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Bro-0008.7 Hvofsolutions en

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High Velocity Oxy-Fuel

(HVOF) Solutions
Issue 7
A Continuing Tradition of Excellence

Oerlikon Metco’s unsurpassed

flexibility delivers optimized
HVOF surfacing solutions
with proven benefits and value

In 1988, Oerlikon Metco introduced its

first HVOF coating solutions with a new
line of spray equipment and materials.
Designed to meet the need of our cus-
tomers for tougher, more wear and cor-
rosion resistant surfaces, our Diamond
Jet™ equipment and Diamalloy™ ma-
terials quickly achieved market success
as the innovative answer sought by
many industries. Optimum materials…

We never stopped innovating. Today,

Oerlikon Metco offers our customers
unparalleled freedom of choice with
gas and liquid fuel HVOF solutions that
perform beyond their expectations.

Innovative technology…

Perfect coatings…

It’s the performance and value package you’ve been looking for!

BRO-0008.7 – HVOF Solutions 2

We Meet the Challenges of the Most Demanding Applications

With Oerlikon Metco’s HVOF solutions, Common HVOF surface applications:

increased performance and improved
economics are not mutually exclusive Industry Typical application
concepts. Our surface engineering ex-
Aviation Turbine engine fan blade mid-spans, compressor blades, turbine
perts can help you to: blade roots, bearing journals, stator and rotor disk snap diameters,
nnManufacture components that ex- landing gears, actuators, flap tracks, helicopter rotor joints and
hibit specific surface characteristics. sleeves
nnUse less costly substrate materials Power Generation Industrial gas turbines, hydroelectric Pelton buckets, nozzles and
for components, yet maintain high blades, exhaust fans
performance surface properties.
Automotive Transmission shifter forks
nnImprove component service life.
nnRepair existing components to like-
new or better than new condition. Transportation /  Hydraulic rods, pistons, ship steering rams
Heavy Equipment
nn Salvage mismachined components.
nnProvide a high-performance bond Printing and Paper /  Print roll covers, inking rolls, calendar and press roll covers
coat in a coating system. Pulp Equipment
Petrochemical Pump components, gate valves, ball valves, valve seats, exhaust
The possibilities are limitless. stacks, sucker rods, hydraulic rods, conveyor screws
Glass Manufacture Glass-mould plungers

Metal Processing Steel mill guides and rolls, wire-drawing capstans, forming dies,
sheet metal cutters

Textile Machinery Thread guides, crimping rolls

General Industry Pump housings, impellors and shafts, plastic extruders, cam
­followers, wear rings, machine bedways, press fits, restoration of
machinery components

BRO-0008.7 – HVOF Solutions 3

Advanced HVOF Technology for Superior Coating Characteristics

Coatings produced using HVOF have short dwell time and lower tempera- nnExcellent Wear Resistance: HVOF
outstanding characteristics, even tures of HVOF can produce wear coatings can exhibit superior resis-
above other thermal spray pro­cess­es, resistant coatings with excellent im- tance to slid­ing / adhesive wear, fret-
that include: pact re­sis­tance. ting, erosion or cavitation de­pend­ing
nnHigh density: Typical coatings have nnHigher Coating Thickness: Coatings on the material and process pa­ram­
less than 2 % porosity and some exhibit greater coating thickness eters chosen.
coatings as low as 0.5 % porosity. limits than plasma, combustion or nnSuperb Corrosion Resistance: The
nnHigh bond strength: For example, wire coatings of the same coating high den­sity and exceptional metal-
typical car­bide coatings sprayed material. These high thickness limits lurgical properties of HVOF coatings
with HVOF exhibit bond strengths in are at­trib­uted to a stress-relieving provide enhanced resistance to the
excess of 69 MPA (10,000 psi). ‘shot-peening’ effect produced by effects of corrosion, including hot
Other coating materials sprayed the high velocity particles im­pact­ing cor­ro­sion, oxidation and the effects
with HVOF have significantly higher upon the previous layers of coating. of corrosive media such as acidic
bond strengths than the same ma- Some tungsten carbide coatings and alkaline atmospheres and
terials applied using other at­mo­ can have a thickness greater than liquids.
spher­ic thermal spray processes 6.4 mm (0.250 inches). nnFine Surface Finishes: Smooth sur-
such as air plasma spray. nnBeneficial Residual Stress: Com- faces fin­ish­es allow HVOF-produced
nnOptimum Hardness: A 12 % tung- pressive re­sid­ual stresses and, in coatings to be used in the as-
sten carbide / cobalt coating will some cases, very low tensile stress- sprayed condition for many applica-
have a typical micro hard­ness of es enhance the fatigue life of a coat- tions. Coatings can be machined,
1100 to 1350 DPH300. ed component, reduce the suscep- ground, lapped, honed or su­per­
nnImproved Toughness: Depending on tibility of cracking and permit greater finished to produce very high sur-
chemistry and other factors, the coating thickness limits. face finishes to precise tolerances.

