Child Safety Wearable Device
Child Safety Wearable Device
Child Safety Wearable Device
Abstract- This paper discusses the concept of a smart [5]. The motivation for this wearable comes from the increasing
wearable device for little children. The major advantage of this need for safety for little children in current times as there could
wearable over other wearable is that it can be used in any be scenarios of the child getting lost in the major crowded areas.
cellphone and doesn't necessarily require an expensive This paper focusses on the key aspect that lost child can be
smartphone and not a very tech savvy individual to operate. The helped by the people around the child and can play a significant
purpose of this device is to help parents locate their children with
role in the child's safety until reunited with the parents. Most of
ease. At the moment there are many wearables in the market
the wearables available today are focused on providing the
which help track the daily activity of children and also help find
location, activity, etc. of the child to the parents via Wi-Fi [8]
the child using Wi-Fi and Bluetooth services present on the device.
and Bluetooth [9]. But Wi- Fi and Bluetooth seem a very
But Wi-Fi and Bluetooth appear to be an unreliable medium of
unreliable source to transfer information. Therefore it is
communication between the parent and child. Therefore, the focus
intended to use SMS as the mode of communication between the
of this paper is to have an SMS text enabled communication
parent and child's wearable device, as this has fewer chances of
medium between the child's wearable and the parent as the
environment for GSM mobile communication is almost present
failing compared to Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. The platform on
everywhere. The parent can send a text with specific keywords which this project will be running on is the Arduino [10] Uno
such as "LOCATION" "TEMPERATURE" "UV" "SOS" microcontroller board based on the ATmega328P, and the
"BUZZ", etc., the wearable device will reply back with a text functions of sending and receiving SMS, calls and connecting to
containing the real time accurate location of the child which upon the internet which is provided by the Arduino GSM shield using
tapping will provide directions to the child's location on google the GSM network [11]. Also, additional modules employed
maps app and will also provide the surrounding temperature, UV which will provide the current location of the child to the parents
radiation index so that the parents can keep track if the via SMS. The second measure added is SOS Light indicator that
temperature or UV radiation is not suitable for the child. The will be programmed with Arduino UNO board to display the
prime motivation behind this paper is that we know how SOS signal using Morse code. The different modules stay
important technology is in our lives but it can sometimes can't be enclosed in a custom designed 3D printed case [12]. In the
trusted, and we always need to have a secondary measure at hand. scenario, a lost child can be located by the parent could send an
The secondary measure used in this project is the people present
SMS to the wearable device which would activate the SOS light
in the surrounding of the child who could instantly react for the
feature on the wearable. Therefore alerting the people around the
child's safety till the parents arrive or they could contact the
child that the child is in some distress and needs assistance as
parents and help locate them. The secondary measure
the SOS signal is universally known as the signal for help
implemented was using a bright SOS Light and distress alarm
needed. Additionally, the wearable comes equipped with a
buzzer present on the wearable device which when activated by
distress alarm buzzer which sets to active by sending the SMS
the parents via SMS text should display the SOS signal brightly
and sound an alarm which a bystander can easily spot as a sign of
keyword "BUZZ" to the wearable. Hence the buzzer is loud and
distress. Hence this paper aims at providing parents with a sense can be heard by the parent from very considerable distance. Also
of security for their child in today's time. the parents via SMS can receive accurate coordinates of the
child, which can help them locate the child with pinpoint
Keywords-loT, Children, Arduino, Safety, Wearable. accuracy. Some of the existing work done on these similar lines
are for example the low-cost, lightweight Wristband Vital [2]
which senses and reports hazardous surroundings for people
who need immediate assistance such as children and seniors. It
The Internet of Things System (loT) [1] refers to the set of is based on a multi-sensor Arduino micro-system and a low
devices and systems that stay interconnected with real-world power Bluetooth 4.1 module. The Vital band samples data from
sensors and actuators to the Internet. loT includes many multiple sensors and reports to a base station, such as the
different systems like smart cars, wearable devices [2] and even guardian's phone or the emergency services. It has an estimated
human implanted devices, home automation systems [3] and battery life of 100 hours. The major drawback for the Vital band
lighting controls; smartphones which are increasingly being is that it uses Bluetooth as the mode of communication between
used to measure the world around them. Similarly, wireless child and the parent. Since the distance between the two in some
sensor networks [4] that measure weather, flood defenses, tides cases could be substantial and the Bluetooth just won't be able
and more. There are two key aspects to the loT: the devices to establish a close link between the two. Some more of the
themselves and the server-side architecture that supports them similar wearable devices are the Mimo, Sproutling, and
anatomizes this data and refines the data in a more user
understandable format to the differe n t available user interfaces.
