6 - Thermalhydraulic Design
6 - Thermalhydraulic Design
6 - Thermalhydraulic Design
Thermal-Hydraulic Design
Prepared by
Dr. Nikola K. Popov
This chapter covers the thermal-hydraulic design of nuclear power plants with a focus on the
primary and secondary sides of the nuclear steam supply system. This chapter covers the
following topics: evolution of the reactor thermal-hydraulic system; key design requirements for
the heat transport system; thermal-hydraulic design principles and margins; design details of
the primary and secondary heat transport systems; fundamentals of two-phase flow;
fundamentals of heat transfer and fluid flow in the reactor heat transport system; other related
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2 The Essential CANDU
Table of Contents
1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 10
1.1 Overview ....................................................................................................................... 10
1.2 Learning outcomes ........................................................................................................ 12
1.3 Summary of relationship to other chapters ................................................................... 12
1.4 Thermal-hydraulic design ............................................................................................. 12
2 Reactor Types ....................................................................................................................... 14
2.1 CANDU reactor design ................................................................................................. 14
2.1.1 Reactor core and calandria vessel ............................................................................. 17
2.1.2 Primary heat transport system design ....................................................................... 19
2.1.3 Steam generators ....................................................................................................... 20
2.1.4 Pressurizer ................................................................................................................. 21
2.1.5 Primary pumps .......................................................................................................... 22
2.1.6 Primary heat transport piping.................................................................................... 22
2.1.7 Secondary heat transport system design ................................................................... 22
2.1.8 Turbine ...................................................................................................................... 23
2.1.9 Condenser ................................................................................................................. 23
2.1.10 Heat exchangers and pumps.................................................................................. 23
2.2 Problems ....................................................................................................................... 23
3 CANDU Thermal-Hydraulic Design Evolution ................................................................... 25
3.1 CANDU reactor evolution ............................................................................................ 25
3.1.2 Steam generators ....................................................................................................... 27
3.1.3 Heat transport pumps ................................................................................................ 28
3.1.4 Reactor core .............................................................................................................. 28
3.1.5 Reduction in radiation exposure ............................................................................... 29
3.2 CANDU reactor types ................................................................................................... 30
3.2.1 Nuclear Power Demonstration station ...................................................................... 30
3.2.2 Douglas Point ............................................................................................................ 31
3.2.3 Pickering A and B ..................................................................................................... 32
3.2.4 Bruce A and B ........................................................................................................... 33
3.2.5 CANDU 6 ................................................................................................................. 34
3.2.6 Darlington ................................................................................................................. 34
3.2.7 Advanced CANDU designs ...................................................................................... 35
3.3 Non-PHWR CANDU designs....................................................................................... 37
3.3.1 CANDU-BLW .......................................................................................................... 37
3.3.2 CANDU-OCR ........................................................................................................... 38
3.4 Problems ....................................................................................................................... 39
4 Thermal-Hydraulic Design Requirements ............................................................................ 40
4.1 Fuel requirements.......................................................................................................... 40
4.1.1 Metallic fuels ............................................................................................................ 42
4.1.2 Ceramic fuels ............................................................................................................ 42
4.1.3 Dispersion fuels ........................................................................................................ 43
4.2 General fuel sheath (cladding) requirements ................................................................ 44
4.2.2 Zirconium .................................................................................................................. 45
4.3 Reactor coolant requirements ....................................................................................... 46
4.3.1 Ordinary water and heavy water coolants ................................................................. 46
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 5
List of Figures
Figure 1 Heat engine concepts ..................................................................................................... 13
Figure 2 Typical CANDU plant ....................................................................................................... 15
Figure 3 CANDU 6 reactor cooling loops....................................................................................... 16
Figure 4 CANDU reactor, fuel channel, and fuel bundle .............................................................. 18
Figure 5 CANDU calandria vessel and reactor vault ..................................................................... 18
Figure 6 CANDU primary heat transport system .......................................................................... 20
Figure 7 Typical steam generator design ...................................................................................... 21
Figure 8 Typical pressurizer design ............................................................................................... 21
Figure 9 Typical primary pump design .......................................................................................... 22
Figure 10 CANDU steam generator design evolution ................................................................... 28
Figure 11 Nuclear Power Demonstration (NPD) heat transport system ...................................... 31
Figure 12 Douglas Point heat transport system ........................................................................... 32
Figure 13 Pickering A heat transport system ................................................................................ 32
Figure 14 Bruce heat transport system ........................................................................................ 33
Figure 15 Darlington heat transport system................................................................................. 34
Figure 16 ACR-1000 heat transport system .................................................................................. 36
Figure 17 CANDU BLW heat transport system ............................................................................. 37
Figure 18 CANDU OCR heat transport system .............................................................................. 38
Figure 19 Fuel rod design types .................................................................................................... 41
Figure 20 Critical heat flux ratio.................................................................................................... 56
Figure 21 Thermal margins ........................................................................................................... 58
Figure 22 Relationship between quality and void fraction [COL1972] ......................................... 62
Figure 23 Flow patterns in vertical two-phase flow ..................................................................... 66
Figure 24 Flow patterns in horizontal two-phase flow ................................................................. 66
Figure 25 Flow patterns and heat transfer regimes in horizontal heated tubes .......................... 67
Figure 26 Flow patterns and heat transfer regimes in vertical heated tubes .............................. 68
Figure 27 Flow pattern map in vertical flow [HET1982] ............................................................... 69
Figure 28 3-D representation of boiling surfaces ......................................................................... 71
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Figure 73 Temperature distribution in the fuel cladding and the fuel element ........................ 137
Figure 74 Thermal conductivity in a fuel pin .............................................................................. 139
Figure 75 Impact of oxygen-to-metal ratio on the heat conduction coefficient in fuel ............. 139
Figure 76 Heat capacity of a fuel pin .......................................................................................... 140
Figure 77 Gap conductance in a fuel pin .................................................................................... 140
Figure 78 Fuel aging effect on temperature in a fuel pin ........................................................... 141
Figure 79 Impact of gap thickness and linear power on heat conductance............................... 141
Figure 80 Asymmetric temperature profiles in a fuel pin .......................................................... 142
Figure 81 Force-momentum balance in a control volume ......................................................... 148
Figure 82 Moody chart for friction factors ................................................................................. 153
Figure 83 Martinelli-Nelson two-phase multiplier in separated flow ........................................ 155
Figure 84 Single-phase pressure distribution over a square-edged orifice ................................ 157
Figure 85 Two-phase pressure distribution over a square-edged orifice .................................. 157
Figure 86 Bundle correction factor (37-element hexagonal bundle) ......................................... 158
Figure 87 Eccentricity effect ....................................................................................................... 159
Figure 88 Eccentricity correction factor ..................................................................................... 159
Figure 89 Bundle junction misalignment effect .......................................................................... 161
Figure 90 Typical single-phase pressure distribution over misaligned bundles ......................... 161
Figure 91 Typical pressure drop in misaligned fuel bundles ...................................................... 162
Figure 92 Typical misaligned junction pressure drop signatures ............................................... 162
Figure 93 Typical two-phase pressure distribution over misaligned bundles ............................ 163
Figure 94 Pressure gradient along a flow channel in boiling ...................................................... 164
Figure 95 Example of abrupt area changes and orifice .............................................................. 165
Figure 96 Pressure drop behaviour with abrupt area changes and orifice ................................ 165
Figure 97 Pressure drop components ......................................................................................... 166
Figure 98 Concept of channel flow instability ............................................................................ 169
Figure 99 Channel flow instability under low heat flux .............................................................. 170
Figure 100 Impact of different pump curves on channel flow instability .................................. 171
Figure 101 Definition of channel flow excursion instability in a single channel ........................ 172
Figure 102 Principles of flow excursion instability in two parallel channels .............................. 174
Figure 103 Results of flow excursion instability in two parallel channels ................................. 175
Figure 104 Concepts of CHF, dryout, and burnout ..................................................................... 182
Figure 105 Transitions among CHF mechanisms ........................................................................ 183
Figure 106 Pool boiling CHF mechanisms ................................................................................... 184
Figure 107 Flow boiling CHF mechanisms .................................................................................. 184
Figure 108 Effect of inlet temperature and mass flux ................................................................ 187
Figure 109 Effect of outlet pressure in pool boiling ................................................................... 187
Figure 110 Effect of outlet pressure on flow boiling .................................................................. 188
Figure 111 Effect of heated length on local CHF ........................................................................ 188
Figure 112 Effect of quality on local CHF .................................................................................... 189
Figure 113 Effect of tube diameter on local CHF ........................................................................ 189
Figure 114 Concept of operating margins .................................................................................. 195
Figure 115 Critical channel power .............................................................................................. 196
Figure 116 CHF margin definitions.............................................................................................. 197
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List of Tables
Table 1 Typical fuel characteristics for key reactor types ............................................................ 26
Table 2 CANDU main process parameters and features .............................................................. 27
Table 3 Evolution of D2O content in the core and of power in the fuel channel ......................... 29
Table 4 Summary of uranium fuel characteristics [POP2014] ...................................................... 41
Table 5 Summary of fuel cladding characteristics [POP2014] ...................................................... 44
Table 6 Summary of coolant characteristics [POP2014] .............................................................. 47
Table 7 Summary of moderator characteristics [POP2014] ......................................................... 49
Table 8 Factors affecting pressure drop ..................................................................................... 147
Table 9 CANDU distribution of pressure drop in the primary loop ............................................ 147
Table 10 Separate CHF effects in fuel bundles ........................................................................... 186
Table 11 Sample of CHF look-up table ........................................................................................ 192
Table 12 Sample of PDO look-up table [IAEA2001] .................................................................... 215
Table 13 Typical PWR reactor parameters ................................................................................. 254
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10 The Essential CANDU
1 Introduction
Section 1 provides an introduction to thermal-hydraulic design. It defines the expectations and
learning outcomes for this chapter and indicates the relationship of this chapter to other
chapters in this textbook.
The objective of this chapter is to describe the generic thermal-hydraulic design of nuclear
reactors under normal operating conditions, with a specific focus on design details of CANDU
This chapter covers the thermal-hydraulic design of a CANDU nuclear power reactor, with
general comparisons to other reactor types and designs. Thermal-hydraulic design covers the
reactor primary and secondary heat transport systems. In fact, the primary heat transfer
design defines the maximum power levels (globally and locally) that can be safely generated in
the reactor core and thus defines the design characteristics of many systems and components,
such as the reactor core physics and the fuel design.
1.1 Overview
This section describes the objectives, principles, and methodologies of reactor thermal-
hydraulic design. The thermal-hydraulic design of the reactor process systems that are
required to transport heat energy away from the nuclear reactor source and transform this
heat energy into useful work (generally electrical energy) are the focus of nuclear engineering
and of this chapter.
Section 2 presents the principles of reactor design, with a focus on CANDU reactor design.
Designs of other reactor types are described in Appendix A, in which the focus is on providing a
historical perspective on reactor thermal-hydraulic and systems design and on pressurized
water reactors (PWRs) and boiling water reactors (BWRs).
Section 3 covers the design evolution of the CANDU reactor, including a general description of
the overall design of the CANDU heat transport system and the design and evolution of the
main components such as primary pumps, steam generators, and the reactor core.
Section 4 defines the thermal-hydraulic design requirements, including fuel cladding (fuel
sheath), coolant, fuel, moderator materials, and control materials. Reactor core component
materials are discussed and component requirements assessed. This section also discusses
various fuel-coolant-moderator arrangements, their optimization, and their performance
within the reactor design. Advantages and disadvantages of all the variations are discussed and
possible solutions suggested. Finally, the section provides general requirements for the
thermal-hydraulic design process.
Section 5 discusses reactor thermal-hydraulic design limits from the perspective of various
reactor designs. It explains the concepts of reactor thermal margins and their application to
reactor design assessment. Reactor thermal margins are an important parameter in reactor
thermal-hydraulic design because they provide assurance that the heat generated by the fuel is
removed from the reactor core under all possible operating conditions.
Section 6 covers thermal-hydraulic design fundamentals. The first part of this section presents
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 11
the fundamentals of single- and two-phase flow and heat transfer. Two-phase flow and heat
transfer present a number of thermal-hydraulic design challenges, which are explained and
discussed in this section. In addition, this section covers the thermodynamics of the reactor
primary and secondary heat transport systems. The concepts of thermodynamic laws and their
application to reactor design are presented. The concept of reactor thermodynamic efficiency
is defined and its application to reactor performance assessment explained. Various secondary
system designs are discussed, and a description of the secondary side components, such as
steam turbines, steam condensers, feedwater systems and pre-heaters, and feedwater pumps,
is provided.
Section 7 is the key section in this chapter because it describes the design of reactor heat
transfer and fluid flow. This section outlines primary heat transport system behaviour,
describes the various mathematical models, and discusses the most important characteristics
of the primary heat transport system. The design and operation of the primary pumps is
described. The design and operation of the steam generators is covered in detail because this
component connects the primary and secondary heat transport systems, and therefore
understanding its behaviour is essential for understanding overall reactor thermal-hydraulic
behaviour. Flow stability in single-channel and parallel-channel instability situations is
explained and its relevance to reactor and pump operation presented.
Also presented in Section 7 are heat transfer in the fuel elements and their heat transfer
behaviour and operation in the reactor. Various topics are covered, such as fuel pellet cladding
gap heat conduction, variability of heat conductivity in the fuel with temperature, and the
influence of other important parameters. Fluid flow fundamentals are also covered, including
calculation of pressure drop in the primary heat transport system under single- and two-phase
operating conditions, calculation of flow resistance and its impact, and other important
Heat transfer between fuel and coolant is also discussed in Section 7, including heat transfer
regimes in single-phase and two-phase operation, with a particular focus on boiling heat
transfer in a CANDU fuel channel. The concept of critical heat flux is defined and discussed,
along with various critical heat flux approaches, experimental data, and prediction methods.
The impact of critical heat flux on reactor thermal margins is discussed and methods for
improvement identified. An important part of the critical heat flux prediction model is the
look-up table, which is explained and its application described. Part of this section is devoted
to post-critical heat flux heat transfer, i.e., transition boiling and film boiling. Various heat
transfer modes are discussed, with particular attention to CANDU fuel bundles. Most of the
important heat transfer correlations are listed and explained and their application discussed.
Finally, the last few sub-sections of Section 7 are devoted to special topics in reactor thermal-
hydraulic design. One section explains the critical flow phenomenon and its relevance to safety
analysis, as well as the water hammer phenomenon. It provides insights on the risk from the
water hammer hazard and provides high-level information on preventing this phenomenon in
reactor design.
The last part of Section 7 covers natural circulation, which is an important phenomenon
because it provides assurance that reactor decay heat will be removed from the core if forced-
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12 The Essential CANDU
flow cooling is lost. This section describes the natural circulation phenomenon and focusses on
its application in CANDU reactors. The CANDU-specific phenomena of core cooling in the
absence of forced flow and of intermittent buoyancy-induced flow in a CANDU fuel channel are
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 13
The most important role of reactor design from a safety perspective is to ensure that:
the fission reaction can be achieved and controlled (addressed by the physical core
design and fuel design);
heat can be removed from the core to the ultimate heat sink (addressed by the
thermal-hydraulic design);
the reactor operation can be monitored (addressed by the instrumentation and control
design), and
the radioactive material can be contained within the reactor facility (addressed by the
radiation protection and civil engineering design). Among the most important aspects
of reactor engineering with respect to safe operation is the heat transfer and fluid flow
(i.e., the thermal-hydraulic design).
The basic concept of a nuclear power plant is presented in Figure 1; it is similar to that of any
other thermal power plant. The overall objective is to produce useful shaft work using a
thermodynamic heat engine (a turbine) with a heat source (a reactor) and a heat sink (a lake,
the sea, or the atmosphere). Following this basic concept, a number of variations of the
nuclear power plant have been designed.
A number of inter-related systems and components are integrated into nuclear power plant
design and interact with each other. Understanding their limitations and characteristics is an
essential part of reactor design. Consequently, the process designer must appreciate the
characteristics and limitations of all the major components and systems to carry out the
detailed design of a particular system, i.e., to make intelligent choices. Design is, after all, the
process of constraining the possible alternatives (in reaching a design objective) down to one
choice. The overall goal is to provide an effective process within the context of the whole
operation. This means that the system must perform its process function safely and efficiently
at a reasonable cost. The interplay of these key concepts and systems constitutes “the design
The final arbitrators in resolving the conflicting demands of each subsystem are: adequate level
of safety, low overall cost, material limits (temperature, mechanical stress, erosion, corrosion,
etc.), regulations, past experience, standardized design requirements, and quality assurance
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14 The Essential CANDU
2 Reactor Types
A number of reactor types are operating around the world, and many more have been
designed in the past 50+ years of nuclear energy utilization, but never built. Many of these
reactor types use very different physical and thermal-hydraulic concepts; however, only a
handful have been able to ensure commercial viability over the past 50 years.
A number of these reactor types have proven to be commercially and economically
competitive, the most successful of which include [ELW1990]:
Pressurized water reactors (PWRs)
Boiling water reactors (BWRs)
Gas cooled reactors
Channel type reactors.
Although a detailed discussion of these reactor types is beyond the scope of this text, the
general evolution of reactor design and several of these designs are discussed in Appendix A.
The CANDU reactor design is a channel-type reactor, and a general overview, as relevant to the
topic of thermal hydraulics, is presented in Section 2.1.
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Each fuel element consists of natural uranium in the form of cylindrical pellets of sintered
uranium dioxide contained in a zircaloy-4 sheath closed at each end by an end cap. The fuel
elements are held together by end plates at each end to form the fuel bundle. The required
fuel element separation is maintained by spacers brazed to the fuel elements at the transverse
mid-plane. The outer fuel elements have bearing pads brazed to the outer surface to support
the fuel bundle in the pressure tube.
The CANDU reactor assembly, shown in Figure 5, includes the fuel channels contained in and
supported by the calandria. Each end shield consists of an inner and an outer tube sheet joined
by lattice tubes at each fuel channel location and a peripheral shell. The inner spaces of the
end shields are filled with steel balls and are light water-cooled. The fuel channels, supported
by the end shields, are located on a square lattice pitch. The calandria is filled with heavy
water moderator at low temperature and pressure.
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2.1.4 Pressurizer
The pressure in the reactor primary coolant system is maintained at a controlled level by a
pressurizer. Figure 8 shows a view of a typical pressurizer [AECL2009a, AECL2010]. The
pressurizer contains steam in the upper section of its cylinder and water in the lower section.
The pressurizer is connected to the primary loop through a surge nozzle at the bottom.
Heaters are provided at the bottom of the pressurizer internals, and a spray nozzle, relief
nozzle, and safety nozzle are installed at the top of the pressurizer head.
A “positive surge” of water from the primary loop because of increasing loop pressure is
compensated for by injecting cold water from the top of the pressurizer, which condenses the
steam in the upper portion and thus reduces system pressure.
A “negative surge” of water empties the pressurizer, reducing steam pressure at the top of the
pressurizer and thus loop pressure. In this situation, the electrical heaters at the bottom of the
pressurizer are automatically activated, converting a portion of the water into steam and
resulting in a loop pressure increase. By performing these sequences (i.e., creating steam when
the loop pressure is too low or decreasing steam when the loop pressure is too high), the
pressurizer maintains loop pressure within a certain design range and also ensures smooth
pressure changes in the primary loop.
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22 The Essential CANDU
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 23
components of the secondary heat transport system are the steam turbine, condenser, heat
exchangers, feedwater pumps, valves, and piping; these are covered in the next few sections.
2.1.8 Turbine
The CANDU steam turbine is typically a tandem compound unit, directly coupled to an
electrical generator by a single shaft. It consists of one double-flow high-pressure cylinder
followed by external moisture separators, five steam reheaters, and three double-flow low-
pressure cylinders. The turbine is designed to operate with saturated inlet steam. The turbine
system includes main steam stop valves, governor valves, reheat intercept valves, and
emergency stop valves. All these valves close automatically in the event of a turbine protection
system trip.
In the following sections, more details are provided about turbine operation, efficiency, and
other relevant parameters.
2.1.9 Condenser
The turbine condenser consists of three separate shells. Each shell is connected to one of the
three low-pressure turbine exhausts. Steam from the turbine flows into the shell, where it is
condensed by flowing over a tube bundle assembly through which cooling water is pumped.
The condenser cooling water typically consists of a once-through circuit that uses water from
an ocean, lake, or river or is connected to cooling towers. The condensed steam collects in a
tank at the bottom of the condenser called the “hot well”. A vacuum system is provided to
remove air and other non-condensable gases from the condenser shell. The condenser is
designed to accept turbine bypass steam to permit reduction of reactor power from 100% to
70% if the turbine is unavailable.
2.2 Problems
1. Name and describe the function of the main components of the CANDU primary heat
transport system.
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24 The Essential CANDU
2. Describe the main components of the pressurizer in a CANDU reactor, with a detailed
explanation of the method it uses to control the primary heat transport system
3. Provide a detailed description of the steam generator function, with specific reference
to its role in the relationship between the primary and secondary heat transport
systems. Comment on the relationship of these systems with the overall size of the
steam generators.
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26 The Essential CANDU
Table 1 provides a general comparison of key design features of other reactor types with those
of CANDU [GAR1999, POP2014, POP2015]. Table 2 provides information on the evolution of
various key components in CANDU heat transport systems.
Fuel Enriched UO2 Enriched UO2 Enriched UO2 PuO2/UO2 Natural UO2
Fuel Geometry Cylindrical Cylindrical pellet Cylindrical pellet Cylindrical pellet Cylindrical pellet
pellet in clad in clad tube in clad tube in clad tube in clad tube
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 27
Number of Pumps 10 16 4 4
Pump Code BPVC Sect. VIII BPVC Sect. VIII BPVC Sect. III Class 1 BPVC Sect. III Class
Pump Seismic None None DBE Category ‘A’ DBE Category ‘A’
Number of Steam 80 12 4 or 8 4
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28 The Essential CANDU
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 29
configuration which has remained in subsequent heavy water-cooled reactors. The horizontal
configuration aided the on-line fuelling scheme by making double-ended fuelling feasible. It
also permitted the use of vertical safety control rods, which did not interfere with the pressure
tubes and feeders.
Reactor core evolutionary changes have been intended to achieve:
a) large increases in core rating with the minimum increase in reactor size (higher power
density enabling reduction in capital cost);
b) reduction in shop fabrication costs through simplification and standardization;
c) reduction in field assembly and shortened construction schedules through more shop
fabrication and modularization.
Table 3 Evolution of D2O content in the core and of power in the fuel channel
The major impact of higher power densities on capital costs is to reduce the heavy water
inventory. The amount of heavy water in the reactor core per MW produced in the reactor is
listed in Table 3. Higher power densities required more MWs of power produced per metre
length of fuel channel.
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30 The Essential CANDU
Because radiation dose is proportional to the product of these four factors, a reduction in any
factor will reduce the dose received. The following general classification of some solutions in
the design stage has emerged:
1) Avoid adding equipment.
2) Eliminate equipment and remove unnecessary redundancy.
3) Simplify equipment.
4) Provide necessary equipment of high reliability.
5) Relocate equipment to lower radiation fields.
6) Eliminate materials such as cobalt, which could become highly radioactive.
7) Provide better chemical control and purification.
8) Arrange for quick removal for shop maintenance.
9) Extend interval between maintenance periods.
10) Reduce in-situ maintenance times.
11) Provide adequate space around equipment.
12) Provide adequate shielding so that maintenance can take place in low fields.
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32 The Essential CANDU
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pumps with four reserve pumps. Component isolation was still possible, but check valves were
eliminated because of the leakage and poor reliability experienced at the Douglas Point plant.
Trimmed channel flow was achieved by varying feeder sizes and inlet feeder orifice plates. The
Pickering fuel bundle has 28 fuel elements and is the only CANDU design currently operating
with 28-element fuel.
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34 The Essential CANDU
3.2.5 CANDU 6
The CANDU 6 has been discussed in previous and following sections. The figure-of-eight loop
HTS design was adopted as of the Pickering design [AECL2009a, AECL2010]. However, also as in
the Bruce design, fewer components were used. Increased confidence in knowledge of two-
phase flow led to the use of boiling under normal conditions in the HTS. Erosion and corrosion
concerns at the steam generator inlet limited the quality to 4.5% at this position or nominally
4% at the reactor outlet header (ROH). Erosion/corrosion concerns also limited single- and
two-phase coolant flow velocities to a maximum value of 15.25 m/s to 16.75 m/s. The
presence of boiling required a surge tank or pressurizer to accommodate the larger shrink and
swell during transients. The pressurizer was used for pressure control (using heaters and steam
bleed valves), whereas inventory control remained as feed and bleed. This is the same
approach as in the Bruce design because the Bruce design is nominally single-phase. A heat
transport system schematic of the CANDU 6 design is shown in Figure 3.
3.2.6 Darlington
The HTS schematic for the Darlington design, shown in Figure 15, is similar to the CANDU 6
design. The Darlington reactor core design is similar to the Bruce reactor core design (480 fuel
channels with 13 bundles per channel) [OPG2002]. The Darlington HTS process conditions
were chosen to be very close to those of the CANDU 6 because that was the state of the art at
that time. An optimization program showed that higher tube pressures, higher qualities, and
higher velocities were economical. However, state-of-the-art engineering limits on pressure
tubes, qualities, and velocities forced the optimization to stop at these limits, which were the
same as for the CANDU 6 design.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 35
The HTS for Darlington was designed by Ontario Hydro with design support from AECL. AECL
retained responsibility for the primary HTS between the headers (RIH, feeders, end-fittings, fuel
channels, and ROH), whereas Ontario Hydro assumed design responsibility for the rest of the
The Darlington HTS design has four inlet headers, two on each side of the calandria vessel, and
two outlet headers, one on each side of the calandria vessel. This configuration enables mixing
in the outlet headers between the two loops, a feature that is useful for balancing the coolant
parameters in both loops. However, it also exhibits some weaknesses in achieving isolation of
the intact loop when the other loop is exposed to a break and a large LOCA situation.
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36 The Essential CANDU ACR-1000
The ACR-1000 conceptual and preliminary design was completed at the end of the 2000s;
however, no station was built using this reactor design. Figure 16 shows the key features of the
primary ACR-1000 heat transport system [AECL2009b]. The ACR-1000 reactor uses light water
as coolant with a low level of fuel enrichment (around 2.1%). This combination, along with
certain fuel design changes, resulted in negative void reactivity. The fuel design consisted of a
43-element bundle (CANFLEX) with low-enriched uranium fuel and with the central and
intermediate rings of larger diameter than the outer two rings. The central element did not
have fuel in it, and the outer two rings had pins with a certain percentage of neutron absorber
to achieve negative void reactivity. The fuel had target burn-up as high as 20,000 MWd/t.
Reactor power was about 3200 MWt with 520 fuel channels in the core.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 37
The Enhanced CANDU 6 (EC6) design followed the CANDU 6 design, but included a number of
design changes to enhance safety, operability, maintainability, constructability, and economics
[AECL2009a, AECL2010]. Most of these changes were made in the reactor safety systems, with
few in the thermal-hydraulic design. The EC6 heat transport system basically followed the
CANDU 6 design, which has been covered in previous sections.
This was the second version of the basic CANDU concept to reach the prototype reactor stage
(the 250 MWe Gentilly-1 plant) [AECL1997]. Its major difference from the others lay in the
choice of coolant: boiling light (ordinary) water, hence its name, BLW. Its reactor coolant and
turbine systems were fundamentally the same as those of the BWR described earlier, i.e., a
direct cycle was used.
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38 The Essential CANDU
Figure 17 provides a schematic illustration of the design. Ordinary water is pumped to the
bottom of each fuel channel through an individual feeder pipe. As the water passes upwards
and absorbs heat from the fuel, a fraction (~18%) is evaporated to steam. The resulting
steam/water mixture then flows to a conventional steam drum where the steam and water are
separated. The steam then flows to the turbine, and the water, mixed with incoming
feedwater in the drum, flows down to the circulating pumps, completing the cycle.
The British developed a similar version, called the SGHWR (steam-generating heavy water
reactor). A 100 MWe prototype was built. It differed from the Gentilly-1 design in that it used
slightly enriched fuel. This enabled lower-purity heavy water moderator to be used, reducing
capital costs. The fuelling costs were, however, somewhat higher.
In Japan, another similar version, called the FUGEN reactor, was developed and operated for
about 20 years. The moderator cooling system was similar to the conventional CANDU version.
A third version of the basic CANDU concept used an organic fluid as the coolant [AECL1997]. It
would have been similar to the PHWR concept, except that the boilers would likely be of the
“once-through” type, with some steam superheating provided. This was made possible
because the coolant temperature at the reactor outlet could be ~100°C higher than with heavy
water cooling.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 39
flammable, aging of the coolant (which required constant replacement and hence had a
negative impact on reactor availability (associated outage frequency)), and radiation protection
of the removed aged coolant.
One of the benefits of using organic coolant is that it is a mixture of several components and
therefore does not boil completely at a certain temperature. This helps to avoid going through
a two-phase region at one pressure and temperature, thus avoiding problems with critical heat
flux. Organic coolant also helps to achieve much higher coolant temperatures in the core
without the need to elevate the core pressure (as would be necessary for water). This
improves thermal efficiency significantly and makes the mechanical design easier and “lighter”
because of lower core pressures.
3.4 Problems
1. Describe and contrast the main similarities and differences between a CANDU primary
heat transport system and a PWR primary heat transport system design.
2. List three different CANDU reactor designs and explain the differences between each of
their heat transport system designs.
3. Identify four impacts of radiation doses on workers and list the general solutions that
have emerged at the design stage to mitigate their impacts.
4. Explain the benefits of using organic coolant in the CANDU-OCR design.
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40 The Essential CANDU
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 41
Among uranium-based fuels, uranium metal is generally lowest in manufacturing cost and
highest in neutron economy, the latter because of its high density and the absence of other
neutron-absorbing elements. However, it has poor corrosion resistance to most coolants,
which is important in the event of fuel cladding failure. Its geometric stability in reactor use is
poor, primarily because of the swelling effects of fission products with specific volume greater
than that of the parent uranium.
Large quantities of alloying agents, such as zirconium, can be used, which effectively solve the
geometric stability and coolant corrosion problems. Unfortunately, both cost and neutron
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42 The Essential CANDU
economy suffer.
Uranium dioxide is the form in which uranium fuel is used in the vast majority of today’s power
reactors. It is somewhat more expensive to manufacture and less neutron-economical than
uranium metal because of its lower density, but possesses excellent corrosion resistance to
most coolants and a high degree of geometric stability. Being a ceramic, it can withstand high
operating temperatures, which has been the deciding factor.
Uranium carbide may be attractive as a fuel for future reactor designs. It is relatively
inexpensive to manufacture (comparable to UO2) and has somewhat better neutron economy
than UO2 (because of its higher density), but not as good as that of uranium metal. It has good
corrosion resistance against many coolants, but unfortunately not to water. Its dimensional
stability is good, and it can operate at high temperatures.
Uranium silicide is a more recent development with most of the advantages of uranium carbide
and in addition adequate resistance to corrosion by water coolants.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 43
into a high-density compact form followed by sintering at high temperature into cylindrical
The thermal conductivity of uranium dioxide is quite low. At the high power output required in
power-reactor service, this leads to very high temperature gradients across the fuel element.
The resulting thermal stresses generally lead to radial cracking of the pellets during operation.
However, this cracking does not appear to cause any deterioration in fuel performance,
provided that the pellets are suitably restrained by cladding. Fuel element centreline melting
does remain a concern and imposes an important safety margin criterion.
The chief limitation on UO2 fuel performance is the swelling caused by gaseous fission products.
At low and moderate burn-up, the swelling is slight and roughly linear with burn-up. Above a
critical burn-up, the swelling increases markedly, and continued exposure of the fuel leads to
unacceptable dimensional changes. The critical burn-up is primarily a function of fuel density, a
value of about 17x103 MWd/tHE (heavy elements) being obtained with fuel of 97% oxide
density and a value on the order of 42x103 MWd/tHE with 93% density fuel.
Thorium dioxide (ThO2) behaves similarly to UO2 under irradiation. Thermal stress-induced
cracking is also observed in ThO2 fuels.
Carbide fuels are intended primarily for use in fast-breeder reactors (where they provide better
breeding ratios). Because these reactors operate on the U-Pu cycle, the fuel consists of mixed
uranium and plutonium oxides. Thermal conductivity of UC is substantially better than that of
UO2. Hence, considerably higher specific powers are possible without risk of centreline
melting. However, at higher temperatures, the swelling rate becomes excessive. The higher
thermal conductivity of carbide fuel leads to a much lower Doppler coefficient than that
obtained with an oxide core (the Doppler effect is the change in frequency of a wave for an
observer moving relative to its source). Because the Doppler coefficient in the fuel is the main
component of negative reactivity feedback in most accident situations, designing a safe
carbide-fuelled core may be more difficult than designing an oxide core.
