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Supply Chain

A Practical Guide for Continuous Improvement

Second Edition
ii Supply Chain Sustainability

The United Nations Global Compact is a call to companies everywhere to voluntarily align their operations
with ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption,
and to take action in support of United Nations goals and issues. The UN Global Compact is a leadership
platform for the development, implementation and disclosure of responsible corporate practices and
policies. Launched in 2000, it is the largest corporate sustainability initiative in the world, with over 8,000
companies and 4,000 non-business signatories based in 160 countries.

BSR works with its global network of more than 250 member companies to build a just and sustainable
world. From its offices in Asia, Europe and North and South America, BSR develops sustainable business
strategies and solutions through consulting, research and cross-sector collaboration. Visit www.bsr.org for
more information about BSR’s more than 20 years of leadership in sustainability.

The inclusion of company examples in this publication is intended strictly for learning purposes and does not
constitute an endorsement of the individual companies.

The material in this publication is copyrighted.
The UN Global Compact encourages the dissemination of the content for educational purposes.

Content from this publication may be used freely without prior permission, provided that clear attribution is
given to UN Global Compact and BSR and that content is not used for commercial purposes.

© 2015, UN Global Compact Office and BSR

UN Global Compact revision project team: Anita Househam and Elena Bombis.

The revision of this guide was also made possible thanks to the input of the UN Global Compact Advisory
Group on Supply Chain Sustainability with special contribution from its ad hoc Task Force and the UN Global
Compact staff.

The original guide was written by Cody Sisco, Blythe Chorn and Peder Michael Pruzan-Jorgensen, with
significant editorial input from Cecilie Hultmann, the UN Global Compact Office staff, BSR staff and the UN
Global Compact Advisory Group members in 2010, also listed on Page 4.
Innovation Norway, Nokia and Ford offered their generous support for the development of this guidance in

Designer of the revised guide: Tannaz Fassihi


Foreword  2
Georg Kell, Executive Director, UN Global Compact Office
Aron Cramer, President and CEO, BSR

Executive Summary
Practical Steps to Supply Chain Sustainability  5
1. Introduction 7
2. Getting Started on Supply Chain Sustainability 15
Developing the Business Case
Understanding the Landscape
Establishing a Vision

3. Establishing Sustainability Expectations for the Supply Chain  23

Overview of Engaging Supply Chain Management Professionals
Overview of Supplier Code of Conduct
Adopting or Writing a Supplier Code of Conduct
Using the Supplier Code of Conduct

4. Determining the Scope  29

Supply Chain Mapping
Supply Chain Prioritization

5. Engaging with Suppliers  37

Selecting Communications Channels
Monitoring and Evaluation
Remediation and Capability Building
Engaging with Sub-Tier Suppliers

6. Determining Roles & Responsibilities  51

Internal Alignment
Governance and Oversight: Executive Leadership and the Board of Directors
Cross-functional Coordination among Business Managers
Implementation by Supply Chain Management Professionals

7. Industry Collaboration &

Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships 59
The Context for Industry Collaboration
Opportunities and Risks of Industry Collaboration
Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships

8. Establishing Goals &

Tracking and Communicating Performance 67
The Process of Goal Setting
Goals for Impact
Goals for Supplier Performance
Goals for Internal Performance
Measurement Processes and Practices
Communicating Progress and Reporting

2 Supply Chain Sustainability


Since the original launch of Supply Chain Sustainability: A Practical Guide to Continu-
ous Improvement in 2010, companies have continued to extend their commitment
to responsible business practices to their value chains, from subsidiary to suppli-
ers. The business case for supply chain sustainability has evolved significantly.
An increasing amount of companies have realized the crucial importance of
incorporating sustainability requirements into their supply chain programme in
order to secure their own brand value, manage legal, regulatory and reputational
risks as well as foster product innovation and explore new markets. Moreover,
businesses consider the many rewards supply chain sustainability can deliver in
terms of creating more inclusive markets and the contribution they can make to
advance sustainable development in the spirit of the United Nations’ missions.

As the UN is expected to adopt the Sustainable Development Goals, business

has an enormous opportunity to step up and take a broader view of their role in
society, explore how they can do more to support their suppliers on corporate
sustainability and use their value chains as a source of increasing their positive
impact on people and the environment.

A large number of initiatives, standards and resources have been developed in

the recent years to complement and/or build on the mission of the UN Global
Compact. The Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, endorsed by
the United Nations Human Rights Council in 2011, have provided further detail
on the corporate responsibility to respect human rights, which is part of the UN
Global Compact Principle 1 and how businesses can know and show that they are
meeting it, both within their company and in the supply chain. In the mean-
time, the UN Global Compact’s Advisory Group on Supply Chain Sustainability,
which was formed on the occasion of the original development of this guide in
2010, continues to maintain a leading role within the the UN Global Compact to
support its overall strategy on this issue and contribute to the development of
specific guidance on various issues.

This second edition of Supply Chain Sustainability: A Practical Guide to Continuous

Improvement, developed in collaboration with BSR and the UN Global Compact’s
Advisory Group on Supply Chain Sustainability, is aimed at reflecting the new
and emerging trends in this area since its original launch in 2010 as well as
ensuring the inclusion of and alignment with relevant standards and initiatives.
Featuring numerous updated and new examples of good corporate practice, the
guide remains a valuable tool to provide companies with practical guidance on
how to develop a sustainable supply chain programme based on the values and
principles of the UN Global Compact and assists businesses in setting priorities
for action that will lead to continuous performance improvement.

We hope this publication will continue to further the work of companies in col-
laborating with their suppliers to deliver tangible and lasting benefits to busi-
ness, the environment and societies everywhere.

Georg Kell
Executive Director
UN Global Compact

Supply chains continue to be one of the most important levers for business to
create positive impact in the world, with an estimated 80% of global trade pass-
ing through supply chains. By working together, buyers and suppliers in global
supply chains and networks can advance human rights including labor rights,
climate resilience, environmental protection, inclusive economic growth and
ethical business practices.

Since the original guide Supply Chain Sustainability: A Practical Guide for Continuous
Improvement was launched in 2010, supply chain sustainability has become main-
stream for businesses and there have been significant promising developments.
The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights have clarified busi-
ness’ responsibility for human rights in their own operations and supply chains.
We have seen advances in the way companies work with their suppliers, moving
from focusing heavily on auditing towards using new technologies and collabora-
tive efforts to engage suppliers and workers in a more equitable approach to find
joint solutions. We have seen increasing levels of transparency from companies,
publishing lists of factories, openly reporting on the social and environmental
performance of their supply chains and promoting transparency to their suppli-
ers. We have also seen unprecedented amounts of collaboration among business-
es and stakeholders in efforts to ensure that commodities, such as wood, cotton
and fish, are traceable and sustainable.

BSR continues to work with our global network of 275 member companies and
their supply chain partners around the world to develop, support and implement
supply chain sustainability towards a just and sustainable world. We are proud
to be a part of the launch of this revised guide on the fifteenth anniversary of
the UN Global Compact Ten Principles.

The original version of this guide has helped businesses of all sizes around the
world to understand what supply chain sustainability means and how to imple-
ment practices in their own business, industry and geographic contexts. The
revisions made in this updated version reflect the advancements in the field;
reinforce the core practices that are accepted minimum standards; and underline
the needed areas for improvement.

We hope that this guide continues to make a significant contribution to advance

fair and sustainable working conditions and environmental protection and per-
formance for entire industries, geographies and market segments by:

• Extending sustainability to small and medium-sized enterprises

• Creating better connections to firms in developing countries on key social
and environmental issues
• Supporting good governance and business ethics as a key pillar of
well-functioning markets.

BSR is very proud to have partnered with the UN Global Compact and we look
forward to continuing to support it and its business participants around the world
to make the vision of the UN Global Compact an even more powerful reality.

Aron Cramer
President and CEO
4 Supply Chain Sustainability

United Nations Global Compact Advisory Group

on Supply Chain Sustainability

In 2010, the UN Global Compact established an Advisory Group of UN Global Compact participants and stakehold-
ers to guide its work on supply chain sustainability. The role of the Advisory Group is to provide input to the overall
strategy and work done by the UN Global Compact on the issue of supply chain sustainability and to ensure that the
guidance material developed is robust and addresses the needs of business. In addition to this guide, the Advisory
Group has set up task forces to develop various tools and resources aimed at helping businesses to integrate the UN
Global Compact Ten Principles into supply chain relationships.

The advisory group is chaired by Mr. Mads Øvlisen, Special Advisor to the Global Compact on supply chain sustain-
ability and a former member of the UN Global Compact Board. We would like to thank Mr. Øvlisen and all of the
members of the Advisory Group for their ongoing support to the supply chain sustainability workstream and the re-
vision of this resource (members with an asterisk * have been part of an internal Task Force devoted to the in-depth
revision of this version of the guide):

■■ *Ms. Renata Yourievna Frolova, Head of Responsible Procurement, A.P. Moller Maersk (Denmark)
■■ Ms. Samantha Prates, Head of External Logistic and MRO Purchasing, ArcelorMittal (Luxembourg)
■■ Mr. Jonathan Drimmer, Vice-President and Deputy General Counsel, Barrick Gold (Canada)
■■ Ms. Aysun Sayin, Sustainability Director, Boyner Holding (Turkey)
■■ *Ms. Tara Norton, Director – Advisory Services, BSR (Global)
■■ *Mr. Hugh Jones, Managing Director Advisory, Carbon Trust (Global)
■■ Mr. Juan Antonio Espinosa, Procurement Director, Planning & Control, CEMEX (Mexico)
■■ Mr. Unni Nair, Supply Chain Sustainability Programme Manager, Cisco Systems (USA)
■■ Ms. Nancy Gillis, Senior Manager – Sustainable Supply Chain, Procurement and Supplier
Management, EY (Global)
■■ Ms. Maria Jose Trogolo, Senior Strategic Partnership, Fairtrade International (Global)
■■ Ms. Mary Wroten, Global Purchasing Sr. Manager – Supply Chain Sustainability, Ford Motor Company (USA)
■■ Mr. Indalecio Perez Diaz del Rio, Compliance Manager, Inditex (Spain)
■■ Mr. Ankush Patel, Vice-President and Head of Strategic Business Practice for Sustainability, Infosys Technologies (India)
■■ Ms. Beroz Gazdar, Vice President - Infrastructure Development Sector, Mahindra & Mahindra Limited (India)
■■ Mr. Andy York, Ethical Trading Manager, N Brown Group (UK)
■■ Ms. Hilary Parsons, Public Affairs Manager, Supply Chain, Nestle S.A. (Switzerland)
■■ Mr. Justin Hughes, Managing Consultant, PA Consulting Group (Global)
■■ Dr. Marcia Balisciano, Director of Corporate Responsibility, RELX Group (UK)
■■ Mr. Gustavo Pérez Berlanga, Vice President – CSR, Restaurantes Toks (Mexico)
■■ Ms. Sanda Ojiambo, Head of Corporate Sustainability, Safaricom (Kenya)
■■ *Ms. Jo Webb, Head of Stakeholder Relations, Sedex (UK)
■■ Ms. Jane Hwang, Chief Operating Officer, Social Accountability International (SAI) (Global)
■■ Ms. Rachelle Jackson, Director Sustainability & Innovation, Arche Advisors (USA)
■■ Mr. Ola Ree, Head of Supply Chain Sustainability, Telenor Group (Norway)
■■ *Ms. Monica Bowen-Schrire, Senior Advisor, Corporate Sustainability & Environment, Vattenfall (Sweden)
■■ Dr. Gerhard Prätorius, Head of Coordination CSR and Sustainability, Volkswagen AG (Germany)

Additionally, we would like to thank the following organizations, who were also part of the Advisory Group in 2010
and supported the development of the original guide:

 et Norske Veritas (Norway); DiGi Telecommunications Sdn Bhd (Malaysia); Esquel Group of Companies (China); Global
Compact Network Spain (Spain); Global Social Compliance Programme (GSCP) (Global); Grupo Pão de Açucar – Companhia
Brasileira de Distribução (Brazil); Hewlett-Packard (USA); Hitachi Ltd. (Japan); Hyundai Motor Company (Republic of Korea);
IKEA (Sweden); Innovation Norway (Norway); Integrated Contract and Supply Solutions – ISCS (United Arab Emirates);
Philips Electronics N.V. (Netherlands); Nokia Corporation (Finland); STR Responsible Sourcing (USA); Takeda Pharmaceuti-
cal Company Limited (Japan); Tata Council for Community Initiatives (TCCI) (India); UBS AG (Switzerland); Unilever (UK).

Executive Summary: Practical

Steps to Supply Chain Sustainability
Supply chain sustainability is increasingly recog- This guide is intended
Why is Supply Chain for companies with
nized as a key component of corporate sustain-
Sustainability important? significant sourcing
ability. In addition to being the right thing to do,
managing the social, environmental and eco- Supply chains are the engines for today’s global activities that are
nomic impacts of supply chains and combating economy, serving to deliver goods and services interested in learning
corruption makes good business sense. However, around the world, connecting businesses and the how to incorporate
supply chains consist of continuously evolv- individuals who work for them across geographic, sustainability into
ing markets and relationships. To navigate this industry, cultural and regulatory boundaries. their supply chain
complex terrain, we offer a few baseline defini- Supply chain sustainability provides that management strate-
tions and practical steps that companies can take companies will continue to meet their needs gies and practices.
toward progress, using the United Nations Global in the future, in economic, social, ethical and
Compact principles as the basis to work toward environmental terms. It ensures compliance with
supply chain sustainability. laws and regulations as well as adherence to and
support of international principles for sustain-
able business conduct. In addition, companies
What is Supply Chain Sustainability? are increasingly taking actions that result in bet-
Supply chain sustainability is the management ter social, economic and environmental impacts
of environmental, social and economic impacts because society expects this and because there
and the encouragement of good governance are business benefits in doing so.
practices, throughout the lifecycles of goods By managing and seeking to improve envi-
and services. The objective of supply chain ronmental, social and economic performance
sustainability is to create, protect and grow and good governance throughout supply chains,
long-term environmental, social and economic companies act in their own interest, the interests
value for all stakeholders involved in bringing of their stakeholders and the interests of society
products and services to market. By integrating at large. By implementing supply chain sustain-
the UN Global Compact Ten Principles into sup- ability programmes, companies engage with
ply chain relationships, companies can advance both direct and sub-tier suppliers, mainstream-
corporate sustainability and promote broader ing values and actions down to raw material
sustainable development objectives. producers and maximizing the overall social,
environmental and ethical impact.

What steps can my company take?

This guide outlines practical steps companies can take to achieve supply chain sustainability and presents examples to inspire action.
The recommended steps summarized below are based on the UN Global Compact Management Model, which is a flexible framework
for continuous improvement regarding the mainstreaming of the UN Global Compact into strategies and operations.
The steps below and throughout the guide are not linear. Rather, they represent complementary actions that companies can
take in order to achieve more sustainable supply chains. In addition, there are three principles for successful supply chain sustain-
ability management – governance, transparency and engagement – that are essential to every step of the model.


COMMIT ■■ Develop the business case by understanding the ■ Communicate expectations and engage with
landscape and business drivers. (Chapter 2) suppliers to improve performance. (Chapter 5)
■■ Establish a vision and objectives for supply chain ■ Ensure alignment and follow up internally.
sustainability. (Chapter 2) (Chapter 6)
■■ Establish sustainability expectations for the ■ Enter into collaboration and partnerships.
supply chain. (Chapter 3) (Chapter 7)


■ Determine the scope of efforts focusing primar- ■ Track performance against goals and be
IMPLEMENT ily on areas where there is the greatest actual transparent and report on progress. (Chapter 8)
and potential risk of adverse impact on people,
environment and governance. (Chapter 4)
6 Supply Chain Sustainability

1. Introduction

Purpose and Target Audience sustainability is defined as a company’s This guide focuses on
This guide is intended to help companies of delivery of long term value creation in upstream business
all sizes, both those who are new to and those financial, social, environmental and ethical partners, i.e. relation-
experienced in supply chain sustainability, to terms. This definition encompasses the role of ships with suppli-
apply the UN Global Compact Ten Principles business in addressing environmental, social ers, rather than with
throughout their supply chains and to integrate (human rights and labour) and corporate distributors, consumer
sustainability into their business strategies. It is governance issues, as covered by the UN Global use of products or end
designed for individuals with oversight of and Compact’s Ten Principles. of life issues. A focus
input on corporate sustainability, procurement “Supply chain sustainability” is the on downstream im-
and supply chain priorities and practices. management of environmental, social and pacts of supply chains
Case studies and examples throughout the economic impacts, and the encouragement may be addressed in
guide provide an overview of how companies of good governance practices throughout the future by the UN
have implemented supply chain sustainability the lifecycles of goods and services. Global Compact Office.
programmes. Advanced practices are highlight- The objective of supply chain sustainabil-
ed in gray boxes entitled “On the Horizon”. ity is to create, protect and grow long-term In addition, this guide
environmental, social and economic value for focuses on the ques-
Supply Chain Sustainability Defined all stakeholders involved in bringing products tion of whom compa-
In today’s globalized economy, outsourcing and services to market. Through supply chain nies buy from and how
business operations doesn’t mean outsourcing sustainability, companies protect the long-term they source products,
responsibilities or risks—or that a company’s viability of their business and secure a social rather than what they
responsibility ends once a product is sold. license to operate. buy. In April 2014, The
Leading companies understand that they have UN Global Compact
a role to play throughout the lifecycle of their For the purposes of this document, supply and BSR developed
products and services. Supply chain sustain- chain management professionals are defined A Guide to Traceability:
ability management is key to maintaining the as that group of individuals within a company A Practical Approach
integrity of a brand, ensuring business continu- that have the most direct contact with suppliers to Advance Sustain-
ity and managing operational costs. It is also an and are in charge of the acquisition of direct ability in Global Supply
important aspect of the implementation of the and indirect goods and services from external Chains. Traceability
UN Global Compact principles. sources. We use this expression in the broad- is a useful tool that
est sense, synonymous with other commonly provides information
Working Definitions used terms, such as “procurement,” “buying,” on the components of
For the purposes of this guide, corporate “sourcing” and “purchasing.” products, parts and
materials and helps
verify certain sustain-
Environmental, Social and Economic Impacts ability claims associ-
Exist Throughout Every Stage of Supply Chains.1 ated with products
and commodities.
Transpo More resources on
traceability and other
Material input At every stage in the related topics may
Recycling lifecycle of specific
be the future focus of
products there are so-
cial and environmental
attention from the UN
Extraction Global Compact Office.
impacts, or externali-
ties, on the environ- https://www.
END OF LIFE manufacturing
ment and on people. unglobalcompact.org/
In addition, gover- library/791
Environment nance, or the account-
ability of organizations
to their stakeholders
for their conduct, is
important at every
stage throughout the
Use distribution supply chain.

From BSR.
8 Supply Chain Sustainability

About Supply Chain Sustainability & the United Nations Global Compact
The UN Global Compact encourages participants to engage with suppliers about respect for
the Ten Principles and to advance sustainable development objectives as part of their commit-
ment to the UN Global Compact, and, thereby, to spread good corporate sustainability practices
throughout the global business community. As the table below outlines, the Ten Principles are
intricately tied to sustainability in supply chains.

The Ten Principles of the Global Compact and

Supply Chain Sustainability

The Ten Principles Relationship to Supply Chain Sustainability

Human Rights Companies have a responsibility to respect human rights. The baseline
responsibility is not to infringe on the rights of others and address any
Principle 1: Businesses should adverse impacts that occur. The Guiding Principles on Business and
support and respect the Human Rights (the Guiding Principles), endorsed by the UN Human
Rights Council in June 2011, provide a globally authoritative standard
protection of internationally for how companies can meet this responsibility. The Guiding Principles
proclaimed human rights; and state that companies should have in place policies and processes
appropriate to their size and circumstances, including a process of
Principle 2: make sure continuous human rights due diligence, to “know and show” that they
that they are not complicit respect human rights. The Guiding Principles provide conceptual
in human rights abuses. clarity and content to the corporate responsibility to respect human
rights described in Principle 1 and 2 of the UN Global Compact. In
other words, the corporate responsibility to respect human rights in
Labour Principle 1 of the UN Global Compact is the same one described in the
Guiding Principles.1 It should also be noted that the Guiding Principles
Principle 3: Businesses should include labour rights in the sphere of human rights for workers.
uphold the freedom of as- Therefore, the responsibility to respect human rights also applies to
Principles 1 to 6 of the UN Global Compact.
sociation and the effective
recognition of the right to Additionally, business can go beyond addressing harm to human rights
collective bargaining; by taking steps to support and promote the realization of human rights
through core business activities, strategic social investment, philan-
Principle 4: the elimination of thropy, public policy engagement, advocacy partnerships as well as
collective actions, and there are good business reasons to do so. They
all forms of forced and com-
should also establish operational-level grievance mechanisms as a key
pulsory labour; support tool to provide access to remedy for the rights-holders.