The user, therefore, can conveniently v i e w the information
on their c e l l p h 0 n e . The physical characteristics of the
wearable device a r e proposed to be as a wrist watch which
remains placed around the wrist of the child during timeswhen
the child is not being accompanied by an adult/parent. For the
moment the design is not made compact, since the main focus
now has been to show that this concept of smart wearables would
be highly impactful for the safety of children. The wearable
system runs on a battery with an output voltage of 5V. In order
to maximize power consumption, the wearable device has been
programmed to provide G P S and image information only
Fig 1. System overview of the wearable device. upon request by SMS text via GSM shield.
A. System Overview
An ATmega328p microcontroller controls the system
architecture of the wearable with an Arduino Uno boot- loader.
A 5 pin header allows for power (+3V) and ground connections
as well as providing access to TX, RX , and reset pins of the
ATMega328p. The Fig illustrates the architecture of the child
safety wearable device, which depicts the various technologies
and technological standards used. The system architecture of the
wearable is based and controlled by an AT- mega328p
microcontroller with an Arduino Uno bootloader. The Arduino
Uno collects various types of data from the different modules
interfaced to it, such as the GPS module upon being triggered by
the Arduino GSM shield. The GSM shield is used as an interface
to send the data received by the Arduino Uno via SMS or MMS
to a smartphone over GSMlGPRS. The GSM shield functions
as a trigger for the Arduino Uno to request data from its various
modules. If an SMS text with distinct characters is sent to Fig 2. Proposed wearable loT Device.
request the current location or GPS coordinates is sent to the
Arduino GSM shield via the user's smartphone, then the GSM
shield triggers the Arduino Uno to request the current GPS
coordinates. The GSM shield uses digital pins 2 and 3 for the 1) GPS Location Sensor
software serial communication with the MIO. Pin2 is connected For determining the real time location of the child Parallax
to the MlO's TX pin and pin 3 to its RX pin. The Ml0 is a Quad
PMB-648 GPS module has been used which communicates with
band GSM/GPRS modem that works at GSM850Mhz,
the Arduino Uno through a 4800 bps TTL-level interface. The
GSM900Mhz, DCS1800Mhz, and PCS1900Mhz. It also
connections between the Arduino Uno and the GPS module
supports TCPIUDP and HTTP protocols through a GPRS
established with three wired connections which enable the
connection. Once the Arduino Uno has received at the
coordinate infonnation, it will process this infonnation and Arduino to read the GPS data. The GPS module receives
transfer it over to the GSM shield, which then via SMS sends location information from the various satellites present in the
NAVSTAR (American Satellites Timing and Ranging Global 1) 220516-Time Stamp 2)A-validity- A-ok, V-invalid
Positioning System) GPS system [1]. It has a low power
3) 5133.82-current Latitude 4) N-North/South
conswnption and size of the only 32x32mm, which is very
5) 00042.24-current Longitude 6) W-EastiWest
compact. 20 parallel satellite-tracking channels for fast
acquisition and reacquisition. The output received from the GPS 8) 231.8-True course
7) 173.8-Speed in knots
module is a standard string information which is governed by
10) 004.2-Variation
9) 130694-Date Stamp
the National Marine Electronics Association (NMEA) protocol.
11) W-East/West 12) *70-checksum
To interface the PMB-648 GPS module with the Arduino to
provide precise latitude and longitude GPS coordinates, the
TinyGPS library was added into the Arduino IDE. The Yin (red
wire) on the PMB-648 GPS module is connected to the 5V pin
on the Arduino Uno via jumper cables. Similarly, the GND
(black wire) pin on the GPS module is connected to the GND
pin on the Arduino Uno via jumper cables. The TXD (yellow Then the final results for latitude and longitude are inserted into
the following URL format:
wire) is connected to pin 6 of the Arduino Uno via jumper cables
on the breadboard. The pin six on the Arduino Uno is a digital http://maps. google. coml?q=<lat>, <lng>
pin which can also be used for PWM (Pulse Width Modulation)
For example:
applications. Once the SMS trigger text "LOCA nON" is sent
from the cell phone of the user, this text is received by the Reading received: 37.7163, -122.4739
Arduino GSM Shield which in turn triggers the Arduino Uno to
SMS sent to the user's smartphone:
execute the GPS code to fetch the current, accurate location of,-122.4739
the GPS module. The location output received from the GPS
module is in the following format: Hence the user can just directly click on this received Google
maps hyperlink which will automatically redirect the user to the
Google Maps app on the smartphone and show the pinpoint
location of the child. This SMS can be received directly on the
default SMS app or via Android app on the user's smartphone.