Optimum hardness

Fine surface finish

High density

High bond strength

BRO-0008.7 – HVOF Solutions 4

Proven to Produce Reproducible Surfaces
to Exacting Requirements

The HVOF process efficiently combusts cap) to produce supersonic gas and High particle velocities, uniform heating
oxygen and a gaseous or liquid fuel to particle velocities, which propel the and low dwell time combine to produce
produce high kinetic energy with con- powder particles toward the substrate coatings that are very dense and tightly
trolled heat input. The coating material, to be coated. bonded to the substrate. Coating
in powder form, is introduced into and chemistries are more predictable and
uniformly heated by the hot gas stream The powder particles flatten plastically coatings have fine, homogeneous
to a molten or semi-molten condition. upon impact with the substrate; cooling microstructures.
The flame and powder are accelerated and solidifying to form the coating.
by a converging / diverging nozzle (air

Gas-fuel HVOF gun

Cooling water
Compressed air Spray deposit
Fuel gas
Powder &
Spray stream
carrier gas
fuel gas
Compressed air

Liquid-fuel HVOF gun

Powder & carrier gas

Spray deposit

Ignition Spray Stream

Cooling water Substrate

The HVOF (High Velocity Oxy Fuel) spray process

Flexible Process Choices Result in Surfaces Engineered
for Specific Applications
At Oerlikon Metco, we know our cus- metallic alloys, metallic blends, car- requirements, economics and coat-
tomers have unique needs and applica- bides and self-fluxing materials, tai- ing quality needed.
tion goals, so we offer the widest range lored to gas or liquid fuel systems. nnSystem Options: Choose the sys-
of process choices to ensure we meet nnFuels: Gas-fueled systems can use tem configuration that fits your bud-
your exact expectations. hydrogen, ethylene, propane, pro- get and production requirements,
pylene or natural gas. Liquid-fueled with a choice of standard and cus-
nnChoice of Coating Materials: systems can use Jet-A or kerosene. tomized part manipulators and gun
Choose from a wide variety of coat- Choose the fuel process that is suit- manipulators.
ing materials including pure metals, able to your production

BRO-0008.7 – HVOF Solutions 5

Gas Fuel or Liquid Fuel
Oerlikon Metco Delivers!

Which is right for your application? Your General comparison of gas fuel and liquid fuel HVOF technologies:
choice of a gas fuel or liquid fuel sys-
tem will depend on many factors that Comparison Gas fuel HVOF Liquid fuel HVOF
can include: Gun Water-cooled Diamond Jet Gun WokaJet-410 Gun
nnConfiguration / geometry of the part
General characteristics
to be coated
Fuel options H2, CH4, C2H4, C3H6, C3H8 Jet-A or Kerosene
nnSubstrate composition
nnCoating material to be applied Combustion pressure ~ 0.55 MPa (80 PSI) 0.55 to 0.83 MPa
(80 to 120 PSI)
nnDesired coating thickness
nnApplicable customer coating Gas velocity 1800 to 2100 m/s 2000 to 2200 m/s
specifications (5900 to 6900 ft/s) (6500 to 7200 ft/s)
nn Desired as-sprayed surface Particle velocity 450 to 600 m/s 475 to 700 m/s
roughness (1475 to 1975 ft/s) (1550 to 2300 ft/s)
nnDesired finished surface roughness Powder injection Axial feed (hotter zone) Radial feed (cooler zone)
nnDesired coating internal stresses Powder injection pressure Higher Lower
nnNumber of parts to be coated Spray rate up to 120 g/min (16 lb/h) up to 200 g/min (26.5 lb/h)
nnSize of coated area Consumption comparison (typical utility consumption per hour of operation)
nnUtilities to be used (process media, Fuel 43800 l (1670 ft3) H2, or 28 l (7.3 gal) kerosene
air, water, etc.) 5280 l (200 ft3) C3H6, or
5280 l (200 ft3) C3H8
Let us help you decide on the technol- Oxygen 18420 l (700 ft3) 61400 l (2335 ft3)
ogy that’s right for you. Only Oerlikon
Water 600 l (160 gal) 2375 l (625 gal)
Metco has the experience you need for
both gas fuel and liquid fuel HVOF
technologies. Using our broad portfolio
of HVOF coating materials, our Coating
Solution Center specialists can develop
your surface solution using the best
HVOF process technology for your ap-
plication. Our System integration ex-
perts will design an HVOF system that
is exactly suited to your production and
budget requirements. It’s the Oerlikon
Metco difference!

