Sat Kriya Sara Dipika
Sat Kriya Sara Dipika
Sat Kriya Sara Dipika
Cover picture and quotes from books of Ërála Prabhupàda reprinted with kind permission of The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust 2
We are indebted to H.H. Bhànu Svàmá for translating the Sat-Kriyà-Sàra-Dápikà and the Saîskàra-Dápikà from the
original Sanskrit and for the many years of research work, that went into the explanatory notes on the various
rituals and yajña procedures.
We would also like to thank the members of the Ërá Râpànuga Pàramàrthika Vidyàpáèha: Gopavãndapàla Dàsa for
coordination, Ëubhekìaêa Dàsa for research work, Ànanda Tártha Dàsa for the English editing, Râpa Raghunàtha
Dàsa and Madhusâdana Dàsa for typing the manuscript, Vãndàvana Candra Dàsa for the illustrations, and Práti
Vardhana Dàsa for the layout. 3
Publisher’s Note 6
Foreword 8
Preface by Ërála Bhaktisiddhànta Sarasvatá Èhàkura 10
Introduction by Gopàla Bhaèèa Gosvàmá 13
Preliminary Procedures 62
Maçgalàcaraêa 62
Adhivàsa 73
Vàsudevàrcaêa 86
Vivàha-Karma (marriage) 103
Sampradànam 105
Kuëandikà 123
Pàêi-Grahaêam 145
Uttara-Vivàha 164
Bhojana 170
Caturthá-Homa 176
Udácya-Karma 189
Garbhàdhàna (impregnation) 214
Puîsavana (rite for making a male child) 217
Sámantonnayanam (parting the wife’s hair) 221
Ëoìyantá-Homa (rite for safe delivery) 230
Jàta-Karma (birth ceremony) 235
Niìkràmaêam (taking the child outside for the first time) 238
Nàma-Karaêa (name-giving ceremony) 241
Pauìèika-Karma (ceremony for continued health of the child) 247
Anna-Pràëana (first grains ceremony) 252
Putra-Mârdhàbhighràêam (smelling the son’s head) 260
Câéà-Karaêam (hair-cutting ceremony) 262
Upanayanam (reformatory rites of a bràhmaêa) 270
Samàvartana (graduation ceremony) 296 4
Preface 311
Introduction 312
Method of Worship (of paramparà and others) 318
Suitable Time for Taking Sannyàsa 320
The Vaiìêava-Saîskàras 321
1) Muêéana 322
2) Tártha-snàna 322
3) Tilaka-dhàraêa 325
4) Mudrà-dhàraêa 326
5) Kaupána-ëuddhi 327
6) Kaupána-pràêapratiìèhà 329
7) Nàma-karaêa 331
8) Viìêu-mantra-dhàraêa 331
9) Acyuta-gotrà-svikàra 332
10) Ëàlagràma-ëilà-arcana 332
Antyeìèhi 334
Glossary 335
Appendix I - Yajña-Vidhi 338
Appendix II - The Common Rites 346
Appendix III - Additional Saîskàras 367
Appendix IV - Diagrams 369
Appendix V - Standard Yajña Paraphernalia 372
Appendix VI - Choosing Names 373
Appendix VII - The Auspicious Times 376 5
Publisher’s Note
In his ‘Sat Kriyà Sàra Dápikà’ the Gauéáya Vaiìêava smãty-àcàrya, Ërála Gopàla Bhaèèa Gosvàmá gives detailed
descriptions of the rituals for the performance of fire sacrifices and saîskàras according to the Vaiìêava-smãti.
The principles of yajña-vidhi as presented in this book are standard for Deity installations, festivals and
saîskàras. Further explanations of some of the rituals given by Gopàla Bhaèèa Gosvàmá are in Appendix II.
Ërámad-Bhàgavatam 8.23.16 explains the importance of understanding the rituals of Deity worship as always
being subservient to the chanting of the holy name of the Lord:
“There may be discrepancies in pronouncing the mantras and observing the regulative principles, and, moreover, there
may be discrepancies in regard to time, place, person and paraphernalia. But when Your Lordship’s holy name is
chanted, everything becomes faultless.”
PURPORT: ... In Kali-yuga the Vedic ritualistic ceremonies cannot be performed as perfectly as before. Therefore Ërála
Jáva Gosvàmá has recommended that although one should take care to follow all the principles in every kind of
spiritual activity, especially in worship of the Deity, there is still a chance of discrepancies, and one should compensate
for this by chanting the holy name of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. In our Kãìêa consciousness movement we
therefore give special stress to the chanting of the Hare Kãìêa mantra in all activities.”
We hope that the Vaiìêava community will be pleased with our humble attempt at presenting Ërála Gopàla
Bhaèèa Gosvàmá’s work Sat-Kriyà-Sàra-Dápikà, which includes the Gosvàmá’s introduction and description of the
preliminary rituals of fire sacrifice, as well as the purificatory rituals for those in the householder àërama. Gopàla
Bhaèèa Gosvàmá-pàda, following the Vedic tradition, does not include the rituals that deal with death (funerals
and ëraddhà rites) within his saîskàra-paddhati. Therefore we have compiled a separate book entitled “Vaiìêava
funeral and ëraddhà rites” that explains these procedures.
Vaiìêava dàsànudàsa
Tridaêéi Bhikìu
A.V. Bhaktividyà Pârêa Svàmá
(Principal - Ërá Râpànuga Paramàrthika Vidyàpáèha) 6
Pârêimà Tithi,
Snàna Yatra Mahotsava
Vàmana Màsa,
Gaurabda 511
Ërála Gopàla Bhaèèa Gosvàmá has compiled ‘Sat Kriyà Sàra Dápikà’ as a Vedic saîskàra manual for the Vaiìêava
community. Recognizing that most of the Vaiìêavas are gãhasthas, and that they should perform the saîskàras,
he has given a procedure that is not contradictory or offensive to the Vaiìêava ideals.
The first half of his manual is an argument for the worship of Viìêu to the exclusion of devatàs, with ample
scriptural evidence. The usual saîskàra manuals are compiled by those who are interested in karma-kàêéa
(accumulating material fruits), and prescribe worship of the devatàs and pitäs for material prosperity. Therefore,
in his practical procedure for saîskàras, Gopàla Bhaèèa Gosvàmá substitutes worship of Gaêeëa, the material
ëaktis, and the planetary deities for worship of Viìêu and His associates. Whereas worship of devatàs (who are
mixed devotees) brings only material auspiciousness, worship of Viìêu and His associates (who are pure
devotees) brings spiritual deliverance.
Gopàla Bhaèèa Gosvàmá cites the alternative for the Vaiìêava according to the Padma Puràêa:
“The devotee interested in pure devotion to the Lord, and initiated with Vaiìêava mantra should never worship Gaêeëa
and the other devatàs. Wherever the karmás prescribe worship of Gaêeëa and the devatàs, the Vaiìêava should worship
the pure devotees of Viìêu. Thus instead of worshiping Gaêeëa to remove material obstacles, the devotee should 7
worship Viëvaksena (the commander-in-chief of Viìêu’s army in Vaikuêèha) and the four Kumàras, to remove obstacles
on the spiritual path.”(Padma Puràêa, cited in Sat-Kriyà-Sàra-Dápikà)
In the same way, instead of worshiping the nine planetary Deities one should worship the nine yogendras, and
instead of worshiping the dikpàlas (protectors of the ten directions) one should worship the mahà-bhàgavatas.
Instead of worshiping the màtã-gaêa (sixteen female demigoddesses in charge of various material functions) one
should worship the Lord’s consorts who are the shelter of all spiritual and material energies.
Ërála Bhaktisiddhànta Sarasvatá Èhàkura has accepted Sat-Kriyà-Sàra-Dápikà as the authorized Vaiìêava manual
for yajña and saîskàras, just as he has accepted Hari Bhakti Vilàsa as the authorized scripture for arcana, and
has recommended that all Vaiìêava gãhasthas should follow these procedures.
Bhànu Svàmá 8
According to the instructions of Ërámàn Mahàprabhu, Ërála Sanàtana Goswàmá Prabhu compiled a Vaiìêava smãti
called the ‘Hari Bhakti Vilàsa’ which was published by Ërá Gopàla Bhaèèa Goswàmá Prabhu. Ërá Gopàla Bhaèèa
Goswàmá also wrote a book on the ten saîskàras which is known as ‘Sat Kriyà Sàra Dápikà’ and a manual called
‘Saîskàra Dápikà’, which is a book on the rules for taking sannyàsa.
Almost half a century after the Hari Bhakti Vilàsa was published, the non-Vaiìêava smãti compiler,
Raghunandana Bhaèèàcàrya Mahàëaya, wrote a work called ‘Aìèaviîëati Tattva’. Before that, the paddhati of
Bhavadeva and the Sat Kriyà Sàra Dápikà were the most famous books on saîskàras in Bengal.
After this, due to the strong influence of the smàrtas, Sat Kriyà Sàra Dápikà became obscure. The ‘Nãsiîha
Paricaryà’ of Ërá Krishnadevàcàrya and ‘Smãti Nibandha’ of Ërá Keëava Bhaèèa were also published before another
non-Vaiìêava paddhati, ‘Nirnaya Paddhati’ of Kamalàkara Bhaèèa was compiled.
We can observe from the writings of the smàrta bhaèèàcàryas that there are certain differences of opinions
between Vaiìêava smãti and non-Vaiìêava smãti, in other words, between the smàrta smãti paddhatis and the Ërá
Hari Bhakti Vilàsa of the Vaiìêavas. There were many obstacles in the preaching of the Vaiìêava smãti due to the
popularity of the non-Vaiìêava smãtis. The Vaiìêava and non-Vaiìêava paddhatis differ in many places regarding
demigod worship, ëraddhàs, ekàdaëi vratas etc. Also, due to a lack of genuine Vaiìêava gãhasthas, for some time,
the smàrta ceremonies were accepted as Vaiìêava. Non-Vaiìêava rituals are not accepted as bona-fide by the
Vaiìêava world, and since this has been logically proven with ëàstric evidence, those sense-enjoyers who are
inimical to pure devotional service find this fact unpalatable. Therefore, they have endeavoured to stop the
publication of books containing Vaiìêava rituals and etiquette. However, there is no doubt that the vain hopes
and desires of the non-Vaiìêavas will be uprooted by the re-publication of this book. Those whose hearts feel
pain as if pierced by a lance, by the spreading of Vaiìêava smãti, will not be able to appreciate topics of 9
devotional service. Nonetheless, the customs of the society of pure Vaiìêavas, being like the Pole Star, will shine
forth brightly even in the darkness of the new moon.
It is not that the erroneous smàrta-vàda misconceptions have only penetrated the Vaiìêava community of
Bengal—they have also spread to other Vaiìêava societies all over India; in some places more, in others, less.
Therefore, the Sat Kriyà Sàra Dápikà is not very famous now. By the endeavour of Ërá Ërámad Bhaktivinoda
Èhàkura, who re-established the flow of pure devotion, this book was published again some time ago. Now, this
is the third printing and we view this as an opportunity to propagate the Vaiìêava faith and the rules, regulations
and etiquette of devotional service.
For some time now, many people, who understood the value of following Vaiìêava sadacàra, felt the necessity of
printing this book again after the second edition was depleted. By the desire of Ërá-yukta Avidyàharaêa
dàsàdhikàrá and Sevabandhava Mahàëaya, Mahopadeëaka Pàêéita Ëráyukta Yadavara Bhaktiëàstri (Saîpradàya
Vaibhàvàcàrya, M.A. B.L.) has helped to correct this new edition. Without his endeavour, this book would not
have been published in such a nice way. He takes full credit from the Gauéáya Vaiìêava community for this
In this edition of Sat Kriyà Sàra Dápikà we have also included the ‘Veëàëraya Paddhati’ with the Bengali
translation of Ërála Èhàkura Bhaktivinoda. 10
by Ërála Gopàla Bhaèèa Gosvàmá
Offering obeisances to Lord Ërá Kãìêa, who is eternal, full of knowledge and bliss, who is worshiped by the whole
world, who is the controller of the universe, who is situated in supreme bliss, and who is the bestower of the desired
goal to the unalloyed devotees, I, Gopàla Bhaèèa, receiving the order from saintly exalted devotees, present a manual on
Vedic saîskàras called ‘Sat Kriyà Sàra Dápikà’ for the householder devotees. By this, the householders within the
varêàërama system (bràhmaêas, kìatriyas, vaiëyas and ëâdras) and those outside the varêàërama system (càêéàlas,
mlecchas, yàvanas etc.) can maintain the principles of Vaiìêava teachings. In presenting this, I have always kept in
mind the supreme position of devotional service.
Ërá Aniruddha Bhaèèa, Ërá Bháma Bhaèèa and Ërá Govindànanda Bhaèèa have compiled manuals for the fruitive workers;
Ërá Nàràyaêa Bhaèèa also compiled one; and Ërá Bhavadeva Bhaèèa compiled one for the followers of the Sàma Veda.
For the devotees of Lord Govinda, inside or outside of the varêàërama system, I will explain the process of performing 11
Vedic saîskàras taking evidences from the Vedas, Puràêas, Manu and other Smãtis, avoiding injunctions which call for
worship of the devatàs and pitäs, as this would cause seva and nàmàparàdha for the devotees.
It is not proper from me to write my own name as the compiler of this book as others would do, for I fear
becoming bewildered by false ego. As the Bhagavad-gátà states: “ahaçkàra-vimâéhàtmà kartà ‘ham iti manyate /
Those who are bewildered by the false ego think themselves the doer.” (BG 3.27) But by the order of the saintly
devotees of the saîpradàya, I am obliged to write my name as Gopàla Bhaèèa. This spirit soul, having tasted the
nectar of service to the lotus feet of Ërá Kãìêa Caitanya, always follows the instructions of the devotees.
[Here the author begins to explain the previous verses phrase by phrase:]
With these qualifications, I offer my obeisances unto Lord Ërá Kãìêa. The meaning of the word ‘kãìêa’ has been
explained above. What is the form of Kãìêa? That form which is full of eternity, knowledge and bliss, beyond the
modes of material nature, beyond all speech. Kãìêa is all attractive, full of sweetness and beauty, the very form of
He is thus to be worshiped by the whole universe. ‘Jagatàî sevya’ means that he is worshipable by all because he
is always full of all powers such as aêimà and laghimà, and is full of all happiness. As He is the Supreme Lord, He
is worshipable not only by all the inhabitants of the universe such as Brahmà, but also by the avatàras such as the
universal form. As Kãìêa, complete with six opulences is beyond the modes of matter, He is worshipable by
Matsya and other avatàras. What more can be said? He is even worshipable by Nàràyaêa of Vaikuêèha and by
Karaêaëàyi Mahàviìêu, what to speak of the devatàs.
Why is this? Because He is the very form of bliss (paramànandam). Amongst all those living in this material
world, for the hankering devotees fixed in worship of the Lord, He is bliss itself. He only gives that bliss to those
devotees who, with great desire, are fully dedicated to Himself alone, and to no other Vaiìêavas, what to speak of
others. //1//
This book is only for householders dedicated solely to Lord Govinda. The word ‘gãhi dvájàdi’ refers to household
bràhmaêas, kìatriyas, vaiëyas, ëâdras, mixed varêas (varêa-saçkara) and those not within the varêàërama system,
who have been initiated with mantra and the name of Lord Kãìêa by a bone fide guru. I have written this manual
for them so that they can protect the principles of bhàgavata-dharma perfectly (bhãìam).
The meaning is this: Bhàgavata-dharma is devoid of pious activities such as daily duties (nitya), periodic duties
(naimittika), those arising from personal desire (kàmya) and of worship of devatàs and pitäs. This manual is
meant for those persons who are initiated with the Lord’s name and mantra from a bona fide guru, so that they
do not have to give up bhàgavata-dharma. As the philosophy of those fixed in bhàgavata-dharma is superior to 12
that of those fixed in karma, this manual of Vedic saîskàras following bhàgavata-dharma is superior to all those
works. //2-7//
The necessity of protection of bhàgavata-dharma is now explained in detail. Previously Ërá Aniruddha Bhaèèa
compiled a paddhati for the followers of the Ãg, Yajur and Athàrva Veda; later on Bháma Bhaèèa, who craved for
fruitive results like a madman, also compiled a book; then Ërámad Govindànanda Bhaèèa wrote another work for
those who are expert in all types of karmas. Ërá Nàràyaêa Bhaèèa also compiled a work for those gross materialists
who pretend to be followers of the Vedas. Then Bhavadeva Bhaèèa prepared another manual for those who are
expert in performing Sàma Veda rites. After that, the Bhaèèas of South India, knowledgeable of Ãg, Yajur, Sàma
Veda, the Puràêas and other scriptures, compiled more works for those engrossed in karma. //8//
In this work, proofs are cited from the Vedas, Puràêas, Upa-Puràêas, Ërámad-Bhàgavatam, Pañcaràtra, Yàmalas,
Ràmàyaêa and other scriptures, and from the eighteen dharma-ëàstras including Manu Smãti, to show the
superiority of following bhàgavata-dharma as opposed to following the above-mentioned manuals. I have written
this manual for those within the varêàërama system such as bràhmaêas, and for those outside, such as
illegitimate offspring, who are also unalloyed devotees of the Lord. By following this manual they can avoid seva
and nàmàparàdhas by avoiding worship of devatàs and pitäs. //9//
Here are some scriptural statements forbidding worship of the devatà and pitäs:
1. Nàràyaêa Upaniìad
Worship of Ëiva, Ëakti (Durgà), Sârya, Gaêapati and other devatàs and pitäs is not prescribed anywhere, neither
by local custom nor by scripture (Puràêa, Smãti, Àgama, Dharma Ëàstra, or Veda), for devotees of Viìêu—
initiated with Viìêu mantra—whether they be householders of varêàërama or outcastes. Rather, by doing such
worship they commit offense.
Thus as first evidence, Nàràyaêa Upaniìad (of the Athàrva Veda) says: 13
aÒdhaë caÓ nàràyaÒêaí / aÒntaÒr baÒhië caÓ nàràyaÒêaí /
nàÒràyaÒna eÒvedaûï sarvaîÕ / yad bhâÒtaî yac caÒ bhavyamÕ /
niÒìkaÓlaçkoÓ niraÓñjanoÓ nirviÓkalpoÓ niÓràkhyaÒtaÒí /
ëuÒddho deva eko nàÓràyaÒêaí / na dviÒtáyoÕ ‘stiÒ kaëcitÓù /
sa viìêur eva bhavati sa viìêur eÓva bhaÒvati /
ya eÓvaî veÒda / ity uÓpaÒniìaÓtù // 2 //
“Then the Supreme Lord Nàràyaêa desired to create living entities. From Nàràyaêa came the life airs; from Nàràyaêa
came the mind and all the senses; from Nàràyaêa came the elements - ether, air, light, water and earth, which support
the universe. From Nàràyaêa came Brahmà, Rudra, Indra, Prajàpati. From Nàràyaêa came the twelve Àdityas, the
twelve Rudras, the twelve Vasus, all the Vedic meters and all the devàs. Everything came from Nàràyaêa in the
beginning and everything enters into Nàràyaêa at the end.
Thus Nàràyaêa is the eternal being. Brahmà, Ëiva, Indra, time, the directions, the subdirections, up and down, inside
and outside, are all pervaded by Nàràyaêa. Nàràyaêa is everything, past, present and future. Nàràyaêa is the eternal
pure effulgent Lord, without a second to compare. He is Viìêu, the Supreme Lord, says the Upaniìad.”
Being the original cause of all causes, one without a second, being present before creation, in the present time
and after the dissolution, Lord Nàràyaêa is eternal and therefore the only worshipable entity of the demigods like
Brahmà etc. Using this Upaniìad as proof, I am explaining the meaning of the Nàràyaêopaniìad revealed by
Ërámad Açgirà in the Athàrva Veda.
(The first verse begins with ‘oî’.)
According to this statement, it is concluded that in the past, present and future, ‘oî’ is none other than Nàràyaêa
Himself. The word ‘nã’ refers to a person, and ‘nara’ refers to all those produced from him, such as sons and
grandsons. The ‘àyaêa’ or shelter of all men, is Nàràyaêa. He is to be served, praised and worshiped; He is the
object of all remembrance. He alone is the master of all.
After the period of destruction (mahà-pralàya), the Lord desired to create. What did He desire to create? Desiring
in His mind to create offspring, He created Brahmà, who then performed secondary creation. The plural word 14
‘prajàí’ indicates that all species were born from the body and mind of Lord Brahmà. Thus Indra was born from
Nàràyaêa, as were the twelve Àdityas, their associates and families, the eleven Rudras, their associates and their
consorts, the Rudràêás, and the other thirty-three million demigods such as Gaêeëa etc. All the different sages
such as the Devarìis (sages amongst the demigods), Mahàrìis (exalted sages), and Ràjarìis (saintly kings) came
into existence from Lord Nàràyaêa, as well as all other moving and non-moving entities. Then, at the time of
annihilation, they once again all merge into the body of the Lord, in other words, after the creation they are
maintained by Him until the time of the dissolution. After dissolution, all living entities beginning from Brahmà
reside within the Lord, until the time of the next creation. In this regard there is evidence from the
“At the beginning of the primary creation from Lord Nàràyaêa, all living entities beginning from Brahmà take birth and
at the time of annihilation of the millennium, they enter into Nàràyaêa.”
The word ‘ca’ in this verse (yasminë ca) indicates that they are also maintained by Him.
As such, Lord Nàràyaêa alone is the supreme worshipable object in the universe because He is eternal,
imperishable and always remains so, even after the dissolution. ‘Atho brahmà ca nàràyaêaí’ - Nàràyaêa is Brahmà
(the creator). The thirty-three million demigods (indicated by the word ca) — Brahmà’s sons, grandsons and great
grandsons who are all born from his mind and body — are not independent Lords, they are not separate from the
Lord. They all worship Nàràyaêa.
‘Ëivaë ca nàràyaêaí’: Nàràyaêa is also Ëiva, the destroyer of the universe, along with his associates. ‘Ëakraë ca
nàràyaêaí’: Indra, the king of heaven, as well as his family members is also Nàràyaêa. The eleven Rudras along
with their ghostly associates and their consorts are Nàràyaêa. The eight Vasus and the Aëviná-kumàras along with
their companions are Nàràyaêa. All the sages such as the devarìis, mahàrìis, ràjarìis are Nàràyaêa, as well as the
munis, sàdhyas, càraêas, gandharvas, daityas, yàtudhànas and kinnaras.
‘Kàlaë ca nàràyaêaí’: Time, Yamaràja and his scribe Citragupta, are all forms of Nàràyaêa. ‘Diëaë ca nàràyaêaí’:
the ten directions —east, west, south, north, south-west, north-west, south-east, north-east, up and down— and the
protective deities of them namely Indra, Ànala (Agni), Yama, Naiãta, Varuêa, Vàyu, and Kuvera along with their
associates are all Nàràyaêa. ‘Adhaë ca nàràyaêaí’ The lower planetary systems, their residents, the nàga-puruìas
and their daughters the nàga-kanyàs, as well as the presiding deities of that region —Ërá Ananta, Kârma and
Varuêa, are all Nàràyaêa. 15
‘Urdhvaë ca nàràyaêaí’: the higher planets such as Bhârloka, Bhuvarloka, Svarloka, Maharloka, Janaloka,
Tapoloka and Satyaloka and their respective masters such as Brahmà, Indra etc., are all Nàràyaêa. The
incarnations such as Ërá-ëàlàgràmà which appear from the Gandhaki River, and the eight different types of Deity
forms of the Lord, and the unembodied entities who are the worshipable objects of those who perform ëraddhà
to the forefathers, who worship Karyavàlà or who offer tarpaêa to Bali-Vaiëvadeva, are also Nàràyaêa.
‘Antar bahië ca nàràyaêaí’: inside the universe the entities like Brahmà, Indra, the devàs, sages, ãìis, tapasvinás,
siddhas, càraêas, gandarvas, kinnaras, apsaras, dànavas, pious men, yakìas, pretas, bhâtas, piëàcas, nàgas,
moving and non-moving creatures, humans, four-legged animals like cows, five-nailed animals (like elephants),
two-hoofed and one-hoofed beasts, those born from sweat, insects, flies, those living on the seven islands and the
highest mountains, on golden earth and in dark lands, and those things outside the universe—darkness, the five
gross elements, false-ego, the twenty-four elements—are all Nàràyaêa.
In this entire universe whatever has taken place in the past, whatever is happening at the present and whatever
will happen in the future is only because of Nàràyaêa. There is nothing that is different from Nàràyaêa;
everything comes from Him, therefore everything belongs to Him. Hence Brahmà and others are all Nàràyaêa. He
is ‘nitya’, eternal, ever existent through millions of annihilations. He is ‘niìkalam’: without parts, although all
beings are part of Nàràyaêa, He Himself remains perfect and complete, as described in Ërámad-Bhàgavatam
“The prajàpatis and demigods are all portions of the plenary portions of Ërá Hari.”
The word ‘niràkhyàtaí’ means “He is invisible to the masses in general even though He is everywhere.”
‘Nirvikalpaí’ refers to the one who is without any master and is one without a second. Being free from all
falsehood, He is ‘niraçjanaí’, or Brahman. He is known as ‘ëuddha’, transcendentally pure, or the one who has a
pure existence. Therefore, only Lord Nàràyaêa is the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
‘Ato deva eko nàràyaêaí’: the purport is that the supreme object of reverence for all the residents of the universe,
including Brahmà, Indra, the demigods, demons and men is Lord Nàràyaêa, and no one else. Thus, among the
demigods, demons and men, one who is a householder should control the mind and intelligence, accept a bona
fide spiritual master in order to understand the science of the Supreme Lord Nàràyaêa, and become determined
to seek the association of devotees. Thus he will be able to understand the science of the Supreme. Then after
giving up this life, he will attain Viìêu, who is called ‘param’, ‘pàra’, ‘avyayam’, ‘padam’. These four words are
explained as follows.
A person, according to his desire for one of the four types of liberation, performs the proper practices to achieve
that end. The yogá desiring sàyujyà (merging in the Lord), by practice of appropriate yoga, attains Viìêu as
‘avyaya’, the imperishable. Eradicating his identity, he merges with Viìêu. The yogá desiring a form like Viìêu’s,
by appropriate practice, attains Viìêu as ‘paramam’, supreme, taking a form like Viìêu complete with ornaments.
The yogá desiring the same planet as Viìêu, by appropriate practice attains the ‘padam’ of Viìêu, the abode of
Viìêu. It is said, yad gatvà na nivartate, tad eva parama padam —“That place from which a person does not return
is the supreme abode.” The yogá desiring closeness to the Lord, by appropriate practice, attains the ‘para’ of
Viìêu, closeness to Viìêu as His associate.
There is a second meaning of the phrase ‘viìêavàkhya avyaya-padam’. After taking initiation from a bona fide
guru, those who become become pure through association with devotees and their instructions, and become
completely surrendered to the Lord by their fixed nature, attain the abode of Viìêu at death. This they acieve by
acting as the servants of the servants of the Lord with no material motives, by following the practices of hearing 16
and chanting about the Lord. How is this? The unalloyed devotees of Kãìêa who, while living on this planet,
become fixed in the devotional processes of hearing and chanting, taking the Lord’s remnants and acting as his
menial servant, attain an indestructible (avyaya) abode (padam) such as Vãndàvana by dint of that practice. In
the spiritual world they engage themselves ceaselessly in the Lord’s service.
In conclusion, the worship of the thirty-three million demigods is included in the worship of Nàràyaêa. If a
person worships Nàràyaêa alone, Brahmà, the ãìis, the bhâtas and pitäs are all worshiped and become satisfied.
Here are four evidences stating this fact (from Yàmala, Puràêa, Itihàsa and Upaniìad).
a) It is said in Viìêu-yàmala-saîhità:
“I worship the original person, Govinda, by whose worship all the Devatàs, Pitäs, Ãìis, Bhâtas and Lokapàlas, all the
planetary deities (Sârya, Candra, Maçgala etc.) are worshiped and satisfied.”
By worship of the Lord, the demigods and forefathers also became worshiped and satisfied. As indicated by using
the word ‘ca’, demons, Yakìas, ghostly beings, inferior gods, and all the sages, living entities, the protectors of the
directions, Indra etc. and their associates, the nine planets the sun, moon, etc. others such as Vainàyaka, Ëakuná,
Pâtanà, Mukhamaêéikà, Kìurà, Revatá, Vãddharevatá, Vãddhakogrà, Màtãgraha, Vàlagraha, Vãddhagraha etc., all
become satisfied. Such is the primeval Lord whom I adore. Who is that Govinda? The primeval Supreme Person,
beyond whom no one exists. No one is equal to Him or greater than Him.
As the trunk and branches are satisfied by watering the root of the tree and as the life airs are satisfied by offering food
to the stomach, all the Devatàs are worshiped by worship of Acyuta.
By watering the roots of a tree, automatically the trunk, limbs and the twigs with leaves become satisfied and
remain green, and by supplying the seven kinds of relishable foods to the stomach, or to the ten kinds of life airs
— pràêa, apàna, vyàna, udàna, samàna, Nàga, Kârma, Kãkara, Devadatta and Dhanañjaya — all the senses and the
heart itself become satisfied. Similarly, ‘acyutejya’, by worshiping the One who is infallible even after billions and
billions of annihilations, who is primeval and eternal, all others become satisfied and worshiped. This means that 17
simply by properly worshiping the Lord, the infallible Nàràyaêa, all the demigods and forefathers become
excessively satisfied and worshiped. Of this there is no doubt.
“I am to be worshiped by the Devatàs, and the human beings of the varêàërama system. Without doubt, by worship of
Me all worship is accomplished.”
“Arjuna! If I am worshiped, there is no doubt that all the demigods are worshiped.” The word ‘àdi’ (in the phrase
‘devàdi’) is used here to indicate the sages, forefathers, and demons, as well as the thirty-three million demigods.
“I am the only worshipable object of all the varêas—bràhmaêas, kìatriya, vaiëya, ëâdra.” ‘Àdi’ here indicates the
àëramas—brahmacàrás, gãhasthas, vanapràsthas and sannyàsás; ‘ca’ indicates even the varêa-saçkaras and càêéàlas.
d) In the Ãg-Veda Kãìêopaniìad it is said:
‘Vai’ means certainly. The meaning of ‘kãìêa’ was previously explained. ‘Sat’ means pure existence. ‘Cit’ means
absolute knowledge, and ‘Ànanda’ means having beauty which is indescribably blissful. These are His qualities.
He is made of (ghanaí) these qualities. He has a beautiful form the color of a monsoon cloud. Because He is the
original person (àdi puruìa), to whom there is no one superior, He is called the supreme person (puruìottama).
“Because I am superior to the kìara living entities and akìara living entities, I am famous as the supreme person in the
Vedas and in the worlds.” 18
“Because the universe, composed of all bodies from Brahmà to the indragopa germ, is temporary, I, being eternal,
indestructible, am superior to all this, eternally situated in My abode. In the same way, I am superior to the
avatàras such as Viràè, My indestructible portions, who exist after the destruction of the universe. I am the
source of all avatàras, superior to all of them.” The above is in reference to the Lord in His manifested pastimes.
But the word ‘ca’ indicates the Lord in unmanifested pastimes as well.
“I have another form superior to that which you (Arjuna) see on the chariot. It is the reservoir of all happiness,
full of constantly increasing taste. Because I am pure sattva, I am eternally situated in that blissful form. That
form is known only by those devotees fixed on that blissful form, and not by others. Therefore it is said that in
fourteen worlds and in the Vedas, Mahàbhàrata, Puràêas, Upa-Puràêas, Àgamas, Ràmàyaêa, Dharma ëàstras,
Vedanta and other scriptures that other than Myself, no one is the deliverer from the bondage of this world.
Therefore I am known by the surrendered souls as the Supreme Person. My faithful devotees are blissful
internally and externally, just by hearing My names such as Govinda, Nàràyaêa, Vàsudeva, Mukunda, Ananta
and Acyuta. I alone am the Supreme worshipable Person.”
Therefore Ërá Kãìêa is the ‘karmàdi mâlam’ or the cause of all work. ‘Hà u’ refers to such words that are sung in
the Vedas. All works including nitya, naimittika and kàmya have already been explained previously. ‘Àdi’ refers
to the essence of all activities such as worship of Gaêeëa and other demigods and secondary devas, worship or
the forefathers and austerities, penances, sacrifices, homas, charity, vows etc. There is no doubt that by the
worship of Kãìêa one receives the full benefit of all these works.
Kãìêa is ‘kàëaî kãd-àdiëa mukha prabhu pâjyaí’. He is worshipable by all the chief devatàs (prabhu), headed by
‘kàëaîkãda’ - Brahmà (ka), Viìêu (a), and Ëiva (saîkãta). ‘Àdi’ refers to the sons of Brahmà such as the four
Kumàras, Maráci, Açgirà, Pulastya, Pulaha, Kratu, Bhãgu, Vaëiìèha, Dakìa, Nàrada, and Svàyambhâva Manu; as
well as those entities produced from the wombs of devatàs, ãìis, prajàpatis, men, munis, and the immobile
entities as well. ‘Áëa’ refers to the Viìêu forms in this world and ‘mukha’ means the origin. They include the three
Viìêu forms and the incarnations such as Matsya, Kârma, Varàha, Narasiîha, Vàmana, Ràma, Paraëuràma,
Balaràma, Buddha and Kalki, and Nàràyaêa situated in the spiritual sky. All of these Lords are worshiping Kãìêa
of Goloka Dhàma. Kãìêa is thus worshipable by all beings inside and outside of the material universe. By
pleasing Kãìêa with suitable worship, a person attains the most auspicious results possible within or outside the
It is understood that by this worship of Kãìêa (kãtá), the devotee, though omitting service to devatàs, does not
suffer any loss. The surrendered discriminating devotee absorbed in the Lord attains all that could be desired.
(yam-maçgalam tal-labhate kãtá).
2. Skaçda Puràêa
(After citing the Nàràyaêopaniìad, Gopàla Bhaèèa gives a second proof forbidding worship of devatàs and pitäs
for Vaiìêavas.)
“If one is initiated into the holy name of Lord Viìêu, then one should avoid saçkalpa, dàna, worship of forefathers and
demigods, nor wear kuëa.” 19
Any human being initiated with Viìêu mantra should not worship the devatàs or pitäs. The word ‘pitä’ refers to
ancestor lineage of both father and mother. Worship or arcana of the pitäs means specifically ëraddhà rites and
offering of tarpaêa. Worship of devatàs refers to worship of Gaêeëa and other demigods. ‘Àdi’ refers to all other
activities either daily (nitya), periodic (naimittika) or for specific material goals (kàmya) which generate
nàmàparàdha. ‘Saçkalpa’ refers to the process of strengthening the mind to achieve a particular material goal.
‘Dàna’ refers to charitable activities accompanied by utterances demanding material rewards. The word ‘ca’ means
all other activities contrary to Vaiìêava principles. None of these actions should be performed.
Someone however may object that according to the evidences of Manu Smãti and the other religious scriptures,
the human being is responsible for the six kinds of debts as stated in Viìêu-saîhità:
devatà-pitä-bandhânàî ãìi-bhâta-nãêàî tathà /
ãêá-syàt tad-adhánaë ca varêàdir janma-màtrataí //
“As soon as one takes birth in this material world one is immediately under the six kinds of ‘ãêa’ or debts, such as deva-
ãêa, pitä-ãêa, mitra-ãêa, ãìi-ãêa, bhâta-ãêa, nara-ãêa (or the debts to the demigods, to the fathers and mothers, to the
friends, to the gurus, to the other living beings and to the society). One is held responsible to fulfil them.”
In refutation, this statement does not apply to any person of any status inside or outside of varêàërama who has
been initiated with Vaiìêava name and mantra by a bona fide guru, for as stated in Ërámad-Bhàgavatam (11.5.41):
devarìi-bhâtàpta-nãêàm pitäêàm
na kiçkaro nàyam-ãêá ca ràjan /
sarvàtmanà yaí ëaraêaî ëaraêyaî
gato mukundaî parihãtya kartam //
“Anyone who has given up all other activities in deference to surrender to Mukunda, most worthy of surrender, has no
debt to the ãìis, devatàs, bhâtas, pitäs, relatives or other human beings. He is not obliged to serve them.”
Any human being taking initiation with the name and mantra of the Supreme Lord according to pañca-saîskàra
from an authorized guru, according to instructions on the highest principles of worship of the Lord, attains
steady intelligence and becomes situated in regular worship of the Lord. By this, he becomes fearless. He
therefore rejects the daily, periodic and specialized actions for worldly people as taught in the Vedas, Smãtis and
Puràêas. As a person overcome by false ego thinks himself the doer, the devotee avoids that danger by avoiding
these actions. Mukunda is the only worshipable person, the one and only object of hearing, chanting, service and
prayer. All other worship, being temporary, is useless. Worship of Mukunda alone purifies the heart. The
devotee therefore rejects all other actions completely.
Neither within nor outside the universe, is anyone worthy of surrender to, except Mukunda. That person, who
from the time of initiation, sells himself to the Lord and makes Him his life and soul, becomes freed from the
bondage of the material world by the grace of Mukunda, the giver of liberation. He serves the Lord perfectly, and
avoids service to any devatà, devarìi, mahàrìi, ràjarìi, any moving or non-moving entity. He does not serve wife,
daughters, sons, or grandsons, brothers, relatives or any other person. He is not the debtor to any pitä or any
secondary devatà. 20
“O King Parákìit, please hear the meaning of the words ‘kiçkara’ and ‘ãêi’. If a person worships a devatà with
tarpaêas etc. he becomes a servant of the devatà . If the person neglects to perform tarpaêas to the ãìis, if he does
not satisfy all living beings with water and food, if he does not supply proper food to his wife and offspring, if he
does not perform the saîskàras for his family members, if he does not serve unexpected guests, if he does not
serve his father while alive and perform his father’s ëraddhà rites after he dies, he is considered a debtor or ‘ãêi’.
But if he performs all these actions he becomes their servant, ‘kiçkara’.”
Those who worship the devatàs and pitäs go to Svarga and other places, but as these are temporary destinations,
they finally return to the earth planet. This is stated in the Bhagavad-gátà. 9.25:
“The worshipers of the devatàs go to the planet of the devatàs. The worshiper of pitäs goes to the planet of pitäs. the
worshiper of bhâtas goes to the bhâtas. Those who worship Me come to Me.”
