Sustainability of Bitcoin and Block Chains 123
Sustainability of Bitcoin and Block Chains 123
Sustainability of Bitcoin and Block Chains 123
The replacement of trade by barter as a medium of exchange with money gave a new phase to
human civilization. The evolution of currencies is dated back to the 1680s with James Turk and
the creation of the bank of England. Currencies evolved from minted precious metals, followed
by money whose value was based on its nominal value, and currencies were still backed up by
gold depositories. Nowadays, the flexibility of currencies is backed by issuing authorities.
Bitcoin is a decentralized system which takes advantage of the limitations of acceptable
currencies and legal tenders.
The decentralized application nature of bitcoin and block chains users, and the equality of
operators in the network accounts for lower transaction cost [1, 2]. Initiator of bitcoin provides
unity of command to facilitate the performance, security and marketability of bitcoin, though it
does not act as a reserved bank and does not issue currency or legal tender [3].
With the introduction of bitcoin in 2008, the author or group of authors’ fictitious name as
Satoshi Nakamoto [4], who are unidentified or secretly kept identities. ‘Bitcoin’ and bitcoin
(BTC), refers to system and unit of currency respectively and to ease understanding, the term
bitcoin is used throughout this paper. Bitcoin is an electronic, not physically existing currency
like coins and banknotes. The bitcoin interconnected system is a network of peer-to-peer users
that communicate using the bitcoin protocol through the internet. This protocol serves as an open
source software application for storage and transfer of bitcoins for purchasing and selling goods
or exchange for other currencies. Bitcoins are introduced in the network while transactions are
handled through bitcoin mining. Since the introduction of bitcoin network in 2009, it’s the most
popular decentralized currency with 16 million bitcoins in circulation with a total value of about
16 billion US dollars.
Historic and scientific backing of virtual currency is vast. Some literature provides information
on the technology applied in bitcoin [5], and others provide in-depth knowledge of the operation
of bitcoin [6*, 7*, 8], though its economic and financial aspects are not left out [9*].
Furthermore, this paper brings to limelight an overview and combines different up dated theories
about the sustainability of bitcoin. Bitcoin maintenance depends on a combination of
environmental [10*, 11*], economical [1, 12], financial [2, 13, 14] and ethical [15] aspects.
Though bitcoin is a threat to current financial intermediaries, the absence of controls over its
exchanges and the unpredictably nature of this currency draws attention. This paper focuses on
how environmental and economic aspects help to sustains bitcoin since mining bitcoin consumes
much energy and raises doubt whether such a system can be sustainable. This article combines
and assesses scientific backing on bitcoin sustainability and creates a theory which claims that
bitcoin system is energy efficient in contrast to popular views. With such contrasting views, a
series of questions are expatiated upon which are; what factors play a role in the energy
consumption, does this impede sustainability, and if so are there alternatives that can reduce
energy consumption? The subsequent sections examine the basic operation of the bitcoin system;
summarize trends in the hardware used for bitcoin mining, energy footprint of bitcoin mining,
proposed alternatives on how to reduce energy consumption, and other applications of the block
chain technology present at the basis of the bitcoin system.
The bitcoin system is a decentralized system where each peer or node in the network are equal
operators and maintain trust through the consensus model. Since it’s a P2P network, a system of
record called ledger stores transactions and each node maintains an encrypted copy of all
transactions on the block chain network while the block chain contains the entire history of
bitcoin transactions. Transactions are simplified when we relate it to input and output; an input is
a reference to an unspent transaction output of the sender in a previous transaction. The
transparent processes in the block chain enable each node to verify each transaction that is;
checking the syntax and structure, and to confirm if it’s a valid transfer of an amount of yet
unspent transaction outputs, which results to a pool of valid transactions. Bitcoin mining adds the
valid transactions to the block chain and each node collects a number of valid transactions into a
block and tries to compute a cryptographic hash of the block that meets certain constraints [16].
