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Engine Power Curves

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Dave Gerr, CEng FRINA, Naval Architect www.gerrmarine.


Understanding Engine Performance and Engine Performance Curves, and

Fuel Tankage and Range Calcuations
By Dave Gerr, CEng FRINA © 2008 & 2016 Dave Gerr

D eep in the bilge of the boat you’re designing, building,

surveying, repairing, or operating is her beating heart—
her engine. The recipient of endless tuning, cleaning, and
Between them, pretty much everything you need to know
about this engine’s performance is spelled out.

fuss, it’s the boat’s engine that drives her from anchorage to Maximum Output Power - BHP
anchorage. Engines, however, come in a wide array of sizes, The maximum output power curve is just what it says. It
shapes, and flavors. Whether you’re repowering, determin- shows the maximum power that the engine can produce (in
ing which propulsion-package option to install in a new boat, ideal conditions) at any given RPM. This is also called “brake
trying to optimize perform- horsepower” or BHP be-
ance on an existing boat, or cause in the old days it
to understand why an en- was measured on a gizmo
gine isn’t achieving full termed a “Prony brake”— a
rated RPM, good informa- form of dynamometer.
tion on engine behavior can These days other types of
seem hard to come by. The dynos are used, but the
key to deciphering engine result is the same. Note
performance is the perform- that the brake horsepower
ance curves that are in- is maximum in every re-
cluded with the engine gard—tested on a bench in
manufacturer’s literature. a shop and before the re-
We’ll examine these curves duction gear. Real power in
here. the hot humid bilge of a
boat may be somewhat
Let’s take a look at a fairly lower. For our 420-HP CX
typical high-output diesel, Yanmar, the maximum
the Yanmar 6CX(M)-ETE, rated BHP is 420 HP, at
and see what her curves will 2,700 RPM. The units for
tell us. A pair of these might power on the graph are—as
drive a 35-foot sportfisher- you’d expect—horsepower
man; or a single engine on the right and the metric
could propel a 65-foot mo- equivalent on the left, kilo-
torcruiser. The info’ sheets watts.
for this engine are handy
because they happen to Output Power With Marine
have all the usual curves. Gear - SHP
Some manufacturers don’t Of course, almost all en-
include the torque curve or, gines engine have a re-
sometimes, the fuel- verse/reduction gear
consumption curve. At any Yanmar 6CX(M)-ETE Performance Curves mounted on their tails. The
rate, there are five standard reduction gear not only
performance curves: allows the boat to back up (which I’m told is useful), but it’s
what allows you, the designer, to match the torque charac-
1) Maximum output power without reduction gear teristics of the engine to the optimum propeller. All this is
2) Maximum output power after marine reduction gear both proper and also unavoidable. Like all other machines,
3) Propeller power curve however (and the reduction gear is nothing more than a ma-
4) Torque curve chine with lots of moving parts) reduction gears have built in
5) Specific fuel consumption power losses due to friction. Standard marine gears fritter

Gerr Marine, Inc. | 838 West End Ave., Suite BB | New York, NY 10025 | t. 212-864-7030 | dave@gerrmarine.com
Dave Gerr, CEng FRINA, Naval Architect www.gerrmarine.com Page 2