Principle 5: the effective aboli- Labour conditions in offices, in factories, on farms and at natural
tion of child labour; and resource extraction sites such as mines often fall significantly below
international standards and national regulatory requirements and can
Principle 6: the elimination of lead to serious human rights abuses. In these contexts, businesses
discrimination in respect of should respect international labour standards within their supply
chains, including by ensuring that suppliers respect the rights of
employment and occupation.
freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining, abolishing
forced and child labour and eliminating discrimination.

In addition, workers in many countries may be vulnerable to other

human rights abuses, including unsafe or hazardous work, excessive
work hours, unpaid wages, degrading treatment by employers and
inhibited movement. In order to avoid complicity in abuses, busi-
nesses should seek to ensure that they do not cause or contribute to
the infringement on the rights of workers and that such infringements
are not directly linked to their operations, products or services through
their business relationships, including with respect to the right to
freedom of movement, freedom from inhumane treatment, the right to
equal pay for equal work and the right to rest and leisure. The rights of
all peoples to work in safe and healthy working conditions and to have
access to social protection measures are critically important as well.

For more information about the relationship between the UN Global Compact’s Human Rights Principles and the Guiding Principles, please read The UN Guiding
Principles on Business and Human Rights: Relationship to UN Global Compact Commitments (UN Global Compact, OHCHR, updated June 2014), available at

Environment Environmental impacts from supply chains are often severe, par-
ticularly where environmental regulations are lax, price pressures
Principle 7: Businesses are significant and natural resources are (or are perceived to be)
should support a precaution- abundant. These impacts can include toxic waste, water pollution, loss
of biodiversity, deforestation, long term damage to ecosystems, water
ary approach to environmen- scarcity, hazardous air emissions as well as high greenhouse gas
tal challenges; emissions and energy use. Companies should engage with suppliers
to address environmental impacts, by applying the precautionary ap-
Principle 8: undertake initia- proach, promoting greater environmental responsibility and the usage
tives to promote greater of clean technologies.
environmental responsibility;
Principle 9: encourage the
development and diffusion
of environmentally friendly

Anti-Corruption The significant corruption risks in the supply chain include procure-
ment fraud and third parties who engage in corrupt practices involving
Principle 10: Businesses governments. The direct costs of this corruption are considerable,
should work against corrup- including product quality, but often are dwarfed by indirect costs related
to management time and resources dealing with issues such as legal
tion in all its forms, including
liability and damage to a company’s reputation. Companies that engage
extortion and bribery. their supply chains through meaningful anti-corruption programmes can
improve product quality, reduce fraud and related costs, enhance their
reputations for honest business, improve the environment for business
and create a more sustainable platform for future growth.

An approach to the post-2015 development agenda

in global supply chains
In 2000, the United Nations established the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), a
set of eight globally agreed goals that range from eradicating poverty to promoting gen-
der equality. Following the expiration of the MDGs in 2015, a series of consultations in-
volving governments, private sectors, civil society and other stakeholders have led to the
identification of priority areas of focus for the Post-2015 development agenda. The UN
Global Compact has played a critical role of conveying the voice of responsible business
to this global process and illustrating how corporate sustainability can effectively con-
tribute to sustainable development.2 Managing the social, environmental and economic
impacts of supply chains is a key component for sustainable development and a means
for businesses to scale up their sustainability practices. The implementation of sustain-
able supply chain policies and practices offers a significant opportunity for a company to
contribute to the advancement of sustainable development, including inclusive growth,
social equity and progress, and environmental protection.

For more information about the role of the UN Global Compact in the Post-2015 consultations, please read the note The UN Post-2015 Process and How the Global Com-
pact Fits In (UN Global Compact, 2014), available at https://www.unglobalcompact.org/docs/issues_doc/development/UN_Post2015_Process_Global_Compact.pdf.
10 Supply Chain Sustainability


The UN Global Compact has developed several initiatives, either alone or in partnership with other organizations, to build on
the Ten Principles in relation to specific issues or to the rights of an underrepresented category of stakeholders. The issues
and actions set by the special initiatives are relevant both to the company’s activities and its supply chain.

The Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs). The Children’s Rights and Business Principles (CRBPs). The CRBPs
Co-developed by the UN Global Compact and UN are the result of the collaboration between UNICEF, the UN Global
Women, the WEPs are a set of Principles for business Compact and Save the Children. They are the first comprehensive set of
offering guidance on how to empower women in the principles to guide companies on the full range of actions they can take
workplace, marketplace and community. Principle 5 to respect and support children’s rights, both within their business and
of the WEPs asks companies to expand relationships throughout their supply chains. Principle 2 of the CRBPs requires busi-
with women-owned/managed businesses, including nesses not to employ or use children in any type of child labour and to en-
small businesses and women entrepreneurs. sure that age-verification mechanisms are also used in the supply chain.
www.weprinciples.org/ www.childrenandbusiness.org/

Caring for Climate (C4C). Caring for Climate is the UN Global Compact,
Child Labour Platform. An initiative coordinated by UN Environment Programme and the secretariat of the UN Framework
the UN Global Compact and the International Labour Convention on Climate Change’s initiative to advance the role of busi-
Organization, the Child Labour Platform is a multi- ness in addressing climate change. It provides a framework for business
sector, multistakeholder forum for sharing experi- leaders to implement practical climate change solutions and help shape
ences and lessons learned in eliminating child labour, public policy. C4C signatories commit to continuously improve energy ef-
particularly in the supply chain. ficiency and usage, reduce the carbon footprint of products, services and
http://www.ilo.org/ipec/Action/CSR/clp/lang--en processes, and build capacity to adapt to climate change in their opera-
/index.htm tions and the supply chain.

CEO Water Mandate (CWM). Launched by the

Food and Agriculture Business Principles (FAB). The FAB Principles
UN Secretary-General, the CEO Water Mandate is
are the first set of global voluntary business principles for the food and
designed to assist companies in the development,
agriculture sector.
implementation and disclosure of water sustain-
They provide agreed global language on what constitutes sustainability in
ability policies and practices. It seeks to make a
food and agriculture on critical issues ranging from food security, health
positive impact with respect to the emerging global
and nutrition to human rights, good governance and environmental stew-
water crisis by mobilizing a critical mass of business
ardship, as well as ensuring economic viability across the entire value
leaders to advance water sustainability solutions
throughout business operations and the supply chain
– in partnership with the UN, civil society organiza-
tions, governments and other stakeholders.

Business for Peace (B4P). B4P supports compa-

nies in implementing responsible business practices
Business for the Rule of Law (B4ROL). The B4ROL initiative seeks to
that are aligned with the UN Global Compact prin-
engage the business community to support the rule of law, as a comple-
ciples throughout their business and supply chains in
ment to not substitute for, government action. It includes, among other
conflict-affected/high-risk areas and catalyzes col-
things, a Framework which aims to provide guidance and support dialogue
laborative action to advance peace in the workplace,
on how companies from around the world are able to take voluntary
marketplace, local communities and along their
action to support the rule of law in their business operations and relation-
supply chain. This bottom-up, grassroots approach
ships, while reinforcing business respect for the UN Global Compact’s Ten
creates and maintains dialogues and working groups
Principles and support for broader UN goals throughout its own business
where companies and other stakeholders can share
operations and supply chain relationships.
experiences and identify the factors critical to ad-
vancing sustainable peace along their supply chains
within the country.
12 Supply Chain Sustainability


Supply Chain Sustainability: An Online Assessment and Learning Tool
An interactive tool for customers to measure progress in implementing a holistic sustain-
able supply chain approach, assess gaps and share challenges and successes. Produced in
collaboration with BSR.

Sustainable Supply Chains: Resources & Practices

This portal provides information on initiatives, resources and tools to assist companies
in developing more sustainable supply chains, as well as case examples of company

Human Rights and Labour Working Group Good Practice Notes on Supply Chains
A series of Good Practice Notes on how companies can partner with suppliers, govern-
ments and civil society to promote human rights in supply chains.

Embedding Human Rights in Business Practice – Case Studies Series

A collection of case studies about efforts by companies to integrate human rights prin-
ciples into their practices and supply chains. Case Studies on ANZ, Ford, Telenor Group and
Total include a focus on supply chain management.

Environmental Stewardship Resource

A strategic policy framework for environmental management and sustainability, including
strategies and guidance for supply chain implementation.

Fighting Corruption in the Supply Chain: A Guide for Customers and Suppliers
Practical guidance and tools for both customers and suppliers to engage in the fight
against corruption. A product of the UN Global Compact 10th Principle Working Group.

Stand Together Against Corruption

Developed by the Anti-Corruption Task Force of the Advisory Group on Supply Chain Sus-
tainability, this resource provides short and practical guidance to companies on managing
anti-corruption in the supply chain.

A Guide to Traceability: A Practical Approach to Advance Sustainability in

Global Supply Chains
The guide presents practical steps for implementing traceability programmes within com-
panies, features case studies, and maps relevant stakeholders, resources and sustainability
issues related to key commodities. A product of the Traceability Task Force of the Advisory
Group on Supply Chain Sustainability.

Webinar Series on Supply Chain Sustainability

A series of online events focused on the most pressing issues around supply chain sustain-
ability. The presentation slides and video recordings from past webinars are available on
the UN Global Compact website following the event.

All resources can be accessed at: www.unglobalcompact.org/what-is-gc/our-work/


How to Use This Guide

This guide describes a holistic approach to Chapter 8 provides recommendations on

supply chain sustainability that can help com- goal setting and metrics to track internal and
panies identify key issues and considerations supplier performance in meeting companies’
for a supply chain sustainability approach supply chain sustainability expectations.
that is aligned with the ten principles of the They also explore the importance of public
UN Global Compact. reporting.

We begin in Chapter 2 by exploring the ratio- We welcome comments on the content of

nales and business drivers for supply chain this guide and other deliverables as we seek
sustainability. We also discuss the importance to constantly improve the availability and
of understanding the internal and external alignment of supply chain sustainability
landscape and of establishing a company-spe- tools for companies.
cific vision for supply chain sustainability.

In Chapter 3, we provide advice on designing

a policy for sustainable procurement and a
related supplier code of conduct that builds UN Global Compact
from the UN Global Compact Ten Principles and BSR Partnership
and other recognized international standards, on Supply Chain
as well as how to put these policies to use. Sustainability
Chapter 4 describes the key factors in deter- Since 2010, UN Global Compact and BSR
mining the scope of a supply chain sustain- have collaborated on several projects
ability programme, such as mapping of the to develop strategic guidance materials
supply chain and prioritization. for business on the implementation of
the Ten Principles in supply chain pro-
Chapter 5 outlines steps for engaging with grammes and operations. This guide is a
suppliers on supply chain sustainability. It result of this coordinated effort.
includes approaches for communicating with
suppliers, monitoring performance, build- Additionally, the UN Global Compact
ing supplier capacity as well as leadership and BSR have developed the Quick
activities in building suppliers’ sustainability Self-Assessment and Learning Tool for
management systems. companies to check anonymously their
current level of supply chain sustain-
Chapters 6 provides practical guidance on ability implementation against suggested
internal responsibilities and performance global guidance and to learn how to
management for supply chain sustainability. make progress over time in implement-
It outlines concepts of internal alignment ing a holistic approach.
as well as the suggested roles for executive
management and supply chain management This interactive tool was released in 2011
professionals. and will be updated following the launch
of the revised guide.
Chapter 7 describes how collaboration and
multi-stakeholder partnerships, includ-
ing with governments, can help extend the
impact of supply chain sustainability pro-
grammes and some of the opportunities and
risks associated with this.
14 Supply Chain Sustainability

“Business is often taking

the initiative to move
things forward. Focusing
only on the business
case underplays the
value that business is
and should be providing
in society and with
regards to development.”
– Mads Øvlisen, Chair of the UN Global
Compact Advisory Group on Supply Chain Sustainability.

2. Getting Started on Supply

Chain Sustainability
The first steps in developing a supply chain
sustainability programme are to evaluate the busi- Developing the Business Case
ness case for action and understand the internal There are many compelling reasons for taking ac-
and external landscape. These efforts will help tion to improve social and environmental impacts
identify the highest priority supply chain issues throughout the supply chain. Many companies
for the company, evaluate risks and opportunities are driven by their corporate values and culture to
and build the internal support to move forward. address sustainability issues. For these companies,
In addition, companies are motivated to act by the fact that supply chain sustainability is the
expectations that they identify and address the right thing to do and is a driver of social develop-
impacts on people and the environment linked ment and environmental protection helps create
to their supply chain, whether or not these pose internal buy-in and commitment.
risks to the companies themselves. As an exam- Having a strong business case helps a company
ple, the corporate responsibility to respect human to further build internal buy-in for their sustain-
rights requires companies to avoid causing or able supply chain objectives. Many companies
contributing to adverse human rights impacts and also identify specific business drivers for sup-
to seek to prevent or mitigate any adverse human ply chain sustainability. The business case for a
rights impact that is directly linked to their opera- particular company depends on a variety of issues
tions, products or services through their business including industry sector, supply chain footprint,
relationships. This responsibility applies at any stakeholder expectations, business strategy and
level of the value chain. Best practices require organizational culture. Supply chain sustainabili-
companies to address risks of adverse impacts ty management practices that respond to multiple
in the supply chain from the perspective of the drivers can maximize the value to business.
rights-holders, rather than limiting the scope of The most common business drivers for supply
their policies and procedures to only cover those chain sustainability are depicted in the figure
risks that are paramount to the business. below.

building the business case for supply

chain sustainability 3

Business Drivers
for Supply Chain Sustainability

Sustainability-related risks Sustainability- Sustainability-

driven advantaged
■■ Maintain social license to operate productivity growth
■■ Meet existing and emerging legal
and reporting requirements ■■ Reduce cost of ■■ Meet evolving
■■ Minimize business disruption material inputs, energy, customer and business
from environmental, social and transportation partner requirements
economic impacts ■■ Increase labour ■■ Innovate for chang-
■■ Protect company’s reputation productivity ing market
and brand value; meet investors’ and ■■ Create efficiency
stakeholders’ expectations across supply chains

Governance, Management, Transparency

See Value Driver Model (2013, UN Global Compact LEAD, PRI), available at https://www.unglobalcompact.org/docs/issues_doc/Financial_markets/
16 Supply Chain Sustainability


Westpac, an Australian bank, recognizes the
Objectives through Companies can protect themselves from
importance of engaging closely with suppliers
Supply Chain potential supply chain interruptions or
in order to address social, ethical and environ-
Sustainability delays associated with suppliers’ practices
mental impacts within the supply chain, protect
with regards to human rights, labour stan-
the company’s reputation and brand and
Example of Sustain- dards, environment and anti-corruption by
ensure a growing source of value creation and
ability-Related Risk ensuring suppliers have effective compli-
innovation. Westpac manages these risks and
Management: Partner- ance programmes and robust management
opportunities through a defined sustainable
ing with suppliers to en- systems covering all the areas of the UN
supply chain management practice.
sure minimum standards Global Compact Ten Principles. For compa-
in management prac- nies who have single sources for key inputs,
tices, such as hiring age, managing risks is also critical to ensuring
contracts with workers, continued access to those resources. SUSTAINABILITY-DRIVEN PRODUCTIVITY
health and safety condi- Increasingly, customer and investor A focus on sustainability-driven productivity
tions, etc. expectations and overall society are driving in the supply chain can reduce a company’s
companies toward more responsible supply procurement costs while also reducing the
Example of Sustain-
chain management. Strong management of environmental footprint of the supply chain,
social and environmental issues helps com- such as energy, water and use of natural and
Productivity Initia-
panies avoid and address adverse impacts to synthetic materials. This may also reduce
tives: Reducing costs
stakeholders, which can in turn help ensure the harm to worker health and safety and
without negatively im-
that companies maintain their social license improve worker motivation, productivity
pacting operations, such
to operate by taking into consideration risks and cost efficiency.
as shipping products
to surrounding communities. Effectively
via ocean freight rather
managing social and environmental risks Other benefits include:
than via air cargo when
can also help companies avoid potentially
costly operational delays from conflicts with • Increased understanding of key processes
Example of Growth local communities and can help compa- in the supply chain, including natural
from Sustainability- nies avoid reputational risks. Furthermore, resource management and extraction, logis-
Advantaged Products: companies now face a growing expectation tics and manufacturing and enables better
Sourcing raw materials to disclose information related to their sup- management and stewardship of resources
with social and environ- ply chain as well as an emergence of legal • More efficiently designed processes and
mental impacts explic- requirements. In accordance with existing systems which reduce required inputs and
itly considered, such legislation, some companies have been lower costs.
as biologically-based required to prove the country of origin of
plastics that emit rela- imported timber (e.g. EU Timber Regulation, Productivity and efficiency initiatives re-
tively fewer greenhouse EUTR), report on the use of certain minerals quire a full understanding of the different
gases throughout their that originate from conflict-affected coun- steps of the supply chain and the key social
lifecycle. tries (e.g. Section 1502 of the Dodd-Frank and environmental impacts and cost driv-
Act) or to report on their efforts to eradicate ers. By addressing the root causes of issues
slavery and human trafficking in their sup- through strong communication capabilities,
ply chain (e.g. California Transparency in in-depth understanding of business driv-
Supply Chains Act of 2010). ers and sustainability trends and shared
Finally, companies use supply chain assessments and priorities for improvement,
sustainability to ensure that their suppliers companies can drive improvements and
can adapt to anticipated strengthening of derive the benefits.
environmental regulations (e.g. restrictions
of hazardous substances regulations) and ex-
tended product responsibility legislation, to In 2009, Montepaschi Group, a financial
reduce potential future liability and to cre- institution in Italy, launched its Sustainable
ate a fairer, more sustainable environment Supply Chain programme as a key component
to operate in. Additionally, end consumers’ of its overall CSR strategy. The company
demand can be driven by the choice to buy found that the implementation of the com-
products containing ethically sourced ma- pany’s Supply Chain Sustainability Guidelines
terials (e.g. paper from certified sustainable contributed to the positive advancement of
forestry, fair trade labels). a broad Cost Optimization Plan. This Plan

achieved savings in 2014 of approx. EUR 148

million compared to the 2013 baseline. It “The purchasing power of a
involved the entire cost base and impacted
service models and supplier selection, focus- corporation can become a
ing particularly on real estate, where actions
were implemented to optimize the use of
unique driver for bringing
spaces and reduce energy consumption,
generating 20% of savings; ICT, simplifying
about positive change in
the software and hardware architecture
through an open collaboration with suppli-
society. Companies must
ers, generating 21% of savings; logistics
and security areas, actions focused on ef-
use this power to achieve
ficiency improvement processes to achieve
a “paperless” office and optimizing service
a purpose and make their
contracts in a sustainable manner generat-
ing 14% savings.
supply chain a vehicle
for inclusive growth. In
Collaboration with suppliers on sustain- like India, the bulk of the
ability issues can foster product innovation.
Companies embarking on such initiatives workforce is employed in the
have added new features and performance
characteristics to existing products and
unorganized sector which
even generated new products. For example,
sustainable products may result in reduced
often constitutes the last mile
negative environmental impacts
compared to traditional products or have
of the supply chain. If this
improved end of life collection and disposal
options. It is also possible for the sustain-
workforce is exposed to the
ability of products to be a differentiating
factor and to lead to increased sales for
advantages of good and clean
some companies. business practices, it would
In 2012, Stora Enso, a global provider of
make a great impact on their
renewable solutions in packaging, biomateri- lives and on the wellbeing of
als, wood and paper, renewed and endorsed
its “Policy for Sustainable Sourcing of Wood the nation.”
and Fibre, and Land Management” to ensure
that all of the roundwood, chips, sawdust
and externally purchased pulp supplied to – Anand Mahindra – Vice Chairman
the company’s mills comes from sustainable & Managing Director, Mahindra & Mahindra Limited
sources. By using forest certification and
traceability systems, Stora Enso checks that
the wood has been harvested in compliance
with the relevant national and EU legislation
and in accordance with their own policy. In
2014 certified fibre accounted for 78% of all
the fibre used by the company.
18 Supply Chain Sustainability

Labour Understanding the Landscape • Is the company sourcing directly or

Recruitment in Beyond identifying business drivers, it is also through third parties? How many third par-
the Supply Chain important to understand the internal and ex- ties (a large or a small quantity)?
In addition to looking ternal landscape of supply chain sustainability • In which sector/countries directly linked
at their product supply including the approaches of peer companies, with the company’s operations are the
chain, companies have the expectations of stakeholders and opportu- main risks of adverse impact on people,
started to recognize nities to partner with others (explored more in environment or governance most present?
that service-providing Chapter 8). E.g. are there any geopolitical issues?
workforces such as • What is the company’s visibility beyond di-
labour recruiters and INITIAL RISK ANALYSIS rect suppliers and how can it be improved?
moneylenders, can carry In order for companies to ensure that the sus-
several sustainability tainable supply chain approach they establish
risks for both inter- is relevant to their particular industry, geog- In consideration of the large size and
nal and international raphy, risk profile and operational context, it global reach of the supply base, Ford Motor
migrant workers. Human is imperative that they understand the supply Company, an American automaker, has
trafficking and forced chain upfront. As a first step of their supply decided to focus its training and assessment
labour are among the chain due diligence, companies need to form efforts in countries that pose the highest
main issues associated an initial understanding of the most salient risk for sub-standard working conditions.
with unethical practices risks and potential opportunities in their own Every year, Ford conducts a risk analysis to
of recruitment agencies. supply chain and how those may impact busi- consider external data, including input from
Since the initial develop- ness resilience. Getting a handle on this data external stakeholders, and then compares it
ment of a supply chain and understanding the dynamics that exist in with the supplier footprint. Internal data in-
programme and strat- complex global chains will help to determine clude: 1) Annual spend, 2) Supplier Location,
egy, companies should what the priorities are, and what the best 3) Commodities being supplied, and 4) train-
also take into account engagement methods might be. ing and assessment history. The high-prior-
labour supply chains and As part of this process, companies need to ity country list combined with prior training
address issues arising seek input from internal colleagues across dif- and assessment history and engagement
from exploitative recruit- ferent functions, as well as from external re- with regional buying community is used to
ing and hiring practices. sources, to identify problematic areas within prioritize the company’s global training and
the supply chain, including those that are assessment efforts.
environmentally sensitive, targeted by NGOs/
government as high risk or that have limited
supply due to unique cultivation. Benchmarking
This initial risk analysis should, at a mini- against Peer Companies
mum, answer the following questions: Peer companies may have already begun ad-
dressing supply chain sustainability. Bench-
• What are you sourcing and from where? marking against peers, customers, suppliers
• What are your key products and services? and even companies from other sectors may
What is generally known about key risks provide a more sophisticated understand-
and impacts in those products and services? ing of the business value as well as ideas to

UN Global Compact Annual Implementation

Survey Results Related to Supply Chain Sustainability
Since 2007, the UN Global Compact has conducted an annual survey of its participants, including questions related
to supply chain sustainability practices. The UN Global Compact Corporate Sustainability Report4 presents key
findings of the Annual Implementation Survey Results, where the implementation of corporate sustainability in the
supply chain has been consistently identified as one of the most challenging areas for UN Global Compact partici-
pants. In particular, the surveys found that although companies are increasingly setting sustainability standards
for their suppliers, they are failing to implement and measure actions that hold suppliers to those standards.
Overall, the trend shows that large companies lead the way in demanding greater commitment from their suppliers.

