Demographical question
1. Gender:
Male Female
2. Age: 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60 and above
3. Education:
SSC/O-Level HSC/A-Level Diploma
Graduate MBA Others……………… (Please
4. Occupation:
Student Government Employee Private Employee Housewife
Others…………………. (Please Specify)
5. Average monthly income of family (Taka)
30,000 or less 30,000 to 50,000
50,000 to 80,000 1, 00,000 or above........................ (Please
Psychographic question
6. If you face family problem what you would do?
a) Leave the project b) Continue the project c) Stop for some
7. Who is the major obstacle in the path of being an entrepreneur?
a) Neighbour b) Husband c) Parents d) Children
8. What is the major obstacle in the path of being an entrepreneur?
a)Culture b) Religion c) Society d) Education system
No Statement Ref. Strongly Disagree Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree
1 2 3 4
1 I have skill to be an entrepreneur PC
2 I am persuasive to be an entrepreneur PC
3 I am creative to be an entrepreneur PC
4 My desire of financial independence can push M
me to be an entrepreneur
5 My desire of being independent can push me M
to be an entrepreneur
6 My hobby can push me to be an M
7 Sourcing of financial support is an impact on FS
becoming an entrepreneur
8 Non-government organization like (Brac, FS
TMSS, Grameen Bank) can create an impact on
becoming an entrepreneur
9 Market Network affects my decision in MN
becoming an Entrepreneur