S 31. 16 .h ", (% "'/e a th'r", the &S '1 40iPe9a ha" (ee$ i0e$ti1ie0 a" e""e$tia**% ve0A$ti#, i$ re1ere$#e, parti# *ar*%, t' v. 31, wh'"e ter/i$'*'g% i" i$0 (ita(*% ve0A$ti#, a$0 t' the *a"t ver"e (whi#h /a% $everthe*e"" (e a *ate i$terp'*ati'$)= vedntastram akhila vilok!a eas t' $... (Ia@apati A"trY 4&S= pre1a#e> S r%a$ara%a$a Sa"tri 4&S= ;66> Fhattta#har%a 4= N555> F' % 4= 18, 27> $'te that the 2abdakalpadr'ma i0e$ti1ie" the te7t '1 the Paramrthasra a" the 8w'rk '1 e9a$Aga:, i$ 79 Ar%A", ".v. vednta)> $'te a*"' that the *ater ve0A$ti# tra0iti'$, repre"e$te0 $'ta(*% (% the 3,vanm'ktiviveka (14th #e$t.) appr'priate" the 1ir"t Paramrthasra 1'r it" 0e/'$"trati'$ '1 %,vanm'kti, pre" /i$g t' ig$'re aiva arg /e$t" e$tire*% '$ that $'ti'$. <ther" #'$"i0er it a" /'re aki$ t' SAkh%a (&a$0e% 1963= 63> Si*( r$ &S= 19= 8 $ SAkh%a tei$te 0e ;i9$' i"/e (sic), par #'$"eK e$t thei"te:), 'r vai9@avite (Far$ett &S= 708). &. Ma#ker (1965= 154) treat" the 4&S a" '$e '1 the te7t" 8that pr'1e"" ;ai9@avi"/ a$0 tea#h ra0i#a* a0vaiti"/ at the "a/e ti/e:. T'r -a$ie*"'$ (4&S= 4, 6, 10), 0e"pite $ /er' " SAkh%a trait", 8the w'rk a" a wh'*e (e*'$g" t' a tra0iti'$ '1 ;e0A$ta, a$0 '$e we /a% #a** Fhe0A(he0A0vaita:. 17 4&S 2= tmmb'ra' nikhilo (pi loko magno (pi ncmati nekate ca0 car!am etan mgatikbhe bhavmb'ra' ramate maiva00, 8.he wh'*e w'r*0, th' gh " (/erge0 i$ the '#ea$ '1 the Se*1 (tman), $either 0ri$k" 1r'/ $'r *''k" at it. 6t i" a /%"ter% that 2the w'r*03 L "t (*i$0*% * "t" 1'r the '#ea$ '1 e7i"te$#e", whi#h i" *ike a /irage:> a*"' 4&S 9, #ite0 i$1ra. 18 6t /ight (e "ai0 that the "a/e ta#ti# i" e/p*'%e0 i$ a** the /a$i1e"t'" '1 0ev'ti'$a*i"/, i$#* 0i$g the 4,t, whi#h /a% we** have "erve0 a" /'0e* 1'r th'"e that 1'**'we0.


'y $!o" t!is (nreal $orld $as "ade fro" Pri"ordial .atter as so"et!in see"in ly realI)8@ .oreover, one !as t!e feelin t!at t!e 9(estions %(t 'y t!e dis&i%le are %rin&i%ally fra"ed in ter"s of S45!ya,67 $!ereas t!e res%onses of t!e tea&!er are (s(ally &o(&!ed in advaiti& ter"s, even t!o( ! t!e latter &ontin(es to (tiliLe Din order to "a5e !i"self 'etter (nderstoodZE several S45!ya &on&e%ts R al$ays &aref(l, !o$ever, to esta'lis! e9(ivalen&es, $!ere %ossi'le, $it! 5ey notions of t!e ot!er syste" R for instan&e pra,.ti, %ersistently identified $it! t!e my of 1iSK()68 As a "atter of fa&t, t!e dis&i%le %oses t$o 9(estions: !o$ li'eration is a&!ieved Dvv) ; and =E,66 and !o$ !e is to ras% $!at is at iss(e in distin (is!in puru)a and pra,.ti Dv) <E) It is t!e "aster $!o, in t!e &o(rse of !is res%onse, (nifies t!e t$o re9(ests 'y introd(&in a t!ird ter", $rahman Dor tmanE,6A an (%aniSadi& notion, !en&e ved4nti&, 9(alified as ad3aita in verse B<)6; T!(s, do('tless, t!e li"inary caution of t!e "aster, $!o $arns t!e st(dent t!at t!e res%onse $ill 'e diffi&(lt, and $!o e,!orts !i" to "a5e t!e ne&essary effort to (nderstand it: HAlt!o( ! t!at $!i&! is to 'e said Wa'o(t t!isY in t!e follo$in is very !ard to %enetrate into even for t!ose $!o !ave 5no$led e, do yo( !ear it nevert!eless[I6B One "ay $onder $!et!er 2diJeSaIs %rea"'le offers t!e o&&asion for a%%re!endin t!e "anner in $!i&! t!e transition 'et$een t!e t$o syste"s "ay !ave ta5en %la&e) T!e transition is &on&e%t(al, if not &!ronolo i&al, $!i&! "ay !ave 'een t!e $or5 of a t!in5er or ro(% of t!in5ers R t!o( ! $e "(st not infer fro" t!is any anteriority of one syste" vis?a?vis t!e ot!er, 'e it S45!ya d(alis" or t!e nond(alis" of t!e 1ed4nta)6= T!(s t!e analo y of t!e &!rysalis, $!i&! t!e st(dent e"%loys to ill(strate t!e %ro'le"ati& of li'eration fro" 'onda e, 6< "ay also a%%ly to t!e "anner in $!i&! one do&trine e"er es fro" t!e ot!er R t!e sa"e do&trine, to 'e s(re, yet different, indeed %erfe&ted) Nevert!eless, as !e arrives at t!e end of t!e e,%osition, t!e reader noti&es t!at t!e do&trine R des%ite its a%%arently &o"%osite &!ara&ter R ta5es reat &are to desi nate
4&S 9= sat!am iva %agad asat!a m)laprakter ida kta !ena0 ta praipat!opendra vak!e paramrthasram idam00. 20 Gve$ i1 he a00re""e" (4&S 4) a /a"ter wh'/ he #e*e(rate" a" 8'$e wh' ha" /a"tere0 ;e0a a$0 ;e0A$ga:, a" hi/ 8wh' "peak" the tr th: (tavakt) J that i", #'//e$t" D, wh' k$'w" 8the #'/p*ete /ea$i$g '1 ;e0A$ta 2viU., '1 the pa$i9a0"3, 1'r/e0 (% the w'r0" '1 the N'r0, Frah/a, et#.:. 21 4&S 10(= m!ma!, pravtti sahri!ata i!a p'na kramaa00, 82.he$3 thi" +a$i1e"tati'$, whi#h #'$"i"t" '1 +agi# (m!), i" a("'r(e0 agai$ i$ 2rever"e3 'r0er:. 22 4&S 4= sasrravataraaprana pcchm! aha bhagavan. 23 6$ parti# *ar, 4&S 13 (tman), 16,18, 19 (brahman), et#. 24 B$ advaitabrahman 1 rther 0e"#ri(e0 a" sakalanikala, a$ '7%/'r'$ that D i$terpret" a" re1erri$g ('th t' the saprapa&cabrahman '1 pre,akara ;e0A$ta a$0 t' brahman a" sat, cit, nanda. 25 4&S 8= it! dhro bhagavn p#a i!ea ta sa hovca0 vid'm ap! atigahana vaktav!am ida ' tathpi tvam00. 26 See Sha"tri &S= 65. FhartXprapaQ#a (5th 'r 6th #e$t.), #ite0 (% akara i$ hi" #'//e$tar% t' -hadra!akopaniad 2F4H3, i" there pre"e$te0 a" a$ a'paniada wh'"e 0'#tri$e i" i$1* e$#e0 (% ;aiPe9ika a$0 SAkh%a ("ee F' % 4= 27). 27 4&S 6= karmag'a%labaddho %,va sasarati koakra iva0 mohndhakragahant tas!a katha bandhann moka00, 8.he "' *, (' $0 (% the $et '1 B#t" a$0 V a*itie", i" i$ .ra$"/igrati'$ *ike a #hr%"a*i" 2i$ it" #'#''$3. M'w i" it t' (e 0e*ivere0 (moka) 1r'/ ('$0age, whi#h i" har0 t' pe$etrate (e#a "e '1 the 0ark$e"" 2#'$"i"ti$g3 '1 -e* "i'$?:


and to %resent itself as a sar3tma3da, a Hdo&trine of t!e Universal Self or a Hdo&trine !oldin t!at all is t!e Self 6C R a ter" t!at %ro&lai"s t!e do&trineIs &o!eren&e 'y allyin it $it! a lon ?esta'lis!ed tradition t!at sees t!e Ulti"ate as 'ot! i""anent and trans&endent, '(t $!i&! in effe&t a"o(nts to assertin anot!er ty%e of nond(alis") T!e sar3tma3da of 2diJeSa, in effe&t, finds its %la&e $it!in t!e linea es of Advaita and t!e traditions of /as!"ir Paivis" R "onis"s t!at %ro&lai", in &onsonan&e $it! "any (%aniSads, t!at Ht!e Self is AllI: HWT!ere isY not a sin le do('t as to t!is, WviL), t!e fa&t t!atY t!is all is only t!e Self) Only $!en one realiLes Wt!is SelfY as 'ot! !avin and not !avin %arts, does one 'e&o"e free fro" t!e i"%enetra'le dar5ness of Del(sion, and 'e&o"e S(%re"e Lord at t!e sa"e ti"eI) 6@ Anot!er as%e&t of t!e strate y of identifi&ation ela'orated 'y t!e first Paramrthasra is its &lai" of do&trinal (ni9(eness, $!i&! ta5es t!e (s(al for" of assertin its (niversality $it! res%e&t to rival do&trines, '(t s(&! t!at t!ey find a %la&e $it!in it as s('sidiary "o"ents: HOe &onsent to $!atever Wot!ersY, $!o are 'lind $it! reed, %ro&lai" in t!eir Siddhhtas, 'gamas, and Tar,as, sin&e all t!at Wtestifies to t!e orientation ofY t!eir t!o( !t to$ard Wo(rY do&trine, a&&ordin to $!i&! everyt!in is t!e Self)A7 .oreover, it is evident t!at ved4nti& notions and t!e "onisti& ar ("entation t!at s(%%orts t!e" ta5e %re&eden&e over t!e e,%ose of S45!ya &ate ories: t!e t!eory of t!e tatt3as a%%ears only o&&asionally,A8 and t!ere re"ains of S45!ya ontolo y only t!e notion of t!e t!ree H9(alitiesI 6gu0a7, and of S45!ya es&!atolo y only t!e insisten&e on dis&ri"inatin puru)a fro" pra,.ti,A6 $it! a vie$ t!ere'y to ainin li'eration R a tea&!in , for t!at "atter, fo(nd already in t!e (%aniSads, as re&o niLed already 'y 14&as%ati in !is Tatt3a,aumud- WT/Y D&itin s%e&ifi&ally +2U II ;, B and %hndogyopani)ad WC!UY 1III 8BE: HSays t!e Pr(ti: QT!e S%irit s!o(ld 'e 5no$n and dis&ri"inated fro" Pri"ordial .atterQM D'y so doin E Qt!e a ent does not ret(rn, !e does not ret(rn Dinto t!is $orldE)QIAA In effe&t, "ore even t!an an e,%osition of do&trine R a do&trine "oreover t!at did not ive rise to a dis&rete tradition R t!e Paramrthasra of 2diJeSa %resents itself as a treatise on li'eration, to t!e e,tent t!at it &onstit(tes t!e res%onse of a "aster to !is a&olyte desiro(s of li'eration) S(&! is indeed t!e %oint of arti&(lation 'et$een S4 5!ya?ty%e and Advaita?ty%e reasonin s in t!e first Paramrthasra R t!e soteriolo i&al %ers%e&tive)A; And t!is is
;er"e 29#,0 "ket#he" a*rea0% the ' t*i$e" '1 the 0'#tri$e= na vidanti vs'deva sarvtmna nar m)dh00, 8-e* 0e0 (% thi" err'r, pe'p*e 0' $'t re#'g$iUe ;A" 0eva a" the Se*1 '1 ever%thi$g:. 29 4&S 630,64= na kacid ap! atra sadeha00 tmaiveda sarva nikalasakala !adaiva bhva!ati0 mohagahand vi!'ktas tadaiva paramevar,bh)ta00. Mere, the /'"t evi0e$t 0iverge$#e with re"pe#t t' aiva /'$i"/ 'r that '1 akara i" the /ai$te$a$#e '1 a brahman0atman #'$#eive0 a" ('th pr'vi0e0 with a$0 0ev'i0 '1 part". .he 1i$a* phra"e, h'wever, rea0" a" aiva=:Z a$0 (e#'/e the S pre/e N'r0 at the "a/e ti/e: (tadaiva paramevar-bh)ta). 30 4&S 65= !ad !at siddhntgamatarke' prabr'vanti rgndh0 an'modmas tat te sarvtmavdadhi!00. Si/i*ar "trateg% i$ &S 50 ("ee p. 9). 31 See 4&S 20. 32 See 4&S 7, 35, 44,45, 70, 75, 83. 33 .? 2= tm v (re%&tav!a praktito vivektav!a (F4H 66 4, 5)> na sa p'nar vartate na sa p'nar vartate (!hH ;66615)> tr. I. Oha. 34 6t ha" (ee$ " gge"te0 (-a$ie*"'$ 4&S= 4) that the 1a/' " prea/(*e t' the "e#'$0 "e#ti'$ '1 the re#eive0 te7t '1 the 5padeashasr, /a% have (ee$ (a"e0 '$ the /'0e* 1 r$i"he0 (% the 1ir"t &S= a


also, $it!o(t a do('t R I $ill ret(rn to t!is %oint 'elo$ R one of t!e #(stifi&ations t!at "i !t !ave %ro"%ted t!e se&ond Paramrthasra to (nderta5e a rereadin of t!e first) 1)2) Rewriting 1)2)1) Appropriation *o$ever t!at "ay 'e, t!e &lai" "ade 'y t!e Paiva Paramrthasra to !ave re$ritten t!e older Paramrthasra is 9(ite (n!eard of in t!e !istory of Indian literat(re R $!ere neit!er 'orro$in nor (nattri'(ted &o%yin are "(&! fro$ned (%on AB R for in t!is &ase it is not "erely a "atter of re%rod(&in a te,t of $ell?5no$n re%(tation, A= "a5in !ere and t!ere a fe$ ad#(st"ents or innovations, '(t rat!er of a%%ro%riatin , transfor"in , even investin anot!er te,t, to "a5e it 'etter a'le to e,%ress an i"%roved do&trine) T!is a%%ro%riation is #(stified on t!e ass("%tion t!at t!e i"%roved do&trine Din effe&t, Tri5a Paivis"E is already %resent in seed for" in t!e older do&trine Dof 2diJeSaE, and t!at it is not!in '(t t!e a&&o"%lis!"ent of t!at older do&trine, fro" $!i&! it !as erased all tra&e of d(alis") T!e se&ond Paramrthasra is t!(s a $or5 t!at sees itself as t!e 9(intessential distillation of anot!er R t!o( !, to 'e fair, in for"al ter"s, it is also an e,%ansion, !avin added t$enty or so verses R $!i&! %ro&ess -o ar4#a ill(strates 'y t!e analo y of '(tter e,tra&ted fro" &lotted "il5,A< an analo y t!at &(ts t$o $ays) For, in effe&t, $!ile t!e &lottin of "il5 re%resents a transfor"ation t!at is s%ontaneo(s, iven t!e ri !t &ir&("stan&es, t!e %rod(&tion of '(tter re9(ires $ill and effort) On t!e ot!er !and, a&&ordin to t!e S45!ya do&trine of &a(sality, sat,rya3da, t!e effe&t is %re?e,istent in t!e &a(se, and so "ay t!e Tri5a itself, $!i&! ado%ts t!e sa"e sat,rya3da, 'e (nderstood 'y its advo&ates as already %resent in t!e H&lotted "il5I of 2diJeSaIs QS45!yaQ) O!at re"ains is t!at t!e transfor"ation i"%lies a s(%%le"entary effort, as $ell as a %erfe&tionin R a t!reefold effort &o"%osed of reasonin 6yu,ti7, a&9(isition of e,%erien&e 6anu$ha3a7, and s&ri%t(ral e,e esis 6gama7, as -o ar4#a is fond of re%eatin )AC T!(s t!e %ro&ess of re$ritin at $or5 in t!e se&ond Paramrthasra "a5es it a%%ear t!at t!e de'ate $it! S45!ya !as really never ta5en %la&e, $!i&! #(stifies nond(al Paivis" of /as!"ir in 'orro$in t!e t!eory of t!e tatt3as, all t!e $!ile ada%tin it to t!e needs of a "onisti& syste") A@ Even t!o( ! it is tr(e t!at t!e do&trine
m'm'k' a"ki$g a /a"ter t' i$"tr #t hi/ regar0i$g /ea$" '1 a##e0i$g t' *i(erati'$. 35 See 6v!am,ms, #hapter" 56,566 J 'r 7hvan!loka, #hapter 6;. 36 See, 1'r i$"ta$#e, the 0i11ere$t ver"i'$" '1 the 8adanapar%a!a, The 7e9eat o9 :ove (Fa*(ir, <"ier 2004= 2111.). 37 8.hat ver% B$a$ta$Atha, wi"e i$ tea#hi$g a** the 0'#tri$e" with' t e7#epti'$, i/parte0 i$"tr #ti'$ t' the 0i"#ip*e, "a%i$g= E2?$'w*e0ge '13 brahman, the *ti/ate, /a% (e attai$e0 thr' gh the te7t e$tit*e0 Paramrthasra, a*"' #a**e0 the ;erses o9 *dhra, via the 0i"#ri/i$ati'$ '1 p'r'a 1r'/ prakti, a##'r0i$g t' the pri$#ip*e" '1 the SAkh%a "%"te/E. .he tea#her (g r , viU., B(hi$avag pta), /'tivate0 (% the $ee0 t' "h'w 1av'r t' 'ther", 2$'w3 e7p' $0" the e""e$#e '1 it, L "t a" '$e e7tra#t" ( tter 1r'/ # r0"> that i", he e7p' $0" the e""e$#e '1 tea#hi$g" '$ *ti/ate rea*it% (paramrthopadea) i$ keepi$g with the aiva pri$#ip*e '1 *ti/ate 2'r tra$"#e$0e$t3 $'$0 a*it%, i$ 'r0er t' "h'w 1av'r t' a** #reat re": (tra$"*ati'$" '1 BI:" &S a$0 it" #'//e$tar% are the a th'r:"). 38 Rith, "'/eti/e", a 1' rth ter/= /e0itative pra#ti#e (pari,lana)> "ee CD a0 8, 10,11, 79,80. 39 See p. 54. <$ the Sai00hA$tika treat/e$t '1 the tattvas, "ee Tntrikbhidhnakoa 2.B?3, ".v. tattva.

set fort! in t!e Paiva Paramrthasra is fra"ed %ole"i&ally, as t!e &o""entary fre9(ently atte"%ts to de"onstrate,;7 it is essentially dire&ted a ainst t!e +(dd!ists, %arti&(larly D!ar"a5Frti, and a ainst 1ed4nta, referred to 'y -o ar4#a as +ra!"av4da at lar e, or as P4nta'ra!"av4da);8 I $ill ret(rn to t!is %oint later) In s(%%ort of t!is inter%retation of t!e e,er&ise of re$ritin R in addition to t!e &lotted "il5 analo y R I "i !t %oint to t!e %assa e of t!e &o""entary $!ere t!e ter" guru of t!e t!ird verse is (nderstood to refer 'ot! to 2d!4ra and to A'!inava (%ta) -o ar4#aIs e,e esis is s(%%orted 'y several li"inary &onsiderations: R t!e attri'(tion of t!e first Paramrthasra to an a(t!or desi nated not only as PeSa '(t as PataV#aliM R t!e traditional identifi&ation of PataV#ali D$!et!er !e 'e t!e a(t!or of t!e Mah$h)ya, or of t!e 5ogas/tra W-SY, or of 'ot!E $it! PeSa, in virt(e of t!e e%it!eti&al desi nation $hu1a9ga3i$hu, i"%lyin t!at PataV#ali is a devotee of t!e Ser%ent,;6 and t!(s, in so"e de ree, its in&arnationM R t!e eviden&e of a so(t! Indian tradition, $!i&! !olds A'!inava (%ta also to 'e an in&arnation of PeSa, ;A on t!e 'asis of a %(n on !is na"e $!en s(ffi,ed $it! t!e !onorifi& -pda: $hina3aguptapda, H!e, (tterly novel, $!ose feet are !iddenI) T!o( ! t!e attri'(tion "ay a%%ear fan&if(l, t!is line of ar ("ent does s( est, if H (r(I is to 'e (nderstood as referrin to "ore t!an one tea&!er in t!is %assa e, t!at A'!inava (%ta and 2d!4ra $ere also so"eti"es (nderstood as t!e sa"e tea&!er) T!e %assa e in
See, e"p., &S 32 a$0 the #'//e$tar% a0 *'#, whi#h, i$ the #' r"e '1 0i"# ""i$g riva* #'$#epti'$" '1 the Se*1, re1er" e7p*i#it*% t' the +Y/A"A ("ee $. 738, 740). 41 See, 1'r e7a/p*e, CD a0 10,11, 15, 27, 32 (where the 8Frah/avA0a: i" re1erre0 t' 1'r it" ver"i'$ '1 the )n!avda= neti neti), a$0 35. CD:" g*'"" per/it" " t' #'/p*ete Sa$0er"'$:" '("ervati'$= 8Rhe$ ;e0A$ta i" e7p' $0e0 (% it" 'pp'$e$t" i$ ?a"h/iria$ "' r#e" '1 ' r peri'0 it i" the 0'#tri$e '1 +a@a$a/iPra whi#h i" ge$era**% i$ /i$0 2...3. .' /% k$'w*e0ge $' "' r#e (etra%" 1a/i*iarit% with the 0'#tri$e" '1 akara: (1985= 210, $. 41 J Sa$0er"'$ re1er" here, $'ta(*%, t' the #'//e$tar% '1 DA/aka@ha '$ the Paramokanirsakrik '1 Sa0%'L%'ti"). 6t i" i$ 1a#t K ite 0i11i# *t t' 0e#i0e whether aiva a th'r" 0i"# "" 'r are aware '1 the $i#etie" i$v'*ve0 i$ 0i"ti$g i"hi$g +a@a$a:" 1r'/ akara:" 0'#tri$e". .he% $'where 0ea* with the i"" e" 0ivi0i$g *ater ve0A$ti# "#h''*"> h'w the$ i" it p'""i(*e t' k$'w 0e1i$ite*% whi#h parti# *ar ver"i'$ '1 ;e0A$ta the% have i$ /i$0? B** '$e #a$ rea"'$a(*% "a%, at *ea"t a" regar0" the &S a$0 it" #'//e$tar%, i" that CD a""ig$" t' the 8Frah/avA0a: #ateg'r% ('th the ;e0A$ta stricto sens' J whi#h he a*"' re1er" t' a" the A$ta(rah/avA0a (a0 10,11) J a$0 the a(0a(rah/avA0a '1 FhartXhari a$0 hi" 1'**'wer". B##'r0i$g*%, CD a0 27 re1 te" the #'$#epti'$ '1 Se*1 '1 the 8Frah/avA0i$": a$0 that '1 the 8&rA@a(rah/avA0i$":, viU., '1 FhartXhari. B$0 CD a0 35 app*ie" the w'r0 8Frah/avA0i$: t' FhartXhari. FhartXhari (#a. 650 B-), '1 #' r"e, i" " ("ta$tia**% pri'r ('th t' +a@a$a a$0 akara, wh' are /'re 'r *e"" #'$te/p'ra$e' " with ea#h 'ther. .he 0i"ti$#ti'$ (etwee$ the"e tw' "'rt" '1 8Frah/avA0a: "ee/" / #h #*earer i$ CD:" te7t tha$ a$% p tative 0i"ti$#ti'$ (etwee$ the 0'#tri$e" '1 +a@a$a a$0 akara. <$e /a% w'$0er whether the aiva" '1 the 10th,11th #e$t, were aware '1 'r i$tere"te0 i$ 0'#tri$a* 0i11ere$#e" a/'$g *ater ve0A$ti# E"#h''*"E, whi#h /a% $'t have #'/e i$t' v'g e i$ a$% #a"e / #h (e1're the ti/e '1 ;A#a"pati a$0 hi" great #'//e$tar%, the -hmat,. 6t /a% (e a00e0 that '$e '1 the /ai$ p'i$t" '1 #'$te$ti'$ (etwee$ aiva" a$0 B0vaiti$", a##'r0i$g t' CD, #'$#er$" their re"pe#tive i$terpretati'$" '1 the epithet nta a" app*ie0 t' brahman= nta, 1'r CD, 0'e" $'t /ea$ 8i$ert:, i$ the /a$$er '1 a "t'$e, ( t: E"ere$eE, rep'"i$g 2ever3 i$ it" a("'* te $at re, i$ $i"'$ with it" akti, 1'r there i" $' 0i"t r(a$#e ari"i$g 1r'/ the 0i#h't'/% (etwee$ the k$'wer a$0 the k$'w$: (CD a0 10,11). <$ the a('ve 0i"# ""i'$, "ee a*"' $. 791> '$ +a@a$a, "ee Fiar0ea 1969. 42 )'te that .4 55;666 285(, i$ K 'ti$g the prat,ka '1 CS 6; 27, re1er" t' the a th'r '1 the CS a" 8Fh LagA0hYPa:, 8N'r0 '1 the "erpe$t":. Si/i*ar*%, .4 55;666 309( re1er" t' 40iPe9a, a th'r '1 the 1ir"t &S, a" BhYPA$a, v. 81 '1 wh'"e w'rk .4 55;666 312 K 'te". 43 See &a$0e% 1963= 10,11.


9(estion "i !t t!en 'e translated: HT!e Tea&!er W2d!4raY re%lied to !i" 'y Wre&itin Y t!e 'dhra,ri, of $!i&! WasY A'!inava (%ta, W!e no$Y e,%o(nds t!e essen&e fro" t!e %oint of vie$ of t!e Paiva tea&!in sI) It s!o(ld 'e noted also t!at verse B7 of A'!inava (%taIs Paramrthasra: HT!o( ! not an a ent, it is # $!o &o"%ose t!e $onderf(lly varied Sidd!4ntas, 2 a"as and Tar5asI, 'esides e&!oin 2PS =B, a"o(nts to an i"%li&it %ro&la"ation of t!e s(%eriority of t!e Tri5a do&trine) T!(s is dis&losed one of t!e "ain %(r%oses served, fro" t!e Tri5a %oint of vie$, 'y re$ritin t!e 2diJeSaIs te,t: to %(t an end on&e and for all to t!e dis%(tes of %re&eden&e a"on t!e s&!ools, 'y affir"in t!e (n&ontested s(%re"a&y of t!e Tri5a) At t!e sa"e ti"e, PS B7 %rovides anot!er, as it $ere Q"eta%!ysi&alQ, &l(e as to t!at re$ritin : t!e tr(e a(t!or of t!e Paramrthasra, $!et!er !e 'e &alled 2diJeSa or A'!inava (%ta, is none ot!er t!an Piva !i"self, t!e sole A ent, $!o is oneIs o$n Self in t!e for" of t!e a'sol(te HII) HT!(s, says Piva, in -o ar4#aIs &o""entary, t!o( ! not "yself t!eir &reator, it is # $!o &a(se t!e "(ltit(dino(s $onders t!at are t!e Sidd!4ntas, et&), Wto &o"e into 'ein Y, !avin entered into t!e intentions of ods, sa es and "en, 'ein WalreadyY in essen&e t!eir inner int(ition 6antaprati$ha7 and desiro(s of e,%o(ndin Wt!ese do&trinesY eit!er in a'rid e"ent or in "ore ela'orate for"I);; 1:2:2: Reasons for a choice 8)6)6)8) DESTIN- OF T*E FIRST PARAM'RT;AS'RA O!y !as t!e Paramrthasra of 2diJeSa 'een &!osen as a te,t to 'e re&o"%osedZ It $as, evidently, a te,t t!at en#oyed so"e &ele'rity in t!e Indian tradition R and "ay already !ave a&9(ired 'y A'!inava (%taIs ti"e t!e stat(s of a (ruti) .i !t one s(%%ose t!at A'!inava (%ta, in Qre$ritin Q it, e,%e&ted so"e transfer of its a(t!ority in !is favorZ;B T!e te,tIs a(t!ority $as not li"ited in ti"e or 'y tenden&y) A'!inava (%ta !i"self refers to 2diJeSaIs $or5 else$!ere, &itin t$i&e its verse C8 in !is "-trthasagraha WGASY ad 1III = D$!ere it is ter"ed a (ruti7 and ad 1III 8;, as $ell as in T2 ::1III A86);= T!e sa"e verse $ill 'e re%eated 3er$atim 'y A'!inava (%ta in !is Paramrthasra, as its verse CA) And $!en 14"adeva, %ro'a'ly a dis&i%le of -o ar4#a,;< 9(otes it D%) 68E, !e attri'(tes it to <$haga3n $hogipati=,;C t!e HLord of t!e ser%entsI, t!at is, %res("a'ly, 2diJeSa) Si"ilarly, t!e older Paramrthasra $as $ell 5no$n in &ir&les t!at %ra&ti&ed a syn&retisti& version of Paivis" and 1aiSKavis") T!(s, t!e Spandaprad-pi, WS%PY, a &o""entary on t!e Spanda,ri, WS%/Y, t!e fo(nda?tional te,t of t!e S%anda s&!ool, &ites verse == D$!i&! !as no dire&t &orres%ondent in t!e Paiva ParamrthasraE);@ T!e Spandaprad-pi,, a $or5 of Ut%alavaiSKava Dalso 5no$n as Ut%al4&4rya, +!4 avata Ut%ala,B7 nint! ?tent! &ent(ryE, testifies to t!e sa"e s%irit of syn&retis" as
See $. 946. <$ the K e"ti'$ '1 .rika:" " pre/a#%, "ee a*"' &S 27 a$0 $. 661. See !hatterLi 1914= 14. 46 .he e$tire pa""age (vv. 309,320a() #'$"tit te" a /eti# *' " e7ege"i" '1 the #ite0 ver"e, wh'"e "' r#e, a##'r0i$g t' OD, i" the +nantakrik. 47 See p. 22. 48 Rith e/e$0ati'$= bhogipatinpi 1'r bhegipatinpi. 49 !ite0 $. 80. 50 See Sa$0er"'$ 2001= 35.
44 45


does t!e %iccha,tisastuti of -o in4t!a D%ro'a'ly sa"e %eriodE,B8 a P45ta $!o $as fa"iliar $it! t!e S%anda, and $!o as $ell &ites 2diJeSaIs verse AA for its evo&ation of t!e my of 1iSK()B6 +efore t!is, t!e Paramrthasra of 2diJeSa $as a(t!oritative for S45!ya, as eviden&ed 'y t!e &itation of its verse CA in t!e 5u,tid-pi,, a $or5 &o"%osed so"eti"e 'et$een t!e si,t! and nint! &ent(ries, of (n5no$n a(t!ors!i%, '(t %ro'a'ly of S45!ya affiliation) T!is verse, $!i&! t!e 5u,tid-pi, attri'(tes to t!e HtraditionI 6mny7, is &ited in s(%%ort of its inter%retation of S/ 6, a&&ordin to $!i&! inter%retation Hli'eration is o'tained 'y 5no$led eI 612nn mo,)a7 R t!e 5no$led e, t!at is, $!ere'y puru)a is dis&ri"inated fro" pra,.ti: HN(st as a "an falls to t!e ro(nd fro" t!e to% of a tree invol(ntarily, on&e !e !as lost !is foot!old, si"ilarly, so"eone $!o 5no$s t!e \(alities and t!e So(l 6puru)7 'e&o"es Qse%arateQ 6,e3ala7, even invol(ntarilyI)BA Even Advaitins "a5e (se of t!e first Paramrthasra) T!e fo(rteent! &ent(ry J-3anmu,ti3i3e,a of 1idy4raKya &ites verses << and C8, $!i&! %resent t$o ty%es of 1-3anmu,ta)B; In t!e si,teent!, R4 !av4nanda &o""ents (%on t!e entire te,t) And n("ero(s are t!e Indianists $!o ta5e t!e Paramrthasra of 2diJeSa to 'e a %ossi'le so(r&e for t!e 'gama(stra of Ga(a%4da, t!e &!ef?dIoe(vre of %re?PaT5ara Advaita)BB In addition, t!e %andri, Dsi,teent! &ent(ryE on t!e Pr$odhacandrodaya Dad 1, v) AAE &ites 2PS 8C, as&ri'in t!e verse to PeSa 6yatho,ta $haga3at (e)e07)B= Finally, in t!e ei !teent!, t!e fa"o(s ra""arian N4 eJa'!a33a &ites it several ti"es in !is 8aiy,ara0asiddhntalaghuma21/), $!ile dis&(ssin t!e stat(s of error)B< T!e first Paramrthasra !as t!(s en#oyed a lon and si nifi&ant destiny, of $!i&! t!e "ost stri5in indi&ation is no do('t its !avin 'een re$ritten 'y a %!iloso%!er of anot!er %ers(asion) 8)6)6)6) DI1ERGENCES]CON1ERGENCES T!e identifi&ation of A'!inava (%ta, t!e Hne$ PeSaI, $it! t!e a(t!or of t!e first Paramrthasra is #(st t!e e"'le", t!e "yt!i&al &lot!in , of a "ore %rofo(nd affinity)
F% the te"ti/'$% '1 the Sp& whi#h, i$ it" *'$g avat. (-%#Uk'w"ki Sp&= 5,6), #ite" at *e$gth the <icchaktisast'ti, '$e /a% i$1er that C'gi$Atha i" pri'r t' Htpa*avai9@ava, 'r hi" #'$te/p'rar%. <$ C'gi$Atha, "ee -%#Uk'w"ki Sp?= 290. 52 4&S 33= %valand dh)modgatibhir vividhktir ambare !ath bhti0 tadvad via' s#i svam!a! dvaitavistar bhti00, 8B" a variet% '1 1'r/" appear i$ the "k% (e#a "e '1 "/'ke ri"i$g 1r'/ 1ire, "' #reati'$, e7pa$0e0 i$t' / *tip*i#it%, appear" i$ ;i9@ (% hi" 'w$ +agi#:. F% thi" #itati'$, C'gi$Atha e7p*ai$" the 1a#t that phe$'/e$a* 0iver"it% it"e*1 pre" pp'"e" a $iK e 0ivi$it% i$ whi#h it / "t i$here, th " L "ti1%i$g a$ i0ea*i"ti# /'$i"/. 53 4&S 83= vkgrc c!'tapdo !advad anicchan nara kita' patati0 tadvad g'ap'r'a%&o (nichann api keval,bhavati00. 54 De"pe#tive*%, pp. 74 a$0 49, a"#ri(i$g the/ t' e9a (K a*i1ie0 a" bhagavat, i$ #iti$g v. 81> a" the a th'r '1 the *r!pa&c,ti, i$ #iti$g v. 77). 4&S 77= ha!amedhasahasr! ap! atha k'r'te brahmaghtalaki0 paramrthavin na p'!air na ca ppai sp!ate vimala00> v. 77 repeate0 a*/'"t verbatim (% v. 70 '1 the "e#'$0 &S, a" 4&S 81 i" repeate0 a" " #h (% &S 83. 55 6$ parti# *ar, 4&S 78 (%aavad vicared agdhamati) i" para**e*e0 (% 4 66 360= %aaval lokam caret. See, e"p., Sa"tri 4&S= ;666> Fhatta#har%a 4= N556511. 56 )'te0 (% S'va$i 1912= 259,260. &S 8 repr'0 #e" 4&S 18 i$ *arge part. 57 )AgePa(haa #ite" 4&S 49,50 (p. 232), 33 (p. 236), 9 a$0 30 (p. 246), 25 (p. 247), 28 (p. 268, 287), 29 (p. 268), 56,57 (p. 269), 47 (p. 283), 23 (p. 284), 27 (p. 287), 46 (p. 291), 65 (p. 295). Me "h'w" that B0iPe9a #'$#eive" err'r a" sadasatkh!ti, $'t a" anirvacan,!akh!ti> "ee Sa"tri 4&S= 55.


After all, nond(al Paivis" of /as!"ir, $!i&! A'!inava (%ta !as 'ro( !t to its finis!ed state, ai"s, #(st as did t!e $or5 of 2diJeSa, at t!e inte ration of t$o %oints of vie$ see"in ly in&o"%ati'le: realisti& d(alis" R t!at of t!e S45!ya, fro" $!i&! it 'orro$s t!e !ierar&!y of H%rin&i%lesI 6tatt3a7 R and idealisti& nond(alis", of $!i&! it retains t!e &ore notion of t!e H$orld as a%%earan&eI) Even if t!e "odalities of realiLation are different, t!e %rin&i%le of inte ration is t!e sa"e in 'ot! %ro#e&ts) +(t, #(st as evidently, t!e fa&t t!at t!e t$o do&trines are analo o(s does not "a5e t!e" stri&tly &o""ens(ra'le) For t!e version of /as!"ir Paivis" t!at event(ates in t!e Tri5a is a syste" of t!o( !t of &onsidera'le s&o%e and &o!eren&e, la&5in &o""on "eas(re $it! t!e relatively i"%overis!ed syste" of t!e older Paramrthasra R $!i&!, as $e said 'efore, !as not iven rise to a dis&rete tradition) A'ove all, t!e Tri5a, to $!i&! t!e Paramrthasra of A'!inava (%ta is intended to serve as introd(&tion, is a Paiva do&trine, $!ose reater %(r%ose is t!at of synt!esiLin t!e older &(rrents of Paivis" itself) Fro" t!e" it 'orro$s not only t!e notion of (a,ti, '(t "any ele"ents of rit(al and yo i& %ra&ti&e D mantras, mudrs, ,u0alin-, et&)E t!at serve to %la&e it in a tantri& &onte,t, de%loyin 'ot! a "eta%!ysi&s and a %ra,is of &onsidera'le &o"%le,ity $it!in a syste" of t!o( !t sit(ated (nder t!e ae is of esoteris")BC Still, t!e %oints of &onver en&e of t!e t$o Paramrthasra are not infre9(ent) Let "e "ention only a fe$ "ost $ort!y of note) For t!e te,t of 2diJeSa !as already for ed a n("'er of &on&e%ts t!at $ill 'e&o"e inte ral to t!e Tri5a) sar3tman In t!e first %la&e, t!e notion of sar3tman, t!e (niversal Self, in!erited fro" t!e (%aniSads, is f(nda"ental to t!e do&trine of 2diJeSa) And t!o( ! t!e Tri5a des&ri'es itself (sin ter"s ot!er t!an sar3tma3da, t!e idea of sar3tman is nevert!eless at t!e !eart of its do&trine R as t!e %rin&i%le e,%lainin t!e do('le stat(s of t!e Self, servin also as divinity: 'ot! i""anent and trans&endent) And so /Se"ar4#a tea&!es, in !is a(to?&o""entary to Pratya$hi12h.daya WP*Y Dv) CE, t!at t!e notion of t!e do('le stat(s of t!e Self is t!e &riterion of e,&ellen&e t!at %la&es t!e Tri5a a'ove all t!e ot!er syste"s, even t!ose of t!e T4ntri5as and /a(las)B@ N("ero(s are t!e o&&(rren&es of t!e notion of sar3tman in t!e Paiva Paramrthasra) *ere are #(st t$o e,a"%les: verse <A, $!i&! serves to define t!e 1-3anmu,ta, and $!ose first !e"isti&! i"%lies t!e notion of sar3tman: <There is nothing at all separate from the >,no*er of the Self? to 'e !onored $it! an o'lation or to 'e %raisedM $o(ld t!en !e, $!o is li'erated, $!o !as no (se for !o"a es or
)'te the re# rre$t re1ere$#e i$ the"e te7t" t' the $'ti'$ '1 rahas!a, 8"e#ret:. ?9e/arALa #ite" 1r'/ a$ 4ga/a= vivott,ram tmatattvam iti tntrik0 vivama!am iti k'ld!mn!anivi#0 vivott,ra vivama!a ca iti trikdidaranavida0, 8.he .A$trika" /ai$tai$ that the tman pri$#ip*e tra$"#e$0" the $iver"e. .h'"e wh' are 1'**'wer" '1 the ? *a tra0iti'$, et#., #'$"i0er the tman pri$#ip*e a" i//a$e$t i$ 2'r 8#'$"tit tive '1:3 the $iver"e. .he ?$'wer" '1 the .rika "%"te/, et#., #'$"i0er it a" ('th tra$"#e$0e$t a$0 i//a$e$t: (Prat!abhi%&hda!avtti 2&MvX3 8). Si/i*ar*%, CD a0 82 e7p*ai$"= 8Me i" the ESe*1 '1 a**E (sarvtman), the Se*1 '1 a** that #'g$iUe" a$0 i" #'g$iUe0> 'r 2taki$g the #'/p' $0 a" a bah'vr,hi he i" that wh'"e Se*1 i" 2#'/p'"e0 '13 the e$tiret% '1 k$'wer" a$0 thi$g" k$'w$> i$ 'ther w'r0", he i" ('th the tra$"#e$0e$t a$0 the i//a$e$t:.
58 59


rit(al for"(lae, 'e satisfied $it! !y"ns of %raise, et&)ZIM=7 and verse C6, $!i&! re%eats al"ost 3er$atim verse C7 of t!e first Paramrthasra: H*e $!o 5no$s t!e Self of all, t!(s des&ri'ed R Wso(r&e ofY s(%re"e and in&o"%ara'le 'liss, o"ni%resent, (tterly devoid of diversity R 'e&o"es one $it! t!at SelfI)=8 ,r- Anot!er %oint of &onver en&e is s(%%lied 'y t!e notion of H%layI 6,r-7, $!i&! serves to e,%lain, in t!e first Paramrthasra, t!e do('le "ove"ent of %!eno"enal "anifestation R a$ay fro", and ret(rn to, t!e One t!at is 'ot! i""anent and trans&endent, 'ot! e,troverted and introverted: H*avin dis%layed !i"self, li5e a "ira e, e"%loyin t!e infinite varieties of 'reat! Wand t!e ot!er %rin&i%lesY, 14s(deva $it!dra$s a ain Wall into !i"selfY t!ro( ! !is o$n %o$er, as if %layin I) =6 *ere t!e idea of H%layI is asso&iated $it! t!e notion of s3a3i$h/ti, $!i&! anti&i%ates t!e Jaivite notion of s3tantrya, Hfreedo"I or Hinde%enden&eI) Note also t!at R4 !av4nanda losses s3a3i$h/ty, H'y oneIs o$n soverei ntyI, as s3tantrya(a,ty myay, H'y virt(e of my, t!e ener y of freedo"I R Jaivite ter"inolo y indeed, and $!i&! does ta5e t!e reader a'a&5 &o"in fro" an Advaitin[ Nevert!eless, t!o( ! t!e t!e"e of Hdivine %layI is &o""on to Paivis" and to Advaita Deven %re?PaT5aranE, it s!o(ld 'e noted t!at Advaitins %rivile e t!e ter" l-l, $!ereas Paivas %refer ,r-, as does 2diJeSa)=A sa,.d3i$hta tm E9(ally re"ar5a'le is t!e %resen&e of a %!rase in 2diJeSaIs te,t destined to find its %la&e in t!e treas(ry of Jaivite "a,i"s: sa,.d 3i$hta, H!avin a%%eared on&e Wand for allYI: HT!e Self is devoid of all &on&e%ts, %(re, Wal$ays and foreverY $a5ed, (na ein , i""ortal, &al", s%otless, !avin a%%eared on&e Wand foreverY, s%irit(al, WandY %ervasive, li5e s%a&eI)=;
&S 73= st't!a v hotav!a nsti v!atiriktam as!a kircana ca0 stotrdin sa t'!en m'ktas tannirnamasktivaa#ka00. 61 &S 82= v!pina abhihitam ittha sarvtmn vidh)tanntvam0 nir'pamaparamnanda !o vetti sa tanma!o bhavati00> #1. 4&S 80= v!pinam abhinnam ittha sarvtmn vidh)tanntvam0 nir'pamaparamnanda !o veda sa tanma!o bhavati00. See a*"' CD a0 69, whi#h 0i"# ""e" the 0' (*e /ea$i$g '1 sarvabh)ttman. 62 4&S 30= prd!anantabhedair tmna savitat!a %lam iva0 saharati vs'deva svavibh)t! kr,amna iva00 (tra$"*ati'$ i" /i$e> #1. -a$ie*"'$= 8B1ter havi$g e7te$0e0 hi/"e*1 thr' gh i$1i$ite varietie", viU., (reath, et#., *ike 2a 1eat '13 /agi#, ;A" 0eva 2S ;i9@ 3, (% hi" 'w$ "'vereig$t%, rea("'r(" 2ever%thi$g3 a" i1 p*a%i$g:). D rea0" kr,damna iva. 63 6$ the -rahmas)tra 2FS3 (66 1, 33), #reati'$ it"e*1 i" 1ree p*a% (l,l)= lokavat t' l,lkaivai!am, 8F t 2Frah/a$:" #reative a#tivit%3 i" /ere "p'rt, " #h a" we "ee i$ 'r0i$ar% *i1e: (tr. .hi(a t). <$e "h' *0 0i"ti$g i"h thi" the'r% 1r'/ the te*e'*'gi#a* the'r% a##'r0i$g t' whi#h the N'r0 #reate" i$ 'r0er t' p*a%> akara i$ hi" -h!a 2FSFh3 66 1, 33 '("erve"= 8B$a*'g' "*%, the a#tivit% '1 the N'r0 a*"' /a% (e " pp'"e0 t' (e /ere "p'rt, pr'#ee0i$g 1r'/ hi" 'w$ $at re, with' t re1ere$#e t' a$% p rp'"e: (tr. .hi(a t, wh' a00" i$ $'te= 8.he $at re (svabhv) '1 the N'r0 i", the #'//e$tat'r" "a%, +A%A L'i$e0 with ti/e a$0 karman:). .hi" i" eK a**% the view '1 4S 6 9. D a0 4&S 30, whi*e #'//e$ti$g '$ the w'r0 he rea0" a" kr,damna, #ite" a" we** FS 66 1, 33. B$0 he a00"= svr%!asamddhimanto narendr !ath svavibh)t! kr,anti tadvad tmantman! eva vihart'kma iva, 8O "t a" pri$#e" wh'"e 0'/i$i'$ i" #'/p*ete 2#'$ti$ e t'3 p*a% 2at (ei$g ki$g"3 (% e7er#i"i$g their /aLe"t%, "' a*"' 20'e" ;i9@ 3, 1'r he *'ve" t' "p'rt, i$ a$0 (% hi/"e*1:. 64 4&S 25= sarvavikalpanahina 'ddho b'ddho (%armara nta0 amala sakd vibhta cetana tm khavad v!p,00 (tr. -a$ie*"'$, /'0i1ie0).


T!is very verse finds a %arallel in t!e se&ond Paramrthasra, in referen&e to its verses 87 and 88, $!i&! atte"%t as $ell a definition of t!e Self) -o ar4#a, after e,%lainin t!at t!e &o"%o(nd Hdevoid of dissol(tion and &reationI 6layodaya3ih-nam7 "eans HeternalI 6santanam7, oes on to &ite t!e for"(la sa,.d 3i$hto <yam tm, HT!e Self a%%ears on&e and for allI) Paivite te,ts t!at ta5e (% t!is for"(la in "ore or less develo%ed versions are n("ero(s) Its ori in is %er!a%s to 'e fo(nd also in t!e (%aniSads, as for instan&e, in C!U 1III ;, 8?6, $!ere t!e H$orld of $rahmanI is 9(alified as sa,.d3i$hta) As far as t!e ontolo i&al i"%li&ation of t!e for"(la is &on&erned, na"ely t!at t!is Self Hon&e and for all a%%earin I is t!e so(r&e of t!e a%%earan&e of all ot!er t!in s, is t!e H(ni9(e RealI, R4 !av4nanda, $!ile &o""entin on 2diJeSaIs verse 6B, re&alls t!at t!e for"(la is already all(ded to in Mu0a,opani)ad W.(UY II 6, 88: HEvery t!in s!ines only after t!at s!inin li !t) *is s!inin ill("ines all t!is $orldI)=B S(&! an idea is also %resent in one of t!e leit"otifs of t!e Tri5a, t!e for"(la npra,(a pra,(ate, HT!at $!i&! is not l("ino(s &annot "anifest itselfI,== $it! its &o"%le, net$or5 of i"%li&ations) In a Jaivite %ers%e&tive, t!e e%it!et sa,.d3i$hta in effe&t esta'lis!es not only t!e eternality of t!e Self, '(t t!e &onte"%oraneity of t!e SelfIs revelation and t!e advent of li'eration R and as $ell t!at t!e e,%erien&e itself is %erennial) T!is is t!e tr(t!, $!en a%%re!ended, t!at Qasto(ndsQ li5e a flas! of li !tnin Dt!e root sphurE R t!e s(dden and si"(ltaneo(s realiLation 'ot! of t!e Self and of oneIs li'erationM on it is ro(nded t!e ot!er$ise %arado,i&al idea of li'eration in t!is life 61-3anmu,ti7) For if t!e e,%erien&e of t!e Self ta5es %la&e in t!is life, t!e sa"e "(st 'e said of li'eration, $!ose realiLation is t!ere(%on de%endent) S(&! is t!e Trai5a (sa e of t!e old e%it!et a%%lyin to t!e Self, sa,.d3i$hta R a (sa e t!at t!e se&ond Paramrthasra ill(strates: HSi"ilarly, t!e W5no$erIsY o$n essential Self re"ains in t!e &ondition it $as in $!en it 'e&a"e "anifest on&e and for all at t!e "o"ent 5no$led e $as a&9(iredM it does not 'e&o"e ot!er$ise $!en t!e 'ody falls a$ayI)=< Li$eration through gnosis T!e %rin&i%le of Hli'eration t!ro( ! nosisI a%%ears as t!e first &orrelative of t!e do&trine of sar3tma3da: to 5no$ t!at all is t!e Self is to 'e instantaneo(sly li'erated) Several verses of t!e t$o Paramrthasra %ro%o(nd t!is %rin&i%le)=C T$o are %arti&(larly $ort!y of attention R if only for t!e $ay in $!i&! t!e se&ond Paramrthasra 'orro$s fro" t!e first) 2diJeSaIs verse <A reads: HT!ere is neit!er any %la&e for Release, nor Wdoes Release &onsist inY oin else$!ere) +rea5in t!e fetter $!i&! &onsists of i noran&e: t!at is $!at one 5no$s as ReleaseI) =@ It is ta5en (% 'y verse =7 of A'!inava (%taIs Paramrthasra, $!ose first !e"isti&! is identi&al, '(t $!i&! s!o$s Jaivite "odifi&ations in t!e se&ond: HNeit!er !as li'eration any
!hH ;666 4, 1,2 i" K 'te0 $. 455. + H 66 2, 11= tam eva bhntam an'bhti sarva tas!a bhs sarvam ida vibhti (tr. Da0hakri"h$a$ J a" are a** tra$"*ati'$" 1r'/ pa$i9a0" #ite0 here, $*e"" 'therwi"e "pe#i1ie0). 66 See CD a0 30. 67 &S 93= eva %&nvasare svtm sakd as!a !dg avabhta0 tda eva tadsa' na dehapte (n!ath bhavati00. 68 )'ta(*%, 4&S 39,40, 67,68, 72, 73, 81> &S 60 2S 4&S 733, 83 2S 4&S 813. 69 4&S 73= /'k9a"%a $aiva ki#i0 0hA/A"ti $a #Api ga/a$a/ a$%atra[ aLQA$a/a%agra$ther (he0' !as ta vid'r /'k9a[[ (the w'r0" #'//'$ t' the tw' &S are i$ r'/a$).


a'ode, nor does it involve a oin else$!ere) Li'eration is t!e "anifestation of oneIs o$n ener ies realiLed 'y &(ttin t!e 5not of i noran&eI)<7 Si"ilarly, 2diJeSaIs verse C8<8 is re%eated 3er$atim as verse CA of A'!inava (%taIs $or5 R &onstit(tin one of t!e rare &ases of $ord?for?$ord &itation in t!e se&ond Paramrthasra: HO!et!er !e ives (% !is 'ody in a %la&e of %il ri"a e or in t!e !(t of an o(t&aste, 'e !e &ons&io(s or not, !e oes Wt!en&eY to a &ondition of trans&endent Isolation, !is rievin at an end, for !e $as li'erated at t!e very "o"ent !e a&9(ired 5no$led eI)<6 T!ere is no 'etter e,a"%le of t!e affinity of t!e t$o te,ts, inas"(&! as, %ro"%ted, al"ost fort(ito(sly, 'y t!e e%it!et na)@asm.ti, t!e later Paramrthasra introd(&es anot!er %oint of &onver en&e: on&e a&9(ired in t!is life, t!e fa&t of li'eration &annot 'e a'olis!ed, even 'y t!e "indlessness and disorder of t!e final a ony) 1erse C8 of t!e initial Paramrthasra #(st all(des to t!at 9(estion, $!i&!, as is $ell 5no$n, is "(&! de'ated in Indian s%e&(lation) +(t t!e Paiva Paramrthasra, in t!e %erson of A'!inava (%ta, develo%s t!e iss(e at len t!, over several verses, follo$ed 'y -o ar4#a $!o %ro&eeds even to reinter%ret in a Jaivite sense several %arallel %assa es of t!e Bhaga3adg-t)<A Meditati3e realiAation 6$h3an7 T!e "eans $!ere'y one a&&edes to t!at final 5no$led e of t!e Self Dor of $rahman7, a&&ordin to t!e first Paramrthasra, is H"editationI 6$h3an7, or rat!er, as $e !ave translated t!e ter" as it o&&(rs in t!e se&ond Paramrthasra, H"editative realiLationI) T!is is also t!e "eans %rivile ed 'y t!e Paiva Paramrthasra, to t!e e,tent t!at it is t!is "eans t!at %revails in t!e (,topya, t!e H$ay of ener yI R of t!e fo(r H$aysI t!e one $!ose %ers%e&tive is &!iefly ado%ted 'y A'!inava (%ta in !is Paramrthasra)<; Indeed, t!e notion is fo(nd as $ell in ot!er do&trines Dt!o( ! so"eti"es in anot!er &onte,t, or $it! different i"%li&ation or si nifi&an&eE,<B '(t its (nderstandin is !ere dire&tly in!erited fro" t!e older te,t) T!e first Paramrthasra devotes, in effe&t, t!ree verses to $h3an: HAfter one !as dis&arded Ill(sion, $!i&!, 'ein del(sive, !as t!e nat(re of falla&y Win t!at it %rod(&esY t!e idea of %l(rality, let !i" realiLe +ra!"an, $!i&! is $it!o(t %l(rality, 'ein 'ot! $it! and $it!o(t %arts) As $ater 'e&o"es one $it! $ater, "il5 $it! "il5, $ind $it! $ind, so, 'y "editation 6$h3an7 on t!e s%otless +ra!"an, W"anY 'e&o"es one $it! it) If in t!at $ay, t!e s(" total of %l(rality !as re&eded into t!e state of +ra!"an 'y "editation 6$h3an7, no del(sion, no sorro$ Wre"ainsY for !i", as !e loo5s on everyt!in as +ra!"anI)<=
&S 60= /'k9a"%a $aiva ki#i0 0hA/A"ti $a #Api ga/a$a/ a$%atra[ aLQA$agra$thi(hi0A svaaktabhiv!aktat /'k9a[[. 71 Brg a(*% the ver"e /'"t 1reK e$t*% #ite0 i$ *ater *iterat re, parti# *ar*% (% BI> "ee p. 9. 72 &S 83= rthe vapacaghe v na#asmtir api parit!a%!an deham0 %&nasamak,am'kta kaival!a !ti hataoka00. 73 See &S 90,91, 94,95, with $'te". 74 See p. 49, a$0 $. 858> a*"' $. 1227. 75 See $. 1054, the "age the +Y/A"A /ake" '1 it. 76 4&S 57,59= eva 0vaitavika*pa brahmasvar)p vi/'ha$Y /A%A/[ 'ts%!a sa1 kalanikalam advaita bhva!ed brahma00 %a0vat "a*i*e "a*i*a k9Yre k9Yra sam,rae v!'0 tadvad brahmai vimale bhvana! tanma!atvam 'p!ati00 ittha 0vaita"a/\he (hAva$a%A (rah/a(h\%a/ pa%Ate[ k' /'ha ka P'ka "arva (rah/Ava*'ka%ata[[.


After an en&o"i(" of $h3an Dv) ;8E, t!e se&ond Paramrthasra &ondenses in a sin le verse Dv) B8E t!e tea&!in of its %rede&essorIs verses B<?BC: HT!(s, on&e t!e %ost(lation of d(ality !as &eased, Wt!e ade%tY after over&o"in t!e 'e$ilderin %o$er of ill(sion, s!o(ld "er e in $rahman as "il5 "er es in "il5, and $ater in $aterI, << and in &on&atenation re%rod(&es verse B@ of t!e first Paramrthasra, ver'ally "odified to s(it Jaivite "eta%!ysi&s: HT!(s, on&e t!e !ost of %rin&i%les !as 'een reinte rated into Piva t!ro( ! "editative realiLation, $!at sorro$ is t!ere, $!at del(sion for !i" $!o vie$s everyt!in as $rahmanZI<C For its %art, t!e first Paramrthasra ret(rns Dv) =;E to t!e notion of $h3an, in t!e (ise of t!e &a(sative ver' $h3ayati, $!i&! it asso&iates $it! t!e idea of li'eration 6parame(3ar-$h/ta7, H!e 'e&o"es t!e S(%re"e LordIE)<@ And, in verse ==, t!e ter" itself, t!o( ! not "entioned as s(&!, is a'ly ety"olo iLed as follo$s: H+y $!i&!ever a%%earan&e t!e Lord, $!o !as all for"s, is "editated (%on t!at a%%earan&e !e ado%ts, as !e is li5e a #e$el Wf(lfillin allY $is!esI)C7 Si"ilarly, at verse =C, t!e se&ond Paramrthasra asso&iates a ain t!is notion $it! t!at of li'eration: HT!(s a$a5ened 'y t!e $inds of !is "editative realiLation, as !e %o(rs an o'lation of all !is t!o( !t &onstr(&ts into t!e 'laLin Fire of t!e Self, !e 'e&o"es Fire itself)C8 And $e note t!at t!e "eta%!or H$inds of "editative realiLationI, $!i&! serves as "atri, to t!e e,tended "eta%!or of t!e verse, "ay $ell 'e a ree"%loy"ent of a se "ent of 2diJeSaIs verse BC, not ot!er$ise (tiliLed, W)))Y sam-ra0e 3yu, HAs W)))Y $ind 'e&o"es one $it! $indI R verse B8 of t!e Paiva Paramrthasra !avin retained, in its e,er&ise of trans%osition, only t!e t$o initial i"a es: $ater and "il5) T!e Paiva Paramrthasra t!(s %(ts e9(al e"%!asis on t!e idea of $h3an, '(t $it! t!e differen&e t!at t!e notion is t!ere %la&ed a"on %ra&ti&es of an 4 a"i& yo a, in $!i&! t!e Tri5a sets reat store) Asso&iated $it! "antri& %ra&ti&e, $it! ,u0alinyo a and $it! t!e %ra&ti&e of t!e mudrs, $h3an is t!e s%irit(al e,er&ise %ar e,&ellen&e, t!an5s to $!i&! t!e mumu,)u a&&edes si"(ltaneo(sly to 5no$led e and to li'eration, $!ile !e yet lives)C6 1-3anmu,ti
&S 51= ittha 0vaitavika*pe galite pravilagh!a /'ha$Y /A%A/[ "a*i*e "a*i*a k9Yre k9Yra/ iva brahmai la!, s!t00. 78 &S 52= ittha tattva"a/\he (hAva$a%A iva/a%atva/ a(hi%Ate[ ka P'ka k' /'ha "arva (rah/Ava*'ka%ata[[. )'te e"pe#ia**% the " ("tit ti'$" iva 1'r brahman, tattva 1'r dvaita. .he "e#'$0 he/i"ti#h, i$ ('th te7t", re#a**" =opaniad 6,7, the 1ir"t &S (ei$g "'/ewhat #*'"er t' it" "' r#e, "i$#e it re"pe#t" the pa$i9a0i# 'r0er '1 the w'r0" (ko moha ka oka)= !as t' sarvi bh)tn! tman! evn'pa!ati00 sarvabh)te' ctmna tato na vi%'g'psate00 !asmin sarvi bh)tn! tmaivbh)d vi%nata00 tatra ko moha ka oka ekatvam an'pa!ata00, 8B$0 he wh' "ee" a** (ei$g" i$ hi" 'w$ "e*1 a$0 hi" 'w$ "e*1 i$ a** (ei$g", he 0'e" $'t 1ee* a$% rev *"i'$ (% rea"'$ '1 " #h a view. Rhe$, t' '$e wh' k$'w", a** (ei$g" have, veri*%, (e#'/e '$e with hi" 'w$ "e*1, the$ what 0e* "i'$ a$0 what "'rr'w #a$ (e t' hi/ wh' ha" "ee$ '$e$e""?: 79 See 4&S 64, K 'te0 $. 29. 80 4&S 66= sarvkro bhagavn 'ps!ate !ena !ena bhvena0 ta ta bhva bh)tv cint1 maivat samabh!eti00. .hi" ver"e *a#k" a #'rre"p'$0e$t i$ the *ater &S. 81 &S 68= ittha sakalavikalpn pratib'ddho bhvansam,raata0 tma%!otii d,pte %'hva%%!o1 tirma!o bhavati00. 82 See CD a0 9, 61, 62, 64,66, 83, 86, 96.


HLi'eration in t!is lifeI is indeed t!e &o""on %ro#e&t of t!e t$o Paramrthasra, even t!o( ! t!e se&ond reserves to it a "ore e,%li&it treat"ent) It %rovides also, do('tless, t!e first a"on t!e "otives for re$ritin t!e te,t itself) T!e Paiva Paramrthasra trans%oses t!e Paramrthasra of 2diJeSa %re&isely 'e&a(se it !as a%%re!ended t!ere t!e fo(ndation for t!e do&trine of 1-3anmu,ti) It is a 1-3anmu,ti t!at does not s%ea5 its na"e &learly in t!e first Paramrthasra, '(t $!i&! is t!ere re&o niLed 'y "any indi&ations, $!en vie$ed in t!e li !t of later develo%"ents, on&e t!e de'ate %rovo5ed 'y t!e o,y"oron of t!e ter" itself DH#FvanI *hile li3ing B H"(5tiI li$eration >from this life?7 finally s('sided, &onferrin on t!e notion its eneral le iti"a&y) R4 !av4nanda, t!e Advaitin e,e ete "entioned earlier, "a5es no "ista5e $!en, in !is &o""entary on verse A, !e %resents 2diJeSa as a 1-3anmu,ta)CA T!e entire la'or of A'!inava (%ta and -o ar4#a is ai"ed at 'rin in to li !t t!at very tr(t!: t!e Hli'erationI t!at is at iss(e in t!e older Paramrthasra is already t!e Hli'eration in t!is lifeI t!at A'!inava (%ta "a5es into t!e iss(e of t!e se&ond) In t!is sense, t!e Jaivite trans%osition is also an e,e eti&al %ro#e&t) Unders&orin t!e soteriolo i&al vo&ation of t!e first Paramrthasra, t!e trans%osition reveals in addition t!at t!e soteriolo y, 'ased do('ly on S4 5!ya and Advaita, esta'lis!es t!e notion of 1-3anmu,ti) T!(s t!e Paramrthasra of A'!inava (%ta "a5es t!e te,t of 2diJeSa into a treatise on li'eration in t!is life) T!e 'est %roof t!at "ay 'e iven of t!is is t!at t!e stanLas of 2diJeSaIs $or5 &ited in later literat(re R $it! t!e %ossi'le e,&e%tion of N4 eJaIs ra""ati&al referen&e R &on&ern "ore or less t!e idea of 1-3anmu,ti) T$o a"on t!e" Des%e&ially C8, t!e "ost fa"o(sly &ited in any &aseE are %art of t!e de"onstration of 1-3anmu,ti %ro%o(nded 'y t!e J-3anmu,ti3i3e,aM "oreover, t!e 9(asi?totality of t!e se&ond Paramrthasra=s 'orro$in s fro" t!e first &on&ern li'eration R and t!at "eans, as t!e &o""entary in&essantly atte"%ts to s!o$, Hli'eration in t!is lifeI) Even if t!e ter" H#Fvan"(5tiI a%%ears no "ore often in t!e se&ond Paramrthasra t!an it does in t!e first, it is %ossi'le to read it t!ere in o(tline, t$i&e, 'y t!e 'ias of %eri%!rases $!ere t!e &on&essive Ha%iI %oints to and resolves in one est(re t!e o,y"oron t!at t!e notion re%resents) T!(s, at verse =8: H*e $!o !as &(t t!e 5not of i noran&e, $!ose do('ts !ave vanis!ed, $!o !as %(t aside error, $!ose "erits and de"erits !ave 'een destroyed, is li'erated, t!o( ! still #oined $it! !is 'odyI,C; and at verse C=: HIn t!e sa"e "anner, &ons&io(sness, on&e it !as 'een se%arated fro" t!e &o"%le, of s!eat!s Wt!at is t!e 'ody, et&)Y, is WforeverY &o"%letely alien to t!eir to(&!, even t!o( !, as a li'erated Self, it re"ains t!ere Wfor a ti"eY d(e to root i"%ressions W%revio(sly a&&("(latedYI)CB .oreover, in &o"%arin t!e strate ies of &o"%osition of t!e t$o Paramrthasra, one notes t!at, 'e innin $it! verse <= of t!e first D X verse =@ of t!e se&ondE, t!e
B&S; 3= $... tmatattvaskd bodhavanta %,vanm'kta g'r'vara !athvidh! 'pagam1!a baddh&%ali papraccheti, 82...3 havi$g appr'a#he0 i$ a pr'per wa% a$0 with a ge"t re '1 "a* tati'$ the /'"t e7#e**e$t tea#her 240iPe9a3, wh' i" *i(erate0 whi*e "ti** *ivi$g a$0 wh' p'""e""e" a$ i$t itive gra"p '1 the rea*it% '1 the Se*1 2'r 8a$0 wh' p'""e""e" a$ evi0e$t /a"ter% '1 the rea*it% '1 the Se*1:3, he a"k"Z: 84 &S 61= bhinn%&nagranthir gatasadeha parktabhrnti0 prak,ap'!appo vigraha%'ge 8p% a"a / kta[[ (the w'r0" at i"" e are i$ r'/a$). 85 &S 86= tadvat ka&c'kapa#al,pthakkt savid atra saskrt0 ti#hat! api m'kttm tatsparavivar%it bhavati00.


te,t(al %arallelis" ro$s "ore o'vio(s, t!e &orres%onden&es are "ore %atent, and s(&&eed one anot!er in a r!yt!" t!at &annot 'e i nored) O!ole se9(en&es of verses are re%eated 3er$atim or al"ost so, in "any &ases) C= One o'serves also t!at verse <B of t!e first Paramrthasra, stron ly &olored $it! S45!ya and not as s(&! ta5en (% 'y A'!inava (%ta, itself &learly %ost(lates t!e notion of 1-3anmu,ti, via a %eri%!rasis, and as s(&! introd(&es t!e lon &on&atenation of sy""etri&al verses in t!e t$o te,ts: HAs soon as t!e So(l !as (nderstood .atter as different Wfro" itselfY, it 'e&o"es, Weven t!o( ! it stillY e,ists in t!e "idst of Trans"i ration, free fro" all a&ts, as a lot(s leaf Wis freeY fro" t!e $ater Win $!i&! ro$s t!e lot(s %lantYI)C< T!e first Paramrthasra even ta5es (% t!e "atter of o'sta&les to li'eration as re%resented 'y t!e notion of t!e yoga$hra)@a, t!e a&olyte Hfallen fro" dis&i%lineI Dvv) C;?CBE) T!(s oin o(t of its $ay, t!e te,t %ro"ises even to s(&! as !e a&&ess to t!e li'eration t!at !ad 'een to !i" for so lon a ti"e denied Dv) C=E) T!is is, in its $ay, also a "anner of esta'lis!in t!e le iti"a&y of t!e notion R t!at of envisa in e9(ally all t!e o'sta&les t!at "i !t 'e alle ed to interfere 'et$een t!e mumu,)u and !is li'eration) And so a Qr!etori& of soli&it(deQ is %(t in %la&e t!at A'!inava (%ta also "a5es (se of R !is verses 877?878 re%eatin al"ost 3er$atim 2diJeSaIs verses C;?CB, $!ile !is verse 876 trans%oses 2diJeSaIs C=, t!e %rin&i%al differen&e 'ein es?&!e$al of any referen&e to 1iSK() And finally, t!is last %oint of &onver en&e: t!e t!eisti& di"ension of t!e t$o do&trines, so evident t!at it often s(ffi&es, in t!e e,er&ise of trans%osition, to re%la&e referen&es to 1iSK( $it! t!ose &orres%ondin to Piva)CC 8)6)6)A) DESTIN- OF T*E SECOND PARAM'RT;AS'RA In t!e sa"e $ay "ost "odern a&&o(nts ta5e little note of t!e &ontri'(tion of Paivis" to t!e iss(e of li'eration R li'eration in t!is life or not R li5e$ise later Indian tradition, nota'ly ins%ired 'y 1ed4nta, is &aref(l to avoid Paiva reasonin s) Per!a%s, for t!e ort!odo,, it is d(e to t!e reti&en&e aro(sed 'y s(s%i&ion of tantri& leanin s)C@ O!en t!e J-3anmu,ti3i3e,a invo5es, in t!e fo(rteent! &ent(ry, t!e a(t!ority of t!e Paramrthasra, it is t!e first Paramrthasra t!at its a(t!or !as in "ind, t!o( ! t!e Paramrthasra of A'!inava (%ta &ontains t!e sa"e verse, !ardly "odified: later tradition, it is tr(e R A'!inava (%ta in&l(ded R a&&ords to t!e first Paramrthasra t!e stat(s of (ruti) I !ave fo(nd referen&es to t!e Paramrthasra of A'!inava (%ta only in $or5s of Jaivite tenden&y: t!e T21 ad I A<, I A@?;7, and I: B7, as $ell as t!e Parimala WP.Y ad Mahrthama21ar- W..Y 6B D%ro'a'ly t!irteent! &ent(ryE,@7 $!i&! &ite, res%e&tively, vv) 8B?8=a, vv) 8='?8<, v) 8; and v) 6=) Note as $ell t!at, $!en A'!inava (%ta &ites 2PS C8 in !is T2 ::1III A86, and e,%lains it in t!e follo$in verses, it is as t!o( ! !e $ere (sin !is treat"ent of 2diJeSaIs $or5 in order to &o""ent, t!o( ! all(sively, on !is o$n PS CA) And so t!e destiny of A'!inava (%taIs Paramrthasra !as 'een li"ited to Paiva &ir&les)
!'/pare 4&S 76,78 a$0 &S 69,71> 4&S 79,82 a$0 &S 81,84. 4&S 75= b'ddhv vibhakt prakti p'r'a "a"Ara/a0h%ag' (havati[ $ir/ kta sarvakarmabhir amb'%apattra !ath salilai00. 88 .hi" i" $'t the p*a#e t' p r" e the 0i"# ""i'$ '1 the e*0er Pramrthasra a$0 it" re*ati'$"hip t' the %' $ger. B "eparate /'$'graph wi** (e 0ev'te0 t' the " (Le#t, t' (e p (*i"he0 i$ 0 e #' r"e. 89 See p. 35. 90 <$ the 0ate '1 the ++, "ee !'7 2006> Sa$0er"'$ 2007= 379, $. 479.
86 87


2: The Paramrthasra of Abhina"agupta 2)1) The text and its commentator -o ar4#a des&ri'es as a pra,ara0a t!e te,t !e is &o""entin on) T!o( ! t!e te,t of A'!inava (%ta does &onfor" to t!e stri&t(res of t!e enre in t!at it is indeed an e%ito"e, a &on&ise treat"ent of do&trine Dsee vv) 87; and 87BE, it does nevert!eless diver e fro" t!e ty%e in t$o %rin&i%al $ays: one is in!erent in t!e need to re&on&ile t!e i"%erative of do&trinal &o!eren&e $it! t!e %ro#e&t of re$ritin an older te,t of so"e$!at different %ers(asionM t!e ot!er is t!at t!e Paramrthasra of A'!inava (%ta does not &onfine itself to an e,%osition of t!e do&trine as s(&! '(t at ti"es !ints at a se&ond sense lyin 'eneat! t!e evident sense, na"ely esoteri& te&!ni9(es and %ra&ti&es t!at are at t!e !eart of t!e %!iloso%!i&al dis&o(rse, as stri5in ly e,e"%lified 'y verses ;8?;=) .oreover it &an 'e said t!at t!e do&trine itself is esoteri& 'y nat(re, $!i&! does not %revent it !o$ever fro" 'ein for"(lated in %re&ise %!iloso%!i&al ter"s) At least, it is !o$ t!e syste" %er&eives itself: HT!(s, t!e s(%re"ely re&ondite &ore of t!e tea&!in 6(strasram atig/ham7 !as no$ 'een &ondensed in one !(ndred 4ry4? verses 'y "e, A'!inava (%ta, ill("ined WviL), ins%iredY 'y re"e"'ran&e of PivaIs feetI Dv) 87BE) -o ar4#a never fails to e,%and (%on t!at Hs(%re"ely re&ondite &ore of t!e tea&!in I, t!e s%irit(al realiLation of nond(alis" R $!i&! is t!e (lti"ate tr(t! of t!e syste" R and t!e "eans or $ays to attain it) *e refers fre9(ently to t!e Hse&retI 6rahasya7 t!at &onsists in t!e H5no$led e of oneIs o$n SelfI 6s3tma12narahasya, vv) C<?CCE, in ot!er $ords, in re&o niLin t!at oneIs o$n Self is not different fro" .a!eJvara Dv) C8E)@8 Even t!o( ! !e !as not t!e 'readt! of A'!inava (%ta, $!o &o""ented on "any of t!e 5ey te,ts of t!e tradition, or of Nayarat!a, $!o felt a'le to &onfront t!e "on("ental Tantrlo,a, -o ar4#a is nevert!eless a %rofo(nd e,e ete, so"eti"es even a(da&io(s R des%ite $!at Lilian Sil'(rn says) @6 Not only is !e sensitive to t!e s('tle and ever re&i%ro&al transitions in t!e te,t 'et$een t!e &os"i& Self and t!e individ(al self, 'et$een Piva and t!e H5no$erI 612nin7, 'ot! of $!i&! a%%ear in o(r te,t (nder t!e (ise of t!e %rono(n HII t!at verses ;<?B7 are at %ains to re%resent, '(t !e s!o$s !i"self &a%a'le of de&odin t!e dou$le entendres) T!(s !e de&i%!ers referen&es to t!e arti&(lation of t!e "antra t!ro( !o(t verses ;8?;=, and to t!e sy"'oli& si nifi&ation of its ele"ents) As $ell, in !is &o""entary on verse 87;: idam a$hina3aguptoditasa,)epa dhyyata para $rahma B acird e3a (i3at3a ni1ah.day3e(am a$hyeti, HTo !i" $!o "editates on t!is trans&endental $rahman, as &on&isely e,%o(nded 'y A'!inava (%ta, Piva!ood &o"es $it!o(t delay, on&e it !as %ervaded !is o$n !eartI R t!e a%%arently strai !tfor$ard a(t!orial si nat(re is reinter%reted "etony"i&ally,@A as a &o%(lative &o"%o(nd 6d3and37 of ad#e&tives t!at 9(alify t!e ter" H'ra!"anI: HTo !i" $!o "editates on t!is trans&endental $rahman in referen&e to $!i&! a &on&ise s(""ary !as no$ 'een
See CD a0 14 (rahas!ana!a), 75 (rahas!avid), 81 (rahas!a paramrthamahevarkh!am ... 'palabh!a), 87,88 (svtma%&narahas!a), 96 (svmasabodham'khmn!arahas!a) a$0 104 (parabrahmarahas!tia!a). 92 8!'$traire/e$t a 7 gra$0" #'//e$tate r" 0e #ette e#'*e phi*'"'phiK e, C'garALa $:e"t K : $ "i/p*e e7egete K i $e p'""e0e a # $e 'rigi$a*ite> #:e"t *a rai"'$ p' r *aK e**e $' " $e 0'$$'$" K : $ re" /e 0e "a g*'"e: (Si*( r$ &S= 20). 93 .rika *iterat re a(' $0" i$ " #h rei$terpretati'$" '1 the $a/e 8B(hi$avag pta:.


stated, Ws(&! t!at $rahman is no$ (nderstood as 'ot!Y 9(ite novel 6a$hina3a7, and W!eretoforeY !idden 6gupta7, Piva!ood &o"es $it!o(t delay W)))YI) .oreover, -o ar4#a %roves !i"self very a&&(rate $!en !e finds in t!e dis&(ssion of li'eration of verse =7 a referen&e to t!e Tri5a den(n&iation of t!e %ra&ti&e of yo i& s(i&ide 6ut,rnti7, $!i&! is also &onde"ned at reater len t! in t!e Tantrlo,a R t!o( ! $it! so"e "is ivin s, as t!e %ra&ti&e $as ta( !t in t!e Mlin-3i1ayottaratantra W.1TY, t!e te,t t!at is ot!er$ise &onsidered a(t!oritative in t!e Tri5a)@; It is e9(ally o'vio(s t!at -o ar4#a is fa"iliar $it! t!e i""ense literat(re of nond(alist Paiva tradition, $!i&! !e &ites a'(ndantly, and $it!o(t "(&! re ard to tenden&y R $!i&! in effe&t esta'lis!es !is a(t!ority to &o""ent on t!e Paramrthasra) Nevert!eless, a %redile&tion for a /ra"a?oriented e,e esis is felt in !is &o""entary, in t!e "anner of !is (r(, /Se"ar4#a D8777?87B7E, $!o re%eatedly &on&erns !i"self $it! t!e /ra"a do&trine, &ele'rated as t!e !i !est of all syste"s) @B -o ar4#a !i"self $as %ro'a'ly initiated into /ra"a, as "ay 'e inferred fro" anot!er te,t as&ri'ed to !i", t!e re&ently dis&overed Ci3)@a,a)@= T!is !y"n to CaitanyaJiva, HPiva as &ons&io(snessI, is of /ra"a affiliation and #(stifies o(r re&o niLin , at vario(s %la&es in t!e Paramrthasra, -o ar4#aIs referen&es as !avin a /ra"a &oloration) For e,a"%le, after referrin to t!e Kli,,rama in !is loss on PS ;8, -o ar4#a, ad ;6, 9(otes t!e te,t of /alla3a t!at /Se"ar4#a !i"self 9(otes in !is 3.tti ad P* 8C R a verse t!at is instr("ental in definin (a,ti3i,sa, t!e H'losso"in of ener yI, also &alled $haira3-mudr, $!i&!, as t!e &onte,t s!o$s, i"%lies a referen&e to /ra"a %ra&ti&e)@< It is one e,a"%le a"on "any of -o ar4#aIs !intin at esoteri& as%e&ts of t!e do&trine DHesoteri&I 'ein (nderstood in its narro$, te&!ni&al senseE, e,%andin on t!e diversity of yo i& %ra&ti&es $!ere t!e 'ase te,t "erely all(des to t!e") T!(s, $it!in t!e a%%arent linearity of t!e ParamrthasraIs %!iloso%!i&al dis&o(rse, -o ar4#a finds "any o&&asions to 'rin o(t "ore or less &ry%ti& referen&es to t!e notion of s(%re"e S%ee&!, to t!e do&trine of %!one"i& e"anation and t!e role of t!e mt.,s Dvv) 87?88E, to mudrs Dv) ;6E, to "antri& %ra&ti&e Dvv) ;8?;=E, to t!e %la&in of t!e t!irty?si, tatt3as on t!e 'ody of t!e (r( and of t!e initiand Dv) <;E, and to t!e ,u0alin-,@C (nderstood nota'ly in its asso&iation $it! t!e arti&(lation of t!e "antra ;ASA Dv) <CE) *o$ever, t!e "a#or &ontri'(tion of -o ar4#a to t!e (nderstandin of t!e te,t is !is e"%!asis, 'e innin $it! t!e &o""entary on verse @, on $!at !e &onsiders its &ore iss(e, 1-3anmu,ti) *e does ado%t a style t!at is !is o$n R &ons&io(s do('tless of t!e reti&en&es and t!e disa ree"ents s(rro(ndin t!e notion, !e "a5es &onstant referen&e
See $. 1031. )'te that BI a*"' 1i$0" a vei*e0 re1ere$#e t' that pra#ti#e whi*e #'//e$ti$g '$ FhI ;666 13,14. 95 See hi" /pandanira!a 2Sp)3 a0 6 1 (?a * ShA"trY Sp?= 6, 1. 5)> hi" K 'tati'$" '1 the 6likkrama i$ the 2ivas)travimarin, 2S;3> hi" a t',#'//e$tar% a0 &M 15, where he revere$t*% #ite" 8the 6ramas)tras #'/p'"e0 (% a$#ie$t tea#her" i$ their 'w$ #hara#teri"ti# *a$g age: (tad 'kta p)rvag'r'bhi svabhma!e' kramas)tre'), a$0 a0 19, i$ whi#h he re1er" agai$ t' the 6ramas)tras, whi#h he $'t '$*% K 'te", ( t e7p*ai$" at *e$gth, i$ 0ea*i$g with the $'ti'$ '1 kramam'dr, 'r m'drkrama> "ee a*"' Sa$0er"'$ 2007= 39811. 96 See Sa$0er"'$ 2007= 380, $. 483. 97 See a*"', inter alia, the re1ere$#e t' the $'ti'$ '1 8great ;'i0 (e%'$0 the ;'i0: (mah)n!ti)n!a), i$ CD a0 14 ($. 495). 98 !'vert*% a0 &S 78, /'re e7p*i#it*% a0 &S 97, agai$ a0 &S 98,99, thr' gh '$e a** "i'$.


to t!e interior e,%erien&e of t!e yo in, of t!e 1-3anmu,ta so in&o"%re!ensi'le to ordinary "en) Of &o(rse, t!e fra"e$or5 is $ell 5no$n, 'ot! in t!e literat(re of /as!"ir Paivis" Dand in t!e Paramrthasra itselfM see v) B@E, and in %an?Indian tradition, 'e innin $it! t!e (%aniSads R '(t -o ar4#a ives its e,%osition a %arti&(lar t$ist) For instan&e, !e a&&ents !is a&&o(nt $it! a series of %!rases in t!e first?%erson sin (lar, %res("a'ly to 'e attri'(ted to t!e yo in !i"self, $!erein t!e yo in for"(lates t!e &ontent of !is Qin&o""(ni&a'leQ realiLation)@@ S(&! are t!e ori inality and t!e l(&idity of t!is &o""entary t!at it tr(ly "erits its a%%ellation as a 3i3.ti, an Hela'orate e,%lanationI)877 It "i !t 'e noted also t!at -o ar4#a &o(ld !ave fi (red in roles ot!er t!an t!at of /Se"ar4#aIs dis&i%le, e,e ete of t!e Paramrthasra, and a(t!or of t!e Ci3)@a,a, if !e is t!e -o eJvara or -o eJvar4&4rya t!at 14"adeva, t!e a(t!or of t!e Janmamara0a3icra, sal(tes as !is "aster R t!(s f(rt!erin a %re&e%torial linea e or parapar)878 T!(s read in t!e li !t of its &o""entary, t!e te,t of A'!inava (%ta %resents a re"ar5a'ly e,!a(stive e,%osition of Tri5a do&trine, $!i&! -o ar4#a atte"%ts to %osition, as "(&! $it!in t!e vast Jaivite tradition as in t!e %ers%e&tive of ot!er Indian syste"s R so"eti"es in order to a%%ro%riate t!e ot!ers, as in t!e &ase of t!e Bhaga3adg-t and t!e Mah$hrata, so"eti"es in order to a&!ieve distan&e fro" t!e", as in t!e &ase of idealisti& "onis"s of t!e Advaita or t!e +(dd!ist 1i#V4nav4da sort, and so"eti"es to Q&o"%leteQ t!eir ar ("entation, %arti&(larly in referen&e to t!e S45!ya)876 Note es%e&ially t!e $ay in $!i&! A'!inava (%ta87A &ondenses t!e %ole"i&al de"onstration of t!e Tri5aIs s(%re"a&y into one verse, v) 6< R a verse t!at s(""ariLes, so"eti"es idiosyn&rati&ally, several rival do&trines, and $!i&! is 'ased, $it! si nifi&ant alterations, on verse 6< of t!e first Paramrthasra) It 'e&o"es, in t!e se&ond, a do,o ra%!y in "iniat(re) T!(s t!e Paramrthasra of A'!inava (%ta a&!ieves a do('le oal: it re$rites an older te,t $it!o(t &o"%ro"isin its o$n %oint of vie$, and it "a5es of itself 'ot! a do&trinal synt!esis and a defense of 1-3anmu,ti) And it does t!is $it!in t!e &onfines of a ti !t ar ("ent, t!e arti&(lations of $!i&! -o ar4#a is at %ains to e"%!asiLe, ta5in %arti&(lar note of t!e vario(s i"%li&it o'#e&tions to $!i&! s(&! or s(&! a verse "ay 'e said to 'e a res%onse) 2)2) Structure of the text

&hra"e" that 6 have th' ght i$tere"ti$g e$' gh t' #'**e#t i$ a$ 8B$th'*'g% '1 "pirit a* e7perie$#e: ("ee p. 461), t' whi#h "h' *0 (e a00e0 the >ahast'ti> that #'$"tit te ver"e" 47,50 '1 the &S it"e*1> "ee p. 25, a$0 p. 55. 100 .ha$k" t' thi" #'//e$tar%, we have (ee$ a(*e t' /ake "e$"e ' t '1 " #h p UU*i$g pa""age" a" kArikA" 27, 63, 78 'r 84,85, t' #ite '$*% a 1ew> "ee, 1'r i$"ta$#e, the wa% CD 0i"#*'"e" the 8i/p*i#ati'$: (ttpar!) '1 kA 63 ($. 1065). 101 S #h i" the h%p'the"i" '1 ShA"tri, i$ the pre1a#e t' hi" e0iti'$ '1 the 3anmamaraavicra J a$ h%p'the"i" that /ight (e #'rr'('rate0 (% a 1ew a00iti'$a* i$0i#e"= 1) the '## rre$#e '1 the i/age '1 the water,whee* (aragha##agha#i!antra), i$ a "i/i*ar #'$te7t i$ ('th CD:" #'//e$tar% a0 47 a$0 i$ the 3anmamaraavicra= 18,19> 2) ;A/a0eva:" #itati'$ (pp. 20,21) '1 the "a/e tw' ver"e" that CD ha0 K 'te0 i$ hi" #'//e$tar% a0 83. 102 See p. 52. 103 6$ " pp'"i$g that the i$terpretati'$ '1 CD re1*e#t" the view" '1 BI.


T!e str(&t(re of t!e te,t is overned 'y a diale&ti& 'et$een 'onda e and li'eration R a diale&ti& t!at is arti&(lated in ter"s of instr(&tion as to t!e "eans of a'olis!in 'onda e) 1) 8: %ro ra""ati& verse, in $!i&! -o ar4#a, follo$in a $ell?5no$n %ro&ed(re, all(des not only to t!e essential %rin&i%les of t!e syste", '(t also, if &overtly, to $!at &onstit(tes its "a#or t!e"e, and t!at of t!e Paramrthasra itself: t!e notion of 1-3anmu,ti) 1v) 6?A: t!e "yt! of ori in of t!e Paramrthasra of A'!inava (%ta, str(&t(red in ter"s of t!e "yt! of ori in of t!e Paramrthasra of 2diJeSa) 1v) ;?8A: &ondensed e,%ose of t!e syste"Is nond(alis": %!eno"enal diversity (nderstood as t!e "anifestation of t!e LordIs ener iesM s(&&essive and &on&entri& "anifestation of t!e fo(r envelo%es, or &os"i& s%!eres Da0a, v) ;E, $!i&! &o"%re!end t!e "(lti%li&ity of $orlds and finite &reat(resM reaffir"ation of nond(alis": t!e pa(u is none ot!er t!an Piva in&arnate, $!o ass("es as a&tor t!e infinity of roles in ter"s of $!i&! t!e t!eater of t!e $orld is &!ara&teriLed DBEM series of e,a"%les D=?@, 86?8AEM do&trine of Hrefle&tionI 6prati$im$aM 86?8AE and t!e related do&trine of Hdifferen&e?and?non?differen&eI 6$hed$heda7) -o ar4#a introd(&es Dad @E for t!e first ti"e t!e fi (re of t!e 1-3anmu,ta, $!i&! !e reads all(sively in t!e notion of ra&e t!ere set fort!) 1v) 87?88, %ro%osin to define t!e Self Dor s(%re"e %rin&i%leE, anti&i%ate t!e later definitions of t!e 1-3anmu,ta) 1v) 8;?66: e,%ose of t!e t!irty?si, H%rin&i%lesI 6tatt3a7, ontolo i&al &ate ories or %rin&i%les &onstit(tive of t!e H%(re %at!I and t!e Hi"%(re %at!I, t!at are rad(ated "anifestation of t!e Self, itself desi nated in $!at follo$s as $rahman, or as Hs(%re"e %rin&i%leI 6paratatt3a7, or as HPiva 'eyond Wt!e %rin&i%lesYI 6parama(i3a R Piva seen as t!e t!irty?sevent! %rin&i%leE) T!ese %rin&i%les, arran ed %ro ressively, e,%lain t!e enesis of finit(de R as t!ey do in t!e %rototy%i&al S4 5!ya, $!i&! serves as 'asis for t!is and ot!er Indian t!eories of Qo'#e&tivityQ) All(sions to t!e t!e"e of error a%%ear fro" v) 8B on$ard, $!ere is introd(&ed t!e notion of Hfalla&io(s &reative %o$erI 6my 3imohin-7) 1v) 6A?6<: &!ara&teriLation of finit(de as a Hs!eat!I, H&onstri&tionI, or Hi"%(rityI R all realiLations of error, and &onse9(en&es of myM all(sive referen&e to t!ree of t!e fo(r Henvelo%es]s%!eresI 6a0a, 6AE, t!e t!ree Hi"%(ritiesI Dmala, 6;EM t!e f(nda"ental "isa%%re!ension of ta5in t!e Self for t!e non?Self, e,%ression of Hnes&ien&eI 6a3idy7, ter"ed as $ell Hi noran&eI 6a12na7 R in ot!er $ords, Self? for etf(lness and t!e advent of s('#e&t?o'#e&t d(alis" in t!e for" of Hd(aliLin t!o( !tI D3i,alpa, 6BEM nond(alis" reaffir"ed D6=EM ref(tation of &o"%etin t!eories of t!e Self, all of $!i&! %arta5e of error, t!o( ! in different de rees D6<, re%rised in A6E) 1v) 6C?A6: introd(&tion of t!e t!e"e of Hall?%o$erf(l errorI, des&ri'ed as t!e o'f(s&ation of t!e tr(t! DHt!e dar5ness of errorI, A7E, t!e &onstri&tion of t!e i""e"orial and eternal freedo" of t!e Self DA6EM a t!e"e t!at is o"ni%resent, inas"(&! as on t!e dissol(tion of t!at error de%ends li'eration in t!is life R t!e "a#or iss(e !ere treated) Trai5a innovation: notion of t!e se9(entiality of t!e t$o errors, t!at of ta5in t!e Self for t!e non?Self 'ein %rior to and "ore f(nda"ental t!an t!at of ta5in t!e non?Self for t!e Self DA8E)87; T!e t$o errors &onstit(te t!e mithy12na of PS BA, Hfalse]a%%arent 5no$led eI) Si"ilarly, Hd(aliLin t!o( !tI

See $. 848, a0 &S 39.


63i,alpa7, $!i&! in&l(des all t!e false &onstr(&tions of t!e relation of Self and non? Self es%o(sed 'y rival syste"s, is &onde"ned as HfalseI Dmithy, A6E) 1v) AA?AC: reversi'ility of finit(de and li'eration, of $!i&! t!e freedo" of t!e Lord is t!e e,%li&ative %rin&i%le: A'!inava (%taIs introd(&tion of t!e t!e"e of Hdivine %layI 6,ri7, e,%ression of t!e LordIs soverei n freedo"M 'e innin of t!e treat"ent of li'eration, $!i&! is o'tained 'y reversin t!e %ro&ess t!at is instr("ental in eneratin 'onda eM li'eration %res&ri'ed in v) AA: HOne s!o(ld (nveil !is %ro%er Self )))I, to $!i&! one a&&edes, sy""etri&ally, 'y (nveilin , 'y %(rifi&ation, 'y re&on9(est or re&o nition of HSelf?5no$led eI 6s3a12na7M &orres%onden&e esta'lis!ed 'et$een "a&ro&os"i& D&reation, et&)E and "i&ro&os"i& Dt!e fo(r states, $a5in , et&)E "odes of t!e Self DA;EM #(stifi&ation of t!e a%%arent %arado, of a Self Dor a $rahman7 'ot! one and "any DABEM ref(tation of t!e o'#e&tion t!at t!e Self is %oll(ted 'y its %arti&(lar realiLations DA=E and t!at t!e Self is &o"%ro"ised 'y t!e variety of its states of &ons&io(snessM ref(tation of t!e o'#e&tion t!at t!e Self is s('#e&t to affe&tations: t!e Q%sy&!olo iLationQ of t!e Self 'ein a "ere "atter of "eta%!or DACE) 1erse AC, $!i&! des&ri'es t!e Self Has it is in realityI 6paramrthata7, anti&i%ates t!e des&ri%tions of 1-3anmu,ti t!at follo$) 1v) A@?;7: eradi&ation of t!e t$ofold error 6$hrntid3aya, avat) ad ;7E and t!e si"(ltaneo(s advent of 5no$led e and li'eration) T!e sa"e freedo" of t!e S(%re"e Lord R t!at is, oneIs o$n Self 6s3tmamahe(3ara7 R $!i&! !as t!e %o$er to s('#( ate !as also t!e %o$er to li'erate Dad A@E) T!e li'eration t!at $as %res&ri'ed in v) AA is a&9(ired in v) ;7, $it! t!e ne&essary i"%li&ation t!at it is a li'eration a&9(ired in t!is life: HIn t!is $ay, $!en t!ese t$in del(sions !ave 'een &(t off, alon $it! t!eir roots, t!ere is no %en&!ant at all on t!e %art of t!e s(%re"e ade%t $!o !as attained !is oal to a&&o"%lis! anyt!in elseI) *ere $e find, in A'!inava (%taIs te,t, t!e first referen&e, even t!o( ! veiled, to t!e 1-3anmu,ta, des&ri'ed as t!e Hs(%re"e ade%tI 6parayogin7) -o ar4#a inter%rets v) ;7 as i"%lyin a den(n&iation of e,ternal rites, %re%arin t!(s t!e $ay for an esoteri& a&&o(nt of "antri& %ra&ti&e Dvv) ;8?;=E e,e"%lifyin t!e HinterioriLed riteI 6antaryga7) 1v) ;8?;=: &!an e of tone in t!e &o""entary t!at fo&(ses on an esoteri& and "ysti&al inter%retation of t!e %!iloso%!i&al &on&e%ts treated a'ove D $hed$heda, et&)E)87B T!e stress is %(t (%on t!e "eans of si"(ltaneo(s a&&ess to 'ot! 5no$led e and li'eration, 'y %resentin , in ter"s t!at are a"'i (o(s, a Hdis&i%lineI 6yoga7 'ased on s&ri%t(ral so(r&es 6gama7 t!at is %ro%er to t!e H$ay of ener yI 6(,topya7, t!is latter also &alled t!e H$ay of 5no$led eI 612nopya7 R t!e $ay of interioriLin rit(al t!at is &!ara&teriLed 'y H"editative realiLationI 6$h3an7 and "antri& %ra&ti&e, nota'ly t!at 'ased on t!e "antra M des&ri%tion of t!e 1-3anmu,ta as a yo in e"'ar5ed on t!e $ay of ener y) 1v) ;8?;= &onstit(te t!(s an esoteri& %arent!esis Dor t!e 'e innin of s(&! a %arent!esisE in a dis&o(rse t!at is %ri"arily %!iloso%!i&al R $!ose esoteris" is re&o niLed 'y its %artial %resentation and 'y t!e disse"ination of o&&(lt tea&!in s D-R ad ;A, nota'lyEM sy"'oli& &orres%onden&e 'et$een t!is se&tion of t!e treatise R $!i&! des&ri'es t!e !eart 6h.daya7, t!at is, Hener yI, as $ell as t!e Hseed of t!e !eartI 6h.day$-1a7, t!at is, t!e "antra R and its %la&e in t!e &enter of t!e treatise)


See $. 865.

1v) ;<?B7: self?%ro&la"ation of t!e HII as (lti"ate %rin&i%le, on t!e "odel of t!e vedi& Hself?%raiseI 6tmastuti7)87= T!e realiLation of t!e a'sol(te HII 6aham7, e9(ally t!at of t!e yo in and t!at of t!e Lord, is &!ara&teristi& of t!e H$ay of Pa '!(I 6($ha3opy7, defined, as $ell, as t!e Hdire&t $ayI 6s,)dupy7)87< In &onse9(en&e, t!e first?%erson %rono(n e,%resses t!e H(ndenia'leI Danapaha3an-ya, -R ad ;<, B7E fa&(lty of e,%erien&e Dor &ons&io(snessE %resent in all 'ein s) T!is HII, t!e "ode of affir"ation of t!e HGreat Lord t!at is t!e Self of ea&! %ersonI 6s3tmamahe(3ara7, red(&es all t!e ot!er "odes of valid 5no$in Din&l(din revealed te,ts, 2 a"asE, to a %osition of e,ternality and relativity D-R ad B7E) 87C T!is self? %raise of t!e HII Hsta"%s t!e yo in in t!e $ay of Pa '!(I, as is said in Tantrlo,a)87@ On anot!er level of inter%retation, it is not t!e "eta%!ysi&al %rin&i%le of t!e HII t!at is solely at iss(e !ere, '(t t!e "antra as $ell, $!i&! re%resents t!at %rin&i%le sy"'oli&ally) 1v) ;<?B7 $o(ld in t!at &ase &onstit(te a follo$?(% to t!e esoteri& %arent!esis of vv) ;8?;=, devoted to "antri& %ra&ti&e and arti&(lated in ter"s of t!e "antra) T!e "antra defined else$!ere as t!e Hs(%re"e reat "antraI 6paramahmantra7, so(r&e of all t!e ot!er "antrasI effi&ien&y 63-ry7, is t!(s in effe&t t!e &o(nter%art, in t!e $ay of Pa'!(, of t!e "antra t!at %ertains to t!e $ay of ener y) 1v) B8?B@: t!e esoteri& %arent!esis is 'rief) Fro" v) B8 on$ards, $e ret(rn to a %ro%erly %!iloso%!i&al a&&o(nt) At t!e very "o"ent t!at 5no$led e is a&9(ired Dv) B8, Hafter over&o"in t!e 'e$ilderin my )))IE, t!e yo in is li'erated) *e is !en&efort! a H5no$erI D12nin, -R ad B8 Wfirst o&&(rren&eYE) After t!is s5et&! of t!e yo in in "a#esty as t!e H"aster of t!e O!eel of ener iesI Dv) ;<E, t!at is, of t!e yo in follo$in t!e ($ha3opya, $e ret(rn to t!e de%i&tion of t!e yo in in "a#esty a&&ordin to t!e (,topya: t!e avataraKi54 ad B8 %la&es in t!e "o(t! of t!e yo in, at t!e "o"ent of !is a$a5enin , t!e %ro&la"ation of 0P/ I1 86: HT!is "i !t is all "ineI) T!e %ortrait of t!e 1-3anmu,ta %resented in vv) B8?B@ ans$ers t!e i"%li&it o'#e&tion t!at t!e notion of Hli'eration $!ile livin I is in&o"%ati'le $it! t!e 5ar"i& destiny t!at "(st 'e attri'(ted to t!e yo in in virt(e of !is in&arnate state) T!e res%onse is t!at s('#e&tion to t!e la$ of 5ar"an is t!e %rod(&t of Hfa(lty 5no$led eI) In &onse9(en&e, t!e advent of Htr(e 5no$led eI s(ffi&es to free one fro" t!at la$ DBAE, $it!o(t it 'ein ne&essary to distin (is! 'et$een a&ts datin fro" 'efore t!e
6 #a** it ahast'ti, 82"e*1,3prai"e '1 the E6E:. )'te that the 1ir"t appeara$#e" '1 the ke% $'ti'$ '1 the a("'* te E6E are t' (e 1' $0 i$ CD:" #'//e$tar% a0 6 ("ee $. 369), with the #'$#ept '1 ahantcamatkra, a$0 a0 8, with the #'$#ept '1 ahaprat,ti, the #'g$itive e7perie$#e '1 the 81ir"t per"'$: ("ee $. 397). 107 See .4 6 142. 108 !1. .4 666 125(,127a, 6; 212,218. 109 See .4 666 269= $... sa evsa' bhavop!am'drita. .he three pri$#ipa* trait" '1 the bhavop!a are 1' $0 i$ thi" &S:" ahast'ti, a" the% are "et 1'rth i$ Tantrloka, a*'$g with the "a/e "t%*i"ti# "age '1 the 1ir"t per"'$> "ee .4 666 280,281= matta evoditam ida ma!!eva pratibimbitam0 madabhinnam ida ceti tridhop!a sa bhava00 $... s#e sthite sahte ca tad etat s)traa ktam0, 8 EB** thi" pr'#ee0" 1r'/ /e, i" re1*e#te0 i$ /e, i" i$"epara(*e 1r'/ /eE. .he wa% '1 a(h i" a trip*e '$e 2...3. 6$ thi" wa% 1'**'w '$e a$'ther e/a$ati'$, /ai$te$a$#e, a$0 rea("'rpti'$:. !1. &S 48a= ma!!eva bhti viva darpaa iva nirmale $... > 48(= matta prasarati sarvam $... > 49(= sarvasmin aham eva sph'rmi $... , a$0 CD a0 47,50= 82... the /a"ter3 e7p*ai$", "i$g ter/" e7pre""ive '1 the pr'$' $ E6E, that iva i" the ver% "e*1 '1 ever%thi$g 2that e7i"t"3, that, (ei$g i$ evi0e$#e ever%where i$ virt e '1 (ei$g e"ta(*i"he0 1ir"t 2a" #'$0iti'$ 1'r ever%thi$g e*"e3, he e$L'i$" the #reati'$ a$0 a** that 1'**'w" 1r'/ it:.


a$a5enin and t!ose %osterior to it: in 'ot! &ases, it is a 9(estion of deta&!in t!e &onse9(en&e fro" t!e a&t, seen not as a "o"entary event, '(t as t!e settin in "otion of a lon %ro&ess event(atin in its %ro%er fr(it Din .F"4 sa5a ter"s, it is t!(s t!e ap/r3a, enerated 'y t!e a&t and lin5in it $it! its fr(it, t!at Qdisa%%earsQE) For !i" $!o !as 'een &onse&rated Hli'erated $!ile livin I 'y !is a$a5enin , t!ose fr(its in %ro&ess of "at(ration 6prra$dha,arman7 are &ons("ed 'y t!e fire of a$a5enin itself Dv) BBE, $!ile t!ose set in "otion after t!e a$a5enin event(ate in no &onse9(en&e, inas"(&! as Ha$a5enin I si nifies t!e a'olition of t!e desire for fr(ition Dv) B=E) T!e 12nin frees !i"self t!(s fro" all t!e "odes of 5ar"i& realiLation Dv) BCE, t!e %rin&i%al indi&ator and effe&t of $!i&! is !is e"an&i%ation fro" all sorro$) 1) =7: t!is initial %ortrait of t!e H5no$erI &(l"inates in t!e Trai5a definition of li'eration as Ht!e "anifestation of oneIs o$n ener ies realiLed 'y &(ttin t!e 5not of nes&ien&eI, in ot!er $ords, as li'eration $!ile livin R a ainst a 'a&5dro% of Qd(alisti&Q definitions of li'eration, re#e&ted 'e&a(se t!ey a&&o(nt only for li'eration at deat!) 1v) =8?=<: less all(sive "ention, in t!e 54ri54s, of 1-3anmu,ti D al'eit via a %eri%!rasis: HW)))Y !e is li'erated t!o( ! still #oined $it! !is 'odyI Dv) =8EM s5et&!, in t!e &o""entary to =8, of a distin&tion 'et$een li'eration in t!is life, 1-3anmu,ti, and li'eration at deat!, $!i&! later traditions, a"on t!e" %ost?PaT5ara 1ed4nta, $ill ter" 3idehamu,tiM reiteration of t!e %rin&i%le (nderlyin t!e notion of 1-3anmu,ti: it is a&&ess to 5no$led e, t!at is, t!e re&o nition of oneIs o$n self as t!e (niversal Self Dor t!e Lord, or P(re Cons&io(snessE, t!at sets aside t!e ne ative effe&ts of t!e la$ of 5ar"an, to et!er $it! t!e fatality of trans"i ration D=8?=6E) 1v) =A?== res%ond to t!is a%%arent %arado, 'y &ontestin t!e ne&essity of any &onver en&e 'et$een a "e&!anisti& a%%li&ation of t!e la$ of 5ar"an and t!e so?&alled fatality of rein&arnation) S(&! QfatalityQ a%%lies only to t!e e"'odied so(l la'orin (nder t!e &ontrol of nes&ien&e, $!i&! o'li es !i" to a&t in vie$ of a fr(it or res(lt) As soon as !is nes&ien&e dissi%ates and !is identity $it! t!e (niversal Self is re&o niLed, t!e H5no$erI R in&arnate, as !e is Dat least in t!e eyes of ot!ersE R a&&edes to a state of Hdisin&arnationI 6a(ar-rat3a7, synony" of li'eration887 R res%onses t!at are !ardly "ore t!an &o""on %la&es (sed 'y t!e &o""entator to f(rt!er !is de"onstration) As %roof t!at t!e 'enefit of an a&t "ay not %ertain to t!e a ent, v) =<, 'orro$in fro" ordinary e,%erien&e, %ro%oses t!e ra""ati&al e,a"%le of t!e ver' ya1- Hto sa&rifi&eI, $!i&!, $!en infle&ted in t!e "iddle voi&e 6ya1ate7, i"%lies t!at t!e ya1amna, t!e %atron of t!e sa&rifi&e, is its 'enefi&iary, '(t, $!en infle&ted in t!e a&tive voi&e 6ya1ati7, i"%lies t!at t!e y1a,a, t!e offi&iatin %riest, a&ts $it!o(t a&9(irin t!at %arti&(lar 'enefit $!i&! 'elon s to !is %atron) T!e y1a,a t!(s 'e&o"es a "eta%!or for t!e "an Hli'erated $!ile livin I) 1v) =C?<A: e,onerated !en&efort! fro" t!e &orr(%tion of !is a&ts, t!e 1-3anmu,ta &an no$ 'e des&ri'ed in t!e li !t of t!e very a&ts t!at &o"%ose !is daily life R indifferent to t!e in#(n&tions and %ro!i'itions t!at are t!e "eat of t!e ordinary "an, a%%earin to ot!ers not (nli5e a "ad"an, $anderin !it!er and yon, so deviant is !e fro" t!e (s(al standard D<8E) *is rit(als of &onse&ration are interior, "eta%!ori&al D=CE: t!e H5no$erI "a5es o'lation of !is d(aliLin t!o( !ts in t!e fire
!1. FSFh 6 1, 4= aar,ratva mokkh!am> See CD a0 63, 70, 72 (a$0 $. 1062), 79,80 (a$0 $. 1212).


of !is &ons&io(sness, fanned 'y t!e $ind of "editative realiLation 6$h3an7 D t!e "ention !ere of $h3an si nals t!at t!e %at! ta5en 'y t!e H5no$erI, in t!is se&tion of t!e Paramrthasra, is t!at of Hener yI) Re ardless of t!e a&&idents t!at "ay affe&t !is life and a&ts !en&efort!, t!e &!ara&teristi& of t!e H5no$erI is !is %(rity D<7E, (naltera'le 'e&a(se innate) 1v) <;?C7: des&ri%tion of t!e "ysti& %ra&ti&e of t!e H5no$erI devoted to t!e $ay of ener yM "eta%!ori&al e,tensions of t!e inner?o(ter %arallelis" noted a'ove: &onstr(&tion of t!e 'ody as te"%le Dde3ag.ha, <;EM oneIs o$n self as t!e divinity Dde3at, <BEM t!o( !t as o'lation Dha3ana, <=EM (ns!a5a'le a$areness of t!e Ulti"ate as !is o$n "editation Ddhyna, <<EM &onte"%lation of s(%re"e i%seity as !is silent Dor $!is%eredE re&itation D1apa, <CEM s(r%assin of all d(ality as !is vo$ D3rata, <@?C7E) T!e des&ri%tion of %ra&ti&e &(l"inates $it! a &!ara&teriLation of t!e 1-3anmu,ta as a /4%4li5a D<@?C7E R alt!o( ! !is vo$, 9(alified as Hot!er$orldlyI 6alau,i,a7 'y -o ar4#a, oes $ell 'eyond t!at of t!e ordinary ,pli,a, $!ose %ra&ti&es are soiled 'y d(ality des%ite t!eir terrifyin ri orM %(rs(it of t!ese i"a es: t!e trans"i ratory $orld $!ere a'ides t!e 1-3anmu,ta is 9(ite as terrifyin as t!e '(rnin ? ro(nd of t!e ,pli,aM t!e sy"'oli& ,ha@39ga of t!e latter, a staff s(r"o(nted 'y a s5(ll, 'e&o"es, literally, t!e 'ody of t!e for"erM t!e ,pli,a=s 'e in ?'o$l, in t!e for" of a s!ard of s5(ll, 'e&o"es t!e Hs!redI of t!e 5no$a'le t!at s(stains e9(ally t!e 1-3anmu,taM t!e ,pli,a=s li9(or is t!e ot!erIs Hessen&e of t!e (niverseI) In s(", t!e 1-3anmu,ta is Hli'eratedI 'e&a(se !e is e,e"%t fro" d(ality) -o ar4#a &on&l(des: HS(&! is t!e vo$ of !i" $!o !as &(ltivated t!e lot(s feet of a tr(e tea&!er) +eyond t!at is not!in '(t t!e desi&&ation of t!e 'odyI R a &o""ent t!at serves also to introd(&e a ne$ "otif De,tensively develo%ed in vv) C@?876E, t!at deat! does not interr(%t or "odify t!e fa&t of li'eration) 1v) C8?CC: ne$ %ortrait of t!e 1-3anmu,ta, a ain in 9(asi?%!iloso%!i&al ter"s DC8E: t!e &o""entary 'orro$in fro" t!e S,hya,ri, t!e fa"o(s i"a e of t!e %otterIs $!eel D$it!o(t !o$ever a&5no$led in t!e so(r&e WS/ =<Y, $!i&! it &ites al"ost 3er$atimE, t!e livin 'ody of t!e H5no$erI is said t!ere, li5e t!e %otterIs $!eel, to Qs%inQ for so"e ti"e after t!e last i"%(lsion iven to it 'y t!e %otter) *ere, t!e i"%(lsion is t!e inertia %rovided 'y a&ts %revio(sly (nderta5en 6prra$dha,arman7, $!ose "otion &ontin(es (nrestrained: it e,%lains $!y and !o$ li'eration o&&(rs $it!in t!is $orldM888 introd(&tion of t$o ne$ ele"ents definin 1-3anmu,ti DC6E: t!at t!e e,%erien&e is 'lissf(l Dt!at is, %ositively feli&ito(s, not "erely a'sent of sorro$E, and t!at it is o%en to all, $it!o(t rit(al %rere9(isites R and t!erefore does not re9(ire t!e so&ial H%erfe&tionin I 6sas,ra7 i"%lied in t!e &aste syste") In !is &o""entary to v) CA, -o ar4#a s5et&!es t!e distin&tion 'et$een li'eration in t!is life and li'eration at deat!,886 and all(des to a t!e"e t!at $ill 'e later develo%ed Dvv) @7?@BE: t!e si nifi&an&e of t!e yo inIs final "o"ents for !is already
.he $'ti'$ '1 %,vanm'kti it"e*1 repre"e$t" i$ a** *ike*ih''0 a$ e11'rt t' re"'*ve the 0i*e//a th " p'"e0= h'w #a$ E1r it"E '1 a#ti'$ (e a('*i"he0 at the /'/e$t '1 awake$i$g, a$0 %et the /'ti'$ i/p'"e0 '$ the ('0% 0 ri$g the peri'0 (e1're awake$i$g #'$ti$ e $ti* the 0eath '1 the ('0%? .' a11ir/ ('th i" i$ a "e$"e t' #*ai/ that #ertai$ a#t" 'r /a$$er" '1 a#ti$g have $' re" *t, $'r 0' the% pr'p'"e a$% g'a* ("ee &S 67). .he 1ig re '1 the p'tter a$0 hi" whee* "ee/" t' e7#* 0e a$'ther p'""i(*e re"'* ti'$ '1 thi" 0i*e//a J that "ee/i$g*% a0'pte0 (% the 4,t a$0 (% +ahA%A$a F 00hi"/ J that the 1r it" '1 " #h a#t" #a$ (e #'$ve%e0 t' 'ther", /'re w'rth% 'r #apa(*e '1 re#eivi$g the/, ?X9@a, i$ the 1'r/er #a"e, a bodhisattva i$ the *atter. B 8g'0: i" i$0ee0 a #'$ve$ie$t a0L $#ti'$ t' a$% " #h "%"te/ '1 th' ght.


a&9(ired li'eration) T!e vanity of in#(n&tions and %ro!i'itions is a ain noted DCA?C;E) A ne$ o'#e&tion is raised Davat) ad CB?C=E, $!i&!, $!ile ad"ittin t!e si"(ltaneity of H5no$led eI and li'eration, denies t!e %ossi'ility of &ontin(in to Hlive in a 'odyI, for t!is is ne&essarily %oll(tin R li'eration 'ein %ossi'le, in ot!er $ords, only at t!e "o"ent of deat!) In res%onse, it is %ointed o(t DCB?C=E t!at Henli !ten"entI i"%lies t!e disa%%earan&e of t!e t!ree i"%(rities t!at are res%onsi'le for t!e so(lIs finit(de and trans"i ration) T!e %ersisten&e of a 'ody does not &o"%ro"ise in any $ay t!e li'erated stat(s of t!e 1-3anmu,ta R and !is li'eration is irreversi'le, esta'lis!ed on&e and for all, a&&ordin to t!e Paiva "a,i": sa,.d 3i$hto <yam) A &on&ession is "ade nevert!eless to t!e adversary D-R ad CB?C=E: a radation, or %er!a%s a se9(en&in , of t$o orders of li'eration: li'eration in t!is life, &orres%ondin to t!e HFo(rt! stateI 6turya7, and li'eration at deat!, &orres%ondin to t!e Hstate 'eyond t!e Fo(rt!I 6turyt-ta7)88A 1v) C@?@B: t!e"e of t!e irreversi'ility of li'eration develo%ed in detail) A %arado,i&al ar ("ent #(stifies t!is irreversi'ility 'y a%%ealin to t!e la$ of 5ar"an R t!e sa"e la$ t!at, for t!e ordinary "an, &onde"ns !i" to t!e fatality of trans"i ration) One 'e&o"es, in effe&t, t!at $!i&! one !as al$ays 'een R $!et!er !e 'e a 'o(nd so(l 6pa(u7 or a H5no$erI 612nin7) No intervenin a&&ident, no (ne,%e&ted s!o&5 is s(ffi&ient to defle&t one fro" t!e destiny !e !as so( !t) 88; S(&! is t!e tea&!in of v) C@, $!i&! on its fa&e see"s to &on&ern only t!e 'o(nd so(lM it is t!e &o""entary t!at s(%%lies t!e "issin lin5 $it! t!is Jaivite inter%retation of t!e la$ of 5ar"an) In virt(e of t!is %rin&i%le, t!e final a ony of t!e H5no$erI, $!atever disorder of "ind or 'ody "ay a&&o"%any it, does not 'rin into 9(estion !is stat(s as Hli'eratedI D@7?@BE) One readin of v) @8 s( ests t!e %ossi'ility of &o"%arin t!e o%a&ity of t!e H5no$erIsI final "o"ents to t!e &ondition of &ertain ani"als as t!ey &onfront deat! D&f) t!e e%isode of ga1endramo,)a, for e,a"%le, ta5en (% 'y -RE: t!e ani"al &ondition itself does not o'str(&t t!e state of li'eration to $!i&! t!e ani"al "ay !ave 'een entitled) 1v) @=?@<: 1-3anmu,ti is no$ %!iloso%!i&ally esta'lis!ed) One 9(estion re"ains: $!y are so"e as%irants, t!o( ! en(inely desiro(s of li'eration, not a&&orded t!eir release in t!is lifeZ In ot!er $ords, !o$ does one a&&o(nt for Q radationsQ or Qde reesQ of li'eration R and so"eti"es even fail(resZ T!e res%onse, even t!o( ! it "ay a%%ear not entirely satisfa&tory, "a5es a%%eal to Hdivine ra&eI in t!e for" of a Hdes&ent of ener yI 6(a,tipta7: it is t!at Hdes&ent of ener yI of t!e S(%re"e Lord, (n&onditioned, (nrestri&ted,88B and yet varied, t!at li'erates) T!is a%%arent radation of Qdes&entsQ is of &o(rse &orrelated $it! t!e a'ilities of t!e as%irant, $!i&! notion
8... i$ 'ther w'r0", a1ter the 0e"tr #ti'$ '1 hi" ('0%, he attai$" a #'$0iti'$ '1 6"'*ati'$ (kevalata) that i" (e%'$0 the T' rth "tate 2'1 #'$"#i' "$e""3, #'/p'"e0 "'*e*% '1 (*i""1 * #'$"#i' "$e"" 2...3:. 113 8.hi" (ei$g the #a"e, the 2/i$0 '1 the3 k$'wer '1 the Se*1 (%&n,), whi*e *ivi$g (%,vann ev), i" 1'r/e0 (% the T' rth> a$0 he tra$"#e$0" eve$ that T' rth, '$#e hi" ('0% $' *'$ger e7i"t":. 114 8<$ the 'ther ha$0, #'//e$t" CD a0 89, whe$ hi" ('0% 1a**" awa%, $'thi$g at a** (e1a**" the /a$ 2viU., the %&nin3 wh' ha" rehear"e0 $' 2a#t" e$ge$0eri$g3 *ate$t 0i"p'"iti'$"> i$0ee0, with whatever i$te$ti'$ the #'g$iUer rehear"e" (abh!as!ati) 2hi" a#ti'$"3, he (e#'/e" '$e with that 2i$te$ti'$3, a$0 at the /'/e$t '1 0eath the '(Le#t that he 0e"ire" with #*arit% #'/e" i$t' evi0e$#e 1'r the #'g$iUer. 6$ thi" wa%, there #a$ (e $' rever"a* 2'r "etti$g at $a ght3 (vipar!a!a) '1 the /atter" that have (ee$ rehear"e0 2thr' gh' t *i1e3, $'r #a$ a$%thi$g $'t '1 the $at re '1 previ' "*% rehear"e0 a#tivit% #'/e i$t' p*a% i$ "'/e $pre#e0e$te0 1a"hi'$ (ap)rvatvena). .h ", previ' " rehear"a* (p)rvbh!sa) i" a*'$e the #a "e 2'13 whatever 2e11e#t e$" e"3. .hi" i" the p rp'rt:. 115 vikhala, a" it i" "ai0 i$ the avat. a0 9.


$o(ld 'e diffi&(lt to see as anyt!in '(t a restatin of t!e 9(estion, rat!er t!an an Qans$erQ) In fa&t, a s!ift in %oint of vie$ is in &o(rse: at t!e end of t!e treatise, it is solely PivaIs %ers%e&tive t!at is at iss(e R paramrthata R in ter"s of $!i&! t!e %ers%e&tive %rovided 'y t!e la$ of 5ar"an is "erely instr("ental, and (lti"ately to 'e &ast aside, as "ere 3ya3ahra, inas"(&! as it is valid for t!e e"'odied a ent, $!o a&ts only 'y %ro,yM t!e sole real a ent is Piva) T!e Hdes&ent of ener yI t!(s a"o(nts to t!e a&9(isition Dor Hre&o nitionIE of a Hfreedo"I t!at is oneIs already R inas"(&! as Piva is !ere &on&eived as Hfreedo"I itself) Given t!e de rees of ra&e, one &annot es&a%e t!e idea t!at different de rees of effort are also &alled for R on t!e %art of different as%irants R and so t!e te,t, in t!ese final se&tions, s!ifts fro" an e"%!asis on t!e 12nin to one on t!e yogin, !e $!o is en a ed in a Hdis&i%lineI 6yoga7 leadin to e"an&i%ation) If t!e e&!o of t!e "-t is &lear, t!e ter" Hyo inI i"%lies as $ell a referen&e to t!e Paiva syste" of upyas) A readin of vv) @=?@< R $it!o(t any referen&e to t!e &o""entary R finds t!ere easily a des&ri%tion of 1-3anmu,ti and t!e t!ree H$aysI &a%a'le of leadin to it) In @= is des&ri'ed an as%irant $!o, 'enefitin fro" a ra&e t!at is Hvery intenseI 6atit-3ra7, follo$s t!e H$ay of Pa'!(I, t!e i""ediate or dire&t %at! to li'eration, &!ara&teriLed t!ro( ! t!e analo y of &o%%er &!an ed al&!e"i?&ally into old 'y &onta&t $it! "er&(ryM s(&! an as%irant a&&edes to final enli !ten"ent, as it $ere, HeffortlesslyI and in t!is life R t!e only "ediation re9(ired 'ein t!at of t!e tea&!er) 1) @< envisa es an as%irant $!o !as devoted !i"self to t!e se9(ential %ra&ti&es of t!e H$ay of ener yI 6(,topya7 R and %ro'a'ly, to t!e H$ay of t!e finite so(lI 60a3opya7) T!e ele"ent t!at is &o""on to vv) @=?@< is t!eir referen&e to a yo in $!o !as or $ill !ave s(&&eeded in !is 9(est, $!o !as a&9(ired li'eration in t!is life or $ill in t!e ne,t) 1v) @C?876 are devoted to a len t!y e,%osition of t!e (ns(&&essf(l as%irant, t!e as%irant $!o !as Hfallen fro" dis&i%lineI 6yoga$hra)@a7, ty%i&ally, 'y an (ne,%e&ted deat! t!at !as interr(%ted !is %ra&ti&e R and $!o t!(s sees !is li'eration deferred) 1v) @C?@@ %ro"ise to s(&! a one a residen&e in Hdivine $orldsI and a re'irt! t!at is (aranteed to %rod(&e a sal(tary res(lt) Not only is no effort $asted, '(t !is %ra&ti&e is ta5en (% at #(st t!e %oint it $as interr(%ted) 1v) 877?876 des&ri'e an as%irant even "ore i"%erfe&t, $!ose %ra&ti&e !as (tterly failed, $!o !as, for instan&e, failed to ras% $!at !as 'een &learly e,%lained to !i") After a so#o(rn lastin even lon er in t!e divine $orlds, !e too is %ro"ised an (lti"ate li'eration, '(t only after a s('se9(ent deat!) T!e so(r&e of t!e notion of t!e yoga$hra)@a is do('tless t!e "-t D1I A<?;@E, as -o ar4#a notes ad 876) T!e notion, stran ely eno( !, is lar ely a'sent in ot!er te,ts of nond(al Paivis" of /as!"ir R $it! t!e sin le e,&e%tion of T2 :::1II =B D$!i&! (ses t!e synony" yogacyuta $!ile referrin to /USKaIs tea&!in a%ro%os t!e yoga$hra)@a7 and Tantrlo,a3i3e,a ad lo&, $!ere t!e ter" yoga$hra)@a fi (res in a &itation of t!ose very verses DviL), +!G 1I ;8'?;A, in vol) 1III: A<8AE) O!y t!is Paramrthasra=s re"ar5a'le and 9(ite detailed e,&e%tionZ In %art, t!e ans$er "(st lie in t!e fa&t t!at A'!inava (%taIs Paramrthasra is t!e re$ritin of an e,tra?Paiva te,t, t!e 2diJeSaIs Paramrthasra, of $!i&! t!e last verses Dvv) C;? C=E !ave 'een re%rod(&ed 9(asi 3er$atim in A'!inava (%taIs verses 877?876 R %re&edin $!i&!, !o$ever, &o"es a %rea"'le t!at refers, even t!o( ! &overtly, to t!e Trai5a notion of t!e t!ree H$aysI Dvv) @=?@<E and s(%%lies a %!iloso%!i&al fo(ndation for t!e notion of t!e yoga$hra)@a Dvv) @C?@@E) T!is 'rin s into fo&(s, %er!a%s, t!e strate y of re$ritin at iss(e !ere, $!ere so"eti"es fidelity and &o!eren&e "(st 'e

re&on&iled so"e$!at loosely) T!is 'orro$in fro" t!e older te,t does serve A'!inava (%ta, !o$ever, in fa&ilitatin !is &lai" t!at li'eration is (niversally a&&essi'le R $itness t!e vi'rant %lea of -o ar4#a in favor of t!e effort to o'tain li'eration D87AE) 1) 87A: T!is verse &ontains t!e Q"oralQ to 'e derived fro" vv) @=?876, $!i&! is t!at of t!e entire treatise: every effort 'ears fr(it, %rovided t!at it 'e sin&ereM li'eration is &ertain, 'e it no$ or later) Neit!er "(st t!e as%irant fear %res("%tion: not only is !is effort %ro"ised s(&&ess, '(t it is le iti"ate) 1v) 87;?87B: As e,%e&ted at t!e end of a treatise li5e t!e Paramrthasra, v) 87; ret(rns to t!e te,t itself and its a(t!or, and finds an additional reason to 'elieve in t!e inevita'ility of li'eration: it is even "ore &ertain no$ t!at it !as 'een e,%lained in t!e 'est of all %ossi'le treatises, na"ely, t!e Paramrthasra of A'!inava (%ta) 1) 87B oes even f(rt!er, &ele'ratin t!e $or5 for its &on&ision, and t!e a(t!or for !is a(t!ority, &onferred 'y t!e (ne9(alled s%lendor of !is "ysti&al realiLation, in $!i&! !e is li5ened to none ot!er t!an .a!eJvara !i"self) 2)3) S etch of the doctrine On t!e "odel of a do&trine t!at %la&es in tande" servit(de and e"an&i%ation, t!e te,t of t!e Paramrthasra is &onstr(&ted diale&ti&ally: to verse 6;, $!i&! des&ri'es t!e installation of i"%(rities, &orres%onds verse B<, $!i&! &onte"%lates t!eir a'olitionM 88= to verses ;?B, $!i&! introd(&e t!e "otif of t!e Hs!eat!sI or Henvelo%esI 6a0a7, $!ose (nf(rlin &a(ses finit(de, &orres%ond verses ;8?;=, $!i&! des&ri'e t!e "anner in $!i&! "antri& %ra&ti&e %ro&eeds to t!eir 'ein sto$ed a$ayM to verses A7?A8, $!i&! set fort! t!e notion of t$ofold error, &orres%ond verses A@?;7, $!i&! &onse&rate its eradi&ationM verse 8B, $!i&! defines my, is refle&ted in verse B8, $!i&! "a5es "4y4Is dissi%ation t!e %re&ondition of li'eration) In effe&t, finit(de and li'eration are not!in '(t a%%earan&es, !ave no QrealityQ a%art fro" $orldly &onvention and lin (isti& (sa e) 88< To t!e e,tent t!at PivaIs a"e 'rin s t!e" into %lay, t!ey ass("e alternatin roles, endlessly, in a $orld t!at !as no ot!er destiny t!an trans"i ration, s('#e&t only to PivaIs $ill: HT!(s does t!e S(%re"e Piva e,tend W$it!in o(r s%!ereY !is %lay W"adeY $onderf(l 'y Wt!e alternation ofY 'onda e and li'erationI)88C On t!e level of (lti"ate reality 6paramrthata7, in &ontrast, t!ere e,ist neit!er servit(de nor e"an&i%ation R #(st soverei n freedo", $!i&! is "anifest in t!e %lay of t!e od, $!o is %leased so"eti"es to &on&eal !i"self, so"eti"es to reveal

.he/e take$ p agai$ at vv. 85,88. See CD a0 60= 86$ L "t thi" wa%, #'$"#i' "$e"", 2whe$3 #'$"tri#te0 (% the *i/itati'$" 0erivi$g 1r'/ the #'$#eit that *'#ate" the Se*1 i$ the ('0%, et#., i" "ai0 t' (e Ea" i1 (' $0E (baddham iva)> a$0 "i/i*ar*%, '$#e the ('$0age that #'$"i"t" '1 the #'$#eit attri( ti$g t' the ('0%, et#., the #apa#it% t' #'g$iUe ha" #'/e t' a$ e$0 thr' gh the /a$i1e"tati'$ '1 the k$'w*e0ge '1 '$e:" 'w$ $at re, that "a/e 2#'$"#i' "$e""3 i" "ai0 t' (e Ea" i1 *i(erate0E (m'ktam iva), 2"i$#e $'w it i"3 1 **% 0ep*'%e0 thr' gh the 0i"#ri/i$ati'$ '1 it" 'w$ e$ergie" 2'1 i$0epe$0e$#e, et#.3 2...3. Me$#e ('$0age a" we** a" *i(erati'$ are ('th e""e$tia**% 21 $#ti'$" '13 #'$#eit '1 "e*1 a11e#ti$g the *i/ite0 #'g$iUer> it i" $'t that a$% eve$t" '1 thi" "'rt 2rea**%3 take p*a#e i$ the rea*it% that i" #'$"#i' "$e"" J the *ti/ate tr th 2'1 thi" "%"te/3:> "ee $. 1039. 118 &S 33.
116 117


!i"self, r!yt!"i&ally, in a&&ordan&e $it! !is t$o Hener iesI 6(a,ti7, t!at of o's&(ration 6tirodhna(a,ti7 and t!at of !is ra&e or favor 6anugraha(a,ti7)88@ Everyt!in , in t!is syste" of t!o( !t, e,tendin even to notions and entities of little val(e, is a %rod(&t of an Hener yI of t!e od) T!e do&trine is $ell s(ited t!en to t!e needs of t!e mumu,)u, t!e a&olyte as%irin to e"an&i%ation, for it a&&ords !i" ass(ran&e t!at !e $ill rea&! !is oal: even in t!e s%!ere of finite interests, t!ere is not!in set in stone, not!in irre"edia'le R even finit(de itself is finite) In t!is sense, e"an&i%ation is defined not so "(&! as a "otivated effort to (ndo 'onda e, as it is a %ositive recognition 6pratya$hi127 t!at one is already free R if anyt!in , t!e %arado,i&al a&9(isition of a freedo" t!at one !as never lost) Alt!o( ! t!is %arado, is, in so"e $ay, &o""on to "ost Indian radi&al "onis"s, t!is s&!ool affir"s in %arti&(lar t!at t!e re&o nition at iss(e ta5es t!e for" of t!e Hf(ll de%loy"ent of oneIs o$n ener iesI Ds3tma(a,ti3i,as3arat, -R ad v) =7E) Oit! t!e introd(&tion of t!e notion of (a,ti, t!e Tri5a affir"s 'ot! its do&trinal &o!eren&e Dt!e ot!er syste"s do not !ave re&o(rse to s(&! a notion in order to des&ri'e li'erationE and its taste for %arado, R a $ay to s!ore (% a &o(nterfa&t(al vie$ of t!e !("an &ondition) Li'eration is freedo": in ot!er $ords, t!ere e,ists no li'eration, '(t a freedo" t!at %lays at !idin itself) At t!e !eart of t!e do&trine, as $e !ave seen, is t!e notion of 1-3anmu,ti, Hli'eration Wfro" lifeY $!ile one yet livesI, t!e o,y"oron %ar e,&ellen&e R and s&andalo(s as $ell for ordinary reasona'le "en, &on&erned, as all "en s!o(ld 'e, $it! e,e&(tin t!eir reli io(s and et!i&al d(ties) T!e n("ero(s o'#e&tions to t!e notion %oint to t!at s&andal, o'#e&tions for t!e "ost %art i"%li&it in t!e te,ts t!e"selves, '(t $!i&! t!e &o""entators deli !t in 'rin in o(t) T!e &!allen e t!at 1-3anmu,ti re%resents as $ell for t!e Paramrthasra itself &an 'e as&ertained s('li"inally in t!e %olyse"y of t!e $or5Is title, $!ere paramrtha si nifies not only H(lti"ate 6parama7 reality Dor tr(t!, arthaEI, '(t Das t!e &o""entary to v) 87; at t!e end of t!e treatise so"e$!at 'elatedly revealsE Ht!e !i !est 6parama7 of t!e fo(r oals 6artha, s&il), puru)rtha7 of !("an lifeI, na"ely e"an&i%ation 6mo,)a7: HNo$ t!e a(t!or WA'!inava (%taY %ro&eeds to s(" (% t!e %(r%ose of t!e te,t, sayin t!at Qit alone is t!e tea&!in t!at serves as a "eans for realiLin t!e !i !est a"on t!e oals of !("an life)Q I Li5e$ise, in !is &o""entary on t!e first verse, -o ar4#a a%%ears to des&ry a referen&e, al'eit &on&ealed, to 1-3anmu,ti in t!e na"e HPa'!(I, $!i&! !e inter%rets ety"olo i&ally as si nifyin H$!ose nat(re is (ns(r%assed feli&ityI 867 R a not (n&o""on %loy, $itness t!e si"ilar readin s of t!e na"e HPaT5araI D&f) S%P 8 , 9(oted 'elo$E) *e &ontin(es: HOit! t!is s(""ary senten&e, $!i&! tea&!es t!at t!e s(%re"e state to 'e attained is a'sor%tion in W$!at is alreadyY oneIs o$n essen&e, t!e tea&!er !as stated in a''reviated for" t!e %(r%ort of t!e te,t in its entiretyI) In t!is syste", t!e only freedo" to $!i&! one s!o(ld as%ire, is e"an&i%ation in t!is life868 R a notion t!at a%%ears to follo$ fro" nond(alis" itself, if one (nderstands 'y He"an&i%ationI oin 'eyond t!e &ontraries and reinte ration $it!in t!e One: t!ere is no reason $!y a %erson, in t!is $orld, s!o(ld not 'e as free as is
See CD a0 60 a$0 69. an'ttarare!asvabhva J 'r 82appr'priati'$ '13 wh'"e $at re (e#'/e" 21'r the a"pira$t3 the *ti/ate g'a*:. 121 See Sp& 1 2S a0 11, i$ the te7t a* 'rga$iUati'$ '1 Sp)3= iha hi %,vanm'ktataiva moka.
119 120


Piva, for !e is not?different fro" !i", %rovided t!at !e (nderta5es t!e real la'or of re&o niLin t!at tr(t!)866 T!e e,istential diffi&(lty of 'e&o"in Piva "ay 'e read, in effe&t, 'et$een t!e lines of t!e do&trine of t!e fo(r upyas R $!i&! do&trine in&l(des, nevert!eless, at least for a !andf(l of individ(als, eit!er t!e %ossi'ility of t!e Hnon?"eansI 6anupya7, t!at is, t!e a'sen&e of all e,istential diffi&(lty in realiLin oneIs o$n identity $it! PivaM or t!at of t!e 9(asi?instantaneo(s H$ay of Pa'!(I) Indeed, one !as t!e sense t!at /as!"ir Paivis" is one of t!e first syste"s to see5 to #(stify do&trinally t!e notion of 1-3anmu,ti) As s(&!, t!e treat"ent of t!e notion and its re%resentation as a %!iloso%!i&al iss(e &onstit(te in t!eir o$n $ay "a#or &ontri'(tions to t!e develo%"ent of Indian t!o( !t) T!e t!e"e of a'andonin 5ar"i& life is nearly as old as Indian &iviliLation itself, and !as iven rise to a de'ate t!at is a %ersistent leit"otif of Indian intelle&t(al !istory) T!e as%erity of t!at de'ate "i !t 'e d(e as "(&! to a lin erin s(s%i&ion t!at +ra!"anis" !ad already s(rrendered too "(&! to +(dd!ist infl(en&e, as to t!e ne$ly %o%(lar devotionalis" and its reinvi orated sense of rit(al, "ena&ed 'y any a'andonin of $orldly life) T!e "ena&e re%resented 'y t!e a'andon"ent of 5ar"i& life !ad 'een first "anifest in t!e late?vedi& &riti9(e of t!e effi&a&ity of t!e sa&rifi&e itself Dsee, for instan&e, .(U I 6, 87?88E) T!at &riti9(e $as at least %artially disar"ed 'y t!e notion of t!e fo(r sta es of life 6(ramadharma7, rele atin sanysa to t!e end of life, $ell after t!e !o(se!older !ad f(lfilled !is rit(al destiny Din&l(din t!e %ro&reation of sonsE) In t!e sa"e $ay, t!e ideal of li'eration 6mo,)a7 $as s(%eradded to t!e t!ree Qnor"alQ oals of !("an life, &orres%ondin to t!is ne$ Qe,tra?!("anQ &ondition) Fro" a stri&tly %!iloso%!i&al %oint of vie$, t!e de'ates t!at are e&!oed in t!e Paiva te,ts on t!e de rees of li'eration relate to a narro$er iss(e, rat!er "ore te&!ni&al in nat(re: &an li'eration R a&&e%ted 'y nearly everyone at t!e ti"e R 'e re&on&iled $it! 5ar"i& life, or "(st one $ait for t!e end of life in order to a&&ede t!eretoZ T!at is, is t!e notion of 1-3anmu,ti defensi'leZ .any s&!olars, Reno( a"on t!e", !ave re"ar5ed on t!e Indian eni(s for synt!esis, re&on&iliation R a s%irit t!at ref(ses to re ard any &ontradi&tion as final) In t!is sense, t!e tension 'et$een t!e life of t!e !er"it and $orldly life is not a re&ent %!eno"enon, nor a fatality R and t!e notion of 1-3anmu,ti offers on&e a ain t!e o%%ort(nity to %alliate it) T!e dyna"is" of Indian intelle&t(al !istory de%ends in lar e %art on t!at diale&ti&, $!ere &o"%ro"ises !ave 'een n("ero(s Dand not all &on enial to Oestern fas!ions of t!o( !tE, s(&! as t!e interioriLation of &o"%le, e,ternal rites, t!e +ra!"ani&o?+(dd!ist a"al a", t!e notion of t!e H (r(I, 'ot! QfreeQ and so&ially en a ed) T!e 9(arrel refle&ted in t!ese Paiva te,ts is t!(s far fro" ori inal, '(t is nevert!eless felt as irre"edia'ly &r(&ial) As far as t!e ter"s 1-3anmu,tiBEmu,ta are &on&erned, "ost "odern inter%reters &onsider t!e" as relatively re&ent) To date, t!ey !ave 'een noti&ed in several Advaita or Advaita?li5e te,ts of t!e e%o&!, s(&! as t!e 5oga3si)@ha Dalso it see"s fro" /as!"ir, and %resentin several Paiva traitsE, t!at so"e Din&l(din Das (%ta 8@<B, vol) II: 6A8E $o(ld attri'(te to t!e nint! &ent(ryM and t!e 'tma$odha, traditionally
!'$#er$i$g the #'$#epti'$ '1 %,vanm'kti i$ the Si00hA$ta, whi#h i" 0 a*i"t at the ti/e '1 the ?a"h/iria$ e7egete", "ee, e"pe#ia**%, Fr $$er, /omaabh'paddhati 2S&3, v'*. 666= 5666, a$0 .B?, ".v. %,vanm'kta (v'*. 66= 27511.).


assi ned to PaT5ara !i"self R t!o( ! erroneo(sly, a&&ordin to t!e sa"e a(t!orities)86A T!e ter"s fi (re as $ell in Paiva te,ts of t!e sa"e %eriod, as I $ill atte"%t to s!o$, '(t t!eir "ore &ertain datin s!o(ld not !ide t!e fa&t t!at t!e idea of 1-3anmu,ti !ad lon a o fo(nd its $ay into t!e &on&e%t(al a%%arat(s of "onists Dof $!atever stri%eE R it is t!ere in t!e "-t,86; as $ell as in so"e older (%aniSads,86B and re&o niLed as s(&! 'y PaT5ara)86= Even its te&!ni&al inter%retation is t!ere: are Hfree $!ile aliveI t!ose t!at Qa&tQ no "ore, '(t are o'li ed to live o(t t!eir prra$dha,arman, 'e&a(se Das indi&ated 'y PaT5ara and ot!ersE a 5ar"an on&e set in "otion is not easily ann(lled) -et, t!e &ontri'(tion of t!e vast Jivaite literat(re to t!e de'ate on 1-3anmu,ti &annot 'e i nored, as !as 'een "ainly t!e &ase, not only 'y "odern s&!olars!i% Dat least 'eyond t!e field of Paiva st(diesE, 86< '(t also 'y later Indian tradition) In effe&t, one &an say $it!o(t e,a eration t!at t!e Paiva a(t!ors ive (s one of t!e first "ore or less &o"%lete a&&o(nts of an idea t!at !ad ta5en root for so"e ti"e in Indian a'sol(tist t!o( !t R alt!o( ! t!ey do not deviate fro" t!e &o""only re&eived o%inion as &on&erns t!e eneral &!ara&ter and i"%ortan&e of li'eration itself, as s!o$n 'y t!eir &onstant referen&es to %rior dis&(ssions of t!is iss(e, and "ost nota'ly to t!e "-t) T!ere is no do('t as to t!e soteriolo i&al orientation of t!e 9(asi?totality of develo%ed Indian %!iloso%!i&al syste"s R 'e t!ey "onist or d(alist, as t!e S45!ya R '(t t!e novelty of t!e Tri5aIs a%%roa&! lies in its vie$in , indeed reeval(atin , mu,ti in t!e li !t of its "eta%!ysi&s, s!o$in t!at, for instan&e, on t!e level of t!e a'sol(te, t!ere is no li'eration, inas"(&! as 'onda e e,ists only on t!e e"%iri&al level) A vie$ $it! .4d!ya"i5a overtones, it is tr(e, '(t freed fro" t!e eristi& and ne ative &!ara&ter of t!e latter R 'onda e itself 'ein resolved in t!e a'sol(te freedo" of t!e Self, a state of dyna"i& %lenit(de Da"on ot!er na"es, Tri5a &onfers (%on itself t!at of p/r0at3da7 t!at s(ffi&es to define li'eration as freedo" itself) T!(s, t!e Tri5a or aniLes (nder t!e !eadin of a Hdo&trine of freedo"I 6s3tantrya3da7 t!e ele"ents of t!e i""e"orial dialo on t!e li'erated "an)
<$ the $'ti'$ '1 %,vanm'kti i$ the dvaitavednta '1 +a0hva (13th 'r 14th #e$t.), "ee D. +e"K ita 2007. 124 See $'ta(*% -a"g pta 1975, v'*. 66= 247. 125 See $. 1405. 126 See -a"g pta 1975, v'*. 66= 246> <(erha//er 1994= 15. &r'1. Da11ae*e .'re**a ha" ki$0*% re1erre0 /e t' the epi# "age '1 %,vanm'kta, 'r rather %,van... m'kta, t' whi#h &r'1. +i$'r Mara ha" 0ev'te0 a$ arti#*e (1996). 6t i" t' (e $'te0, h'wever, that i$ the Gpi# the ter/ 0'e" $'t '## r a" " #h, ( t rather a" variati'$" '$ a "t'#k phra"e, " a**% (i$ the +Fh) i$ the $egative= na me %,van vimok!ase, 8C' wi** $'t e"#ape 1r'/ /e a*ive:, a phra"e whi#h e7pre""e" '$*% the her':" 0eter/i$ati'$ $'t (na) t' *et hi" 1'e e"#ape (m'kta) a*ive (%,van) 1r'/ the (att*e. .he *'# ti'$ i" 1' $0 i$ the a11ir/ative i$ the ?arivaa= %ita ... %,van m'kta ca vi'n, 8va$K i"he0, he wa" re*ea"e0 a*ive (% ;i9@ :. .he #'$te7t here i" #*ear*% $'t >m'kti> (a" it i" *ater $0er"t''0) ( t the ver% w'r*0*% i"" e '1 a katri!a"s h /i*iati'$. +. Mara i" '1 #' r"e L "ti1ie0 i$ rai"i$g the K e"ti'$ '1 the re*ati'$"hip (etwee$ the phi*'"'phi#a* a$0 epi# varia$t" '1 the *'# ti'$ >%,van m'kta>> it "ee/" /'re appr'priate, h'wever, t' "ee the tw' a" 0i"ti$#t 0eve*'p/e$t", 0i11ere$t $'t '$*% i$ #'$te7t ( t i$ "%$ta#ti# "age. 127 See <(erha//er 1994= 15, with re1ere$#e t' FhIFh ;6 27= 8Se*'$ t' te appare$#e, #e te7te e"t *a p* " a$#ie$$e re1ere$#e a *a %,vanm'kti et pe t,etre *e "e * pa""age ' akara e/p*'ie *e ter/e te#h$iK e 0e %,vanm'kta:.


Anot!er i"%ortant e"%!asis of t!e Tri5a, %er!a%s even an innovation, is, as I !ave already indi&ated, its %rivile in t!e a&9(isition of 1-3anmu,ti, even to t!e %oint of deni ratin t!e older notion of Hli'eration at deat!I)86C Nayarat!a, in !is &o""entary on T2 I 68R t!e &on&l(din verse of t!e te,tIs introit R o'serves, in effe&t, t!at Ht!e o'#e&tive Wof t!is treatiseY is to &onfer e"an&i%ation in t!is life 'y re&o niLin t!e Self as s(&!, 'y e"%loyin %ro ressively s(&! "eans as $ill 'e des&ri'ed in $!at follo$sI, and t!at t!is oal Halt!o( ! develo%ed t!ro( ! t!e lon se9(en&e of verses t!at follo$, is dire&tly de&lared 'y t!e %resent verse D68E, $!i&! 'e ins $it! QPriJa'!(n4t!aQ H)86@ At t!e ot!er e,tre"e of t!e treatise, verses A6?AAa of &!a%ter :::1II &onfir": HT!is treatise W&on&ernin t!eY Real, W$!erein is de&laredY t!e essen&e of t!e Tri5a itself, is evidently to 'e ta5en (% Wand st(diedY, %rovidin as it does $it!o(t reat effort t!e s(%re"e 'enefit t!at is e"an&i%ation in t!is life, and arran ed in s(&! a $ay as to &onvey t!e !i !est satisfa&tions #(st as desiredI)8A7 Nayarat!a Dad T2 :::1II A6?AAaE does not fail to stress t!e &o!eren&e of t!e treatise on $!i&! !e &o""ents, 'y relatin t!ese verses to t!ose of t!e first &!a%ter: HT!(s, W$it! t!e arti&(lation of vv) A6?AAa of &!) :::1IIY t!e "ain %(r%ose of t!e $or5 is a&&o"%lis!ed, $!i&! !ad 'een set fort! in Wvv) 6C;'?6C=a of &!) IY: QT!e sa e $!o &ontin(ally o&&(%ies !i"self $it! Wt!is $or5Y of t!irty?seven &!a%ters $ill 'e&o"e an in&arnate +!airavaM sin&e !e $!ose 5no$led e !as 'een &o"%leted in Wst(dy ofY t!ese t!irty?seven $ill 'e&o"e +!airava, $!y s!o(ld one 'e s(r%rised $!en even finite &reat(res, 'y &onte"%lation of !i", attain to t!e state of +!airavaZQ I8A8 Re&allin t!(s, in !is &o""entary on verses A6?AA of t!e final &!a%ter, t!e %assa e in t!e initial &!a%ter $!ere t!e 1-3anmu,ta is des&ri'ed, alon $it! !is vo&ation of !el%in ot!ers on t!e sa"e %at!, Nayarat!a reaffir"s t!at t!e t!e"e of e"an&i%ation in t!is life is t!e t!read of Ariadne strin in to et!er t!e entire te,t R and I "i !t add, t!e entire do&trine) In effe&t, t!e 5ey notions of t!e syste" R H ra&eI 6(a,tipta7, t!e H"eansI or H$aysI of li'eration 6upya7, t!e triad of Hi"%(ritiesI 6mala7, to &ite only a fe$ R enter into its soteriolo i&al %ro#e&t) Oe learn, for instan&e, fro" t!e Tantrlo,a=s treat"ent, and to a lesser e,tent, t!at of t!e Paramrthasra, t!at 1-3anmu,ti is a&&essi'le in t!e t!ree inferior H$aysI) S(%%ortin t!is notion is t!e al&!e"i&al "eta%!or, $!i&! is one of t!e Tri5aIs favorite to%oi) 8A6 A&&ordin to -o ar4#a Dad @=E t!e %ro&ess at $or5 in attainin 1-3anmu,ti 'y t!e 9(asi?instantaneo(s H$ay of Pa'!(I is si"ilar to t!at involved in trans"(tin &o%%er into old 'y "eans of "er&(ry R viL), t!e pa(u into Piva 'y t!e Hver'al trans"issionI 6mnya7 of Paiva do&trine) +y mnya is !ere "eant, so"e$!at aty%i&ally, t!e dire&t a(dition of t!e
See Htpa*avai9@ava:" e7ege"i", p. 41. .4; 6 21= vak!amop!akramea svtmata! prat!abhi%&n% %,vanm'ktipradatva pra!o%ana lokntars)tritam api r,abh'ntha it!dilokena skd 'ktam. 130 .4 555;66 32,33a= ittha dadad an!s% %,vanm'ktimahphalam0 !athepsitamahbhoga1 dttvena v!avasthitam00 aardhasra sacchstram 'pde!am ida sph'#am00. 131 .B; 555;66 32,33a= anena ca as!a granthas!a J iti saptdhikm en triata !a sad b'dha0 hnikn samabh!as!et sa skd bhairavo bhavet00 saptatriats' sap)rabodho !ad bhairavo bhavet0 ki citram aavo (p! as!a d bhairavatm i!' @ it!din 'pakrntam eva mahpra!o%anatva nirvhitam00. 132 ... whi#h "erve" a*"' t' 0e"#ri(e the tw' 1i$a* 8"tate": (avastha), t'r!a a$0 t'r!t,ta ("ee CD a0 96 a$0 $. 1365).
128 129


do&trine, ar (a'ly on&e only, fro" t!e "o(t! of t!e tea&!er) In T2 1 8B8, t!at sa"e analo y a%%lies to 1-3anmu,ti o'tained 'y t!e H$ay of t!e finite so(lI) Still, t!e i"%erative of e"an&i%ation in t!is life is not li"ited to t!e Tantrlo,a, nor to t!e %!ase of develo%"ent of nond(al /as!"iri Paivis" of $!i&! A'!inava (%taIs treatise is t!e s(""ation) At t!e very 'e innin of !is treat"ent, A'!inava (%ta relies on t!e a(t!ority of vario(s 2 a"as on t!e 9(estion of e"an&i%ation, and %arti&(larly on t!at of e"an&i%ation in t!is life R nota'ly, t!e Raura3a, S3ya$hu3a, Mata9ga, et&) DI ;=E)8AA T!e Fi(@ana is &ited in T2 I B7?B8 as %ositin in (na"'i (o(s ter"s t!e distin&tion 'et$een li'eration at deat! and li'eration in t!is life)8A; In t!ese sa"e verses one &an also dete&t a s5et&! of t!e notions of pauru)a12na and $auddha12na, to $!i&! T2 I A=ff) !as #(st devoted a novel treat"ent: H*e $!ose "ind re"ains s('#e&t to d(aliLin t!o( !ts 'e&o"es Piva after t!e dissol(tion of t!e 'odyM '(t t!e ot!er W$!o is not so s('#e&tY 'e&o"es WPivaY in t!is very life R s(&! is t!e "ain tea&!in of t!e J4stra WviL), t!e Fi(@anaYI)8AB In T2 :I1 ;;'?;B, A'!inava (%ta all(des a ain to t!is %assa e of t!e Fi(@ana, $!i&! Nayarat!a &ites "ore ela'orately, &on&l(din : HT!(s it !as 'een de"onstrated t!at li'eration is only for t!e livin $!ose "ode of 'ein la&5s d(aliLin t!o( !t &onstr(&tsM '(t, as for t!e rest, it $ill 'e $!en t!e 'ody falls a$ayI) 8A= Si"ilarly, t!e %assa es T2 I1 68A?668a and 6B@?6<7 rely on t!e Mlin-3i1ayottaratantra, a s(%re"e a(t!ority for t!e Tri5a, in order to develo% t!eir notion of 1-3anmu,ti as o'tained via t!e H$ay of ener yI R a H$ayI t!at i"%lies t!e interioriLation of rit(al D.1T :1III <;?C6, T2 I1 686E) A ain, referen&e is "ade, in t!e te,ts of t!is s&!ool, to ot!er Tantras or 2 a"as, nota'ly t!e S3acchandatantra WSvTY, t!e M.tyu21it Dor Fetratantr7 WNTY, t!e Kularatnaml and t!e Kli,,rama, %rof(sely &ited 'y t!e Ci3as/tra3imar(in- Dsee n) CC8E and t!e Spandanir0aya WS%NY, $or5s of /Se"ar4#a, $!o as $ell &o""ented on t!e S3acchandatantra and t!e Fetratantra) In so"e of t!ese &itations, t!e notion of 1-3anmu,ti is e,%li&itly for"(lated, nota'ly: SvT 1II 6B@a Din S%N II =?<E: >)))? 1-3ann e3a 3imu,to <sauyasyeya $h3an sadBB Dsee also A%%endi, 67, %) A;BEM SvT I1 A@C' Din PS1 III 6CE: >)))? dehapr0asthito <py tm tad3all-yeta tatpadeBBM SvT : A<6' Din PS1 III ;BE: tatrastho <pi na $adhyeta yato <t-3a sunirmalaBBM and Kli,,rama Din PS1 III A8E: sar3a (uddha nirlam$ha 12na s3apratyaytma,amB ya pa(yati sa mu,ttm 1-3ann e3a na sa(ayaBB, H*e $!o sees all 5no$led e as %(re, free of We,ternalY s(%%ort WviL), o'#e&tY, and !avin t!e
6$ the #'$te7t '1 treati$g pa'r'A%&na a$0 ba'ddha%&na. <$ the 0ati$g '1 th'"e te7t", "ee (e*'w. 134 Gve$ th' gh the ter/" %,vanm'kti 'r %,vanm'kta are $'t there 1' $0, OD a0 6 50,51 i" e7p*i#it= eva vikalpo (tra sambhavan m'kta' v!avadh!aka iti na tadaiva m'kti, tas!a p'nar asabhave sat!api dehe m'kti, 8Si$#e 0 a*iUi$g th' ght", "ti** p'""i(*e, i$terp'"e the/"e*ve" at the p'i$t '1 *i(erati'$, there i" the$ $' *i(erati'$> whe$ the% are $' *'$ger p'""i(*e, there i" *i(erati'$, eve$ th' gh the ('0% e7i"t:. 135 .4 6 50,51= vikalpa!'ktacittas t' piaptc chiva vra%et0 itaras t' tadaiveti stras!tra pradhnata00. See a*"' .4; a0 *'#, whi#h #'/p*ete" the #itati'$= $... vikalpah,nacittas t' h! tmna ivam av!a!am0 pa!ate bhva'ddh! !o %,vanm'kto na saa!a, 8Me wh' "ee" hi/"e*1 a" the $#ha$gi$g iva, hi" /i$0 1ree '1 0 a*itie", (e#a "e hi" (ei$g i" #*ea$"e0, i" E1ree0 whi*e *ivi$gE> '1 thi" there i" $' 0' (t:. 136 .4; 56; 44(,45= eva nirvikalpavtt,n %,vatm eva m'ktir itare t' dehaptnan1 taram iti siddham (v'*. ;= 2438).


nat(re of !is o$n (nderstandin , Wis no$ s(&! t!atY !is self is li'erated Wor Q!as a li'erated self^Y $!ile yet !e lives) Of t!is t!ere is no do('tI) *ere, a fe$ re"ar5s as to t!e datin of s&ri%t(ral so(r&es referred to 'y A'!inava (%ta and !is &o""entators in t!e &onte,t of 1-3anmu,ti "i !t 'e of so"e (se)8A< Sadyo#yotis, $!o $as a&tive 'et$een =<B and <6B a&&ordin to Sanderson 677=: <=, &ertainly 5ne$ t!e Raura3as/trasagraha, t!e S3ya$hu3as/trasagraha and t!e Mata9gaprame(3ara, 'elon in to t!e Sidd!4nta &anon) T!e last $or5 is later t!an t!e fift! &ent(ry AD, as Sanderson 677=: <C also s!o$s) Oe &an also affir" $it! a fair a"o(nt of &ertainty t!at all t!ese te,ts, as $ell as all ot!er 5no$n s&ri%t(ral so(r&es, %ostdate t!e early layers of t!e Fi(3sa, $!i&! is %ro'a'ly t!e earliest of all 5no$n Tantras) Goodall and Isaa&son D677<E !ave esta'lis!ed ;B7?BB7 for t!e early Fi(3sa, t!(s BB7 is a very li5ely terminus post Guem for "ost of o(r so(r&es D=<B 'ein t!e terminus ante GuemE) T!e &ase of t!e Mlin-3i1ayottara is less strai !tfor$ard, for Sadyo#yotisIs referen&es or all(sions to it are not esta'lis!ed 'eyond do('t) 8AC *o$ever, it is "ore li5ely t!an not t!at !e indeed 5ne$ t!e Mlin-3i1ayottara, $!ose date &an 'e tentatively esta'lis!ed 'efore =<B Dand after BB7E) T!e S3acchanda, $!i&! is often &onsidered relatively late,8A@ "ay also &o"e fro" t!is %eriod Dsi,t!?sevent! &ent(ryE) For t!e Mlin-3i1ayottara 5no$s and &lai"s to 'e 'ased on t!e Siddhayoge(3ar-mata, $!ose s!ort re&ension de&lares itself to 'e an a'rid ed S3acchanda)8;7 Sin&e t!e datin of t!e Mlin-3i1ayottara is itself %ro'le"ati& and t!e Siddhayoge(3ar-mata s(rvives only in its s!ort re&ension, $e are not on fir" ro(nd !ere) Nevert!eless, 'ot! t!e Siddhayoge(3ar-mata and its near &onte"%orary, t!e Brahmaymala, of t!e 1idy4%F3!a &anon, are li5ely to !ave 'een &o"%osed in or aro(nd t!e sevent! &ent(ry for vario(s ot!er reasons)8;8 T!e Brahmaymala also in&l(des transfor"ations of t!e &(lt of Sva&&!anda'!airava,8;6 $!i&! s( ests a ain t!at t!e S3acchandatantra, t!e s&ri%t(re of t!at &(lt, %redates t!e 1idy4%F3!a) As to t!e Fetratantra, also referred to in t!e &onte,t of 1-3anmu,ti 'y /as!"irian e,e etes, Sanderson !as &on&l(ded fro" i&ono ra%!i&al eviden&e t!at it $as &o"%osed 'et$een AD <77 and CB7, %ro'a'ly to$ard t!e end of t!at %eriod)8;A Con&ernin t!e Fi(@ana, t!e Kularatnaml and t!e Kli,,rama,8;; t!e datin of t!ese te,ts !as 'een dis&(ssed "(&! less e,tensively t!an t!e a'ove "entioned titles) Given t!eir /a(la and /ra"a affiliations, t!ey are li5ely to 'e later t!an t!e a'ove listed $or5s of t!e Sidd!4nta and t!e 1idy4%F3!a, 8;B %ossi'ly oin 'a&5 only to t!e ei !t! &ent(ry or later) In any &ase, t!ey "(st %redate t!e /as!"irian e,e etes of t!e tent!)
6 a/ grate1 * t' -r O 0it .'rU"'k 1'r 0etai*e0 0i"# ""i'$" '$ the " (Le#t. See .'rU"'k /iddha!ogevar,mata 2SC+3= 14 #iti$g Sa$0er"'$. 139 See I''0a**= 8.e$tative "ket#h '1 a p'""i(*e re*ative #hr'$'*'g% '1 "'/e ear*% .a$tri# w'rk" a$0 a th'r", pri$#ipa**% '1 the aiva"i00hA$ta:, 14th R'r*0 Sa$"krit !'$1ere$#e, ?%'t', Septe/(er 1,5, 2009. 140 .'rU"'k SC+= 16 a$0 262. 141 See e"pe#ia**% Mat*e% 2007= 20011., e"ta(*i"hi$g the peri'0 '1 #'/p'"iti'$ '1 the -rahma!mala 1r'/ the 6th t' the 8th #e$t. 142 Mat*e% 2007= 223. 143 Sa$0er"'$ 2004= 273,293. 144 <$ the 6likkrama, "ee Sa$0er"'$ 2007= 369,370. 145 <$ the Si00hA$ta a$0 the ;i0%ApYha #a$'$", "ee, e"p., Sa$0er"'$ 2007= 233,234.
137 138


T!is tentative datin of t!e relevant s&ri%t(ral so(r&es indi&ates t!at not only t!e idea, '(t also t!e very ter"s 1-3anmu,ti, 1-3anmu,ta, et&), $ere %resent at an early date in t!e Paiva tradition) T!e fi (re of t!e 1-3anmu,ta is also %resent in t!e "ore easily data'le te,ts of t!e S%anda and t!e Pratya'!i#V4, all of $!i&! $ere &o"%osed $it!in t!e s%an of one &ent(ry, 'et$een C<B and @<B)8;= It is only !inted at in t!e Ci3as/tra, %arti&(larly in t!e t!ird se&tion devoted Da&&ordin to /Se"ar4#aIs e,e esisE to t!e 0a3opya DIII @ff), III 8C?;BE, and it is t!e te,tIs 8imar(in- t!at develo%s t!e idea, eit!er t!ro( ! &itations Dnota'ly Kli,,rama, in PS1 III A8M see s(%raE, or dire&tly, as in III ;6, $!i&! des&ri'es t!e state of t!e 1-3anmu,ta)8;< +(t t!e ter" itself is e"%loyed in t!e Spanda,ri, DII BE)8;C Even 'etter, 1-3anmu,ti is t!e real s('#e&t of t!e treatise, as 'ot! t!e S%P and t!e S%N e"%!asiLe, and t!e 1-3anmu,ta is des&ri'ed in t!e "anner of t!e (a,tica,re(3ara, HLord of t!e O!eel of ener iesI) T!e ter", in its /a(la a&&e%tation, 8;@ fi (res 'ot! at t!e 'e innin and at t!e end of t!e treatise and is ta5en (% also in v) ;< of t!e Paramrthasra R as a $ay of reaffir"in one of t!e f(nda"ental traits of t!e do&trine: t!e inse%ara'ility of Hener yI and t!e H%ossessor of ener yI R (a,ti and (a,timat) Ut%alavaiSKava o'serves t!at, in t!e first verse, 1-3anmu,ti is 'eto5ened in t!e very na"e of t!e divinity HPa5araI, H"a5erI 6,ara-7 of Hfeli&ityI 6(am-7, t!is last (nderstood as t!e e9(ivalent of (reyas, HW(lti"ateY oalI, itself defined as en#oy"ent 6$hoga7 and release 6apa3arga7)8B7 Ut%alavaiSKava &ontin(es 'y %ointin o(t t!e "a#or &o"%onents of t!e e,%ose of 1-3anmu,ti: S%/ A7 WX II B, in t!e te,t(al or aniLation of S%NY, 87 WX I 87Y et B8 WX III 8@Y) To 'e %re&ise, S%P A7 atta&5s d(alisti& &on&e%tions of e"an&i%ation, $!i&! re&o niLe only e"an&i%ation at deat!, as $ell as %ra&ti&es s(&! as ut,rnti t!at ai" at a&!ievin s(&! a deat!)8B8
See Sa$0er"'$ 2007= 411, 418. SS; 666 42= ar,ravttir vratam it!'ktas)trrthan,t! dalakalpe dehda' sthito (pi na tatpra1 mttsaskrepi sp#a0 tad 'kta r,k'laratnaml! !ad g'r'vara sam!ak katha!et tan na saa!a0 m'ktas tenaiva klena !antras 2perhap" a$ aia 1'r/ 1'r !antram, whi#h appear" i$ 'ther #itati'$" '1 the "a/e ver"e= .4 5666 231(, 555;6 293 ti#hati kevalam00, 86$ a##'r0a$#e with the "\tra >ar,ravttir vratam> (2ivas)tra 2S3 666 26) th' gh he "ti** e7i"t" i$ the ('0% whi#h i" t' hi/ *ike a /ere "heath, he i" $'t t' #he0 eve$ (% a tra#e '1 2the #'$#eit that thi" ('0% i"3 the " (Le#t. 6t ha" (ee$ "ai0 i$ the 6'laratnaml= ERhe$ the e7#e**e$t tea#her tea#he" hi/ #'rre#t*%, he i" $0' (te0*% *i(erate0 at that ver% /'/e$t> the 8/a#hi$e: 2viU., the ('0% J the i/p*i#it i/age (ei$g that '1 the p'tter:" whee*3 a*'$e per"i"t" 2viU., therea1ter he i$ha(it" a ('0% /ere*% /'vi$g *ike the rev'*vi$g whee* '1 the p'tter3.E : !1. the rea0i$g" '1 the "e#'$0 he/i"ti#h i$ CD a0 83= m'ktas tatraiva kle (sa' !antravat kevala vaset, a$0 &+ a0 ++ 66= tadaiva kila m'kto (sa'!atra ti#hati kevalam, a$0 $. 1239. 148 Sp? 66 5= iti v !as!a savitti kr,dt!enkhila %agat0 sa pa!an satata !'kto %,vanm'kto na saa!a 00, ]<r he, wh' ha" thi" aware$e"", viewi$g the e$tire w'r*0 a" the p*a% 2'1 the Se*13, a$0 #'$"ta$t*% $ite0 2with it3, i" *i(erate0 whi*e *ivi$g> there i" $' 0' (t a(' t it]. 149 B##'r0i$g t' the ?a *a, the aktis are $'t !ogin,s, a" i" the #a"e i$ the ;i0%ApYha a$0 i$ the Fhairava,ta$tra", ( t i$ter$a* e$ergie". See Sa$0er"'$ 2007= 402,403> 1988= 67911. 150 Sp& 1 2a0 6 1, i$ the te7t a* 'rga$iUati'$ '1 Sp)3= bhogpavargkh!a a re!a s'kha v karotiti akara 0 amala svasvabhvo !a prgabhidhe!ata!optta 0 iha hi %,vanm'ktataiva moka. 151 Sp& 30 2 S a0 66 53= !e tv h' vinotkrnti k'to moka0 tannirs!ha @ vin svabhv1 n'bhavena p'sa kaival!am 'tkrntibald !adi s!t0 atra (pi pake nan' mokabhg
146 147


As $ell, /Se"ar4#a, in !is e,%lanation of t!e first and last verses, states t!at 1-3anmu,ti is t!e oal of t!e Spanda,ri,: HO!at is to 'e ta( !t in t!is treatise is t!at a'sor%tion in t!e WLordY !as for its fr(it li'eration $!ile livin I Dad I 8EM 8B6 and &o""entin on t!e ca,re(3ara of III 8@, !e o'serves: HT!(s !e 'e&o"es t!e Lord, t!at is, t!e .aster, of t!e O!eel of ener ies des&ri'ed in t!e first s_tra) In ot!er $ords, !e attains t!e s(%re"e soverei nty in t!is very 'odyI)8BA Finally, t!e notion of 1-3anmu,ti is at %lay in 0P/ I1 86?8=, and %arti&(larly in I1 86: HAll t!is "i !t is "ineI,8B; and in t!e treatiseIs &on&l(sion DI1 8=E, $!i&! Ut%aladevaIs 3.tti losses: H*e $!o 'y a%%lyin !i"self intensely to t!is enters into t!e nat(re of Piva, 'e&o"es in t!is very life a li'erated so(lI)8BB Ut%alavaiSKavaIs sar&asti& dis"issal of t!e yo i& notion of ut,rnti Drelayed 'y -R ad =7E testifies also to t!e s!ar% de'ates t!at "(st !ave ta5en %la&e on t!e 9(estion of 1-3anmu,ti, not only in Paiva %re&in&ts, '(t also a"on t!e Advaitins, as, for e,a"%le, PaT5ara ad +2U I1 ;, = "a5es &lear) T!ese de'ates %ro&eed, in t!e first %la&e, fro" t!e in&red(lity and s5e%ti&is" t!at t!e notion aro(ses: iven t!e iron la$ of 5ar"an, 1-3anmu,ti offends &o""on sense) T!e 1-3anmu,ta is a $al5in %arado,) And t!(s does t!e Paramrthasra des&ri'e !i" as "ad, a va a'ond livin a life of rando"ness R at least as t!e ordinary "an sees !i" Dvv) =@, <8E) +ot! te,t and &o""entary are 5een to stress t!at essential "is(nderstandin )8B= Per!a%s, as I !ave already indi&ated, resistan&e to t!e idea of 1-3anmu,ti is related as $ell to its i"%lied evi&tin of dharma fro" t!e syste" of val(es, or at least to %ayin it only an o%tional res%e&t: HO!et!er !e %erfor"s a !(ndred t!o(sand !orse sa&rifi&es, or 5ills a !(ndred t!o(sand 'ra!"ins, !e $!o 5no$s (lti"ate reality is not affe&ted 'y "erits or de"erits) *e is stainlessI DPS <7E) 8B< T!e s&andal $o(ld 'e reater !ad t!e Paivas not fo(nd a $ay to def(se it 'y relativiLin t!eir re#e&tion of &ond(&t (niversally ad"itted) S(&! &o(ld 'e one of t!e i"%li&ations of t!e fa"o(s "a,i" des&ri'in t!e Paiva 'ra!"in: H/a(la $it!in, Paiva $it!o(t, 1edi& for $orldly affairs R li5e t!e &o&on(t, t!e essential is 5e%t $it!inI, 8BC $!i&! is also a $ay of re&allin t!e esoteri& di"ension of t!e do&trine) In t!e sa"e s%irit of re&on&iliation, -o ar4#a Dad PS ;7E refers to t!e %an?'ra!"ani&al a(t!ority of t!e
'dbandhana !a k'r'te pram)ha00, 86$ 'r0er t' re1 te th'"e wh' /ai$tai$ that *i(erati'$ #a$$'t (e a#hieve0 with' t #'//iti$g rit a* " i#i0e, it i" "ai0 E61 '$e #' *0 a#hieve *i(erati'$ (% virt e '1 rit a* " i#i0e with' t e7perie$#i$g '$e:" 'w$ tr e $at re, the$, 1r'/ thi" p'i$t '1 view, w' *0 $'t the 0e* 0e0 '$e wh' ha$g" hi/"e*1 a#hieve *i(erati'$?E : <$ the $'ti'$, "ee CD a0 60 a$0 $. 1031. 152 Sp) 6 1= tatsamvea eva hi %,vanm'ktiphala iha prakaraa 'pade!a. 153 Sp) 666 19= tata ca prathamas)tranir,tas!a akticakras!a $... ,varo (dhipatir bhavet0 anena ca dehena mahevaratvam avapnot! eveti !vat. 154 sarvo mam!a vibhava iti, K 'te0 (% CD a0 33 a$0 51 (avat.). 155 =varaprat!abhi%&krikvtti 2^&vX3 6; 16= etatpari,lanena ivatvet %,vann eva m'kto bhavati (tr. .'re**a ^&?). 156 See CD a0 83= 8+'re'ver, (% wh'/ 2e*"e3 #a$ the *a"t /'/e$t '1 the k$'wer '1 the Se*1 (e 0ire#t*% e7perie$#e0, apart 1r'/ the wit$e"" (skin) that i" hi" 'w$ e7perie$#e? J <$ the "tre$gth '1 whi#h 2wit$e""3 '$e /ight p'"it the e7i"te$#e i$ hi/ '1 #'$"#i' "$e"" 'r it" 'pp'"ite, i$a"/ #h a" Eth'"e wh' "ee h'riU'$ta**%E 2viU., 1ettere0 " (Le#t"3 are $'t priv% t' a$% " #h rea*/ '1 e7perie$#e? .here1're, i$ thi" /atter, *et the '/$i"#ie$t '$e" (e a"ke0 2their 'pi$i'$3:, a" we** a" .4 55;66 319,320a a$0 .4; a0 *'#. 157 See a*"' .4 6; 248,253. 158 V 'te0 with' t attri( ti'$ i$ .4; 6; 250= anta ka'lo bahi aivo lokcre t' vaidika0 sram d!a ti#heta nrikelaphala !ath00> "ee a*"' Sa$0er"'$ 2007= 232.

512a3al,yasm.ti in order to distin (is! 'et$een ordinary and s(%re"e dharma) O!ereas ordinary dharma &onsists of sa&rifi&e, ood &ond(&t, and t!e li5e, Ht!e s(%re"e dharma is to see t!e Self t!ro( ! dis&i%lineI D512a3al,yasm.ti I CE) T!(s is t!e 1-3anmu,ta #(stified in ne le&tin t!e lo$er dharma in %(rs(it of t!e !i !er one, t!at of !is inner realiLation) Alone a"on t!e te,ts of t!e syste", it see"s, t!e Tantrlo,a develo%s, in t!e &onte,t of e"an&i%ation, t!e ori inal do&trine of do('le?i noran&e DI A= ff)E: Hs%irit(alI 6pauru)12n7 and Hintelle&t(alI 6$auddh12n7 R and alon $it! it its %ositive &o(nter%art, t!e do&trine of do('le?a$a5enin : Hs%irit(alI 6pauru)a12n7 and Hintelle&t(alI 6$auddha12n7) If t!e rationale for t!ese &on&e%ts is %resent in t!e Paiva 2 a"as, t!e ter"inolo y, $!i&! %resents overtones of t!e S4 5!ya, see"s to 'e a &reation of t!e Tantrlo,a) It is in t!is do&trinal &onte,t t!at a%%ears t!e definition of 1-3anmu,ti t!at fi (res as an e%i ra%! to t!is introd(&tion)8B@ T!e Paramrthasra refers not to t!ese sy""etri& %airin s) One "ay infer, !o$ever, fro" t!e &itations t!at Nayarat!a "a5es of vv) 8='?8< of t!e Paramrthasra, in !is &o""entary on t!e %assa es of t!e Tantrlo,a Dad I A@?;7E t!at &on&ern pauru)12na and $auddh12na, t!at t!ese %airs &orres%ond in t!e Paramrthasra to t!e &on#oined %la&e"ent of finit(de and do('le error) T!e pauru)12na &orres%onds to t!e 0a3amala, t!e i"%(rity of dee"in oneself finite, t!at is, t!e $!olly de&eitf(l Hato"iLationI of (niversal &ons&io(sness R itself t!e %rod(&t of my DPS 8BE R and to t!e &onstit(tion of t!e puru)a, finite Dor "(ndaneE "an DPS 8=aEM t!e $auddh12na to t!e 9(int(%le &onstri&tion of t!e ,a2cu,as DPS 8='?8<E) Still, t!e arti&(lation of t!ese notions in t!e Tantrlo,a, and t!e ri or $it! $!i&! t!ey are ar (ed, &onstit(te a sin (lar &ontri'(tion to t!eir (nderstandin ) O!en s%irit(al i noran&e, t!e "eta%!ysi&al i noran&e %ro%er to in&arnate "an &onsistin in "ista5in t!e Self for t!e non?Self, is dissolved 'y initation 6d-,)7, t!at is, 'y rit(al, t!ere s('sists still an intelle&t(al i noran&e, "ar5ed 'y t!e (nleas!in of Hdi&!oto"o(s t!in5in I 63i,alpa7) In &onse9(en&e, s%irit(al i noran&e 'y itself &an 'e an instr("ent of li'eration only at deat!, $!en t!e 'ody Dand so t!e $uddhi, lo&(s of 3i,alpa7 is no "ore) On t!e ot!er !and, $!en intelle&t(al i noran&e, &onsistin in "ista5in t!e non?Self for t!e Self, is a'olis!ed 'y t!e st(dy of t!e treatises and %ra&ti&es t!at t!ey tea&!, t!is does not s(ffi&e for attainin e"an&i%ation in t!is life, nor in t!e follo$in ) It is s%irit(al 5no$led e, a&&o"%anied 'y Dor %re&eded 'yE intelle&t(al 5no$led e, t!at is t!e instr("ent of li'eration in t!is life) In any &ase, it is intelle&t(al 5no$led e t!at is de&isive for deter"inin $!et!er or not one rea&!es enli !ten"ent in t!is life)8=7 +y pauru)a12na, in effe&t, t!e pa(u-puru)a is delivered in essen&e, '(t, e,istentially, &ontin(es (nder t!e do"ination of !is Hd(aliLin t!o( !tsI) A%art fro" t!e fa&t t!at t!ese ar ("ents seal t!e allian&e of rit(al and nosis, t!ey &onfir" t!at 1-3anmu,ti is not!in else t!an t!e re&on&iliation of t!e %lans of essen&e and e,isten&e)
Tantrloka 6 44= ba'ddha%&nena t' !ad ba'ddham a%&na%mbhitam0 vil,!ate tad%,vanm'kti karatale sthit00. 160 See .4 6 45= d,kpi ba'ddhavi%&nap)rv sa#!a vimocik0 tena tatrpi ba'ddhas!a %&1 nas!sti pradhnat00 a$0 .4;, avat. a0 6 44= nan' !ad! eva d,ka! dehnta eva m'ktir bhavet, tat katha >%,vann eva vim'kto (sa'> it!d! 'ktam it! ak!ha0.


For its %art, t!e Paramrthasra R at least as -R ad CB?C= reads it R introd(&es a &orres%onden&e (n5no$n to t!e Tantrlo,a, $!i&! is esta'lis!ed 'et$een t!e t$o 5inds of li'eration R see"in ly Q&onse&(tiveQ: t!at o'tained $!ile livin and t!at se&(red at deat! R and t!e t$o final Hstates of &ons&io(snessI 6a3asth7, t!e HFo(rt!I 6turya7 and HTrans?Fo(rt!I 6turyt-ta78=8R t!e latter a%%earin as a Paiva innovation)8=6 Fro" t!e "o"ent t!e Hstate of li'erationI 6mo,)a7 fo(nd a !o"e in life e,istential 61-3anmu,ti7, t!e insertion of t!e latter in t!e %an?Indian s&!e"a of t!e fo(r states, and its desi nation t!ere as t!e Hfo(rt!I o'li ed t!e %ro"otion of t!e old Hfo(rt!I R Hli'erationI (niversally (nderstood as Hli'eration at deat!I R to a Hfift!I, or rat!er to a HTrans?Fo(rt!I, %osition in t!e !ierar&!y of states !avin no na"e of its o$n, yet retainin so"et!in of its %revio(s stat(s)8=A As "entioned a'ove, t!e ter" itself 61-3anmu,ti, or 1-3anmu,ta7 "a5es so"e of its first a%%earan&es in tantri& te,ts, $!ose ai" $as, a"on ot!er t!in s, to s(%ersede t!e ort!odo, rit(al syste") As Sanderson D8@@B: 6Bff) and 8@CC: ==7ff)E s!o$s, tantri& do&trine and rit(al atte"%ted to de"onstrate t!eir s(%eriority &o"%ared to ort!o%ra,y in several $ays, $!i&! in&l(ded t!at tantris" %resented itself as a "ore effi&ient "eans to t!e sa"e end: on t!e $!ole, it %ro%osed to li'erate one t!ro( ! tantri& initiation Deven if li'eration $as not i""ediately f(lly effe&tiveE) T!is "eant t!at t!e avera e initiate &o(ld 'e &onsidered li'erated already in t!is life and did not need to "a5e any %arti&(lar effort for t!e attain"ent of mo,)a s('se9(ently) T!erefore it is not s(r%risin t!at t!e ter" and t!e &on&e%t of 1-3anmu,ti $ere not (n5no$n to t!e early tantri& tradition) *o$ever, $!en nond(alist /as!"irian e,e etes "a5e (se of t!is notion, t!ey tend to do so fro" t!e /a(la %oint of vie$, $!i&! is anti?rit(alist) 8=; Conse9(ently, one is li'erated in t!is $orld t!ro( ! internal realiLation, and (lti"ately t!ro( ! 5no$led e, rat!er t!an t!ro( ! rit(al a&tion) T!e 1-3anmu,ta is a 12nin) T!is 5ind of li'eration in life $as in t(rn seen 'y %ro%onents of t!e ort!odo, 'ra!"ani&al reli ion as a %arado,, and it is on t!eir 'e!alf t!at avat) ad PS CB?C= as5s t!e follo$in 9(estion: H*o$ &an one &ontin(e to a&t after enli !ten"ent, $it!o(t a&&("(latin f(rt!er &onse9(en&es of t!ose a&tsZ In effe&t, li'eration is %ossi'le only at t!e "o"ent of deat!I) T!e fa&t t!at tantris" %ro%osed "ore effi&ient "eans of li'eration did not i"%ly t!at ar ("ents of t!e 'ra!"ani&al ort!odo,y $ere ref(sed 'y /as!"irian e,e etes) T!e Tri5a, as set fort! 'y t!e Paramrthasra and its &o""entary, e"%loys a rat!er virt(oso strate y t!at (ses t!e la$ of 5ar"an in order to s('vert t!at sa"e la$) And so t!e last %ortion of o(r te,t, fro" v) C@ on$ards, "(lti%lies referen&es to t!e
B #'rre"p'$0e$#e a*rea0% "ket#he0 i$ S; 666 25 a$0 S 666 41. See a*"' CD a0 61= 8B$0 he wh'"e 2ig$'ra$#e3 i" 0e"tr'%e0, eve$ whi*e re/ai$" a rapp'rt with the ('0%, i" at that ver% /'/e$t *i(erate0 (m'kta), th' gh he "ti** *ive" (%,vann eva). 6t i" $'t that ('$0age i$v'*ve" $e#e""ari*% a #'$$e#ti'$ with a ('0%. .he re/'va* '1 that ig$'ra$#e i" *i(erati'$. M'wever 2it /a% (e a00e0 that3, with the peri"hi$g '1 the ('0%, #'/p*ete (p)ra) *i(erati'$ i" attai$e0:, a$0 a0 83= 8 EMe g'e" t' a #'$0iti'$ '1 tra$"#e$0e$t 6"'*ati'$E (kaival!a) 2viU., rea#he" 8"eparati'$: 1r'/ the *i/ite0 w'r*0 '1 ('$0age3 thr' gh k$'w*e0ge '1 the Se*1 a*'$e> that i", i$ 'ther w'r0", a1ter the 0e"tr #ti'$ '1 hi" ('0%, he attai$" a #'$0iti'$ '1 6"'*ati'$ that i" (e%'$0 the T' rth "tate 2'1 #'$"#i' "$e""3 (t'r!t,tar)p kevalat !ti), #'/p'"e0 "'*e*% '1 (*i""1 * #'$"#i' "$e"":. 162 .he ter/ appear" i$ "'/e *ate pa$i9a0" '1 ta$tri# #'*'rati'$. 163 See a*"' CD a0 35. 164 See p. 51. <$ the ?a *a 0eve*'p/e$t" i$ ge$era* a$0 their i/p'rta$#e i$ the e7egeti#a* tra0iti'$, "ee Sa$0er"'$ 1988= 69211.


%ro%erly .F"4sa5a notion of ap/r3a8=B in ar ("ents intended to esta'lis! not only t!e %ossi'ility of 1-3anmu,ti, '(t its very le iti"a&y) In %arallel, t!e Tri5a is not loat! to invo5e a(t!orities 6pram0a7 o(tside its o$n tradition,8== t!o( !, to 'e fair, its readin s are (s(ally favora'le to its o$n t!eses) In t!e first %la&e, t!e Bhaga3adg-t, $!ose o"ni%resen&e in -o ar4#aIs &o""entary and in ot!er te,ts of t!e syste" is %er!a%s intended &!iefly to affir" !o$ t!e t!is? $orldly as&esis8=< re&o""ended 'y t!e "-t is, in fa&t, t!is?$orldly li'eration) Si"ilarly, several indi&es f(rnis!ed 'y t!e Paramrthasra and its &o""entary %er"it a%%re!ension of t!e relation of in!eritan&e t!at Tri5a s(stains $it! S45!ya on t!e 9(estion of li'eration: t!e &o""entary to PS C8 D$!i&! %ara%!rases $it!o(t attri'(tion S/ =<E and CA, $!ere $e find "ention of t!e %otterIs $!eelM t!e re(tiliLation of S45!ya notions of ,ai3alya Dat v) CA, itself t!e re%rise of 2PS C8E and of apa3arga D-R ad AAEM t!e i"%ortant role assi ned to t!e anta,ara0a in t!e %ro&ess of li'eration D-R ad @7?@8, @6?@AEM t!e &itation of S/ ;; 'y -R ad @6?@A) It is tr(e t!at S45!ya and Tri5a start fro" t!e sa"e %ost(late: li'eration is not a&&essi'le 'y rit(al DS/ 8E, '(t rat!er 'y dis&ri"inatin 5no$led e 63i12na, S/ 6E) T!ere &o"es to t!e s(rfa&e, in t!e (sa e t!at t!e Paramrthasra "a5es of t!ese S45!ya notions, a Trai5a rereadin of S45!ya do&trine a&&ordin to $!i&! t!e notion of 1-3anmu,ti, or at least a ty%e of t!is?$orldly release t!at !as not yet re&eived t!at na"e, is already er"inatin in t!e S,hya,ri,, in re vv) =<?=C)8=C As s(&!, t!e Tri5a %ro%oses an inter%retation of S/ =< t!at is not all t!at distant fro" t!at of Ga(a%4da)8=@ T!e "auapd-ya$h)ya WG+!Y on t!e S,hya,ri,, in effe&t, 'rin s o(t t!e dyna"i& or aniLation of t!e ense"'le &onstit(ted 'y vv) =<?=C: &ontrastin t!e Hin&arnateI state of v) =< $it! t!e Hdisin&arnateI state of v) =C 6prpte (ar-ra$hede7 R life and deat! in effe&t) .oreover, t!e li'eration t!at o&&(rs H$!en t!e 'ody falls a$ayI DG+! =<: (ar-rapteE is t!e li'eration t!at v) =C ter"s ,ai3alya, des&ri'ed as HtotalI 6ai,nti,a7, t!at is, a&&ordin to t!e "auapd-ya$h)ya, Hne&essaryI 6a3a(ya7, and HdefinitiveI 6tyanti,a7, or H$!i&! en&o(nters no o'sta&leI 6anantarhita7 R t!e %rin&i%al o'sta&le 'ein t!e 'ody, $!i&! no lon er, in any $ay s!a%e or for", affli&ts t!e s%irit, no$ li'erated, of t!e de%arted) In s(", v) =< refers to 1-3anmu,ti, v) =C to ,ai3alya, Ha'sol(teI li'eration, in t!e ety"olo i&al sense of Ha'? solvoI, Hloosen fro"I) T!e Tri5a %retends !o$ever to i nore t!e a%%ro%riation of t!is radation 'y t!e Advaita ins%ired 'y PaT5ara) At t!e very "ost, one noti&es, es%e&ially in -o ar4#aIs
See p. 29. !'/pare the tra$"1'r/ati'$ '1 the +Y/A"aka $'ti'$ '1 bhvan, 8e11i#ie$t 1'r#e: (&S 63) i$t' the .raika $'ti'$ '1 bhvan, 8/e0itative rea*iUati'$: (&S 41, 52, 68). 166 T'r i$"ta$#e, the aiva 4ga/a", " #h a" the Triirobhairava (#ite0 .4 55;666 320(,324a), a$0 the 4,t (#ite0 .4 55;666 324(, a$0 325,326a) are p t '$ the "a/e *eve*. 167 .hi" i" a$ atte/pt t' tra$"*ate i$t' G$g*i"h the 1'r/ *a= 8a"#e"e i$tra,/'$0ai$e:, #'i$e0 (% M *i$ (2001= 268) apr'p'" the FhI. 168 B rerea0i$g i/p*i#it i$ CD:" ('rr'wi$g 1r'/ S? 67, whi*e #'//e$ti$g '$ the para0'7i#a* #'$0iti'$ '1 the %,vanm'kta, a" 0e"#ri(e0 (% &S 81. .hi" .raika rerea0i$g '1 *i(erati'$ a##'r0i$g t' SAkh%a appear" eK a**% i$ the .4, $'ta(*% i$ 6; 212, whi#h a""'#iate" e7p*i#it*% the $'ti'$ '1 kaival!a with that '1 %,vanm'kti, a$0 i$ 55;666 307,320 a$0 .4; a0 *'#. (i$ parti# *ar, a0 317, whi#h #ite" a*"' S? 67). Miri%a$$a (1995= 116, a$0 1993= 297) 1i$0" a" we** a** "i'$ t' the $'ti'$ '1 %,vanm'kti i$ S? 67,68. 169 &r'(a(*% $'t the Ia apA0a, a th'r '1 the *gamastra> "ee Tra wa**$er 1973= 226> Nar"'$ 1998= 148,149.


&o""entary, t!e ved4nti& idea of a(ar-rat3a, t!e Hdisin&arnationI t!at &!ara&teriLes t!e 1-3anmu,ta in t!at !e &eases to &onf(se !is 'ody $it! t!e Self)8<7 Anot!er ele"ent of t!e definition of Hli'erationI t!at Tri5a s!ares $it! Advaita, and $!i&! disso&iates it fro" S45!ya, is t!e notion of Hfeli&ityI 6nanda7 t!at a&&o"%anies t!e e,%erien&e of li'eration) T!at S45!ya !as i nored t!is Hfeli&ityI is a re%roa&! "ade 'y PaT5ara ad +2U III @, 6C, <: HSo"e, li5e t!e %artisans of S45!ya or 1aiJeSi5a, o%ine t!at in li'eration, one tastes no 5ind of #oyI) T!e Tri5a does not &onfront S45!ya dire&tly on t!is %oint, '(t never &eases to stress t!e as%e&t of Hfeli&ityI, asso&iatin $it! it an as%e&t of e,%erien&e t!at is a'sent fro" advaiti& ar ("ents: t!e H"arvelo(sI 6camat,ra7, a notion t!at Paiva "eta%!ysi&s s!ares $it! Paiva aest!eti&s)8<8 O!atever "ay 'e t!e &ase $it! t!ese si"ilarities and differen&es, t!e Tri5a develo%s an ori inal do&trine re ardin li'eration, of $!i&! a sin (lar trait is t!e %ost(late t!at li'eration in t!is life is in&on&eiva'le in t!e a'sen&e of t!e LordIs ra&e, des&ri'ed !ere as a Hdes&ent of ener yI 6(a,tipta7) It is t!is s('ordination of li'eration to H ra&eI t!at, a&&ordin to T2 :III 6<='?6<@a, &onstit(tes t!e s(%eriority of t!e Paiva %at! in relation to ot!er syste"s) As Andre Pado(, o'serves, HW))) la ra&eY deter"ine la voie %ar&o(r(e, le "aitre ren&ontre, lIinitiation re&(e et #(s9(Ia( syste"e reli ie(, a(9(el on a&&orde sa foiI)8<6 Fro" t!is %oint of vie$, Tri5a "ay 'e &onsidered as a Q"ysti9(e of ra&eQ) In t!is vein, t!e Paramrthasra %ro%oses at t!e very 'e innin Dv) @E t!at t!e 5ey to t!e syste" is PivaIs ra&e 6(i3a(a,tipt7)8<A Even if t!at "ysti9(e resonates %erfe&tly $it! t!e e"otional eff(sion %ro%er to $ha,ti R an e,%erien&e t!at is o"ni%resent in Tri5a literat(re8<; R it is still s('#e&t to reasonin and to ar ("entation) Oe o'serve in effe&t an atte"%t to t!eoriLe t!at "ysti9(e of ra&e, $!i&! not only add(&es a &o"%le, !ierar&!iLation of its Qde reesQ, set fort! in &!) :III of Tantrlo,a,8<B '(t also esta'lis!es &orres%onden&es $it! t!e do&trine of t!e H"eansI or H$aysI 6upy7 of li'eration) T!e %ro ressive e,ten(ation of ra&e is refle&ted, in effe&t, in t!e
See p. 27, a" we** a" CD a0 63, 70, 79,80 (a$0 $. 1212), a$0 85,86= 8.he #'rp'rea* "heath i" e11e#tive '$*% "' *'$g a" a re*ati'$ with the "heath" '1 the 2three3 i/p ritie" 2...3 that ari"e 1r'/ ig$'ra$#e e7i"t". F t "i$#e the "heath #reate0 (% ig$'ra$#e ha" a*rea0% (ee$ 0e"tr'%e0 (% 2the g r :"3 i$"tr #ti'$ regar0i$g k$'w*e0ge '1 '$e:" 'w$ 2tr e3 Se*1, h'w #a$ a$% " #h #'rp'rea* "heath, 2eve$3 /'ri( $0, e11e#t a$% #'$tr'* 'ver the k$'wer '1 the tr e Se*1 at the e$0?: .he i0ea '1 aar,ratva # */i$ate" i$ the i0ea (whi#h i" a" we** a$ e7perie$#e) that the $iver"e (e#'/e", a" it were, the per/a$e$t ('0% (svgakalpa) '1 the %'gi$ $'w 1ree0 1r'/ hi" tra$"it'r% ('0%> "ee, e"p., CD a0 87,88. 171 See p. 55. 172 Si*( r$, &a0' 7 .4= 47. <ther" have "ee$, i$ 'ther #'$te7t", "%"te/" "etti$g 1'rth the 0i"pe$"ati'$ '1 gra#e '$ the part '1 a /er#i1 * g'0> 1'r i$"ta$#e, Miri%a$$a (1995= 412,413), apr'p'" the 0'#tri$e '1 DA/A$ La= 8.he w'r0 (viU., prapatti) p'i$t" t' a (e*ie1 that "a*vati'$ i" '(tai$e0 thr' gh 1ree gra#e. 6t i" 0e"#ri(e0 a" aragati, 1*i$gi$g '$e"e*1 '$ I'0:" #'/pa""i'$ 2...3. 6$ '$e '1 it" 1'r/" 0e"#ri(e0 a" 8re"ig$ati'$ i$ e7tre/e 0i"tre"": (rta1prapatti), it i" (e*ieve0 t' (ri$g *i(erati'$ i//e0iate*%. B "i$g*e /'/e$t '1 "eri' "$e"" a$0 "i$#erit% i" #'$"i0ere0 e$' gh 2...3:. 173 Rhi#h /'ti1 i" take$ p agai$ (% CD, $'ta(*% a0 18= 8Rhe$ the (' $0 "' * (e#'/e" '1 p ri1ie0 heart, 0 e t' the S pre/e N'r0:" gra#e, the$ the vei* '1 "heath" that a11*i#t " with 1i$it 0e "p'$ta$e' "*% 0i"appear", '$ a##' $t '1 the #'/i$g i$t' (ei$g '1 the k$'w*e0ge '1 '$e:" 'w$ Se*1 (svtma%&na) 2#'$"i"ti$g i$ the i$"ight=3 E6 a/ /%"e*1 the Ireat N'r0.E : 174 See, 1'r i$"ta$#e, CD a0 94,95, 100,101, a" we** a" the ri#h stotra *iterat re. 175 See Si*( r$, &a0' 7 .4= 44,47.


des&endin !ierar&!y of t!e H"eansI R distin&tions, of &o(rse, as $e !ave seen, t!at a%%ly only at t!e "(ndane level)8<= As t!e first five &!a%ters of t!e Tantrlo,a affir", t!e H$aysI of li'eration are t!e"selves s('ordinated to t!e de ree of ra&e a&&orded to t!e ade%t R in ot!er $ords, to !is relative &a%a&ity of re&eivin t!at ra&e)8<< S(&! a &on&e%tion of ra&e i"%lies for t!e Tri5a t!e a'andon"ent of so&ial and rit(al re9(isites, "eas(red in ter"s of t!e a&9(isition of "erit and de"erit) No %arti&(lar H9(alifi&ationI 6adhi,ra7 is %ost(lated: a&&ess to 1-3anmu,ti is t!(s o%en to everyone, if only !e "a5e a s(stained effort in t!at dire&tion)8<C It is t!(s &lear t!at t!e Paramrthasra arti&(lates t!e 9(asi?totality of t!e do&trine it see5s to a'rid e aro(nd its defense and &!ara&teriLation of li'eration) +(t t!is %ro#e&t is not $it!o(t its &osts, as &ertain a&&ents are dis%la&ed t!at are re9(ired in order to esta'lis! t!e &o!eren&e of t!e $or5) On t!e one !and, an e"%!asis is %(t on t!e notion of t!e aKas Dvv) ;?B, 6A, ;8, ;=EM on t!e ot!er, referen&e to t!e t!eory of t!e H$ordI re"ains "ostly i"%li&it Dvv) 87?88E, 8<@ as is t!e treat"ent of t!e upyas R a notion t!at 'e&a"e so i"%ortant in A'!inava (%taIs syn&retisti& e,e esis, 8C7 t!at /Se"ar4#a divides t!e te,t of t!e Ci3as/tra into t!ree %arts or aniLed in ter"s of t!e t!ree inferior upyas) As I !ave atte"%ted to s!o$ in e,a"inin t!e arran e"ent of t!e Paramrthasra te,t, t!ese t!ree H$aysI are t!ere all(ded to, t!o( ! not e,%li&itly desi nated, $it! t!e e,&e%tion of t!e avat) ad ;8?;=, $!i&! "entions t!e H$ay of Pa '!(I Dor t!e H&ondition of Pa'!(I, ($ha3apada7 and t!at Hof ener yI 6(,ta$h/mi,7)8C8 T!is &onf(sion of 'o(ndaries 'et$een t!e H$aysI %er!a%s si nifies 'y indire&tion t!eir %orosity R a %orosity of %ra&ti&es %ro%er to ea&! of t!e $ays, and es%e&ially, t!eir %orosity of essen&e) For, as t!e Tantrlo,a insists, in t!e last analysis, little "atters t!e $ayM it is t!e end t!at &o(nts 8C6 R na"ely, a'sor%tion in Piva Dor in t!e SelfE, 8CA t!at is, li'eration itself) Indeed, it is to li'eration in t!is life t!at lead t!e t!ree inferior
<$ the 0'#tri$e '1 the 'p!as, "ee $. 858. T'r the /a$$er i$ whi#h a pra#ti#e e$ge$0er" a pra#ti#e a""'#iate0 wi1h the i//e0iate*% i$1eri'r path, 'r a$'ther pra#ti#e '1 the "a/e path, "ee .4 ; 155(,157. .he pr'#e"" i" #'/para(*e t' the $1'*0i$g '1 the tattvas, a$0 *ike it, i" rever"i(*e. .he %'gi$ wh' i" $'t a##'r0e0 a 8ver% i$te$"e: gra#e (a*'$e a""'#iate0 with the an'p!a), /a% rai"e hi/"e*1 1r'/ '$e path t' the $e7t, "ee$ a" *eve*" J 1r'/ /e0itati'$ t' bhvan, 1'r i$"ta$#e, a$0, a" .4 666 174 "a%", 1r'/ bhvan t' the e7perie$#e '1 the 86:, #hara#teri"ti# '1 the bhavop!a. See a*"' the ge$era* avat. a0 &S 41,46. 177 See CD a0 96> a*"' .4 ; 158a. 178 CD a0 103= 8.here1're, it i" "h'w$ (% the w'r0" Ewh'"'ever e$gage" i$ thi" ver% (ea ti1 * pathE J that i", i$ the path *ea0i$g t' the /'"t e7#e**e$t 21'r/ '13 *i(erati'$ J that there i" $' re"tri#ti'$ '1 K a*i1i#ati'$ 2'$ " #h pra#ti#e3:. 179 6t i" CD wh' /ake" it e7p*i#it. 180 B" B. Sa$0er"'$ (1983= 160) '("erve"= 8.he 'p!as 2...3 ' t '1 their h /(*e 'rigi$ i$ the 8al,n,vi%a!ottaratantra (2.21,23) 2...3 ha0 (e#'/e i$ hi" 2BI:"3 e7ege"i" the 0e1i$i$g #'re '1 hi" e$tire "%"te/, /'re tha$ a th' "a$0 ver"e" (ei$g 0ev'te0 t' their 0e1i$iti'$ i$ hi" Tantrloka"> "ee $. 858. 181 See $. 865. )'te that, a##'r0i$g t' CD:" #'//e$tar%, &S 96 a** 0e" t' the bhavop!a= 8.he a#K i"iti'$ '1 the k$'w*e0ge '1 '$e:" 'w$ Se*1 ha" 1'r it" $iK e /ea$" ('p!) the 1av'r '1 the S pre/e N'r0. Mere, " #h 2a#t"3 a" "i*e$t re#itati'$, /e0itati'$, '11eri$g "a#ri1i#e, et#., whi#h ari"e tha$k" t' the 2N'r0:"3 p'wer '1 #a "a* #'$"trai$t, are i$e11e#t a* a" /ea$":, wherea" &S 97 i/p*ie" a re1ere$#e t' the tw' 'ther wa%"= the ktop!a a$0 the avop!a ("ee $. 1376). 182 .4 666 293, 6; 273,275a, ; 153(,155a. 183 See .4 ; 151= $... tdtm!a !t! anan!adh,0 ivena hemat !advat tmra s)tena vedhitam00.


$ays, for, in t!e Hnon?$ayI 6anupya7, t!ere is neit!er servit(de nor li'eration DT2 III 6<AE) For t!is reason, all t!e $ays !ave a de ree of le iti"a&y) O!et!er one enters $it!o(t delay into one of t!e t$o s(%erior $ays 6anupya, ($ha3opya7, t!an5s to a s%e&ta&(lar Hdes&entI of ra&e t!at "a5es any f(rt!er "ediation (nne&essary or (seless,8C; or $!et!er one raises !i"self %ro ressively fro" one $ay to t!e ne,t De,&l(din , of &o(rse, t!e Hnon?$ayIE, ea&! $ay is instr("ental eit!er as s(&! or as transitional, in virt(e of a f(n&tional !ierar&!y t!at is, !o$ever, not a !ierar&!y of val(e) In effe&t, even t!e lo$est $ay, t!at of t!e finite so(l 60a3opya7 is not $it!o(t val(e) A%art fro" t!e fa&t t!at A'!inava (%ta says t!at !e $as !i"self initiated into t!at $ay 'y !is "aster Pa '!(n4t!a,8CB it e"er es fro" t!e or aniLation of t!e Tantrlo,a itself t!at t!e treat"ent of t!e 0a3opya is not &onfined to t!e fift! &!a%ter, '(t is %rolon ed $ell 'eyond t!at, even to t!e final &!a%ter)8C= In t!e last analysis, t!e differentiation of t!e vario(s $ays is not very si nifi&ant, in t!e sense t!at Heveryt!in is PivaI) 8C< T!at is $!y t!e "otif of 1-3anmu,ti is asso&iated $it! t!e t!ree inferior $ays in t!e &!a%ters of t!e Tantrlo,a devoted to t!e", $!ereas it is a'sent fro" t!e &!a%ter devoted to t!e anupya) Anot!er indi&ation of t!e %orosity of t!e $ays and t!eir %artial overla%%in is t!e re&i%ro&ity of yo i& and "ysti& %ra&ti&es) In effe&t, t!e sa"e %ra&ti&es %ost(late different "odes of realiLation a&&ordin to t!e $ay in $!i&! t!ey are %(t into effe&t) T!(s are %resent in t!e t!ree $ays "antri& %ra&ti&e, 8CC ,u0alin- Dalso (tiliLed &onsidera'ly in t!e 0a3opyE,8C@ and "editation on t!e O!eel of ener ies, 8@7 $!ereas mudrs are s!ared 'y t!e (,topya DT2 I1 8@;?688E and t!e 0a3opya DT2 1 <@?CBE) In t!is sense, t!e H$aysI are so "any Ha%%roa&!esI to or s%e&ifi& %oints of vie$ on t!e sa"e &ontent of e,%erien&e) Te,ts li5e t!e 8i12na$haira3a W1+!Y s!o$ !o$, $it!in t!e &onfines of t!e sa"e %ra&ti&e, t!e yo in raises !i"self fro" one "eans to anot!er) So does t!e &o""entary on PS ;8?;= Davat)E)8@8
See .4 6 58a a" we** a" &S 96 a$0 CD a0 *'#. Bt *ea"t i$t' tw' pra#ti#e" t%pi#a* '1 that path, $a/e*%, re1*e#ti'$ '$ the Rhee* '1 e$ergie", a$0 rai"i$g the e$erg% '1 (reath (.4 ; 41, 50(,52). 186 See .4 6 231 a$0 Si*( r$, &a0' 7 .4= 31. 187 .4 6; 273,375a. 188 See, re"pe#tive*%, .4 666 200(,208a, 223(,225 (whi#h #ite" /iddha!ogevar,mata), '$ the /a$tra ________> 6; 181(,193 (________ a$0 ________)> ; 54,100 (________)> ; 131(,155a (________ a$0 'ther"). 189 6$ the #'$te7t '1 a #'/p*e7 pra#ti#e a""'#iate0 with rai"i$g the e$erg% '1 (reath (; 43,53), with the 'ccra '1 ________ (; 54,70 a$0 141,145), with the 1 "i'$ pr'per t' "e7 a* $i'$ (; 70,74), a$0 with m'drs (; 79,85)> vv. 86,95, a #itati'$ 1r'/ Triirobhairava, agai$ ev'ke it, a" we** a" ; 100(,128a, where it i" agai$ a""'#iate0 with "e7 a* pra#ti#e. T'r the k'alin, i$ the bhavop!a, "ee .4 666 137(,141a (whi#h #ite" Triirobhairava), a$0 666 220,223a (whi#h #ite" /iddha!ogevar,mata), where it i" 0e"#ri(e0 a" ph'$e/i# e$erg%, a$0 i0e$ti#a* with the t'ta*it% '1 w'r0 (vc). 6$ the ktop!a, the k'alin, i" /ere*% a** 0e0 t', i$ a #itati'$ 1r'/ .ogasacratantra (.4 6; 136,144) whi#h ev'ke" the k'#il, the 8#'i*e0 2"erpe$t3: (6;142), i$ it" a""'#iati'$ with "e7 a* pra#ti#e ("ee Si*( r$, &a0' 7 .4= 230), a$0 with the pra#ti#e '1 hasoccra (6; 135,136). Si/i*ar*% OD apprehe$0", " ( 6; 153,157, a re1ere$#e t' the sahrak'alin,, a$0, " ( 6; 200, a re1ere$#e t' the /'/e$t where the k'alin, arrive" at the 1'r/ '1 /%"ti# 0r $ke$$e"" whi#h i" it" # */i$ati'$. 190 See .4 666 248a,267, 6;122(,147, .4 ; 26(,42. 191 See ;Fh 28,31, 1'r i$"ta$#e, a$0 .4 5556; 2, K 'te0 $. 868.
184 185


Still, t!o( ! %er!a%s &overtly, t!e Paramrthasra %rivile es, it $o(ld see", t!e %oint of vie$ of t!e (,topya Dor 12nopya, H$ay of 5no$led eIE, $!i&! allo$s in %rin&i%le a &ertain %l(rality of %ra&ti&e, t!o( ! one %ra&ti&e s(ffi&es) 8@6 T!is is one of t!e "atters in $!i&! t!e (,topya is distin (is!ed fro" t!e 0a3opya, in $!i&! a %l(rality of %ra&ti&es is of t!e essen&e, asso&iated $it! an intense sensory a&tivity) A"on t!e indi&ations &orro'oratin t!at inter%retation: t!e e"%!asis %la&ed on H5no$led eI 612na7 and on t!e H5no$erI 612nin7, as $ell as t!e i"%ortan&e attri'(ted to t!e notion of $h3an Dnot %resent in t!e t$o s(%erior $aysE)8@A On t!e ot!er !and, t!e "antri& %ra&ti&e t!at -o ar4#a dis&erns in vv) ;8?;= is t!at %res&ri'ed 'y t!e (,topya:8@; not only does !e a%%re!end, in t!e ad#e&tives (ntam and am.tam of v) ;A, an o&&(lt referen&e to t!e "antra, 8@B $!i&! evo5es Par4, t!e divinity %ro%er to t!e (,topya, '(t !e e"%!asiLes t!e effe&tiveness 63-rya7 of "antras in eneral Davat) ad ;8E R one of t!e "ain t!e"es of t!e (,topya) An effe&tiveness t!at is not "erely a f(n&tion of &orre&t en(n&iation, '(t %res(%%oses t!e in?terioriLation of a "ysti& realiLation) T!e yo in en a ed on t!e H$ay of ener yI identifies, not $it! t!e divinity t!at t!e "antra e,%resses, as is t!e &ase $it! t!e Sidd!4nta, '(t $it! Ht!e (niversal sense of t!e "antraI 6mantrrthasr3tmya, T2 I1 6BC'?6B@aE) In ot!er $ords, for t!is yo in, t!e "antra is not a si"%le for"(la for rit(al (sa e, '(t re%resents (lti"ate reality itself)8@= .antri& %ra&ti&e and $h3an !ave as t!eir &onse9(en&e &onversion of a dis&(rsive "ode of t!o( !t into an int(itive and non?dis&(rsive a$areness fo&(sed Dif t!at is t!e $ordE on (lti"ate reality, an a$areness of Hdifferen&e?and?non?differen&eI 6$hed$heda7)8@< .antri& %ra&ti&e and $h3an &on&ern t!e interioriLed sa&rifi&e 6antaryga7, dra$n fro" t!e /a(la tradition, $!i&! itself involves t!e %ro"ise of li'eration in t!is life)8@C T!is HinterioriLed sa&rifi&eI R to(ted 'y t!e (,topya8@@ R defies des&ri%tion and is never 'etter %ortrayed t!an 'y analo y) T!(s, as I !ave already s!o$n, vv) <;?C7 of t!e Paramrthasra transfor" t!e %ro&ed(res of t!e Q"(ndaneQ rit(al "eta%!ori&ally into t!eir interioriLed &o(nter%arts R in ot!er $ords, transfor" %ra&ti&es %ro%er to t!e 0a3opya into t!ose s(ita'le to t!e (,topya)677 1v) <@?C7 are %arti&(larly e,e"%lary of t!is, to t!e e,tent t!at -o ar4#a evo5es t!e fi (re of t!e /4%4li5a as&eti& in order to o%%ose to !i" t!e fi (re of t!e 1-3anmu,ta Trai5a) T!is also s!o$s !o$ t!e Tri5a of t!e e,e etes !as 'een a'le to inte rate, $!ile do"esti&atin and %(rifyin , t!e older tradition of t!e /4%4li5as, $!i&! reserved t!e "ost e,tre"e %ra&ti&es to its 3irtuosi 63-ra7) T!e loss of
Si/i*ar*%, a##'r0i$g t' S; 666 4, the ktop!a i" the pri$#ipa* 1'# " '1 the Sp?= iti r,p)rvastre dh!ndi eva avatvena 'ktam0 etac ca sth)latvt ktop!aprakatmani spandastre na sagh,tam, 86$ the 2r,p)rvastra 2viU., the +;.3 /e0itati'$, et#., are "p'ke$ '1 '$*% i$ re*ati'$ t' the 1i$ite "' * 2viU., t' the wa% '1 the 1i$ite "' *3> the%, (e#a "e '1 their gr'"" #hara#ter, are $'t re1ere$#e0 i$ thi" /pandastra, whi#h i" 0ev'te0 t' the e7p'"iti'$ '1 the wa% '1 e$erg%:. 193 See &S 41 a$0 $. 858. <$ bhvan, "ee a*"' Bppe$0i7 20, p. 345. 194 6$ 1a#t, /a$tri# pra#ti#e i" the pri$#ipa* #hara#teri"ti# '1 the ktop!a. 195 _______ i", i$ e11e#t, that /a$tra wh'"e i$itia* i" /+1 ('r /,), a$0 it i" 0e"ig$ate0 a" the amtab,%a> "ee CD a0 *'#. 196 B" ta ght a*"' i$ S 66 1 (citta mantra) a$0 Sp? 66 1,2 (K 'te0 i$ S; 66 1 a$0 66 3). 197 <$ thi" $'ti'$, "ee &S 12,13 (a$0 it" #'//e$tar%), a" we** a" avat. a0 &S 41 a$0 46. 198 See .4 6; 211 (antar!ga) a$0 212 (0e"#ripti'$ '1 the %,vanm'kta). 199 See .4 6; 211 a$0 &S 41,46, 74,80. 200 Sa/e rhet'ri# i$ .4 6; 194,203.