BRO-0008.7 – HVOF Solutions 6

Key Elements of an HVOF Solution
Building Blocks of a Successful HVOF Solution

Key components: Key elements are Handling equipment: In all but the Peripheral equipment: Most HVOF
required for all HVOF spray systems. most simple of manual spray systems, spray installations require a cooling wa-
These include the coating material to be handling equipment precisely controls ter system for the spray gun and it is of-
applied, a powder feeder to deliver the the movement of the spray gun and ten necessary to have cooling air to con-
coating material to the spray gun, the workpiece, and the position of the gun trol the temperature of the workpiece. In
HVOF spray gun that will heat the coat- relative to the workpiece. addition, a soundproof cabin and an air
ing material and propel it to the work- filtration and exhaust system protect
piece, and a control system that accu- both personnel and the environment.
rately controls the gas flows required for
HVOF combustion.

Peripheral components

Handling components

Key components


spray gun



Fully automated HVOF spray system

BRO-0008.7 – HVOF Solutions 7

Every Successful Application Starts with the Right Material Choice

Oerlikon Metco’s portfolio of HVOF ideal candidate for your application Metco? You can still benefit from an
coating materials is designed to from our diverse line of material ­Oerlikon Metco HVOF material solution!
achieve optimum results, with each chemistries. Many of our HVOF products are avail-
product sized and formulated for the able in a variety of particle sizes opti-
selected HVOF process. Our specialists Do you already own a system with an mized for popular HVOF spray guns.
will consult with you to determine the HVOF gun not produced by Oerlikon

Product Composition Wear Corrosion Oxidation /  High Restoration / 

resistance resistance sulfidation temperature build up
resistance service
WOKA 31xx Tungsten Carbide – 12 % Cobalt l
Metco 5812 Tungsten Carbide – 12 % Cobalt l
Metco 5810 Tungsten Carbide – 12 % Cobalt l
Diamalloy 2004 Tungsten Carbide – 12 % Cobalt l
Diamalloy 2003 Tungsten Carbide – 12 % Cobalt l
WOKA 32xx Tungsten Carbide – 12 % Cobalt l
Metco 514x Tungsten Carbide – 17 % Cobalt l
Diamalloy 2005NS Tungsten Carbide – 17 % Cobalt l
Metco 516x Tungsten Carbide – Cobalt – Chrome Alloy l l
WOKA 365x Tungsten Carbide – Cobalt – Chrome Alloy l l
Diamalloy 5849 Tungsten Carbide – Cobalt – Chrome Alloy l l
Amdry 5843 Tungsten Carbide – Cobalt – Chrome Alloy l l
Metco 5847 Tungsten Carbide – Cobalt – Chrome Alloy l l
WOKA 36xx Tungsten Carbide – Cobalt – Chrome – Nickel Alloy l l
WOKA 37xx Tungsten Carbide – 20 % Chrome Carbide – 7 % l l
WOKA 33xx Tungsten Carbide – 10 % Nickel l l
Metco 5803 Tungsten Carbide – 12 % Cobalt /  l l
Nickel Superalloy Blend
Metco 82VF-NS Chrome Carbide – 7 % Nickel Chrome l l
Diamalloy 3007 Chrome Carbide – 20 % Nickel Chrome l l
WOKA 71xx Chrome Carbide – 20 % Nickel Chrome l l
Amdry 5260 Chrome Carbide – 25 % Nickel Chrome l l
WOKA 72xx Chrome Carbide – 25 % Nickel Chrome l l
WOKA 73xx Chrome Carbide – 25 % Nickel Chrome (Hipped) l l
Diamalloy 3004 Chrome Carbide – 25 % Nickel Chrome (Blend) l l
Metco 5241 Chrome Carbide – Nickel Alloy l l l
WOKA 75xx Chrome Carbide – 37 % Tungsten Carbide – l l l
18 % Metallic Alloy
WOKA 74xx Chrome – Iron Carbide – 20 % Nickel l l l l
Diamalloy 4060NS Cobalt – Chrome Alloy l l l l
Diamalloy 3001 Cobalt – Molybdenum Alloy l l l l
Diamalloy 3002NS Cobalt – Molybdenum Alloy l l l l
Diamalloy 1007 Copper l l
Diamalloy 1004 Copper Alloy (Aluminum Bronze) l l
Diamalloy 1003 AISI Type 316 Stainless Steel l l
Diamalloy 1003-1 AISI Type 316 Stainless Steel l l
Diamalloy 1008 Iron / Chrome Blend l l