Engine Power Curves continued

away about 3 percent of power as they do their required job. gine warranties require that the propeller allow the engine
This means that the maximum “output power with marine to spin up to maximum RPMs or nearly so, otherwise any
gear” or the SHP is reduced to 407.4 HP [420 HP x 0.97 = engine damage is likely to be blamed on overloading the
407.4 HP.] This is sometimes called “shaft horsepower” or engine and the warranty considered void.
SHP. It is what the curve just below the maximum output
power curve is showing—the maximum power at each RPM, Conversely, if the propeller had too little diameter or pitch
minus 3 percent. the propeller power curve would flatten and extend out be-
In reality, this isn’t true shaft horsepower. There is still an- yond and/or below the engine power curve (Propeller Power
other source of loss due to friction—the shaft bearings. Gen- Curve B). In this case, the engine would spin up to max RPM
erally, you lose about 0.5 percent of power for each bearing, with ease, but the prop would be too small to do useful work
so—with one or two shaft bearings—the true power the pro- and, again, wouldn’t drive the boat effectively.
peller sees is about 96 percent of brake horsepower or 403
HP for this engine. (If there’s a remote V-drive, subtract an- The goal is to have the propeller sized and selected so its
other 2 percent of power for it.) maximum power demand exactly matches the maximum
power (shaft horsepower) produced by the engine and maxi-
Propeller Power Curve mum rated RPM. Because the curves are such different
So far so good, but shape, they can’t
the propeller power meet at any other
curve makes things point, so this is a
more entertaining. compromise, but
What is it showing? the only one possi-
Well, remember ble, and it’s one
that the BHP curve that works well.
is generated by
testing the engine The way to make
in a lab to get the the power curves
maximum power match up more
that the engine can closely at other
deliver at each RPMs is to use a
RPM. The word controllable-pitch
“can” is crucial. The propeller. This is
fact is that the quite useful for
power the boat’s vessels that oper-
propeller demands ate under varying
or absorbs in- loads or run for
creases or changes long periods at
at a very different different speeds,
rate relative to Propeller Power Curve Variations but the extra ex-
RPMs than does pense is not called
the output power that your engine can deliver. What the pro- for on most average boats.
peller power curve shows is approximately the power that a The Missing Power Mystery
standard propeller would be using at any given engine RPM. Okay, you may ask, but what about all that extra power that
You can see just how different the shape between the two the engine is producing? If you look at the 420 CX Yanmar
curves is—between the BHP (or SHP) curve and the propeller curves, it indicates that propeller power at 2,300 RPM is
curve. 250, but that the engine is putting out about 380 HP at that
same speed. What happened to the missing 130 horse-
This is unfortunate in a way as it controls a lot of things power? The answer is that the engine isn’t generating it. A
about propeller selection. If you installed a propeller that diesel engine’s power at any RPM is controlled by how much
was too large in diameter or that had too much pitch, then fuel is metered into the injectors. This engine could produce
the propeller curve (Propeller Power Curve A) would be 380 HP at 2,300 RPM, but since the propeller is only ab-
shorter and steeper and would intersect the engine power sorbing 250 HP, less fuel is being injected into the cylinders
curve at some point less than maximum 2,700 RPM, per- and less fuel means less power—even at the same RPMs.
haps at 2,100 RPM. In this case, the propeller would be
overloading the engine and lugging it down. This would limit Of course, if you added an auxiliary load (perhaps a high-
speed, and would be bad for the engine. In fact, most en- output alternator) then this could add another 15 HP of load

Gerr Marine, Inc. | 838 West End Ave., Suite BB | New York, NY 10025 | t. 212-864-7030 | dave@gerrmarine.com
Dave Gerr, CEng FRINA, Naval Architect www.gerrmarine.com Page 3

