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Hydrological Inferences From Watershed Analysis For Water Resource Management Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques

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The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Sciences (2014) 17, 111–121

National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences
The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space


Hydrological inferences from watershed analysis

for water resource management using remote
sensing and GIS techniques
Prafull Singh *, Ankit Gupta, Madhulika Singh

Amity Institute of Geo-Informatics and Remote Sensing (AIGIRS), India

Received 1 April 2014; revised 1 September 2014; accepted 17 September 2014

Available online 29 October 2014

KEYWORDS Abstract The present study highlights the importance of Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and satellite
Remote sensing; images for assessment of drainage and extraction of their relative parameters for the Orr watershed
GIS; Ashok Nagar district, M.P., India. Hydrological parameters such as drainage analysis, topographic
Hydrological inferences; parameters and land use pattern were evaluated and interpreted for watershed management of the area.
Watershed management Hydrological module of ARC GIS software was utilized for calculation and delineation of the
watershed and morphometric analysis of the watershed using SRTM DEM. The stream order of
watershed ranges from first to sixth order showing dendritic type drainage network which is a sign of
the homogeneity in texture and lack of structural control of the watershed. The drainage density in the
area has been found to be low to medium which indicates that the area possesses highly permeable soils
and low relief. The bifurcation ratio varies from 4.74 to 5 and the elongation ratio is 0.58 which reveals
that the basin belongs to the elongated shaped basin category. The mean Rb of the entire basin is 4.62
which indicates that the drainage pattern is not much influenced by geological structures. Land use
map of the watershed was generated from latest available multispectral satellite data and whole watershed
covers under agricultural land, settlement, fallow land, forest, mining areas and water body.
The present study reveals that SRTM DEM based hydrological evaluation at watershed scale is more
applied and precise compared to other available techniques.
 2014 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of National Authority for Remote Sensing and
Space Sciences.

1. Introduction
* Corresponding author at: Amity Institute of Geo-Informatics and
Presently high inhabitant’s expansion, fast urbanization and
Remote Sensing (AIGIRS), Amity University-Sector 125-NOIDA-
201303, Gautam Budha Nagar, U.P., India. Tel.: +91 0120 4735601 climate change along with the irregular frequency and intensity
(O), mobile: +91 9958196406. of rainfall make appropriate water management and storage
E-mail address: Pks.jiwaji@gmail.com (P. Singh). plans difficult. Therefore, there is an urgent need for the eval-
Peer review under responsibility of National Authority for Remote uation of water resources because they play a primary role in
Sensing and Space Sciences. the sustainability of livelihood and regional economics
1110-9823  2014 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences.
112 P. Singh et al.

