No. DNV-RP-F107
Since issued in print (March 2001), this booklet has been amended, latest in October 2002.
See the reference to “Amendments and Corrections” on the next page.
As well as forming the technical basis for DNV verification services, the Offshore Standards and
Recommended Practices are offered as DNV’s interpretation of safe engineering practice for general use
by the offshore industry.
This Recommended Practice is based upon a project guideline developed by DNV for Statoil.
DNV would like to take this opportunity to thank Statoil for their financial and technical contributions.
DNV is further grateful for valuable co-operation and discussion with the individual personnel in Statoil
participating in the project.
This Recommended Practice has been distributed for both internal and external hearing. DNV would
like to thank all companies giving valuable feed-back and comments to this document.
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Amended October 2002 Recommended Practice DNV-RP-F107, March 2001
see note on front cover Page 3
1 General .....................................................................5 5.4 Ship traffic........................................................... 24
1.1 Introduction............................................................5 5.5 Simultaneous operations ..................................... 30
1.2 Objectives ..............................................................5 5.6 Trawling .............................................................. 30
1.3 Scope and Application ...........................................5 5.7 Anchor handling.................................................. 30
1.4 General considerations...........................................5 5.8 Frequency ranking............................................... 31
1.5 Limitations.............................................................5 6 Consequence .......................................................... 32
1.6 Definitions .............................................................6 6.1 Introduction ......................................................... 32
2 Methodology.............................................................7 6.2 Human safety ...................................................... 32
2.1 Introduction............................................................7 6.3 Release to the environment ................................. 33
2.2 Safety objectives ....................................................7 6.4 Economic loss ..................................................... 33
2.3 Acceptance criteria ................................................7 7 Risk assessment ..................................................... 35
2.4 System description.................................................7 7.1 General ................................................................ 35
2.5 Hazard identification..............................................8 7.2 Uncertainty assessment ....................................... 35
2.6 Risk Assessment ....................................................8 8 References .............................................................. 36
2.7 Risk reducing measures .........................................9 Appendix A. Example of risk assessment procedure
3 Activity description................................................11 for dropped objects ........................................................... 37
3.1 Platform/Rig ........................................................11 A.1 Introduction ......................................................... 37
3.2 Subsea operations ................................................11 A.2 Design Basis........................................................ 37
3.3 Fishing .................................................................11 A.3 Classification of objects (Section 3.1.1)............. 38
3.4 Ship......................................................................12 A.4 Drop frequency (Section 5.2.1) ........................... 38
4 Pipeline and protection capacity...........................13 A.5 Excursion of objects (Section 5.2.2) ................... 38
4.1 General.................................................................13 A.6 Hit probability (Section 5.2.2)............................. 40
4.2 Damage classification ..........................................13 A.7 Hit frequency versus energy (section 5.3)........... 41
4.3 Steel pipeline .......................................................14 A.8 Damage capacity versus energy (section 4) ........ 42
4.4 Flexible pipeline ..................................................15 A.9 Damage versus frequency ................................... 43
4.5 Umbilical .............................................................16 Appendix B. Impact capacity testing procedure....... 44
4.6 Different protection methods ...............................16 B.1 Introduction ......................................................... 44
5 Failure frequency...................................................19 B.2 Test energy.......................................................... 44
5.1 Introduction..........................................................19 B.3 Test Equipment ................................................... 44
5.2 Crane activity.......................................................19 B.4 Procedure ............................................................ 44
5.3 Energy calculation ...............................................21
– on a fixed or floating platform, below cellar deck; Furthermore, this recommended practice covers the risk
− on a subsea installation, at the connection point to the assessment from accidental external events only and hence is
subsea manifold/piping. a contribution to the total risk of pipeline operations. Other
risks, which contribute to the total risk of pipeline operations
The above limits indicate that this document covers tie-in as corrosion, erosion, burst etc. are not included.
towards subsea installations up to the outboard hub.
Requirements to any nearby protection structures should This recommended practice describes risk assessments
comply with this recommended practice. related to accidental scenarios of the lifetime of the pipeline
during normal operation conditions and planned activities
It is important that all parts of the subsea production system (e.g. drilling and completion operations). Risks related to
are covered either by this recommended practice or by other single, major, critical operations, such as construction work,
standards. For protection requirements of subsea installations are not included. The risk of such operations should be
reference is made to other standards, e.g. NORSOK (1998). addressed separately.
For purposes other than risk assessment for risers, pipelines
or umbilicals as covered by this recommended practice, the
information and methodology given should not be used
without further documentation/clarification.
2 Methodology The criteria for human safety and environmental impact shall
be established considering the risk as a contribution to the
2.1 Introduction total risk for the platform or rig or the whole field.
Prior to any risk assessment, the safety objectives for the
activities and the acceptance criteria for the risk shall be 2.4 System description
defined by the operator. Prior to risk assessment, a complete system description
should be prepared. The description shall cover the entire
The basis of any risk evaluation relies on a comprehensive pipeline/umbilical lifecycle and should as a minimum
system description. This system description is used to consider the following:
identify hazards with potential to affect the pipeline /
umbilical. The identified hazards are evaluated in a risk 1) Activities potentially affecting pipeline/umbilical
assessment. integrity (see section 3);
– crane handling on platform or rig,
This section describes the above aspects of the risk – fishing (bottom trawling),
evaluation procedure and an overview of the total procedure – supply vessels and general ship traffic in the area or
is shown in Figure 2. close to the area considered,
– subsea operations (e.g. simultaneous operations as
2.2 Safety objectives drilling, completion and intervention),
To safely manage the activity, the operator shall define − others (planned construction work, etc).
safety objectives for avoidance or survival of accidental 2) Physical characteristics of the pipeline/umbilical (see
events, as required in DNV-OS-F101 section 2B. section 4);
– type (steel pipeline, flexible or umbilical),
2.3 Acceptance criteria – diameter, wall thickness, coating thickness,
In order to evaluate whether the risk of an accidental event is – material (steel and coating),
acceptable or not, acceptance criteria are required. The – construction details (connectors, swan necks, etc),
acceptance criteria shall state the acceptable limits for the − content (gas, oil, condensate, water, etc).
risks to human safety, environment and economy. The
operator shall establish the acceptance criteria prior to 3) Mitigation measures (see section 4 and 2.7);
beginning the risk evaluations. When considering several – protection,
pipelines, the acceptance criteria should reflect the total risk – routing,
level for all pipelines. – procedures.