The UN Global Compact Corporate Sustainability Report is available at: https://www.unglobalcompact.org/docs/about_the_gc/Global_Corporate_Sustainability_Report2013.pdf.

incorporate into the design of the company’s Engaging stakeholders early and regularly The Importance
supply chain sustainability programme. in the process of designing a programme of Investors and
Companies should seek to understand peers’: can help companies identify relevant stan- Customers as
dards and approaches to sustainable supply Stakeholders in
• Business case for supply chain chain management.5 Some stakeholders are Supply Chain
sustainability knowledgeable about, and sometimes even in- Sustainability
• Understanding of human rights, labour, en- volved in the development of, different codes
Customers and in-
vironment and governance risks, opportu- of conduct and certifications for suppliers.
vestors are increas-
nities and impacts and the resulting supply Examples include the Kimberley Process for
ingly expecting that
chain focus jewelry, Forest Stewardship Council Certifica-
companies under-
• Internal structure for managing supply tion for wood and paper products and the
stand and manage
chain sustainability SA8000 for responsible labour practices across
impacts in their
• Codes of conduct, and the topics included industries. They can help evaluate the cred-
supply chains.
• Use of their code of conduct ibility of different options and identify which
• Approach and programmes to engage might be relevant inputs for the company’s Investors want to
with suppliers programme. ensure that com-
• Metrics to evaluate the success of their Emerging risks and opportunities in sup- panies are aware of
programme ply chains. From customers and employees and are mitigating
• Reporting practices to activists and NGOs, stakeholders are often key risks affecting
the first to identify emerging environmental, their supply chains.
In addition, suppliers themselves can often social, governance and economic impacts in In addition, they are
provide examples of good practices and can the supply chain. Companies who engage interested to know
communicate their needs to customers. Some early and regularly with stakeholders have how companies are
industries have established joint codes of con- the opportunity to take a proactive approach creating value from
duct (see Chapter 3) and undertake aspects to these issues and to partner with stakehold- supply chain sustain-
of collaborative supplier engagement, such ers rather than discovering the issues through ability.
as cooperation to conduct audits and train- a public campaign. Early identification of
Consumers and
ing. Collaborative approaches and industry issues through stakeholder engagement can
business customers
initiatives are covered in detail in Chapter also help companies take early leadership in
are also encour-
8. This information is critical to help avoid comparison to peers.
aging companies
“re-inventing the wheel” of supply chain
to more closely
manage their supply
In developing its initial code of conduct,
Understanding the chains. In particu-
Westpac consulted its Community Con-
Expectations of Stakeholders lar, some consumers
sultative Council, suppliers and NGOs. The
are seeking more
Companies should also invest in identifying company included feedback from organiza-
sustainable prod-
and understanding the expectations of their tions such as the Australian Conservation
ucts, while business
stakeholders including potentially impacted Foundation, Australian Consumers’ Associa-
customers may
individuals and groups, national and local tion, Australian Council of Social Security,
include supply chain
governments, workers’, migrant workers’ Finance Sector Union and Human Rights and
sustainability in
and employers’ organizations and trade Equal Opportunity Commission. The Code was
their supplier selec-
unions, nongovernmental organizations enhanced in 2014 to reflect developments
tion criteria.
(NGOs), advocacy and activist organizations, and lessons learned in Westpac’s own values
academic and issue experts, community and and practices, including carbon management,
specific stakeholder groups, such as women, agribusiness, accessibility and flexibility
children, older and/or disabled workers, practices and indigenous inclusion. The Bank
indigenous groups and minorities as well as recognizes that the Code needs to remain rel-
suppliers themselves. evant and current, and evolve with in consul-
Moreover, companies can also benefit tation with key stakeholders as best practice
from seeking input from customers and becomes the normal expected standard.
investors. Customer and investor demand
is a primary driver for many supply chain
sustainability programmes and insights
from these stakeholders can help shape
programmes and ensure that they create the
maximum return for the company.

For a human rights approach on this topic, see Stakeholder Engagement in Human Rights Due Diligence (October 2014, Global Compact Network Germany, Twentyfifty) available at http://www.global-
20 Supply Chain Sustainability

Establishing a Vision companies, a vision will also include more

Having a clear vision and objectives for a com- ambitious targets and a longer-term outlook.
pany’s sustainable supply chain programme Based on the business motivations and
will provide direction for its strategy and help objectives, the company can craft a vision
to define its company’s commitment. A vision statement that reflects what is considered long-
will be a helpful yardstick in evaluating the term success for a programme. Some examples
success of the programme and to identify areas of company vision statements are on the next
for continued improvement. page. The vision for the company may change
It is important that the development of the over time. An initial vision will help to frame
company’s vision and objectives are champi- how the company will build a strategy ini-
oned from the top. This is critical to ensure the tially. As the company becomes aware of issues
success of the programme. Moreover, to ensure and begins to understand and gain experience,
support from company leaders, it is important it may become necessary to “re-set” the vision.
that executives and senior managers from
all parts of the business related to the sup-
ply chain should be consulted in this process Since its origins, Grupo Arcor, a food prod-
and have a say in the development of the ucts and confectionary business based in
company’s vision. Companies should consider Argentina, has developed a business model
how they can include representatives from where economic progress is linked to social
supply management, corporate sustainability, development and the preservation of natural
design, marketing, logistics, quality assurance, resources. Over the years the company has
compliance, legal, human resources, finance deepened this commitment, developing a
risk and strategy, diversity and inclusion, en- Sustainability Policy and Strategy to man-
vironment and health and safety functions in age risks and opportunities and promote
creating the vision, as each of these functions innovative business practices across the
will have a role to play in the implementation value chain, creating economic, social and
of the sustainable supply chain programme. environmental value for all actors involved.
For smaller companies, it is equally important The specific strategy for sustainable sourcing
that leaders agree on the vision for sustainable focuses on:
supply chains. ■■ Aligning procurement and sourcing policy
The output of the process should be a and practices with the company’s sustain-
statement of vision and commitment that is ability requirements;
anchored in the company’s values and ethics. ■■ Addressing key sustainability challenges,
It is also important to define specific objec- such as sustainable agriculture, prevention of
tives and potential barriers or risk events child labour and sustainable paper sourcing;
affecting their achievement. What is the ■■ Creating inclusive market opportunities for
company hoping to achieve through a supply enterprises in vulnerable conditions while
chain programme? What are some long-term expanding sourcing options;
outcomes the company wants to work toward? ■■ Training key stakeholders on main
How will a sustainable supply chain support sustainability issues.
the company’s business strategy? Objectives As part of Grupo Arcor’s broader Sustainabil-
can cover a wide range, including: strategic ity Policy and Strategy, the initiatives carried
business goals (e.g. creating long-term value out in the supply chain have been crucial for
for the company), operational business goals projecting a sustainable business with long-
(e.g. saving cost by reducing wasted energy and term vision.
materials), goals to improve the company’s
reputation (e.g. wanting to change stakeholder
opinions of the company), and compliance-
based goals (e.g. ensuring activities meet all
applicable laws and regulations).
At a minimum, a supply chain vision
should state the company’s commitment to
operate in line with internationally recognized
human and labour rights, and with relevant
environmental standards. However, for most

Supply Chain Sustainability Vision Statements

“We are committed to building strong and lasting relationships
with our customers and our suppliers, founded on trust and
mutual benefit. We do business with integrity: we respect
the laws of the countries in which we operate and adhere to
good corporate governance practices….We are mindful of our
impact on the natural environment….We are committed to the
respect of human rights. We want to help end the exploitation
of children in the workplace and the use of forced labour…We
actively seek out and favour business partners who share our
values and our ethical commitments.”

“At Nokia, we work hard to anticipate risk, demonstrate
company values, enhance our governance practices, increase
employee satisfaction, and look after the environment and
communities where we do business. We expect the companies
in our supplier network to take a similar ethical business
approach and to demonstrate progress and achievements in
these areas as well as in educating and overseeing the prac-
tices of their own suppliers.
Our aim is to ensure that environmental, ethical and health
and safety issues, as well as labour practices, are not separate
add-on features, but are embedded within all our sourcing
processes, including supplier selection and relationship devel-
22 Supply Chain Sustainability

3. Establishing Sustainability
Expectations for the Supply Chain
As the company begins to solidify its vision to company. Some companies have dedicated
for supply chain sustainability, an important staff to overseeing its correct use, while oth-
next step is to translate expectations into ers assign implementation duties to person-
a clear set of guidelines that will provide nel whose core responsibilities lie in other
direction to suppliers and internal colleagues. functions such as sourcing, quality assurance
At a minimum, the company should expect or production engineering.
suppliers to comply with national laws and
to take proactive measures to avoid environ- Overview of Supplier Code
mental and social harm.6 The expectations on of Conduct
suppliers should be appropriate to their size Codes of conduct are critical to establishing
and circumstances. They should also enable and managing expectations for both customers
the company to be satisfied that its prod- and suppliers. They create a shared foundation
ucts, operations and services are not directly for sustainability from which supply chain
linked to adverse impacts caused by the sup- management professionals, suppliers and
plier. This may require, for example, more other actors can make informed decisions.
formal reporting requirements for suppliers For many companies, a supplier code of
engaged in higher-risk activities. conduct is seen as a natural extension of
corporate values statements to apply to an
increasingly important part of the business
Overview of Engaging Supply Chain and as an affirmation of existing expectations
Management Professionals7 rather than a new set of requirements. As
It is critical for any business implementing such, the supplier code of conduct should be
sustainable supply chain practices to start endorsed by the highest level executive in the
thinking about their own internal approach company by making a public statement of
to supply chain management professionals approval of either the document and/or the
and related functions. importance of the company’s supply chain
This involves first and foremost ensuring sustainability programme.
buy-in from the highest level executive in When developing supplier codes of conduct,
the company, and then creating a sustain- there are a number of international standards
able procurement policy and appropriate due that should also be consulted and referenced.
diligence processes, engaging all supply chain These are outlined in the sections below.
management professionals and related staff
to understand and implement the policies Adopting or Writing
and processes. Ideally, the policy will cover a Supplier Code of Conduct
buying/procurement ethics and describe The UN Global Compact Ten Principles out-
how supply chain management profession- line each of the areas that need to be covered
als within the company should be engaged for a supplier code of conduct to be consid-
to ensure respect of the UN Global Compact ered comprehensive. During the external
principles. It will also be in alignment with landscape review outlined in Chapter 2, many
the supplier code of conduct, as described in companies will find that other companies
the section below. in their industry have already created joint
Finally, depending on how large and com- codes of conduct. These codes are designed
plicated the company structure is, it may be to minimize the burden on suppliers by
helpful to establish internal policies and pro- reducing the number of standards with which
cedures to explain how the supplier code of they must demonstrate compliance. They
conduct should be implemented by staff and are also intended to streamline the process
systems of accountability. The effectiveness of of conducting joint audits of suppliers and
the code depends on successful enforcement to reduce the effort required of companies to
mechanisms, which can vary from company design their own codes.

Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: Implementing the United Nations “Protect, Respect and Remedy” Framework (Office of the High Commis-
sioner for Human Rights, OHCHR, 2011), available at http://www.ohchr.org/Documents/Publications/GuidingPrinciplesBusinessHR_EN.pdf.
See definition on pg. 7.
24 Supply Chain Sustainability

However, there is a risk that joint codes do For the procedural elements of the code
not address all the issue areas of the Global relating to social impacts, companies should
Compact, or will not meet specific concerns refer to the UN Guiding Principles on Busi-
for the business. In this case, businesses ness and Human Rights, which outline the
should still adhere to the joint code, but be policies and processes that all companies,
ready to supplement it with specific policies including suppliers, should have in place
to address those uncovered risks. There is also to ensure that they respect human rights
a risk that adoption of industry codes will be (including labour rights).
the end rather than the beginning of the road For the social substantive elements of the
to improved supply chain sustainability, so code, companies should refer to the UN Dec-
it is important that there is internal commit- laration of Human Rights, the International
ment and resources to integrate the code into Covenants on Civil and Political and Economic,
supplier relationships. Social and Cultural Rights, the International
If there are no joint codes that are compre- Labour Organization’s (ILO) Declaration on
hensive for a certain industry, or a company Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work as
determines that they are not appropriate for well as the Tripartite declaration of principles
their supply chain, there are several princi- concerning multinational enterprises and
ples and initiatives that apply to supply chain social policy (ILO MNE Declaration), which
management that should be referenced. establish common expectations on a broad

Topics and References to Consider in

Writing and Adopting a Supplier Code of Conduct*

Potential Sources
Sample Policy Areas that Align with the UN Global Compact Ten Principles
to Reference:

Human Rights and Labour Environment United Nations Global Compact

1. Forced labour 20. Material toxicity and chemicals Universal Declaration of Human Rights
2. Child labour 21. Raw material use UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human
3. Working hours 22. Recyclability and end of life of products Rights
4. Wages and benefits 23. Greenhouse gas emissions ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and
5. Humane treatment 24. Energy use Rights at Work
6. Nondiscrimination and equality 25. Water use and waste water treatment ILO Tripartite declaration of principles concern-
7. Freedom of association and 26. Air pollution ing multinational enaterprises and social policy
collective bargaining 27. Biodiversity (ILO MNE Declaration)
8. Occupational health and safety 28. Deforestation ILO International Labour Standards on Occupa-
9. Emergency preparedness tional Safety and Health
10. Occupational injury and illness Women’s Empowerment Principles
11. Fire safety
29. Conflict of interest Children’s Rights and Business Principles
12. Building structure and integrity
30. Gifts, meals and entertainment OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
13. Industrial hygiene
31. Bribery and kickbacks The Rio Declaration on Environment and
14. Leave entitlements
32. Accounting and business records Development
15. Freedom of speech
33. Protecting information United Nations Convention Against Corruption
16. Human trafficking
34. Fair competition
17. Privacy ISO 14001
35. Reporting misconduct
18. Minority rights ISO 26000
19. Rights of specific stakeholder SA8000
groups: indigenous people,
women, children, older work- OHSAS 18001
ers, workers with disabilities,
migrant workers

* This list does not represent a comprehensive record of all existing issues under human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption standards. Companies may need to consider additional
areas depending on the circumstances.

range of issues concerning work, employment, ance, compliance, legal, human resources,
social security, social policy and human rights. finance risk and strategy, diversity and inclu-
Companies should also include anti-discrimi- sion, environment and health and safety
nation policies to promote equal opportunity 5. Consult with the cross functional teams, in
for women, young, older and migrant workers, particular supply chain management profes-
and minority and indigenous groups work- sionals
ing in the supply chain and establish bench- 6. It is strongly encouraged to consider a re-
marks to evaluate their effectiveness as well quirement that suppliers cascade these expec-
as develop specific provisions to protect these tations to their supply base to ensure they are
vulnerable categories of workers. applied throughout the whole supply chain
Environmental topics that are most 7. Consider consulting external credible
relevant will vary by industry, which makes written or online sources, when available, or
dialogue and collaboration critical to identify- refer to the external expertise of recognized
ing which issues are most important to cover professionals
in the code of conduct. The UN Global Com- 8. Include clear expectations for informed
pact’s three Environmental Principles – to workplaces
support a precautionary approach to environ- 9. Include clear expectations around griev-
mental challenges, undertake initiatives to ance mechanisms
promote greater environmental responsibility
and encourage the development and diffu-
sion of environmentally friendly technologies Though products are increasingly delivered
– should form a central part of a company’s online, print publications are still a significant
code of conduct. part of RELX Group’s business, and the com-
With regard to anti-corruption practices,8 it pany purchases a large amount of paper. The
is important to review the relevant legislation company’s challenge was to better understand
both at national and international level for the sustainability of the paper it uses. To ensure
compliance and include in the code common suppliers meet the ethical standards RELX
corruption scenarios, so that suppliers can Group set for its own behavior, the company
identify risks and are prepared to respond began its Socially Responsible Supplier (SRS)
appropriately. It is also important to regularly programme in 2003. The cornerstone is the
assess the content of the code to determine RELX Group Supplier Code of Conduct, which
whether updating and further interpretation incorporates the ten principles of the UN Global
is needed. Compact. Suppliers are asked to sign and
prominently post the Code in their workplaces.
Key steps in development of a code include: It also helps suppliers spread best practice
1. Gain commitment from Board of Directors through their own supply chain by requiring
and high-level executive management. subcontractors to enter into a written commit-
2. Consult with stakeholders, including civil ment that they will uphold the Supplier Code.
society, suppliers and peers RELX Group conducts an annual survey asking
3. Base expectations on existing international suppliers to communicate their performance on
norms of behavior rather than inventing new all elements of the Code and the ten principles,
standards to avoid undermining international not only on key environmental issues but also
law and prevent conflicting expectations for on ensuring they do not use child and involun-
suppliers with multiple buyers tary labour, avoid workplace discrimination and
4. Draft the code with the involvement and promote freedom of association. This data is
support of key company managers from cross complemented by information gathered through
functional teams that are critical for getting PREPS, a shared industry resource for paper
buy-in for effective implementation and sustainability. PREPS fosters positive engage-
enforcement, including supply management, ment with paper suppliers and RELX Group is a
design, marketing, logistics, quality assur- founding member.