BRO-0008.7 – HVOF Solutions 8

Product Composition Wear Corrosion Oxidation /  High Restoration / 
resistance resistance sulfidation temperature build up
resistance service
Diamalloy 4008NS Nickel – Aluminum Alloy l l
Amdry 4532 Nickel – Chrome Alloy l
Amdry 4535 Nickel – Chrome Alloy l
Diamalloy 1005 Inconel 718* l l
Diamalloy 4004NS Rene 80* l l
Diamalloy 1006 Inconel 718* l l
Diamalloy 4006 Nickel – Chrome Alloy with Amorphous Phases l l
Amdry 1718 Inconel 718* l l
Metco 4538 Nickel – Iron – Chrome Alloy l
Diamalloy 2001 Nickel – Chrome Alloy (Self-Fluxing) l l
Diamalloy 2002 Tungsten Carbide Cobalt /Nickel Alloy Blend l l
Diamalloy 4454 CoNiCrAlY l l l
Amdry 9951 CoNiCrAlY l l l
Amdry 9954 CoNiCrAlY l l l
Diamalloy 4700 CoNiCrAlY l l l
Amdry 997** NiCoCrAlY l l l
Amdry 365-1 MCrAlY (Proprietary) l l l
Amdry 386** MCrAlY (Proprietary) l l l
Product designations marked with an x indicate the availability of a variety of particle size ranges optimally sized for d
 ifferent HVOF spray guns.
* Inconel is a registered trademark of International Nickel; Rene is a registered trademark of GE.
** Product sized for HVOF supplied upon request.

BRO-0008.7 – HVOF Solutions 9

Spray Systems
Ensure the Success of Your Application with the Right System

Typical manual HVOF spray system


1. DJF gas controller

2. Hand-held DJ gun with water-cooled air cap
3. DJFEW water sensing interface unit (for use with water cooled DJ gun)
4. Powder feeder 5MPE-HP
5. Water chiller Climet RC-HV (for use with water cooled DJ gun)
6. 6A air filtration and control unit

Only Oerlikon Metco has an equipment nnRotameter gas metering system

portfolio designed to meet your unique nnChoose an air-cooled Diamond Jet
needs. Shown here are just a few spray gun or a high-performance,
­examples of system configurations. Let water-cooled Diamond Jet spray
our team of experts support you in gun in manual (hand-held) or auto-
­designing your perfect system. matic (machine-mount) models
nnCustomize your system with gun
Diamond Jet Manual, Gas fuel and part manipulation equipment
HVOF Spray System ideal for your spray applications
nnIdeal for small shops with occasion-
al surfacing needs
nn Precision components for reliable
coating results, designed with safety
in mind

BRO-0008.7 – HVOF Solutions 10

Spray Systems
Ensure the Success of Your Application with the Right System

Typical semi-automatic HVOF spray system


1. DJC semi-automatic spray controller

2. Machine-mount DJ gun with water-cooled air cap
3. DJC 2600 water sensing interface unit (for use with water cooled DJ gun)
4. Powder feeder 9MP-DJ
5. Water chiller (for use with water cooled DJ gun)
6. 6A air filtration and control unit