The acceptance criteria shall be in line with the defined Safety objectives
safety objectives of the activity. Alternatively, the structural for the actvities
Human safety,
Environmental impact,
Economical loss
1 2 3 4 5
5 Not acceptable
4 ALARP region
vs. 3
1 Event
ranking Risk matrix
In this recommended practice, the end-event is classified into and not the corresponding frequency, of the incidents is
different damage categories (i.e. minor (D1), moderate (D2) found by such worst-case evaluations.
and major (D3) damage, see definition of damage in section
4.2) which forms the basis for the consequence ranking into If any of the risk-related basic parameters in the risk
5 different categories. The frequency ranking and assessment changes, e.g. the activity level, design,
consequence ranking shall be established for each of the parameters, operating procedures, are changed, the risk
relevant damage categories, thus giving the risk for each assessment should be updated to reflect these changes.
damage category.
In Figure 3, the ALARP (As-low-as-reasonably-practicable)
The risk is then evaluated by plotting the established region identifies an area where the risk is acceptable,
frequency and consequence in a risk matrix. The risk however further reduction of the risk should be pursued with
assessment is briefly described in Figure 3. The process for a cost-benefit evaluation.
dropped object scenario is described in detail in Appendix A.
The frequency ranking and the consequence ranking are 2.7 Risk reducing measures
further described in section 5 and section 6 respectively.
If the estimated risk is above the relevant acceptance
The risk matrix method makes it possible to effectively criterion, then risk reduction can be achieved by:
compare the risk from different events, even when the level
− reducing the frequency of the event,
of detailed knowledge varies.
− reducing the consequence of the event, or
For some isolated operations, the risk assessment − a combination of the above.
methodology outlined in this document is not applicable.
These are isolated critical operations such as larger lifting Table 2 presents some risk reducing measures. For ship
operations, e.g. lifting of new modules. The risk collision scenarios, additional risk reducing measures are
methodology is not applicable as reasonable frequency given in section 5.4.5.
estimates for such scenarios are difficult to obtain due to the In each project, the risk should be kept as low as reasonably
relative limited experience. For such operations Hazardous
practicable. This means that some low cost risk reduction
and Operability (HAZOP) studies, Failure Mode Effect
measures should be introduced even if the risk is considered
Analysis (FMEA) or other relevant methods can be used to to be acceptable. Frequency reduction measures shall be
identify critical conditions during the operations and possible
prioritised before consequence reduction measures.
equipment failures that can cause or aggravate critical
conditions, and ensure that effective remedial measures are
taken. Note however, that normally only the consequence,
To evaluate the economic effects of any risk reduction CM = cost of risk reducing measure
measures, a cost-benefit calculation shall be performed. The ∆CR = reduction in repair cost
cost-benefit value (CBV) is an evaluation of the ratio
between the increased cost of any additional measures, ∆CP = reduction in production loss
∆Cost, and the reduced risk, ∆Risk. A cost-effective solution PoF = probability of failure/failure frequency
will give a ratio less than unity. R = interest rate
Y = number of years
CBV = (1)
This can be calculated according to
∆C R + ∆C P (2)
∑y (1 + r ) y ⋅ PoF
Guidance note:
3 Activity description The possibility of smaller objects, which are not normally
accounted for in a dropped object scenario, falling into the sea
should be identified and taken into account. Inspections have
3.1 Platform/Rig revealed that there are a significant number of smaller objects on
the sea bottom close to platforms. These objects are not reported
3.1.1 Lifting activity as dropped from cranes.
The following information on the lifting activity is required - end - of - Guidance - note -
for input to the dropped object calculations, see section 5.2. Lifting frequency Object classification The lifting frequency of the identified objects shall be
The lifting activity description should include objects lifted established. The lifting frequency should include all
(where applicable): activities over a relevant time-period.
4 Pipeline and protection capacity For dropped object scenarios, it should be noted that the
results of the risk assessment are not normally very sensitive
4.1 General to an absolutely “correct” capacity assessment. When the
loading is a complex compound of type of objects giving a
There are two typical accidental loading scenarios that can
variety of impact energies, a capacity estimate within ± 20%
lead to damage to riser, pipelines and umbilicals. These are
will normally give acceptable variations in the resulting risk
either impact (e.g. due to dropped objects) or pull-
level. However, the final risk estimate sensitivity to
over/hooking (e.g. due to dragged trawl board or anchor).
variations in capacity estimates should be checked if there is
The impact scenario is a complex dynamic, non-linear reason to believe that the final result is sensitive to the
mechanism that involves numerous parameters. In short, the capacity. For thin-walled, small diameter pipelines, flexibles
response (i.e. damage) of the riser, pipeline or umbilical is of and umbilicals without extra protection, the capacity is
a local nature, where the wall thickness and coating thickness normally negligible and may conservatively be set equal to
are important parameters. zero.
In this recommended practice, the given damage capacities The given capacity models given are focused on impact
of the pipeline and coating are conservatively assumed to loading and are given as energy absorption for different
absorb all of the available kinetic energy of the impacting levels of indentation, displacement or damage. The capacity
objects. However, energy absorption of the impacting object for buckling due to pull-over/hooking loading is only
itself, or into the soil, etc, may be accounted for, if discussed and is covered by the criteria for steel pipelines
documented. and risers given in DNV-OS-F101 and DNV-OS-F201
respectively. For umbilicals and flexible pipelines, the
Guidance note: capacity should be separately documented.
This is conservative as it is found that for small diameter
pipelines and soft soil conditions the absorption in the wall may The capacity of nearby fittings, connectors, flanges, etc.
be down to 50-60 % of the total kinetic energy. Further, for “non- should be individually determined. Such items may become a
rigid” objects such as containers, a considerable amount of weak link, especially when considering leakage.
energy will be absorbed by the object itself and not transferred to
the pipeline.
Using this recommended practice, the capacities for the
- end - of - Guidance - note - different protection methods shall be added to the capacity of
the pipeline/umbilical. Further, the protection is assumed to
The pull-over and hooking scenarios are of a global bending be completely damaged before the pipeline/umbilical is
behaviour and the bending stiffness of the pipeline or damaged. For concrete or polymer coatings on pipelines
umbilical is of importance. some interaction with the pipeline may be expected before
the ultimate capacity of the coating is reached. Protection
The impact capacities of pipelines, umbilicals and typical
failures are normally classified as minor damage (i.e. D1).
protection measures are given individually in this section.
Typical pipeline failure modes are indentation or puncturing The impact capacity can be determined by testing if the
of the pipe/umbilical wall (for impacting loads) and given formulations are not applicable. A testing procedure is
excessive bending (for pull-over loads). The failure modes given in Appendix B.
will be further classified according to the damage (i.e. D1 to
D3) and release (i.e. R0, R1 and R2) categories, see the
following section for damage class descriptions. 4.2 Damage classification
Material damage to the pipelines is classified by the
The capacity of the pipelines to withstand impact, pull-over following categories:
and hooking loads is dependent on both local pipeline
geometry (e.g. size and stiffness) and behaviour of load (e.g. − Minor damage (D1): Damage neither requiring repair,
impact energy, energy absorption by object). Until the event nor resulting in any release of hydrocarbons.
occurs, this information of the loading is not readily Smaller dents in the steel pipe wall, e.g. up to 5% of the
available and hence estimates of the capacity should be diameter, will not normally have any immediate
conservative. The capacity models given below describe an influence of the operation of the lines. This limit will
average capacity and should be used in risk assessments vary and must be evaluated for each pipe. Note however,
only. The capacity models should not be used for design if damage occurs then inspections and technical
purposes unless a characteristic lower bound model including evaluations should be performed in order to confirm the
safety factors is used and the applicability is further structural integrity.
documented. Minor damage to flexibles and umbilicals that do not
require repair action.