throughout the world. It is the primary safeguard against analyzing hydrological systems (Farr and Kobrick, 2000;
drought and plays a central role in food security at local and Grohmann et al., 2007; Panhalkar, 2014).
national as well as global levels. The ever-growing population Recently Bastawesy et al. (2013) utilized remote sensing data
and urbanization is leading to over-utilization of the resources, and digital elevation models to extract the catchment hydrological
thus exerting pressure on the limited civic amenities, which are parameters to delineate storage areas for the Uganda Equatorial
on the brink of collapse (Singh et al., 2013; Jha et al., 2007). Lakes region. They concluded that digital elevation models
Quantitative morphometric analysis of watershed can pro- (DEMs) are a very accurate tool for morphometrical parameter
vide information about the hydrological nature of the rocks evaluation and watershed delineation for watershed management.
exposed within the watershed. A drainage map of basin pro- In addition, low-intensity and erratic monsoons create fur-
vides a reliable index of permeability of rocks and their rela- ther shortages of surface-water supply. As a result, the demand
tionship between rock type, structures and their hydrological for groundwater resources has increased tremendously from
status. Watershed characterization and management requires year to year, causing a drastic decline of groundwater levels.
detail information for topography, drainage network, water Over-exploitation of groundwater has led to the drying up of
divide, channel length, geomorphologic and geological setup the aquifer zones in several parts of the country. It is, there-
of the area for proper watershed management and implemen- fore, essential to increase the recharge of the basin for the
tation plan for water conservation measures (Sreedevi et al., water management program at watershed level (Ellis and
2013). Revitt, 2010; Rao, 2008; Eyquem, 2007).
Remote sensing data, along with increased resolution from The present study comes under the semi-arid region and
satellite platforms, makes these technologies appear poised to received maximum recharge through rainfall and the area
make a better impact on land resource management initiatives urgently required integrated watershed based morphometric
involved in monitoring LULC mapping and change detection analysis to understand the physiographic status of the area.
at varying spatial ranges in semi-arid regions is undergoing The hydrological analysis of watershed and their morphometric
severe stresses due to the combined effects of growing popula- evaluation of Orr watershed, Ashok Nagar, District of Madhya
tion and climate change. (Singh et al., 2012). Pradesh were carried out for water resource management
Surface hydrological indications are one of the promising through the use of SRTM DEM, satellite images and GIS anal-
scientific tools for assessment and management of water ysis. The main aim of present the work is to investigate and
resources. Drainage morphometric analyses are a prerequisite identify various drainage parameters to understand the geome-
for selection of water recharge site, watershed modeling, runoff try of the watershed for the conservation and management of
modeling, watershed delineation, groundwater prospect map- water resources in a sustainable manner. The result observed
ping and geotechnical investigation. (Magesh et al., 2011; in present work can be the scientific data base for further
Thomas et al., 2012). The drainage network analysis is gener- detailed hydrological investigation and finds out the alternative
ally performed to understand the prevailing geological varia- solutions for water harvesting in the study area through the
tion, topographic information and structural set of a basin construction of various suitable structures (Check dam, Stor-
and their interrelationship. Remote sensing and GIS based age tanks, Recharge shaft) based on observed calculations.
drainage basin evaluation has been carried out by number of
researchers for different terrains and it is proved to be a very
scientific tool for generation of precise and updated informa- 2. Study area
tion for characterization of drainage basin parameters
(Grohmann, 2004; Korkalainen et al., 2007; Hlaing et al., The study area Orr watershed lies between geographic lati-
2008; Javed et al., 2009; Pankaj and Kumar, 2009). tudes 24100 and 24500 N and longitudes 77400 and 78050 E
Previously drainage morphometric parameters were from 154 m to 541 m average from mean sea level (AMSL)
extracted from topographical maps or field surveys. Drainage with an area of about 996 km2 (Fig. 1). Ashok Nagar, is a
parameter extractions from last two decades are more popular newly constructed district of Madhya Pradesh and located
from digital topographical information which is called as dig- on the northern part of Madhya Pradesh between Sindh and
ital elevation models (DEM), which is more fast, precise, the Betwa rivers. The area comes under the northern part of
updated and inexpressive way of watershed analysis (Moore Malwa plateau and Bundelkhand plateau.
et al., 1991; Maathuis, 2006). The climate of the study area is characterized by a hot sum-
One of the most recent near global elevation data sets mer and general dryness except during the southwestern mon-
recorded during the 11 day Shuttle Radar Topographic Mis- soon. The period from middle of June to September is the
sion is based on a C-band interferometric radar configuration. southwestern monsoon season. October and November forms
This information, representing the radar reflective surface the post monsoon or transition period. The district receives the
(which may be vegetation, man-made features or bare earth), maximum rainfall during the southwest monsoon period i.e.
was collected in 2000 (Maathuis, 2006). June–September. About 92.2% of the annual rain fall predi-
Digital elevation models (DEMs), such as from the Shuttle cates during the monsoon season. Only 7.8% of the annual
Radar Topography Mission (SRTM), or the ASTER GDEM rain fall takes place between October and May. Thus surplus
product (USGS, Denver, Colorado, USA), have been used water for ground water recharge is available during the period
to extract different geomorphological parameters of drainage from June to May is the driest month of the year. Normal
basins, including drainage networks, catchment divides, slope maximum temperature during the month of May is 42.3 C
gradient and aspect, and upstream flow contributing areas and minimum during January month is 6 C.
(e.g. Mark, 1984; Tarboton, 1997). GIS based watershed eval- Geologically the area is represented by Deccan trap basalts
uation using Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) of Malwa group, Vindhyan sandstone and alluvium and
data have given a precise, fast, and an inexpensive way for groundwater in this group occurs under phreatic conditions.
Hydrological inferences from watershed analysis for water resource management 113

Figure 1 Location map of the Orr watershed, M.P., India.