Nitride fuels have also been considered for use in fast reactor fuel.
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44 The Essential CANDU
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 45
impermeability to fission products. Their major disadvantages for power reactor use are poor
mechanical properties at high temperatures and poor high-temperature corrosion resistance
with most coolants. Because the latter are temperature-dependent, aluminum alloys are
widely used in research reactor fuels where cladding operating temperatures are low, but are
not currently used in power reactors.
Magnesium alloys are similar to aluminum alloys in most regards. An alloy called “Magnox”
has, however, better high-temperature properties and adequate corrosion resistance to permit
its use in some CO2-cooled power reactors (i.e., Magnox reactors, used in the past and
described in Appendix A).
Stainless steel is a very attractive material in all major regards except for its poor neutron
economy. It has been and still is used in a number of reactors where its poor neutron economy
is somewhat less important because enriched uranium fuel is used. Stainless steels are used as
cladding in reactors where high-temperature service is needed. This type of cladding was used
in the British high-temperature, CO2-cooled reactors. Both gas-cooled and sodium-cooled fast-
reactor designs use stainless-steel cladding.
Most cladding materials in current use are metals, although ceramic-type materials have seen
limited use in certain applications.
4.2.2 Zirconium
Zirconium, in its various low-alloy forms, is by far the most common cladding material in
current use. It is the primary material type used for CANDU reactor fuel cladding. Despite its
relatively high base material cost, it combines to a large degree all the desirable cladding
properties for use with most coolants.
The primary advantage of zirconium as a cladding material is its very low cross section for
thermal neutrons, which greatly improves neutron economy. Zirconium has very good water
corrosion resistance at high temperatures. Adding tin, iron, and chromium to zirconium greatly
improves its mechanical properties. The best-known zirconium alloys are Zircaloy 2, 3, and 4,
which have found wide application as cladding for power reactor fuel elements.
Zirconium alloys are unsuitable for use at very high temperatures, even though the melting
point of zirconium is 1852°C. At 862°C, zirconium transforms from a close-packed hexagonal
structure to one that is body-centred cubic, and it is necessary to stay below this phase change.
At these temperatures, a reaction with UO2 can occur at the cladding inner interface of the
Zirconium alloys exhibit significant creep at the temperatures and stresses typical of PWR
reactor design. Creep rates increase markedly with temperature and are accelerated by
reactor irradiation.
At high temperatures (beginning at above 800°C), zirconium chemically reacts with steam to
release hydrogen in an exothermic reaction. This reaction must be considered in evaluating
any LOCA event that could expose the fuel elements to steam. Reaction of an appreciable
fraction of the cladding could add significantly to the severity of the accident. Moreover, the
mechanical properties of ZrO2 are not as favourable as those of zirconium.
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46 The Essential CANDU
The last point to be made about zirconium cladding is its cost. Zirconium tubes are more
expensive than stainless-steel tubes. Fabrication costs are also higher because all welding must
be done in an inert atmosphere. However, the decrease in fuel costs more than offsets the
increased material and fabrication costs.
Most power reactors in operation today use zirconium alloy as cladding material.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 47
permitting reasonable access to the coolant system for shutdown maintenance. A further
disadvantage is that water transports system corrosion products, permitting them to be
activated in the reactor core. These activated corrosion products then create shutdown
radiation fields in the coolant system. The water coolant may be used as a liquid in an indirect-
cycle system or may be permitted to boil, producing steam in a direct-cycle system.
Table 6 Summary of coolant characteristics [POP2014]
CO2 Gas < He n
Good OK, except Low Low Low Low
high T
He Higher Good Good, if Low Low Low Low
H2O Very Low Moderate OK High Excellent Excellent Yes, short
D2O High Excellent OK High Excellent Excellent Yes, short
Organic Moderate H2O < organic Excellent High Excellent Excellent None
< D2O
Liquid High Moderate Select High Excellent Excellent Yes, long
Metal Materials T1/2
Heavy water is used as both coolant and moderator in CANDU-type reactors. Its outstanding
advantage is much better neutron economy than ordinary water. Its primary disadvantage is
its high cost, plus a somewhat higher tendency to activate into tritium. Otherwise, its
properties are similar to those of ordinary water.
The relatively ionizing irradiation (including γ’s released because of neutron-radiative capture)
causes decomposition (radiolysis) of water. Decomposition occurs in both H2O and D2O by the
same mechanism. The rate of gas evolution (radiolysis) is proportional to radiation flux and
decreases with increasing temperature.
Radiolysis of water is an important phenomenon that must be considered in analysis of
accident events (as well as in normal operation) in a power reactor. Hydrogen is produced by
radiolysis of water discharged from any break and can accumulate in the reactor building.
Radiolysis of discharged water can occur because of γ-radiation from the sources within the
discharged water (high contribution) or from the reactor fuel (low contribution). Above a
certain concentration, hydrogen will burn at an explosive rate, creating a high risk to reactor
components and building structures (e.g., in the Fukushima accident). The accumulation of
hydrogen produced by radiolysis of discharged water in a LOCA event can be controlled by
passive autocatalytic recombiners.
Water circulated through a reactor core exhibits appreciable induced radioactivity. The γ
activity induced is primarily due to the 7.4 s half-life 16N produced by fast-neutron interaction
with 16O. Additional activity may be introduced by activation of dissolved impurities and
dissolved or suspended corrosion products. Hence, water purification is an important process
that is continuously performed by dedicated systems.
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48 The Essential CANDU
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 49
cell, the mean free path of the neutrons being thermalized, the degree to which the moderator
wastefully absorbs neutrons, and the cost of the moderating medium. A summary of
moderator characteristics is presented in Table 7 [POP2014].
The best moderator is something that is the same size as a neutron, i.e., the hydrogen atom,
H1. However, hydrogen does absorb neutrons as well. The deuterium atom, 2H1, at twice the
mass of hydrogen, is almost as good a slowing-down agent, but because it already has an extra
neutron in the nucleus, it has a very low absorption cross section. Therefore, deuterium is a far
better moderator overall than hydrogen. By using deuterium in the form of heavy water,
natural uranium can be used as a fuel. If ordinary water is used, the fuel must be enriched in
A good moderator has a high scattering cross section, a low absorption cross section, and slows
down the neutron in the least number of collisions (high lethargy, ξ).
The desirable properties of moderators are:
a) High moderating efficiency
b) Low neutron absorption
c) Resistance to irradiation and corrosion
d) Low cost, including material, manufacture, and installation.
The following materials have been considered or are currently used as moderators in operating
1. Graphite
2. Ordinary water
3. Heavy water.
Graphite has been widely used as a moderator for power reactors. The carbon atom is
relatively “light”, graphite is relatively inexpensive, and carbon is a relatively weak absorber of
neutrons. Nevertheless, the carbon atom is sufficiently large, leading to relatively long neutron
mean free paths for thermalization, that graphite-moderated reactors tend to be large.
Furthermore, the relatively large amount of graphite required leads to significant neutron
wastage through absorption.
Table 7 Summary of moderator characteristics [POP2014]
Moderator Cost Neutron Moderator Irradiation Activation Mean Free
Type Economy Efficiency Stability Path
Graphite OK H2O < Medium Excellent Irrelevant Long
Graphite <
H2O Very Low Moderate Low Excellent Good Small
D2O High Excellent Highest Excellent Good Medium
Ordinary water is a much more efficient moderator in terms of the neutron mean free path for
thermalization because of its hydrogen atoms. It is also very inexpensive. Unfortunately,
however, hydrogen also has a significant “appetite” for absorbing thermal neutrons, which
hurts neutron economy. Most of the reactors operating in the world use ordinary water as
coolant and moderator.
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50 The Essential CANDU
Heavy water is almost as good as ordinary water in terms of neutron mean free path because
the deuterium atoms (which replace the hydrogen atoms in ordinary water) are relatively
“light”. Its outstanding advantage relative to ordinary water is that it has a very small
“appetite” for absorbing neutrons. Hence, it promotes a high level of neutron economy. Its
major disadvantages are its high cost and the possibility of its activation into tritium.
4.5.1 Hafnium
Hafnium is one of the best control-rod materials for water-cooled reactors. It is found together
with zirconium and is created as a by-product of the separation process for zirconium. Hafnium
is chemically similar to zirconium and shows the same high resistance to corrosion by high-
temperature water.
Hafnium consists of four isotopes, each of which has an appreciable neutron absorption cross
section. Note that the capture of neutrons in one isotope leads to the production of the next
higher isotope, which is also an effective absorber. Therefore, hafnium remains an effective
poison for a significant time.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 51
swelling, their use in water-cooled reactors could lead to difficulties. They may, however, be
suitable for use in gas-cooled reactors. Dispersions of rare-earth oxides in metals such as
stainless steel have been prepared. Such dispersions, when suitably clad, can be used as water-
cooled reactor-control rods because in the event of a cladding fracture, only the oxide particles
on the dispersion surface would become hydrated.
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52 The Essential CANDU
reactivity increase that partially compensates for the reactivity decrease due to fuel burn-up
and accumulation of fission products. Stainless-steel-boron alloys and dispersions can be used
successfully for this purpose because the boron burn-up in such rods can be kept low.
Alternatively, pellets of boron-silicate glass encapsulated in hollow stainless-steel tubes may be
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 53
Another nuclear consideration is that the coolant should have a low induced radioactivity.
Both H2O and D2O produce 16N and 19O, which emit γ’s in the 6–7 MeV range. This leads to
reduced accessibility and maintainability while on power. The short half-life (<1 minute) allows
shutdown accessibility. Tritium, abbreviated as 3H or T, has a 12-year half-life and represents a
major dose challenge for the CANDU station. Because tritium is a β-emitter, the problem is one
of leakage, leading to possible absorption or ingestion by humans. Organic coolant has very
little induced reactivity and aids in ease of operation and accessibility.
Coolants should also be stable in a radiation environment. At the high system pressure of the
heat transport systems of H2O and D2O, radiolysis is not a problem.
The choice of coolant also depends on other factors such as pumping power, heat capacity,
heat transfer coefficients, flow rates, pressure drop, boiling point, freezing point, corrosion,
flammability, thermal stability, and cost.
Water (both D2O and H2O) is an attractive heat transport fluid because it offers a good balance
of the considerations described above. In addition, water requires less pumping power for a
given amount of heat removal.
For the Bruce reactors (which generate about 750 MWe), approximately 24 MWs of pumping
power are required for each reactor. This represents over 2% of the electrical power generated
[GAR1999]. Because a MW saved here by reducing pumping power is gained as electrical
output, considerable emphasis is placed on lowering pumping power.
Limiting flow rates for coolant water, in addition to ensuring adequate heat transfer rates from
the fuel and to the steam generator tubes, depend on many factors such as temperature, the
presence of boiling, water chemistry, geometry, and flow regime. Fretting considerations have
led to a 10 m/sec limit on fuel channel velocity in single-phase water. Erosion/corrosion
considerations have led to limits of 4.3 to 6.1 m/s in the steam generator tubes and 16.8 m/s in
heat transport piping.
The fuel distribution in the coolant is designed to maximize the fuel surface-to-volume ratio so
that the largest heat transfer surface can be exposed to the coolant for maximum heat transfer
without drying out the fuel surface. However, if this approach is carried to extremes, the fuel
volume in the core will be less than the optimum, and parasitic neutron absorption by the
sheath will increase. Present designs use 37 or 28 elements in a fuel bundle.
Use of boiling in the coolant permits higher heat transfer due to the high heat transfer
coefficient of nucleate boiling, but introduces challenges to the attempt to minimize pressure
drop and pump size, as well as other two-phase flow effects.
Ideally, the coolant temperature should be as high as possible for maximum overall thermal
efficiency. Therefore, a high-boiling-point, low-vapour-pressure liquid is desirable so that the
heat transport system can operate at the lowest possible pressure. This reduces the thickness
of the pressure boundary and hence is important for reducing parasitic burn-up in the core.
Organic coolant is far superior to water from this point of view.
In the case of organic coolant, the secondary-side H2O pressure is higher than the primary-side
pressure. Hence, boiler tube leaks will cause a water leak into the primary coolant system.
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54 The Essential CANDU
4.7 Problems
1. Identify and explain the primary reasons that natural uranium ceramic is used as the
traditional fuel in the CANDU reactor design.
2. Identify and explain the primary reasons that zirconium and zirconium alloys are used as
the fuel cladding material in the CANDU reactor design.
3. Identify and explain several advantages and drawbacks of using heavy water as a
moderator and coolant in the CANDU reactor design.
4. Summarize and explain the main heat transport system design requirements for the
CANDU reactor design, as related to the main objectives of the system.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 55
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56 The Essential CANDU
from the fuel elements to the coolant, fuel centreline maximum temperature in the core, fuel
cladding maximum temperature in the core, bundle maximum power, and channel maximum
Figure 20 presents the important concept of reactor thermal limits with respect to the critical
heat flux (CHF). The definition, assessment, and calculation of the CHF are covered in the
following sections. Reactor thermal-hydraulic design must ensure that the CHF is not reached
in any fuel element or bundle in the reactor core. The CHF is the heat flux at the surface of the
fuel element that results in a sudden change in heat transfer regime from liquid in good contact
with the heated surfaces, to loss of local liquid contact with surfaces because of vapour
blanketing the fuel-element surface. This phenomenon leads to severe reduction of the heat
transfer coefficient, and for heat flux-controlled surfaces (like fuel rods in a reactor), in a
significant increase in fuel temperature as well as damage to or failure of fuel sheaths.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 57
CANDU reactor design-related CHF phenomena are further described in Section 7.6.4.
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58 The Essential CANDU
5.4 Problems
1. Explain the relationship among the reactor core thermal parameters: reactor core
power, core volumetric generation rate, heat flux, critical heat flux, and linear power.
2. Draw a diagram of core thermal margins to explain the relationship among the various
elements that must be considered to ensure that appropriate margins are available.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 59
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60 The Essential CANDU
In addition, two-phase flow calculations require fluid property information such as density,
viscosity, enthalpy, thermal conductivity, and heat capacity, which are functions of the primary
fluid parameters listed above.
Void fraction is the ratio of the cross-sectional area occupied by vapour and gaseous phases to
the total flow area of a pipe [WAL1969]. The opposite of void fraction is the liquid fraction, as
given by Eq. (1):
Ag Af
; (1 ) . (1)
Equation (2) defines mass quality as the ratio of vapour mass flow to total mass flow. The
opposite is the liquid quality:
Wg Wg Wf Wf
x ; (1 x) . (2)
W W f Wg W W f Wg
Mass flux is the mass flow rate per unit flow area and is given by Eq. (3):
G . (3)
Gas and liquid mass fluxes are defined using the steam quality, as in Eq. (4):
Gg G x; G f G (1 x) . (4)
Volumetric flux (usually referred to as superficial velocity) is the volumetric flow rate over total
flow area, as in Eq. (5) [WAL1969]:
j . (5)
The corresponding vapour and liquid volumetric fluxes are given by relationships similar to the
void fraction, as in Eq. (6):
Qg Qf
jg ; jf . (6)
Using the relationships defined in the previous equations, the vapour and liquid phase
velocities can be expressed as in Eqs. (7) and (8):
Wg Qg Gx
vg , (7)
g Ag Ag g
Wf Qf G (1 x)
vf . (8)
f Af Af f (1 )
These equations assume that no relative motion exists between the two phases. However, if a
two-phase mixture is moving, the vapour, because of its buoyancy, density, and different
resistance characteristics, tends to move at a higher velocity than the liquid. In a homogeneous
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 61
system, a slip ratio S is defined as equal to one in the absence of flow or in homogeneous flow
and greater than one in non-homogeneous two-phase systems. S is defined as the ratio of the
average velocity of the vapour to that of the liquid. Hence, the slip ratio is defined as the ratio
between the vapour velocity and the liquid velocity, as in Eq. (9) [WAL1969]:
g Wg f Af x f 1 .
S (9)
f W f g Ag 1 x g
Experimental data or theoretical correlations for S covering all possible operating and design
variables do not exist. In boiling-water reactor studies, values for S may be estimated from
data that closely approach those of interest. To do this, a certain amount of individual
judgment is necessary. Otherwise, experimental values of S under conditions similar to a
particular design must be obtained. This procedure is usually expensive and time-consuming,
but may be necessary in some cases.
The importance of obtaining accurate values of S may best be emphasized by the following
discussion. One step in the core channel design procedure is to set a maximum value of alpha
at the channel exit. This is usually determined from nuclear (moderation) considerations. A
corresponding value of x at the selected S is then determined from the above equations. The
latter determines the heat generated in the fuel channel. In design, the usual procedure is to
assume a constant value of S along the length of the fuel channel. This simplification may
introduce error into the results. However, S has been observed to be fairly constant over most
of the channel length, indicating this assumption to be a good one.
The quality of the flowing liquid-vapour mixture can be expressed using Eq. (2) in terms of
liquid and vapour mass flow rates. There is an equivalent quality of a stationary liquid-vapour
mixture, which can be expressed by a similar relationship involving liquid and vapour mass.
The mass flow quality varies between 0% and 100%, i.e., no vapour to 100% vapour in the flow.
Note that mass quality does not carry information about the thermal state of the fluid.
However, where appropriate in experimental or theoretical work, if the two phases are in
thermal equilibrium (at the same enthalpy or temperature), mass quality can be called
equilibrium mass quality.
Often in thermal-hydraulic experiments or calculations, thermodynamic quality is used. It is
expressed in terms of a ratio of enthalpies, as in Eq. (10), where hm is the mixture enthalpy and
hg and hf are vapour and liquid saturation enthalpies. Thermodynamic enthalpy can be
negative when the liquid is below saturation condition (sub-cooled) or greater than one when
steam is superheated. From Eq. (10), thermodynamic quality does not carry information about
the flows (velocities) of the two phases. Usually, thermodynamic quality is expressed for a
mixture at hydrodynamic equilibrium (i.e., both phases travelling at the same velocity) and is
sometimes referred to simply as equilibrium quality [COL1972, DEL1981]:
hm h f
xth . (10)
hg h f
It is very important to understand the relationship between mass flow quality and void fraction.
There is no meaningful relationship between thermodynamic quality and void fraction because
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62 The Essential CANDU
void fraction refers to flow geometry, whereas thermodynamic quality refers to the thermal
properties of the phases. The relationship between mass flow quality and void fraction is
obtained by manipulating the above equations and can be expressed as in Eq. (11) [WAL1969]:
x vg 1
. (11)
1 x v f x vg 1 x v f
x vg
Figure 22 shows the relationship between void fraction and mass flow quality. As expected, at
or above the critical pressure of 22.12 MPa, the void fraction and quality are identical because
the liquid and vapour phases no longer exist for water regardless of pressure and temperature.
Further examination of Figure 22 shows the following:
1. For constant quality, void fraction decreases with pressure.
2. For any pressure, dα/dx decreases with quality.
3. At low quality values, dα/dx increases as pressure decreases and becomes very large at
low pressure.
4. At atmospheric pressure, a low quality (about 2%) generates almost 100% void fraction
because of the low vapour density.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 63
chapter and are important in analyzing mass, momentum, and heat transfer. The most
important dimensionless numbers are listed in the following sections.
The Reynolds number (Re) is a dimensionless number that measures the ratio of inertial to
viscous forces and consequently quantifies the relative importance of these two types of forces
under a given flow condition. The Reynolds number can be defined for a number of different
situations where a fluid is in motion relative to a surface. These definitions generally include
the fluid properties of density and viscosity, plus a velocity and a characteristic length or
characteristic dimension. This dimension is a matter of convention; for example, a radius or a
diameter is equally valid for spheres or circles, but one is chosen by convention. For flow in a
pipe or a sphere moving in a fluid, the internal diameter is generally used today. Other shapes
such as rectangular pipes or non-spherical objects have an equivalent diameter defined. The
velocity may also be a matter of convention in some circumstances, notably stirred vessels.
With these conventions, the Reynolds number is defined by Eq. (12) [HET1982, ELW1978]:
v 2 L2 v L v L
Re , (12)
v L
v is the mean velocity of the object relative to the fluid (m/s)
L is a characteristic linear dimension (the length travelled by the fluid; the hydraulic
diameter when dealing with river systems) (m)
µ is the fluid dynamic viscosity (Pa·s or N·s/m² or kg/(m·s))
υ is the kinematic viscosity (υ = µ/ρ) (m²/s)
ρ is the fluid density (kg/m³).
For flow in a pipe, the Reynolds number is given by Eq. (13) [WAL1969]:
v DH v DH Q DH
Re , (13)
DH is the hydraulic diameter of the pipe, i.e., its characteristic length travelled (m)
Q is the volumetric flow rate (m3/s)
A is the pipe cross-sectional area (m²).
For shapes such as square, rectangular, or annular ducts where the height and width are
comparable, the characteristic dimension for internal flow situations is taken to be the
hydraulic diameter DH as defined by Eq. (14):
DH , (14)
where A is the cross-sectional area and P is the wetted perimeter. The wetted perimeter for a
channel is the total perimeter of all channel walls that are in contact with the flow. This means
that the length of the channel exposed to air or steam is not included in the wetted perimeter.
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64 The Essential CANDU
In heat transfer at a boundary (surface) within a fluid, the Nusselt number (Nu) is the ratio of
convective to conductive heat transfer across (normal to) the boundary, as in Eq. (15)
[HET1982, ELW1978]. In this context, convection includes both advection and conduction.
Named after Wilhelm Nusselt, it is a dimensionless number. The conductive component is
measured under the same conditions as the heat convection, but with a (hypothetically)
stagnant (or motionless) fluid.
A Nusselt number close to one, meaning that convection and conduction are of similar
magnitude, is characteristic of “slug flow” or laminar flow. A larger Nusselt number
corresponds to more active convection, with turbulent flow typically in the 100–1000 range.
The convection and conduction heat flows are parallel to each other and to the surface normal
of the boundary surface and are all perpendicular to the mean fluid flow in the simple case:
Convective heat transfer h L
NuL , (15)
Conductive heta transfer k f
L is the characteristic length (m)
kf is the thermal conductivity of the fluid (kW/m °K)
h is the convective heat transfer coefficient (kW/m2 °K).
The characteristic length should be selected in the direction of growth (or thickness) of the
boundary layer. Some examples of characteristic length are the outer diameter of a cylinder in
(external) cross flow (perpendicular to the cylinder axis), the length of a vertical plate
undergoing natural convection, or the diameter of a sphere. For complex shapes, the length
may be defined as the volume of the fluid body divided by the surface area. The thermal
conductivity of the fluid is typically (but not always) evaluated at the film temperature, which
for engineering purposes may be calculated as the mean (average) of the bulk fluid
temperature and the wall surface temperature.
For relations defined as a local Nusselt number, the characteristic length should be taken as the
distance from the surface boundary to the local point of interest. However, to obtain an
average Nusselt number, this relation must be integrated over the entire characteristic length.
Typically, for free convection, the average Nusselt number is expressed as a function of the
Rayleigh number and the Prandtl number as: Nu=f(Ra, Pr) [HET1982]. For forced convection,
the Nusselt number is generally a function of the Reynolds number and the Prandtl number, or
Nu=f(Re, Pr). Empirical correlations are available for a wide variety of geometries that express
the Nusselt number in the forms described above.
The Prandtl number (Pr) is a dimensionless number that represents the ratio of momentum
diffusivity (kinematic viscosity) to thermal diffusivity [HET1982, ELW1978]. It is named after
the German physicist Ludwig Prandtl and is defined by Eq. (16):
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 65
Note that whereas the Reynolds number is subscripted with a length scale variable, the Prandtl
number contains no such length scale in its definition and is dependent only on the fluid and
the fluid state. As such, the Prandtl number is often found in property tables alongside other
properties such as viscosity and thermal conductivity.
The Weber number (We) is a dimensionless number in fluid mechanics that is often useful in
analyzing fluid flows with an interface between two different fluids, especially for multiphase
flows with strongly curved surfaces. It can be thought of as a measure of the relative
importance of the fluid’s inertia compared to its surface tension [HET1982, ELW1978]. The
quantity is useful in analyzing thin film flows and the formation of droplets and bubbles. It is
named after Moritz Weber and can be expressed by Eq. (17) [HET1982, ELW1978]:
fluid inertia v2 l
We , (17)
ρ is the density (kg/m3 )
v is the mean velocity of the object relative to the fluid (m/s)
l is the characteristic length, typically the droplet diameter (m)
σ is the surface tension (N/m).
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66 The Essential CANDU
patterns change from single-phase sub-cooled liquid to single-phase steam flow, passing
through the flow regimes as indicated from left to right on the diagram below. Indications are
provided in this diagram of the values of thermodynamic quality x for various flow regimes.
Figure 23 shows the flow patterns for vertical flow. These flow patterns are generally
symmetrical across the pipe cross section.
In horizontal flow, the flow patterns are similar. However, in horizontal flow, gravity has a
different effect, and depending on the mass flow rate in the tube or channel, stratified flow
may occur with bubbly flow, slug flow, and wispy annular flow patterns. The flow patterns
typical of horizontal two-phase flow are shown in Figure 24. A cross-sectional view of various
flow patterns in horizontal flow is shown in Figure 25, in which gravity plays a significant role,
so that the combination of gravity and drag force at the liquid-vapour interface can result in
various cross-sectional flow patterns.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 67
Figure 25 Flow patterns and heat transfer regimes in horizontal heated tubes
The distribution of phases inside a confined area strongly depends on:
Liquid and vapour velocities.
Fuel channel geometry and fuel bundle geometry, particularly in reactors where fuel
channels are interconnected in the radial direction, like PWRs and BWRs.
Surface (wall) heating, which influences near-wall flow patterns, resulting in an internal
void gradient.
Appendages, which homogenize flow patterns at downstream locations; the patterns
transition back to a basic pattern at locations farther away.
Figure 26 shows the flow patterns and heat transfer regimes for two different situations in
vertical flow [DEL1981]. On the left side, a reactor channel is shown with the following
parameters: high liquid mass flow rate, high heat flux from the walls, and high water sub-
cooling, which is typical of PWRs. To the left of the reactor channels on the first vertical line,
corresponding flow patterns are shown for this situation, whereas the leftmost line shows the
heat transfer regimes for these flow patterns. Starting from bottom to top, the following pairs
of flow pattern and heat transfer regime (note that “film” on this figure refers to steam film
next to the heated walls) are typically observed:
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68 The Essential CANDU
Figure 26 Flow patterns and heat transfer regimes in vertical heated tubes
On the right side of Figure 26, a reactor channel is shown with the following parameters:
low liquid mass flow rate, medium heat flux from the walls, and saturated water; this is
typical of BWRs. To the right of the reactor channel on the first vertical line, corresponding
flow patterns are shown for this situation, whereas the rightmost line shows the heat
transfer regimes for these flow patterns. Starting from bottom to top, the following pairs of
flow pattern and heat transfer regime (note that “film” in this figure refers to steam film
next to the heated walls) can be observed:
a) Single-phase liquid – single-phase forced convection to liquid;
b) Bubbly flow and slug flow – nucleate boiling;
c) Annular flow – forced convective evaporation;
d) Dispersed droplet flow – dispersed flow film boiling;
e) Single-phase vapour – single-phase forced convection to vapour.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 69
Note that in Figure 26, the point where the wall loses contact with the liquid is shown at the
transition between annular flow and dispersed droplet flow. Figure 26 indicates that the flow
patterns at the entry and exit of the fuel channel are similar for the two cases. The difference
is how and where the wall and the liquid lose contact. In addition, the amount of water or the
void fraction percentage in the channel does not necessarily determine the contact of liquid
with the heated walls. Therefore, as long as the walls are in contact with liquid water, heat
transfer is good, and the amount of water in the channel is not important.
Two-phase flow parameters change significantly from one flow pattern to another, in particular
the interfacial area between the two phases, and this has a significant impact on the exchange
of mass, momentum, and heat between phases. In principle, the degree of thermal and
hydraulic disequilibrium between phases has a significant impact on the sustainability of
certain flow patterns. Therefore, certain flow patterns, like churn flow, exhibit instability and
fast transitions. Various two-phase flow parameters are affected differently by flow patterns,
and hence various correlations and models are needed to capture phenomena for each flow
pattern. This implies the need for well-defined and predictable flow patterns in two-phase
flow modelling.
Many scientists and researchers in recent decades have tried to correlate flow patterns using
selected parameters.
Figure 27 shows such an attempt for a vertical flow regime. In this figure, the flow patterns are
defined as a function of gas and liquid momentum fluxes. In this example, the flow patterns
are correlated by several dimensionless number groups.
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70 The Essential CANDU
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 71
surface, the wall surface temperature significantly increases, as represented by the horizontal
dashed line on the diagram from CHF to the film boiling curve (sometimes referred to as the
heat flux-controlled region). This significant increase in wall surface temperature can lead to
surface damage and melting, which is very troubling in a nuclear reactor where the fuel rod
cladding is a major barrier to fission product release.
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72 The Essential CANDU
Figure 29 shows a boiling curve with heat transfer regimes clearly marked. This figure
represents one cross section of Figure 28. It shows the heat flux below saturation (in the sub-
cooled region), where forced convection to liquid occurs. The transition point between forced
convection to liquid and nucleate boiling is called the onset of nucleate boiling and designates
the conditions under which the first bubbles start to grow on the wall surface.
Figure 30 shows the parametric trends on the boiling curve [LEU2004, POP2014]. As the mass
flux increases in an annular flow regime, the minimum wetting temperature increases, and the
boiling curve flattens out. As the mass flux increases in forced convective sub-cooled or low-
quality boiling, the CHF and the minimum wetting temperature increase, but the boiling curve
retains its shape.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 73
shape. As quality increases above zero, the CHF significantly decreases. Moreover, if the
quality drops further below zero (i.e., the liquid becomes more sub-cooled), the CHF also
increases, and the boiling curve becomes steeper in the nucleate boiling region.
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74 The Essential CANDU
Figure 33 provides model details on the transition from forced convection to liquid and
nucleate boiling. It also shows the point of initiation of nucleate boiling, when the first bubbles
appear on the wall surface. At the point of net vapour generation, the bubbles can detach
from the walls and move to the bulk liquid. A further increase in heat flux at the wall surface
happens when the liquid temperature reaches saturation, which creates an opportunity for
bubbles to become detached from the wall in great numbers and move with the liquid flow,
leading to significant phase separation and disequilibrium.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 75
dependence of the two-phase friction multiplier on pressure and quality reasonably well, it has
two unsatisfactory features: (a) the friction multiplier is a function of pressure and quality only
and is independent of mass flux; and (b) it generally under-predicts low-quality data. Many
early software codes used in CANDU design, such as SOPHT [SOP1980], used this type of
The separated flow model considers the two phases to be segregated into two streams: one of
liquid, and one of vapour. Conservation equations are written separately for each phase, and
interaction between phases is taken into account by constitutive relationships. The basic
equations for the separated flow model are not dependent on the particular flow configuration
adopted. The basic assumptions of the separated flow model in analyzing two-phase pressure
drop are:
a) The velocities of each phase are constant, but not necessarily equal in any given cross
section within the zone occupied by the phase.
b) Thermodynamic equilibrium exists between the two phases.
c) Empirical correlations can be used to relate the two-phase friction multiplier and the
void fraction to the dependent flow variables.
Among the various flow patterns, this model would be expected to be most valid for the
annular flow pattern. Newer versions of the separate flow model can accommodate both
thermodynamic and hydrodynamic disequilibrium between the flow phases.
The drift flux approach satisfactorily accounts for the influence of mass velocity on the void
fraction as seen in the separated flow model, and an empirical expression may be used to
provide the required relationship between the void fraction and the independent flow pattern.
With the separate flow model and the drift flux model, appropriate void fraction calculations
must be performed to ensure model fidelity. Many correlations have been proposed and used
in various models; a listing of these correlations is beyond the scope of this handbook (further
details can be found in [WAL1969]). Very often used as a void fraction correlation is the
homogeneous equation given by Eq. (18):
xa g
. (18)
(1 xa ) f xa g
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76 The Essential CANDU
37 fuel pins, in addition to tube and annulus data. The experimental database includes a wide
range of flow conditions with uniformly heated fuel elements or fuel elements with certain
radial and axial heating profiles. Figure 34 illustrates that bundle geometries with 6 and 37 fuel
elements do not significantly affect the relationship between void fraction and quality
[LEU2004, POP2013].