Guidance note: Any local damage to protective coatings or anodes will
For design of protection against trawling, the capacity not normally require repair action.
formulation given in the DNV Guideline no 13 (1997)
Interference between trawl gear and pipelines , which takes
account of the shape of typical trawl boards, should be used.
- end - of - Guidance - note -
− Moderate damage (D2): Damage requiring repair, but 4.3 Steel pipeline
not leading to release of hydrocarbons. Dent sizes
restricting internal inspection (e.g. over 5% of the 4.3.1 Impact scenario
diameter for steel pipelines) will usually require repair. Most impacts are expected to result in a relatively “smooth”
Ingress of seawater into flexibles and umbilicals can dent shape. The dent - absorbed energy relationship for steel
lead to corrosion failures. However, the repair may be pipelines are given in equation (3), (Wierzbicki and Suh,
deferred for some time and the pipeline or umbilical 1988).
may be operated provided that the structural integrity is
confirmed. Equation (3) is based on a knife-edge load perpendicular to
Special consideration should be given to pipelines where the pipeline, and the indenting object covers the whole cross
frequent pigging is an operational requirement. For such section, see Figure 4. For conservatism, the effect of internal
pipelines, large dents will restrict pigging and lead to pressure is not included.
stop in production, and this damage should then be
considered as being major (D3) rather than moderate Detailed capacity evaluations, by e.g. FE analysis, may be
(D2) even though no release is expected. individually performed. Note however, that this requires
− Major damage (D3): Damage leading to release of detailed knowledge of the geometry of the impacting object.
hydrocarbons or water, etc. If the pipe wall is punctured
The additional failure of punching through the wall, leading
or the pipeline ruptures, pipeline operation must be
to leakage, can occur for higher velocity impacts or locally
stopped immediately and the line repaired. The damaged
small and sharp impact geometry. The possibility of leakage
section must be removed and replaced.
and total rupture is included as a progressive conditional
In case of a damage leading to release (D3), the following probability, where probability increases with increasing
classification of releases are used: impact energy.
− No release (R0): No release. Table 4 gives the proposed damage classification used for
− Small release (R1): Release from small to medium holes bare steel pipes.
in the pipe wall (<80 mm diameter). The pipeline may
release small amounts of content until detected either by 4.3.2 Pull-over/hooking scenario
a pressure drop or visually. Typical damage due to pull-over/hooking loads is local
− Major release (R2): Release from ruptured pipelines. buckling (i.e. buckling of the cross-section as a result of
Full rupture will lead to a total release of the volume of excessive bending). Buckling and other relevant failure
the pipeline and will continue until the pipeline is modes are covered in the criteria given in the DNV-OS-
isolated. F101. If these criteria are exceeded then the pipeline will
experience either increased ovalisation leading to a collapse
The damage categories are used for economic evaluations, of the cross-section or rupture due to excessive yielding in
whereas the release categories in addition are used for the longitudinal direction, the latter being most relevant for
estimating the risk for human safety and leakage to the small diameter pipelines (i.e. less than 6” – 8”).
environment. The release categories are of concern for the
human safety and for the environmental risk evaluations. The
classification of different failures into these categories will
depend on the type of line, e.g. steel or flexible, and the
1 1 3
2π 2 D 2 δ 2 (3)
E = 16 ⋅ ⋅ mp ⋅ ⋅ D ⋅ mass velocity
9 t D
Table 4 Impact capacity and damage classification of steel pipelines and risers
D1 D2 D3 R0 R1 R2
Table 5 Impact capacity and damage classification of flexible pipelines and risers
Impact energy2 Damage description Conditional probability1
D1 D2 D3 R0 R1 R2
Minor damage not leading to ingress
< 2.5 kJ 1.0 0 0 1.0 0 0
of seawater.
Damage needing repair.
2.5 – 10 kJ 0 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0
Possible leakage.
Damage needing repair.
10 – 20 kJ 0 0.25 0.75 0.25 0.25 0.5
Leakage or rupture.
> 20 kJ Rupture. 0 0 1.0 0.1 0.2 0.7
1 For definition on damage categories (i.e. D1, D2, etc), see section 1.6.
2 The capacities are given for 8-10 inch flexibles and should be adjusted for other dimensions. It is proposed to reduce the capacity by 25%
for 4-6 inch and increase the capacity by 25% for 12-14 inch lines.
D1 D2 D3 R0, R1 & R2
Minor damage not leading to ingress
< 2.5 kJ 1.0 0 0
of seawater.
Damage needing repair.
2.5 – 5 kJ 0 0.50 0.50
Possible loss of function Note 2
Damage needing repair.
5 – 10 kJ 0 0.25 0.75
Possible loss of function
> 10 kJ Loss of function 0 0 1.0
1 For definition on damage categories (i.e. D1, D2, etc), see section 1.6.
2 Not normally applicable, see section 6.1.
3 The given capacities are given for a reinforced umbilical. For umbilicals without reinforcement and for power cables, etc. the capacities
should be reduced.
E K = Y ⋅ b ⋅ h ⋅ x0 (4)
4 D
EK = Y ⋅ b ⋅ D ⋅ x 03 (5)
Penetration (m)
Guidance note:
The use of the plugged area of the pipe Ap must be seen in
relation to the size of the stones in the gravel. For small diameter
pipes compared with the diameter of the stones, the full cross
section of the pipe can be used. In cases where the stone/grain
size is small compared to the internal diameter of a penetrating
pipe, a equivalent area of the circumference multiplied with the
stone diameter may be used.
- end - of - Guidance - note -
5 Failure frequency
Table 9 Frequencies for dropped objects into the sea
5.1 Introduction
Type of lift Frequency of dropped
In order to assess the pipeline/umbilical risk from accidental object into the sea
loading, it is necessary to establish the frequency of such (per lift)
event. The assessment can be approached deterministically
Ordinary lift to/from supply vessel 1.2·10-5
(quantitative) by considering frequency of exposure, drop with platform crane < 20 tonnes
frequency and probability of impact, or heuristically
Heavy lift to/from supply vessel 1.6·10-5
(qualitative) through the approach of generic data based on with the platform crane > 20 tonnes
operator experience.