-o ar4#a ill(strates t!is &learly: t!e as&eti& $!o follo$s t!e Tri5a %at! is as $ort!y, or %er!a%s even "ore $ort!y, of t!e title of 3-ra, for !e o'serves an ot!er?$ordly vo$, $!ereas t!e /4%4li5aIs is "erely "(ndane) T!e %rivile ed %la&e a&&orded to t!e (,topya in t!e Paramrthasra derives as $ell fro" t!e fa&t t!at it is %resented t!ere as HeasierI) S(&! is t!e tea&!in of T2 I1 6B<'?6BCa: HWT!e Sidd!4nta re&o""endsY, in order to identify W$it! PivaY, ivin oneself (% to restri&tive %ra&ti&es s(&! as $earin t!e to%5not) T!e /(la %res&ri'es t!eir a'andon"ent, for it tea&!es an easy $ayI, or of PS <=: HFor !i" $!o is en a ed in offerin into t!e 'laLin fire of &ons&io(sness all t!e reat seeds of differen&e Wt!at 'losso" fort!Y on t!e %res(%%osition of inner vers(s o(ter, t!e o'lation is "ade $it!o(t effortI)678 Si"ilarly, $!en PS C7 des&ri'es t!e vo$ of t!e yo in en a ed on t!e H$ay of ener yI as H'ot! easy and very diffi&(ltI, it si nifies t!at t!e (,topya is 'ot! easier and "ore diffi&(lt t!an t!e 0a3opya: easier in t!at t!e %ra&titioner need no lon er &on&ern !i"self $it! t!e %ano%ly of rites %res&ri'ed in t!e 0a3a nor a&9(ire t!eir re9(isite in redients and votive o'#e&tsM "ore diffi&(lt in t!at all rites "(st 'e interioriLed s(&&essf(lly) T!e (,topya is t!(s t!e $ay t!at o&&(%ies t!e "iddle ro(nd 'et$een t!e ($ha3opya and t!e 0a3opya, #(st as t!e $hed$heda, t!e e,%erien&e to $!i&! it ives a&&ess, o&&(%ies t!e "iddle ro(nd 'et$een t!e a$heda of t!e ($ha3opya and t!e $heda of t!e 0a3opya) T!e t$o ot!er $ays are not for all t!at a'sent in t!e %resentation of t!e Paramrthasra, and t!e e,!ortation in t!e &o""entary to verse 87A to H(se all "eansI in order to a&&ede to t!e s(%re"e !("an oal is %er!a%s to 'e (nderstood in t!at sense)676 T!e "anner in $!i&! t!e Paramrthasra %ositions itself in relation to ot!er syste"s deserves also to 'e noted in 'rief) Oit! t!e si nal e,&e%tion of verse 6<, $!i&! is a do,o ra%!y in "iniat(re, t!e only evident &riti&is" of ot!er syste"s is ai"ed at t!e rival idealis"s of Advaita and 1i#V4nav4da R as t!o( ! t!e d(alis" of
See a*"' &S 77= 8B$0 $#ea"i$g i" hi" /e0itati'$ 2...3: a$0 CD a0 *'#= 8.here1're, the /e0itati'$ '1 " #h a %'gi$ ari"e" $at ra**% (svarasodita)", a" we** a" &S 78 a$0 CD a0 *'#= 8e/ergi$g $at ra**%, 2the e$erg% '1 the /i00*e (reath3 i" "ai0 t' (e a$ i$$ate 2ki$0 '13 r'"ar%, a" it #'/prehe$0" a** the "e$"e":. 202 De1ere$#e" t' Fhairava (.4 666 1, a$0 pa""i/), t' Fhairava a" abdari, 8/a"" '1 "' $0": (.4 666 198,200a), a$0 t' the 8#'$0iti'$[$at re '1 Fhairava: (bhairav,bhva, 666 271, 277) J a ter/ 1'r %,vanm'kti rea*iUe0 i$ the /a$$er '1 the bhavop!a ("ee OD a0 271) J are #hara#teri"ti# '1 the bhavop!a. B" we**, are the a$a*'g% '1 the /irr'r (.4 666 1,66> 268,293), the /a$tra _______(.4 666 20(,206), the #e*e(rati'$ '1 the a("'* te 86: (.4 666 207,208a, 280,281), a$0 the /'ti1 '1 the Rhee* '1 e$ergie" (.4 666 248a,267). .he "a/e the/e" /a% (e rea0 " ( &S 9,13, 43, 47,50, 96. .he avat. a0 41 re1er" t' the /a$$er i$ whi#h the %'gi$ rai"e" hi/"e*1 1r'/ the ktop!a t' the bhavop!a. .he p'i$t '1 view '1 the avop!a, with it" pr'1 "i'$ '1 pra#ti#e", i" re*ative*% rare*% a0'pte0 i$ the &S. .hi" p'i$t '1 view appear" '$*% (% i/p*i#ati'$ i$ the 0e"#ripti'$ '1 the ktop!a (vv. 74,80) J the pra#ti#e" '1 #'$#er$ t' the ava are th'"e that the ktop!a tra$"1'r/" J a$0 i$ that '1 the bhavop!a J the e$*ighte$/e$t that v. 96 0e"#ri(e" ha" a" it" 8/ea$": ('p!) the gra#e '1 iva a*'$e, $'t the #'**e#ti'$ '1 /ea$" that #hara#teriUe" the avop!a= 8)'w the p rp'rt '1 thi" i" a" 1'**'w"= the a#K i"iti'$ '1 the k$'w*e0ge '1 '$e:" 'w$ Se*1 ha" 1'r it" $iK e /ea$" ('p!) the 1av'r '1 the S pre/e N'r0. Mere, " #h 2a#t"3 a" re#iti$g the r'"ar%, /e0itati'$, '11eri$g "a#ri1i#e, et#., whi#h ari"e tha$k" t' the 2N'r0:"3 p'wer '1 2#a "a*3 #'$"trai$t, are i$e11e#t a* a" /ea$" ('p!a): (CD a0 96). .he '$*% p'"itive re1ere$#e t' the 8wa% '1 the 1i$ite "' *: i" perhap" 1' $0 i$ the 1'**'wi$g ver"e. CD a0 97 0e"#ri(e", i$ e11e#t, the "tage" '1 the e*evati'$ '1 the k'alin,, a pra#ti#e pre"e$t i$ the three wa%", ( t wh'"e 0i"# r"ivit% "ee/" t' atta#h, here, t' the 8wa% '1 the 1i$ite "' *:.


t!e S45!ya $ere not!in '(t a venial sin, destined to dissolve itself in t!e Q&o"%leteQ soteriolo y of t!e Tri5a) On&e S4 5!ya d(alis" is ref(ted in t!e &o""entary to verses 6?A, -o ar4#a "a5es no f(rt!er referen&e to t!at syste", a%art fro" so"e veiled 'orro$in s of ele"ents in its t!eory of li'eration, s(&! as t!e analo y of t!e %otter and !is $!eel,67A and t!e very ter"s of S/ ;<, of $!i&! !e offers Dad PS CAE a Trai5a inter%retation)67; It is interestin t!at t!e Paramrthasra %refers to effa&e s(&! differen&es in order 'etter to 'rin o(t t!e relations!i% of one tradition to t!e ot!er) T!e S4 5!ya is not only a syste" t!at t!e Tri5a &onsiders to !ave sto%%ed s!ort in $or5in o(t t!e as%iration to$ard enli !ten"ent and li'erationM it is also a syste" $it! $!i&! t!e Tri5a s(stains an affinity, indi&ated 'y its !avin ado%ted t!e do&trine of t!e tatt3as, to et!er $it! t!e notion of t!eir evol(tion)67B For t!e S45!ya do&trine of t!e tattvas i"%lies t$o &orollaries: on t!e one !and, t!at t!e e"%iri&al $orld is iven a val(e67= R 'y t!e Hen("erationI 6sa,hy7 t!at is "ade of its for"sM on t!e ot!er !and, t!at t!e $orld t!(s eval(ated is also instr("entaliLed in t!e 9(est for li'eration) A&&ordin to t!e S,hya,ri, Dand t!e &o""entary of Ga(a%4da %arti&(larlyE t!e sa"e attra&tions of t!e $orld t!at s('#e&t t!e puru)a to in&arnate e,isten&e R (nderstood as 'ot! intelle&t(al and sensi'le e,%erien&e R and to t!e &y&le of re'irt!s !ave also t!e vo&ation of &ond(&tin t!e puru)a to its li'eration R $!i&! a"o(nts to esta'lis!in t!e final &a(se as a f(nda"ental %rin&i%le of t!e syste") T!at is even t!eir raison dIetre: pra,.ti de%loys t!e &reation D(nderstood as t!e t$enty?t!ree re"ainin tatt3as7 only for t!e sa5e of t!e puru)a=s se%aration fro" !erself) S!e $or5s indefati a'ly Dvv) B=?BCE to t!at end, or 'etter, s!e dis%lays t!e &reation 'efore t!e puru)a, as an a&tress 'efore an a(dien&e Dv) B@E) S(&! $o(ld 'e t!e "eanin of t!e arrestin and s(stained analo y of t!e pra,.ti?a&tress %layin 'efore t!e puru)a? s%e&tator Dvv) B@, =8, =B?==E) T!e sa"e Qt!eater of t!e $orldQ in $!i&! t!e puru)a is i"'ri&ated so lon as !e is de%rived of dis&ern"ent is also t!e lo&ale of !is li'eration, for t!at li'eration is s('ordinated to t!e a&9(isition of Hdis&ri"inatin 5no$led eI 63i12na7: on&e Creation is ras%ed as a &o"%le, of or aniLed &onstit(ents, $!i&! "(st t!erefore 'e Hfor anot!erI, t!e puru)a is ipso facto HdifferentiatedI fro" it and fro" t!e &o"%le,M it is HfreeI, it re&o niLes itself as t!e inde%endent ter", Ht!at for $!i&!I)67<
S? 67 "ee/" t' (e the 'rigi$ '1 thi" i/age, whi#h "''$ (e#'/e" a t'p'"> "ee FSFh 6; 1, 15. 6$ the "a/e wa%, .4; 55;666 312 #ite" S? 67. 205 .he .rika:" a11i$it% with SAkh%a i" agai$ /a$i1e"te0 (% it" a0'pti'$ '1 the satkr!avda. 206 6$ #'$tra"t with it" 0eva* ati'$, pre"e$te0 (% the B0vaita a" $e#e""ar%, t' the e7te$t that '$ that 0eva* ati'$ 0epe$0" the "tat " '1 brahman it"e*1 ("ee M *i$ 2001= 83). .he a0vaiti# 0eva* ati'$ '1 the phe$'/e$a* w'r*0 e7te$0" eve$ t' a#'"/i"/ J the a%tivda, 8view that 2the w'r*03 $ever #a/e i$t' e7i"te$#e: J whi#h "erve" the view that brahman '$*% Etr *%E e7i"t" (M *i$ 2001= 56> 102,103> F' % 4= 48,49, 249,254, 266,272). -a"g pta (1975, v'*. 6= 423), h'wever, 1i$0" a$ a%tivda i$ Ia 0apA0a:" 6riks, a$0 #'$"i0er" thi" a$ i$0i#ati'$ '1 Ia 0apA0a:" p tative F 00hi"/ J a p'i$t '1 view / #h 0e(ate0 ('$ thi" 0e(ate, "ee F' % 4= 42,43). 207 IFh 55= $... pa&caviatitattva%&na s!t sattap'r'n!athkh!tilakaam ida pradhnam i!a b'ddhir a!am ahakra imni pa&ca mahbh)tni !ebh!o (n!a p'r'o visada iti 0, 8.he k$'w*e0ge '1 the twe$t%,1ive pri$#ip*e" i" /arke0 (% the 'ther$e"" '1 "pirit a$0 e7i"te$#e= Ethi" i" /atterE, Ethi" i" /i$0E, Ethi" i" eg'E, Ethe"e are the great e*e/e$t"E J 1r'/ a** '1 whi#h a*ie$ "pirit i" 0i""i/i*ar:> "ee a*"' IFh 60 a$0 64.
203 204


T!e puru)a, in its essen&e freed of any taint of o'#e&tivity R o'#e&tivity as s(""ed (% in t!e t$enty?fo(r re"ainin tatt3as R is t!at differen&e) And t!at dis&ri"inatin %rin&i%le is "ade t!e f(nda"ental inde, of t!e S,hya,ri,=s soteriolo y, fro" its se&ond 54ri54 on$ards, $!i&! en#oins t!e f(nda"ental distin&tion 'et$een t!e H"anifestI 63ya,ta7, t!e H(n"anifestI 6a3ya,ta7 and Ht!e 5no$erI D12a R lit), H5no$in IE R t!at is, 'et$een t!e t$enty?t!ree H%rod(&edI tatt3as, 'e innin $it! t!e $uddhi, and t!e t$o H(n%rod(&edI or ori inal tattvas R %ri"al Q"atterQ 6pra,.ti7, desi nated as t!e (n"anifest 6a3ya,ta7, and %ri"al Qs%iritQ 6puru)a7, t!e for"er also fre9(ently referred to as pradhna, t!e H'aseI, H%la&ed? 'eforeI) T!is is ta5en (% 'y Ga(a%4da in !is Bh)ya, $!o &ites t!e follo$in verse: H*e $!o 5no$s t!e t$enty?five %rin&i%les, $!atever !is style of life, $!et!er !is !air 'e %laited or in a to%5not, or !is !ead s!aven, is li'erated R no do('t a'o(t it[I67C T!(s, in t!e S,hya,ri,=s "anner of settin fort! t!e tatt3as &an 'e seen in o3o t!e %rin&i%le of reversi'ility of servit(de and li'eration) One !as t!e feelin t!at Paivis" Dnond(alist and d(alistE ta5es (% t!is %rin&i%le and %(ts it into %ra&ti&e se9(entially, introd(&in t$o sy""etri&al "ove"ents of installation and HdisIinstallation of t!e tatt3as, no$ t!irty?si, in n("'er) T!e Paiva innovation &onsists in t!e reversal of t!ese tatt3as, fro" ross to s('tle, in t!e as&endin "ove"ent of t!e self s re&o nition of its Self) 67@ Of &o(rse, t!e idea is si"ilar to t!e strate y of t!e &o"'ined S45!ya?-o a, a&&ordin to $!i&! t!e %ro&ess of a$a5enin , for t!e yo in, is in so"e "anner t!e reverse D pratisarga, or pratiprasa3a, -S I1 A;E of t!e %ro&ess des&ri'ed in S4 5!ya, res(ltin in t!e $orld of o(r e,%erien&e) Still, -o a !as not develo%ed t!e notion of a QreversionQ of t!e tatt3as, one after anot!er, as a "eans of a&&ess, or rat!er, of as&ent to li'eration) T!erefore one &an s%ea5 of a Paiva QinnovationQ, 687 at least in a te&!ni&al sense) +esides, s(&! a reversal of t!e tattvas is i"%lied in t!e do&trineIs lo i& of t!e syste" to t!e e,tent t!at it &an 'e &onsidered as &onditioned on t!e introd(&tion of t!e notion of (a,ti, $!i&! is itself de%endent on t!e introd(&tion of eleven s(%%le"entary tatt3as $!ere'y a d(alis" is &onverted into a "onis") In effe&t, t!e idea of a QreversionQ of t!e tatt3as &an only 'e &on&eived of dyna"i&ally, at t!e &ost of a &onsidera'le effort &a%a'le of esta'lis!in t!e notion t!e Paivas &all adh3a(uddhi, H%(rifi&ation of t!e %at!sI) It is a reversal t!at is i"%li&it in t!e ter" adh3an, H%at!I, iven to t!e differentiated "anifestation of t!e S(%re"e Lord)688 A%art fro" t!e fa&t t!at t!e H$orld as %at!I lends itself to dire&tionality, it see"s destined to %oint to a Qret(rn %at!Q) In effe&t, in virt(e of a fol5 ety"olo y t!at derives adh3an fro" t!e root ad, HeatI, t!e %at! is not #(st a %ro&ess, a "ovin to$ard so"et!in , it is also t!at $!i&! Hs!o(ld 'e

IFh 1= pa&caviatitattva%&o !atra tatrrame vaset 0 %a#, m', vpi m'c!ate ntra saa!a 00, repeate0 a0 2. 209 See Sp) 666 19= $... dhardiivntasamagrabhog!akavalanena paramapramtt sat,m eva prat!abhi%&nakramevalambate0, 8F% g *pi$g 0'w$ the e$tire ra$ge '1 thi$g" t' e$L'%, 1r'/ earth t' iva, he rea#he" gra0 a**% thr' gh the pr'#e"" '1 re#'g$iti'$ the "tate '1 " pre/e " (Le#t, whi#h e7i"t" $#'$0iti'$a**%:> "ee a*"' &.NvX 21,24, K 'te0 $. 621. 210 <$e that #' *0 (e '*0> "ee, 1'r i$"ta$#e, the $'ti'$ '1 tattva%a!a, 8#'$K e"t '1 the tattvas", i$ +;. (;a" 0eva +;.= 149). 211 )'t '$*% the 'ddhdhvan a$0 the a'ddhdhvan, ( t the $'ti'$ '1 adadhvan, the 8"i7 path":.


&ons("edI, t!at is, t!e e,%e&ted res(lt of t!at "ove"ent: t!e H%at!I Danalo y of t!e e"%iri&al "anifestationE, $!i&! t!e a&t of ret(rnin itself a'olis!es)686 Oit! t!e insertion of my and t!e Hs!eat!sI 6,a2cu,a7 asso&iated $it! it, not only is t!e d(alis" of S45!ya "ade to "es! $it! Paiva nond(alis", '(t, inversely, Paiva nond(alis" atte"%ts to fortify itself a ainst lo i&al defe&t to t!e e,tent t!at it is &aref(l, in its %!iloso%!i&al dis&o(rse, to %resent my as one of t!e "odes of realiLation of t!e Pa5ti) Oit! t!e addition of t!e eleven s(%erior tatt3as, of $!i&! t!e first five re%resent t!e H%(re %at!I 6(uddhdh3an7, Paivis" re&on&iles t!e level of essen&e 6(uddhdh3an7 $it! t!at of e,isten&e 6a(uddhdh3an7) .oreover, t!e Paiva settin fort! of t!e eleven s(%erior tatt3as %er"its t!e resol(tion of anot!er %ro'le" t!at is raised 'y t!e 'orro$in fro" S45!ya of t!e notion of t!e tatt3as: t!e idea of evol(tion itself, in effe&t, is in %rin&i%le in&o"%ati'le $it! "ost Indian idealisti& syste"s, $!i&!, esta'lis!in an e9(ivalen&e 'et$een Q&!an eQ and t!e Q(nrealQ, &onsider t!e very idea of evol(tion in and of itself fa(lty, erroneo(s) T!e Tri5aIs re&on&iliation of idealis" $it! t!e Qrealisti&Q a%%roa&! i"%lied 'y t!e idea of evol(tion oes even to t!e e,tent of revisin t!e notion of $hed$heda, Hdifferen&e?and?non?differen&eI) Evol(tionis" in effe&t &annot 'e "aintained a%art fro" t!e notion of $hed$heda, for s(&! an idea is i"%lied in any t!eory of &a(sation lin5in a &a(se $it! its effe&t, different fro" t!at &a(se, '(t in so"e sense also t!e sa"e, for it is not t!e &ase t!at any &a(se &an %rod(&e any effe&t) T!(s t!e 9(adri%artite distin&tion of t!e tatt3as %ro%osed 'y &lassi&al S45!ya re%oses i"%li&itly on t!e notion of $hed$heda: t!at $!i&!, not %rod(&ed, %rod(&es 6pra,.ti7M t!ose $!i&! are %rod(&ed '(t %rod(&e not!in Dt!e mah$h/tasEM t!ose t!at 'ot! %rod(&e and are %rod(&ed Dfro" mahat to t!e tanmtrasEM and t!at $!i&! neit!er %rod(&es nor is %rod(&ed 6puru)a7) In t!e last analysis, t!e Paiva treat"ent of $hed$heda, ill(strated, so"e$!at aty%i&ally,68A 'y t!e "eta%!or of t!e "irror and its refle&tion DPS 86?8AE, $o(ld derive as "(&! fro" a do&trinal &onstraint R t!at of an idealisti& syste" R as it does fro" t!e e,ternal &onstraint i"%osed 'y inte ratin a Qrealisti&Q evol(tionis" $it!in an Qidealisti&Q evol(tionis") For t!at, t!e notion of evol(tion itself !ad to 'e re&onsidered) O!ile S45!ya "a5es it de%endent on pra,.ti alone, a&tive '(t (n&ons&io(s, %resented to a puru)a &ons&io(s '(t ina&tive, Paivis" s('ordinates evol(tion D$!ere t!e puru)a is rele ated to t!e Hi"%(re %at!IE to t!e a ent %ar e,&ellen&e, t!e (ni9(e (lti"ate %rin&i%le, Piva ani"ated 'y !is Pa5ti R in ot!er ter"s, &ons&io(sness indisso&ia'le fro" self?&ons&io(sness) T!is a en&y e,%resses itself as t!e a'sol(te HII 6aham7, $!i&! is iven a &entral %la&e in t!e Paramrthasra itself, via t!e QahastutiQ of verses ;<?B7, t!e self?%ro&la"ation of t!e HII as t!e (lti"ate Real)68; T!(s t!e idea of t!e (lti"ate %rin&i%le as itself a ent seals t!e differen&e, on t!e ontolo i&al %lane, 'et$een S4 5!ya and Tri5a, or rat!er &onse&rates t!e inte ration of t!e first in t!e se&ond)68B
See .4 ;6 30 a$0 .4; a0 *'#. #ite0 $. 1387. 6$ B0vaita, the "a/e a$a*'g% i** "trate" the $'ti'$ '1 8appeara$#e:, bhedbheda (ei$g reLe#te0 (% akara a" a *'gi#a* #'$tra0i#ti'$> "ee p. 57. 214 See, e"p., Tantrasra 2.S3 ;666 (p. 86) K 'te0 $. 594, a$0 .S ;666 (p. 87), K 'te0 $. 605, whi#h "peak" '1 the 8age$tive part: (kartraa) '1 the ahakra, it"e*1 $'thi$g e*"e tha$ the 0eva* ate0 1'r/ '1 the a("'* te (aham". 215 See a*"' &S 10,11, &S 14, &S 45, a$0 CD a0 *'#> a*"' ^&vX 666 2, 5, K 'te0 $. 515.
212 213


T!e Tri5a distin (is!es itself also fro" S45!ya in t!at t!e reval(ation of t!e sensi'le $orld &(l"inates in a sense of "arvel 6camat,ra7, a H"arvelin I t!at 'orders al$ays on #oy 6nanda7, and $!i&! &!ara&teriLes 'ot! t!e re ard t!e yo in &asts (%on t!is "arvelo(sly varie ated $orld and t!e o%en?eyed deli !t $it! $!i&! !e &onte"%lates !is identity $it! t!at $orld and $it! t!e Lord)68= Oe find !ere %er!a%s t!e so(r&e of one of t!e &!ara&teristi& feat(res of t!e nond(al Paivis" of /as!"ir, $!i&! !as develo%ed, alon side a reli io(s %!iloso%!y and a "ysti&is", an aest!eti&s t!at !as 'e&o"e one of t!e leit"otifs of Indian s%e&(lation, and &o"%ellin eno( ! as an aest!eti&s to overs!ado$ all its rivals) A series of $riters, %ree"inently Jaivite, a"on $!o" A'!inava (%ta $as %ro'a'ly t!e "ost infl(ential,68< develo%ed a Qt!eory of 'ea(tyQ, or rat!er, of Qaest!eti& e,%erien&eQ, t!at re"ains one of t!e #e$els of /as!"ir to t!is day) Not only is aest!eti& e"otion des&ri'ed in t!e very ter"s t!at /as!"irian Paivas a%%ly to s%irit(al e,%erien&e R rasa, HsavorI, nanda, H'lissI, camat,ra, H$onderI, tma3i(rnti, Hre%ose in t!e SelfIR '(t t!e Ha"aLe"entI 63ismaya7 of ordinary e,%erien&e is trans"(ted into t!e Hsenti"entI 6rasa7, as aest!eti&al as it is s%irit(al, of t!e H.arvelo(sI 6ad$huta7) T!e yo in and t!e s%e&tator of dra"a !ave in &o""on t!e Hre&o nitionI of t!e Self, or, $!at a"o(nts to t!e sa"e t!in , t!eir identifi&ation $it! t!e (niverse R a transitory e,%erien&e for t!e s%e&tator '(t esta'lis!ed on&e and for all for t!e yo in,68C $!o is t!(s not!in '(t an He"an&i%ated s%e&tatorI)68@ O!at a'o(t t!e relation of Tri5a $it! AdvaitaZ It is o'vio(s t!at t!e for"er s!ares $it! t!e latter t!e notion of my Dalready %resent in t!e first Paramrthasra7 and its fa&(lty of Hveilin I 63ara0a7, in!erited fro" t!e traditionM after all, even in its vedi& o&&(rren&es, and in &onfor"ity $it! its ety"olo y, my is a H%o$er of fa'ri&ationI, and as s(&! &an 'e seen as to re%resent t!e advaiti& version of t!e Paiva (a,ti) -et, $!atever "ay 'e t!eir f(nda"ental affinity in t!is re ard, it is still t!e &ase t!at t!e t$o syste"s differ &onsidera'ly in t!eir "anner of treatin my) In t!e Paramrthasra, $e find, in effe&t, a %ole"i&al atta&5 on 1ed4n?taIs vie$s re ardin (a,ti and my) -o ar4#a Dad 8BE re%roa&!es t!e H+ra!"av4dinsI for
See CD a0 75 a$0 79,80. See Fa$"at,F' 0'$ 2004= 27311. 218 See =varaprat!abhi%&vimarin, 2^&;3 6 1, 1, v'*. 6= 38, i$ the #'$te7t '1 a 0e(ate '$ the 1 $#ti'$ '1 /e/'r% i$ a##' $ti$g 1'r the e7perie$#e '1 the %'gi$= n)na sa eva ,varo (ham iti, 8Ce", 6 a/ the N'r0:> i$ the "a/e #'$te7t, "ee a*"' ^&; 6 4, 3, v'*. 6=165= ea sa iti cchditas!eva pramttattvas!a sph'#vabhsana ktam, idam iti, visma!agarbha!na! 'kt! prat!abhi%& eva s)cit, 8Rhe$ '$e "a%" Ethi" i" heE there i" #*ear reve*ati'$ '1 a #'g$iUer, hi00e$ a" it were> 2eve$ i$ #a"e" whe$ '$e "a%" '$*%3 EBhaWE (idam), a re#'g$iti'$ i" i$0i#ate0 (% thi" ttera$#e, wh'"e #e$tra* /ea$i$g i" a/aUe/e$t:. B" 1'r the e7perie$#e '1 the "pe#tat'r, "ee +bhinavabhrat, 2BFh3 a0 B#!astra 2)3 6 107, v'*. 6= 36= p#h!akranaptrntarapraveavat sam'tpanne deaklavievenligite ... rmarvadivia!dh!avas!e ... bhavat pa&caair divasai sacamatkratad,!acaritamadh!apravi#asvmar)pamati svtmadvrea viva tath pa!an prat!eka sm%ika ... 8<$#e the #'$vi#ti'$ ha" 0eve*'pe0 that DA/a a$0 DAva@a, a$0 "' '$, are (e1're hi/, ... tha$k" t' the e$tra$#e" '1 'ther #hara#ter" a$0 the heari$g '1 *i$e" "p'ke$ J 2a #'$vi#ti'$3 $/arke0 (% the irr pti'$" '1 parti# *ar ti/e" a$0 p*a#e" J ... the "pe#tat'r th " view2"3 ever% parti# *ar thr' gh the *e$" '1 hi" 'w$ "e*1, 2th' gh the "pe#ta#*e3 #'$ti$ e (bhavat) 1'r 1ive 'r "i7 0a%", 1'r hi" atte$ti'$ i" $'w '$e with hi" 'w$ "e*1, whi#h ha" e$tere0 i$t' the /i0"t '1 that a#ti'$ with a "e$"e '1 w'$0er:. ).(.= .hi" #hara#teriUati'$ i" e7#erpte0 1r'/ a / #h *'$ger pa""age 0e"#ri(i$g the "pe#tat'r:" e7perie$#e i$ re"p'$"e t' the p*a%. See Fa$"at,F' 0'$ 1992= 151,152. 219 &hra"e ('rr'we0 1r'/ the tit*e '1 O. Da$#iere:" (''k (2008).
216 217


!avin &onsidered my distin&t fro" $rahman, $!ereas, fro" t!e Paiva %oint of vie$, my is not!in '(t a realiLation of PivaIs (a,ti, (nderstood initially as Hener y of freedo"I 6s3tantrya(a,ti7) It is 'e&a(se of t!is fail(re to re&o niLe t!e essential freedo" of t!e s(%re"e %rin&i%le t!at -o ar4#a Dad 6<E finds fa(lt $it! t!ese +ra!"av4dins, even t!o( ! s(&! an a&&o(nt of t!e ved4nti& syste" Des%e&ially t!at of PaT5araE "(st 'e ta5en as a serio(s a'rid e"ent, $!i&! fails to ta5e note of t!e i"%ortant &os"olo i&al role %layed t!erein 'y 0Jvara, or of t!e &o"%le, inter%lay of my and t!e 1-3a in its a&&o(nt of t!e Q%er&e%ti'leQ $orld) As a &onse9(en&e, one o'serves t!at t!e Trai5a vie$ of t!e Qreal $orldQ differs so"e$!at fro" t!at of PaT5araIs Advaita, $!ere notions of t!e QrealQ are 'ased e,&l(sively on t!e sin le (n&!an in Real, $rahman Dsat, E, $!i&! &an never 'e ot!er t!an it is Din later Advaita (sa e, ter"ed pramrthi,a sat7) +y &ontrast, t!e Qa'sol(tely (nrealQ 6prti$hsi,a7 &an a%%ear only ver'ally, is al$ays ot!er t!an it is 6asat7 R t!e Hson of a 'arren $o"anI Da &ontradi&tion in ter"sE or t!e H!orn of a !areI Dan i"a inary asso&iationE) +et$een t!ese t$o e,tre"es is t!e Qreal $orldQ 63y3ahri,a7 R or $!at $e li5e to &all t!e Qreal $orldQ R $!i&! is Hine,%li&a'leI 6anir3acan-ya7 in t!e sense t!at it is neit!er a'sol(tely real nor a'sol(tely (nreal 6sadasad3ila,)a0a7 R t!e $orld, in ot!er $ords, of &!an e, $!ere r(les of &a(se and effe&t a%%ly) PaT5ara %refers t!e for"(la sadasad3ila,)a0a to t!e older $hed$heda Ddifferent?and?not?differentE for !e &onsiders t!is last a &ontradi&tion in ter"s) O!ile t!e Paivas and t!e Advaitins a ree in not denyin a %rovisional reality to t!e $orld of nor"al e,%erien&e, t!ey see" to %art &o"%any in t!eir vie$ of t!e Qa'sol(tely (nrealQ, $!i&! notion !as disa%%eared fro" t!e Paiva le,i&on, leavin (s $it! a Q'i?%olarQ (niverse &onsistin of t!e God on one side and !is Q&reationQ on t!e ot!er) S(&! QentitiesQ as s5y?flo$ers and s9(are &ir&les are a&&orded no s%e&ial stat(s, for as ideas t!ey Qe,istQ in t!e sa"e &reated (niverse) 667 In a sense, $e !ave ret(rned to a "ore S45!ya?oriented vie$ of t!e Real, $!ere t!e &reated $orld is le iti"ated as a f(n&tion of t!e a'sol(te, no do('t "otivated 'y t!e PaivasI vie$ t!at a&tion is %art and %ar&el of t!at a'sol(te, &on&eived as inse%ara'le fro" its Pa5ti) T!(s, in t!e s&!e"a of t!e Tri5a, Pa5ti a%%ears t$i&e, as t!e &onsort of Piva, t!at is, as self?&ons&io(sness still indistin&t fro" %(re &ons&io(sness, and as t!e s('tly Qde radedQ for" of my R $!i&!, it $ill 'e re"e"'ered, fi (res as t!e si,t! in t!e %ro&ession of t!e tatt3as) In t!is sense, one &an say t!at t!e Tri5a s('stit(tes for t!e %air $rahmanBmy of Advaita t!e &o(%le Piva]Pa5ti, on&e my, or "ore %re&isely, t!e oddess .4y4, is ta5en as a !y%ostasis of Pa5ti) It 'ein (nderstood t!at, in a Trai5a %ers%e&tive, t!e disso&iation Pa5ti]my is valid only in a $orldly %ers%e&tive, verti&allyM it !as no reality fro" t!e (lti"ate %oint of vie$, $!en envisa ed !oriLontally) In so"e $ays, it &o(ld 'e said t!at t!e Tri5a &on&e%tion of my is &loser to t!at of t!e "-t R or in any &ase, to t!e version of t!e "-t as &o""ented (%on 'y A'!inava (%ta) +esides, it s!o(ld 'e noted t!at t!e %!iloso%!i&al dis&o(rse of Advaita, t!o( ! fo(nded on t!e %air $rahman-my, does not assi n to t!e tatt3as

See &S 44 a$0 $. 915. .rika the'r% h'*0" that #'$"#i' "$e"" #'$tai$" ever%thi$g withi$ it" 1'*0. <$*% that whi#h i" k$'w$ e7i"t"> whatever i" $'t a$ '(Le#t '1 k$'w*e0ge 0'e" $'t e7i"t. 6t i" # ri' " that the "a/e 1'r/ *ati'$ '1 the re*ati'$ '1 the i0ea a$0 it" '(Le#t /a% (e 1' $0 a*"' i$ the /'"t e7tre/e rea*i"ti# 0'#tri$e" J $'ta(*% &rA(hAkara/Y/A"A J where it #a$$'t (e a0/itte0 that a$ i0ea (eve$ a$ err'$e' " '$e) ha" E$'thi$gE 1'r it" '(Le#t> "ee a*"' $. 265.


t!e soteriolo i&al role $!i&! is t!eir d(e in S45!ya and in Tri5a R alt!o( ! in varyin $ays) As re ards t!e inte ration of S45!ya into t!e Tri5a, &ertain dis%la&e"ents are in eviden&e: t!e my of t!e Tri5a re%resents f(n&tionally t!e pra,.ti of S45!ya $it! t!e "a#or differen&e t!at t!e for"er no$ e"'odies a oddess and is not an H(n&ons&io(sI %rin&i%leM in &ontrast, t!e pra,.ti of t!e Tri5a is a deval(ed for" of t!e S45!ya pra,.ti, red(&ed to its trigu0tma,a f(n&tion) Li5e$ise, t!e puru)a of t!e S45!ya 'e&o"es, in t!e Tri5a !ierar&!y, little "ore t!an t!e ar&!ety%e of t!e finite, 'o(nd so(l) It is tr(e t!at Indian soteriolo ies !ave as t!eir %rin&i%le t!e a'ro ation of a &ondition dee"ed (n!a%%y, and one &an ar (e t!at t!ey are all or aniLed aro(nd a diale&ti& of servit(de and li'eration) Still, t!e $ay %ro%osed 'y Paivis" is distin (is!ed fro" ot!er syste"s 'y t!e dyna"is" and dis&(rsivity of t!at diale&ti&) A 9(ality t!at relates evidently to its notion of t!e A'sol(te D&alled PivaE, $!i&! t!e t!ro''in essen&e of its ener y %redis%oses to a series Dli"ited in n("'erE of "anifestations) T!e eneses of finit(de and of li'eration o%erate, dyna"i&ally, 'y a %ro ressive installation and disinstallation of t!e tatt3as, 'y t!e e"anation of diversity and its rea'sor%tion) T!(s does Paivis" inter%ret 'ot! S4 5!ya and Advaita) T!e t!o( !t?(niverse of t!e Tri5a is indeed t!at of an idealis" 'ased on t!e notion of (niversal &ons&io(sness, of $!i&! "any variants e,ist, in t!e Oest as $ell) Still, t!e $ide ran e and t!e &o"%le,ity of t!e syste" "a5e it (ni9(e, inas"(&! as it develo%s, as a &o!erent tradition, over several &ent(ries, and is ra&ed 'y t!e $or5s of so"e of t!e "ost a&(te t!in5ers of t!e Indian %ast) Lyne +ansat?+o(don Saint?A('in?s(r?"er, N(ne A, 677@


Sal(tation to t!e one !avin t!e for" of (lti"ate reality, $!i&! is t!e Self, $!i&! is &ons&io(sness) No$ 'e ins t!e Paramrthasra, t!e HEssen&e of Ulti"ate RealityI,668 &o"%osed 'y t!e revered "aster, A'!inava (%ta, "ost e"inent a"on t!e reat Paiva tea&!ers666 to et!er $it! t!e &o""entary of t!e revered "aster -o ar4#a

.he #'/p' $0 paramrtha i" eK iv'#a* a" i" the 1i$a* ter/ artha, whi#h /a% (e $0er"t''0 a##'r0i$g t' a$%'$e '1 it" vari' " /ea$i$g", " #h a" 8g'a*:, 8'(Le#t:, 8tr th:, 8rea*it%:> "ee 6$tr., $. 7. 222 mhevarcr!a J *it., 8pre#ept'r i$ the *i$eage '1 2tea#her"3 0ev'te0 t' +ahePvara:.


8) To t!e One $!o, alt!o( ! not!in '(t a "ass of &ons&io(sness, 66A is yet solidified in t!e for" of t!e $orld,66; to t!e (n'orn One $!o is %rofi&ient in t!e %lay 66B of &on&ealin 66= !is o$n Self, lory to t!is S(%re"e Lord[ 6) On t!e &o"%endi("66< Paramrthasra, artf(lly66C &o"%osed 'y t!e "aster, I, -o ar4#a, "a5e t!is 'rief &o""entary, at t!e re9(est of t!e learned) #!rik!
cidghana= the i/age, / #h e7p*'ite0 i$ the aivi"/ '1 ?a"h/ir, '1 #'$"#i' "$e"" a" 8"'*i0: 'r 8#'/pa#t: (ghana) i" tra$"*ate0 here /'re 'r *e"" *itera**%, th' gh it pr'(a(*% "ee/" K ite para0'7i#a* t' the Re"ter$ rea0er, a" 8"'*i0it%: i" $'r/a**% a""'#iate0 with ph%"i#a* '(Le#t", e"pe#ia**% weight% '$e", $'t with eve$t" '1 the /i$0. F t it a*"' appear" t' (e the #a"e that aiva a th'r" were K ite aware '1 the para0'7 a" we**, a$0 ha0 g''0 rea"'$ t' "tre"" it. Gve$ i$ /'0er$ Sa$"krit, the ter/ ghana #'$ti$ e" t' (e a""'#iate0 with the gr'"", rather tha$ the " (t*e, a" 1'r i$"ta$#e 8i#e: i" #'//'$*% re1erre0 t' a" (ghan,bh)ta %alam". Severa* rati'$a*e" #a$ (e a00 #e0 1'r thi" "tra$ge /etaph'ri#a* "age, a/'$g the/ the 1a#t '1 para0'7 it"e*1, whi#h /a% "erve (a" it '1te$ 0'e" i$ B0vaita a$0 +A0h%a/ika e7p*a$ati'$") t' "h'#k the /i$0 ' t '1 it" " a* ha(it" a$0 t' prepare it 1'r " pra,/ $0a$e i$"ight". 6t /a% a*"' (e the #a"e, e"pe#ia**% 1'r ?a"h/iria$ aiva" J wh' 0' $'t 0i"/i"" the 8"'*i0: w'r*0 a" a p re*% i** "'r% phe$'/e$'$ (a" i" " a**% 0'$e (% B0vaiti$"), ( t "ee it a" a$ a#tivit% '1 the N'r0 hi/"e*1 J that, (% thi" para0'7, attri( te" $'r/a**% a""'#iate0 with the e11e#t are tra$"1erre0 t' the #a "e, e/pha"iUi$g th " the #a "e:" tr *% " ("ta$tia* rea*it%. Rhi#h " gge"t" a thir0 rati'$a*e 1'r the "age, whi#h i" "i/p*% that it i" the 'vert'$e" " gge"te0 (% the *itera* 8"'*i0it%: that are at i"" e J th " #'$"#i' "$e"" i" 8#'/pa#t:, 8 $i1'r/:, 8perva"ive:, et#. B$0 1i$a**%, i$ "tre""i$g what a/' $t" t' the /ateria*it% '1 #'$"#i' "$e"", ' r a th'r" /a% (e /aki$g a p'i$t that i" '1te$ a""'#iate0 with the 8/ateria* #a "e: (i$ Bri"t'te*ia$ ter/"), $a/e*%, that, K ` /atter, a** 1'r/ i" " pera00e0 a$0 ip"' 1a#t' e7tri$"i#. B" <hndog!a "a%", what i" 8rea*: i" the #*a%, $'t the p't 'r the 0i"h 'r the t'% 1'r/e0 '1 it. 8'tatis m'tandis, the #*a% (a" /atter) i" 8i$e7pre""i(*e: e7#ept a" 'r thr' gh 1'r/ J '$e #a$$'t e$#' $ter #*a% a" " #h, a$0 %et a** #*a% '(Le#t" are $'thi$g ( t #*a%. .ake$ t'gether, the"e i$terpretive p'""i(i*itie" pre"e$t a "tr'$g L "ti1i#ati'$ 1'r thi" appare$t*% a$'/a*' " /etaph'r. M'wever that /a% (e, the 1'r/ *a ha" pa$i9a0i# a$te#e0e$t"= #1. F4H 6; 5, 13= eva v are (!am tm $... ktsna pra%&naghana eva, a$0 F4H 66 4,12= ida mahad bh)tam $... vi%&naghana eva> a*"' +AH 5, re1erre0 t' $. 792> "ee a*"' $. 234 '$ cidnandaikaghana. 224 %aganm)rti= i$ "pite '1 the "'*i0it% i/p*ie0 (% the ter/ ghana, the "a/e cit i" "ee$ a" rasa, 1* i0it% (#1. the e7pre""i'$ (cidrasa" i$ &M 4, K 'te0 (e*'w), whi#h, whe$ 'rie$te0 t'war0 '(Le#tivit% i$ the pr'#e"" '1 bhedav!akti, 8/a$i1e"tati'$ a" 0i11ere$#e:, i" agai$ 0e"#ri(e0 i$ ter/" '1 gra0 a* "'*i0i1i#ati'$, 'r #r%"ta**iUati'$, whi#h pr'#e"" e$0" i$ pthiv,tattva. S'*i0i1i#ati'$ i" a*"' e/pha"iUe0 thr' gh ter/" " #h a" !na ('r !na, 'r pr!n) a$0 m)rti. 6$ the "e$"e '1 8i/age:, m)rti (0erive0 1r'/ the r''t m)rch, 8t' "'*i0i1%:, 8t' #'ag *ate:) "ig$i1ie" the #'ag *ati'$ '1 the e""e$tia* 1* i0it% '1 the 0ivi$it%. 6$ thi" magala, CD "ee/" t' e#h' the w'r0" '1 hi" 0ire#t g r ?9e/arALa:" a t',#'//e$tar% '$ &M 4, pp. 55,56= r,paramaiva $... cidrass!natr)peatattvabh'vanabhvatattatpramtrd!tmata!pi prathate0, 8&ara/aPiva 2...3 /a$i1e"t" 2*it., 80i"p*a%":3 hi/"e*1 ('th a" the t'ta*it% '1 pri$#ip*e", w'r*0" a$0 e$titie" a$0 a" their re"pe#tive e7perie$#er", that are '$*% a "'*i0i1ie0 1'r/ '1 the e""e$tia* 1* i0it% '1 #'$"#i' "$e"":. See a*"' ?9e/arALa:" Sp) 6 2 K 'te0 $. 226> a*"' CD a0 46. V 'te0 i$ Htpa*avai9@ava:" Sp& (A"trY 6"*A/p rkar= 6), the <icchaktisast'ti, whi#h 0eve*'p" the i/age, "e" the "a/e ter/i$'*'g%= pr!na cidrasas!ogha skratvam 'pgata0 ava!!a prabodhrke t)dite svasvabhvabhk00, 8.he "trea/ '1 the e""e$tia* 1* i0it% '1 #'$"#i' "$e"" "'*i0i1ie", a"" /i$g 2#'$#rete3 1'r/". M'wever, it re#'ver" it" 'w$ e""e$tia* $at re 2i.e., it" 1* i0it%3, a" 0'e" the /'r$i$g 0ew, whe$ the S $ '1 #'$"#i' "$e"" ri"e":. 225 kr, J a ke% ter/ '1 the 0'#tri$e.


WT!e "asterY 'ein of t!e o%inion t!at t!e &o"%letion of t!is treatise R in 5ee%in $it! t!e syste" of nond(alisti& Paivis" 6(i3d3aya(sana7 R re9(ires first t!e re"oval of t!e (n&easin flo$ of o'sta&les, s(&! as a%%re!ension,66@ fear, idleness and do('t,6A7 $!i&! arise $!en one i"a ines oneself as %ri"arily deter"ined 'y t!at &ondition $!erein t!e 'ody and t!e li5e is ta5en to 'e t!e &o niLer 6dehdipramt.t7,6A8 no$ first &onsiders !is reveren&e 6A6 to t!e S(%re"e Lord 6parame(3ara7) T!e essential "eanin of t!e entire treatise is in!erently %resent in t!is reveren&e, and it is t!ro( ! t!is reveren&e t!at is ena'led a'sor%tion 6sam3e(a7 in t!e divinity
pracchdana p'i$t" here t' a #e$tra* #'$#ept '1 the aivi"/ '1 ?a"h/ir= the tirodhnaakti, p'wer ('r e$erg%) '1 #'$#ea*/e$t '1 the N'r0, it"e*1 a rea*iUati'$ '1 hi" svtantr!aakti, hi" e$erg% '1 a("'* te 1ree0'/. !1. ?9e/arALa i$ Sp) 6 2= tato (!a cidtm bhagavn ni%aras!natr)pa %agad 'nma%%a!at,ti !'%!ate, 8.here1're, it i" per1e#t*% va*i0 t' "a% that the N'r0 wh' i" #'$"#i' "$e"" (ri$g" a(' t the e/erge$#e '1 the w'r*0 (% "'*i0i1%i$g hi" 'w$ e""e$#e:, a$0 2ivas)travimarin, 2S;3 6 2= !a paramevarea svasvtantr!aakt! bhsitasvar)pagopanr)pa! mahm!akt! svtman! kakalpe (nritt prabhti m!pramtranta sakoco (vabhsita sa eva $... bandha, (B *i/itati'$ i" /a0e t' appear (% &ara/aPiva i$ hi" 'w$ (ei$g whi#h i" p re *ike the "k%. .aki$g the 1'r/ '1 2e7perie$#e", (egi$$i$g with th'"e '13 B$APritaPiva a$0 e$0i$g with 2th'"e '13 the m!pramt, thi" *i/itati'$ i" the e11e#t '1 2&ara/aPiva:"3 e$erg% '1 mahm!, whi#h it"e*1 #'$"i"t" 21'r the N'r03 i$ the vei*i$g '1 hi" 'w$ $at re (r' ght a(' t (% hi" e$erg% '1 1ree0'/. .hat *i/itati'$ a*'$e 2...3 i" ('$0age:. 227 sakepa J #1. CD:" "%//etri# "tate/e$t i$ the #'*'ph'$ a$0 $. 1445. 228 !'kt! #' *0 (e $0er"t''0 /'re *itera**% a" 8(% /ea$" '1, (% havi$g re#' r"e t', rea"'$i$g:, i$a"/ #h a" the e7p'$e$t" '1 the aivi"/ '1 ?a"h/ir #*ai/ a rati'$a* L "ti1i#ati'$ 1'r the 0'#tri$e> "ee $. 427. M'wever, taki$g i$t' #'$"i0erati'$ the #'$te7t, we have 'pte0 1'r the tra$"*ati'$= 8art1 **%:, 8"ki**1 **%:, a" pertai$i$g /'re 0ire#t*% t' the #'/p'"iti'$ '1 a te7t> thi" i" a** the /'re L "ti1ie0, i$a"/ #h a" CD #a$ th " (e "ee$ a" a** 0i$g t' BI:" Paramrthasra a" a ("ki**1 *) rewriti$g '1 the Paramrthasra '1 40iPe9a. 229 6$ thi" #'$te7t, where the dehdipramt i" re1erre0 t', ak i" pr'(a(*% t' (e take$ i$ the "e$"e '1 vicikits, 8 $#ertai$t%: (8i$#erteUUa:, i$ I$'*i:" tra$"*ati'$ 2.4= 3093), 8apprehe$"i'$:> "ee CD a0 58 (avat.) a$0 CD a0 83, whi#h give" thi" 0e1i$iti'$= 82...3 0' (t" '##a"i'$e0 (% 2the pre"e$#e '13 #h'i#e (vikalpa)"> #1. Tantrloka 2.43 5666 198(, 1'r a ge$era* 0e"#ripti'$ '1 ak= ak vikalpam)l hi m!et svaprat!a!d iti, 8-' (t 'rigi$ate" 1r'/ /e$ta* #'$"tr #t". 6t /a% (e pa#i1ie0 (% '$e:" 'w$ 21ir/3 #'$vi#ti'$ 2viU., 8whe$ p'""e""e0 '1 i$te$"e 'r average gra#e: (t,vramadh!aaktiptavata)3:. 6$ hi" #'//e$tar%, OD K 'te" 1r'/ the Bi#ana (re1erre0 t' i$ .4 5666 197,198) a 0e1i$iti'$ '1 0' (t a" ('$0age par e7#e**e$#e= vikalpa% %a!ate ak s ak bandhar)pi, 0 bandho (n!o na hi vid!ate te ak vikalpa%m 00 vikalp!sa!'ktas!a na hi s!c chre!as, gati 0, 8.he 0' (t that ari"e" 1r'/ /e$ta* #'$"tr #t" take" the 1'r/ '1 ('$0age. .here i" $' 'ther ('$0age tha$ the 0' (t ari"i$g 1r'/ /e$ta* #'$"tr #t". .he '$e wh' i" #'$#er$e0 with e7erti'$" re" *ti$g 1r'/ /e$ta* #'$"tr #t" #a$$'t attai$ t' the highe"t g'a*:> a*"' .4 566 24= ak!%!ate glni ak! vighnabh%anam, a$0 25, whi#h K 'te" Htpa*a0eva:" 2ivastotrval, 2S43 66 28= sarvakani mrga n'mo mhevara tv iti. )'te Sa$0er"'$:" " a* tra$"*ati'$ '1 ak a" 8i$hi(iti'$: (1985= 199, a$0 $. 69> 1986= 181). See a*"' Partr,iklagh'vtti 2&.NvX3 a0 18= kevala parik,aaktakatvam atropa!ogi ak! $... ekarasatadvimartmakasamveavighnabh)tatvd, 8.he 0e"tr #ti'$ '1 the 0' (t that i" perp*e7it% i" a*'$e "e1 *, 1'r thi" 0' (t i" a$ '("ta#*e t' the a("'rpti'$ that #'$"i"t" i$ #'$"ta$t aware$e"" '1 hi/ '$*%:. Sa$0er"'$ (2007= 379) #a"t" 0' (t '$ the attri( ti'$ t' BI '1 the &.NvX, ( t '("erve" that thi" attri( ti'$ i" atte"te0 at a$ ear*% 0ate i$ the &+, pr'(a(*% 12th 'r 13th #e$t. 230 Sa$0er"'$ 2005= 91, $. 7, tra$"*ate"= 8the / *tit 0e '1 hi$0erer", $a/e*%, " #h 2"tate" '1 /i$03 a" he"itati'$, $ea"i$e"", *aUi$e"", a$0 $#ertai$t%:. 231 pramt J *it., 8age$t '1 2pre" /a(*% va*i03 #'g$iti'$ (pram):. .he tw' 1a/i*ie" '1 ter/" (a"e0 '$ the r''t" %& (%&na, et#.) a$0 m (mna, e"p. pramna, et#.) pre"e$t parti# *ar 0i11i# *tie" t' the


$!o is '(t oneIs o$n Self 6s3tmade3at7,6AA a (nifor" "ass of 'lissf(l &ons&io(sness 6cidnandai,aghan7,6A; on&e t!e &ondition of finite &o niLer 6parimitapramt.7 !as 'een over&o"e:6AB ) To $ou, the transcendent, situated beyond the abyss, beginningless, uni%ue, yet who dwell in manifold ways in the ca"erns of the heart , the foundation of all this uni"erse,6A= and who abide in all that mo"es and all that mo"es not , to $ou alone, & 'abhu, I come for refuge)6A< To $ou, $!ose for" is t!e od t!at is "y o$n Self, $!o are t!e essen&e of $!at is %resent 6sphuratt76AC in every &o niLer,6A@
tra$"*at'r. Re have te$0e0 t' pre1er 8k$'w: a$0 it" 0erivative" 1'r the 1'r/er, a$0 8#'g$iUe:, et#., 1'r the *atter J a*th' gh ('th tra$"*ati'$" are et%/'*'gi#a**% #*'"er t' Skt. %& tha$ either i" t' the 'rigi$a* "e$"e '1 m, 8t' /ea" re, 0eter/i$e:. Dather tha$ (e#'/e e/(r'i*e0 i$ the Ier/a$i# [ Nati$ate #'$"tra"t, "'/e have pre1erre0 the Ireek,(a"e0 8g$'"i": 1'r %&na, 1'r '(vi' " rea"'$" (Skt. %&ti w' *0 (e a$ e7a#t tra$"p'"it'$ '1 thi" ter/), ( t '1 #' r"e thi" t'' i", et%/'*'gi#a**%, L "t a$'ther varia$t '1 the 6G r''t ag$b. .' the e7te$t, h'wever, that the ter/" (a"e0 '$ the r''t m retai$ a$ a""'#iative $ a$#e with their 'rigi$" i$ the )ai%A%ika,Fa 00ha 0e(ate" '$ 8va*i0 /ea$" '1 #'g$iti'$:, it wa" th' ght at *ea"t per/i""i(*e t' e/p*'% here the rather /'re 8a#a0e/i#: a""'#iati'$" '1 8#'g$iUe:, re"ervi$g the "'*i0 Ier/a$i# 8k$'w: 1'r %& a$0 it" 0erivative" J wh'"e app*i#ati'$" are ('th / $0a$e a$0 e"'teri#, ( t *e"" '1te$ Ete#h$i#a*E J i$ the "e$"e '1 "ervi$g t' 0i"a/(ig ate the #'$#rete pr'(*e/" '1 the Ek$'werE e$/e"he0 i$ the tra//e*" '1 / $0a$e aware$e"". B*'$g with pramt 8#'g$iUer: / "t (e a##' $te0 a$ e$tire 1a/i*% '1 ter/" that "erve t' #hara#teriUe the pr'(*e/ati# '1 the #'$#rete k$'wer J prame!a, 8'(Le#t '1 #'g$iti'$: (1'r the )%A%a, there i" $' 8k$'w*e0ge: with' t a #'rre"p'$0i$g '(Le#t J a p'"iti'$ #'//'$ t' /'"t Erea*i"/"E)> prama, 8/ea$": '1 e"ta(*i"hi$g a #'rre#t re*ati'$ (etwee$ the pri'r tw'> a$0 pram, the 8va*i0: #'g$iti'$ th " 0erive0. 61 the"e a""'#iati'$" are t' (e th " retai$e0, the 0i"ti$#ti'$ i$ tra$"*ati'$ /a% t' that e7te$t (e L "ti1ie0. 6$ "'/e #'$te7t", h'wever, "t%*i"ti# a$0 'ther #'$"trai$t" /a% 'perate t' " gge"t a *e"" rigi0 a0here$#e t' thi" "tri#t 0i"ti$#ti'$. See &S 30,31, 39,40, 60,61 #'$#er$i$g the tw' *eve*" '1 err'r, a" "' r#e" '1 ('$0age. 232 pravaat J *it., 8hi" 2#'$"ta$t3 " (/i""i'$:. !1. ^&; 6 1 (v'*. 6= 1811.), i$ whi#h prahvat i" "%$'$%/' " with the pravaat 1' $0 here. !'//e$ti$g p'$ Htpa*a0eva:" 1ir"t w'r0"= kicid sd!a mahevaras!a ds!m $... , 8Mavi$g "'/eh'w rea*i"e0 /% #'$0iti'$ a" (ei$g +ahePvara:" "erva$t 2...3:, ^&; 6 1, 1 (v'*. 6= 18) e*a('rate" the /ea$i$g a$0 the #'$$'tati'$" '1 thi" "a* tati'$= iha paramevara prati !e!a k!avmanas tadekavia!atni!o1%anlaka prahvat s namaskras!rtha, 86$ thi" "%"te/, "a* tati'$ /ea$" the revere$#e #'$"i"ti$g i$ the 0e0i#ati'$ '1 ('0%, "pee#h a$0 /i$0 e7#* "ive*% t' Mi/: (tr. &a$0e%)> "ee Sa$0er"'$ 2005= 8911. 233 ^&; 6 1,1 (v'*. 6= 21) e7p*ai$" that the "a* tati'$ a$0 the v'w, 'r #e*e(rati'$, '1 0ivi$e vi#t'r% it i/p*ie", whether e7pre""e0 'r $'t, are i$terre*ate0= 'ddhapraka $... prakh!opkh!kramea svtmaparvabhsavia!abhva%igamia! nieotkarbhidh,!i%a!at!diabdn'vedhena parmaran,!am, 8& re Night 2i.e., #'$"#i' "$e"", 'r the N'r03 2...3 "h' *0 h'wever (e #*ear*% apprehe$0e0 (% #a**i$g t' /i$0 "'/e w'r0" *ike >%a!ati>, Ehe i" vi#t'ri' "E, whi#h "ta$0" 1'r a**, " rpa""i$g great$e"", with the i$te$ti'$ '1 (ri$gi$g it (e1're '$e:" 'w$ a" we** a" 'ther": #'$"#i' "$e"" (% /ea$" '1 i$$er vi" a*i"ati'$ a$0 it" e7ter$a* e7pre""i'$ 2thr' gh the ttera$#e '1 the "a* tati'$ it"e*13 re"pe#tive*%: (tr. &a$0e%, v'*. 666= 2, /'0i1ie0). 234 cidnandaikaghana J *it., 8/a"" #'$"i"ti$g "'*e*% '1 #'$"#i' "$e"" a$0 (*i"": (i1 the #'/p' $0 cidnanda (e $0er"t''0 a" a dvandva, a" i" ge$era**% the #a"e)> 'r 8/a"" #'$"i"ti$g "'*e*% '1 the (*i"" that i" #'$"#i' "$e"": 'r 8/a"" #'$"i"ti$g "'*e*% '1 the (*i"" '1 #'$"#i' "$e"": (i1 the #'/p' $0 (e $0er"t''0 a" a karmadhra!a 'r tatp'r'a). T'r a$ i$ve$t'r% '1 /'re,'r,*e"" eK iva*e$t e7pre""i'$" g*ea$e0 1r'/ the #'//e$tar% (cidekaghana, cidekavap's, cidekam)rti, cinm)rti, cinm)rtatva, cinr)pa, citsvar)pa, cidghana, abhinnacidghana) " gge"t", (e$eath the 0iver"it% '1 "t%*e, a$ i$"i"te$#e '$ (1) the "'*e rea*it% '1 cit J (% appr'priati$g K a*i1i#ati'$" $'r/a**% a""'#iate0 with it" E'(Le#t"E, viU., vap's, m)rti, r)pa, et#.> (2) the /ateria*it% '1 cit, a" the "'*e (a"i" '1 the vi"i(*e w'r*0. .he /e$ti'$ nanda i$ the *'$ger ver"i'$" '1 the #'/p' $0 "ee/"

'abhu, Wa%%ro%riation ofY $!ose nat(re 'e&o"es Wfor t!e as%irantY t!e (lti"ate oal 6(reyas7,6;7 $!o are as $ell Wa'sol(teY +ein 6satta7, I &o"e for refuge to -o( as "y %rote&tor in order to attain a'sor%tion in -o(M +y t!e $ord He"aI t!e a(t!or "eans: HI ta5e Wref( eY in Pa"'!(, not in so"e ot!er od o%eratin $it!in t!e real" of Ill(sion 6my7, $!o is Wt!ereforeY different fro" "e R Pa"'!(, t!e divinity $!o !as ta5en t!e for" of "y o$n Self) 6;8 T!(s t!e "aster e,&l(des any &onne&tion $it! anot!er divinity)6;6 .oreover, $!at sort of Pa'!(Z6;A

0e"ti$e0 t' a00 a E"e$"i(*eE 0i/e$"i'$ t' that $iK e$e"". B** '1 whi#h /ight (e a**ege0 t' 1av'r the i$terpretati'$ '1 the #'/p' $0 it"e*1, $'t a" a dvandva, ( t a" a karmadhra!a 'r tatp'r'a J 1'r, pre#i"e*%, cit a$0 nanda are $'t tw'> there1're ' r tra$"*ati'$= 8a $i1'r/ /a"" '1 (*i""1 * #'$"#i' "$e"":. 235 .he avataraik J *it., 80e"#e$t:, i" the prea/(*e t' the #'//e$tar% pr'per, "ervi$g t' i$tr'0 #e the ver"e, a$0 #*ari1%i$g the "eK e$#e '1 the te7t 1r'/ '$e kArikA t' the $e7t. 236 Si*( r$ tra$"*ate"= 8K i rep'"e" e$ t' te #h'"e:. 237 .he ver"e (a tri#'bh) i" $ear*% i0e$ti#a* t' 4&S 1 ('$ the tit*e a$0 a th'r"hip '1 the 1ir"t Paramrthasra, "ee 6$tr., p. 2), " ("tit ti$g parastha gahant 1'r paras! prakter, a$0 abh'm 1'r vi'm. .he e0iti'$" '1 the 4&S a00 t' thi" magala a ver"e (4&S 2= tmmb'ra' nikhilo (pi loko magno (pi ncamati nekate ca 0 car!am etan mgatikbhe bhavmb'ra' ramate maiva), t' whi#h $'thi$g i$ BI:" &S #'rre"p'$0". .he &a$0it e0iti'$ '1 the 4&S '/it" th'"e 1ir"t tw' "ta$Ua", (egi$$i$g 0ire#t*% with the *'$g $arrative 1ra/e (garbhaghaC...) that pre#e0e" the e7p'"iti'$ pr'per. .h " i" the tit*e *r!pa&c,ti L "ti1ie0= i1 the #'$#* 0i$g ver"e i" e7#epte0, the te7t 0'e" #'$"i"t '1 85 Ar%A"> "ee 6$tr., $. 16. 238 .he ter/ sph'ratt i" '$e '1 the ke% w'r0" '1 the .rika. +a%rh'1er, +'$ier,Ri**ia/" (/anskrit1 Dnglish dictionar! 2+R3), a$0 'ther a th'ritie" #'$"i0er the r''t" sph'r, sphar, a$0 sph! /'re 'r *e"" re*ate0> the vari' " "e$"e" that /a% atta#h i$0ivi0 a**% t' ea#h r''t are '1te$ #'$1' $0e0 i$ the "age '1 a**, e7te$0i$g 1r'/ 8(e e$'r/' ": t' 8e7p*'0e:. F% rea"'$ '1 the 1reK e$#% '1 their '## rre$#e" a*'$e, a$0 give$ the prep'$0era$#e '1 the $'ti'$ '1 *ight i$ thi" 0'#tri$e, the r''t" $pra1 k, $pra1, vi1, ava1 bh, bhs, sph'r, et#., appear t' (e e/p*'%e0 with' t /aL'r 0i11ere$tiati'$ '1 /ea$i$g. .h ", we have pre1erre0 t' tra$"*ate the/ i$ a /'re 'r *e"" a$'0%$e 1a"hi'$ a$0 i$0i11ere$t*% with ter/" " #h a" 8appear:, 8(e#'/e evi0e$t:, 8(e#'/e pate$t:, 8/a$i1e"t:, et#. B pa""age 1r'/ .4; ; 123 " pp'rt" thi" i$terpretati'$= #'//e$ti$g '$ bhsate d'rgha# aktir '1 the ver"e, OD "a%"= bhsate svtmaiktm!ena prathate, ( 2a$0 "', that e$erg%3 E/a$i1e"t" it"e*1, 2that i"3 it e7te$0" it"e*1 2a" ever%thi$g vi"i(*e3 i$a"/ #h a" it i" 2ever3 i0e$ti#a* with it"e*1 2viU., i$#apa(*e '1 a('*i"hi$g it" 'w$ $at re3: ("ee the e$tire pa""age, $. 872)> a*"' .4; 6; 14, where sph'#a!et i" g*'""e0 a" sktk'r!t. M'wever, t' 1 **% $0er"ta$0 the #'$$'tati'$" '1 the"e "age" wi** reK ire a #'/p*ete e7p'"iti'$ '1 the aiva 0'#tri$e, whi#h i" rather the ( "i$e"" '1 &S it"e*1. .he ter/ sph'ratt appear" i$ ^&? 6 5, 13,14, i$ the #'$te7t '1 0e1i$i$g citi J 8#'$"#i' "$e"":, 'r, a" tra$"*ate0 (% &a$0e%, 8"e$tie$#%:, 'r 8pri$#ip*e '1 #'$"#i' "$e"": (^&?, v'*. 666= 73), a ter/ that i" g*'""e0 (% the ;imarin, a" ! citi citikri! tas! prat!avamara, 8the a#t '1 #'$"#i' "$e"" whi#h ha" "e*1,re1ere$#e: (tr. &a$0e%, v'*. 666= 73). Fei$g e""e$tia**% re1*e#tive aware$e"" (prat!avamara), #'$"#i' "$e"" (citi) i" repre"e$te0 a*"' a" 8" pre/e Spee#h: (parvc), 81ree0'/: (svtantr!a) a$0 8"'vereig$t%: (aivar!a) '1 the " pre/e Se*1 (paramtman) (^&? 6 5 13)> a" the 8/a$i1e"tati'$: (sph'ratt), 8a("'* te (ei$g: (mahsatt), a$0 8heart: (hda!a) '1 the S pre/e N'r0 (^&? 6 5 14). ^&; 6 5, 14 g*'""e" agai$ mahsatt a" mahdev,, thr' gh the #itati'$ (v'*. 6= 261)= mahsatt mahdev, viva%,vanam 'c!ate. <$ the ;aiPe9ika a$0 ;ai%Akara@a #'$#ept '1 mahsatt, "ee Bppe$0i7 15, p. 339. Mere, the "e '1 the r''t sph'r i$ the "e$"e '1 8t' /a$i1e"t: i" "ig$i1i#a$t, 1'r the .rika phe$'/e$a* w'r*0 i" $either a$ i** "'r% appeara$#e (vivarta), a" B0vaiti$" h'*0, $'r a rea* tra$"1'r/ (parima), a" "tate0 (% 1'**'wer" '1 SAkh%a a$0 &AQ#arAtra, ( t the * /i$' " /a$i1e"tati'$ '1 the N'r0 ('r spanda pri$#ip*e) that i" i/p*i#it i$ ever% a#t '1 #'$"#i' "$e"" a$0 whi#h E" rge" 1'rthE peri'0i#a**% a" the i$"ight 0eter/i$i$g eve$ the p'""i(i*it%

Transcendent 6para76;; "eans Hf(llI 6p/r0a7, na"ely, Hre%lete $it! all five ener iesI: Cons&io(sness 6cit7, +liss 6nanda7, Oill 6icch7, /no$led e 612na7, and A&tion 6,riy7,6;B and $!o !as t!(s t!e nat(re of t!e Uns(r%assed) T!(s is !e Hsituated beyond the abyssI) No$, beyond the abyss6;= "eans H'eyond t!e %rin&i%le of myI 6mytatt3a7 WviL), 'eyond t!e &ate ory of a%%arently o'#e&tive e,isten&eY, 6;< ever re"ainin in !is trans&endent 6para7, or all?en&o"%assin 6p/r0a7 nat(re, t!at is, re"ainin on t!e %(re %at! 6(uddhdh3an76;C W&o"%osed of t!e five %rin&i%lesY 'e innin $it! Piva and endin $it! 3idy)

'1 aware$e"". See Sp) 6 3. 239 See &S 49 a$0 CD a0 *'#. 240 <r 8wh'"e $at re i" $" rpa""e0 (an'ttara) 1e*i#it%:. <$e /ight " "pe#t here a p*a% '$ the w'r0 re!as J a ter/ #'//'$*% "e0 (% the +Y/A"aka" i$ the "e$"e 8the g'a* par e7#e**e$#e:> that i" t' "a%, the rewar0, i$ the *arge"t "e$"e, 0erivi$g 1r'/ "tri#t per1'r/a$#e '1 the "a#ri1i#e= the /ai$te$a$#e '1 the g''0 'r0er '1 thi$g" (dharma) a$0, *ti/ate*%, the per"'$a* rewar0 theret' perti$e$t, *'$g *i1e a$0, at it" #'$#* "i'$, re"i0e$#e a/'$g the g'0". Rhere the te7t 0e#*are" $' e7p*i#it p rp'"e 0erivi$g 1r'/ the rit a*, the +Y/A"aka" p'"it thi" Ege$era*E e$0, 1'r ever% a#t "h' *0 (e $0ertake$ i$ view '1 "'/e re" *t, whatever it /a% (e. S', i$ *ater *''"e "age, re!as (e#'/e" a ter/ 1'r the 8p rp'"e '1 p rp'"e":, "'/ethi$g aki$ t' the &*at'$i# 8I''0:, h /a$ 1e*i#it% i$ it" /'"t a("tra#t 1'r/, 'r (eve$ (etter) 8heave$: J ( t ge$era**% t' (e 0i"ti$g i"he0 1r'/ the 8'ther,w'r*0*%: p rp'"e (whi#h i" $'t a$ Ee$0E), m'kti, *i(erati'$. 6$ ' r te7t, h'wever, "'/e '## rre$#e" '1 re!as appear t' re1er t' m'kti> "ee a*"' $. 150 a$0 1421. 241 abh' svtmadevatkram evaprapad!e na ca p'nar m!ntacrina kicid bhinna devam. See ^&; 6 1, 1 (v'*. 6= 29)= sabhavanti hi m!garbhdhikrio vi'viri&cd!, 8.here 0' e7i"t 20eitie"3 p'wer1 * withi$ the pa*e '1 m!, " #h a" ;i9@ , ;iriQ#a (S Frah/a), et#.:> a$0 ^&; 6 5, 13 (v'*. 6= 254,255)= E.h'"e 'perati$g withi$ the pa*e '1 m! are Frah/a, ;i9@ , 6$0ra, et#.:> #1. F4H 6 4, 10 (K 'te0 (% D a0 4&S 80), #hara#teriUi$g the pa'= atha !o (n! devatm 'pste an!o (sa' an!o (ham asm,ti, na sa veda0 !ath pa'r eva sa devnm, 8S' wh'ever w'r"hip" a$'ther 0ivi$it% (tha$ hi" "e*1) thi$ki$g that he i" '$e a$0 (brahman) a$'ther, he k$'w" $'t. Me i" *ike a$ a$i/a* t' the g'0":. 242 an!a!oga v!avacchinati= the i$0e#*i$a(*e eva i" "e0 i$ tw' 0i11ere$t "e$"e"= avadhraa, 80eter/i$ati'$:, 8a"#ertai$/e$t: (viU., 8that ver% 5:)> a$0 that '1 an!a!ogav!avaccheda, 8e7#* "i'$: (viU., 85 '$*%:), a" i" the #a"e here. !1. ^&; 6 1, 1 K 'te0 $. 241. 243 .he "%$ta7 '1 #'//e$tarie" '$ ver"i1ie0 te7t" i" re*ative*% 1ree> tw' e7egeti#a* pr'#e0 re" are 1'**'we0= the dadnva!a, 8r'0,*ike "%$ta#ti# #'$"tr #ti'$:, a$0 the khadnva!a, 8"%$ta#ti# #'$"tr #ti'$ 2/a0e #*ear3 (% 2havi$g re#' r"e t' it"3 e*e/e$t" (khaa)". Fegi$$i$g with the " (Le#t (i1 e7pre""e0), e$0i$g with the ver(a* 1'r/, the dadnva!a /eth'0 p*a#e" the i$ter/e0iar% w'r0" i$ their re"pe#tive #a"e" i$ keepi$g with the $'r/a* pr'"e 'r0er. S #h i" the "t%*e '1 +a**i$Atha:" #'//e$tarie" '$ ?A*i0A"a:" w'rk". Mere, a$0 thr' gh' t hi" #'//e$tar%, CD 1'**'w" the khanva!a "t%*e= the *'$g "e$te$#e #'$"tit ti$g the e$tire kArikA i" 1ir"t re0 #e0 t' it" #'re "e$te$#e= tvm eva abh' araa $prapad!e E sara!e, whi#h i" the$ e7p*ai$e0 i$ the 'r0er '1 it" w'r0". .he$, the e7egete e7p*ai$" the 'ther w'r0" '1 the "e$te$#e J a** here a0Le#tive" K a*i1%i$g (abh'm" J (% a"ki$g K e"ti'$" that e*i#it the K a*i1i#ati'$" a" re"p'$"e"= 8what "'rt 2'1 a(h 3?: <$e wi** 1i$0 e7#e**e$t i** "trative e7a/p*e" '1 thi" "t%*e i$ CD:" #'//e$tar% a0 98,99. )'te that the K e"ti'$= 8what "'rt 2'1 a(h 3?: (ki bh)tam) wi** (e agai$ a$"were0 i$ kArikA" 10,11, 43, a$0, eve$ /'re e*a('rate*%, i$ kArikA" 64,66. Bt the "a/e ti/e, CD:" #'//e$tar% a0here" t' the ge$era* pri$#ip*e" '1 6$0ia$ her/e$e ti#" i$ "tre""i$g the i$$er #'here$#e (sagati) '1 the te7t, a$0 i$ rai"i$g p'""i(*e '(Le#ti'$" a$0 '11eri$g "'* ti'$" (kepas!a samdhnam)> #1. Iri/a* 2000= 765,785. 244 Sa/e g*'"" i$ CD a0 43. 6$ thi" a##eptati'$, (para" appear" t' have (ee$ 0erive0 1r'/ the g'a 0egree '1 the ver(a* r''t p, 81i**: (pre"e$t= piparti), with " 11i7 1a.

And alt!o( ! !e "anifests !i"self 6sphurat7 as "arvelo(sly differentiated, $!en "anifestin vario(s states of &ons&io(sness, 6;@ !e does not deviate fro" !is trans&endent nat(re, $!i&! is all?en&o"%assin ) As it !as 'een said in t!e Spanda(stra: Even t!o( ! different Wstates of &ons&io(sness, s(&! asY $a5in , et&),6B7 t!at are not Wtr(lyY different fro" !i",6B8 %ro&eed fro" !i",6B6 !e never de%arts fro" !is o$n nat(re, $!i&! is t!at of %(re a ent of e,%erien&e 6upala$dh.7)6BA Beginningless "eans Han&ientI,6B; d(e to t!e %res("%tion of %riority 6disiddhat3a76BB Wt!at ne&essarily devolvesY fro" !is stat(s as t!e &o niLer %resent in all %ossi'le %er&e%tions as t!e %rin&i%le of e,%erien&e itself 6anu$ha3it.t7M
<$ the N'r0:" aktis, e"pe#ia**% hi" 1ive 1 $0a/e$ta* aktis, "ee &S 4, CD a0 *'#, &S 10,11, CD a0 *'#, a$0 &S 14. 246 <$ the /ea$i$g '1 gahana, "ee B&S 6(= mohndhakragahant tas!a katha bandhann moka, a$0 D a0 *'#. B##'r0i$g t' D, the a0Le#tive gahana (*it., 80e$"e:, 8i/pe$etra(*e:), a" K a*i1%i$g the $' $ bandhana, /ea$" 80i11i# *t t' 0e"tr'%: (d'r'ccheda). 6$ thi" $0er"ta$0i$g, 4&S 6( /ea$"= 8M'w i" the *i/ite0 "' * t' (e 0e*ivere0 1r'/ ('$0age, 2whi#h i"3 0i11i# *t t' era0i#ate (e#a "e '1 the 0ark$e"" that i" 0e* "i'$?: (Re 0i11er 1r'/ -a$ie*"'$:" $0er"ta$0i$g '1 the ver"e.) See a*"' .4 ;666 322a, whi#h a""'#iate" m!tattva with gaha$a= m!tattva vibh' kila gahanam ar)pa samastavila!apadam0, (m!tattva i" i$0ee0 perva"ive, i/pe$etra(*e, 1'r/*e"". 6t i" the a('0e '1 0i""'* ti'$ '1 the e$tire $iver"e:. .hi" rather #r%pti# "tate/e$t i" 1 rther e7p*ai$e0 (% OD= vibh' v!pakam ata eva gahanam0 ar)pam iti s)kmatvt0 samastavila!apadam iti s)kmea krametra vivas!vasthnt, (vibh' /ea$" Eperva"iveE, there1're Ei/pe$etra(*eE (gahana). 6t 2viU., m!tattva3 i" E1'r/*e""E, 0 e t' it" " (t*et%. 6t i" the Ea('0e '1 0i""'* ti'$ '1 the e$tire $iver"eE, 1'r the e$tire $iver"e re/ai$" there i$ a " (t*e "eK e$#e:. 6$ 'ther w'r0", "i$#e phe$'/e$a* 0iver"it% i$ it" e$tiret% (me!a) ari"e" 1r'/ the tattva $a/e0 m!, it i" #'$"i0ere0 t' a(i0e there i$ a " (t*e 1'r/. B" " #h, m!g'h i" a*"' 0e1i$e0, i$ .4 ;666 308a, a" %agad!oni, the 8w'/( '1 $iver"e:. Re wi** 0ev'te a "eparate "t 0% '$ the .rika $'ti'$ '1 a three1'*0 m!, $a/e*%, m!granthi, the 8k$'t: ('r m!bila, the 8#avit%:), m!tattva, the 8pri$#ip*e: ('r m!g'h, the 8#aver$:) a$0 m!akti, 0e"#ri(e0 i$ &S 15. !1. F4H 6; 4, 13= !as!n'vitta pratib'ddha tm 0 asmin sadeh!e gahane pravi#a 0 sa vivakt sa hi sarvas!a kart 0 tas!a loka sa ' loka eva, 8Rh'ever ha" 1' $0 a$0 ha" awake$e0 t' the "e*1 that ha" e$tere0 i$t' thi" peri*' " i$a##e""i(*e p*a#e (the ('0%) (sadeh!e gahane) 2$'te that Se$art tra$"*ate"= 8e$gage 0a$" *e" te$e(re "e" #'/p*e7ite" 0 #'rp":3, he i" the /aker '1 the $iver"e, 1'r he i" the /aker '1 a**. Mi" i" the w'r*0. 6$0ee0, he i" the w'r*0 it"e*1:, a$0 akara 2 S 3 a0 *'#= gahane viame anekaatasahasravivekavi%&napratipake viame, 8a p*a#e i$a##e""i(*e, that i" a p*a#e with h $0re0" a$0 th' "a$0" '1 '("ta#*e" t' attai$i$g e$*ighte$/e$t thr' gh 0i"#ri/i$ati'$:. 247 6$ the $'$0 a*i"t aivi"/ '1 ?a"h/ir, #reati'$ i" $'thi$g ( t the N'r0:" /a$i1e"tati'$> the tattvas are th " the #ateg'rie", 'r 8pri$#ip*e":, #'$"tit tive '1 thi" /a$i1e"tati'$> i$ "'/e #a"e" the% are (etter re$0ere0 a" 8rea*it%,*eve*": ("ee Sa$0er"'$ 2005= 104, $. 45)> '$ thi" #'$#ept a$0 it" et%/'*'g%, "ee &S 10,11 a$0 CD a0 *'#. .he 1ir"t 1ive tattva" are gr' pe0 t'gether a" the 'ddhdhvan, the p re path> the a'ddhdhvan i$#* 0e" the 'ther 31. <$ m!tattva, "ee a*"' $. 246. 248 .hi" $'ti'$ a##' $t" 1'r that i0ea*, 'r i$ter$a*, *eve* '1 /a$i1e"tati'$, whi#h ha" $'t %et /ateria*iUe0 i$t' a#t a* #reati'$. B" +i#he* M *i$ (1978= 305) "tate", at the *eve* '1 the s'ddhdhvan, 8iva 21ait3, "i *:'$ '"e 0ire, *e t' r 0e "a $at re: (8iva, "' t' "peak, take" a$ 'vera** view '1 hi" 'w$ $at re:). 249 De1*e#ti$g '$ the "tate" '1 #'$"#i' "$e"" (avasth) J waki$g (%grat), 0rea/ (svapna), 0eep "*eep (s''pti) J ha", 1r'/ the ti/e '1 the ear*ie"t pa$i9a0", the F4H a$0 !hH, (ee$ a wa% '1 0i"#'veri$g the i$$er tman, 1'r s''pti i" take$ t' (e the "tage (avasth 'r sthna) where '(Le#tivit% re"'*ve" i$t' it" "' r#e, a" it were. See F4H 66 1,15,19 (svapna a$0 s''pti), 6; 3, 9,34 (%grat, svapna a$0 s''pti), with the 1a/' " i/age (6; 3,18) '1 the tman0p'r'a #'$ti$ ' "*% wa$0eri$g thr' gh the tw' "tate" '1 waki$g a$0 "*eep, a" a great 1i"h "wi/" 1r'/ '$e (a$k '1 the river t' the 'ther> "ee a*"' F4H (66 1, 15,19, 6; 3, 9,20)> !hH 6; 3, 3> ;666 6, 1,3> ;666 10,11>


uni%ue "eans H(na&&o"%aniedI, for t!e attri'(tion to !i" of differen&e "a5es no sense, inas"(&! as !e is (niversally %resent 6sphura0t7 as t!e (nity of &ons&io(sness 6cidai,y7) T!e "aster oes on: Hwho dwell, etc)I) Even if !e is of t!is sort, yet, o(t of !is o$n freedo" 6s3tantrya7, !e !as %enetrated in manifold ways, t!at is, in "any different $ays, into the ca"erns 6guh7, t!at is, into t!e &averns t!at are t!e !earts 6h.d76B= Wof all li"ited &o niLersY, $!et!er t!ey 'e R(dras or ordinary so(ls 6,)etra12a7)6B<

?a FH 666 13> F 5 3 3, 6 a$0 5 2, 11,15> FSFh 6 1, 4 a$0 6 1, 23. 6$ a##'r0a$#e with a re# rri$g patter$ where c 1 #'/p*ete" a "erie" '1 three i$ a$ e$ /erati'$ ("ee +a*a/' 0 1989= 14011.), "'/e te7t", *ike + H 666 2 8 (K 'te0 (% D a0 4&S 70), p'"t *ate a "tate ($'t %et 0e"ig$ate0 a" the 8T' rth:, t'r,!a 'r t'r!a) tra$"#e$0i$g a** three= vidvn nmar)pd vim'kta part para p'r'a 'paiti div!am, 8Me wh' k$'w", 0e*ivere0 1r'/ $a/e a$0 1'r/, attai$" the 0ivi$e Fei$g, higher tha$ the highe"t:> "ee a*"' !hH ;66 24, 1= !atra nn!atpa!ati $... sa bh)m. 6t i" +AH 7 a$0 12 that, 1'r the 1ir"t ti/e, e7p*i#it*% a00 #e" a cat'rtha, 81' rth: "tate ('$ the +AH a$0 it" e7p'"iti'$ (% Ia apA0a, wh' *ive0 (e1're akara, "ee &S 35 a$0 CD:" g*'""). .he aivi"/ '1 ?a"h/ir a00" a 1i1th, t'r!t,ta, 8(e%'$0 the T' rth:, the 8tra$",1' rth: "tate. .h " i" 0eve*'pe0 the *'gi# '1 tra$"#e$0e$#e, i$ #'$"eK e$#e '1 whi#h the aivi"/ '1 ?a"h/ir p'"t *ate" a('ve iva hi/"e*1, &ara/aPiva> "ee CD a0 14 (a$0 $. 513), whi#h e"ta(*i"he" the #'rre"p'$0e$#e '1 t'r!a with the 8p re path: ('ddhdhvan), i.e., the t'ta*it% '1 the 1ir"t 1ive tattvas> a*"' CD a0 15 a$0 85,86. 250 B##'r0i$g t' the Sp) (Si$gh= 34), 8et#: i$#* 0e" $'t '$*% 0rea/ (svapna) a$0 0eep "*eep (s''pti), "tate" '1 #'$"#i' "$e"" #'//'$ t' a** (lokaprasiddha), ( t a*"' #'$#e$trati'$ (dhra), /e0itati'$ (dh!na) a$0 i$te$"e a("'rpti'$ (samdhi) that are pr'per t' %'gi$". Sp) 6 3 "ee/" t' e"ta(*i"h a ter/,(%,ter/ #'rre"p'$0e$#e (etwee$ waki$g [ dhra, 0rea/ 0 dh!na, a$0 0eep "*eep [ samdhi. <$ thi" p'i$t, "ee S; 6 8,10 (Si$gh= 43). 251 B##'r0i$g t' Sp) 6 3, tadabhinne /a% (e $0er"t''0 a" a het'garbhavieaa, a$ 8a0Le#tive #'$tai$i$g a$ i/p*i#it rea"'$:. .h " '$e #' *0 $0er"ta$0= 8Gve$ th' gh 0i11ere$t 2"tate" '1 #'$"#i' "$e"" " #h a"3 waki$g, et#., pr'#ee0 21r'/ hi/3, he $ever 0epart" 1r'/ hi" 'w$ $at re, whi#h i" that '1 a 2p re3 age$t '1 e7perie$#e ('palabdh), 1'r th'"e 2"tate" '1 #'$"#i' "$e""3 are $'t 2tr *%3 0i11ere$t 1r'/ hi/:. 252 <r e*"e (a##'r0i$g t' the g*'"" prasarpati E pravahati sati)= 81*'w '$:, i.e., 8g' '$ appeari$g:. M'wever, ' r tra$"*ati'$ '1 prasarpati a" 8pr'#ee0 1r'/: i" a*"' " pp'rte0 (% the Sp) whi#h e/pha"iUe" the pr'#e"" '1 /a$i1e"tati'$, e7pre""i'$ '1 the N'r0:" a("'* te 1ree0'/= anena ctid'rgha#akritvam eva bhagavato dhvanitam0 !asm% %gardivibheda ca praka!ati tatraiva ca svbhedam iti bhedtman tadabhedtmanobha!tman ca r)peparparparparaktitra!asvar)pea sph'rati, E.hi" 2a0Le#tive 8ta0a(hi$$e:3 " gge"t" that the N'r0 a##'/p*i"he" 2what i" 'therwi"e3 0i11i# *t t' #'$"tr e. 6$a"/ #h a" he 2i" the '$e wh'3 /a$i1e"t" (praka!ati) the 0i11ere$t "tate", waki$g, et#., 2he /a$i1e"t"3 hi" 'w$ *a#k '1 0i11ere$#e vi",a,vi" that 2/a$i1e"tati'$ '1 0i11ere$#e3. .h ", he /a$i1e"t" hi/"e*1 a" 0i11ere$tiate0, a" $'$, 0i11ere$tiate0 a$0 a" ('th 0i11ere$tiate0 a$0 $'$,0i11ere$tiate0 whe$ he a"" /e" the 1'r/ '1 the tria0 '1 hi" e$ergie", viU., $'$," pre/e, " pre/e, " pre/e,$'$," pre/eE. 253 Sp? 6 3. B$#ie$t #'//e$tat'r", a" we** a" /'0er$ "#h'*ar", have vari' "*% i$terprete0 thi" ver"e ("ee Si*( r$, Si$gh, -%#Uk'w"ki a0 Sp?), *arge*% 1'r the rea"'$ that the "%$ta#ti# #'$"tr #ti'$ '1 the 1ir"t he/i"ti#h /a% (e a$a*%Ue0 i$ tw' wa%", a" "h'w$ (% ?9e/arALa i$ hi" /pandanira!a. 6$ the 1ir"t i$terpretati'$, the 1ir"t he/i"ti#h i" t' (e take$ a" a *'#ative a("'* te i$ whi#h the tatp'r'a #'/p' $0 tadabhinne i" a$ a0Le#tive K a*i1%i$g %graddivibhede (pi, a$0 prasarpati i" the *'#ative '1 the pre"e$t parti#ip*e. Re have pre1erre0 t' retai$ thi" i$terpretati'$ i$ ' r tra$"*ati'$ i$a"/ #h a" ?9e/arALa a*"' "ee/" t' pre1er it ("ee the (egi$$i$g '1 the g*'""= lokaprasiddhe $.., bhede !ogaprasiddhe (pi v $... prasarpat! an!n1!ar)pepravahati sati artht tat tattva $... naiva nivartate). 6$ the "e#'$0 i$terpretati'$, tad (e#'/e" a$ a t'$'/' " pr'$' $, a$0 the " (Le#t '1 the pre"e$t i$0i#ative prasarpati. tat w' *0 the$ re1er t' the spanda pri$#ip*e, a$0 the /ea$i$g

In ot!er $ords, even t!o( ! !is nat(re is W(nitaryY &ons&io(sness, !e sit(ates !i"self as t!e variety of &o niLers, "anifestin 6$hsya7 !i"self freely 6s3ayam7 as insentient or sentient, #(st as an a&tor Wass("es vario(s rolesY)6BC T!erefore !e is Hthe foundation of all this uni"erseI)6B@ T!e foundation, t!e %la&e of re%ose 63i(rntisthn7 of all this uni"erse 6sar37 WviL), Ht!e %la&e $!ereon re%osesI, t!at is, Hon $!i&! de%endsI, all t!is (niverseY R na"ely, t!is W"anifestY $orld 61agat7, &onsistin of all &o niLers, $!et!er t!ey 'e R(dras or ordinary so(ls, and, as $ell, of all o'#e&ts of &o nition 6pramey7)6=7

w' *0 (e= 8B*th' gh that 2spanda pri$#ip*e3 1*'w" '$ (prasarpati E prasarati) 2i.e., 8a"" /e" 0iver"it%: (vaicitr!a ghti)3 i$ 0i11ere$t 2"tate" '1 #'$"#i' "$e"" " #h a"3 waki$g, et#., whi#h are $'t 2tr *%3 0i11ere$t 1r'/ it it $ever 0epart" 1r'/ it" 'w$ $at re whi#h i" that '1 a 2p re3 age$t '1 e7perie$#e: ("ee Si*( r$ Sp?= 71)> 'r e*"e, i1 '$e retai$" the a*ter$ative $0er"ta$0i$g '1 %graddivibhede (pi a" %graddivibhede (pi sati, '11ere0 (% Sp)= 8B*th' gh that 2spanda pri$#ip*e3 1*'w" '$ 2i.e., 8a"" /e" 0iver"it%:3, whe$ 0i11ere$t 2"tate" '1 #'$"#i' "$e"" " #h a"3 waki$g, et#., take p*a#e 2...3:. .he tw' i$terpretati'$" J eK a**% " pp'rte0 (% Sp) J are $'t 1 $0a/e$ta**% 0i11ere$t, e7#ept 1'r the e/pha"i" that the 1ir"t p t" '$ the a("'* te 1ree0'/ '1 the N'r0. .he kArikA /ea$" that iva, 'r the spanda pri$#ip*e, i" the #'$0iti'$ per/itti$g " #h "tate" '1 #'$"#i' "$e""> the e""e$tia* $at re '1 iva i" that '1 p re age$t '1 e7perie$#e ('palabdh), a$0 thi" per"i"t" eve$ whe$ '$e 0rea/", 'r i" i$ 0eep "*eep. 6$ 'ther w'r0", "tate" '1 e7perie$#e " #h a" waki$g, et#., /a% 0i11er phe$'/e$a**%, ( t iva, a" G7perie$#er, re/ai$" '$e a$0 the "a/e a" #'$"#i' "$e"". See Sp) 6 3= nivartate ni%n naiva svabhvd 'palabdhta= tat tattva ni%d anap!ina sarvas!tmabh)tc cn'bhavitr)pt svabhvn naiva nivartate, 8.hi" $spanda pri$#ip*e $ever 0epart" 1r'/ it" i// ta(*e $at re, whi#h #'$"i"t" i$ (ei$g the $iver"a* Se*1 a$0 the 2p re3 age$t '1 e7perie$#e: ('$ the /ea$i$g '1 'palabdh, g*'""e0 a" an'bhavit, "ee $. 337). B" '("erve0 (% Sp), thi" /etaph%"i#a* tr th ha" it" pra#ti#a* #' $terpart i$ "pirit a* pra#ti#e a$0 e7perie$#e= ata ca %gardidavasthito (p! evam imam svasvabhva pari,la!an !a cin'te sa akara evet! 'padi#a bhavati, 8.h ", thi" ver"e tea#he" that, a*th' gh hi/"e*1 the (a"i" '1 0i11ere$tiate0 "tate", " #h a" waki$g, et#., he wh' per"i"t" e""e$tia**% (cin'te) whi*e #'$te/p*ati$g hi" 'w$ $0i11ere$tiate0 $at re i" that ver% akara:. &+ a0 ++ 19 2&+ 193 K 'te" Sp? 6 3. 254 !1. F4H 6; 4, 18= te nicik!'r brahma p'ram agr!am, 8.he% have rea*i"e0 the a$#ie$t pri/'r0ia* -rahman. 255 See Htpa*a0eva:" ^&vX 6 1, 2, where the ter/ disiddha '1 the kArikA, *it., 8e"ta(*i"he0 1r'/ the (egi$$i$g:, 'r 8*'gi#a**% pri'r:, i" g*'""e0 ('th (% p)rvasiddha 81'r/er*% e"ta(*i"he0: a$0 p'ra 8a$#ie$t:. 6t /ea$" that the #'g$iUer i" pri'r t' the #'g$iti'$, that he i" it" #'$0iti'$ sine A'a non. .he " (Le#t pre#e0e" the '(Le#t, whi#h i" ( t the '(Le#t '1 hi" #'g$iti'$, a$0 a" " #h i" e"ta(*i"he0 (siddha) 1ir"t. .hi" K e"ti'$ '1 the N'r0:" disiddhatva i" 0i"# ""e0 at *e$gth i$ Sp) 6 2, whi*e a$"weri$g the F 00hi"t '(Le#ti'$ that there i" $' Se*1, $' *ti/ate*% rea* ?$'wer> that whi#h we #'$"i0er rea* i", 1'r wa$t '1 a (etter w'r0 (#1. Sp) 6 4) a #'$ti$ /, a "erie", '1 #'g$iti'$" (%&nasantna). ?9e/arALa 0e/'$"trate" that a 0e$%i$g " (Le#t i" $ee0e0 1'r 0e$%i$g the Se*1> i$ 'ther w'r0", that with' t a 0e$%i$g Se*1, there #a$$'t (e 0e$ia* '1 the Se*1, 1'r thi" 0e$ia* w' *0 (e the$ a pai$ti$g with' t a #a$va" (abhittikam etac citram). .he pr''1 '1 the rea*it% '1 the N'r0 i" pre#i"e*% hi" /a$i1e"tati'$ a" 0e$%i$g " (Le#t. .here1're the te7t #a$ #'$#* 0e= bhagavn disiddhasvaprakam)rtir ast,ti, 8.he N'r0, (ei$g *'gi#a**% pri'r (disiddha), a$0 i$ the 1'r/ '1 "e*1,* /i$'"it%, 0'e" e7i"t:. S #h arg /e$t" a" t' the *'gi#a* pri'rit% '1 the Se*1 'r #'$"#i' "$e"" are 1' $0 i$ a** the 6$0ia$ i0ea*i"/"= #1. akara:" 5padeashasr, 97= siddh tarh! tmana pramt' svatasiddhi pramanirapekata!aiva. 6$ ^&;; 6 1,2 (v'*. 6=51), BI, whi*e a$"weri$g the '(Le#ti'$ that i$ the #a"e '1 1ire i$1erre0 1r'/ "/'ke, it i" "/'ke that i" e"ta(*i"he0 1ir"t, #'$tra"t" that "'rt '1 pri'rit% with the pri'rit% '1 the Se*1, whi#h i" K a*i1ie0 a" p'ra, "i$#e there #a$$'t (e a$% '(Le#ti1i#ati'$ '1 the Se*1, the p re " (Le#t. See a*"' Sp& avat., p. 6, whi#h 0ea*" with the #'$#ept '1 disiddhatva whi*e 0e/'$"trati$g the irre1 ta(i*it% '1 the Spa$0a 0'#tri$e. .h " ^&? (6 1, 2) a11ir/" the *'gi#a* pri'rit% '1 the Se*1, i.e., the spanda= ata evevaraprat!abhi%&!m

For is it not $ell 5no$n6=8 t!at t!is (niverse, $!i&! indeed is ro(nded in t!e (niversal 5no$er 6p/r0apramt.7 WviL), t!e Lord, or &ons&io(snessY,6=6 is nevert!eless referred to in vario(s $ays, "anifestin 6pra,(amn7 itself t!ro( ! differen&e, as t!o( ! e"er in 6=A Wfro" t!e %la&id sea of (nityY, (r ed on 'y a %ressin need 6=; to arti&(late everyt!in into %airs of 5no$ers and 5no$ns 6grhyagrha,a7Z If t!is $ere not t!e &ase, t!is (niverse $o(ld not e,ist at all R for it $o(ld 'e on s(&! !y%ot!esis ot!er t!an Li !t 6pra,(7)6=B Refle&tion6== on t!e %rono(n WHallI 6sar37Y6=< ives rise to t!e 9(estion: H$!en&e e"er es t!is all 63i(3a7ZI6=C -et, for all t!at, t!e nat(re of t!e Lord is not "erely trans&endent 6samutt-r0a7M t!erefore t!e "aster says: H($ou) who abide in all that mo"es and all that mo"es
disiddhir it! 'ktam (#'rre#ti$g a /i"pri$t $disiddhar i$ -%#Uk'w"ki:" e0iti'$). 6$ ^&; 6 1, 2 (v'*. 6= 55), BI g*'""e" the ter/ disiddha with avicchinnapraka, 8'1 $i$terr pte0 *ight:, a$0 re*ate" it t' the $e7t w'r0 '1 the kArikA, mahevara, the 8"'vereig$ N'r0: J wh' i" " #h '$ a##' $t '1 hi" (ei$g $i$terr pte0 *ight, /a$i1e"ti$g hi/"e*1 there(% a" '/$i"#ie$t (%&at) a$0 '/$ip'te$t (kart). BI attri( te" the /ea$i$g 8eter$a*: ("ee &a$0e%:" tra$"*., p. 10), 'r 8eter$a**% pre"e$t:, t' disiddha J a /ea$i$g that #a$ (e retai$e0 i$ CD:" #'//e$tar%, where disiddha g*'""e" andi, 8(egi$$i$g*e"":. <$ p'ra, "ee CD a0 7> a*"' the avat. a0 47,50, whi#h re1er" t' the #'$#ept '1 disiddhat. 256 .he e7pre""i'$ a00re""e" the pr'(*e/ #'//'$ t' a** /'$i"/"= h'w #a$ '$e re#'$#i*e the '$e$e"" '1 the N'r0, the '$*% Dea*, with phe$'/e$a* 0iver"it%? .he N'r0:" i//a$e$#e #'$"i"t" i$ hi" (ei$g the #'$"#i' "$e"" '1 ea#h a$0 ever% 1i$ite (ei$g, 1r'/ the D 0ra" t' the ketra%&as. g'h, 8#aver$:, i" a 0e"ig$ati'$ '1 m!, 8p'wer '1 0i11ere$tiati'$:, 'r 80e* "i'$:. 6t i" $'t t' (e take$ a" a /ere /etaph'r> rather, it i" a te#h$i#a* ter/ that 0e"ig$ate" '$e a"pe#t 'r *eve* '1 m!, "ee$ a" three1'*0> "ee $. 246. 257 .he phra"e a""'#iati$g r'dras a$0 ketra%&as re# r" a" a /'ti1 i$ .rika te7t"> #1. CD a0 5, 6, 14, 23 a$0 S;, magalcaraa= r'draketra%&avarga sam'da!ad !ato !atra virntim cched $... caitan!a &kara ta% %a!ati, 8;i#t'r% t' thi" #'$"#i' "$e"" '1 akara 1r'/ whi#h pr'#ee0" the h'"t '1 D 0ra" a$0 ketra%&as, a$0 i$ whi#h the% #'/e t' re"t:. 6t i" a wa% '1 #*a""i1%i$g the / *tit 0e '1 #'g$iUer" (pramt) J 'r, a" "tate0 (% &S 5, '1 8e$L'%er": (bhokt) J e$0'we0 with ('0ie" ('r, /'re ge$era**%, 81'r/":), 1a# *tie" (kara) a$0 the #'rre"p'$0i$g attri( te" (g'a), i$t' a hierar#h% '1 #ateg'rie", a##'r0i$g t' the 0egree" '1 e7#e**e$#e '1 their 1a# *tie"= g'0" (D 0ra, et#., viU., Frah/a a$0 ;i9@ ), /e$ (a/'$g whi#h the %'gi$" e$L'% e7tra'r0i$ar% 1a# *tie" a$0 p'wer"), a$0 8a$i/a*":, thi" *atter #ateg'r% i$#* 0i$g "tati'$ar% (ei$g" (sthvar) " #h a" p*a$t"> "ee Bppe$0i7 1, p. 317. 258 .he a$a*'g% '1 the a#t'r i" re# rre$t i$ 6$0ia$ "pe# *ati'$, '$e '1 the (etter,k$'w$ e7a/p*e" (ei$g the 0a$"e "e ('r a#tre"") '1 the /kh!akrik. .he the'r% '1 the "eve$ " (Le#t" (saptapramt) i" i/p*i#it*% re1erre0 t' here. See CD a0 14, a$0 Sp) 6 1 K 'te0 i$ Bppe$0i7 10, p. 330. T'r the "a/e a$a*'g% '1 iva a" a$ a#t'r, "ee CD a0 5 a$0 26. 259 .he L 7tap'"iti'$ '1 the tw' epithet" sarvla!a a$0 sarvacarcarastha p'i$t" '$#e agai$ t' the "i/ *ta$e' " tra$"#e$0e$#e a$0 i//a$e$#e '1 the N'r0. .he epithet sarvla!a i" a$'ther 1'r/ *ati'$ '1 Sp? 6 2= !atra sthitam ida sarva kr!am $... , 82.he <$e, i.e., !'$"#i' "$e""3 i$ wh'/ i" "it ate0 a** thi" pr'0 #t, i.e., a** thi" w'r*0 2pr'0 #e0 (% that Bge$t wh' i" the N'r0, 'r !'$"#i' "$e"" ...3:. 260 <$ %agat, "ee, e"p., $. 465. 261 kila J "ee G/e$ea 1969= 24111. .he #'//e$tat'r wi"he", a" it were, t' 0i"ta$#e hi/"e*1 1r'/ " #h a rep'rt, with' t 0e$%i$g it. 262 !1. ^&? 6 4, 8= tan ma! d!ate d#o (!a sa it! mat! api0 grh!agrhakatbhinnv artha' bhta pramtari, 8.here1're, whe$ there i" the re1*e#tive aware$e"" Ethat i" "ee$ (% /e, that wa" "ee$ (% /eE, Ethi"E, EthatE, the tw' e*e/e$t" th' gh 0ivi0e0 i$t' per#eivi$g " (Le#t a$0 per#eive0 '(Le#t are /a$i1e"te0 withi$ the 2tr e3 #'g$iUer (pramtari)" (tr. .'re**a ^&?= 110). 263 6$ Sp? 6 2, the ter/ #'rre"p'$0i$g t' 'nmagna i" nirgata= !atra sthita ida sarva kr!a !asmc ca nirgatam.

notI, for !e is ever %resent also in t!e for" of t!is sentient and insentient (niverse, as !as 'een said: Sin&e -o( are indeed t!e &reator of All, O -o(, $!o %er"eate all, t!erefore, -o( alone are t!is All)6=@ In a&&ordan&e $it! t!is r(le, it "a5es no sense to %osit as an effe&t so"e ot!er (n"anifest 6apra,(amna7 entity t!at is not %art of t!at W"anifestin &a(seY)6<7 A&&ordin to t!e Spanda,ri,: It is t!e WLordY !i"self as t!e en#oyer $!o is, al$ays and every$!ere, esta'lis!ed in and t!ro( ! t!e o'#e&ts of en#oy"ent,6<8 it is t!e Lord !i"self $!o a%%ears 6ca,sti7, no$ one $ay, no$ anot!er)
!1. the apek '1 the gra//aria$" J the 8e7pe#tati'$: 'r 8$ee0: ar' "e0 (% '$e w'r0 1'r a$'ther i$ a tight "%$ta#ti#a* re*ati'$"hip, a" the apek '1 a$ a#tive tra$"itive ver( 1'r a$ a## "ative 0ire#t '(Le#t. 265 .hi" i" the 1ir"t "tate/e$t, i$ CD:" #'//e$tar%, '1 a /aL'r the"i" '1 the aivi"/ '1 ?a"h/ir= '$*% that e7i"t" whi#h "hi$e", i.e., that a*'$e e7i"t" whi#h i" k$'w$. .hi" 1 $0a/e$ta* pri$#ip*e wi** #'/e p agai$ i$ the 0i"# ""i'$ '1 kA. 5, 7 a$0 8, a" we** a" i$ kA. 30 a$0 it" #'//e$tar%, where it wi** (e give$ a" a 1'r/ *a, $1'rt $ate*% tr $#ate0, K 'te0 (% CD= $... npraka prakate, 82...3 .hat whi#h i" $'t * /i$' " #a$$'t /a$i1e"t it"e*1 2*it., 8i** /i$e:3:. J 'r 8the a("e$#e '1 appeara$#e 0'e" $'t appear:. !1. Sp) 6 2= iha !at ki&cit $... tad !adi na prakate na ki&cit, 8Rhatever i" here, i$ thi" w'r*0, 2...3 i1 it 0'e" $'t "hi$e 1'rth 2viU., appear3, it i" $'thi$g 2i.e., it 0'e" $'t e7i"t3:> agai$ i$ &S 49> a*"' ^&? 6 5, 3( (K 'te0 i$ Sp) 6 5)= praktm prak!o (rtho npraka ca siddh!ati 00, 8.he '(Le#t that i" /a0e /a$i1e"t 2*it., 8that i" i** /i$e0:3 ha" Night[#'$"#i' "$e"" 1'r it" e""e$#e. .hat whi#h i" $'t Night 0'e" $'t e7i"t 2*it., 8#a$$'t (e e"ta(*i"he0:3:> a*"' +%aapramtsiddhi 2B&S3 13, K 'te0 i$ Sp) 6 5 a$0 ^&; 6 1, 5 (part '1 the "e#'$0 he/i"ti#h) a$0 6 5, 3 (e$tire ver"e)= evam tman! asatkalp prakas!aiva"sant! am, 0 %a praka evsti svtmana svapartmabhi 00, 8.h'"e '(Le#t", i$"e$tie$t, are treate0 a" ('r E"ee/ t' (eE) i$e7i"te$t vi",a,vi" the Se*1> $everthe*e"", the% 0' e7i"t a" (e*'$gi$g t' Night> the Night '1 '$e:" 'w$ Se*1 a*'$e e7i"t", 2whether it #'/e"3 1r'/ the "e*ve" '1 'ther" 'r '$e:" 'w$:. .he #'$te7t i$ whi#h ^&; 6 1, 5 K 'te" thi" ver"e ("e#'$0 he/i"ti#h) /a% ai0 i$ it" $0er"ta$0i$g= paratva kevalam 'pdher dehde sa cpi vicrito !van nn!a iti viva pramttvarga paramrthata eka pramt sa eva csti0 tad 'kta praka evsti svtmana svapartmabhir iti0 tata ca bhagavn sadivo %nt,t! atahprabhti krimir api %nt,t!antam eka eva pramt, 8<ther$e"" '$*% 0erive" 1r'/ *i/iti$g #'$0iti'$" " #h a" the ('0%, a$0 the"e 2*i/iti$g #'$0iti'$" the/"e*ve"3, a" "''$ a" the% are i$ve"tigate0, 2t r$ ' t3 $'t 2t' (e3 0i11ere$t 21r'/ the $iver"a* Se*13> there1're the e$tire #r'w0 '1 k$'wer" i", i$ tr th, '$e k$'wer, a$0 thi" 2k$'wer3 a*'$e e7i"t". .hi" ha" (ee$ "ai0 2(% Htpa*a0eva3= E.he Night '1 '$e:" 'w$ Se*1 a*'$e e7i"t", 2whether it #'/e"3 1r'/ the "e*ve" '1 'ther" 'r '$e:" 'w$E. S' there i" L "t '$e k$'wer, whether e7pre""e0 a" EN'r0 Sa0APiva k$'w"E 'r eve$ a" Ethe w'r/ k$'w".E : B$ e#h' '1 that ver"e /a% (e 1' $0 i$ CD:" g*'"" a0 58. .he .rika $'ti'$ a##'r0i$g t' whi#h there i" $' 'ther rea*it% tha$ Night[#'$"#i' "$e"", a$0 the #'rre*ate0 #'$#ept '1 8re1*e#ti'$: (pratibimba) are a$ti#ipate0 i$ 6#hakopaniad 2?AH3 66 2,14, 15= tad etad iti man!ante (nirde!a parama s'kham0 katha n' tad vi%n,! kim ' bhti vibhti v00 na tatra s)r!o bhti na candratraka nem vid!'to bhnti k'to (!am agni0 tam eva bhntam an'bhti sarva tas!a bhs sarvam ida vibhti00, 8.hi" i" that a$0 th " the% re#'g$i"e the i$e11a(*e, S pre/e F*i"". M'w the$ /a% 6 #'/e t' k$'w thi"? -'e" it "hi$e ('1 it"e*1) 'r 0'e" it "hi$e (i$ re1*e#ti'$)? .he " $ "hi$e" $'t there, $'r the /''$ a$0 the "tar", the"e *ight$i$g" "hi$e $'t, where the$ #' *0 thi" 1ire (e? Gver%thi$g "hi$e" '$*% a1ter that "hi$i$g *ight. Mi" "hi$i$g i** /i$e" a** thi" w'r*0:> $'te that ?AH 66 2, 15 S + H 66 2, 10, 2vetvataropaniad 2vH3 ;6 14. 266 prat!avamara. 267 S #h re1*e#ti'$" are a$#ie$t> "ee Bppe$0i7 2, p. 318. !1. CD a0 17. 268 .he K e"ti'$ i" *ike*% i$"pire0 (% the gra//ati#a* $'ti'$ '1 the pr'$' $ (sarvanma) J a ("i$g*e) $' $ #apa(*e '1 repre"e$ti$g a / *tip*i#it% '1 'ther $' $"= 8whe$#e #'/e" thi" / *tip*i#it% t' whi#h we re1er (% a "i$g*e w'r0, the N'r0?: 6$ a "e$"e, the N'r0 i" the pr't't%pe '1 the pr'$' $.


In ot!er $ords, to $ou, $!o are s(&!, t!at is, $!o are (ns(r%assed, $!o ta5e t!e for" of t!at od $!o is t!e Self of everyt!in , and $!o, t!o( ! in essen&e t!e "arvel of s(%re"e i%seity 6parhantcamat,ra7,6<6 !ave yet ass("ed diversityM and, even "ore, to -o( $!o are s(%re"e Li !t, free fro" d(ality 6ad3aya7M to -o( $!o are, as $ell, e,tre"e, infran i'le freedo"M to -o(, O Lord Pa '!(, I come (for refuge)) I a'sor' "yself 6sam3i(mi7 in -o( alone $!o are s(&!, t!at is, $!o are "y o$n Self in t!e "arvelo(s for" of s(%re"e i%seity to 'e e,%erien&ed 'y "a5in (se of t!e adventitio(s e o 6,.timha9,r76<A Wt!at li"its t!e SelfY to t!e 'ody, et&) Oit! t!is s(""ary senten&e,6<; $!i&! tea&!es t!at t!e s(%re"e state to 'e attained is a'sor%tion in W$!at is alreadyY oneIs o$n essen&e 6s3a-s3$h37, t!e tea&!er !as stated in a''reviated for" t!e %(r%ort of t!e te,t in its entirety, via notions of $!at "(st 'e done and $!at "(st not 'e done t!at $ill 'e e,%lained in detail later)6<B #!rik!s *+,
.he "' r#e '1 the K 'tati'$ ha" $'t (ee$ 0i"#'vere0. T'r the rea"'$i$g, "ee Sp) 6 2, K 'te0 $. 265. See a*"' the *'"t #'//e$tar% '1 S'/A$a$0a '$ the Partr,ik 2&.3, K 'te0 i$ Partr,ikvivaraa 2&.;3 4 (Si$gh &.;= 32, Skt. te7t)= ki bah'n sarvam evn'ttaram an'ttaratvt, 8Rh% "a% /'re? B** 2thi" $iver"e3 i" $" rpa""e0, (e#a "e he 2the N'r03 i" $" rpa""e0:. 270 T'r i1 it were a$ e11e#t, it w' *0 ipso 9acto (e /a$i1e"t. CD pre" /e" here a Ew'r*0E that w' *0 $'t (e part '1 the N'r0, whi#h w' *0 (e $'thi$g ( t a$ Ee11e#tE "eparate0 1r'/ hi/ a$0 there1're 0ev'i0 '1 E* /i$'"it%E. F t " #h a " pp'"iti'$ #'$tra0i#t" it"e*1, 1'r h'w w' *0 " #h a Ew'r*0E /ake it"e*1 k$'w$? Si/i*ar phra"e'*'g% a$0 rea"'$i$g i$ CD a0 27= an!as!aitadv!atiriktas!a aprakar)pas!a prakamnatbhvt> a*"' i$ CD a0 5 a$0 10,11. 271 Sp? 66 4(. S; 6 14 '("erve" that thi" ver"e hi$t" at the bhedbheda "tate '1 e7perie$#e. CD K 'te" agai$ Sp? 66 4( i$ hi" g*'"" a0 74. 272 Tir"t '## rre$#e i$ thi" te7t '1 a ke% #'$#ept '1 thi" "#h''*= camatkra i" '$e '1 the $'ti'$" #'//'$ t' ?a"h/iri ae"theti#" a$0 "pe# *ati'$. .he ter/ #hara#teriUe" ('th a$ ae"theti#" (rassvda) a$0 a /%"ti#a* e7perie$#e (brahmsvda) J whi#h are 8a$a*'gi#a**% re*ate0, ( t 0i11ere$tia(*e: (Ier'w 1994= 188) J via a "hare0 a"pe#t= that '1 8w'$0er:, 8w'$0er/e$t:. 6$ the atte/pt t' $0er"ta$0 'r 0e"#ri(e a$0 $a/e thi" e7perie$#e, 'ther #'$#ept" have (ee$ 1'rge0 that e/pha"iUe it" 'ther 0i/e$"i'$", i$v'*vi$g tw' /ai$ "e/a$ti# 1ie*0"= nirvti, 8"ere$it%:, nanda, 8(*i"":, tmavirnti, 8rep'"e i$ the Se*1:, '$ the '$e ha$0, a$0 rasa, 81*av'r:, carva, 80e*e#tati'$: (*it., 8/a"ti#ati'$:), '$ the 'ther. B** the"e ter/" are #'//'$ t' ('th 1ie*0" '1 e7perie$#e, eve$ i1 the% appear t' have greater "#'pe i$ ae"theti#"> "ee BFh a0 ) ;6 31, v'*. 6= 279, whi#h L "ti1ie" " #h te#h$i#a* ter/" '$ the (a"i" '1 their #'//'$ "e= tath hi loke sakalavighnavinirm'kt savittir eva camatkranirvearasansvdanabhogasampattila!avirnt!diabdair abhidh,!ate, 8T'r, i$ 'r0i$ar% *i1e, (% the vari' " w'r0" Ew'$0er/e$tE (camatkra), Ei//er"i'$E (nirvea), Ere*i"hi$gE (rasan), Eta"ti$gE (svdana), Eper1e#t rea*iUati'$ '1 e$L'%/e$tE (bhogasampatti), Ea("'rpti'$E (la!a) 2*it., 80i""'* ti'$:3, Ere"ti$gE (virnti), et#., i" e7pre""e0 that 21'r/ '13 #'$"#i' "$e"" whi#h i" 1ree 1r'/ a$% '("ta#*e:> "ee Bppe$0i7 3, p. 320. 273 .hat i", (% i$"tr /e$ta*iUi$g the a0ve$titi' ", 8/a$i1e"t:, eg' i$ the K e"t 1'r tra$"#e$0e$#e. .he #'$#rete eg' i", a" akara '("erve", the e7i"te$tia* 1'r/ '1 the tra$"#e$0e$t a("'* te. 274 grahaakavk!a. 275 Rhat i" t' (e attai$e0 i" i0e$ti1i#ati'$ with the an'ttara, that i", with '$e:" 'w$ Se*1> what i" t' (e a(a$0'$e0 i" the ktrimhakra, the 8a0ve$titi' " eg':, that #'$"i0er" the Se*1 *i/ite0 t' the ('0%, a$0 i0e$ti1ie" with w'r0*% e7perie$#e. Si/i*ar "tate/e$t i$ DA/aka@ha:" #'//e$tar% '$ Sp?, #'//'$*% k$'w$ a" the ;ivti, EG7te$"ive G7p*a$ati'$E 2Sp;3, a*th' gh e$tit*e0 /pandas)trrthval,, the Becklace o9 8eanings $/tr'ng 5pon the Thread o9 the /panda 2a p $ '$ 8"\tra:3> "ee Sp; 6 1= v!kh!ta ca a!am diloka samastaprakararthopakepagarbha, 8.h " we have "h'w$ that thi" 1ir"t ver"e #'$tai$", i$ a $ t"he**, the /ea$i$g '1 the e$tire w'rk ('r /a$ a*):.


T!(s, t!ro( ! t!e inter"ediary of t!is verse of %raise, t!e a(t!or !as stated t!e essential %(r%ort of t!e "an(al,6<= na"ely, nond(ality) No$, "a5in e,%li&it Was is re9(ired at t!e 'e innin of a treatise of t!is sortY t!e Hdes&ent of t!e J4straI, 6<< !e e,%lains, in t!e follo$in t$o 4ry4s, its s('#e&t "atter, its relation Wto t!at s('#e&t "atter, t!at is, t!e relevan&e t!ereto of t!is $or5 and of t!e entire Paiva do&trine t!ere e,%o(ndedY, et&):6<C 6) -andering at a loss in the cycle of suffering that starts with our residence in the womb and ends with dying, a disciple in%uired of the re"ered .dh!ra concerning ultimate reality)
prakaraa J BI:" ver"e" are a*"' re1erre0 t' a" a prakaraa i$ the avat. a0 &S 105. See ;caspat!a ".v.= strasiddhntapratipdake granthabhede, ($prakaraa /ea$" a #ateg'r% '1 te7t e7p' $0i$g the e"ta(*i"he0 0'#tri$e '1 a "%"te/:, a$0, K 'ti$g ;edntasra 3, re1er" t' it a" a$ e7a/p*e '1 the te7t a* ge$re= as!a vedntaprakaraatvt $... ," 26t i" th " #a**e03 (e#a "e it ha" 1'r it" t'pi# the ;e0A$ta 2...3:. 6$ 1a#t, the pri/ar% "e$"e '1 prakaraa i" 8t'pi#: (asmin prakarae, et#.), ( t the ter/ i" e/p*'%e0, (% "%$e#0'#he, t' 0e"ig$ate a te7t that i$tr'0 #e" a t'pi#, whi#h there1're #'$"tit te" a$ 8i$tr'0 #ti'$: t' it that i" #'$"i0ere0 e*e/e$tar%> the ter/ a*"' 0e"ig$ate" '$e '1 the te$ t%pe" '1 r)paka, whi#h ha" 1'r it" " (Le#t Et'pi#a*E /atter", that i", 0'e" $'t 0ea* with 'therw'r*0*% g'0" 'r her'e". See a*"' the ;idvanmanora&%an, a0 ;edntasra 3, whi#h K 'te" Pararopap'ra 5;666 21,22= straikadeasabandha strakr!ntare sthitam0 h' prakaraa nma granthabhedo vipacita00, 8.he *ear$e0 #a** prakaraa that parti# *ar #ateg'r% '1 te7t" whi#h 0ea*" with '$e part '1 a "%"te/ 'r i" e"ta(*i"he0 i$ 2"ervi#e '1 "'/e3 'ther p rp'"e '1 the "%"te/ 2e.g., a" a /a$ a*3:. )'te that the /pandakrik i" 0e1i$e0 (% DA/aka@ha ("ee $. 275) a" (e*'$gi$g t' the "a/e #*a"" '1 te7t", that '1 prakaraa. 277 strvatra J a PA"tra i$v'*ve" tra$"/i""i'$ thr' gh a tra0iti'$, whi#h tra$"/i""i'$ /a% (e '1 1ive "'rt", whi#h Sp&, avat, p. 2 e7p' $0" i$ 0etai*= tatrm, str sabandhas tvat pa&cavidha0 paro mahn div!o div!etara itaretara ceti, 8.he re*ati'$"hip 2(etwee$ th'"e wh' revea*3 the"e PA"tra" 2a$0 their 0i"#ip*e"3 #a$ (e '1 1ive ki$0", $a/e*%, E" pre/eE, EgreatE, E0ivi$eE, Eh /a$E, 'r E/ t a*E 8. T'r 1 rther 0etai*" '$ thi" #*a""i1i#ati'$, "ee -%#Uk'w"ki Sp?= 360. 278 .he 8et#: #'ver" the tw' re/ai$i$g a"pe#t" '1 the 80e"#e$t:, $a/e*%, the aptit 0e '1 the p pi* (8i" he K a*i1ie0?:) a$0 the g'a* pre" pp'"e0 (% the tea#hi$g (8i" it p'""i(*e '1 rea*iUati'$?:). Mere i" a$ e7a/p*e '1 the /eth'0'*'g% '1 6$0ia$ her/e$e ti#", wh'"e '(Le#tive i" t' e"ta(*i"h, at the thre"h'*0 '1 the te7t t' (e #'//e$te0 p'$, the an'bandhas, that i" the 8pre*i/i$ar% #'$"i0erati'$": 'r 8reK i"ite": a" Miri%a$$a tra$"*ate" the ter/ i$ hi" e0iti'$ '1 the ;edntasra (pp. 20 a$0 45), with' t whi#h $' "t 0% '1 PA"tra "h' *0 (e $0ertake$. .he /ai$ an'bandhas are 1' r= the 0eter/i$ati'$ '1 the 0i"#ip*e:" aptit 0e (adhikra) t' "t 0% the /atter at i"" e (it #'$#er$" a" we** hi" rit a* a$0 "'#ia* K a*i1i#ati'$"), the " (Le#t (via!a), the / t a* re*ati'$ (sabandha), the e$0 t' (e attai$e0 (pra!o%ana). B" the ;edntasra e7p*ai$", sabandha /ea$" 8the re*ati'$ '1 what ha" t' (e /a0e k$'w$ J that i", i$ the ve0A$ti# "%"te/, the i0e$tit% (etwee$ brahman a$0 the i$0ivi0 a* "e*1 J t' the /ea$" '1 /aki$g it k$'w$, $a/e*%, i$ thi" #a"e, the pa$i9a0", whi#h are the 2right3 pr'p' $0er: (sabandhas t' tadaik!aprame!as!a tatpratipdakopaniatpramas!a ca). Mere, &S 2,3 pre"e$t the "a/e 1' r an'bandhas, $a/e*%, the 0e"#ripti'$ '1 the adhikrin (8Ra$0eri$g at a *'"" i$ the #%#*e '1 " 11eri$g that "tart" with ' r re"i0e$#e i$ the w'/( a$0 e$0" with 0%i$g, a 0i"#ip*e i$K ire0 '1 the revere0 40hAra #'$#er$i$g *ti/ate rea*it%:)> the " (Le#t, /atter (via!a, 'r abhidhe!a), $a/e*%, 8 *ti/ate rea*it%:> the re*ati'$"hip (sabandha) the treati"e (ear" t' it" " (Le#t, $a/e*%, that '1 e7p' $0er (pratipdaka) t' e7p' $0e0 (pratipd!a), i$ keepi$g with the aiva $'$0 a*i"ti# 0'#tri$e> the '(Le#tive (pra!o%ana) '1 the treati"e, $a/e*%, attai$i$g the rea*iUati'$ '1 the i0e$tit% '1 iva a$0 pa', # */i$ati$g i$ *i(erati'$ 1r'/ the 8#%#*e '1 " 11eri$g":. B" '("erve0 (% CD, &S 2,3 ha" re#' r"e t' a 1i1th an'bandha= the abhidhna 'r tit*e, $a/e*%, Paramrthasra J hi$te0 at i$ the tw' Ar%A" (% paramrtham (kA. 2) a$0 tatsram (kA. 3). DA/aka@ha:" #'//e$tar% '$ Sp? 6 1 i" a re/arka(*e e7a/p*e '1 the app*i#ati'$ '1 the"e her/e$e ti#a* r *e"> " #h i" the #a"e with the Sp&, avat., p. 2,3, re"pe#tive*%= vc!o (rtha0 vcaka stram0 spandbhidho (rtho (tra vc!a0 tadvcakatvd 'pacrc chstras!p!


A) The Teacher replied to him by (reciting) the dhra ri )6<@ (/ow) Abhina"agupta expounds the essence of that (instruction) , from the point of "iew of the 'ai"a teachings)6C7 A &ertain Wst(dentY, !avin &(ltivated dis%assion6C8 t!ro( ! t!e ra&e 6prasd7 of t!e Lord, and !avin $it!dra$n !is "ind fro" t!e $orld of trans"i ration, 6C6 &a"e to realiLe t!at !e needed to 'e instr(&ted 'y a tea&!er) *avin %ro%itiated %ro%erly 6CA the re"ered .dh!ra, $!o $as for !i" t!e tr(e tea&!er 6sadguru7, na"ely, t!e sa e &alled also PeSa, !e in9(ired of !i" &on&ernin t!e nat(re of (lti"ate reality Wand $!et!er it $as attaina'leY t!ro( ! instr(&tion) T!ere(%on, &onsiderin , in order, Wt!e dis&i%leIsY entitle"ent, !is "at(rity, and !is deter"ination,6C; and !avin t!(s #(d ed him, t!e dis&i%le, to 'e endo$ed $it! a re&e%tive !eart,6CB t!at very Anantan4t!a, $ise in tea&!in all t!e do&trines $it!o(t e,&e%tion,6C= i"%arted instr(&tion, sayin : HW/no$led e ofY t!e trans&endental $rahman 6para$rahman7,6C< "ay 'e attained t!ro( ! t!e te,t entitled
etatsam%&0, 8.he 0e$'te0 2" (Le#t3 i" 2" pre/e3 rea*it%> the 0e$'tat'r i" the stra. .he rea*it% 0e$'te0 here i" #a**e0 spanda, a$0, (% e7te$"i'$ ('pacrt), i$"'1ar a" it 0e$'te" it, spanda i" a*"' the $a/e '1 the PA"tra:> a$0 (p. 6)= 'p!ope!apratipdanam eva stras!a pra!o%anam0 ! tadavabodhd 'pe!asvar)ppata sthir tad eva pra!o%anapra!o%anam iti, 8.he p rp'"e (pra!o%an) '1 the treati"e i" t' e7p*ai$ the /ea$" a$0 g'a* 2'1 "pirit a* rea*iUati'$3. .he p rp'"e '1 the p rp'"e i" t' a#hieve a per/a$e$t rea*iUati'$ '1 '$e:" 'w$ $at re, whi#h i" the 2" pre/e3 g'a* attai$e0 (% a$ e$*ighte$e0 i$"ight 2i$t' the /ea$" a$0 g'a*3: (tr. -%#Uk'w"ki 1994= 142). 279 <$ the a th'r"hip '1 the 1ir"t Paramrthasra a$0 it" 0i11ere$t tit*e", a" we** a" '$ the re*ati'$"hip (etwee$ the tw' Paramrthasra, "ee 6$tr., p. 211. 280 ?ArikA" 2 a$0 3 are i$ the r! /eter, a" i" the re"t '1 the te7t, with the e7#epti'$ '1 the 1ir"t ver"e, whi#h i" a tri#'bh. BI:" &S 2,3 #'rre"p'$0 t' a *'$ger $arrative i$ 4&S 3,9 ('/itte0 i$ the e0iti'$ '1 the 2abdakalpadr'ma, pr'(a(*% (e#a "e it 0'e" $'t 0ire#t*% re*% '$ the #a$'$i#a* e7p'"iti'$ '1 the ;e0A$ta that i" e7pe#te0). Fe"i0e", it "h' *0 (e $'te0 that &S 2a (garbhdhivsap)rvakamarantakad'hkhacakravibhrnta) e#h'e" ('th 4&S 3a (garbhaghavsasabhava%anma%armaraavipra!ogbdha') a$0 54( (%anma%armaraama!e cakra iva bhrm!ate %ant'). 281 vairg!a. !1. .4 5666 98= vairg!a bhogavairas!a, (vairg!a i" 0i"g "t with 2re"pe#t t'3 '(Le#t" '1 e$L'%/e$t: a$0 .4; 5666 100= vairg!a nma bhogebh!o vaim'kh!am 'c!ate iti, 8rep g$a$#e 21e*t3 t'war0 '(Le#t" '1 e$L'%/e$t i" #a**e0 vairg!a". 282 !1. 4&S 4(= sasrravataraaprana pcchm! aha bhagavan, 8.hee, < N'r0, 6 a"k the K e"ti'$ '1 h'w t' #r'"" the '#ea$ '1 tra$"/igrati'$:. 283 B&S 3 "h'w" the p pi* 8/aki$g '(ei"a$#e with hi" ha$0": (pr&%ali) a$0 e *'giUi$g the g r (kA. 4). 284 pari,lana. 285 vigalitntakaraa. <r 8wh'"e heart ha" (ee$ e/ptie0 2'1 it" #are"3:. B pr'(a(*e e7p*a$ati'$ '1 thi" e7pre""i'$ i" give$ 1 rther i$ CD a0 2,3= 8wh'"e heart i" pier#e0 with (viddhahda!a) the e$erg% '1 the S pre/e N'r0:" 1av'r (an'grahaakti)", "ee a*"' CD a0 103= vivekrdrahda!ai, 8(% th'"e wh'"e heart" are "'1te$e0 (% 0i"#ri/i$ati'$ 2that i", wh'"e /i$0" have (ee$ re$0ere0 " "#epti(*e t' thi" 0'#tri$e (% their p'wer" '1 i$"ight3:. 286 )'te the p $= the '$e wh' i" e9a (8re/ai$0er:) k$'w" a** (niea, 8with' t a$% re/$a$t:) the 0'#tri$e". 287 .hi" 8K a*i1i#ati'$:, i$ #'$"ta$t "age, "h' *0 (e take$ /'re 'r *e"" h%per('*i#a**%= it i" $'t there(% " gge"te0 that 8'ther: brahman(s) '1 *'wer K a*it% are t' (e $'ti#e0. Dather the #'/p' $0 i" $0er"t''0 /'re 'r *e"" a" a$ app'"iti'$a* karmadhra!a J the brahman that i" the *ti/ate, 'r the tra$"#e$0e$ta* brahman. 6t i" 1'r thi" rea"'$ that we have ge$era**% av'i0e0 the tra$"*ati'$ 8" pre/e: J " gge"ti$g K a"i,p'*iti#a* 0'/i$a$#e J i$ pre1ere$#e t' 8 *ti/ate:, 'r 8tra$"#e$0e$ta*:, whi#h *''k" '$*% t' the *i/it (e%'$0 whi#h there i" $'thi$g. .he "a/e pri$#ip*e ha" (ee$ app*ie0 t' the tra$"*ati'$ '1 parapramt.

Paramrthasra, also &alled t!e 01erses of .dh!ra0 6'dhra,ri,7, via t!e dis&ri"ination of puru)a fro" pra,.ti, a&&ordin to t!e %rin&i%les of t!e S4 5!ya syste"I)6CC T!e teacher WviL), A'!inava (%taY, "otivated 'y t!e need to s!o$ favor 6anugraha7 to ot!ers, Wno$Y e,%o(nds t!e essence of it, #(st as one e,tra&ts '(tter fro" &(rdsM6C@ t!at is, !e e,%o(nds t!e essen&e of tea&!in s on (lti"ate reality in 5ee%in $it! t!e Paiva %rin&i%le of (lti"ate Wor trans&endentY nond(ality 6paramd3aya7, in order to s!o$ favor to all &reat(res) It is !e $!o realiLed t!at t!e tea&!in s &on&ernin $rahman are s(%%lied $it! irref(ta'le ar ("ents $!en e,%o(nded fro" t!e %oint of vie$ of Wt!e notion ofY oneIs o$n freedo", in t!e for" of (lti"ate nond(ality) W+y !is very na"e,Y $!i&!, even as a se9(en&e of sylla'les, is a(s%i&io(s, t!at tea&!er "ay 'e said to 'e hidden 6gupt7M and is !i"self a se&ret 6guhya7, t!at is, !e is %ossessed of se&ret W$isdo"Y 6sarahasya7, d(e to W!is e,%erien&in Y the e"er new 6a$hina3a7, s(%ra"(ndane,6@7 s(dden '(rst 6sphra7 of t!e state of $onder 6camat,ra7 t!at is &ons&io(sness)6@8 T!(s !ave 'een e,%o(nded t!e o'#e&tive of t!e te,t, its title, s('#e&t "atter, and t!e "(t(al relation Wof t!e s('#e&t "atter to t!e "eans of "a5in it 5no$nY, et&), 6@6 '(t t!ey are not ela'orated !ere for fear of "a5in t!e te,t overly %roli,) No$ !o$ is t!e dis&i%le des&ri'edZ T!e "aster re%lies: HW-andering at a loss in the cycle of suffering that starts with ourY residence in the wombI) -andering, t!at is, at a loss, in the cycle 6ca,ra7 that consists of suffering and ends with dying R a H&y&leI so?&alled 'e&a(se it is li5e a $!eel 6ca,ram i3a7,6@A

CD '11er" here a " //ar% '1 what i" at "take i$ the 0i"#ip*e:" K er%, a1ter the /a$$er '1 BI, wh' give" i$ tw' kArikA" (2,3) the e""e$tia* /ea$i$g '1 the i$tr'0 #t'r% pa""age '1 40iPe9a:" &S= (kA. 3,7= 82...3 e7p*ai$ t' /e prakti a$0 p'r'a:), t' whi#h the g r re"p'$0" (kA. 8,9)= 86 "ha** pr'p' $0 thi" EG""e$#e '1 H*ti/ate Dea*it%E, a1ter /aki$g '(ei"a$#e t' that Hpe$0ra 2;i9@ 3, (% wh'/ thi" $rea* w'r*0 wa" /a0e 1r'/ prakti a" "'/ethi$g "ee/i$g*% rea* (sat!am iva):. !1. a*"' 4&S 70a= eva prakrti p'r'a vi%&!a $... , 8.h " havi$g re#'g$iUe0 prakti a$0 p'r'a a" 0i"ti$#t 2...3:> a$0 4&S 75= b'ddhv vibhakt prakti p'r'a $... , 8Rhe$ the p'r'a ha" $0er"t''0 prakti a" 0i11ere$t 21r'/ hi/"e*1 ...3:. 289 .he a$a*'g% i" a varia$t '1 the t'p'" a##'r0i$g t' whi#h the g''"e (hasa) i" "ai0 t' (e #apa(*e '1 "eparati$g the /i*k 1r'/ a /i7t re '1 /i*k a$0 water> #1. .4 6; 134,136, e"pe#ia**% .4 6; 136(= tatp'na pibati pr,t! haso (ha sa iti sph'ran00, 8.he re"p*e$0e$t g''"e 0ri$k" a** that agai$ 2viU., he rea("'r(" the $iver"e3 with p*ea" re 2OD= pr,ti nanda svtantri!a3, "a%i$g t' hi/"e*1= E (ha sa, viU., 6 a/ that.E: .he " (Le#t, '$#e aware '1 hi" i0e$tit% with the $iver"e, (e#'/e" the " pre/e " (Le#t J the hasa "ervi$g a" a$ i/age '1 the %,vanm'kta. .4; a0 *'#. g*'""e" aha sa a"= aha parapramtr)po (pi savivasphra savivasphro (pi v aham eva0 iti aktrimea stisamhrakri svabhvabh)tena vimarena stat!ena pravttatvd avicchinnata! prasph'ran, 8.he E6E, th' gh the tra$"#e$0e$ta* #'g$iUer, ( r"t" 1'rth i$ the 1'r/ '1 the $iver"e, 'r, th' gh ( r"ti$g 1'rth i$ the 1'r/ '1 the $iver"e, i" the E6E a*'$e> re"p*e$0e$t, $0ivi0e0 2*it., 8i$ it" *a#k '1 i$ter$a* 0i11ere$tiati'$:3, 0 e t' it" #'$"ta$t a#tiviUati'$ thr' gh 2viU., rea*iUe0 i$ the 1'r/ '13 re1*e#tive aware$e"", it" ver% e""e$#e J re1*e#tive aware$e"" 2that i", the #'rre"p'$0i$g a#tiviUati'$3 that i" the $'$,a0ve$titi' " #a "e '1 #reati'$ a$0 rea("'rpti'$:> a*"' .4; a0 *'#= hasa $... parapramt> p'na s#!d!'ttaraklam. 290 ala'kika. 291 ) /er' " are the e"'teri# et%/'*'gie" '1 the $a/e B(hi$avag pta, "'/e give$ i$ hi" 'w$ w'rk", "'/e i$ their #'//e$tarie". See &S 104 a$0 it" g*'"". 292 See $. 278. 293 !1. 4&S 54(= %anma%armaraama!e cakra iva bhrm!ate %ant'.


$!ose Wrevol(tions are t!eY e,isten&es6@; s!a%ed 'y s(&&essive a%%earan&es and disa%%earan&es Wof t!e dis&i%le, viL), !is 'irt!s and deat!sY) One "ay see as its felly t!e si, H"odifi&ations of 'e&o"in I 6@B W$!i&! any li"ited so(l (nder oes $!en %assin Y t!ro( ! t!e variety of states &onse9(ent (%on residen&e in t!e $o"', na"ely, 'irt!, e,isten&e, ro$t!, &!an e, de&ay and deat!)6@= +y t!is des&ri%tion is s( ested t!at t!e dis&i%leIs a$a5enin is 'e&o"in evident, $!i&! i"%lies re"e"'ran&e of !is %revio(s 'irt!s) 6@< Ot!er$ise, !o$ &an t!e &(riosity t!at %ro"%ts !i" to %(rs(e a&9(isition of t!e s(%re"e 'enefit 'e e,%lainedZ6@C And Wit is also !ere s( ested t!atY !e is a $ort!y re&e%ta&le for t!e tea&!erIs instr(&tion in $!o" dis%assion !as develo%ed, $!ose !eart is %ier&ed 'y t!e ener y of t!e S(%re"e LordIs favor 6anugraha(a,ti7, and 'y $!o" &orre&t 5no$led e 6samyag12n7 !as 'een a&9(iredM t!(s, it is s(&! a one alone $!o desires 5no$led e of (lti"ate nond(ality, !avin a%%roa&!ed a s(ita'le tea&!er, an in&arnation of t!e S(%re"e Lord) And t!is !as already 'een said else$!ere: O Goddess, !e is led to$ard t!e tr(e tea&!er 'y t!e LordIs ra&e)6@@ T!is $ill 'e stated later in t!is treatise) #!rik! 2 T!e "aster !as t!(s esta'lis!ed a 'asis Wfor t!e te,tY 'y We,%o(ndin Y t!e %ro&ess of its ori in) No$, !e starts t!e te,t W%ro%erY 'y statin , as re ards t!is $orld, "arvelo(s $it! t!e diversity of everyt!in in it, t!at it is t!e s(%re"e freedo" of t!e S(%re"e
sasaraa. bhvavikra J De$' (FSFh= 12) tra$"*ate" bhvavikra a" 8/'0i1i#ati'$" 0 0eve$ir: (8/'0i1i#ati'$" '1 (e#'/i$g:, Sar p Bir'kta), wherea" .hi(a t (;edntas)tra= 16) re$0er" it a" 81'r/" '1 e7i"te$#e: 'r 8"tage" '1 e7i"te$#e:. De$' (FSFh= 12, $. 7) a00" that, a##'r0i$g t' ;Ar9%A%a@i ('$ Bir'kta 6 2), the the'r% '1 the "i7 bhvavikras i" give$ i$ 'r0er t' 0e1e$0 the the"i" that the ver( ha" a" it" 1 $0a/e$ta* i0ea 8t' (e#'/e:, wherea" the $' $ ha" 1'r it" 1 $0a/e$ta* i0ea 8t' (e (" #h a$0 " #h): 28Ne ver(e a p' r $'ti'$ 1'$0a/e$ta*e *e 0eve$ir (*e $'/ a%a$t p' r $'ti'$ 1'$0a/e$ta*e *:etre):3. +'re'ver, a" 0'e" CD here, the Bir'kta e7pre""e" th'"e 8/'0i1i#ati'$": a" ver(a* 1'r/", with a "*ight a*terati'$ i$ the 'r0er '1 e$ /erati'$. See a*"' ;k!apad,!a 2;&3 6 3 a$0 666 3311.> a0 FhI 2FhIFh3 66 20 (ver"e K 'te0 i$ CD a0 7)> "ee D egg 1959= 24,25, '$ the 0i11i# *t% rai"e0 (% the i$#* "i'$ '1 asti, 8t' (e:, i$ the *i"t '1 /'0i1i#ati'$" '1 a#ti'$. 296 4&S 3a e$ /erate" 1' r '1 the"e bhvavikra" a" #'$"eK e$t p'$ 0we**i$g i$ the w'/( (garbhaghavsa)= sabhava, %anman, %ar, maraa> 4&S 54, three= %anman, %ar, maraa. 297 Ma0 he $'t re/e/(ere0 hi" previ' " (irth", he w' *0 $'t have (ee$ aware '1 thi" $e$0i$g #%#*e, whi#h he #a$ $' *'$ger (ear. 6t i" thi" aware$e"" that "erve" a" hi" awake$i$g, a$0 pr'/pt" the e$K ir% a00re""e0 t' hi" g r . 298 Nit., 8h'w #a$ the # ri'"it% 2that pr'/pt" hi/3 t' p'"e K e"ti'$" a" t' a#K i"iti'$ '1 the " pre/e (e$e1it 2...3:. 299 .he e7a#t "' r#e '1 thi" K 'tati'$ ha" $'t (ee$ 1' $0. !'/pare, h'wever, .4 5666 249(= r'draaktisamvi#o n,!ate sadg'r' prati00, a$0 .4; 5666 248(,249a, whi#h K 'te"= r'draaktisamvi#a sa iveccha!0 bh'ktim'ktiprasiddh!artha n,!ate sadg'r' prati00, a te7t ver% "i/i*ar t' .4 6; 35= r,p)rvastre tenokta sa !i!s' iveccha!0 bh'ktim'ktiprasiddh!artha n,!ate sadg'r' prati, 86t i" "ai0 i$ the B$#ie$t .reati"e 2viU., the 8lin,vi%a!ottaratantra3= EMe wh', tha$k" t' Siva:" wi**, wi"he" t' g' t' the tr e tea#her, i" *e0 t' hi/ "' that he /a% '(tai$ e$L'%/e$t a$0 *i(erati'$.E: .he K e"ti'$ '1 the i$te$"it% '1 aktipta wi** (e take$ p i$ kA. 9 (a$0 CD a0 *'#), CD a0 18, kA. 96,97 (a$0 CD a0 *'#). .he ?S.S i$#* 0e" a "e#'$0 *i$e '1 K 'tati'$ whi#h we have #h'"e$ t' '/it= "ee ' r 8Ni"t '1 varia$t": i$ 8<$ the Sa$"krit te7t:.
294 295


Lord alone t!at &onstit(tes t!e so(r&e of a en&y 6,art.t37,A77 W"ade "anifest inY &on#oinin or dis#oinin Wt!e !ost of !is ener ies, 'rin in a'o(t, on t!e one !and, t!e dissol(tion, on t!e ot!er, t!e &reation of t!e (niverseYA78 R t!(s "a5in 5no$n t!at t!is (niverse is not!in '(t t!e 'losso"in of !is ener ies 6(a,ti3i,sa7 t!ro( ! t!e inter"ediary of t!e fo(r W&on&entri&Y s%!eres 6a0a7:A76 2) 3isplaying the glorious superabundanceA7A of his own energies, the 4ord has brought forth this tetrad of spheres)A7; As di"ided one from another, they are named Energy, Illusion, /ature and Earth)A7B By the 4ord R Lord .a!eJvara, $!o is free Wfro" any &onstraintY, a (nifor" "ass of 'lissf(l &ons&io(sness R
)'te the 0i11ere$#e (etwee$ kart a$0 het' J 0' (t*e"" (a"e0 '$ the "age '1 the gra//aria$" (#1. &. 6 4, 54,55), wh', a/'$g 'ther thi$g", th " 0i"ti$g i"h the 8age$t: '1 the #a "ative ver( 1r'/ the 8age$t: '1 it" e/(e00e0 (a"e ver(. 301 Re have i$terprete0 sa!o%ana a$0 vi!o%ana a" the #'$L $#ti'$ a$0 the 0i"L $#ti'$ '1 the N'r0:" aktis, taki$g i$t' #'$"i0erati'$ the *i$e" '1 the avat. a" we** a" the kArikA it"e*1. +'re'ver, thi" i$terpretati'$ i" " pp'rte0 (% ?9e/arALa:" #'//e$tar% '$ Sp? 6 1 (p. 6)= !as!onmeanimebh! %agata prala!oda!a'0 ta akticakravibhavaprabhava akara st'ma00, 8Re *a 0 that akara (% the 'pe$i$g a$0 "h tti$g '1 wh'"e e%e,*i0" the w'r*0 appear" a$0 0i""'*ve", a$0 wh' i" the "' r#e '1 the g*'ri' " 0i"p*a% '1 the Rhee* '1 e$ergie" (akticakravibhava)". B" 0'e" here the avat., Sp) 6 1 e7p*ai$" akticakravibhava i$ ter/" '1 the sa!o%ana a$0 vi!o%ana '1 the N'r0:" aktis= tas!a akticakras!bhsaparamrthas!a vivas!a !o vibhava parasparasa!o%anvi!o%anvaicitr!am anantaprakra tas!a prabhava kraam0 sa eva hi bhagavn vi%&nadehtmakn svtmaiktm!ena sthitn vivn bhsn an!on!a nnvaicitr!ea sa!o%a!an vi!o%a!a ca vivoda!aprala!ahet'0, 8 EI*'ri' " 0i"p*a%E (vibhava) /ea$" the i$1i$ite variet% '1 the #'$L $#ti'$ a$0 0i"L $#ti'$ '1 the N'r0:" e$ergie" vi",a, vi" ea#h 'ther, whi#h th " appear a" a whee* 2*it., 8the #'$L $#ti'$ a$0 0i"L $#ti'$ with ea#h 'ther '1 the Rhee* '1 e$ergie":3> a Rhee* '1 e$ergie" wh'"e *ti/ate /ea$i$g i" the /a$i1e"tati'$, viU., the $iver"e. 2.he N'r03 i" the "' r#e (prabhav) 2'1 thi" g*'ri' " 0i"p*a%3, it" #a "e. .h ", the N'r0 / t a**% L'i$" a$0 0i"L'i$", i$ a$ i$1i$it% '1 wa%", a** '(Le#tive phe$'/e$a (bhsa) 2*it., 8appeara$#e":, 8/a$i1e"tati'$":3, whi#h are 2i$ rea*it%3 '1 the $at re '1 #'$"#i' "$e"" a$0 e7i"t withi$ hi/ a" i0e$ti#a* with hi/ 21'r the% are $'thi$g ( t hi" aktis3. Me i" 2i$ that wa%3 the #a "e '1 the /a$i1e"tati'$ a$0 0i""'* ti'$ '1 the $iver"e:. B##'r0i$g t' thi" i$terpretati'$, the #'$L $#ti'$, 'r 1 "i'$, '1 the N'r0:" e$ergie" J '1 phe$'/e$a J a/' $t" t' the 0i""'* ti'$ '1 the w'r*0, wherea" their 0i"L $#ti'$, 'r 0i11 "i'$, a/' $t" t' the #reati'$ '1 the w'r*0 i$ a** it" w'$0er1 * 0iver"it%. S #h i" a*"' the e7p*a$ati'$ '1 DA/aka@ha= a##'r0i$g t' the Sp; (p. 3) '$ the "a/e Sp? 6 1, the /a$i1e"tati'$ ('da!a) a$0 the rea("'rpti'$ (prala!a) '1 the w'r*0 take p*a#e, re"pe#tive*%, thr' gh the e7te$"i'$ (prasara) a$0 the rea("'rpti'$ (prala!a) '1 the N'r0:" e$ergie". 6$ keepi$g with '$e '1 the tra0iti'$a* e7ege"e" '1 Sp? 6 1, DA/aka@ha 0e/'$"trate" that the /e/(er" '1 the tw' #'/p' $0" 'nmeanimebh!m a$0 prala!oda!a' are 'rga$iUe0 a" a #hia"/ ", with 'nmea re*ate0 t' 'da!a a$0 nimea t' prala!a= !as!onmeanimebh! aktiprasaraprala!bh! %agato vivas!a prala!oda!a' vinaprd'r bhva'0 atra !athsamkh!a na vivakitam iti vak!ma, 8.he rea("'rpti'$ a$0 the /a$i1e"tati'$, that i", the e$0 a$0 the ge$erati'$, '1 the w'r*0 take p*a#e thr' gh the 'pe$i$g a$0 "h tti$g '1 hi" e%e,*i0", i.e., (% the e7pa$"i'$ a$0 rea("'rpti'$ (Cprasaraprala!a) '1 hi" e$ergie". .he /ea$i$g i$te$0e0 here i$v'*ve" a rever"a* i$ the 'r0er '1 w'r0":. )'te that the ter/ !athsakh!am 0e"ig$ate" a pri$#ip*e '1 'r0eri$g tw' para**e* *i"t" i$ " #h a wa% that the ter/" '1 the "e#'$0 *i"t /i/i# i$ 'r0er th'"e i$ the 1ir"t= BF!- a(#0 ("ee &. 6 3, 10). DA/aka@ha, here, '("erve" that thi" pri$#ip*e i" $'t '("erve0 i$ the pre"e$t #a"e. +'re'ver, CD #'//e$ti$g p'$ ni%aaktivaibhavabhart "e" the "a/e ter/i$'*'g%, vaibhava e7p*ai$e0 a" vicitra prasara. <$ the Rhee* '1 e$ergie" wh'"e #ir# /1ere$#e i" the $iver"e a$0 the h ( the 0ivi$e Meart, "ee ?9e/arALa (/pandasadoha 2SpS3 a0 Sp? 6 1), a$0 BI:" 7ehasthadevatcakrastotra, a*'$g with it" e7te$"ive #'//e$tar% (% Si*( r$ (pp. 89,97). See a*"' &S 65 a$0 CD a0 *'#.


this tetrad of spheres, &onsistin of t!e a re ate of WallY entities 63astupi0a7, is so &alled inas"(&! as it &oversA7= t!e (niverse as does a s!eat! 6,o(a7) As !as 'een said: W)))Y t!e a re ate of entities is &alled an He I 6a07)A7< WT!is tetradY has been brought forth, t!at is, !as 'een "ade "anifest, or rat!er "ade effe&tive, 'y W!is o$n freeY a en&y of 'e&o"in 6$ha3ana,art.ta7)A7C *o$Z T!e "aster says: HBy display of the glorious superabundance of his own energiesI)

.he / *tip*i#it% '1 "phere" p'"e" the pr'(*e/ '1 their re*a"hi'$"hip. aiva 0'#tri$e a"" /e" the/ t' (e #'$#e$tri#, that i" t' "a%, the i$$er #'$tai$e0 withi$ the ' ter. 303 Nit., 8F% the " pera( $0a$#e '1 the g*'ri' " 0i"p*a% 2...3:. < r tra$"*ati'$ '1 Cvaibhava i" ('rr'we0 1r'/ Si*( r$:" 8g*'rie 7 0ep*'ie/e$t: i$ her tra$"*ati'$ '1 Sp? 6 1 (Si*( r$ Sp?= 61). 304 !1. S 666 30 2i$ the te7t a* 'rga$i"ati'$ '1 the S3= svaaktipraca!o (s!a vivam. 305 B" regar0" BI:" rewriti$g 'r a0aptati'$ '1 4&S, it /a% (e '("erve0 that the ter/ aa i" 1' $0 i$ 4&S 10, a*th' gh i$ it" " a* "e$"e '1 #'"/i# 8egg:, a$0 $'t a" a $'ti'$ "pe#i1i# t' the aivi"/ '1 ?a"h/ir. !reati'$, viewe0 a" a tetra0 '1 "phere", i" a $'ve* i0ea pr'per t' 4ga/a" " #h a" +;.. B*th' gh thi" #'$#ept '1 aacat'#a!a /a% (e "ee$ a" i/p*i#it i$ SAkh%a, i$"'1ar a" it i" re*ate0 t' the 0'#tri$e '1 the tattvas that SAkh%a 0'e" 0eve*'p, it '## r" here i$ a$ a*t'gether 0i11ere$t #'$te7t, with a$ a*t'gether 0i11ere$t i/p'rt= the tetra0 '1 "phere" i" a$ '$t'*'gi#a* reK ire/e$t '1 the "%"te/ ("ee Bppe$0i7 5, p. 323). 306 cchdaka. 307 Seg/e$t '1 .4 ;666 169(, whi#h i" a K 'te 1r'/ the Fa'ravgama. .4; a0 *'#. (v'*. 6;= 1474, i$ -wive0i, Da"t'gi .4> a** re1ere$#e" t' .4 a$0 .4; wi** (e /a0e t' thi" e0.) e7p*ai$" vast'pia a" a sam'd!a, 8aggregate:, '1 8e$titie":, $a/e*%, 8('0ie", 1a# *tie", et#: (ao hi nma vast)n tanvakd,n pia sam'd!a 'c!ate, tad as!a lakaam it! artha). .he ter/ vast' i" 1 rther e7p*ai$e0 i$ .4 it"e*1 (;666 176(,177a)= $... vast'abdena tanvakabh'vantmakam00 r)pam 'kta !atas tena tatsam)ho (a 'c!ate0, 8.he w'r0 Ee$tit%E (vast') re1er" t' a 1'r/ (r)pa) '1 ('0ie", 1a# *tie", 'r w'r*0". .h ", (% thi" ter/, their a""e/(*age i" re1erre0 t', #a**e0 aa, Ee$ve*'peE 2*it., EeggE3:. .h ", here, CD K 'te" a part '1 the / #h *'$ger 0e1i$iti'$ that .4 ;666 169,170 ('rr'w" 1r'/ the Fa'rava$gama . .hi" #r%pti# K 'te i" 1 rther g*'""e0 (% .4 56 171,172, whi#h pr'vi0e" the ke% 1'r $0er"ta$0i$g the #'$#ept= vast'pia iti prokta ivaaktisam)habhk0 aa s!d iti tadv!akta' sam'kh,bhva 'c!ate00 tathpi ivamagnn akt,nm aat bhavet0 tadartha vk!am apara t hi na c!'taaktita00, 8Si$#e thi" aa, whi#h i" 2e""e$tia**%3 a$ a""e/(*age '1 iva:" e$ergie", ha" (ee$ 0e"#ri(e0 a" Eaggregate '1 e$titie"E, it i" "p'ke$ '1 a" their 2e$ergie":3 '(Le#ti1i#ati'$, i$ the pr'#e"" '1 /a$i1e"tati'$. Gve$ "' 2'$e /a% '(Le#t3, the #'$0iti'$ '1 (ei$g aa #' *0 (e pre0i#ate0 '1 the e$ergie" that are i//er"e0 i$ 2i.e., that are '$e with3 iva. T'r that rea"'$ 2i.e., i$ 'r0er t' av'i0 the 1a *t '1 a t'' wi0e 0e1i$iti'$3, a$'ther "%$tag/ 2K a*i1%i$g aa, ha" (ee$ give$, $a/e*%, prac!'ta aktir)pata, 1r'/ whi#h it /a% (e i$1erre0 that3 th'"e 2e$ergie"3 have $'t 0eviate0 1r'/ their $at re a" e$ergie" 2viU., (ei$g '$e with iva3:. 6t re" *t" 1r'/ " #h a 0e1i$iti'$ that the aa, a"" /i$g the 1'r/ '1 a$ 8aggregate '1 e$titie":, $a/e*%, ('0ie", 1a# *tie", a$0 w'r*0", i" the 1ir"t e7ter$a*iUati'$, 'r '(Le#ti1i#ati'$, '1 the h'"t '1 Siva:" aktis. T rther/'re, a" the #'$#retiUati'$ '1 the N'r0:" aktis, the aa i" "ee$ a" a 1'r/ give$ t' the 1'r/*e"", he$#e a" a #'ver, vei*i$g the p re Night '1 the Se*1[#'$"#i' "$e"", a$0 1 rther #'veri$g the w'r*0 that it e$#'/pa""e". .h ", the 'ther a"pe#t '1 the 0e1i$iti'$ '1 aa #'$"i"t" i$ it" (ei$g a #'ver (cchdaka), a "heath (koa), a" e7p*ai$e0 here (% CD. .here1're, the 0e1i$iti'$ give$ (% CD "%$the"iUe" the tw' /ai$ 1eat re" '1 aa= it repre"e$t" a #'$"tri#ti'$ per/itti$g #'$#retiUati'$ '1 the N'r0:" aktis> "ee Bppe$0i7 5, p. 323. 308 bhavanakartt, 82the N'r0:" 1ree3 age$#% '1 (e#'/i$g: 2*it., 81a# *t% '1 e7erti$g hi" p'wer '1 (e#'/i$g:3, i" the ke% w'r0 here, e7pre""i$g the para0'7 '1 a$ B("'* te (&ara/aPiva, p re Fei$g, per1e#t p*e$it 0e) wh' #'e7i"t" with hi" 'w$ #reati'$, $e#e""ari*% e7ter$a* t' hi/. .he #'$#ept '1


WT!at is, t!e Lord !as 'ro( !t fort! t!is allY 'y and t!ro( ! t!e abundance,A7@ t!e %rof(sion, of the glorious displays, t!e $onderf(lly varie ated o(tflo$s,A87 of !is innate, in!erent, (ni9(e host of energies, s(&! as Oill, et&) T!(s t!e &onfe&tion of t!e $orld is indeed '(t t!e s(dden '(rstin into 'loo" of t!e LordIs o$n ener ies)A88 As it !as 'een said in t!e Sar3ama9gal(stra: Ener y 6(a,ti7 and t!e Possessor of ener yWiesY 6(a,timat7 are said to 'e t!e WonlyY t$o entities) *is ener ies &onstit(te t!e entire $orld, '(t t!e Possessor of ener ies is t!e Great Lord)A86 Of $!at does t!is tetrad of s%!eresA8A &onsistZ
a$ a#tive (ei$g i" th " a0 /(rate0, " ita(*e 1'r a$ B("'* te that i" ('th #'$"#i' "$e"" (prak) a$0 "e*1,#'$"#i' "$e"" (vimara), "e*1,#'$"#i' "$e"" "ee$ a" spanda, 8vi(rati'$, p *"ati'$:. .he ter/ '## r" i$ ^&vX 6 5, 14 0e1i$i$g citi, 8#'$"#i' "$e"":, 'r 8pri$#ip*e '1 #'$"#i' "$e"":= satt bhavatt bhavanakartt $... , 86t 2viU., #'$"#i' "$e"", citi3 i" (ei$g, (e#'/i$g, a$0 age$#% '1 (e#'/i$g: (#'/pare .'re**a ^&?= 122= 86t i" e7i"ti$g, (ei$g, the " (Le#t '1 the a#ti'$ '1 (ei$g:). Re pre1er t' tra$"*ate bhavanakartt a" 82the N'r0:" 1ree3 age$#% '1 (e#'/i$g:, i$ the *ight '1 ^&; 6 5, 14 (v'*. 6= 258,259)= satt ca bhavanakartt sarvakri!s' svtantr!am, (satt, EFei$gE 2'r rather, E"tate '1 (ei$gE3, /ea$" bhavanakartt, Eage$#% '1 (e#'/i$gE, 2whi#h i" ( t3 1ree0'/ i$ a** a#ti'$":> '$ citi, "ee $. 238 a$0 $. 1049. bhavanakartt 0e"ig$ate" the N'r0:" 1a# *t% '1 e7erti$g hi" p'wer '1 (e#'/i$g J that i", '1 /a$i1e"ti$g hi/"e*1 a" the $iver"e, eter$a**% a$0 per/a$e$t*% pre"e$t i$ hi/. Fei$g 1ree, &ara/ePvara 0e#i0e" t' e/('0% rea*it%, i$ 'ther w'r0", t' (e#'/e Erea*E. See agai$ ^&; 6; 1, 6 (v'*. 66= 289)= satt bhavanakartt sph'rattr)p, 8Mi" "tate '1 (ei$g, i.e., hi" 2'w$ 1ree3 age$#% '1 (e#'/i$g (bhavanakartt), i" ( t 2*it. 8take" the 1'r/ '1:3 hi" /a$i1e"tati'$ 2*it., 81*a"hi$g 1'rth:3:. Tr'/ ('th pa""age" (^&vX 6 5, 14 a$0 ^&; 6; 1, 6), it appear" that bhavanakartt "ta$0" a" a "%$'$%/ 1'r satt a$0 sph'ratt, the *atter ver% #*'"e*% re*ate0 t' spanda. B" " #h it 0e"ig$ate" the highe"t akti '1 the N'r0, 1'r sph'ratt a$0 spanda #'$"i"t '1 $ear*% i/per#epti(*e, 'r e7tre/e*% " (t*e, /'ve/e$t= kiciccalana. .he (kicit" te**" " rather that the 8/'ve/e$t: at i"" e i" $'t 'therwi"e 0i"ti$g i"he0, whi#h i/p*ie" that it w' *0 (e a"#ertai$a(*e '$*% with 0i11i# *t%, 1'r t' per#eive it w' *0 (e t' i/p te t' it "'/e #hara#teri"ti#", a 0ire#ti'$, a$ i$te$"it%, et#. J th " L "ti1%i$g the tra$"*ati'$ ge$era**% a0'pte0, 8i/per#epti(*e: 'r 8" (t*e: (/'ve/e$t). <$ the $'ti'$ '1 spanda, "ee Bppe$0i7 6, p. 327. 309 bhara J *it., 8( r0e$:. 310 prasara. 311 bhagavata kila svaaktiviksasphra eva %agannirmam. )ear*% the "a/e 1'r/ *ati'$ i$ ^&vX 6; 5= vast'ta aktivikso vivam, 86$ rea*it%, the $iver"e i" the (*'""'/i$g '1 the 2N'r0:"3 e$ergie":, a "tate/e$t whi#h, a##'r0i$g t' ^&;; (v'*. 666= 363), 1i$0" it" "' r#e i$ 8a$ 4ga/a " #h a" the 2r,magalstra" (th " #ertai$*% re1erri$g t' the 1a/' " ver"e= akta!o (s!a %agat sarvam whi#h CD K 'te" here). )everthe*e"", a" e/pha"iUe0 (% 2ivad#ivtti 2S-vX3 666 20(, " #h "tate/e$t" are va*i0 '$*% 1r'/ a v!vahrika p'i$t '1 view. )'te CD:" "age '1 aktivikasvarat (a$0 it" "%$'$%/") i$ the #'$te7t '1 *i(erati'$ (a0 &S 56, 60 a$0 61). 312 akti ca aktim caiva padrthadva!am 'c!ate0 akta!o (s!a %agat sarva aktims t' mahevara00. See Bppe$0i7 4, p. 322. 313 B" $0er*i$e0 (% P)ratprat!abhi%& 2&&3 (prakri!vimara 2S 663, 169, p. 21), whi#h re1'r/ *ate" .4 56 12(,13a, the #'$#ept '1 aa i" /ea$t t' e/pha"iUe 0iver"it%= aa ca bh'vann hi vibhgasthitisdhakam0 tad evvaraa prh' akt!anta tac ca sabhavet00, 86t i" "ai0 that aa i" re"p'$"i(*e 1'r the 0i11ere$tiati'$ '1 the bh'vanas, that it i" a$ e$ve*'pe 2"eK e"teri$g a** the pri$#ip*e" (tattva)3 p t' 2( t $'t i$#* 0i$g3 akti". Tr'/ akt!ada t' pthv!aa, the 1' r aas /a% (e "ee$ a" #'$#e$tri# "phere" e$#'/pa""i$g the e$tire #reati'$, it"e*1 $0er"t''0 a" the tria0 '1 e7perie$#er, e7perie$#e a$0 '(Le#t '1 e7perie$#e. Rhe$, at the ' t"et, the te7t ha" re#' r"e t' the #'$#ept '1 the 1' r aas, 0iver"it% i" $'t %et apprehe$0e0 0%$a/i#a**%, i$ the #' r"e '1 it" pr'gre""ive /a$i1e"tati'$ via the thirt%,"i7 tattva", whi#h wi** (e e7p' $0e0 at *e$gth i$ kA. 14,22, ( t "tati#a**%, a" a 1i7e0 '(Le#t 'r e$tit% #'/p'"e0 '1 th'"e thirt%, "i7 pri$#ip*e", gr' pe0 i$t' 1' r "phere" a##'r0i$g t' i$#rea"i$g #'$"tri#ti'$" p t p'$ the N'r0:"

T!e "aster re%lies: HEnergy, Illusion, /ature, EarthI) T!is ener y, $!i&! %ertains to t!e S(%re"e Lord, 'elon s to t!e (niverse for"ed of &o niLers and o'#e&ts of &o nition 6pramt.pramey7, even t!o( ! it is in essen&e not!in '(t t!e "arvel of s(%re"e i%seity) It ta5es t!e for" of an a&tivity of ne ation 6ni)edha3ypr7 'ased on t!e fail(re to dis&ern t!e Self 6tm,hyti7, and is effe&ted 'y denyin 6apohan7 oneIs o$n nat(re)A8; T!is energy is &alled (a,tya0a, t!e Hs%!ere of Ener yI, in virt(e of its veilin f(n&tion, and its role in effe&tin 'onda e 6$andha7)A8B WT!is s%!ereY &onsistin of t!at %art Wof t!e t!irty?si, %rin&i%lesY 'e innin $it! Sad4Jiva and 0Jvara and endin $it! (uddha3idy, f(lly !olds in itself t!e triad of t!e Wre"ainin Y s%!eres, $!i&! !ave yet to 'e e,%lained) T!(s it is t!at t!e Ws(%re"eY ener y Wof t!e LordY !as 'een so desi nated Wi)e), (a,tya0aY, inas"(&! as it ta5es t!e for" of a &over) In t!is s%!ere, A8= Sad4Jiva and 0Jvara are t!e %residin deities) And anot!er s%!ere is &alled my>a0a?, t!e HWs%!ere ofY Ill(sionI, $!ose essen&e is t!e triad of i"%(rities 6malatraya7)A8< It is &o"%osed of del(sion 6moha7M
a("'* te 1ree0'/. T'r a 0etai*e0 e7p'"iti'$ '1 the $'ti'$ '1 aa a$0 a$ atte/pt at their i$terpretati'$, "ee Bppe$0i7 5, p. 323. 314 F% 0e$%i$g, $egati$g the p*e$it 0e '1 the Se*1, apohanaakti give" ri"e t' 0i11ere$#e, ( t thi" 0i11ere$#e e7i"t" '$*% '$ the *eve* '1 p re " (Le#tivit%. .hi" i" wh% akt!aa i" re*ate0 t' the three tattvas J Sa0APiva, ^Pvara a$0 'ddhavid! J 'r0ere0 (e*'w iva[akti, a$0 a('ve m!."akt!aa repre"e$t" the "tate '1 #'$"#i' "$e"" i$ whi#h 0i11ere$#e appear" a" a ver% 0i/ pre"e$#e, a 1ir"t ' t*i$e '1 what wi** a#t a**% take p*a#e i$ m!. <$ apohanaakti, "ee the e7p'"iti'$ '1 && 66 155(,157, whi#h "' $0" *ike a g*'"" '$ thi" ver% pa""age '1 CD:" #'//e$tar%= mtme!tmavivas!a svtmar)pas!a sarvad00 parhantcamatkrasrabh)tata! sata0 svar)ppohantme!am akh!tir !sti tanma!,00 na&arthbhvar)ptmaniedhav!pti ca !0 s akti parameas!a akt!aam iti proc!ate00, E.he S pre/e N'r0 i" that a("'* te rea*it%, eter$a**% re/ai$i$g a" the e""e$#e '1 the /arve* '1 " pre/e ip"eit%, wh'"e 1'r/ a" the $iver"e '1 #'g$iUer" a$0 '(Le#t" '1 #'g$iti'$ i" 2 *ti/ate*%3 that '1 the 2 $itar%3 Se*1. .hi" e$erg% (akti) #a**e0 >akt!aa> J a"" /i$g a 1'r/ '1 $'$,e7i"te$#e 2*it., 8a("e$#e:3 a" 0e$'te0 (% the parti#*e E$aE J 'perate" t' $egate the Se*1, 1'r it #'$"i"t" i$ the 1ai* re t' 0i"#ri/i$ate, the "etti$g a"i0e (apohana), '1 the $at re '1 that Se*1 2$'w "ee$ a" E6E a$0 Ethi"E3:. Rhi*e e7p*ai$i$g thi" $'ti'$ t' ?. -. .ripathi 'ra**%, DA/ePvara OhA "e0 t' a00 that thi" $egati'$ (niedha) wa" a 8p re $egati'$: ('ddhana&artha), 1'r, at thi" "tage, $egati'$ 0'e" $'t reK ire a$% 'pp'"i$g re1ere$#e (prati!ogin)= there i" $'thi$g e*"e tha$ the Se*1 t' (e $egate0. See a*"' CD a0 10,11. 315 .he 1'r/ '1 e7perie$#e that take" p*a#e at the L $#ti'$ '1 the aktitattva a$0 the sadivatattva i" $a/e0 B$APritaPiva, 8iva $re*ate0 2t' the $iver"e3:> "ee Bppe$0i7 7, p. 327. 316 aa i" $'t /ere*% the 8e$ve*'pe:, whi#h, *i/iti$g the *ti/ate rea*it%, 0eter/i$e" 0i11ere$t *eve*" '1 e7perie$#e> it i" a*"' "ee$ a" a 1 **%1*e0ge0 loka, a 8"phere:, a" it i" '1te$ tra$"*ate0 (Si*( r$ &S), i$ha(ite0 (% a / *tit 0e '1 (ei$g" a$0 thi$g", $0er the #'$tr'* '1 pre"i0i$g 0eitie", a$0 re*ate0 t' the hierar#h% '1 the tattvas. .hi" wi** (e eve$ /'re '(vi' " with the three 'ther aas. 317 .he 1ir"t '## rre$#e, i$ ' r #'//e$tar%, '1 thi" ke% #'$#ept. .he three i/p ritie" (malatra!a) are the avamala, the i/p rit% '1 20ee/i$g '$e"e*13 1i$ite, the m!,!amala, the i/p rit% '1 2regar0i$g the w'r*0 a"3 '(Le#tive, a$0 the krmamala, the i/p rit% '1 2" pp'"i$g '$e"e*1 the age$t '13 a#ti'$"> '$ th'"e $'ti'$", "ee CD a0 17,18, 24, 37, 57. <$#e m!akti, the p'wer '1 0i11ere$tiati'$, (egi$" t' 'perate, e$ge$0eri$g the "a"Ari# w'r*0, the 1ive ka&c'kas #'$"tit te the " (Le#tivit% '1 a$ i$0ivi0 a* "' * (a') a$0 a11e#t it with the three i/p ritie". +ight it (e p'""i(*e t' "ee i$ the"e three ter/", 0i"p*a#e0 t' a /'re #'$#rete *eve*, re1ere$#e" t' the three 1'r/" '1 (ei$g $'ti#e0 a('ve (viU., satt, bhavatt, bhavanakartt> "ee $. 308)? .he ava E0e1e#tE re*ate", i$ e11e#t, t' the i$0ivi0 a* " (Le#t> the m!,!a t' the '(Le#tive $iver"e> a$0 the krma t' the #%#*e '1 e7i"te$#e", whi#h, (% the i$ter/e0iar% '1 the $'ti'$ '1 the a#t, e7p*ai$" the 1a"hi'$ i$ whi#h the tw'

its for" is t!e 'onda e t!at affe&ts all varieties of &o niLers in virt(e solely of its %ro%ensity to o&&asion differen&e) It &onsists of t!at %art Wof t!e t!irty?si, %rin&i%les 'e innin $it! my andY endin $it! puru)a) T!at Ws%!ereY in&or%orates $it!in itself t!e t$o s%!eres yet to 'e e,%lained) *ere t!e %residin deity is t!e R(dra na"ed Ga!ana R t!e HA'yssI)A8C Si"ilarly, /ature 6pra,.ti7, $!ose &onstit(ents are satt3a, ra1as and tamas Wori inally in e9(ili'ri("Y, on&e it is transfor"ed WviL), on&e t!is e9(ili'ri(" is lostY into Winternal and e,ternalY fa&(lties, and as $ell into effe&ts Wna"ely, t!e o'#e&ts of t!ose fa&(ltiesY R $!i&! 'e&o"e o'#e&ts of en#oy"ent 6$hogy7 for fettered s('#e&ts, 'indin t!ose s('#e&ts in t!eir (ises of %leas(re, %ain and del(sion R is &alled pra,.tya0a R t!e Hs%!ere of Nat(reI)A8@ In t!is Ws%!ereY also, t!ere is a %residin deity, Lord 1iSK(, $!o is endo$ed $it! reat loryA67 and $!o e"%!asiLes differen&e Wor, $!o %res("es differen&e Din order to f(n&tionEY) Si"ilarly, earth 6p.th3-7 is ter"ed p.th3ya0a, t!e HTerrestrial s%!ereI R t!e Terrestrial s%!ere, &onsistin of t!e ross W&or%orealY s!eat! 6,a2cu,7, for it %rovides an o(ter en&los(reA68 to all t!e s('#e&ts, fro" "an to stationary 'ein s, and is W!en&e also aY 'indin fa&tor) T!is s%!ere also !as its %residin deity, Lord +ra!"a, $!o o&&(%ies t!e %ree"inent %la&e in t!e fo(rteenfold &reation of 'ein s)A66

'ther /'0e" '1 (ei$g e$ter i$t' #'$ta#t, e$twi$e. 318 <r 8the 6/pe$etra(*e:. <$ gahana a$0 the three1'*0 m!, "ee $. 246. <$ Iaha$a, a" the adhipati, the i$te$0a$t 0eit%, '1 the m!a, "ee Bppe$0i7 8, p. 328 319 !1. ^&? 6; 4,6, whi#h "tate" that the N'r0:" e$ergie" J %&na, kri! a$0 m! J #'rre"p'$0, i$ the 1ettere0 " (Le#t (pa'), t' sattva, ra%as a$0 tamas, re"pe#tive*%, a$0 e7p*ai$" h'w th'"e g'as, tra$"1'r/e0 i$t' karaas a$0 kr!as, #a$ $' *'$ger (e ter/e0 8e$ergie": 'r 8p'wer": (akti). 320 mahvibh)ti. 321 pratiprkra J the ter/ i" atte"te0, a##'r0i$g t' F'ht*i$gk, D'th /anskrit Gorterb'ch 2FdD3 (#'$1ir/e0 (% G0gert'$:" FMS-), '$*% i$ the .i(eta$ #a$'$, viU., i$ the 8ahv!'tpatti, i$ the "e$"e '1 8' ter wa**:. Sa/e ter/ i$ CD a0 12,13 (prkra) a$0 a0 23 (pratiprkra). 322 See +;. ; 7,9, where the 1' rtee$ #ateg'rie" '1 (ei$g" i$ha(iti$g the 1' rtee$ w'r*0" (loka 'r bh'vana) i$ brahma are give$ i$ the #'$te7t '1 the 8p ri1i#ati'$ '1 the path": (adhva'ddhi), it"e*1 a part '1 the d,k= cat'rdaavidho !atra bh)tagrma pravartate0 sthvara sarpa%ti ca paki%tis tathpar00 mgasam%&a ca pavkh!a pa&camo (n!a ca man'a0 paico rkaso !ko gndharva caindra eva ca00 sa'm!a ca pr%pat!a ca brh1ma ctra cat'rdaa0 sarvas!aivas!a sa'ddhir brhme saodhite sati00, 82S #h are the 1' rtee$ lokas3 where 0we**" the 1' rtee$1'*0 h'"t '1 (ei$g"= "tati'$ar% (ei$g" a$0 repti*e", (ir0" (ei$g a$'ther variet%, a$0 th'"e ter/e0 wi*0 a$i/a*"> th'"e ter/e0 0'/e"ti# #'$"tit ti$g a 1i1th variet%, a$'ther (ei$g /a$. B$0 &iPA#a", Dak9a", Cak9a", Ia$0harva", 6$0ra, S'/a, &raLApati, Frah/A. .h " the% are 1' rtee$. <$#e thi" brahma2aa3 ha" (ee$ p ri1ie0, the p ri1i#ati'$ '1 a** thi" 21' rtee$1'*0 h'"t '1 (ei$g"3 i" a#hieve0:. Tir"t "ee$ a"
trip*e ("ee S? 53= a!a tridh sarga) J viU., /a$, 8a$i/a*":, g'0" J #reati'$ i" 1 rther "ee$ a" 1' rtee$1'*0, 0i"tri( te0 i$t' '$e variet% '1 /a$, eight varietie" '1 g'0" a$0 1ive varietie" '1 8a$i/a*":, i$#* 0i$g 8"tati'$ar%: (ei$g"= a#avikalpo daivas tair!ag!ona ca pa&cadh bhavati mn'a caikavidha. .'ktid,pik a0 *'#. give" a *i"t '1 the eight ki$0" '1 0ivi$e (ei$g" that i" "*ight*% 0i11ere$t 1r'/ that '1 +;.= Frah/A, &raLApati, 6$0ra, &itX", Ia$0harva", )Aga", Dak9a", &iPA#a". .he 1ive ki$0" '1 8a$i/a*": are the 0'/e"ti# (pa'), the wi*0 (/XgA), (ir0", 'r wi$ge0 a$i/a*" i$ ge$era* (pakin), repti*e" (sar,sarpa) a$0 "tati'$ar% (ei$g" (sthvar), " #h a" p*a$t", et#., that are #'$"i0ere0 t' (e *ivi$g (ei$g", ( t at the *'we"t *eve*, the tair!ag!ona ("ee &S 6, where (pdapa" '1 the kArikA i" g*'""e0 (% sthvara)H D a0 4&S 27a $a/e" %ti 8ge$ ":, th'"e #ateg'rie" '1 (ei$g". B" 1'r /a$, it i" "tate0 that 8h /a$ #reati'$ i" '1 '$e "'rt, 1'r $' 'ther #ateg'r% (%ti) 2*it., 8(irth:, 'r 8#*a"":3 #a$ (e " ita(*% a**ege0: (man'!a caikavidha %t!antarn'papatte). )'te that the a##eptati'$ '1 the ter/ bh'vana a" a /et'$%/ 1'r the $ /(er 81' rtee$: te"ti1ie" t' the reg *ar a""'#iati'$ '1 that $'ti'$ with that $ /(er J #'/pare, 1'r i$"ta$#e, the ter/" aki, 'r na!ane, 8e%e": 20 a*3, whi#h "'/eti/e" are take$ t' /ea$ 8tw':, (% a "i/i*ar /et'$%/%.


T!(s does t!is tetrad of s%!eres, $!i&! is '(t t!e e,%ansion A6A Wi)e), t!e e"anationY of t!e S(%re"e Lord, 'e&o"e a%%arent Wto (sY 6parisphurati7 R "ade "anifest 6pra,(it7 in t!is $ay 'y t!e Soverei n W$!o re"ains i""anent in itY)A6; #arik! 5 *avin t!(s e,%lained t!e tetrad of s%!eres, t!e "aster (tters t!e Wfollo$in Y verse in order to %ortray t!e nat(re of t!e (niverse, $it! a vie$ to e,%lainin it in ter"s of t!e relation of en#oyer to o'#e&t of en#oy"ent: 5) There6 within those spheres lies this uni"erse6 as an uninterrupted continuum of wonderfully "aried bodies6 faculties6 and worlds7 And6 therein6 the en8oyer6 endowed with a body6 is 'i"a himself6 who assumes the condition of a fettered soul7A6B There, in t!ose fo(r s%!eres $ell 5no$n to t!e 2 a"asA6= within those spheres lies this uni"erseM t!at is, it d$ells in t!e "idst of t!e") O!at sort of (niverseZ T!e "aster ans$ers: H(a continuum of) wonderfully "aried (bodies, faculties, and worlds)I) +y bodies, !e "eans s!a%es &!ara&teriLed 'y vario(s arran e"ents of fa&e, !ands, feet, et&), and differin Wfro" ea&! ot!erY a&&ordin to t!e WinfiniteY varieties of W'ein s, fro"Y R(dras to ordinary so(ls,A6< all of $!i&! are "ade $onderf(l 'y t!e "anner of t!eir differentiated &onditions)A6C Si"ilarly, faculties, s(&! as eyes, !ave Wde rees ofY e,&ellen&e d(e to t!e differen&e fro" one to anot!er W'ein Y) For instan&e, endo$ed as t!ey are $it! a !ost of attri'(tes, A6@ s(&! as o"nis&ien&e, t!e fa&(lties of &o niLers on t!e order of R(dras 6rudrapramt.7 are (ns(r%assed) T!is (niverse is indeed instantly and si"(ltaneo(sly 5no$n and &reated 'y s(&! fa&(lties)
323 324

vi%bhita. &ara/ePvara i" the tra$"#e$0e$t 1'r/ '1 the N'r0 a" #reat'r, '$ the #'"/i# *eve*, wherea" Fhagavat i" the 1'r/ he a"" /e" '$ the *eve* '1 i//a$e$#e> whe$ $' *'$ger the #reat'r, he i" "ee$ a" the k$'wer '1 #reati'$. 6$ the *gamaprm!a '1 CA/ $A#Ar%a, bhagavat i" 0e1i$e0 a" 1'**'w" (1976= 26)= %&nam apratigha tas!a vairg!a ca %agatpate0 aivar!a caiva dharma ca sahasiddha cat'#a!am00, 8.here i" a tetra0 2'13 i$$ate 2attri( te"3 (e*'$gi$g t' the N'r0 '1 the w'r*0 2that i", the tetra0 8appear" a*'$g (with hi/): (sahasiddha), a" "''$ a" he /a$i1e"t" hi/"e*13 2'r, *e"" pr'(a(*%, the /e/(er" '1 the tetra0 8appear t'gether: (sahasiddha), $'t i$ "eK e$#e3= i$vi$#i(*e k$'w*e0ge, 0i"pa""i'$, "'vereig$t%, a$0 righte' "$e"": .hi" i" 1 rther #'//e$te0 p'$= %agatkart'r bhagavato niratia!aaktimatvdinir)paam, 86t i" 0e"#ri(e0 h'w the N'r0, #reat'r '1 the w'r*0, i" e$0'we0 with $" rpa""e0 e$erg%, et#: 325 !1. Sp? 66 3,4, K 'te0 $. 452.

.he 0'#tri$e '1 the aa i" e7p' $0e0 i$ +;. 66 49 (K 'te0 i$ .4; 56 8) a$0 +;. 6; 24,25 a$0 i$ the FaIavgama, a" #*ear*% "tate0 (% .B (;666 168() it"e*1= aasvar)pa g'r'bhi cokta r,ra'ravdi', 8.he $at re '1 the aa ha" (ee$ "ai0 (% the g r " i$ the Fa'rava$gama ". .he tw' 1'**'wi$g P*'ka" (.4 ;666 169,170), 0e1i$i$g aa, are a K 'tati'$ 1r'/

the Fa'ravgama ('r 1r'/ it" #'//e$tar% (% Sa0%'L%'ti", a" pr'p'"e0 (% I$'*i .4= 183, $. 4), a" i" /a0e #*ear (% the #'//e$tar%. .he$ #'/e" BI:" 'w$ e7p*a$ati'$, i$ .4 ;666 171,174. 327 See Bppe$0i7 1, p. 317. F'th #ateg'rie" are 8e/('0ie0: (dehin) " (Le#t", %et the 0i11ere$#e (etwee$ the/ i" e"ta(*i"he0 '$ the (a"i" '1 the hierar#h% '1 the 1a# *tie" a$0 k$'w*e0ge. Fei$g '/$i"#ie$t (sarva%&a), D 0ra" wi** $'t (e re('r$ a1ter 0i""'* ti'$, $*ike ketra%&as, wh'"e *i/ite0 ?$'w*e0ge (the% take the ('0% t' (e the Se*1) 0e"ti$e" the/ t' (e re('r$. D 0ra 2'r the D 0ra"3, a" a t%pe '1 (ei$g, "ig$i1ie" th'"e wh' have rea#he0, a1ter the /'0e* '1 D 0ra, a *eve* '1 e7perie$#e where '$e i" a(*e t' rea("'r( withi$ hi/"e*1 a** #'g$iUa(*e rea*it%. Me$#e the% wi** (e 0e"#ri(e0 i$ the 1'**'wi$g *i$e" '1 the #'//e$tar% a" p'""e""e0 '1 $" rpa""e0 k$'w*e0ge a$0 p'wer" ("ee, $. 324, the 0e1i$iti'$ '1 bhagavat), wherea" the k$'w*e0ge a$0 the 1a# *tie" '1 the ketra%&a are *i/ite0. )everthe*e"", the %'gi$ p'""e""e" re*ative*% /'re p'wer". .he "a/e /a% (e "ai0, t' "'/e e7te$t, '1 (ea"t", 1'r the% /a% (e /'re p'wer1 * ph%"i#a**% tha$ /e$, eve$ i1 their k$'w*e0ge i" $'t " peri'r. &S 49 0eve*'p" the the/e '1 the variet% '1 ('0ie". 328 sasthna. 329 g'a.

On t!e &ontrary, t!is (niverse is neit!er 5no$n nor "ade 'y t!e W&orres%ondin Y fa&(lties of ordinary so(ls $!i&! are &a%a'le only of 5no$in and "a5in o'#e&ts s(&! as #ars, for t!ey are restri&ted Win t!eir f(n&tionY 'y t!e %o$er of W&a(salY &onstraint Wt!at is, t!e &onstraint i"%osed 'y &a(sal &onse&(tion, t!e se9(en&e of &a(se and effe&tY 6niyati(a,ti7AA7 'elon in to t!e S(%re"e Lord) And even t!ere WviL), a"on ordinary so(lsY, as&eti&s 6yogin7 are seen to %ossess fa&(lties a'ove t!e nor": even t!at $!i&! is distant Wyet still visi'leY, or is s&reened fro" vie$, or is entirely o(t of si !tAA8 "ay 'e dis&erned 'y t!e", and even t!e %leas(re and %ain e,%erien&ed 'y ot!er &o niLers, for s(&! as&eti&s !ave trans&ended t!e %o$er of &a(sal &onstraint) And li5e$ise, t!ere are ani"als $!o !ave fa&(lties e,&ellin even t!ose of "en, AA6 alt!o( ! Win eneralY t!ey are restri&ted 6sa,ucita7 'y niyati(a,ti) For instan&e, &o$s are a'le to see t!eir !o"es even if t!ey are s&reened fro" vie$M !orses dis&ern t!eir $ay even at ni !tM v(lt(res des&ry "eat even if it lies !(ndreds of yo1anas a$ayM W$in ed &reat(res, fro"Y 'irds to flies and "os9(itoes, are &a%a'le of flyin in t!e s5yM re%tiles "ove on %at!s on t!eir &!est and !ear so(nds 'y t!e %o$er of si !t, and &a"els %(ll a ser%ent o(t of its !ole, even at distan&e, "erely 'y 'reat!in ) T!(s one "ay infer t!at t!ere is every$!ere a $onderf(l variety of fa&(lties) Si"ilarly, t!ere are worlds 6$hu3ana7, $ell 5no$n to t!e 2 a"as, t!at are distin (is!ed Wfro" t!e nor"Y 'y t!eir &ir&(lar, trian (lar, 9(adran (lar, se"il(nar and %arasol?li5e s!a%es)AAA T!(s t!e (niverse is s(&! t!at $it!in it is &ontained an uninterrupted continuum, an (no'str(&ted flo$in strea",AA; of bodies, faculties and worlds R W'odies, fa&(lties and $orlds t!at areY wonderfully "aried, or of a "arvelo(s nat(re, d(e to t!eir varied e,traordinary 9(alities) *ere, in s(&! a (niverse, $!ose nat(re it is to 'e en#oyed, an en#oyer "(st 'e %res("ed) T!erefore, t!e "aster says: HAnd, therein, the en8oyer, endowed with a body (is 'i"a himself)I)
.he Se*1, withi$ the rea*/ '1 m!, i" e$#*'"e0 (% 1ive ka&c'kas, a/'$g whi#h i" ni!ati, the re"tri#ti'$ '1 the 1ree0'/ '1 the N'r0= the <$e (e%'$0 #a "a* re*ati'$"hip i" $'w *i/ite0 (% the *aw '1 #a "a*it%, whi#h i" 8at the r''t '1 the *aw '1 kar/a$: (ni!atir !ata karmao m)labh)mi) (^&;; 666 2, 3, v'*. 666= 312). !1. ^&vX 666 2, 2= m!,!a $... pramt ni!at! karmdh,na sasr,, 8.he /A%i# #'g$iUer 2...3 0epe$0i$g '$ the karma (e#a "e '1 the *aw '1 $e#e""it% i" i$ the p'wer '1 the sasra 2...3: (tr. .'re**a ^&?= 197). Me$#e the tra$"*ati'$" '1 ni!ati a" 80eter/i$i"/: (+iPra 1993= 175), 8#a "a* re"tri#ti'$: (Si*( r$ &S= i$0e7), 8$e#e""it%: (.'re**a ^&?= 197). Cet, '$e #a$ "ee, eve$ "', a 0i11ere$#e (etwee$ ni!ati a$0 ni!atiakti= i$a"/ #h a" ever%thi$g ari"e" 1r'/ the N'r0, ni!ati a" a #ateg'r% i" #a**e0 (tattva", wherea" ni!atiakti i" a p'te$tia*it% '1 the N'r0. See a*"' CD a0 9 a$0 17. 331 !1. S? 7, whi#h e$ /erate" eight #a "e" /aki$g per#epti'$ i/p'""i(*e, a/'$g whi#h are atid)ratva, 8e7#e""ive 0i"ta$#e:, a$0 v!avadhna, 8i$terp'"iti'$ 2'1 a$ '(Le#t (etwee$ a$ 'rga$ a$0 the '(Le#t t' (e per#eive03:. .hi" K e"ti'$ wi** (e take$ p agai$ (% CD a0 17, i$ the #' r"e '1 e7p*ai$i$g vid!tattva. viprak#a i" 'pp'"e0 t' sanik#a, wh'"e phi*'"'phi#a* i/p*i#ati'$ i" the pr'7i/it% '1 a$ 'rga$ '1 "e$"e t' it" '(Le#t. 332 T'r a$ e*a('rate 0i"# ""i'$ '1 thi" p'i$t, "ee Sp& 39 2 S a0 666 7, i$ the te7t a* 'rga$iUati'$ '1 Sp)3. 333 See Sv. 5 99a= chatrkri sarvi te vai bh'vanni ta. <$ the vari' " 0e"#ripti'$" '1 a$0 wa%" '1 #' $ti$g bh'vanas i$ the 4ga/a", "ee Bppe$0i7 5, p. 323, a$0 CD a0 78. 334 M'wever, the 1' r "phere" the/"e*ve", withi$ whi#h the e$tiret% '1 the vari' " w'r*0", a*'$g with their "pe#i1i# ('0ie" a$0 'rga$", i" #reate0 a$0 0i""'*ve0, re/ai$ i//'va(*e.


+ein t!e a'ode $!erein are en#oyed Wt!e res(lts of %ast a&tionsY, t!e 'ody 'elon in to t!e finite so(l 6a0u7AAB is affe&ted 'y t!e t!ree i"%(rities) T!at Wfinite so(l is t!(s said to 'eY embodied 6dehin7, t!at is, is endo$ed $it! a 'ody 6(ar-rin7,AA= $!ose nat(re &onsists in t!e e,%erien&e of %leas(re and %ain, et&) In t!is (niverse &onsistin of %leas(re and %ain, et&), t!at We"'odied so(lY is also &alled t!e Hen8oyerI 6$ho,t.7, t!at is, $!o e,%erien&es 6anu$ha3it.7AA< %leas(re and %ain, et&) R t!e fettered s('#e&t 6pa(upramt.7) No$, one "ay o'#e&t: R inas"(&! as t!ere is Wa&&ordin to yo(Y no differen&e atta&!in even to t!at $!i&! a%%ears infinitesi"al R as far as t!e trans&endental &o niLer 6parapramt.7 is &on&ernedE R AAC !o$ indeed &an t!is $ort!less t!in $e &all He"'odiedI 'e different fro" !i"Z For, as !as 'een said:

Tir"t '## rre$#e '1 thi" #'$#ept i$ the #'//e$tar%. .he "e '1 8a0u: here re#a**" the ter/:" "age i$ ;aiPe9ika, where it 0e"ig$ate" the *ti/ate a$0 i$0ivi0i(*e #'$"tit e$t" '1 a** Ethi$g"E J ipso 9acto there1r'/ #'/p'"e0. F% e7te$"i'$, it 0e"ig$ate" a*"' the 8at'/i#: "' * ('r rather E"' *"E), i$0ivi"i(*e a$0 repr'0 #i(*e i$1i$ite*%, the #'$"tit e$t" '1 the p"%#hi# $iver"e. 61 ' r pre"e$t a th'r" are "i$g the ter/ i$ #'g$iUa$#e '1 it" ;aiPe9ika 'rigi$", it w' *0 i$0i#ate the$ #'$"#i' "$e"" that i" $'t '/$i"#ie$t, whi#h 1 $#ti'$" i$ the i$a0eK a#% '1 a*wa%" partia* aware$e"" J $'t '$*% *i/ite0 ( t a*"' i$#'/pete$t. B##'r0i$g t' I'$0a (1960,1964, v'*. 66= 23511.), the $'ti'$ '1 the `a0u` J whi#h i" #'//'$ t' a** the ver"i'$" '1 aivi"/ J i" $'t "' / #h $0er"t''0 a" a #'$#rete e7i"te$t, a" it /a% we** have (ee$ i$ the ;aiPe9ika, a" a 0e"ig$ati'$ '1 a pri$#ip*e i$ ter/" '1 whi#h i" e7p*ai$e0 a$ a"pe#t J i$ a$% #a"e i**egiti/ate J '1 the "' *:" e7i"te$#e= the "' *, whi#h i" i$ rea*it% $*i/ite0, i0e$ti#a* with brahman, "ee" it"e*1 a" 0eta#he0 there1r'/, e$#*'"e0 i$ a ('0%. 6t i" that ver% "' *, "ee$ i$ thi" wa% a" 8a':, 8at'/i#:, that #'$"tit te" the avamala. 336 B tra0iti'$a* et%/'*'g% 0erive" ar,ra, 8('0%:, 1r'/ = ,r!ata iti ar,ra, 8.hat whi#h 0e#a%", i" the ('0%:. 337 -erive0 1r'/ bh'%, 8t' e$L'%, p'""e"", eat, #'$" /e:, the ter/ bhokt 0e"ig$ate" the 8e$L'%er: '1 a$ '(Le#t, it" p'""e""'r, whether it (e i$ter$a* (a" p*ea" re a$0 pai$) 'r e7ter$a* (a" the #'*'r (* e). .h " he i" the " (Le#t '1 "e$"e e7perie$#e", (' $0 t' e7perie$#e th'"e '(Le#t", whether agreea(*e 'r $'t. 6$ ge$era* "age, an'bhava i" a*"' #'$#eive0 '1 a" a$ e/piri#a* e7perie$#e, eve$ th' gh, whe$ #'$tra"te0 with bhoga, it "ig$i1ie" a$ e7perie$#e /'re re#eptive tha$ a#K i"itive, i$ whi#h the eg' 0'e" $'t a"" /e the 0'/i$a$t r'*e, 'r, at *ea"t, i$ whi#h per"'$a* i$tere"t i" $'t pri/ar%. )everthe*e"", " #h a$ e7perie$#e i" #'$"i0ere0 E/i$eE, that i", 0'e" $'t e7#ee0 the a/(it '1 the 1i$ite " (Le#t. .he .rika "%"te/ appear" t' i$ve"t the $'ti'$ with a /ea$i$g 0i11ere$t 1r'/ 'r0i$ar% "age, t' the e7te$t that it a""'#iate" an'bhava with the *ti/ate pri$#ip*e, whi#h ha" the re" *t '1 0i""'#iati$g thi" t%pe '1 e7perie$#e 1r'/ #'rp'rea* e$L'%/e$t", i$ pri$#ip*e at *ea"t. Me$#e the re# rri$g #'$tra"t (etwee$ bhoga a$0 an'bhava, (etwee$ bhokt a$0 an'bhavit= the an'bhavit i" a*"' a$ e7perie$#er, ( t '1 i0ea* '(Le#t" '$*% J hi" E "eE '1 the/ i" i0eati'$a*, rather tha$ #'rp'rea*. .hi" i" #'$1ir/e0 (% Sp) 6 3 (K 'te0 $. 253), where an'bhavit g*'""e" 'palabdh, wh'"e /ea$i$g, i$ the #'$te7t '1 Sp? 6 3, i" that '1 8p re age$t '1 e7perie$#e:> #1. Sp; 6 5, p. 30= grhako (pi m!,!a pramt atra vivakito na tttvika 'palabdhmtrasvar)pa, 8F% E" (Le#tE (grhaka), what i" /ea$t here i" the e/piri#a* " (Le#t (m!,!a pramt), $'t the rea* '$e, wh' i" the p re age$t '1 e7perie$#e:. 338 .hat i", give$ that the N'r0 i" 2a##'r0i$g t' %' 3 a("'* te*% $0i11ere$tiate0, h'w w' *0 2i$ that #a"e3 '$e (e a(*e t' #'$#eive eve$ the at'/ a" 0i11eri$g 1r'/ hi/? F% the "a/e t'ke$ a" app*%i$g t' E&ara/aPivaE 'r >parabrahman>, the ter/ parapramt i" a*"' h%per('*i#, 1'r, at thi" *ti/ate *eve*, there i" $' 'ther >pramt> p'""i(*e. M'wever, give$ the 'rigi$" '1 the ter/ a$0 it" #'g$ate" i$ 0i"# ""i'$" e*"ewhere '1 #'$#rete a$0 there1're *i/ite0 e7perie$#e, the ter/ parapramt 0'e" have the 1*av'r here '1 a$ '7%/'r'$, p*ai$*% a##epte0 i$ the ?a"h/iri "#h''*" i$ 'r0er t' 0i"ti$g i"h iva:" $*i/ite0 #'g$iti'$ 1r'/ that '1 'r0i$ar% k$'wer" J i$ re1ere$#e t' wh'/ the ter/ >pramt> /a% (e $0er"t''0 *itera**% J a*(eit that the *i/itati'$" '$ their Ek$'w*e0geE, (ei$g "e*1,i/p'"e0, are '$ $' wi"e i$here$t.


Even a %art re%resents t!e (niversality of $rahman WviL), its &a%a&ity to ass("e all for"sY) Neit!er !as it 'een e,&eeded, nor &an it 'e di"inis!ed)AA@ Li5e$ise, a&&ordin to Wyo(r o$nY "a,i": Even ea&! and every %rin&i%le !as ot t!e for" of t!e t!irty?si, %rin&i%les,A;7 t!e sa"e s(%re"e soverei n &o niLer, $!o, endo$ed $it! !is o$n ener ies and for"ed of reat Li !t 6mahpra,(a3apus7 is one only, radiates W$it!in everyt!in Y 6a3a$hsate7, (tterly (ndifferentiated in every res%e&t) No$, even if one %ost(lates t!e e,isten&e of an e"'odied so(l WviL), an individ(al &ons&io(snessY la&5in ill("ination 6apra,(amna7 and $!o is different fro" !i" WviL), t!e s(%re"e &o niLerY, t!at e,isten&e &annot even 'e as&ertained, sin&e it WviL), t!e e"'odied so(lY !as 'een denied Wor, !as 'een %ost(lated as la&5in Y t!e 9(ality of Hill("inationI 6pra,(amnat3a7 WR and assertin t!is $o(ld involve yo( in a &ontradi&tion, for yo( !ave else$!ere "aintained t!at not!in e,ists t!at is 'ereft of ill("ination R or, t!at is not "anifestY) If, on t!e ot!er !and, Wyo( assert t!e e,isten&e of an e"'odied so(l t!atY is %ossessed of ill("ination 6pra,(ate7, t!en in t!at entity, $!i&! Wa&&ordin to yo(Y !as for its essen&e t!e trans&endental $rahman,
avikalp!a J *it., 80i#h't'/iUe0, " (Le#t t' a*ter$ativit%:. .hi" i" a t'p'"= i1 brahman i" rea**% the a**, it #a$$'t (e " rpa""e0 'r 0i/i$i"he0. 6$ ' r i$terpretati'$ '1 the ver"e, we 0i11er 1r'/ Si*( r$, &a0' 7 .4= 148= 8Ne pr'pre 0 (rah/a$, #:e"t 0e pre$0re t' te" *e" 1'r/e", 0:etre i$" rpa""a(*e et "a$" K a*ite": 2J 8Rhat i" pr'per t' brahman i" t' a"" /e a** the 1'r/", t' (e $" rpa""a(*e a$0 0ev'i0 '1 K a*itie":3. T'r/ *ate0 i$ the /a$$er '1 a "\tra, thi" ver"e ('1 $#ertai$ pr've$a$#e) ha" (ee$ vari' "*% #ite0 a$0 i$terprete0. .he *'gi# that "ee/" t' $0er*ie it i" that the 8part: i$ tr th 0'e" $'t e7i"t, 1'r a** 8part": are a*rea0% the N'r0> ea#h 8part: the$, (ei$g i$#ipie$t*% the 8a**: /a% a##ept K a*i1i#ati'$" $'r/a**% re"erve0 t' the 8a**:, " #h a" avikalp!a 8$'t " (Le#t t' /e$ta* #'$"tr #t", 'r t' a*ter$ativit%:. S'/e #itati'$" '1 the ver"e (BI:", i$ hi" #'//e$tar% a0 FhI 5; 7, i$ parti# *ar) 0' $'t i$#* 0e avikalp!a, ( t e$0 with anatikrnta, whi#h " gge"t" that the parti#ip*e /a% have (ee$ $0er"t''0 i$ a#tive v'i#e (with srvar)p!am a" it" 0ire#t '(Le#t)> #ite0 h'wever i$ #'$L $#ti'$ with avikalp!a ("' CD), the pa""ive #'$"tr #ti'$ appear" /'re *ike*%. CD #ite" agai$ the "a/e ver"e i$ hi" g*'"" a0 43. .hi" ver"e '## r", "h'rte$e0 a$0 "*ight*% a*tere0, i$ &.; 5,8, where it i" 1'**'we0 (% the "a/e /a7i/ a" i" here K 'te0 (% the 1a$#ie0 '(Le#t'r= pradeamtram api brahmaa sarvar)pam0ekaikatrpi ca tattve a#triattattvama!atva stre' nir)pitam0, 8Gve$ a part '1 brahman i" e$0'we0 with a** 1'r/" 2here we 0i11er 1r'/ Si$gh wh' tra$"*ate"= 8Gve$ a *i/ite0 "pa#e #'$tai$" the e$tire 1'r/ '1 the Frah/a$:3. .he PA"tra" have "tate0 that ea#h tattva ha" the #hara#teri"ti#" '1 a** thirt%,"i7 tattvas". BI K 'te" it agai$ (pradeo (pi brahmaa srvar)p!am anatikrnta) i$ hi" g*'"" a0 FhI 5; 7, e7p*ai$i$g that re1ere$#e" t' a 8part: (aa, i$ v. 7) '1 the part*e"" brahman are i$te$0e0 1'r he ri"ti# p rp'"e" '$*%. 6$ the 1'r/ i$ whi#h it appear" i$ CD:" #'//e$tar%, the "tate/e$t i" /'re tha$ '$#e re1erre0 t' (% .4; 6 165, 666 45,46, 6; 98, 566 5, 55;666 375 (i$ the #'$te7t '1 ae"theti# e7perie$#e). 6$ .4; 666 45,46, i$ the #' r"e '1 e7p' $0i$g the pratibimbavda, it i" re1erre0 t' i$ the wa% it i" 1' $0 here, i$ CD:" #'//e$tar%, that i", i//e0iate*% 1'**'we0 (% the "e#'$0 /a7i/ (with varia$t= ekaikas!pi tattvas!a 2...3). Re " r/i"e that the "tate/e$t /ight 0erive 1r'/ the ?a"h/iria$ $'$0 a*i"t aiva tra0iti'$, "i$#e .4; 6; 98, whi*e e7p*ai$i$g the &.;:" re1ere$#e t' 8PA"tra":, i$tr'0 #e" it a" 1'**'w"= !ad v pardva!adarane, 8<r, a" i" "ai0 i$ the 0'#tri$e '1 tra$"#e$0e$t $'$0 a*it% 2...3:. M'wever, BI, i$ hi" g*'"" a0 FhI 5; 7, i$tr'0 #e" it a" (e*'$gi$g t' r'ti. 340 T'r 'ther #itati'$" '1 the te7t, "ee previ' " $'te, a$0 &+ 25 whi#h attri( te" it t' .4. B##'r0i$g t' '$e et%/'*'g%, ea#h a$0 ever% tattva i" the 8e7te$"i'$: (tanana J tan) '1 iva ("ee CD a0 10,11 a$0 $. 433). .here1're, 1r'/ iva t' earth, ever% tattva ha" the 1'r/ '1 the thirt%,"i7 tattvas. .he the'r% '1 #a "a*it% e"p' "e0 here i" the satkr!avda, 0eve*'pe0 at *e$gth i$ &.; 5,8 (Si$gh= 45, 48 2Skt. te7t3, 113,118 2tra$"*.3), a##'r0i$g t' whi#h the e11e#t pree7i"t" p'te$tia**% i$ the #a "e. .here1're, ever% tattva i" pre"e$t i$ the 'ther", either a" p'te$#% (pthiv,, the 1i$a* tattva, i" *ate$t i$ iva, the 1ir"t '$e) 'r a" /a$i1e"tati'$ (whe$ /a$i1e"te0, pthiv, i" $'thi$g ( t iva). !1. .4 65 49(,52a, K 'te0 $. 485.


t!ere is #(st one &o niLer, Wfor s(&! a &o niLer &anY not 'e distin (is!ed fro" Hill("inationI 6pra,(a7 itself, Wor fro" $rahman, for t!at "atter, $!i&! !as 'een defined as pra,(a Hill("inationI R and t!is is %lainly &ontradi&ted 'y t!e %let!ora of s('#e&ts attested in sense?e,%erien&e itselfY)A;8 T!en, on $!at 'asisA;6 do yo( affir" t!e e,isten&e of differen&e WviL), t!is (niverseY &!ara&teriLed as it is 'y Wt!e o%%osition 'et$eenY o'#e&t of en#oy"ent and en#oyerZ In ans$er to all t!is t!e "aster says: H'i"a himself assumes the condition of a fettered soulI) T!(s, t!at Lord $!o !as 'een des&ri'ed a'ove as a (nifor" "ass of 'lissf(l &ons&io(sness, and $!ose nat(re is freedo", 'i"a !i"self, $!ose essen&eA;A is no$ t!e veilin of !is o$n tr(e nat(re, ta5es on t!e role 6$h/mi,7 of a &o niLer endo$ed $it! a 'ody 6dehapramt.7, a&&ordin to !is o$n $ill, as t!o( ! !e $ere an a&tor 6na@a7, and, sin&e !e is W!en&efort!Y to 'e "aintained and treated as a do"esti& ani"al Wt!at is, as a tet!ered 'eastY, !e is no$ distin (is!ed 'y !is e,isten&e as a fettered s('#e&t 6pa(u7)A;; In referen&e to t!e o'#e&ts of !is en#oy"ent $!i&! !e !as !i"self &reated, %leas(re and %ain, et&), !e, no$ t!e e"'odied so(l, is &alled t!eir en#oyer) T!ere is, in &onse9(en&e, not!in to $!i&! lan (a e &an refer A;B t!at is ot!er t!an Piva)A;= .oreover, it is t!e Lord !i"self, it is Piva, $!o "a5es "anifest t!e %air of &o niLer and o'#e&t of &o nition Wa ainY &!ara&teriLed as en#oyer and o'#e&t of en#oy"ent, in !is freedo", as if t!ey $ere toys for %layin 6,r-ana,a7) It is in relation to t!is %air t!at all t!ese $orldly %(rs(its 'ased on differen&e ta5e %la&e) T!erefore, t!e very freedo" of t!e S(%re"e Lord is (ns(r%assed: even t!o( ! !e a'andons !is o$n nat(re of %lenit(de 6p/r0as3ar/p7 and ass("es t!e &ondition of a fettered so(l $!i&! &onsists of t!e di&!oto"y of en#oyer and o'#e&t of en#oy"ent, !e re"ains Piva !i"self, a (nifor" "ass of 'lissf(l &ons&io(sness, $!o ever "anifests !i"self 6prasphuran7 as t!e %(re a ent of e,%erien&e %resent in t!e Self of all &o niLers) #!rik! 9
G7a/p*e '1 red'ctio ad abs'rd'm. kiparatvena. 343 satattva. .he -labodhin, '1 ;a/a$a#har%a Da/a(hatta Oha*akikar, a /'0er$ #'//e$tar% '$ 6v!apraka, "tate" (" ( 6; 23 21965= 913) that the satattva '1 +a//aa:" te7t /a% (e $0er"t''0 a" "%$'$%/' " with tattva i$ the "e$"e '1 svar)pa, 8$at re:, a" i" the #a"e with the ter/" gotra a$0 sagotra= satattvena tatsvar)pea0 tattvasatattvaabda' par!!a'0 go1trasagotraabdavat. )'te that +a//aa i" a ?a"h/iria$ a th'r '1 the *ate 11th #e$t., #'$te/p'ra$e' ", /'re 'r *e"", with CD. !1. +R ".v. (sa1tattva)= 8$at ra* pr'pert%, $at re (,ta", i$0. Erea**%, i$ rea*it%E):, atte"te0 i$ Fh&, ;e0A$ta"Ara)> a*"' CD a0 105, wh' g*'""e" Csra, i$ strasra, 8the #'re '1 the tea#hi$g:, with satattva. Sa/e a$a*'g% '1 iva #'/pare0 with a$ a#t'r i$ CD a0 1 a$0 26. See a*"' Sp) 11, K 'te0 i$ Bppe$0i7 10, p. 330. 344 B##'r0i$g t' +a%rh'1er GRB, ".v., pa' i" re*ate0 t' Nat. pec's, 8(0'/e"ti#ate0) a$i/a*:> the w'r0 ha" $'thi$g t' 0', hi"t'ri#a**%, with pa 8"$are: (#1. Ik. efggh 8a""e/(*e:) J #'$trar% t' et%/'*'gie" i$ v'g e i$ 6$0ia (a" here), pa' i$ the "e$"e '1 8(' $0 "' *:, 81ettere0 " (Le#t:, i", i$ a$% #a"e, a /etaph'ri# "age. Si/i*ar e7p*a$ati'$ '1 pa' i$ CD a0 16. 345 padrtha. 346 !1. Sp? 66 4, K 'te0 $. 452.
341 342


WLet (s ad"it t!atY t!e &o niLer, $!ose nat(re is &ons&io(sness, is one) Even so, if !e is desi nated as H"anyI 'e&a(se of t!e diversity i"%lied 'y t!e "arvelo(s varie ation of 5no$ers and t!in s 5no$n, &reated 'y my, et&), !o$ &an !e 'e referred to any lon er in ter"s of a oneness already &ontradi&ted W'y diversityYZ If !e is one, !o$ &an !e 'e "anyZA;< Inas"(&! as t!is is a &ase of &ontradi&tion 63irodh7, li5e t!at of s(nli !t and s!ado$, it entails t!e attri'(tion 6adhysa7 of &ontradi&tory %ro%erties 63iruddhadharma7 Wto one and t!e sa"e t!in YMA;C and it is not t!e &ase t!at a t!in &an 'e at t!e sa"e ti"e one and "any,A;@ as !as 'een stated: T!e attri'(tion of &ontradi&tory %ro%erties Wto one and t!e sa"e t!in Y, WorY differen&e in t!e &a(ses, t!is W%airY only &onstit(tes differen&e, or t!e &a(se of differen&e 'et$een t!in s Wres%e&tivelyY)AB7 WAlle in t!is,Y t!e a(t!or resolves t!e o'#e&tion 'y %ro%osin an e,a"%le ta5en fro" ordinary life, in re ard to t!e "atter to 'e ill(strated WviL), !is o$n %ositionY: 9) As the clear crystal assumes the shades AB8 of "aried colors, so the 4ord himselfAB6 contains the kaleidoscopeABA of forms of gods, men, animalsAB; and plants) WT!e &o"%arison "ay 'e for"(lated as follo$s:YABB Alt!o( ! (nifor", the (clear) crystalAB= s(stains $it!in itself a "arvelo(s diversity 'y virt(e of Wits asso&iation

!1. ^&; 66 1, 1= !ata i!ati p)rvapake i!ad eva %,vitam ekam anekasvabhva katha s!d iti. !1. ^&? 66 2, 1 (.'re**a ^&?= 157, $. 3), ^&? 66 4,19, a$0 ^&; a0 *'#= na t' sa eva svabhvo bhinna cbhinna ca bhavit'm arhati vidhiniedha!or ekatraikad virodht. 349 .he " a* re"p'$"e '1 the Fhe0A(he0avA0i$" t' " #h a$ '(Le#ti'$ i" "it ate0 i$ the rea*/ '1 e7perie$#e J whatever p re *'gi# /a% te** ", 'r0i$ar% e7perie$#e '11er" " #' $t*e"" e7a/p*e" '1 the e""e$tia* #'e7i"te$#e '1 the 8'$e: a$0 the 8/a$%: (i$ &*at':" ter/") J 1'r e7a/p*e, a$% "et '1 Epart"E that /ake a Ewh'*eE, a$ E'rga$i#E wh'*e J a" 'pp'"e0 t' a$ $re*ate0 a""e/(*age '1 0i"parate e$titie". .he .rika:" a$"wer i$v'*ve" the 0'#tri$e '1 the tw' tr th" J 1'r, '$ the #'"/i# *eve*, the E'$eE a$0 the E/a$%E i$0ee0 #'e7i"t, ( t '$ 0i11ere$t *eve*" '1 (ei$g= samvtisat!a, vari' "*% tra$"*ate0 a" 8verite 0:e$ve*'ppe/e$t:, 8" r1a#e,*eve* tr th:, 8re*ative tr th:, 'r 8tr th '1 e/piri#a* 'r0er:, a$0 paramrthasat!a, 80eep,*eve* tr th: ("ee kA. 27) J 'r, i$ &*at':" ter/", the 8/ere*% appare$t: a$0 the 8tr *% rea*:. 350 Pramavrttikasvavtti 2&; svavtti3 a0 /vrthn'mapariccheda 33a. Re are i$0e(te0 t' &r'1. G. Stei$ke**$er 1'r the i0e$ti1i#ati'$ '1 the K 'te. 6$ the view '1 the +SS evi0e$#e a$0 the #itati'$ i$ .4, the ?S.S:" rea0i$g ha" (ee$ kept> "ee ' r 8Ni"t '1 varia$t": i$ 8<$ the Sa$"krit te7t:. .he "e$te$#e i" t' (e #'$"tr e0 !athsakh!am. B*"' K 'te0 i$ .4; 56, avat. t' 98, a*"' i$ the #'$te7t '1 a #'$tr'ver"% a" t' the a(i*it% '1 a$ $0ivi0e0 #'$"#i' "$e"" t' a"" /e e$tire*% the 1'r/ '1 0iver"it%, i.e., t' /a$i1e"t it"e*1 a" /a$%. 351 Nit., 8a"pe#t:. Si*( r$ (p. 64) tra$"*ate" r)pa (% 8appare$#e: (8appeara$#e:). Far$ett tra$"*ate" r)pa a$0 r)patva (% 8"e/(*a$#e:. 352 2...3 a*th' gh (ei$g 1 $0a/e$ta**% '$e. 353 Nit., 8the 1a#t '1 (ei$g 1'r/":, 81'r/$e"":. .he i0i'/ 8the ka*ei0'"#'pe '1 1'r/": i" a$ atte/pt t' re$0er the a("tra#t $' $ r)patva, i$ the "e$"e that a ka*ei0'"#'pe repre"e$t" a #apa#it% h'*0i$g withi$ it a$ i$1i$it% '1 0i"#rete 1'r/". 354 pa', 80'/e"ti# a$i/a*:, "ta$0" i$ the kArikA, (% "%$e#0'#he, 1'r 1' r '1 the 1ive varietie" '1 8a$i/a*": e$ /erate0 i$ +;. ; 7,9 a$0 S? 53, $a/e*%, pa', pakin, sarpa, mga, wherea" pdapa, 8p*a$t:, " a**% ter/e0 sthvara, 8"tati'$ar%:, i" give$ a 1i1th a$0 "eparate e$tr%. See $. 322. 355 6$ 1a#t the #'//e$tar% "tart" with !ath, 8L "t a":, #iti$g the !ath '1 the kArikA. .he #'rre*ative a0ver(, tathaiva, 8*ikewi"e:, eK iva*e$t t' the tadvat '1 the kArikA, #'/e" *ater i$ the #'//e$tar%. 6$ 'r0er t' /ake the tra$"*ati'$ *ighter, we have "eparate0 the tw' #*a "e". 356 spha#ikamai J *it., 8#r%"ta*,Lewe*:.
347 348


$it!Y inn("era'le and varied &ontin ent attri'(tes 6updhi7AB< s(&! as red or 'l(e, and t!(s itself 'e&o"es $onderf(lly diverse) -et, for all t!at, it Wt!e &rystalY is never devoid of &rystal?ness)ABC O!at alone Wdeter"inesY t!e &rystal?ness AB@ of t!e &rystal is t!is: alt!o( ! t!e W&rystalY is %er"eated A=7 'y vario(s &!ara&teristi&s, t!e (nderstandin WviL), Ht!is is a &rystalIY re"ains ever (no'str(&ted to all W$!o %er&eive itY) In ordinary %arlan&e Wor, in everyday %ra&ti&eY, A=8 $e say only t!at t!ese &olors, red, et&), a%%ear 6sphuranti7 !ere WviL), in t!e &rystalY, not t!at t!e &ontin ent attri'(te HredWnessYI, et&), 9(alifies t!e &rystal, as it does a &lot!, s(&! t!at an alteration A=6 of its tr(e nat(re ens(es Wif t!e &olor is "odifiedY)A=A T!erefore t!e %(rity of t!e e" &onsists %re&isely in ass("in vario(s !(es, A=; $!i&! !ave t!e for" of &ontin ent attri'(tes, $!ile at t!e sa"e ti"e %erseverin 6prathate7 in its very essen&e WviL), as &rystalY) Li5e$ise, as t!e &rystal? e" "ay &ontain a variety of &olors, so t!e Lord, free, solely for"ed of &ons&io(sness 6cide,aghana7,A=B &ontains, t!o( ! (nifor", in t!e &lear "irror of !is Self,A== the kaleidoscope of forms of t!ose %arti&(lar WentitiesY !e !as !i"self &reated, $!i&! are not different fro" !i" R t!o( ! t!ey no$ !ave t!e for" of entities s(&! as R(dras or ordinary so(ls, $!o W"ay 'e &lassified asY ods, "en, and ot!ers, fro" do"esti& ani"als and $in ed &reat(res to stationary 'ein s WviL), %lantsY)A=< Nevert!eless, trans&endin all of t!e", !e is ever a$are of !is non?d(al Self R alt!o( ! it !as ass("ed inn("era'le for"s R invi orated A=C 'y t!e state of
'pdhi i" ge$era**% tra$"*ate0 a" 8#'$ti$ge$t #'$0iti'$: 'r 8#'$ti$ge$t attri( te:, a##'r0i$g t' #'$te7t. .he (ir0 i" a$ 'pdhi '1 the (ra$#h J that i", a 8#'$ti$ge$t attri( te: '1 the (ra$#h J i$"'1ar a" it "erve" t' 0i"ti$g i"h that (ra$#h 1r'/ 'ther", L "t a" Ewet 1 e*E i" a$ 'pdhi '1 the 1ire J that i", a 8#'$ti$ge$t #'$0iti'$: '1 the 1ire J i$"'1ar a" it "erve" t' #'rre#t the 'vere7te$"i'$ '1 the pr'p'"iti'$ 8where there:" 1ire there:" "/'ke: (E1 e*E /a% (e a $e#e""ar% #'$0iti'$ '1 1ire, ( t it" Ewet$e""E i" a$ 'pdhi). CD:" "age "ee/" #'$"i"te$t with thi" ge$era* pri$#ip*e i$a"/ #h a", here, the ver% / *tip*i#it% '1 the atte"te0 w'r*0 (i$#* 0i$g a** " ("ta$#e", attri( te", a$0 a#ti'$") i" viewe0 a" 1ree*% (( t $'t $e#e""ari*%) 8#'$0iti'$e0: '$ the N'r0:" wi**. 6$ the #a"e '1 the #'*'r 8re0:, whi#h at 1ir"t "ight appear" t' (e*'$g t' the #r%"ta*, ( t '1 whi#h it i" $'thi$g ( t a$ 'pdhi J 0i"#'vere0 at that /'/e$t whe$ '$e rea*iUe" that the #'*'r (e*'$g" i$ 1a#t t' the 1*'wer J the ter/ ('pdhi" 1i$a**% a#K ire" the va*e$#e '1 81a*"e attri( te:. Tr'/ thi" "ta$0p'i$t it i" ( t a "h'rt "tep t' the #'"/i# "age" we "ee i$ te7t" '1 /'$i"ti# per" a"i'$, *ike the Paramrthasra> '$ 'pdhi, "ee a*"' $. 1278. 358 sphatikat. 359 maitva J *it., 8Lewe*,$e"":. 360 cch'rita J "a/e ter/ i$ ^&vX 6 7, 1> .'re**a (^&?= 136) tra$"*ate" cch'ta (% 8variegate0 (%:. !1. a*"' avat. a0 85,86, p. 167, a$0 S; 666 1, 0e1i$i$g citta, 8e/piri#a* e7perie$#e, 'r #'$"#i' "$e"":, a" via!avsancch'rita, 8#'*'re0 (% 2'r "at rate0 (%3 the 0i"p'"iti'$" 0ep'"ite0 (% the '(Le#t" '1 "e$"e":. 361 v!avah!ate. 362 vipralopa J *it., 8*'"":. 363 61 the re0 #'*'r were rea**% pre"e$t i$ the #r%"ta*, it w' *0 $' *'$ger (e #r%"ta*, 1'r it" $at re, whi#h i" t' (e tra$"pare$t t' a$% #'*'r, w' *0 have #ha$ge0. 364 kra J *it., 81'r/":, 8a"pe#t":, 8"hape":. 365 Nit, 8a /a"" "'*e*% #'$"i"ti$g '1 #'$"#i' "$e"":, whi#h we have tra$"*ate0 "'/ewhat /'re 1ree*% t' av'i0 ( r0e$i$g the rea0er with t'' /a$% E/a""iveE #'$"tr #ti'$". 366 Tir"t '## rre$#e '1 the /irr'r /etaph'r. 367 !reati'$ taki$g p*a#e i$ pthv!aa i" re1erre0 t' here. 368 'pabhita.