Figure 35 also shows that the impact of the hydraulic diameter of a 7-element bundle does not
have a significant impact on the relationship between void fraction and thermodynamic quality,
except for very low quality values (representing highly sub-cooled conditions) [LEU2004,
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 77
6.1.7 Problems
1. Explain the relationship between the mass quality and the void fraction in two-
phase flow.
2. Explain the difference between the mass quality and the thermodynamic quality in
two-phase flow.
3. Explain the main characteristics of the boiling curve, the main parameters that are
important for two-phase flow calculations, and the main parameters that influence
its shape.
4. Explain the key flow patterns that can occur in vertical and horizontal two-phase
flow in heated channels. Explain how the flow regime maps are developed and used
in reactor thermal-hydraulic design.
5. Explain the possible models used in two-phase flow calculations, their range of
applicability and key features.
6. A BWR reactor operates at a thermal power of 1400 MWt. Water enters the bottom
of the reactor core at 275 °C, and passes through the core at a flow rate of 6050
kg/s. the reactor operates at pressure of 7 MPa. Calculate the steam flow rate
produced in the reactor.
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78 The Essential CANDU
6.2.1 Definitions
This section describes the most important concepts and parameters in reactor thermodynamic
analysis. Consider a system undergoing a change from state 1 to state 2, as shown in Figure 36.
Initially, the system is at energy level E1. Then, after a certain amount of energy, Q, is added to
the system and a certain amount of work, W, is performed by the system, the system is
brought to energy level E2. It would be interesting to discover by what parameters this change
is driven and how effective is the energy exchange between the system and its surroundings. Work
Figure 37 shows a practical example of the general concept shown in Figure 36. In Figure 37, a
piston is moved from a position 1 to a position 2 by sequentially moving small amounts of
weight applied at the piston stem. Initially, the piston is under pressure p1, with volume V1 and
temperature T1. After moving a certain amount of weight, the piston ends up at pressure p2,
volume V2, and temperature T2. The system volume changed by dV=Aˑdx each time a weight
was removed.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 79
For a constant-volume process, because the piston does not move, no work is performed, as
stated by Eq. (23):
W1 2 p dV 0 . (23)
One can use the ideal gas law from thermodynamics of gases, as given by Eq. (24):
p V m R T , (24)
where P is pressure [MPa or N/m2]; V is volume [m3]; m is mass [kg]; T is temperature [°K]; and
R is the gas constant [Nˑm/(kg °K) or J/(kg °K)]. Heat
Heat as a form of energy exists in all bodies and is essential for energy transfer. The nature of
heat is associated with the movements or vibration of molecules or atoms at the microscopic
level in any body, solid, liquid, or gas. Each energy transfer process eventually ends up being a
heat transfer process, i.e., it involves transfer of molecular movement or vibration from one
body to another. Even the energy exchanged by radiation eventually ends up being transferred
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80 The Essential CANDU Energy
Energy is a conserved property of a physical system, which cannot be observed directly, but can
be calculated from the system’s state. The energy of a system can present itself in various
forms and is therefore difficult to describe by a comprehensive definition. Often, the best
description of energy is as “the capacity to perform work”.
For the thermal-hydraulic design engineer, three energy components are of most importance
[LEU2004, POP2013]:
Internal energy, EU [kJ], or specific internal energy eu [kJ/kg] (internal energy is usually
simply expressed in U, or u);
Kinetic energy, EK [kJ], or specific kinetic energy, ek [kJ/kg]; and
Potential energy, EP [kJ], or specific potential energy, ep [kJ/kg].
Internal energy describes the thermodynamic energy of system molecules or atoms (referred
to as heat). Kinetic energy is the energy of motion, which is carried by a body or system with a
certain mass. Potential energy is energy possessed by a system when moving from one place
to another in a force field, such as a gravitational field, an electro-magnetic field, or the nuclear
force field in the atom. Most often for a thermal-hydraulic engineer, potential energy denotes
the gravitational potential.
The total energy of a system in thermal-hydraulic terms can be expressed as the sum of the
above components by Eq. (25) or Eq. (26):
E EU EK EP U EK EP , (25)
e eu ek ep u ek ep . (26)
The energy of a system depends on the temperature, pressure, velocity, and elevation of the
system with respect to its surroundings.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 81 Enthalpy
Enthalpy is a measure of the total energy of a thermodynamic system. It includes the internal
energy, U (or thermodynamic potential) and the volume and pressure (the energy required to
make room for a system change). Enthalpy is useful in describing system thermodynamic
changes because it simplifies the description of energy transfers and system changes. Enthalpy
is a thermodynamic property of a substance.
Consider a system undergoing a change because of addition of heat (energy) to the system at
constant temperature; its total energy change can be described in terms of the system’s
internal energy and the product of the system’s pressure and volume, as in Eq. (27):
2 2 2
dQ dU P dV .
1 1 1
The sum of the system’s internal energy and the product of its pressure and volume defines its
enthalpy level, as shown by Eq. (28):
H U PV . (28)
On a unit mass basis, the specific enthalpy is shown by Eq. (29), where specific heat is q = Q/M,
specific internal energy is u = U/M, specific volume is v = V/M, M is mass, and P is pressure:
huPv. (29)
Enthalpy is a state parameter and can be expressed in terms of other parameters. For sub-
cooled or super-heated conditions, h f ( P, T ) , and for saturated conditions, h f ( P ) or
h f (T ) , it is expressed in terms of pressure or temperature. In the two-phase region, the
following equation can be used to calculate mixture enthalpy (under homogeneous conditions):
hm x hg (1 x) hf hf x hfg , (30)
where hg is the enthalpy of the saturated gas, hf is the enthalpy of the saturated liquid, and hfg
is the latent heat of vaporization.
q w e e2 e1 . (32)
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82 The Essential CANDU
With these definitions, it is now possible to define the work performed by a system that goes
through an isobaric process as in Eq. (33):
W P dV P(V2 V1 ) . (33)
Using the first law of thermodynamics, as in Eq. (31), and substituting this equation into Eq.
(33), one obtains the following equation:
Q P(V2 V1 ) U 2 U1 . (34)
Rearranging the terms in Eq. (34) yields Eq. (35), which clearly shows the advantage of using
enthalpy because it can provide a better expression of the first law of thermodynamics:
Q U 2 U1 P(V2 V1 )
(U 2 P V2 ) (U1 P V1 ) H 2 H1 H . (35)
In the case of a system with multiple energy and work inputs and outputs, the first law of
thermodynamics must be applied to the sum of these inputs and outputs, as in Eq. (36). Thus,
Eq. (37) is obtained as an energy balance equation:
E 0 energy inflow energy outflow (36)
mV12 mu1 Q PV
1 1 mgZ1
mV22 mu2 W PV
2 2 mgZ 2
. (37)
Converting Eq. (37) in terms of specific parameters yields the following equations in terms of
internal energy (Eq. (38)) and enthalpy (Eq. (39)):
1 1
q w u2 Pv2 V22 gZ 2 u1 Pv1 V12 gZ1 , (38)
2 2
1 1
q w h2 V22 gZ 2 h1 V12 gZ1 . (39)
2 2
In the case of a turbine, there is no heat addition (q = 0) and no change in elevation for a
horizontal turbine (Z1 = Z2), and therefore:
w h1 h2 V12 V22 . (40)
For a flow through a horizontal nozzle, there is neither heat addition nor work delivered (q = w
= 0) and no change in elevation (Z1 = Z2), and therefore:
V12 V22 2 h1 h2 . (41)
Finally, there is a special form of the energy balance equation that is very useful to thermal-
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 83
hydraulic engineers for calculating fluid parameters in a pipe flow—the Bernoulli equation—in
which neither heat addition nor work is delivered (q = w = 0):
1 2 1 2
h1 2 V1 gZ1 h2 2 V2 gZ 2 const , (42)
1 2
u Pv V gZ const . (43)
Equation (43) clearly shows that the key fluid parameters for a flow are connected, so that to
add up to a constant, an increase in one parameter must result in a reduction in the other
parameters. For example, considering horizontal flow, an increase in fluid velocity results in a
decrease in fluid pressure, and vice versa.
The shaded area of the diagram represents the thermodynamic cycle that is implemented with
the objective of delivering work to the electric generator.
This process leads to rejection of a certain part of the thermal energy into the environment
(lake, river, sea, or the atmosphere) to be able to close the cycle; this will be explained in later
With regard to energy generation, the cycle thermodynamic efficiency, ηt, is defined to provide
a measure of cycle performance:
t . (44)
The Carnot cycle is a theoretical thermodynamic cycle that represents the most efficient way of
converting a given amount of thermal energy between two thermal reservoirs into work
(turbine work), or conversely the most efficient way of converting a given amount of work into
creating a temperature difference between two reservoirs (refrigeration).
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84 The Essential CANDU
Figure 38 shows an ideal Carnot cycle in pressure versus volume and temperature versus
entropy diagrams. The Carnot cycle consists of the following processes [SAA1966]:
a) delivering heat to the cycle by a reversible isothermal expansion process (process from
points 1 to 2 in Figure 38);
b) delivering work output by isentropic expansion of gas (process from points 2 to 3 in
Figure 38);
c) rejecting waste heat from the cycle by reversible isothermal compression of gas
(process from points 3 to 4 in Figure 38); and
d) inputting work into the cycle by isentropic compression of gas (process from points 4 to
1 in Figure 38).
2 2 dV V
W12 p dV m R T1 m R T1 ln 2 . (45)
1 1 V V1
Using the first law of thermodynamics, from Eq. (31), the heat addition can be expressed as:
Q12 W12 m R T1 ln . (47)
Using the first law of thermodynamics, from Eq. (31), the link between internal energy change
and delivered work is:
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 85
T1 T2 and T3 T4 , (55)
Volume relation
V2 V3
. (57)
V1 V4
Hence, the net work done can be obtained by summing up the work in the separate processes
described by Eqs. (45), (48), (51), and (52) and using the relationships provided by Eqs. (54),
(55), (56), and (57):
Wcycle W12 W23 W34 W41 (58)
V2 p3V3 p2V2 V pV p V
m R T1 ln m R T3 ln 4 1 1 4 4 ,
V1 1 V3 1
Wcycle mR(T1 T3 ) ln . (59)
Now the cycle thermal efficiency can be obtained from Eq. (44):
net work done Wcycle Wcycle mR(T1 T3 ) ln (V2 / V1 ) T1 T3 T
t 1 3 . (60)
heat input Qin Q12 mR T1 ln (V2 / V1 ) T1 T1
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86 The Essential CANDU
One important observation can be made from Eq. (60): the thermal efficiency of the cycle
depends on the temperatures of the upper and lower thermal reservoirs. Hence, the higher
the temperature at which heat is added to the cycle and the lower the temperature at which
heat is extracted from the cycle, the higher will be the thermal efficiency. Therefore, design
efforts to improve cycle thermal efficiency are usually directed towards increasing the
temperature at which heat is delivered to the cycle. However, it is also evident that this cycle
will operate more efficiently if the lower temperature is reduced.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 87
electrical or vice versa, a penalty is paid in terms of increasing the disorder of the isolated
system. In other words, thermal energy cannot be converted into work by a cyclic process with
100% efficiency.
The mathematical formulation of the second law of thermodynamics is best visualized using
Figure 39. In this figure, on the left side, a generalized thermodynamic cycle is shown taking
place between a hot reservoir at temperature TH and a cold reservoir at temperature TC. On
the right side, the Carnot cycle diagram is shown between the same boundaries. Therefore,
the area in red, labelled as QC, is the amount of energy exchanged between the system and the
cold reservoir. The area in white, labelled as W, is the amount of work exchanged by the
system and its surroundings. The amount of heat exchanged with the hot reservoir, labelled as
QH, is the sum of the two, QC and W. If the system is behaving like an engine, the process
moves clockwise around the loop, and if it behaves as a refrigerator, it moves counter-
The above equation also indicates that the line integral Q / T
is path-independent
[SAA1966]. Because the closed integral is equal to zero, dQ/T must be an exact differential and
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88 The Essential CANDU
must be a state variable, i.e., a property of the state of the material, like internal energy,
pressure, temperature, density (u, P, T, ρ), etc. This differential is defined to be the entropy, S.
Because S is a system property, it is possible to express any equilibrium state in terms of S plus
one other state variable (T, P, or something else):
In a reversible process (Figure 40), the quantity, δQ/T, from point A to point B is the
same regardless of the path;
Hence, the entropy, S, can be defined as
SB S A ; (64)
A T reversible
QH TH (S B S A ) , (65)
QC TC (S A S B ) TC (S B S A ) . (66)
Using Eqs. (65) and (66), the net work done by the cycle is defined as:
Wcycle QH QC TH (SB S A ) TC (SB S A ) (TH TC )(SB S A ) . (67)
Hence, for reversible processes, the equality sign applies, whereas for irreversible processes,
i.e., realistic processes, the < sign applies. All real processes are considered irreversible. This
indicates that for closed systems, any process, regardless of the path, results in an increase in
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 89
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90 The Essential CANDU
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 91
In process 2-2A-3 (heating at constant pressure in the boiler), no work is exchanged with the
surroundings, i.e., w2-3 = 0. Hence, using the h-s diagram, the heat addition to the system is
obtained as a difference of enthalpies, as given by Eq. (71):
q23 qin h3 h2 . (71)
In process 3-4 (isentropic expansion in the turbine), no heat is exchanged with the
surroundings, i.e., q3-4 = 0. Hence, the work delivered by the turbine is given by Eq. (72):
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92 The Essential CANDU
w34 h3 h4 . (72)
In process 4-1 (heat removal at constant pressure in the condenser), no work is exchanged with
the surroundings, i.e., w4-1 = 0. Hence, the heat extraction from the system is obtained as a
difference of enthalpies, as given in Eq. (73):
q41 h4 h1 . (73)
The net work performed by this cycle can be obtained as:
wcycle w34 w12 (h3 h4 ) (h2 h1 ) . (74)
The thermal efficiency of the ideal Rankine cycle is obtained by Eq. (75):
wcycle (h3 h4 ) (h2 h1 ) q23 q41
Rankine . (75)
qin h3 h2 q23
As noted earlier, the thermal efficiency of the ideal simplified Rankine cycle is much less than
that of the Carnot cycle because more heat is wasted to the environment. The performance of
the Rankine cycle can be improved in practice by:
(1) raising the boiler pressure
(2) lowering the exhaust pressure
(3) using superheat
(4) using reheat.
Options (1), (3), and (4) effectively raise the inlet temperature, whereas (2) effectively lowers
the outlet temperature, with a corresponding effect on cycle efficiency.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 93
The increase in boiler pressure results in an increase in the net work performed by the cycle,
with a corresponding decrease in heat rejected. Figure 44 shows the impact of an inlet
pressure increase in a typical PWR nuclear plant [TOD2011]. However, for the indirect power
cycle, the downside of raising the boiler pressure (and the temperature because the steam is
saturated) is that it forces the primary-side temperature to increase to provide sufficient ΔT to
transfer the heat from the primary to the secondary side. This higher primary-side
temperature requires higher primary-side pressure, which in turn requires thicker pressure
vessel walls. In a pressure vessel-type reactor, this can be costly or can lead to reduced plant
reliability or life. In pressure tube reactors, the main drawback is the increased parasitic
neutron absorption in the pressure tube walls, which need to be thicker, resulting in lower fuel
Figure 45 illustrates the Rankine cycle with superheat [LEU2004, POP2013]. Superheat causes a
net increase in the temperature at which heat is received, with a resulting improvement in
cycle efficiency. Another important factor is that the amount of moisture in the fluid leaving
the turbine is reduced, which increases turbine efficiency and reduces turbine blade erosion.
However, when using superheat, one must have a high-temperature heat source or else reduce
boiler pressure. Some recent approaches and ideas include use of traditional gas-fired
superheaters in combination with nuclear power reactors.
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94 The Essential CANDU
The effective temperature of heat addition is increased and the moisture content further
reduced by using reheat in the Rankine cycle. A schematic diagram of the power plant and an
appropriate temperature-entropy diagram are shown in Figure 46 [LEU2004, POP2013]. High-
pressure, superheated steam is expanded in a high-pressure turbine to an intermediate
pressure 4 and the fluid then returned to a second-stage boiler and superheater and reheated
to state 3A. The reheated steam is then expanded in a low-pressure turbine to the final
exhaust pressure 4A. The moisture content of the working fluid is drastically reduced by use of
reheat, and this approach is used in all fossil-fuelled and many nuclear power plants (without
the superheating part).
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 95
In theory, modifications to the cycle can be made to reduce cycle irreversibility. One of the
principal sources is the sensible heat addition required to bring the boiler feedwater up to
saturation temperature. This is accomplished by using some of the flow through the turbine to
heat the feedwater. To achieve reversibility, a possible setup is shown in Figure 47, where
internal heat from the turbine is used to heat the feedwater in process 2-2A [LEU2004,
POP2013]. This cycle could provide the same thermal efficiency as the Carnot cycle. However,
this is not a practical modification because it is impossible to design a turbine to serve as both a
power-production device and a heat exchanger. Modifications have, however, been designed
to make this design change more practical, one of which is presented in the next section.
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96 The Essential CANDU
This improvement is based on the regeneration principle, which was briefly covered in the
previous section. This improvement is based on extracting a small amount of steam at an
intermediate pressure from the turbine and using it to heat feedwater.
Two types of feedwater heaters exist in practice:
Open type, in which direct contact between extracted steam and feedwater is achieved,
resulting in good heat transfer; and
Closed type, in which only thermal contact between extracted steam and feedwater is
For both types, the reheating is usually designed in several stages. The following sections cover
both these types in detail.
Figure 48 shows the Rankine cycle with one open feedwater heater (the left side shows the
loop and the right side the T-s diagram of the cycle) [LEU2004, POP2013].
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 97
1 y h2 y h6 h3 . (80)
The pump work is obtained by summing the work from both pumps, as given by Eq. (81):
wpump w12 1 y w34 . (81)
The turbine work is obtained by summing up the two parts of the turbine expansion, one with
the full steam flow, and one with the (1-y) portion of the steam flow, as in Eq. (82):
wturbine w56 1 y w67 . (82)
The heat supplied to the cycle is not affected by the heater and is given by Eq. (83):
q45 h5 h4 . (83)
Usually, operating NPPs have multiple stages of feedwater heating; an example of a plant with
two open feedwater heaters is shown in Figure 49.
Using the heat balance at both heaters, one can obtain the enthalpies downstream from the
mixing points Z and Y, as shown in Eqs. (84) and (85):
m1"h1" m4 h4 m1"h1" m4 h4
h4' , (84)
m1" m4 m1 m1'
m1' h1' m1 m1' h5
h5' . (85)
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98 The Essential CANDU
The turbine work in this case is obtained by summing up the work at the three parts before and
after the steam extractions, as shown in Eq. (86):
wT m1 h1 h1' m1 m1' h1' h1" m2 h1" h2 . (86)
Figure 50 shows the Rankine cycle with one closed feedwater heater (the left side shows the
loop and the right side the T-s diagram of the cycle) [LEU2004, POP2013].
1 y h2 y h6 1 y h2 A y h3 . (87)
The pump work is obtained by summing the work from both pumps, as given by Eq. (88):
wpump w12 1 y w34 . (88)
The turbine work is obtained by summing up the two parts of the turbine expansion, one with
the full steam flow, and one with the (1-y) portion of the steam flow, as in Eq. (89):
wturbine w56 1 y w67 . (89)
The heat supplied to the cycle is not affected by the heater and is given by Eq. (90):
qin h5 h2 A 1 y h5 h4 y . (90)
Usually, operating NPPs have multiple stages of feedwater heating; an example of a plant with
two closed feedwater heaters is shown in Figure 51 [POP2013].
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 99
The role of the moisture separator between the high-pressure and low-pressure turbines in the
cycle is two-fold:
to provide feedwater heating, thus improving cycle thermal efficiency; and
to remove moisture from the steam, enabling dry steam to enter the low-pressure
turbine (thus reducing water droplet erosion of the turbine blades).
Figure 52 shows an example of a moisture separator where, using the principle of the open
heater, the extracted moisture from the separator is mixed with the feedwater, thus
transferring the latent heat of condensation to the feedwater [POP2013].
By defining the parameters at certain points in the T-s diagram, h1" h f at p1' and 1 x1' m1
and h1"' hg at p1" and x1'm1 , and by performing an energy balance at the separator, one can
obtain the enthalpy after the mixing point using Eq. (94):
h1" x1"m1" h4 x1"' m1 m1"
h5 . (94)
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100 The Essential CANDU
The real Rankine cycle is not reversible because of various losses that occur in nature and that
must be accounted for. Figure 53 shows the real Rankine cycle and the impact of various losses
[TOD2011]. The left figure shows the pump losses, the middle figure shows the losses in the
steam lines to the turbine, and the right figure shows the losses in the turbine. Some of these
losses are listed below:
Irreversible frictional losses at various places in the turbo machinery;
Irreversible heat losses from various piping, vessels, etc.;
Pump losses, in particular:
o Heat loss to the surroundings;
o Fluid friction with the pump blades;
o Mechanical losses due to friction (bearings, gears, etc.);
Turbine losses, in particular:
o Pressure drop between the superheater and turbine, which reduces entrance
pressure from P1 to P2;
o Heat loss to the surroundings, which reduces the temperature change from
point b to point c;
o Steam expansion inside the turbine, which is irreversibly adiabatic (non-
isentropic) and hence reduces efficiency and increases steam quality;
o Mechanical friction; and
o Steam bypass outside the turbine blade passages.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 101
Figure 54 shows a typical secondary side of an advanced PWR reactor [APR2011]. It is clear
that multiple feedwater heaters, one moisture separator, and double reheaters have been
designed into the system. The secondary system operates with two feedwater pumps at two
different pressures.
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102 The Essential CANDU
where sg is the entropy of the saturated gas, sf is the entropy of the saturated liquid, and sfg is
the entropy change during vaporization.
Entropy is a quantitative measure of the microscopic (molecular) disorder of a system. Entropy
generated through any process in an isolated system cannot be negative. Moreover, entropy is
a non-conserved property (it always increases in isolated systems). In engineering processes,
entropy increase is a measure of irreversibility in these processes (a measure of engineering
system inefficiency or of system losses).
Entropy change is closely associated with heat transfer. In heat transfer from a hotter to a
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 103
colder subsystem, the hotter subsystem exhibits a decrease in entropy, whereas the cold
system shows an increase. However, the increase in the cold subsystem is greater, thus making
the entropy change of the combined system positive.
Probably the most important outcome of the entropy changes in certain processes is the fact
that every process ends up with a certain penalty for moving energy in any direction. In other
words, any energy exchange between different systems results in an entropy increase, i.e.,
there is always a certain cost when moving energy from one place to another, or transferring
energy from one form to another. Any conversion of energy in a system from one form to
another or any exchange of work with its surroundings must be accompanied by some
irreversible dissipation of energy to the surroundings.
Entropy can be seen as the ability to expend energy to carry out a task. For example, a fully
charged battery has low entropy, which increases as the battery is used; or a clockwork toy has
low entropy when wound up, which increases as it unwinds.
Processes in nature change in the direction of reaching equilibrium. Entropy reaches a
maximum value when equilibrium is reached. Entropy is statistical in nature because it explains
how phenomena in the micro world affect phenomena in the macro world, capturing the
probability of a number of micro events to cause a macro effect.
In modern thermodynamics, the laws of thermodynamics are known as:
First law – characterizes the energy balance;
Second law – characterizes cycle/system efficiency;
Third law – characterizes entropy at near-zero temperatures; and
Zeroth law – characterizes thermodynamic equilibrium.
The zeroth law of thermodynamics states that if two bodies are in thermodynamic equilibrium
(at the same temperature) with a third body, then they are in thermodynamic equilibrium with
each other. This is a fundamental law that defines the relationship between different systems
(bodies) operating and interacting with each other. This law should have been labelled as the
first law, but because it was defined later, it was called the zeroth low to avoid confusion.
The first law of thermodynamics states that the change of internal energy in a system is equal
to the amount of heat supplied, minus the amount of work performed by the system on its
surroundings. In other words, it states that energy can be converted from one form to another,
but cannot be created or destroyed, i.e., everything requires energy to do anything. Different
forms of energy must be fed into a system before it can perform any useful work or create any
impact on its surroundings.
The second law of thermodynamics states that the entropy of an isolated system never
decreases because isolated systems spontaneously evolve toward thermodynamic equilibrium,
i.e., the state of maximum entropy. Moreover, it states that a certain cost must always be paid
when moving energy from one place to another or transferring energy from one form to
another. When it appears that a system’s entropy decreases, this generally means that the
system is not isolated from its surroundings and that by scaling up to a larger system, it will be
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104 The Essential CANDU
found that the system is a part of a larger system with lower entropy.
The third law of thermodynamics states that the entropy of a perfect crystal drops to zero
when the temperature of the crystal is at absolute zero. However, according to quantum
theory, because nothing can be considered to be truly at rest, every molecule, atom, or
subatomic particle will always have a minimum amount of energy even when cooled to
absolute zero (the zero point energy). Hence, one may take the third law as stating the
minimum entropy level at a temperature of absolute zero.
6.2.8 Problems
1. Calculate the Rankine cycle thermal efficiency which operates at saturated steam at
pressure of 7 MPa, and temperature in the condenser is 30 oC. Calculate the steam
quality at the exit of an ideal turbine following an adiabatic expansion to condenser
pressure for the above conditions, and for the conditions if the turbine has 85%
efficiency. Compare the results with the Carnot cycle.
2. A steam generator in a PWR nuclear power plant produces 3200 t/h saturated steam at
pressure of 5 MPa. The temperature in the condenser is 35 oC. Calculate the ideal
turbine power assuming that it operates in Rankine cycle, and the steam quality at the
turbine exit.
3. In a Rankine cycle the working fluid enters the turbine at 4.5 MPa with condenser
temperature of 35°C. Calculate the thermal efficiency of this cycle assuming that:
a. no preheaters are used;
b. one preheater is used to preheat the feed water to 60°C below the saturation
temperature; and
c. the feed water is preheated in 3 preheaters to the same temperature as above.
a. Turbine inlet pressure, Pi=4.5 MPa
b. Condenser temperature Tc=35 ºC or 308 ºK
c. Feedwater heater outlet temperature, TF=Tsat-60 ºC
a. The Rankine cycle described in the problem statement is for a CANDU 6 reactor
b. Steam entering the turbine is saturated
c. Losses in the turbine and pumping losses are the same in all cases, since it is the
difference in efficiency that is important here assume these losses are negligible.
4. Consider an emergency water tank that is supposed to deliver water to a reactor
following a loss of coolant event. The tank is pressurized by the presence of nitrogen at
1.0 MPa. The water is discharged through a 0.2 m ID pipe. The reservoir has a diameter
of 5 m, and the water level is 15 m above the reactor. Calculate the maximum flow rate
delivered to the reactor if the water is inviscid and reactor pressure is (a) 0.8 MPa, and
(b) 0.2 MPa.
5. Two alternative steam cycles are proposed for a nuclear power plant, as variation of the
Rankine ideal cycle, all three operating between the steam temperature of 293 oC and
condensing temperature of 33oC. The first one operates with condensate in saturated
conditions, while the feedwater downstream of the condensate pumps is subcooled.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 105
The steam is saturated at the inlet of the expander. (a) Assuming ideal machinery,
calculate the cycle thermal efficiency and steam rate for each cycle.
6. Water at 100 kPa and 20 °C flows through a smooth, circular pipe of 2 cm ID, and length
of 3 m. If the flow velocity is 3 m/s, calculate the pressure drop along the pipe and the
pumping power necessary to maintain the flow in the pipe.
7. Explain the 1st and 2nd law of thermodynamics and the relationship between these laws.
Provide examples of their application in reactor thermal-hydraulics design. Explain the
role of entropy in reactor thermal-hydraulics.
8. Develop an expression for thermal efficiency for a secondary heat transport system
shown in Figure 55 (CANDU-typical). Show the thermal efficiency in a generic
expression by using generic values of key parameters and by making appropriate
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106 The Essential CANDU
The heat balance in the reactor can be described by a simple algebraic equation, Eq. (96), from
which the reactor heat production can be expressed by Eq. (97):
Wp hp,hot Wp hp,cold Q , (96)
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 107
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108 The Essential CANDU
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 109
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110 The Essential CANDU
Normally, the pump head curve is provided in the form of a polynomial such as Eq. (102):
Ppump A0 A1 W A2 W 2 ... . (102)
The hydraulic network losses are proportional to the square of the velocity, i.e., the mass flow
rate, along with a loss coefficient, as shown by Eq. (103):
Pcircuit K W 2 . (103)
Figure 59 and Figure 60 show the pump curves of two pumps in the CANDU HTS; the first is the
primary HTS pump, and the second is the shutdown cooling pump.
These pumps have very different functions. The HTS primary pump operates almost
continuously during the operating lifetime of the plant, and therefore the requirements on this
pump are very demanding. The shutdown pump operates normally when the reactor is shut
down to help remove decay heat from the reactor core. Both diagrams show pump volumetric
flow rate on the x-axis, pump head on the left y-axis, and pump efficiency, pump power, and
NPSHR on the right y-axis.
Figure 59 and Figure 60 show that pump head declines with increasing volumetric flow,
whereas pump power increases [POP2014]. This means that because of momentum balance
considerations, if a pump is required to produce higher volumetric flow, its head will be lower.
Note that for a pump delivering higher volumetric flow, the pump power must increase.
Dotted lines in Figure 59, labelled S1, S2, and S3, show three possible system configurations
that impose different flow resistance.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 111
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112 The Essential CANDU
Figure 62 shows a general heat-duty diagram for a steam generator with a pre-heater and with
saturated primary coolant entering the steam generator U-tubes (i.e., with a certain
percentage of quality). The y-axis indicates fluid temperatures, and the x-axis provides a
conceptual representation of space in the steam generator. In this diagram, no heat losses or
pressure losses are shown (i.e., an ideal steam generator is assumed).
The primary coolant moves through the U-tubes from right to left in the diagram, starting as
saturated with a certain percentage of quality and becoming sub-cooled as it transfers the heat
to the secondary side. The secondary coolant (feedwater) enters sub-cooled (zero mass
quality, i.e., negative thermodynamic quality) and, as it receives heat from the primary side,
heats up to saturation. Thereafter, the secondary coolant boils off as it receives more heat
through the steam generator. Note that the point at the primary coolant temperature where
the secondary coolant temperature reaches saturation is called the “pinch point” [GAR1999,
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 113
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114 The Essential CANDU
Assuming that the global heat transfer coefficient USG is constant along the steam generator,
the primary coolant temperature variation is linear along the U-tube, and by separating
primary and secondary side terms, one obtains Eq. (106):
(Tp ,hot Tp ,cold )
Q U SG ASG U SG ASGTs . (106)
Equation (106) can be further simplified into Eq. (107):
T Tp ,cold
Q U SG ASG p , hot Ts . (107)
The temperatures can be replaced by enthalpies using Eq. (108):
h Cp T constant . (108)
Using Eqs. (108) and (96), the heat transferred in the steam generator can be given by Eq. (110):
U SG ASG hp ,hot hp ,cold
Q hs . (109)
Cp 2
Using Eq. (96) we find:
U SG ASG hp ,hot hp ,cold
Q hs W p (hp ,hot hp ,cold ) . (107)
Cp 2
The secondary side steam flow can be calculated by an energy balance on the secondary side of
the steam generator, as given by Eq. (110); using this equation, one can calculate the mass flow
rate at the secondary side, as given by Eq. (111):
Q Ws hs hFW , (108)
Ws . (109)
hs hFW
7.3.2 Approximate solution to steam generator without a pre-heater region
Combining Eqs. (97), (101), (110), and (112) yields the set of four equations describing the heat
transfer in the primary and secondary loops, as shown by Eq. (112) [GAR1999, POP2014]:
Q Wp hp ,hot hp ,cold
U SG ASG hp ,hot hp ,cold T T
Q hs U SG ASG p ,hot p ,cold Ts
Cp 2 2 . (110)
Ppump Pcircuit
Q Ws hs hFW
From the first equation in Eq. (113), one can obtain the reactor outlet (hot) enthalpy:
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 115
hp ,hot hp ,cold . (111)
The second equation in Eq. (113) can be transformed into the following equation by dividing it
by the primary mass flow rate and using Eq. (114), while also neglecting heat losses between
the reactor and the steam generator:
hp ,cold hs SG SG Tp ,cold Ts . (112)
Wp C pWp 2Wp Wp 2C pWp
Rearranging Eq. (115) in terms of outlet enthalpy at the steam generator and outlet
temperature, one can obtain Eq. (116) and Eq. (117):
Q C pWp 1 QC p Q
hp ,cold hs hs , (113)
Q Wp 1
Tp ,cold Ts . (114)
Wp U SG ASG 2C p
From Eqs. (116) and (117), all the parameters Q, Wp, Cp, ASG, USG, etc., are positive quantities.