Handling of load < 100 tonnes with
the lifting system in the drilling 2.2·10-5
The quantitative approach requires a significant amount of derrick
information regarding the field specific activities and the
Handling of BOP/load > 100 tonnes
system. This method is applicable to activities which are with the lifting system in the 1.5·10-3
regularly performed, e.g. crane activities, and where drilling derrick
operational experience exists.
For irregular activities, such as emergency anchoring, a more 5.2.2 Object excursion and hit probability
general evaluation may be the only means to assess the
frequency. The object excursion in water is extremely dependent on the
shape and weight of the object. Long slender objects, e.g.
The various input parameters are given in the following pipes, may experience an oscillating behaviour, see
sections. The procedure to establish the failure frequency for Aanesland (1987) and Figure 7, whereas massive, box-like
dropped objects from cranes is detailed described in objects will tend to fall more or less vertical.
Appendix A.
Detailed dropped object data are available for this period. No
more recent data are yet available in sufficient detail to be used
in this methodology.
The normal distribution is defined as: The breadth of each ring can be taken at 10 metre intervals.
The hit probabilities within each of these rings may then be
1 x
2 calculated for different deviation angles and the actual sea
1 −
2 δ depth.
p( x) = e (9)
2π δ
Guidance note:
where: Special attention should be given to risers and in particular
vertical sections of risers. For risers, any vertical sections will
p(x) = Probability of a sinking object hitting the complicate the hit calculations. A way of calculating the
probability of hit to a riser is to:
sea bottom at a distance x from the
vertical line through the drop point. 1) Split the riser into different sections (i.e. normally into vertical
section(s) and horizontal section(s)), and
x = Horizontal distance at the sea bottom
(metres) 2) Calculate the hit probability of these sections. The final
probability is then found as the sum of all the probabilities for the
δ = Lateral deviation (metres), see Table 10 different sections.
and Figure 8.
- end - of - Guidance - note -
Phit,sl,r = Probability of hit on subsea line (sl) within a
certain ring, r.
P( x ≤ r ) = ∫ p( x)dx (10)
−r Phit,r = Probability of hit within the ring, eq. (11).
The actual extent of the vulnerable items on the seabed, e.g. Lsl = Length of subsea line within the ring (m)
pipeline, within each ring can easily be incorporated by D = Diameter of subsea line (m), see Figure 10.
dividing the probability in several “rings”, see Figure 9. The B = Breadth of falling object (m), see Figure 10.
probability of hit within two circles around the drop point, Ar = Area within the ring (m2), see Figure 9.
Phit,r with inner radius ri and outer radius, ro, can be found by
The kinetic energy of the object, ET, at the terminal velocity Table 11 Drag coefficients
Cat. no. Description Cd Ca
1 2
1,2,3 Slender shape 0.7 – 1.5 0.1 – 1.0
ET = ⋅m⋅vT (14) 4,5,6,7 Box shaped 1.2 – 1.3 0.6 – 1.5
All Misc. shapes 0.6 – 2.0 1.0 – 2.0
Combining these to equations gives the following expression (spherical to complex)
for the terminal energy:
It is recommended that a value of 1.0 initially be used for Cd,
m⋅g m after which the effect of a revised drag coefficient should be
ET = ⋅ − V (15) evaluated.
C D ⋅ A ρ water
In addition to the terminal energy, the kinetic energy that is 5.3.3 Projected area
effective in an impact, EE, includes the energy of added For long-shaped objects, the projected area in the flow
hydrodynamic mass, EA. The added mass may become direction is assumed to equal the projected area of the objects
significant for large volume objects as containers. The when tilted at a certain angle. This means that the projected
effective impact energy becomes: area of a pipe is:
5.3.5 Hit frequency vs. energy Fhit , sl , r = N lift ⋅ f lift ⋅ Phit , sl , r (17)
The frequency of hit can be estimated based on the number
of lifts, the drop frequency per lift and the probability of hit where:
to the exposed sections of the subsea lines. For a certain ring
around the drop point, the hit frequency is estimated by the
Fhit,sl,r = frequency of hit to the subsea line within a N = Number of ships involved in a specific
certain ring (per year) activity potentially threatening the
Nlift = number of lifts installation/riser, i.e. passing ships in the
flift = frequency of drop per lift lane per year, arrivals to the platform per
year etc.
Phit,sl,r = probability of hit to a subsea line within a
certain ring, see equation (12) P1 = Probability of being on collision course, i.e.
probability of being on collision per pass for
passing ships in the lane, geometric
The total frequency of hit to a subsea line is assessed by probability of hitting the platform for ships
summarising the hit frequencies to the pipeline within each during waiting in the safety zone (normally
ring around the drop point. downwind of the installation) etc.
P2 = Probability of loss of control or faulty
Finally, within each of the capacity energy regions, see navigation onboard the ship.
section 4, the frequency is added up and given a ranking as P3 = Probability of failure to warn or divert a ship
proposed in section 5.8. on collision course, or ship “recovery” from
its errant state. The cause for this may be
5.4 Ship traffic absence from the bridge, absorbed in other
activity, accident, asleep, alcohol or radar
5.4.1 Introduction failure.
Risers may be subject to potential interference with ships and Priser = Probability of hitting the riser given a hit
ship collisions with riser should be determined to decide; with the platform. This probability may be
found by geometrical evaluations of the
− whether to locate riser inside or outside a jacket, platform and the riser.
− whether a J-tube or caisson protection is needed, or
− the location of the riser versus loading operations.
If the last probability (riser collision frequency given a hit
Damage to riser from ship collisions that do not impair the with the platform, Priser) in equation (18) is omitted, then the
platform integrity but may be of consequence to the riser result will be the probability of hitting just the platform. Priser
should be evaluated to ensure that the riser is adequately is further explained in sections to Different
protected. scenarios are also described in these sections.
Different methods are used to calculate the collision Ship collision damage to the riser can be due to collision
frequency for different vessel types. It is not the type of between the riser and:
vessel, but the way the vessels traffic the area around the
installation that influences the selection of the calculation 1) passing vessels; merchant vessel or a supply vessel to
method. other fields;
2) shuttle tanker approaching the platform field;
An assessment of the frequency and the associated kinetic 3) fishing vessel;
energy of ship collisions damaging the riser must be based 4) standby vessel;
on ship traffic data, type of vessels and geometric 5) a supply vessel to the current field.
Any of these scenarios can occur while the vessel is:
The procedure for estimating the frequency of collision,
FColl_Riser, between a riser at the installation and a vessel is − powered, or
described by the equation: − drifting.