A cryptographic hash contains the correct digits and acts as a checkpoint for the block that is
one-way and collision resistant. Since it’s difficult to find a hash that meets the constraints
imposed by the bitcoin system, a scenario in the form of a race is created which gives room for
ownership of a block where by, any node that finds a valid hash wins the block and this block is
added to the block chain and propagated to the network. Though it’s difficult to find a valid hash,
with the presents of transparent processes in the block enables each node to identify a new and
valid block which results to a stop of the current mining process and processions to mining of a
new block. The node that won the block receives a block reward and transaction fees for every
transaction included in the block. More also, since it takes a short time to mine a new block and
many nodes can mine a valid block at same time, multiple versions of the block chain is created
temporarily and this temporal block chain called forks are resolved once a forks has more blocks.
Unanimity about the state of transaction is gained during the process of evaluation and verifying
a cryptographic hash during bitcoin mining. This creates cost efficiency since there is elimination
of double expenditure of bitcoins. Bitcoin to an extent is considered a legal tender since it offers
a unit of account, means of payment and store of value [1, 3]. It is considered as the value of a
company, or stock during the mining process of bitcoin [17].
Initial block reward was set to 50BTC. This reward is halved every 210 000 blocks,
approximated every four years. This will continue until 2140 when the mining reward drops
below 10-8. BTC, and is the minimal unit of bitcoin also known as satoshi. Transaction fees
encourages the continue mining of new blocks [18]. The algorithm on the protocol regulates the
minimum time period a new block is mined, by reducing the problems encountered in finding a
valid hash. This is vital for the efficiency of mining hardware which allows bitcoin miners to
compute more hashes per second.
The lucrative nature of bitcoin mining accounts for its strong financial position. This is portrayed
through the block reward and transaction fees the miner receives in each transaction in the block.
Due to the popularity of bitcoin, the general-purpose computers that were initially used were
replaced with more sophisticated hardware that offered higher performance in terms of hash rate
(R) and hashes (h) computed per second at lower energy cost (E)[19**, 20].
The bitcoin mining hardware has seen four generations [19**, 17, 20], as portrayed in Table 1.
The general-purpose computers initially used by miners, used the Central Processing Unit
(CPU), to perform computation. Though modern CPUs works well with certain software, it can’t
efficiently and effectively work for bitcoin mining. Therefore, this first generation of bitcoin
mining hardware using CPUs is the least effective in terms of performance and energy
In 2010, bitcoin miners started using Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) in the graphic cards of
their computers. These GPUs are designed to perform complex graphics calculations thus
suitable and efficient for bitcoin mining than CPUs.
The search for more powerful and efficient alternatives to mine bitcoin gave birth to the third
generation known as Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) which occurred in 2011. The
circuits in an FPGA can be configured and programmed by users, bitcoin miners customized
FPGAs to support mining which accounts for an increase hash rate at lower energy cost.
With the use of Application-Specific Circuits (ASICs) made up of dedicated circuitry that is
optimized to perform hashing computations as efficiently as possible gave birth to fourth
generation hardware for bitcoin mining. First companies that provided ASICs for bitcoin mining
were Butterfly Labs, ASIC Miner and Avalon. Due to the success of these first manufacturers of
ASICs broad other producers which led to the development of the next generation of ASICs with
improved technology. The competitive nature of bitcoin mining industry broad bigger companies
like KnCminer who operated data centers located in the Arctic Circle to benefit from low energy
and cooling.
Figure 1 above illustrates the daily revenue in US dollars per Gh/s earned by bitcoin miners in
the years 2011-2016. It combines historical data on the mining revenue and the rate of the bitcoin
network with US dollar to BTC exchange rate. The drops at the end of 2012 and mid 2016
correspond to the transition of the block reward from 50 BTC to 25 BTC and from 25BTC to
12.5 BTC. The horizontal lines show the estimate daily energy cost per Gh/s for CPUs, GPUs,
and a number of FPGAs and ASICs, including five generations of ASICs in Bitmain’s Antminer
product line. When the revenue of mining drops below these costs, profit turns negative and
miners have to switch to more efficient hardware [21]. This figure is in line with the analysis by
Taylor [19**] and shows costs for hardware that can be purchased by customers and run at
electricity costs of 200 USD/MWh. Industrial users run purposed-built data centers comprised of
specialized servers that integrate arrays of ASICs offering better performance and energy
efficiency [20].