Therefore, the reactor inlet enthalpy (and temperature) will rise as the primary flow rate
increases, will rise as the secondary-side temperature (saturation temperature) and enthalpy
increase, and may go up or down as power changes.
Substituting Eq. (116) into Eq. (117),
U SG ASG hp ,hot hp ,cold T Tp ,cold
Q hs U SG ASG p ,hot Ts . (115)
Cp 2 2
The enthalpy (and temperature) at the steam generator primary side inlet can be obtained as
Q C pW p 1 QC p Q
hp ,hot hs hs , (116)
U A 2 U A
SG SG 2W p
Q Wp 1
Tp ,hot Ts . (117)
Wp U SG ASG 2C p
Using Eqs. (116), (117), (119), and (120), one can obtain the following useful relationships
[GAR1999, POP2014]:
hp ,hot hp ,cold Q C pWp QC p
hp ,aver hs hs , (118)
Q Wp 1 Q Wp Q ,
Tp ,hot Tp ,aver Ts Ts (119)
Wp U SG ASG 2C p Wp U SG ASG 2Wp C p
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116 The Essential CANDU
Tp ,hot Tp ,cold Q Q
Tp ,aver Tp ,aver Tp ,cold Tp ,aver Ts , (120)
2 2C pWp U SG ASG
Tp ,hot Tp ,cold Tp ,hot Ts Tp ,cold Ts . (121)
WpC p U SG ASG 2WpC p U SG ASG 2Wp C p
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 117
outlet enthalpies can be calculated. Once these are defined, the next step is to define other
primary fluid state parameters from the state laws, such as the fluid density for the inlet and
outlet reactor enthalpy. After these parameters are defined, it is necessary to check whether
the assumed USG has converged. If not, USG is updated, and another round of these calculations
is performed.
After convergence on USG is reached, the pump head and primary loop resistance can be
calculated because the primary flow rate has been defined. The last step is to check whether
the pump head and the loop resistance match. If not, then the whole process shown in Figure
64 must be repeated.
To illustrate that this process leads to convergence, a sample calculation will be performed
using typical CANDU 6 parameters as given by Eq. (122) [GAR1999, POP2014].
Q 2000 MWth
W 8000 kg / s
Ts 265 C hs 1150 kJ / kg
C p 5 kJ / kg C . (122)
U SG 5 kJ / s C m 2 C W p p / U SG ASG 0.625
ASG 3200 m2
Equation (116) can be expressed in terms of primary flow rate, as shown by Eq. (125):
Wp . (123)
2 p hs hp ,cold
From the above equation, one can define the infinitesimal change in the primary flow rate with
the reactor inlet enthalpy as follows:
Wp Q Q 2Wp2
. (124)
hp ,cold C pQ
2 hs hp ,cold 2
Substituting the parameters for CANDU 6 from Eq. (125) into Eq. (127),
2 8000
Wp s kg 2
kJ s
. (125)
hp ,cold 6 kJ
2 10 kW
If Eq. (128) is expressed in terms of the initial values of primary flow rate and reactor inlet
enthalpy, the result gives the change in the primary flow rate as a function of reactor inlet
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118 The Essential CANDU
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 119
where Q is reactor power (or steam generator power), Cp is D2O heat capacity (assumed
constant), Tp,hot is ROH temperature, and Tp,cold is RIH temperature.
The elementary amount of heat transferred from the primary to the secondary side of the
steam generator can be captured using the Fourier law:
dQ U SG Tp Ts dASG , (129)
where USG is the overall heat transfer coefficient through the SG piping, dASG is the incremental
heat transfer area from the primary to the secondary side, Tp is the D2O temperature in the SG
tubes, and Ts is the H2O temperature in the SG shell.
As shown in Figure 65, the secondary side of the steam generator can be split into two parts,
the pre-heater part and the boiler part. Therefore, the heat transferred from the primary to
the secondary side can also be divided into two parts, as shown in Eq. (132):
The fraction of the steam generator area involved in pre-heating is indicated by γ. The pre-
heater part of the steam generator brings the feedwater to saturation. The primary-side
temperature at which the secondary side is brought to saturation is denoted as TPINCH.
Using Eq. (113), the total heat exchanged between the primary and secondary sides in the
steam generator can be shown by means of the following relation [GAR1999, POP2014]:
Q U SG ASG p ,cold 1 U SG ASG Ts , (131)
2 2 2
where Ts is the saturation temperature at the secondary side and TFW is the feedwater
temperature at the inlet of the steam generator secondary side.
The pinch temperature can be expressed in terms of steam generator parameters using Eq.
Q U SG ASG p ,hot p ,cold Ts Ts TFW . (133)
2 2
Recall the relationship between the reactor inlet and outlet temperature from Eq. (124):
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120 The Essential CANDU
Tp ,hot Tp ,cold . (134)
Wp C p
The reactor inlet and outlet temperatures can be expressed by the following relationship:
Q WpC p 1
Tp ,cold Ts TFW Ts , (135)
W p C p U SG ASG 2 2
Q WpC p 1
Tp ,hot Ts TFW Ts . (136)
WpC p U SG AG 2 2
By examining Eq. (138), one can evaluate the impact of reactor power on the variation of
reactor inlet temperature. The saturation temperature Ts at the secondary side does not
depend on reactor power if the pressure on the secondary side is kept constant. The variation
in feedwater temperature, TFW, can be assumed to be linearly dependent on reactor power.
The primary flow rate Wp, the heat capacity CP, the area of the steam generator ASG, and the
steam generator global heat transfer coefficient USG exhibit second-order variation with reactor
power Q.
To define the dependence of reactor inlet temperature on reactor power, it is necessary to
evaluate the impact of the remaining parameter, i.e., the steam generator pre-heater area γ,
on reactor power.
The heat addition to the secondary side of the steam generator in the pre-heater area can be
calculated as:
QPREHEATER WsC p ,s Ts TFW . (137)
The heat extraction from the primary side of the steam generator can be calculated from Eq.
(134) as follows:
2 2
Combining Eqs. (140) and (141) leads to the following expression for the steam generator pinch
area [GAR1999, POP2014]:
Ws C p , s Ts TFW
. (139)
Tp ,cold TPINCH Ts TFW
2 2
The most strongly variable parameter in Eq. (142) is the feedwater flow WFW. The heat balance
on the secondary side given by Eq. (140) can be rearranged in terms of enthalpies as follows:
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 121
Therefore, feedwater flow and steam generator pre-heater area are proportional to reactor
power, i.e., WFW ∞ Q and γ ∞ Q.
It is normally desirable to describe the pre-heater area in terms of a ratio between the pre-
heater area at 100% power and at current power, as follows:
, (141)
where γ100 is the pre-heating fraction at 100% full power and Q100 = Q at 100% full power.
By substituting Eq. (144) into Eqs. (138) and (139), the reactor inlet and outlet temperatures
can be obtained as follows:
Q WpC p 1 Q
Tp ,cold 100 Ts TFW Ts
WpC p U SG ASG 2 2Q100
Q Q100 Wp C p 1
100 Ts TFW Ts , (142)
Q100 Wp C p U SG ASG 2 2
Q Q100 Wp C p 1
Tp ,hot 100 Ts TFW Ts . (143)
Q100 Wp C p U SG ASG 2 2
It is clear that the reactor inlet and outlet temperatures are equal to the steam saturation
temperature with corrections to capture the primary-side and secondary-side effects. Both
these effects are roughly proportional to reactor power. Hence, at 0% full reactor power,
Tp,cold=Ts and Tp,hot=Ts.
To illustrate the above analysis and the magnitude of the correction terms, a sample CANDU 6
assessment can be performed with the following given parameters:
Reactor power Q100 = 2.064×106 [kJ/s]
Steam generator global heat transfer coefficient: USG = 4.5 [kJ/sec °C m2]
Steam generator area: ASG = 3200 [m2] per steam generator (12,800 [m2] total for a
four-loop reactor)
Primary flow rate: Wp = 8250 [kg/s]
Heat capacity of primary loop: Cp = 4.25 [kJ/kg °C]
Steam generator pre-heating portion: γ100 = 0.15 at 100% full power
Feedwater temperature: TFW = 177 [°C] at 100% full power
Secondary-side temperature (at saturation): TS = 260 [°C]
Using the above parameters, the reactor inlet temperature can be calculated using Eq. (145):
Tp,cold 58.86 0.60 0.50 6.22 260 6.32 6.22 260 . (144)
Q100 Q100
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122 The Essential CANDU
Hence, even at 100% full power, the net correction to the reactor inlet temperature Tp,cold is
less than 0.1°C. Even allowing for large variations in USG and other parameters, the effect on
Tp,cold is expected to be small over the full power range. This has been confirmed by detailed
calculations. The reactor outlet temperature can be calculated using Eq. (146):
Tp ,hot 64.75 6.22 260 58.53 260 . (145)
Q100 Q100
At 100% full power, the reactor outlet temperature To is 318.5 [°C], which is greater than the
saturation temperature of 310 [°C] at 10 [MPa]. Hence, the assumption of no boiling at the
reactor outlet header is not correct. Therefore, the calculation must be repeated with an
estimate of the amount of boiling using the following expression:
Q Qsubcool Qboil Wp C p Tp ,sat Tp ,cold fg Wp C p Tp ,sat Tp ,cold Wp xh fg . (146)
C p
The power level at which boiling starts is given by Eq. (146), into which the CANDU 6
parameters from Eq. (148) are introduced to obtain the following expression:
Tp ,hot 260 310 260 Q 50
0.854 . (147)
58.53 53.53 Q100 53.53
This means that boiling starts in a CANDU 6 core when the reactor power is at 85.4% of full
power. In other words, it means that out of 100% reactor power, 85.4% is used to heat the
primary fluid to saturation and 14.6% is used to boil some of the primary fluid.
If this information is used in Eq. (149), the following expression can be obtained for the reactor
power split in the primary heat transport system:
Q Q Q WC W xh
subcool boil p p Tp ,sat Tp ,cold p fg 0.854 0.146 . (148)
Q100 Q100 Q100 Q100 Q100
Hence, using just the boiling part of Eq. (151), the steam quality at the reactor outlet header
can be calculated as follows:
0.146Q100 0.146 2.064 106 kJ / s
x 0.045 . (149)
W p h fg 8250[kg / s ] 800[kJ / kg ]
In the above calculation of the steam quality in the reactor outlet header as 4.5%, it was
assumed that the value of 85.4% of the total reactor power to onset of boiling as calculated by
Eq. (152) remains valid as the power goes up beyond the onset of boiling. Hence, it follows
that the parameters that determine the onset of boiling, Wp, Cp, USG, ASG, Ts, and TFW, have been
assumed not to change significantly when boiling starts in the primary heat transport system.
This is only approximately true: Wp and USG are affected by the presence of two-phase flow.
However, the approximation used in the above calculation is good enough to illustrate the
End of Problem
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 123
Enough information is now available to sketch out the heat duty diagram as a function of
power. Figure 66 presents the impact of reactor power on the heat-duty diagram of the steam
generator {GAR1999, POP2014].
The primary and secondary temperatures will vary with position in the steam generator.
Energy balance on the primary and secondary sides gives the following expressions:
dQ WP dhP , (151)
dQ WS dhS . (152)
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124 The Essential CANDU
The minus sign indicates a heat flow from the primary to the secondary side, i.e., the enthalpy
of the primary fluid decreases, and the enthalpy of the secondary fluid increases.
For a single phase on either side, one can relate enthalpy with temperature as follows:
Therefore, the change in fluid temperatures along the steam generator primary and secondary
sides can be expressed as:
dTp , (153)
C p , pW p
dTs . (154)
C p , sWs
The steam generator area can be conveniently divided into N segments, each described as
ΔASG=ASG/N. The numerical algorithm for calculating the fluid temperatures simply starts at
one end of the heat exchanger with known or assumed temperatures and flows at that
boundary and repeatedly applies Eqs. (156) and (157) as it moves forward to the other end of
the heat exchanger. The principle of the calculation is shown in Figure 68. If the calculations
start at the cold end (where feedwater enters and primary fluid exits), single-phase flow on
both sides can be ensured.
At each successive nodal point, the fluid temperatures can be calculated by the following
expressions [GAR1999, POP2014]:
Tp ,i 1 Tp ,i
C p , p NWp
Tp,i Ts,i , (155)
Ts ,i 1 Ts ,i SG SG Tp ,i Ts ,i .
C p , s NWs
At each nodal point i, the calculated temperature should be compared to the saturation point.
Once the saturation temperature is reached, the secondary-side temperature remains at the
saturation temperature.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 125
The result is the temperature profiles for both the primary and secondary sides for the given
flow rates, area, heat transfer coefficient, and cold side temperatures. Equation (153) is used
to accumulate the total heat transferred by the heat exchanger. If the heat transferred is
above or below the desired heat transfer, then iteration is required. Typically, it is desirable to
know the primary-side temperature profile for a given set of secondary-side conditions, given
the primary-side flow and a given steam generator geometry and heat transfer coefficient. In
this case, the primary side inlet temperature is varied until the target Q is met; once again, the
primary side “floats” on the secondary side.
The effect of power is seen through Ws, which is proportional to Q. For low Q, Ts will rise
rapidly to the saturation temperature. This decreases the effective temperature difference
between the primary and secondary sides. Hence, Tp will not rise as quickly as in the high-
power case.
7.3.6 Problems
1. Explain the difference in the design of steam generators that have an area designed for
preheating of feed water and these that do not. Explain how feed water heating is
achieved in both types of design. Explain the role of the pinch point in both types of
2. Using the values provided in Problem, draw a heat duty diagram of a
corresponding steam generator following the format provided in Figure 66.
3. Explain the process for calculating main parameters of the primary heat transport system.
4. Using the values provided in Problem, and using the steam generator heat
balance template in the attached Excel spreadsheet, calculate analytically the steam
generator parameters. Determine the effect of steam generator fouling on the steam
generator performance. Determine the effect of power level on the steam generator
5. Using the values provided in Problem, and using the steam generator heat balance
equations use numerical technique to calculate steam generator parameters as shown in
the attached spreadsheet. Determine the effect of steam generator fouling on the steam
generator performance. Determine the effect of power level on the steam generator
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126 The Essential CANDU
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 127
where ρ is the material density, e is the internal energy, V is the volume, S is the surface area,
q''' is the volumetric heat generation, q'' is the heat flux, and n is the unit vector on the surface.
The term on the left-hand side is the heat storage term, which represents the net change in
energy level. The first term on the right-hand side of the equation is the heat generation term,
which describes the heat generated at any time and any volume in the solid body. The second
term on the right-hand side shows the net energy exchange from the body to the surroundings.
The right-hand side shows the net energy exchange from the body to the surroundings. Gauss’
Law connects the surface integral to a volume integral of a body that is enclosed by a given
surface [BIR1960]:
Using Gauss’ Law and Eq. (161), the surface integral in the energy balance equation, Eq. (160),
can be converted to a volume integral, following which the volume integral can be dropped for
all terms in the equation, and the internal energy e can be replaced by the temperature T times
the heat capacity c:
q ''' r , t q " r , t . (159)
In addition, a relation is needed to specify the heat flux in terms of temperature. In a solid
body, Fourier’s law of thermal conduction is applicable and can be expressed as follows
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128 The Essential CANDU
q " r , t k T r , t . (160)
Hence, substituting Eq. (163) into Eq. (162) leads to an equation describing the temperature
distribution in a solid body in which heat generation and conduction take place:
q ''' r , t k T r , t ,
where the solid body density ρ is in [kg/m3]; the specific heat capacity c is in [J/(kg oK]; the heat
conductivity k is in [J/(m oK sec)]; the heat flux q’’ is in [J/(m2 sec) = W/m2]; the heat generation
rate q’’’ is in [J/(m3 sec) = W/m3]; the temperature T is in [oK]; and α is defined as (k/ρc)
k f T r , t q ''' r , t . (162)
For a cylindrical fuel pellet, Eq. (165) must be expanded into cylindrical coordinates:
1 d dT
kf r q ''' r . (163)
r dr dr
Equation (166) must be integrated twice; after the first integration, it is transformed into the
following equation:
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 129
dT r2
kf r q ''' r . (164)
dr 2
The constant of integration is zero because the temperature gradient at r=0 is zero. The
thermal conductivity, k, is a strong function of T in fuel, and therefore its variation needs to be
taken into account in the integration process. However, in the first step, its average value k f
can be assumed to be within the range of fuel temperature variation. Hence, the second
subsequent integration results in the following relation:
k f T dT k f TF To q "' r ,
To 4
where the subscript 0 indicates the centre point and the subscript F indicates the fuel pellet
radius. Because T=To at r=0, the constant of integration is again zero. Finally, with the
assumption of average fuel conductivity in the fuel pellet, the temperature difference across
the fuel pellet has the following form:
rF2 q'
T fuel To TF q "' , (166)
4k f 4 k f
where q ' rF q " is the linear power density. Note that by using linear power density, the
In the gap between the fuel pellet and the cladding, no heat is generated. Therefore, for
steady-state conditions, Eq. (164) transforms into the following equation:
1 d dT
kg r 0. (167)
r dr dr
This equation can be readily integrated once to yield the following equation:
kg r const . (168)
The constant of integration is determined by considering the heat flux q'' at the fuel-gap
dT q'
k g q" . (169)
dr r rF 2 rF
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130 The Essential CANDU
Substituting Eq. (172) into Eq. (171) yields the following equation:
dT q' dT q'
kg r kg . (170)
dr 2 dr 2 r
Assuming that the gap conductivity does not change significantly with temperature and
performing integration, the temperature difference in the gap can be obtained as:
q ' rF tG
k g TGAP k g TF TC ln . (171)
2 rF
The subscript C indicates the gap-cladding interface. The boundary condition T=TC at r=rF+tG is
incorporated into this solution. Finally, the gap temperature difference is obtained as:
q' r t
TGAP ln F G . (172)
2 kG rF
Because the natural logarithm of a small number can be approximated by the number itself,
i.e., ln(1+x) ≈ x [GAR1999, POP2014], the gap temperature difference is:
q ' tG
TGAP . (173)
2 rF kG
Calculate for UO2 fuel the radial temperature difference in the fuel-cladding gap. The gap
conductivity kG is about 0.002 W/cm°K, but it varies considerably with the amount of fission
product gases. For a gap thickness of 0.005 cm, ∆TGAP is about 300°C for q' of 500 W/cm.
End of Problem
Because with irradiation the fuel will swell to touch the cladding at certain points (because the
surfaces have a certain degree of roughness), an effective heat transfer coefficient, hG, is used:
hG TGAP q " . (174)
Therefore, taking into account the relationship between heat flux and the linear power
q ' rF2q " , the temperature difference in the gap can be obtained as follows:
TGAP . (175)
2 rF hG
Calculate for UO2 fuel the radial temperature difference in the fuel-cladding gap. A heat
transfer coefficient of 0.5–1.1 W/cm2°K gives a ∆TGAP less than 300°C.
End of Problem
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 131
For the gap region described above, the steady-state equation for the cladding region, in which
there is no heat generation, is similar:
1 d dT
kc r 0 . (176)
r dr dr
This equation is solved in the same manner as for the gap to yield:
q ' rF tG tC q' r t t
kc TCLAD kc TC TS ln TCLAD ln F G C . (177)
2 rF tG 2 kc rF tG
The subscript S indicates the cladding-coolant surface interface. The boundary condition T=TS
at r=rF+tG+tC is incorporated into this solution.
Because the natural logarithm of a small number can be approximated by the number itself,
i.e., ln(1+x) ≈ x [GAR1999, POP2014], the gap temperature difference is:
q' tC
TCLAD . (178)
2 rF tG kC
Calculate for UO2 fuel the radial temperature difference in the fuel cladding. The cladding
conductivity kC is about 0.11 W/cm°K, giving a ∆TCLAD of about 80°C for a q' of 500 W/cm.
End of Problem
The heat flux from the cladding to the coolant is determined as:
q " hS TS TFL , (179)
where TFL is the bulk temperature of the coolant fluid. Hence, the temperature drop from the
cladding surface to the bulk fluid temperature is:
TCOOL . (180)
2 hS rF tC tG
Calculate for UO2 fuel the radial temperature difference in the cladding-to-coolant interface. A
heat transfer coefficient of ~4.5 W/cm2°K gives a ∆TCOOL of about 10°C–20°C.
End of Problem
By summing up Eqs. (169), (178), (181), and (183), the overall temperature difference between
the fuel centreline and the bulk coolant can be obtained according to the following equation:
q' 1 1 tG tC 1
To TFL . (181)
2 2 k f h r
G F k C rF t G hS rF t G t
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132 The Essential CANDU
The expression in brackets in Eq. (184) is the thermal resistance across the fuel element:
1 1 tG tC 1
Rth . (182)
2 k f h r
G F k C rF t G hS rF t G t
Hence, the centreline fuel temperature is greater than the coolant temperature by an amount
that depends on the amount of heat generated and on various resistances to heat flow. For a
given fuel design, most of the parameters are fixed under normal operation. The one
exception is the heat transfer coefficient to the coolant, hS, which is covered in Section 7.6.
Figure 70 shows a radial temperature distribution across the fuel element for two linear power
rates [POP2014]. Linear power level 45 [kW/m] represents full-power operation of the fuel
element in the middle of the core. Linear power level 15 [kW/m] represents operation at full
power at the core ends, or at a certain decay power level shortly after reactor shutdown. This
figure shows that the highest temperature difference occurs in the fuel pellet (above 1400°C at
full power) because UO2 is a poor heat conductor, but its melting temperature is approximately
2800°C–2900°C. The temperature difference in the gap is significant considering that the gap is
very thin. The cladding and the water are very good heat conductors, and therefore the
temperature difference is relatively small.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 133
contribution is from the fuel-cladding gap and the second highest from the fuel pellet.
The axial variation of the fluid temperature Tc can be obtained by substituting Eq. (187) into Eq.
(188) and integrating [ELW1978]:
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134 The Essential CANDU
wc p dTc q "'max Af
Tf 1
Le /2
dz ,
q "'max Af Le z q "'max V f z
Tc Tc ,in 1 sin Tc ,in 1 sin , (187)
wc p Le wc p Le
where Vf [m3] is the volume of the fluid portion of the fuel element. The subscript “in”
designates the entry point in the channel. In this equation, the equivalent core length is
approximated by the actual core length, i.e., L=Le.
The coolant temperature is measured in the middle of the fuel element for z=0 and has the
following form:
q "'max Af L .
Tc , mid Tc ,in (188)
wc p
The exit temperature of the coolant from this channel can be obtained by integrating Eq. (189)
to the channel exit (labelled as 2, i.e., at z=+L/2):
2 q "'max Af L
T f ,out T f ,in . (189)
wc p
This equation shows that the coolant temperature rise in the channel will be greater for higher
heat generation rates, larger fuel elements, and longer channels and smaller for higher mass
flow rates.
The heat transferred between the cladding and the coolant at any location z along the fuel
channel, per unit area of cladding surface in contact with the coolant, is given by h(TSH-Tc),
where h is the heat transfer coefficient. This coefficient can be assumed constant along the fuel
channel with no boiling in the channel. Hence, the heat balance between the fuel cladding and
the coolant can be expressed by the following equation:
hCSH TSH Tc dz q "'max Af cos dz , (190)
where CSH [m] is the fuel cladding circumference, TSH [oC] is the cladding temperature, and h
[kJ/m2 oC] is the heat transfer coefficient. Substituting Eq. (190) into Eq. (193) yields the
cladding temperature variation along the fuel channel:
q "'max Af L z q "' max Af z .
TSH Tc ,in 1 sin L hC cos (191)
wc p SH L
The temperature variation at the fuel pellet surface along the fuel channel and the
temperature of the fuel pellet centreline along the fuel channel can be obtained by means of
the following relation:
TSH Tc z
q "'max Af cos . (192)
Rx L L
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 135
Hence, for fuel pellet surface temperature, the following equations can be developed:
T f , S Tc z
q "'max Af cos , (193)
R f ,S L L
T f ,S Tc R f ,S L q "'max Af cos , (194)
1 tG tC 1
R f , S . (195)
hG rF kC rF tG hS rF tG tSH
The fuel pellet centreline temperature variation can be described by the following equations:
T f ,CL Tc z
q "'max Af cos , (196)
R f ,CL L L
T f ,CL Tc R f ,CL L q "'max Af cos , (197)
1 1 tG tC 1
R f ,CL . (198)
2k f hG rF kC rF tG hS rF tG tSH
Substituting Eq. (190) into Eq. (200) yields the fuel centreline temperature:
q "'max Af L z z
T f ,CL Tc ,in
wc p 1 sin L q "' max Af LR f ,CL cos L . (199)
The location of the maximum cladding temperature can be obtained by differentiating Eq. (194)
and equating it to zero, i.e., dTSH/dz=0. Hence:
cot 1 wc p RSH ,
zSH ,m tan 1 (200)
1 1
RSH . (201)
hAf hCSH L
The location of the maximum fuel pellet centreline temperature can be obtained by
differentiating Eq. (202) and equating it to zero, i.e., dTf,CL/dz=0. Hence:
cot 1 wc p R f ,CL .
z f ,CL ,m (202)
The maximum cladding temperature can be found by substituting Eq. (203) into Eq. (194):
1 1 2
TSH ,m Tc ,in q "'max Af LRSH , where wc p RSH . (203)
The maximum cladding temperature can be found by substituting Eq. (205) into Eq. (202):
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136 The Essential CANDU
1 1 2
T f ,CL,m Tc,in q "'max Af LR , where wcp R f ,CL . (204)
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 137
Figure 73 Temperature distribution in the fuel cladding and the fuel element
The reason that the maximum fuel centreline temperature is closer to the fuel mid-plane is that
the radial heat flow through the fuel and cladding at any section along the fuel channel is
proportional to the heat flux at that location. The temperature differences (TSH Tc), (Tf,S TSH),
and (Tf,CL Tf,S) generally follow cosine-shaped functions according to the heat flux cosine profile.
The maxima of the cladding and fuel temperatures are affected by the heat flux maximum (at
the fuel mid-plane) and the fluid maximum (at the fuel channel exit). Because the cladding is
close to the fluid, the impact of coolant temperature is strong, and hence its maximum is pulled
away from the mid-plane. Because the fuel centreline temperature occurs inside the fuel,
where the heat is generated, its maximum is pulled toward the mid-plane, where the heat flux
maximum is located.
where x is the flow quality in the two-phase mixture, hc,sat is the saturated liquid enthalpy, and
hfg is the latent heat of vaporization. The heat balance over the differential part of the fuel
channel yields the following equation:
L /2
w f h z hcold q '( z )dz . (206)
L /2
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138 The Essential CANDU
In the above equation, hcold is the inlet enthalpy in the channel. If the axial position where the
coolant starts to boil (the point where h(z)=hSAT) is defined as ZBB, the heat balance equation,
Eq. (209), transforms into the following equation:
w f h z hc , sat q '( z )dz x( z )w h
f fg
. (207)
Using the above equation, the flow quality of the two-phase mixture can be expressed by the
following equation:
x( z )
w f h fg
q '( z )dz . (208)
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 139
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140 The Essential CANDU
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 141
pellet and cladding. After a certain amount of irradiation, a number of peaks and valleys will
develop at the pellet and cladding surfaces. These may eventually produce contact between
fuel and cladding, improving thermal conductivity.
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142 The Essential CANDU
However, for horizontal reactor cores, such as CANDU, the assumption of radial symmetry
across the fuel rod is not applicable for certain flow regimes. This is relevant for situations in
which bubbly flow develops in the upper part of the fuel channel, or even more importantly,
when stratification develops (e.g., under accident conditions) in the fuel channel.
In these situations, the heat flux to the upper part of the fuel element could be smaller than to
the lower part. This results in a skewed (asymmetric) temperature profile, as shown in Figure
80. In such a case, the maximum fuel pellet centreline temperature will be skewed towards the
side with the smaller heat flux. This could also have an important impact on the cladding
temperature, and it is particularly relevant to some postulated accidents in which channel
stratification occurs.
7.4.6 Problems
1. A PWR reactor produces 2440 MWt with the following core information: UO2 pellet
diameter 0.96 cm; Zr clad inside diameter 0.98 cm; Zr clad outside diameter 1.12 cm;
active fuel length 3.7 m. The core contains 220 fuel bundles each with 14 x 14 fuel pins
(but 20 positions are used for control elements). The fission energy is distributed
uniformly across the fuel pin. and TB=300°C, kUO2=0.050 W/cm°C, hcool=1.8 W/cm2 °C,
hgap=0.57 W/cm2 °C], kclad=0.12 W/cm°C. Calculate core averaged fuel pin temperature
2. The core of a BWP reactor consists of 764 fuel assemblies, each containing a square
array of 49 fuel rods on a 1.9 cm pitch. The fuel rods are 4.4 m long, but fuelled only
along over 3.6 m of their length. The outside diameter of the fuel rods is 1.4 cm, the
cladding thickness is 0.8 mm, and the fuel pellets are 1.2 cm, thus leaving a gap of 0.2
mm. The UO2 has average density of 10.3 g/cm3. The radius of the core is 2.4 m, and the
reactor is designed to produce 3300 MWt. The peak to average power density is 2.6.
Calculate (a) the maximum heat flux in kW/m2; (b) the temperature distribution at the
location of maximum heat flux ignoring the gap between fuel pellet and cladding; and (c)
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 143
the temperature distribution at the location of maximum heat flux taking into account the
3. For PWR cylindrical solid fuel pellet operating ta a heat flux of 1.7 MW/m2 and surface
temperature of 400ºC, calculate the maximum temperature in the pellet for two assumed
values of heat conduction: 3 W/mºC, and k = 1 + 3e-0.0005T where T is ºC. The UO2 pellet
diameter is 10 mm, and density is 95% of the theoretical density.
4. A CANDU channel has a typical geometry of 37 fuel elements per bundle, 12 bundles
per channel, with power, pressure and inlet and outlet temperature. Assume for this
channel linear power rating of 60 kW/m; burnup at the time of peak rating of 50
MWh/kgU; sheath-to-coolant heat transfer coefficient 40 kW/m2K; pellet-to-sheath heat
transfer coefficient of 60 kW/m2K; and pellet density of 10.6 Mg/m3. Calculate coolant,
cladding and fuel surface and centreline temperatures in radial direction for each bundle
in axial direction assuming typical power distribution along the channel with a typical
power peaking factor. Draw appropriate diagrams showing the results.
5. A fuel pin with pellet radius of 4.6 mm, clad inner radius of 4.89 mm, and outer radius of
5.46 mm, calculate the maximum liner power that can be obtained from the pellet such
that the mass average temperature in the fuel does not exceed 1200 ºC. Take the bulk
fluid temperature at 307.5 ºC, and the coolant heat transfer coefficient of 28.4 kW/m2 ºC.
In the gap consider only conduction heat transfer. Fuel conductivity is 3 W/m2 ºC; clad
conductivity is 18.69 W/m ºC; and helium gas conductivity is 0.277 W/m ºC.
6. Using analytical technique develop equations for calculating temperature distribution in
radial direction in the fuel element (fuel pellets, gap, cladding and coolant) calculate
temperature distribution in radial direction at heat loading of 40 kW/m. For the thermal
conductivity in the fuel pellets assume the distribution shown in the diagram below. To
solve the problem approximate the thermal conductivity by a suitably selected quadratic
Compare the results with the case assuming constant average heat conductivity in the
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144 The Essential CANDU
9. Calculate axial temperature distribution of fuel centreline, fuel surface, cladding and
coolant in axial direction for a typical CANDU fuel assuming maximum fuel heat load of
50 kW/m, and average fuel load of 25 kW/m. Develop relations for and calculate the
positions of maximum temperatures. As per figure below, as a base case assume (1)
cosine heat flux distribution, (2) linearly increasing heat flux distribution to the channel
exit, and (3) linearly decreasing heat flux distribution to the channel exit, and compare
the maximum temperatures and their locations in the core.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 145
10. Using parameters of a typical CANDU channel, in the form of a spread sheet below,
calculate the axial temperature distribution in a fuel channel using the given parameters
in the spreadsheet. Identify the key parameters that affect the calculations, and
investigate the sensitivity of the results to these key parameters.
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146 The Essential CANDU
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 147
In addition to frictional pressure losses in the system, Table 9 shows the most important
pressure losses in the CANDU reactor core that are specific to CANDU reactors [IAEA2001].