The last scenario (i.e. supply vessel) can also occur while the
FColl _ Riser = N ⋅ P1 ⋅ P2 ⋅P 3 ⋅Priser (18) supply vessel is:
− waiting to load/unload in the vicinity of the platform
− loading or unloading
5.4.2 Calculation of the different collision probabilities N = Number of ships passing in the ship lane per
The different probabilities presented in equation (18) must be year.
calculated with regard to the specific scenarios 1-5 listed in P1 = Probability of being on collision course per
section 5.4.1. The basic principles for these calculations are pass.
described in the subsequent sections. As the riser will P2 = Probability of loss of control onboard the
represent only a fraction of the platform, the probability for ship, when on collision course per pass,
hitting the riser will be smaller than hitting the platform. The typically specified by a minimum time
probability of hitting the riser given a hit on the platform, period of 20 min.
Priser, must be based on geometrical evaluations of the P3 = Probability of failure to warn or divert a ship
installed riser. on collision course, or ship “recovery” from
its errant state.
Guidance note:
Priser = Probability of hitting the riser given a hit
Geometrical evaluations include the riser location, size and
configuration. For instance, flexible risers will normally have a with the platform.
steeper path down to the seabed compared with metallic catenary
risers. This means that a larger section of the metallic catenary
riser is exposed to vessel impact (from a specific direction). P1 is often called “geometric collision probability”. Merchant
Further, the effect of shielding should be accounted for and
effects like the vessel may hit another installation or a bridge vessels will usually sail in dedicated lanes during passage
between two installations and thus the hit energy may be reduced from one destination to another. The location of the ships
and the course may be changed. within these lanes is assumed to be normal distributed. This
- end - of - Guidance - note - is illustrated in Figure 11. P1 is given by:
Given a hit on the riser, the result may be a leak or full bore 1 x
In case of an errant vessel on collision course, a standby P3 is normally set to 1.0 without a standby vessel present and
vessel, if present, will go towards the errant vessel and use 0.14 with a standby vessel present. If RACON is installed P3
light and sound to alert the vessel. A standby vessel will also will be 0.9 without a standby vessel present. If both RACON
be able to identify the errant ship and therefore the effect of and a standby vessel are present the probability will be 0.13,
radio calls will be significant. (Fujii, et. al., 1984).
N g
i p pin
Sh e
E lan
Probability distribution of
ships across the
shipping lane
l l isi ter
Co a m e
probability of Cross section where a
finding a ship in vessel could hit the
this cross section platform if it does not
keep an effective watch
The width of the vessel, Bvessel, is added to the diameter of the The basis for equation (23) is:
installation as the vessel must pass a minimum of half of the
vessel width on either side of the installation to avoid a – The term 365 ⋅ 24 ⋅ V gives the total distance covered by
collision. a vessel travelling at its transit speed normalised to 1
The water depth where the riser is vulnerable to a ship – Multiplying by vessel density gives the total distance
depends on the ship type, but a water depth of at least 5 covered by all vessels in the vicinity of the platform.
metres should be considered as a vulnerable section. – Multiplying by the platform diameter gives the fraction
of those vessels heading towards the platform.
Equation (20) describes the geometrical relationship between – The terms P2 and P3 are equivalent to those given in
riser and platform for a vessel coming from a particular equation (18).
direction. To account for the four directions, north, east, − Priser is calculated according to equation (20) in section
south and west, it is necessary to summarise the geometrical
relationship for all the directions before this is multiplied
with the frequency of hitting the platform. The frequency of Collision risk of standby vessels
hitting only the platform is described by the equation:
For standby vessel, only drifting collision is normally
included. The vessel does not move as a vessel that passes or
FHit _ Platform = N ⋅ P1 ⋅ P2 ⋅ P3 (21) visits the installation. If the vessel is loading/unloading from
an installation, it will act as a supply vessel, and the risk
If the probability of hitting the platform is assumed to be
should be included in supply vessel collisions.
equal for each side (this may not always be the case), the
total frequency of hitting the riser will be: A standby supply vessel has redundant machinery. The
frequency of machinery breakdowns should thus be
somewhat lower than the frequency for vessels with one
FColl _ Riser = FHit _ Platform × 14
∑ P j (22) engine. On most supply vessels, the two redundant engines
j = Riser _ i normally have several minor machinery systems that are
common for both engines. The risk reducing effect is thus
Riser_i is the geometrical relationship between the platform
assessed to be 30 % by DNV (1998). For single engine
and the riser in each direction, e.g. north, east, south and
tankers operating in the North Sea, the machinery breakdown
west, ref. equation (20).
frequency is 2.0⋅10-5 per hour (DNV, 1998). A typical
machinery breakdown frequency for supply vessels is thus Collision calculations for random distributed
1.4⋅10-5 per hour. This frequency corresponds to a machinery
breakdown of certain duration. For most breakdowns, the
For ships that are distributed randomly near the installation machinery will be started after only few minutes and hence
and running in random directions, as is typical for fishing these breakdowns are not included in the frequencies given
activities, the frequency per year of collision with the riser above.
may be calculated as (Technica, 1987):
A standby-vessel will normally be situated close to the
FColl _ Riser = (365 ⋅ 24 ⋅ V ⋅ D ⋅ ρ ) ⋅ P2 ⋅ P3 ⋅ Priser installation. It is conservatively assumed that the vessel
(23) moves independently of the weather conditions, and thus has
where: equal probability for drifting in all directions. This is a
conservative assumption, as a standby-vessel without a
V = ship speed [km/h]. special duty normally will be downstream of the installation.
D = collision diameter of installation [km].
The annual frequency for a standby vessel collision with the
ρ = density of ships [per square km] riser may be expressed by the following equation:
P2 = Probability of loss of control onboard the
ship for a specific minimum of time period Fcoll , wait = N ⋅ P1 ⋅ ( P2 ⋅ t ) ⋅P 3 ⋅Priser (24)
(20 minutes) will normally have the same
value as in section, (Fujii et. al., 1974 where:
and 1984 and Solem, 1980)
P3 = Probability of failure of warning or diverting N = Number of standby vessels (per year),
a ship on collision course, either by normally one.
contingency measures effected on the P1 = Geometric probability of hitting the
platform, or on the approaching vessel. Will platform, D/(2πR).
normally have the same value as in section D = Typical diameter of installation, plus the average of the width and length of a typical
Priser = Probability of hitting the riser given a hit ship [m], Wa + ½(Bvessel+Lvessel).
with the platform. R = Radius of stand by zone ( normally 1 km).
P2 = Frequency of machinery breakdown per
hour (typically 1.4⋅10-5 per hour). The probability of loss of control onboard the supply vessel
T = hours per year for vessel to be in the vicinity given collision course is found to be P2 = 2.7⋅10-6 per
of the platform (8760 hrs for a whole year) approach, based on data from Technica (1987). The
probability is significantly lower than for merchant vessels,
P3 = Probability of failure to correct the situation. as the crew onboard a supply vessel approaching an
(Normally taken as 1, as machinery installation is aware that the installation exists. The crew on a
breakdowns included in P2 need longer supply vessel is thus likely to be more observant than the
repair time than available) crew on a passing merchant vessel.