The rocks of the area are hard and compact, but at some watershed. Morphometric analysis of a basin provides an indi-
places and at different depths it is fractured and jointed which cation about permeability, storage capacity of the rocks and
make potential aquifers at deeper levels. The ground water gives an indication of the yield of the basin.
occurs under semi confined to confined conditions and is being In the present paper an integrated use of multispectral
exploited through bore wells. Geomorphologically the area satellite data, digital elevation model (DEM) and survey of
exhibits low lying plateau of extrusive origin with rocky terrain India topographical sheets were utilized for generation of
with alluvial deposits along the river sides. Major soil of the database and extraction of various drainage parameters.
watershed comes under three hydrological groups such as Details of data used are shown in Table 1. The following
clayey soil which is associated with stone of moderately shal- procedure was followed for watershed analysis.
low depth and occurring in well-drained moderately sloping
plateau affected by severe erosion, well-drained loamy soils a. The SOI toposheets were geometrically rectified and
associated with stone on gently sloping plateau affected by georeferenced by taking ground control points (GCPs)
severe erosion and third group is moderately deep soil devel- by using UTM projection and WGS 84 datum. Further,
oped over gentle slope and they are well drained. all geocoded toposheets were mosaic using Erdas Imag-
ine 9.1 image processing software.
3. Database preparation, methodology and delineation of b. Catchment area of the Orr watershed delineated
drainage map from SRTM DEM and Survey of India topographical
sheets of the study area by using data preparation
Assessment of drainage pattern and their quantitative analysis option of Erdas Imagine Software by making AOI (Area
provides background information about the hydrological con- of Interest) of the basin and same AOI was used to cut
ditions and nature of rock formation exposed within the the satellite Image of the study area.

Table 1 Data used in the present work.

Type of data/software Details of data Sources
Survey of India , toposheets Toposheet nos. scale: 1:50,000 54H/10,11,14.14 and 54L/2 Survey of India (SOI), Dehradun, India
Landsat 8 satellite imagery Path/row: 145/43 dated 16/12/2013 https://landsat.usgs.gov
SRTM DEM 3-ARC (90 m) , 2000 USGS website
114 P. Singh et al.

Table 2 Methodology adopted for computations of morphometric parameters.

S. No. Parameters Formulae References
1 Stream order (U) Hierarchical rank Strahler (1964)
2 Stream length (Lu) Length of the stream Horton (1945)
3 Mean stream length (Lsm) Lsm = Lu/Nu Strahler (1964)
4 Stream length ratio (RL) RL = Lu/(Lu  1) Horton (1945)
5 Bifurcation ration (Rb) (Rb) = Nu/Nu + 1 Schumm (1956)
6 Mean bifurcation ratio (Rbm) Rbm = average of bifurcation Strahler (1957)
ratios of all order
7 Drainage density (Dd) Dd = Lu/A Horton (1945)
8 Drainage texture (T) T = Dd · Fs Smith (1950)
9 Stream frequency (Fs) Fs = Nu/A Horton (1945)
10 Elongation ratio (Re) Re = D/L Schumm (1956)
11 Circularity ratio (Rc) Rc = 4pA/P2 Strahler (1964)
12 Form factor (Ff) Ff = A/L2 Horton (1945)
13 Relief R=Hh Hadley and Schumm (1961)
14 Relief ratio Rr = R/L Schumm (1963)

