Methods of Research 2
Methods of Research 2
Methods of Research 2
Research is a careful, critical, disciplined inquiry, varying in techniques and method according to
the nature and conditions of the problem identified, directed toward the clarification or resolution (or
both) of a problem. [Good, 1963]
Research is simply the systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic or
problem. After a careful, systematic search for pertinent information or data on a specified topic or
problem, and after the research worker has analyzed and interpreted the data, he eventually faces
another essential task – that of preparing the research report. [Aquino, 1964]
Research is the process of gathering data or information to solve a particular or specific problem
in a scientific manner. [Manuel & Medel, 1976]
“The purpose of research is to save man.”
“The principal purpose and goal of research is the preservation and improvement of the quality
of human life.”
“To satisfy man’s craving for more understanding, to improve his judgment, to add to his power,
to reduce the burden of work, to relieve suffering, and to increase satisfaction in multitudinous ways –
these are the large and fundamental goals of research.”
Under 2 & 3
Research has led man to search for ways in improving his life. It has led him to focus on
improving processes and which he must live.
Studies on the different strategies and approaches in the different subject areas and
year levels have been conducted to determine which strategy or approach is best and effective
in teaching.
Modern devices are some of the products of research which lessen man’s burden of
1. Research is systematic.
2. Research is controlled.
3. Research is empirical.
4. Research is analytical.
5. Research is objective, unbiased, and logical.
6. Research employs hypothesis.
7. Research employs quantitative or statistical methods.
8. Research is original work.
9. Research is done by an expert.
10. Research is accurate investigation, observation and description.
11. Research is patient and unhurried activity.
12. Research requires an effort-making capacity.
13. Research requires courage.
Problem Solving
1. There is always a problem to be solved.
2. A problem to be solved is less rigorous and less broad.
3. The problem to be solved has to be defined specifically and identified definitely.
4. Problem solving does not always involve research.
5. Problem solving is always intended to solve a problem.
6. Problem solving is concerned with a specific problem, and once the problem is solved, this is the
end of it.
The proposal is basically a way to demonstrate to faculty members that you have identified a
question or a problem that is workable and that you can provide yourself with a systematic guide for
proceeding with the project.
You may not embark on collecting data for a project until your adviser has approved your
proposal. Many students have struggled with inappropriate date because they didn’t take the time to
think through what their real questions were.
If the proposal is not coherent, data should not be collected. You cannot say, “let me collect my
data now and I’ll decide later what to do with it.” Until your proposal is formulated, it’s difficult to know
exactly what the data is needed or what may be the best way to go about getting it. It would be
frustrating indeed to conduct your research before writing the proposal and have faculty then say that
you should broaden or narrow your subject. Finally, you should have agreement with your adviser on
your data collection tolls before the proposal is completed as this may be one of the crucial elements of
a successful thesis.
Your adviser will provide feedback on your methodology, your approach to the literature review,
and etc. based on your proposal. A clear, well-stated, organized proposal indicates readiness to move-on
to the next step. The more information you can include in your proposal, the further along you will be
when it comes time to write your thesis. Every word in your proposal is a word in your thesis if your
proposal is well thought through. Your proposal serves as a map, providing direction for completing your
thesis; thus, it behoove you to think more deeply about the information you can provide in your
Don’t forget that your proposal should be written in the future tense; it is a plan of what you
hope to accomplish. “I plan to do this…” or “I will do…” in your thesis, you change these words to past
tense, “I did this…” and expand on them.
The written product in its final form must be approved by a co
“any significant, perplexing and challenging situation, real or artificial, the solution of which
requires reflective thinking.”
“a perplexing situation after it has been translated into a question or series of questions that
help determine the direction of subsequent inquiry.”
The Title
Guidelines in writing the title:
1. Generally, the title is formulated before the start of the research work. It may be revised and
refined later if there is a need.
2. The title must contain the subject matter of the study, and locale of the study, the population
involved, and the period when the data were gathered.
3. It must be broad enough to include all aspects of the subject matter studied or to be studied.
Hence, the title indicated what is expected to be found inside the thesis report.
4. It must be as brief and concise as possible.
5. Avoid using the terms “an Analysis of”, “A Study of”, “an investigation of”, and the like. All these
things are understood to have been done or to be done when a research is conducted.
6. If the title contains more than one line, it must be written like an inverted pyramid, all words in
capital letters.
1. The general statement of the problem and the specific sub-problems or questions should be
formulated first before conducting the research.