Priser = Probability of hitting the riser given a hit
with the platform, given by equation (20). For P3 , the contingency arrangements described in section
A typical standby vessel is a supply vessel with length of 80 are also valid for the supply vessels sailing to/from
metres and displacement of 5000 tons. The energy of such a other installations (scenario B)
vessel is dependent on the drifting speed. The drifting speed
Assessments of supply vessels sailing to other installations
is normally about 3-5 % of the wind speed. The maximum
should also be taken into account.
velocity when a vessel is situated upwind for the installation
is assumed to be hurricane, 32.6 m/s. The maximum kinetic Low energy impacts (scenario C)
energy for a drifting supply vessel is thus 10 MJ.
Collision can occur during loading and unloading of the Collision risk of supply vessel supply vessel. Low energy collision during loading or
unloading will follow the same methodology as described in
Collision calculations between supply vessel and installation
the previous section Supply vessels are designed for
normally include the following scenarios:
several different operations, and have large power compared
A) collision with supply vessel that approaches the to size. During poor manoeuvring or in bad weather
conditions, the vessel can hit the installation during loading
and unloading.
B) collision with passing supply vessel that is sailing
to/from other installations; A technical failure will lead to only a relatively slow drifting
C) collision with drifting supply vessel that hits the of the vessel into the installation and hence this scenario will
installation during loading/unloading or similar not cause impact energies large enough to threaten the
operations. integrity of the platform structure, but can cause damage to
the riser.
A) and B) are high-energy collisions, and C) is a low energy
collision. Shuttle tankers near to the installation will also be P1_i may be expressed as the probability of hitting a specific
included in these categories, but the tonnage will be side, i, of the platform with regard to the wind directions
significantly larger. given a technical failure or faulty manoeuvring. P1 will
therefore be the sum of the probabilities of hitting each side
The supply vessel activity will depend on the activity at the of the platform. Operations in winds exceeding a certain
platform, i.e. start-up, normal operation etc. wind force will normally be cancelled.
The total frequency is calculated according to equation (18), P2 will represent technical failure and faulty manoeuvring.
for which the input is described below. The normal failure rate of a single ship engine failure is
2⋅10-5 per hour (Technica, 1987). Modern supply vessels will
High energy impacts (scenario A and B) have a lower probability of engine failure.
Modern navigational systems and procedures will ensure that During loading/unloading, the close location and short time
the installation is not used as the final navigational target, from incident to a possible impact means that prevention of a
and the probability for a collision course is limited (scenario failure situation cannot be expected (P3=1).
A). Based on experience from similar studies of fixed
installations, it is estimated that 10 % of the vessel In lieu of accurate data, the probability for low impact
approaching the installation is on collision course, which collisions may be found with generic data. A generic
collision probability of 6.0⋅10-4 per visit can be used for
gives P1 = 0.1. This value is somewhat high as the process
impacts with steel jackets (J.P. Kenny, 1998). Note that this
for selection of final navigational target outside the
probability constitutes the product of P1, P2 and P3. It is
installation is relatively new. If the supply vessels used the assumed that the frequency for collision with other platform
installation as final navigational target, the probability to be types is about the same.
on collision course would be 1.0.
Maximum manoeuvring speed for supply vessels is normally
given as 2.8 m/s. Since the collisions are most likely in the
longitudinal direction, an added-mass coefficient of 1.1
(10%) (DNV, 1988) is chosen. For supply vessels with 5000
tons displacement, the maximum collision energy during
loading and unloading is 22 MJ.
The probability, Priser, of hitting the riser, given a hit on the Guidance note:
platform while loading/unloading, is calculated following a The corresponding kinetic energy for a vessel of 2500 tonnes
different procedure than that used for passing vessels. Supply with a velocity of 4 knots will then be:
vessels are located stationary close to the platform while Bow and stern impacts:
loading/unloading and are normally positioned upwind of the E = 1/2⋅(1.1⋅2.5⋅106) ⋅(4⋅0.514)2 = 5.8 MJ
platform with the bow in the wind direction. Side impacts:
E = 1/2⋅(1.4⋅2.5⋅106) ⋅(4⋅0.514)2 = 7.4 MJ
Guidance note:
Figure 12 shows a typical situation when loading/unloading. The For collisions with the platform, the vessel itself may absorb
probability of hitting the platform will be in a 180° sector some of the impact energy. For riser collisions this will normally
dependent on the wind direction. The exposed area with a not be the case.
probability of hitting the catenary riser will be smaller, i.e. 20° in
this example, ref. Figure 12 (In the figure the centre of the vessel - end - of - Guidance - note -
have been used giving an additional width of half the vessel
breadth so that the vessel can pass). The probability of hitting the
riser will then be a fraction of : 20/180 = 0.11 of the probability
of hitting the platform. (It is here assumed that the exposed riesr 5.4.4 Total collision frequencies
area is close to the surface and therfore may be hit by a ship)
To find the total frequency of collision between the riser and
ship traffic, all the frequencies from different type of vessel
activity, as described in the previous sections, can be
presented in a tabular form according to impact energy. As
Su sse
pp l
Loading Exposed hit by a vessel, the necessity of dividing the probabilities into
area riser area
different energy classes may be discussed.
5.4.5 Risk reducing measures
Bvessel Riser
The most important overall risk reduction measure is to
Platform shaft
avoid a collision with the platform. Further, for impacts with
relatively low kinetic energies, i.e. 0 – 15MJ, installation of a
collision net will reduce the probabilities of hitting a riser.
Impacts during loading/unloading can therefore be reduced.
However, as this activity will only contribute to some of the
Figure 12 Catenary riser area exposed to supply vessel total probability of an impact with a riser, the cost benefit
collision during loading/unloading. effect should be considered. Overall, the design of a riser and
- end - of - Guidance - note - the location relative to the platform will be an important
5.4.3 Impact calculation methodology
The vessel types that can hit the platform represent different Measures that will decrease the failure risk of hitting the
weight categories and velocities, giving different hit platform, P3, are:
energies. A division into different kinetic energies and vessel
types is therefore relevant. Risers are normally very fragile, − RACON (RAdar beaCON): A device emitting a strong
and a collision with a vessel will most likely result in severe pulse when triggered by a nearby ship radar. This makes
damage or rupture. the installation easy to identify on the ship radars.
RACON is assumed to reduce the P3 for all vessel traffic
For a direct hit or impact, the kinetic energy is given by the except supply vessels at low speed in the vicinity of the
following equation: platform.