c. Landsat 8 Satellite (December, 2013) Image utilized to providing an insight into hydrologic conditions necessary for
generate the land use/land cover map and updation of developing watershed management strategies (Das and
drainage map of the basin. Mukherjee, 2005).
d. Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of the catchment was Hydrogeological observations, integrated with drainage
extracted from Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission analysis, provide useful clues regarding broad relationships
(SRTM) data obtained during February 2000 with reso- among the geological framework of the basin. Therefore, the
lution of 90 m (downloaded from the US Geological results reveal different levels of agreement using morphometric
Survey website). The SRTM DEM was utilized to pre- analysis, which were supposed to be different from one region
pare topographic, slope and delineation of drainage to another. Factors controlling groundwater storage are differ-
map of the basin Using Spatial Analyst tool of ARC ent in space and time, and the majority of these factors depend
GIS 10. on the following parameters: (1) rainfall availability as the
e. All the extracted parameters from satellite images and source of water; (2) drainage characteristics have a role in
SRTM DEM such as the number and lengths of streams the distribution of runoff and indicate an infiltration scheme
of each different order; drainage area, basin perimeter and it governs the behavior of water flow on terrain surface
and total basin length, and width were calculated using vertically and horizontally; (3) rock type for which the litho-
ARC GIS software, drainage density, drainage fre- logic character governs the flow and storage management;
quency, shape, form factor, circulatory ratio, and elonga- (4) slope is another influencing factor, and it controls water
tion ratio, etc., were calculated from these parameters. flow energy, which plays a role in facilitating water flow in
The methodologies adopted for the computation of mor- the basin. The morphometric analysis can be achieved through
phometric parameters are given in Table 2. measurements of linear, areal and relief aspects of basin.
Quantitative analysis of Orr watershed has been carried out
to evaluate the drainage characteristics using GIS software for
4. Result and discussion calculation and topology building of different morphometric
parameters. Important Linear and Arial parameters and their
Assessment of watershed using quantitative morphometric characteristic were calculated such as basin area, perimeter ,
analysis can provide information about the hydrological nat- basin length , bifurcation ratio (Rb), drainage density (Dd),
ure of the rocks exposed within the watershed. A drainage stream frequency (Fs) circulatory ratio (Rc), elongation ratios
map of a basin provides a reliable index of permeability of (Re) etc. The drainage patterns of the watershed are dendritic
the rocks and gives an indication of the yield of the basin. with sixth order streams. The details of various morphometric
The DEM has been obtained with a pixel size of 90 m and parameter and law used in the present work are shown in
furthermore, it has been used to calculate slope and aspect Table 2.
maps of the watershed. The development of drainage networks
depends on geology, precipitation apart from exogenic and 4.1. Stream number (Nu) and stream orders
endogenic forces of the area. Shuttle Radar Topographic Mis-
sion (SRTM) Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data were used The Orr watershed encompasses a dendritic drainage pattern
for preparing slope, aspect maps and morphometric analysis of which indicates homogenous subsurface strata of the study
the watershed. Linear, areal and relief aspects of the watershed area. In the present study the stream ordering has been ranked
were evaluated in GIS environment using Arc GIS software. based on a method proposed (Strahler, 1964) from the digi-
Recent development in geospatial technology, the assessment tized streams from top sheets and satellite images. The order
of drainage basin has been more accurate and precise for mor- wise stream numbers and their linear characteristics are shown
phometric parameter evaluation with better accuracy. Satellite in Table 3. The drainage pattern analysis of the Orr river basin
data and GIS have been successfully utilized to generate data indicated that the area is having a lake of structural tectonic
on the spatial deviations in drainage characteristics thus control. Maximum number of stream was found in the first
Hydrological inferences from watershed analysis for water resource management 115

Table 3 Linear aspect of the Orr watershed.