“Those who have devotion to the demigods like Brahmà and Indra attain their particular planets by worshiping
them, chanting their mantras, doing sacrifices, offering oblations etc. After leaving that body, they return to the
earth planet. Such persons who turn their focus away from My devotional service even leave the service of their
worshipable demigods. After some time they accept another demigod and ultimately perform hundreds and
thousands of condemnable activities. Being bewildered by My external energy, they take birth in 8,400, 000
species of life again and again, until the devastation of the world. Of this there is no doubt.
My devotees serve their fathers with devotion while they are alive and after their death offer mahàprasàda and
caraêàmãta. They feed the bràhmaêas and especially the Vaiìêavas. Others, however, serve their fathers faithfully
while alive, and after death feed everyone situated in varêa and àërama. Being averse to My devotional service,
they engage in ëraddhà and tarpaêa rituals. Such persons are called pitä-vrata, and as a result they attain the
Pitäloka, or the planet where the ancestors live. And those who worship the forms of bhâtas, pretas, piëàcas,
vinàyakas, màtãs, dàkinás, ëàkinás, yoginás, the protectors of the directions, karabandhas, bhairavas and the
inferior devatàs are called the worshipers of bhâtas. They attain the respective places of the bhâtas.
But My devotees who engage in My devotional service taking complete shelter of Me, after leaving their bodies,
will attain My eternal abode, where I am always situated in My original form which is the ocean of bliss, like a
beautiful dark rain cloud, eternal, imperishable, full of eternity, knowledge and bliss.
The purport is that I am only attainable by those devotees who are completely surrendered unto Me, not by those
who have mixed their devotion by worshiping many other demigods. Therefore, My devotees, being My
servitors, attain My supreme abode and continue their service unto Me. Of this there is no doubt.”
3. Vaëiìèha-saîhità
Another evidence forbidding worship of pitäs and devatàs is found in the Vaëiìèha-saîhità:
“A householder Vaiìêava should not perform any fruitive activities prescribed on a daily or periodic basis, or those 21
arising from personal desire, charities or vows, that are in connection with either the worship of the demigods or the
worship of the ancestors by ëraddhà and tarpaêa.”
‘Daiva karma’ means worship of devatàs. ‘Paitra’ means worship of pitäs through ëraddhà and tarpaêa. What to
speak of brahmacàrás and others, even the gãhasthas, who are initiated by a bona fide spiritual master with
Vaiìêava mantra, being under the complete shelter of the Lord, must never do any rites apart from the worship
of Lord Viìêu.
4. Rudra Yàmala
As stated in Rudra-Yàmala:
“If a devotee of Lord Viìêu worships any other demigod even in his mind, he falls down because of this offence.”
The word ‘itàreìàî’ means other than Lord Viìêu, such as Gaêeëa; ‘Manasà’ means simply by mind, without
doing àvàhana, visarjana etc., and the word ‘ca’ indicates also nitya, naimittika, kàmya actions and honoring the
ancestors. What to speak of anything else, even if a devotee of Lord Viìêu does the activities out of illusion,
bewilderment or carelessness, he falls down because of committing sevàparàdha and namàparàdha ( offences to
the service and holy name of Lord Viìêu, the Personality of Godhead.) What happens? One who is bound with
the ropes of such material activities, sometimes goes to the heavenly planets and sometimes goes down to the
lower planets. That is his position.
5. Padma Puràêa 22
na paëyet tàn na gàyec ca na ninden na smaret tathà //
“A Vaiìêava is not supposed to do saçkalpa, dàna, keep material desires or perform atonement or sacrifice, but must
perform worship of the Vaiìêavas and holy bràhmaêas.
The servant of Kãìêa is always pure, therefore he does not need to wear kuëa grass (rings). He has no material desire
because Lord Hari is situated within and without him.
A Vaiìêava should neither worship demigods nor offer them obeisances, observe, blaspheme, remember or sing about
O godly sage, Nàrada, one who is fully dependent on the Lord should not eat the remnants of food offered to the
demigods and should try to avoid the association of those who serve the demigods.”
Because the Lord is the only worshipable object and the only shelter for a Vaiìêava, the devotee has no desire for
material benefits gained by the performance of nitya, naimittika, kàmya karmas, demigod and pitä worship,
fasting, sacrifice, vows or charity. The meanings of saçkalpa, dàna and yàga (sacrifice) are already explained.
Atonement (pràyaëcitta) which is undergone for the purpose of counteracting the reactions of the five kinds of
sinful activities — mahà-pàtaka, pàtaka, ati-pàtaka, upa-pàtaka, anu-pàtaka — is not for the Vaiìêavas.
The word ‘ca’ indicates another kind of atonement for the Vaiìêava. What is that atonement? One should again
accept name and mantra from one’s own spiritual master. If the guru is not present (left his body), one should
accept from the guru’s wife, son or godbrother or from any other pure devotee having similar qualities. Thus
becoming exceedingly pure by having accepted the pañca-saîskàras again, he should offer obeisances to and
worship Lord Viìêu, by fully engaging in hearing, chanting and remembering the name, form, qualities and
pastimes of Lord Viìêu.
In Nàrada Pañcaràtra, Bharadvàja-saîhità 3.22.25, the process of atonement for a Vaiìêava is described: 23
viìêor niveditànnàdyais tathà tat kártanàdibhií /
abhàgavata-dãìtyàdeí ëuddhir eìà viëeìataí //
“For a Vaiìêava the highest kind of atonement is full surrender to the Lord. Otherwise one should perform activities
while remembering Lord Vàsudeva.
By seeing the Lord’s devotee, touching his feet, serving him, feeding him with cooked grains and water, speaking
sweetly, taking the dust of his feet and drinking the water from his feet, eating mahàprasàda of the Lord and chanting
the names of the Lord, one can purify oneself specially from the contamination of seeing and touching non-devotees.
One who constantly engages in worshiping Lord Hari is considered to have performed all activities like sacrifice,
charity, penance, austerity, atonement etc.”
“To perform activities which are related to the Supreme Lord is the occupation of the Vaiìêava and the same activities
repeated again and again is called pràyaëcitta, or atonement. Those who have fully surrendered to the lotus feet of the
Absolute Personality of Godhead are freed from all kinds of sinful activities which they committed previously and may
happen to commit in the future. Such types of surrender are the atonement for all offences.”
“Just as a pot of liquor cannot be purified by washing with water, similarly, those who are not surrendered to the
Supreme Lord Nàràyaêa, cannot be purified by undergoing so many atonements.” 24
The phrase ‘sad bhâdevàdi’ refers to devotees of Kãìêa (sat) and the Vaiìêava bràhmaêas (bhâdeva), who are
purified by name, mantra and gàyatrá. ‘Àdi’ refers to all other living entities. Therefore atonement consists of
worship of and service to the devotees of Kãìêa. That service consists of bathing, feeding, offering drinks,
garlands, sandalwood and cloth. Because of his complete surrender to Kãìêa, the devotee is always internally and
externally similar to the Lord Himself. He is therefore pure. He has no need to perform fruitive vows or wear
kuëa grass rings for purification.
The devotee of Kãìêa means one who has none other than Kãìêa as his worshipable Deity. ‘Naiìèhikaí’ means
one who is conversant with bhàgavata-dharma and is faithful to the Lord. ‘Muni’ means a person who knows
what must be done. A Vaiìêava should not worship demigods such as Gaêeëa, neither should he offer obeisances
to their deities or to pots that they have been installed in. He should not look at them, glorify them or remember
them, nor should he blaspheme them. What to speak of blaspheming the demigods, it is not proper for the
Vaiìêavas to criticize any moving or non-moving living entity. The servant of the Lord should not eat the
remnants of demigods. “O Nàrada, the association of those who worship any demigod should be avoided strictly.
Thus a soul fixed in his actions to please the Lord becomes fully surrendered.”
6. Viìêu Puràêa
“The followers of Lord Viìêu should neither wear kuëa grass rings, perform saçkalpa, follow the path of fruitive
activities, or worship demigods like Lord Ëiva etc.”
‘Sàttvata’ means the followers of ëuddha-sattva, or the devotees of Lord Viìêu only. The words ‘kàmya’ and ‘ca’
refer to the worship of devatàs and pitäs which are daily or periodic. These should not be performed by the
Vaiìêava. 25
sarva karmasu ràjendra sarvaî ced vyartham anyathà //
“O king of kings, in every ritual, everyone must worship all the demigods and forefathers. Otherwise everything is
‘Lokànàî’ means those materialistic persons who follow the path of the demigods, forefathers and Vedic
activities, without considering their permanent and perishable results. ‘Vai’ means certainly. ‘Sarva karmasu’
means in all nitya, naimittika and kàmya karmas related to forefathers and other demigods. ‘Sarve’ means the
thirty-three million demigods beginning from Gaêeëa, and all the forefathers beginning from one’s own mother
and father up to that person who is the ultimate founder of his dynasty, who is born from Brahmà. The word ‘ca’
refers to all the relatives and lineage of one’s family. “O King Yudhiìèhira, they all should be worshiped, if
someone is worshiped and another is not, then the whole performance will be useless.”
“The karmás who desire the result of their work should worship all the demigods, forefathers and guests with
appropriate paraphernalia and ingredients, so that they may attain the fruit of their actions. If this is not done properly,
then their endeavor is useless.”
‘Vai’ means they must do; ‘kàma-vàn’ - one who has lusty desires; ‘karmá’ - one who is engaged in mundane
activities; ‘havya-kavya-mayaií’ - the proper things to offer the demigods and ancestors; ‘atitháî’ - those guests
who never came before; ‘ca’ - the family, relatives and the lineage of the family. The second ‘ca’ refers to guests in
general and all living entities; ‘karmá’ - the performer of all kinds of activities, like nitya, namittika, kàmya, daiva,
paitra, màçgalya etc.
The Sanskrit root of the verb ‘yaj(a)’ has many meanings. It indicates here the worship of demigods, performance
of ëraddhà and tarpaêa for the ancestors, proper respect, behavior and service with good food and water for the
guests, service to unexpected guests, family members and other relatives with proper behavior and speech, and
satisfying all living entities with food and water.
‘Karma-phalàptaí’ means if one performs the activity properly, he is sure to gain the result. Otherwise, he will
lose the fruit. If some of the demigods are worshiped and some are not, some of the forefathers are given food by
performing ëraddhà and tarpaêa and some are not, some guests are respected and others are not, and among the
living entities — including family members and relatives — if some of them are satisfied and others are not, then
whatever one has done is useless. 26
sarveìàî pitä-devànàî màçgalyàdiìu karmasu /
tan na kãte pratyavàyá pâjanaî karmaèho naraí //
“One who is expert in fruitive activities should worship all the demigods and forefathers in every auspicious
performances, otherwise the doer gets the opposite result.”
The word ‘màçgalyàdiìu’ refers to the activities known as nitya, naimittika, kàmya and paitra. ‘Karmaèhaí’ - who
is very expert in performing the fruitive activities; ‘naraí’ - human beings who are under one of the varêas;
‘pâjanaî’ - worshiping the demigods and offering ëraddhà and tarpaêa to the forefathers.
The meaning is that if the 33 million demigods like Gaêeëa, etc. and all the forefathers beginning with one’s own
mother and father up to those who are the source of one’s dynasty, born from Brahmà himself, are not worshiped
or satisfied properly, then one gets an opposite result — as if he did no such activities at all.
“O Durgà, bestower of auspiciousness, householders should worship all the demigods and ancestors in all
performances. If some of them are not worshiped, then all the performances become useless.”
The plural word ‘karmasu’ refers again to activities like nitya and naimittika; ‘gãhibhií’ - by householders only;
‘prayatnataí’ means carefully. All the demigods and forefathers must be worshiped. This means that among the
thirty-three million demigods beginning from Gaêeëa and all the forefathers, if some of them are not worshiped
and not offered the ëraddhà and tarpaêa, then the doer does not get any result, because the performance is not
complete. It is useless. More evidences are not included as this would increase the size of the book.
Thus, if those householders, who are not initiated by harinàma-mantra, worship the thirty-three million
demigods (like Gaêeëa etc) incompletely in their actions of nitya, naimittika etc. and if they offer ëraddhà and
tarpaêa incompletely to their forefathers (beginning from their mother, father up to Brahmà, the source of their
dynasty) then according to the proofs of the Puràêas, Vedas, Upa-Puràêas, and Àgamas, all these actions are
considered useless, a cause of disappointment.
And on the other hand, if those who are initiated by a bona-fide spiritual master into the holy name of the Lord,
being of any of the four varêas, perform such nitya and naimittika acts for the devatàs and pitäs, then they are
committing seva and nàmàparàdha.
Therefore, for both the devotees of Lord Kãìêa and those born either outside the varêàërama system or within, 27
the worshipable Deity is Lord Hari, the Supreme Personality of Godhead and no one else, because He is the
controller of all. This is the principle.
[Some people think that worshiping devatàs is the same as worshiping Viìêu. The following section refutes that
There are some other persons who think that since the whole universe is pervaded by the potency of Lord Ërá
Viìêu therefore this world is also Viìêu . Thus by worshiping demigods, Viìêu is automatically worshiped. But
actually that kind of worship is not recommended; it is forbidden. This is proven here by the words of Lord
Kãìêa Himself.
[Five evidences follow to prove that the worship of demigods is no substitute for Viìêu worship.]
a) Bhagavad-Gátà 9.23:
This verse may be interpreted in three ways. One meaning is this: “My faithful devotees (from initiation to the
point of death) who occasionally worship the devatàs disregarding the forbiddance, actually worship Me alone
with great determination, not the demigods.” This is indicated by the word ‘eva’ which means that they really
worship only Me. “By worshiping Me alone, realizing they are servants and I am to be served, they become free
from the cycle of birth and death.”
A second meaning is as follows: “All those who are not my devotees, filled with material desires (ëraddhàyànvita)
worship demigods with great determination to achieve material results quickly. They worship Me in this way,
thinking the demigods independent and equal to Me! They are not actually worshiping Me at all! O son of Kuntá,
Arjuna, the prescribed process is to hear about Me, chant My names, remember and worship Me. By this alone
can one be freed from the bondage of birth and death in this material world. All other works such as worshiping
demigods, sacrifice, charity etc. are prohibited, because, being temporary, they are the cause of the repeated cycle
of birth and death. Therefore worship of Me is the best activity. Apart from this, there is no path to deliver
oneself from the bondage of the material world, even for Brahmà and Indra who have attained immortality by
drinking nectar. What, then, to speak of mortals?”
The same verse may be interpreted in a third way. “Those worshipers of demigods, bewildered by My external
potency, from their birth become Ëaiva, Ëakta, Ëaura, Gaêapatya etc. Later by the instructions of a bona fide
spiritual master and the association of Vaiìêavas they worship Me alone with extreme faith (ëraddhàyànvita),
with no other shelter. They certainly become My devotees by the effect of My bhakti. But they must not worship
with a material motive (avidhi pârvakam). To worship Me and at the same time to worship demigods is called
avidhi. Leaving aside such worship, a person must be dedicated to Me fully, without worshiping the devatàs even
in dreams. In such a pure condition, he becomes My devotee.”
b) Other than devotional service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, everything is perishable or
impermanent, and should therefore be abandoned. In Ërámad-Bhàgavatam 6.9.22 it is said: 28
avismitaî taî paripârêa-kàmaî svenaiva làbhena samaî praëàntam /
vinopasarpaty aparaî hi bàliëaí ëva-làçgulenàti-titarti sindhuî //
“Free from all material conceptions of existence and never wonderstruck by anything, the Lord is always jubilant and
fully satisfied by His own spiritual perfection. He has no material designation, and therefore He is steady and
unattached. The Supreme Personality of Godhead is the only shelter of everyone. Anyone desiring to be protected by
others is certainly a great fool who desires to cross the sea by holding the tail of a dog.”
Those situated in varêa and àërama and who do not worship the Supreme Lord Govinda, but worship superficial
demigods, are greatly foolish. What are the qualities of Govinda? He is always satisfied by the perfection of His
eight kinds of opulence called aêimà, laghimà etc. He alone awards the surrendered souls their desired goal.
Therefore, other than Him, no one else is fully satisfied.
Lord Govinda is ‘avismita’, because being eternal, there is no question of wonder in Him. He is ‘praëànta’,
because He has a form desired by His devotees. Bewildered by the external potency of the Lord, a person leaves
the devotional service of the Supreme Lord and worships demigods. He is foolish; he is described as a foolish
man trying to cross the ocean by holding the tail of a dog. Thus, one who has turned his face from the Lord to
serve demigods to fulfill his insignificant desires gets no result, as everything is dependent on the Supreme Lord.
He has no way to escape from the bondage of repeated birth and death.
“As a person desires to cross the ocean by holding a tail of a dog, similarly an unintelligent man desires to deliver
himself from the material bondage by worshiping others, giving up Lord Hari.”
Here the word ‘anyopàsanayà’ means serving or worshiping the external and marginal energies of the Lord, such
as demigods and other living entities. Therefore, other than Lord Hari, there is no one else who is worshipable in
this material world.
“In this material world no one else but Lord Hari is to be worshiped by all. Apart from Him, no one else can deliver the
souls from the ocean of birth and death and no one can fulfil the desires of the materialists.”
‘Bhuvane’ means not only on this middle planet but on all the fourteen planets, the Supreme Lord Hari is to be
worshiped by all, even Lord Brahmà. It is concluded that other than Him no one in existence is to be worshiped.
But even if one worships the Lord’s external and marginal potencies to fulfill all his desires according to
prescription of the Vedas, Puràêas, Smãtis, and Àgamas, the bestower of fulfillment to the demigods is Lord Ërá
Hari. Therefore, being among the external and marginal potencies, the demigods have no power to cut off the
bondage of the ocean of birth and death. Except for the Supreme Personality of Godhead, no one can mitigate
the great fear of the dangerous circuit of mundane existence. 29
e) In Ërámad-Bhàgavatam 11.19.9 Uddhava says to the Lord:
tàpa-trayeêàpi-hatasya ghore
santapyamànasya bhavàdhvanáëa /
paëyàmi nànyac-caraêaî tavàñghri-
dvandvàt apatràd amãtàbhivarìàt //
“My dear Lord, for one tormented on the terrible path of birth and death and constantly overwhelmed by the threefold
miseries, I do not see any possible shelter other than Your two lotus feet, which are just like a refreshing umbrella that
pours down showers of delicious nectar.”
“O Lord, on this terrible path of birth and death, the souls who suffer the miseries of àdhidaivika, àdhibhautika
and àdhyàtmika, and repeatedly enter the womb have no shelter. Except for the umbrella of Your lotus feet, I
don’t see any other shelter. As a person protects himself from the fierce sunshine and rain by holding an
umbrella, so the souls who are bound by the ropes of birth and death escape that bondage by going under the
umbrella of Your lotus feet.”
‘Amãtam’ means the four kinds of salvations such as attaining the same abode as the Lord and serving His lotus
feet and thereby attaining liberation from the transmigration of the body. The Lord’s feet produce showers of
bliss in the form of different types of liberation, like the unlimited drops of water in a shower of rain. “For that
reason, there is no other way to get out from the existence of the mundane world, except these two lotus feet of
Yours, O Absolute Truth, Personality of Godhead! In this world You are the only shelter of the demigods,
demons and human beings. One who does not worship Your lotus feet never achieves liberation. And the one
who serves Your lotus feet becomes free from the bondage of the material world and remains in happiness always
– in this life and the next.”
It has been shown that human beings should avoid the adoration of the demigods, and take complete shelter of
the Lord. As stated in Sanat-kumàra-saîhità:
“One should always be in a state of full shelter, have no other practice or goal and have no other need. One should not
worship, pay obeisances, remember, see, praise, and should never criticize the demigods. One should not eat the
remnants (ucchiìèa) of others, should not accept the left over (ëeìa) of others. And one should avoid talking with and 30
praising nondevotees.”
Anyone who is initiated with name and mantra of the Lord by a bona-fide spiritual master should take full shelter
[of the Lord]. The word ‘ananya-ëaraêa’ means having no other shelter or object of service except Lord Govinda
within and outside the material world. The word ‘syàt’ is used for certainty. Similarly one should be ‘ananya-
sàdhana’, which means one who avoids the process of material activities such as nitya and namittika, and who is
undeviated in the devotional service of Lord Govinda, following the ninefold process of hearing, chanting,
remembering etc.
‘Ananya sàdhanàrtha’ means one who uses his wealth only for the service of great pure devotees in an authorized
line. [Not for those who pretend to be devotees without having initiation from a bona-fide spiritual master]. That
means one has to serve those who have taken complete shelter of the Lord. He should not serve others who are
servants of demigods i.e. ëaivas, ëaktas, ëauras and gaêapatyas who are averse to the Supreme Lord Govinda.
They can be provided food and water as guests according to one’s ability, but not in the mood of servant and the
served, because then there will be a possibility of committing offence to the holy name of the Lord.
‘Ananya-prayojana’ means thinking oneself a servant of Lord Hari. One should not have any other goal to achieve
except the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Such a devotee of Kãìêa, being ‘ananya-ëaraêa’,
should not worship other demigods and should not perform any nitya, naimittika, kàmya rites or ëraddhà and
tarpaêa for the ancestors.
‘Kadàcana’ means never. One should not offer obeisances to the demigods, should not remember them by
chanting their names, should not circumambulate them, should not see their idols or deities, should not touch
their bodies, should not criticize or glorify them, should not eat their remnants and should not accept their
nirmalya [flower, garlands, cloth, or candana]. One should not accept anything such as water, prasàda, flowers,
garlands, candana given by a ëaiva, ëakta, ëaura or gaêapatya who have turned their faces away from the Lord,
although situated in varêàërama . But one can accept those things if they are given by the devotees of Kãìêa.
One who has accumulated enough wealth out of his business in his previous situation as a ëaiva, ëakta, ëaura or
gaêapatya under the Lord’s external energy, and then later accepts the name of Govinda from a bona fide
spiritual master and becomes purified by rebirth with paçca saîskàra, should use his wealth only for the service
of Kãìêa and His devotees. One should diligently try to avoid talking with nondevotees who have forgotten the
Lord; one should avoid meeting them, offering homage, praising, touching them, sitting with them and eating
food with them.
[The next section shows that not only Vaiìêavas, but all people should avoid worship of devatàs and pitäs.]
It has been shown that the surrendered devotees of Lord Viìêu or Kãìêa should not worship the devatàs. But the
same rule applies to even those bràhmaêas who are not initiated into the viìêu-mantra.
In Nàradiya Puràêa it is said:
“Even a learned and thoughtful bràhmaêa should not worship demigods. If one worships demigods because of illusion, 31
one falls down immediately to the stage of a càêéàla or dog eater.
By worship of the demigods, a bràhmaêa falls from the bràhmaêical status to that of a càêéàla.”
‘Bràhmàêa’ means one who knows the Brahmà-gàyatrá, which is instructed by the saintly Nàrada. The greatly
fortunate bràhmaêa understands that Viìêu is supreme. Therefore it is said that in Kali-yuga, the bràhmaêa who
knows Viìêu is equal to Viìêu. The bràhmaêa is the original Vaiìêava; there is no distinction between the
Supreme Lord and the Vaiìêava. The word ‘muni’ means a thoughtful sage or one who knows truth and falsity.
‘Jñàná’ means one who has the knowledge of reality, instead of false knowledge of eating, sleeping, mating and
defending. Such a bràhmaêa should not worship the demigods. If he does so, having lost his knowledge by the
influence of material desire, he falls down to the level of a càêéàla. This means that even in this life he becomes
like a dog-eater, what to speak of his next life. Although it may seem praiseworthy, it actually destroys his good
qualities and places him on the stage of a dog eater. Therefore, except for serving Gàyatrá (in order to worship
the Lord) who is a personified great devotee of the Lord, one should not worship any of the devas.
Though a case of a bràhmaêa was cited above, the same rule applies to all situated in varêa and àërama. It is a
great fault for anyone to worship demigods instead of Lord Viìêu, the Personality of Godhead. Thus in Skaçda
Puràêa it is mentioned in the discussion of Brahmà and Nàrada:
“Whoever worships other demigods giving up Vàsudeva is a fool and eats the deadly poison called hàlàhala, rejecting
Any person in varêàërama who rejects the worship of Vàsudeva, residing in His Supreme abode, and worships
demigods, is considered to have abandoned nectar and swallowed poison. He is a fool, completely ignorant, with
unsteady mind. A foolish person who has forgotten Lord Vàsudeva leaves the nectar of devotional service to the
Lord which is liberation itself, the destroyer of the fetters of material life, and accepts the bondage of mundane
life. He has to suffer good and bad activities and traverse the cycle of birth and death through 8,400,000 species
of life which certainly destroys his original identity. He suffers greatly; therefore it is compared to poison.
This is supported by the following scriptural text: avaëyam eva bhoktavyaî kãtaî karma ëubhàëubham—“A
person must always enjoy or suffer according to the good or bad activities he has performed in this life.”
“One who worships anyone other than Kãìêa, being under illusion, is considered as having accepted a heap of ashes,
while rejecting a pile of gold.”
Bewildered by the Lord’s external potency (mohàt) any human being who rejects the all-pervading Supreme
Master of the world, Viìêu, who is served by following in the footsteps of those who are in His full shelter, and
instead worships demigods and demigoddesses as the bestowers of his desires, accepts a heap of dust instead of a
quantity of gold. 32
In contrast to this, one who has obtained the human form of life as a result of service to Lord Govinda in many
previous lives, and has accepted name and mantra from a bona fide spiritual master, avoids the adoration of the
demigods by the body, speech and mind, and serves Lord Viìêu in devotion as his only master. He rejects
completely the process of material bondage of birth and death in various species of life as a heap of sand and
accepts service to Lord Govinda like a treasure of gold. The word ‘jighãkìati’ means to accept. Therefore the
unalloyed devotees of Lord Govinda, in all activities accept what is real or ‘sat’ and reject what is false,
considering the principles of bhàgavata-dharma.
Meaning of ‘sat’
In this regard Lord Kãìêa explains to Arjuna in Bhagavad-gátà 17.26,27:
“The Absolute Truth is the objective of devotional sacrifice, and it is indicated by the word sat. The performer of such a
sacrifice is also called sat.”
‘Sadbhàva’ means those who have taken birth in the mode of goodness, such as the devotees of Lord Govinda, the
demigods, and the bràhmaêas who are purified by the chanting of gàyatrá mantra. It also means a pure appearance (sat
àvirbhàva), referring to the appearance of the Lord’s forms in this world, like Viràè and Nàràyaêa. ‘Sat bhàva’ also refers
to the person who exists in the eternal place (sat) called Vaikuêèha Dhàma, the supreme abode. That person is
Nàràyaêa or Vàsudeva.
‘Sat bhàva’ also means He who appears with His own pure energy. Kãìêa appears according to His own sweet will
with His name, quality, activity and pastimes, and so many opulences and perfections like aêimà etc. in His
abode, Ërá Vãndàvana.
‘Sat bhàva’ also refers to the appearance of great devotees (satàm), who are born through the guru who gives
instructions and initiation, not by a birth from parents under the influence of pious activities accumulated in a
previous life.
‘Sàdhu bhàve’ means the excellent nature of saintly persons, or the pure nature of their minds, which is produced
by hearing the quality, activity, pastimes and the names of the Lord; by studying the scriptures which describe
devotional service, such as Ëruti, Smãti, Vedas, Puràêas, secondary Puràêas, Àgama, philosophy and Paçcaràtra
etc. and by the association of devotees and other devotional processes.
The word ‘sad’ is thus used to indicate those demigods and bràhmaêas who are completely surrendered to the
Lord, and things which are beyond the modes of passion and ignorance, which are eternal and situated in pure
Similarly, ‘praëaste karmàêi’ means the activities in pure goodness performed by a Kãìêa conscious person — all
activities in the service of one’s spiritual master, the Vaiìêavas, bràhmaêas and the devotees of Lord Kãìêa, such
as taking the Deity of Lord Govinda on procession, nàma-kártana and saçkártana. “O Arjuna, son of Pãtha, the
word ‘sat’ is used in all these and other activities which belong to Kãìêa and His devotee.” In the next verse,
Bg.17.27 He says:
“All works of sacrifice, penance and charity which are true to the Absolute nature, and are performed to please the 33
Supreme Person, O son of Pãtha, are called sat.”
‘Yajña’ refers to Ërá Viìêu — yajña or all the devotional activities like ëravaêam, kártanam from early morning to
the last offering of flowers when the Lord is put to rest at night . ‘Tapa’ means having given up fruitive daily and
periodic rituals and performing only actions devoted to the Lord. ‘Dàna’ means serving the great devotees of Lord
Kãìêa by the body, mind and speech, with devotion and faith, and, as indicated by the word ‘ca’, service to satisfy
bràhmaêas and all living entities by feeding them.
‘Yajña’ can also mean Viìêu and service to Him according to the scriptures. These things must be done, and
nothing else. The word ‘sat’ is used always for these sacrifices and such situations, but other kinds of yajña and
activities are described here as ‘asat’, or illicit. Therefore, the word ‘sat’ cannot be used there.
‘Tad artháyaî’ means bodily sufferings accepted to execute activities such as sacrifice, charity and penance;
collecting donations of money from businessmen; making flower gardens, sitting or resting places; and planting
many kinds of plants for the Lord and His devotees. Learned scholars categorize these kinds of activities as ‘sat’.
Therefore, the householder devotees of Kãìêa, being born in ‘sadbhàva’ or in pure goodness, through
instructions on the name and mantra of the Lord, should worship only the Lord in all performances, not
demigods and forefathers. Simply by worshiping Lord Kãìêa, Govinda, all the demigods and forefathers are
“Upon worshiping Lord Hari the God of Gods who is holding a lotus, conch shell and club in His hands, all the
forefathers and demigods are worshiped because Lord Hari includes everything.”
Indra, the king of heaven, is the controller of all the 33 million demigods, and Brahmà, the creator of the
universe, is to be praised even by Indra. But Lord Ërá Hari is the master of Brahmà and all the ancestors.
Therefore when Vàsudeva, who holds a lotus, conch shell, disc and club, is worshiped, all those demigods and
forefathers who are supposed to be worshiped in all the activities of nitya, naimittika etc. to remove obstacles,
are automatically worshiped, as He is the cause of all the demigods and ancestors, and is the controller and
master of all. Because the Lord removes the three kinds of miseries of His devotees who are engaged in His
service constantly, He is called Hari.
In the age of Kali, those who are situated in varêa and àërama and are always engaged in worship of Lord Ërá Hari
and in the chanting of His names, are considered to have already performed all nitya and naimittika actions. As is
mentioned in Bãhan-Nàradiya Puràêa:
“Those who engage in chanting the holy name of Lord Hari (japa), are addicted to congregational chanting (kártana)
and engage in the worship of Lord Hari, have accomplished their desires in the age of Kali.”
Those who have accepted the name of the Lord from a bona fide spiritual master and by the association and 34
teachings of Bhàgavata-dharma have purified their hearts by the chanting of Harinàma, and with their body,
mind and speech are addicted to the Lord and His holy name, are thus freed from the activities which are the
cause of material bondage and false doership. They follow activities such as remembering, pleasing, meditating,
attending saçkártana festivals and hearing and discussing the scriptures like Ërámad-Bhàgavatam, Bhagavad-gátà,
Kãìêopaniìad, Nàràyaêopaniìad and other scriptures like Vedas, Puràêas, Upa-puràêas, Àgamas, Smãtis,
Mahàbhàrata and other Vaiìêava ëàstras.
‘Hari-pâjà-parà’ means those who engage only in devotional service to the Lord, avoiding the worship of
demigods, forefathers and other fruitive activities. By doing this they satisfy all living entities.
In the previous ages of Satya, Tretà and Dvàpara, people attained their goals after a long time by the processes of
austerity, sacrifice, charity and worship; but in Kali-yuga, whatever is performed everyday in the service of Lord
Govinda is blissful and that bliss is unattainable even by Brahmà. Devotees perform service to Govinda such as
sacrifice, penance, charity, digging wells or lakes, making flower garlands, resting places, bridges, construction of
the best temples, whole year travelling festivals and offering juicy fruits, cakes, rice prepared with milk, many
kinds of ornaments, fragrant flowers, candana from Malaya, fragrant aguru, camphor, betelnut, incense, lamps,
blowing a conch shell, ringing a bell and chanting congregationally before the Lord every morning and evening.
Those who are fixed in such devotional service, being surrendered to the Lord, accomplish their desires simply
by worshiping and chanting the names of the Lord. In other words, they fulfill their ultimate desire by constantly
remembering and worshiping Lord Hari with discrimination, without committing any nàma or sevàparàdhas.
They will certainly be freed from the fetters of worldly existence.
“In the dangerous age of Kali only those who have abandoned all kinds of religious activities and engage in the service
of Lord Vàsudeva, are really successful (kãtàrtha). Of this there is no doubt.”
The word ‘ghore’ means very dangerous, subject to the unavoidable network of dangers which bind one in
worldly existence. This Kali-yuga arrives after the age of Dvàpara, and has a duration of 432,000 years. ‘Sarva-
dharma-vivarjita’ means those who have avoided all kinds of religious activities of varêa and àërama, and only
engage in the service of Lord Vàsudeva, not even worshiping demigods and forefathers to achieve fruitive result.
They are doubtlessly successful in their purpose. It has already been explained that both service to Vàsudeva and
the fulfillment of one’s desire is achieved by chanting the name of Lord Hari and other devotional activities. 35
sa kartà sarva-dharmàêàî bhakto yas tava keëava /
sa kartà sarva-pàpànàî yo na bhaktas tavàcyuta //
“O Keëava, one who is Your devotee has performed all auspicious activities, while one who is not Your devotee is the
committer of all sinful activities.”
Lord Brahmà himself says, “Simply because he is Your devotee, O Keëava, whoever adores only You is the
performer of all religious activities. That means the pure and steady-minded devotee has certainly already
performed all fruitive activities (which he is supposed to perform in his so-called religion according to varêa and
àërama, such as worshiping demigods and honoring forefathers) because he worships You, the infallible
Godhead. But, O Acyuta, one who is not Your devotee or one who has not accepted Your holy name from a bona
fide guru and has neglected to follow the regulative principles, being under the control of the external energy of
the Lord and desiring to get material results, is certainly a committer of all sinful activities.”
How is this possible? Having avoided dedication to devotional service and rejecting the worship of the Lord who
is always in pure goodness, one who acts like a prostitute by following activities prescribed in Ëruti, Smãti, and
Puràêic texts (that are in the modes of passion and ignorance) performs many kinds of yoga, sacrifice, oblations,
charity, penance and worship of demigods. According to the statement, ‘svakarma-phala-bhuk pumàm’, one has
to enjoy or suffer according to all of his deeds. One has to revolve in the cycle of birth and death through
8,400,000 species of life, as an enjoyer of his own deeds after leaving his body. After wandering through all these
species, when one finally gets a human life, that person again acts sinfully by the influence of his previous
activities — because of not having lived according to the principles of devotional life.
“O Lord Hari, even the sinful actions committed by Your devotees are considered a religious action, but a nondevotee
who performs all kinds of religious activities, is still thrown into hell.”
The meaning of ‘bhakta’ and ‘abhakta’ have been explained already. “O Lord, the apparent sin of not performing
demigod and ancestor worship by Your devotees is certainly considered correct according to the principles of
Bhàgavata-dharma, because they have undeviated devotion to the Lord. On the other hand, a nondevotee may
perform all kinds of religious actions, but as a result he has to fall down to hell. This refers to all the actions
mentioned in the Vedas and Puràêas which are in the modes of passion and ignorance, such as soma-yaga,
vàjapeya-yaga, ìaé-açga-yaga, atonement, pañcàgni sàdhana (the process in which one has to sit down lighting
five fires around himself), vàyu-bhojana ( or eating only air), aëvamedha yajña, penance and sacrifice which 36
involves killing animals, and worshiping demigods. After quitting his body such a person sometimes goes to the
heavenly planets and enjoys the results of his actions; sometimes he stays on this planet; and sometimes falls
down to hell. I, Lord Brahmà, servant of Your servants, being afraid of Kali, pray to You, O Lord Hari, by the two
vocative words ‘he hare!’.”
[This section proves that in any varêa, the Vaiìêava who exclusively worships Viìêu is the best, and amongst all
the Vaiìêavas, the bràhmaêa-sannyàsá is the best.]
“A bràhmaêa, kìatriya, vaiëya, ëâdra or whoever one may be, if he is dedicated to Viìêu, he is considered the best of
It was mentioned earlier that a person who has taken up the devotional service of Lord Viìêu is superior to all
others inside or outside the varêàërama system. He has completely rejected fruitive activities like worship of
demigods and forefathers, and nitya, naimittika and kàmya rites mentioned in the Vedas and Puràêas which are
in the modes of passion and ignorance. ‘Và’ means applicable to any of the varêas and ‘yadi’ means if. Even if
born in low families, if one gives up all kinds of activities that cause further entanglement in material existence
and takes up serving the devotees, he is considered the best. The ëâdra who is a servant of a devotee is superior
to the ëâdra serving a bràhmaêa, kìatriya or vaiëya. There are eleven kinds of ëâdras according to Haráta-saîhità: 37
nàpita - a barber
All are counted in the ëâdra category, but the gopas and nàpitas are the true ëâdras.
The vaiëya, performing duties such as farming, commerce, and cow protection, avoiding fruitive actions which
cause one to enjoy or suffer in heaven or hell, and serving only the bràhmaêas and kìatriyas, is superior to a
ëâdra serving the higher classes.
Superior to such a vaiëya is a kìatriya, who in his occupation serves the bràhmaêas of great devotion and faith,
and with determination protects all living entities by his heroic qualities. Superior to such a kìatriya is a
bràhmaêa who has destroyed the karma causing material bondage and in hellish sufferings, who has the eight or
twelve qualities described in Ërámad-Bhàgavatam, and who chants only the Brahmà-gàyatrá and avoids all rituals
aiming at material enjoyment. The twelve qualities are stated in Mahàbhàrata by Sanat Sujata:
“Religiosity, truthfulness, sense-control, austerity, nonenvy, modesty, tolerance, freedom from fault-finding, sacrifice,
charity, steadiness and knowledge are the twelve qualities of a bràhmaêa.”