Oerlikon Metco DJC semi- nnInterfaces with workpiece handling

automatic, gas fuel HVOF spray equipment, gun manipulators, ex-
system haust system and accessories
nnIdeal for small to medium shops nnChoose an air-cooled Diamond Jet
with moderate surfacing needs spray gun or a high-performance
nnSemi-automatic operation for accu- water-cooled Diamond Jet spray
rate and repeatable HVOF coatings gun in manual (hand-held) or auto-
nnProgrammable Logic Control (PLC) matic (machine-mount) models
based controller with rotameter gas nnCustomize your system with gun
metering system and part manipulation equipment
nnBuilt-in monitoring and alarm sys- ideal for your spray applications
tem with automatic shutdown for
safe operation

BRO-0008.7 – HVOF Solutions 11

Spray Systems
Ensure the Success of Your Application with the Right System

Typical UniCoatPro LF automated HVOF spray system





1 UniCoatPro LF controller
2a WokaJet-410-Sz liquid fuel HVOF gun, or
2b WokaStar-610-Sz liquid fuel HVOF gun
3a Powder feeder Twin-140, or
3b Powder feeder 5MPE-HP, or
3c Powder feeder 9MPE-DJ
4 Water chiller

Oerlikon Metco UniCoatPro auto- nnUser friendly, color touch-screen

matic liquid fuel spray system programming with storage for 100
nnIdeal for medium to large shops spray recipes
with high-volume surfacing needs nnAdvanced diagnostics, monitoring
and increased quality control and control with multi-level alarm
requirements system and automatic shutdown for
nnFully-automatic operation for highly safe operation
accurate and repeatable HVOF nnDigital data bus interface to work-
coatings piece handling equipment, gun ma-
nnProgrammable Logic Control (PLC) nipulators, exhaust system and
based controller with mass-flow accessories
control gas metering system

BRO-0008.7 – HVOF Solutions 12

Spray Systems
Ensure the Success of Your Application with the Right System

Typical MultiCoat advanced automated HVOF spray system




3a 3b 3c 3d 3e

1 MultiCoat Operator’s Desk 4 JamBox GF, LF or GLF

2 PCC Process Control Center 5a Powder feeder TWIN 120-H, or
3a Machine-mount DJ gun with water-cooled air cap, or 5b Powder feeder 9MPE-DJ-CL20
3b WokaJet-410 liquid fuel HVOF gun, or 6a Water chiller (for use with water-cooled DJ gun), or
3c WokaStar-610 liquid fuel HVOF gun, or 6b Water chiller (for use with WokaJet and WokaStar guns)
3d WokaJet-410-S liquid fuel HVOF gun, or 7 GMC, LMC or GLMC gas and fuel management center
3e WokaStar-610-S liquid fuel HVOF gun

Oerlikon Metco MultiCoat nnTwin-Brain design with PC-based

advanced HVOF gas fuel / liquid operator console and Programma-
fuel spray system ble Logic Control (PLC) based con-
nnThe most advanced system plat- troller with mass-flow control gas
form on the market! metering system
nnIdeal for medium to large shops nnUser friendly, color touch-screen
with many different surfacing needs, programming with storage for 1000
R&D facilities, and moderate to spray recipes
high-volume production needs nnAdvanced diagnostics, monitoring
nnConfigurable for multiple spray pro- and control with multi-level alarm
cesses including gas fuel HVOF, liq- system and automatic shutdown for
uid fuel HVOF, plasma, combustion safe operation
powder and wire spray – all of nnDigital data bus interface to work-
which can be controlled from a sin- piece handling equipment, gun ma-
gle controller nipulators, exhaust system and
nnFully-automatic operation for highly accessories
accurate and repeatable coatings

BRO-0008.7 – HVOF Solutions 13

Flexible Choices
HVOF Spray Guns, Powder Feeders, Handling Equipment

Oerlikon Metco HVOF spray guns

Gas fuel
Air-cooled Diamond Jet Gun Water-cooled Diamond Jet Gun
nnProduces quality coatings nnProduces superior
nnManual (hand-held) and coatings for critical applications
automatic (machine-mount) nnManual and automatic models
models nnUses hydrogen, propane,
nnUses hydrogen, propane or ­propylene, ethylene* or methane*
propylene fuel (natural gas) fuel

Liquid fuel
WokaJet-410**, WokaJet-410-S, WokaJet-410-Sz WokaStar-610**, WokaStar-610-S, WokaStar-610-Sz
nnProduces quality coatings nnHigh-quality coatings, improved
nnMinimal carbon build-up thermal efficiency
nnAutomatic (machine-mount) nnExtended spare part life
nnUses kerosene fuel nnAutomatic
nnUses kerosene fuel

