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Observation 2

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Lesson Plan: Exploring the Environment Date:__11/27/17___

Teacher: Kelly McGonagil

Students (first names): Max (focus learner), Noah, Matthew, Cassie, Marvin (possibly Luke &
Josef as well)
Scheduled Subject: Environmental Science Time: 9:00 - 9:30
Grouping/Arrangement: Small group instruction
Curriculum (name and page reference): Pearson’s Environmental Science
Essential Question and Big Idea Supports

What is the importance of an environment?

Lesson Objective (use measurable criteria):

-When provided a visual representation, students will match living things to

their environments with 100% accuracy.
-Students will describe their match using a complete sentence.
-Students will answer review questions about the environment with 80 %
Standard (include number and text)/IEP Alignment:
EE.HS-LS4-2: Explain how the traits of particular species that allow them to
survive in their specific environments.
IEP Alignment: The focus learner does not have a goal related directly to the
subject matter, but as indicated in the IEP, the learner will participate in an
adapted science class. An IEP goal to focus on during the lesson is: The
learner will demonstrate appropriate use of conversational manners.

Prior Instruction & Learning:

This a new topic to the students, however, they should have an awareness of
different environments and life forms. They should know how to match like
items, and know words used to describe nature and the worlds around them.

Communication Skill (what does the student need to be able to say to demonstrate Prompting
understanding?): Questions: “Can
you tell me what
Students need to be able to respond to questions from the text when you see?”, “What
prompted by the teacher to enhance understanding. do you know about
this place?”, etc.
Students must be able to engage in conversation about a topic using Choice
appropriate communication and turn taking skills. Questions: “Is it
hot or cold there?”
If needed, students should ask for help by using the phrase “I need help.” “Is this a wet or
dry environment?”

Lesson Materials: Smartboard, Environmental Science Book, Computer,

Worksheet, Environment Pictures, Organism Pictures.

Assessment Tools/Data Collection Procedures: Focus learner, and

Lesson 1 Review Sheet Questions #1-6. Performance on matching and others, may have
producing complete sentences will also be indicated on a daily data collection their worksheet
sheet. read to them if
Time Instructional Strategies/Learning Tasks Supports

9:00- Opening By showing some

9:08 Introducing environments: pictures and
“We are going to start a unit on environments. Who can tell me what having students
an environment is?” Allow students to respond and generate describe them as
conversation about the topic, to activate background knowledge. a class, I am
“I am going to show you a picture of an environment and I want you providing a model
to think quietly in your head about what you see. Then we will for the activity to
discuss as a class.” come.
-What are the living things?
-Is there anything here that we cannot see?
-What are else do you know about this place?
Vocabulary: (Starts at page 2)
“Before reading, let’s take some time to look at our new vocabulary
We will read the vocabulary words highlighted in blue one at a time
and discuss as needed to enhance understanding.

9:08- Explicit Instruction/Learning Tasks. The focus learner,

9:25 and other students
1) “Now we will learn a little more about environments and the who may find this
world around us. Let’s start with page 1.” As a group, we will activity will have
read pages 1 – 3 of our text. We will stop to discuss Natural one picture match
vs. Built environments on page 2. I will provide examples of to describe. Other
each and then “quiz” students with words that fit each students may
category. Students will respond with “Natural” or “Built”. receive more than
2) -“Notice the pictures hung up around the room. These are one card.
pictures of all different kinds of____________?
(Environments.)” Prompting
-“I am going to give you a card. Each card has a picture of an Questions: “Can
organism on it. Who can tell me what an organism is again?” you tell me what
-“Your job is to match your card, or living thing, to the you see?”, “What
environment that organism lives in.” do you know about
-“Once everyone has found their match, we will share as a this place?”, etc.
class by describing the environment like we did at the Choice
beginning of the lesson.” Questions: “Is it
-Check for understanding of the activity. hot or cold there?”
3) Students will participate in the activity and use describing “Is this a wet or
words discussed to inform the class of their environment. dry environment?”

9:25- Closing. The focus learner

9:30 “Great job matching and describing your environment. Now let’s and other students
finish this lesson with a review worksheet on the things we have will have their
learned.” worksheet read to
“I would like you to complete questions 1-6 and put it at the front them.
table when you are finished. Don’t forget: your book is a resource!
Use it to help you answer the questions.”
“If you need help, raise your hand and I will be over to assist.”
While students are working independently, I will have Max, Matthew,
and Marvin, sit with me. They will have their worksheet read to them,
and I will point to the answers one at a time as I read.
Reflective Notes – Before teaching lesson
What could go wrong? How will I prevent/address it?
-Students will struggle to match their cards: Prompting and choice questions will be used to elicit
-Students will struggle to create a complete sentence or describe their environment: Prompting and
choice questions will be used to elicit responses.
-Students see challenges in completing their worksheet: Some students will have their worksheet
read to them to ensure understanding of the questions and answers.
-Time constraint: time will be monitored but ongoing conversation that is generated by the topic and
readings may need to be limited in order to complete the activity.
What are my plans for generalization, maintenance and/or self-directed use of the targeted
knowledge or skills?
Students will think of the environments that they encounter on a daily basis and use this knowledge
to understand other environments. Students also utilize describing skills and other comprehension
strategies throughout their reading program.

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