‘Vai’ means certainly. These are the twelve qualities of bràhmaêas who are purified by chanting gàyatrá mantra.
‘Dharma’ means to be steady in proper behavior, avoiding nonreligious action. ‘Satyam’ means always being
truthful, even till the end of life. ‘Dama’ means sense control. ‘Tapa’ means to be steady in daily austerity, not
giving trouble to the body for fruitive results. ‘Hrá’ means always being modest because of great civility and out of
fear of social dishonor and falling to a low position. ‘Amàtsarya’ means free from jealousy, free from showing
one’s household opulence to put down others. A person should be enthusiastic to see other’s advancement.
‘Titikìa’ means to be tolerant of abusive speech, insult, defeat, disregard, disrespect and other bodily troubles.
‘Anasâyà’ means not finding any fault in others. ‘Yajña’ means non-fruitive sacrifices or the yajña of chanting
gàyatrá mantra hundreds and thousands of times. ‘Dànaî’ refers to those charitable activities like distributing
water, food, clothes to all whether invited or uninvited guests, relatives and others who are within or outside of
the varêàërama system, with devotion and according to one’s ability. There is no saçkalpa (vow) or desire to
enjoy the fruit of such distribution. ‘Dhãti’ means firmness and satisfaction of mind without disturbance from the
turbulence of the material world. ‘Ëruta’ means having natural attraction for studying, teaching and hearing the
Vedas in the mode of goodness. 38
The qualities of bràhmaêas are also described in Ërámad-Bhàgavatam 5.5.28, 7.7.9, and 7.11.21. In Nàrada
Pañcaràtra 1.2.42 it says that the svadharma of the bràhmaêas is to serve Kãìêa and to eat His naivedya (an
offering of bhoga to the Deity) and to drink His pàdaka water daily.
Superior to such a bràhmaêa is a brahmacàrá who practices all the bràhmiêical qualities faithfully throughout his
life, and practices all the rules of brahmacàrya or penance as mentioned in the Ëruti, Smãti, and Puràêas.
Superior to such a brahmacàrá is a gãhastha, a householder who has the same bràhmiêical qualities and offers
service to guests, who come by their own will without any invitation, with food and water, and satisfies them
according to his ability. The vànaprastha, who has renounced his gãhastha-àërama and stays in the forest with his
wife, following strictly all rules of bràhmiêical qualities, is superior to such a householder. And the sannyàsá or
an ascetic who practices all the rules and regulations as prescribed in the Vedas, Puràêas, Upa-Puràêas, and
Mahàbhàrata is superior to such a vànaprastha.
[This last section shows that the sannyàsá, the topmost person in the varêàërama system, gives up all fruitive
actions — worship of devatàs and pitäs completely. He is a model for all others to follow.]
“Giving up of activities that are based on material desire is what great learned men call the renounced order of life
(sannyàsa). And giving up the result of all activities is what the wise call renunciation (tyàga).”
Giving up of kàmya karmas is known by the learned men as sannyàsa, and giving up the result of activity is
called tyàga or renunciation by the wise men. There is a deep import in the words of the Lord. One may ask
whether one may perform all the nitya and naimittika activities if only kàmya karmas are rejected. If that were
so, then what is the question of sannyàsa? The Ëruti says ‘oî tad vàn vai karmakãt, sannyàso naigamaî karma
ca, anyàsàt karmá, (nyàsat) sannyàsaí he háti.’ One who does not give up Vedic performance is a karmá, and one
who gives it up is a sannyàsá. The word ‘hi’ means certainly, ‘naigama’ means activities prescribed in the Vedas.
In this world the performer of such activities is certainly called a karmá. Being talented in all such activities he is
called karmaèha, active. Therefore not performing such activities gives rise to sannyàsa, and one who performs
the duty of sannyàsa is called sannyàsá. 39
sannyàsaí karmaêàî nyàso nyàsá tad dharmam àcaran //
“There are three kinds of activities, namely nitya, naimittika and kàmya. Giving up all such activities is called nyàsa,
renunciation, and one who practices renunciation is called a sannyàsá.”
Experts in karma understand there are three kinds of activities. Not performing them is sannyàsa. One who does
so is called sannyàsá. What then is the difference from ‘tyàga’, giving up the results of all such activities?
One should understand that simply by performing the nátya-karma even without desire to get the result, one
certainly gets a result. According to the statement of Ëruti, ‘athàharaí sandhyàm upàsáta’, one should perform
sandhyà rites everyday. That activity is done with the aim to remove accidental sins. Though one may not desire
those results, the result will still come.
As stated in Hàráta-saîhità:
“The twice born (dvija) who engages in japa or chanting the gàyatrá mantra daily at the three sandhyàs attains the
planet of Brahmà.”
‘Dvija’ means bràhmaêa, kìatriya, and vaiëya. ‘Tri-kàla-jña’ means the knower of the three junctures of the day —
morning, noon and evening. ‘gàyatrá-japa-tatparaí’ means he is seriously engaged in gàyatrá japa, at the time of
sandhyà. He naturally attains Brahmaloka after he quits his body, even though he has no desire to enjoy the
result of his work.
Also in the naimittika-karmas (such as offering piêéas to the ancestors) one gets the result of his work even
without having any desire for the results. As stated in Skaçda Puràêa:
gayàyàî viraje caiva màhendre jàhnavátaèe /
atra piêéa-prado yàti brahma-lokam ànamayam //
“One who offers piêéa, or food, to his forefathers in Gayà, in the region of Virajà, on the hill called Mahendra on the
bank of Jàhnavá (Gaçgà), attains the planet of Brahmà which is free from diseases.”
‘Gayà’ refers to the lotus feet of Lord Viìêu and for an area of two miles (koëa) around or according to the
Puràêas, four, eight and sixteen miles around. ‘Ca’ means Kurukìetra, Badránàth, Kedaranath, Veçkaèàcala, Ërá
Raçganath kìetra, Ërá Puruìottama kìetra and other pilgrimage places. In the same way, the word ‘jàhnavá-taèe’
refers to any place within a distance of two miles from the Gaçgà. In these places, one who offers piêéa,
performing ëraddhà to his forefathers, certainly accomplishes his desires and attains Brahmaloka. Similarly, his
sons and grandsons who offer piêéas also attain anàmaya, or the place which is free from all kinds of
disturbances — the three kinds of miseries, disease and lamentation, for half the lifetime of Lord Brahmà
(dviparàdha). 40
Kàmya karmas are specifically performed to fulfill some desire, but result is there even if one performs them
without any desire. As stated in Bãhad Viìêu Puràna:
“Any one in this world can be free from all kinds of sinful reactions by performing atonement and the twelve year
In this world, any person even outside the varêàërama system, who performs càndràyaêa or atonement and
twelve years austerity according to his wealth, without desiring the result, becomes free from all kinds of sinful
reactions, namely pàtaka, mahà pàtaka, atipàtaka, and anupàtaka. One becomes freed not only from suffering in
the hellish planets as a result of sinful reactions, but becomes freed of material bondage.
Therefore it is said that sannyàsa is to give up completely nitya, naimittika, and kàmya activities, whereas ‘tyàga’
is to perform all those activities giving up the fruits. There should be no confusion about this. 41
Preliminary Procedures
At the beginning of the vivàha (wedding) ceremony (or any other saîskàra) one should recite maçgalàcaraêa,
then make a platform (vedi) which should be four hasta long (approx. 6 ft) on both sides and four muìèi high
(approx. 1 ft) with a canopy over it. As stated in Kapila Pañcaràtra:
“One should build an auspicious platform on the best purified ground. It should be four hands square and four fists
high, and should be made with pure mud and smeared with cow-dung mixed with pure water without any husk, bones,
hairs, coal, or burned clay in it etc. The maêéapa should be covered with a toraêa (canopy) or a rope that is decorated
with many kinds of leaves like mango, bakula, jambu, etc. Then eight auspicious pots should be installed in the eight
directions and many kinds of flags should be placed on top of them starting from the East. The pots should be
decorated with five colors. Then the platform should be decorated with a candràtapa (sign of a half moon) and
garlands. Ladies should decorate the platform and doors with five kinds of colors. The auspicious maçgalàcaraêa
should be recited in that place accompanied by the beating of drums, blowing of conch shells, ringing of bells etc. and
mukhya vàdya (ululation) of the women.”
Then one should recite the following maçgalàcaraêa prayers to remove all obstacles and invoke auspiciousness:
“Obeisances unto Him who is the destroyer of all obstacles, who the knowers of Vedànta describe as the Supreme
Brahman, and who others describe as the pradhàna, or totality of mundane elements. Some describe Him as the
Supreme Male Person, or Puruìa, while others describe Him as the Supreme Lord and the cause of the creation of the
universe.” (Bãhad Viìêu Puràêa)
“Just as those with ordinary vision see the sun’s rays in the sky, so the wise and learned devotees always see the 42
supreme abode of Lord Viìêu. Because those highly praiseworthy and spiritually awake bràhmaêas can see that abode,
they can also reveal it to others.” (Ãg-veda1.22.20)
“Lord Kãìêa is the color of a new rain-cloud, therefore He is compared to a transcendental cloud full of eternity, bliss
and cognizance. He is the original and Supreme Person. He is the origin of all activities and the one and only Lord of
all. He is the worshipful Lord of the best of demigods, the controller of Brahmà, Viìêu and Ëiva. Kãìêa is without any
beginning. Whatever auspiciousness is found within or beyond this universe the devotee obtains in Kãìêa
Puruìa Sâkta
harií oî 43
taî yajÒñaî baÒrhiìiÒ praukìanù / puruÓìaî jàÒtam aÓgraÒtaí /
tenaÓ deÒvà ayaÓjanta / sàÒdhyà ãìaÓyaë caÒ ye // 8 // 44
tàniÒ dharmàÓêi prathaÒmàny àÓsanù /
te haÒ nàkaÓî mahiÒmànaÓí sacante /
yatraÒ pârveÓ sàÒdhyàí santiÓ deÒvàí // 18 //
1) “The Supreme Lord in the form of the universe, has a thousand heads, a thousand eyes and a thousand feet, for He
contains all the living entities. Having pervaded the universe completely to give it existence, being independent, He
extended Himself beyond it by ten fingers.
2) The universes, past, present and future, are but manifestations of the Supreme Lord who expands Himself as the
Puruìa. He is the Lord of immortality but has manifest Himself as the Puruìa in the universe so that the jávas may
enjoy material fruits.
3) The past, present and future universes are manifestations of the Lord’s powers, but the Lord Himself is much
greater. The material creation is but one quarter portion, and the eternal nature in the spiritual sky exists in three
quarters portion.
4) The three quarters portion of the Lord transcended the material portion. The Lord in the one quarter portion
manifested the universe again, as He had done repeatedly before. The Lord of the one quarter portion began the work
of creation, by going all around, taking the form of all animate and inanimate objects.
5) From that Lord, the viràè or universe was born, and in that the Viràè Puruìa, Paramàtmà of the universe, was born.
Having appeared, the Viràè Puruìa grew, and produced the earth and the bodies of the jávas.
6) The devas, being the first beings manifested, performed a mental sacrifice to complete the creation, using the Viràè
Puruìa (the totality of ingredients of the material world), as the offering. Spring was the ghee, summer was the fuel
wood and autumn was the offering.
7) In this sacrifice, the kuëa grass blades strewn around the fire (for protection from ràkìasas), were seven (the seven
Vedic poetic meters), and the fuel sticks were twenty one (12 months, 6 seasons and the 3 worlds). The devas who
were performing the mental sacrifice tied the Viràè Puruìa to offer Him into the fire, just as one would tie the sacrificial
8) The devas, sàdhyas and ãìis, placed the Viràè Puruìa, the first being of the universe, on kuëa and sprinkled Him with
water for purification. In this way they conducted the mental sacrifice using the Viràè Puruìa.
9) From that sacrifice where everything in the universe was sacrificed, yogurt and ghee (all nourishing foods), were
produced. It created the animals of the air, forest, and village.
10) From that ultimate sacrifice or ‘sarva hut’, the Ãg (hymns), Sàma (musical) and Yajur (prose) portions of the
Vedas, and the seven Vedic meters, were born.
11) From the sacrifice were born horses and animals with two sets of teeth such as donkeys and mules. From the
sacrifice, cows were born, and likewise goats and sheep.
12) In the mental sacrifice, when they divided up the Viràè Puruìa, how many parts did they divide? What is stated
about His face, His arms, His thighs and feet?
13) From the face came the bràhmaêas. From the two arms the kìatriyas came into being. From the thighs of the Viràè
Puruìa came the vaiëyas and from His feet the ëâdras were born. 45
14) The moon was born from His mind, the sun was born from His two eyes. From His mouth were born Indra and
Agni, and from His breath Vàyu was born.
15) From His navel came the antarikìa (space between earth and heaven). From His head the heavens arose. From His
feet the earth arose and from His ears arose the directions. In this way the worlds were created.
16) I know that great Viràè Puruìa, effulgent as the sun, who stands beyond the darkness of the material creation.
Having given all the living entities their forms and names, He directs their affairs.
17) Brahmà explained his realization to Indra. Indra, who knows all the living entities in all four directions, explained
it to all others. One who knows the nature of the Viràè Puruìa becomes immortal even in his life on earth. There is no
other path to reach the goal of immortality.
18) In this way the devas conducted the mental sacrifice using the Viràè Puruìa to manifest variety in the world. By
that sacrifice, both the physical laws of nature and the first spiritual codes of conduct arose. The great souls by similar
mental worship attain the place of immortality where the sàdhyas and devas, the first worshipers, now dwell.”
Nàràyaêa Upaniìad
haÒriÒíÒ oî 46
oî ity aÓgre vyàÒharetù / nama iÓti paÒëcàtù /
nàÒràÒyaÒêàyety uÓpariÒìtatù / oî iÓty ekàÒkìaram /
nama itiÓ dve aÒkìare / nàÒràÒyaÒêàyeti pañcàÕkìaràÒêi /
etad vai nàràyaêasayàìèàkìaÓraî paÒdam /
yo ha vai nàràyaêasyàìèàkìaraî padaÓm adhyeÒti /
anapabruvaí sarvam àÓyureÒti /
vindate pràÓjàpaÒtyaûï ràyas poìaÓî gau paÒtyaî /
tato ‘mãtatvam aënute tato ‘mãtatva aënuÓta iÒti /
ya eÓvaî veÒda / ity uÓpaÒniìaÓtù // 3 //
1) “Then the Supreme Lord Nàràyaêa desired to create living entities. From Nàràyaêa came the life airs; from Nàràyaêa
came the mind and all the senses; from Nàràyaêa came the elements — ether, air, light, water and earth, which supports
the universe. From Nàràyaêa came Brahmà, Rudra, Indra, Prajàpati. From Nàràyaêa came the twelve Àdityas, the
twelve Rudras, the twelve Vasus, all the Vedic meters and all the devas. Everything came from Nàràyaêa in the
beginning and everything enters into Nàràyaêa at the end.
2) Thus Nàràyaêa is the eternal being. Brahmà, Ëiva, Indra, time, the directions, the subdirections, up and down, inside
and outside, are all pervaded by Nàràyaêa. Nàràyaêa is everything, past, present and future. Nàràyaêa is the eternal
pure effulgent Lord, without a second to compare. He is Viìêu, the Supreme Lord, says the Upaniìad. 47
3) One should place ‘oî’ first, ‘namaí’ second and ‘nàràyaêàya’ at the end. ‘Oî’ is one syllable, ‘namaí’ is two syllables
and ‘nàràyaêàya’ is five syllables. Together they make the eight syllable Nàràyaêa-mantra. One who knows this eight
syllable Nàràyaêa-mantra with purity in his heart attains all life, offspring, wealth, health and cows, and finally attains
immortality. One who knows the Nàràyaêa-mantra and Nàràyaêa attains immortality, says the Upaniìad.
4) The syllable ‘oî’ is directly the Supreme Lord full of bliss. Composed of three sounds ‘a’, ‘u’ and ‘î’, the praêava
becomes ‘oî’. The yogá who utters the praêava many times becomes free from the bondage of repeated material birth.
One who worships the Lord with this mantra will certainly go to the transcendental realm of Vaikuêèha, which is a
lotus full of consciousness shining effulgently. The transcendental Lord is known as the son of Devaká, as
Madhusâdana, as Puêéarikàkìa, as Viìêu and Acyuta. The one Nàràyaêa is situated in all living entities. He is the
cause of all causes, the Supreme Brahman.
5) One who recites the mantra in the morning destroys the sins of the night. One who recites the mantra in the
evening destroys the sins of the day. One who recites the mantra at noontime facing the sun is freed from all types of
sins. That person attains the fruits of studying all the Vedas. He attains the world of Nàràyaêa.”
oî svasti no govindaí
svasti no ‘cyutànantau
svasti no vàsudevo viìêur dadhàtu /
svasti no nàràyaêo naro vai
svasti naí padmanàbhaí puruìottamo dadhàtu /
svasti no viëvakseno viëveëvaraí
svasti no hãìákeëo harir dadhàtu
svasti no vainateyo harií
svasti no ‘njanàsuto hanâr bhàgavato dadhàtu /
svasti svasti sumaçgalaikeëo mahàn
ërá kãìêaí saccidànanda-ghanaí
sarveëvareëvaro dadhàtu //
“May Lord Govinda, Acyuta, Ananta Ëeìa, Vàsudeva and Lord Viìêu bestow auspiciousness upon us. May Nara-Nàràyaêa,
Padmanàbha and Puruìottama bestow auspiciousness upon us. May Viëvaksena, the Lord of the universe, Hãìikeëa and Lord
Hari bestow auspiciousness upon us. May Garuéa and the son of Añjanà, who is the great devotee of Lord Ràma, Hanumàn,
bestow auspiciousness upon us. May the great and only Lord of auspiciousness, Ërá Kãìêa, who is like a transcendental cloud
full of eternity, knowledge, and bliss and who is the Lord of all the demigods, bestow upon us all prosperity and
auspiciousness.” (Kãìêopaniìad) 48
Yamunà River, who is skillful at pastimes with the wives of the cowherds of Vãndàvana, bestow auspiciousness on us.”
(Viìêu Rahasya)
“The intelligent man who first remembers the various forms of the Lord and his pastimes before performing his
activities, will attain infinite auspiciousness in all that he does.” (Rudra Yàmala) 49
(pleasing the Lord with auspicious offerings)
Items needed:
1) earth from Gaçgà
2) gandha (sandalwood paste)
3) stone
4) rice paddy
5) dârvà grass
6) flowers
7) fruits
8) yoghurt
9) ghee
10) silver svastika or a svastika drawn in kuçkuma on a silver plate
11) sindhâra (kuçkuma)
12) conch
13) kajjala (collyrium)
14) rocana
15) white mustard seeds
16) gold
17) silver
18) copper
19) ghee lamp
20) mirror
21) fragrant oil
22) turmeric
23) cloth
24) thread
25) càmara
26) sandal wood (solid, no paste)
27) ghee lamp used in àrati 50
Adhivàsa is an offering of auspicious articles, usually performed on the night preceding the saîskàra. First one should do
àcamana, maçgalàcaraêa (page 62), svasti vàcanam (page 346), saçkalpa (page 349) and ghaèa sthàpaêa (page 351). The
auspicious articles used in the adhivàsa are earth, stone, paddy, dârva, flowers, fruit, yoghurt, ghee, svastika, sindhâra, conch,
kajjala, gorocana, white mustard seeds, gold, silver, copper, lamp, mirror, fragrant oil, turmeric, cloth, thread, càmara and
candana . One should offer prayers while showing all the articles together, and then offer an àrati.
If the adhivàsa cannot be done at this time, it should be performed on the morning of the ceremony, before the sàttvika vãddhi
ëraddhà (page 353).
“You are the earth, the supporter of the worlds, the supporter of the universe, sustaining everything. Control the earth,
make the earth firm. Do not harm the earth.”(Ëukla-Yajurveda,13.18)
oî gaÒndhaÒ-dvàÒràî duÓràdhaÒrìàòm niÒtya-puÓìèàm karáÒìiêámÕ /
áòëvaráûóï sarvaÓ bhâtàònàÒî tàm iÒhopaÓhvayeÒ ëriyam //
“By gandha you become protected, continually nourished, and abound in purity, wealth, beauty and prosperity. I call
you here.” (Ërá Sâkta)(Mahà-Nàràyaêa-Upaniìad 4.8)
Note: Gandha may be mixed with other fragrances like musk, àguru, saffron, camphor, etc.
oî pra-parvaÓtasya vãìaÒbhasyaÓ pãÒìèhàn
nàvaÓë caranti svaÒsi caÓ iyàÒnàí /
tà à ‘vaÓvãttann adhaÒràg udaÓktàÒ
ahiÓî buÒdhnyÓaÒm anu ráyaÓmàêà /
viìêoÓr viÒkramaÓêam asiÒ viìêoÒr
vikràÓntam asiÒ viìêoí kràÒntam aÓsi // 51
oî anayà ëilayà ëubhàdhivàso ‘stu
“The streams of water pour spontaneously from the mountain-like hump of the bull. They stream downwards flowing
onwards, after Ahibudhunya. You are the lifting of Viìêu’s foot, you are the movement of Viìêu’s foot, you are Viìêu’s
step.”(Ëukla-Yajurveda 10,19)
Rice paddy:
oî dhàÒnyam aÓsi dhinuhi deÒvàn
dhinuhi yaÒjñaî
dhinuhi yaÒjñapaÓtiî
dhinuhiÒ màî yaÓjñaÒnyam //
“You are grain. Please the Lord, please the sacrifice and the performer of sacrifice. Bring happiness to me as I conduct
this sacrifice.”(Kãìêa-Yajurveda 1.7.3)
Dârvà grass:
oî kàêéàÓt kàêéàt praÒrohaÓntáÒ puruÓìaí puruìaÒspariÓ /
eÒvà noÓ dârveÒ prataÓnu saÒhasreÓêa ëaÒtenaÓ ca //
“Piece by piece, joint by joint, dârva grass, you manifest offspring. Give us offspring, a hundred, a thousand.”(Ëukla-
Yajurveda 13.20)
oî ëráë caÓ te laÒkìmáë caÒ patnyaÕu / aÒhoÒ-ràÒtre pàÒrëve /
nakìaÓtràêi râÒpam / aÒëvinauÒ vyàttamõ /
iÒìèaî maÓniìàêa / aÒmuî maÓniìàêa / sarvaÓî maniìàêa //
“Piety and prosperity are you consorts. Day and night are your sides. The stars are your form. The heaven and earth are
your open mouth. Bestow what we desire. Bestow the goal in this world. Bestow the highest goal.”(Puruìa-Sâkta)
oî yàí phaÒlináÒr yà aÓphaÒlà aÓpuÒìpà yàë caÓ puÒìpináÓí / 52
bãhaÒspatiÓ-prasâtàÒs tà noÓ muñcaÒntv aûïhaÓsaí //
“May that power that produces the fruit, that makes the flower bloom, which arises through the mantras and through
the Lord of mantra, free us from all difficulties.”(Ãg-veda10/67/15, Ëukla-Yajurveda 12.89)
oî daÒdhiÒ kràvnoÓ akàriìam jiÒìêor aëvaÓsya vàÒjinaÓí /
suÒraÒbhi noÒ mukhàÓkaraÒt pra êaÒ àyâÓûïìi tàriìatù//
“I offer myself unto the Lord who gave Himself to the gopás of Vraja in exchange for yoghurt; the killer of the horse-
demon, who is swift, who gives fragrance to the face, let Him increase our life span.”(Ãg-veda 4/39/6 , Ëukla-Yajurveda
oî ghãÒtavaÓtáÒ bhuvaÓnànàî abhiÒ ëriyoÒrvá
pãÒthvá maÓdhuÒdugheÓ suÒpeëaÓsà /
dyàv àÓ pãthiÒvá varuÓêasyaÒ dharmaÓnàÒ
viìkaÓbhite aÒjareÒ bhâriÓ retasà //
“The broad earth flows with ghee, which is sweet smelling, beautiful and brings prosperity to the worlds. The heavens
and earth, through the law of the just Lord are abounding in unlimited seed in all places.”(Ãg-veda 6.70.1, Ëukla-
Yajurveda 34.45)
oî svasti no govindaí
svasti no ‘cyutànantau
svasti no vàsudevo viìêur dadhàtu /
svasti no nàràyaêo naro vai
svasti naí padmanàbhaí puruìottamo dadhàtu /
svasti no viëvakseno viëveëvaraí
svasti no hãìákeëo harir dadhàtu
svasti no vainateyo harií
svasti no ‘njanàsuto hanâr bhàgavato dadhàtu /
svasti svasti sumaçgalaikeëo mahàn
ërá kãìêaí saccidànanda-ghanaí
sarveëvareëvaro dadhàtu //
“May Govinda, Acyuta, Ananta, Vàsudeva and Viìêu, give us auspiciousness; may Nara-Nàràyaêa Padmanàbha, and 53
Puruìottama give us auspiciousness; may Viëvaksena, the Lord of the world, Hãìikeëa and Hari give us auspiciousness;
may Garuéa and the great devotee Hanumàn, son of Anjanà, give us auspiciousness; may the great auspicious Lord
Kãìêa, who is like a transcendental rain cloud full of eternity, knowledge and bliss, give all prosperity and
“May Indra, who hears much praise, give us auspiciousness; may the sun god, who knows all things, give us
auspiciousness; may Garuéa, with unblemished weapons, give us auspiciousness; may Bãhaspati, give us
auspiciousness.” (Ãg-veda 1/89/6 Ëukla-Yajurveda 25/19)
Note: A svastika made of silver or a svastika drawn in kuçkuma on a silver plate is used.
Sindhâra (kuçkuma):
oî sindhoÓr iva pràdhvaÒne ëâÓghaÒnàsoÒ
vàtaÓpramiyaí patayanti yaÒhvàí /
ghãÒtasyaÒ dhàràÓ aruÒìo na vàÒjá
kàìèhàÓ bhiÒndann âÒrmibhiÒí pinvaÓmànaí //
“Flashing like the sun, like streams of rushing water, strong and full of life the streams of ghee fall upon the fire. Like
fast steeds carrying the offering, breaking through all obstacles, the ghee swells in waves, dissolving the wood.”(Ãg-
veda 4/58/7 ,Ëukla-Yajurveda 17/95 )
oî praÒtiÒërutkàÓyà artaÒnaî, ghoìàÓya bhaÒìam,
antàÓya bahâvàÒdinaÓm, anaÒntàyaÒ mâkaÒûï,
ëabdàÓyàé ambaràghàÒtaî, mahaÓse váêàvàÒdaî,
kroëàÓya tâêavaÒ-dhmam, aÓvaraspaÒràyaÓ ëaçkhaÒdhmaî,
vanàÓya vanaÒpam, aÒnytoÓraêyàya dàvaÒpam //
“For the echo a reviler; for noise a snarler; for the end a very talkative man; for endless a mute; for sound a drummer;
for might a musician; for cry a flute-player; for confused tone a conch-blower; for the wood a forester; for partly
wooded land a forest- fire guard.”(Ëukla-Yajurveda 30,19)
Kajjala (collyrium): 54
oî samiÓddho aÒñjan kãdaÓraî matáÒnàî
ghãÒtaî aÓgneÒ madhuÓmaÒt pinvaÓmànaí /
vàÒjá vahaÓn vàÒjinaÓî jàtavedo
deÒvànàÓî vakìi priÒyam à saÒdhastham //
“This añjana, offering of ghee, flaming, a storehouse of intelligence and guidance, sweet and fragrant, is swelling in the
fire. As a horse carries a rider, the fire carries our offering to the place of eternal pleasure.”(Ëukla-Yajurveda 29/1)
oî yuÒñjantiÓ braÒdhnam aÓruÒìaî caraÓntaÒî pariÓ taÒsthuìaÓí /
rocaÓnte rocaÒnà diÒvi //
“Those who link themselves to the Supreme Lord, strong as a horse, bright like the sun travelling through the sky,
shine in the same manner in the eternal sky.”(Ëukla-Yajurveda 23/5 )
“O killer of demons, O voice of Viìêu that destroys evil spells, I now destroy any evil magic that any stranger or near-
one has buried to do me harm; I now destroy any evil magic buried for me by anyone equal to me or unequal to me; I
now destroy any evil charm that has been buried for me by any relative or non-relative; I cast out that magic
spell.”(Ëukla-Yajurveda 5.25) (Ëata-Patha-Bràhmaêa
Gold: 55
oî hiÒraÒêyaÒ-gaÒrbhaí samaÓvartaÒtàgreÕ
bhâÒtasyaÓ jàÒtaí patiÒr ekaÓ àsátù/
sa dàdhara pãthiÒvám dyàm uÒtemàm
kasmaiÕ deÒvàyaÓ haÒviìàÕ vidhema//
“To which Lord should we offer oblations in sacrifice? He that in the beginning created the golden womb, who from
the beginning was the Supreme Lord of al creation and held the earth and the heavenly planets firmly.”(Ãg-veda
oî râÒpeêaÓ vo râÒpam aÒbhyàgàÓî
tuÒtho voÓ viÒëvaveÓdàÒ vibhaÓjatu /
ãÒtasyaÓ paÒthà pretaÓ-candra-dakìinàÒ
vi svaÒí paëyaÒ vyÓaÒntariÓkìaÒî yataÓsva sadaÒsyaií //
“Through your beauty I have become beautiful; may the tuthà, Viëvaveda, distribute you. Go forth, giving light, on the
path of truth. Look favorably upon the heavenly planets and space. Unite with the priests who keep the yajña-
ëàlà.”(Ëukla-Yajurveda 7/45)
oî aÒsau yas tàÒmro aÓruÒêa
uÒta baÒbhruí suÓmaÒçgalaÓí /
ye caÓinaûï ruÒdrà aÒbhitoÓ diÒkìu ëriÒtàí
saÓhasraÒëo ‘vaÓiìàÒûï heéaÓ ámahe //
“The Lord bright like the sun, copper-red, all-auspicious, also called Rudra, resides in all directions, and expands a
thousand-fold like the rays of the sun. We approach you to remove our impurities.” (Ëukla-Yajurveda 16/6)
Ghee Lamp: 56
oî3 pratiìèha //
“Let the alert mind enjoy the ghee. Let the Lord start the sacrifice. Let the Lord bestow a sacrifice free from fault. Let
the lords of the universe and sacrificer enjoy here. Please be present here.”(Ëukla-Yajurveda 2.13)
oî kãìêo vai sac-cid-ànanda-ghanaí
kãìêa àdi-puruìaí /
kãìêaí puruìottamaí
kãìêo hà u karmàdi-mâlaî /
kãìêaí sa ha sarvaikàryaí
kãìêaí kàëaîkãd-àdáëa mukha-prabhu-pâjyaí /
kãìêo ‘nàdis tasmin ajàndàntar-bàhye
yam maçgalaî tal labhate kãtá //
Fragrant oil:
oî taÒd viìêoÕí paraÒmaî paÒdaûï sadàÓ paëyanti sÒârayaÓí /
diÒvávaÒ cakìuÒr àtaÓtam //
“The devotees continually see the supreme abode of Viìêu, who like the sun in the sky, spreads his influence and
blessings everywhere.”(Ãg-veda1.22.20)
oî viìêoÓr viÒkramaÓêam asiÒ viìêoÒr
vikràÓntam asiÒ viìêoÓí kràÒntam aÓsi //
yuñjantyasya kàmyà
hará vipakìasà rathe /
ëoêà dhãìêu nã-vàhasà //
“You are the three steps of Viìêu. Golden-hued, fleet as birds, carriers of the man who endeavors are the horses yoked
to the chariot of the sun.”(Ëukla-Yajurveda10.19 and 23.6) 57
oî yuvàó suòvàsàòí pariÓvátaò àgàòt
sa uò ëreyàón bhavatiò jàyaóîànaí /
taî dháràõsaí kaòvayaÒ unnaóyanti
svàòdhyoò manaósà devaòyantaóí //
“He comes well-clothed and youthful with sacred thread. Being twice born he is the best and most attractive. The wise
men, desiring the Lord, meditating on him with their minds, are raised up to knowledge.”(Ãg-veda 3/8/4)
A cotton thread dyed in turmeric and sindhâra should be tied around the wrist of the groom nine times by a
Vaiìêava bràhmaêa. A married women with children should tie a thread around the bride’s wrist seven times.
While tying they should chant the following mantras .
“Let us put on the descendent of asmarati among strings, pure, sinless, auspicious made by Adità, the man-god, the
sky, the earth.”(Ëukla-Yajurveda 21.6)
“The devotees continually see the supreme abode of Viìêu, who like the sun in the sky, spreads his influence and
blessings everywhere.”(Ãg-veda 1.22.20)
“Lord Kãìêa is the color of a new rain-cloud, therefore He is compared to a transcendental cloud full of eternity, bliss
and cognizance. He is the original and Supreme person. He is the origin of all activities and the one and only Lord of 58
all. He is the worshipful Lord of the best of demigods, the controller of Brahmà, Viìêu and Ëiva. Kãìêa is without any
beginning. Whatever auspiciousness is found within or beyond this universe the devotee obtains in Kãìêa alone.”
oî vàtoÓ vàÒ manoÓ và gandhaÒrvàí saÒpta-viûïëatií /
te aÒgre ‘ëvaÓm ayuñjaÒste aÓsmiñ javam àdaÓdhuí //
“The wind, the mind, the all knowing gandharva, the twenty seven constellations, gather before you and offer homage
to you.”(Ëukla-Yajurveda 9/7)
Sandal wood:
oî ko ‘si katamo ‘siÒ, kasmaÓi tvàÒ, kàyaÓ tvà /
suëloÓka-sumaçgalaÒ-satyaÓ-ràjan //
“You are the Supreme Lord. You are one without a second. You are the object of all offerings and the instrument of all
activities. You are the supreme ruler, the most famous, the most auspicious and pure.”(Ëukla-Yajurveda 20.4)
All Items:
All the items should be gathered together and offered on a tray:
“You are the beginning. I approach You to commence this rite. You are the activity in progress. For continuing the
activity I approach You. You are the completion of the activity. For success I approach You.”(Ëukla-Yajurveda 15/8)
A four-wick, five-wick, seven-wick or similar lamp, should now be offered (shown) first to the Deity, then the
ghaèa, then the earth, and finally to the beneficiaries of the rite.
The performance of nàndá mukha-ëraddhà is not performed by Vaiìêavas as one may commit an offense to the
holy name by worshiping the forefathers. Therefore, this ceremony is replaced by worship of the guru-paramparà 59
and the offering of mahàprasàdam (sàttvika vãddhi ëraddhà) . According to one’s capacity, one should first offer
gifts such as cloth and rice to Vaiìêavas and the bràhmaêas, without hesitation, while meditating on the Lord
and doing so only for His pleasure.
Then, one should perform vasudhàrà (page 361) by putting 5 or 7 dots of ghee on the wall. Then in the same
place one should worship mahà-bhàgavata Cediràja with mahàprasàda, flowers, water etc.
(prayers establishing the Supreme position of the Lord)
On the day of the wedding, that devotee of Govinda who has accepted pañca-saîskàra initiation from a bona-fide
guru, no matter which varêa he is from, should take his bath in the morning, perform his standard daily duties
(such as sandhyà-vandanam etc.), and in a decorated maêéapa or temple of Viìêu, should sit on kuëa-àsana,
perform àcamana and maçgalàcaraêa (page 62).
He should establish a pot (ghaèa-sthàpana page 351) in a beautiful maêéala and put a copper plate on top. On the
plate he should place a ëàlagràma and then proceed to worship the ëàlagràma with the puruìa sâkta prayers
(page 64). At a wedding or any other function, Lord Nàràyaêa or His ëàlagràma form should always be
It is an offence to devotional service and to the holy name to worship Gaêeëa and the other demigods such as the
pañca devatàs, Sârya and the other planetary deities, Indra and the deities of the directions, Gaurá and the
màtrikas etc. Instead, the Vaiìêavas are worshiped. The evidence for this is in Padma Puràêa:
“Lord Viìêu is the personification of transcendental goodness. He is an ocean of auspicious qualities. He is Nàràyaêa,
the Parambrahma, He is the worshipable Deity of the bràhmaêas. He is the Lord of Lakìmá, the Supreme Lord Viìêu, 60
Janàrdana, Vàsudeva, Puêéarákàkìa, Govinda, Hari and Acyuta.”
“O best of men! He alone is worshiped by the qualified bràhmaêas. If someone worships other gods due to illusion, he
becomes an atheist.”
“Even sinful people can attain complete liberation just by remembering Kãìêa. The water from His lotus feet should be
accepted. Remnants of His food are purifying.”
“The Lord’s prasàdam is the means for attaining heaven and final liberation, especially for the bràhmaêas. This
prasàdam should always be offered to the demigods through the sacrificial fire.”
“He who offers the remnants of the Lord to his forefathers in the ëraddhà ceremony, receives infinite rewards.”
“O bràhmaêas! He who performs ëraddhà but does not offer Viìêu-prasàda to his forefathers, condemns them to
continuously eat stool and urine.”
“Therefore, a bràhmaêa must always honor the Lord’s remnants. But if he takes the remnants of the demigods he
becomes utterly condemned.” 61
“If a bràhmaêa knowingly partakes of the prasàda of Lord Ëiva or any other deva even once, he certainly becomes a
càêéàla and burns in the fires of hell for many thousands of millions of years.”
“O best of the twice-born! The remnants of Lord Ëiva and other demigods, ràkìasas, yakìas, or piìàcas are no different
from meat and wine. Therefore, the bràhmaêas should not honor the remnants of the devas.”
“Therefore divert your attention from other demigods, and as long as you live, untiringly engage in the worship of
Viìêu, who is eternal, O elevated dvija!”
“One should worship Puruìottama by the most beautiful mantra according to regulations and one should engage
untiringly in devotional service for His pleasure.”
“The devotee interested in pure devotion to the Lord, and initiated with Vaiìêava mantra should never worship Gaêeëa
and the other devatàs.”
“Wherever the ritualists prescribe worship of Gaêeëa and the devatàs, the Vaiìêava should instead worship the pure
devotees of Lord Viìêu.” 62
“Thus instead of worshiping Gaêeëa, to remove material obstacles, the devotee should worship Viëvaksena and the
four Kumàras to remove obstacles on the spiritual path.”
