End Semester Test Cosmology and Galaxy Formation (PHY654) : 2 2 0 nr 0 3 Λ nr Λ 0 2
End Semester Test Cosmology and Galaxy Formation (PHY654) : 2 2 0 nr 0 3 Λ nr Λ 0 2
End Semester Test Cosmology and Galaxy Formation (PHY654) : 2 2 0 nr 0 3 Λ nr Λ 0 2
1. Friedmann equations for a universe containing non-relativistic matter and the cosmological constant
can be written as: 2 " 3 2 #
ȧ 2 a0 a0
= H0 Ωnr + ΩΛ + (1 − Ωnr − ΩΛ )
a a a
and " 3 #
ä 1 a0
= H02 − Ωnr + ΩΛ
a 2 a
(a) Show that there are models where a/a0 = 0 is not allowed, i.e., there is a non-zero minimum value
of a/a0 . [2]
(b) What are the values of Ωnr and ΩΛ for such models? [1]
(c) Show that there are models where a/a0 has a maximum allowed value. [2]
(d) What are the values of Ωnr and ΩΛ for such models? [1]
(e) If we consider spatially flat models, i.e., Ωnr +ΩΛ = 1, then find out the redshift at which matter and
cosmological constant contribute equally to energy density of the universe. Evaluate the numerical
value if Ωnr = 0.2. [2]
(f) For spatially flat models, find out the redshift at which the expansion of the universe begins to
accelerate. Evaluate the numerical value if Ωnr = 0.2. [2]
2. The luminosity function Φ(L) is the number density of sources with luminosity between L and L + dL.
Given a luminosity function
L L dL
Φ(L) dL = Φ∗ exp − (1)
L∗ L∗ L∗
Here L∗ , Φ∗ and α are constants. Given the form of the luminosity function above, calculate the
following in terms of α, Φ∗ and L∗ .
3. The evolution of density contrast δ in linear perturbation theory is given by the following equation:
δ̈ + 2 δ̇ − 4πG%̄nr δ = 0
Here, %̄nr is the average density of non-relativistic matter. This is the component which clusters easily
at large scales.
(a) In Einstein-deSitter universe, Ωnr = 1 and ΩΛ = 0. Solve Friedmann equations (see problem 1)
for this case and find the functional form of a(t). [3]
(b) Solve the equation for density contrast in case of Einstein-deSitter universe and find the two solu-
tions. [3]
(c) Show that H(t) ≡ ȧ/a for universes with only non-relativistic matter and cosmological constant
satisfies this equation, hence it is a solution of this equation. [4]
(a) Given that the average overdensity of the halo up to Rvir is 18π 2 , and the redshift of collapse if zcoll ,
calculate %vir in terms of the average density of the universe at the redshift of collapse/virialisation.
(b) Express Rvir in terms of Mvir and the matter density at the redshift of collapse/virialisation. [1]
(c) Solve for the circular velocity as a function of R in this halo. Calculate asymptotic forms at R
Rvir and R ' Rvir . [2]
(d) Solve for the gravitational potential in the halo as a function of R. [1]
(e) Express virial temperature Tvir in terms of the mass of the halo and redshift of collapse. You
may assume that the universe is described by the Einstein-deSitter model. For this part, you may
assume the halo to be a constant density sphere for the purpose of calculating the binding energy.
(f) If the halo contains dark matter and gas with mass ratio 9 : 1, and the gas is in equilibrium at
temperature Tvir then write down an expression for the density of gas as a function of radius R.
You may assume that the gravitational potential is given by the solution of Q.4d and that difference
in the density distribution of dark matter and gas does not alter the potential in a significant manner.
L 4 × 1026 W
M 2 × 1030 kg
Γ(0.9) 1.07
Γ(−0.1) 10.7