For detailed discussion of anti-corruption in the supply chain, including model language for a code of conduct, refer to the Global Compact
publication Fighting Corruption in the Supply Chain: A Guide for Customers and Suppliers (UN Global Compact, 2010), available at http://supply-chain.un-
globalcompact.org/ and Stand Together Against Corruption (UN Global Compact, 2013), available at https://www.unglobalcompact.org/docs/issues_doc/
26 Supply Chain Sustainability

Using the Supplier Code of Conduct

Levi Strauss & Co. was the first multinational
In order to meet the company’s goals for
company to establish Global Sourcing and
supply chain sustainability, the code should
Operating Guidelines, which outline the com-
be used as the foundation for setting internal
pany’s commitment to responsible business
and external expectations and as a framework
practices everywhere it conducts business.
for action and engagement with suppliers and
These guidelines include two parts: (1) Country
other stakeholders.
Assessment Guidelines, which help assess po-
A new code needs to be shared throughout
tential opportunities associated with conduct-
the company to raise awareness of the stan-
ing business in specific countries and (2) the
dards it describes. Supply chain management
Sustainability Guidebook (originally known as
professionals will need to gain familiarity
the company’s Terms of Engagement or TOE),
with the elements of the code in order to com-
which help to identify business partners who
municate it to existing and new suppliers and
follow workplace standards and business prac-
to detail how the company intends to work
tices that are consistent with the company’s
with them to ensure compliance and continu-
values. The Sustainability Guidebook applies
ous improvement. The code should mirror the
to all suppliers and is periodically updated to
company’s procurement policy, which covers
follow the progress of their standards. In 2014,
the suppliers’ performance. Possible avenues
updates included guidelines on migrant work-
of dissemination include internal websites
ers and fire safety and building integrity.
and ongoing trainings particularly to ensure
new staff are aware of expectations and regu-
lar communications from senior management
The Electronic Industry Citizenship Coali-
to reinforce the importance of the code.
tion (EICC), an industry association of more
Companies often take a variety of ap-
than 100 of the leading companies in the
proaches to communicating codes to suppliers
information and communications technology
industries, established a single supply chain
• A special, one-time communication.
code of conduct that provides a united voice
This approach is often most effective
for customer expectations, streamlines the
when the communication comes from
oversight of supply chain conditions for both
the highest level executive in the com-
suppliers and customers and allows both to
pany such as the CEO or Chief Procure-
focus on changing social and environmental
ment Officer.
conditions. Each member company in the EICC
• Inclusion of the code at first points of
has committed to adopting the code of conduct
contact with suppliers. Companies are
and implementing it in their supply chain. The
including the code at the very start of
EICC has worked to close the gaps between
new relationships with suppliers by post-
its code of conduct and the Guiding Principles
ing it on their websites and including
on Business and Human Rights and, as a result,
it in Requests for Proposals/Quotations.
has added key issues to its provisions, includ-
This helps to raise awareness among
ing freedom of association, non-discrimination,
potential suppliers of the importance
peaceful assembly and other key issues.
sustainability will play in their relation-
ship with the company.
• Integration of the code into supplier
Developed by the International Trade Centre
contracts. Many companies also choose
(ITC), Standards Map is a global publicly-avail-
to integrate the code into supplier con-
able online platform which provides compre-
tracts, or in some cases purchase orders,
hensive information on voluntary sustainability
by asking their suppliers to commit in
standards covering a variety issues, from
contracts to complying with the expecta-
labour rights to environmental criteria. The
tions set out in the code.
platform enables users to explore and compare
• Review of the code at a regularly
more than 175 sustainability standards, identify
scheduled business meeting. Link-
opportunities for product diversification and
ing the introduction of the code to an
new niche markets, and visualize standards
established business process and having
requirements and scope. The main objective is
supply chain management professionals
to strengthen the capacity of producers, export-
present the information will demonstrate
ers, policymakers and buyers to participate in
the strength of the connection between
more sustainable production and trade.
business and sustainability performance.

It can also be useful to have supply chain

sustainability representatives partici-
pate in these meetings if there will be
interactions between those individuals
and suppliers in the future as part of the
engagement and evaluation process.
• Annual supplier acknowledgement
of supplier code of conduct. Suppli-
ers annually renew their commitments
(online or in written form) to endorse
customers’ expectations with regard to

Telenor, a global provider of telecommuni-

cations services from Norway, implements
its code of conduct through agreements on
responsible business conduct with suppliers.
These agreements require suppliers not only to
commit to the code, but also to allow monitor-
ing and sanctions for non-compliance. Telenor
also requires suppliers to cascade the com-
pany’s code of conduct requirements to their
suppliers and reserves the right to monitor any
tier in the supply chain.
28 Supply Chain Sustainability

4. Determining the Scope

the mines from which these minerals are
An important step in designing a sustainable
sourced are several steps away from Voda-
supply chain programme is to determine the
fone in the supply chain. Since the company
its scope. Given the scale and complexity of
does not manufacture any products or pur-
most companies’ supply chains, it is important
chase metals directly, it works closely with
to choose areas of the supply chain to focus on
suppliers and industry initiatives to ensure
where a sustainable supply chain programme
that products sold or the electronic equip-
is likely to have the most impact.
ment that is bought and used in its opera-
The objective of this chapter is to provide
tions do not contain conflict minerals.
guidance on how to identify which suppliers a
company should engage with first and to what
extent, noting that programme boundaries
Pig iron, a key ingredient in steel produc-
tend to change over time as companies become
tion, is one of several products flagged by
more sophisticated and capable to manage
the U.S. Department of Labor as posing a
supply chain sustainability.
potential human rights concern, primarily
When developing a supplier programme,
because of its historic use of forced labour.
best practice requires companies to look at
In response to these concerns, Ford Motor
their supply chain as a whole, including
Company has taken steps to mitigate the
suppliers beyond their first tiers (the sub-tier
use of human trafficking within the produc-
suppliers), and to identify the areas where sus-
tion of pig iron. In 2014, Ford reached out
tainability challenges are most likely to occur.
globally and sought assurances from its
To do so, there are two general steps.
steel suppliers that forced labour was not
employed anywhere in its value chain. This
1. Supply Chain Mapping: Companies should
included an intensive mapping of five to six
ensure that there is the foundational knowl-
tiers of suppliers (including importers, ex-
edge within the company of who and where
porters and trading companies) and requests
the suppliers are in the supply chain and,
for additional details regarding its Tier 1
particularly, to understand as much as possible
suppliers’ systems for safeguarding human
about their extended supply chain beyond the
rights throughout operations. The review
first tier.
did not reveal any issues within Ford’s steel
2. Supply Chain Prioritization: Companies
supply chain. The company plans to begin
should then identify areas where the risk of
similar efforts for other commodities in
adverse impact on human rights, environ-
future years.
ment and governance is the most significant.
This prioritization will then allow companies
to take the appropriate actions with different
In the development of Telenor Group’s
responsible supply chain programme, Tele-
nor formally did not exclude any tier of the
supply chain from the start. Further, Telenor
Vodafone, a UK-based multinational tele-
also defined “suppliers” to include any kind
communications company, conducts due
of contractual partner, except customers.
diligence process in line with the OECD Due
The practical scoping of this on an opera-
Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply
tional level is carried out through supply
Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected
chain risk assessment and prioritization
and High-Risk Areas to identify in the supply
within practical efforts.
chain the use of minerals that directly or
indirectly finance or benefit armed groups
in conflict regions, commonly referred to as
“conflict minerals”. Both the smelters and
30 Supply Chain Sustainability

Sample Supply Supply Chain Mapping products sourced from regions that are com-
Chain Risk Events Companies should start by mapping their monly recognized for sustainability issues
for a Food Com- supply chain to have an understanding of or suppliers whose nature of the business
pany* where their suppliers are capturing that data activity is usually associated with a set of
Child Labour: in a common system and attempting to un- common sustainability risks. Additionally,
Allegations of child la- derstand the relationships further down the companies can identify their largest catego-
bour on farms in supply supply chain. In some instances, regulation ries of procurement spend and categories
chain surface. will compel companies to be able to map that are critical to business operations in
their supply chains to identify their impacts terms of little or no availability of alterna-
Working Hours & further down the chain. tive options and impact of supply chain
Wages: To do this, it is often easiest to start with disruption.
Workers in food pro- a picture of the generic supply chain for the For each area identified, companies
cessing plants strike industry or product/s that the company is sell- should trace the flow of materials and infor-
due to low wages and ing and fill in gaps. A generic product supply mation. The whole supply chain should be
unpaid overtime wages. chain is illustrated in the figure below. considered for this exercise — going back
Corruption: In some industries, many companies cite to raw materials and original suppliers. No
A supplier’s manage- that it is difficult to be able to map their assumptions should be made — it is impor-
ment misuses revenues supply chain much below the first tier. tant to understand the relationships and
or royalties for corrupt However, it is possible to conduct this map- transactions as they actually exist. Category
purposes. ping through shared data systems, category managers and suppliers can provide useful
manager / buyer knowledge and by asking information. In some cases, agents or whole-
Food Safety: suppliers. salers may play key roles.
Processing plants fail to Companies with very large supply chains However a company manages this activ-
properly clean machin- may use different filters to decide which ity, at the end, they should have a map
ery and unintended and areas to map first. In order to ensure they showing where and how the inputs, raw
potentially hazardous address the most problematic sections, best materials, and products and services that
substances end up in practice would require businesses to start they buy are flowing around the world.
product. looking at general high-risk areas, such as
Indigenous People:
Farming is undertaken
on land that is sacred
or otherwise essential generic supply chain stages from
to lives or livelihoods a retailer perspective
of indigenous people,
mainly women, who Supply Chain
are often the primary
gatekeepers of natural
resources and land and
have little negotiation Raw Consumer
Manufacturing/ Transportation/
Materials Packaging Retail Use/ End
power. Processing Storage
of Life
Processing plants fail
to properly treat water
effluents and are not in
compliance with local

* This list is provided for illustrative

purposes. It is not intended to be

“We live in an increasingly

resource aware and resource
constrained world. We need
to live within our means
and not borrow from
the future. To build a
sustainable tomorrow we
need to make our supply
chain sustainable today.
In fact, I firmly believe that
increased sustainability
in the supply chain reduces
risks and increases profits
for all organizations and
– Kris Gopalakrishnan, CEO and Co-Founder of Infosys
32 Supply Chain Sustainability

Supply Chain Prioritization Companies should first assess where are the
With a good understanding of the supply biggest risks to human rights, labour, the envi-
chain map, companies can then identify ronment and ethics in the company’s supply
and prioritize where the most problematic chain. The severity and potential irremediabil-
areas lie, and should focus on the areas that ity of risks to stakeholders should be the driving
present the greatest risk of adverse impact on factor in prioritizing critical elements of the
people, environment and government accord- supply chain, particularly in the area of human
ing to the country, sector, activity or type of rights. Severe risks or risks that may be irreme-
relationship with the supplier. It is very likely diable should be “red flags” in a prioritization.
that the key areas that need addressing are Additionally, other criteria can be consid-
not in the first tier supply chain. For some ered, including but not limited to:
industries, the highest risks may lie in the
specific service they use; for others, it may be • Business Risk: What are the risks in the
a country where they source one of their raw company’s supply chain that could impact
materials. For example, electronics compa- ability to do business and meet the vision
nies are beginning to focus on minerals that set forth for supply chain sustainability?
are extracted from regions affected by social • Risk to Economic Development: What
conflict and where human rights violations are the risks for exclusion of small- and
are present. medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) when
To identify the priorities in the supply introducing code demands, monitoring and
chain, companies should gather informa- auditing schemes?
tion on environmental, social or governance
issues and identify priority areas where risk Both societal and business risk can be
of adverse impact on people, environment influenced by:
and governance is most severe. Actual and • Country/area: Which countries or areas
potential risk areas can be evaluated based do the company’s suppliers operate in,
on the country, sector, nature of the busi- and which of those countries/areas may be
ness activity or type of relationship with the higher risk because of weak rule of law,
supplier. Some of the recommended tools and prevalence of child or forced labour and
resources to identify risks can be found in the other human rights abuse, high levels of
textbox below. corruption, conflict, etc.?
• Supplier reputation and ownership:
What is the past record of performance,
previous audit results, reputation of suppli-
ers and what links, if any, do they have to
Tools and resources governments?
• Spend/leverage: Which suppliers does the
Geographic risks: • International Trade Union Con- company have the highest spend with,
• World Bank Worldwide federation website and reports including direct and indirect spend? For
Governance Indicator • Human Rights Watch website which suppliers does the business repre-
• Amnesty International Commodity-specific risks: sent either a major or a small part of their
Country Reports • Industry & issue-specific re- business? Which suppliers does the com-
• US Department of State ports from various international pany potentially have the most leverage
Country Reports research institutions (e.g. US with? This issue is particularly relevant to
• Human Development Index Dept’ of Labor, Human Rights determining what the company can do in
• Economic Freedom Index Watch, Oxfam, Anti-Slavery response to identified risk.
• Corruption Perceptions Index International) • Category: Which suppliers, including sup-
• Office of the High Commissioner • The Human Rights and pliers for products and processes, are most
for Human Rights website Business Dilemma Forum business critical for the company?
• Business and Human Rights • Tier: Which suppliers sell to the company
Resource Centre Supplier performance: directly, and which are sub-tier suppliers?
• Guardian Sustainable Hub • Supplier self-assessment • Nature of transaction: Does the transac-
• Freedom House website • Audit results tion contribute to increased or decreased
transparency and accountability for condi-
tions in the supply chain? For example,
sub-contracted labour, brokers, agents and

In 2010, Maersk, a global shipping and en-

middlemen may lead to gaps in knowledge,
ergy conglomerate, developed the Respon-
awareness and influence.
sible Procurement programme including
over 100,000 supplier participants. To find
There are two main steps to assessing risk
a broad and efficient way to gain transpar-
and impact in the supply chain:
ency over its supply chain, Maersk chose
at first to focus its attention on top spend
1.Identifying Risk Events. Events, such as
suppliers, strategic suppliers in high-risk
underpayment of wages at a factory in the
countries and suppliers delivering products
company’s supply chain, have a negative
and services produced in an operational
impact on workers and create risk for the
context that requires attention. Four years
business. Companies should draw on the
after the development of its Responsible
expertise of internal staff and external
Procurement programme, the company has
stakeholders to identify social, environmen-
decided to adjust its focus on suppliers of
tal, economic and governance risks that
services and products that have or may have
have the most severe impact on society. Risk
a high risk of negative impact on people and
assessment should also involve meaning-
environment, with assessments of social
ful consultation with potentially affected
and environmental practices being made
groups of stakeholders, paying special atten-
before a contract is signed. Three factors
tion to groups that may be at risk of height-
contributed to this change: 1) the company
ened vulnerability due to marginalization,
gained a clear overview of where the issues
including children, women, persons with
and risks lie, 2) requests from Maersk’s
disabilities, migrant workers, ethnic minori-
buyers for clarity around which suppliers’
ties, indigenous groups and the elderly.
practices must be assessed, and 3) desire to
Internally- and externally-driven events that
align with the provisions of the UN Guiding
may not only be against the law, but also
Principles on Business and Human Rights.
affect the achievement of the company’s
sustainable supply chain and business
objectives must be identified. Risks to the
business can include business continuity,
regulatory, reputational, market acceptance
and customer requirements risks.
Supply Chain
2. Assessing the Likelihood and Severity of Sustainability Risks:
Risk Events. Risk events should be analyzed
to understand their likelihood and potential
impact on people, environment and gover-
nance. This will determine how they should
be managed under the company’s supply
chain sustainability programme.

Many companies find it helpful to plot each

Risk likelihood

risk event on a grid, where the two axes are

“Risk Likelihood” and “Risk Impact/Severity
on People, Environment and Governance,” as
in the mapping to the right. The perspective
of the stakeholders or affected groups should
be taken into account when evaluating the
“Risk Impact/Severity on People, Environ-
ment and Governance” and setting priorities
for action. In evaluating human rights risks,
risks to stakeholders should determine the
severity rating rather than merely the mag-
Risk Impact/Severity on People,
nitude of the risk to the company.
Environment and Governance
The company can use the placement of
events on the grid to help determine the rela-
tive priority of the issues and the efforts and
course of action needed to address them.
34 Supply Chain Sustainability

Companies should be mindful that these two ability related risks and opportunities for
steps of mapping and prioritization may not each category of the supply chain, based on
be completed within a short timeframe, espe- desk research, as well as input from internal
cially not when conducted for the first time. experts, users and the respective category
Allocation of appropriate resources, both purchase teams. ArcelorMittal has found
internally and externally, will help perform that mapping risks in a method that is both
this task in a more efficient timeframe and robust, but also simple and aligned with
establish a framework that can be replicated the organization’s core risk management
to evaluate additional risk areas. approach, is essential to crystallize the
key priorities to be addressed. The com-
pany chose a 2 x 2 matrix (Impact x Likeli-
ArcelorMittal, a mining company based in hood) for each purchase category and held
Luxembourg, has a USD 50 billion supply workshops with participants from the wider
chain extending from basic raw materials internal workgroups to discuss the chal-
like iron ore to sophisticated downstream lenges as well as opportunities in each of
products and services. The company has these categories. This process will need to
mapped out the most significant sustain- be repeated on a regular basis to ensure the
risk map remains up to date.

Epson, a Japanese technology hardware and equipment company, has organized its suppli-
ers by control level. Suppliers are categorized into five levels depending on their impact on
the company’s CSR initiatives and ability to sustain production.

Supplier control levels

Control Guidelines

Level 1 Low impact on CSR & compliance, no impact on production

Level 2 Some impact on CSR & compliance, no impact on production

Level 3 Some impact on CSR & compliance, indirect impact on production

Level 4 Some impact on CSR & compliance, direct impact on production

Alternative supplier available

Some impact on CSR & compliance, direct impact on production

Level 5
Alternative supplier not available, major problems maintaining pro-
36 Supply Chain Sustainability

5. Engaging with Suppliers

Once companies have identified the scope of mechanisms described in this chapter are fo-
their programme and priority areas for action, cused on raising awareness and encouraging
the next step requires engaging with suppliers suppliers to integrate and drive sustainability
to address the most severe sustainability is- into their business, setting expectations, ongo-
sues in the supply chain. The goal of engaging ing monitoring and partnering with suppliers
with suppliers is to develop a shared mindset to overcome barriers to improvement.
about sustainability issues, to build supplier The figure below shows the steps that
ownership of their sustainability vision, should be taken by companies across a wide
strategy and performance and to work more range of industries to continuously engage
closely with suppliers with shared priorities. with suppliers on supply chain sustainability.
This chapter explains different ways that Each has specific purposes and drives continu-
companies can engage with and strengthen ous improvement. These steps can be fol-
their influence on suppliers to address lowed to effectively address issues in the first
sustainability issues that are linked to the tier as well as with sub-tier suppliers.
company’s operations, products or services
through supply chain relationships. The

Supplier Engagement & Continuous Improvement

Expectation Setting
Monitoring, Evaluation, Adopt code of conduct.
Accountability Expectation
Communicate about your
and Learning Setting sustainability expectations to
Monitor and assess the ef- suppliers. Incorporate expec-
fectiveness of programme tations, including the code of
and its impact on people, conduct, into contracts. Es-
environment and governance. tablish clear benchmarks and
Learn from experiences and incentives for consistently
increase accountability to Monitoring, strong performance.
different stakeholders. Evaluation, Risk & Impact
Accountability Assessment Risk & Impact Assessment
Training & Capacity and Learning Map and segment the supply
Building – Partnerships chain. Determine the scope
Collaborate with others to of efforts focusing primarily
build supplier ownership and on areas where there is the
understanding to remediate greatest actual and poten-
instances of non-compliance, tial risk of adverse impact
as well as invest in manage- on people, environment and
ment capabilities for continu- Training & Sustainability governance.
ous improvements. Support Capacity Building – Assessment
suppliers to address the root Performance Sustainability Assessment
Partnerships Performance
causes of poor sustainability
performance. Assess the sustainability
performance of suppliers,
Remediation using different processes for
different needs (e.g., busi-
Collaborate with suppli-
ness relationship potential/
ers to address issues of Remediation actual risk, impact on people,
poor performance. Define
environment and gover-
and incentivize continuous
nance). It can include self-
assessments, audits, worker
surveys, etc.
38 Supply Chain Sustainability

Selecting Communications Using existing customer-supplier

Channels communications.
The first step to improving sustainability in Every company has some existing processes or
the supply chain is to raise awareness of your methods to communicate with suppliers. These
company’s expectations for sustainability per- can vary from very basic to very sophisticated
formance. Many companies use their codes of approaches. Often these communications are
conduct to do so (as described in Chapter 3) led by supply chain management profession-
and/ or include requirements to address and als and focus on the business aspects of the
prevent sustainability issues in appropriate relationship.
contract provisions. In many cases, binding The company should consider how to
requirements for suppliers in codes of con- regularly incorporate sustainability expecta-
duct or contract provisions also require sup- tions and dialogue into these communications
pliers to implement the same criteria vis-à-vis to help build shared mindset, reinforce key
their own suppliers. Some companies may messages and provide the opportunity for
require suppliers to sign binding agreements feedback. This approach has the benefit of
with sub-contractors/sub-suppliers. providing a dialogue platform where the sup-
In addition, there are two additional com- plier can in turn raise issues of constraints or
munication methods to consider: tensions created by the company’s demands
(such as short lead times or many changes to
order specifications). Having the right parties
around the table can help identify ways to
meet both the business and sustainability
Creating Incentives for Strong
Sustainability Performance
In order to power sustainability and trans-
Many companies starting out in supply chain sustainability are focused parency in its supply chain, Mahou San
on addressing situations when supplier performance on sustainability Miguel, a Spanish food and beverage com-
issues is poor. However, often suppliers are more motivated by incen- pany, developed a Supplier Portal to collect
tives for strong performance than by negative consequences. information about suppliers, including their
As the supply chain sustainability programme evolves, an increasing alignment with the company’s CSR policies.
number of companies consider establishing clear benchmarks and re- This open channel offers useful informa-
wards for consistently strong performance. Incentives could include: tion to suppliers and allows the company
to carry out an objective selection of them.
• Reducing the number of audits conducted Mahou San Miguel also developed a Train-
• Establishing a preferred supplier programme ing programme to help suppliers build their
awareness about CSR, adding value to the
• Increasing business
• Providing recognition and awards
• Allowing participation in strategic buyer/supplier planning meetings Adding sustainability to the
• Sharing costs for sustainability improvements agenda of supply chain forums.
• Providing assistance for capability building By participating in supplier forums and
talking about sustainability expectations in
the industry, the company can help identify
organizations that share its issues and priori-
To help suppliers meet higher standards for health and safety and
ties. These discussions, which can include
encourage them to invest in safer working environments, Levi Strauss
suppliers, but also peers, partners, policymak-
& Co. partnered with the International Finance Corporation (IFC)
ers and a broad range of other stakeholders,
to offer reduced loan financing to those suppliers with the strongest
allow the company to share details about its
sustainability performance based on the company’s Terms of Engage-
priorities and expectations and learn from
ment. Levi Strauss offers direct financial incentive for suppliers to
others about their approaches. These forums
improve environment and social standards through IFC’s $500 million
can also provide an important opportunity to
Global Trade Supplier Finance program. This program provides short-
get feedback on the company’s programme
term finance to emerging-market suppliers and small- and mid-sized
and identify areas for improvement, as well
as to build support for addressing systemic
challenges that require a shared response.