“Whereas the materialist will worship the nava-grahas (the nine demigods presiding over the nine planets), the devotee
will worship Kavi Muni and the other nava-yogendras.”
“Whereas the fruitive workers worship the deities of the directions (dikpàlas), the devotees should worship Brahmà,
the great devotee Ëukadeva, Sadà-Ëiva, Garuéa, Nàrada, Kapila, Bali, the great Bháìma, Prahlàda, Hanumàn, Ambaráìa,
the great Yama, Svayambhâva Manu, the great Vaiìêava Vyàsa, or other great Vaiìêavas famous through the ages.”
“One should always worship Lord Hari and never worship demigods.”
“O great sages! Whenever others worship the màtãgaêas, the Vaiìêavas instead worship Bhagavatá Paurêamàsá, Padmà,
Antaraçgikà, Gaçgà, Yamunà, Candràvalá, Gàyatrá, Tulasá, Sarasvatá, Pãthivá, Vaiìêavá, Go, Yaëodà, Devahâti, Devaká,
Rohiêá, Sátà, Draupadá, Kuntá, Rukmiêá, and the other eight queens of the Lord.” 63
“The devotee of Lord Gopàla will also worship the cowherd friends of the Lord, in particular Ërádàma etc.”
“In every function, the devotee of Ërá Kãìêa will worship Lord Kãìêa and His dearest sakhás, such as Lalità etc. The
devotee of Ërá Kãìêa, with great intelligence, should worship these Vaiìêavas according to the proper scriptural rules
and should never worship the primary or secondary demigods.”
“These rituals that are performed by the devotees are in the mode of goodness. They are not in the modes of passion
and ignorance unlike the so-called religious books of the atheists (demigod worshipers).”
Also in the Padma Puràêa, the sage Bhãgu says to the Lord:
“O Hari, Your form, nature, chastisement, mercy, tolerance, purity and munificent qualities are all wonderful.”
“O ocean of good qualities, Your nature is auspicious and transcendental. When You are in the midst of all the
demigods, they become insignificant.”
“O Puruìottama! You are the Absolute Truth, the Supreme Shelter, the Lord of the bràhmaêas. One should never
worship any other god at any time.”
“O Puruìottama! If someone worships demigods, neglecting You, that person becomes a càêéàla and is deemed as
most abominable in all the worlds.” 64
nànyaí kaëcit suràêàm tu pâjanáyo ’grajanmanàm //
“O Janàrdana! Those bràhmaêas well versed in the scriptures worship only You, and no other demigods, even though
they appeared before You.”
“Other demigods such as Brahmà and Rudra are not completely pure and are tainted by the modes of passion and
ignorance, however, You are of pure goodness and therefore You are worshipable by them.”
“Water that has bathed Your lotus feet, should be taken, even by those ancestors living in the heaven, and definitely by
all pious people living on the earth, to remove all the sins and attain liberation.”
“Your remnants should be accepted even by the ancestors living in the heaven, and by all pious people living on the
earth, but the remnants of other persons should never be taken.”
“Things such as food, flowers, water and other items that are offered to the demigods should be considered as wine,
and must not be even touched.”
“Therefore, a knowledgeable bràhmaêa always worships the Eternal Lord and respect His mahàprasàda and the
transcendental water that has bathed His feet.”
“A bràhmaêa should not look at the other deities then You; neither should he worship them. He should not partake of
other remnants than Yours, nor should he enter other temples.” 65
tad dadàti hi yo vipra pitäêàm ëraddhà-karmaêi /
tad bhuktam annaî tárthañ ca tat sarvaî viphalaî bhavet //
“That bràhmaêa who honors the forefathers by performing ëraddhà rites, and who eats the remnants of the devas
instead of Yours, and drinks the water that has washed their feet, accrues no merit whatsoever.”
“That bràhmaêa’s forefathers remain in the hellish planets, submerged in lakes full of blood and pus for thousands of
millions of years.”
“That person
1 who offers Your remnants in sacrifice to the demigods and to the ancestors, certainly receives infinite
“Therefore, You alone are worshiped by the bràhmaêas, and no other deity. If anyone, due to illusion offers worship to
other gods, he is to be considered as an atheist.”
“You are Nàràyaêa, the Lord of Lakìmá, Vàsudeva, the Eternal One. You are Viìêu, the All-Pervading One, the
Supersoul, the Supreme Controller.”
“You are the Lord of transcendental goodness, the worshipable Lord of the bràhmaêas. You are worshiped by all the
bràhmaêas and the demigods by the quality of pure goodness. Thus one attains the Supreme and remains fixed in
“O Puruìottama! The bràhmaêas who were engaged in Your worship, attained the supreme abode, but others did not.
Of this there is no doubt.” 66
It is also stated in the Skaçda Puràêa:
“That bràhmaêa who knows the Absolute Truth, and who is eternally situated on the platform of pure goodness, only
worships Govinda, the Lord of all the demigods, in his nitya, naimittika and kàmya pâjàs. If he, due to illusion,
worships demigods he becomes a cànéàla.”
“If out of great illusion and deep ignorance a bràhmaêa willingly engages in the worship of the demigods, and not Lord
Viìêu, it will cause his falldown.”
The Uttara Gátà states:
“O Kaunteya! Worship only Vaiìêavas, and never worship other deities, like demigods, secondary demigods, yakìas,
ràkìasas or ghosts.”
“If a Vaiìêava or a bràhmaêa worships any non-Vaiìêava demigod without Me, he becomes a càêéàla.”
All this evidence is easy to understand, therefore we have not explained it any further as to do so would increase
the size of the book. Further proof is also found in Ërámad-Bhàgavatam (1.2.26-29): 67
vàsudeva-parà vedà vàsudeva-parà makhàí /
vàsudeva-parà yogà vàsudeva-paràí kriyàí /
vàsudeva-paraî jñànaî vàsudeva-paraî tapaí /
vàsudeva-paro dharmo vàsudeva-parà gatií //
“Those who are serious about liberation are certainly nonenvious, and they respect all. Yet they reject the horrible and
ghastly forms of the demigods and worship only the all-blissful forms of Lord Viìêu and His plenary portions.
Those who are in the modes of passion and ignorance worship the forefathers, other living beings and the demigods
who are in charge of cosmic activities, for they are urged by a desire to be materially benefited with women, wealth,
power and progeny.
In the revealed scriptures, the ultimate object of knowledge is Ërá Kãìêa, the Personality of Godhead. The purpose of
performing sacrifice is to please Him. Yoga is for realizing Him. All fruitive activities are ultimately rewarded by Him
only. He is supreme knowledge, and all severe austerities are performed to know Him. Religion (dharma) is rendering
loving service unto Him. He is the supreme goal of life.”
Therefore, when worshiping Lord Viìêu, one should not begin by worshiping Gaêeëa and the other devas, rather
one should perform pañca-mahàbhàgavata pâjà instead by installing and worshiping Ërá Viëvaksena, Sanaka,
Sanàtana, Sanandana and Sanat Kumàra.
Similarly, instead of worshiping the nava-grahas, one should worship Ërá Kavi, Havya, Antarákìa and the other
Instead of doing pâjà to Indra and the dikpàlas, the Vaiìêavas should worship the great devotees, namely
Brahmà, Ëukhadeva, Sadà-Ëiva, Garuéa, Nàrada, Kapila, Bali, Bháìma, Prahlàda, Hanumàn, Ambaráìa, Janaka,
Yamadeva, Svayambhâva Manu, Uddhava, and Vyàsa.
In Satya-yuga, Tretà-yuga, Dvàpara-yuga and Kali-yuga, these Mahà-bhàgavatas are always worshiped.
The devotees of the Lord substitute the worship of Gaurá and the màtãgaêas with the worship of the Vaiìêavás
i.e. Paurêamàsá, Lakìmá, Antarañgà, Gaçgà, Yamunà, Gopá, Vãndàvatá, Gàyatrá, Tulasá, Sarasvatá, Pãthivá, Go,
Yaëodà, Devahâti, Devaká, Rohiêá, Sátà, Draupadá, Kuntá, Rukmiêá, Satyabhàmà, Jàmbavatá, Nàgnajitá, Lakìmaêà,
Kàlindá, Bhadrà, and Mitravindà.
The devotees of Lord Gopàla should also worship Ërádàma and the other cowherd boys. The devotee of Ërá Ërá
Ràdhà-Kãìêa should also worship the Divine Couple’s intimate associates such as Lalità and the other gopás. The
devotees should worship Lord Ëráman Nàràyaêa’s expansions such as Matsya etc. and His respective pàrìada
devotees. 68
Like this, Lord Vàsudeva and his devotees, should be worshiped with sixteen, twelve, ten or five items, with the
puruìa sâkta (page 64) prayers or other choice mantras from the Vedas or Àgamas.
In this way, the bràhmaêas and householder Vaiìêavas only worship the Supreme Lord in their daily activities,
occasional activities, fruitive activities and other auspicious rites. They only worship the Lord’s associates such as
Viëvaksena etc. and never worship the demigods, not even in their dreams. 69 70
Vivàha Karma
Herein the procedures for weddings are explained.
Jñàti Karma
(rites performed by relatives)
Items needed:
1) 500g - powdered muçg
2) 500g - powdered urad
3) 500g - powdered masur
4) 500g - powdered barley
5) pot filled with water
6) leaf or piece of paper with name of groom written on it
On the morning of the wedding the bride and groom should be ceremoniously bathed by relatives and friends
with scented water at their homes.
The body of the bride should be rubbed with powdered mung, urad, masur and barley for purification.
The name of the groom should be written on a leaf and thrown in a pot of water. A small portion of this water
should be poured over the bride’s head with the mantra:
“O Lord, you are known as Viìêu, the all-pervading. Bring (name of groom) together with the bride. She has been 71
obedient to you and within her body is the supreme fire of creation, made powerful by her austerities.”
A small portion of water should be poured below her navel with the mantra:
“I wash her below the navel with honey. That is the second face of Prajàpati. By that you conquer all uncontrollable
men. Your are the ruler, the controller.”
One should then pour a little water on her head, and the rest over the other parts of her body with the mantra:
“The devotees continually see the supreme abode of Viìêu, which, like the sun in the sky, spreads its brilliance
through the whole universe.”(Ãg-veda1.22.20)
(giving the bride away)
Items needed:
1) candana (sandalwood paste)
2) garlands
3) decorative rings
4) new upaváta (sacred thread) for the groom
5) upper and lower cloth for the groom
6) kuëa-àsanas
7) loose kuëa grass
8) water pot for washing feet
9) dârvà grass
10) white rice
11) conch for arghya 72
12) a pot of madhuparka
13) kuçkuma
14) gorocana
15) a pot of water mixed with candana, flowers, tulasá and fruits
16) dowry and gifts for the Deity
17) haritaki, betel, gandha, flowers, tulasá, kuçkuma, and turmeric tied in a cloth
When the auspicious hour arrives, the ceremony should start with the reception of the groom. A cow should be
tied in the North side of the room.
The father of the bride should sit facing North and perform àcamana. When the groom enters the room, the
father should recite maçgalàcaraêa (page 62) and svasti vàcanam (page 346). Then the father says to the groom:
“Welcome, be comfortable.”
oî arcayiìyàmo bhavantam //
oî arcaya //
The father should worship him by offering candana, garland, rings, upaváta and upper and lower cloth, saying:
“Here I am presenting to you this fragrant candana, flowers and new cloth with humble obeisances.” 73
The groom should accept the items saying:
oî svasti //
oî viìêuí
oî tat satù
______màse (lunar month)
______ràëi-sthe bhàskare (zodiac sign)
______pakìe (fortnight)
______tithau (tithi)
kanyàdànàrthaî ebhir gandhàdibhir abhyarceyam
bhavantaî ahaî varatvena vãne //
“Today, at this time, having honored you with gandha and puìpa I select you as the suitable husband to whom I shall
give my daughter.”
oî vãto ‘smi //
“I accept.”
The bride, covered up, should be escorted around the standing groom seven times by her women friends. The
bride should then be uncovered, and the bride and groom should see each other, and exchange garlands.
“The worshipable cow appeared here accompanied by a calf. Let her be abundant in milk and supply us for many
years.”(Sàmamantra-brahmaêa 2,8,1)(Gobila-Gãhya-Sâtra 4,10,1) 74
viràÓjam aÒnnàdyàÓyÒàdhiÓtiìèhàmi //
The father, taking twenty five blades of kuëa, (the tips having been tied in a figure eight knot with a few of the
blades of grass wound two and a half times in counter clockwise direction around the other blades of grass and
tied near the roots) with tips facing North, should offer them to the groom on the outstretched palms of his
hands, while saying:
oî viìèaÓraÒî pratiÓgãhêàmi //
“I receive it.”
“The great herb, the queen of Soma, being plentiful, faultless, and a hundred times wise, bestow blessings on me as I sit
upon you for an àsana.”(Atharva-Veda 6.96.1 )
oî viìèaÓraÒî pratiÓgãhêàmi //
“I receive it.”
“Great herb, queen of Soma, growing wherever there is earth, faultless, please bestow blessings on me at my two feet.” 75
He should place the kuëa beneath his feet with tips facing North.
“These are the waters for your feet. Please accept them.”
oî pàdyàÒí pratiÓgãhnàmi //
“I am accepting them.”
“May prosperity come to me, O water, from looking at you.”(Sàmamantra-brahmaêa 2,8,5)(Gobila-Gãhya-Sâtra 4,10,9)
The groom should receive the water from the father, place it on the earth, gaze at it, then pour water on the left
foot, then right foot, then both feet with the following mantras:
oî savyam-pàdam avanenije,
asmin ràìère ëriyaî dadhe //
oî dakìiêàm-pàdam avanenije,
asmin ràìère ëriyam àveëayàmi //
“I wash the right foot and take possession of wealth in this domain.”
“I wash one foot then the other. By prosperity of this domain may I attain fearlessness.”(Aitareya-Bràhmaêa 8.27.8) 76
The father should take dârva, white rice, etc. in a conch and offer arghya, saying:
oî arghyaî pratigãhnàmi //
“I am accepting it.”
“You are the ruler of food. May I become your master.”(Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 2.8.9)(Gobila-Gãhya-Sâtra 4.10.12)
oî àcamanáyaî pratigãhnàmi //
The groom should take the madhuparka, and place the container on the earth saying: 77
oî madhuparkaî pratigãhnàmi //
“I am accepting it.”
“You are the food of fame, the food of greatness. You are the food of virtues. Give me all virtues.” (Sàma-mantra-
brahmaêa 2,8,12)
The groom should now face East; the father of the bride should face North or West.
The groom and bride should perform àcamana and then smear kuçkuma, gorocana and candana on their right
The groom should take the bride’s right hand and place it on top of his right hand, and a married woman with a
son should bind the two hands with kuëa and garlands, while auspicious sounds (ululations) are made by the
The father of the bride should take a pot of water mixed with gandha, flowers, tulasá and fruit and recite
maçgalàcaraêa (page 62).
oî viìêuí
oî tat satù
adya brahmaêo-dvitáya-paràrdhe,
ëvetavaràha-kalpe, vaivasvatàkhya-manvantare,
aìèàviîëati-kaliyugasya prathama-sandhyàyàî
brahma-viîëatau vartàmanàyàî
______saîvatsare (year)
______àyane (course of the sun)
______ãtau (season) 78
______màsi (lunar month)
______pakìe (fortnight)
______ràëi-sthite bhàskare (sun sign)
______tithau (lunar day)
______vàrànvitàyàî (day of the week)
______nakìatra samyutàyam (constellation)
jambudvápe bhàrata-khaêée
medhábhâtasya sumeroí dakìine
lavanàrnavasyottare kone
gaçgàyàí paëcime bhàge
ëráÓ-ëàlagràÒma-ëiÓlàÒ go-bràhmaÓêaÒ-vaiìêaÓva-vaÒhni-sanniÓdhau
______ëarmaêaí prapautràya
(to the great grandson of______)
______ëarmaêaí pautràya
(to the grandson of______)
______ëarmaêaí putràya
(to the son of______)
ërá ______ëarmaêe viëiìèa-varàya
(to the groom named______)
______ëarmaêaí prapautrám
(the great grand-daughter of______)
______ëarmaêaí pautrám
(the great grand-daughter of______)
______ëarmaêaí putrám
(the daughter of______)
ërámatám______abhidhànàî etàî kanyàî
(the bride named______) 79
“May Ràdhà and Kãìêa personally give this bride named______ (identified by father’s ancestors), equipped with cloth
and ornaments, healthy, of age and fixed residence, to the groom named______ (identified by his father’s ancestors) at
the time______, at the place______ with ëàlagràma, the cow, the bràhmaêa, Vaiìêava and fire as witness.”
The father should pour the water over their bound hands.
oî svasti //
“We know Him as the Lord of the material energy, Nàràyaêa, and we meditate on Him as one who resides everywhere,
Vàsudeva. Let all-pervading Lord Viìêu inspire us in that.”
oî traÒiloÒkyaÒ-mohaÓnàya vidmahe
kàmadeÒvàyaÓ dhámahi /
tannoÒ viìêuÓí pracoÒdayàÕtù//
“We know Him as enchanter of the three worlds and meditate upon Him as the most attractive One. Let all-pervading
Lord Viìêu inspire us in that.”
oî kanyeÒyaî prajàpati-viìêuÒ-devaÓtàkà // 80
kàmeÓna tvàÒ pratiÓgãhêàmiÒ
kàmaiÒtat teÓ //
“Who has given this heart and to whom? Love has given unto love. Love is the giver, love is the receiver. Love has
entered the ocean of love. I receive you through love. O love, this heart is yours.”(Kàèhaka-Samhita 9.9.12)
oî viìêuí
oî tat satù
adya ërámate______ëarmaêe varàya (name of groom)
kãtaitat kanyà-sampradàna-supratiìèhàrthaî
dakìiêàî suvarêa-mâlyopakalpitàî
ërá ërá ràdhà-kãìêa-smaraêa-pârvakaî
ërá______dvàrà (name of father)
ërá ërá ràdhà-kãìêàbhyàm dattàm
“May Ràdhà and Kãìêa, on this day of______ to firmly establish this act of bestowal, present a suitable dowry of
valuable items in remembrance of Ràdhà and Kãìêa, to______ (groom) through the agency of______ (father).”
oî svasti //
“Who has given this heart and to whom? Love has given unto love. Love is the giver, love is the receiver. Love has
entered the ocean of love. I receive you through love. Oh love, this heart is yours.” (Kàèhaka-Samhita 9.9.12) 81
“We know Him as the Lord of the material energy, Nàràyaêa, and we meditate on Him as one who resides everywhere,
Vàsudeva. Let all pervading Lord Viìêu inspire us in that.”
“We know Him as enchanter of the three worlds and meditate upon Him as the most attractive One. Let all pervading
Lord Viìêu inspire us in that.”
He should then meditate upon his favorite Deity’s name such as Nàràyaêa, Viìêu, Ràma, Nãsiîha, Hari, Vàmana
At this time, the father can give a dowry and gifts to the Deity and the Vaiìêavas.
The father or a married woman with son will then tie the upper cloth of the groom and the veil of the bride with
a cloth containing haritaki, betel nut, gandha, flowers, tulasá, kuçkuma, and turmeric.
“Just as Lakìmá-Nàràyàêa, Revatá and Balaràma, Sátà and Ràma, Dârgà and Ëiva, Devahâti and Kardama, Ëacá and Indra,
Ëatarâpà and Manu, Renukà and Jàmadagni, Àhalyà and Gautama, Devaká and Vàsudeva, Mandodará and Ràvaêa,
Yaëodà and Nanda, Draupadá and the Pàêéavas, Tàràvàlá and Bhubhuja, Damayantiá and Nala and Ërá Ërá Ràdhà - Kãìêa,
may these two people tie the knot.”
The father may undo the kuëa knot on their hands and seat the bride to the right hand side of the groom. 82
Go Mokìa
(releasing the cow)
Items needed:
1) a cow
gauí gauí //
“Here is a cow.”
“Free the cow from the ropes of Varuêa. Call the name of he who opposes. Dismiss him on behalf of______ (father).
Let the cow free, let her eat grass and drink water.”(Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 2,8,13)
While the cow is released the groom will say:
“The cow is the mother of the Rudras, the daughter of the Vasus. She is the sister of the Àdityas, the source of nectar.
To him who understands I say, ‘Do not kill the sinless cow, Aditi’.”(Ãg-veda 8.102.15)
Acchidra Vàcana
(words to absolve oneself of faults)
oî aÒsmin kaÓnyà-sampradànaÒ-karmaÓêi / 83
açga-hánaî kriyà-hánaî vidhi-hánaî ca yad bhavet /
astu tat sarvam acchidraî kãìêa kàrìêa-prasàdataí //
“Whatever breach of rules, lack of ingredients or ceremony there has been in this bestowal of the bride, let that be
overlooked, by the mercy of Kãìêa and his associates.”
oî tat satù //
“To alleviate any fault which may have been committed in the ceremony of bestowing the bride, I now perform
remembrance of Viìêu.”
The father should recite maçgalàcaraêa (page 62) and the mahà-mantra, followed by kártana and offering
obeisances to the spiritual master, the Vaiìêavas, Lord Caitanya and Gàndarvikà-Giridhàri. 84
Kuëandikà - Overview: 85
(preliminary rites for the yajña)
Items needed:
1) standard yajña paraphernalia (page 372)
2) kuëa grass blades with tips intact
3) a copper pot filled with water, gandha, flowers, tulasá, barley, betel, haritaki, dârva, white rice,
turmeric and mustard seeds
4) new dhoti and chaddar
5) gandha, flowers, tulasá and cloth for touching brahma’s knee
6) mahàprasàda, candana, kuçkuma, fruit and sweets to honor brahmà
7) a pot of caru (thick and very opulent sweet rice, with extra ghee on top)
8) copper vessels
9) some flowers and candana already offered to the Lord
10) twenty sticks of khadira, palàëa, or uéumbara wood, or kuëa grass, which are of two pràdeëa
(18 inches) in length
11) fruit, flowers, rice and kuëa grass
The groom should now perform the kuëandikà rites according to the scriptural rules, either in the same place
where the sampradàna was performed or in the main house. Before building the vedi (yajña kuêéa - see
Appendix I), he should clean the place of all dirt, hair, husk, charcoal, bones, gravel etc. He should gradually
make the North and Eastern sides (of the kuêéa) level (beginning work from the South West corner and
finishing in the North East), and then smear the kuêda and floor with cow dung and arrange for a covering
(canopy) for the maêéapa. He should purify himself according to the scriptural rules, perform àcamana and wear
two pieces of cloth. Sitting on a kuëa-àsana facing East. 86
A copper waterpot should be filled with water, gandha, flowers, tulasá, barley, betel, haritaki, dârva, white rice,
turmeric and mustard seeds and placed on the North side of the fire. This will be used for purifying items by
sprinkling (abhyukìaêa).
He should face east, on the west side of the fire pit (yajña kuêéa). Placing the right knee on the ground, and
placing the left hand on the ground with palm up, while holding a kuëa grass blade of one pràdeëa (approx. 9
inches) length in it. Taking another kuëa grass blade with the right hand, he should draw on the south of the
kuêéa a line one pràdeëa long and pointing East, while meditating on the personality of earth. He should say:
From the base of the first line he should draw a second line twenty-one fingers long (approx. 15 ½ inch),
pointing towards the North while meditating on the cow:
Parallel to the first line but seven fingers to its left, starting from the second line, he should draw a third line the
length of one pràdeëa in the Eastern direction, while meditating on Kàlindi. He should say:
Parallel to the third line at a distance of seven fingers he should draw a fourth line starting from the second line,
in the Eastern direction, one pràdeëa in length, while meditating on Lakìmá: 87
At a distance of seven fingers from the last line and parallel to it he should draw a fifth line of one pràdeëa length
in the Eastern direction, meditating on Sarasvatá. He should say:
Utkara Nirasaêa
(expelling the impurities)
He should take a pinch of earth from each line with the thumb and ring finger of the right hand and throw out
the earth from the kuêéa to a distance of one ‘aratni’ (distance from elbow to tip of little finger) in the North
East direction, saying:
oî niòrastaí paràvaòsuí //
(purifying the lines with water)
Taking water from the abhyukìana patra (page 124) he should sprinkle it on the lines.
Agni Saîskàra
(purifying the fire)
From the fire which is kindled but not yet placed in the pit he should take one burning stick and cast it in the
South Western direction to expel the inauspicious elements of the fire:
“I cast the inauspicious fire in charge of burning corpses far away. May those who oppose this rite go to the kingdom
of death.”(Ëukla-Yajurveda 35.19) 88
Agni Sthàpana
(establishing the fire)
He should take a burning stick from the purified fire and place it on the third line saying:
Agni Àvàhana
(calling the fire)
He should then install the fire for weddings who is named ‘Yojaka Agni’
oî yojaka-nàmàgne ihàgaccha
Agni Pâjà
(worship of the fire)
Meditating on the fire as Viìêu he should worship the fire with articles beginning with pàdyam, etc.
Viìêu Stuti
(praise of Viìêu)
“May the names of Kãìêa, Ananta, Mukunda, Màdhava, Hari, Govinda, Vaîsimukha, Gopájanavallabha, the friend of
Vãndàvana, the beloved Lord of His devotees, Acyuta, the foundation of His devotees’ love, the ultimate fruit of all
activities, who finds pleasure in the ràsa dance, who is kind to the most fallen, who is very dear to Ërámatá Ràdhàràêá,
the destroyer of countless births, remain eternally upon my tongue.” 89
diÒvivaÒ cakìuÒr àtaÒtam / tad vipràÓso vipaÒêyavoÓ
jàgãÒvàûïsaÒí samiÓndhate / viìêoÒr yat paÓraÒmam paÒdam //
“Just as those with ordinary vision see the sun’s rays in the sky, so the wise and learned devotees always see the
supreme abode of Lord Viìêu.”(ãg-veda 1.22.20)
“Lord Kãìêa is the color of a new rain-cloud, therefore He is compared to a transcendental cloud full of eternity, bliss
and cognizance. He is the original and Supreme Person. He is the origin of all activities and the one and only Lord of
all. He is the worshipful Lord of the best of demigods, the controller of Brahmà, Viìêu and Ëiva. Kãìêa is without any
beginning. Whatever auspiciousness is found within or beyond this universe the devotee obtains in Kãìêa alone.”
“The fire from afar I place in front of me. I call near the bearer (the fire) of the oblations. May the Lord show
compassion here.”(Ëukla-Yajurveda 22.17)
“May the remaining fire here, omniscient Jàtavedas, carry the oblations to the gods.”(Ëukla-Yajurveda 35.19)
Brahma Sthàpana
(installing and worshiping the brahma priest)
“I am comfortable.” 90
The groom says:
‘oî arcaya’ //
While holding items for worship, such as gandha, flowers, tulasá, cloth etc., the groom should touch the
brahma’s knee while saying:
homa-karmaêi kãtàkãtàvekìanarâpa
brahmatvena bhavantaî ahaî vãêe //
“On this day of ______, in the month of ______, in the lunar fortnight of ______, on the lunar day of ______, on the
occasion of ______, I choose you as brahma for supervising the proper execution of the rituals.” 91
The brahma should reply:
The groom, taking the water vessel (abhyukìana-paèra page 124), should proceed to the South side of the fire and
at a distance of one aratni (distance from elbow to tip of little finger) from the fire, sprinkle water towards the
East, and over that he should place kuëa grass with tips facing East.
Then facing West with the strewn kuëa in front of him, he should take one blade of that strewn kuëa in the
thumb and ring finger of the left hand and throw it in the Southwest direction, saying:
oî niòrastaí paràvaòsuí //
Facing North with the right foot pressing the left foot, the groom should sprinkle water on the strewn kuëa and
then seat the brahma on the kuëa, facing him towards the North (in the case of a kuëamaya brahma, he should
face the East).
Touching water, he should say to the brahma:
sádàmi //
“I sit.”
The groom should offer the brahma some mahàprasàda, candana, kuçkuma, fruit and sweets to honor him.
Retracing his steps to the East side of the fire he should sit.
“Viìêu has stridden here. He has placed three pure steps on this earth.”(Ëukla-Yajurveda 5.15)
Caru Sthàpana 92
(placing the caru or cooked grains)
An earthen bowl of cooled down caru, prepared before the function, should be placed on the North side of the
fire at this time.
Bhâmi Japa
(prayers to the earth)
Kneeling, and placing both his hands on the earth, palms down, the groom should say:
“We receive this auspicious offering from the earth. Repel the enemies, who take the wealth of others.”(Sàma-mantra-
brahmaêa 2.4.1)(Gobila-Gãhya-Sâtra 4.5.3)
“The Lord is one. By his order all others exist. He, who was the first existing, sometimes appears in the womb like a
human being. He has appeared before and will appear again. All men are turned towards Him, who is present
everywhere.”(Ëirasupaniìad 5)
Tãnàdi Ëodhana
(cleaning the area, strewing kuëa) 93
He should take kuëa grass in his right hand, and starting from the North side of the maêéapa, go around, while
“Let us give this offering, which is a vehicle carrying our desires, to the worshipable fire with proper prayers. May the
Lord give good fortune to us at this gathering. O friend, O fire, may we not cause harm to you.”(Ãg-veda 1.94.1)
“Let us bear the wood, let us make offerings to you, while considering the proper times. Give success to our prayers,
more and more, so that we may live properly. O friend, O fire, may we not cause harm to you.” (Ãg-veda 1.94.4)
“May we be able to kindle you. Help us to complete our activities. The devas eat the offered oblations through you.
Bring the offering to the àdityas. Let us stoke the fire. O friend, O fire, may we not cause harm to you.” (Ãg-veda
After he should put all the kuëa in áëànakona (North-East corner). Then taking them one by one, the straws
should be placed on the floor in 3 lines without chanting mantras. He should start from N.E. corner, and make
one line of kuëa straws touching each other to the S.E. corner. In the same way he should put 2 more lines next
to the first one. The lines are touching at the point where they start. In a similar way he should put kuëa in 3
lines, starting from S.E. corner and going to S.W. corner. After that 3 lines from N.W. corner to N.E. corner, and
from S.W. corner to N.W. corner.
Svastika Nivedana 94
(worshiping the directions)
He should offer flowers and candana (which has been offered to the Lord) to the ten directions. saying:
oî etan mahàprasàda-naivedyàdi
pârvasyàî ërá nàradàya svàhà / (East)
agneyàî ërá kapila-devàya svàhà (South-East)
yàmye ërá yama-bhàgavatàya svàhà / (South)
nairãtyàî ërá bháìma-devàya svàhà (South-West)
pratácyàî ërá ëukadevàya svàhà / (West)
vàyavyàî ërá janakàya svàhà (North-West)
udácyàî ërá sadàëivàya svàhà / (North)
aiëànyàî ërá prahlàdàya svàhà (North-East)
ârdhvaî ërá brahmaêe svàhà / (up)
adhaí ërá baliràjàya svàhà // (down)
He should take twenty sticks of khadira, palàëa, or uéumbara wood, or kuëa grass, which are of two pràdeëa (18
inches) in length. He should pour a sruva of ghee over the middle portion and offer into the fire without mantra
while meditating on Viìêu.
Àjya Saîskàra
(purifying the ghee)
Taking two blades of kuëa grass with tips intact he should cut them to the length of one pràdeëa, with his fingers
without using the finger nails, saying: 95
oî viìêoór manasà pâteò sthaí //
He should place them on a copper vessel and after pour ghee into the vessel. Using the thumb and ring finger of
the right hand he should grasp the tips of the kuëas and with the thumb and ring finger of the left hand he
should grasp the root end. The right hand should be palm up and the left hand palm down. By dipping the
middle portion into the ghee he should then offer ghee into the fire one time, saying:
“May Savita purify you with this faultless kuëa, with these rays from the sun.” (Gobila-Gãhya-Sâtra 1.7,25)(Maitràyaêá-
Sâtra (Taittiráya-Saîhità
He should then offer two more oblations of ghee into the fire in the same way without mantra.
Holding the kuëas in his left hand, he should sprinkle water on them and then using the right hand, throw them
into the fire.
He should sprinkle the vessel of ghee with water and then lower it into the North part of the fire three times, and
then lay it on strewn kuëa grass.
Sruva Saîskàra
(purifying the spoon)
The sruva should be made from khadira, palàëa or uéumbara wood, and of a length of one ‘aratni’ (distance from
elbow to tip of little finger). He should purify the sruva by sprinkling it with water, then by lowering it into the
North part of the fire three times.
(taking blessings for performing the sacrifice) 96
Keeping his right knee on the earth and his left knee raised, he should pour water from his cupped hands from
West to East on the South side of the fire, saying:
oî aònantaó anumanyasòva //
oî aòcyuta óanumanyaòsva //
oî sarasvateó ‘numanyaòsva //
Agni paryukìana
(sprinkling water around the fire)
“O Aniruddha, bring forth the sacrifice, bring forth the Lord of the sacrifice for good fortune. You are situated
everywhere. Purifier of desires, purify our desires. May the Lord of words relish our prayers.”
Virupàkìa Japa
(prayer to the Lord as Virupàkìa)
Raising his right knee from the ground, he should hold fruit, flowers, rice and kuëa between his fists, the right
fist being above and the left fist being below. He should recite the following: 97
oî bhâr bhuvaÒí svaÓí //
“I surrender with body, mind and soul to the great, beautiful Personality of Godhead, manifested as Agni, possessed of
unlimited eyes and flashing teeth, whose resting place is under a palàëa tree, whose golden abode flashes in the sky like
lightning, who is accompanied by all the devatàs, who are situated in the metal kumbha. Being full of strength,
attentive and unblinking, You watch for demons.
You are manifest in twelve forms, known as Your sons. Those aspirants who, throughout the years, worship You with
sacrifices, achieve the spiritual status of Brahman.
You are the best amongst the devas. May I become the best amongst men by becoming Your devotee. He who is part of
the Lord, follows after the Lord. May I thus seek after You. May I not offend by my faulty chanting, my faulty offerings,
my faulty activities. 98
I surrender to You; inspired by You, I perform this activity. May it bring me satisfaction. May it bring me spiritual
prosperity. May I reach the ultimate goal.
You are the all-pervading Personality, unlimited ocean. Be merciful upon me. You are Tuthà, Viëvadeva, and the son of
Brahmà. Be merciful upon me. You are the deliverer from fear, the wisest one, the sun and the moon. Please be
merciful upon me.
To the many-eyed, smiling Lord, the all-pervading ocean of mercy, to the all-powerful, all-wealthy, all-strong, all-
knowing, all-perceiving Personality, the son of Brahmà, the Supreme Lord, possessor of all opulences, I pay my
respects.”(Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 2.4.6)
He should throw the rice to the North East, and give the flowers and fruit to the brahma priest.
“I surrender to austerity, energy, faith, humility, truth, absence of anger, renunciation, patience, righteousness,
goodness, words, mind, soul. May they be merciful upon me.”(Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 2.4.5)
Amantrika Homa
(silent homa)
He should throw ghee-soaked wood of pràdeëa length with flowers and gandha into the fire silently. 99
Pàêi Grahaêam
(taking the bride’s hands)
Vastra Paridhàpana
(putting on new cloth)
Items needed:
1) pot filled with water and covered with cloth
2) wooden cooking spoon
3) winnowing basket with 4 handfuls of popped rice mixed with ëamá leaves inside
4) grinding stone with its pestle
5) mat made of várana or kuëa grass covered with cloth
6) new and washed upper and lower clothes for bride
After the groom has completed the kuëaêéikà rites, a friend of the groom while carrying a pot of water (filled
from a permanent water body, and covered with a cloth), and followed by another friend holding a wooden
cooking spoon, should pass silently by the East side to the South side of the fire and stand facing North.
On the West side of the fire should be placed a winnowing basket filled with four handfuls of popped rice (for
prosperity) mixed with ëamá leaves (representing Agni, for fertility).
Beside the basket should be placed a grinding stone with its pestle, and to the West of that a mat made of várana
or kuëa grass, covered with cloth.
The groom should present to the bride upper and lower clothes, which are new and washed, which she should
accept (and may put on).
Presenting the lower cloth, the groom says: 100
“May the goddesses who cut, wove and stretched the cloth and sewed up the hems, clothe you with long life. O
woman, blessed with long life, put on the cloth.”(Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 1.1.5)
“Bestow to her cloth, give her long life, a hundred years. Noble woman, live a hundred autumns, and while you live,
bring spiritual wealth to your husband.”(Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 1.1.6)
Sindhâra Dàna
(decorating the bride with kuçkuma)
Items needed:
1) sindhâra (kuçkuma)
2) kuëa-àsana
He should put sindhâra on her forehead saying:
“Flashing like the sun, like streams of rushing water, strong and full of life the streams of ghee fall upon the fire. Like fast
steeds carrying the offering, breaking through all obstacles, the ghee swells in waves, dissolving the wood.”(Ãg-veda 4/58/7
,Ëukla-Yajurveda 17/95 )
The groom should lead the bride to the fire and say:
“Soma gave you to Gandharva, Gandharva gave you to Agni. For the highest wealth and sons, Agni has given you to
The groom should lead the bride to the kuëa mat on the West side of the fire so that her right foot touches the
border of the kuëa mat. He should make her say: 101
oî pra meÒ patiyànaí-paÒnthàí kaÓlpatàî
ëiÒvà ariÓìèà patiÒlokaÓî gameyàm //
“Let the path my husband treads be prepared for me. May I enter into his house in bliss and safety.”(Sàma-mantra-
brahmaêa 1.1.8) (Gobila-Gãhya-Sâtra 2.1.20)
Àjya Homa
(the groom’s oblations for the bride’s welfare)
The bride should sit on the mat facing the fire on the groom’s right side. The groom should put ghee soaked
wood into the fire without mantra, then perform vyasta samasta mahàvyàhãti homa with ghee:
“I offer oblations to the space between the heavens and the earth.”
She should then stand and while touching the right shoulder of the groom with her right hand, the groom
should offer six oblations of ghee, saying: 102
aëâÓnya-kroéàÒ jávaÓtàm astu màÒtà
pautraÓm-ànandaÒî abhiÓbudhyatàî iÒyaî // 2 //
“May Kãìêa protect her in household life. May He give her children until old age. May she live without absence of
children at her breast. May she be a mother, knowing the bliss of raising children.”
“May Hari protect your back and Viìêu, your thighs. May Nara-Nàràyaêa protect your two breasts, and may Kãìêa
protect your sons until they wear cloth. May Ananta and all His avatàras protect you from behind.”