(nfra "ented $onder t!at is W%(reY HIIW?nessY 6aham7)A=@ Alt!o( ! Wt!e LordY is as !e !as 'een des&ri'ed Wi)e), one, yet ass("in inn("era'le for"sY, neit!er Hs%a&eI nor Hti"eI "ay 'e W%osited asY different fro" !i", in s(&! "anner as to ne ate A<7 !is oneness, and in referen&e to $!i&! one "i !t raise t!e o'#e&tion t!at Win assertin t!at !e is 'ot! one and "anyY &ontradi&tory %ro%erties, et&), !ave 'een attri'(ted to Wone andY t!e Wsa"eY Great Lord t!at is oneIs o$n Self 6s3tmamahe(3ara7) And even ot!ers WviL), +(dd!istsY a&5no$led e t!at a &o nition W$!ose &ontent isY varia'le, alt!o( ! it is Wt!(sY "odified 'y a variety of distin&t Wfa&torsY, is, 9(a i""edia&y Wof %er&e%tion R s,)tY, one only)A<8 For instan&e, as in t!e Pram0a3rtti,a: T!e &olor 'l(e, et&), is a &ontin ent attri'(te of &o nition as re ards t!e &o nition 63i12na7 W$!ose &ontent is al$aysY varia'le 6citra7M Was s(&!,Y it does not %arta5e of anyt!in else WviL), it is itself, and not t!e &olor yello$, for instan&eYM it &annot 'e %er&eived Wdifferently, viL), as t!e &olor yello$Y) For WevenY $!en W&on&e%t(allyY se%aratin t!is W'l(e fro" yello$Y, Wt!e &o niLerY refers WonlyY to t!e t!in Wi)e), to t!e &on&rete (nit t!at (nderlies $!at !e sees in !is %er&e%tion, na"ely, t!e &olor 'l(eY)A<6
Tir"t '## rre$#e '1 the 86: $'ti'$, i$ re1ere$#e t' the "pe#i1i# #'$#ept '1 ahantcamatkra. CD wi** take it p agai$, with the $'ti'$ '1 ahamprat,ti, whi*e #'//e$ti$g '$ &S 8. 8aha/: a" a 1 **, 1*e0ge0 $'ti'$ i" t' (e 1' $0 i$ CD a0 30 a$0 i$ kA. 47,50. !1. ^&? 15, 11, a##'r0i$g t' whi#h the 0i11ere$#e (etwee$ #'$"#i' "$e"" a$0 the #r%"ta* i" that the *atter, $*ike the 1'r/er, (ei$g *i1e*e"" (%aa), #a$$'t (e aware '1 the re1*e#ti'$" '1 whi#h it i" the " ("trat /. Sa/e rea"'$i$g i$ the /avitpraka K 'te0 i$ Sp& 4 2 S a0 6 43 (-%#Uk'w"ki Sp&= 18)= $... naitvat (sa' sphatika ptha nast! eva ra&%akt0 bhvar)paparit!akt tava v nirmal tan'00, 82...3 the #r%"ta* #a$ $ever (e 1ree '1 the #'*'r 2i/parte0 t' it (% 'ther '(Le#t"3 wherea" C' r p re 1'r/ 20 N'r03 i" a*wa%" 1ree '1 phe$'/e$a: (tr. -%#Uk'w"ki /amvitpraka= 149). B" '("erve0 (% -%#Uk'w"ki (Sp?= 369, $. 95), the ver"e i" $'t 1' $0 i$ the avai*a(*e +SS '1 the /avitpraka, ( t i" a*"' K 'te0 i$ the :akm,tantra 2N.3 (56; 8a) i$ the "a/e 1'r/, a$0 a" a paraphra"e i$ .4 ; 154(,155a. 370 .i/e a$0 "pa#e are 0ee/e0 'pdhis. )'te the p $ '$ khaan, 80ivi0i$g: a$0 8re1 ti$g:. 371 F 00hi"t *'gi#a* the'r% i" i$v'ke0 here, '$#e agai$ repre"e$te0 (% -har/akYrti (Pramavrttika 2&;3, Pra#!akapariccheda 220), thi" ti/e e7p*i#it*%. Si/i*ar rea"'$i$g i" at w'rk i$ .4 6 197 a$0 .4; a0 *'#. (tr. Si*( r$, &a0' 7 .4= 115)= 8-e /e/e K e p' r $ '(,Let 0'$$e, $e #r #he ' a tre #h'"e, *a per#epti'$ g*'(a*e 0e *:'(Let * i,/e/e, ave# t' te" "e" #ara#teri"tiK e", re" *te 0e *:e$"e/(*e, 0e *a re $i'$ 0e t' te" *e" per#epti'$" "eparee" 0e #ha# $e 0e "e" K a*ite" J $e #' *e r r' ge, par e7e/p*e, et#. J 0e /e/e, i#i, #:e"t A partir 0e *a /a$i1e"tati'$ partie**e 0e" e*e/e$t" gr'""ier", et#., 21'r/a$t *a /a$i1e"tati'$3 K :apparait 0a$" "a t'ta*ite *:e$ergie 0e D 0ra: 2J 86$ the "a/e wa% a", 1'r a give$ '(Le#t, a Lar, et#., the g*'(a* per#epti'$ '1 the '(Le#t it"e*1 a*'$g with a** it" #hara#teri"ti#", re" *t" 1r'/ the wh'*e, 1r'/ the #'/(i$ati'$ '1 a** the per#epti'$" parte0 1r'/ ea#h '1 their K a*itie" J the re0 #'*'r 1'r i$"ta$#e J "i/i*ar*%, here, it i" 1r'/ the partia* per#epti'$ '1 the gr'"" e*e/e$t", et#., 2#'$"tit tive '1 the /a$i1e"tati'$3 that appear" the e$erg% '1 D 0ra i$ it" t'ta*it%:3. 372 Pramavrttika, Prat!akapariccheda 220. Bgai$, we are i$0e(te0 t' &r'1. G. Stei$ke**$er 1'r the i0e$ti1i#ati'$ '1 the K 'te. .he ver"e here #ite0 i" t' (e take$ with the 1'**'wi$g ver"e (&; 666 221)= !ad !ath bhsate %&na tat tathaivn'bh)!ate0 iti nmaikabhva s!c citrkras!a cetasa00. .hi" pair '1 ver"e" ha" (ee$ vari' "*% i$terprete0 (% F 00hi"t #'//e$tat'r" the/"e*ve"= a/'$g the/, +a$'ratha$a$0i$ (wh'/ we have 1'**'we0 i$ ' r tra$"*ati'$) a$0 &raLQAkarag pta, 1'**'we0 (% +a"ahir' 6$a/i, i$ a$ arti#*e e$tit*e0 8)'$,0 a* !'g$iti'$: t' appear i$ Proceedings o9 the Ko'rth Lnternational 7harmak,rti <on9erence (;ie$$a, 1'rth#'/i$g), whi#h ha" (ee$ (r' ght t' ' r atte$ti'$ (% &r'1. G*i Tra$#', '$e '1 the e0it'r". 6$a/i tra$"*ate" the ver"e" a" 1'**'w" (#ite0 with the a th'r:" per/i""i'$)= 86$ a variegate0 #'g$iti'$, a #'*'r " #h a" (* e, whi#h i" a K a*i1ier '1 the #'g$iti'$, #a$$'t (e k$'w$ t' (e $a##'/pa$ie0 (% 'ther 2#'*'r"3. <$e wh' 0i"ti$g i"he" it 21r'/ 'ther #'*'r"3 i" 1'# "i$g '$ the 2e7ter$a*3 '(Le#t" 2$'t '$ the #'g$iti'$3 2666


.oreover, s%a&e and ti"e are W!ereY %ost(lated W'y t!e o'#e&torY as diversifyin t!e free, all?en&o"%assin /no$er 612t.7, $!ose nat(re is only &ons&io(sness 6cide,a3apus7) *o$ &o(ld t!ey serve to deli"it WviL), serve as a 9(alifi&ation ofY A<A s(&! a Lord, %ersistin as t!ey do W$it!in !i"Y only as as%e&ts of !is %layf(l eff(l en&e 6samullsa,a7 t!at res(lts in t!e variety of !is for"s and a&tionsZA<; *ere it s!o(ld 'e 5e%t in "ind t!at, !ad s%a&e and ti"e ever e,isted as different fro" Wi)e), inde%endent ofY &ons&io(sness, only t!en, $o(ld Wyo(r o'#e&tionY !ave 'een valid: WviL), t!at o(r assertion, na"ely, t!at t!e Lord is one and "any, entailsY t!e attri'(tion of &ontradi&tory %ro%erties Wto one and t!e sa"e o'#e&tY R an attri'(tion $!i&! is itself a &reation of t!at &ons&io(sness) WRat!er,Y sin&e t!eir o$n e,isten&e WviL), t!e e,isten&e of s%a&e and ti"eY is esta'lis!ed only 'y t!e Li !t of &ons&io(sness 6sa3itpra,(a7, it is t!ere'y esta'lis!ed t!at t!e WLordY, alt!o( ! !avin a "(lti%le nat(re, is t!e sa"e (ni9(e Great Lord, $!ose for" is &ons&io(sness 6cinm/rti7)A<B *ad differen&e WviL), "anifoldnessY 'een a WrealY %ro%erty,A<= it $o(ld !ave 'een diffi&(lt to ref(te Wt!e o'#e&tion ofY t!e attri'(tion of &ontradi&tory %ro%erties Wto one and t!e sa"e o'#e&tY) #!rik! : +(t, Wo'#e&ts t!e p/r3apa,)in,Y t!e notion !as 'een ad"itted W'y yo(Y t!at t!ere is '(t one &o niLer, $!ose essen&e is &ons&io(sness, and also t!at Ws(&! a s('#e&tY, !avin no$ ass("ed Wt!e s!a%e ofY 'odies, fa&(lties and $orlds, 'e&o"es "(lti%le) If t!at is indeed t!e &ase, t!en, t!at one &o niLer s!o(ld %eris! on&e !is 'ody, et&), is destroyed, and !e s!o(ld ori inate on&e !is 'ody, et&), &o"es into 'ein ) Si"ilarly, t!at W(niversal s('#e&tY is vario(sly deli"ited $it! res%e&t to ea&! and every &o niLer in a&&ordan&e $it! t!e si, H"odifi&ations of 'e&o"in I R 'irt!, e,isten&e, et&) And it is t!at W(niversal s('#e&t, in t!e for" of t!eY Lord $!o en#oys !eaven and !ell, a&&ordin to t!e variety of !is a&tions, $!et!er "eritorio(s or (n"eritorio(s) All t!is 'ein so, !o$ &an it 'e said t!at Piva !as an a'sol(te nat(re 6s3as3ar/pa7Z T!e "aster res%onds to t!ese o'#e&tions 'y "eans of an e,a"%le:
2203. .he #'g$iti'$ i" e7perie$#e0 e7a#t*% i$ the /a$$er i$ whi#h it appear". .here1're, the variegate0 i/age i$ #'g$iti'$ "h' *0 (e "i$g *ar 2'r, a" " gge"te0 (% G*i Tra$#'= 8the #'g$iti'$ whi#h ha" a variegate0 1'r/ i" "i$g *ar (viU., it i" the #'g$iti'$ whi#h i" "ai0 t' (e "i$g *ar, $'t the 1'r/):3 2666 2213:. .he /aL'r 0i11ere$#e '1 i$terpretati'$ re*ate" t' the ter/ anan!abhk, whi#h 6$a/i " ('r0i$ate" i$ i0ea t' the 1'**'wi$g #'/p' $0, aak!adarana, $0er"ta$0i$g it (a" it were) a" e7pre""i$g the #'$te$t '1 that 8#'g$iti'$: that i" i/p'""i(*e J 8#a$$'t (e k$'w$ 2d1 here $0er"t''0 a" %&13 t' (e $a##'/pa$ie0 (% 'ther 2#'*'r"3: J wherea" we have re*ate0 it t' the ver"e:" " (Le#t, %&nopdhi, a", appare$t*%, 0'e" +a$'ratha a*"'. M'wever that /a% (e, the $0er"ta$0i$g" '1 ver"e 220 are $'t that 0i11ere$t a" t' the p'i$t that CD wa$t" t' /ake= eve$ the /'"t $'t'ri' " parti"a$" '1 / *tip*i#it% J the F 00hi"t" J a##ept that what appear" t' the /i$0, i$evita(*%, a" / *tip*e / "t (e #'g$iUe0, i$"'1ar a" it i" #'g$iUe0, i$ a #'g$iti'$ that i" i$ "'/e "e$"e '$e, /'/e$tar% th' gh it /a% (e. Rhether that 8 $it%: (e pre0i#ate0 '1 the #'g$iti'$ it"e*1 (a" per &raLQAkarag pta), 'r '1 the 8'(Le#t: '1 #'g$iti'$ J viU., the #'*'r (* e, that #a$$'t (e a$%thi$g ( t it"e*1, i$"'1ar a" it i" $0er"t''0 a" a #'/p'$e$t '1 that '(Le#t J (a" per +a$'ratha$a$0i$), the pri$#ip*e i" e"ta(*i"he0 that the 8'$e: a$0 the 8/a$%: /a%, 'r 0', #'e7i"t. <$ the #'$te7t '1 " #h a "tate/e$t i$ thi" w'rk '1 F 00hi"t *'gi#, "ee a*"' ;etter 1964= 66,71. 373 v!avacchedaka. 374 !1. agai$ ^&? 66 1, 4,5. 375 Si*( r$ tra$"*ate" cinm)rti a" 8p re "pirit a*ite: (8p re "pirit a*it%:). 376 bhedadharme, "#i*. sati.

:7 As when the water mo"es, the moon (reflected there) seems to mo"e, and when the water is still, seems to be still, so it is with this Self, the ;reat 4ord, (when reflected) in the host of bodies, faculties and worlds)A<< N(st as, $!ere a &o(rse of $ater is "ovin , t!e Hcool+rayed orbI, t!at is, t!e %!ysi&al "oon, $!i&!, in reality, is sit(ated in t!e s5y and of itself does not "ove, '(t !as even so des&ended Win a%%earan&eY onto t!e flo$in $ater, mo"es, oes fort!, as it were, so too, at t!e sa"e "o"ent, else$!ere, $!ere t!e %ond of $ater is "otionless, t!at very Hcool+rayed orbI becomes still, as it $ere Wi)e), t!ere refle&ted, a%%ears to 'e stillY) T!(s t!e "oon is i"a ined in 'ot! $ays Was 'ot! "ovin and stillY 'y all &o niLers, t!o( ! it &annot in fa&t 'e so Wt!at is, t!e "oon neit!er "oves nor is still: s(&! %redi&ates 'elon to t!e $ater onlyY) Nor is it t!e &ase t!at ti"e and s%a&e, $!i&! %ertain %ro%erly to t!e $ater, affe&t 6parm.(7 t!e nat(re of t!e "oon, t!at is, its re"ainin in t!e s5y, as differentiatin fa&torsM only $ater as s(&! is so Waffe&ted 'y t!e differentiation 'ro( !t a'o(t 'y ti"e and s%a&eY) .oreover, sin&e differen&e R as e,e"%lified 'y t!e "o'ility or i""o'ility t!at affe&t t!e or' of t!e "oon '(t %ro%erly 'elon to t!e $ater in $!i&! t!e "oon is refle&ted 6prati$im$ita7 R is "erely %!eno"enal,A<C to t!at e,tent, t!e "oon s(ffers no !ar" at all in its essential nat(re, $!et!er it 'e refle&ted in t!e $ater of t!e Gan es or $!et!er it des&ends onto WviL), is refle&ted on t!e s(rfa&e ofY sli"e) So it is with this Self t!at !as t!e nat(re of &ons&io(sness, Wt!o( ! it a%%earsY to 'e 'orn or to %eris! $!en are 'orn or %eris! the host of bodies, faculties and worlds it !as itself &reated) +(t t!is is only t!e %ra&ti&e Wi)e), t!e (nderstandin Y of t!ose $!o are del(ded 63ymohita7 'y my in t!is %!eno"enal $orld,A<@ #(st as !a%%ens $!en t!e "oon Wis refle&tedY in $ater) For it is not %ossi'le t!at t!e Self 'e 'orn or t!at it die) As it !as 'een said in t!e revered "-t:

!1. 4&S 17, evi0e$t*% 1'**'we0 here (% ' r a th'r J a*th' gh it" 1ir"t he/i"ti#h i" "*ight*% 0i11ere$t, a" the " $ i" there /e$ti'$e0 rather tha$ the /''$. B" the /''$ 0'e" $'t 0epe$0 1'r it" e7i"te$#e p'$ the water i$ whi#h it i" re1*e#te0, "' the N'r0 0'e" $'t 0epe$0 p'$ the p*a% '1 0i11ere$tiati'$. 6t i" 0iver"it% that 1* #t ate", $'t the N'r0. Si*( r$ tra$"*ate" bimbo, (% 8re1*et: (8re1*e#ti'$:), a$0 '/it" iva. < r tra$"*ati'$ i" (a"e0 '$ the #'//e$tar%, whi#h 0eve*'p" the /ea$i$g '1 iva, a$0 #*ear*% 0i"ti$g i"he" bimba 1r'/ pratibimba 8re1*e#ti'$:. 6$ 1a#t, the *'gi# '1 the #'/p*ete "i/i*e reK ire" t' $0er"ta$0 himakarabimbam a" the 8'r( '1 the /''$:, i$"tea0 '1 the 8re1*e#ti'$ '1 the /''$:, a" 0'e" Si*( r$, 1'r what ha" t' (e 0e/'$"trate0 i" the a("'* te, eter$a*, $at re '1 the N'r0, 'r Se*1. .h " the #'/p*ete "i/i*e i" t' (e $0er"t''0 a" 1'**'w"= the /''$ "ta$0" 1'r the N'r0, 'r the B("'* te, it" re1*e#ti'$ 1'r the *i/ite0 Se*1, water 1'r the phe$'/e$a* w'r*0. !1. Sp& 3 (p. 13), i$ the #'$te7t '1 the 0i"# ""i'$ '$ avasths= vellats' pratibimbe' %alaspandn'varti'0 !athendor na kri!veas tath (tra paramtmana00, 8B*th' gh it" /'vi$g re1*e#ti'$" 0a$#e i$ #'$"'$a$#e with the vi(rati'$" '1 water, the /''$ 0'e" $'t i$0 *ge i$ a$% a#ti'$. Nikewi"e, here, the " pre/e Se*1 2re/ai$" #'$"ta$t i$ the /i0"t '1 #ha$ge3:. 378 v!avah!ate J 'r 8i" /ere*% a #'$ve$ti'$ '1 *a$g age: J i.e., we "a% 8the /''$ "hi//er" 2'$ the water3:, ( t thi" i" L "t a wa% '1 ta*ki$g. 379 v!avahra J "ee $. 659. )'te that FhIFh 66 20 (FhI 66 20 (ei$g K 'te0 " ("eK e$t*% i$ CD:" #'//e$tar%) re1er" t' thi" #'$ve$ti'$a* ( t err'$e' " $0er"ta$0i$g '1 thi$g"= it! 'c!ate loke ("ee $'te (e*'w).


*e is not 'orn, nor does !e ever dieM] Nor, !avin &o"e to 'e, $ill !e ever "ore &o"e not to 'e)]AC7 Un'orn, eternal, everlastin , t!is an&ient one] Is not slain $!en t!e 'ody is slain)AC8 T!erefore t!is Self, the ;reat 4ord, free Wever a(tono"o(sY, $!ose nat(re is t!e a$areness 6pratya3amar(a7 t!at all t!e (niverse is !is o$n Self, ever %ersistent AC6 as t!e %rin&i%le of e,%erien&e itself Wat t!e !eartY of all &o niLers is in fa&t not!in '(t !is o$n a'sol(te nat(re, $!atever Wli"itin Y &onditionACA "ay a%%ear or disa%%ear) It is %re&isely t!e (niversal "astery 6mahe(nat37 of t!e &ons&io(s %rin&i%le 6sa3ittatt3a7 t!at ena'les a&&o"%lis!"ent of W$!at is ot!er$iseY diffi&(lt to &onstr(e 6durgha@a,rin7M for, alt!o( ! W, in &onfor"ity $it! t!is %rin&i%le, t!e LordY
.he phra"e n!a bh)tv bhavit v na bh)!a ha" (ee$ vari' "*% i$terprete0. See, a/'$g 'ther", Nevi, Sti#k$e% FhI (('rr'we0 (% Si*( r$ &S= 65)= 8$:a%a$t La/ai" ete et $:a**a$t etre e$#'re: 2J 8$either havi$g ever (ee$, $'r (ei$g a(' t t' (e agai$:3, a$0 G0gert'$ FhI= 8)'r, havi$g #'/e t' (e, wi** he ever /'re #'/e $'t t' (e:, wh' tra$"*ate the "e$te$#e a" it i", i$ a *i$ear wa%. :" #'//e$tar% rea0" (with the a/(ig it% '$ bhavit0abhavit a**'we0 (% sandhi)= n!a bh)tv bhavit 2a$0 (bhavit3 v na bh)!a, g*'""e0 a" 1'**'w", i$ ter/" '1 a #'/p*e7 a$a*%"i" '1 the "%$ta7= na a!a bh)tv abhavit bh)!a, na v na bh)tv bhavit bh)!a, 86t i" $'t that, havi$g (ee$, 2the Se*13 wi** #ea"e t' (e therea1ter 2viU., the 'r0i$ar% 0e1i$iti'$ '1 0eath3, $'r that, $'t havi$g (ee$, wi** it (e therea1ter 2viU., the 'r0i$ar% 0e1i$iti'$ '1 (irth3:. .h " n!a bh)tv bhavit v na bh'!a i" a wa% '1 e/pha"iUi$g a$0 $pa#ki$g the 1ir"t "tate/e$t J na %!ate mri!ate v kadcit J (% /aki$g it #*ear that thi" Se*1 i" (e%'$0 te/p'ra*it%, i.e., (e%'$0 the "eK e$tia*it% hi$te0 at here (% the 0' (*e "e '1 the a("'* tive a$0 '1 the periphra"ti# 1 t re J a*th' gh '$e ha" t' (e " "pi#i' " '1 thi" i$terpretati'$, 1'r abhavit #a$$'t (e a periphra"ti# 1 t re, a##'r0i$g t' &A@i$ea$ gra//ar. .he $egative 1'r/ '1 " #h a 1 t re w' *0 (e na bhavit ("ee De$' 1968= i134, 1'r "'/e e7#epti'$"). T'r thi" rea"'$, G0gert'$ 1i$0" :" e7p*a$ati'$ i/p*a "i(*e. :" #'//e$tar% i" the 1'**'wi$g= !asmd a!am tm bh)tv bhavakri!m an'bh)!a pacd abhavit (bhvam gant na bh)!ahp'nas tasmn na mri!ate0 !o hi bh)tv na bhavit sa mri!ate it! 'c!ate loke, 8Si$#e it i" $'t that thi" Se*1, a1ter havi$g #'/e i$t' (ei$g, i.e., a1ter havi$g e7perie$#e0 the pr'#e"" '1 e7i"te$#e, wi** therea1ter #ea"e t' (e, i.e., wi** therea1ter (bh)!a E p'na) (e#'/e $'$e7i"te$t, there1're it 0'e" $'t 0ie. 2T'r3 i$ #'//'$ par*a$#e, the '$e wh' #ea"e" t' (e a1ter #'/i$g i$t' (ei$g i" "ai0 t' 0ie:, vabdn naabdc c!am tmbh)tv v bhavit dehavan na bh)!a p'nas tasmn na %!ate0 !o h! abh)tv bhavit sa%!ata it! 'c!ate0 naivam tm0 ato na %!ate, 8<r, 1r'/ the "e '1 the w'r0" v a$0 na, 2it i" t' (e $0er"t''0 that3 $*ike the ('0%, thi" Se*1 0'e" $'t agai$ #'/e i$t' e7i"te$#e a1ter havi$g (ee$ $'$,e7i"te$t 2th ", '$ thi" "e#'$0 *eve* '1 the /ea$i$g, the "e#'$0 na $egate" bh)tv with the "e$"e '1 abh)tv3. .here1're it i" $'t ('r$. 2T'r3 the '$e wh' #'/e" i$t' e7i"te$#e, a1ter havi$g (ee$ $'$,e7i"te$t, i" "ai0 t' (e ('r$. .he Se*1 i" $'t *ike thi"> there1're it i" $'t ('r$:. !1. BI:" #'//e$tar% '$ the "a/e pa""age, where the e7egete pr've" t' (e a /'re "#r p *' " gra//aria$ tha$ , a*th' gh he '11er" e""e$tia**% the "a/e e7p*a$ati'$= na %!ate mri!ate v kadcit0 etad eva sph'#a!ad @ n!a bh)tveti0 a!am tm na na bh)tv bhavitpi t' bh)tvaiva0 ato na %!ate na ca mri!ate 0 !ato bh)tv na na bhavitpi t' bhavitaiva0, 8 E)either i" thi" 2Se*13 ever ('r$ $'r 0'e" it ever 0ieE. Me e7p*ai$" thi" (% the w'r0" >n!a bh)tv 2et#.3E. .hi" Se*1, $'t havi$g $'t (e#'/e, wi** e7i"t J i$ 'ther w'r0", it ha" ever (ee$> th " it $either i" ('r$ $'r 0'e" it 0ie> (m'tatis m'tandis) "i$#e it ha" (e#'/e, it wi** $'t $'t (e J i$ 'ther w'r0", it wi** ever (e:. 381 FhI 66 20 (tr. G0gert'$ J a" are a** tra$"*ati'$" 1r'/ FhI #ite0 here, $*e"" 'therwi"e "pe#i1ie0). #'//e$t" p'$ the"e attri( te"= "i$#e (irth i" 0e$ie0, the Se*1 i" $('r$ (a%a)> "i$#e peri"ha(i*it%, i.e., 0eath, i" 0e$ie0, it i" eter$a* (nit!a)> "i$#e #ha$ge i$ the 1'r/ '1 0e#a% i" 0e$ie0, it i" ever*a"ti$g (vata)> "i$#e #ha$ge i$ the 1'r/ '1 gr'wth ('pp'"e0 t' 0e#a%) i" 0e$ie0, it i" "ai0 t' (e 8a$#ie$t: (p'r), a$0 a" " #h ever$ew, ever1re"h, 1ree 1r'/ a$% a##reti'$. Net " re#a** the tra0iti'$a* et%/'*'g% '1 p'ra= p'r nava bhavati id p'ram, 8what 1'r/er*% wa" $ew, i" a$#ie$t: a$0= p'r adh'n ca navam eva, (p'ra i" that whi#h 1'r/er*% wa" $ew a$0 i" $ew t', 0a%: ("ee CD a0 1, wh' #'//e$t" p'$ andi (% p'ra). Ti$a**%, i$ the *a"t "tate/e$t= 8thi" Se*1 i" $'t 0e"tr'%e0 2'r 8ki**e0: (han!ate), 8"*ai$e0:, a" G0gert'$ tra$"*ate"3, whe$ the ('0% i"


en#oys in inn("era'le $ays all t!e oods of !eaven and all t!e evils of !ell, !avin a&&e%ted WfreelyY t!e &ondition of fettered s('#e&t, at t!e sa"e ti"e, !e re"ains identi&al $it! !is essen&eAC; $!i&! is &ons&io(sness, 'e&a(se !e is t!e %rin&i%le of e,%erien&e itself in ea&! and every W%er&i%ient s('#e&tY 6sar3nu$ha3it.t7 Wt!at is, t!at "a5es %ossi'le t!e e,%erien&e of anyt!in at allY) Or rat!er, if t!e state of 'ein fettered R deter"ined 'y its &ondition of 'onda e, and e,e"%lified $!en $e e,%erien&e "erit and de"erit, !eaven and !ell, !(n er and t!irst, et&) R is ill("ined 6pra,(ita7 'y t!e self?ill("inatin 6s3tmapra,(7 Lord and re&o niLed 6parm.)@a7 W'y !i"Y, only t!en does it attain its 'ein WviL), e,istY in Wt!e LordIsY o$n Self, as stated a'ove)ACB Ot!er$ise t!is state of 'ein fettered si"%ly doesnIt e,ist)AC= *o$ t!en &an it 'e said t!at t!e Great Lord t!at is oneIs o$n Self s(ffers loss of !is tr(e nat(reZAC< In every $ise, only t!e t!in , s(&! as t!e 'ody, t!at !as 'een &reated W'y t!e LordY &an 'e s('#e&t to destr(&tion or enerationM never &an &reation or destr(&tion 'e attri'(ted to t!e eternal Lord $!o is &ons&io(sness) T!(s, t!e (nitary Self, 'ein at t!e !eart of t!e "(lti%li&ity of for"s t!an5s to t!e distin&tion Wfreely %ro#e&ted 'y t!e SelfY 'et$een $!at is to 'e 5no$n and !i" $!o 5no$s, is at t!e sa"e ti"e $!at t!ere %ersists, as t!e %rin&i%le of (nity Wt!at o'li atorily s('tends t!at very "(lti%li&ityY, inas"(&! as it is t!e %rin&i%le of e,%erien&e itself t!at is at t!e !eart of every %er&i%ient s('#e&t Wt!at is, t!at "a5es %ossi'le t!e e,%erien&e of anyt!in at allY) T!erefore, t!e nond(alisti& do&trine 6ad3aya3da7 re"ains inta&t)ACC #!rik! < Even so, Wt!e follo$in o'#e&tion !as 'een raised:Y R if indeed, as yo( !ave %ro&lai"ed R in 5ee%in $it! 'ot! reasonin and traditional s&ri%t(re R t!is Self of all t!in s, on $!ose nat(re de%ends t!e %!eno"enal dis%lay of t!e (niverse, is (lti"ately not!in '(t (niversal &ons&io(sness 6sa3it7 and if it "anifests
0e"tr'%e0:, han!ate i" t' (e $0er"t''0 a" 8tra$"1'r/e0:, i$ 'r0er t' av'i0 a ta t'*'g% with mri!ate i$ the 1ir"t *i$e. .h " thi" *a"t "tate/e$t w'rk" a" a #'$#* "i'$= i$ thi" ver"e, a** "i7 ki$0" '1 tra$"1'r/ati'$ "ee$ i$ the w'r*0 are 0e$ie0 with re"pe#t t' the Se*1. 382 prathamna J *it., 8e7pa$0i$g:. 383 avasth J th'"e "tate" a$0 pr'#e""e" whi#h 0i11ere$tiate hi/ a" a *i/ite0 "' *= (irth, e7i"te$#e, et#., a$0 (ei$g g'0", /e$, a$i/a*", et#. 384 Nit., 8i" $'t 'ther tha$ hi" e""e$#e:. 385 !1. CD a0 1, 5 a$0 6. 386 nisvabhva eva J *it., 8i" "i/p*% 0ev'i0 '1 a$% pr'per $at re:. .he rati'$a*e here i" that '1 the bhsavda, a$0 i" #hara#teri"ti# '1 the aiva "%"te/= '$*% that e7i"t" whi#h "hi$e", i,e., '$*% that e7i"t" whi#h i" k$'w$ t' " ("ee $. 265). Nikewi"e, the #'$0iti'$ '1 1ettere0 " (Le#t 0'e" $'t e7i"t i$0epe$0e$t*% '1 #'$"#i' "$e""= it e7i"t" '$*% whe$ apprehe$0e0 a" " #h. 387 svar)pavipralopa J "a/e ter/ i$ CD a0 6. .he "a/e rati'$a*e agai$ i" 0eve*'pe0 a" i$ CD a0 6= h'w #a$ that whi#h i" it"e*1 0epe$0e$t a*ter the $at re '1 that '$ whi#h it 0epe$0"? Me$#e ('$0age it"e*1 0'e" $'t pr'vi0e a va*i0 arg /e$t 1'r the p)rvapakin wh'"e p'"iti'$ i" that iva, a" pa' i$ ('$0age, #a$$'t (e '1 a$ a("'* te $at re. Rhatever i" ('$0age i" k$'w$ t' (e ('$0age, it" e7i"te$#e 0epe$0" p'$ the Se*1 a" k$'wer. .here1're, whatever 0epe$0" p'$ the Se*1, that #a$$'t 0e*i/it the N'r0 a" " pre/e ?$'wer, 'r 1' $0ati'$a* #'$"#i' "$e"", whi#h i" e""e$tia**% '$e. 388 .he a("'* te$e"" '1 the $iver"a* Se*1 #a$$'t (e 0e$ie0. .he i$1i$ite variet% '1 *i/ite0 "e*ve" i" ( t it" re1*e#ti'$ i$ the water J 1*'wi$g 'r "ti** J '1 the phe$'/e$a* w'r*0.

6a3$hs7 all t!in s in &onse9(en&e of t!e fa&t t!at &ons&io(sness is every$!ere,AC@ $!y t!en is Wt!at (niversal &ons&io(snessY not o'served even in t!e l("% of &lay, for W, a&&ordin to yo(, t!e l("%Y is not t!erefro" to 'e differentiated, as far as its essen&e is &on&ernedZ And if yo( a&&e%t Weven t!e nonsensi&al vie$ t!at it is %resent even in a l("% of &layY, t!en t!e W&onventionalY re%artition Wof entitiesY A@7 a&&ordin to sentien&y and insentien&e, $!i&! is so evident, &annot 'e e,%lained, inas"(&! as $orldly %ra&ti&e is 'ased on t!e distin&tion 'et$een sentient and insentient) *o$ &an t!at Wdiffi&(ltyY 'e Wover&o"eYZ Ans$erin t!at o'#e&tion, t!e "aster says: <) =ust as >!hu, although in"isible, becomes manifest when interposed upon the orb of the moon,A@8 so too this Self, although (in"isibly) present in all things, becomes manifest in the mirror of the intellect,A@6 by securing (similarly) a basis in external ob8ects7A@A Alt!o( ! $anderin every$!ere in t!e s5y,A@; Wt!e de"on of t!e e&li%seY >!hu is not %er&eived) Nevert!eless, at t!e ti"e of a Wl(narY e&li%se, !e is &learly visi'le, a%%earin to (s as if sit(ated (%on t!e for" WviL), t!e or'Y of t!e "oon, Ws(&! t!at %eo%le say:Y HT!is is R4!(I) Ot!er$ise, alt!o( ! %resent Win t!e s5yY, it is as if WR4!(Y $ere not %resent a"on t!e !ost of %lanets) Li5e$ise Wi)e), as in t!e e,a"%leY, !ere also Wi)e), in t!e t!esis to 'e e,e"%lifiedY, this Self, alt!o( ! intrinsi&ally %ersistin as t!e in"ost &ore of all 'ein s, is not o'served as s(&! 'y anyone, for $!at is a%%re!ended is a%%re!ended only in
See &S 44 a$0 49, a$0 CD a0 58. v!avasth. 391 B##'r0i$g t' the te$et" '1 6$0ia$ a"tr'$'/%, DAh , the "',#a**e0 p*a$et (graha) #a "i$g * $ar e#*ip"e", i" vi"i(*e '$*% whe$ he #r'""e" the /''$> 'therwi"e, he i" i$vi"i(*e. .' (e#'/e vi"i(*e, DAh , *ike #'$"#i' "$e"", reK ire" the$ a #'$#rete " ("trat /. Si$#e e#*ip"e" are har/1 *, DAh i" #'$"i0ere0 a 0e/'$, th " #'/p*eti$g the i/age. 392 dh,m'k'ra i" g*'""e0 a" b'ddhidarpaa, whi#h it"e*1 i" g*'""e0 a" pratibhm'k'ra> "a/e ter/ i$ CD a0 77. .he vi"i(*e 8re1*e#ti'$: '1 the $iver"a* #'$"#i' "$e"" i$ the 8/irr'r '1 the i$te**e#t: i" #'//'$*% #'$"i0ere0 (% a** the ;e0A$ta" t' (e the 86,$'ti'$: 'r per"'$i1ie0 8eg': (ahakra)> '$ pratibh, "ee $. 557. 393 via!ra!aena i" g*'""e0 (% abddivia!asv,krea, 8(% apprehe$0i$g '(Le#t" '1 "e$"e " #h a" "' $0:. .he Se*1 i" apprehe$0e0 '$*% i$ #' r"e '1 the #'g$itive pr'#e"", that i", whe$ it i" re1*e#te0 i$ the /irr'r '1 the i$te**e#t, 1'r, i$ "tate/e$t" " #h a" 86: hear a "' $0:, 86: "ta$0" 1'r the Se*1[#'$"#i' "$e"", eve$ th' gh thi" 86: repre"e$t" ( t the *i/ite0 "e*1. .hi" a/' $t" t' "a%i$g that $iver"a* #'$"#i' "$e"", a*th' gh a**,perva"ive, (e#'/e" /a$i1e"t i$ the p'r!a#akapramt '$*%, i.e., i$ the 1i$ite (ei$g e$0'we0 with " (t*e ('0%, a" wi** (e 1 rther e7p*ai$e0 (% CD. .hi" p'r!a#aka i" the aggregate '1 the 1ive tanmtras, here ter/e0 via!as, a$0 the three #'$"tit e$t" '1 the antakaraa (b'ddhi, manas, ahakra) @ th " /eriti$g it" $a/e, 8'#ta0 i$ the 1'rtre"":, viU., the eight1'*0, 'r eight,1a#t're0, " (t*e ('0% withi$ the gr'"" ('0%, it"e*1 "ee$ a" the 81'rtre"": '1 the p'r'a. .he *i"t '1 eight #'$"tit e$t" '1 the p'r!a#aka 0i11er" 1r'/ te7t t' te7t, #1. FdD, ".v. (whi#h K 'te" a /e0i#a* te7t)= bh)tendri!a0mano0b'ddhi0vsan0karma0v!', a$0, a" the eighth, avid!> "ee a*"' .'re**a ^&?= 204,205. .he p'r!a#aka i" re"p'$"i(*e 1'r the pa'"s e7perie$#e, 'r #'g$iti'$, 1'r/e0 '1 the #'/p*e7 '1 '(Le#t" (via!a) a$0 their #'rre"p'$0i$g 1a# *tie" '1 #'g$iti'$ (%&nendri!a), thr' gh whi#h the *i/ite0 #'g$iUer #'/e" t' k$'w hi/"e*1 a" 86: i$ virt e '1 the e7perie$#e= 86: hear a "' $0:. <$ tanmtras a$0 %&nendri!as, "ee $. 399> '$ p'r!a#aka, "ee &S 92, 93 a$0 $. 1316> a*"' Sp? 666 17,18, a$0 ?9e/arALa a0 *'#, wh' e7p*ai$" the pr'#e"" '1 tra$"/igrati'$ wh'"e /ai$ i/pet " are the saskras 0ep'"ite0 i$ the p'r!a#aka. 394 kadea.
389 390


i""ediate %er&e%tion, $!ere it ta5es a for" indistin (is!a'le fro" oneIs o$n e,%erien&e)A@B .oreover, $!en Wt!is SelfY 'e&o"es a "atter of a$areness A@= in t!e W&o nitiveY e,%erien&e of t!e Hfirst %ersonI 6ahaprat-ti7, na"ely, Win t!e HII t!at s('tends t!e %redi&ate in e,%ressionsY s(&! as HII !ear Wso(ndsYI A@< R an e,%erien&e t!at o&&(rs to every &o niLer endo$ed $it! a s('tle 'ody 6purya)@a,apramt.7A@C $!enever o'#e&ts of sense s(&! as so(nd,A@@ vie$ed as;77 o'#e&ts to 'e 5no$n;78 are a%%re!ended in t!e "irror of intelle&t 6$uddhidarpa0a7, or, in t!e "irror of int(ition 6prati$hmu,ura7 D t!en, t!at sa"e Self, its for" no$ f(lly "anifest, ;76 is a%%re!ended also in Wt!e o'#e&t 'efore (sY t!e l("% of &lay, et&), as t!at $!ose nat(re it is to a%%re!end Wt!at l("%Y: t!ere also t!e in!erent Self becomes manifest 6pra,(ate7, t!at is, is %er&eived 'y all as one and t!e sa"e as t!eir o$n %arti&(lar e,%erien&e) WNevert!eless,Y even t!o( ! W&ons&io(snessY is t!ere in t!e l("% of &lay, et&), it is $idely ta5en 6prathate7 as not 'ein t!ere, in virt(e of Wt!e &layIsY a'o(ndin in tamas, #(st li5e R4!( in t!e s5y);7A T!(s, a"on t!e !ost of entities t!at are not!in '(t se"'lan&es of !i"self ;7; WviL), as%e&ts of (niversal &ons&io(snessY, t!e Lord, 'y !is %o$er of differentiation 6my(a,ti7,;7B t(rns so"e into &o niLers, $!o, anointed $it! t!e (n&tion of

CD perhap" wi"he" " t' $0er"ta$0 here that the Se*1 i" $'t apprehe$0e0 (th' gh pre"e$t) (e#a "e it ha" #*'the0 it"e*1 i$ the / *tip*e 1'r/" '1 #'//'$ e7perie$#e> it i" i$0ee0 the Se*1 that '$e apprehe$0" (what e*"e #' *0 '$e apprehe$0W), ( t '$e i" $aware that thi" i" the #a"e i$a"/ #h a" / $0a$e #'$"#i' "$e"" ha" re$0ere0 the Se*1 Ei$vi"i(*eE (ehi$0 the / *tip*i#it% that #hara#teriUe" ever% a#t '1 'r0i$ar% aware$e"". 396 via!o bhavati. 397 Se#'$0 '## rre$#e '1 the 6,$'ti'$ i$ CD:" #'//e$tar%. 398 .hi" i" a 0e1i$iti'$ '1 the pa'pramt, "i$#e it i" the p'r!a#aka, 'r 8" (t*e ('0%:, that #arrie" the Se*1 'r the S' * 1r'/ '$e (irth t' a$'ther, that i", 1r'/ '$e ('0% t' a$'ther. B" " #h it i" a*"' #a**e0 tivhika> "ee $. 738. 399 6$ SAkh%a a" we** a" i$ the aivi"/ '1 ?a"h/ir, the 1ive tanmtras (0e1i$e0 i$ &S 21) J "' $0, et#. J are the " (t*e '(Le#t" (via!a) '1 the %&nendri!as re"pe#tive*% J heari$g, et#. J (&S 20). F'th the %&nendri!as a$0 the tanmtras pr'#ee0 1r'/ the antakaraa, a$0 e"pe#ia**% 1r'/ the ahakra, 1'r the %&nendri!as, rea*iUe0 i$ the 1'r/ 86 hear:, $e#e""ari*% re1er t' a$ 86: (CD a0 20). .he tanmtras 0' the "a/e 80 e t' the i$evita(*e i$terre*ati'$ '1 the '(Le#t with the " (Le#t: (CD a0 21). 400 v!avasth J "ee $. 406. 401 Starti$g with the #'$L $#ti'$ '1 '(Le#t" a$0 "e$"e,'rga$", thi" pr'#e"" '1 #'g$iti'$ ai/" at e"ta(*i"hi$g a 0eter/i$ate #'g$iti'$ (nica!a) J whi#h i" the 1 $#ti'$ '1 b'ddhi (&S 19) J whi#h *ea0" '$e t' (e#'/e aware '1 '$e:" "e*1 a" the " (Le#t '1 the e7perie$#e= '(Le#tivit% (e#'/e" the prete7t 1'r a$ aware$e"" '1 '$e:" 'w$ " (Le#tivit%, a*th' gh it i" %et ( t *i/ite0, 0e"ervi$g t' (e ter/e0 eg'ti"ti#a* 8#'$#eit: (abhimna), a$ a0 *terati'$ '1 e""e$tia* 6,$e"", 'r ip"eit% (ahant). <$ "pe# *ati'$" a(' t thi" pr'#e"", a$0 the 1 $#ti'$" whi#h it i/p*ie", "ee &S 19> a*"' CD a0 94,95, whi#h, thr' gh a "triki$g 0e"#ripti'$ '1 the 0%"1 $#ti'$ '1 antakaraa a$0 bh!akaraas at the /'/e$t '1 0eath, i" ver% "e1 * 1'r $0er"ta$0i$g their r'*e i$ the #'g$itive pr'#e"". 402 sthita san sph'#ar)pa. 403 tamas i" 0ark$e"", *etharg%, a" we** a" /etaph'ri#a* 0ark$e"", ig$'ra$#e. !*a% i" $'t a #'g$iUer, i$ the a("e$#e '1 a " (t*e ('0%. !'$"#i' "$e"" /a% (e there, ( t i" $'t e7perie$#e0, a$0 there1're $'t e7perie$#e0 (% 'ther", e7#ept (% a %&nin, '$e e$*ighte$e0. 404 svtmakalpa. 405 Tir"t '## rre$#e '1 thi" $'ti'$, a" " #h (a$0 $'t a" tattva, 'r a" aa), that i", a" the p'wer '1 the N'r0 t' /a$i1e"t hi/"e*1 a" the e$tiret% '1 0iver"it%.


&onditional Wor te"%oraryY i%seity 6ahant7,;7= ta5e on t!e for" of s('tle 'odies t!o( ! t!ey are Wto !i"Y '(t ele"ents to 'e 5no$n) And Wmutatis mutandisY !e t(rns so"e into o'#e&ts fit to 'e &o niLed R in referen&e to $!i&!, t!e $ell?esta'lis!ed %ra&ti&e of differentiation ;7< $!ere'y, on t!e one !and, sentient entities are sti%(lated and, on t!e ot!er, insentient, is 9(ite $ell fo(nded) T!(s, 'e&a(se it is a "ere o'#e&t of &o nition, t!e l("% of &lay, et&), is insentient, $!ereas t!e &o niLer endo$ed $it! a s('tle 'ody, 'e&a(se !e is a &o niLer, is sentient) +(t, (lti"ately, fro" t!e %oint of vie$ of t!e S(%re"e Lord, no (sa e distin (is!es t!e sentient fro" t!e insentient);7C #!rik! ? No$, one "ay o'#e&t: R if in t!e intelle&t 6$uddhi7 of all &o niLers t!ere e,ists t!is vi'ration 6prasphura0a7 of t!eir %ro%er Self $it!o(t any distin&tion, t!en $!y "ay not all of t!e" 'e&o"e 5no$ers of t!eir %ro%er Selves 6s3tma3id7Z Or let (s s(%%ose t!e" not endo$ed $it! s(&! 5no$led e WviL), t!at of t!e SelfY, t!ere 'ein no 'asis for any distin&tion Wa"on 5no$ersY);7@ -et, even at t!e level of %!eno"enal e,isten&e, t!ere are so"e $!o, !avin attained t!e 5no$led e of t!eir %ro%er Self 6s3tma12n7 are li'erated $!ile still livin Win a %!ysi&al 'odyY 61-3anmu,ta7, and are endo$ed $it! o"nis&ien&e and o"ni%oten&eM;87 and t!ere are so"e $!o are $ort!y of attainin t!e 5no$led e of t!eir %ro%er Self and are desiro(s of "a5in t!e as&ent, ;88 $!ereas ot!ers, la&5in t!e 5no$led e of t!eir o$n Self, are ti !tly fettered 'y t!e &!ains ;86 of a&tions ood and
ahantv!avasthrasbhiikta. T'r v!avasth a" a te#h$i#a* ter/ i$ tra0iti'$a* "age, "ee De$' 1942, ".v. .he ter/ i" "e0 i$ re*ati'$ t' #ertai$ r *e" wh'"e E'pti'$a*it%E i" $'t ge$era*, ( t i" rather 0eter/i$e0 (% a##'/pa$%i$g #ir# /"ta$#e (#1. &. 6 1, 34). T'r i$"ta$#e, the 0i11ere$#e (etwee$ 8'$e /a% " ("tit te "a##hari$e 1'r " gar at a$% ti/e: a$0 8whe$ taki$g #'11ee, %' /a% "e " gar> 'therwi"e, "a##hari$e:. 6$ ' r pre"e$t "age, the ter/ perhap" "ig$i1ie" that what i" at i"" e i" #'$0iti'$e0 J (% E1a#t"E, (% 'r0i$ar% "age J a$0 i" i$ $' wi"e pre0eter/i$e0> a" " #h, it i" " (Le#t t' the #'/p*e7 '1 "pati',te/p'ra* #'$0iti'$". .he "a/e i/age '1 r'%a* #'$"e#rati'$ J *it., a$ 8a"per"i'$:, a 8"pri$k*i$g: (abhieka) '1 water /i7e0 with a 1ew i$gre0ie$t" J '## r" i$ CD a0 31. !'$"e#rati'$ (abhieka), th " "e0 a$a*'gi#a**%, i" a t'p'"> #1. Sp) 6 8, i$ the #'$te7t '1 a 0i"# ""i'$ '$ the "e$"e,'rga$"= ahantrasavipr'abhiekd acetano (pi cetanatm sda!at!eva, 8.he i$"e$tie$t 2gr' p '1 the "e$"e"3 it"e*1 /a% a#K ire "e$tie$#% pr'vi0e0 it i" #'$"e#rate0 (% the 0r'p" '1 the $#ti'$ '1 ip"eit%:. B$0 S; 66 8= sarvair !at pramttvenbhiikta sth)las)kmdisvar)pa ar,ra tat $... havi, 8.he ('0%, whether gr'"" 'r " (t*e, et#., that a** (ei$g" #'$"e#rate (abhiikta) ES (Le#tE, i" the '(*ati'$ 2...3:. 407 bhedav!avahra. 408 .he pa""age #'$#er$" tw' i"" e"= it L "ti1ie" 'r0i$ar% "age (v!avahra), whi#h g'e" agai$"t that '1 the 0'#tri$e, a$0 "et" it a"i0e, 1'r, a" it i" the #a"e with the 'ther B0vaita", 'r0i$ar% "age #a$$'t app*% t' the B("'* te. 409 .he tw' (ra$#he" '1 the 0i*e//a are= "i$#e the Se*1[#'$"#i' "$e"" i" a**,perva"ive, either ever% pramt / "t i//e0iate*% k$'w that Se*1, 'r $' pramt #a$ p'""i(*% e7i"t, 1'r $' 0i"ti$#ti'$ #a$ (e i/agi$e0 that w' *0 0i"ti$g i"h that pramt 1r'/ a$% 'ther. B** are %&nins, 'r $'$e are. M'w the$ #a$ '$e L "ti1% a hierar#h% '1 pramts? 410 See &S 96. 411 r'r'k' J "ee &S 97,102. 412 .he ter/ nigaa re1er" t' the hee* #hai$" '1 a$ e*epha$t 'r t' a $''"e that "$are" the 1eet '1 a$ a$i/a*, thr'wi$g hi/ 0'w$. .he pa', 'r 1ettere0 "' *, i", a$a*'gi#a**%, " #h a$ a$i/a*.


evil t!at o&&asion "erit and de"erit, and are 'o(nd to trans"i rate) *o$ &an t!is 'e &onsistentZ So, 5ee%in all t!ese o'#e&tions in "ind, t!e "aster e,%lains in res%onse t!at t!e ra&e 6(a,tipta7;8A of t!e S(%re"e Lord is $it!o(t restri&tion ;8; Wt!at is, is not 'esto$ed in virt(e of any 9(alifi&ation, "oral or i""oral, on t!e %art of t!e doneeY: ?) As a face is reflected clearly in a mirror free of dirt , so does this (Self) become manifest, being nothing but radiance, in the Hintellect+principleI, made pure by 'i"aIs grace) WT!e &o"%arison "ay 'e develo%ed t!ro( ! t!e follo$in e,a"%le:Y In a "irror free of dirt, a fa&e a%%ears;8B W&learlyY, is endo$ed $it! its vario(s 9(alities of for", et&), t!at are not different Wfro" t!ose of t!e fa&e itselfY, for t!ere is no area Wof t!e fa&eY t!at t!e "irror free of dirt doesnIt &a%t(re) ;8= On t!e &ontrary, in a dirty "irror, t!e fa&e, even t!o( ! it "ay !ave an e,traordinary e,&ellen&e, a%%ears 6pra,(ate7 altered d(e to t!e tarnis!in for&e Wof t!e "irrorY) .oreover, t!e dirty "irror is not a'le to &a%t(re t!ose 9(alities, s(&! as t!ey are) Rat!er, t!e "an $!ose fa&e is refle&ted t!ere feels as!a"ed of !i"self $!ile &onte"%latin !is altered fa&e, affe&ted as it is 'y t!e tarnis!in for&e Wof t!e "irrorY, et&), and !e t!in5s: H"y fa&e is defor"edI) In t!e sa"e $ay, t!e Self of so"e fe$ &o niLers $!ose %resent 'irt! is t!e last is refle&ted Da3$hsate, lit), His res%lendentIE in t!e "irror of int(ition, in %ro%ortion to t!e s(" of attri'(tes, s(&! as o"nis&ien&e, $it! $!i&! it is endo$ed R for t!at "irror !as 'een &leansed 'y PivaIs ra&e R WPiva 'ein none ot!er t!anY oneIs o$n Self, for that WSelfY is radiance 6$hr/pa7 R $!ose "ery form is radiance, na"ely, Li !t itself)
Nit., 8the E1a**E, that i", the #'$ve%a$#e 21r'/ a('ve3 '1 e$erg%, it" 0e"#e$t:> 1ir"t '## rre$#e '1 the $'ti'$ i$ the kArikA"> "ee CD a0 18, &S 64,66, a$0 96. iva i" "ee$ a" pa&cakt!avidh!in (#1. &M magalcaraa), e$0'we0 with 1ive #'"/i# 1 $#ti'$" (kt!a)= #reati'$ (s#i), " "te$a$#e (sthiti), 0i""'* ti'$ (sahti, 'r dhvasa) J three 1 $#ti'$" a##epte0 (% a** 6$0ia$ phi*'"'phi#a* "%"te/" that p'"t *ate the w'r*0 a" #reate0 J a" we** a" '("# rati'$ (tirodhna, 'r nigraha), a$0 gra#e (an'graha, 'r aktipta) J tw' a00iti'$a* 1 $#ti'$" that are p'"t *ate0 (% B0vaita "%"te/" i$ ge$era*. .he"e tw' 1 $#ti'$", 'r e$ergie"[p'wer" ("p'ke$ '1 a" tirodhnaakti a$0 an'grahaakti) re"pe#tive*% e7p*ai$ ('$0age J the /a$i1e"tati'$ '1 iva a" the h'"t '1 the "e$tie$t *i/ite0 "' *" a$0 the i$"e$tie$t '(Le#t" '1 the w'r*0 J a$0 *i(erati'$. !1. .4 56; 24, where the pa&cakt!as are e$ /erate0. 414 vikhala J "ee CD a0 96. )'te the p*a% '$ the w'r0"= nigada0vikhala. vikhala, wh'"e *itera* /ea$i$g i" 8*a#ki$g a #hai$:, viU., 8 $1ettere0:, 8 $(' $0:, 8 $re"trai$e0:, ha" here the 0erive0 /ea$i$g '1 8 $#'$0iti'$e0: ("ee, i$1ra, the "e#'$0 K 'tati'$ i$ CD a0 *'#). .he K e"ti'$ wi** (e take$ p agai$ i$ kA. 82, where the $'ti'$ '1 rit a* adhikra i" K e"ti'$e0, a" we** a" i$ kArikA" 96,102. B$a*'g' " 1'r/ *ati'$ i$ .4 6 185= nairmal!a savida ceda p)rvbh!savad atho0 ani!antrevarecchta it! etac carca!i!ate00, 8!'$"#i' "$e"": a("e$#e '1 0e1e#t i" 0 e either t' pri'r pra#ti#e 2i$ 1'r/er *ive", a00" OD3, 'r t' the $re"trai$e0 wi** '1 the N'r0> thi" wi** (e e7a/i$e0 2i$ the thirtee$th #hapter, a00" OD3:. Rherea" the %,vanm'kta i" 0e"#ri(e0 i$ kA. 96, kA. 97 ev'ke" the videham'kta wh' i" *i(erate0 i//e0iate*% a1ter the e7i"te$#e i$ whi#h he ha" "trive$ 1'r *i(erati'$. .he 0i11ere$t t%pe" '1 the !ogabhra#a, th'"e 81a**e$ 1r'/ the path '1 %'ga: ('r 81r'/ 0i"#ip*i$e:) are a*"' 0e"#ri(e0= '$e wh' wi** "trive 1'r *i(erati'$ withi$ the "pa$ '1 tw' (irth", "eparate0 (% a "ta% i$ 8w'r*0" '1 e$L'%/e$t: (kA. 98,99)> a$0 '$e wh'"e *i(erati'$ wi** take p*a#e a*"' a1ter tw' (irth", ( t a1ter a / #h *'$ger "ta% i$ 0ivi$e w'r*0" (kA. 100,102). 415 caksti g*'""e" vibhti i$ the kArikA> #1. ?AH 66 2, 14,15, K 'te0 $. 265, whi#h #'$tra"t" vibhti a$0 bhti, vibhti /ea$i$g 8t' "hi$e i$ re1*e#ti'$:. 416 sv,kJ *it., 8/ake it" 'w$:, 8appr'priate:.


WHCleansedI "eansY "ade &lear 'y t!e &o"%lete re"oval of t!e latent dis%ositions 63san7 left 'y t!e i"%(rities of dee"in oneself finite 60a3amala7, of re ardin t!e $orld as o'#e&tive 6my-yamala7, of s(%%osin oneself t!e a ent of a&tions 6,rmamala7);8< +y t!e ter" descent 6!pta7 is !ere evo5ed t!e eff(l en&e of t!e rays of t!e energy 6(a,tiH7, WalsoY ter"ed HfavorI 6anugrah7, t!at e"anate fro" 'i"a !i"self);8C T!ese fe$ alone, t!o( ! des&ended into t!e $orld of trans"i ration, are, for all intents and %(r%oses, li'erated 6mu,ta,alpa7, for t!eir o$n nat(re !as 'e&o"e &o? e,tensive $it! t!eir %ro%er Wor H(niversalIY Self);8@ T!ey are t!(s %ossessed of e,&ellen&e) T!e Self of so"e ot!ers, t!o( ! endo$ed $it! radian&e, t!at is, t!o( ! Win realityY ill("ined 6$hta7, re"ains, for all intents and %(r%oses, as if (nill("ined 6a$ht7, d(e to its i"%(rity, inas"(&! as t!e intelle&t?%rin&i%le 6$uddhitatt3a7 !as 'een veiled 'y t!e i"%(rities of dee"in oneself finite, of re ardin t!e $orld as o'#e&tive, of s(%%osin oneself t!e a ent of a&tions derivin fro" t!e S(%re"e LordIs ener y of o's&(ration 6tirodhna(a,ti7) On t!is a&&o(nt, t!ese Wot!ersY are &alled Htet!eredI Wani"als, pa(uY and H'o(nd to trans"i rateI 6ssri,a7) And still ot!ers are &o niLers desiro(s of as&endin , 'e&a(se of t!e &on#(n&tion of 'ot! ener ies Wt!at of o's&(ration and t!at of ra&e, 'esto$ed on t!e" 'y t!e LordY) T!(s, in all s(&! &ases, t!e variation in Wt!e LordIsY ra&e "ay 'e %res("ed as one of t!e follo$in ty%es: so"eti"es intense 6t-3ra7, so"eti"es fee'le 6manda7, so"eti"es even "ore fee'le 6mandamandatar7, et&);67
.he tra$"*ati'$ re1*e#t", 1'r the"e three $'ti'$", the "a/e p'i$t '1 view, whi#h i" that '1 the 1ettere0 " (Le#t> the three 8"tai$": are #ertai$*% err'$e' " ( t at the "a/e ti/e are v'* $tar%, i/p'"e0 '$ ' r"e*ve" (% ' r"e*ve", a$0 (% $' 'ther, '1 whatever "'rt> "ee $. 317, a$ h%p'the"i" '$ the #'rre"p'$0e$#e '1 the three malas with three 1'r/" '1 (ei$g= satt, bhavatt, bhavanakartt. See &S 24 1'r a #'/p*ete e7p'"iti'$ '1 the /ate. 418 !1. a$'ther 0e1i$iti'$ '1 aktipta i$ CD a0 96. 419 Nit., 80 e t' the e7te$"i'$ '1 their 'w$ $at re i$t' their pr'per Se*1 (svtmasvar)pa1prathant). .he"e are the %,vanm'ktas 1 rther 0e"#ri(e0 i$ &S 96 a$0 CD a0 *'#. Sa/e "tate/e$t, ( t i$ $egative 1'r/, at the e$0 '1 the pa""age, whi#h 0ea*" with the 'pp'"ite 1ig re '1 the pa'= 8'$ a##' $t '1 thi" 2p'wer3, the% wa$0er (sasaranti) thr' gh thi" 2#%#*e3 agai$ a$0 agai$, e$gage0 i$ g''0 a$0 (a0 a#ti'$", e$L'%i$g p*ea" re a$0 pai$, et#., 1'r their 'w$ $at re ha" $'t (e#'/e #', e7te$"ive with their 2 $iver"a*3 Se*1 (svasvar)pprathant):. 420 8;ariati'$ i$ 2the N'r0:"3 gra#e: here re1er", $'t t' t' 0i11eri$g i$te$"itie" '1 the N'r0:" gra#e, ( t t' the *eve*" '1 re#eptivit% '1 the a0ept. Si/i*ar*%, the "a/e 1ire wi** have K ite 0i11ere$t e11e#t" '$ 0r% a$0 wet paper. Re have here, a0/itte0*%, a$ e7p*a$ati'$ '1 the i$e7p*i#a(*e= '$ '$e ha$0, 0ivi$e gra#e i" the "a/e 1'r a**, $#'$0iti'$e0 (vikhala)> '$ the 'ther, $everthe*e"", i" '("erve0 i$ the Erea*E w'r*0 a hierar#h% '1 " (Le#t", whi#h i" a 1 $#ti'$ '1 ea#h " (Le#t:" 0egree '1 aptit 0e i$ re#eivi$g that gra#e. .h " CD 0i"ti$g i"he" three *arge #ateg'rie"= '$ '$e e7tre/e, the %,vanm'kta, '$ the 'ther, the pa' 'r sasrin, wh'"e " (/i""i'$ t' w'r*0*% #'$#er$" /ake" hi/ i$"e$"i(*e t' the a#ti'$" '1 gra#e, a$0 (etwee$ the"e tw' e7tre/e", the r'r'k' ('r m'm'k'), wh'"e e11'rt" t'war0 0e*ivra$#e 'pe$ hi/ p t' the N'r0:" gra#e, ( t wh'/ 0iver"e 1a#t'r" J hi" $ative i$te**ige$#e, 'r #ha$#e i$terr pti'$" i$ hi" pra#ti#e ("ee kA. 98,102) J 0eter 1r'/ a$ e11i#a#i' " a$0 i//e0iate re#epti'$ '1 gra#e. Re have here a$'ther ver"i'$ '1 the Etw' tr th"E= the paramrthasat!a a$0 the savtisat!a, tra$"#e$0e$t tr th, a$0 e/piri#a* tr th. .he 0i"ti$#ti'$ (etwee$ the " (Le#t 0e"ti$e0 t' *i(erati'$ a$0 the " (Le#t #'$0e/$e0 t' (e re('r$ i" $'t a 1 $#ti'$ '1 the i$te$ti'$ '1 the g'0 J "' "a%" the te7t #ite0 (e*'w (% CD hi/"e*1= 8B" 1ar a" the N'r0:" gra#e i" #'$#er$e0, hi" i$te$ti'$ (dh,) reK ire" $'thi$g 2a" a pre#'$0iti'$3, 1'r it pr'#*ai/" hi" i$0epe$0e$#e (svatantrat) 2...3:. .here re/ai$" the K e"ti'$ '1 the 0i"ti$#ti'$ (etwee$ an'grahaakti a$0 tirodhnaakti. .he 1'r/er i" /a$i1e"te0 i$ the 1'r/ '1 the 80e"#e$t '1 e$erg%:


A&&ordin ly, t!ere is no a&tion R $!et!er it 'e "editation 6dhyn7, silent Dor $!is%eredE re&itation 61apa7, et&), or sa&rifi&es s(&! as !orse sa&rifi&e, or anyt!in else, all of $!i&! arise fro" t!e %o$er of &a(sal &onstraint Wof t!e LordY t!at is in&l(ded in !is %o$er of differentiation R $!i&! "ay &a(se t!e li'eration 6mocana7 of t!e Self) For not!in t!at is 'ased on differen&e is s(ited to serve as "eans to t!at Wli'eration, viL), identity $it! t!e SelfY, sin&e t!e Self !as %assed 'eyond my);68 As it !as 'een s(n : Not 'y t!e 1edas, nor 'y a(sterity,] Nor 'y ifts or a&ts of $ors!i%,] Can I W'e seen in s(&! a (ise,] As t!o( !ast seen .eY);66 T!erefore, a&&ordin ly, t!e favor of t!e S(%re"e Lord is t!e only en(ine 6a,.trim7 &a(se Wof li'eration forY t!ose $!ose intelle&ts are $ort!y of it) As !as 'een said: As far as t!e LordIs ra&e is &on&erned, !is intention re9(ires not!in Was a %re&onditionY, for it %ro&lai"s !is inde%enden&eM it is not affe&ted 'y a tra&e of &a(se;6A Wasso&iated $it! it R t!at is, it &annot 'e &onstr(ed as t!e effe&t of any &a(se, s(&! as t!e 'e!avior of t!e $ors!i%erY);6; On t!e ot!er !and, t!e S(%re"e LordIs ener y of o's&(ration is t!e very &a(se of fettered s('#e&tsI $anderin fro" 'irt! to 'irt!: on a&&o(nt of t!is ener y, t!ey $ander t!ro( ! t!is W&y&leY a ain and a ain, en a ed in ood and 'ad a&tions, en#oyin %leas(re and %ain, et&), for t!eir o$n nat(re !as not 'e&o"e &o?e,tensive $it! t!eir W(niversalY Self) T!erefore, alt!o( ! t!e Wa'sol(teY Self is &o""on to all &o niLers, t!ere are nevert!eless t$o ener ies, t!at of favor and t!at of o's&(ration, of t!e nat(re of Li !t and of non?Li !t 6apra,(7 Wres%e&tivelyY, t!at are &a(ses of t!e di&!oto"y 'et$een li'eration 6mo,)a7 and 'onda e) As !as 'een said W'y Avad!_tasidd!aY: T!e (no'str(&ted ener y Wof o's&(rationY of t!e one endo$ed $it! infinite ener ies 'inds t!e ordinary 'ein $it! t!e net of fetters t!at is t!is e"%iri&al $orld) And !is ot!er Wener y, t!at of ra&eY, after it !as severed all Wt!reeY

(aktipta). .he "e#'$0 i" i$"tr /e$ta* i$ e11e#t ati$g m!, whi#h i" re"p'$"i(*e 1'r the 1i$it 0e '1 the sasrin. F t the pri$#ip*e $0er*%i$g the e7er#i"e '1 either akti i" the "'vereig$ *i(ert% '1 the N'r0. Si/i*ar*%, the ter/ vikhala, app*ie0 t' aktipta i$ the avat., /a% a*"' (e $0er"t''0 i$ thi" "e$"e= the gra#e 0i"pe$"e0 (% the N'r0 i" 81ree:, $'t /ere*% i$ that it i" $#'$0iti'$e0, ( t a*"' i$ that it ha" $' 'ther #a "e tha$ the "'vereig$ *i(ert% '1 the 0ivi$it%. B$ e7p*a$ati'$ that /a% we** (e 'pe$e0 t' the '(Le#ti'$ that it e7p*ai$" $'thi$g, ( t t' whi#h '$e /ight re"p'$0 that the 0'g/a '1 the N'r0:" *i(ert% i" at the ver% heart '1 .rika 0'#tri$e. .he "a/e 0e(ate, e7pre""e0 i$ a*/'"t the "a/e ter/", '## r" i$ the #'//e$tar% '$ kA. 96,102> "ee, e"p., the avat. t' 96 a$0 97. 421 !1. CD a0 18 a$0 96= 8the a#K i"iti'$ '1 the k$'w*e0ge '1 '$e:" 'w$ Se*1 ha" 1'r it" $iK e /ea$" the 1av'r '1 the S pre/e N'r0:. 422 FhI 56 53. -ev'ti'$ (bhakti) i" the $iK e /ea$", a" ta ght i$ the 1'**'wi$g ver"e= bhakt! tv anan!a! ak!a aham evavidho (r%'na0 %&t' dra#' ca tattvena prave#' ca paratapa00, 8F t (% $"wervi$g 0ev'ti'$ #a$[ 6 i$ " #h a g i"e, BrL $a,[ Fe k$'w$ a$0 "ee$ i$ ver% tr th,[ B$0 e$tere0 i$t', "#'r#her '1 the 1'e: (FhI 56 54). .here i" $' 0ire#t #'//e$tar% '1 BI '$ thi" ver"e '1 the 4,t. 423 Dea0 kranakal1aghrt. 424 .he "' r#e '1 the K 'tati'$ ha" $'t (ee$ 1' $0. .he 0'#tri$e '1 the N'r0:" 8 $#'$0iti'$e0: wi** " it" ver% we** 'ther i0ea" #'$#er$i$g the 0i"pe$"i$g '1 gra#e i$ the aivi"/ '1 ?a"h/ir.

strands $it! t!e s$ord of 5no$led e,;6B leads "an fa&e to fa&e W$it! PivaY so t!at !e rea&!es t!e state of li'eration 63imu,ti7);6= #!rik!s @+ *avin t!(s a&&o(nted for t!is entirety 6ida sar3am7 WviL), t!e (niverse in eneralY, in a&&ordan&e $it! s&ri%t(re, e,%erien&e and reasonin , ;6< t!e "aster ne,t ta5es (% t!e $orld 61agat7 t!at is internal to t!e tetrad of t!e s%!eres of Ener y, et&), earlier %ro%o(nded, $!i&! !as as its 'asis t!e t!irty?si, %rin&i%les Wt!at $ill 'e e,%lainedY in t!e order of t!eir arisin );6C +(t, in anti&i%ation of t!at, in t$o 54ri54s, !e %ro%o(nds t!e &a(se of t!e &a(se, na"ely, t!e S(%re"e Piva DPara"aJivaE, s(s%ended fro" $!o" t!at $orld a%%ears:;6@

.he 8"w'r0 '1 k$'w*e0ge: i" a #'//'$ i/age. !1. +Fh 5 47, 12,15, K 'te0 i$ FhIFh 5; 1= etac chittv ca bhittv ca %&nena paramsin0 tata ctmarati prp!a tasmn nvartate p'na00, 8Mavi$g 1e**e0 a$0 "p*it thi" 2.ree '1 /ateria* e7i"te$#e3 with the great "w'r0 '1 k$'w*e0ge, a$0 th " attai$i$g the (*i"" '1 the Se*1, '$e 0'e" $'t ret r$ 1r'/ that 2(*i""3:. 8B7e '1 k$'w*e0ge: (%&nak'#hra) i" a varia$t> #1. CD a0 87,88. 426 -hagavadbhaktistotra 17. .he ver"e i" a*"' K 'te0 i$ rYk /Ara:" #'//e$tar% '$ the Tattvapraka (115) '1 Fh'La. B" '("erve0 (% I$'*i (i(i0.= 215), 8thi" stotra, a" i" "h'w$ (% the re*ative*% $ /er' " K 'tati'$", / "t have e$L'%e0 at 'ther ti/e" a #ertai$ rep tati'$:, e"pe#ia**% i$ ?a"h/iria$ aiva #ir#*e". 6$ e11e#t B(hi$avag pta K 'te" it (v. 29) i$ the -hadvimarin, a$0 the :agh'vimarin,, a$0 CD, '$#e /'re, #ite" it (v. 21) whe$ #'//e$ti$g '$ &S 27 ("ee I$'*i, i(i0.). B##'r0i$g t' I$'*i, Bva0h\ta"i00ha /ight have (ee$ a $ative '1 ?a"h/ir, a$0, havi$g (e#'/e a$ a th'rit% a/'$g aiva" a" ear*% a" BI:" ti/e, /ight have *ive0 there i$ the 10th 'r eve$ i$ the 9th #e$t. 427 .hat the 0'#tri$e #a$ (e L "ti1ie0 *'gi#a**% i" a #*ai/ /a0e (% a** the e7p'$e$t" '1 $'$,0 a* Saivi"/ '1 ?a"h/ir> "ee, 1'r i$"ta$#e, the 1ir"t a$0 *a"t kArikA" '1 the ^&?, viU., ^&? 6 1, 1= tat prat!abhi%&m 'papda!mi, 86 wi** /ake " ita(*e 2t' /% a 0ie$#e (% /% e7p'"iti'$3 2viU., /ake a " ita(*e e7p'"iti'$ '13 the 20'#tri$e '13 re#'g$iti'$:, a$0 ^&? 6; 18= ,varaprat!abhi%&e!am 'tpalenopapdit, E.hi" 20'#tri$e '13 the N'r0:" re#'g$iti'$ ha" (ee$ /a0e " ita(*e 2t' the "t 0e$t3 2viU., e7p*ai$e0 " ita(*%3 (% Htpa*a:, a" we** a" ^&vX 6; 16= ma! !'ktinibandhanena hda!agamikta, 82.hi" $ew path ta ght (% S'/A$a$0a3 6 have /a0e it attra#tive 2*it., 86 have #a "e0 it t' e$ter the heart":3 (% a11i7i$g it with arg /e$t" (!'kti)". B*"' thir0 magala ver"e '1 the Sp)= sam!aks)trasamanva!a $... t,k !'ktikathm $.., %&t'm v&chatha cet $... , 861 %' wa$t t' k$'w the e7a#t i$ter,#'$$e7i'$ '1 the "\tra" 2...3, a## rate e7p'"iti'$ '1 the rea"'$i$g 2at w'rk, there3, et#.:. De# rre$t*%, i$ a** the te7t" '1 the .rika, arg /e$t (% rea"'$i$g i" #'$tra"te0 with L "ti1i#ati'$ (% 4ga/a" 'r appea* t' per"'$a* e7perie$#e (an'bhava), '1te$ i$ the 1'r/ '1 the tria0= !'kt!an'bhavgamasiddhena, !'kt!an'bhavgama!'ktam, 'r 'ther varia$t> "ee, 1'r i$"ta$#e, CD a0 8 (whi#h '/it" an'bhava)> avat. a0 104> CD a0 79,80, whi#h a00" a 1' rth ter/ (pari,lana, 8" "tai$e0 #'$#e$trati'$:), a" reK ire0 (% #'$te7t= !'kt!gamn'bhavapari,lanena. Gve$ /'re e7p*i#it*%, ?9e/arALa:" ge$era* avat. a0 Sp? pre"e$t" the w'rk a" 8"h'wi$g the agree/e$t '1 4ga/a", e7perie$#e a$0 rea"'$i$g:= gamn'bhavopapattaik,kra pradara!an. 428 !1. CD a0 1, 14 (avat.), 22, 46 (avat.). )'te that the w'r0 8Lagat: ((% /'"t a##' $t", 0erive0 1r'/ the i$te$"ive 1'r/ '1 gam) " gge"t" the 8w'r*0: $#ea"i$g*% /'vi$g, 1i$ite, a$0 1 ** '1 #'$tra"t, a" apprehe$0e0 (% ' r "e$"e,'rga$"> there1're, the Erea*E w'r*0, #'$tra"ti$g with the Evirt a*E w'r*0 previ' "*% 0e"#ri(e0> "ee $. 465. 429 Sa/e phra"e'*'g% a$0 "a/e #'$te7t i$ ^&; 6 7, 1= apit' savedanam eva tat tath caksti m prati bhti iti pramtlagnatvt, 8+'re'ver, that 2'(Le#t3 i" #'$"#i' "$e"" it"e*1, 1'r that 2'(Le#t3 i" i$"epara(*e 1r'/ (lagna, *it., 8atta#he0 t':, 8h $g p'$:, 8" "pe$0e0 1r'/:) the e7perie$#i$g " (Le#t 2wh'"e e7perie$#e ha" a*wa%" the 1'r/3= Eth " it appear" (e1're /e.E: Mere, pramt repre"e$t" the " (Le#t par e7#e**e$#e, a" 0'e" &ara/aPiva i$ CD:" #'//e$tar%.


@+ ) This world of thirty+six principles is reflected within the ultimate principle,;A7 which, formed of light, is complete, and is supremely blissful on account of reposing in itselfM it is suffused with the energies of -ill , #nowledge and Action,;A8 and replete with an infinity of (other) energies M it is de"oid of all mental constructs, de"oid of dissolution and creation6 is pure and is at peace);A6 T!e (niverse, $!i&! $ill 'e des&ri'ed as startin fro" Piva Wt!e first a"on t!e t!irty?si, %rin&i%lesY and endin $it! eart! Wt!e lastY, a%%ears 6pra,a(ate7 as re%osin in !i" R t!at is, in !i" $!ose nat(re is s(&! as !as 'een des&ri'ed R t!e ultimate, all?en&o"%assin , Piva?%rin&i%le 6(i3atatt3a7) T!at is to say, t!o( ! "anifestin itself 6ca,sat7, it is s!o$n 'y reasonin not to 'e different fro" t!at W%rin&i%leY) No$, as to t!is vie$, Wt!e follo$in o'#e&tion "ay 'e raised:Y R WT!e $ord tatt3a is t!(s derived:Y Ht!at $!ere t!e $!ole 6sar37 &onsistin of 'odies, et&) Ws&il), fa&(lties and $orldsY, is s%read o(t 6tanyate7 Wis &alled QtattvaQYIM;AA alternatively, 'e&a(se of its He,tensionI 6tanant7, it is $!at He,tendsI 6tat7 (% (ntil Wt!e $orldIsY dissol(tionM Itat-t3aI is t!en Ht!e state or &ondition of t!at We,tended t!in , viL), t!e (lti"ate %rin&i%ieYI);A;

B "i/i*ar atte/pt i" /a0e i$ kA. 43 a$0 64,66 t' $0er"ta$0 &ara/aPiva ('r, what a/' $t" t' the "a/e thi$g, brahman), thr' gh the e$ /erati'$ '1 hi" K a*i1i#ati'$". )'te that the i/age '1 the #it% i$ the /irr'r 0eve*'pe0 i$ 12,13 i" a*rea0% pre"e$t here= !at paratattva tasmin vibhti $... %agat, 8.hi" w'r*0 appear" i$ the *ti/ate pri$#ip*e:. 431 Si*( r$ tra$"*ate" *itera**%= 8a('$0a//e$t p' rv 0e v'*'$te (icch), 0e !'$"#ie$#e (savit) et 0:i$"tr /e$t (karaa)". 432 !'/pare &S 11 with 4&S 25= sarvavikalpanah,na 'ddho b'ddho (%armara nta0 amala sakd vibhta cetana tm khavad v!p,00. 433 F'th 0erivati'$" '1 the w'r0 tattva re1erre0 t' here (% the p)rvapakin are 1r'/ the r''t tan, 8t' "prea0, e7te$0, e7pa$0:. .he 1ir"t, i$ pa""ive v'i#e, /ake" tattva a$ '(Le#t, a$ e11e#t '1 the N'r0:" a#tivit%. M'wever, the w'r0 0'e" $'t 0e"ig$ate #'$#rete 0iver"it% per se, ( t rather 8where the e$tire /a$i1e"tati'$ i" e7te$0e0: J the #ateg'rie" where(% the i$1i$ite varietie" '1 phe$'/e$a are 'r0ere0> tattva i" th " a 1a#t'r '1 #*a""i1i#ati'$ (varg,karaanimitta), a$ e*e/e$t $i1%i$g a #'**e#ti'$ '1 0i"ti$#t e$titie", a" "tate0 i$ ^&; 666 1, 2, v'*. 66= 219= !ath girivkap'raprabht,n nad,sarasgard,n ca pthiv,r)patvam abr)patva ceti, 8T'r i$"ta$#e, /' $tai$, tree, #it%, et#., are earth (% e""e$#e, wherea" river, *ake, '#ea$, et#., are water (% e""e$#e:. 434 ?9e/arALa:" 0e1i$iti'$ '1 tattva i$ hi" /vacchandatantrodd!ota 2Sv.H3 a0 Sv. 6; 241,242 (v'*. 66= 74) J the ter/i$'*'g% i" a*/'"t the "a/e J /ake" CD:" #'//e$tar% /'re i$te**igi(*e (% a0'pti$g the e7egeti# /eth'0 a""'#iate0 with nir'kti= tas!a bhvas tanant tattvam iti v!'tpatt! nir'kt! ca, (tattva i" "' #a**e0 1'r it i" Ee7te$"i'$E (tanana), a##'r0i$g t' et%/'*'g% (nir'kt!)> a$0 1r'/ the p'i$t '1 view '1 /'rph'*'gi#a* 0erivati'$ (v!'tpatt!), it /ea$" the "tate 'r #'$0iti'$ '1 that 2whi#h Ee7te$0"E (tat)3: J that i", tattva i" 0erive0 1r'/ the r''t tan. 6t i" ((are*%) p'""i(*e that thi" tat #' *0 have (ee$ $0er"t''0 a" the r''t $' $ '1 the r''t tan (tanoti), i$ weak gra0e (a$0 "' "h'r$ '1 it" $a"a*, #1. ga1ta), with t'ggama (that i" J the "te/,e7te$"i'$ t$'k ), a" w' *0 (e $'r/a* a1ter a "h'rt v'we* (#1. viva1k1t). See a*"' .4; 65 1, v'*. 6;= 1637= tanoti sarvam iti tat para r)pa tas!a bhvas tattvam it! artha, 82.he ter/3 tattva i" th " e7p*ai$e0= 2the e*e/e$t3 tat /ea$" 8that whi#h e7te$0" t' ever%thi$g:, 2$a/e*%3 the *ti/ate 1'r/ 2'1 the $iver"e3> 2(% a11i7i$g theret' the a("tra#t " 11i7 1tva, '$e '(tai$" the "e$"e=3 8the "tate ('r #'$0iti'$) '1 that 2e7te$0e0 e$tit% ('r " pre/e 1'r/) J that i", the pri$#ip*e '1 e7pa$"i'$ it"e*13:. .h ", tattva re1er" either t' #*a""i1ie0 '(Le#tivit%, 'r t' tra$"#e$0e$ta* " (Le#tivit%, a*th' gh, *ti/ate*%, a** tattvas are a("'r(e0 i$t' that where1r'/ the% pr'#ee0, the S pre/e N'r0, 'r *ti/ate pri$#ip*e (paratattva), 0e1i$e0 a" 8that whi#h e7pa$0":. See a*"' $. 506. Mi"t'ri#a* *i$g i"ti#" '1 the /'0er$ "'rt '1 #' r"e 0'e" $'t appr've " #h et%/'*'gie", pre1erri$g the "traight1'rwar0 0erivati'$ tat1tva 8thi",$e"":.


In eit!er &ase, t!e $ord tatt3a &onveys so"et!in insentient);AB *o$, t!erefore, &an it 'e a%%lied to t!e Lord, to t!e S(%re"e Piva, $!ose for" is &ons&io(sness 6cidr/pa7Z To t!is o'#e&tion it "ay 'e said in res%onse: R T!e $ord tatt3a, H%rin&i%leI, is e"%loyed W'y (sY only to t!e e,tent t!at a ver'al e,%osition is re9(ired, for t!ose $!o need instr(&tion,;A= '(t tr(ly t!is $ord does not a%%ly to Wt!e S(%re"e PivaY) Of $!at sort is t!is (lti"ate %rin&i%le 6paratatt3a7 t!enZ It is t!at $!ose for", $!ose %ro%er nat(re, is radiance, is Li !t: of it t!e for" is t!at of reat Li !t: t!at is t!e "eanin ) And, it is complete Wor all+encompassingY 6parip/r0a7, t!at is, it $ants not!in Wto &o"%lete itself, is free of de%enden&yY 6nir,9,)a7);A< WIn t!is res%e&t, it "i !t 'e alle ed:Y R '(t also are free of de%enden&y s(&! t!in s as &rystal? e"s, "irrors, et&), $!i&! are insentient) T!erefore, t!e "aster says: Hsupremely blissful 6mahnanda7 on account of reposing in itself, t!at is, it is endo$ed $it! reat 'liss, $it! s(%re"e feli&ity, ;AC d(e to t!e fa&t t!at it re%oses in its o$n tr(e nat(re Winfor"ed 'yY t!e deli !t 6rasa7 t!at arises fro" t!e state of (nfra "ented $onder t!at is Ws(%re"eY i%seity 6a,ha0hantcamat,ra7);A@ T!(s, 'e&a(se its essen&e is s(%re"e, 'eatifi& s%lendor 6sphuratt7, W$!i&! needs no ot!er so(r&e of li !tY, its differen&e is Ws(ffi&ientlyY stated in res%e&t of inani"ate entities s(&! as &rystal, $!i&! "(st 'e ill("ined Wfro" $it!o(tY) T!erefore t!e "aster says f(rt!er: Hsuffused with the Wenergies ofY -ill6 #nowledge and ActionI)

Rhether phe$'/e$a* #ateg'r% 'r *ti/ate pri$#ip*e, tattva i" a*wa%" $0er"t''0 a" e7i"ti$g i$ "pa#e a$0 ti/e (a" paratattva, it 8e7pa$0" ti** 0i""'* ti'$:). B" 0e/'$"trate0 e*"ewhere (CD a0 6 a$0 10,11), "patia*it% a$0 te/p'ra*it% are i$"e$tie$t, $*e"" take$ a" the ver% p'wer" '1 the N'r0. S' gr' $0e0 i" the '(Le#ti'$ '1 the p)rvapakin. .hi" 8e7te$0i$g: /a$i1e"tati'$, (ei$g $'thi$g ( t phe$'/e$a* p* ra*it%, i/p*ie" that the N'r0 ha" a(a$0'$e0 hi" 'w$ e""e$tia* $at re, p re #'$"#i' "$e"". 6$ thi" wa%, p* ra*it% i/p*ie" i$"e$tie$#e. 436 Sa/e ter/ a$0 0i"# ""i'$ i$ CD a0 14. 437 Far$ett a$0 Si*( r$ tra$"*ate parip)ra a" 8per1e#t:. F t 8#'/p*ete: appear" /'re appr'priate here, i$ the *ight '1 the #'//e$tar% whi#h e7p*ai$" it a" nirkka, 80e"ire*e"", wa$ti$g $'thi$g 2t' 1i** it p, viU., #'/p*ete3:. .he ter/ kk, 8e7pe#tati'$:, ('rr'we0 1r'/ gra//ar, 0e"ig$ate" that whi#h J *ike a tra$"itive ver( J Ee7pe#t"E a #'/p*e/e$t J it" E0ire#t '(Le#tE J a$0 i" there1're i$ it"e*1 i$#'/p*ete. !'//e$ti$g p'$ ('th icchsavitkaraair nirbharitam a$0 anantaaktiparip)ram, CD agai$ $0er"ta$0" the ter/ t' /ea$ 8#'/p*ete*% 1i**e0 with i$$ /era(*e e$ergie":. Sa/e "eK e$#e i$ CD a0 65. 438 Mi" 1ree0'/ 1r'/ 0epe$0e$#% i" $'t L "t a $egative #'$0iti'$. Me i" a*"' #hara#teriUe0 a" " pre/e (*i"" it"e*1> "ee 6$tr., p. 29, a$0 p. 46. 439 Si/i*ar*% ^&? 6 5, 11 /ake" re1*e#tive aware$e"" (vimara0prat!avamara), e7perie$#e0 a" w'$0er (camatkra), the 1a#t'r 0i"ti$g i"hi$g the N'r0 'r $iver"a* #'$"#i' "$e"" 1r'/ i$"e$tie$t '(Le#t" " #h a" #r%"ta*. B*th' gh the *atter are #'*'re0 (% '(Le#t" L "t a" #'$"#i' "$e"" i", the% are $'t aware '1 it.


T!e ener ies of Oill, /no$led e, and A&tion;;7 &onstit(te its nat(reM it is not t!e &ase t!at it is devoid of ener y, and is, as it $ere, insentient, as is "aintained 'y t!e P4nta'ra!"av4dins) .oreover, it is replete with an infinity of WotherY energies 6ananta(a,ti7M;;8 replete with 6paripur07 R entirely, &o"%letely, filled with 6p/r0a7, or %er"eated 'y 63ypta7 R infinite, (n&o(nta'le, energies, as "anifested in Wt!e infinity ofY for"s t!at !ave na"es, s(&! as H#arI, H&lot!I, et&) And t!ese ener ies ta5e t!e for" of +r4!"F, et&),;;6 as offs!oots of t!e ener ies of Oill, /no$led e and A&tion,;;A and Was denotationY arise fro" t!e "ass Wor totalityY of so(nds

&ara/aPiva i" i$"epara(*e 1r'/ hi" " pre/e e$erg% (parakti), whi#h i" a*"' $a/e0 svtantr!aakti, e$erg% '1 a("'* te 1ree0'/. Si$#e thi" svtantr!aakti tra$"1'r/" it"e*1 i$t' icchakti, %&naakti a$0 kri!akti, i$ " ##e""i'$, &ara/aPiva /a% (e "ai0 t' (e 8'1 the $at re '1 the e$ergie" '1 Ri** (icch), ?$'w*e0ge (%&na), a$0 B#ti'$ (kri!):. Sp) 666 13 a$0 S; 666 19, ('th K 'ti$g +;. 666 5,13, 0e"#ri(e i$ 0etai* the e$tire pr'#e"" ("ee Bppe$0i7 9, p. 329). 441 )'te that anantaakti wa" the ter/ "e0 (% Bva0h\ta"i00ha i$ the pa""age K 'te0 at the e$0 '1 the #'//e$tar% '$ &S 9. !1. a*"' Sp? 6 1, K 'te0 $. 301, i$ whi#h iva i" #e*e(rate0 a" the /a"ter '1 the Rhee* '1 e$ergie". .he"e 8i$$ /era(*e (ananta 'r aea) e$ergie": are a*"' ter/e0 the 8Rhee* '1 e$ergie": (akticakra), whi#h Sp) 666 13, whi*e 0e1i$i$g parvc, 0e"#ri(e" a" 8#'/p'"e0 '1 e$*arge/e$t" '1 the E"i7 path"E J 2e$*arge03 (% /ea$" '1 i$$ /era(*e w'r0" a$0 '(Le#t" t' whi#h the% re1er 2appeari$g a$0 0i"appeari$g t' the rh%th/3 '1 $i$terr pte0 "erie" '1 /a$i1e"tati'$ a$0 0i""'* ti'$ 2...3: ($... sv,ktnantavc!avcakar)paaadhvasphrama!eaakticakrakro,krntaktanieasarga prala!diparapar$... ). See a*"' &S 47 (a$0 CD a0 *'#.) a$0 the i/age '1 the water,whee*. 442 +;. 666 14 /e$ti'$" eight g'00e""e", 'r 0ivi$iUe0 e$ergie" (akti), pre"i0i$g 'ver the eight gr' p" '1 ph'$e/e" (varga)= +AhePY (S +AhePvarY), FrAh/a@Y (S FrAh/Y), ?a /ArY, ;ai9@avY, Bi$0rY, CA/%A, !A/ @A a$0 C'gYPY> '$ the mtks, "ee a*"' Sp& 1 (pp. 11,12). F t the *i"t" 0i11er a##'r0i$g t' 0i11ere$t te7t" ("ee &a0' 7 1992= 155). Sp? 666 13 e/pha"iUe", a" e7p*ai$e0 (% the Bira!a, the 0e* 0i$g p'wer '1 th'"e ver(a* aktis, re"p'$"i(*e 1'r the "ervit 0e '1 the pa', 80eprive0 '1 hi" /ight (% *i/ite0 w'r0" a$0 i0ea": (sak'citai abdair %&nai ca vil'ptavibhava). !1. S; 666 19= $... prptatattvo (pi pramd!an mhe!dibhi pa'%andhi#htbh)tbhir api abdn'vedhadvrea moh!ate, 8Gve$ he wh' ha" attai$e0 2" pre/e3 rea*it%, i1 i$atte$tive, i" #'$1' $0e0 (moh!ate) (% +AhePY a$0 a** the 'ther pre"i0i$g 0eitie" '1 1ettere0 " (Le#t", thr' gh the /e0i / '1 w'r0" that #'$1' $0 2*it., 8pier#e: ("#i*. 80e"tr'%:), an'v!adh3:. 443 CD:" e7p'"iti'$ re1er" here t' the 0'#tri$e '1 ph'$e/i# e/a$ati'$, a" 0eve*'pe0 (% S; 666 19. .he N'r0:" svtantr!aakti, "ee$ a" parvc, " pre/e Spee#h, havi$g 0ivi0e0 it"e*1 i$t' the three e$ergie" '1 Ri**, ?$'w*e0ge a$0 B#ti'$, a"" /e" the 1'r/" '1 v'we*" a$0 #'$"'$a$t". .h " it (e#'/e" +AtXkA, the 8+'ther: '1 ph'$e/e", whether ttere0 'r $'t, a$0 pre"i0e" 'ver the 0eitie", " #h a" +AhePvarY, et#., wh' reig$ 'ver the eight gr' p" '1 ph'$e/e", a*"' #a**e0 mtks. .he $a/e mtk, whether app*ie0 t' a "i$g*e e$tit% 'r t' /a$%, #'$$'te" $'t '$*% the 8/'ther: '1 the w'r0", ( t a*"' '1 the w'r*0", i$a"/ #h a" the / *tit 0e '1 w'r0" e$tai*" the / *tit 0e '1 '(Le#t" (% the/ 0e$'te0. B" "h'w$ (% +;. 666 5,13 ("ee Bppe$0i7 9, p. 329), FrAh/Y, et#., "ee$ a" e$ergie", "pri$g 1'rth 1r'/ the tria0 '1 icch, %&na a$0 kri!. Si/i*ar 0eve*'p/e$t i$ CD a0 64,66> a*"' S; 666 19, .4 666 198,200a.


6(a$dar(i7);;; T!ese ener ies 'ea" fort! 6ullasat7 fro" it Wt!e (lti"ate %rin&i%leY, and also a&!ieve rest in it);;B And, t!(s, it "i !t also 'e said t!at, in t!e Lord, W!is ener y of a'sol(teY freedo" ta5es t!e for" of s(%re"e S%ee&! 6par3c7);;= *ere, so"eone "ay o'#e&t: R If t!e (lti"ate %rin&i%le Wor entityY is of t!e nat(re of S%ee&! 63c7, t!en, it is &onstr(&ted "entally inas"(&! as it is differentiated 'y "eans of so(nds Wor %!one"esY W$!i&! are vol(ntaryY) *o$ &an a "ental &onstr(&t 6,alpan7 'e attri'(ted to !i" $!o is %(re Li !tZ Oit! t!e intention of ans$erin t!is o'#e&tion, t!e "aster says: Hde"oid of all mental constructsI) WT!at is,Y alt!o( ! of t!e nat(re of S%ee&!, t!e $ondro(s e,%erien&e, in t!e s(%re"e &o niLer, of s(%re"e i%seity is free fro" "ental &onstr(&ts 6nir3i,alpa7) For a "ental &onstr(&t 63i,alp7 is &!ara&teriLed 'y t!e differentiation 6apoha7 Wof a Ht!isIY fro" an Hot!erI WviL), a Hnon?t!isIY R t!at is, 'y t!e %ost(lation of a d(ality R t!e #ar and t!e non?#ar R $!i&! deter"ines t!e #ar as distin (is!ed fro" all t!at is non?#ar);;< +(t not!in ot!er t!an Li !t, $!i&! $o(ld Wne&essarilyY !ave t!e for" of non? Li !t, is attested t!at &o(ld serve as a &o(nter?reality ;;C to t!at Li !t R $!ose very essen&e is t!e "arvel of s(%re"e i%seity R s(&! t!at, 'y distin (is!in WLi !tY fro" t!at Wot!er entityY, its stat(s as a "ental &onstr(&t WR as !avin an alternative ;;@ RY $o(ld 'e esta'lis!ed);B7
S; 66 13 0e1i$e" the N'r0 a" (abdari, /a"" 2*it., 8heap:, i/p*%i$g a$ $0i11ere$tiate0 t'ta*it%3 '1 "' $0", wh'"e e""e$#e #'$"i"t" '1 a p *"ati$g ra0ia$#e, the $at re '1 whi#h i" the re1*e#tive aware$e"" '1 the 1 **$e"" '1 the 2a("'* te3 E6E, i$"epara(*e 1r'/ the t'ta*it% '1 the $iver"e: (bhagavn abdari tas!a ! satt aeavivbhedama!ap)rhamvimarantm sph'ratt)> tr. &a0' 7 1992= 307. See a*"' CD a0 64,66, "i$g a "i/i*ar phra"e'*'g%. Sp; 6; 21 2S a0 666 19, i$ the te7t a* 'rga$iUati'$ '1 Sp)3 (p. 160) /ake" e7p*i#it the re*ati'$"hip (etwee$ the Rhee* '1 e$ergie" a$0 abdari= sat!tmasvar)paprat!abhi%&lakad heto cakrevaro bhavet cakras!a prkpratipditasthit! carcarabhvapar!antena prapa&cena prastas!a abdarisam'tthas!a svaaktisam)has!a ,varo (dhi#ht, 8F% re#'g$i"i$g hi" tr e e""e$tia* $at re, EMe (e#'/e" the N'r0 '1 the Rhee*E, that i", the N'r0 Rh' pre"i0e" 'ver the Rhee* 'r gr' p '1 Mi" 'w$ p'wer" ('r$ '1 the E+a"" '1 "' $0"E (abdari) a$0 whi#h, i$ the /a$$er previ' "*% 0e"#ri(e0, $1'*0" thr' gh the e7te$0i$g "eK e$#e '1 /a$i1e"tati'$ (prapa&ca) a** the wa% 0'w$ t' the *eve* '1 a$i/ate a$0 i$a$i/ate (ei$g": (tr. -%#Uk'w"ki ^&?= 134)> a*"' Sp? 666 13, whi#h agai$ e"ta(*i"he" the abdari a" the "' r#e '1 the gr' p ('r Rhee*) '1 e$ergie"= abdarisam'tthas!a aktivargas!a bhog!atm0 $... gata san $... , ( t 1r'/ the viewp'i$t '1 the pa' a$0 $'t that '1 the pati, a" 0'e" Sp; 6; 21 2S 666 193 K 'te0 a('ve. 445 !1. Sp) 666 13 K 'te0 $. 441. 446 parvc, " pre/e Spee#h, i" the 1ir"t 1* tter '1 #'$"#i' "$e""= 6 a/, a$0 6 k$'w that 6 a/. <$ the *eve*" '1 Spee#h, 'r '1 the R'r0 (vc), "ee &a0' 7 1992= 166,222. 447 !1. ^&? 6 6, 3, whi#h 0e1i$e" vikalpa i$ a*/'"t the "a/e ter/"= $... atadv!apohant0 tannica!anam 'kto hi vikalpo gha#a it! a!am, 8T'r we #a** vikalpa the a"#ertai$/e$t '1 a #ertai$ thi$g (tannica!anam) 2e.g.3 ELarE arrive0 at thr' gh the e7#* "i'$ '1 it" 'pp'"ite (atadv!apohant) 2...3: (tr. .'re**a ^&?= 131). 448 pratipakata!. 449 vikalpa, here, i" "e0 a*/'"t p $$i$g*%= $'t '$*% 8/e$ta* #'$"tr #t:, ( t a*"' 8a*ter$ative: (a" e/p*'%e0 (% gra//aria$" a$0 "'/e 'ther"). 450 Ma0 there (ee$ "'/ethi$g *ike $'$,Night (apraka), Night (praka) w' *0 have (ee$ a /e$ta* #'$"tr #t. F t apraka (e#'/e" praka a" "''$ a" '$e " pp'"e" it t' (e apraka. B** i" Night, a$0 thi" Night i" *ti/ate*% p re ip"eit%, a" " #h 1ree '1 a** /e$ta* #'$"tr #t". .hi" 0i"# ""i'$ e#h'e", i$ $ear*% the "a/e ter/", that '1 ^&? 6 6 a$0 it" vtti #'$#er$i$g vikalpa, whi*e e7a/i$i$g


If Wyo(, t!e p/r3apa,)in, f(rt!er alle e t!atY t!ere is an o'#e&t to 'e distin (is!ed Wfro" Li !tY t!at is of t!e essen&e of non?Li !t, and $!i&! does a%%ear 'efore !i" $!ose for" is Li !t itself WR na"ely, t!e &ontent or o'#e&t of t!at Li !t]&ons&io(sness RY, t!en, $e re%ly: !o$ &o(ld t!at o'#e&t serve to deli"it ;B8 t!at Li !t, $!i&! is WalsoY t!at o'#e&tIs o$n essential nat(re, inas"(&! as t!at o'#e&t "(st !ave W'y yo(r !y%ot!esisY t!e nat(re of Li !t Win order t!at it "ay 'e HseenIYZ Only in ter"s of s(&! WalternativityY &o(ld t!e stat(s Wof Li !tY as a H"ental &onstr(&tI 'e 'ro( !t o(t[ For t!ere is t!e "a,i": W)))Y sin&e Wt!e e"'odied so(lY %er&eives !is identity W$it! all entitiesY t!ro( ! !is a$areness 6sa3eda7 of t!e", Wt!ere is no state, as re ards $ords, "eanin s or t!o( !ts, $!i&! is not PivaY);B6 And, sin&e not!in a%%ears as &ontrary Wto Li !tY, !o$ t!en "i !t it 'e %ossi'le even to as&ertain;BA t!at t!ere is an o'#e&t !ere $!i&!, not s('#e&t to ill("ination
ahaprat!avamara, the re1*e#tive aware$e"" 86:. See parti# *ar*% ^&? 6 6, 2= bhinna!or avabhso hi s!d gha#gha#a!or dva!o0 prakas!eva nn!as!a bhedinas tv avabhsanam00, 86$ 1a#t, the /a$i1e"tati'$ '1 tw' thi$g" a" 0i11ere$t w' *0 2(e *i/ite0 t', 1'r e7a/p*e,3 the #a"e '1 the ELarE (gha#a) a$0 the E$'$,LarE (agha#a). .here i", h'wever, $' /a$i1e"tati'$, a" i1 it were *ight, '1 "'/ethi$g 'ther 2tha$ *ight3:> a$0 it" vtti= prakd dvit,!as!a bhinnas!a prati!ogino (prakasa%&as!a anavabhsane praketaratva na s!t0 tas!a anavbhse v!apohan!ogd vikalpathni00, 8<ther$e"" with re"pe#t t' *ight (praketaratva) i" $'t p'""i(*e, "i$#e a$ 'pp'"ite rea*it% (prati!ogin), "e#'$0 t' a$0 0i"ti$#t 1r'/ *ight, #a**e0 $'$,*ight, i" $'t /a$i1e"te0. .here (ei$g $' p'""i(i*it% '1 e7#* "i'$ (v!apohan!ogt), "i$#e " #h a$ 'pp'"ite rea*it% 0'e" $'t e7i"t, '$e #a$$'t, there1're, "peak '1 /e$ta* #'$"tr #t (vikalpat) 2with re1ere$#e t' ahaprat!avamara3: (tr. .'re**a ^&?= 129,131). )'te that the $'ti'$ '1 prati!ogin i" (a"e0 '$ a te#h$i#a* "age '1 the )%A%a J where it "ig$i1ie" the ter/ t' (e pre" /e0 a" the 'ther p'*e i$ 0e1i$i$g a give$ re*ati'$. T'r i$"ta$#e, 81ather: i" the prati!ogin '1 8"'$:, i$ the re*ati'$ pitp'trabhva, a" the /ea$i$g '1 thi" *atter ter/ (a*rea0% i/p*i#it*% re*ati'$a*) pre" /e" re1ere$#e t' a pare$t, i$ thi" #a"e, hi" 81ather:. 451 v!avacchedaka J *it., 8"erve a" a K a*i1i#ati'$ '1:. .he /ea$i$g '1 the ter/ v!avacchedaka i" (e"t gra"pe0 i$ the #'$te7t '1 the $'ti'$ '1 the prati!ogin J 1'r it t'' i" a re*ati'$a* ter/, wh'"e prati!ogin i" the v!avacched!a. .he re*ati'$ i" that '1 8K a*i1i#ati'$ t' thi$g K a*i1ie0:, $0er"t''0 i$ a wa% " #h that the e7i"te$#e '1 the '$e i" "'/eh'w 0eter/i$e0 'r *i/ite0 (% the e7i"te$#e '1 the 'ther J 1'r e7a/p*e, the 86$0ia$ #'w: a$0 the 80ew*ap: (wh'"e re*ati'$"hip appear" t' (e with' t e7#epti'$, a$0 there1're /a% "erve i$ a 0e1i$iti'$), 'r the 8(ir0: a$0 the 8(ra$#h: ('$ whi#h it per#he", whi#h re*ati'$"hip i" /ere*% '##a"i'$a*, a$0 there1're "erve" '$*% t' 0i"ti$g i"h the (ir0 1r'/ 'ther (ir0"). .he re*ati'$ i" th " (a" are a** re*ati'$") "hare0 (% the tw' re*ata, a$0 (e*'$g" t' $either '$e e7#* "ive*%, whatever (e the /a$$er '1 their #'e7i"te$#e. 6$ the pre"e$t #'$te7t, thi" *a$g age i" "e0 t' e/pha"iUe that E*ightE (praka) #a$ have $' prati!ogin, a$0 i" there1're E $K a*i1ie0E a("'* te. !1. ;A/a$a, K 'te0 i$ Sp) 66 3,4 ("ee $. 902). 452 Sp? 66 3(. .he e$tire te7t i" a" 1'**'w"= !asmt sarvama!o %,va sarvabhvasam'dbhavt0 tatsavedanar)pea tdtm!apratipattita00 (66 3) tasmc chabdrthacints' na svasth na ! iva0 bhoktaiva bhog!abhvena sad sarvatra sasthita00 (66 4), 8.he *i/ite0 i$0ivi0 a* Se*1[e/('0ie0 "' * (%,va) i" i0e$ti#a* with the wh'*e $iver"e, i$a"/ #h a" a** e$titie" ari"e 1r'/ hi/, a$0 he per#eive" hi" i0e$tit% (tdtm!a) 2with a** e$titie"3 i$"'1ar a" he i" aware (saveda) '1 the/. .here1're, there i" $' "tate, a" regar0" w'r0", /ea$i$g" 'r th' ght", that i" $'t iva. 6t i" the 2N'r03 hi/"e*1 a" the e$L'%er (bhokt) wh' i", a*wa%" a$0 ever%where, e"ta(*i"he0 i$ a$0 thr' gh the '(Le#t" '1 e$L'%/e$t (bhog!a)". .h " the e7perie$#e0 '(Le#t ha" a$ i0e$tit% '1 e""e$#e with the e7perie$#er. Tr'/ the &+ 60, it /a% (e i$1erre0 that the 1a/' " he/i"ti#h (Sp? 66 4a)= tasmc chabdrthacints' na svasth na! iva, i" ('rr'we0 1r'/ "'/e '*0er te7t" (anekmn!a)> "ee $. 1028. !1. .4 6; 275a= sarva ivama!am, a$0 avat. a0 &S 46.

6apra,(amna7, !as t!e for" of its o%%osite Wt!at is, $!i&! is different fro" Li !tY R $!atever t!at o'#e&t "i !t 'eZ T!erefore, t!e (lti"ate %rin&i%le is of an (ndeli"ited nat(re 6aparicchinnas3a$h3a7, inas"(&! as it is free of all mental constructs, $!i&! are t!e"selves deli"itin fa&tors) T!erefore, t!e "aster says: Hit is pureI, free of stain, d(e to t!e a'sen&e of t!e soot?li5e i"%(rity fo(nd in t!o( !t?&onstr(&t) Si"ilarly, Wt!e "aster says: t!at t!e (lti"ate %rin&i%le isY serene "(nta7, re%osin WeverY in its a'sol(te nat(re, in (nison 6smarasya7;B; $it! its Pa5ti, for t!ere is no dist(r'an&e 6,)o$ha7 arisin fro" t!e di&!oto"y 'et$een t!e 5no$er and t!e 5no$n) -et, it does not at all rese"'le a %ie&e of stone Was does t!e (nta$rahman of t!e AdvaitinsY) .oreover, it Wt!e (lti"ate %rin&i%leY is de"oid of dissolution and creation) A&&ordin to t!e "a,i": On&e t!is Self !as a%%eared W, its %ossi'ility of not a%%earin is no$!ere DR is not %ossi'le RE, for it is &o"%leteY,;BB Wt!e SelfY is eternal) T!erefore ti"e, %ast,
!1. ^&; 6 3, 7 (v'*. 6= 143)= !ata ea evaparita chedant pariccheda 'c!ate, tad avabhsanasmarth!am apohanaakti, 8-i11ere$tiati'$ (pariccheda) i" "' #a**e0 (e#a "e it # t" 2the 0i11ere$tiate03 '11 '$ a** "i0e" 21r'/ the re"t3. Me$#e, what i" re"p'$"i(*e 1'r the /a$i1e"tati'$ 2'1 '$e '(Le#t a" 0i"ti$#t 1r'/ the re"t3 i" apohanaakti 2the p'wer '1 0i11ere$tiati$g E6E 1r'/ Ethi"E, i.e., the p'wer '1 $egati$g the N'r0:" e""e$tia* p*e$it 0e3: (' r tra$"*ati'$ ('rr'w" 1r'/ &a$0e% ^&?= 38). <$ apohanaakti, "ee $. 314> a*"' IBS 5; 15= a!a gha#a eva iti sarvtmakabhvakhaansra vikalpa%&ntmakam apohana pavas#ir)pam!1 ma!apramtr'citam, 8-i"ti$#tive apprehe$"i'$ (apohana), " #h a" Ethi" i" $'thi$g ( t a LarE ('r Ethi" i" a Lar 2a$0 $'thi$g e*"e3E) i" e""e$tia**% that k$'w*e0ge #'$"i"ti$g '1 /e$ta* #'$"tr #t", the "' r#e '1 2sra J E1r'/ whi#h 1*'w"E ...3 the 0i"i$tegrati'$ '1 the $'ti'$ that a** thi$g" have the "a/e e""e$#e, whi#h i" " ita(*e t' the 2*i/ite03 k$'wer wh' i" hi/"e*1 a #'$"eK e$#e '1 th'"e i** "'r% p'wer" (m!) that have "hape0 the/"e*ve" i$t' a #reati'$ a11e#te0 t' "' *" i$ ('$0age:. 454 smaras!a J *it., 8the #'$0iti'$ '1 2th'"e thi$g"3 that have '$e a$0 the "a/e "av'r 'r e""e$#e:, 8"a/e$e"" '1 "av'r:> 1ir"t '## rre$#e '1 thi" ke% $'ti'$. Sa/e ter/ i$ -vX 6 48, g*'""i$g sarvapadrthn samaiva ivat sthit= paramaivtprabhti gha#d!antnm api padrthn samaiva $... ivat... ni!at sarve tath smaras!sdant kpi sthiti s!d it! artha0 eva ca sarvas!a ivar)pasmaras!t tadakh!tima!a'ddh!a'ddhir)paparpardi1bhedo bhvnm 'kta, 82Eivah''0 i" the "a/e 1'r a** e$titie"E J .hi" /ea$"=3 1r'/ &ara/aPiva 2'$ high, 0'w$3 t' Lar", a$0 "' 1'rth, ivah''0 2...3 i" e"ta(*i"he0 ... a" the "a/e 1'r a** e$titie". S', "i$#e the% have a#K ire0 " #h $it% '1 e""e$#e, their "tat " w' *0 (e a /atter '1 i$0i11ere$#e. Si$#e ever%thi$g ha" i0e$tit% '1 e""e$#e (smaras!a) with iva, the 0i11ere$#e (etwee$ p re a$0 i/p re, (etwee$ the tra$"#e$0e$t a$0 the i//a$e$t (parpara), a$0 "' 1'rth, #a$ (e attri( te0 t' e$titie" '$*% i$"'1ar a" that 2i0e$tit%3 i" /i"#'$"tr e0[$'t re#'g$iUe0 (akh!ti), 1'r thi" i" the "' r#e 2'1 " #h 0i11ere$#e3 (Cma!aC)". 6$ the ?a"h/iria$ tra0iti'$, the w'r0 rasa *ie" at the heart '1 a$'ther $it%, that '1 p'eti#" a$0 /etaph%"i#". 6$ a$ ae"theti# #'$te7t, the rasa e7pre""e" a*"' a $it% '1 "e$ti/e$t i$ whi#h private 0i"ti$#ti'$" a$0 e/'ti'$a* i$v'*ve/e$t" are #a"t '11. 6t i" the #'r$er"t'$e '1 the 0'#tri$e. <$ the $'ti'$, "ee Da"t'gi 1987= 35,36> Fa$"at,F' 0'$ 1992> &'**'#k 2006. 455 .he #'/p*ete te7t '1 the K 'tati'$ i" give$ (% BI i$ ^&;; 66 1, 6,7 (v'*. 666= 23), whi*e #'//e$ti$g '$ na kvp! apraka '1 the vivtti a0 66 1, 7, attri( ti$g it t' the aiva /rasvatasamgraha= sakd vibhto (!am tm p)ras!s!a na kvp! aprakanasambhava> it i" 1' $0 a*"' i$ the SpS 2p. 253, where it i" attri( te0 t' the 2ivas)tra (pr'(a(*% a part '1 the S whi#h i" *'"t> "ee Si*( r$ S= 2)> $'te that the SpS rea0i$g 0i11er" "*ight*%= p)ro (s!a, aprakasabhava. .he "tate/e$t #a$ a*"' (e re/i$i"#e$t '1 !hH ;666 4, 1,2= atha!a tm sa set'r $.., tasmd v eta set' t,rtvpi naktam ahar evbhinipad!ate0 sakdvibhto h! evaia brahmaloka. 6t /a% (e w'rth $'ti$g that 4&S 25 a*"' 0e1i$e" the tman a" sakd vibhtah, a p'i$t '1 #'$verge$#e with BI:" &S 93> D a0 *'#. K 'te" + H 66 2, 11 ("ee p. 14). .he #'/p' $0


f(t(re, and %resent, "a5es no alteration;B= in it, for fro" it ti"e itself e"er es 6samulls7) T!(s, on&e it is ad"itted t!at t!e (lti"ate %rin&i%le is free of eneration and de&ay, t!e entirety of t!e $!ole "ay 'e lo i&ally esta'lis!ed) And t!is is $!at !as 'een %ro%o(nded !ere) #!rik!s *+ , +(t, interr(%ts an o'#e&tor, if t!e (lti"ate %rin&i%le is s(&! as yo( say Wand yo( alsoY affir" t!at t!e $orld a%%ears W$it!in itY, t!en !o$ &an t!is 'e R inas"(&! as not!in , in res%e&t of t!at (lti"ate %rin&i%le, $o(ld dare to Ha%%earI t!erefro" differentZ W-o( are &a( !t in t!e follo$in dile""a:Y If yo( say t!at t!e (niverse is different fro" it WviL), t!e (lti"ate %rin&i%leY and so a%%ears W$it!in itY, t!is $o(ld 'e tanta"o(nt to denyin t!e nond(alisti& do&trine) +(t if yo( say t!at it is not different, $!at sense t!en &an 'e attri'(ted to t!is ver'al &onstr(&tion of yo(rs, ;B< W$!i&! a%%ears to sayY t!at t!e (niverse a%%ears W$it!in itY Was so"et!in else a ainYZ WIn res%onse to t!isY, ill(stratin t!ro( ! an e,a"%le t!e %rin&i%le at iss(e, viL), Wt!e relation ter"edY Hdifferen&e?and?non?differen&eI 6$hed$hed7, t!e "aster says, in order to s('stantiate Wt!e aforesaid %rin&i%leY: *+ ,) As, in the orb of a mirror, ob8ects such as cities or "illages, themsel"es "arious though not different (from the mirror) ,;BC appear both as different from each other and from the mirror itself , so appears this world (in the mirror of the 4ordIs consciousness), differentiated both internally;B@ and "is+a+"is that
sakdvibhta appear" twi#e i$ Ia 0apA0a:" 4 666 36 a$0 6; 81, i$ the #'$te7t '1 0e1i$i$g brahman a" tman ('r citta). .he ter/ i" g*'""e0 (% a0 *'#= sadaiva vibhta it! etat, a$0, a" he $'te", i" 1 rther e7p*ai$e0 i$ 4 6; 81( it"e*1= sakdvibhto h! evaia dharmo dht' svabhvata (a" F' % rea0")> the "a/e ter/ K a*i1ie" brahman i$ 5padeashasr, 5 1= disvar)pa gaganopama para sakdvibhta $... . 6$ it" a(ri0ge0 1'r/ (viU., sakd vibhto (!am tm, 'r eve$ sakd vibhta), thi" pa""age i" K 'te0 i$ a $ /(er '1 aiva te7t", a/'$g whi#h we are a(*e t' #ite, (e"i0e" ^&;; a$0 SpS, ^&; 66 1, 6,7 (v'* 66= 22), .4; 6 125,126, 6; 179, ;666 169a, 174 a$0 5565 80, a$0, here, CD a0 10,11. 6t i" a*"' 1' $0, i$ the #'$te7t '1 ae"theti#", i$ BFh a0 ) ;6, ntarasaprakaraa, a1ter kA. 82 (v'*. 6= 335). 6$ a** pr'(a(i*it%, thi" *i"t i" $'t e7ha "tive a$0 /a$% 'ther '## rre$#e" /ight (e 0i"#'vere0. 6$ a$% #a"e, it "h' *0 (e e/pha"iUe0 that it" 1reK e$t '## rre$#e /ake" sakd vibhto (!am tm a ke% 1'r/ *a '1 $'$0 a* aivi"/ '1 ?a"h/ir. )'te that CD K 'te" it here i$ the "a/e #'$te7t a" 0'e" ^&? 66 1, 6,7, that '1 the eter$it% '1 the " pre/e S (Le#t, 'r #'$"#i' "$e"", wh'"e (a#kgr' $0 i" the 0e(ate '$ Night a$0 it" #'$trar%. 6$ 1a#t, CD "ee/" here t' re1er, i$0ire#t*%, t' the *itera* 1'r/ '1 ^&? 66 1, 6, wh'"e 1i$a* sakt i" give$ a "pe#ia* treat/e$t= sarvatrbhsabhedo (pi bhavet klakramkara0 vicchinnabhsa )n!der mt'r bhtas!a no sakt00, 86$ a** thi$g" the 0iver"it% '1 the /a$i1e"tati'$" i" the "' r#e '1 te/p'ra* " ##e""i'$ 1'r the k$'wi$g " (Le#t", " #h a" 2th'"e wh' are #'$"#i' " '13 the v'i0 ()n!a) 2viU., the )n!apramt , et#., wh'"e *ight i" 0i"#'$ti$ ' ", ( t $'t 1'r the k$'wi$g " (Le#t wh' "hi$e" '$#e a$0 1'r ever: (tr. .'re**a ^&?= 155, /'0i1ie0). See a*"' &S 93 a$0 $'te" there'$. 6t i" $'tew'rth% that SpS K 'te" sakd vibhto (!am tm, et#., i//e0iate*% a1ter re1erri$g t' Sp? 66 4a= abdrthacints' na svasth na ! iva0, 8.here i" $' "tate, a" regar0" w'r0", /ea$i$g" 'r th' ght", that i" $'t iva:. .he "a/e te7t a* 'rga$iUati'$ i" '("erve0, here, i$ CD:" #'//e$tar%, where the previ' " K 'tati'$ i" 1r'/ Sp? 66 3(. S #h e#h'e" 1r'/ te7t t' te7t "h'w the per"i"te$t i$terre1ere$tia*it% '1 the .rika "%"te/. 456 na kramate J "ee CD a0 6. 457 vco!'kti. 458 .hat i", a" re1*e#ti'$", havi$g $' " ("trat / apart 1r'/ the /irr'r it"e*1. 459 Nit. 8/ t a**%:.

consciousness, although it is not different from consciousness most pure , the supreme Bhaira"a);=7 WT!e &o"%arison "ay 'e develo%ed t!ro( ! t!e follo$in e,a"%le:Y In t!e de%t!s of a &lear "irror, t!e $orld;=8 a%%ears 6$hsate7 as refle&tion 6prati$im$a7 "ariously R $!et!er a &ity, villa e, fortress, en&los(re, "ar5et?%la&e, river, strea", fire, a tree, "o(ntain, ani"al, 'ird, a "an or a $o"an R t!at is, as !avin vario(s for"s, ea&! differentiated 'y "eans of its o$n &!ara&teristi&s 6s3la,)a0yena7, '(t also t!at Wdifferentiated $orldY a%%ears 6$hti7 as undifferentiated, t!at is, as not different fro" t!e "irror itself, ass("in a for" $it!in t!e "irror t!at is in no $ay different fro" t!at "irror) And alt!o( ! it a%%ears t!ere Win t!e "irrorY as (ndifferentiated fro" t!e "irror itself, Wt!at $orldY appears 6$hti7, or %resents itself Wto t!e sensesY 6sphurati7 in relations of mutual dis8unction,;=6 t!at is, a%%ears as differentia'le;=A WinternallyY, in t!e sense t!at t!e &lot! is different fro" t!e #ar and t!e #ar fro" t!e &lot! inas"(&! as ea&! %resents &!ara&teristi&s of its o$n) Only as refle&ted in t!at "irror are o'#e&ts %er&eived 6parm.(yante7 as distin&t fro" ea&! ot!erM and on&e t!ey 9(it t!e "irror, not!in of t!e" Wre"ains 'e!ind to 'eY a%%re!ended se%arately Wt!at is, only t!e "irror re"ainsY) Rat!er, t!o( !
.he tra$"*ati'$ 0i11er" "'/ewhat 1r'/ that '1 Si*( r$= 8.' t #'//e 0e" vi**e" et 0e" vi**age" varie" K i "e re1*ete$t 0a$" *e 0i"K e 0: $ /ir'ir "'$t 0ep' rv " 0e 0i"ti$#ti'$", (ie$ K :i*" "e/(*e$t 0' e" 0e 0i"ti$#ti'$" / t e**e" et "epare" 0 /ir'ir ega*e/e$t, 0e /e/e, pr'#e0a$t 0e *86$te**ige$#e a("'* /e$t i//a# *ee 0 " pre/e Fhairava, #et $iver" t' t e$ eta$t * i a ""i 0e$ e 0e t' te 0i"ti$#ti'$, apparait #'//e 1ait 0e partie" / t e**e/e$t 0i"ti$#te" et 0i"ti$#t ega*e/e$t 0e #ette (6$te**ige$#e): 2J 86$ the "a/e wa% a" varie0 #itie" a$0 vi**age" re1*e#ti$g i$ the 'r( '1 a /irr'r are 0ev'i0 '1 0i"ti$#ti'$", a*th' gh the% appear a" e$0'we0 with / t a* 0i"ti$#ti'$" a$0 "eparate0 a*"' 1r'/ the /irr'r, "', 'rigi$ati$g 1r'/ the a*t'gether i//a# *ate 6$te**ige$#e '1 the " pre/e Fhairava, thi" $iver"e, a*th' gh a*"' 0ev'i0 '1 a$% 0i"ti$#ti'$, appear" a" /a0e '1 part" / t a**% 0i"ti$#t a" we** a" 0i"ti$#t 1r'/ that 26$te**ige$#e3:3. Mere, vimalatamaparamabhairavabodht i" $'t take$ a" a #'/p*e/e$t '1 vibhga)n!am, a" 0'e" the #'//e$tar%, ( t rather a" a #a "a* #'/p*e/e$t '1 the pri$#ipa* ver( bhti (whi#h #reate" a 0i11i# *t%, 1'r, the$, vibhga)n!am i" *e1t with' t #'/p*e/e$t), a$0 bhairavabodha i" $0er"t''0 a" 8the 6$te**ige$#e '1 Fhairava:. )'te that the"e kArikA" "ee/ t' e#h' .4 666 1,4 a$0 .4; a0 *'#= ata eva cnena vivas!a citpratibimbatvam0 $... !ath hi darpada' parasparav!vtttmna pratibimbit kravie tato (natiriktatve (pi atirikt iva bhsante tadvad ihp,ti, 8Ne /'$0e, ai$"i, e"t $ re1*et 0a$" *a #'$"#ie$#e 2...3 66 e$ e"t 0 #'"/'" #'//e 0e" 1'r/e" re1*etee" 0a$" $ /ir'ir ' a tre 2" r1a#e re1*e#hi""a$te3, 1'r/e" 0i"ti$#te" *e" $e" 0e" a tre" et K i, K 'iK e $ **e/e$t "eparee" 20 /ir'ir K i *e" re1*ete3, apparai""e$t #epe$0a$t #'//e 0i11ere$te" 0e * i: (tr. Si*( r$, &a0' 7 .4= 141)> the pratibimbavda i" 0eve*'ppe0 at *e$gth i$ .4 666 1,65, wh'"e #'//e$tar% e$0" with the "a/e ver"e a" that whi#h i" K 'te0 at the e$0 '1 CD:" #'//e$tar% a0 12,13. Si$#e the e7p'"iti'$ '1 the pratibimbavda i" 0ea*t with i$ the .4 i$ the #'$te7t '1 the e7p'"iti'$ '1 the bhvop!a, a$0 i" p*a#e0 there $0er the aegi" '1 Fhairava, it /a% (e i$1erre0 that &S 12,13 a/' $t" t' a #r%pti# e7p'"iti'$ '1 the bhvop!a J i$ 'r0er t' (e *i(erate0 i$ the 8wa% '1 a(h :, '$e / "t rea*iUe /%"ti#a**% that the $iver"e ha" $' $at re apart 1r'/ (ei$g a re1*e#ti'$ i$ the 0ivi$e #'$"#i' "$e"". Me wh' a#K ire" i$ thi" wa% a$ e7perie$#e, i$ hi" 'w$ #'$"#i' "$e"", '1 the appeara$#e a$0 0i"appeara$#e '1 the $iver"e, a$0 #a$ a11ir/= 86 a/ iva: $ivo (ham , i" *i(erate0 (.4 666 268,293). See a*"', BI:" stotra, Paramrthacarc, vv. 4,5. 461 sarva J i$ 'r0er t' appre#iate the 1'r#e '1 the a$a*'g%, it "ee/" i/p'rta$t t' $0er"ta$0 sarvam 8the wh'*e: (S the w'r*0) i$ it" 0i"tri( tive a"pe#t, rather tha$ i$ it" #'/prehe$"ive a"pe#t= sarvam here i/p*ie" 8ever%thi$g that e7i"t", 'r #a$ e7i"t, whatever it /a% (e:> E0i11ere$tiati'$E i" th " i/p*ie0 (% the $'ti'$ '1 Et'ta*it%E it"e*1. 462 vibhgenaiva ca parasparam. 463 vibhaktata! J #1. &S 48 a$0 CD a0 *'#.


re"ainin &ons('stantial $it! t!e "irror;=; Wi)e), alt!o( ! 'ein one $it! it, as refle&tionY, t!e $orld;=B is %er&eived as different in every res%e&t);== No$, if it 'e o'#e&ted t!at, in t!at &ase, t!e "irror $o(ld itself 'e !idden 'y t!e refle&tion of t!e #ar, et&), t!e "aster re%lies, sayin : Hno, (the reflections are different) from the mirror itself as wellI) It is not "erely in and of t!e"selves;=< t!at t!e o'#e&ts, even t!o( ! refle&ted in t!e "irror, a%%ear as different Wfro" ea&! ot!erY, inas"(&! as t!ey are also different fro" t!e "irror);=C For, alt!o( ! t!e "irror is &o"%osed of t!ose vario(s refle&tions, it a%%ears 6ca,sti7 as WdifferentY fro" t!ose refle&tions, for its o$n nat(re trans&ends t!e") And it is not (nderstood as &o"%osed of t!e" in s(&! a $ay as to &onvey t!e idea t!at no "irror e,ists) Everyone !as an (ns('lated %er&e%tion t!at Ht!is is a "irrorI, even as !e a%%re!ends t!e vario(s o'#e&ts t!erein refle&ted) Nor is it t!e &ase t!at t!e Wi"a e of t!eY #ar, et&), 9(alifies t!e "irror in s(&! fas!ion t!at t!e essential nat(re Wof t!e "irrorY $o(ld 'e a'ro ated WR as it $o(ld if one $ere to sayY: Ht!is "irror is s(ita'le for Wrefle&tin Y a #arI Ws&il), H))) and not a &lot!IY, and Ht!is "irror is s(ita'le for Wrefle&tin Y a &lot!I WH))) and not a #arIY) T!e differen&e &onse9(ent (%on ti"e and s%a&e WH&a(sesI of t!e varia'ility of t!e refle&tionsY does not t!(s event(ate in t!e loss of t!e W"irrorIsY essential nat(re);=@ T!erefore, 'ein tolerant of t!ose refle&tions, t!e "irror re"ains not!in '(t a "irror, as re ards itself) ;<7 T!ere is t!(s no defe&t atta&!in to t!e do&trine of refle&tion WviL), of t!e refle&ted i"a eY 6prati$im$a3da7) No$, it "i !t 'e said t!at t!is refle&tion is not!in '(t an error 6$hrnti7) Indeed, $!en an ele%!ant is %er&eived in t!e "irror, it is not t!at an ele%!ant is fo(nd in t!e
darpaasmaras!ena sthitam api J the ter/ smaras!a, 8 $i"'$:, i" i$te$0e0 t' ev'ke the $at re '1 the re*ati'$ (etwee$ the i/age a$0 the /irr'r= 1 $0a/e$ta* i0e$tit%, " per1i#ia* ('r appare$t) 0i11ere$#e. 465 %agat J a*th' gh there are "ti** 0i11ere$#e" '1 'pi$i'$, the w'r0 %agat i" #'//'$*% 0erive0 1r'/ the r''t g (%igti), $0er"t''0 a" a pre"e$t parti#ip*e with E#'rre#te0E re0 p*i#ati'$. .he 6$0ia$ tra0iti'$ /'re 'r *e"" agree", (egi$$i$g 1r'/ the r''t gam1 ((kvip, dvitvam, t'k ca" @ ;caspat!), whi#h e7p*a$ati'$ De$' a*"' 1av'r" (1952a= i248). <$ the 'ther ha$0, '$e '1 the g*'""e" '1 the w'r0 give$ the "a/e 0i#ti'$arie" i" %agama, whi#h " gge"t" that a "e$ti/e$t '1 i$te$"i1i#ati'$ ha" a*"' (ee$ a""'#iate0 with %agat. .h " the w'r0 " gge"t", eve$ /'re "tr'$g*% tha$ sarva, that the Ew'r*0E i" here t' (e $0er"t''0 0i"tri( tive*%, a" the 8i$#e""a$t g'i$g a$0 #'/i$g: '1 0i11ere$tiate0 (ei$g> "ee it" 1reK e$t '## rre$#e i$ the phra"e= a#triatattvtmaka %agat, 1'r i$"ta$#e i$ avat. a0 14, CD a0 1 a$0 46 (avat.). 466 6t i" '$*% i$ the /irr'r that the appeara$#e '1 / *tip*i#it% i" p'""i(*e> with' t the /irr'r, there w' *0 (e $' pre"e$tati'$ '1 / *tip*i#it%. 6$ 'r0er 1'r the #'/pari"'$ t' " pp'rt the the"i" here pr'p' $0e0, a$0 i$ 'r0er t' $0er"ta$0 the ver"e a('ve, '$e / "t 1'rget that a Erea*E /irr'r i/p*ie" '(Le#t" (e%'$0 'r ' t"i0e it. 6$ thi" /irr'r re1*e#ti'$" a*'$e are at i"" e, a$0, K a re1*e#ti'$", their "'*e " pp'rt i" the /irr'r it"e*1> "ee .4 666 21(= $... vast' bhavati tato (p! an!atra np! alam00, 82the re1*e#te0 i/age3 i" a 2rea*3 thi$g, whi#h 0'e" $'t e7i"t apart 1r'/ that 2/irr'r3:. 467 sva!am. 468 .he 0i11ere$#e" (etwee$ '(Le#t" 0' $'t " 11i#e t' e7p*ai$ a** 0i11ere$#e. .he i"" e i" i/p'rta$t 1'r B(hi$avag pta 1'r it e$tai*" that the w'r*0 (e $0er"t''0 a*"' i$ it" re*ati'$ t' the B("'* te, rather tha$ /ere*% i$ a$0 '1 it"e*1, i$0epe$0e$t*%. .h " the i** "trati'$ i" #'/p*ete J the re1*e#ti'$" '1 '(Le#t", h'wever $ /er' " the% are, a*"' $ee0 the /irr'r. 469 Rere it $e#e""ar% t' e/p*'% a "pe#ia* /irr'r t' re1*e#t ea#h 0i11ere$t '(Le#t, the$, '1 #' r"e, it w' *0 have (ee$ *egiti/ate t' "a% that it" 8$at re: ha0 i$0ee0 (ee$ a11e#te0 (% the $at re '1 the '(Le#t. 470 svtmani J 'r 8... it" $at re:.


"irror Wrat!er, t!ere is so"et!in li5e an ele%!ant, in t!e for" of its refle&tionY, for, sin&e no &onse9(en&e $!i&! is fr(itf(l;<8 W&an 'e attri'(ted to t!e ele%!ant in t!e "irrorY s(&! as $o(ld in fa&t W%ertain to an a&t(al ele%!antY, t!e &on&l(sion 6ni(caya7 Wt!at Ht!is is an ele%!antIY $o(ld 'e si"%ly an error) WLet it 'e said !ere only t!atY t!e e,a"%le is valid to t!e e,tent t!at t!e do&trine of refle&tion is valid) As far as error is &on&erned, its nat(re $ill 'e %ro%o(nded later in t!e te,t);<6 4ikewise, in e,a&tly t!e sa"e $ay, na"ely, in &o"%lete a&&ordan&e $it! t!e e,a"%le of t!e refle&tion of a &ity, et&), in a "irror,;<A W$e assert t!atY t!e world "1agat7, t!is (niverse 63i(37, although not different from consciousness most pure, the supreme Bhaira"a, t!at is, alt!o( ! not se%arated fro" Li !t itself, $!i&! a'o(nds in (nfra "ented 'liss and is (tterly free of i"%(rity, W))) t!at t!e $orldY is dis%layed as differentiated WinternallyY, li5e t!e i"a e in t!e "irror R t!at is, as !avin vario(s for"s, ea&! Wdeter"ined as differentY fro" t!e ot!er, in virt(e of t!e di&!oto"y of 5no$er and 5no$n))) ))) and (differentiated) from that as well, t!at is, fro" t!at &ons&io(sness as $ell, appears 6$hu7 Wt!e $orldY as if e"er in fro" it, $!ere'y &ons&io(sness, t!o( ! dis%layin itself in t!e for" of t!at W$orldY, dis%lays itself also as trans&endin it, in t!e $ay t!e "irror trans&ends t!e refle&tions) And so, Li !t]&ons&io(sness, tolerant of t!e refle&tions of all t!e o'#e&ts of t!e (niverse and yet trans&endin all t!ose o'#e&ts, dis%lays itself a&&ordin to its o$n in!erent nat(re as t!e %rin&i%le of e,%erien&e itself in ea&! and every W%er&i%ient s('#e&tY) And even t!e differen&e of ti"e, of %la&e, or of 5ind, $!i&! %ertains to t!e We,ternalY o'#e&t, #(st a%%ears t!ere W'(t not reallyY, as if in a "irror) -et, it is not t!e &ase t!at t!ey serve to differentiate t!e very nat(re Wof &ons&io(snessY) T!erefore, &ons&io(sness, alt!o( ! a%%earin 'ot! one and "(lti%le, is one only, #(st as varie ated &o nitions are ras%ed 'y WoneY &ons&io(sness);<; Nevert!eless, 'et$een t!e Li !t of &ons&io(sness 6citpra,(7 R endo$ed as it is $it! t!e state of $onder Wt!at is s(%re"e i%seityY ;<B R and t!e li !t of t!e "irror, t!ere is t!e follo$in differen&e R viL), t!e &ity, et&), t!at is #(d ed to 'e different Wfro" t!e "irrorY as a refle&tion, a%%ears in t!e %erfe&tly %(re "irror only as e,ternal to it, '(t is in no $ay &reated 'y t!e "irror) T!(s t!e &on&l(sion t!at Ht!is is an ele%!antI Was a%%lyin to $!at is seenY in t!e "irror $o(ld 'e erroneo(s);<=
arthakri!. 6t wi** (e e7p*ai$e0 *ater what i" a$ err'r, a$0 h'w re1*e#ti'$ i" $'t a$ err'r. 473 .he e7a/p*e (d#nta) ha" (ee$ e7p*ai$e0. .he a th'r $'w take" p t' the dr#ntika, the ter/ t' (e e7p*ai$e0 thr' gh the e7a/p*e. 474 B** variet% J the #it% it"e*1 J i" #'/prehe$0e0 i$ a$0 (% #'$"#i' "$e"", "i$g*e a$0 $iK e, whi#h "erve" a" the (a"i" '1 that variet%. !'/pare the e*ega$t arg /e$t '$ thi" i"" e 0eve*'pe0 (% akara i$ hi" 5padeashasr,. 475 6.e., e$0'we0 with vimara, 'r spanda. !'$"#i' "$e"", 'r Night, vi(rate", rea*iUi$g it"e*1 a" #'$"#i' "$e"", wherea" the i$"e$tie$t /irr'r i" $either aware '1 it"e*1 $'r '1 the re1*e#ti'$" it re#eive" 1r'/ ' t"i0e. 476 .hi" re/ark 1'**'w" 1r'/ the 0i"# ""i'$ '1 arthakri!, a('ve. .he Ei/ageE ( " a**% 0e"ig$ate0 (% the ter/ kra) '1 the e*epha$t, whether that '1 the /irr'r 'r a pi#t re, repre"e$t" '$*% it" e7teri'r 1'r/ (a$0 t' that e7te$t i" "hare0 with the Erea*E e*epha$t), ( t *a#k" a** 'ther K a*itie" (whi#h we /a% #a** Erea*E) '1 the a$i/a*= '$e #a$$'t trave* '$ the (a#k '1 a pi#t re (1'r e7a/p*e).
471 472


On t!e ot!er !and, Li !t WviL), &ons&io(snessY, $!ose essen&e is t!e "arvelo(s e,%erien&e of itself, "a5es "anifest 6$hsayati7 on its o$n s(rfa&e 6s3tma$hita7, and o(t of its o$n free $ill, t!e (niverse, $!ose "aterial &a(se is t!at sa"e &ons&io(sness, 'y &onsiderin 6parm.(at7 t!at Wt!e (niverseY is not different Wfro" t!at &ons&io(snessY);<< T!e LordIs &reativity 6nirmt.t37 is not!in '(t t!at "anifestation 6$hsana7 of t!e (niverse) T!erefore, self?a$areness 6parmar(7 is t!e "ain as%e&t of t!at Li !t, "a5in it %ossi'le to distin (is! it fro" t!e li !t of t!e insentient "irror, et&);<C T!is is $!at t!e a(t!or !as stated in !is 8i3.ti3imar(in-: As t!e varie ated &onstr(&tion Wof t!e (niverseY a%%ears $it!in t!e "irror, so does t!e entire (niverse, !ere, $it!in t!e Self W&ons&io(snessY) Nevert!eless, &ons&io(sness 5no$s t!e (niverse 'y "eans of its o$n essential %o$er of a$areness 63imar(a7, $!ereas t!e "irror doesnIt 5no$ it in t!at $ay);<@ T!(s, fro" t!e %oint of vie$ of t!e S(%re"e Lord, sin&e t!e !ost of o'#e&ts ;C7 !as 'een &reated $it!in !is o$n 'ody, t!ere is no ill(sion of differen&e 6$heda$hrnti7 at all Wt!at is, $e &annot lo i&ally &onsider t!e Lord as different fro" t!e (niverseY) *o$ever, fro" t!e %oint of vie$ of t!e &o niLer (nder t!e do"inion of my 6mypramt.7, t!e a%%earan&e of differen&e Wor, differen&e $!i&! itself is '(t an a%%earan&eY 6$hed3a$hs7 is not!in '(t a &onf(sion on !is %art t!at &onsists in !is failin to re&o niLe !is %lenit(de 6p/r0at3,hyti7);C8
Mere, thi" 0i11ere$#e i" e7p*'ite0 i$ 'r0er t' e/pha"iUe that the Erea*it%E '1 the e*epha$t i" e*"ewhere, a$0 0'e" $'t 0erive 1r'/ the /irr'r, whi#h i" $'t tr e '1 E'(Le#t"E #reate0 (% iva. .he /etaph'r #a$, i$ 'ther w'r0", '$*% (e #arrie0 "' 1ar. 477 6$ the e7a/p*e (d#nta), the " ("trat / i" the /irr'r. 6$ the dr#ntika, the " ("trat / i" #'$"#i' "$e"". .here i" a $iK e 0i11ere$#e (etwee$ the d#nta a$0 the dr#ntika. 6$ the d#nta, there i" "'/ethi$g pre"e$t a" a$ ar#het%pe that i" re1*e#te0 i$ the " ("trat /, wherea", i$ the dr#ntika, it i" #'$"#i' "$e"" that appear" ('th a" " ("trat / a$0 ar#het%pe (a" the /a$i1'*0 w'r*0), 1'r the ar#het%pe i" ( t the #reati'$ '1 the " ("trat /. .he w'r*0 th " #reate0 i" #'$"#i' "$e"", he wh' /a$i1e"t" it i" #'$"#i' "$e"", a$0 the " r1a#e, 'r "#ree$ (bhitti), '$ whi#h it i" /a$i1e"te0, 'r pr'Le#te0, i" a*"' #'$"#i' "$e"". .hi" i" the "' r#e '1 w'$0er. T'r a "i/i*ar 1'r/ *ati'$, "ee .4; 666 1,4 (v'*. 66= 354)= svabhittv eva sveccha! sarva praka!ati, a$0 v'*. 66= 355,56= paramevaro h! anargalatvalakaasva1svtantr!amhtm!t svtmabhittv eva anatiriktam ap! atirikt!amnam i!ad vivavaicitr!a pradara!ati iti, 8.he S pre/e N'r0, (% the p'wer '1 hi" 'w$ 1ree0'/ whi#h #a$$'t (e hi$0ere0, /ake" /a$i1e"t '$ hi" 'w$ " r1a#e the w'$0er1 * 0iver"it% '1 the $iver"e a" 0i11ere$t 1r'/ hi/, a*th' gh it i" $'$,0i11ere$t 1r'/ hi/:. 478 8Gt#.: /ea$" i$"e$tie$t /atter, i$ ge$era*. 479 .S 666 (p. 19), K 'te0 (% BI i$ ^&R 6 5, 14 (v'*. 66= 203)= 86 have "ai0 thi" i$ the Tantrasra, et#.:. )'te that .B; 666 65 K 'te" the "a/e ver"e, with a varia$t= ni%avimaranasravtt!, i$"tea0 '1 ni%avimaranasra!'kt!. 480 bhvari. 481 akh!ti, avid!= the"e tw' ter/", whi#h '1te$ "ee/ t' (e "e0 i$ter#ha$gea(*%, /a% $everthe*e"" (e 0i"ti$g i"he0 i$ ter/" '1 their 'rigi$". 6$ pri$#ip*e, akh!ti i" e/p*'%e0 /'re 'r *e"" at the p"%#h'*'gi#a* 'r i$0ivi0 a* *eve*, t' 0e"ig$ate '$e t%pe '1 /i"apprehe$"i'$ 'r /i" $0er"ta$0i$g, a$0 t' #hara#teriUe a #ertai$ the'r% '1 va*i0it% 1'r/ *ate0 i$ ter/" '1 that $'ti'$. .he ter/ i" parti# *ar*% a""'#iate0 with the +Y/A"A '1 &ra(hAkara, wh' 0e$ie" a$% p'"itive parti#ipati'$ '1 the apprehe$0i$g " (Le#t i$ the 1'r/ *ati'$ '1 the err'r t' whi#h he i" " (Le#t, avid!, i$ #'$tra"t, i" a ter/ parti# *ar*% a""'#iate0 with B0vaita i$ it" vari' " 1'r/", whi#h 0e"ig$ate" a 1'r/ '1 err'r at the #'"/'*'gi#a* *eve*. T'r akara, avid! i" the pr'0 #t '1 m!, #reative p'wer par e7#e**e$#e, t' whi#h a** /e$ are " (Le#t at ever% /'/e$t. < r a th'r", it "ee/", ti*iUe the"e ter/" i$ 1 ** #'g$iUa$#e '1 their 'rigi$a* a##eptati'$", a*th' gh, #a"e (% #a"e, their 0'/ai$" /a% ver% we** 'ver*ap. .hi" i" $" rpri"i$g, i$ a /'$i"/ '1 thi" "'rt J it i" avid! that i" re"p'$"i(*e 1'r the 1a#t that we #'$1 "e what i" $'t ' r ('0% with ' r ('0%, whi#h #'$1 "i'$ i$ t r$ i" 1 $0a/e$ta* i$ the

Fail(re to dis&ern 6a,hyna7 "eans !ere Ha'sen&e of dis%layI Wor Hnon?%ersisten&eI Din o(r &ons&io(snessEY 6aprath7 of t!e all?en&o"%assin , t!at is, t!e nond(al nat(re Wof t!e LordY) To say it in anot!er $ay: %lenit(de does not a%%ear Wto t!e li"ited &o niLerY, '(t rat!er non?%lenit(de alone, $!i&! !as d(ality as its for" WviL), t!e d(ality of 5no$er and 5no$nYM t!(s it is t!at only differen&e is 'y !i" %er&eived) T!erefore, t!is do&trine of refle&tion is free fro" fla$) #arik! 2 T!(s, t!e "aster !avin sti%(lated t!at t!e $orld &onsistin of t!irty?si, %rin&i%les Wis to 'e (nderstoodY as (ndifferentiated fro" Li !t WviL), &ons&io(snessY W54ri54s 86? 8AY R t!is in &onse9(en&e of !is !avin stated t!e tr(e nat(re of t!e (lti"ate %rin&i%le W54ri54s 87?88Y R !e oes on no$, in t!e Wfollo$in Y 54ri54s WviL), 54ri54s 8;?66Y, to e,%lain, in t!e order of t!eir arisin , t!e %ro%er for" of ea&! %rin&i%le:;CA 2) Ae (the Supreme 'i"a) makes manifest the (conditional) state of the (uni%ue) principle;C; (8ust mentioned) by realiBing differences among the fi"e energies C which realiBations are 'i"a, 'akti, Sad!Di"a, and ED"ara and #id$);CB WT!e verse is to 'e &onstr(ed as follo$s:Y *e, t!at is, t!e S(%re"e Piva, $!ose essential nat(re !as #(st 'een %ro%o(nded 'y des&ri'in W!i" asY t!e (lti"ate %rin&i%le W54ri54s 87?88Y, makes manifest 6$hsayati7 the (conditional) state of the (uni%ue) principle ( no$Y as 9(alified in five $ays, 'y realiLin differen&es a"on the fi"e energies,;C= t!at is to say, 'y dis&ri"inatin ea&! fro" $!at it is not;C< R the energies t!at are five in n("'er,

vari' " parti# *ar err'r" that g'ver$ ' r 0ai*% *ive" a" e$#hai$e0 (ei$g". Re have ge$era**% tra$"*ate0 akh!ti, whe$ 'therwi"e $0eter/i$e0, a" 81ai* re t' re#'g$iUe 2'$e:" 'w$ Se*13: 'r, with #'$te7t a* varia$t", 81ai* re t' re#'g$iUe 2'$e:" i0e$tit% with the Se*13: 'r 81ai* re t' re#'g$iUe 2the Se*1 a" " #h3: J 'r, i$ th'"e #a"e" where akh!ti i/pi$ge" '$ the 0'/ai$ '1 avid!, K ite "i/p*%, (% 8$e"#ie$#e:, keepi$g i$ /i$0, '1 #' r"e, the #'/p*e7 '1 i0ea" ' t '1 whi#h it e/erge". 482 sthiti vidh!a. 483 !1. the #'$0e$"e0 e7p'"iti'$ '1 the thirt%,"i7 tattvas i$ - 6 29(,33. 484 tattvada. 485 .he $i1'r/ e$erg% ('1 the $iK e N'r0) i" #'$te7t a*iUe0 ('r h%p'"tatiUe0> he$#e the ter/ da) (% 0ivi0i$g it"e*1 i$t' 1ive e$ergie". Si*( r$ tra$"*ate"= 866 /a$i1e"te *e" #ateg'rie"= iva, G$ergie, eter$e* iva, et #e**e 0 Seig$e r et 0 p r Sav'ir, e$ "e "erva$t 0e" #ara#tere" pr'pre" a 7 #i$K e$ergie": 2J 8Me /a$i1e"t" the #ateg'rie"= iva, G$erg%, Gter$a* iva, a" we** a" th'"e '1 the N'r0 a$0 '1 p re ?$'w*e0ge, (% /aki$g "e '1 K a*itie" "pe#i1i# t' the 1ive e$ergie":3. .4; 65 50 (v'*. 6;= 1683) K 'te" thi" kArikA. &S 46 wi** 0ea* agai$ with the /a$i1e"tati'$ '1 the 1ive akti" a" the 1ir"t 1ive tattvas. G/pha"iUi$g the '$t'*'gi#a* K e"ti'$ '1 the 0ivi"i'$ i$t' 1ive tattvas '1 the S pre/e N'r0 wh' i" '$e, CD 1'**'w" the arg /e$t '1 .B 65 49(,52a= iva svatantradgr)pa pa&caaktis'nirbhara00 svtantr!abhsitabhid pa&cad1h pravibha%!ate0 cidnandea%&nak! s'sph'#atvata00 ivaaktisadenavid!kh!a tattvapa&cakam0 ekaikatrpi tattve (smin sarvaaktis'nirbhare00 tattatprdhn!a!ogena sa sa bhedo nir)p!ate0, 8iva, wh' i" (% e""e$#e 1ree vi"i'$ a$0 i" e$0'we0 with 1ive aktis, 1ir"t 0ivi0e" hi/"e*1 i$t' 1ive $tattvas , (% 0i11ere$tiati'$ ('r$ '1 1ree0'/ it"e*1J 2a$0 thi" i" 0'$e3 1'r #*ari1i#ati'$ '1 2the pe$ta0 '1 aktis !'$"#i' "$e"", F*i"", Ri**, a$0 B#ti'$. 2.h "3 #'/e" t' (e the pe$ta0 '1 tattvas J ter/e0 iva, akti, Sa0A2Piva3, ^PA$a a$0 2'ddha3vid!. 2B$03 a*th' gh ea#h '$e '1 the tattvas i" 1i**e0 with a** the aktis, %et ever% 0i"ti$#t e$tit% 2i.e., tattva i" #hara#teriUe0 (% the pre0'/i$a$#e '1 " #h 'r " #h $akti ". See ++ 13,15 a$0 &+ a0 *'#, whi#h 0ea* with the /a$i1e"tati'$ '1 the N'r0:" e$ergie" a" the 1ir"t 1ive tattvas. 486 Nit. 8thr' gh the 0ivi"i'$ '1 the 1ive e$ergie":.

Cons&io(sness, +liss,;CC Oill, /no$led e and A&tion, Wea&! of t!e"Y t!e &a(se of inn("era'le Ws('sidiaryY ener ies, and t!at Wto et!erY &onstit(te t!e WLordIsY o$n real nat(reM t!at is to say, !e "a5es evident ea&! in and t!ro( ! its %ro%er &!ara&teristi&s) T!is is t!e %(r%ort) *o$ des&ri'ed is t!at W&onditional state of t!e (ni9(e %rin&i%leYZ T!e "aster says: H'i"a, etcI WR i)e), !e s%ea5s t!e verse in an effort to e,%lain t!at &onditionY) WIn t!is verse, t!e ter" tatt3ada(, H&onditional state of t!e D(ni9(eE %rin&i%leI, is 9(alified as (i3a(a,tisad(i3atm in $!i&! t!e a'stra&t s(ffi, -tY evo5es t!at eneral &ondition of $!i&! t!e t!ree ter"s HPivaI, HPa5tiI and HSad4JivaI Wa%%ear as instan&esY) Si"ilarly, WH&onditional state of t!e D(ni9(eE %rin&i%leI is 9(alified as -(3ara3idymay-m in $!i&! t!e s(ffi, -may-Y evo5es t!at state $!ose Wd(alY for" &onsists of ED"ara and #id$ Wi)e), evo5es t!at state $!i&! is "ade of 0Jvara and 3idy as a %airY);C@ No$, t!e nat(re of ea&! %rin&i%le is e,%lained) To e,%lain in detail, (i3atatt3a R t!at is, Ht!e %rin&i%le t!at is ter"ed PivaI R is not!in ot!er t!an &ons&io(sness, $!ose "aterial for" is reat Li !t, $!i&! trans&ends all t!e Wot!erY %rin&i%les, and &onsists of t!e state of $onder t!at is %erfe&t i%seity 6p/r0hantcamat,r7 $it!in all &o niLers) *ere, t!e e,%osition Wof t!e LordY as %rin&i%le is done $it! referen&e to %eo%le $!o re9(ire instr(&tion);@7 WUniversalY &ons&io(sness &onsists in t!e LordIs 'e&o"in W%otentiallyY all t!in s, as $!en !e 5no$s 6parm.(at7: HI 'e&o"e allI);@8 It ta5es t!e for" of t!e +liss t!at is %ro%er to t!e Lord $!o is W%(reY &ons&io(snessM it is sli !tly s$ollen

atadv!vtt! J the ter/ /ea$" 8(% e7#* 0i$g what i" $'t that 2$a/e*%, what i" $'t it"e*13:, whi#h ('th g*'""e" a$0 e/pha"iUe" bhinnatvena J YPvara, 1'r i$"ta$#e, (ei$g a("'* te*% 0i11ere$t 1r'/ that whi#h i" $'t YPvara. T'r a "i/i*ar "age '1 v!vtti, "ee Ia apA0a a0 S? 28= mtraabdo viertho (vieav!vtt!artha0 !ath bhikmtra labh!ate nn!o viea iti0, 8.he w'r0 E'$*%E (1mtra) i" /ea$t t' "pe#i1%, t' e7#* 0e what i" $'t 2pr'per*%3 a "pe#i1i#ati'$. 61 it i" "ai0= Ea*/" '$*% are re#eive0E, it /ea$" that 2what i" re#eive03 ha" $' 'ther "pe#i1i#ati'$:. See $. 574 '$ viee. 488 nirvti. 489 Nit, 8Si/i*ar*% 2the #'/p' $0 e$0i$g with 1ma!,m i" t' (e $0er"t''0 a" e7pre""i$g the i0ea that " #h E#'$0iti'$E (jdaa) i"3 that i$ whi#h ^Pvara a$0 vid! #'$"tit te the E" ("ta$tia* $at reE (prakti)". .hi" pa""age i" #a"t a" a gra//ati#a* e7ege"i" '1 the ver"e, e"pe#ia**% '1 the " 11i7e" 1tm (at the e$0 '1 the 1ir"t #'/p' $0) a$0 1ma!,m (at the e$0 '1 the "e#'$0 #'/p' $0) '1 the 1ir"t he/i"ti#h. 490 S #h 0ivi"i'$" a$0 0i"ti$#ti'$" are ( t pr'vi"i'$a* /'0a*itie" that are (' $0 t' 0i"appear at the /'/e$t '$e 0i""'*ve" i$ the B("'* te. 491 viva bhavmi.


6,iciducch/natr/pa7, 'ein at t!is sta e t!e seed of all t!in s) ;@6 T!is W&ondition of &ons&io(snessY is &alled t!e Hstate of Pa5tiI 6(a,tya3asth7) It is s!e WviL), Pa5tiY $!o is &ele'rated in all t!e esoteri& do&trines 6rahasyanaya7 as one only,;@A alt!o( ! so"eti"es in &o"%lete and so"eti"es in e"a&iated for", t!e t$o servin as "eta%!ors of $orld &reation and $orld dissol(tion) F(rt!er, at t!is Wsta e, viL), t!at of Pa5ti, $!i&! isY t!e se"inal level ;@; of t!e (niverseIs eneration and $!i&! is ter"ed Wt!ereforeY t!e H reat 1oid 'eyond t!e 1oidI 6mah(/nyti(/ny7,;@B t!e &ondition of Sad4Jiva is rea&!ed, na"ely, t!e state of $onder t!at is %erfe&t i%seity,;@= a state %ro%er to t!e Great Lord D.a!eJaE, $!o
.he rea"'$i$g, ter/i$'*'g% a$0 i/age appear t' (e ('rr'we0 1r'/ - 6 16,17 0e1i$i$g a'nm'kh!a (*it, 80ire#ti'$ t'war0:, 8'rie$tati'$:), the 0e"ire '1 #reati$g whi#h (egi$" t' 0ep*'% withi$ (*i""1 * #'$"#i' "$e"" it"e*1= kicid'cch)nat saiva mahadbhi kaicid 'c!ate, 8S'/e phi*'"'pher" $a/e thi" 0e"ire 2'1 #reati'$3 kicid'cch)nat, i.e., E"*ight "we**i$gE 8. B##'r0i$g t' Htpa*a0eva (p. 16), it i" Fhaa &ra0% /$a wh' ha" re#' r"e, i$ hi" Tattvagarbhastotra, t' thi" i/age '1 the "*ight*% "w'**e$ "ee0, whi#h i" a(' t t' eLe#t the "h''t it #'$tai$" a" a ger/, i$ atte/pti$g t' e7p*ai$ the /'/e$t whe$, a" "tate0 i$ ++ 14, the N'r0 i" 8rea0% t' 0e"ire, k$'w a$0 #reate the $iver"e:> the &+ a0 *'#. /ake" "e '1 the "a/e i/age= tas!aiva kicid'cch)natvasth! aktiabdav!apadea it! artha. B" Si*( r$ p t" it (++= 100), (e1're K 'ti$g S4 5666 15= 8N:e$ergie #'$"tit e *a pri"e 0e #'$"#ie$#e K e iva a 0e "'i e$ ta$t K e Featit 0e K a$0 i* te$0 A ":e$1*er ' A "e 0i*ater a "'rtir 0e *a p*e$it 0e i$0ivi"e et K :i* "e /et a vi(rer "p'$ta$e/e$t e$ v e 0e ":e7pri/er: 2J 8.he e$erg% #'$"tit te" iva:" aware$e"" '1 hi/"e*1 a" F*i"", whe$ he i$te$0" t' "we** 'r 0i*ate at the /'/e$t he #'/e" ' t '1 $0ivi0e0 p*e$it 0e a$0 "tart" t' "p'$ta$e' "*% vi(rate "' a" he e7pre""e" hi/"e*13. 6t i" w'rth $'ti$g that Fhaa &ra0% /$a, wh' 1'rge0 the i/age '1 the "*ight*% "w'**e$ "ee0 that i" "e0 here i$ 'r0er t' 0e1i$e the "tate '1 akti, wa" a Paivite Akta ('$ Fhaa &ra0% /$a, "ee -%#Uk'w"ki Sp?= 291). 493 !1. &MvX 8 2Si$gh= 703= $... i!a t'r,! savidbha##rik tattats#!dibhedn 'dvaman saharanti ca sad p)r ca k ca 'bha!ar)p ca an'bha!tm ca akramam eva sph'rant, sthit0 'kta ca r,prat!abhi%&t,k!m (tvad arthvalehena 'tti#hati p)r ca bhavati" iti0, 8.hi" ve$era(*e t'r,! #'$"#i' "$e"" 1*a"he" 1'rth #ea"e*e""*%, $'w #reati$g / *ti1ari' " e/a$ati'$", et#., $'w with0rawi$g the/, 2th "3 a*wa%" 1 ** (p)ra) 2"i$#e it i" a(*e t' pr'Le#t thi$g" ' t '1 it"e*13 a$0 %et a*wa%" e/a#iate0 (ka) 2a$0 there1're (' $0 t' rea("'r( what 0eparte0 1r'/ it i$ 'r0er t' /ake p it" *'""3, '1 ('th 1'r/", a$0 a"" /i$g $'$e '1 the/. 6t ha" (ee$ "tate0 i$ the Prat!abhi%&#,k= ERhe$ *i#ki$g 2i.e., rea("'r(i$g3 (avaleha) the '(Le#t", "he 2akti3 ri"e" 2i$ her 'w$ $at re3, a$0 "' "he i" 1 **E> a*"' S; 16, whi#h 0ea*" with the i$#'/prehe$"i(*e $at re '1 " pre/e e$erg% i$ the #'$te7t '1 the akticakra= $... atiriktriktatad'bha!tmata!p! abhidh,!amnp! anetadr)p an'ttar par svtantr!aakti kp! asti, 8.here e7i"t" a$ e$erg% '1 1ree0'/ (svtantr!aakti), $e7#e**e0 (an'ttar), tra$"#e$0e$t (par), $'t havi$g a$% 1'r/ 2*it, 8$'t havi$g the 1'r/ '1 that:, anetadr)p3, a*th' gh it ha" (ee$ 0e"#ri(e0 a" E(ei$g i$ e7#e""E (atirikta) 'r Ei$ $' wi"e 0e1i#ie$tE (arikta), 'r a" /a$i1e"ti$g ('th 2viU., Ee7#e""E a$0 E0e1i#ie$#%E3:. Si$gh a$0 Si*( r$, " pp'rte0 a*"' (% Bpte:" 0i#ti'$ar%, $0er"ta$0 atirikta a" 8(e%'$0 e/pt%:, that i" 8e7tre/e*% e/pt%, K ite e/pt%: 2#1. Si$gh S= Egreat*% e/pt%E> Si*( r$= Ee**e a (ea etre p*ei$e, vi0e, a *a 1'i" p*ei$e et vi0e, ' $i vi0e $i p*ei$eE3, th " apprehe$0i$g here a cat'ko#i '1 the +a0h%a/aka "'rt. CD i$ hi" #'//e$tar% appear" t' 1'**'w thi" *i$e a" we**. M'wever, $either FdD $'r +R *i"t " #h a /ea$i$g 1'r atirikta, whi#h the% take i$ the " a* "e$"e '1 8e7#e""ive:, 80e tr'p:, a$0 "' '$ J whi#h /ea$i$g, i1 retai$e0 here, w' *0 vitiate the cat'ko#i. .he ;caspat!a ha" perhap" the ke% t' thi" p UU*e= (atirikta= >atia!ite, re#he, bhinne, )n!e ca> J a$0, t' L "ti1% thi" *a"t /ea$i$g, 8e/pt%:= (!as!a !vatprama !'kta tato (dhikatve= >h,ng,m atiriktg,m> iti smti", $a/e*%, 8"he wh' i" E/i""i$g a *i/(E ha" g'$e (e%'$0 the $'r/ e"ta(*i"he0 a" pr'per 2i$ the PA"tra" that g'ver$ " #h $i#etie"3, a$0 "', i$ the w'r0" '1 a S/Xti, /a% (e "ai0 t' Ehave a *i/( i$ e7#e""E 2viU., t' have g'$e (e%'$0 the $'r/ i$ the /atter '1 *i/("3:. F% thi" t'rt ' " arg /e$t, 8e7#e"" '1 *i/(": (e#'/e" 80e1i#ie$#% '1 *i/(":W F t, '1 #' r"e, thi" w' *0 $'t (e the 1ir"t #a"e '1 a$ 'pp'rt $e re/'rphe/i#iUati'$ i$ the i$tere"t" '1 E#*arit%E> "ee, 1'r i$"ta$#e, s'ra i"" e0 1r'/


realiLes: HI a" t!isI,;@< $it!o(t differentiatin Wone fro" t!e ot!erY, for Wat t!is levelY t!e se "ent of Wt!e ener y ofY A&tion Wi"%lied 'y t!e Ht!isI, viL), t!e LordIs &reationY still re%oses in i%seity 6ahant3i(rnti7 Wi)e), is still latent in t!e HIIY, 'e&a(se Wt!e ener y ofY /no$led e is yet %redo"inant);@C *ere reside t!e &lass of &o niLers &alled t!e .antra"a!eJvaras, t!e HGreat Lords of .antrasI);@@ Li5e$ise, it is at t!is very sta e Wi)e), on t!e level of t!e tatt3a Sad4JivaY, t!an5s to t!e a'sen&e of differen&e e,%ressed in t!e #(d "ent HI a" t!isI, B77 t!at t!e &ondition ter"ed H0JvaraI is rea&!ed, &onsistin in t!e "arvelo(s e,%erien&e of oneIs o$n
as'ra $0er"t''0 a" a1s'ra. 494 b,%abh)mi. 495 &r'(a(*% a ?ra/a te#h$i#a* ter/, whi#h i/p*i#it*% re1er" t' the I'00e"" ;%'/avA/ePvarY (8She wh' ;'/it" the 2Tive3 ;'i0":), w'r"hipe0 i$ the 1ir"t pha"e '1 the pe$ta0i# #%#*e '1 the Tive ;'i0", wh' repre"e$t" 8the i$itia* a$0 eter$a* vi(rati'$ '1 th' ght*e"" #'$"#i' "$e"": (Sa$0er"'$ 1988= 696,697). .h " i" ;%'/avA/ePvarY at the *eve* '1 akti. See the ?ra/a te7t, the 8ahna!apraka (39(,40a) '1 Br@a"iha, whi#h 0e"#ri(e" ;%'/avA/ePvarY= mah)n!ti)n!atvt sam!akntatarpi !00 sarvav!omni vmant, v!omavmevar, t' s0, 8She wh', th' gh e7tre/e*% at pea#e 1'r "he i" Egreat ;'i0 (e%'$0 the ;'i0E (mah)n!ti)n!a), v'/it" a** ;'i0" i" ;%'/avA/ePvarY: (/a$ "#ript tra$"#ri(e0 (% +ar# -%#Uk'w"ki, /a0e avai*a(*e (% the + kta('0ha 6$0'*'gi#a* De"ear#h 6$"tit te). .he ter/ mah)n!a appear" i$ Sv.H 66 154 (whi#h #ite" ;Fh 149 a$0 6'b%ikmatatantra 2?+.3 ;6 23), Sv.H 6; 209, a$0 6; 369> "i$#e Sv.H 6; 209 re*ate" mah)n!a with the ntt,takal, whi#h #'rre"p'$0" t' the *eve* '1 iva[akti, the $'ti'$ /ight (e eK ate0 with that '1 mah)n!ti)n!a. 6t i" t' (e 0i"ti$g i"he0 1r'/ the $'ti'$ '1 )n!ti)n!a, the 8;'i0 (e%'$0 the ;'i0:, whi#h, a##'r0i$g t' Sv. 5 707, #'rre"p'$0" t' the akti $a/e0 mahm! ("ee Sv.H ;66 6 (tw' ti/e"), 5 707, 5 1213, 5 1278, 56 16> .4; ;6 10, 56 20, ). ;66 21, 556 61 (tw' ti/e"), 5566 43, 5566 44)> $everthe*e"" &MvX 4 2Si$gh= 553 '11er" a 0i11ere$t #'rre"p'$0e$#e, whi#h /ake" )n!ti)n!a a "%$'$%/ 1'r B$APritaPiva J a *eve* '1 e7perie$#e at the L $#ti'$ '1 akti a$0 Sa0APiva, i.e., at the L $#ti'$ '1 the '$e a$0 the /a$% (Canritaivapar!!a)n!ti)n!aC) J i$a"/ #h a" " #h 8e7perie$#e: (i1 it #a$ (e #a**e0 that) pre#e0e" a** #'$#rete 'r /ateria* #reati'$ ('$ the"e $'ti'$", "ee Bppe$0i7 7, p. 327). 496 p)rhantma!o !a camatkra. 497 aham idam. 498 .rika te7t" 0eve*'p a "'rt '1 $'r/ whi#h #'rre*ate" icchakti with Sa0APiva, %&naakti with ^Pvara a$0 kri!akti with 'ddhavid! ("ee &S 14, .4 65 50(,51a, ^&; 666 1, 7 (avat.) a$0 .'re**a ^&?= 193, $. 13). )everthe*e"", a" e/pha"iUe0 (% .4 65 51(,52a (K 'te0 $. 485), it i" /'re a K e"ti'$ '1 the pre0'/i$a$#e '1 '$e "pe#i1i# akti i$ a "pe#i1i# tattva tha$ a reg *ar #'rre"p'$0e$#e, the 'ther aktis (ei$g a*"' pre"e$t i$ ever% tattva, eve$ th' gh i$ a " ('r0i$ate0 wa%. .hi" pri$#ip*e " 11i#e" t' e7p*ai$ the re*ative 0i"#repa$#ie" (etwee$ the te7t". 6$ e11e#t, a##'r0i$g t' "'/e, it i" %&naakti that 'perate" i$ Sa0APiva, a$0 kri!akti i$ ^Pvara, wherea" a re"i0 a* tra#e '1 kri!akti i" i$ a#ti'$ i$ 'ddhavid!, icchakti (ei$g #'rre*ate0 with akti> "ee - 6 29(,31, .4 ;6 43,44, a$0 the rather e$ig/ati# "tate/e$t '1 the ^&? 666 1, 2, th " e7p*ai$e0 (% the ;imarin,= ntar, %&nar)p ! da tas! 'drekbhsane sdkh!am $... bahirbhvas!a kri!aktima!as!a $... 'drekbhse sati $... ,varatattvam, 8Rhe$ the prep'$0era$#e ('dreka) '1 the i$ter$a* #'$0iti'$ #hara#teriUe0 a" Ek$'w*e0geE (%&na) (e#'/e" evi0e$t, there ari"e" the tattva SA0Akh%a. 2...3 B$0 whe$ the prep'$0era$#e '1 the e7ter$a* "tate, whi#h #'$"i"t" '1 the e$erg% '1 B#ti'$ (kri!akti), (e#'/e" evi0e$t, there #'/e" i$t' (ei$g the ,varatattva" ('$ the et%/'*'g% '1 SA0Akh%a a$0 Sa0APiva, "ee $. 906)> "ee a*"' - 66 1, a$0 &.; 1 (p. 3 2Skt. te7t3)= tatra 'bha!atra %&nakri!aktima!e rape sadivevarasre $... . Mere, CD:" #'//e$tar% appear" t' a##'r0 with " #h #'$#epti'$". 499 <$ the hierar#h% '1 the "eve$ t%pe" '1 " (Le#t (saptapramt) J iva, +a$tra/ahePvara", +a$trePvara", +a$tra" (i$#* 0i$g ;i0%ePvara"), ;iLQA$Aka*a", &ra*a%Aka*a" a$0 Saka*a" J "ee Bppe$0i7 10, p. 330. .h'"e #ateg'rie", t' wh'/ CD wi** re1er i$ #'//e$ti$g '$ thi" kArikA a$0

Self,B78 for no$ t!e t$o "o"ents of i%seity and e&&eity 6idant7 are !eld in %erfe&t e9(ili'ri(", a&&ordin to t!e Qr(le of t!e 'alan&eQ B76 WR $!i&! does not allo$ Ht!isI, viL), t!e Hot!erI, to %resent itself as differentiatedY) *ere reside t!e &lass of &o niLers &alled t!e .antreJvaras, t!e HLords of .antrasI) At t!is %oint, t!an5s to t!e s('ordination of i%seity and t!e %redo"inan&e of e&&eity Wt!at t!ere(%on ens(esY, t!e state of $onder"ent &onsistin in t!e realiLation: HI a" II, WandY Ht!is is t!isI, B7A is attainedM Wt!e %redi&ates in t!ese #(d "entsY "ay 'e indi&ated WonlyY $it! a fin er Wfor t!eir &ontent is as yet indistin (is!a'le fro" t!eir s('#e&tY, #(st as is t!eY !ead of t!e ne$?'orn &!ild) B7; T!is is indeed t!e W&onditionY of
kArikA 23, repre"e$t 0i11ere$t *eve*", 'r /'0e", '1 #'$"#i' "$e"". 500 aham idam. 501 Mere, CD 0'e" $'t re*ate the ,varatattva t' a "pe#i1i# akti, (e it %&naakti, a" i" ge$era**%the #a"e, 'r kri!akti ("ee $. 498). +'re'ver hi" e7p'"iti'$ '1 the ,varatattva 0i11er" 1r'/what appear" t' (e the $'r/. +'"t .rika te7t" e"ta(*i"h "%//etr% (etwee$ the Sa0APiva a$0 the ^Pvara "tate", t' the e7te$t that the% eve$ e7p*ai$ the/ thr' gh the #'$tra"tive /etaph'r '1 "h tti$g a$0 'pe$i$g the e%e" (nimea0'nmea), a" i$ ^&? 666 1, 3. 6$ ('th tattvas, it i" thee7perie$#e '1 aham idam, 86 a/ thi":, with a 0i11ere$#e '1 e/pha"i"= '$ 86: ('r i$ter$a*it%), i$ Sa0APiva> '$ 8thi": ('r e7ter$a*it%), i$ ^Pvara. 6$ Sa0APiva, 86: 'ver#'/e" 8thi":, "i$#e #'$"#i' "$e"" eK ate" the $iver"e with it"e*1, i$ the /'ve/e$t '1 nimea, whi*e #*'"i$g, a" it were, it" e%e". B##'r0i$g t' ^&R, v'*. 666= 264, the w'r0 it"e*1 J Sa0APiva, 8Gter$a* iva: J /ea$" that iva re/ai$" iva, i.e., #'$"#i' "$e"", eve$ i1 the '(Le#t (egi$" t' e/erge withi$ hi/. S%//etri#a**%, i$ ^Pvara, 8thi": 'ver#'/e" 86:, "i$#e $'w #'$"#i' "$e"" eK ate" it"e*1 with the $iver"e, th " /aki$g 0i11ere$tiati'$ /'re evi0e$t, a" the $iver"e i", i$ e11e#t, it" 'w$ $egati'$. <$ the"e rea"'$i$g", "ee ^&; 666 1, 2,3= $... !ad aham it! as!a !adadhikaraacinmtrar)pa tatraiveda sam'llsa!ati tad tas!sph'#atvt sadivat aham idam iti0 idamaham iti t' idamit!ae sph'#ibh)te (dhikarae !adhamaavimara nii&cati tadevarat @iti vibhga, 8Rhe$ the " ("trat / '1 the E6E, $a/e*%, p re #'$"#i' "$e"", /ake" appear i$ that 2E6E3 a EthatE, the$ " #h 2#'$"#i' "3 "tate i" #a**e0 ESa0APivaE, (e#a "e the EthatE2th' gh appeari$g3 i" $'t there /a$i1e"te0 #*ear*% 2i.e., a" 'ther tha$ the E6E3, viU., E6 a/ thi"E> '$ the 'ther ha$0, whe$, a" 2#apti'$e0 i$ the phra"e3 Ethi" i" 6E, the EthatE, a"pe#t ha" a#hieve0 #*ari1i#ati'$ a" the " ("trat /, the$ " #h 2#'$"#i' "3 "tate i" #a**e0 E^PvaraE, 1'r i$ " #h 2aware$e""3 2the EthatE3 i" a$'i$te0 with a$ aware$e"" '1 the E6E,a"pe#t 2that i", theE'(Le#tE i" e$0'we0 with the gra#e '1 #'$"#i' "$e""3 J " #h i" the 0i11ere$#e 2(etwee$ the tw' "tage"3:. See ^&? 666 1, 2,3> a*"' ^&? 666 1, 5 a$0 vtti a0 *'#, wherei$ i" #'i$e0 the #'$#ept '1 8per1e#t, i/per1e#t "tate: (parparada> parparvasth) i$ 'r0er t' a##' $t 1'r the"e tw' a/(ig ' " tattvas, wh'"e per1e#ti'$ '1 #'$"#i' "$e"" (that '1 the 86:) i" "*ight*% a*tere0 (% the /ere pre"e$#e '1 a 8thi":= atredantmater aparatvam ahanta! sarvas!a ved!as!cchdant parateti parparvasthai, 8Mere there i" i/per1e#ti'$ (e#a "e there i" the $'ti'$ '1 8thi":, per1e#ti'$ (e#a "e a** the #'g$iUa(*e i" vei*e0 (% the 86:> thi" i" there1're the per1e#t,i/per1e#t #'$0iti'$: (tr. .'re**a)> #1. &MvX 3, where the #'$#ept '1 a parpara #'$0iti'$ i" app*ie0 t' the sadivatattva. <$ the 'ther ha$0, CD, th' gh a0/itti$g the "i/ *ta$e' " pre"e$#e '1 ip"eit% a$0 '(Le#tivit% at the *eve* '1 ^Pvara, #h''"e" t' e/pha"iUe the per1e#ti'$ '1 the e7perie$#e i$ whi#h there i" $' "e$"e '1 a*terit%. ?9e/arALa:" e7p'"iti'$, i$ &MvX 3, a##'r0" with that i$terpretati'$= ,varatattve sph'#edanthantsmndhikara! !dk viva grh!a, tdk $... , 8.he $iver"e, i$ the ,varatattva, gra"pe0 a" that ki$0 2'1 e$tit%3 i$ whi#h the #',re1ere$tia*it% '1 the E6E a$0 the EthatE ha" (e#'/e /a$i1e"t, i" " #h 2...3:. )'te that the gra//ati#a* #'$#ept '1 smndhikara!a i" app*ie0 t' 'ddhavid! i$ ^&? 666 1, 3.

samadhtat'lp'#an!!ena J "a/e phra"e i$ ^&; 666 1, 3, whi#h i" there app*ie0 t' ,varatattva a*'$e, eve$ th' gh the ;imarin, "ee/" t' $0er"ta$0 the i/age i$ re*ati'$ ('th t' Sa0APiva a$0 t' ^Pvara= $... aham idam iti samadhtat'lp'#an!!ena !o vimaro sa sadivantha ,varabha##arake ca. Cet, a" the -hskar, e7p*ai$", it i" "' 1'r/ *ate0 1'r 1ear '1 pr'*i7it% (vi"tara(hi%A), ( t i$ rea*it% apart 1r'/ thi" pa""age, the pre,e/i$e$#e '1 the 86,pri$#ip*e: i" a""'#iate0 '$*% with the sadivatattva (nan' tarhi sadivatattve samadhtat'lp'#an!!o na !'kta, sat!am, vistarabhi! atraivam 'ktam an!ath t' sadivatattve ahabhvas!a prdhn!am eva vartate it! alam). 503 aham aham0idam idam J "'/e te7t" 1'r/ *ate the e7perie$#e a" (aha ca ida ca" 'r (aham ida ca". 504 .he i** "trati'$ i" /'"t *ike*% i$te$0e0 t' re1*e#t the i$1a$t:" Ep'i$t '1 viewE J whi#h, m'tatis m'tandis, i" that '1 the N'r0= the i$1a$t #'$1' $0" the e7ter$a* w'r*0 with hi/"e*1 ('r hi" 'w$ ('0%), a$0 i" $a(*e t' 0e"ig$ate it 'ther tha$ (% p'i$ti$g t' hi" 'w$ hea0.


t!e Lord Wand is &alledY t!e %rin&i%le of %(re /no$led e 6(uddha3idy7,B7B 'e&a(se Wt!is realiLation isY t!e very essen&e of 5no$led e 6$odhasr7)B7= *ere, o(t of in!erent 'enevolen&e, seventy "illion .antras, re%lete $it! si nifi&ation 63ca,at7, attend, alon $it! t!e 1idyeJvaras, (%on t!e .antra"a!eJvaras, t!e HGreat Lords of .antrasI and (%on t!e .antreJvaras, t!e HLords of .antrasI, in order to free 6uddhartum7 t!e 'o(nd so(ls t!at are t!ere'y si nified 63cya7)B7< *ere, alt!o( ! t!e &ate ory of >(uddha?3idy is not distin (is!a'le fro" t!e state of W%(reY &ons&io(sness 'elon in to t!ose &o niLers &alled 1idyeJvaras, t!e dis%lay of differen&e 6$hedaprath7 Wt!at is !ere o'served in t!e o%%osition 3ca,aB3cyaY is 'ro( !t a'o(t 'y t!e ener y of "4y4)B7C T!erefore, it !as 'een s(n in t!e 2 a"as: T!ere is mahamya a'oveB7@ may W ) ) ) Y

6$ 'ddhavid!, the 8thi":, a*th' gh $'w #*ear*% appare$t, "ti** re/ai$" withi$ the 1'*0 '1 the 86:, i$a"/ #h a" it i" ( t the pr'Le#ti'$ '1 the 86: withi$ it"e*1. .h ", a*th' gh at thi" "tage "'/e 0 a*it% appear", that 0 a*it% 0'e" $'t pre"e$t it"e*1 i$ the 1'r/ '1 a*terit%, t' (e " (Le#t t' whi#h i" the 0e"ti$% '1 the 1i$ite (ei$g" (&ra*a%Aka*a" a$0 Saka*a") *ivi$g i$ the w'r*0 '1 / t a**% e7#* "ive " (Le#t" a$0 '(Le#t". 6$ the 'ddhavid!, eve$ th' gh the " (Le#t regar0" $'w the '(Le#t a" 'ther, he 0'e" $'t 0eviate 1'r a** that 1r'/ hi" per1e#t /erge$#e with p re #'$"#i' "$e"". .h' gh apprehe$0e0, '(Le#t" are k$'w$ a" the% are i$ e""e$#e= a" $'thi$g ( t #'$"#i' "$e"" (cinmtrasra, i$ ^&vX 666 1 , 4 S bodhasra i$ CD a0 14). .hi" i" where the 8p rit%: '1 8p re: ?$'w*e0ge re"i0e", a" e7p*ai$e0 i$ ^&vX 666 1 , 4 . Bt thi" "tage, the 8thi": appear" a" E0i"ti$#tE 1r'/ the 86:, ( t $'t E0i11ere$tE 1r'/ it, i$a"/ #h a" it i" L "t a$ a"pe#t '1 the 86:. 6t i" $'tew'rth% that CD "e" the "a/e ter/ camatkra, 8w'$0er:, i$ 0e"#ri(i$g ea#h '1 the three *eve*" '1 e7perie$#e #'rre"p'$0i$g, re"pe#tive*%, t' Sa0APiva, ^Pvara a$0 'ddhavid!. <$ 'ddhavid! a$0 it" re*ati'$ t' the #'$#ept '1 akticakramahevaratva, "ee $. 942. 506 .he "eK e$tia*it% i/p*ie0 i$ the 'r0eri$g '1 the 'ddhatattvas i" i$te$0e0 t' #*ari1% the pr'#e"" '1 #reati'$, 1ir"t a" a$ i//ateria* e7tr'ver"i'$ '1 vi(rati$g #'$"#i' "$e"", the$, 1r'/ m! '$war0", a" a /ateria* '$e. 6$ thi" 8p re path: ('ddhdhvan), #'$"#i' "$e"" i" the '$*% rea*it%> #reati'$ take" p*a#e withi$ #'$"#i' "$e""= it i" i$ 1a#t a pr'Le#ti'$ '1 #'$"#i' "$e"". 6$ thi" "e$"e, it i" right t' app*% the ter/ tattva t' the 1ive "tage" '1 #'$"#i' "$e"", whi#h are 8pri$#ip*e": 'r 8rea*it%,*eve*":, rather tha$ 81a#t": J a$0 thi" "age i" eK a**% L "ti1ie0 eve$ i1 the ter/ (e $0er"t''0 i$ the et%/'*'gi#a* "e$"e '1 8e7te$"i'$:, 8pr'Le#ti'$:, a" 6$0ia$ #'//e$tat'r" are w'$t t' 0' ("ee CD a0 10,11, $. 433 a$0 434). .he% are "tate" '1 #'$"#i' "$e"" i$ whi#h the / *tip*i#it% '1 the w'r*0 i" at 1ir"t " (/erge0, the$ gra0 a**% revea*e0, th' gh "ti** i$ i//ateria* 1'r/. 507 .he +a$tra", a** varietie" i$#* 0e0, are vcakas, 8e7pre""'r":, a$0 the (' $0 "' *" are vc!as, what i" 8e7pre""e0: thr' gh the/. S' 1'r/ *ate0 i" the 0i"ti$#ti'$ (etwee$ "ig$i1ier a$0 "ig$i1ie0= 8t' what '(Le#t 0' th'"e /a$tra" pertai$, et#.?: 508 .hi" i" a paraphra"e '1 ^&? 666 1, 6= bhedadh,r eva bhve' kart'r bodhtmano (pi !0 m!akt!eva s vid!et! an!e vid!evar !ath00, 8B##'r0i$g t' 'ther", $'ddha vid! i" $'thi$g ( t the $'ti'$ '1 E0i11ere$#eE J "i/i*ar t' that whi#h re" *t" 1r'/ m!akti J that a11e#t" a$ age$t e$0'we0 with #'$"#i' "$e"" i$ regar0 t' e$titie" 2that he per#eive"3 J " #h a" i" e7e/p*i1ie0 (% the ;i0%ePvara":> a view that i" $'t "hare0 (% Htpa*a0eva, wh' pre"e$t" it a" that '1 8'ther":, a$0 whi#h the ^&; a0 *'#. attri( te" t' the Fa'ravgama, i$tr'0 #i$g i$ the "a/e pa""age the a00iti'$a* tattva '1 mahm!. Bt the *eve* '1 'ddhavid!, #'//e$t" BI i$ hi" avat. a0 ^&? 666 1, 6, the /a$i1e"tati'$ '1 0i11ere$#e #a$$'t (e e7p*ai$e0 with' t the i$terve$ti'$ '1 m!. Cet, 0i11ere$#e i" "ti** 8k$'w$: J a$ a"pe#t '1 8k$'w*e0ge: (vid!). .here1're the m! that 'perate" there i", h'wever, 8$'t 1 **% 0eve*'pe0: (aprar)h) m!, 1ee(*e (8Pithi*A:, "' g*'""e0 (% the -hskar,) J a$ atte$ ate0 1'r/ '1 m!, #a**e0 mahm! i$ the Fa'ravaM tata evprar)ham!kalpatvn mahm!e!a r,ra'ravdig'r'bhir 'padi#. CD:" /a$$er '1 e7p'"iti'$ i/p*ie" that the i$#'/p*ete K 'te that 1'**'w" (m!opari mahm!) i" *ike*% ('rr'we0 1r'/ the Fa'ravaH "ee $. (e*'w. B$%h'w, it i" i$ thi" "e$"e, (e#a "e the +a$tra" a$0 the ;i0%ePvara" are 8per/eate0: (a" "tate0 here (% CD) (% the mahm!, that i", are #'$ta/i$ate0 (% it" vi#i$it%, that the% are a11e#te0 (% the m!,!amalaH ( t it 0'e" $'t /ea$ that the% are *'#ate0 i$ the mahm!H rather, it i" the $e7t *eve* '1 " (Le#tivit%, that '1 the ;iLQA$Aka*a", whi#h re"i0e" i$ the mahm!. +'re'ver, it "h' *0 (e $'te0 that CD:" 0i11er" here 1r'/ Htpa*a0eva:" view, a" 1'r/ *ate0 i$ ^&? 666 1, 3, that 86: a$0 8thi": are, i$ the 'ddhavid!, i$ a re*ati'$ '1 #',re1ere$tia*it% (smndhikara!a). 509 m!opari mahm! $... . !1. Fa'ravgama, ;id!pda, 6; 28(= m!opari mahm! sarvakraakraam. 6t / "t (e $'te0 that the ;id!pda part '1 the pri$te0 Fa'ravgama 2D43 i" i$ 1a#t part '1 the Fa'ravas)trasagraha 2DSS3, whi#h pr'(a(*% 0ate" 1r'/ a / #h ear*ier peri'0 tha$ the pri$te0 6ri!pda '1 the Fa'ravgama. .he pri$te0 6ri!pda (e*'$g" t' a 0i11ere$t "trat / '1 #'/p'"iti'$ a$0 wa" tra$"/itte0 e7#* "ive*% i$ S' th 6$0ia (/'re'ver, there i" $' ;id!pda at a** i$ the S' th 6$0ia$ D4). 6$ the DSS, #itati'$" 1r'/ the '*0 Fa'rava are 1' $0, a/'$g the/= m!opari mahm!. T'r /'re i$1'r/ati'$ a$0 a 0i"# ""i'$ '1 the 0ati$g a$0 the re*ati'$ '1 the tw' te7t", "ee I''0a** (6iraavttiM 7*, $. 92, a$0 7*viii,7*i7). B "i/i*ar *i$e i" #ite0 (% BI i$ hi" &.; 5,8 with attri( ti'$ t' the 6'b%ikmata, ( t the ver"e i" $'t 1' $0 i$ the tra$"/i""i'$ '1 the 6'b%ikmata ("ee Sa$0er"'$ 2002= 2)= m!opari mahm! trikonandar)pi,, 8B('ve m! i" mahm!, the e/('0ie/e$t '1 the (*i"" '1 the tria$g*e: (Si$gh &.; 2Skt. te7t= 64> tra$"*.= 1763> I$'*i &.;= 249)> #'/pare CD:" K 'te with that '1 &.; 5,9 (&.; 2Skt. te7t= 40> tra$"*.= 1013) a$0 .4; 65 91a= m!ordhve 'ddhavid!dha santi vi%&nakeval, 8B('ve m! a$0 (e*'w 'ddhavid! are the ;iLQA$akeva*a": ("ee $.

511). B*"' .4 ;666 337(= mahm!ordhvata 'ddh mahvid!tha mtk00vg,var, $... , 8B('ve mahm!, there i" the p re great ?$'w*e0ge ( S 'ddhavid!), the +AtXkA, the g'00e"" '1 Spee#h 2...3:, a$0 .4; a0 *'#. a##'r0i$g t' whi#h 'ddhavid! i" ter/e0 mahvid!, '$ a##' $t '1 it" p rit% ('ddhatvd eva cs! mahattvam it! 'ktam mahvid! iti)> the ter/ appear" (a" mahm!akti) i$ S; 6 2, K 'te0 $. 226. Bt thi" "tage, CD:" e7ege"i" i$tr'0 #e" the #'$#ept '1 mahm!. .he i"" e i" that '1 e7p*ai$i$g the para0'7 '1 a " (Le#tivit% $/'0i1ie0 (% '(Le#tivit%> " #h E'(Le#tivit%E a" there i" re/ai$" $0er the 0'/i$i'$ '1 the E" (Le#tE> it #a$$'t (e the pr'0 #t '1 m!, ( t rather '1 thi" K a"i,m!. .he para0'7 i" (r' ght ' t i$ the #hara#teriUati'$ '1 the +a$tra" a$0 the ;i0%ePvara", wh', th' gh (e*'$gi$g t' the 'ddhdhvan, are $'$ethe*e"" " (Le#t t' the m!,!amala ("ee Bppe$0i7 10, p. 332). <$ mahm!, "ee a*"' $. 495 a$0 ;a" 0eva +;.= 170.

*en&e Wit is only in t!at li"ited sense t!atY t!e .antras residin t!ere are said to 'e finite so(ls, for t!ey are %enetrated 'y mahmy)B87 A'ove t!e my?%rin&i%le and 'elo$ t!e (uddha3idy are t!e &o niLers ter"ed 1i#V4n45alas,B88 $!o retain t!e i"%(rity of dee"in oneself finite Wafter s!a5in off t!e t$o ot!er i"%(ritiesY)B86 T!is for" of Piva, $!o is Win essen&eY one only, is yet s%o5en of in ter"s of a %entad of %rin&i%les, i)e), as t!e Fo(rt! state 6turya7, alt!o( ! !e trans&ends t!e Fo(rt! state 6turyt-ta7)B8A *en&e t!is inde%endent a ent 6,art.7 "anifests !i"self as one only) T!erefore, t!is WPivaY, (ni9(e and a(tono"o(s, a%%ears 6pra,(ate7 as t!e a ent Wof &reationY, t!e
.he i/p*i#ati'$ (ei$g that the% are #'$"i0ere0 a" 1i$ite "' *" (a') i$a"/ #h a" the% are " (Le#t t' the m!,!amala. CD re1er" here i/p*i#it*% t' ^&vX 666 2, 9, whi#h "tate", a" regar0" the ;i0%ePvara"= 2...3 em a'tvam api s!t. B$'ther #hara#teri"ti# '1 the +a$tra" a$0 ;i0%ePvara" (whi#h 0i"ti$g i"he" the/ 1r'/ the ;iLQA$Aka*a") i" that the% are e$0'we0 with age$#% (karttva> ^&? 666 2, 9) J a 1eat re whi#h i" '$*% a** 0e0 t' i$ CD:" e7ege"i", whe$ he pre"e$t" that #ateg'r% '1 " (Le#t" a" 8"ig$i1ier": (vcaka), that i", 8age$t" '1 "ig$i1i#ati'$:, wh' are a(*e 8t' 1ree the (' $0 "' *":. B" 1'r the ;i0%ePvara", the% are a*"' age$t", i$a"/ #h a" "evera* 4ga/a" pre"e$t the/ a" i$"tigat'r" '1 the #'"/i# 1 $#ti'$", *ater ter/e0 pa&cakt!a, the 81ive 1 $#ti'$":, ( t here re"tri#te0 t' 1' r. S#ript re" 0i11er a" t' the a#t the% are e7e/pte0 1r'/> "ee ;imalvat, 6 1a, Parkh!atantra 66 96(, DSS 6 15(, a$0 +;. 6 20(,21= etn a#a' sthitidhvasarakn'grahakaria00 mantramantrevare 'ddhe sani!o%!a tata p'na0 mantrm as%at tadvat saptako#, samaal00, 8Mavi$g a##'r0e0 2the "tat " '13 p re +a$tra/a$trePvara" t' the"e eight 2;i0%ePvara"3 i$ #harge '1 pre"ervati'$[#reati'$ (sthiti), 0e"tr #ti'$ (dhvasa), '("# rati'$[pr'te#ti'$ (rak) a$0 gra#e (an'graha), he the$ #reate0 i$ the "a/e wa% "eve$t% /i**i'$ +a$tra" with their re"pe#tive "phere" '1 i$1* e$#e[maala": (tr. ;a" 0eva, /'0i1ie0> "ee ;a" 0eva +;.= 158,161, 1'r a$ i$terpretati'$ '1 the pa""age). .h ", a" '("erve" ^&vX 666 1, 9, the ;i0%ePvara" are e$0'we0 with a partia* age$#%, " #h that the% are 80i11ere$t 1r'/ the N'r0 a$0 1r'/ '$e a$'ther:, a$0 a" " #h 8the% t'' / "t (e #'$"i0ere0 a" Ear/E: J whi#h i" L "t a$'ther wa% '1 1'r/ *ati$g the rea"'$ L "ti1%i$g the a'tva '1 thi" #ateg'r% '1 " (Le#t", the m!,!amala (ei$g the #a "e '1 their partia* age$#%. <$e '("erve" here CD:" e/pha"i" '$ the *eve* '1 " (Le#tivit% repre"e$te0 (% the +a$tra" a$0 the ;i0%ePvara", wh' re"i0e i$ 'ddhavid!. F% $0er*i$i$g the +a$tra": r'*e a" vcakas a$0 the *i(erati$g v'#ati'$ '1 ('th the +a$tra" a$0 the ;i0%ePvara", CD a$ti#ipate" the a##' $t '1 /a$tri# pra#ti#e he wi** give i$ kA. 41,46, where th'"e pramts $a/e0 +a$tra" are a*"' the per"'$i1i#ati'$" '1 the /a$tra" '1 the ta$tri# pra#ti#e. 511 .hi" "e$te$#e i" t' (e rea0 a" a paraphra"e '1 the K 'te (pr'(a(*% a$ 4ga/a, a*th' gh give$ with' t e7p*i#it attri( ti'$)= m!ordhve 'ddhavid!dha santi vi%&nakeval, whi#h #'/p*ete" the arg /e$t '1 &.; 5,9 (a$0 i$ .4; 65 90(,92a> "ee (e*'w). .he e$tire pa""age (Si$gh 2Skt. te7t= 40> tra$"*.= 1013) i" a" 1'**'w"= m!tattvas!opari vid!tattvdha cva!a tattvntarea bhavitav!a !atra vi%&nkaln sthiti0 !athokta m!ordhve 'ddhavid!dha santi vi%&nakeval iti tath hi mahm!bhve m!pade prala!akevalnm avasthiti vid!pade ca vid!evard,nm iti kim iva tad vi%&nakevalspada s!t0, 8.here / "t e7i"t $e#e""ari*% a$'ther pri$#ip*e a('ve the m!,pri$#ip*e a$0 (e*'w the $'ddha vid! ,pri$#ip*e where a(i0e the ;iLQA$Aka*a". B" ha" (ee$ "ai0= EB('ve m! a$0 (e*'w 'ddhavid!, are the ;iLQA$akeva*a"E. .here1're, i1 mahm! i" $'t 2a##epte0 a" a #ateg'r%3, the$, "i$#e the a('0e '1 the &ra*a%akeva*a" i" i$ the 0'/ai$ '1 m!, a$0 that '1 the ;i0%ePvara", et#., i" i$ the 0'/ai$ '1 $'ddha vid!, i$ whi#h 0'/ai$ w' *0 a(i0e the ;iLQA$akeva*a"?: F% a** 0i$g here t' the &.;, CD re1er" i/p*i#it*% t' the $'ti'$ '1 mahm! he ha" L "t 0ea*t with, th " #'/p*eti$g it" 0e1i$iti'$. .hi" a00iti'$a* *eve*, whi#h ha" $' $a/e '1 it" 'w$ i$ the K 'te0 te7t, i" t' (e i0e$ti1ie0 a" mahm! a$0 i$terprete0, "patia**%, a" a 1 **,1*e0ge0 tattva. .hi" i" a$'ther arg /e$t i$ 1av'r '1 the i$tr'0 #ti'$ '1 mahm! i$ the ge$era* "#he/e '1 tattva" a$0 pram#s= a$ a00iti'$a* tattva ha" t' (e p'"t *ate0 i$ 'r0er t' /ake r''/ 1'r the ;iLQA$Aka*a". .4 65 90(,92a #'$1ir/" that *i$e '1 rea"'$i$g, pr'vi0i$g it with a$ '$t'*'gi#a* 1' $0ati'$= the ;iLQA$Aka*a i" "tati'$e0 /i0,wa% (etwee$ the p re a$0 i/p re path", 1'r, (ei$g a11e#te0 (% avamala, he #a$$'t a"#e$0, whi*e,


Li !t WviL), &ons&io(snessY of $!o", at t!e level of Sad4Jiva and FJvara, &onsists in t!e t!o( !t: HI a" t!isI)B8; It is t!is t!o( !t t!at, &o"%osed of %(re 5no$in , is t!e instr("ent Wof &reationY)B8B T!e effe&t Wt!(s %rod(&edYB8= is t!e ense"'le of W&on&reteY %rin&i%les 'e innin $it! my and endin $it! eart! t!at are yet to 'e e,%lained) T!(s t!at (ni9(e trans&endental &o niLer 6paramapramt.7 na"ed .a!eJvara, t!e Great Lord $!o is t!e Self, e,%ands !i"selfB8< as a ent, instr("ent and a&tion)B8C #!rik! 5 T!e "aster ne,t e,%lains $!at t!e %ro%er for"B8@ of t!e mytatt3a is:

(ei$g 1ree ('th 1r'/ krmamala, i$a"/ #h a" he i" e7e/pt 1r'/ a#ti'$ (nikarma, v. 90(), a$0 1r'/ m!,!amala, i$a"/ #h a" he 8re"i0e" '$*% i$ p re #'$"#i' "$e"": ('ddhacinmtrasasthita, v. 92a), he #a$$'t 0e"#e$0. B" .4; a0 *'#. "a%"= $... asa' (m!ordhve 'ddhavid!dha santi vi%&nakeval" it!d!'kta!'kt! 'ddh'ddhdhvamadh!avart, 'ddhabodhaikasvabhvo (pi svtantr!ahne - avamalaktas!a svar)pasakocas!a sabhavt $... , 82...3 that '$e, a##'r0i$g t' the rea"'$i$g at w'rk i$ the "tate/e$t= EB('ve m! a$0 (e*'w 'ddhavid!, are the ;iLQA$ake,va*a"E, a(i0e" (etwee$ the p re a$0 i/p re path", a*th' gh he i" e""e$tia**% p re k$'w*e0ge , 2a para0'73 0 e t' the *'"" '1 1ree0'/, that i", 0 e t' the pre"e$#e '1 the #'$tra#ti'$ '1 hi" 'w$ e""e$tia* $at re (r' ght a(' t (% a tra#e '1 the avamala". <$ " #h gr' $0", the appare$t*% #'$tra0i#t'r% "tate/e$t" '1 ;a" 0eva (+;.= 170), $a/e*%, 8B(hi$avag pta *'#ate" the ;iLQA$Aka*a" i$ +ahA/A%Atattva 2...3 ( t he i" $a(*e 'r $wi**i$g t' #ite a$ a th'ritative "#ript ra* pa""age " ("ta$tiati$g thi":, a$0 8a$ $i0e$ti1ie0 aiva "#ript re K 'te0 (% B(hi$avag pta a$0 Oa%aratha a*"' p*a#e" the ;iLQA$Aka*a" i$ the i$ter"ti#e (etwee$ the p re a$0 i/p re $iver"e":, /a% (e re#'$#i*e0. T'r 1 rther 0etai*" '$ the ;iLQA$Aka*a", "ee Bppe$0i7 10, p. 330. 512 Mere CD (rie1*% ev'ke" the ;iLQA$Aka*a", wh' 0' $'t (e*'$g t' the 'ddhdhvan, the " (Le#t '1 the kArikA. Cet, he / "t re1er t' the/ at thi" p'i$t '1 hi" e7p'"iti'$, (e#a "e '1 their i$ter/e0iate "tat " a$0 *'#ati'$ (etwee$ 'ddhdhvan a$0 a'ddhdhvan. .h ", CD, 1'**'wi$g BI, re'rga$iUe" the vari' " arra$ge/e$t" '("erve0 i$ previ' " te7t" '1 the aiva tra0iti'$. Me *'#ate" here three #ateg'rie" '1 " (Le#t" $a/(ig ' "*% '$ the "#a*e '1 the tattvas= the +a$tra" (a*'$g with the ;i0%ePvara"), the ;iLQA$Aka*a" a$0 the &ra*a%Aka*a" (ei$g re"pe#tive*% a""ig$e0 t' 'ddhavid!, mahm! a$0 m!. Me wi** take p the 0e"#ripti'$ '1 the *a"t tw' #ateg'rie" '1 " (Le#t", the &ra*a%Aka*a" a$0 the Saka*a", i$ hi" g*'"" '$ &S 23. 513 .he 8T' rth "tate: (t'r!a) i" iva:" e7perie$#e '1 per1e#t, (*i""1 *, #'$"#i' "$e"", tra$"#e$0i$g waki$g (%grat), 0rea/ (svapna) a$0 0eep "*eep (s''pti)> #1. &S 35 a$0 CD a0 *'#> t'r!t,ta, the 8'$e tra$"#e$0i$g the T' rth:, i" a "ti** higher "tate, 1'r t'r!a i" $'t #'/p*ete*% 1ree 1r'/ #'$ti$ge$t #'$0iti'$" ('pdhi) " #h a" the ('0% 'r (reath. Mere the K e"ti'$ '1 the e7i"te$#e '1 a thirt%, "eve$th tattva i" i/p*i#it*% re1erre0 t' (% CD i$ agree/e$t with ^&? 666 a$0 FhA"kara:" #'//e$tar%. B##'r0i$g t' FhA"kara, th' gh iva a$0 &ara/aPiva are $'t 0i11ere$t i$ e""e$#e, iva i" /ea$t t' re1er t' hi" "pe#i1i# $at re (svar)panirdea) whi*e &ara/aPiva i" the a**,i$#* "ive 1'r/, whi#h i/p*ie" hi" perva0i$g (v!paka) the wh'*e "#a*e '1 the tattvas. M'wever, &ara/aPiva i" $'t t' (e #'$"i0ere0 a thirt%,"eve$th tattva= he wh' perva0e" (v!paka) #a$$'t (e *'#ate0 i$ the "a/e "erie" a" th'"e perva0e0 (v!p!a). See .'re**a ^&?= 189,190, $. 2. 514 aham idam. 515 .hi" #e*e(rati'$ '1 iva:" " pre/e age$#% e#h'e" ^&vX 666 2, 5= ahet)nm api karma %anmdihet'bhvavia!avipar!sd abodhtmakakartgata krmam, 8.he i/p rit% '1 2" pp'"i$g '$e"e*1 the age$t '13 a#ti'$", whi#h pertai$" t' the age$t 0ev'i0 '1 the Night '1 #'$"#i' "$e"", ari"e" 1r'/ err'$e' "*% #'$"i0eri$g a#ti'$" t' (e the #a "e '1 (irth", et#., wherea" the% are $'t #a "e" 21'r the "'*e, rea*, #a "e i" the " pre/e age$t, the N'r0 hi/"e*13:. B#ti'$", (ei$g i$"e$tie$t, #a$$'t (e the #a "e '1 a$%thi$g. .he '$*% #a "e i" the "'*e age$t, the N'r0. 516 !1. -vX (p. 27), a##'r0i$g t' whi#h the N'r0 8a"" /e" the 1'r/ '1 the thirt%,"i7 tattvas, a** $0er"t''0 a" Ee11e#t"E (kr!a)" '1 that "'*e #a "e that i" the " pre/e age$t ($... tattvar)pa attriatsakh!a kr!a r)pea bibharti).

5) The supreme freedom of the ;reat 4ord , which accomplishes what is difficult to construe,B67 is indeed nothing but the co"ering of 'i"aIs own Self, (in which phase he appears as) the ;oddess F!y!Dakti C the energy of delusi"e construction)B68 +y supreme is "eant Hre9(irin not!in elseIMB66 'y freedom of t!e S(%re"e Lord 6parame(-t.7, is "eant Ht!e fa&t t!at !e &reates everyt!in IM s(&! freedo" is realiLed in t!e energy, ter"ed m$, of !i" Wt!e LordY $!o %ossesses itE)B6A my is so &alled 'e&a(se 'y it is distri'(ted 6m-yate7, t!at is, deli"ited 6paricchidyate7, t!e %!eno"enal dis%lay of 5no$ers and 5no$ns, &(l"inatin in eart!M or my is so &alled in ter"s of its &a%a&ity to del(de everyone Wand everyt!in Y)B6;
vi%bhate J "ee the #'$#* "i'$ '1 CD:" #'//e$tar% a0 kA. 35. Rith thi" ver( CD a$ti#ipate" the $e7t 0e1i$iti'$ (kA. 15), 1'r ^&; 666 1, 8 (pp. 234,235) "tate"= atid'karavas1 t'sapdanprat,ghtar)p paramevaras!a m!akti0 it! etad vi%bhate it!anena daritam, E.h ", the p'wer '1 the S pre/e N'r0 that i" m! (m!akti) i" #hara#teriUe0 (% 1ree0'/ t' a##'/p*i"h the /'"t 0i11i# *t thi$g". .hi" i" the i0ea #'$ve%e0 (% the w'r0 vi%bhate" (tr. &a$0e% 1986= 197, "*ight*% /'0i1ie0). 518 F% thi" "tate/e$t CD 0e1i$e" 8the a("'* te a t'$'/% '1 a $'$,i$0ivi0 a* #'$"#i' "$e"" whi#h a*'$e e7i"t" #'$tai$i$g the wh'*e '1 rea*it% withi$ the (*i"" '1 a 0%$a/i# 86:,$at re, pr'Le#ti$g "pa#e, ti/e a$0 the i$terre*ati$g 1* 7e" '1 " (Le#tive a$0 '(Le#tive phe$'/e$a a" it" #'$te$t a$0 1'r/, /a$i1e"ti$g it"e*1 i$ thi" "p'$ta$e' " e7tr'ver"i'$ thr' gh pre#'g$itive i/p *"e (icch), #'g$iti'$ (%&nam) a$0 a#ti'$ (kri!) a" the three ra0i#a* /'0e" '1 a$ i$1i$ite p'wer: (Sa$0er"'$ 1986= 170). 519 svar)pa J viU., $at re, e""e$#e. 520 d'rgha#asapdana J that i", the i$ter$a* 0ivi"i'$ '1 the "i$g*e pri$#ip*e i$t' i$$ /era(*e " (Le#t" a$0 '(Le#t". .he #'/p' $0 #a$ (e $0er"t''0 a" a karmadhra!a 2?-3, a tatp'r'a 2.&3 'r a bah'vr,hi 2F;3. 6t a/' $t" t' 1ive p'""i(*e i$terpretati'$", a/'$g whi#h the /ai$ 0i11ere$#e i" whether d'rgha#a K a*i1ie" a" a$ a0Le#tive the pr'#e"" '1 /a$i1e"ti$g '(Le#tivit%, 'r 0e"ig$ate" '(Le#tivit% it"e*1 (8that whi#h i" 0i11i# *t t' #'$"tr e:)> 1) a" a ?- J 8whi#h i" a 0i11i# *t a##'/p*i"hi$g:, a" a$ app'"iti'$ t' svtantr!am> 2) a" a .& J 8whi#h i" the a##'/p*i"hi$g '1 what i" 0i11i# *t t' #'$"tr e:> 3) a" a .& $0er"ta$0i$g sapdana i$ the "e$"e '1 sapdaka ("ee CD= prptiprapkam, a$0 De$' 1968= ii 168, 180) J 8whi#h a##'/p*i"he" what i" 0i11i# *t t' #'$"tr e:> 4) a" a F; (a"e0 '$ a ?- ("ee 1) J 8wh'"e a##'/p*i"hi$g 2a" the 0i#h't'/% '1 " (Le#t" a$0 '(Le#t"3 i" 0i11i# *t:> 5) a" a F;, (a"e0 '$ a .& ("ee 2) J 8whi#h a##'/p*i"he" what i" 0i11i# *t t' #'$"tr e:. .he tra$"*ati'$ 1'**'w" CD:" i$terpretati'$. 521 !1. .4 ;666 332= ata para sthit m! dev, %ant'vimohin,0 devadevas!a s aktir atid'rgha#akrit00. &S 15 a$0 16a are K 'te0 i$ .4; 6 37> &S 16( a$0 17 i$ .4; 6 39,40. 522 anan!peka. 523 6t i" $'tew'rth% that, i$ 0e1i$i$g m!, whi#h i" re"p'$"i(*e 1'r e/piri#a* ('$0age, the e/pha"i" i" *ai0 '$ 1ree0'/. .he the/e '1 the 0ivi$e p*a% (l,l, i$ B0vaita a$0 ;ai9@ava tra0iti'$", kr,d, i$ .rika) # */i$ate" i$ the "'/ewhat para0'7i#a* $'ti'$ that the 1ree0'/ '1 the N'r0 i" $'t #'/p*ete $*e"" he i" a(*e t' '("# re a$0 0e*i/it hi/"e*1 (#1. M *i$ 1978= 306). 6$ S; 6 2, the N'r0:" 1ree0'/ i" 0e1i$e0 a" %&nakri!svtantr!a, 1ree0'/ t' k$'w a$0 t' 0' ever%thi$g. Mere, the kri! a"pe#t '1 the N'r0:" 1ree0'/ i" re1erre0 t', "i$#e the e7p'"iti'$ $'w take" p the a'ddhdhvan, the 8i/p re path:, $a/e*%, a#t a* (a" 'pp'"e0 t' virt a*) #reati'$. 524 CD give" here tw' tra0iti'$a* et%/'*'gi#a* e7p*a$ati'$" '1 the ter/ m!, ('th '1 whi#h "ee/ t' pre" /e the r''t m (pa""ive m,!ate) 8/ea" re ' t:= m! i", '$ the '$e ha$0, the #apa#it% t' 8pr'0 #e: 1'r/", i/age", '(Le#t", a$0 '$ the 'ther, t' 80e#eive: there(%. T'r a " //ar% '1 re#e$t 0i"# ""i'$" '1 the pr'(*e/, "ee +a%rh'1er (GRB 66= 349,350), wh' take" it a" 8wahr"#hei$*i#h: that the ter/ 0erive" 1r'/ the r''t m 8#'$"tr #t:, contra, inter alia, .hie/e (k-+I 95= 112 11., B$/. 1), wh' w' *0 0erive it 1r'/ the r''t m, 8a*ter:. B" +a%rh'1er p'i$t" ' t ("ee a*"' ?GRB 66=625> 666= 777), re#' r"e t' the r''t m, 0'e" $'t appear at a** $e#e""ar%, i$a"/ #h a" the "e$"e 8#apa#it% t' 0e#eive: (mohakat) #a$ ea"i*% (e 0e0 #e0 a" a$ e7te$"i'$ '1 8the #apa#it% t' /ea" re:, that i", t'


/ee%in in "ind t!at s!e is asso&iated $it! t!e od of %layf(l nat(re 6,r-(-la7, >my? is WalsoY &alled t!e HgoddessI 6de3-7,B6B and it is not appropriate to state, as do the
Brahmavdins,526 that there is a my who is distinct.