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148 The Essential CANDU
The objective of calculating pressure losses with adequate precision is to optimize pump
capacity and power requirements, as well as to determine coolant flow rate in the primary
circuit, local conditions in bundles and sub-channels, and flow rates across parallel
interconnected sub-channels in fuel bundles.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 149
where P is the pressure, τw is the wall friction stress, G is the mass flux, θ is the inclination
angle, g is the gravity acceleration, dz is the differential axial distance along the channel, δz is
the infinitesimal axial distance in the channel, um is the mixture velocity, S is the channel
circumference, A is the area of the flow channel, and ρH is the homogeneous mixture density as
a function of flow quality, given by Eq. (213) [WAL1969]:
1 xe 1 x g
. (210)
H g
Equation (212) can be transformed into the following equation after performing some algebraic
simplifications and removing the integrals:
dP S d G2
W H g sin . (211)
dz A dz H
By substituting the fluid density from Eq. (213), the pressure drop equation can be obtained in
the following form:
dP S d xe 1 xe
W G 2 H g sin . (212)
dz A dz g
Equation (215) contains three pressure drop components on the right side: friction,
acceleration, and gravity:
dP dP dP dP .
dz dz f dz a dz e
The negative sign in the above equation indicates that pressure decreases along the flow path.
Separated flow model
In a separated flow model, both flow phases are treated separately, and therefore Eq. (212)
takes on the following form:
P P dz z dA W z dS
G u Ggug zdA H g sin z dA . (214)
The mixture density can be assumed to be a function of the two-phase void fraction as given by
the following relation:
TP g (1 ) . (215)
By substituting Eq. (218) into Eq. (217), the pressure drop equation can be expressed as (in the
same form as Eq. (215)):
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150 The Essential CANDU
dP S d
W 1 G u Gg u g g 1 g sin . (216)
dz A dz
Further developing the acceleration term using the relationship between the mixture and
phasic mass flux leads to the following expression for the separated flow pressure drop:
dP S d xa2 (1 xa ) 2
W G 2 g 1 g sin . (217)
dz A dz g (1 )
The frictional pressure loss occurs between the fluid and the channel wall. It depends primarily
on the fluid velocity, the tube diameter, and the fluid viscosity.
The acceleration pressure losses occur because of the change in fluid momentum between
different locations in the channel. They can be significant in channels with varying flow area
and fluid temperature.
The gravity-induced pressure loss in fact occurs because of a change in elevation, i.e., a change
of hydrostatic head. Therefore, it is relevant in vertical channels, particularly in piston flow. In
single-phase closed loops, the hydrostatic head in sections with upward flow cancels with that
in sections with downward flow.
Local pressure losses can result from many different flow obstructions such as valves, orifices,
bundle junctions, and appendages. In addition, changes in flow direction in elbows, T-
junctions, etc., can result in pressure losses. Significant pressure losses occur with sudden
changes in flow area such as sudden contractions, expansions, and orifices.
Using a term for local pressure losses as explained above, Eq. (216) can be written in the
following form:
dP dP dP dP dP .
dz dz f dz a dz e dz l
where L is the pipe length, G is the mass flux, Dhy is the hydraulic diameter (equal to four times
the flow area/the wetted perimeter), ρl is the liquid density, W is the mass flow rate, A is the
pipe cross section, and f is the friction factor. The frictional pressure drop occurs all along the
length and is hence referred to as distributed pressure drop. This equation is applicable for
single-phase and homogeneous two-phase flows, although the methods of calculating the
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 151
friction factor, f, and the density, ρ, differ in the two cases. Pressure drops across tubes,
rectangular channels, bare annuli, and a bare rod bundle (i.e., without spacers) are examples of
this component. The challenge in the above equation is to define the appropriate friction
factor f for the given flow conditions. This process is described in the following sub-sections.
Acceleration pressure loss
This reversible component of pressure loss is caused by a change in flow area or density.
Expansion, contraction, and fluid flow through a heated section are examples. The acceleration
pressure loss due to flow area changes can be expressed as [IAEA2001]:
Pa G 2
1 Ar W 2
. (220)
2 A02 l
The term Δvl describes the velocity difference between two points in the channel, Ar is the ratio
of the smaller to the larger flow area, Ao is the smaller flow area, and φ is equal to 1 for single-
phase flow. For two-phase flow, φ is described by the following relation [IAEA2001]:
x3 1 x g l
2 2 2 . (221)
g g 1 x l 1 x g
The acceleration pressure loss due to density change for single-phase and two-phase flows can
be expressed as:
1 1
pa G 2 . (222)
m o m i
For single-phase flows, this component is negligible, but it can be significant in two-phase
flows. For two-phase flow, the above equation can be used with ρm given by [IAEA2001]:
x2 1 x
. (223)
m g l 1
To evaluate acceleration pressure loss due to density change, accurate prediction of fluid
density is necessary. For single-phase flow, fluid density can be predicted reasonably well using
established relationships for thermo-physical properties of fluids. For two-phase flow, it is
necessary to predict the void fraction, and in turn the acceleration pressure loss, accurately to
determine density. Hence, the correlation for void fraction must be chosen carefully.
Elevation pressure loss
This reversible component of pressure loss is caused by the difference in elevation and can be
expressed as:
pe g l 1 g sin z . (224)
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152 The Essential CANDU
geometry and flow direction. Pressure drops across valves, elbows, tees, and spacers are
examples. The local pressure loss (i.e., the form loss) is defined by the following relation
pl Kl , (225)
where Kl is the local form loss coefficient, which has different correlations for different
geometries, single-phase flows, and two-phase flows. The challenge in the above equation is to
define the local friction factor coefficient Kl properly. This topic is covered in the following sub-
For friction pressure loss correlations, circular pipe, annuli, rectangular channels, and rod
clusters are the most common applications. For local pressure loss correlations, spacers, top
and bottom tie plates, and locations of flow area changes such as constrictions, expansions,
bends, tees, and valves are the most common applications. For CANDU-type fuel bundles, the
degree of misalignment of two adjacent fuel bundles is also important in estimating the
pressure drop. In addition, in-core effects like radiation-induced creep, blister formation,
swelling, and corrosion are also important factors affecting pressure drop, but are not dealt
with here.
Figure 82 shows the Moody chart for friction factor as a function of Reynolds number and pipe
roughness [MOO1944, IDE1996]. This logarithmic diagram is the basis for calculating friction
factors in single-phase flow in pipes. On the left side is the area of laminar flow, represented
by a single straight line. Towards the right side, a group of lines is shown that indicate higher
friction factors for higher values of pipe roughness and slowly declining friction factors for
higher Reynolds numbers.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 153
1 / Dtube 2.51
2 log . (229)
ftube 3.7 Re f rube
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154 The Essential CANDU
This correlation is often used in computer codes, but it requires several iterations because it is
not explicit in terms of the friction factor f. Many other correlations attempt to capture
different effects such as different parameter ranges or heat transfer effects. These include
changes in near-wall velocity gradient due to fluid density changes, bubble formation, sharp
variations due to liquid-film thinning, and liquid-surface or vapour-surface contact. These all
create different wall heating effects that have a significant impact on the friction factor, even
before two-phase flow occurs.
Many two-phase flow pressure drop correlations can be found in the literature. These
correlations can be classified into the following four general categories: (1) empirical
correlations based on the homogeneous model; (2) empirical correlations based on the two-
phase friction multiplier concept; (3) direct empirical models; and (4) flow pattern-specific
In addition, computer codes based on two-fluid or three-fluid models require correlations to
partition wall friction among the fluids and to determine interfacial friction correlations.
The most commonly used approach is the two-phase multiplier approach, which is described in
this section. In this case, the two-phase pressure drop is calculated by multiplying the single-
phase pressure drop by a two-phase frictional multiplier. Equation (233) exemplifies this
p f ,TP L20 p f , L 0 L20 L2 1 x
2 b
or , , (230)
where p f , L is the single-phase pressure drop based on only single-phase liquid in the channel
and p f , L0 is the single-phase pressure drop based on total flow as single-phase liquid in the
channel. Assuming f a Reb , the relationship between L20 and L2 can be expressed as
L20 L2 1 x
2 b
data and are expressed in the form of graphs or correlations that typically depend on quality
and pressure. A mass-flux effect is observed primarily at low flows (and hence is flow-regime-
dependent). Surface heating has a strong impact (a near-wall effect) on two-phase multipliers
in tubes and annuli, but not in bundles (due to compensating effects).
The correlation for a homogeneous two-phase frictional multiplier in its simplest form can be
expressed as:
f g
1 xe . (231)
f TP
The two-phase viscosity correlation can have various forms with different degrees of
complexity. The simplest correlation was introduced by Cicchitti et al. [IAEA2001]:
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 155
TP xa g 1 xa . (232)
In general, the following definitions of two-phase frictional multipliers are often used in non-
homogeneous two-phase flow:
dp / dz TPF , 2 dp / dz TPF ,
GO (233)
dp / dz LO dp / dz GO
dp / dz TPF , 2 dp / dz TPF ,
L2 G (234)
dp / dz L dp / dz G
where the denominators refer to the single-phase pressure gradient for flow in the same duct,
with mass flow rates corresponding to the mixture flow rate in the case of LO
and GO
, and
individual phases in the case of L and G . Among these, LO is the most popular frictional
2 2 2
multiplier for steam-water flow. Figure 83 shows a popular form of this two-phase friction
multiplier suggested by Nelson-Martinelli [COL1972]. The frictional multiplier is shown as a
function of mass quality and pressure. It rises sharply when two-phase flow is initiated (even
for very small mass qualities), and its value reaches 10 times the single-phase value even at low
quality. Moreover, the friction multipliers are higher at low pressure than at high pressure due
to the difference in volumetric and mass flow rates (as shown in Figure 22).
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156 The Essential CANDU
( z ) dz . (235)
The single-phase local pressure losses are given in Eq. (228). The two-phase local pressure
losses are normally obtained using the two-phase multiplier approach. In this case, the two-
phase local pressure loss is given by the following relation [IAEA2001]:
Pl ,TP l2, LO Pl ,SP . (236)
A simple form of the two-phase local loss multiplier can be obtained by the following relation:
l2,LO 1 xa . (237)
Sudden contraction
Single-phase loss coefficients for sudden contraction can be calculated based on flow-area
ratio, according to the following equation [IDE1996]:
3/ 4
K contr 0.5 1 f , (238)
where Af and Ao are smaller and larger pipe cross-sectional areas respectively.
In general, the irreversible pressure two-phase pressure drop due to a flow-area change is
estimated from the knowledge of single-phase loss coefficient using an appropriate model.
Sudden expansion
In the case of sudden expansion, the following correlation is used, which is based on the ratio
of area changes [IDE1996]:
K exp 1 f . (239)
Fitzsimmons (1964) provides the following equation to calculate the pressure change across an
abrupt expansion:
G 2 Ar2 l 2 1 1 2 1 1
p x 1 x , (240)
L g 1 Ar 2 1 1 Ar 1 2
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 157
where subscripts 1 and 2 refer respectively to the upstream and downstream locations of the
abrupt expansion and Ar = Af / A0.
Fittings and bends
The single-phase pressure drop due to bends and fittings can be calculated using the
appropriate loss coefficients from Idelchik [IDE1996]. For bends, the loss coefficient depends
on the bend angle, i.e., on the ratio of pipe diameter to bend radius. Because pressure drop is
dependent on piping component geometry, other specific configurations (i.e., end-fitting flow
characterization) must be experimentally tested to determine the specific pressure drop
The pressure loss through an orifice can be calculated using the following equation [IDE1996]:
W02 2
porf f orf LO . (241)
The loss coefficient in an orifice depends on the orifice geometry, particularly at the orifice
entry. An extensive description of loss coefficients with different orifices in single-phase flow is
provided by Idelchik [IDE1996]. For separated two-phase flow (stratified) at an orifice, Beattie
[IAEA2001] obtained the following expression for LO
0.8 0.2
1 x L 1 1 x 1 . (242)
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158 The Essential CANDU
flow with 40% blocked area (a blunt-edged orifice). The pressure falls sharply over the orifice
because of the sudden increase in velocity (according to the Bernoulli equation, Eq. (43)). Due
to turbulence downstream of the orifice, unrecoverable losses occur because mechanical
energy is dissipated into thermal energy. Therefore, downstream of the orifice, where the pipe
diameter is the same as that upstream of the orifice, the pressure is lower than it would have
been without the orifice.
Figure 85 shows the two-phase pressure distribution over the same orifice as in Figure 84. The
pressure drop slope is much higher in two-phase flow than in single-phase flow, which signifies
an increase in frictional pressure drop. In addition, the unrecoverable losses are much higher,
and the pressure recovery occurs over a longer pipe section (pressure recovery is “smoother”).
Grid spacers and tie plates
Because of the variation and complexity of their geometry, it is extremely difficult to establish a
pressure loss coefficient correlation of general validity for grid spacers. However, calculation
methods that are reasonably accurate for design purposes can be achieved. To determine
pressure drop across spacers more precisely, experimental studies are required.
Generally, tie plates are used at the ends of rod cluster fuel elements and structurally join all
the fuel pins. Unlike spacers, the flow areas on the downstream and upstream sides of tie
plates are different. Moreover, they are generally located in the unheated portion of the
bundle. An approximate calculation for design purposes can be made using the contraction
and expansion model for local pressure losses. In addition, the friction losses over the
thickness of the tie plates can be calculated using the hydraulic diameter concept. For two-
phase pressure losses, the homogeneous or slip model described above can be used.
Several short bundles are stacked end-to-end in CANDU-type PHWRs instead of the long single
fuel bundle used in PWRs and BWRs. Due to this basic difference in design concept, some of
the issues and geometries are unique to the CANDU design.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 159
diameter approach using a tube-based equation. Several correction factors are used, including
a correction for geometric effects (the differences between tubes and bundles); a correction
for eccentricity effects (differences between concentric and eccentric bundles) in crept
channels; a correction for channel shape effect (converging and diverging channels) in crept
channels; and a correction for surface heating effect.
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160 The Essential CANDU
value that depends on the degree of eccentricity and on the ratio of the inner and outer rod
diameters. Pressure tube creep and development of significant bundle eccentricity lead more
fluid to flow at the top of the bundle where the resistance to flow is lower, thus leaving the
bundle with reduced fluid flow. This phenomenon also results in development of a non-
uniform velocity distribution in the fuel channel.
The following empirical correlation was proposed by Snoek and Ahmad [IAEA2001] for a
friction factor based on experiments on a six-metre long electrically heated horizontal 37-rod
cluster (this correlation has not been validated or accepted for a CANDU fuel bundle):
f 0.05052 Re 0.05719 for 108,000≤Re≤418,000. (243)
The following empirical correlations were proposed by Venkat Raj [IAEA2001] based on a set of
experiments with prototype horizontal 37-rod clusters for PHWRs with a CANDU-type spacer.
They include the junction pressure drop (these correlations have not been validated or
accepted for a CANDU fuel bundle):
f 0.22 Re 0.163 for 10,000≤Re≤140,000, (244)
f 0.108 Re0.108 for 140,000≤Re≤500,000.
However, in addition to the above friction factor, in a CANDU fuel bundle, a number of local
pressure losses must be taken into account. The total CANDU bundle pressure losses must
include: (1) friction; (2) local resistances from bundle junctions, spacers, buttons (43-element
bundle), and bearing pad planes; (3) acceleration; and (4) end fittings.
Various authors have attempted to combine the above effects into a single pressure loss
correlation. The friction and form losses have been combined into a bundle loss coefficient
given by the following relation [LEU2004, IAEA2001]:
G 2 fbundle Lbundle G2
Psp ,bundle K sp ,bundle K junction K appendage . (245)
2 Dhy 2
The best approach for CANDU fuel bundles is to perform experimental measurements of the
pressure losses in a CANDU fuel channel experimental apparatus, i.e., in a so-called fuel bundle
or fuel channel flow characterization test. Once pressure losses have been precisely measured
for a fuel channel design, they can be tabulated or correlated in a convenient way for use by
designers and analysts.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 161
Figure 90 shows a comparison of typical pressure drops in single-phase flow with three bundles
with a misalignment of 45o compared to fully aligned bundles. This figure clearly shows that at
each bundle junction, an abrupt local pressure loss can be measured. If the bundles are
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162 The Essential CANDU
misaligned to a greater extent, the abrupt pressure drop at the junction will be larger.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 163 Use of pressure drop measurements to define the onset of significant void (OSV)
Because pressure drop measurements show such distinctive differences in pressure drop
between single-phase and two-phase cases, it has been noted that a sudden increase in
pressure drop at a certain location in a thermal-hydraulic network can be used as an indication
of the initiation of bulk boiling (i.e., the onset of significant void (OSV)).
Figure 94 shows pressure drop measurements for a crept fuel channel in which three different
power rates were applied, resulting in different channel boiling outcomes [LEU2004, POP2014].
The coolant inlet was on the left side and the outlet on the right side. The reference case (dark
blue line) is the case of sub-cooled conditions, with outlet thermodynamic quality negative and
nominal channel power. When channel power was increased to greater than 200%, the
pressure drop increased significantly downstream of the ninth fuel bundle because in this area
boiling was initiated, resulting in slightly positive channel outlet thermodynamic quality. When
the channel power was increased to three times nominal power, the outlet thermodynamic
quality further increased, and the pressure drop as well. Note that when boiling starts at a
certain location downstream (in this case, around the eighth fuel bundle), the pressure drop
starts to increase, which indirectly indicates the point where OSV occurs in this channel.
Hence, pressure drop measurements can reveal where boiling occurs in a fuel channel.
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164 The Essential CANDU
xOSV 154 for Peclet number ≥ 70,000. (247)
k f H fg
A modified Saha-Zuber correlation for fuel bundles is based on empirical coefficients using full-
scale bundle data.
The information covered in the previous sections can now be used to describe pressure drop
behaviour in a channel with various changes in geometry. Figure 95 shows such an example, in
which fluid comes from a pipe on the left side, flows through a pipe with a different diameter
and an orifice, and then into a much larger pipe on the right side. Hence, in this example,
major abrupt changes in flow cross-sectional area can be observed.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 165
Figure 96 Pressure drop behaviour with abrupt area changes and orifice
The pressure drop diagram for this case is shown in Figure 96. At the transition point between
the pipe on the left side (diameter D1) and the middle pipe (diameter D2), i.e., at the sudden
contraction point, the velocity increases to V2. As it accelerates, the fluid goes through a vena
contracta with eddy flow around the pipe corners. The recoverable pressure loss resulting
from the fluid acceleration is equal to V22 V12 / 2 , and the unrecoverable local loss (sudden
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166 The Essential CANDU
contraction) resulting from the turbulence around the vena contracta is Ke V2 / 2 . The
velocity in the vena contracta is higher than the velocity appropriate for the pipe with
equivalent diameter D2. Therefore, the pressure in the vena contracta decreases further
around the area occupied by the vena contracta. Downstream of the vena contracta, the
pressure recovers where the influence of the vena contracta terminates, and the fluid velocity
assumes the value appropriate for a pipe with diameter D2.
Following the sudden contraction, the flow goes through an orifice with diameter Do, through
another vena contracta, and experiences further unrecoverable pressure loss.
On the other side, where the sudden expansion from the pipe into the larger pipe (diameter D3)
occurs, the reverse happens. The velocity slows down in the larger right-hand pipe from V2 to
V3. Note that velocity V3 is different from V1 because of the different pipe size. At the sudden
expansion, the unrecoverable local loss resulting from the turbulence around the vena
contracta is Ke V3 / 2 , and the recoverable deceleration pressure gain is V32 V22 / 2 .
Note that the slope of the pressure drop curve in the three pipes is different because of the
different hydraulic diameters of the three pipes.
Having defined all the pressure loss terms in a piping configuration, it is interesting to compare
their absolute values and to obtain an impression of their relative contribution to the overall
pressure drop. This is done in Figure 97, in which typical pressure drop components are shown
for a fuel channel in a typical BWR reactor [TOD2011].
Figure 97 shows that for low mass fluxes, the relative contributions of the friction, acceleration,
and gravity terms are similar. However, with increased mass flux, the relative contribution of
the friction component significantly outweighs the other components. Note that the friction
component in the above figure includes both distributed and local losses.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 167
Flow instabilities are of particular importance for the reactor core. Under certain flow and heat
generation conditions, flow instabilities can cause significant changes in the fluid flow
distribution among certain channel groups in the core, thus exposing parts of the core to
insufficient cooling and consequent overheating, which can cause fuel damage. Moreover,
certain types of flow instabilities can cause pump malfunctions if the pump is not properly
selected. This section explains the nature of flow instabilities in the reactor core, provides
information on various types of instabilities, and focusses particularly on the Ledinegg
instability [TOD2011].
Understanding flow instabilities is instrumental to obtaining a good understanding of the
thermal-hydraulic system behaviour of nuclear reactor heat transport systems. A fluid flow in a
heated channel with a sub-cooled inlet condition undergoes large volume changes in a non-
uniform manner. Because the thermal and hydraulic properties of the flow change
continuously along the channel, the flow at any axial point in the channel can never become
fully developed thermally or hydrodynamically. Because the flow is not in equilibrium, the flow
properties fluctuate upstream and downstream of the point considered, often leading to
instability. Flow instabilities are of different types depending on the system configuration and
operating conditions. Flow oscillations can dramatically reduce the ability of the coolant to
remove heat from the reactor core. On the basis of primary features such as oscillation
periods, amplitudes, and relationships between pressure drop and flow rate, flow instabilities
have been classified into several types. Flow instabilities in a heated channel are usually
caused by two-phase flow and density wave effects. These instabilities are primarily classified
as static or dynamic. Some static and dynamic instabilities occur particularly during start-up
conditions. To this point November 13 late morning
The scale of instability can vary from macroscopic, involving the whole heat transport system,
to microscopic, occurring locally in some component or part of the thermal-hydraulic network.
In terms of the driving process, instabilities can be grouped into static or dynamic.
A “static instability” occurs when a small perturbation from the original steady-state flow leads
to a new stable operating condition that is not close to the original state. The mechanism and
the threshold conditions can be predicted using steady-state system characteristics. The
pressure drop characteristics, nucleation properties, and flow regime transitions of a flow
channel play an important part in characterizing static instabilities. Critical heat flux (CHF),
which limits the heat transfer capability of boiling systems, is influenced by static instabilities.
Ledinegg instability, flow pattern transition instability, geysering, chugging, and vapour burst
are also categorized as static instabilities.
Dynamic instability is caused by dynamic interaction among flow rate, pressure drop, and void
fraction. The mechanism involves the propagation of disturbances by pressure and void or
density waves. Density wave oscillations (DWOs), parallel channel instability, and pressure
drop oscillations (PDOs) are in this group.
Ledinegg instability or flow-excursive instability is characterized by a sudden change in the flow
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168 The Essential CANDU
rate to a lower value or a flow reversal. This instability will be further explained in this section.
Flow pattern transition instability is caused mainly by the different pressure drop
characteristics of various flow patterns. For example, if bubbly flow changes to annular flow
due to large void generation, the channel pressure drop decreases. For constant pressure drop
in a heated channel, when a bubbly flow changes to an annular flow pattern, the flow rate
increases, leading to decreased vapour generation. This makes the flow pattern revert to a
bubbly or slug flow pattern, and the cycle is repeated.
Geysering occurs at low power and low circulation flow rates. It occurs due to bubble
formation, growth, and subsequent collapse during start-up. In vertical channels during start-
up, with high inlet sub-cooling, voids are generated, and a large slug of bubbles is formed,
which grows due to the decrease in hydrostatic pressure head as it moves toward the exit. The
vapour then mixes with the liquid in the sub-cooled riser and becomes condensed there. The
condensed liquid re-enters the channel and restores non-boiling conditions. This process
repeats periodically and causes flow oscillations.
Vapour burst instability occurs due to sudden vaporization of the liquid phase with a rapid
decrease in mixture density. For example, a very clean and smooth heated surface may require
high wall superheat for nucleation. The fluid adjacent to the surface is highly superheated, and
vapour generation is rapid when nucleation starts. This in turn ejects liquid from the heated
channel. Rapid vaporization cools the surface, and the cooler liquid keeps vaporization
suppressed until the wall temperature reaches the required nucleation superheat, and the
process repeats. Vapour burst instabilities are observed during the reflood phase during re-
emergence core cooling of a reactor. Other CHF-related local instabilities are discussed in
Section 7.6.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 169
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172 The Essential CANDU
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 173
drop in the system will increase by δ(Δp) (the left upper green triangle). This will make the
pump further reduce its flow delivery, which in turn will make the pressure drop further
increase. Therefore, step by step, the pump operating point will move through points 2’ and 2”
to point 2.
Inversely, if at point 1, the pump flow increases by an infinitesimal amount δW, the pressure
drop in the system will decrease by δ(Δp) (the right lower green triangle). This will make the
pump further increase its flow delivery, which in turn will make the system pressure drop
further decrease. Therefore, step by step, the pump operating point will move through points
3’ and 3” to point 3.
Figure 101 clearly shows that while the pump operating point moves from one point to
another, the pump head and the system losses will be in equilibrium for a period of time that
depends on the system and the pump hydraulic inertia. However, given enough time, the
possible operating points must be at the intersection of the two curves. However, the only
sustainable stable operating point must be the intersection point of the two curves that
satisfies Eq. (251).
Thermal-hydraulic designers need to examine pump curves and system loss curves carefully to
ensure that pump head shape and slope satisfy Eq. (251), thereby ensuring that this type of
instability will not occur.
One aspect of Ledinegg instability (i.e., excursive instability) is the situation that can arise with
parallel channels operating under a common pressure drop [POP2014]. This situation can
occur in many thermal-hydraulic networks or components. For example, this may occur in a
reactor core with two types of channels under the same pressure drop, or in a CANDU fuel
channel with crept pressure tubes, in which the flow is split into two flow paths, one in the
eccentricity above the fuel bundle, and one through the fuel bundle (see Section
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174 The Essential CANDU
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 175
7.5.5 Problems
1. List and explain the most important factors that have significant impact on the pressure
drop in the CANDU primary heat transport system. Rank the components in the
CANDU primary heat transport system that contribute to the pressure losses in the
system. Explain how reactor aging affects pressure drop in the main heat transport
2. Explain the components of pressure drop in horizontal channels, and provide information
on the parameters that influence their value. Explain the approach used to calculate the
pressure drop components in two-phase flow.
3. A mixture of water and steam at mass quality of 30% and temperature of 400oC flows
through a 10 m long pipe with diameter of 4 inches. The mass flux in the pipe is 2000
kg/m2 s. Calculate the pressure drop along this pipe using the most appropriate two-
phase flow multiplier.
4. Water flows through an insulated horizontal pipeline 100 m long (no heat losses). Water
enters the pipe at temperature of 250oC, and velocity of 3 m/s. Assuming that the pipe is
made of carbon steel of commercial quality, calculate the pump power that is required to
maintain this flow.
5. Two-phase water-steam mixture at 10% quality flows in thermal equilibrium through a
horizontal pipe 6 m long with diameter of 18 mm. The water pressure is 8 MPa.
Calculate the two-phase pressure gradient in this pipe, and the total pressure difference
between the inlet and the outlet using the Friedel correlation provided below. The total
mass flux is 2000 kg/m2 s.
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176 The Essential CANDU
3.24 FH f go
2o E We0.035 E (1 x)2 x 2 F x 0.78 (1 x)0.224
Fr 0.0454
g f o
g g
0.19 0.7
Gm2 Gm2
H 1 Fr We
g gDe m2 m
x 1 x
m for homogeneous model
f jo if Re j 1055
Re j
Re j
f jo 0.86859 n for Re j 1055
1.964 n Re j 3.8215
Where: x is quality, ρ is density in (kg/m3) (g – gas, and l – liquid), fgo and flo are Darcy
friction factors, μ is dynamic viscosity in (Pa s), (g – gas, and l – liquid), σ is surface
tension in (N/m), and g is acceleration due to gravity (=9.81 m/s2).
6. Explain the cause and the impact of the Ledinegg flow instability in vertical channels.
Explain the importance of this type instability for the process of pump selection.
7. Explain the cause and the impact of flow excursion instability in parallel heated channels,
including the applicability and methods for avoiding or mitigating this type of instability.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 177
7.6 Heat transfer between the fuel elements and the coolant
Section 6.1 provides the fundamentals of two-phase flow, which are needed to understand the
heat transfer regimes in the reactor core. Section 7 provides the basis for heat transfer in the
reactor primary heat transport system. Section 7.4 provides details on heat conduction in the
fuel elements. This section now focuses on heat transfer from the fuel to the coolant.
Heat removal from the reactor core is an important issue in reactor design and operation. The
main objective of heat transfer analysis for single-phase flow in the reactor is to determine the
temperature field in a coolant channel such that the reactor operating temperatures are within
the specified limits, including the rate of heat transfer to and from a surface or object. Because
reactor power densities are typically much higher than for other conventional heat sources, the
heat removal rate from any given reactor core coolant channel is quite large. Heat transfer to
the coolant in single phase therefore requires a coolant with a large heat capacity.
The boiling curve shown in Figure 29 provides a good illustration of the boiling phenomenon
and the boiling crisis in the fuel channel, which have an important impact on reactor thermal
margins. This section discusses the wall heat flux in various heat transfer regimes and the
critical heat flux (CHF) in the channel and discusses their importance and the differences
between PWR and CANDU reactors. Appropriate diagrams explaining the variation of the
critical heat flux with key parameters are shown and discussed. In addition, CHF correlations
and calculation methods are described. The CHF is a critical parameter in reactor core thermal-
hydraulic design because it sets the primary limitations on reactor thermal margins.
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178 The Essential CANDU
For fully developed turbulent flow of non-metallic fluid, the general heat transfer correlation
can be expressed as [ELW1978]:
Nu C Re Pr w ,
a b
where µw is the fluid viscosity at the wall temperature and a, b, c, d are constants that depend
on fluid and channel geometry.
Heat transport with phase change such as in boiling or condensation is an efficient method to
transfer heat because latent heat per unit mass is very large compared with sensible heat. For
single-component fluids, the interface temperature difference involved for heat transfer in
evaporation and condensation is relatively small. However, when more than one component is
present in a system, the temperature difference can be higher. An example is condensation of
vapours in the presence of non-condensable gases. The two-phase heat transfer phenomena
relevant to reactors include pool boiling, evaporation in vertical or horizontal fuel channels, and
condensation inside or outside tubes.
As indicated in Figure 32, many flow and heat transfer regimes are possible in reactor channels
in two-phase flow, depending on many parameters. In addition, fuel and channel geometry,
heat transport conditions, characteristics, and materials have a significant influence on the type
and magnitude of heat transfer from fuel to coolant. As a result, in the literature, many heat
transfer correlations have been proposed, adopted, and used by various designers and
analysts. This section provides a brief overview of the most important correlations, focussing
on the critical heat flux correlations because of their significance for reactor thermal margins.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 179
For forced convection in fuel bundles, the following correlation was proposed by Weisman
Nu C Re 0.8 Pr 1/3 , (253)
where the constant C has the following form for square and triangular lattices respectively (S is
the fuel rod pitch, and D is the fuel rod diameter):
C 0.042 0.024, 1.1 1.3
. (254)
C 0.026 0.006, 1.1 1.5,
G 1 x) De
hc 0.023 Pr 0.4 f F , (257)
f De
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180 The Essential CANDU
F 1.0 for 0.1
X tt
0.736 . (258)
1 1
F 2.35 0.213 for 0.1
X tt X tt
The Lockhart-Martinelli parameter Xtt is defined as:
l g
0.9 0.1
1 x
. (259)
X tt (1 x) g l
The nucleate boiling part of the sub-cooled boiling correlation is defined as:
S 0.00122 T 0.24 p 0.75c 0.45
p l
0.49 0.79
hNB . (260)
0.5 hlg0.24 l0.29 g0.24
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 181
The CHF is a complex thermal-hydraulic phenomenon that varies with a large number of
parameters. This section explains the CHF phenomenon for various combinations of key
parameters and provides a discussion of CHF parametric trends. In addition, heat transfer
correlations for pre-CHF heat transfer regimes are provided and discussed [IAEA2001,
TOD2011, BER1981, DEL1981, COL1972, LWU2004].
Development of the CHF correlation requires a significant amount of experimental testing
because of the complex reactor core fuel geometry in PWRs as well as in CANDUs. This section
also provides a brief explanation of the experimental tests and their use to develop CHF
In forced convective boiling, the boiling crisis occurs when the heat flux is raised to such a high
level that the heated surface can no longer support continuous liquid contact. This heat flux is
referred to as the critical heat flux (CHF). It is characterized either by a sudden rise in surface
temperature caused by blanketing of the heated surface by a stable vapour layer, or by small
surface temperature spikes corresponding to the appearance and disappearance of dry
patches. The CHF normally limits the amount of power transferred, both in nuclear fuel
bundles and in conventional boilers. Failure of the heated surface may occur once the CHF is
exceeded. This is especially true for highly sub-cooled CHF conditions. At high flows and
positive dryout qualities, the post-dryout heat transfer is reasonably effective in keeping the
heated surface temperatures at moderate levels, and operation under dryout conditions may
be sustained safely for some time, particularly in BWRs or CANDUs.