“May lamentation not arise in your house at night. Let weeping women enter other houses. May you not be weeping,
striking your breasts in sorrow. May you be glorious, living as a partner in your husband’s house seeing children,
maintaining nobility of body and mind.”(Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 1.1.13)
oî apraÓjasyàÒî pautraÓ-marttyaî
pàÒpmànaÓm uÒtavaÒi aghaîù /
ëárìêaÓí srajaÒm ivoÓnmucyaÒ
dviìaÓdbhyaÒí pratiÓmuñcàmi pàÒëaî // 5 //
“I free myself from the noose of great sins causing absence of offspring and death of sons. Discarding this garland from
the head, I fling it to the enemies of righteous life.” 103
paraÓî mãtyoÒ anuÒpareÓhiÒ panthàÒî
yatraÓ no aÒnya itaÓro devaÒyànàÕtù /
cakìuÓìmate ëãêvaÒte teÓ bravámiÒ
mà naÓí praÒjàî ráÓriìoÒ mota váÒràn // 6 //
“May death go elsewhere and may immortality come to me. May Vaivasvata remove all cause of fear. Go, death, upon
some distant path, not on the path of saintly men. Death, do not harm my valiant children. I say this to you, who can
see and hear.”(Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 1.1.15)
The groom should perform vyasta samasta mahàvyàhãti homa with ghee:
“I offer oblations to the space between the heavens and the earth.”
“Mount this stone and like a stone be steadfast in devotion at the feet of the Lord. Annihilate those who would harm
you. May you never fall under their influence.”(Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 1.2.1)
The groom should place two sruvas of ghee in the bride’s cupped hands and the mother of the bride should place
one fifth of the làja from the basket over the ghee. The groom should pour two sruvas of ghee over the làja. The
bride, without separating her hand, should pour the làja into the fire. 104
The groom should say:
“This woman speaks, while offering làja to the fire: May my husband be long lived, may he live a hundred years. May
our devotion to the Lord flourish.”(Atharva-Veda-Samhita 14.2.63)(Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 1.2.2)
The pair should circumambulate the fire, with the wife in front.
“The bride is going from her parents’ house, to the house of the groom, having done her duties well before her
betrothal. Oh bride, help us to remove the enemies, as a flood of water cleans the earth.”(Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 1.2.5)
Returning to the stone again, the groom, facing North, should take the bride’s hand in his right hand. The
mother should place the bride’s right foot on the stone, and stand with the basket of làja.
“Mount this stone and like a stone be steadfast in devotion at the feet of the Lord. Annihilate those who would harm
you. May you never fall under their influence.”(Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 1.2.1)
The bride should receive làja and ghee in her hands and offer into the fire. 105
“The girl has made sacrifice to Viìêu, to Hari. May Viìêu, the Supreme Lord, release her and me.”
Again the groom with the bride will circumambulate the fire, saying:
“The bride is going from her parents’ house, to the house of the groom, having done her duties well before her
betrothal. Oh bride, help us to remove the enemies, as a flood of water cleans the earth.”(Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 1.2.5)
The mother will again put the bride’s right foot on the stone:
“Mount this stone and like a stone be steadfast in devotion at the feet of the Lord. Annihilate those who would harm
you. May you never fall under their influence.” (Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 1.2.1)
The bride will receive làja and ghee and offer into the fire.
“The girl has made sacrifice to Viìêu, to Hari. May Viìêu, the Supreme Lord, release her and me.”
“The bride is going from her parents’ house, to the house of the groom, having done her duties well before her 106
betrothal. Oh bride, help us to remove the enemies, as a flood of water cleans the earth.” (Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa
The groom should then pour two sruvas of ghee on the edge of the winnowing basket, place the remaining làja
there and add two more sruvas of ghee and offer the contents of the basket into the fire, saying:
Items needed:
1) rice flour
2) pot of water
With rice-flour paste seven small circles should be drawn in a line going in the North-eastern direction. The
groom should lead the bride to step into each circle. She should place the right foot first, the left behind. The
groom should say: 107
With the fifth step he should say:
“Be my companion for life, fixed in seven vows. May I attain companionship with you. Do not break this bond.”(Sàma-
mantra-brahmaêa 1.2.13)
“This wife is most faithful. Come and behold her. Having brought her good fortune, you may now depart.”(Ãg-
veda10.85.33, Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 1.2.14)
The friend holding a water pot should then approach the seven circles by passing on the West side of the fire and
sprinkle first the groom’s head, then the bride’s head. 108
saî màótaÒriëvàò sam dhàÒtà samuòdeìèráó dadhàtu nau //
“May Vàsudeva and all His expansions anoint us as one. May the water make our hearts one. May the lord of the wind,
our maintainer make us one. May her lordship make us one.”(Ãg-veda 10.85.47)
With the completion of sapta padá gamana the bride and groom are considered married.
Pàêi Grahaêam
(taking the bride’s hands)
The groom should take the bride’s two hands in his left hand and with his right hand he should grasp the thumb
of the upturned right hand of the bride.
“For good fortune I hold your hand, so that you may attain old age in the company of your husband. The four
Kumàras have given you to me for performance of household duties as a devotee of Kãìêa.”(Ãg-veda 10.85.36)
“Be gentle-eyed, protecting your husband. Be kind to the animals, be good minded, beautiful. Be the mother of heroes,
mother of life, dear to Kãìêa, bringing the highest happiness. Be good to us, both man and beast.”(Ãg-veda 10.85.44)
“May Viìêu generate progeny for us. May Kãìêa keep us together until old age. Enter your husband’s house, with
auspiciousness. Be good to us, both man and beast.”(Ãg-veda 10.85.43) 109
oî iÒmàî tvaî viÓìêo mádhvaí supuòtràî suÒbhagàÓî kãêu /
daëàÓsyàî puÒtràn àdheÓhiò patióî ekàdaòëaî kãdhi //
“O Viìêu, impregnate her, make fine, strong sons. Put ten sons in her, make eleven men in the house.” (Ãg-veda
10.85.45) (Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 1.2.19)
“Be the ruler of your husband’s father. Be the ruler of your husband’s mother. Be the ruler of your husband’s sisters. Be
the ruler of your husband’s brothers.” (Ãg-veda 10.85.46) (Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 1.2.20)
“May your heart be fixed on my life’s goals. May your mind follow after mine. With body and soul be devoted to my
words. May Viìêu join us together.”(Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 1.2.21)
With the bride on his left the groom should perform vyasta samasta mahàvyàhãti homa with ghee:
“I offer oblations to the space between the heavens and the earth.”
He should then offer ghee-soaked wood without mantra, and then perform all the rites of udácya-karma (page
189), beginning with ëàèyàyana homa, up to the end of vàmadevya gànam . Then give dakìiêà to the bràhmaêas.
But if the caturthá homa (page 176) is done on the day of the wedding, the udácya-karma should be done after
that. 110
Uttara Vivàha
(subsequent rites)
Items needed:
1) a pot with water and mango leaves on top
2) mahàprasàdam rice
The groom should establish the fire named ‘Yojaka’ in the kuêéa when the stars are visible in the sky. While the
bride sits silently, the groom should throw wood into the fire silently, then perform vyasta samasta mahàvyàhãti
homa with ghee:
“I offer oblations to the space between the heavens and the earth.”
Then the groom should offer ghee into the fire six times with the following mantras, sprinkling the remnants
from the sruva on the bride’s head.
“Whatever lies inauspicious in the combinations of markings, in your eyelids, in the curls of your hair, I nullify that by
this final sacrifice.”(Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 1.3.1) 111
“Whatever faults lie in your hair and in your weeping, I nullify that by this final sacrifice.” (Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa
“Whatever faults lie in your character, in your words and in your smile, I nullify that by this final sacrifice.” (Sàma-
mantra-brahmaêa 1.3.3)
“Whatever faults lie in your glances, in your teeth, in your hands and feet, I nullify that by this final sacrifice.” (Sàma-
mantra-brahmaêa 1.3.4)
“Whatever faults lie in your thighs, in your hips, in your ankles and in your joints, I nullify that by this final sacrifice.”
(Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 1.3.5)
“Whatever was inauspicious in the parts of your body, I have nullified by this final sacrifice.” (Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa
Dhruva Darëana
(viewing the pole star)
The groom and bride should rise and go outside. The groom should point out the pole star to her and make her
“You are the pole star, fixed forever. May I be fixed like the pole star in my husband’s house, in the service of Viìêu 112
and his devotees.”
He should show her the constellation Arundhatá, situated in the great bear or seven sages, and make her recite
the following:
“O Arundhatá, faithful wife of Vasiìèha (one of the seven sages), as a wife, I also am now fixed, in my husband’s
The groom should look at his wife and say:
ërá-viìêu-vaiìêavaÒ-sevàÓsu iÒyaî //
“Fixed is the sky, fixed is the earth. Fixed is the world, the universe. Fixed are these mountains, fixed is this wife, in
her husband’s house, in the service of Viìêu and his devotees.” (Ãg-veda 10.173.4)(Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa1.3.7)
A woman with husband and child should lead them to a pedestal and sprinkle water over them from a pot using
mango leaves.
The husband should go to the fire, and perform vyasta samasta mahàvyàhãti homa with ghee: 113
“I offer oblations to the bhâ maêéala.”
“I offer oblations to the space between the heavens and the earth.”
Then silently offer ghee-soaked wood of pràdeëa length into the fire.
Now he should perform udácya karma (page 189).
(honoring prasàdam)
The groom should take mahàprasàdam rice saying the following mantras:
“By this mahàprasàdam, the thread of life, By Viìêu, by the knot of highest truth, I bind your mind and heart.”(Sàma-
mantra-brahmaêa 1.3.8)
“What is your heart, let that be my heart. What is my heart, let that be yours.” (Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 1.3.9)
“This is nourishment for the five airs of life. By this I bind you,______ devá (wife’s name).” (Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa
The groom should eat, then the bride should eat the remnants. For three nights the wife should take 114
mahàprasàdam only and maintain brahmacàrya, sleeping on the ground, (not on a bed).
(mounting the vehicle for traveling to the husband’s house)
On the fourth morning after the wedding, the husband should lead the wife to a vehicle saying:
“O effulgent woman, mount this golden well-made carriage, with fine wheels, containing the whole universe, the
source of immortality, bright as the sun. Make it carry you to your husband’s house.”(Ãg-veda10.85.20) (Sàma-mantra-
brahmaêa 1.3.11)
“May those that oppose the couple not succeed. May we pass the hard journey pleasantly. May the foes melt away.”
(Ãg-veda10.85.32) (Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 1.3.12)
Stepping from the vehicle the groom should sing the vàmadevya gànam (page 366).
He should lead the bride into his house. Some married women with children should seat the bride comfortably
and the groom will say:
“Here may the cows, the horses and the men multiply with offspring. Here may Viìêu, worshiped with love, remain
glorious.”(Atharva-Veda-Samhita 20.127.12) (Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 1.3.13)
Dhãti Homa
(entering the house) 115
Items needed:
1) standard yajña paraphernalia (page 372)
Entering his house, the groom should perform all the kuëandikà rites (page 123), up to the end of virupàkìa japa, establishing the fire
named ‘Dhãti’.
Then he should do silent homa with ghee-soaked wood and vyasta samasta mahàvyàhãti homa with ghee:
“I offer oblations to the space between the heavens and the earth.” 116
“May constancy reign within me.”
“I offer oblations to the space between the heavens and the earth.”
The bride should give salutations to his family, stating her father’s gotra:
(her father’s gotra) gotrasya ërá (her own name) ahaî bho bhavantam abhivàdaye //
He should now perform all the rites of udácya karma (page 189) beginning with ëàèyàyana homa, up to the end
of vàmadevya gànam , and present gifts to the priests and Vaiìêavas. 117
Caturthá Homa
(removing obstacles)
Items needed:
After the dhãti homa, on the fourth day after the marriage, the husband should perform all the kuëandikà rites
(page 123), up to the end of virupàkìa japa, establishing the fire named ‘Ëikhi’.
Then he should silently offer ghee soaked wood into the fire and perform vyasta samasta mahàvyàhãti homa with
“I offer oblations to the space between the heavens and the earth.”
The husband should place his wife on his right side and place a pot of water mixed with tulasá, candana, flowers
and kuëa on the South side of the fire. The husband should offer oblations of ghee into the fire with the
following mantras (as pràyaëcitta to remove any elements in his wife that oppose faith in Lord Viìêu). After each
of the following twenty oblations the drops of ghee remaining in the sruva should be dripped into the waterpot. 118
oî kãÓìêa pràyaëcitteÒ tvaî jáÒvànàÒî pràyaÓëcittir asiÒ
dàsaÓstvàÒ nàthaÓkàmaÒ upaÓdhàvàmi /
yàsyà avaÓiìêavá-lakìmáÒs tàm aÒsyà apaÓjahi // 1 //
“O Kãìêa, in this act of atonement, You are the one who atones. Being Your servant and desiring Your shelter, I entreat
You to destroy the misfortune of non-Vaiìêava tendencies in her.” (Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 1.4.4)
“O Keëava, in this act of atonement, You are the one who atones. Being Your servant and desiring Your shelter, I
entreat You to destroy the misfortune of non-Vaiìêava tendencies in her.”
“O Govinda, in this act of atonement, You are the one who atones. Being Your servant and desiring Your shelter, I
entreat You to destroy the misfortune of non-Vaiìêava tendencies in her.”
“O Nàràyaêa, in this act of atonement, You are the one who atones. Being Your servant and desiring Your shelter, I
entreat You to destroy the misfortune of non-Vaiìêava tendencies in her.”
oî kãÓìêa-keëava-govinda-nàràyaêàí pràyaëcittayaí
yâÒyaî jáÒvànàÒî pràyaÓëcittayaí stha /
dàsoÓ voÒ nàthaÓkàmaÒ upaÓdhàvàmi /
yàsyà avaÓiìêavá-lakìmáÒs tàm aÒsyà apaÓjahi // 5 //
“O Kãìêa, Keëava, Govinda, Nàràyaêa, in this act of atonement, You are the one who atones. Being Your servant and
desiring Your shelter, I entreat You to destroy the misfortune of non-Vaiìêava tendencies in her.” 119
The husband should now offer oblations to remove Avaiìêava Lakìmá (the personification of strife and bad luck)
if she is present in his wife:
“O Hari, in this act of atonement, You are the one who atones. Being Your servant and desiring Your shelter, I entreat
You to destroy the obstacles to devotion in her.”
“O Màdhava, in this act of atonement, You are the one who atones. Being Your servant and desiring Your shelter, I
entreat You to destroy the obstacles to devotion in her.”
“O Ananta, in this act of atonement, You are the one who atones. Being Your servant and desiring Your shelter, I
entreat You to destroy the obstacles to devotion in her.”
“O Madhusâdana, in this act of atonement, You are the one who atones. Being Your servant and desiring Your shelter,
I entreat You to destroy the obstacles to devotion in her.”
oî haÓri-màdhava-ananta-madhusâdanàí pràyaëcittayaí
yâÒyaî jáÒvànàÒî pràyaÓëcittayaí stha /
dàsoÓ voÒ nàthaÓkàmaÒ upaÓdhàvàmi /
yàsyà avaÓiìêavá-lakìmáÒs tàm aÒsyà apaÓjahi // 10 // 120
“O Hari, Màdhava, Ananta, Madhusâdana, in this act of atonement, You are the one who atones. Being Your servant
and desiring Your shelter, I entreat You to destroy the obstacles to devotion in her.”
“O Viìêu, in this act of atonement, You are the one who atones. Being Your servant and desiring Your shelter, I entreat
You to destroy the obstacles to begetting sons in her.”
“O Nãsiîha, in this act of atonement, You are the one who atones. Being Your servant and desiring Your shelter, I
entreat You to destroy the obstacles to begetting sons in her.”
“O Acyuta, in this act of atonement, You are the one who atones. Being Your servant and desiring Your shelter, I
entreat You to destroy the obstacles to begetting sons in her.”
“O Janàrdana, in this act of atonement, You are the one who atones. Being Your servant and desiring Your shelter, I
entreat You to destroy the obstacles to begetting sons in her.”
oî viÓìêu-nãsiîhàcyuta-janàrdanàí pràyaëcittayaí
yâÒyaî jáÒvànàÒî pràyaÓëcittayaí stha /
dàsoÓ voÒ nàthaÓkàmaÒ upaÓdhàvàmi /
yàsyà avaÓiìêavá-lakìmáÒs tàm aÒsyà apaÓjahi // 15 //
“O Viìêu, Nãsiîha, Acyuta, Janàrdana, in this act of atonement, You are the one who atones. Being Your servant and
desiring Your shelter, I entreat You to destroy the obstacles to begetting sons in her.”
The husband should offer the following oblations to remove obstacles in raising cows: 121
yàsyà avaÓiìêavá-lakìmáÒs tàm aÒsyà apaÓjahi // 16 //
“O Vàsudeva, in this act of atonement, You are the one who atones. Being Your servant and desiring Your shelter, I
entreat You to destroy the obstacles in raising cows.”
“O Saçkarìana, in this act of atonement, You are the one who atones. Being Your servant and desiring Your shelter, I
entreat You to destroy the obstacles in raising cows.”
“O Pradyumna, in this act of atonement, You are the one who atones. Being Your servant and desiring Your shelter, I
entreat You to destroy the obstacles in raising cows.”
“O Aniruddha, in this act of atonement, You are the one who atones. Being Your servant and desiring Your shelter, I
entreat You to destroy the obstacles in raising cows.”
oî vàÓsudeva-saçkarìaêa-
pradyumnàniruddhàí pràyaëcittayaí
yâÒyaî jáÒvànàÒî pràyaÓëcittayaí stha /
dàsoÓ voÒ nàthaÓkàmaÒ upaÓdhàvàmi /
yàsyà avaÓiìêavá-lakìmáÒs tàm aÒsyà apaÓjahi // 20 //
“O Vàsudeva, Saçkarìana, Pradyumna, Aniruddha, in this act of atonement, You are the one who atones. Being Your
servant and desiring Your shelter, I entreat You to destroy the obstacles in raising cows.”
Then a married woman who has children should make the groom and bride stand and should lead them to the
North side of the fire taking the water pot with the ghee remnants. She should sprinkle this on the heads of the
groom and bride using mango leaves. The groom should perform vyasta samasta mahàvyàhãti homa with ghee: 122
oî bhuvaÒí svàhàÕ - iÒdam acyuÓtàya iÒdam na maÓma
“I offer oblations to the space between the heavens and the earth.”
Now he should perform all the rites of udácya karma (page 189) beginning with ëàèyàyana homa up to the end of
vàmadevya gànam . 123
Udácya Karma - Overview 124
Udácya Karma
(concluding activities)
Items needed:
1) standard yajña paraphernalia (page 372)
2) loose kuëa grass
3) mahàprasàdam, cloth, cotton thread, gandha, garland, sandal- wood, flowers, fruit, betel and
similar items for final offering
Ëàèyàyana Homa
(allaying faults)
He should perform ëàèyàyana homa to allay any faults in the performance, beginning with the saçkalpa:
oî viìêuí
oî tat satù
______(time and place)
______ karmàêi (name of ceremony)
yat kiñcit vaigunyam jàtam
tad doìa-praëamanàya
ëàèyàyana-homam ahaî kurváya //
“To alleviate any fault which may have been committed at ______ (time and place) in the ceremony of ______ (name
of ceremony), I will now, meditating on Lord Kãìêa, perform this ëàèyàyana-homa.”
He should call the fire named ‘Vidhu’, worship Him and offer ghee soaked wood of one pràdeëa length into the
fire without mantra.
Then he should do the vyasta samasta mahàvyàhãti homa with ghee: 125
oî bhâr svàhàÕ - iÒdam viìêave idam na maòma
“I offer oblations to the space between the heavens and the earth.”
“Lord Kãìêa is the color of a new rain-cloud, therefore He is compared to a transcendental cloud full of eternity, bliss
and cognizance. He is the original and Supreme Person. He is the origin of all activities and the one and only Lord of
all. He is the worshipful Lord of the best of demigods, the controller of Brahmà, Viìêu and Ëiva. Kãìêa is without any
beginning. Whatever auspiciousness is found within or beyond this universe the devotee obtains in Kãìêa
Pràyaëcitta Homa
(begging for protection) 126
“O Lord, give us protection for the benefit of the universe.” (Taitareya-Àraêyaka 10.5.1)(Mahà-Nàràyaêa-Upaniìad 6)
“O Ananta, by this first oblation protect us, and by the second also, preserve our strength by the third; by the four
prayer, protect us.” (Taitareya-Àraêyaka 10.5.1)(Mahà-Nàràyaêa-Upaniìad 6)
“Strength, come forth, Viìêu come forth with food and long life. Protect us from sin.”(Ëukla-Yajurveda 12.9)
“Come forth with everything good. O Viìêu, increase like streams of milk from a cow, O Viìêu, throughout the
universe.” (Ëukla-Yajurveda 12.10)
“O Viìêu, rectify whatever was performed wrongly, consciously or unconsciously, in this sacrifice. Understand our
sincere intention.”(Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 1.6.19) (Taitareya-Bràhmaêa 127
“O Viìêu, master of all creatures, there is no one besides You. The Lord has encompassed everything. With desire for
You, we have sacrificed unto You. May those desires be fulfilled. May we become the masters of spiritual
wealth.”(Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 2.5.8)(Ãg-veda 10.121.10 Hiraêyagarbha-Sâktam)(Ëukla-Yajurveda10.20)
Vaiìêava Homa
(worship of the Lord and His associates)
oî viëvaksenàya svàhà
idam viëvaksenàya idam na mama
oî sanakàya svàhà
idam sanakàya idam na mama
oî sanàtanàya svàhà
idam sanàtanàya idam na mama
oî sanandanàya svàhà
idam sanandanàya idam na mama
oî sanat-kumàràya svàhà
idam sanat-kumàràya idam na mama
oî kavaye svàhà
idam kavaye idam na mama
oî havaye svàhà
idam havaye idam na mama
oî antarikìàya svàhà
idam antarikìàya idam na mama
oî prabuddhàya svàhà
idam prabuddhàya idam na mama 128
oî pippalàyanàya svàhà
idam pippalàyanàya idam na mama
oî àvihotràya svàhà
idam àvihotràya idam na mama
oî drumilàya svàhà
idam drumilàya idam na mama
oî camasàya svàhà
idam camasàya idam na mama
oî karabhàjanàya svàhà
idam karabhàjanàya idam na mama
oî nàradàya svàhà
idam nàradàya idam na mama
oî kapilàya svàhà
idam kapilàya idam na mama
oî yamabhàgavatàya svàhà
idam yamabhàgavatàya idam na mama
oî bháìmadevàya svàhà
idam bháìmadevàya idam na mama
oî ëukadevàya svàhà
idam ëukadevàya idam na mama
oî janakàya svàhà
idam janakàya idam na mama
oî sadàëivàya svàhà
idam sadàëivàya idam na mama
oî prahlàdàya svàhà
idam prahlàdàya idam na mama
oî brahmaêe svàhà
idam brahmaêe idam na mama
oî baliràjàya svàhà
idam baliràjàya idam na mama
oî svayam-bhuve svàhà
idam svayam-bhuve idam na mama 129
oî garuéàya svàhà
idam garuéàya idam na mama
oî hanumate svàhà
idam hanumate idam na mama
oî ambaráìàya svàhà
idam ambaráìàya idam na mama
oî vyàsadevàya svàhà
idam vyàsadevàya idam na mama
oî uddhavàya svàhà
idam uddhavàya idam na mama
oî yudhiìèhiràya svàhà
idam yudhiìèhiràya idam na mama
oî bhámàya svàhà
idam bhámàya idam na mama
oî arjunàya svàhà
idam arjunàya idam na mama
oî nakulàya svàhà
idam nakulàya idam na mama
oî sahadevàya svàhà
idam sahadevàya idam na mama
oî viduràya svàhà
idam viduràya idam na mama
oî viìêuràtàya svàhà
idam viìêuràtàya idam na mama
oî vibháìaêàya svàhà
idam vibháìaêàya idam na mama
Then he should offer oblations to the following personalities:
oî ërá-kãìêa-caitanyàya svàhà
idam gauràya idam na mama
oî ërá-nityànandàya svàhà
idam nityànandàya idam na mama
oî ërá-advaitàya svàhà
idam advaitàya idam na mama
oî paêéita-gadàdharàdibhyaí svàhà
idam paêéita-gadàdharàdibhyaí idam na mama
oî ërávàsàdibhyaí svàhà
idam ërávàsàdibhyaí idam na mama
oî ërá-râpàya svàhà
idam râpàya idam na mama 130
oî ërá-sanàtanàya svàhà
idam sanàtanàya idam na mama
oî bhaèèa-raghunàthàya svàhà
idam bhaèèa-raghunàthàya idam na mama
oî ërá-jávàya svàhà
idam jávàya idam na mama
oî gopàla-bhaèèàya svàhà
idam gopàla-bhaèèàya idam na mama
oî dàsa-raghunàthàya svàhà
idam dàsa-raghunàthàya idam na mama
oî dákìà-gurave svàhà
idam dákìà-gurave idam na mama
oî ëikìà-gurubhyaí svàhà
idam ëikìà-gurubhyaí idam na mama
oî ërá-navadvápa-dhàmne svàhà
idam navadvápa-dhàmne idam na mama
oî màyàpura-yogapáèhàya svàhà
idam màyàpura-yogapáèhàya idam na mama
oî antaraçgàyai svàhà
idam antaraçgàyai idam na mama
oî paurêamàsyai svàhà
idam paurêamàsyai idam na mama
oî padmàyai svàhà
idam padmàyai idam na mama
oî mahàlakìmyai svàhà
idam mahàlakìmyai idam na mama
oî gaçgàyai svàhà
idam gaçgàyai idam na mama
oî yamunàyai svàhà
idam yamunàyai idam na mama
oî sarasvatyai svàhà
idam sarasvatyai idam na mama
oî gopyai svàhà
idam gopyai idam na mama
oî vãêdàyai svàhà
idam vãêdàyai idam na mama
oî gàyatryai svàhà
idam gàyatryai idam na mama 131
oî tulasyai svàhà
idam tulasyai idam na mama
oî pãthivyai svàhà
idam pãthivyai idam na mama
oî gàve svàhà
idam gàve idam na mama
oî yaëodàyai svàhà
idam yaëodàyai idam na mama
oî devahâtyai svàhà
idam devahâtyai idam na mama
oî devakyai svàhà
idam devakyai idam na mama
oî rohiêyai svàhà
idam rohiêyai idam na mama
oî sátàyai svàhà
idam sátàyai idam na mama
oî draupadyai svàhà
idam draupadyai idam na mama
oî kuntyai svàhà
idam kuntyai idam na mama
oî rukmiêyai svàhà
idam rukmiêyai idam na mama
oî satyabhàmàyai svàhà
idam satyabhàmàyai idam na mama
oî jàmbavatyai svàhà
idam jàmbavatyai idam na mama
oî nàgnajityai svàhà
idam nàgnajityai idam na mama
oî lakìmaêàyai svàhà
idam lakìmaêàyai idam na mama
oî kàlindyai svàhà
idam kàlindyai idam na mama
oî bhadràyai svàhà
idam bhadràyai idam na mama
oî mitravindàyai svàhà
idam mitravindàyai idam na mama 132
The worshiper of Ërá Gopàla should offer oblations to Ërádàma etc.:
oî ërádàmne svàhà
idam ërádàmne idam na mama
oî sudàmne svàhà
idam sudàmne idam na mama
oî stoka-kãìêàya svàhà
idam stoka-kãìêàya idam na mama
oî lavaçgàya svàhà
idam lavaçgàya idam na mama
oî arjunàya svàhà
idam arjunàya idam na mama
oî vasudàmne svàhà
idam vasudàmne idam na mama
oî viëàlàya svàhà
idam viëàlàya idam na mama
oî subalàya svàhà
idam subalàya idam na mama
oî ërá-ràmàya svàhà
idam ërá-ràmàya idam na mama
oî ërá-kãìêàya svàhà
idam ërá-kãìêàya idam na mama
oî narma-sakhibhyaí svàhà
idam narma-sakhibhyaí idam na mama
oî priya-narma-sakhibhyaí svàhà
idam priya-narma-sakhibhyaí idam na mama
oî sahacarebhyaí svàhà
idam sahacarebhyaí idam na mama
oî sarva-gopàlebhyaí svàhà
idam sarva-gopàlebhyaí idam na mama
oî nandàya svàhà
idam nandàya idam na mama
oî upanandàya svàhà
idam upanandàya idam na mama
oî sunandàya svàhà
idam sunandàya idam na mama
oî mahànandàya svàhà
idam mahànandàya idam na mama
oî ëubhànandàya svàhà
idam ëubhànandàya idam na mama
oî pràêànandàya svàhà
idam pràêànandàya idam na mama
oî sadànandàya svàhà
idam sadànandàya idam na mama 133
The devotees of Ërá Ërá Ràdhà-Kãìêa should perform kãìêàvaraêa-homa and offer oblations to the práya-sakhás,
sahacarás, raçginás, Ërá Lalità and the other gopás, beginning with oblations to the spiritual masters:
oî gurave svàhà
idam gurave idam na mama
oî sarvebhyo mahànta-gurubhyaí svàhà
idam sarvebhyo mahànta-gurubhyaí idam na mama
oî caitya-gurave svàhà
idam caitya-gurave idam na mama
oî lalitàyai svàhà
idam lalitàyai idam na mama
oî ëyàmalàyai svàhà
idam ëyàmalàyai idam na mama
oî viëàkhàyai svàhà
idam viëàkhàyai idam na mama
oî campakalatàyai svàhà
idam campakalatàyai idam na mama 134
oî sucitràyai svàhà
idam sucitràyai idam na mama
oî tuçgavidyàyai svàhà
idam tuçgavidyàyai idam na mama
oî indulekhàyai svàhà
idam indulekhàyai idam na mama
oî raçgadevyai svàhà
idam raçgadevyai idam na mama
oî sudevyai svàhà
idam sudevyai idam na mama
oî kuêéalatàyai svàhà
idam kuêéalatàyai idam na mama
oî dhanyàyai svàhà
idam dhanyàyai idam na mama
oî maçgalàyai svàhà
idam maçgalàyai idam na mama
oî padmàyai svàhà
idam padmàyai idam na mama
oî ëaibyàyai svàhà
idam ëaibyàyai idam na mama
oî bhadràyai svàhà
idam bhadràyai idam na mama
oî citrotpalàyai svàhà
idam citrotpalàyai idam na mama
oî pàlyai svàhà
idam pàlyai idam na mama
oî tàràyai svàhà
idam tàràyai idam na mama
oî kuñjakàlikàyai svàhà
idam kuñjakàlikàyai idam na mama
oî nikuñjakàlikàyai svàhà
idam nikuñjakàlikàyai idam na mama
oî sukhakàlikàyai svàhà
idam sukhakàlikàyai idam na mama
oî rasakalikàyai svàhà
idam rasakàlikàyai idam na mama 135
oî pramodàyai svàhà
idam pramodàyai idam na mama
oî dhaniìèhàyai svàhà
idam dhaniìèhàyai idam na mama
oî tulasyai svàhà
idam tulasyai idam na mama
oî ramàyai svàhà
idam ramàyai idam na mama
oî ramyàyai svàhà
idam ramyàyai idam na mama
oî bimboìèhyai svàhà
idam bimboìèhyai idam na mama
oî rasadàyai svàhà
idam rasadàyai idam na mama
oî ànandadàyai svàhà
idam ànandadàyai idam na mama
oî kalàvatyai svàhà
idam kalàvatyai idam na mama
oî râpa-mañjaryai svàhà
idam râpa-mañjaryai idam na mama
oî anaçga-mañjaryai svàhà
idam anaçga-mañjaryai idam na mama
oî rati-mañjaryai svàhà
idam rati-mañjaryai idam na mama
oî guêa-mañjaryai svàhà
idam guêa-mañjaryai idam na mama
oî lavaçga-mañjaryai svàhà
idam lavaçga-mañjaryai idam na mama
oî vilàsa-mañjaryai svàhà
idam vilàsa-mañjaryai idam na mama
oî rasa-mañjaryai svàhà
idam rasa-mañjaryai idam na mama
oî karpâra-mañjaryai svàhà
idam karpâra-mañjaryai idam na mama
oî sarva-sakhábhyaí svàhà
idam sarva-sakhábhyaí idam na mama 136
oî sarva-sahacarábhyaí svàhà
idam sarva-sahacarábhyaí idam na mama
oî sarva-saçginábhyaí svàhà
idam sarva-saçginábhyaí idam na mama
oî sarva-raçginábhyaí svàhà
idam sarva-raçginábhyaí idam na mama
oî vãìabhànubhyaí svàhà
idam vãìabhànubhyaí idam na mama
oî vãìabhànu-gaêebhyaí svàhà
idam vãìabhànu-gaêebhyaí idam na mama
oî kártidàyai svàhà
idam kártidàyai idam na mama
oî sarva-kàrìêebhyaí svàhà
idam sarva-kàrìêebhyaí idam na mama
oî sarva-vaiìêavebhyaí svàhà
idam sarva-vaiìêavebhyaí idam na mama
oî sarva-vaiìêavábhyaí svàhà
idam sarva-vaiìêavábhyaí idam na mama
oî nàràyaêàya svàhà
idam nàràyaêàya idam na mama
oî kàraêàbdhiëàyine svàhà
idam kàraêàbdhiëàyine idam na mama
oî garbhodakaëàyine svàhà
idam garbhodakaëàyine idam na mama
oî kìáràbdhiëàyine svàhà
idam kìáràbdhiëàyine idam na mama
oî vaikuêèha-dhàmne svàhà
idam vaikuêèha-dhàmne idam na mama
oî vàsudevàya svàhà
idam vàsudevàya idam na mama
oî saçkarìaêàya svàhà
idam saçkarìaêàya idam na mama 137
oî pradyumnàya svàhà
idam pradyumnàya idam na mama
oî aniruddhàya svàhà
idam aniruddhàya idam na mama
oî goloka-dhàmne svàhà
idam goloka-dhàmne idam na mama
oî mathurà-dhàmne svàhà
idam mathurà-dhàmne idam na mama
oî dvàrakà-dhàmne svàhà
idam dvàrakà dhàmne idam na mama
oî matsyàya svàhà
idam matsyàya idam na mama
oî kârmàya svàhà
idam kârmàya idam na mama
oî varàhàya svàhà
idam varàhàya idam na mama
oî nãsiîhàya svàhà
idam nãsiîhàya idam na mama
oî vàmanàya svàhà
idam vàmanàya idam na mama
oî saçkarìaêa-ràmàya svàhà
idam saçkarìaêa-ràmàya idam na mama
oî raghunàtha-ràmàya svàhà
idam raghunàtha-ràmàya idam na mama
oî jàmadagnya-ràmàya svàhà
idam jàmadagnya-ràmàya idam na mama
oî buddhàya svàhà
idam buddhàya idam na mama
oî kalkine svàhà
idam kalkine idam na mama
oî sarvebhyo-guêàvatàrebhyaí svàhà
idam sarvebhyo-guêàvatàrebhyaí idam na mama
oî sarvebhyo-manvantaràvatàrebhyaí svàhà
idam sarvebhyo-manvantaràvatàrebhyaí idam na mama
oî haîsàya svàhà
idam haîsàya idam na mama 138
oî yajñàya svàhà
idam yajñàya idam na mama
oî dattatreyàya svàhà
idam dattatreyàya idam na mama
oî pãèhave svàhà
idam pãèhave idam na mama
oî dhanvantaraye svàhà
idam dhanvantaraye idam na mama
oî mohinyai svàhà
idam mohinyai idam na mama
oî viràje svàhà
idam viràje idam na mama
oî satya-yugàvatàràya ëuklamârtaye svàhà
idam satya-yugàvatàràya ëuklamârtaye idam na mama
oî tretà-yugàvatàràya raktamârtaye svàhà
idam tretà-yugàvatàràya raktamârtaye idam na mama
oî dvàpara-yugàvatàràya kãìêamârtaye svàhà
idam dvàpara-yugàvatàràya kãìêamârtaye idam na mama
oî kali-yugàvatàràya pátamârtaye svàhà
idam kali-yugàvatàràya pátamârtaye idam na mama
oî ërá-vãndàvana-dhàmne svàhà
idam vãndàvana-dhàmne idam na mama
oî vãndàvanàya svàhà
idam vãndàvanàya idam na mama
oî dvàdaëa-vanebhyaí svàhà
idam dvàdaëa-vanebhyaí idam na mama
oî dvàtriîëata-upavanebhyaí svàhà
idam dvàtriîëata-upavanebhyaí idam na mama
oî ëráî kláî vrajavàsi-sthàvara-jaçgama-saparikara-
ërá-ràdhà kãìêàbhyàî svàhà
idam ràdhà-kãìêàbhyàm idam na mama
Agni Paryukìaêa
(sprinkling water around the fire)
He should offer wood dipped in ghee of a pràdeëa length into the fire without mantra and perform agni-
paryukìana: 139
“O Aniruddha, bring forth the sacrifice, bring forth the Lord of the sacrifice for good fortune. You are situated
everywhere. Purifier of desires, purify our desires. May the Lord of words relish our prayers.”
Udakañjali Seka
(taking blessings for performing the sacrifice)
With the following mantras, he should perform the udakañjali-seka by sprinkling water on the South side from
West to East saying:
oî ananta anvamaîsthàí // 1 //
He should sprinkle water on the West side from South to North, saying:
oî acyuta anvamaîsthàí // 2 //
He should sprinkle water on the North side from West to East saying:
oî sarasvate ‘nvamaîsthàí // 3 //
He should take some kuëa grass in his hands with palms upwards, while reciting the following mantra:
Then he should sprinkle the tips of the kuëa with ghee. Again he should chant the above mantra and then
sprinkle ghee on the middle portion of the kuëa. Again he should chant and then sprinkle the root portion.