O!at sort of freedo" is itZ T!e "aster ans$ers: 'which accomplishes what is difficult to construe'. W+y 'difficult to construe'] he means 'able to be effected onl!] with diffic"lt!'# thro"%h this freedom ta&es place] the

accomplishing (sapdana) of that difficult (durghaa) res"lt, consistin% in the totalit! of relations between] co%ni'ers and ob(ects of co%nition ) that is, s"ch freedom effects the attestation of s"ch a "niverse]. 52* my is the covering of iva's own Self ) when, o"t of his free will he ass"mes the state of a bo"nd so"l. '+overin%'] here refers to the triad of imp"rities ) imp"rit! of deemin% oneself finite, etc. ) and is termed 'concealement of his proper form'. 52,


#!rik! 16 Inas"(&! as t!e vario(s o'#e&ts of e,%erien&e, $!i&! are derived fro" %ri"ordial "atter and a%%ear to (s in t!e for" of t!e %leas(ra'l e, etc., are abo"t to be e-plained, the master first]
#'$"tr #t 1'r/" that are i$ the *a"t a$a*%"i" i** "'r%. S #h a##eptati'$" are i$ evi0e$#e i$ the ear*ie"t peri'0, a" indro m!bhi p'r'r)pa ,!ate, 86$0ra a"" /e" /a$% 1'r/" thr' gh hi" p'wer" 2'1 repre"e$tati'$3 (m!bhi) (lS ;6 47, 18> F 56; 5, 5, 19> F4H 66 5, 19> OHF 6 44, 1, 4), K 'te0 (% D a0 B&S 1 (whi*e #'//e$ti$g '$ nivi#a bah'dh g'hs'), (% FhA"kara i$ hi" g*'"" a0 ^&;, magalcaraa N , p. 13, a$0 (% 4 666 24a (thr' gh it" prat,ka), i$ 'r0er t' 0e/'$"trate that #reati'$ take" p*a#e i$ a$ i** "'r% 1a"hi'$> "ee a*"' $. 528, the K 'tati'$ i$ ^&; 66 3, 17 (v'*. 66= 141)= m! vimohin, nma, a$0 .4 ;666 332, K 'te0 $. 521= %ant'vimohin,. See a*"' the phra"e mohan,m m!m 2...3, i$ kArikA 51 a$0 $. 969. 525 Si/i*ar pa""age i$ .4; ;666 333= dev,ti devbhinnatvt. !1. &.; (Skt. te7t= p. 3), whi#h e$ /erate" the /ea$i$g" '1 the r''t div= div' kr,vi%ig,v!avahrad!'ast'tigati', E.he r''t div i" "e0 i$ the "e$"e" Ep*a%E, E0e"ire t' #'$K erE, Ew'r*0*% p r" it"E, E"p*e$0'rE, ma0'rati'$n, E/'ve/e$tE:. 7ht'p#ha 6; 1 give" "'/e /'re /ea$i$g"= div' kr,1vi%ig,1v!avahra1d!'ti1 st'ti1moda-mda-svapna-knti1gati'. Mere, m! i" dev, i$ a *i/ite0 "e$"e, a" p*a%1 * (kr,,la), a$0 "he i" p*a%1 * (e#a "e, a" '$e '1 I'0:" e$ergie"[p'wer", "he (e*'$g" t' hi/, wh' i" hi/"e*1 p*a%1 *, a##'r0i$g t' '$e et%/'*'g% '1 the $a/e deva. See a*"' .4 6 101,103 (where the *i"t '1 the 0ivi$e K a*itie" i" "*ight*% 0i11ere$t)= he!opde!akathvirahe svnandaghanata!occhalana kr,,: 26* e"t 0ie , deva, par#e K :6* L' e3 "a$" "e "' #ier 0e #e K i e"t a re#her#her et a reLeter. 2S'$3 Le e"t Lai**i""e/e$t e$ ta$t K e /a""e i$0ivi"e 0e "a propre felicite' .tr. /ilb"rn, 0ado"- 123 ,$ ) ' 4e is 5od, deva, beca"se
he pla!s] witho"t carin% for what has to be so"%ht and what has to be re(ected. 4is pla! is sprin%in% "p as an "ndivided mass of his own bliss'6. 526 1he Brahmavdins referred to here are those who hold that brahman, "nderstood as free of all activit! (nta/nikriya), is the onl! realit!. 7or 8a9&ara, the ver! lan%"a%e of 'ca"se' and 'effect' is soiled b! my. 1herefore, the relation between the level of my and that of brahman is 'diffic"lt to be e-pressed' (anirvacany). 7"rthermore, since the 'world' is not a 'res"lt' of brahman, it cannot be an!thin% other than an 'appearance', li&e that of a rose in a mirror. 1herefore, the 8aiva e-position %iven here of the :dvaita doctrine sho"ld be treated with circ"mspection3 accordin% to :dvaita, there is nothin% ;different; from brahman; at the same time, what appears as ;different; is s"ch onl! as erroneo"s 'manifestation' .as ;different;, it is not brahman ) and therefore does not e-ist6, my is th"s a principle both independent and false, which cannot belon< to brahman as s"ch. =evertheless, it sho"ld be observed that for the ;>dealists; of the /a9&ara school of ?ednta, the ca"se of error has retroverted to brahman itself, from considerations of lo%ical consistenc!3 for the jva cannot be, as @aA ana maintains, both the res"lt and the so"rce of ill"sion. 20/? 56, p. 2,, e-plains my as a transformation of the Bord who prod"ces it, '("st as snow, foam, etc., are prod"ced from water onl! as its transformations' (yath ja ddhimaphendayas tath tath part!amanasvabhvatvd evajyante). 4owever, the my that is th"s prod"ced is 'not meant for an! p"rpose, beca"se the Bord cannot desire an!thin%, havin% alread! all his desires satisfied' (na kim api pray"janam uddiya, tasyptakmatvena kasmi cid icchsambhavd ity artha). >n contrast, the 1ri&a considers my a power (akti) of the Bord parta&in% of his essence, and defines it as the Bord's desire (icch) of diversit!. CD will ta&e "p a%ain this criticism of the Brahmavda in his commentar! ad 2$, emphasi'in% that this s!stem does not ta&e into consideration the soverei%n freedom of the Bord, which is itself responsible for d"alit!. 52$ /ee 12 E? 2$2b3 atidurghaaghasvatantrecchvad ayam, '1his is d"e to the force of the free desire of the Bord] to constr"e what is diffic"lt to constr"e', and 12? ad loc, which e-plains gha as ghaanam, and refers to 0. >>> F, GHI (#idbhiddibhy" $%)& ghaana ghaeti bhidditvda%. 52* prptiprpaka ) lit.,'brin%s it to discernibilit!'. >n this conte-t, it is invitin% to "nderstand prpti in its '%rammatical' or '.ps!cho6lo%ical' sense of 'the %iven' ) what is presented to the observer as he contemplates his ne-t step, whether it be the provisional sta%e of a word's derivation as it awaits the application of the followin% r"le, or that which presents itself to the or%ans of sense as their immediate content, s"itable or "ns"itable. 1he two possibilities amo"nt to the same thin% here, for all intents and p"rposes, for it is the creative power of the Bord that 'ca"ses to appear' (prpaka) before o"r e!es that which 'appears' there as "nconditioned (prpti). CD implies here that the internal division of the sin%le principle into inn"merable s"b(ects and ob(ects is the problem ) either that s"ch a division is diffic"lt to ("stif! reasonabl!, or that the res"lt is diffic"lt to effect within the "nit!. 1he notion of durghaasapdanam is a leitmotif in 1ri&a literat"re, as shown b! parallel passa%es in which appear s"ch terms as durghaakrin .12? ? G2F6, atidurghaakrin .12 > ,2, 12? >? G$Fa, pp *GIJ*G56, durghaakrit .12 ?>>>FFF6, durghaakritva .12>?GHJGG6, atidurghaakritva .12? > FFH, 12 ?>>> FFF6, atidurghaakrit .12? ?>>> FFF, E?>> 2H6, atidu#kara .K0? >> F, G$6, durgha 'akti( .12 ? G2F6, atidurghaagha .12 E? 2$2b6# see K0? >> F, G$ .vol. >>3 GIG63 ita ca kim atidu#kara bhavi#yatiyatprktmany akha! itatadr)pya evaprakamne prakanani#edhvabhsa prakamna/ tasmt paramevarasyeda tat para svtantrya yat tathvabhsana paurpatvabhsana nma grahakasamutthpana taddvre!a ca grhy" sanam api/ saiva bhagavat" myaktir ucyate/ yath"kta my vim"hin nma '...( iti, 'Lhat is more diffic"lt to accomplish than this3 to manifest, within the Mne who is Bi%ht itself, the ne%ation of Bi%ht, at the ver! time when his l"mino"s essence shines forth "ndividedN 1herefore, it is the s"preme freedom of the /"preme Bord th"s to manifest himself as the bo"nd so"l, ca"sin% that part of the phenomenal world] that is the e-periencer to arise, and, thro"%h that e-periencer], manifestin% the ob(ects of e-perience. 1his is called the power of my of the Bord, accordin% to what has been stated3 *my is that which del"des; '# also 12 >? GHJGG, which places

), '>ll"sion' (my), and 'the accomplishin% of what is diffic"lt to constr"e]' (durghaakritva)& kim tu durghaakritvt svcchandyn nirma d asau/ svtmapracchdanakridpa! ita paramevara// anv+tte svar)pe $pi yad tmcchdana vibh"/ saiva my yat" bheda etvn vivav+ttika//, 'B"t, in virt"e of his capacit! of
on the same level 'pla!' (kr

accomplishin%, o"t of his p"re freedom (svcchandya), what is diffic"lt to constr"e], the /"preme Bord s&illf"ll! pla!s at hidin% his own /elf. :ltho"%h his essence is in no wa! veiled, this hidin% of the /elf b! the Mmnipresent is b"t my, from which proceeds the difference that is seen] to this e-tent at wor& in all activities'# see also 12? >? GH3 grhyagrhakdyu st tathtvenbhsanam saiva krid, '1his pla! is manifestation as s"ch, d"e to the s"r%in% forth of s"b(ect, ob(ect, etc.'# also 12 ? G2F3 the akti 'which accomplishes what is diffic"lt' (durgha akti, in the verse6 is named svtantrya; it accomplishes the parado-ical e-ploit of e-pandin% itself as the "niverse, while artic"latin% itself as endless c!cles of emanation and resorption. CD ad $ has "sed the same form"lation in a similar conte-t. 52, +f. CD ad ,. /"ch is the tir"dhnaakti. Mn the 'concealment of his proper form' (svar)pag"pana), see 00 >> ,, p. F3 guruaktir jayaty ek madr)papravikasik/ svar)pag"panavyagr sivaaktirjityy//, '4ail to this "niO"e power of the %"r" which enables the blossomin% of m! own nat"re. 1han&s to it, the ener%! of 8iva which is intent on concealin% his own nat"re is overcome'. /ee also K0vP >> 2, 53 tanma atrayanirm!e prabh"r icch myaktir ucyate, myakti is the Bord's will to create the three imp"rities'. :ltho"%h myakti is a akti, its stat"s is different from that of the triad of Lill, Qnowled%e and :ction, since myakti is connected with differentiation.


individ(ation 6pu statt3a7 BA7 as s(&!,BA8 $!i&! is "anifested in t!e for" of t!e en#oyer of e,%erien&es: 97 Gnder the influence of all+encompassing m$ , consciousness is defiled6 becoming the indi"idual soul6 the fettered being6 and is bound6 thanks to Wthe limiting factors ofY Time6 Agency6 /ecessity6 Passion and Ignorance)BA6 Cons&io(sness,BAA alt!o( ! o"nis&ient and o"ni%otent, ass("es t!e i"%(rity of dee"in itself finite on a&&o(nt of its loss of freedo" 6pratantrya7 , 'ro( !t a'o(t 'y m$ Is ta5in &ontrol Wor %ossessionY) T!is i"%(rity is not!in '(t t!e fail(re to re&o niLe Wt!e Self as s(&!Y 6a,hyti7 , BA; as $!en one sets aside t!ose 9(alities of o"nis&ien&e, et&) O!erefore, t!at W&ons&io(snessY, Wno$Y li"ited, !avin &(t itself off fro" t!e infiniteBAB s%a&e of &ons&io(sness, #(st as t!e s%a&e &onfined in t!e #ar 6gha@,(a7 Wis &(t off fro" infinite s%a&eY, is &alled pu statt3a , t!e H%ersonI) T!erefore, 'ot! "aintained 6plya7 and 'o(nd 6p(ya7 'y my , it is &alled pau , Wt!e Hdo"esti&ated ani"alI or, fi (ratively, t!e Hfettered s('#e&tIY, BA= 'ein t!e lo&(s of t!ose very fetters 6p(a7 $!i&! are t!e i"%(rities of dee"in oneself finite, of re ardin t!e $orld as o'#e&tive, of s(%%osin oneself t!e a ent of a&tions)BA< .oreover W'y sayin : H'o(nd 6sa $addh7 Y by Time6 Agency6 etc)H6 t!e "aster indi&ates t!at W&ons&io(snessY is bound 6$addh7 &o"%letely 6samya,7 , t!at is to
spea&s of the principle of

p'stattva here "ta$0" 1'r p'mn, 8per"'$:, a$0 i" th " "%$'$%/' " with p'r'atattva. B" "h'w$ (% CD at the e$0 '1 hi" #'//e$tar%, p'stattva i" the #'$0iti'$ '1 the 1ettere0 i$0ivi0 a* " (Le#t, 0e*i/ite0 (% m! a$0 the 1ive ka&c'ka". p'stattva th " repre"e$t" the i$1 "i'$ '1 " pre/e ip"eit% i$t' i$0ivi0 a* "' *" ($'w 8at'/i#:, a'), wh' are the/"e*ve" 1 rther a11e#te0 (% the three malas. !1. ^&vX 666 2, 3, where the ter/ p'stva i" 1' $0 i$ the "a/e "e$"e. .he ter/ 8i$0ivi0 ati'$: "h' *0 $'t (e $0er"t''0 i$ a$% "'#i'*'gi#a* ('r eve$ p"%#h'*'gi#a*) "e$"e, i/p*%i$g what ha" #'/e t' (e 0e"ig$ate0 a" the Ei$0ivi0 a*E '1 /'0er$ "'#ietie" J it ha" rather t' 0' here with the i0ea '1 the a', 'r the avamala, the wh'**% 0e#eit1 * 8at'/iUati'$: '1 $iver"a* #'$"#i' "$e"". B/'$g the /a$% 0i"# ""i'$" '1 the 6$0ia$ Ei$0ivi0 a*E J 'r whether " #h a ter/ i" at a** appr'priate i$ #hara#teriUi$g the pre,/'0er$ Eper"'$E J i" N' i" - /'$t:" ?omo ?ierarchic's, K.v. 531 Nit., 8i$ it" pr'per 1'r/:. 532 .he " a* 0e$'/i$ati'$ '1 thi" tattva i" vid!, /ea$i$g 82*i/ite03 ?$'w*e0ge:. .he 1ir"t he/i"ti#h i" K 'te0, a*'$g with kA. 15, i$ .4; 6 37,38. .he "e#'$0 i" K 'te0 i//e0iate*% therea1ter, a*'$g with &S 17, i$ .4; 6 39,40. .he ter/ kal, here tra$"*ate0 82*i/ite03 Bge$#%:, e7pre""e" /'re *itera**% thi" "e$"e '1 *i/itati'$, it" pri/ar% /ea$i$g (ei$g 8"eg/e$t, pha"e ('1 the /''$), et#.:. 533 bodha i" the $iver"a* 0ivi$e #'$"#i' "$e"", wh'"e #hara#teri"ti#", a##'r0i$g t' &.NvX (p. 2), are avikalpatvam, 8$'t " (Le#t t' th' ght,#'$"tr #t":, a$0 p)ratvam, 8#'/p*ete$e"":, 8*a#k '1 i$ter$a* 0ivi"i'$ 'r e7ter$a* #'$0iti'$:. F% #'$tra"t, abodha i" e/piri#a* #'$"#i' "$e"", #hara#teriUe0 (% vikalpa a$0 ap)ratva. 534 !1. ^&; 66 3, 17 (v'*. 66= 141)= ! m)hat 2...3 p)ratvas!a 2...3 svtantr!as!a 2...3 nit!atdharmas!a ca prakamnas!pi !ad aprakamnata! abhimananam, 8.hat #'$1 "i'$ #'$"i"t" i$ wr'$g*% #'$"i0eri$g per1e#ti'$, 1ree0'/ a$0 eter$a*it% a" $'t "hi$i$g, a*th' gh the% are "hi$i$g 2withi$ '$e:" "e*13:. 535 p)rasvar)pa J *it., 8per1e#t:, 81 **:. 536 T'r a "i/i*ar 0e1i$iti'$ '1 pa', "ee CD a0 5. 537 See CD a0 9.


say, is tied do$n, d(e to its 'ein %er"eatedBAC by Time6 etc)6 $!ose %ro%er for" $ill 'e e,%o(nded ne,t) T!(s t!e pu statt3a &onsists in 'ein envelo%ed 'y t!e !e,ad of %rin&i%les Wna"ely, my and t!e five ,a2cu,as Y) BA@ #!rik! : T!e "aster no$ %ro%o(nds t!e %ro%er nat(re of t!ese %rin&i%les, Ti"e, et&), in t!e order of t!eir envelo%in t!at We"'odied &ons&io(snessY: :7 I know52@ 8ust this thing6 at this "ery moment only6 to some extent only6 by focusing my entire self on it)52 In this way6 the hexad of sheaths6 m$ being the sixth652* is said to be WexistentiallyY included52, in the finite soul)))522 T!(s, #(st as &ons&io(sness, t!o( ! free, ass("es t!e &ondition of a finite so(l t!ro( ! its o$n my , so also its ener ies of /no$led e and A&tion, $!en restri&ted, are said to 'e&o"e res%e&tively t!e Wli"itedY /no$led e 63idy7 and Wli"itedY A en&y 6,al7 of t!e 'o(nd so(l)B;B
otaprotat J *it., 8i$terw've$ with:. !1. CD a0 18, where )ta i" /e$ti'$e0, a$0 ^&; 666 1, 9 (v'*. 66= 238, K 'te0 $. 546), where we 1i$0 otaprota /e$ti'$e0 i$ a #'$te7t "i/i*ar t' thi" '$e, viU., whi*e are (ei$g 0e1i$e0 the 1ive ka&c'kas. 539 T'r m! i" a vei* (varaa, *it., a 8#'veri$g:), a$0 the ka&c'kas are 8"heath":. .he *itera* /ea$i$g '1 the *atter, 8ar/'r:, 8#*'ak:, i" 1' $0 i$ the $a/e '1 a tra0iti'$a* #hara#ter i$ the 6$0ia$ 0ra/a= the ka&c'kin, 'r #ha/(er*ai$, "' ter/e0 (e#a "e '1 hi" #*'"e,1itti$g gar/e$t. 540 .he gra//ati#a* re/ark i$ the #'//e$tar% i$0i#ate" that CD i" privi*egi$g, a/'$g the vari' " 8p'wer":, that i$0i#ate0 (% the ver( %&, 8k$'w:> eve$ th' gh the 'ther 8p'wer": are i/p*ie0, the% are ea"i*% " pp*ie0, a$0 it i" $'t $e#e""ar% t' #ite the/ ea#h ti/e their E*ea0erE i" /e$ti'$e0> #1. the "%//etri# "tate/e$t i$ ^&; 666 1, 9, v'*. 66= 238 ("ee $. 546). 541 )'te that the Sa$"krit 'r0er '1 the "e$te$#e J adh'n, kicit, idam, sarvtman, %nmi, viU., kla, kal, ni!ati, rga, vid! J #'rre"p'$0" t' the 'r0er '1 kArikA 16, whi#h i$ t r$ repr'0 #e" the 'r0er a##'r0i$g t' whi#h the"e ka&c'kas e$ve*'p the pa', a" ta ght (% CD:" avat. a0 17. .h " there i" *'gi# i$ the 8ge$e"i" '1 ('$0age:. Cet, '$e /a% 1i$0 'ther 'r0er" '1 e$ $#iati'$ i$ 'ther te7t", 1'r i$"ta$#e= kla, ni!ati, rga, vid!, kal i$ ^&vX 666 1, 9. .he ;666th #hapter '1 .S (p. 84) "'*ve" the 0i11i# *t%, givi$g the 'r0er '1 e$ /erati'$ a" a #'$ve$ti'$ 0i11eri$g 1r'/ '$e te7t t' a$'ther= atra cai vstavena path kramavandh!aiva s#ir it! 'kta kramvabhso 8pi cst,t! api 'ktam eva0 krama ca vid!rgd,n vicitro 8pi d#a kacid ra%!an vetti ko 8pi vidan ra%!ate it!di0 tena bhinnakramanir)paam api ra'ravdi' stre' avir'ddha mantav!am, 86$ thi" regar0, a" a /atter '1 1a#t, '1 th'"e 2"heath"3 it ha" (ee$ "tate0 that the 'rigi$ati'$ i" 1ree '1 "eK e$#e> ( t it ha" a*"' (ee$ "ai0 that a$ appeara$#e '1 "eK e$#e i" there. 26$ 'r0i$ar% *i1e3 '$e #a$ "ee that vid!, rga, et#., appear i$ a 0i11ere$t 'r0er. T'r i$"ta$#e, '$e k$'w" whe$ he *'ve", wherea" a$'ther *'ve" whe$ he k$'w", et#. .here1're, '$e "h' *0 k$'w that there i" $' #'$tra0i#ti'$ i$ e7p' $0i$g a 0i11ere$t 'r0er 2'1 the ka&c'kas3 a" happe$" i$ PA"tra" a" the Fa'rava: 542 Nit, 8a""'#iate0 with m!:. 543 antaraga J "ee $. 549. 544 .he tw' kArikA" 17 a$0 18 are t' (e rea0 a" a "%$ta#ti# $it. 545 B$0 he e7er#i"e" hi" *i/ite0 p'wer" '1 ?$'w*e0ge a$0 Bge$#% thr' gh #'g$itive 'rga$" (%nnendri!a, 'r b'ddh,ndri!a), a$0 'rga$" '1 a#ti'$ (karmendri!a) a" "tate0 (% the Tantrasadbhva, K 'te0 i$ S; 666 3= kalodvalitacaitan!o vid!daritagocara0 rgea ran%itt msa' b'ddh!dikaraair !'ta00, 8!'$"#i' "$e"" 2'1 the 1i$ite " (Le#t3 i" re0 #e0 t' 2*i/ite0 a#tivit%3 (% kal, the '(Le#t" '1 "e$"e (gocara) are "h'w$ t' hi/ (% vid!, he i" e/'ti'$a** a11e#te0 (% rga, e$0'we0 a" he i" with 'rga$" '1 #'g$iti'$, et#.: See a*"' ^&; 666 1, 10,11, v'*. 66= 242, K 'te0 i$ Bppe$0i7 13, p. 337, a$0 &MvX 9 (pp. 71,72), K 'te0 $. 561, whi#h 0eve*'p" thi" pr'#e"" i$ the #' r"e '1 e7p*ai$i$g h'w the three aktis '1 the N'r0, icch, %&na a$0 kri!, tra$"1'r/ the/"e*ve" re"pe#tive*% i$t' ava, m!,!a a$0 karma malas. <$ %nnendri!a a$0 karmendri!a,


N(st as 'y t!e 5in a s"all 9(antity of "oney is iven, o(t of &o"%assion, to !i" $!ose $ealt! !as #(st 'een a%%ro%riated, so t!at !e "ay s(rvive, li5e$ise, to &ons&io(sness $!i&! !as ass("ed t!e &ondition of finite so(l, its o"nis&ien&e, et&), !avin 'een %(t aside, t!e a'ility to 5no$ Wso"et!in Y is &onferred W'y t!e S(%re"e LordY, $it! t!e (lti"ate ai" of %er"ittin li"ited A en&y Wand res(ltY)B;= +e&a(se t!e %o$er of 5no$in is t!(s %redo"inant, t!e synta, of t!e senten&e s!o$s Wt!e ot!er s!eat!s, ,la , et&) Dof 54ri54 8=EY as s('ordinated to t!e ver' 12 ) This hexad of sheaths6 asso&iated $it! my as des&ri'ed a'ove, veilsB;< t!e %ro%er for" of the finite soul 6au7J t!at is, of t!e %arti&(lar so(l 6pu s7 , $!ose o"nis&ien&e, et&), !as 'een re"oved d(e to t!e i"%(rity of dee"in itself finite)B;C WIn t!is sense, t!e !e,ad of s!eat!sY is said to 'e IWexistentiallyY includedH, t!at is, is innate Win t!e finite so(lY, #(st as t!e fla$ is innate in t!e old)B;@
"ee &S 20. 546 -'i$g a$0 ?$'wi$g are a""'#iate0 with Ri**i$g (icch), a$0 Ri**i$g i" r''te0 i$ F*i"" (nanda). .hi" i" a p'"itive wa% '1 "eei$g the ka&c'kas. .he% are $'t '$*% #'r"et" #'$"trai$i$g 1ree, i$1i$ite " (Le#tivit%, tra$"1'r/i$g it i$t' a 1ettere0 i$0ivi0 a*it%> the% are a*"' gi1t" #'$1erre0 (% the N'r0 a" #'/pe$"ati'$ 1'r thi" '$t'*'gi#a* 0a/age, a" a partia* ret r$ '1 it" 1'r/er p'wer". ^&; 666 1, 9, v'*. 66= 238, "%$the"iUe" the e$tire pr'#e""= eva kalvid!klargani!atibhir otaproto m!a!pahtaivar!asarvasva san p'nar api prativit,ratatsarvasvarimadh!agatabhgamtra evabh)to 8!a mita pramt bhti0 idn,m ida kici% %nna ida k'rvo 8tra rakto 8traiva ca !a so 8ham iti, 8.h ", the " (Le#t, (ei$g per/eate0 (otaprota) with *i/ite0 Bge$#%, *i/ite0 ?$'w*e0ge, .i/e, &a""i'$ a$0 )e#e""it%, a$0 (ei$g 0eprive0 '1 a** "'vereig$t% (% m!, /a$i1e"t" hi/"e*1 a" *i/ite0, with a part '1 the wh'*e "'vereig$t% that i" give$ (a#k t' hi/ (prativit,ra), 2whe$ #'$"i0eri$g3= E.he '$e wh' k$'w" a$0 $'w 0'e" "'/ethi$g, thi" / #h, a$0 i" atta#he0 t' thi", a$0 t' thi" '$*% that '$e i" /e.E8 Me$#e, #'$#* 0e" ^&;, 8the"e 2kla, et#.3 /a$i1e"t the/"e*ve" '$*% a" a""'#iate0 with the 2*i/ite03 " (Le#t a$0, there1're, #'$"tit te hi" 2*i/ite03 p'wer": (ete ca pramtlagnata!aiva bhnti, iti tas!aiva aktir)p). .here1're, i$ thi" w'r*0 '1 0i11ere$#e i$ha(ite0 (% i$0ivi0 a*", 8the% 0i11er i$ the #a"e '1 ea#h " (Le#t: (pratipramtbhinn eva). .hi" i" h'w the 1'r/ *ati'$"= 8hi" .i/e:, 8hi" )e#e""it%:, et#., whi#h are "ee$ 1reK e$t*% i$ CD:" g*'"", are a*"' t' (e $0er"t''0 J i$ whi#h the ge$itive re1er" t' the a1're/e$ti'$e0 8a@ :. <$ the ka&c'kas #'$"i0ere0 a" the 0egra0ati'$ '1 the attri( te" '1 the N'r0 J '/$ip'te$#e, et#. J "ee ++ 18. 547 cchdaka. 548 .he 1 $#ti'$ #'//'$ t' the 1ive ka&c'kas i" that '1 0e*i/iti$g, parti# *ariUi$g, the $iver"a* e7perie$#e #hara#teri"ti# '1 the 'ddhdhvan. B$0 thi" 0e*i/itati'$ #a$$'t ari"e with' t rep*a#i$g the 1ree vi"i'$ (svatantrad) #hara#teri"ti# '1 #'/p*ete$e"" with the #*' 0e0 vi"i'$ (r' ght a(' t (% m!, the p'wer '1 0i11ere$tiati'$> #1. .4 65 49(,52a (K 'te0 $. 485) where iva i" "ai0 t' (e svatantradgr)pa. .here1're, i$ 'r0er t' give a 1 ** a##' $t '1 the pr'#e"", m! i" t' (e a00e0 t' the pe$ta0 '1 the ka&c'kas. 549 I'*0, *ike the "' *, i" i$ e""e$#e 1ree 1r'/ 1*aw. 6$ the w'r*0 '1 $at re, h'wever, g'*0, *ike the "' *, i" a""'#iate0 with 1*aw" that, h'wever, #a$ (e re/'ve0 J the g'*0 (% 1ire (the te#h$iK e #'$"i"te0 i$ /e*ti$g the g'*0 "' that a$% i/p ritie", a*wa%" *ighter tha$ g'*0, /ight 1*'at t' the " r1a#e), the "' * (% the rea*iUati'$ that 6 a/ iva. S #h 1*aw" are 8antaraga: J a ter/ "e0 here with 'vert'$e" '1 it" gra//ati#a* /ea$i$g J i$ the "e$"e that the% 1i$0 their 8e7i"te$tia*: '##a"i'$" (e1're a$'ther 8r *e: i" app*ie0 'r wh'"e #a "e" are 1' $0 withi$ the 0'/ai$ '1 a$'ther r *e J 1'r i$"ta$#e, the r *e here pr'/ *gate0, tha$k" t' whi#h we /a% (e *i(erate0 1r'/ " #h 1*aw". .he gra//ati#a* antaragatva ha" t' 0' with pri'rit% '1 app*i#ati'$ 1' $0e0 '$ the pri$#ip*e that r *e" wh'"e 0'/ai$ i" i$#* 0e0 take pre#e0e$#e 'ver th'"e '1 the i$#* 0i$g 0'/ai$ J whi#h i" #'$"i"te$t with the pre"e$t $'$,gra//ati#a* app*i#ati'$, i$a"/ #h a" the i$here$t EpartE '1 the ri#e grai$ i" antaraga with re"pe#t t' the grai$ a" a $at ra* wh'*e, 'r the 1*aw with re"pe#t t' the $ gget. )'te that the *itera* "e$"e '1 antaraga i" 8i$$er e*e/e$t: 'r 8e*e/e$t withi$:. Sa/e i/age '1 the 1*aw withi$ the g'*0 i$ CD a0 24 a$0 87,88. 6$ kArikA 18, we wi** /eet a$'ther i/age= that '1 the kamb'ka, the 8(ra$:.

O!at does t!e !e,ad &onsist ofZ T!e "aster re%lies: IW8ustY now6 etc)H) I know at this "ery moment only BB7 si nifies t!at t!is finite so(l deli"its itself in ter"s of %resent ti"e Wi)e), 9(alifies itself as %resent only, as e,%ressed t!ro( ! t!e ver'al endin s of t!e %resent tense R as s(&! e,&l(din %ast and f(t(reYM Wand mutatis mutandis , in ter"s of %ast or f(t(re ti"e, as $!en it says:Y HI 5ne$ it %revio(sly, I 5no$, I $ill 5no$IM si"ilarly Wfor t!e ver' HdoI:Y HI did, I do, I $ill doI)BB8 In so doin ,BB6 Wt!e finite so(lY deli"its even its "odes of 'ein in a&&ordan&e $it! t!e %ro%er nat(re of 5no$led e and a&tion) T!(s does Ti"e 6,la7 , so Wdeli"itedY, W'e&o"e a fetterY of t!e finite so(l) And WI knowY to some extent only6BBA t!at is, Wone 5no$s andY one a&&o"%lis!es deli"ited t!in s only,BB; for one is not &a%a'le of a&&o"%lis!in everyt!in ) WT!e %otterY (nderta5es to "a5e a #ar only, not a %ie&e of &lot!, et&) S(&! is t!e li"ited A en&y of t!e finite so(l)BBB WI knowY 8ust this6BB= i)e), t!at one e,%e&ts a deter"inate effe&t to follo$ fro" a deter"inate &a(se R s(&! as s"o5e fro" fire, or en#oy"ent of !eaven, et&), fro" %erfor"an&e of sa&rifi&es li5e t!e !orse sa&rifi&e, et&)M one does not e,%e&t Wt!e res(ltY to arise fro" any W&a(seY $!atsoever)BB<
Nit, 86 k$'w $'w '$*%: (adh'naiva %nmi). .he a#ti'$ e7pre""e0 (% the 1i$ite ver( i" a*wa%" 0e*i/ite0 (% a te/p'ra* " 11i7, "' that the te$"e" appear a" e7#* "ive a*ter$ative"> '$e #a$$'t e7pre"" the three te$"e" "i/ *ta$e' "*%. .h " i" the "' * 8K a*i1ie0: (% the ver(a* # / te/p'ra* #'$te7t. 552 tath kala!an J '$ r''t kal, "ee $. 623. 553 Nit, 8L "t "'/ethi$g: (kicid eva). 554 !1. ^&; 666 1, 9, v'*. 66= 238 K 'te0 $. 546= ida kici% %nna ida k'rva 2...3. 555 6/p*ie0 here i" $'t "' / #h that ' r ta*e$t" are *i/ite0 t' '$e 'r a$'ther /etier, ( t that, at a$% give$ ti/e, we are re"tri#te0 a" t' what we 0', (% what we 0'. B$0 the "a/e g'e" 1'r 8k$'wi$g:. <$*% the N'r0 i" 8sarvakart:, that i", #a$ 0' 'r k$'w ever%thi$g at '$#e J the $iver"e that we e7perie$#e '$*% i$ *i/ite0 wa%". 556 Nit, 8thi" a*'$e: (idam eva). 557 T'r the aiva", the %'gi$ a$0 the p'et repre"e$t, i$ thi" w'r*0, the '/$ip'te$#e '1 the 1ree N'r0, wh' #reate" whatever he 0e"ire" with' t re1ere$#e t' a$% /ateria* #a "e> #1. ^&? 6 5, 7 (K 'te0 $. 666) a$0 ^&vX a" we** a" Sp) 6 2, K 'te0 $. 265. Si/i*ar*%, +a//aa "a%" i$ the magalcaraa '1 hi" 6v!apraka= ni!atiktani!amarahit hldaikama!,m anan!aparatantrm0 navarasar)cir nirmitim dadhati bhrat, kaver %a!ati00, 8;i#t'r% t' the p'et:" Spee#h, whi#h pr'Le#t" a #reati'$, 1ree 1r'/ the *aw" '1 )e#e""it% (ni!ati), #'$"tit te0 (% p re 0e*ight, i$0epe$0e$t '1 a$%thi$g e*"e, a$0 #har/i$g '$ a##' $t '1 $i$e ('r $'ve*) "e$ti/e$t" ('r 1*av' r"= rasa): (tr. -wive0i 6v!apraka= 3, /'0i1ie0). .he #'//e$tar% /aprad!aprakin, (% rYvi0%A#akravarti$ #'$tra"t" thi" #reati'$ '1 the p'et with that '1 the !reat'r (brahman), attri( ti$g t' the 1'r/er a$ e/i$e$#e #'/para(*e t' the *atter:"= ni!atiakt! ni!atar)p s'khad'khamohasvabhv aramvd!'pdnakarmdisahakrikraaparatantr aras na ca hd!aiva tai td, brahmao nirmitir nirmam, 8T'r/e0 i$t' a 0e1i$ite "hape (% the p'wer '1 ni!ati, #hara#teriUe0 (% p*ea" re, pai$ a$0 0e* "i'$, 0epe$0e$t '$ /ateria* #a "e" " #h a" at'/" a$0 a 7i*iar% #a "e" " #h a" a#ti'$ (karman), p'""e""e0 '1 2'$*%3 "i7 1*av' r" a$0 $'t i$varia(*% p*ea"a$t (% the"e J " #h i" the #reati'$ 'r pr'0 #ti'$ '1 the !reat'r: (tr. -wive0i 6v!apraka= 3). B##'r0i$g t' BI:" magalcaraa t' the :ocana, the p'et J the /etaph'r '1 the S pre/e N'r0 J #a$ #reate a$%thi$g he wi"he", " #h a" a #e*e"tia* 1*'wer, with' t a(i0i$g (% the 'r0i$ar% *aw '1 #a "a*it%, i.e., with' t reK iri$g a$% 'ther #a "e tha$ hi" 'w$ ge$i " (pratibh), whi#h /a% (e "ee$ a" the t'ta*it% '1 the #a "e"= ap)rva !ad vast' pratha!ati vin kraakalm 2...3, 82.he p'et3 /a$i1e"t" e$tire*% $ew '(Le#t" with' t reK iri$g the *ea"t #a "e 2...3:. Rhi#h a11'r0" %et a$'ther e7a/p*e i$ ?a"h/iria$ aiva th' ght '1 the #*'"e para**e* (etwee$ the N'r0:" p'wer" a$0 the p'et:" J a$0 i$0ee0 (etwee$ mokastra a$0 kv!astra. )'te that, i$ the .rika, pratibh,


T!(s t!e niyatitatt3a of t!e Wli"ited selfY is t!at W tatt3a Y a&&ordin to $!i&! t!e self Wd(rin t!e &o(rse of its lifeY is ne&essarily deter"ined BBC 'y t!e "erits and de"erits arisin fro" t!e !ost of a&tions done 'y reason of its o$n resol(tion)BB@ And Wfinally, I knowY by focusing my entire self on it59@ "eans t!at t!e 'o(nd so(l is ro(nded in rgatatt3a , t!e %rin&i%le of %assion, $!i&! is a dee"in of oneself as in&o"%lete, as $!en one t!in5s: Hall s(&! t!in s are of (se to "eI, or HI $o(ld 'e Ws(&! and s(&!M for instan&e: ri&!YI, or H"ay I never &ease to 'eI)B=8 WConte,t(aliLedY %assion 6rga7 is an attri'(te of t!e intelle&t)B=6 It is not!in '(t WH&or%orealIY atta&!"ent as $!en one t!in5s: H!ere is "y %assionI, !avin set aside all else for t!e sa5e of t!e t!in desi nated as H'elovedI, Wno$ lo&atedY in one %la&e, $!erever it "ay 'e R and it is not t!e &ase t!at t!e W$ord rga isY &oe,tensive
'1te$ tra$"*ate0 a" 8ge$i ": i$ a p'eti# #'$te7t, i" ('th "e*1,* /i$' " #'$"#i' "$e"" (svapraka) a$0 "e*1,#'$"#i' "$e"" (vimara). 558 ni!amena 2...3 ni!am!ate J 1'r a "i/i*ar "age, a*"' i$ a #'$te7t '1 ph%"i#a* 0eter/i$i"/, $a/e*%, the " ##e""ive ri"i$g a$0 "etti$g '1 the /''$ a$0 " $, " gge"tive '1 h /a$ 0e"ti$ie", "ee 2ak'ntal, 6;, "t. 2. 559 sakalpa J the *aw '1 kar/a$ i" '$e a"pe#t '1 thi" ge$era* *aw '1 #a "ati'$. Sa$0er"'$ (1986= 179) tra$"*ate" ni!ati a" 8#a "a*it% '1 karma:. 560 sarvtman. 561 6.e., 8*et /e $'t *'"e the #apa#it% '1 (ei$g a$ e$L'%er:. .he 1ee*i$g that /% p'""e""i'$" are $'t %et #'/p*ete a$0 a 0e"ire 1'r #'$ti$ e0 e7i"te$#e #'$"tit te the pri$#ip*e '1 0e"ire 2'r &a""i'$3. .he 1i$ite " (Le#t, 1'rgetti$g hi" $iver"a* $at re, i0e$ti1ie" hi/"e*1 with "'/ethi$g 'r "'/e'$e e*"e. 6$ thi" "e$"e, rga i" the 0egra0ati'$ '1 p*e$it 0e (p)ratva). .hi" reg *ar #'rre"p'$0e$#e (etwee$ the N'r0:" aktis J '/$ip'te$#e, '/$i"#ie$#e, p*e$it 0e, eter$it%, a$0 i$#* "ivit% 2*it., 8perva"i'$:3 J a$0 the 1ive ka&c'kas i" *ai0 0'w$ i$ &MvX 9, pp. 72,73= tath sarvakarttvasarva%&atvap)ratvanit!atvav!pakatvaakta!a sakoca ghn !athkrama kalvid!rgaklani!atir)pata! bhnti, 8.h ", (% a##epti$g *i/itati'$, the 2N'r0:"3 e$ergie" J '/$ip'te$#e, '/$i"#ie$#e, p*e$it 0e, eter$it%, a$0 i$#* "ivit% J appear re"pe#tive*% a" kal, vid!, rga, kla a$0 ni!ati:. .he *'gi#a* # / #a "a* $ a$#e '1 the"e ter/" "h' *0 (e kept i$ /i$0= the 1i1th 1etter t' whi#h the " (Le#t i" pr'$e i" here ter/e0 ni!ati> the $1ettere0 N'r0 vi",a,vi" the " (Le#t "' 1ettere0 i" 0e"#ri(e0 a" v!paka. .he ter/ ni!ati here i$te$0" "pe#i1i#a**% the t%pe '1 #'$$e#ti'$ that i" #a**e0 E#a "a*E= 1r'/ E"/'keE we are '(*ige0 t' #'$#* 0e E1ireE, a$0 the rea"'$ 1'r thi" i" that the 0'/ai$ '1 E"/'k% thi$g"E i" with' t e7#epti'$ i$#* 0e0 (v!p!a) i$ the 0'/ai$ '1 E1ier% thi$g"E (v!paka)> " #h re*ati'$ '1 i$#* "i'$ i" ter/e0 v!pti, '1te$ tra$"*ate0 a" 8perva"i'$:. Mere the N'r0 i" the *ti/ate v!paka, 1'r he i$#* 0e" ever%thi$g p'""i(*e, a$0 there1're ever%thi$g #a$ i$0i11ere$t*% (e ter/e0 a v!p!a. .he re*ati'$ '1 v!pti i" there1're Etr i"ti#a*E 1'r the N'r0, a$0 $' ni!ati #a$ (e "ai0 t' #hara#teriUe hi" re*ati'$ t' a$% e11e#t J whi#h re*ati'$ 0'e" /'"t 0e1i$ite*% app*% t' hi" E1ettere0E " (Le#t". !1. a*"' ?9e/arALa:" Parprveik (p. 8)= as!a sarvakarttva sarva%natva p)ratva nit!atva v!pakatva ca akta!o 8sak'cit api sakocagrahaena kalvid!rgaklani!atir)pata! bhavanti, 8</$ip'te$#e, '/$i"#ie$#e, p*e$it 0e, eter$it%, a$0 i$#* "ivit%= th'"e p'wer" '1 hi/, a*th' gh $'t #'$tra#te0, (e#'/e kal, vid!, rga, kla a$0 ni!ati re"pe#tive*%, whe$ the% a"" /e #'$tra#ti'$:. 562 .here are eight b'ddhidharmas= righte' "$e"" (dharma), g$'"i"[k$'w*e0ge (%&na), 0eta#h/e$t[0i"pa""i'$ (vairg!a), "'vereig$t% (aivar!a) a$0 their 'pp'"ite" (#1. S? 23, a$0 IFh). !1. ^&; 666 1, 9 (v'*. 66= 238)= ca na tad b'ddhigatam avairg!am eva, taddhi 2avairg!a3 sth)la vddhas!a pramad!m na bhaved api, rgas t' bhavat! eva, 8.hat 2rgatattva3 i" $'t "i/p*% the 2"pe#i1i#3 atta#h/e$t 2'r pa""i'$3 (avairg!a) that i" a""'#iate0 with the i$te**e#t[v'*iti'$ (b'ddhi) 2that i", it i" $'t t' (e $0er"t''0 a" the SAkh%a $'ti'$ '1 avairg!a, that (e*'$g" t' the #ateg'r% '1 b'ddhidharma3, 21'r3 2that "pe#i1i# atta#h/e$t3, i$ it" gr'"" 1'r/, i" $'t '("erve0 i$ a$ '*0 /a$ i$ regar0" t' a %' $g w'/a$, wherea" the 2pri$#ip*e '13 pa""i'$ (rgaErgatattva) 2it"e*1, 'r 8i$ it" ge$era* 1'r/:3 ver% / #h i"W: !1. DA/aka@ha a0 6iraatantra 6 16#,17 (I''0a** 6iraavtti= 201,208).

$it!B=A t!e W eneralY %rin&i%le of %assion 6rgatatt3a7 $!i&! overns any e,%e&tation at all Wfor instan&e, t!e !o%e of final release, $!i&! ill(strates rat!er t!e ,a2cu,a itselfY)B=; .oreover, I know "eans t!at I 5no$ so"et!in t!at is 'efore "y eyes s(&! as t!is #ar, et&), '(t not t!at distant o'#e&t s&reened fro" vie$: B=B s(&! is t!e %rin&i%le of 3idy 63idytatt37 , or li"ited /no$led e) In Wt!e %revio(sY 54ri54 W8=Y, t!e ter" a3idy , Ha'sen&e of 5no$led eI Hnes&ien&eI, !as 'een (sed $it! a vie$ to Wdistin (is!in t!is li"ited 3idy fro"Y %erfe&t /no$led e 6(uddha3idy7 , and not 'e&a(se Wit i"%lies a &o"%leteY a'sen&e of 5no$led eMB== associated with m$ Wt!at is, my 'ein t!e si,t!Y "eans t!at t!e !e,ad of s!eat!s is, for t!e 'o(nd so(l, &on#oined $it! t!e dis%lay of differen&e W'ro( !t a'o(t 'y my Y) #!rik! < *o$ is t!is !e,ad of s!eat!s e,istentially in&l(ded in t!e finite so(lZ T!e "aster says:

samna J that i", 8e7pre""ive '1:. Bt i"" e are tw' 1'r/" '1 8atta#h/e$t:, '$e (rga 'r avairg!a, a" it i" re1erre0 t' i$ ^&; 666 1, 9, K 'te0 $. 562) "pe#i1i#, e7#* "ive, #'$te7t a*iUe0> the 'ther (rgatattva) ge$era*, i$here$t i$ the h /a$ #'$0iti'$, whi#h 0i11 "e*% e"ta(*i"he" a$% '(Le#t a" 8$'t /i$e:. )'te a*"' that the ter/ avairg!a i$v'*ve" a 0' (*e $egati'$= 8a("e$#e '1 0i",pa""i'$:= ' r a th'r /a% (e pr'1iti$g here 1r'/ that re"'$a$#e a" we**, 1'r a 8#'$te7t a*iUe0: pa""i'$ i" $'thi$g /'re tha$ the *a#k '1 a #ertai$ ki$0 '1 0i"#ip*i$e, it"e*1 a""'#iate0 with th'"e '(Le#t" '1 "e$"e '$e wi"he" t' a(L re. .he *%ri#a* #r% '1 !her (i$' 2!her (i$3, i$ The 8arriage o9 Kigaro 2:e 8ariage de Kigaro3 (% Fea /ar#hai" (6, 7), /a% i** "trate thi" #'$#ept '1 rgatattva, #ravi$g 1'r a** '(Le#t" '1 e$L'%/e$t= 82...3 *e (e"'i$ 0e 0ire a K e*K : $ %e vo's aime, e"t 0eve$ p' r /'i "i pre""a$t, K e Le *e 0i" t' t "e *, e$ #' ra$t 0a$" *e par#, a ta /aitre""e, a t'i, a 7 ar(re", a 7 $ age", a ve$t K i *e" e/p'rte ave# /e" par'*e" per0 e". , Mier, Le re$#'$trai +ar#e*i$e ...E 2J 82...3 the $ee0 t' "a% t' "'/e'$e E6 *'ve %' E ha" (e#'/e "' #'/pe**i$g that 6 "a% it t' /%"e*1 whe$ 6 r $ a#r'"" the park, 6 "a% it t' ' r *a0% a$0 t' %' , t' the #*' 0" a$0 the wi$0 that #arrie" the/ awa% a*'$g with /% "e*e"" w'r0". Ce"ter0a%, 6 ra$ i$t' +ar#e*i$e ...:3. .he "a/e 0i"ti$#ti'$ i" /a0e i$ Sa$"krit ae"theti#" (etwee$ the ae"theti# 1ee*i$g that i" the rasa, gra 1'r e7a/p*e, a$0 the e/piri#a* a11e#t (sth!ibhva) that i" it" #'rre"p'$0i$g kma> the 1'r/er e7perie$#e0 (% the a 0ie$#e at *arge, a" a 0i"e/('0ie0 'r Ege$era*iUe0E pa""i'$, the *atter e7perie$#e0 (% the per"'$ '$*% '$ #'$0iti'$ that the a11e#t #ea"e" t' (e ge$era*iUe0 a$0 i" e/('0ie0 e*"ewhere tha$ i$ the i/agi$ati'$. <$ the a""'#iati'$ '1 rga a$0 ni!ati, #1. .4 6; 17,18a, 28> 5666 28 565 T'r the "a/e ter/i$'*'g% a$0 i"" e, "ee CD a0 5. 566 6$ "pite '1 the et%/'*'g%, avid! "h' *0 $'t (e take$ a" #'/p*ete a("e$#e '1 k$'w*e0ge (vedanbhva), ( t rather a" i/per1e#t k$'w*e0ge, whether take$ i$ the ge$era* "e$"e '1 8$e"#ie$#e:, 'r a" re1erri$g t' a "pe#i1i# ka&c'ka. 6$0ee0, the " a* $a/e '1 the ka&c'ka i" vid!, 1'r a*th' gh i/per1e#t, it i" %et k$'w*e0ge.
563 564


<) ))) =ust as the bran59: is tightly attached to the grain of rice6 in a relation of non+separability6 although it is different from it )59< /e"ertheless6 it is open to purification through the discipline of ardent engagement in the path of 'i"a)59? WT!e &o"%arison "ay 'e for"(lated as follo$s:Y In %ra&ti&al ter"s, B<7 the bran6 though different6 is attached to the rice+grain in a relation of non+separability6 to t!e %oint of a%%earin 6$hsate7 inter$oven $it! t!e rain of ri&e, $it! no differen&e Win eviden&e 'et$een t!e"Y, s(&! t!at it is re"oved B<8 even 'y t!e s5illed WonlyY $it! "(&! effortM 'ein e,istentially in&l(ded in t!e rain of ri&e, it does not %resent itself se%arately Wto t!e %erson %olis!in Y) In si"ilar fas!ion, t!e Wsi,foldY s!eat! of my , et&) Wi)e), of my to et!er $it! t!e five ,a2cu,as Y, $!i&! is fi (ratively re%resented 'y t!e 'ran Win t!e ill(stration a'oveY, t!o( ! WreallyY se%arate fro" t!e finite so(l, $!i&! is fi (ratively re%resented 'y t!e ri&e? rain, a%%ears as if inse%ara'le fro" t!at so(l, d(e to its 'ein e,istentially in&l(ded in it, t!(s &on&ealin t!e (nfra "ented essen&e of &ons&io(sness) T!is "(&! is to 'e s(%%lied)B<6 If t!is 'e so, !o$ does t!at s!eat!, so diffi&(lt to deta&!, disa%%earZ T!e "aster says: Hit is open to W%(rifi&ationY, et&)I)B<A T!e %arti&le Ht(I, Hne"erthelessI, is !ere (sed in t!e sense of s%e&ifi&ation Wi)e), restri&tionYB<; for no ot!er "eans is availa'le in t!is &ase) WT!ere no$ follo$s a $ord?'y?$ord e,e esis of t!e se&ond !alf of t!e verse:Y of 'i"a6 t!at is, of t!e Great Lord t!at is oneIs o$n SelfM the path6 t!at is, t!e "et!od $!ere'y one arrives at B<B t!e a$areness t!at oneIs o$n essen&e is res%lenden&e 63i$h/ti7 , $!i&! ta5es t!e for": HI a" a (nifor" "ass of 'lissf(l &ons&io(sness, s(%re"e and nond(alI,B<= or Ht!is entire (niverse is "ine alone R is not!in '(t t!e e,%ansion of "y o$n ener yIMB<< ))) ardent engagement in that WpathY 6aunmu,hya7 , t!at is, dire&tin oneself $it! %erseveran&e to$ard "editation on t!at W"et!odYM s(&! W"editationY is discipline 6yoga7 , t!at is, a ro(ndin B<C of t!e finite so(l in its o$n Self seen as &onstit(tin its essential nat(re, t!at is, seen as %lenit(de)

kamb'ka J 1ir"t '## rre$#e '1 the ter/, " a**% atte"te0 a" kamb)ka. ?ArikA 23 #'$tra"t" the ter/ with t'a, 8h "k:. B##'r0i$g t' +a%rh'1er, kamb)ka i" -ravi0ia$ i$ 'rigi$, wherea" t'a i" 6$0',ar%a$ 2'r 6$0i#3. 568 .he "tre"" i" *ai0 '$ the i$"epara(i*it% '1 the (ra$["heath" a$0 the ri#e,grai$[1i$ite "' *, whi#h i$"epara(i*it% i" appare$t '$*%, a" CD e/pha"iUe", whi*e #'//e$ti$g '$ 8t':. De*%i$g '$ the #'//e$tar%, we 0i11er 1r'/ N. Si*( r$, wh' $0er"ta$0" kamb'ka a" "%$'$%/' " with t'a, 8h "k: (Tr. 8(a**e:)= 8Na (a**e 1i7ee a grai$ 0e riU ("e/(*e) i$"epara(*e 0e * i, (ie$ (K :e$ rea*ite) e**e e$ "'it 0i"ti$#te. +ai" #e*a e"t par1aite/e$t p ri1ie *'r"K :'$ "e t' r$e ar0e//e$t ver" *a v'ie 0e iva:. B" we**, the 1 ** "e$"e '1 8!oga: i" $'t hi$te0 at. 569 .h " a "'teri'*'gi#a* pare$the"i" i" 1'r/ *ate0 i$ the e7p'"iti'$ '1 the tattvas, 1a#t'r" '1 1i$it 0e. 570 vstavena vttena. 571 prakip!ama J *it., 8thr'w$ awa%:. 572 Sa/e rea"'$i$g i$ CD a0 24. 573 bha%ate J *it., 8"hare", partake" '1:. 574 viee J "ee $. 487. 575 Nit., 8wh'"e 1'r/ i":. 576 paramdva!acidnandaikaghano 8smi. 577 mamaiva ida viva svaak'vi%bhaamtram. 578 sabandha J *it., 8#'$$e#ti'$ with:.


In t!is $ay, it6 t!at is, t!e Wsi,foldY s!eat!, $!ose essen&e !as 'een e,%lained, is open to purification6 and t!is in an e,e"%lary fas!ion, B<@ t!at is, attends s%ontaneo(sly (%on its o$n dissol(tion $it!o(t re"ainder) And t!is s!o(ld 'e said as $ell: $!en t!e 'o(nd so(l 'e&o"es of %(rified !eart, d(e to t!e S(%re"e LordIs ra&e, t!en t!e veil 63ara07 of s!eat!s t!at affli&t (s $it! finit(de s%ontaneo(sly disa%%ears, on a&&o(nt of t!e &o"in into 'ein of t!e 5no$led e of oneIs o$n Self &onsistin in t!e insi !t: HI a" "yself t!e Great LordI)BC7 And, a%art fro" s(&! 5no$led e of t!e Self W$on t!ro( ! t!is ard(o(s "et!odY, no "ere a&t ro(nded on $orldly &a(salities BC8 and 'elon in to t!e real" of my $o(ld !ave t!e sli !test &!an&e of s(&&eedin )BC6 #!rik! ? For s(&! a finite so(l, $!i&! is, as $ell, an en#oyer, an o'#e&t of en#oy"ent "(st 'e %osited)BCA T!is 'ein t!e &ase, t!e "aster ne,t e,%o(nds t!e %rin&i%les t!at !ave ori inated fro" %ri"al "atter WR t!at is, fro" pradhna , or pra,.ti Y: BC; ?) Pleasure6 pain and delusion: these alone constitute primal matter ) /ext comes the inner organ differentiating itself6 in order6 into "olition6 mind and ego6 in accordance with Wthe functions ofY decision6 ratiocination and conceit of self Wthat each6 respecti"ely6 assumesY)5<5

vieena E vi i$ the 8viP 00hi: '1 the karikA. aham eva mahevara. 581 Nit., 8ari"i$g thr' gh the p'wer '1 #a "a* #'$"trai$t (ni!atiakti):. 582 Nit., 8w' *0 0are pre"e$t it"e*1 2"' a" t' e11e#t " #h a rever"a*, that i", the 0i""'* ti'$ '1 the ka&c'kas3:. !1. a para**e* "tate/e$t i$ the #'//e$tar% a0 9. )'t '$*% are rit a*" hi$te0 at here, ( t a*"' a$% a#ti'$ pre" /i$g t' e11e#t a re" *t. 583 evavidhas!or bhokt' ca bhog!ena bhv!am J the "tate/e$t i" "%//etri#a* with CD a0 5= evavidhe ctra bhog!asvabhve vivasmin bhoktr bhv!am. 584 B1ter the e7p'"iti'$ '1 pradhna, 'r prakti, (egi$" that '1 me!a, #'g$iUa(*e rea*it%, whi#h i" 0e1i$e0 a" 1'**'w" (^&? 666 1, 10,11)= tra!oviatidh me!a !at kr!akaratmakam0 tas!vibhgar)p! eka pradhna m)lakraam00 tra!odaavidh ctra bh!ntakaraval,0 kr!avarga ca daadh sth)las)kmatvabheda00, 8+a0e '1 twe$t%,three #ateg'rie", #'g$iUa(*e rea*it% #'$"i"t" '1 e11e#t" a$0 i$"tr /e$t". B" a$ $0ivi0e0 2#ateg'r%3 (eka), pradhna i" that "tate i$ whi#h 2a** #'g$iUa(*e rea*it%3 i" $i1ie0 (avibhgar)pin). 6t i" the pri/a* #a "e 2i.e., the /ateria* #a "e3 (m)lakraa). .he "erie" '1 e7ter$a* a$0 i$ter$a* i$"tr /e$t" ha" thirtee$ a"pe#t" a$0 the e11e#t" are '1 te$ ki$0", (ei$g 0ivi0e0 i$t' gr'"" a$0 " (t*e: ('$ avibhgar)pin, #1. &a$0e%, ^&?, v'*. 666= 199). .he e7p'"iti'$ '1 the me!a e$0" with kA. 22. 585 !1. S? 33. 8a$takara@a: i" a ter/ 1' $0 a*"' i$ B0vaita, where it repre"e$t" the 8" (Le#tive: "i0e '1 the pr'vi"i'$a**% rea*, #'rre"p'$0i$g t' the 8'(Le#tive: m!. H$0er it" aegi" are gr' pe0 t'gether, a" i$ SA/kh%a, the i$te**e#tive 1 $#ti'$" '1 b'ddhi, ahakra, a$0 manas. .he "eK e$#e 1' $0 i$ the kArikA 0'e" $'t i/p*% that the .rika pre" /e" 1'r the E'rga$"E a$ 'r0er '1 ev'* ti'$ 0i11ere$t 1r'/ that '1 the SAkh%a. F% it i" /ere*% "ig$i1ie0 that the three E'rga$"E #'rre"p'$0 t' a$0 are e7p*ai$e0 (% the three 1 $#ti'$"= nica!a, sakalpa, abhimna. .he tra$"*ati'$ 0i11er" "'/ewhat 1r'/ N. Si*( r$:" i$terpretati'$= 8Bi$"i *a $at re #'$"i"ta$t $iK e/e$t e$ p*ai"ir, e$ "' 11ra$#e et e$ egare/e$t #'$"tit e *:'rga$e i$ter$e 1ait 0e 0e#i"i'$, 0e v'*iti'$ et 0e pre"'/pti'$ K i appartie$$e$t 0a$" *:'r0re a *:i$te**e#t, a "e$" i$ter$e et a *:age$t 0:i$0ivi0 ati'$:.
579 580


T!at state of indifferentiationBC= R referred to !ere as consisting of pleasure6 pain and delusion R of Wt!e t!ree H9(alitiesIY satt3a , ra1as and tamas $!ere no do"inan&e or de%enden&eBC< Wof any of t!e t!reeY is a%%re!ended, is ter"ed pra %ti , t!e %ri"al &a(se 6m/la,ra0a7 ) BCC T!e "aster says, 'e innin $it! t!e $ords H decision, etc)I,BC@ t!at fro" pra,.ti %ro&eeds t!e inner or an 6anta ,ara0a7 R $!i&! !as t!e for" of its WviL), of pra,.ti Y effe&t) +y decision 6ni(caya7 B@7 t!e "aster "eans t!e notion t!at Ht!is is s(&! and s(&!I)B@8

smn!a r)pam J the "a/e $'ti'$ i" #'$ve%e0 (% sm!vasth i$ IFh 16= tat ki 'kta bhavati sattvara%astamas sm!vasth pradhnam, a$0 IFh 23= i!a prakti sattvara%astamas sm!vasth. B##'r0i$g t' the SAkh%a, whe$ the eK i*i(ri / '1 the g'as J (% whi#h eK i*i(ri / prakti a" " #h i" 0e1i$e0 J i" 0i"t r(e0 (% the /ere pr'7i/it% '1 p'r'a, the pr'#e"" '1 #reati'$ take" p*a#e. M'wever, the .rika 0eve*'p" it" 'w$ $'ti'$" '$ the "eK e$#e '1 tattvas that "tart" 1r'/ prakti, p'"t *ati$g, $'ta(*%, a$ a00iti'$a* pri$#ip*e, the g'atattva> "ee Bppe$0i7 11, p. 334. 587 aggibhva. 588 .hi" $'ti'$ '1 m)lakraa i" #'//'$ t' ('th SAkh%a (S? 3) a$0 .rika ("ee $. 584). M'wever, i$ the .rika, prakti i" m)lakraa i$ a "e#'$0ar% "e$"e, 1'r prakti i" $'t the " pre/e pri$#ip*e, a" it i" i$ the SAkh%a, ( t a /a$i1e"tati'$ '1 the N'r0:" " pre/e e$erg%. 589 Mere (egi$" the 0e1i$iti'$ '1 the "evera* 81 $#ti'$": (vtti) '1 b'ddhi, manas a$0 ahakra. !1. IFh 27= tatra manasa k vttir iti0 sakalpo vtti. S; 666 1 "e" a*"' the ter/ v!pra, 8a#tivit%:= 2...3 adh!avas!div!prab'ddh!ahaknmanor)pa cittam, 8citta #'$"i"t" '1 b'ddhi, manas a$0 ahakra> it" a#tivit% #'$"i"t" i$ a"#ertai$i$g, et#.:. 590 !1. the SAkh%a 0e1i$iti'$ (S? 23), where adh!avas!a i" a "%$'$%/ '1 nica!a ("ee a*"' S; 666 1, K 'te0 $. 589). <$ adh!avas!a0nica!a a" the 1 $#ti'$ '1 the b'ddhi, "ee $. 401, $. 591, a$0 p. 294> a*"', .4 6 38(,40 a$0 .4; a0 *'#. (p. 76)= adh!avas!o b'ddhi> .4 6 215, 65 238. M'wever, there i" a 0e1i$iti'$ '1 b'ddhi "pe#i1i# t' the .rika, whi#h i" e7p' $0e0 i$ .S ;666, pp. 85,86= tato g'atattvd b'ddhitattva !atra p'prako via!a ca pratibimbam arpa!ata, 8.herea1ter, 1r'/ g'atattva, b'ddhitattva e/erge", i$ whi#h the *ight '1 p'r'a 2i.e., #'$"#i' "$e""3 re1*e#t" it"e*1, a" we** a" '(Le#t":. <$ nica!a, "ee a*"' CD a0 32 a$0 63. 591 .hat i", it i" 8L "t thi": a$0 $'t 8"'/ethi$g e*"e:. 6t i" the 1a# *t% '1 0i"ti$g i"hi$g (etwee$ '(Le#t" a$0 a"#ertai$i$g their "pe#i1i# $at re. .he b'ddhi eva* ate" a" we** a" 0i"#er$"> it rea#t" i$ re*ati'$ t' the 86:= wh% i$0ee0 0i"#ri/i$ate '(Le#t"? .he b'ddhi #'/e" i$t' p*a% whe$ a re"p'$"e '1 the " (Le#t i" #a**e0 1'r. )'te that the b'ddhi i" the i$itia* ev'* te '1 prakti, where the $'ti'$ '1 8a#tivit%: i" *'0ge0. .h " the b'ddhi i" $'t "'*e*% a$ i$te**e#tive 1 $#ti'$, ( t a*"' a v'*iti'$, a 0e"ire t' a#t, (e it "i/p*% the 8a#t: '1 pre1erri$g '$e '(Le#t t' a$'ther. IFh 23 give" a$ e7a/p*e "i/i*ar t' that '1 CD= a!a ghato 8!a pa#a it! eva sati ! s b'ddhir iti lak!ate, 8Rhe$ '$e "a%"= E.hi" i" a Lar, thi" i" a pie#e '1 #*'thE, thi" i" what i" 0e1i$e0 a" v'*iti'$ (b'ddhi):. 6$ the SAkh%a, it i" t' the manas that i" give$ the ta"k '1 repre"e$ti$g t' " the w'r*0 '1 the "e$"e", whi#h appear" ('th a" e7ter$a* a$0 i$ter$a*, pr'vi0i$g th " the gr' $0w'rk 1'r i$v'*vi$g the i$0ivi0 a* (the 8aham:) i$ a#ti'$". .h " i" e7p*ai$e0 the #hara#teri"ti# 1 $#ti'$ '1 the b'ddhi, adh!avas!a, that i", #h''"i$g, eve$ wi**i$g (#1. the $'ti'$ '1 aivar!a, 8"'vereig$t%, p'wer:, a" a pr'pert% '1 b'ddhi @ b'ddhidharma J i$ S? 23 a$0 ;A#a"pati:" .? there'$, eve$ th' gh the w'r0 ha" a#K ire0 a " pra,h /a$ re1ere$#e), '$ the (a"i" '1 the 0ata that are give$ t' it (% the manas. .he b'ddhi /ake" it" 'w$ the #'$te$t 0e*ivere0 t' it (% the manas, th " a$ti#ipati$g the i$0ivi0 ati'$" repre"e$te0 (% the ahakra a$0 the h'"t '1 the "e$"e,'rga$", a$0 t' whi#h the *atter are i$"tr /e$ta*> #1. .? 23= sarvo v!avahartloc!a matv 8ham atrdhikta it! abhimat!a kartav!am etan ma!et! adh!avas!ati ata ca pravartata iti lokasiddham, 86t i" we** k$'w$ that a /a$ wh' i" t' a#t, #'$"i0er" 2the "it ati'$3, p'$0er" 'ver it, agree" that he i" e$tit*e0 t' 0' it, 0eter/i$e" that he "h' *0 0' it a$0 the$ 0'e" it:.


+y ratiocination 6sa ,alpana7 B@6 !e "eans Hor aniLational t!in5in I 6manana7 ) B@A +y conceit of self Wor self+referentialityY 6a$himna7 t!e "aster "eans H%ossessive 'e!aviorI 6mamat7 ) B@; In t!e order t!(s des&ri'ed, W!ave 'een en("eratedY t!e triad of "olition6 mind and ego 6$uddhi mano H ha ,ra 7 , ter"ed W&olle&tivelyY t!e inner organ6B@B $!i&! a%%ears as an effe&t of t!e 9(alities, Winas"(&! as t!eir e9(ili'ri(" !as 'een dist(r'ed 'y notions ofY do"inan&e and de%enden&e)B@= And it a%%ears also as a

<r 8pr'Le#ti'$: J '1 a$ e$tit% where there e7i"t '$*% the 0i"L'i$te0 0ata '1 the 1ive "e$"e". !1. S? 27, where manas i" 0e1i$e0 a" sakalpaka. 593 B" i" '(vi' ", BI 1'**'w" here verbatim the Eev'* ti'$E '1 the #ateg'rie" a" e7p' $0e0 i$ ^PvarakX9@a:" SAkh%a> there, the 1 $#ti'$ '1 manas i" #*ear*% that '1 #'**e#ti$g the "e$"e": 0ata J "#attere0 a" " #h $0er the 1ive 0'/ai$" '1 the i$0ivi0 a* 'rga$" J "' that $iK e E'(Le#t"E appear #*ear*% (e1're ", ea#h '1 the/ e$0'we0 with the pr'pertie" '1 the 1ive "e$"e" J *e$gth, '0'r, #'*'r, et#. .h " i" manas the #'//'$ EtheaterE where a** the 1ive gather J / #h aki$ t' the E#'//'$ "e$"eE '1 the G$g*i"h phi*'"'pher", whi#h it"e*1 ha" a$te#e0e$t" i$ Bri"t't*e:" opqrs tugvfgqw. B0vaiti$", '$ the 'ther ha$0, "e the ter/ manana i$ a$'ther "e$"e. Mere, a" we**, it (e*'$g" t' a tria0, ravaa, manana, nididh!sana, whi#h ev'ke the wa% '$e appr'priate" the tr th" '1 the "%"te/ J 1ir"t, the% are 8hear0: $0er the g i0a$#e '1 a$ e$*ighte$e0 tea#her> the$, '$e "trive" t' #'$vi$#e '$e"e*1 '1 their va*i0it% (% e11i#ie$t 8arg /e$t":, th " "etti$g a"i0e 'pp'"i$g the"e" a" we** a" 0' (t" 'rigi$ati$g i$ the Erea*E w'r*0> 1i$a**%, the% are i$#'rp'rate0 i$ a $ew apprehe$"i'$ '1 the Erea*E, whi#h i" $'w i$t itive. )'te that manana p*a%" here a" we** the part '1 a$ i$ter/e0iar% (etwee$ Ee7ter$a*E a$0 Ei$ter$a*E th' ght. .S ;666 (p. 87) e7p*ai$" h'w manas pr'#ee0" 1r'/ the sttvikhakra, a*'$g with the b'ddh,ndri!as a$0 karmendri!as= tatra sttviko !asmd manas ca b'ddh,ndri!apa&caka ca, 8Tr'/ the sttvika2ahakra3 manas a$0 the pe$ta0 '1 the b'ddh,ndri!as pr'#ee0:, a$0 (p. 88)= sttvikd eva ahakrt karmendri!apa&cakam. )everthe*e"", .S ;666 (p. 89) /e$ti'$" 'ther view"= a##'r0i$g t' "'/e, manas pr'#ee0" 1r'/ the r%ashakra (an!e t' r%asn mana it! h')> a##'r0i$g t' 'ther", manas pr'#ee0" 1r'/ the sttvikhakra, wherea" indri!as pr'#ee0 1r'/ the r%ashakra (an!e t' sttvikd mano r%asc ca indri!,ti)> "ee $. 605 a$0 613. 6$ a "i/i*ar 1a"hi'$, ;A#a"pati #'$"i0er" the b'ddhi t' (e p'*%va*e$t J i$ "'/e, it i" sttvikapradhna, i$ 'ther", tmasapradhna (.? 23). 594 Nit., 8the i0ea that Ea** thi" i" /i$e, 'r 1'r /e.E: Si/i*ar 0e1i$iti'$ i$ CD a0 70. !1. .? 24= abhimno 8hakra0 !at khalv locita mata ca tatra 8aham adhikta:, 8akta khalv aham atra:, >madrth evam m, via!:, 8matto nn!o 8trdhikta kacid asti:, 8ato 8ham asmi: iti !o 8bhimna so 8sdhraav!pratvd ahakra0 tam 'pa%,v!a hi b'ddhir adh!avas!ati 8kartav!am etan ma!: iti nica!a karoti, 8E.he 6,pri$#ip*e (ahakra) i" eg'ti"/ (abhimna)> a$0 thi" E6,pri$#ip*eE i" per#epti(*e i$ " #h i0ea" a" J E.' what 6 have '("erve0 a$0 th' ght '1 6 a/ e$tit*e0E J E6 a/ a(*e t' 0' thi"E J Ea** the"e thi$g" are 1'r /% "eE J Ethere i" $' '$e e*"e e$tit*e0 t' itE J Ehe$#e 6 a/E J the eg'ti"/ i$v'*ve0 i$ a** " #h $'ti'$" 1'r/" the #hara#teri"ti# 1 $#ti'$ '1 the E6,pri$#ip*eE J it i" thr' gh thi" pri$#ip*e that the Ri** (S b'ddhi) per1'r/" it" 0eter/i$ative 1 $#ti'$ appeari$g i$ " #h 0e#i"i'$" a" Ethi" i" t' (e 0'$e (% /e.E8 (tr. I. Oha). .he $'ti'$ '1 abhimna i/p*ie" 8#'$#eit '1 "e*1:, 8pri0e:, 8eg'ti"/: ("ee I. Oha), i$ " /, 8pre" /pti'$: J (eari$g i$ /i$0 that it i" the 86: it"e*1 that i" #hie1*% 8pre" /e0: (a" we** a" the e$tiret% '1 the eg':" re*ati'$" t' it" " rr' $0i$g") J 'r, i$ "'/e #'$te7t" a" .? 30, K 'te0 $e7t $'te, 8"e*1, re1ere$tia*it%:. .S ;666 (p. 86) give" a 0e1i$iti'$ '1 ahakra a$0 e/pha"iUe" the wa% i$ whi#h the .rika 0i"ti$g i"he" it"e*1 1r'/ the SAkh%a= b'ddhitattvd ahakro !ena b'ddhipratibimbite ved!asaparke kal'e p'prake 8ntman! atmbhimna 'kta' ra%atbhimnavat0 ata eva kra it! anena ktakatvam as!a 'kta skh!as!a t' tad na !'%!ate sa hi ntmano 8havimarama!atm icchati va!a t' karttvam api tas!ecchma0 tac ca 'ddha vimara evprati!ogisvtmacamatkrar)po 8ham iti, 8Tr'/ b'ddhitattva e/erge" the eg' (ahakra). 6t i" re"p'$"i(*e 1'r /i"take$*% pre" /i$g the $'$,Se*1 2i.e., the ('0%, the i$te**e#t, the 1a# *tie", et#.3 t'


&a(se, $it! re ard to t!e ross ele"ents 6$h/ta7 , t!e We,ternalY or ans 6indriya7 , et&)B@< #!rik! *@ T!e "aster no$ s%ea5s of t!e e,ternal or ans:B@C *@) The ear6 skin6 eye6 tongue and nose5?? are the cogniti"e organs9@@ in respect of sound6 etc)9@ And "oice6 hand6 foot6 anus and genitals are the organs of action7=76 In respect of sound6 etc7, t!at is, in res%e&t of t!e do"ain W$!erein ea&! o%eratesY t!at is to 'e des&ri'ed Win 54ri54 68Y, t!ere are five or ans 6indriya7 , t!e ear6 etc7,
(e the Se*1, a" happe$" whe$ "i*ver i" /i"take$*% "ee$ i$ the #'$#h "he** 2i$ *ie '1 /'ther,'1, pear*3. .hi" 2e7perie$#e3 take" p*a#e whe$ the *ight '1 the p'r'a 2viU., #'$"#i' "$e""3 i" tar$i"he0 (% it" #'$$e7i'$ with the '(Le#t re1*e#te0 i$ the i$te**e#t[v'*iti'$ (b'ddhi). .here1're, Ckra 2i$ ahakra3 0e$'te" the 1a#titi' " #hara#ter (ktakatva) 2'1 the eg'3. .hi" p'"iti'$ i" $'t that '1 the 1'**'wer '1 the SAkh%a, wh' 0'e" $'t a0/it that the Se*1 i" e$0'we0 with the aware$e"" '1 it"e*1 a" a$ E6E 2J i$a"/ #h a", a##'r0i$g t' hi/, the #'$"#i' " pri$#ip*e (the p'r'a) i" i$a#tive, a$0 #a$$'t there1're re1er t' it"e*1> " #h "e*1,re1ere$#e wi** $'t '(tai$ $ti* the ahakra /ake" it" appeara$#e, vi",a,vi" the b'ddhi, 8p re 'r a#tive #'$"#i' "$e"":3, wherea" we a0/it a*"' the age$#% 2'1 thi" E6E3. B$0 that 2age$#%3 i" p re, 1'r 2a##'r0i$g t' "3 the E6E (aham)J (ei$g $'thi$g ( t "e*1,aware$e"" J ha" the 1'r/ '1 the /arve* 2' " e7perie$#e3 '1 '$e:" 'w$ Se*1 (svtmacamatkra), i$ re1ere$#e t' whi#h there i" $' p'""i(*e a*ter$ative (aprati!ogin):. )'te, h'wever, that thi" 1kra i" '1te$ e7p*ai$e0 t'0a% (% eK ati$g it with the 1kra '1 the gra//aria$"= a" i$ akra, the 8v'#a(*e: a. .h ", ahakra, viU., the 8v'#a(*e: aham, w' *0 repre"e$t the irr pti'$ '1 re1*e7ivit% withi$ #'$"#i' "$e"", i$ the 1'r/ '1 8aham: ("ee va$ F ite$e$ 1957= 1711.). !1. a*"' ?9e/arALa:" Parprveik (p. 10)= ahakro nma mameda na mamedam it! abhimnasdhanam, 8F% ahakra we /ea$ that 2*'# "3 wherei$ i" rea*iUe0 the #'$#eit 2'1 eg'i"/3 (abhimna), a" i$"ta$#e0 (% the a""erti'$", Ethi" i" /i$eE, Ethi" i" $'t /i$e.E 8 595 <$ the 1 $#ti'$i$g '1 th'"e three tattvas, "ee the e7a/p*e give$ i$ .? 30= !ad mandloke prathaman tvad vast'mtra samm'gdham loca!ati atha praihitaman karntk#asaarasi&%i,maal,ktakodaa pracaatara p#accaro 8!am iti nicinoti atha ca m prat!et,t! abhiman!ate, athdh!avas!at! apasarm,ta sthnd iti, 86$ 0i/,*ight, a per"'$ ha" at 1ir"t '$*% a vag e per#epti'$ '1 a #ertai$ '(Le#t> the$, 1i7i$g hi" /i$0 i$te$t*%, he '("erve" that it i" a r'((er with hi" 0raw$ ('w a$0 arr'w *eve*e0 at hi/> the$ 1'**'w" the "e*1,#'$"#i' "$e"" that Ethe r'((er i" a0va$#i$g agai$"t /eE> a$0 *a"t*% 1'**'w" the 0eter/i$ati'$ t' r $ awa% 1r'/ the p*a#e: (tr. I. Oha). 596 B##'r0i$g t' .S ;666, '$e "h' *0 $0er"ta$0 that the i$$er 'rga$ (antakaraa) i" a$ e11e#t '1 the g'atattva, the a00iti'$a* tattva p'"t *ate0 (% the .rika (etwee$ prakti a$0 b'ddhi i$ 'r0er t' e7p*ai$ wh% a#t a* #reati'$ take" p*a#e, i.e., i$ what /a$$er the eK i*i(ri / '1 the three g'as ha" (ee$ 0i"r pte0. See, i$ Bppe$0i7 11, p. 334, the 0eve*'p/e$t '$ kobha. 597 .he SAkh%a a$0 the .rika 0i11er regar0i$g the /a$$er i$ whi#h the ev'* ti'$ '1 the phe$'/e$a* w'r*0 i" t' (e #'$#eive0> "ee Bppe$0i7 12, p. 335. 598 .he %2nendri!as a$0 the karmendri!as are #'**e#tive*% ter/e0 bh!akaraas. See ^&; 666 1, 11 (v'*. 66= 241), whi#h e/pha"iUe" the i$"tr /e$ta* #hara#ter '1 the three1'*0 antakaraa a$0 the te$ bh!akaraas= e ca kr!atve 8p! asdhraena karaatvena v!apadea, 8.h' gh the% are the e11e#t" 2b'ddhi pr'#ee0i$g 1r'/ g'atattva, ahakra 1r'/ b'ddhi, the te$ indri!as a$0 manas 1r'/ ahakra3, %et, i$"tr /e$ta*it% (ei$g their pe# *iarit%, the% are "p'ke$ '1 a" " #h 2i.e., a" i$"tr /e$t"3: ("ee a*"' CD a0 94,95). 599 )'te that the S? 0i"ti$g i"he" #*ear*% (etwee$ the 'rga$ (indri!a, e.g., the ear) a$0 the 81a# *t%: (vtti), whi#h i" $'thi$g ( t the 'rga$:" /a$$er '1 1 $#ti'$i$g> "ee ;A#a"pati a0 *'#= tatra r)pagrahaaliga cak', et#., 8.he e%e i" the 'rga$ 1'r per#eivi$g #'*'r: (tr. I. Oha), et#. 6$ tr th, the 81 $#ti'$: 'r 81a# *t%: e$ter" i$t' #'$"i0erati'$ '$*% a" a "e#'$0ar% phe$'/e$'$, ( t it i" a*rea0% i/p*ie0 (% the "tri#t re*ati'$ that e7i"t" (etwee$ the 'rga$ J the ear J a$0 it" 8" (t*e: '(Le#t, that i", the tanmtra that i" pr'per t' it J i$ thi" #a"e, "' $0. See a*"' ^&; 666 1, 11, K 'te0

$!i&! are %redo"inantly &o nitive W!en&e t!ey are ter"ed $uddh-ndriyas , or 1 , nendriyas Y) And t!e five or ans t!at are %redo"inantly a&tive W!en&e t!ey are ter"ed ,armendriyas Y are t!e "oice, etc) T!e do"ains=7A W$!erein o%erateY t!e or ans of a&tion 6,armendriy7 are s%ea5in , ras%in , "ovin , e,&retin and 'liss)=7; And in 'ot! &ases, sin&e 'ot! are a&&o"%anied 'y t!e e o in e,%ressions s(&! as HI !ear aI WviL), $uddh-ndriya Y or HI tell aI WviL), ,armendriya Y, 'ot! are ta5en to 'e effe&ts of t!e e o)=7B #!rik! * No$, t!e "aster des&ri'es t!e %ro%er for" of t!e do"ains of t!ose or ans: so(nd, et&): * 7 The subtle domain6 de"oid of WinternalY differentiation6 which the Wcogniti"e organsY are Wse"erallyY to apprehend consists of the pentad of abstract entities 6 tanmtra& : 9@9 sound6 touch6 Wform asY light69@: sa"or and odor)
$'te (e*'w. 600 b'ddh,ndri!a 'r %,nendri!a> I. Oha (.? 26) tra$"*ate"= 8'rga$" '1 "e$"ati'$:, 8"e$"'r% 'rga$":. ^&; 666 1, 11 (v'*. 66= 241) 0e1i$e" the/ a" 8 "e1 * i$ a#K iri$g the 0eter/i$ate #'g$iti'$ '1 "' $0, et#., withi$ b'ddhi: (b'ddha' abdd!adh!avas!ar)p!m 'pa!og,ni). 601 Mere the 1ive tanmtras are re1erre0 t'> "ee kA. 21. 602 !1. IFh 26= karma k'rvant,ti karmendri!i0 tatra vg vadati 2...3, 8.he% are #a**e0 'rga$" '1 a#ti'$ (e#a "e the% per1'r/ a#ti'$". .h ", the v'i#e "peak" 2...3:. !1. ^&; 666 1, 11 (v'*. 66= 241)= t!go grahaam iti dva!am @ bahirvia!a !at tatra pi p!' pda @ iti karani0 etad evnta pre !ena kri!ate tad vg indri!am0 tat prakobhaprant! virntikri!opa!og! 'pastha, 82B#ti'$3 i" '1 tw' t%pe"= givi$g p a$0 gra"pi$g. 6$ 2a#ti'$" re*ate0 t'3 e7ter$a* '(Le#t", ha$0, a$ " a$0 1''t are the i$"tr /e$t" (karaa). Fei$g i$ re*ati'$ t' vita* air, whi#h i" i$ter$a*, v'i#e i" the 'rga$ (indri!a) that i" a(*e t' per1'r/ the tw' ki$0" '1 a#ti'$ 2viU., givi$g p a$0 gra"pi$g, i$ the "e$"e '1 e7ha*i$g a$0 i$ha*i$g3. Me$#e 2a##'r0i$g t' thi" *'gi#3, the ge$ita*" are that whi#h i" "e1 * i$ the a#t '1 re"ti$g (virnti) whi#h 1'**'w" the #e""ati'$ '1 the agitati'$ 2'1 vita* (reath3: (tr. &a$0e%, /'0i1ie0) J a$ a""erti'$ that 1 $#ti'$" a" a$ e7p*a$ati'$ 1'r the via!a a""ig$e0 t' 'pastha, that i", nanda, 8(*i"":, nanda (ei$g $'thi$g ( t 8the a#t '1 re"ti$g (virnti) whi#h 1'**'w" the #e""ati'$ '1 the agitati'$ '1 vita* (reath:. B$0 the te7t #'$#* 0e"= sarvadehav!pakni ca karmendri!! ahakravietmakni0 tena cchinnahasto bh'bh!m dadana pinaivdatta evam an!at0 kevala tattatsph'#ap)ravttilabhasthnatvt pa&cg'lir)pam adhi#hnam as!oc!ate, 8.he 'rga$" '1 a#ti'$ perva0e the wh'*e ('0% a$0 are parti# *ar 1'r/" '1 the eg'. .here1're, the per"'$ wh'"e ha$0" have (ee$ # t '11 a$0 wh' re#eive" 2a*/", et#.3 (% /ea$" '1 hi" ar/" rea**% re#eive" (% /ea$" '1 hi" ha$0". .he "a/e /a% (e "ai0 '1 'ther 2'rga$"3 a*"'. 2.he ha$0,3 with it" 1ive 1i$ger", i" "p'ke$ '1 a" the 8a('0e: 2'1 the 1 $#ti'$3 '$*% (e#a "e it i" the "eat wherei$ i" /a$i1e"te0 /'"t #*ear*% the 1 ** a$0 #'/p*ete 1 $#ti'$ (vtti), viewe0 i$ re*ati'$ t' vari' " 2 "e"3: (tr. &a$0e%, /'0i1ie0). 603 Rhat i" ter/e0 here 8'(Le#t: 2'r 81ie*0:, 'r 80'/ai$:3 (via!a) '1 the karmendri!a i" ter/e0 it" 81 $#ti'$: (vtti) i$ SAkh%a. !1. S? 28 a$0 IFh a0 *'#. 604 nanda J I. Oha tra$"*ate"= 8grati1i#ati'$:. <$ nanda, '(Le#t '1 the 'pastha, "ee $. 616> #1. F4H 66 4, 11= 2...3 eva sarvem nandnm 'pastha ek!anam 2...3, 82...3 a" the 'rga$ '1 ge$erati'$ i" the '$e g'a* '1 a** ki$0" '1 e$L'%/e$t 2...3:. 605 !1. .S ;666 (p. 87), with #'rre#ti'$ '1 bha'tikam i$ bha'tikatvam= bha'tikatvam api na !'ktam aha om! it!d! an'gamc ca sph'#am ahakrikatvam, karaatvena cva!a kartraasparitvam, 86t i" $'t pr'per t' #'$"i0er the/ 2viU., the 'rga$"3 a" /ateria*. Dather, "i$#e the% are a##'/pa$ie0 2(% the eg'3 i$ 2" #h "tate/e$t" a"3 E6 hearE, it i" '(vi' " that the% pr'#ee0 1r'/ the ahakra. Si$#e the% are 'rga$" (karaa), the% are $e#e""ari*% Et' #he0E (% the age$tive part 2'1 the ahakra3:.

As regards the domain6 t!at is, t!e field, to be grasped by Wea&! ofY these or ans as so"et!in to 'e 5no$n or done,=7C t!e "aster as5s: R HO!at 5ind of t!in is itZI WFirst of all,Y it is de"oid of WinternalY differentiation: its essen&e is t!e (niversal fro" $!i&! t!e %arti&(lar !as 'een e,%elledM =7@ it is Wt!ereforeY subtle) S(&! an entity is t!e tanmtra ' sound Was suchY6 etc)6 W ras%ed in itsY (niversal for") So(nd in its (niversal Wfor"Y 6(a$dasmnya7 is t!(s &alled (a$datanmtra , Hso(nd as s(&!I Wt!at is, devoid of referen&e to t!e ot!er tanmtras , and t!erefore, as $ell, to %arti&(lar so(ndsY) And as for t!e ot!ers Wna"ely, t!e ,armendriyas , t!eir do"ains !ave 'een already dealt $it! Dad 67EY)=87 D(e to t!e re&i%ro&al i"%li&ation =88 of W&o nitiveY field and W&o nitiveY $itness, =86 the pentad of abstract entities derives, as do t!e or ans Wof &o nition and a&tionY, fro" t!e W%rin&i%le ofY e o)=8A
<r 8 $/i7e0 e$titie":. O 0gi$g (% the ter/ tanmtra 8L "t that:, we "h' *0 #'$#eive '1 the"e 8e$titie": $'t '$*% a" 8ar#het%pa*: 'r 8ge$eri#: (.'re**a ^&?> "ee the ter/ smn!a i$ .S ;666, K 'te0 $. 613), ( t a*"' a" 8p re:, #'$"i0ere0 i$ a$0 '1 the/"e*ve", with' t a0/i7t re '1 the 'ther 1' r, that t'gether /ake p the #'/p*e7 that #'$"tit te the $'r/a* #'$0iti'$ '1 per#epti'$ J a$ 8i$te**e#tive: '(Le#t, ( t a$ 8'(Le#t: $'$ethe*e"". .he tanmtra i" the$ the '(ver"e 'r the gr' $0 '1 the Erea*E, reK ire0 (% the ver% h%p'the"i" that p'"t *ate" i$ the gr'"" e*e/e$t" vari' " 0egree" '1 e*e/e$ta* E/i7t reE. .hi" view, whi#h "ee/" 'rigi$a**% t' have (ee$ 0eve*'pe0 i$ the ;aiPe9ika (Tra wa**$er 1973= 280), i" $'t, '1 #' r"e, $iver"a**% a##epte0 ("ee $. 616). 607 Mere, *ight (mahas) rep*a#e" the " a* r)pa, pr'(a(*% i$ 'r0er t' e/pha"iUe the re*ati'$"hip, whi#h wi** (e "et 1'rth i$ the 1'**'wi$g kArikA, (etwee$ r)pa a" tanmtra, a$0 te%as a" mahbh)ta. 608 See CD a0 79,80. 609 S? 38 0e1i$e" the tanmtras a" aviea, 8$'$,"pe#i1i#:, #'$tra"ti$g the/ with the bh)tas 0e1i$e0 a" viea, 8"pe#i1i#:= tanmtr! avies tebh!o bh)tni pa&ca pa&cabh!a0 ete smtvie nt ghor ca m)h ca00, 8.he D 0i/e$tar% G*e/e$t" are E$'$,"pe#i1i#E. Tr'/ the"e 1ive pr'#ee0 the 1ive gr'"" e*e/e$t"> the"e *atter are "ai0 t' (e E"pe#i1i#E, (e#a "e the% are #a*/, t r( *e$t a$0 0e* 0i$g: (tr. I. Oha). B##'r0i$g t' ;A#a"pati a0 *'#. (tanmtri tvasmaddibhi parasparav!vttni nn'bh)!ante it! avie s)km iti coc!ante) the #riteri'$ 1'r 0i"ti$g i"hi$g the bh)tas 1r'/ the tanmtras i" the #apa#it% '1 ea#h '1 the 1'r/er t' "et a"i0e i$"ta$#e" '1 the 'ther" (parasparav!vtt!) J wherea", evi0e$t*%, 8"' $0 a" " #h:(abdatanmtra) #a$$'t "et a"i0e 'r #a$#e* 81'r/ a" " #h: (r)patanmtra). .he bh)tas are #apa(*e '1 e$teri$g i$t' the 1ie*0 '1 ' r e7perie$#e a" 0i"ti$#t 1r'/ '$e a$'ther, i$a"/ #h a" the% are #a*/, t r( *e$t a$0 0e* 0i$g:, that i", i$a"/ #h a" the% a(' $0 i$ vari' " 0egree" '1 sattva 'r ra%as 'r tamas. .he% are there1're #'$"i0ere0 a" ('th 8"pe#i1i#: (viea) a$0 8gr'"": (sth)la). .hat i" $'t t' "a% that '$e #a$$'t e7perie$#e the 8" (t*e: '(Le#t J 1'r i1 '$e 0i0 $'t, '$e w' *0 $'t e7perie$#e a$%thi$g at a**> a** that #a$ (e "ai0 i" that the 8" (t*e: '(Le#t" (tanmtra) are $'t e7perie$#e0 i$ their 8p re: "tate J e7#ept perhap" (% %'gi$" J ( t '$*% whe$ the% are e7e/p*i1ie0 thr' gh the 8gr'"": e*e/e$t" (mahbh)ta). B" " #h, the tanmtras are t' (e $'$,"pe#i1i# (aviea) a$0 " (t*e (s)kma). 610 .he ter/" 8%&e!a1kr!ata!: a$0 8evam an!ni: " gge"t that the #'//e$tar% i$te$0" here the 0'/ai$" ('th '1 the b'ddh,ndri!as a$0 the karmendri!as, a*th' gh the e/pha"i" i" p t '$ the tanmtras, the 0'/ai$ pr'per t' the b'ddh,ndri!as. 611 parasparpekitva J *it., 8/ t a* e7pe#ta$#%:. 612 via!avia!in. 613 !1. S? 25, whi#h 0i"ti$g i"he" the indri!as that pre" /e (a*'$g with the manas) a sttvika, 'r 8* /i$' ":, 1'r/ '1 the eg' 1r'/ the tanmtras, that pre" /e a tmasa, 'r 80ark:, 1'r/ '1 the eg', with the re" *t that manas a$0 the indri!as are 8apt t' 1 *1i* their "pe#i1i# 1 $#ti'$: (svavia!asamartha). +'re'ver, a##'r0i$g t' IFh 25, the eg' 8i" "ai0 t' (e tmasa t' the e7te$t that it i" the 'rigi$ a*"' '1 the bh)tas, whi#h a(' $0 i$ tamas: (bh)tnm dibh)tas tamobah'las tenokta sa tmasa iti). 6$ 1a#t the eg' i" the 8'rigi$ '1 the bh)tas a(' $0i$g i$ tamas: '$*% i$ a$ i$0ire#t wa%= i$ the SAkh%a 0'#tri$e '1 ev'* ti'$, the bh)tas pr'#ee0 1r'/ the tanmtras, whi#h are the ev'* te" '1 the tmasa eg'. !1. .S ;666 (pp. 89,90)= abdavie hi kobhtman !ad ekam akobhtmaka prgbhvi smn!am avietmaka tat abdatanmtram0 eva


#!rik! ** Eart!, et&), are t!e res(lt arrived at 'y a "(t(al &o""in lin of t!ose Wsensi'leY do"ains WviL), t!e tanmtras Y) T!is t!e "aster says: **) The domain Wthus describedY6 now gross=8; due to the mingling of the Wsubtle tanmtras Y, manifests itself as the pentad of gross elements 6(h)ta& : = 8 B ether6 air6 fire6 water and earth) It is t!e %arti&(lar, t!at is, t!e Wno$Y gross domain t!at a&9(ires t!e for" of a &on&rete ele"ent, due to the mingling of those Ws('tle Hfields as s(&!I 6tanmtra7 Y, t!at is, d(e to t!eir a'ility to &o"e into &onta&t $it! ea&! ot!er)=8= For instan&e, fro" Hso(nd as s(&!I 6(a$datanmtra7 %ro&eeds H%arti&(lar so(ndI 6(a$da3i(e)a7 , na"ely, Wt!e ross ele"entY et!er Win t!e sense t!at et!er is t!e lo&(s of tonal variety, as $ell as of Hso(ndI as distin (is!ed fro" ot!er Ho'#e&tsIY) Fro" so(nd and to(&! %ro&eeds airM fro" t!ose t$o &o"'ined $it! for" %ro&eeds fireM fro" t!ose Wt!reeY &o"'ined $it! savor %ro&eeds $aterM and fro" t!ose Wfo(rY to $!i&! odor !as 'een added %ro&eeds eart!)=8< S(&! are t!e five H reatI Wt!at is, ross, %!ysi&alY ele"ents 6mah$h/ta7 ) =8C In &onsideration of t!e "a,i", Ht!e effe&t !as t!e 9(alities of t!e &a(seI, =8@ Wit follo$s t!at t!e mah$h/tas Y !ave 9(alities t!at in&rease Win &o"%le,ityY one?'y? one WR ea&! "ore &o"%le, ele"ent, in ot!er $ords, !as one "ore 9(ality t!an t!e %re&edin si"%ler ele"entY) T!(s is pra,.ti , $!ose nat(re is t!at of &a(se and effe&t, =67 transfor"ed into so"et!in t!at &an 'e en#oyed 'y t!e "(ndane "an 6puru)a7 , t!ro( ! t!e Oill of

gandhnte 8pi vc!am, 8.hat whi#h i" the $0i"t r(e0, $iK e, 2pri$#ip*e3 '1 "pe#i1i# "' $0" wh'"e $at re ha" (ee$ 0i"t r(e0, " #h a $iver"a* (smn!a) '1 a $'$,"pe#i1i# $at re, whi#h i" pri'r t' the/, i" #a**e0 abdatanmtra, E"' $0 a" " #hE. .hi" /a% (e "ai0 a*"' '1 the 'ther tanmtras 0'w$ t' '0'r:. 614 !1. S? 38, K 'te0 $. 609. 615 bh)tas, 'r mahbh)tas J *it., 8great ('r gr'"") e$titie"[(ei$g":. 616 B##'r0i$g t' IFh 38, '$e bh)ta pr'#ee0" 1r'/ '$e tanmtra= ether 1r'/ "' $0, air 1r'/ t' #h, water 1r'/ "av'r, 1ire 1r'/ 1'r/, earth 1r'/ '0'r. M'wever, thi" 0'e" $'t #'$tra0i#t the 0e1i$iti'$ '1 &S 22, whi#h agree", a" 0'e" the the'reti#a* "e#ti'$ (vid!pda) '1 the 4ga/a" (e.g. 6lottara, Pa'kara, et#.), with the #*a""i#a* SAkh%a the"i" ("ee .'ktid,pik a0 S? 38) '1 the tanmtras: pr'gre""ive a## / *ati'$, that i", that the ph%"i#a* e*e/e$t" are #ateg'riUe0 (% the a0L $#ti'$ '$e, (%,'$e '1 "e$"i(*e K a*itie", 1'r it re/ai$" the #a"e that ea#h bh)ta ha" '$e tanmtra a" it" pri/ar% K a*it% ("ee .'re**a ^&?= 196)> "ee Bppe$0i7 13, p. 337. 617 Tr'/ #*a% t' /a$, a** earth*% e*e/e$t" are 1ragra$t. 618 <$ the re*ati'$"hip '1 the tanmtras a$0 the bh)tas, "ee Tra wa**$er 1973= 27911. 619 .he "tate/e$t K 'te0 here i" a$ a0aptati'$ '1 S? 14, e7p' $0i$g the the'r% '1 satkr!avda= kraag'tmakatvt kr!as!a 2...3, 8Fe#a "e the e11e#t ha" a" it" e""e$#e the K a*itie" '1 the #a "e:, #'//e$te0 p'$ (% Ia apA0a a"= loke !adtmaka kraa tadtmaka kr!am api0 tath kebh!as tant'bh!a ka eva pa#o bhavati, 86$ / $0a$e /atter", '1 whatever $at re i" the #a "e, '1 the "a/e $at re i" the e11e#t. T'r i$"ta$#e, 1r'/ (*a#k threa0" '$*% a (*a#k pie#e '1 #*'th #'/e" i$t' (ei$g:. .he "a/e *'gi# $0er*ie" the the'r% '1 the pr'gre""ive a## / *ati'$ '1 tanmtras withi$ the bh)tas a" the% i$#rea"e i$ gr'""$e"" ("ee ^&; 666 1, 10,11, i$ Bppe$0i7 13, p. 337). 620 See Tra wa**$er 1973= 30411. Tr'/ the .rika p'i$t '1 view, prakti i" a*"' a$ e11e#t, i$a"/ #h a" it" pr'#ee0" 1r'/ m!, whi#h i", i$ t r$, $'thi$g ( t the N'r0:" e$erg% '1 1ree0'/.

t!e S(%re"e Lord) And so !as t!is $orld of t!irty?si, %rin&i%les 'een des&ri'ed, tatt3a 'y tatt3a , 'y distin (is!in Wea&! %rin&i%le fro" t!e restY)=68 #!rik! *, As t!e "aster e,%lained %revio(sly !o$ my f(n&tioned as s!eat! 6my,a2cu,a7 W54ri54s 8B?8CY, so Wno$Y !e e,%lains !o$ pra,.ti serves as s!eat! $it! res%e&t to t!e "(ndane "an: *,) As the husk en"elops the rice+grain6 so does this creation6 beginning with pra %ti and ending with earth6 en"elop consciousness in the manner of a body) As the husk6 t!e s5in of t!e rain, en"elops6 or veils, the rice+grain6 so does this creation too, startin $it! pradhna and endin $it! eart!, envelo% on&e a ain consciousness R WalreadyY envelo%ed 'y t!e s!eat! of my , fi (ratively re%resented 'y t!e 'ran R in the manner of a body, fi (ratively re%resented 'y t!e !(s5, t!at is, it veils W&ons&io(snessY as its o(ter en&los(re) *ere W, at t!is levelY, are &alled Sa5alas =66 t!ose &o niLers $!o are of a 'odily nat(re 'e&a(se of t!e fa&tors of fra "entation 6,al7 , =6A 'e innin $it! t!e or ans in t!eir b%(rec state Wt!at is, $it!o(t ad#(n&tion of an o'#e&tY =6; and endin $it! %arti&(lar Wo'#e&tsY Wi)e), $it! t!e mah$h/tas Y)
Mere e$0" the 0e"#ripti'$ '1 the thirt%,"i7 tattvas. <$ the *a"t twe$t%,three, whi#h, 1r'/ b'ddhi '$war0, #'$"tit te #'g$iUa(*e rea*it% (me!a), "ee ^&? 6 1, 10,11, a$0 ;tti (.'re**a ^&?= 195,196). .hi" p'rtra%a* '1 the pr'#e"" '1 /a$i1e"tati'$ i" *ti/ate*% /ea$t t' "h'w the wa% the pr'#e"" /a% (e rever"e0 pr'gre""ive*% a$0 the w'r*0 Erea("'r(e0E, a" '$e "trive" 1'r *i(erati'$> "ee &.NvX 21,24 (whi#h e#h'e" !hH ;6 1, 411.)= !ath gha#aarvaprabhtiprapa&cavar%ane mmtram eva sat!a mdr)ptmakaprapancavar%ane 8pi gandha it! eva sat!a gandhar)patvieparamare 8ham it! eva sat!a tath, 8B", whe$ the phe$'/e$a that are the Lar, the 0i"h, et#., are "et a"i0e, what re/ai$" tr *% i" #*a% it"e*1, a$0 a", whe$ the phe$'/e$'$ '1 #*a% i" "et a"i0e, what re/ai$" tr *% i" '0'r it"e*1, a$0 a", whe$ '$e i" $' *'$ger aware '1 a$% "pe#i1i# '0'r, what re/ai$" tr *% i" the 2a("'* te3 86: (aham) it"e*1, *ikewi"e 2...3: (' r tra$"*ati'$). 622 .he Saka*a", *it., 8th'"e e$0'we0 with kal:, are a11e#te0 (% the three i/p ritie", a$0 their #'$0iti'$ i" that '1 *i1e i$ thi" w'r*0. .he% are there1're a*"' #a**e0 m!pramts, i$a"/ #h a" the% are 0e#eive0 (% m! 1r'/ whi#h the 0i#h't'/% '1 " (Le#t a$0 '(Le#t (egi$". <$ Saka*a", "ee Bppe$0i7 10, p. 330. 623 !'//e$ti$g '$ kalvil'ptavibhava 2...3 sa pa', 8the 1ettere0 " (Le#t, 0eprive0 '1 hi" /ight (% kal:, Sp) 666 13 "et" 1'rth the /ea$i$g" '1 kal= kala!ati bahi kipati primit!ena paricchinatt,ti kal m!akti 2...3 atha ca kala! ki&citkarttvopodbalantman akt! tad'palakitena kalvid!klani!atirgtman ka&c'kena vil'ptavibhava sthagitap)ratvakartt!didharma0 2...3 kala! akh!t!tmanena vil'ptavibhava sak'cita iva, 8.he ter/ kal 2*it., 8(the ver() kala!ati:3 0e"ig$ate" that whi#h, pr'Le#ti$g ' t"i0e, # t" '11 a$0 0e*i/it", $a/e*%, the e$erg% '1 0e* "i'$ (m!akti) 2...3. B##'r0i$g t' a$'ther i$terpretati'$, kal /ea$" the e$erg%[p'wer (akti) givi$g "tre$gth t' *i/ite0 age$#% (ki&citkarttva). 2.hi" p'wer $a/e0 kal3 i/p*ie" the 2K i$t p*e3 "heath (ka&c'ka) '1 kal, vid!, kla, ni!ati a$0 rg. .here1're, Ethe 1ettere0 " (Le#t 0eprive0 '1 hi" /ight (% kalE 0e"ig$ate" the '$e wh'"e attri( te" '1 per1e#ti'$, 2 $re"trai$e03 age$#%, et#., are vei*e0 (% that 2K i$t p*e "heath3. 2...3 2B$0 kal /a% (e take$ i$ the "e$"e '1 a part (aa). .here1're,3 (ei$g 0eprive0 '1 hi" g*'r% (% a part, i.e., (% the part2ia* k$'w*e0ge3 that i" akh!ti 2the /etaph%"i#a* ig$'ra$#e '1 hi" 'w$ p*e$ar% $at re3, he i" #'$tra#te0 2i.e., *i/ite03 a" it were:. !1. ^&; 666 2, 13 (v'*. 66= 263), 0e1i$i$g b'ddh,ndri!as a$0 karmendri!as a" the e7pa$"i'$ (prapa&ca) '1 vid! a$0 kal, viU., '1 *i/ite0 ?$'w*e0ge a$0 *i/ite0 Bge$#% (vid!kala!o prapa&cabh)ta' !a' kramea b'ddh,ndri!akarmendri!avarga'). B*"' ^&; 666 2, 8 (v'*. 66= 252), K 'te0 $. 625. 624 indri!amtra J i/p*ie0 here i" the 6$0ia$ $'ti'$ a##'r0i$g t' whi#h the 'rga$", 1ar 1r'/ (ei$g /ere re#ept'r", p*a% a$ a#tive part i$ the a#t '1 per#epti'$. 6$ thi" vei$, the ter/ grha i" t' (e take$ *itera**%.


And t!ose $!o are freed fro" t!e %arti&(lar Wt!at is, fro" ross "aterialityY and fro" t!e 'ody are Pralay45alas Was !a%%ens, for instan&e, in dee% slee%Y)=6B S(&! is t!is $orld: overned 'y t!e R(dras and 'y ordinary so(ls, =6= in t!e &o"%any of t!e seven &ate ories of s('#e&ts 6pramt.sapta,a7 , fro" Piva to t!e Sa5alas) #!rik! *2 T!e "aster no$ e,%lains t!e triad of s!eat!s R t!e s(%re"e, t!e s('tle, and t!e ross: *2) In this world6 the supreme co"ering is the impurity Walso termed *a#ama+a YM the subtle one consists of the WsixfoldY sheath6 beginning with m$ =6< Wthus constituting the m$,$ama+a YM the gross co"ering is external6 and has the form of the body Wthus constituting the rmama+a Y) Indeed the Self is enwrapped in a triad of co"erings) In"ost impurity6 t!e 0a3a W mala Y WviL), t!e i"%(rity of dee"in oneself finiteY,=6C "eans !ere t!e W pa(u= sY fail(re to re&o niLe t!at !e is &ons&io(sness R $!i&! fail(re, in t(rn, &onsists essentially in &astin aside oneIs o$n real nat(re) +y supreme is "eant He,istentially in&l(ded Win t!e finite so(lYI for it re"ains as &oe,istent W$it! &ons&io(snessY=6@ in t!e "anner of t!e fla$ $it!in t!e old)=A7
^&; 666 2, 8 (v'*. 66= 252) 0e1i$e" the &ra*a%Aka*a" a" 1'**'w"= 2Z3 kt akal kaltattvopalakitakaraakr!arahit, 8.he% have (ee$ /a0e Ewith' t a#tivit% (kal)E (akala), i.e., 0ev'i0 '1 the karaas 2the i$ter$a* a$0 e7ter$a* 'rga$"3 a$0 kr!as 2the '(Le#t" '1 th'"e 'rga$"3 whi#h are i/p*ie0 (% kaltattva 2*i/ite0 Bge$#%3:. .hi" i" wh% the ter/ &ra*a%Aka*a ha" t' (e $0er"t''0 a" 86$ert i$ -i""'* ti'$: 2*it., 8th'"e 0ev'i0 '1 *i/ite0 Bge$#% (akala), (e#a "e '1 0i""'* ti'$ (prala!a):3 J a #'$0iti'$ e7perie$#e0, 1'r i$"ta$#e, i$ 0eep "*eep, whe$ '$e rea#he" that "tate '1 t'ta* a("'rpti'$ ("ig$i1ie0 (% the w'r0 80i""'* ti'$:) where $either "e$"e,'rga$", $'r '(Le#t" '1 "e$"e appear t' (e i$ p*a%. 6t i" th " a 0egree '1 #'$"#i' "$e"" higher tha$ that '1 the Saka*a". D 0ra i" the /'0e* 1'r " #h " (Le#t". See Bppe$0i7 1, p. 317 a$0 Bppe$0i7 10, p. 330. 626 CD th " i$te$0" t' p*a#e the D 0ra" a$0 the 81ettere0 "' *": '$ the "a/e *eve* '1 re"p'$"i(i*it% ('r '1 0e1i#ie$#%). 627 ... a$0 e$0i$g with vid!. 628 .he avamala i" the 1 $0a/e$ta*, '$t'*'gi#a* i/p rit%, that 8#'$#er$i$g the a': (#1. the 8at'/: '1 the ;aiPe9ika J the "/a**e"t parti#*e 1' $0 i$ E$at reE). 6t repre"e$t" the re0 #ti'$ '1 i$1i$ite 1ree #'$"#i' "$e"" t' a /i$i/a*, 8at'/i#:, "tate. 6$ the rea*/ '1 e7perie$#e, a" "tate0 i$ S; 6 4, the avamala i" the 8pre" /pti'$ ('r i$t iti'$) '1 *i/ite0$e"": (ap)raman!at), whi#h /ake" the *i/ite0 "' * thi$k= ap)ro 8smi, 86 a/ $'t 1 ** 2viU., 86 a/ i/per1e#t:3: (i(i0.). Sa/e 0e1i$iti'$ i$ &MvX 9 (p. 72). )'te that mala '1te$ "ig$i1ie", (% "%$e#0'#he, avamala, parti# *ar*% i$ Si00hA$ta. 629 .he ter/ tdtm!a i" "e0 (% B0vaiti$" a" a wa% '1 rati'$a*iUi$g their i$a(i*it% t' 0e"#ri(e i$ #'$ve$ti'$a* ter/" the re*ati'$"hip (etwee$ brahman a$0 m! J $either i0e$tit%, $'r 0i11ere$#e, $'r ('th (viU., the $'ti'$ '1 bhedbheda, 0ear t' the parimavda, ( t a(L re0 (% B0vaita). 6t /ight (e "ai0 that the B0vaiti$ "peak" '1 tdtm!a i$ a wa% re"e/(*i$g )AgArL $a:" "e '1 the cat'ko#i J viU., i$ 'r0er t' a""ert that the B("'* te i" i$e11a(*e. 6$ the "a/e 1a"hi'$, here, eve$ th' gh it #a$$'t (e "ai0 wh% the 1*aw i" withi$ the g'*0, it" pre"e$#e therei$ i" ('th irre1 ta(*e a$0 Egive$E (ni%a). Mere, tdtm!ena g*'""e" the epithet antaraga, g*'""e0 previ' "*% a" ni%a, 8i$$ate: (CD a0 17). 630 <$e /ight a**ege here a #ertai$ i$#'$"i"te$#% i$ CD:" "e '1 /etaph'r". 6$ BI:" te7t, i$ e11e#t, the a$a*'g% '1 the i$e0i(*e (ra$ (kamb'ka) '1 the grai$ i" a11e#te0 t' the m!,!amala (kA. 17,18). Cet, #'//e$ti$g (a0 kA. 17) '$ the 8a$taragatva: '1 the he7a0 '1 "heath" that #'$"tit te" the m!,!amala, CD i$tr'0 #e" the a$a*'g% '1 the 1*aw withi$ the g'*0 (klik) J a$ a$a*'g% whi#h, i$ hi" #'//e$tar% a0 24, i" a11e#te0 t' the avamala, wherea" that '1 the (ra$ i" a11e#te0 t' the


+y co"ering 63ara0a7 is "eant HveilI 6chdana7 ) The si,fold sheath beginning with m$ , and endin $it! li"ited /no$led e, &onstit(tes the subtle &overin of t!e Self) S(&! a &over %ertains to Wt!e so(l]&ons&io(snessY in s(&! a $ay t!at it leans 'a&5 a ainst it,=A8 as does t!e 'ran $it! res%e&t to t!e ri&e? rain R t!an5s to $!i&! t!e dis%lay of t!e Wli"itedY a'ility to 5no$, a&t, et&), &onstit(tive of differen&e, =A6 dis%lays itself W'efore (s R in referen&e to t!e b$orldc e,tendin 'efore (s in a%%arent "(lti%li&ityY) It &onstit(tes t!e i"%(rity of re ardin t!e $orld as o'#e&tive)=AA External6 $it! res%e&t to it, is t!e &overin R fi (ratively re%resented 'y t!e !(s5 R $!i&! is &!ara&teriLed as e"'odied e,isten&e 6(ar-rasatt7 derived fro" pradhna , and $!i&! is gross6 for it &onsists of s5in, fles!, et&) T!is is t!e t!ird i"%(rity Wna"ely, t!e i"%(rity of s(%%osin oneself t!e a entY of a&tions, d(e to $!i&! t!e s('#e&t 'e&o"es a re&e%ta&le for t!e a&&("(lation of ood and 'ad Wres(lts ofY a&tions)=A; T!(s the Self6 alt!o( ! f(lly o%en 63i,as3ara7 'e&o"es &ontra&ted 6sa ,ucit-,.ta7 Wi)e), is red(&ed to finit(deY, =AB li5e s%a&e 'y t!e #ar, and is enwrapped in this triad of co"erings R t!e s(%re"e, t!e s('tle and t!e ross)=A= In t!is &ondition, it is dee"ed Hato"i&I D a u , viL), finite so(lE, and it is ter"ed t!e fettered so(l 6pa(u7 ) #!rik! *5
m!,!amala. .he 1'**'wi$g i$terpretati'$ /a% "'*ve the 0i11i# *t%= i$ CD a0 17, the a$a*'g% '1 the 1*aw withi$ the g'*0 i" a11e#te0 t' the m!,!amala '$*% "e#'$0ari*%, i$a"/ #h a" the m!,!amala pre" pp'"e" the avamala, whi#h i" i$0ee0 i/p*ie0 (% the ter/ 8a@ :, i$ the ge$itive= m!sahita ka&c'kaa#kam aor antaragam idam 'ktam (17()> "ee CD ad loc. 6$ CD a0 87,88, the a$a*'g% '1 the 1*aw withi$ the g'*0 i" agai$ a11e#te0 t' the avamala. 631 ;iU., that it i" tight*% atta#he0 t' it. 632 Mere, the 1ive ka&c'kas are re1erre0 t', a" 0e1i$e0 i$ kA. 17. 633 S; 6 4 0e1i$e" the m!,!amala a" the 80i"p*a% '1 0i11ere$tiate0 '(Le#tivit%: (bhinnaved!aprath), whi#h /ake" the *i/ite0 "' * #'$"i0er hi" ('0% a" i1 it were hi" Se*1, " #h that he thi$k"= kma sth)lo vsmi, 86 a/ "*i/ 'r 1at: (i(i0.). Sa/e 0e1i$iti'$ i$ &MvX 9. See a*"' CD a0 31. 634 S; 6 4 0e1i$e" the krmamala a" the 8i/preg$ati$g 2'1 #'$"#i' "$e""3 with the 0i"p'"iti'$" that re" *t 1r'/ '$e:" g''0 a$0 (a0 2a#ti'$"3: ('bh'bhavsan), whi#h /ake" the *i/ite0 "' * thi$k= agni#oma!%! asmi, 86 a/ a per1'r/er '1 the agni#oma "a#ri1i#e: (i(i0.). Si/i*ar 0e1i$iti'$ i$ &MvX 9. 635 .he #'$tra"t sakocaviksa i" "pe#i1i# t' .rika, ev'ki$g the #*'"i$g a$0 'pe$i$g '1 a 1*'wer, sakoca i" a /etaph'r '1 1i$it 0e, viksa '1 *i(erati'$. .he i/age wi** (e take$ p agai$ i$ CD a0 56, 60, 61, i$ the #' r"e '1 0i"# ""i$g moka. 636 ?9e/arALa, #'//e$ti$g '$ hi" &M 9 (pp. 71,72), g'e" eve$ 1 rther, pre"e$ti$g the three malas a" *i/itati'$" (sakoca, 'r parimitat) '1 the icch, %&na a$0 kri! aktis, re"pe#tive*%= icchakti sak'cit sat, ap)raman!atr)pam ava malam> %&naakti 2...3 antakaraab'ddh,ndri!atpattip)rvam at!anta sakocagrahaena bhinnaved!aprathr)pa m!,!am malam> kri!akti 2...3 karmendri!ar)pasakocagrahaap)rvam at!anta parimitat prpt 'bh'bhn'#hnama!a krma malam0, 8icchakti, '$#e #'$tra#te0, (e#'/e" avamala, whi#h #'$"i"t" i$ #'$"i0eri$g '$e"e*1 i/per1e#t> %&naakti, a"" /i$g the e7tre/e #'$tra#ti'$ that (egi$" with the a#K i"iti'$ '1 the i$$er 'rga$ a$0 #'g$itive 'rga$", (e#'/e" m!,!amala, whi#h #'$"i"t" '1 the apprehe$"i'$ '1 '(Le#t" a" 0i11ere$t 21r'/ '$e a$'ther a$0 1r'/ the Se*13> kri!akti, '$#e #'$tra#te0 i$ the 1'r/ '1 'rga$" '1 a#ti'$, (e#'/e" e7tre/e*% *i/ite0, a"" /i$g the 1'r/ '1 krmamala, whi#h #'$"i"t" i$ 0'i$g g''0 a$0 evi*:.

D(e to its relations!i% $it! t!ose Wt!ree &overin s, or i"%(ritiesY, Wt!e SelfY is !ar"ed,=A< as it $ere) T!e "aster says: *5) 3ue to the darkness of ignorance Wwhich is akin to the disease of double+ "isionY69,< the WSelfY9,? concei"es its own essential nature 92@ as a multifarious di"ersity of ob8ects and sub8ects6 whereas it is one and nondual) T!e Wafore"entionedY Self, 'o(nd (% $it! t!e triad of &overin s, 'e&a(se it !as 'een 'ro( !t into &onta&t $it! t!e dar5ness t!at is t!e fail(re to dis&ern t!e Self, =;8 5no$s its own R t!at is, its in!erent, viL), not 'orro$ed fro" anot!er R essential nature 6tmas3a$h3am X s#a(h#am tmnani 7 R na"ely, &ons&io(sness, t!at essen&e $!ose distin (is!in "ar5 is t!e W%(reY %resen&e of t!e Self R although one R t!at is, alt!o( ! of a nond(al nat(re R WonlyY in ter"s of t!e %!eno"enal dis%lay R a dis%lay t!at &onsists of "(ltifario(s &onstr(&ts Wor Dartifi&ialE arran e"ents, dis%ositionsY, s(&! as 5no$er, "eans of 5no$led e and 5no$nM or, in ot!er $ords, it t!in5s of itself in ter"s of differen&e, t!e o'verse of Wori inalY non?differen&e) For instan&e, t!e %erson affli&ted $it! t!e Wo&(lar disorder &alledY re,htimira , t!o( ! !e is loo5in at #(st one "oon, asserts t!at t!ere are t$o "oons in t!e s5y and
'pahata J 8har/e0: /ea$" here 81'rg'tte$:. Sa/e i/age i$ CD a0 31= !ad 2antman! api3 ... tmamhitvam ... etad ativaiasam. 638 a%&natimira J the ter/ timira i" here "e0 ('th i$ it" ge$era* "e$"e (80ark$e"":) a$0 i$ a "pe#ia*iUe0 /e0i#a* "e$"e, 0e"ig$ati$g a #ertai$ 0i"ea"e '1 the e%e ("ee a*"' the g*'"", here, '1 a%&natimira (% 8tmkh!t!andhakra: a" we** a" kA. 31 a$0 CD a0 *'#). Rhat i" at "take here i" the "pe#i1i# '# *ar 0i"'r0er that #a "e" 0' (*e,vi"i'$, whi#h /a% (e tra$"*ate0 (% the te#h$i#a* ter/ 80ip*'pia:. .hi" 0ip*'pia, a$0 it" e11e#t, the apprehe$"i'$ '1 a 0' (*e /''$, "erve" a" a #*a""i# e7a/p*e '1 err'$e' " per#epti'$ (bhrnti) a$0 '1 /etaph%"i#a* ig$'ra$#e, 'r $e"#ie$#e (akh!ti), "i$#e (% thi" 0e1e#t '1 vi"i'$ '$e per#eive" 0 a*it% where there i" '$*% $it%. .he /'ti1 '1 0ip*'pia i" re# rre$t i$ .rika *iterat re> "ee, 1'r i$"ta$#e, .4 6 331, ^&vX 666 2, 17 (dvicandrdibhrnti), ^&vX 66 3, 13> a*"' /tavacintmai 24= a%&natimiras!aikam a'adha sasmtis tava0, 8C' r #'$"ta$t /e/'r% i" the '$*% re/e0% 1'r the 0ark$e"" '1 ig$'ra$#e:, a$0 ?9e/arALa a0 *'#= timira pratibhcak'rvrakatvena dvaitapradarako doa, 8timira, whi#h i" a$ i/per1e#ti'$ 2'1 vi"i'$3 0 e t' whi#h '$e "ee" 2rea* '(Le#t" a"3 0' (*e, i" 2t' (e $0er"t''03 a" what '("tr #t" the vi"i'$ '1 the " pre/e #'$"#i' "$e"" (pratibha):. DA/A$ La:" 2r,bh!a 6 1, 1 (pp. 99,100) e7p*ai$" the apprehe$"i'$ '1 a 0' (*e /''$ (% the "p*it '1 the vi" a* ra%" that i" pr'0 #e0 either thr' gh pre"" re '1 the 1i$ger p'$ the e%e, 'r 'wi$g t' timira, $0er"t''0 i$ the te#h$i#a* "e$"e '1 a$ 8'# *ar 0i"'r0er:= dvicandra%nndv ap! ag'l!ava#ambhatimirdibhir n!anate%ogatibhedena smagr,bhedt smagr,dva!am an!on!anirapeka candragrahaadva!ahet'r bhavati, 8Si/i*ar i" the #a"e '1 the 0' (*e /''$. Mere, either thr' gh pre"" re '1 the 1i$ger p'$ the e%e, 'r 'wi$g t' "'/e a($'r/a* a11e#ti'$ '1 the e%e, the vi" a* ra%" are 0ivi0e0 ("p*it), a$0 the 0' (*e, / t a**% i$0epe$0e$t apparat " '1 vi"i'$ th " 'rigi$ati$g, (e#'/e" the #a "e '1 a 0' (*e apprehe$"i'$ '1 the /''$: (tr. .hi(a t, ;edntas)tra= 123). .he ter/ rekhtimira i" i$ it"e*1 a te#h$i#a* 0e"#ripti'$ '1 the tr' (*e, "i$#e it /ea$" the 8timira #'$"i"ti$g i$ 2#'$1 "i$g the3 *i$e" (rekh):. See CD a0 31. 639 -e"pite the "eparate avat. a0 25, kArikA" 24 a$0 25 /ake '$e gra//ati#a* $it, wh'"e " (Le#t i" the tman ('## rri$g at the ver% e$0 '1 kA. 24) a$0 wh'"e pre0i#ate i" the ver( avab'dh!eta. 640 sva svabhvam tmnam J agreei$g with Far$ett, Si*( r$ tra$"*ate"= 8a*'r" K :i* e"t 2...3 80e$tiK e a "'i: 2J 8wherea" it i" "e*1,i0e$ti#a*:3, whi#h appear" t' re$0er sva svabhvam. See CD:" #'//e$tar% '$ sva svabhvam tmnam, rephra"e0 a" svam tmasvabhvam. 641 tmkht!andhakra J #1. the 0e1i$iti'$ '1 the avamala a" caitan!as!a ... akh!ti, i$ CD a0 24.


even %oints t!e" o(t to %eo%le, sayin : HLoo5 at t!e t$o "oons[I Inas"(&! as t!e "oon is really sin le, it is d(e to !is di%lo%ia 6timira7 t!at it so a%%ears) And t!(s, t!e %erson affli&ted $it! di%lo%ia e,%erien&es a %ra&ti&al res(lt, 'e it an,iety or deli !t)=;6 Si"ilarly, !e ta5es as !is oal t!e fr(its of a&tions, as different Wfro" !i"selfY, treatin everyt!in as different t!o( ! it is not different fro" !is o$n self R !e 'y $!o" t!e dis%lay of differen&e !as 'een ta5en for ranted t!an5s to t!e dar5ness of i noran&e WviL), of non?re&o nition of t!e SelfY)=;A And t!(s !e 'e&o"es a ain and a ain t!e en#oyer of !eaven and !ell Was a res(lt of !is a&tionsY) In t!is $ay, di%lo%ia is to 'e ta5en !ere as a "eta%!or =;; for i noran&e 6a12na7 , =;B for t!ere'y t!in s a%%ear &ontrary Wto realityY) #!rik! *9 T!e "aster s!o$s t!e nond(ality of t!e Self t!ro( ! an ill(stration:=;= *9) =ust as 8uice6 skimmed froth6 granular sugar6 brown sugar6 candy6 etc)6 are in essence nothing but sugar cane692: so are all forms only different states of the supreme Self6 'abhu)92< As one and the same essence of sugar cane 6i,)urasa7 is Wrevealed inY t!e different for"s ta5en on 'y t!e s( ar &ane, s(&! as 8uice 6rasa7 , etc), on a&&o(nt of t!e Wsa"eY (lti"ate s$eetness fo(nd in all of t!e", so, li5e$ise, all %arti&(lars t!at a%%ear $it!in %!eno"enal dis%lay t!ro( ! t!e relation of o'#e&t to s('#e&t are R Wli5eY $a5in , et&) R "erely different states of the supreme Self 6paramtman7 , oneIs o$n essential nat(re, W$!i&! $e ter"Y 'abhu, t!e Great Lord, &ons&io(sness itself) For it is t!at very Lord, t!e inner self 6s3tma$h/ta7 of ea&! and every one, $!o ass("es t!ose different roles=;@ o(t of !is o$n freedo", and t!(s dis%lays !i"self as
arthakri! prpnoti J *it., 8Me a#K ire" 2viU., reap" the (e$e1it '13 it" #a "a* e11i#ie$#% whi#h pr'0 #e" either a$7iet% 'r 0e*ight:. Seei$g th'"e tw' /''$", he wat#he" the/ 'r "h'w" the/ t' 'ther", 0erivi$g either a$7iet% 'r 0e*ight 1r'/ thi" e7perie$#e, 'r wi"hi$g 'ther" t' e7perie$#e the "a/e 1ee*i$g". 643 .h " are re1erre0 t', re"pe#tive*%, the avamala (the 0ark$e"" '1 ig$'ra$#e), the m!,!amala (the 0i"p*a% '1 0i11ere$#e), a$0 the krmamala (the a#ti$g i$ the w'r*0 '1 0i11ere$tiati'$). 644 r)pa. 645 Sa/e phra"e'*'g% i$ CD a0 30, whi#h re1'r/ *ate" &S 25. 646 6t "h' *0 (e $'te0 that BI:" &S 26,28 agree" here a" t' #'$te$t a$0 "eK e$#e with 4&S 26,28. 647 !1. ++ 25, whi#h "e" the "a/e a$a*'g% i$ a 0i11ere$t #'$te7t. .he &+ a0 *'#. e7p*ai$"= !advad ik'rasas!a svapka!'ktikramt st!n,bh)tas!a mdh'r!a g'lapiair na parit!a%!ate, 82...3 a" "weet$e"" i" $'t a*ie$ t' 2viU., i" "ti** retai$e0 (%3 the * /p" '1 g)r ("'*i0i1ie0 /'*a""e"), 2that re" *t3 1r'/ the pr'#e"" '1 #''ki$g the L i#e '1 the " gar #a$e $ti* it (e#'/e" "'*i0i1ie0:. !1. !hH ;6 1, 4= !ath sa'm!a ekena mtpiena sarva mnma!a vi%nta s!t vcrambhaa vikro nmadhe!a mttiket! eva sat!am, 8O "t a", /% 0ear, (% '$e #*'0 '1 #*a% a** that i" /a0e '1 #*a% (e#'/e" k$'w$, the /'0i1i#ati'$ (ei$g '$*% a $a/e ari"i$g 1r'/ "pee#h whi*e the tr th i" that it i" L "t #*a%:. 648 ;er"e K 'te0 i$ &+ 25. 649 bh)mik J "a/e i/age i$ CD a0 1 a$0 5. !'/pare CD a0 5= na p'na ivav!atirikta kicit padrtha%tam asti, 8.here i", i$ #'$"eK e$#e, $'thi$g t' whi#h *a$g age #a$ re1er that i" 'ther tha$ iva:, a$0 what i" 1'r/ *ate0 here= na p'na svtmana tasmd bhinna kicid asti, 8+'re'ver, it i" $'t that there i" a$%thi$g 0i11ere$t 1r'/ that Se*1. <$ bh)mik i$ the "e$"e '1 8*eve* 2'1 " (Le#tivit%3:, "ee CD a0 41,46 (ge$era* avat.) a$0 45.


&!ara&teriLed 'y t!e states of o'#e&t and s('#e&t, et&), in t!e sa"e $ay as does t!e #(i&e of t!e s( ar &ane Wass("e vario(s for"sY) =B7 .oreover, it is not t!at t!ere is anyt!in different fro" t!at Self) T!erefore, it is one and nond(al, for &ons&io(sness %ervades all t!e states) T!(s, vis(aliLin every$!ere t!e (nity Wof t!e SelfY, t!e &o niLer 'e&o"es t!e 5no$er of all)=B8 As t!e revered Pa'!(Wn4t!aY !as stated:=B6 One o'#e&t !as t!e nat(re of all o'#e&ts) All o'#e&ts !ave t!e nat(re of one o'#e&t) T!erefore, !e $!o !as seen one o'#e&t in its essen&e !as seen all o'#e&ts in t!eir essen&e) And in Bhaga3adg-t : O!ere'y in all 'ein s one] Un&!an in =BA &ondition "en %er&eive,] Un"anifold in t!e "anifold,] /no$ t!at t!at 5no$led e is of oodness)=B; #!rik! *: T!o( ! t!e variety Wof reasonin sY for"(lated 'y t!e ot!er s&!ools is a&&e%ted 'y (s for %(r%oses of %rovisional dis&(ssion,=B= t!at variety is not 'e&o"in ly

.he "e '1 the w'r0 rasa here i$ it" tw' "e$"e" (*it., 8L i#e: a$0 1ig. 8e""e$#e:) #'$1ir/" the w'r0:" et%/'*'g%. .he #'$$e#ti'$ '1 the tw' i" "' #*'"e that it /a% (e 0' (te0 whether eve$ a p $ i" i$te$0e0. 651 sarvadvan. 652 <$e '1 the tea#her" '1 BI wh' 0e"erve" "pe#i1i# /e$ti'$ i$ .4 (6 12,13, 6 16), a(h $Atha (#e*e(rate0 a" Fhaa$Atha, 8revere0 tea#her:, i$ P*. 16) pr'(a(*% i$itiate0 BI i$ ?a *a ta$tri# pra#ti#e". 653 < r te7t agree" with the ?S.S i$ rea0i$g aka!a ]i/peri"ha(*e] here. M'wever, the re#eive0 te7t '1 thi" *i$e '1 the 4,t rea0" av!a!a ]#ha$ge*e""], whi#h i" 1'**'we0 (% akara (wh' g*'""e" it with k)#astha) a" we** a" (% 'ther #'//e$tat'r" (whe$ thi" #a$ (e a"#ertai$e0)> a$0 thi" rea0i$g wa" a*"' a0'pte0 i$ the #riti#a* e0iti'$ '1 the 8ahbhrata (;6 40, 20) a$0 i$ G0gert'$]" tra$"*ati'$. T'r the rea"'$" wh% we have retai$e0 the ?S.S]" varia$t, "ee ' r ]Ni"t '1 varia$t"] i$ ]<$ the Sa$"krit te7t]. 654 FhI 5;666 20. .hi" ver"e #'$tra"t" the k$'w*e0ge pr'#ee0i$g 1r'/ sattva with that (a"e0 '$ ra%as (P*. 21) a$0 tamas (P*. 22). .hi" sttvika k$'w*e0ge #'$"i"t" i$ rea*iUi$g the Se*1 (here bhva, 8G$tit%[Dea*it%:) a" $'$0 a*, h'wever / *ti1ari' " e/piri#a* 0iver"it% /a% (e. FhIFh 5;666, 20 #'$#* 0e"= tadtmavast' v!omavan nirantaram it! artha, 8.hat Dea*it% whi#h i" the Se*1 re/ai$", *ike "pa#e, $0ivi0e0 J thi" i" the p rp'rt:. B$0 a00" i$ hi" avat. t' 21= !ni dvaitadaranni tni asam!agbh)thi r%asni tmasni ceti na skt sasrocchitta!e bhavanti, 8Fei$g (a"e0 '$ ra%as a$0 tamas, th'"e 0'#tri$e" that are 0 a*i"ti# are i$#'/p*ete> there1're, the% are $'t (% the/"e*ve" a0eK ate 1'r the era0i#ati'$ '1 2the pai$" '13 w'r*0*% e7i"te$#e:. 655 )'te that bheda i" rephra"e0 a" ete bhed (p* ra*) at the e$0 '1 the "a/e #'//e$tar%. 656 savt!artham J 81'r p rp'"e" '1 pr'vi"i'$a* 20i"# ""i'$3: i" a #'$te7t a**% 0eter/i$e0 Etra$"*ati'$E '1 savt!artham, here appare$t*% $0er"t''0 (% CD a" a "%$'$%/ '1 the kArikA:" v!avahramtram. 6$ a$% #a"e savti appear" t' (e "e0 here i$ a wa% #'$"i"te$t with it" F 00hi"t "e$"e> CD hi/"e*1, whi*e #'//e$ti$g '$ thi" ver% kArikA, "e" the ter/ savtisat!a, vari' "*% tra$"*ate0 a" 8verite 0:e$ve*'ppe/e$t:, 8" r1a#e,*eve* tr th:, 8re*ative tr th:, 'r 8tr th '1 e/piri#a* 'r0er:, a$0 #'$tra"te0 with paramrthasat!a, 80eep,*eve* tr th:. <$ thi" 'pp'"iti'$, "ee, inter alia, G0gert'$ FSM-, ".v., wh' tra$"*ate" 8#'//'$,"e$"e tr th:> Spr $g 1973= 40,53> Farea 1966, v'*. 666= 179, 184, 196. !1. -hmat, '$ sat!nte mith'n,kt!a (FSFh 6 1, 1, +dh!saprakaraa= 17)= na ca savtiparamrthasato pramrthika mith'nam ast,t! abh)tatadbhvrthas!a cve pra!oga.


e"%loyed=B< in t!e arena of Wt!ose reasonin s t!at !ave to do $it!Y t!e tr(t!) T!e "aster no$ says: *:) WThe many differing conceptions of the Gltimate C that it is Y Consciousness6 or the Inner Controller6 or Breath6 or the So"ereign Body695< or the ;enus6 or6 finally6 that it is the Particular C all these are for purposes of disputation onlyM95? in ultimate terms6 none of them99@ exist Was characteriBations of the GltimateY)99 +y consciousness 63i12na7KKL is "eant Hnot!in '(t &ons&io(snessI 6$odhamtra7 , in isolation 6,e3ala7 , devoid of li"itin attri'(tes)==A Allt!o( !
avakalpate. virdeha J the #'"/i# +a$ wh'"e ('0% i" the e$tire #'"/'". Si*( r$ 0i"ti$g i"he" (etwee$ vir%, tra$"*ate0 a" 8#'rp" #'"/iK e: 28#'"/i# ('0%:3, a$0 deha, tra$"*ate0 a" 8#'rp" 'r0i$aire: 28'r0i$ar% ('0%:3. S' 0'e" &a$0it &S= 37. Re have 1'**'we0 CD:" g*'"", whi#h take" virdeha a" a $it. )'te that D a0 4&S 27 i$terpret" a*"' virdeha a" a "i$g*e "%$tag/, a$0 $0er"ta$0" it a" 8the Frah/A Ggg, "tret#hi$g 1'r 500 /i**i'$ !o%anas: (pacatko#i!o%anavist,ra brahmam). !1. F4HFh 6 4, 1, wh' i0e$ti1ie" the tman with ;irAL 'r Mira@%agar(ha. 659 Rhatever tra$"*ati'$ we a0'pt, v!avahra (i$ v!avahramtram etat) "h' *0 (e take$ a" re1erri$g t' thi" w'r*0 '1 pra#ti#a* a$0 pr'vi"i'$a* tr th". !1. a*"' CD a0 37= 8+'re'ver, i$ $'$e '1 the 'ther "#h''*" '1 phi*'"'ph% 0' the ter/" %,va, p'r'a, tman, a', app*% (v!avahri!ate) t' the S pre/e N'r0, a $i1'r/ a$0 $K a*i1ie0 /a"" '1 (*i""1 * #'$"#i' "$e"":. !1. a*"' +AH 7 a$0 12, i$ whi#h 8the i$e11a(*e 1i$a* 1' rth part '1 the h /a$ "e*1 a$0 the "' $0*e"" 1' rth part '1 o 2...3 are 0e"#ri(e0 a" av!avahra, E$'t " "#epti(*e '1 (ei$g 0ea*t with, i$ *a$g age 'r 'therwi"e.E 8 (Ma#ker 1972= 120). B##'r0i$g t' 4 66 17,19 a$0 a0 *'#. ('$ the a th'r"hip '1 the 4a'apd,!abh!a, 'r *gamastravivaraa 24;3, a$0 it" tra0iti'$a* a"#ripti'$ t' , "ee $'ta(*% F' % 4= 31,33, a$0 $. 140), pra, et#., are a/'$g the i$$ /era(*e '(Le#t" (bhva) i/agi$e0 (vikalpita) a" the tman. B$0 th'"e '(Le#t" are e$0'we0 with sasradharmas, 8phe$'/e$a* attri( te": (4; 66 17,18), 'r sasralakaas, 8phe$'/e$a* #hara#teri"ti#": (4; 66 19), " #h a" #a "e a$0 e11e#t, e7teri'rit%, i$teri'rit%, 0e#a%, 0eath, et#., 1r'/ whi#h, a" e"ta(*i"he0 (% "#ript re (sarvopaniad, i$ 4; 66 17> stra, i$ 4; 66 18) thr' gh the via negationis, the tman i" a*t'gether 0i"ti$#t (4; 66 17 i" K 'te0 $. 667). 660 B$0, ipso 9acto, the 0'#tri$e" that e7p' $0 the/. 661 .hi" e$ /erati'$ '1 0i11ere$t #'$#epti'$" '1 the Dea* i" rather $ " a* i$ .rika *iterat re. .he #a$'$i#a* "#he/e appear" t' (e that '1 &S 32, whi#h e$ /erate" deha, ('0%, pra, (reath, b'ddhi, i$te**e#t 'r v'*iti'$, a$0 nabhas ('r )n!a), the ;'i0. B *i"t that /at#he" that '1 ^&? 6 6, 4, a$0 '1 S; 6 1, whi#h, #'//e$ti$g '$ caitan!am tm, e7p*i#it*% attri( te" the"e 0i11ere$t #'$#epti'$" '1 the Dea* t' their re"pe#tive e7p'$e$t" 'r "#h''*" '1 th' ght= atha ctm ka iti %i%&s)n 'pade!n prati bodha!it' na ar,raprab'ddhi)n!ni la'kikacrvkavaidika!ogcramdh!amikd!abh!'pagatn! tmpi t' !athokta caitan!am eva, 8B$0 "', i$ 'r0er t' e7p*ai$ t' i$K i"itive 0i"#ip*e" what the Se*1 i", the a th'r "a%"= E6t i" $'t the ('0%, a" /ai$tai$e0 (% the +ateria*i"t" (la'kikacrvka), $'t Freath (pra), a" /ai$tai$e0 (% the 1'**'wer" '1 the ;e0a", $'t the i$te**e#t (b'ddhi), a" /ai$tai$e0 (% the C'gA#Ara", $'r the ;'i0 ()n!a), a" /ai$tai$e0 (% the +A0h%a/ika", ( t, a" a*rea0% "ai0, it i" p re #'$"#i' "$e"" (caitan!a): (tr. Si$gh, /'0i1ie0). T'r para**e* pa""age", "ee Bppe$0i7 14, p. 338. .he e$ /erati'$ '1 kA. 27a /a% have (ee$ '##a"i'$e0 (% 4&S 27a, 1ir"t he/i"ti#h, '1 whi#h it i" a$ e7a#t ('rr'wi$g. M'wever, the per"pe#tive" '1 the tw' te7t" are a*t'gether 0i11ere$t. <$ the (a"i" '1 their #'//'$ ter/i$'*'g% a$0 appr'a#h, it appear" that, a" a ;e0A$ti$, 40iPe9a agree" with FhartXprapaQ#a:" #'$#epti'$ '1 brahman, 'r paramtman, pa""i$g thr' gh 0i11ere$t "tate", 'r "tage" (avasth), i$ the pr'#e"" '1 ev'* ti'$, the *ti/ate rea*it% (e#'/i$g 0i11ere$tiate0 i$t' the /a$i1'*0 '(Le#t" '1 e7perie$#e that are ('th i0e$ti#a* t' a$0 0i11ere$t 1r'/ it. .he"e "tage", 'r /'0e", '1 the saprapa&cabrahman, t' whi#h the i$1i$ite variet% '1 the $iver"e i" re0 #e0, are eight i$ $ /(er, a##'r0i$g t' FhartXprapaQ#a. 6$ 0e"#e$0i$g 'r0er, the h%p'"ta"e", 'r 8tra$"1'r/ati'$": (parima) '1 brahman, are ("ee Miri%a$$a 1924= 79,80)= 1) antar!min> 2) skin> 3) av!kta> 4) s)tra> 5)
657 658


devoid of na"e and for", ==; W&ons&io(snessY a%%ears vario(sly, ado%tin t!e "ode of e,ternality, in s!a%es s(&! as b'l(ec and b%leas(rec, et&), ==BR t!an5s to t!e %o$er of 'e innin less latent dis%ositions W&onstantlyY rea$a5ened 63sanpra$odha7 KKK and infinitely vario(s) T!(s say t!e 1i#Vanav4dins)==< T!e +ra!"av4dins,==C &itin t!e te,ts: All t!is W(niverseY is verily P(r(Sa,==@ and: T!ere is not t!e least diversity !ere Win $rahman Y, =<7

vir%> 6) daiva> 7) %ti> 8) pia. .h ", a" Miri%a$$a #'$#* 0e" (p. 80)= 8the wh'*e brahman /a% (e "ai0 t' ev'*ve i$ tw' 0i"ti$#t *i$e" J '$e (1,2) the "pirit a*, a$0 the 'ther (3,8) the /ateria*, whi#h #'$"tit te" either the a0L $#t 'r the e$vir'$/e$t '1 the "pirit a*:. 6$ 4&S 27a, th'"e avasths are "ai0 t' (e 1ive, i1 '$e re*ie" '$ D, wh' take" %tipia a" a $it, g*'""i$g it >v!a#ideh>, 0' (t*e"" t' (e take$ i$ it" SAkh%a a##eptati'$, whi#h 0e"ig$ate" the parti# *ar 8('0%: '$*% i$"'1ar a" it #'$"tit te" a part '1 a *arger wh'*e. .h " 40iPe9a e$ /erate" vi%&na, antar!min, pra, virdeha, a$0 %tipia, eve$ th' gh th'"e "tate" i/p te0 t' the Se*1 are i$ tr th $rea*, 1'r it i" '$*% '$e, a" e"ta(*i"he0 (% !hH ;6 2, 1 K 'te0 (% D a0 4&S 27. -e"pite the "i/i*arit% '1 their 1ir"t he/i"ti#h", ver"e" 26 a$0 27 0i11er a" t' their p rp'rt i$ the tw' Paramrthasra. 6$ 4&S, kA. 26 a$0 27 1'r/ a pair e7p' $0i$g the view #'//'$ t' FhartXprapaQ#a a$0 B0iPe9a '1 the ev'* ti'$ar% re*ati'$"hip (etwee$ paramtman ('r saprapancabrahman) a$0 the /'0e" i$ whi#h the $iver"e appear"= rasaphitaarkarikg'akha vikta!o !athaiveko0 tadvad avasthbhed paramtman! eva bah'r)p00 vi%&nntat!mipravirdeha%tipint0 v!avahrs tas!tman! ete 8vasthvie s!'00. <$ the #'$trar%, BI:" &S 0i"ti$g i"he" 26 1r'/ 27, whi#h #'$tra"t i" "ig$a*e0 a*"' (% the " pp*e/e$tar% 1d!. ;er"e 26 i" i$0ee0 a$ a0aptati'$ '1 4&S 26 ((e"i0e" the a0L $#ti'$ '1 1di, $'te the " ppre""i'$ '1 vikti i$ a> the greater a*terati'$ '1 (). ;er"e 27 the$ (e#'/e" the 0'#tri$a* e7p'"iti'$ '1 0i11ere$t #'$#epti'$" '1 the Se*1, at the #'"t '1 /aki$g a 1ew a*terati'$" i$ the ha*1 ver"e= vi%&nntar!mpravirdeha%tipint0 v!avahramtram etat paramrthena t' na sant! eva00. B##'r0i$g t' CD:" i$terpretati'$, the $a/e" give$ t' the Se*1 'r H*ti/ate 0' $'t 0e$'te the 0i11ere$t "tate" thr' gh whi#h it pa""e", ( t the 0i11ere$t #'$#epti'$" '1 the H*ti/ate that the 0i11ere$t "#h''*" '1 phi*'"'ph% atte/pt t' e"ta(*i"h. .h ", ver"e 27 ai/" t' re1 te " #h 0'#tri$e" i$ 'r0er t' e"ta(*i"h the .rika a" the highe"t a$0 '$*% tr e view. Tr'/ the .rika per"pe#tive, i1 there i" a$ ev'* ti'$, it i" $'t '1 the Se*1, whi#h i" (e%'$0 ev'* ti'$, ( t '1 "pe# *ati'$" a(' t the Se*1. B$0 .rika repre"e$t" the a##'/p*i"h/e$t '1 thi" *'$g "pe# *ative pr'#e"" ("ee $. 689 a$0 946). !1. 4 66 19,28, whi#h e$ /erate" thirt%,1ive #'$#epti'$" '1 the Se*1 'r H*ti/ate, 1a*"e*% repre"e$te0 a" "' /a$% phe$'/e$a. 4 66 30 #'$#* 0e" that the tman, whi#h a"" /e" the 1'r/ '1 the i$$ /era(*e phe$'/e$a it it"e*1 #reate", i" i$ rea*it% a("'* te a$0 1ree 1r'/ a** i0eati'$. S #h phe$'/e$a 0' $'t e7i"t i$0epe$0e$t*% '1 the tman, whi#h i" their " ("trat /, a" "h'w$ (% a0 *'#, wh' K 'te" F4H 66 4, 6 2 S 6; 5, 73= ida sarva !ad a!am tm. B*"', FSFh 6 1. B "eparate /'$'graph wi** (e 0ev'te0 t' a 0etai*e0 i$terpretati'$ '1 thi" kArikA a$0 it" #'//e$tar%. 662 .he K e"ti'$ '1 h'w t' tra$"*ate the ter/ i" take$ p i$ +a% 1971= 305. .he ter/ ('$e '1 wh'"e "%$'$%/" i" citta) i" $0er"t''0 #'$te7t a**% a" 8#'g$iti'$:, 8pe$"ee: (8th' ght:), 'r 8#'$"#ie$#e: (8#'$"#i' "$e"":)> +a% tra$"*ate" cittamtravda, '$e '1 the appe*ati'$" give$ t' the ;iLQA$avA0a, a" 80'#tri$e 0 rie$,K e,pe$"ee:, 80'#tri$e 0e *a pe$"ee "a$" p* ": (G&H 66, ".v. citta). !1. 4 66 25( a$0 FSFh 66 2, 28. 663 an'pdhi. 664 Tr'/ F4H 6 6, 3, the "%$tag/ 8$a/e a$0 1'r/: "ig$i1ie" phe$'/e$a* rea*it% a" vei*i$g the i//'rta* tman, eK ate0 with pra. .here1're, it 0e"ig$ate" the '(Le#tive a"pe#t '1 #'$"#i' "$e"". E)a/eE re1er" t' the E0e"ig$ati$gE " (Le#t, E1'r/E t' the E"ig$i1ie0E '(Le#t> i$ their 'pp'"iti'$, the% re1er t' a w'r*0 #'$#eive0 '1 a" a t'ta*it% ha*1,'(Le#tive a$0 ha*1," (Le#tive. 665 n,la, 8(* e: 2'r %e**'w (p,ta), et#.3, i" the "ta$0ar0 e7a/p*e '1 the e7ter$a* 1'r/ gra"pe0 (% the "e$"e,'rga$", wherea" s'kha, 8p*ea" re:, i" that '1 the i$ter$a*, gra"pe0 (% the antakaraa ("ee CD

!old t!at it is t!e trans&endental $rahman itself, $!i&! t!ey &all t!e IInner Controller 6antarymin7 of allI,=<8 t!at a%%ears as differen&e t!ro( ! t!e for&e of 'e innin less nes&ien&e) WOe, !o$ever, re%ly:Y R In 'ot! t!ese Wdo&trines, t!o( ! t!e &ons&io(s %rin&i%le !as 'een for"(lated as s(%re"eY, $!at !as not 'een re&o niLed is t!e freedo" of t!at &ons&io(s %rin&i%le 63edana7 , $!i&!, endo$ed $it! life,=<6 'e&o"es t!e effi&ient &a(se=<A of t!e &onstr(&tion of t!e (niverse)=<; *o$ever, ot!ers, t!e Pr!Ja'ra!"av4dins WviL), t!e +ra!"av4dins $!o !old t!at $rahman is &os"i& BreathY, "aintain t!at t!e entire (niverse !as &o"e into 'ein in a&&ordan&e $it! t!e a&t of 'reat!in 6pr0ana7 , on&e t!e resolve Wof &reatin t!e
a0 30). .here1're, the "%$tag/ n,las'khdi repre"e$t" the 8k$'wa(*e: (ved!a), 'r 8'(Le#tivit%: i$"'1ar a" it i" a$ '(Le#t '1 #'$"#i' "$e"", whether e7ter$a* 'r i$ter$a*. S #h rea"'$i$g" are #'//'$ t' F 00hi"t i0ea*i"t" a$0 t' the .rika, eve$ th' gh the *atter ("ee Sp? 6 4) rea#he" the 'pp'"ite #'$#* "i'$= the e7i"te$#e '1 a per/a$e$t S (Le#t, a " ("trat / 1'r the i/per/a$e$t, i$#i0e$ta* e7perie$#e" '1 p*ea" re a$0 pai$, et#. <$ the ;iLQA$avA0a, "ee F' % 4= 229,235, 261, 263 (wh' re1er" t' Nevi 1911, Farea 1966, F ga *t 1968, Ca/a0a 1977, -a"g pta 1969, +aha0eva$ 1975)> "ee a*"' +a% 1971= 265,323. 666 CD repr'0 #e" here the ver% ter/" '1 ^&? 6 5, 5, whi#h 1'r/ *ate" the ;iLQA$avA0a 0'#tri$e thr' gh it" re1 tati'$ J t' whi#h .rika a0here" J (% the FAh%ArthA$ /e%avA0i$"= na vsanprabodho 8tra vicitro het'tm i!t0 tas!pi tatprabodhas!a vaicitr!e ki nibandhanam00, 8)'t 2eve$3 a varie0 reawake$i$g '1 the 0i"p'"iti'$" #a$ (e take$ t' (e the #a "e here 2viU., '1 the / *ti1'r/ w'r*0 '1 phe$'/e$a3, 1'r i$ " #h #a"e, what w' *0 (e the #a "e '1 the variet% '1 their reawake$i$g 2i1 $'t the e7i"te$#e '1 /ateria* e$titie" ' t"i0e the p*a$e '1 th' ght3?: (tr. .'re**a, /'0i1ie0)> ^&;15, 5 (v'*. 6= 21211.), re1 te" the ;iLQA$avA0a with tw' arg /e$t"= 1) vsans are a(*e t' #a "e re/e/(ra$#e '$*%= vi%nnavdin !o het'r vaicitr!e vsanprabodhalakaa 'kta sa na 'papad!ate0 8smti%anaka saskro vsan: iti tvat prasiddham, 8Rhat the ;iLQA$avA0i$ h'*0", $a/e*%, that the #a "e '1 phe$'/e$a* 0iver"it% #'$"i"t" i$ the 2re3awake$i$g '1 the vsans (vsanprabodha), #a$$'t (e a##epte0, 1'r it i" we** k$'w$ that Ethe vsan i" the re"i0 a* tra#e (saskra) re"p'$"i(*e 1'r re/e/(ra$#e (smti) 2a$0 $'thi$g e*"e3E 8> 2) *ti/ate*%, the ;iLQA$avA0i$": p'"iti'$ i" ( t 8a ki$0 '1 bh!rthavda $0er the g i"e '1 0i11ere$t w'r0": (tad a!a abdntarapracchanno bh!rthavdaprakra eva)> ^&? 6 5, 6,7 give the .rika p'"iti'$, whi#h agree" with the ;iLQA$avA0a i$ 0e$%i$g the i$0epe$0e$t e7i"te$#e '1 the /ateria* w'r*0, ( t 0i"agree" with it i$a"/ #h a" it rep*a#e" i$ert th' ght (citta) (% 1ree, 0ivi$e a$0 '/$ip'te$t #'$"#i' "$e"", a" the "' r#e '1 the phe$'/e$a* w'r*0= cidtmaiva hi devo 8ntasthitam icchvad bahi0 !og,va nir'pdnam artha%ta praka!et00, 86$0ee0, the N'r0, wh' i" #'$"#i' "$e"", /a$i1e"t" e7ter$a**% the / *tit 0e '1 the '(Le#t" that re"i0e withi$ hi/, with' t havi$g re#' r"e t' /ateria* #a "e", thr' gh hi" "'*e wi**, a" 0'e" a %'gi$: (^&? 6 5, 7)> "ee a*"' FSFh 66 2, 28, p. 395, whi#h repr'0 #e" the 0e(ate (etwee$ a F 00hi"t FAh%ArthavA0i$, wh' h'*0" that the e7ter$a* '(Le#t i" the #a "e '1 per#eptive #'g$iti'$ (pra%&apti), a$0 the ;iLVA$avA0i$, 1'r wh'/ it i" th' ght 'r #'$"#i' "$e"" that tra$"1'r/" it"e*1 i$t' '(Le#t". .' the '(Le#ti'$ '1 the FAh%ArthavA0i$= katha p'nar asati bh!rthe prat!a!avaicitr!am 'papad!ate, 8M'w 0'e" '$e e7p*ai$ the variet% '1 "e$"e e7perie$#e i1 the e7ter$a* '(Le#t 0'e" $'t e7i"t?: the ;iLQA$avA0i$ th " a$"wer"= vsanvaicitr!d iti, 80 e t' the variet% '1 the 2i$herite0, i//e/'ria*3 0i"p'"iti'$":. See a*"' CD:" #'//e$tar% a0 91, whi#h "e" the "a/e ter/"= vsanprabodha. 667 !1. 4&S 26,27, whi#h e7p' $0" a$ ear*% ve0A$ti# 0'#tri$e that agree" e""e$tia**% with the tea#hi$g" '1 the pa$i9a0", '$ the "tate" 'r /'0a*itie" '1 the saprapa&cabrahman i$ the #' r"e '1 it" tra$"1'r/ati'$, $a/e*%, a##'r0i$g t' 40iPe9a= vi%&na, antar!min, pra, virdeha a$0 %tipia. Me$#e, D a0 4&S 26,27 K 'te", i$ 'r0er t' e7p*ai$ vi%&na, F4H 666 9, 28= vi%&nam nanda brahma, 8brahman i" k$'w*e0ge a$0 (*i"":. !1. a*"' 4; 66 17, where the tman i" 0e1i$e0 a" p re #'$"#i' "$e"" a$0 $'thi$g e*"e (vi'ddhavi%&aptimtra)= tadhet'phaldisasradharmnarthavilakaata! svena vti'ddhavi%&aptimtrasattdva!ar)penicitatv% %,vaprd!anantabhvabhedair tm vikalpita it! ea sarvopaniad siddhnta. <$ the #'$trar%, a##'r0i$g t' CD, BI:" i$te$ti'$ i" t' pre"e$t

(niverseY !as 'een for"ed 6g/rya7 Wor, on&e Wt!e $rahman-pr0a Y !as %ro&lai"ed itY)=<B And sin&e, a&&ordin to t!e", $rahman !as no for" ot!er t!an +reat!, $rahman is Oord WitselfY 6(a$da$rahman7 endo$ed $it! self?a$areness 6sa3imar(a7 ) =<= Ot!ers are a reed t!at t!e tr(e for" of $rahman is t!e So"ereign Body 63ir deha7 =<< Wt!at is, t!e &os"i& 'ody 6deha7 , or &reationY t!at !as ass("ed t!e s!a%e of 1ir4# 63air1a7 R in a&&ordan&e $it! s(&! te,ts as: T!e One, of $!o" fire is t!e "o(t!, !eaven t!e !ead, s5y Ws%a&eY t!e navel, eart! t!e feet, t!e s(n t!e eye, dire&tions t!e ears, !o"a e to !i" $!o is in t!e for" of t!e (niverse)=<C
a$0 re1 te the 0'#tri$e" '1 the Se*1 'r H*ti/ate he*0 (% 'ther "%"te/" '1 th' ght, $a/e*%, at thi" p'i$t, the ;iLQA$avA0a, a" 0'e" Sp) 6 5 i$ 0ea*i$g with the A$ta(rah/avA0a. !'//e$ti$g p'$ Sp? 6 5= na csti m)habhvo 8pi tad astiparamrthata, 8.hat e7i"t" i$ a$ *ti/ate "e$"e where there i" $' i$"e$tie$#e:, Sp) e7p*ai$"= m)habhva aivar!tmakavimara)n!aprakamtratattvo brahmar)po 8pi !atra nsti !ac chr't!antavida pratipann vi%&nam brahma iti tas!pi svtantr!tmaka spandaakti vin %aatvt0, 8Gve$ where i$"e$"i(i*it% 0'e" $'t e7i"t, i1 that 2"e$"i(i*it%3 take" the 1'r/ '1 the brahman that i", a*th' gh p re #'$"#i' "$e"" (prakamtra), "ai0 t' (e 0ev'i0 '1 re1*e#ti'$ (vimara), " #h a" have he*0 the parti"a$" '1 ;e0A$ta J wh' "a% >brahman i" #'$"#i' "$e""E (vi%&nam brahma iti) J eve$ t' that brahman i$"e$"i(i*it% 2/a% (e "e#'$0ari*% attri( te03, (e#a "e 2i$ a00iti'$ t' (ei$g 0ev'i0 '1 re1*e#ti'$ whi#h i"3 the "' r#e '1 it" "'vereig$t% (aivar!a), it *a#k" the p'wer '1 vi(rati'$ (spanda) whi#h i" the e""e$#e '1 it" 1ree0'/ (svtantr!a):. 6$ the "a/e wa%, CD (a0 vi%&na a$0 antar!min) treat" a" eK iva*e$t the ;iLQA$avA0a a$0 the A$ta(rah/avA0a, g*'""i$g 'ver their /a$% "i/i*aritie" a$0 0i11ere$#e", i$"'1ar a" he e/pha"iUe" that ('th have erre0 eK a**% i$ $'t re#'g$iUi$g the a("'* te 1ree0'/ '1 the N'r0 a" #a "e '1 #reati'$. .h " perhap" CD e#h'e" the #riti#i"/ '1 the ;iLQA$avA0i$" a" 1'r/ *ate0 (% the +A0h%a/ika". 6$ e11e#t, a##'r0i$g t' the +A0h%a/ika", the ;iLQA$avA0a the'r% '1 #'g$iti'$, i$v'*vi$g the #'$#ept '1 la!avi%&na, 8#'$"#i' "$e"",re#epta#*e:, ha" " rreptiti' "*% rei$tr'0 #e0 the ger/ '1 a " ("ta$tia*it% whi#h the% 2viU., the +A0h%a/ika"3 0e$' $#e0 a" a re" rre#ti'$ '1 the (rah/a$i#a* tman ("ee Farea 1966= 196 a$0 F' % 4= 320) i$t' F 00hi"t "pe# *ati'$" that ha0 (ee$ #hara#teriUe0 (% the 0'#tri$e '1 antman 2&A*i anatta3 (viU., the $'$,e7i"te$#e '1 a$ i/peri"ha(*e tman)> "ee ^&? 6 5, 5, K 'te0 $. 666. 668 F% the ter/ 8Frah/avA0i$: CD /a% re1er here t' akara:" B0vaita 'r t' prePakarite ;e0A$ta, a$0 /'"t pr'(a(*%, t' the ;ai9@ava "trea/ '1 prePakarite ;e0A$ta, a" repre"e$te0 (% FhartXprapaQ#a a$0 40iPe9a J the re1ere$#e /a0e here t' the p'r'as)kta (lS 5 90) R' *0 #'rr'('rate " #h a h%p'the"i"> '$ the i0e$ti1i#ati'$ '1 that Frah/avA0a, "ee $. 41. 669 lS 5 90, 2. Sa/e te7t i$ vH 666 15, K 'te0 i$ Sp) 66 6,7, whi#h revea*" what i" rea**% at "take whe$ #'$1r'$ti$g the pa$i9a0i# 0'#tri$e with the aiva= tm%&tav!a iti tatredam eva sarva%&asarvakartsvatantraivasvar)pata! prat!abhi%&nam tmano %&na na t' p'r'a eveda sarvam iti r't!antavid'ktam, 86$ the "tate/e$t= E.he Se*1 "h' *0 (e k$'w$E, what i" /ea$t i" the re#'g$iti'$ (prat!abhi%&na) '1 the Se*1 a" iva, wh' i" '/$i"#ie$t, '/$ip'te$t a$0 1ree. S #h i" the k$'w*e0ge '1 the Se*1. .hat 2k$'w*e0ge3 i" $'t re1erre0 t' (% the ;e0A$ti$": (r't!antavid) 0i#t /, EB** thi" 2 $iver"e3 i" veri*% & r 9a.E 8 .he$ ?9e/arALa #'$#* 0e" with a K 'tati'$ 1r'/ Sv. 6; 392a= ta tmopsak sarve na gacchanti para padam it! mn!okte, 826t i" $'t "'3 1'r, a" "tate0 (% tra0iti'$ 2viU., Sv. 6; 392a3= EB** th'"e w'r"hiper" '1 the Se*1 0' $'t rea#h the highe"t "tate.E 8 B" e7p*ai$e0 (% Si$gh (Sp?= 125), a##'r0i$g t' the .rika, the rea*iUati'$ '1 2*it., 8/erge$#e i$t':3 the Se*1 (tmav!pti) i" $'t the highe"t i0ea*, rather it i" ivav!pti, the rea*iUati'$ '1 ('th the Se*1 a$0 the $iver"e a" iva. !1. a*"' F4H 6 4, 1= tmaivedam agrs,t p'r'avidha, 86$ the (egi$$i$g, thi" 2w'r*03 wa" the tman a*'$e, i$ the 1'r/ '1 the p'r'a: (#1. Da0hakri"h$a$= 86$ the (egi$$i$g thi" (w'r*0) wa" '$*% the "e*1 i$ the "hape '1 a per"'$:), a$0 the 8aiva 4ga/a: te7t K 'te0 i$ &MvX 8= sthit vedavida p'si, 8.he k$'wer" '1 the ;e0a" re"t 2#'$te$t3 with the & r 9a:.

O!at t!e 1aiJeSi5as and ot!ers=<@ &all HgenusI 61ti7 is Wfor t!e"Y t!e (lti"ately real 6paramrthasat7 =C7 entity, 'ein t!e s('strat(" of all 9(alities 6gu0a7 ) It is &!ara&teriLed Win t!is do&trineY 'y (sin ter"s s(&! as H(niversalI 6smnya7 and H'ein as s(&!I Wor t!e H(niversal per se IY 6mahsatt7 ) =C8 Ot!ers "aintain=C6 t!at particulars 6pi0 a M 3ya,ti7 =CA are (lti"ately real, and t!at no (niversal t!at $o(ld 'e one and Wat t!e sa"e ti"eY t!e s('strat(" of n("ero(s 9(alities=C; ever a%%ears 6pra,(ate7 Wto t!e sensesYM nor "ay it 'e esta'lis!ed 'y ar ("ent t!at s(&! is t!e &ase) T!erefore, ordinary (sa e, $!i&! deals

F4H 6; 4,19. 6t i" evi0e$t*% a K 'tati'$ 1r'/ "'/e '*0er te7t (tad ete lok bhavanti= F4H 6; 4, 8), whi#h i" 1'**'we0 (% thi" #'$#* "i'$= mt!o sa mt!'m pnoti0 !a iha nneva pa!ati, 8Me g'e" 1r'/ 0eath t' 0eath, wh' "ee" i$ it, a" it were, 0iver"it%:. !1. a*"' ?AH 6; 10( a$0 11(> te7t K 'te0, (% /ea$" '1 it" prat,ka, a*'$g with the prat,ka '1 F4H 66 5,19 (S lS ;6 47, 18= indro m!bhi) i$ 4 666 24a (neha nneti cmn!d 2...3), a$0 i$ 4 ;66 31. !1. a*"' !hH ;6 2, 1 K 'te0 $. 893. .he tw' #itati'$" give$ (% CD, repre"e$ti$g Frah/avA0a,;e0A$ta, e"ta(*i"h the the"i" that 0 a*it% i" $rea*= the N'r0 wh'"e /a$i1e"tati'$ i" the 0i11ere$tiate0 $iver"e i" i$war0*% 1ree 1r'/ 0i11ere$tiati'$. Sp& 28,9 2S a0 66 3,4, p. 373 K 'te" the r ti= r'ti ca tmaiveda %agat sarva neha nnsti ki&cana, 8r ti 0e#*are"= EB** thi" $iver"e i" the Se*1 a*'$e, there i" $'t the *ea"t 0iver"it% here.E: 671 D a0 4&S 27 K 'te" F4H 666 7, 3= !a pthiv! ti#han pthiv! antara, !a pthivi na veda, !as!a pthiv, ar,ram, !a pthiv,m antaro !ama!ati, ea ta tmntar!m! amta, 8Me wh' 0we**" i$ the earth, %et i" withi$ the earth, wh'/ the earth 0'e" $'t k$'w, wh'"e ('0% the earth i", wh' #'$tr'*" the earth 1r'/ withi$, he i" %' r "e*1, the i$$er #'$tr'**er, the i//'rta*:. F4H 666 7 (1,23) #'$"i"t", i$ it" e$tiret%, '1 the 0e1i$iti'$, i$ the 1'r/ '1 a *ita$%, '1 the tman a" antar!min, 8the i$$er #'$tr'**er 1r'/ withi$ wh' #'$tr'*" thi" w'r*0 a$0 the $e7t a$0 a** thi$g": (!a ima ca loka para ca loka sarvi ca bh)tn! antaro !ama!ati), wh' i" 8that threa0 (% whi#h thi" w'r*0, the 'ther w'r*0 a$0 a** (ei$g" are he*0 t'gether: (tat s)tra !asminn a!a ca loka para ca loka sarvi ca bh)tni sadbdhm bhavanti) 2F4H 666 7,13. .he *ita$% #'$#* 0e" (v. 23)= nn!o 8to 8sti dra#, nn!o 8to 8stirot, nn!o 8to 8sti mant, nn!o 8to 8sti vi%&t0 ea ta tmntar!m! amta, 8.here i" $' 'ther "eer ( t he, there i" $' 'ther hearer ( t he, there i" $' 'ther per#eiver ( t he, there i" $' 'ther thi$ker ( t he. Me i" %' r "e*1 2tman3, the i$$er #'$tr'**er, the i//'rta*:. !1. a*"' +AH 6, i$ whi#h antar!min 0e1i$e" the pr%&a ('$ thi" $'ti'$, "ee kA. 35 a$0 CD a0 *'#). .h ", the ear*ie"t re1ere$#e" t' the $'ti'$ '1 antar!min are t' (e 1' $0 i$ the 2atapathabrahmaa a$0 the pa$i9a0", e"pe#ia**% i$ the !hH a$0 F4H, 1r'/ whi#h i" K 'te0 8.here i" $'t the *ea"t 0iver"it% here 2i$ brahman3:. 6$ ;ai9@ava ;e0A$ta, the antar!min, whi#h '## r" 1ir"t i$ the e$ /erati'$ '1 the "tate" 'r /'0e" '1 the paramtman, appear" a" a tattva. -i11ere$t i" the *ater ve0A$ti# #'$#epti'$ '1 the antar!min> "ee, 1'r i$"ta$#e, Pa&cad, ;6 236> a*"' FSFh 6 2, 5, 18 (whi#h 0i"# ""e" F4H 666 7), i$ whi#h akara h'*0" that the antar!min i" e11e#tive*% the tman, a$0 i" 0i"ti$g i"he0, at *ea"t pr'vi"i'$a**%, 1r'/ the %,va (thi" (ei$g wh'**% 0eter/i$e0 (% m!), wherea" what '$e ha" #a**e0 the antar!min repre"e$t" the #'re '1 what i" rea* i$ the heart '1 the *ivi$g (ei$g J i/p'""i(*e t' "*' gh '11. Gvi0e$t*%, the antar!min i" 8#'$"i0ere0 1r'/ the v!vahrika p'i$t '1 view:, ( t, at the "a/e ti/e, tra$"#e$0" that p'i$t '1 view J it i" $'t the %,va, a$0 t' it i" $'t attri( te0 a$% 8#reative: r'*e. Si/i*ar*%, DA/A$ La i0e$ti1ie" the antar!min with )ArA%a@a, arg i$g agai$"t a p)rvapaka whi#h w' *0 have it the "a/e a" the %,va. 672 %,vitabh)ta J " #h ter/i$'*'g% i/p*i#it*% #'$te"t" the ve0A$ti#:" view that brahman i" nta. 673 het' J e11i#ie$t 'r 8i/pe**i$g: #a "e (a##'r0i$g t' the gra//ati#a* a##eptati'$ '1 the ter/ J "pe#i1i#a**%, the #a "ative 8age$t: a" #'$tra"te0 with the e/(e00e0 8age$t:= &. 14, 55). !1. ?a**aa:" Tattvavicra K 'te0 i$ Sp& 1, p. 9= aktiprasarasakocanibaddhv 'da!av!a!a'0 !as!tm sa ivo %&e!a sarvabhvapravartaka00, 82B** thi$g"3 ari"e a$0 1a** awa% i$ #'$"'$a$#e with the e7te$"i'$ a$0 with0rawa* '1 2iva:"3 p'wer. ?$'w that their e""e$tia* $at re i" iva, Rh' i/pe*" a** thi$g": (tr. -%#Uk'w"ki Sp?= 145).


e,&l(sively $it! %arti&(lars 63ya,ti7 , is s(ffi&ient Wand $e need not resort to fi&tions s(&! as t!e H(niversalIY)=CB[ O!at t!en is t!e (se of %ositin a (niversalZ T!ey dis%(te Wt!e need to %ositY s(&! a (niversal 'y advan&in s%e&(lations =C= of vario(s sorts) T!ey say, a"on ot!er t!in s, t!at H%arti&(lars do not de%end Won t!at (niversal for t!eir e,isten&eY, and t!at not!in else a%%ears Win o(r ordinary e,%erien&eY t!at is de%endent on itI) T!(s, t!ey are a reed t!at H en(s 61ti7 is not (lti"ately realI) T!e &ate ories W!ere set fort!Y R viL), IWfromY consciousness to particularsH R are s(&! as !ave 'een des&ri'ed) WIn &on&l(sionY $e !old t!at Iall these are for purposes of disputation onlyH) Sin&e, in t!is do&trine of WPivaIs a'sol(teY freedo"
B##'r0i$g t' the .rika, the i$a0eK a#% '1 the A$ta(rah/avA0a #'$"i"t" i$ it" #'$"i0eri$g brahman a" p re praka, i$here$t*% * /i$' " #'$"#i' "$e"", 0ev'i0 '1 "e*1,aware$e"" (vimara), 'r 0%$a/i# 1ree0'/ (svtantr!a)> "ee Sp) a0 6 5. Sa/e arg /e$t i$ CD a0 15. See a*"' Sp) 6 4, K 'te0 i$ Bppe$0i7 16, p. 340. 6t i" .4; 6 33 whi#h, i$ 'r0er t' e"ta(*i"h the svtantr!avda, 0eve*'p" hi" #riti#i"/" '1 the ;iLQA$avA0a. 675 .he e$tire pa""age i" K ite p UU*i$g. B $ /(er '1 te7t" re1er t' th'"e $a/e0 &rA@avi0", 'r &rA@At/avA0i$". T'r i$"ta$#e, a##'r0i$g t' S; 6 1 (K 'te0 $. 661), the% are ;ai0ika". !1. 4 66 20, 0ea*i$g with the 0i11ere$t #'$#epti'$" '1 the tman= 8!'//e eta$t *:G$ergie p$e /atiK e 2*e3 #'$#'ive$t #e 7 K i #'$$ai""e$t *:e$ergie p$e /atiK e: (tr. F' % J 86t i" #'$#eive0 a" p$e /ati# e$erg% (pra) (% th'"e wh' k$'w p$e /ati# e$erg%:). B##'r0i$g t' B$ (h\ti"var\pa, 4$a$0agiri a$0 Sva%aprakAPA$a$0a a0 *'#, the &rA@avi0" are the Maira@%agar(ha", w'r"hiper" '1 the Mira@%agar(ha e *'giUe0 i$ lS 5 121, wh' take the pra t' (e the 8#reat'r '1 the w'r*0: (%agatkart), 'r, i1 pra i" take$ t' (e ^Pvara, the N'r0, th'"e wh', *ike the ;aiPe9ika", #'$"i0er the N'r0 a" the e11i#ie$t #a "e ("ee F' % 4= 127). )everthe*e"", " #h a$ i0e$ti1i#ati'$ #reate" a pr'(*e/= #a$ the"e Maira@%agar(ha", wh'ever the% /a% (e, (e $0er"t''0 a" the savimaraabdabrahmavdins '1 CD:" #'//e$tar%? .here re/ai$" the p'""i(i*it% that the"e Frah/avA0i$" are t' (e i0e$ti1ie0 with FhartXhari a$0 hi" 1'**'wer" J the ke% t' the p UU*e (ei$g the re1ere$#e here t' the w'r0 g)r(!a), a*th' gh the w'r0 i" it"e*1 a" p UU*i$g a" the e$tire pa""age. M'wever that /a% (e, the 0i11ere$t "age" '1 the ter/ agree with the "e$"e, we** atte"te0 i$ the '*0er *a$g age, '1 the r''t g'r0g)r (re*ate0 t' the r''t g, 'r g (% the /aL'rit% '1 phi*'*'gi"t")= at i"" e i" the arti# *ati'$ '1 a 1'r/ *a with rit a* 1 $#ti'$ i$ the #' r"e '1 a rite '1 "'/e "'rt. Nater *e7i#'grapher" a00 the $ a$#e '1 8pr'p'"iti'$:, i$a"/ #h a" the /aL'rit% '1 " #h 1'r/ *ae a/' $t t' i$vitati'$" 'r t' reK e"t" 1'r a#ti'$". 6t "h' *0 $'t the$ (e " rpri"i$g that the ter/ 1ig re" here i$ the 0i""e#ti'$ '1 the"e" attri( te0 t' the &rA@a(rah/avA0i$", wh' w' *0 0erive the #'"/'" 1r'/ a "i/i*ar 8pr'p'"iti'$: arti# *ate0 K a"i,ver(a**% (% E(a(0a)(rah/a$E. 6t i" perhap" 0 e t' that a/(ig it% that ' r te7t 0'e" $'t "pe#i1% the age$t '1 the a#t '1 e*'# ti'$, ( t the 0'#tri$a* #'$te7t a**'w" '$e t' " pp'"e that it i" either brahman 'r the 1'r#e '1 E(reathE that brahman repre"e$t". .h ", it "ee/" that CD e7p' $0" here the view ("hare0 (% FhartXhari a$0 'ther") that w'r0" pre#e0e the thi$g" the% $a/e i$ the 'r0er '1 #reati'$. S #h "pe# *ati'$" e#h' the Pakarite e7ege"i" '1 !hH 6 11, 4,5, wh'"e #'$#* "i'$ i" that 8pra i" brahman" (FSFh 6 1,9, 23). .h' gh FhartXhari:" phi*'"'ph% 0'e" $'t give a" / #h e/pha"i" t' the $'ti'$ a" it re#eive" here, the view e"p' "e0 i" i$ #'$1'r/it% with hi" the'r% '1 1' r "tage" '1 e$ $#iati'$ Jpa!ant,, et#. ("ee, $everthe*e"", ;& 6 117= tas!a pre ca! aktir! ca b'dha' v!avasthit). B##'r0i$g t' FhartXhari, wh'/ CD i" pr'(a(*% 1'**'wi$g here, pra p*a%" a pr'/i$e$t r'*e at the 1' rth a$0 thir0 *eve*" '1 *i$g i"ti# a#tivit%= vaikhar, J where take" p*a#e arti# *ati'$ i$t' ph'$e/e", a" pra, i$ it" gr'"" 'r ph%"i#a* 1'r/, "trike" agai$"t the vari' " 'rga$" '1 arti# *ati'$ (#1. ;& 6 122) J a$0 madh!am J i$ whi#h i$te$ti'$" are 1'r/ *ate0 /e$ta**%. !'$"eK e$t*%, pra repre"e$t" a" / #h the 0i11ere$tiate0 w'r*0 a" the #'"/i# pri$#ip*e 1r'/ whi#h it pr'#ee0" ('$ thi" K e"ti'$, "ee 6%er 1992= 12311., 143,146, 10611.). 6t "ee/", there1're, that the view" attri( te0 (% CD t' the &rA@a(rah/avA0i$" agree with FhartXhari:" the'r% a##'r0i$g t' whi#h thi$g" are pr'0 #e0 (% w'r0= chandobh!a eva prathamam etad viva v!avartata (;& 6 120)> "ee a*"' D egg 1959= 61 ($. 2#), 76,79. +'re'ver, " #h "pe# *ati'$" /a% a*"' i/p*% a tra0iti'$ '1 e7ege"i" i$ whi#h ve0i# "pee#h, repre"e$te0 (% the "%**a(*e o, i" #'$"i0ere0 t' (e at the #'re '1 the #'"/i# pr'#e"" J a tra0iti'$


6s3tantrya3da7 , t!e self?"anifestin 6pra,(amna7 reality &annot 'e =C< &on&ealed, t!ose different &ate ories do a%%ear WalsoY as relative tr(t!s 6sa 3.tisatya7 , '(t, in ultimate terms6 none of them exist Was characteriBations of the GltimateY6 t!at is, t!ey do not e,ist in essen&e Wi)e), in tr(t!YM =CC t!ey do e,ist as &ate ories %ost(lated in ot!er syste"s of t!o( !t) T!erefore, it is t!e one Great Lord R na"ely, WoneIs o$nY &ons&io(sness, t!e s(%re"ely real, t!e (lti"ate Li !t, t!e (tterly free R $!o a%%ears 6ca,ste7 vario(sly Wi)e), $!o a%%ears as "anifoldY, for t!ere is not!in ot!er t!an !e t!at is different fro" !i", and !en&e la&5in in ill("ination, t!at &an "anifest itself)=C@ And it !as 'een stated:
g'i$g (a#k perhap" t' lS 5 121 (+a7 + **er:" h%/$ t' 8-e' ig$'t':), i$ whi#h Mira@%agar(ha, i0e$ti1ie0 with Freath (as'), i" "ai0 t' (e the e11e#tive "' r#e '1 #reati'$, there1're a""'#iate0 (th' gh *ater) with &raLApati. 6$ the "a/e wa%, Freath i" e7t'**e0 a" the #'"/i# pri$#ip*e i$ +tharvaveda 56 4, wh'"e *a"t "ta$Ua (p'""i(*% a *ater a00iti'$) #'/pare" it t' Mira@%agar(ha. .h ", the &rA@a(rah/avA0i$", i$ CD:" #'//e$tar%, are *e"" *ike*% t' (e Maira@%agar(ha" (#'//'$*% re1erre0 t' a" &rA@avi0", 'r &rA@At/avA0i$") tha$ 1'**'wer" '1 FhartXhari, 0e"#ri(e0 i$ ' r te7t a" i0e$ti1%i$g pra a" the "' r#e '1 the e$tire #'"/'". 676 <$ the $'ti'$ '1 abdabrahman, "ee a*"' /mbapa&cik 21 (a*'$g with ?9e/arALa a0 *'#, i$ &a0' 7 /mbapa&cik= 569)= !at tad ved!a kim api parama abdatattva tvam 2...3 tat sad v!akti %igimi' 2...3 av!aktena praavavap' 2...3 sacchabdabrahmaoccarati karaav!an%ita vcaka te00, 8V a$t a .a $at re i$e11a(*e, K :i* 1a t #'$$aYtre, #:e"t K e . e" *a rea*ite i$terie re " pre/e 0e *a &ar'*e (parama abdatattvam) 2...3 v' *a$t 0eve$ir /a$i1e"te a partir 0e *:e""e$#e i//a$i1e"te 0 praava. 2...3 Ne" 'rga$e" 0e *a par'*e eta$t 2i$terie re/e$t3 /a$i1e"te", *e verita(*e Frah/a$,"'$ (abdabrahman), K i e"t #e K i t:e7pri/e, ":e$'$#e: 2J B" 1'r C' r i$e11a(*e $at re, whi#h i" t' (e k$'w$, it i" that C' are the *ti/ate rea*it% '1 Spee#h 2...3, 0e"ir' " '1 (e#'/i$g /a$i1e"t 2...3 1r'/ the $/a$i1e"t e""e$#e '1 the praava. 2...3 <$#e the 'rga$" '1 Spee#h are 2i$ter$a**%3 /a$i1e"te0, the tr e abdabrahman, whi#h i" what e7pre""e" C' , e$ $#iate" it"e*13. 677 .he S'vereig$ F'0% (virdeha) i" the #'"/i# ('0%, "ee$ a" the #reati'$ (deha) '1 ;irAL, the #'"/i# 8S'vereig$:. .he vir% i", a##'r0i$g t' the tra0iti'$a* et%/'*'g%, the 8a** re"p*e$0e$t:, 'r the 8S'vereig$ (per se):= vieena r%ate iti vir%. <$ vir%, #'$"i0ere0 ('th a" a /eter '1 te$ "%**a(*e" a$0 a" a 0e/i rge, "ee !hH 6; 3, 7,8. Se$art '("erve" (!hH= 49) that 8;irAL:, the #'"/i# 8S'vereig$: "ee/" t' #'rre"p'$0 t' the t'ta*it% '1 the "e$"i(*e w'r*0 ($. 2), wherea" the /eter 8virAL: i" t' (e #'$"i0ere0 a" the e7pre""i'$ '1 thi" w'r*0 ($. 4). T'r a 0ia#hr'$i# a##' $t '1 the $'ti'$, "ee De$' 1952= 141,154. 678 8ahbhrata 2+Fh3 566 47, 44, K 'te0 (% a0 FS 6 2, 25. &ara**e* "tate/e$t" are 1' $0 i$ lS 5 90, 13,14 (h%/$ t' & r 9a), lS 5 81, 3 2S 6#hakasahit 5;666 2, a" K 'te0 i$ CD a0 353), ?AH ; 9,12, + H 66 1, 4> !hH ; 18, 2 give" a para**e* 0e"#ripti'$, app*ie0 t' the tman vaivnara, the eK iva*e$t, at the e/piri#a* *eve*, '1 the 0ivi$e a$0 #'"/i# ;irAL. <$ the vaivnara1tman a" a ve0A$ti# $'ti'$, "ee &S 35 a$0 CD a0 *'#, ('th te7t" e7p' $0i$g the +AH 0'#tri$e (0eve*'pe0 (% the 4 a$0 akara:" 4;) a##'r0i$g t' whi#h the 1' r "tate" '1 #'$"#i' "$e"" #'i$#i0e with the 1' r e*e/e$t" 'r i$"ta$t" '1 the "%**a(*e o. B##'r0i$g t' 4S; 3 J whi#h e"ta(*i"he" the #'rre"p'$0e$#e (etwee$ the 0ivi$e ;irAL a$0 the *'we"t *eve* '1 the tman, the vaivnara J t' take brahman t' (e ;irAL "ig$i1ie", eve$ i$ a ve0A$ti# #'$te7t, that '$e:" #' r"e ha" (ee$ i$terr pte0 '$ the wa% t' *i(erati'$. 679 .he 'pp'"iti'$ v!akti0kti, 8parti# *ar 2thi$g3[#'//'$ 21'r/3: ha" (ee$ " (Le#te0 t' / #h "#r ti$% (% ;aiPe9ika", )ai%A%ika", +Y/A"aka" a$0 ;ai%Akara@a", a" have (ee$ the re*ate0 $'ti'$" '1 %ti, smn!a, pia a$0 drav!a. T'r the +Y/A"A, #1. 2barabh!a 13, 30= k p'nar kti k v!aktir iti0 drav!ag'akarma smn!amtram kti0 asdhraavie v!akti, 8V :e"t,#e K e *:akti? V :e"t,#e K e *a v!akti? N:akti, #e $:e"t rie$ 0:a tre K e *e trait #'// $ J smn!a J a 7 " ("ta$#e", a 7 K a*ite" et a 7 a#ti'$". V a$t a *a v!akti, #:e"t *a parti# *arit% i$0ivi0 e**e J asdhraaviea: (tr. Fiar0ea 1964= 167) 2J 8Rhat i" ktiO Rhat i" v!aktiO .he kti i" $'thi$g e*"e tha$ the 1eat re #'//'$ (smn!a) t' " ("ta$#e", K a*itie" a$0 a#ti'$". .he v!akti i" the $#'//'$ parti# *ar J asdhraaviea:3> #1. a*"' 8ahbh!a 6 2 6, 'pp'"i$g

After s%e&(latin ,=@7 t!ose $!o are fond of '(ildin syste"s of t!o( !t o(t of t!eir o$n $isdo" o on sayin t!at t!e essen&e 6tatt3a7 is s(&! and s(&!) T!at essen&e is not!in different fro" yo(, O LordM it is '(t a dis%(te of s&!olars a'o(t t!e na"es Wto 'e iven to yo(Y)=@8 #!rik! *< No$ t!e "aster offers an ill(stration of error in ter"s of its &a%a&ity to %resent (nreal o'#e&ts:

v!aktivdin a$0 ktivdin. Fiar0ea '("erve" 21964= 29211.3 that FhartXhari, i$ 0ea*i$g with the "a/e $'ti'$", tra$"1'r/" the view" '1 &ataQLa*i a$0 '1 the +Y/A"A. <$ the"e K e"ti'$", "ee Fiar0ea 1964= 68,100> 155,203> 229,247> 29211. 680 paramrthasat i" a ter/ $'t we** " ite0 t' a ;aiPe9ika #'$te7t, i/p*%i$g a" it 0'e", 0egree" '1 Erea*it%E. 8H*ti/ate*% rea*: /a% "erve a" a tra$"*ati'$ i1 '$e $0er"ta$0" 8what i" rea* i$ a$0 '1 it"e*1, with' t K a*i1i#ati'$:. .he pr'(*e/ '1 tra$"*ati'$ i" e""e$tia**% $re"'*va(*e (e#a "e '$e #a$$'t "et a"i0e the 1a#t that here a parti"a$ '1 /'$i"/ i" "peaki$g '1 "%"te/" that are i$ $' wi"e /'$i"t. 681 CD:" a##' $t part*% agree" with ;aiPe9ika 0'#tri$e a##'r0i$g t' whi#h 8(ei$g: (satt), a" the *ti/ate 1'r/ '1 #'//'$$e"" (parasmn!a), repre"e$t" the #ateg'r% '1 #'//'$$e"" (smn!a) a" " #h (#1. Tra wa**$er 1973, v'*. 66= 104 a$0 175,177). See Bppe$0i7 15, p. 339. 682 .he pa""age "ee/", i$ K arre*" with the 'ther "#h''*" '$ the 8/ea$i$g '1 the "e$te$#e: (bdabodha), t' e#h' the p'"iti'$ '1 the *ater )%A%a,;aiPe9ika, whi#h ha" i$"i"te0 that the w'r0 re1er" *itera**% '$*% t' the v!akti, a$0 "e#'$0ari*% t' the %ti. 6$ thi" "e$"e, a aiva " #h a" CD /a% have $0er"t''0 that the ;%aktivA0i$" #'$"i0ere0 the v!akti a$ *ti/ate pri$#ip*e. See B!!abh!a 2)Fh3 66 2, 58,69, i$ whi#h the ;%aktivA0i$ i" perhap" a 1'**'wer '1 ;%A i, a$ ear*% gra//aria$, /a$% '1 wh'"e $'ti'$" have (ee$ re1 te0 (% *ater &A@i$Y%a"> ;%Ai tea#he" that the w'r0 re1er" t' drav!a, the 8parti# *ar:, $0er"t''0 a" a #'$#rete thi$g ("ee Tra wa**$er 1973, v'*. 66= 101,102)> '$ ;%Ai, "ee D egg 1959= 32,34> De$' 1940= i$tr., p. 19. B" we**, the p'i$t '1 view e7pre""e0 here i" #'$"'$a$t with that '1 the !ArvAka", a##'r0i$g t' the 1ew a the$ti# re#'r0" '1 that "#h''* J a "i$g*e a the$ti# te7t '1 that E"#h''*E i" th' ght t' " rvive, the Tattvopaplavasiha> 'ther re1ere$#e" are 1' $0 i$ a*wa%" h'"ti*e #'/pe$0ia, " #h a" the /arvadaranasagraha J where a$ atte/pt i" /a0e t' 0e/'$"trate (ir'$i#a**%?) that 8per#epti'$: (prat!aka) a*'$e, whi#h i" a*wa%" re"tri#te0 t' parti# *ar", g ara$tee" a$% "e/(*a$#e '1 va*i0it%, a$0 that $' 8i$1ere$#e: #a$ (e 0ee/e0 #ertai$, i$a"/ #h a" the $iver"a* (v!pti) '$ whi#h it 0epe$0" #a$ $ever e7te$0, give$ ' r *i/ite0 p rview, t' a** p'""i(*e i$"ta$#e". +a% a*"' (e i$te$0e0 here ("' D egg, &rivate #'// $i#ati'$) the F 00hi"t &ra/A@avA0a (-ig$Aga, -har/akYrti, et#.), where the $iver"a* (smn!a, %ti), a" 'pp'"e0 t' svalakaa (the ter/ v!akti $'t (ei$g e/p*'%e0 i$ thi" "#h''*) i" $'t rea*. Tav'ri$g thi" i$terpretati'$ i" CD:" "age '1 *a$g age aki$ t' that '1 the F 00hi"t", " #h a" paramrtha(sat!a)0savtisat!a, v!avahramtra, smn!a0v!akti. 683 v!akti i" a +Y/A"aka $'ti'$, whi#h i" take$ p agai$, with "'/e a*terati'$", (% the )ai%A%ika" (#1. Fiar0ea 1964= 234,235). .he $'ti'$ i" 0i"# ""e0 i$ 2barabh!a 6 3, 10, 30,35 (#1. Fiar0ea 1964= 16811.) T'r the 0i"# ""i'$ '1 pia J *it., 8* /p:, 8#'/pa#t /a"":, 'r 8#'rp'rea* 1ra/e:, there1're 8i$0ivi0 #'$#ret: (8#'$#rete i$0ivi0 a*:), a" tra$"*ate0 (% Fiar0ea (1964= 33) J "%$'$%/ '1 v!akti, "ee 2barabh!a 6 6, 6, 19. 684 !1. )Fh 66 2, 5911.= vara 'kl ga' kapil ga'r iti drav!as!a g'a!ogo na %ter iti, (2.he e7p*a$ati'$ app*ie" t'3 #'*'r= 2Rhe$ '$e "a%"=3 Ea white #'wE, Ea taw$% #'wE, K a*itie" (g'a) are $ite0 t' the i$0ivi0 a* " ("ta$#e (drav!a), $'t t' the ge$ " (%ti):. 685 Nit., 8.here1're, 'r0i$ar% "age (v!avahra) " 11i#e" i$a"/ #h a" it re*ate" t' parti# *ar":. See )Fh 66 2, 5911., 1r'/ whi#h we e7tra#t the e7a/p*e= vaid!!a g dadt,ti drav!as!a t!go na %ter am)rtatvt pratikramn'kramn'papatte ca, 8Rhe$ '$e "a%"= Ehe give" a #'w t' the ph%"i#ia$E, there i" a gi1t '1 a$ i$0ivi0 a* " ("ta$#e (drav!a), $'t '1 a ge$ " (%ti), 1'r the *atter i" 0ev'i0 '1 /ateria* 1'r/ (am)rtatva), a$0 i" i$#apa(*e '1 e7#ha$ge, whether re#eivi$g 'r givi$g:.

*<) There is no serpent at the place occupied by a rope6 and yet that serpent causes dread that may end in death) Truly, the power of error is great and cannot be pinned down)9?* The great power of error cannot 'y anyone be pinned down: in ot!er $ords, Wits tr(e nat(re liesY 'eyond anyoneIs &a%a&ity of investi ation R so reat is its a'ility to "a5e t!e real a%%ear 6prati$hsana7 ot!er t!an it is,=@A $!i&! Win t!e %resent &aseY "eans failin to re&o niLe oneIs o$n %lenit(de) For instan&e, alt!o( ! it is a ro%e t!at in reality is seen, yet, d(e to t!e &onf(sion 6$hrama7 &a(sed 'y its lon and &oiled for", t!e $itnesses 6adhya3ast.7 &on&l(de: Ht!is is a sna5eI R for t!ey a%%re!end 6adhya3asya7 in t!e WrealY o'#e&t, t!e ro%e, a sna5e R itself an (nreal o'#e&t t!at "erely a%%ears 6prati$hs7 to t!e") And it is %re&isely 'e&a(se Wt!e sna5eY a%%ears Wto t!e"Y as a real o'#e&t t!at Wt!eir "ista5eY &a(ses a fear t!at deat! $ill ter"inate Wt!e en&o(nterY)

.h ", CD:" phra"e J 8<r0i$ar% "age (v!avahra) 2whi#h 0ea*" e7#* "ive*%3 with parti# *ar" (v!akti), i" " 11i#ie$t: J #a$ (e "ee$ a" a re" /e '1 )Fh 66 2, 5911., whi#h e$ /erate" the 1'**'wi$g w'r*0*% p r" it" a$0 "age" a$0 /ake" the "a/e p'i$t 1'r ea#h '1 the/= gr' p (sam)ha), gi1t (t!ga), p'""e""i'$ (parigraha), $ /(er (sakh!), i$#rea"e (vddhi), 0i/i$ ti'$ (apaca!a), #'*'r (vara), #'/p' $0 (samsa), *i$eage (an'bandha)> #1. Fiar0ea :" tra$"*ati'$ '1 the pa""age (1964= 230,232). 686 vttivikalpa. 687 Nit., 80e$ie0:. 688 satattvata! J #1. .4 6 33(= ittha samsav!sbh! %&na m'&cati tvata, 8Rhether take$ #'**e#tive*% 'r "eparate*%, the"e 1'r/" '1 k$'w*e0ge *i(erate '$*% 1r'/ the #'rre"p'$0i$g 2a"pe#t '1 the sasra3:. 689 Sa/e phra"e'*'g% i$ CD a0 1. .he p'*e/i# a t',#'//e$tar% '1 &M 8 give" a #'/p*ete pa$'ra/a, arra$ge0 i$ a hierar#h%, '1 the 0i11ere$t #'$#epti'$" '1 the Se*1, i$ 'r0er t' 0e/'$"trate $'t '$*% that the .rika i" a "%$the"i" '1 a** the 6$0ia$ "#h''*" '1 th' ght, ( t a*"' that it " rpa""e" the/. .he"e "%"te/" are #*a""i1ie0 i$t' te$ t%pe" a##'r0i$g t' the *eve* '1 rea*it% the% have (ee$ a(*e t' rea#h, a *eve* agai$ r' gh*% re*ate0 t' the aiva "#a*e '1 the tattvas. .he"e *eve*" (sthiti), whi#h 'ther "%"te/" have 1ai*e0 t' g' (e%'$0, are t' (e $0er"t''0 a" 0i11ere$t /'0e" '1 i0e$ti1i#ati'$ with the i$$er, *ti/ate rea*it%. +'re'ver, i$ a##'r0a$#e with the re# rre$t /etaph'r '1 the N'r0,a#t'r, the% are take$ t' (e the 0i11ere$t r'*e" thr' gh whi#h the 0ivi$e B#t'r /a$i1e"t" hi" e""e$#e. B" the "eve$ #ateg'rie" '1 " (Le#t" are "ee$ a" r'*e" (bh)mika) a"" /e0 (% the N'r0 i$ Sp) 6 1 ("ee Bppe$0i7 10, p. 330), "' it i" with the 1'r/" '1 the Se*1 pre" /e0 (% the 0i11ere$t "#h''*" '1 th' ght, a" "tate0 (% &MvX 8= evam ekas!aiva cidtmano bhagavata svtantr!vabhsit sarv im bh)mik svtantr!apracchdanonm,lanatratam!abhedit0 ata eka eva etvad v!ptika tm, 8.h ", the 0ivi$e '$e, wh'"e e""e$#e i" #'$"#i' "$e"", i$ hi" a("'* te 1ree0'/ 0i"p*a%" a** the"e r'*e". B$0 it i" thi" 1ree0'/ that, (% 'pti$g 1'r re*ative 0egree" '1 #'$#ea*/e$t 'r $vei*i$g, /ake" the"e r'*e" 0i11er 1r'/ '$e a$'ther 2#h''"i$g i$ var%i$g 0egree" t' $vei* 'r #'$#ea* it"e*13. .here1're, there i" '$*% '$e Se*1 perva0i$g a** the"e r'*e":. .here1're, '$e ha" t' g' (e%'$0 appeara$#e", 'r r'*e", t' rea#h the *ti/ate rea*it%, the 0ivi$e B#t'r. S #h i" the e*eve$th a$0 highe"t sthiti, that '1 the .rika phi*'"'pher" wh' /ai$tai$ that the Se*1 i" ('th i//a$e$t i$ the $iver"e a$0 tra$"#e$0e$t ("ee $. 59). !1. ^&vX 6 6, 4,5, 1'r whi#h the err'$e' " i0e$ti1i#ati'$ '1 the Se*1 with vari' " e$titie" " #h a" the ('0%, et#., #'$"tit te" a vikalpa, a /e$ta* #'$"tr #t. 690 'tprek!a. 691 -hagavadbhaktistotra 21. <$ Bva0h\ta"i00ha:" -hagavadbhaktistotra, "ee CD a0 9 a$0 $. 426. 692 Sa/e the/e a" 4&S 28. .he "eK e$#e '1 i0ea" i" thi"= "i$#e the a1're"ai0 0'#tri$e" are err'$e' " t' "'/e 0egree, (ei$g '$*% re*ative*% tr e, it i" $'w appr'priate t' e7p*ai$ h'w err'r i" p'""i(*e. 693 atdr)p!a.

T!is Wsort of t!in Y is even $ell attested in e,%erien&e: $!o !as not (nder one Wa se"'lan&e ofY !eart?fail(re, t!in5in t!at a %ost is a livin 'ein , =@; or !avin 'e&o"e &onf(sed, after &on#(rin (%=@B on !is o$n so"e Ws(%%osedlyY terrifyin for"Z=@= T!(s it is del(sion 63i$hrama7 itself Wdefined, in t!is syste", as t!e i noran&e of oneIs o$n %lenit(deY t!at is t!e &a(se of t!e dis%lay of finit(de)=@< #!rik! *? No$, t!e "aster s!o$s t!e relevan&e Wof t!is e,a"%leY to t!e "atter (nder dis&(ssion:=@C *?) 4ikewise6 merit and demerit6 hea"en and hell6 birth and death6 pleasure and pain6 as well as social class and the stage of life6 etc)6 although Win realityY not existing in the Self6 come into being through the force of delusion) N(st as a ro%e, really e,istin , '(t erroneo(sly a%%re!ended 63im.)@a7 as a sna5e, 'rin s a'o(t t!e sa"e Wdreadf(lY effe&t as t!at &reated 'y a WrealY sna5e, =@@ so li5e$ise, do merit6 et&), although unreal6 t!at is, not e,istin really, take place6 t!at is, &o"e into e,isten&e, in t!e "inds of t!ose $!o ta5e t!e 'ody to 'e t!e Self 6dehtmamnin7 , 'e&a(se of t!e &onf(sion: Ht!is WviL), t!e 'odyY alone is realI, $!i&! &onf(sion &o"es into 'ein through t!e for&e of delusion6 t!at is, t!e ill(sory 63ymoha7 infl(en&e of my ) +y merit is intended HWa sa&rifi&e s(&! as t!eY a(3amedha IM 'y demerit is intended t!e Hslayin of 'ra!"insI, et&)M
Re take 8iti: a" re1erri$g t' 8bh)tam: a*'$e, $'t t' 8sth' bh)tam: a" i$ the ?S.S e0. +'re'ver, a** the +SS "h'w a pa "e a1ter etat J "'/e have a "i$g*e daa, "'/e a 0' (*e, 'ther" a $'ti#ea(*e "pa#e> i$ a** #a"e", the 1i$a* 1t '1 etat i" "ig$a*e0 with a virma, i$0i#ati$g a #'/p*ete phra"e. )'te a*"' that '$e +S give" iva i$ the p*a#e '1 iti. 695 sam'llikh!a J a "e$"e " gge"te0 (% #ertai$ 1ig rative "age" '1 the r''t 'l1likh, a/'$g the/ the *ate 1ig re '1 "pee#h 'llekha, "ig$i1%i$g a rapi0 "erie" '1 i/age" ev'ki$g a "i$g*e " (Le#t ('pame!a)> "ee Ier'w 1971, ".v. 696 Mere, sth' a$0 the kra are e$vi"age0 a" a*ter$ative" (i$0i#ate0 (% the v). .he p'"t "ee$ i$ the 0i"ta$#e at 0 "k "erve", parti# *ar*% i$ ve0A$ti# *iterat re, a" a 1a/i*iar i** "trati'$ '1 8(hrA$ti: J 1'r e7a/p*e, 5padeashasr,= avid! nma an!asminn an!adharmdh!ropa, !ath prasiddha ra%ata prasiddh! 'ktik!m, !ath prasiddha p'r'a sthv adh!ropa!ati, prasiddha v sth' p'r'e... (51,55, et#.)> a*"' FSFh 6 1, 4= !ath mandndhakre sthn'r a!am it! agh!amaviee p'r'aabdaprat!a!a' sthn'via!a', 8B" i$ *ight 0ark$e"", the w'r0 a$0 the i0ea '1 /a$ i" app*ie0 t' a p'"t whe$ it i" $'t 0i"ti$#t*% #'g$iUe0 a" E.hi" i" a p'"t.E: B" we**, FdD #ite a pa""age 0raw$ 1r'/ akara:" #'//e$tar% '$ F4H= kisvin naro v sth'r v= 8+ight thi" (e a /a$ 'r a p'"t?: G*"ewhere, the i/p*i#ati'$ i" "i/p*% that, i$ it" i$0i"ti$#ti'$, the 0i/*% "ee$ p'"t '##a"i'$" 0' (t a$0 there1're 1ear> "ee a*"' .4 6 250a= sth'r v p'r'o veti na m'kh!o 8st! ea saa!a0. 697 ap)ratva J *it., 8i$#'/p*ete$e"":, 8a("e$#e 'r *'"" '1 p*e$it 0e:. 6$ B0vaita ;e0A$ta, err'r i" $0er"t''0 a" a tw'1'*0 pr'#e"" wh'"e 1ir"t "tage i" the vei*i$g (varaa) '1 the rea* $at re '1 the r'pe, a$0 the "e#'$0, the pr'Le#ti'$ (vikepa), 'r " peri/p'"iti'$ (adh!sa), '1 a "$ake '$ the r'pe it"e*1. .h ", the 0e* "ive p'wer '1 m!, $0er"t''0 a" a$ e7ter$a* 1'r#e, i" (ehi$0 err'r. .he epi"te/'*'gi#a* viewp'i$t '1 .rika i" 0i11ere$t= i1 err'r i" the pr'0 #t '1 m! (whi#h i" $'t e7ter$a*, i$a"/ #h a" it i" a akti), a$0 i/p*ie" a " peri/p'"iti'$ '1 a$ $rea* '(Le#t '$ the rea* '$e ("ee CD a0 30), %et, i$ *ti/ate ter/", err'r i" t' (e 0e1i$e0 a" the ig$'ra$#e '1 '$e:" 'w$ p*e$it 0e, a" i/per1e#t k$'w*e0ge, whi#h the N'r0:" 1ree0'/ ha" /a0e p'""i(*e, (% /ea$" '1 hi" m!akti. 698 prakta J *it., 8he app*ie" thi" e7a/p*e t' the /atter $0er 0i"# ""i'$:. 699 Nit., 8(ri$g" a(' t the #a "a* e11i#ie$#% (arthakri!) (e*'$gi$g pr'per*% t' the "$ake 2viU., terr'r3:.