Stream No. of Bifurcation Mean bifurcation Total length of Mean length of Length ratio
order (w) streams (Nu) ratio (RbF) ratio (Rbm) streams (km) streams (km) (RL)
I 2062 4.62 1162.43 0.809 4.29
II 435 4.74 492.88
III 91 4.78 231.96
IV 19 4.79 142.31
V 5 3.8 30.96
VI 1 5 54.23
Total 2613 Total 2114.77

order and as the stream order increases with a decrease in Horton, 1945. It is found that the total length of streams seg-
stream number. The drainage map with stream order of the ment is maximum in first order streams and decreases as the
Orr river basin is shown in Fig. 2. stream order increases. This change in stream orders may indi-
The stream order of the basin varies from 1st to 6th orders cate flowing of streams from high altitude and lithological
stream. Stream ordering of the Orr river basin was computed variations. The Total length of streams in the Orr river basin
using ARC GIS software by applying the law proposed by is about 2114.77 km. The mean stream length (Lsm) and their

Figure 2 Drainage map with stream order of the Orr watershed, M.P., India.
116 P. Singh et al.

ratio have been also calculated in GIS Environment (Table 3). moderate, between 6 and 8 is fine and greater than 8 is very fine
The understanding of streams in a drainage system constitutes drainage texture. It is observed that, if the drainage texture is
the drainage pattern, which in turn replicates mainly struc- 13.34 it indicates the presence of highly resistant permeable
tural/lithologic controls of the underlying rocks. The study material with low relief. The variation in the value of drainage
area possesses dendritic drainage patterns, despite stream texture (T) depends upon a number of natural factors such as
lengths and other hydrological properties. They are generally climate, rainfall, vegetation, rock, soil type and their infiltra-
characterized by a treelike branching system, which indicates tion capacity and relief of the basin. The relation between
the homogenous and uniformity. geology and hydrological analysis of watershed in semi arid
regions has low drainage density and generally results in the
4.2. Stream length (Lu), mean stream length (Lsm) and stream areas of highly resistant or permeable subsoil material, dense
length ratio (RL) vegetation and low relief. High drainage density is the
resultant of weak or impermeable sub surface material, thin
The stream length, Mean stream length and stream length vegetation and mountainous relief. The low drainage density
ratio were computed using GIS on the basis of the law pro- of the watershed reveals that they are composed of permeable
posed by Horton, 1945, for the Orr river basin. Generally, subsurface material, good vegetation cover, and low relief
the total length of stream segments decreases as the stream which results in more infiltration capacity in the watershed.
order increases (Table 3). Stream length and their ratio is very
important parameter to scan the hydrological characteristics of 4.5. Stream frequency (Fs)
the river basin because they permeability of the rock forma-
tions in a basin. It also indicates if there is a major change Stream frequency (Fs) or channel frequency is the total number
in the hydrological characteristics of the underlying rock sur- of stream segments of all orders per unit area Horton (1932).
faces with the basin (Singh et al., 2013). The relationship Fs values indicate a positive correlation with the drainage den-
between the bifurcation ratio and the stream length ratio is sity of the basin suggesting that an increase in stream popula-
determined by hydrogeologic, physiographic and geological tion occurs with respect to increase in drainage density. An
characteristics. The values of total length, mean length and observed stream frequency (Fs) of 2.70 for the basin exhibits
length ratio of different stream orders of the Orr river basin a positive correlation with the drainage density value of the
are shown in Table 3. area indicating an increase in stream population with respect
to increase in drainage density (Table 4).
4.3. Bifurcation ratio (Rb)
4.6. Elongation ratio (Re)
The term bifurcation ratio (Rb) may be defined as ratio of the
number of stream segments of a given order to the number of Elongation ratio (Re) is the ratio between the diameter of the
segments of the next higher. Bifurcation ratio values of Orr circle of the same area as the drainage basin and the maximum
river basin ranging between 3 and 5 are considered to be char- length of the basin (Schumm, 1956). The values of Re generally
acteristics of the basin, which have experience minimum struc- vary from 0.6 to 1.0 over a wide variety of climatic and geo-
tural disturbances (Strahler, 1964) .The, mean bifurcation ratio logic conditions. Values close to 1.0 are typical of regions of
of the basin is observed as 4.62. This indicates that the drain- very low relief, whereas values in the range 0.6–0.8 are usually
age pattern of the basin has not been affected by structural dis- associated with high relief and steep ground slope (Strahler,
turbances and the observed Rb is not the same from one order 1964). These values can be grouped into three categories
to its next order. These irregularities depend upon the geolog- namely (a) circular (>0.9), (b) oval (0.9–0.8), (c) elongated
ical and lithological development of the watershed (Table 3). (<0.7). The elongation ratio of the basin is 0.58, which sug-
gests that the basin belongs to the elongated shape basin and
4.4. Drainage density (Dd) and drainage texture (T) low relief (Table 4).