− RADAR (ARPA): A radar with a competent operator
and 24 hours watch where all ships are plotted and
E= ⋅ (M + a ) ⋅ V 2 (25) monitored when closer than a predetermined distance,
2 typically 12 nm.
where: − Assignment of standby vessel: A dedicated standby
vessel is assumed to reduce P3 for all vessels except the
M = Displacement (kg) supply vessels of low speed in the vicinity of the
a = Hydrodynamic added mass (kg), for bow platform. The standby vessel will take action in
and stern impact it is 10% of the situations in which a vessel on collision course is for
displacement and for sideways impact it is instance 5 nm from the complex, and will give
40% of the displacement with drifting information on course, speed and size of the errant ship.
vessels (DNV, 1988)
V = Ship speed (m/s)
5.7.1 Rig operations The mass of an anchor is typically 10 tonnes for a shuttle
tanker and 2 tonnes for a supply ship. Typical reasons for
A rig entering a new location and performing rig anchor dropped anchor during an emergency situation are human
handling poses a risk of external impact to pipelines and
error during the anchoring operation, failure of the chain
umbilicals. There is a risk related to a anchor chain falling
braking system or loss of the power supply to the chain
onto a pipeline/umbilical or a drifting rig dragging an anchor
over a pipeline/umbilical. braking system.
A rig is normally be moored with eight anchors. Pipelines Dependent on the mass of the chain and the dragging length,
and umbilicals may cross below the anchor chain. An anchor a dragged anchor chain can endanger pipelines and
chain that breaks may hit one pipeline or umbilical umbilicals (i.e. abrasion of protection and pipe wall) in
depending on the breaking point and on pipeline/umbilical addition to the more dramatic hooking scenario.
route relative to the anchor chains.
The risk of emergency anchoring from shuttle tankers is
It is proposed to assume a frequency of 0.01 breakage per generally low. Shuttle tankers are provided with a dynamic
year per anchor chain (DNV, 1997b). This is based on positioning system and the redundancy of the machinery is
known anchor breakage events up to 1993 for offshore rigs high. The likelihood of machinery failure is consequently
and production vessels. lower for shuttle tankers than for other ships. Furthermore, it
should be noted that loading of shuttle tankers is weather
Guidance note: restricted, i.e. the tankers will usually stay at a safe distance
The total duration of a drilling and completion operation is about from the installations during bad weather conditions.
70 days, giving a frequency of 0.002 for breakage of one of the
anchor chains during drilling and completion. The frequency for
permanently moored platforms should be set individually,
however it is assumed to be lower than the above.
- end - of - Guidance - note -
4 Event individually may be expected to occur during the lifetime of the pipeline. 10-2 > 10-3
(Typically a 100 year storm)
5 Event individually may be expected to occur more than once during lifetime. >10-2
2 Minor release of polluting media. The released media will decompose or be <1000 tonnes
neutralised rapidly by air or seawater.
3 Moderate release of polluting medium. The released media will use some time to <10000 tonnes
(medium) decompose or neutralise by air or seawater, or can easily be removed.
4 Large release of polluting medium which can be removed, or will after some time <100000 tonnes
decompose or be neutralised by air or seawater.
5 Large release of high polluting medium which can not be removed and will use > 100000 tonnes
(high) long time to decompose or be neutralised by air or seawater.
1 2 3 4 5
7.1 General
Frequency of occurrence
The final risk assessment consists of coupling the relevant
5 Not acceptable
frequency rankings with the consequence rankings and then
comparing the result against the acceptance criteria. 4 ALARP region
Figure 13 gives an example, where the dark shaded areas 3
indicate the defined total acceptance criteria where additional Acceptable
protection is required, see also section 2.6.
1 Event
If the risk level is not acceptable, then mitigation measures Figure 13 Example of risk matrix with acceptable risk
should be taken to reduce the risk, see section 2.7. The length level indicated.
of pipeline to be protected should be so that the overall risk
of both the protected and the unprotected parts are
The field layout with the pipeline approach and crane location is given in Figure A1. Note that the crane can only work on the
platform west side and the vessel approach is from the north. The pipeline exit on the west side and after 40 metres the heading
is north.
Crane an
zo clu
ne sio
Su esse
pp l
Drop point
10 m
N Loading
40 m
Platform Leg
20 m
60 m
Pipeline data:
Outer diameter (D) ......................................................................................... : 508 mm
Wall thickness (t)............................................................................................ : 18 mm
Yield stress (σy).............................................................................................. : 450 N/mm2
Concrete thickness.......................................................................................... : 60 mm
Environmental data:
Water depth : ............................................................................................. : 100 m
Acceptance criteria:
The acceptance criteria as given in the DNV-OS-F101 applies, i.e. the annual failure frequency shall be less than 10-5, i.e.
safety class high.
Table A1 Object classification of annual crane load data lifted to and from supply vessels.
Weight in air Number lifted
no Description Typical objects
(tonnes) per year
1 <2 Drill collar/casing, scaffolding 700
2 shaped 2–8 Drill collar/casing 50
3 >8 Drill riser, crane boom 5
4 <2 Container (food, spare parts), basket, crane block 500
5 shaped 2–8 Container (spare parts), basket, crane test block 2500
6 >8 Container (equipment), basket 250
The excursion of different objects is a stochastic event. A normal distribution as given in equation (9) is used to describe the
fall pattern for each of the object categories. Due to the limited water depth, any currents will have limited effect on the
excursion of the objects and is therefor not accounted for.
From the drop point concentric rings of increasing 10 metres radius are drawn up, see figure A2. The conditional probabilities
for objects from each of the object categories to fall within these rings are given in Table A2. As an example, the probability
of an object in category one hitting within the first 10-metre ring is calculated in the following.
The lateral deviation, δ, in 100 metre water depth (d) is for objects in category 1 with an angular deviation of α equal to 15
deg, found by
The probability of one object in category 1 falling within the first 10 metres then becomes
10 10 1 x
1 −
Phit ,10 ( x ≤ 10 m) = ∫ p( x)dx = ∫
−10 −10 2π δ
e 2 δ dx = 0.2910
The probability of hit per seabed area (m2) is found by dividing the hit probability within the first 10-metre radius by the area
of this radius: (Note that Phit,Ar is not given explicitly in the Recommended Practice, but used to ease the calculations. The only
difference to Phit,sl is that the exposed area of the pipeline is not included. This exposed area is accounted for later.)
This number can be found in Table A2 as the first item for the category 1 objects.
Table A2 Conditional probability of hit for each of the objects to fall within 10-metre intervals on the seabed.