'y hea"en is intended Hs(%re"e !a%%inessIM 'y hell is intended Htor"entsIM 'y coming into existence is intended H'irt!IM 'y death is intended H&essation of e,isten&e Wlit), Hof 'irt!IYIM 'y pleasure is intended Hdeli !tIM 'y pain is intended t!e Ha itation arisin fro" ra1as IM and 'y social class is intended t!e H'elief: bI a" a 'ra!"incI, et&)M 'y stage of life is intended: HI a" a &eli'ateI, et&)M t!e "ention of t!e $ord HetcI !ere intends %enan&e, $ors!i%, vo$s, et&) All t!at, $!ose essen&e is not!in '(t "ental &onstr(&ts, $!i&! e"er es fro" t!e a%in W"o(t! ofY<77 del(sion is dee"ed to 'e s(&! on a&&o(nt of t!e %o$er of differentiation, 'y $!i&! t!e Self is ta5en to 'e t!e 'ody, et&) 6dehdytmat7 ) All t!is %ro&eeds fro" error WviL), fro" ta5in t!e 'ody, et&), to 'e t!e SelfY, d(e to $!i&! fettered so(ls e,%erien&e in&essantly t!e 'onda e of !eaven, !ell, 'irt! and deat! WviL), t!e inevita'le res(lts of dharma and adharma Y) *o$ever, "erit and de"erit, et&), do not e,ist (lti"ately for t!e Self, $!i&! is a (nifor" and (n9(alified "ass of 'lissf(l &ons&io(sness <78 6ana3acchinnacidnandai,aghana7 ) #!rik! ,@ T!(s, !avin e,a"ined t!e &a%a&ity of error to "a5e (nreal o'#e&ts a%%ear, t!e "aster no$ e,%lains its ori in: ,@7 That darkness Wof errorY:@* is such that this wellknown conceit de"elops6 in regard to entities6 that they are other than the Self6 though Win truthY they are not separate from the Self6 owing to the fact that they appear to it) In sayin HThat darkness 6andha,ra7 is such t!e "aster refers to t!e all? del(din 63i(3amohin-7 error t!at &onsists in o(r failin to re&o niLe o(r o$n %lenit(de, as %revio(sly e,%lainedM in sayin Hthat))) in regard to entitiesI, !e refers to t!ose ('i9(ito(s o'#e&ts, $!ose for" %res("es t!e o%%osition of &o niLer and o'#e&t of &o nition, $!i&! are t!e very s('stan&e of Li !t, owing to the fact that they appear to it 6pra,(amnatay7 , t!at is, t!ey &annot 'e a&&o(nted for e,&e%t in ter"s of t!eir !avin a%%eared, in a&&ordan&e $it! t!e "a,i": T!at $!i&! is not l("ino(s &annot "anifest itself,<7A
vi%bhita. anavacchinna i" here take$ i$ it" "#h'*a"ti# "e$"e '1 8$'t 0i"#ri/i$ate0, $K a*i1ie0: J the avacchedaka 0e"ig$ati$g the K a*it% 'r parti# *arit% that "erve" t' 0i"ti$g i"h '$e thi$g ('r t%pe) 1r'/ a$'ther (a" it" 0ew*ap 0i"ti$g i"he" the 6$0ia$ #'w 1r'/ 'ther (ea"t"). .he "age '1 the ter/ here i$0i#ate" that the ter/" cit a$0 nanda are i$ thi" "e$"e $K a*i1ie0, i$a"/ #h a" the% are $iver"a* a$0 #a$$'t (e *i/ite0 (% a$%thi$g what"'ever (whi#h, i1 it were " pp'"e0, w' *0 #'$tra0i#t their #'/prehe$"ive$e"")> "ee the "e '1 the p'"itive avacchinna i$ CD a0 58. 702 .hat i", the 1ir"t *eve* '1 err'r #'$"i"ti$g i$ taki$g the Se*1 a" $'$,Se*1> i$ 'ther w'r0", $'t re#'g$iUi$g '$e:" 'w$ e""e$tia* p*e$it 0e, givi$g there1're ri"e t' the (e*ie1 i$ 'ther$e"". .h ", kArikA 30 e#h'e", 'r re1'r/ *ate", kArikA 25 J whi#h 0e"#ri(e" a%&natimira, the 80ark$e"" '1 ig$'ra$#e 2whi#h i" aki$ t' the 0i"ea"e '1 0' (*e,vi"i'$3:, agai$ #'//e$te0 p'$ a" tmkh!t!andhakra, 8the 0ark$e"" that i" Se*1,ig$'ra$#e: J a" we** a" kArikA 28. 703 npraka prakate J *it., 8.hat whi#h i" $'t * /i$' " #a$$'t i** /i$e:. &erhap" the 1' rth pada 1r'/ ;A/a$a0atta:" /avitpraka 6 12= tvadtmakatva bhvn vivadante na kecana0 !at prak!adaa!to 2v.l. prak!ada !to3 npraka prakate00, 8)' '$e 0i"agree" that



W))) and t!ey a%%ear s(&!Y even t!o( ! not se%arate from the Self6 t!at is, fro" &ons&io(sness, t!e Great Lord) F(rt!er"ore, this conceit that Wthese entitiesY are other than the Self 6ayam antm$himna 7 Wo'li es "e to t!in5:Y Ht!ose entities are to 'e ras%ed W'y "eY 6grhya7 , are e,ternal to and different fro" "e, We,istY inde%endently Wof "e, as t!eir grha,a YI) All t!is 'ein t!e &ase 6yat7 , Ws(&! &on&eit is not!in '(tY t!e (nreal i"%osition<7; of insentien&e on t!e",<7B 'y denyin t!eir real for", $!i&! is &ons&io(sness) *ere is t!e %(r%ort of $!at !as 'een said: <7= as re ards t!e a%%earan&e 6pra,(ana7 of entities WviL), t!eir "anifestation as s(&! to t!e s('#e&tY, it is t!e Li !t of t!e Self t!at alone is inde%endent, or, in ot!er $ords, <7< t!at "anifests itself as b'l(ec or b%leas(rec, et&) Wi)e), as o'#e&ts a%%arently e,ternal or internalY <7C R for it $o(ld 'e (nintelli i'le to alle e as t!e &a(se Wof t!eir a%%earan&eY so"et!in ot!er Wt!an &ons&io(snessY, s(&! as, for e,a"%le, latent dis%ositions, et&), &onsidered as e,ternal Wto &ons&io(snessY, and !avin t!e for" of non?Li !t)<7@
e$titie" have a" their e""e$#e %' , i$ ter/" '1 their #'$0iti'$ '1 $ee0i$g i** /i$ati'$. .here1're, that whi#h i" $'t * /i$' " i" $'t /a$i1e"t:. .he ver"e i" K 'te0 i$ Sp& 28,29 2S a0 66 3,43> #1. -%#Uk'w"ki:" tra$"*. (Sp?= 162)= 8)'$e 0i"p te that C' (< N'r0) are the e""e$tia* $at re '1 (a**) thi$g"> it i" $'t 0ark$e"" (apraka) that "hi$e" whe$ (the *ight '1 #'$"#i' "$e"") (e#'/e" the '(Le#t '1 i** /i$ati'$:, a$0 hi" e0iti'$ '1 the /avitpraka, 1'r varia$t". 704 pdana J akara "peak" here '1 adh!sa. 705 !1. .4 6 332, whi#h 1'r/ *ate" *%ri#a**% thi" i/p'"iti'$ '1 $tr e i$"e$tie$#e '$ '(Le#t"> "ee a*"' CD a0 31. 706 .he "%$tag/ a!am a!a '1te$ 1*ag" a #'$tra"ti$g p'rti'$ '1 the #'//e$tar% i$ whi#h e/pha"i" i" p*a#e0 '$ arg /e$tati'$, rather tha$ '$ "%$ta7 'r v'#a( *ar% J (% i$tr'0 #i$g para**e* #'$"i0erati'$", '11eri$g a$a*'gie", et#. Me$#e, it /a% (e tra$"*ate0 a"= 8)'w 2*et " t r$ t'3 the arg /e$t 2'1 the ver"e3:, 'r 8Mere i" the p rp'rt 2'1 what ha" (ee$ "ai03:. 707 artht. 708 !1. .4 66 16, a##'r0i$g t' whi#h ever%thi$g i" Night, Night i" the "'*e rea*it%= n,la p,ta s'kha iti praka kevala iva0 am'min paramdvaite praktmani ko para00, 8iva i" the '$*% Night 2"hi$i$g3 a" (* e, %e**'w a$0 L'%. 6$ thi" a("'* te, $'$0 a* "tate, wh'"e $at re i" that '1 Night, wh' i" there 'ther 2tha$ he3?: 709 .hi" e7tre/e*% #'$0e$"e0 "tate/e$t i$#* 0e" a$ '(Le#ti'$, whi#h i" $'t e7p*i#it*% i$0i#ate0 a" " #h, a$0 it" a$"wer. .he p'"iti'$ '1 the .raika siddhntin i" that $' e$tit% #a$ e7i"t, a("e$t it" #'g$iti'$, a$0 that there #a$ (e $' #'g$iti'$ with' t a per"i"ti$g 1a#t'r, whi#h i" #'$"#i' "$e""= whatever e7i"t", i.e., whatever i" k$'w$, i" $'thi$g ( t Night[#'$"#i' "$e"", 'r, t' p t it 0i11ere$t*%, Night[#'$"#i' "$e"" i" the $iK e #a "e '1 the appeara$#e '1 a$ e$tit%. .he siddhntin a$"wer" here the '(Le#ti'$ '1 a p)rvapakin a##'r0i$g t' wh'/ "'/e 'ther #a "e i$0epe$0e$t '1 Night[#'$"#i' "$e"", " #h a" the *ate$t 0i"p'"iti'$" (vsan), /a% e7p*ai$ thi" "hi$i$g, 'r #'g$iti'$, whether tr e 'r err'$e' ". T'r, i1 we tr% t' re#'$"tr #t the '(Le#t'r:" arg /e$t, wh% 0'e" '$e "ee a "$ake, a$0 $'t a gar*a$0, i$ a r'pe? 6$ 'ther w'r0", wh% are thi$g" k$'w$ i$ a parti# *ar wa%, "'/eti/e" 0i11eri$g 1r'/ '$e i$0ivi0 a* t' a$'ther? .he '(Le#t'r w' *0 a$"wer that '$e:" 'w$ vsans pr'0 #e the err'$e' " #'g$iti'$ a" we** a" the 1ear it i$v'*ve"= the *ate$t i/pre""i'$ '1 a "$ake *ie" i$ ", a*'$g with the 0i"p'"iti'$ '1 1ear> whe$ #'$0iti'$" are (r' ght t'gether, thi" *ate$t i/pre""i'$ /ake" the "$ake appear i$ ' r #'$"#i' "$e"", i$"tea0 '1 the r'pe, a$0 thi" i/p*ie" the #'rre*ate0 terr'r. .he siddhntins re1 tati'$ 1'**'w" the "a/e 1 $0a/e$ta* a"" /pti'$= the #'g$iti'$ (he$#e the e7i"te$#e) '1 a$ '(Le#t $e#e""ari*% 0epe$0" '$ #'$"#i' "$e"". 6$ 'ther w'r0", #'$"#i' "$e"" i" ('th * /i$' " i$ a$0 '1 it"e*1 (svapraka) a$0 '(Le#t,i** /i$ati$g (arthapraka) (#1. 6&; 6 3, 6,7). .he 'pp'$e$t wh' w' *0 have re#' r"e t' vsans (pre" /a(*% re/'ve0 1r'/ pre"e$t "e$tie$#e) a" the #a "e '1 thi" #'g$iti'$ w' *0 have t' a0/it that vsans the/"e*ve" are *ti/ate*% $'t 0i11ere$t 1r'/ #'$"#i' "$e"". .he re1ere$#e i" pr'(a(*% t' F 00hi"t" (parti# *ar*% the ;iLQA$avA0i$"> "ee $. 666) a$0 ;e0A$ti$", wh' take (egi$$i$g*e"" avid!, 'r, what i" the "a/e

T!(s, it is only HII 6aham7 R $!o a" essentially &ons&io(sness 6cit-s3ar/pa7 R $!o a%%ear Win fa&tY t!ro( ! t!e o%%osition of &o niLer and o'#e&t of &o nitionM <87 '(t t!is real for" WviL), t!e a'sol(te HIIY does not a%%ear Wto t!e 'o(nd so(lYM it is "erely (nreal differen&e t!at dis%lays itself) Sin&e WLi !t asY t!e tr(e essen&e 6ttt3i,a7 Wof t!in sY is not t!(s dis%layed, error !as !ere 'een re%resented t!ro( ! t!e "eta%!or of dar5ness)<88 #!rik! , On&e t!e &on&eit t!at lo&ates t!e non?Self in t!e Self <86 !as arisen, t!ere arises t!e &on&eit t!at lo&ates t!e Self 6tm$himna7 in t!e non?Self)<8A In e,%lainin t!is, t!e a(t!or affir"s t!e do('ly del(sive for" of error:<8; , ) It is darkness upon darkness6: 5 it is a great Ipustule upon a boilH6: 9 to think that the Self is located in the non+Self C the body6 breath6 etc): :
thi$g, (egi$$i$g*e"" 0i"p'"iti'$", t' (e the #a "e '1 the i** "'r% phe$'/e$a* w'r*0. B" e/pha"iUe0, here, i$ CD:" #'//e$tar%, the .rika viewp'i$t re1*e#t" it" /ai$ &'"t *ate= the a("'* te 1ree0'/ '1 the N'r0. 6t i" thi" 0ivi$e 1ree0'/ that /ake" a** e$titie" appear, i.e., that /ake" the/ k$'w$ a$0 k$'wa(*e. -iver"it% i" the e7pre""i'$ '1 the N'r0:" 1ree0'/, a$0 there i" $'thi$g that i" $'t he (#1. .4 66 16, $. 708). 710 .hi" i" the 1ir"t '## rre$#e '1 the pr'$' $ aham it"e*1 J a $'ti'$ that i" at the #'re '1 .rika "pe# *ati'$. 711 Sa/e phra"e'*'g% i$ CD a0 &S 25. 712 .hat i", i$ ter/" '1 akara:" B0vaita, the " peri/p'"iti'$ (adh!sa0adh!ropaa) '1 the $'$, Se*1 '$ the Se*1. 713 !1. CD a0 60, wh' 0eve*'p" the $'ti'$ '1 the " peri/p'"iti'$ '1 the Se*1 '$ the $'$,Se*1, wherea", i$ CD a0 61, ap)ratvakh!ti, 8the 2/i"take$3 #'g$iti'$ (kh!ti) that 2the Se*13 i" i$#'/p*ete: "ta$0" 1'r tman! antmbhimna. 714 .he rea"'$i$g re"e/(*e" great*% that '1 akara '$ the $'ti'$ '1 adh!sa0adh!ropaa (abhimna E adh!ropaa)> #1. 5padeashasr, 51= avid! nma an!asminn an!adharmdh!ropa, 8)e"#ie$#e i" 20e1i$e0 a"3 the " peri/p'"iti'$ '1 the K a*itie" '1 2'$e3 thi$g p'$ a$'ther:. .he adh!sa i$v'*ve" a*wa%" tw' a"pe#t" J tasminn atad0atasmin tad, 8$'t that i$ that[that i$ $'t that: J a$0 &S 31 0ea*" with the "e#'$0 a"pe#t, whi#h i" the #'$trar% '1 the 1ir"t, a" #*ear*% "tate0 (% CD a0 *'#= atdr)p!e tdr)p!apratipatti, 8.he apprehe$"i'$ '1 a thi$g a" havi$g " #h a$0 " #h a 1'r/ i$ 2re1ere$#e t' a$ '(Le#t3 $'t havi$g " #h a$0 " #h a 1'r/:. 715 Si*( r$ tra$"*ate" timira a" 8tr' (*e" 0e *a vi"i'$:. Fetter t' re1*e#t the #'here$#e '1 the te7t, we take timira here a" a "%$'$%/ '1 andhakra '1 the previ' " kArikA> "ee a*"' kA. 25. 6t i" the #'//e$tar% that p*a%" '$ the do'ble entendre '1 timira. 716 Re ('rr'w the i0i'/ 1r'/ Far$ett. 717 tmamnitva J i.e., whe$ that whi#h i" the $'$,Se*1 (antman), the ('0% 'r vita* (reath, i" take$ t' (e the Se*1. !1. CD a0 &S 53 a$0 60. !1. S; 6 2= evam tman! antmatbhimnar)pkh!tilaka%&ntmaka %nna na kevala bandho !vad antmani ar,rv tmatbhimntmakam a%&nam)la %&nam api bandha eva, 8.h ", that 2*i/ite03 k$'w*e0ge, whi#h i" rea**% ig$'ra$#e i$ the "e$"e that '$e i" $'t aware that the $'$,Se*1 2ha" (ee$3 err'$e' "*% " peri/p'"e0 '$ the Se*1, i" $'t a*'$e ('$0age> 2a" we**3 that 2*i/ite03 k$'w*e0ge, whi#h i" r''te0 i$ the ig$'ra$#e where(% the Se*1 i" " peri/p'"e0 err'$e' "*% '$ the $'$,Se*1, viU., the ('0%, et#., i" a*"' ('$0age:. Bt thi" p'i$t i$ hi" 0e/'$"trati'$, ?9e/arALa K 'te" Sp? 666 14 ("%//etri#a**%, i$ hi" #'//e$tar% t' Sp? 666 14, ?9e/arALa K 'te" S 6 2), whi#h 0e1i$e" the #'$0iti'$ '1 the pa', the 1ettere0 " (Le#t, th " e7p*ai$i$g h'w the $'$,Se*1, the ('0%, et#., i" take$ t' (e the Se*1= (% /et'$%/%, the ('0% repre"e$t" the i$$ /era(*e i0ea" (prat!a!a) '1 whi#h it i" the " ("trat /, a$0 (% 8i0ea": '$e ha" t' $0er"ta$0 w'r0", a" we** a" their #'rre"p'$0i$g '(Le#t", e7#* "ive*% apprehe$0e0 i$ their re*ati'$ t' the eg', a" "h'w$ (% the 8rkae!ap'ra 55; 15 (K 'te0 (% Sp) 666 14)= tteti ki&cit tana!eti ki&cid ambeti ki&cid da!iteti ki&cit0mameti ki&cin na mameti ki&cid bha'ta sadha bah'ah m lapeth0, (-' $'t i$0 *ge #ea"e*e""*% i$ /ateria*

In t!e first %la&e, t!e dar5ness t!at is nes&ien&e 6a,hytitimira7 <8C !as res(lted in t!e i"%osition of insentien&e, a%%earin as differen&e, onto entities t!at are in reality '(t one &ons&io(sness, s(&! t!at t!ose entities, $!i&! are not different fro" oneIs essential Self 6s3tman7, are yet dis%layed as different fro" it) *en&e nes&ien&e, $!i&! is li5e dar5ness, is &alled HdarknessI 6timira7 W"eta%!ori&allyY) As t!e one and only "oon a%%ears do('le d(e to Wt!e disease &alledY Hline? dar5nessI 6re,htimira7 WviL), di%lo%iaY, sit(ated in t!e eye, s(&! t!at one &on&l(des: HT!ere are !ere t$o "oonsI, so li5e$ise does t!e do('le?vision t!at is nes&ien&e 6a,hytitimira7 "a5e ea&! and every o'#e&t a%%ear as if it !ad t!e for" of non?Self, t!ro( ! Wt!e %rin&i%le ofY differen&e, t!o( ! Win tr(t! t!e o'#e&tive $orld isY one only and s!ares t!e nat(re of oneIs essential Self)<8@ In t!is sit(ation, anot!er darkness ens(es R a del(sion en endered 'y a del(sion R Wit is as t!o( !Y Ha %(st(le re$ upon a boilH) No$, as regards 6yat7 ))) the Self Wwhich isY thought Wto be located in the non+ SelfY 6tmamnit3am7 W$e sayY: on&e t!e ('i9(ito(s o'#e&ts Wof o(r nor"al e,%erien&eY !ave fallen vi&ti" to insentien&e R t!eir nat(re as &ons&io(sness 6cits3ar/pa7 !avin 'een a'ro ated 'y not re&o niLin Wt!eir identity $it! t!e SelfY R fro" a"on t!e", on one or anot!er insentient Wo'#e&tY o&&(%yin t!e field of t!e 5no$a'le, s(&! as the body, or breath, etc), no$ seen as ot!er t!an t!e Self, is WsuperimposedY, a&&ordin to t!e %rin&i%les of ordinary &o nition, the belief that this is the Self 6tmamnit3a7 R or, Win eneral,Y t!e a%%re!ension of a t!in as !avin s(&! and s(&! a for" in referen&e to an o'#e&t not !avin s(&! and s(&! a for" R as, for e,a"%le, $!en one asserts HI a" t!inI, HI a" sto(tI, HI a" !(n ryI, HI a" !a%%yI, HI a" not!in I<67 R so "any assertions t!at Wa&&ordin to (sY are o(tra eo(s Wt!at is, fly in t!e fa&e of &o""on senseY)<68 No$, if it is o'#e&ted t!at s(&! an We,%erien&e, $!i&! is anY o(tra e to &o""on sense e,ists WevenY $it!o(t %ost(latin t!e &on&eit t!at lo&ates t!e Self Win t!e non? SelfY, let it 'e so as re ards s(&! %!eno"ena as b'l(ec and b%leas(rec)<66

a""'#iati'$", "a%i$g "'/eti/e" E< 1atherE, "'/eti/e" E< /% #hi*0E, "'/eti/e" E< /'therE, "'/eti/e" E< (e*'ve0E, "'/eti/e" E.hi" i" /i$eE, "'/eti/e" E.hi" i" $'t /i$e.E: B" "tate0 (% the kArikA it"e*1, it i" pre#i"e*% the 8ri"e '1 i0ea": (prat!a!odbhava) that /ake" '$e wh' i" e""e$tia**% p re a$0 a t'$'/' " #'$"#i' "$e"" *'"e hi" i$0epe$0e$#e (asvatantratm eti). Si/i*ar*% S 66 8= ar,ra havi, 8<(*ati'$ i" the ('0%:, re1er" t' the err'r that #'$"i"t" i$ taki$g the ('0% t' (e the Se*1, a$0 whi#h ha" t' (e re0 #e0 t' $'thi$g i$ the 1ire '1 k$'w*e0ge, i$ the wa% the '(*ati'$ i" #'$" /e0 i$ 1ire> "ee S; a0 *'#. !1. FSFh 6 1 a$0 4 6 13 a$0 15. 718 See kA. 25 (a%&natimira) a$0 CD a0 &S 30. 719 See &S 25 a$0 $. 638. 720 B re1ere$#e t' the F 00hi"t )n!a? 721 ativaiasa. .he "%$ta7 i"= !at... tmamnitvam ... etad ativaiasam. 722 ;iU., 8" #h a$ '(Le#ti'$ "h' *0 a*"' app*% t' the i$ter$a* a$0 e7ter$a* '(Le#t" '1 e7perie$#e: J a$ '(Le#ti'$ whi#h we a$"wer (% "a%i$g that, '$ the #'$trar%, it i" 0i11i# *t t' 0' with' t the $'ti'$ '1 " peri/p'"iti'$ a" regar0" E(* eE a$0 Ep*ea" reE, (e#a "e, a##'r0i$g t' %' (/ight the '(Le#t'r (e a )ai%A%ika?), " #h K a*itie" a" E(* eE a$0 Ep*ea" reE #a$$'t e7i"t i$ the a("e$#e '1 a " ("trat /, whi#h, i$ thi" #a"e, i" a Se*1. &erhap" i/p*ie0 i" the )%A%a p'"iti'$ that /'"t #a"e" '1 err'r " #h a" that '1 the 8re0 #r%"ta*: /a% (e a##' $te0 1'r with' t re1erri$g t' tmbhimna, 8" peri/p'"iti'$ '1 the Se*1 '$ the $'$,Se*1, ( t eve$ the )%A%a, "a%" CD, a0'pt" thi" $'ti'$ i$ the #a"e '1 the i$ter$a* a$0 e7ter$a* K a*itie" '1 the Se*1.

Or<6A even if $e &o(ld avoid referrin to it WviL), t!e notion of a$himna Y in all &ases,<6; still t!ere is, t!ro( ! t!e notion of W'ein asso&iated $it!Y a Self, t!e (n&tion of i%seity s%rin5led on t!is or t!at insentient o'#e&t, s(&! as t!e 'ody, et&), itself not!in '(t a l("% of &lay)<6B On t!e ot!er !and, in t!e &ase of %!eno"ena s(&! as b'l(ec, b%leas(rec, and so on, t!e attri'(tion to t!e" of a la&5 of relation to t!e Self W&an 'e (nderstood onlyY t!ro( ! t!e notion t!at t!ey are related to not!in '(t t!e"selves)<6= T!e sit(ation Wt!at $e !ave #(st des&ri'edY is not!in '(t t!e ro(nd of e,isten&es in its f(ll and la"enta'le for", for $!at dra s t!e fettered so(ls Winto t!e ro(nd of e,isten&esY is t!at very in#(ry infli&ted Won t!e SelfY <6< 'y t!e d(alities Wof %leas(re and %ain, et&)Y, 'ro( !t into %lay t!ro( ! s(&! &on&eits Was !ave 'een dis%layed in t!e %re&edin analysisY) As !as 'een said 'y t!e yogin- .ad4las4 in t!e Mr,a0 eyapur0a : T!e &!ariot is sit(ated on t!e ro(nd, and t!e 'ody is sit(ated on t!e &!ariot, and in t!e 'ody is sit(ated yet anot!er s%irit 6puru)a7 Wi)e), t!e SelfY) -et no one t!in5s of t!e eart! as H"ineI, as one does $it! !is o$n 'ody) S(&! e,traordinary del(sion[<6C

Re $0er"ta$0 thi" #'$ti$ ati'$ '1 the arg /e$t a" agai$ 0ire#te0 t' the )ai%A%ika", wh'"e 0'#tri$e ha" (ee$ re1'r/ *ate0 i$ ter/" /'re #'$ge$ia* t' the .rika (ahant0idant, ahantrasbhieka). F t, a$'ther p'""i(i*it% /ight (e that the 1'r/er #*a "e i" a00re""e0 t' a pr'p'$e$t '1 the SAkh%a, wh'"e $'ti'$ '1 b'ddhi a$0 ahakra 0'e" i$0ee0 appear t' #'$1*ate the #'$"#i' " pri$#ip*e with the i$ert pri$#ip*e> the *atter ha*1 /ight #'$#eiva(*% (e a00re""e0 t' a F 00hi"t, p'""i(*% a ;ai(hA9ika, wh'"e $'ti'$ '1 svalakaa appear" t' attri( te a$ $t'war0 8that$e"": t' 1*eeti$g a$0 "e*1,re1ere$tia* e7perie$#e". 724 Nit., 8<r eve$, 2*et it (e a0/itte0 that3 there i" $' 2" #h $'ti'$3 i$ a$% #a"e:. )'te that, pr'(a(*%, the #'//a a$0 the "e/i,#'*'$ i$tr'0 #e0 (% the ?S.S e0. "h' *0 (e i$ter#ha$ge0= the "e/i,#'*'$ a1ter ast', the #'//a a1ter bh)t. B$%h'w, i$ the #'rre#te0 te7t pre"e$te0 i$ thi" v'* /e, we have $'t /ai$tai$e0 p $#t ati'$ /ark" 'ther tha$ daas. 725 Sa/e i/age '1 the $#ti'$ '1 ip"eit% te/p'rari*% "pri$k*e0 '$ a$ i$"e$tie$t '(Le#t (ahantv!avasthrasbhiikta) i$ CD a0 8. 726 idanta! J *it., 8thr' gh the $'ti'$ that the% are $'thi$g ( t Ethi"E:. .hat i" t' "a%, a##'r0i$g t' the ;ai(hA9ika", a*th' gh there i" $' ESe*1E t' "erve a" " ("trat / t' the $e$0i$g "erie" '1 #'g$iti'$", ea#h #'g$iti'$ i" /'/e$tari*% 0i"ti$g i"he0 1r'/ the $e7t, a$0 at that /'/e$t i" e$0'we0 with idant, 8that$e"":. .h " the .rika a$"wer" ('th the SAkh%a" (8%' 0' $'thi$g ( t re1'r/ *ate ' r $'ti'$ '1 ahant E6,$e""E:) a$0 the ;ai(hA9ika" (8%' 0' $'thi$g ( t re1'r/ *ate ' r $'ti'$ '1 idant Ethat$e""E:) J a$0 the re" *t i$ ('th #a"e" i" the "a/e= 8thi" w'r*0 i" *a/e$ta(*e: (ea eva sasra ocan,!a). 727 abhighta. 728 8rkae!ap'ra 55; 18. .hi" i" a 0eve*'p/e$t '1 the a$#ie$t para(*e '1 the Se*1 ri0i$g i$ the #hari't (ei$g the #hari't,0river, the /i$0 (manas) the rei$", the "e$"e" (indri!a) the h'r"e", the '(Le#t" '1 "e$"e (via!a) the% ra$ge 'ver> "ee ?AH 6 3, 5. <$#e the 1ir"t *eve* '1 err'r ha" take$ p*a#e, that i", '$#e the e$titie" #'$"tit tive '1 phe$'/e$a* rea*it% have (ee$ take$ t' (e 0i11ere$t 1r'/ the Se*1, earth, #hari't a$0 ('0% are ( t /ere " ("trata 1'r the Se*1, i.e., the% are '(Le#t" eK a**% i$"e$tie$t. )everthe*e"", i$ a "e#'$0 pha"e, the *i/ite0 " (Le#t i0e$ti1ie" hi/"e*1 with the ('0% a*'$e, wherea" he "h' *0 i0e$ti1% hi/"e*1 with a** the '(Le#t" '1 the $iver"e, th " re#'g$iUi$g that there i" $' '(Le#t '1 the w'r*0 that i" 0i11ere$t 1r'/ the " pre/e Se*1, whi#h i" ('th tra$"#e$0e$t a$0 i//a$e$t. 6t i" $'tew'rth% that, i$ the "a/e #'$te7t J the 0e1i$iti'$ '1 the pa' a" he wh' take" the ('0% t' (e the Se*1 J Sp) 666 14 K 'te" a ver"e ('rr'we0 1r'/ the "a/e #hapter '1 the 8rkae!ap'ra ("ee $. 717). See a*"' &S 39, whi#h e7p*ai$" the rever"e pr'#e"", i$ whi#h the tw' err'r" are " ##e""ive*% 0i"pe**e0.


#!rik! ,* *avin esta'lis!ed t!at, in t!is $ay, one 'inds oneIs Wtr(eY Self $it! false "ental &onstr(&ts 'y failin to re&o niLe t!at Self,<6@ t!e "aster no$ says: ,*) Aow strange it is that one en"elops oneHs Self with notions such as the body6 or the "ital breaths6 or with concepts belonging rather to the intellect6 or with the expanse of the 1oid:,@ C 8ust as does the silkworm with its cocoonK:, On&e Wt!e (nity ofY &ons&io(sness !as 'een &ast aside in failin to re&o niLe t!e Self, ea&! and every &o niLer en"elops his Self6 t!o( ! Wit is in tr(t!Y %ervasive, $it! t!e 'indin s<A6 of "ental &onstr(&ts $!i&! arise fro" !i"self) *o$Z T!e "aster e,%lains t!is 'y sayin : Ithe body6 etc)H) WT!ese "ental &onstr(&ts are:Y notions 63imar(ana7 of body and "ital breath Was t!e one and only SelfYM concepts 612n7 proper to the intellect6 t!at is, t!e deter"inate &o nition Wor as&ertain"entY Wof %leas(re and %ain, et&)YM and the expanse 6prapa2ca7 , t!at is, t!e %roliferation of Ws%e&(lations on t!eY 1oid 6na$has7 ) with WnotionsY such as ))) 6yogena7 "eans H'y relatin W!is SelfY to "ental &onstr(&ts s(&! as t!e 'ody, et&I R for instan&e, sayin : HI a" sli", fat, 'ea(tif(l, $iseI)<AAR T!(s do fee'le?"inded %ersons, &!ildren, and $o"en, and, indeed, &(ltivators W$!o are a'sor'ed only in t!eir %!ysi&al la'o(rY ta5e t!eir 'ody to 'e t!e Self, on t!e stren t! of t!eir o$n (nderstandin ,<A; and, in so doin , dee" t!e"selves

akh!tivat J #1. S 6 2= %nna bandha, 82Ni/ite03 k$'w*e0ge i" ('$0age:. 8Sk%: (nabhas) here /etaph'ri#a**% 1'r the " a* 8;'i0: ()n!a) J "ee (e*'w. prapa&ca /a% a*"' (e "'/ewhat ir'$i#a**% i$te$0e0 J the /arve**' " e7te$t '1 0i11ere$t "pe# *ati'$" '$ e/pti$e"". .hi" e$ /erati'$ '1 the 1' r /ai$ /'0e" '1 #'$#eivi$g the Se*1 agree" with that '1 ^&? 6 6, 4, S; 6 1, a$0 &MvX 8 ("ee $. 661 a$0 Bppe$0i7 14, p. 338). B" /a0e #*ear (% the ;ir)pakapa&cik 3, K 'te0 i$ &+ 19 (p. 54), th'"e 1' r /ai$ /'0e" '1 #'$#eivi$g the Se*1 ($a/e*%, ('0%, (reath, b'ddhi, the ;'i0) are $'thi$g ( t rea*iUati'$" '1 8eg'it%: (asmit), a" 'pp'"e0 t' 8ip"eit%: (ahant), whi#h i" the e7perie$#e '1 the tr e Se*1> $'te that the ;ir)pkapa&cik a00" t' the"e 1' r, '(Le#t" '1 "e$"e a$0 the "e$"e" the/"e*ve"= sampanno 8smi ko 8smi snih!attro 8smi modamno 8smi0 primi )n!o 8sm,ti hi a#s' padev asmit d#00. 731 B$ e#h' '1 thi" 0i"# ""i'$ i" t' (e 1' $0 i$ &S 51, a" "h'w$ (% CD a0 *'#. De*%i$g '$ the #'//e$tar%, a$0 th " agreei$g with F. ). &a$0it (&S= 39), we pr'p'"e tra$"*ati$g %lakra, *it., 8$et,/aker:, a" 8"i*kw'r/:, rather tha$ a" 8"pi0er:, a" 0' Far$ett a$0 Si*( r$. T'r, $'t '$*% 0'e" CD g*'"" %lakra a" kmi, wh'"e pri/ar% /ea$i$g i" 8w'r/:, ( t the 0etai*e0 0e"#ripti'$ '1 the e$tire pr'#e"" (etter " it" the "i*kw'r/. B*th' gh $'t " gge"te0 here (% CD, the /etaph'ri# /ea$i$g '1 %la, 80e#epti'$:, 8i** "i'$:, 8/agi#:, #' *0 a*"' (e i/p*i#it*% i$te$0e0 here (#1. 4&S 30). 732 nigaa. 733 .h'"e wh' "a%= 86 a/ wi"e: are th'"e wh' take the b'ddhi t' (e the Se*1. 734 svavikalpena.
729 730


dis&ernin ,<AB at least to so"e e,tent) W+(t, $e say,Y t!e 'ody %eris!es !ere and no$M !o$ &an it 'e t!e SelfZ On t!e ot!er !and, t!ose $!o ta5e t!e vital 'reat! to 'e t!e Self, <A= t!in5in : HIt is I $!o a" !(n ry and t!irstyI, "ay dee" t!e"selves a 'it W'(t not "(&!Y "ore dis&ernin [ WTo $!i&! $e re%ly:Y no$, 'ot! t!e 'ody and t!e vital 'reat!s are as insentient as is a l("% of &lay, et&)M !o$ &o(ld eit!er of t!e" 'e t!e SelfZ So, .F"4sa5as and ot!ers,<A< W$!o t!in5 t!at t!e assertions:Y HI a" !a%%yI, or HI a" sadI, "ean t!at it is t!e Self $!o feels %leas(re and %ain, s!o$ even reater dis&ern"ent, for t!ey ta5e t!e s('tle 'ody to 'e t!e Self)<AC W+(t, $e re%ly,Y !o$ &an affe&tations of t!e intelle&t, <A@ s(&! as %leas(re and %ain, 'e said to 'e t!e SelfZ<;7
vivecakaman!a J &hi*'"'phi#a**%, thi" $" rpri"i$g p'"iti'$ i" L "t that a0'pte0 (% the !ArvAka "#h''* '1 th' ght. !1. S; 6 1, K 'te0 $. 661, a$0 &MvX 8= caitan!avii#a ar,ram tm iti crvk, 8.he !ArvAka" "a%= E.he Se*1 i" i0e$ti#a* with the ('0% e$0'we0 with #'$"#i' "$e"".E: <$ the !ArvAka 0'#tri$e, "ee +aha0eva$ 1974= 79,86= 8.he !ArvAka 0'e" $'t 0e$% #'$"#i' "$e"", ( t '$*% that it i" rea* i$0epe$0e$t '1 the ('0%. Rhe$ the e*e/e$t" #'/e t'gether i$ a parti# *ar /'0e t' 1'r/ a$ 'rga$i"/, #'$"#i' "$e"" (/i$0 'r "' *) appear" i$ it. !'$"#i' "$e"", th ", i" a$ epiphe$'/e$'$, a$ a1ter,g*'w '1 /atter> it i" a 1 $#ti'$ '1 the ('0%. 2...3 whe$ the e*e/e$t" #'/(i$e t' 1'r/ a$ 'rga$i"/i# patter$, #'$"#i' "$e"" e/erge", eve$ a" the i$t'7i#ati$g K a*it% appear" i$ a /i7t re '1 #ertai$ i$gre0ie$t", $'$e '1 whi#h, take$ "eparate*%, p'""e""e" it, 'r a" the re0 #'*'r i" pr'0 #e0 1r'/ the #'/(i$ati'$ '1 (ete* *ea1, are#a $ t, a$0 *i/e, $'$e '1 whi#h i" re0. .hat there i" $' "' * apart 1r'/ the ('0% i" evi0e$#e0 (% the 1a#t, "a%" the !ArvAka, that #'$"#i' "$e"" peri"he" with the ('0%:. )'te h'w the '(Le#t'r 2?3 rever"e" the arg /e$t i$ CD:" #'//e$tar%. 736 .hat i", i$a"/ #h a" vita* (reath i" the prereK i"ite '1 a** "e$"e e7perie$#e. Mere CD:" e7p'"iti'$ 0i11er" 1r'/ that '1 kA. 27= there, he wa" re1erri$g t' a phi*'"'phi#a* "#h''*, the &rA@a(rah/avA0i$", here he a** 0e" t' the 'r0i$ar%, a*/'"t trivia*, e7perie$#e '1 (reathi$g. 737 Mere, CD #'//e$t" p'$ dh,%&na, *it., 8#'g$iti'$ '1 the i$te**e#t:, '1 the kArikA. S; 6 1 (K 'te0 $. 661) a$0 Sp) 6 4 i0e$ti1% th'"e wh' take the b'ddhi, 'r the a#t '1 #'g$iti'$ pr'per t' the b'ddhi, t' (e the Se*1, re"pe#tive*%, a" the C'gA#Ara", a$0 a" ('th the C'gA#Ara" a$0 the +Y/A"aka". B##'r0i$g t' &MvX 8 (K 'te0 i$ Bppe$0i7 14, p. 338), whi#h give" a /'re #'/p*ete a##' $t '1 thi" p'"iti'$, the% are C'gA#Ara", )ai%A%ika" a$0 +Y/A"aka", ea#h "#h''* 0eve*'pi$g it" 'w$ view" '$ the wa% b'ddhi "ta$0" 1'r the Se*1. 6t "ee/" *ike*%, there1're, that here, the 8et#: re1er" t' C'gA#Ara" a$0 )ai%A%ika". 738 .he +Y/A"aka": p rp'"e i" t' 0i"#*'"e the rati'$a*it% i$here$t i$ the *aw '1 kar/a$= the 0'er a$0 the e7perie$#er are '$e a$0 the "a/e per"'$, eve$ i1 the 1r it" '1 hi" a#t" are e7perie$#e0 a1ter "'/e 0e*a%, i$ a$'ther (irth eve$. .here1're, the% p'"t *ate a 8"' *:, p'r!a#aka, whi#h tra$"/igrate" 1r'/ '$e (irth t' a$'ther. .h " the p'r!a#aka, #'/p'"e0 '1 eight e*e/e$t", a/'$g whi#h the " (t*e"t i" b'ddhi, ('th a#t" a$0 e7perie$#e" the 1r it" '1 it" a#ti'$", i$ the 1'r/ '1 p*ea" re a$0 pai$. Sp) 6 4 pre"e$t" a "i/i*ar e7p'"iti'$ '1 the +Y/A"aka view '1 the Se*1 ("ee $. 740). 6$ a00iti'$, it "h'w" that " #h a view, a*th' gh $'t 1 **% "ati"1a#t'r%, i/p*ie" it" 'w$ #'/p*eti'$. 6$ e11e#t, t' #'$"i0er the Se*1 a" the e7perie$#er, 'r the 86:, '1 86 a/ happ%:, 86 a/ "a0:, i" $0' (te0*% a pr'gre"" with regar0 t' th'"e, !ArvAka" a$0 the $t t're0, wh' take the ('0% t' (e the Se*1, a$0 th " k$'w '$*% 86 a/ thi$:, 86 a/ 1at:. 739 b'ddhidharma J here, b'ddhidharma appear" t' (e $0er"t''0 i$ the "e$"e '1 b'ddh!'pdhi, 8e7tri$"i# a11e#tati'$ '1 the i$te**e#t: (a$0 $'t i$ the "e$"e '1 the eight b'ddhidharmas= dharma, %&na, vairg!a, aivar!a, a$0 their 'pp'"ite"), "i$#e p*ea" re a$0 pai$ are "' #hara#teriUe0 i$ .rika te7t" J #1. &MvX 8, Sp) 14, 'r CD a0 &S 27. Sp? 6 4 a$0 Sp; a0 *'#. "peak '1 2b'ddh!3avasth. 740 6t /a% (e i$tere"ti$g t' #'/pare thi" pa""age with ?9e/arALa:" re1 tati'$ J 1r'/ the .rika p'i$t '1 view J '1 +Y/A"aka 0'#tri$e, a0 Sp? 6 4= aha s'kh, ca d'kh, ca rakta ca it!disavida0 s'khd!avasthn's!)te vartante 8n!atra t sph'#am00,: E6 a/ happ%, 6 a/ "a0, 6 a/ 0ev'te0E J the"e a$0 'ther #'g$iti'$" have evi0e$t*% their (a"i" i$ "'/e 'ther 2" ("trat /3


*en&e t!e %artisans of t!e 1oid<;8 assert t!at t!e Self Wis rat!er to 'e fo(ndY $!ere t!ere is an W(tterY a'sen&e 6a$h3a7 of "ental &onstr(&t R $!et!er it 'e t!at of 'ody, vital 'reat!, or intelle&t) T!in5in t!at H$!atsoever a%%ears, I a" not t!atI, t!ey "aintain t!at t!e Self is '(t t!at 1oid, defined as t!e a'sen&e of any W&o niLa'leY &ontent $!atsoever,<;6 $!ose essen&e is t!e ne ation of all Wdefinite &o nitionY) WT!is 1oidY is e,%ressed !ere 'y t!e ter" HskyI 6na$has7 ) +(t t!ere is anot!er H1oidI 6(/nya7 R t!at of t!e +ra!"av4da<;A R $!ose %artisans "aintain t!at, in t!e %ro&ess of "editation 6samdhna7 , $!en it is realiLed t!at H!ere is anot!er a'sen&e 6(/nya7 Wt!atY is not "yselfI, t!ey t!en %osit t!at ot!er a'sen&e as t!e Self,<;; in a&&ordan&e $it! t!e for"(la Hnot t!is, not t!isIM <;B t!is a"o(nts to ivin (% one %arti&(lar 1oid and ras%in Win its %la&eY anot!er, in series, as t!e essen&e of t!e 1oid) T!ese Wlatter s%e&(lationsY !ave 'een &!ara&teriLed as Ithe expanse of the 1oidH:29 in t!e 54ri54) F(rt!er"ore, 'e&a(se t!ey !ave not deter"ined t!e nat(re Wof t!e SelfY to 'e &ons&io(sness, t!ose as&eti&s 6yogin7 $!o ta5e t!e 1oid to 'e t!e Self R t!e"selves

(an!atra) threa0e0 thr' gh the "tate" '1 happi$e"", et#., 2*ike Lewe*" '$ a $e#k*a#e, 'r 1*'wer" '$ the "tri$g '1 a gar*a$03:> $'te that Sp) 6 4 g*'""e" s'khd!avasthn's!)te '1 the kA. a"= antasraks)trakalpata! sthite, 8whi#h i" *ike the #'r0 withi$ 2a$0 (i$0i$g t'gether3 the gar*a$0 '1 1*'wer":> #1. CD a0 34 a$0 35> '$ the +Y/A/"aka p'"iti'$ '$ the Se*1, "ee Bppe$0i7 16, p. 340. 741 )n!bhimnin J the "a/e e7a/i$ati'$ '1 the )n!avda i" at i"" e i$ Sp? 6 12,13 a$0 Sp) a0 *'#, whi#h treat" the /atter th'r' gh*%. See Bppe$0i7 17, p. 341. 742 Nit, 8a" the a("e$#e '1 a$% 0i"p*a%:. 743 6t i" a "e#'$0 ver"i'$ '1 the )n!avda that i" at i"" e here, $a/e*%, that '1 the B0vaita, i$terprete0 a##'r0i$g t' the .raika". .he 0i11ere$#e appear" t' (e ( t a K e"ti'$ '1 /eth'0 J F 00hi"t" "a% that the ;'i0 i" the ;'i0, $a/e*%, that it i" apprehe$0e0 '$*% a" " #h, wherea" B0vaiti$" wa$t t' parti# *ariUe it, a" it were, (% 0i"tri( ti$g it 'ver "evera* a#t" '1 $egati'$, i$ keepi$g with the 1'r/ *a 8neti neti:. .h " it "ee/" that CD wa$t" t' a""'#iate the B0vaiti$" t' the )n!avda whi*e 0i"ti$g i"hi$g the/ 1r'/ the +A0h%a/ika", (% taki$g re#' r"e t' a *itera* rea0i$g '1 8neti neti:, whi#h "ee/" t' p* ra*iUe the $'ti'$ '1 ;'i0. 744 8Rhe$, at the /'/e$t 2'r i$ the pr'#e""3 '1 /e0itati'$ (samdhna) 2...3:= here, the #'$#ept '1 abhvasamdhi, 8a("'rpti'$ i$ the ;'i0:, that the aiva" a"#ri(e t' " #h 8$ihi*i"t": a" the ;e0A$ti$" a$0 the +A0h%a/ika", i" re1erre0 t' a$0 re1 te0, a" i" a*"' 0'$e i$ Sp? 6 12,13, Sp) a$0 Sp& a0 *'#. Sa/e arg /e$t i$ Sp) 112,13= tvdm avi%&e! 2avasth3 avi%&e!atvd vakt'm aak!et! 'c!at )n!eti t' k'ta, )n!atpi ca!vad bhv!ate tvad vikalpollikhitatvd asa' vi%&e!aiva 2e/e$0i$g vi%&aiva t' vi%&e!aiva3, 861 thi" "tate 2$a/e0 va# it%3 i" $k$'w$ t' pe'p*e *ike %' , it "h' *0 (e "ai0 that, '$ a##' $t '1 it" $k$'wa(i*it%, it i" i/p'""i(*e t' e7pre"" it. .he$ wh% #a** it ;'i0? Gve$ va# it%, a" *'$g a" it i" #'$#eive0, i" i$0ee0 k$'wa(*e, i$a"/ #h a" it i" #'$#ept a**% 0e*i$eate0:. 745 neti neti. See Bppe$0i7 18, p. 342. 746 Sp) 6 12,13 (?a * ShA"trY= 28) 0e$' $#e" it a" a$ 8 $1ath'/a(*e a(%"" '1 " pre/e 0e* "i'$: (agdhe mahmohe) i$t' whi#h the \$%avA0i$" thr'w the/"e*ve" a$0 'ther".

insentient<;< and &onf(sed, i""ersed as t!ey are in t!e &ave of dee% slee% R fetter t!e Self $it! insentien&e, t!e Self t!at is essentially &ons&io(sness)<;C Aow strangeK R t!at is, !o$ astonis!in t!is all is[ .oreover, !o$ a's(rd[ T!is $o(ld never !a%%en of its o$n a&&ord[<;@ And !ere t!e "aster ives an e,a"%le: HW)))Y with its cocoon6 etc)H) N(st as the silkworm6 t!at is, a &ertain 5ind of $or", after "a5in its &o&oon, na"ely, an envelo%e for"ed of its o$n saliva, en"elops itself on all sides, t!at is, 'inds itself $it! a vie$ to its o$n deat! R for, later on, it t!ere dies R so li5e$ise does one $!o &onsiders t!e 'ody, et&), to 'e t!e Self, 'ind !is o$n Self $it! !is o$n t!o( !t? &onstr(&ts, t!at is, $it! t!o( !t?&onstr(&ts s(&! as HII or H"ineI t!at !e !i"self !as "ade) As +(dd!ists say: O!ere t!ere is Self, t!ere is t!o( !t of an ot!er) Atta&!"ent and !atred arise fro" distin (is!in t!e Self and t!e ot!er) Co"%o(nded of t!ese t$o Wo%%osed ideasY, all vi&es arise)<B7 #!rik! ,,

!1. Sp? 6 13a= atas tat ktrima %&e!a sa''ptapadavat 2...30, 8Me$#e, that 2viU., $'$,(ei$g (abhva)3 "h' *0 (e #'$"i0ere0 a 1a#titi' " 2"tate3 "i/i*ar t' 0eep "*eep:> i$ 'ther w'r0", the abhvasamdhi i" take$ t' (e a "tate '1 $a ght a$0 i$"e$tie$#e '$*% i$ a h%per('*i# 'r tra$"it'r% "e$"e, a" i" the #a"e with 0eep "*eep. T'r whe$ '$e awake" 1r'/ 0eep "*eep, '$e k$'w" that he ha" e7perie$#e0, a0ve$titi' "*%, that "tate '1 $a ght a$0 i$"e$tie$#e> #1. Sp) 6 13a= ato mohvasthaiva s kalpit tath smar!amatvt s cn'bh)!amnatvd an'bhavit' pramt'r avasthtr)pas!a prat!'ta sattm veda!ate na tv abhvam iti, 8Me$#e, that "tate '1 i$"e$tie$#e i" ( t a pre" /pti'$ (kalpita), "i$#e th " it i" re#'**e#te0 (smar!ama). <$ the #'$trar%, the 1a#t that " #h a "tate i" e7perie$#e0 atte"t" t' the e7i"te$#e (satt) '1 the e7perie$#er (an'bhavit), '1 the #'g$iUer (pramt), wh' i" the " ("trat / (avastht) '1 that e7perie$#e, a$0 $'t '1 a$% $'$,(ei$g (abhva) 2'r ;'i03:. 748 .he e7perie$#e '1 the ;'i0 re/ai$" a$ i$te**igi(*e e7perie$#e (pratipatti), whi#h the %'gi$ th " #'$"tr e", a1ter he ha" e/erge0 1r'/ samdhi= 86 wa" pr'1' $0*% $#'$"#i' ": (gham)ho 8ham sam). .here1're the e7perie$#e i" $'t p'""i(*e with' t a$ e7perie$#er, that i" t' "a%, with' t #'$"#i' "$e"" it"e*1. 6$"e$tie$#e #a$$'t a" a #'$"eK e$#e #hara#teriUe " #h a$ e7perie$#e. .h " the .rika ha" 1'r/ *ate0 three '(Le#ti'$" agai$"t the )n!avda= 1) .aki$g the Se*1 a" a ;'i0, 0e1i$i$g it $egative*%, a/' $t" t' a regress's ad in9init'm, 1'r thi" i$v'*ve" the ap'ria that the '(Le#t $egate0 ha" (% that 1a#t (ee$ a0/itte0. 2) .aki$g the Se*1 a" a ;'i0 i/p*ie" it" i$"e$tie$#e. 3) Tr'/ the .rika per"pe#tive, it i" i/p'""i(*e t' #'$#eive the a**,vi(rati$g a$0 1 *g rati$g Se*1 'r #'$"#i' "$e"" a" i$ert a$0 i$"e$tie$t. <$ thi" arg /e$t a" t' the i$tri$"i# 0%$a/i"/ '1 the Se*1 'r #'$"#i' "$e"" a$0 the #'rre*ative pri$#ip*e '1 it" "'vereig$ 1ree0'/, "ee CD a0 27= 86$ ('th the"e 20'#tri$e", th' gh the #'$"#i' " pri$#ip*e ha" (ee$ 1'r/ *ate0 a" " pre/e3, what ha" $'t (ee$ re#'g$iUe0 i" the 1ree0'/ (svtantr!a) '1 that #'$"#i' " pri$#ip*e whi#h, e$0'we0 with *i1e, (e#'/e" the 2e11i#ie$t3 #a "e '1 the #'$"tr #ti'$ '1 the $iver"e:> "ee a*"' ?9e/arALa:" 0i"# ""i'$ '$ the "a/e K e"ti'$" i$ Sp) 6 12,13. 749 )a/e*%, it #a$ (e e7p*ai$e0 '$*% i$ ter/" '1 0e* "i'$, that i", i$ ter/" '1 ' r $'ti'$ '1 abhimna. 750 Pramavrttika, Pramasiddhi 219, a##'r0i$g t' ;etter:" e0iti'$ (S 221 i$ &a$0e%a:" e0iti'$). )'te the i$ver"i'$ '1 the 1ir"t tw' w'r0" i$ CD, wh' rea0" sat! tmani i$"tea0 '1 tmani sati. .he i0e$ti1i#ati'$ i" 0 e t' Firgit ?e**$er a$0 Sei"hi ?ara"hi/a, wh'/ 6 tha$k. &r'1. Da11ae*e .'re**a ha" 0raw$ /% atte$ti'$ t' the 1a#t that the ver"e i" K 'te0 a$'$%/' "*% i$ the +bhisama!lakrloka (% Mari(ha0ra (e0. ;ai0%a= 303, 545).


*o$ is t!is reat del(sion 6mahmoha7 t!en dissolved, in itself diffi&(lt to fend off,<B8 $!i&! arises $!en t!e 'ody, et&), is ta5en to 'e t!e &o niLerZ To t!is 9(estion, $e ans$er: it is t!e freedo" of t!e Lord only t!at is t!e &a(se Wof s(&! a dissol(tionY) T!e "aster says: ,,) &ne should un"eil:5* his proper Self by a discipline that aims at manifesting the might of Self+knowledge ) Thus does the Supreme 'i"a extend Wwithin our sphereY his play made wonderful by Wthe alternation ofY bondage and liberation):5, WT!e &o"%o(nd s3a12na3i$ha3$hsanayogena is analyLed as follo$s:Y Self+ knowledge 6s3a12na7 !ere "eans t!e Ha$areness 6a3agama7 of SelfIs o$n freedo"I R t!at Self $!ose distin&tive feat(re is &ons&io(snessM t!e might 63i$ha3a7 of t!at Self?5no$led e "eans t!e Hflo(ris!in 6sph-tat3a7 of Wt!e a&olyteIsY o$n freedo"I, in t!e "arvelo(s for" of s(%re"e i%seity, as !is &ons&io(s for" 6cidr/pa7 W'e&o"es evidentY as !e slo( !s off t!e &on&eit t!at ta5es t!e 'ody, et&), to 'e t!e Self 6dehdya$himna7 ) T!en !e 5no$s: HI a" a (nifor" "ass of 'lissf(l &ons&io(sness, W!en&eY I a" freeI)<B; T!e manifestation 6$hsana7 of t!at "i !t t!at is not!in '(t t!e freedo" of &ons&io(sness "eans ill("ination Wna"ely, of t!e a&olyte $!oY !as lo&ated in !is o$n Self everyt!in t!at !ad 'een !eretofore $ron ly &onsidered as e,ternal to it, sayin Was it $ereY: HT!is "i !t is all "ineI)<BB T!e discipline 6yoga7 ai"in at t!is "anifestation "eans t!e fi,ation of refle&tion on t!e Self t!at res(lts fro" s(&! a %ro ra" of s(&! deter"ined %ra&ti&es)<B= T!(s, by a discipline that aims at manifesting the might of Self+knowledge6 one un"eils:5: his proper Self R t!at Self, $!ose nat(re is &ons&io(sness and is not s('servient to anyt!in else)<BC W+y Hone (nveilsI is "eant t!atY t!e Lord !i"self (nfastens !i" $!o !ad 'een "ade fast in t!e &!ains t!at &onsist in &onsiderin 6paramar(an7 t!e 'ody, vital 'reat!s, s('tle 'ody or t!e 1oid Was t!e SelfY, t!at is, no$ re"oves $!at !ad &overed !i", 'y "a5in !i" a$are of t!e tr(t!: HI a" &ons&io(sness, I a" freeI)<B@ T!(s, t!e veilin of t!e Self t!at is t!e 'ody, et&), $!i&! !ad &o"e a'o(t t!ro( ! failin to re&o niLe t!e Self as s(&!, %eris!es no$ d(e to t!e %o$er of re&o nition 6,hyti7 , <=7 inas"(&! as t!e fa(lt WviL), t!e $ron identifi&ation $it! t!e 'ody, et&)Y
d'rnivra J #1. CD a0 18, where the he7a0 #'$"tit te0 '1 m! a$0 the 1ive ka&c'kas i" a*"' "ai0 t' (e d'rnivra> "ee a*"', at the e$0 '1 the pa""age, the a("'* tive= ... nivr!a. 752 .he"e tw' kArikA" are "%//etri#a*= ve#a!ate, i$ kA. 32> 'dve#a!et, i$ kA. 33. .he "e#'$0 he/i"ti#h '1 33 i" i$te$0e0 a" a #'$#* "i'$ t' ('th 32 a$0 33. 753 See &S 60, $. 1039. 754 cidnandaikaghana svatantro 8smi. 755 V 'te 1r'/ ^&? 6; 12= sarvo mam!a vibhava, whi#h '## r" agai$ i$ CD a0 51 (avat). 756 evapari,lanakramea. 757 'dve#a!ate @ 'dve#a!et, i$ the kA. 758 .hi" "tate/e$t e7pa$0" p'$ the pre#e0i$g ni%a, 8'w$, pr'per:. !'$"#i' "$e"" i" a t'$'/' ", i$ the "e$"e that it i" "e*1,#a "e0> it i" $'t a$ e11e#t, rather, it i" the '$*% #a "e '1 whatever e7i"t". <r, a" "a% the B0vaiti$", the *a$g age '1 #a "e a$0 e11e#t, (ei$g v!vahrika, #a$$'t (e "e0 t' 0e"#ri(e the *ti/ate pri$#ip*e, whi#h i" 8with' t (egi$$i$g:. 759 caitan!asvar)pa svatantro 8smi. 760 Mere we $'te the '$*% '## rre$#e i$ CD:" #'//e$tar% '1 the p'"itive ter/ kh!ti, p*ai$*% a$0 perhap" eve$ p*a%1 **% #'$tra"te0 with akh!ti. .he #'$tra"t " gge"t" that kh!ti i" t' (e take$ i$ the "e$"e '1 prat!abhi%&, wh'"e a$t'$%/ a1prat!abhi%& i" $'t atte"te0. !1. &MvX 4, where the


is s(&! insofar as it is "ade (% fro" oneIs o$n t!o( !t?&onstr(&ts, as !as 'een stated 'y t!e revered a(t!or of t!e Tantrasra : One 'e&o"es t!e Lord 6pati7 instantly R !is self not!in '(t &ons&io(sness and !is 'ody not!in '(t t!e (niverse R t!ro( ! reasonin , $!ere'y is o'tained a fir" &onvi&tion $!olly ot!er t!an t!e WfalseY &onvi&tion of t!e 'o(nd so(l, Win t!e !a'it ofY assertin W&onfidently:Y HI a" inertI, HI a" 'o(nd 'y "y a&tsI, HI a" i"%(reI, HI a" overned 'y anot!erI)<=8 +(t $!y does t!e Lord 'ot! 'ind and li'erateZ T!e "aster says: IThus Wdoes the Supreme 'i"a extend his play made wonderful by Lthe alternation ofM Y bondage6 etc)H) Thus 6iti7 , i)e), t!ro( ! t!e %ro&ess e,%o(nded earlier, t!e free Lord, the Supreme 'i"a6 $!ose distin (is!in feat(re is t!at t!e (nifor" "ass of 'lissf(l &ons&io(sness of $!i&! !e is &o"%osed &annot 'e %erfe&ted,<=6 &reates 'onda e, esta'lis!in !i"self in t!e &a%a&ity of &o niLer 'y "eans of t!e 'ody, et&) R $!ere(%on fail(re to re&o niLe WoneIs o$n identity $it! t!e SelfY is "ade to a%%ear t!ro( ! !is %layf(l !a'it t!at essentially &onsists in &on&ealin !is o$n real nat(re, t!(s &overin over !is o$n nat(re) Si"ilarly, mutatis mutandis 6puna 7 , !avin s(%%ressed t!e 'onda e of &o niLin 'y "eans of t!e 'ody, et&), t!ro( ! t!e %ro&ess of revealin t!e 5no$led e !e !as of !is o$n Self, !e li'erates 6mocayati7 !i"self of !is o$n free $ill) T!(s, in t$o $ays, he extends6 or !e s%reads W'efore (sY, his play 6,r- 7 , !is s%ortin 6,hel7 , made wonderful by Wthe alternation ofY bondage and liberation6 t!at is, "ade "arvelo(s 'y 'rin in o(t t!e essential nat(re of t!e trans"i ratin $orld and of li'eration 6apa3arga7 R Wall t!e $!ileY t!in5in to !i"self: HAlone, I do not re#oi&eI)<=A For t!is is t!e very essen&e of t!e deity t!at, $!ile re"ainin fi,ed in !is o$n nat(re 6s3ar/par/pa san7 , !e dis%lays !i"self every$!ere as t!e %rin&i%le of e,%erien&e itself, $!atever state Wor &onditionY !e "ay ass("e) And t!is is %re&isely !is freedo") #!rik! ,2 And it is not #(st t!at Wfreedo" or %lay t!at is t!e iss(eY, inas"(&! as any ot!er %arti&(lar state, to t!e e,tent t!at 6e3a7 it re%oses in its o$n for" Wi)e), a%%ears as s(&!Y, is WalsoY "ade to a%%ear 6a3a$hsyate7 'y t!e Lord) T!e "aster says:

1'**'wi$g ver"e, '1 $k$'w$ pr've$a$#e, i" #ite0= akh!tir !adi na kh!ti kh!tir evvai!ate0 kh!ti cet kh!tir)patvt kh!tir evvai!ate, 861 $'$,/a$i1e"tati'$ 0'e" $'t /a$i1e"t 2it"e*13, the$ E/a$i1e"tati'$E a*'$e re/ai$"> i1 it 0'e" /a$i1e"t 2it"e*13, the$ /a$i1e"tati'$ a*'$e re/ai$", (e#a "e 2the $'$,/a$i1e"t3 ha" the "hape '1 the /a$i1e"t:. .he rhet'ri#a* /'0e* here i" perhap" the pa$i9a0i# 8p)ram ada p)ram idam0 p)rt p)ram 'dac!ate0 p)ras!a p)ram d!a0 p)rnam evvai!ate (F4H ; 1, 1): 'r the (iK it' " aiva 8npraka prakate:. 761 Tantrasra 6; (p. 32). 762 p)racidnandaikaghana J *it., 8wh'"e $i1'r/ /a"" '1 (*i""1 * #'$"#i' "$e"" i" a*rea0% per1e#t[#'/p*ete:. 763 ekk, na ramm! aham J #1. F4H 6 4, 3= sa vai naiva reme, tasmd ekk, na ramate, sa dvit,!am aicchat.

,2) Creation6 maintenance and dissolution6 as well as waking6 dream and deep sleep6 appear against Wthe backdrop ofY the Nourth abode):92 /e"ertheless6 the Nourth abode does not appear as co"ered o"er by them):95 No$, $!et!er it &on&ern &reation and t!e rest fro" t!e &os"i& %oint of vie$, or %arti&(lar states, s(&! as $a5in and t!e rest, t!at a%%ly to t!e &o niLer (nder t!e do"inion of my , in eit!er &ase, t!ese states appear a ainst t!e W'a&5dro% of t!eY Lord, a "ass of 'liss 6nandaghana7 , t!at is, against the Nourth abode 6tur-ye dhmani7 , na"ely, t!e Fo(rt! 6caturtha7 state &onsistin of not!in '(t %erfe&t i%seity 6p/r0hant7 ) Re%osin t!ere as t!ey do, s(&! states nevert!eless a&9(ire a for"alWly inde%endentY e,isten&e,<== Wi)e), a%%ear to e,istY as e,ternal to it, $!en re arded fro" t!e %ers%e&tive of t!e Wli"itedY &o niLer, !i"self &onstr(&ted W'y t!e LordIs %o$er of my Y) T!at $!i&! does not a%%ear 6na pra,(ate7 a ainst t!e 'a&5dro% of t!e S(%re"e Lord does not a%%ear e,ternally eit!er) T!(s Wt!e Ci3as/tra statesY: Li5e sesa"e oil, t!e Fo(rt! state is to 'e s%rin5led over t!e t!ree ot!ers)<=<

.he kArikA e"ta(*i"he" the #'rre"p'$0e$#e (etwee$ the /a#r'#'"/i# (#reati'$, et#.) a$0 /i#r'#'"/i# (waki$g, et#.) "tate". ?ArikA" 34 a$0 35 '1 BI:" &S #'rre"p'$0 t' 4&S 31= tribhir eva vivatai%asapr%&ais tair dimadh!anidhankh!ai0 %gratsvapnas''ptair bhramabh)tai chdita t'r!am00. B" '("erve0 (% +aha0eva$ (1975= 21), it "ee/" that s#isthitisahra, 8#reati'$, /ai$te$a$#e a$0 0i""'* ti'$:, are paraphra"e" '1 dimadh!anidhana, 8(egi$$i$g, /i00*e a$0 e$0:, i$ app'"iti'$ with vivatai%asapr%&a, i$ 4&S 31. 765 ... 1'r it i" the 1'r#e (ehi$0 their appeara$#e. Tr'/ the gra//ati#a* p'i$t '1 view, tw' i$terpretati'$" '1 the *a"t *i$e (tathpi tair nvta bhti) are p'""i(*e, 0epe$0e$t '$ whether vtam i" #'$"tr e0 with the " (Le#t phra"e 'r a" a part '1 the pre0i#ate (S na bht! vttam). Si*( r$ a0'pt" the 1ir"t p'""i(i*it%= 8&' rta$t (#e K atrie/e) $e "e reve*e p* " *'r"K :i* e"t re#' vert par #e" (0iver"e" #'$0iti'$"):. Re pre1er the "e#'$0 a" 0'e" CD. .he $egati'$ the$ i$#* 0e" vtam rather tha$ e7#* 0e" it. .he a/(ig it% '1 the ver"e i" perhap" $'t 1'reig$ t' BI:" p rp'"e", 1'r rea0i$g it i$ '$e wa% e7pre""e" the "ta$0p'i$t '1 the pa', a$0 i$ the 'ther that '1 the N'r0. .he *atter i$terpretati'$ i" " pp'rte0 (% DAghavA$a$0a:" ;ivaraa (p. 18) '$ the "*ight*% 0i11ere$t 1'r/ '1 the kArikA i$ 4&S (kA. 31, K 'te0 a('ve)= bhramabh)tair iti %gradd,n mith!bh)tatvn na vast'tais t'r!a tiraskta rh'evdit!a, 8F% "a%i$g 2that the three a$teri'r "tate"3 Ehave (e#'/e i** "i'$E, it i" /ea$t that, "i$#e waki$g, et#., are 1a*"e, the T' rth "tate i" $'t i$ rea*it% #'$#ea*e0 (% the/ J a" i" the " $ (% DAh :. chditam, here, i" t' (e rea0 i$ re*ati'$ t' bhramabh)tais, "' that chditam a"" /e" i$ e11e#t the /ea$i$g '1 achditam J i1 the T' rth "tate i" #'$#ea*e0 (% "'/ethi$g $rea*, it i" i$ 1a#t $'t #'$#ea*e0. !1. 4 6 5, K 'te0 $. 769, a$0 ++ 61= !og, %garasvapnasa''ptat'r,!aparvapaript,m0 citrm iva maiml vimaras)traikag'mphitm 'dvahati, E.he %'gi$ wear", *ike a /arve*' " Lewe*,gar*a$0 2that i", *ike a r'"ar%3, the arti# *ate0 "eK e$#e '1 2"tate" '1 #'$"#i' "$e""3= waki$g, 0rea/, pr'1' $0 "*eep, a$0 the T' rth J "tr $g p'$ $'thi$g ( t the threa0 '1 hi" re1*e#tive #'$"#i' "$e"" (vimara):. 766 svar)pasatt. 767 S 666 20. B0'pti$g here ?9e/arALa:" e7p*a$ati'$ a0 *'#= tailavad iti, !ath taila kramea adhikam adhika prasarad ra!a v!pnoti tath sec!am0,: EB" "e"a/e 'i*E /ea$" Ea" "e"a/e 'i*, gra0 a**% "prea0i$g *itt*e (% *itt*e, perva0e" it" " ("trat /E, "' *ikewi"e "h' *0 2the T' rth "tate3 (e "pri$k*e0 'ver 2the three 'ther"3:.


T!(s, t!e Fo(rt! "ode is t!readed <=C t!ro( ! all states R t!is is t!e s(%re"e %(r%ort of t!e verse) +(t H&an for all t!at !is essential nat(re 'e veiled t!ere Win t!at Fo(rt! stateY 'y t!ose W%!eno"enal statesY, or notZI T!e "aster ans$ers: H/e"ertheless, it Wt!e Fo(rt! stateY does not appear to be co"ered o"er by themI) And so, t!o( ! &overed over for t!e sa5e of Wrevealin Y t!e for"al inde%enden&e Wof entities in t!is $orldY, Wt!at essential nat(reY is still "anifest 6a3a$hsate7 every$!ere, for, 'ein t!e %rin&i%le of e,%erien&e itself at t!e !eart of ea&! and every %er&i%ient s('#e&t, !e Wt!e LordY trans&ends all t!ose states) And it is not t!e &ase t!at, t!ere WviL), in t!e Fo(rt! stateY, !e !ides !is o$n nat(re of %lenit(de 6p/r0as3ar/pa7 'y &on&ealin t!at Wessential nat(reY) T!(s is t!e a'ode t!at is Siva ever re%lete, in all &onditions $!atsoever) #!rik! ,5 Oit! lan (a e ta5en fro" ved4nti& state"ents,<=@ t!e "aster treats of t!e nat(re of t!e t!ree states of $a5in , drea", and dee% slee%M and Win so doin Y !e "a5es 5no$n t!e Fo(rt! WstateY, $!i&! is 'eyond t!e", t!o( ! inf(sed in t!e":<<7 ,5) The waking state is this All6 because difference is there) 3ream is Splendor6 because of the glorification there of 4ight ) The state of WdeepY sleep is that of the WpureY #nower6 because it is a mass of consciousnessM beyond there is the Nourth):: The waking state is this All 63i(3a7,<<6 i)e), t!e &os"i& 63air1a7 for" of $rahman ) <<A
an's!)ta J CD:" #'//e$tar% '$ the $e7t kArikA pre"e$t" the "a/e i/age. .he "a/e ter/ i" 1' $0 i$ Sp? 6 4> "ee a*"' .4 5 296 (a*"' K 'te0 i$ &+ 61)= tra!as!s!n'sadhis t' !advad 'pa%!ate0 sraks)trakalpa tat t'r!a sarvabhede' gh!atm, 8.he T' rth i" t' (e $0er"t''0, withi$ a** the 2three3 0i11ere$t 2"tate"3, a" the "tri$g 2h'*0i$g t'gether3 the gar*a$0, thr' gh wh'"e p'wer #'/e" i$t' (ei$g the i$ter#'$$e#ti'$ '1 2the e*e/e$t" '13 the tria0:. )'te that ++ 61 pre"e$t" a "'/ewhat 0i11ere$t i/age= the "tri$g i" vimara, a$0 the T' rth i" '$e '1 the pear*" that are there "tr $g. 769 .he the/e" 0eve*'pe0 i$ kA. 35 are (a"e0 '$ +AH 2,12, a$0 have (ee$ e*a('rate0 (% prePakarite ve0A$ti# w'rk", " #h a" 4&S 31 (K 'te0 $. 764) a$0 4 6 1,29 a0 +AH 2,12. )'te that, i$ the "a/e #'$te7t, ?9e/arALa a*"' re1er" t' ve0A$ti# rea"'$i$g". 6$ 'r0er t' " ("ta$tiate hi" g*'"" '$ S 6 11= trita!abhokt v,rea, 8.he e$L'%er '1 the three 2"tate"3 i" the N'r0 '1 the her'e" 2i.e., '1 hi" "e$"'ria* e$ergie"3 (v,rea):, he K 'te" (with' t givi$g the "' r#e) 4 6 5= tri' dhmas' !ad bhog!a bhokt !a ca prak,rtita0 vedaitad 'bha!a !as t' sa bh'&%no na lip!ate00, 8Me wh' k$'w" ('th what i" "ai0 t' (e the '(Le#t '1 e7perie$#e a$0 the " (Le#t '1 e7perie$#e i$ the three "tate" i" $'t a11e#te0 (% the/ 2i.e., (% th'"e tw' #'$0iti'$"3, eve$ whi*e he e7perie$#e" the/:. <$ the rea"'$i$g, "ee Sp? 66 4(, K 'te0 (% CD a0 1. 770 an's!)ta J *it., 8threa0e0 thr' gh the/:. 771 B" t' #'$te$t, kArikA" 34 a$0 35 #'rre"p'$0 t' 4&S 31. 772 viva, here, #'rre"p'$0" t' the vaivnara '1 +AH 3, a" 0eve*'pe0 (% 4 6 1,5 (whi#h e/p*'%" viva, i$"tea0 '1 vaivnara). Se$art (!hH= 69) tra$"*ate" vaivnara, i$ !hH ; 11, 2, a"= 8*:A/e K i e"t 0a$" t' " *e" h'/i$e":, +i$ar0 1949 (p. 156, i 432) a"= 8&a$a$thr'pe: ('("ervi$g i$ the $'te= 8< &a/ph%*e ' &a$0e/e, "i *:'$ e$te$0 Eapparte$a$t a t' " *e" #*a$" e$ #'// $E, #'//e *e 1ait De$. B$th. 15 $. 1:), F' % (4= 84) a"= *e 8&a$h /ai$:. .he 1ir"t '## rre$#e '1 the $'ti'$ (a*th' gh $'t %et i$#* 0e0 i$ the K a0ripartite "#he/e e7p' $0e0 i$ +AH) appear" i$ !hH ;, whi#h e*a('rate" it i$ "eve$ #hapter" (11,18)> "ee a*"' F 5 6 1, 9> FS 6 2, 2411., a$0 a0 *'#. 773 !1. !hH ; 18, 2, t' (e #'/pare0 with +Fh 566 47, 44, K 'te0 (% CD a0 27, a" we** a" (% FSFh 6 2, 25.


O!yZ Because of difference6 t!at is, 'e&a(se t!e sense?or ans R t!e eye, et&)<<;R of all &o niLers o%erate $it!in t!e fivefold do"ain Wof sense o'#e&tsY R so(nd, et&),<<B $!i&! t!e S(%re"e Lord !as &reated as e,ternal to !i"self)<<= *en&e, it is one and t!e sa"e $rahman , WdiversifiedY as to o'#e&t and s('#e&t, t!at s('tends t!e "arvelo(s dis%lay of varied sensory &o nition) *en&e, it !as 'een stated in t!e Ci3as/tra : T!e $a5in state is WordinaryY &o nition 612na7 ) NNN T!is !as 'een %ro&lai"ed as t!e &os"i& state 63ir a3asth7 of $rahman ) As !as 'een said in t!e Pr(ti:<<C *e $!o !as eyes on every side, and a fa&e on every side, $!o !as !ands on every side, and feet on every side, !e for es to et!er $it! !ands, $it! W$in sY t!at are $ort!y of sa&rifi&e, &reatin t!e !eaven and t!e eart!, sole od)<<@ WAs $a5in is t!e &os"i& for" of $rahman ,Y li5e$ise dream is t!e state of $rahman t!at is te1as , HS%lendorI 6te1o3asth7 ) <C7 O!yZ T!e "aster says: Ibecause of the glorification of 4ightH ):< In drea"s, neit!er do t!e e,ternal sense?or ans "a5e so 'old as to o%erate on t!eir
;iU., the b'ddh,ndri!as ("ee &S 20). ;iU., the tanmtras ("ee &S 21). 776 .h ", a" "tate0 (% +AH 3 a$0 4 6 3, the waki$g " (Le#t i" sth)labh'%, 8e7perie$#e" the gr'"" a"pe#t ('1 '(Le#tivit%):. 4 6 4 a00" that $'t '$*% 0'e" the waki$g " (Le#t, 'r viva, 8e7perie$#e the gr'"":, ( t 8the gr'"" a*"' "ati"1ie" hi/:= sth)la tarpa!ate vivam. 6t i" the "tate '1 e7ter$a* #'g$iti'$= bahipra%& (+AH 3> 4 6 1). 777 S 6 8. 778 B$0 it ha" (ee$ "ai0 pr'1 "e*% i$ the r ti. .hi" te7t (lS 5 81, 3) i" '$e '1 the h%/$" t' ;iPvakar/a$. 6t i" a*"' 1' $0 (with varia$t") i$ 6#hakasahit 2?S3 5;666 2, ;%asane!isahit 2;S3 5;66 19, 8aitr!a,sahit 2+S3 66 10, 2, +tharvasahit 2BthS3 5666 2, 26, Taittir,!asahit 6; 6, 2, 4, Taittir,!ra!aka 5, vH 666 3. Mere, the rea0i$g (namate, sa!a%atrair) i" that '1 ?S 5;666 2. namate i" a*"' " pp'rte0 (% Taittir,!asahit a$0 Taittir,!ra!aka, whi#h rea0 namati. +ai$ varia$t"= dhamati (lS 5 81, 3> ;S, +S, vH), i$ the "e$"e '1 8t' we*0:, 8t' 1'rge:, i" " pp'rte0 (% lS 5 72, 2, where Frah/a@a"pati 81'rge0 t'gether: (samadhamat) a** thi$g" i$ thi" w'r*0> bharati i$ BthS. sa!a%atrair i" 1' $0 '$*% i$ ?S> e*"ewhere= sapatatrair, whi#h i" " pp'rte0 (% lS 65 112, 2, 0e"#ri(i$g the (*a#k"/ith wh' "e" the 1eather" '1 great (ir0" (parebhi ak'nnm) 1'r 1a$$i$g 1ire> there1're, i$ 'r0er t' /ake "e$"e with sa!a%atrair, 8w'rth% '1 "a#ri1i#e:, we " pp*% 8wi$g": a" the i/p*i#it $' $ t' (e th " K a*i1ie0. )'te that D a0 4&S 6 K 'te" the *a"t pada '1 lS 5 81, 3. T'r 'ther te7t" ev'ki$g ;irAL, "ee CD a0 27, a$0 $. 678. 779 lS 5 81, 3. 780 6.e., the tai%asa 1'r/ '1 tman0brahman, a" 0e1i$e0 (% +AH 4 (a$0 4 6 1,5). )'t '$*% 0'e" the 0rea/i$g " (Le#t 8e7perie$#e the " (t*e:= praviviktabh'% (4 6 3), ( t a*"' 8the " (t*e "ati"1ie" hi/:= tarpa!ate 2...3 vivikta t' tai%asam (4 6 4). .hi" i" the "tate '1 i$ter$a* #'g$iti'$= antapra%& (+AH 4> 4 6 1). !'/pare the 1'**'wi$g pa$i9a0i# pa""age", whi#h pre0ate the 1'r/ *ati'$ '1 the $'ti'$ '1 te%as0tai%asa a$0 it" i$#'rp'rati'$ i$t' the 0'#tri$e '1 the tman:" K a0ripartiti'$= F4H 6; 3, 9= sa 2p'r'a3 !atra prasvapiti as!a lokas!a sarvvato mtrm apd!a sva!a vihat!a sva!a nirm!a svena bhs svena%!oti prasvapiti0 atr!a p'r'a sva!a %!otir bhavati, 8Rhe$ he g'e" t' "*eep, he take" a*'$g the /ateria* (mtra) '1 thi" a**,e/(ra#i$g w'r*0, hi/"e*1 tear" it apart, hi/"e*1 ( i*0" it p> he "*eep" (0rea/") (% hi" 'w$ (right$e"", (% hi" 'w$ *ight. 6$ that "tate the per"'$ (e#'/e" "e*1,i** /i$ate0:> a$0 F4H 6; 3, 14= atho khalv h' %garitadea evs!aia0 !ani h! eva %grat pa!ati tni s'pta iti0 atr!a p'r'a sva!a %!otir bhavati, 8<ther", h'wever, "a% that (the "tate '1 "*eep) i" L "t hi" waki$g "tate 1'r whatever '(Le#t" he "ee" whe$ awake, th'"e t'', he "ee", whe$ a"*eep> ($'t "') 1'r i$ the 0rea/,"tate the per"'$ i" "e*1, i** /i$ate0:. 781 .hi" Night i" the /a$i1e"ti$g p'wer '1 brahman.



&orres%ondin sensory do"ains, so(nd, et&),<C6 nor is anyt!in t!ere attested t!at is e,ternal and (lti"ately real, s(&! as so(nd, et&), nor is any ot!er &a(se of t!e deter"inate &o nition We,%erien&ed in drea"in Y to 'e a%%re!ended as so"et!in e,ternal Wto drea" itselfY, $!et!er sli !tly different Wfro" drea"Y, s(&! as nes&ien&e, et&),<CA or as identi&al to it WviL), drea" itselfY nor &an Ws(&! a &a(seY 'e esta'lis!ed 'y ar ("ent W$!en t!e drea" is overY)<C; Still, everyt!in Wt!at one &an %ossi'ly i"a ineY does a%%ear in drea"s)<CB O!at is i"%lied 'y all t!is<C= is t!at it is !e, t!e Lord, t!e l("ino(s od <C< endo$ed $it! !is o$n essential nat(re Wof &ons&io(snessY, <CC $!o !as ass("ed t!e &ondition of diverse &o niLers, and as if drea"in ,<C@ $!o t!en reveals to ea&! &o niLer in !is o$n
!1. F4H 6; 3, 11= svapnena r,ram abhiprahat!a0 as'pta s'ptn abhicka,ti00, 8Mavi$g "tr #k 0'w$ i$ "*eep what (e*'$g" t' the ('0%, he hi/"e*1 "*eep*e"" *''k" 0'w$, '$ the "*eepi$g ("e$"e"):. 783 T'r avid! 'perate" i$ the E'(Le#tiveE w'r*0, wherea" the #a "e '1 whatever i" e7perie$#e0 withi$ a 0rea/ i" t' (e 1' $0 i$ 0rea/i$g it"e*1 'r i$ the 0rea/er. .he 0i"# ""i'$ wi** (e take$ p agai$ i$ CD a0 48. !1. F4HFh 6; 3, 9= the 0rea/ i" #ir# /"#ri(e0 (% the ('0% '1 the 0rea/er, a 80rea/ ('0%: (svapnadeha), 8#'$"tit te0 '1 *ate$t 0i"p'"iti'$": (vsanma!a), 8*ike a /A%i# ('r /agi#) ('0%: (m!ma!am iva) @ 8sva!a nirm!a: nirma ktv vsanma!a svapnadeha m!ma!am iva. B##'r0i$g t' Miri%a$$a, akara:" m! a$0 avid! are t' (e $0er"t''0 a" /'re 'r *e"" re1erri$g t' the "a/e thi$g. 61 a 0i"ti$#ti'$ i" t' (e 1'r#e0, '$e /a% (e take$ t' repre"e$t the E'(Le#tiveE "i0e '1 the phe$'/e$a* w'r*0, the 'ther it" E" (Le#tiveE "i0e J ( t the 0i"ti$#ti'$ it"e*1 i** "trate" the 1'r#e '1 m!, a$0 a 9ortiori, '1 avid!. 6$ 'ther w'r0", (' $0 "' *" are the " ("trat / '1 avid!> wherea" the " ("trat / '1 m! i" ^Pvara, wh' #a"t" i** "i'$" '$ the (' $0 "' *" a" 0'e" a /agi#ia$ wh' i" $'t trappe0 (% it. B$0 " #h i" the 0eep*% r''te0 e11e#t '1 m! that ea#h (' $0 "' * #*i$g" t' hi" ig$'ra$#e> m! i" /ea$t 1'r e*"e'$e, $'t 1'r ^Pvara. 784 .he pa""age e7p*ai$" i$ what /a$$er the 0rea/i$g " (Le#t e7perie$#e" phe$'/e$a i$ their " (t*e 1'r/. See 4 66 1,5, whi#h 0i"# ""e" the $rea*it% '1 0rea/,phe$'/e$a 1r'/ a *'gi#a* per"pe#tive. 785 !1. F4H 6; 3, 9,10= 2...3 atr!a p'r'a sva!a%!otir bhavati00 na tatra rath na ratha!og na panthno bhavant! atha rathn ratha!ogn patha s%ate na tatrnand m'da pram'do bhavant! athnandn m'da pram'da s%ate na tatra vent p'kari!a sravant!o bhavant! atha ventn p'kari, sravanat, s%ate sa hi kart, 86$ that "tate the per"'$ (e#'/e" "e*1, i** /i$ate0. .here are $' #hari't" there, $'r a$i/a*" t' (e %'ke0 t' the/, $' r'a0", ( t he #reate" (pr'Le#t" 1r'/ hi/"e*1) #hari't", a$i/a*" t' (e %'ke0 t' the/ a$0 r'a0". .here are $' L'%" there, $' p*ea" re", $' 0e*ight", ( t he #reate" L'%", p*ea" re" a$0 0e*ight". .here are $' ta$k" there, $' *'t ", p''*", $' river", ( t he #reate" ta$k", *'t ",p''*" a$0 river". Me, i$0ee0, i" the age$t (/aker 'r #reat'r):. )'te that 4 66 3, i$ 0ea*i$g with the $rea*it% '1 0rea/,phe$'/e$a, a** 0e" pre#i"e*% t' thi" te7t= abhva ca rathd,n r)!ate n!!ap)rvakam0, 8.he $'$,e7i"te$#e '1 20rea/,3#hari't" a$0 the *ike i" ta ght (% the r ti, a##'/pa$ie0 (% rea"'$i$g":. 786 ata idam arthabald !tam. 787 deva i", et%/'*'gi#a**%, the 8* /i$' " '$e: ("ee CD a0 15 a$0 45), whi#h " it" the #'//e$tar% a" it e7p*ai$" prakamhtm!t. +'re'ver, CD:" e7p'"iti'$ agree" with the pa""age '1 the F4H K 'te0 " pra, whi#h e"ta(*i"he" that the 0rea/i$g " (Le#t i" * /i$' " i$ a$0 '1 hi/"e*1, a$0, a" " #h, #reative. 788 <r 8wh'"e e""e$tia* $at re i" 2t' (e3 hi/"e*1 2viU., (ei$g p re #'$"#i' "$e"", he #a$$'t (e 'ther tha$ hi/"e*13:. 789 svapn!amna J $'te the 0e$'/i$ative. !1. F4H 6; 3, 13 #'$#er$i$g the g'*0e$ (hirama!a) p'r'a= svapnnta 'ccvacam ,!amno r)pi deva k'r'te bah)ni0 'teva str,bhi saha modamno %akad 'tevpi bha!ni pa!an00, 86$ the "tate '1 0rea/ g'i$g p a$0 0'w$, the g'0 /ake" /a$% 1'r/" 1'r hi/"e*1, $'w a" it were e$L'%i$g hi/"e*1 i$ the #'/pa$% '1 w'/e$ 'r *a ghi$g 'r eve$ (eh'*0i$g 1ear1 * "ight":.


drea" a (ni9(e (niverse,<@7 after dividin 6pra3i$ha1ya7 !is o$n Self into t!e "arvelo(s diversity of n("ero(s s('#e&ts, !o(ses, &ities, %ala&es, et&), t!ro( ! !is ill("inative Wi)e), "anifestin Y W%o$er ofY freedo") *en&e, t!e +ra!"av4dins a&&e%t t!at t!e freedo" of $rahman is not!in else t!an drea" Wi)e), "anifests itself as drea"Y) For it is stated in t!e 1ed4nta te,ts: Dividin 6pra3i$ha1ya7 !i"self 'y !i"self and &reatin entities of vario(s 5inds, t!e Lord of all, 'ein all for"s, a%%ears 6pra,(ate7 as t!e en#oyer in a drea")<@8 T!(s, t!e &a(se !ere WviL), of $!at is e,%erien&ed in drea"Y is t!e lorifi&ation 6mhtmya7 of !is Li !t alone Wt!at is, t!e lorifi&ation i"%li&it in !is %o$er of "anifestationY)

asdhraa J here, Far$ett "ee/" t' $0er"ta$0 a contrario= 8.he N'r0 2...3 revea*" t' ea#h 0rea/er a #'//'$ $iver"e: J wherea" the priva#% '1 0rea/ i" atte"te0 (% '$e:" 'w$ e7perie$#e= /% 0rea/" are /i$e a*'$e. .' the "'vereig$ 1ree0'/ '1 the N'r0 #'rre"p'$0" the eK a* 1ree0'/ '1 the 1i$ite 0rea/er. 791 V 'te0 i$ ;k!apad,!avtti 2;&vX3 6 119. .he rea0i$g i" vednte', i$ ?S.S a$0 i$ a** ' r /a$ "#ript", e7#ept 1'r the Ri*"'$ +S, whi#h rea0" vednti'. Re have 'pte0 1'r the rea0i$g vednte' J i$ a$% #a"e /'re "ati"1a#t'r% gra//ati#a**%. .hi" ver"e i" 1' $0 a" a K 'te i$ ;&vX 6 119 2119 6%er S 127 Fiar0ea 3, with '$e varia$t= pravartate i$"tea0 '1 prakate. 6%er tra$"*ate" (p. 115)= 8.he N'r0 '1 B**, the B**,e/(ra#i$g, the G$L'%er, a1ter 0ivi0i$g Mi/"e*1 a$0 a1ter havi$g #reate0 /a$% 0i11ere$t thi$g", pr'#ee0" t' "*eep:. Fiar0ea ha" (p. 163)= 8Se 0ivi"a$t * i,/e/e et #rea$t 0e" '(Let" 0e t' te" "'rte", *e " Let 0evie$t, 0a$" *e reve, "' verai$ 0e t' te" #h'"e" et 1ait 0e t' te" #h'"e": 2J 8-ivi0i$g hi/"e*1 a$0 #reati$g '(Le#t" '1 a** ki$0", the " (Le#t (e#'/e", i$ 0rea/i$g, the "'vereig$ '1 a** thi$g" a$0 i" /a0e '1 a** thi$g":3. .he ver"e "ee/" t' have (ee$ 1a/' " i$ the aiva #ir#*e", 1'r DA/aka@ha K 'te" it J a*th' gh with tw' varia$t"= sarvaakti, 8e$0'we0 with a** p'wer": (1'r sarvama!a) a$0 prapad!ate (1'r pravartate) J i$ hi" ;ivti t' Sp? 666 1,2 (p. 102), i$ the #'$te7t '1 the N'r0:" revea*i$g hi/"e*1 i$ 0rea/ t' the %'gi$. )'w, what i" the "' r#e '1 thi" ver"e? DA/aka@ha attri( te" it t' FhartXhari, 1r'/ whi#h "tate/e$t we /a% i$1er that DA/aka@ha, a$0 pr'(a(*% 'ther ?a"h/iria$ aivite", #'$"i0ere0 FhartXhari t' (e the a th'r '1 the ;tti. .he K e"ti'$ that re/ai$" i" whether FhartXhari t'' #ite" the ver"e, 'r whether it i" hi" 'w$ ("ee Fiar0ea 2;&= 1623, wh' '("erve" that the $'rther$ /a$ "#ript" attri( te the ver"e t' FhartXhari hi/"e*1). B*th' gh, a" '("erve0 (% Fiar0ea (p. 163), the te7t "' $0" rather pa$i9a0i# (8Na re"'$a$#e e$ e"t p* t't pa$i9a0iK e:), the ver"e ha" $'t (ee$ tra#e0 i$ the pa$i9a0i# #'rp ". .aki$g i$t' a##' $t three i$0i#e", it /a% (e i$1erre0 that thi" pa""age '1 CD:" #'//e$tar% '$ the 0rea/ "tate re1*e#t" the view" '1 the Ira//aria$", wh'"e a11i$it% with the .rika i" "' /arke0 that CD (e*ieve" hi/"e*1 a(*e t' re1'r/ *ate i$ .raika ter/" FhartXhari:" p'"iti'$"= the three are 1) the "' r#e '1 the K 'te (;&vX 6 119 2S 1273> 2) the pre"e$#e '1 the "a/e ke%,ter/, pravibha%!a, ('th i$ CD:" g*'"" a$0 i$ the K 'te " pp'rti$g it> a$0 3) the 1reK e$#% '1 the 0rea/ /etaph'r i$ the ;& a$0 i$ it" ;tti J "ee, (e"i0e" ;& 119 a$0 it" ;tti K 'te0 here, ;&vX 6 1= 2...3 vivarta 0 svapnavia!apratibhsavat, 8&he$'/e$a* /a$i1e"tati'$ i" *ike the appeara$#e" i$ a 0rea/:> ;&vX 6 4= ekas!a hi brahmaas 2...3 svapnavi%&nap'r'avad abahistattv 2...3 bhoktbhoktav!abhogagrantha!o vivartante, 86$ thi" <$e brahman 2...3, Ek$'t"E '1 the $at re '1 " (Le#t, '(Le#t a$0 e7perie$#e /a$i1e"t, havi$g $' e7ter$a* rea*it%, *ike the (ei$g" per#eive0 i$ 0rea/:. 6t "ee/" i$0 (ita(*e, the$, that i$ i$tr'0 #i$g a #itati'$ that i" t' (e 1' $0 8vednte':, CD i" re1erri$g t' a #'//e$tar% '$ FhartXhari (a$0, perhap", '1 FhartXhari)> it 1'**'w" that the 8Frah/avA0i$: wh'"e 0'#tri$e i" " pp'rte0 (% the K 'te i" a a(0a(rah/avA0i$, that i", a gra//aria$ '1 the "#h''* '1 FhartXhari. +'re'ver, it i" $'tew'rth% that ear*% (prePakarite) ;e0A$ta, the ;& with it" ;tti, a$0 the .rika, a** have a "i/i*ar #'$#epti'$ '1 0iver"it%= the% h'*0 that phe$'/e$a* / *tip*i#it% i" $'t i** "'r%, that, i$ it" " (t*e 1'r/, it i" the N'r0:" 8/a$i1e"tati'$: (pratibhsa, i$ ;&> bhsa, i$ .rika), wherei$ the N'r0 a" #'$"#i' "$e"" J a" i$ a 0rea/ J appear" a" the tria0 '1 " (Le#t, '(Le#t a$0 e7perie$#e it"e*1.


T!erefore, t!e drea" of $rahman is t!e &ondition ter"ed HS%lendorI 6te1as7 Wna"ely, Hdrea"I Din t!e 54ri54E refers to t!e l("ino(s state of $rahman Y) Li5e$ise, the state of sleep is Wthat ofY the WpureY #nower) The state of sleep 6supt3asth7 , t!at is t!e dee% slee% 6su)upta7 of all &o niLers is &alled t!e I#nowerH 6pr12a7 , <@6 "eanin t!at it is t!e 5no$in state 6pr123asth7 of $rahman ) T!at is to say, in dee% slee%, only t!e Oisdo" 6pra127 <@A of $rahman re"ains, $!o !as 'e&o"e t!(s t!e seed of t!e (niverse)<@; WDee% slee%Y is t!e reat 1oid 6mah(/nya7 , <@B $!ere o'#e&ts, et&), are dissolved, $!ere root i"%ressions<@= only re"ain, inas"(&! as %!eno"enal dis%lay !as vanis!ed for all 5no$ers, Walon $it!Y t!e di&!oto"y of 5no$er and 5no$n) T!ere, $rahman re"ains at t!e very &enter Wof all 'ein sY as t!e %rin&i%le of /no$in 6pra12t.taya7 ) T!is W&ondition of H/no$erI, viL), $rahman Y is t!e s('strat(" of t!e root i"%ressions i"%li&it in t!e dis%lay of t!e $orldIs "arvelo(s diversity R as 'l(e, %leas(re, et&) R t!at 'elon to every Windivid(alY &o niLer R as in W"anyY e,a"%les dra$n fro" ordinary e,%erien&e, s(&! as t!at of t!e a$a5ened one $!o Wre"e"'ers $!at !eY !as e,%erien&ed %revio(sly)<@< Ot!er$ise, !ad t!e sta'le<@C $rahman not s!one fort! as t!e nat(re of t!e /no$er 6pra12t.7 in t!is &ondition Wof dee% slee%Y, 'y en&o"%assin everyt!in Wt!at is 5no$a'leY, $!erefro" &o(ld !ave arisen, in t!e rea$a5ened &o niLer, t!e "e"ory 6sm.ti7 of t!in s %revio(sly e,%erien&ed R via t!e re&all of s(&! e,%erien&e Wt!ro( ! #(d "ents li5eY: H#(st so t!is !a%%enedZI<@@ Nor &o(ld !ave arisen t!e e,%erien&es: HI sle%t $ell, I sle%t 'adlyI, or HI Wsle%t as t!o( !Y &o"%letely senselessI)

pr%&a J the ter/ i" vari' "*% tra$"*ate0= 8H$0er"ta$0i$g: (Far$ett &S= 731)> the 8!'g$iti'$a*: (M /e F4H= 392)> 8wi"e: a$0 8i$te**ige$t: (Fhatta#har%a 4)> 8E"ere$e*%E aware: (T'rt 1990= 151)> the 8e$*ighte$e0:, the 8k$'wer: (I pta 4= 180, 181)> 8*e &er#ipie$t: (F' % 4= 86). .he 1ir"t '## rre$#e '1 the ter/ i" pr'(a(*% 1' $0 at F4H 6; 3, 21, whi#h 0e"#ri(e" 0eep "*eep thr' gh the /etaph'r '1 the /a$ wh' Ek$'w" $'thi$g with' t 'r withi$E whi*e i$ the ar/" '1 hi" (e*'ve0. -e1i$i$g pr%&a, +AH 5 ('rr'w" 1r'/ F4H 6; 3, 19= 2...3 evam ev!a p'r'a etasm ant!a dhvati3 !atra s'pto na ka cana kma kma!ate na ka cana svapna pa!ati 2...3, 82...3 eve$ "' thi" per"'$ ha"te$" t' that "tate ('1 "e*1) where he 0e"ire" $' 0e"ire" a$0 "ee" $' 0rea/:> '$ the 0i""'* ti'$ '1 a** 0e"ire", #hara#teri"ti# '1 thi" "tate, "ee a*"' F4H 6; 3, 21. 6t i" the "tate '1 8/a""ive #'g$iti'$:, vari' "*% ter/e0 pra%&naghana (+AH 5) (8/a""e 0e p re #'$"#ie$#e '(Le#ta*e:, "' F' %, p. 86), ghanapra%& (4 6 1), a$0 %&naghana, a" here, i$ &S 35. 793 S' ge$era**% !'$Ue 1974> F ga *t 1968 tra$"*ate" 8*a "apie$#e:. 794 !1. +AH 6= ea sarvevara ea sarva%&a eo 8ntar!m! ea !oni sarvas!a prabhavp!a!a' hi bh'tnm, 8.hi" i" the N'r0 '1 a**, thi" i" the k$'wer '1 a**, thi" i" the i$$er #'$tr'**er> thi" i" the "' r#e '1 a**> thi" i" the (egi$$i$g a$0 the e$0 '1 (ei$g":. Tr'/ the viewp'i$t '1 the 0ivi$e, the vaivnara #'rre"p'$0" t' ;irAL, a$0 pr%&a t' the $iver"a* N'r0> #1. F4H 6; 4, 22= sarvas!a va, sarvas!ena sarvas!dhipati 2...3 ea sarvevara ea bh)tdhipatir ea bh)tapla 2...3. 795 !1. -hskar, a0 ^&; 666 2, 12, a##'r0i$g t' whi#h 0eep "*eep, i$ whi#h the e7perie$#er i" pre0'/i$a$t, i" the "tate '1 ('th the prapramt a$0 the )n!apramt (pramtpradhn! pra)n!apramtravasth! s''ptvasth) J the )n!apramt, wh' (e*'$g" t' the #ateg'r% '1 the &ra*a%Aka*a" '$ the "#a*e '1 the "eve$ saptapramts. 796 Re ('rr'w thi" re$0eri$g '1 saskra 1r'/ -a"g pta 1975= 263 a$0 pa""i/. 797 Nit, 8" #h a" 2the /e/'r% '13 what ha" (ee$ previ' "*% e7perie$#e0 (% the awake$e0 '$e:. 798 sthira J #1. F4H 6; 4, 20, where tman0brahman i" "ai0 t' (e dhr'va, 8"ta(*e:. 799 <r 8t' the e7te$t that e7perie$#e" /'ve i$ " 2$a/e*%, that we are #'$"#i' " '1 the/3, e7pre""e0 i$ L 0ge/e$t" *ike 2...3:.


So says +!a33adiv45aravatsa:C77 WO Lord, $!o is t!e Self,Y if all e,%erien&ed o'#e&ts $ere not %reserved $it!in yo( 'y a%%ro%riatin t!e" f(lly, no "e"ory, $!ere'y W$e areY not ro''ed of t!e t!in s t!at $e !ave Won&eY 5no$n, &o(ld %ossi'ly arise) It !as t!(s 'een %ro&lai"ed W'y t!e 54ri54Y t!at dee% slee%, &onsistin of &ons&io(sness Walt!o( ! still (nder my Y, W&orres%onds toY t!e state of $rahman &alled H/no$erI 6pr12a7 ) O!yZ Because it Wthe deep sleepY is a mass of consciousness 612naghanat3t7 ) C78 W.oreover,Y sin&e t!is is to 'e ta5en as a &a(se in relation 'ot! to dee% slee% and to t!e Fo(rt! state, it WviL), 12naghanat3t Y s!o(ld 'e s(%%lied in 'ot! %la&es)C76 T!is state of dee% slee% is a mass of consciousness6 inas"(&! as it ta5es t!e for" of Li !t)C7A Nevert!eless, tarnis!ed 'y t!e root i"%ressions left t!ere 'y t!e dissol(tion of t!e (niverse WviL), in t!e &ondition of dee% slee% of $rahman Y, it is not Wa'sol(telyY %(re &ons&io(sness 6(uddhacit7 ) C7; As it !as 'een stated in Spanda(stra : T!e all?%ervadin Lord reveals !i"self, in t!e t$o states Wof $a5in and drea"Y, as %ossessed of t!e s(%re"e Po$er 6param (a,ti 7 of Wdiversifyin !i"self intoY 5no$led e and t!e 5no$a'le, '(t, else$!ere, !e reveals !i"self as &ons&io(sness)C7B And, beyond it6 there is the NourthMC7= beyond t!at R na"ely, dee% slee% R different fro" it, t!ere is t!e Fo(rt! for" of $rahman , &onsistin entirely of (nalloyed 'liss, for t!e root i"%ressions Wt!at %rod(&eY t!e latent dis%ositions %ro%er
&r'(a(*% a$'ther $a/e '1 FhA"kara, the a th'r '1 a #'//e$tar% (the 2ivas)travrttika) '$ the 2ivas)tra a$0 '1 the 6ak!stotra, a h%/$ t' the g'00e"" 1reK e$t*% K 'te0 i$ ?a"h/iria$ aiva *iterat re. -ivAkaravat"a, the 80ear "'$ 2*it., 8#a*13 '1 -ivAkara:, "' "t%*e" hi/"e*1 i$ the #'*'ph'$" t' hi" ;rttika. .he ver"e K 'te0 here i" a*"' K 'te0 (a$0 attri( te0 t' Fhaa0ivAkara) i$ ^&;;, v'*. 66= 3> it i" K 'te0 with' t it" "' r#e i$ .4; ; 137, v'*. 666= 1067, i$ a pa""age 0ea*i$g with /e/'r%. CD K 'te" a$'ther ver"e, ('rr'we0 1r'/ the 6ak!stotra, i$ hi" g*'"" t' &S 51> a*"' ^&;;, v'*. 66= 13, 14 a$0 145> 1'r 'ther K 'te", "ee -%#Uk'w"ki Sp?= 29,30 a$0 $'te". 801 6$ 0eep "*eep, a("e$#e '1 0 a*it% i" e7perie$#e0. .he $'ti'$ cidghana, 8/a"" '1 #'$"#i' "$e"":, i/p*ie" that the " (Le#t $' *'$ger apprehe$0" 0 a*it%, re#'ver" hi" (a"i# $it% (he i" ek,bh)ta, a" "tate0 (% +AH 4), with the re" *t that he e7perie$#e" (*i""= nandabh'% (+AH 5> 4 6 9), that he hi/"e*1 i" (*i""= nandama!a (+AH 5). !1. 4 6 12 '$ pr%&a= ntmna na par caiva na sat!a npi cntam0 pr%&a ki cana savetti 2...3, 8&rALQa k$'w" $'thi$g J $either hi/"e*1 $'r 'ther", $either tr th $'r 1a*"eh''0: (tr. Fhatta#har%a)> a$0, '$ the " (Le#t i$ 0eep "*eep, F4H 6; 3, 21 (K 'te0 " pra)> F4H 6; 3, 23= na t' tad dvit,!am asti tato 8n!ad vibhakta !at pa!et, E.here i" $'t, h'wever, a "e#'$0, $'thi$g e*"e "eparate, 1r'/ hi/ that he #' *0 "ee:. <$ the ter/ %&naghana, "ee $. 792. 802 4 6 13a 1'r/ *ate" the "a/e tr th= dvaitas!grahana t'l!am 'bha!o pr%&at'r!a!o, 8)'$, apprehe$"i'$ '1 0 a*it% i" "i/i*ar i$ ('th pr%&a a$0 t'r!a:. 803 See, i$1ra, the K 'tati'$ (% CD '1 Sp? 6 18. 804 4 6 13( a*"' 0i"ti$g i"he" (etwee$ pr%&a a$0 t'r!a, ( t 0i11ere$t*%, (% re#' r"e t' the #'$#ept '1 b,%anidr, 8ger/i$a*: 'r 8#a "a* "*eep:, pre"e$t i$ the 1'r/er, a$0 a("e$t i$ the *atter. 6$ the 1'r/er, 0iver"it% e/erge" agai$ a$0 agai$ 1r'/ the "tate '1 p re p'te$tia*it%. !'/pare CD, here= 86$ 0eep "*eep, '$*% the "apie$#e (pra%&) '1 brahman re/ai$", wh' ha" (e#'/e th " the "ee0 (b,%a) '1 the $iver"e:. 805 Sp? 6 18. B" p'i$te0 ' t (% Sp) 6 18, a##'r0i$g t' "'/e e7egete", 8e*"ewhere: re1er" t' ('th 0eep "*eep a$0 the T' rth "tate> a##'r0i$g t' 'ther", t' 0eep "*eep a*'$e. 806 +AH 7 give" the 1ir"t e7p*i#it 0e1i$iti'$ '1 the T' rth "tate, #a**e0 cat'rtha. 4 6 10,18 0eve*'p" thi" 0e1i$iti'$.


to t!e li"ited so(l !ave t!ere entirely vanis!ed, as is s(ita'le to t!e stat(s Wof t!e Fo(rt!, (nderstood as ot!er t!an t!e t!irdY)C7< Sin&e no na"e s(ita'le to t!e "eanin Wof t!at Fo(rt! stateY &an 'e iven, it !as si"%ly 'een &alled !ere t!e HNourthI, t!(s desi natin it n("eri&ally 'y "eans of an ordinal s(ffi,C7C R na"ely, t!e ordinal of t!e &ardinal Hfo(rIM for it is t!e re%ository C7@ of t!e triad of states %revio(sly e,%o(nded R t!e Wstrin Y t!readed t!ro( ! all of t!e" to et!er)C87 WTo t!e 9(estion RY H*o$ t!en, if it is t!readed t!ro( ! t!e t!ree states, &an it 'e 'eyond t!e"ZI t!e "aster res%onds: HBecause it is a mass of consciousnessI) Sin&e all t!ose states R $a5in , et&) R are %ervaded 'y t!e i noran&e of &o niLers, t!ese 'ein Wne&essarilyY %rone to differen&e, t!e Fo(rt! !as t!e s!a%e of (nalloyed &ons&io(sness 612naghana7 , Li !t and 'liss, for all root i"%ressions !ave t!ere vanis!ed, &onse9(ent (%on t!e &essation of t!e %ert(r'an&e 6,)o$ha7 'rin in a'o(t differentiation into s('#e&t and o'#e&t) T!erefore, t!o( ! sit(ated $it!in t!e", it is beyond, t!at is, is different fro" t!e", for it !as trans&ended t!ose Wt!ree li"itedY states, 'ein not!in '(t &ons&io(sness itself) T!(s, does t!e free and all?en&o"%assin $rahman e,%andC88 its nat(re (lti"ately nond(al, yet diversified into vario(s states)C86 #!rik! ,9 If so, t!en it $o(ld follo$ t!at t!e fail(re to re&o niLe t!e Self $o(ld of ne&essity soilC8A all &lasses of &o niLin s('#e&t, inas"(&! as t!e %(re s(%re"e Self still finds itself t!readed t!ro( ! ea&! and every &o niLer) T!e "aster de"onstrates t!at it is not so $it! an e,a"%le: ,9) As no cloud6 smoke or dust can soil the surface of the sky6 so the supreme Person is untouched by the alterations brought about through m$ ) < 2
T'r "pe# *ati'$" '$ t'r,!a ('r it" varia$t t'r!a), "ee +a*a/' 0 1989= 14011. B" he '("erve" ($. 10)= 8N:a$a*%"e et%/'*'giK e #'/parative per/et 0:eta(*ir K e t'r,!a e"t #'$"tr it " r $e 1'r/e #'$tra#tee 0 ra0i#a* cat'r, EK atreE. 2...3 +ai" *a "pe# *ati'$ phi*'"'phiK e 2...3 1ait 0e t'r,!a $ 0erive 0e *a ra#i$e ver(a*e .l, .HD, E1ra$#hirE, et i$terprete #et a0Le#ti1 #'//e E#e K i e"t a , 0e*aE. !1. De$' 1978= 86: 2J 8!'/parative et%/'*'gi#a* a$a*%"i" "h'w" that t'r,!a i" #'$"tr #te0 1r'/ a #'$tra#te0 1'r/ '1 the r''t cat'r, E1' rE. 2...3 F t phi*'"'phi#a* "pe# *ati'$ 2...3 /a0e t'r,!a 0erive 1r'/ the ver(a* r''t t, t'r, 8t' #r'"":, a$0 i$terprete0 thi" a0Le#tive a" Ethat whi#h i" (e%'$0E. !1. De$' 1978= 86:3. 808 p)raaprat!a!a. 809 ;iU., the p*a#e where the three previ' " "tate" /erge ("ee CD a0 34). .hi" hi$t" at the tra$"#e$0e$t a"pe#t '1 brahman. 810 .hat i", the "tri$g a##' $t" 1'r the $it% '1 the e$"e/(*e, the $e#k*a#e, a$0, at the "a/e ti/e, i" 1' $0 withi$ a** the part", the pear*"> "ee CD a0 34. 811 vi%bhate. 812 CD:" #'$#* 0i$g re/ark" '$ the ve0A$ti# tman0brahman are /a0e i$ .rika ter/". 6t i" the " pre/e akti '1 the N'r0, i$ the 1'r/ '1 hi" p'wer '1 a("'* te 1ree0'/ (svtantr!aakti), that 'pt" either 1'r tra$"#e$0e$#e 'r 1'r i//a$e$#e. 813 akh!timlin!a J *it., 80irt '1 $'$,re#'g$iti'$:. 814 ;er"e "i/i*ar t' B&S 35, apart 1r'/ '$e i/p'rta$t 0i11ere$#e= praktivikrair aparam#a para p'r'a00 (4&S 35#0) 0 m!viktibhir aparam#a para p'r'a (&S 36). 4 666 8 1'r/ *ate" the /atter p'"itive*%, 0e$' $#i$g th'"e wh' are $'t e$*ighte$e0= !ath bhavati bln gagana malina malai0 tath bhavat! ab'ddhnm tmpi malino malai00, 8O "t a", i$ the e%e" '1 "i/p*e pe'p*e, the "k% i" "'i*e0 with i/p ritie", "', 1'r th'"e *a#ki$g i$ wi"0'/, the tman it"e*1 i" "'i*e0 with i/p ritie" (mala):.


WT!e &o"%arison "ay 'e for"(lated as follo$s:Y t!e nat(rally &lear s(rfa&e of t!e s5y re"ains (nsoiled 'y &lo(ds, s"o5e or 9(antities of d(st, alt!o( ! t!ese a%%ear a ainst Wt!e 'a&5dro% ofY t!at s5yC8B R nor are t!ere'y its eternity and infinite e,tension ne atedM rat!er, t!e s5y re"ains #(st s5y, $!atever WtransitoryY state e"'ellis!es it,C8= as !a%%ens $it! refle&tions in t!e "irror, C8< for t!e s5y Wli5e t!e "irrorY is invaria'ly re&o niLed 6praty$hi12na7 as s(&!) 4ikewise, i)e), si"ilarly, t!e Lord is not touched by the alterations brought about through m$ , alt!o( ! t!ese alterations are sit(ated in t!e Lord !i"selfM t!ese "odifi&ations arise o(t of Wi""e"orialY nes&ien&e and &onsist of t!e n("ero(s and diverse states o&&(rrin in inn("era'le &o niLers: 'irt!, deat!, et&) C8C *is o$n nat(re !as not 'een a'ro ated 'y t!ose "odifi&ations, for !e is t!e supreme Person 6para puru)a 7 : C8@ !e re%resents t!e first li""erin 6ullsa7 , and t!e WfinalY %la&e of re%ose of all "(ndane "en 6puru)a7 ) C67 For t!is reason, !e ever "anifests !i"self 6sphurati7 as t!e %rin&i%le of e,%erien&e itself at t!e !eart of ea&! and every %er&i%ient s('#e&t) T!is !as 'een indi&ated 'y t!e $ord IsupremeH) T!erefore, as !a%%ens $it! t!e "a i&ian C68 W$!ose "a i&al tri&5s, $!i&! !e !i"self &reates, del(de ot!ers $it!o(t del(din !i"Y, t!e "odifi&ations asso&iated $it! my t!at %ro&eed fro" !i", &onsistin of non?Li !t, do not a'ro ate t!e Lord !i"self)C66 As !ad 'een said 'y "y tea&!erIs tea&!erIs tea&!er, in t!e Fare(3ara3i3e,a : C6A
!1. the tra0iti'$a* 0erivati'$ '1 ka= samantt kata it! kam, 8.hat whi#h "hi$e" '$ a** "i0e" i" ka:. See 4&S 35, FhI 5666 32 (!ath sarvagata sa'km!d aka nopalip!ate0 sarvatrvasthito dehe tathtm nopalip!ate00), 4 666 8 K 'te0 $. 814, a0 *'#, FSFh 6 2, 8> 6 3, 19, 66 3, 17. !1. CD a0 72 a$0 a0 83,84 ($. 1255). 816 Nit., 8(% whatever 2tra$"it'r%3 "tate it i" variegate0:. 817 !1. kA. 12,13 a$0 CD a0 *'#. 818 .he"e are the 8/'0i1i#ati'$" '1 (e#'/i$g: (bhvavikra)> "ee $. 295. .h ", (% a$ a$a*'g% with "pa#e, it i" "h'w$ that the tman i" the "a/e i$ a** 1i$ite "' *", a$0 that thi" tman i" $either "'i*e0 $'r " (Le#t t' tra$"/igrati'$ i$ a$% rea* "e$"e. -e1i*e/e$t" a$0 8/'0i1i#ati'$": are ( t e11e#t" '1 m!. !1. 4&S 51= %anmavinanagamangamamalasabandhavar%ito nit!am0 ka iva gha#di' sarvtm sarvadopeta00, 8.he Se*1 '1 a**, whi#h i" per/a$e$t*% 1ree '1 #'$$e#ti'$ t' (irth a$0 0e"tr #ti'$, t' #'/i$g a$0 g'i$g, a$0 t' i/p ritie", i" ever 2"ee/i$g*%3 #'$$e#te0 2t' (irth, 0e"tr #ti'$, et#.3, *ike the ether i$ Lar", et#., 2i$ that the ether "ee/" t' (e #'$$e#te0 with the Lar:" 'rigi$ati'$, 0e"tr #ti'$, et#., a*th' gh it i" $'t rea**% #'$$e#te0 t' the"e3:, (tr. -a$ie*"'$, revi"e0), a$0 the "i/i*ar "tate/e$t '1 4 666 9= marae sabhave caiva gat!gamana!or api0 sthita' sarvaar,rev kenvilakaa00, 8Rhether 0eath, (irth, 0eparti$g a$0 #'/i$g, 'r "ta%i$g 2i$ thi" w'r*03 i" #'$#er$e0, 2the tman3 pre"e$t i$ a** ('0ie" i" $'t 0i11ere$t 1r'/ "pa#e:. See a*"', &S 29, a$0 the #'rre"p'$0i$g "tate/e$t i$ B&S 21. 819 !1. CD a0 50. 820 !1. CD a0 1, where sarvla!a '1 the kArika i" g*'""e0 (% sarvavirntisthna. 821 aindra%lika. 822 <$ the i** "'r% p'wer '1 the tman ('r N'r0, here), "ee 4 666 10a= saght svapnavat sarve tmam!visar%it0, 8.he #'rp'ra* aggregate", a" happe$" i$ a 0rea/, are #reate0 (% the i** "'r% p'wer (m!) '1 the tman:. B*"' 4 66 12> 19> vH 6; 10a= m! t' prakti vid!n m!ina t' mahevaram, 8?$'w the$ that prakti i" m!, a$0 wie*0er '1 m! (m!in) i" the Ireat N'r0:. 823 Barevaraviveka E +%aapramtsiddhi 2B&S3 20,21a. .he e0it'r" '1 thi" v'* /e i$ the ?S.S (Oaga0i"ha !ha$0ra !hatterLi a$0 the E&a$0it"E '1 the EDe"ear#h -epart/e$t '1 the ?a"h/ir StateE) have E#'rre#te0E the re1ere$#e '1 the K 'te, attri( ti$g it t' the +%aapramtsiddhi, th' gh their /a$ "#ript" a** have= parame#hin narevaraviveke> a** eight /a$ "#ript" at ' r 0i"p'"a* #'$1ir/ thi"= a** rea0 >narevaraviveke>. 6$0ee0, the K 'te 1ig re" i$ the +%aapramtsiddhi 20,21a, wherea" the Barevaraviveka, a*th' gh 1reK e$t*% K 'te0 i$ the aiva *iterat re, i" $'t avai*a(*e.


Alt!o( ! &o""on e,%erien&e,C6; is &onditionedC6B 'y referen&e to e"'odied so(ls li"ited 'y 'reat! and t!e s('tle 'ody, yet it is an&!ored also in t!e s(%re"e Self) *o$ &o(ld t!ere 'e li"itation C6= of it Wt!e s(%re"e SelfY 'y 'reat! Wet&)Y, $!en 'reat! !as t!e Self for its very essen&eZC6< #!rik! ,: +(t !o$ is it %ossi'le t!at "(ndane "en, t!o( ! in reality not!in '(t (nifor" &ons&io(sness 6e,acit7 , are affe&ted 'y a "edley of vario(s states, s(&! as %leas(re, %ain, del(sion, 'irt!, deat!, et&), ea&! of $!i&! is distin&tiveZ C6C T!e "aster ives an e,a"%le:
)' " #h tit*e a" Barevaraviveka 2);3 1ig re" i$ the 6$0ia <11i#e Ni(rar% !ata*'g e (e0. 1938, 1957). .he <atalog's <atalogor'm '1 B 1re#ht, (a"e0 pr'(a(*% '$ a +S '1 ' r Paramrthasra, $'te" it a" the w'rk '1 &ara/e9hi$, #ite0 (% 8;ita"tap rY: (sic) J $' 0' (t a$ err'r '1 i$terpretati'$ '1 ' r pa""age '1 CD:" #'//e$tar% a0 36, i$a"/ #h a" ;ita"tAp rY i" the #it% 0e"ig$ate0 (% CD a" hi" p*a#e '1 re"i0e$#e i$ the 1i$a* "tr'phe '1 hi" #'//e$tar%. Cet, the ); i" give$ a$ i/p'rta$t p*a#e i$ the w'rk" '1 aivi"/ ("ee, e"p., it" $ /er' " K 'tati'$" i$ the ^&;;, a$0 that i$ the &+, p. 57). .here1're, the K e"ti'$ i"= 0'e" the ver"e (e*'$g" t' the ); 'r t' the B&S, a$0 i1 (e*'$gi$g t' the );, what i" thi" w'rk a$0 wh' i" it" a th'r? .he ver"e #ite0 here i" appare$t*% we**k$'w$. 6t i" 1' $0 i$ .4; ; 8a (#iti$g the 1ir"t ver"e= !ad! ap! arthasthiti ...), ^&; 6 3, 7 (v'*. 6= 143> 1ir"t ver"e), ^&; 6 8, 9 (v'*. 6= 420> #iti$g the "a/e ver"e a$0 a ha*1 a" i$ CD), ^&;; 6 3, 7 (v'*. 6= 287> #iti$g the prat,ka= !ad! ap! arthasthiti), ^&R 6 8, 10 (v'*. 66= 433> #iti$g the prat,ka), a$0 &+ 19. .here i" $' e7p*i#it attri( ti'$ (whether tit*e 'r a th'r) i$ .4; ; 8a, $'r i$ ^&;; 6 3, 7. )everthe*e"", ^&;; 6 8, 10 attri( te" it e7p*i#it*% t' the B&S, a" 0'e" the &+. <$ the 'ther ha$0, ^&; 6 3, 7 #ite" it a" that '1 8the cr!a: (8!ad 'ktam cr!eaiva: J whi#h i" g*'""e0 (% FhA"kara= 8atrcr!asammatim ha:), a$0 ^&; 18, 10 a" that '1 8the granthakt: (8!athokta granthaktaiva: J g*'""e0 (% FhA"kara= 8atra r,mad 'tpaladevas!a sammatim ha: a$0= 8granthakt @ r,mad 'tpaladevena:). Tr'/ the"e '## rre$#e", it #a$ (e i$1erre0 that the a th'r '1 the ver"e i" Htpa*a, a$0 that the te7t 1r'/ whi#h it i" ('rr'we0 i" the B&S, rather tha$ the ); J i$a"/ #h a" BI a*/'"t a*wa%" re1er" e7p*i#it*% t' the ); whe$ he #ite" it= 8!an Barevaraviveka: 'r 8tath Barevaraviveka:, a" '("erve0 (% B. Sa$0er"'$ (private #'rre"p'$0e$#e). -e"pite the /a$ "#ript" '1 the Paramrthasravivtti 2&S;3, there i" *itt*e #ha$#e that the ver"e here #ite0 (% CD (e*'$g" t' the );, $*e"" we a0/it that the ver"e i" pre"e$t i$ the tw' te7t". Sti**, CD attri( te" thi" ver"e t' hi" parames#hin, the g r '1 the g r '1 hi" g r , that i", t' Htpa*a (i1 the parapar i" a" 1'**'w"= ?9e/arALa, B(hi$avag pta, Htpa*a0eva) J $*e"" it i" t' Nak9/a@ag pta that the ver"e i" t' (e attri( te0, a" pr'p'"e0 (% B. Sa$0er"'$. <$ thi" (a"i", it /ight (e " pp'"e0 that CD #' *0 have (ee$ /i"take$ i$ the /atter '1 the te7t:" $a/e, a$0 that the "' r#e '1 that #'$1 "i'$ /ight (e that the tw' te7t" ha0 the "a/e a th'r, Htpa*a0eva J a /i"take that #' *0 ea"i*% have happe$e0, i$a"/ #h a" the tw' pa""age" i$ the ;imarin, where the ver"e here #ite0 (% CD appear" re1er '$*% t' the a th'r, a$0 that '$*% ge$eri#a**%, a" cr!a 'r granthakt, a$0 $'t t' the w'rk:" tit*e. .he h%p'the"i" that the ); (e attri( te0 t' Htpa*a w' *0 e7p*ai$ a" we** the evi0e$t 0'#tri$a* re*ati'$"hip '1 the ); a$0 the ^&?, a$0 the /a$% ti/e" the ^&? #ite" the );. 6t re/ai$" " rpri"i$g, h'wever, that BI #ite" the ); with' t ever /e$ti'$i$g that it i" the w'rk '1 Htpa*a ('r '1 a$'ther '1 hi" tea#her"). D. .'re**a (private #'rre"p'$0e$#e), re#'g$iUi$g a$ 8Htpa*a,*ike: #hara#ter i$ the );, /a% (e /e$ti'$e0 a" pr'vi0i$g 1 rther " pp'rt 1'r thi" the"i". 824 arthasthiti J *it., 8"tate '1 thi$g":, 8#' r"e '1 'r0i$ar% eve$t":. FhA"kara a0 ^&; 6 3, 7 g*'""e"= arthasthitir arthavia!o v!avahra, a0 6 8, 9= arthasthitir arthavia!o %&ndiv!avahra a$0 #'$#* 0e"= na hi prap'r!a#akarahitd gha#der arthasthitir d!ate, 81'r " #h #'//'$ e7perie$#e (arthasthiti E v!avahra) i" $'t t' (e ha0 1r'/ p't", et#., whi#h are 0ev'i0 '1 (reath a$0 the " (t*e ('0%:. 825 FhA"kara g*'""e" nir'ddh a" 8sthiti gat: (a0 ^&; 6 3, 7), a$0 a" 8ni!at: (a0 ^&; 6 8, 9). 826 FhA"kara g*'""e" !antra a" 8pariccheda:.

,:) Though the space within one 8ar is infused with dust6 other Wspaces within other 8arsY are not thereby defiled) So it is with those embodied souls that experience differences of pleasure and pain)<*? WT!e &o"%arison "ay 'e for"(lated as follo$s:Y T!o( ! one s%a&e $it!in a Ws%e&ifi&Y #ar is inf(sedCA7 $it! 9(antities of d(st, other such s%a&es $it!in Wot!erY #ars do not t!ere'y become defiled6 t!at is, inf(sed, $it! d(stM t!ese s%a&es re"ain WessentiallyY s%otless, 'e&a(se $!at is &o""on to all of t!e" is t!e 9(ality of s%a&e Wand not any adventitio(s 9(ality, s(&! as 'ein d(styY) T!e s%a&e, itself s%otless, %ervasive and (nvaryin , t!at !as &o"e to 'e li"ited 'y t!e restri&tion 6sa ,oca7 of t!e #ar, 'elon s as s(&! to t!at #ar only, nor are t!ose Wanalo o(sY s%a&es W&onfined $it!in ot!erY #ars or W'e!indY &(rtains to 'e &onf(sed $it! one anot!er, $!et!er t!ey 'e f("i ated $it! 'la&5 aloe or "ade odoro(s $it! "(s5, or si"%ly 'e 'ad?s"ellin CA8 R 'e&a(se it is of t!e nat(re of s%a&e to 'e one, CA6 and 'e&a(se t!e distin&tions Wif s(&! t!ere 'eY are "ade in referen&e to #ars t!e"selves and t!e li5e Wand not to s%a&e as s(&!Y)
.he #'$te7t i$ whi#h thi" ver"e i" K 'te0 i$ ^&;; 6 3, 7 i" parti# *ar*% i** /i$ati$g i$a"/ #h a" it i/p*ie" a re1ere$#e t' FhI 5; 15 (matta smtir %&nam apohana ca, 8Tr'/ +e 0erive /e/'r%, k$'w*e0ge a$0 e7#* "i'$: J ' r tra$"*.)= anena aktitra!ea vive v!avahr0 tac ca bhagavata eva aktitra!a !at tathbh)tn'bhavitsmtvikaipa!itsvabhvacaitramaitrd!avabhsanam0 sa eva hi tena tena vap' %nti smarati vikalpa!ati ca0 !athoktam cr!eaiva ..., 8B** w'r*0*% (ehavi'r" 0epe$0 p'$ thi" tria0 '1 p'wer" (aktitra!a) 2$a/e*%, k$'w*e0ge (%&na), i$ the "e$"e '1 0ire#t e7perie$#e, /e/'r% (smti), a$0 e7#* "i'$ (apohana), i$ the "e$"e '1 0i11ere$tiati$g, that i", *i/ite0, k$'w*e0ge. 6t i" thi" tria0 '1 the N'r0:" p'wer" that !aitra, +aitra, a$0 a** 'ther", /a$i1e"t, a" "' /a$% e7perie$#i$g, re/e/(eri$g a$0 #'g$iUi$g " (Le#t". 26$ rea*it%3 it i" he wh' k$'w" 2viU., 0ire#t*% e7perie$#e"3, re/e/(er" a$0 #'g$iUe" thr' gh the variet% '1 *i/ite0 " (Le#t". .h " "ai0 ' r tea#her 2...3:. Htpa*a:" 'w$ vtti a0 ^&? 6 3, 7 #ite" FhI 5; 15, i$ " pp'rt '1 the view a##'r0i$g t' whi#h the e$ergie" '1 k$'w*e0ge, et#. (%&ndik akta!a), pertai$ t' the pri$#ip*e '1 #'$"#i' "$e"" (cittattva) a*'$e. .he " pre/e Se*1 (paramtman) '1 B&S 20,21a i" $'$e 'ther tha$ the pri$#ip*e '1 #'$"#i' "$e"" (cittattva) '1 Htpa*a:" vtti a0 ^&? 6 3, 7> "ee BI:" .raika i$terpretati'$ '1 FhI 5; 15, K 'te0 $. 453. 828 .he arg /e$t here i" "*ight*% 0i11ere$t 1r'/ the pre#e0i$g J it" i$ver"e, "' t' "peak> #'/pare the a$a*'g' " 0ia*e#ti# '1 the B0vaita, where, '$#e the e7i"te$#e '1 a $iK e a$0 '/$ipre"e$t brahman i" a0/itte0, the pr'(*e/ (e#'/e" that '1 e7p*ai$i$g the e7i"te$#e '1 &he$'/e$a* 0iver"it%. 6t i" the 0iver"it% '1 1i$it 0e it"e*1 that i" the i$0e7 '1 the $'$,rea*it% '1 1i$it 0e. 6$1i$it 0e a*'$e i" rea*. 829 ;er"e e7a#t*% repeati$g 4&S 36. !1. a*"' 4 666 5 (e#h'i$g 4&S 36?)= !athaikasmin gha#ke ra%odh)mdibhir !'te0 na sarve sapra!'%!ante tadva% %,v s'khdibhi00, 8O "t a", i1 '$e "pa#e withi$ aLar i" 1i**e0 with 0 "t, "/'ke, et#., $'t a** 2"pa#e" i$ a** Lar"3 are "' 1i**e0, "' i" the #a"e with the i$0ivi0 a* "' *" regar0i$g L'%, et#. 2i.e., "i/i*ar*%, i1 '$e i$0ivi0 a* "' * i" 1i**e0 with L'%, et#., $'t a** "' *" are 1i**e0 with L'%, et#.3:. 4 666 6 (K 'te0 $. 833) 1 rther 0eve*'p" the i0ea. 830 samcchdita J *it., 8#'vere0:. 831 .he /ea$i$g '1 vi#hira (a km,ra w'r0?) i" 0' (t1 *. B Lar i$te$0e0 1'r pi#k*e" /a% (e /ea$t, 1'r the"e are prepare0 with asa 9oetida. .he 1 /igati'$ 'r per1 /i$g '1 the "pa#e i$ the Lar, whi#h /ake" the "pa#e $iK e, #'rre"p'$0", a" 'pame!a i$ the a$a*'g%, t' the vsans, the 0i"p'"iti'$" re"p'$"i(*e 1'r the "ee/i$g i$0ivi0 ati'$" '1 the $iver"a* tman. CD i" p*a%i$g here, at the e$0, '$ the et%/'*'gi#a* a/(ig it% '1 the ter/" vsan a$0 adhivsita, whi#h /a% (e 0erive0 either 1r'/ the r''t vas, 8t' 0we**: (a /'re pr'(a(*e et%/'*'g%, a##'r0i$g t' De$' 1997, v'*. 66= 778, wh' tra$"*ate" 8re"i0e$#e:), 'r vs, 8t' per1 /e:. 832 )'te the $iK e #hara#ter '1 "pa#e (ka) a/'$g the e*e/e$t" e$ /erate0 (% the ;aiPe9ika"> it i" "ai0 $'t t' (e a smn!a, 8 $iver"a*:, pre#i"e*% (e#a "e, $*ike a** the 'ther e*e/e$t", it ha" $' i$"ta$#e".


.oreover, t!o( ! real s%a&e is sit(ated Wevery$!ereY (nifor"ly, #ars and t!e li5e, deli"ited as t!ey are 'y restri&tions R s(&! as Wen&losin Y sides R t!at refer only to t!e #ar itself Wand not to s%a&eY, "a5e dis%lay of a reat variety of Wa%%arentlyY different s%a&es)CAA T!(s, it is t!e restri&tion alone "ade 'y t!e #ar t!at is t!(s 9(alified 'y a s%atial %redi&ateCA; Wand not t!e reverseY, 'e&a(se in s(&! ter"s alone are %ra&ti&al affairs &ond(&tedCAB Wna"ely, it is (sef(l to s%ea5 of t!e Hs%a&eI as 'elon in to t!e H#arIM it is not (sef(l to s%ea5 of t!e H#arI as 'elon in to or deli"itin Hs%a&eIY)CA= Nor is it t!e &ase t!at t!is %(tative &orr(%tion, et&), of t!e s%a&e $it!in a Ws%e&ifi&Y #ar &on&eals t!e W(ndividedY nat(re Wof s%a&eY, nor t!at t!e different s%a&es t!(s deli"ited 'y t!e #ar, et&), are &onf(sedCA< $it! one anot!er) 4ike that R t!at is, in t!e sa"e $ay R t!ose embodied souls 61-3a7 R t!at is, "(ndane "en 6puru)a7 R t!o( ! essentially not!in '(t (nifor" &ons&io(sness, !ave 'een "ade finite 'y re#e&tin t!eir o$n essen&e, $!i&! is f(ll, %ervasive, a (nifor" "ass of 'lissf(l &ons&io(sness, en&losin t!e"selves in t!e triad of &overin s 6,o(atraya7 t!at are Wt!e i"%(ritiesY of dee"in oneself finite, of re ardin t!e $orld as o'#e&tive, of s(%%osin oneself t!e a ent of a&tions CAC R in virt(e of t!e S(%re"e LordIs %o$er of differentiation Wor, %o$er of del(sive &onstr(&tionY) For $!i&! reason, alt!o( ! t!ey are essentially (nifor" &ons&io(sness, t!ey differ fro" one anot!er, d(e to t!e evil dis%osition CA@ of t!e deli"itation i"%osed on t!e" 'y t!e t!ree &overin s WviL), 'y t!e triad of i"%(ritiesY, C;7 a deli"itation t!at is s%e&ifi& to ea&! Wof t!e t!reeY, #(st as differ fro" one anot!er s%a&es deli"ited 'y #ars, &(rtains, et&) For e,a"%le, t!e deli"itation 'ro( !t a'o(t 'y t!e &overin of my 6my-ya,o(a7 is &o""only referred to as t!e e"'odied so(l)
4 666 6 1'r/ *ate" the "a/e tr th= r)pakr!asamkh! ca bhid!ante tatra tatra vail kas!a na bhedo 8sti tadva% %,ve' nira!a00, 8.he 1'r/, the 1 $#ti'$ a$0 the 0e$'/i$ati'$ 2'1 the "pa#e" #'$tai$e0 i$ Lar", et#.3 0i11er i$0ee0 1r'/ '$e t' a$'ther, a*th' gh 0i11ere$#e #a$$'t (e pre0i#ate0 '1 "pa#e it"e*1. S' it i" with the *i/ite0 "e*ve":. akara, a0 4S 666 5, /e$ti'$i$g #'$tai$er" " #h a" Lar" (gha#a), water,p't" (karaka) a$0 (e0r''/" (apavaraka), e7p*ai$" that the% 0i11er 1r'/ ea#h 'ther (% 1'r/ (the% are "/a**, *arge, et#.), 1 $#ti'$ (0rawi$g water, keepi$g it, g'i$g t' "*eep), 'r 0e$'/i$ati'$ (gha#a, karaka, apavaraka). .he 0i11ere$#e" pr'#ee0 1r'/ the #'$tai$er", $'t 1r'/ the "pa#e, whi#h i" $'t K a*i1ie0 (% the #'$tai$er". 834 Re have e/e$0e0 tath avai!ate t' tath vii!ate> "ee ' r 8Ni"t '1 varia$t": i$ 8<$ the Sa$"krit te7t:. 835 arthakri!kritvt J *it., 82a$0 thi" i" L "ti1ie03 (% the "e t' whi#h the Lar i" p t:. 836 .he a11air" '1 /e$ are #'$0 #te0 with parti# *ar e$0" i$ view, e$0" that are " pp*ie0 (% /e$ (arthakri!kritvt) J it i" th " /'re "e1 * t' " pp'"e that "pa#e ha" (ee$ 0e*i/ite0 (% the Lar (we "a% that thi" Lar ha" 8/'re: "pa#e i$ it that a$'ther, a$0 there(% that the Lar i" 8*arger:)> it i" *e"" "e1 * t' a11ir/ what i" i$ 1a#t the tr e p'i$t '1 view, that the Lar i" it"e*1 a ra$0'/ 0e*i/itati'$ '1 "pa#e, i$ it"e*1 i$1i$ite a$0 with' t part". H"age $'r/a**% re1*e#t" h /a$ a#tivit% a$0 i" th " e7p*ai$e0> ( t /etaph%"i#" reK ire" at ti/e" a /'re e7a#t *a$g age. 837 v!miran J e7a/p*e" '1 $' $" i$ 1an (1e/.) are atte"te0 J "ee Rhit$e% 1983= i 1150.2.h, et#. 838 avam!,!aprakta J "ee kArikA 32. )'te that, here, prkta 2mala3 "ta$0" 1'r krma 2mala3. 839 da'rtm!a. 840 )'t a** " (Le#t" are eK a**% a11e#te0 (% the three i/p ritie" (mala). 6$ e11e#t, i$ the pr'#e"" '1 *i(erati'$, the m'm'k' a"#e$0" the hierar#h% '1 the "eve$ E#'g$iUer"E (saptapramt) a##'r0i$g t' hi" a(i*it% t' 1ree hi/"e*1 pr'gre""ive*% 1r'/ the i/p ritie" ("ee Bppe$0i7 10, p. 330).


.oreover, in none of t!e ot!er s&!ools of %!iloso%!y do t!e ter"s 1-3a , puru)a , tman , a u , C;8 a%%ly to t!e S(%re"e Lord, a (nifor" and (n9(alified "ass of 'lissf(l &ons&io(sness) T!(s, t!ese e"'odied so(ls, deli"ited 'y t!e s!eat!s Wof i"%(ritiesY R t!e i"%(rity of dee"in oneself finite, et&) R are not &onf(sed $it! one anot!er, a&9(irin diverse 'odies %erf("ed 'y 'e innin less and $onderf(lly varied latent dis%ositionsC;6 i"%osed on t!e" 'y t!e i"%(rity of s(%%osin oneself t!e a ent of a&tions, !avin diverse intentions, and %arta5in of t!e differen&es e,%ressed 'y t!e %airs of o%%osites R "erit and de"erit, !eaven and !ell, %leas(re and %ain, 'irt! and deat! R #(st as are not &onf(sed t!e s%a&es $it!in different #ars Wet&)Y, $!i&!, deli"ited 'y a W%arti&(larY #ar, et&), are vario(sly %erf("ed 'y diverse s('stan&es) T!(s, it is 9(ite #(stified to &on&l(de t!at, t!o( ! essentially not!in '(t (nifor" &ons&io(sness, HWe"'odied so(lsY e,%erien&e differen&e fro" one anot!er 'e&a(se of t!eir o$n deli"itationI) #!rik! ,< T!(s, t!e %arti&(lar states t!at refer to t!e !ostC;A of e"'odied so(ls are said to 'elon to t!e Lord only in a se&ondary sense Wi)e), are only "eta%!ori&ally as&ri'ed to !i"Y, for none e,ist really t!ere WviL), in t!e LordY) T!e "aster says: ,<) -hen the host of principles Wnamely6 the sense+organsY is tran%uil6 the 4ord is6 as it were6 tran%uilM when delighted6 he is delightedM when deluded6 he is deludedM but6 in truth6 he is not so)<22 -hen the host of principles6 t!at is, t!e !ost of sense?or ans, is tran%uil6 t!at is, $!en t!ey !ave &eased to f(n&tion, t!e s(%re"e Self t!ereto %ertinent is WalsoY dee"ed to !ave 'e&o"e tran%uil6 t!at is, to !ave %eris!ed, as it were) Si"ilarly, when t!at W!ost of sense?or ansY is delighted 6h.)@a7 , t!at is, dis%osed to e,(lt 6shlda7 , !e is said "eta%!ori&ally to 'e so Wi)e), to 'e deli !tedY) .oreover, when Wt!at !ost isY deluded 6m/ he X #imoha#ati 7 , envelo%ed in tamas , !e is Wdee"ed to 'eY del(ded 6moha3n X m) ha 7 , as for instan&e $!en !e is seen as t!e ori in of stationary 'ein s)C;B
.he"e ter/", '1 #' r"e, have /a$% a##eptati'$" i$ the 0i11ere$t "%"te/" '1 6$0ia$ th' ght. &'""i(*e re1ere$#e" are t' the N'kA%ata", whi#h take" the %,va, 8pri$#ip*e '1 *i1e:, a" the "'*e rea*it%> t' the SAkh%a, whi#h $0er"ta$0" the p'r'a a" '$e '1 tw' 1 $0a/e$ta* &ri$#ip*e"> a$0 p'""i(*% t' the ;aiPe9ika, where tman 0e"ig$ate" the #ateg'r% '1 E"pirit a*E " ("ta$#e a$0 a' the 8at'/: 'r 1 $0a/e$ta* $it '1 E$at reE. 842 Sa/e ter/i$'*'g% i$ CD a0 53. 843 maala. 844 6$ kA. 37, #'$"#i' "$e"" wa" #'$"i0ere0 1r'/ the per"pe#tive '1 the 1i$ite %,va, a" i$v'*vi$g a$ ever,re# rri$g variet% '1 "tate", " #h a" p*ea" re a$0 pai$. )'w, 1r'/ the per"pe#tive '1 the N'r0 (bhagavat), the"e vari' " "tate" appear a" a"pe#t" '1 hi" 'w$ Fei$g here #apti'$e0 i$ *a$g age " gge"tive '1 the three g'as '1 the SAkh%a. Sa/e #'$te$t, ( t "*ight*% 0i11ere$t 1'r/ *ati'$, i$ 4&S 34 ($'te a /i"pri$t i$ Si*( r$, wh' #'/pare" thi" kArikA with 4&S 37), the /ai$ varia$t (ei$g that, here, tattvagaa rep*a#e" manas '1 4&S= nta iva manasi nte h#e h#a iva m)ha iva m)he0 v!avahrastho na p'na paramrthata ,varo bhavati, 86$ the " a* #'$#epti'$, %et $'t a##'r0i$g t' *ti/ate rea*it%, the N'r0 i", a" it were, #a*/, i1 /i$0 (manas) i" #a*/> he i", a" it were, L'%e0, i1 /i$0 i" L'%e0> he i", a" it were, 0e* 0e0, i1 /i$0 i" 0e* 0e0: (tr. -a$ie*"'$, /'0i1ie0)> '$ the i$terpretati'$ '1 4&S 34, "ee -a$ie*"'$ 4&S, $. 136,137, pp. 56,57. 845 sthvara!oni J FdD #ite, ".v. sthvara, in re 81i7e0: p*a$t", the appare$t*% para**e* 1'r/ati'$ 8sthvarotpatti: 1r'/ a /e0i#a* te7t (( t 0' $'t '11er a g*'"") a$0 the -hgavatap'ra (666 10, 1811.) aver" that the "eve$th, a/'$g the $i$e E#reati'$"E '1 Frah/a, i" that '1 81i7e0 (ta#h'm)


But in truth 6paramrthata 7 , t!at is, in %oint of vie$ of fa&t 63astu3.ttena7 , he6 t!e S(%re"e Lord, is not so6 t!at is, Wdoes not e,istY in t!e sa"e $ay as do Wt!ose %!eno"enaY) For everyt!in t!at %arta5es of insentien&e "(st eit!er 'e 'orn or 'e destroyed Wor 'ot!YM '(t neit!er destr(&tion nor ori ination a%%ly to t!e (n&!an in Lord, $!ose nat(re is &ons&io(sness and $!o" $e refer to Was en&losedY $it!in t!e s!eat!s of my , et&)C;= *en&e, t!e Lord is ever t!e sa"e) #!rik! ,? T!e error t!at !as &o"e to %ass in t!e %ro&ess of ela'oratin Wt!e $orld of o(r e,%erien&eY 6samutpatti,rame07 is "oreover &o"%letely (%rooted in t!e %ro&ess of a&!ievin enli !ten"ent 612apti,rame0a7 ) C;< And Wt!erein &onsistsY oneIs o$n freedo") T!e "aster says: ,?) After initially setting aside the error that consists in the Self appearing in the form of the non+Self6 the supreme Self sloughs off then the erroneous "iew whereby the non+Self is pro8ected onto the Self)<2< WT!e Self,Y ha"ing firstly6 t!at is, in t!e 'e innin , set aside its appearance in the form of the non+Self6 t!at is, in s(&! insentient t!in s as t!e 'ody, et&), as

e$titie" J p*a$t" a$0 tree" J " gge"ti$g the p'""i(i*it% that Frah/a hi/"e*1 /ight L "ti1ia(*% (e #a**e0 >sthvara!oni>. <$ sthvara, 8"tati'$ar% (ei$g:, /ea$i$g the " (#ateg'r% '1 8a$i/a*": that i$#* 0e p*a$t" a$0 tree", "ee $. 322. 846 m!dika&c'ka J it i" the he7a0i# "heath #'$"i"ti$g '1 m! a$0 the 1ive ka&c'kas. 847 6$ the #'$te7t '1 the 8pr'#e"" '1 #reati'$:, the e7ter$a* /a$i1e"tati'$ '1 the N'r0 viewe0 a" a " ##e""i'$ '1 pri$#ip*e" (tattva), whi#h i" a*"' the 8ge$e"i" '1 ('$0age:, kArikA" 30 a$0 31 have 0ea*t with /etaph%"i#a* ig$'ra$#e (avid!). S%//etri#a**%, kArikA" 39,40 e7p' $0 the rever"e pr'#e"", that '1 *i(erati'$ thr' gh k$'w*e0ge, 'r e$*ighte$/e$t, i.e., thr' gh the rea*iUati'$, 'r 8re#'g$iti'$:, '1 *ti/ate rea*it%. 848 .here are tw' *eve*" 'r gra0e" '1 the err'r that #'$"tit te" h /a$ 1i$it 0e ("ee, i$1ra, .4; ; 105(,107a, v'*. 666= 1032). .he 1ir"t, 0e"#ri(e0 i$ &S 25 a$0 30, #'$"i"t" i$ taki$g the Se*1 t' (e the $'$,Se*1, i.e., i$ 1'rgetti$g '$e:" 'w$ p*e$it 0e a$0 i$ apprehe$0i$g '$e"e*1 a" a 1i$ite " (Le#t, 0e1i$e0 i$ re*ati'$ t' a$ '(Le#t. .here p'$ i$terve$e" the "e#'$0 *eve* '1 err'r= taki$g the $'$,Se*1 (('0%, b'ddhi, et#.) t' (e the Se*1, that i", pre0i#ati$g the Se*1 '1 the $'$,Se*1, "' that we a""ert 86 a/ 1at:, 86 a/ i$te**ige$t:, et#. B" &S 31 1'r/ *ate" it, it i" err'r heape0 p'$ err'r (8re$grege/e$t 0e /a*:, t' ('rr'w 1r'/ ::+vare), 80ark$e"" p'$ 0ark$e"": (timird api timiram idam), 'r, havi$g re#' r"e t' a$'ther a$a*'g%= 8a great mp "t *e p'$ a ('i*n: (gaas!opari mahn a!a spho#a). Si/i*ar "pe# *ati'$" '$ the tw' gra0e" '1 err'r are "ee$ thr' gh' t the &S ("ee CD a0 53, 60) a$0 are a*"' pre"e$t i$ te7t" " #h a" 4 6 11, 13, 15. See $. 728> a*"' .4 ; 105(,107a= tman! antmbhimata' sat!am eva h! antmani00 tmbhimno dehda' bandho m'ktis t' tal la!a0 dv antman! tmatve l,ne labdhe ni%tmani00 tman! antmatne mahv!pti pravartate0, 8F'$0age #'$"i"t" i$ taki$g the ('0%, et#., whi#h i" $'t the Se*1, t' (e the Se*1, wherea" taki$g the Se*1 a" the $'$,Se*1 per"i"t". Ni(erati'$ (m'kti) #'$"i"t" i$ the 0i""'* ti'$ '1 th'"e 2tw' err'r"3. Rhe$ the (e*ie1 that the $'$,Se*1 i" the Se*1 ha" 1ir"t va$i"he0, 2a$0, therea1ter,3 whe$ the Se*1 i" $' *'$ger #'$"i0ere0 t' (e the $'$,Se*1, "' that 2the rea* $at re '13 '$e:" 'w$ Se*1 i" attai$e0, the Ireat perva"i'$ (mahv!pti) 2i.e., the #'/p*ete 1 "i'$ with the *ti/ate rea*it%3 take" p*a#e:> '$ mahv!pti, "ee OD:" g*'""= para pramevar!am 'di!d it! artha, 8.he$, the " pre/e N'r0"hip /a% ri"e:. .4; a0 *'#. #'//e$t" (v'*. 666= 1032)= iha khal' dvidh bandha tman! antmbhimno 8ntman! tmbhimna ca, iti tad eva cava malam 'c!ate, 8Mere, there are tw' ki$0" '1 ('$0age= taki$g the Se*1 a" the $'$,Se*1, a$0 the $'$,Se*1 a" the Se*1. .hi" i" #a**e0 the avamala, the i/p rit% '1 20ee/i$g '$e"e*13 1i$ite:. .herea1ter .4; ; 105(,107a K 'te" ^&? 666 2, 4 0e1i$i$g the tw'1'*0 avamala.

si naled 'y #(d "ents s(&! as: HI a" sli"I, HI a" sto(tI, $!i&! is not!in '(t %redi&atin t!e Self of t!e non?SelfC;@ R WR t!at is,Y !avin a'andoned t!e notion t!at t!e adventitio(s 'ody and t!e li5e is to 'e seen as t!e &o niLer,CB7 t!an5s to t!e irr(%tion 6sphura07 Winto &ons&io(snessY of non?adventitio(s i%seity 6a,.trimhant7 , s(&! t!at one no$ #(d es: HI a" a (nifor" "ass of 'lissf(l &ons&io(snessM "y nat(re is (n&onditionedM I a" freeIMCB8 W!avin first done t!is,Y t!e Self, its 'onda e to t!e 'ody dissolved, and !avin t!(s a%%roa&!ed t!e stat(s of s(%re"e Self, t!en sloughs off the erroneous "iew 6$hrnti7 t!at &onsists in t!e dis%lay of differen&e R t!at dis%lay $!i&! is enerated 'y t!e &on&eit attri'(tin to t!e 'ody and t!e li5e t!e &a%a&ity to &o niLe 6dehdipramt.t$himna7 ) T!is erroneo(s vie$ W&onsists in t!e %ro#e&tion of t!e non?SelfY onto that Self R t!e (niversal &ate oryCB6 $!ose for" is "anifestation 6sphuradr/pa7 , $!ose e"'odi"ent is Li !t 6pra,(a3apus7 , even t!o( ! it a%%ears as its o$n &o"%onentsCBA Wt!at is, as "(lti%leY) WT!is "ay 'e f(rt!er e,%lained as follo$s:Y Wt!e SelfY rinds (tterly to d(st Ws(&! ill(sionY, in t!e realiLation: HI alone "anifest "yself as t!e Self of t!e (niverseI)CB; Of t!is t!e %(r%ort is: as lon as t!e &on&eit t!at lo&ates t!e Self in t!e non?Self R t!e 'ody, et&) R does not dissi%ate, so lon does t!e del(sion not dissolve CBB t!at &onsists in valoriLin differen&eCB= in t!is $orld, Wt!e t!in s ofY $!i&! are even so '(t t!e dis%lay of oneIs o$n Self 6s3tmaprath7 ) *en&e, it is t!e Lord alone, t!e s(%re"e Self alone R t!at is, t!e Great Lord t!at is oneIs o$n SelfCB< R $!o &a(ses t!e destr(&tion of t!e error &onsistin in t!e &on&eit t!at lo&ates t!e non?Self in t!e Self, 'y destroyin t!e erroneo(s vie$ &onsistin in t!e &on&eit t!at lo&ates t!e Self in t!e non?Self R and in t!is "atter none ot!er !as s(&! &a%a&ity) #!rik! 2@ T!(s, 'e&a(se t!is %air of errors !as 'een let o, t!ere is left not!in at all for t!e ade%t of t!is dis&i%line to a&&o"%lis!, for !e !as 'e&o"e Widenti&al $it!Y t!e S(%re"e Lord) T!e "aster says: 2@) In this way6 when these twin delusions ha"e been cut off6 along with their roots6 there is no penchant at all on the part of the supreme adept who has attained his goal to accomplish anything else)<5<
Nit, 8... 2$'thi$g ( t3 #'$"i0erati'$ (parmarana) 2'1 '(Le#t"3 havi$g re1ere$#e t' the $'$,Se*1, i$ ter/" '1 the Se*1:. 850 B "%$'$%/ '1 ktrimapram# i" kalpitapramt> "ee ^&; 6 5, 1 (v'*. 6= 197). 851 aham cidnandaikaghano 8navacchinnasvabhva svatantra ca. 852 vivapadrtha. 853 svgakalpa. 854 aham eva eko vivtman sph'rmi. 855 Sa/e ter/i$'*'g% i$ CD a0 53. 856 bhedaprath J *it., 80i"p*a% '1 0i11ere$#e:. 857 !1. .4; ; 151= svtmaiva hi paramevara iva. 858 6$ a00iti'$ t' a##' $ti$g 1'r the tw' *eve*" '1 err'r a$0 the re" *ti$g #'$#epti'$ '1 moka, kArikA 39,40 0ea* i/p*i#it% with the $'ti'$ '1 ktop!a, 8wa% '1 e$erg%:, whi#h wi** agai$ (e take$ p i$ th'"e 1'**'wi$g (41 t' 46). .he 0'#tri$e '1 the 'p!as ha" (ee$ #'$"i0era(*% 0eve*'pe0 i$ the .rika at the i$"tigati'$ '1 BI wh' 0e0i#ate" t' their e7p'"iti'$, part*% 'r e$tire*%, the 1ir"t 1ive #hapter" '1 hi" .4. 6$ .4 6 167,170, BI pre"e$t" the 0'#tri$e a" 0erive0 1r'/ the +;., the a th'ritative


On&e in this way6 t!at is, in t!e "anner e,%o(nded in t!e W%revio(sY 54ri54, t!e '(ddin s!oots of t!is pair of errors !ave 'een &r(s!ed, of him who has attained his goal 6,.trtha7 , t!at is, 'y $!o" t!e goal 6artha7 R t!e realiLation of W(lti"ateY !("an %(r%ose 6puru)rtha7 C has been effected 6,.ta7 , t!at is to say, rea&!ed, 'y slo( !in off t!e entirety of restri&tions li"itin t!e re&o nition 6pari12apti7 of !is o$n freedo", and $!o is t!(s dis&i%lined in a&&ord $it! "ost e,&ellent yo a, Wof s(&! a oneY no penchant6 t!at is, no a&tivity of t!e "ind, is e"er directed to the accomplishment of anything else6 t!at is, to any re"ainin a&ts s(&! as %il ri"a e, &onfinin oneself to a &ertain re ion,CB@ initiation, silent Dor $!is%eredE re&itation, "editation, listenin to t!e e,%osition Wof t!e &anonsY, et&),C=7 for,
S#ript re i$ thi" "%"te/, '1 whi#h he K 'te" three ver"e" (+;. 66 23, 22 a$0 21), a$0 "a%" (.4 6 213) that he re#eive0 thi" "%"te/ '1 #*a""i1i#ati'$ 1r'/ hi" tea#her Sa(h $Atha. .' the 'rigi$a* three1'*0 #*a""i1i#ati'$, BI a00" a 1' rth #ateg'r%, the an'p!a, 'r 8$'$,/ea$":, 8$'$,wa%:. .4 6 171,232 e7p' $0" i$ 0etai* the 1' r 'p!as, avop!a, ktop!a, bhavop!a a$0 an'p!a, (egi$$i$g with the *'we"t ('$ the 1' r, "ee .4 6,;, Si*( r$, &a0' 7 .4= 52,60). .hat the ktop!a i" a** 0e0 t' withi$ the "pa$ '1 kArikA" 39,46 i" "h'w$ (% the avat. a0 39, whi#h "tate" that 8the err'r i" #'/p*ete*% pr''te0 i$ the pr'#e"" '1 a#hievi$g e$*ighte$/e$t (%&aptikramea):. T'r what 0i"ti$g i"he" the ktop!a 1r'/ the higher bhavop!a i" pre#i"e*% it" 0i"# r"ive a$0 "eK e$tia* #hara#ter, i$"epara(*e 1r'/ re#' r"e t' 8e$*ighte$/e$t: a$0 the pra#ti#e '1 %'ga. .he ktop!a i" a*"' #a**e0 %&nop!a, 8/ea$" ('r wa%) '1 k$'w*e0ge:, th " $a/e0, 1'r iva, a" 8p'""e""'r '1 the akti: (aktimat), i" k$'w$ thr' gh hi" akti, wh' 1 rther 0ivi0e" her"e*1 i$t' Ri** (icch), ?$'w*e0ge (%&na) a$0 B#ti'$ (kri!). 6t i" a*"' #a**e0 %&naakt!'p!a, 8/ea$" '1 #'g$itive e$erg%:, 1'r it #'$"i"t" i$ the %'gi$:" tra$"1'r/i$g hi" %&naakti, hi" #'g$itive e$erg%, i$t' a$ i$t iti'$, a /%"ti#a* rea*iUati'$ J bhvan i$ thi" "%"te/, bhavop!a i" #hara#teriUe0 (% $'$,0i"# r"ivit% a$0 i//e0ia#%> ktop!a (% 0i"# r"ivit% a$0 /e0ia#%. bhavop!a a$0 ktop!a are re"pe#tive*% the e11e#t" '1 a$ 8e7tre/e*% i$te$"e gra#e: (t,vrat,vraaktipta) a$0 '1 a 8/'0erate*% i$te$"e gra#e: (t,vramadh!aaktipta). .h ", .4; (a0 666 292, v'*. 66= 693) a00 #e" the a("e$#e '1 8e7tre/e*% i$te$"e gra#e: a" rea"'$ 1'r the i$a(i*it% t' 1'**'w the 8wa% '1 a(h :, a$0 *ater '("erve" (.4; 6; 276() that 8the '$e p ri1ie0 (% the /'"t i$te$"e gra#e: i" p ri1ie0 (pavitrita) with the bhavop!a= kacid eva t,vratamaaktiptapavitrita. .he repeate0 0e1i$iti'$ '1 the bhavop!a i" >akiciccintana>, the 8th' ght '1 $'thi$g:, that i", the e7perie$#e '1 $'$,0i"# r"ive #'$"#i' "$e"" ("ee .4 6 168a S +;. 66 23, whi#h 0e1i$e" hi/ wh' attai$" the bhavop!a a" >akiciccintaka>> 6 171> ; 156(), wherea" the /e0itative 'r /%"ti#a* rea*iUati'$ (bhvan), 0i"# r"ive (% $at re, #hara#teriUe" the ktop!a> #1. .4; ; 156(= akiciccintana bhava0 bhvan kta> a*"' .4 6 178(,*79a= tenvikalp savittir bhvand!anapeksi,00 ivatdtm!am pann samveo 8tra bhava0, 8.here1're, the a("'rpti'$ pr'per t' a(h i" $'$,0i"# r"ive #'$"#i' "$e"", i$0epe$0e$t '1 a** bhvan, et#., i$ whi#h '$e attai$" i0e$tit% with iva:> "ee a*"' 6$tr., p. 51. <$ bhvan, "ee Bppe$0i7 20, p. 345. 859 !'$1i$i$g '$e"e*1 t' a #ertai$ regi'$ i" a v'w, a$ '("erva$#e (vrata)> #1. .4 6; 258(,263a. &S 79,80 wi** 0i*ate p'$ the v'w '1 the %&nin. 860 Sa/e 0eve*'p/e$t i$ &S 69 a$0 CD a0 *'#. <$e '("erve" the "a/e *'gi# '1 e7p'"iti'$ i$ the 1' rth #hapter '1 .4, e$tire*% 0e0i#ate0 t' the ktop!a. 6$ the #' r"e '1 e7p' $0i$g the pr'#e0 re" at w'rk i$ the ktop!a @ vikalpasaskra ('r vikalpa'ddhi), 8p ri1i#ati'$ '1 the vikalpas: (1,12), /a$tri# pra#ti#e" (181(,193) a$0 'ther tr *% /%"ti#a* pra#ti#e", " #h a" %apa, et#. (194,211) J .4 6; 0ea*" with the "e*e""$e"" '1 e7ter$a* rit a*" (109(,122a), a$0 pr'#*ai/" (212, 277), #iti$g a" a th'rit% the +;. (K 'ti$g +;. 5;666 74,84 a" P*'ka" 213,221a), the va$it% '1 pre"#ripti'$" a$0 pr'hi(iti'$", e"pe#ia**% th'"e re*ati$g t' p rit% a$0 i/p rit%> "ee a*"' .S 6;, pp. 31,32 (tr. Si*( r$ 1981= 194), whi#h #'$#* 0e"= na hi 'ddhir vast'no r)pa n,latvavat, an!atra tas!aiva a'ddhicodant, 8& rit% i$0ee0 0'e" $'t #'$"tit te the e""e$#e '1 the thi$g, a" 0'e" the (* e #'*'r, 1'r, e*"ewhere 2viU., i$ 'ther "#h''*"3, the "a/e thi$g w' *0 (e 0e#*are0 a" i/p re a$0 a" " #h the '(Le#t '1 a$ i$L $#ti'$:.

T!is is t!e s(%re"e dharma , na"ely, to see t!e Self t!ro( ! dis&i%line)C=8 T!(s !as 'een asserted t!e %ree"inen&e of t!e dis&i%line tendin to t!e realiLation of oneIs o$n Self 6s3tmayoga7 ) C=6 T!ere is no Wneed ofY effort else$!ere on t!e %art of t!e &ons(""ate ade%t 6p/r0ayogin7 , sin&e !e !as realiLed t!at dis&i%line) As !as 'een stated in t!e revered "-t : O!en t!e #(n le of del(sion] T!y "entality C=A s!all et a&ross,] T!en t!o( s!alt &o"e to aversion] To$ards $!at is to 'e !eard and !as 'een !eard Din t!e 1edaE)C=; #arik! 2

.%&avalk!asmti 2CALS3 18. .he #'/p*ete ver"e i"= i%!cradamhisdnasvdh!!akarmaam0 a!a t' paramo dharmo !ad !ogentmadaranam00, E.here are 20har/i#3 a#ti'$" " #h a" "a#ri1i#e, g''0 #'$0 #t, re"trai$t '1 the "e$"e", $'$,vi'*e$#e, *i(era*it%, "t 0% '1 the ;e0a", ( t a('ve a**, there i" a " pre/e dharma, whi#h i" the wit$e""i$g '1 the Se*1 thr' gh 0i"#ip*i$e:. CD:" ver"i'$ '1 the thir0 pda 0i11er" i$ a 1ew parti# *ar". 862 .he %'ga re1erre0 t' i$ the ktop!a "h' *0 $'t (e /i"take$ 1'r the t%pe '1 pra#ti#e pr'per t' the avop!a> #1. .4 6; 88,109a, parti# *ar*% 106,109a, whi#h K 'te" +;. 5;666 74 (part*%) a$0 78,79. .S 6;, p. 27, 0e1i$e" the %'ga pr'per t' the ktop!a= !ad anapekitavikalpa svbhvika paramrthatattva prakate tas!aiva santanatathvidhaprakamtratr)dha!e tatsvar)pn'sandhntm vikalpavieo !oga, 8.oga 2here3 /ea$" a parti# *ar 2/e$ta* 0i"#ip*i$e, the /i$0 e7er#i"i$g it"e*13 vi",a,vi" a*ter$ative" (vikalpaviea), wh'"e e""e$#e i" #'$#e$trati'$ (an'sandhha) '$ the $at re '1 the " pre/e tr th that "hi$e" 2i$ "3 $at ra**% a$0 with' t a*ter$ative (anapekitavikalpa), a$0 i" i$te$0e0 1'r #'$1ir/i$g 2'r 8/aki$g #'//'$p*a#e:= r)hi3 that 2tr th3 a" $'thi$g ( t that "e/piter$e* "hi$i$g (praka) a" " #h:. 863 .he re1ere$#e t' %'ga a$0 b'ddhi i" a$ a00iti'$a* "ig$ that the ktop!a i" at "take here> "ee .4 6 214,215. 864 FhI 66 52. .he per1e#t %'gi$ $' *'$ger reK ire" the tea#hi$g" '1 the r ti, i.e., '1 the ;e0a", whether the% are th'"e he ha" a*rea0% hear0 a$0 1'**'we0, 'r th'"e that are %et t' (e hear0. S #h a %'gi$ J '$ wh'/ a#t" #a$$'t p'""i(*% (e e$L'i$e0 'r 1'r(i00e$ (#1. .4 6; 212,221a J K 'tati'$ 1r'/ the +;. 5;66674,82 J a$0 6; 271,278a) i" th " a %,vanm'kta. .hr' gh '$e '1 the $ /er' " et%/'*'gi#a* p*a%" '$ the $a/e B(hi$avag pta, #e*e(rate0 a" the %,vanm'kta par e7#e**e$#e, .4; 6; 278a 1 rther 0e1i$e" the %,vanm'kta a" 8the '$e pr'te#te0 (Cg'pta E parirakita) ever%where (abhij E abhita), i.e., 1r'/ a** 0i11ere$tiati'$, (% the prai"e (Cnava E stava) 2'1 hi" 'w$ Se*13:, wh' i" there1're a$ 8e7tra'r0i$ar%: (ko 8pi, g*'""e0 a" ala'kika) "age, 8K a*i1ie0 21'r that "a#ri1i#e (asmin... !gavidha') that i" the pra#ti#e '1 the ktop!a3:.


*avin e,%lainedC=B in Wt!e 54ri54sY i""ediately follo$in 6sa prati7 W54) ;8?;AY t!at Wt!e s(%re"e yo inY rea&!es a &ondition of identity $it! t!e (niverse, C== itself re%lete $it! a%%arent differen&es, fro" Eart! to Ill(sionC=< WR first,Y 'y "er in !i"self in 63e(a7 t!e &ondition of Pa5ti,C=C $!i&! re%resents Wt!e essential si"(ltaneity ofY differen&e?and?non?differen&eMC=@ WR t!en,Y 'y dissolvin all differen&e as !e realiLes $it!in !i"self 6sampatti7 C<7 t!e &ondition of Pa'!(, $!i&! is a "ass of %erfe&t Li !t and 'liss, R t!e "aster %ro&eeds t!en W54) ;;Y to e,%lain t!at Wt!is (niverseY is li5e a series of $avesC<8 $!i&! arise 'efore o(r eyes as s%lendors s(r in ever fort! fro" Pa5ti Was
Tr'/ here, the "t%*e #ha$ge", $'w i/( e0 with a /%"ti#a* *%ri#i"/, eK a**% evi0e$t i$ the kArikA" ($'ta(*% 47,50, with the "triki$g e$tra$#e i$t' the 0i"#' r"e '1 the 1ir"t per"'$) a$0 i$ the #'//e$tar% (i$ 41,46, /etaph'r 1'**'w" p'$ /etaph'r a$0 a**iterati'$" are 1reK e$t). B" we**, it i" $'tew'rth% that vv. 39,49 have $' #'rre"p'$0i$g ver"e" i$ the 4&S, th " #'$"tit ti$g a *'$g pare$the"i" 0ev'te0 t' the e"'teri# tea#hi$g" '1 the .rika. .he #'rre"p'$0e$#e" re" /e with &S 50, whi#h #'rre"p'$0" t' 4&S 50 a$0 4&S 62. .he "%$ta7 '1 thi" pa""age i" #'/p*e7. Ira//ati#a**%, the e$tire avat. i" '$e "e$te$#e, '1 whi#h the /ai$ #*a "e i" ' r 1i$a* paragraph (86$ " /...:)> what pre#e0e" i" "tr #t re0 a" three 0epe$0e$t #*a "e" 'rga$iUe0 i$ three ti/e" ar' $0 a ger $0 (abhidh!a, i/p*%i$g re*ative pa"t ti/e), a pre"e$t parti#ip*e (abhidadhat, i/p*%i$g #'rre*ati'$ with the /ai$ ver(, here "i/p*% ha), a$0 a 1 t re parti#ip*e ('nm,la!i!at, i/p*%i$g i$te$ti'$), whi#h we have "eparate0 a*"' (% paragraph i$0i#ati'$". .he avat. /ake" re1ere$#e i/p*i#it*% t' the 0'#tri$e '1 the 'p!as, a$0 parti# *ar*% t' tw' a/'$g the/= the bhavaH a$0 the ktaH, t' whi#h the ter/" bhavapada a$0 ktabh)mik a** 0e. 6t i" i$ thi" #'$te7t, i/p*i#it*% e"ta(*i"he0 (% kA. 38,40, that kA. 41,46 0ea*, "'/eti/e" a** "ive*%, with ta$tri# pra#ti#e, i$#* 0i$g mantras a$0 m'drs, with "pe#ia* e/pha"i" '$ the "ig$i1i#a$#e a$0 p'te$#% '1 the /a$tra _______, whi#h i" a*"', a##'r0i$g t' BI, the e"'teri# p rp'rt '1 the e$tire &., the te7t re1erre0 t' (% CD a0 43. B##'r0i$g t' the "eparate avat. t' 43 a$0 46, what i" at "take here, i$ the"e 1ive kArikA", i" the e"'teri# /a$tri# tra0iti'$ (mantrasaprad!a), e"pe#ia**% that re*ate0 t' the /a$tra ____. ?ArikA" 43,46 0i"#*'"e (with the he*p '1 the #'//e$tar%) the p'te$#% (v,r!) pr'per t' the /a$tra ____, whi#h it"e*1 0epe$0" '$ the higher p'te$#% '1 the " pre/e a$0 pri/'r0ia* /a$tra, ____, whi#h e$#*'"e" i$ it"e*1 8the 1 ** p'wer '1 a** the ph'$e/e", 1r'/ + t' ?+, '1 whi#h /a$tra" #'$"i"t: a$0 0raw" the/ t'gether 8i$ a "i$g*e p'i$t '1 #'$#e$trate0 e$erg%, the bind', it" 1i$a* *etter): (&a0' 7 1992= 386)> "ee $. 876. 866 tadabhedama!at J #1. CD a0 39= aham eva eko vivtman sph'rmi, 86 a*'$e /a$i1e"t /%"e*1 a" the Se*1 '1 the $iver"e:. 867 .he re1ere$#e i" t' the three aa"= pthv!aa, prakt!aa, m!a. 868 ktabh)mik J "i/i*ar ter/i$'*'g% i$ .4 5556; 2 (kti bh)mim 'pra!et) whi#h 0e"#ri(e" a pr'gre""ive a"#e$t t' the $at re '1 Fhairava thr' gh avaC, ktaC a$0 bhavaC 'p!a= tato 8p! avasat!gc chkti bh)mim 'pra!et0 tato 8pi bhav,m eva tratam!akramt sph'#am00, 8.he$, a(a$0'$i$g the *eve* '1 the ava2'p!a3, '$e attai$" the *eve* '1 e$erg% 2viU., that '1 the ktop!a3, a$0, a1terwar0", i$ t r$, #*ear*% that '1 a(h 2viU., the bhavop!a3:. B" "tate0 (% .4 6; 187(,188a= tac chaktitrita!rohd bhairav,!e cidtmani0 vi%!ate hi tat 2...3, 86t i" thr' gh a"#e$0i$g the tria0 '1 the akti" (aktitrita!a) that 2the w'r*03 i" e/itte0 ('r pr'Le#te0= vi%!ate E visarga= ) i$t' the #'$"#i' "$e"" '1 Fhairava 2where it re"t"3:. .he pr'#e"" '1 rea("'rpti'$ i$t' p re #'$"#i' "$e"" i" 0e"#ri(e0 here. 869 !1. the ver% "i/i*ar avat. t' kA. 46, whi#h 0e"#ri(e" the "%//etri# pr'#e"" '1 e/a$ati'$ (s#i), K.v. .he ktop!a #'rre"p'$0" t' the "tate '1 e7perie$#e ter/e0 bhedbheda, 80i11ere$#e,a$0,$'$, 0i11ere$#e: 'r 8 $it%,i$,0i11ere$#e:, "i$#e the N'r0[sdhaka #'$#eive" '1 the phe$'/e$a* $iver"e a" ('th 0i"ti$#t a$0 $'t 0i"ti$#t 1r'/ hi/"e*1> "ee 6$tr., p. 25. 870 sampatti J the ter/, 0erive0 1r'/ the r''t pad, /ea$" *itera**%, 8attai$ #'/p*ete*%: 'r 8rea#h tter*%:> there1're, i$ thi" #'$te7t= 8rea*iUati'$ i$ '$e"e*1, 8 $i"'$:, 8#'i$#i0e$#e:, 8i0e$tit%:, 81 "i'$:, 8 $i'$:> #1. Sp) 66 7 '$ tadtmatsampatti= tadtmatsampatti ivik!veo na t' pa&cavaktrder v!atiriktas!kras!a darana, na t' nica!amtrea tadtmatsampattir api t'


t!eir sole so(r&eY, Ws%lendorsY t!e"selves li5ened to a reat &(rrent flo$in fro" t!e a'ode of Pa'!(, a verita'le o&ean of ne&tar,C<6 R and !e does t!is in order to reveal,C<A ne,t W54) ;B?;=Y, t!e H*eart of s(%re"e &ons&io(snessI 6parasa 3iddh.daya7 , C<; $!i&! &onsists in t!e (nison 6smarasy7 C<B of Piva, Pa5ti and t!e finite self, and $!ose so(r&e is t!e a'sol(te identity 6paramd3aya7 $!erein all differen&es are dissolvedM f(rt!er, t!e essential %oten&y 63-rya7 Wof t!at revelationY is &ontained in t!e Great for"(la 6mahmantr7 , as "ay 'e &onfir"ed in oneIs o$n e,%erien&e)

icchato 8vikaipavivhanttmakaivaik!ar)pecchparmardhir)has!a, 8tadtmatsampatti 2/ea$"3 Ea("'rpti'$ (vea) i$ iva i$ the 1'r/ '1 '$e:" i0e$tit% (aik!a) with hi/E, a$0 $'t the vi" a* i0e$ti1i#ati'$ (darana) with a parti# *ar 1'r/ '1 hi/, " #h a" the 1ive,hea0e0 iva. .hi" i0e$ti1i#ati'$ i" $'t the re" *t '1 a /ere 0eter/i$ate #'g$iti'$ (nica!a), rather it i" that '1 a$ Ea"pira$tE (icchat) wh' i" 1ir/*% 1i7e0 (parmara) '$ hi" 0e"ire t' i0e$ti1% hi/"e*1 with iva (ivaik!a) a" the $iver"a* E6E (vivhant) $'t 2give$ i$3 0i"# r"ive aware$e"" (avikalpa):. B*"' .4 6 171= %&e!asampatti, 8 $i"'$ with what i" t' (e k$'w$:, a$0 OD a0 *'#= avikalptmakasavittdtm!am abh!eti, 8<$e attai$" i0e$tit% (tdtm!a) with $'$,0i"# r"ive #'$"#i' "$e"":> "i/i*ar*% .4; ; 121 (v'*. 666= 1046), whi#h g*'""e" b,%a!onisampatt! (121() a" b,%a!on!tmakaivaakt!aiktm!ena, th " e"ta(*i"hi$g the eK iva*e$#e= sampatti E aiktm!a, 8i0e$tit%:> a*"' .4 666 79, where, i$ a 0i11ere$t #'$te7t, sampatti i" g*'""e0 a" apthagbhvenvabhsanam, 8/a$i1e"tati'$ 2K a*i1ie03 (% $'$,"eparati'$: 2viU., 8#'i$#i0e$#e:, 81 "i'$:3 ("ee a*"' .4; a0 *'#). See a*"' S; 6 14, a$0 S; 6 22, where sampatti g*'""e" an'sandhna, 8/e$ta* $i'$:, i$ the "\tra= tatsvtantr!vabhsitatadakh!tima!a sarvam eva bandha !athoktod!amtmakabhairavasampata praama!ant,, 860e$tit%[1 "i'$ with Fhairava, the " 00e$ e/erge$#e ('d!ama) 2'1 " pre/e 6,#'$"#i' "$e""3, a" ha" (ee$ a*rea0% "tate0 2S 6 53, "et" at $a ght a** ('$0age that i" '1 the $at re '1 the ig$'ra$#e (r' ght a(' t (% the a("'* te 1ree0'/ 2'1 the N'r0[#'$"#i' "$e""3:. &MvX (avat. a0 19) eK ate" samdhi, samvea a$0 sampatti, a$0 0e1i$e" the/ a" the 8attai$/e$t '1 #'$"#i' "$e"" a$0 (*i"": (cidnandalbha)= 2...3 cidnandalbha, sa eva ca parama!ogina samveasampatt!dipar!!a samdhi. 871 tattattaragabhagir)patm J #1. ;Fh 110= %alas!evorma!o vahner %vlbharig! prabh rave0 mamaiva bhairavas!ait vivabhag!o vibhedit. 872 mahpravhade,!aktaprasarollsapram'kham J *it., 8whi#h ari"e (e1're ' r e%e" (Cpram'kham) a" "p*e$0'r" " rgi$g ever 1'rth (CprasarollsaC) 1r'/ akti (CktaC), 2"p*e$0'r"3 the/"e*ve" *ike$e0 t' a great # rre$t (mahpravhade,!aC) 2...3:. !1. .4 ; 123 a$0 it" #'//e$tar% whi#h /a% he*p t' e* #i0ate thi" pa""age= atra bhairavanthas!a sasakocaviksik0 bhsate d'rgha# aktir asakocaviksina00, 8.here, a##'/p*i"hi$g the i/p'""i(*e, the e$erg% '1 Fhairava, wh' $ever e7pa$0" 'r #'$tra#t", /a$i1e"t" it"e*1 i$ e7pa$"i'$ a$0 #'$tra#ti'$:, a$0 .4; a0 *'#= atrnandap)re dhmni asakocaviksino nistaraga%aladhiprakh!as!a p)ras!a prakas!a sasakocaviksik sadaiva s#isahrama!,, ata eva d'rgha#akri, svtantr!kh! akti bhsate svtmaiktm!ena prathate, !an mhtm!di!n vivasphra sadaiva stisahradadhi!itm et! artha, (E.hereE 2/ea$"3 i$ that p*a#e 'ver1*'wi$g with 0e*ight> J E2Fhairava3 wh' $ever e7pa$0" 'r #'$tra#t"E 2re1er" t'3 a**,e$#'/pa""i$g Night, "ai0 t' (e 2*ike3 a$ '#ea$ with' t wave"> J Ei$ e7pa$"i'$ a$0 #'$tra#ti'$E 2/ea$"3 eter$a**% #'/p'"e0 '1 #reative a$0 0e"tr #tive 21'r#e"3. J T'r thi" ver% rea"'$, 2hi"3 Ee$erg%E 2i" "ai0 t'3 Ea##'/p*i"h the i/p'""i(*eE, i$ virt e '1 whi#h it /a% a*"' (e ter/e0 1ree0'/> J 2a$0 "', that e$erg%3 m/a$i1e"t" it"e*1n, 2that i"3 it e7te$0" it"e*1 2a" ever%thi$g vi"i(*e3 i$a"/ #h a" it i" 2ever3 i0e$ti#a* with it"e*1 2viU., i$#apa(*e '1 a('*i"hi$g it" 'w$ $at re3:. B$0 OD #'$ti$ e"= 8J (e#a "e '1 wh'"e gra$0i'"e w'rk (!an mhtm!t), the e/erge$#e '1 the $iver"e 2i" atte"te03 i$ " #h a 1'r/ (i!n J viU., Etake" '$ the *i/ite0 1'r/ that we apprehe$0E), eter$a**% te$0i$g t'war0 (ei$g g'ver$e0 (% #'$0iti'$" '1 #reati'$ a$0 0e"tr #ti'$:. See a*"' .4 6; 184(= )rmir e vibodhbdher na savid ana! vin, 82.he spanda3 i" a wave i$ the '#ea$ '1 #'$"#i' "$e"", a$0 #'$"#i' "$e"" 2*ike the '#ea$3 #a$$'t (e with' t a wave:, where the wave ()rmi) "erve" a" a /etaph'r 1'r spanda0vimara,

In s(", !e de&lares W54) ;8?;=Y t!at t!e (niverse is "ade one Wand is a'sor'ed in t!e %(re +ein Y, t!ro( ! t!e %ro&ed(re of synt!esiLin 6sa ,alana7 t!e nat(res of t!e t!ree s%!eres, as WstatedY in t!e 2 a"as:C<= 2 ) Nor<:: the triad of Earth6 /ature and Illusion6<:< erroneously consigned<:? to the status of Ithat which is to be knownH6 becomes6 by the force of the realiBation of nonduality6<<@ a residue of pure Being) As to t!e t!reefold WrealityY in t!e for" of t!e ross, t!e s('tle and t!e s(%re"e, $!i&! &onstit(tes t!e essen&e of t!e s%!eres of Eart!, Nat(re, and Ill(sion res%e&tively, Wt!at $as at firstY erroneously consigned to the status of what is to be known6 t!at is, did attain t!e stat(s of field of 5no$led e, Wit is t!at very reality
a$0 the '#ea$ "%/('*iUe" p re #'$"#i' "$e"", 'r Night (praka)> a*"', the 1'**'wi$g ver"e (i$ Sp) 6 1), K 'te0 1r'/ a$ 4ga/a:= )rmir e vibodhbdhe aktir icchtmik prabho,: 2.he I'00e"", a" akti3 i" the wave '1 the '#ea$ '1 #'$"#i' "$e"", the v'*iti'$a* p'wer '1 the N'r0: (tr. Si$gh Sp?= 11). !1. the h%/$" '1 the ?ra/a,+ahArtha that #e*e(rate the ?A*Y", e/a$ati'$" '1 the " pre/e ?A*Y, wh' are a*"' w'r"hipe0 i$ the Rhee* '1 e$ergie"= 2r,klikstotra 11> 6ramastotra 1> BI:" 6ramastotra 10 (Si*( r$ +n'ttar#ik). 873 'nm,la!i!at. 874 6.e., the p *"ati$g B("'* te, a" i$v'ke0 i$ the magalcaraa '1 ?9e/arALa:" Parpraveik= vivtmak tad'tt,r hda!a parameit'0 pardiaktir)pea sph'ranti savida n'ma00, (B0'rati'$ t' the Meart (hda!a) '1 the S pre/e N'r0, the a("'* te #'$"#i' "$e"" i//a$e$t i$ the $iver"e a$0 2a" we**3 tra$"#e$0e$t that /a$i1e"t" (sph'rant,) i$ the 1'r/ '1 the S pre/e akti (parakti) a$0 2i$ *e""er p'wer"3, a" we**:. .h ", hda!a i" the B$ ttara, the 8 $" rpa""a(*e: i$ whi#h iva a$0 akti $ite, that i", the * /i$' " #'$"#i' "$e"" (praka) a$0 the Night '1 Night, the 8"e*1,re1ere$tia* #'$"#i' "$e"": (t' ('rr'w the ter/ '1 + **er,<rtega 1997), $a/e0 vimara, '1 whi#h spanda i" '$e '1 the $ /er' " "%$'$%/". See a*"' Sp) 6; 2= prakavimartmaka hda!am eva. -e1i$iti'$" '1 the 0ivi$e Meart e/pha"iUe "'/eti/e" it" akti 0i/e$"i'$, "'/eti/e" it" praka a"pe#t, a$0 "'/eti/e" the% #'/(i$e ('th. )everthe*e"", the Meart, 'r B("'* te, i" t' (e "ee$ a" a tria$g*e, 1'r, a" wi** (e "tre""e0 (% CD i$ hi" #'//e$tar% '$ 41, thi" Meart,B("'* te i" the p*a#e i$ whi#h /erge $'t '$*% iva a$0 akti, ( t a*"' nara, the 1i$ite "' *, that i", the e$tire phe$'/e$a* w'r*0 (%agat). 6t i" a*"' what i" ta ght (% the g*'"" '$ the Parpraveik K 'te0 a('ve, ( t 1r'/ the p'i$t '1 view '1 e/a$ati'$= iha khal' paramevara praktmprak ca vimarasvabhva 2...3 sva!aprakar)pa paramevara pramevar! akt! ivdidhara!anta%agadtman sph'rati prakate ca, 8.he S pre/e N'r0 wh' i" * /i$' " i$ a$0 '1 hi/"e*1 (sva!apraka) appear" a$0 "hi$e" 1'rth tha$k" t' akti, hi" #'$"'rt, a" the w'r*0, "tarti$g 1r'/ iva a$0 e$0i$g i$ earth 2J viU., the " (t*e"t a$0 the gr'""e"t 1'r/" '1 e7i"te$#e3 8. <$ the Meart i$ aiva te7t", "ee parti# *ar*% + **er,<rtega 1997, &a0' 7 &.NvX= 65,66> 1992= 387, 417,419. .he /a$tra ____ J wh'"e e""e$#e i" _____, the paramantra, 8" pre/e /a$tra: J i" the ph'$i# 1'r/ '1 thi" p *"ati$g B("'* te. S%/('*iUi$g the p *"ati$g B("'* te, thi" /a$tra i" a*"' a /ea$" t' attai$ that B("'* te, thr' gh the /%"ti#a* rea*iUati'$ (bhvan) pr'per t' the ktop!a. !1. CD a0 43, whi#h K 'te" &. 9,10, where the /a$tra ___ i" "ai0 t' (e the 8Meart: (hda!a) 8'1 the $at re '1 Fhairava[" pre/e #'$"#i' "$e"": (bhairavtman). 875 Mere i" '$e '1 the "%/('*i# L "ti1i#ati'$" '1 the ter/ 8.rika:, the 8.ria0:= nara, akti a$0 iva "ta$0 re"pe#tive*% 1'r the k$'wa(*e (ved!a, 'r the 8'(Le#t t' (e k$'w$:), k$'w*e0ge (vedana), a$0 the k$'wer (vedaka), agai$ "%/('*i#a**% eK ate0 with the ph'$e/e" ___ a$0 ___ "ee &.NvX 21,24= tad etad ved!avedanavedakavirntitra!am a!a varatra!asvar)pa tat tra!am, 8S #h i" the $at re '1 the three ph'$e/e" 2___3. 6t i" a tria0 1'r it #'$"i"t" '1 a three1'*0 rep'"e i$ the k$'wa(*e, k$'w*e0ge a$0 the k$'wer:. 876 B1ter thi" prea/(*e, CD:" #'//e$tar% '$ ea#h kA. /ake" #*ear that the pr'gre""i'$ '1 the te7t (kA. 41,46) i" /'0e*e0 '$ that '1 the e$ $#iati'$ '1 ___. 6t a*"' i$0i#ate" h'w the "%/('*i# /ea$i$g '1 the /a$tra i" t' (e #'$"tr e0, #'$"tit e$t (% #'$"tit e$t. ?A. 41,42 a** 0e th " t', the 1ir"t ph'$e/e '1 ___> kA. 43 a""'#iate" __ with __> kA. 44 0ea*" the$ with __ "pe#i1i#a**%> kA. 45 a** 0e" t' __, whi#h #'/p*ete" the /a$tra, wh'"e e$ $#iati'$ re1*e#t" the /'ve/e$t where(% the w'r*0 i" i$ter$a*iUe0 withi$ #'$"#i' "$e""> kA. 46 repre"e$t" the e$ $#iati'$ '1 ___ i$ the rever"e

$!i&! no$Y becomes a residue of pure Being 6sanmtra7 , t!at is, $!ose essen&e is not!in '(t +ein , $!i&!, in t(rn, is not!in '(t Li !t, by the force6 t!at is, t!e e,&ellen&e, of $!at is Wter"edY the realiBation of nonduality6 in a&&ordan&e $it! t!e r(le ta( !t in t!e revered Kli,,rama : CC8 Co nition]&ons&io(sness 612na7 CC6 "anifests itself e,ternally and internally as a variety of for"s)CCA In t!e a'sen&e of &o nition]&ons&io(sness, no o'#e&t e,ists) *en&e, t!e $orld !as t!e for" of &o nition]&ons&io(sness) In t!e a'sen&e of &o nition]&ons&io(sness, no entities &an 'e "ade into o'#e&ts 'y anyone) Fro" t!is it is &on&l(ded t!at &o nition]&ons&io(sness &onstit(tes t!e essen&e of t!ose entities) hi is (sed !ere in t!e sense of HforI 6yasmt7 ) #!rik! 2*
/'ve/e$t '1 e7ter$a*iUi$g the w'r*0 (% the "a/e #'$"#i' "$e"". 877 I*'""i$g hi '1 41( with !asmt, CD:" #'//e$tar% e/pha"iUe" the *'gi#a* *i$k (etwee$ kArikA" 40 a$0 41= 8.here i" $' pe$#ha$t at a** '$ the part '1 the " pre/e a0ept wh' ha" attai$e0 hi" g'a* t' a##'/p*i"h a$%thi$g e*"e: (40), 81'r:, (% the p'wer '1 bhvan, he "ee" phe$'/e$a* 0iver"it% a" 8a re"i0 e '1 p re Fei$g: (41). 878 B" "h'w$ (% the g*'"", three '1 the 1' r aas are re1erre0 t' here. 879 Cpatita. 880 advaitabhvana J $'te the "age here '1 the $e ter (bhvana), i$ the ver"e a$0 #'//e$tar%, 1'r /etri#a* rea"'$", i$"tea0 '1 the /'re #'//'$ 1e/i$i$e 1'r/ ('$ bhvan a" /e0itative rea*iUati'$, "ee CD a0 &S 52 a$0 68). ?ArikA 41 0ea*" with the /e0itative rea*iUati'$ i$ whi#h the ktop!a # */i$ate". .he *a"t "e$te$#e '1 the ge$era* avat. a0 41,46 a/' $t" t' a 0e"#ripti'$ '1 that e7perie$#e= 86$ " /, he 0e#*are" that the $iver"e i" /a0e '$e thr' gh the pr'#e0 re '1 "%$the"iUi$g the $at re" '1 the three "phere":. 6t i" CD:" #'//e$tar% that 0eve*'p" the e"'teri# /ea$i$g '1 the kArikA. 6t wi** take p the K e"ti'$ agai$ whi*e e7p*ai$i$g kA. 43, revea*i$g /'re e7p*i#it*% that /%"ti#a* rea*iUati'$ i" '(tai$e0 thr' gh /e0itati'$ '$ the /a$tra ___. .here1're, (% i/p*i#ati'$, it appear" that kArikA 41 ai/" at givi$g a #r%pti#a**% "%/('*i# i$terpretati'$ '1 2S, 8p re Fei$g:3, the 1ir"t ph'$e/e '1 ___. )'te that Si*( r$ 0'e" $'t tra$"*ate advaitaC i$ the #'/p' $0 advaitabhvanabalt= 8!ar #ette tri$ite= terre, $at re, i** "i'$, K i a##e0e a *:'(Le#tivite "e re0 it, gra#e a *:e11i#a#e 0e *a rea*i"ati'$ /%"tiK e, a *:etre p r:. 881 .he "a/e pa""age i" K 'te0 i$ &+ 2, a ?ra/a te7t, a$0 attri( te0 t' the 7evikkrama, whi#h th " appear" t' (e a$'ther $a/e '1 the 6likkrama. .hi" te7t ha" $'t #'/e 0'w$ t' ", e7#ept thr' gh K 'tati'$". ?9e/arALa, i$ S; 666 30 (a0 svaaktipraca!o 8s!a vivam, 8.he $iver"e i" the $1'*0i$g '1 hi" 'w$ e$erg%:), K 'te" a *'$ger ver"i'$ '1 the "a/e pa""age, a"#ri(e0 t' the 6likkrama, wh'"e #'$#* "i'$ i"= !'gapadvedan% %&na%&e!a!or ekar)pat, 82.he #'$#* "i'$3 that k$'w*e0ge a$0 the k$'w$ have '$e a$0 the "a/e $at re 20erive"3 1r'/ their (ei$g "i/ *ta$e' "*% apprehe$0e0: (#1. Si*( r$:" tra$"*. 2S= 993 a$0 .'re**a:" tra$"*. 2^&?= 55;666, $. 423) J a$ arg /e$t a*"' /a0e (% the ;iLQA$avA0i$"= the i$varia(*e #'rre"p'$0e$#e (etwee$ "%/('* a$0 "ig$i1ie0 '(Le#t e"ta(*i"he" that the *atter i" $'t i$0epe$0e$t '1 the 1'r/er> "ee Sa$0er"'$:" i$terpretati'$ '1 the ver"e a" K 'te0 i$ S; 666 30 (2007= 369,370). .he pratika '1 the ver"e that 1'**'w" th'"e K 'te0 here (% CD (asti nstivibhgena ...) i" agai$ K 'te0 i$ S; 666 31. .he "a/e tw' ver"e" K 'te0 (% CD are #ite0 i$ .B; 666 57 (v'*. 66= 418) a$0 ; 80 (v'*. 666= 2006), a$0 S; K 'te" 'ther ver"e", a0 666 31, 32, 40, 41, 44. 6t i" i$tere"ti$g t' $'te that CD K 'te" here a te7t '1 a ?ra/a (a#kgr' $0> "ee 6$tr., p. 21. 882 Re tra$"*ate %&na a" 8#'g$iti'$[#'$"#i' "$e"": i$ the *ight '1 ?9e/arALa:" #'//e$tar% '$ the para**e* pa""age '1 the ). (a*"' K 'te0 i$ S; 666 30). %&nama!a, epithet '1 the N'r0, i" there g*'""e0 a" cinmtraparamrtha, 8wh'"e *ti/ate /ea$i$g i" that it i" E$'thi$g ( t #'g$iti'$[#'$"#i' "$e"".E: 883 !'$"#i' "$e"" appear" e7ter$a**% a" '(Le#tive e7perie$#e= '1 the Lar, 'r the #'*'r (* e, et#., a$0 i$ter$a**% a" " (Le#tive e7perie$#e= '1 p*ea" re, pai$, et#.

WT!e "asterY &onfir"s t!is t!esis W'y "eans of an e,a"%leY, $it! t!e intention of Wf(rt!erY esta'lis!in t!e non?reality of differen&e: 2*) =ust as girdles6 earrings6 and bracelets6 by setting aside their differences6 are seen to be gold6<<2 so likewise6 the uni"erse appears as pure Being6 when difference is set aside)<<5 As6 indeed, olden orna"ents R irdles, et&) R are old and not!in else for !i" $!o is interested only in old, 'y a'stra&tin t!e %arti&(lar for" Wi"%osed on t!e oldY, na"ely, t!e irdleM and as old, silver, 'ronLe, &o%%er, lead, et&), a%%ear as "etal only Wand not as t!e %arti&(lar "etals t!e na"es s( estY to !i" $!o is interested in "etal as s(&!, so likewise6 this uni"erse6 when difference is set aside6 is pure Being 6sanmtr7 R t!at $!ose essen&e is +ein alone 6sattmtra7 R for t!e yo in W$!ose "ind isY ro(nded in non?dis&(rsive a$areness 6prari$hsa7 alone, 'y $!o" !as 'een #ettisoned t!e stain of t!o( !t?&onstr(&ts, s(&! as t!ose en#oinin a'andon"ent Wof $!atever is %ro!i'ited or not a reea'leY or a&&e%tan&e Wof $!atever is %res&ri'ed or a reea'leY R in a&&ordan&e $it! t!e r(le laid do$n 'y t!e revered /alla3a: T!at WviL), t!e mudr (a,ti3i,sa , H'losso"in of ener yIY is a&&o"%lis!ed 'y "eans of t!e transfor"ation Wof &ons&io(sness, evenY in t!e %resen&e of for"s, et&)CC= #!rik! 2,

Bt i"" e i" the the"i" that phe$'/e$a* 0iver"it% i" $'t '$t'*'gi#a**% 0i11ere$t 1r'/ p re Fei$g. !1. Sp& 2 2S a0 6 23, pp. 12,13= !ato bodh!as!a sva!a sattaiva nst! ato bodhr)pam anvtam evvasthdva!e 8pi, 8)' '(Le#t '1 #'$"#i' "$e"" #a$ e7i"t i$0epe$0e$t*% 2'1 the " (Le#t3, th " the #'$"#i' " " (Le#t 2wh' i", '$ the #'$trar%, per1e#t*% a t'$'/' "3 i" #'/p*ete*% $'("# re0 i$ ('th the "tate" 2'1 #'"/i# /a$i1e"tati'$ a$0 with0rawa*3: (tr. -%#Uk'w"ki Sp?= 147). .herea1ter, Sp& 2 K 'te" tw' para**e* "ta$Ua", whi#h e7p*ai$ the /etaph'r '1 g'*0 a$0 it" 'r$a/e$t" a" a** 0i$g t' the 0' (*e /'ve/e$t '1 #reati'$ a$0 0i""'* ti'$= !ath hemno r)pake' vaicitr!a svparic!'te0 atha nit!asvar)pas!a tath te vivar'pat00 !ath galitar)pas!a hemna pitman sthiti0 tath galitaved!as!a tava 'ddhacidtmat00, 8O "t a" g'*0 1a"hi'$e0 i$t' Lewe*er% i", with' t $0erg'i$g a$% #ha$ge, w'$0er1 **% varie0, "' i" C' r 1'r/ a" a** thi$g" 2whi#h C' a"" /e eve$ a"3 C' per"i"t L "t a" C' are. O "t a" g'*0, *'"i$g it" 1'r/, per"i"t" a" a g'*0 i$g't (pia), i$ the "a/e wa% C' r p re #'$"#i' " $at re per"i"t" whe$ '(Le#tivit% 1a**" awa% 21r'/ C' 3: (tr. -%#Uk'w"ki Sp?= 147, /'0i1ie0). See a*"', i$ a ;ai9@ava #'$te7t, /avitpraka 6 104(,106a, K 'te0 i$ Sp& (p. 4). 6t e"ta(*i"he" that, whether the w'r*0 i" a$ i** "'r% #ha$ge i$ the B("'* te, 'r i" #'$"i0ere0 a pr'0 #t '1 rea* #ha$ge i$ the B("'* te, " #h a" i" the #a"e with the $ /er' " 'r$a/e$t" /a0e '1 g'*0, the B("'* te, the *ti/ate rea*it% a$0 gr' $0 '1 phe$'/e$a* 0iver"it%, re/ai$" " ("ta$tia**% the "a/e= 2...3 parime sa eva tva s'varam iva k'ale, 82...3 6$ #a"e '1 2the w'r*0 #'$"i0ere0 a" rea*3 #ha$ge 2i$ the B("'* te3, it i" C' wh' per"i"t, a" the g'*0 2re/ai$" g'*03 i$ the ver% 1'r/ '1 the earri$g:. B*"' /avitpraka 6 56,57 K 'te0 i$ Sp& 5 2S a0 6 53 a$0 N. 56; 38,39. S #h "pe# *ati'$" (a$0 CD:" here i$ parti# *ar) g' (a#k *ti/ate*% t' !hH ;6 1, 411., H00A*aka:" 0i"#' r"e '$ the $it% '1 Fei$g= ... sarva mnma!a vi%&ta s!d vcrambhaa vikro nmadhe!a mttiket! eva sat!am, et#.> the e7a/p*e" '1 g'*0 (loha), a$0 ir'$ (k!asa) 1'**'w. 885 .hr' gh 'ther a$a*'gie" (*i/(" a$0 ('0%, #*a% '(Le#t" a$0 #*a% it"e*1), 4&S 46 pre"e$t" the "a/e arg /e$t, wherea" 4&S 58,59 0e"#ri(e h'w the %'gi$ /erge" p* ra*it% (*it., 80 a*it%:, dvaita) i$t' the "tate '1 brahman (% /e0itative rea*iUati'$ (bhvan). 886 Re have 0erive0 the /ea$i$g '1 thi" rather e$ig/ati# "tate/e$t 1r'/ the #'$te7t '1 &MvX 18, whi#h K 'te" the "a/e he/i"ti#h a$0 "i/i*ar*% a"#ri(e" it t' ?a**aa with' t givi$g the tit*e '1 the w'rk 1r'/ whi#h it i" ('rr'we0. <$ ?a**aa, "ee Bppe$0i7 19, p. 343.


No$, all(din toCC< t!e tradition of t!e "ysti& for"(la, CCC t!e "aster des&ri'es t!e as&ent of t!e (niverse, li"ited as it is in t!e for" of finite 'ein s, CC@ to t!e state of Pa5ti Wi)e), self?&ons&io(snessY, a&&ordin to t!e $ell5no$n W%at! ta( !t in t!eY 2 a"as $!i&! de%ends (%on a'andonin t!e a%%earan&e of li"itation: 2,) That Wuni"erse so %ualifiedY6 which is (rahman , supreme6 pure6 tran%uil6 undifferentiated6 e"en6 whole6 immortal6 real6<?@ reposes in 'akti6<? whose form is luminosity) W-R ta5es (% t!ese e%it!ets, one after anot!er, and &o""ents on t!e", a%%re!endin , if not a &a(sal, at least a r!etori&al se9(en&e:Y This6 na"ely, t!is (niverse, $!ose essen&e is %(re +ein is &alled (rahman, 'e&a(se it e,tends)C@6 As say t!ose e,%ert in t!e (%aniSads: In t!e 'e innin , "y dear, t!is $as +ein alone W)))Y)C@A *avin said t!is Dor Ht!ereforeI R itiE, it is supreme 6para7 , 'e&a(se it is f(ll 6p/r0a7 M C@; and it is pure 6(uddha7 , C@B d(e to t!e a'sen&e of Wt!o( !t?&onstr(&ts s(&! asY in#(n&tions and %ro!i'itionsMC@= Wf(rt!er"ore,Y it is tran%uil 6(nta7 , d(e to t!e re%ression of %arti&(larityM and for t!at very reason, it is undifferentiated 6a$hedtma,a7 M it is e"en 6sama7 Wi)e), ever identi&al to itselfY, d(e to t!e a'sen&e of in&rease or de&rease R WIt is said:Y Even a %art re%resents t!e (niversality of $rahman WviL), its &a%a&ity to ass("e all for"sY) Neit!er !as it 'een e,&eeded, nor &an it 'e di"inis!ed)C@< S(&! 'ein t!e &ase, it is whole 6sa,ala7 , and for t!at reason, immortal 6am.ta7 , t!at is, i"%eris!a'leMC@C and it is real 6satya7 , in 5ee%in $it! t!e t!eses set fort! 'y t!e revered +!artU!ari: Of t!e real and (nreal ele"ents t!at are fo(nd in every o'#e&t, t!e real ele"ent is t!e en(s, $!ereas t!e (nreal one is t!e %arti&(lar)C@@
ka#ka!an J *it., 8#a"ti$g a "i0e*'$g g*a$#e at:. mantrasaprad!a J CD revea*" here, a*th' gh #r%pti#a**% (1'r he K 'te" tw' e"'teri# ver"e" '1 the &.), that thi" p'rti'$ '1 the te7t #a$ (e "ee$, '$ a "e#'$0 *eve* '1 i$terpretati'$, a" 0ea*i$g with the /%"ti#a* /ea$i$g '1 the /a$tra ___ whi#h i" the ph'$i# 1'r/ '1 the B$ ttara, the vi(rati$g a("'* te i$ whi#h the tria0 '1 nara (%agat), akti a$0 iva ( S brahman) /erge". 889 See the avat. a0 41 a$0 46. 890 .he "a/e patter$ '1 e$ /erati'$ i" evi0e$t i$ kA. 10,11. 891 .hat i", CD e7p*ai$", 8it (e#'/e" #'/p'"e0 '1 that: (tanma!,bhavati), i$ e11e#t, 8(e#'/e" i0e$ti#a* with 2" pre/e e$erg%3:. 892 bhattvt J '$ the et%/'*'g% '1 brahman, "ee CD a0 51 (a$0 $. 975) a$0 104. 893 !hH ;6 2, 1. .he #'/p*ete te7t i"= sad eva sa'm!a idam agra s,d ekam evdvit,!am, 86$ the (egi$$i$g, /% 0ear, thi" wa" Fei$g a*'$e, '$e '$*% with' t a "e#'$0:. )'te that the :agh'vtti a0 &. (wh'"e " (Le#t i" the /a$tra___) K 'te" the "a/e pa""age whi*e #'//e$ti$g '$ ver"e" 4,5. 894 See CD a0 &S 1 1'r a "i/i*ar 0e1i$iti'$ '1 para. 895 B" "h'w$ (% &S 10,11, whi#h e$ /erate" 'ddha a/'$g the epithet" '1 the *ti/ate pri$#ip*e (paratattva), a$0 CD a0 *'#, 8p re: /ea$" 81ree '1 "tai$ (vimala), 0 e t' the a("e$#e '1 the "''t,*ike i/p rit% (a'ddhimai) 1' $0 i$ th' ght #'$"tr #t":. S%//etri#a**%, i/p rit% 0erive" 1r'/ th'"e ver% th' ght #'$"tr #t" J he$#e, i$ m!, 1r'/ 0i11ere$tiati'$. 896 See CD a0 42 wh' give" t!aktahndna a" a$ e7a/p*e '1 vikalpa> a*"' CD a0 10,11. 897 ;er"e a*rea0% K 'te0 (% CD a0 5, ( t, there, p t i$ the /' th '1 a$ '(Le#t'r "tre""i$g the para0'7i#a* #hara#ter '1 a 0'#tri$e that /ai$tai$" ('th that the N'r0 i" a** a$0 that the 1i$ite "' * i" 0i11ere$t 1r'/ hi/. Mere, &S 43 a$"wer" the '(Le#ti'$ with the epithet 8rea*: (sat!a). 898 CD a0 10,11 g*'""e" 81ree '1 0i""'* ti'$ a$0 #reati'$: (la!oda!avih,na) with 8eter$a*: (santana). 899 ;& 666 1, 32 (tr. 6%er). T'r the 0i"# ""i'$ '1 a varia$t, "ee 8<$ the Sa$"krit .e7t:.



And: T!at $!i&! e,ists in t!e 'e innin , in t!e end and also in t!e "iddle, alone !as reality)@77 And so indeed t!is (niverse WviL), $rahman Y, $!i&! !as as its essen&e %(re +ein , reposes in that s(%re"e energy 6par (a,ti 7 whose form is luminosity 6$hs3ar/pa7 , $!i&! &onsists in t!e (nison of t!e ener ies of $illin , 5no$in and a&tin )@78 WIt reposes in, i)e),Y it 'e&o"es one $it! t!at 6tanmay-$ha3ati7 s(%re"e ener y, in &onse9(en&e of $!at !as 'een stated: T!e dis%osition of o'#e&ts is fo(nded on &ons&io(sness)@76
Nit, 8(i") it" 2viU., brahman:s3 tr th[rea*it%:. .he e*e/e$t that per0 re" i" eK iva*e$t t' the Fei$g '1 the '(Le#t. 6$ thi" wa%, it i" "ig$i1ie0 that the g'*0, $'t the ri$g, i" the Dea*. Sp) 6 5 K 'te" the e$tire ver"e (wh'"e "' r#e ha" $'t (ee$ i0e$ti1ie0), '1 whi#h the "e#'$0 he/i"ti#h i"= na !ad bhsate tas!a sat!atva tvad eva hi00, 8.hat whi#h "i/p*% appear" ha" $' rea*it%> it i" rea* '$*% a" *'$g a" it appear": (tr. Si$gh Sp?= 48). ?9e/arALa '11er" a #* e 1'r $0er"ta$0i$g the ver"e, e7p*ai$i$g that eva ha" t' (e a00e0 three ti/e" i$ the 1ir"t he/i"ti#h (svadhraatvt sarvavk!nm evakro 8tra trir !o%!a), "' a" t' rea0= !ad da' ca tas!a eva sat!at, !ad ante ca tas!a eva sat!at, !an madh!e ca tas!a eva sat!at. .he #itati'$ '## r" i$ the /i0"t '1 ?9e/arALa:" 0i"# ""i'$ '1 the " pre/e S (Le#t whi#h, 0e1i$e0 a" spanda1akti, i" take$ t' (e "'*e rea*it% a$0 i" t' (e 0i"ti$g i"he0 1r'/ the e/piri#a*, 1i$ite, p"%#h'"'/ati# " (Le#t (m!pramt). <ther #'$#epti'$" '1 *ti/ate rea*it% that a/' $t t' taki$g a" rea* what i" ( t tra$"it'r% (" #h a" the F 00hi"t view '1 a #'$ti$ / '1 i$"ta$ta$e' " #'g$iti'$") are there1're $rea* 1r'/ the viewp'i$t '1 the B("'* te ("ee Bppe$0i7 14, p. 338, the 0i"# ""i'$ i$ it" e$tiret%). .he N'r0:" eter$it% pr've" hi" rea*it%> a** 'ther 8rea*itie": (ei$g ( t tra$"it'r% a$0 /ere appeara$#e (bhsa). Rhatever ha" a (egi$$i$g a$0 a$ e$0, whatever appear" a$0 0i"appear", 0'e" $'t rea**% e7i"t. 6" rea* '$*% that whi#h i" with' t 'rigi$ a$0 with' t e$0, i$ 'ther w'r0" that whi#h e7i"t" i$ the 8(egi$$i$g, i$ the /i00*e a$0 i$ the e$0: J the eter$a*, the " pre/e pri$#ip*e, the tman0brahman. !1. FhI 66 16a= nsato vid!ate bhvo nbhvo vid!ate sata0, 8<1 the $rea* 2a##'r0i$g t' akara, heat, #'*0, et#., i.e., pair" '1 'pp'"ite", a$0 the ('0%, " (Le#t t' #ha$ge3 there i" $' e7i"te$#e> the rea* 2tman0brahman, a##'r0i$g t' akara3 0'e" $'t #ea"e t' e7i"t 2*it., 8ha" $' $'$,e7i"te$#e:3: (' r tra$"*.)> ;& 6 1= andinidhana brahma 2...3, 8thi" brahman whi#h i" with' t (egi$$i$g 'r e$0 2...3: B*"' 4 66 6a 2S 4 6; 31a3= dv ante ca !an nsti vartamne 8pi tat tath0, 8.hat whi#h i" $'t at the (egi$$i$g, $'r at the e$0, i" $'t a*"' i$ the pre"e$t 2/ea$i$g= that whi#h i" $'t i$ the (egi$$i$g, $'r i$ the /i00*e, $'r i$ the e$0, there1're, that whi#h i" ( t tra$"it'r%, i" $'t rea*3:> #1. a0 *'#= !ad dv ante ca nsti vast' mgatikdi tan madh!e 8pi nst,ti nicita loke, 8.hat whi#h i" $'t i$ the (egi$$i$g, $'r i$ the e$0, " #h a" the /irage, et#., i" $'t i$ the /i00*e a*"'. .hi" i" a$ e"ta(*i"he0 tr th i$ thi" w'r*0:. .hi" "tate/e$t '1 4 66 6a i" 1a/' "= $'t '$*% it i" take$ p agai$ i$ 4 6; 31a, ( t a*"', i$ the "a/e ter/", i$ Pa&cada, 5666 68(> a$0, with varia$t", i$ C; 6; 45, 46 (ver% $ear t' the te7t a"#ri(e0 t' FhartXhari K 'te0 here (% CD= dv ante ca !an nsti k,d, tas!a sat!at0 dv ante ca !an nit!a tatsat!a nma netarat)> ; 5, 9> 666 4, 62> 666 11, 13. B*th' gh ('th CD a$0 Sp) 6 5 attri( te thi" ver"e t' the 8revere0 FhartXhari: (tatrabhavadbharthari), it i" $'t 1' $0 i$ the pre"e$t ;&. +ight it (e i$1erre0 that it (e*'$g" t' the *'"t 2abdadht'sam,k K 'te0 i$ -vX, p. 84, a" we** a" i$ Sp&, p. 4 (a" 7ht'sam,ka) a$0 pp. 16 a$0 21 (a" Padht'sam,k)O 901 .h " 1'r/i$g the .ri0e$t (tri)la) '1 e$ergie", it"e*1 eK ate0 with __ i$ the "pe**i$g '1 ___, "' that the 1ir"t tw' #'$"tit e$t" '1___are a** 0e0 t' i$ kA. 43> '$ the .ri0e$t, "ee a*"' $. 909 a$0 &S 45 ($. 922). 902 .he "' r#e '1 the ver"e ha" $'t (ee$ tra#e0. Re have 0erive0 thi" i$terpretati'$ '1 v!avasthiti 1r'/ it" gra//ati#a* "age, 8#'$0iti'$e0 a*ter$ative:. .he a""erti'$ th " /ea$" that the thi$g" '1 the w'r*0 0' $'t 0i"p'"e the/"e*ve" a##'r0i$g t' their 'w$ r *e" 'r (% "'/e $k$'w$ 1ate> their 0i"p'"iti'$ i" 1' $0e0 '$ #'$"#i' "$e"". Sa/e K 'tati'$ (with the varia$t= v!avasthita!a, p* ra*), a$0 i$ the "a/e #'$te7t, $a/e*%, that '1 the e7p'"iti'$ '1 the /a$tra____i$ .4; 6; 185( (v'*. 666= 832), a$0 J i$ the rea0i$g= savinni#h hi via!av!avasthiti J i$ the #'$te7t '1 0e1i$i$g


No$@7A Wt!e ter"Y ntam , Itran%uilH, W&o(ld 'e re?%arsed as a &o"%o(nd of (a and anta Y: Ht!at $!i&! is at t!e end of WviL), follo$sY (I 6(a,rasynte7 Win t!e (s(al bal%!a'eti&c order of t!e Sans5rit sylla'aryY, na"ely, t!e &ere'ral Wsi'ilantY) W*en&eY t!e (rahman , $!ose essen&e is +ein 6sat7 alone, Wt!at isY H tata param I, Hne,t to WviL), t!at follo$sY t!at W&ere'ral, all(ded to 'y (ntam in t!e 54ri54YI)@7; It is Wt!erefore ter"edY immortal 6am.ta7 , Win t!e sense t!at it is aY Hseed of i""ortalityI Wor an Ha"'rosial seedIY 6am.ta$-1a7 , @7B Was $ell asY pure 6(uddha7 , on a&&o(nt of its &onti (ity to t!e a'ode of S4d45!ya WviL), Sad4JivaY)@7= And for t!is reason, it WviL), $rahman , or t!e (niverseY is e"en 6sama7 and whole 6sa,ala7 , 'e&a(se everyt!in !as no$ an e9(al essen&e 6sar3asamaras-,ara0a7 ,
bhvan, i$ .4; 55;666 358(,359a> #'//e$ti$g p'$ the tw' ver"e"= !ata sarvn'mnn svasavedanani#ha'00 pramtrantarasadbhva savinni#ho na tadgata0, OD '("erve" that the e7i"te$#e '1 'ther #'g$iUer" i" 1' $0e0 i$ that 2#'$"#i' "$e""3 a$0 $'t i$ 2the '(Le#t t' (e k$'w$ a$0 whi#h i" $'t vi"i(*e3, wh'"e e""e$#e 2viU., wh'"e e7i"te$#e3 #a$ (e k$'w$ 2'$*%3 thr' gh i$1ere$#e (... pramt ... atra tanni#ha eva, na tv an'me!asvar)pani#ha iti)> .4 55;666 359(, 360a #'$1ir/"= gha#ader astit savinni#hit na t' tadgat00 tadvan mtrantare 8p! e savinni#h na tadgat0, 82O "t a"3 the e7i"te$#e (astit) '1 the Lar, et#., i" 1' $0e0 '$ #'$"#i' "$e"", a$0 $'t i$ re1ere$#e t' that 2Lar3[[, "' *ikewi"e, a" regar0" a$'ther #'g$iUer (mt), hi" e7i"te$#e i" 1' $0e0 '$ #'$"#i' "$e"", $'t i$ re1ere$#e t' that 2'ther " (Le#t3:. See &. 24> a*"', ;A/a$a K 'te0 (% Sp) 66 3,4= lamb!a savida !asmt saved!a na svabhvata0 tasmt savidita sarvam iti savinma!o bhavet00, 8Si$#e what i" t' (e k$'w$ 2i" k$'w$3 a1ter havi$g take$ re1 ge i$ #'$"#i' "$e"", a$0 $'t i$ a$0 '1 it"e*1 (svabhvata), there1're, ever%thi$g 2i" what it i"3 i$ virt e '1 it" (ei$g k$'w$> thi" (ei$g the #a"e, it w' *0 (e /a0e '1 #'$"#i' "$e"": (we 0i11er 1r'/ Si*( r$:" tra$"*. 2Si*( r$ Sp?= 1053). 903 )'w, CD (egi$" agai$ the i$terpretati'$ '1 "'/e '1 the"e epithet", i$ the e"'teri# #'$te7t '1 ph'$e/i# e/a$ati'$, a$0 parti# *ar*%, the rea*iUati'$ '1 the /a$tra ___. 904 8param: here /a% we** (e the re ti*iUati'$ i$ a$'ther "e$"e '1 the param '1 the kArikA. Net " " //ariUe= 1. ntam 2. what 81'**'w" that: (tata param)> 3. what repre"e$t" brahman a" 8Fei$g:, 8e7i"ti$g: J whi#h, a" " #h, i" a*"' ter/e0 the 8thir0 brahman, a" "tate0 (% &. 9, K 'te0 1 rther i$ CD:" #'//e$tar% a0 43. 6$ a pa""age 0ea*i$g with ph'$e/i# e/a$ati'$, .4 666 167 0e1i$e" the ph'$e/e /+ a" 8the $0ivi0e0 " pre/e brahman: (tad eva brahma paramam avibhaktam). .4; a0 *'#, a1ter K 'ti$g !hH 666 14, 1= sarva khalv ida brahma, ha" re#' r"e t' FhI 5;66 23, whi#h e"ta(*i"he" the tra0iti'$a* $'/e$#*at re '1 brahman= a' tat sad iti nirdeo brahmaas trividha smta0 (ver"e agai$ K 'te0 (% .4; a0 ; 142,144, a pa""age whi#h 0ea*" agai$ with the /a$tra ___, 1r'/ the p'i$t '1 view '1 the avop!a). .h ", i" the thir0 brahman (#'/i$g a1ter o a$0 tat i$ the e$ /erati'$). .here1're, 2'r3, the i$itia* '1, 'r the thir0 brahman, i" a*"' "%/('*i#a**% 0e"ig$ate0 a" " #h. 905 amtab,%a, 8a/(r'"ia* "ee0:, "ta$0" here 1'r /+, a$0 i" $'t t' (e take$ here i$ it" "tri#t*% te#h$i#a* "e$"e, $a/e*%, a" the $a/e give$ t' the 1' r #ere(ra* v'we*" J J ("ee .4 666 91,92a). .he #* e t' i$terpreti$g thi" ver% pa""age '1 CD:" g*'"" i" perhap" 1' $0 i$ .4 666 165(,166a= tata eva sakre 8smin sph'#a viva prakate00 amta ca para dhma !oginas tat pracakate, 8.here1're, it i" i$ the ph'$e/e /+ that the $iver"e #*ear*% appear"[[ B$0 the %'gi$" #a** it 2viU., /+3 the i//'rta* a$0 " pre/e a('0e (dhman):> .4; a0 *'#. i$tr'0 #e" the $'ti'$ '1 amtab,%a= 2...3 amtab,%ata!okte ca g'ravas tatparmtam dhmapracakate @ sarvastre' katha!ant,t! artha, 82...3 Fe#a "e '1 the /e$ti'$ 2'1 it, viU., /+3 a" (ei$g the "ee0 '1 a/(r'"ia (amtab,%ata!), the tea#her" #a** it 2viU., /+3 the i//'rta* a$0 " pre/e a('0e, that i", the% "tate 2it a" " #h3 i$ a** the PA"tra":. 6$ a 0i11ere$t #'$te7t, $a/e*%, whi*e 0ea*i$g with the 1' r amtab,%as, 'r amtavaras, .4 666 91,92a 0e1i$e" a/(r'"ia (amta) a" the " pre/e w'$0er/e$t (paracamatkra) '1 #'$"#i' "$e"" at re"t withi$ it"e*1= 2...3 tman! eva ca virnt! tat proktam amttmakam, 82.hi" tetra0 '1 #ere(ra* v'we*"3 i" "ai0 t' have a/(r'"ia 1'r it" $at re 1'r it rep'"e" i$ it"e*1> "ee a*"' .4; 666 91= as!a varacat'ta!as!a 2...3 svtmamtravirnt! paracamatkrama!atvam, 8Si$#e the"e 1' r ph'$e/e" rep'"e i$ their 'w$ Se*1, a$0 $'where e*"e, the% #'$"i"t i$ " pre/e w'$0er/e$t (paracamatkra):.