Horton (1932) has introduced drainage density as an expres- 4.7. Circularity ratio (Rc)
sion to indicate the closeness of spacing of channels. It is a
measure of the total length of the stream segment of all orders Miller (1953) defined dimensionless circularity ratio (Rc) as
per unit area and controlled by the Slope gradient and relative ratio of basin area to the area of circle having the same perim-
relief of the basin. The drainage density of the study area has eter as the basin. Rc is influenced by the length and frequency
been calculated and the value is 2.12 (Table 4). Smith (1950) of streams, geological structures, land use/land cover, climate,
has classified drainage density into five different textures. relief and slope of the basin. A circularity ratio of the basin is
The Drainage density less than 2 indicates very coarse, 0.33 which indicates strongly elongated and highly permeable
between 2 and 4 is related to coarse, between 4 and 6 is homogenous geologic materials. The observed circularity ratio

Table 4 Areal aspect of the Orr watershed.

Basin area Perimeter Length Form Elongation Circularity Drainage Stream Drainage
(km2) (km) (km) factor ratio (Re) ratio (Rc) density (km) frequency texture
996.66 195.78 60.93 0.268 0.58 0.33 2.12 2.70 13.34
Hydrological inferences from watershed analysis for water resource management 117

elongated will be the basin. Basins with high-form factors

Table 5 Relief characteristics of the Orr watershed.
experience larger peak flows of shorter duration, whereas elon-
Height of Maximum height Total basin Relief ratio gated basin with low-form factors experience lower peak flows
basin mouth of the basin relief (H) m of longer duration. The observed form factor value of the
(z) m (Z) m
basin is 0.264 suggesting that the shape of the basin is elon-
387 541 154 2.52 gated (Table 4).The elongated basin with low form factor indi-
cates that the basin will have a flatter peak of flow for longer
of the basin indicates that the basin is elongated in shape, has duration.
low discharge of runoff and highly permeable subsoil condi-
tions (Table 4). 4.9. Relief (R) and Relief ratio of the Basin

4.8. Form factor (Ff) The elevation difference between the highest and lowest points
on the valley floor of a basin is known as the total relief of that
According to Horton (1932), form factor (Ff) may be defined basin. The relief ratio (Rh) of maximum relief to horizontal dis-
as the ratio of the basin area to square of the basin length. tance along the longest dimension of the basin parallel to the
The form factor indicates the flow intensity of a basin for a principal drainage line is termed as relief ratio (Schumm,
defined area. The form factor value should always be less than 1956). It measures the overall steepness of a drainage basin
0.7854. The smaller the value of the form factor, the more and is an indicator of the intensity of the erosion processes

Figure 3 Aspect map of the Orr watershed, M.P., India.