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182 The Essential CANDU
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184 The Essential CANDU
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 185
occurs with highly sub-cooled liquid. CHF occurrence is due to the spreading of a dry patch
following microlayer evaporation under a bubble and coalescence of adjacent bubbles. The
occurrence of CHF in this case depends on local surface heat flux and flow conditions; it is not
affected by upstream heat flux distribution.
Bubble crowding is shown in the middle of Figure 107 for moderate sub-cooling or saturated
conditions and high flow rate. The bubble population density near the heated surface
increases with increasing heat flux, and a so-called bubble boundary layer often forms a short
distance away from the surface. If this layer is sufficiently thick, it can impede the flow of
coolant to the heated surface. This in turn leads to a further increase in the bubble population
until the wall becomes so hot that a vapour patch forms over the heated surface. This type of
boiling crisis is also characterized by a fast rise in heated surface temperature (fast dryout).
At the right side of Figure 107, the film depletion type of CHF is illustrated, which is possible
with a relatively low mass flux of saturated liquid in high void fraction flow. In the annular
dispersed flow regime (high void fraction and high volumetric flow), the liquid will be in the
form of a liquid film covering the walls and entrained droplets moving at a higher velocity in the
pipe core. Continuous thinning of the liquid film will take place due to the combined effect of
entrainment and evaporation. Near the dryout location, the liquid film becomes very thin, and
due to the absence of roll waves (which normally occur at higher liquid film flow rates),
entrainment is suppressed. If the net droplet deposition rate does not balance the evaporation
rate, the liquid film must break down. The temperature rise accompanying this film breakdown
is usually moderate (stable dryout).
Related to the above explanation of dryout resulting from a high void fraction, high flow rate
situation in a tube is CHF dryout in a fuel channel. This situation is typical of CANDU reactors in
which towards the end of the fuel channels, saturated liquid with significant void fraction and
mass flux flows through a densely packed fuel channel. Because the two-phase flow is very
well mixed, dryout occurs gradually, and fuel is not exposed to sustained loss of contact with
liquid, i.e., slow dryout occurs. During a slow dryout, the heated surface does not experience
the usual dryout temperature excursions; instead, a gradual increase in surface temperature
with power is observed. A slow dryout is usually encountered in flow regimes where the
phases are distributed homogeneously, such as froth flow or highly dispersed annular flow at
high mass velocities and void fractions. Under these conditions, liquid-wall interaction is
significant, limiting the temperature rise with dryout.
Calculations based on cooling by vapour flow indicate only that post-CHF temperatures are
below the minimum film boiling (Leidenfrost) temperature; hence, depositing droplets may wet
the surface, increasing the heat transfer coefficient. In a CANDU reactor, because the coolant
is close to saturation over most of the channel and at relatively high mass flux and void fraction
downstream of the rector mid-plane, the most probable CHF mechanism is slow dryout.
Therefore, in a CANDU reactor, the consequences of reaching CHF are not as serious as in a
highly sub-cooled PWR because the fuel surface can still be well cooled by passing steam and
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186 The Essential CANDU
As explained above, CHF is a complex phenomenon that depends on many parameters and can
be caused by different phenomena. Table 10 shows various parameters that affect the type
and intensity of CHF in fuel bundles. Discussion of all these effects is beyond the scope of this
textbook; details can be found in the literature [IAEA2001].
Table 10 Separate CHF effects in fuel bundles
Global Flow Area Effects n-rod bundle where n>>3 and all sub-channels are identical except for
corners or cold-wall-adjacent sub-channels (e.g., square or triangular arrays
of sub-channels)
n-rods where n>>3 and adjacent sub-channels are generally not equal (e.g.,
37-rod bundle geometries inside round tubes)
Sub-Channel Effects Sub-channel size/shape (similarity to tube)
Cold wall effect
Distorted sub-channels (due to bowing, cladding stain, PT creep)
Misaligned bundles (CANDU case)
Length Effects Similar to appendage effects
Spacer/Bundle Mixing grids
Appendage Effects Attached spacers/ bearing pads/ endplates (CANDU)
Flow Orientation Effects Vertically upward
Vertically downward
Axial/Radial Flux Axial flux distribution (flux peaking/global flux distribution)
Distribution Effects Radial flux distribution (global RFD effect, cold wall effect, flux tilt across an
Flow Parameter Effects Mass flow (including zero flow or boiling/flow stagnation case)
Transient Effects Power/flow/pressure transients
Combined transients
Effect of Fluid Type Light water
Heavy water
Modelling fluids (Freon) in conjunction with a CHF fluid-to-fluid modelling
A number of studies have been conducted by various researchers to investigate the effects of
various parameters on CHF. An overview of the parametric trends is provided in this section.
These parametric trends are provided for two different CHF approaches.
The approach based on fuel channel inlet conditions is very often used in CHF R&D because of
the convenience of using inlet conditions because these are easily measured and maintained in
CHF experiments. The other method is based on local conditions, i.e., the conditions locally
where CHF occurs. This approach is used in computer-based algorithms because a computer
program can easily calculate local conditions at the CHF location.
The discussion of parametric trends provided here must be related to the general trends
described in Section 6.1, particularly those illustrated in Figure 30 and Figure 31.
The most influential parameters affecting CHF are the fluid pressure, mass flux, level of sub-
cooling, and hydraulic diameter [IAEA2001]:
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 187
The general parametric trends on CHF based on inlet conditions are as follows:
1. Heated length has a very high impact on CHF because it affects the amount of heat
transferred to the fluid; hence, CHF strongly decreases with increase of heated length
and quality.
2. CHF increases with an increase in inlet sub-cooling (a decrease in inlet fluid
3. CHF decreases with a decrease in outlet pressure (decrease of channel pressure).
4. For sub-cooled conditions, CHF increases with an increase in mass flow.
5. For saturated conditions, CHF increases with a decrease in mass flow.
6. CHF decreases with a decrease in tube diameter (which decreases the level of mixing
and turbulence).
The general parametric trends related to CHF and based on local conditions are as follows:
1. The effect of heated length on local CHF is negligible.
2. Local CHF decreases with an increase in thermodynamic quality.
3. For sub-cooled conditions, local CHF increases with an increase in mass flow.
4. For saturated conditions, local CHF increases with a decrease in mass flow.
5. Local CHF increases with an increase in outlet pressure.
6. Local CHF decreases with an increase in channel diameter.
Figure 108 Effect of inlet temperature and Figure 109 Effect of outlet pressure in pool
mass flux boiling
Figure 108 shows the relationship between CHF (y-axis) and inlet sub-cooling (x-axis in enthalpy
difference below saturation) for several mass flux values in a straight heated tube [LEU2004].
This figure is drawn in terms of channel inlet conditions. Note that CHF increases with mass
flux and with the degree of sub-cooling. In other words, reactors that have more highly sub-
cooled coolant and higher mass flux can use higher heat flux before reaching CHF. This is an
important fact that demonstrates the strategy of operating PWRs.
In general, pressure has two key effects on heat transfer and CHF, one resulting from a change
in the saturation temperature, and the other from a change in the latent heat of vaporization.
As pressure increases, the saturation temperature increases, but the latent heat of vaporization
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188 The Essential CANDU
decreases. As a result, CHF increases with pressure, as indicated in Figure 109 [TOD2011].
However, as the pressure approaches the critical pressure, the latent heat of vaporization
decreases to zero, reducing the CHF.
Figure 110 shows the effect of coolant outlet pressure (x-axis) for several sub-cooling levels for
forced flow in a heated tube [LEU2004]. This figure is also drawn for a given level of channel
inlet sub-cooling. Again, this figure confirms that higher inlet sub-cooling results in higher CHF.
The impact of outlet pressure must be analyzed in combination with the channel inlet pressure,
quality, and volumetric flux distribution along the channel (the channel length is 3.658 m).
Figure 111, Figure 112, and Figure 113 show CHF parametric trends for local conditions in
heated pipes [LEU2004].
The effect of heated length is shown in Figure 111. It is evident that CHF decreases with
increasing outlet quality in the channel. Moreover, as the heated length of the channel
increases, the CHF value decreases significantly. Hence, for a very short heated length, CHF can
be five times larger than for long heated lengths. This is another important observation in
terms of CANDU reactor design. Because in CANDU the fuel bundles are relatively short, the
bundle endplates and other bundle appendages can significantly improve the CHF value
(further explanations in other sections below).
Figure 110 Effect of outlet pressure on Figure 111 Effect of heated length on local
flow boiling CHF
Figure 112 shows the effect of mass flux under local conditions [LEU2004]. Similar behaviour
can be observed with regard to the impact of sub-cooling on heat flux (for negative
thermodynamic qualities). For saturated conditions, the effect of mass flux is not as important
and should be analyzed in combination with volumetric flux.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 189
Figure 112 Effect of quality on local CHF Figure 113 Effect of tube diameter on
local CHF
Figure 113 shows, for local conditions, the impact of pipe diameter on CHF for various outlet
thermodynamic qualities [LEU2004]. It is evident that larger hydraulic diameters provide a
higher value of CHF for a given quality. Moreover, this figure confirms that for a given pipe
diameter, CHF decreases with increasing thermodynamic quality.
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190 The Essential CANDU
resemble the conditions upon which the model assumptions are based.
The annular film dryout model is based on a mass balance on the liquid film in annular flow and
postulates that CHF corresponds to depletion of this liquid film. Equations for droplet
entrainment and deposition have been proposed. The model provides reasonable predictions
of CHF for annular flow at medium to high pressures and flows and void fractions exceeding
The bubbly layer model postulates that CHF first occurs in the lower quality regime when the
bubble layer covering the heated surface becomes so thick and saturated with bubbles that
liquid mixing between the heated surface and the cooler core liquid becomes insufficient.
The Helmholtz instability model is applicable to pool boiling, where the boiling crisis is reached
when the flow of vapour leaving the heated surface is so large that it prevents a sufficient
amount of liquid from reaching the surface to maintain the heated surface in the wet
condition. The phenomenon that limits the inflow of liquid is the Helmholtz instability, which
occurs when a counter-current flow of vapour and liquid becomes unstable.
Empirical CHF prediction methods
Empirical CHF prediction methods can be subdivided into those based on inlet conditions and
those based on local cross-sectional average (CSA) conditions [IAEA2001].
The empirical correlations based on inlet conditions (overall power correlations) are all in the
form of empirical correlations based on CSA inlet conditions (P, G, Tin, or ΔHin) and usually
assume the “overall power” hypothesis. This hypothesis states that, for a given geometry and
set of inlet conditions, the critical power (the power corresponding to the first occurrence of
CHF for that geometry) is independent of axial or radial heat flux distribution. This assumption
permits the use of CHF correlations derived from uniformly heated bundle data to predict
dryout power in non-uniformly heated bundles of identical geometry (i.e., identical cross
section and heated length). This technique is a reasonable one for obtaining a first estimate of
dryout power; it gives reasonable estimates of dryout power in the annular flow regime for
symmetric flux profiles and form factors close to unity. However, it is not recommended for
form factors significantly different from unity. This approach can also be used to predict the
critical power of fuel channels with a fixed cross section, heated length, axial flux distribution
(AFD), and radial flux distribution (RFD), irrespective of the form factor. If the experimental
AFD and RFD represent the worst flux shapes from a CHF point of view, then the empirical
correlations can be used for lower-bound predictions. The overall power correlations have
generally good prediction accuracy. The best examples of this group are the Bowring
correlation for tubes and the EPRI-2 correlation for fuel bundles [IAEA2001, TON1996,
DEL1981, BER1981, CAT2005].
The overall power correlations have limitations, including applicability only to specific
geometries, heated lengths, heat-flux profiles, and the range of conditions in the database.
Hence, any variation of these parameters (i.e., extrapolation outside the database) may affect
CHF prediction and hence predicted reactor, channel, and bundle power. Moreover, these
correlations do not exhibit the correct asymptotic and parametric trends, and the axial and
radial CHF locations cannot be predicted.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 191
The local CHF correlations satisfy the local-conditions hypothesis, which states that the local
CHF is dependent only on local conditions and not on upstream history. In principle, the local-
conditions hypothesis is sound if it is based on true local cross-sectional average conditions.
The reference formulation of local correlations is based on the linear trend of CHF with critical
quality (transformed from the linear trend of critical power with inlet sub-cooling). Additional
terms are included for separate effects (such as axial and radial heat-flux distributions). The
local correlations must be used together with the heat-balance equation to determine critical
power and CHF location (which requires iteration). The best examples of these correlations are
the Biasi correlation for tubes and the Becker correlation for fuel bundles [IAEA2001, TON1996,
DEL1981, BER1981, CAT2005].
An important disadvantage of local correlations is a larger prediction scatter than with overall
power correlations. They are valid only for specific geometries, heat-flux profiles, and the
range of conditions in the database; any variation of these parameters may affect local flow
and enthalpy distributions and hence CHF. As with any correlations of this type, extrapolation
of the applicability range may result in incorrect predictions. Moreover, these correlations
have incorrect asymptotic and parametric trends, and radial CHF location cannot be predicted.
CHF table look-up method
Because most empirical correlations and analytical models have a limited range of application,
a more general technique is needed. This approach is based on developing a table of measured
values for different geometries and flow conditions and supplementing them in terms of key
parameters that affect CHF. This approach has become known as a look-up table method. The
look-up table includes normalized CHF data banks for reference tubes, triangular-array fuel
bundles, and CANDU fuel bundles of natural-uranium fuel in a nominal channel. The look-up
table is developed using generalized correlations and trends, and then experimental data are
superimposed to improve accuracy and ensure that parametric trends are captured. The look-
up table can be statistically extended to table matrix conditions.
The empirical bundle CHF prediction method requires an extensive database with an adequate
range of the parameters of interest. It is suitable for design calculations and for reactor power
The sub-channel codes predict enthalpy and flow in each fuel sub-channel. They require a sub-
channel CHF prediction method (tube-based) and a spacer mixing/enhancement model.
The enthalpy imbalance approach uses enthalpy imbalance (in terms of thermodynamic
quality) between the critical sub-channel and the bundle cross-sectional average values. It is
used in the tube-data-based CHF prediction method with a modified thermodynamic quality to
account for the enthalpy imbalance.
Currently, CANDU 6 design and safety analysis are based on the look-up table prediction
method. This method is applicable to other geometries or flow conditions through
modification factors embedded in the table. The present CHF values used in design analysis are
included in the look-up table for uniformly heated, vertical tubes of 8 mm inside diameter,
cooled with an upward flow of water. They cover the widest range of flow conditions (all
possible CHF regimes) and exhibit correct asymptotic and parametric trends (smooth transition
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192 The Essential CANDU
between various CHF regimes). In addition, detailed prediction uncertainty is available at sub-
region levels. To this point November 13 early afternoon
A sample of the CANDU look-up table is shown in Table 11 [LEU2004, IAEA2001], where CHF
values are provided in a table format as a function of pressure, mass flux, and quality. For
values of these parameters that fall between the values given in the table, an interpolation is
made to calculate the appropriate CHF value.
Table 11 Sample of CHF look-up table
-2 -1
(kPa) (kg m s ) -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 ... ... 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
7000 2500 10882 9986 8709 7496 ... ... 261 204 99 51
7000 3000 11730 10850 9620 8170 ... ... 346 263 112 52
7000 3500 12535 11558 10344 8740 ... ... 409 317 135 57
7000 4000 13317 12216 10929 9320 ... ... 470 317 136 58
7000 4500 14070 12839 11469 9769 ... ... 492 317 137 59
7000 5000 14792 13465 11954 10124 ... ... 521 326 138 63
7000 5500 15509 14000 12474 10713 ... ... 582 348 153 70
7000 6000 16208 14521 12931 11464 ... ... 655 379 179 84
7000 6500 16875 15091 13336 12214 ... ... 725 422 210 99
7000 7000 17529 15640 13763 12432 ... ... 795 476 243 116
7000 7500 18170 16174 14182 12682 ... ... 866 530 277 132
7000 8000 18806 16673 14610 12995 ... ... 936 581 312 149
Compared to other available prediction methods, the look-up table approach has the following
advantages: (i) greater accuracy; (ii) wider range of application; (iii) correct asymptotic trend;
(iv) requires less computing time; and (v) can be easily updated if additional data become
available. Applying the tables to transient heat transfer in bundles requires adjustment factors
to correct for geometry, flux shape, and possibly transient effects. Here the advantages of the
tabular technique (wide range of application, greater accuracy, and greater computing
efficiency) are particularly important to the user.
The look-up table approach has some disadvantages: (i) it is a purely empirical prediction
method, and hence it does not properly reflect the physics, and (ii) it could introduce
erroneous trends if the underlying database were subject to experimental errors.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 193
An example of a general form of a flux-corrected local CHF correlation for uncrept channels is
given by [LEU2004, IAEA2001]:
CHFlocal a1 P a2 G a3 a4 P a5 G a6 xcr . (265)
An example of a general form of boiling-length-average CHF correlation for uncrept and crept
channels is given by [LEU2004, IAEA2001]:
CHFBLA b1 P G b4 P G xcr
b2 b3 b5 b6
1 b7
q . (266)
The values of the parameters in the above equations are of a proprietary nature.
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194 The Essential CANDU
A B hlg x 2.317 h fg D G / 4 F1 D G
qcr" , A , B ,
C 1 0.0143 F2 D G 1/2
0.077 F3 D G
C , pR 0.145 p
1 0.347 F4 G /1356
F1 p18.942
R exp 20.89 1 pR 0.197 /1.917
F2 F1 / p 1.316
exp 2.444 1 pR 0.309 /1.309 For pR 1 MPa , (270)
F3 p 17.023
exp 16.658 1 pR 0.667 /1.667
F4 F3 p1.649
F2 F1 / pR0.448 exp 0.245 1 pR For pR 1 MPa . (271)
F3 p 0.219
F4 F3 p1.649
The above correlation is valid for channel lengths of 0.15–3.7 (m), pressures of 0.2–19 (MPa),
and mass fluxes of 136–18,600 (kg/m2s).
The CANDU fuel CHF correlation is based on the CHF look-up table and is given by the following
expression (note that CANDU 6 uses the look-up table method, whereas the Bruce and
Darlington designs use correlations [IAEA2001]):
CHF evaluation in the reactor core is of primary importance for estimating the reactor
operating margins with adequate precision and a good understanding of uncertainties. Figure
114 shows the concept of reactor operating margin evaluation as a function of reactor
operation (aging) [LEU2004, POP2014].
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 195
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196 The Essential CANDU
temperatures. In this case, CHF is considered as the reference point for post-dryout analyses.
The set of transient analyses includes the following scenarios: loss of regulation, loss of flow,
loss of Class IV power, loss of coolant (small and large breaks), etc. More details are provided
in Chapter 16.
The following terminology is used when evaluating CHF margins:
1) Dryout (or critical heat flux, CHF) occurs when the fuel sheath can no longer maintain
continuous liquid contact. Current licensing criteria are no burnout or dryout at any
location in the fuel channel (details depend on whether the first or second trip is
considered in the analysis).
2) Critical power (CP) (also known as critical channel power, CCP) is the power
corresponding to the first CHF occurrence (at constant pump head). Determining this
requires knowledge of various disciplines (physics, fuel, fuel channel, thermal-
hydraulics, etc.).
3) Critical power ratio (CPR) is the ratio of critical power to operating power.
4) Regional overpower protection (ROP) or neutron overpower protection (NOP) is aimed
at preventing burnout in any fuel assembly during a slow LOR event. It includes full-
core analysis of all possible scenarios and establishment of trip set points for various
Figure 115 shows the concept of critical channel power (CPR) used in the CANDU CHF margin
methodology, with channel flow shown on the y-axis and channel power on the x-axis
[IAEA2001, LEU2004, POP2014]. In this diagram, a critical parameter is any parameter
associated with the critical heat flux (CHF). Below the diagram, a CANDU fuel channel is shown,
with 12 fuel bundles and associated feeders connecting the channel to the reactor inlet and
outlet header.
The channel hydraulic curve (blue line) determines the level of channel power that can be
removed by a certain flow rate. Therefore, as power rises, the mass quality will also rise (two-
phase flow behaviour), which would result in a reduction in the mass flow rate that can be
pushed through the channel. To this point November 14 afternoon
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 197
The CHF curve (red line) shows the CHF values for certain combinations of channel power and
flow rate. As explained in previous sections, at higher flow rates, the channel power at CHF will
also rise (with the square of the flow rate). The intersection of these two curves shows the
actual point at which CHF will be reached in the channel for a given flow rate and power.
Hence, the intersection point defines the critical flow and the critical power at CHF. The left
part of the diagram for which power is less than the critical power is defined as the pre-CHF
region, and the right side of the diagram is the post-CHF region.
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198 The Essential CANDU
CHFRATIO . (273)
The above relation assumes constant inlet thermodynamic quality, constant outlet pressure,
and mass flux.
Figure 117 shows a comparison of CHF margin evaluation methods: the CHF ratio, the CHF
power ratio, and the critical power ratio [IAEA2001, POP2014]. The above explanation along
with Eq. (276) is illustrated on the left side of Figure 117. The MCHFR method is easy to
understand and implement. However, it does not provide a clear account of reactor power
margins because it uses heat flux instead of channel power, which makes it cumbersome to use
for power reactor applications (however, it is often used for research reactor applications).
The CHFPR method is shown on the right side of Figure 117 [IAEA2001, POP2014]. In this
method, rather than a ratio of channel heat fluxes, a ratio of channel powers is used that
represent a certain value of operating heat flux and CHF. This method provides a better
understanding of channel and reactor power margins with respect to CHF. However, it does
not provide a clear account of margins because as channel power rises to reach the CHF line,
the CHF line will also change position because it indirectly depends on channel power.
The most useful method in CANDU reactor applications is the critical power (CPR) method. The
principles of this method are explained above and illustrated in Figure 115 [IAEA2001,
POP2014]. The critical power ratio is defined by the following relation:
Critical Power
CPRATIO = . (274)
Operating Power
This relation holds for constant inlet fluid temperature and pressure and a fixed pump curve.
As is evident from this diagram, channel flow at point NOP on the hydraulic curve corresponds
to NOP power. Keeping the flow at point NOP, the corresponding heat flux that would have
resulted in CHF is at point CHF1 (the top blue point on the CHF curve), corresponding to the
critical power. CP1. The flow at point CHF (lower blue point on the CHF curve) corresponds to
the channel power. CP2.
Hence, the critical power ratio is given by the relation:
NOP . (275)
The margin to CHF is shown as the distance between points NOP and CP 2, as can be observed
on the right side of Figure 117.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 199
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200 The Essential CANDU
Extensive R&D support is required to gain a better understanding of CHF phenomena, including
support for development of CHF correlations and look-up tables and development of computer
tools. Any changes in design or operating parameters trigger a need for supporting R&D to
provide evidence of the applicability of the current CHF models. The general strategy in
performing supporting CHF R&D is to conduct it in an incremental fashion to minimize the cost
and optimize the work scope.
CHF experiments are usually based on constant flow conditions (inlet or outlet pressure, inlet
mass flow rate, and inlet-fluid temperature) and constant geometric factors (hydraulic
diameter and heated length) in each test series. The primary interest in these CHF experiments
is measurement of fuel power at CHF. However, determining CHF locations (both axially and
radially) is also an objective. The other measurements of interest are circumferential CHF
location, subsequent CHF occurrences (CHF spreading, or dry patch spreading), and pressure
drops along a channel experiencing CHF.
A number of CHF experiments are performed in a simple geometry consisting of one fuel
element simulator. In such case, the experimental setup consists of a pipe in which heating is
provided by direct electrical current flowing through the pipe wall and coolant flowing past the
pipe outside surface. Another option is to use indirect heating by a coil embedded in the pipe
interior. through which electrical current is supplied. In either case, the heat flux from the pipe
wall to the fluid is directly proportional to the strength of the electrical current. Axial power
profiles can be obtained by varying the pipe wall thickness in direct heating, or by changing the
number of coils per unit length in the case of indirect heating.
The pipe is equipped with various instruments to measure important parameters. Stationary or
movable thermocouples are used for wall temperature measurements. The stationary
thermocouples can measure only temperatures, i.e., burnout/dryout at specific locations in the
pipe. Therefore, these may not capture initial CHF value and location. Moreover, no
information on subsequent CHF and dry-patch spreading can be obtained with these
thermocouples. Moveable thermocouples provide coverage almost over the entire heated
length because they are moved during the experiment along the internal wall of the heated
pipe. They provide measurements of initial CHF, subsequent CHF occurrences, and dry-patch
spreading. However, they are more conservative, expensive, and time-consuming (when
scanning the entire pipe surface area).
More complex and sophisticated CHF measurements are performed in CANDU fuel bundle
simulators. One such simulator is shown in Figure 118 [LEU2004]. This fuel bundle simulator
consists of a 37-element full-scale bundle 6 m long. The bundle is provided with a simulator of
junctions and appendages and fully resembles a CANDU fuel channel. The wall heating
distribution takes into account bundle endplates and fuel distribution along the string of fuel
bundles. This device can simulate non-uniform axial and radial power distribution. Sliding
thermocouples are inserted into a number of fuel element simulators that are indirectly heated
by coils connected to the electric current source. Figure 119 shows an axial power distribution
in such a fuel bundle simulator, and as is evident in the figure, any axial variation in heat flux
can easily be simulated. Figure 120 shows a close-up view of one part of a fuel bundle and a
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 201
sliding thermocouple moving inside along the fuel element, with a sample of a measured fuel
sheath temperature [LEU2004].
Figure 119 Axial flux distribution in full-scale Figure 120 CHF variation along a heated
bundle test surface
One of the most important aspects and of CHF in fuel bundles is the impact of spacing devices,
which enhances CHF as the spacing value increases. In addition, the impact of radial power
distribution is important because it can result in asymmetric CHF occurrence in the bundle.
However, the 37-element and 43-element CANDU fuel bundle designs have enhanced features
that improve CHF design.
Figure 121 shows various spacer devices used in fuel bundle design for various reactor types
[IAEA2001]. These devices have a dual purpose: to keep the bundle tight, i.e., to minimize
radial vibration, and to enhance turbulence and thus improve CHF robustness (i.e., increase the
CHF value). In general, turbulence in pipes and fuel bundles creates better fluid mixing and
therefore easier removal of bubbles generated in sub-cooled boiling on the walls. This in turn
enables a fuel element to achieve higher heat fluxes without causing CHF by bubble crowding
on the fuel sheath surface.
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202 The Essential CANDU
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 203
reactor design, safety analysis, and licensing. CHF margins are the central issue in the licensing
submissions for nuclear reactors, and this application is a strong driver for full-scale fuel bundle
data, for quantification of the impact of separate effects, and for assessment of CHF
CHF R&D work is important to reach an adequate understanding of the phenomena involved
using fundamental and bundle-specific studies and parametric and separate-effects tests.
Certainly, CHF R&D is essential to develop prediction methods, i.e., CHF correlations and
models, and to validate these correlations, models, and reactor safety codes. The CHF tests
used for this purpose are a combination of bundle and separate-effects tests. The key
applications of CHF prediction methods are in ROP (or NOP) and reactor safety codes, fuel
channel behaviour codes, and fuel behaviour codes.
Experimentally measured CHF values are based on tests with defined inlet conditions. CHF
values based on inlet-flow conditions are limited to a specific channel geometry and heated
length. However, reactor safety analyses use the local-conditions approach based on local
pressure, mass flux, and quality to predict local CHF. For given inlet conditions, the local CHF
conditions may vary in terms of thermodynamic quality (or enthalpy). In such cases, low
quality (or enthalpy) is appropriate for short heated lengths and high quality (or enthalpy) for
long heated lengths. It is important to evaluate local thermodynamic quality using inlet flow
conditions and power.
When using CHF data, it is important to mention that all CHF data are obtained under steady-
state conditions in terms of power, mass flux, and sub-cooling. In safety analysis, CHF
prediction tools developed for steady-state conditions are used to simulate reactor transients.
If the transient is slow, i.e., longer than 10 s, no significant impact on the models is expected.
However, for fast transients (shorter than 1 s), a significant effect on CHF is likely.
Another important CHF application is related to thermal-hydraulic and neutronic responses to
CHF occurrence (partial bundle dryout). This application is strongly affected by the level of
success in predicting the spread of dryout in a fuel bundle. It has been experimentally
observed that the average CHF value that occurs over a large portion of the fuel sheath surface
can be much higher than the initial CHF at some cross-sectional locations. To capture such
important effects in dryout spreading, sub-channel codes are the most promising tool.
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204 The Essential CANDU
Several figures presented in previous sub-sections of this chapter are relevant to post-dryout
heat transfer. Figure 26 shows heat transfer regimes in vertical fuel channels, with clearly
shown areas of post-dryout heat transfer regimes in the upper part of the channel. Figure 28
shows a 3-D representation of the boiling surface for water, with transition and film boiling
indicated. Figure 29 shows a conceptual illustration of the boiling curve, again showing post-
dryout heat transfer beyond the CHF point. Figure 33 shows temperature profiles along a
vertical fuel channel experiencing various flow and heat transfer regimes, including post-dryout
heat transfer regimes in the upper part of the figure.
Post-CHF heat transfer is initiated as soon as the CHF condition is exceeded and continues until
quenching (rewetting) of the surface is achieved. Depending on the particular scenario and
flow conditions present, various heat transfer modes of the boiling curve may be distributed
along a heated surface, or a series of heat transfer modes can succeed each other over time at
the same location, as is the case during transients.
During sustained post-dryout heat transfer, the heated surface is cooled mainly by vapour flow.
Because of the relatively low heat-transfer coefficient for this heat transfer regime, the fuel
sheath is exposed to high temperature that may lead to damage. In this respect, it is important
to understand and determine the surface conditions and the coolant flow parameters at the
time CHF is reached, because these determine the impact of the post-dryout condition on the
fuel sheath.
Figure 123 shows various post-dryout flow types and heat transfer regimes on a vertical surface
[LEU2004, POP2014]. These are highly similar to those that occur in a horizontal fuel channel.
Type I post-dryout identifies a situation in which the heated surface has lost contact with the
liquid, but at one location, contact has been re-established, and this point acts as a heat sink.
In this case, heat transfer from the internal parts of the wall and from surrounding areas occurs
towards this heat sink, thus cooling the wall near the liquid-wall contact and preparing it for
Type II represents a situation in which a heated surface in post-dryout regime is flooded by
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 205
liquid water from the top. This figure clearly shows the quench front moving downward. The
upper part of the surface is well cooled, and obviously heat transfer occurs from the lower,
hotter portions of the wall upwards towards the cooler area, which therefore acts as a local
heat sink, preparing the lower part of the surface for quenching. Type III represents a situation
similar to Type II, but in this case, quenching proceeds in an upward direction by flooding from
the bottom. Type II and Type III post-dryout regimes combine into one regime for a horizontal
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206 The Essential CANDU
visible on the heated surface and may move intermittently back and forth along the surface, as
is typical for this pool boiling situation. At any surface temperature in excess of the CHF
temperature, the heated surface is partially covered with unstable vapour patches varying over
space and time, with frequent replacement of vapour patches by fluid. Although this may
seem similar to transition pool boiling as described above, the introduction of the convective
component improves the film boiling component by reducing the vapour film thickness and
changing the heat transfer mode, whether dry or wet, from free convection to forced
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 207
temperatures just in excess of the boiling crisis temperature, a significant fraction of the
droplets deposit on the heated surface, but at higher wall superheats, vapour repulsion forces
become significant in repelling most of the droplets before they can contact the heated
surface. The repelled droplets contribute to heat transfer by inducing turbulence in the
boundary layer to enhance convective heat transfer to the vapour.
Figure 29 shows that transition boiling ends when the heated wall surface temperature drops
to a minimum value, called the minimum film boiling temperature, TMFB. Several names are
given to the minimum film boiling temperature. They include rewetting temperature, quench
temperature, Leidenfrost temperature, film boiling collapse temperature, and others.
During dryout and wall temperature increase, the minimum film boiling temperature separates
the high-temperature region, where film boiling or vapour cooling takes place, from the lower-
temperature region, where much more efficient heat transfer in transition boiling occurs.
Knowledge of the minimum film boiling temperature is particularly important in reactor safety
During surface quenching (such as emergency core cooling), rewetting commences at the
minimum film boiling temperature and proceeds until nucleate boiling is established at a much
lower wall temperature. For this reason, predicting the minimum film boiling temperature as a
function of the system parameters is very important because heat transfer coefficients on
either side of the minimum film boiling temperature can differ by orders of magnitude.