Bitcoin miners’ search for efficient hardware brought about a stronger cooperation between the
nodes as portrayed through their joint efforts in mining pools where participants split up the
computation to mine a block and each block mined, nodes or miners are rewarded according to
their contributions.
An oligopolistic situation exists in bitcoin mining brought about by the race to find a hash in
order to own the block. Here, more capital is spent either through energy consumption or the use
of most efficient hardware. Such a situation hinders newcomers to enter and miners that cannot
keep up are forced to leave. Furthermore, though it’s a decentralized system, due to the fact that
the five largest miners of 2016 are mostly based in China, who mined 85% of the blocks, a risky
situation aroused where the government violated bitcoin principles by intervening.
From the above illustration, what comes in mind is the sustainability of bitcoin mining hardware
like ASICs since there is an introduction of other technologies in the process like CMOS [22].
With this new technology which reduces energy consumption as claimed by Dennard’s classic
theory that is, scaling the dimension of a transitor with a factor S, the transitor continually
increases by a factor S2 (Moore’s Law) and the transitor switching frequency increases by a
factor S, while keeping chip area and cheap energy usage the same. The resulting effect is a
mining capability of chips increase by a factor S3 per process generation and to maintain energy
usage, the transitor energy efficiency also has improve with a factor S3. Dennard’s scaling is
unacceptable for process generations below 90nm, and scaling the threshold voltage causes
unacceptable levels of current leakage, and the operating voltage has to remain constant. Though
transitor count continues to increase as stated in Moore’s law, the pre-transitor speed and energy
efficiency improvement slow down exponentially [23, 24]. A solution to this is to use chips less
frequently [25]. Other applications can benefit from specialized, heterogeneous cores that can be
dynamically powered up for a given workload as in servers [26], or energy-efficient cores for
computationally intensive applications [23]. The CMOS hardware beats ASICs in terms of
energy efficiency and performance [27]. Another efficient energy development for bitcoin
mining is carbon nanotubes. 3D power scaling technology permits the application of Moore’s
Law for the next 10-15 years through power-efficient, vertical transitors. Another way to
improve computation is only through innovations in system design [22]. ASICs used for bitcoin
mining beats the SHA-256 algorithm and to improve it, there has to be a move to the latest
process technologies and possibly apply custom library cells or even custom physical layout
Another main operation cost for bitcoin mining is energy cost used in running the hardware.
Both scientific literature and internet provides evidence on this [10**, 11**, 20]. Estimate
consumption ranges from an energy consumption equivalent to the electricity generated by a
small power plant (in the order of 10MW) up to electricity consumption of small to medium-
sized countries like Denmark and Ireland (in the range (3-6GW).
In 2014, O’Dwyer and Malone examined the energy footprint of bitcoin mining [10**]. Based on
the observation that the power consumption of the bitcoin network (P, measured in W) can be
computed from the hash rate of the bitcoin network (R, measured in h/s) and the energy
efficiency of the bitcoin mining hardware (E, measured in h/J): P = R/E.
Mining involves many hash transactions such as the hash of the latest accepted block in the block
chain, and a ‘nonce’ value that the miner can choose randomly. Miners aimed at finding a nonce
value such that the hash of the block is smaller than a target value T. In this network, the 256-bits
cryptographic hash of a block B is computed by applying the SHA-256 hash function [28] twice,
h(B) = SHA256 (SHA256(B)), which yields a hash that behaves approximately as a uniformly
random value between 0 and 2p256- 1. Therefore, ‘proof of-work method is used to randomly
find a valid hash by trying nonce values. The bitcoin network mediates the problem in finding a
valid hash by adjusting the target T every 2016 blocks, with the aim of keeping the average time
to mine a new block near 10 min. The target is expressed in terms of the difficulty D by D = T
max/T, where T max is the largest possible value of the target (which is 2p16 -1) 2p208…2p224).