2. It is customary to state specific sub-problems in the interrogative form. Hence, sub-problems
are called specific questions.
3. Each specific question must be clear and unequivocal, that it, it has only one meaning.
4. Each specific question is researchable apart from the other questions, that is, answers to each
specific question can be found even without considering the other questions.
An assumption is a self-evident truth which is based upon a known fact or phenomenon.
A hypothesis is a tentative conclusion or answer to a specific question raised at the beginning in
the investigation.
Forms of Hypothesis
1. They help the researcher in designing his study: what methods, research instruments, sampling
design, and statistical treatments to use, what data to gather, etc.
2. They serve as bases for determining assumptions.
3. They serve as bases for determining the relevance of the data.
4. They serve as bases for the explanation or discussion about the data gathered.
5. They help or guide the researcher in consolidating his findings and in formulating the
Related Literature and Studies
Related literature is composed of discussion of facts and principles with which the present study is
associated. Related studies, on the other hand, are studies, or inquiries, or investigations already
conducted to which the present proposed study is related or has some bearing or similarity. They are
usually unpublished materials such as manuscripts, thesis and dissertations.
1. The help or guide the researcher in searching for or selecting a better research problem or topic.
By viewing related materials, a replication of a similar problem may be found better than the
problem already chosen. Replication is the study of a research problem already conducted but in
another place.
2. They help the investigator understand his topic for research better. Reviewing related literature
and studies could clarify vague points about his problem.
3. They ensure that there is no complete duplication of other studies. There is duplication if an
investigation already made is conducted again in the same manner.
4. They help and guide the researcher in locating more sources of related information. This is
because the bibliography of a study already conducted indicates references about similar
5. They help guide the researcher in making his research design especially in:
a. The formulation of specific questions to be researched on;
b. The formulation of assumptions and hypotheses if there should be any;
c. The formulation of conceptual framework;
d. The selection and application of the methods of research;
e. The selection and application of sampling techniques;
f. The selection and/or preparation and validation of research instruments of gathering
g. The selection and application of statistical procedures;
h. The analysis, organization, presentation, and interpretation of data;
i. The making of the summary of implications for the whole study; and
j. The formulation of the summary of findings, conclusions, and recommendations.
6. They help and guide the researcher in making comparison between his findings with the findings
of other researchers on similar studies with the end in view of formulating generalizations or
principles which are the contributions of the study to the fund of knowledge.
There are exemptions, however. Treatises that deal on universals and things of more or less
permanent nature may still be good today. There are mathematical laws and formulas and statistical
procedures that had been formulated long, long time ago which are being used today with very, very
little improvement. This is also true with natural and physical laws. Books on these, though written a
long time ago, are still being cited today.
Some materials are extremely or subtly one-sided, either political or religious, etc. Comparison
with these materials cannot be made logically and validly. Distorted generalizations may result.
Some materials are extremely or subtly one-sided, either political or religious biased. These
should be avoided.
Only materials that have some bearing or similarity to the research problem at hand should be
Only materials that have some bearing or similarity to the research problem should be cited.
4. Materials surveyed must have been upon genuinely original and true facts or data to make them
valid and reliable.
These ate cases where fictitious data ate supplied just to complete a research report. Of course, this
kind of deception is hard to detect and prove. Thus, this is real problem to honest researchers.
They must only be sufficient enough to give insight into the research problem or to indicate the
nature of the present investigation. The number may also depend upon the availability of related
materials. Sometimes there is a paucity of such materials. Ordinarily, from ten to fifteen related
materials are needed for a master’s thesis and from fifteen to twenty-five for a doctoral dissertation
depending upon their availability, as well as their depth and length of discussions. For an undergraduate
thesis, from five to ten may do.
They must only be sufficient enough to give insight into the research problem or to indicate the
nature of the present investigation. The number may also depend upon the availability of related
materials. This is especially a problem with pioneering studies. Naturally, there are few related materials
or even none at all.
Collection of Data
“Data are collection of numbers, quantities, facts, or records, used as basis for drawing
conclusions or making inferences.”
“Data are what research is searching for and which are subjected to analysis, statistical
procedures, and interpretation so that inferences, principles, or generalizations are drawn. Data also
reveal unsatisfactory discovered facts and principles to remedy unsatisfactory conditions become
the basis of human progress and the improvement of the quality of human life.”