As their supply chain sustainability pro- Monitoring and Evaluations

gramme evolves, companies can use these A monitoring system provides information on
forums to also recognize suppliers for their how well suppliers are peforming on sustain-
strong sustainability performance. ability practices as well as specifically the
degree to which they are complying with the
codes a company has put in place. Monitor-
As the first step in the development of its ing systems can be effective in establishing
ethical procurement programme in 2006, Fuji baseline measurements and assessing recent
Xerox Co., Ltd., a Japanese imaging technol- and current performance relative to a code’s/
ogy company, conducted an “ethical procure- company’s requirements. Understanding how
ment study sessions” with its nine key suppli- the supply chain performs against these base
ers’ executives. The study sessions included a criteria is a crucial element and a core part
five-day study meeting in Shenzhen, China with of a company’s commitment to continuous
approximately 50 participants, including the improvement. However, compliance-based
executives of the suppliers, their factory presi- approaches to monitoring have resulted in
dents in Shenzhen area and Fuji Xerox of Shen- concerns about costs, disruptions to produc-
zhen executives. The suppliers’ study group tion of suppliers, doubts about the accuracy
was critical to the successful launch of the of the information and potential risks to
company’s ethical procurement programme. safety of workers. Companies should carefully
In 2014, based on its successful experience consider what approaches to use and with
in China, the company organized a seminar which suppliers in order to get reliable infor-
with its suppliers in Hai Pong, Vietnam before mation and avoid over-reliance on compliance
distributing the self-assessment questionnaire. audits. The goal of monitoring systems should
Ongoing communication is maintained with key be to understand whether issues are being
suppliers in Hai Phong to identify Vietnam’s addressed over time, and whether the supply
unique sustainability risks and issues. chain programme and actions committed to
by suppliers are having the desired effects.

In 2009 and 2012, the Coca-Cola Company, Supplier self-assessments

a food and beverage company based in the Many companies invite suppliers to self-assess
United States, brought a group of top global their sustainability performance as an initial
suppliers to its Global Supplier Summit to screen in selecting new suppliers or as part of a
participate with Coca-Cola’s senior man- risk assessment for identifying which suppliers
agement in a discussion about the need for may require closer attention. Self-assessments
business to embed sustainability as a critical can provide companies with useful informa-
element of growth plans. Rather than setting tion and also increase suppliers’ understanding
top-down directives, the company sought of customers’ expectations. Many companies
suppliers’ strategic counsel in ensuring long- also find that self-assessments are a good start-
term mutual success in improving sustain- ing point to cover a significant portion of the
ability in the supply chain. Following the first supplier base in a relatively short time frame
Summit in 2009, Coca-Cola received nearly and at relatively lower cost than audits.
200 proposals from suppliers, including It should be noted that, if used as a stand-
ideas and strategies related to sustainable alone method, self-assessments could lead to
packaging, logistics, sustainable agriculture, inaccurate data if the company has no other
water stewardship and portfolio innovation. verification process in place. Reliable self-
In 2013, building on the previous Global assessments depend on trust, a suppliers’ com-
Supplier Summits, the company launched a petency to gather information from disparate
Supplier Awards programme in conjunction parts of their organizations and clear commu-
with a global gathering held to engage sup- nications so that they understand what is being
pliers on sustainability, innovation and other asked and how their information will be used.
strategic long-term objectives. The company For example, the problem of double books is
now gives awards to suppliers for Innova- sometimes due to suppliers’ concern that their
tion, Sustainability, Quality, Value and an poor performance will result in immediate loss
overall Supplier of the Year Award. of business.
40 Supply Chain Sustainability

Hewlett-Packard (HP), a large informa- Audits

Protecting tion technology company and member of the Traditionally, audits have been used as on-site
Workers Who Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition evaluations of supplier performance against
Participate in (EICC), requests that suppliers identified as a company’s policies and expectations. They
the Monitoring medium- or high-risk complete an electronic can include management systems assessments,
Process self-assessment questionnaire to identify po- which gather information on the strength of
tential social and environmental responsibil- suppliers’ sustainability systems to manage
■■ Workers who partici- ity performance risks. HP reviews the results minimum requirements. Auditing is mainly
pate in the monitoring of the self-assessments and provides feed- used for compliance purposes, to measure
process should be pro- back to suppliers. Suppliers then create and and then address labor standards within sup-
tected from retaliation. implement an improvement plan, if required. ply chains. In order to enforce their codes of
In addition to helping HP evaluate risk, self- conduct, companies have developed their own
■■ Workers should
assessments have been shown to help HP ‘monitoring’ mechanisms. There are several
be assured that they
suppliers become more familiar with HP’s audit protocols in place in certain industries
can speak freely and
expectations of what it means to conform to that can be leveraged. For example, the Global
information that they
HP’s EICC Code of Conduct. HP uses three Social Compliance Programme has gathered
provide will not be
types of monitoring to further understand audit process best practices in a set of refer-
attributed to them as
and influence supplier SER performance: ence tools that companies can adopt or can
1) Audits: Annual audits are performed against use as a benchmark for their own system.
■■ Workers should be HP’s EICC Code of Conduct and follow-up
provided means to audits are conducted when nonconformances Effective and appropriate auditing can
communicate in their are found. Suppliers are also encouraged to meet a series of needs, including:
native language, when commission independent audits.
possible. 2) Assessments: Targeted assessments are 1. As part of the due diligence process, when
conducted to supplement HP’s comprehensive screening new or potential suppliers to
audits, focusing on specific risk areas identify whether they meet the buying
including: company’s minimum standards as a basis
• Vulnerable workers, such as student, for approving or rejecting a new supplier.
dispatch and foreign migrant workers 2. Establishing baseline information on
• Health and safety, including fire safety and working social, ethical and environmental
emergency preparedness conditions in an individual supplier and in
• Supplier SER management system maturity the broader supply base.
• Supplier environmental performance. 3. Establishing a starting point for discussion
3) KPI program: Final assembly suppliers are with suppliers about current sustainability
required to provide data on working hours, issues and necessary and appropriate cor-
student workers, core labor rights, critical rective actions.
health and safety issues and greenhouse gas 4. As a proactive tool to drive continuous
emissions. Suppliers track data on a weekly improvement at a supplier that a company
basis and submit monthly. Such frequent has a long-term business relationship with.
monitoring helps HP to quickly identify and 5. Monitoring progress over time – regular
correct problems. and consistent audits are a way of checking
whether improvements in performance are
being made or have been made over time
at scale across large supply chains.

Audits can be a useful tool for identifying

problems but, if used alone, do not neces-
sarily create the change necessary to ensure
sustainable improvement to practices. Leading
companies are increasingly focusing on a
two-track process, integrating the important
diagnostic aspect of audit where due diligence
of supplier performance is needed, with a
growing emphasis on programmes that move
beyond monitoring for more strategic suppli-

ers, enabling and supporting change at local

level, with one process informing the other
on an ongoing basis. components
Audits can be conducted by the company of an audit9
staff, a secondary party, which is a body with Planning
a trading relationship with the site, such as Development of a strategy, including time-
a retailer, brand, vendor or agent, or by an line, objectives, nature and extent of the
independent third-party, such as an auditing audit that will be performed.
firm, an NGO, a trade union, or even a group
of these stakeholders. The questions of when, Preparation
why and how to engage external auditors Gathering information on potential issues
should be driven by the overall supply chain affecting workers and the surrounding
risk management objectives. Both external and community.
internal auditors offer distinct advantages and
Opening Meeting
there is no standard “right way.” In fact, best Presentation of the purpose of the audit
practice is to use a combination of both. to supplier’s management and workers
In deciding whether to rely on external and planning of the audit schedule.
auditors or to develop and maintain internal
capacity for auditing, consider what type and Facility Tour
level of expertise is needed to assess perfor- Visual inspection of facility to identify
mance against company policies, such as obvious noncompliances.
environment or health and safety expertise
and regional presence and capacity. Indi- Records Review
Checking employee files, timecards,
vidual qualifications are also important and
health and safety records, etc.
have an impact on the integrity and quality
of the audit results. Some companies opt Management Interview
to hire specialized third-party auditors to Discussion of management systems,
conduct focused thematic assessments. Com- wages paid, working hours, etc.
panies with substantial audit requirements
should carefully consider the cost, feasibility Workers Interviews
and effectiveness of internal versus external With a representative sample of employ-
investments. Finally, companies should be ees regarding working conditions.
mindful of how suppliers will perceive and be
Additional Interviews (optional)
affected by audits and how critical they are to
As a growing practice in some sectors,
the business. stakeholder interviews with trade unions
In the event that audits are conducted and NGOs may also be conducted in order
by an external party, the company should to improve the quality of information.
receive a detailed report of the audit find-
ings in order to make an informed decision Pre-closing meeting
concerning one of its suppliers and discuss an Audit team reviews the elements gathered
appropriate corrective action plan. during the audit.

Effective audits are driven by a variety of Closing meeting and summary of

factors including:
Communicate the findings to the supplier
• Preparation and knowledge of factory, management.
country, sector, workers and community
prior to visit Reporting
• Maintaining independence from manage- Report the findings to the company.
ment for credibility with workers
• Selecting a random sample of workers – in-
cluding all types of workers, including any 9
This list of components is based on Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit (SMETA)
vulnerable groups such as young workers, Best Practice Guidance, (2012), available at http://www.sedexglobal.com/wp-content/
contract, migrant and female workers – uploads/2012/07/SMETA-Best-Practice-Guidance-4-Pillar-4_0-L.pdf.
during all parts of assessments
• The experience and auditing expertise
42 Supply Chain Sustainability

of the auditor, including language and L’Oréal, a French cosmetics company,

cultural skills and knowledge of local issues informs suppliers of the company’s expecta-
and industry specific challenges tions through an “Ethical Commitment Let-
• The extent to which an audit incorporates ter”. This letter requires suppliers to comply
an assessment of both systems for managing with the ILO’s Core Conventions as well as
performance as well as levels of perfor- local labour laws. Certain environmental
mance, as well as an analysis of root causes standards relating to hazardous emissions
of noncompliance. and contaminations are also included. All
• Holding informal conversations with work- subcontractors are audited on these require-
ers during times and in locations where ments wherever they operate, as are all
they are comfortable and secure suppliers of raw materials, packaging and
• Gathering enough information to ensure all promotional-items suppliers located in
understanding of factory conditions “at risk” countries. Other suppliers are au-
• Documenting information and assessment dited on a case-by-case basis, as necessary.
of workers’ credibility Audits are based on SA8000 standard and
• Validating information from workers with carried out by a specialized, independent
other sources third party in the local language. 834 social
• Always being aware of the need to protect audits were carried out in 2014, amounting
workers’ confidentiality and safety to a total of 6,129 since 2006.

Over the past decade, Nike, a footwear and

On the Horizon: apparel company, launched a Manufacturing
Index to evaluate new and continuing sup-
Beyond the Workplace - pliers on four equally weighted criteria: cost,
quality, on-time delivery and sustainability.
Indirect Impacts on Human Rights - To measure sustainability, Nike developed a
Sustainable Manufacturing and Sourcing In-
The scope of the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
dex (SMSI) that scores on compliance as well
covers human rights impacts caused both directly and indirectly by
as continuous improvement in energy, water,
a company’s own activities, and, therefore, organizations should
waste, health & safety, working conditions,
be aware of potential and actual impacts within their own organi-
human resources management practices and
zations and in the communities in which they operate. Companies
lean manufacturing adoption. Nike has com-
should initially consider focusing on stakeholder engagement on hu-
mitted to source 100 percent from contract
man rights impacts rather than auditing within local communities.
factories rated bronze or better on the SMSI,
reflecting a standard that adheres to the com-
pany’s Code of Conduct and Code Leadership
SMETA – Social audits such as SMETA – Sedex Members Ethical
Trade Audit, an open source methodology derived from a compilation
of auditing best practices, include a focus on labour rights (human
rights in the workplace), management systems and guidance around
grievance mechanisms and freedom of association. SMETA is the most
commonly used audit methodology worldwide and is a comprehensive
methodology used by many companies to assess a supplier’s current
practices including areas for improvement, but also capturing current
systems and processes as well as areas where the site goes above and
beyond (good examples).
This audit methodology can be used as an assessment method for
first-party audits, second-party audits as well as third-party audits.
Additionally, it gives guidance on the opportunity for an optional
perimeter survey and has a section on community benefits, highlight-
ing any positive impacts, which can provide additional information to
understand local context and support insights into specific impacts on
local communities.

Supplementing practices
As due diligence processes evolve, companies are interested in gathering a wider series
of indicators to inform the impact of their programmes. The following tools are some-
times implemented into the traditional audit process:

1. Impact Assessment – impact assessment can include a number of Key Performance

Indicators which give an overview of the impact of the company’s sustainability pro-
gramme. These often include worker turnover, number of accidents, etc.
2. Worker surveys – these tools allow the entire workforce to provide feedback on their
experience of the working environment. Survey results are evaluated by a third-party
provider and then anonymous results are presented back to the factory manage-
ment with areas and recommendations for improvement. These tools allow a larger
part of the workforce to be included in the assessment of the site and are an in-depth
(however resource-heavy) assessment which can be very effective in finding areas for
improvement and engaging the entire workforce.
3. Sustainability Ratings Systems – rating systems provide a detailed score or scores
on multiple areas allowing both recognition of good and excellent performance and the
setting of meaningful goals that suppliers can strive for.
4. Operational Grievance Mechanisms. Both multinationals and SMEs are dealing
with the challenging task of providing effective and adequate access to remedy for
their workers and stakeholders. The third pillar of the Guiding Principles on Business
and Human Rights states that companies should establish effective operational-level
grievance mechanisms to handle complaints by stakeholders and workers for sup-
pliers’ adverse impact on people, environment and governance. Suppliers should be
encouraged and, where appropriate, required to establish such mechanisms, and the
company should have access to information about what grievances are submitted and
how they are being resolved. Operational-level grievance mechanisms should serve
as an avenue for resolving grievances at the earliest possible opportunity, but also
as a feedback mechanism for suppliers to understand their impacts on stakehold-
ers. Operational-level grievance mechanisms should comply with the effectiveness
criteria outlined in the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (Principle 31).
Companies and suppliers may also have the opportunity to access formal grievance
mechanisms adopted by industry associations to address sustainability issues arising
in a specific sector and geographical area.

The Mexican labour advocacy organization Centre for Reflection and

Action on Labour Issues (CEREAL) and the National Chamber of the Elec-
tronic, Telecommunications and Information Technologies Industry
(CANIETI), decided to work together to address highly contentious relations between
workers and electronics manufacturers in Mexico. The parties have made progress
in mapping and resolving labour grievances and in working to prevent new ones.
Since 2007, the established Grievance Escalation Mechanism has helped to solve an
average of 800-1000 cases per year and the parties have estimated a decline in the
occurrence of cases related to accidents or discrimination. Looking ahead, CEREAL
and CANIETI are planning to focus on issues related to living wages, freedom of as-
sociation and collective bargaining.
44 Supply Chain Sustainability

Remediation and • Defining a roadmap for gradually increasing

Capability Building standards and expectations.
Supply chain sustainability is an evolving • Internal analysis of how company processes
vision, which means that it is critical to have may drive supplier behaviours and whether
an approach that defines and incentivizes corrective actions are needed internally to
continuous improvement. This approach address adverse impacts.
includes both remediation of instances of
non-compliance as well as investment in sup- It is important that remediation requirements
pliers’ management capabilities. are communicated very clearly to suppliers
and that there are established timelines and
Remediation can include a number of consequences for not meeting them and/
activities: or continuing performance. Remediation
requirements should also be feasible, realis-
• Working with suppliers to create a correc- tic and agreed with the supplier. If adverse
tive action plan for achieving compliance in impacts are not remedied in spite of efforts to
a clearly defined and reasonable time frame. address the issues and repeated notifications,
• Encouraging improvements through regular a company may ultimately need to terminate
communications with non-compliant the supplier relationship. Companies should
suppliers. identify zero-tolerance issues and explain
their selection and consequences to suppliers

Supporting Suppliers’ Workers’ Empowerment to

Assure Quality Working Conditions10
One of the biggest challenges for companies is to verify whether the rights of workers in their supply
chain are respected and supported. By establishing programmes that support freedom of associa-
tion, companies can empower workers to advocate directly for improvement of their conditions.
These programmes not only ensure that the human rights of the workers are respected but create a
better working environment that boosts productivity and minimizes risks of operational disruption.
Recommended good practices to support workers in the supply chain include:
• Implement a support mechanism for workers to communicate concerns and assert human rights,
such as operational-level grievance mechanisms, audits, worker-inclusive sustainability committee,
• Conduct human rights-focused trainings for suppliers’ workers
• Partner with NGOs or other stakeholders to implement worker empowerment initiatives

Better Work is a unique partnership between the International Labour Organization and the
International Finance Corporation which aims to realize the rights of garment workers and for
factories who uphold labour laws and standards to be profitable and productive. The organiza-
tion's strategy involves working with major industry stakeholders and smaller factories at a global
and local level. Better Work supports the establishment of strong relations between managers
and workers who can then take ownership and responsibility for continuously improving working
conditions and eventually competitiveness at the factory. Among its achievements, Better Work has
ensured that migrant workers in Jordan were covered by the same protection and benefits as their
peers, including the right to join a trade union. In 2015, the programme has reached more than one
million workers and is present in factories across Bangladesh, Cambodia, Haiti, Indonesia, Jordan,
Lesotho, Nicaragua and Vietnam.