Object Probablity per m2
0 - 10 - 20 - 30 - 40 - 50 - 60 - 70 - 80 - 90 - 100- 110- 120-
no Desc. Angu- Late- 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130
lar ral1
(deg) (m)
0.00 0.00 0.00 5.79 2.6 1.07 3.95 1.31 3.83 9.93 2.27 4.55 8.02
1 15 26.8 0926 0269 0123 E-05 E-05 E-05 E-06 E-06 E-07 E-08 E-08 E-09 E-10
2 long 9 15.8 0.00 0.00 9.45 2.12 3.52 4.18 3.47 2.01 7.99 2.19 4.09 5.22 4.52
shape 1503 0341 E-05 E-05 E-06 E-07 E-08 E-09 E-11 E-12 E-14 E-16 E-18
4 10 17.6 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.98 6.62 1.13 1.46 1.41 1.01 5.34 2.09 6.0 1.27
1367 0333 0107 E-05 E-06 E-06 E-07 E-08 E-09 E-11 E-12 E-14 E-15
5 round 5 8.8 0.00 0.00 1.38 2.73 1.71 3.18 1.72 2.83 0 0 0 0 0
shape 2378 0245 E-05 E-07 E-09 E-12 E-15 E-19
120 m
110 m 14 m
100 m
15 m
90 m
80 m
17 m
70 m
60 m
21 m
50 m
40 m
30 m
29 m
20 m
10 m
40 m
Drop point
10 m
10 m
12 m
12 m 11 m 11 m
Platform Leg
20 m
60 m
Figure A2 Field Layout with indication of 10-metre interval rings for calculating
the object excursion and hit probability.
The length of pipeline within each section is given in Figure A2 and Table A3. The pipeline diameter is 0.63 metres including
coating and the object size is assumed to be 12 metres long for the slender objects and 5 metres long for the box shaped.
Table A3 Length of pipeline within each of 10-metre interval rings on the seabed.
Pipeline length within each ring
Length(m) 0 0 0 0 0* 0* 11 51 41 21 17 15 14
* Assumed shielded by the platform legs and bracing.
The resulting conditional probability of hitting the pipeline is given in Table A4. As an example the conditional probability for
the 60-70 metre radius ring for object category 1 is calculated. The conditional probability of hitting the seabed within this ring
is found in Table A2, being (Phit, 70 / Ar ) = 3.95E-06 per m2. The length of the exposed pipeline is 11 metres as given in Table
A3 and the breadth of the object is conservatively taken as the whole length of a pipe string, i.e. 12 metres. The conditional
probability of hitting the pipeline then becomes
Phit , 70
Phit ,sl , 70 = ⋅ Lsl ⋅ (D + B ) = 3.95 ⋅ 10 −6 m −2 ⋅ 11m ⋅ (0.63m + 12m ) = 0.00055
Table A4 Conditional probability for each of the objects to hit the pipeline within 10-metre intervals on the seabed.
Object Probablity
The final hit frequency is found by multiplying the number of lifts given in Table A1 with the drop frequency of 1.2·10-5 per
lift and the conditional hit probabilities given in Table A4. The results are given in Table A5.
The annual hit frequency is found to be 1.37·10-5. In order to find the failure frequency the energy of the objects and the
capacity of the pipeline need to be considered.
Combining Table 12 and the results of hit frequency given in Table A5 above, the hit frequency can be established for different
energy levels. Table A6 gives the resulting frequency for each object category and Table A7 gives the resulting accumulated
hit frequency, see also figure A3.
Weight in
no Description <50 50-100 100-200 200-400 400-800 >800
air (tonnes)
1 <2 4.09E-06 2.45E-06 1.91E-06 1.63E-06 1.50E-06 2.04E-06
2 shaped 2–8 1.85E-10 2.96E-10 5.54E-10 7.02E-10 9.24E-10 1.03E-09
3 >8 0 0 1.53E-18 2.29E-18 4.59E-18 6.88E-18
4 <2 3.99E-08 2.39E-08 1.60E-08 0 0 0
5 shaped 2–8 0 6.39E-16 9.59E-16 1.28E-15 3.20E-16 0
6 >8 0 0 0 0 0 0
Frequency of Hit
>0 kJ >50 kJ >100 kJ >200 kJ >400 kJ >800 kJ
Figure A3 Accumulated annual hit frequency for different impact energy levels.
The results for larger dents are given in Table A8. In addition the 60 mm concrete coating has impact resistance. According to
section 4.6.1 the impact capacity of the coating is taken as (both expressions calculated):
4 N N 4
E k = Y ⋅ b ⋅ h ⋅ x0 ; Y ⋅ b D ⋅ x03 = 3 ⋅ 35 ⋅ 10 6 2 ⋅ 0.03m ⋅ 0.3m ⋅ 0.06m;3 ⋅ 35 ⋅ 106 2 ⋅ 0.03m 0.63m ⋅ 0.06m 3
3 m m 3
= (56.7 kJ;48.9 kJ ) ≈ 50 kJ
Here the breadth, b, and height, h, of the impacting object is assumed to be 30 mm and 300 mm respectively. The concrete
coating thus has an impact capacity of approximately 50 kJ. The total capacity of the pipeline and coating is given in Table A8.
Damage class D1 is not considered to give damage leading to failure. The failure frequency is obtained by adding the results
for damage class D2 and D3. From Table A8, it can be seen that the annual frequency of failure is 8.7·10-6 which is within the
acceptance criteria of 1·10-5.
As the failure frequency is within the allowable and for this example it is assumed that any other hazards do not represent risks
for the pipeline of the same order of magnitude as dropped objects, it is concluded that the protection proposed for this pipeline
is adequate.
The testing should reflect the accidental situations under consideration, and should aim to determine the capacity limits for the
different damage categories given in the methodology, e.g. D1 to D3.
In the simplest form, the test rig could be a crane with a remotely controlled release hook. It shall be ensured that the test
hammer will not rotate during the testing.
B.3.2 Hammer
The test hammer should normally have a mass of 1 tonnes, see Table B1. The front of the hammer should be made up with a
rectangular plate of 300 mm height/length and 50 mm width with a conical shape and an edge radius of 7 mm.
If the shape of the falling objects is known, e.g. an anchor chain, the actual shape can be used as the hammer front.
However, if the test is performed on stiff supports, then the test will reflect the true capacity of the component, i.e. all energy
will be absorbed by the component and none transferred to supports. In this way, the results will not be project specific and
may then be used for other projects.
B.4 Procedure
The testing should be repeated to ensure that the results are consistent. For design applications, the lowest reported value
should be used.
For risk assessment, the capacity will normally be the (mean) value found. However, for components where capacity is
sensitive to the shape of the hammer front, the capacity should be taken as 0.9 of the reported (mean) value. Examples of the
latter are multi-layer coatings for pipes, flexible pipes and umbilicals. In Table B1, the profile of the impacting object is given
along with directions to deciding the impact capacity.
Use of Table B1 v
This table applies for activities in the vicinity of subsea
templates. The table is to be used as follows:
– Test profile: R = 7 mm
– Test mass: 1 tonne
– Applicable capacity: x = 0.9·xR=7mm (i.e. the applicable
capacity is 0.9 of the tested value) Figure B1 Profile for deciding impact capacity.
- o0o -