Engine Power Curves
Engine Power Curves
Engine Power Curves
fuss, it’s the boat’s engine that drives her from anchorage to Maximum Output Power - BHP
anchorage. Engines, however, come in a wide array of sizes, The maximum output power curve is just what it says. It
shapes, and flavors. Whether you’re repowering, determin- shows the maximum power that the engine can produce (in
ing which propulsion-package option to install in a new boat, ideal conditions) at any given RPM. This is also called “brake
trying to optimize perform- horsepower” or BHP be-
ance on an existing boat, or cause in the old days it
to understand why an en- was measured on a gizmo
gine isn’t achieving full termed a “Prony brake”— a
rated RPM, good informa- form of dynamometer.
tion on engine behavior can These days other types of
seem hard to come by. The dynos are used, but the
key to deciphering engine result is the same. Note
performance is the perform- that the brake horsepower
ance curves that are in- is maximum in every re-
cluded with the engine gard—tested on a bench in
manufacturer’s literature. a shop and before the re-
We’ll examine these curves duction gear. Real power in
here. the hot humid bilge of a
boat may be somewhat
Let’s take a look at a fairly lower. For our 420-HP CX
typical high-output diesel, Yanmar, the maximum
the Yanmar 6CX(M)-ETE, rated BHP is 420 HP, at
and see what her curves will 2,700 RPM. The units for
tell us. A pair of these might power on the graph are—as
drive a 35-foot sportfisher- you’d expect—horsepower
man; or a single engine on the right and the metric
could propel a 65-foot mo- equivalent on the left, kilo-
torcruiser. The info’ sheets watts.
for this engine are handy
because they happen to Output Power With Marine
have all the usual curves. Gear - SHP
Some manufacturers don’t Of course, almost all en-
include the torque curve or, gines engine have a re-
sometimes, the fuel- verse/reduction gear
consumption curve. At any Yanmar 6CX(M)-ETE Performance Curves mounted on their tails. The
rate, there are five standard reduction gear not only
performance curves: allows the boat to back up (which I’m told is useful), but it’s
what allows you, the designer, to match the torque charac-
1) Maximum output power without reduction gear teristics of the engine to the optimum propeller. All this is
2) Maximum output power after marine reduction gear both proper and also unavoidable. Like all other machines,
3) Propeller power curve however (and the reduction gear is nothing more than a ma-
4) Torque curve chine with lots of moving parts) reduction gears have built in
5) Specific fuel consumption power losses due to friction. Standard marine gears fritter
Gerr Marine, Inc. | 838 West End Ave., Suite BB | New York, NY 10025 | t. 212-864-7030 | dave@gerrmarine.com
Dave Gerr, CEng FRINA, Naval Architect www.gerrmarine.com Page 2
Gerr Marine, Inc. | 838 West End Ave., Suite BB | New York, NY 10025 | t. 212-864-7030 | dave@gerrmarine.com
Dave Gerr, CEng FRINA, Naval Architect www.gerrmarine.com Page 3
Gerr Marine, Inc. | 838 West End Ave., Suite BB | New York, NY 10025 | t. 212-864-7030 | dave@gerrmarine.com
Dave Gerr, CEng FRINA, Naval Architect www.gerrmarine.com Page 4
Gerr Marine, Inc. | 838 West End Ave., Suite BB | New York, NY 10025 | t. 212-864-7030 | dave@gerrmarine.com