For more information, read Supporting Worker Empowerment - Including Support for Workers’ Assertion of their Human Rights - in the Supply Chain, the Good Practice

Note endorsed by the UN Global Compact Human Rights Working Group, available at https://www.unglobalcompact.org/docs/issues_doc/human_rights/Human_Rights_

“A sustainable supply
chain benefits our
business by mitigating
risks associated with
producing and delivering
our products and services
to our customers. It also
creates opportunities to
develop closer ties with
suppliers in the long-term
interest of the company.”
– Erik Engstrom, Chief Executive Officer, RELX Group
46 Supply Chain Sustainability

in advance. Terminating the business rela- De Beers, a diamond mining company,

tionship should be considered as a last resort, launched its bespoke Best Practice Princi-
and companies should take into account cred- ples (BPP) Assurance Programme to address
ible assessments of potential adverse impacts social, employment, business, health and
of doing so. safety and environment issues throughout
If a supplier relationship is critical to a the diamond pipeline. De Beers’ customers
company’s operations, either because of the and their significant contractors, who range
essential service or product that it provides or from diamond cutters and polishers to jewel-
because of the lack of reasonable alternative lery manufacturers to retailers, must comply
sources, the company should consider the with the requirements of these Principles.
severity of the impact. The more severe the Where an infringement against the require-
impact, the more quickly it will need to see ments is raised, the client or contractor is
a change before deciding whether to termi- required to submit Corrective Action Plans
nate the relationship. If the company decides (CAPs) to address the issue. Evidence is
to remain in the relationship, it should be submitted online or the third-party auditor
prepared to demonstrate ongoing efforts at will re-visit the site to ensure that CAPs have
addressing the issue and to accept the poten- been successfully implemented to close off
tial reputational, financial and legal conse- any issues raised. In the event of any mate-
quences of maintaining the relationship. The rial or repeated transgressions of the BPPs,
tools described in this chapter can be used to De Beers has reserved the ability to termi-
increase leverage on these critical suppliers. nate its supply contract with a customer.
Some suppliers located in high-risk
countries may be challenged by an external
environment that reinforces a behavior that Capability Building
is non-compliant with the prescriptions of Remediation and monitoring efforts have
the code of conduct. In this case, it is recom- proven to be most successful in combination
mended to connect the supplier with the with efforts to build suppliers’ management
Global Compact Network within its coun- capabilities. Capability building includes a
try or other industry associations that can variety of efforts, from training for supplier
provide useful resources and a platform to personnel to worker hotlines and resource
engage in dialogue with peers and other networks. For example, through a combina-
stakeholders. Companies may also want to tion of practical workshops, training and
consider intensifying their engagement with in-factory consultations, the International
the supplier to build a trusting relationship Labour Organization’s (ILO) Factory Improve-
while working towards remediation. ment Programme (FIP) helps factories increase
competitiveness, improve working conditions,
and strengthen collaboration and communica-
tions between managers and workers.
Opportunities in
Supplier Capability Building
In order to address the issue of a fair living
wage in the textile industry, H&M, a Swed-
Integrating learning and Providing supplier or ish multinational retail-clothing company,
capability building into worker trainings has developed the Fair Living Wage Road-
auditing process on major areas of map, using a holistic approach that covers
H&M, factory owners, factory employees
and governments. One of the goals is to
supplier support factory owners to develop pay
capability structures that enable a fair living wage and
building train their employees into a skilled work-
Providing tools Creating or force that can negotiate and annually review
that suppliers supporting a their wages. In parallel, the company
can access and learning network reviews how to improve its own purchas-
use independently of suppliers ing practices to ensure they cover the true
cost of labor, and encourages governments
to set a mechanism to annually increase

minimum wage levels. H&M aims to scale female workers. HP has brought health
up pay structures to cover certain strategic awareness programs using the HERproject
supplier factories by 2018 and affect around methodology to 27 supplier sites across
850,000 workers. China, Malaysia, Thailand and Mexico since
the programme’s inception in 2007, reach-
ing over 55,000 female migrant workers and
While some companies restrict their engage-
empowering them to take ownership of their
ment to monitoring and remediation, there
are limits to what these processes alone can
• Occupational health and safety (OHS)
achieve. Monitoring is not always the most
training. In 2014, HP partnered with the
effective tool for identifying and dealing with
International Commission on Occupational
the root causes of issues. A growing number
Health (ICOH) and Hong Kong University
of leading companies in supply chain sustain-
to train management from 15 suppliers on
ability are shifting from a pass/fail compliance-
worker stress prevention, mental health
based approach to build supplier ownership
awareness, combustible dust prevention
through the development of management
and Participatory Occupational Safety and
systems. A deeper engagement, based on
Health Intervention (POSHI). POSHI is an
capability building and strategic partnerships,
on-site program that engages workers and
creates an open channel of communication
management in the process of identifying
with suppliers to better understand the issues
and solving OHS issues. Program partici-
they are facing and allow them to incorporate
pants reported that the training enhanced
sustainability into strategic planning while
worker/manager communication.
demonstrating continuous improvement on
their sustainability performance.
CEMEX, a Mexican building materials
company, launched its Supplier Sustain-
Below are some examples of how companies
ability Programme to extend the company’s
have taken steps to enable supplier owner-
commitments, practices and beliefs to their
ship through the development of sustainabil-
suppliers and foster a sustainable, reliable
ity management systems:
network. Since the Supplier Sustainability
Programme was created in 2010, more than
• incorporate evaluation of management sys-
2,100 suppliers in 24 countries have been in-
tems into audit protocols to raise awareness
vited to participate. The programme consists
• provide training and consulting for suppliers
of four key phases:
on sustainability management system design
•• Surveying suppliers against the company’s
• adopt improvement ladders which empha-
sustainability and financial standards
size a continuous improvement approach to
•• Enacting a communication campaign based
sustainability management systems develop-
on the survey results
ment with increasing incentives and reduced
•• Reinforcing awareness of specific policies
that incorporate aspects of sustainability
including human rights, labor and antitrust, as
HP believes that investing in the skills and
well as the supplier Code of Conduct, based
awareness of workers and supplier manage-
on CEMEX’s Code of Ethics and the UN Global
ment through capability building is criti-
Compact Ten Principles
cal to achieving lasting solutions to labor
•• Preparing a scorecard to track and incentiv-
issues. HP invests in worker development
and empowers workers to improve social ize suppliers with a record of strong sustain-
and environmental performance at their ability performance.
sites by helping them to develop a broad
skillset. Since the start of the program, HP
has directly reached over 533,200 work- Nestlé India, a food and beverage company,
ers and managers in China, South America established a dedicated supplier develop-
and Southeast Asia. Examples of capability ment department in 2005 to promote sustain-
building programs include: able production and processing of agriculture
• Health education through HERproject. commodities like coffee and chicory, achieve
Business for Social Responsibility’s (BSR) compliance to local regulatory laws, cost
Health Enables Returns (HER) Project savings by localisation of key imports and to
provides basic personal health training to create a wider, more flexible supply base. The
48 Supply Chain Sustainability

company invests in working with suppliers

through training programmes, knowledge
Build a More sharing and by providing technical assistance
Inclusive Supply Chain to suppliers to close food safety and quality
Inclusive sourcing presents an important opportunity for com- gaps and improve suppliers’ management
panies to support human rights and increase economic develop- systems and products. As a result of these
ment by offering economically disadvantaged groups an equal supplier development efforts, Nestlé India in
opportunity to compete for business, enhancing their income the last 5 years has increased local sourc-
and improving their business skills. It also makes business ing of materials from 70% to 92% (by value),
sense by broadening the vendor pool with loyal and flexible reduced single supplier situations from 26%
suppliers, enhancing competitive advantage and providing in- to 14%, developed more than 50 new Indian
novation. When engaging with suppliers and sub-tier suppliers, suppliers able to meet Nestlé’s specifications
companies should identify and consider opportunities to work and saved $US 10 Million. With these efforts
with businesses owned by certain underrepresented stake- many of the Indian suppliers have become
holder groups, such as women, minorities, indigenous people, Best Cost Origin Source for supplies to other
elderly and disabled workers to promote a more inclusive sup- countries. This initiative has also been repli-
ply chain. Some companies do so by partnering with associa- cated in China, Bangladesh, Brazil, Indone-
tions or organizations that represent and promote businesses sia, Iran, Malaysia, Russia and South Africa.
run by these groups.
Engaging with Sub-Tier Suppliers
As described above, companies sometimes find
that they have significant risk in the suppliers
Cisco, a U.S.-based IT company, established the Diversity Busi-
who are one or more links away in the supply
ness Practices (DBP) Program to increase inclusion and diversity
chain. For example, food and agricultural
among its global suppliers. The DBP team identifies potential
companies have faced significant challenges
diversity and inclusion supplier candidates and facilitates relation-
with child labour on farms which they rarely
ships between them and Cisco representatives. The DBP Program
buy from directly. The electronics industry,
provides equal access to businesses owned by minorities, women,
as well as others, are struggling with mining
service disabled and veterans, as well as to companies in histori-
in conflict zones for the minerals that go into
cally underutilized business zones (HUB zones). Activities within
their products.
the DBP program include mentoring sessions, a business expo
Engaging with sub-tier suppliers may have
and workshops. It also offers corporate memberships in and col-
additional complications beyond those de-
laborations with many domestic and international organizations
scribed above, including lack of transparency
focusing on minorities and encouraging diversity, such as WECon-
in the supply chain and less leverage over the
nect International, SupplyNation and the Canadian Aboriginal and
sub-tier supplier. To overcome these obstacles,
Minority Supplier Council.
companies are pursuing a number of strategies
In 2014-15, as part of its commitment to empowering and invest-
ing in women entrepreneurs, Boyner Group, Turkey’s largest • Participation in industry collaborations:
fashion retailer, launched the Boyner Group Women Suppliers Collaborating with other companies can in-
Academy in partnership with the International Finance Corpora- crease leverage collectively. It can also help
tion (IFC). This project aims to raise productivity, performance and companies to share the costs and resources
economic opportunities for women-led businesses, which com- required to engage with these suppliers.
pose 18% of Boyner Group’s supplier base. This is to be achieved • Engagement in public policy: Many com-
through a 12 week training programme for owners and manag- panies also overcome their lack of leverage
ers of a first pilot cohort of 25 women-led businesses in Boyner by seeking legal and regulatory redress of
Group’s supply chain. The Academy will then train a second and sustainability issues, working with local
third cohort, offering IFC Business Edge™ training modules, which governments or their home state either alone
have been adapted to specifically address the needs of women or in collaboration with other businesses.
entrepreneurs. Through these efforts, the Academy plans to • Supply chain optimization: Individual
strengthen the overall ecosystem for women suppliers in Boyner companies can also take steps to shorten
Group’s supply chain, focusing on their access to skills, markets their supply chains by grouping smaller
and finance. To that end, the Academy has partnered with key suppliers into cooperatives and reducing
organizations supporting women’s entrepreneurship in Turkey. middlemen. This can also increase the rev-
enue that small suppliers earn.

When, through appropriate risk assessment, As part of its Cocoa Plan, Nestlé aims
companies identify specific sub-tier suppli- to enable cocoa farmers to run profit-
ers who are responsible for adverse impacts able farms, improve social conditions of
on people, environment or governance, they cocoa-growing communities and ensure a
should take appropriate steps to engage with long term supply of sustainable and good
the supplier and address the issue, using the quality cocoa. Child labour on cocoa farms,
tools described in this chapter. If this ap- especially in Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana, is a
proach is unsuccessful, then the company particular challenge for the whole industry.
should take steps to terminate the relation- In 2011, Nestlé decided to partner with the
ship, either directly or via intermediaries, or, Fair Labor Association (FLA) to address this
if the supplier is critical to the company’s issue. As part of the implementation of its
operations, be able to demonstrate efforts Responsible Sourcing Action Plan, Nestlé
made in addressing the issue in the same started rolling out a Child Labour Monitoring
manner as described in the previous sections and Remediation System (CLMRS) to help
of this chapter. identify specific instances of child labour
(monitoring) and enable the company to
take appropriate measures to address them
In 2012, Restaurantes Toks, a Mexican food (remediation). Together with the Internal
and beverage company, engaged in a pilot Cocoa Initiative (ICI), Nestlé’s implement-
project with their coffee producers in Talquian, ing partner for this project, the company
Chiapas by providing training, capacity build- is seeking to create an environment where
ing and equipment to the farmers. By building child labour is recognized as a serious and
a relationship with and investing in coffee complex issue that can only be addressed
farmers in this community, the company by leveraging each tier of the cocoa supply
ensured an increase in productivity, better chain (tier-1 suppliers, farmer cooperatives,
product quality, tackled the main sustain- farmers, etc.) and through a comprehensive
ability issues, including use of child labour, engagement of governments, NGOs and the
and improved worker conditions, resulting in local communities themselves.
higher salaries for the farmers and a return on
investment for the company that nearly tripled
its initial investment.

Encouraging suppliers to join the

Global Compact and Local Networks
Companies should encourage their companies have asked suppliers to becoming one of Schneider Electric’s
SME suppliers to join and participate join the Global Compact as a condition main suppliers. Schneider Electric has
actively in the Global Compact and of being their supplier. An important established a goal to source 60% of the
its Local Networks around the world. next step would be to check that the company’s purchases from suppliers
Local Networks have a lot of useful supplier remains an active participant who support the Global Compact by
resources and strategies for imple- by submitting their annual communica- the end of 2010. By the end of 2009,
menting sustainability and the Global tion on progress (COP) to meet Global 33% of the company’s purchases
Compact’s Ten Principles. They create Compact requirements. The Global were made with suppliers who had
opportunities for multi-stakeholder Compact offers a basic template for signed the Global Compact, and 1,153
engagement and collective action, and submitting the COP, which SMEs with of Schneider Electric’s suppliers had
deepen the learning experience of all limited resources have benefitted from. signed the Global Compact. The com-
participants through activities and pany’s purchasing teams were trained
events to promote action in support Since 2005, Schneider Electric, on the Global Compact Principles to
of UN goals. Companies can also save a French electric components and better engage with suppliers on these
costs on educating their suppliers on equipment company, has asked its sup- issues. Moreover, it closely monitored
sustainability by promoting it collec- pliers and subcontractors to join the which suppliers are in danger of being
tively with other companies, for exam- Global Compact. Support of the Global delisted from the Global Compact for
ple through the Local Networks. Some Compact is one of the criteria for failure to Communicate on Progress.
50 Supply Chain Sustainability

6. Determining Roles & Responsibilities

Supply chain sustainability strategies need to Successful implementation of supply chain
be integrated and closely coordinated with sustainability programmes requires three levels
business strategies that affect supply chains. of internal responsibility as illustrated in the
figure below.
Internal Alignment
One of the most persistent challenges to sup- Governance and Oversight:
ply chain sustainability is a tension in many Executive Leadership
companies between supply chain management and the Board of Directors
professionals’ commercial objectives and their Executive and Board commitment, oversight
sustainability objectives and commitment to and support are crucial in setting the correct
the UN Global Compact. This tension is mani- tone and direction for supply chain sustain-
fested in different objectives for sustainability ability. Executives should clearly articulate the
and purchasing staff. Companies can poten- company’s vision and approach to supply chain
tially contribute directly to sustainability issues sustainability with concrete milestones and
in their supply chain if their own business metrics. Written and oral communication from
policies and procedures are not aligned with executives will help align business managers’
their sustainability requirements. Responsibil- and supply chain management professionals’
ity for the successful compliance with the sup- priorities with these milestones and emphasize
ply chain programme lies with the company’s the importance of sustainability as a way of
internal functions as much as with suppliers. doing business. Executives and the Board of
A lack of internal alignment can have Directors should also regularly review prog-
negative impacts on suppliers’ supply chain ress against supply chain sustainability goals.
sustainability performance, as they may be This senior level oversight will help to hold
incentivized to cut corners to comply with the people throughout the company accountable.
requests from the company. For example, last Executives should also provide regular internal
minute quantity changes can create signifi- updates around the company’s sustainability
cant time pressures that erode working condi- priorities, successes and challenges.
tions if suppliers are forced to increase worker Executives should also support supply
overtime schedules to keep to compressed chain management professionals’ com-
timetables. munications with suppliers as appropriate.

The Elements of Internal Responsibility for Supply

Chain Sustainability

Executive Leadership:
Commitment, Oversight and Support

Supply Chain Management Business Managers:

Professionals: Cross-Functional Coordination
52 Supply Chain Sustainability

Executives at suppliers will appreciate the Cross-functional Coordination

peer-to-peer interaction, and involvement among Business Managers
of the company’s senior leaders will help to Competing requirements from different func-
demonstrate the seriousness with which sup- tions internally can negatively impact supply
ply chain sustainability is undertaken at the chain sustainability. A wide variety of func-
company. As discussed in Chapter 3, execu- tions needs to work together to align their
tives can help communicate about the code of business requirements with the supply chain
conduct. They can also participate in supplier sustainability objectives that the company has
meetings committed to. They should therefore ensure
as an incentive for strong performance (see that the company’s requests meet realistic
Chapter 5).11 expectations that encourage suppliers to
maintain the required level of performance
on sustainability.

HP’s Supply Chain Responsibility governance system clarifies reporting and responsibility across
relevant HP businesses and functions. All HP businesses sponsor and support the Supply Chain
Responsibility program through the Supply Chain Board, which meets monthly and reports
directly to the HP Executive Council.

See: A New Agenda for the Board of Directors: Adoption and Oversight of Corporate Sustainability, which contains inspiration and recommendations for
Boards of Directors on adoption and oversight of corporate sustainability (https://www.unglobalcompact.org/library/303).

“Nestlé believes that it is only by creating

value for society and shareholders at
the same time that we can have long
term business success. We call this
Creating Shared Value. After analysing
our value chain we have determined that
the areas of greatest potential for joint
value optimization with society are
water, rural development and nutrition.
By working closely with our supply base
of 540,000 farmers, we can help them
be more productive and emerge from
poverty. In return we receive a higher
quality end product which benefits the
consumer and ultimately our business.
We commend this approach to other
companies and hope this new guide
will help spread best practice.”
– Peter Brabeck–Letmathe, Chairman of the Board, Nestlé SA
54 Supply Chain Sustainability

In addition to supply chain management embedded in, or available to, every team with
professionals, product design, business devel- an impact on the supply chain.
opment, legal, human resources/diversity and
inclusion, finance risk and strategy, logistics, Grupo Los Grobo, an agribusiness company
marketing and sales can all impact supply with operations throughout South America,
chain sustainability. Companies should con- has established a supply chain committee led
sider how to bring together cross-functional by the company’s CEO and coordinated by
representatives, as illustrated in the figure the manager of supplies & outsourcing. Other
below, to get a clear picture of impacts and participants include designated representa-
where they arise in company decision making. tives of each of the areas of the company that
It is important that individual roles and have a strategic relationship with suppliers
responsibilities within the business are speci- (outsourcing for commodity production ser-
fied so that individuals can assume respon- vices, logistics, agricultural inputs, etc.). This
sibility for implementing and meeting the committee is responsible for establishing and
vision and milestones set out by executives. setting objectives and goals through the design
These objectives should be backed by incen- of a strategic plan. Objectives are checked and,
tives and consequences. if necessary, set every year. The results are
Sustainable supply chain personnel should analyzed and a new strategic plan is formulat-
also provide input to strategic planning pro- ed. One of the latest things to be incorporated
cesses in functions throughout the company. in strategic planning is the use of the ONUDI
To build sustainability into decision making “supplier development platform”. This commit-
processes, sustainability expertise should be tee interacts with more than 5,000 small and
medium sized supply companies.

Integrating Sustainability across Functions 12

Finance Finance

Human Human
Resources Resources

Legal Legal

Supply Supply
Management Management


development development

Production Production

logistics logistics

marketing marketing

sales sales


Disconnected structure integrated structure

From BSR.