Holding the kuëa in his left hand, he should then sprinkle the kuëa grass with water and throw into the fire using
his right hand, saying: 140
oî bho vaiÒìêavànàÒm-adhiÓpate viìêo
ruÒdras taÓnticaÒro vãìàÓ /
paÒëân aÒsmàkaÒî mà hiÓgïsáí
eÒtad aÓstu huÒtaî tavaÒ - svàhàÕ //
“O Viìêu, Lord of the devotees, let this be an offering to You so that Rudra, who wanders near the tied up cows, does
not harm our animals.”(Gobila-Gãhya-Sâtraàhmaêa
Pârêa Àhuti
(final offering)
Standing up he should make the final offering of mahàprasàdam 1 , cloth, thread, gandha, garland,
sandalwood, flowers, fruit, betel and other auspicious items of worship into the fire saying:
“I make this final offering to Viìêu, who is fame. Whoever makes an offering to Viìêu gives the most select items as
offering. I choose the best for Viìêu. May my stay in this world lead to glory.”(Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 2.6.11)(Gobila-
Gãhya-Sâtra 4.8.23)
Ëànti Dàna
(sprinkling prokìana water over the fire)
The hotã should go around the fire and release the knot from the kuëa grass brahma, then return to his seat.
Sitting, he should sprinkle water from the abhyukìana-patra (page 124) on the North-East part of the fire, while
chanting the following ëànti dàna mantras (up to oî ëàntir oî ëàntir oî ëàntií) three times: 141
oî bhâr bhuvaÒí svaÓí
aÒbhá ìuêaÒí sakháõnàm àviÒtà jaÓritäÒêàm /
ëaÒtaî bhaÓvàsy âÒtayeÕ //
“The Lord is worshipable. He is our helper, constantly expanding. He is our eternal friend. He displays this through
His wonderful activities.
You are the worshipable absolute truth and the source of all pleasurable experience. Being strong, You break the
opposition of the foes.
You are the protector of those who sing Your praises. You are affectionate to those who accept You as a friend. Be with
us a hundred times, to give us protection.” (Ëukla-Yajurveda 27.39-41)(Ãg-veda 4.31.1-3)
oî svasti no govindaí
svasti no ‘cyutànantau
svasti no vàsudevo viìêur dadhàtu /
svasti no nàràyaêo naro vai
svasti naí padmanàbhaí puruìottamo dadhàtu /
svasti no viëvakseno viëveëvaraí
svasti no hãìákeëo harir dadhàtu
svasti no vainateyo harií
svasti no ‘njanàsuto hanâr bhàgavato dadhàtu /
svasti svasti sumaçgalaikeëo mahàn
ërá kãìêaí saccidànanda-ghanaí
sarveëvareëvaro dadhàtu //
“May Lord Govinda, Acyuta, Ananta Ëeìa, Vàsudeva and Lord Viìêu bestow auspiciousness upon us. May Nara-Nàràyaêa,
Padmanàbha and Puruìottama bestow auspiciousness upon us. May Viëvaksena, the Lord of the universe, Hãìikeëa and Lord
Hari bestow auspiciousness upon us. May Garuéa and the son of Añjanà, who is the great devotee of Lord Ràma, Hanumàn,
bestow auspiciousness upon us. May the great and only Lord of auspiciousness, Ërá Kãìêa, who is like a transcendental cloud
full of eternity, knowledge, and bliss and who is the Lord of all the demigods, bestow upon us all prosperity and
auspiciousness.” (Kãìêopaniìad) 142
oî ëàntiÒr oî ëàntiÒr oî ëàntiÓí //
“May there be peace in the heavenly planets, in the ether, on the earth, in the water, in the air, in the light, in the
herbs, in all the planetary systems, with the bràhmaêas, with the Vaiìêavas. Let there be peace, let there be
satisfaction.”*(Ëukla-Yajurveda 36.16)
He (the groom) should give dakìiêà to the Vaiìêavas that have pañcaràtrika initiation and to the bràhmaêas
present, according to his ability.
The hotã should chant the acchidra vàcana and vaiguêyasamàdaêa (to allay any faults):
“Whatever breach of rules, lack of ingredients or ceremony there has been in this ______ (name of ceremony), let that
be overlooked, by the mercy of Kãìêa and his associates.”
oî tat sat //
“To alleviate any fault which may have been committed in the ceremony of______ (name of ceremony), I now perform
remembrance of Viìêu.”
To the best of his ability, he (the groom) should serve all the elevated Vaiìêavas and other living entities with
great care.
The devotees should perform Kãìêa saîkártana as nicely as possible. The groom should pay daêéavatas to all.
This is the udácya karma. 143
In the morning, after performing àcamana and his daily sandhyà rites, the husband should chant the puruìa-
sâkta (page 64) and according to the scriptural rules, worship Lord Nàràyaêa and His Vaiìêava pàrìadas. That
same evening, at an auspicious time, he should mix cow-urine, mud and water and smear it on the ground. He
should face a Deity of the Lord or Ërá ëàlagràma and after reciting the maçgalàcaraêa (page 62) and svasti-
vàcanam (page 346), he should offer an arghya to the ëàlagràma or the Deity of the house in a conch or earthen
vessel five times with the following mantras.
“O Supreme Lord, at this festive occasion with fresh flowers please accept the arghya offered by me.” 144
With the worship of Lord Viìêu and the Vaiìêavas completed, he should proceed to the place where he will
unite with his wife. Before offering the arghya, or just before the act of union, the husband should be clean and
decorated with sandalwood pulp and wearing nice cloth.
The husband facing East, should situate himself behind his seated wife. With his right hand reaching over her
right shoulder he should touch her yoni saying:
“May Viìêu prepare the yoni; may Acyuta fashion the forms; may Hari carry out the fertilization; may Jagadáëa present
the child to you.”(Ãg-veda 10.184.1)
“Garbhodaëàyi Viìêu please bestow the child; Nara-Nàràyaêa, bedecked with lotus garlands, please give her the child.”
oî dárghàyuìaî kãìêa-bhaktaî
putraî janaya suvrate //
This is the garbhàdhàna rite according to the followers of the Sàma Veda. 145
(rite for making a male child)
Items needed:
1) standard yajña paraphernalia (page 372)
In the case of a first pregnancy this rite should be performed during the third month of the pregnancy .
The husband, after taking his morning bath, should perform vàsudevàrcanam (page 86) and sàttvika vãddhi
ëraddhà (page 353).
He should then set up a yajña kuêéa and perform all the kuëandikà rites (page 123) up to the end of virupàkìa
japa, establishing the fire named ‘Candra’.
He should seat his wife to his own right side on the West side of the fire upon a kuëa-àsana. They should both
face East.
Silently he should place ghee-soaked wood of one pràdeëa length into the fire and then perform vyasta samasta
mahàvyàhãti homa:
“I offer oblations to the space between the heavens and the earth.” 146
The husband, standing behind his wife, should touch her right shoulder, then her navel, repeating the following
mantra three times:
“May the Supreme Lord, the Supreme Male, Mahàviìêu, Vàsudeva, Acyuta, Ananta, Govinda and Viìêu, and the male
child reside in your womb.”(Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 1.4.8)
“I offer oblations to the space between the heavens and the earth.”
Then throw ghee-soaked wood of pràdeëa length into the fire silently.
Now he should perform all the rites of udácya karma (page 189), beginning with ëàèyàyana-homa, up to the end
of vàmadevya gànam . Then he should give dakìiêà to the initiated Vaiìêavas.
This is the pâîsavana rite according to the followers of the Sàma Veda. 147
(parting the wife’s hair)
Items needed:
1) standard yajña paraphernalia (page 372)
2) loose kuëa grass
3) silk string
4) 2 figs with stalks attached, stalks of barley, náma leaves,
mustard leaves and bilva leaves
5) porcupine quill
6) sesame, urad and rice cooked together and ghee poured over it.
7) water pot
In the fourth, sixth or eighth month of the first pregnancy, sámantonnayanam should be performed . If the
garbhàdhàna and pâîsavana ceremonies have not been performed yet, they should be done on this day,
followed by the sámantonnayanam ceremony .
The husband should bathe, perform vàsudevàrcanam (page 86)
3 , sàttvika vãddhi ëraddhà (page 353) and set up
for yajña. Then he should perform all the kuëandikà rites (page 123), up to the end of virupàkìa japa,
establishing the fire named ‘Maçgala’.
After bathing, the wife should be seated facing East, on the West side of the fire on the right hand side of her
husband upon kuëa with tips facing North.
The husband should throw ghee-soaked wood of pràdeëa length into the fire silently. 148
“I offer oblations to the space between the heavens and the earth.”
Standing behind his wife and facing East the husband should tie with a silken string two ripped uéumbara fruits
(figs) with the stalks still attached, and next to that, on the same string, make a kavaca by tying together some
stalks of barley (with the grain clusters still attached), along with some sprigs of náma, mustard and bilva leaves ,
around his wife’s neck, while saying:
“Like this strong tree, become fruitful and strong. King of trees, having brought forth abundant leaves may she bring
forth fruit.”(Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 1.5.1)
Holding three piñjalás , he should draw them over the part in her hair from front to back and bind them at the
side, saying:
oî bhâí
Taking three more piñjalis, he should place it in her hair in the same manner, saying:
oî bhuvaí
Taking three more piñjalis, he should again place them in her hair in the same manner saying:
oî svaí
Taking a porcupine quill, the husband should pass it over her part, and fix it in her hair, saying:
“I part her hair with the instrument with which Prajàpati Viìêu parts the hair of Aditi, for great fortune. In this way I create long-living 149
sons for her.”(Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 1.5.2)
Fastening the quill in her hair, he should draw a spindle full of thread over the part of his wife’s hair and fix in
the hair saying:
“I call the easily-approachable Lord with words of praise. May the Lord understand our needs and fulfil our prayers.
May the finger stitch with unbroken needle, and may she bestow brave, praiseworthy sons.”(Ãg-veda 2.32.4)
“Endowed with just mind and beauty, you give results to those who sacrifice. With that generous mind, come to us
today to bestow a thousand progeny, O giver of fortune.” (Ãg-veda 2.32.5)
Sesame, urad and rice should be cooked together and ghee should be poured over it.
The husband should show this to the wife saying:
oî kiî paëyasi //
“May there be offspring, animals, good fortune, firm Kãìêa-bhakti for the two of us. May there be long life for my
“I offer oblations to the space between the heavens and the earth.” 150
oî svaóí svàhàÕ - iÒdam nàràyaêàya idam na maòma
Now he should perform all the rites of udácya karma (page 189), beginning with ëàèyàyana-homa, up to the end
of vàmadevya gànam and give dakìiêà to the initiated Vaiìêavas and bràhmaêas.
Then married women, who has living children, should put the couple on a raised platform and sprinkle them
with water from a pot saying:
The wife should then eat the cooked rice, sesame and urad .
This is the sámantonnayanam rite according to the followers of the Sàma Veda. 151
Ëoìyantá Homa
(rite for safe delivery)
Items needed:
1) standard yajña paraphernalia (page 372)
When the wife is about to1 bear the child, the husband should perform this rite for the safe delivery of the child
and the wife’s good health .
The husband should bathe, perform worship of Viìêu and Vaiìêavas, and sàttvika vãddhi ëraddhà (page 353)
and then recite the saçkalpa:
oî viìêur
oî tat satù
_______màse (lunar month )
_______pakìe (lunar fortnight)
_______tithau (lunar day )
acyuta gotraí
_______(his name)
_______(name of his wife)
aÓbhidhàÒnyàí madáÓyaÒpatnyàí
sukhaÒ prasaÓvàrthaî
ëoÓìyantá hoÒmam aÒhaî kuÓrváya //
“On______ (date), for the safe delivery of 1my wife’s child, named______, I perform this ëoìyantá homa.”
He should perform all the kuëandikà rites (page 123), establishing the fire named ‘Maçgala’, up to the end of
virupàkìa japa. Then throw ghee-soaked wood into the fire silently and perform vyasta samasta mahàvyàhãti
homa: 152
oî bhuvaí svàhàÕ - iÒdam acyutàya idam na maòma
“I offer oblations to the space between the heavens and the earth.”
He should offer ghee, with Viìêu caraêàmãta and prasàdam into the fire saying:
oî viìêo
yà tiraÓëcáÒ nipaÓdyate aÒhaî vidhaÓraêáÒ itiÓ /
tàî ghãÒtasyaÒ dhàraÓyà yaÒje saîràÓdhanám aÒhaî /
saîràÓdhinyai deÒvyai deÒìèryai iÒdaî tvat praÒsàdàÓmãtaÒî svàhàÕ // 1 //
“O Viìêu, I worship with streams of ghee the Lord’s consort, who is pleased by our worship and who brings forth the
child. I offer this nectarean prasàdam to the merciful consort of the Lord.”(Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 1.5.6)
“Lord, perform this sacred rite in the future. My son, named______, will be born.”(Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 1.5.7)
He should then perform vyasta samasta mahàvyàhãti homa:
“I offer oblations to the space between the heavens and the earth.” 153
Now he should perform all the rites of udácya karma (page 189), beginning with ëàèyàyana-homa, up to the end
of vàmadevya gànam . Then he should give dakìiêà to the initiated Vaiìêavas and bràhmaêas.
This is the ëoìyantá homa according to the followers of the Sàma Veda. 154
Jàta Karma
(birth ceremony)
Items needed:
1) rice
2) barley
3) unused grinding stone
4) ghee
5) golden spoon
When the child emerges from the womb the covering should be removed and the child should be cleaned . The
father should say:
“Do not cut the umbilical cord. Do not give the breast milk.”
The father should bathe, and then recite prayers to guru paramparà and maçgalàcaraêa (page 62).
A brahmacàrá, young girl, pregnant mother, Vaiìêava scholar or initiated Vaiìêava should, on a washed stone
slab, grind rice and barley into a powder using an unused stone. The father should take the powder using the
thumb and ring finger of his right hand, saying:
“Here is the order. Here is rice (sustenance). Here is long life. Here is ghee.”(Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 1.5.8)
He should place the powder and some ghee on the tongue of the newborn child, using a golden spoon, saying:
“May Màdhava, Vàmana, and Hari give you intelligence. May Acyuta and Ananta, wearing lotus garlands, bestow
intelligence to you.” (Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 1.5.9) 155
He should give ghee again saying:
“At this place I have attained the most precious boon, intelligence for understanding Kãìêa.”
The cord should be tied and cut at the proper place and the child should be washed and fed breast-milk.
The father should again take bath .
This is the jàta karma rite according to the followers of the Sàma Veda. 156
(taking the child outside for the first time)
The mother and child should remain indoors however until the third lunar day of the third waxing moon after
the child’s birth .
The child should be bathed in the morning, and at sundown the husband and wife should go with the child to
the temple of the Lord. They should stand facing the Deity, the wife on the husband’s left side. The child should
be wrapped in a clean cloth.
The wife should give the child into her husband’s hands, and then proceed behind the husband and stand on his
right side facing the Deity.
“I pay respects to the all-pervading Lord who existed before the material creation, from whom emerged the protector of
the worlds, and into whom the words merge at the time of destruction. O all-pervading Lord, may misfortune not come
to my son.”(Nãsimha-Pârva-Tàpani-Upaniìad 2.4)
“The Lord, who is the giver of consciousness, giver of strength, whose order all beings in the universe obey, whose
very shadow is immortality, who is death to death personified, whom we should worship with fine offerings. Therefore
O Lord, death of death personified, may misfortune not come to my son.”(Ãg-veda 10.121.2) 157
oî naraÒ-nàràÓyaêaÒu ëarmaÓ yacchatàî
praÒjàyaÓi me praÒjàpaÓtá /
yathàÒyaî na pramáÓyate
puÒtro janiÓtryàÒ adhiÓ //
“May Nara Nàràyaêa, the Lords of procreation, bestow to the child and to me, the good fortune that mother and son
not be destroyed.”(Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 1,5.12)
Saying this he should point out the Deities to his son and offer arghya to the Lord saying:
He should then give the child to the mother and sing vàmadevya gànam (page 366).
After three more waxing moons, on the third lunar day, at the evening sandhya, the father should go to the Deity
and offer flowers three times saying:
“The Lord, to whom no living being is superior, who has entered the worlds as the living entities, is the Lord of the
living entities, but is intimately united with them. The three luminaries with the sixteen phases of light, accompany the
Lord. All-knowing Viìêu, pervading all, may harm not come to our son.”(Ëukla-Yajurveda 8.36)
He should return home singing vàmadevya gànam (page 366). He may perform this rite without the son and wife
being present. 158
Nàma Karaêa
(name-giving ceremony)
Items needed:
1) standard yajña paraphernalia (page 372)
The child should be named on the tenth, twelfth, hundred and first day, or one full year from his birth.
He should offer ghee-soaked wood of pràdeëa length into the fire silently and perform vyasta samasta
mahàvyàhãti homa:
“I offer oblations to the space between the heavens and the earth.”
The mother should hold the child covered in a clean cloth, and sit to the husband’s right. Handing the child to
her husband, she should pass behind him and come to his left side. She should sit facing East on kuëa grass with
tips facing North. 159
idaî viìêave idam na mama
oî vaiìêavebhyo svàhà /
iÒdaî sarvaÒ-vaiìêaÓvebhyo iÒdam na maÓma
oî vaiìêavebhyo svàhà -
idaî sarva vaiìêavebhyo idam na mama
The father should touch the mouth, nostrils, eyes, and ears of the child with his right hand and say:
oî koÓ ‘si kaÒtamoÓ ‘sy eÒìo ‘sÒy amãÓto ‘siÒ àhaÓspatyaÒî màsaÓî praviëa ërá (name of son) dàsa
“You are immortal like the Lord. O______ (name of son) enter in this solar month.”(Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 1.5.14) 160
ràtriÓs tvà aÒho-ràtràÓbhyàÒm pariÓdadàtu
aÒho ràtraÓu tvà ‘rdha-màÒsebhyaÒí pariÓdattàî /
ardha-màÒsas tvàÒ màseÓbhyaÒí pariÓdadàtuÒ
màsaÓs tvà ròtubhyaÒí pariÓdadàtu /
ãÒtavaÓs tvà saîvatsaÒràyaÒ pariÓdadàtu
saîvatsaÒràs tvàÒ àyuÓìeÒ jaràÓyaÒi pariÓdadàtu /
ërá (name of son) dàsa //
“May the Lord consign you to the day. May the day consign you to the night. May the night consign you to the day and
night. May day and night consign you to half months. May the half month consign you to the full months. May the
months consign you to the seasons. May the seasons consign you to the year. May the years consign you to long life,
O______ (name of child).”(Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 1.5.15)
The husband should whisper the name in the left ear of his wife saying:
ërá (name of child) deÒva ëaÓrmà ‘yaÒî teÓ puÒtraí //
“______is your son.
Then He should whisper the name of the child in His (child’s) right ear saying:
He should give the child back to his wife’s hands, offer wood silently into the fire and perform vyasta samasta
mahàvyàhãti homa:
“I offer oblations to the space between the heavens and the earth.”
And offer ghee-soaked wood of pràdeëa length silently into the fire. 161
He should now perform all the rites of udácya karma (page 189), beginning with ëàèyàyana-homa, up to the end
of vàmadevya gàêam . Then he should give dakìiêà to the initiated Vaiìêavas and bràhmaêas.
This is the nàma karaêa rite according to the followers of the Sàma Veda. 162
Pauìèika Karma
(ceremony for continued health of the child)
Items needed:
1) standard yajña paraphernalia (page 372)
This ceremony should be performed every month, during the child’s first year, on the tithi and
1 pakìa (waxing or
waning phase of the moon) corresponding to the tithi and pakìa on which the child was born .
The father should take his morning bath, perform worship of Lord Viìêu, recite svasti vàcana (page 346) and
chant ‘oî tad viìêoí paramaî padaî’ (page 63) etc. and ‘oî kãìêo vai sac-cid-ànada-ghanaí’ (page 63) etc.
Then he should perform all kuëandikà rites (page 123) up to the end of virupàkìa japa, establishing the fire
named ‘Balada’.
Then he should offer ghee-soaked wood of pràdeëa length into the fire silently and perform vyasta samasta
mahàvyàhãti homa:
“I offer oblations to the space between the heavens and the earth.”
oî acyutànantàbhyàî svàhà /
acyutànantàbhyàî idam na mama // 1 //
oî dàmodara-puruìottamàbhyàî svàhà /
dàmodara-puruìottamàbhyàî idam na mama // 2 // 163
oî vàsudeva-vàmana-viìêu-vaikuêèhàdibhyaí svàhà /
idam na mama // 3 //
He should then offer oblations to the tithi and nakìatra devatàs saying:
om vaiìêavebhyo
svàhà idam sarva vaiìêavebhyo idam na mama
The father should offer as many oblations as he can using the mantras ‘oî tad viìêoí paramaî padaî’ (page 63)
etc. and ‘oî kãìêo vai sac-cid-ànanda-ghanaí’ (page 63) etc.
He should then perform vyasta samasta mahàvyàhãti homa:
“I offer oblations to the space between the heavens and the earth.”
Then offer ghee-soaked wood of pràdeëa length into the fire silently, and perform all the rites of udácya karma
(page 189), beginning with ëàèyàyana-homa, up to the end of vàmadevya gàêam . Then he should give dakìiêà to
the initiated Vaiìêavas and bràhmaêas. 164
This is the child’s pauìèika-karma according to the followers of the Sàma Veda. 165
Anna Pràëana
(first grains ceremony)
Items needed:
1) standard yajña paraphernalia (page 372)
2) mahàprasàdam rice
In the case of a male child the rite should be performed in the sixth or eighth month, on1 an auspicious day. In
the case of girl, it should be performed in the fifth or seventh month, on an auspicious day .
He should offer ghee-soaked wood of pràdeëa length into the fire silently and perform vyasta samasta
mahàvyàhãti homa:
“I offer oblations to the space between the heavens and the earth.” 166
The father should offer oblations of ghee with the following mantras:
“This offering is for prosperity. May Virocana, Sattvana, Saçkarìaêa bestow truth in me.”(Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa
“Among food ghee is happiness, beauty, strength and nobility. I offer it to Ananta for all success.” (Sàma-mantra-
brahmaêa 2.6.15)
oî ëráÒ-viìêaÓveÒ kìudheÓ // 3 //
oî ëráÒ-viìêaÓveÒ kìuè-piÓpàsàbhyàm // 4 // 167
oî bhâr svàhàÕ - iÒdam viìêave idam na maòma
“I offer oblations to the space between the heavens and the earth.”
Then throw ghee-soaked wood of pràdeëa length into the fire silently and perform
1 all the rites of udácya karma
(page 189), beginning with ëàèyàyana-homa, up to the end of vàmadevya gàêam .
He should then feed the child grains saying:
oî pràÒêàyaÒ svàhàÕ
“O Acyuta master of food, bestow food which gives strength and which is free from disease. You should lead the
performer of sacrifice onwards. Give strength to us and the animals. I make this sacrifice to the pràêa.”(Ëukla-
Yajurveda 11.83)
oî aÓpàÒnàyaÒ svàhàÕ
“O Janàrdana, Lord of sustenance and food, provide our sustenance, bestow Your food of bliss and immortality. At all
times bestow upon us, both human and beast. I make this sacrifice to the apàna.”
oî lakìmáÒ-nàràÓyaêau-annapatáÒ
annaÒm amãÓtaî no dhehi kamalàÒ-saîskãÓtaî / 168
te bhukta-ëeÒìaî noÓ dhehiÒ dvipaÓdeÒ catuÓìpadeÒ - svàhàÕ // 3 //
oî saÓmàÒnàyaÒ svàhàÕ
“O Lakìmá-Nàràyaêa, rulers of sustenance, give us the food of immortality, prepared by Lakìmá herself. Bestow upon us
Your remnants, to the humans and the animals alike. I make this sacrifice to the samàna.”
oî uÓdàÒnàyaÒ svàhàÕ
“O Lord of sustenance, give us Your principal sacrifice, the food of that sacrifice. Bestow to us the human form and
nature so hard to attain, made eternal. Bestow that to us, humans and animals alike. I make this sacrifice to the udàna.”
oî vyàÒnàyaÒ svàhàÕ
“O Janàrdana, give to us, both man and beast, Your eternal food, that which has been offered to You, soaked with the
nectar of the six flavors, and capable of destroying all sins. I make this sacrifice to the vyàna.”
After the anna-pràëana ceremony, he should give as much dakìiêà as he possibly can to all the initiated Vaiìêavas
and to all the Vaiìêava bràhmaêas. He should serve (prasàda) to all the devotees, guests and other living entities.
Affter anna-pràëanam one may perform the ceremony caled putra-mârddhà-‘bhighràêam. 169
Putra Mârdhàbhighràêam
(smelling the son’s head)
This may be performed after the anna-pràëana ceremony, when the father returns from a long journey and wishes
to bless his child.
The father should wash his feet, perform àcamana and facing East hold the child’s head (or the eldest son’s head
first, if there are more than one son), saying:
“Breath of life, from limb to limb you flow. From the heart you conquer. O son, to you by my breathing I give life. Live
a long life for me.”(Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 1.5.16)
“From limb to limb you flow. From the heart you conquer. Your name is the Veda, eternal knowledge. Live a hundred
autumns, a hundred harvests.” (Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 1.5.17)
“Be like a stone, be like a thunderbolt, be immortal wealth. O son, you are my very self. Do not die. Live a hundred
autumns.” (Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 1.5.18)
“O______ (name of son), making a sound like the breathing of the cows, I smell your head.” (Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa
1.5.19) 170
He should then apologize for any faults in the ceremony by performing acchidra vàcanam (page 213).
If the father has not gone on a long journey, the ceremony can be performed when the child can recognize the
father. Otherwise it is performed after the Upanayanam ceremony.
Câéà Karaêam
(hair-cutting ceremony)
Items needed:
1) standard yajña paraphernalia (page 372)
2) loose kuëa grass
3) copper razor (or a small mirror if the razor is unavailable)
4) bell metal vessel with warm water in it
5) barber who will shave the child’s head
6) bull-dung
7) pot of khicuri made of sesame, rice and urad-dhal cooked together
8) three cups of uncooked rice and barley mixed
9) three cups of uncooked sesame, urad dhal and rice mixed
This saîskàra should be performed during the male child’s first year (between the child’s first and second year—
the best option), third year (second option) or fifth year (third option) .
After his early morning bath, the father worships Viìêu and the àcàryas by doing sàttvika vãddhi ëraddhà (page
353). Then he should perform all the kuëandikà rites (page 123), up to the end of virupàkìa japa, establishing
the fire named ‘Satya’.
After completing virupàkìa japa, he should place twenty-one piñjalis —divided into three groups of seven—on the
South side of the fire. The three groups of piñjalis should be connected to one another by placing a few blades of
kuëa grass on top of them, with the tips intact, pointing East. The father should also place there a bell metal 171
vessel with warm water and a copper razor or mirror. The barber, who will shave the boy, should also be
standing on the South side of the fire, holding a regular razor.
On the North side of the fire he should place bull dung and a pot of khicuri made of sesame, rice and urad-dhal
cooked together.
On the East side of the fire he should place three cups of uncooked rice and barley mixed, and three cups of
uncooked sesame, rice and urad dhal mixed.
The mother, with the cleanly-dressed child in her lap, should sit on kuëa grass on the West side of the fire on the
left side of her husband, facing East.
The father should offer ghee soaked wood in the fire silently, then perform vyasta samasta mahàvyàhãti homa:
“I offer oblations to the space between the heavens and the earth.”
Following this, the husband should rise, and facing East, stand behind his wife. Looking towards the barber he
should meditate on Viìêu, saying:
“May the Lord come here and cut the hair of this child with this blade made potent by mantra.” (Sàma-mantra-
brahmaêa 1.6.1) 172
“May Viìêu come here and cut the hair of the child using this warm water.”(Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 1.6.2)
He should take the warm water in his right hand and apply it above the right ear of the child saying:
“May these waters moisten his hair so that he may live long.” (Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 1.6.3)
Looking at the copper razor (if it is not available than at a mirror) he should say:
“You are the teeth of Viìêu. May Viìêu Himself cut the hair of this child.” (Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 1.6.4)
He should place a bundle of kuëa grass, root side up, over the right ear of the child, saying:
“May Acyuta, Ananta and Nàràyaêa give this child long life. O herbs, protect this child.” (Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa
Holding the kuëa with his left hand, he should place the copper razor over the right ear of the child saying:
Moving the copper blade without cutting the hair he should say:
Using the regular blade, hair should be shaved just above the right ear and placed on the bull-dung, held by a
friend of the boy. 173
The previous seven mantras starting with ‘oî à ayam agàt sarveëvaraí’ should be repeated while shaving the area
just below the ëikhà, and again while shaving the hair just over the left ear. The cut hair should be placed on the
oî jaÒmadaÓgneÒs tryàyuÓìam /
oî kaëyaÓpasyaÒ tryàyuÓìam /
oî agaÓstyasyaÒ tryàyuÓìam /
oî yad deÒvànàÒî tryàyuÓìam /
oî tat teÓ ‘stuÒ tryàyuÓìam //
“May there be three lifespans for Jamadagêi, for Kaëyapa, for Agastya, for the devatàs and for the child.” (Sàma-mantra-
brahmaêa 1.6.8)(Ëukla-Yajurveda 3.62)
The father should take the child to the North side of the fire, the barber should be garlanded. The child should
face the East or North and the barber should now shave his head, leaving a ëikhà .
The hair should be placed on the bull-dung, and that should be placed in a forest or amongst bamboo stalks.
Karêavedha (piercing the ears) may be performed at this time (see Appendix III).
“I offer oblations to the space between the heavens and the earth.”
Then throw ghee soaked wood of one pràdeëa length into the fire silently. 174
He should perform all the rites of udácya karma (page 189), beginning with ëàèyàyana-homa, up to the end of
vàmadevya gàêam . Then he should give dakìiêà to the initiated Vaiìêavas and bràhmaêas.
He should feed all the Vaiìêavas, guests and give the khicuri and grains around the fire to the barber. 175
(reformatory rites of a bràhmaêa)
Items needed:
1) standard yajña paraphernalia (page 372)
2) belt that is made of three strands of kuëa grass and is long enough to go three times around
the waist of the student
3) bràhmaêa thread
4) deer skin (if not available it is possible to substitute it with a new silk or cotton chaddar of a
nice quality)
5) stick of bilva or palàëa wood for student’s daêéa
The upanayanam ceremony should be conducted, for bràhmaêas, counting eight years from conception or eight
years from the birth of the son, on an auspicious day. If that is not possible, the ceremony should take place
latest before the sixteenth year from the birth of the child, has passed. According to the original rules, if there is
more delay, the child is not entitled to undergo the ceremony and receive the sacred thread.
On the morning of the upanayanam ceremony, the àcàrya should take bath, worship the Supreme Lord and the
Vaiìêavas and then perform sàttvika vãddhi ëraddhà (page 353).
He should then perform all kuëandikà rites (page 123), up to the end of virupàkìa japa, establishing the fire
named ‘Samâdbhava’.
The child should be fed a little prasàdam; he should be clean-shaved (with ëikhà), bathed, decorated, and dressed
in one piece of clean silk or cotton cloth.
Passing by the North side of the fire, the child should sit on the right hand side of the àcàrya, facing East.
The àcàrya should start by throwing ghee-soaked wood of pràdeëa length into the fire silently.
He should perform vyasta samasta mahàvyàhãti homa: 176
“I offer oblations to the space between the heavens and the earth.”
The àcàrya or hotã should offer five oblations of ghee with the following mantras:
“O Viìêu, Lord of scriptural rules. I request that You give mercy so I can perform this upanayanam rite. By this, may I
attain success. To remove illusion I undertake this act of absolute truth.” (Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 1.6.10)
“O Acyuta, Lord of scriptural rules. I request that You give mercy so I can perform this upanayanam rite. By this, may I
attain success. To remove illusion I undertake this act of absolute truth.” (Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 1.6.11)
“O Nàràyaêa, Lord of scriptural rules. I request that You give mercy so I can perform this upanayanam rite. By this,
may I attain success. To remove illusion I undertake this act of absolute truth.” (Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 1.6.11) 177
iÒdam aÒhaî anãÓtàt saÒtyaî upaÓimi // 4 //
The àcàrya should then stand facing East on the West side of the fire with his hands folded in prayer, upon a
kuëa-àsana with tips facing North.
The child should stand facing the àcàrya between the fire and the àcàrya, upon a kuëa-àsana with tips facing
A bràhmaêa should stand on the child’s right hand side and give handful of water first to the child, then to the
“O Lord, we have met with this boy who has come for upanayanam and testify to his character. Please bestow Your
company to this splendid youth. Let us go without obstacles to the supreme goal of life. May the boy attain the
ultimate goal.” (Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 1.6.14)
“I have come to accept the vow of brahmacàryam. Please initiate me.” (Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 1.6.15)
The àcàrya asks:
oî ko nàmaÓ asi // 178
The child should say:
The child and the àcàrya should pour the water from their hands.
The àcàrya should hold the right hand and thumb of the child in his right hand and say:
“In this activity of Viìêu, I grasp your hand with the arms of Nàràyaêa and Vàsudeva, with the hands of
Saçkarìaêa.”(Ëukla-Yajurveda 1.21) (Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 1.6.18)
“May Viìêu take your hand. May Nàràyaêa and Mahàviìêu take your hand. May Mukunda and Prabhaviìêu take your
hand. By this action, you are a friend. Viìêu is your teacher.” (Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 1.6.19)
The àcàrya should then circumambulate the child and then face East while saying:
The àcàrya should then touch the right shoulder of the child with his right hand and then lower the hand to the
child’s uncovered navel saying: 179
tuÒbhyaî iÒdaî pariÓdadàmiÒ ërá (child’s name) deva ëarmàn //
“You are the knot of the life airs. Do not become loosened. Acyuta, to You I give this child.” (Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa
Touching the child’s right shoulder with his right hand he should say:
Touching the child’s left shoulder with his left hand he should say:
oî saÒmidhaÒî àdheÓhi // 180
oî bàÓéham //
“I will.”
oî àÒpo aëàÓna //
“Drink water for purification (àcamana).” (Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 1.6.26)
oî bàÓéham //
“I will.”
oî kaÒrma kuÓru //
“Do your work.” (Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 1.6.26)
oî bàÓéham //
“I will.”
oî mà diÒvà svàÓpsáí //
“Refrain from sleeping in the daytime.” (Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 1.6.26)
oî bàÓéham //
“I will.”
The àcàrya should go and sit on the North side of the fire facing East upon kuëa with tips facing North.
The child should face the àcàrya, and kneel with right knee touching the ground, upon kuëa with tips facing
1 2
The àcàrya should wrap the child’s waist three times with a belt of three strands of kuëa , by walking around
him three times in a clockwise direction. 181
svasàÓ deÒvá suÒbhagàÒ mekhaÓlà iÒyaî //
“This belt is the consort of the Lord, pure and auspicious, like a sister. Freeing and protecting one from bad words and
acts, it preserves the purity of ones varêa, bringing strength for inhaling and exhaling breath. I have obtained this belt.”
(Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 1.6.27)
“This belt is the protector of truth, the greatest wealth of austerity, which prevents injury, and causes victory over
enemies. O secret belt of fortune, please surround me completely. As your wearers may we not bring harm to you.”
(Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 1.6.28)
“You are the sacred thread for sacrifice. I tie you with this thread for the purpose of performing sacrifices.” (Sàma-
mantra-brahmaêa 1.6.29 Ëàçkàyaêa-Gãhya-Sâtra 2.2.3,Pàraskara-Gãhya-Sâtra 2.2.10)
He should place the thread on the child’s left shoulder and under the right arm saying:
“I am giving you this deer skin, which is the light of the sun, the presiding Lord, strength, energy and fame, eternal and
effulgent, chaste, giving valor, giving long life.” (Pàraskara-Gãhya-Sâtra 2.2.10)
The child should put on the deer skin, and folding his hands, should stand in front of the àcàrya, saying: 182
oî adháhi bhoí, sàvitráî me bhavàn anubravátu //
The àcàrya should make the child recite each phrase three times:
The àcàrya should make the child recite the full mantra three times:
The àcàrya should make the child recite each of the mahàvyàhãtis as follows:
oî bhâr oî
oî bhuvaÒr oî
oî svaór oî
The àcàrya should make the child recite the gàyatrá mantra with the mahàvyàhãtis three times:
“Let us meditate on the worshipable effulgence of the divine sun who enthuses our meditation.” 183
Then the àcàrya should hand the child a stick of bilva or palàëa wood and make him address the stick, saying:
oî suÓëraÒvàs suÓëravaÒsaî
màÓ kuruÒ yathàÒ tvaî suÓëraÒvàí /
suÓëraÒvà deÒveìuÓ eÒvaî aÒhaî /
suÓëraÒvàs suÓëraÒvà bràhmaÒêeìuÓ bhâyàsam //
“You, being glorious with knowledge, make me glorious with the same knowledge. O glorious one, as you are glorious
among the devas, may I be glorious among the bràhmaêas.”(Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 1.6.31)
Taking the daêéa the brahmacàrá should begin begging, by first going to his mother and saying :
oî svaÒsti //
oî svaÒsti //
He should approach friends of his father in the same way and give all that he receives to the àcàrya. 184
“I offer oblations to the space between the heavens and the earth.”
He should offer ghee-soaked wood of pràdeëa length into the fire silently.
Samidadhànam homa
The brahmacàrá should remain at the place of the homa silently until sunset. Then he should begin kuëandikà
rites (page 123), drawing the lines (pañca rekhà sthàpana page 124) and purifying them, and establishing the fire
named ‘Samâdbhava’. He should fold his hands and say:
“May the remaining fire here, omniscient Jàtavedas, carry the oblations to the gods.”(Ëukla-Yajurveda 35.19)
He should perform udakañjali seka (page 140) and agni paryukìana (page 141) from kuëandikà section.
Taking three sticks of ghee-soaked wood of pràdeëa length, he should offer the first without mantra.
The second he should offer saying:
“I have brought the wood of the great fire, the knower of all living entities. Just as the fire shines brightly by means of
the fuel, may I shine with long life, wisdom, vitality, good offspring, many cows, knowledge of the Vedas, necessary
wealth and sustenance.”
Then he should perform agni paryukìana (page 208) and udakañjali seka (page 208) from udácya karma section.
Identifying himself by gotra he should salute the fire, saying: 185
oî______gotraí ërá (his own name)
deva ëarmàhaî bho ‘bhivàdaye //
oî kìaÓmasva //
After the sun has set, the child should eat the grains that he has begged with ghee but without salt. Before eating
he should sprinkle the grains with water, then sip water saying:
He should take small particles of food in between his ring finger, middle finger and thumb of his right hand and
saying the following five mantras offer the grains five times to the life airs by swallowing them without chewing.