&onse9(ent (%on t!e e,%erien&e: HI a" t!is AllI)@7< And, finally, it is true 6satya7 , d(e t!e dissol(tion W&!ara&teristi& of t!e &ondition of Sad4JivaY of nes&ien&e W$!i&! is t!e so(r&e of errorY) As !as 'een ta( !t 'y t!e Lord !i"self in t!e revered Tri (i, : T!e t!ird $rahman , O fair !i%%ed one, )))@7C Wt!e &o"%lete te,t is: HUnited $it! t!e fo(rteent!, @7@ O 'lessed one, t!e t!ird $rahman Ddefined as sat E, O fair !i%%ed one, $ell?#oined $it! t!at &o"es at t!e end of t!e bLords of t!e %!one"esc,@87 is t!e !eart of +!airavaIs Self)Y@88

F% perva0i$g a" sat the 1ir"t three aas, the thir0 brahman repre"e$t" the /a$i1e"t w'r*0 (th' gh "ti** in potentia, a" it appear" i$ the 'ddhdhvan), a$0 th " #'rre"p'$0" t' the *eve* '1 Sa0APiva> "ee &.NvX 9= !ad ida tt,!a brahma sadivatattvtmakam 2...3 asph',bh)tedanttmakagrh!arilakaam 2...3, E.hat thir0 brahman (tt,!a brahma), wh'"e e""e$#e i" the Sa0APiva pri$#ip*e, i" #hara#teriUe0 (% the e$tire gr' p '1 k$'wa(*e '(Le#t", wh'"e '(Le#tivit% (idant), $everthe*e"", i" $'t %et 1 **% /a$i1e"te0:. Sa/e ter/ (sdkh!a) i$ ^&? 666 1, 2> ^&; 666 1, 2 (v'*. 66= 217,218) e7p*ai$" the w'r0 sdkh!a 1r'/ a $'/i$a* (a"e sadkh!, '1 whi#h the "e#'$0 e*e/e$t kh! i" $0er"t''0 i$ the "e$"e '1 prakh!, 8appeara$#e, /a$i1e"tati'$:, whi#h give" the re" *t= 8the /a$i1e"tati'$ (prakh!) 1r'/ thi" /'/e$t '$ '1 >sat> (!ata prabhti sad iti prakh!):. S #h a$ e7p*a$ati'$ rei$1'r#e" the #'$$e#ti'$ with Sa0APiva '1 wh'"e e*e/e$t 8sad: i" 0erive0 1r'/ the "a/e r''t. 6t i" p'""i(*e that CD e/p*'%" sdkh! here a" sadiva i$ 'r0er t' (ri$g ' t the e*e/e$t 8sat: i$ the 8sanmtra: '1 the pre#e0i$g #'//e$tar%, thi" parti# *ar 0erivati'$ give$ (% BI havi$g (e#'/e a #'//'$ p*a#e '1 the tra0iti'$. .hi" e7p*a$ati'$ w' *0 a*"' "erve a" a rep*% t' th'"e wh' $0er"ta$0 the $a/e sdkh! a##'r0i$g t' a /'re "traight1'rwar0 et%/'*'g% a" 8#'$#er$i$g hi/ wh'"e $a/e #'$tai$" the e*e/e$t sad (a0L.):, th ", (% i/p*i#ati'$, sadiva. B##'r0i$g t' ^&;; (v'*. 666= 264), sad i$ Sa0APiva /ea$" that the $at re '1 iva (ivat) per"i"t", eve$ i1, at thi" *eve*, '(Le#tivit% (idant) (egi$" t' appear (idantonmee 8pi ivatehi sadabdena 'ktam). .he e7perie$#e '1 'ddhabrahman take" p*a#e i$ the thir0 tattva, that '1 Sa0APiva. Rhe$ the e$tire $iver"e i" e7perie$#e0 a" sanmtra, thi" e7perie$#e i" #a**e0 the a('0e, 'r "tate, '1 Sa0APiva. T'r, i$ the "tate '1 Sa0APiva, whe$ '$e e7perie$#e"= 86 a/ thi" $iver"e:, a** 0i#h't'/% i" tra$"#e$0e0. 907 aham ida sarvam. 908 &. 9. CD give" '$*% the prat,ka '1 thi" 1a/' " P*'ka, it"e*1 a** 0i$g t' ___ , with' t either e$ $#iati$g it, 'r eve$ $a/i$g it" #'$"tit e$t", 0e"ig$ate0 '$*% thr' gh periphra"e"> the P*'ka i" K 'te0 i$ 7,pik a0 .ogin,hda!a 2CM3 66 4 (-vive0a CM= 109). .he #'/p*ete te7t i"= cat'rdaa!'ta bhadre tith,ntasamanvitam0 tt,!a brahma s'ro:i hda!a bhairavtmana00. .h " thi" P*'ka #r%pti#a**% "pe**" ' t ( c c ) the /a$tra __. See &a0' 7 1992= 418> .4 6; 186,189. 909 Z(?) e/a$ati'$. De1erri$g t' the +;. 6; 25, .4 666 104(,105a #a**" it tri)la, 8.ri0e$t:= asmi cat'rdae dhmni sph'#,bh)tatriaktike00 tri)latvam ata prha st r,p)rvasane0, 8B", i$ thi" 1' rtee$th "tage, the three e$ergie" 2$a/e*%, icch, %na, kri!3 are /a$i1e"te0, the 20ivi$e3 .ea#her ha" $a/e0 it 2i.e., thi" 1' rtee$th "tage3 E.ri0e$tE, i$ the Tir"t .ea#hi$g 2S the +;.3 (r,p)rvasana):. See S; 66 7, where +5 i" 0e"ig$ate0 a" )lab,%a, the 8ger/ '1 the .ri0e$t:, i$a"/ #h a" it pr'#ee0" 1r'/ the 1 "i'$ '1 the three aktis J icch, %&na, kri! J with a pre0'/i$a$#e '1 kri!akti= 2...3 )lab,%a ca icch%&naaktiv!ptap)rakri!aktipradhnatvt aktitra!asagha##anama!a pradar!a 2...3. 910 &.NvX g*'""e" tith,ntasamanvitam with 2...3 visarga tasmin sam!ag avi!ogennvita virntam. .here are 1i1tee$ 8N'r0" '1 the tithis:, that i", 1i1tee$ v'we*" 1r'/ a t' the bind' a> a$0 tith,nta, 8that whi#h #'/e" at the e$0 '1 the N'r0" '1 the tithis, viU., '1 the v'we*":, 0e"ig$ate" the visarga, the "i7tee$th ph'$e/e. <$ tithi, "ee &a0' 7 &.NvX= 80, $. 57> '$ the visarga a" the "i7tee$th tithi, "ee &.NvX 9= tith,n pa&cadan svar !o 8nta par!antasthitibh)to visarga, 8.he '$e that i" at the e$0 '1 the 8N'r0" '1 the tithi": (tith,a), i.e., '1 the 1i1tee$ v'we*", i" the visarga, the *ti/ate a('0e 2'1 /a$i1e"tati'$3:, a$0 &a0' 7 &.NvX= 80, $. 59> a*"' &.; 9


T!is W(niverseY is t!at very $rahman R e,%erien&ed 6a3am.)@a7 in t!e %ro&ess of 'e&o"in i""ortal,@86 at t!e !eart of everyt!in , and e,tendin to t!e %lane of Sad4Jiva R $!i&! re%oses in Ener y, as %revio(sly des&ri'ed WviL), H$!ose for" is l("inosityIY) #!rik! 22 O!atever does not re%ose in t!e s(%re"e ener y (nder t!e !eadin s of Wi)e), as "anifestin itself t!ro( ! t!e ener ies ofY a&tin , 5no$in or $illin , does not e,ist)@8A T!e "aster says: 22) By contrast6 whate"er is not touched by that WsourceY whose essence is to illumine? 2 and Wwhich will then manifest one of the three aspects of the 'akti6 wherebyY one may say: Iit is desiredH6 Iit is knownH6 or Iit is doneH6 has the status of a flower in the sky)? 5
(Si$gh= 84 2Skt. te7t3)= cat'rdaa okrkramadh!aga0 tith,nto visarga tt,!a brahma ahamadh!agam0 etad b,%a vast'to vivas!a0 tath hi !atkicit sat prthivaprktam!,!ar)pa bhsate tad icch! %&ne v kri!! v patitam api sarvtmakatvt trikar)pa paratra ivapade vis%!ate sarva ca ivapadd vis%!ate, 8.he E1' rtee$thE i" 2a', the v'we*3 that #'/e" (etwee$ okra a$0 akra. tith,nta i" visarga. tt,!am brahma i" that, whi#h #'/e" ahamadh!a.2QQQ3, " #h i" the 2/a$tra that i" the3 ge$erati$g "ee0 (b,%a) '1 the $iver"e. Rhatever appear" a" e7i"ti$g (sat) J whether it pertai$ t' the "phere '1 the Garth, 'r )at re, 'r 6** "i'$ J it, 1a**i$g withi$ 2the "pe#i1i# rea*/ '13 either icch 'r %&na 'r kri!, take" "ti** the 1'r/ '1 the tria0, 1'r it i" '1 the 1'r/ '1 a**. B$0 thi" a** that i" e/itte0 withi$ the a('0e '1 iva i" a*"' e/itte0 ' t '1 it 2i$ the 1'r/ '1 the visarga3:. +'re'ver, the &.; give" eve$ /'re i$terpretati'$" 1'r ea#h ter/ '1 the P*'ka 9, i$#* 0i$g the "i7tee$ i$terpretati'$" give$ i$ re1ere$#e t' ea#h '1 the "i7tee$ ph'$e/e". S'/eti/e", tith,a ("g.), the 8N'r0 '1 the v'we*":, re1er" t' the 1i1tee$th ph'$e/e '$*%, 8wh'"e e""e$#e i" the #'g$iUer (vedaktmakabind'C), a" "tate0 (% &.NvX 5,9. M'wever that /a% (e, tith,nta, the 81'**'wi$g tith,a:, whi#h i" $'t #' $te0 a/'$g the tithi", (e#a "e, a" 8e/i""i'$:, it i" at '$#e the "' r#e '1 the e$tire pr'#e"" '1 the ph'$e/i# e/a$ati'$. 911 Rith " #h 1'r/ *ati'$ (hda!a bhairavtmana), the ver"e a** 0e" agai$ t' the /a$tra, a*"' $a/e0 hda!ab,%a. <$ a &.; (p. 266, 1.4,267, 1.7) 1'r#e0 i$terpretati'$ '1 the ver"e a" re1erri$g t' a*#'h'*i# *iK 'r a$0 the 1ive 8Lewe*": 'r 8a/(r'"ia": '1 the ?a *a" ($a/e*%, "e/e$, /e$"tr a* (*''0, ri$e, e7#re/e$t, a$0 ph*eg/), "ee Sa$0er"'$ 2005= 111,114, $. 63. 912 amt,bhva a$0 amt,karaa are tw' ter/" '## ri$g i$ sdhan= it i" the tra$"1'r/ati'$ '1 hi/ wh' i" peri"ha(*e i$t' i/peri"ha(*e, eter$a*. 913 Nit, 8a/' $t" t' $'thi$g at a**:. See &a0' 7 1992= 418> .4 6; 186,189. 914 CD g*'""e" bhsvar)pea with icch%&nakri!m'khena bhsvarea 2...3 bodhena> "ee a*"' .4 ;666 3, $. (e*'w. 915 Sa/e rea"'$i$g a$0 i/age i$ .4 ;666 3 (K 'te0 i$ .4; ;66 62, v'*. 666= 1342), i$ the #'$te7t '1 0e"#ri(i$g the adhvans, whi#h "ta$0 1'r the phe$'/e$a* $iver"e= adhv samasta ev!a cinmtre saprati#hita0 !at tatra na hi virnta tan nabhak's'm!ate00, 8B path (adhvan), i$ ge$era*, i" gr' $0e0 i$ p re #'$"#i' "$e"" (cinmtra). .hat whi#h 0'e" $'t rep'"e there 2i$ p re #'$"#i' "$e""3 i" *ike a 1*'wer i$ the "k% 2i.e., 0'e" $'t e7i"t 2J i" /ere w'r0"3:> OD #'//e$t"= nabhak's'm!ate iti na kicit s!d it! artha. !1. .4 6; 186(,188a, K 'te0 $. 922, whi#h, apr'p'" the tria0i# akti, arg e" "i/i*ar*% (the a** "i'$ (ei$g t' the /a$tra ___). M'wever, the .rika "pe# *ati'$ g'e" eve$ 1 rther, 1'r eve$ thi" 1*'wer i$ the "k%, a*th' gh it i" i$0ee0 a thi$g /ateria**% $'$,e7i"te$t, 0'e" e7i"t rea**%, i$a"/ #h a", (ei$g i/agi$e0, it e7i"t" i$ #'$"#i' "$e"" it"e*1. .he phra"e a" " #h i" th " eK iv'#a* a$0 p'i$t" perhap" t' the "a/e coincidentia oppositor'm that '1te$ a11e#t" e7tre/e". .h " #'$#eive0, e7i"te$#e i" #a**e0 mahsatt, 8great: 'r 8tra$"#e$0e$ta* e7i"te$#e:> '$ the"e "pe# *ati'$", "ee ^&? 6 5, 3 (K 'te0 $. 265)> ^&; 6 5, 14 (v'*. 6= 259,260)= s ca khap'pdikam api v!pnot,ti mahat,, 8.hi" 2e7i"te$#e (satt)3 i" EgreatE (mahat,) 1'r it perva0e" ever%thi$g i$#* 0i$g the "k%,1*'wer:> a$0 ++ 32= ka sadbhvaviea k's'md

O!atever entity, even if %resent e,ternally in t!e (ise of an o'#e&t, @8= if it not be touched 'y &ons&io(sness and "ade radiant (nder t!e !eadin s of Oill, /no$led e and A&tion R if it not 'e endo$ed $it! t!at '(rstin fort! of t!e Ener y na"ed Par4 6par(a,tisphra7 Wor par for para , Hs(%re"e ener yIY, $!ose sin le essen&e infor"s (niversally@8< t!e triad of its several ener ies R s(&! an entity, devoid of any %o$er Wto a%%earY 63i,ala7 , inas"(&! as it is indi&ated 'y a na"e alone,@8C is li5e a flo$er in t!e s5y) +y t!is ar ("ent !as 'een %ointed o(t t!e %oten&y of t!e Wt!reeY "odes Wna"ely, Oill, /no$led e, A&tionY &onstit(tive of t!e Trident t!at W!overY over and a'ove t!e "odes of e,isten&e WR t!at is, t!at are %res("ed 'y everyt!in t!at &an 'e said to be,istcY) #!rik! 25 +y restatin t!at t!e (niverse "er es $it! t!e a'ode of ener y, t!e "aster "a5es evident t!at it is identi&al W$it! s(%re"e &ons&io(snessY as a &o"%lete realiLation of t!e a'ode of Pa'!(:@67 25) This entirety is emitted by the god of gods into himself6 the Supreme 4ord6 the ultimate reality to which has been gi"en the name 'i"a6 who adopts the discipline of embracing the Trident of energies) T!(s, t!is entirety R 'y $!i&! is (lti"ately "eant t!e $rahman %revio(sly e,%o(nded,@68 on a&&o(nt of its for" as %(re +ein R

bhavati gaganak's'mas!a0 !at sph'ran'pro loka sph'raa ca sarvasmn!am00, 8Tr'/ the viewp'i$t '1 rea* e7i"te$#e, what i" the 0i11ere$#e (etwee$ the "k%,1*'wer a$0 the 2rea*3 1*'wer, "i$#e the w'r*0 e7i"t" '$*% a" /a$i1e"tati'$ 2'1 the N'r0,#'$"#i' "$e""3, a$0 that thi" /a$i1e"tati'$,#'$"#i' "$e"" i" the "a/e i$ a**?: (the &+ K 'te" ^&; 6 5, 14). <$ mahsatt, "ee a*"' &+ 66> Sa$0er"'$ 2005= 130, $. 100. 916 !ad vast' vast'vttena J .he tw' '## rre$#e" '1 the w'r0 vast' are t' (e take$ here a" " gge"tive '1 the p'eti# 1ig re pa'nar'kt!a= the "e#'$0, i$ e11e#t, K a*i1ie" the 1ir"t. 917 smaras!a J the /ea$i$g here w' *0 the$ (e= it i" the "a/e akti wh' a$i/ate" the three e/a$ati'$", a$0 it i" that $0i11ere$tiate0 e$erg% a*'$e that i" #apa(*e '1 e7p*ai$i$g the e$ergie" that ea#h, i$ it" appare$t 0i11ere$#e, e/('0ie". 918 &'""i(*e a** "i'$ here t' the tatprakh!(n!!a) '1 the +Y/A"A, a$ i$terpretive 0evi#e that ai0" i$ the i0e$ti1i#ati'$ '1 $a/e" '1 rite" i$ #'$"eK e$#e '1 " ("ta$#e" 'r 0ivi$itie" that have therei$ (ee$ /e$ti'$e0 J the i0ea (ei$g that $either '1 the *atter $ee0 (e /e$ti'$e0 twi#e, a$0 #'$"eK e$t*% a$% "e#'$0 /e$ti'$ '1 "a/e (" #h a" the w'r0 8ag$ih'tra: i$ the i$L $#ti'$ 8ag$ih'tra L h'ti:) ha" t' (e a $a/e (t' av'i0 the "tai$ '1 p*e'$a"/). See G0gert'$ 8,msn!!apraka 2+)&3 273= 146. 919 See kA. 41,43. 920 bhavapadasampatt! J "i/i*ar "tate/e$t 1' $0 i$ the ge$era* avat. a0 41,46. 921 6$ &S 43. Nit., 8thi" e$tiret% (samastam api), wh'"e highe"t rea*it% 2'r wh'"e *ti/ate /ea$i$g3 (paramrtha) i" that brahman previ' "*% "p'ke$ '1 2...3:.

is emitted?** by the god6 t!at is, 'y t!e Lord $!o is none ot!er t!an S(%re"e Piva ))) ))) of gods R deities, fro" +ra!"4 to Sad4Jiva, '(t also, t!e sense fa&(lties, $!i&! ill("inate all t!in s R @6A into the ultimate reality to which has been gi"en the name 'i"a , t!at Supreme 4ord, $!o is a (nifor" and (n9(alified "ass of 'lissf(l &ons&io(sness, Wor, in ot!er $ords,Y into t!e Wade%tIsY o$n essential nat(re, @6; by adopting the discipline of embracing the Trident of energies 6(a,titri(/la7 , t!at is 'y t!e %ro ressive realiLation of t!e Ener y na"ed Par4 Wor par for para , s(%re"e ener yY a&&ordin to t!e "et!od already e,%o(ndedM @6B WR in ot!er $ords, t!e entirety t!at is in effe&t PivaY attains identity $it! !i" Wna"ely,
.he ver( visr%!ate ha" a*"' a$ e"'teri# /ea$i$g re1erri$g t' the visarga 2S 3 at the e$0 '1 the /a$tra ___. See .4 6; 186,189a= tath hi sad ida brahmam)la m!asa%&itam0 icch%&nakri!roha vin naiva sad 'c!ate00, tac chaktitrita!rohd bhairav,!e cidtmani0 vi%!ate hi tat tasmd bahir vtha visr%!ate0 eva sadr)pataivai sat aktra!tmat00 visarga parabodhena samkip!aiva vartate0, 86$0ee0, thi" Fei$g (sat) 2that i", at '$#e, the rea* (sat) $iver"e #'/p'"e0 '1 the three aa 0e"#ri(e0 i$ &S 43, a$0 the p re Fei$g (sanmtra) that i" it" tr e e""e$#e3, whi#h, r''te0 i$ brahman 2viU., i$ brahma E pthv!aa3, i" 2 *ti/ate*%3 ter/e0 m!a 2viU., the aa i$#* "ive '1 prakt!j a$0 pthv!j ('r brahmaj) aa J a" the 1' r aas 1it withi$ '$e a$'ther, a" e/pha"iUe0 (% CD a0 &S 4 J3, i" $'t #a**e0 8e7i"te$t: (sat) $*e"" it ri"e" t' (roha) 2the *eve* '1 the e$ergie" '13 Ri**, ?$'w*e0ge a$0 B#ti'$ 2viU., t' akt!aa3. T'r it i" '$*% (% a"#e$0i$g (roha) t' that tria0 '1 e$ergie" (aktitrit) that it 2viU., that Fei$g, 'r rea* w'r*0, i$ the 1'r/ '1 the three aa3 i" e/itte0 (vi%!ate E visarga) i$t' Fhairava:" Se*1, whi#h i" p re #'$"#i' "$e"" 2where it g'e" '$ re"' $0i$g3> 'r that it i" 2agai$3 e/itte0 ' t 1r'/ that 2p re #'$"#i' "$e""3. .h ", the rea*it% (sadr)pat) 2sat3 '1 th'"e aas, 2whi#h are3 rea* 28'$*% i$a"/ #h a" the% appear i$ the 1'r/ '1 the $iver"e:, e7p*ai$" OD3, take" p*a#e '$*% 2viU., 0'e" e7i"t '$*%, 'r i" rea*iUe0 '$*%3 thr' gh " pre/e #'$"#i' "$e"" (parabodha) 2'r with " pre/e #'$"#i' "$e"" (a" " pre/e Bge$t)3, whe$ it" 2that '1 sat3 #'a*e"#e$#e with (samkip!a) the e""e$#e '1 the tria0 '1 e$ergie" a$0 the visarga i" a##'/p*i"he0 2that i", a##'r0i$g t' OD, E2thi" rea*it%3 /a$i1e"t" it"e*1 (% virt e '1 it" i0e$tit% with the " pre/e !'g$iUer tha$k" t' the pr'gre""ive a"#e$t t' the visarga>3: (#1. &a0' 7:" 21992= 4183, Sa$0er"'$:" 21990= 573 a$0 I$'*i:" 2.4= 1033 tra$"*ati'$")> .4; a0 *'#. e7p*ai$"= eva !athokta!'kt!, e brahmd,n sat vivar)pata! pratibhsamnnm eva, sadr)pat parabodhena saha akatra!tmat visarga ca samkp!aiva vartate, visargoprohakramea parapramtraiktm!ena prasph'rat,t! artha. .h " it appear" that, "'/eh'w, the e7p'"iti'$ '1 the &S t'gether with it" #'//e$tar% he*p" i$ $0er"ta$0i$g that p UU*i$g pa""age '1 .4. B$0 it i" "h'w$ that the visarga "%/('*iUe" ('th the i$war0, re1erre0 t' i$ &S 45, a$0 ' twar0 pr'Le#ti'$ '1 the $iver"e (i$ &S 46). B" &a0' 7 (1992= 419) e7p*ai$" thi" "%$the"i"= 8.he "pa$ '1 #reati'$, 1r'/ the Garth t' m!, i", i$ the mantra, take$ i$ it" e""e$#e a" p re (ei$g (sat). 6t i" the$ a("'r(e0 i$ the three e$ergie" '1 iva, tha$k" t' whi#h it i" i/( e0 with #'$"#i' "$e"" (/'re "pe#i1i#a**% with the "e*1,reve*at'r% a$0 1ree aware$e"" #a**e0 vimar), t' (e a1terwar0" (( t eter$a**%, ' t '1 ti/e) e/itte0 i$ #'$"#i' "$e"" 2...3 ('th i$ter$a**% a$0 e7ter$a**%:. 923 6$ a##'r0a$#e with it" et%/'*'gi#a* /ea$i$g '1 8* /i$' ":, deva #a$ (e take$ (% e7te$"i'$ t' re1er t' the "e$"e,1a# *tie"> "ee the $'ti'$ '1 karaadev,s, 'r karaadevats, g'00e""e" that are the 'rga$" '1 "e$"e, i$ CD a0 47 a$0 80. 924 parigama J #1. +bhi%&naak'ntal:s 1i$a* "ta$Ua (bharatavk!a), where iva a" )Y*a*'hita i" give$ the epithet '1 parigataakti, th " g*'""e0 (% DAghava(haa= parito gat v!pt akti smarth!am as!et! anena tattacchaktitva v!a%!ate, 8 >akti>, Ee$erg%E, 2/ea$"3 E#apa#it%E, >gat>, Eg'$e ar' $0E, 2/ea$"3 E" 11 "e0 (%E (v!pt), 2parigataakti /ea$"3 Ehe wh'"e e$erg% ha" (ee$ e$#'/pa""e0 a** ar' $0E> (% thi" e7pre""i'$ he 2the p'et3 " gge"t" the p'""e""i'$ '1 / *tip*e e$ergie":. 925 )a/e*%, (% /ea$" '1 the /a$tra.


!i"selfY, t!ro( ! &o"%lete a'sor%tion t!erein, d(e to t!e e,&ellen&e of innerdire&ted a$areness 63imar(ana7 ) And it "a5es no sense to attri'(te a en&y to any ot!er W'ein or %rin&i%leY $!atsoever, nor is t!ere any ot!er &o niLer ot!er t!an t!is Co niLer) And it is t!at Lord alone, as&endin t!ro( ! t!e different levels Wof s('#e&tivityY, $!o a%%ears 6sphura0a7 as t!e different W&ate ories ofY &o niLers, fro" ordinary so(ls to R(dras) *en&e, it is "ost a%%ro%riate to state Wt!at t!is HentiretyI is e"itted into !i"selfY by the god of gods) T!(s !as 'een de"onstrated t!e "ode of e,isten&e of t!e Win$ardY e"ission Wof t!e (niverseY)@6= #!rik! 29 T!(s, !avin s!o$n so far, fro" t!e %ers%e&tive of rea'sor%tion, t!at t!e differentiated $orld, t!e $orld of finite 'ein , attains (nison $it! Piva, for"ed of (ndifferentiated &ons&io(sness, 'y as&endin to t!e a'ode of ener y Wi)e), 'y attainin t!e (,topya Y, @6< $!i&! is 'ased on differen&e?and?non?differen&e,@6C t!e "aster ne,t says t!at it is Piva !i"self, solely for"ed of &ons&io(sness, $!o, s(r in fort! 6ullsya7 as Ener y, a%%ears 6sphurati7 as t!e (niverse, Wt!e (niverseY of finite 'ein ) Nor, !e says, is t!ere any for" of Ener y or of finite 'ein se%arate fro" Piva)@6@ It is Piva !i"self $!o t!(s a%%ears as t!e W(niverse, no$ seen as t!eY solidifi&ation of !is o$n essen&eM@A7 R in ot!er $ords 6iti7, Wt!e "aster no$Y e,%lains Win t!e follo$in 54ri54Y t!e %ro&ess of e"er en&e $!i&! &onsists in t!e '(rstin fort! of t!e Great for"(la 6mahmantrasphra7 : 29) Con"ersely6 through the orderly emergence of the fi"e eneries6?, that wondrous triad of spheres?,* is created also externally6 by ac%uiring an outward Self) It is t!e S(%re"e Piva, $!ose Self is t!e (nison of t!e %entad of ener ies, viL), Cons&io(sness, +liss, Oill, /no$led e and A&tion, by whom is created?,, the triad of spheres, "ade wonderful 'y a variety of $orlds, et&), and !e does t!is 'y dis&losin in t(rn t!e WfiveY levels Wof %(re s('#e&tivityY, viL), Piva, Pa5ti, Sad4Jiva, 0Jvara and (uddha3idy , $!ere'y Wea&! one of t!e %entad of ener ies, viL),Y Cons&io(sness, +liss, Oill, /no$led e and A&tion, is severally dis%layed as %redo"inantM@A; WR in ot!er $ordsY by ac%uiring an outward Self6 t!at is, 'y s!o$in !i"self as e,ternal "anifestation Wt!at is, as t!e (niverseY)
visargavtti, a" "%/('*iUe0 (% the 1i$a* visarga '1 the /a$tra. Sa/e 1'r/ *ati'$ i$ the avat. a0 43. 928 !1. the avat. a0 41. 929 !1. Sp? 66 4a, K 'te0 $. 452, a$0 .B 6; 275a= sarva ivama!am. 930 ni%aras!nat J "ee 1ir"t magalcaraa '1 CD:" #'//e$tar%, a$0 $. 224. 931 .hi" 'r0er*% e/erge$#e '1 the N'r0:" e$ergie" 'r p'wer" take" p*a#e 1ir"t i0ea**%, a" 'ddhdhvan, '1 whi#h the akt!aa e$#'/pa""e" the *a"t 1' r #'$"tit e$t"= akti, Sa0APiva, ^Pvara a$0 'ddhavid!. .he "a/e 'r0er*% e/erge$#e '1 the N'r0:" e$ergie" i" re"p'$"i(*e 1'r the " ##e""ive *eve*" '1 Spee#h> "ee $. 443. 932 6.e., the $iver"e "ee$ a" a tria0 1'r/e0 '1 the "phere" '1 m!, prakti, a$0 pthiv,, a*rea0% e$ /erate0 i$ rever"e 'r0er i$ kA. 41, whi#h 0ea*" with the pr'#e"" '1 the rea("'rpti'$ '1 the $iver"e i$ #'$"#i' "$e"". 933 .h " i" #'$1ir/e0 that kA. 46 0ea*" with the sikrama. 934 !1. &S 14 a$0 CD a0 *'#.


+y t!e ter" con"ersely 6punar api7 , t!e "aster s!o$s t!at t!e S(%re"e Piva !i"self, ever free, re"ains ever t!(s, %ro#e&tin on t!e s(rfa&e of !i"self 6s3a$hitti7 t!e %lay of t!e e"er in and disa%%earin dis%lay of t!e (niverse, Wa %layf(l dis%lay,Y $!i&!, alt!o( ! not different fro" !is o$n Self, a%%ears yet as different)@AB And t!ere is not!in t!at is different fro" !i") #!rik!s 2:+5@ And so, in res%onse to 9(estions s(&! as H$!o is !e, $!o" $e &all bPivacZI R t!e Lord $!ose !a'it(s is t!e %lay of t!e e"er in and dissolvin (niverse R and H$!ere does !e resideZI and H'y $!at "eans of 5no$led e do $e 5no$ !i"ZI t!e "aster e,%lains, (sin ter"s e,%ressive of t!e %rono(n HII, @A= t!at Piva is t!e very self of everyt!in t!at e,ists, t!at, 'ein in eviden&e 6sphuran7 every$!ere in virt(e of 'ein esta'lis!ed first Was &ondition for everyt!in elseY, @A< !e en#oins t!e &reation and all t!at follo$s fro" it: 2:) In this way6 setting in motion6 thanks to the discipline of his play6?,< the machine?,? that is the -heel of energies6 the god W6 now the yogin6 says:Y?2@ IIt is - , ?2 whose form has been purified6 who am situated in the role of the hero Wsetting in motionY the great -heel of energies)?2*
!1. CD a0 34= 8.hat whi#h 0'e" $'t appear agai$"t the (a#k0r'p (bhitti) '1 the S pre/e N'r0 0'e" $'t appear e7ter$a**% either:. 936 asmacchabdavcaka J '$ the >ahast'ti> that repre"e$t kArikA" 47,50, "ee 6$tr., p. 25. 937 disiddhat J "ee CD a0 1, $. 255. 938 .hat i", the p*a% i$ whi#h he e$gage" (% /aki$g appear a$0 0i"appear the $iver"e, a" e$#'0e0 i$ the /a$tra. 939 See (e*'w= the i/age i" that '1 the water,whee* (aragha##a). 940 !ertai$ i$0i#ati'$" " gge"t here a tra$"iti'$ 1r'/ a #'"/'*'gi#a* a$0 0'#tri$a* per"pe#tive t' '$e i$ whi#h the pra#ti#i$g a0ept, 'r %'gi$, i" #e$tra*. S #h are the ter/ !oga, 80i"#ip*i$e:, the ter/ deva, app*ie0 '1te$ t' /e$ '1 a #ertai$ "tat re, the #'/p' $0 'ddhar)pa, " gge"ti$g a tra$"1'r/ati'$, a$0 the ter/ n!aka, with 'vert'$e" '1 the 0ra/ati# 8pr'tag'$i"t: J the pri$#ipa* #hara#ter i$ the eter$a* p*a% '1 iva. 941 Si*( r$ tra$"*ate" 0i11ere$t*%= 8Gt ai$"i *e 0ie 2...3 e"t *e Oe 2...3:. 942 !1. .4 6 109,112 (-%#Uk'w"ki 1989= 117). BI:" 7ehasthadevatcakrastotra, whi#h #e*e(rate" the great Rhee* '1 e$ergie". B*"' ++ 26. B" e/pha"iUe0 (% ?9e/arALa a$0 Htpa*avai9@ava i$ their #'//e$tarie", the 1ir"t a$0 *a"t ver"e '1 the Sp? are #e*e(rati'$" '1 the N'r0 '1 the Rhee* '1 e$ergie", the cakrevara, 0e1i$e0 i$ Sp? 666 19 a" the bhokt, the 82 $iver"a*3 e$L'%er:, that i", the 8 *ti/ate ('r tra$"#e$0e$ta*) #'g$iUer: (paramapramt, Sp) a0 *'#). .he #'//e$tar% #'$ti$ e"= paramapramtt sat,m evaprat!abhi%&nakramevalambate0 tata ca prathamas)tranir,tas!a akticakras!a svamar,cinica!as!evaro 8dhipatir bhavet0 anenaiva ca dehena mahevaratvam avpnot! even !vat0, 8Me 2viU., the %'gi$3 attai$" the "tat " '1 *ti/ate #'g$iUer, whi#h 2he i"3 a*rea0%, (% /ea$" '1 the /eth'0 '1 re#'g$iti'$ (prat!abhi%&na). Me$#e, '$e (e#'/e" N'r0 '1 the Rhee* '1 e$ergie", re1erre0 t' i$ the 1ir"t ver"e, i.e., '1 the #'**e#tive wh'*e '1 '$e:" 'w$ Era%"E 2e/a$ati$g 1r'/ the Se*13. 6$ 'ther w'r0", '$e attai$" t' $iver"a* /a"ter% (mahevaratva) with thi" ver% ('0%:, wherea" Sp& 51 e7p*ai$"= eva sati svtantr!ptes tata cakrevara akticakrasvm, sarva%&atdi!'ta, 8Fei$g th " 2i.e., i$ thi" "tate '1 a("'rpti'$3, 2the %'gi$3 i" the N'r0 '1 the Rhee* (cakrevara), 1'r he ha" attai$e0 1ree0'/. Me i" the +a"ter '1 the Rhee* '1 e$ergie" (akticakrasvmin), wh' i" e$0'we0 with '/$i"#ie$#e a$0 'ther 20ivi$e attri( te"3:. B*"' S 6 21= 'ddhavid!oda!c cakreatvasiddhi, 8Rhe$ per1e#t ?$'w*e0ge ('ddhavid!) appear", '$e '(tai$" 1 ** /a"ter% 'ver the Rhee* 2'1 e$ergie"3 (cakreatva):, a$0 S; a0 *'#= vaivtm!aprathav&cha! !ad akti sadhatte tad aham eva sarvam iti 'ddhavid!oda!t vivtmakasvaakticakreatvar)pa mhevar!am as!a siddh!ati, 8Rhe$ he L'i$" 2hi/"e*13 t' akti with the 0e"ire '1 e7te$0i$g 2hi/"e*13 a" the "' * '1 a** thi$g", the$, tha$k" t' the 0aw$i$g 2i$ hi/3 '1 that &er1e#t k$'w*e0ge ('ddhavid!)= E6 a/ a**E, hi" $iver"a* /a"ter% (mhevar!a) i"


;C) It is in .e that the uni"erse appears6 as in a spotless mirror 8ars and the like) Nrom .e comes forth the All6 as does the wonderful di"ersity of dreams from one asleep) 49. It is - who ha"e taken on the form of all things6 thus resembling the body6 whose nature it is to ha"e hands6 feet6 and the like)?2, It is - who appear in each and e"ery thing6 8ust as the nature of light appears in all existent things)?22 50. Though de"oid of corporeal sense+organs6 it is - who am the one who sees6 the one who hears6 the one who smells)?25 Though not an agent6 it is - who compose the wonderfully "aried Siddh!ntas6 .gamas and TarkasH)?29 Thus 6iti7 "eans !ere Hin t!e "anner #(st e,%lainedIM setting in motion "eans H&a(sin to revolveIM t!e machine 6yantra7 "eans Ht!e infinite &olle&tion of ener ies i"%lied 'y t!e %entad of ener iesI R Cons&io(sness, et&)M@;< thanks to the discipline of his play "eans H'y !is %layf(l intervals@;C of &reation, et&)I, arisin o(t of and sin5in 'a&5 into W!is for"less stateY, in t!e "anner of a devi&e &onsistin of #ars for"in a $ater?$!eel Wt!at des&end into and e"er e fro" a $ellY) I6 myself 6aham e3a7 , !ere si nifies t!e IgodH $!o is t!e HII of all livin 'ein sM@;@ s(&! a$areness of oneIs o$n Self, t!e essen&e of $!i&! is t!e "arvel of s(%re"e i%seity, t!e so(nd t!at is never so(nded 6anhato ndtm7 , is t!e god $!o is not!in '(t t!e in&ontroverta'le Self of every 'ein , and $!o t!(s a%%ears 6sphurati7 as en a ed in %lay)@B7
e"ta(*i"he0, where(% he take" the 1'r/ '1 +a"ter '1 the Rhee* '1 hi" 'w$ e$ergie" (svaakticakreatva), whi#h are the e""e$#e '1 a** thi$g":. .h " the N'r0 '1 the Rhee* '1 e$ergie", iva, a$0 the %,vanm'kta are i0e$ti#a*. 943 .hat i", 8th " re"e/(*i$g the ('0%, whi#h i" the "a/e 1'r a** (ei$g", #'$"i"ti$g e""e$tia**% '1 ha$0", 1eet, a$0 the *ike, a$0 %et a"" /e" 0i11ere$t 1'r/":. B##'r0i$g t' CD ("ee the #'//e$tar% a0 5 a$0 a0 49), ('0ie" are i$1i$ite*% 0iver"e, th' gh #'$"i"ti$g e""e$tia**% '1 ha$0" a$0 1eet, et#. 944 !1. 4&S 46,47 ("ee +aha0eva$ 1975= 20). Mere, &S 49 #arrie" the arg /e$t t' it" #'$#* "i'$= a** e$titie", that i" t' "a%, a** #'g$iti'$", are t' (e tra#e0 (a#k t' the !'g$iUer, wh' i" the 86:. .here1're, *ti/ate*%, there i" $' rea*it% 'ther tha$ the " pre/e 86:, wh'"e ver% $at re i" t' /a$i1e"t it"e*1, t' 8"hi$e 1'rth:, taki$g a0va$tage '1 e$titie"[#'g$iti'$", whi#h have $' 'ther r'*e tha$ t' 1a#i*itate that 8"hi$i$g 1'rth:, he$#e the% t'' are 8bhsvar)pa:. 945 !1. F4H 6; 3, 23,30, F4H 6; 4, 22= sa v ea mahn a%a tm !o 8!a vi%&hama!a pre', 8;eri*%, he i" the great $('r$ Se*1 wh' i" thi" (per"'$) #'$"i"ti$g '1 k$'w*e0ge a/'$g the "e$"e":. 946 &S 50a rewrite" a$0 #'$0e$"e" 4&S 62, it"e*1 i$"pire0 (% vH 666 19, whi#h K 'te CD a0 &S 50 a$0 D a0 4&S 62. &S 50( ('rr'w" 1r'/ 4&S 65a the "i$g*e w'r0= siddhntgamatark, a$0 1i$e""e" the "#h'*a"ti# 0e(ate that i" 1eat re0 i$ 4&S 62 (% /aki$g iva, the g'0 wh' i" $'$e 'ther tha$ '$e:" 'w$ Se*1, the " pre/e 86:, pr'#*ai/ hi" a("'* te "'vereig$t%. T'r a$ i$terpretati'$ '1 &S 50, "ee 6$tr., pp. 6 a$0 9. !1. FhI 5; 15= vedntakd vedavid eva cham, 8B$0 6 a/ the a th'r '1 the Hpa$i9a0" a$0 the ;e0a": k$'wer:, a$0 BI a0 *'#. 947 <$ the pe$ta0 '1 e$ergie", e/(*e/ati# '1 i$$ /era(*e 'ther e$ergie", "ee &S 10,11 a$0 CD a0 *'#. 948 helkrama. 949 6/p*i#it here i" a 0e/'$"trati'$ '1 I'0:" rea*it%= 1'r i1 I'0 i" $'$e 'ther tha$ /% 'w$ Se*1, t' 0e$% hi" e7i"te$#e i" t' 0e$% /% 'w$ Se*1 J whi#h t' the aiva" appear" i/p'""i(*e a$0 "e*1, #'$tra0i#t'r%. .he/e take$ p agai$, $'w e7p*i#it*%, i$ CD a0 50. 950 CD:" #'//e$tar% '$ thi" pa""age #a$ (e $0er"t''0 i$ "evera* wa%", 0epe$0i$g '$ h'w '$e #'$"tr e" the vari' " iti whi#h are there 1' $0 i$ rather #'$1 "i$g i/(ri#ati'$. .he tra$"*ati'$ re1*e#t" what we have take$ t' (e the /'"t 0ire#t a$0, i$0ee0, *'gi#a*, rea0i$g J whi#h "eek" t'

It is t!(s esta'lis!ed t!at Piva is !e $!o is fo(nded in !is o$n nat(re)@B8 Si"ilarly, !e Iwhose form has been purifiedH@B6 "eans H!e, t!e &onte,t Wof $!ose t!o( !tsY !as trans&ended t!e real" of "ental &onstr(&tionsI) F(rt!er"ore, !e is situated6 na"ely, !e re"ains ever in the role of the hero@BA Wsetting in motionY the great -heel of energies R in t!e role t!at &onveys to t!e %residin deities of t!e sense?or ans 6,ara0ade3at7 t!e freedo" Wto ind(l e ad li$itum Y in $orldly %(rs(its, s(&! as ta5in or re#e&tin o'#e&ts) For, (nless t!e &a%a&ities of t!e sense?or ans Wi)e), oneIs o$n fa&(ltiesY re%ose in &ons&io(sness, t!eir e,isten&e as !avin s(&! and s(&! a nat(re is not evident Wi)e), t!ey do not really e,ist, 'ein $it!o(t f(n&tionY) T!erefore, in order to a&9(ire even t!eir o$n nat(re, t!ey &ontin(o(sly rely on !i" alone $!o is %ossessed of ener yWiesY Was t!eir s('strat("Y)@B; T!is 'ein t!e &ase, 'e&a(se t!e Lord %resides over t!e !earts of all &o niLers, t!e notion t!at !e %resides over a li"ited ran e of e,isten&e 6niyata$hu3ana7 Wi)e), over a finite e,%anse of 'ein onlyY is r(led o(t) And so the All R $!atever is t!o( !t to &o"%ose a $!ole R appears only in .e , after t!e "anner of t!e refle&tion in t!e "irror, t!at is, it a%%ears, its si nifi&an&e f(lly realiLed only in t!e e,%erien&e of t!e HII @BB as %revio(sly e,%lainedM in ot!er $ords, t!e All a%%ears 6sphurati7 as t!e Wa'sol(teY i%seity t!at is its very essen&e) And from .e , fro" t!at for" t!at is &o"%lete, na"ely, "y o$n Self, desi nated as HII, t!e all?in&l(sive 6sa,ala7 (niverse comes forth, leavin no re"ainder, t!at is, it a%%ears 'efore t!e &o niLer, as so"et!in re"oved fro" !i")@B= If one as5s: R H*o$ Wis t!is %ossi'leYZI t!e "aster re%lies: Has does the wonderful di"ersity of dreams from one asleepI) N(st as t!e diversely $onderf(l variety of o'#e&ts a%%earin in drea" R &ities, en&los(res, te"%les, et&) R e,%ands fro" t!e slee%in &o niLer in t!e drea"?state, even t!o( ! t!ere is no e,ternal o'#e&t R s(&! o'#e&ts 'ein ro(nded in not!in '(t !is o$n &ons&io(sness, as no ot!er &a(se s(&! as nes&ien&e, et&), &an 'e said to
*i$k the tw' ke% ter/" '1 ver"e 47, aham 86: a$0 deva 8g'0:, i$ " #h a wa% a" t' e"ta(*i"h their i0e$tit%. B$0 thi" i" 0'$e thr' gh the E/i00*e ter/E, 8#'$"#i' "$e"":, whi#h i" the e""e$#e '1 ('th. CD (egi$" (% #iti$g the aham '1 the ver"e J aham iti J the$ $'te" that thi" re1ere$#e t' the 1ir"t per"'$ "i$g *ar i/p*ie" re1ere$#e t' g'0 hi/"e*1, deva, a" the 86: '1 a** #'$"#i' " (ei$g" J deva sarvaprinm aham iti. F t " #h a$ 86: i" '1 #' r"e $'thi$g ( t re1*e#tive aware$e"", 1ree0 '1 a** per"'$a* attri( te" J parmara J whi#h CD g'e" '$ t' 0e"#ri(e i$ " #h a wa% t' /ake evi0e$t the eK ati'$ '1 8#'$"#i' "$e"": a$0 86: J anhato ... parmara, sa eva ... sarvas!aiva svtmaiva J at whi#h *eve* we e$#' $ter agai$ deva 8g'0:, a" that ver% a t',re1ere$tia* a**,e$#'/pa""i$g #'$"#i' "$e"", whi#h (% 0e1i$iti'$ ha" $' Ep rp'"eE 'ther tha$ that '1 /a$i1e"ti$g it"e*1 J deva kr,ana,la sph'rati iti. 951 svasvar)pani#ha J the %'gi$ i" re1erre0 t' here. 952 T'r a*ie$ati'$ 1r'/ '$e:" 'w$ $at re, i$ the 1'r/ '1 the avamala, i" the " pre/e i/p rit% ("ee &S 24). 953 n!aka J a ter/ ('rr'we0 1r'/ 0ra/at rg%= 0erive0 1r'/ the r''t n, 8t' *ea0:, the n!aka '1 the 0ra/a i" it" 8her': wh' 8g i0e": the p*'t. 954 !1. the /arvamagalstra, K 'te0 (% CD a0 &S 4 a$0 Bppe$0i7 4, p. 322. 955 asmadarthavirntam J *it., 8havi$g #'/e t' rep'"e i$ the /ea$i$g '1 2the w'r0[e7perie$#e3 E6E:. 956 8B" "'/ethi$g re/'ve0 21r'/ hi/3: (apahtata!) J i$te$0e0 t' e7p*ai$ matta= the Ewh'*eE i" $'w 0ivi0e0 i$t' " (Le#t a$0 '(Le#t, per#ipie$t " (Le#t a$0 '(Le#ti1ie0 $iver"e, whi#h *atter Eappear"E (e1're /e, a" "'/ethi$g Ee*"eE.

e,ist@B< R so, li5e$ise, does t!e (niverse &o"e fort! fro" t!at for" desi nated as HII, a (nifor" and (n9(alified "ass of 'lissf(l &ons&io(sness, for no ot!er &a(se s%e&ified in t!e Wot!erY s&!ools of t!o( !t &an 'e s(ita'ly alle ed) It is - who ha"e taken on the form of all things) +y HII 6aham iti7 !e "eans Wt!e HII t!at affir"s itself in sayin :Y HI a"I 6asmi7 , @BC $!i&! is t!e &o"%lete self?refle&tion of &ons&io(sness in itself 6caitanyaparmar(a7 M Wt!is is t!e HIIY who ha"e taken on the form of all WthingsY6 'e&a(se it !as a&&eded to t!e stat(s of &o niLer in vario(s 'odies, et&) R in ot!er $ords, all for"s are "ine, 'e&a(se Wt!is sa"e refle&tive &ons&io(snessY is evident, internally (ndifferentiated, even in &o$!erds, &!ildren, $o"en, et&) Is t!ere a %arallel Wfor t!is (n%re&edented %lasti&ityYZ W-es, !e ans$ers:Y IWthusY resembling the body6 whose nature it is to ha"e hands6 feet6 and the likeH) N(st as, enerally, t!e 'ody, $!i&! is t!e sa"e for all 'ein s, &onsistin essentially of !ands, feet, and t!e li5e, ass("es different for"s, in a&&ordan&e $it! t!e %arti&(larity of ea&! &o niLer,@B@ #(st in t!e sa"e $ay, t!e sin le entity, $!i&! $e !ave &!ara&teriLed as &ons&io(sness, ass("es all for"s, for ta5in (% residen&e every$!ere) Si"ilarly, it is - who appear 6aham e3a sphurmi7 in each and e"ery thing6 t!at is, in t!is W%!eno"enal (niverseY t!at ta5es t!e for" of 5no$er, 5no$led e and t!e 5no$n, for Wit is # $!oY a%%ear 6pra,(ant7 as t!e %rin&i%le of e,%erien&e t!at is at t!e !eart of every We,istent t!in ]%er&i%ient s('#e&tY as its o$n Self) *o$ does t!is ta5e %la&eZ T!e "aster re%lies: I8ust as the nature of light WappearsY in WallY existent thingsH) t!at is, #(st as, in diverse t!in s, t!e nature of light 6$hs3ar/pa7 , t!at is to say, so"et!in t!at !as t!e ine,!a(sti'le &a%a&ity of ill("inatin 6dyotana(-la7 , 'laLes intensely, in t!e sa"e $ay, in t!is so(lless 61a a7 $orld, a sin le entity !avin t!e for" of &ons&io(sness 'laLes intensely as HII) .oreover, Wt!e "aster says:Y Hthe one who sees6 etc)I) HThough de"oid of corporeal sense+organs@=7 Wit is - who am the one who sees6 etc)YI "eans t!at Wt!e yo in finds !isY %(r%oses a&&o"%lis!ed, @=8 inas"(&! as !e re%oses every$!ere in %erfe&t i%seity 6p/r0hant3i(rnti7 , $!ile sayin to !i"self: HIt is # $!o see, !ear, s"ell, taste, to(&!, for "y 'ody is &ons&io(sness 6cinm/rtat3a7 itselfI)@=6 Indeed, t!e !ost of &or%oreal sense?or ans t!in5s: H # see, et&I@=A R '(t s(&! &annot 'e t!e &ase in, for e,a"%le, t!e state of dee% slee%, for t!ere is no one t!ere $!o sees, et&)
!1. &S 12,13 a$0 CD a0 35. aham a$0 asmi are '1te$ treate0 a" "%$'$%/", " #h that '$e i" '1te$ g*'""e0 (% the 'ther J a" here. F% thi" "tratage/, the a th'r e*ega$t*% re#'$#i*e" the tw' a"pe#t" '1 #'g$iti'$ here #'$#er$e0= aham, i$ter$a* (#'$te/p*ative, $'/i$a*) aware$e""> asmi e7ter$a* (a#tive, ver(a*) aware$e"". 959 !1. CD a0 5. 960 CD here i" $'t #*ai/i$g that the %,vanm'kta i" 0ev'i0 '1 "e$"e,'rga$", ( t that hi" per#epti'$" $' *'$ger 1 $#ti'$ '$ the #'rp'rea* *eve*, " (Le#ti$g hi/ t' the ('0%. B$0 thi", '1 #' r"e, i" a "ig$ '1 %,vanm'kti. 961 Sa/e $'ti'$ '1 ktakt!at i$ &S 81 (a0aptati'$ '1 4&S 79)> &S 40 pre"e$t" a "i/i*ar $'ti'$= ktrthat. !1. FSFh 6 1, 4> th " i" ktakt!at a$'ther "ig$ '1 %,vanm'kti. 962 cinm)rtatvd aham eva pa!mi omi %ighrmi rasa!mi spmi. 963 .he p'"iti'$ a** 0e0 t' here, perhap" ir'$i#a**%, /a% (e that '1 the F 00hi"t", 1'r wh'/ the skandhas are 1 $#ti'$a**% i$0epe$0e$t.
957 958


T!erefore, it is t!e s(%re"e Person@=; !i"self $!o is t!e en#oyer of o(r en#oy"ents of o'#e&ts, $!o re"ains ever in t!e !eart of all 'ein s, $!o is a (nifor" "ass of 'lissf(l &ons&io(sness, and $!o ives rise 6samullsa,a7 to t!e !ost of &or%oreal sense?or ans, t!o( ! !e 'e devoid of t!e"M it is !e $!o is si nified 'y t!e $ord HII) So says t!e Pr(ti: Oit!o(t foot or !and, DyetE s$ift and ras%in , !e sees $it!o(t eye, !e !ears $it!o(t ear) *e 5no$s $!atever is to 'e 5no$nM of !i" t!ere is none $!o 5no$s) T!ey &all !i" t!e Pri"eval, t!e S(%re"e Person)@=B T!(s, though not an agent, Wit is O who composeY Siddh!ntas, .gamas, etc) T!at is, t!o( ! not "yself t!eir &reator, I &a(se t!e "(ltit(dino(s $onders t!at are t!e Sidd!4ntas, et&), Wto &o"e into 'ein Y, !avin entered into t!e intentions of ods, sa es and "en, 'ein WalreadyY in essen&e t!eir inner int(ition 6anta prati$h7 and desiro(s of e,%o(ndin Wt!ese do&trinesY eit!er in a'rid e"ent or in "ore ela'orate for") Nor is it %ossi'le t!at &or%oreal sense?or ans 'e t!e instr("ent of t!at %ro&ess, 'ein in t!e"selves insentient and little 'etter t!an &lods of eart!) T!(s, t!ro( ! all s(&! inter"ediaries,@== it is # $!o a" t!e &reator of all valid "eans of 5no$led e) For t!is reason, it "i !t also 'e said t!at, in Ws(%%ort ofY t!e e,isten&e of t!e Great Lord t!at is oneIs o$n Self and is of t!e nat(re of s(%re"e i%seity, no Wot!er$ise s(ita'leY valid "eans of 5no$led e &an ever 'e add(&ed, nor is s(&! ever e"%loyed) T!(s is Piva every$!ere esta'lis!ed R t!e very Self of all 'ein s R in ter"s of t!eir fa&(lty of e,%erien&in , as de"onstrated in t!e HII t!at &an never 'e denied) It is t!is Piva $!o is esta'lis!ed first as %rior &ondition in Wre ards to t!e o%eration ofY every valid "eans of 5no$led e Wt!at is, t!e "eans of 5no$in &annot f(n&tion (nless Piva 'e ad"itted as t!eir 'asisY) #arika 5 T!(s, t!ro( ! t!e %ro&ess e,%o(nded a'ove, t!e yo in 'e&o"es one $it! t!e nat(re of t!e trans&endental $rahman , refle&tin 6pratya3am.(an7 $it! deter"ination@=< on !is o$n Self: HT!is "i !t is all "ineI:@=C 5 ) Thus6 once the postulation of duality has ceased6 Wthe adept6Y after o"ercoming the bewildering power of illusion6@=@ should merge in (rahman as milk merges in milk6 and water in water)@<7 In t!is $ay, 'y t!e devi&e of s(stained &on&entration Won t!e tr(t! t!atY t!e HII Wof t!e "editatorY is one $it! all t!in s 6sar3ha $h3a7 ,
para p'r'a J #1. &S 36. vH 666 19. Sa/e K 'tati'$ i$ D a0 4&S 62. 966 v!avadhna. 967 drh!ena. 968 ^&? 6; 12= sarvo mam!a vibhava= 2$0 '## rre$#e '1 the K 'te ("ee CD a0 33). 969 mohan, m!m. .he a""'#iati'$ '1 m! with the a0Le#tive mohan,, 8(ewi*0eri$g:, i* "trate" the 0i11i# *t% i$here$t i$ tra$"*ati$g m! a" 86** "i'$:. T'r, i1 m! were $'thi$g ( t a$ i** "i'$, it w' *0 ipso 9acto (e 8(ewi*0eri$g:. 6$ a$ 6$0ia$ per"pe#tive, " #h 8(ewi*0eri$g: i" $'t 1 **% i** "'r% J 1'r m! repre"e$t" a** the 8rea*it%: '1 the a#t a* w'r*0, th " agreei$g with it" 0erivati'$ 1r'/ the r''t m, 8t' 1a"hi'$:. .he tra$"*ati'$ '1 m! a" 86** "i'$: a/' $t" t' /i""i$g the a#tive, pr'0 #tive a"pe#t '1 the $'ti'$, whi#h i" pre#i"e*% it" 1'r#e 'r p'wer. 6t i" thi" 1'r#e, 'r p'wer, '$ whi#h a** ' r $'ti'$" '1 the Dea* are gr' $0e0, that i" (ewi*0eri$g. 970 &S 51 ('rr'w" 1r'/ 4&S 58 a$0 59 (&S 51a S 4&S 59a> &S 51( S 4&S 58a).



once the postulation of duality has ceased6 t!at is, on&e t!e dis%lay of differen&e !as vanis!ed, after o"ercoming the bewildering power of illusion6 t!at is, after #ettisonin t!e nes&ien&e i"%li&it in t!e &on&eit of affir"in t!e Self in %la&e of t!e non?Self, t!at is t!e &a(se of t!e dis%lay of differen&e@<8 R !avin t!(s dis"issed all &onstri&tion 'y virt(e of t!e for"(la: HI, "yself, a" t!e Self of t!e (niverseI,@<6 !e $!o !as 5no$led e 612nin7 ONP should WnowY merge in (rahman , t!at is, s!o(ld, after dissolvin all li"itation, attain identity@<; $it! $rahman , $!i&! is a (nifor" "ass of 'lissf(l &ons&io(sness, is &o"%lete and is s(ited to e,%andin , @<B and $!i&! is !is o$n nat(re) And to !i" $!o as5s: R HO!at W"i !t ill(strate t!is "er en&eYZI t!e "aster res%onds, sayin : Hin water, etc)I) N(st as water R t!e $ater dra$n (% Wfro" $ellsY 'y "eans of different #ars, et&) R or #(st as milk R differentiated as &o"in fro" t!o(sands of &o$s, $!et!er e"a&iated or &or%(lent R#(st as t!is water or t!is milk is nevert!eless ta5en as one (ndifferentiated t!in $!en it enters Was $aterY into WotherY water or Was "il5Y into WotherY milk6 d(e to t!e disa%%earan&e of t!at li"itation $!i&! is t!e W&onse9(en&e ofY differen&es a"on #ars or a"on W&o$sY e"a&iated Wor &or%(lentY R s(&! t!at no differen&e is t!ere evident, so, li5e$ise, 'y settin at na( !t t!e notions Wof $rahman Y as vario(sly 'ody, vital 'reat!, s('tle 'ody or t!e 1oid, $rahman verily is realiLed)@<= As +!a33adiv45aravatsa says in t!e Ka,)ystotra : @<< On&e t!e island &onsistin of t!e idea of t!e 'ody !as 'een $as!ed a$ay, on&e sin leness of t!o( !t !as 'een attained@<C in t!e %(re river of &ons&io(sness, and $!en, on t!e ot!er !and, yo( !ave retained t!e !ost of senses in yo(r inner 'ein ,@<@ Wonly t!en, O Lord,Y do yo( a%%ear, one, eternal, t!e essen&e of everyt!in ) #!rik! 5* T!(s, for t!e yo in $!o !as as&ended to t!e state of $rahman 6$rahmasatt7 , even t!e over$!el"in %resen&e of di&!oto"ies !as its so(r&e in $rahman , @C7 and does not s(ffi&e to interr(%t Wt!e &ontin(ity ofY !is o$n nat(re) T!e "aster says: 5*) Thus6 once the host of principles has been reintegrated into 'i"a through meditati"e realiBation6 what sorrow is there6 what delusion for him who "iews e"erything as (rahman P ?<
!1. CD a0 39. aham eva vivtm. 973 Tir"t '## rre$#e '1 the ter/. 974 tdtm!a J "ee $. 629. 975 bhatmaka J et%/'*'gi#a* p*a% '$ brahman, a" 8that whi#h e7pa$0": (r''t bh 'r bh, 8gr'w, e$ve*'p, e7pa$0:)> "ee CD a0 43 a$0 104, a$0 $. 892, 1434. 976 See kA. 31, where the "a/e i"" e i" 0i"# ""e0. 977 ^&;; (v'*. 666= 388), Sp; 6 9 (p. 40) a$0 Sp& 25 2S a0 6 253 (p. 31) K 'te the "a/e ver"e 1r'/ the 6ak!stotra> '$ Fhaa0ivAkaravat"a, "ee $. 800. 978 prptaikadh!e J we take thi" t' (e a #a"e '1 0' (*e "a$0hi= prpta aikadh!e. 979 Nit, 8whe$ %' have $'t #a "e0 the h'"t '1 "e$"e" t' 0eta#h (av!vt!a) 1r'/ %' i$war0*%:. 980 brahmama!a J *it., 8i" /a0e '1 brahman:, 8i" $'thi$g ( t brahman:. 981 &S 52 ('rr'w" agai$ ("ee $. 970) 1r'/ 4&S 59, with a*terati'$" reK ire0 (% aiva 0'#tri$e, $a/e*%, tattvasam)he 1'r dvaitasam)he, ivama!atvam 1'r brahmabh)!am= ittha dvaitasam)he bhvana! brahmabh)!am 'pa!te0 ko moha ka oka sarva brahmvaloka!ata00 861, i$ that
971 972


T!(s, in t!e $ay %revio(sly de"onstrated, when R for t!e yo in $!ose 'onds, t!e s!eat!s, !ave fallen offRthe host of principles6 na"ely, t!e ro(% of sense?or ans Was instr("ents of s('#e&tivityY and t!eir do"ains, t!e ele"ents 6$h/ta7 , has been reintegrated into 'i"a6 through meditati"e realiBation 6$h3an7 R t!at is, t!ro( ! t!e fir" (nderstandin t!at t!is (niverse is Widenti&al $it!Y !is o$n (nfra "ented 6e,7 &ons&io(sness R W$!en, in ot!er $ords, t!e yo inY !as attained t!e state of (lti"ate nond(ality,@C6 t!en, for !i" $!o t!(s sees e"erything R t!at is, t!e ro(% of %rin&i%les R as (rahman , t!e over$!el"in di&!oto"ies indi&ated 'y Wt!e %ersisten&e ofY sorro$ and del(sion are indeed as not!in , and !en&e, do not o&&asion any distress, for t!ey all !ave t!eir so(r&e in $rahman , and !ave ass("ed t!e for" of t!e yo inIs o$n nat(re WviL), of !is &ons&io(snessY) #!rik! 5, +(t, says an o'#e&tor, inas"(&! as t!e 'ody of !i" $!o 5no$s ne&essarily %ersists, even if !e !as a&&eded to (lti"ate nond(al W&ons&io(snessY, $!y $o(ld not, in t!at &ase, t!e a&&("(lation of t!e fr(its of !is a&tions, 'e t!ey a(s%i&io(s or ina(s%i&io(s, $!i&! are o&&asioned 'y t!at 'ody, "a5e itself evidentZ T!e "aster ref(tes t!is o'#e&tion: 5,) The auspicious and inauspicious fruits of actions arise only from association with faulty knowledge) /ot easy to o"ercome indeed are faults arising from association6 8ust as company kept with a thief Wis dangerousY for one who is not a thief)?<, T!e a&&("(lation of t!e "any fr(its of "eritorio(s and non?"eritorio(s a&tions R %erfor"in t!e !orse sa&rifi&e or 5illin a 'ra!"in, et&) @C; C arises only from association with faulty knowledge 6mithy12na7 )

wa%, the " /,t'ta* '1 p* ra*it% ha" re#e0e0 i$t' the "tate '1 Frah/a$ tha$k" t' the 1'r#e '1 rea*iUati'$ (bhvan), what 0e* "i'$, what grie1 2#a$ there (e3 1'r '$e wh' "ee" brahman a" the B**: (tr. -a$ie*"'$, /'0i1ie0). !1. =opaniad 6,7= !as t' sarvi bh)tn! tman! evn'pa!ati00 sarvabh)te' ctmnam tato na vi%'g'psate00 !asmin sarvi bh)tn! tmaivbh)d vi%nata00 tatra ko moha ka oka ekatvam an'pa!ata00, 8B$0 he wh' "ee" a** (ei$g" i$ hi" 'w$ "e*1 a$0 hi" 'w$ "e*1 i$ a** (ei$g", he 0'e" $'t 1ee* a$% rev *"i'$ (% rea"'$ '1 " #h a view. Rhe$, t' '$e wh' k$'w", a** (ei$g" have, veri*%, (e#'/e '$e with hi" 'w$ "e*1, the$ what 0e* "i'$ a$0 what "'rr'w #a$ (e t' hi/ wh' ha" "ee$ '$e$e""?:> a*"' ?AH 6 2, 22= aartra sar,rev anavasthev avavasthitam00 mahnta vibh'm tmna matv dh,ro na ocati, 8?$'wi$g the "e*1 wh' i" the ('0i*e"" a/'$g ('0ie", the "ta(*e a/'$g the $"ta(*e, the great, the a**,perva0i$g, the wi"e /a$ 0'e" $'t grieve:. 982 paramdva!a J "a/e ter/ i$ CD a0 1 a$0 &S 53. <$ bhvan, "ee CD a0 68 a$0 Bppe$0i7 20, p. 345. 983 ;er"e partia**% "i/i*ar t' 4&S 52, $'ta(*% t' 52(, whi#h '11er" the "a/e a$a*'g% '1 the thie1. .he rea"'$i$g a$0 the i/age "ee/ t' (e SAkh%a i$ 'rigi$ J "ee S? 20, a$0 IFh a0 *'#= !athca'ra ca'rai saha gh,ta ca'ra iti, 8B" '$e wh' i" $'t a thie1, #a ght i$ the #'/pa$% '1 thieve", i" take$ t' (e a thie1 2...3:. Re 0i11er 1r'/ N. Si*( r$ wh', taki$g sagama a$0 saga i$ their 1ir"t /ea$i$g '1 8atta#h/e$t:, tra$"*ate"= 82...3 1a#he 7 e"t *e vi#e 0e *:atta#he/e$t #'//e *: $i'$ 0: $ v'*e r a $ h'//e K i $e "erait p' rta$t pa" $ v'*e r: 2J 82...3 regretta(*e i" the vi#e '1 atta#h/e$t a" i" the #'/pa$% '1 a thie13. 984 !1. &S 70, a$0 the ver% "i/i*ar 4&S 77.

HI a" %ossessed of a 'odyI, Hlet t!is !orse sa&rifi&e, et&), 'e for "e a "eans Wof o'tainin a desired res(ltYI@CB R s(&! is %erverse 5no$led e,@C= &onsistin in t!e &on&eit t!at lo&ates t!e Self in t!e non?Self)@C< Fro" e"'ra&in @CC s(&! fa(lty 5no$led e only W&o"esY, for t!e fettered so(l, t!e a&&("(lation of t!e a(s%i&io(s and ina(s%i&io(s fr(its of a&tions) +ein &onstantly %ervaded 'y s(&! a&&("(lation WR in t!e for" of t!e latent dis%ositions @C@ R t!e fettered so(lY 'e&o"es a re&e%ta&le for t!e s(fferin s of t!is $orld of trans"i ration) +(t, says an o'#e&tor, !o$ is it, for all t!at, t!at s(&! 'onda e 6pa(ut3a7 &ontin(es to affli&t t!e &o niLer, t!o( ! !is nat(re 'e Widenti&al $it!Y $rahman Z In res%onse, t!e "aster all(des@@7 to a %arallel &ase, sayin : I/ot easy6 etc)H)@@8 W+onda e &o"es to affli&t t!e &o niLer, t!o( ! !is nat(re 'e identi&al $it! $rahman ,Y 'e&a(se the faults arising from association are in all &ases diffi&(lt to end(re R t!at is, #(st as &onta&t $it! a $i&5ed %erson serves to &onvey a fa(lt t!at %ertains to t!at %erson alone even to !i" $!o is "ost ri !teo(s, li5e$ise, asso&iation $it! del(sion 'orn of nes&ien&e 'rin s t!e &o niLer, t!o( ! %(re, into &onta&t $it! a(s%i&io(s and ina(s%i&io(s a&tions, so t!at !e ass("es t!e state of a 'o(nd so(l) #!rika 52 +irt!, deat!, and si"ilar Wins(%%orta'le e,%erien&esY do not 'elon to t!e yo in $!o !as ass("ed t!e for" of $rahman 6$rahmar/pa7 M rat!er, t!ey 'elon only to &o niLers (nder t!e do"inion of my ) T!(s t!e "aster says: 52) Those fools who here culti"ate the nescience that results from de"oting themsel"es to worldly transactions go to birth and death6 bound by the restraints of merits and demerits) T!ose &o niLers $!o, defiled 'y t!e desire for fr(its, and t!in5in t!e 'ody to 'e t!e Self, serve t!e nescience t!at &onsists of attri'(tin "erit and de"erit to $orldly transa&tions, 'y ado%tin "eans intended for t!e a&9(isition of fr(its s(&! as !eaven, !ell, et&), in t!is $orld R f(rt!er"ore, Wa nes&ien&e t!at is identi&al $it!Y my t!at &onsists in t!e dis%lay of differen&e R ))) are fools6 t!at is to say, are i norant, 'o(nd 'y t!e &!ains of "erit and de"eritM t!ey are 'orn and die a ain and a ain in order to e,%erien&e t!e fr(it of t!ose Wa&tionsY, and t!(s 'e&o"e re&e%ta&les for t!e (n&easin s(fferin s of e,isten&e)
.he 1av' ra(*e re" *t" w' *0 (e svarga 'r cakravartitva, $iver"a* "'vereig$t%. vaipar,t!ena %&nam J *it., 8k$'w*e0ge (% i$ver"i'$:, 8k$'w*e0ge that i" $'t k$'w*e0ge:. <$ the"e $'ti'$", "ee CS 6 8= vipar!a!o mith!%&nam atadr)paprati#ham> 4 5666 2 a$0 the three #'//e$tat'r" a0 *'#. J $a/e*%, 4$a$0aLQA$a, F'0ha$i0hi, DA/atYrtha J wh' take avid! a" the #a "e '1 mith!%&na> 5padeashasr, 6 10, 8 a$0 666 3, 116 ("ee +a%e0a 1979= 45, 78, 95, 125, $. 9). 987 < r te7t 0i11er" here 1r'/ the ?S.S e0iti'$. T'r a 0i"# ""i'$ '1 the varia$t" a$0 the te7t a* pr'(*e/, "ee 8<$ the Sa$"krit .e7t:. 988 .h " i" g*'""e0 sagama '1 the kArikA. S? 20 ha" sa!oga. 989 .he ter/ adhivsita, 8perva0e0:, " gge"t" the $'ti'$ '1 vsan> "ee $. 831. 990 'pakipati. 991 .he kArikA, it "ee/", a00re""e" t' the K e"ti'$ '1 Eh /a$ #'$0iti'$E. 6" /a$, (% $at re, (' $0 t' the kar/i# #'$0iti'$, 'r i" the kar/i# #'$0iti'$, i$ "'/e "e$"e, '##a"i'$a* 'r a##i0e$ta*? BI re"p'$0" here that the K e"ti'$ i" '$e '1 a""'#iati'$ rather tha$ '1 $at re a$0 that *i(erati'$ i" there1're p'""i(*e> #1. kA. 67,68, a$0 CD a0 67, wh' e/pha"iUe" the 1a#t that the *aw '1 kar/a$ 0epe$0", i$ *ti/ate ter/", '$ vikalpas> #1. 5padeashasr, 66 2, 45,48.
985 986


On t!e ot!er !and, it is not t!e &ase t!at t!e yo in, $!ose veil of del(sion 6moh3ara0a7 @@6 !as 'een destroyed, $!o !as &ast off t!e 'onda e of "erit and de"erit, and $!o is no$ of t!e nat(re of $rahman 6$rahmas3a$h3a7 , is 'orn or dies) #!rika 55 T!(s, a&tions, even t!ose effe&ted d(rin t!e %eriod of nes&ien&e, are destroyed 'y t!e e"er en&e of 5no$led e only, and not ot!er$ise) T!e "aster says: 55) Nor e"en those actions6 whose nature is merit or demerit that ha"e been stored up during the period of ignorance6 "anish thanks to the radiance of knowledge6 8ust as is consumed Win a momentY goose+down which has accumulated for a long time)??, 3uring the period of ignorance6 t!at is, d(rin t!e &ontin ent state@@; in $!i&! t!e &on&eit of self %osits an adventitio(s &o niLer 6,.trimapramt.7 , action6 $!i&! !as 'een stored up6 t!at is, "ade oneIs o$n, in t!e for" of Wits res(ltin Y "erit or de"erit, 'e&a(se of o(r strivin after fr(its &orres%ondin to it, thanks to the radiance of knowledge6 t!at is, t!an5s to t!e radian&e of a dis&ri"inatin 5no$led e 63i(i)@a12na7 , "anishes) WIn ot!er $ordsY t!e realiLation 63i12na7 t!at HI a" indeed t!e s(%re"e $rahman I @@B is &a%a'le of &ons("in Was $o(ld a fireY t!e adventitio(s W&ondition ofY &o niLerM and t!an5s to t!e %o$er of its eff(l en&e 6pra$h7 , t!e Wa&tions a&&("(latedY &o"e to not!in , t!ro( ! re%eated refle&tion Won oneIs identity $it! $rahman Y) T!is %ro&ess "ay 'e &o"%ared to $!atZ T!e "aster re%lies: IIt is like goose+down which has accumulated for a long timeH) N(st as WavianY H&ottonI R t!at is to say, oose?do$n R $!i&! !as a&&("(lated for a lon ti"e is t(rned into as!es in a "o"ent, $!en i nited 'y fire, #(st so disinte rates t!e entire a&&("(lation of t!e fr(its of a&tion in t!e la%se of an instant, $!en i nited 'y t!e fire of dis&ri"inatin 5no$led e 63i12na3ahni7 ) As !as 'een stated in t!e revered "-t : As fire$ood a 5indled fire] Red(&es to as!es, Ar#(na,] T!e fire of 5no$led e all a&tions] Red(&es to as!es even so)@@= #arika 59 Not only are t!e W&onse9(en&es ofY a&tions %revio(sly a&&o"%lis!ed dissolved 'y t!e ra&e of 5no$led eM neit!er does %resent a&tion event(ate in en#oy"ent of res(lts, t!an5s to t!e Wyo inIsY vision f(eled 'y 5no$led e Wand t!(s '(rnin (% i noran&eY) *en&e t!e "aster says:
Sa/e ter/ i$ CD a0 56> "ee a*"' kA. 15. .hat i", whe$ t' #he0 (% 1ire. CD g*'""e" t)la a" hasaroma, 80'w$ '1 the g''"e:, '1 whi#h hasat)la, *it., 8g''"e,#'tt'$:, i" a "%$'$%/. Far$ett tra$"*ate" 80'w$:, Si*( r$ 8#'tt'$: a$0 &a$0it 8heap" '1 #'tt'$:. !1. 8atagapramevargama (vid!pda 66 6,7), K 'te0 i$ .4; 6 46= tata sa bhagavn ,a... pradadha m'ne sarvam a%&na tarivat. 994 avasara. 995 aham evapara brahma. 996 FhI 6; 37.



59) &nce knowledge has been attained, action,@@< though performed6 tends to no fruit) Therefore6 how could Wthe yoginIsY birth be effectedZ &nce the connection with the bondage of birth is se"ered , the sun of 'i"a shines with its rays unhindered)@@C On&e refle&tion on t!e Great Lord t!at is oneself !as ro$n WviL), into a fi,ed %ra&ti&eY, action6 $!et!er a(s%i&io(s or ina(s%i&io(s, though performed6 is not so 'old as to offer (% its &orres%ondin fr(it, for t!e &on&eit of self Wt!at leads to t!e notionY of an adventitio(s &o niLer is no$ a'sent) T!is 'ein t!e &ase, 'e&a(se t!e fr(its of a&tion are la&5in , in $!at $ay &an WreY'irt! 'e said to e,ist R de%endent as it is on t!e en#oy"ent of Wt!e fr(its ofY a&tionZ Of t!e yo in t!ere $o(ld 'e no re'irt!) S(&! is t!e %(r%ort of t!e verse) No$, one "ay as5: R HIf !e 'e not 'orn a ain after t!e %eris!in of t!is 'ody, @@@ t!en, of $!at sort is !eZ WviL), !o$ is !e to 'e des&ri'edZYI T!e "aster ans$ers: H&nce Wthe connection with the bondage ofY birth is se"ered, etc)I) T!at is, Wt!e yo inY is s(&! t!at !is connection 6yoga7 , !is relation, to 'onda e in t!e s!a%e of 'irt! !as de%arted) *e $!ose veil of del(sion8777 !as 'een destroyed no$ shines as the sun in the guise of 'i"a6 t!at is, &o"es into eviden&e 6sphurati7 with WhisY rays unhindered6 $it! t!e !ost of rays of !is &ons&io(sness 6cinmar-ci7 M and t!ere is for !i" no s(&! t!in as t!e li'eration %ost(lated 'y ot!er s&!ools of t!o( !t, if t!at "eans oin so"e$!ere else WviL), s(&! as s3arga , !eaven, as say t!e .F"4sa5asY)8778 For !i", t!ere ens(es only t!at state $!erein !is o$n ener ies are f(lly de%loyed 6s3a(a,ti3i,as3arat7 , 8776 for t!e &onstri&tion i"%osed 'y t!e s!eat!s of my , et&), !as vanis!ed)877A
.he $'/i$ative karma, '1 kA. 55, i" the #'//'$ gra//ati#a* " (Le#t '1 55 a$0 56, a" /a0e #*ear (% CD. 998 Nit., 8with it" ver% 'w$ ra%":. 999 piaptt J *it., 8a1ter the peri"hi$g '1 thi" * /p 2'1 1*e"h3:. 1000 Sa/e ter/ i$ CD a0 54. !1. Sp? 6 25= 2...3 prab'dha s!d anvta, 8.he G$*ighte$e0 '$e i" $vei*e0:. 1001 k'tracit prpti J Mere, CD a$ti#ipate" &S 60= mokas!a naiva kicid dhmsti na cpi gamanam an!atra0. +Y/A"aka", ;ai9@ava" a$0 'ther" are '1 the 'pi$i'$ that, 1r'/ thi" w'r*0, the "' * /'ve" '$ t' a$'ther a('0e J whether it (e #a**e0 svarga, 8heave$: J 'r "i/p*% the N'r0:" pre"e$#e. .he path i" that '1 san!sa, 8re$ $#iati'$:, 'r parivr%!a, 8g'i$g a(' t:, a" a /e$0i#a$t. <$ the i0ea '1 moka i$ ('th +Y/A"aka "#h''*", "ee Miri%a$$a 1993= 33211. 1002 Sa/e ter/ i$ CD a0 60= svtmaaktivikasvarat> a*"' CD a0 61= vikasvaraakti. 1003 F% #'$tra"t, i$ the $'$0 a* ivai"/ '1 ?a"h/ir, moka i" 0e1i$e0 J a" it i" here J a" the 8"tate wherei$ '$e:" 'w$ e$ergie" are 1 **% 0ep*'%e0: (svaaktivikasvarat), whi#h re" *t" 1r'/ the va$i"hi$g '1 the #'$"tri#ti'$ i/p'"e0 (% the he7a0 '1 ka&c'kas> the /etaph'r i" #'/p*ete0 (% it" a""'#iati'$ with the E1*'ra*E i/age i/p*ie0 i$ the pair sakoca0viksa= L "t a" ('$0age i" the E#*'"i$g pE '1 the i$$ate akti", *i(erati'$ i" their E(*'""'/i$gE. Bgai$, CD a$ti#ipate" &S 60, where he g*'""e" svaakt!abhiv!akt '1 the kArikA with svtmaaktivikas varat. !1. CD a0 24= 8.h " the Se*1, a*th' gh 1 **% 'pe$ (vikasvara) (e#'/e" #'$tra#te0 2i.e., i" re0 #e0 t' 1i$it 0e3 (sak'cit,kta):, a$0 CD a0 60 a$0 61, i$ the #' r"e '1 hi" e7p'"iti'$ '1 moka. .hat "a/e $'ti'$ '1 *i(erati'$ i" #'$ve%e0 (% prath (prathana)> #1. .4 6 156= moko hi nma naivn!a svar)paprathana hi sa, 8Ni(erati'$ i" i$0ee0 $'$e e*"e tha$ the 0i"p*a% '1 '$e:" 'w$ e""e$#e:, a$0 .4 6 161,162= 2...3 tmaprath mokas 2...3, 8Ni(erati'$ i" the 0i"p*a% '1 the Se*1. See a*"' .4; 6 24, p. 57= saiva ca praknandaghanas!tmanas tttvika svar)pa tatprathanam eva mokam, 8.hat 2per1e#t k$'w*e0ge (p)r kh!ti)3 i" the tr e e""e$#e '1 the Se*1, whi#h i" a /a""


#arik! 5: T!e "aster no$ des&ri'es W"ore f(llyY t!is %ro&ess:877; 5:) As the seed6 freed from the husk6 the bran and the beard6 no longer generates the sprout6 so likewise6 the Self6 freed from the impurities of deeming itself finite6 of considering the world as ob8ecti"e6 of supposing itself the agent of actions6 no longer generates the sprout of existence) =ust as6 se%arated from the beard6 the husk and the bran6 @@5 t!e ri&e?seed, t!o( ! still e"'ra&ed 'y soil, $ater and t!e s(nIs !eat,877= no longer f(n&tions as a &a(se in res%e&t of t!at effe&t indi&ated 'y t!e enesis of t!e s%ro(t,877< 'e&a(se of t!e a'sen&e of t!e ense"'le of Wfa&tors s(&! asY t!e 'eard, et&), $!i&! are Wessential toY t!e very nat(re of t!e seed, so likewise6 freed6 t!at is, se%arated, from t!e i"%(rity of deeming itself finite 60a3a7 , "eta%!ori&ally re%resented 'y t!e 'ran, from t!e i"%(rity of considering the world as ob8ecti"e 6my7 , re%resented 'y t!e !(s5, and from t!e i"%(rity of supposing itself the agent of actions 6,arman7 , re%resented 'y t!e 'eard, the Self6 t!at is, &ons&io(sness, 'e&a(se of t!e a'sen&e of t!e ense"'le of fa&tors &onstit(tin t!e triad of i"%(rities, no lon er en#oins the sprout of existence6 t!at is, Wno lon er s(%%ortsY er"ination of %!eno"enal e,isten&e) None '(t t!e Great Lord !i"self t!ere %ersists, &onte"%latin 6parm.(an7 $it!in !i"self t!e "arvel of t!e !ost of o'#e&ts t!at W&onstantlyY a%%ear and disa%%ear, "(ltifario(s and ('i9(ito(s)877C #!rik! 5< T!(s, for !i" $!o !as 5no$led e, $!ose seeds Wof a&tionY $it!in t!ose s!eat!s !ave 'een '(rnt (% 'y t!e fire of 5no$led e 612ngni7 , t!ere is no o&&asion at all for a%%re!ension, nor is anyt!in to 'e attained or avoided) T!(s, t!e "aster says: 5<) Ae who knows the Self fears nothing6 for e"erything has his own form) And he is ne"er aggrie"ed for6 as regards the ultimate reality6 the %uality of the perishable does not exist) Ae who knows the Self 6tma12a7 , t!at is, $!o 5no$s t!e freedo" of t!e Great Lord as !is o$n, fears nothing6 t!at is, !e !as no fear of anyone R 5in , ene"y or any ot!er livin &reat(re)
'1 Night a$0 (*i"". .he 0i"p*a% '1 that 2tr e e""e$#e3 i" *i(erati'$:. Tr'/ a/'$g iva:" i$$ /era(*e e$ergie", 1ive pri$#ipa* '$e" "ta$0 ' t. .he%, whi#h were *i/ite0 whe$ iva #h'"e t' (e#'/e a pa', $'w (*'""'/. 1004 !'kti. 1005 .h " i" moka 0e1i$e0 a" "eparati'$ 1r'/ the "heath" that are the three i/p ritie". 1006 !1. the "e#'$0 #'$#* "ive "ta$Ua '1 ^&;= 2...3 bha'mn ras& %alama! ca na sas!ap'#a' m'ktvrkam ekam iha !o%a!it' kamo 8n!a00, 8)' 'ther tha$ the " $ i" #apa(*e '1 $iti$g the L i#e" (rasa) '1 earth a$0 water 1'r the 0eve*'p/e$t '1 grai$": (tr. &a$0e%)> a$0 -hskar, a0 *'#= bha'mn bh)migatn rasn %alama! ca gr,md eva k,nn svamar,cicakrntar nive!a vari!dimar,cibhi sas!ap'#!a' !o%a!it'm arka vin ko 8n!a kama0, 8Rhat e*"e tha$ the " $, '$#e it i" i$"ta**e0 withi$ the #ir#*e '1 it" 'w$ ra%", i" #apa(*e '1 $iti$g, (% /ea$" '1 it" ra%", agai$ a##'/pa$ie0 (% rai$, the L i#e" '1 earth (bha'mn E bh)migatn) a$0 water, e7ha "te0 (% " //er heat, "' that "ee0" 0eve*'p?: 1007 .he grai$ that i" "eparate0 1r'/ it" e$ve*'pe *'"e" it" p'wer '1 ge$erati'$. B$'ther p'""i(i*it% i" t' heat it, a" e7e/p*i1ie0 i$ kArikA 58 a$0 62. 1008 Sa/e $'ti'$ (vivavartin) i$ CD a0 30 a$0 31.

O!y is t!is soZ T!e "aster says: Ifor e"erything has his own formH) Sin&e e"erything 6sar3a7 , t!at is to say, t!is $orld 63i(3a7, t!e a re ate of o'#e&ts,877@ ass("es, for him $!o 5no$s t!e non?differen&e of t!e Great Lord and !is o$n Self, the form6 t!e s!a%e, of his own Self6 a 'ody solely for"ed of reat Li !t, in &onse9(en&e of t!e fa&t t!at Li !t]&ons&io(sness is every$!ere,8787 ))) Wsin&e t!is is soY it is Li !t alone t!at is evident 6pra,(ate7 , 'ot! as t!e W&o niLin Y Self WviL), t!e s('#e&tY and as t!e ot!er WviL), t!e 5no$a'le, t!e o'#e&tY, 'e&a(se of its inde%enden&e)8788 T!erefore, $!atever o&&asion for fear t!ere "ay a%%ear in t!is $orld, !o$ &an t!at o&&asion enerate fear for !i" $!o is so, for it is, as it $ere, a %art of !i"selfZ R Even "ore so, sin&e only an entity different fro" oneself &an 'e&o"e a &a(se of fear) O!at -a"a Wt!e %residin deity of deat!Y8786 or ot!er deity, indeed, is t!ere $!o, different fro" it, &o(ld set a li"it to t!at Self, $!i&! is in all res%e&ts &o"%leteZ Of $!o" $o(ld !e $!o !as 5no$led e 'e afraidZ R !e $!o !as re#e&ted t!e &on&eit t!at lo&ates t!e Self in t!e 'odyZ T!erefore, on&e !e &o"%re!ends !is o$n for" in all t!in s, Wt!e 12nin ,Y t!o( ! a'idin in t!is $orld of trans"i ration, re"ains one and (nfra "ented, and a&ts $it!o(t a%%re!ension, inas"(&! as !e !as s!a5en off t!e di&!oto"y 'et$een !i"self and t!e Ws(%%osedY ot!er) As !ad 'een said 'y "y tea&!erIs tea&!erIs tea&!er: For !i" $!o is eternally #oyf(l in t!is $orld W(nderstood asY &o"%letely filled $it! !i"self alone, $!at is t!ere to fearZ R *e $!o sees, O Lord, t!is entire real" of o'#e&ts as yo(r 'ody, la&5in any alternativeZ878A And also t!e a(t!or of t!e %resent $or5: One "an says: HI a" aloneI in t!is $orld of trans"i rationM !e is distra( !t $it! t!e W'itterY taste of violent fears) T!ere is anot!er $!o says: HI a" aloneM $!o is ot!er t!an IZ T!(s, "y fear is one, I a" se&(re[I878; F(rt!er"ore, he is ne"er aggrie"ed, etc), t!at is, !e $!o 5no$s t!e Self is not aggrie"ed 'y s(&! t!o( !ts as, for instan&e: H"y $ealt! is lostI, or H"y $ife et&)I, HI a" devoid Wof food, stren t!, et&)YI, HI a" affli&ted $it! diseaseI, or HI a" dyin I)))

!1. the 1a/' " ver"e '1 .4 6 332, whi#h a00re""e" the padrtha%ta. .hat i" t' "a%, 8... 1'r 2the 0e1i$iti'$ '1 rea*it% a"3 Night i" app*i#a(*e ever%where 2t' whatever i" rea*3:. !1. CD a0 5 a$0 8= sarvatrasavidan'gamt. 1011 .hat i", (e#a "e it #a$ k$'w $' '("ta#*e, i" e$tire*% "e*1,re1ere$t. Net the re1*e#ti'$" #'/e a$0 g' i$ thi" /irr'r whi#h 6 a/ J 6, that $it%, re/ai$ ever there. .he"e are the ver% ter/" '1 B&S 13 ("ee $. 265), K 'te0 i$ ^&; a0 6 1, 5 a$0 6 5, 3, a" we** a" i$ Sp) 6 5. 1012 CD $'w take" p the K e"ti'$ '1 the greate"t 1ear, that '1 0eath. 1013 S4 5666 16. avikalpa J that i"= 8*a#ki$g a$% a*ter$ative 2t' %' r"e*1> he$#e t' hi/"e*1, wh' i" $'t 0i11ere$t 1r'/ %' 3:. .he ter/ avikalpa i" tra$"*ate0 a##'r0i$g t' the gra//ati#a* /ea$i$g '1 vikalpa, 8a*ter$ative:. 1014 .he "' r#e '1 the #itati'$ ha" $'t (ee$ tra#e0, a*th' gh it i" pr'(a(*% K 'te0 1r'/ a stotra '1 BI, the 8granthakra:. iv'pA0h%A%a:" #'//e$tar% (18th #e$t.) a0 ;Fh 104 K 'te" the ver"e (;Fh= 90) whi#h it attri( te" t' a 8p)rvag'r':. !1. F4H 6 4, 2= so 8bibhet0 tasmd ekk, bibheti sa h!am ,k cakre !an mad an!an nsti kasmn n' bibhem,ti tata evs!a bha!a v,!!a kasmd dh! abhe!ad dvit,!d vai bha!a bhavati00, 8Me wa" a1rai0. .here1're '$e wh' i" a*'$e i" a1rai0. .hi" '$e the$ th' ght t' hi/"e*1= E"i$#e there i" $'thi$g e*"e tha$ /%"e*1, '1 what a/ 6 a1rai0?E .here p'$ hi" 1ear, veri*%, pa""e0 awa%, 1'r, '1 what "h' *0 he have (ee$ a1rai0? B"" re0*% it i" 1r'/ a "e#'$0 that 1ar ari"e":.
1009 1010


))) and t!is is 'e&a(se, in t!e "anner %revio(sly e,%lained, the %uality of the perishable does not exist6 t!at is to say, t!e 9(ality of t!e destr(&ti'le is not to 'e fo(nd, as regards the ultimate reality R t!at %ri"ordial 6ttt3i,a7 entity $!ose for" is &ons&io(sness, t!at is ever t(rned $it!in and is Win t!e last analysisY not!in '(t t!e &o niLer) For everyt!in t!at a%%ears as so"et!in to 'e effe&ted or is deter"ined 878B as Ht!isI or Ht!atI WviL), as e&&eityY R Weveryt!in Y $!ose essen&e is &on&eit of self R ori inates and %eris!es) +(t t!is is not so in t!e &ase of t!e Self, $!i&! &onsists of &ons&io(sness, $!ose essen&e is Wa'sol(teY i%seity, $!i&! is never adventitio(s and is WforeverY free, for it "a5es no sense to %osit of it an effort ai"in at %rod(&in an effe&t Win any $ay ot!er t!an itselfY) Nor is it t!e &ase R for all t!at R t!at Wfor !i", t!e &onte"%latin as&eti&Y t!ere is any interr(%tion of !is o$n for" WviL), !ere involvin &ontin(ed e,isten&e in !is 'odyY, Wit is si"%ly t!at, for !i",Y t!e &onte"%latin as&eti&, t!o( ! !e re"ains in !is 'ody, sorro$ and t!e li5e, $!i&! are 'orn of t!e 'ody, "a5e no a%%earan&e as t!in s &overin over !is essential for")878= #!rik! 5? And no defe&t of in&o"%leteness &o(ld %ossi'ly atta&! to t!e "ind of !i" $!o !as t!is 5no$led e, 'e&a(se !is s(stained &on&entration on t!e nat(re of t!e Great Lord as not!in ot!er t!an !is o$n Self !as 'e&o"e (ns!a5a'le) T!is t!e "aster no$ e,%lains: 5?) -hat misfortune is there6 and whose would it be6 when he becomes the ;reat 4ord at the "ery moment he realiBes: IIt is I Wwho am the 4ordYPH There can be none on account of the collection that has been made of 8ewels of ultimate meaning6 @ : heaped up in the most secret treasure+room of the heart) @ <

avacchinna J "ee $. 701. Mere, the #'//e$tar% a$"wer" a p'""i(*e '(Le#ti'$= 8Ma0 " #h a %'gi$ rea**% i0e$ti1ie0 with iva, a" %' /ai$tai$, h'w #' *0 have he g'$e '$ *ivi$g i$ hi" 'w$ 1'r/ (svar)pa), that i", a" "ti** re/ai$i$g i$ hi" ('0%?: Mere, it i" the $'ti'$ '1 %,vanm'kta that i" 0i"# ""e0, a $'ti'$ reLe#te0 (% /'"t '1 the EDea*i"t"E, *'gi#ia$" a$0 'ther". .he .rika:" a$"wer i" that hi" 1'r/ #a$$'t (e a11e#te0 (% hi" ('0%, i$a"/ #h a" hi" ('0% 0'e" $'t have a$% *'$ger a$ i$1* e$#e '$ hi" /i$0, wherea" "'rr'w i" ('r$ 1r'/ the a""'#iati'$ with the ('0% a*'$e. 1017 ;iU., '1 aiva 0'#tri$e. Re /ight re#a** the eK iv'#ati'$ that $0er*ie" the w'r0 paramrtha thr' gh' t thi" te7t= the 8 *ti/ate /ea$i$g: (paramrtha) that i" here ta ght i" 8the *ti/ate rea*it%: (paramrtha)> "ee 6$tr., $. 7. 1018 Sa/e a$a*'g% i$ the mangalcaraa a0 ^&; 6 4= padrtharamanikara ni%ahdga&%ap'&%itam0 grathnanta smas)trnta satat!aiva st'ma ivam00, 8Re prai"e iva i$ #'$ti$ ' " 1a"hi'$, wh' "tri$g" t'gether the / *tit 0e '1 '(Le#t", *ike Lewe*", that are gathere0 p i$ the trea" re,r''/ '1 hi" heart (hdga&%a), 2"pa#i$g the/3 a*'$g the threa0 '1 /e/'r% (smtis)tra):.
1015 1016


Fost secret 6atig/ ha7 !ere "eans He,tre"ely $ell (ardedI 6gupta7 M s(&! is the treasure+room878@ that is the heart,8767 na"ely, t!e storeroo" $!ose nat(re it is to serve as re%ository for t!e in"ost essen&e of all (lti"ate "eanin s 6paramrtha7 ) T!(s, ultimate meaning R t!e essen&e of $!i&! is t!e 5no$led e of oneIs o$n Self ta( !t 'y a tr(e tea&!er and en rained Win t!e st(dentY t!an5s to an e,traordinarily a&(te tr(st Win t!e tea&!erY R is said to 'e a collection of 8ewels6 t!at is, it is li5e a &olle&tion of #e$els, inas"(&! as it is t!e so(r&e of all s%lendors 63i$h/ti7 ) T!an5s to t!is (lti"ate "eanin , even t!e so(l yet e"'odied becomes the ;reat 4ord, t!at is, "ay e,%erien&e t!e freedo" of t!e Li !t t!at is !is o$n Self, $!ose &!ara&teristi& feat(re is re%ose in s(%re"e i%seity 6parhant3i(rnti7 , a freedo" t!at is &o"%lete and "ade "anifest in t!e a$areness: IIt is I Wwho am the 4ordYI,8768 t!at is, HI a" all t!is W(niverseYI)8766 T!is 'ein t!e &ase, what "isera'le misfortune6 t!at is, sense of i"%overis!"ent, &o(ld for !i" o'tainZ Or, $!at "eretri&io(s e,&ess of Ws%irit(alY %o$er 63i$h/ti7 , et&), "i !t also 'e i"%lied Wif it $ere s(%%osed t!at !e $ere not already &o"%leteYZ876A For all o'#e&ts are essentially of t!e nat(re of a%%earan&e and $!en t!ey do a%%ear, for t!e yo in t!ey a%%ear as t!o( ! t!ey $ere !i"self WviL), %arts of !i"selfY) 876; *en&e, !o$ &an t!e o'#e&ts %retend Wto f(rt!erY eit!er !is %erfe&tion or &orr(%tionZ T!(s, for !i" t!ere &an 'e no "isfort(ne, et&) F(rt!er"ore, whose W"isfort(ne $o(ld it 'eYZ T!at is, H$!at %ossi'le s('strat(" "i !t t!ere 'e for s(&! "isfort(neZI Oell, let (s ad"it Wsin&e "isfort(ne is indeed e,%erien&edY t!at it is t!ey $!o t!in5 t!e 'ody, et&), to 'e t!e Self $!o are t!e s('strata of t!is "isfort(ne, inas"(&! as t!ey "ay eit!er, 'y attainin it, 'e&o"e "aster 6-(3ara7 of t!e desired o'#e&t different fro" t!e", or, 'y losin it, 'e "ade void of t!at o'#e&t) *e, on t!e ot!er !and, $!o !as 5no$led e, for $!o" t!e (lti"ate "eanin Wo'tainsY t!an5s to !is refle&tion on non?adventitio(s i%seity R !e $!o Wt!(sY 'e&o"es t!e Great Lord, refle&tin : HI a" allI,876B inas"(&! as t!e o'#e&t to 'e desired is no$ inse%ara'le fro" !i"876= R !o$ &an !e 'e t!e re&e%ta&le of "isfort(ne, et&), in t!e a'sen&e of eit!er a&9(irin or losin t!at $!i&! is different fro" !i"Z T!(s !ave 'een e,%lained Ws(ita'lyY, as e,%ressin 63ca,a7 non?fort(ito(s "eanin s, t!e 9(alifi&ations H h.daya I DH!eartIE, Hprar/ haparamrtha I DH!ea%ed (% W#e$els ofY (lti"ate "eanin WviL), of Paiva do&trineYIE, and H mahn I DH reatIE, Was
ga&%a i" atte"te0 i$ the F%ataragt, a$0 i$ the 6athsaritsgara (10th,11th #e$t.), ('th a*"' 1r'/ ?a"h/ir. Gither the Sa$"krit ter/ i" a "a$"kritiUati'$ '1 the &er"ia$ gan%, 'r it i" a ('rr'wi$g 1r'/ <*0,&er"ia$ agan%a J a ter/, whi#h, i1 it happe$" $'t t' (e atte"te0 i$ B#hae/e$i0 i$"#ripti'$", ha" (ee$ ('rr'we0 (% Ik. d> "ee +a%rh'1er ?GRB 6= 315. 1020 .he "i/i*it 0e e7te$0" t' a"pe#t" '1 the thi$g" #'/pare0 J " #h a" vibh)ti, prar)ha, ga&%a, whi#h are $0er"t''0 a" do'ble entendres (lea) J a" we** a" t' the thi$g" the/"e*ve". 1021 aham eva. 1022 sarvam idam asmi. 1023 &'wer" (v)m)ti) e/p*'%e0 1'r p re*% per"'$a*, that i", 8/agi#:, ai/", " #h a" *evitati'$, et#., are re1erre0 t' here. B##'r0i$g t' CD, re#' r"e t' " #h 8p'wer": ha" it" '##a"i'$ i$ a "e$"e '1 i/p'veri"h/e$t, it"e*1 i$#'/pati(*e with the "e$"e '1 p*e$it 0e #hara#teri"ti# '1 the tr e %'gi$. 1024 svtmakalpa. 1025 sarvam asmi. 1026 )'te the para**e*i"/ (etwee$ 8v!atiriktas!aia,!as!a prpt! ,var: a$0 8av!atiriktena ea,!ea mahevara:.


a%%lyin , res%e&tively, toY H ga21a I DHtreas(re?roo"IE, H ratnasa caya I DH&olle&tion of #e$elsIE and H -(3ara I DHLordIE Win t!e 54ri54Y)876< #!rik! 9@ T!e "aster no$ says $!at is t!e nat(re of li'eration: 9@) /either has liberation any abode6 nor does it in"ol"e a going elsewhere ) 4iberation is the manifestation of oneHs own energies realiBed by cutting the knot of ignorance) @*< &f liberation 6mo,)a7 , t!at is, of t!at state of isolation 6,ai3alya7 t!e essen&e of $!i&! is t!e "arvel of s(%re"e i%seity, no abode is evident, no %la&e a%art, for Win s(&! a stateY t!e deli"itations of s%a&e, ti"e and %arti&(lar e"'odi"ent are a'sent)876@ For t!e sa"e reason, neither is li'eration a going elsewhere6 into so"e %la&e a%art,87A7 a dissol(tion Wof t!e selfY R as it is in t!e vie$ of t!e d(alists, $!ere it is said to dissolve a'ove 6/rdh3am7 Wt!e &ranial Ha%ert(re of $rahman I 6$rahmarandhra7 Y, at a H%oint t$elve fin er s%a&es D&a) 67 to 6B &")E dire&tly a'oveI 6d3da(nta , viL), t!e (%%er"ost ca,ra7 , 'y leavin 6ut,rnty7 Wt!e 'odyY, after %ier&in t!ro( ! t!e ca,ras , startin fro" t!e one at t!e 'ase Wof t!e s%ineY 6dhraca,ra7 ) 87A8
CD here a$ti#ipate" the '(Le#ti'$ that the 1ig rative *a$g age '1 the kArikA 0'e" $'t " ita(*% app*% t' *ti/ate rea*it%, a$0 that " #h #'/pari"'$" are #apri#i' " 'r 1'rt it' ". .he a$a*'g% /a% (e #'$ve$ti'$a* a" i$0i#ate0 (% it" "e e*"ewhere i$ aiva te7t", " #h a" the magalcaraa a0 ^&; 6 4 (K 'te0 $. 1018). 1028 a%&nagranthi J #1. 4&S 73, wh'"e "e#'$0 he/i"ti#h 0i11er" "*ight*%= a%&nama!agranther bhedo!as ta vid'r mokam00, 8Freaki$g the 1etter whi#h #'$"i"t" '1 ig$'ra$#e= that i" what '$e k$'w" a" De*ea"e:. )'t '$*% 0'e" the aiva &S i$tr'0 #e the #'$#ept '1 akti, ( t e/pha"iUe" it, a" "h'w$ (% the #'//e$tar%, whi#h i$#* 0e" a "%$ta#ti#a* lea '$ svaakti> "ee $. 1036. !1. a*"' /arva%&abhairava K 'te0 (% Sp& 1, p. 7= nn!atra gamana sthna moko 8sti s'ras'ndari0 a%&nagranthibhedo !a sa moka iti kath!ate00, 8< 1air I'00e"", $either 0'e" *i(erati'$ i$v'*ve a g'i$g e*"ewhere, $'r i" it a p*a#e 2apart t' (e 0i"#'vere03. 6t i" "ai0 that *i(erati'$ i" ( t (reaki$g the k$'t '1 ig$'ra$#e:. !1. 1 rther the /a7i/ K 'te0 thri#e (% &+ 53, 60, 64= calitv !s!ate k'tra sarva ivama!a !ata, 861 he "et" ' t, where "ha** he g', "i$#e ever%thi$g i" /a0e '1 iva?:> $'te that thi" he/i"ti#h i" part '1 a *'$ger te7t K 'te0 i$ &+ 60, whi#h, Si*( r$ te**" " (++= 171), i" re#ite0 0ai*%, at the e$0 '1 /ea*", (% ?a"h/iri pa$0it". 1029 Si/i*ar phra"e'*'g% i$ CD a0 64,66, whi#h take" p agai$ the 0e1i$iti'$ '1 moka. 1030 !1. F4H 6; 4, 7 K 'te0 $. 1062 a$0 a0 *'#= atra asminn eva ar,re vartamna brahma saman'te, brahmabhva moka pratipad!ata it! artha0 ata moka na dentaragamandi apekate, 82...3 +nd attains -rahman, the i0e$tit% with Frah/a$, i.e., *i(erati'$, living in this ver! bod!. Me$#e *i(erati'$ 0'e" $'t reK ire " #h thi$g" a" g'i$g t' "'/e 'ther p*a#e: (tr. SwA/Y +A0havA$a$0a). 1031 .he ter/ 'tkrnti, $'/i$a**% 8a"#e$t:, i" here t' (e $0er"t''0 i$ the te#h$i#a* "e$"e '1 8ter/i$a* Ggre"":, 'r, a" it i" "'/eti/e" re$0ere0, 8%'gi# " i#i0e: ("ee ;a" 0eva +;.= 43711.). B" " #h, it re1er" t' the pra#ti#e '1 e*evati$g the (reath (that i", the vita* pri$#ip*e) a*'$g the 0'r"a* $erv' " #'r0 1r'/ the ge$erative $ #*e " at it" (a"e t' the #ra$i /, the$ E# tti$g it '11E with the /a$tra $a/e0 klartr,, the 8)ight whi#h i" -eath: (+;. 5;6630), a" it e/erge" 1r'/ the t'p '1 the hea0. .he $'ti'$ i" /e$ti'$e0 i$ +;. (5;66 25,34), 6iraatantra, #h. 59, 1#0, a$0 28a(, Sv. ;66 314a(, 8atgapramevargama, .ogapda ;66 41,48, a$0 i$ the Rrmika'lrava (avai*a(*e i$ +S '$*%), K 'te0 (% .4 56; 31,32a a$0 33,35a a" we** a" (i$ a /'re e*a('rate wa%) (% .4; a0 *'#. CD:" reLe#ti'$ here '1 the $'ti'$, attri( ti$g it t' E0 a*i"t"E i$a"/ #h a" it i$v'*ve" a E0i"p*a#e/e$tE '1 the vita* air" a" a pre#'$0iti'$ '1 8*i(erati'$:, e#h'e" .4 56; 31,37, where the $'ti'$ i" 0i"# ""e0 i$ the #'$te7t '1 %,vanm'kti. &*a#i$g hi/"e*1 $0er the a th'rit% '1 the


S(&! is li'eration) As !as 'een stated: If t!e e,isten&e of Piva Was &ons&io(snessY is all?%ervasive, $!at %(r%ose is t!ere in ter"inal E ress 6ut,rnti7 Z If t!e (lti"ate %rin&i%le WR s&il), Hof realityIY is not all?%ervasive, $!at %(r%ose is t!ere in ter"inal E ressZ87A6 T!ere are, as $ell, "any ot!er varieties of li'eration of s(&! sort, %ost(lated 'y ot!er s&!ools) Oere t!ey to 'e dilated (%on !ere, t!ey $o(ld 'rin $it! t!e" t!e dan er of an overly %roli, te,t) *en&e, t!ey $ill not 'e dilated (%on) WIn s(""ary, !o$ever, $e "ay say t!atY in all s(&! &ases WviL), ot!er ty%es of li'erationY, 'e&a(se t!ey are o%en to t!e i"%(rity of d(alis" 6d3aitamala7 , t!e desire for li'eration 6mo,)alips7 W!as 'een redire&tedY to $!at is not li'eration 6amo,)7 , res(ltin in t!e "ere a%%earan&e of li'eration 6mo,)$hsa7 ) 87AA O!at t!en is t!e definition of li'erationZ T!e "aster says in re%ly: ))) HW by cutting the knot ofY ignorance6 etc)I) Ignorance is t!at del(sion enerated 'y t!e nes&ien&e i"%li&it in t!e &on&eit t!at lo&ates t!e Self in t!e non?Self R t!e 'ody, et&) R $!ose ante&edent is t!e &on&eit t!at lo&ates t!e non?Self in t!e Self)87A; T!at very Wdel(sionY is a knot6 t!at is, is li5e a 5not, for it en enders a &onstri&tion of t!e all?en&o"%assin nat(re Wof t!e SelfYM t!at is to say, it is a fetterin of oneIs in!erent %ervasiveness,87AB et&), $!i&! $e !ave &!ara&teriLed as oneIs o$n freedo" R a fetterin t!at ste"s fro" t!e &on&eit t!at lo&ates t!e Self in t!e 'ody, et&)M
Rrmika'lrava, whi#h 0e$ie" t' the 80 a*i"ti#: pra#ti#e '1 'tkrnti a$% "a* tar% virt e, BI trie" t' re"'*ve the para0'7 repre"e$te0 (% the 1a#t that 'tkrnti i" $everthe*e"" ta ght i$ the +;., a te7t that i" a th'ritative 1'r the $'$0 a*i"ti# 0'#tri$e '1 the .rika. .he 0i"appr'(ati'$ here '1 E%'gi# " i#i0eE i" '$e with the view that (e#'/i$g iva 0'e" $'t reK ire the 0e"tr #ti'$ '1 a ('0% that i" i$ a$% #a"e $'t 0i11ere$t 1r'/ iva. +'re'ver, the i0ea that " i#i0e i" a /ea$" t' *i(erati'$ #*a"he" with the $'ti'$ '1 %,vanm'kti, the #'re tea#hi$g '1 the &S. -i""'#iati$g it"e*1 1r'/ '*0er $'ti'$" '1 *i(erati'$, i$v'*vi$g a 8g'i$g e*"ewhere: at the /'/e$t '1 0eath, .rika a0'pt" a view /'re i$ *i$e with it" 0'#tri$e '1 akti J 8Ni(erati'$ i" the /a$i1e"tati'$ '1 '$e:" 'w$ e$ergie" 2rea*iUe03 (% # tti$g the k$'t '1 ig$'ra$#e:, a" "a%" &S 60. Bt the "a/e ti/e, .rika there(% #*ari1ie" the "e$"e i$ whi#h %,vanm'kti it"e*1 i" a $e#e""ar% #'$"eK e$#e '1 thi" E# tti$gE= at the ver% i$"ta$t the %'gi$ "ever" the k$'t '1 $e"#ie$#e, he a##e0e" t' *i(erati'$, '$#e a$0 1'r a**. B "i/i*ar re1 tati'$ '1 'tkrnti i" 1' $0 i$ Sp& 30, K 'te0 i$ 6$tr., $. 151. )'te a*"' the ge$era*iUe0 e phe/i"ti# "e$"e '1 'tkrnti, 8the 1*ight 'r pa""age '1 the "' * (' t '1 the ('0%), 0eath: (Bpte, #iti$g FS 66 3,19), '1 whi#h thi" E%'gi#E app*i#ati'$ i" *itt*e ( t a "pe#ia*iUati'$. 1032 .he re1ere$#e ha" $'t (ee$ 1' $0, a*th' gh the te7t i" ver% #*'"e t' the pa""age 1r'/ the Rrmika'la2arava3 ('r Rrmimahk'la), K 'te0 (% .4; 56; 33(,35a (v'*. ;= 2432)= 2...3 asti ced bhagavn v!p, katha!otkramaena kim0 nsti ced bhagavn v!p, katha!otkramaena kim. <$ the Rrmika'lrava, a w'rk '1 ?ra/a ?a *i"/, whi#h i" avai*a(*e '$*% i$ +S ()B? +S 5,5207 (i$#'/p*ete) &aper. )ewari "#ript), "ee Sa$0er"'$ 2005= 133,134. .he Rrmika'la i" K 'te0 i$ .4 56; 31(,32a, 33(,35a. 1033 !1. ^&; 6 1, 1 (v'*. 6= 26)= an!atrat!o hi apavarga k'tacin m'ktir na sarvata iti nire!asbhsa iti vak!ma, E.he re*ea"e 2e7p' $0e03 e*"ewhere, whi#h 2i$evita(*%3 ha" the 1'r/ E*i(erati'$ i" #'$ti$ge$t a$0 $'t $iver"a*E 2*it., E*i(erati'$ i" "'/ewhere a$0 $'t ever%whereE3, we wi** "a% i" $'thi$g ( t the appearance '1 the *ti/ate:. B##'r0i$g t' the -hskar,, the a0Le#tive 8 >an!atrat!a>, Ee7i"ti$g e*"ewhereE, p'i$t" here t' the 0'#tri$e" '1 the F 00hi"t", et#: (an!atra @ ba'ddhasiddhntdi' bhava an!atrat!a), a$0 the -hskar, #'$#* 0e"= m!des tattvt na t' 'ddhavid!der api, 8F% thi" 2he /ea$" that thi" "',#a**e0 E*i(erati'$E3 0erive" 1r'/ the pri$#ip*e '1 m! rather tha$ 1r'/ p re k$'w*e0ge ('ddhavid!), et#.:. 1034 .he 'r0er '1 the tw' err'r" i" that a0'pte0 (% CD a0 &S 31 a$0 61> #1. CD a0 53. 1035 &erva"ive$e"" i/p*ie" '/$ip'te$#e, '/$i"#ie$#e a$0 '/$ipre"e$#e> "ee $. 561.

W$!ereasY t!e cutting of t!at 5not, its &leavin , "eans t!e s%littin as(nder of t!e 5not $e !ave &!ara&teriLed as t!e &on&eit t!at lo&ates t!e Self in t!e 'ody, et&), on&e t!e Wade%tIsY s(stained &on&entration on t!e in!erent freedo" of !is o$n all? en&o"%assin Self !as 'e&o"e (ns!a5a'le) +e&a(se of t!is tearin as(nder, t!ere is t!e manifestation 6a$hi3ya,tat7 Wof oneIs o$n ener ies Y R or W, $!at is t!e sa"e t!in ,Y t!e f(ll de%loy"ent of t!e ener ies of oneIs Self, through oneHs own energies87A= R %ro%erties $!ose s%e&ifi& &!ara&teristi& is t!e freedo" of t!e Self) And it is t!is Wf(ll e,%ansionY t!at is liberation (ne,&elled) *ere is t!e %(r%ort of $!at !as 'een said) WConsider t!e follo$in ill(stration:Y Alt!o( ! it is s%a&e, and endo$ed $it! innate and eternal attri'(tes s(&! as %ervasiveness, et&), s(&! s%a&e, $!en &onstri&ted 'y its relation to t!e WinnerY sides of t!e #ar, et&), is s%o5en of as H#ar?s%a&eI WviL), a Hs%a&e 'elon in to or $it!in t!e #arIY and is endo$ed $it! attri'(tes s(&! as non?%ervasiveness, et&) R and so dis%lays itself as different fro" WendlessY s%a&e) Si"ilarly, on&e t!e &onstri&tion attri'(ta'le to t!e sides of t!e #ar, et&), is re"oved, t!at sa"e H#ar?s%a&eI, et&), Wa ainY 'e&o"es instantly endo$ed $it! attri'(tes s(&! as %ervasiveness, et&) R and t!ere is no &on&(rrent "anifestation 63ir$h3a7 of any novel attri'(te87A< derivin fro" t!e 'rea5in of t!e #ar, et&)87AC In #(st t!is $ay, &ons&io(sness, $!en &onstri&ted 'y t!e li"itations derivin fro" t!e &on&eit t!at lo&ates t!e Self in t!e 'ody, et&), is said to 'e Has if 'o(ndIM and si"ilarly, on&e t!e 'onda e t!at &onsists of Wt!e &on&eitY attri'(tin to t!e 'ody, et&), t!e &a%a&ity to &o niLe, !as &o"e to an end t!ro( ! t!e "anifestation of t!e 5no$led e of oneIs o$n nat(re, t!at sa"e &ons&io(sness is said to 'e Has if

Sa/e ter/i$'*'g% (svaaktivikasvarat) i$ CD a0 56, 0e1i$i$g moka> "ee a*"' CD a0 61= m'kto vikasvaraaktir bhavet, 8*i(erate0, that i", e$0'we0 with 21 **%3 0ep*'%e0 e$ergie":. .he #'//e$tar% i$v'*ve" a "%$ta#ti#a* lea, the svaaktij '1 the #'/p' $0 i" t' (e take$ ('th a" a$ '(Le#tive ge$itive (8/a$i1e"tati'$ '1 '$e:" 'w$ e$erg%:) a$0 a" a$ i$"tr /e$ta* (8/a$i1e"tati'$ thr' gh '$e:" 'w$ e$ergie":). 1037 6$ ;e0A$ta, the 8"i0e" '1 the Lar: pr'vi0e a "ta$0ar0 e7a/p*e '1 'pdhi J the 8*i/iti$g e7tri$"i# #'$0iti'$: whi#h, whe$ pre"e$t, 1a*"e*% 0ivi0e" a$0 / *tip*ie" a rea*it% i$tri$"i#a**% '$e a$0 i$0ivi"i(*e. 1038 !1. Bp" 51> 4 666 4,5> FSFh 66 22 a$0 66 2> 24. T'r "pe# *ati'$" '$ gha#ka, "ee a*"' CD a0 &S 16, 24 a$0 37.


li'eratedI,87A@ Wsin&e no$ it isY f(lly de%loyed t!ro( ! t!e dis&ri"ination of its o$n ener ies Wof inde%enden&e, et&)Y) *en&e 'onda e as $ell as li'eration are 'ot! essentially Wf(n&tions ofY &on&eit of self affe&tin t!e li"ited &o niLerM it is not t!at any events of t!is sort really ta5e %la&e in t!e reality t!at is &ons&io(sness 6sa 3ittatt3a7 R t!e (lti"ate tr(t! 6paramrtha7 Wof t!is syste"Y) T!erefore, not!in at all novel is realiLed in li'eration: t!ere is dis%layed not!in '(t oneIs o$n innate nat(re) T!e sa"e tr(t! is stated also in t!e 8i)0udharma : 87;7 As t!e $ell is not t!e &a(se of t!e %rod(&tion of rain $ater, '(t only serves to "anifest $ater $!i&! already e,ist R for $!en&e s!o(ld t!at ori inate $!i&! is notZ87;8 As, $!en t!e 'ello$s !ide is ri%%ed, t!e $ind Wt!at es&a%esY is not ot!er
F'$0age a$0 *i(erati'$ are eK a**% i** "'r%, a p'i$t '1te$ a""'#iate0 with +A0h%a/ika". See a*"' S? 62= tasmn na badh!ate npi m'c!ate npi sasarati ka cit0 sasarati badh!ate m'c!ate ca nnra! prakti> a*"' Sp& 1, whi#h K 'te" ;A/a$a0atta:" /avitpraka (re1erre0 t' a" the *tmasaptati, the 8Seve$t% ;er"e" '$ the Se*1) 66 58= vast'sthit! na bandho 8sti tadabhvn na m'ktat0 vikalpagha#itv etv 'bhv api na ki&cana00, 86$ tr th, there i" $' ('$0age> i$ it" a("e$#e there i" $' *i(erati'$. F'th are #'$#'#te0 1r'/ th' ght #'$"tr #t", $either i" a$%thi$g at a**:> a" we** a" BI:" +n'ttar#ik 2= sasro 8sti na tattvatas tan'bht bandhas!a vrtaiva k bandho !as!a na %t' tas!a vitath m'ktas!a m'ktikri!0 mith!mohakd ea ra%%'bh'%agacch!picabrahmo m kicit t!a%a m gha vihara 2v.1. i$ .4; 6 331, v'*. 6= 305= virama3 svastho !athvasthita00, 8.ra$"/igrati'$ 0'e" $'t tr *% e7i"t. Rh% the$ ta*k '1 the ('$0age '1 the e/('0ie0 "' *? &'i$t*e"" i" a#tivit% ai/e0 at 1ree0'/ whe$ '$e i" a*rea0% 1ree, ('$0age $ever havi$g (ee$> a** " #h #'$1 "i'$ i" pr'0 #e0 (% err'$e' " 0e* "i'$, a" whe$ '$e /i"take" a r'pe 1'r a "erpe$t 'r a "ha0'w 1'r a 0e/'$. S' give p $'thi$g, a#K ire $'thi$g> L "t take it ea"%W C' are 2a*rea0%3 hea*th% a$0 we**,"it ate0:> a*"' - 666 72= tath tath ivvasth svecchta sa tadtmaka0 tadtmatve nsti bandhas tadabhvn na mokaanam00, 8(Gve$ whe$ 0 a*it% prevai*") th ", Siva:" "tate i" *ike that i$ a##'r0 with Mi" 'w$ (1ree) wi** a$0 that (0 a*it%) i" '1 Mi" $at re. .h " a" it i" " #h, there i" $' ('$0age a$0 *i(erati'$ i" $'t 0 e t' it" a("e$#e: (tr. -%#Uk'w"ki Sp?= 364)> #1. 4 66 32, 4&S 69, C; 666 100, 40. 1040 ;i'dharm, 8&re#ept" 1'r the R'r"hip '1 ;i9@ :, '1 whi#h the ;i'dharmottara pr'1e""e" t' (e the *atter part, i" a"#ri(e0 t' a $aka, the #hie1 $arrat'r '1 the te7t, (% the 2rirakam,msbh!a (6; 4, 3). 6t i" a #'/pi*ati'$, i$ the 1'r/ '1 e/(e00e0 0ia*'g e" a$0 $arrative", (e*'$gi$g t' 8the *it rgi#a* *iterat re '1 ear*% ;i9@ i"/: a" "tate0 (% Ir $e$0ah* (;i'dharma= 65). 6t" 0ate i" $#ertai$= (etwee$ the 3r0 a$0 11th #e$t. B-, a" pr'p'"e0 (% Ir $e$0ah* (pp. 72,73), whi#h i" #'rr'('rate0 (% DA/A$ La:" 2rirakam,msbh!a (11th,12th #e$t.), whi#h K 'te" the te7t, a" we** a" (% the pre"e$t #itati'$, 1r'/ the "a/e peri'0. DA/A$ La:" re1ere$#e t' the ;i'dharma /itigate" "'/ewhat Ir $e$0ah*:" "kepti#i"/ regar0i$g the te7t:" 8a**ege0 a th'rit% a/'$g the rYvai"$ava": (;isn'dharma, pt 3= 61,63). 1041 .he 1ir"t "ta$Ua '1 the p UU*i$g ver"e, #ite0 verbatim (% DA/A$ La, i" "' tra$"*ate0 (% .hi(a t (2r,bh!a, pt. 3= 758), wh' take" the appare$t hapa7 %almbara (8water,gar/e$t:) a" Erai$ waterE J perhap" $0er"ta$0i$g the 8"heet '1 water: that /ake" a$ 6$0ia$ 0'w$p' r "'/eti/e" "ee/ a" " ("ta$tia* a" a vei*. +a$% varia$t" '## r, h'wever, i$ the /a$ "#ript" ("ee $'te (e*'w), i$0i#ati$g that the i/age (whatever it wa") wa" $'t $iver"a**% gra"pe0. .hi(a t 0'e" $'t e7p*ai$ hi" tra$"*ati'$ 1 rther. Severa* 'ther i$1e*i#itie" /ar the Sa$"krit '1 the"e *i$e", /aki$g the 'vera** "e$"e *e"" tha$ #ertai$. 6$ a$% #a"e, i1 the #itati'$ i" re*eva$t t' the pre"e$t arg /e$t, CD pr'(a(*% $0er"ta$0" the 8e7pa$"e '1 water: a$0 the 8we**: (that i", a 8water,e$#*'" re:) t' 1 $#ti'$ here / #h i$ the "a/e wa% a" he 0'e" the 8e7pa$"e '1 "pa#e: a$0 the 8Lar: (that i", a 8"pa#e,e$#*'" re:) '1 the 1'**'wi$g i** "trati'$. )'te that, L "t (e1're the ver"e (100, 51) K 'te0 here (% CD (8B", whe$ the (e**'w",hi0e i" rippe0 2...3:), the ;i'dharma (100, 50) '11er" the a$a*'g% '1 the gha#ka '## ri$g ear*ier i$ CD:" #'//e$tar% a0 60= gha#adhvase gha#ka na bhinna nabhaso !ath0 brahma he!avidhvase vivkh!ena p'ms tath00. 6$ .hi(a t:" tra$"*ati'$, the 1'**'wi$g ver"e '1 the 'rigi$a* te7t (;- 100, 50,51, "ee $'te (e*'w) rea0" a" 1'**'w"= 8J th " k$'w*e0ge a$0 the 'ther attri( te" '1 the Se*1 are '$*% /a$i1e"te0 thr' gh the p tti$g '11 '1 evi*


t!an $ind WitselfYM #(st so, t!e so(l is Wnot ot!erY t!an $rahman , on&e t!e 'onda e of "erit and de"erit !as 'een destroyed)87;6 #!rik! 9 No$ t!e "aster "a5es it 5no$n t!at !e $!o !as 5no$led e R $!ose 'onds of i noran&e !ave 'een destroyed R is li'erated, t!o( ! !e &ontin(es to o&&(%y !is 'ody o(t of 'enevolen&e for ot!ers: 9 ) Ae who has cut the knot of ignorance6 whose doubts ha"e "anished6 who has put aside error6 whose merits and demerits ha"e been destroyed6 is liberated6 though still 8oined with his body) Even t!o( ! &on#oined $it! a 'ody, !e $!o !as fo(nd t!e 5no$led e of !is o$n Self, t!o( ! !e yet lives 61-3ann api7 , is liberated 6mu,ta 7 , t!at is, !e is endo$ed $it! f(lly de%loyed ener ies 63i,as3ara(a,ti7 , for t!ere no "ore e,ists t!e &on&eit t!at lo&ates t!e Self in t!e 'ody, et&) +(t, says an o%%onent, if 'onda e is Was yo( sayY asso&iation $it! t!e 'ody, !o$ t!en &o(ld s(&! a one 'e li'erated, sin&e an asso&iation $it! t!e W'ody is s(%%osedYZ In res%onse, t!e "aster says: IAe who has cut6 etc)H) *e 'y $!o" t!e 5not for"ed of i noran&e !as 'een cut6 t!at is, s%lit as(nder, is so Wli'eratedY R t!e 'ond for"ed 'y t!e &on&eit t!at lo&ates t!e Self in t!e 'ody, et&), $!i&! !as arisen t!an5s to t!e W"ista5enY &o nition t!at Wt!e SelfY is in&o"%lete 6ap/r0at3a,hyti7 ) Si"ilarly, Wis li'eratedY he whose doubts ha"e "anished, t!at is, $!ose do('ts !ave 'een destroyedM

K a*itie"> the% are $'t pr'0 #e0, 1'r the% are eter$a*:. 1042 ;i'dharma 100, 56> 100, 51. 6$ Ir $e$0ah*:" e0iti'$, the tw' P*'ka" K 'te0 here (% CD are $'t #'$"e# tive> the 1'r/er (ei$g 100, 56, the *atter, 100, 51. 6t i" $'tew'rth% that the 1ir"t P*'ka appear" t' have (ee$ p'p *ar, 1'r it i" '1te$ K 'te0, a", 1'r i$"ta$#e, i$ the *tmasiddhi a$0 i$ DA/A$ La:" 2rirakam,msbh!a 6; 4, 3, tw' te7t" that have the "a/e rea0i$g '1 the ver"e (i$ )ara"ihA#Ar%a:" e0iti'$ (1910) '1 the 2rirakam,msbh!a, thi" ver"e i" i0e$ti1ie0 a" ;i'dharma 104, 56). 6$ the *ight '1 the e0iti'$ '1 the ;i'dharma a$0 the pa""age K 'te0 (% DA/A$ La, it w' *0 "ee/ that CD ha" a*tere0 the te7t, '/itti$g the #'rre*ative phra"e '1 the 1ir"t P*'ka, a$0 L'i$i$g t' it a$ a$teri'r ver"e. .he 'rigi$a* te7t, a" K 'te0 i$ )ara"ihA#Ar%a:" a$0 B(h%a$kar:" e0iti'$" '1 the 2rirakam,msbh!a, rea0" a" 1'**'w"= !ath na kri!ate %!otsn malapraklann mae0 doaprahn na %&nam tmana kri!ate tath00 !athodapnakarat kri!ate na %almbaram0 sad eva n,!ate v!aktim asata sambhava k'ta00 !ath 2tath, i$ ;a" 0ev Sha"tri B(h%a$kar e0., F'/(a% Sa$"krit a$0 &rakrit Serie", N5;666, pt 6, 19143 he!ag'adhvasd avabodhda!o g'0 prak!ante na %an!ante nit! evtmano hi te00, (B" the * "ter '1 the ge/ i" $'t #reate0 (% the a#t '1 p'*i"hi$g, "' the e""e$tia* i$te**ige$#e '1 the Se*1 i" $'t #reate0 (% the p tti$g '11 '1 i/per1e#ti'$". B" the we** i" $'t the #a "e '1 the pr'0 #ti'$ '1 rai$ water, ( t '$*% "erve" t' /a$i1e"t water whi#h a*rea0% e7i"t J 1'r whe$#e "h' *0 that 'rigi$ate whi#h i" $'t? J th " k$'w*e0ge a$0 the 'ther attri( te" '1 the Se*1 are '$*% /a$i1e"te0 thr' gh the p tti$g '11 '1 evi* K a*itie"> the% are $'t pr'0 #e0, 1'r the% are eter$a*: (tr. .hi(a t). !1. the te7t #riti#a**% e0ite0 (% Ir $e$0ah*, whi#h rea0" 0i11ere$t*% (a$0 appare$t*% *e"" "ati"1a#t'ri*%) ver"e" 55,56= !ath na kri!ate %!otsn malapraklandin 0 doaprahn na %&nam tmana kri!ate tath00 !athod'pnakarat kri!ate na %almbaram0 sadaiva n,!ate v!aktim asata sabhava k'ta00 !ath he!agaadhvasd avabodhda!o g'0 prak!ante na %an!ante nit! evtmano hite00 (Ir $e$0ah* '("erve" that a** +SS. have h%(ri0 8,'0 pA$a,:, e7#ept )1= 8,'0a,:, a$0 F= %ath'pa0A$akara@At kri%ate La*a"a#a%a/> -,/"".= ,*A$tara/).

and a ain, he by whom error6 t!at is, ill(sion for"ed of d(ality, has been put aside6 t!at is, a'olis!ed, t!an5s to t!e a&9(isition of t!e 5no$led e of (lti"ate nond(alityM and finally 6e3am7, it is !e $!o is s(&! Was !as 'een des&ri'ed, na"ely, !e $!o is li'erated and yet livesY, t!e a(s%i&io(s or ina(s%i&io(s W&onse9(en&es ofY $!ose WdeedsY !ave 'een destroyed 'y s(stained &on&entration R $!et!er Wt!ose &onse9(en&esY 'e &ond(&ive to dharma WviL), en#oinedY or to its o%%osite WviL), %ro!i'itedY, inas"(&! as t!e root i"%ressions W%rod(&ed 'y t!e"Y !ave 'een dissolved, for t!ere no lon er e,ists any notion Wasso&iatin t!eY 'ody $it! t!e Self) +y t!is, it !as 'een e,%lained t!at H'onda e is i noran&e itselfI 87;A Wrat!er t!an t!e 'ody as s(&!, or a &onne&tion $it! t!e 'ody, as i"%lied 'y t!e o'#e&tionY) And !e $!ose Wi noran&eY is destroyed, even $!ile re"ains a ra%%ort $it! t!e 'ody, is at t!at very "o"ent li'erated 6mu,ta 7 , t!o( ! !e still lives 61-3ann e3a7 ) It is not t!at 'onda e involves ne&essarily a &onne&tion $it! a 'ody) T!e re"oval of t!at i noran&e is li'eration) *o$ever, Wit "ay 'e added t!at,Y $it! t!e %eris!in of t!e 'ody, &o"%lete 6p/r0a7 li'eration is attained)87;; #!rik! 9* T!o( ! !is 'ody re"ains as t!e effe&t of a&tions W%revio(sly doneY, t!e a&ts of !i" $!o is t!(s li'erated $!ile livin , $!ile !e &ontin(es to a&t, are i nited 'y 5no$led e Wand are %erfor"edY "erely for t!e sa5e of t!e 'odyIs W%revio(sly en#oinedY #o(rney,87;B and not for t!e sa5e of any fr(it) T!e "aster no$ e,%lains t!is: 9*) =ust as the seed parched by fire loses its power of sprouting6 so is the act no longer conduci"e to rebirth that has been burnt in the fire of knowledge)87;= N(st as t!e ri&e?seed %ar&!ed 'y fire, t!o( ! &on#oined $it! soil, $ater and !eat, is no lon er &a%a'le of eneratin s%ro(ts, et&), d(e to a defe&t in t!e Wre9(iredY a re ate Wof &onditionsY, so, in t!e sa"e $ay, the act that has been burnt in the fire of knowledge6 t!at is, s&or&!ed 'y t!e radian&e of (lti"ate nond(al &ons&io(sness R $!ose %o$er Wof a&&r(in res(ltsY !as t!(s 'een '(rnt (% R is no lon er conduci"e to eneratin t!e fr(it t!at is rebirth6 $!en t!e 'ody of !i" $!o !as 5no$led e finally %eris!esM87;< t!at is, s(&! an a&t does not &a(se t!e &reation of a f(rt!er 'ody, li5e t!e '(rnt?(% seed in res%e&t of t!e s%ro(t, ))) and t!is is t!e &ase $!atever 'e t!e a&tion, $!et!er a(s%i&io(s or ina(s%i&io(s, so lon as it 'e %erfor"ed 'y a'andonin t!e t!o( !t of $!at is to 'e avoided and $!at is en#oined, t!is itself &onditioned on oneIs !avin &eased to &onfo(nd t!e 'ody, et&), $it! t!e Self R $!i&! o&&(rs $!en one realiLes: HIt is I $!o a%%ear 6sphurmi7 as t!e Self of everyt!in I)87;C
6$ 1a#t, '$e '1 the /ea$i$g" '1 the "e#'$0 "\tra '1 the 2ivas)tra = %&na bandha . Tir"t "ket#h, here, '1 a 0i"ti$#ti'$ (etwee$ *i(erati'$ i$ thi" *i1e, %,vanm'kti , a$0 *i(erati'$ at 0eath, whi#h *ater tra0iti'$" wi** ter/ videham'kti . .he K e"ti'$ wi** (e take$ p agai$ i$ CD a0 83, a$0 /'re e7p*i#it*% at the e$0 '1 the #'//e$tar% '$ 85,86> "ee 6$tr., p. 43 1045 ar,ra!tr . 1046 !1. kArikA 57 where i" 0e"#ri(e0 a$'ther wa% '1 re$0eri$g a "ee0 $pr'0 #tive. 1047 .hi" i" the 0'#tri$e, e7p' $0e0 at *e$gth i$ the -hagavadg,t, a$0 pr'#*ai/e0 i$ the F 00ha:" 1ir"t "er/'$= it i" $'t the a#t a" " #h that (i$0", ( t the i$te$ti'$ that /'tivate" it> a" *'$g a" it" 1r it i" $'t 0e"ire0, the a#t retai$" it" #'$"tit tive a$0 '(*igat'r% #hara#ter, whether rit a* (4,t) 'r #'/pa""i'$ate (F 00ha)> arg /e$t take$ p agai$ i$ &S 67. 1048 aham eva ittha vivtman sph'rmi.
1043 1044


T!erefore, t!e a&t done in s(&! a $ay as to fo&(s 6a$hisa dhna7 ener y of &ons&io(sness 6citi(a,ti7 87;@ on t!e a'sen&e of &onse9(en&e 6aphala7 is not a'le a ain to ive rise to 'irt!, inas"(&! as t!at ener y is for"ed of t!e notion t!at t!e HII Wof t!e "editatorY is one $it! all t!in s WR viL), HI a" t!is allI, or Ht!is all is indistin (is!a'le fro" "eIY)87B7 #!rik! 9, If, t!en, t!is is so, !o$ !as t!is ener y of &ons&io(sness87B6 &o"e to 'e %ossessed of a 'ody R sin&e it is already f(lly develo%ed 63i,as3ara7 Was s(%re"e i%seityY Z T!e "aster says:

Tir"t '## rre$#e '1 the $'ti'$. See ^&? 6 5, 13= citi prat!avamartm par vk svarasodit, 8!'$"#i' "$e"" (citi) ha" a" it" e""e$tia* $at re re1*e#tive aware$e""> it i" the " pre/e Spee#h that ari"e" 1ree*%:, a$0 the ;imarin,, where citi i" #'//e$te0 p'$ (% citikri!, the a#tivit% '1 #'$"#i' "$e"":. !1. S; 6 1= citikri! sarvasmn!ar)p, 8.he a#tivit% '1 #'$"#i' "$e"" i" $iver"a* thr' gh' t:> a*"' &M 1 (K 'te0 i$ &+ 26)= citi svatantr vivasiddhihet', (Tree #'$"#i' "$e"" i" the #a "e (ri$gi$g a(' t the $iver"e:, a$0 the a t',#'//e$tar% a0 *'#. .he pri$#ipa* #'$#er$ '1 &M i" the /a$$er i$ whi#h citi #h''"e" t' *i/it it"e*1 a$0 (e#'/e citta, e/piri#a* #'$"#i' "$e"" (v. 5), therea1ter *ti/ate*% regai$i$g it" a("'* te (ei$g (v. 13). .he ter/ citiakti i" 1' $0 i$ CS 6; 34> K a*i1ie0 a" 8svar)paprati#h:, 8e"ta(*i"he0 i$ it" 'w$ $at re:, it "erve" a" a "%$'$%/ t' kaival!a, 8a t'$'/%:. 1050 Si/i*ar "tate/e$t i$ CD a0 51. 1051 .he rare 1'r/ kathakram i" w'rth% '1 a gra//ati#a* $'te= " #h i$"ta$#e" '1 the re*ative*% i$1reK e$t ger $0 " 11i7 8am'l: (1am), a th'riUe0 (% &. 666 4, 27 are the/"e*ve" e7#epti'$a* ("ee a$'ther i$"ta$#e '1 am'l i$ kA. 104). +'$ier,Ri**ia/" #ite" 2i'plavadha (2.52) 1'r thi" 1'r/, where, a##'r0i$g t' +a**i$Atha:" #'//e$tar%, the " 11i7 ha" $' pr'per "e$"e, that i", 0'e" $'t a*ter the "e$"e '1 the ter/ t' whi#h it atta#he" J here the a0ver( katham. .he 6ik "pe#i1ie" that i$ " #h "age", the 8ger $0: / "t (e $0er"t''0 a" pertai$i$g t' the /ai$ pre0i#ate, whi#h r *e" ' t it" "e i$ #a"e" " #h a" an!athktv iro bh'kte, 8havi$g $'00e0 2*it., 8havi$g 0i"p'"e0 hi" hea0 'therwi"e:3, he eat": (an!athkra bh'kte, 8he eat" 0i11ere$t*%:, w' *0 (e *egiti/ate). Sa/e ter/ i$ the avat. a0 85,86. 1052 <r 8that 1r'/ '1 e$erg% that i" #a**e0 E#'$"#i' "$e"".E:


9,) Indeed6 energy of consciousness6 @5, delimited by the efficient force @52 Wunleashed by ritual acts undertaken in this life6 whose resultY is a future body suitable to Wthe fulfillment ofY those acts C acts themsel"es that are made possible by limiting the intellect Wto egocentric purposesY @55 C comes into possession of a new body6 @59 once this present body has fallen away) W-o ar4#a no$ (nderta5es an e,%lanation of vario(s %ro'le"ati& ele"ents of t!e 54ri54 $!ile &o"%osin t!e" into a &o!erent state"ent of t!e 54ri54Is %(r%ort:Y Fro" $!at follo$s 6yasmt7 W$e $ill, in ood ti"e, dra$ a s(ita'le &on&l(sion, introd(&ed 'y tasmt , Ht!ereforeI, '(t in t!e "eanti"e, it 'e!ooves (s to &larify t!e vario(s ter"s &o"%osin t!e 54ri54 and to state t!eir synta&ti& interrelation "ore &learly:Y by limiting the intellect "eans Hon a&&o(nt of t!e deter"ination Wto a&t in a &ertain $ayY, ori inatin in t!e fail(re to re&o niLe Wt!e Self as s(&!Y, and WtaintedY 'y t!e dirt of desire, $!i&! is itself &onditioned on latent dis%ositions derivin fro" t!e &on&eit t!at lo&ates t!e Self in t!e 'ody, et&)IM the act %erfor"ed Win a&&ordan&e $it! s(&! li"itationY "eans Han a&t s(ita'le to an a ent $!o is 9(alified 'y s(&! latent dis%ositionsI R as for instan&e $!en !e says: HI $ill %erfor" a !orse sa&rifi&eI, H"ay I 'e !a%%y in t!is $orld and in t!e $orld 'eyondI, H"ay I never 'e sorro$f(lI, Hlet "e attain t!e a'ode of Indra t!ro( ! t!is riteIM

citi J we tra$"*ate a" 8e$erg% '1 #'$"#i' "$e"":, a" CD g*'""e" citi with citiakti. bhvan, here, i$ the *ight '1 CD:" g*'"" a$0 the e7a/p*e" there give$, "ee/" t' (e "e0 i$ it" +Y/A"aka "e$"e '1 8e11i#ie$t 1'r#e: ("' G0gert'$, 8,msn!!apraka, K.v.) atta#hi$g t' the a#t, "pe#i1i#a**% t' the rit a* a#t (#1. it" 0erivati'$ 1r'/ the #a "ative, bhva!ati). < r i$terpretati'$ th " 0i11er" 1r'/ th'"e '1 previ' " tra$"*at'r" (we $0er*i$e the re$0eri$g" '1 bhvan). !1. Far$ett= 8<wi$g t' the conception '1 a 1 t re ('0% #'rre"p'$0i$g t' 2pre"e$t3 w'rk", 2a #'$#epti'$3 ari"i$g 1r'/ *i/itati'$ '1 i$te**ige$#e, the .h' ght (e#'/e" a##'r0i$g*% #'$tra#te0 '$ the 0i""'* ti'$ '1 the pre"e$t ('0%:> Si*( r$ (e#h'i$g Far$ett)= 8G$ e11et, gra#e a la 9ac'lte A':elle possede d:imaginer $ #'rp" 1 t r #'$1'r/e A *:a#te (K :e**e a##'/p*iW) e$ /etta$t e$ #e vre $ i$te**e#t *i/ite, *a #'$"#ie$#e "e #'$tra#te pr'p'rti'$$e**e/e$t a *a 0i""'* ti'$ 0 #'rp" a#t e*:> F.). &a$0it= 8B$ i$0ivi0 a* 1i$ite 6,#'$"#i' "$e"", havi$g a 0eep r''te0 #'$#epti'$ '1 1i$it 0e with regar0 t' it"e*1, i" *ea0 (sic) (% the impression '1 it" 1 t re ('0%, 1'r/e0 i$ a##'r0a$#e with it" 0ee0", t' the #'$"eK e$t p'"iti'$ a1ter the e$0 '1 it" # rre$t 1'r/:. .he"e three i$terpretati'$" appear t' (e (a"e0 '$ a "pe#i1i#a**% aiva "e$"e '1 bhvan, the "pirit a* rea*iUati'$ pre#e0i$g moka it"e*1 J whi#h i$ a$% #a"e i" $'t that 1ar re/'ve0 1r'/ the 'rigi$a* +Y/A"aka /ea$i$g. B##'r0i$g t' the +Y/A"A, the a#t 0'e" $'t e$0 with it" /ateria* re" *t (whi#h /a% (e $'thi$g ( t the a"he" '1 the "a#ri1i#e), ( t i" pr'*'$ge0, thr' gh it" 8e11i#ie$t 1'r#e: p t' the /'/e$t '1 it" Erea*E 1r iti'$= the 1 *1i**e0 wi"h '1 the per1'r/er. Gve$ thi" Erea*E re" *t 0epe$0" '$ the 8e11i#ie$t 1'r#e: ge$erate0 (% the previ' " rit a* a#t. .h'"e K e"ti'$i$g thi" "a#ri1i#ia* /'0e* (#1. F4H ;6 2, 15,16> + H 6 2, 5,11) $'te0 that "i$#e the previ' " (rit a*) a#t i" '##a"i'$a*, i/per/a$e$t, it" 8e11i#ie$t 1'r#e: ($ee0e0 t' /ai$tai$ the "a#ri1i#er 8i$ heave$:, 1'r e7a/p*e) #a$$'t (e th' ght it"e*1 t' (e per/a$e$t, a$0 / "t it"e*1 (e 0e"ti$e0 t' e7ha "ti'$ i$ it" t r$, (e#'/i$g the$ ( t a$'ther e*e/e$t i$ a$ e$0*e"" "erie" '1 i/per/a$e$t #a "e" a$0 e11e#t". Nater '$, CD wi** e/pha"iUe that thi" 8e11i#ie$t 1'r#e: i" arti# *ate0 thr' gh the vsans pr'0 #e0 i$ the /i$0 (% rit a* a#t"> "ee $. 1060. !1. FhI 66 66, where G0gert'$:" i$terpretati'$ '1 bhvan, 8e11i#ie$t,1'r#e:, "h' *0 $' 0' (t (e $0er"t''0 i$ a /'re "pirit a* "e$"e> #1. akara= na cst! a!'ktas!a bhvan tma%&nbhinivea. 1055 Gg'#e$tri# p rp'"e" " #h a" attai$/e$t '1 "'vereig$t% 'r p'""e""i'$ '1 / #h wea*th. 1056 Nit, 8(e#'/e" 2agai$3 th ":.
1053 1054


the future body Wof t!at a entY "eans Ht!e 'ody t!at $ill &o"e into 'ein laterI, on&e !as 'een e,tin (is!ed oneIs entitle"ent to a 'ody needed to en#oy t!e res(lts of t!ose a&tions $!ose fr(ition !as already 'e (n 6prra$dha,arman7 87B< R $!i&! 'ody $ill 'e suitable to %erfor" t!ose a&tions t!at are ass(red f(rt!er develo%"ent t!an5s to t!e latent dis%ositions 63sanprar/ hi7 W%reservedY in t!e "ind, and t!(s is fit to serve as en#oyer of fr(its a&9(ired in &onfor"ity $!i&! s(&! a&tsM the efficient force atta&!in to t!at Wf(t(re 'odyY "eans Ht!e f(rt!er develo%"ent of t!ose latent dis%ositionsI Wfor"ed in t!e "ind in &onse9(en&e of t!e a&tY, in $!i&! Ware latentY t!e res(lts of t!e a&tion87BC $is!ed for R as for instan&e, $!en one says: HLet "e o'tain (niversal soverei nty, et&), 'y %erfor"in a rite s(&! as t!e !orse sa&rifi&e, et&)I) It is t!ro( ! t!is Weffi&ient for&e D(nleas!ed 'y rit(al a&ts (nderta5en in t!is life, $!ose res(ltE is a f(t(re 'ody s(ita'le to Dt!e f(lfill"ent ofE t!ose a&tsY t!at t!e ener y of &ons&io(sness, alt!o( ! re%lete in all res%e&ts, is affe&ted 'y t!e i"%(rity of s(%%osin oneself t!e a ent of a&tions, $!i&! itself ori inates in t!e i"%(rities of dee"in oneself finite, and of re ardin t!e $orld as o'#e&tiveM t!is ener y, t!o( ! all?%ervasive, 'e&o"es t!(s delimited6 @5? #(st as does t!e s%a&e $it!in t!e #arM R and so, t!is ener y Wof &ons&io(snessY, once the WpresentY body has fallen away6 still affe&ted 'y li"itin fa&tors s(&! as t!e latent dis%ositions 'elon in W%ro%erlyY to t!e 'ody t!at en#oys t!e res(lts follo$in fro" its a&tions, 87=7 becomes again thus Wt!at is, &o"es into %ossession of a ne$ 'odyY) W*ereY t!e body is Wsaid to 'eY t!e en#oyer of this6 na"ely, t!e res(lts of t!ose a&tions $!ose fr(ition !as 'e (nM R 'y its destruction is "eant deat!, so?&alled 'e&a(se of t!e disa%%earan&e of t!ose en#oy"entsM R and on&e t!e W%resentY 'ody !as fallen a$ay, consciousness, $!erein t!e latent dis%ositions %rovo5ed 'y a&tions Wyet (nf(lfilledY !ave 'een ro(sed, becomes WagainY thus6 t!at is, 'e&o"es endo$ed $it! t!at 'ody, t!ro( ! $!ose a en&y t!e fr(its of oneIs %revio(s a&tions are a&9(ired, and $!i&! t!(s 'e&o"es t!e en#oyer of t!e res(lts of t!ose a&tions R on a&&o(nt of $!i&! even &ons&io(sness 'e&o"es a re&e%ta&le for t!e en#oy"ent of !eaven and !ell, et&) Was &onse9(en&es of oneIs ood or 'ad a&tionsY) WAll t!is 'ein t!e &ase,Y it follo$s 6tasmt7 t!at, on&e W&ons&io(snessY !as ta5en on a 'ody 6(ar-r-$h/t3a7 Was des&ri'ed a'oveY, $!atever a&tion 'e %erfor"ed in

.he a#t (karman) i" '1te$ 0i"ti$g i"he0 i$t' three " (,varietie"= kri!amnakarman, the a#t $'w (ei$g per1'r/e0, wh'"e re" *t" are %et t' (e e$L'%e0> sa&citakarman, a#t a*rea0% &er1'r/e0, wh'"e re" *t" have $'t %et (eg $ t' (e e$L'%e0, a$0 re/ai$ "t're0 p, *ate$t> a$0 prrabdhakarman, the a#t wh'"e re" *t" have (eg $ t' (e e7perie$#e0, ( t $'t %et e7ha "te0. 1058 See $. 1054 a$0 1060. 1059 sak'cit. 1060 .hi" i" the $'ti'$ '1 karmavipka, the ripe$i$g '1 the a#t, wh'"e *ti/ate "' r#e /a% (e 1' $0 i$ the phi*'"'ph% '1 rit a*. Fetwee$ the a#t a* per1'r/a$#e '1 the a#t a$0 the e7perie$#e '1 it" 1r it, the e11i#ie$t 1'r#e '1 the a#t *ie" 0'r/a$t i$ the 1'r/ '1 a vsan, whi#h, a##'r0i$g t' '$e '1 it" et%/'*'gie", i" a 1ragra$#e per/eati$g the ('0%. F t the 1r it" '1 "'/e a#t" reK ire a 0i11ere$t t%pe '1 ('0% J that '1 a /a$, w'/a$, ki$g, a$t, e*epha$t, $%/ph, et#.


te"%tation of a finite fr(it is "ore t!an &a%a'le of %rovidin a ne$ 'irt! $!erein one $ill en#oy t!e res(lt Ws(ita'le to t!at a&tionY)87=8 +(t, on t!e ot!er !and, sin&e t!e f(rt!er develo%"ent of latent dis%ositions 63sanpraroha7 is no lon er an iss(e, !o$ &an an a&tion, !avin freed itself fro" t!e Wt!rall of t!eY 'ody 6a(ar-r-$h/t3a7 , 87=6 and done (nder t!e (ise of &ons&io(sness itself 'y one $!o t!in5s: HI a" $rahman , t!e AllI,87=A 'e Wt!o( !tY &a%a'le of fa&ilitatin t!e re'irt! of all?%ervadin ener y of &ons&io(snessZ 87=; T!is is t!e "asterIs intended "eanin )87=B #arik!s 92+99 No$, if it is t!e &ase t!at a&tion done in &onfor"ity $it! t!e %rin&i%le of non?Self 6antmatay7 Wt!at is, done $!ile "ista5in t!e Self for t!e non?SelfY event(ates in t!e &o niLin s('#e&tIs &ontin(in trans"i ration, t!en s(rely t!e nat(re of t!e Self s!o(ld 'e des&ri'ed, in virt(e of $!i&! one does not 'e&o"e Wa ainY en"es!ed in trans"i ration) Alt!o( ! t!is !as already 'een e,%lained, 87== !e s%ea5s of it a ain in order t!at !is dis&i%les "ay ta5e it to !eart Wand interioriLe itY:87=< 92+99) &nce one has become aware that his Self is formed of 'i"a C the 4ord that is unblemished consciousness6 who has transcended all that in"ol"es knowers and agents6 @9< who is extended Wto the entire uni"erseY6 is formed of the 4ight that neither sets nor rises6 whose intentions are e"er true6 @9? who is beyond all mere inclination conditioned by Wthe particularities ofY time or space6 who is stable6 immutable6 e"er replete6 the uni%ue cause of the processes of dissolution and origination that in"ol"e countless hosts of energies6 the excellent instigator
S #h i" the a$"wer t' the '(Le#ti'$ rai"e0 i$ the avat.= 8h'w #a$ #'$"#i' "$e"" (e#'/e e/('0ie0?: 1062 <$ the $'ti'$ '1 aar,ratva, "ee 6$tr., pp. 27 a$0 46, a$0 $. 1212 a0 79,80. !1. F4H 6; 4, 7 (K 'te0 i$ 3,vanm'ktiviveka 6;> the ver"e '## r" a*"' at ?aH 66 3, 14)= !ad sarve pram'c!ante kma !e 8s!a hdi ri0 atha mart!o 8mto bhavati, atra brahma saman'te00 iti tad !athhinirla!an, valm,ke mt prat!ast a!,ta, evam eveda ar,ra ete, ath!am aar,ro 8mta pro, brahmaiva, te%a eva 2...3, 8 ERhe$ a** the 0e"ire" that 0we** i$ the heart are #a"t awa%, the$ 0'e" the /'rta* (e#'/e i//'rta*, the$ he attai$" -rahman here (i$ thi" ver% ('0%).E O "t a" the "*' gh '1 a "$ake *ie" '$ a$ a$thi**, 0ea0, #a"t '11, eve$ "' *ie" thi" ('0%. F t thi" 0i"e/('0ie0, i//'rta* *i1e i" -rahman '$*%, i" *ight i$0ee0 2...3:> "ee a0 *'#. (K 'te0 $. 1030)= #'$"i0eri$g hi" ('0%, whi#h 1'r/er*% wa" $'thi$g ( t a$ '("ta#*e t' hi" #'$"#i' "$e"", a" a /ere tatter, '1 $' /'re i/p'rta$#e t' hi/ tha$ i" the "ki$ that the "erpe$t "*' gh" '11, the 8k$'wer: a#t" he$#e1'rth 0i"i$tere"te0*%, i$0i11ere$t*%, 1'# "i$g '$*% '$ hi" "tat " a" 8*i(erate0 whi*e *ivi$g:. 1063 sarva brahmsmi. 1064 <r, /ight v!pin! citiakte (e take$ t' (e a$ a(*ative= 8'$ a##' $t '1 that a**,perva0i$g #'$"#i' " e$erg%:? 1065 iti ttpar!rtha J with thi" ter/ the e$tire #'//e$tar% #'$#* 0e". Rherea" the previ' " "tate/e$t" e7p' $0e0 a p'i$t '1 view i$ "'/e "e$"e $egative, i$a"/ #h a" the% "' ght t' e7p*ai$ the i0ea '1 rei$#ar$ati'$, the 1i$a* "tate/e$t repre"e$t" their 8i/p*i#ati'$: (ttpar!a), whi#h i" their p'"itive #' $terpart, a$0 "erve" a*"' t' re*ativiUe the previ' " e7p'"iti'$. 1066 .he "a/e rea"'$i$g i" at i"" e i$ kA. 9. 1067 hda!agam,kart'm J re# rre$t i0i'/> "ee, 1'r i$"ta$#e, hda!agam,bhva i$ &.NvX 2a. 1068 sarvosam'tt,raboddhkartma!am J the #'/p' $0, whi#h CD 0'e" $'t 1 **% par"e, appear" t' (e " "#epti(*e '1 "evera* a$a*%"e"> a" a F;, it #' *0 /ea$ 8wh' ha" tra$"#e$0e0 a** that i$v'*ve" k$'wer" a$0 age$t":> a" a .&, it #' *0 /ea$ either 8/a0e '1 a**,tra$"#e$0i$g k$'wer" a$0 age$t" 2re1erri$g t' the %,vanm'ktas, '1 wh'/ there /a% (e /'re tha$ '$e3:, 'r 8/a0e '1 2viU., wh' ha" /a0e hi/"e*1 i$t'3 a$ a**,tra$"#e$0i$g k$'wer a$0 age$t:. 1069 6$ the "e$"e that 8whatever he 0e"ire", it happe$" th ":, a" e7p*ai$" CD.


of in8unctions of creation and so on @:@ C is it possible that such a one be sub8ect to transmigrationP &f one who is extended Wto the entire uni"erseY6 whence or whither is motion possibleP &nce t!e &o niLer, $!ose !eart !as 'een transfi,ed 'y Wt!e LordIsY ra&e, 87<8 and $!o !as over&o"e t!e &on&eit attri'(tin to t!e 'ody and t!e li5e t!e &a%a&ity to &o niLe,87<6 has become aware that his own Self is formed of 'i"a Wsee 54ri54 ==Y, t!at is, on&e !e re&o niLes t!at !e is a (nifor" "ass of 'lissf(l &ons&io(sness, how indeed &o(ld !e R no$ 5no$in !i"self to 'e identi&al $it! t!e Great Lord R be sub8ect to transmigration, t!at is, in $!at $ay &o(ld !e 'e&o"e en"es!ed Wa ainY in t!e &y&le of e,isten&eZ *e &o(ld not) And as $ell, 'e&a(se !e WaloneY trans"i rates $!ose nat(re is t!e s('tle 'ody $!i&! is &o"%osed of &ons&io(sness and non?&ons&io(sness on a&&o(nt of its &onne&tion $it! t!e i"%(rity of s(%%osin !i"self to 'e t!e a ent of a&tions) *o$, "oreover, &o(ld !e $!o is for"ed solely of &ons&io(sness 6cide,am/rti7 , $!o is, in s('stan&e, Piva 6(i3amaya7 'e s('#e&t to trans"i ration R for !is s!eat!s of i"%(rity !ave 'een destroyed, nota'ly t!at of dee"in !i"self finite, et&)Z S(&! is t!e a(t!orIs intended "eanin ) An interlo&(tor "ay as5: R HO!at !ar" is t!ere WviL), to yo(r t!esisY if one $!o is solely for"ed of &ons&io(sness $ere said to 'e s('#e&t to trans"i rationZI S(s%e&tin s(&! an o'#e&tion, t!e "aster (tters t!e $ords startin $it! HextendedH: of an extended Wto t!e entire (niverseY &o niLer, t!at is one not 9(alified 'y ti"e, s%a&e or t!eir %arti&(lar e"'odi"ent,87<A !o$ is motion WItoH or motionY IfromH %ossi'leZ S(&! a &o niLer !as already %ervaded all t!in s[ *e is Wt!ereforeY &o"%lete, inas"(&! as t!e latent dis%ositions !ave ter"inated Wt!at $ere o&&asionedY 'y $!at !e !ad done $!ile (nder t!e infl(en&e of t!e &on&eit t!at lo&ates t!e Self in t!e 'ody, et&) Is t!ere any %la&e 'eyond !i"87<; fro" $!i&! !e "i !t differentiate !i"self Wand t!eretoY effe&t a trans"i ration, a oin else$!ere, Ws(&! ot!er %la&eY 'ein differentZ Indeed, t!e &ases of a'lative, lo&ative, and so on, !ave o%%ort(nity only in re ard to one $!o is 9(alified 'y t!e &on&eit attri'(tin to t!e 'ody, et&), t!e &a%a&ity to &o niLe) It "a5es no sense even to a%%ly t!e $ord Htrans"i rationI to t!e &o niLer $!o, 'ein solely for"ed of &ons&io(sness, is !i"self not!in '(t $rahman 6$rahma$h/ta7 , (n9(alified 'y Wt!e li"itationsY of s%a&e and ti"e) O!at 5ind of Self is it R for"ed of Piva Wyo( sayY R t!at !e $o(ld 'e&o"e a$are ofZ T!e "aster says in re%ly: Hunblemished consciousness, et&)I) W-R %ro&eeds to a ra""ati&al analysis of t!e &o"%onents of t!e des&ri%tion iven in t!e t!ree 54ri54s:Y +y W(n'le"is!edY consciousness is "eant Wt!at Piva isY %(re &ons&io(sness 6(uddhacaitanya7 , as 'ein free fro" i"%(rity R t!at fro" $!i&! t!e a&&("(lation of i"%(rities, t!e i"%(rity of dee"in oneself finite, et&), !as de%arted)

!1. Far$ett= 8# $$i$g #reat'r '1 the *aw" '1 #reati'$ a$0 'ther #'$0iti'$":, a$0 Si*( r$= 8'r0'$$ate r tre" e7pert 0e" 'e vre" 0e #reati'$ et a tre":. 1071 paraaktipta J *it., 80e"#e$t '1 2the N'r0:"3 " pre/e e$erg%:> "ee CD a0 9.
1070 GH$2 GH$F 1074

/ame phraseolo%! in CD ad F, as well as CD ad G3 parimitapramt+tdhaspadkre!a . /imilar phraseolo%! in CD ad 6H, which deals with the definition of m"k#a . tadatirikta .


Si"ilarly, WheY has transcended e"erything, or is (ne,&elled, for !is inde%enden&e of 5no$led e and a&tion,87<B already "entioned, is so des&ri'ed87<= WviL), as sar3asamutt-r0a$oddh.,art.mayam Y) +y extended is "eant Hall?%ervasiveI, d(e to t!e a'sen&e of deli"itation 'ro( !t a'o(t 'y s%a&e, et&) Si"ilarly, !is form6 t!at is, !is 'ody, is 4ight87<< itself, na"ely, t!e 'laLin tor&! of &ons&io(sness, of $!i&! t!e settin or t!e risin , t!at is, t!e dissol(tion and t!e &reation, are never seen) And also, Wt!at PivaY is s(&! t!at his intentions 6sa ,alpa7 , t!at is, !is (ni"%eded &a%ri&es 63ihra7 , are true 6satya7 , t!at is, are (lti"ately "eanin f(l 6paramrtha7 , 87<C in t!e sense t!at H$!atever !e desires, it !a%%ens t!(sI) And Wt!at PivaY is W54ri54 =BY free fro" Wt!e need toY investi ate, $!ose "otivation is W&onditioned 'yY ti"e, s%a&e, or t!eir %arti&(lar e"'odi"ent, for !e is endo$ed $it! t!e attri'(tes of o"ni%resen&e and %er"anen&e) *e is t!erefore stable6 t!at is, i""ova'leM !e is i""(ta'le, and i"%eris!a'leM !e is t!(s 4ord 6-(3ara7 , and inde%endent) .oreover, !e is e"er replete, t!at is, !e $ants not!in Wto &o"%lete !i"self, is free of de%enden&yY)87<@ *e is Wt!e a ent,Y free as re ards any in#(n&tion to aro(se or s(%%ress t!ose "ery many, t!at is, e,&eedin ly n("ero(s, !osts of ener ies W"anifestin t!e"selvesY in o'#e&ts s(&! as #ars, &lot!s, et&) R ener ies t!at are %resided over 'y t!e WdeifiedY ener ies +r4!"F, et&) WviL), t!e mt.,s Y, Wand $!ose &o(ntless na"esY arise fro" t!e "ass Wor totalityY of so(nds)87C7 Also, !e is the excellent instigator of the in8unctions of creation and so on6 t!at is, !e is an e,tre"ely s5illed instigator6 or esta'lis!er Wof s(&! a&tivitiesY) T!(s, !e $!o 5no$s t!at t!e Great Lord is !is o$n Self, re%lete in every res%e&t, in a&&ordan&e $it! t!e 9(alifi&ations t!at !ave 'een detailed a'ove, $ill no lon er R $!atever !e does R %arti&i%ate in t!e &y&le of trans"i ration, sin&e t!e seeds of Wf(rt!erY a&tion !ave 'een '(rnt (%) In s(", !e 'e&o"es li'erated 63imu,ta 7 $!ile still livin 61-3ann e3a7 ) #!rik! 9: In order to tea&! Won&e a ainY t!at an a&t does not event(ate in any fr(it R %rovided it is done 'y !i" $!o 5no$s, $!o no lon er t!irsts after t!e fr(its of a&tion t!an5s to
1075 1076 GH$$ 1078 GH$,

svtantrya ma! have been s"%%ested to CD here b! the mention of two of the three ener%ies (icch is not mentioned6 said to be the first concreti'ation of 8ivaRs svtantryaakti. >n this wa!, CD avoids %lossin% %rammaticall! the problematic second half of the compo"nd. /ame term bhr)pa in &. ,# bhsvar)pa in &. IFJII. Bein% never devoid of meanin%, the! are necessaril! real, or necessaril! e-ist. /ame definition in CD ad GHJGG.


1he ima%e of the Lheel of ener%ies (Sa&tica&ra6 is implicit in this description# see 0/ I and /pQ > G, O"oted n. FHG. @oreover, the passa%e here is parallel with that of CD ad GHJGG. 1he "nderl!in% perspective is this3 all ob(ects, whether insentient or sentient, whether past, 0resent, or f"t"re, ma! be seen as e-pressin% the ener%ies of 8ivaRs conscio"sness. /"ch ob(ects have for their presidin% deities the ei%ht mt+s .or mt+ks) who are forms ass"med b! 8iva, and were sent b! Brahm to earth to destro! demons. >n effect, since there is no tho"%ht witho"t correspondin% words, the entire sphere of pl"ralit! ma! be seen as the wor& of /peech, which is itself, "ltimatel!, that same potentalit!, or d!namism, of conscio"sness that has received the name of

'$ three *eve*"= vara, *etter> pda, w'r0> a$0 mantra, "e$te$#e, ttera$#e> i$ the "a/e wa%, the vc!a i" trip*e= tattva, pri$#ip*e> bh'vana, $iver"e> a$0 kal, 1rag/e$t, 'r th' ght. varas are a*"' #a**e0 mtkas, 1'r the% are the "' r#e '1 w'r0"> a$0, a" " #h, the% repre"e$t i$$ /era(*e e$ergie" 'r p'wer". .hi" bah'taraaktivrta, the 8#' $t*e"" h'"t" '1 e$ergie":, e#h'e" here the akticakra '1 Sp? 6 1. Mere, '$e '1 the p rp'"e" '1 the tria0 '1 kArikA" (64,66) i" t' tea#h the e""e$tia* #'/p*e/e$tarit% '1 the tw' a"pe#t" ter/e0 praka a$0 vimara, 'r iva a$0 akti.
vimara in nond"al 8ivaism of Qashmir. 1he vcaka e-ists


t!e s(&&ess of !is refle&tion 6pratya3amar(a7 on !i"self R t!e "aster no$ offers a "(ndane ill(stration &onfir"ed 'y everyoneIs e,%erien&e: 9:) It has thus been established by all possible arguments @< that the act done by him who knows bears no fruit ) Nor6 in worldly affairs6 no fruit attaches to him who6 persistently6 affirms: IIt is not mine6 it is hisH) HI a" indeed for"ed WentirelyY of &ons&io(sness, free, t!e a&&o"%lis!er of all a&tions inas"(&! as I e,ist as t!e inner"ost +ein 87C6 of all &o niLersI,87CA or W mutatis mutandis Y, HI a" not t!eir a&&o"%lis!er, it is t!e divine 6prame(3ar-7 ener y of freedo" t!at does t!isI)87C; One or t!e ot!er 'ein t!e &ase, 87CB $!at follo$s for "e, $!o a" essentially %(re &ons&io(snessZI87C= It is due to such arguments, t!at is, d(e to reasonin s $!ose nat(re !as 'een %revio(sly set fort!, that the action which is accomplished , na"ely, done and f(lly realiLed, 'y t!e &o niLer $!o 5no$s t!e nat(re of !is o$n Self as %revio(sly set fort! in 'ot! &ases,87C< bears no fruit, t!at is is (n&onne&ted $it! any fr(it, inas"(&! as t!ere is not!in left for !i" to avoid or to a&9(ire, 'e&a(se of t!e a'sen&e of any notion relatin t!e 'ody, et&), and t!e HII)87CC Sin&e all adventitio(s &onstr(&tions Ws(&! as ta5in t!e 'ody as SelfY !ave 'een dissolved for t!e 5no$er of t!e Self 6tma12nin7 in 'ot! $ays as %revio(sly e,%lained, $!ere $o(ld t!e a&tion, even t!o( ! a&&o"%lis!ed, "a5e &onne&tion $it! a res(ltZ T!e ans$er is: no$!ere Wt!at is, no &onne&tion is %ossi'leY, for, in ot!er $ords, no 'asis e,ists for ena'lin 6s3$h3a7 t!e &on&eit attri'(tin to t!e 'ody, et&), t!e &a%a&ity to &o niLe) Indeed, t!e 'asis Wof attri'(tin a res(lt to an a entY is t!e ar'itrary &onvention of %res("in , on t!e %art of t!e &o niLer, t!at t!e fr(it %ertains to t!e a&t done)87C@ +(t t!e a&t of !i" $!o 5no$s, $!i&! e,!a(sts itself in its very for" W$it!o(t any referen&e to a res(ltY, d(e to t!e a'sen&e of any s(&! %res("%tion Wt!at t!e fr(it is t!at of t!e a&tion doneY, is not &onne&ted $it! any res(lt) No$, $!ere "i !t $e find a si"ilar &ase, $!ere an a&t is related to a res(lt only t!ro( ! a %res("%tion Won t!e %art of t!e "indYZ T!e "aster re%lies, sayin : HIt is not mine, Wit is hisY, etc)I)
8api: i$ it" t'ta*iUi$g "e$"e, viU., !'ktibhir sarvair api. antaratamatva. 1083 aham eva cidghana svatantra sarvapramtrantaratamatvena sarvakarmakr,. 1084 nha kart pramevar, svtantr!aaktir ittha karoti. 1085 etavat J *it., 81r'/ thi" / #h:. 1086 Mere, C'garALa "%$thetiUe" the #'$te$t '1 the three previ' " kArikA", /aki$g the %&nin "peak i$ the 1ir"t per"'$. .he #'$#* "i'$, "' 1ar i/p*i#it, i"= 8it 1'**'w" 1r'/ the a('ve that %' #a$ a#t with' t (ei$g ( r0e$e0 with 1r it":. 1087 .he tw' #a"e" re1erre0 t' are the %&nin a" age$t, a$0 the N'r0 a" age$t. 1088 Mere we $0er"ta$0 dehd!ahabhva '$ the /'0e* '1 via!avia!,bhva. 1089 r)hi J i$ it" *i$g i"ti# app*i#ati'$, r)hi 0e"ig$ate" the 0ire#t a$0 $/e0iate0 #'$$e#ti'$ (etwee$ the w'r0 ('r it" pr'$ $#iati'$) a$0 it" "e$"e ('r it" apprehe$"i'$) J what we w' *0 #a** the E#'$ve$ti'$a*E "e$"e '1 the w'r0, a" 'pp'"e0 t' the E0erive0E /ea$i$g (!oga), i$ whi#h et%/'*'gi#a* 0erivati'$ p*a%" a part. 6$ the 6$0ia$ view '1 thi$g", the w'r0 /a% (e "ee$ a" Egr'wi$gE (r''t r'h) i$t' it" $at ra* 'r i$here$t apprehe$"i'$, a" E1*'weri$gE a##'r0i$g t' a $at ra* *aw. Mere, it i" the r)hi '1 8a#t: a$0 81r it: that "erve" a" (a"i" 1'r a""ig$i$g the a#t t' a$ age$t J a *i$kage that phi*'"'phi#a* rea"'$i$g" (a" we** a" th'"e '1 the 4,t) atte/pt t' (reak, (% 0i""'#iati$g the age$t 1r'/ the 1r it. <$ r)hi, "ee a*"' $. 1101 a$0 1371.
1081 1082


T!at is, Ws(&! a &aseY is WreadilyY seen, and is not (n%re&edented) For instan&e, t!e sa&rifi&ial a&t, et&) Wis done 'y t!e offi&iatin %riest, sayin Y: H It is not mine6 it is hisI,87@7 Wt!at is, it 'elon sY to a &ertain sa&rifi&ial %atron $!o is desiro(s Wof t!e res(ltY) Thus 6iti7, in a&&ordan&e $it! t!at idea, na"ely, t!at, t!o( ! a sa&rifi&ial a&t !as 'een a&&o"%lis!ed W'y "e, t!e y1a,a Y, t!at a&t is not W"ineY, iven t!e la&5 of any intention Won "y %artY !avin to do $it! its fr(it, for in the world Wof affairs, lo,e Y, I a" Wseen as s(ffi&ientlyY "otivated 'y t!e salary Wt!at I retainY, and 'e&a(se t!e a&t itself is dee"ed to 'e asso&iated $it! a s(%ra"(ndane 87@8 fr(it WviL), H!eavenI, et&)Y) And so, in a&&ordan&e $it! t!e "a,i": HOffi&iatin %riests 6y1a,a7 e,e&(te t!e sa&rifi&e Wfor anot!er, ya1anti , a&tive voi&eYM t!e %atron of t!e sa&rifi&e 6ya1amna7 sa&rifi&es Wfor !i"self, ya1ate , "iddle voi&eYI, alt!o( ! t!e offi&iatin %riests 6.t3i17 a&&o"%lis! 'y t!e"selves t!e sa&rifi&ial a&t Wit is $it! t!is in "ind t!at t!ey do soY: HT!is sa&rifi&ial a&t, t!is !orse sa&rifi&e, et&), does not 'elon to (s at allM '(t rat!er to t!e "eritorio(s W%atronY $!o !as ta5en t!e vo$ Wto %erfor" itY 6d-,)ita7 M $e, in tr(t!, !ere at t!is sa&rifi&e, are desiro(s only of t!e sti%(lated re"(neration) 87@6 WA&t(allyY t!ere are none of (s !ereM87@A rat!er it is t!e %atron of t!e sa&rifi&e $!o en#oys t!e fr(its, !eaven, et&), 'ro( !t a'o(t 'y t!is a&tI)87@; T!(s, 'e&a(se for t!e" t!ere e,ists no %res("%tion lin5in t!e a&t and t!e fr(it, t!e a&t, t!o( ! done 'y t!e", is not lin5ed to any fr(it s(&! as !eaven, et&) +(t, !ere, t!e %atron of t!e sa&rifi&e, t!o( ! doin 'y !i"self no sa&rifi&ial a&t, and e,%e&tin Wi)e), re9(irin Y t!e a&ts to 'e %erfor"ed 'y t!e %riests, t!in5s: Ht!ese sa&rifi&ial a&ts, t!is !orse sa&rifi&e, et&), are "ine, and t!ese %riests are en a ed in t!is a&t t!an5s to "y $ealt!I) T!(s H"ine alone $ill 'e t!e res(lts, !eaven, et&), &ertain to ens(e after "y 'ody %eris!esI) *en&e, t!o( ! !e does not!in Win fa&tY, t!e a&t is for !i" &onne&ted $it! its res(lt, sin&e !e insists on t!e %res("%tion t!at t!e res(lt of t!e a&t 'e desired) It is for t!is reason t!at Wt!e P4KinFyas en#oinY t!e "iddle voi&e 6tmanepada7 after Wt!e ter" e,%ressin Y t!e a ent dedi&ated Wto %erfor" t!e sa&rifi&eY 6d-,)ita7 , in a&&ordan&e $it! t!e r(le ,artra$hiprye ,riyphale , 87@B Wt!(s ivin t!e &orre&t for"sY ya1ate WArd s ) %res)Y, ya1amna Wno") s ) "as&, %resent %arti&i%leYM '(t $!en t!e a ent is not intended Was t!e 'enefi&iaryY, it is t!e a&tive voi&e 6parasmaipada7 Wt!at is en#oined R a&&ordin to Reno(, 'y I A, <CY, !en&e: ya1anti DArd %l), %res)E, y1a, Dno"en a entis in -a,a , 'y II 6, 8BE)
na mamedam api t' tas!a. prala'kika. 1092 Rith' t whi#h the rit a* w' *0 (e i$va*i0. 1093 .hi" rather 1'r#e1 * e7pre""i'$ i" /ea$t t' e/pha"iUe the gap (etwee$ the age$t '1 the a#t a$0 it" re" *t. .he '11i#iati$g prie"t" are aware that the% are at the "a#ri1i#e a" age$t", ( t $'t a" e$L'%er". .he% are 1'r/a**% pre"e$t, ( t, i$ tr th, '$*% the !a%amna i" there, i$a"/ #h a" the rit a* a#t e7i"t" '$*% i$ view '1 it" re" *t. 1094 .he K e"ti'$ here i" whether the adhikra '1 the 1r it i" a*wa%" atta#he0 t' the kart ((% virt e '1 it" kar/a$ J whi#h i" $e#e""ari*% that '1 the kart) 'r whether it #a$ (e tra$"1erre0 t' "'/e'$e e*"e, i$ keepi$g with hi" e7pe#tati'$. !'/pare the F 00hi"t": view that '$*% 0e"ire #reate" ('$0age. 1095 &. 6 3, 72 (#ite0 here with' t it" i$itia* p'rti'$, svarita&ita 2...3)= 8(Ne" 0e"i$e$#e" 0 /'%e$ va*e$t) apre" ( $e ra#i$e / $ie 0a$" *e 7ht'pha 0: $ e7p'"a$t #'$"i"ta$t e$ $ t'$) /'0 *e 2...3 ' $ &, K a$0 *e 1r it 0e Ta#ti'$ "e 0irige ver" *:age$t 2...3: (tr. De$' &.= 55).
1090 1091


S(&! is t!e ins(r"o(nta'le %o$er87@= of inde%endent t!o( !t?&onstr(&ts87@< t!at an a&t, t!o( ! done 'y oneself, is not &onne&ted $it! its res(lt Wfor t!at %ersonY, in t!e a'sen&e of any %res("%tion Wasso&iatin t!e a ent $it!Y t!e res(ltM $!ile an a&t, t!o( ! done 'y ot!ers, "ay 'e &onne&ted Wfor oneselfY $it! its res(lt, if one insists on t!e &on&eit: Ht!is Wa&tY is "ineI) T!erefore, #(st as %riestly a&tions Ware not fr(itf(lY, so t!e a&t %erfor"ed 'y t!e yo in is not fr(itf(l, in t!e a'sen&e of any s(&! %res("%tion as to t!e fr(it) #!rik! 9< T!(s, in all !is a&tions WviL), in $!atever a&tion !e (nderta5esY, !e $!o 5no$s $o(ld 'e ill("inated Was s(&!Y, for !is t!o( !ts are 'ereft of t!e stains of s(%%osition as to $!at !e "(st or "(st not do) T!(s t!e "aster says: 9<) Thus awakened by the winds of his meditati"e realiBation6 @?< as he pours an oblation @?? of all his thought+constructs into the blaBing fire of the Self6 he becomes fire itself) @@ WT!e ter"Y meditati"e realiBation 6$h3an7 is (sed W!ere 'y (s, PaivasY as &onventionally synony"o(s8878 $it! Ha$arenessI 63imar(a7 , in t!e &onte,t of t!e Self
mahiman. )'te that here the (rah/a$i#a* "a#ri1i#e i" part a$0 par#e* '1 Ew'r0*% a11air"E. B$0 the $'ti'$ '1 vikalpa i" there reK ire0, either a" the 1r it i" 0i""'#iate0 1r'/ the a#t 'r a" the 1r it i" a"" /e0 (% a$'ther, wh' /ere*% wit$e""e" the a#t" '1 'ther". .h " the e7a/p*e '11ere0 here ai/" at a #ir# /"#ri(e0 p'i$t= #a$ the age$t (e 0i""'#iate0 1r'/ the 1r it '1 hi" 'w$ a#t? 1098 See Bppe$0i7 20, p. 345. 1099 Sa/e "pe# *ati'$ a$0 /etaph'r i$ &S 76, 0e"#ri(i$g the "%/('*i# '(*ati'$ (homa) '1 0 a*it% i$t' the 1ire '1 #'$"#i' "$e"". .he para**e*i"/ '1 &S 68 a$0 76 i" e/pha"iUe0 (% the "e '1 the pre"e$t parti#ip*e %'hvat i$ the 1'r/er a$0 the $' $ homa i$ the *atter, ('th ter/" (ei$g 0erive0 1r'/ the r''t h', 8t' p' r a$ '(*ati'$:. .he ktop!a i" a** 0e0 t' here, a" "h'w$ (% the w'r0 bhvan, a$0 the /etaph'r '1 homa, whi#h i/p*ie" the wi0er /etaph'r '1 !a%&a 'r !ga, 8"a#ri1i#e:, a .rika te#h$i#a* ter/, whi#h "ta$0" 1'r the pra#ti#e '1 the ktop!a> #1. .4 6; 277, 278a, a$0 .S 6;, p. 25= 2...3 tatra bhvn sarve paramevara eva sthiti nh!ad v!atiriktam ast,tt vikalpar)hisiddha!e paramevara eva sarvabhvrpaa !ga, 8.he E"a#ri1i#eE i" the '11eri$g '1 a** thi$g" t' the S pre/e N'r0 i$ 'r0er t' "tre$gthe$ the #'$vi#ti'$ that ever%thi$g a(i0e" i$ the S pre/e N'r0 a$0 that $'thi$g i" 0i"ti$#t 1r'/ hi/:. !1. Fhaa rY ;YravA/a$aka:" ver"e (K 'te0 i$ CD a0 76), whi#h "pi$" ' t the /etaph'r '1 the i$ter$a* !a%&a. .he i/age i" a" '*0 a" !hH ; 19, 6 11., ;666 5, 1, inter alia. 6t i" i/p*i#it eve$ i$ F4H 6 1, 1. 1100 !1. S 66 8= ar,ra havi a$0 S; a0 *'#= sarvair !at pramttvenbhiikta sth)las)kmdisvar)pa ar,ra tad mah!ogina parasmin cidagna' h)!amnam havi, 8.hi" ('0%, gr'"", " (t*e, et#., that a** (ei$g" #'$"e#rate (abhiikta) a" E#'g$iUerE, i" the '(*ati'$ p' re0 (% the great %'gi$ i$ the " pre/e 1ire '1 #'$"#i' "$e"":> a*"' S; 6 6= vivas!a sahro dehtmata! bh!ata! cvasthitas!pi sata parasavidagnisdbhvo bhavat,t! artha, 8.he$ '## r" the 0i""'* ti'$ '1 the $iver"e, that i" t' "a%, th' gh e7i"te$#e /a% #'$ti$ e a" ('0% a$0 e7ter$a* '(Le#t", it i" $'w i0e$ti1ie0 with the 1ire '1 the highe"t #'$"#i' "$e"" (parasavid) 2viU., it appear" '$*% a" #'$"#i' "$e""3:. 1101 r)hi, $'r/a**% the 0ire#t a$0 $#'$0iti'$$e0 0e$'tative "e$"e '1 a w'r0, here take$ "'/ewhat 1ree*% a" a ki$0 '1 par!!a, 8"%$'$%/:, i$ a##'r0a$#e with De$' :" i$"ight (1942= ".v. 8par!!a:) regar0i$g te#h$i#a* ter/". .he "%$'$%/% /a% '(tai$ '$*% withi$ a "#h''*, a", 1'r e7a/p*e, withi$ gra//ar, where ter/" " #h a" vddhi, g'a, et#., "ig$i1% #*a""e" '1 "' $0" (&. 6 1, 1= vddhir daic), wherea" ' t"i0e the "#h''* the% have 'ther, /'re et%/'*'gi#a**% pre0i#ta(*e, /ea$i$g", 8gr'wth:, 8K a*it%: J 'r, i$ 'ther "#h''*", eK a**% #'$ve$ti'$a* ( t 0i11ere$t /ea$i$g", a" i$ dharmastra, where vddhi /a% /ea$ 8i$tere"t: ('$ a *'a$). .he $'tati'$ '1 a #'$te7t here (tmam) "erve" t' 0i"ti$g i"h thi" "age '1 bhvan 1r'/ the /'re ge$era* "age.
1096 1097


Was #(stified 'y t!e insi !tY: HIt is I $!o a" t!e Great Lord in t!e for" of &ons&io(sness, $!o "anifest 6sphurmi7 ever t!(s, intenselyI)8876 Thus6 t!at is, in t!e $ay ela'orated earlier, awakened 'y Wt!e $inds ofY887A !is meditati"e realiBation, !e $!o 5no$s, $!ile pouring an oblation of all his thought+constructs ))) R W'y t!is, t!e "aster "eans t!atY all s(&! s(%%ositions as HI a" a 'o(nd so(l, tied (% in t!e 'onda e of a&tionsI, HI a" "y 'ody, t!ese are "y sons, "y $ife, et&)I, or Ht!is a&t $ill lead to !eaven or !ell, et&I are set aside 887; in t!e a$areness t!at HIt is I $!o a" all t!isI887B R W))) %o(rin t!(s an o'lationY into the fire of the Self 6tma1yotis7 , t!at is, into t!e blaBing fire of &ons&io(sness, $!ose essen&e is t!e "arvel of s(%re"e i%seityM t!at is, offerin t!e" 'y "er in t!e" into t!e essen&e of non?dis&(rsive &ons&io(sness,887= he becomes Nire WitselfY6 t!at is, on&e t!e f(el &onsistin of t!o( !t?&onstr(&ts ready to 'e &ons("ed !as 'een e,!a(sted, t!e fire of &ons&io(sness 6cidagni7 , 'ein t!at $!i&! &ons("es, is itself %erfe&ted) In ot!er $ords, it is $!at re"ains W$!en t!e &o"'(stion is overY, !avin no for" ot!er t!an t!at of t!e trans&endental &o niLer)887< Inas"(&! as t!is W"editative realiLationY %ro&eeds steadily, it is &alled wind6 t!at is, it is &o"%ared to $indM for, in a si"ilar $ay, fire &overed 'y as!es is a$a5ened 'y t!e $ind) #!rik! 9? *o$ W&on&retelyY does one $!o deli !ts in %ra&ti&in t!e dis&i%line of s(%re"e 5no$led e Wor Ht!at leads to s(%re"e 5no$led eIY 612nayoga7 , in t!e $ay e,%o(nded a'ove, s%end !is ti"e, 'y W$!at "eansY s(stainin !i"self for t!e rest Wof !is lifeYZ887C T!e "aster says: 9?) Eating whate"er he finds6 clad in whate"er is a"ailable6 tran%uil6 inhabiting anywhere at all6 he is liberated who is the Self of all beings) @?
aham eva caitan!amahevara sarvtman sarvad eva sph'rmi. .he 1 ** e7p*a$ati'$ '1 the "i/i*e ha" (ee$ p*a#e0 at the e$0 '1 the #'//e$tar% i$ 'r0er $'t t' i$terr pt the "%$ta#ti#a* a$a*%"i" '1 the ver"e. 1104 e,bh)ta @ e,bh) /ea$" *itera**%= 8(e#'/e a re/ai$0er: 'r 8(e#'/e a$#i**ar%:. 1105 aham eva ida sarvam. 1106 Sa/e i0ea, a$0 "a/e 1'r/ *ati'$ i$ CD a0 71. 1107 .he a** "i'$ here t' ve0i# rit a*" i" '(vi' ". +Y/A"aka" have 0i"# ""e0 at *e$gth the K e"ti'$ '1 the rit a* 1ire:" Ee11i#a#%E, 1'r it" #'$"eK e$#e" were 0ee/e0 t' e7te$0 1ar (e%'$0 the #i$0er" that were it" '$*% vi"i(*e re" *t. Mere, the E1ireE i" i$teri'riUe0, it i" tra$"1'r/e0 i$t' p re #'$"#i' "$e"", a$0 (e#'/e" it"e*1 the Ere/ai$"E '1 the #'/( "ti'$ '1 Etra$"it'r%E "tate" '1 /i$0> it '## pie" th " the p*a#e '1 the +Y/A"aka:" 8ap)rva: 'r 8ad#a:, whi#h ha0 (ee$ th' ght t' (e the /e#ha$i"/ thr' gh whi#h the 8kar/a$: '1 the "a#ri1i#e (viU., the "a#ri1i#e it"e*1) w'rke0 it"e*1 ' t. F t thi" 8ad#a: ha" '$e K a*it% that the +Y/A"aka" rea"'$e0 8ad#a: /'"t "ig$i1i#a$t*% *a#ke0= it i" the "e*1,evi0e$#e '1 #'$"#i' "$e"" it"e*1. 1108 eavartana!. 1109 sarvabh)ttman J 'r, a##'r0i$g t' the #'//e$tar%= 8he wh'"e (ei$g i" 2#'/p'"e0 '13 a** (ei$g":> #1. sarvtman i$ &S 82, a$0 CD a0 *'#. !1. 4&S 76, a "i/i*ar ver"e, ( t with !atra kvacana ca !,, i$ the p*a#e '1 !atra kvacana nivs,. !1. 4 66 37( K 'te0 $. 1129> '$ a$'ther i$terpretati'$ '1 calcalaniketa, "ee $. 1112)> a*"' &S 81, whi#h "i/i*ar*% e/pha"iUe" the %'gi$:" "'vereig$ 1ree0'/= 2...3 ti#hati !athe#am, 8Me re/ai$" 2viU., *ive" '$3 2a#ti$g3 a" he wi"he":. Mere (egi$" a *'$g 0e"#ripti'$ '1 the %'gi$, whi#h e$0" i$ kA. 84. T'r "i/i*ar "pe# *ati'$" '$ %'ga a" #'$te/p*ative $i'$, 1ree 1r'/ a$% #'$"i0erati'$ '1 #a"te, 'r p'** ti'$, "ee F4H 6; 4, 23 (sarvam tmna pa!ati, naina ppm tarati, sarva ppmna tarati, 82...3 Me "ee" a** i$ the Se*1.



Eating $!atever edi'le o'#e&t is %(t8887 'efore !i", "arvelin at it Wt!at is, deli !tin in itY, a&&e%tin $!atever &o"es to !i" $it!o(t effort on !is %art, and %ayin no !eed to t!e W(s(alY restri&tion: Ht!is is %(re, t!is is i"%(reM t!is is 'ad food, t!is is daintyI R for !e !as a'andoned t!e s(%%ositions as to $!at !e "(st or "(st not do) Li5e$ise, clad in whate"er Wis a"ailableY6 t!at is, &overed (% $it! a tattered ar"ent, or t!e !ide Wof an ani"alY, or tree 'ar5, or a &otton &lot!, or even $it! t!ose ar"ents $!ose essen&e is t!e divine Ws5yY D di3ytman , viL), na5edEM 'ein t!(s desiro(s of si"%ly &overin !is 'ody, neit!er does !e des%ise one or %raise anot!er, for in neit!er "ode is t!ere any 9(estion of distin&tion or dis&redit) O!y is t!isZ +e&a(se !e is tran%uil6 !avin trans&ended t!o( !t?&onstr(&ts, s(&! as %leas(re and %ain) Li5e$ise, inhabiting anywhere at allM anywhere, in a %la&e of $!atever sort, 'ein "erely desiro(s of s!elter for !i"selfM nor s!o(ld W!olyY sites, s!rines, or %la&es of %il ri"a e, et&), 'e ado%ted 'y !i" Was residen&esY, #(st 'e&a(se t!ey are %(re, nor s!o(ld &re"ation ro(nds or t!e d$ellin s of o(t&aste 'e avoided, et&), W"erelyY 'e&a(se t!ey are i"%(re) 8888 *e d$ells at $!atever %la&e falls to !is lot $it!o(t any effort on !is %art, for W!is t!o( !ts areY 'ereft of t!e stains of $ei !in $!at is %(re and $!at is not)8886 S(&! a one is liberated 63imucyate7, !e is liberated, for !e s%ends !is ti"e a&tin WsolelyY for t!e 'enefit of ot!ers, t!(s s(stainin !i"self for t!e rest Wof !is lifeYM 888A t!at is, !e 'e&o"es one $it! t!e S(%re"e Lord 6parama(i3-$ha3ati7) As it !as 'een stated:
Gvi* 0'e" $'t 'ver#'/e hi/, he 'ver#'/e" a** evi*:), a$0 FhI ; 18, whi#h h'*0" that 86$ a k$'w*e0ge,a$0,# *tivati'$,per1e#te0[ Frah/a$, a #'w, a$ e*epha$t,[ B$0 i$ a /ere 0'g, a$0 a$ ' t#a"te,[ .he wi"e "ee the "a/e thi$g: (vid!vina!asapanne brhmae gavi hastini0 'ni caiva vapke ca pait samadarina00)> a*"' 4&S 77 (a*/'"t i0e$ti#a* t' ' r &S 70), a$0 4 666 39, whi#h 0e1i$e" %'ga a" aspara, 81ree 1r'/ #'$ta#t:, i.e., 1ree 1r'/ a** 8re*ati'$: 'r 8#'$$e#ti'$: (sabandha) 2 a0 *'#3 with 2B$ (h\ti"var\pa a$0 4$a$0agiri a0 *'#3 either the varramadharma, the *aw" '1 #a"te a$0 "tage '1 *i1e, 'r p'** ti'$ (mala)> #1. F' % 4= 182. .he %'gi$ 0e"#ri(e0 here, i$ &S 69 2S B&S 763, i", a##'r0i$g t' the aiva 0'#tri$e, the %,vanm'kta, a "tate that B 66 38 0e"#ri(e" with' t $a/i$g " #h a$ a"#eti# %,vanm'kta= there tattv,bh)ta, 8havi$g (e#'/e Dea*it%:, i" a "%$'$%/ '1 FhI ;6 27 brahmabh)ta, 8havi$g (e#'/e 2'$e with3 brahman:, whi#h a0 *'#. g*'""e" a" 8wh' i" *i(erate0 whi*e *ivi$g, i.e., wh' i" " re that, i$0ee0, the brahman i" a**: (%,vanm'kta brahmaiva sarvam it! eva nica!avanta brahmabh)tam). 4; 66 38 K 'te" FhI ; 18# a$0 FhI 5666 27= sama sarve' bh)te' ti#hanta paramevaram0 2...3 !a pa!ati sa pa!ati00, 8B*ike i$ a** (ei$g"[ B(i0i$g, the S pre/e N'r0,[ 2...3 Rh' "ee" hi/, he (tr *%) "ee":. 1110 Nit., 81a**":, "#i*., 8i$ hi" (eggi$g,('w*:. 1111 .4 6; 213,275, whi#h K 'te" (6; 213,221a) the '*0er te7t '1 the +;. 5;666 74,81, 0ea*" *e$gthi*% with the va$it% i$v'*ve0 i$ #'$"i0erati'$" '1 p rit% a$0 i/p rit% J the " (Le#t,/atter '1 &S 69,71 a$0 73. See a*"' &S 83 S 4&S 81, a$0 -vX 6 48, K 'te0 $. 454. 1112 !1. FhI 566 19(, whi#h 0e1i$e" hi/ wh' i" 0ear t' the N'r0 a" aniketa, 8h'/e*e"":. &ara**e* "tate/e$t i$ +Fh 56; 43, 40(= acala cniketa ca ketra%&a sa paI vibh', a$0 4 66 37( (K 'te0 $. 1129), i$ whi#h the a"#eti# (!ati) i" 0e"#ri(e0 a" calcalaniketas, 8$:a%a$t pa" 0e 0e/e re 1i7e: 2J 8havi$g a$ $"ta(*e re"i0e$#e:3 (F' %)> 8with a$ $1i7e0 h'/e (Fhatta#har%a)> 8havi$g $' re"i0e$#e whatever: (?ar/arkar). a0 *'#. a$a*%Ue" 0i11ere$t*%= 8havi$g a" hi" re"i0e$#e the E/'vi$gE (cal) a$0 the 8 $/'vi$gE (acala):, i.e., the ('0% a$0 the tr e $at re '1 the Se*1 (tmatattva)> a##'r0i$g*%, I pta 4 tra$"*ate"= 8with the "e*1 a*'$e 1'r h'/e 'r hi" ('0%:. 1113 eavartana!.

Covered 'y t!is or t!at W ar"entY, fed $it! t!is or t!at WfoodY, re%osin !ere or t!ere, s(&! a "an t!e ods 5no$ to 'e a Wtr(eY 'ra!"in)888; And in Mo,)adharmaWpra,ara0aY: I, t!e %(re one, o'serve t!e Hvo$ of t!e %yt!onI, 'y $!i&! eatin fr(its, ta5in "eals, or drin5in are (nre (lated, in $!i&! s%a&e and ti"e are H"odifiedI 888B in a&&ordan&e $it! t!e evol(tions of fate WaloneY, $!i&! offers !a%%iness to t!e !eart Wof !i" $!o o'serves itY, and $!i&! is not o'served 'y t!e $i&5ed)888= +(t !o$, 'y a&tin t!(s WR 'y livin in t!is $ayY, &an t!e 5no$er of t!e Self !i"self 'e li'eratedZ T!e "aster re%lies, sayin : Hthe Self of all beingsI) +e&a(se t!e 5no$er of t!e Self 5no$s !i"self as the Self of all beings R t!e &o"%o(nd sar3$h/ttman "eanin W'ot!Y t!at !e is t!e Self of all 'ein s, and t!at all 'ein s are !is o$n Self888< R not!in e,ists for !i" as 'onda eM everyt!in is &ond(&ive to !is li'eration)888C #!rik! :@ Nor does one so des&ri'ed, $!o is devoid of &on&eit of self, 888@ s(ffer t!e sli !test ris5 of a&9(irin "erit or de"erit, $!atever !e does) T!e "aster says: :@) -hether he performs a hundred thousand horse sacrifices, or kills a hundred thousand brahmins, he who knows ultimate reality is not affected by merits or demerits) Ae is stainless)8867 If so"eti"es he who knows ultimate reality 6paramrtha3id7, t!at is, 5no$s t!at t!e essen&e of !is nat(re is t!e Great LordIs identity $it! !is o$n Self, %erfor"s %res&ri'ed a&ts s(&! as t!e &o(ntless sa&rifi&es R t!e !orse sa&rifi&e, r1as/ya, aptoryma,8868 et&) R !e ta5es t!e" "erely as d(ties to 'e %erfor"ed in a s%irit of
brhmaa J that i", 8'$e wh' i" i$"ti**e0 with k$'w*e0ge '1 the brahman:= +Fh 566 237, 12 (!rit. G0.), 1r'/ the 8okadharma, a" i" the #itati'$ 1'**'wi$g. .he !as '1 the thir0 pda i", i$ the !rit. G0., rep*a#e0 (% ca, it"e*1 #'$"i0ere0 pr'(*e/ati#. .he ver"e appear" a*"' "evera* ti/e" i$ the a00e$0a '1 the !rit. G0. 1115 vibhakta J *it., 80e#*i$e0:. 1116 +Fh 566 172, 27. vratam %agaram. See )Y*aka@ha a0 8vratam %agaram:= a%agaro h! a!atnenaiva %,vati, tas!edam 2vratam3. .he e$tiret% '1 #hapter 27th 0ea*" with the e7p'"iti'$ '1 thi" vrata (% a$ a"#eti# wh' 0eve*'p" the "a/e the/e" a" 0'e" CD here. 6$ thi" pa""age '1 +Fh, the /etaph'r '1 the p%th'$ /a% i** "trate !dcchika '1 B 66 37(. Rhat i" #e*e(rate0 here i" a *i1e '1 ra$0'/$e"". 6t i" e7e/p*i1ie0 (% the 8v'w '1 the p%th'$: t' whi#h a Mi$0i p'et, +a*\ka0A"a (+a*\k0A"), i$ the 16th #e$t., re1er"= a%agara karai na ckar,, pa&ch, karai na km0 dsa mal)k kahi ga!e saba ke dt rma, 8.he p%th'$ 0'e" $'t atte$0 a$0 the (ir0 0'e" $'t w'rk, 2%et the% re#eive their 0ai*% 1''03. +a* kA0A" "a%" that DA/a i" the " pre/e (e"t'wer:. +'re'ver " #h a *i1e /a% (e a*"' 0e1i$e0 a" a *i1e 1ree0 1r'/ a$% "'#ia* 0 t%, a" 1'r/ *ate0 (% &S 40 a$0 CD a0 *'#. 1117 !1. FBH 6 4, 16= atho 8!a v tm sarve bh)tn loka, 8)'w thi" "e*1, veri*%, i" the w'r*0 '1 a** (ei$g":> vH 666 21a= vedham etam a%ara p'ra sarvtmna sarvagata vibh'tvt, 86 k$'w thi" $0e#a%i$g, a$#ie$t (pri/eva*) Se*1 '1 a**, pre"e$t i$ ever%thi$g '$ a##' $t '1 i$1i$it%:. 1118 !1. /avitpraka 66 58, K 'te0 $. 1039. 1119 <$ abhimna, "ee &S 19 a$0 CD there'$, a" we** a" CD a0 68. 1120 ;er"e "i/i*ar t' 4&S 77, with the 0i11ere$#e that 4&S, i$ #'$tra"ti$g a th' "a$0 h'r"e "a#ri1i#e" with a h $0re0 th' "a$0 (rah/a$i#i0e", *a%" "tre"" '$ the "eri' "$e"" '1 the "i$. .he ver"e i" K 'te0 i$ the 3,vanm'ktiviveka (p. 740p. 285), whi#h attri( te" it t' e9a:" *r!pa&c,ti. !1., 1'r the #'$te$t '1 kA. 69,70, the ver"e" 1r'/ the Biana K 'te0 i$ .4 55;666 72,75a, i$ $. 1240. 1121 .he aptor!ma i" a parti# *ar wa% '1 '11eri$g the soma "a#ri1i#e.


%lay only 6,r-rtham7, for !e is free fro" t!e &on&eit t!at &onsists in desirin a res(lt 6phala,man$himna7M R or, &onsiderin !i"self as non?identi&al $it! !is 'ody 6a(ar-rat7, Wif !e &o""itsY reat sins all of $!i&! are %ro!i'ited, s(&! as 5illin 'ra!"ins, %arta5in of li9(or, &o""ittin t!eft, et&), $!i&! are t!e res(lts of t!o( !tlessnessM8866 R in eit!er &ases, !e $!o 5no$s Wt!e tr(e SelfY is touched, or %oll(ted, neither by the merits, t!at is, 'y t!e a(s%i&io(s res(lts, nor by the demerits, t!at is, 'y t!e ina(s%i&io(s Wres(lts R 'e t!ey !eaven or !ell R %ertainin to t!ese a&ts, for t!e a&ts are doneY $it! t!e t!o( !t HIt is #(st t!e Oill of t!e S(%re"e Lord t!at "anifests itself 63i1.$hate7 in t!is $ayM $!at "atters it to "eZI 886A for one is t!e &on&eit of t!in5in t!at Ht!is is "ineI) O!y is t!isZ T!e "aster re%lies: Hhe is stainlessI, for t!e i"%(rities of dee"in !i"self finite, of re ardin t!e $orld as o'#e&tive, of s(%%osin !i"self t!e a ent of a&tions, $!i&! are t!e &a(ses of trans"i ration, !ave vanis!ed, !ave %eris!ed W(tterlyY) T!(s, it is t!e %oll(ted &o niLer $!o is s('#e&t to t!e We otisti&alY &on&eit t!at Ht!is 'elon s to "eI, for !is fa&(lty of &o nition is Wlod ed inY a 'ody, et&), so 9(alifiedM W!e alone is t!(sY s('#e&ted to t!e a&&("(lation of "erits and de"erits, 'e&a(se of t!e $ay$ardness886; of t!e &on&eit t!at Ht!is is "y a(s%i&io(s a&t, t!is is "y ina(s%i&io(s a&tI) +(t !o$ &an !e 'e to(&!ed 'y "erit or de"erit $!ose store of t!e &onse9(en&es of a&tion !as 'een e,!a(sted R t!ose a&&("(lated i"%(rities t!at are t!e"selves t!e &a(ses of %ossessiveness R on&e &on&eit of self !as vanis!edZ As it !as 'een stated in t!e revered Bhaga3adg-t: O!ose state Dof "indE is not e oiLed,B O!ose intelli en&e is not stained,B *e, even t!o !e slays t!ese fol5,B Does not slay, and is not 'o(nd D'y !is a&tionsE)886B #!rik! : Ponderin t!e "anner of livin fi,ed for one $!o 5no$s t!e Self, t!e "aster says: : ) 4i"ing without self+deception, excitement, anger, infatuation, de8ection, fear, greed, or delusionM uttering neither praises Wof the godsY886< nor ritual formulae,886C and ha"ing no opinions whate"er, he should beha"e as one insensible)886@

pramda. paramevarecchaiva ittha vi%bhate mama kim !atam. 1124 da'rtm!a. 1125 FhI 5;666 17. 1126 ni!atacar!. 1127 !1. 4 66 35a= v,targabha!akrodhair m'nibhir vedapragai0 2...3. 1128 !1. 4 66 37a, K 'te0 i$ the 1'**'wi$g $'te. 1129 %aa J a/'$g the /a$% p'""i(*e (a$0 /i"*ea0i$g) tra$"*ati'$" '1 %aa, 8i$"e$"i(*e: "ee/" t' #apt re (e"t the "evera* eK iv'#ati'$" '1 the ter/> "ee Re("ter:"= E1) i$#apa(*e 'r (ere1t '1 1ee*i$g> 2) i$"e$tie$t> 3) $#'$"#i' "> 4) $'t appare$t t' the "e$"e", he$#e i$0i11ere$t, 5) 0ev'i0 '1 "e$"i(i*it%, apatheti#, a*"' $aware> 6) 0ev'i0 '1 rea"'$, /ea$i$g ($'w rare).E ;er"e "i/i*ar t' 4&S 78, a*th' gh $'t i0e$ti#a*. )'te parti# *ar*%, i$ the #'/p' $0, jlobhamohaj rep*a#i$g jpar'aj, the a("e$#e '1 avgb'ddhi (i$ 71a), a$0 avdamati rep*a#i$g agdhamati. Re 0i11er 1r'/ N. Si*( r$ wh' re$0er" avdamati a" 8"a$" par'*e $i pe$"ee: 2J 8with' t w'r0" 'r th' ght:3, perhap" $0er the i$1* e$#e '1 the avgb'ddhi, 8with' t w'r0" 'r th' ght: (4&S 78a). Re $0er"ta$0 avdamati, a" 8wh'"e /i$0 i" $'t 21i**e0 with "tra%3 'pi$i'$":J "ee the #'//e$tar% (e*'w> '$
1122 1123


Self+deception 6mada7 "eans t!e H&on&eit of attri'(tin to t!e 'ody, et&), t!e &a%a&ity to &o niLeIM excitement 6har)a7 "eans t!e Hsatisfa&tionI t!at res(lts fro" a&9(irin so"et!in not !eretofore a&9(iredM anger "eans H$rat!IM infatuation 6manmatha7 "eans Ht!irstin for en#oy"entIM de8ection 63i)da7 "eans t!e Hstate of &onf(sionI 6m/dhat3a7 &a(sed 'y se%aration fro" $!at one desiresM fear "eans t!e Hinterr(%tion Wof &o"%os(reYI &a(sed 'y an ene"y or 'y lions, ti ers, et&)M greed "eans Hs"all?"indednessI Wi)e), &onsiderin only "y o$n advanta eYM delusion 6moha7 "eans HW&onsiderin t!in s onlyY in ter"s of t!e relations!i% t!ey !ave to eoneIs o$n self^I)88A7 T!o( ! s(&! Wfor"s of li"itedY a$areness arise fro" ti"e to ti"e as transitory affe&tations of t!e 'ody, !e Wt!e 12ninY sets t!e" aside, sayin : HI a" $rahman, t!e AllI)88A8 *e realiLes t!at t!ey are resid(es Wleft 'e!ind in t!e %ro&essY of 'e&o"in a$are of !is o$n Self, after "er in t!e" into !is o$n non?dis&(rsive &ons&io(sness, as for"s t!ereof) Si"ilarly, it is !e $!o !as one 'eyond Wt!e need ofY %raises and rit(al for"(lae)88A6 Inas"(&! as t!ere is not!in different fro" !i"self to 'e %raised, !e needs (se no !y"n of %raise, et&)M nor !as !e to rely on rit(al for"(lae 6mantra7 s(&! as 3a)a@, et&), for t!ere e,ists no s%e&ifi& divinity different fro" !i" Wto 'e invo5ed t!ere'yY) WO!at t!en does !e doZY Ae should 8ust beha"e as one insensible ,88AA ha"ing no opinions whate"er) Sin&e !e is !i"self re%lete, d(e to t!e a'sen&e of all e,%e&tations, !e is li5e one at a loss 6unmatta7M !is "ind !as 'anis!ed &onsiderations !avin to do $it! a&tions ta( !t in t!e in#(n&tive treatises, s(&! as t!ose t!at s%e&ify
the 0e"#ripti'$ '1 the '$e wh' k$'w" the Se*1 a" avgb'ddhi, "ee F4H 6; 4, 21= tam eva dh,ro vi%&!a0 pra%& k'rv,ta brhmana0 nn'dh!!d bah)& chabdn0 vco viglpanam hi tat, 8Net a wi"e FrAh/a@a a1ter k$'wi$g hi/ a*'$e, pra#ti"e (the /ea$" t') wi"0'/, *et hi/ $'t re1*e#t '$ /a$% w'r0", 1'r there i" /ere weari$e"" '1 "pee#h:. Si/i*ar "tate/e$t i$ 4 66 36(,37= 2...3 advaita saman'prp!a %aaval lokam caret00 nist'tir nimamaskro nisvadhkra eva ca0 calcalaniketa ca!atir!dcchiko bhavet00, 8Mavi$g rea*iUe0 $'$0 a*it%, '$e "h' *0 (ehave a" a 1''* a/'$g pe'p*e. Iivi$g $' prai"e, pa%i$g $' h'/age, $'r pr'$' $#i$g svadh 2i.e., $'t '11eri$g *i(ati'$" t' the +a$e"0B$#e"t'r"3, with a$ $1i7e0 h'/e, a$0 a#ti$g "p'$ta$e' "*% 2with' t wi**i$g a$%thi$g3 (!dcchika), '$e "h' *0 (e#'/e a$ a"#eti#: (tr. Fhatta#har%a, /'0i1ie0 a" t' the /ea$i$g '1 !dcchika> '$ a$'ther i$terpretati'$ '1 calcalaniketa, "ee $. 1112). !'/pare F4H 666 5, 1 (partia**% K 'te0 (% 4; 66 36,37)= eta vai tam tmna viditv brhma p'traia! ca 2...3 v!'tth!a atha bhikcar!a caranti, 8.he FrAh/a@a", havi$g k$'w$ that "e*1, havi$g 'ver#'/e the 0e"ire 1'r "'$" 2...3, *ive the *i1e '1 /e$0i#a$t":. 1130 atmatmi!abhava. 1131 sarva brahmsmi. 1132 Sa/e "%$tag/ i$ 4&S 78(. 6t i" 1 rther 0eve*'pe0 i$ 4S 66 37a= nist'tir nirnamaskro nisvadhkra eva ca0, a" we** a" i$ BI:" &S 73. Severa* para**e* pa""age" i$ +Fh> e"pe#ia**% +Fh 6 110, 9> 566 237, 24 (K 'te0 (% F4HFh 666 5, 1)> 566 261, 2> 56; 46, 43 > 56; 47, 10 (nirdvadvo nirnamaskro nisvadhkra eva ca)> 1'r 1 rther 0etai*", "ee F' % 4= 141. 1133 !'/pare 4&S 78= %aavad vicaret a$0 4 66 36(= %aaval lokam caret. F' % 4= 141 tra$"*ate" 8#'//e $ "'t: 2J 8a" a 1''*:3, i.e., a##'r0i$g t' a0 *'#, with' t "h'wi$g '$e:" 'w$ p'wer" a$0 K a*itie".

t!e "anner of a&&o"%lis!in Writ(als, et&)Y,88A; or Wt!ose t!at involveY t!e e,isten&e of so"et!in to 'e a%%re!ended in &onfor"ity $it! so"e "ode of &orre&t a%%re!ension 6pram0a7 and re9(irin an a&&o"%anyin a%%re!ender 6pramt.7, s(&! as Ht!is W&on&l(sionY is %roven, t!is WoneY is notI)88AB Neit!er does !e re9(ire instr(&tion re ardin !i"self, nor does !e %osit anyt!in to 'e a%%re!ended in order to instr(&t ot!ers)88A= T!(s, !avin effe&tively &on9(ered !i"self, &onsiderin t!at all is $rahman,88A< !e s!o(ld dis%ort !i"self for %(r%oses of %lay) For t!is reason, !e !as 'een des&ri'ed !ere as insensi'le) #!rik! :* If t!is is t!e &ase, t!en !o$ is it t!at, $!ile t!e 'ody %erd(res, !e $!o 5no$s is not to(&!ed, as $e are, 'y t!e ro(% of Wt!o( !t?&onstr(&ts:Y self?de&e%tion, et&), t!o( ! t!ey "ay 'e s(rrendered W(nto t!e SelfYZ88AC *ere, t!e "aster ives t!e reason:88A@ :*) The group made up of self+deception, excitement, etc), arises from delusion caused by difference) Aow, indeed, could one who is endowed with the highest awareness of the nondual Self be touched by such delusionZ The group made up of self+deception, etc), $!i&! !as 'een e,%lained in t!e %revio(s 54ri54, WarisesY fro" delusion caused by difference) No$, delusion caused by difference, !avin Wal$aysY t!e for" of H"yselfI and H$!at is "ineI, is not!in '(t t!e vie$ Wt!at oneIs o$n SelfY is not &o"%lete Wi)e), is fra "entedY) Fro" t!is Wdel(sion &a(sed 'y differen&eY, Wt!e ro(%, self?de&e%tion, et&)Y arises, t!at is, &o"es into 'ein , t!ro( ! t!e error t!at i"%oses d(ality 6d3aita$hrnti7 on fettered &o niLers, via t!e notion t!at s(&! and s(&! is to 'e avoided, s(&! and s(&! ado%ted) +(t !e $!o is t!e "ost e,&ellent of 5no$ers, and is %ossessed of a$areness 6$odha7 of t!e s(%re"e nond(al Self, as We,%ressed in t!e di&t(":Y HI a" $rahman,

itikartav!at. .w' t%pe" '1 arg /e$t (vda) are /e$ti'$e0= that 0ea*t with (% the +Y/A"A #'$#er$i$g the #'rre#t /'0e '1 a##'/p*i"hi$g a rit a* a#t, a*wa%" i$ the 1 t re, a$0 that whi#h pertai$" t' per#epti'$, it"e*1 a*wa%" a#t a* J the "phere '1 *'gi# ()%A%a), i/p*%i$g prame!a, prama a$0 pramt. 1136 CD re1er" here t' the we**k$'w$ )ai%A%ika 0i"ti$#ti'$ (etwee$ rea"'$i$g e/p*'%e0 1'r '$e:" 'w$ i$"tr #ti'$, a$0 rea"'$i$g ai/e0 at #'// $i#ati$g with 'ther" (svrtha0parrtha) J the 1'r/er, 1'r i$"ta$#e, $'t (ei$g #'$1i$e0 withi$ the "%**'gi"/ '1 1ive /e/(er". 1137 sarva brahma. 1138 parivar%!amnenpi J *it., 8a*th' gh the% have (ee$ re/'ve0 21r'/ a$% i$1* e$#e 'ver the *i(erate0 "e*13:. 1139 BI ha" L "t e7p*ai$e0 that a*th' gh " #h "tate" per0 re a1ter ' r e$*ighte$/e$t, the% " (te$0 a 0i11ere$t re*ati'$"hip with the ('0%. .he K e"ti'$ the$ ari"e"= i1, a" the arg /e$t i/p*ie", the"e #'rr pti'$" J 8"e*1,0e#epti'$:, et#. J per"i"t, eve$ re/'ve0 1r'/ " #h i$1* e$#e, the% #a$$'t #'$ti$ e t' /a$i1e"t the/"e*ve" apart 1r'/ the #'/p*i#it% '1 the ('0%, a" their " ("trat /, a$0 i$a"/ #h a" the *i(erate0 "e*1 #'$ti$ e" t' e7i"t i$ "'/e re*ati'$"hip with the ('0% J (% 0e1i$iti'$, the "tate '1 %,vanm'kti J the$, h'w i" it that the "e*1 i" $'t 1 rther " **ie0 (% the/, h'wever $ " a* (e the 1i$a* re*ati'$ (etwee$ Se*1 a$0 ('0%?
1134 1135


t!e AllI,88;7 $!o t!(s 'e&o"es li5e s%a&e itself88;8 R !o$, in $!at $ay, is he to be touched, t!at is, %oll(ted, by this ro(%, self?de&e%tion, and t!e restZ88;6 Indeed, one t!in "ay so"eti"es &onvey t!e nat(re of anot!er t!in different fro" 88;A itM Was in t!e %resent &ase:Y !o$ &an t!e ro(%, "ade (% of self?de&e%tion, et&), on&e it is (nderstood as &o"%osed of $rahman, lend itself to t!e o'str(&tion of t!e 5no$er of t!e Self, $!o is &o"%osed of $rahman, and is t!erefore of t!e sa"e en(sZ88;; #!rik! :, And as $ell, t!e $!ole lot of !y"ns of %raise and rit(al o'lations addressed to e,ternal WdeitiesY, all of $!i&! de%end on d(ality, is not s(ffi&ient to satisfy !i" Wt!e 12ninY) T!is, t!e "aster says: :,) There is nothing at all separate from the Wknower of the SelfY to be honored with an oblation or to be praised M would then he, who is liberated, who has no use for homages or ritual formulae , be satisfied with hymns of praise , etc)Z88;B For t!e 5no$er of t!e Self, $!ose for" is t!at of nond(al WviL), (ndifferentiatedY &ons&io(sness, nothing e,ists t!at is separate fro" !i" R t!at %resents itself to !i" as differentM Wt!ere is not!in Y to be praised, s(&! as a deity, Wnot!in Y to be honored with an oblation R s(&! t!at it is Win fa&tY %raised or %resented $it! an o'lation) Nor does he $!o 5no$s t!e Self 6tma12a7 attain satisfa&tion by means of hymns of praise, etc), inas"(&! as t!eir e,e&(tion is seen to 'e &onditioned on an o'li ation)88;= Sin&e !e is &o"%osed of (nfailin 'liss, deli !tin ever in a$areness of non? differen&e, !e %ays no !eed to any adventitio(s WviL), non?s%ontaneo(sY Wsort ofY 'liss) T!(s, it is !e $!o !as one 'eyond Wt!e need forY !o"a es and rit(al for"(lae t!at is &ele'rated in t!e 1ed4nta te,ts WviL), t!e (%aniSadsY as t!e one liberated 6mu,ta7) #!rik! :2 Nor !as !e any (se for a divine a'ode different fro" !i"self R !is o$n 'ody is t!e lo&(s of t!e divinity t!at is !is Self 6tmade3at7M nor is t!ere any ot!er s(%%ort for !is &ons&io(sness) T!ere is t!(s for !i" no ot!er divine a'ode)88;< T!e "aster says: :2) The di"ine abode for him is his own body R endowed with the thirty+six principles, and replete with Qils de bQuf W"iB), the sense+organsY, constructions

sarva brahmsmi. - e t' it" *a#k '1 i$ter$a* 0i11ere$tiati'$. 1142 .he *'gi# '1 the arg /e$t, here, re"t" '$ the tra0iti'$a* $0er"ta$0i$g '1 ka> "ee CD a0 36. 1143 6$a"/ #h a" the '(Le#t a$0 the " (Le#t have the "a/e $at re J $a/e*%, brahman J '$e, the '(Le#t, whi#h ha0 (ee$ #'$"i0ere0 a" E0i11ere$tE /a% (e take$ t' revea* the $at re '1 the 'ther, the " (Le#t, a*"' E0i11ere$tE J a$0 vi#e ver"a. 1144 Rhe$ a** i" brahman, the %&nin i" i$#* 0e0 i$ brahman, a$0 "' / "t (e "e*1,0e#epti'$, et#. 1145 )'te that the e$tire pa""age (&S 69,73) e#h'e" 4 66 35,37. 1146 T'r /erit" ari"e 1r'/ the a#t that ha" (ee$ e$L'i$e0, a$0 0e/erit 1r'/ the a#t that ha" (ee$ pr'hi(ite0. 1147 !'/pare kA. 74,80 with .4 6; 194,211, whi#h a*"' 0ea*" with the /%"ti#a* pra#ti#e" that are th'"e '1 the %&nin i$ the aktop!a.


inset in the body88;C R or Wif not his own, thenY the body of another, or e"en an ob8ect, such as a8ar)88;@ Nor that 5no$er of t!e Self, !is o$n 'ody or t!at of anot!er We,ternal to !i"Y, 88B7 is t!e a'ode of t!e deity, for it is t!e s('strat(" of everyt!in t!at is to 'e en#oyed WviL), e,ternal o'#e&tsY 'y t!e deity t!at is !is o$n Self) *o$ever, e,ternal lo&ales, s(&! as Wte"%les of t!eY .er( Wty%eY, 88B8 et&), 'e&o"e a'odes of a deity, $!enever t!ey are so deter"ined 'y a tea&!er t!ro( ! t!e ad#(n&tion 6,alana7 of t!e t!irty?si, %rin&i%les, "a5in t!e" &oe,tensive $it! a 'ody)88B6 On&e t!e Wi"a e of t!eY deity d$ellin t!ere, t!o( ! e,ternal Wto oneIs o$n SelfY, is &o"%re!ended as for"ed of &ons&io(sness 6cidghana7 t!ro( ! 'ein %ervaded 'y oneIs o$n Self, t!en even t!at Wi"a eY 'e&o"es t!e deity t!ere)
.he i/age i" K ite appr'priate here, the "e$"e,'rga$" (ei$g a$a*'g' " t' the "%/('*i# Ewi$0'w"E (gavk) '1 the ' twar0 te/p*e that a**'w E*ightE t' pa"", i$ retr'gra0e 1a"hi'$, 1r'/ i$"i0e (that i" 1r'/ the 0eit% it"e*1) t' ' t"i0e, i$a"/ #h a" " #h Ewi$0'w"E, (ei$g #*'"e0 a$0 a" "'*i0 a" a part '1 the wa**, 0' $'t a0/it the ra%" '1 the " $ i$t' the te/p*e> "ee ?ra/ri"#h 1946= 318,321, '$ gavka> a$0 the ter/ tamori ("ee (e*'w), 8e$e/ie" '1 0ark$e"":, that g*'""e" gavka. .he pr'Le#ti'$, i$ the pr'#e"" '1 .a$trika /e0itati'$, '1 the thirt%,"i7 tattvas p'$ the ('0% tra$"1'r/" it i$t' a /i#r'#'"/> it i" there1're a rit a* $'ti'$, pre"e$t i$ the '*0e"t .a$tra". .he ('0% a" "hri$e appear" t' (e a $'ti'$ pr'per t' the ? *a (ra$#h, wherei$ the *i$eage" (k'la) '1 !ogin,s are viewe0 a" (e7te$"i'$" '1) the "e$"e,'rga$". Re /ight '("erve here that the ('0%,"hri$e '1 the kArikA, a*'$g with it" ar#hite#t ra* 0etai*", i" p'""i(*% a *ate /etaph'r, i$a"/ #h a" the '*0er .a$tra" 0' $'t ge$era**% /e$ti'$ "tat e", $'r te/p*e" 1'r p (*i# w'r"hip> "ee, $everthe*e"", the 1' rth #hapter '1 the -rahma!mala 1'r re1ere$#e" t' i/age" '1 w''0 'r 'ther " ("ta$#e" "e0 1'r w'r"hip. Mi00e$ 1r'/ the *arger "'#iet% (ie$,pe$"a$t, ta$tri# rit a*" were 'rigi$a**% #e*e(rate0 i$ 0i" "e0 p*a#e", a$0 were pr'(a(*% $'t h' "e0 i$ a$% per/a$e$t "tr #t re J a*th' gh there wa" a 8"a$#t /: (!gagha), a reti$ e '1 0eitie" " rr' $0i$g the "ite (bh!aparivra), a$0 0eitie" g ar0i$g it" e$tra$#e> "ee Sa$0er"'$ 1986= 173,174. Rhe$ever BI "peak" '1 0ai*% e7ter$a* w'r"hip, it" " ("trat / i" /ai$*% a "/''th /irr'r,*ike " r1a#e J 1'r i$"ta$#e, a /irr'r 'r a "w'r0, (*a0e> it /a% a*"' (e 8a liga (pr'vi0e0 it i" private, /'vea(*e, $'t '1 1a"hi'$e0 "t'$e, $'r '1 a$% /eta* ( t g'*0), a r'"ar% (akas)tram), a "k **,# p (mahptram), a "k **,"ta11 (kha#vnga), a$ i/age '1 pai$te0 #*a% (citrap'stam), 0e'0ar w''0 'r g'*0, 2...3 a #'p% '1 a$ e"'teri# "#ript re, a$ i/age '$ #*'th (pa#a) 'r a$ i/age tra#e0 '$ a h /a$ "k ** (t)ram): (Sa$0er"'$ 1986= 170)> '$ th'"e K e"ti'$", "ee a*"' .'rU"'k 2003= 179,224, a$0 .aka"hi/a 2005= 115,142. 1149 Re 0i11er 1r'/ Si*( r$, wh' tra$"*ate"= 8S'$ te/p*e #:e"t "'$ pr'pre #'rp" 2...3. !:e"t a ""i #e K i 0i11ere 0e #e #'rp", a "av'ir va"e" et '(Let" "e/(*a(*e":. 1150 &r'(a(*% a re1ere$#e t' the ta$tri# part$er> i$ the phra"e'*'g% '1 the Ia Y%a ;ai9@ava", the ter/ parak,! 0e$'te" the 0ev'tee a$0 1e/a*e part$er par e7#e**e$#e, i$a"/ #h a" her *'ve 1'r the 0eit% i" $#'$0iti'$e0 J $*ike that '1 the svak,!, wh' i" *i$ke0 t' her h "(a$0 (% 0har/i# '(*igati'$". 1151 +er i" pr'(a(*% i$te$0e0 here a" a$ ar#hite#t ra* ter/, 0e"ig$ati$g a *arge te/p*e> "ee B#har%a 1979, ".v. (e"p., -hatsahit N;60N; 20). <$ /' $t +er "ee$ a" aSis m'ndi, "ee Sv. 5 12211. a$0 .4 ;666 4311. (.4 ;666 45(, whi#h 0e"#ri(e" it a" a 8 bhairavaliga:, i" K 'te0 (% ?9e/arALa a0 Sv. 5 124). 1152 ar,rav!pti J *it., 8... thr' gh 2their3 perva"i'$ (% the ('0% J perva"i'$ #hara#teriUe0 (% the a0L $#ti'$ '1 the thirt%,"i7 pri$#ip*e":. 6 i$terpret kalana i$ it" ge$era* /ea$i$g, 8e11e#ti$g:, 8p tti$g '$:, here a" a "%$'$%/ '1 n!sa> '$ the te#h$i#a* /ea$i$g '1 kalana, "ee $. 1177. )'te that the g r :" ('0% a" we** a" a$ e7ter$a* *'#a*e " #h a" a te/p*e, ('th i$v'*ve i/p'"iti'$ '1 the thirt%,"i7 pri$#ip*e", 1'r the g r p*a#e" the/, '$e a1ter a$'ther, '$ hi" 'w$ ('0%, a$0 the$ tra$"1er" the/ t' a$ e7ter$a* '(Le#t, " #h a" a liga, a te/p*e, 'r the ('0% '1 a$ i$itia$0> '$ thi" pr'#e"", "ee /omaabh'paddhati, v'*. 666> a*"', 1'r a$ e7a/p*e '1 the pr'#e"" at w'rk i$ i$teri'riUi$g the thirt%,"i7 tattvas, "ee Sa$0er"'$ 1986= 178,180, a$0 1ig. 2= 187.