The General Counsel of Barrick Gold, a global Selecting Suppliers Relevance of

mining company based in Canada, was the During the due diligence process of selecting Sustainability to
primary author of the company’s human rights suppliers, companies should include social and Supply Management
policy, developed in consultation with a variety environmental management and performance Professionals
of internal stakeholders and external experts criteria alongside commercial criteria in the
including leaders in the supply chain and sus- process. This will allow supply chain manage-
tainability groups. Following the development of “Supply management
ment professionals to look at the full picture
the policy, legal counsel has assisted colleagues when evaluating suppliers, and in some cases, decisions have a direct
in the supply chain function to understand how avoid working with suppliers that bring more impact on business re-
human rights fits within supply chain poli- sustainability risk to the company. A standard sults and sustainability.
cies, processes and activities. This is part of a practice is to review responses to a supplier
comprehensive effort to ensure that each group Therefore, supply man-
self-assessment questionnaire (described more
within the company understands its actual and fully in Chapter 5), which asks for basic infor- agement professionals
potential human rights impact. As a result, sup- mation about policies and practices, and can be have a responsibility to
ply chain staff revised its Supplier Code of Eth- used in a risk assessment to prioritize suppli-
ics to include a greater focus on human rights
raise the issue of the
ers for follow up. Audits can also be used as a
and the overall Ten Principles of the UN Global development of a sus-
due diligence mechanism to screen new and
Compact. This culminated in human rights due potential suppliers. tainability programme
diligence becoming part of the supply chain’s Environmental and social criteria can also within the organization
vendor onboarding standard and human rights be integrated in a request for proposal (RfP)
audit protocols being used to evaluate potential with relevant stake-
and ask potential suppliers to provide related
suppliers. information during the bidding process. A RfP holders, including the
can thus link social and environmental criteria establishment of a
Implementation by Supply Chain along with quality and financial performance sustainability strategy
Management Professionals into a competitive offer.
and various enterprise
Depending on the structure of the company,
the group of individuals with the most direct WORKING WITH EXISTING SUPPLIERS initiatives embedded
contact with suppliers, referred to throughout ON CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT throughout the sup-
this guide as supply chain management profes- Existing suppliers will also need to comply ply chain and a formal
sionals, in most cases will have the most re- with the company’s sustainability expecta-
written policy between
sponsibility for communicating sustainability tions. Depending on the current state of
expectations to suppliers and holding suppliers sustainability management systems at any the organization and its
accountable for meeting the company’s expec- given supplier, it may require investments supplier companies.”
tations. In some cases a dedicated sustainable in people and systems that may take time to
procurement manager directly reporting to the translate into improved performance. Supply — Institute for Supply
Chief Procurement Officer can be allocated. chain management professionals should take a Management
Sustainability performance objectives can continuous improvement approach to sustain-
also be embedded into buyers’ performance ability with existing suppliers based on:
objectives. Capacity building of procurement
staff can be integrated into existing training • Mutual transparency. Companies should
programmes. expect that suppliers will openly and
honestly share information related to their
Supply chain management professionals sustainability performance. In return,
have four primary levers for moving the companies should provide clear expectations
needle on supply chain sustainability: and guidance as well as advanced notice of
1. Selection of new suppliers with relatively changing policies or practices to suppliers.
high sustainability capabilities and practices • Realistic timelines. Companies should care-
2. Working with existing suppliers to set and fully consider what their minimum require-
raise expectations and ensure continuous ments are, e.g. legal compliance, and what
improvement in performance is a realistic timeline for improvements that
3. Incorporate sustainability considerations go beyond the minimum requirements. In
when consolidating purchases and winding identifying appropriate timelines, compa-
down product lines nies should take into account the severity
4. Creation and communication of incentive of identified risks – where risks are severe
processes to encourage suppliers to proac- or impacts may be irremediable (such as,
tively own their sustainability programme. for example, permanent damage to land or
56 Supply Chain Sustainability

instances of child labour in the supply chain),

suppliers will typically need to demonstrate The Center for Sustainable Procurement
that such risks are addressed more quickly. (CSP) is a BSR initiative focused on enabling
Collaboration with peers or audit firms is also sourcing, procurement and purchasing profes-
important to communicate aligned timelines sionals to make more sustainable procurement
and send a consistent message to suppliers. decisions across industries and categories. The
• Continuous improvement. Companies can CSP’s mission is to help buyers understand the
work with suppliers toward management value of sustainability to procurement and build
excellence for sustainability and should define buyer capabilities to make sustainable procure-
excellence in this context. Companies can also ment decisions. Established in 2012, the CSP
help suppliers develop management capacity conducts research and works with companies to
by providing access to resources. develop resources, tools, methods and process-
• Partnership. Companies should commit to es to integrate sustainability into the procure-
enabling open lines of communication with ment process.
suppliers between decision makers of both
parties. Customers can work in partnership
with suppliers to clearly define roles and Volkswagen Group, a German automaker, for-
responsibilities and to create and achieve mulated its “Sustainability in Supplier Relations”
mutually agreeable goals. programme in 2006 and has since gradually in-
troduced this approach into corporate structures
across the Group, as well as into production-relat-
Timberland, an American footwear company, has ed purchasing processes. The concept of sustain-
changed the way it works with suppliers from a ability in supplier relationships is comprised of
compliance-based approach to a more collabora- three main pillars aimed at minimizing and/or
tive approach focused on workers. Instead of leav- preventing negative social, environmental and
ing a list of violations for factory owners to resolve financial impacts along the supply chain:
and then checking back to verify improvements, 1) An early warning system that identifies and mini-
the company now works more closely with factory mizes risks along the supply chain.
management and their workers to understand the 2) Contractually mandated integration of the sus-
root cause of workplace issues in factories. The tainability standards in the procurement process.
new approach puts the workers themselves at the 3) Supplier monitoring and development.
centre of the process. Workers and their repre- As an integrated part of this programme, both
sentatives are now invited to opening and closing procurement staff and suppliers are offered
meetings of supplier assessments and workers online and in-person trainings on sustainability
are interviewed in groups as part of the assess- topics and suppliers are asked to fill out a self-
ment process. In addition, worker code of conduct assessment questionnaire. Additionally, suppliers
committees are established, trained and continu- can contact an email address when issues arise,
ously involved in upholding the code of conduct. and an “ad-hoc-expert” from the related depart-
ment within Volkswagen will offer direct assis-
INTEGRATION SUPPORT tance and coaching to meet the requirements.
Companies can take many steps to support sup- Information is also made available to suppliers as
ply chain management professionals in integrat- a standard step in the procurement process.
ing sustainability and overcoming the perceived
tension between sustainability and business driv-
ers. Many companies begin by providing advice In 2014, Ford Motor Company trained 175 new
on sustainability issues such as human rights purchasing employees on Supply Chain Sustain-
and environmental impacts in a way that makes ability fundamentals. The company additionally
clear links to other business factors, such as risk, provided training to the global Supplier Technical
quality, cost, etc. Assistance (STA) team on the fundamentals of its
Companies are also experimenting with Human Rights and Working Conditions programme
supplier scorecards which present information as these personnel interact with supplier plants on
about suppliers’ sustainability performance a regular basis. STA training reached almost 1,400
alongside their business performance to support individuals globally and, by the end of 2015, Ford
integrated decision making. Leading companies plans to train the broader Purchasing community.
are also placing sustainability personnel within
supply management to prevent mixed messages
to suppliers.

“At Restaurantes Toks,

we have the commitment
not only to deliver
products and services
that fulfill and exceed our
customers’ expectations,
but to contribute in
the development of a
sustainable supply chain
for the benefit of our
business, our society
and our planet. Sharing
success is a must in the
process of assuring
long term sustainability
and growth.”
– Federico Bernaldo de Quiros, CEO, Restaurantes Toks
58 Supply Chain Sustainability

7. Industry Collaboration
and Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships

Industry collaboration and multi-stakeholder For suppliers that work with multiple
partnerships are important tools for advanc- customers with their own codes, each may
ing the company’s supply chain sustainabil- have its own unique approach for supplier
ity objectives, particularly for issues that are engagement and monitoring. This can cre-
too challenging and complex to tackle alone. ate a significant burden for suppliers that
In addition, collaboration can increase the can divert resources from compliance and
impact and overall efficiency of supply chain continuous improvement.
sustainability efforts by extending the com-
pany’s reach and leverage, pooling resources, For this reason, many groups have come
reducing duplication and avoiding conflict- together to create a shared code of conduct,
ing messages. which participating companies may or may
There are risks and opportunities to not be required to adopt, and they work to
industry collaboration and multi-stakeholder engage suppliers on the shared code together
partnerships that should be considered through joint assessments and auditing. Many
early in the development of the company’s of these groups also conduct joint capability
programme. building for suppliers.

The Context for Gap Inc., an American clothing and acces-

Industry Collaboration sories retailer, has executed a large-scale
Many leading companies have come to see col- rollout of the Sustainable Apparel Coalition’s
laboration as an important element of address- Higg Index 2.0 at the third-party vendors
ing the root causes of sustainability issues. In that make its branded apparel. Gap Inc. first
addition, collaborative efforts represent a way began working with a targeted group of sev-
for smaller companies with fewer resources to en vendors (representing approximately 50
take action and contribute to further supply facilities) in India to benchmark water use
chain sustainability. Two primary types of performance. The results quickly highlighted
industry collaboration have emerged: those facilities using best water manage-
ment practices, which Gap Inc. then shared
1. Best Practice Sharing. These industry col- anonymously with other participating facili-
laborations, which can be focused in one ties. With this information, vendors and their
industry or across sectors, focus on sharing facilities are able to more clearly understand
knowledge about approaches and tools their performance relative to competitors
that companies have found to be successful and peers, and learn what measures other
in their individual supply chain sustain- facilities are taking or investing in to reduce
ability programmes. These groups will their environmental impact.
also sometimes create tools together that
reflect the direction of their programmes,
although typically participants to this type
of collaboration are not required to use the
tools or to meet any other standards for

2. Joint Standards and Implementation.

These collaborations are typically focused
within one sector and aim to create con-
sistency among companies’ expectations
and programmes. As described briefly in
Chapter 5, compliance based approaches
to supplier monitoring are frequently
characterized by inconsistency, duplica-
tion and inefficiency among companies.
60 Supply Chain Sustainability

Opportunities and Risks

Risks of Industry Collaboration There are also some risks to industry collabo-
Industry collaboration can create significant ration to consider:
efficiencies for suppliers and companies, but
it also comes with some risks. The company • Internal commitment. Industry collabo-
should consider both as to determine whether ration can be challenging for some com-
and on what elements of the programme to panies and could threaten the company’s
collaborate with other companies. ability to get internal commitment to
supply chain sustainability, particularly if
opportunities potential partners in industry collabora-
In addition to the benefits that industry col- tion are seen as competitors or at marked-
laboration can create for suppliers discussed ly different stages of supply chain sustain-
above, the opportunities for companies are ability. To ensure buy-in, the company
significant: should get a clear understanding of which
companies it will be partnering with and
• Leverage with Suppliers. Partnering what their expectations are.
with peers on supply chain sustainability • Resource draining. While industry col-
can boost the company’s leverage with laborations have the potential to create
direct as well as sub-tier suppliers. By col- cost and time efficiencies for participants,
laborating with peers, its expectations and they also require investment and may
engagement approaches are not only more not always deliver results. For example,
aligned, but the company’s voice to direct initiating shared action with partners
and sub-tier suppliers will be much louder. and agreeing to common expectations
• Credibility with stakeholders. Participat- and engagement processes can be quite
ing in industry collaborations can be a time intensive, and these efforts may take
demonstration of the company’s aware- significant amounts of time to mature and
ness of the challenges in supply chain create substantial impact.
sustainability and can help boost cred- • Unwillingness to change course. For
ibility with external stakeholders. Indus- collaborative efforts that are more estab-
try collaborations can also provide an lished, there is a possibility that internal
opportunity to discuss controversial topics colleagues or external partners will be
with external stakeholders that the com- unwilling to change approaches to get
pany may not be comfortable addressing alignment.
one-on-one. • Antitrust. Part of the activities of industry
• Resource sharing. The processes outlined collaborations require representatives of
in this guide all require resource invest- relevant companies in the same sector to
ment, and particularly for smaller com- hold meetings on various issues of com-
panies or companies with recent commit- mon interest. Such gatherings may lead to
ments, the time and money necessary to inadvertent violations of antitrust laws if
implement a strong supply chain sustain- sensitive topics, such as prices and com-
ability programme can pose significant mercial strategies, become part of the
barriers. Industry collaboration can help discussion. Reading an antitrust statement
companies pool their resources and share that includes prohibited subjects of discus-
the expenses of establishing standards, en- sion at the beginning of each meeting can
gaging with suppliers and engaging with help minimize risks of antitrust liability.
external stakeholders.

Partial List of Industry Collaborations 13

AIM-PROGRESS is a forum of consumer goods companies assembled to enable and promote responsible sourcing practices
and sustainable production systems. It is a global initiative supported and sponsored by Association des Industries de
Marque (AIM) in Europe and the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) in North America. Its key objectives include
development of a forum to exchange views regarding responsible sourcing practices and of common evaluation methods to
decrease duplicative auditing.

Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Initiative

The Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Initiative (PSCI) is a group of major pharmaceutical companies who share a vision of
better social, economic and environmental outcomes for all those involved in the pharmaceutical supply chain. The PSCI
created the Pharmaceutical Industry Principles for Responsible Supply Chain Management. These Principles address five
areas of responsible business practices: ethics, labor, health and safety, environment and management systems.

Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI)

The BSCI is a platform for retail, brand, importing and trading companies dedicated to the improvement of working condi-
tions in their supply chain worldwide. The organization has created a code of conduct and implements the BSCI Code
through a combination of external monitoring and collaborative capacity building activities.

Railsponsible is an industry initiative focused on sustainable procurement, with the aim to continuously improve sustainability
practices throughout the railway industry supply chain. The initiative is open to all railway operators and companies across
the railway industry value chain, along with key industry associations, that share its vision, mission and commitments.

Electronics Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC)

The EICC promotes an industry code of conduct and shared implementation resources for global electronics supply
chains to improve working and environmental conditions. The EICC conducts joint audits, provides tools to audit compli-
ance with the code, offers resources for training for procurement and suppliers, and helps companies report progress.
EICC membership is available to electronic manufacturers, software firms, ICT firms and manufacturing service provid-
ers, including contracted firms that design, manufacture or provide electronic goods, and as such covers the vast majority
of the electronics supply chain.

Ethical Trading Initiative

ETI is an alliance of companies, trade union organizations and NGOs that are committed to working together to identify and
promote good practice in labour code implementation, including monitoring and verifying compliance with code provisions.

Global Social Compliance Programme (GSCP)

The GSCP is a business-driven programme for companies whose vision is to harmonize existing efforts in order to deliver a
shared, global and sustainable approach for the continuous improvement of working and environmental conditions across
categories and sectors in the global supply chain. The GSCP offers a global platform to promote knowledge exchange and
best practices in order to build comparability and transparency between existing systems.

Fair Labor Association

FLA is a multi-stakeholder initiative made up of companies, universities and civil society organizations dedicated to
improving conditions for workers around the world. Participating brands and suppliers (including apparel, footwear, elec-
tronics and agriculture companies) commit to the FLA Workplace Code of Conduct, and the FLA has created a process for
workplace assessment, remediation, verification and investigation of third-party complaints to ensure that companies are
meeting the code’s standards.

ICTI CARE is the toy industry’s ethical manufacturing programme aimed at ensuring safe and humane workplace envi-
ronments for toy factory workers worldwide. To achieve these goals, the group provides education, training and a unified
monitoring programme for toy factories.

Social Accountability International (SAI)

SAI is a multistakeholder, multinational, multi-industry organization of business, labour and NGOs whose mission it to
advance the human rights of workers around the world. It carries this out through training, capacity building and the
SA8000 workplace standard, which is based on ILO and UN conventions.

For information on industry collaborations, partnerships and initiatives, visit the UN Global Compact's portal Sustainable Supply Chains: Resources and
Prcatices at https://www.unglobalcompact.org/docs/about_the_gc/Architecture.pdf.
62 Supply Chain Sustainability

The Importance De Beers, a diamond mining company with In recent years, more and more stakehold-
of Partnerships headquarters in Luxembourg and a presence er groups have demonstrated willingness to
to Implement the in locations including London and Johannes- partner with companies. They can assist with
Post-2015 Devel- burg, works with other organizations in the understanding the context for sustainability
opment Agenda14 industry to address a range of historical chal- challenges, help with designing effective
Partnerships can help lenges including conflict diamonds, a lack responses and act as local implementing
optimize and scale up of commercial transparency and improving partners. They can also bring a wealth of
sustainability efforts working conditions in factories in major cut- information on best practices and learning
in the supply chain as ting and polishing centres. Although the Kim- from other companies who have faced simi-
well as contribute to berley Process Certification Scheme and the lar issues in the supply chain. In addition,
corporate participation World Diamond Council System of Warranties they can bring resources and legitimacy to
in the broader multi- were launched in 2003 to address the issue supply chain sustainability efforts.
stakeholder efforts of conflict diamonds, no single standard ex- Business can also work with govern-
to achieve UN goals. isted to verify full ethical practices through- ments, including local authorities, to
This collaboration out the diamond pipeline addressing social, support national and local efforts and
requires engagement employment, business, health and safety, and improve capacity to address the root causes
and co-investment environmental issues. De Beers saw an op- for sustainability challenges that business
by a broader group portunity to establish a benchmark for best experiences in supply chains.
of business partners practice not only within the diamond mining
and key stakeholders sector, but also through the cutting, polish-
to further strengthen ing and jewellery manufacturing pipeline. To Many companies have created cost efficien-
the various global this end, De Beers launched the Best Practice cies by undertaking efforts to reduce ac-
and local initiatives Principles (BPP) Assurance Programme in cidents and illnesses and improve the overall
and platforms that 2005 and made compliance to the standard a health of workers in their supply chains. Levi
have been developed. contractual condition of supply to De Beers’ Strauss & Co., a U.S.-based apparel com-
Through partnerships customers and a requirement for all entities pany, has implemented a number of worker
and the pooling and within the De Beers Group. rights and well-being programmes, such as
sharing of resources, health education training programmes at
Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships its suppliers’ factories in partnership with
these opportunities
can be fully realized In addition to collaborating with industry civil society organizations. These programs
for the benefit of all. peers, many companies are recognizing the are designed to improve worker well-being
There is an increasing value of working with a broader range of and ensure worker rights are respected and
number of platforms stakeholders. Chapter 2 described a range of have also helped suppliers achieve savings
and initiatives focused groups that could provide input on the com- through increased productivity and reduced
on sustainability, or on pany’s supply chain sustainability strategy, absenteeism. Additionally, Levi Strauss & Co.
a particular sustain- including national and local governments, includes workplace standards and worker
ability challenge, workers’ and employers’ organizations, non- rights as an integral part of all bilateral, re-
that companies can governmental organizations, advocacy and gional or multilateral trade negotiations. Levi
join, including busi- activist organizations, academic and issue Strauss & Co. publicly advocates for linkage
ness sector initiatives, experts, community groups and stakeholder of trade and labor, incorporating key work-
Global Compact Local groups, such as women, indigenous people, place standards and worker rights provi-
Networks and UN- minorities, elderly and persons with disabili- sions within the context of trade agreements
led multistakeholder ties. Many of these groups are knowledgeable through congressional testimony, meetings
partnerships such as about sustainability issues and can be useful with senior government officials, trade nego-
Sustainable Energy for partners, beyond just sharing perspective tiations and multi-stakeholder initiatives.
All or Every Woman and advice, by working closely to address
and Every Child. supply chain challenges. For example, enter-
ing into multi-stakeholder partnerships with
organizations that promote women’s partici-
pation in the supply chain can promote their
inclusion in the company’s supply chain.

For more information, see Architects of a Better World: Building the Post-2015 Business Engagement Architecture (2013), available at https://www.


• N Brown Group, a UK-based retail com-

Accord on Fire and Building Safety - The
pany, was the first medium-sized company to
Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Ban-
sign the Accord on Fire and Building Safety
gladesh (the Accord) is a five year indepen-
in Bangladesh as one of the founding par-
dent, legally binding agreement between
ticipants. The company has been part of the
global brands and retailers, NGOs and trade
Accord’s Steering Committee, participated in
unions. With more than 200 signatories and
two delegations to Bangladesh and repre-
over 1,500 factories covered by the agree-
sented the Accord at a number of events. The
ment, the Accord is designed to maintain a
company will continue to invest time in the
minimum safety standard in the Bangladeshi
partnership as it is a concrete example of how
garment industry. The aim of the Accord
to work together to improve worker safety in
is the implementation of a programme for
the garment industry in Bangladesh
reasonable health and safety measures to
ensure a safe and sustainable Bangladeshi
• Inditex, a Spanish multinational retail
Ready-Made Garment industry over a period
company, is a signatory of the Accord on Fire
of five years. The Accord was signed on 15
and Building Safety in Bangladesh as part of
May 2013, in the aftermath of the Rana Plaza
its commitment to open dialogue and ongo-
Building collapse that led to the death of
ing cooperation. The company was one of the
more than 1,100 people and injured more
first signatories and participated actively in
than 2,000. It is governed by a Steering
drafting the Accord. Inditex also served in
Committee equally composed by signatory
the Accord’s Steering Committee together
companies and trade unions with a neutral
with other business representatives, NGOs
Chair provided by the International Labour
and unions. Inditex considers the Accord a
Organisation (ILO). The Accord is implement-
pioneering agreement to bring about sustain-
ed through six key components, including an
able improvement in working conditions in
independent inspection programme support-
Bangladesh’s textile sector.
ed by companies in which workers and trade
unions are involved. To date, all 1,500-plus
factories covered under the Accord have been
inspected for fire, electrical and structural
safety. In some cases, the Accord has acted
immediately where inspections found safety
problems which posed imminent danger to
workers’ lives. In all factories, the signato-
ries and factories are developing and imple-
menting Corrective Action Plans to remediate
all identified safety hazards. Other integral
components of the Accord are a comprehen-
sive worker participation programme with
workers and factory owners and a safety and
health complaints mechanism.
64 Supply Chain Sustainability

“At Telenor, we aim to make corporate

responsibility an integral part of the way
we do business – and we realize that our
impact on society also extends to our
suppliers and business partners. Managing
our supply chain towards responsible
business conduct is therefore something
we do not compromise within Telenor.
We shall not only demonstrate excellent
working conditions and environmental
management within all our own
companies, we also require that all our
suppliers meet the standards set down
in our Supplier Conduct Principles.
We will work towards our goals by
driving continuous improvement through
systematic engagement with our suppliers.”
– Jon Fredrik Baksaas, President & CEO of Telenor

Global Compact Local Networks

More than 80 Global Compact Local Networks provide on-the-ground support for Global Compact signatories
around the world. Networks undertake a variety of activities to do so, including identifying local priorities relating to
responsible business practices, raising awareness about local sustainability challenges and opportunities, organiz-
ing learning and dialogue events, mobilizing collective action efforts and facilitating partnerships between compa-
nies and local stakeholders to contribute to broader sustainable development objectives. Networks also provide
assistance to companies in preparing their annual Communication on Progress reports.
To advance supply chain sustainability, companies can work through Local Networks in geographies where
they have significant numbers of suppliers. Companies can, for instance, encourage suppliers to join the UN
Global Compact and participate actively in Local Network events to improve their own sustainability performance.
Companies can also support Local Networks by sharing knowledge and expertise, and providing financial support
to Local Network activities.