Each time some grains should remain in his hand, which he should discard on the earth. The left hand should be
touching the plate.
oî pràÒêàyaÒ svàhàÕ // 1 //
oî aòpànàyaÒ svàhàÕ // 2 //
oî saòmàÒnàyaÒ svàhàÕ // 3 //
oî uòdàÒnàyaÒ svàhàÕ // 4 //
oî vyàÒnàyaÒ svàhàÕ // 5 //
For the rest of his life he should take his meals in this manner.
As long as he lives as a brahmacàrá, that is up until the samàvartana saîskàra, the boy should perform the
samidadhànam homa every morning and evening. 186
This is the end of the upanayanam ceremony.
Items needed:
1) standard yajña paraphernalia (page 372)
2) juhâ - sruk made of palàëa wood
3) wooden mortar and pestle
4) winnowing basket
5) bell-metal bowl
6) barley grains
7) loose kuëa grass
8) earthen bowl (carusthàlá) for cooking caru
9) milk
10) stirring spoon, flat on both sides, made from khadira, palàëa oruéumbara wood
This homa is performed on the fourth day after the upanayanam rites either by the father with relatives, or the
father with brahmacàrás or by an àcàrya.
After taking bath, he should begin the kuëandikà rites (page 123) through agni sthàpana (page 127), calling the
fire named ‘Samâdbhava’. Then facing East he should sit down and cook caru in the same fire.
On the Western side of the fire he should place kuëa with their tips facing East and on top of that he should
place a mortar and pestle made of wood. He should also place a bamboo winnowing basket there and a bell-metal
bowl with barley grains in it. He should purify all the items with water from a wooden spoon (prokìaná). He
should chant the following mantra:
Then he should take one third of a portion of the barley from the bell-metal bowl and place it in the mortar
without mantra. The rest of the barley should be divided into two portions. Then holding the pestle in his right
hand, he should crush the grains in the mortar and then thresh them with the winnowing basket. Similarly,
crush and thresh the other two portions of barley. After doing this thrice, he should wash the grains three times.
He should put two piñjalás into the carusthàlá (the earthen bowl in which the caru will be cooked) with their
tips facing North, and then put the washed grains in a pot and slowly (so as not to create lumps) add milk and
water, a little at a time, stirring it with a spoon in a clockwise direction; he should cook it on the fire (that he has 187
installed) making sure that it doesn’t become burned or that the water doesn’t evaporate completely. The spoon
he uses for stirring should be made from khadira, palàëa or uéumbara wood with a flat face on both sides, half an
inch thick and of a square shape.
When the caru is ready, he should add two spoons of ghee and place it on top of kuëa on the North side of the
kuêéa. He should then add one more spoon of ghee.
He should then continue the kuëandikà from bhâmi japa (page 134) through sruva saîskàra (page 140). Then
after placing the ghee on top of kuëa on the Western side of the fire, continue with udakañjali seka (page 140)
and finish the kuëandikà rites with the virupàkìa japa (page 142).
After that he should begin the homa by offering ghee-soaked wood of pràdeëa length into the fire silently.
The vyasta samasta mahàvyàhãti homa should not be chanted at the beginning of the sàvitrá caru homa, but only
Abridged homa:
If the performer of the caru homa wishes to make the homa shorter, or if he doesn’t have a juhâ , then he can
put one spoon of ghee into the caru and take one spoon of caru from the carustàlá and offer it into the fire, while
Unabridged homa:
If one wants to get more benefit, then he may use the juhâ for offering the caru. Those bràhmaêas who belong
to Bhãgu gotra should put five spoons of ghee and others should put four into the North side of the fire pouring
towards the East, while chanting:
oî viìêaÓveÒ svàhàÕ
Then they should offer a spoon of ghee on the Southern side of the fire chanting:
oî anaÓntàyaÒ svàhàÕ 188
Then put one spoon of ghee in the Eastern side of the carusthàlá, and taking a spoonful of caru from the Eastern side,
place it into the juhâ; then again pour one spoon of ghee into the carusthàlá on the Eastern side.
After that, take one spoon of ghee and pour it into the juhâ. Then offer the caru and ghee from the juhâ into the
fire, while chanting:
However, if the brahmacàrá belongs to another gotra, then he should pour one spoon of ghee into the Western
side of the carusthàlá (but not take any caru out of the pot), one spoon of ghee into juhâ and one spoon of ghee
into the middle of the carusthàlá. Then he should offer the ghee in the juhâ into the fire, while chanting the
above mantra.
He should put two spoons of ghee into juhâ and offer it into the North-East side of the fire, chanting:
Brahmacàrás from different gotras should put two spoons of ghee into the juhâ and one spoon of ghee into the
North-East side of carusthàlá. The rest of the ritual is the same.
After that, the brahmacàrá should offer the spoon, used for stirring the caru, into the fire without mantra.
“I offer oblations to the space between the heavens and the earth.” 189
oî bhâòr bhuòvaòí svaí svàhàÕ - iÒdam anantàya idam na maòma
He should now perform all the rites of udácya karma (page 189), beginning with ëàèyàyana-homa, up to the end
of vàmadevya gàêam . The brahmacàrá should give dakìiêà to the àcàrya. If the àcàrya is his father then he gives
it to the initiated Vaiìêava who officiated as the brahma priest. 190
(graduation ceremony)
Items needed:
1) standard yajña paraphernalia (page 372)
2) pot of hot and cold water mixed together which also contains rice, barley, urad dhàl, mung-dhàl,
sarvauìadhi herbs and
3) set of new cloths for the graduate
4) bràhmaêa thread (two sets of three strings)
5) bamboo stick, shoes and garland for the graduate
6) paraphernalia for washing feet and performance of àrati
7) cart yoked with two cows
This ceremony is performed when the student finishes his Vedic studies .
On the day of the samàvartana, the àcàrya should perform vàsudevàrcanam (page 86) and sàttvika vãddhi
ëraddhà (page 353). Then he should perform kuëandikà rites (page 123), up to the end of virupàkìa japa,
establishing the fire named ‘Tejaí’.
“I offer oblations to the space between the heavens and the earth.” 191
“I offer oblations to the upper planetary systems.”
Then he should offer ghee into the fire five times saying each of the following mantras:
“O Ananta, Lord of vratas, I have undertaken this vrata. I announce to you that I have accomplished the vow and have
satisfied You. Overcoming illusion I have arrived at truth.” (Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 1.6.12)
“O Vàsudeva, Lord of vratas, I have undertaken this vrata. I announce to you that I have accomplished the vow and
have satisfied You. Overcoming illusion I have arrived at truth.” (Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 1.6.12)
“O Catur-bhuja, Lord of vratas, I have undertaken this vrata. I announce to you that I have accomplished the vow and
have satisfied You. Overcoming illusion I have arrived at truth.” (Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 1.6.12)
“O Sarveëvara, Lord of vratas, I have undertaken this vrata. I announce to you that I have accomplished the vow and
have satisfied You. Overcoming illusion I have arrived at truth.” (Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 1.6.12) 192
oî aÓcyuta vratapate vraÒtaî aÓcàriìaÒî
tat teÒ prabraÓvámi tad aÓëakaÒî tenaÓ aràtsaî /
iÒdam aÒhaî anãÓtàt saÒtyaî upàÓgàî // 5 //
“O Acyuta, Lord of vratas, I have undertaken this vrata. I announce to you that I have accomplished the vow and have
satisfied You. Overcoming illusion I have arrived at truth.” (Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 1.6.12)
The àcàrya should sit facing North on kuëa with tips facing North. The brahmacàrá should sit in the North West,
facing East, on kuëa with tips facing North. Then the brahmacàrá should take a pot of hot and cold water mixed
together which also contains rice, barley, urad-dahl, mung-dahl, sarvauìadhi, herbs and candana.
The brahmacàrá should fill his hands with this mixture and pour it on the ground saying:
“In this water Nàràyaêa, Ananta and others have entered. I reject the inauspicious fires which cover, which conceal,
which contaminate, which cause pain, and bring destruction to the mind, body and senses.”
The student should take water again and pour on the ground saying:
“I abandon what is terrible, cruel and violent in this water.” (Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 1.7.2)
Directed by the àcàrya, the student should sprinkle some of the water on himself saying:
Directed by the àcàrya, the student should fill his hands with water and sprinkle himself again saying: 193
ràÒyas-poìàÓyaÒ tviìèyaÒi apaÓcittyai //
“This is for fame, for energy, for knowledge, for strength, for the senses, for courage, for sustenance, for wealth and
prosperity, for brilliance and respect.” (Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 1.7.4)
The student should sprinkle himself with water once more without mantra.
While standing, facing East, looking at the Deity of Viìêu, he should praise the Deity saying:
“Nàràyaêa, shining with all pervading light, the King of all forces of nature, stands with the months—His followers—in
the daytime. You are the bestower of a hundred gifts. Make me the giver of a hundred gifts. I go towards You. Please
come towards me.”
“Nàràyaêa, the Supreme Lord, shining with all pervading light, stands with the forces of nature, stands with the
months—His friends—in the evening. You are the bestower of a thousand gifts. Make such a bestower of me. I am
attempting to approach You. Please come towards me.” 194
sarva-vyàpá sarva-bhâtàntaràtmà /
karmàdhyakìaí sarva-bhâtàdhivàsaí
sàkìá cetà kevalo nirguêaë ca //
“You are the Supreme Lord, in the heart of all living entities. You are the all-pervading guide of all souls, the controller
of all activities, the Lord of all living entities. You are the witness, the destroyer, the complete whole, transcendental to
material nature.”(Ëvetaëvatara-Upaniìad 6.11) (Ërá-Gopàlatàpaná-Upaniìad 2)
The student should take off his kuëa belt by lowering it to his feet, while saying:
“Slip the noose of Varuêa, the impediments in life, from the upper part of my body, from the lower part of my body
and from the middle. Then let us, free from sin, be fixed in performing service to You, for the welfare of all.”(Ãg-veda
1.24.15)(Ëukla-Yajurveda12.12)(Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 1.7.10)
The àcàrya should throw the student’s upanayanam daêéa into the fire.
“I offer oblations to the space between the heavens and the earth.” 195
“I offer oblations to the manifested universe.”
He should then throw ghee-soaked wood of pràdeëa length into the fire silently.
He should now perform
1 all the rites of udácya karma (page 189), beginning with ëàèyàyana-homa, up to the end
of vàmadevya gàêam .
The brahmacàrá should feed the assembled Vaiìêavas, then he should take a meal himself.
Shaving his head and face, cutting his nails, he should then bathe, put on two pieces of new cloth and
He should put on two new yajñopavátas (two sets of three strings), saying:
oî yaÒjñoÒpaÒváÒtaî aÓsi yaÒjñasyaÓ tvà
yajñopaváÒtenoòpaÓnahyàmi //
“You are the sacred thread for sacrifice. I tie you with this thread for the purpose of performing sacrifices.” (Sàma-
mantra-brahmaêa 1.6.29 Ëàçkàyaêa-Gãhya-Sâtra 2.2.3,Pàraskara-Gãhya-Sâtra 2.2.10)
“You are made by Nàràyaêa. You are the revealer of truth. Please be favorable to me.” (Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 1.7.13) 196
He should sit beside the àcàrya and place the fingers of his right hand in front of his mouth, so that the breath
touches his hand. He should say:
“O tongue, covered by fickle lips and surrounded by teeth, do not stray, speak sweet words for me here today.” (Sàma-
mantra-brahmaêa 1.7.15)
The àcàrya should worship the graduate by washing his feet etc.
The graduate should approach a cart yoked with two cows. He should touch the two poles which fix the yoke to
the cart and mount the car, saying the three lines of the verse:
“O Lord of the forest, be steady. O friend to us, yoked to the cows, full of strength, you lead us to the Lord. Impart
strength to us.” (Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 1.7.16)(Ãg-veda 6.47.26)(Ëukla-Yajurveda 29.52)
He should sit on the cart saying the last line of the verse:
“May he who has mounted you (the cart) conquer the enemies.” (Sàma-mantra-brahmaêa 1.7.17)
Driving the cart to the East or North he should go some distance, then turn to the right and return towards the
The father (of the graduate) should offer the àcàrya and Vaiìêava bràhmaêas dakìiêà. Everyone should be fed.
To allay any offenses, the participants should perform kãìêa-nàma-japa and pay obeisances to Kãìêa and the
Vaiìêavas. 197
Thus ends the book Sat kriyà sàra dápikà. 198 199
Saîskàra Dápikà
By 200
Ërála Gopàl Bhaèèa Goswàmá has written the ‘Sat Kriyà Sàra Dápikà’ as a manual for performing the saîskàras of
the gãhastha Vaiìêava. In ‘Saîskàra Dápikà’ he is presenting a manual for the Vaiìêava who is about to renounce
his home and enter the bhikìu àërama. Ërála Bhaktisiddhànta Sarasvatá Èhàkura states that since the time of Lord
Caitanya the devotees on the path of renunciation have been following this manual.
Bhànu Svàmá 201
All men have a right to enter the gãhastha àërama, but only the three upper varêas (vaiëya, kìatriya and
bràhmaêa) have a right to the other three àëramas (brahmacàrá, vànaprastha and sannyàsa).
According to the rules of varêàërama, for women, ëâdras and dvája-bandhus these àëramas are forbidden. The
ëâdra is a person without saîskàra or purification, and his characteristic is lamentation (sucana). Lamentation is
due to ignorance, which is part of his nature. How is it possible that such a person can become a brahmacàrá, or
take to any of the activities requiring higher spiritual interest? This is the scriptural statement.
However, though the Puràêas place restrictions in this way, the knowers of truth can understand that this
stricture applies to non-Vaiìêavas. The restrictions apply to a person born in a ëâdra family who is not a
Vaiìêava, and does not apply to a person who, though born in a ëâdra family, happens by the grace of the Lord
to take to the path of pure devotion. If a person, through association, takes on the qualities of a bràhmaêa, he
can no longer be considered a ëâdra. Thus it is stated in scripture : ‘na ëâdra bhagavad bhakta’ (the devotee of
the Lord cannot be considered a ëâdra). This is illustrated by the story of Satyakàma Jabala in the Upaniìads. The
saîskàras given in the ‘Sat Kriyà Sàra Dápikà’ are meant to raise a person to the level of sannyàsá, a pure devotee
of the Lord. When any person, whether he be bràhmaêa, kìatriya, vaiëya or ëâdra or less by family birth, attains
actual qualification for sannyàsa through the practice of devotional service, he may take the sannyàsa àërama. But
until that qualification appears, he should remain a gãhastha Vaiìêava.
Vaiìêavas are of two kinds, ordinary and Sampradàyika (belonging to a bona fide sampradàya). The ordinary (or
tantrika) Vaiìêavas are those who have not taken initiation from a guru in a bona fide paramparà system.
Sampradàyika (or Vedic) Vaiìêavas are those who have taken shelter of a bona fide guru paramparà. The
Sampradàyika Vaiìêavas are divided into two types: householders and renunciates. Those who take pañca
saîskàra (five saîskàras) are qualified as Vaiìêavas householders, whereas those who take ten saîskàras are
qualified as sannyàsás. Sannyàsás are of two types also: Brahma sannyàsás and Viìêu sannyàsás. The Brahma
sannyàsás take up the màyàvàda philosophy and take one among ten different names. The Viìêu Sannyàsás are
those who follow the path of devotional service to Viìêu or Kãìêa.
A bràhmaêa is respected as the very body of the Lord because he practices sad-dharma. However when he can
give up the material identification of his position as a bràhmaêa and practices sad-dharma, he is called a
Vaiìêava. Whereas the bràhmaêa is the body of the Lord, the Vaiìêava is considered to be the very àtma or soul 202
of the Lord. One who gives up the markings of varêa becomes a sannyàsá, and when that sannyàsá gives up the
markings of àërama, he is an avadhâta paramahaîsa. He is most glorified of all, because of his unsurpassed
unalloyed devotion to Kãìêa.
“As bell metal may be turned into gold by the process of alchemy, a man (of whatever varêa or àërama) may achieve
the status of dvája or twice born by the process of Pañcaràtrika dákìà.”
“Thus, if even an outcaste, by the process of bhakti, becomes qualified to the point of taking initiation, he attains a
position equal to the bràhmaêa.”
A person is qualified as a bràhmaêa by taking into consideration three factors: tapasya (austerity), ëruti
(knowledge of the Vedas), and yoni (birth in a bràhmaêa family). One with these three qualifications may be
considered as the guru for the four varêas. Upon taking Vaiìêava dákìà, one attains a second birth, and when he
attains a taste for renouncing household life he becomes qualified for sannyàsa. And even if one is not born in a
bràhmaêa family, but has the nature of a bràhmaêa, he must be considered a bràhmaêa in the highest sense, for
in Kali-yuga the qualification of yoni or birth in a bràhmaêa family does not apply. The main considerations for
status as a bràhmaêa are therefore tapas and ëruti. This is confirmed by Mahàbhàrata, Ërámad Bhàgavatam,
Manu, Jabala Upaniìad and Vraja Sâcika Upaniìad. If one born in a ëâdra family attains pure devotion, he is the
dearest to the Lord, whereas anyone among the varêas and àëramas, who does not attain devotion to the Lord, is
considered a ëâdra.
“A person of the lowest conduct, who takes to My worship must be considered saintly. He is rightly situated.” (Bg.
“Even sinful persons, women, vaiëyas and ëâdràs, if they take shelter of me, go to the supreme abode.” (Bg. 9.32)
The example of this is Vidura, who, though considered a ëâdrà by his birth, entered the avadhâta àërama. 203
tepus tapas te juhuvuí sasnur àryà
brahmànucur nàma gãnanti ye te //
“The outcaste who chants your name is most exhalted. He has performed all austerities, all sacrifices, and studied all
the Vedas.” (ËB 3.31.7)
smartavyaí satatam viìêur vismartavyo na jàtucit /
sarve vidhi niìedhàí syur etayor eva kiçkaràí //
“The sum and substance of all rules and regulations is to always remember and never forget Viìêu.” (Padma Puràêa)
Here one should understand the intention of scripture. One may take the external meaning (varêàërama) or the
internal meaning (kãìêa bhakti). Those who are incapable of anything else must follow the external rules of
varêàërama including charity, vrata, homa, etc, and gradually they attain the qualification for taking the internal
meaning and following the path of bhakti. At that time the necessity of following all the external rules decreases.
The essential purport of the scriptures is that everyone should always remember Viìêu and never forget him.
One who realizes and follows this precept is the knower of all scripture. He is truly qualified as bràhmaêa,
sannyàsá or paramahaîsa avadhâta.
Thus the principle of taking sannyàsa may be stated as follows: taking dákìà according to the Pañcaràtrika
injunctions from a bona fide guru, a person attains the status of dvája or twice-born, and as a result of practice as
a householder one attains detachment and qualification for Viìêu sannyàsa and Acyuta gotra. When one can give
up the marks of the sannyàsa àërama one attains the status of paramahaîsa. In the same way that a qualified
female Vaiìêava is allowed to worship the ëàlagràma ëála, so a qualified female Vaiìêava may also take up two
pieces of cloth as a brahmacàrá or renunciate.
Examples of sannyàsa in Lord Caitanya’s sampradàya are Svarâpa Dàmodara, who gave up his thread and ëikhà
and donned kaupána, thus attaining his natural position (svarâpa) as sannyàsá: Màdhavá Devá, a woman who
took to the renounced order; and Ragunàtha dàs (kàyastha class), who was given kaupána by Nityànanda Prabhu
Ërá Caitanya himself stated the principle of sannyàsa when he quoted a verse from Ërámad Bhàgavatam after
taking sannyàsas.
etàî sa asthàya paràtma-niìèhàm
upàsitàî pârvatair maharìibhií /
ahaî tariìyàmi duranta pàraî
tamo mukundàçghri niìevayaiva // 204
saliçgàn àëramàîs tyaktvà cared avidhi-gocaraí //
“I take shelter of ideal method for concentrating on the Supreme Lord, the sannyàsa àërama, which has been respected
as such by all the ancient sages, and by which I can perfect service to the lotus feet of Ërá Kãìêa. In this way I shall
cross over the ocean of material existence.” (ËB 11.23.58)
“Whether one is fixed in knowledge or devotion, one should come to the stage of giving up all signs of àërama, and one
should perform activities transcendental to all rules.”
The word ‘etàm’ in the ëloka refers to the markings of external sannyàsa, e.g. kaupána, cloth, etc., which are
characteristic of both the Brahman and Viìêu sannyàsá. Udàyana Àcàrya has criticized Ëaçkaràcàrya for giving up
the ëikhà and thread but taking on the markings of a sannyàsá as a further designation.
When the Vaiìêava takes on the external signs of sannyàsa one should understand that this is for teaching the
general populace the necessity of renunciation in accordance to the scripture. The sum and substance however is
worship of the Supreme Lord without material hankerings by any and all means — either by adopting the
markings of àërama or giving up all material designation of varêàërama.
The system of taking sannyàsa is consistent with tradition and scriptural injunctions. In the Ràmànuja
Sampradàya, first the place is prepared and the candidate is shaved and dressed. Viìêu-homa is performed, the
previous àcàryas are worshiped and the five Vaiìêava saîskàras are enacted on the candidate. Then the Vedic
saîskàras are performed up to and including upanayanam (giving the gàyatrá mantra). Having given the
particular mantras of the sampradàya, the person then performs worship of the guru paramparà and ëàlagràma.
Then qualified candidate for sannyàsa is given the dress, bag, covering and mantra of the sannyàsa àërama.
In the Gauéáya sampradàya the system is similar. After purifying the place (house or temple), Viìêu-homa and
worship of the àcàrya sampradàya should be performed using five articles of worship. Then the qualified
candidate may be given Vaiìêava dákìà. Or, alternatively one may simply establish àsanas and worship the
àcàryas and Caitanya Mahàprabhu and his associates, and then give dákìà. Or one may simply worship the Pañca
Tattva with five upacàras and then give dákìà. 205
Method of Worship
(of paramparà and others)
Firstly one should worship the spiritual master with five or more upacàras, mentioning the upacàra, then ‘oî’,
followed by the àcàrya in the dative case, followed by ‘namaí’.
eìa gandhaí
oî ërá gurave namaí
oî ërá madhvàcàryàya namaí
eìa gandhaí
etàni puìpàni
eìa dhâpaí
eìa dápaí
idaî naivedyam
Then the qualified candidate should be initiated with the five saîskàras: the person should be shaved and
bathed, dressed, and decorated with vertical tilaka (ârdhva-pundra); gopá candana stamps of conch, cakra etc.
should decorate his body (mudrà); he should then be given a name of Viìêu or Kãìêa (nàma-kàraêa); and then
the particular kãìêa mantra that the guru chooses should be given (mantra-dàna). By this process of Pañcaràtrika
dákìà the person attains second birth (dvája). Then after having received all the Vedic saîskàras ending with
upanayanam, the person should undergo the sannyàsa saîskàra.
The idea here is that when a person is internally qualified he is given Pañcaràtrika dákìà consisting of five
saîskàras, by which he is formally recognized as a Vaiìêava. He is considered qualified as a dvája, or twice-born,
regardless of his background, and may therefore also accept the external signs of that by taking upanayanam, the
Vedic saîskàra signifying spiritual initiation as a dvája. If a person has both internal and external qualification as 206
a bràhmaêa, and exhibits the qualities necessary for the sannyàsa àërama, he may then adopt that àërama in
accordance with the scriptural rules. 207
Suitable Time for Taking Sannyàsa:
yad ahar eva virajet tad ahar eva pravrajet //
“When one becomes detached from material desires one should give up household life and become a sannyàsá.”
“O spiritual master, most knowledgeable in the process and goal of perfecting human life according to the bone fide
sampradàya, please deliver me from the material ocean by granting me the order of sannyàsa.”
A gãhastha cannot bestow a person sannyàsa, since a householder has no experience of the renounced life, its
methods, goals and saîskàra rites. Both the qualification of the guru and disciple must be examined before
granting sannyàsa. 208
The Vaiìêava Saîskàras:
The ten saîskàras are as follows:
1) muêéana - shaving
2) tártha-snàna - bathing in a holy river
3) tilaka-dhàrana - putting on tilaka*
4) mudrà-dhàrana - placing the symbols of the Lord on the body*
5) kaupána-ëuddhi - purification of the kaupána
6) kaupána-pràêapratiìèhà - calling deities into the kaupána
7) nàma-karana - taking a name of the Lord Viìêu*
8) viìêu-mantra-dhàraêa - to receive a Vaiìêava mantra*
9) acyuta-gotra-grahaêa - taking acyuta gotra
10) ëàlagràma-arcana - worship of ëàlagràma-ëilà*
If a person has already been initiated as a Vaiìêava with pañca saîskàra (the saîskàras marked *) then the guru
will perform the remaining five:
1) muêéana
2) tártha-snàna
3) kaupána-ëuddhi
4) kaupána-pràêapratiìèhà
5) acyuta-gotra-grahaêa
In addition Viìêu-homa and arcana (yaga) may also be performed in this case. 209
1) Muêéana:
The candidate should approach a barber and pray to him:
“O barber, please shave my head leaving a ëikhà. I have faith that I will attain steadiness at the lotus feet of Lord
Caitanya. May my well-wishers and friends who are like my mother and mother to me, bless me. May I gain pure
bhakti to the lotus feet of Ërá Caitanya, which will destroy all my material attachments. O Lord Caitanya, ocean of
mercy, most merciful to the devotees, I am Your servant, please accept me. Please deliver this most fallen soul.”
2) Tártha-snàna:
The guru should instruct the candidate how to perform àcamana, kara-nyàsa, açga-nyàsa, pràêàyàma and snàna,
after the candidate has shaved.
Àcamana: 210
oî dàmodaràya namaí (sprinkle water on head)
oî vàsudevàya namaí (touch upper and lower lips with tips of fingers)
oî aniruddhàya namaí (touch right eye with thumb and ring finger)
oî puruìottamàya namaí (touch left eye with thumb and forefinger)
kláî kãìêàya-açguìèhabhyàî namaí
(touch thumbs with forefingers of both hands)
govindàya-tarjanábhyàî svàhà
(touch forefingers with thumbs)
gopájana-madhyamàbhyàî vaìaè
(touch middle fingers with thumbs)
vallabhàyà-‘nàmikàbhyàî huî
(touch ring fingers with thumbs)
svàhà-kaniìèhàbhyàm phaè
(touch little fingers with thumbs)
kláî-hãdayàya namaí (touch heart)
kãìêàya-ëiraìe svàhà (touch head)
govindàya-ëikhàyai vaìaè (touch ëikhà)
gopájana-kavacàya huî (touch arms)
vallabhàya-netràbhyàî vauìaè (touch eyes)
svàhà astràya phaè (cakra mudrà) 211
oî kàma bájasya prajàpati ãìií /
daivá-gàyatrá chandhaí /
ërá-kãìêa-caitanyo devatà /
ka-kàro bájaî /
la-kàra kálakaî /
i-kàrah ëaktií /
pràêàyàme viniyogaí //
Counting in this manner, one should begin by inhaling through the left nostril, blocking the right nostril,
holding the breath, and then exhaling through the right nostril, blocking the left nostril. Then one should inhale
through the right nostril, hold the breath, and exhale through the left nostril, using the same count. According to
some this should be repeated three times.
3) Tilaka-dhàraêa: 212
oî ërádharàya namaí (on left arm)
oî hãìákeëàya namaí (on left shoulder)
oî padmanàbhàya namaí (on back)
oî dàmodaràya namaí (at the waist)
oî vàsudevàya namaí (washing hands touch head)
oî am dhàtã-sahitàya keëavàya namaí (on forehead)
oî àm aryamà-sahitàya nàràyaêàya namaí (on belly)
oî im mitra-sahitàya màdhavàya namaí (on chest)
oî ám varuêa-sahitàya govindàya namaí (on throat)
oî um aîëu-sahitàya viìêave namaí (on right side)
oî âm bhaga-sahitàya madhusâdanàya namaí (on right arm)
oî ãm vivasvat-sahitàya trivikramàya namaí (on right shoulder)
oî äm indra-sahitàya vàmanàya namaí (on left side)
oî åm pâìà-sahitàya ërádharàya namaí (on left arm)
oî æm parjanya-sahitàya hãìákeëàya namaí (on left shoulder)
oî eî tvaìèã-sahitàya padmanàbhàya namaí (on back)
oî aiî viìêu-sahitàya dàmodaràya namaí (on waist)
oî kiráta-keyâra-hàra-makara-kuêéala
pátàmbaradhara ërávatsàçkita
vakìaí-sthala-ërá-bhâmi sahita
svàtma-jyotir dáptikaràya
sahasràditya-tejase namo namaí //
“I offer my humble obeisances unto Him who is powerful like thousands of suns; self-effulgent; on whose chest rests
Bhâmi devá; who wears yellow garments; who is decorated by the symbol of Ërávatsa; who holds in His hands a disc,
conch, club and lotus flower; and whose body is decorated with helmet, armbands, pearl necklace and shark-shaped
4) Mudrà-dhàraêa:
One should apply stamps with the holy name by means of gopá candana on the body. Some Vaiìêavas brand hot 213
stamps on the body on the ëayana-dvàdaëá-tithi, but the worshippers of Kãìêa usually apply cold stamps using
gopá candana. Ërá Caitanya has decided that this is more suitable for the people of Kali-yuga.
5) Kaupána-ëuddhi:
Kaupána should be two pieces of cloth. The width should be equal to the distance between the two nipples and
the length should be equal to the girth of the waist plus two fists. Or the length may be fourteen fists and the
width one pràdeëa.
The presiding deity of the kaupána, which restrains one’s desire and helps one cross over the ocean of material
enjoyment is the consort of the Lord embodying shyness. It is also considered pãthivá, earth. The presiding deity
of the belt, which supports the kaupána, is Ananta. The knot will be placed on the right side. According to some
authorities, Brahmà, Viìêu, Ëiva, Vàsuká, Pavana, Agni, Candra, Ëukra and Bãhaspati are situated in the kaupána,
while others say that only Brahmà, Viìêu and Ëiva reside there. Viìêu is present in the knot and Brahmà and Ëiva
are at the sides. One’s outer cloth, which should cover the kaupána, is considered the consort or energy of Viìêu.
One should smear sandalwood over the kaupána and belt and then purify them again by sprinkling sandalwood
paste and reciting the mantra:
“Let all the holy waters which are in this world, like Gaçgà, purify the kaupána, which are the cause of all perfections.”
Along with the kaupána there should be two pieces of cloth for covering the body, a blanket (kantha) for
protection from the cold, sack, head cloth etc. and shoes. There should also be a tridaêéa of palàëa, bamboo and
bilva poles, or three poles of one of the three types of trees. One should also have a water pot made of tumbi
gourd, earth or wood. (Some manuals also include a water strainer made of cloth and an àsana.) They should all
be purified along with the kaupána. 214
One should chant the following eighteen times over the items:
“May all the life airs, together with all the senses, become happily established by me.”
One should worship the kaupána (and other items) with sandalwood and flowers:
One should chant the mantra following the viniyoga ten times over the kaupána etc.
oî kaupánàdhiìèhàtã-lajjà-‘nantarâpàya namaí //
“I offer my obeisances to the presiding personality of the kaupána, Anantadeva, in His form of shyness.”
One should worship the kaupána etc. with sandalwood and flowers:
6) Kaupána-pràêapratiìèhà: 215
Qualification for the Kaupána:
One qualified to wear a kaupána should be free from the six forces of hunger, thirst, lamentation, illusion, old
age and death; free from pride, violence and lust; filled with friendliness and mercy; initiated with Viìêu mantra;
sense controlled and skillful at practicing devotional service. One who is qualified may possess the qualities
naturally (vidvat-sannyàsá) or may attain the qualities through initiation and the process of regulated devotional
service (vivatsa-sannyàsá).
Those who are proud, duplicitous, aggressive, and devoid of devotion, cannot be given the kaupána. If that is
done, the guru’s own spiritual position will be devastated.
As a person of bad qualities should be rejected for sannyàsa, so a kaupána of bad quality should be rejected. Ugly,
stained or dirty cloth, sewn cloth and fancy cloth for exterior covering are to be rejected. The cloth should be
dyed reddish.
Ëiva received the kaupána made by Brahmà from Ananta. Nàrada Muni received it and became a great yogá. In
this way ãìis such as Ëaunaka received it, and finally Keëava Bhàrati. Gaurasundara received it from Keëava
Bhàrati, and He gave it to his devotees. Receiving the kaupána in this way one can certainly also become a great
Thinking of the kaupána in this way the candidate should pray:
“Please deliver this fallen soul from the waves of the material world. Bestow upon me the kaupána to purify me and
extinguish the suffering of material existence. Receiving this kaupána I shall very quickly become pure.”
bho guro
bhikìâpayogaî yoga-paèèàdikaî màî gràhaya //
“O spiritual master please give me the cloth and other items which are characteristic of a sannyàsá.” 216
“O fortunate one, if you so desire this, then say ‘praiìa’ (may the function commence) three times.”
The candidate should say ‘praiìo ‘smi’ with his hands folded in prayer. The guru should then show the candidate
how to worship guru paramparà up to Kãìêa (yaga), if he has already received Vaiìêava mantra. Then he should
make the candidate offer the cloth etc., previously purified, to the Deity, and then make him pray to the Deity to
receive it. The cloth etc., should be touched by any sannyàsás present, and then the candidate should be dressed
in his new cloth.
7) Nàma-karana:
If the candidate has not already had Pañca saîskàra, he should be given a name of the Lord with the word ‘dàsa’
after it to signify his servitude to the Lord.
“I am the servant of the servant of the devotees in whose hearts reside the lotus feet of Nityànanda Prabhu. May they be
pleased with me always.”
Some scholars say that this is the designation given to qualified bràhmaêas. The root word is ‘dasã’, which means
to give in charity and accept in charity. One who is qualified to do so is titled ‘dàsã’. But the devotees of Kãìêa
take the designation because it is directed thus in the ‘Sanat kumàra tantra’. Actually all jávas are constitutionally
the servants of Kãìêa, and by the process of devotional service anyone can revive that status. That is also the goal
of taking sannyàsa.
8) Viìêu-mantra-dhàraêa:
If the candidate has not had pañca-saîskàra the qualified guru, knowledgeable of the rules of sannyàsa, should
then give the candidate Kãìêa mantra, in the left ear.
ërá-kãìêa-toìa-màtr-àrtham gopá-bhàva-samanvitaî /
tad dharmaî samàërito ‘haî //
“I take complete shelter of sannyàsa dharma, which means compete surrender to the Lord in the manner of the Gopás,
for the sole purpose of pleasing Kãìêa.” 217
9) Acyuta-gotrà-svikàra:
Acceptance of Acyuta-gotrà is characterized by the Vaiìêava marking such as tilaka, tulasá beads etc. According
to the scriptural injunctions, at the perfection of sannyàsa dharma a person should gives up all markings of varêa
and àërama and wander about transcendental to all rules as a paramahaîsa. But the paramahaîsa does not give
up the markings of the Vaiìêava (tilaka, màlà etc.) except in extraordinary circumstances. According to the
scriptures, the neck beads of tulasá wood, tilaka and mudrà should always be worn, for they are the markings of
the Vaiìêava, one who is the servant of the Lord. That designation is never given up.
One is also advised to wear during the daytime pañca-màlà, composed of guñja, amalaki, lotus seeds, tulasá wood
and rope from Jagannàtha’s cart.
Acceptance of Acyuta-gotrà means full surrender to the authority of the Lord, and is therefore particularly meant
to signify the devotee of the Lord. Just as a girl gives up her previous gotrà and accepts her husband’s gotrà on
completion of the marriage ceremony, the sannyàsá should understand that he is giving up all material
designations of family etc. and simply identifying himself as the servant of Kãìêa, Acyuta, in Kãìêa’s family
oî acyuta-gotràya svàhà //
oî acyuta-gotro ‘haî asmi //
10) Ëàlagràma-ëilà-arcana:
This consists of Ëàlagràma-ëilà arcana, worship of the ëàlagràma. This is common to all the àëramas, and is
performed according to pañcaràtrik rules.
He should then go and beg from three, five or seven houses, saying: 218
When the sannyàsá passes from this world the following mantra should be written on his body:
“Let me pay my respects to the pit, to the earth composed of salt and dirt.”
The body may be placed in tártha water or in a hole in the earth, which should be one step larger than the height
of the person. If the body has been burnt, the ashes or bones should be taken to a holy tártha and there placed in
This manual concerning sannyàsa as approved by the àcàryas has been compiled so that one may achieve the
pure devotion to the Lord in the manner of the followers of Lord Caitanya. 219
Agnikona - South-East corner.
Akìata - unbroken rice grains mixed with turmeric, used in the svasti-vàcana.
Aratni - distance from the elbow to the tip of the little finger (aprox. 17 inches).
Caru - opulent, thick sweet-rice cooked with rice, milk, ghee, raisins, cashews, sugar, etc.; used as oblations in
the yajña. Before offering, plenty of warm ghee should be poured on the top.
Dakìiêà - donation offered by the yajamàna to the priests who perform the sacrifice.
Dârvà - type of grass that is considered sacred and is praised throughout the Vedas and Puràêas (Panic grass, Bent grass
- Panicum dactylon).
Hasta - distance from the elbow to the tip of the middle finger. It is equal to 24 açgulas (approx. 18 inches).
Áëànakona - North-East corner.
Khadira - wood from the Jack fruit tree used in Vedic ceremonies (Terra japonica, Mimosa catechu or Acacia
catechu). 220
Kuëa - sacred grass used in Vedic ceremonies. The Puràêas mention that kuëa is the bodily hair of Yajña-Varàha
(Poa cynosuroides).
Piñjali - is made of two kuëa grass blades, one pràdeëa length (9 inches), bound together by a third of the same
Pràdeëa - measurement from the tip of the small finger to the tip of the thumb of the out-stretched palm. It is
equal to twelve açgulas (approx. 9 inches).
Ëamá - tree of whose leaves are used in the Vedic marriage ceremony (Prosopis spicigera).
Viniyoga - when uttering any Vedic mantra, as a rule one should first identify it by the ãìi who preserved it, by
the chandaí (meter), by the Deity being invoked in the mantra, and by the present application of the mantra.