2) Temperature Sensor
In order to measure the temperature of the surroundings of the
child, a seeed studio grove temperature sensor was used. The
sensor module is equipped with a thermistor for measuring the
ambient temperature and the fluctuations with high accuracy.
The observable temperature detectability for this sensor ranges
from -40°C to -125°C and the precise accuracy for this device
range from +1.5°C to -1.5°C. The temperature is connected to
the Arduino Uno and GSM shield using a Grove base shield
which contains eight digital ports ranging from D1 to D8, four
analog ports ranging from AO to A3 and 4 I2C ports. Therefore,
the temperature sensor is connected to the A2 analog port of the
Fig 3. Output received GPS location sensor. base shield. The temperature value is stored in a string
getTemp(a), where "a" is the integer type. Hence the getTemp(a)
The latitude and longitude coordinates received are stored in is called by the GSM module upon receiving the proper SMS
variables called "flat" and "flon," which are then called upon keyword "TEMPERATURE" by the user's smartphone.
when the SMS text received on the GSM module matches with
the keyword "LOCA nON." If an SMS text is received which 3) UV Sensor
contains none of the pre-programmed keywords, then the In order to measure the ultraviolet radiation intensity present
Arduino GSM shield automatically deletes the text message and around the surroundings of the child, a seeed studio grove UV
does not reply back the user the with any location details. sensor was used. The UV sensor is built on the GUVA-SI2D
sensor (spectral range of 200nm-400nm). The sensor works by
Once the SMS trigger text "LOCA nON" is sent from the
outputting electrical signal which alters with UV intensity. It is
smartphone of the user, this text is received by the Arduino GSM
Shield which in turn triggers the Arduino Uno to execute the a highly sensitive sensor. It is known that the absorption of UV
GPS code to fetch the current, accurate location of the GPS rays in minor amounts can be progressive to the health of a
module. The location output string received from the GPS person as it helps in the production of Vitamin D The purpose
module is in the following format: of a UV sensor in a child wearable device can be to protect the
child from harmful radiations of the sun. The UV sensor is
connected to the AO port of the base shield. In the figure below C. Gateway:
shown is the output received from the UV sensor for the 1) Arduino GSM Shield
different intensities of sunlight. It transfers the information over to the user via SMS by using
General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) which can provide data
rates around 56-114 Kbit/sec. Arduino provides various
libraries such as Ethernet, Wi-Fi for the different Arduino
shields. Similarly, Arduino provides GSM libraries for their
official GSM shield as well which allows the GSM shield to
make/receive a call, send/receive SMS and act as a
client/server. The Arduino GSM shield receives 5V power
supply directly from the 5V pin connection at the Arduino Uno
5V. The serial communication between the Arduino Uno and
Arduino gsm shield is performed between the software serial
digital pins 2,3 and also reset pins 7. The GSM shield has been
programmed to receive SMS text messages from the parent's
cellphone. The GSM shield will constantly be scanning the
received text messages for the specific keywords such as
the text message received does not contain any of the pre
Fig 4. Output received from UV sensor. programmed keywords, then the GSM shield had programmed
to delete the text message completely and reply back nothing to
the sender. Since the GSM shield is an Arduino produced
device, it has the necessary GSM libraries installed into the
4) SOS Light
Arduino IDE which makes the interfacing with Arduino Uno
The another theory that this paper focusses on is that much more reliable. The primary reason for using the GSM
bystanders are the fust mode of help for a missing child. The shield as the mode of communication over Wi-Fi and Bluetooth
purpose of the SOS light is to be able to alert the people nearby was that this wearable was aimed at being accessible to any
that the child might be in distress since the light will be flashing cellphone user and not necessarily an expensive smartphone
the universal SOS light symbol which many people nowadays user. Also, to make the technology as user-friendly as possible,
know for to be a sign for help. This can be activated by the parent so that a user who is technologically challenged can also use it
itself by sending an SMS text with the keyword "SOS" to the with ease.
child's wearable which will activate the SOS light flashing. The
SOS light works on the principal of Morse code in which "S"
stands for three short dots and the "0" stands for three long
dashes. Since a very long time, the SOS signal has been
universally known for being the sign of distress and help. The
SOS signal is referred to by all security personals, who if find
the child to be missing can act and help locate the parents with
surplus resources present at their disposal. The SOS Light is
connected to the pin 13 of the base shield.