118 P. Singh et al.

operation on the slope of the basin. In the present study the Rh therefore, these slopes have higher moisture content and higher
value of the basin is 2.52 which shows that the major portion vegetation compared to west facing slope.
of the basin is having gentle slope (Table 5).
4.11. Slope map
4.10. Aspect map
Slope is the measure of change in surface value over distance
Aspect map generally refers to the direction to which a moun- and can be expressed in degrees or as a percentage. In a raster
tain slope faces. The aspect map is a very important parameter format, the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is a grid where
to understand impact of sun on local climate of the area. Gen- each cell is a value referenced to a common datum. For extrac-
erally west facing slope showing the hottest time of day in the tion of elevation from remote sensing dedicated software pack-
afternoon and in most cases a west-facing slope will be warmer ages are required but most GIS packages have routines for
than sheltered an east-facing slope. Aspect map has major point or contour line interpolation. Any two points on the grid
effects on the distribution of vegetation type of area. The will be sufficient to ascertain a slope. Once the slopes have been
aspect map derived from SRTM DEM represents the compass calculated, then the maximum difference can be found and the
direction of the aspect. 0_ is true north; a 90_ aspect is to the gradient can be determined (Burrough and McDonnell, 1998;
east (Fig. 3). The Orr watershed shows east-facing slopes and Maathuis, 2006; Jha et al. 2007).

Figure 4 Slope map of the Orr watershed, M.P., India.

Hydrological inferences from watershed analysis for water resource management 119

In the present paper topographical elevation map for the nearly flat terrain is the most favorable for infiltration. Moder-
study area was developed by Digital Elevation Model ate slopes also come under good zone due to slightly undulat-
(DEM) extracted from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission ing topography which gives maximum percolation or partial
(SRTM) data. For this, the DEM was subjected to two direc- runoff. The steep class and having a high surface runoff with
tional gradient filters (one in x-direction and another in y- a negligible amount of infiltration are marked under good zone
direction).The resultant maps were used to generate a slope for construction of stop dams etc. Slope is a critical parameter
map of the study area using ARCGIS Spatial Analyst tools. which directly controls runoff and infiltration of any terrain.
The highest topographic elevations (551 m and lowest 387 Runoff in higher slope regions causes less infiltration. This fac-
AMSL) exist in the western and northwestern portions of the tor significantly controls the development of aquifers.
area which induces highest runoff and hence less possibility
of rainfall infiltration. The slope map of the study area has 4.12. Land use/land cover mapping
grouped in five classes in degrees viz. 1–3 (Gentle) , 3–5
(Moderate) , 5–10 (Steep) , 10–35 (Very Steep) and >35 Land use and land cover pattern changes are most important
(Very Very Steep) (Fig. 4). factors for assessment of groundwater water conditions of
It is observed that the most of the area of Orr river basin any area. Water resources are under severe pressure due to
comes under gentle and moderate slope which indicates almost land use practices and climate change. Land use pattern
flat topography of the area. Gentle slopes were designated in changes and their estimation describe the utilization of land
the ‘‘excellent’’ category for groundwater management as the resource by manmade activities particularly agriculture and

Figure 5 Land use/land cover map of the Orr watershed, M.P., India.
120 P. Singh et al.