Generally, TMFB is defined as the temperature at the minimum heat flux.
In summary, no liquid/sheath contact is possible for TW > TMFB, but possible liquid/fuel sheath
contact exists for TW < TMFB:
TW ,MIN . (276)
Film boiling
Two theories have been proposed for analytical prediction of the minimum film boiling
temperature. One theory says that the minimum temperature is a thermodynamic property of
the fluid (i.e., the maximum liquid temperature) and therefore is primarily a function of
pressure. According to this theory, the minimum film boiling temperature is associated with
the maximum liquid superheat (beyond which the nucleation rate is infinite and liquid cannot
exist). This theory comes from the equation of state and from homogeneous nucleation
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208 The Essential CANDU
The other minimum film boiling theory suggests that rewetting commences due to
hydrodynamic instabilities that depend on the velocities, densities, and viscosities of both
phases as well as the surface tension at the liquid-vapour interface. By this theory, the
minimum heat flux associated with the minimum film boiling temperature can be predicted
from Taylor’s instability criterion. Figure 125 illustrates the theory of Taylor’s instability
[LEU2004, POP2014, DEL1981, BER1981]. This figure shows a chunk of liquid that floats on top
of a vapour film above a heated surface. The instability results from gravity acting on the liquid
as a heavier phase on the top, and on the vapour as a much lighter phase at the bottom.
During fast transitions, where insufficient time is available to develop hydrodynamic forces
fully, rewetting can be expected to be thermodynamically controlled, whereas for low flows
and low pressures, where sufficient time is available and the volumetric expansion of the fluid
near the wall is large, rewetting is more likely to be hydrodynamically controlled. Once
rewetting has occurred locally, the rewetting front can then propagate at a rate controlled
primarily by axial heat conduction in the heated wall.
Figure 126 [LEU2004, POP2014] shows various film boiling types in pool boiling and forced
convection flow situations.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 209
Figure 127 Pool film boiling mechanisms with horizontal heated wall
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210 The Essential CANDU
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 211
Figure 130 Film boiling heat transfer temperature and velocity profiles
Away from the wall, temperature drops quickly to a lower value in the boundary layer, but still
remains above saturation. At the steam-droplet interface, temperature is close to saturation
and continues to be at saturation inside the droplet. The velocity is near zero along the wall
and rises in the boundary layer to a value representing steam bulk velocity. The steam velocity
is higher than the liquid velocity, and this velocity difference, and the associated interfacial
friction between the phases, carries the droplets upward. Because water is a much heavier
fluid than steam, a large velocity difference between water and steam is needed to produce
sufficient interfacial friction to carry the droplets in steam flow.
The heat flux direction on the left side of Figure 130 is from the wall to the vapour, and then
from the vapour to the liquid-droplet interface. Because the liquid droplets are saturated, any
heat added to the droplets results in a certain mass of liquid evaporating and joining the
vapour flow, and therefore liquid droplets continue to lose mass as they flow along the
superheated vapour flow. Heat radiation from the wall to the vapour and the droplets is
important only if the wall temperature is substantially above the saturation and steam
The right side of Figure 130 shows a film boiling regime with a liquid core in the pipe. In this
case, the velocity profile is similar to the one on the left, with the vapour velocity being higher
than the liquid velocity because the vapour is a much lighter fluid. The temperature profile
from the heated wall to the vapour is also similar. However, because the liquid core contains a
large volume of liquid, its internal temperature is assumed to be sub-cooled. Hence, the
vapour-liquid interface must be at saturation to maintain a continuous temperature profile. A
thin thermal boundary layer around the vapour-liquid interface with a steep temperature
change is evident.
In the inverted annular flow regime, few entrained droplets can be present in the steam film,
whereas the bulk of the liquid is in the form of a continuous liquid core that may contain
entrained bubbles. In dryout, the continuous liquid core becomes separated from the wall by a
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212 The Essential CANDU
steam layer that can accommodate steep velocity gradients. As a stable steam blanket is
formed, heat is transferred from the wall to the steam and subsequently from the steam to the
liquid core. For very thin steam films, heat transfer from the wall to the liquid is primarily by
conduction across a laminar steam film. For thicker steam films, turbulent flow occurs in the
film, and the liquid-steam interface becomes agitated. Heat transfer across the wavy steam-
liquid interface takes place by forced convection. This mode of heat transfer is much more
efficient than single-phase convective heat transfer between the smooth wall and the steam.
Hence, it is assumed that the bulk of the steam is at or close to the liquid core interface
temperature (i.e., the saturation temperature).
The heat flux direction on the right side of Figure 130 is from the wall to the steam, from the
steam to the liquid interface, and from the liquid interface to the liquid internal body. Note
that the heat flux from the steam to the liquid interface is partitioned into a part that is used to
evaporate a portion of the liquid interface and a part that is directed to the internal liquid body
as convective heating of the liquid. As mentioned above, heat radiation from the wall to the
steam and the liquid core is important only if the wall temperature is substantially above the
saturation and steam temperatures.
Heat transfer from the wall to the vapour and from the vapour to the liquid will depend on the
conditions of the surfaces, the flow patterns, and other parameters. This topic and the specific
heat transfer correlations are described in the section below.
Figure 131 shows various heat transfer regimes in film boiling of a dispersed droplet regime, as
described above [POP2014, LEU2004]. Solid lines in this figure indicate heat fluxes and their
directions, whereas the dashed line indicates mass transfer by evaporation.
As mentioned before for other heat transfer regimes, many heat transfer correlations have
been developed for post-dryout heat transfer regimes. The key correlations and those that are
most widely in use are covered in this section.
Accurate prediction of wall temperature in the film boiling regime is of vital importance in
accident safety analysis of the core and steam generators of advanced water-cooled reactors.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 213
The following four methods for estimating film boiling heat transfer are commonly used:
i. Semi-theoretical equations for pool film boiling;
ii. Semi-theoretical models to predict flow film boiling. They are based on the appropriate
constitutive equations, some of which are empirical in nature;
iii. Purely empirical correlations for flow film boiling, which do not account for any of the
physics, but instead assume a forced convective-type correlation; and
iv. Phenomenological equations for flow film boiling, which account for thermal
disequilibrium and attempt to predict the “true” vapour quality and vapour
Transition boiling
The wall temperature at the initiation of transition boiling can be calculated using the CHF
correlation (the lower limit temperature) [IAEA2001]:
TW ,CHF TSAT , (277)
where qCHF is the heat flux at CHF and hNB is the nucleate boiling heat transfer coefficient.
The upper wall temperature limit that occurs in transition boiling is the minimum wall film
boiling temperature:
TMFB TSAT , (278)
where qMFB is the minimum film-boiling heat flux and hFB is the film-boiling heat transfer
coefficient. Note that in general, heat transfer coefficients decrease from nucleate boiling to
transition boiling and then to film boiling, i.e., hNB > hTB > hFB.
Transition boiling is encountered only within a relatively narrow temperature range. For
example, for water at 10 MPa, the transition boiling wall temperature range is 300oC < TTB <
Tong [IAEA2001, TON1996] has developed a transition boiling correlation that is frequently
hTB 39.75 e0.144T 2.3 105 e105/ T Rev0.8 Prv0.4 . (279)
Very often, correlations containing boiling and convective components (valid for transition and
film boiling) are used, such as [IAEA2001]:
hTB A e BTSAT v a Rebv Prvc . (280)
An example of a phenomenological correlation (valid for transition and film boiling) is the one
proposed by Tong & Young and by Iloeje [IAEA2001]:
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214 The Essential CANDU
Film boiling
In addition to the above correlations, which are applicable to both transition and film boiling,
the minimum film boiling temperature can be given by the following correlation [IAEA2001,
DEL1981, COL1972]:
h 104
TW , MIN 284.7 0.0441 P 3.72 106 P 2 , Pressure 9000 kPa
(2.82 0.00122 P)h fg
. (283)
TW , MIN TSAT TW , MIN , 9000 kPa , Pressure 9000 kPa
PCRIT 9000
There is general agreement that the modified Bromley equation [IAEA2001] for film boiling can
be used for horizontal surfaces in pool boiling:
3 v r g 1 g v
hFB 0.62 v v . (284)
Ts v 2
This correlation is valid for pressures of 100–9000 kPa, mass fluxes of 50–4500 kg.m-2s-1,
qualities of 0.15–0.40, sub-cooling of 0oC–50oC, and tube diameters of 9–12 mm.
A general correlation for post-CHF conditions in tubes has been proposed by Groeneveld (1973)
a kg g
x 1 x) Prg Y
c d
hpcr ,ld Reg
De l . (285)
G De
Y 1 0.1 l 1
1 x , Reg
g g
For tubes, a=1.09ˑ10-3, b=0.989, c=1.41, d=-1.15. This correlation is valid for equivalent
diameters of 2.5–25 mm, pressures of 6.8–21.5 MPa, mass fluxes of 700–5300 kg/m2s, heat
fluxes of 120–2100 kW/m2, and qualities of 0.1–0.9.
Post-dryout look-up table
The post-dryout bundle look-up table method appears to be a suitable approach for the
following reasons:
i. Relatively simple to use;
ii. Provides correct asymptotic and parametric trends;
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 215
iii. Uses the most universal method with the best overall fit to the fully developed film
boiling data base; and
iv. With embedded modifications for complex geometries, it can be used to account for
CANDU fuel bundle effects such as geometry and spacer devices.
Table 12 Sample of PDO look-up table [IAEA2001]
Xe ΔTW = ΔTW = ΔTW = ΔTW = ΔTW = ΔTW = ΔTW = ΔTW = ΔTW = ΔTW = ΔTW =
50 K 100 K 200 K 300 K 400 K 500 K 600 K 750 K 900 K 1050 K 1200 K
-0.10 1.5664 1.504 1.474 1.358 1.177 1.134 1.280 1.395 1.532 1.705 1.833
-0.05 1.414 1.311 1.275 1.194 1.026 0.981 1.131 1.210 1.356 1.499 1.625
0.00 1.257 1.164 1.106 1.071 1.006 1.048 1.120 1.198 1.283 1.369 1.456
0.05 1.513 1.393 1.223 1.126 1.141 1.270 1.273 1.352 1.371 1.397 1.430
0.10 1.654 1.547 1.318 1.264 1.361 1.476 1.459 1.492 1.483 1.483 1.472
0.20 1.700 1.617 1.427 1.394 1.504 1.655 1.643 1.704 1.704 1.712 1.688
0.40 2.629 2.582 2.547 2.368 2.334 2.393 2.401 2.447 2.456 2.470 2.479
0.60 4.229 4.008 3.750 3.483 3.324 3.285 3.344 3.046 3.119 3.188 3.249
0.80 5.507 5.203 4.488 4.088 3.983 3.936 3.963 3.906 3.955 4.012 4.088
1.00 8.103 7.061 5.500 4.692 4.446 4.605 4.796 5.061 5.264 5.457 5.627
1.20 10.27 8.893 6.784 5.176 5.028 5.471 5.639 6.038 6.296 6.549 6.775
1.40 10.80 9.683 7.906 6.412 5.854 6.206 5.983 6.632 6.846 7.065 7.275
1.60 8.327 8.087 7.856 7.222 6.694 6.780 6.763 6.936 7.107 7.277 7.477
Prediction of post-dryout heat transfer in fuel bundles, particularly film boiling heat transfer, is
much more complex than that of CHF. Aside from requiring a fourth parameter in the look-up
table (“heat flux”), non-equilibrium effects must also be considered, especially in the region
just downstream of the quench, near flow obstructions, and at low flows. Fuel bundles are
equipped with bundle appendages (as in CANDUs) or grid spacers. These appendages have a
CHF- and heat transfer-enhancing effect and also a de-superheating effect, thus reducing the
degree of disequilibrium. They can also create multiple quench fronts.
Many experimental tests have been conducted with regard to post-dryout heat transfer to
investigate phenomena, develop correlations, and test prediction methods. For such
experiments, well-instrumented fuel bundles are required. Figure 132 show a cross section of a
fuel bundle with 37 elements at the dryout plane and the appendages plane. A number of fuel
element simulators were equipped with movable temperature thermocouples. For each of the
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216 The Essential CANDU
instrumented fuel elements, using different colour codes, dry-patch spreading is indicated by a
circular line around the element for each overpower test. Different behaviour is evident for
different fuel elements, depending on the flow and heat transfer regimes that occur. These
experiments provide very useful information about post-dryout heat transfer in a fuel bundle.
The objective of these experiments is to measure temperature profiles in various flow regimes,
such as dispersed flow film boiling, and to measure dryout or dry-patch spreading around the
bundle. The sheath temperature in such a heat transfer regime rises gradually with power or
decreasing flow, i.e., it is controllable with flow condition variation. Maximum sheath
temperature is predictable and occurs at locations just upstream of appendage planes. Dry
patches are stable and propagate gradually with flow condition variations, which makes these
experiments easily controllable and measurable. In Figure 132, it can be readily seen that at
different overpower levels (i.e., power above nominal power), a different extent of wall
circumference was in dryout for different fuel pins [LEU2004]. On the left side, a test fuel
bundle is shown, with instrumented fuel pins shaded. The right side shows, using different
colours, the portions of the circumference of a fuel pin that were measured to be in dryout at
different overpower levels. Generally, the higher the power above nominal power, the larger
was the portion of the circumference that was in dryout.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 217
steam-water flow using movable thermocouples. In this case, increased surface coverage was
achieved, i.e., more temperature measurements were collected at different places along the
fuel element. However, a limited range of powers was applied to avoid damaging the fuel
A CANDU fuel bundle simulator for post-dryout water experiments is shown in Figure 118. It
consists of a 6 m-long full-scale bundle string of fuel elements with junctions and appendages.
In these experiments, a uniform axial power profile and a non-uniform radial power profile
were used, simulating natural uranium fuel. Sliding thermocouples were installed inside rods
at several downstream bundles in the string.
CANDU bundle post-dryout Freon experiments were also performed with movable
thermocouples inside the elements of a CANDU 37-element bundle simulator. In these
experiments, because of the lower power, temperature, and pressure conditions, fine axial and
radial movements were achievable, providing detailed temperature profiles. Freon-134a was
used as a coolant, enabling low operating power and sheath temperature and high overpower
ratios (i.e., local-to-critical power ratios). With Freon, a relatively wide range of test conditions
could be investigated because these experiments were not as expensive as the water
Figure 133 shows a circumferential distribution of sheath temperatures in a Freon-cooled post-
dryout bundle experiment as a function of overpower percentage [LEU2004]. Nominal power
means 0% overpower. This figure shows the results of tests on various overpower situations,
up to 60% higher than nominal power.
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218 The Essential CANDU
The application of post-dryout heat transfer is focussed on the safety analysis of postulated
events in power reactors, including CANDU. More details about safety analysis of power
reactors are provided in Chapter 16, and in this section, these topics are considered only from
the perspective of heat transfer.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 219
where Reg=G⋅X⋅D/μg and ρw is vapour density at wall surface temperature. This correlation is
valid for pressures of 4–22 MPa, mass fluxes up to 0.42 Mgˑm-2s-1, ρl/ρg=0.5–0.9, and Re=105–
7.6.7 Problems
1. Explain the most important aspects of the three approaches of calculating reactor
dryout margins: by CHF ratio, by critical CHF power ratio, and by critical power ration.
Provide comments on the applicability of these three approaches.
2. Describe the three main mechanisms that lead to dryout in forced flow in horizontal
heated pipes. With respect to these mechanisms, provide explanation on the difference
between heated tubes and fuel channels with fuel bundles.
3. Provide explanation about the difference in the following terms boiling crises CHF,
dryout, burnout, departure from nucleate boiling, and post-dryout in fuel bundles.
Provide examples of conditions where these terms are applicable.
4. Explain the most important parameters that affect CHF, and explain the parametric
trends that are used to gain appropriate understanding of the dryout in heated pipes
and fuel bundles.
5. Explain the main transition boiling and film boiling types in vertical and horizontal pipes
and channels, list the heat transfer modes and provide explanation on the importance
of these modes.
6. A PWR reactor uses UO2 cylindrical fuel pellets, 12.7-mm diameter, with a helium-filled
gap of 0.075 mm, and Zr cladding of 0.762 mm. The fuel rods are arranged in a square
lattice, with a pitch of 1.8 cm. At a particular section, the bulk water temperature and
velocity are 270°C and 4.5 m/s respectively. The volumetric heat generation at this
location is 5 x 104 kW/m3. Calculate (a) the convective heat transfer coefficient using
the Dittus-Boelter equation, and (b) the minimum system pressure so that no boiling
occurs in the film.
7. Calculate the local CHF for vertical upward flow of water inside a uniformly heated tube
(0.012 m ID) at the following conditions: pressure 8200 kPa, mass flux 5000 kg.m -2.s-1,
and quality 0.175. Use the most appropriate correlation for these flow conditions.
8. Using the most appropriate correlation calculate the post-dryout wall temperature for a
vertical water-cooled tube of 0.015 m inside diameter. The following parameters are
given: inlet temperature 250oC, inlet pressure 9 500 kPa, mass flux 3961 kg.m-2.s-1, local
pressure 9400 kPa, local heat flux 1500 kW/m2, local quality 0.225.
9. Evaluate the dryout power for a 3658-m-long tube of 0.0095 m ID, heated with a
symmetric-cosine heat flux. The flux profile has been discretized as
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220 The Essential CANDU
Length 0.05 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.81 1.01 1.21 1.42 1.62 1.82
(m) 1 3 6 7 3 6 9 2 6 9
qloc/qavg 0.3 0.37 0.45 0.66 0.86 1.03 1.17 1.27 1.33 1.38 1.35
Length 2.03 2.23 2.43 2.64 2.84 3.04 3.25 3.45 3.60 3.65
(m) 2 5 8 2 5 8 1 4 7 8
qloc/qavg 1.38 1.33 1.27 1.17 1.03 0.86 0.66 0.45 0.37 0.30
More nodes can be introduced to improve the accuracy of the predictions of dryout
location and power. Theoretically, an infinite number of nodes should be used for a
smooth profile. For a stepped profile, the number of nodes corresponds to the number
of steps since dryout generally occurs at the end of a step.
The flow conditions are: pressure 6930 kPa, mass flux 2050 kg.m -2.s-1, and inlet
subcooling 280.75 kJ/kg.
10. A pressure tube, with inside diameter of 103.86 mm, contains twelve 37-element
bundles of the following dimension: bundle length: 495.3 mm, and fuel element outer
diameter 13.06 mm.
Total power generated over the bundle string is 6.3 MW, and the axial power profile is
uniform. The channel is cooled with a flow of light water at the following conditions:
outlet pressure 9 MPa, mass flow rate: 17 kg/s, inlet fluid temperature 265C.
Evaluate dryout power ratio for this channel, and surface temperature distribution
along the bundle string at an overpower of 10% (overpower is defined as (String-
Power/Dryout-Power – 1)*100%).
Previous research findings appropriate to this problem:
Heat-transfer coefficient at nucleate boiling for the 37-element bundle is 120
kW/(m2oK) at the pressure of 9 MPa, mass flux of 5 Mg/(m 2 s) and quality of
Heat-transfer coefficient at single-phase liquid flow is about 50% of that at
nucleate boiling.
CHF in the 37-element bundle is 20% lower than that in tubes based on cross-
sectional average flow conditions.
Heat-transfer coefficient at fully developed film boiling for the 37-element
bundle is the same as that for tubes.
Overall loss coefficient is 1.7 for a 37-element bundle inside a pressure tube of
103.86 mm.
The homogeneous equation is the most appropriate for two-phase multiplier.
Basic assumptions:
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 221
Nucleate boiling heat transfer coefficient does not vary with flow conditions.
Fully developed film-boiling heat transfer is reached once local heat flux exceeds
Equilibrium flow in the channel.
Pressure drop due to acceleration is negligible.
11. In the middle of a reactor channel of a PWR reactor the bulk coolant temperature of the
turbulent coolant flow is 310oC at pressure of 14 MPa. The heat transfer coefficient in
nuclear boiling is 4.44 MW/m2 oK. Calculate the minimum heat flux at that location to
initiate nucleate boiling.
12. Water enters a heated tube of 2.5 cm diameter at 12 MPa and velocity of 2.5 m/s. The
linear heat load in the tube is constant at 100 kW/m. Calculate the distance in the tube
at which nucleate boiling starts, and distance at which it converts to bulk boiling.
Compare the heat transfer coefficients for forced convective heat transfer with these
for nucleate boiling and bulk boiling.
13. A pipe of 15 mm diameter and 3.5 m length is heated with a constant heat flux, and
total heat load of 200 kW (appropriately insulated, i.e., no heat losses). The pipe is
cooled by water at 150oC and pressure of 2 MPa, which flows through the pipe with
enters into the pipe with a velocity of 3 m/s. Calculate the mass flux of the water, and
the minimum ratio of the heat flux in the pipe and the critical heat flux.
14. Boiling water reactor operates at average pressure in the core of 8 MPa, and the
recirculation ratio of 7:1. The average velocity of the two-phase mixture in the core is 8
m/s. Calculate the critical heat flux at the exit of the reactor core channel.
15. List and explain the most important geometrical factors that have significant impact on
CHF in horizontal fuel channels.
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222 The Essential CANDU
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 223
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224 The Essential CANDU
1. Flow of sub-cooled water with condensing steam in a vertical pipe (Figure 135)
This type of water hammer is a typical BWR case in which, during a large LOCA event,
steam lines discharge water into the suppression pool. If the valve is quickly closed or
reduced significantly, a steam pocket remaining in the steam line can condense rapidly,
which pulls water from the suppression pool towards the valve, thus creating water
hammer [EPRI1996, POP2014].
Figure 135 Flow of sub-cooled water with steam condensing in vertical pipe (water cannon)
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 225
This type of water hammer can occur in any of the PWR and BWR reactors with refilling
of a steam-filled pipe either from the bottom or from the top [EPRI1996]. If pressurized
sub-cooled water enters a pipe filled with steam in a piston flow regime, it can create
steam trapping. The filling rate for this situation is determined by the inertia of the
liquid and the pressure induced by the pump or other refilling device. Water hammer
occurs in this situation if the refilling rate is higher than the bubble rise velocity for the
top refilling case. This type of water hammer can also occur in CANDU reactors.
Figure 137 Pressurized water flowing in a vertical pipe filled with steam
4. Hot water entering a low-pressure line (Figure 138)
This type of water hammer can occur in PWRs, BWRs, and CANDUs. In this case, hot
water flowing down the pipe will flash and create a pressure wave flowing upstream,
thus creating water hammer on the upstream valve. The cold part of the sub-cooled
water that was initially outside and below the pressure vessel can create water hammer
on the downstream valve as it enters the steam-filled part of the pipe [EPRI1996].
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226 The Essential CANDU
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 227
7.8.2 Analytical models and computer codes for water hammer analysis
Water hammer assessment is performed using analytical models and computer programs
designed for this purpose. A detailed discussion of this topic is beyond the scope of this
textbook, and hence this chapter provides only a brief summary.
The analytical models consist of governing differential equations for transient single-phase or
two-phase flow. Usually, the flow is assumed to be one-dimensional because it describes flow
in piping systems. The governing differential equations are solved by appropriate numerical
techniques. Then a network model is created in which physical representations of various
system components are introduced as boundary conditions. Usually, a number of constitutive
correlations are used to cover system-specific phenomena.
Usually, analytical models for liquid, gas, or two-phase mixtures are based on rigid and elastic
column theories of the piping system. It is important to recognize that the severity of water
hammer is proportional to the level of rigidity of the piping system. Therefore, an increased
level of piping elasticity reduces the consequences of water hammer because elastic pipe
systems can absorb the energy of the pressure waves traveling through the system.
Software packages vary in complexity depending on the processes modelled. The more
sophisticated packages may have one or more of the following features:
Multiphase flow capabilities;
An algorithm for cavitation growth and collapse;
Unsteady-state friction: the pressure waves dampen as turbulence is generated and due
to variations in the flow velocity distribution;
Varying bulk modulus for higher pressures (water becomes less compressible);
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228 The Essential CANDU
Fluid-structure interaction: the pipeline reacts on the varying pressures and causes
pressure waves itself.
Most computer programs that can model water hammer are the same as those used to model
general piping networks. However, computer codes may not be completely successful in
modelling all types of water hammer, particularly condensation-induced water hammer, which
is quite challenging. The RELAP5 code [REL2010] is an example of such a network code that can
model certain types of water hammer for PWRs and BWRs. For CANDU reactors, the CATHENA
computer code [CAT1998, CAT2000, CAT2005] has been validated for use in analysis of certain
types of water hammer.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 229
iv. Review plant-specific thermal-hydraulic system operating procedures and designs with
respect to water hammer occurrence;
v. Document the findings of the above assessment; and
vi. Develop recommendations for improving plant-specific design features or operating
procedures to reduce the probability of water hammer.
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230 The Essential CANDU
malfunctioning of a valve actuator. Hence, any system with this type of valve is at risk
of experiencing this type of water hammer.
Prevention or mitigation by design involves valve modifications to prevent this type of
valve operation. Mitigation or prevention by procedure aims to avoid valve cycling in
systems with significant flow, or perhaps uses a special monitoring capability to sense a
pressure difference across a valve and to use it as a signal for actuating the valve.
2. Flow of sub-cooled water with condensing steam in a vertical pipe
This water hammer phenomenon is unique to steam turbine exhaust piping that
discharges into a body of water. This happens when reduced steam supply to the
turbine traps steam in the exhaust piping.
The only way to prevent or mitigate this type of water hammer is to install a vacuum
breaker with sufficient capacity to replace the condensing steam in the exhaust piping
from a tripped turbine.
3. Counter-current flow of steam and water in a horizontal pipe
This type of water hammer happens in steam generators when a horizontal feedwater
pipe is slowly filled in counter-current flow. It can also happen in horizontal sections of
CANDU feeders when injecting cold ECC water.
One design option for mitigation is to shorten the horizontal portions of piping systems,
or to have the horizontal piping slightly inclined. A procedural modification may involve
better control of the water flow to affected areas.
4. Pressurized water entering a vertical pipe filled with steam
This type of water hammer can happen unexpectedly due to valve leakage, which can
lead to accumulating hot water pockets (which could quickly flash or condense) in the
closed parts of piping systems. This kind of water hammer can also occur if high-
pressure water is pumped into a system filled with steam (such as injection of ECC into
steam-filled CANDU headers or feeders).
One mitigation design change involves keeping the system full of water and preventing
valve leakage. In addition, installation of void detection devices at places where valve
back-leakage may occur can be a solution. A procedural modification may involve
venting steam pockets before injecting water or starting pumps.
5. Hot water entering a low-pressure line
This type of water hammer is typical of heater drain systems in cases where a reservoir
of hot water is being discharged into low-pressure piping.
A possible preventative design change is to modify the control system to avoid cyclic
dumping of hot water. Installing a flow control valve with slowly increasing flow can
also address this problem. A procedural change may involve placing a high-pressure
feedwater heater back in operation without inadvertently actuating the emergency
dump system.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 231
7.8.5 Problems
1. Explain the reasons and consequences of water hummer in thermal-hydraulic equipment.
Provide examples of possible water hummer situations in the CANDU heat transport
systems, and indicate the strategies for mitigating the effects.
2. List the types of water hummer in CANDU heat transport system, and for each type list
and explain the strategy for avoiding or mitigating it.
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232 The Essential CANDU
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 233
two-phase (liquid continuous), and reflux condensation (or boiler-condenser mode for once-
through steam generators). Progression from the single-phase mode through the two-phase
and reflux condensation modes occurs as primary system liquid inventory decreases, as shown
in Figure 142 [IAEA2005, IAEA2012, POP2012a]. Natural circulation flow in a sub-cooled
primary heat transport loop (such as in PWRs) is driven by temperature-induced density
gradients, enhanced by a thermal centre elevation difference between the hot (core) and cold
(steam generator) regions in the primary loop. This density gradient produces a buoyancy
force that drives the natural circulation flow. Hence, single-phase natural circulation is the flow
of an essentially sub-cooled primary liquid driven by liquid density differences within the
primary loop.
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234 The Essential CANDU
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 235
ii. Simplified system. Generally refers to the simplified piping and equipment
layout of the system, such as minimization of U-bends, elbows, loop seals, etc.
This not only results in a simplified system, but also results in low pressure losses
and prevents phase separation from promoting natural circulation flow.
iii. Elimination of components. An example in this case is the possible elimination
of mechanical separators.
c) Low mass flux. Low driving force and the consequent use of large-diameter
components result in low mass flux in natural circulation systems compared to forced
circulation systems. With low mass flux, the allowable maximum channel power is
lower, leading to larger core volume than in a forced circulation system of the same
d) Instability effects. Although instability is common to both forced and natural circulation
systems, the latter are inherently less stable than forced circulation systems. This is
attributable to the nonlinear nature of the natural circulation phenomenon, where any
change in the driving force affects the flow, which in turn affects the driving force,
possibly leading to oscillatory behaviour.
e) Low pressure and low flow regime. In natural circulation systems, the flow rate is a
strong function of power and system pressure. Moreover, the flow is stagnant when
the reactor power is zero during initial start-up. The operating conditions of natural
circulation systems can fall into the low-power, low-flow regime, where validated
thermal-hydraulic relationships are not readily available.
f) Specification of a start-up and operating procedure. It is well known that most boiling
systems exhibit instabilities at low pressures and low qualities. Therefore, natural
circulation reactors must be started up from a stagnant low-pressure, low-temperature
condition. During the pressure and power raising process, passing through an unstable
zone shall be avoided because instability can cause premature CHF occurrence.
g) Low CHF. The basis for thermal margin is the CHF, which depends on geometric and
operating parameters. Because flow in natural circulation reactors is less, designers of
these reactors tend to use the maximum allowable exit quality to minimize their size.
This means that the CHF value of the reactor tends to be significantly lower than in the
forced circulation case. This calls for several measures to increase CHF.
As shown on the left side of Figure 141, due to the difference in densities between the vertical
legs, a pressure difference is created between stations ‘a’ and ‘b’, which is the cause of the
flow. At steady state, the driving buoyancy force is balanced by the retarding frictional force,
thus providing a basis for flow rate estimation using the following equation [IAEA2005,
R W 2
gH c h , (287)
where g (m/s2) is acceleration due to gravity, R (m-4) is hydraulic resistance, and W (kg/s) is
mass flow rate. Hence, the mass flow rate induced by natural circulation is given by:
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236 The Essential CANDU
2 A2 c h gH 2
W . (288)
Natural circulation flow is enhanced by increasing the loop height H and the density difference
(ρc-ρh), as well as by decreasing the hydraulic resistance R.
By introducing loop resistance models, the above equation can be further expanded into the
following form:
2 A c h gH .
W N (289)
i i Ki
i 1 Di
The natural circulation phenomenon can be classified in terms of the state of the working fluid,
the interactions with the surroundings, loop geometry, body force field, system inventory, and
number of heated channels. Figure 142 shows certain types of natural circulation in a
rectangular geometry.
The state of the working fluid can be single-phase, two-phase, or supercritical. The single-
phase natural circulation is important as a decay power removal mechanism in many operating
and new designs of nuclear power reactors. Two-phase natural circulation normally occurs in
BWRs and CANDUs under certain operating regimes.
In terms of interactions with the surroundings, closed-loop and open-loop natural circulation
can be distinguished. The closed loop involves only energy exchange with the surroundings,
whereas the open loop involves both energy and mass exchange.
In terms of loop geometry, natural circulation can occur in rectangular, U-tube, toroidal, and
figure-of-eight forms (the last being specific to the CANDU design). The body force field has an
important impact and can be gravitation (in most cases), centrifugal force, or both for certain
specific applications.
In terms of system inventory, natural circulation can occur in full systems (in single-phase
mode), in partially filled systems (in two-phase mode), or with boiling in reflux condensation
mode. In any of these types, natural circulation can occur in single-channel or parallel-channel
loops, as with the CANDU design.
Natural circulation in a containment building is a specific form of single-phase multi-component
natural circulation.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 237
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238 The Essential CANDU
the feeders and the fuel channel, decay heat generated in the core can be removed effectively,
regardless of the flow direction. Experiments have provided information on flow direction in
CANDU feeders and core channels under natural circulation and have demonstrated that decay
heat removal can be adequate during natural circulation for certain combinations of decay
power levels and loop inventory.
The key parameters for CANDU natural circulation are the primary coolant inventory in the
core, the secondary pressure, and the primary power. At very low powers in CANDU, two
natural circulation loops are created: one between channels and headers, and the other one
from headers to steam generators (see Figure 143). This is important because it demonstrates
that channel flow direction is not an essential parameter in determining the effectiveness of
natural circulation for decay heat removal.
