Basic Concepts IN Research: Mark Christian Roble Almazan, LPT
Basic Concepts IN Research: Mark Christian Roble Almazan, LPT
Basic Concepts IN Research: Mark Christian Roble Almazan, LPT
Definition of Research
1. Research is a method of acquiring knowledge based on the
scientific method of inquiry to enrich the system of objective
knowledge in the fields of natural and social sciences.
2. Polit & Beck (2001) stated that research is a systematic inquiry
that uses disciplined methods to answer questions or solve
problems. The goals of research are to develop, refine, and expand
a body of knowledge.
Definition of Research
3. Burns & Grove (2007), said that research is to search or examine
again and again or carefully. Research is a diligent, systematic
inquiry or investigation to validate and refine existing knowledge
and generate new knowledge.
4. Parel (1973) defined research as a systematic investigation or
something in order to answer the questions posed by the
Importance of Research
1. Best & Kahn (1993) described research as “the systematic and objective
analysis and recording of controlled observations that may lead to the
development of generalizations, principles, or theories, resulting in
prediction and possibly ultimate control of events.
2. Taflinger (1996-2011) cites two basic importance of research, to learn
something or to gather evidence. To learn something is for our benefit. It
is almost impossible for a person to stop learning. Research is organized
learning looking for specific things to add to our store of knowledge.
Goals of Research
1. To produce evidence-based practice
Every discipline or institution must provide the best practice of management based on research
studies. In education, a practitioner must ensure that he/she is able to provide the best teaching
practices as proven by research, to learning.
2. Descriptive Research
This research presents a picture of the specific details of a situation, social setting or
relationship. The major purpose of descriptive research is to describe characteristics
of a population or phenomenon.
Purpose of Research
3. Explanatory Research
The desire to know “why” to explain, is the purpose of exploratory
research. It builds an exploratory and descriptive research and goes on
to identify the reasons for something that occurs. Exploratory research
looks for causes and reasons. For example, researchers are interested
in learning why some children bully other children.
The Use of Research
1. Basic Research
Basic Research advances fundamental knowledge about the human world. It focuses
on refuting or supporting theories that explain how this world operates, what makes
things happen, why social relations are a certain way, and why society change.
2. Applied Research
Applied researchers try to solve problems or help practitioners accomplish tasks.
Applied research is frequently descriptive research and its main strength is its
immediate practical use.
Types of Applied Research
1. Action Research
Action research is a disciplined process of inquiry conducted by and for those taking the
action. The primary reason for engaging in action research is to assist the “Action” in
improving and/or refining his or her actions.
2. Impact Assessment Research
To estimate the consequences of a planned change. Such assessment is used for planning and
making choices among alternative policies to make an impact assessment.
3. Evaluation Research
The process of establishing value judgement based on evidence about the achievement of the
goals at a proper time.
Time Dimension in Research
1. Cross-sectional Research
Researchers observe at one point in time. It usually the simplest and least
costly alternative
2. Longitudinal Research
This researcher captures features of people or another unit at a more than
one time. It is usually more complex and costly than cross-sectional
research but is also more powerful.
Types of Longitudinal Research
1. Time Series
A longitudinal study in which the same type of information is collected on
a group of people or other units across multiple time periods.
2. Panel Study
The researcher observes exactly the same people, group, or organization
across several time periods. This type of research is very costly and many
times may be impossible due to its potential price tag.
Types of Longitudinal Research
3. Cohort Analysis
A longitudinal study that studies a category of people who share a similar life
experience within a specified time period.
4. Case Study
A special type of longitudinal study in which a researcher examines in depth many
features of a few cases over a long duration of time. Often times the data collected
includes very detailed and personal information about a person, organization, etc.