Before you begin to gather your data you will need to secure the permission of the people you
plan to observe, interview, or survey. You also need to be mindful that you don’t abuse the privilege
of utilizing people as your subjects. As the data begin to come in, you might be overwhelmed by
them. The best thing to do is to organize everything to help you think about it and when we say
“organize” at this point we mean play with it: arrange it demographically, rearrange it
mathematically, list it numerically, and think about what you have before you.
Classification of Data According to Source
1. Primary data. Primary data are those gathered from primary sources. The primary sources are as
a. Individual persons
b. Organized groups or organizations such as associations, fraternities, schools, business
firms, the church, army, navy, air force, government, law making bodies, family, tribe,
c. Established practices such as marriage, religious rites, legal system, economic system,
democracy, system of morals, etc.
d. Documents in their original forms such as the Constitution, laws, orders, proclamations,
treaties, contracts, census and all kinds of original records, letters, diaries, etc.
e. Living organisms such as animals, fowls, and lower forms of living organisms.
f. Man-made material things such as buildings, machines, weapons, artifacts, appliances,
roads, bridges, dams, radio, television, electricity, etc.
g. Natural objects and phenomena such as rain, wind, typhoon, water, earthquake,
mountain, snow, etc.
2. Secondary data. Secondary data are those gathered from secondary sources. The secondary
sources are as follows:
a. Books including dictionaries, encyclopedias, almanacs, etc.
b. Articles published in professional journals, magazines, newspapers, and other
c. Unpublished master’s theses and dissertations, and other studies.
d. Monographs, manuscripts, etc.
e. All other second-hand sources. Secondary data are verbal (written) data.
1. Mechanical devices
a. Microscopes
b. Thermometers
c. Cameras, etc.
2. Clerical tools
a. Questionnaire
b. Interview
c. Empirical observation
d. Registration
e. Testing
f. Experimental
g. Library
“A questionnaire is a list of plan, written questions related to a particular topic, with space
provided for indicating the response to each question, intended for submission to a number of persons
for reply.”
Advantages of Questionnaire
1. The questionnaire is easy to construct.
2. Distribution is easy and inexpensive.
3. Responses are easy to tabulate.
4. The respondent’s replies are free.
5. Confidential information may be given freely.
6. The respondent can fill out the questionnaire at will.
7. The respondent can give more accurate replies.
Disadvantages of a Questionnaire
1. The questionnaire cannot be used with those who cannot read nor write well.
2. If many respondents may not return the filled up copies of the questionnaire purposely or
forgetfully, considerable follow-ups are necessary.
3. If a respondent gives wrong information, it cannot be corrected at once.
4. If a respondent may leave some or many questions unanswered because nobody urges him to
do so or he may not understand the significance of the information he gives.
5. Some questions may be vague and so the respondent may not answer them or if he does, he
may give wring replies.
6. The number of choices may be limited so the respondent may be forced to select responses that
are not his actual choices.
“The interview is one of the major techniques in gathering data or information. It is defined as a
purposeful face to face relationship between two persons, one of whom called the interviewer who asks
the questions to gather information and the other called interviewee or respondent who supplies the
information asked for.”
1. Avoid exerting undue pressure upon a respondent to make him participate in an interview.
2. Avoid disagreeing or arguing with or contradicting the respondent.
3. Avoid unduly pressing the respondent to make a reply.
4. Avoid using language well over and above the ability of the respondent to understand.
5. Avoid talking about irrelevant matters.
6. Avoid placing the interviewee in embarrassing situations.
7. Avoid appearing too high above the respondent in education, knowledge, and social status.
8. Avoid interviewing the respondent in an unholy hour.
“Observation, as a means of gathering information for research, may be defined as perceiving
data through the senses: sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell. The sense of sight is the most important
and the most used among the senses. Observation is the most direct way and the most widely used in
studying behavior.”
Purposes of Observation
1. To enable the researcher to gather empirical data which are difficult to obtain by other means.
2. To enable the researcher to gather sufficient data to supplement or verify information gathered
by other means.
3. To enable the researcher to gather information or data needed to describe the aspect of a
variable being studied which cannot be described accurately without observation.
4. To enable the researcher to gather directly primary data or first-hand information of his study
for more accurate description and interpretation.
5. To enable the researcher to gather data from the laboratory or elsewhere through the
Advantages of Observation
1. The investigator is able to gather directly, first-hand information about the subject of his study.
2. The researcher can observe his subjects for as long as he needs the time and as many as he can
for greater accuracy and validity in description and interpretation.