Ot!er$ise, !o$ &o(ld eit!er one or t!e ot!er WviL), t!e te"%le or t!e i"a eY, 'ot! inert, "ere 'its of ro&5, save WviL), freeY 6uddharet7 devotees Wfro" trans"i ratory e,%erien&eY, or &ond(&t t!e dead into Wt!e deityIsY %ro,i"ity, et&)Z88BA T!(s, the body itself is, in a dire&t sense, 88B; t!e a'ode of t!e deity, for it is t!e d$ellin %la&e of &ons&io(sness) And, d$ellin in t!at 'ody, t!e Self of all 'ein s is t!e deity) T!erefore t!e 'ody alone is t!e a'ode of t!e deity for t!ose $!o are enli !tened) O!at sort Wof 'odyYZ T!e "aster says: Hendowed with the thirty+six principlesI) T!e e,ternal Wo'#e&tY is deter"ined Wto 'e t!e a'ode of t!e deityY $!en %ervaded 63ypti7 'y t!e t!irty?si, %rin&i%les) Even "ore o'vio(sly is t!e 'ody, in $!i&! t!e deity resides, endowed $it! Wlit), Hs(stained 'yI $h.tamY, t!at is, no(ris!ed,88BB 'y t!e sa"e t!irty?si, %rin&i%les) In t!e e,ternal a'ode of t!e deity, t!ere is an arran e"ent Wof $indo$s in t!e for"Y of fils de 'f(fM so too t!is Winternal s!rine, $!i&! is t!e 'ody, "ay 'e said to 'e:Y replete with Qils de bQuf R WviL), t!e sense?or ansY, constructions Wthat are insetY in the bodyM WT!e fore oin &o"%o(nd is to 'e (nderstood as follo$s:Y replete with "eans Hnot defi&ient inI, construction "eans t!e Hdis%osition of Qene"ies of dar5nessQ 6tamori7I in the corporeal body 6#igrahe X (ar-re7 R viL), t!e series of entry$ays t!at are t!e sensorial fa&(lties) *en&e, Wt!e 'odyY is si"ilar to t!e e,ternal a'ode of t!e deity) Not only is t!e 'ody Wfor t!e 12ninY t!e a'ode of t!e deity inas"(&! as it is t!e d$ellin %la&e of &ons&io(sness, '(t as $ell, $!atever Wot!erY o'#e&ts t!ere are t!at are overned 'y &ons&io(sness, all of t!e" are a'odes of t!e deity for !i" Wt!e 12ninY) Oit! t!is in "ind, t!e "aster says Win t!e verseY: H or e"en the 8ar, etc)I, for t!e %entad of sensory do"ains t!at &onstit(te t!e o'#e&ts of o(r en#oy"ent R !ere s( ested "etony"i&ally 'y referen&e to #ars, et&) R are indeed overned 'y &ons&io(sness t!ro( ! entry$ays &onsistin of or ans s(&! as t!e eye, et&) F(rt!er"ore, a&&ordin to t!e tea&!in of t!e Spanda(stra, t!ey are t!e"selves &o"%osed of &ons&io(sness: It is t!e WLordY !i"self as t!e en#oyer $!o is, al$ays and every$!ere, esta'lis!ed in and t!ro( ! t!e o'#e&ts of en#oy"ent)88B=
&r'(a(*% a re1ere$#e t' 0i11ere$t #'$#epti'$" '1 moka ( $0er"t''0 a" pr'7i/it% t', 'r i0e$tit% with, the 0eit%), 'r t' 0i11ere$t 0egree" i$ it" attai$/e$t ("ee &S 96,102). 1154 .hat i", $'t /etaph'ri#a**%. Mere m'kh! vtti /ea$" abhidh, the pri/ar% 'r 0e$'tative &'wer '1 the w'r0. 1155 CD "ee/" t' $0er"ta$0 the ter/ bhta a" a** 0i$g t' '$e '1 the et%/'*'gie" '1 the $a/e 8Fhairava:, a##'r0i$g t' whi#h the 1ir"t e*e/e$t 0erive" 1r'/ the r''t bh, 8t' #arr%, /ai$tai$, " "tai$:> "ee hi" #'//e$tar% a0 75, where thi" et%/'*'g% i" give$ e7p*i#it*%. T'r a$ a$a*%"i" '1 vari' " et%/'*'gie" '1 Fhairava, "ee ?ahr" 1998= 57,97. 1156 Sp? 66 4(. ;er"e a*rea0% K 'te0 i$ CD a0 1. !1. Fhaa rY ;A/a$a, K 'te0 i$ Sp) 66 4= lamb!a savida !asmt saved!a na svabhvata0 tasmt savidita sarvam iti savinma!o bhavet00, 8Si$#e a** 2'(Le#t"3 are k$'w$ i$"'1ar a" the% re"t '$ #'$"#i' "$e"", a$0 $'t (% the/"e*ve", the% 2e7i"t '$*%3 a" k$'w$. Me$#e, '$e "h' *0 i0e$ti1% hi/"e*1 with #'$"#i' "$e"": (i" thi" Fhaa rY ;A/a$a the "a/e a th'r a" the Fhaa rY ;YravA/a$aka 1r'/ wh'/ CD a0 76 K 'te" a ver"e?). .he "a/e $'ti'$" '1 a ('0% e$0'we0 with thirt%,"i7 pri$#ip*e", a$0 '1 e7ter$a* '(Le#t" " #h a" Lar", et#., "ee$ a" $'t 0i11ere$t 1r'/ #'$"#i' "$e"", that i", 1r'/ iva, i" 1' $0 i$ the


T!e entire (niverse of o'#e&ts, s(&! as #ars, et&), is t!e %otential 'ody of !i" $!o 5no$s, #(st li5e !is already e,istin Wa&t(alY 'ody) T!is 'ein t!e &ase, it Wt!e (niverse of o'#e&tsY is not different fro" !i"self, no "ore t!an !is o$n 'odyM it is the abode of the deityM t!at is, t!e abode of t!e od, $!erein t!e o'#e&ts of en#oy"ent are overned R Wt!e od $!o isY %layf(l 88B< and free, t!e Great Lord t!at is oneIs o$n Self) #!rik! :5 No$, in e,ternal a'ode of t!e deity WviL), t!e te"%leY, t!e devotee is, as a r(le, seen to 'e en a ed in $ors!i%in t!e deity, !avin W%revio(slyY offered flo$ers, et&) +(t in res%e&t of t!e a'ode of t!e deity t!at is t!e 'ody itself, !o$ does t!e 5no$er of t!e Self 'e!ave, and $!at does !e doZ T!e "aster says: :5) And there Win that body so consecratedY, he occupies himself in worshiping the great deity that is the supreme Self R Bhaira"a, also known as 'i"a R e"er accompanied by his own Wconsort ofY energies, by offering thereunto articles of worship that are purified by awareness of the Self) In t!e a'ode of t!e deity t!at is !is o$n 'ody, t!e a&&o"%lis!ed yo in occupies himself in worshiping t!e deity $!o !as ass("ed t!e for" of t!e !i !est oal 6(reyas7 WviL), $!o !as ass("ed t!e for" of a oal "ore e,&ellent t!an H!eavenI itselfY,88BC na"ely, 'i"a, the auspicious deity, $!o is none ot!er t!an Bhaira"a, Wt!e t!ree sylla'les of $!ose na"e stand forY "aintenan&e 6(hara0a7, $it!dra$al 6ra3a0a7 and e#e&tion 6#amana7 Wof t!e $orldY,88B@ inas"(&! as W$it!in !i" aloneY all t!e sensory do"ains R so(nd, et&) R are en#oyed, dissolved, and "ade res%lendent,88=7 $!o is, in t(rn, none ot!er t!an t!e s(%re"e Self t!at is ter"ed W'y (sY &ons&io(sness, trans&endin everyt!in ))) ))) W!e oes on $ors!i%in t!at deity,Y t!at is, !e s!o(ld 'e&o"e res%lendent 6parisphuret788=8 'y %ro%itiatin t!at deity (n&easin ly, a&&ordin to t!e %ro&ess a'o(t to 'e e,%o(nded) R No$ is it not t!e &ase t!at t!e e,ternal deity is al$ays a&&o"%anied 'y W&onsort andY attendantsZ A&&o"%anied, t!en, 'y $!at ento(ra e, s!o(ld t!is Winner deityY 'e $ors!i%edZ
Prat!abhi%&ik, K 'te0 i$ Sp) 66 4= ar,ram api !e ariattattvama!a ivar)pata! pa!anti arca!anti ca te siddh!anti gha#dikam api tathbhinivi!a pa!anti arca!anti ca te 8p,ti nast! atra vivda, 8Gve$ th'"e wh' per#eive the ('0% '1 thirt%,"i7 pri$#ip*e" i$ the 1'r/ '1 iva, a$0 treat it with re"pe#t, a#K ire "pirit a* per1e#ti'$. S' 0' th'"e wh', i$ve"ti$g eve$ a Lar, et#., with the 1'r/ '1 iva, per#eive it i$ the "a/e wa%, a$0 treat it with re"pe#t. .here i" $' #'$tr'ver"% a(' t it:. 1157 Mere, CD 0eve*'p" '$e '1 the tra0iti'$a* et%/'*'gie" '1 deva, 0erive0 1r'/ the r''t div, 8t' p*a%:. See CD a0 15. 1158 prakare!or)po deva J 'r 8the 0eit% '1 a$ e7tre/e*% pr'piti' " $at re:> '$ re!as, "ee $. 240. 1159 EFhairavaE i", a" here, tra0iti'$a**% e7p*ai$e0 a" a$ a#r'"ti# J th' gh it" et%/'*'gi#a* /ea$i$g i" a*"' appare$t= 8terri1%i$g:, a K a"i,#a "ative 1r'/ bh,r', 8ti/i0:. 1160 Mere, "e$"e,'(Le#t" " #h a" "' $0, et#., are treate0 e7perie$tia**% J a" e$L'%e0, 0i""'*ve0 a$0 /a0e re"p*e$0e$t J rather tha$ a" e*e/e$t" i$ the pr'#e"" '1 #reati'$ J /ai$te$a$#e, with0rawa*, eLe#ti'$. 1161 .hi" i" i$te$0e0 a" a g*'"" '$ parip)%a!an ste, whi#h we have (ee$ '(*ige0, 1'r rea"'$" '1 "%$ta7, t' p*a#e at the hea0 '1 the 1'reg'i$g "e$te$#e.

T!e "aster re%lies: HW))) the inner deity isY accompanied by his own Wconsort ofY energiesI) *ere, 'y his own Wener ies, or %o$ersY, t!e "aster refers to t!e &a%a&ities of t!e sense?or ans, t!e eye, et&), $!i&! f(n&tion as t!e Wo(t$ard?e,tendin Y rays of &ons&io(sness, and t!ro( ! $!i&! Wt!e five innerY ener ies R Cons&io(sness, +liss, Oill, /no$led e and A&tion R find t!eir &(l"inationM 'y Haccompanied byI, !e "eans Hs(rro(nded on all sidesI 'y t!ose Wener iesY) No$, res%ondin to t!e 9(estion: HE"%loyin $!at Warti&les of $ors!i%Y does !e o on $ors!i%in ZI, t!e "aster re%lies: HWemploying articles purified byY awareness of the Self) *ere, t!e awareness 6mar(ana7 "eant is: H.y o$n Self is t!is AllIM 88=6 t!at is, t!e refle&tion 6parmar(a7 on oneself &!ara&teriLed 'y re%ose in %erfe&t i%seity, a&!ieved $!en all o'#e&ts are e,%erien&ed as for"ed of &ons&io(snessM f(rt!er, the articles "eant for $ors!i%, na"ely, t!e %entad of sensory do"ains, so(nd, et&), $!i&! are %(re on a&&o(nt of t!e re"oval of insentien&e, !ave 'e&o"e spotless on a&&o(nt of t!at Wrefle&tionY $!ere'y t!e i"%erfe&tions res(ltin fro" t!e stain of d(ality !ave disa%%eared) It is $it! s(&! arti&les t!at !e $ors!i%s, %(rified 'y t!e a$areness of t!e Self) *ere is t!e %(r%ort of $!at !as 'een said: t!e 5no$er of t!e Self, !avin at!ered (%, effortlessly, t!e %entad of sensory do"ains, so(nd, et&), 'y "eans of t!e divinities t!at are t!e sensory or ans, t!e ear, et&), and "arvelin at t!e" in !is !eart, t!en effe&ts t!eir identity $it! !is o$n Self, 'y a'andonin Wall t!o( !t ofY t!e deleterio(s88=A distin&tion 'et$een $!at is to 'e so( !t o(t and $!at is to 'e avoided) T!(s, t!e state of internally (ndifferentiated $onder R $!i&! is not!in '(t t!e "anifestation 6sphura0a788=; of %erfe&t i%seity R t!at a&&o"%anies ea&! and every "o"ent of a%%re!endin t!e sensory do"ains,88=B is alone t!e $ors!i% a%%ro%riate to t!e od t!at is oneIs o$n Self)88== It is in t!is sense t!at sensory do"ains, so(nd, et&), are t!e instr("ents of $ors!i%) /no$in t!is 6iti7, t!e $ors!i%er of t!e deity $!o is oneIs o$n Self "(st at ea&! "o"ent 'e attentive $!en a%%ro%riatin t!ose do"ains) 88=< T!is is $!at t!e 5no$ers of t!e se&ret 6rahasya3id7 "aintain)

svtmaiva ida sarvam. kalaka. 1164 <$ thi" a""'#iati'$ '1 camatkra a$0 sph'raa, "ee the 0e1i$iti'$ '1 camatkra '11ere0 i$ the vtti a0 -h4*, i$ Bppe$0i7 3, p. 320. 1165 Nit., 8... that a##'/pa$ie" $#ea"i$g*% ea#h /'/e$t ...:. 1166 6/p*i#it re1ere$#e, here, t' ae"theti# the'r%, a" aiva thi$ker" 0eve*'pe0 it i$ ?a"h/ir> "ee 6$tr., p. 55. 1167 6t i" the "i/p*e a#t '1 appr'priati$g the 1ie*0" '1 e7perie$#e, whi#h ever%'$e 0'e" with' t e11'rt a$0 i$#e""a$t*%, that i" tra$"1'r/e0 i$t' the /ea$" '1 rea*iUi$g their i0e$tit% with the Se*1.
1162 1163


Indeed, t!is !as 'een &onfir"ed 'y R4#4na5a R4"a 88=C in one of !is verses of %raise: S!o$ "e, WO LordY, t!at +!airava for" of yo(rs t!at is %ro%itiated WonlyY 'y t!ose ener ies R fiery 6tai1as-7, et&)88=@ R t!at are en a ed in &onveyin to yo( as offerin s t!e t!in s of t!is $orld &olle&ted t!ro( ! &onstant and (nrestrained Wi)e), s%ontaneo(sY e,ertion)88<7 S!o$ it to "e, $!o a" a !ero 63-ra7 "ovin in t!is Wdar5Y ni !t of e,isten&e 6$ha3ani(7, in a 'ody t!at is not!in '(t a &re"ation ro(nd re%lete $it! a'(ndan&e of fles!, 'lood, ser(", and 'ones)88<8 #!rik! :9 At t!e &on&l(sion of Wt!e rit(al ofY $ors!i%, an o'lation s!o(ld 'e "ade into t!e fire) So, !o$ does t!at Win#(n&tion a%%lyY to t!e 5no$er of t!e SelfZ T!e "aster re%lies: :9) Nor him who is engaged in offering into the blaBing fire of consciousness all the great seeds of difference Wthat blossom forthY on the presupposition of inner "ersus outer, the oblation is made without effort)88<6
DALA$aka DA/a i" '$e '1 the $a/e" (% whi#h DA/aka@ha (#a. B- 950,1000> "ee Sa$0er"'$ 2007= 411), the a th'r '1 the Sp; (a$0 p'""i(*% '1 the /arvatobhadra, a #'//e$tar% '$ the FhI), i" re1erre0 t' i$ 0i11ere$t "' r#e". Me pre"e$t" hi/"e*1, i$ the "e#'$0 #'$#* "ive "ta$Ua '1 hi" Sp;, a" the 0ire#t 0i"#ip*e '1 Htpa*a0eva (#a. 925,975> "ee Sa$0er"'$ 2007= 352). DALA$aka DA/a i" t' (e 0i"ti$g i"he0 1r'/ tw' Fhaa DA/aka@ha= DA/aka@ha 6, the a th'r '1 a $'w *'"t /advtti, wh' wa" the g r '1 DA/aka@ha 66:" gra$01ather, a$0 DA/aka@ha 66 (1*. #a. B- 950,1000), the #'//e$tat'r '$ the 6iraatantra ("ee I''0a**, 6iraavtti= 65). 6$ hi" Sp; (p. 164), DALA$aka DA/aka@ha K 'te" a ver"e 1r'/ a stotra that he "a%" he #'/p'"e0 hi/"e*1> "i/i*ar*%, &MvX 6 1 K 'te" a ver"e 1' $0 i$ Sp;, p. 135, a"#ri(i$g it t' rYrA/a. DALA$aka DA/aka@ha /a% a*"' (e i0e$ti1ie0 a" the 8rY DA/a(haAraka: re1erre0 t' i$ ;A/a0eva:" 3anmamaraavicra (p. 21). Tr'/ " #h i$0i#e", it /a% (e #'$#* 0e0 that he wa" a*"' a p'et, a th'r '1 0ev'ti'$a* h%/$". 61 he /a% (e i0e$ti1ie0 with the a th'r '1 the /arvatobhadra, a #'//e$tar% '$ the FhI ("ee I''0a** 6iraavtti= 65), he ha" a*"' *ai0 #*ai/ t' "'/e p'eti#a* "ki**, re1erri$g t' hi/"e*1 (p. 404) a" the 8ki$g '1 the p'et": (kav,ndra). 8DALA$aka: '## r" 1reK e$t*% i$ tit*e" '1 ?a"h/iria$ aiva tea#her"> "ee, 1'r i$"ta$#e, #'*'ph'$" '1 ?9e/arALa 'r Oa%aratha, re"pe#tive*% t' &M a$0 .4. See Stei$ (a0 F%ataragi, 2D.3 ;6 108) D.= 244 ($. 117)= 8.he tit*e F%naka, /ea$i$g *itera**% Ea*/'"t a ki$gE, "e0 t' (e give$ 1'r "ervi#e" re$0ere0 t' the ki$g. 2...3 .he tit*e ha" " rvive0 i$ the 1'r/ '1 DAU0A$ a" a 1a/i*% $a/e '1 ver% 1reK e$t '## rre$#e a/'$g the Frah/a$" '1 ?aP/Yr:. .he "ervi#e" were pr'(a(*% th'"e '1 a /i$i"ter, a" /a% (e i$1erre0 1r'/ a$ '(*iK e re1ere$#e t' " #h a 1 $#ti'$ i$ D. ;6 117= sa prthivatvamantritvamira! ce#a! sph'ran0 r% r%naka ceti mirm eva dhi!a v!adht. 1169 .he ter/ tai%as,, here, i" pr'(a(*% the $a/e '1 a akti ('r a kal), wh' 'perate" at the *eve* '1 m!, i$a"/ #h a" the ver"e '1 DA/aka@ha, K 'te0 here, 0e"#ri(e" Fhairava a" &r'pitiate0 (% /ea$" '1 the phe$'/e$a* / *tip*i#it% that aktis $#ea"i$g*% revea*. T'r the e7pre""i'$ tai%as, kal, "ee .4; 65 40 #iti$g the Fa'ravgama= tato 8dhi#h!a m! sa paramevara0 kobha!itv svakiraair as%at tai%as, kalm00. 1170 See S 6 5= 'd!amo bhairava, 8Sp'$ta$e' " e/erge$#e 2'1 " pre/e #'$"#i' "$e""3, " #h i" Fhairava:. 1171 +eter= rd)lavikr,ita. Fhairava, the terri(*e N'r0, i$ha(it" the #re/ati'$ gr' $0. Me$#e, the ('0%, whi#h i", '$ the '$e ha$0, the a('0e '1 the 0eit%, /a% a*"' (e "ee$, '$ the 'ther, a" a #re/ati'$ gr' $0. .he i/p*i#ati'$ i" that the ('0% '1 the %'gi$ i" " (Le#t t' 0i""'* ti'$ i$ the 81ire": '1 hi" a "teritie", a" i" the 0ea0 /a$:" #'rp"e '$ the 1 $era* p%re. 1172 !1. &S 68> a*"' Sp) 66 5= mah!og, %,vann eva prdimn api vi%&ngninirdagdhea bandhano dehapte t' iva eva%,va cedn m'kta eva na t' katha& cid api baddha, E.he great a"#eti#, eve$ whi*e he *ive" a$0 i" p'""e""e0 '1 (reath a$0 the 2'ther 1a# *tie"3, i" 2$'t (' $0 (%3 a$% 1etter", whi#h 2*it., 8i" " #h that a** hi" 1etter"...:3 have (ee$ ( r$t p i$ the 1ire '1 hi" k$'w*e0ge> whe$ hi" ('0% 1a**" awa%, he i" iva hi/"e*1> a$0 whi*e *ivi$g i", a" " #h, a*rea0%


Nor him R t!e $ors!i%er, in t!e $ay #(st des&ri'ed, of t!e deity t!at is !is o$n Self R the oblation R t!e W%o(rin of s('stan&esY t!at refres!es t!e fire R into the blaBing R radiatin $it! t!e "arvel of s(%re"e i%seity R fire of &ons&io(sness, is a&&o"%lis!ed, without effort R $it!o(t t!e 'ot!er Wasso&iated $it! &olle&tin andY o$nin sesa"e, &larified '(tter, f(el, et&) WAndY $!at does W!e in fa&tY doZ T!e "aster re%lies $it! Wt!e %!rase 'e innin $it!Y Hinner W"ersusY outerI) R *ere, outer refers to t!e %ost(lation, 'y a &o niLer, of Wso"et!in Y 'eyond !i"self, 88<A in res%e&t of $!at is to 'e &o niLed, s(&! as Wt!e &olorY 'l(e, et&) R Winner refers to t!e &orres%ondin Y %ost(lation in res%e&t of $!at is to 'e ras%ed $it!in, s(&! as %leas(re, et&) R It is difference of t!is sort, na"ely, t!e diversity native to t!e f(n&tionin Wof t!e anta,ara0aY t!at is the great seed 6mah$-1a7 Wof 'onda eY, for o(t of it e"er e t!e &o niLer and &o niLa'le o'#e&ts R Wf(n&tionin t!at &onsists inY definitive 5no$led e Dni(caya R i)e), Ht!is is not t!atIE, %ost(lation Wof e&&eityY 6sa,alpana R i)e), Ht!ese t!in s are not "eIE and &on&eit of self 6a$himna R i)e), Ht!is is "ineIEM88<; Wall s(&! differen&es 'elon to or de%end on t!e distin&tions 'et$eenY H&o niLerI and Ht!in to 'e &o niLedI, 'et$een t!e HinnerI and t!e Ho(terI R No$, it is the collection Wof s(&! seedsY that he offers Winto t!e fire of &ons&io(snessY R seeds t!at are t!e"selves not!in '(t %ost(lates of t!e "ind 6,alpan7 and 'ein t!e"selves t!e so(r&e of all Wot!erY differen&e) WT!is &olle&tionY is indeed a Ws!a%elessY !ea%,88<B 'e&a(se differen&e is infinite) WAnd !eY offers, "a5es o'lation of, t!is W&olle&tionY into t!e fire of !is o$n Self, 'y "er in it into non?dis&(rsive &ons&io(sness, a&!ieved t!ro( ! t!e vision of (lti"ate Wor trans&endentY nond(ality)88<= T!is is t!e %(r%ort of t!e verse: for t!e yo in $!ose 'ein is identified $it! t!e trans&endental $rahman, t!e essential 6a,.trima7 o'lation &onsists in ann(llin t!e

*i(erate0, 21'r3 he i" $'t (' $0 i$ a$% wa% at a**:. !1. .4 6; 201,2> .S 6;, p. 26 (tr. Si*( r$ 1981= 193). 1173 svapara. 1174 .he tra$"*ati'$ '1 the ter/" nica!a a$0 sakalpana 0i11er" "*ight*% 1r'/ that '1 &S 19, 1'r the p'i$t '1 view here i" that '1 the %'gi$. T'r hi/, per#epti'$ it"e*1, whi#h revea*" 0i11ere$#e, / "t (e 'ver#'/e> previ' "*%, the per"pe#tive wa" that '1 the *ti/ate, iva, e$gage0 i$ e*a('rati$g the phe$'/e$a* w'r*0. !'/pare the Etwi$E per"pe#tive" '1 SAkh%a a$0 C'ga J the '$e e*a('rati$g a the'reti#a* #'$"tr #t a$0 the 'ther pr'/'ti$g it" a('*iti'$. 6$ thi" w'r*0 '1 0iver"it%, ever% /e$ta* 'perati'$ ha" three a"pe#t"= 0i"#ri/i$ati'$ ('r i0e$ti1%i$g the e*e/e$t" '1 the 1* 7), 0i11ere$tiati'$ ('r i0e$ti1%i$g the "e*1 a" " (Le#t vi",a,vi" the 1* 7, a" '(Le#t), a$0 appr'priati'$ ('r e"ta(*i"hi$g a re*ati'$ (etwee$ the "e*1 a$0 the '(Le#t J the 8thi":, the 86: , a$0 the 8/i$e:). 1175 ri. 1176 !1. CD a0 83= paramdva!ad.

deter"ination 6,alana788<< t!at t!ere 'e a s('#e&t $!o &o niLes and an o'#e&t to 'e &o niLed t!at are 'eyond !i"selfM Wand ann(llin t!at, for !i"Y &o"es a'o(t nat(rally 6s3arasasiddha7, for t!ere is no lon er any &on&eit attri'(tin to !is 'ody, et&), t!e &a%a&ity to &o niLe) As !as 'een stated 'y +!a33a PrF 1Frav4"ana5a:88<C Oe %erfor" o'li atorily t!at s(%ra?"(ndane sa&rifi&e88<@ in $!i&! t!e forest of d(ality %rovides t!e Wre9(iredY fire$ood, and deat! itself is t!e reat ani"al Wto 'e sa&rifi&edY) #!rik! :: T!e "aster no$ des&ri'es t!e W$ay ofY "editation 6dhyna7 of s(&! a sa&rifi&er: ::) And unceasing is his meditationM moreo"er, the 4ord Wwho is his SelfY creates manifold forms) That alone constitutes his meditation R Wthe realiBationY that the true form of things is nothing but that which is drawn Won the wall of consciousnessY by his imagination) Every for", t!o( !t to 'e a fi,ed for", is s('#e&t to disa%%earan&e, o$in to t!e (nsteadiness of t!e "ind)88C7 Foreo"er, t!at meditation is unceasing, sin&e the 4ord, t!e Great .aster $!o, alt!o( ! infinite, !as t!e for" of oneIs o$n Self, creates manifold forms, in virt(e of !is freedo" Wto &o"%oseY t!o( !t?&onstr(&ts, $!ere'y t!e essen&e of !is ener y of a&tion Wis "anifestedY,

kalana ha" a "pe#ia*iUe0 /ea$i$g i$ the .rika. &a0' 7 tra$"*ate"= 80%$a/i"/e *i/itate r:, 8*i/iti$g 0%$a/i"/:. +'"t tra0iti'$a* et%/'*'gie" pre" /e a *i$k with kla, 8ti/e:, whi#h, a##'r0i$g t' +a%rh'1er (".v.) i" i** "'r% (he #ite" Nat. celer, Ik. oxyyh 8i/pe*:, whi#h agree" $i#e*% with the "e$"e pr'p'"e0 here). !'/pare the ter/:" '1te$ atte"te0 (( t a*"' #'$te"te0) /e0i#a* /ea$i$g, 8the Ethr "tE '1 the e/(r%' i$ the w'/(:. .he /ea$i$g "h' *0 (e "'/ethi$g *ike 80eter/i$e:, 8#'/pe* t' (e pre#i"e:> it i" the a$$ihi*ati'$ '1 that Ethr "tE t'war0 0eter/i$ati'$, that E$ee0E t' 0i"ti$g i"h, that E0i"ti$g i"he"E the /e$ta* '(*ati'$ '1 the %'gi$. .he $'ti'$ '1 kalana w' *0 the$ (e re*ate0 t' the 8"heath: (ka&c'ka) ter/e0 here kal, 8te$0e$#% t' a#t i$ re"pe#t '1 a 0eter/i$ate age$t:> #1. kal v!'r)p kicitkarttvena prerik (&.NvX 511.). Ti$a**%, 80eter/i$ati'$: appear" t' #apt re the 0i11ere$t /ea$i$g" i/p*ie0 (% &a0' 7:" e7#e**e$t 80%$a/i"/e *i/itate r:. B*"' t' (e reLe#te0 i" the 1a*"e 0' (*et "'/eti/e" pr'p'"e0, kalana0karaa. 1178 ;er"e a*"' K 'te0, with' t e7p*i#it attri( ti'$, (% &+ 42. 6$ hi" i$tr'0 #ti'$ t' ;A/a$a0atta:" /avitpraka (pp. 7,8) +. -%#Uk'w"ki '("erve" that it i" $'t at a** #ertai$ whether the ;YravA/a$aka "ai0 here (% CD t' (e the a th'r '1 the K 'te0 te7t i" the "a/e per"'$ a" the ;A/a$a0atta, a th'r '1 the /avitpraka. -%#Uk'w"ki give" "evera* arg /e$t" 1) ;A/a$a0atta, a th'r '1 the /avitpraka, pre"e$t" hi/"e*1 a" a &AQ#arAtri$, wherea" the epithet 8vYra: ge$era**% app*ie" t' aiva"> 2) the "a#ri1i#e there 0e"#ri(e0 i" /'re '1 a aiva tha$ '1 a ;ai9@ava /'0e*> 3) the ver"e K 'te0 (% CD #a$$'t (e tra#e0 i$ the /a$ "#ript" '1 the /avitpraka (a*th' gh it /ight (e " pp'"e0 that th'"e +SS are i$#'/p*ete, 'r that the ver"e i" K 'te0 1r'/ a$'ther w'rk '1 the "a/e ;A/a$a0atta). 6$ a** pr'(a(i*it%, there i" r''/ t' (e*ieve that we are 0ea*i$g with tw' 0i11ere$t a th'r", i$a"/ #h a" Sp) 66 4 #ite" a ver"e attri( te0 t' 8Fhaa rY ;A/a$a: ("ee $. 1156) J a ver"e that i" $'t atte"te0 i$ the avai*a(*e /a$ "#ript" '1 the /avitpraka. +ight it $'t (e the$ the #a"e that the Fhaa SrY ;A/a$a '1 the Sp) i" the "a/e a th'r a" the Fhaa rY ;YravA/a$a(ka) t' whi#h CD attri( te" the pre"e$t ver"e? 1179 See &S 68. 1180 Nit., 80 e t' the 2#'$"ta$t3 /'ve/e$t e*"ewere '1 the 'perati'$ '1 the /i$0:. .he 1'r/" " ("i"t a" *'$g a" the% 1i$0 a " ("trat / i$ the /i$0, ( t the *atter i" $'t there(% #'$"trai$e0.


t!at is, !e &easelessly ins&ri'es t!e n("ero(s o'#e&ts t!at are not!in '(t &onstr(&tions of !is i"a ination, as for"s (%on t!e "irror of !is intelle&t) 88C8 It is t!ese W&onstr(&tionsY that alone &onstit(te t!e W12ninIsY "editation, na"ely, !is &onte"%lation 6cintana7, itself e,e"%t fro" &o"in into 'ein and %assin a$ay, for t!ere is not!in t!at is different fro" it) +(t else$!ere, W$!en one "editates (%onY a %arti&(lar deity, t!ere is a deter"ination Wof t!at strea" of &ons&io(snessY88C6 inas"(&! as one %redi&ates vario(s fa&es and li"'s Wof t!e deityY) All a&ts of t!e "ind are '(t s%ro(ts e"er in 6sphra7 fro" t!is Ener y na"ed Par4 Wor s(%re"e ener yYM for !i" $!o 5no$s t!is, t!e All Wi)e), (niverseY !as 'e&o"e $it!o(t 9(alifi&ation, identi&al $it! t!e S(%re"e Lord) And t!at alone &onstit(tes !is "editation R W the realiBationY that the true form Wof thingsY, na"ely, (lti"ate reality, is t!at $!i&! !as 'een drawn, t!at is, %ainted, on t!e $all of &ons&io(sness 6sa3id$hitti7 'y t!e imagination 6sa,alpa7, t!at is, 'y t!e Wa&tiveY "ind) T!(s, sin&e all t!is t!at a%%ears WviL), everyt!in Y !as 'een delineated Wfor (sY in t!e for" of "ental &onstr(&ts, Wit follo$s t!atY $!atever !as t!e for" of an a&t of "ind, never oin 'eyond t!e real" of t!at $!i&! a%%ears, is tr(e WviL), realY, for in every &ir&("stan&e it is a&&o"%anied 'y &ons&io(sness) T!is !as 'een stated in t!e revered S3acchanda(stra: O!erever t!e "ind oes, t!ere one s!o(ld fi, t!e "ind) *avin "oved it Wi)e), let o t!at fi,ationY, $!ere $ill yo( o, sin&e all is &o"%osed of PivaZ88CA And si"ilarly, in t!e Cai3opani)ad: O!erever oes t!e "ind, O 'eloved one, $!et!er Wits o'#e&t 'eY e,ternal or internal, t!ere is t!e &ondition of Piva, for Piva %ervades everyt!in ) O!ere indeed $ill Wt!e "indY o, Wif not to !i"YZ88C; T!erefore, t!e "editation of s(&! a yo in arises nat(rally)88CB #!rik! :< And !is $o(ld 'e $!at sort of silent Dor $!is%eredE re&itations WviL), of $!at rosary $o(ld !e Hs%ea5I or HtellI t!e 'eadsYZ T!e "aster says: :<) -hen he rotates in his inner awareness the entire se%uence of uni"erses , the Wthirty+sixY principles arranged se%uentially, as well as the group of sense+ organs, then this is termed his Hsilent recitationI)88C=
.he "a/e ter/ i" 1' $0 i$ CD a0 8, g*'""e0 (% pratibhm'k'ra. T rther, i$ the #'//e$tar% a0 77, savidbhitti, the 8wa** '1 #'$"#i' "$e"":, appear" a" a g*'"" '1 b'ddhidarpaa. 1182 S #h a "tate/e$t i/p*ie" that parti# *ar 1'r/" '1 the 0eit%, i1 pai0 t'' / #h atte$ti'$, /a% 0i"tra#t the %'gi$ 1r'/ #'$te/p*ati$g the #ea"e*e"" "trea/ '1 0ivi$e a#tivit% the% /a$i1e"t. 1183 Sv. 6; 313. Sa/e te7t K 'te0 i$ S; 666 24, a*th' gh with varia$t"= !atra !atra mano !ti %&e!a tatraiva cinta!et0 calitv !s!ate k'tra sarva ivama!a !ata00. 1184 2aivopaniad 2S ;Fh 1153. 2aivopaniad i" a$'ther $a/e '1 the ;Fh t' whi#h BI re1er" a*"' a" the 2ivavi%&nopaniad i$ ^&;;, v'*. 66= 405. 1185 svarasodita J *it., 8e/ergi$g 1r'/ it" 'w$ e""e$#e:. 1186 .he kArikA ha" (ee$ tra$"*ate0 i$ a##'r0a$#e with ' r $0er"ta$0i$g '1 the #'//e$tar%. B$'ther i$terpretati'$ i" p'""i(*e J akagaam $0er"t''0 i$ e7p*a$at'r% app'"iti'$ t' bh'vanval,m, a$0 tattvakramakalpanm, a" a$ a0Le#tive a*"' K a*i1%i$g bh'vanval,m (a*th' gh CD 0'e" $'t g*'"" it a" a F;)= 8B$0, whe$ he r'tate" i$ hi" i$$er aware$e"" (bodha) the e$tire "eK e$#e '1 $iver"e", th' ght '1 a" a 2tria0i#3 "eK e$#e '1 tattvas, 2i$ the /a$$er '13 a #'**e#ti'$


T!e &onstantWly re&(rrin Y refle&tion on s(%re"e i%seity as not different fro" t!e (niverse itself, W$!i&! is %(rs(edY in t!e "anner a'o(t to 'e des&ri'ed, is termed his Hsilent recitationI WviL), t!e "ental Hs%ea5in I or Htellin I of a rosaryY, and t!is is said to 'e not adventitio(s WR t!at is, is not a %assin state, '(t is rat!er, see"in ly, in!erent, or nat(ralY) R O!at is t!at WHre&itationIYZ T!e "aster says: HWAe rotatesY the entire se%uence of uni"erses 6$hu3ana7I) T!at is, W!e rotatesY t!e entire series of "ansions Dpr,ra, viL), H$orldsIE88C< n("'erin 66; t!at are en&o"%assed $it!in t!e !ost of t!irty?si, %rin&i%lesM 88CC si"ilarly, W!e rotatesY the arrangement in se%uence of principles R t!at is, the arrangement, t!e a&&(rate deter"ination, of the se%uence of principles, ter"ed HSelf 6tman7, H5no$led eI 63idy7 and HPivaI)88C@ As well Whe rotatesY the group of sense+organs, t!at is, W!e rotatesY also t!e &olle&tion of sense?or ans, 'ot! internal and e,ternal)88@7 All t!is W!e doesY in his inner awareness 6antar$odha7, t!at is, in !is o$n &ons&io(sness, $!i&! !as 'e&o"e WviL), $!i&! !as 'een identified $it!Y t!e rosary, 88@8 for"ed of t!e ener y of t!e "iddle 'reat! 6madhyamapr0a(a,ti7)88@6
'1 (ea0" 2viU., a" hi" r'"ar% (akagaa S /etaph'ri#a**% the akaml)3, the$ thi" i" ter/e0 hi" E2"i*e$t3 re#itati'$E (%apa):. !1. the 0e1i$iti'$ '1 the %apa i$ .4 6; 194 a$0 .S 6;, p. 26> a*"' S 666 27= kath %apa, 8.he #'$ver"ati'$ 2'1 the %,vanm'kta3 i" the re#itati'$ 2'1 the /a$tra3:, K 'te0 here (% CD a0 78, a$0 (% ?9e/arALa a0 /bapa&cik 10 ("ee &a0' 7 /bapa&cik= 570). )'te the p*a% '$ the w'r0"= akagaa '1 the kArikA (ei$g g*'""e0 a" akas)tra a$0 akaml, with a lea '$ aka (/.), 8(ea0: a$0 aka ($.), 8"e$"e,'rga$:. 1187 B##'r0i$g t' +R, bh'vana /a% (e a varia lectio 1'r bhavana, 8h' "e:> th " /ight (e e7p*ai$e0 the "e here '1 prkra, 8/a$"i'$:, a" a g*'"" 1'r 8bh'vana:. 1188 < r te7t 0i11er" here 1r'/ the ?S.S e0iti'$ #'$#er$i$g the $ /(er '1 bh'vanas. T'r a 0i"# ""i'$ '1 the pr'(*e/, "ee 8<$ the Sa$"krit .e7t:. <$ the $ /(er '1 the bh'vanas, "ee Bppe$0i7 5, p. 323. 1189 .hi" re1er" t' a /a$$er '1 gr' pi$g the rea*itie" '1 the $iver"e $0er three hea0i$g" '$*% J the three 8pri$#ip*e": (tattva) '1 tman, vid!, a$0 iva J i$"tea0 '1 the " a* thirt%,"i7 '1 the .rika "%"te/= a 8tri$it%:, $a/e0 tritattva (S&, v'*. 666= 42811.) 'r tattvatra!a (CM 666 85, -vive0a= 271), that i" the '(Le#t '1 a rapi0 1'r/ '1 nirvad,k, 8*i(erati$g i$itiati'$:, 0e"ig$ate0 a" the tritattvad,k (S&, v'*. 666= 42811.). <$ the #'rre"p'$0e$#e (etwee$ the three a**,e$#'/pa""i$g pri$#ip*e" a$0 the thirt%,"i7 re#'g$iUe0 (% the "%"te/, '$ the '$e ha$0, a$0 the 1ive kals a$0 the bh'vanas, '$ the 'ther, "ee S&, v'*. 666= 42811. <$ the #'rre"p'$0e$#e" (etwee$ the three pri$#ip*e" a$0 the part" '1 the ('0% '1 the a0ept, "ee S&, v'*. 666, p*. 56;. B##'r0i$g t' Me*e$e Fr $$er, op. cit= 436,437, wh' 1'**'w" the e7p*a$ati'$ '1 S'/aPa(h , the tmatattva, whi#h #'/pri"e" the thirt%,tw' i$1eri'r pri$#ip*e", p t' 'ddhavid! (thirt%,'$e, viU., p t' m!, a##'r0i$g t' "'/e a th'r"), repre"e$t" the 0'/ai$ '1 i$0ivi0 a*it% a$0 1i$it 0e> the vid!tattva, whi#h (ri$g" t'gether ^Pvara a$0 Sa0APiva (a" we** a" 'ddhavid!, a##'r0i$g t' a** te7t" e7#ept that '1 S'/aPa/(h ) i" the 0'/ai$ '1 k$'w*e0ge (vid!), wherei$ the tman e$L'%" ('th '/$i"#ie$#e a$0 '/$ip'te$#e> the ivatattva, whi#h #'i$#i0e" with the tattva iva, i" the 0'/ai$ where the tman i" re#'g$iUe0 a" $'t 0i11ere$t 1r'/ iva, a$0 "i$#e iva i" i$0i""'#ia(*e 1r'/ akti, the three tattvas e$ /erate0 t' here #'/prehe$0 the thirt%,"i7 tattvas '1 the " a* *i"t. See a*"' 7,pik a0 CM 666 85 (p. 272,273), a$0 &a0' 7 CM= 307,308. 1190 &r'(a(*e re1ere$#e t' the gr'"" 1'r/ '1 the thirtee$ 'rga$" a" we** a" t' their i$$er p'wer", 'r pre"i0i$g 0eitie" (karaevar,, karaadev,), wh' appear t' the a0ept at the #*i/a7 '1 hi" pra#ti#e. 1191 akas)tra. 1192 Freathi$g, with it" e7ha*ati'$" a$0 i$ha*ati'$", /i/i#" the #reat'r g'0 wh' 8e/it" a$0 8"wa**'w": the $iver"e peri'0i#a**%. .he %'gi$ "trive" t' reg *ate hi" (reath, " pp'"i$g that it" /'/e$t" are the 8(ea0": '1 a r'"ar%, '1 whi#h (reathi$g it"e*1 #'$"tit te" the threa0. .he madh!amapra i" that pra whi#h ri"e" with' t 0eviati$g thr' gh the s''mn #a$a*, i$ the 1'r/

-hen he rotates Wall t!isY a&&ordin to t!e se9(en&e of t!e flo$s Wof t!e 'reat! R $!i&! is none ot!er t!an (a,ti itself, seen as 3c, or %!oni& ener y, and sy"'oliLed 'y t!e ,u0alin- R %assin Y t!ro( ! $indu and nda88@A R t!at is, $!en !e revolves all t!is in !is o$n &ons&io(sness in t!e "anner of a $ater?$!eel, in a&&ordan&e $it! t!e se9(en&e: &reation, s(stenan&e, resor%tion, t!at defines ea&! e,!alation of !is 'reat!M in ot!er $ords, $!en ea&! and every "o"ent !e &onsiders Wall t!isY to 'e &o"%osed of Wnot!in '(tY s('tle %!oni& vi'ration 6nda7 R t!en t!is nat(ral re%ose in %erfe&t i%seity is indeed !is Hre&itationI) *ere is t!e %(r%ort of $!at !as 'een said: Hre&itationI is '(t t!e (tterin Wa&&o"%anied 'y yo i& %ra&ti&eY 6uccra7 of a "antra desi natin a deity fit to 'e denoted 'y it) And t!ose re&itations "ay 'e &o(nted 'y "eans of t!e rosary 88@; a&&o"%anied 'y t!e W%ra&titionerIsY %er"eation $it! t!e ener y of 'reat! 6pr0a(a,ti7, 'y Wt!e si"%le devi&e ofY se9(en&in t!e t(rnin of its Q'eadsQ Wi)e), t(rnin t!e" one after t!e ot!erY) *o$ever, for t!e yo in We,%erien&in Y (lti"ate Wor trans&endentY non?d(ality, !is o$n ener y of 'reat!in !as 'e&o"e t!e t!read Wof t!e rosaryY, 88@B rever'eratin 6nadant-7 $it! t!e flo$ Wof res%irationsY in t!e "iddle 'reat!M e"er in nat(rally, Wt!is ener yY is said to 'e an innate W5ind ofY rosary, as it &o"%re!ends all t!e senses)88@=
'1 k'alin,> a" " #h, it i" #a**e0 'dna, the 8ri"i$g (reath:. B##'r0i$g t' ?9e/arALa a0 Sv. ;66 10, the madh!amapra i" that pra whi#h ri"e" i$ the 8/i00*e: nd,= madh!and!ra!amadh!amapraj. <$ madh!amapra, "ee ). ;66 7= t vahen madh!amapre prpnntare dhr've, a$0 ?9e/arALa a0 *'#., v'*. 6= 153= madh!amapre s''mnsthodnkh!aprabrahmai vahed nima%%itaprpnav!apt!'nmagnata! vimet, 8.he madh!amapra i" the (reath, ter/e0 'dna, that pa""e" thr' gh 2the nd, ter/e03 s''mn> i$ a00iti'$, it i" ter/e0 E/i00*eE, (e#a "e it i"" e" 1r'/ the 1 "i'$ '1 pra 2the Ea"#e$0i$gE (reath (viU., e7ha*ati'$)3, a$0 '1 apna 2the E0e"#e$0i$gE (reath (viU., i$ha*ati'$)3:> 1'r a #'/p*ete 0e"#ripti'$ '1 the pr'#e"", "ee Sa$0er"'$ 1986= 17711. See a*"' .4 5565 236, where the ter/ madh!amapra appear" i$ the #'$te7t '1 the vedhad,k (a d,k /a0e (% pier#i$g the 0i11ere$t cakras (% /ea$" '1 the madh!amapra). <$ the 1ive pras, "ee &a0' 7 1992= 136, $. 140, a$0 <*ive**e F4H= N,N6. <$ %apa a$0 it" a""'#iati'$ with pra, "ee Sv. 66 140a= %apa prasama kr!a> a*"' &a0' 7 1987, a$0 .B? 66, ".v. %apa. 1193 bind' a$0 nda are 0i11ere$t *eve*" '1 the arti# *ati'$ ('ccra) '1 a /a$tra ("ee $. 1375). .he #'//e$tar% th " e"ta(*i"he" that the kArikA re1er" t' /a$tri# pra#ti#e, a$0 a""'#iate" that pra#ti#e with k'alin, (reathi$g te#h$iK e"> "ee &a0' 7 1992= 83, a##'r0i$g t' wh'/ ph'$i# e$erg% 8gra0 a**% #'$0e$"e", a$0 pa""i$g thr' gh a$ i$itia* Ere"'$a$#eE (nda), (e#'/e" a 0r'p (bind') '1 ph'$i# e$erg%, 0ivi0e", a$0 " ("eK e$t*% give" (irth t' the /atri7 '1 the ph'$e/e" (mtk), the$ t' the ph'$e/e" the/"e*ve" (vara), a$0 t' w'r0". .hi" "' $0 pr'#e"" i" Ethat whi#h e7pre""e"E (vcaka), a$0 i$0 #e" there(% the e/erge$#e '1 that whi#h i" e7pre""e0E (vc!a), $a/e*%, the w'r*0 '1 '(Le#t" (artha) 'r '1 the /ea$i$g" that it e7pre""e". .he ph'$i# e$erg% i" "%/('*iUe0 (% the k'alin,, i$ her twi$ a"pe#t, h /a$ a$0 #'"/i#, #'$$e#te0 with E(reathE (pra):. &a0' 7 (CM= 375) tra$"*ate" nda a" 8vi(rati'$ ph'$iK e " (ti*e: 2J 8" (t*e ph'$i# vi(rati'$:3, 'r (1992)= 8ph'$i# re"'$a$#e:, 8" (t*e "' $0:. 1194 akamla. 1195 )'te that the w'r0 tant' i" '1te$ "e0 t' 0e"#ri(e the /i00*e akti, whi#h i" #'/pare0 t' a 1i(re '1 the *'t " "ta*k (mlatant')> "ee 6'b%ikmatatantra 2?+.3 556; 120,121, where the I'00e"", i$ the 1'r/ '1 akti, the /'ther '1 the three w'r*0", "it ate0 i$ 2the /i00*e '1, 'r (etwee$3 id a$0 pigal, ha" the 1'r/ '1 a *'t " "ta*k (#'// $i#ati'$ '1 O. .'rU"'k). Sa/e i/age i$ ;Fh 35, where the I'00e"" i" #'/pare0 t' the 1i*a/e$t '1 the *'t " "ta*k= bisas)trbhar)p. 1196 sarvakakro,krea saha%aiva akaml 'c!ate J a1ter pr'vi0i$g the ge$era**% a##epte0 0e1i$iti'$ '1 the ta$tri# %apa, the #'//e$tar% t r$" t' the "pe#i1i# e7perie$#e that i" at i"" e i$ &S

Sin&e all t!is $orld is W&o"%osed ofY o'#e&ts to 'e e,%ressed, WandY iven t!at t!e (niverse &onsistin of t!irty?si, %rin&i%les88@< is esta'lis!ed in t!is very sa"e ener y of 'reat!, t!e Goddess 6$haga3at-7 $!o is s(%re"e Wa$arenessY 6pars3a$h3 R viL), par3c as par(a,ti7, ass("es t!e for" of vital 'reat! via t!e se9(en&e of aro(sal and release Wt!at follo$Y at ea&! e,!alation of Wt!e yo inIsY 'reat!) WEverY a$are 63im.(ant-7 Wof t!e a'sol(te, i)e), t!e S(%re"e PivaY, s!e &a(ses t!e attentive yo in to e,e&(te nat(rally Wa s(ita'leY re&itation in ea&! vi'ration 6spanda7 of !is 'reat!)88@C *ere, in t!e Cai3opani)ad, W$e findY t!e n("'er of re&itations W ivenY: T!e Hre&itation of t!e W"antra?Y oddessI WviL), t!e "antra H ;ASAIY is ta( !t as easy to a&&o"%lis!M Wone "ay re%eat itY 68=77 ti"es in t!e s%an of one day and one ni !t) It is diffi&(lt WonlyY for t!ose $!o are d(ll)88@@
78. .he ter/" sarvam a$0 vivam are #'re1ere$tia*, '$e i/p*%i$g a 0i"tri( tive view '1 the t'ta*it%, the 'ther a # / *ative. 1198 .he praakti that, $ti* $'w, ha0 (ee$ #'$#eive0 '1 a" a$ e$tit% i" $'w i0e$ti1ie0 with the I'00e"", her"e*1 viewe0 a" the k'alin, ("ee .B? 66, ".v. 8k'alin,: a$0 8'ccra:). 6$ #'$1'r/it% with the tw' #ar0i$a* tr th" '1 the 0'#tri$e, 1) that ever%thi$g i" ver(a* (vc!a), a$0 2) that the w'r*0 i" 1' $0e0 '$ (reath (pra), the I'00e"" a"" /e" her"e*1 the 1'r/ '1 (reath (a$ h%p'"ta"i" that the #'$#epti'$ '1 (reath a" e$erg% L "ti1ie"), a$0 (e#'/e" i$0i""'#ia(*e 1r'/ the %apa a" " #h. .h " the I'00e"" i" at '$#e (reath, %apa, a$0 the e$erg% that ti*i"e" the %'gi$ t' e7e# te the %apa, t' the e7te$t that "he i$ha(it" a$0 a$i/ate" hi/ i$ ever% *i/(. .h " i" the %'gi$ 8e$th "ia"/e0:, a" it were, i$ the 'rigi$a* "e$"e '1 the w'r0, that i", 8p'""e""e0 (% the 0eit%:. 1199 2aivopaniad 2S ;Fh 1563. De1ere$#e i" /a0e here t' the /a$tra 8) ____ 8, that i", t' the $at ra* %apa '1 a /a$tra that i" the #%#*e '1 (reathi$g it"e*1, with it" 0' (*e /'ve/e$t '1 i$"pirati'$ (ha) a$0 e7ha*ati'$ (sa). .he #'/p tati'$ i" e11e#te0 th "*%= i1 ea#h #%#*e '1 i$"pirati'$ a$0 e7ha*ati'$ *a"t" 1'r 1' r "e#'$0", there are 1i1tee$ #%#*e" per /i$ te, $i$e h $0re0 per h' r (15 7 60), a$0 21,600 per 0a% ('1 24 h' r")> the "a/e #'/p tati'$ i" 1' $0 i$ Sv. ;66 54,55a, a$0 .4 ;66 47,52a ("ee I$'*i .4= 165). .he pra#ti#e '1 the hasoccra i" a""'#iate0 with the w'r"hip '1 the k'alin,, '$e '1 wh'"e /'0a*itie" i" the madh!aprak'alin, ("ee .4 ; 135,136> a$0 .B? 66, ".v.). .hi" P*'ka (;Fh 156) i" K 'te0 (with "'/e a*terati'$") i$ ?9e/arALa a0 Sv. ;66 56, wh' attri( te" it t' ;Fh> a*"' i$ S; 666 27, ( t pre#e0e0 (% a ver"e that i" a("e$t '1 iv'pA0h%A%a:" #'//e$tar% a0 ;Fh= sakrea bahir !ti hakrea vietp'na0 hasahaset! am' mantra %,vo %apati nit!aa00, 82Freath3 e7ha*e" with the "' $0 sa a$0 i$ha*e" with the "' $0 ha. .here1're, the e/piri#a* i$0ivi0 a* ever repeat the /a$tra hasa, hasa: (tr. Si$gh S= 190, /'0i1ie0)> '$ the "tre$gth '1 the S;, Si*( r$ re"t're" (p. 170, $. 4) thi" ver"e t' the ;Fh> &a0' 7 (1992= 140, $. 149) i0e$ti1ie" the ver"e a" 7h!nabind)paniad 62, a*th' gh he '("erve"= 8thi" Hpa$i9a0 a" e0ite0 ('r #'/pi*e0) (% Hpa$i9a0 Frah/a%'gi$ (B0%ar, 1920) give" the tw' *etter" i$ the rever"e0 'r0er= ha 1'r e7ha*ati'$, sa 1'r i$ha*ati'$, ( t the pri$#ip*e re/ai$" the "a/e:. .he /a$tra 8hasa: i" the /a$tra '1 the a("'* te 86:, i$a"/ #h a" it "%/('*iUe" the " pre/e i0e$ti1i#ati'$ 8so 8ham:, 86 a/ thi":. See Sv. ;66 56= prahase sad l,na sdhaka paratattvavit0 tas!!a %apa 'ddi#a siddhim'ktiphalaprada00, 8.he a0ept rep'"e" a*wa%" i$ the prahasa a$0 k$'w" *ti/ate rea*it%0. .hi" i" what i" ter/e0 hi" re#itati'$ (%apa). .h " 0'e" he '(tai$ " #h 1r it" a" *i(erati'$ (m'kti) a$0 " per$at ra* p'wer" (siddhi)00:. ?9e/arALa #'//e$t"= iha pro nir,tavivamantrav,r!abh)tahasra!atvddhasa iti0, 8Mere, the (reath i" ter/e0 hasa, (e#a "e it i" (a"e0 '$ the hasa, wherei$ the e11i#a#ie" '1 a** the 2'ther3 mantras have (ee$ (r' ght ' t:, a$0 K 'te" ;Fh 156. .he /a$tra 8___: i" a*"' k$'w$, a*th' gh i$ te7t" *ater tha$ the 12th #e$t, (e.g., i$ iv'pA0h%A%a:" 18th #e$t, #'//e$tar% a0 ;Fh), a" a%ap%apa 2*it., a" tra$"*ate" &a0' 7, 8*a re#itati'$ 0e *a $'$,re#itee: 2J the 8re#itati'$ '1 the $'$,re#ite0:3, i.e., $at ra*, 'r a t'/ati#, 'r "p'$ta$e' ", %apa. See &a0' 7 1987= 144,147> a$0 .B? 6, ".v. a%ap, a%ap%apa> 66, ".v. %apa= 8*a pratiK e 0e *:a%ap%apa i0e$ti1ie *e /a$tra re#ite et *e "' 11*e, #e /a$tra eta$t hasa, *eK e* e"t a *a 1'i" #e" 0e 7 "%**a(e", *e "' 11*e #e$tra* a"#e$0a$t et *:e$ergie 0ivi$e ' *:a("'* , v'ir Sv. 4. 262> F;H 2 S -rahmavid!opaniad3 57,80:. .he i0e$ti1i#ati'$ '1 the %apa re1erre0 t' i$


And, in Ci3as/tra, it !as 'een stated: *is &onversation is t!e re&itation Wof t!e "antraY)8677 T!is re&itation alone is t!e fo&(s of t!ose Wade%tsY $!ose feet are to 'e !onored, %ossessed as t!ey are of W%erfe&tY &on&entration) #!rik!s :?+<@ And t!is is !is vo$) T!e "aster says: :?+<@) -hen he regards e"erything with the same glance, when he deems his awareness fully satisfied with the world seen as a cremation ground , and apprehends his body as nothing more than a staff surmounted by a skull ,8678 and when he is able to hold in his own hand Was his begging+bowlY any fragment of
&S 78 with the /a$tra ____ '11er" a #* e 1'r $0er"ta$0i$g the pa""age '1 CD:" #'//e$tar% a0 *'#= 8whe$ he r'tate" (!at parivarta!ati) 2a** thi"3 a##'r0i$g t' the "eK e$#e '1 the 1*'w" 2'1 the (reath pa""i$g3 thr' gh bind' a$0 nda 2...3:, 1'r, a##'r0i$g t' OQA$aprakAPa:" 2iva!ogaratna (P*. 4,5> 16th #e$t. B-), the (reath i" " "pe$0e0 tha$k" t' the bind' whi#h, (ei$g the an'svra '1 the "%**a(*e ha '1 hasa, i" i$ the #e$ter '1 the a%apmantra (a%apmantramadh!asthabind'n)> "ee &a0' 7, 1987= 146> the 2iva!ogaratna ha" (ee$ e0ite0 a$0 tra$"*ate0 (% .. +i#hae*. 1200 S 666 27. See a*"' ;Fh 145, K 'te0 i$ S; 666 27, a$0 i$ Sv.H 66 139a= bh)!o bh)!a pare bhve bhvan bhv!ate hi !0 %apa so 8tra sva!a ndo mantrtm %ap!a ,da00, 86$0ee0, the rea*iUati'$ (bhvan) that i" rea*iUe0 agai$ a$0 agai$ withi$ *ti/ate rea*it% i" the 2tr e3 re#itati'$ (%apa)> there 2viU., withi$ that %apa3 '1 it"e*1 the "'$i# re"'$a$#e (nda) '1 thi" "'rt i" t' (e re#ite0, (ei$g '1 the $at re '1 /a$tra:. Sa/e $'ti'$ '1 the $at ra* %apa i$ .4 6; 194= aktrimaitaddhda!r)ho !at kicid caret0 pr!d v mate vpi sa sarvo 8s!a %apo mata00, 8Rhatever he 0'e", 1ir/*% e"ta(*i"he0 i$ thi" $'$,a0ve$titi' " Meart (hda!a), whether (reathi$g 'r p'$0eri$g, a** thi" i" #'$"i0ere0 t' (e hi" %apa:. .4; a0 *'#. K 'te" the "a/e S 666 27 that CD re1er" t' here, a" we** a" (1r'/ "'/e $k$'w$ "' r#e?)= bah!air api !o %alpa sa %apa 2...30 it!d! 'ktam. 1201 Nit., 82a$ aware$e""3 a##'/pa$ie0 (% the i/agi"ti# $'ti'$ (kalpana) that hi" ('0% i" $'thi$g ( t a E"ta11 " r/' $te0 (% a "k **E (kha#vnga):. 6$ 'ther w'r0", hi" ('0% i" treate0 /etaph'ri#a**% a" a 8kha#vga:, the "ta11 that a##'/pa$ie" the a"#eti# '$ hi" L' r$e%" a$0 whi#h i" '$e '1 hi" E#hara#teri"ti# /ark"E J a "ta11 wh'"e " peri'r part i" pr'vi0e0 with 'r i/agi$e0 a" a "k **. .he *itera* /ea$i$g '1 8kha#vga: i" 8*eg 'r /e/(er (jaga) '1 a (e0 (kha#v):. 6$ e11e#t, the pper p'rti'$, 'r Ehea0E, '1 a (e0:" *eg, i$ the "hape '1 a para**e*epipe0e, i" pier#e0 with three h'*e", thr' gh whi#h the #'r0" are threa0e0 that #'$"tit te the " pp'rt" '1 the tra0iti'$a* 6$0ia$ (e0. .he tw' pper h'*e", para**e* t' the 1*''r a$0 "*ight*% apart, #a$ (e "ee$ a" the 'r(ita* #avitie" '1 a #ra$i /, whi*e the thir0, (e*'w a$0 (etwee$ the/, re"e/(*e" a /' th. .he ter/ kha#vga appear" (i$ the g i"e '1 the a0Le#tive kha#vgin) '$#e '$*% i$ the 8nanavadharmastra 2+-h3 56 105, 0' (t*e"" i$ it" *itera* "e$"e 8(e0,p'"t:> perhap" +-h 56 72 (ktv avairo dhva%am, 8havi$g /a0e the hea0 '1 a #'rp"e hi" e/(*e/:) re1er" t' ' r kha#vga, a" a$ attri( te '1 the a"#eti# ("ee, i$1ra, -a'dh!anadharmas)tra 2F4-hS3 6 1, 3)> "ee a*"' CALS 666 243, whi#h 0e"#ri(e" the /e$0i#a$t a"#eti# 8#arr%i$g a ('w* whi#h i" a "k **: (irakaplin) 8with hi" e/(*e/: (dhva%avant)> #1. *pastambadharmas)tra 2S4p-hS3 6 10, 29, 1, kha#vgadarthe 2...3, 82...3 taki$g a kha#vga a" hi" wa*ki$g "ti#k:> the #'//e$tat'r Mara0atta (14th,15th #e$t.) /e$ti'$" the tw' i$terpretati'$" '1 the ter/= either kha#vga i" a 8part '1 a (e0: 'r 8it i" t' (e take$ i$ the "e$"e we** k$'w$ i$ the .a$tra '1 the ?ApA*ika": (kha#v! aga kha#vgam 2...3 kplikatantraprasiddhas!a kha#vgas!a v grahaam), a*"'= 4a'tamadharmas)tra 666 4, 4, 4, where the pe$ite$t i" 0e"#ri(e0 a" havi$g tw' attri( te"= the kha#vga a$0 the (eggi$g,('w* /a0e '1 a "k ** (kha#vgakaplapir), a$0 F4-hS 6 1, 3= kapl, kha#vg, 2...3 dhva%a avaira ktv, 8#arr%i$g a "k ** a$0 a kha#vga, 2...3 havi$g /a0e the hea0 '1 a #'rp"e hi" e/(*e/:. 6#'$'graphi#a**%, the kha#vga i" "'/eti/e" a "ti#k " r/' $te0 (% a "k ** ('r (% /a$% "k **", a" i$ F 00hi"t repre"e$tati'$"), "'/eti/e" a ki$0 '1 "ti#k 'r /a#e wh'"e " peri'r p'rti'$ i" "# *pte0 i$ the 1'r/ '1 a "k ** ("ee 6** "trati'$).

the knowable, Winstead ofY a skull,8676 filling it with the li%uor of delighting in all the essences,867A then that is his "ow, both easy and "ery difficult)867; -hen W!e &o"%oses !is "indY in t!e $ay t!at $ill 'e e,%lained, then that is his, t!e 5no$er of t!e SelfIs, "ow R a Wself?i"%osedY restri&tion intended to %ro%itiate t!e deity t!at is !is o$n Self) O!at sort of vo$Z T!e "aster says: HWa "owY both easy and "ery difficultI) 1ery difficult, t!at is, o'tained 'y s(fferin "ade a&&e%ta'le t!ro( ! t!e favor of t!e S(%re"e Lord, %(ttin aside all ot!er "eans Wof li'erationY, for nes&ien&e itself !as vanis!ed) And it is easy, for it is o'tained $it!o(t t!e 'ot!er of ado%tin e,ternal orna"entation, s(&! as 'ones, as!es, et&), or Wof o'servin Y restri&tions as to food, et&)867B O!at is t!at vo$Z T!e "aster re%lies W$it! t!e %!rases 'e innin $it!Y H allIM t!at is, Wt!is vo$ is o'servedY $!en !e &onte"%lates all t!is, $!i&! is %resented to !is "ind867= as for"ed of a%%arent differen&e $it! an eye to its la&5 of differen&e R W$!i&! sense of (nity is in&(l&atedY 'y reasonin , 'y traditional s&ri%t(re, 'y e,%erien&e and 'y "editative e,er&ise 6a$hi(-lana7 Wand is &onfir"ed in t!e insi !tY: HIt is I alone $!o "yself "anifest as all t!isI)867< T!(s says t!e revered Bhaga3adg-t: *i"self as in all 'ein s,B And all 'ein s in !i"self, B Sees !e $!ose self is dis&i%lined in dis&i%line,B O!o sees t!e sa"e in all t!in s)867C T!(s t!e vo$ &onsists in t!e idea of non?differen&e 'e&o"e (ns!a5a'le) .oreover, when he deems his awareness fully satisfied with the world seen as a cremation ground, t!en t!is also is !is vo$) WT!is is t!(s e,%lained:Y #(st as t!is world &onsistin 'ot! of o'#e&ts to 'e 5no$n and of 5no$ers "ay 'e dee"ed to 'e over$!el"ed 'y Wa reat "anyY !(ndreds of &or%ses, na"ely, o'#e&ts &!ara&teriLed 'y insentien&e R #ars, 'odies, et&) R so, verily, it "ay indeed 'e ter"ed a &re"ation ro(nd, t!at is, a arden $!ere d$ell t!e Fat!ers)867@
<$ kapla, "ee +-h ;666 93 (kaplena ca bhikrth, 2...3), where the ter/ "ig$i1ie" "i/p*% 8(eggi$g,('w*:, a" it 0'e" i$ ve0i# te7t" ("ee, 1'r i$"ta$#e, 4p-hS 66 9, 23,10, F4-hS 66 10, 17, 23 J i$ the #'$te7t '1 the agnihotra)> #1. CALS 666 243, K 'te0 $. 1201, a$0 4p-hS 110, 28, 21= 2...3 p'r'aira prat,pnrtham d!a, 82...3 Mavi$g take$ the hea00"k ** '1 a /a$ i$ 'r0er t' 0ri$k:. O. .'rU"'k p'i$te0 ' t the a1're/e$ti'$$e0 te7t a* re1ere$#e" '$ kapla a$0 kha#vga i$ a *e#t re 0e*ivere0 at the G&MG, ;th Se#ti'$ (Te(r ar% 2008). 1203 vivarassavap)ra... rasa!ati J *it., 8he 0e*ight" i$ 2a (eggi$g,('w* that, rather tha$3 a "k **, 2i" $'thi$g ( t3 a pie#e '1 the k$'wa(*e, whi#h he h'*0" i$ hi" 'w$ ha$0, 1i**e0 with a *iK 'r 2#'/p'"e0 '13 a** e""e$#e" 2'r, '1 e""e$#e" '1 a** (thi$g")3:. .he ter/ vivarasa, i$terprete0 a" 8a** e""e$#e": /a% i/p*% a re1ere$#e t' the .a$tri# w'r"hip, i$ whi#h the a0ept partake" '1 a /i7t re '1 "e7 a* 1* i0", (*''0, a*#'h'*, et#.> vivarasa /a%, a" we**, (e $0er"t''0 a" 8the e""e$#e" 2'1 a** the thi$g"3 '1 the w'r*0:. 1204 !1. .4 6; 258(,263a, '$ the 1 ti*it% '1 'r0i$ar% v'w", whi#h are, (% $' /ea$", reK ire0 81'r $0er"ta$0i$g the p*e$it 0e '1 '$e:" 'w$ Se*1 i$ it" '/$ipre"e$#e: (svtmanas tath vaivar)p!ea p)ratva %&t'm)> a*"' .S 6;, p. 27, whi#h give" the .rika 0e1i$iti'$ '1 vrata, K 'ti$g the Bandaikh= sarvasm!a para vratam, 8.he highe"t v'w i" 2t' take3 ever%thi$g a" i0e$ti#a*:. 1205 !1. .4 6; 213,232a, 240,247(. 1206 prt,tika. 1207 sarvam idam eka sph'rmi. 1208 FhI ;6 29. 1209 pitvana.


As $ell, sin&e &ons&io(sness, Wass("in t!e for" ofY t!e Goddess, alone is sentient, and $!atever a%%ears different fro" it R na"ely, t!e entire (niverse, $!i&! is ill("ined 6ullsita7 'y t!at a$areness R is insentient and "ay 'e &o"%ared to a &or%se, so is t!e (niverse W!ere 9(ite %ro%erly &o"%ared toY a &re"ation ro(nd) F(rt!er"ore, !e dee"s !is a$areness satisfied (tterly $it! t!at world seen as a cremation ground) T!at is, !e (nderstands W!is a$arenessY to 'e sit(ated in t!e "idst Wof a &re"ation ro(ndY, "ade e,tre"ely fri !tf(l in virt(e of t!e fa&t t!at $!atever !as &o"e into 'ein is s('#e&t to destr(&tion)8687 *e $!o ta5es a W"(ndaneY vo$ 63ratin7 d$ells, does !e not, in a &re"ation ro(ndM '(t !e $!o lives 'y an ot!er?$orldly 6alau,i,a7 vo$ ta5es (% residen&e in t!is $orld of trans"i ration R itself Wa verita'leY &re"ation ro(nd "ade fri !tenin 'y t!e fa&t t!at all &o niLers and o'#e&ts of &o nition are fo(nd to 'e %eris!a'leM li5e one insane, !e %lays a"es 6,r-7 $it! t!ose fettered &o niLers, $!o are Weffe&tivelyY insentient, and $it! o'#e&ts t!at are &o niLa'le, s(&! as #ars, et&), $!i&! ta5e t!e %la&e of t!e dead Win t!e o(t$ard &re"ation ro(ndY) WT!is !e does,Y &onsiderin : HI alone a" t!e (lti"ate reality, We"'odyin Y t!e (ni9(e %rin&i%le of &ons&io(sness, W$!i&! e,tendsY every$!ereI)8688 .oreover he deems his awareness Wfully satisfied with the world seen as a cremation groundY accompanied with the imagistic notion that his body is Wnothing more thanY a staff surmounted by a skull) *ere, the body is imagined as a staff surmounted by a skull R $!i&! is t!e %res&ri'ed $ay of Wvie$in t!e 'ody, "eta%!ori&ally or in %rin&i%le, as aY s5eleton) For t!e 'ody of t!e yo in after all a"o(nts to not!in '(t a &or%se, is not!in '(t t!e re"ainder of root i"%ressions Wleft 'y !is %revio(s e,%erien&eY, 8686 for !e dee"s !is Wtr(eY self to !ave one 'eyond t!e 'ody, o$in to t!e e,ter"ination of !is fo(l seiL(re 'y t!e &on&eit t!at !is 'ody is t!e lo&(s of t!e &o niLer)868A For !i" $!o t!in5s t!(s, !is 'ody is i"a ined as sta"%ed 6Hmudr7 $it! t!e for" of a s5eleton) WT!erefore, his awarenessY is furnished 6,alitm7, i"%ressed 6mudritm7, $it! t!at Wi"a eY, inas"(&! as W!is a$areness is no$ %res("ed to 'e t!eY s('strat(" for $!atever is to 'e en#oyed) Indeed, t!e !eroi& as&eti& 63-ra3ratin7868; sit(ated in a &re"ation ro(nd s!o(ld 'e Wvie$ed as ifY "ar5ed W$it! t!e si n, or i"%rintY of t!e staff s(r"o(nted 'y a s5(llM for !e, $!ose Wtr(eY for" is !is a$areness, &onsiders !is o$n 'ody as different fro" t!at a$areness insofar as it is so"et!in to 'e 5no$n R !en&e t!e Hsta"% of t!e staff s(r"o(nted 'y a s5(llI Wis #(stly said to 'e (%on itY) And t!at also &onstit(tes !is vo$)
<r, taki$g the #'/p' $0 a" a dvandva= 8(% virt e '1 2"#e$e" '13 #reati'$ a$0 0e"tr #ti'$:. sarvatrham eva ekacittattvaparamrtha. 1212 .hi" a$a*'g% '1 the kha#vga repre"e$t" a ta$tri# /etaph'riUati'$ '1 the $'ti'$ '1 aar,ratva, whi#h, i$ F4H 6; 4, 7, K 'te0 $. 1062, i" re$0ere0 (% the "*' gh '1 a "$ake. !1. CD a0 83= 81ree '1 the /'0e" (bhva) 20eter/i$e03 (% the 2he7a0 '13 "heath" (ka&c'ka) wh'"e 1ir"t i" m!, he reK ire" $'thi$g e*"e, /ere*% " pp'rti$g hi" ('0% a" 2(a"i" 1'r e7ha "ti$g3 the 2 $e7pe$0e03 re/ai$0er (ea) '1 2previ' "3 i/pre""i'$" (saskra), i$ the wa% the 2p'tter:"3 whee* 2g'e" '$3 r'tati$g (cakrabhrama) 2a1ter the p'tter ha" #ea"e0 i/pe**i$g it3:> a$0= 86$ a$% #a"e, h'w #' *0 there (e aware$e"" (smti) at the e$0 with' t there (ei$g a11ir/ati'$ '1 r''t i/pre""i'$" (saskra) *e1t (% hi" previ' " e7perie$#e (p)rvn'bhava)?: 1213 Nit., (taki$g d'rgraha i$ the "e$"e '1 graha) 8'wi$g t' the e7ter/i$ati'$ '1 2th'"e wi"e /e$:"3 2"t (('r$3 i$"i"te$#e that the ('0% 2et#.3 i" the #'g$iUer:. 1214 Nit., 8he wh' ha" take$ the her'i# v'w:.
1210 1211


Si"ilarly, he delights in 6rasayati7 Wa 'e in ?'o$l t!at, rat!er t!anY a s5(ll, Wis not!in '(tY a piece of the knowable R t!at is, !e ta5es %leas(re 6car3ayati7 in it R for, t!e knowable is anyt!in !avin t!e for" of t!e en#oya'le, &!ara&teriLed 'y t!e %entad of o'#e&ts, so(nd, et&)M it is deli"ited 'ot! 'y $!at t!ere is to 5no$ and $!at t!ere is to do)868B T!(s t!e W5no$a'leY is said !ere to 'e a piece, e9(ivalent to t!e %ie&e of s5(ll W(sed as a 'e in ?'o$l 'y Paiva as&eti&sY, $!i&! is not!in '(t a Wfra "ent ofY skull, t!at is, a s!ard of t!e &ranial 'one R in which he delights, t!at is, at $!i&! !e "arvels, 'y re%osin in %erfe&t i%seity, %eriodi&ally si%%in t!e essen&e Wof t!e 5no$a'leY R t!en t!at also is !is vo$) T!at t!e drin5 of !eroes 63-rapna7 %la&ed in a s5(ll is indeed savored 'y !i" $!o ta5es a vo$ is e,%ressed 'y t!e $ords: WHfilled with a li%uor composed ofY all the essences Wof the entities of the uni"erseYI)868= .oreover, t!e %ortion of t!e essen&e W%resentY in all Wentities, or in the uni"erseY, t!at is &ontained in t!e fra "ent of s5(ll !avin t!e for" of t!e 5no$a'le %entad of o'#e&ts, so(nd, et&), na"ely, t!e %art "ade of t!e a"'rosia t!at is deli !t 6car3a07 itself, is not!in ot!er t!an $!at is &alled !ere the li%uor WcomposedY of WallY the essences Wof the entities of the uni"erseY, for it offers s(%re"e 'liss 6paramnanda7M it is t!e 'est of drin5s, and Wt!at Qs5(llQY is filled $it! it) And t!is "i !t WalsoY 'e said: 'y skull is W!ere intendedY Hso"et!in servin as a re&e%ta&leI, na"ely, t!e resistant %art of t!e HallI t!at "ay 'e analo iLed to a Hs!ardIM t!e Hdrin5I is t!e essential %ortion868< &ontained in t!at Ws&il), H&(%IY, &a%a'le of &reatin $onder, for it offers e,(ltation) No$, a s5(ll is !eld in t!e !and of one $!o !as ta5en a vo$M !en&e, t!e "aster says: HWIt isY held in his own handsI) *ere, his own "eans Ht!ose 'elon in to !i"IM t!e ter" H,araI, HhandI Wsi nifies alsoY t!e Hrays of &ons&io(snessI, essentially, t!e oddesses t!at are t!e or ans of sense s(&! as t!e eye, et&)M in t!e" Ws&il), t!e H!andsI, i)e), t!e HraysI of &ons&io(sness, i)e), t!e oddesses, i)e), t!e or ans of senseY is re&eived t!e fra "ent of t!e 5no$a'le t!at W"o"entarilyY ass("es t!e &!ara&ter of an o'#e&t, insofar as it is so"et!in to 'e en#oyedM !en&e t!e W"eta%!ori&al 'o$lY is said to 'e H!eld in !is o$n !andsI) As a drin5 is dr(n5 $it! t!e aid of a W'e in ?'o$l "ade of aY s5(ll !eld in t!e !and, so 'y t!e Wtr(eY yo in is savored t!e li9(or W&o"%osedY of all t!e essen&es, at!ered (nto !i" 'y "eans of t!e sense?or ans, t!e eye, et&), $!i&! are t!e HraysI of !is &ons&io(sness 6sa3it,ara7, $it! t!e aid of t!at Qs5(llQ $!i&! is any %ie&e of t!e 5no$a'le) *ere is t!e %(r%ort of $!at !as 'een said: t!e yo in, at!erin (%, 'y "eans of t!e oddesses t!at are t!e or ans of sense, t!e %entad of o'#e&ts &onstantly offered to !i" in t!is $ay, %arta5es of &onstant re%ose in +!airava, $!o is !is o$n &ons&io(sness, 'y t!e a&t of reasonin itself)868C Until t!e very last "o"ent, !e leads W!is lifeY, as ta( !t !ere, in &onfor"ity $it! t!e vie$ t!at t!ere is no se&ond 6ad3ayad.(7) S(&! is t!e vo$ of !i" $!o !as &(ltivated t!e lot(s feet of a tr(e tea&!er) +eyond t!at is not!in '(t t!e desi&&ation of t!e 'ody)
See CD a0 21. .here /a% (e here a vei*e0 re1ere$#e t' ?a *a rite"> "ee +a""'$, &atwar0ha$ 1969= 3811., e"p., 42> a*"' .4 5565, 6 a$0 pa""i/. 1217 srabhga. 1218 B re1ere$#e t' the 8view that there i" $' "e#'$0: (adva!ad), a" "tate0 i$ the $e7t "e$te$#e?
1215 1216


#!rik! < No$, s(""in (% $!at !as 'een %revio(sly e,%o(nded, t!e "aster e,%lains t!at t!is do&trine is %ree"inent Wa"on do&trinesY: < ) So, ha"ing attained Wthat condition which isY called by the name FaheD"ara, namely, ultimate reality, wherein he is shorn of birth and death, Wthe yoginY remains Win this worldY, WactingY as he wishes, because all that he manifests WhenceforthY is the WpureY state of the agent of experience M868@ he has accomplished whate"er he had to do)8667 So, t!at is, in t!e "anner #(st no$ e,%o(nded,8668 ha"ing apprehended t!e se&ret t!at is called by the name FaheD"ara, namely, ultimate reality R t!at is, !avin &orre&tly e,%erien&ed t!e Great Lord as !e is in reality, in virt(e of t!e (ns!a5a'le realiLation8666 Wof t!at realityY in !is o$n !eart)))M WAns$erin t!e 9(estionY H$!at sort Wof entityY is t!is W(lti"ate realityYZI, t!e "aster e,%lains: it is Hfree from birth and deathI, or, in ot!er $ords, is t!at 'y $!i&!, $!en (nderstood, t!ere &an 'e no "ore 'irt! or deat!M *avin realiLed t!is WstateY, t!e yo in re"ains Win this worldY, WactingY as he wishes, ha"ing accomplished whate"er he had to do)866A WT!is "eans:Y t!e yo in, t!e final oal of $!ose e,isten&e 6parapuru)rtha7 !as 'een f(lfilled, o$in to t!e a'sen&e of anyt!in f(rt!er to 'e done, remains Win this worldY, t!at is, &ontin(es Wto liveY, %assin !is ti"e as he wishes, $it!o(t ever e,&eedin Wt!e 'o(ndaries ofY !is o$n desire, !is 'ody 5e%t WHin "otionIY li5e t!e freely revolvin $!eel W$!i&! on&e set in "otion 'y t!e %otter oes on rotatin $it!o(t f(rt!er effort on !is %artY)866; *o$ is t!is %ossi'leZ T!e "aster re%lies: H because Wall thatY he manifests WhenceforthY is the WpureY state of the agent of experienceI W(n?entan led $it! t!e %eris!a'le o'#e&ts of t!is $orldY R t!at is, 'e&a(se, in all &onditions WviL), in $!atever &ir&("stan&es !e finds !i"selfY, he is manifest as t!e W%(reY a ent of e,%erien&e Wand not as an en#oyerY, !is is t!e eff(l en&e 6parisphura0a7 attained t!ro( ! s(stained &on&entration on t!at very se&ret) In ot!er $ords, t!o( ! re"ainin in !is 'ody, Wt!e yo inY e,%erien&es 'liss (ns(llied W'y 'odily &onta&tY) #!rik! <*
.hat i", $e$ta$g*e0 with the peri"ha(*e '(Le#t" '1 thi" w'r*0. B0aptati'$ '1 B&S 79. <$ the $'ti'$ '1 ktakt!at, "ee CD a0 50. 1221 .hi" i$terpretati'$ '1 samanantara i" reK ire0 (% the #'$te7t ("ee the avat., a$0 the iti '1 the kArikA). 1222 pratipatti. 1223 !1. &S 40. 1224 !1. S? 67= sam!ag%&ndhigamd dharmd,nm akraaprpta'0 ti#hati saskravaac cakrabhramavad dhtaar,ra, 8F% the attai$/e$t '1 per1e#t wi"0'/, virt e a$0 the re"t (e#'/e 0ev'i0 '1 #a "a* e$erg%> %et the "pirit re/ai$" a whi*e i$ve"te0 with the ('0%, L "t a" a p'tter:" whee* #'$ti$ e" t' rev'*ve thr' gh the /'/e$t / '1 the i/p *"e previ' "*% i/parte0 t' it: (tr. I. Oha) J '1 whi#h the pre"e$t pa""age (2...3 cakrabhramavad dhtaar,ra ti#hati 2...3) "ee/" /ere*% a$ e/pr $t. .4 55;666 312,320a K 'te" 4&S 81 (v. 312) a$0 #'//e$t" p'$ it (vv. 313,320a). 6t i" $'tew'rth% that .4; a0 *'#. (avat. a0 55;666 317) J that i", i$ the "a/e #'$te7t, i$a"/ #h a" &S 83 repr'0 #e" B&S 81 J p t" the K 'te '1 the "a/e v. 67 '1 the S? i$ the /' th '1 a$ '(Le#t'r. !1. &S 69 a$0 4 66 37( (K 'te0 $. 1109)= 2...3 !atir !dcchiko bhavet, 82...3 '$e "h' *0 (e#'/e a$ a"#eti# a$0 *ive "p'$ta$e' "*%, with' t wi**i$g a$%thi$g:. Sa/e i/age a$0 phra"e'*'g% i$ CD a0 83.
1219 1220


A"on livin 'ein s, anyone at all $!o t!(s 5no$s !is o$n Self Wto 'e identi&al $it! t!e (niversal SelfY, $o(ld 'e&o"e one $it! t!at Self R $it! t!is in "ind, t!e "aster no$ tea&!es t!e a'sen&e of any restri&tion as to $!et!er Wt!e st(dentY is entitled Writ(ally to %(rs(e s(&! 5no$led eY: <*) Ae who knows the Self of all, thus described R Wsource ofY supreme and incomparable bliss, omnipresent, utterly de"oid of di"ersity R becomes one with that Self) Ae who knows R $!atsoever ani"ate 'ein 5no$s R t!e o"ni%resent Piva, $!o !as 'een thus R in t!e $ay "entioned R described, t!at is, "ade 5no$n as a (nifor" and (n9(alified "ass of 'lissf(l &ons&io(sness 'y t!e "et!ods of ar ("ent, s&ri%t(re, e,%erien&e and s(stained &on&entration R t!at is, anyone at all $!o !as a'andoned Wall "(ndaneY li"itation becomes one with that WSelfY R $o(ld 'e none ot!er t!an Piva !i"self) So is t!e verse to 'e &onstr(ed) In t!is &ase, t!ere is no restri&tion as to $!et!er t!e Wst(dent is rit(allyY entitled to W%(rs(eY t!e 5no$led e of t!e Self, for all t!ose, $!oever t!ey "ay 'e, $!o are affli&ted 'y t!e fa(lts of 'irt!, deat!, et&) R even if t!ey 'e ani"als R 'e&o"e one $it! !i" 'y re&o niLin 6pratya$hi12nt7 t!at t!e Great Lord is oneIs o$n Self) S(&! is t!e referen&e866B of t!e $ord HyatI: Hhe who )))I) F(rt!er, Wt!is o"ni%resent PivaY is !o$ Wto 'e des&ri'edYZ W*e isY t!e Self of all, t!e Self of all t!at &o niLes and is &o niLedM or Wta5in t!e &o"%o(nd as a +1Y !e is t!at $!ose Self is W&o"%osed ofY t!e entirety of 5no$ers and t!in s 5no$nM in ot!er $ords, !e is 'ot! t!e trans&endent 6sar3ott-r0a7 and t!e i""anent 6sar3amaya7) *en&e Wt!is o"ni%resent PivaY is Wdes&ri'ed asY ha"ing shaken off, or !avin set aside, di"ersity, t!e infinity of W%!eno"enalY differen&e, on a&&o(nt of !is a%%earan&e 6sphura0a7 in t!e for" of &ons&io(sness al$ays and every$!ereM !e is f(rt!er des&ri'ed as t!at whose bliss is incomparable, devoid of 9(alifi&ation and "ost e,&ellent, 'e&a(se e,%e&tation Wof any t!in at all, for !i"Y is la&5in ) Anyone $!o 5no$s t!(s !is o$n Self $o(ld 'e&o"e Piva 6(i3ar/pin7) #!rik! <, S(&! 'ein t!e &ase, $!ere s!o(ld !e $!o !as (nderstood t!at t!e Great Lord is !is o$n Self ive (% !is 'ody, $!en !is entitle"ent to t!at 'ody !as 'een e,tin (is!ed, and to $!at W%la&eY does !e t!en oZ T!e "aster no$ re"oves s(&! do('ts: <,) -hether he gi"es up his body in a place of pilgrimage or in the hut of an outcaste, be he conscious or not ,866= he goes WthenceY to a condition of transcendent Isolation, his grie"ing at an end, for he was liberated at the "ery moment he ac%uired knowledge)866<
parmara. Nit., 8eve$ i1 he (e $' *'$ger #'$"#i' ":. 1227 .hi" ver"e i" ('rr'we0 1r'/ 4&S 81 with' t a*terati'$. BI K 'te" it i$ tw' 'ther p*a#e"= IBS a0 ;666 5,7, re1erri$g t' it a" a$ 8a th'ritative r ti: a$0 .4 55;666 312, where it i" re1erre0 t' (% OD a" a$ gama J with a varia$t= parit!a%et 1'r parit!a%an> $'te that .4 55;666 315a #'//e$t" p'$ the "e '1 the 'ptative, e7pre""ive '1 the p'""i(i*it% (sabhvan). .he ver"e i" K 'te0 a*"' ("ee S. Sa"tri 4&S= 38, a$0 I$'*i .4= 536, $. 5) i$ a *ate 14th #e$t. ;e0A$ta te7t (2$0 ha*1 '1), ;i0%Ara@%a:" 3,vanm'ktiviveka ("ee 6$tr., $. 54). !1. the "i/i*ar ver"e 1r'/ the Fatnamlstra, K 'te0 (% the i//e0iate*% pre#e0i$g pa""age '1 .4 55;666 (v. 310)= rath!ntare m)trap'r,amadh!e calagehe nira!e mane0 sacintako v gatacintako v %&n, vimoka



T!e 5no$er of t!e Self $!o !as t!(s &on&entrated $it! deter"ination (%on 6pari(-lita7 !is nat(re and $!ose !eart !as tr(ly ained &onfiden&e t!ro( ! t!e vision of (lti"ate nond(ality, sayin to !i"self: HAll t!is (niverse is not!in '(t t!e freedo" t!at is "anifest in "y o$n SelfI,866C $!et!er a'andonin !is 'ody in a place of pilgrimage, t!at is, in a "ost sa&red %la&e s(&! as Pray4 a, P(S5ara, /(r(5Setra, et&), or in t!e "ost defiled Wof %la&esY, t!e residen&e of an o(t&aste, 'y $!i&! referen&e is "eant a d$ellin of t!e lo$liest of "enM t!(s, in eit!er &ase, free fro" t!e ve,ation of see5in or avoidin Ws(&! %la&esY, he goes to a condition of transcendent Isolation 6,ai3alya7 WviL), rea&!es Hse%arationI fro" t!e li"ited $orld of 'onda eY t!ro( ! 5no$led e of t!e Self aloneM t!at is, in ot!er $ords, after t!e destr(&tion of !is 'ody, !e attains a &ondition of Isolation 6,e3alat7 t!at is 'eyond t!e Fo(rt! state Wof &ons&io(snessY, &o"%osed solely of 'lissf(l &ons&io(sness, a &ondition 9(ite a%art fro" t!e !ost of &a(ses and effe&ts, s(&! as t!e %ri"al "atter, et&)866@ Fro" $!i&! it follo$s t!at for !i" t!ere is no lon er any dis&ri"ination of Wli&itY o'#e&t Ws&il), Hof &ons&io(snessIY fro" illi&it o'#e&t, 86A7 for !e sees $it! an indifferent eye t!at all t!is (niverse is %er"eated $it! !is Self and is %resided over 'y t!e S(%re"e LordM t!erefore, t!e grief t!at arises fro" do('ts o&&asioned 'y Wt!e %resen&e ofY &!oi&e has been destroyed, i)e), re#e&ted) *is grief is t!(s said to 'e at an end) As it !as 'een said in t!e revered Fir30ayogottara: It is a "atter of indifferen&e for t!e" $!o 5no$ Piva as (lti"ate %rin&i%le $!et!er deat! ta5es %la&e in t!e *i"alayas, or at GaT 4dv4ra WX *aridv4raY, or in 14r4KasF, or /(r(W5SetraY, or Pray4 a, or WevenY in t!e !o(se of an o(t&aste, et&)86A8

labhate 8pi cnte, 8Gve$ i1 at hi" 1i$a* h' r he 1i$0" hi/"e*1 i$ a r'a0wa%, 'r " rr' $0e0 (% ri$e a$0 1e#e", 'r i$ the h t '1 a$ ' t#a"te, 'r "'/e 'ther vi*e p*a#e, 'r i$ a #re/ati'$ gr' $0 J whether he (e #'$"#i' " 'r $#'$"#i' " J he $'$ethe*e"" attai$" *i(erati'$ 2viU., he i" 1ree0 1r'/ the 1etter" '1 the ('0%3 21'r the"e p'** ti'$", whi#h are '1 the ('0%, 0' $'t /'0i1% hi" a*rea0% per1e#te0 "tate3:> a$0 the (a$'$%/' "?) K 'te that 1'**'w" that '1 4&S 81, i$ the "a/e pa""age '1 IBS ;666 5,7= tan' t!a%at' v k! vapacas!a ghe 8thav0 %&nasaprptisama!e m'kto 8sa' vigata%vara00, 8Me /a% give p hi" ('0% i$ ?APY 'r i$ the h' "e '1 a$ ' t#a"te. Me, wh'"e 2"a"Ari#3 1ever i" 'ver, wa" *i(erate0 at the ti/e '1 the attai$/e$t '1 %&na: (tr. Shar/a IBS= 160) J a ver"e a*"' K 'te0 81r'/ the S/Xti: (smte), i$ the Tattvabodha attri( te0 t' akara. !'/pare &S 83 (kaival!a !ti) a$0 .4 6; 212 (atra !to gato r)hi kaival!am adhigacchati0 lokair lok!amno hi dehabandhavidha' sthita), whi#h rei$1'r#e" ' r h%p'the"i" that the ktop!a i" the p'i$t '1 view '1 #h'i#e 1'r the &S whe$ ev'ki$g the 1ig re '1 the %,vanm'kta J #hapter 6; '1 the .4 (ei$g 0ev'te0 t' that path. 1228 sarvam ida svatmaprakaasvatantr!am. 1229 !1. the wa% .4 55;666 316,320a a$0 OD a0 *'#. #'//e$t '$ kaival!a !ti, wh'"e a/(ig it% i" $0er*i$e0. <$ t'r!a a$0 t'r!t,ta, "ee &S 85,86 a$0 6$tr., p. 29. 1230 ketra0aketra. 1231 <$ the Birva!ogottara, a /a$ "#ript '1 whi#h i" 0ep'"ite0 i$ the !e$tra* Ni(rar% i$ FMH ($'.0$j ! 4246), "ee -%#Uk'w"ki /avitpraka= 7, $. 1. <$ the va$it% '1 pre"#ripti'$" a$0 pr'hi(iti'$", "ee CD a0 69.

Nor t!ere is any need for a$areness 6sm.ti7QLPL at t!e ti"e $!en 'ody falls a$ay) It is $it! t!is in "ind t!at t!e "aster says: He"en if he be no longer consciousI) *ere, t!e "eanin of t!e $ord e"en is: HLet &ons&io(sness 6sasm.ti7 &ease W, $!at does it "atterY[I Even if t!e 5no$er of t!e Self is no longer conscious at t!e "o"ent !e a'andons !is 'ody, 'ein over%o$ered 'y t!e !("ors of $ind, 'ile or %!le " arisin at t!at "o"ent86AAR t!at is, if &ons&io(sness of !is o$n Self !as de%arted R even if !e t!(s, !el%less, leaves !is 'ody, no$ &o"%ara'le to $ood or stone, even so, !avin already attained t!e 5no$led e of !is o$n Self, !e (ndo('tedly rea&!es Wa'sol(teY Isolation 6,ai3alya7) T!erefore, t!ere is no %arti&(lar si nifi&an&e86A; atta&!in , at t!e ti"e of deat!, eit!er to a$areness 6smara0a7 or to its a'sen&e, %rovided t!at one !as WalreadyY attained 5no$led e of !is o$n Self) No$, if one $ere to o'#e&t: R Let t!ere, t!en, 'e no distin&tion "ade, for !i" $!o is Wf(llyY &o niLant of t!e 5no$led e &on&ernin !is o$n Self, 'et$een a %la&e of %il ri"a e and its &ontrary R '(t, $!en yo( say: Heven if !e 'e no lon er &ons&io(s at t!e final "o"entI, t!en, as far as t!e self?5no$led e is &on&erned t!at !ad 'een (nderstood as %rovidin a "eans 6upyat7 Wto li'erationY, if, at t!e "o"ent of t!e 'odyIs fallin a$ay, !e !as WalsoY 'e&o"e (na$are 63ismara0a7 of t!at very 5no$led e, !o$ &o(ld !e t!en 'e Wsaid to 'eY li'erated 6mu,ta7Z As !as 'een stated in t!e revered "-t: And at t!e !o(r of deat!, on .e alone B .editatin , leavin t!e 'odyB O!oso dies, to .y estate !eB GoesM t!ere is no do('t of t!at)86AB And so, in s(&! &ases Was indi&ated in t!e "-tY, "editation 6smara0a7 is indeed Ws!o$n to 'eY (sef(lM and even if one &o(ld Wso"e!o$Y attain identity $it! !i" Wt!e LordY at t!e final "o"ent, in t!e a'sen&e of any "editation on t!e S(%re"e Lord, t!en all fettered so(ls, even t!e st(%id, $o(ld at t!e ti"e of deat!, realiLe $it!in t!e"selves t!e S(%re"e Lord, for no distin&tion W'et$een t!e" and t!e 5no$ers of t!e Self !as 'een %ositedYM f(rt!er"ore, all s(&! state"ents W&lai"in so"e final 'enefit for t!e tr(e 5no$er, s(&! as t!ose yo( !ave 'een re alin (s $it! in t!is $or5Y $o(ld 'e (na(t!oritative) +(t t!is is not t!e &ase) WAnti&i%atin s(&! ar ("entsY t!e "aster says in re%ly: HWhe who becameY liberated at the "ery moment of his ac%uiring knowledge I) Tr(e, t!ere "ay 'e no (tiliLation of W&ons&io(sY "editation on !is %art Wat t!e ti"e of deat!YM !o$ever, it $as at t!e very "o"ent $!en t!e tr(e tea&!er, W$!is%erin Y into t!e de%t! of !is ear, &onveyed to !i" t!e 5no$led e t!at t!e Great Lord is !is o$n Self, t!at !e a&9(ired86A= t!e (lti"ate "eanin of t!e 5no$led e of !is o$n Self: HI "yself a" all t!isI)86A< Free of t!e "odes deter"ined 'y t!e W!e,ad ofY s!eat!s $!ose first is my, !e re9(ires not!in else, "erely s(%%ortin !is 'ody as W'asis for e,!a(stin Y t!e W(ne,%endedY re"ainder of W%revio(sY root i"%ressions, in t!e $ay t!e W%otterIsY
smti /ea$" 8/e/'r%: stricto sens', ( t here, the w'r0 i" e/p*'%e0 /'re 'r *e"" (% "%$e#0'#he t' "ig$i1% 8#'$"#i' "$e"": ('1 "'/ethi$g) i$ ge$era*. .he e$tire 1'**'wi$g 0i"# ""i'$ "ee/" t' i/p*% the K e"ti'$= 8!a$ '$e arrive at kaival!a with' t (ei$g #'$"#i' " at the /'/e$t '1 0eath?: 1233 Sa/e 0eve*'p/e$t i$ CD a0 94,95. 1234 viea J *it., 80i11ere$#e:. 1235 FhI ;666 5. 1236 adhir)ha J *it., 8/' $te0 p'$:. 1237 aham eva sarvam idam. !1. .4 55;666 72,73a, whi#h K 'te" the Bi#ana ("ee $. 1240).


$!eel W oes onY rotatin Wafter t!e %otter !as &eased i"%ellin itY) 86AC T!(s, Won&e !e !as a&9(ired tr(e 5no$led e,Y t!ere is no reason, at t!e final "o"ent, for !i" to 'ot!er a'o(t a$areness or its o%%osite, inas"(&! as t!e &or%oreal s!eat! is effe&tive only so lon as a relation $it! t!e s!eat!s of t!e i"%(rities of dee"in oneself finite, and of re ardin t!e $orld as o'#e&tive t!at arise fro" i noran&e e,ists) +(t sin&e t!e s!eat! &reated 'y i noran&e !as already 'een destroyed 'y Wt!e (r(IsY instr(&tion re ardin 5no$led e of oneIs o$n Wtr(eY Self, !o$ &an any s(&! &or%oreal s!eat!, WevenY "ori'(nd, effe&t any &ontrol over t!e 5no$er of t!e tr(e Self at t!e endZ T!(s, !e $o(ld !ave 'een li'erated 6mu,ta7 at t!e "o"ent t!e 5no$led e of t!e Self $as e,%lained to !i", and !e $ill o on livin 61-3ann e3a7 Wtill !is prra$dha a&tions are e,!a(stedY) As !as 'een stated in t!e Kularatnamli, $!i&! !as a t!o(sand verses: O!en t!e "ost e,&ellent tea&!er tea&!es !i" &orre&tly, !e is (ndo('tedly li'erated at t!at very "o"entM t!ereafter !e in!a'its Wa 'odyY "erely W"ovin Y li5e t!e revolvin $!eel Wof t!e %otterY)86A@ And also in t!e revered Fi(@ana:86;7
cakrabhrama J S? 67 i" i/p*i#it*% pre"e$t here. Sa/e i/age i$ CD a0 81. Nit., 82therea1ter3 the /e#ha$i"/ #'$ti$ e" t' 1 $#ti'$:. <r 8*i(erate0 at that ver% /'/e$t, he w' *0 /ere*% 0we** i$ ti/e *ike a p'tter:" whee* 2rev'*ve" 1'r a ti/e3:, !antra, /ea$i$g 80evi#e: 'r 8/e#ha$i"/: (i$ ge$era*), ha" (ee$ $0er"t''0 a" re1erri$g t' the p'tter:" whee*, a$ i/age 1reK e$t*% atte"te0> #1. .4; 5666 231a= !antram iti akicitkaratvt, 8EB /e#ha$i"/ 2"#i*., the p'tter:" whee*3E i" re1erre0 t' here, 1'r 2the ('0%, "' $0er"t''03 $' *'$ger 0'e" a$%thi$g:. .hi" i" a we**k$'w$ ver"e #ite0 a*"' i$ &+ 66 (with the varia$t= !atra) i$ the #'$te7t '1 i$itiati'$ (% 8the tea#her:" "i0e*'$g,g*a$#e: (g'r'ka#kapta). S; 666 43 K 'te" it a" (e*'$gi$g t' the 6'laratnaml a$0 give" the ver"e i//e0iate*% 1'**'wi$g J ver"e that /ight re1er t' the %,vanm'kti a#K ire0 thr' gh the 8$'$,/ea$": (an'p!a)= ki p'na caikatnas t' pare brahmai !a s'dh,0 kaamtrasthito !og, sa m'kto moca!et pra%00, 8M'w / #h /'re the$ the %'gi$ '1 " pre/e $0er"ta$0i$gW 61 he i" e"ta(*i"he0 i$ the highe"t Frah/a$ with '$e,p'i$te0$e"" eve$ 1'r a /'/e$t, he i" *i(erate0 hi/"e*1 a$0 he *i(erate" 'ther pe'p*e: (tr. Si$gh). .4 5666 230(,231a (with varia$t= tadaiva kila m'kto 8sa' 1'r m'ktas tenaiva klena) a$0 555;66 27 ('th #ite the "a/e ver"e 1r'/ the 26'la3ratnaml= !asmin kale g'r' nirvikalpa prakitam0 m'ktas tenaiva klena !antra ti#hati kevalam00, '1 whi#h the 2$0 he/i"ti#h ha" the "a/e 1'r/ a" the 2$0 he/i"ti#h '1 the Fatnaml #ite0 (% CD a0 83 a$0 S; 666 43. .he 6'laratnaml i" a( $0a$t*% /e$ti'$e0 i$ the .4 a" 2r,k'laratnaml, 2r,ratnaml, 2r,ml (.4 a$0 .4; 6 274, 56 28, 5666 229(,231a, 5; 594 (... r,manmloditam), 55;666112, 128 (r,ratnamlk'lgame), 145, 256, 309, 310, 415,417a, 5565 55, 192(,195a, 201,202a, 238(,239a, 282,283, 5556 60( (a** 0e0 t' (% dev!!malamla!o?), 555;66 25(,29 (varia$t '1 the te7t K 'te0 i$ 5666 230,231). 1240 .he Bi#ana (Biisacra, Bicara, Biicra, Baiasacra, +#ana) i" a pre,10th #e$t. ?a *a te7t, whi#h ha" " rvive0 i$ a /a$ "#ript i$ ?ath/a$0 = )B? 1,1606 (pa*/,*ea1, )ewari "#ript)> "ee Sa$0er"'$ 2005= 110,112, 133> 2007= 375. 6t i" a( $0a$t*% /e$ti'$e0 i$ .4 a$0 .4;= 6 51, 6; 78(, 6; 177,178a, ;6 31(, 566 23(,24a, 5666 197, 241(,242a, 56; 43(,45, 5; 83,97a, 105(,107a, 596, 5;6 200a (a##'r0i$g t' OD, stre i" i/p*i#it*% re1erri$g t' the Bi#ana), 55;666 72,75a, whi#h K 'te" 1r'/ the Bi#ana= r,manni#ane 8p! 'kta kathannvead api0 rotrbh!antarasaprpte g'r'vaktrd vinirgate00 m'ktas tadaiva kale t' !antra ti#hati kevalam0 s'rpa ste!ahr, ca brahmah g'r'talpaga00 an!a%o v dvi%o vtha blo vddho !'vpi v0 par!antavs, !o %&n, deas!pi pavitraka00 tatra sanihito deva sadev,ka sakikara00, 86$ the Bi#ana J a" "''$ a" it *eave" the /' th '1 the tea#her, a" "''$ a" it i" re#eive0 i$ the "pa#e '1 the ear 2'1 the "t 0e$t3, eve$ i1 2the *atter3 / "t "ti** i$K ire a" t' the "e$"e '1 the tea#hi$g J it i" "ai0 that 2the hearer3 i" *i(erate0 at that ver% /'/e$t> the E/a#hi$eE 2viU., the ('0%> the i/p*i#it i/age (ei$g that '1 the p'tter:" whee*3 a*'$e per"i"t" J whether he (e a 0r $kar0 'r a thie1 'r a ki**er '1 (rah/i$" 'r a vi"it'r i$ the (e0 '1 hi" tea#her, whether he (e ('r$ a
1238 1239


WIn t!e ti"e it ta5esY to "il5 a &o$ or an arro$ to fall, $!i&! "ay 'e en&o"%assed in t!e 'lin5 of an eye, !e $!o !as on&e identified !i"self Wlit), H(nited !i"selfIY $it! t!e (lti"ate %rin&i%le, is li'erated and !e "ay li'erate ot!ers) *o$ &an t!ere 'e t!en, for !i" $!ose Self !as "er ed %revio(sly, for a "o"ent, into t!e trans&endental $rahman, Wany 9(estion ofY a$areness at t!e end of lifeZ .oreover, 'y $!o" else &an t!e last "o"ent of t!e 5no$er of t!e Self 6tma3id7 'e dire&tly e,%erien&ed, a%art fro" t!e $itness t!at is !is o$n e,%erien&eZ R On t!e stren t! of $!i&! $itness one "i !t %osit t!e e,isten&e in !i" of a$areness or its o%%osite, inas"(&! as Ht!ose $!o see !oriLontallyI WviL), fettered s('#e&tsY 86;8 are not %rivy to any s(&! real" of e,%erien&eZ T!erefore, in t!is "atter, let t!e o"nis&ient ones 'e as5ed t!eir o%inion)86;6 .oreover, fro" t!e "ere "ove"ent of t!e 'ody at t!e ti"e of deat!, one &annot infer t!at t!e "o"ent of a'andonin t!e 'ody is to 'e ta5en as eit!er a(s%i&io(s or ina(s%i&io(s Wt!at is, t!at it $o(ld lead or not to li'erationY for !i" $!o !as realiLed t!e (lti"ate tr(t!)86;A T!erefore, ne&essarily, t!e S(%re"e Lord, a'idin ever in !is o$n Self, &a(ses !i" $!o !as a&9(ired 5no$led e of t!e Self and $!o !as 'een "ade over into t!e &ondition of t!at WviL), into t!e &ondition of t!e &os"os, or of t!e S(%re"e LordY 86;;
(rah/i$ 'r ('r$ e*"ewhere, whether he (e a #hi*0, a$ '*0 /a$, 'r a %' th> a$ e$*ighte$e0 /a$ i$ the $eigh('rh''0 p ri1ie" the ver% p*a#e, 1'r the g'0 i" there pre"e$t, a*'$g with hi" #'$"'rt a$0 reti$ e:. 1241 6" the ter/ i$te$0e0 i$ the "e$"e '1 8th'"e wh' "ee '$*% what i" i$ 1r'$t '1 their 1a#e":? 1242 6" there a "ha0e '1 ir'$% here J E.here1're, i$ thi" /atter, *et the 2"',#a**e03 '/$i"#ie$t '$e" (sarva%&a) (e a"ke0 2their 'pi$i'$3:? 1243 .hi" pa""age re1er" t' the pra#ti#e, we** atte"te0 i$ 6$0ia, '1 i$1erri$g the 1 t re /'ra* "tate '1 the 0%i$g per"'$ 1r'/ hi" #'$0iti'$ at the *a"t /'/e$t J whi#h i" i$0ee0 0e#i"ive i$ that re"pe#t> "ee G0gert'$ 1927, pt 666= 219,249. Nikewi"e, BI, #'//e$ti$g p'$ FhI ;666 7, 0i"ti$g i"he" (etwee$ the e7ter$a* "tate '1 the 0%i$g /a$, whi#h i" p re*% 8#ir# /"ta$tia*: (vast'vttopanata), a$0 hi" i$ter$a* "tate (antarda), whi#h #'$"i"t" i$ (ei$g "teepe0 i$ the th' ght '1 the N'r0, i.e., i$ the aware$e"" '1 '$e:" 'w$ Se*1. <1 thi" #'$0iti'$ pe'p*e i$ atte$0a$#e '$ the 0%i$g /a$ are ( t 0e* 0e0 wit$e""e", a$0 #a$$'t pre" /e a$%thi$g a" t' hi" L' r$e% (e%'$0, wherea" the '$*% tr e wit$e"" '1 that e7perie$#e i" the e7perie$#e it"e*1. IBS ;666 7 e/pha"iUe", "'/ewhat "ar#a"ti#a**%, that there i" $' K e"ti'$ '1 (e#'/i$g that '(Le#t the th' ght '1 whi#h a##i0e$ta**% #r'""e" the /i$0 at the 1i$a* /'/e$t= ki vast' vttopanatam eva tad bhavati tasminn ant!e kae0 nan' p'trakalatrabandh'smte iirodakapnder vnt!e kae d#a smaraam iti tadbhvpatti s!t0 maivam, 8!a$ it (e the #a"e that he 2the 0%i$g /a$3 (e#'/e" '$*% the '(Le#t (r' ght i$ 1a#t 2t' hi" aware$e""3 at the 1i$a* /'/e$t? !a$ he p'""i(*% (e#'/e what he "ee" 'r re/e/(er" at the 1i$a* /'/e$t J a 1rie$0, wi1e, 'r #hi*0 that he ha" re#'**e#te0 'r the #''* 0ri$k 2that he ha" the$ (ee$ '11ere03? Mar0*%W: (with the varia$t" '1 the )S& e0iti'$)> #1. &S 90,91 a$0 94,95. 1244 tadbhvabhvita J the tra$"*ati'$ '1 tadbhvabhvita i" ('rr'we0 1r'/ G0gert'$ a0 FhI ;666 6. 6$ hi" IBS ;666 6,7, BI 0i"# ""e" the ter/:" /ea$i$g, re1erri$g t' the th' ght,pr'#e""e" '1 th'"e wh' are e$*ighte$e0 (%&nin)= !e hi sad bhagavanta bhva!ant! eva bh)tv bhavi!ma iti te ta%%a saskro 8n!asaskrapratibandh,ti n!!ena 2...3, 8.h'"e wh' #'$"ta$t*% rea*iUe the N'r0, thi$ki$g Ehavi$g (e#'/e 2'$e with hi/3, we wi** 2ever3 "' (eE J 1'r the/, Ethe r''t i/pre""i'$ ('r$ '1 that 2tr th,(eari$g i$"ight (tambhr pra%&, i$ CS 6 48)3 '("tr #t" 'ther r''t i/pre""i'$" (an!asaskrapratibandhin)> 2CS 6 503. B##'r0i$g t' that /a7i/ 2...3:. .he$, #'$#* 0e" BI= savinmtrasatattvaparamevarasvabhvataiva bhavati, 8'$e (e#'/e" /erge0 with the S pre/e N'r0 wh' i" i$ e""e$#e #'$"#i' "$e"" a*'$e:. )'te that we 0i11er i$ thi" /atter 1r'/ Shar/a (IBS= 161), wh' ha" $'t re#'g$iUe0 the re1ere$#e t' CS 6 48 a$0 50> "ee, i$ter alia, Rhi#her 2005= 611. T'r 'ther '## rre$#e" '1 tadbhvabhvita, "ee avat. t' 90,91 (a$0 FhI ;666 6

to 'e a$are 6smarati7 of !is o$n nat(re, t!o( ! at t!e ti"e of deat! !e rese"'les $ood or stone) As !as 'een stated 'y t!e Lord in t!e La,)m-sahit:86;B O N4rada, t!ese "ortals $!o are a$are of "e as t!ey &arry on t!eir a&tivities in %erfe&t !ealt!,86;= I ta5e note of t!e", $!o rese"'le $ood or stone at t!e ti"e of t!eir end)86;< And: *is "ind fir" and !is 'ody !ealt!y, !e $!o is ever &ons&io(s of "y (niversal for", so lon as %erd(res t!e e9(ili'ri(" of eart!ly ele"ents R I a" a$are of !i", "y devotee, as !e dies, rese"'lin stone or $oodM I lead !i" on t!e s(%re"e %at!$ay) T!(s, !ere, t!e &a(se Wof salvation "entionedY is t!e fa&t t!at !e !as on&e and for all 'e&o"e Widenti&al $it!Y t!e 'ein of t!e W(niverse, or t!e S(%re"e LordY) In any &ase, !o$ &o(ld t!ere 'e a$areness at t!e end $it!o(t t!ere 'ein affir"ation of root i"%ressions left 'y !is %revio(s e,%erien&eZ T!erefore !e $!o 5no$s !as no need of anyt!in at all at t!e "o"ent of dyin ) #!rik! <2 If t!en !avin re&o(rse to %la&es of %il ri"a e, et&), is, as stated a'ove, not s('sidiary Wto t!e $ay of life of t!e ren(n&iate, viL), not ne&essary to itY in any &onte,t $!atever, t!en $!y are Ws(&! %ra&ti&esY ado%ted 'y t!e $iseZ 86;C WIn ans$er to t!is o'#e&tionY t!e "aster des&ri'es t!e s%e&ifi& s%!ere Win $!i&! a&tions s(&! as %il ri"a e, et&), are li&itY: <2) 1isiting places of pilgrimage86;@ is meant for ac%uisition of merit M going to oneIs death in an outcasteIs dwelling e"entuates in hell) But what does this matter to him who is unaffected by the stains of merit and demerit Z86B7 T!ere are t!ose, even t!o( ! $ise, $!o !ave not yet freed t!e"selves &o"%letely fro" t!e notion t!at t!e 'ody and t!e li5e is t!e lo&(s of t!e &o niLer, 86B8 and $!o !ave Wdevelo%ed as yetY no &onfiden&e in t!e in9(iry into t!e 5no$led e of t!eir o$n Self) It is t!ey $!o, Win an effort toY a&&("(late "erit, %erfor" sa&rifi&es or effe&t a&ts of %io(s li'erality86B6 Ws(&! as '(ildin $ells, te"%lesY, et&), or $!o a&9(ire de"erit W'y %erfor"in i"%io(s a&tionsY) It is for t!e" t!at visitin %la&es of %il ri"a e, s(&! as Pray4 a, et&), is ordained, WorY resortin to a !oly re ion at t!e
K 'te0 (% CD a0 90,91), CD a0 94,95, a$0 $. 1328, whi#h give" a *'$ger e7#erpt '1 IBS ;666 6,7. 1245 )'t t' (e /i"take$ 1'r the :akm,tantra> the <atalog'e o9 Pa&cartra /ahit (e0. Sa0h &ara/p r "h0a" a$0 Sa0h Shr tipraka"h0a") #ite" (p. 57, 73) -r. &.&.Bpte:" $p (*i"he0 the"i", Pa&cartra /ahits= + /t'd! (H$iver"it% '1 & $e, 1962) whi#h 0i"ti$g i"he" (etwee$ the :akm, Tantram a$0 the :akm, /ahit (#'// $i#ati'$ '1 +ari'$ Da"te**i). CD:" K 'te, attri( te0 t' the :akm,sahit, 0'e" $'t 1ig re i$ the e7ta$t :akm,tantra, whi#h " gge"t" that the tw' w'rk" /a% (e 0i11ere$t. Sa$0er"'$ 2009= 69,70 re1er" t' the &AQ#arAtrika te7t, the 8ahlakm,sahit, avai*a(*e i$ +S. 1246 Si/i*ar phra"e'*'g% i$ CD a0 90,91 a$0 94,95. 1247 .he "' r#e '1 the 1ir"t K 'tati'$ i" pr'(a(*% the :akm,ahit, a" the 1'**'wi$g '$e, a*th' gh the e7pre""i'$ !ad 'ktam (whi#h i$tr'0 #e" it) /a% a** 0e t' a$ $$a/e0 "' r#e. 1248 vidvas. 1249 t,rthasev i$#* 0e" t,rtha!tr, the pi*gri/age it"e*1, a$0 t,rthvasa, re"i0e$#e at the t,rtha. 1250 Sa/e ver"e a" 4&S 82. 1251 Nit., 8wh'"e "eiU re (% the $'ti'$ that... ha" $'t %et #'/p*ete*% va$i"he0:. 1252 <$ thi" $'ti'$, "ee lS 5 14, 8, + H 6 2, 10> a*"' +a*a/' 0 1976= 165,166.

ti"e of deat! in an effort to ac%uire merit , t!at is, in an effort to attain a !i !er $orld86BA WviL), a 'etter 'irt!Y) Si"ilarly, $!y $o(ld not going to oneIs death in an outcasteIs dwelling R going to oneIs death, t!at is, rea&!in destr(&tion Wof t!e 'odyY, in an i"%io(s %la&e, referred to "etony"i&ally 'y t!e ter" Ho(t&asteIs Wet&)Y d$ellin I R e"entuate Wfor themY in hellZ WO!y $o(ld t!ey not t!enY fall into a !ell s(&! as AvF&i, et&)Z For it is evident t!at t!ey %ersist in &onsiderin t!e 'ody as t!e lo&(s of t!e &o niLin s('#e&t)86B; T!ose s(&! as are !ere des&ri'ed $o(ld for all intents and %(r%oses 'e 'o(nd 'y (n&easin 'irt! and deat!, 'eset as t!ey are 'y t!e &onf(sion of t!e 'ody, et&), and t!e Self, in a&&ordan&e $it! t!e vie$ t!at, after e,%erien&in as $ell t!e %leas(res Wof !eaven or !ellY &onsistent $it! t!e %la&e of t!eir deat!, t!ey are re'orn in a(s%i&io(s or ina(s%i&io(s 'odies, and die a ain) For !i", on t!e &ontrary, $!ose &on&eit t!at t!e 'ody, et&), is t!e lo&(s of t!e &o niLer !as entirely vanis!ed d(e to t!e fir" a$areness Wof t!e SelfY arisin fro" t!e 5no$led e of t!at Self R $!at si nifies all t!is for !i", $!ose &ons&io(sness is as Wi""a&(late asY t!e fir"a"ent 6cinna$has7,86BB on&e interr(%tion of &onta&t $it! t!e latent dis%ositions &o"%osed essentially of "erit and de"erit !as 'een effe&ted WviL), $!o is no lon er affe&ted 'y s(&! dis%ositionsY Z T!(s, sin&e resortin to %la&es of %il ri"a e, et&), is "eant for t!ose %arta5in of a(s%i&io(s and ina(s%i&io(s a&tions, t!ere is no (tility, for t!e %(re 5no$er of t!e Self, in visitin s(&! %la&es, et&) As it !as 'een stated in t!e Mna3adharma(stra: If yo( !ave no dis%(te $it! /in -a"a 1aivasvata 86B= R t!e very one $!o d$ells in yo(r !eart R t!en o not to t!e Gan es or to Gay4)86B< *ere, -a"a is not!in '(t t!e &on&eit t!at t!e 'ody is t!e Self, $!i&! lies in t!e !eart) Sin&e t!is WideaY !as 'een &ons("ed Wi)e), trans&endedY 'y t!ose $!o !ave (nderstood t!eir o$n &o"%lete nat(re as Widenti&al $it!Y t!e Great Lord t!at is oneIs o$n Self, !o$ &an t!ey resort to %la&es of %il ri"a e, et&)Z T!is is t!e esta'lis!ed tr(t!) #!rik!s <5+<9 No$, one "ay o'#e&t: R It !as 'een e,%lained a'ove W54ri54s B< and =6Y, !as it not, t!at t!e Self, $!ose nat(re Wis revealedY on&e t!e i"%(rities of dee"in oneself finite, of re ardin t!e $orld as o'#e&tive, of s(%%osin oneself t!e a ent of a&tions !ave 'een '(rnt (% in Wt!e fire ofY 5no$led e, re"ains in its essential nat(re, $!en t!e 'ody falls a$ay, and does not en ender any f(rt!er s%ro(tin of e,isten&e, #(st as a roasted seed does not en ender any Wf(rt!erY '(ddin )
'ttamaloka. Nit., 8T'r it i" evi0e$t that 2i$ their #a"e3 "eiU re (% the $'ti'$ that the ('0% i" the *'# " '1 the #'g$iUer 2%et per"i"t"3:. 1255 .hi" i/age i" wi0e*% pre"e$t i$ 6$0ia$ "pe# *ati'$. 61 a$%thi$g /a% (e #'/pare0 with #'$"#i' "$e"", the comparans i" '1te$ "k% (nabhas), 'r ether (ka), 1'r ('th are i$ pri$#ip*e #*ear, '/$ipre"e$t, with' t (egi$$i$g 'r e$0, a("tra#t %et "e$"i(*e. .he /etaph'r i" repeate0 i$ re"pe#t '1 the heart= hda!ka. 1256 8.he "'$ '1 the S $:. 1257 +-h ;666 92. Ia%A i" a 1av'rite p*a#e 1'r '11eri$g rddha t' the B$#e"t'r" (pit).
1253 1254


*ad t!e destr(&tion of t!e 'odyIs s!eat! 'een &onte"%oraneo(s $it! t!e a%%earan&e of t!e 5no$led e of t!e Self Wt!at is, !ad one died at t!e "o"ent of revelationY, let it 'e so t!at Wt!e SelfY not en ender any f(rt!er Wre'irt!Y) WT!at is, $e a&&e%t yo(r t!esis on t!at sti%(lation)Y On t!e ot!er !and, sin&e t!e fetters re%resented 'y t!e 'odyIs s!eat!s, et&), re"ain in eviden&e Win t!e &ase of t!e so?&alled 1-3anmu,taY, !o$ in !eavenIs na"e86BC &an !e not 'e %er"eated 'y t!e attri'(tes %ertainin to t!e 'ody Wt!at is, $it! "erits and de"eritsYZ And on&e !e is %er"eated 'y t!e" !o$ &an !e not 'e&o"e Wa ainY a trans"i ratin self at deat!Z T!e "aster no$ ref(tes t!is o'#e&tion: 86B@ 85. Placing the rice+kernel, once it has been completely separated from husk and bran, again within the piece of husk, does not restore to the whole grain its identity86=7 associated with that form Wthat is, does not restore to it its capacity of generationY) C=) In the same manner, consciousness, once it has been separated from the complex of sheaths Wthat is the body, etc)Y, is Wfore"erY completely alien to their touch, e"en though, as a liberated Self, it remains there Wfor a timeY due to root impressions Wpre"iously accumulatedY)86=8 WT!e &o"%o(nd tua,am$u,asuptha,,tataula,aatuadalntara,epa is to 'e (nderstood as follo$s:Y Placing ))) the rice+kernel Wthat has beenY completely separated from husk and bran ))) WagainY within the piece of husk R t!at is,Y placing within the piece of husk the rice+kernel , t!at is, %(ttin it a ain $!ere it $as %revio(sly, W'(t no$Y well separated, t!at is, &o"%letely deta&!ed, from husk and bran R does not restore the identity of Wthe husk andY the rice+kernel, t!at is, Wdoes not restoreY t!e ti !t &oales&en&e Wof t!e !(s5 and t!e ri&e?5ernelY R even t!o( ! Wt!at %la&e"entY $as W%revio(slyY %resent in ter"s of a for"86=6 s(&! t!at a s%ro(t $o(ld 'e ena'led Wt!at is, $o(ld er"inateY) WIn ot!er $ordsY t!e !(s5 and t!e ri&e?5ernel re"ain distin&t #(st li5e t$o iron rods, and are not fo&(sed on ena'lin a sin le a&tion Wt!at is, $!atever a&tion ens(es derives fro" t!e %arts se%arately and not fro" t!e $!ole, in t!is &ase t!e seedY) In the same manner, na"ely, in t!e sa"e $ay, &ons&io(sness 6sa3it7, i)e), t!e intelli en&e 6cetan7 of t!e 5no$er of t!e Self,
kathakram J "a/e a0Le#tive i$ the avat. a0 63 ("ee $'te there'$). 6t i" "e0 here 1'r rhet'ri#a* rea"'$". 1259 B##'r0i$g t' Bpte:" 0i#ti'$ar%, ta'la i" the 8grai$ a1ter thre"hi$g, $h "ki$g a$0 wi$$'wi$g> e"pe#ia**% ri#e:. 1260 tdtm!a J we take the ter/ tdtm!a i$ a te#h$i#a* "e$"e (#1. it" "e i$ ;e0A$ta a$0 i$ ae"theti#")= 8re*ata(*e '$*% t' it"e*1, that i", a$ 8i0e$tit%:, $0er"t''0 a" the 8'therwi"e i$0e"#ri(a(*e: $it% '1 it" #'$"tit e$t", whi#h, i$ thi" #a"e, i" a*'$e a(*e t' pr'0 #e the e11e#t, viU., the "pr' ti$g. 6$ the /etaph'r, t'a appear" tw' ti/e", a" t'a a$0 a" t'adala. B" t'a, it "ta$0" 1'r a #'$ge$ita* i/p rit%, a" 0'e" kamb'ka> a" t'adala, it "ta$0" 1'r the ('0% that the %&nin '## pie", / #h a" #a"t,'11 #*'the", a1ter rea*iUi$g the k$'w*e0ge '1 the Se*1. 1261 Si*( r$ take" saskra a" 8p ri1i#ati'$: (a" 0'e" Far$ett), a$0 tra$"*ate"= 8-e /e/e K e *a !'$"#ie$#e K i par 0e" p ri1i#ati'$" e"t i#i "eparee 0e" # ira""e" K i *a re#' vre$t 2...3: 2J 8O "t a" #'$"#i' "$e"" whi#h, (% p ri1i#ati'$", i" here "eparate0 1r'/ the ar/'r" #'veri$g it 2...3:3. .he"e tw' ver"e" #'rre"p'$0 t' 4&S 44, a*th' gh the /etaph'r i" 0i11ere$t= 8O "t a" #*ari1ie0 ( tter, 0raw$ 1r'/ /i*k, i" $'t i$ that 2/i*k3 a" (e1're, i1 it i" #a"t 2(a#k i$t' it3, "' the "pirit a* Se*1, i1 it ha" 2'$#e3 (ee$ "eparate0 1r'/ the V a*itie" (g'a) '1 prakti, i" $'t 2t'gether with the"e a$% *'$ger3:. 1262 tadr)pata! E tadr)paC i$ the #'/p' $0.


separated from the complex of sheaths , t!at is, fro" t!e a&&("(lation of s!eat!s s(&! as t!e i"%(rity of dee"in oneself finite, et&) R t!at is, restored Wto !is %(re stateY 'y affir"in t!ro( ! s(stained &on&entration t!e 5no$led e of !is Self, sayin : HIt is I alone $!o a" "anifest, al$ays, every$!ere, as t!e (niversal Self, $!ose nat(re is t!e Great Lord t!at is "y o$n SelfI R 86=A Wt!at &ons&io(snessY e"en though remaining there for so"e ti"e, t!at is, even t!o( ! esta'lis!ed Wte"%orarilyY in t!is &o"%le, of s!eat!s as a %art86=; Wof a $!ole, &o"%osed of &ons&io(sness and 'odyY, t!an5s to t!e &ontin(in e,isten&e of t!e 'ody, is WnowY a liberated Self 6mu,ttman7, its 'onda e destroyed, and is completely alien to the touch of those WsheathsY) WTo e,%lain f(rt!er:Y it WviL), &ons&io(snessY is completely alien to, t!at is, is devoid of, the touch of t!at &o"%le, of s!eat!s, t!e 'ody, et&) R WHto(&!I "eanin !ereY t!e affli&tion86=B t!at is 'orn of t!e i"%(rity of s(%%osin oneself t!e a ent of a&tions a%%earin in t!e s!a%e of "erit and de"erit and as s(&! is &a%a'le of en enderin t!e s%ro(t of trans"i ration 6sasr,ura7)86== In t!e sa"e $ay, t!e ri&e?5ernel, %(t 'a&5 in t!e Wse%aratedY %ie&e of !(s5, is devoid of t!at &onta&t W$it! t!e !(s5 and t!e 'ranY t!at leads to t!e eneration of t!e s%ro(t) T!is &an 'e said: trans"i ration is enerally &a(sed 'y i noran&eM !o$ever, t!e &ons&io(sness of t!e yo in is not a &a(se of trans"i ration, o$in to t!e defi&ien&y of re9(ired &onditions86=< WviL), t!e a'sen&e of t!e t!ree i"%(ritiesY, t!e"selves enerated 'y i noran&e, for !is s!eat!s !ave 'een s(ndered 'y t!e 5no$led e of !is o$n Self arisen in !i") Nor is it t!e &ase t!at t!is 'onda e of t!e &or%oreal s!eat!s, re"ainin Wfor a ti"eY as a re"nant 86=C t!an5s to t!e %o$er of root i"%ressions, is &a%a'le of ivin rise to t!e s%ro(t of trans"i ration t!ro( ! t!e "anifestation of W'onda eIsY o$n %ro%erties, for its root, i noran&e, !as 'een '(rnt (% in t!e fire of 5no$led e)86=@ T!is 'ein t!e &ase, t!e W"ind of t!eY 5no$er of t!e Self 612n-7, $!ile livin 61-3ann e3a7, is for"ed 'y t!e Fo(rt!M and !e trans&ends even t!at Fo(rt!, 86<7 on&e !is 'ody no lon er e,ists)
aham eva svtmamahevarasvabhvo vivtman sarvad sarvatra sph'rmi. eavartana! J 1r'/ the p'i$t '1 view '1 the ('0%, #'$"#i' "$e"" i" $'t the 8wh'*e: (ein), a$0 their re*ati'$"hip, th' gh $e#e""ar% 1r'/ a *'gi#a* p'i$t '1 view, /ake" '1 #'$"#i' "$e"" the 8part: (ea) that, p'$ 0eath, va$i"he", th " p tti$g a$ e$0 t' that 8wh'*e:. 1265 'parga. 1266 !'$"#i' "$e"" re/ai$" 1ree 1r'/ #'$ta#t with /erit" a$0 0e/erit", whi#h, a 1 $#ti'$ '1 the krmamala, are the ver% #a "e '1 tra$"/igrati'$. 1267 Nit., 8a""e/(*age, #'**e#ti'$:> $a/e*%, a 9'nctional a""e/(*age, there1're a "et '1 /ea$" 'r #'$0iti'$" i$ view '1 "'/ethi$g. 1268 seavartana!. 1269 .ra$"/igrati'$ i" the re" *t '1 i/p ritie", whi#h are the/"e*ve" the re" *t '1 $e"#ie$#e, whi#h #'$"i"t" i$ taki$g the ('0% a" the Se*1. .he i0ea i" that the ('0% i" $'t the "'*e #a "e '1 re(irth J ig$'ra$#e i" a*"' reK ire0, whi#h i" a 1 $#ti'$ '1 the "pirit ($'t the ('0%)> a$0 "i$#e ig$'ra$#e ha" (ee$ #'$" /e0 i$ the 1ire '1 k$'w*e0ge, it $' *'$ger e7i"t". 1270 <$ t'r,!a a$0 t'r!t,ta, "ee CD a0 1> '$ the E0egree"E '1 *i(erati'$, "ee CD a0 61 a$0 a0 83= 82...3 a1ter the 0e"tr #ti'$ '1 hi" ('0%, he attai$" a #'$0iti'$ '1 6"'*ati'$ (kevalat) that i" (e%'$0 the T' rth "tate 2'1 #'$"#i' "$e""3, #'/p'"e0 "'*e*% '1 (*i""1 * #'$"#i' "$e"":.
1263 1264


T!(s, in eit!er &ase,86<8 Wt!e yo inY need !ave no fear of trans"i ration) #!rik!s <:+<< No$, one "ay o'#e&t: R Even t!o( ! its o$n nat(re !as 'een a%%re!ended, t!e &ons&io(sness of t!e yo in is nevert!eless i"%(re inas"(&! as it re"ains in a 'ody t!at %ersists as a re"nant, t!is &ons&io(sness R o$in to t!e %resen&e t!ere, to a li"ited e,tent, of i"%(rity derivin fro" its &ontin ent asso&iation $it! t!e 'ody 6dehopdhi7) T!is o'#e&tion t!e "aster ref(tes 'y e,a"%le: C<) A gem, made flawless by the most skilled artisan , though appearing flawed by its contingent association with the 8ewel+box, is re"ealed as limpid by nature,86<6 as soon as this contingency is remo"ed) CC) 4ikewise, consciousness, whose WtrueY condition R thanks to the instruction of a true teacher R is flawless, freed as it is from its contingent association with a body, is freed as well from all other contingencies, and appears as 'i"a)86<A WT!e &o"%arison "ay 'e for"(lated as follo$s:Y A gem, its fla$lessness verified86<; 'y an e,tre"ely s5illed la%idary, though WappearingY flawed, t!at is, t!o( ! it 'e&o"es, in effe&t, &lo(ded, t!an5s to t!e &lose &onta&t of t!e #e$el?'o,, reveals itself nevert!eless as limpid by nature, t!at is, 'e&o"es fla$less, #(st as it $as %revio(sly, on&e it is se%arated fro" t!e &ontin ent 9(alifi&ation of t!e #e$el?'o, R s(&! %arti&(lar &a(se of o's&(ration 63ara0a7 'ein no lon er %resent) 4ikewise, in t!is very sa"e "anner, t!at consciousness, whose WtrueY condition R thanks to the instruction of a true teacher R is flawless 6e3a sadguru(sana3imalasthiti 3edanam7 ))) W$!i&! senten&e is t!(s e,%lained:Y Wtrue teacher "eansY a "ost e,&ellent instr(&tor, $!o !as &o"%letely realiLed t!e 5no$led e of t!e all?en&o"%assin SelfM86<B W!is teachings "eansY re%etition W(nder !is (idan&e, $!erein is revealedY orally 6mu,hmnya7 t!e W reatY se&ret of t!e 5no$led e of t!e SelfM86<= WconsciousnessY whose WtrueY condition Wis flawlessY "eans t!at t!e i"%(rity of dee"in oneself finite, $!i&! is t!e s&reen Won $!i&! are %ro#e&tedY t!e i"%(rities of re ardin t!e $orld as o'#e&tive, and of s(%%osin oneself t!e a ent of a&tions, !as vanis!ed, li5e t!e fla$ in t!e old, 86<< o$in to s(stained &on&entration on t!at instr(&tion) And &ons&io(sness W%(rifiedY in t!is $ay is also li5e t!e s5y a'ove, o$in to t!e disa%%earan&e of t!e ori inal stainsM it,

.he tra$"*ati'$ '1 p'a w' *0 (e " per1* ' " i$ thi" #'$te7t. svacchaparamrtha J *it., 8" #h that it" *ti/ate tr th i" *i/pi0it%:. 1273 <$ the #'$L $#ti'$ '1 parti#*e", api, iva, "ee FdD, "".vv.= ii 2 (p. 303), 4 (p. 819). 1274 'd!otita J 'r 8a"" re0: (*it., 8#*ari1ie0:). 1275 Re take parip)ra a" K a*i1%i$g ('th svtma%&naC a$0 Cvid. <$ 'ther 0e1i$iti'$" '1 the sadg'r', "ee .4 6; 33,85. 1276 Sa/e e7pre""i'$ i$ CD a0 96. 1277 !1. CD a0 17 a$0 24.
1271 1272


freed, i)e), se%arated, from its contingent association with a body,86<C t!at is, fro" t!e %ualification $!ose definin feat(re is t!e body, appears indeed as 'i"a, o$in to t!e a'sen&e of any f(rt!er &ontin en&y ))) ))) or, $!at a"o(nts to t!e sa"e t!in , W&ons&io(snessY "anifests itself, $!en t!e 'ody &o"es to an end, in virt(e of t!e 9(ality of S(%re"e Piva Wt!at it !as a&9(iredY) N(st as t!e e" is "anifest in and of its o$n nat(re, $!en its &ontin ent asso&iation $it! t!e #e$el?'o, is re"oved, so does &ons&io(sness, t!o( ! i""a&(late already 86<@ in t!e a$areness 6a3a$odha7 of its o$n nat(re, "anifest itself as indeed %(rified, o$in to t!e ter"ination of its &ontin ent asso&iation $it! t!e 'ody, #(d ed to 'e i"%(re) No$, one "ay o'#e&t: R +(t, #(st as t!e e", t!o( ! freed fro" its &ontin ent asso&iation $it! t!e #e$el?'o,, "ay a ain 'e&o"e tarnis!ed 'y t!e ad#(n&tion of any n("'er of ot!er &ontin en&ies Ws(&! as d(st, et&)Y so li5e$ise, &ons&io(sness, t!o( ! freed fro" t!e &ontin en&y of t!e 'ody, $ill still 'e i"%(re, if it s!o(ld re&eive, li5e t!e e", anot!er &ontin ent 9(alifi&ation, inas"(&! as it is affe&ted 'y t!at &ontin en&y) T!e "aster anti&i%ates t!is o'#e&tion 'y sayin : HW consciousness isY freed as well from all other contingenciesI) T!e %arallelis"86C7 'et$een t!e e,a"%le and t!at $!i&! !as 'een e,e"%lified 'y it is not &o"%lete in all res%e&ts)86C8 After t!e fallin a$ay of t!e Wyo inIsY 'ody R !is only s!a%e no$ t!e reat Li !t for"ed of (lti"ate nond(ality R all t!is W(niverseY 'e&o"es Wfor t!e yo inY !is o$n 'ody, as it $ere 6s39ga,alpa7 R W$!i&!Y !ad 'een t!o( !t to 'e a "ere &ontin en&y) And, f(rt!er, !e Wt!e yo inY &annot 'e 9(alified 'y any ot!er &ontin en&y, for t!ere is no &ontin en&y $!atever standin a%art fro" t!is W%lenit(deY)86C6 T!(s, t!ere is no Wa'sol(teY %arallelis" 'et$een W&ons&io(sness andY t!e e" as to t!e "anner in $!i&! t!ey a&&e%t &ontin ent 9(alifi&ation) T!e a&&e%tan&e of t!e &ontin en&y of a 'ody is rooted, is it not, in i noran&e, '(t on&e t!at i noran&e !as

6$ the ter/i$'*'g% '1 6$0ia$ *'gi#, where i$ a** pr'(a(i*it% the w'r0 1' $0 it" 'rigi$a* te#h$i#a* /ea$i$g, a$ 'pdhi i" a re#ti1%i$g a00e$0 / that tra$"1'r/" a$ 'therwi"e i$va*i0 arg /e$t 'r pr'p'"iti'$ i$t' a va*i0 "tate/e$t, $'ta(*% (% re"tri#ti$g it" 'ver,e7te$0e0 ra$ge. 8Rhere there:" 1ire, there:" "/'ke: i" a$ e7a/p*e. .he pr'p'"iti'$ i" 1a*"e a" it "ta$0", 1'r the phe$'/e$'$ '1 E"/'ke*e""E 1ire i" we**,atte"te0. .' #'rre#t the pr'p'"iti'$, it " 11i#e" t' a00 the 'pdhi 8pr'vi0e0 that the 1 e* i" /'i"t:. &r'per*% "peaki$g, the 'pdhi i$ thi" "e$"e (e*'$g" t' the arg /e$t, $'t t' the '(Le#t, ( t (e#a "e a$%thi$g that "erve" t' 0i11ere$tiate '$e e$tit% 1r'/ a$'ther /a% (e #'$"i0ere0 a$ 'pdhi (a" the (ra$#h that "erve" t' 0i"ti$g i"h '$e (ir0 1r'/ a$'ther), the 'pdhi i" '1te$ /'re 'r *e"" *''"e*% atta#he0 t' the '(Le#t, a" i$ the pre"e$t #a"e. .he 'pdhi, 'r 8#'$ti$ge$t K a*i1i#ati'$:, #'$#er$" the$ a$% #ir# /"ta$tia* #'$0iti'$ that #a$$'t (e "ai0 t' (e*'$g t' the '(Le#t i$ ter/" '1 it" ver% (ei$g, " #h a" the weight '1 the *ea0, et#. .he %'gi$:" #'$"#i' "$e"" i" 0ev'i0 '1 " #h #'$ti$ge$#ie" (that i", i" 0e1i#ie$t i$ 'pdhi) J $'thi$g *i/it" it, $'thi$g #ir# /"#ri(e" it. 1279 Rhi*e re1erri$g t' the *api0ar% phra"i$g '1 the kArikA, CD re1'r/ *ate" the *i$e i$ /'re $'r/a* "%$ta7. 1280 sm!a. 1281 .he $iver"e (e#'/e" the per/a$e$t ('0% '1 the %'gi$ $'w 1ree0 1r'/ hi" tra$"it'r% ('0%. .here, a** #'$ti$ge$t K a*i1i#ati'$" are i/p'""i(*e, 1'r $'thi$g #a$ (e a00e0 t' 'r take$ awa% 1r'/ the (% 0e1i$iti'$ $iver"a* ('0%. 1282 !1. CD a0 12,13.


'een &(t off 'y t!e a,e of Self?5no$led e, 86CA !o$ &an t!ere a ain 'e &onta&t $it! any Wf(rt!erY &ontin en&yZ As it is said in t!e revered "-t: /no$led e is o's&(red 'y i noran&eMB +y t!at &reat(res are del(ded)BB +(t if 'y 5no$led e t!at i noran&eB Of "enIs so(ls is destroyed,B T!eir 5no$led e li5e t!e s(nB Ill("ines t!at *i !est)86C; T!erefore, t!e yo inIs o$n &ons&io(sness is ever %(re, and %(re only, for !e 5no$s !is o$n tr(e nat(re Was 'ein t!e Self of all t!in sY)86CB #!rik! <? T!e a&&("(lation of root i"%ressions in t!e "ind of !i" $!ose &ond(&t !as $it! deter"ination 'een so fas!ioned a&&ordin ly86C= WviL), fas!ioned to s(&! ends as !ave 'een des&ri'ed in 54) C; and its &o""entaryY is t!e very &a(se in re ard to $!i&! arise all &ontin ent &onditions) And indeed not!in else intervenes t!at is novel 86C< Wi)e), no ot!er &a(se of trans"i ratory e,%erien&e need 'e s(s%e&tedY) T!is is $!at t!e "aster says: <?) Aa"ing first, on the basis of normati"e teachings , or like authority, identified himself Wwith the ob8ects and purposes therein en8oinedY,86CC and with a faith86C@ therein that is unwa"ering, one attains rebirth in hea"en, hell or the human condition)86@7
Sa/e i/age i$ .4 6; 13= d'rbhedapdapas!s!a m)la kntanti kovid0 dhrr)hena sattarkak'#hreeti nica!a00, 8!e 7 K i "ave$t tra$#he$t a *a ra#i$e *:ar(re 1 $e"te 0e *a 0ivi"i'$ ave# *a ha#he 0e *a rai"'$ i$t itive aig i"ee a p* " ha t 0egre: (tr. &a0' 7 J 8.h'"e wh' k$'w # t the r''t '1 the i**,1ate0 tree '1 0i11ere$#e with the a7e '1 i$t itive rea"'$ high*% "harpe$e0:). 1284 FhI ; 15(,16. 1285 .hi" i" a$'ther wa% '1 0e"#ri(i$g the e7perie$#e '1 moka, whi#h ha" a*rea0% (ee$ 0e1i$e0, 1r'/ the viewp'i$t '1 $'$0 a* ivai"/ '1 ?a"h/ir, i$ kA. 60. See a*"' +Fh 5 47, 12,15, K 'te0 $. 425. 1286 !athvatpari,litav!praC. 1287 n)tanatvena. 1288 !1. F 5 5 2, 20= ta !ath !athopsate tad eva bhavati, 86$ what"'ever 1'r/ the% "erve hi/ that he (e#'/e": (tr. Ggge*i$g)> the re1ere$#e (ei$g t' &raLApati, wh' a"" /e" 1'r the w'r"hiper whatever 1'r/ the w'r"hiper /e0itate" p'$. .hi" pa""age i" 1reK e$t*% K 'te0 (% akara i$ hi" #'//e$tarie"> #1. + H 666 2, 9= sa !o ha vai tat parama brahma veda brahmaiva bhavati, 8Me, veri*%, wh' k$'w" the S pre/e -rahman, (e#'/e" -rahman hi/"e*1:> F4H 6; 4, 6= brahmaiva san brahmp! eti, 8Fei$g -rahman he g'e" t' -rahman:> a*"' FhI 6; 11 (K 'te0 (% D a0 4&S 66), FhI ;666 6 (K 'te0 i$ CD a0 90,91), FhI 566 2 (K 'te0 i$ Sp) 66 5)> 4&S 58 (K 'te0 " pra) a$0 66= sarvkro bhagavn 'ps!ate !ena !ena bhvena0 ta ta bhva bh)tv cintmaivat samabh!eti00, 8F% whi#hever appeara$#e (bhva) the N'r0, wh' ha" a** 1'r/", i" /e0itate0 p'$, that appeara$#e Me a0'pt", a" Me i" *ike a Lewe* 1 *1i**i$g a** wi"he":, a$0 4 66 29. B/'$g .rika te7t", "ee Sp? 66 4 (2...3 na svasth na! iva, 82...3 there i" $' "tate whi#h i" $'t iva:, a$0 Sp? 66 6,7> Sp) 66 6,7 whi#h K 'te"= ivo bh)tv iva !a%et, 8<$e "h' *0 w'r"hip iva (% (e#'/i$g iva: (agai$ K 'te0 i$ S4 6 14, whi#h #'rre#t" it i$ the "a/e ver"e a" 8bhakto bh)tv:, 8<$e "h' *0 w'r"hip iva a1ter (e#'/i$g hi" 0ev'tee:)> S 66 2 (S; a0 *'#. K 'ti$g Sp? 66 6)> .4 6; 207,8> CD a0 &S 104. See a*"' the #'$#ept '1 tadbhvabhvita i$ CD a0 83, a0 90,91 ($. 1308). 1289 Tir"t '## rre$#e '1 the ter/ raddh. 1290 .hi" i" a "pe#i1i# wa% '1 1'r/ *ati$g the *aw '1 kar/a$> "ee p. 29. 6$ ' r tra$"*ati'$, we 0i11er 1r'/ Si*( r$ '$ tw' p'i$t"= the $0er"ta$0i$g '1 p)rvam a$0 that '1 the "%$ta#ti#a* *i$k '1 strdiprm!d a$0 avicalitaraddh!pi. She tra$"*ate"= 8&ar $e 1'i i$e(ra$*a(*e a ""i e$ *:a t'rite 0e" .raite", et#., '$ 0evie$t i0e$tiK e a *:'(Let (0e "a 1'i) et '$ a##e0e L "te ava$t (*a /'rt) a #ie*, a *:e$1er (' ) a *a #'$0iti'$ h /ai$e: 2J 8F% a$ $"haka(*e 1aith a*"' i$ the


T!e &o niLer, $!o !as "ade a re%eated effort 6a$hysa7,86@8 eit!er in t!e do"ain of sa&rifi&ial a&tion R $!et!er for !is o$n "erit or for t!e 'enefit of ot!ers R or in t!e do"ain of Self?5no$led e R $!et!er t!at effort is 'ased on t!e a(t!ority of traditional s&ri%t(res, or on de&larations res("in t!e traditional tea&!in of a %re&e%tor,86@6 or on !is o$n s(stained &on&entration Waided 'yY reasonin , or even on t!e fait! t!at arises fro" %revio(sly i"%lanted latent dis%ositions R 86@A Wt!at &o niLer,Y ha"ing attained identity 6tanmayat7 t!ere$it!, at t!at "o"ent, t!an5s to t!e a&&("(lation of root i"%ressions 'ased on s(&! Wa&tivityY R an identity t!at is of t!e nat(re of t!e "atters Wt!ereinY re!earsed ti"e and ti"e a ain R $!en later on !is 'ody %asses a$ay, !e rea&!es eit!er hea"en, t!at is, (ne,&elled feli&ity, or hell, t!at is, t!e s(fferin s &onse9(ent (%on Wresiden&e inY t!e AvF&i !ell, et&), or Wa ainY the human condition, t!at is, t!at state $!erein 'ot! %leas(res and %ains Ware nativeY, in a&&ordan&e $it! t!e latent dis%ositions Wso en enderedY) On t!e ot!er !and, $!en !is 'ody %eris!es, not!in at all 'efalls t!e "an D puru)a, viL), t!e 5no$er of t!e SelfE $!o !as re!earsed no Wa&ts en enderin Y latent dis%ositions) Indeed, $it! $!atever intention t!e &o niLer re!earses W!is a&tionsY, !e 'e&o"es one $it! t!at intention, and at t!e "o"ent of deat! t!e o'#e&t t!at !e desires $it! &larity 6sphu@atay7 &o"es into eviden&e for t!e &o niLer) In t!is $ay, t!ere &an 'e no reversal Wor settin at no( !tY of t!e "atters t!at !ave 'een re!earsed Wt!ro( !o(t lifeY, nor &an anyt!in not of t!e nat(re of %revio(sly re!earsed a&tivity &o"e into %lay in so"e (n%re&edented fas!ion)86@; T!(s, %revio(s re!earsal 6p/r3$hysa7 is alone t!e &a(se of $!atever Weffe&t ens(esY) T!is is t!e %(r%ort)
a th'rit% '1 the .reati"e", et#., '$e (e#'/e" i0e$ti#a* with the '(Le#t 2'1 '$e:" 1aith3 a$0 rea#he" L "t (e1're 20eath3 heave$, he**, 2'r3 the h /a$ #'$0iti'$:3. Re 1'**'w the #'//e$tar%, whi#h "tre""e" the "tage" '1 the pr'#e""= 8havi$g at that /'/e$t (tadaiva) attai$e0 ... the i0e$tit% with that... he attai$" *ater ('ttaratra), a1ter 0eath (dehaptt), either heave$, 'r he**, 'r the h /a$ #'$0iti'$:. 1291 <$ the $'ti'$ '1 abh!sa, "ee FhI ;6 33,36 a$0 akara:" 0e1i$iti'$ i$ hi" #'//e$tar% a0 FhI ;666 (abh!sa!oga) 8= ma!i cittasamarpaavia!abh)ta ekasmis t'l!aprat!a!vttilakao vilakaaprat!a!nantarito 8bh!sa sa cbh!so !oga 2...3,: 8Ea(h%A"aE #'$"i"t" i$ the repetiti'$ '1 the "a/e ki$0 '1 th' ght, $i$terr pte0 (% a$% #'$trar% i0ea, with regar0 t' t' +e a*'$e wh' a/ the '(Le#t '1 #'$#e$trati'$ '1 the /i$0> that repetiti'$ it"e*1 i" E%'gaE:. 1292 Nit., 8the 0e#*arati'$ '1 the tea#hi$g,"eK e$#e '1 the tea#her:" tea#hi$g":. .he i/p*i#ati'$ i" that " #h a tea#hi$g ha" a th'rit%. 1293 .he"e a00e$0a 0eve*'p the 8et#: (di) '1 the kA. !1. .S 6;, p. 23= ki t' g'ror gamanir)pae v!pra gamas!a ca niakasa%t,!atatprabandhaprasavanibandhanasam'citavikalpoda!e v!pra, 8+'re'ver, the 1 $#ti'$ '1 the tea#her 2*ie"3 i$ *a%i$g ' t the 4ga/a te7t"> wherea" the 4ga/a te7t" 1i$0 their 1 $#ti'$ i$ ar' "i$g a th' ght that i" " ita(*e t' that te7t a$0 1' $0e0 '$ it" 0eve*'p/e$t, 2a th' ght3 ('th 0ev'i0 '1 0' (t a$0 #'//e$" rate 2with the te7t3: (#1. Si*( r$ 1981= 191). 1294 ap)rvatvena J the ter/ i" ('rr'we0 1r'/ +Y/A"A, where it "ig$i1ie" that whi#h i" E $pre#e0e$te0E i$ the pre"#ripti'$ '1 a "a#ri1i#ia* a#t, a$0 i" there1're the "' r#e '1 that a#t:" Eva*i0it%E 'r '(*igat'r% #hara#ter (dharma). T'r e7a/p*e, a$ i$L $#ti'$ t' E#''kE ri#e 1'r pre"e$tati'$ t' the B$#e"t'r" ha" $' " #h 1'r#e, 1'r we k$'w a*rea0% that ri#e / "t (e #''ke0 t' (e eate$, wherea" the i$L $#ti'$ t' 0eh "k the ri#e E(% ha$0E i" 0har/i#, 1'r '1 the /a$% wa%" t' thre"h ri#e, that '$e a*'$e i" /a0e k$'w$ (% the ve0i# te7t. .he $'ti'$ a#K ire" '$t'*'gi#a* "tat " i$ the 0eve*'pe0 0'#tri$e '1 the rit a*i"t" J "i$#e the Ea th'rit% '1 the rite i" #'$"eK e$tia**% #ertai$, the ap)rva i$ 1a#t Ee7i"t"E a" the *i$k (etwee$ rite a$0 re" *t (i1 $'t i//e0iate).

#!rik!s ?@+? T!erefore, for !i" $!o 5no$s t!e Self, t!e &a(se of !is &oin&iden&e $it! %lenit(de 6p/r0aprath7,86@B at t!e ti"e of a'andonin !is 'ody, is t!e fa&t t!at !e !as on&e and for all 'e&o"e identi&al $it! t!e 'ein of t!e W(niverseYM86@= nor s!o(ld t!e "o"ent of deat!, $!et!er a(s%i&io(s or ina(s%i&io(s, 'e i"a ined a &a(se of !eaven or !ell for !i", as is so often t!e &ase a"on ordinary %eo%le) To e,%ress t!is idea, t!e "aster says: 90. The final moment, as promoting an ulterior condition either auspicious or inauspicious, ac%uires the status of a contingent causal factor WonlyY for the deludedM for him Wwho knowsY, on the other hand, it is not a cause in regard to going onward Wthat is, in regard to his supposed ac%uisition of another bodyY)86@< @8) E"en those Wlow+born RY domestic animals, birds, reptiles, and the like R who, perfected by pre"iously ac%uired right knowledge , understand their WtrueY mode of being as that of the uni"ersal Self , attain that true mode of being Wat the last momentY)86@C Sin&e Wt!e notion ofY t!e 12nin !as 'een t!oro( !ly e,%o(nded, Win t!e %revio(s 54ri54s, it is no$ %ossi'le to state t!atY the last moment, t!at is, t!e final %oint of ti"e &oin&idin $it! t!e loss of t!e 'ody, W$!i&! is dee"ed toY promote,86@@ or serve, t!e a(s%i&io(s or ina(s%i&io(s &ondition Wof t!e dyin "anY, %res("ed 'y t!e $itnesses 6pramt.7 in attendan&e on t!e 'asis of alterations in t!e 'odyIs !("ors, or 'y t!e W%ainf(l or %ea&ef(lY $ay t!e "ali nant disease is e,%erien&ed ))) ))) Wt!at final "o"entY becomes a contingent factor, t!at is, 'e&o"es a &a(se Wof trans"i rationY, for those who are deluded, t!at is, for t!ose Wli"itedY &o niLers only $!o "ista5enly ta5e t!e 'ody to 'e t!e Self) Let t!at "isera'le Wlast "o"entY %ass Win s(&! a $ay for t!e"Y) +(t not for all t!at $o(ld it follo$, as far as the ade%t 6yogin7 is concerned R !e $!o !as a'olis!ed t!e &on&eit t!at t!e 'ody is t!e Self, and $!o is ever e,%ert in %er&eivin t!e Great Lord as !is o$n Self R t!at the last "o"ent is an incitement, t!at is, is a &a(se in re ard to going Won$ardY Ws(%%osin t!at t!ere'y !e $o(ldY attain anot!er 'ody after t!is 'ody) In order to ill(strate8A77 t!e 9(estion: H*o$ does t!at follo$ZI t!e "aster says: HEven t!ose $!o W)))YI)
Nit, 8'1 hi" e7te$"i'$ i$t' 'r 'ver that whi#h i" 1 **:. See CD a0 83 a$0 $. 1244. 1297 See the #'//e$tar%. 1298 Si*( r$ tra$"*ate"= 8+ai" #e 0er$ier i$"ta$t K i, re$1'r#a$t $ etat 0e vert ' 0e pe#he, 0evie$t p' r *e" ig$'ra$t" $ 1a#te r 0e *:e7i"te$#e (1 t re), $:e"t pa" (p' r #e 7 K i "ave$t) #a "e 0eter/i$a$te 0e *e r 0e"ti$ee. B*'r" /e/e K :i*" "eraie$t (ete 0e "'//e, 'i"ea , repti*e, et#., #e 7 K i re#'$$ai""e$t *e r pr'pre 0e"ti$ee #'//e eta$t #e**e 0 S'i "'$t $ea$,/'i$" p ri1ie" par *a par1aite #'/prehe$"i'$ K :i*" e re$t La0i" et i*" v'$t (/ai$te$a$t) a #ette 0e"ti$ee: 2J 8F t that *a"t /'/e$t whi#h, "tre$gthe$i$g a pi' " 'r "i$1 * "tate, (e#'/e" a #a "e '1 the (1 t re) e7i"te$#e 1'r the ig$'ra$t '$e", i" $'t a #a "e 0eter/i$i$g (their) 0e"ti$% (1'r th'"e wh' k$'w). Gve$ i1 the% are (ea"t" '1 ( r0e$, (ir0", repti*e", et#., th'"e wh' re#'g$iUe their 'w$ 0e"ti$% a" that '1 the Se*1, are $everthe*e"" p ri1ie0 (% the &er1e#t $0er"ta$0i$g that the% 1'r/e*% ha0, a$0 the% g' ($'w) t' thi" 0e"ti$%:3. < r i$terpretati'$ 0i11er" 1r'/ her"> e"p., 8gati: we take a" 8g'i$g: '$war0 (v. 90)> a" 8/a$$er '1 g'i$g, (ehavi$g, /'0e '1 (ei$g: (v. 91)> Si*( r$ tra$"*ate" saskta (a" 0'e" Far$ett) (% 8p ri1ie0:. 1299 Nit., 8$' ri"h:.
1295 1296


E"en those of evil 'irt!, na"ely, t!ose $!o !ave a&9(ired t!e stat(s of an ani"al 6pa(u7 d(e to t!e %o$er of so"e intention or ot!er Was revealed 'y t!e a&&("(lation of t!eir de"eritsY, or 'e&a(se of a &(rse or t!e li5e, $!o &o"e to realiLe, at t!e "o"ent of deat!, their proper mode of being, t!at is, t!e state of t!eir o$n self, as that of the uni"ersal Self ))) 8A78 ))) even t!ey, del(ded t!o( ! t!ey "ay 'e Win t!eir %resent &onditionY, attain to t!e &ondition of t!eir o$n Wtr(eY Self, if favored 'y t!e a$a5enin of latent dis%ositions left 'y an a$areness of t!eir o$n Self ained %revio(sly Wi)e), in %revio(s 'irt!sY) S(&! $as t!e "anner of t!e Lord of t!e ele%!antsI li'eration Wfro" !is &(rseY, 8A76 $!o, t!o( ! for a ti"e an ani"al nat(re, $as a$a5ened t!ro( ! dee%ly in rained "e"ories of devotions 6$ha,ti7 to t!e S(%re"e Lord t!at !ad 'een %ra&ti&ed %revio(sly $it! deter"ination R $!ere(%on, !avin %raised Lord 1iSK( !e attained Wa ainY !is o$n nat(re, &o"%letely s!a5in off all t!e s!eat!s Wof &or%oreal e,isten&eY) And $!at &a(se o%erated in res%e&t of s(&! re&olle&tion Wof 1iSK(, if not t!e dee%ly in rained "e"ories of !is %revio(s devotionY Z T!is is t!e "eanin of t!e verse: t!e 5no$er of t!e Self does so"eti"es a'andon a 'ody "ade "otionless as $ood or ro&58A7A fro" t!e alteration of !("ors, et&), 8A7; arisen in itM !e Wso"eti"es evenY "o(t!es rando" WnonsenseY, a(s%i&io(s or ina(s%i&io(s, s(&! as H"on5eyI or H&atI Was seen in deliri("YM '(t fro" t!ese Wstates, it s!o(ld not 'e inferred t!atY t!e 5no$led e and ot!er Wattain"entsY 8A7B are lost8A7= t!at !e !ad %erfe&ted in %ra&ti&e, $!ile &arryin on !is a&tivities in %erfe&t !ealt!)8A7< T!e vario(s %ro%erties of t!e 'ody, et&), %ertain only to t!e 'ody, et&)M t!ey are not at all &a%a'le of o&&(ltin an o'#e&t t!at is ever realiLed 6$h3ita7 WviL), t!e Great Lord as oneIs o$n SelfY) T!(s, in all s(&! &ases W$!et!er it 'e a yo in or an ordinary %erson $!o diesY, it is t!e in ro$n W!a'it &(ltivatedY (% (ntil t!e "o"ent of deat! t!at is t!e s(%re"e &onsideration 6paramrtha7 Wt!at is, t!e de&idin fa&torY) As it !as 'een said in t!e revered "-t:
.he p'eti#a* 1ig re nidarana i" 0e1i$e0 a" a$ i** "trati'$ 'r a para**e* #a"e that #'$1ir/" the ge$era* the"i" 'r pri$#ip*e at i"" e J the 8"etti$g " $:, 1'r e7a/p*e, whi#h i** "trate" (a$0 #'$1ir/") the the"i" that 8great$e"" i" 1'**'we0 i$evita(*% (% 0e#*i$e:. 1301 tmatvena, viU. 8... their 'w$ "e*1 a" (ei$g the $iver"a* Se*1 2...3:. 6$ the kArikA, the ter/ i" tadtmatvena, #'rre"p'$0i$g t' CD:" tmatvena= the /ea$i$g appear" t' (e the "a/e. Si/i*ar*%, akara, #'//e$ti$g '$ FhI 5 10, "e" tmatvena> "ee $. 1310. 1302 6t i" epi"'0e '1 the ga%endramoka (-hgavatap'ra ;666 2,4). 1303 Nit., 8the %&nin, wh'"e /'ve/e$t" are th'"e '1 2a pie#e '13 w''0 'r r'#k 2...3:. 1304 :Gt#.: here i$te$0" a** the karaas, e"pe#ia**% b'ddhi. 1305 .hi" 8et#: /ight re1er t' bhakti, a" i" " gge"te0 (% a para**e* pa""age i$ CD a0 94,95= 2...3 abh!astabhagavadbhakte. 1306 Sa/e e7p'"iti'$ i$ BI a0 FhI ;666 6, whi#h ver"e (;666 6) i" a*"' K 'te0 here (% CD. BI there #'$tra"t" svasthvasth!m with asvasthvasth!m, i$ the '(vi' " "e$"e" '1 8whe$ hea*th%: (*it., 8i$ the #'$0iti'$ '1 a /a$ "it ate0 i$ hi/"e*1) a$0 it" #'$trar%, 8whe$ $hea*th%:> #1. the tw' ver"e" 1r'/ the :akm,sahit K 'te0 (% CD a0 83. &r'(a(*% t' (e $0er"t''0 a" a$ arg /e$t a 9ortiori= i1 the *a"t /'/e$t i" $'t 0e#i"ive i$ the #a"e '1 the average /a$, h'w #' *0 it (e "' i$ the #a"e '1 the %&nin? 1307 svasthace#ata! J *it., 8i$ the /a$$er '1 a#ti$g a" a hea*th% 2/a$3 (svastha) 2a#t"3:> svastha /ea$" 8"it ate0 i$ '$e:" "e*1, a$0, i$ /'"t #a"e", the '$e wh' i" th " 8"it ate0 i$ hi/"e*1 i" #'$"i0ere0 t' (e 8hea*th%:, a1ter the /a$$er it i" "ai0 '1 ge/" that the% are svastha, whe$ the% are $'t a11e#te0 (% a$% #'$0iti'$ e7tra$e' " t' their $at re ("ee FdD, ".v.)> "ee a*"' +. Mara 1995.


O!atsoever state Dof 'ein E "editatin (%onB *e leaves t!e 'ody at deat!,B To #(st t!at !e oes, son of /(ntF, B Al$ays, 'ein "ade to 'e in t!e &ondition of t!at)8A7C And: To t!e", &onstantly dis&i%lined,B8A7@ Reverin .e $it! love,B I ive t!at dis&i%line of "ind,B O!ere'y t!ey o (nto .e)8A87 It is t!e transfor"ation of oneIs inner or an Winto t!e Lord, or not, as t!e &ase "ay 'eY t!at &onstit(tes t!e &a(se rantin i""ediate dire&tion Wto t!e so(l at deat!Y) #!rik!s ?*+?, T!(s, in a&&ordan&e $it! t!e %oint of vie$ set fort! a'ove, t!ere is not!in (n%re&edented t!at &an affe&t t!e 5no$er of t!e Self on&e !is 'ody !as %eris!ed R
FhI ;666 6. 6$ the "a/e wa%, FhI ;666 6 (a$0 7a) i" K 'te0 (% .4 55;666 325,326a, whi*e 0i"# ""i$g the "tat " '1 the %,vanm'kta at the 1i$a* h' r. !1. CD a0 &S 83 a$0 89. )'te that &S 83 (S 4&S 81) i" K 'te0 verbatim (% BI J $0er the ge$era* #ateg'r% '1 r'ti J i$ hi" i$terpretati'$ '1 FhI ;666 6. FhIFh ;666 6 e7p*ai$" tadbhvabhvita a"= tasmin bhva tadbhva sa bhvita smar!amata!bh!asto !ena sa tadbhvabhvita san, 8tadbhva /ea$" Ee7i"te$#e i$ that 2'ther3E> $'w, (% wh'/ (!ena) that 2e7i"te$#e3 ha" (ee$ #a "e0 t' e7i"t J that i", e7er#i"e0 (% repeatedl! re/e/(eri$g it, it i" he 2'1 wh'/ it /a% (e "ai0 that he3 Eha" (ee$ #a "e0 t' (e i$ the #'$0iti'$ '1 that 2'ther3E= tadbhvabhvita:. B##'r0i$g t' IBS ;666 6, the /ea$i$g '1 the ver"e i" thi"= na t' !ad evnte smar!ate tattvam evvp!ate iti 2...3 sad !ena bhvitam antakaraa tad evnte pra!nantara prp!ate0 tac ca smar!ate na veti ntra nirbandha, 86t i" $'t that whatever i" re/e/(ere0 at the ti/e '1 0eath 2i.e., whatever th' ght #r'""e" the /i$03 that 1'r"''th i" '(tai$e0 2...3. .hat with whi#h the heart ha" (ee$ a** a*'$g i$1'r/e0, that i$0ee0 i" attai$e0, i$ the e$0, a1ter 0eath. .hi" i" $'t #'$0iti'$a* '$ whether it i" pre"e$te0 t' the /e/'r% 'r $'t 2at the e7a#t /'/e$t '1 0eath3: (tr. Shar/a, "*ight*% /'0i1ie0). B$0, BI a00"= sarvvasths' v!vahrik,v api!as!a bhagavattattva na hda!d apa!ti tas!a bhagavat! eva sakalakarman!sina satatabhagavanma!as!va!a sva!am eva bhagavattattva smtivia!at !t,ti sad tadbhvabhvitatva ctra het', 8Me 2the %&nin3, 1r'/ wh'"e heart the 0ivi$e tr th i" $ever *'"t eve$ i$ the #' r"e '1 a** w'r*0*% p r" it", wh' ha" #a"t '11 a** a#ti'$" '$ the N'r0 a$0 wh' i" ever " 11 "e0 with I'0, he 0e1i$ite*% (ava!a) a t'/ati#a**% (sva!am) re/e/(er" the 0ivi$e e""e$#e (at the ti/e '1 0eath) J a$0 the rea"'$ 1'r thi" i" that he i" a*wa%" "teepe0 i$ it: (tr. Shar/a). See $. 1288. .he i"" e '1 the 0%i$g /a$:" *a"t th' ght a$0 it" e11e#tive 1'r#e i" 0ea*t with seriatim $ti* &S 94. 1309 akara g*'""e" satata!'ktnm with nivttasarvabh!aiam, 8t' th'"e wh' are 1ree 1r'/ a** 0e"ire 1'r e7teri'r 2'(Le#t" '1 e$L'%/e$t3:. 1310 FhI 5 10. 6$ hi" #'//e$tar% '$ thi" ver"e, akara e7p*ai$"= b'ddhi sam!agdarana mattattvavia!a tena !ogo b'ddhi!oga ta b'ddhi!oga0 !ena b'ddhi!ogena sam!agdaranalakaena m paramevaram tmabh)tam tmatvena 'pa!nti pratipad!ante, 8b'ddhi 2here3 /ea$" #'rre#t per#epti'$ (sam!agdarana) havi$g +e 1'r a$ '(Le#t> *i$kage (!oga) with that 2#'rre#t per#epti'$3 i" b'ddhi!oga, 'r >!oga 2viU., E0i"#ip*i$eE3 '1 #'rre#t per#epti'$E. F% thi" b'ddhi!oga whi#h i" 0i"ti$g i"he0 (% #'rre#t per#epti'$, the% g' $t' +e, the S pre/e N'r0, havi$g (e#'/e 21'r the/3 the Se*1, 2taki$g /e3 a" their 'w$ Se*1 (tmatvena):. .he 1ir"t /e$ti'$ '1 the $'ti'$ '1 b'ddhi!oga i$ FhI i" i$ 66 49, where 8a#ti'$: (karmari) J whi#h i", a##'r0i$g t' akara:" #'//e$tar%, 8 $0ertake$ (% '$e *'$gi$g 1'r re" *t": (karma phalrthin kri!amam) J i" "ai0 t' (e 81ar i$1eri'r t' b'ddhi!oga E0i"#ip*i$e '1 wi"0'/E ('r, a" tra$"*ate0 here (% G0gert'$, E0i"#ip*i$e '1 /e$ta* attit 0eE), that i", 1ar i$1eri'r t' a#ti'$ $0ertake$ with eK a$i/it% (samatva), (e#a "e 2a#ti'$ $0ertake$ with 0e"ire 1'r a re" *t3 i" the #a "e '1 (irth, 0eath, et#: (d)rea 2...3 h! avaram 2...3 b'ddhi!ogt samatvab'ddhi!'ktt karmao %anmamaradihet'tvt). Me$#e ?X9@a:" e7h'rtati'$ (66 49#)= b'ddha' araam anviccha, 86$ the /e$ta* attit 0e "eek th% (re*igi' ") re1 ge:, '$ whi#h akara= paramrtha%&naarao bhavet! arthah, 8Seek th% re1 ge i$ the k$'w*e0ge '1 the *ti/ate rea*it% 2'r " pre/e g'a*3> thi" i" the p rp'rt:. .h " b'ddhi!oga i" "%$'$%/' " with %&na!oga.


t!at $o(ld set aside, as so"et!in &o"%letely novel, !is !avin 'e&o"e forever identi&al $it! t!e 'ein of t!e W(niverseY) T!(s it follo$s t!at t!e 'ody only is %eris!a'leM it alone %eris!es Wand not t!e identity of t!e li'erated so(l $it! t!e Lord a&9(ired lon a oY) T!ere is no f(rt!er ro$t! of t!e dis%ositions Wens(ant (%on t!e "o"ent of deat!Y) So as to de"onstrate t!is, t!e "aster says: 92. Thus, the conscious principle that sur"i"es in the interstices between bodies8A88 is in effect composed of hea"en or of hell)8A86 -hen the body perishes, it proceeds to associate with another body, in accordance Wwith the dispositions it has accumulatedY)8A8A 93. Similarly, the WknowerIsY own essential Self remains in the condition it was in when it became manifest once and for all at the moment knowledge was ac%uiredM8A8; it does not become otherwise when the body falls away) Thus, t!erefore, the conscious principle 6puru)a7 $!i&! !as entered into 'odies, #ars, et&), t!at is, t!e self 6tman7 of ea&! and every "an, %er"eated as it is 'y t!e i"%(rity of s(%%osin itself t!e a ent of a&tions, is formed of hea"en, in t!e sense t!at its inner or an is %er"eated 'y latent dis%ositions 8A8B Wtendin to t!e realiLation ofY fr(its of a&tions %revio(sly %erfor"ed $it! t!e intention of attainin !eaven, et&)M in ot!er $ords, t!at very Self is t!e en#oyer of t!e fr(it t!at is W&alledY !eaven, inas"(&! as t!e Self is t!en 9(alified 'y latent dis%ositions t!at !ave &o"e to fr(ition in res(lts s(&! as !eaven)8A8= Li5e$ise, t!e WSelf, in $!i&! !aveY develo%ed latent dis%ositions Wind(&ed 'yY %revio(s evil a&tions, is t!e e,%erien&er of t!e fr(it &alled !ell) T!(s it is t!e 'ody alone t!at is t!e a'ode $!erein are en#oyed t!e fr(its of 'ot! &ate ories of a&tions WR ood and 'adY) -hen that WbodyY perishes,8A8< Wthe conscious principle proceeds to associate with another bodyY in accordance with Wthe dispositions it has accumulatedY) WT!e "aster "eans 'y t!is:Y O!en t!e 'ody %eris!es, Wt!e &ons&io(s %rin&i%leY, in &onfor"ity $it! its own latent dis%ositions t!(s a&&("(lated, asso&iates itself $it!o(t delay $it! anot!er 'ody, t!at is, $it! anot!er a'ode $!ere'y it "ay en#oy Wfr(its yet (ne,%erien&edY R t!ro( ! $!i&! asso&iation Wt!e &ons&io(s %rin&i%leY 'e&o"es t!e en#oyer at a later ti"e of t!e fr(its i"%lied 'y t!e latent dis%ositions t!at $ere Wstren t!enedY 'y s%e&ifi& a&tions W(nderta5en d(rin a %ast lifeY)
dehntarlaga J Si*( r$ $0er"ta$0" thi" 0i11ere$t*% (a$a*%Ui$g the #'/p' $0, it w' *0 "ee/, a" dehntara1laga)= 8N:h'//e e/pri"'$$e a *:i$terie r 0 #'rp" e"t a * i,/e/e "'$ pr'pre #ie* et "'$ pr'pre e$1er: (i0e/ Far$ett= 8+a$ i/pri"'$e0 withi$ the ('0% i" it" 'w$ heave$ a$0 he**:, a$0 &e*i""er', 8ta*e e K e* pri$#ipi' #'"#ie$te i$0ivi0 a*e i/prigi'$at' a**:i$ter$' 0i $ #'rp':). 1312 )' 0' (t a "%$e#0'#he= the re" *t (heave$ 'r he**) rep*a#e" the pr'#e"" '1 getti$g there (the per/a$e$#e '1 the vsans). 1313 Nit, 80 e t' what i" " ita(*e t' it"e*1:, g*'""e0 a" !athhitavsann'g'!t. .hi" "age re#a**" the p'eti#a* $'ti'$ '1 a'cit!a J whi#h pri$#ip*e a""ert" that $' e*e/e$t '1 the 0ra/a "h' *0 vi'*ate the #'$"trai$t" '1 the /ai$ rasa. 1314 .hi" "tate/e$t e#h'e" the 1a/' " ver"e sakd vibhto 8!am tm, a*rea0% K 'te0 i$ CD a0 10, 11. 1315 )'te the et%/'*'gi#a* 1ig re= vsita0vsan. 1316 6$ a** thi" e7p'"iti'$, a" we** a" i$ kA. 92 it"e*1, the $'ti'$ '1 the p'r!a#aka, 'r " (t*e ('0%, i" i/p*i#it, i$ the #'$te7t '1 the pa', 1'r it i" the p'r!a#aka whi#h, (ei$g the a('0e '1 the vsans, i" re"p'$"i(*e 1'r tra$"/igrati'$ ("ee $. 393 a$0 738). 6t va$i"he" '$*% a1ter moka ha" take$ p*a#e. 1317 Nit., 8at the ti/e '1 0e#'/p'"iti'$ '1 that 2('0%3:.


Li5e$ise, at the moment of Wac%uiringY knowledge, t!at is, at t!e ti"e t!e st(dent Win t!e &o(rse of !is instr(&tionY 'e&o"es a$are of 6pra,(ana7 !is o$n Self as ta( !t 'y !is tea&!er, oneIs own essential Self 6s3tman7, or &ons&io(sness 6caitanya7, remains forever in the same condition it was in when it once 6)sa,.t7 became manifest, t!at is, Wit re"ainsY in t!e &ondition in $!i&! Wit 'e&a"e "anifestY, on&e and for all 6e,a3ram7, in &onse9(en&e of t!is &o(rse of st(dy8A8C R or Win ot!er $ordsY Wt!at very SelfY !as a&&eded to t!e &ondition of self?refle&tion 6parmar(a7 $!i&! is li"ited WonlyY 'y its &!ara&teristi& 9(ality of %erfe&t freedo") T!at essential Self is dis%layed to t!e 12nin 'y $!o" it is &onstantly in s(&! for" &onte"%lated 6parm.)@a7,8A8@ in a&&ordan&e $it! t!at very for" Win $!i&! it is &onte"%latedY,8A67 'e&a(se of t!e develo%"ent of latent dis%ositions Win %revio(s lives tendin t!eretoY)8A68 Nor is it t!e &ase, $!en t!e 'ody falls a$ay, t!at t!e essential Self of t!e 5no$er $!i&! is already "anifest, 'e&o"es ot!er t!an t!is, t!at is, 'e&o"es !idden Wfro" itselfY, nor &o(ld $!at !as t!(s 'e&o"e a%%arent ever not 'e a%%arent, 8A66 for ot!er$ise no one $o(ld devote !i"self to any dis&i%line 6a$hyaset7, and &olla%se of traditional %ra&ti&e8A6A of every sort $o(ld ens(e, and all Wdistin&tions s(&! as t!ose stated in Sm,hya,ri,Y $o(ld 'e&o"e n(ll and void: +y virt(e is o'tained as&ent to !i !er %lanes, 'y vi&e, des&ent to t!e lo$erM fro" $isdo" res(lts t!e *i !est GoodM and 'onda e fro" t!e reverse)8A6; T!erefore, at t!e "o"ent of deat!, let t!e 'ody 'e $!at it $illM it is only t!e develo%"ent of latent dis%ositions relatin to t!e essential Self t!at &onstit(tes t!e &a(se of every oneIs 'onda e or li'eration) #!rik!s ?2+?5 If, "oreover, in t!e 'ody, d(e to a disorder of its !("ors, t!e rava e of dyin are e,%erien&ed, not for all t!at $o(ld t!e develo%"ent of !is %ra&ti&e W%revio(sly (nderta5enY 'e in any $ay i"%aired)
krama /a% (e take$ i$ tw' wa%"= either the parti# *ar tra0iti'$ '1 i$"tr #ti'$ (e.g., advaitakrama) 'r the pr'#e"", the pr'#e0 re, 1'**'we0 (% a parti# *ar g r i$ hi" tea#hi$g. 1319 B" he "ee" the Se*1, "' he (e#'/e" the Se*1. 1320 tdr)p!ea. 1321 <r, i1 '$e were t' rea0 8vsan1apraroha:, 8...(e#a "e '1 the $'$,0eve*'p/e$t '1 0i"p'"iti'$" 2that w' *0 #'$trar% " #h per/a$e$#e3:. 6$ either #a"e, it i" a /atter '1 vsans that were a## / *ate0 0 ri$g a previ' " *i1e '1 the a"#eti#, a$0 whi#h either 1av'r ('r 0' $'t #'$trar%) the a#K i"iti'$ '1 1i$a* (eatit 0e, 'r a#t #'$trar% t' that a#K i"iti'$, ( t whi#h /a% (e a$$ **e0. .he re1ere$#e here (a" wi** (e e7p*ai$e0 i$ the 1'**'wi$g ver"e") i" t' a"#eti# pra#ti#e" previ' "*% i$terr pte0, ( t whi#h have #reate0 Eg''0 kar/a$E '$ whi#h t' 0raw i$ the *ive" t' #'/e. 1322 na hi bhtam abhta s!t. T'r varia$t" '1 thi" ke%,/a7i/ '1 $'$0 a* aivi"/ '1 ?a"h/ir, "ee CD a0 30= npraka prakate a$0 CD a0 10,11= sakd vibhto 8!am tm. 1323 v!avahra. 1324 S? 44 (tr. I. Oha). .he"e re1ere$#e" (abh!sa, v!avahra), i$ CD:" #'//e$tar%, are t' a"#eti# pra#ti#e" J the #'//e$tat'r "a%" i$ #'$#* "i'$ that i1 " #h #'$tra0i#ti'$" (e a0/itte0, the a"#eti# tra0iti'$ it"e*1, a" it i" #'$0 #te0, w' *0 (e re$0ere0 i$'perative, 1'r the e$0 '1 the pra#ti#e (1i$a* (eatit 0e 'r i** /i$ati'$) w' *0 (e#'/e i$e7p*i#a(*e.


In order 'etter to (nderstand t!e &ondition Wof t!e dyin 1-3anmu,taY des&ri'ed a'ove, t!e "aster develo%s t!e t!e"e f(rt!er:8A6B 8A6= 94. Gtter theft of the group of faculties , loss of memory , choking, rupture in "ital points, particular diseases: such experiences are born of modifications affecting the body)8A6< 95. Aow could such experiences not belong to him , inasmuch as he is still associated with a bodyZ Therefore, e"en if he be afflicted with delusion at the hour of death,8A6C the knower of the Self does not lapse from ultimate reality WexperiencedY as his own Self)8A6@ The purloining8AA7of the group of organs, viL), t!e t!irteen e,ternal and internal sense?or ans, "eans t!e &o"%lete disa%%earan&e of t!eir essential f(n&tion) As, for
parigha#a!ate J the "e$"e t' attri( te here t' the ver( parigha#1 i$vite" re1*e#ti'$= the '$*% i$"ta$#e #ite0 i$ FdD (1r'/ 8cchaka#ik) a$0 (% +R '1 thi" #'/(i$ati'$ '1 ver( a$0 prever( i$v'*ve" a / "i#a* #'$te7t J E"tr //i$gE a * te. +a% we the$ " "pe#t here a /etaph'ri#a* Ep*a%i$gE '$ a the/e, i$ the /a$$er '1 a$ 6$0ia$ rga? Rith' t prever(, the r''t gha# '1te$ e7pre""e" the i0ea that the e*e/e$t" '1 a$ e7p'"iti'$ E1it t'getherE we**, are E#'here$tE J a$0 thi" "age i" e"pe#ia**% #'//'$ i$ the $egative= etan na gha#ate. 1326 <r 80eath ratt*e:? 1327 Si*( r$ tra$"*ate" arlrasaskra a" 8pre0i"p'"iti'$" #'rp're**e": 2J 8#'rp'rea* pre0i"p'"iti'$":3. Si$#e the #'$te7t i" that '1 a 80i"'r0er '1 the h /' r": (dht'vaiam!a), we $0er"ta$0 the #'/p' $0 i$ the "e$"e 8/'0i1i#ati'$" '1 the ('0%:. 1328 6t i" p'""i(*e t' $0er"ta$0 moha!oge a" a F; K a*i1%i$g maravasare, a$0 t' tra$"*ate= 8at the h' r '1 0eath, eve$ i1 it 2thi" h' r3 i" a""'#iate0 with 0e* "i'$:. F t we 1'**'w CD:" i$terpretati'$ i$ tra$"*ati$g the kArikA (maraakaa%anitar,r%&nasabandhe 8pi). Rith thi" kArikA the K e"ti'$ '1 the *a"t /'/e$t i" 0e1i$ite*% re"'*ve0. .hi" "h' *0 (e #'/pare0 with BI:" #'//e$tar% a0 FhI ;666 7, " //ariUi$g hi" p'"iti'$, whi#h he pre"e$t" at the e$0 a" that '1 hi" g r i$ thi" 1ie*0, Fhae$0 rALa= na hi so 8nt!a kaa sph'#adehvasthnt0 na h! asv ant!a kao 8smadvivakito bhavdair lak!ate0 tatra tv ant!e kae !enaiva r)pea bhavitav!a tatsaskras!a d)ravartino 8pi deaklav!avahitnm ap! nantar!am iti n!!ena prabodhena bhv!am0 tadvt tatsmaraa tatsmt! tadbhvaprpti, 8.hat 2/'/e$t3 i" $'t the 2tr e3 *a"t /'/e$t, (e#a "e it #'$#er$" #*ear*% the ('0% 2'$*%3> '$ the 'ther ha$0, the *a"t /'/e$t that we are #'$#er$e0 with i" $'t the *a"t /'/e$t that the"e ge$t*e/e$ 2wh' "peak i$ thi" wa%3 i$te$0. Rhatever (e the 1'r/ 2'1 a$ e7perie$#e3 that wa" '$#e pre"e$t 2t' the /i$03, '$e / "t, at the 1i$a* /'/e$t, apprehe$0 2the pre"e$#e '13 r''t i/pre""i'$" (saskra) 2*e1t3 (% that 2e7perie$#e3, h'wever 0i"ta$t 2it /ight have (ee$3 J i$ a##'r0a$#e with the 0i#t / (CS 6; 9, $'t K 'te0 i$ it" e$tiret% (% BI) Eeve$ 2thi$g", viU., i$ the CS:" #'$te7t, vsans3 "eparate0 i$ "pa#e 'r ti/e /a% e7i"t i$ pr'7i/it%E. .ha$k" t' the"e 2r''t i/pre""i'$"3, there i" re#'**e#ti'$ '1 the/> a$0 i$ virt e '1 that re#'**e#ti'$, '$e take" '$ the e7i"te$#e 2i$0i#ate03 (% the/:. )'te that CS 6; 9 rea0"= %tideaklav!avahitnm ap! nantar!a smtisaskra!or ekar)patvt. 6$ tra$"*ati$g the pa""age, we 0i11er 1r'/ Shar/a, wh' 0'e" $'t re#'g$iUe the K 'te 1r'/ CS, a$0 tra$"*ate"= 8F% *a"t /'/e$t i" $'t /ea$t the /'/e$t '1 '(vi' " ph%"i#a* 0e/i"e. .he *a"t /'/e$t we wi"h t' ta*k '1 i" $'t '1 the ki$0 "ee$ (% %' a** ('$ the ' t"i0e). Bt that *a"t /'/e$t, whatever (/e$ta*) 1'r/ ' ght t' (e wi** #'/e t' (e (% the *'gi# that eve$ a re/'te i/pre""i'$ (saskra), eve$ i$ the #a"e '1 th'"e '("# re0 (% ti/e a$0 "pa#e, wi** (e regai$e0 '$ a##' $t '1 (e*'$gi$g t' the i$$er/'"t $at re. H$0er it" i$1* e$#e /e/'r% (wi** ari"e) a$0 thr' gh that /e/'r% that (appr'priate) #'$0iti'$ wi** (e attai$e0:. BI #'/p*ete" hi" e7p'"iti'$ (% "a%i$g that the"e 8tra#e": (saskra) J hi00e$ J /a% #a$#e* the 8tra#e": /'re i$ evi0e$#e *e1t (% the (ehavi'r '1 the 0%i$g /a$ at hi" 1i$a* /'/e$t J (e#a "e the% e$L'% a "tat " that i" /'re irrev'#a(*e, havi$g i$ virt e '1 their ver% a#K i"iti'$ p t a$ e$0 t' the te/p'ra*it% a$0 &arti# *arit% '$ whi#h the #ha$#e (ehavi'r" *i"te0 a('ve 0epe$0. 6t i" 1'r thi" rea"'$ that ?X9@a re#'//e$0" that '$e re/e/(er hi/ a*wa%" J there e7i"t saskras (ta%%= th'"e ('r$ '1 that J the i0e$ti1i#ati'$ with the 0ivi$it%) that are a(*e t' #a$#e* 'ther saskras h'"ti*e t' the/ (an!asaskrapratibandhin, CS 6 50), eve$ i1 '$e i" $#'$"#i' " '1 the/ at the e$0> "ee a*"' $. 1243 a$0 1244.


e,a"%le, W$!enY t!e sense?or ans, 'e innin $it! t!e eye, "a5e no %retense as to a%%re!endin We,ternalY o'#e&ts, s(&! as &olors, et&)M or $!en t!e or ans of a&tion, 'e innin $it! t!e voi&e, &ease, insofar as t!eir f(n&tions of s%ea5in , ras%in , et&), are &on&erned) Neit!er &an t!e intelli en&e 6$uddhi7 Win s(&! &asesY deter"ine8AA8 t!e o'#e&t as it is, nor t!e "ind 6manas7 find a 'asis8AA6 Win t!e data offered 'y t!e sensesY, and even t!e e o 6aha9,ra7 re"ains t!en in t!e &ondition of a laten&y 6sas,ra7 We"er in onlyY fro" ti"e to ti"e)8AAA Si"ilarly, loss of memory "eans t!e s%iritin a$ay of t!e &ontent of an e,%erien&e: Was $!enY one $!o is a'o(t to die is (na'le to re&o niLe an o'#e&t %la&ed 'efore !i", t!o( ! a%%re!ended !(ndreds of ti"es W%revio(slyY, even $!en (r ed to do so 'y !is relatives) For t!is reason, t!e fa&t t!at !e !as on&e and for all 'e&o"e identi&al $it! t!e 'ein of t!e W(niverse, or t!e S(%re"e LordY WR !en&e, !is (lti"ate salvationY is 'eyond WviL), is not de%endent onY vedi& re&itations W"ade at t!e ti"e of deat!YM 8AA; nor do a&ts of li'erality or anyt!in else Wdone 'y relativesY in t!e final !o(rs, li5e dra$in s on t!e s5y, !ave any effe&t on !is "ind $!en it is in t!at &ondition Wof identityY R '(t Wif t!e relatives $ant to do t!e"Y, t!ere is no o'sta&le to doin so, inas"(&! as t!ey !ave 'een en#oined in t!e rit(al te,ts)8AAB WAs for t!e &o"%o(nd, (3sa,alilat, HchokingI, lit), H&onfine"ent of 'reat!I:Y R 'y H'reat!I 6(3sa7 Wis "eantY Hvital air 63yu7 Wt!at re"ainsY in t!e t!roatIM its Hrestri&tionI 6,alilat7 in t!e area of t!e t!roat Wis e,e"%lified 'yY s(&! t!in s as sta""erin and !i&&(%in )8AA= Si"ilarly, rupture in "ital points "eans Hdisr(%tion of t!e li at(res t!at 'ind t!e 'ones, et&)I) And 'y particular diseases is "eant Hfever, dysentery, and t!e li5eI)
<r, (e the a(*ative $0er"t''0 a" a$ a(*ative '1 #a "e (a##'r0i$g t' a$ a*ter$ative i$terpretati'$ '1 the #'rre"p'$0i$g pa""age i$ the #'//e$tar%)= 8.here1're, eve$ i1 he (e a11*i#te0 with 0e* "i'$ at the h' r '1 0eath, the k$'wer '1 the Se*1 0'e" $'t #ea"e 2t' (e " #h3, (e#a "e hi" 'w$ Se*1 i" $'w k$'w$ a" *ti/ate rea*it% ('r, (e svtmaparamrtht $0er"t''0 a" a .&, 8(e#a "e '1 the *ti/a#% '1 hi" 'w$ Se*1):. 6$ the #'//e$tar%, (e the #'/p' $0 prar)hacaitan!aprat!avamarasatattvt a$a*%Ue0 a" a .&, the tra$"*ati'$ w' *0 (e= 82...3 (e#a "e hi" 'w$ Se*1 i" $'w k$'w$ a" *ti/ate rea*it%, that i", (e#a "e hi" e""e$tia* $at re i" the 0eve*'pe0 aware$e"" '1 hi" #'$"#i' "$e"":. 1330 pramoa. 1331 <$ adh!avas!a, 80eter/i$ati'$: ('r nica!a), a" the 1 $#ti'$ '1 the b'ddhi, "ee $. 401 a$0 591. 1332 anavasthiti J the ter/ anavasthiti " gge"t" the regress's ad in9init'm '1 the *'gi#ia$"> it" "e here, i$ a SAkh%a,*ike #'$te7t, " gge"t" a 8/i$0: (manas) that 8g'e" i$ #ir#*e":, $'t 1i$0i$g it" $'r/a* (a"i" i$ "e$"e,per#epti'$. 1333 .he saskras are $'t $'r/a**% "ai0 t' 1 $#ti'$ i$ the a("e$#e '1 the "e$"e,'rga$", '1 whi#h the% are the Er''t tra#e"E. Rhat CD /ea$" here, pr'(a(*%, i" that, 0eprive0 '1 the 1 $#ti'$ '1 the "e$"e,'rga$", $'thi$g re/ai$" '1 the ahakra apart 1r'/ tra#e" previ' "*% a## / *ate0, whi#h, a" tra#e", $ever ri"e t' the *eve* '1 #'$"#i' "$e"" '1 the 0%i$g per"'$. <$ the re"pe#tive 1 $#ti'$" '1 b'ddhi, manas a$0 ahakra i$ the pr'#e"" '1 #'g$iti'$, "ee &S 19. 1334 brahmavid!kathana J *it., 8re#itati'$ '1 the k$'w*e0ge '1 brahman:. Re have 'pte0 1'r the ('therwi"e $ " a*) "%$ta#ti#a* *i$kage '1 vin with the 1'**'wi$g ter/. 1335 Nit, 8" #h /a% (e 0'$e /ere*% 1'r it" rit a* e11e#tive$e"" (itikartav!at), a$0 ha" (ee$ "' e$L'i$e0 (iti ni!oga):. .he pa""age " gge"t" that the re#itati'$" a$0 the gi1t" at i"" e are th'"e '1 re*ative" 'r 'ther" i$ atte$0a$#e '$ the 0%i$g %,vanm'kta, /a0e i$ the h'pe" '1 ea"i$g hi" ag'$% 'r '1 a"" ri$g hi/ a$ ea"ier pa""age. 1336 .he "a/e "%/pt'/" are 0e"#ri(e0 i$ IBS ;666 7= vs!sa, hikk, gadgada> #1. .4 55;666 327(. See a*"' CD a0 &S 83.


No$, 'e&a(se of a disorderin of t!e !("ors R $ind, 'ile, %!le " R of that body, $!i&! is not!in '(t a "aterial s!eat! 6$h/ta,a2cu,a7, the experiences8AA< born of such modifications affecting the body are t!e e,%erien&es of s(fferin 'elon in to t!at 'ody) Aow, t!en, in $!at "anner, could that WexperienceY not belong to t!e 5no$er of t!e Self as $ell inasmuch as he is WstillY associated with a bodyZ It $o(ld indeed 'e We,%erien&edY[ Therefore, 'e&a(se of Ws(&! o'#e&tionsY, Wt!e "aster !as affir"ed t!atY the knower of the Self R $!o Wafter allY !as over&o"e t!e &on&eit t!at ta5es t!e 'ody, et&), to 'e t!e Self and $!o !as "astered t!e relations!i% 'et$een t!e Great Lord and !is o$n Self8AAC R does not lapse, t!at is, does not o to a &ondition different, from ultimate reality Wexperienced asY his own Self 8AA@R e,%erien&e $!ose essential nat(re is t!e develo%ed a$areness t!at W!e is not!in '(tY &ons&io(sness, even t!o( ! t!ere re"ains Wat t!at "o"entY a &onne&tion $it! an i noran&e 'orn of t!e 'ody t!at is itself enerated 'y dyin ) Sin&e t!e 5no$er of t!e Self, 'y $!o" t!e &onne&tion $it! t!e 'ody !as 'een &ast aside, is not a'le to identify $it! e,%erien&es 'orn of t!at 'ody, !e does not a%%re!end t!e "o"ent i""ediately ad#a&ent to t!e &astin off of t!e 'ody 8A;7 Ws(&! as $o(ld 'e t!e &aseY if !e $ere "erely an ordinary "an) T!is 'ein so, no (n%re&edented &onse9(en&e ens(es for !i", $!ose !eart is lo&ated in t!e Self 8A;8 and $!o !as %ra&ti&ed devotion to t!e Lord as !e &arried on !is a&tivities in %erfe&t !ealt!, via intentions t!at are self?for"(lated)8A;6 T!erefore W$e say t!atY t!e 5no$er of t!e Self is li'erated 6mu,ta7 at t!e very "o"ent t!at !is Self en&o"%asses Wt!e (niverse R s3tmaprathYM t!e "odifi&ations affe&tin t!e 'ody no lon er &onstit(te for !i" any restraint R as !as 'een already e,%lained !(ndreds of ti"es) As for !i" $!oWse lifeY is &o"%osed of W&!oi&es 'et$eenY %iety or sin, and $!o ever &onf(ses t!e 'ody $it! t!e Self, !o$ &an !e not &o"e to identify $it! t!at 'ody R for s(&! identifi&ation arises fro" t!e e,%erien&e of %leas(re and %ain and t!e li5e 'ro( !t a'o(t 'y "odifi&ations affe&tin t!e 'odyZ As it !as 'een stated:

bhoga J *it., 80e*ight":. <r 8wh' ha" take$ p'$ hi/"e*1 2a "tate '1 i0e$tit%3 with the Ireat N'r0:. .hat i", *eavi$g $' r''/ 1'r a$% " "pi#i'$ '1 0i11ere$#e. 1339 Fe%'$0 the Se*1 re#'g$iUe0 a" " #h, there i" $' 1 rther 'r /'re *ti/ate Dea* t' (e "' ght. 1340 .he /ea$i$g i" perhap" that the 0%i$g %,vanm'kta i" $' *'$ger, i$ a$% #a"e, i$ #'$ta#t with the ('0% at the /'/e$t whe$ it give" "ig$" '1 #ea"i$g t' 1 $#ti'$. 1341 svasthahda!a. 1342 svasakalpitbhipr!ea J the a#t", whether i$v'* $tar% 'r $'t, '1 the 0%i$g %,vanm'kta have $' e11e#t '$ hi/ (that i", the% 0' $'t pr'0 #e a$% ap)rva), 1'r hi" th' ght i" "e*1,0epe$0e$t= it i" $'t 'pe$ t' a$% e7ter$a* i$1* e$#e".



+(t $!en (nder do"inan&e of oodnessB8A;A T!e 'ody?'earin Dso(lE oes to dissol(tion,B8A;; T!en to t!e $orlds of t!e" t!at 5no$ t!e !i !est, B T!e s%otless D$orldsE, !e attains)8A;B T!e Wt!reeY 9(alities R satt3a and so on R $!i&! are attri'(tes of Nat(re, &onstit(te a &onstraint only for !i" $!o !as identified !i"self $it! t!e" WviL), $it! t!e 9(alitiesY) Fro" $!i&! it follo$s "oreover t!at, &on&entratin $it! deter"ination Won t!e"Y as se%arate fro" t!at WSelfY, t!e 9(alities W&onstit(teY no W&onstraintY for !i") T!erefore, t!e %at! of t!e 5no$er of t!e Self is alto et!er different Wfro" t!e %at! of t!ose $!o !ave identified t!e"selves $it! t!e 9(alitiesY) On t!e ot!er !and, fettered &o niLers $!o !ave not seen t!e feet of a %re&e%tor WviL), $!o !ave not a%%roa&!ed !i" for instr(&tionY, "is&onstr(e 8A;= t!e 9(alities t!at are %ro%er to t!e W5no$er of t!e SelfY) For instan&e, t!ey "i !t say: HIf !e is a 12nin, $!y does !e e,%erien&e Ws(&! s(fferin sY, !is 'ody stri&5en $it! disease, et&)Z O!y does !e WstillY s(%%ort Wt!e"YZI8A;< Or, if !e 'e&o"es inert at t!e ti"e of deat!, t!ey "i !t say: H*e doesnIt re"e"'er anyt!in I) O!o is t!ere $!o $ill 9(estion t!e", 9(arrelin a"on st t!e"selves, sin&e t!ey are affli&ted $it! s(&! "any?sided nes&ien&eZ WO!o is t!ere $!o $ill say:Y HEven if t!is fello$ is a 12nin and no$ ives eviden&e of tra&es W%rod(&edY 'y %ro%erties of t!e 'ody, !o$ for all t!at $o(ld !e 'e defiledZI8A;C T!e self?ill("ination of !i" $!o 5no$s t!e Self re"ains ever t!e ill("ination of t!e Self, t!o( ! t!at ill("ination 'e varie ated 'y t!is or t!at We,ternalY &ondition)8A;@
See 56; 14= !ad samagreaiva %anmannavaratasttvika1v!prbh!st sattva vivddha bhavati tad prptaprala!as!a 'bhalokvpti, 8Rhe$ sattva (e#'/e" pre0'/i$a$t a" a re" *t '1 #arr%i$g '$ sttvika pra#ti#e" #ea"e*e""*% thr' gh' t '$e:" e$tire *i1e, the$ 1'**'w" the attai$/e$t (% the 0e#ea"e0 '1 (e$ig$ w'r*0": (tr. Shar/a). )'te that at the e$0 '1 hi" #'//e$tar% '$ 56; 14, BI take" a0va$tage '1 the ver"e t' rea""ert hi" 'w$ i$terpretati'$ '1 the /'/e$t '1 0eath= !e t' v!cakate maraakla eva sattvda' vivddhe etni phaln,ti tena sam!ak r,re 8n'bhave pravi#0 !ata sarvas!aiva sarvathnt!e kae moha evopa%!ate0 asmadv!akh!! ca savd,n,mni lokntari. B##'r0i$g t' the 1a#t that the te7t w' *0 rea0 (etter with te i$"tea0 '1 tena (tena (ei$g " per1* ' " here), we /'0i1% Shar/a:" tra$"*ati'$= E.h'"e wh' "a% that the"e re" *t" 1'**'w p'$ the pre0'/i$a$#e '1 sttvika 'r 'ther K a*itie" '$*% at the /'/e$t '1 0eath are (pre,)'## pie0 with ph%"i#a* e7perie$#e 2i.e., the% take a gr'""*% ph%"i#a* view '1 the "it ati'$3. T'r i$ #a"e '1 ever%'$e a*wa%" at the *a"t /'/e$t 0e* "i'$ (moha) a*'$e appear". 6$ thi" #'//e$tar% '1 ' r" there are 'ther ver"e" #'$"i"te$t with the"e i0ea":. CD here, (% K 'ti$g FhI 56; 14 i$ the "a/e #'$te7t, "ee/" t' agree with BI. 1344 8Me g'e" t' 0i""'* ti'$:, i.e., 8he 0ie": (prala!a maraa !ti) J "' akara. 1345 FhI 56; 14. .he FhI 0ea*" e*a('rate*% with the g'as i$ thi" #hapter. .hi" "tate/e$t '1 the FhI a"" /e" a" it" #'$te7t %&na= what i" the siddhi attai$e0 thr' gh k$'w*e0ge? B##'r0i$g t' akara, the 8k$'wer" '1 the highe"t: are the 8k$'wer" '1 " #h tattvas a" mahat J i.e., brahman, et#: (mahadditattvavidm), the 8i//a# *ate w'r*0" '1 the k$'wer" '1 the highe"t: /a% (e $0er"t''0 a" re1erri$g t' i$te**e#ti'$ (b'ddhi) J i//a# *ate (e#a "e sattva i" pr'per*% the g'a '1 b'ddhi. )'te that, i$ the "a/e #'$te7t, .4 55;666 326( give" a paraphra"e '1 FhI 56; 14,15, whi#h .4; a0 *'#. K 'te" i$ it" e$tiret%. 1346 an!atra pda!anti J *it., 8tra$"1er e*"ewhere:. .he $'r/a* /ea$i$g '1 the ver( " gge"t" a$ i$'pp'rt $e tra$"1er that a g/e$t" the 0e* "i'$ '1 th'"e a*rea0% 0e* 0e0 pa's. 1347 Nit, 8wh% 0'e" he wear, viU., p t p with " #h " 11eri$g?: 1348 .he i/p*i#ati'$ i" that $' '$e ( t the %&nin i" a(*e t' a"k " #h a K e"ti'$, a$0 he i" $'t i$ a p'"iti'$ t' 0' "'. 1349 !1. CD a0 93= nahi bhtam abhta s!t.


T!ere is f(rt!er no interr(%tion in t!e %(re e,%erien&e of !is o$n Self t!ro( ! $!i&! !is 5no$led e "i !t Win t!at interr(%tion 'e said toY %eris!) T!o( ! in !i" t!e %o$er of t!e si, 9(alities8AB7 $as &o"%lete, did not even Lord 14s(deva, in !is in&arnation as /USKa, e,%erien&e t!e %ain 'orn of a !(nterIs arro$Is $o(nd, and did !e not t!en a'andon !is "aterial 'odyZ In t!is &ase, $as t!ere any &essation of t!e essential nat(re of t!e Lord of t!e (niverseZ8AB8 .odifi&ations affe&tin t!e 'ody, fro" t!at of t!e inse&t to Sad4Jiva are all of t!is sortM !o$ever, t!e latter WSad4JivaY !as a 'ody &o"%osed solely of a$areness of !is o$n Self, $!ereas t!e for"er Wt!e inse&tY !as for its essen&e t!e &on&eit t!at t!e 'ody, and so on, is t!e Self) So "(&! is t!e differen&e W'et$een nat and GodY) T!(s t!e &or%oreal %ro%erties of t!e 5no$er and of !i" $!o is not a 5no$er 6a12nin7 are %erfor&e si"ilarM '(t not for all t!at, is t!ere any si"ilarity of &onse9(en&e) S(&! a tr(t! !as 'een stated in t!e revered "-t: One a&ts in &onfor"ity $it! !is o$nB .aterial nat(re,8AB6 R even t!e $ise "anMB8ABA +ein s follo$ Dt!eir o$nE nat(reMB O!at $ill restraint a&&o"%lis!Z8AB;
g'!a J *it., 8the "tate '1 (ei$g e$0'we0 with "i7 K a*itie":. N. 66 24,36 e$ /erate" the "i7 a*'$g with their 0e1i$iti'$"= 1) %&na, 8k$'w*e0ge:, 8'/$i"#ie$#e:> 2) aivar!a (66 28), 8*'r0"hip:> 3) akti (66 29), 8a(i*it%:, 8p'te$#%: 28t' (e#'/e the /ateria* #a "e '1 the w'r*0:= %agatpraktibhva3> 4) bala (66 30), 8"tre$gth:, i.e., 8a("e$#e '1 1atig e (rambhva) i$ #'$$e#ti'$ with the pr'0 #ti'$ '1 the w'r*0:> 5) v,r!a (66 31,33), 8viri*it%:, i.e., 8 $a11e#te0$e"" (vikravihara) i$ "pite '1 (ei$g the /ateria* #a "e: 2thi" i" a #'$0iti'$, "a%" N. 66 31, $'t 1' $0 withi$ the w'r*0 where 8/i*k K i#k*% *'"e" it" $at re whe$ # r0 #'/e" i$t' e7i"te$#e:3> 6) te%as (66 34), 8"p*e$0'r:, 8/ight:, whi#h i" "ai0 t' (e 8p'wer t' 0e1eat 'ther": (parbhibhavanasmarth!a). T'r a 0etai*e0 e7p'"iti'$ '1 the #'$#ept '1 g'!a, "ee S#hra0er (1973= 37,39). B##'r0i$g t' +hirb'dhn!asahit ;6 25= g'!avigraha devam a$0 N. 66 6= %&nd! adg' ere dg'!a mama tadvap', S#hra0er #'$#* 0e"= 86$ their t'ta*it% the g @a" /ake p the ('0% '1 ;A" 0eva 2...3 a" we** a" '1 hi" #'$"'rt Nak9/Y. 2...3 6t i" /ai$*% i$ thi" 1'r/, t' wit a" a per"'$ K a*i1ie0 (% the "i7 g'as a$0 0i"ti$#t 1r'/ hi" akti, that I'0 i" #a**e0 ;A" 0eva:. B" S#hra0er '("erve" (p. 36)= 8.he '*0 0'g/a that I'0 i" $e#e""ari*% E1ree 1r'/ 2the three3 g @a"E (nirg'a) 0'e" $'t e7#* 0e Mi" p'""e""i$g the "i7 80ea* g'as whi#h, '$ the #'$trar%, / "t (e a"#ri(e0 t' Mi/, (e#a "e with' t the/ there #' *0 (e $' Ep re #reati'$E, a$0, a** 1 rther ev'* ti'$ 0epe$0i$g a0 *'#, $' #reati'$ at a**:. 1351 .he epi"'0e i" $arrate0 i$ +Fh 5;6 5, 19,20. 1352 S #h i" the e7p*a$ati'$ '1 akara= praktir nma p)rvaktadharmdharmdisaskr vartamna%anmda' abhiv!akt s prakti 2a##'r0i$g t' the te7t p (*i"he0 i$ the &<S, p. 593, 8prakti /ea$" the /'0i1i#ati'$" 2'r per1e#ti'$i$g"3 (saskra), " #h a" piet% a$0 i/piet%, et#., a#K ire0 0 ri$g pa"t 2*ive"3 that (e#'/e /a$i1e"t i$ thi" pre"e$t *i1e:. 1353 .he e7p*a$ati'$ '1 akara i" a" 1'**'w"= %&navn api ki p'nar m)rkha, 8Gve$ a wi"e /a$ 2"' a#t"3 J what i$0ee0 wi** a 1''* 20'3?: 1354 FhI 666 33. !'//e$ti$g nigraha ki kari!ati, 8Rhat wi** re"trai$t 0' here?:, akara a00", p tti$g the"e w'r0" i$ the /' th '1 ?X9@a, mama v an!as!a, 8 2Rhat wi** re"trai$t 0' here3 1r'/ +e 'r a$%'$e e*"e?: .he i/pre""i'$" '1 /erit a$0 0e/erit "hape the $at re (prakti) '1 ever% (ei$g, there1're the% are a*"' prakti, a$0 the i$0ivi0 a* "e*1 (ehave" i$ keepi$g with thi". 6t i" #'//'$ t' ('th, %&nin a$0 a%&nin, eve$ i1 the re" *t i" $'t the "a/e= the %&anin i" a(*e t' /'ve agai$"t prakti a$0, 0eter/i$i$g hi" 'w$ #' r"e, t' attai$ *i(erati'$, wherea" the non1%&nin 1a**" pre% t' hi" 'w$ prakti 0eter/i$e0 (% hi" 'w$ saskras. .he K 'tati'$ 1r'/ the 4,t " ("ta$tiate" the 1ir"t part '1 the "tate/e$t= whe$ there i" a ('0%, the *'gi# '1 the ('0% wi** (e there, whether it i" the ('0% '1 the %&nin, 'r '1 the '$e wh' i" $'t a%&nin> thi" ('0% wi** have t' $0erg' a** it" attri( te", 'r #'$0iti'$", a$0 $' i$terve$ti'$, 1r'/ a$% "i0e, wi** (e a(*e t' 0' a$%thi$g. B" 1ar a" the ('0% i" #'$#er$e0, $' #'$tr'* i" p'""i(*e= '$e #a$$'t /ake '$e:" ('0% eter$a*. M'wever, the "it ati'$ i" a 0i11ere$t thi$g whe$ it #'/e" t' #'$"#i' "$e"", the pere$$ia* " ("trat / '1 the tra$"it'r% ('0%.