Fig 5. Gateway: Arduino GSM Shield.
5) Distress Alarm Buzzer
In the scenario, if a child is separated from his/her parents. 2) eel/phone SMS app interface
The parent can locate their child by sounding a very loud
An Arduino GSM Shield is used as it transfers the information
alarm on the wearable. To achieve this, grove seeed studio
over to the user via SMS by using General Packet Radio Service
buzzer was used, which has a piezoelectric module which is
(GPRS) which can provide data rates around 56-114 Kbit/sec.
responsible for emitting a strong tone upon the output being
set to HIGH. The grove buzzer module is activated upon Arduino provides various libraries such as Ethernet, Wi-Fi for
sending an SMS text with the keyword "BUZZ" from a cell the different Arduino shields. Similarly, they provide GSM
phone. Also, this buzzer works similar to the SOS led by libraries for their official GSM shield as well which allows the
alerting the people nearby with the distressed tone that the gsm shield to make/receive a call, send/receive SMS and act as
child might be lost and is in need of assistance. The buzzer is a client/server.
connected to the D4 digital port of the base shield.
III. RESULTS: receive a response back to the keywords "TEMPERATURE"
and "UV" was under a minute. Also, the temperature sensor was
In this section, the experimental tests were performed to
subjected to higher temperatures and compared with a
detennine the various components of the proposed wearable
thermostat reading present in the room which would differ with
the sensor reading by +O.2°C to -O.2°C. Also, the UV sensor was
measured under different intensities of sunlight. The UV sensor
A. GPS Location Sensor
was quick in responding to the changes in the intensity of
Upon testing the wearable device mUltiple times with repeated sunlight. The response time to receive a response back to the
SMS texts. The GPS location sensor was able to respond back keywords "UV" was under a minute as well.
with precise latitude and longitude coordinates of the wearable
device to the user's cellphone, which then the user would click
on the received Google maps URL which would, in tum, open
the google maps app and display the pinpoint location. In all the
scenarios the GPS module was tested, it would respond back to
the user's cellphone within a minute. The GPS turned out to be
so precise with the location that it performed even better than
the GPS on an expensive smartphone. As shown in the image
below, the GPS module (red bubble) was able to show the
current location of the wearable with pinpoint accuracy and also
show exactly at which side of the building it is present. Whereas
for the smartphone (blue dot) is showing the wearable to be
present on the street, which is marginally off from the exact
location. This marginal miss match in the pin-point location of
the wearable can tum out to be fatal in a real life scenario, where
the parent may be miss lead to the wrong location of the child.
Therefore, the Parallax PMB-648 GPS module proves to be Fig 7. SMS app screen for UV and Temperature sensor
successful in providing the precise location with high accuracy
and with a good response time. The only drawback that could be c. SOS Light and Distress Alarm Buzzer:
stated was, the GSM module could not interpret multiple valid
The light and buzzer differ from the above sensors in the SMS
keywords sent in a single message. For example, SMS string
trigger mechanism. Upon sending an SMS with either "SOS" or
"BUZZ," this would trigger the light and buzzer to perfonn an
not send a reply back to the gsm module.
output function instead of providing measurements back to the
user's cellphone such as in the scenario of the other sensors.
Upon receiving the correct keywords, the SOS light and Alarm
Buzzer would first perform the particular task of flashing the
SOS light and sounding a distress alarm which can take a little
longer than their sensor counterparts. After completion of their
respective functions, the response is sent back to the user' cell
phone stating: "SOS Signal Sent" and "Playing Buzzer."
Fig 6. Left: Cellphone SMS app for LOCA nON sensor and
Right: Google maps with latitude and longitude coordinates
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low-power Bluetooth link," Internet of Things (WF-IoT), 2015
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