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Multi-Domain Modeling and Simulation: Key Features

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Multi-Domain Modeling and Simulation

MapleSim™ is the leading physical modeling tool that helps you meet the challenges of complex physical modeling projects. It is
the ideal software package for developing models for multi-domain engineering systems, including sophisticated plant models
for control systems development. It features an integrated environment in which the system equations can be automatically
generated and analyzed and new physical components created. It contains tools for optimized code generation for real-time
applications, control systems analysis, and design documentation.

Block Library
MapleSim contains both physical components and signal-flow blocks.
The physical component blocks include functionality for many domains:
Interface and Modeling
• Drag-and-drop block diagram modeling environment
• Electrical, including resistors, op amps, diodes, and machines • Multi-model tabbed interface with customizable windows
• Thermal, including heat capacitors, conductors, convection, and • Signal-flow blocks and physical components models
radiation blocks • Ports on components allow connections only where appropriate
• Rotational and translational mechanics, including spring-mass • Create masked subsystems to manage complex designs
dampers, gears, clutches, and bearings • Subsystem browser to navigate model hierarchy
• Multibody dynamics, including flexible beams, rigid bodies, and • Shareable custom block libraries
spherical, planar, and universal joints • Data import and export, and multidimensional lookup tables
• Hydraulics, including hydraulic cylinders and motors, orifices, and • User-created favorites palette for commonly used blocks
non-circular pipes • Units aware, including SI, US, and Imperial
• Library of models across multiple disciplines
The signal-flow blocks include: • User-defined variables for component parameters
• Continuous and discrete blocks, such as integrators, Butterworth Simulation
filters, and triggered samplers • Stiff/non-stiff and fixed/adaptive numerical solvers
• Logic and structural blocks, such as Boolean operators, switches, • Index reduction method for high-index DAEs
and mux/demux • Analytic solution of algebraic loops without user intervention
• Arithmetic blocks, such integrators, gains, and feedback • Detailed error analysis for simulation diagnosis
• Equation caching for multibody systems
Modeling • Compiled run-time mode for rapid execution
Blocks are dragged from a series of palettes onto a workspace and • Linear, nonlinear, continuous and discrete time, SISO, MIMO, and
connected with bi-directional lines. “Through” properties such as flow, hybrid systems
current, and force, and “across” properties such as voltage, pressure, and • C code generation for real-time applications
temperature are handled automatically with no interaction required • Batch simulation
from the user. Models created using physical components map onto the • Results management and storage tools
real system much more directly than those that only use signal-flow
Analysis and Documentation
• Design documentation electronically linked to model
• Attach any file type to a MapleSim model
• Extract, view, and manipulate the system equations generated by
a model
• Full access to Maple for simulation analysis, visualization, and
design documentation
• Create custom component models without scripting
• Parameter optimization, parameter sweeps
• Frequency domain and controls analysis
• Fully integrated and hyperlinked help system
• Results management tools—recall of previously generated results
for side-by-side comparison

• 3-D animations of multibody systems
• Automatic ball-and-stick rendering—custom geometry (springs,
cylinders, boxes, force and torque arrows, path traces, etc.) and
imported STL shapes can be added
Proprietary multibody technology generates high-speed models of • Full playback and camera control on 3-D plots
demanding 2-D and 3-D mechanical systems. • Customizable 2-D plots
• Multiple y-axes, and phase plots
• Log, semi-log, and linear axis scaling
• Pan, zoom and scale, point probe, and plot export
• Windows with multiple plots
• Drag-and-drop traces from one plot to another
Modeling (Continued) Analysis
Connection ports only allow connections between MapleSim is fully integrated with Maple™, giving access
blocks from the right physical domains or data
type (preventing you from connecting a heat sink
to a broad range of analysis and visualization tools.

MapleSim comes with built-in Maple templates for

to a voltage source or connecting a floating point
source to a block that expects a Boolean input, for control systems analysis, creating custom
example). components, generating and manipulating symbolic
system equations, Monte-Carlo simulation, sensitivity
analysis, optimization, and data generation.
Complex models can be grouped into hierarchical
subsystems to make them more manageable. Maple includes a large selection of analytic and
Parameters within a subsystem can be changed graphing tools for dynamic analysis, which is
with a custom user interface. Annotations, block- essential for control systems development. Maple’s
alignment, and drawing tools improve the visualization tools include plots for time and
readability and organization of a model. frequency domain response, and root-locus and
root-contour plots.
Variables can be defined and their scope restricted
to hierarchical levels. Block parameters can be The Maple environment provides natural math
defined using variables, and a reporting tool lists notation, context-sensitive menus for mathematical
defined variables and block parameters. operations, interactive analysis tools, and a full
programming language.

Simulation Engine Visualization

MapleSim has a hybrid symbolic-numeric engine. MapleSim generates 2-D plots of selected simulation
When a simulation is run, MapleSim automatically results. The plots are customizable and can be
generates the dynamic equations and simplifies exported to external files.
them to a computationally efficient form without
MapleSim will automatically generate 3-D ball-
losing fidelity. It does this by eliminating redundant
and-stick animations of multibody systems. These
variables and expressions and reducing the index of can be customized with a range of built-in 3-D
high-index differential algebraic equations. shapes, including springs, cylinders, boxes, path
Web Site
traces, force and torque arrows, and more. http://www.maplesoft.com/products/maplesim
MapleSim has two numerical integration
algorithms: Rosenbrock for stiff systems and Additionally, 3-D animations can be further User Community
Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg for non-stiff systems. Error customized with imported STL shapes. http://www.mapleprimes.com/forums/maplesim
tolerances can be modified.
Model Documentation Training and Demo Videos
The numerical solvers are flexible enough to MapleSim is fully integrated with the Maple technical http://www.maplesoft.com/support/training/
simulate highly nonlinear systems, including those document environment. You can electronically videos.aspx
with discontinuities and hybrid continuous- attach live Maple documents (as well as any other
discrete systems. file type) to a MapleSim model. You can then
access any aspect of your MapleSim model from Applications
The underlying model description can also be the Maple environment and add explanations, http://www.maplesoft.com/applications/
automatically translated to C code and compiled; background information, and the analysis behind maplesim.aspx
this results in much faster execution for large the design. These Maple documents can be shared
models. and reused. System Requirements
MapleSim Documentation and system_requirements.aspx
Help System
A dedicated User Guide walks new users and
experienced engineers through the interface. It
contains several tutorials that help you learn as
you model, and offers a guide to the fundamentals
of physical modeling.

The MapleSim Help System is electronically

indexed and fully hyperlinked. The appropriate
help page for any block is accessed through a
right-click context-sensitive menu, and describes
its functionality and connection ports.

www.maplesoft.com | info@maplesoft.com
© Maplesoft, a division of Waterloo Maple Inc., 2009. Maplesoft, Maple, and MapleSim are trademarks of Waterloo Maple Inc.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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