#!rik! ?9 No$ t!e "aster, e,%lainin t!at t!e &a(se Wof insi !tY is not!in '(t t!e "arvelo(s 8ABB des&ent of Wt!e LordIsY s(%re"e ener y 6para(a,tipta7, %osits a differen&e of res(lt in t!e %ro&ess of %erfe&tionin t!at attends (%on t!e dis&i%line of Wa&9(irin Y 5no$led e R $!i&! %ro&ess "ay 'e instantaneo(s or %ro ressive:8AB= ?9) -hen Wthe yoginY accedes to this way of ultimate reality immediately , Wupon instructionY from the mouth of the preceptor WhimselfY,8AB< then he becomes 'i"a8ABC without further obstacle, in "irtue of a grace that is extremely forceful) At t!e "o"ent in $!i&! a %erson R W!e &an 'eY anyone at all for $!o" t!is 'irt! is t!e last R accedes, t!at is to say, en a es (%on, this way of ultimate reality $!i&! !as 'een e,%lained Wto !i"Y !(ndreds of ti"es already, 8AB@ Wafter !earin t!e tea&!in dire&tlyY from the mouth of the preceptor, t!at is, of a "ost e,&ellent instr(&tor R na"ely, t!e "et!od &onsistin of t!e se&ret trans"ission 'y $ord?of? "o(t! Wt!at leads toY %erfe&t 5no$led e of oneIs o$n self 6s3tmasa$odha7, and $!ose &!ief &!ara&teristi& is &o"%lete a(tono"y ))) 8A=7 ))) Wt!at %ersonY then, t!at is, at t!at very "o"ent R i""ediately (%on Wre&eivin Y t!e tea&!in of t!e %re&e%tor, WbecomesY 'i"a himself, $it!o(t f(rt!er o'sta&le)8A=8 As it !as 'een stated in t!e Cr-,ula:8A=6
.r%i$g t' 'ver#'/e ('th hatre0 a$0 atta#h/e$t, i.e., a** ki$0" '1 saskras, the %&nin i" a(*e t' re"trai$, t' #'$tr'* hi/"e*1 (it i" the nigraha re1erre0 t' i$ FhI), th " t' tra$"gre"" prakti J i1 $'t i$ the rea*/ '1 0i11ere$tiati'$, at *ea"t at the *eve* '1 $it%, whe$ he "trive" 1'r it J a$0 t' attai$ *i(erati'$. IBS a0 666 33 e7p*ai$" thi" ver"e i$ a ver% #*ear wa%= !o 8pi ca %&n, na tas!a v!avahre bho%anda' vipar!sa kacit0 api t' so 8pi sattvd!'citam eva ce#ate evam eva %nan0 ato bh)tnv pthiv!d,n prakta' vila!a tm ckart nit!am'kta iti kas!a %anmdinigraha, 8Me a*"' wh' i" a k$'wer '1 the Se*1 wi** (e i$ $' wa% aver"e t' " #h w'r*0*% a#tivitie" a" eati$g, et#. Dather he a#t" pr'per*% i$ a##'r0a$#e with the sattva, et#., (that pre0'/i$ate" i$ hi/) a$0 he k$'w" that Ea1ter thi" the e*e/e$t" " #h a" earth, et#., wi** 0i""'*ve i$ prakti, ( t the tman, whi#h i" a $'$,age$t 2a 8$'$,a#t'r:, a" tra$"*ate0 (% Shar/a3 (akart), i" eter$a**% 1reeE. 2.here1're3 t' wh'/ app*ie" the re"trai$t 1r'/ (irth, et#.? 26.e., t' wh'/ app*% the /ea" re" i$te$0e0 t' #he#k the pr'#e"" '1 re(irth, et#.? )'t t' the %&nin3:> Shar/a $0er"ta$0" 0i11ere$t*% kas!a %anmdinigraha= 8Rh' i" i/pri"'$$e0 i$ (irth, et#.? 2)'t the /a$ '1 k$'w*e0ge.3:. 1355 <r 8/arve*' "*% variegate0:, 8varia(*e:. 1356 .he K e"ti'$ '1 varia(*e gra#e ha" (ee$ take$ p i$ kA. 9. Tr'/ here, thr' gh kA. 102, CD 0eve*'p" kA. 9 e*a('rate*%, e/pha"iUi$g it" e"'teri# 0i/e$"i'$. 1357 ;iU., /ere*% '$ the "tre$gth '1 the pre#ept'r:" tea#hi$g". 1358 ... eva iva S iva eva. 1359 Sa/e ter/" J paramrthamrgam enam J a$0 "a/e g*'"" i$ &S 100 a$0 CD a0 *'#. 1360 Sa/e phra"e'*'g% i$ CD a0 &S 87. 1361 B##'r0i$g t' CD, eva i" t' (e take$ with iva rather tha$ with nirvighnam, a" i$ the kArikA. 1362 &erhap", the te7t re1erre0 t' here i" the 6'laratnamlik, that CD K 'te" a0 83, e"pe#ia**% (e#a "e i//e0iate *i(erati'$ i" the i"" e i$ ('th pa""age" ($'te that Ri*"'$ +S a0 83 rea0" r,k'laratnamlikshasrika). )everthe*e"" 2r,k'la #a$ (e the "h'rt 1'r/ '1 a $ /(er '1 te7t", 1'r i$"ta$#e= the 6'lasra, whi#h S; 666 43 K 'te" a1ter the 6'laratnaml, the 6'1lapa&cik, the 2r,k'lag'hvara 2Cgahvara3 K 'te0 'r re1erre0 t' i$ .4; 666 170, 174, 55;; 13,16, 55566 49, 50(, the 2r,k'lakr,vatra (.4; 5565 36,39), the 2r,k'lakramoda!a (.4; 5565 63), et#. De1ere$#e i" /a0e here t' the k'lcr!a a$0 t' the wa% hi" "i0e*'$g,g*a$#e" (ka#ksapta) #'$"tit te a$ Ei$itiati'$E, whi#h give" the 0i"#ip*e a##e"" t' %,vanm'kti> a##'r0i$g t' the &+, ++ 66 a** 0e" t' the i$"ta$ta$eit% '1 rea*iUati'$ (a$0 there1're '1 *i(erati'$) whi#h the "i0e*'$g,g*a$#e

*e, O dear one, is instantly li'erated, on $!o" t!e W (r( $!oY 5no$s t!e essen&e Wof t!in s, $!o 5no$s t!e realY &asts !is lan&es, $!et!er inadvertently,8A=A or %layf(lly, or even res%e&tf(lly) No$, one "ay as5: R H*o$ "i !t Wt!e (r(Y initiate W!is dis&i%leY into a se&ret Wtea&!in t!at involves aY ver'al trans"ission of t!is sortZI8A=; T!e "aster re%lies: Hin "irtue of a grace that is extremely forceful 6atit-3ra7I) In ot!er $ords, extremely forceful, t!at is, !ars!, is the descent 6pta7 of the energy 6(a,ti7 of t!e S(%re"e Lord, its transfer 6a3atara0a7 to t!e lot(s !eart of t!e fettered so(l, $!i&! is WalsoY ter"ed Wt!e LordIsY HfavorI 6anugraha7 R 'y $!i&! des&ent even t!e fettered so(l 'e&o"es Piva, t!at is, is li'erated $!ile !e yet lives 61-3ann e3a mu,ta7, after !earin t!e tea&!erIs &o""(ni&ation of t!at ver'al tradition) As &o%%er is t(rned into old 'y %o(rin "er&(ry (%on it Wso is t!e fettered so(l transfor"ed into PivaY)8A=B
'1 the g r (ri$g" 1'rth. 6$ e11e#t, the &+ K 'te" a ver"e 1r'/ the Fatnaml (whi#h i" a*"' K 'te0 i$ tw' p*a#e" i$ .4 5666 230(,231a a$0 555;66 29, a*th' gh with varia$t"= !antram 1'r !atra, prakitam 1'r prabhitam)= !asmin kale t' g'r' nirvikalpa prabhitam0 tadaiva kila m'kto 8sa' !atra ti#hati kevalam:, a$0 #'//e$t"= 82J3 g'r'ka#kaptalakat 2...3 kad eva:. Si/i*ar*%, ++ 67, wh'"e " (Le#t,/atter i" %,vanm'kti, re1er" e7p*i#it*% t' the 8deikaka#kapta:, that i", a" e7p*ai$e0 i$ the &+, t' the k'lcr!aka#kapta:. .he "i0e*'$g,g*a$#e '1 the k'lcr!a i" that '1 iva hi/"e*1, a00" the &+, #iti$g a$ 4ga/a= k'lcr!am adhi#h!a devo d,ka!it iva, 8.aki$g p re"i0e$#e i$ the tea#her '1 the ? *a, the g'0 i" Siva i$ the 1'r/ '1 hi/ wh' #'$1er" i$itiati'$:. Sa/e re1ere$#e t' the deikaka#kapta i$ &+ 58. 1363 hela! J it i" perhap" w'rth $'ti$g that FdD, 1'r the Er''tE hel, re1er" the rea0er t' the r''t kr,. +a%rh'1er re#'g$iUe" $' " #h Ever(E ( t, 1'r hel (wh'"e et%/'*'g%, a" a $' $, ha" $'t (ee$ "ati"1a#t'ri*% #*ari1ie0), re1er" #hie1*% t' 0erive0 1'r/" 1' $0 i$ the tw' epi#" J t' whi#h '$e /ight a00 th'"e '1 FdD 1'r hela!= 8*ei#ht"i$$iger Rei"e, /it Nei#htigkeit, 'h$e "i#h irge$0 ei$e$ kwa$g a$U t $, 'h$e Reitere", /ir $i#ht" 0ir $i#ht":, whi#h #apt re a ra$ge '1 the ter/:" a** "i'$", ( t weigh /'re heavi*% '$ the "i0e '1 8a("e$#e '1 i$te$ti'$:, th " a##'r0i$g we** with the pre"e$t pa""age. .h'"e "age" that te$0 t'war0 8e*ega$t*%, gra#e1 **%:, et#., "ee/ t' (e either #'$te7t a* i$terpretati'$" 'r *ate a##eptati'$". .he $'/i$a*iUe0 hel, 1' $0 i$ the 0ra/at rgi#a* *iterat re, "ee/" rather a te#h$i#a* "age whi#h e7te$0" a (it 1 rther the " a* "e$"e '1 the Ea0ver(ia*E ter/ ('$ that $'ti'$, "ee Fa$"at,F' 0'$ 1991= 199,226). B##'r0i$g t' the 0i#ti'$arie", it i" '$*% i$ " #h te7t" that the ter/ i" e/p*'%e0 i$ it" 1 ** $'/i$a* 0re""= the K a"i,t'ta*it% '1 $'$,0ra/ati# #itati'$" i" Ea0ver(ia*E J ' r hela!> "ee a*"' CD a0 98,99. 1364 m'khmn!a J the re*eva$#e '1 the '(Le#ti'$ appear" t' #'$#er$ the "e$"e t' (e attri( te0 t' the ter/ mn!a, whi#h i$ $'r/a* "age pre" /e" a *'$g appre$ti#e"hip at the 1eet '1 the tea#her J a" i$ the #a"e '1 *ear$i$g the ;e0a, whi#h reK ire" eight %ear" '1 0ai*% "t 0% ($'te the ('rr'wi$g '1 the ter/ hnika t' 0e"ig$ate the #hapter" '1 the .4 it"e*1), 'r *ear$i$g Sa$"krit gra//ar, whi#h reK ire" eve$ /'re. CD "ee/" eager t' a00 #e that a ver(a* tra$"/i""i'$ '1 thi" "'rt i" at i"" e, at *ea"t i$ the "e$"e that the #'$#* 0i$g E*e""'$: i" re#eive0 0ire#t*% 1r'/ the /' th '1 the /a"ter. 1365 6$ the a*#he/i#a* tra0iti'$" '1 4% rve0a a$0 .a$tri"/, /er# r% ( rasa 'r prada), (% $0erg'i$g a #ertai$ pr'#e"", #a**e0 pradasaskra (whi#h i$#* 0e" eightee$ /'0e" '1 tra$"1'r/ati'$ J saskra), i" *ti/ate*% 8per1e#te0: (siddha). 6$ the pre"e$t #'$te7t, /er# r%, whi#h i" #e*e(rate0 at *e$gth a" a /ea$" t' a#K ire a$ e$0 ri$g ('0%, i" a*"' "ee$ a" a /ea$" '1 attai$i$g the highe"t g'a*, *i(erati'$> "ee /arvadaranasagraha 65, where, at the ' t"et, it i" e7p*ai$e0 that 8/er# r% i" #a**e0 prada, (e#a "e it i" a /ea$" '1 #'$ve%a$#e (e%'$0 the "erie" '1 tra$"/igrat'r% "tate":, a$0 the #itati'$, there, '1 the Fasasiddhnta= 8<$e $'t *ivi$g #a$$'t k$'w the k$'wa(*e, a$0 there1're there i" a$0 / "t (e *i1e:. CD:" #'//e$tar% a** 0e" '$*% t' that tra0iti'$ a##'r0i$g t' whi#h thi" /er# r%, p' re0 i$t' /e*te0 #'pper, i$"ta$t*% tra$1'r/" it i$t' g'*0. Cet, the /'re "pe# *ative 0i/e$"i'$ '1 the a*#he/i#a* pr'#e"", a" 0eve*'pe0 i$ what the Fasasiddhnta #a**" the rasevaradarana, i" a*"' i/p*i#it*% pre"e$t.

No$ t!e %(r%ort of t!is is as follo$s: t!e a&9(isition of t!e 5no$led e of oneIs o$n Self !as for its (ni9(e "eans 6upy7 t!e favor of t!e S(%re"e Lord) *ere, s(&! Wa&tsY as silent re&itation, "editation, offerin sa&rifi&e, et&), $!i&! arise t!an5s to t!e WLordIsY %o$er of &a(sal &onstraint, are ineffe&t(al as "eans) Rat!er, in t!is &ase, t!e se&ret of t!e ver'al tradition Wre&eived dire&tlyY fro" t!e "o(t! of t!e deity8A== attra&ts violently,8A=< $it!o(t delay, t!e !eart of !i" $!ose !eart8A=C !as 'een %ier&ed 'y t!e ener y of Wt!e LordIsY favor R t!an5s to $!i&! Wre&e%tionY !e 'e&o"es t!e S(%re"e Lord at on&e) *en&e, t!e "arvelo(s ra&e of t!e S(%re"e Lord s!o(ld not 'e 'ro( !t into 9(estion Wor Hin9(ired intoI, Hdo('tedIY) #!rik! ?: As for t!e Was%irantY (nto $!o" t!e WLordIsY ra&e des&ends $it! "iddlin , fee'le, or very fee'le intensity, et&), !e too "ay a&9(ire t!e &ondition of Piva 6(i3at37, $!en t!e 'ody falls a$ay, %rovided !e !as "editated 63im.(at7 on t!e $ords of t!e %re&e%tor (% (ntil t!e "o"ent of deat! in a&&ordan&e $it! t!e sta es of !is dis&i%line 6yoga,ram7) T!(s, t!e "aster no$ e,%lains: ?:) Identification with 'i"a8A=@ is his WalsoY who accedes to the utterly transcendent state in graduated steps ,8A<7 finally gaining familiarity with the ultimate principle)8A<8 T!(s, as !as 'een said,8A<6 for him who, 'e&a(se of t!e fee'le des&ent of t!e WdivineY ener y, accedes to the utterly transcendent state, $it!o(t !avin Wat firstY a%%ro%riated t!e tea&!in s Wof !is "asterY re ardin %erfe&t 5no$led e 6p/r0a12na7, t!at is, $!o &o"es Wat len t!Y to e,%erien&e dire&tly t!e state t!at is a'ove all t!e %rin&i%les ))) R +(t, interr(%ts an o'#e&tor, !o$ Wis t!is %ossi'leYZ T!e "aster says: HWIt is doneY in graduated stepsI, t!at is, little?'y?little: W!is a$areness is &on&entrated firstY in t!e '(l', t!en in t!e navel, t!en in t!e !eart, et&)
6$ the 4ga/a", the 1ir"t per"'$ i" $'r/a**% re"erve0 t' the 0eit%, 'r t' a "age> the '11i#e '1 the g r i" t' tra$"/it their tea#hi$g". 1367 Mere the wa% '1 ha#hapka, 81'r#e0 /at rati'$:, i" re1erre0 t', whi#h .4 666 260,262 0ea*" with e*a('rate*%. 1368 .he repetiti'$ i" i$ the te7t it"e*1, a*th' gh it i" $'t a "tri#t #a"e '1 Erepetiti'$E (% 6$0ia$ "ta$0ar0", 1'r '$e i$"ta$#e '1 the w'r0 hda!a i" a $' $, wherea" the 'ther i" part '1 a$ a0Le#tiva* #'/p' $0 0e"#ri(i$g the a#'*%te (t' (e " pp*ie0). 1369 ivama!,bhva J *it., 8/aki$g '$e"e*1 i$t' iva:. 1370 sopnapadakramea J Si*( r$ tra$"*ate"= 8gravi""a$t pa" A pa" *:e#he**e (0e" #ateg'rie"): 2J 8the *a00er ('1 the #ateg'rie"):3, ( t, i$ her #'//e$tar%, whi#h take" i$t' a##' $t CD:", "he $0er"ta$0" that the re1ere$#e here i" t' the cakras, whi#h "ee/" t' (e /'re #'rre#t. B*"' "ee her 6$tr., p. 45, i$ whi#h "he "tre""e" that CD a0 97 a** 0e" t' the 8"eve$ "tage": '1 the k'dalin,:s a"#e$t. 6t appear", $everthe*e"", that CD e$ /erate" eight '1 the/. 1371 <$ the *i$g i"ti# app*i#ati'$ '1 the ter/ r)dhi, "ee $. 1089. .he /e$ti'$ '1 r)dhi i$ thi" '00 #'$te7t, a" we** a" i$ the avat. t' 98,99, /a% he*p t' 1i7 the "e$"e '1 thi" pr'(*e/ati# ter/. 6$ e11e#t, the pr'(*e/ the a"pira$t i" 0ee/e0 t' 1a#e here i" tw'1'*0= the w'r0" '1 the tea#her have $'t i$0 #e0 i$ hi/ a E" 00e$E i$"ight (kA. 97) $'r ha" that i$"ight (ee$, v' "#ha1e0 t' hi/ a" he #'$1r'$t" hi" 1i$a* /'/e$t" (kA. 98,99). .he ter/ r)dhi app*ie" " ita(*% i$ ('th #'$te7t"= the a#'*%te ha" $'t $0er"t''0 the E0ire#t "e$"eE '1 the tea#her:" i$"tr #ti'$, a$0 that "e$"e re/ai$" /%"teri' " t' hi/ eve$ at the /'/e$t '1 0eath. 6$ ('th #a"e", what i" /i""i$g i" the r)hiJ the 8i//e0iate apprehe$"i'$: that g ara$tee" *i(erati'$> he$#e ' r tra$"*ati'$ (% 81a/i*iarit%:. 1372 kila J "ee G/e$ea 1969= 24111.


T!e steps 6sopnag7 are t!ese: t!e H'(l'I 6,anda7, t!e navel 6n$hi7, t!e !eart 6h.d7, t!e t!roat 6,a0@ha7,8A<A t!e soft %alate 6lampi,7,8A<; t!e Hdro%I 6$indu7, t!e Hresonan&eI 6nda, or H%!onationIE Wt!ro( ! $!i&!Y ener y W%ro ressesY, t!at is to say, t!ey are t!e sta es 6rtha7 for "ovin Wt!e (a,tiY (%$ardsM8A<B Wea&!Y of t!e" is a state 6HpadaH7 and Wat t!e sa"e ti"eY an a&9(isitionM W'y oin Y fro" one Wto anot!erY, 'y a'andonin one and a&&e%tin anot!er, t!ere is se%uence 6g,rama7 R8A<=

nbhi, hd, ka#ha, are three '1 the "i7 cakras J ( t "h' *0 $'t (e #'$1 "e0 with the 'rga$" the/"e*ve". .he 8( *(:, kanda ('r mehrakanda), a*"' $a/e0 g'h!asthna, the 8"e#ret p*a#e:, i" the 'pe$i$g '1 the m)ldhra (the 8ra0i#a* " pp'rt:, the *'we"t '1 the cakras, at the (a"e '1 the "pi$e, i$ the area '1 the ge$ita*", where the 0i11ere$t n,s, 'r #a$a*" '1 vita* e$erg%, L'i$). 6$ 1a#t, repre"e$te0 a" a tria$g*e i$ ta$tri# a##' $t", the m)ldhra /a% (e t r$e0 0'w$war0" (the$ #a**e0 adhovaktra, the 80'w$war0" 'pe$i$g:), 'r pwar0", a$0 #a**e0 kanda. N'#ate0 at the r''t '1 the "e7 a* 'rga$ 2Bva*'$ "a%" 8(etwee$ the ge$ita*" a$0 the a$ ":3 (i.e., 1ive 1i$ger" (e*'w the $ave*, a$0 tw' 1i$ger" a('ve the /e/(r / viri*e), $ear the a$ ", it a**'w" the viri*e p'wer t' pa"" i$t' the #e$tra* #ha$$e*> at that p'i$t, it i" #a**e0 trikoa, the 8tria$g *ar "a$#t ar%:, i$a"/ #h a" it i" /a0e '1 the three 0ivi$e aktis= icch, %&na a$0 kri!. See Si*( r$ 1983= 43. 1374 Dather, lampik ('r lambik, *it., 8whi#h ha$g" 0'w$:) i" the v *a, the 1*e7i(*e e7tre/it% '1 the "'1t pa*ate. 6t i" a*"' #a**e0 tl', 'r cat'pada, 1'r it i" "ee$ a" the i$ter"e#ti'$ '1 1' r wa%", a$0, a" " #h, "%/('*iUe0 (% a *'t " with 1' r peta*" where the tw' wa%" '1 the 'r0i$ar% e7ter$a* (reath ('$e 0e"#e$0i$g i$ the * $g", the 'ther g'i$g p thr' gh the tra#hea) #r'"" the tw' wa%" "pe#i1i# t' the i$teri'riUe0 (reath '1 the k'alin, ('$e 0e"#e$0i$g t' the m)ldhra, the 'ther g'i$g p t' the brahmarandhra). -e"#ri(e0 a" *'#ate0 (e*'w the brahmarandhra, a$0 t r$e0 t'war0 the bhr)madh!a, the lampik, a" i" the #a"e with the lal#a (i$ the /i00*e '1 the 1'rehea0) 'r the trivei (a*"' "it ate0 at the *eve* '1 the bhr)madh!a), i" $'t a cakra. Dather it i" a p*a#e where air gather" i$ " #h a wa% that (reath #ha$ge" it" $at re, a$0, (e#'/i$g te$ ' ", i" a "' r#e '1 pea#e a$0 (*i"". See Si*( r$ 1983= 45, Si*( r$, &a0' 7 .4= 274, M g e" 1997= 106,107, Sa$0er"'$ 1986= 177,181. 1375 bind', nda a$0 akti are i$#* 0e0 i$ the "tage" '1 a"#e$t '1 the k'alin, ("ee ;Fh 30, a$0 it" #'//e$tar% whi#h 0etai*" thi" twe*ve1'*0 pr'#e"", i$ Si*( r$ ;Fh= 81,82). G7p*i#it*% re*ati$g t' the rea*/ '1 ph'$i# e$erg%, the 1ir"t tw' are a*"' a""'#iate0 with a "pe#i1i# p*a#e i$ the " (t*e ('0%, bind', repre"e$ti$g E/e$ta*E e$erg%, i" *'#ate0 i$ bhr)madh!acakra, a$0 nda, repre"e$ti$g #'$#ept a* th' ght, i$ the "pa#e whi#h e7te$0" 1r'/ lal#a, i$ the /i00*e '1 the 1'rehea0 (the p*a#e 1'r th'"e " (t*e /'0 *ati'$" '1 the ph'$i# e$erg% whi#h are ardha1candra a$0 nirodhin,, (etwee$ bind' a$0 nda i$ the a"#e$0i$g /'ve/e$t), t' the " //it '1 the hea0, akti (a" a *eve* '1 "' $0 i$ the 'ccra, viU., i$ the arti# *ati'$ '1 the /a$tra a$0 the pwar0 /'ve/e$t '1 ph'$i# e$erg%) i" (e%'$0 the #'rp'rea* pr'#e"", "i$#e the %'gi$ ha" tra$"#e$0e0 the 1ra/e '1 the ('0% at thi" "tage. .hr' gh nda, it" $arti# *ate0 a$0 a*/'"t i/per#epti(*e re"'$a$#e (it"e*1 e$0i$g i$ ndnta, eve$ /'re " (t*e, whi#h re"i0e" higher, at the *eve* '1 the brahmarandhracakra), that p'wer '1 the /a$tra 0i""'*ve" i$t' akti, iva:" G$erg%, whi#h i" it" ver% "' r#e, a$0 where "'/e 1'r/ '1 "'$'r' " vi(rati'$ re/ai$". .he$ the 0i""'* ti'$ '1 thi" "'$'r' " vi(rati'$ g'e" '$, withi$ akti it"e*1, with three /'re "tage" whi#h are $'t re1erre0 t' here, (% CD, viU., v!pin,, the 8&erva0i$g:, saman, the 8!'$"#i' ":, a$0 'nman, the 8.ra$"/e$ta* *eve*:. <$ thi" e$tire pr'#e"", "ee &a0' 7 &.NvX= 8311., a$0 Sa$0er"'$ 1986= 178,180 (1r'/ wh'/ we ('rr'w the tra$"*ati'$ '1 v!pin,, saman a$0 'nman). 1376 .h ", a##'r0i$g t' the #'//e$tar%, k'alin,!oga "ee/" t' (e re1erre0 t' i$ the kArikA ("ee a*"' the avat. whi#h "peak" '1 !ogakrama). H$*e"" (th' gh *e"" pr'(a(*%) '$e i" t' $0er"ta$0 that BI /ea$t a$'ther a"#e$t= perhap" 1r'/ a$ i$1eri'r pra#ti#e, " #h a" the vi" a*iUati'$ '1 0eitie", t' the " peri'r '$e '1 the &., a" BI $0er"t''0 it, /e0itati'$ '$ "' $0", et#. ("ee &.= 265,266, where '## r" the 0e"i0erative $' $ r'r'k', 8the '$e wh' 0e"ire" t' a"#e$0:). .hi" pr'#e"" '1 the a"#e$0i$g k'alin, i" i$0i""'#ia(*e 1r'/ the %'gi$:" a"#e$t thr' gh " ##e""ive *eve*" '1 ph'$i#


))) t!ere is for t!is W5ind ofY yo in as $ell a&9(isition of t!e &ondition of Piva 8A<< on t!e o&&asion of a'andonin !is &or%oreal 'ody,8A<C to t!e e,tent t!at !e !as ras%ed t!e (lti"ate reality evolvin 8A<@ W$it!in !i"Y R Wan a&9(isitionY Q'y de reesQ) T!(s !as 'een e,%o(nded t!e se9(ential %ro&ed(re 6,ramayu,ti7 W$!i&! too %er"its "er in in t!e a'sol(teY) #!rik!s ?<+?? S!o(ld s(&! fa"iliarity W$it! t!e o'#e&t of !is %ra&ti&eY not 'e a&9(ired, even t!o( ! t!e ade%t !as %ra&ti&ed &onfidently t!e yo a of Qsta esQ 6,ramayoga7, t!en so"e o'sta&le to t!e attain"ent of !is desired oal !as intervened) And if deat! itself s!o(ld intervene $it! !is oal yet (nattained, t!en H$!at $ill 'e t!e iss(eIZ T!e "aster re"oves t!is a%%re!ension: 98. But, it may at some time or other happen that for him Wthe 0se%uential0 yoginY, because of a pause8AC8 in the course of his practice , death inter"enes before he has gone to the extreme limit where ultimate reality is experienced ,8AC6 though his heart yearns to reach the WhighestY state) @@) Ae, whom the Teaching8ACA terms Hfallen from disciplineI, becomes in conse%uence a lord of worlds full of wonderful en8oyments M then coming again

e$erg%, e7perie$#e0 i$ the arti# *ati'$ '1 a /a$tra (pr'(a(*% the parab,%a QQ), a" /a% (e i$1erre0 1r'/ the "i/i*ar pa""age '1 .4 ; 54(,62a)> " #h i" " gge"te0 (% the re1ere$#e t' bind', nda a$0 akti. .hi" a"#e$t a*"' #'i$#i0e" with the pr'#e"" '1 the rea("'rpti'$ '1 the 0i11ere$tiate0 i$t' p re #'$"#i' "$e"" (it"e*1 #'rre*ati$g with the #'"/i# rea("'rpti'$ '1 the e$tire phe$'/e$a* /a$i1e"tati'$). Rhat i" hi$te0 at, here, i" a #'/p*e7 a$0 /'"t e*a('rate pra#ti#e i$v'*vi$g the 0i11ere$tiate0 "tage", p t' the nbhi, '1 the avop!a, the 8/ea$", 'r wa%, '1 the 1i$ite "' *:, a$0 the ktop!a, the 8/ea$", 'r wa%, '1 e$erg%:, re1erri$g t' the a"#e$t '1 the " (t*e e$erg% thr' gh 1ive "tage" (hd, ka#ha, tl', bhr)madh!a a$0 lal#a) (e1're rea#hi$g the " pre/e pha"e" that "tart 1r'/ nda ("ee Si*( r$ ;Fh= 82). B" "tate0 a('ve, &S 97 /a% (e #'/pare0 t' .4 ; 56(,57a, $'t '$*% (e#a "e ('th pa""age" "e the ter/ sopna, ( t a*"' (e#a "e the% appear t' 0e"#ri(e the "a/e pr'#e"". F% e$ /erati$g bind', nda a$0 akti, CD:" #'//e$tar% "ee/" t' e#h' .4 ; 56(,57a, where the k'alin,, e7p*i#it*% /e$ti'$e0, i" "ee$ a" 8(*'""'/i$g i$t' a gar*a$0 (mlik) 2'1 " (t*e e$ergie"3 g'i$g, thr' gh " ##e""ive "tage", 1r'/ bind', i$ the /i00*e '1 the e%e,(r'w", t' ndnta a$0 akti:. OD, e7p*ai$i$g bhr)bind'ndntaaktisopnamlikm, e7p' $0" the pr'#e"" /'re 1 **%, a00i$g the /i""i$g ite/", viU., nda, v!pin, a$0 saman= 8.he gar*a$0 '1 2the " (t*e e$ergie"=3 bind', nda, ndnta, akti, v!pin, a$0 saman, whi#h are 2#'$"i0ere0 a"3 0egree" (sopna), i$a"/ #h a" 2the %'gi$3 ha" re#' r"e t' a"#e$0i$g the "tep" higher a$0 higher ()rdhvordhvapadrohop!atvt):. 1377 Nit., 8'1 a #'$0iti'$ wh'"e e""e$#e i" ivah''0:. 1378 S #h a %'gi$ wi** attai$ the #'/p*ete *i(erati'$ that i" $a/e0 videham'kti, '$*% at 0eath, 1'r the ('0% re/ai$" i$ "'/e wa% a "heath 1'r hi/. .hi" e7p*ai$" the tw' #'$#ept" '1 %,vanm'kti a$0 videham'kti. 1379 paramrthapraroha. 1380 r)hi J "ee $. 1089 a$0 1371. 1381 See CD a0 *'#. virnti J 8pa "e:, 8#e""ati'$:, "'/eti/e" $0er"t''0 p'"itive*% (8rep'"e:), "'/eti/e" *e"" "' (8re"t:). Mere it i" t' (e take$ $e tra**%, 1'r, 0e"pite the #'//e$tar%, the 8#e""ati'$: '1 0i"#ip*i$e /a% (e either v'* $tar% (a" 1r'/ *aUi$e"" 'r pre/at re "ati"1a#ti'$) 'r i$v'* $tar% (a" (% *ight$i$g 'r "i#k$e""). .he ter/, *ike /a$% 'ther" i$ thi" tra0iti'$, ha" Ep'eti#E 'vert'$e"= the "e$"e '1 1 *1i**/e$t 'r #'/p*eti'$ that #hara#teriUe" ae"theti# e7perie$#e (ra"a)> "ee Fa$"at,F' 0'$ 1992. 1382 Nit, 8that e7tre/e e0ge 2'1 that whi#h i"3 /a0e '1 *ti/ate rea*it%:. Si*( r$ $0er"ta$0" dhr a" the 8# */i$ati$g p'i$t:= 8+ai" #e* i K i ":arreta$t a /i,v'ie 0 re# ei**e/e$t $:a##e0e pa" a p'i$t # */i$a$t K i e"t *a rea*ite " pre/e 2...3:. 1383 stra J "ee $. 1390.

into existence in a following birth, he will become 'i"a,8AC; thanks to the stage of progress achie"ed when he paused)8ACB And so, because of a pause in the course Wof his practiceY "eans t!at, d(e to so"e o'sta&le, Wt!e ade%tY $!o %ra&ti&es yo a 6yoga$hysa7 in %ro ressive sta es8AC= !as re"ained &ontent $it! t!e e,%erien&e a&9(ired on one of t!e Wlo$erY ca,ra?levelsM and, before he has gone to the extreme limit where ultimate reality is experienced "eans t!at !e !as not attained t!e state %ro%osed W'y !is %re&e%torY, $!i&!, a'ove and 'eyond all t!e %at!s 6adh3an7,8AC< !as t!e for" of t!e (lti"ate %rin&i%leM If, !o$ever, though his heart yearns to reach the WhighestY state, t!at is, t!o( ! ea er to realiLe8ACC t!e %resen&e of (lti"ate reality, as ta( !t W'y !is %re&e%torY, at some time or other, in t!e "idst Wof t!e %ro&essY, an ino%%ort(ne event 8AC@ is seen to 'efall !i", t!en, $!at $ill 'e !is f(t(re &o(rse $!en t!e 'ody falls a$ay, Winas"(&! asY !e !ad not attained $!at $as to 'e attainedZ T!e "aster re%lies: HAe Wwhom the Teaching termsY Qfallen from disciplineQ, etc)I)

iv,bhavati. !1. FhI ;6 41,44, parti# *ar*% 41= 8Bttai$i$g the heave$*% w'r*0" '1 the 0'er" '1 right,0 -we**i$g there 1'r e$0*e"" %ear",0 6$ the h' "e '1 p re a$0 i** "tri' " 1'*k0 <$e that ha" 1a**e$ 1r'/ 0i"#ip*i$e i" ('r$:, a$0 FhI ;6 43,44a= 8.here that a""'#iati'$ '1 /e$ta*it%0 Me '(tai$", whi#h wa" hi" i$ hi" 1'r/er ('0%>0 B$0 he "trive" 1r'/ that p'i$t '$war00 H$t' per1e#ti'$, "'$ '1 ? r (43).00 T'r (% the "a/e 1'r/er pra#ti#e0 Me i" #arrie0 '$ eve$ with' t hi" wi"h (44a):. IBS ;6 41 g*'""e" 81'r e$0*e"" %ear": (vat, sam) a" 81'r three %ear" '1 ;i9@ : (vatas!a vio sam J vaiavni tr,ni var,)W 1386 'llaghanakramea. 1387 .he path" re1erre0 t' here are the 8"i7 path":, the aadhvan J the "i7 1a#t'r" '1 0i11ere$tiati'$, tha$k" t' whi#h the e$tire #reati'$ 'r /a$i1e"tati'$ (egi$". F% rever"i$g the pr'#e"", the% are a*"' wa%" '1 ret r$i$g t' $it% J a /ea$i$g that i" $0er*i$e0 (% the tra0iti'$a* et%/'*'g% '1 the w'r0, 1r'/ the r''t ad, 8t' eat:> "ee .4 ;6 30= adhv kramea !tav!e pade saprptikraam0 dvaian bhog!abhvt t' prab'ddhn !ato 8d!ate, 8 2.he ter/3 adhvan (8r' te:) J give$ that the 21i$a*3 "tate i" t' (e rea#he0 i$ "tage" J here "ig$i1ie" the /ea$" '1 1i$a**% rea#hi$g 2that "tate3> he$#e, (e#a "e a** thi$g" p'""e""e0 '1 0 a*it% are 28e$ r' te:3 t' (e #'$" /e0 2*it., 8'1 the $at re '1 "'/ethi$g t' (e e$L'%e0:3, 2that 8r' te:3 i" "ai0 t' (e 8eate$: (% th'"e wh' are e$*ighte$e0:. .4; a0 *'#. e7p*ai$"= !tav!e pada iti ivatattvtmani0 bhedada! hi tattattattvollaghanakramea a#tria ivatattva prp!atvenoktam0 bhog!abhvd it! adan,!atvt0 adhigatasavittattv hi sarva svtmastk'rvant,ti bhva0 tendhvaivdhv, ad!ata it!adhv ceti, 8F% Ea p*a#e t' (e g'$e t'E he /ea$" 2the 1i$a* "tage '1 the 0i"#ip*i$e3 i$ve"te0 with the Siva,pri$#ip*e. 6$0ee0, it ha" (ee$ "ai0 that the thirt%,"i7th pri$#ip*e, iva, i" t' (e appr'a#he0 gra0 a**% (% pr'#ee0i$g 2 pwar0"3 1r'/ pri$#ip*e t' pri$#ip*e J it (ei$g '(vi' " that the #'$0iti'$ '1 0i11ere$#e 2the$ prevai*"3. F% E1'r it i" '1 the $at re '1 "'/ethi$g t' (e e$L'%e0E he /ea$" that it i" 1it t' (e eate$. .he /ea$i$g i" that th'"e wh' have appr'a#he0 2'r /a"tere03 the pri$#ip*e '1 p re #'$"#i' "$e"" (savittattva) 2the 36th3 have tra$"1'r/e0 ever%thi$g i$t' their 'w$ "e*1 2have Eeate$E ever%thi$g3> " #h i" the /ea$i$g. .h " (% EpathE i" here /ea$t either EpathE 2"i/p*%, viU., the pr'#e""3, 'r Ewhat i" 2t' (e3 eate$, 'r #'$" /e0E 2viU., the re" *t J 1'r i$ pr'gre""i$g t'war0 the ivatattva, the r' te /a% a*"' (e "ai0 t' (e Eeate$, 'r #'$" /e0E 8. See $. 441. 1388 sdana J viU., 8(ri$g hi/"e*1 i$t':. 1389 vipatti S maraa, i$ the kA.
1384 1385


Ae is, in the Teaching, t!at is, in t!e a(t!oritative te,t,8A@7 termed or said to 'e Hfallen from disciplineI 6yoga$hra)@a7,8A@8 t!at is to say, !e is one fallen, or s$ervin ,8A@6 from the discipline Wof realiBationY 6yoga7, fro" a'sor%tion 6samdhi7 Win t!e a'sol(teY R or fro" 'ot!) O!at sort of %erson, t!en, $o(ld !e 'eZ T!e "aster re%lies: HWA lord of worlds fullY of wonderful Wen8oymentsY, etc)I) O!en t!e 'ody falls a$ay, !e 'e&o"es a lord 6pati7, a %otentate 6-(3ara7, in worlds 6$hu3ana7 t!at &orres%ond to t!e levels Wof "editationY attained $!en a %a(se Win !is %ra&ti&e o&&(rredY R $orlds in!a'ited 'y t!e Lords of t!e tatt3as 6tatt3e(3ara7, and which abound in wonderful en8oyments,8A@A t!at is, in vario(s "arvels, s(&! as $o"en, food, 'evera es, arlands, ar"ents, anoint"ents, son s, "(si&, et&) R in ot!er $ords, i""ediately after dyin , !e is asso&iated $it! t!ese divine deli !ts) A ain, on&e !is entitle"ent to s(&! deli !ts is e,!a(sted, !o$ $o(ld !e fare, $!o !ad fallen fro" dis&i%lineZ WT!at is, $!at !a%%ens t!en to T!e "aster re%lies: HWThanks to the stage Lof progressM achie"ed Y when he paused, etc)I) No$, 'y stage Wof progressY achie"ed when he paused, is "eant t!e %la&e, Wfor e,a"%le, one of t!e ca,ras, t!eY ,anda, et&), Wat $!i&! !is "editation $as interr(%tedYM thanks to that Wsta e, "eansY, t!an5s to its %o$er of a$a5enin root i"%ressions Wt!at $ere o&&asionedY as !e e,er&ised !i"self in t!at W%la&e $!erein a %a(se o&&(rredY, !e, coming WagainY into existence in a following birth , viL), t!e ne,t 'irt! R t!at is, !avin a&9(ired anot!er fit 'ody s(ita'le for yo i& %ra&ti&e in t!is $orld of trans"i ration, and, after "(&! effort, !avin ta5en %ossession Wa ainY of t!e yo a !e !ad %revio(sly %ra&ti&ed, easily8A@; rises to8A@B t!e W!i !estY state W$!erein is e,%erien&edY (lti"ate reality R $!i&! $as !is oal in !is %revio(s life R and, $!en !is 'ody falls a$ay, 'e&o"es Piva !i"self)8A@= #!rik!s @@+ @ No$, $!en t!e 'ody falls a$ay, $!at is t!e Wf(t(reY &o(rse of Wt!e ade%tY $!o, t!o( ! !e %ra&ti&es Wyo i&Y dis&i%line Wassid(o(slyY, finds no re%ose WviL),
.h " i" stra g*'""e0 a" gamagrantha. 6t "ee/" *ike*% that the 8PA"tra: re1erre0 t' here i" the -hagavadg,t, e"pe#ia**% it" "i7th #hapter, whi#h 0ea*" with the $at re '1 %'ga. B 0i"# ""i'$ '1 the !ogabhra#a a$0 hi" 1ate '## r" there a" we** ("ee, i$ $. 1385, FhI ;6 37,45, e"p., v. 41, whi#h i" t' (e #'/pare0 with &S 98,102). Gve$ CD:" K e"ti'$= ka gati e#h'e" that '1 BrL $a t' ?X9@a, at the ' t"et '1 the pa""age= k gati gacchati. T rther/'re, i$ the #'//e$tar% t' kA. 102, (e*'w, CD e7p*i#it*% K 'te" it" 1ir"t a$0 *a"t ver"e". See a*"' 4&S 85( (S &S 101()= bh'vane' sarvadevair !ogabhra#as tath p)%!a. 1391 <r 81r'/ 2the path '13 %'ga:. 1392 !1. FhI ;6 37= !ogc calitamnasa, he 8wh'"e /i$0 1a**" awa% 1r'/ 0i"#ip*i$e:. 1393 <r 8where ea#h w'r*0 e7hi(it", i$ pri$#ip*e (Cpradhna), a$ e$L'%/e$t pr'per t' it"e*1, " #h a" that '1 w'/e$, '1 1''0 2...3, et#.:. 1394 hela!> #1. $. 1363. 1395 Nit., 8/' $t" p'$:. 1396 iva eva bhavati. Mi" pra#ti#e ha" *a"te0 1'r tw' *ive".


satisfa&tionY, 'e it only a little WviL), Heven sli !tIY, in any %art Wof t!e dis&i%lineY, d(e to (nsteadiness of "ind 6mana(c2calya7 R yet Wdes%ite t!isY retains fait! in t!e dis&i%line itselfZ8A@< To t!is &on&ern, t!e "aster re%lies as follo$s: 100. But, as for Wthe adeptY who, though practicing this path of ultimate reality,8A@C does not attain true discipline, he will yet with delighted mind re8oice at length, partaking of the pleasures of the worlds of the gods) 878)=ust as a monarch who rules o"er the entire earth is "enerated by all people in his domains, so is he who has fallen from discipline "enerated by all the gods in their worlds)8A@@ Alt!o( ! he practices this %at!, $!ose essen&e is 5no$led e of !is Wtr(eY Self, t!at !as 'een e,%lained Wto !i"Y !(ndreds of ti"es, t!at is, t!o( ! !e devotes W!i"self to t!at %ra&ti&eY $it! fait! and devotion, s!o(ld !e die in t!e "idst of life $it!o(t attainin t!e re%ose t!at is t!e "ar5 of yo a %ro%er, d(e to t!e &ir&(larity8;77 of "ental fa(lts Ws(&! as inattention, an er, et&)Y,8;78 t!en !e, W$!o" $e ter"Y Hfallen fro" dis&i%lineI, %arta5es of t!e %leas(res of t!e $orlds of t!e ods, !is "ind re#oi&in M t!ere !e re"ains #oyf(l for a long time, t!an5s to t!e for&e of !is devotion, $!i&! to !i" is a favor, and t!e fait! t!at !ad ro$n stron in !i" re ardin Wt!e effi&a&ity ofY t!e dis&i%line leadin to WfinalY insi !tM !e is venerated 'y t!e ods t!e"selves in t!eir $orlds, t!at is, in t!eir res%e&tive a'odes) To $!o" is !e &o"%ara'leZ T!e "aster re%lies: to HW))) him who rules o"erY the entire WearthYI) =ust as a monarch who rules o"er the entire earth , t!at is, a (niversal e"%eror, lord of t!e seven &ontinents, is "enerated, s!o$n res%e&t by all people in his domains, in !is vario(s territories,
6$ the pre#e0i$g ver"e" (98,99) are treate0 tw' t%pe" '1 E1ai*e0E a"pira$t" J ('th 1ai* re" "ig$a*e0 (% a 8viPrA$ti: i$ the 0i"#ip*i$e. Gither the a"pira$t ha" 1' $0 a 8"ati"1a#ti'$: (virnti) i$ "'/e *'wer "tage '1 the 0i"#ip*i$e ('r pre" /a(*% eve$ ' t"i0e it) that 8"t'p": hi/ pre/at re*%, 'r "'/e $1're"ee$ '("ta#*e ha" i$terve$e0 t' give hi" pra#ti#e pa "e (virnti) (e1're it # */i$ate" J *eavi$g hi/ 8(*'#ke0: at a$ i$ter/e0iate "tage. 6$ the"e kArikA" (100,101), the 1i$a* p'""i(i*it% i" #'$1r'$te0 J that eve$ thi" *a"t 8"ati"1a#ti'$: (virnti) i" $'t v' #h"a1e0 t' the a"pira$t= th' gh he ha" p r" e0 hi" pra#ti#e a""i0 ' "*% a$0 tire*e""*%, $' 8pa "e: '1 a$% "'rt i" a##'r0e0 hi/ (e1're hi" 0e/i"e. .he "e$"e '1 thi" p UU*i$g ter/ J virnti J i" th " /a0e #*earer (% BI:" treat/e$t here. .he *a"t p'""i(i*it% a** 0e" perhap" t' the #a"e '1 the *e"",tha$,a(*e "t 0e$t, 0e"ti$e0 t' re/ai$ a 81ai* re: (i$ the pre"e$t (irth at *ea"t), 0eter/i$e0 th' gh he /a% (e. .' hi/ /a% (e '11ere0 '$*% the h'pe '1 8p*ea" ra(*e w'r*0": a" a rewar0, a ki$0 '1 (''(% priUe, $' 0' (t J a priUe, perhap", that "h'w" a*"' the i$r'a0" /a0e (% the bhakti tra0iti'$ eve$ i$ th'"e tra0iti'$" that w' *0 "ee/ t' have $' p*a#e 1'r ea"% 0ev'ti'$. Mere a" we**, "e*1*e"" 1aith ha" 1' $0 it" rewar0. !1. FhI ;6 34= ca&cala hi mana, a$0 37, where BrL $a e$K ire" a(' t the $" ##e""1 * %'gi$ wh' i" %et &'""e""e0 '1 1aith (raddha!opeta). 1398 mrga J "#i* 8/et,h'0'":, 8/eth'0:> "ee CD a0 18 a$0 &S 96. 1399 !1. 4&S 84,85= paramrthamrgasdhanam rabh!prp!a !ogam api nma0 s'ralokabhogabhog, m'ditaman modate s'ciram00 via!e' sarvabha'ma sarva%anai p)%!ate !ath r%0 bh'vane' sarvadevair !ogabhra#as tath p)%!a00, 1r'/ whi#h &S 101,102 ('rr'w" a*/'"t verbatim. 1400 anavasthna J *it., 8a("e$#e '1 (a"i":. 1401 .hat i", the /'re '$e " (/it" t' their i$1* e$#e, the /'re the% #'$"tit te '("ta#*e" t' the %'gi$:" pr'gre"". <r 80 e t' the a("e$#e '1 (a"i" 2'1 hi" pra#ti#e, #a "e0 (%3 1a *t" '1 the /i$0:.


so likewise is !e %raised even 'y t!e ods, sayin : H+y (s is !e to 'e revered, for !is Wne,tY 'irt! $ill 'e !is lastM 8;76 WindeedY !e !as &(ltivated not!in '(t dis%assion Win t!is lifeYM "erits and de"erits !ave &eased to 'e for !i" o'#e&ts Wof e,%erien&eY) It is !e Wafter allY $!ose strivin in a %revio(s life $as "otivated 'y a desire to 5no$ re ardin !is o$n Self) T!is is t!e %(r%ort)8;7A #!rik! @* O!at $ill 'e !is f(t(re &o(rse after !is entitle"ent to e,%erien&e t!e %leas(res of ot!er $orlds ter"inatesZ Re%lyin to t!is 9(estion, t!e "aster says: @*) Ae reaches again the human condition after a considerable time and , then, by practicing WanewY his discipline, he attains WfinallyY di"ine immortality R from which state he does not return)8;7; *avin en#oyed t!e deli !ts availa'le in t!e divine $orlds as #(st des&ri'ed, after a very lon time, !e $!o !as fallen fro" dis&i%line o'tains, on t!e dissol(tion of !is 'ody, di"ine immortality 6di3yam am.tam7, $!i&! is of t!e nat(re of t!e (lti"ate %rin&i%le)8;7B
6$ CD a0 96, the "a/e #'/p' $0 appear" i$ the #'$te7t '1 the %,vanm'kta a$0 ha" (ee$ tra$"*ate0 a##'r0i$g*% 8'1 wh'/ thi" (irth i" the *a"t:. 1403 .he e7p*a$at'r% 'r0er '1 the #'//e$tar% i" here rever"e0. 6t "ee/" that the #*a "e= 8 s'rair api bh'vane' ni%ani%asthe' p)%!o bhavati:, whi#h pre#e0e" the K e"ti'$= 8.' wh'/ i" he #'/para(*e?:, i" t' (e take$ a" a re" /e '1 what 1'**'w", whi#h i" i$ 1a#t the g*'"" '1 the 1i$a* p'rti'$ '1 the kArikA> thi" 0etai*e0 e7p*a$ati'$ the$ #*'"e" with iti !vat, i$0i#ati$g that it i" Ea$'therE wa% t' i$terpret the re" /e. 1404 !1. 4&S 86= mahat klena mahn mn'!a prp!a !ogam abh!as!a0 prpnoti div!am amta !at tat parama pada vio0, a$0 FhI ;6 45, whi#h, 0eve*'ppe0 (% ' r ver"e" 100, 102, i" K 'te0 (e*'w (% CD at the e$0 '1 hi" g*'"" '$ 102= pra!atnd !atamnas t' !og, sa'ddhakilbia0 aneka%anmasasiddhas tato !ti par gatim00, 8F t "trivi$g Uea*' "*%,0 Rith "i$" #*ea$"e0, the 0i"#ip*i$e0 /a$,0 &er1e#te0 thr /a$% re(irth",0 .he$ (1i$a**%) g'e" t' the highe"t g'a*:. 1405 6$ ' r te7t, the w'r0" div!am amtam, 80ivi$e i//'rta*it%: (K a*i1ie0 i$ the te7t '1 40iPe9a (% parama pada vio) #'$"tit te a pr'(*e/ i$ the "e$"e that the% #' *0 (e i$terprete0 i$ a 0 a*i"ti# /a$$er, a" re1erri$g t' "'/e 0ivi$e para0i"e, aki$ t' ' r 8G*%"ia$ Tie*0": where the 0eparte0 are i$0ee0 happ%, ( t 1r'/ whi#h the% / "t ret r$ eve$t a**% J a" '("erve" the avat. t' &S 102 a(' t the 80ivi$e w'r*0": (s'raloka) '1 kA. 101= 8a1ter '$e:" e$tit*e/e$t t' 2e7perie$#e3 the p*ea" re" '1 'ther w'r*0" ter/i$ate":. .he w'r0" /ight a*"' re1er t' a $'ti'$ '1 *i(erati'$ #'/para(*e t' that '1 DA/A$ La, wh' #'$"i0er" m'kti t' (e a 0ev'tee " re"i0e$#e with' t e$0 i$ the pr'7i/it% '1 the N'r0 J a $'ti'$ /'re i$ #'$1'r/it% with the reK ire/e$t" '1 bhakti J where the i0ea '1 a$ 8i0e$ti1i#ati'$: with the N'r0 i" "ee$ rather a" arr'ga$#e 'r lese1ma%este. .he ver% $'ti'$ '1 bhakti 'r 0ev'ti'$a* 1erv'r "ee/" t' reK ire a$ '(Le#t w'rth% '1 that 1erv'r J whi#h i" evi0e$t*% $'t the 0ev'tee. S #h a$ i$terpretati'$, where 8re"i0e$#e: '## pie" the p*a#e '1 8*i(erati'$:, /ight h'*0 i$ the #a"e '1 the 1ir"t &S, "tr'$g*% #'*'re0 (% ;ai9@ava 0ev'ti'$a*i"/ (th' gh eve$ thi" i$terpretati'$ i" 0e(ata(*e), ( t it #a$$'t (e he*0 i$ the #'$te7t '1 the "e#'$0 &S, "tr'$g*% $'$0 a*i"t. .he " ("tit ti'$, (% the "e#'$0 &S, '1 !asmd vartate na p'na 1'r !at tat parama pada vio '1 the 1ir"t (4&S 86) i" we** #'$#eive0 1'r 0i"pe**i$g the a/(ig it% i$tr'0 #e0 (% div!am amtam. CD:" #'//e$tar%, a" we** a" the 'rga$iUati'$ '1 the te7t a* e$"e/(*e '1 kA. 97, 102, *eave" *itt*e r''/ 1'r 0' (t a" t' the i$terpretati'$ '1 what i" i$te$0e0 (% the"e w'r0". .hi" 80ivi$e i//'rta*it% 1r'/ whi#h '$e 0'e" $'t ret r$: i" a periphra"i", $ " a* i$0ee0, 1'r 8*i(erati'$:. Re have "ee$ that kA. 100,102 ev'ke a t%pe '1 i$1eri'r a"#eti# 81a**e$ 1r'/ 0i"#ip*i$e: (!ogabhra#a), wh'"e pra#ti#e i" e$tire*% $"ati1a#t'r%. .' hi/, wh'"e a"pirati'$ t' a#hieve *i(erati'$ i$ thi" *i1e ha" 1ai*e0, i" a"#ri(e0 0e*ight1 * (a$0 *e$gthier) re"i0e$#e i$ 80ivi$e w'r*0": (kA. 100,101)> he i" the$ re('r$, take" p the pra#ti#e '1 %'ga where he ha0 *e1t it, a$0 i" 81ree0: at the e$0 '1 hi" "e#'$0 *i1e, with' t h'wever e7perie$#i$g %,vanm'kti (kA. 102). Si/i*ar*%, CD


WT!is !a%%y res(lt follo$in inel(&ta'ly )))Y on&e !e ret(rns to t!e !("an &ondition in t!is $orld of trans"i ration, t!at is, on&e !e a&9(ires Wa ainY a 'ody fit for t!e realiLation of yo i& %ra&ti&e, 8;7= Wand startsY culti"ating Wa ainY t!at yoga, &onstantly %ra&ti&in it R a dis&i%line t!at $as diffi&(lt to a&9(ire in !is %revio(s lives d(e to (nsteadiness of "ind, '(t $!i&! is no$ Wa&9(iredY effortlessly, WreY a$a5ened t!an5s to root i"%ressions W'rin in to t!e foreY latent dis%ositions t!at $ere %rod(&ed 'y t!e dis&i%line %revio(sly &(ltivated, $!i&! !ad ro$n stron t!ro( ! t!e fait! and devotion !e !ad %revio(sly iven eviden&e of)8;7< In ot!er $ords, !e 'e&o"es (ns!a5a'le in W!is atta&!"ent toY t!e (lti"ate %rin&i%le)8;7C For t!is very reason, t!ere is t!en&e, for !i", no ret(rn)8;7@ Even a 'it of refle&tion on t!e i"%ortant and a(s%i&io(s s('#e&t $!i&! is t!at of Self?5no$led e tends not to t!e %er%et(ation of t!e ro(nd of e,isten&es) As !as 'een said in t!e revered "-t: In it t!ere is no loss of a start on&e "ade,B Nor does any reverse8;87 o&&(rMB Even a little of t!is d(tyB Saves fro" reat dan er)8;88
'("erve" that 80ivi$e i//'rta*it%: (div!am amtam), i" 8'1 the $at re '1 the " pre/e pri$#ip*e:, a$0 #'$#* 0e" (% #iti$g the 4,t (;6 45)= 8per1e#te0 thr /a$% re(irth",0 2he3 .he$ (1i$a**%) g'e" t' the highe"t g'a*:. .h " kA. 103 /a% 1air*% e$0 (% a"" ri$g the 0ev'tee that he wi** rea#h the 8#'$0iti'$ '1 iva: (ivatva), that i", 8*i(erati'$:, 0e"ig$ate0 i$ the #'//e$tar% '1 CD a0 *'#. (% ter/" " #h a" prak#am'kti, re!as, parare!as, a$0 paramap'r'rtha. B" we**, it i" $'tew'rth% that kA. 103 " //ariUe" kA. 97,102. !1. F4H 6; 4, 7 (K 'te0 $. 1062), where the a0Le#tive 8i//'rta*: (amta) ha" (ee$ i$terprete0 (% akara a" 0e"ig$ati$g a "tate '1 %,vanm'kti. !1. a*"' F4H 6; 4, 8, $0er"t''0 (% Da0hakri"h$a$ i$ the *ight '1 a0 *'#= tena dh,r api!anti brahmavida svarga lokam ita )rdhva vim'kt00, 8F% it, the wi"e, the k$'wer" '1 -rahman g' p t' the heave$*% w'r*0 a1ter the 1a** '1 thi" ('0% 2= ita= asmc char,raptt3, (ei$g 1ree0 (eve$ whi*e *ivi$g) 2= %,vanta eva vim'kt santa3:, a$0 :" e7ege"i" '1 svarga loka= api!anti apigacchanti brahmavid!phala moka svarga lokam0 svargalokaabda trivi#apavc!api san iha prakarat mokbhidh!aka0 ita asmc char,raptt )rdhva %,vanta eva vim'kt santa0,:2...3 the! go to the heavenl! sphere, 'r *i(erati'$, whi#h i" the re" *t '1 the k$'w*e0ge '1 Frah/a$ J 8Meave$*% "phere: ge$era**% /ea$" heave$, the a('0e '1 g'0", ( t here 1r'/ the #'$te7t it /ea$" *i(erati'$ J a9ter the 9all o9 this bod!, being 9reed eve$ whi*e *ivi$g: (tr. SwA/Y +A0havA$a$0a). 1406 CD 0'e" $'t #'//e$t samabh!as!a (Sabh!as!a '1 the kA.). 1407 !1. a "i/i*ar phra"e'*'g% i$ CD a0 103, '(vi' "*% i$herite0 1r'/ FhI, e"pe#ia**% ;6 37, whi#h CD K 'te", (e*'w, at the e$0 '1 the pa""age. 1408 Nit., 8he g'e" t' a #'$0iti'$ '1 $"haka(i*it% with re"pe#t t' the e""e$#e '1 the *ti/ate 2pri$#ip*e3:. 1409 !1. FhI ;666 21= !a prp!a na nivartante, a$0 5; 6(= !ad gatv na nivartante. 1410 .he a** "i'$ i" /e0i#a*= /e0i#i$e /a% "'/eti/e" # re, "'/eti/e" $'t> " #h i$#'$"eK e$#e" 0' $'t a11e#t the path '1 karma!oga, the 8%'ga '1 a#ti'$:, whi#h, a##'r0i$g t' akara, /ea$" 8the per1'r/a$#e '1 a#ti'$" 2rite" a$0 0 tie"3 with 0eta#h/e$t a1ter 0e"tr'%i$g the pair" '1 'pp'"ite", with the i$te$ti'$ '1 a0'ri$g I'0: (nisagata! dvadvaprahap)rvakam ,varardhanrthe karma!oge karmn'#hne). B*"' akara= ki ca npi cikitsvat prat!av!o vid!ate= 8)'r 0'e" a$% #'$trariet% re" *t, a" happe$" i$ therap%:. Sa/e arg /e$t i$ CD a0 &S 103. IBS 66 40 '11er" a$'ther i/age= !ath ca parimitena r,khaakaena %vl!amno 8pi tailaka#ha sad!a ,to bhavati evam ana!pi svalpa! !ogab'ddh! mahbha!a sasrar)pa vina!ate0, 8O "t a" a ( r$i$g pa$ '1 'i* i//e0iate*% #''*" 0'w$ with 2the app*i#ati'$ '13 a "/a** a/' $t '1 "a$0a*,pa"te, eve$ "' the great terr'r '1 sasra i" 0e"tr'%e0 eve$ (% a "/a** (it '1 C'gi# 0'#tri$e: (tr. Shar/a, wh' 0'e" $'t tra$"*ate 8/ahA: '1 mahbha!a). 1411 FhI 66 40. !1. the #'//e$tar% '1 akara= mahato bha!t sasrabha!% %anmamaradilakat, 8.he great 1ear, i.e., the 1ear pr'per t' that w'r*0 '1 tra$"/igrati'$

And one s!o(ld WalsoY re"e"'er t!e te,t, re&orded 'y t!e Sa e W1y4saY, t!at starts fro" t!e 9(estion: An (ns(&&essf(l striver $!o is endo$ed $it! fait!,B O!ose "ind falls a$ay fro" dis&i%lineB8;86 Oit!o(t attainin %erfe&tion of dis&i%line,B WTo $!at oal does !e o, /USKaZY8;8A and ends $it! t!e ans$er: ))) Perfe&ted t!r( "any re'irt!s,B8;8; T!en DfinallyE oes to t!e !i !est oal)8;8B #!rik! @, T!e "aster no$ e,%lains t!at t!ose $!ose !earts !ave 'een softened 'y refle&tion 63i3e,a7 s!o(ld 'e $!olly attentive to t!e &essation of 'irt! and deat!, inas"(&! as t!e e,&ess of lory 63i$h/ti7 atta&!in to one $!o !as even sli !tly 'een to(&!ed 'y t!e ordered dis&i%line leadin to WfinalY insi !t is so reat as to 'e indes&ri'a'le: @,) This being the case, Wthe adeptY should bend e"ery possible effort toward that ultimate goal, thinking that whosoe"er is deeply engaged in this right path Wto liberationY reaches the condition of 'i"a)8;8= +e&a(se, in t!is $ay, t!e %ra&ti&e of refle&tin 6pratya3amar(a7 on oneIs o$n Self, t!an5s to t!e "et!od #(st e,%lained, Witself involvesY o'tainin t!e !i !est res(lt,8;8< therefore it is s!o$n, 'y t!e $ords H whosoe"er engages in this very 'ea(tif(l pathI R t!at is, in t!e %at! leadin to t!e "ost e,&ellent Wfor" ofY li'eration 6pra,.)@amu,ti7 R t!at t!ere is no restri&tion of 9(alifi&ation Won s(&! %ra&ti&eY)8;8C No$, 'y whosoe"er is deeply engaged is intended anyone $!o, stri&5en $it! t!e &o(ntless affli&tions of 'irt!, deat!, disease, et&), deli !ts f(lly in t!at %at! $it! a dis&ernin "ind R $!o is t!erein i""ersed, %la&in t!ere !is entire fait!)8;8@
#hara#teriUe0 (% (irth, 0eath, et#.:. Sa/e ver"e K 'te0 i$ ^&; 6 1, v'*. 6= 31. 1412 akara #'//e$t"= antakle ca !ogc calita mnasa mano !as!a sa calitamnaso bhra#asmti, where calitamnasa i" e7p*ai$e0 a" bhra#asmti, 8wh'"e /e/'r%0#'$"#i' "$e"" ha" (ee$ *'"t:. .hi" e7p*a$ati'$ /a% take " (a#k t' the arg /e$t 0i"# ""e0 i$ the #'//e$tar% a0 kA. 94,95. 1413 FhI ;6 37. 1414 B##'r0i$g t' FhIFh ;6 45, 8per1e#te0: 'r 8a##'/p*i"he0: (samsiddha) /ea$" 8he (% wh'/ per1e#t i$"ight ha" (ee$ attai$e0: (labdhasam!agdarana), thr' gh the a## / *ate0 saskras= 2...3 aneke' %anmas' kicitkicitsaskra%tam 'pacit!a tenopacitenneka%anmaktena sasiddha 2...3 labdhasam!agdarana0,:2...3 B## / *ati$g *itt*e (% *itt*e i$ /a$% (irth" a h'/'ge$' " /a"" '1 r''t i/pre""i'$", he i" 21i$a**%3 a##'/p*i"he0 (sasiddha) thr' gh that t'ta*it% 2viU., th'"e r''t i/pre""i'$"3, a#K ire0 i$ /a$% (irth" 2...3, that i", he attai$" per1e#t i$"ight:. 1415 FhI ;6 45. !'//e$ti$g '$ thi", BI e/pha"iUe" that the ver"e re1er" t' the 8 !ogabhra#a e7#* "ive*% 0ev'te0 t' I'0: (!as!nan!av!prata! bhagavadv!prrmrgitva sa !ogabhra#a iti), wh' ha" t' pra#ti#e %'ga thr' gh "evera* *ive" (e1're (ei$g *i(erate0, a$0 that thi" *i(erati'$ take" p*a#e '$*% a1ter the 0i""'* ti'$ '1 hi" ('0%= na csa' tenaiva dehena siddha iti mantav!am0 api t' bah)ni %anmni tena tadabh!astam iti mantav!am00, 8Me i" $'t per1e#te0 2viU., he 0'e" $'t attai$ rea*iUati'$, 'r *i(erati'$3 i$ that ver% ('0%> thi" ' ght t' (e $'te0. B$0 it "h' *0 (e a*"' $'te0 that he ha" pra#ti#e0 that 2%'ga3 thr' gh "evera* (irth":. 1416 )'te that, i$a0verte$t*%, thi" kArikA ha" (ee$ '/itte0 i$ Si*( r$:" tra$"*ati'$. 1417 .he #'/p' $0 'ttamaphalalbha i" take$ a" a$ app'"iti'$a* pre0i#ate (a ?-) '1 the " (Le#t svtmaprat!avamarbh!sa. 1418 .hat i", " #h pra#ti#e i" " (Le#t t' $' prereK i"ite", " #h a" the pri'r K a*i1i#ati'$", whether rit a* 'r "'#ia*, that #'$0iti'$ the "a#ri1i#er:" 8a th'rit%: (adhikra) t' per1'r/ the "a#ri1i#e. 1419 .hi" pa""age i" 0' (t*e"" i$te$0e0 t' e#h' the p'rtrait '1 the 0i"#ip*e wh' #'/e" t' K e"ti'$ 40hAra that i" "ket#he0 i$ kA. 2,3.

Such a "an, very soon, t!at is, $it!o(t delay, reaches the condition of 'i"a,8;67 t!at is, !e attains to t!at oal t!at !as no oal 'eyond it 8;68 $it!in Wt!e &onfines ofY a sin le 'irt! after !avin s!a5en off all t!e affli&tions of t!is $orld of trans"i ration) As !as 'een stated in t!e tea&!in entitled Ci3adharmottara:8;66 *ere is e,%o(nded t!e li'eration t!at ta5es %la&e $it!in t!e s%an of one life WonlyY) Let it 'e e,a"ined WfirstY[ W+(t, if t!at fails,Y $!at %revents yo( fro" attainin t!e li'eration t!at ta5es %la&e $it!in t!e s%an of several livesZ Thinking that such is the case, t!at is, refle&tin on it 63im.(ya7 WviL), refle&tin on t!e %ro"ise t!at $!osoever en a es in t!is %at! rea&!es t!e &ondition of PivaY, he should stri"e in whate"er way possible, 'y every %ossi'le "eans, to rea&! that ultimate goal 6paramrtha7, t!at is, !e s!o(ld "a5e t!is %ree"inently !is effort) /ee%in in "ind Wt!e "a,i"Y: HT!e effort done for t!e !i !est Wo'#e&tiveY, Wal$aysY 'rin s W!i !estY fr(itI,8;6A not t!e sli !test %ride need 'e %res("ed Won t!e %art of t!e ade%tY in t!is "atter) *en&e, if t!e for"ation of oneIs o$n selfW?a$arenessY is %erfe&ted 'y %ra&ti&in t!e dis&i%line, t!en t!e desired W oalY of o(rs Wi)e), li'erationY is attained Win t!is 'irt!YM if not, t!e attain"ent of ot!er divine $orlds Wis o(rsY) And, on&e !e ret(rns t!erefro", !e ta5es (% a ain t!e dis&i%line, on t!e stren t! of t!e a$a5enin in !i" of t!e latent dis%ositions left 'y t!e dis&i%line %revio(sly %ra&ti&ed)8;6; T!(s, no !indran&e of any sort affli&ts t!e %ra&titioner Wof yo aY as a res(lt of en a in $it! deter"ination in t!e %at! leadin to t!e (lti"ate oal)8;6B And not t!e sli !test %ride need 'e %res("ed on t!e %art of t!e one $!o devotes !i"self to t!e attain"ent of t!e (lti"ate !("an oal 6paramapuru)rtha7) Let it 'e a(s%i&io(s)8;6=
ivatvam eti. parare!as J the ter/" parare!as (a*"' CD a0 105) 'r nire!as (CD a0 104) appear t' #'$tai$, a" it were, the /e/'r% '1 a$ hi"t'ri#a* ev'* ti'$, where(% the $'ti'$ '1 moka rep*a#e0 ('r #'/p*e/e$te0) the re!as '1 the rit a*i"t"> take$ *itera**%, parare!as /ea$" 8that whi#h i" (e%'$0, 'r e7#ee0", re!as:. 1422 De1erre0 t', here, a" a 8Pa"tra:, the te7t ha" $'t (ee$ e0ite0, ( t ha" " rvive0 i$ "evera* +SS> "ee e.g. I''0a** 1998= 375,376 ($. 616), 421> Sa$0er"'$ 2004= 406 a$0 pa""i/. 6t (e*'$g" t' the 2ivadharma #'rp ", wh'"e a11i*iati'$ i" that '1 a 8la'kika: aivi"/, whi#h prea#he" 80ev'ti'$ t' iva 1'r pi' " *ait%: (I''0a** 1998= 376, $. 616> Sa$0er"'$ 2004= 231). Re are i$0e(te0 t' -. I''0a** 1'r the #'// $i#ati'$ '1 2ivadharmottara 5 26,30a, 1r'/ 2 +SS= !a/(ri0ge B00. 1645 (0ate0 1136 B- (savat 256)> pa*/,*ea1, ear*% )ewari "#ript) a$0 a paper tra$"#ript i$ -eva$AgarY, 6T&, .. 510. Mere, CD:" K 'te agree" with the +SS 1'r the "e#'$0 he/i"ti#h (5 30a), ( t the 1ir"t he/i"ti#h 0'e" $'t #'rre"p'$0 verbatim with what pre#e0e" i$ 1645, $a/e*%, %i%&s!atm i!atvan m'ktir ekena %anman0 !adi nma na m'kti s!d ekenaivtra %anman00 5 29 J 1r'/ whi#h '$e #' *0 i$1er that there #' *0 have (ee$ tw' 0i11ere$t re#e$"i'$" '1 the te7t. 1423 8ahbh!a (paspahnika) whi#h rea0"= pradhne kto !atna phalavn bhavati. .he i"" e, 1'r &ataQLa*i, i" that '1 i$terpreti$g the i$L $#ti'$ t' "t 0% the ;e0a 8a*'$g with it" a$#i**arie": (!edga) that i" i$# /(e$t '$ a$% (rah/i$. B##'r0i$g t' &ataQLa*i, that /ea$", 1ir"t a$0 1're/'"t, 8a*'$g with gra//ar (v!karaa):, 1'r thi" i" the /'"t i/p'rta$t (pradhna) a/'$g the "i7 vedgas, a$0 (% "t 0%i$g it with' t 0e*a%, '$e arrive" /'re K i#k*% at the 0e"ire0 g'a*. See a*"' FhI ;6 40= na hi kal!akt kacid d'rgati tta gacchati00, 8T'r $' 0'er '1 the right0 !'/e" t' a (a0 e$0, /% 1rie$0:. 1424 !1. CD a0 102. 1425 re!as J 1'r a "i/i*ar "tate/e$t, "ee CD:" #'//e$tar% a0 102.
1420 1421


#!rik! @2 T!e a(t!or of t!e treatise W!ere &o""ented (%on, viL), A'!inava (%taY !as in t!is $ay e,%o(nded, in a&&ordan&e $it! t!e syste" of nond(alisti& Paivis", t!e tea&!in s on t!e essen&e of (lti"ate reality 6paramrthasra78;6C WfirstY (ttered 'y t!e revered PeSa, $it! t!e aid of ar ("entation, e,%erien&e and s&ri%t(reM 8;6@ !e no$ %ro&eeds to s(" (% t!e %(r%ose of t!e te,t, indi&atin t!at Hit alone is t!e tea&!in t!at serves as "eans for realiLin t!e !i !est a"on t!e oals of W!("anY lifeI R s('s&ri'in !ere !is o$n na"e $it! no ot!er oal Win "indY t!an t!at of e,%ressin !is o$n deli !t:8;A7 @2) To him who meditates on this transcendental (rahman, as concisely expounded by Abhina"agupta,8;A8 'i"ahood comes without delay, once it has per"aded8;A6 his own heart)8;AA

iti ivam J the 1'r/ *a "ig$a*" that kA. 103 i" a "'rt '1 prasti. !'/pare the "i/i*ar pr'/i"e" 1' $0 i$ the epi# a$0 p rA@i# *iterat re pr'/i"i$g " ##e"" t' th'"e wh' hear eve$ a "i$g*e w'r0. .he te7t th " /ag$i1ie" it" 'w$ e11i#a#%. 1427 strakra. 1428 <r 8ha" "et 1'rth the 2e$"e/(*e '13 i$"tr #ti'$" k$'w$ a" the Paramrthasra:. 1429 See the avat. t' &S 8 a$0 10,11. 1430 &r'(a(*% a p $ i" i$te$0e0= the *i$e /a% a*"' (e rea0 e7pre""i$g the 0e*ight pr'per t' hi" 2a("'* te3 Se*1. .he tea#her "eek" $' g*'r%, p'wer $'r wea*th> *ike a F'0hi"attva, he 0e*ight" '$*% i$ the (e$e1it 'ther" /a% 0erive 1r'/ hi" tea#hi$g. )'t '$*% ha" he pa""e0 '$ the "e#ret k$'w*e0ge t' "'/e'$e K a*i1ie0, ( t hi" tea#hi$g "erve" t' e7pre"" hi" '(ei"a$#e at the 1eet '1 iva. 1431 <r, (% p $$i$g '$ B(hi$avag pta:" $a/e= 8.' hi/ wh' /e0itate" '$ the tra$"#e$0e$ta* brahman i$ re1ere$#e t' whi#h a #'$#i"e " //ar% ha" (ee$ "tate0 2i$ " #h a wa% that " #h a brahman i" $'w $0er"t''0 a" "'/ethi$g3 K ite $'ve* (abhinava), a$0 2heret'1're3 hi00e$ (g'pta) 2...3:. 1432 ni%ahda!veam J thi" veam i" 0' (t*e"" t' (e take$ a" a ger $0 '1 t%pe am'l, whi#h '1te$ appear" i$ #'/p'"iti'$ with it" 0ire#t '(Le#t, a" here ("ee Rhit$e% 1983= i995#, De$' 1968= ii104,105). .he g*'"" vi!a i$0i#ate" thi" a" we**, a$0 the 1a#t that CD 0'e" $'t take veam a" the 0ire#t '(Le#t '1 the ver(. Me a*"' pre1a#e" hi" g*'"" '1 ni%ahda!veam with the a0ver( katham, i/p*%i$g a #ir# /"ta$tia* 1 $#ti'$ '1 the #'/p' $0. .he am'l i" ge$era**% e/p*'%e0, a" De$' '("erve", i$ 'r0er t' e/pha"iUe 8*a rapi0ite 0 pr'#e": J whi#h " it" ver% we** here the "e$"e '1 the kArikA= acird eva 2...3. Re 0i11er there1're 1r'/ 'ther tra$"*at'r", wh' appare$t*% $0er"ta$0 veam a" a$ a## "ative> #1. Far$ett= 8.he (ei$g '1 Siva "pee0i*% #'/e" t' pe$etrate the ver% heart '1 hi/ wh' /e0itate" 2...3:> Si*( r$= 8N'r"K :i* /e0ite 2...3, ava$t pe *a $at re 0e iva pe$etrera 0a$" "'$ pr'pre #z r:> F. ). &a$0it= 8B$ a"pira$t wh' +e0itate" 2...3 attai$" K i#k*% a samvea '1 ivah''0 i$ hi" heart:> &e*i""er'= 8Na #'$0iUi'$e 0:i0e$tita #'$ iva pe$etra ve*'#e/e$te $e**:i$ti/' 0e* # 're 0i #hi /e0iti 2...3:. .he 8kXtvA: 1eat 1'**'w" i$ the #'//e$tar% the pratik (ni%ahda!veam) i" a g*'"" i$te$0e0 t' 1*ag the '00 ger $0> it 1 $#ti'$" th " a" a pare$the"i", t' $'te that a $' $ i" $'t at i"" e, that i", a" a gra//ati#a* $'tati'$ '1 the "age it"e*1. 1433 .hat i", hi" #'re #'$"#i' "$e"". .he kArikA i" "'/ewhat p UU*i$g i$ it" #'$"tr #ti'$, a$0 i$ #'$"tr i$g it, we have 1'**'we0 the #'//e$tar%. .he parti#ip*e dh!!ata i" (e"t $0er"t''0 a" a genitiv's commodi, whi#h i/p*ie" the e**ip"i" '1 the '(Le#t, 1'r, a##'r0i$g t' CD, ivatvam (a" " (Le#t) 8#'/e" t': hi/ wh' /e0itate" (reK iri$g a$ a## "ative i$ Sa$"krit)> " #h ivatvam i" $'t 8hi": (ge$itive)> "ee De$' 1968= i222G. .hi" i" pr'(a(*% wh% the '(Le#t '1 abh!eti i" $'t /e$ti'$e0 J (ei$g #*ear*%, (% a "'rt '1 )ha, $0er"t''0 a" the $0er*%i$g " (Le#t '1 the parti#ip*e. .he #'$"tr #ti'$ ivatvam ... abh!eti i$vite" $'r/a**% the rever"e par"i$g= 8g'e" t' ivah''0: ("ee previ' " kA.= ... eti sa ivatvam). B(hi$avag pta /a% have #ha$ge0 thi" '$ p rp'"e, 1'r tw' rea"'$". Tir"t, t' "h'w that ivah''0 i" pr'0 #e0 (% it"e*1, a$0 that the /e0itati$g " (Le#t 0'e" $'t $ee0 t' a#t a$% 1 rther. Se#'$0, the "tr #t re '1 the wh'*e "e$te$#e /a% av'i0 the " (Le#t0'(Le#t re*ati'$ 0e*i(erate*%, t' e7pre"" i$ gra//ati#a* ter/" that " #h 0i#h't'/% #a$$'t #hara#teriUe the re*ati'$ '1 '$e:" "e*1 a$0 ivah''0. .he Se*1 i" iva, a$0, a##'r0i$g*%, the "e$te$#e ha" '$*% a " (Le#t, with' t a$% '(Le#t.


This transcendental, or "ost e,&ellent, (rahman, $!i&! !as 'een e,%lained as Ht!at $!i&! e,%ands t!at $!i&! is (nfoldin I8;A; is Wso &alledY 'e&a(se Wof its in!erent tenden&y toY ro$ Wor to stren t!enY and is Wt!(sY &o"%osed of (tterly &o"%lete 'liss 6parip/r0nanda7, 'ein of t!e nat(re of oneIs o$n Self) No$, to t!e %erson who meditates on t!at W$rahmanY, $!o is a'le to refle&t 6pratya3am.(at7 effortlessly on !is o$n Self, 'i"ahood comes without delay, t!at is, s%eedily, not after n("ero(s 'irt!s, WforY !e !as 'e&o"e $rahman already in t!e $ay "entioned) WT!is "eans t!at for !i"Y t!e (lti"ate oal8;AB is Wno$Y attaina'le) *o$ Wdoes Piva!ood &o"e to !i"YZ WPiva!ood &o"es to !i" )))Y ))) once it has per"aded his own heart, on&e it !as entered into his own heart, t!e very lo&(s of self?a$areness Rparmar(a7)8;A= O!at sort of $rahman is t!isZ It is li5e (nto Wt!at $rahmanY, in referen&e to $!i&! a concise summary 6sa,)epa7 &ontainin t!e essential %(r%ort 6ttparya7 Wof o(r doctrineY !as 'een stated, and e,%lained, by Abhina"agupta, $!ose name is to 'e "entioned $it! reveren&e Wi)e), &ele'ratedY)8;A< And t!is also "ay !ave 'een inti"ated W'y t!e a(t!orY, on t!e %rete,t of "entionin !is na"e: HIt is li5e (nto t!at $rahman in referen&e to $!i&! a concise summary !as W!ereY 'een stated, or revealed, in s(&! a $ay t!at t!e e,&eedin se&ret of t!at trans&endental $rahman, is Wno$ (nderstood as so"et!in Y %uite no"el 6a$hina3a7, never 'efore seen 'y ot!ers, and W!eretoforeY hidden 6gupta7, &on&ealed, as it $ere Wfro" ot!ersYI) And in "a5in t!is 5no$n in t!is $ay, t!e diffi&(lty of a&&ess of t!e tea&!in is set fort! W'y t!e "asterY) #!rik! @5 .entionin t!e siLe of t!e te,t, t!e "aster de&lares !is a(t!ors!i% in res%e&t of t!is "an(al:8;AC @5) Thus, the supremely recondite core of the teaching has now been condensed in one hundred !ry!+"erses by me , Abhina"agupta, illumined by remembrance of 'i"aIs feet) This core of the teaching 6(strasra7, t!at is, t!at essen&e 6satatt3a7 s%read t!ro( !o(t n("ero(s te,ts, has been condensed by me M t!at is, !as 'een stated W'y A'!inava (%taY after !avin "astered it !i"self, $it!in t!e s"all s%an of a !(ndred verses, t!o( ! it &an !ardly 'e e,%lained in a t!o(sand te,ts) +y t!is is stated Was $ellY t!e reso(r&ef(lness Wof t!e a(t!orIsY l("ino(s &ons&io(sness 6prati$h7) T!e %rono(n HmeI Win t!e %!rase Hby meIY is !o$ 9(alifiedZ
.he tra$"*ati'$ re1*e#t" '$e '1 the "evera* p'""i(*e #'$"tr #ti'$" '1 thi" 1ir"t *i$e '1 the #'//e$tar% J '$e that g'e" "'/ewhat agai$"t e7pe#tati'$", prathamnam i" $'t take$ a" the incipit '1 a g*'"" '1 idam (whi#h w' *0 the$ re1er at *ea"t i$0ire#t*% t' 8thi": w'r*0, brahman i$ it" 8e7te$0e0: 1'r/), ( t i" "i/p*% a$ $g*'""e0 K 'tati'$ '1 the idam '1 the kArikA, p'i$ti$g t' brahman it"e*1. .he re*ative #*a "e ter/i$ati$g i$ !at i" th " i$ e11e#t the Eg*'""E '1 brahman, 8whi#h ha" (ee$ previ' "*% e7p' $0e0 a" Ehavi$g e7pa$0e0E (vitat!a) that whi#h Ei" e7pa$0e0E (prathamnam): J the vi"i(*e w'r*0. 1435 <r 8 iti/ate 1e*i#it%: (nire!as). 1436 <$ the "%$ta#ti#a* #'$"tr #ti'$, "ee $. 1432. 1437 Sa/e e7pre""i'$ i$ CD a0 105> "ee a*"' CD a0 2,3. 1438 prakaraa J "ee $. 276.


WT!e %erson referred to is said to 'eY H illumined WviL), ins%iredY by remembrance of 'i"aIs feetI) WT!is &o"%o(nd is to 'e analyLed as follo$s:Y ))) illumined "eans Hres%lendent $it! t!e "arvelo(s e,%erien&e of s(%re"e i%seityIM W'y $!at is !e ill("inedZY ))) by remembrance 6smara0a7 R t!at is, $it! &onstant a$areness 6ni$hlana7 $!en %er&eivin s(&! We,ternalY o'#e&ts as so(nd, et&), never, at any "o"ent, 'ein de%rived of t!e e,%erien&e of !is o$n Self 6s3nu$ha3a7M W'y re"e"'ran&e of $!atZY ))) of the feet, t!at is, t!e rays of &ons&io(sness8;A@ Wt!at areY ))) of 'i"a, Wa%%ro%riation ofY $!ose nat(re is Wfor t!e as%irantY t!e (lti"ate oal, $!o re%oses in oneIs o$n self 6s3tmastha7, $!o is solely for"ed of 'lissf(l &ons&io(sness 6cidnandai,am/rti7) *en&e is t!e W"asterIsY na"e to 'e &ele'rated) Ot!er$ise WviL), if not to A'!inava (%ta R t!at is, if !is na"e !ad not 'een "entionedY, &o(ld a(t!ority and a(t!ors!i% in a tea&!in s(&! as t!is Wof li"itedY siLe, on (lti"ate reality 6mahrtha7,8;;7 'e reasona'ly attri'(ted to anyone else, $!o $as 'eset 'y t!e &onf(sion of t!e 'ody Dand t!e li5eE and t!e Self and $!o !ad not re&o niLed t!at !is essen&e is t!e identity of !is Self $it! t!e Great LordZ Only !e, $!ose nat(re is so des&ri'ed, $o(ld dare to dis&ri"inate Wt!e tr(e do&trine fro" so "any false do&trinesY[ T!(s, 'y t!is e,%ression WHill("ined 'y re"e"'ran&e of SivaIs feetIY it is WalsoY said t!at t!e very nat(re of t!e Great Lord !as &oales&ed $it! t!e %re&e%tor) Let it 'e a(s%i&io(s) hhh T!(s ends t!e Paramrthasra, HT!e Essen&e of Ulti"ate RealityI, &o"%osed 'y t!e "aster A'!inava (%ta, "ost e"inent a"on t!e reat Paiva tea&!ers)8;;8 T!is &o""entary, $!ose s('#e&t is t!e nond(alis" of %lenit(de,8;;6 !as 'een &o"%osed 'y "e, 'y na"e -o aWr4#aY, an as&eti&, $it!o(t %assion, $!o resides in t!e a(s%i&io(s 1itast4%(rF,8;;A

caraa, 81''t:, i" here give$ a$ e"'teri# i$terpretati'$, a" /ea$i$g 8ra%:, pr'(a(*% a1ter the 1a"hi'$ '1 kara, whi#h /ea$" ('th 8ha$0: a$0 8ra%: ("ee p. 269). 1440 <r 8'$ *ti/ate /ea$i$g:. &erhap" a*"' a$ i/p*i#it a** "i'$ t' the +ahArtha /%"ti# tra0iti'$, 1r'/ whi#h the ?ra/a # rre$t pr'#ee0"> #1. the 8ahrthama&%ar, '1 +ahePvara$a$0a (12th #e$t.), whi#h "et" 1'rth a "%$the"i" '1 the vari' " /%"ti# a$0 phi*'"'phi#a* # rre$t" '1 /'$i"ti# aivi"/ a" the% the$ 1*' ri"he0 i$ ?a"h/ir, th'"e that are re1erre0 t' a" the +ahArtha0arPa$a (a*"' ter/e0 +ahA$a%a a$0 ?ra/a), the ? *a ('rigi$ati$g i$ B""a/), the .rika (i$ the re"tri#te0 "e$"e '1 Spa$0a) a$0 the &rat%a(hiLQA0arPa$a. 1441 .hi" i" the #'*'ph'$ (p'pik) t' the Paramrthasra. CD:" 1'r/ *ati'$ e#h'e" that '1 hi" 0ire#t /a"ter, ?9e/arALa, wh' pai0 h'/age "i/i*ar*% t' hi" 'w$ 0ire#t /a"ter, B(hi$avag pta, i$ the #'*'ph'$ t' the #'//e$tar% '$ the 1ir"t #hapter '1 S. 1442 p)rdva!a J 'r 8e$tire*% #'/p'"e0 '1 2the 0'#tri$e that tea#he"3 $'$,0i11ere$#e 1r'/ the p*e$ /:. 1443 B$'ther $a/e '1 &ravarap ra, the /'0er$ rY$agar? .4 555;66 48,52 0e"#ri(e" it a" "it ate0 '$ the (a$k '1 the river ;ita"tA (the /'0er$ Ohe* /), whi#h, a##'r0i$g t' *ege$0, ha" it" "' r#e i$ (*'w "tr #k (% iva:" tri0e$t ('$ the *ege$0ar% 'rigi$ '1 the ;ita"tA, "ee Oa%a0ratha:" ?aracaritacintmai 566 2,34, a$0 D., v'*. 66= 411).


Under t!e t(tela e of t!e revered /Se"ar4#a, a s&ion of t!e linea e of tr(e tea&!ers, in $!o" .a!eJa !i"self is in&arnate)8;;; hhh T!(s ends t!e &o""entary on t!e &o"%endi(" WentitledY Paramrthasra,8;;B t!e $or5 of t!e revered R4#4na5a -o ar4#a, "ost e"inent a"on t!e Paiva tea&!ers) Appendix 8) R(dra D-R ad 8E In rudra,)etra12a, R(dra, or, rat!er, t!e R(dras, e"'le"ati&ally re%resent t!e &ate ory of t!e adhipatis, %residin deities of t!e Hs%!eresI 6a0a7 &onstit(tin t!e (niverse, $!i&! are at t!e sa"e ti"e levels of s('#e&tivity and e,%erien&eM on R(dras, see T21 1III A7= DB7 H3ya,tam adhi)@hya pra,aroti 1agan niyogata (a$hoB (uddh(uddhasroto Hdhi,rahetu (i3o yasmt BB7: taccha,t-ti taccha$dennantaparmar(a B anena ca na ,e3alamaya ,)etra12nm e3a sthiti 3idhatte y3ad rudr0m api R ity u,tamBB, and .1T 1 86) T!(s R(dra is Ht!e one $!o %resides over t!e &ondition of %(re Wli"itedY s('#e&tivity re%resented 'y t!e 1oid or 'y an e,tre"ely s('tle 'ody for"ed 'y t!e purya)@a,a R in ot!er $ords, over t!e &ondition in $!i&! t!ere is a rea'sor%tion of every ot!er &o niLa'le realityI D0PvU III 6,8, tr) Torella 0P/: 8@<E) T!e deity %residin over a iven level of s('#e&tivity and e,%erien&e 'rin s !is devotees to t!is %lane) T!erefore, R(dra is also t!e "odel for s(&! a s('#e&t: !e $!o is a'le to rea'sor' $it!in !i"self all &o niLa'le reality, !e is Pralay45ala seen in !is divine di"ension Don Pralay45ala, see -R ad 8; and 6A, n) =6B, and A%%endi, 87, %) AA7E) Res%onsi'le for t!e $it!dra$al fro" %!eno"enal $orld, R(dra is t!(s ontolo i&ally !i !er t!an +ra!"a and 1iSK(, H$!o %reside over t!e "anifestation of differentiated &o niLa'le reality, t!e for"er &a(sin &reation and t!e latter &ontin(ityI D0PvU III 6, 8, tr) Torella: 8@<E) In t!e !ierar&!y of t!e &o niLers, t!e line is &learly dra$n 'et$een R(dra Dor t!e R(drasE and t!e ,)etra12as) R(draDsE as $ell as +ra!"a, 1iSK(, et&), 'elon to t!e &ate ory of t!e Lords 6pan7, for, as stated 'y 0P/ III 6, A, Ht!ey see t!in s 6$h3a7 Wi)e), t!e (niverse 63i(3a7Y as t!eir o$n 'ody 6s39gar/pa7 Wi)e), as t!eir o$n SelfYI) T!(s, t!ey trans&end t!e ordinary di&!oto"y of s('#e&t and o'#e&t, as do yo insM &f) PS1 88;, $!i&! &o""ents on d.(ya (ar-ram, HWT!e yo inIsY 'ody is t!e %er&e%ti'leI, in al"ost t!e sa"e ter"s: yad yad d.(ya W)))Y tat tat sar3a W)))Y s39ga,alpam asya sphurati na $hedena, HO!atever is %er&e%ti'le, all t!at W)))Y a%%ears to !i" W)))Y as !is o$n 'ody Wi)e), as !is o$n SelfY, and not as different fro" !i"I) T!erefore, t!e Lords are endo$ed $it! Hsoverei ntyI 6ai(3arya7M see 0PvU III 6, A) As s(&!, Lords 6pati7 r(le over t!eir s('#e&ts, $!o t!(s deserve to 'e &alled H&attleI D pa(u, viL), Hfettered so(lsI, a&&ordin to t!e traditional ety"olo y R T21 I: 8;;'?8;BaE:
.he"e ver"e", #a**e0 p'pikloka, pre#e0e the #'*'ph'$ t' the #'//e$tar%. .hi" i" the #'*'ph'$ t' the #'//e$tar%. 6t i" 0' (t1 * that paramrthasrasagraha "h' *0 (e take$ a" a$'ther tit*e '1 BI:" w'rk. Dather, it i" a #hara#teriUati'$ '1 the w'rk e$tit*e0 Paramrthasra, whi#h i" a " //ar%, a #'$#i"e e7p'"iti'$ (sagraha, 8#'/pe$0i /:) '1 $'$0 a*i"ti# Paivite tea#hi$g. .hi" i$terpretati'$ i" #'rr'('rate0 (% the 2$0 magala ver"e, where CD re1er" t' hi/"e*1 a" the a th'r '1 a #'//e$tar% '$ the #'/pe$0i / (sakepa S sagraha) that i" the Paramrthasra (paramrthasrasakepa). F'th "%$'$%/" are /'"t *ike*% i$te$0e0 a" '(*iK e re1ere$#e" t' the sakiptam '1 BI:" 1i$a* kArikA. 6t i" pr'(a(*% (e#a "e '1 thi" #'*'ph'$ that "evera* /a$ "#ript" '1 the #'//e$tar% are #ata*'g e0 a" Paramrthasrasagraha1vivrti 'r 1,k.
1444 1445


p(yat3t pa(ur ity ucyate, H*e is &alled pa(u for !e !as to 'e fetteredI Dsee also -R ad BE R for not only do t!ey a'ide 'y t!e la$ of t!eir Lord, '(t also 'y t!e la$ of differen&e) T!e &on&l(din verse of TS I1, %) A6 D9(oted 'y -R ad AAE, s!o$s t!at t!e pa(u is a %otential %anI and vi&e versa) It is t!e s(%re"e pati, Para"eJvara, $!o o%ts for servit(de, in t!e free "ove"ent of !is %lay) Ta5in t!eir 'odies R as t!e lo&(s of all $orldly e,%erien&e R to 'e t!e Self Dor t!e &o niLin s('#e&tE, instead of &ons&io(sness, t!ey are also &alled ,)etra12a or ,)etra3id, lit), H5no$er of t!e field WviL), of t!e 'ody in $!i&! %(re &ons&io(sness finds a s('strat("YI) T!e notion is defined 'y +!G :III 8?6: ida (ar-ra ,aunteya ,)etram a$hidh-yateB etad yo 3etti ta prhu ,)etra12a iti tad3idaBB ,)etra12a cpi m 3iddhi sar3a,)etre)u $hrataB ,)etra,)etra12ayor 12na yat ta112na mata mamaBB, HT!is 'ody, son of /(ntF,B Is &alled t!e Field)B O!o 5no$s t!is, !e is &alledB Field?5no$er 'y t!ose $!o 5no$ !i")B /no$ also t!at I a" t!e Field?5no$er B In all Fields, son of +!arata)B /no$led e of t!e Field and Field?5no$er,B T!is I !old to 'e Dtr(eE 5no$led eI) AG &o""ents on t!ese t$o verses, addin a t!ird verse fo(nd only in so"e versions of t!e /as!"iri re&ension of t!e +!G Dsee S&!rader 8@A7E) For t!e detailed and "ost intri&ate de"onstration, see S!ar"aIs translation of t!e entire %assa e DGAS: 8C6? 8CAE) Oe 9(ote !ere only AGIs develo%"ent of t!e ,)etra "eta%!or: sasri0 (ar-ra ,)etra yatra ,arma$-1apraroha, HFor t!ose involved in t!e %ro&ess of sasra, t!e 'ody is t!e field 6,)etra7, $!erein t!e seed of ,arman s%ro(tsI Dtr) S!ar"aE) See a si"ilar e,%lanation in T21 I: 8;;'?8;Ba: ,arma$-1apraroh3aha ,)etra (a2ram e3tmat3ena 1nna, H*e $!o ta5es t!e 'ody, i)e), t!e field 'rin in a'o(t t!e s%ro(tin of t!e seed of 5ar"an, to 'e t!e Self Wis &alled ,)etra12a or ,)etra3idYI) As s(&!, t!e ,)etra12a 'elon s to t!e &ate ory of t!e a0u, t!e finite so(l, t!(s defined 'y T2 I: 8;;'?8;Ba: a0a3o nma nai3nyat pra,(tm mahe(3araBB cidacidr/pat$hs- pudgala ,)etra3it pa(uB, HT!e finite so(ls, indeed, are not different fro" t!e s(%re"e Lord $!o is of t!e nat(re of Li !t) O!en !e "anifests !is &ons&io(s as $ell as (n&ons&io(s state, !e is W5no$n asY pudgala, ,)etra3it or pa(uI) See also -R ad B and ad ;B: HAnd it is t!at Lord alone, as&endin t!ro( ! t!e different levels Wof s('#e&tivityY, $!o a%%ears as t!e different W&ate ories ofY &o niLers, fro" ordinary so(ls to R(drasI) 6) sar3a D-R ad 8E Cf) .+! :II ;<, B;: yasmin sar3a yata sar3a yah sar3a sar3ata( ca yaB ya( ca sar3amayo nitya tasmai sar3tmane namaBB, HTo t!at o"nifario(s one do I 'o$, in $!o" lies all, fro" $!o" all starts, $!o is all, $!o is every$!ere, and $!o is eternally "ade of allI) As develo%ed 'y R4"a5aK3!a, in t!e lon avat) of !is Sar3ato$hadra ad +!G D%%) 8?8;E, t!at verse is t!e &on&l(din Jlo5a of t!e !y"n R desi nated 'y R4"a5aK3!a D%) AE as t!e st3ar1an, H5in a"on !y"nsIR addressed to t!e Lord 'y +!FS"a, in t!e Mo,)adharmapra,ara0a of t!e .+!) R4"a5aK3!a 9(otes Dand &o""ents onE it in order to esta'lis! t!e essential "eanin of t!e +!G, $!i&! !e for"(lates D%) AE as: tmai3eda sar3am, HT!is entire W$orldY is t!e Self, t!(s a reein $it! t!e (%aniSadi& state"ent: ida sar3a yad ayam tm D+2U II ;, = WX I1 B, <YE) *e e"%!asiLes t!e inter%lay of t!e t$o %rono(ns, yat and sar3a, s!o$in !o$ t!e Lord, re%resented 'y yat, is des&ri'ed in ter"s of t!e WLordIsY relation to t!e (niverse 6sar3a7: tasmai yac cha$dapa2ca,a3i(i)pi3i(e)a0apratipdyas3ar/pya sar3tmane nama, HSal(tation to !i", $!o is of t!e nat(re of t!e All WviL), t!e (niverseY, and

$!ose essen&e is to 'e e,%o(nded in ter"s of 9(alifi&ations deter"ined 'y t!e %entad of t!e $ord yat Wi)e), in ter"s of five relative &la(ses de&linin t!e different "odalities t!at %res(%%ose a &o""onality of essen&e 'et$een t!e Lord and t!e $orldYI) -1 1I A=, 8C also 9(otes t!e verse in t!e &!a%ter entitled Parame(3ara3ar0ana) In t(rn, AG 9(otes it, se "ent after se "ent, as a %art of !is ar ("ent, $!ile &o""entin on PT ; Dsee PT1: 6<?A6, S5t) te,tE) It is note$ort!y t!at, in t!e sa"e %assa e, AG also &ites S%/ I 6: yatra sthitam idam sar3a ,rya yasmc ca nirgatamB tasyn3.tar/pat3n na nirodho Hsti ,utracit, $!i&! esta'lis!es t!e trans&enden&e of t!e Lord Hin $!o" all t!is $orld 6sar3a7 rests and fro" $!o" it !as &o"e fort! Was an Heffe&tI, ,ryaYI) S%N I 6 first develo%s t!e lo i& of t!e in!erent %resen&e of t!e effe&t in t!e &a(seM &f) S%P ad lo&, %) 8A of Dy&L5o$s5i ed) D8C@C ed) o"its itE: sat,ryat3t) It esta'lis!es t!at t!e $orld 6sar3a7 as an Heffe&tI 6,rya7, i)e), a %rod(&t, is %rod(&ed 'y t!e a&tion of an a ent, not 'y any insentient &a(se, for t!e $ord ,rya, as a er(ndive 6,.tya7, %res(%%oses t!e a&tivity of a sentient a ent: ,ryapadena cedam e3a dh3anita ,artu ,riyay ni)pdya hi ,ryam ucyate na tu 1aa,ra0nantara$h3i, HT!e $ord ,rya, Qeffe&tQ, s( ests only t!is "(&!: t!at is said to 'e an Qeffe&tQ $!i&! is to 'e a&&o"%lis!ed 'y t!e a&tion of an a ent, and not t!at $!i&! is &onse9(ential to an insentient &a(seI) On t!is %oint, Paivites differ fro" +(dd!ists, for $!o" t!e inevita'le %riority and %osteriority of &a(se and effe&t de"onstrate, not t!e lo i&al %riority of t!e a ent, '(t a "ere te"%oral s(&&ession) T!en, in t!e sa"e %assa e, !e de"onstrates t!at t!e Lord, 'ein all, does not re9(ire anyt!in additional in order to &reate t!e HAllI 6sar3a7 R t!at is, any "aterial &a(se, vie$ed as different fro" t!e a ent R as does t!e %otter, $!o needs &lay: sar3a(a$denopdndinairape,)ya ,artur dh3anitam, HT!e $ord WviL), t!e %rono(nY sar3a, QallQ, s( ests t!at t!e a ent is inde%endent of any "aterial &a(se, et&)I) Cf) also 0P/ I B, <: cidtmai3a hi de3o Hntasthitam icch3a(d $ahiB yog-3a nirupdnam artha1ta pra,(ayetBB, HIndeed, t!e Lord, $!o is &ons&io(sness, "anifests e,ternally t!e "(ltit(de of o'#e&ts t!at reside $it!in !i", $it!o(t !avin re&o(rse to "aterial &a(ses, t!ro( ! !is sole $ill, as does a yo inIM also 0PvU ad lo&) and PD I ;;?;Ba: yoginm icchay yad3an nnar/popapattitB na csti sdhana ,icin m.dd-cch 3in pra$hoBB tath $haga3adicchai3a tatht3ena pra1yateB, HT!e yo ins, 'y t!eir sole $ill, &reate vario(s for"s, $it!o(t !avin re&o(rse to any &a(se R s(&! as &lay R ot!er t!an t!e LordIs $ill) Si"ilarly, it is 'y !is sole $ill t!at t!e Lord enerates Wall o'#e&tsY in t!is $ayI) T!is is a $ay of esta'lis!in t!e a'sol(te freedo" 6s3atantrat7 of t!e Lord, $!i&! S%/ I =?< defines as a,.trim, Hnat(ralI, Hnon?adventitio(sI, t!at is, a&&ordin to R4"a5aK3!aIs S%1 ad lo&) D%) AAE, HinnateI 6saha17, insofar as it is Hnot de%endent on any "aterial &a(se or ot!er a(,iliary &a(se Win a&!ievin its o'#e&tYI 6na t/pdnasaha,rydi,ra0ntarpe,)i0-7) Si"ilar refle&tions on sar3a are fo(nd in +!G : C, $!i&! S%1 I1 68 DX ad III 8@E 9(otes Dalon $it! +!G : @?88E in t!e /as!"iri re&ension, in s(%%ort of t!e 54ri54 &ele'ratin t!e advent of t!e s(%re"e S('#e&t 6$ho,t.7 as t!e Lord of t!e O!eel 6ca,re(3ara7: aya sar3asya pra$ha3a ita sar3a pra3artateBB Wfor aha sar3asya pra$ha3o matta sar3a pra3artateBBYB iti mat3 $ha1ante m $udh $h3asaman3itBB, H QT!is is t!e so(r&e of all and all t!in s evolve o(t of t!isQ) RealiLin t!is, enli !tened "en, filled $it! fervor, adore .eI Do(r transl)E) A) camat,ra D-R ad 8E

In Tri5a te,ts, and es%e&ially, !ere, in -RIs &o""entary, camat,ra a%%ears "ainly in &o"%osition, "ostly $it! parhant or its synony" p/r0hant, or $it! s3a, or s3tman, or citM t!(s is des&ri'ed as $ondro(s t!e e,%erien&e of s(%re"e i%seity, or of &ons&io(sness itself, or of t!e Self) It see"s t!at t!e first o&&(rren&es of t!e &on&e%t Dalso in t!e for" of its synony": camat,.ti7 are to 'e fo(nd in 2nandavard!anaIs 3.tti ad D!2l I1 8=, 9(oted 'elo$ Dt!e only o&&(rren&e of camat,.ti in D!2lE, and in Ut%aladeva: 0PvU I B, 88M PDvU I C, $!ere camat,ra, defined as s3ar/paparmar(ar/pa, Ha$areness of oneIs o$n essen&eI, losses moda of t!e 54ri54M and PS2 :III ;8 6camat,.ti7) T!e (s(al e,%lanation of t!e ter"Is ety"olo y ta5es camatg as an e,&la"ation of $onder, %ro'a'ly an ono"ato%oeia) A&&ordin to 1) Ra !avan D8@;6: 6=@E, HW)))Y ori inally t!e $ord camat,ra $as an ono"ato%oei& $ord referrin to t!e &li&5in so(nd $e "a5e $it! o(r ton (e $!en $e taste so"et!in sna%%y, and in t!e &o(rse of its se"anti& enlar e"ents, camat,ra &a"e to "ean a s(dden filli% relatin to any feelin of a %leas(ra'le ty%eI) *o$ever, on t!e 'asis of A+! ad 1I A8, vol) I: 6<C, and at t!e &ost of &orre&tin t!e "an(s&ri%t R camata ,ara0a, instead of ca mana,ara0a R Gnoli D8@=C: B@?=7E !as %ro%osed ta5in camat as t!e %resent %arti&i%le of t!e root cam, to si%IM camat,ra t!en $o(ld 'e t!e Ha&tion of one $!o tastesI) S(&! an ety"olo y a%%ears do('tf(l: not only t!e -,ra !ere is "(&! "ore li5ely t!e sa"e -,ra $e !ave in o,ra, et&), '(t t!e readin ca mana,ara0a "a5es %erfe&t sense Dsee, 'elo$, t!e &o"%lete te,tE) 1ario(s &!ara&teriLations of camat,ra !ave 'een iven) See, for instan&e, very %ro'a'ly t!e first des&ri%tion of t!e e,%erien&e, t!at of t!e 3.tti ad D!2l I1 8=: sphu.a0eya ,cid iti sah.dayn camat,.tir utpadyate, HQ*ere so"e e,traordinary W"eanin Y flas!es fort!Q R s(&! is t!e $onder"ent t!at arises in sensitive readersI) Cf) -R ad <B, $!o develo%s t!e notion in t!e &onte,t of s%e&(lations %ro%er to PS) It is note$ort!y t!at t$o te,ts of AG, t!e A+! and t!e 0P11, one fro" t!e s%!ere of aest!eti&s, one fro" Pratya'!i#V4, ive al"ost t!e sa"e definition of t!e ter"M &o"%are A+! ad 1I A8, vol) I: 6<C: $hu21nasyd$h/ta$hogaspand3i)@asya ca mana,ara0a camat,ra iti, HT!e $ord camat,ra, indeed, %ro%erly "eans t!e "ental a&tivity of t!e en#oyin s('#e&t 6$hu21na7 $!o is i""ersed in t!e vi'ration of a "arvelo(s en#oy"ent 6$hoga7I, and 0P11 I B, 88 Dvol) II: 8<<E: camat,.tir hi $hu21nasya y ,riy $hogasampattimaya nanda, Hcamat,.ti "eans t!e a&tion of an en#oyin s('#e&t 6$hu21na7, t!at is t!e 'liss 6nanda7 &onsistin in t!e %erfe&t realiLation of en#oy"ent 6$hogasampatti7I) Later on, 0P11 I B, 88 Dvol) II: 8<@E en("erates a fe$ losses for parmar(a, a"on $!i&! is camat,ra: W)))Y rasanai,aghanatay parmar(a paramnando nir3.ti( camat,ra ucyate, HSin&e it is indistin (is!a'le fro" rasa Wlit), H'ein of one "ass $it! rasaIY, refle&tive a$areness is &alled Qs(%re"e 'lissQ 6paramnanda7, QserenityQ 6nir3.ti7, Q$onder"entQ 6camat,ra7I) T!e i""ediately %re&edin %assa e of t!e A+! ad 1I A8, vol) I: 6<C deserves to 'e 9(oted) Definin camat,ra as Ht!e for" of &ons&io(sness t!at is devoid of o'sta&lesI 6s W)))Y a3ighn sa3it7, it adds: ta11o Hpi ,ampapula,ollu,asandir 3i,ra( camat,raB yath Ia11a 3i har- cama,,ai ,aha ,aha 3i 0a madare0a daliiB cada,al,adalasacchahi lacch-i agiIBB tath hi sa t.pti3yatire,e0cchinno $hog3e(a ity ucyate, HT!e &!an es %ro&eedin fro" it, na"ely, tre"'lin , !orri%ilation, #oyf(l "ove"ents of t!e li"'s, et&), are also &alled camat,ra) For instan&e: Q*ari is still in a state of $onder: *o$, o !o$ is it t!at t!e li"'s of La5S"F, $!i&! are as 'ea(tif(l as fra "ents of t!e "oon,

!ave not 'een 'ro5en 'y .o(nt .andara W&!(rnin t!e o&eanYZQ Indeed, t!is Wcamat,ra "ay 'eY li5e$ise Wdefined asY i""ersion in an en#oy"ent t!at &an never a&!ieve satiation and is t!(s (ninterr(%tedI Dtr) Gnoli 8@=C: B@, "odifiedE) Note t!at s(&! a state"ent Oo(ld #(stify t!e readin ca mana,ara0am, sin&e it &ontrasts t!e "ental as%e&t of camat,ra Dreferred to as H"ental a&tivityI or H&ons&io(sness free fro" o'sta&lesIE $it! its %!ysi&al effe&ts Dtre"'lin , !orri%ilation, et&)E) On camat,ra, see also Torella 0P/: 88C?88@, n) 6A) ;) (a,tayo Hsya 1agat sar3am ))) D-R ad ;E T!is verse is fre9(ently "entioned in /as!"irian Paiva literat(re, $it! a fe$ "inor variants: 1agat ,.tsnam, (a,tayas tu Dor (a,taya( caEM (a,tayo Hsya 1agat ,.tsnam is t!e readin of T2 1 ;7a) It a%%ears, in t!is for", in NRIs lon dis&(ssion of T2 1III 8=C?8<; Dvol) I1: 8;<;, pda &E, $!i&! as $e !ave seen, 9(otes and develo%s t!e definition of a0a iven 'y t!e Raura3a) One s!o(ld note %arti&(larly t!at all t!e &o""entaries on S%/ I 8 9(ote it: /Se"ar4#aIs S%S I 8 D%%) 8;?8BM se&ond !e"isti&!E and S%N I 8 6pda &, %) <E, R4"a5aK3!aIs S%1 I 8 D%) @M f(ll verseE, and Ut%alavaiSKavaIs S%P 8 D%) 86M f(ll verseE) T!is &onfir"s t!at PS ; and its loss s!o(ld 'e (nderstood in t!e li !t of S%/ I 8) See also Ut%aladevaIs PDvU III 8C?67: 87< Dprat-,a of t!e se&ond !e"isti&!: (a,tayas tu 1agat ,.tsnamM see 'elo$E, /Se"ar4#aIs PS1 III C, III A7 Dpda &E as $ell as 1aradar4#aIs PSv4 III A7 Dse&ond !e"isti&!E, A'!inava (%taIs PT1 8, on ,hecar-samat 3ra1et Dse&ond !e"isti&!, in Sin !, %) 8AE, as $ell as T21 I 886 Dvol) II: 8BBM f(ll verseE, III =< Dvol) II: ;6CM pda &E, III <@ Dvol) II: ;;8M pda &E, III @@ Dvol) II: ;=7M se&ond !e"isti&!E, III avat) ad 8;A Dvol) II: ;@<M se&ond !e"isti&!E, III 8@7 Dvol) II: BACM se&ond !e"isti&!E, III 67B Dvol) II: B;@M pda &E, III 66C Dvol) II: B=@M pda &E, T2 1 ;7 Dvol) Ill: @=AM se&ond !e"isti&!E and T21 1 ;7 Di'id)M f(ll verseE, T21 1 =C Dvol) III: @@7M f(ll verseE, 1III 8<; Dvol) I1: 8;<;M pda &EM I: 8B; Dvol) I1: 8<B;M pda &E, :III avat) ad 6== Dvol) 1: 6A=AM pda &EM also in Sv-U :I 8@; Dpda &E and Dse&ond !e"isti&!E in &-pi, ad -* III 67A DDviveda: A@7E Dand Pado(, -*: ;78E) T!e Sar3amangal is iven as t!e so(r&e of t!e 9(otation 'y -R as $ell as 'y t!e a(t!ors of PS1 III C and T2 1 ;7M t!e latter 9(otes t!e entire se&ond !e"isti&! and attri'(tes it to t!e HMgala(straI e,%o(nded 'y PrF5aK3!a) As o'served 'y Torella D0P/: :::, n) ;AE, t!e Ma9gal His in&l(ded in t!e list of +!airavatantra iven 'y t!e Cr-,a0@h-sahitII) A&&ordin to Pado(, DT2: 6<7E, t!e Sar3ama9gal(stra, 5no$n only t!ro( ! t!is 9(otation, &o(ld 'e a !y"n in %raise of Siva, $!ose na"es in&l(de PrF5aK3!a) Citin t!e f(ll verse, t!e S%1 Dad 8, %) @E refers to t!e Prame(3araW(straYM t!is does not !o$ever %er"it (s to &on&l(de t!at t!e sa"e $or5 is referred to (nder a different titleM it s!o(ld 'e noted t!at S%1 D%) @E, 9(oted a'ove, attri'(tes t!e state"ent to Piva !i" self, 'y referrin to t!e te,t it 9(otes as prame(3ara, and t!at T21 I: 8B; (ses t!e ter" udgho)yate, His %ro&lai"edI 6yad a$hiprye0ai3a (a,tayo Hsya 1agat ,.tsnam itydyudgho)yate7) Ot!er te,ts "a5e all(sions to its so(r&e as mnya, HTraditionI Din PS1 III A7E, 2 a"a Din S%N: <, S%S: 8;?8B, and 1aradar4#aIs PSv4 III A7E, and rahasya(stra, Hesoteri& S&ri%t(reI Din S%PM 86E) Si"ilar assertion in PD III 6'?A: na (i3a (a,tirahito na (a,tir 3yatire,i0-BB (i3a (a,tas tath $h3n icchay ,artum -hateB (a,ti(a,timator $heda (ai3e 1tu na 3ar0yateBB, HNeit!er is Piva devoid of ener y, nor is ener y inde%endent Wof !i"Y) E"%o$ered in t!is $ay, Piva e,erts !i"self to &reate o'#e&ts of !is o$n free $ill) Indeed, a&&ordin to Paiva

do&trine, ener y and t!e Possessor of ener y Wor ener iesY are not des&ri'ed as different WHas do (na(t!oritative s&!ools of t!o( !t 6aprm0i,dar(ane)u7I, &o""ents Ut%aladevaYIM also PD III 67': W)))Y sar3a (i3tma,am, $!i&! Ut%aladeva losses 'y 9(otin t!e afore"entioned %assa e of t!e Sar3ama9gal: (i3tma,am e3a sar3a na tu (a,tytma,amB 3y3ahri,a(a,ti$hed(raye0e tu (a,tytma,am u,ta (a,tayas tu 1agat ,.tsna iti 3astutas tu (i3tma,am e3a DPDvU III 67'EM also, T2 III 8=C': (a,ti(a,timadai,tmyaHM &f) T21 III 67B and avat) ad 1 =C, $!i&! 'ot! 9(ote t!e Q"a,i"Q: (a,timata ,halu (a,tir anany itydin-tyM (a,timata ,halu (a,tir anany itydyu,tayu,ty, HIndeed ener y is not different fro" t!e %ossessor of ener yI) T!e so(r&e of s(&! Tri5a notions "i !t 'e .1T II 6a, 9(oted 'y T21 I 8@=: (a,timaccha,ti$hedena dhartatt3a 3i$hidyateB, HT!e tatt3a Heart!I divides into ener y and %ossessor of ener y Wor ener iesYI) B) a0as, tatt3as, adh3ans, $hu3anas D-R ad ;E \(oted in T21 :I C, .1T II ;@ en("erates t!e fo(r aKdas: prthi3a pr,.ta cai3a my-ya (,tyam e3a ca B iti sa,)epata pro,tam etad a0acatu)@ayamBB) T!e $ord a0da, lit), He I or Henvelo%eI, &onnotes a for" $!i&! is 'ot! i"%enetra'le and &onstri&tive) Underlined 'y T2 1III 8=@?8<7 and :I 86'?8;a, &onstri&tion is a "ain feat(re of t!e a0das, in ter"s of $!i&! t!e infinite is red(&ed to t!e finite) T!(s Para"aJiva 'e&o"es a pa(u, rat!er all t!e varieties of pa(us) Defined in -R ad ; D'y &itin T2 1III 8=@E as an Ha re ate of entitiesI, i)e), as an a re ate of 'odies, fa&(lties and $orlds, and &learly des&ri'ed in -RIs &o""entary as fo(r s!eat!s fitted $it!in one anot!er, t!ese aKdas are not only to 'e seen as &os"i& s%!eres) T!ey are also "eta%!ors for t!e different rades of e,%erien&e, $!et!er t!is e,%erien&e ta5es %la&e at t!e level of %(re "anifestation, or %(re s('#e&tivity, $!i&! is t!at of (a,tya0a, or at t!e level of %!eno"enal "anifestation and e"'odied s('#e&tivity $!i&! my0a, pra,.tya0a and p.th3ya0a a&&o(nt for) Everyt!in starts $it! (a,tya0a, lit), t!e Hs%!ere of Ener yI) In fa&t, (a,ti, t!e very %o$er of t!e Lord, on&e transfor"ed 'y !i", o(t of !is a'sol(te freedo", into t!e %o$er of ne atin !is o$n essential nat(re, $!i&! is %lenit(de, ives rise to t!e ot!er t!ree levels of e,%erien&e $!i&! are, as (a,tya0a itself, as "any levels of 'onda e) O!y is t!is t!eory of t!e aKdas set fort! at t!e very o(tset of t!e e,%ositionZ It is 'e&a(se t!e entire te,t, &onsiderin t!e "ain %ro'le" of e"%iri&al 'ein to 'e t!at of deli"itation, ai"s at e,%lainin !o$ diversity ta5es %la&e so as to ena'le t!e reversal of t!e %ro&ess and t!e re&o nition and re?e,%erien&e of oneIs o$n f(nda"ental %lenit(de) T!is reversal of %ro&ess ta5es %la&e t!ro( ! adh3a(uddhi, t!e H%(rifi&ation of t!e %at!sI) In 54ri54s 8;?66, t!e PS en("erates in de&reasin order Para"aJivaIs Q"anifestationsQ, t!e t!irty?si, %rin&i%les t!at t!e "et!odi&al analysis of %er&e%t(al diversity reveals) Nevert!eless, 'efore 'roadenin t!e analysis of t!e &onstit(ents of e,ternal and internal reality "eant to e,%lain Creation itself, t!e treatise endeavors to a%%re!end t!e "anifestation of sensi'le e,%erien&e in its totality, in its see"in ly %arado,i&al relation to t!e deity, t!e (ni9(e entity, t!e s(%re"e reality, $!i&! is defined 'y its essential freedo") T!(s, it is an essentially %!iloso%!i&al effort t!at %rod(&es t!e t!eory of t!e fo(r a0as, or &on&entri& Henvelo%esI, t!ro( ! $!i&! t!e e,%osition see5s to a&&o(nt for t!e or aniLation of t!e Creation R t!(s ivin rise to t!e &on&e%t of t!e &os"i& Hs%!ereI R as $ell as to a&&o(nt for t!e de rees of e,%erien&e (nderstood as de rees of finit(de and 'onda e, $!i&! are to 'e over&o"e in order to

re ain oneIs essential %lenit(de) T!is is t!e reason $!y (a,tya0a, t!e first of t!e fo(r a0das, is &o"%osed of t!e t!ree inferior tatt3as of t!e H%(re %at!I 6(uddhdh3an7, startin $it! Sad4Jiva, $!ere first e"er es Ht!isI as an ideal %otentiality) -et it is a finit(de and a 'onda e alto et!er relative, for $!at is at sta5e, at t!is level of nond(ality, is t!e %(re "anifestation t!at !as not yet "aterialiLed itself into a&t(al &reation) As .i&!el *(lin states: Piva follo$s t!e %(re %at! H%o(r faire, si lIon ose dire, le to(r de sa nat(reI WR H))) so as to, so to s%ea5, ta5e an overall vie$ of !is o$n nat(reIY D8@<C: A7BE) T!e %osition of t!e (uddhdh3an is, for t!e nond(al Paivis" of /as!"ir, a $ay of s!o$in t!at &ons&io(sness Hdoes &all for &os"i& "anifestationI and t!at Hfar fro" 'ein defile"ent and de radation, its relations!i% to "(lti%li&ity is en#oy"ent, 'e&a(se it e,%resses its in"ost %ossi'ilityI D*(lin 8@<C: 6C=E) T!is is $!y -R states, in !is avat) ad ;, t!at Ht!is (niverse is not!in '(t t!e 'losso"in of t!e LordIs ener iesI, and later on, t!at Ht!e (niverse is in essen&e not!in '(t t!e "arvel of s(%re"e i%seityI) +2U I ;, 8?A des&ri'es of t!e Pri"ordial Andro yne as one $!o Hevo5es in i"a ination a %ossi'le &os"i& "(lti%li&ity and re#oi&es in realiLin t!at !e already en&o"%asses all of itI D*(lin 8@<C: A76E) T!e sa"e des&ri%tion is a%%ro%riate for Para"aJiva, %(re &ons&io(sness, itself (nderstood in t!is syste" as t!e (nity of pra,(a and 3imar(a) -et s(&! a &ons&io(sness H&annot 'e satisfied to &ontain t!e o'#e&ts as Qa 'a &ontains n(tsQM it %ossesses t!e" only if it re&overs t!e" at every "o"entI D*(lin 8@<C: A78M note t!at t!e i"a e is %resent in S%N I 6, $!ere it is said t!at t!e $orld H!as not &o"e o(t of !i" Wt!e LordY, as does a $aln(t fro" a 'a I R na prase3a,d i3,)o@di tat tasmn nirgatam api7) T!(s t!ere is a do('le "ove"ent: on t!e one !and, &os"i& dis%ersion, $!en &ons&io(sness, disa re atin its !ost of ener ies, 'rin s a'o(t t!e &reation of t!e (niverseM on t!e ot!er, its rea'sor%tion $it!in &ons&io(sness) .oreover, s(&! deli"itation, seen as 'onda e, is not!in else t!an t!e alteration, freely &!osen 'y Piva, of !is o$n (a,ti, ener y or %o$er) *en&e, !is o"ni%oten&e, in %lay D$e "eet !ere t!e notion of divine ,r-7 red(&in itself so as a Ht!isI e"er es as anta onist to t!e T, a%%ears as t!e altered and &onstri&tive for" of t!e (a,tya0a, t!e Hs%!ereBenvelo%e of Ener yI, t!at is t!e red(&ed, as $ell as red(&in , ener y Dor %o$erE of t!e Lord) A&t(al &reation 'e ins $it! t!e %o$er of division and di&!oto"iLation t!at is my, asso&iated $it! t!e five ,a2cu,as) T!(s is &onstit(ted my0a, t!e Hs%!ere of my, or Ill(sionI) Its seven tatt3as, fro" my to puru)a, stand for t!at level of e,%erien&e $!ere t!e one $!o $as %(re s('#e&t starts see5in , in ill(sion and del(sion, for $!at is o(tside of !i") As s(&! my0a is t!e &ondition re9(ired for t!e "anifestation of pra,.tya0a, t!e Hs%!ere of Nat(reI, $!i&!, 'e innin $it! pra,.ti and &onsistin of t!e follo$in t$enty?t!ree tatt3as, offers t!e &o"%lete delineation of &o niLa'le reality 6meya7 divided into dra)@., t!e HseerI D$!o is '(t !is ,ara0as7, and d.(ya, t!e HseenI, viL), t!e five tanmtras and t!e five $h/tas) At t!e &ore of pra,.tya0a, t!e last Hs%!ereBenvelo%eI is to 'e fo(nd R $!i&! &oin&ides $it! t!e rossest tatt3a, eart! R $!i&! stands for t!e 'ody itself, a&&ordin to reasonin s first %(t fort! 'y S4rK5!ya Dsee 54) 66 on t!is %ointE) T!(s is &onstit(ted t!e p.th3ya0a, t!e HTerrestrial s%!ereI) It re%resents t!e rossest level of e,%erien&e, $!ere one "ista5es t!e 'ody for t!e Self, i)e), $!en %(re &ons&io(sness f(lly a%%ro%riates to itself t!ose fi&titio(s &ontents, t!e 'ody and so fort! D $uddhi, et&)E, t!at are e,trinsi& to it) T!(s t!e $ay t!e fo(r aKdas are fit into ea&! ot!er e,%resses t!e %ro ressive &onstri&tion of %(re, free, ever?radiatin &ons&io(sness, in ot!er

$ords, a H enesis of 'onda eI, to 'orro$ t!e for"(la &oined 'y *(lin DH(ne enese de la servit(deIE in t!e &onte,t of t!e t!eory of t!e t!irty?si, tatt3as D8@<C: A7;E) Sin&e t!e entire "anifestation e,ists $it!in t!e fo(r a0as, t!ey "ay 'e seen as en&o"%assin an infinite variety of $orlds and t!eir in!a'itants) A ain t!ose in!a'itants are endo$ed $it! an infinite variety of 'odies and fa&(lties $!i&! "ay differ fro" $orld to $orld, as $ell as, $it!in t!e sa"e $orld, fro" one level of 'ein to anot!er Dsee -R ad BE) T!e ei !t! &!a%ter of t!e T2 deals $it! t!e $hu3anas Das $ell as $it! t!e notion of a0a, in 8=C'?8<;E in t!e &o(rse of e,%o(ndin t!e de(dh3an, HPat! of s%a&eI, of $!i&! t!e $hu3anas re%resent t!e "ost &on&retiLed as%e&t) As re&orded 'y T2 itself, t!eir n("'er varies $idely fro" te,t to te,t, alt!o( ! t!ey are f(nda"entally inn("era'le, as indi&ated 'y SvT :, $!i&! %osits (niverses alon $it! t!eir s('(niverses) \(otin SvT : 6?Ba, NR o'serves, in !is avat) to T2 1III @, t!at Hsin&e t!ere is an infinite n("'er of $hu3anas, t!ere is an infinite n("'er of t!eir %residin deities also) T!erefore, no'ody $o(ld attain t!e A'sol(te ever, 'y "editatin on ea&! of t!e", even if one devoted inn("era'le 'irt!s to it) S(&! a %ra&ti&e $o(ld 'e t!(s i"%ra&ti&alI 6$hu3annm nantye tadadh-(nm api nantyamB id te) pratye,am e3am anusadhne 1anmasahasrair api na ,a(cit pra yytB ity etad a(d,hynu)@hnam7) In a re%ly to s(&! reservations, T2 1III @?87 refers to PrF5aK3!an4t!aIs &-,)ottaratantra D:III =A?=<EM a&&ordin to $!i&! t!ere are #(st five $hu3anas, %resided over 'y +ra!"a 1iSK(, R(dra, 0Jvara and An4JritaJiva res%e&tively) *o$ever, a&&ordin to SvT I1, T2 1III;7<?;6< re&5ons 66; $hu3anas) T2 1III ;6C?;A;a refers to t!e a&&o(nt of t!e $hu3anas in t!e Mata9gatantra) At t!e end, T2 1III ;A=?;B6 ado%ts t!e &o(nt of t!e .1T D1 8?AAE, $!i&! T2 1III ;A=' reaffir"s to 'e t!e "ain a(t!ority in t!e /as!"irian nond(al Saivis") T!(s 88C $hu3anas are en("erated, related to #(st fo(r of t!e five ,als, sin&e t!e fift! ,al, in .1T, does not &ontain any $hu3ana D&ontrary to t!e SvT $!i&! attri'(tes 8= $hu3anas to t!e fift! ,alE) NR offers an e,%lanation Davat) to T2 1III ;6CE for s(&! dis&re%an&y of &lassifi&ation: t!e $hu3anas are e,%o(nded in 5ee%in $it! t!e s%e&ifi& pra,riy, or %ro&ess of initiation 6d-,)7, ado%ted 'y s(&! and s(&! a(t!oritative te,t, t!e differen&e of t!e pra,riys &orres%ondin to t!e differen&e of t!e as%irantsI entitle"ents) *o$ever, t!e &o""on feat(re of all t!ese e,%ositions is t!at t!ey are "ade in t!e &onte,t of d-,), $!i&! SvTU 1 CCa Dvol) Ill: ACE defines as tmasas,ra, H%erfe&tin t!e SelfM t!(s t!e 1t! &!a%ter of t!e .1T is entitled d-,)pra,ara0a, and t!e :t! &!a%ter of t!e SvT: $hu3andh3ad-,)3iddhi) T!is %ro&ess of d-,) i"%lies t!e %ro&ess of t!e H%(rifi&ation of t!e %at!sI 6adh3a(uddhi7, $!ose lo$er level is t!e H%(rifi&ation of t!e (niversesI 6$hu3ana(uddhi7) A%%re!ended in t!e li !t of t!ese s%atial &orres%onden&es, t!e fo(r aKdas are evidently to 'e seen as &os"i& s%!eres, all t!e "ore so as a %residin deity r(les over ea&! of t!e") 1v) ;8?;= of t!e PS Des%) ;8 and ;=E deal a ain $it! t!e aKdas, as related to t!e "antra iii, t!e h.daya$-1a, $!i&! stands for t!e $!ole, inas"(&! as it is %osited t!at t!e first t!ree aKdas Dor ,alsE are %ervaded 'y SA, and t!e fo(rt! 'y AS, $!ereas t!e fift! ,al is %ervaded 'y t!e 3isarga : s(&! is t!e tea&!in Dsee .1T I1 6B and PTLvU 68?6; in Pado(, 8@<B: 887ff), n) 6;8 and 6<BE) T!e &orres%onden&es do not end !ere sin&e in t!e &onte,t of t!e rit(al of a'sor%tion $it!in t!e h.daya$-1a DPTLvU 6<?6CE, t!e fo(r a0as are a ain related to fo(r li"'s or or ans of t!e 'ody,

a&&ordin to t!eir %la&e and f(n&tion) In t!e PTLvU, t!e &orres%onden&es are #(st all(ded to) Nevert!eless, a&&ordin to S$a"i La5S"an Noo 9(oted 'y Pado(, in !is translation DPTLvU: 88C, n) A7AE, t!e fo(r a0as R fro" p.th3ya0a, t!e lo$est one R are res%e&tively related to pda, hasta, p0i and mu,ha, an inter%retation t!at re9(ires a sli !t alteration in t!e order of t!e te,t $!i&! reads: pdap0ihastamu,haH) Si"ilarly, &orres%onden&es are esta'lis!ed 'et$een ,als and %arts of t!e 'ody Dsee +r(nner SPP, vol) III: fi ) III, I1E, as $ell as 'et$een tatt3as and %arts of t!e 'ody, in t!e %ro&ess of internal $ors!i% Dsee Pado(, 8@C=: 8<C?8C7E) =) spanda D-R ad ;E On t!e notion of spanda, see AGIs definitions in 0P1 III 8, A Dvol) II: 668?666E: (uddho Hya spanda W)))Y ,iciccalantmatay sphuradr/pat3t, H WSad4JivaY is %(re spanda, for !e "anifests !i"self in a for" $!i&! is s('tle "ove"entI, and T2 I1 8C;?8C=a: ,iciccalanam et3ad ananyasphura0a hi yat, H WspandaY is s('tle "ove"ent, a(tono"o(s litterI Dsee also Torella 0P/: 868E) T!e sa"e definition of spanda is fo(nd in S%N I 8: cits3$h3yd acalasypi (r-$haga3ata s3tantrya(a,tir W)))Y ,iciccalatttma,adht3armnugamt spanda ity a$hihit, HT!e s3tantrya(a,ti of t!e Lord, t!o( ! !e "oves not, 'ein of t!e nat(re of &ons&io(sness, is 5no$n as spanda in a&&ordan&e $it! t!e root?"eanin of t!e $ord si nifyin Qs('tle "ove"entQ 6,iciccalatt7I) T!at t!is "ove"ent 'e i"%er&e%ti'le is re9(ired in order to %revent t!e o'#e&tion t!at t!e dyna"is" of t!e (lti"ate %rin&i%le, &ons&io(sness, i"%lies its %eris!a'ility Dfor a&tivity i"%lies t!e transfor"ation of t!e &a(se, !en&e its %eris!a'ilityE) T!e Tri5a %ost(lates self? a$areness in t!e for" of a vi'ration, or a %(lsation, t!at is, a "ove"ent t!at is not a "ove"ent, &ontin(o(s, yet (n&!an in , and t!erefore i"%er&e%ti'le) 0P1 I B, 8; Dvol) I: 6B=?6B<E develo%s t!is line of t!o( !t: spandana( ca ,iciccalanamB e)ai3a ca ,icidr/pat yad acalanam api calam $hsata ityB pra,(as3ar/pa hi mang api ntiricyate Htiricyata i3eti tad acalam e3$hsa$hedayu,tam i3a ca $htiB, Hspanda "eans i"%er&e%ti'le "ove"ent) And t!is i"%er&e%ti'ility Wof t!e "ove"entY &onsists in t!is, t!at $!at is s(rely "otionless a%%ears as if in "otion) For, alt!o( ! t!e essential nat(re of &ons&io(sness is not to &!an e, it a%%ears to &!an eM Win ot!er $ords,Y t!at Wessential nat(re of &ons&io(snessY $!i&! s!ines as "otionless a%%ears as endo$ed $it! an infinity of "anifestationsI) Si"ilarly, T2 I1 8CA' defines spanda as s3tmanyucchalana, He,%ansion in oneIs o$n self, 'efore develo%in it DT2 I1 8C;'E t!ro( ! t!e "eta%!or of t!e $ave t!at is not different fro" t!e o&ean D9(oted n) C<6E) <) An4JritaJiva D-R ad ;E See T2 1III 87, ivin t!e e,%osition of t!e $hu3anas a&&ordin to t!e &-,)ottaratantra: W)))Y an(rita (i3as tasmd WviL), sd,hyagocardY 3ypt W)))Y, HAn4JritaJiva %ervades Wt!e tatt3asY 'eyond Wt!e real" of S4d45!ya, viL), 'eyond (uddha3idy, 0Jvara and S4d45!ya Dor Sad4JivaEYI) NR ad lo&) o'serves: tasmd iti sd,hyagocard arthd /rdh3a (a,9tatt3asthne tu, H*e %ervades Wt!e tatt3asY 'eyond t!e real" of S4d45!ya, t!at is to say, !e re"ains a'ove, at t!e level of (a,titatt3aI) At t!is level of e,%erien&e, t!e s('#e&t, viL), t!e yo in, is no lon er Para"aJiva $!o &ontains t!e (niverse $it!in !i"self) As o'served 'y Sil'(rn DKli,stotra: A<E t!is yo in does not %ossess t!e for" of %erfe&t &ons&io(sness, $!i&!, &onsistin of t!e free %lay of e,teriority 6idant7 $it!in interiority 6ahant7 and vi&e versa, en#oys &os"i& 'liss 61agadnanda7) Cos"i& 'liss, as defined 'y T2 1

B7?B6a, i"%lies a relation of t!e Self $it! t!e (niverse, in t!e for" of t!eir &o? essentiality) It is in t!is sense t!at t!e yo in de%rived of t!is e,%erien&e of 1agadnanda is dee"ed H(nrelated Wto t!e (niverseYI cidai,y,hytimayn(rita(i3ag,IW)))Y An4JritaJiva does not e,%erien&e t!e (nity of a'sol(te &ons&io(sness Win $!i&! t!e (niverse is identified $it! &ons&io(snessYI DP*vU ;E) Nevert!eless, An4JritaJiva is t!e sta e of e,%erien&e in $!i&! t!e (niverse yet to &o"e, t!at is, e"%iri&al "anifestation is %re%ared, sin&e it is t!e state 6a3asth7 in $!i&! Pa5ti 'e ins to veil t!e Self te"%orarily, and, se%aratin t!e (niverse fro" it, to %rod(&e a,hyti nes&ien&e, or fail(re to re&o niLe t!e real nat(re of t!e Self) T!is is t!e reason $!y (/nyti(/nya, t!e H1oid 'eyond t!e 1oidI, or Ha'sol(te 1oidI is iven in P*vU ; D%) BBE as a synony" for An4JritaJiva: cidai,y,hytimayn(rita(i3aparyya(/nyti(/nytmatay W)))Y) Para"aJiva, t!e O!ole !avin not!in o(tside !i"self, !as to &reate a 1oid $it!in !i"self in order to "a5e roo" for t!e (niverse t!at !e $is!es to "anifest as different fro" !i"self) And it is t!is 1oid t!at $ill ass("e t!e for" of t!e o'#e&tive (niverse) Cf) T2 1III ;76: an(9ta tu 3ypre nimitta hetur ucyate, HIn t!e %ro&ess Wof &reationY, t!e &a(se t!at is not de%endent 6an(rita7 is &alled t!e i"%ellin W&a(seY 6hetu7I, and T21 ad lo&: 3ypre id s.)@ydi,riyymB iha hi sa e3a para parame(3ara s3as3tantryt prathama (/hytmatm a3a$hsayan an(ritdirpatay prathita, HIn t!e Qa&tivityQ, i)e), in t!e a&t of &reation, et&), t!e S(%re"e one, Para"eJvara, o(t of !is freedo", first "anifests !i"self as 1oid, and, "anifest in t!at for", is 5no$n as An4JritaI) In ter"s of "ysti&al e,%erien&e, An4JritaJiva re%resents t!e yo inIs sta e of %assive samdhi, or e,tasis D&f) Sil'(rn Kli,stotra: 6<, A=?A<E) PS1 I 6, 9(oted n) 66=, $!ose %!raseolo y is si"ilar to t!at of -R !ere, des&ri'es An4JritaJiva as t!e first "anifestation of a(to?li"itation, freely &!osen 'y Para"aJiva, $!i&! event(ates in t!e mypramt.) C) Ga!ana D-R ad ;E T2 1III A8<?A8@ !as Ga!ana t!e first a"on t!e si, R(dras o&&(%yin t!e lo$er foldB&avity 6pu@a7 of t!e mygranthi, t!e ross level of my madhye pu@atraya tasy rudr )a adhare HntareB e,a /rdh3e ca pa2ceti d3da(aite nir/pitBB gahansdhyau hariharada(e(3arau tri,alagopat- )a imeB madhye Hnanta ,)emo d3i1e(a3idye(a3i(3a(i3BB )a@su ca pu@age)u tatpar3.ttyB pari3arttate sthiti ,ila de3o Hnantas tu sar3ath madhyeBB HOit!in t!at WmygranthiY, t!ere is a triad of foldsB&avities 6pu@a7) In t!e lo$er one, t!ere are si, R(dras, in t!e "iddle t!ere is one, in t!e (%%er one t!ere are five) T!(s t$elve R(dras !ave 'een des&ri'ed) T!e si, WR(drasY are Ga!ana, As4d!ya, *ari!ara, DaJeJvara, Tri5ala, Go%ati) Ananta is in t!e "iddle) WT!e five R(dras areY /Se"a, Dvi#eJa, 1idyeJa, 1iJva and Piva) WRe ardin t!ose fiveY and t!ose si, WR(drasY re"ainin in t!eir Wres%e&tiveY foldsB&avities, t!e lo&ation is lia'le to &!an e, for t!ey are inter&!an a'le) Nevert!eless, Lord Ananta al$ays re"ains in t!e "iddleI) T!ose t$o lines are a %ara%!rase of SvT : 886;?886<, as s!o$n 'y T21 1III A8<?A8@, $!i&! 9(otes it D%) 8B==E) Alt!o( ! SvT : 886;?886< en("erates t!irteen R(dras, %la&in si, R(dras in t!e (%%er fold, a"on $!i&! Ananta Dto 'e distin (is!ed fro" t!e AnanteJa in t!e "iddle fold, $!o is defined as 1agatpati, t!e HLord of t!e $orldIE, t!e t$o lists are %arallel: DaJeJ4na in SvT &orres%onds to DaJeJvara in T2M /Se"eJa to /Se"aM +r4!"aKasv4"in, t!e HLord of t!e +r4!"aKasI, to Dvi#eJaM 1idyeJ4na to 1idyeJa, and 1iJveJa to 1iJva) One o'serves t!at NRIs readin of SvT 886;?886<

allo$s e"endation of t!e SvT ed): $rhma0as3m- instead of $rahma0a s3mDsin&e +r4!"aKasv4"in is t!e synony" of Dvi#eJaE, 3i(3e(a instead of 3idye(a Dsin&e 1iJveJa is t!e synony" of 1iJvaE) @) P!one"i& e"anation D-R ad 87?88E S(&! s%e&(lations a%%ear to 'e 9(ite in 5ee%in $it! t!ose of 1P 88?6 and its 3.tti, $!i&! esta'lis! t!at sin&e, in o(r &o nition, $e identify t!e o'#e&ts $it! t!eir $ords, t!e o'#e&ts are essentially of t!e nat(re of t!e $ord) Cf) 1P I 8?6: andinidhana $rahma (a$datatt3a yad a,)aramB 3i3artate Hrtha$h3ena pra,riy 1agato yataBB e,am e3a yad mnta $hinna(a,ti3yap(raytB ap.tha,t3e Hpi (a,ti$hya p.tha,t3ene3a 3artateBB, HCe +ra!"an sans &o""en&e"ent ni fin, Parole %rin&i%ielle, P!one"e Di"%erissa'leE, 9(i se "anifeste so(s la for"e des o'#ets et dIo( %re&ede le "onde ani"e, L(i 9(i, revele &o""e (n, est le s(%%ort de %o(voirs differents et %arait divise so(s lIeffet de ses %o(voirs, 9(oi 9(Iil soit indivis W)))YI, $!i&! "ay 'e s(""ariLed as follo$s: $rahman, $!i&! is Oord?%rin&i%le 6(a$datatt3a7, Ha%%ears as t!e o'#e&tsI 63i3artate Hrtha$h3ena7) T!(s, t!e &reation of t!e $orld %ro&eeds fro" it) T!e $rahman is t!e one a%%earin as "any, for it is t!e !older Wlit), Hs('strat("IY of a "(lti%li&ity of %o$ers 6(a,ti7) T!o( ! not different fro" its %o$ers, it see"s to 'e so) As +iardea( D1P: 6B, n) 8E %(ts it: HCIest lIA'sol( l(i?"e"e 9(i se "anifeste so(s la for"e des %!eno"enes %ar lIinter"ediaire de ses %o(voirs) Le Ja'da'ra!"av4da est done (n "onis"e de ty%e $hed$hedaI WR HIt is t!e A'sol(te itself $!i&! "anifests in t!e for" of %!eno"ena t!ro( ! its %o$ers) T!erefore, t!e Ja'da'ra!"av4da is a "onis" of t!e $hed$heda &ate oryIY) *ere also, t!e %ro&ess of t!e LordIs "anifestation is not!in '(t t!e %ro ressive dis%lay and differentiation of !is s(%re"e ener y R a notion $!i&! .1T III B?@a, 9(oted in 'ot! S%N III 8A and PS1 III 8@, &learly develo%s: y s (a,tir 1agaddhtu ,athit sama3yin-B iccht3a tasya s de3- sis.,)o pratipadyateBB sai,pi saty ane,at3a yath gacchati tac ch.0uB e3am etad iti 12eya nnyatheti suni(citamBB 12payant- 1agaty atra 12na(a,tir nigadyateB e3a $ha3at3 ida sar3am iti ,ryonmu,h- yadBI 1t tadai3a tad 3astu ,ur3aty atra ,riyocyateB e3am e) d3ir/ppi punar $hedair anantatmB arthopdhi3a(d yti cintma0ir i3e(3ar-BB, HO!en t!e .aster of t!e $orld $is!es to &reate, !is Ws(%re"eY Pa5ti, t!e Goddess $!o is said to 'e in!erent in !i", 'e&o"es Oill WviL), ener y of OillY) Listen !o$ s!e t!o( ! one, 'e&o"es "any) Si"ilarly, $!en s!e "a5es t!e 5no$a'le 5no$n as definitely Qt!isQ and not as so"et!in else, s!e is na"ed in t!is $orld Qener y of /no$led eQ) Si"ilarly, $!en s!e 'e&o"es intent on a&tin , &onsiderin : QLet all t!is &o"e to 'e W#(st as I !ave $illed and 5no$n itYQ, Wt!at sa"e ener yY, arisen at t!e very "o"ent s!e &reates t!e o'#e&t, is t!en na"ed t!e Q Wener y ofY A&tionQ) T!(s, t!o( ! WalreadyY of t$o for"s W/no$led e and A&tionY, s!e differentiates !erself a ain, 'e&o"in inn("era'le, t!an5s to t!ose o'#e&ts, $!i&! Wf(n&tion as !erY &ontin ent attri'(tes) T!erefore, t!is soverei n Goddess is to 'e &o"%ared to t!e t!o( !t? e" t!at yields all desiresI) .1T III @'?8Aa oes on to des&ri'e t!e for" ass("ed 'y t!e s(%re"e Pa5ti $!en &onsidered fro" t!e %oint of vie$ of %!one"i& e"anation: 'e&o"in .4tU54, s!e s!ifts fro" t!e level of par3c to t!at of pa(yant-, a ain dividin !erself into different %!one"es or ro(%s of %!one"es, ro(%ed into ei !t var as and %resided over 'y ei !t mt.,s) T!(s e"er e fro" one anot!er in s(&&ession t!e LordIs ener ies, seen as a H$!eelI R a "(ltit(de ass("in t!e for"s of all %ossi'le $ords and t!in s)

87) saptapramt.s D-R ad 8;E T!e notion of a !ierar&!y of s('#e&ts R (s(ally seven in n("'er, '(t not (nifor"ly R is &o""on to all s&!ools of Paivis", in&l(din t!ose t!at are d(alisti&) T!e notion itself of a H!e%tad of s('#e&tsI 6pramt.sapta,a7 see"s to 'e "ainly of Saidd!4nti5a ori in, as is s( ested in T21 : <?C Davat)E, $!erein a Trai5a ade%t 9(estions t!e need for t!e seven #(st "entioned DT2 : =?<aE: nan3 asmaddar(ane nara(a,ti(i3tma,am e3a 3i(3am iti sar3atrodgho)yate tat ,atham iha siddhntadar(andisamucita pramt.$hedam a3alam$yaitad u,tam W)))Y, H+(t, one "i !t o'#e&t, is it not every$!ere %ro&lai"ed, in o(r s&!ool, t!at t!e $orld &onsists of nara, Pa5ti and SivaZ So $!y !as t!is Wdo&trine of t!e seven pramt.sY 'een stated !ere Win TA : =?<aY 'y ado%tin t!e ty%es of pramt.s &on enial to s&!ools s(&! as t!e Sidd!4ntaZI T!e seven s('#e&ts re%resent different levels, or "odes, of &ons&io(sness, t!at is, of &o nitive e,%erien&e, as is "ade &lear 'y t!e "eta%!or of S%N I 8, in $!i&! t!ey are said to 'e different HrolesI 6$h/mi,7 ass("ed 'y Piva: (r-mn mahe(3aro hi s3tantrya(a,ty (i3amantramahe(3aramantres3aramantra3i12n,alapralay,alasa,alnt pramt.$h/mi, tad3edya$h/mi, ca g.h0na, H+y !is %o$er of a'sol(te freedo", t!e lorio(s Great Lord ass("es Won t!e s('#e&tive levelY t!e &o nitive roles of Piva, t!e .antra"a!eJvaras, t!e .antreJvaras, t!e .antras, t!e 1i#V4n45alas, t!e Pralay45alas and t!e Sa5alas W, $!ereas, on t!e o'#e&tive level,Y !e ass("es t!e roles Wof t!e o'#e&ts t!at areY "ade 5no$n t!ere'yI) For ot!er e,a"%les of t!e t!eatri&al "eta%!or a%%lied to Piva, or t!e Self, and of t!e (se of $h/mi, in t!e sense of HroleI, see PS III @?86, -R ad 8 and BM see also SvTU 1III A8 Dvol) Ill: 8<BE: de3a par3,(a,timaya (i3a$ha@@ra,a e3a sad(i3a iti g.h-tatattad$h/mi,a s3aya guru(i)yapade sthit3eti, HSad4Jiva is Lord Piva W!alf?Y "ade of t!at (a,ti t!at is s(%re"e S%ee&! 6par3c7) And t!e fa&t t!at Q!e ado%ts 'y !i"self t!e Wdo('leY %ost(re of t!e tea&!er and t!e %(%il 6guru(i)yapade sthit37I "eans t!at Q!e WaloneY ass("es ea&! of t!ose roles 6$h/mi,7)QH As "odes of &ons&io(sness, t!e seven &ate ories of s('#e&t are related to t!e tatt3as (nderstood as different levels of e,%erien&e) So varia'le are Paiva te,ts, 'ot! in des&ri'in t!e levels of s('#e&tivity and in lo&atin t!e" on t!e s&ale of t!e tatt3as t!at it $o(ld 'e diffi&(lt, $it!in t!e li"its of o(r e,%ose, to ive an a&&o(nt of t!e" in detail Dsee, nota'ly, Torella 0P/: 8@@ff), 1as(deva .1T: 8B8?8<CE) It is, !o$ever, %ossi'le to a&&o(nt for t!e "ore syste"ati& &lassifi&ation of t!e H!e%tad of s('#e&tsI later %ro%osed 'y AG and !is i""ediate follo$ers, $!i&! is "odeled on t!e .1T DI 8;ff), II 8?@E, itself refor"(lated in 0P/ III 6, =?67) And it s!o(ld 'e noted t!at AG, %arti&(larly in !is TA, e"%!asiLes t!e re (lar &orres%onden&e not only 'et$een t!e levels of s('#e&tivity and t!ose of "anifestation 6tatt3as7, '(t also 'et$een t!e levels of s('#e&tivity and t!e t!ree i"%(rities 6mala7, or, "ore e,a&tly, 'et$een t!ose levels and t!e sta es of t!e %ro&ess 'y $!i&! t!e as%irant rad(ally frees !i"self fro" t!ose i"%(rities Dsee T2 I: @A'?@=, translated 'y 1as(deva .1T: 8<6E) AG ela'orates, and, indeed, rationaliLes t!e Paiva do&trine of a !ierar&!y of s('#e&ts in T2 I: C;?@=, : =ff) D!e refers a ain to t!at do&trine else$!ere, s(&! as T2 :1 AA@?A;8, et&)E, TS I:, PT1 B? @', 0P1 III 6 and 0P11 ad lo&) Dvol) III: A8@?A6AE and ad I <, 8; Dvol) II: ;7;?;7BE) So do, on t!e one !and, !is e,e etes, Nayarat!a ad T2 and -R ad PS Dsee 54ri54s 8; and

6AE, and, on t!e ot!er !and, /Se"ar4#a, in !is P* Ds_tra AE $it! a(to?&o""entary, and in several ot!er &o""entaries DS%N I 8, 9(oted a'ove, PS1 I 6?A, et&)E) Oe s5et&! !ere t!e !ierar&!y of t!e seven s('#e&ts in des&endin order, as does -R in !is loss to PS 8;, dealin $it! t!e first five, and in !is loss to PS 6A, dealin $it! t!e last t$o, a&&ordin to t!e distin&tion 'et$een (uddhdh3an and a(uddhdh3an: 8E As %(re, (ndivided, vi'ratin &ons&io(sness, Piva Di)e), PivaBSa5tiE is t!e !i !est s('#e&t) 6E T!e .antra"a!eJvaras, t!e HGreat Lords of .antrasI, are lo&ated at t!e level of Sad4Jiva) T!(s t!e level of Sad4Jiva is t!at very !i ! level of &ons&io(sness $!ere Ht!isI, alt!o( ! a%%earin at t!e !oriLon of &ons&io(sness, re"ains i""ersed $it!in t!e HII) Nevert!eless, t!e essential (nity of &ons&io(sness !as 'een so"e!o$ fra "ented, as s!o$n 'y t!e %l(ral a%%lied to t!ose .antra"a!eJvaras) AE T!en &o"e, a rade 'elo$, t!e 88C .antreJvaras, t!e HLords of .antrasI) Lo&ated at t!e level of 0Jvara, t!ey re%resent t!e level of &ons&io(sness t!at o%erates t!ere) O!atever "ay 'e t!e inter%retation of t!e e,%erien&e $!i&! t!e 0Jvara state sy"'oliLes Dsee -RIs e,e esis ad PS 8;, $!i&! differs in so"e $ay of t!e &lassi&al oneE, it is t!e level of &ons&io(sness &orres%ondin to t!e state in $!i&! one e,%erien&es "ore distin&tly t!e e"er en&e of an ideal o'#e&tivity, $it!o(t deviatin fro" oneIs o$n essential i%seity) As different "odes of t!is essential i%seity, Piva, t!e .antra"a!eJvaras and t!e .antreJvaras are free of all i"%(rity) ;E +ein lo&ated at t!e level of (ud-dha3idy, %(re, %erfe&t /no$led e, t!e .antras still 'elon to t!e %lane of t!e (uddhdh3an) Nevert!eless, alt!o( ! ideal, t!e &lear introd(&tion of differentiation, $!i&! &!ara&teriLes t!e sta e of (uddha3idy, i"%lies t!e %resen&e of my, even if not yet f(lly develo%ed 6aprar/dh7, inas"(&! as no sense of alterity is enerated Dsee n) B7CE) T!erefore, t!e e,%erien&ers lo&ated at t!is level, t!e .antras, are affe&ted 'y t!e my-yamala Dsee 0P/ III 6, @ on t!e 1idyeJvaras, $it! Ut%aladevaIs 3.ttiE) T!ey are asso&iated $it! t!e 1idyeJvaras, a ro(% of ei !t deities DS%N II 6 "entions t$o of t!e": Ananta'!a334ra5a and 1yo"avy4%inM see also 0P1 III 8, =: 3idye(3ar $haga3anto Hnantdy 3artanteE, $!ose s%e&ifi& tas5 is t!at of a&&o"%lis!in fo(r of t!e five &os"i& f(n&tions 6pa2ca,.tya7, as $ell as strivin for t!e li'eration of li"ited so(ls, Ha&tin as inter"ediaries in t!e revelation of t!e tea&!in s of Piva, et&I DTorella 0P/: 678, n) 8;EM see n) B87) +ein ety"olo i&ally Ht!ose $!o ideate W&reationYI, t!e .antras are %erfe&t instr("ents for t!e 1idyeJvaras $!o e"%loy t!e" in t!is do('le tas5) T!(s t!e %lane o&&(%ied 'y t!e &ro$d of t!e seventy "illion .antras !eaded 'y t!e 1idyeJvaras re%resents Ht!e "ode of &ons&io(sness in $!i&! vast '(t internally differentiated se "ents of t!e (niverse flas! into vie$I DSanderson 8@C=: 8@6E) Fa&in a reality &onsidered ot!er t!an t!e"selves, t!e 1idyeJvaras, residin at t!e %lane of (uddha3idy, are o"nis&ient inas"(&! as Ht!ey are identified $it! &ons&io(snessI D0PvU III 6, @E) For t!e sa"e reason, sin&e t!at &ons&io(sness is "ade of 'ot! pra,(a and 3imar(a Dt!at dyna"i& %rin&i%le $!i&! "anifests itself as t!e a&tivity of t!e HII and re&eives t!erefore t!e na"e of ,art.t, Ha en&yIE, t!ey are endo$ed $it! a en&y, as is s!o$n 'y t!eir a&&o"%lis!in fo(r of t!e five Hd(tiesI 6,.tya7) -et, sin&e t!ey &on&eive t!e o'#e&ts of t!eir a&tion as different fro" t!e"selves, d(e to t!e my-yamala, s(&! a en&y is %artial D0P/ III 6, @E, and &an 'e &ontrasted $it! t!e o"ni%oten&e of t!e .antreJvaras and .antra"a!eJvaras) HT!erefore, 0Pvr III 6, @ &onel(des, t!ey too "(st 'e &onsidered finite so(ls 6a0ut3a7IM see n) B87) BE T!e %resen&e of a en&y, even t!o( ! %artial, is $!at distin (is!es t!e 1idyeJvarasB.antras fro" t!e ne,t level of

&ons&io(sness, na"ely t!e 1i#V4n45alas Dor 1i#V4na5evalasE R defined D0P/ III 6, =? <E as %(re &ons&io(sness 6(uddha$odha7, in t!e sense t!at Ht!ey no lon er &onta"inate self?re%resentation $it! t!e %ro#e&tion of t!e i"%(re tatt3as fro" my to eart! 6p.thi3-7I DSanderson 8@C=: 8@8E) In ot!er $ords, t!ey no lon er &onsider $!at is not t!e Self, viL), t!e 'ody, t!e "ind, et&), as t!e Self Da "ode of &ons&io(sness $!i&! is t!at of t!e Sa5alasE) T!erefore, in &ontrast to t!e 1idyeJvaras, t!e 1i#V4n45alas are free of t!e my-yamala, t!e i"%(rity of differentiation, and in &ontrast to t!e follo$in states, Pralay45alas and Sa5alas, t!ey are also free of t!e ,rmamala, t!e i"%re natin of &ons&io(sness $it! i"%ressions left 'y oneIs ood or 'ad a&tionsM t!(s do not trans"i rate any lon er) On t!e ot!er !and, t!ey are &o"%letely devoid of a en&y 6,art.t7, i)e), of I?&ons&io(sness 63imar(a, or spanda7, $it! t!e res(lt t!at t!ey &onsider t!e"selves in&o"%lete or defi&ient) T!(s, t!ey are s('#e&t to t!e 0a3amala, t!e i"%(rity &onsistin of t!e int(ition of li"itedness, t!at is, t!ey fail to re&o niLe t!eir o$n &reative freedo" 6s3tantrya7 and o$n essential %lenit(de 6p/r0at7) T!eir na"e, Ht!ose Inert in GnosisI as Sanderson translates it, a&&o(nts for t!ose t$o sy""etri& feat(res) So does t!eir lo&ation on t!e s&ale of t!e tatt3as, sin&e, a&&ordin to so"e te,ts Dnota'ly -R ad 8;, and PT1 B?@' 9(oted n) B88E, t!ey !an s(s%ended 'et$een t!e %(re 6(uddhdh3an7 and t!e i"%(re (niverse 6a(uddhdh3an7, 'ein %la&ed 'elo$ (uddha3idy and a'ove my, in an inter"ediary tatt3a, &reated ad hoc for %(r%oses s%e&ifi& to Paiva s%e&(lation, na"ely, t!e mahmy, t!e HGreat Ill(sionI) T!(s t!e 1i#V4n45ala re%resents t!e "ode of &ons&io(sness 'elon in to t!e yo in en a ed on t!e %at! leadin to li'eration) A&&ordin to t!e 0P11 Dvol) III: A66E, it is a 5ind of e,%erien&e 6$hoga3i(e)a7 $!i&! "ay 'e attained t!ro( ! a s%e&ial initiation intended to fa&ilitate leavin W'e!indY t!e real" of my, eit!er t!ro( ! "editative realiLation 6$h3an7, or t!ro( ! &on&entration 6dhra07, &onte"%lation 6dhyna7 or a'sor%tion 6samdhi7 t!at !ave my for t!eir o'#e&t D&f) Torella 0P/: 677, n) 86E) T!(s, PT1 DS5t) te,t: %) B<E tea&!es t!at Ht!e 1i#V4n45alas and t!e Pralay45alas do not !ave t!e idea of mama, QWt!is isY "ineQ, Win &ertain states as samdhiYI 63i12n,aln pralay,aln ca W)))Y mameti 3yatiri,ta nsti7) =E T!e Pralay45alas, or Pralaya5evalas, Ht!ose Inert in Dissol(tionI, re%resent t!e "ode of &ons&io(sness in $!i&! t!e Self is s(s%ended in a state of inertia, $!i&! e,%lains t!e &o""on analo y of dee%, i)e), drea"less, slee%) On t!e "eanin of t!e ter" HPralay45alaI, see 0P1 III 6, C Dvol) II: 6B6E, 9(oted n) =6B) T!e Hdissol(tionI of t!eir na"e is a "eta%!or for t!e state of total a'sor%tion fo(nd in dee% slee%, $!i&! is itself f(rt!er analyLed as t$ofold, a&&ordin to $!et!er so"e internal sensation 6sa3edya or pr0a7 %ersists or not, t!e latter sta e 'ein t!at of real a'sor%tion or Hdissol(tionI) T!(s t!e do&trine distin (is!es 'et$een t$o levels of Pralay45alas D0P/ III 6, CE) Sanderson D8@C=: 8@8E defines t!e lo$er one, as Hanalo o(s to drea"less '(t 'lissf(l slee% 6sa3edyapralay,alat7 and t!e ot!er to drea"less slee% &o"%letely void of sensation 6apa3edyapralay,alat7I) ln Ut%aladevaIs fo(rfold division of t!e li"ited self 6mypramt.7, t!e lo$er Pralay45ala is also ter"ed pr0apramt., for !e e,%erien&es t!e Self as an internal sensation 6pr0a7, and t!e !i !er one is ter"ed (/nyapramt., for !e e,%erien&es t!e Self as t!e 1oid 6(/nya7) In t!e pr0apramt., t!e my-yamala %ersists, $!ereas it is trans&ended in t!e (/nyapramt., $it! t!e &o"%lete, alt!o( ! transitory, dissol(tion of t!e "4yi& $orld) *o$ever, ,rmamala re"ains at 'ot! levels, for, t!o( ! all a&tions !ave dissolved in t!e %erfe&t inertia of dee% slee%, Ht!e i"%ressions of %ast

a&tions re"ain, $aitin to re enerate $orld?e,%erien&eI DSanderson 8@C=: 8@8E $!en t!e %eriod of dissol(tion &o"es to an end, t!at is, $!en one a$a5es) T!(s, as is t!e i""ediately inferior Sa5ala, t!e lo$er Pralay45ala is s('#e&t to t!e t!ree i"%(rities, $!ereas t!e !i !er Pralay45ala is free of t!e my-yamala) See also -R ad 6A, $!o defines t!e Pralay45alas as t!e ones H$!o are freed fro" t!e %arti&(lar Wt!at is, fro" ross "aterialityY and fro" t!e 'odyI) <E At t!e 'otto" of t!e ladder, t!e Sa5ala, Hendo$ed $it! fa&tors of fra "entation 6,ala7I, is t!e ordinary li"ited &ons&io(sness e,istin solely in t!e states of $a5in and drea", i""ersed in t!e "4yi& $orld, ta5in as t!e Self $!at is not t!e Self, and denied even t!e transitory rede"%tion of drea"less slee%) See -R ad 6A: HAre &alled Sa5alas t!ose &o niLin s('#e&ts $!o are of a 'odily nat(re 'e&a(se of t!e fa&tors of fra "entation 6,al7, 'e innin $it! t!e fa&(lties in t!eir Q%(reQ state Wt!at is, $it!o(t ad#(n&tion of o'#e&tY 6indriyamtra7 and endin $it! %arti&(lar Wo'#e&tsY Wt!at is, $it! t!e mah$h/tasYI) For a detailed e,%osition of t!e reverse %ro&ess, t!ro( ! $!i&! t!e "editator, rad(ally freein !i"self fro" t!e senti"ent of differentiation, ai"s at rea&!in t!e int(ition of identity $it! t!e deity, t!at is, &ons&io(sness itself, see T2 I: @7'?@<a, :III 6<B'?<=M also Sanderson 8@C=: 8@7?8@A) 88) gu0atatt3a D-R ad 8@E In S45!ya, (n&ons&io(s nat(re 6pra,.ti7 is t!e Q&a(seQ Dat least in t!e sense of t!e "aterial &a(seE of t!e $orldM in Tri5a, &ons&io(sness itself is t!at &a(se, t!e $orld 'ein not!in '(t its e,ternal "anifestation) T!e Tri5a e,%lains t!e %!eno"enal $orld as res(ltin fro" t!e %ro ressive o's&(ration and &onstri&tion of t!e LordIs s(%re"e ener y, $!i&! is !is freedo") T!(s it esta'lis!es a H enesis of 'onda eI D*(lin 8@<C: A7; (ne H enese de la servit(deIE a ainst t!e 'a&5 ro(nd of an essential vi'ration $!i&!, t!o( ! %ro ressively $ea5ened, or so it see"s, never &eases to tre"'le) Pa5ti is t!e f(nda"ental %rin&i%le t!at distin (is!es Tri5a fro" S4 5!ya, des%ite si"ilarities in t!e &os"olo ies of t!e t$o syste"s) T!e Tri5a (nderstands e"%iri&al diversity in ter"s of t!e di&!oto"y of en#oyer 6$ho,t.7 and o'#e&t of en#oy"ent 6$hogya7) In t!is &onte,t, puru)a is t!e en#oyer $!ereas pra,.ti re%resents t!e totality of s(&! o'#e&ts R an ar ("ent si"ilar to t!at of t!e S4 5!ya &on&ernin t!e puru)a, $!o Q&onte"%latesQ pra,.ti as t!o( ! s!e $ere a dan&er, or an a&tress, %erfor"in 'efore !i" DS/ B@E) pra,.ti offers t!e entire o'#e&tive $orld to t!e en#oyer, alt!o( ! its o'#e&tivity is as yet %otential) T!(s TS 1III, %) CA &ontrasts t!e a&t(aliLed $orld 6pra,.titatt3asya sarga7, $it! pra,.ti defined as t!e !o"o eneo(s and 9(ies&ent a re ate of t!e t!ree (Kas) pra,.ti is not only &reation in potentia, it is also t!e f(nda"ental %rin&i%le %ersistin in ea&! and every %arti&(lar o'#e&t of en#oy"ent, on&e &reation !as ta5en %la&e: W)))Y e)a e3a su,hadu,hamohtma,a$hogya3i(e)nusy/tasya smnyamtrasya tadgu0asmyparanmna pra,.titatt3asya sarga, HW)))Y S(&! is t!e &reation %ertainin to pra,.titatt3aM t!is pra,.titatt3a, $!i&! is not!in else t!an t!e &o""on %rin&i%le 6smnya7 in!erent 6anusy/ta7 in Wea&!Y s%e&ifi& o'#e&t of en#oy"ent "ade of %leas(re, %ain and del(sion, is also ter"ed t!e e9(ili'ri(" of t!ose gu0as 6tadgu0asmya7I) T!e TS D%%) C;?CBE ives an alternative definition of pra,.ti as $hogyasmnya, Hstate of e9(ili'ri(" of t!e o'#e&ts of en#oy"entI, $!i&! "a5es it t!e ar&!ety%e of o'#e&tivity itself) So"e dist(r'an&e of t!is ideal e9(ili'ri(" is ne&essary so t!at a&t(al o'#e&tivity e"er es fro" its %otential Q&a(seQ) So TS D%) CBE: e3a ,)u$dht pradhnt ,arta3yntarodayo n,)u$dhd iti, HT!(s ot!er effe&ts

W$uddhi, et&)Y e"er e fro" t!e dist(r'ed pradhna, and not fro" t!e (ndist(r'ed oneI) T!e %oint is of so "(&! i"%ortan&e t!at t!e TS %ost(lates additionally a gu0atatt3a: ,)o$ho H3a(yam e3a antarle H$hyupaganta3ya iti siddha s,hyparid.)@a p.thag$h/ta gu0atatt3a, HOne "(st ne&essarily a&&e%t t!at t!is dist(r'an&e ta5es %la&e in?'et$een Wt!e t$o %rin&i%lesY) T!(s !as a gu0atatt3a distin&t Wfro" pra,.ti and $uddhiY 'een esta'lis!ed, $!i&! S45!ya !as failed to dis&ernI) T!e ter" H,)o$haI !as itself 'een 'orro$ed fro" t!e S45!ya, "ore %re&isely fro" late S45!ya, $!ere it a%%ears intended to loss over a larin la%s(s in t!e syste" R for t!e initial &o"in into &onta&t of t$o (tterly (nli5e %rin&i%les Dfor so it &on&eives puru)a and pra,.ti7 is indeed diffi&(lt to #(stify) A tr(e d(alis" is t!(s diffi&(lt to "aintain, and t!is "ay !ave 'een t!e reason for t!e introd(&tion of t!e t!ree 9(alities, $!i&! are never, in fa&t, in a state of e9(ili'ri("M t!eir Hrestin I 'ein t!en not!in '(t an !y%ot!esis "otivated 'y t!e do&trine itself) T!is "eans t!at, re ardin t!e (Kas, t!e loss of e9(ili'ri(" is as "(&! a &ate ory in its o$n ri !t as t!e e9(ili'ri(" itself, and t!(s deserves to re&eive a na"e, t!at of gu0atatt3a) 86) Evol(tion of t!e %!eno"enal $orld D-R ad 8@E In t!e S45!ya Dsee S/ 66E, $!ereas puru)a stands isolated, neit!er an effe&t, nor a &a(se, $uddhi and aha9,ra %ro&eed s(&&essively fro" pra,.ti, t!e %ri"al &a(seM &f) also S/ A, $!i&! defines fo(r ty%es of entities 'y !avin re&o(rse to t!e o%%osition H%rod(&er?%rod(&tI 6pra,.ti-3i,.ti7) T!en, fro" aha9,ra, t!e H ro(% of si,teenI e"er es, $!i&! in&l(des manas, t!e five $uddh-ndriyas, t!e five ,armendriyas and t!e five tanmtras) A f(rt!er analysis DS/ 6BE distin (is!es t!e H ro(% of elevenI 6manas and all t!e ten indriyas7, effe&t of t!e stt3i,ha9,ra Dalso na"ed 3ai,.taE, fro" t!e five tanmtras, %rod(&ts of t!e tmasha9,ra Dalso na"ed $h/tdi, for it is t!e se&ondary &a(se of t!e $h/tasEM see n) B@A) And all of t!e" are dire&tly, i)e), !oriLontally, related to aha9,ra, instead of verti&ally evolvin fro" one anot!er DS/ 6B?6CE) As for t!e five $h/tas, t!ey %ro&eed fro" t!e five tanmtrasM see *(lin 8@<C: <Aff) and Larson 8@<@: 8<@ff), 6A= D&!artE) On t!e ot!er !and, alt!o( ! S/ AA defines t!e antah,ara0a as t!reefold, its identity as a $!ole is not fi,ed, $uddhi, aha9,ra and manas 'ein &learly distin (is!ed fro" ea&! ot!er and endo$ed $it! different stat(s) T!e Tri5a also derives t!e manas and t!e ten indriyas fro" t!e stt3i,ha9,ra Dsee n) B@AE, $!ereas t!e five tanmtras %ro&eed fro" t!e as%e&t of t!e stt3i,han,ra in $!i&! tamas ass("es %redo"inan&e, as s!o$n 'y t$o %arallel %assa es of TS 1III) See TS 1III, %) C<: tatra stt3i,o yasmd mana( ca $uddh-ndriyapa2ca,a ca, tatra manasi 1anye sar3atanmtra1ananasmarthyayu,ta sa 1ana,a, HFro" t!e stt3i,a Waha9,raY manas and t!e %entad of t!e $uddh-ndriyas %ro&eed) On&e t!e manas is evolved Wfro" t!e stt3i,ha9,raY, t!e sa"e aha9,ra Win t!e as%e&t in $!i&! tamas is %redo"inantY 'e&o"es t!e &a(se &a%a'le of ivin rise to all t!e tanmtrasI, and TS 1III, %) C@: $ho,tra(cchda,t tu tamapradhnha9,rt tanmtr0i 3edyai,ar/p0i pa2ca, H*o$ever, fro" t!e Was%e&t of t!e stt3i,aY aha9,ra in $!i&! tamas ass("es %redo"inan&e, and $!i&! veils t!e en#oyerIs %art WviL), t!e s('#e&tivityY, %ro&eed t!e five tanmtras, $!i&! are only o'#e&t of 5no$led e 63edya7 Wand $!i&! do no %arta5e of t!e 5no$er, as is t!e &ase $it! t!e manas and t!e indriyasYI) T!is &on&e%tion of t!e tanmtras ori inatin fro" t!e stt3i,ha9,ra Deven t!o( ! it is fro" its tmasa %artE is an innovation as re ards t!e S45!ya s&!e"e) In fa&t, in t!e Tri5a reasonin s, t!e stt3i,ha9,ra itself is trigu0tma,a:

alt!o( ! it a'o(nds in satt3a, so"e tra&es of t!e t$o ot!er gu0as re"ainM see .(5(nd R4" S!4strF ad TS 1III, %) C<, n) C7 Dad tatra stt3i,o yasmd mana( ca)))E: stt3i,a satt3apradhno yato gu0-$h/tatay ra1astamasor api sam$h3a ity artha ) T!erefore, one !as to (nderstand t!at, on&e t!e manas !as e"er ed fro" t!e stt3i,ha9,ra e9(ally &!ara&teriLed 'y t!e t!ree (Kas, t!e five tanmtras are %rod(&ed fro" t!e s('ordinated tamogu0a of t!e stt3i,ha9,ra) T!e Tri5a a rees a ain $it! t!e S45!ya 'y "a5in t!e $h/tas dire&tly e"er e fro" t!e tanmtras) *o$ever, its %ers%e&tive is alto et!er different, sin&e it e"%!asiLes, $it! t!e &on&e%t of ,)o$ha, Hdist(r'an&eI, t!e %ersisten&e of vi'ratin &ons&io(sness $it!in all t!e levels of %!eno"enal diversity) T!(s, t!e entire %ro&ess of t!e "anifestation of t!e tatt3as ta5es %la&e a&&ordin to t!e %rin&i%le t!at t!e &a(se in its dist(r'ed for" is &alled t!e effe&t Dsee TS 1III, %) @7, in A%%endi, 8AE) 8A) tanmtras D-R ad 66E Ea&! tanmtra is &onsidered to 'e t!e 9(intessential for" of t!e &orres%ondin mah$h/ta, inas"(&! as it &onstit(tes its distin&tive 9(ality) T!(s so(nd is asso&iated $it! et!er, or &os"i& s%a&e, &onsidered to 'e t!e s('strat(" of t!e %ro%a ation of $avesM to(&! $it! air, et&) -et, $it! t!e e,&e%tion of et!er $!i&! !as so(nd for its (ni9(e 9(ality, one !as to ad"it t!at ot!er mah$h/tas %ossess "ore t!an one sensi'le 9(ality, or, to %(t it differently, t!at one tanmtra "ay 'e %resent in "ore t!an one mah$h/ta: for instan&e so(nd is %resent in all t!e mah$h/tas) T!(s &lassi&al S45!ya De) ), 5u,tid-pi, ACE !as ela'orated t!e t!eory of t!e %ro ressive a&&("(lation of t!e 9(alities, f(rt!er"ore e,%lained R j #(st as in -R ad 66 R as t!e &("(lative &o"'ination of t!e tanmtras, a&&ordin to t!e %rin&i%le t!at t!e effe&t is %ro%ortionate to t!e &a(se) *en&e, if s%a&e is e,%erien&ed as sonoro(s, air as sonoro(s and tan i'le, fire as sonoro(s, tan i'le and visi'le, $ater as sonoro(s, tan i'le, visi'le and savory, eart! as sonoro(s, tan i'le, visi'le, savory and fra rant, it is 'e&a(se s%a&e %ro&eeds fro" so(nd, air fro" so(nd and &onta&t, et&) T!is is also t!e %osition of t!e Tri5a Dsee -RIs &o""entary itselfE $it! t!e differen&e t!at e"%!asis is on&e "ore laid on t!e %rin&i%le of ,)o$ha, as s!o$n 'y TS 1III, %) @7 De"endin (a$datanmtra to spar(atanmtra7: tatra (a$datanmtrt ,)u$hitd a3a,(adna3ypra na$ha R (a$dasya 3cydhys3a,(asahat3tB spar(a6(a$da7tanmtra ,)u$hita 3yu (a$das t3 asya na$has 3irahit$h3tB r/pa ,)u$hita te1a p/r3agu0au tu p/r3a3atB rasa ,)u$hita pa p/r3e traya p/r3a3atB gandhah ,)u$hito dhar p/r3e cat3rah p/r3a3atB anye (a$daspar(a$hym 3yu itydi,rame0a pa2ca$hyo dhara0y iti manyanteB gu0asamudyamtra ca p.thi3- nnyo gu0- ,a(citB, HFro" dist(r'ed 6,)u$hita7 so(nd 6(a$datanmtra7 e"er es t!e et!er Wor s%a&eY 6na$has7, $it! its f(n&tion of %rovidin s%a&e R for t!e $ord Was arti&(lated so(ndY ives %la&e to t!e e,%ressed "eanin ) Air 63yu7 is not!in else t!an dist(r'ed to(&! 6spar(a7M !o$ever, so(nd 6(a$da7 is also %resent, for air &annot e,ist $it!o(t s%a&e 6na$has7 W$!ose 9(intessential 9(ality is so(ndY) Fire 6te1as7 is not!in else t!an dist(r'ed for" 6r/pa7M !o$ever, t!e t$o %re&edin %rin&i%les Wi)e), tanmtrasY are also %resent, as in t!e %revio(s s&!e"e) Oater 6pas7 is not!in else t!an dist(r'ed savor 6rasa7M !o$ever, t!e t!ree %re&edin %rin&i%les are also %resent, as in t!e %revio(s s&!e"e) Eart! 6dhar7 is not!in else t!an dist(r'ed odor 6gandha7M !o$ever, t!e fo(r %re&edin %rin&i%les are also %resent, as in t!e %revio(s s&!e"e) Ot!ers "aintain t!at eart! %ro&eeds fro" WallY t!e five WtanmtrasY in 5ee%in $it! a s&!e"e a&&ordin to

$!i&! air %ro&eeds fro" 'ot! so(nd and tan i'ility) .oreover eart! is "erely t!e a re ate of t!e 9(alities Wi)e), of t!e tanmtrasY and t!ere is no s('strat(" of 9(alities 6gu0in7 $!i&! $o(ld 'e different fro" Weart! as a re ate of t!e 9(alitiesYI) For $!at "atters in soteriolo i&al syste"s as t!e S45!ya and t!e Tri5a is not so "(&! t!e 9(estion of &reation as "anifestation as t!e &orrelated 9(estions of t!e %ro&ess of &o nition and t!at of li'eration) T!is is $!y t!e S45!ya &ontends t!at, d(rin t!e %ro&ess of &os"i& dissol(tion, ea&! mah$h/ta is rea'sor'ed into t!e tanmtra fro" $!i&! it %ro&eeds, and all t!e tanmtras are in t(rn rea'sor'ed into aha9,ra) 0P1 III 8, 87?88, vol) II: 6;6, synt!esiLes t!e Tri5aIs vie$%oint not only on t!e entire meya, t!at &o niLa'le reality "ade of t$enty?t!ree ele"ents Dt!e t!irteen ,ara0as and t!e ten ,ryasE $!ose &a(se is pra,.ti, '(t also on t!e entire H enesis of 'onda eI $!i&! starts $it! my) O'servin t!at, in 0P/ III 8, 88, t!e $h/tas are "entioned first, 'efore t!e tanmtras, AG develo%s all t!e i"%li&ations of s(&! an order: sth/la ,rya p.thi3y pa te1o 3yur na$ha id pa2ca $h/tniB s/,)mam e)m e3a r/pa gandho raso r/pa spar(a (a$da itiB tatrai,ai,agu0am ,(dy e,ai,a3.ddhagu0a 3eti dar(ana$heda iti na 3i3ecito HnupayogtB tatra sth/la 3i$ha,tam a3i$hgasynumpa,am iti sth/lar/popa,ramam u,tamB atra p.thi3ydy$hs e3a mi(r-$h/ya gha@dis3ala,)a0-$h/t ,armendriyair upasarpit $uddh-ndriyair locit anta,ara0ena sa,alpit$himatani(citar/p 3idyay 3i3ecit ,aldi$hir anura21it pramtari 3i(rmyantiB iti ttparyam, HT!e ross effe&t W"anifests itselfY as t!e five %!ysi&al ele"ents 6$h/ta7: eart!, $ater, fire, air and et!er) T!eir s('tle for"s are odor, savor, &olor, to(&! and so(nd) On t!is %oint syste"s differ) So"e !old t!at et!er, et&), !ave only one 9(ality ea&!) +(t ot!ers "aintain t!at ea&! ite", in t!e order iven !ere, !as one 9(ality "ore t!an t!e ite" s(&&eedin ) *o$ever, sin&e t!is %oint is not very i"%ortant, it !as not 'een dis&(ssed !ere) T!e ross, $!i&! %resents t!e state of differentiation, is t!e "eans of inferrin t!e (ndifferentiated state) *en&e t!e ross &ate ories are stated !ere first) A&&ordin to t!is syste" Wi)e), to t!e Tri5aY, t!e "anifested %rin&i%les 6$hsa7 s(&! as eart!, et&), "i,in $it! one anot!er, ass("e t!e for" of a definite o'#e&t, s(&! as #ar, et&) T!ey &o"e to rest in t!e s('#e&t as t!ey are a%%roa&!ed 'y t!e or ans of a&tion, or %er&eived 'y t!e &o nitive or ans, synt!esiLed, ta5en as oneIs o$n, and as&ertained 'y Wt!e manas, t!e aha9,ra and t!e $uddhi &onstit(tive ofY t!e anta,ara0a, differentiated 'y &ir&("stan&ial /no$led e 63idy7 and affe&ted 'y Wt!e ot!er ,a2cu,as asY ,al, et&) T!is is t!e i"%lied "eanin I Dtr) Pandey, "odifiedEM see t!e Tantrasad$h3a, 9(oted n) B;B) 8;) Do&trines of t!e Self D-R ad 6<E See also P* C and its 3.tti: naiyyi,dayo 12ndigu0aga0(raya $uddhitatt3apryam e3tmna sas.tau manyante, apa3arge tu taducchede (/nyapryamB ahaprat-tipratyeya su,hadu,hdyupdhi$hi tiras,.ta tmeti man3n m-msa, api $uddh3 e3a ni3i)@B 12nasatna e3a tatt3am iti saugat $uddhi3.tti)3 e3aparya3asitB, HT!e Naiy4yi5as, et&), ad"it a Self, $!i&!, 'ein t!e s('strat(" of 5no$led e and ot!er 9(alities, is for all intents and %(r%oses 6gprya7 identi&al $it! t!e &ate ory of $uddhi, as far as $orldly e,%erien&e is &on&erned) At t!e "o"ent of li'eration, $!en all W (KasY disa%%ear, t!e Self is for all intents and %(r%oses identi&al $it! t!e 1oid) T!e .F"4"sa5as are settled Win ta5in t!e SelfY as $uddhi, inas"(&! as t!ey &onsider t!e Self t!at $!i&! is a%%re!ended in t!e &o nition HII, veiled 'y t!e &ontin ent &onditions 6updhi7 of %leas(re and %ain)

T!e follo$ers of S( ata Wi)e), -o 4&4ra +(dd!istsY !ave &on&l(ded t!at Wt!e Self is to 'e fo(nd a"on t!eY "odes of t!e $uddhi 6$uddhi3.tti7, !oldin t!at t!e Real 6tatt3a7 is not!in '(t a series Dor &ontin(("E of &o nitions 612nasatna7I) 8B) 1aiJeSi5a and 1aiy45araKa &on&e%ts of 1ti, smnya, satt, and mahsatt D-R ad 6<E It is a ty%i&ally 1aiJeSi5a notion t!at even t!e H(niversalI 6smnya7 "(st 'e distin (is!ed into at least t$o varieties: H'ein I 6satt7 R $!i&! is devoid of e,ternal distin&tion, t!erefore, (n9(alified R and $!at &o"es to 'e 5no$n as 1ti, H en(sI R $!i&! is &o""on to vario(s individ(als '(t differs fro" en(s to en(s, on $!i&! distin&tions de%ends o(r 'e!avior in t!e $orld) Fra($allner o'serves, a%ro%os DII: 87;E, t!at $!at are &alled smnya3i(e)a, HGe"einsa"5eit?+esonder!eitI DH enerality?%arti&(larityIE, o&&(%y t!e lo i&al s%a&e 'et$een smnya as s(&!, t!at is, satt, H'ein I D(nto(&!ed 'y %arti&(larityE, and 3i(e)a as s(&!, t!e H%arti&(larI Dt!e Hato"I, (nto(&!ed 'y any (niversalE) T!is H smnya3i(e)aII $as 'y t!e 1aiJeSi5as t!en ter"ed H1tiI, so as not to &onf(se it $it! t!eir H ,.tiI, $!i&! for t!e" did not "ean H&o""on for"I Dop) cit: 876E) -R see"s !o$ever to &onfo(nd H en(sI 61ti7 $it! H(niversalI 6smnya7, $!i&!, a&&ordin to Fra($allner, s!o(ld 'e distin (is!ed, mahsatt as s(&! is not a 1aiJeSi5a ter") It a%%ears in t!e ra""ati&al tradition, %arti&(larly in *el4r4#aIs &o""entary on +!artU!ari Davat) to 1P III 8, AAE, in a &!ara&teriLation of t!e H ad3ayanayaI, %res("a'ly t!e ad3aya of +!artU!ari: W)))Y ad3ayanaye paramrthasatye,ai3a 1tir mahsatt,hy para$rahmas3a$h3, HIn a "onisti& do&trine, t!is 1ti ter"ed mahsatt is of t!e nat(re of para$rahman, t!e !i !est $rahman, t!e only (lti"ate reality 6paramrthasat-7I) T!e ter" mahsatt a%%ears also in t!e Tri5aM see 0P/ I B, 8A?8; D9(oted n) 6ACE, $!i&! %assa e &!ara&teriLes &ons&io(sness endo$ed $it! a$areness as s(%re"e S%ee&! 6par3,7, freedo" 6s3tantrya7, soverei nty 6ai(3arya7 of t!e s(%re"e Self, f(l (ration 6sphuratt7, H reat 'ein I 6mahsatt7, (n"odified 'y s%a&e and ti"e 6de(a,l3i(e)in-7) In t!e Tri5a tradition, t!e mah- of mahsatt "ay 'e (nderstood as a referen&e, so"e$!at &orr(%ted, to 1aiJeSi5a and 1y45araKa do&trine, H reatI si nifyin H%ar e,&ellen&eI, vis?a?vis all t!e ot!er H smnyasI t!at are tin ed $it! %arti&(larity R as H reatI in t!e En lis! idio" QGod is t!e one reat &a(seQ) On t!e 1aiJeSi5a notion of satt, see f(rt!er Fra($allner 8@<A, vol) II: 87A?87;?Lysen5o 677<) It is diffi&(lt to re&o niLe in -RIs idiosyn&rati& a&&o(nt any %arti&(lar 1aiJeSi5a t!eory Dsee /eit! 8@68: 8@6?8@=M Fra($allner 8@<A, vol) II: A?8C7M *al'fass 8@@6M S&!arf 8@@=M Lysen5o 677<E) O!at is i"%li&itly at sta5e !ere is t!e Tri5a &riti&is" of t!e 1aiJeSi5a syste" $!i&! distin (is!es radi&ally 'et$een dharmin, Hs('stan&e, s('strateI Wlit), Ht!at $!i&! !as t!e %ro%ertyIY, and dharma, H%ro%erty, 9(alityI R $!ereas Tri5a !olds t!e &ontrary vie$, na"ely, t!at t!ere is no essential differen&e 'et$een dharmin and dharma, or in Tri5a ter"s, 'et$een (a,timat and (a,ti6s7M see T21 I 8BC?8B@ Dvol) II: 8@;E: W)))Y ,halu ,0d tmat3$hisa$andhd tm itydin dharmir/pam tmna nir/pya W)))Y, H1erily, t!e follo$ers of /aK4da, !avin e,%lained t!at t!e tman is Qt!at $!i&! s(%%orts t!e attri'(tesQ 6dharmin7, a&&ordin to t!e state"ent: QT!e Self 6tman7 is s(&! d(e to its &onne,ion $it! Self!ood 6tmat3a7I) W)))YI R "eanin t!at, for 1aiJeSi5as, tman is &onsidered a dra3ya, a s('stan&e, and as s(&! is &onne&ted $it! its 1ti, na"ely, tmat3a, as $ell as $it! its 9(alities 6gu0a7, na"ely, 12na, su,hadu,ha, et&), and is

t!(s a dharmin distin&t fro" its attri'(tes 6dharma7) NR &on&l(des !is loss 'y affir"in t!e Tri5a %osition: na 3astuta ,a(cit (a,titad3ator $heda, HIn reality, t!ere is no differen&e 'et$een ener y 6(a,ti7 and its %ossessor WviL), (a,timatYI) 8=) .F"4sa5a %osition on t!e Self, a&&ordin to t!e Tri5a D-R ad A6E After inter%retin S%/ I ; fro" t!e Tri5a vie$%oint, a&&ordin to $!i&! anyatra, Helse$!ereI, refers to t!e S(%re"e Lord, or s(%re"e Self, /Se"ar4#a s!o$s t!at t!e verse "ay also 'e (nderstood 'ot! as for"(latin t!e .F"4sa5a do&trine and as its i"%li&it and lo i&al ref(tation, HanyatraI t!(s refers to t!e purya)@a,a R a %osition &onditionally ado%ted 'y /Se"ar4#a in order to de"onstrate t!at one "(st not sto% at t!at (nderstandin , '(t s!o(ld rat!er re&o niLe, $it!in t!is purya)@a,a, a trans&endental S('#e&t $!o is PaT5ara or Piva, as a HW(nifor"Y "ass of 'lissf(l &ons&io(snessI 6cidnandaghana7M see S%N I ;: M-msa,aparihrya t3 etad ittha 3y,hyta3yamB aha su,h-tydisa3ido ys t anyatreti purya)@a,as3ar/pe pramtari su,hdya3asth$hir anusy/te otaprotar/pe W)))Y na t3 asmada$hyupagate Hsmi( cidnandaghane (a9,artmani s3as3a$h3e -R iti na sar3ad su,hdyupdhitiras,.to Hyam tmpi tu cinmayaB yad tu ni1(uddhy 3a,)yam0ayya s3as3ar/pa g/hayit3 ti)@hati tad purya)@a,dya3asthy su,hit3dir/patsya tatrpi na nirodhas tai su,hdi$hir asya W)))YB aha ,.(o Hha sth/la itydiprat-tiparihre0a aha su,h- duh,h-tydi 3adato Hyam (aya, HIn order to ref(te t!e .F"4sa5as, t!is Wi)e), t!e ter" tmanY s!o(ld 'e inter%reted as follo$s) T!e &o nitions s(&! as QI a" !a%%yQ, et&), e,ist else$!ere 6anyatra7 Wi)e), Hin anot!er s('strat("I, viL),Y in t!e &o niLer 6pramt.7 in t!e for" of t!e purya)@a,a, $!i&! is t!readed t!ro( ! 6anusy/ta7 t!e states of !a%%iness, et&), t!at is, $!i&! is inter$oven 6otaprota7 $it! t!e") W+(tY it does not si nify for t!e W.F"4sa5asY t!at essential nat(re $!i&! is a&&e%ted 'y (s, na"ely, PaT5ara WPivaY as a (nifor" "ass of 'lissf(l &ons&io(sness) WAs a &onse9(en&e of o(r definitionY, t!is Self Wa&&ordin to (sY is not al$ays veiled 'y &ontin ent attri'(tes 6updhi7 of %leas(re, et&) Was .F"4"sa5as sayYM rat!er, it is %(re &ons&io(sness 6cinmaya7) O!en, t!ro( ! !is o$n i"%(rity 6a(uddhi7 Wt!at $e $ill later e,%o(ndY, !e &on&eals !is o$n nat(re and a%%ears W&onditionallyY 6ti)@hati7, !e t!en, 'ein in t!at state of purya)@a,a, et&), ta5es on t!e for" of Wt!e e,%erien&er ofY %leas(re, et&) Even in t!is state, t!ere is no o'str(&tion Wof !is real nat(reY 'y t!ose e,%erien&es of %leas(re, et&) W)))Y) T!is is t!e real intention of !i" WviL), t!e .F"4sa5aY $!o says: QI a" !a%%yQ, QI a" sadQ, et&), in re#e&tion of assertions s(&! as QI a" t!inQ, QI a" fatQ, et&) Was &!ara&teriLations of t!e SelfYIM in ot!er $ords, fro" t!e Tri5a %oint of vie$, t!e .F"4 sa5aIs real intention is t!at t!e s('strat(" of s(&! e,%erien&es is a trans&endent Self, defined as one "ass of &ons&io(sness and 'liss) S!o$in t!(s t!at t!e .F"4 sa5a vie$ i"%lies $it!in itself its o$n &o"%letion, /Se"ar4#a adds t!at one !as only to s('"er e t!e purya)@a,a alon $it! %!eno"enal diversity $it!in t!e s(%re"e Self DS%N I ;E: su,hit3diprat-tisa$hinn purya)@a,a$h/mi antarmu,he pade nima11ayas tadanu)a9ge0a $hyasypi dehagha@der galant pratya$hi1nty e3a s3a (i3as3a$h3at3am, HIndeed, one re&o niLes 6pratya$hi1nti7 oneIs o$n essential nat(re as Piva 'y s('"er in oneIs o$n &ondition, t!at of purya)@a,a, re%lete $it! e,%erien&es of %leas(re, et&), in t!e inner state WviL), t!e SelfY, and 'y dissolvin alon $it! it t!e e,ternality t!at &onsists of 'ody, #ar, et&I Dtr) Sin !, "odifiedE) 8<) (/nya3da D-R ad A6E

A&&ordin to t!e avat) of S%N I 86?8A, t!e P_nyav4dins are Ht!e 1ed4ntins 6(rutyanta3id7, t!e Naiy4yi5as DviL), 25Sa%4daE and t!e .4d!ya"i5as, for $!o" re"ains only t!e %rin&i%le of na( !t or (niversal destr(&tionI 63i(3occhedar/pam a$h3tma,am e3a tatt3am a3a(i)yate7) T!e 1ed4ntins Dor +ra!"av4dinsE are ot!er$ise &alled A'!4va'ra!"av4dins, as t!is is develo%ed 'y P*vU C: asad e3edam s-d ity a$h3a$rahma3dina (/hya$hu3am a3aghya sthit, HT!e +ra!"av4dins, ade%ts of non?+ein 6a$h3a7, des&end into t!e re ion of 1oid 6(/nya$h/7 on t!e 'asis of WC!U 1I 6, 8Y: QIn t!e 'e innin , t!is W$orldY $as #(st Non?'ein Q and re"ain Wt!ereYI) T!e dis&(ssion of S%N I 86?8A starts $it! t!e sa"e 9(ote fro" t!e C!U, $!ose f(ll for" is: sad e3a saumya idam agrs-d e,am e3d3iuyamB taddhai,a ahur asad e3edam agrs-d e,am e3d3iyamB tasmd asata sad a1yateti, HIn t!e 'e innin , "y dear, t!is $as +ein alone, one only $it!o(t a se&ond) So"e %eo%le say QIn t!e 'e innin , t!is $as non?'ein alone, one onlyM $it!o(t a se&ond) Fro" t!at non?'ein , 'ein $as %rod(&ed)Q H Si"ilarly, t!e P_nyav4dins in&l(de t!e .4d!ya"i5a +(dd!ists, as stated 'y P*vU C 6mdhyami, apy e3am e3a7, PS1 I 8 and T2 I AAa, $!i&! for"(lates t!(s t!e .4d!ya"i5a %osition: antah(/nyo Hham, HI a" internally 1oidI) S%N I B des&ri'es t!e .4d!ya"i5as as sar3e)m a$h3a3dina, Ht!ose $!o assert t!e non?e,isten&e of everyt!in I, $!ereas S%N I 86?8A 9(otes and ref(tes N4 4r#(na) See also 2P II 6A, $!i&! &!ara&teriLes t!e .4d!ya"i5as as t!ose $!o ta5e t!e tman to 'e am/rta, H$it!o(t for"I, $!i&!, a&&ordin to t!e &o""entaries, "eans nihs3a$h3a, Hdevoid of essen&eI) 8C) neti neti D-R ad A6E T!is a%o%!ati& %!rase &o"es first as a litany in t!e +2U at t!e "o"ent of &ele'ratin t!e tman) Cf) +2U II A, =: athta de(o neti netiB na hy etasmd iti nety anyat param asti, HNo$ t!erefore t!ere is t!e tea&!in not t!is, not t!is for t!ere is not!in !i !er t!an t!is, t!at !e is not t!isI, and P ad lo&M also +2U III @, 6=: sa e)a neti nety tmg.hyo na hi g.hyate H(-ryo na hi (-ryate Hsa9go na hi sa1yate Hsito na 3yathate, na ri)yati, HT!at self is not t!is, not t!is) It is in&o"%re!ensi'le, for it is not &o"%re!ended) It is indestr(&ti'le, for it is never destroyed) It is (natta&!ed, for it does not atta&! itself) It is (nfettered) It does not s(ffer) It is not in#(redIM sa"e te,t in +2U T1 6, ;M I1 ;, 66M I1 B, 8B) See also .4U < and 2P III 6= D$!i&! 9(otes t!e prati,a of +AU III @, 6=E: sa e)a neti net-ti 3y,hyta nihnute yataB sar3am agrhya$h3ena hetun1a pra,sateBB, HDe &e 9(e Wle %assa e s&ri%t(raire:Y QII nIest, 9(ant a l(i, ni ainsi, ni ainsi)))Q nie to(t &e 9(i avait ete e,%ose en detail, en invo9(ant &o""e raison WsonY insaisissa'ilite, il a%%ert &laire"ent 9(e le W $rahman estY non?neI Dtr) +o(y R HSin&e, 'y statin : QIt is not t!is, it is not t!atQ, Wt!e Pr(tiY denies $!at it !ad ela'orately e,%o(nded, ivin as a reason t!at Wt!e $rahmanY is entirely (n ras%a'le, it &learly a%%ears t!at t!is W $rahmanY is (n'ornIEM also 2P I1 CAa, $!ere t!e P_nyav4dinsI %osition is all(ded to 'y W)))Y nsti nsti) W)))Y, in t!e &o(rse of referrin to vario(s &on&e%tions of t!e Self 6tman7, &onsidered 9(a its 'ein or e,isten&e) As o'served 'y 2nanda iri ad lo&, t!e re%etition 63-ps7 of nsti is "eant to si nify t!e 1oid as a'sol(te 6tyanti,a7) Note t!at t!e -o 4&4ras !ave a&&(sed t!e .4d!ya"i5as of %rofessin ni!ilis" D&f) +o(y 2P: 6@B?6@=E) So do t!e Paivas, as -R de"onstrates !ere) T!ey !old t!at not only does ni!ilis" a"o(nt to an a%oria, '(t also t!at it !as for its &orollary t!e s(%eri"%osition of a false insentien&e on t!e Self) Even t!o( ! t!e .4d!ya"i5as deny t!e a&&(sation of ni!ilis", &lai"in rat!er t!at t!eir do&trine of (/nyat is catu),o@i3inirmu,t, Hfree fro" t!e tetrale""aI

R t!at is, t!e fo(r alternative %ro%ositions: ida sat, )))asat, )))sadasat, )))na sadasat, H: e,ists, H)))does not e,istI, H)))'ot! e,ists and does not e,istI, H)))neit!er e,ists nor does not e,istI, Paivas ta5e all t!is to 'e "ere e"%ty lo i&) 8@) /alla3a D-R ad ;6E As stated in t!e a(to?&o""entary, P* 8C deals $it! "ysti&al te&!ni9(es alternative to Ht!e ri oro(s dis&i%lines t!at are pr0yma, mudr, $andha, et&)I) /Se"ar4#a 9(otes /alla3a in t!e &onte,t of t!e e,%osition of t!e (a,ti3i,sa, H'losso"in of ener yI, $!i&! !e %resents as e,traneo(s to Pratya'!i#V4 do&trine 6(a,tisa9,ocdayas tu yady api pratya$hi12y na pratipdit7, and as Hresortin to t!e sa&red traditionI 6mnyi,a7, $!i&! t!e &onte,t f(rt!er allo$s (s to identify as t!e /ra"a Dsee P*vU 8@, $!i&! refers to t!e Kramas/trasE) /alla3aIs line a%%ears t!ere as an a%!oristi& definition of t!e (a,ti3i,sa, a te&!ni9(e of inner a'sor%tion $it! e,ternal e,%ansion of t!e senses, also &alled $haira3-mudr 6$haira3-mudrnupra3e(ayu,ty $ahi prasara0am7, and des&ri'ed as (a,ter 3i,sa antarnig/dhy a,ramam e3a sa,ala,ara0aca,ra3isphra0ena , HT!e 'losso"in of t!e ener y !idden internally res(lts fro" t!e si"(ltaneo(s o%enin of t!e entire $!eel of sense?or ansI) It is a ain defined 'y t!e Ka,)ystotra &ited in t!e sa"e %assa e Dalso 9(oted in S%N I 88E: sar3 (a,t-( cetas dar(andy s3e s3e 3edyeyaugapadyena 3i)3a,B ,)ipt3 madhye h@a,astam$ha$h/tas ti)@han 3i(3dhra e,o H3a$hsiBB, HT!ro$in 'y $ill all t!e %o$ers li5e seein , et&), si"(ltaneo(sly and on all sides into t!eir res%e&tive o'#e&ts and re"ainin W(n"ovedY $it!in, li5e a old %illar 6h@a,astam$ha7, yo( WO PivaY alone a%%ear as t!e fo(ndation of t!e (niverseI Dtr) Sin !E) Later on, t!e 3.tti relates t!e (a,ti3i,sa to t!e %ra&ti&es at $or5 in t!e /rdh3a,u0alin-, a&&ordin to a %ro&ess re9(irin Ht!e restraint of t!e pr0a 'et$een t!e t$o eye'ro$s, $!i&! WrestraintY is a&&o"%lis!ed 'y t!e ener y of t!e s('tle pr0a $!i&! develo%s rad(ally t!ro( ! t!e re (lation of t!e vi'rations in t!e &avities of t!e noseI Dnspu@aspanda,ramonmi)ats/,smapr0a(a,ty $hr/$hedanenaM tr) Sin !, "odifiedEM on t!e details of t!is esoteri& and &o"%le, %ro&ed(re, see t!e len t!y e,%osition of P*vU 8C, Sin ! P*: ;8?;6,8B7?8B6) It is note$ort!y t!at t!e (a,ti3i,sa resorts to t!e (,topya DSin ! P*: A7E, inas"(&! as t!e e,%osition of PS ;8?;= is "ainly "ade fro" t!is vie$%oint) T!erefore, /alla3aIs a%!oristi& state"ent "eans t!at t!e H'losso"in of ener yI ta5es %la&e 'y "eans of t!e transfor"ation of e,troverted into introverted &ons&io(sness, at t!e very "o"ent t!at &ons&io(sness t(rns o(t$ard, si"(ltaneo(sly o%enin all t!e sense?or ansM a %arado,i&al %ra&ti&e t!at &onsists in rea&!in t!e reatest interioriLation at t!e "o"ent of, and t!ro( !, t!e $idest e,ternaliLation) T!e !e"isti&! 9(oted !ere 'y -R is not fo(nd in t!e Spanda,ri,, if indeed t!e te,t is to 'e attri'(ted to /alla3a at all: a&&ordin to so"e, a"on $!o" +!4s5ara DPSv4 I ;?B: 6?AE, and Ut%alavaiSKava DS%P, <t! li"inary verseE, /alla3a is t!e a(t!or of t!e S%/, $!ereas /Se"ar4#a DPS1 II ;?<E as&ri'es t!e a(t!ors!i% of t!e S%/ to 1as( (%ta Don t!is 9(estion, see Dy&L5o$s5i S%/: 68?6;, and Sanderson 677<: ;7B? ;7<, $!o &on&l(des in favor of /alla3aIs a(t!ors!i%E) Nor is t!e !e"isti&! fo(nd in /alla3aIs vrtr# to t!e Spanda,ri, R a 'rief loss, $!i&! !e !i"self &alls Spandasar3as3a in !is first &on&l(din stanLa) A&&ordin to AG D0P11, vol) II: A7E, /allata is also t!e a(t!or of t$o &o""entaries on t!e PS, t!e Tatt3rthacintma0i WT2CY and t!e Madhu3hin-, of $!i&! t!e T2C is "ost often referred to and 9(oted Dsee Sanderson 677<: ;7B, n) B<CE) Fro" all t!ose 9(otes, it a%%ears t!at t!e T2C !ad

a se&tion dealin $it! t!e "ove"ent and s%irit(al %ro%erties of 'reat!M &f) T2 : 8C<? 66<, and %ro'a'ly T2 ::1III AAC?A;7, on $!i&! NR &o""ents 'y &itin t!ree s_tras Da"on $!i&!: pr, sa3it pr0e pari0at, also 9(oted in T21 III 8;8, 1 =, 1 ;;? ;Ca, :1 A7A, :1II CB, ::1III 6@A, AAC?AA@E, $!i&! !e as&ri'es to /alla3a, alt!o( ! $it!o(t ivin a so(r&e) It a%%ears also t!at t!e T2C dealt $it! a %e&(liar "et!od of ani"al sa&rifi&e involvin t!e $it!dra$al and a'sor%tion 'y t!e offi&iant of t!e ani"alIs 'reat!, referred to in T2 :1I A=?;B and in /Se"ar4#aIs NTU :: 6<ff) Dvol) I: 66=E, $!ere t!e tea&!in of t!is te&!ni9(e is as&ri'ed to /alla3aIs T2C) T!e T2C see"s also to !ave 'een fa"o(s for its e,%osition of t!e "ysti&al %ra&ti&e of tu@ipta, t!e Hfall of t!e "o"entI) It is indire&tly referred to 'y T2 : 67C Dvol) 1: 676=E, $!i&! na"es /alla3a, $!ile NR 9(otes fro" T2C: tu@ipte sar3a12atdayaM S%P 66 WX ad I 66Y: A8, 9(otes it "ore e,tensively, alt!o( ! not referrin e,%li&itly to T2C: tu@ipte sar3a12at3asar3a,art.t3asar3e(itdayaB e)a ca gur/pade(endrt pa2,)ya, HIt is d(rin t!e Qfall of t!e "o"entQ t!at o"nis&ien&e, o"ni%oten&e and "astery of all t!in s, et&), D'e&o"e &learly "anifestE and DsoE t!at s!o(ld 'e e,a"ined $it! reveren&e in a&&ord $it! t!e .asterIs tea&!in sI Dtr) Dy&L5o$s5i S%/: 8B@, "odifiedEM sa"e 9(ote in PT1 B?@a DGnoli PT1: =8E) Let (s note t!at Ut%alavaiSKava ta5es /alla3a, $!o" !e &onsiders to 'e t!e a(t!or of t!e S%/, to 'e t!e a(t!or of t$o ot!er $or5s: t!e Tatt3a3icra and t!e S3as3a$h3asa$odha, fro" $!i&! !e 9(otes Din S%P 8: @, and S%P A7 WX II ;aY: AC?A@, for t!e for"erM in S%P 8: <? C, for t!e latterE) For la&5 of ot!er &l(es, $e "ay only advan&e t!e !y%ot!esis t!at t!e line fro" /alla3a 9(oted 'y -R and /Se"ar4#a "ay 'elon to t!e T2C, insofar as t!e verse t!at S%P 68 WX I 68Y, %) A7, dra$s fro" t!e T2C a rees $it! t!e &onte,t in $!i&! t!e P*vU Dad 8C: @C, in Sin ! ed)E 9(otes t!at sa"e line of /alla3a, na"ely t!e des&ri%tion of "ysti&al te&!ni9(es of inner a'sor%tion res%ondin to t!e /ra"a do&trine) T!is is t!is verse fro" t!e T2C: ittha tattadanalpamohadalanaprptas3arpodayo yog- nityam anma$h3a3iraht s3tmasthito nir3.taB d.(yadra)@.3i3e,a3id $ha3apada3yp- 3imu,tmayo 3yutthne pi samdhi$hg $ha3ati san mo,)a(riya ,ra0amBB, HT!(s, 'lissf(l is t!e yo in $!o, &(ttin t!ro( ! ea&! of t!e "any Wfor"s ofY i noran&e, !as attained t!e da$nin of !is o$n nat(re) Esta'lis!ed $it!in !i"self, eternally free as !e is of WallY t!at !e is not, %er&eivin t!e distin&tion 'et$een t!e seer and t!e seen, !e, fro" $!o" every si&5ness !as 'een e,%(n ed, %ervades t!e %lane of ordinary e,isten&e) *e deli !ts in &onte"%lation 6samdhi7 even $!en !e rises fro" W!is "editationY 63yutthna7, and so is t!e fo(nt of t!e lory of tr(e li'erationI Dtr) Dy&L5o$s5i S%/: 8BC, "odifiedE) Si"ilarly, as $e !ave seen, P*vU 8C 9(otes /alla3a in order to s(%%ort its definition of t!e $haira3-mudr, a /ra"a %ra&ti&e, and P* 8@ des&ri'es t!e reat yo in $!ose samdhi?state %ersists even in 3yutthna, i)e), even $!en !e rises fro" !is "editation, $!i&! is e,a&tly t!e %(r%ort of t!e T2C 9(oted a'ove) .oreover, Ut%alavaiSKavaIs S%P ;A WX III 88Y "i !t offer a &l(e as to $!et!er t!e line of /alla3a D9(oted in -R ad ;6 and in P*vU 8CE t!at deals $it! t!e %ra&ti&e of t!e $haira3-mudr s!o(ld 'e as&ri'ed to t!e T2C) In effe&t, Ut%alavaiSKava identifies t!e yo inIs state des&ri'ed in S%/ III 88 as t!e 3i,sa3.tti, H%ro&ess of e,%ansionI, in ot!er $ords as t!e $haira3-mudr or (a,ti3i,sa des&ri'ed also in P*vU 8C and S%N I 88) In s(%%ort of !is inter%retation, Ut%alavaiSKava not only 9(otes t!e %assa e of t!e Ka,)ystotra t!at is also 9(oted in P*vU 8C and S%N I 88, '(t !e e,%li&itly refers to t!e T2C as a te,t des&ri'in t!e sa"e state 6sthiti7, $!i&! is &alled t!ere Hse&ret mudrI

6rahasyamudr7: y cai) sthiti sai3a tatt3rthacintma0au rahasyamudrety u,t) In addition, one s!o(ld &onsider /Se"ar4#aIs assertion DS%N I 8:=E a&&ordin to $!i&! !is first t$o inter%retations of (a,tica,ra3i$ha3apra$ha3a Din S%/ I 8E Wt!e first ta5in t!e (a,tis to 'e t!e t$elve /4lFs of t!e O!eel of ener iesM t!e se&ond re? esta'lis!in t!e a'sol(te soverei nty of t!e LordY a ree $it! t!e very ter"s of /alla3aIs 3.tti: tad u,ta (r-$ha@@a,alla@ena 3i12nadehtma,asya (a,tica,rai(3aryasya utpattihetut3amB ity etad 3.ttya,)ar0m atra 3y,hyd3aye Hpy anur/pyam, HT!e revered /alla3a !as said: QIt is !e, $!ose so(l and s('stan&e are Wnot!in '(tY &ons&io(sness, $!o !as Wt!ereforeY "astery of t!e O!eel of ener ies, $!o is t!e &a(se of t!e %rod(&tion Wof t!e (niverseYQ) T!e t$o inter%retations iven !ere W'y "eY a ree $it! t!e $ordin of !is lossIM &f) /alla3aIs 3.tti ad S%/ I 8 9(oted a'ove, $!ere Piva is said to 'e Ht!e &a(se of t!e eneration of t!e O!eel of ener iesI, and !is Tatt3a3icra 9(oted in S%P 8: @: (a,tiprasarasa9,ocani$addh3 udaya3yayauB yasytm sa (i3o 12eya sar3a$h3apra3arta,aBB, HWAll t!in sY arise and fall a$ay in &onsonan&e $it! t!e e,tension and $it!dra$al of WPivaIsY %o$er) /no$ t!at t!eir essential nat(re is Piva, O!o i"%els all t!in sI Dtr) Dy&L5o$s5i S%/: 8;BE) 67) $h3an D-R ad =CE On $h3an, see T2 II 86?8A, $!i&! distin (is!es 'et$een $h3an, HrealiLationI, and a3adhna, H&on&entrationIM T2 I1 8;' defines it as ill("ination or revelation: sphu@ayed 3astu ypeta manorathapadd apiBB, HW$h3anY, $!i&! dis&loses s(ddenly a reality e,&eedin t!e real"s of desire Wt!at is, a reality t!at trans&ends anyt!in one "i !t i"a ineY As e"%!asiLed 'y T21 I1 8A?8;, $h3an is not!in '(t t!e H(lti"ate ter" Wor li"itYI D%ara ,)@h7 of reasonin Dtar,a, in T21 I1 8;, or sattar,a, in I1 8;E, na"ely, t!e H(lti"ate ter" Wor li"itYI of t!e &ertit(de D ni(caya, in Jlo5a 8AE t!at is %ro%er to Ht!ose $!o 5no$I D,o3id, in I1 8;E, t!at is $!i&! &onsists in 5no$in t!at nond(ality is (lti"ate reality: tar,a e3a hi par ,)@hm upagato $h3anety ucyate, HO!en reasonin rea&!es its (lti"ate li"it, it is &alled $h3anI DT21 I1 8;, vol) III: =6@E) Si"ilarly, T21 I1 8A, vol) Ill: =6@: sa e3a hi mahtman dehdy-ocanena yathyathama$hysti(ayt 3i,alpa(uddhim dadhna, par ,)@hm upagata son, $h3antma,at yyt, yensphu@am api sa3idr/pa sphu@atm sdayetBB, HIndeed, after Wreasonin Y !as effe&ted t!e %(rifi&ation of t!e t!o( !t &onstr(&ts 63i,alpa(uddhi7 t!ro( ! one or anot!er of t!e $ays of rea&!in t!e end of t!e sta e of re%eated %ra&ti&e R Win ot!er $ordsY 'y st(dyin t!e revered reat .astersI Wtea&!in sY &on&ernin t!e 'ody, et&) R Wt!at reasonin ,Y t!ere'y rea&!in its (lti"ate li"it, 'e&o"es $h3an, 'y $!i&! W%ro&essY $!at $as (n&lear, even t!o( ! of t!e for" of &ons&io(sness, rea&!es &larityI) T!is %assa e of NRIs &o""entary s!eds li !t on t!e or aniLation of PS A@?;8, for Ht!e revered reat .astersI Wtea&!in sY &on&ernin t!e 'ody, et&I all(des to t!e eradi&ation of t!e do('le error e,%o(nded in PS A@?;7M on&e t!at %ro&ess of eradi&ation is &o"%lete Dt!at is, $!en reasonin !as rea&!ed its (lti"ate li"it, ann(llin all idea of differen&eE, t!at &ertit(de 'e&o"es $h3an Dt!e "atter at iss(e in PS ;8E, t!e f(l (ratin a$areness of oneIs o$n essen&e as &ons&io(sness) T!(s is for"(lated t!e e,%erien&e t!at transfor"s t!e yo in into a 1-3anmu,ta D-R ad A@E: HI alone "anifest "yself as t!e Self of t!e (niverseI) See also t!e definition of $h3an iven 'y S%N II =?<: B6?BA, 9(otin t!e SvT: W)))Y sar3a (i3a(a,timaya smaret Wv)l) D/STS ;;E sar3a

(i3amaya smaretY DSvT 1II 6;;'E BB W)))Y 1-3ann e3a 3imu,to Hsau yasyeya Wv)l) D/STS ;;E yasyai)Y $h3an sadB ya (i3a $h3ayen nitya na ,la ,alayet tu tam Wv)l) D/STS ;;E (i3o hi $h3ito nitya na ,la ,alayec chi3amY DSvT 1II 6B@EBB, HQOne s!o(ld &onsider everyt!in as "ade of Piva and Sa5tiQ) W)))Y *e 'e&o"es li'erated, even in t!is life, $!o ives !i"self over on&e and for all to t!at realiLation 6$h3an7, for ti"e &o(ld not a&t on !i" $!o $o(ld realiLe 6$h3ayet7 Piva &ontino(slyI) T!(s $h3an is defined as t!e HrealiLation t!at everyt!in is "ade of Piva and Pa5tiI, t!at is, as %erfe&t 5no$led e: tad e3aparama 12na $h3anmayam i)yate, HS(%re"e 5no$led e &onsists of $h3anI D9(oted in T21 I1 8;, vol) III: =A7E) As s(&!, $h3an is &!ara&teriLed as instr("ental in attainin t!e state of 1-3anmu,ti) Also Sil'(rn 8@C8: 8@8M C!enet 8@C<, and 8@@C?8@@@, vol) II: B;Bff)


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