2 Mark Answer and 16 Mark Question - HVDC
2 Mark Answer and 16 Mark Question - HVDC
2 Mark Answer and 16 Mark Question - HVDC
9. Energy Availability.
It is defined as,
Energy Availability=100 (1 − Equivalent outage time)%
Where equivalent outage time is the product of the actual outage time
and The fraction of system capacity lost to outage.
10. Write down any two application DC transmission?
Long distance bulk power transmission
Underground or underwater cables
Asynchronous interconnection of A.C systems operating at different
11. What are the factors to be considered for planning HVDC transmission?
The system planner must consider the factors are,
Technical performance
15. Define break even distance- give its range of value for overhead line
The variation of costs of transmission with distance for AC and DC
Transmission. For distances less them break even distance, AC tends to
Be economical them DC. And costlier for longer distances. The break
even Distances can vary from 500 to 800 km in overhead lines.
4. 1998 ABB 1500 ±500
20.Why circuit turn off time should be greater than the thyristor turn-off time?
Circuit turn off time should be greater than the thyristor turn-off time for re
liable turn-off, otherwise the device may turn-on at an undesired instant, a process
called commutation failure.
21. What is the turn-off time for converter grade SCRs and inverter grade SCRs?
Turn-off time for converter grade SCRs is 50 – 100 ms turn-off time for converter
grade SCRs and inverter grade SCRs and for inverter grade SCRs is 3 – 50 ms.
Explain in detail about the various components of a HVDC transmission system.
Briefly explain the types of DC link in HVDC transmission.
3 Compare the AC and DC transmission and mention the applications of DC
4 Write the HVDC projects in India and Abroad?
The value voltage rating is specified in terms of peak inverse voltage (PIV) it has to
withstand. The ratio of PIV to the average dc voltage is an Index of the value
utilization. The average maximum dc voltage across the Converter is given by
Mode I : β <60 deg for values of u <60-£ , the characteristics are linear
17. Draw the thyristor voltage waveform for inversion for 6 pulse converter.
18. Draw the a.c current waveform. When star to star connected transformer
1 Explain the complete characteristics of converter as Rectifier and inverter
2 Derive the expression for output dc average voltage for converter as rectifier
3 Explain in detail about the choice of Converter configuration with valve rating
and transformer rating
4 Explain the complete characteristics of 12 pulse converter
5 Explain the simplified analysis of rectifier characteristics
6 Explain the complete characteristics of converter as Rectifier and inverter.
And also draw the equivalent circuit of HVDC link
7 Draw the 6 pulse Greatz converter and analysis the circuit with overlap for
mode-1 overlap angle <60deg
8 Explain the operation of three phase fully controlled converter with source
9 Explain the parameter and characteristics of three phase fully controlled
converter used as inverter.
10 Explain the detailed analysis of HVDC converter
i) Current order setting can be quickly and reliably changed depending on the
The expression for current through a DC link it can be observed that the
denominator has only resistances, which are small when compared with the
reactance of the AC system. Hence, current is sensitive to change in voltage
resulting in large fluctuations which can damage the thyristors,
4. What is the principal of control in DC link?
The control of power in a DC link can be achieved through the control of current of
voltage. From minimization of loss considerations, it is important to maintain
constant voltage in the link and adjust the current to meet the required power.
6. State any four important reasons why the current control is desirable in the
Rectifier station under normal operating conditions?
i. The increase of power in the link is achieved by reducing αr, which
improves the power factor at the rectifier.
The power reversal in the link can take place by the reversal of the DC
Voltage. This is done easily by increasing the delay angle at the station
initially operating as the rectifier, while reducing the delay angle at the
station initially operating as the inverter.
8. Define current margin.
The difference between the current controller settings of the two stations is called
current margin(Im). In order to avoid conflict between the two current controllers at
the both ens, the rectifier current controller is provided with a higher current order.
Idi = Idr – Im
Where Idi – current order of the inverter
Idr - current order of the rectifier
Im usually about 10% of rated value
9. Draw backs of constant current control(CCC ).
Increase in the converter valve voltage stress due to the voltages
across the series capacitors
18. What is the need for transformer tap changer control of HVDC converter?
The tap changing transformer used to increase the power factor obtained in the ac
side and maintain the operating point at point A or B in the Vd , id characteristics of
rectifier and inverter use tap changing transformer.
1 Briefly explain the principle of DC link control and the converter control basic
2 Draw and explain the basic V-I characteristics of HVDC converter control.
3 Principle and necessary of control, compounding and regulation.
4 Write short note on the following i) Tap changer control
5 Explain the operation of current control and constant extinction angle control.
6 Explain how power reversal occurs in DC link.
7 Explain the operation of inverter compounding and uncompounded inverter.
8. Describe the operation of current regulation from the inverter side
9. Explain the operation of rectifier compounding.
10. Explain the operation of transformer tap changing.
11. Explain in detail the rectifier and inverter compounding with appropriate diagram
and expressions
12. Write short notes on the following: a. Transmission characteristics in the rectifier
and inverter compounding b. Necessity of communication link in HVDC power
13. Draw and explain the combined rectifier and inverter characteristics with current
regulation from both sides
Telephone interference
Extra power looses & consequent heating in machines
Over voltages due to resonances
Instability of converter controls
Interference with ripple control system used in load management.
1. Physical simulator
2. Parity simulator
3. Analog computer
4. Digital computer
5. Hybrid computer
13. What are the approaches used for transient analysis of electrical network?
1. The use of trapezoidal rule of integration to tramsform the energy
storage elements to resistive elements with current sourse across them
which represent the past history
2. Formulation of stage equation for network
14. What are two types of programs used for HVDC system studies?
i) AC/DC load flow analysis
ii) AC/DC transient stability analysis
1. Brief about the various types of system studies in design of HVDC
2. Explain the modeling of HVDC systems for digital dynamic simulation.
3. Describe the operation of physical simulator.
4. Explain the various problems studies using DC simulator.
5. Describe the operation of parity simulator
6. Discuss about the advantages and disadvantages of digital dynamic
7. Write short on valve model and firing pulse generation.
8. Explain the practical dielectric used in hvdc cables.
9. Explain the operation of dielectric stress considerations.
10 Explain the thermal consideration and losses in dc cables.