The purpose of this system is to guarantee that one understands the meaning, function, heritage and correct
intonation of the mantra. Chanting of the viniyoga is optional during a ceremony; however, it will not be recited
during the performance of yajña according to the Nàràda-saîhità. 221
Appendix I
Yajña Vidhi
Yajña And Its Origins
‘Yajña’ is the Vedic method of worshiping Viìêu by offerings of ghee, grains, spices, fruit, etc. into the sacred fire
accompanied by the chanting of mantras. According to the Amar-koëa, the word ‘yajña’ is derived from the
Sanskrit root ‘yaja’ - to worship. In the Puruìa Sâkta (Ãg Veda 10.19.16), we read that when the demigods, after
being created by the Lord, desired to worship Him through the system of yajña. By their will and contemplation,
they offered the Lord Himself as the first oblation for the creation of the universe; this was the first yajña (‘yat
puruìena haviìà devà yajñam atanvata’) and from it emerged the first elements of life (‘tàni dharmàni
prathamàny àsan’). Furthermore, the Puràêas describe how all yajñas have their basis in the Supreme Lord;
‘yajña-varàhasya ëaráram yajñatam àgat’, all varieties of yajñas emerged from the body of Yajña-Varàha.
The Fire
Yajña involves the installation and worship of the fire-god, Agni. The first mantra of the Ãg Veda addresses him
as ‘Hota’ or ‘the chief sacrificial priest’. It is his service to act as the mouth of Viìêu, the consuming agent, who
carries the offerings to the Lord. It is described that the wood of the fire is Agnideva’s ears, the smoke his
nostrils, the small flames his eyes, the coals his head and the fully blazing flames his tongue. Thus, the best
offering is to Agni’s tongue.
The fire for the yajña, may come from a bràhmaêa’s house (meaning from his daily household yajña), from the
lamp in the Deity-room, produced by the chanting of mantra, churned from the araêi sticks or by placing
camphor on a pure bell-metal plate and igniting it by a magnifying glass directing light from the sun.
During the kuëandikà rites, for various ceremonies and saîskàras, different forms of Agni are called to carry the
oblations to the Lord: 222
Pauìèika-karma (ceremony for the child’s health) - Balada Agni
Anna-pràëana (first grains ceremony) - Suci Agni
Cuéà-karaêa (hair-cutting ceremony) - Satya Agni
Upanayanam (reformatory rites of a bràhmaêa) - Samâdbhava Agni
Samàvartana (graduation ceremony) - Tejo Agni
The Maêéapa
The maêéapa is the place where the yajña-kuêéa is situated and the ceremony will be performed. The maêéapa
should be sprinkled with pure water, cleaned with a mixture of cow-dung and water and decorated with designs
on the floor, banana trees, leaves, garlands, flags and ‘maçgala-ghaèas’ (auspicious pots that have been installed
by mantra) in the eight directions, and the four Vedas installed in pots in the four cardinal directions.
The Kuêéa
In the maêéapa a square pit is built measuring minimum one hasta (the distance from the elbow to the tip of the
middle finger, approx. 18 inches) with a one muìèi (the width of the fist, approx. 3 inches) step on each side.
The size of the kuêéa, according to convenience, may be larger depending upon the area available, the
ceremony, number of guests, etc. The pit may be surrounded by a one- or three-stepped wall . If a kuêéa cannot
be constructed, one can perform the yajña on a bed of sand of the same dimensions (this is known as a
sthandila ). In the Kãìêa Yajur Veda-saîhità it is stated:
vedië ca samamàrjanoddananàdibhií
saîskàraií saîskãta bhâmií //
“When a yajña-kuêéa is built, everything becomes well established— wealth, welfare, energy, health, and spiritual
The Wood
The wood should be cut to the size of the kuêéa and some should be cut to one pràdeëa length (aprox. 9 inches).
One should avoid using any type of second-hand wood (i.e. orange-crates and old chairs etc), wet wood, wood
from a dirty place, wood contaminated by impure items, wood eaten by worms, wood with thorns, or wood with
bitter, milky or sour sap (such as náma, banyan, or pine-wood). 223
The Oblations
Normally, the oblations offered into the fire consist of ghee, barley and sesame seeds, although one can also add
other ingredients such gur, dry fruit, dârva grass, camphor, lotus-seeds, etc. In some yajñas it is prescribed that
one should offer caru. This is made in two ways, one can either make sweet caru which is basically the same as
sweet-rice with raisins, cardamom pods etc. or one can make the caru as one makes khicuri. In both cases one
should add extra ghee so that the offerings burn easily in the fire.
In the final offering (pârêa-àhuti) one may offer fruits, new cloth, haritaki, pàn, betel nuts, flowers, navaratna,
etc. The remnants from the pârêa-àhuti may be accepted as prasàdam after the yajña — as this final oblation is an
offering to the Lord for His satisfaction. One’s karma does not contaminate the final offering.
It is understood that the spiritual master takes on the reactions of his dependants, as explained in the ‘Hari
Bhakti Vilàsa’ quoting the ‘Niti Ëàstra’:
“The sins of the citizens are suffered by the king; the king’s sins by the ràja-guru; the wife’s sins by the husband and the
disciple’s sins by the guru.”
The Priests
A yajña may involve the following four priests (ãtviks):
Hotã: The priest who invokes and worships the Lord, through the medium of the fire.
Adhvaryu: The priest who prepares and installs the paraphernalia, and ignites the sacred fire. He sees to the
smooth running of the ceremony.
Brahma: The master of ceremonies. He sees that all the mantras are recited properly, corrects any errors that
occur during the proceedings and sees to the proper stoking of the fire.
If there are only three priests, there will be the adhvaryu, udgàtã and the ãtvik (the hotã). If only two, the udgàtã
and hotã, and one, the hotã.
Yajña Paraphernalia 224
The implements used in the yajña are known as ‘yajñàyudha’ or ‘the weapons of the yajña’. The reason for this
name is given in the Aitareya Bràhmaêa (34.1) of the Ãg Veda:
“At the time when the Lord created Yajña, the bràhmaêas and kìatriyas also came into being. Yajña began to run
away and the bràhmaêas and kìatriyas chased him armed with their own weapons. The weapons of the kìatriyas
were horses, chariots, swords, bows, etc., and the weapons of the bràhmaêas were the utensils used in the yajña.
When the kìatriyas pursued the Yajña, Yajña, being scared, ran faster and the kìatriyas returned in defeat.
However, the bràhmaêas were successful—by showing Yajña their weapons, it recognized them as his own
weapons, and thus consented to stay with the bràhmaêas.”
There are innumerable items used in different yajñas, but we will only list the ones that are of major importance:
Juhâ: This is a sruk traditionally made from palàëa wood (Butea frondosa).
Sphya: This is a small wooden sword which can be used for making the lines during the pañca-rekhà-sthàpana. It
is also used for cutting dârva-grass and for stirring the caru. Generally, the sphya is one aratni long (distance
from elbow to tip of little finger, approx. 17 inches) and is sharpened before use with kuëa grass. It is
traditionally made from khadira wood (Acacia catechu).
Sruk: The sruk is a long ladle which has a bowl on top of it at one end with a beak shaped like an elephant’s lips
for ghee to be poured out. It may also have a cow’s or lion’s face. The sruk may be a bàhu (approx. 27 inches), an
aratni (approx. 17 inches), or a pràdeëa (approx. 9 inches) in length, traditionally made from ëamá wood
(Prosopis spicigera). It originally manifest from the snout of Yajña Varàha. The sruk is generally used for offering
the pârêa-àhuti (final oblation).
Sruva: This is a spoon used for offering the main oblations of ghee during the yajña. It is an aratni (aprox. 17
inches) in length. The depression of the bowl is the width of the first joint of the thumb and is split into two
parts, representing the sun and the moon, iéà (the breath through the left nostril, controlled by the moon ) and
piçgala (the breath through the right nostril, controlled by the sun); as the sruva originally manifest from the
nostrils of Yajña Varàha. Traditionally it is made from khadira wood (Accacia catechu) or palàëa wood (Butea
Prokìaná: The prokìaná is one pràdeëa (12 açgulas - 9 inches) long with a depression shaped like a lotus leaf or
lotus bud. This vessel holds purified water, for sprinkling on the various paraphernalia in order to purify them,
and for pouring water around the fire during kuëandikà. Blades of dârva-grass are placed in the water for 225
sanctification. Traditionally it is made from vàraêa wood (Crataeva voxbhurgii) or vikaçkaèa (Flacourtia sapida).
Upaveëa: The fire is stoked by a wooden stick known as an ‘upaveëa’, the end of which is shaped like a hand. It is
of a length of one pràdeëa (approx. 9 inches) or one aratni (approx. 17 inches). It is also used for moving
burning wood when it falls out of place. Traditionally it is made from uduîbara wood (Ficus glomerata) or
palàëa wood (Butea frondosa).
The Yajamàna
The yajamàna is the person who is the sponsor or benefactor of a particular ceremony — in the case of the
wedding it is the groom; in case of saîskàras concerning the wife, it is the husband; and in case of those
concerning the child, it is the father. A bràhmaêa, may perform his own ceremonies. However, if he is unable to
do this, he may invite a Vaiìêava bràhmaêa to perform or guide the rites on his behalf (act as ãtvik).
Dakìiêà or Dàna
According to Vedic custom, on the completion of the ceremony, the yajamàna should satisfy the priests and
Vaiìêavas with gifts and prasàdam. It is said that without pleasing the bràhmaêas the ceremony has no value. As
Ërá Kãìêa says in Bhagavad-gátà 17.14:
“And that sacrifice performed in defiance of the scriptural injunctions, in which no spiritual food is distributed, no
hymns are chanted and no renumerations are made to the priests, and which is faithless — that sacrifice is of the nature
of ignorance.” 226
Appendix II
The Common Rites
The night before the saîskàra, one begins with the establishment of the ghaèa, viìêu pâjà, and adhivàsa. The
next morning, one should recite the svasti vàcana, saêkalpa, establish the ghaèa, worship Lord Viìêu, worship
the paramparà àcàryas (sàttvika vãddhi ëraddhà), and perform cediràja pâjà (vasudhàrà).
Svasti Vàcana
(invoking auspiciousness)
“May the devotees purify me, may they give intelligence to me, may they purify all living entities, may Jàtaveda Agni
purify me.”(Ãg-veda 9.67.27)
At least other three bràhmaêas throw akìata in the air three times, while chanting:
“May it be auspicious.” 227
oî uÒdgaÒd evaÓ ëakuneÒ sàmaÓ gàyasi /
brahma puÒtra iÓvaÒ savaÓneìu ëaîsasi /
vãìeÓva vàÒji ëiëuÓmatáraÒpátyàÓ
saÒrvatoÓ naí ëakune bhaÒdramà vaÓda /
viÒëvatoÓ naí ëakuneò puêyaòmà vaÓda //
“O bird, you sing like the udgatã priest who chants the sàma. You chant like the brahma at the sacrifice, like a horse
approaching a mare. Please loudly proclaim good fortune for us in every direction, proclaim prosperity for us in every
direction.”(Ãg-veda 2.43.2)
The other bràhmaêas throw akìata in the air three times, while chanting:
Together again:
“May Indra, who hears much praise, give us auspiciousness; may the sun god, who knows all things, give us
auspiciousness; may Garuéa, with unblemished weapons, give us auspiciousness; may Bãhaspati, give us
auspiciousness.” Ãg-veda 1/89/6 Ëukla-Yajurveda 25/19
The other bràhmaêas throw akìata in the air three times, while chanting: 228
oî ãÓdhyatàm / oî ãÓdhyatàm / oî ãÓdhyatàm /
“May we increase our fame, may we offer You food. Please come here in Your chariot for worship and accept the sweet
food prepared from cow’s milk. Bhâtàmëa has fulfilled the desires of the learned.”(Ãg-veda 10.106.11)
oî svasti no govindaí
svasti no ‘cyutànantau
svasti no vàsudevo viìêur dadhàtu /
svasti no nàràyaêo naro vai
svasti naí padmanàbhaí puruìottamo dadhàtu /
svasti no viëvakseno viëveëvaraí
svasti no hãìákeëo harir dadhàtu
svasti no vainateyo harií
svasti no ‘njanàsuto hanâr bhàgavato dadhàtu /
svasti svasti sumaçgalaikeëo mahàn
ërá kãìêaí saccidànanda-ghanaí
sarveëvareëvaro dadhàtu //
“May Lord Govinda, Acyuta, Ananta Ëeìa, Vàsudeva and Lord Viìêu bestow auspiciousness upon us. May Nara-
Nàràyaêa, Padmanàbha and Puruìottama bestow auspiciousness upon us. May Viëvaksena, the Lord of the universe,
Hãìikeëa and Lord Hari bestow auspiciousness upon us. May Garuéa and the son of Añjanà, who is the great devotee of
Lord Ràma, Hanumàn, bestow auspiciousness upon us. May the great and only Lord of auspiciousness, Ërá Kãìêa, who
is like a transcendental cloud full of eternity, knowledge, and bliss and who is the Lord of all the demigods, bestow
upon us all prosperity and auspiciousness.” (Kãìêopaniìad)
Saçkalpa 229
(fixing one’s mind with determination for the performance of an activity)
Saçkalpa should be performed using a small copper vessel. Silver, stone, clay, conch or bell metal should not be
used, nor should saçkalpa be performed using only the hands. One should fill the pot with water, and add
sesame, three blades of kuëa (with tips intact), flowers, and haritaki or banana.
oî viìêur
oî tat satù
_______màse (lunar month )
_______pakìe (lunar fortnight)
_______tithau (lunar day)
acyuta gotraí
(name of sponsor) dàsa
(name of function) karmàbhuyadayàrthaî
ërá kãìêa prátyarthaî
ërá bhàgavatàrcana, vasu-dhàrà-sampàtana,
eka-ëraddhà-karmam aham kariìye
“At the beginning of this______ceremony, to please Kãìêa, I will perform this ëraddhà beginning with worshiping the
devotees, worship of Uparicara Vasu, and chanting the Àyuìa Sâkta.”
One should then throw some of the water in the North-East direction, pour the rest of the water on the ground
(or into a visarjana-patra placed on the floor) turn the vessel upside down and place gandha and puìpa on it. 230
Ghaèa Sthàpana
(establishing the auspicious pot)
By assembling the ghaèa or water pot with the proper mantras and calling in the Lord, it becomes a form of the
Lord which can be worshiped with upacàras (articles such as foot wash, arghya, lamps etc.) in the manner that
one worships a mârti.
The ghaèa (pot) may be made of gold, silver, copper, bell metal, stone or clay. Those made of clay are suitable for
all purposes, but should be unbroken, clean and only be used once.
One should place either nava-ratna (pearl, cat’s eye, gomed, diamond, coral, yellow sapphire, emerald, blue
sapphire, ruby), pañca-ratna (pearl, cat’s eye, diamond, sapphire, ruby), or a piece of gold in the water within the
The leaves used may be banyan, pippal, mango, or uéumbara. Mango leaves are the most commonly used.
The fruit is usually coconut (green, with stem; or ripened with tuft), but banana may also be used.
The ghaèa should be established in the North-East part of the maêéapa, or East of the fire pit. One may draw an
eight-petalled lotus on the ground using five colored dyes (white, red, yellow, black and green) with paddy in the
center, and place the ghaèa on top of the grains.
(calling the Deity into the pot)
One may call Ërá Caitanya Mahàprabhu first and worship Him with 16 upacàras, and then call Ërá Ërá Ràdhà and
Kãìêa and worship Them with appropriate upacàras and mantras.
ërá kãìêa
iha àvàha àvàha (show àvahaná mâdrà ) 231
kláî - hãdayàya namaí
kãìêàya - ëirase svàhà
govindàya - ëikhàyai vaìaè
gopájana - kavacàya huî
vallabhàya - netrabhyàm vauìaè
svàhà - astràya phaè
Ghaèa Pâjà
(worshiping the pot)
Worship the Deity(s) in the pot with five, ten or sixteen items (upacàras) using the Deity mâla mantras. Instead
of offering the worship to the Lord in the pot, one may worship a ëàlagràma or a mârti directly. 232
Sàttvika Vãddhi Ëraddhà
(worship of the àcàryas and mahàbhàgavatas)
One should install the àcàrya paramparà in the same pot as used in the ghaèa sthàpana:
oî sarve saîpradàya-àcàryàí
sarve saîpradàyàcàryàí
ihàmãtá kurvantu
iha parame kurvantu
Then one should worship them with candana and flowers:
oî ete gandha-puìpe
oî gurave namaí
oî ISKCON pratiìèhatàcàryàya namaí
oî parama gurave namaí
oî paramparà-gurave namaí
oî mahà gurave namaí
oî parameìèhá gurave namaí
oî sarvebhyo mahànta-gurubhyo namaí
oî sarva-vaiìêavebhyo namaí 233
One should then install the five mahà-bhàgavatas in the pot:
oî viëvaksenàdi-pañca-mahàbhàgavatàí
oî ete gandha-puìpe
oî viëvaksenàya namaí
oî sanakàya namaí
oî sanàtanàya namaí
oî sanandanàya namaí
oî sanat kumàràya namaí
oî kavayàdi navayogendràí 234
kãìêàya - ëirase svàhà
govindàya - ëikhàya vaìaè
gopájana - kavacàya huî
vallabhàya - netràbhyàm vauìaè
svàhà - astràya phaè
kavyàdi navayogendràí
iha amãtá kurvantu
iha parame kurvantu
oî kavaye namaí
oî havaye namaí
oî antarikìàya namaí
oî prabuddhàya namaí
oî pippalàyanàya namaí
oî àvirhotràya namaí
oî drumilàya namaí
oî camasàya namaí
oî karabhàjanàya namaí
oî nàradàdi-sarvadikpàlàí 235
svàhà - astràya phaè
iha amãtá kurvantu
iha parame kurvantu
oî ete gandha-puìpe
oî nàradàya namaí
oî kapilàya namaí
oî yamabhàgavatàya namaí
oî bháìmadevàya namaí
oî ëukadevàya namaí
oî janakàya namaí
oî sadàëivàya namaí
oî prahlàdàya namaí
oî brahmaêe namaí
oî baliràjàya namaí
oî svayam-bhuve namaí
oî paurêamàsyàdi bhakti-ëaktyàí 236
svàhà - astràya phaè
paurêamàsyàdi bhakti-ëaktayàí
iha amãtá kurvantu
iha parame kurvantu
Then one should worship them with candana and flowers:
oî paurêamàsyai namaí
oî padmàyai namaí
oî antaràçgàyai namaí
oî gaçgàyai namaí
oî yamunàyai namaí
oî candràvalyai namaí
oî gàyatryai namaí
oî tulasyai namaí
oî sarasvatyai namaí
oî pãthivyai namaí
oî vaiìêavyai namaí
oî gave namaí
oî yaëodàyai namaí
oî devahâtyai namaí
oî devakyai namaí
oî rohiêyai namaí
oî sátàyai namaí
oî draupadyai namaí
oî kuntyai namaí
oî rukminyai namaí 237
iha sannirutsantu (show sannirodhaná mudrà)
iha saçmukho bhavantu (show saçmukhákaraêa mudrà)
oî ërádàmne namaí
oî sudàmne namaí
oî stoka-kãìêàya namaí
oî lavaçgàya namaí
oî arjunàya namaí
oî vasudàmne namaí
oî viëàlàya namaí
oî subalàya namaí
oî ërá ràmàya namaí
oî ërá kãìêàya namaí
oî lalitàdi-sarva-sakhyàí 238
iha saçmukho bhavantu (show saçmukhákaraêa mudrà)
iha amãtá kurvantu
iha parame kurvantu
oî ete gandha-puìpe
oî lalitàyai namaí
oî ëyàmalàyai namaí
oî viëàkhàyai namaí
oî campakalatàyai namaí
oî sucitràyai namaí
oî tuçgavidyàyai namaí
oî indulekhàyai namaí
oî raçgadevyai namaí
oî sudevyai namaí
One should then take Viìêu prasàdam and offer it to the guru, àcàryas and mahàbhàgavatas.
oî gurave namaí
oî sarvebhyo mahànta-gurubhyo namaí
oî sarvebhyo mahàbhàgavatebhyo namaí
Vasudhàrà 1
(Cediràja pâjà )
On the East or North wall of the room in which the pâjà is being performed, one should draw with sindhâra a
half moon, a triangle (with the point at the top), and a svastika. Under these drawings make seven dots with the
sindhâra starting from left to right. The drawings should be on the same level as one’s navel. Taking a piece of
kuëa grass with the tip dipped in ghee, touch each dot so that the ghee runs down the wall towards the floor.
While touching the dots with ghee one should chant: 239
oî yad varcoÒ hiraÓêyasyaÒ
yad vàÒ varcoÒ gavàÒmutaÓ /
satyaÓsyaÒ brahmaÓêo varcaÒs
tenaÒ mà saîsãÓjàmasi //
“Whatever brilliance you find in gold or whatever power in the cows, that is the strength of the pure spirit. Please may
you fill me with these.”(Àraêya-Samhità 4.10)
Offer five upacàras that have all been offered to Kãìêa first: 240
oî cediràja namastubhyaî ëàpagrasta mahàmate /
kìut-pipàsànude dànta cediràja namo’stu te //
“O King of Cedi, I offer my obeisances unto you. O great soul, affected by a curse, you endure hunger and thirst. O
Cediràja, I offer you my respectful obeisances.”
oî ceÓdiràja-vasoÒ, kìaÓmasva //
oî àyuÒrviëvàÓyuÒr viëvaÒmàyuÓraëámahi
praÒjàs tvaÓìèar adhiÒnidheÓhy aÒsmai /
ëataÓî jávema ëaÒradoÒ vayaÓî te //
“Let us attain long life, full span of life, let us attain full span of life. O creator, supply him a lot of progeny. May we
live a hundred years under your care.
Purify my life span. Purify me for the attainment of full power. You are the purifiers of the earth and creators of the
heaven. All the waters, flowing from the dams, hear you. The nectar flows from you to increase my life and
brahminical power together with prosperity for yajamàna ______ (name of sponsor) who is most brilliant in this act of
______ (name of function).”
Bhojapàtra Utsarga
(offering the bhojapàtra to a qualified bràhmaêa)
One should prepare a large plate (the bhojapàtra) with uncooked rice, dahl, ghee, salt, uncut fruits and
vegetables, betel nuts, sweets and cloth.
The yajamàna should put his right hand turned upwards on the plate and with his left hand take some water 241
from the àcamana cup and sprinkle the items after reciting each of the following mantras:
oî viìêur
oî tat satù
_______màse (lunar month)
_______pakìe (lunar fortnight)
_______tithau (lunar day )
(name of yajamàna’s gotra) gotrasya
ërá (name of yajamàna)
ëubhe (name of function) karmàbhuyadayàrthaî
(name of forefather’s gotra) gotrànàm pitänàm
parama-pritàye idam sopakaraêamàna-
anna-bhojyanàrcitam ërá viìêu-daivataî yathà
nàma gotrasya ërá (name of forefather)
sàttvata-bràhmaêàyàham dadàmi //
“At the beginning of the rite called______, I offer to the sàttvika bràhmaêa named______of______gotra this offering of
food with all ingredients offered to Viìêu for giving supreme pleasure to the pitäs of the gotra______.”
Dakìiêà (in the form of money) should be offered to the Vaiìêava bràhmaêa on a plate. Before offering, the 242
yajamàna should offer gandha-puìpa to the dakìiêà saying:
“These are the fragrant flowers. I offer obeisances to this golden coin.”
oî viìêur
oî tat satù
_______màse (lunar month )
_______pakìe (lunar fortnight)
_______tithau (lunar day )
(name of yajamàna’s gotra) gotrasya
ërá (name of yajamàna)
ëubhe (name of function) karmàbhyudayàrthaî
sopakaraêamàna anna-bhojya-dàna-karmanaí
saçgatàrthaî dakìiêàmidaî
kàñcana-mâlyam ërá viìêu daivataî
yathà nàma-gotràya sàttvata-bràhmaêàya
ahaî dadàmi //
“At the beginning of the rite called______, I give to the sàttvata bràhmaêa of______ gotra this suitable donation
equivalent to gold, on the occasion of the giving of food with all ingredients.”
Vàmadevya gànam
(prayers in glorification of the Lord) 243
aÒbhá ìuêaÒí sakháõnàm àviÒtà jaÓritäÒêàm /
ëaÒtaî bhaÓvàsy âÒtayeÕ //
“The Lord is worshipable. He is our helper, constantly expanding. He is our eternal friend. He displays this through
His wonderful activities.
You are the worshipable absolute truth and the source of all pleasurable experience. Being strong, You break the
opposition of the foes.
You are the protector of those who sing Your praises. You are affectionate to those who accept You as a friend. Be with
us a hundred times, to give us protection.” (Ëukla-Yajurveda 27.39-41)(Ãg-veda 4.31.1-3) 244
Appendix III
Additional Saîskàras
(piercing the ears)
According to Suëruta , this ceremony should be performed in the sixth or seventh month after birth, though it
may be performed along with the Câéàkaraêa ceremony or at Upanayanam.
It should be performed during the waxing phase of the moon on an auspicious day, before noon.
Using a gold, silver or iron needle , the surgeon should first take the right ear of a boy or left ear of a girl, and
pierce the ears with a single stroke.
(beginning education)
This is performed when the child is five, or at the same time as the hair-cutting ceremony, but before
Upanayanam. An auspicious day should be chosen when the sun is in the Northern course (uttaràyaêa).
The child should be bathed, dressed in fresh cloth and decorated. The parents should perform worship of Lord
Viìêu. The teacher should face East, and the child should face him.
On a silver plate kuçkuma should be sprinkled and with a gold pen the words ‘oî namo bhagavate vàsudevàya’
or ‘hare kãìêa’ should be written and read three times by the child, with the help of the teacher. If silver and gold
are not available other materials may be used, such as kuëa grass or tulasá. 245
The child should pay his obeisances to the teacher, present the teacher with cloth and ornaments and
circumambulate the Deities. Bràhmaêas should give blessings. Women who have husbands and children alive
should wave lamps in front of the child. Dakìinà should be presented to the bràhmaêas and prasàdam should be
distributed. 246
Appendix IV
Diagrams 247
Yajña kuêéas 248
Appendix V
Standard Yajña Paraphernalia
1) dry wood 20kg*
2) ghee 2kg*
3) loose flowers 1 basket*
4) flower garlands 25 pcs**
5) bananas 30 pcs**
6) mango leaves 2 sacks*
7) kuëa-àsanas 30 pcs**
8) rice paddy 2 kg
9) sand 3 buckets*
10) bamboo plates 30 pcs**
11) barley 10kg**
12) black sesame 5kg**
13) camphor 1kg*
14) plate for final offering 1pc
15) various types of fruits for decoration
16) incense 500g*
17) white rice 5kg*
18) turmeric 500g*
19) food colors (5 shades) 50g (each)*
20) betelnut 50g*
21) cotton thread 100g*
22) cotton-wool 250g*
23) sandalwood paste 100g*
24) sandalwood 100g*
25) coconut 2pcs*
26) ‘yajña’ spoons (sruk & sruva)***
27) àrati lamp, bell, àcamana cups, brass plates,
brass pot for ghee, ghee lamp (pradápa)
Amount of all the items mentioned here means the minimum needed for one day program with 5 priests and 20
guests participating. 249
Appendix VI
Choosing Names
For the nàma karaêa saîskàra, names of the child may be chosen according to various methods:
2) After the deity or syllable of the constellation in which the child was born
Each nakìatra is divided into four equal parts. Each part is assigned a syllable. After determining which nakìatra
and which quarter of the nakìatra that the child was born in, a name should be chosen which begins with the
corresponding syllable. Any syllable with an ‘o’ sound may substitute an ‘au’ sound. An syllable with an ‘e’ sound
may substitute an ‘ai’ sound. ‘ë’ may be substituted for ‘s’. 250
Kãttikà Agni à i u e
Rohiêá Brahmà o va vi vu
Mãgaëirà Candra ve vo kà ke
Àrdrà Rudra kâ ghà ça cha
Punarvasu Aditi ke ko hà há
Puìyamá Bãhaspati hâ he ho éà
Àëleìà Bhujagala éá éâ ée éo
Maghà Pitaraí mà má mâ me
Pârva Phàlguná Bhaga (Ravi) mo tà tá tâ
Uttarà Phàlguná Aryaman (Ravi) èe èo pà pá
Hastà Sàvitrá pu ìà êà èhà
Citrà Tvaìèà pe po rà rá
Svàtá Vàyu ru re ro tà
Viëàkhà Indra tá tâ te to
Anuràdhà Mitra (Ravi) nà ná nâ ne
Jyeìèhà Indra no yà yá yâ
Mâlà Nirãti ye yo bà bá
Pârvàìàéhà Varuêa bu dhà bha éhà
Uttaràìàdhà Viëve-devàí be bo jà já
Ëraviìèhà Bháìma khá khâ khe kho
Dhaniìèhà Vasu gà gá gâ ge
Ëatabhiìak Vàmana go sà sá sâ
Pârva Bhadrapàda Ajaikapàt se so dà dá
Uttarà Bhadrapàda Ahirbudhnya du tha jña ña
Revati Pâìà de do cà cá 251
3) According to zodiac sign
Depending on the month in which the child was born. The name should begin with the corresponding syllable,
according to the following table. 252
Appendix VII
The Auspicious Times
According to Vedic astrology, the saîskàras are recommended to be performed at particular auspicious times.
For each saîskàra the circumstances are different. We hope this appendix may be usefull in finding the
appropriate time for each saîskàra.
Below are the names of lunar months used in astrology. In the brackets are the corresponding names used in the
Vaiìêava calendar.
Màrgaëárìa (Keëava)
Pauìa (Nàràyaêa)
Màgha (Màdhava)
Phàlguêa (Govinda)
Caitra (Viìêu)
Vaiëakha (Madhusâdana)
Jyeìèha (Trivikrama)
Àìàéha (Vàmana)
Ëràvaêa (Ërádhara)
Bhàdra (Hãìákeëa)
Àëvina (Padmanàbha)
Kàrtika (Dàmodara) 253
auspicious times:
nakìatras: Rohiná, Uttarà Phàlguná, Uttaràìàdhà, Uttarà Bhadrapàda, Hastà, Aëviná, Mãgaëirà, Maghà, Anuràdhà,
Mâlà & Revati
tithis: 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 10th, 11th & 13th of gaura pakìa (waxing moon)
days: Sunday & Saturday
months: Màgha, Phàlguêa, Vaiëakha & Jyeìèha
inauspicious times:
tithis: 6th, 8th, 12th and 11th up to amavasya of kãìêa pakìa (waning moon)
days: Thursday
other times: caturmasya (four months from Ëràvaêa to Kàrtika) 254
auspicious times:
nakìatras: Rohiná, Uttarà Phàlguná, Uttaràìàdhà, Uttarà Bhadrapàda, Hastà, Mãgaëirà, Anuràdhà, Punarvasu,
Svàtá, Ëraviìèhà, Dhaniìèhà & Ëatabhiìak
inauspicious times:
nakìatras: Bharaêá, Kãtikkà, Àrdrà, Aëleìà, Maghà, Pârva Phalguná, Viëàkhà, Jyeìèhà, Mâlà, Pârvàìàéhà & Pârva
tithis: 4th, 6th, 9th, 14th & 15th (pârnimà, amavasya)
days: Saturday
other times: daytime; sunset; solar or lunar eclipse; anniversaries of mother’s or father’s passing away; festival
days 255
(rite for making a male child)
auspicious times:
nakìatras: Rohiná, Uttarà Phàlguná, Uttaràìàdhà, Uttarà Bhadrapàda, Hastà, Mãgaëirà, Punarvasu, Ëraviìèhà, Mâlà
& Puìyamá
tithis: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 10th, 11th & 13th
days: Tuesday, Thursday & Sunday
other times: the lord of the month of the conception should be strong
inauspicious times: 256
(parting the wife’s hair)
The ceremony should be done in the 4th,6th or 8th month from the conception.
auspicious times:
nakìatras: Rohiná, Uttarà Phàlguná, Uttaràìàdhà, Uttarà Bhadrapàda, Hastà, Mãgaëirà, Punarvasu, Ëraviìèhà, Mâlà
& Puìyamá
tithis: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 10th, 11th & 13th
days: Tuesday, Thursday & Sunday
other times: the lord of the month of the conception should be strong
inauspicious times: 257
Ëoìyantá Homa
(rite for safe delivery)
auspicious times:
nakìatras: Rohiná, Uttarà Phàlguná, Uttaràìàdhà & Uttarà Bhadrapàda. tithis: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 10th, 11th
& 13th
days: Tuesday, Thursday & Sunday
inauspicious times:
Jàta Karma
(birth ceremony)
Paràëara Muni says that if the garbhàdhàna saîskàra was properly done, the birth will automatically be at an
auspicious time. 258
(taking the child outside for the first time)
auspicious times:
nakìatras: Hastà, Aëviná, Mãgaëirà, Anuràdhà, Revati, Punarvasu, Ëraviìèhà, Puìyamá & Dhaniìèhà
tithis: 2nd,3rd,5th,7th,10th,11th & 13th
inauspicious times:
Nàma Karaêa
(name-giving ceremony)
The ceremony should be done on the 10th, 12th, 101st day or one full year from the birth of the child.
auspicious times:
nakìatras: Rohiná, Uttarà Phàlguná, Uttaràìàdhà, Uttarà Bhadrapàda, Hastà, Mãgaëirà, Anuràdhà, Punarvasu,
Svàtá, Ëraviìèhà, Dhaniìèhà, Ëatabhiìak, Revati, Aëviná, Dhaniìèhà, Citrà & Puìyamá
tithis: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 7th, 10th, 11th, 12th & 13th
other times: the saîskàra should be done before noon
inauspicious times:
Pauìèika Karma
(ceremony for continued health of the child)
This ceremony should be performed every month, during the child’s first year, on the tithi and pakìa (waxing or
waning phase of the moon) corresponding to the tithi and pakìa on which the child was born.
Anna Pràëana 259
(first grains ceremony)
auspicious times:
nakìatras: the best is janma nakìatra (the one in which the child was born) if not possible then one of the
following nakìatras: Rohiná, Uttarà Phàlguná, Uttaràìàdhà, Uttarà Bhadrapàda, Hastà, Mãgaëirà, Anuràdhà,
Punarvasu, Svàtá, Ëraviìèhà, Dhaniìèhà, Ëatabhiìak, Revati, Aëviná, Dhaniìèhà, Citrà & Puìyamá
tithis: 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 10th & 13th
other times: before noon; gaura pakìa (waxing moon) and the moon should be advanced in waxing; for a male
child done in the 6th, 8th, 10th or 12th month from the birth; for a female child done in the 5th, 7th, 9th or 11th
month from the birth
inauspicious times:
nakìatras: Bharaêá, Kãtikkà, Àrdrà, Aëleìà, Maghà, Pârva Phalguná, Viëàkhà, Jyeìèhà, Mâlà, Pârvàìàéhà & Pârva
tithis: 1st, 4th, 6th, 8th, 9th, 11th, 12th, 14th & 15th (amavasya, pârnimà)
days: Saturday, Tuesday & Sunday
other times: Lagna (ascendant) should be in Pisces, Aries, Scorpio; 10th & 8th house should be empty 260
Câéà Karaêam
(hair-cutting ceremony)
auspicious times:
nakìatras: Hastà, Mãgaëirà, Punarvasu, Svàtá, Ëraviìèhà, Dhaniìèhà, Ëatabhiìak, Citrà, Revati, Aëviná, Puìyamá &
tithis: 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 10th , 11th & 13th
other times: Jupiter & Venus should to be strong; 8th house should be empty; the ceremony should be done
before noon
inauspicious times:
tithis: 1st, 4th, 6th, 8th, 9th, 12th, 14th & 15th (amavasya, pârnimà)
other times: lagna (ascendant) in Aquarius; night time 261
(reformatory rites of a bràhmaêa)
auspicious times:
nakìatras: Hastà, Mãgaëirà, Svàtá, Ëraviìèhà, Dhaniìèhà, Ëatabhiìak, Citrà, Revati, Aëviná, Puìyamá, Anuràdhà,
Rohiná, Uttarà Phàlguná, Uttaràìàdhà & Uttarà Bhadrapàda
tithis: 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 10th & 12th
days: Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Monday
other times: best is uttaràyaêa (the Northern course of the sun) out of which the Caitra month is the most
auspicious; it should be done during gaura pakìa (waxing moon); 8th house should be empty; Moon should be
strong and shouldn’t be in 6th, 8th or 12th house; Jupiter should be strong
inauspicious times: 262
(graduation ceremony)
auspicious times:
nakìatras: Hastà, Mãgaëirà, Svàtá, Ëraviìèhà, Dhaniìèhà, Ëatabhiìak, Citrà, Revati, Aëviná, Puìyamá, Anuràdhà,
Rohiná, Uttarà Phàlguná, Uttaràìàdhà & Uttarà Bhadrapàda
tithis: 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 10th & 12th
days: Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Monday
other times: best is uttaràyaêa (the Northern course of the sun) out of which the Caitra month is the most
auspicious; it should be done during gaura pakìa (waxing moon); 8th house should be empty; Moon should be
strong and shouldn’t be in 6th, 8th or 12th house; Jupiter should be strong
inauspicious times: 263
(piercing the ears)
auspicious times:
According to Àcàrya Ërá Ràma, the ceremony should be done at the auspicious time in the 12th or 16th day from
the day of birth, otherwise 6th or 7th month from the birth. If this also is not possible, then in the odd year (3rd,
5th, 7th, etc.) of the child.
nakìatras: Hastà, Mãgaëirà, Punarvasu, Ëraviìèhà, Dhaniìèhà, Ëatabhiìak, Revati, Aëviná, Puìyamá & Anuràdhà
days: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Monday
other times: auspicious during uttaràyaêa (the Northern course of the sun), but not in Caitra month; during
gaura pakìa; 8th house should be empty; the ceremony should be done before noon
inauspicious times: 264
(beginning education)
auspicious times:
nakìatras: Punarvasu, Àrdrà, Mâlà, Hastà, Mãgaëirà, Svàtá, Ëraviìèhà, Dhaniìèhà, Ëatabhiìak, Citrà, Revati, Aëviná,
Puìyamá, Anuràdhà, Aëleìà, Pârva Phalguná, Pârvàìàéhà & Pârva Bhadrapàda
days: Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday
tithis: 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 10th, 11th & 12th
inauspicious times:
tithi: 7th 265