3. Observation is a superior technique of collecting information form non-verbal behavior and
inanimate objects.
4. The subjects of inquiry can be observed in their natural settings and this will exclude artificiality
in description and interpretation.
Disadvantages of Observation
1. In observation in natural settings, there is a lack of control upon extraneous variables which may
adversely affect the validity of attributing certain causes upon certain affects.
2. There is a smaller size of sample if the universe covers a very wide area and the researcher
cannot afford to observe a substantial area.
3. It is very difficult to quantify data for standard tabulation especially in unstructured observation
and when recording is done in essay form.
4. Sometimes it is hard to gain entry into the area to be observed.
5. Lack of anonymity makes the observed subjects withdraw or keep secret some vital but sensitive
and controversial information.
“Sampling may be defined as measuring a small portion of something and the making a general
statement about the whole thing.”
Disadvantages of Sampling
1. If sampling is biased, or not representative, or too small, the conclusion may not be valid and
2. In research, the respondents to a study must have a common characteristic which is the basis of
the study.
3. If the population is very large and there are many sections and subsections, the sampling
procedure becomes very complicated.
4. If the researcher does not possess the necessary skill and technical know-how in sampling
procedure, the sampling may become biased and unrepresentative.
Topics to Avoid
1. Do not choose a topic for which a single source will provide all the information you need.
2. Do not choose a topic on which you do not plan to do all the work yourself.
3. Do not choose a topic that is too broad for a research paper.
4. Do not choose a topic about which your conclusion will be irrelevant.
5. Do not start work on any topic unless you think it will hold your interest long enough to
complete the thesis.
6. Be wary of choosing a topic so neutral that you cannot express an attitude towards it.
7. Do not pursue a topic that seems to go nowhere for you.
Choosing a Topic
1. Expand a familiar area
2. Look to an area new to you
3. Try a textbook
4. Work from your strengths
5. Became a browser in the library
6. Try brainstorming
7. Explore computer links
An outline is an orderly plan, in writing, showing the division of ideas and their arrangement in
relation to one another.
Keeps ideas firmly in mind, even if writing the paper takes a long time.
Lets you rearrange ideas and try out new arrangements without difficulty.
Shows visually how parts and transitions fit together.
Exposes strengths and weaknesses of the research paper in time to make adjustments before
(or even during) writing.
Content of Outlines
1. Every word in the outline should say something about the content of your paper.
2. The information for each subheading must be directly related to, and subordinate to, the
heading under which it appears.
3. Make relationships clear by using the same kind of section numbers for ideas of equivalent
4. Only principal points appear in an outline.
Writing Style
As in any good piece of writing, you should vary sentence structures and sentence length.
Insofar as possible, write in the active voice rather than the passive voice to help readers keep moving
Especially in research paper, you should write as specifically as possible, and certainly avoid
substantiated generalizations. Also, beware of catchall words.
Good Openings
1. Clarify the subject you are going to write about.
2. State your position on the subject you have chosen.
3. Relate your subject to something current or well known.
4. Challenge some generally held assumption about your topic.
5. Show something paradoxical about your subject or about the material you will present.
6. Use a brief quotation if you can find one that is applicable or provocative or that makes a
general statement about your subject.
7. State some striking facts or statistics you discovered about your topic.
8. Place your subject in time by giving some historical or chronological information.
9. Give a brief description or background resume of some person or event if significance to your
Bad Openings
1. Do not repeat the title.
2. Do not tell what you propose to do in the paper.
3. Do not feel compelled to repeat the thesis statement completely in the opening of the paper.
4. Do not ask a question.
5. Do not give a dictionary definition.
6. Do not write cute or folksy opening.
Good Endings
1. If you have written an argumentative or persuasive paper, remind the audience of what you
want them to do or think in response to your presentation.
2. Use a brief quotation that summarizes the ideas or attitude you have expressed throughout the
3. Make some statement about your thesis instead or merely repeating it.
4. Return to some initial generalization and show how you have proved, disproved, or enlarged on
5. Link what you have written either to something known or to what seems a future possibility.
6. State a conclusion you have reached about your subject.
Bad Endings
1. Do not bring up a new idea.
2. Do not stop abruptly or simply trail off.
3. Do not ask question.
4. Do not make any statement or suggestion that needs extensive clarification.
5. Do not fumble.
6. Do not tell explicitly what you have done in the paper.
7. Do not make a change in your style.