The probability that a nonce value yields a valid hash therefore is p = T/2p256= T max = T
max/(2p256D)…1/(2p32D). The number of trials for choosing a nonce value that yields a valid
hash is approximately geometrically distributed. At rate R the expected time to find a valid nonce
value therefore is 1/ (pR) =2p32D/R, which equals 600 s. The hash rate of the bitcoin network
then is R…2p32D/600. Combining this with the energy efficiency E, the estimated power
consumption of the bitcoin network is P = R/E…2P32D/(600E) [10**].
Figure 2 shows the power consumption for various bitcoin mining hardware. The figure shows
that in January 2017 the actual power consumption could vary from 45MW using state-of-the art
ASICs with 5*10p10 h/J energy efficiency up to 450TW using early generations of CPUs with
5*10p3h/J energy efficiency. From the worldwide annual electricity consumption is about 2.3
TW, it is evident that 450TW is completely unrealistic. A more realistic upper bound on the
energy consumed can be derived when assuming that the revenue of bitcoin mining would be
totally spent on energy costs. Daily revenue of bitcoin mining, including block rewards and
transaction fees, on January 1, 2017 was 1 961 203 USD ( This value is
plausible when considering that one block is mined every 10 min, which yields a daily revenue
of 1 800 000 USD with transaction fees exclusive. Considering this revenue, the upper bound on
the energy consumption is in the range of 400MW up to 2.3GW. When taking 60USD/MWh as
an average case for electricity price, the energy consumption is 1.3 GW. This corresponding
energy efficiency is 1.8*10p9h/j, is a clear indication that bitcoin mining is only profitable when
applying ASICs.
According to Magaki et al. To estimate accurate energy usage during bitcoin mining, efficiency
of capital expenditure is the best. Here, the exploration of purpose-built data centers running
servers with large arrays of ASICs dedicated to bitcoin mining [20]. These designs include 7.5%,
16.9%, and 13.7% of electricity costs of total ownership cost. These designs are considered best
because, they maximize either energy cost or total cost of ownership (TCO) at an electricity price
of 60USD/MWh. Furthermore, in the break-even case, where revenue equals TCO, the energy
consumption is 100, 230, and 190MW. The corresponding energy efficiency then is the range of
1.1*10p10 to 2.4*10p10h/J.
A mixture of the newest version of ASICs used for bitcoin mining is still profitable though the
break-even point has not been reached yet. The future trend may well be to apply massive
amounts of ASICs from older process technologies running at lower energy cost [27]. Due to the
competitive nature of bitcoin mining, the cheapest cost miners are victorious why those who
can’t mine efficiently are forced out of business. With this in mind, it is evident that miners who
use the latest hardware at locations offering the lowest electricity costs to be competitive and to
maximize profit.
Estimates published in scientific Literature vary considerably:
O’Dwyer and Malone estimated that the total power consumption for bitcoin mining
would be around 100 MW to 10 GW [10**]. Without further substantiation, they
conclude that an average of 3GW would be most plausible. Though other scholars on
same theory criticize the analysis as overestimated.
McCook claims that chip-fabricator miners, who apply the ASICs that they design and
manufacture themselves for mining, can mine for up to 30% cheaper than retail miners,
and they form the vast majority of the hash power [11**]. Applying the 80-20 rule,
assuming chip fabricators hold 80% and retail miners hold 20% of the hash power, the
energy efficiency on average is estimated at 2.5 Gh/J, which corresponds to a power
consumption of 120 MW.
Magaki et al. portrays that the global power budget dedicated to ASIC clouds is estimated
by experts to be in the range of 300-500 MW [20].
Conclusively, although the energy consumption could be as low as 45 MW when solely using the
latest bitcoin mining ASICs, in practice the energy consumption most likely is in the range of
100-500 MW. Therefore, the order of magnitude of the energy consumption is 100 MW.