management. The morphometric analysis carried out in the

Table 6 Land use/land cover of the watershed.
Orr watershed shows that the basin has low relief and
S. No. Land use category Area (sq. km) Percentage (%) elongated shape. Artificial recharge and runoff harvesting in
1 Water bodies 7.20 0.72 the area for groundwater development management are
2 Marshy land 33.89 3.40 selected based on small-scale topographic maps. Drainage
3 Sandy/wet land 45.19 4.53 analysis makes a positive contribution through the advantage
4 Fallow land 430.55 43.20 of remote sensing and GIS-based tool in selecting artificial
5 Agriculture 305.92 30.70 recharge sites. These analyzed drainage parameters provide
6 Settlement 35.29 3.54
comparative indices of the permeability of rock surfaces in
7 Open scrub/forest 108.06 10.84
various parts of a drainage basin. If these information are
8 Mining areas 30.69 3.07
Total 996.66 100 integrated with the other hydrological characteristics of the
drainage basin, the strategy of siting recharge and water-har-
vesting measures provides better groundwater development
urbanization (YanYun et al., 2014; Singh et al., 2012). Hydro- and management plan.
logical inferences from land use pattern can help understand The drainage pattern in the present watershed is dendritic
the changing scenario of water demand from different activi- in nature. This may be due to more or less homogeneous lithol-
ties such as Agricultural requirement, domestic needs, industri- ogy and structural controls. In the study area high drainage
alization and its can also used to understand the infiltration, density is observed over the hilly terrain with impermeable
recharge and runoff rate of the watershed. Land use pattern hard rock substratum, and low drainage density over the
changes become an important component in hydrological highly permeable sub-soils and low relief areas. Low drainage
monitoring and natural resources management (Rawat et al., density areas are favorable for identification of groundwater
2013; Sylla et al.2012). potential zones. Slope plays a very significant role in determin-
Analyses of land use changes for hydrologic processes are ing infiltration vs. runoff relation. Infiltration is inversely
major needs for the future (Turner et al., 2003), which related to slope i.e. gentler is the slope, higher is infiltration
includes: changes in water demands from changing land use and less is runoff and vice versa.
practices, such as irrigation and urbanization; changes in water
supply from altered hydrological processes of infiltration, 5. Conclusion and recommendation
groundwater recharge and runoff. Land use maps and their
role is a very important parameter to understand the hydrolog- The hydrological analysis carried out for the Orr watershed
ical conditions of the watershed and their management is dis- confirms that the watershed is having low relief and elongated
cussed by number of researchers (Wagner et al., 2013; Singh shape. Drainage network of the basin exhibits as mainly den-
et al., 2013). dritic type which indicates the homogeneity in texture and lack
In the present paper, supervised classification scheme was of structural control and helps understand various terrain
performed to assess the land use pattern and their spatial varia- parameters such as nature of the bedrock, infiltration capacity,
tion from recent freely available satellite data of Lasndsat-8 runoff, etc. Lower drainage density and stream frequency indi-
December, 2013 which have 30 m spatial resolution. cate high permeability rate of the subsurface formation. The
A standard approach was applied for classification of the observed parameters reveal recharge-related measures and
satellite image using Erdas Imagine 9.1 software starting from areas where surface-water augmentation measures can be
defining of the training sites, extraction of signatures from the undertaken for water resource management and soil conserva-
image and then classification was performed. Finally, Maxi- tion structures. Large scale watershed analysis using GIS,
mum Likelihood Classification (MLC) the classification meth- remote sensing data and Digital elevation Model (DEM) has
ods were applied. Field survey was also performed to finalize efficient tools for understanding any terrain parameters such
the land use/land cover map of the watershed by using GPS as nature of bedrock, infiltration capacity, surface run off
receiver for verification of doubtful classes. Common land etc., which helps in better understanding the status of land
use categories were identified with reference to their water form and their processes, drainage management and evolution
requirement i.e., Agricultural land, settlement, fallow land, of groundwater potential for watershed planning and manage-
forest, wet/ marshy land, mining areas and water body ment. This work will be useful for natural resource manage-
(Fig. 5). Assessment of land use pattern of the watershed ment at the micro level of any terrain for sustainable
reveals that most part of the area comes under agricultural development by planners and decision makers for sustainable
and fallow land which indirectly supports the future for watershed development programme.
watershed development and management (Table 6). The results observed in the present work can be used for site
suitability analysis of soil and water conservation structures in
4.13. Hydrological interferences from morphometric analysis the area and subsequently, these parameters were integrated
with other hydrological information viz., land use/cover, land
Morphometric analysis of watershed based on remote sensing forms, geology, water level and soil in the GIS domain to
and satellite derived Digital Elevation Model (DEM) are arrive at a decision regarding a suitable site for soil and water
most important data for proper hydrological investigation of conservation structures (nala bund, check dam, and percola-
any terrain which indirectly support hydrogeological tion tank, recharge shaft, etc.) in the area for groundwater
status of the watershed. The quantitative analysis of morpho- development and management. The study recommended that
metric parameters is found to be of immense utility in the watershed needs a hydrogeological and geophysical inves-
watershed delineation, soil and water conservation and their tigation in future for proper water management and selection
Hydrological inferences from watershed analysis for water resource management 121

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