Engine Power Curves continued

above the propeller load. In this case, more fuel would auto- Specific Fuel Consumption
matically be injected to keep engine at our throttle-set The specific fuel consumption curve reads—as is often the
2,300 RPM and add an extra 15 HP of output power. You case—in rather inconvenient units. In this instance, in grams
could keep on adding loads at this RPM until you reached per horsepower per hour (g/hp·h) and in grams per kilowatt
the maximum rated 380 HP, at which time the engine per hour (g/kW). For the moment, though, what we’re really
would be overloaded, and you’d have to increase RPMs. interested in is the shape of the curve and where fuel con-
Eventually, as you increase RPMs the propeller curve gradu- sumption is lowest for the output power and torque. In other
ally rises until it crosses the engine power curve and there’s words—just the opposite of the power and torque curves—
no more extra power available. the best spot on the specific fuel consumption curve is
where it’s lowest. For the 420 CX Yanmar, this is at 2,000
In fact, the extra power we’ve been discussing here is a mi- RPM.
nor consideration. The reality is that the two upper power
curves aren’t what your propeller sees or uses. It’s the pro- Since we already know that the optimum torque is at 2,100
peller power curve that governs things. But you do want to RPM, you could say that you’d get the most bang for the
reach maximum rated engine RPMs, or pretty darn close. buck out of this engine at 2,050 RPM — a combination of
best fuel efficiency and most
The Torque Curve Units of Torque oomph.
Toque is the twisting force on In the English system torque is measured in rather
your prop shaft. You could have consistent “pound-feet.” The Yanmar (being a Japa- As for the curve of specific fuel
all the power in the world, but if nese engine) has its torque measured in metric units. consumption, this is inconven-
the shaft didn’t spin you’d have For torque the engine graph reads in “kg·m” on one ient in more ways than simply
no torque and no go. Torque is side and in “Nm” on the other side. These are converting grams per horse-
actually defined mathematically (currently) the two standard metric units for torque. power hour to sensible units
with the formula: kg·m is kilogram meters (the old metric torque meas- such as liters per kilowatt per
ure commonly noted as kgm), while Nm is Newton hour or gallons per horsepower
Torque, in pound-feet = (5252 x meters (the new metric torque measure). Kilograms hour. This isn’t because the con-
HP) ÷ RPM are units of weight or force and, to be absolutely ac-
version is difficult (it isn’t) but
curate, engineers should use the designation
Or because almost every engine’s
“kgf” (kilograms of force) rather than just plain "kg."
Torque, KGM = (975.175 x kW) specific fuel consumption curve
Of course, it’s usually omitted because it’s obvious.
÷ RPM Newtons are the new metric measure of force only. seems to understate the real-
Newtons can’t ever be mass. This makes them tech- world, in-the-boat fuel consump-
The torque curve shows the nically “better.” The bottom line is that pound-feet, tion.
torque generated by this engine kg·m, and Nm are all measures of torque.
at various RPMs. The interesting In practice, I’ve found that al-
thing is that maximum torque on normal internal- most all diesel engines consume approximately 0.054 gal-
combustion engines doesn’t occur at maximum engine lons per horsepower per hour. Or (restated to make things
rated power and RPM. In fact, the torque curve of the 420 simpler still) simply divide the propeller power curve power
CX Yanmar is pretty typical. The maximum torque occurs at at any RPM by 18.5 to find fuel consumption in real service
about 77 percent of maximum RPM, or 2,100 RPM. Indeed, in gallons per hour.
on most engines maximum torque falls somewhere be-
tween about 55 percent and 80 percent of max RPM. (Light For the 420 CX Yanmar, propeller output power at 2,300
gas engines tend to have peak torque at lower engine RPMs RPM is 250 HP, so fuel consumption at this RPM (assuming
and heavy diesels at higher RPMs.) The units for the torque the propeller is properly matched) is 13.5 gal./hr. [250 HP
curve are in kgm (kilogram meters) and Nm (Newton me- ÷ 18.5 = 13.5 gal./hr.], while at maximum 2,700 RPM fuel
ters). This is the metric equivalent of pound feet. We’re not consumption is 22.7 gal./hr. (The shape of the specific fuel
particularly concerned with the absolute numbers; however, consumption curve and its point of maximum and minimum
we’re simply interested in where torque is highest. consumption are usually quite accurate in service, just not
the absolute consumption numbers indicated.)
It simple terms, the 420 CX Yanmar is delivering the most
oomph per gallon of fuel consumed from 2,100 RPM. This Determining Optimum Cruising Speed
wouldn’t be a bad low-cruising speed, but you don’t unnec- So far, we’ve seen what the engine performance curves
essarily want to limit operating speed this much. Let’s see mean and that maximum oomph and fuel efficiency occur
how fuel consumption fits into the picture. for this engine at between 2,000 and 2,100 RPM. Is this the
proper cruising speed? Well, an argument can be made for

Gerr Marine, Inc. | 838 West End Ave., Suite BB | New York, NY 10025 | t. 212-864-7030 | dave@gerrmarine.com
Dave Gerr, CEng FRINA, Naval Architect www.gerrmarine.com Page 4