Oerlikon Metco HVOF powder feeders

nnGravimetric / fluidic nnGravimetric / fluidic
powder feed operation powder feed operation
nnPFRM feed rate monitor nnClosed-loop feed rate monitoring
included and control
nnLarge, 3.2 liter hopper nnRotameter and mass flow carrier
nnFor use with HVOF, air plasma gas metering models available
and combustion powder nnLarge, 3.2 liter hopper
Thermospray systems nnFor use with HVOF, air plasma
and combustion powder
­Thermospray systems

Single-220-H Twin-120-H, Twin-140

nnHighly accurate volumetric feed nnHighly accurate volumetric feed
operation operation
nnClosed-loop feed rate moni­ nnDual 1.5 liter hoppers
toring and control­ nnTwin-120-H for use with
nnSingle 1.5 liter hopper MultiCoat; Twin-140 for use with
nnFor use with MultiCoat spray UniCoatPro LF spray platforms

Oerlikon Metco HVOF handling equipment

Customize your spray system with gun and part ma­nip­ulation equipment
from Oerlikon Metco that includes robotic manipulators, turntables,
­vertical and horizontal traverses and more.

Specialized handling requirements? No problem! We can custom design,

fabricate and test exactly what you need.

* used with automatic models; can be used with hand-held water cooled DJ gun if ordered with an optional hydrogen ignition kit, available on a special order basis.
** WokaJet-410 and WokaStar-610 with hydrogen ignition

BRO-0008.7 – HVOF Solutions 14

Oerlikon Metco Essential Services for On-Going Success

Let our staff professionally train your personnel on the safe
operation and maintenance of your thermal spray systems.

Field service
Qualified, factory-trained field service technicians will keep
your systems in peak operating condition. Our field services
include flexible maintenance contracts, emergency break-
down repairs and troubleshooting help.

Fully traceable calibrations, including gas flows and pres-
sures, ensure the accuracy and repeatability of your spray

Application consultation services

Our thermal spray professionals can consult with you for a
total application solution with optimized benefits and value.

Consumable and spare parts support

Oerlikon Metco brand consumable and spare parts keep
your coating facilities operating with repeatable results.

Simplified sourcing
Simplify your purchasing decisions with Oerlikon Metco qual-
ity consumable parts and materials for competitive HVOF
spray guns.

Global sales and logistics

Oerlikon Metco professionals are prepared to help, wherever
your location.

Make or buy — it’s your decision

If you would prefer to outsource your coating work, Oerlikon
Metco is ready to serve you. We have first-rate coating facili-
ties on every major continent around the globe. The surface
engineering experts at the Oerlikon Metco coating service fa-
cility of your choice are ready to consult with you and provide
your company with expert coating and machining services.

BRO-0008.7 – HVOF Solutions 15

Perfect solutions through
­optimum materials and
­innovative technologies
Oerlikon Metco is a global leader in sur- Oerlikon Metco provides a comprehen-
face engineering solutions and services sive manufacturing, distribution and
offering: service network, catering to aviation,
nnA broad range of thermal spray, la- power generation, automotive and
ser cladding and other advanced other strategic growth industries.
surface technology equipment and
materials To take control of your surface engi-
nnIntegrated systems neering challenges, contact your
nnSpecialized coating and surface Oerlikon Metco sales office, visit our
­enhancement services website at www.oerlikon.com / metco or
nnManufactured components for the email us at info.metco@oerlikon.com
turbine, automotive and other
nnCustomer support services

About Oerlikon Metco

Oerlikon Metco enhances surfaces that bring benefits to customers through a
uniquely broad range of surface ­technologies, equipment, materials, services,
specialized machining services and components. The surface techno­logies such
as Thermal Spray and Laser Cladding improve the performance ­and ­increase effi-
ciency and reliability. Oerlikon Metco serves industries such as aviation, power gen-
eration, automotive, oil & gas, industrial and other specialized markets and oper-
ates a dynamically growing network of more than 40 sites in EMEA, Americas and
Asia Pacific. Oerlikon Metco, together with Oerlikon Balzers, b ­ elongs to the Sur-
face Solutions Segment of the Switzerland-based Oerlikon Group (SIX: OERL).

Information is subject to change without prior notice.

BRO-0008.7 – HVOF Solutions info.metco@oerlikon.com

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