Figure 144 [ING1992, POP2012b]] shows the experimentally observed onset of bi-directional
flow in a CANDU core under natural circulation. It is evident that the heat transport system
inventory plays an important role, along with channel power and pressure. Figure 145
[POP2012a, POP2012b] shows the criteria for flow reversal in a CANDU core. The upper and
lower boundaries are shown in terms of secondary-side pressure and loop-integrated void. It is
evident that at higher loop void and lower pressure, the flow reversal band is significantly
One very specific application of natural circulation in CANDU is heat rejection by the feeders to
the containment environment. At very low powers, decay heat can be passively rejected by the
feeder pipes directly to the containment atmosphere.
The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission issued Generic Action Item GAI 90G02 in 1990,
requesting utilities to demonstrate reactor cooling adequacy in natural circulation and address
uncertainty in the RD-14M experiments with respect to core cooling with reduced loop water
inventory in a CANDU loop (LOCA combined with loss of forced circulation). This GAI was
closed for all CANDU stations in Canada, thus demonstrating the cooling adequacy of natural
circulation in CANDU.
CANDU core cooling in the absence of forced flow (CCAFF), i.e., natural circulation, has been
extensively studied over the past 50 years. The CANDU CCAFF terminology defines the
following natural circulation modes: a) single-phase thermo-siphoning; b) two-phase thermo-
siphoning, c) intermittent buoyancy-induced flow (IBIF), and continuous steam venting.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 239
Figure 144 Onset of bi-directional Figure 145 Criteria for flow reversal in a CANDU core
flow in CANDU
Single-phase thermo-siphoning
In this CCAFF mode, continuous heat input to the coolant raises the temperature in the fuel
channel (as shown in Figure 143). This induces a buoyancy force whereby the hot liquid rises to
the steam generator and deposits its heat. From the steam generator, a lower-temperature
(denser) liquid continues to flow down back to the core. In this case, the buoyancy forces are
sufficient to overcome the static pressure caused by the elevation of the boilers with respect to
the fuel channels. This is a continuous process and is capable of removing a substantial amount
of decay heat indefinitely as long as the loop does not drain beyond about 70%, and as long as
the heat is removed from the steam generators.
Two-phase thermo-siphoning
This is a similar phenomenon to liquid thermo-siphoning, but with continuous boiling of the
liquid, and thus steam content in the flow provides an additional buoyancy force for heat
transfer to the steam generators (resulting from the liquid-vapour density difference). It has
been experimentally demonstrated that flow is still continuous in a given direction, with a large
quantity of vapour at the channel outlet. For this thermo-siphoning mode, it is important to
maintain a certain flow rate rather than a certain flow direction. The flow rate in this type of
natural circulation depends on the amount of void in the system and the channel power.
Intermittent buoyancy-induced flow (IBIF)
If the flow rate is reduced to a very small value, or if the fluid stagnates in the channel, the IBIF
phenomenon occurs. Numerous analytical and experimental studies of IBIF have been
conducted in recent decades to address the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission-issued
Generic Action Item GAI 90G02 on CCAFF. The closure of this GAI provided answers to many
issues related to fuel and fuel channel behaviour in a CANDU channel when the flow stops,
such as:
First channel in which boiling occurs;
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240 The Essential CANDU
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 241
Figure 146d shows the last part of an IBIF cycle, when the steam pushes through to the feeder
and the header. Usually steam push-through happens on one side or the other first. It does
not necessarily follow the usual flow direction. Once one side starts to “vent” (vapour rushes
out of that side of the channel), this creates a pressure force, which sucks in cold liquid from
the opposite header.
After venting is completed, the fuel channel refills with sub-cooled or saturated water from the
other header. At this point, the previous IBIF cycle is completed, and a new cycle begins.
Figure 147 shows an envelope of CANDU fuel sheath temperature histories during an IBIF cycle
[POP2012a, POP2014]. While the channel is full and sub-cooled, the sheath temperatures are
below saturation (left part of the diagram). As the channel saturates and remains saturated for
a certain time, sheath temperatures remain near saturation. Then, as bubbles are generated in
the upper part of the channel and fuel elements are exposed, the fuel sheath temperatures of
these fuel elements rise to above 400°C (during the heating period, and depending on fuel
element power). When steam venting occurs at the end of an IBIF cycle and the channel is
refilled with water from the other header, sheath temperatures fall to and below saturation
(the last part of the diagram).
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242 The Essential CANDU
typical experimental facility at AECL with two figure-of-eight passes containing five fuel
channels in each loop.
CWIT standing-start experiments. CWIT is a full-scale experimental facility containing
two full-scale fuel channels connected to inlet and outlet header at the Stern
More details of these experimental facilities, experimental results, and conclusions are
provided in [IAEA2005, IAEA2012]. The experimental work in this area was performed to
improve the knowledge base and to provide data for development and validation of computer
programs and models.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 243
Li dW
i 1 i dt
g l TP H nc
. (290)
W2 1 fL Ac l
1 fL Ac
l Ac2 SP 2 Dh i Ai TP TP 2 Dh i Ai
The energy balance equation for transient natural circulation can be written as:
d eM el
M loop W hTP hl qSG qloss . (291)
The equilibrium two-phase quality in the core exit can be defined as:
hTP hl
xe . (292)
The homogeneous mixture density is defined using the following relation:
TP , (293)
l g
1 xe
Li is the length of a loop component; K is the coefficient of local resistance;
Ai is the area of a loop component; eM is the mixture internal energy;
Ac is the area of a loop restriction; el is the liquid internal energy;
Hnc is the elevation difference driving the qSG is the steam generator heat sink [kJ/s];
natural circulation qloss is the loop heat losses;
Di is the loop element diameter; hTP is two-phase enthalpy;
f is the friction factor; hl is liquid enthalpy,
These equations can be manipulated to yield the following equations for steady-state mass
flow rate in a two-phase natural circulation loop with uniform diameter:
2 g r TP H nc Qh Drb Ar2b l
Wss . (294)
p rb N G
The geometric contribution to the friction factor is defined as:
Lt NSP leff NB
leff NTP
NG 1b 2b LO 1b 2b
LO 1b 2 b .
2 2
Dr i 1 Di Ai i N SP 1 Di Ai i i N B 1 Di Ai i
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244 The Essential CANDU
In these equations:
βh is the thermal expansion coefficient leff is the effective length of a component;
Qh (°C) A is the flow area (m2);
Δz is the total heat input rate (W); µ is the dynamic viscosity (Ns/m2);
is the centreline elevation difference in r is a subscript indicating a reference
the loop between cooler and heater value.
7.9.5 Problems
1. Explain the importance of natural circulation in the CANDU primary heat transport
system, and the design decisions that help to enhance it.
2. Explain the key aspects of the Intermittent Buoyancy Induced Flow (IBIF) in CANDU
channels, list and explain the key IBIF parameters.
3. Calculate natural circulation flow in a PWR reactor primary cooling loop assuming
typical geometrical and thermal-hydraulic parameters for a PWR reactor (primary loop is
in subcooled boiling flow in normal operation, i.e., single phase liquid flow).
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 245
8 References
[AECL1978] G.A. Pon, “Evolution of CANDU Reactor Design”, AECL-6351, August 1978.
[AECL1981] “CANDU Nuclear Power System”, AECL-TDSI-105, January 1981.
[AECL1997] “Canada Enters the Nuclear Age – A Technical History of Atomic Energy of
Canada Limited”, AECL, McGill-Queen’s University Press, Toronto, 1997.
[AECL2005] “CANDU 6 Technical Outline”, AECL, September 2005.
[AECL2009a] “Enhanced CANDU 6 Technical Summary”, AECL, 2009.
[AECL2009b] “ACR-1000 Technical Description”, AECL 10820-01371-TED-001, 2009.
[AECL2010] “Enhanced CANDU 6 (EC6) Design Description”, IAEA Advanced Water-Cooled
Reactors Web-Based Report, 2010.
[AHM2009] R. Ahmadi, A. Nouri-Borujardi, J. Jafari, I. Tabatabari, “Experimental Study of
Onset of Subcooled Annular Flow Boiling”, Progress in Nuclear Energy Journal,
Vol 51, pp.361-365, 2009.
[APR2011] “Advanced Pressurized Reactor (AP1000)”, Design Control Document, Rev. 19,
Westinghouse, USNRC Website, 2011.
[BER1981] A.E. Bergles, et al., Two-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer in the Power and
Process Industries, Hemisphere Publishing, 1981.
[BIR1960] R.B. Bird, W.E. Stewart, and E.N. Lightfoot, Transport Phenomena, Wiley, New
York, 1960.
[BPR2000] “Bruce: A Safety Report”, Brice Power, 2000.
[CAR2015] “Carnot Principle”, Wikipedia, Internet, 2015.
[CAT1998] B.N. Hanna, et al., “CATHENA: A Thermal-Hydraulic Code for CANDU
Analysis”, Nuclear Engineering and Design 180 (1998) 113-131, and AECL-
[CAT2000] “CATHENA Mod 3.5c/Mod o Theory Manual”, COG-00-008, Nov. 2000.
[CAT2005] “CATHENA Mod 3.5d Theory Manual”, AECL, 153-112020-STM-001, Dec.
[CLA2015] “Clausius Statement”, Wikipedia, Internet, 2015.
[COL1972] J.C. Collier, Convective Boiling and Condensation, McGraw-Hill, 1972.
[CRA1957] Flow of Fluids Through Valves, Fittings, and Pipes, Crane, 1957.
[DEL1981] J.M. Delhaye, et al., Thermo-Hydraulics of Two-Phase Systems for Industrial
Design and Nuclear Engineering, Hemisphere Publishing, 1981.
[ELW1978] M.M. El-Wakil, Nuclear Heat Transport, American Nuclear Society, 1978.
[ELW1990] M.M. El-Wakil, Nuclear Energy Conversion, American Nuclear Society, 1990.
[EPRI1999] Nuclear Reactor Generations, EPRI document EPRI NP-6780-L, Volume 1,
[EPRI1996] Water Hammer Handbook for Nuclear Plant Engineers and Operators, EPRI
Technical Report, Palo Alto, California, 1996.
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246 The Essential CANDU
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248 The Essential CANDU
9 Further Reading
[DUD1976] J.J. Duderstadt, L.J. Hamilton, Nuclear Reactor Analysis, Wiley, New York, ISBN
0-471-22363-8, 1976.
[GIN1981] J.J. Ginoux ,Two-Phase Flows and Heat Transfer with Application to Nuclear
Reactor Design Problems, Hemisphere, 1981.
[GOV1972] G.W. Govier, K. Aziz, The Flow of Complex Mixtures in Pipes, Van Nostrand
Reinhold, 1972.
[HSU1976] Y. Hsu, R. Graham, Transport Processes in Boiling and Two-Phase Systems,
Hemisphere, 1976.
[ISH1975] M. Ishii, T. Hibiki, Thermo-Fluid Dynamic Theory of Two-Phase Flow, Springer,
[LAM1977] J.R. Lamarsh, Introduction to Nuclear Engineering, Addison-Wesley, 2001.
[LEW1977] E.E. Lewis, Nuclear Reactor Safety, Wiley, 1977.
[ROA1976] P.J. Roache, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Hermosa, 1976.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 249
10 Glossary
ACR Advanced CANDU Reactor MCHFR Minimum CHF Ratio
ADL Axial Dry-Patch Fraction MCHFPR Minimum CHF Power Ratio
AECL Atomic Energy of Canada Limited MCPR Minimum Power Ration
AFD Axial Flux Distribution NPSH Net Positive Suction Head
AGR Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor NPSHA Net Positive Suction Head Available
BP Bruce Power NPSHR Net Positive Suction Head Required
BWR Boiling Water Reactor NOP Nominal Operating Power
CANDU CANada Deuterium Uranium NOP Neutron Overpower Protection
CANFLEX CANDU Flexible Fuelling NPD Nuclear Demonstration Plant
CCAFF Core Cooling in Absence of Forced Flow NPP Nuclear Power Plant
CDF Circumferential Drypatch Fraction OCR Organic Coolant Reactor
CHF Critical Heat Flux OH Ontario Hydro
CHFR CHF Ratio OPG Ontario Power generation
CHFPR CHF Power OSV Onset of Significant Void
CP Critical Power PHTS Primary Heat Transport System
CPR Critical Power Ratio PHWR Pressurized Heavy Water Reactor
DNB Departure from Nucleate Boiling PWR Pressurized Water Reactor
ECC Emergency Core Cooling RBMK High Power Channel Type Reactor
ECI Emergency Coolant Injection RCS Reactor Cooling System
EPRI Electric Power Research Institute RFD Radial Flux Distribution
GAI Generic Action Item RIH Reactor Inlet Header
HTGCR High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor ROH Reactor Outlet Header
HTS Heat Transport System ROP Reactor Overpower Protection
IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency R&D Research & Development
IBIF Intermittent Buoyancy-Induced Flow R&M Reliability and Maintainability
LMFBR Liquid Metal Breeder Reactor SGHWR Steam Generating Heavy Water
LOCA Loss of Coolant Accident QA Reactor
LOFA Loss of Flow Accident WNA Quality Assurance
LORA Loss of Reactivity Accident WWER World Nuclear Association
LWR Light Water Reactors Water Cooled and Moderated Power
Reactor (from Russian VVER)
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250 The Essential CANDU
11 Nomenclature
A cross section area, [m2] ν fluid velocity, [m/s]
CHF critical heat flux, [kW/m2] W mass flow rate, [kg/s], work, [kJ]
cp specific heat at constant pressure, [J/(kg K)] w specific work, [kJ/kg]
cv specific heat at constant volume, [J/(kg K)] We Weber number
DH hydraulic diameter, [m] x mass quality
d diameter, [m] xth thermodynamic quality
dh hydraulic diameter, [m] Z height, [m]
dx axial derivative
Greek Symbols
EK kinetic energy, [kJ]
EP potential energy, [kJ] α void fraction, thermal diffusivity, [m2/s]
EU internal energy, [kJ] γ adiabatic exponent, SG pinch fraction
e specific energy, [kJ/kg] ΔP pressure drop, [kPa/m2]σ surface tension,
f friction factor [N/m]
G mass flux, [kg/s-m2] ηt thermodynamic efficiency
g gravitational constant, [m/s2] µ dynamic viscosity of the fluid [Pa·s],
H total enthalpy, [kJ] [N·s/m²], [kg/(m·s)]
H pump head, [m] ρ density [kg/m3]
h specific enthalpy [kJ/kg] σ surface tension, [N/m]
h convective heat transfer coefficient, τ pump torque, [Nm], friction stress, [N/m2]
[kW/m2 °K] υ specific volume, [m3/kg], kinematic viscosity,
hfg latent heat of vapourization, [kJ/(kg °K)] [m2/s]
j volumetric flux (superficial velocity) [m/s] Φ neutron flux, [neutron/(m2-s)]
K concentrated friction factor φ two-phase friction multiplier
k thermal conductivity, [kW/m °K] ω pump rotational speed
L length, characteristic linear dimension, [m]
l characteristic length,
typically the droplet diameter, [m] a acceleration
M, m mass, [kg] C cold, cladding, fuel sheath
ṁ mass flow, [kg/s] CL centreline
NOP neutron over power cold cold side
Nu Nusselt number CRIT critical
P perimeter, [m] DNB departure of nuclear boiling
p fluid pressure, [kPa] e equivalent
Pr Prandtl number G gap
Q Core power, [kW], volumetric flow, [m3/s] g gas, gap
Q″′ Core power density, [kW/m3] F fuel
q″′ volumetric heat generation rate, [kW/m3] f fuel, liquid
q″ surface heat flux, [kW/m2] fg latent heat of vapourization
q′ linear power, [kW/m] FL fluid
q energy generation per fuel element, [kW] FW feed water
R gas constant, [Nˑm/(kg °K)], [J/(kg °K)] H hot, homogenious
r radius, [m] Hot hot side
Re Reynolds number h hydraulic
ROP reactor over power MFB minimum film boiling
S slip ratio, S total entropy, [kJ] m mixture
s specific entropy, [kJ/kg] n vector perpendicular to surface
T temperature, [°K] P, p primary
t time, [s] S steam, saturation
t thickness, [m] SG steam generator
U steam generator heat transfer coefficient, SH sheath
[kJ/(m2-s)] TB transition boiling
U internal energy, [kJ] w wall
u specific internal energy, [kJ/kg]
V volume, [m3]
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 251
12 Acknowledgements
I gratefully thank the following reviewers for their hard work and excellent comments during the
development of this Chapter. Their feedback has much improved it. Of course, the responsibility for
any errors or omissions is entirely the author’s.
Bill Garland
Lawrence Leung
Dave Novog
Terry Rogers
Victor Snell
Dave Wright
I also thank Diana Bouchard for expertly editing and assembling the final copy.
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252 The Essential CANDU
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 253
In the EPRI documentation [EPRI1999], the following attributes are shown to be typically
possessed by a Gen III/III+ design:
1. design simplification; 6. regulatory stabilization; 12. adequate quality
2. design margins; 7. technology standardization; assurance;
3. human factors; 8. proven nature of design; 13. improved security and
4. reactor safety; 9. enhanced maintainability; sabotage protection; and
5. design basis and safety 10. enhanced constructability; 14. reduced environmental
margin; 11. improved economics; impact.
The WNA definition of the third generation [WNA2009] suggested the following attributes for
Gen III/III+ designs:
1. standard design to 4. higher availability and 9. less waste;
expedite licensing; longer operating life; 10. use of burnable
2. reduced cost and 5. reduced possibility of core absorbers;
construction time; meltdown; 11. more passive
3. simpler and more rugged 6. resistance to damage; systems;
design for easier 7. reduced radiation release; 12. load following.
operation and 8. higher burn-up;
Because the above two sets of guidelines overlap somewhat and expectations are not quantified,
it is difficult to compare designs in quantifiable terms. More importantly, there are conflicting
expectations, such as expecting changes to improve safety and at the same time expecting the
design to be well proven. A detailed discussion of implementation and compliance with these
objectives of current advanced design is beyond the objectives of this section, but note that
none of the modern advanced designs claims to achieve all the expectations described above.
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254 The Essential CANDU
continued the development of PWRs in France. In this way, France became a world leader in
PWR development and implementation.
In Japan, Mitsubishi continued development of PWR reactors. In Russia, following submarine
and icebreaker design and technology, a similar PWR design, the water-cooled, water-
moderated power reactor (WWER), was developed.
Typical PWR reactor thermal-hydraulic parameters are provided in Table 13 [APR2011,
POP2014]. To ensure efficient energy conversion from the reactor core to the steam turbine, the
primary coolant pressure is typically 10–15 MPa and the primary coolant temperature 290°C–
330°C, whereas the secondary loop pressure is typically 5–7 MPa.
In the PWR reactor design, ordinary light water is used both as coolant and moderator. A
simplified reactor flow diagram is shown in Figure 149. The reactor coolant loops include
primary, secondary, and tertiary loops. In the primary coolant loop, the coolant picks up the
heat produced in the core and leaves the reactor at a temperature that is sufficient to generate
steam in the steam generator. Then the coolant is returned to the reactor core by means of
pumps. In the secondary loop, the steam generated in the steam generator expands in the
steam turbine, where its energy is transferred into mechanical energy. In the tertiary loop, the
exhaust steam from the turbine is condensed in the condenser, thus transferring heat to the
outside heat sink.
Table 13 Typical PWR reactor parameters
Reactor Fuel
Thermal output, MWth 3800 Fuel pellet material UO2
Electrical output, MWe 1300 Pellet outer diameter, mm 8.19
Thermal efficiency, % 34 Rod outer diameter, mm 9.5
Specific power, kW/kg(U) 33 Zircaloy cladding thickness, mm 0.57
Power density, kW/L 102 Rods per bundle (17 x 17) 264
Ave. linear heat flux, kW/m 17.5 Bundles in core 193
Rod heat flux ave./max, MW/m2 0.584/1.46
Vessel Core
Outer diameter, m 4.4 Length, m 4.17
Height, m 13.6 Outer diameter, m 3.37
Wall thickness, m 0.22 Pressure, MPa 15.5
Steam generator Inlet temperature, °C 292
No. 4 Outlet temperature, °C 329
Outlet pressure, MPa 6.9 Mass flow rate, kg/s 531
Outlet temperature, ⁰C 284
Mass flow rate, kg/s 528
A typical PWR plant and a typical single primary coolant system loop are shown schematically in
Figure 149a, and an isometric view with four primary coolant loops is shown in Figure 149b. The
number of loops, usually two to four, is determined by the reactor power so that the size of the
primary pumps and steam generators is reasonable and obtainable from a commercial vendor.
Each primary coolant loop has one primary pump and one steam generator. All loops are
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 255
connected through the reactor vessel; one of the loops has a pressurizer connected.
a) PWR four-loop primary system b) PWR primary coolant loop cross section
As shown in Figure 149a, the nuclear reactor core and fuel assemblies are located in the
reactor pressure vessel. The water coolant at high pressure (~14 MPa) is circulated by
external pumps into the reactor vessel, flows upwards through the fuel assemblies, out of
the vessel to heat exchangers, and from the heat exchangers back to the pumps. The
water temperature at the exit of the reactor core is lower than the saturation
temperature, i.e., the water is sub-cooled, which has an important impact on reactor
thermal-hydraulic margins, as will be explained in later sections of this chapter.
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256 The Essential CANDU
Figure 150a and Figure 150b show the internal structures of a typical PWR vessel. The reactor
core is located in the lower part of the reactor vessel and is surrounded by a cylindrical inner
vessel called the core barrel. On the inner side of the core barrel, the fuel bundles are
surrounded by a multi-faced shroud that constrains flow in the radial direction. The bottom of
the core barrel has radial sliding pins that give the barrel freedom to accommodate thermal
expansion, but do not allow barrel rotation. Around the outside of the core barrel is a metal
jacket called the thermal shield (approximately one-third of the core length, situated around the
core centre). The role of these thermal shrouds is to absorb core neutron radiation in the radial
direction, preventing excessive radiation impact on the reactor vessel and thus reducing
radiation aging effects on the vessel.
The top and bottom of the reactor core are supported by the upper core plate and the lower
support plate. Both plates support the fuel assemblies in appropriate positions in the core. The
reactor control elements and safety shutdown rods pass through the guide tubes that penetrate
the upper core plate. The reactor instrumentation typically (in older designs) passes through the
lower part of the reactor vessel and penetrates the core through the lower support plate.
The reactor coolant enters the vessel through the inlet pipes (the so-called “cold legs” shown in
Figure 149a), then turn downwards in the so-called reactor downcomer and along the outside of
the reactor barrel and inside the reactor vessel, thus coming down to the reactor lower plenum.
There, the coolant turns upwards, flows through the lower support plate, and enters the core
from the bottom. The coolant flows through the core upward and exits in the reactor upper
plenum. From there, the coolant flow exits the vessel through the exit pipes (the “hot legs”).
The upward flow in the core provides good conditions for thermo-siphoning should primary
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258 The Essential CANDU
by placing the reactor core (heat source) at the lowest point in the primary loop and the pumps
and steam generators (heat sinks) at the highest point in the primary loop.
The design of the primary pump is similar between CANDU and PWR reactors.
13.2.5 Pressurizer
The pressure in the reactor primary coolant system is maintained at a certain level by a
pressurizer. Figure 8 shows a view of a typical pressurizer.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 259
Refuelling is normally done on an 18–24 month basis and typically takes 4–5 days. However,
refuelling outages in PWRs can last up to one month or sometimes longer when the
preparations, cooldown, maintenance activities, and return to full power are taken into account.
To operate for long periods without refuelling, the new fuel is enriched in 235U (up to a maximum
of 5%). When the fuel is fresh, the excess reactivity in the reactor core is compensated for by a
neutron poison dissolved in the coolant/moderator water and by other devices. As the fuel
burns up, the dissolved poison in the coolant/moderator is gradually removed by ion-exchange
Reactivity control in a PWR reactor is performed by full-length control rods. Levelling neutron
flux and heat generation in the core is performed by various control rod banks of full or partial
length, and by other means in newer PWR designs (i.e., burnable absorber material in fuel and in
“grey” control rods). Intermediate- and long-term reactivity control in the core is achieved by
soluble poison (called “chemical shim”); typically, boric acid is used for this purpose. The critical
soluble boron concentration is reduced in the core with core burn-up, i.e., with buildup of 135Xe
and 149Sm. Therefore, during the initial burn-up of a few hundred MWd/t, the boron
concentration is reduced sharply by up to 40%, followed later by a more gradual reduction to
compensate for fuel burn-up and generation of fission products in the fuel.
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260 The Essential CANDU
The guide tubes shown in Figure 151a are provided for each fuel assembly. They are intended to
receive the control rods (shown in Figure 151a) from the top as a cluster control assembly with a
certain number of control rods. Fuel assemblies that do not have control assemblies are plugged
from the top by a special plugging device to prevent coolant bypass though them (they have a
larger hydraulic diameter than the rest of the fuel matrix).
The top and bottom nozzles are welded with the guide tubes and create a rigid fuel assembly
structure. The fuel pins pass though the grid plates, but are not welded to the grid plates to
allow for unrestricted thermal expansion. The bottom nozzle contains four openings at the four
support legs, which fit into the reactor core bottom plate, and which deliver coolant to the fuel
Figure 152 shows the fuel pin design [POP2014]. The fuel pin design is similar for the LWR and
CANDU designs. In fact, all LWRs and CANDUs, regardless of the manufacturer and country of
origin, have a similar fuel pin design.
The fuel pin consists of a Zircaloy tube into which fuel pellets are inserted. The tube is then filled
with gas and sealed. The fuel pellets have a height-to-diameter ratio of about 1.5 and have
dished surfaces on both ends, which help to align them properly in the vertical direction,
accommodate fuel swelling, and collect gases generated during fission. Numerous fuel pellets
are located in each fuel pin and form a vertical fuel pellet stack within the pin. At the top end of
the fuel pin, the fuel pellets are held tightly in a vertical direction by a spring that is installed and
sealed in the tube.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 261
Figure 153 Typical PWR fuel assembly support Figure 154 Typical PWR reactor control sites
spacer plates
Figure 153 shows the design of the fuel bundle support plates [POP2014]. Each spacer plate has
dimples on each side of the square frame, which hold the fuel pin in the radial direction. The
fuel pin can slide along the spacer plates in the vertical direction, thus accommodating thermal
expansion. The spacer plates also have mixing vanes in the radial direction that help to enhance
turbulence along the fuel pin, resulting in higher thermal margins.
Figure 154 shows cross sections of the fuel bundles and the positions of the 21 control-rod guide
tubes [POP2014]. Typically, a number of positions in the fuel assembly are not filled with fuel,
but instead with guide tubes that are used as sites for insertion of control rods. Although not all
bundles will have control rods inserted in them, they are all made with guide tubes so that they
can be installed at any core position regardless of whether they will receive control rods or not.
Those assemblies that do not receive control rods will receive plug assemblies, which will insert
short plug rods to block coolant bypass through the empty guide tubes (the plug assembly is
similar to the assembly shown in Figure 155b, except that its plug pins are shorter).
Figure 155a shows a typical PWR control assembly design. Figure 155b shows one immovable
control assembly for long-term reactivity control in certain fixed positions in the core [POP2014].
The movable control-rod assembly consists of 21 control rods held by radial arms, which are
connected to the central holding shaft, which in turn is connected to a control drive assembly.
The movable control assembly moves up and down vertically as driven by the reactor control
system. The immovable control bundle also has 21 control rods, which are connected at the top
plate. The top plate has a shaft with a spring to lock the control bundle into position so that it
will remain stationary between two fuel replacement cycles.
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262 The Essential CANDU
Figure 156 shows a typical PWR control rod design [POP2014]. The control rods are of various
design and material composition depending on their role in the reactor core. The control rods
that are part of the reactor control system are filled with neutron-absorbing material along their
full length in the core (usually a mix of 80% silver, 15% indium, and 5% cadmium, which is the
material with the largest neutron-absorption capability used in modern reactors). The
immovable control rods (Figure 156a) can be filled over their full length or partially filled at the
top, bottom, or middle. They can also be filled with neutron-absorbing material of various
thicknesses in the annulus (Figure 156a). The immovable control rods are filled with a mix of
neutron-absorbing material that reduces absorption capability by neutron capture (diminishing
absorption potential per unit volume with radiation exposure), or by materials that retain
absorption capability over several control isotope generations.
PWR control-rod guide tubes penetrate through the reactor pressure vessel head and hold each
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 263
control assembly cluster in place. The control assemblies are driven in and out of the core by
control-rod drive devices that are located outside the reactor vessel. The control-rod shaft is
located in the guide tubes that extend through the reactor cap, in the space above the core, and
holds the control-rod top. Special attention is devoted to the seals of the control-rod guide
tubes and assemblies because they are located in the vessel at a pressure of 15 MPa, whereas
their shafts and guide tubes are at atmospheric pressure. Because of the large pressure
difference between the inside of the vessel and the atmosphere outside of the reactor vessel,
special attention is devoted to preventing control-rod ejection from the vessel, which can create
a severe large positive reactivity insertion.
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264 The Essential CANDU
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266 The Essential CANDU
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 267
assembly and instrumentation access through the reactor bottom and the lower plenum. The
reactor core has an active length of typically 3.5–4 m, similar to PWRs. The core contains
between 500 and 800 fuel assemblies, each containing arrays of fuel rods with a similar design to
those in PWRs.
Figure 159 shows the coolant circulation in the BWR core. The recirculation system consists of
recirculation pump loops located on the sides of the reactor vessel. In the BWR design
illustrated, the reactor vessel downcomer jet internal pumps are located on the outer core
periphery, arranged in pairs, with each having a common inlet riser. The driving flow from the
external pumps passes through the jet pump nozzles and acquires high velocity and momentum.
The momentum exchange entrains the recirculation flow, usually called suction flow. The
combination of the external pump-driven flow and the suction flow enters the throat of the jet
pump, thus ensuring adequate flow through the core. The jet pump design has the advantages
of fewer moving parts, higher reliability, and robustness in accident situations. The feedwater
inlet is in the upper part of the core, and the coolant falls down by gravity towards the inlet of
the jet pumps.
BWR fuel assemblies are typically of square design (see the left part of Figure 160), but the fuel
rods are situated in a square flow tube which does not allow flow mixing in the radial direction
(see the right part of Figure 160) [KNI2002, KOK2009]. Because the BWR reactor is designed to
operate with saturated water that boils in the core, a good level of turbulence is already
achieved, and therefore there is no need to promote radial mixing to enhance turbulence, as in
the PWR design. The left side of Figure 160 shows a BWR fuel assembly with a square tube and
the spacer grids inside holding the fuel pins.
Figure 161 shows a cross section of four fuel assemblies, on the left 10 x 10, and on the right 7 x
7 fuel rod arrays [KNI2002, KOK2009, LAH1977, POP2014]. The cruciform control assembly is
located between the fuel bundles. Clearly, between the fuel assemblies, a gap is maintained for
the control assembly to move in a vertical direction through the core.
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268 The Essential CANDU
The control assembly is moved through the core from the bottom of the reactor. Therefore, the
control assembly holding the plate and drive mechanisms is at the bottom of the core and needs
to work against gravity.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 269
Magnox cladding, only relatively modest turbine steam conditions are achievable, limiting the
station overall efficiency to ~30%.
As is typical of all natural uranium power reactors, the Magnox reactors are fuelled on-load. This
is necessary because large quantities of excess reactivity, in the form of additional U-235, are not
“built into” the new fuel.
The in-service availability of the Magnox reactors has proven to be relatively good. On-load
refuelling helps in this regard. Nevertheless, their relatively high capital cost and relatively
modest achievable fuel utilization has led to the abandonment of plans for constructing further
reactors of this type. Presently, in the United Kingdom, all Magnox reactors are shut down and
undergoing decommissioning.
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270 The Essential CANDU
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 271
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272 The Essential CANDU
reactor core, and a cross section of a RBMK plant. The reactor core is very large (21.6 x 21.6 x
25.5 m). The vessel contains the graphite stack filled with a helium-nitrogen mixture to ensure
an inert atmosphere. The reactor fuel is UO2 with a fuel rod design similar to the LWR design,
with 2%–4% enrichment in U-235. Refuelling is performed on-power to achieve a better balance
of neutron flux and core utilization and to optimize production of Pu-239.
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Thermal-Hydraulic Design 273
characteristics that make the CANDU design behave quite differently from the RBMK reactors,
and that therefore CANDU reactors are not as vulnerable in accidents as RBMK reactors.
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274 The Essential CANDU
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