Engine Power Curves continued

this in terms of sheer efficiency, but it’d be a bit slow. In- power curve that this engine delivers 420 hp (313 kw), at
stead, we can look at the performance curves to determine 2,700 rpm, but at 80% of max RPM (2,160), the propeller
where the best compromise between efficiency and speed power curve shows that it’s only delivering 217 hp (162 kw).
falls. In this case, 2,300 RPM looks like a good bet. At This, in fact would be the power for cruising speed. You need
2,300, torque is still high, specific fuel consumption is still to:
low, and we’re getting a reasonable 250 HP at the propeller.
Low cruise, for quiet, efficiency, and maximum range would - Calculate the speed the boat will go at this power
be around 2,000 RPM, and you’d only open her up to 2,700 (cruising speed)
from time to time to show off or outrun a storm. - Calculate the gallons per hour at this horsepower (at
cruising horsepower)
Estimating Fuel Tankage and Range - Determine how many gallons you need to make the
For either power or sailboats, once you’ve determined the required range at this speed (cruising speed)
size of the engine(s) you will install, you need to determine
how much fuel to carry in order to meet the range require- Assume that this is a 30-foot (9 m) LOA planing hull. Your
ments of your design. speed calculations show that top speed (at full power) is
30.5 knots, at which speed consumption is:
For gasoline engines fuel consumption can be estimated
as: 0.054 x 420 BHP = 22.7 Gal./hr.
Gal./hr. = 0.10 x HP 0.274 x 313 KWengine = 85.7 Liters/hr.
Liters/hr. = 0.508 x KWprop At cruise speed (2,160 RPM and 217 hp—162 kw) speed will
be 20.3 knots, and consumption is:
For diesel engines fuel consumption can be estimated as:
0.054 x 217 BHP = 11.7 Gal./hr.
Gal./hr. = 0.054 x HP Or
Or 0.274 x 162 KWengine = 44.47 Liters/hr.
Liters/hr. = 0.274 x KWprop
Say you want a range of 750 nautical miles.
Where: 750 miles ÷ 20.3 knots = 36.9 hours running time
HP = Propeller Horsepower, from prop-HP curve 36.9 hours x 11.7 gal./hr. = 432 gal.
KWprop = Kilowatts, from prop-power curve Always add a 10% reserve so
432 gal. x 1.1 = 475 gal. diesel
Though performance curves from some engine manufactur-
ers may indicate thriftier fuel consumption, my experience is or
that, in the real world, the above numbers are usually about
right. They are a bit conservative (normally, the numbers Say, you wanted a range of 750 nautical miles.
above slightly overestimate consumption, but this is good as 750 miles ÷ 20.3 knots = 36.9 hours running time
you want to ensure you have enough fuel on board to meet 36.9 hours x 44.4 l/hr. = 1638 l
the range requirements for the design. Always add a 10% reserve so
1638 l x 1.1 = 1802 l diesel
Keep in mind that boats are not run constantly at full throt-
tle. You can assume that diesels will be cruised at 80% of On a boat of this size and type, the fuel would usually be
maximum RPM and gasoline engines at about 70% of maxi- carried in twin wing tanks of 238 gallons or 900 liters each.
mum RPM. This is not 80% and 70% of power output. In
fact, engine power falls off very quickly. NOTE: If you don’t have any engine curves available, you can
estimate that the propeller power at various RPMs as fol-
Look at the power curves for the 420-hp (313 kw) Yanmar lows:
diesel. You’ll see there are two power curves—the engine
power curve (with and without gear, in this case) and the 90% of max RPM = about 68% of max rated engine power
propeller power curve. The propeller power curve is the one 80% of max RPM = about 48% of max rated engine power
that indicates approximately how much power the propeller 70% of max RPM = about 30% of max rated engine power
will be drawing at any given engine speed (assuming the 60% of max RPM = about 22% of max rated engine power
propeller has been properly selected to allow the engine to 50% of max RPM = about 15% of max rated engine power
reach maximum rated RPM). You can see from the propeller 40% of max RPM = about 11% of max rated engine power

Gerr Marine, Inc. | 838 West End Ave., Suite BB | New York, NY 10025 | t. 212-864-7030 | dave@gerrmarine.com

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