McCook further supports his proposition that bitcoin energy consumption is not inefficient as
stated by other scholars of the same field of study. He compared the sustainability of bitcoin
mining with the sustainability of gold mining and the banking system which brought to light the
below scenario [11**]. The energy used per year for gold mining and recycling stands at 500 PJ,
for printing paper banknotes and minting coins at 40 PJ, while for banking systems including all
its activities stands at 2340 PJ. Compared to the energy used for bitcoin mining which ranges
from 3-16 PJ is an evident that bitcoin mining energy usage is efficient when using latest
More also, the criticism that proof-of-work as applied in bitcoin wastes energy, is to replace the
computation of hashes by more ‘meaningful’ tasks. For example, NooShare proposes the
scheduling of arbitrary Monte-Carlo simulations as a proof-of-work, Primecoin proposes the
computation of long chains of prime numbers, and Permacoin proposes proofs of retrievability
Nevertheless, there are other factors that impact the sustainability of bitcoin [29]. For example,
bitcoin is not suitable for real time transactions due to the delay between the introduction of a
transaction into the bitcoin network and the inclusion of the transaction in a mined block that is
added to the block chain, and for the transaction actually to be confirm a sufficient amount of
subsequent blocks has to be added to the block chain [30, 31]. The growing size of the block
chain, and security is another concern [32-34, 7*].
Alternatives for proof-of-work
Nevertheless, though these alternatives are more energy efficient as compared to proof-of-work,
due to their vulnerability when it comes to security, they can’t be deployed and use in the public
block chains [39, 38].
Block chains.
‘When the internet came, mankind thought the end of technological development is near. Today,
with the discoveries, exploration and deployment of new technologies such as; Block chain
technology, mankind will never cease to be creative’. A block chain can be defined as a
continuously growing list of records, called blocks, which are linked and secured using
cryptography. Each block typically contains a hash pointer as a link to a previous block, a
timestamp and transaction data ( Though block chain is at the basis of
bitcoin, it can also be used in other financial and commercial applications [43-49, 35]. An
example is smart contracts, as offered in Ethereum [50]. Such contracts can perform a transfer
when events happen, for example payment of a security deposit, while the correct execution is
enforced by the consensus or block protocol [51, 52].
There are two main classifications of block chain which are; public, private or consortium block
chains [35]. Bitcoin falls under the public block chain since all the records are visible to the
public and everyone can participate in the consensus process. On the other hand, a private block
chain is controlled by one organization, made up of known individual with a centralized network
system. Though private block chains are centralized, when a consortium block comes to play,
There is partial decentralization since transactions are validated by a selected set of nodes. Proof-
of-work presence in the public block chain helps prevent the mutability of transactions so far as
no single miner controls more than 50% of the network’s hash power. On the other side of the
coin, proof-of-work is not needed in a private or consortium block chain since transactions are
editable if majority participants agree on that. Though security is reduced with such a system,
there is efficiency improvement and latency which makes energy consumption more reliable than
in a public block chain.
Conclusively, the evolvement of currency from trade by barter, to coins and bank notes, has not
only given room to human evolution but to other acceptable medium of exchange such as
bitcoin. As examined above how bitcoin operates and how the hard wares used for mining
evolved from CPUs, GPUs and FPGAs to ASICs, brought to light an exponential increase in
performance and energy efficiency though the expected slowdown in trend forecasted in the next
decade cannot be undermined. More also we saw how the proof-of-work scheme is compute-
intensive and hence energy demanding, though it’s needed for dealing with the double-spending
problem and security of the block chain. Illustration and estimate of 100 MW, as order of
magnitude for energy consumption, though it’s debated by other scholars under same field of
study as examined above. With the popularity and competitive nature of bitcoin mining, it is
evident that, only miners who mine with the most competitive and efficient hardware will
survive and benefit from the lowest electricity costs. Furthermore, the sustainability of bitcoin on
itself is not primarily at risk due to energy consumption. Also, the review on alternative schemes
to proof-of-work showed evident of less energy demand when these alternatives are deployed.
The vivid examination of how block chain technology is deployed and used in other domains is
prove of interest and the reviewed on public and private or consortium block chains exposes the
partial decentralization of the private block chain network.
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