1 Lecture 2: The Helium Atom
1 Lecture 2: The Helium Atom
1 Lecture 2: The Helium Atom
In this lecture we are going to apply the variational method to a more complicated
example, the helium atom. The simplified example we consider only involves two
particles but still exhibits many of the complications and subtleties that arise in the
more general N -body problem.
1.2 Solving H0
Notice that that hamiltonian H0 is separable:
H0 = H1 I2 + I1 H2 , (4)
~ 2 2e2
Hj = , j = 1, 2. (5)
2m j |rj |
This means that the eigenfunctions of H0 , in the case where the particles are distin-
guishable, are products (r1 , r2 ) = k (r1 )l (r2 ) of the eigenvectors k (r1 ) and l (r2 )
of H1 and H2 .
We can obtain an eigenfunction (rj ) of Hj , j = 1, 2, by solving the hydrogenic
Schrodinger equation
Hj (rj ) = E(rj ), (6)
which reads
~ 2 2e2
(rj ) = E(rj ), (7)
2m j |rj |
which is nothing other than the hamiltonian for a hydrogen atom with nuclear
charge 2e. The lowest-energy eigenstate of Hj is given by
Z2 Zrj
(rj ) = 0 (rj ) = 3 e a , (8)
a 2
where rj = |rj | and Z = 2 is the nuclear charge. The proof of this is left as an exercise
(find a reference which solves the Schrodinger equation for the hydrogen atom and
replace the nuclear charge Z = 1 with Z = 2 throughout; spherical coordinates are
helpful here). The corresponding ground-state eigenvalue is E0 = Z 2 13.6eV.
Electrons are indistinguishable fermions. This means that their wavefunction must
be antisymmetric under exchange of particles, i.e.,
The problem is that if we say the wavefunction for two electrons is a product:
then we run into problems: this wavefunction isnt antisymmetric under interchange
of the two particles!
In order to ensure that the overall wavefunction for the two electrons is antisymmetric
we write
(r1 , r2 ) = ((r1 )(r2 ) (r2 )(r1 )) . (11)
(This is a Slater determinant.) This expression vanishes when = , and is the
manifestation of the Pauli exclusion principle. But the trial wavefunction we are
going to study has exactly the form of a product of identical wavefunctions, which is
incompatible with the particle statistics. In our special case, however, we can largely
avoid consideration of the particle statistics by realising that there are two species of
electrons, namely, spin-up and spin-down electrons: when magnetic fields and spin-
orbit couplings are disregarded we can obtain a perfectly legitimate antisymmetric
wavefunction for two now distinguishable by their spin electrons in the same
wavefunction by writing
(r1 , r2 ) = ( (r1 ) (r2 ) (r1 ) (r2 )) , (12)
i.e., the antisymmetry is carried by the spin degree of freedom. The system is said
to be in a singlet state with total overall spin. But in this case we can do all our
calculations, i.e., calculations of energy expectation values, as though (r1 , r2 ) was a
product (exercise!); the spin never features in the subsequent derivations.
1.3 The variational method, take 1: no variation
Here we take for our trial wavefunction the product of the solutions (8) of the
hydrogenic single-particle hydrogenic Schrodinger equations for Hj :
Z 3 Z(r1 +r2 )
(r1 , r2 ) = 3 e a . (13)
Of course, this isnt a variational wavefunction: there are no variational parameters!
The energy expectation of value of is given by
hHi = E0 + E0 + dr1 dr2 |(r1 , r2 )|2 (14)
|r1 r2 |
2 5 5 2
E() = hHi = Z Z + . (17)
a 8 8
Exercise: work out this result. The minimum of E() is obtained for = 5/16, which
corresponds to a screening effect where one electron reduces the nuclear charge by
approximately one-third of an electron charge. The minimum value is given by
6 e2
E(5/16) = Z . (18)
16 a
Exercise: compare this with the observed value. How much of an improvement over
the crude estimate is there?
1.5 Conclusions
The agreement between theory and experiment can be improved by using a bet-
ter trial function than the simple products we employed here. The design of such
trial functions has occupied researchers since the early days of quantum mechan-
ics. The helium atom is a testbed problem and offers a basic challenge because the
two-electron system is mathematically tractable, although solutions in closed form
cannot be found. The test of an improved trial state is measured by how closely the
variational minimum lies above the precisely measured energy.