Many Local Networks have engaged in activities to advance supply chain sustainability, including:

The Global Compact Network Spain has organized several trainings, conferences and roundtables around sup-
ply chain sustainability topics. Since 2011, the Network has developed several partnership agreements with large
companies aimed at reinforcing their commitment to sustainability and the UN Global Compact Ten Principles
throughout their supply chain. This collaboration engaged suppliers of these companies in a number of activities,
including: development of in-person and online training sessions, access to a reporting platform to assist in draft-
ing and submitting their annual Communication on Progrss (COP) to the UN Global Compact and access to con-
sultations with a CSR specialist to address specific issues. Several companies have partnered with the Network
on this project and encouraged more than 1,000 suppliers to become participants of the UN Global Compact. In
2009, it also published a guide on implementing the Ten Principles in the company’s supply chain.

The Global Compact Network Japan has convened a Working Group on Supply Chain Management in which
more than a dozen Japanese companies from different sectors participate. In 2013, the members of the Working
Group published a Vision of Desirable CSR Activity in the Supply Chain – a Proposal from the Supply Chain Working
Group on how companies can engage more effectively with suppliers and realize the win-win-win potential of sus-
tainable supply chain management – for buyers, suppliers and societies.

The Global Compact Network Italy and its Sustainable Supply Chain Working Group developed a self-assess-
ment questionnaire for suppliers based on the UN Global Compact Ten Principles as well as international agree-
ments, conventions and standards. The questionnaire was uploaded to an online platform: the TenP – Sustain-
able Supply Chain Self-Assessment Platform, a tool to support companies in self-evaluating their sustainability
strategies and practices, tracking their progresses, benchmarking their sustainability performances against peers
and sharing the self-assessment results with the TenP Platform Partners being able to monitor who has access to
their data. The tool is publicly available on the Italian Network’s website.

The Global Compact Network Germany has supported the development of the Sustainability Compass, a one
stop shop for companies who wish to align their procurement practices with international sustainability standards.
The Sustainability Compass, which is available in German, offers guidance to SMEs on how to identify risks in their
supply chain and address them. It also includes best practices by other companies as well as a list of internationally
recognized tools and standards.
66 Supply Chain Sustainability

8. Establishing Goals & Tracking and

Communicating Performance

While it is important to establish clear roles Goals for Impact

for key functions throughout the company, Along with setting goals designed to ad-
it is equally important to set comprehensive dress social, environmental and governance
performance goals. Explicit objectives for issues in the supply chain, companies have
supply chain sustainability will provide indi- the opportunity to have positive impacts on
viduals with direction in their tasks and will people, the environment and governance
also help the company evaluate the impact through their supply chain. Goals for impact
and success of the company’s programme in should be adapted to the risks in the supply
progressively addressing sustainability issues chain and be developed to help the company
in the supply chain. address such risks. Furthermore, based on the
company’s vision for supply chain sustain-
ability, objectives for business impact should
The Process of Goal Setting be fairly straightforward. These can include
Goal setting should be a collaborative process meeting customer and other stakeholder
that involves leadership from each of the expectations, reducing costs and expanding
functions that will have responsibility for into new markets.
meeting established objectives of effectively When setting goals for impact, compa-
preventing and addressing adverse social and nies should pay particular attention to how
environmental impacts. It is also important specific groups may face different risks or
to align sustainable supply chain objectives impacts than others, for example due to
with business needs, whenever that is pos- marginalization in society. Companies should
sible. Review the company’s business strategy set goals that can track and measure how the
and objectives and identify places where the supply chain programme addresses impacts
supply chain objectives that the company on specific stakeholders groups, including
has defined support the company’s overall women, children, persons with disabilities,
business objectives. The company’s executive elderly, minorities and indigenous people.
leadership should endorse the goals. The goal-setting process can also be an op-
Performance against goals will need to be portunity to identify ways to support human
tracked year after year as part of measureable rights and inclusiveness; where applicable,
sustainable supply chain objectives. While companies should also set targets for the
this seems obvious, it requires companies to inclusion of the relevant stakeholders groups
go through the often challenging process of in the supply chain.
defining what the desired and realistic goals
are and how and when that goal should be
met. Defining and tracking progress towards
goals demonstrates the value of the work that
is done to meet the goal.
Although goals are usually designed at a
high-level for the entire business, these objec-
tives need to be translated into actionable
targets for managers across all functions in an
integrated and coherent manner. Only in this
way can they be rolled out throughout the
company. For example, a goal on the number
of suppliers that attend sustainability trainings
can be translated into a target for individual
supply chain management professionals
within each sourcing group that manages
supplier relationships. Similarly, more micro-
level targets that can be rolled up to provide a
picture of overall performance against goals.
68 Supply Chain Sustainability

Restaurantes Toks operates 130 res- set by the company and adapted to address
taurants in 84 cities throughout Mexico, specific risks that may be relevant to particu-
providing more than 10,000 jobs and serving lar suppliers or parts of the supply chain.
more than 25 million consumers each year. Goals should enable the company to track
In an effort to integrate poor rural commu- how successful the supplier is at address-
nities into its supply chain, the company has ing relevant risks over time. For example,
initiated a project working with a strawberry companies often set goals for the number
marmalade production group formed and of suppliers completing corrective action
managed by 13 women in Santa Rosa de plans after they’ve been audited (see Chap-
Lima in Central Mexico. In 2005, the per ter 5). Companies should also set goals for
capita income in Santa Rosa de Lima was performance in specific areas such as human
less than $US 60 per month, and the town’s rights, labour, environment, ethics and sup-
population was disproportionately female plier management systems of suppliers— the
due to high rates of illegal immigration by internal policies, practices and organizational
men to the United States. structures that enable suppliers to proactively
Restaurantes Toks has incorporated straw- manage for sustainability.
berry marmalade supplied by the Santa Rosa
de Lima Enterprise into its menus, success- Goals for Internal Performance
fully integrating the community into the As described in the preceding chapter, one of
company’s supply chain. Before beginning the most persistent obstacles that companies
to sell to Restaurantes Toks, the Santa Rosa face in meeting their impact objectives and
de Lima Enterprise provided an income of supporting suppliers to meet supplier perfor-
$US 2,500 to all the families in the com- mance objectives is the unresolved tension
munity. The Santa Rosa de Lima Enterprise between supply chain management profes-
now sells more than $US 500,000 worth of sionals’ commercial objectives and their desire
strawberry marmalade to Restaurantes Toks to ensure fair working conditions and envi-
each year, radically increasing the commu- ronmentally friendly and ethical practices. To
nity’s per capita income. Furthermore, Res- support increased attention from supply chain
taurantes Toks is working with the company management professionals on sustainability
to increase production capacities to enable it issues, companies should consult with leaders
to enter additional markets. from supply management and other functions
Due to the demonstrable impact of this to set objectives for internal implementation of
model on protecting and promoting human supply chain sustainability.
and economic rights, Restaurantes Toks Goals for internal performance should pro-
has duplicated the approach with 40 other vide guidance on expectations for how sustain-
community food and handicraft production ability will be integrated into supply manage-
groups. ment decisions. For example, some companies
establish goals related to placing a specific
percentage of their spend (or volume) with the
Goals for Supplier Performance highest performing suppliers, while others
As discussed in Chapter 5, there are many emphasize setting goals that make sustain-
mechanisms the company can use to track ability a key factor alongside other commercial
performance of individual suppliers and and technical criteria, to be used in making
encourage supplier ownership. However, it is decisions about supply. Another goal would be
important that companies set objectives for the percentage of supply chain management
overall supplier performance, which can be professionals receiving training in sustainabil-
revised at later dates with supplier input. ity issues.
Goals for suppliers should be formulated
with inputs from management across func-
tions, especially supply chain management, to
ensure broad commitment and realistic goals.
They should establish objectives for overall
supplier performance against the expectations

One of the key objectives of Montepaschi

Group is to embed the principles of its
Sustainable Supply Chain programme within supplier databases
its standard sourcing processes. For some
years, the Bank has practiced a policy of Fair Factories Clearinghouse (FFC): launched by US footwear and
monitoring and continuous improvement of apparel firm Reebok International Ltd., the National Retail Federation,
the CSR profiles of firms included in its sup- Retail Council of Canada and World Monitors to create an online global
ply chain. It implements product and service database to share factory audit and compliance data. The FFC, a non-
procurement strategies under competitive profit organization, offers members an online audit management system
economic conditions, ensuring that through- and sharing platform to enable cost effective, well-informed ethical
out the related life cycles environmental business transactions and improved workplaces around the globe.
impacts are minimised and all potential vio-
lations of human rights and workers’ rights Suppliers Ethical Data Exchange (Sedex): Sedex (sedexglobal.
as well as rules to prevent corruption and com) works with buyers and suppliers around the world to deliver
conflicts of interest are avoided. The objec- improvements in responsible and ethical business practices in global
tives that the Montepaschi Group pursues by supply chains. Sedex’s mission is to drive collaboration, increase trans-
implementing this policy are: 1) identifying parency and build the capacity that’s needed to raise standards across
opportunities to minimize environmental and all tiers of the supply chain. Sedex has over 38,000 members worldwide
social impacts in the supply chain; 2) contrib- and offers the world’s largest collaborative platform for managing and
uting to reducing operational and compli- sharing ethical supply chain data, along with leading-edge services
ance risk and consequences impacts to our which companies use to understand, monitor and manage supply chains
reputation; 3) improving the management of risks and improve standards.
costs associated with procurement process-
es and logistics aspects; 4) promoting the Ecovadis: EcoVadis operates the Supplier Sustainability Ratings
growth of suppliers, stimulating innovation in platform, an online system allowing companies to access CSR ratings
sustainable products and processes. of suppliers covering 21 indicators and 150 spend categories. Over 120
multi-national companies are using EcoVadis to assess and improve
environmental, social and ethical practices of thousands of suppliers
Measurement across 110 countries.
Processes and Practices
In order to evaluate performance against
its own supply chain sustainability goals, a
company needs to collect and track perfor- tion on the same topics it is captured in a
mance data over time. Much of this data, and unified way. Where data is collected about
the processes and practices around it, will addressing specific social or environmental
also be critical to implementation of aspects risks, or risks to a specific stakeholder group,
of the company’s supply chain sustainability it is good practice to involve the relevant
programme already covered in this guide. impacted group in defining what data to col-
lect and how to collect it. Whenever possible,
What data to collect companies should also include collection of
Companies will need to collect data on both sex-disaggregated data for analysis, mea-
supplier and supply chain management surement and measurement of progress on
professionals’ performance. Metrics need inclusive sourcing.
to be designed to allow for straightforward
evaluation of the company’s progress on its How to collect data
goals. Much of this data will likely overlap Data collection can be challenging given the
with the data that supply chain management vast number of suppliers that the company
professionals will collect as part of evaluat- may be evaluating and the number of sources
ing suppliers and that other functions, such that data can originate from. In addition,
as Environment, Health and Safety may there are many examples of suppliers that
also capture. The company should begin keep double books, coach workers to respond
by analyzing the breadth and quality of all falsely to worker interviews during audits,
existing metrics and data. As a next step, the bribe inspectors and find other ways to mask
company will probably need to spend some the real situation in their company. This
time standardizing metrics so that if different makes methods of ensuring the integrity of
parts of the company are collecting informa- data critically important to decision making.
70 Supply Chain Sustainability

In addition, transparency of supplier infor-

mation across functional and organizational Johnson Controls Inc., an American instru-
boundaries is often limited, and companies mentation company, has created a Supplier
often struggle with a lack of effective commu- Sustainability Rating to quantitatively measure
nication and understanding between compa- a supplier’s environmental impact. The ques-
nies and their suppliers on the information tionnaire contains questions related to human
they need to exchange. Many companies are rights, working conditions, employee safety,
exploring information technology platforms energy management, if the supplier is publicly
that will enable comprehensive data col- reporting data such as its greenhouse gas emis-
lection and management. Cross-functional sions and, specifically, if the supplier is report-
business managers can be helpful in aligning ing to the Carbon Disclosure Project. The ques-
internal systems and processes. Collabora- tionnaire is completely electronic and resides
tion with suppliers may also be useful since on Johnson Controls’ public website so that all
they will be inputting data and may be more suppliers have easy access to the questionnaire.
inclined to engage with the company’s pro- Once suppliers complete the questionnaire, the
gramme if they feel that they’ve had a hand respective Procurement managers are provided
in shaping it. As far as possible, companies the results. The managers then determine the
should strive to consult with impacted groups ranking of the supplier and, as appropriate,
to collect data, so as to understand whether work with the supplier to ensure they are fully
interventions are successful in addressing risk compliant with the expectations defined by the
from their perspectives. company’s Ethics Policy. Johnson Controls has
There are a number of data sharing plat- policies and procedures in place for removing
forms that can help collect and manage sup- unethical suppliers from its approved vendor
plier information about sustainability perfor- lists if they don’t or won’t comply.
mance. These include Sedex, EcoVadis, e-Tasc
and Fair Factories Clearinghouse. There are
also many information technology companies Timberland, an American footwear company,
that provide this type of resource as well. has created a “Green Index” environmental rat-
ing system that measures and communicates
How to use data critical aspects of environmental performance
Finally, the company needs to plan for how in a simple format to inform product design
data will be used. Companies must be ready and development. The Green Index rating
to share at least some of their data externally, system drives alignment of product design
including in the form of public reporting, and development with Timberland’s corporate
which will be analyzed more in-depth in the environmental strategy. The company aims to
next section. As data is collected over time, reduce impacts in three broad areas: climate,
the company’s executive leadership should chemical use and resource consumption. By
receive regular updates on progress. Supply providing clear environmental measures in
chain management professionals in particu- these areas, product creation teams can choose
lar will use much of the data on supplier processes that require less harmful chemicals
performance in decision making as described and increase the use of less carbon-intensive
in Chapter 3. All communications should be materials, as well as recycled, organic and
of a form and frequency that reflects the com- renewable materials.
pany’s social and environmental impacts and
are accessible to stakeholders. They should
also include necessary details for stakehold-
ers to evaluate how the company addresses
those impacts while being framed in a way
that would not put affected stakeholders or
personnel at risk or expose commercially
sensitive information.

Communicating Progress While traditionally sustainability and EXTERNAL

And Reporting financial reporting have been kept separate, ASSESSMENT OF
Public reporting can be a tool to stimulate it should be noted that integrated reporting SUSTAINABILITY
and enhance sustainability and transparency is emerging as a way to combine information REPORTS
in the supply chain. It also demonstrates the on the company’s environmental, social and
management of environmental and social ethical performance with financial informa- When all data has been
impacts and the assurance of good gover- tion. The International Integrated Reporting collected, it is important
nance of the supply chain to both internal Framework establishes Guiding Principles and to ensure its credibility
and external stakeholders. Content Elements that govern the overall con- before disclosing it to
Companies should be prepared to com- tent of an integrated report and explain the the public. External
municate publicly on how they address risks fundamental concepts that underpin them. assessment, a review
where concerns are raised by or on behalf of In all cases, communication should be of by a credible third party
affected stakeholders. Where a company may a form and frequency that is commensurate of the information in the
have a high-risk supply chain, for example if it with risks and impacts and be accessible sustainability report,
is dependent on sourcing from conflict-affected to the intended audience. As mentioned can strengthen the value
areas, companies should report formally on above, communication should be sufficient of the reported data as
how supply chain risks are addressed. for stakeholders to evaluate the adequacy of well as drive improve-
UN Global Compact signatories are a company’s response to address risks, but ments in corporate sus-
furthermore required to publicly commu- should not pose risks to affected stakehold- tainability performance.
nicate with stakeholders on an annual basis ers, personnel or legitimate requirements of There are two ways to
on their progress in implementing the ten commercial confidentiality. conduct an external
principles. This annual communication, assessment: assess-
or Communication on Progress (COP), is an ment by stakeholders,
important demonstration of the company’s through a stakeholder
commitment to the UN Global Compact panel or peer review,
and its principles. Depending on the level and third-party assur-
of disclosure, each COP is categorized as GC ance providers, spe-
Learner, GC Active or GC Advanced. Informa- cialized professionals
tion on a number of specific areas beyond such as sustainability
those minimum requirements will account service firms, engineer-
for a GC Advanced level. ing firms, accountants
Beyond the COP, sustainability reporting and consulting firms.
is the most common way for companies to When possible, the use
communicate progress with stakeholders. of third-party assurance
Sustainability Reporting is the practice of providers is recommend-
measuring and disclosing, and being ac- ed as the best suited to
countable to internal and external stakehold- ensure reliability and
ers for organizational performance towards accuracy of the informa-
the goal of sustainable development. Sustain- tion reported.
ability reporting is a logical last step after Companies reporting at
having implemented a supply chain sustain- the GC Advanced level
ability approach and, as the process requires not only disclose infor-
companies to consider their progress against mation against advanced
goals and to be transparent to stakeholders, criteria and best prac-
will help to improve it continuously. tices, but also use some
Many companies report using the GRI type of external assess-
framework, one of the world’s most widely ment for their reports.
used standards for sustainability reporting.
GRI is one of the recommended reporting
languages for UN Global Compact partici-
pants to communicate with stakeholders
on their progress in implementing the UN
Global Compact Ten Principles. The last itera-
tion of the GRI framework, the G4, includes
Standard Disclosures related to supply chain.
72 Supply Chain Sustainability

A wide range of stakeholders were consulted throughout the revision
process of this guide including UN Global Compact staff, UN Global
Compact Local Network focal points, UN Agencies, issues experts
and civil society and members of BSR staff. We wish to thank the
following individuals for taking the time to review and comment on
the drafts of this revised version of the guide:

Ms. Lene Wendland, Head of Business and Human Rights and Ms.
Ragnhild Handagard, Consultant on Business and Human Rights,
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR); Mr.
Michael Rohwer, Project Director, Electronic Industry Citizenship
Coalition (EICC); Ms. Beth Jensen, Director of Corporate
Responsibility and Ms. Nikki Hodgson, Corporate Responsibility
Coordinator; Outdoor Industry Association (OIA); Mr. David
Lawrence, Executive Director, AIM-Progress; Ms. Isabel Garro
Hernandez, General Director and Ms. Cristina Sanchez Garcia,
Project Coordinator, Global Compact Network Spain; Ms. Margherita
Macellari, Programme Manager and Analyst, Global Compact
Network Italy; Mr. Philip Bleckmann, Economy and Human Rights
Advisor, GiZ/Global Compact Network Germany; Mr. Philip Hunter,
Program Director, Verité; Mr. Pierre-Francois Thaler, Executive
Director and Mr. Simon Gargonne, Senior CSR Analyst, EcoVadis.

Page 6 © World Bank/Lianqin Wang
Page 11 © Hard Rain Picture
Library/Mark Edwards
Page 21 © Hard Rain Picture Library/
Andi Wijaya, Unep
Page 27 © World Bank/Ray Witlin
Page 34 © World Bank/Jim Pickerell
Page 35 © istockphoto
Page 49 © UN Photo/Eskinder Debebe
Page 57 © World Bank/Ray Witlin
Page 65 © istockphoto
The Ten Principles of the
United Nations Global Compact
Human rights

Principle 1 Businesses should support and respect the protection of

internationally proclaimed human rights; and
Principle 2 make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.


Principle 3 Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the

effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining;
Principle 4 the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour;
Principle 5 the effective abolition of child labour; and
Principle 6 the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment
and occupation.


Principle 7 Businesses should support a precautionary approach to

environmental challenges;
Principle 8 undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental
responsibility; and
Principle 9 encourage the development and diffusion of
environmentally friendly technologies.


Principle 10 Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms,

including extortion and bribery.

Published by the UN Global Compact

Contact: info@unglobalcompact.org
June 2015

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